#and they were like wow you know a lot and i was just like 😐 (guy at the party meme they don’t know i ran a shameless blog
francisforever2014 · 4 months
i went over to my friends house last night and they were like we were just gonna watch shameless and have snacks!! and i was like okay yay that sounds so cozy and i love shameless!!! tell me why i get there and they put on the THANKSGIVING EPISODE . THE ONE WHERE MONICA TRIES TO KILL HERSELF . i was like ummmmmm is this really the vibe guys?? but they hadn’t watched it in forever and forgot that that happens . and me who has watched it 8 times and centered my personality around it between the years of 2020 and 2022 was just like 😀 trying to be normal . anyways they eventually turned it off for being too sad and put on the NEXT episode which isn’t that much better 😭 when they got to the blood mopping scene my friend was like what happened??? and i just had to explain it to them anyways
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sweetheart-satoru · 11 months
his eyes, breathtaking
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you tried to ignore him and your feelings, but they were stubborn.
author's note: me cuz i promised part two in october and now it's here 🙈🙈 don't hate me at least it's here 💋 i love you silly billies đŸ«¶đŸœ
part one here !!
"you two in a fight or somethin'?" shoko says, leaning back in her chair. satoru places his cheek in his palm, "dunno, she's definitely mad at me, though." suguru tilts his head, "how come?"
"i dont know, can you ask her about it?" shoko shrugs, "i'll ask her at break." satoru nods, "thanks." you and satoru sit behind shoko and suguru. two seats in each spot.
when you walk into class you just stare out the window until shoko makes small talk with you, hoping the awkwardness would pass. “y/n, your bracelet is pretty.”
“thank you!” you grin at her, mood changing instantly. “yeahh,” satoru agrees, and he frowns as he watches your grin turn neutral, “i like it too, by the way.” he coughs. “mhm.. thanks, gojo.” you went back to the last name basis, and his heart drops.
shoko gives him a look, pointing at his phone, telling him to text her. and he does, along does suguru.
shoko: shes def mad
satoru: thanks a lot, i didn’t notice 😐!!
suguru: why is she mad tho?? what did you do??
satoru: why are you guys blaming me?! i don’t know either.
you cough, “hey- uh, shoko.. i’m gonna go to the washroom, ‘kay? if the bell rings before im back i’ll meet you by the gates.” you tell her before walking out. “mhm, okay!” she calls out. and when you shut the door she immediately turns to satoru and suguru.
“suguru, did you hear that? earlier, she called satoru by his last name. something is totally wrong.” and suguru nods, agreeing. “well, satoru. you should go follow her. this is your chance. the bell will ring soon so it doesn’t matter how much time you take, go!”
satoru nods, “mhm, okay!” and then he rushes out of class, going to see if he can finally talk to you.
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you splash cold water on your face. mumbling to yourself, "get your shit together, y/n." you weren't going to lie, on a hot day like this, the cold water felt nice. patting your cheeks, you stare into the mirror, feeling a little bit less disgusted with yourself.
"oh, hey! i don't look too ugly today!" you give yourself a half grin, taking out a tube of lipgloss and lip tint from your pocket. "i'll just fix this up.." you say to yourself quietly.
when you're done you fix your hair, "not too bad, y/n." you smile to yourself, quietly feeling good. you were right to tell shoko to leave class and not wait, you were taking too much time and the bell did ring.
you check your phone and see that she texted you.
shoko: me and suguru are headed to the convenience store, satoru also went to the washroom so you two can meet up with us together
you visibly frown, oh shit. okay, y/n. just play it cool. if you hurry up maybe you can rush to them and you won't need to see him. yeah, if you hurry up you can make it without it. or you can wait it out and hope he leaves without you.
feeling your stomach growl, you screw idea #2 and just speed walk out of the washroom, making a quick turn before in the corner of your eye you see satoru leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. he was looking down at his phone, but now that your in his eye line, he raises his brows.
"wow, you sure take your time. im telling shoko she can't blame me for being late as this time it was your fault." he walks up to you and boops your nose.
you push his hand away, scrunching your nose. "mhm," you nod, cursing yourself for being too late, "lets uh, just go." he shakes his head, "nope."
narrowing your eyes, "huh? nope?" he grabs your wrist, "yeah, nope." he repeats, bringing you closer to him, and he frowns when you pull back. "lets talk."
"talk? talk about what? can we just go? im hungry." you complain, trying to pull your arm out. before (pt 1), when he grabbed your wrist he only held it lightly, now he was gripping it like if he let go, you would disappear.
"you're," you grunt, "hurting me." quietly, he mumbles a quick apology, but never fully lets go, just loosening his hold. "are you mad at me? and be serious, i don't want any half assed answer. tell me what you're feeling." he frowns.
"im.. im not mad at you." you look down to your shoes, and it's true. you weren't mad at him. you were mad at how he made you feel. you hate having feelings, especially with someone you're close with. it always comes back to bite you back in the ass. "then what is it?"
you stay silent. "y/n i know it has to be something to do with me, every time you speak to someone else you're back to being yourself, but when it's me it's like you hate me." your eyes widen, "i don't hate you." you blurt, and he gives you a sad smile. "then what is it? did i make you sad?"
"yes, but no, but like yes maybe kinda no. yes as in yes it has something to do with you, but no nothing you did intentionally." he raises his brow at that, "then what did i 'yes but no like yes maybe kinda no' do to you to make you stop talking to me for seven days?" you watch the hurt and sadness swirl in his eyes, his beautiful, breathtaking eyes.
"it's.. complicated! i don't know how to explain, it's just complicated!" you crouch down, into a frog like position. and he mimics your frog pose, bringing his face closer to yours, trying to figure out what was wrong.
"it's just, all in my head! i don't.. know.." you mutter, trailing off. "what're you thinking in here," he mumbles, "what are you thinking in your pretty little head." he taps two fingers on your forehead, and all you can think about his making out with him until your lips are too kiss-swollen to be touched.
"..stuff." you whisper, burying your face inside your hands, trying to hide your face that's on the verge of exploding with embarrassment. "oh, i get it." his lips curve into a smirk. all sadness gone.
he chuckles, and his chuckles turn into loud laughter. and his loud laughing turns into full on cackling until he really, truly cannot breathe.
"what are you laughing at..." you feel your heart pounding. it feels like its about to burst and fall right in between you two. he's still laughing, trying to cover his mouth to try and stop it. he's laughing so hard you see tears fall out of his eyes. "i can't fucking breathe!" he gasps for air, still laughing.
"oh my god, you're in love with me!" your heart drops to your stomach, and he's still laughing. his eyes are squeezed shut, he's gripping onto his pants like his life depends on it because he seriously cannot breathe.
all this time, for seven days you've ignored talking to him and texting him back, not because you were mad at him but because you had fucking feelings for him! oh god, he should've put the pieces together!
every time you would smile to yourself if your fingers brushed together, how you would look sad when someone who go up to him and confess, how you would smile down at him with a certain time of warmth when he would tie your shoelaces for you, how you would hug him longer than nessasary when he would pay for you food
"god! it's impossible to talk to you!" you hiss, getting up to leave to god knows where. just as you're about to turn your heel, going to walk away, he grabs your wrist.
"satoru, let go, just leave me alo-" he cuts you off by placing his hands on your cheeks, and then you feel his soft lips on yours. your eyes widen as you feel him bringing you closer to him. squeezing your eyes shut, you try and keep up with his skilled lips. he just took your first kiss and you don't know what you're doing!
he breaks the kiss off and grins down at you. "was that your first kiss?" you just turn your head away, trying to hide your flustered face. "you suck." he snickers, teasing you.
you frown, "shut up! you just caught me off guard, that's all! and if you must know i have kissed many people!" you were straight up lying through your teeth and he smirks, knowing.
"prove it. kiss me again. show me you're experienced." he leans against the wall, eyeing you like a hawk. "no. let's go to shoko and suguru, im hungry!" it wasn't like you were lying now, it's true. you were starved. "no?" he questions, cocking his head to the side. "no." you repeat, "now lets go." you try and drag his arm. he just chuckles and follows you.
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he intertwines your fingers together, holding you close to him. he watches you from the corner of his eyes as you randomly look at both of your hands, and then turn away smiling. he also turns his head away to smile. a faint blush rested on his cheeks before he stops you both.
he lets go of your hand before using it to turn your head to him to place a small kiss on your lips again. when you pull back, "you still suck." he leans in to kiss you again but you just shove him. "ugh shut up!"
you speed walk ahead of him, "you're the one who sucks!" he just laughs, "don't leave me behinddddd!!" to which the response he got back was getting flipped off.
as you keep walking ahead, even though he could easily catch up with his lanky long legs, he just runs and jumps on your back, yelling out, "piggy back ride!"
you stumble forwards, holding onto his legs making sure he doesn't fall over, "you idiot, we could've fallen!" you laugh, and he just wraps his arms around you, careful as not to choke you, and kisses your head, "but you love me so even if we fell you'll forgive me."
"yeah, yeah, whatever." you grumble, adjusting him on your back. and he grins, snuggling his face into your neck, loving the sweet smell of (whatever you smell like that's good) and shutting his eyes.
"i love you too." and he can basically feel the grin stretched onto your face.
i accidentally deleted most of the work so now it's not even good :( it literally looks like i shat in my hand, gave it to you and called it writing.. the first version was so much better đŸ€
anyways tags for the lovelies that have been waiting months of this <3 @ari-hatake15 @chuuberrysworld @solialuna @kazuahhh @voidsatoru <3 @loquia @mykyoon @i-be-teff @arminsgfloll @4evahevah @the-devilskid @ys2800 sorry if i didn't tag you some of them aren't showing up :(
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | park sunghoon
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❝ what do you have for lunch today? ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | SUNGHOON | sunoo | jungwon | ni-ki
alexa play 0x1=lovesong
in your head, he’s the love interest with 0 interest in youđŸ„Č😱😱😱😱
it’s bc he’s so DAMN famous in your school
yes he’s your classmate .. ltrly in the same room but u cannot make conversation with him
he sleeps in class when he can like he will be DOZED OFF !!!!
nobody rly approaches the pretty boy
you’ve heard he’s rejected a handful of people before
you wont make a move for sure
so why does Park Sunghoon drag his seat so he’s sitting adjacent of you
why is he pulling out his lunch box and putting it on ur little table
you don’t say anything when he does it
and he doesn’t say anything either
. it’s a little awkward like wtf is happening rn this is a Simulation
BUT you’re eating lunch together
and guess what
it becomes a constant thing too 😭
like he’d just silently drag his seat and you know he’s on his way to your table to eat lunch
is it because you’re one of the few people who eat in the room instead of the canteen??
unattainable campus crush park sunghoon is in front of you and eating lunch with you for some reason
it makes ur heart go crazy becos !!???!!!
he doesn’t rly acknowledge anyone
it’s bc he’s always busy being exempted for some competition
he finally starts talking to you when he sees you watching a yuzuru hanyu video during one of your little lunch sessions
tbh it was just a small video on tiktok that u scrolled by and returned to bc wow that spin was so cool
it’s when he starts making convo that u find out he’s actually SO funny and so unhinged
he’ll start laughing to himself 😕😕
also will tell the most UNFUNNY dad jokes
you only laugh because his laugh is so loud and so unrestrained
tho you do tell him his jokes are horrible
and he makes everyday a mission to tell you a joke that’ll genuinely make you laugh
it becomes your thing
he’ll just randomly show up in front of u and start cracking the most terrible joke
“rip boiling water. you will be mist!”
cue his laughter
you: 😐😐😐 not funny didn’t laugh
then sunghoon becomes more of a friend
 not some unattainable crush figure !!! a friend !!!
some of his favorite things to do with you are watching videos during lunch AND sharing earphones while you listen to music
your fyp on tiktok now is both of ur shared interests
you even have a folder on each of ur phones for tiktoks u wanna share to each other that u pass by when u aren’t together
no he doesn’t send u the link like a normal person
sunghoon waits until class to show u so he can see ur reaction face to face
and the whole listening to music ??? u’ll just be seated side by side and staring into the distance sometimes
spacing out is wonderful <3
so now instead of sleeping .. he’ll just offer u an earbud so you can put it in your ear and listen to him
has a secret playlist for u (u don’t know this)
the photo for the playlist is the only photo u have together btw
it was when u were checking ur face on ur front cam and he just suddenly appeared in the back with a peace sign
it’s adorable
he bugged u to airdrop the photo 9284 times that day bc u refused to at first
it’s so 180 the way you suddenly become friends with him !!!!!
another thing he does is laugh at how you enjoy playing candy crush, calling you a grandma as if he doesn’t act like an old man
and then he gets so invested when you let him try
will cheat to get more lives and fuck up your time settings on your phone
btw he always talks about you A LOT 😭
his friends will know everything about you before you even meet them
“so, what level are you in candy crush?”, jake would ask the first time you meet
“excuse me, what??”
“sunghoon talks about you aaaall the time, it’s getting a little silly. like i know your go-to order at a cafe.”
“yeah like isn’t ur favorite color ___”
u look at sunghoon like ?????? and he just has a guilty smile on his face
but he doesn’t deny anything
you’d be shocked to suddenly see him as your seatmate one day like he rly switched with the person sitting next to you
laughing at your test paper scores together is also a fun little activity the two of u do
and then crying as you cram study in one of ur homes or on call when it gets too late
“hey can u help me with this chemistry question”
“ok give me a minute”
would open up those white board apps and screenshare his phone to start helping u with a part he understands but u don’t
he was 828283 screenshots of ur calls together
btw you CANNOT go to the library
you know that if you go to a library together 
 yall are NOT studying 😭
also u enjoy just shooting each other questions back and forth before the test
u would also probably come up with ways on how to cheat im sorry like u guys will have this whole grand scheme only to chicken out of it when u actually take the test
one day, you ask him why he had suddenly started eating lunch with you
bc like !!!! u’re happy he did but why so suddenly yknow
you’re grateful tho bc now u have someone to text like 25/8 and call whenever u’re bored
BUT U WANNA KNOW WHY. what started it
“i don’t know... i’ve always wanted to talk to you. you’re always so funny in class”
“and you didn’t say anything because??”
“i was gonna say something then i totally chickened out and then it was too late to say anything
. thank god for yuzuru hanyu.”
asks u to be his gf while teaching u figure skating for the first time
bc u finally ask him like dude why r u ALWAYS absent from classes
he’s like oh no biggie i’m ltrly just an athlete that competes in national events đŸ˜čđŸ˜čđŸ˜č
WTF !!!!!!!!
u knew he was competing in something but he never mentioned Figure Skating before
he is a fraud of a Friend
“sunghoon what does our friendship actually mean to u 
but then he’ll go .. “want me to teach you?”
he’s forgiven now
“teach me figure skating??”
“yes” and he’s SOOOOO excited about it
he helps you find which skates to wear like he makes sure u have right size so ur feet don’t hurt
doesnt let u borrow those polar bears to hold onto
he can be ur polar bear
tho, when u do get tired .. he finally rents one and lets u sit on it while he pushes u around
it’s so much fun
except for when you fall
 it’s important for me to tell you that when you fall on your butt, he has heart eyes
and he holds your hands the entire time
he asks u to be his gf when you skate ur way across the rink without his help
sunghoon got so happy he just blurted it out
“be mine”
BYEEEEEE ofc u say yes
tho u think he’s joking at first
he does repeat it when you eat ramen after .. he’ll be like r u actually fr ??? did u actually say yes to me ??? u wanna deal with my jokes forever ??
oh dear
you should invite yuzuru hanyu to your wedding honestly 😭 thank u to ur fyp
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! last of the series, let me know what you think!
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luffyvace · 6 months
Hello hope your doing well, I had this idea for a while now but I can please request Red hair pirates x male reader with heterochromia(serach it up if I don't what it is) where the reader is ashamed of their eyes and hides from the his new crewmates.
You also don't have to acppect my request. But anyways have a good day!💛
HIII I AM GOOD!! YOU? of course i accept your request anon!! :) dw i know what heterochromia is 😎😋
just for the record i’ve done research on the main 4 (shanks, ben, yasopp and lucky) in the past to get to know them better. so i’ll talk about them specifically and address the rest as “the crew” if that’s okay :)
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thank goodness for the one piece live action for a lot more gifs of all of them đŸ˜­đŸ’„
thank you so much for your request!! :) enjoy anon <3 and thank you for being patient!
so you just joined the red hair pirates recently
and you hide one of your eyes with an eye patch or your hair
shanks does wonder about it but doesn’t wanna bother you if your sensitive about it
bets it’s a scar
lucky and yasopp notice you hide your eye but they all have they’re personal reasons for stuff they do
so they assumed this was one of yours
ben thinks it could be a scar or you could just like to style your hair that way
but from the way it looks—how you try to keep it hidden so well and refuse to move it at all
he pretty much figures something happened
shanks and ben talk it over all the time
they never let you hear
just so your not uncomfortable
shanks will probably be the one to ask if curiosity gets the best of him
(it will)
”hey m/n, why do ya’ hide your eye?”
he asked it casually, drinking all the while
”oh..uhhhh, hide? i’m not hiding it..”
”so what do you call it?”
”it’s nothing shanks, i just
..like to style my hair this way”
”oh really?”
he pokes at you about it for a while
the other members kinda just watch as shanks playfully questions you
they figured he’d get it out of you
especially with his pushy yet teasing nature
and after a while
he did!
now idk how it went down since your so bent on not showing anyone
you slowly moved your eye patch/hair out the way to reveal your heterochromatic eyes!!
we’re the reactions
it looked so cool?
so pretty?
wow it’s so unique i’ve never seen it in person?
woah how do you have two different colored eyes?
let me see!!
turn this way!
okay okay! stop pestering m/n!!
ben had to calm the rave about your eyes since he could clearly see you were a bit overwhelmed
everyone was admiring you and your eye
wondering why you didn’t show them sooner
which is what lucky asked
”i don’t know
i just..it’s shameful..my eyes aren’t even the same color!”
literally everyone’s reaction
wym đŸ˜đŸ€š
do you even know what your talking about right now??
how’d you get it? we’re you born with it?
i don’t know how it works
how does it?
it’s kinda rare right?

everyone moves on because clearly your tripping
no but fr if you express your seriously upset about your eyes
the crew shares all types of embarrassing yet fun and heart warming secrets n stories to make you feel better
ben tells you there’s nothing to be ashamed about and that none of the crew would ever judge you for anything
”ain’t that right men?”
a loud uproar of “yeah’s” and cheers can be heard in agreement
yasopp definitely makes you laugh with some of his stories
turns out he’s just as goofy as his son
which he rants to you about said son for hours
makes you forget all about your troubles 😂
lucky and shanks lightly tease you for being so embarrassed over ‘somethin’ so silly’
but it’s all in good fun
in the end you all have drinks and get wasted
‘cheers to your eye! m/n!’
i’m really happy with the ending i hope you like it too<3
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upon-a-starry-night · 1 year
Number Neighbors Pt.2
Natasha x Fem!Reader
Natasha Masterlist     Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
To give you some credit, you’d lasted virtually all week long and had managed to only reread the messages sent between you two thirteen times, but your curiosity once again got the better of you, so here you were sitting on your couch rewatching Criminal Minds for the 5th time when you picked up your phone and typed out a quick message
         Unknown Contact
Are you a man or a woman?
Or is that classified?
You snickered to yourself at the tv show reference. Much to your surprise the response was immediate, although on a Friday evening, you supposed they probably had nothing better to do. Actually, scratch that- a lot of people had plenty to do on Friday nights you were just a loner, but maybe they were too? Your stomach fluttered a bit, it would be nice to have someone to relate to. 
Maybe that’s why you couldn’t delete the number- it’s been a long time since you’ve had a real conversation with someone other than coworkers and family. And that wasn’t to say they weren’t nice but
 you did get pretty lonely by yourself, this random stranger on the internet at least brought something interesting to your life.
       Unknown Contact
A woman.
Nice! Me too!
I’m glad you’re a woman cause if you were a man I might have to stop talking to you
Because you could be a pedo 
And I trust women more than men B)
I can understand that.
But women can also be dangerous
So how was your week?
I thought I told you
To lose this number?
Awe come one :( 
I thought we had something
This could be the start of something new
Did you just quote High School Musical?
Y/n: Maybe 😐
 You anxiously watched the three dots appear and then disappear multiple times, after they’d disappeared for a full minute you decided maybe she was finally done talking to you and you put your phone down, at least you’d gotten a little bit of information about her. 
You got up from the couch and grabbed some ice cream from the freezer, not even bothering with putting it in a bowl since you lived alone and had no one to share it with. Tragic.
You were two scoops in when your phone chimed again and you nearly threw your ice cream to pick it up, you really shouldn’t be this desperate to text a stranger on the internet but your life was boring and this was the only thing you really had to look forward to.
      Unknown contact
my week was long and very boring
How was yours?
Pretty much the same
I’m glad it’s Friday though
I’m spending the whole weekend on the couch In my pajamas
To further emphasize your point you took a quick photo of your fluffy duck sock-clad feet resting on the coffee table, you could faintly make out the show playing in the background and the tub of ice cream was also sitting on the table.
So much for not sending feet pics- at least they were covered!
 It wasn't too personal, it didn’t give away anything about what you looked like or where you lived, it was simply an insight into how you were going to spend your time off. With a little hesitation, you finally sent the picture, hoping she couldn’t track you with her FBI skills
           Unknown Contact
Wow, it looks like you’ve got a busy weekend ahead of you.
Is that a whole tub of ice cream on the table? 
Hey! There will be no shaming here
This is a safe space ;(
I didn’t mean for that to sound judgmental
Nah you’re good, I’m just messing around
Hey, is it too much for me to ask for your name?
I’m just tired of seeing “unknown”
I’m not sure If that’s a good idea.
Y/n: I’ll give you mine if you give me yours?
But you have to say yours first
what?! but I asked first!
what are you five?
I’m 22
fuck off!😃
Fine I guess I’ll go first because I’m the bigger personđŸ˜€
uh huh
I can feel the sarcasm from here
Now hurry up before your ice cream melts
Alright! alright!
-For your information I'm eating and texting.
My name is Y/n
you can call me Nat
Cool! It’s nice to meet you, Nat!
I assume Nat is short for something?
Aaand you’re not going to tell me are you?
Alright fair
Y/n changed your contact name to “ NatđŸ’Œâ€
why a briefcase?
because you’re an FBI agent
I’m way cooler than an FBI agent
fine, you’re so picky
Y/n changed your contact name to “NatđŸ”Ș”
how’s that?
NatđŸ”Ș changed your contact name to “Y/n🍩”
 it’s perfect.
You check the time on your phone, the small numbers reading 11:30 PM as your eyes droop, usually you stayed up late on weekends but it really had been a long week and you were worn out. Although you were sad you couldn’t text Nat longer, whoever she was she seemed like someone you’d get along with in person. Sarcastic and witty were your type of person. And also just your type.
Well it’s getting to be my bedtime
Shut up at least I’m not 40 years old like you
WAit- are you actually?
I’m in my 20’s
Well thank you for sharing but I’m still going to bed
How do you even sleep after watching stuff like that?
Stuff like what?
Criminal minds
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, your fingers scrolling up and clicking on the picture you’d sent. There was a small corner of the tv in the photo, and the show could certainly be recognized by someone who’d seen it before but Nat claimed she’d never watched it. You shivered, maybe she really was an FBI agent.
That’s really creepy
How’d you know?
I’m just good at stuff like that.
FBI agent.
Goodnight Nat!
Goodnight Y/n
Sleep well
A/n: Do we like this format or the other one better? pls lmk ASAP so I can change one & continue uploading chapters!! thnx ~Starry
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fuck-customers · 7 months
🎂(8/21/23) This will be a bit long but now that I don't work at the bakery anymore I felt like sharing the list of things that customer's did that genuinely irked me amongst other feelings:
Things customers do or say at work that make me want to commit a war crime (+ my thoughts I can't say outloud):
"I want to get one of everything. đŸ€Ș" (Fun fact, 1 of everything is about $100)
"I'm shouldn't even be in here right now." (Then why are you???)
"I'm breaking my diet for this." (I don't care.)
I shouldn't be eating this I'm diabetic." (I have family that's diabetic. Please actually take care of yourself. 😐)
Does __ count for the B5G1F?" (No, it's actually only the vanilla cake squares. /s)
"Can I have one of that and one of that?" (The name. Is on the display case. SAY THE GOD DAMN NAME.)
"Are yall still open?" (You were able to open the door weren't you? You were able to step inside
weren't you??)
"Wow I got here just in time huh?"
(Yeah. You did. Now hurry the fuck up.)
after paying for the things they've already wanted "Can I actually get _ too?" (I can't really tell you no but holy shit why did you just now think of this?)
after paying for their things they proceed to look at all the merchandise and find something else "I'm gonna get this too." (Of course you are. 😐)
points at the devil's food cake, which is clearly labeled "Is this a brownie?" (Does it look??? Like a brownie??? If you move to your left about 4 feet you'll see actual brownies.)
"Can I get a devils food cake square?" "With which icing?" "
what do you mean?" "We have 3 different icing flavors for the devils food cake. Which icing?" "Oh. Chocolate. :)" (Fuckin- you can clearly see that we have 3 different icing flavors on display why is this so hard.)
"I don't get how you can work in here." (I need a paycheck and I get a good discount.
Also after a while you get bored of all the sugar.)
"I wouldn't be able to work in here. I'd eat everything. Haha" (Haha, yeah, I bet you would. 🙄)
literally anyone who comes in reeking of weed (
can you don't though? Idec that you smoke but why are you coming in when it's so strong???)
"Can I get a pint/quart of this flavor of ice cream?" (
why. I hate making pints and quarts its stupid and if the ice-cream is super frozen it's an actual pain in the ass.)
any family of 5+ that comes in all wanting ice cream (Please go away.)
"Can I get the pieces that have a lot of icing?" (Not really, cause the baker spread it pretty thin.)
*grown adult gets pouty when they realize that the cake squares I gave them had a
thinner layer of icing than the display* (Much like when you were a kid, pouting doesn't help. Do you want the cake or not?)
someone asks how good a certain item is I generally say it's pretty/really good. "Oh, its just pretty good?" (Yeah, cause I'm not a huge fan of that item. But you might like it cause, you know, different taste.)
Literally anyone who doesn't know the pick up name for a cake, or any details about the cake.
Wanting a fondant cake with a 24 hour notice and getting upset when we can't do it (fondant takes a least 2 days to dry)
People who forget which store they placed their order at. (We only have 2 locations????)
People who don't understand that we close early on Sundays.
People who leave the store reeking of weed. Like, the smell stays for like 5 minutes.
People who come in for a specific flavor that
we've never made. And get upset that we dont/wont/can't make it.
Everyone who doesn't understand that pumpkin spice and carrot cake are seasonal flavors that replace each other during the year. (And no. We can't just make you a carrot cake cake during pumpkin spice season because we physically don't have the ingredients.)
Everyone who doesn't understand the big 5 get 1 free deal.
People who try to open the door an hour before we open or an hour before we close and look visibly upset when they see me not move to let them in like we arent???? Open???
People who don't even try to open the door at our smaller store and think we're closed when we are open. (And people are often inside.)
People who try to hold a conversation for way too long
People who don't take an extra 2 minutes to look for what they want before asking me
where it is only for it to be a foot to their left.
People who dawdle at closing time.
People who leave their phone/cask/card in their car and have to run out to get it. They normally don't notice until their rung up.
People who try to break a $100 bill within the first hour of being open then get surprised when we don't have enough change to do that.
One of the worst interactions I had was in the bakery. This lady asked me if the strawberry cheesecake was good. I said "if you like strawberry it is." I guess that offended her somehow and she made it her mission to see my try a piece so I can tell her if it's good.
The problem with her plan is I'm allergic to strawberries. She was not having any of my "lies" and found anyone and everyone one and told them I am a horrible worker because I refused to "accommodate her request." She eventually ran into the only douche canoe manager we had at the time and got him to start insisting I try a bite to make her happy. I ended up just walking out on the rest of the shift and he tried to write me up. HR forced him to drop it when I threatened to sue.
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Being a Hunter and Mentor
to Gon and Killua
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*it's was the most generic hxh gif I could find 😅
Hunter x Hunter characters (probably a large variety of them) x gn! Reader
Warnings: light Swearing, Hisoka
A/N: I'm currently on a HxH fixation because I've binged the entire series 😃 I wanted to try my hand at some headcannons because I have zero self control âœŒđŸ» back to the regularly scheduled programming Thursday!
Honestly YN, I'm not sure which job is scarier
Being a Hunter or dealing with everyone else who is also a Hunter 😐
Because like, it's a lot
Like I'm exhausted just watching the anime I can only imagine how you feel
Let's just say you passed the Hunter exam on your first try đŸ’…đŸŒ
You've been a pro hunter for about 5 years now
Love that for you
It's a lucrative business and you absolutely love your job
You meet all sorts of interesting people and get to do some amazing things
One of those interesting people just happens to be Ging Freecss 🙃
At first, he seems like a nice guy and I'm sure he is
But then he ruins it 😐
"YN when my son comes looking for you, I want you to make his life miserable. Teach him but make him miserable"- Ging
You đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ‘„đŸ‘ pardon
First off all, this man's has a son âœ‹đŸ»
Not only that but he wants you to make his child's life miserable?
"Wow dad of the year much?"- you say
"Never claimed that YN, just please do this for me. I owe you one"- Ging says before he disappears just like he did from Gon's life
I'm so sorry Gon 😭
You can't tell me he wouldn't be all "ITS OK MY DAD IS THE COOLEST :D"
NE WAYS you continue on your life's path until you "accidently" bump into a less than friendly white haired boy
"Watch out!"- he yells
"Excuse me?"- You 😃 đŸ”Ș
"Killua apologize! We are so sorry!"- a black haired boy says looking at you
Boy does he look familiar 🙃
"Quite the temper you got on you there kid. No worries, it would take more than a child to knock me over"- you
"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME??"- Killua, giving Bakugo level anger issues đŸ’„
"I mean we are children technically. I'm Gon by the way"- Gon says extending his hand
Finally the prophecy has come full circle đŸ””
"Ahh yes, Ging's son. Nice to meet you, I'm YN"- you say
Gon đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜đŸ˜łđŸ€© you know my dad!
"I do! In fact, you're dad told me that when I meet you, I'm suppose to make your life miserable" you add
Gon đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜ƒ whet-
"But since your dad is kind of a jerk, how about this? I'll show you a few things and send you on your way"- you say
Gon đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ€© yes please!
Killua đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜đŸ™„ whatever
Dear YN it's me, the person writing this headcannon set, just making sure you are ok because like do you know what you are getting yourself into??
Well I guess we all have to learn the hard way sometimes đŸ€·
*intermission over*
You begin your journey with Killua and Gon
Surprisingly, everything is going smoothly
đŸŽ¶ don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious đŸŽ¶- me singing to myself before I ruin your life 😅
You see, at first, everything WAS fine
You meet Kurapika and Leorio
"Wow Gon, that's awesome that YN is training you!"- Leorio says
"Yeah and that you're getting closer to meeting your dad finally"- Kurapika adds
You were training the boys in their specialized Nen abilities
Helping them to strengthen them as well as teaching them more about the world of hunting
You were walking down the streets if YorkNew City when you sensed a strange presence đŸ€š
"Dont be alarmed but someone's watching us. Just walk normally and don't look suspicious"- you say as you walk with Gon and Killua down the street, turning into a side alley
"Alright show yourself"- you say, gearing up for a battle
"Oh no it looks like I've been spotted"- a creepy clown looking man says emerging from the shadows
You đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜łđŸ€š
"Who are you? Sorry buddy I don't think the circus is in town right now"- you
Oh good one YN 😜
The creepy clown man just laughs
"That's Hisoka YN, he's a hunter too"- Gon says
"Oh I've heard of you before"- you say, squinting your eyes at Hisoka
"All good things I hope" he says smiling at you
"Honestly no but I judge people on my own interactions not the opinions of others"- you add
"How noble of you YN"- Hisoka says đŸ€Ą đŸ”Ș
Hisoka totally knows who you are and let's just say he's weary
See I forgot to mention that you are not only a skilled hunter but in incredible Nen user as well
A specialist đŸ’…đŸŒ
Your ability is known around the Hunter world and you are one tough cookie
Your training for Gon and Killua is much like how you learned to train
"So... we just run..."- Killua questions
"Run yes but also while producing aura. Now go!"- You shout
"But YN, aren't we going to run out of energy quickly"- Gon asks
"Sure you will"- you shrug and set your things down
Killua đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ€š so what's the point?
"The point is you do what I say"- you add
Please Killua is ready to fight you YN 😭
However you aren't as tough on the boys as Ging had wanted
You never were one to do as others asked YN 🙄
So you not only taught the boys but you nurtured them as well
Kindness goes a long way, even in the world of Hunters đŸ„°
Unfortunately for you, kindness doesn't extend to most of the underground of YorkNew City
Namely a certain group 👀
Or shall is say Troupe...
Look at me rhyming 😏
That's right because it's just Gon and Killua's luck that they would walk right into the Troupe's hands
Honestly đŸ€Š have you taught them nothing YN?
"Well I guess I should probably go and rescue them?"- You think as you head in the direction of the Troupe's hideout
You didn't PLAN for this to happen but you can't say you're disappointed
What fun training am I right??? đŸ‘đŸ»
Thankfully the whole gangs here when you enter the Troupe's hideout
"Alright give me my students back"- you say as everyone watches you waltz in like you own the place
The troupe đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜đŸ˜Č
Chrollo đŸ‘‰đŸ» 😏 interesting
Gon and Killua đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜ŹđŸ˜Ź
"How- how did you find this place?"- Phinks asks
"Oh its really not that hard, I put trackers on Gon and Killua so I don't lose them. I'm always losing things"- you say shrugging
"Want me to torture them?"- Feitan asks
Chrollo puts his hand up before you interject
"Don't bother, I'm only here to get these two"- you say walking up to them, studying the nen thread binding them
"Well this is unfortunate. I'm going to need someone to remove this nen thread"- you say
"You can try-" Machi says before she watches her Nen thread fall to the floor
Gone and Killua just stand there đŸ§â€â™‚ïž 👁👄👁
"Impressive YN"- Chrollo finally says
"A Nen ability like that is superior"- Illumi adds emerging out from the shadows
"Chrollo Luciler and Illumi Zoldyck, how nice to see you again"- you say standing up and peering at the two men
"YN it's always a pleasure"- Chrollo adds as Illumi nodds
"Well I'd love to stay and catch up but we need to get these two kiddos to bed"- you say pushing Killua and Gon to the door
"It's like 2pm YN!"- Killua growls
"Do you want to get killed? No? Then shut it!"- You whisper yell at the boys
"I'd love to fight you YN"- Hisoka says emerging from behind a large crate
Well would you look at the time ⌚
"I'd love too BUT unfortunately I have plans so let's do a rain check"- you say, practically hauling Killua and Gon under your arms and out the door
"Why don't we go after them boss?"- Franklin questions
"Now is not the time. Not with YN there"- Chrollo says smiling as you quickly leave the warehouse
"Seriously can you two please not"- you say as you finally make it back to your hotel
"YN you were awesome! Can you teach me more about your Nen??"- Gon says đŸ€©
Please the golden retriever energy âœ‹đŸ»
Killua just huffs đŸ˜€
You smile, knowing these boys are both going to be amazing Hunters đŸ„°
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toomuchracket · 10 months
how about matty convincing d word girlie going to a football match with her?? (Maybe she doesn’t really like football that much, or even at all, idk?)
HA yeah ok so you and matty go for a little long weekend up the north-east to visit some of his family, and newcastle are playing at home on the saturday and before you go tim phones to say he's got tickets for all of you - you included. matty giggles when he tells you this, because any time he talks about football or watches it in the house your eyes just glaze over out of disinterest, despite your best efforts to pay attention, and he knows you'll wince at the thought of actually going to a match; you do, but quickly plaster on a hesitant smile and say "ok", and matty's like "you'll go? really?", and you're like "... yes. it would make you really happy, wouldn't it?", and matty kisses your head and says "it would, darlin', it would mean a lot to me if you were there", and you're like "so it's settled. i will go to the football". and matty's like "can you say that again? i need to film it and send it to your dad so he'll believe me when i tell him" - you point at him like "don't fucking push it, matthew", and matty laughs and takes your face in his hands to kiss you like "sorry, baby. thank you for doing this. i love you. it'll be fun", to which you're like "i love you too, and that's the only reason i'm ACTUALLY doing it. and i guess seeing your family will be fun, at least, lol". but as the weekend gets closer, you do actually start to get excited, just because matty's so hyped about taking his girl to see his team lmao (he is such a boy). he's like "try on one of my football tops to see if it fits, and you can wear it to the game. that would be cute", and you're a bit 😐 about the idea; that is, until you pull one of the black and white tops over your underwear and step into the living room to show matty, and he reacts by... literally pulling one of the sofa cushions over his lap and breathing heavily. your jaw drops like "babe you did not just get hard at the sight of me in a newcastle united shirt lmaoooooooo. it's that easy? wow", and matty groans into his hands like "shut up how else am i meant to react? the most beautiful woman on the planet, my beloved girlfriend, in MY football top? this is teenage wet dream material, sweetheart" - you go over to kiss him and say "well, if we have sex now with me wearing it, will that make it better or worse?", and matty thinks for a second like "better. i'll get it out of my system" lol.
and he's right, actually - a week later, when you appear in his cousin's kitchen with the same shirt visible under your coat, all matty thinks of is how cute you look lmao (but he does smirk a little bit when everyone says how sweet you are for wearing it, considering you did some arguably non-sweet things to him in it before lol). the actual day itself is quite nice; you all go for food and a couple of drinks before the game, during which you literally just share really cringe anecdotes about matty with his dad and brother, and then matty takes 948482 pics of you outside st james' park (and makes one his lockscreen) before you go in. he hugs you tightly before the game starts like "this is really special to me, sweetheart, thank you for doing this", and you're like "it's chill i actually am having fun lol". he stays holding you through the start of the game, too, because it's chilly, but pulls back to look at you in bewilderment when you hum along to the local hero theme as the players come onto the pitch; you're like "what? i've seen the film. it's good. so is the tune", and matty kisses you quickly like "you never fail to amaze me, honestly". anyway, the first half of the game is... kinda boring? nobody scores, there's not a lot of action, and the most exciting thing is you nearly burning your tongue on a bovril at half-time lol. it picks up in the second half, though - you spend the first few goal attempts looking and smiling at matty getting really into it, because he's so cute and animated, but then the tables turn and you catch him grinning at you when you swear at a near miss from newcastle. when they finally do score, you both cheer, and matty gets so hyped that he picks you up - well, he tries to, in the limited space between rows of seats lol. you have to ask him to clarify ref decisions at bits (fuck if i know what constitutes a yellow card btw), which he RELISHES doing, explaining them and kissing your cheek when you're like "ok cool. i see". in the end, newcastle win, and when the home support stands go into joyous uproar you're a part of it, hugging matty and tim and all the rest of the family as if you were an avid fan lmao; matty also probably tries to fully make out with you in excitement and just general happiness that you're with him, which you indulge in briefly before being like "come on, we need to move now so the people behind us can get out lol". but you continue the making out in the smoking area of the pub you all pile into to celebrate the win, matty like "this has been one of my favourite days ever, sweetheart. i'm so grateful for you, and even more in love with you, honestly" - you're like "i love you! and i really have enjoyed myself. don't think i could do it every week, in fairness, but i had fun. thanks for bringing me, baby". and matty's like "anytime, darlin'. and feel free to borrow the top anytime, too. in fact, i'd encourage it" lol <3
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kald-dal-art · 5 months
Cashmere and Gloss for the ask game I just love them so much 😭
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and got another for Cashmere from @moonwithmidnight
Cashmere and Gloss
First impression
Think i thought it was interesting with a sibling duo of Victors and how tragic it was.
Impression now
Think they are interesting, and have a lot of story potential
Favorite moment
I don't fully remember how it went in the book but it's during the interviews and Ceasar is like "Wow great to have you back" and Gloss is just like "Well we aren't here by choice" 😭
Idea for a story
honestly how the career propaganda gets to you. It's kind of insane you survive the Hunger Games and then your sibling go to the game the next year. Like the guilt of Gloss feeling like he didn't warn Cashmere fully what the life of a Victor entrails
Unpopular opinion
They weren't in on the rebel's plan. I don't know why people discuss/speculate which of the victors were in on the plan we know! The book literally spell it out for you who was in on it and they weren't one of them.
Favorite relationship
Well each other. I also like the idea that they are friends with Finnick and Enobaria as well. I imagine from the 61st-65th it was just a Career streak of Victors. (61st Victor being a girl from D4)
Favorite headcanon
i don't think i have one for them
First impression
Think it was just holy shit that he killed 1/4 of the tributes in his games. Like I don't think enough people talk about that.
Impression now
Favourite morally ambiguous scientist guy around
Favorite moment
Honestly love the whole bonding he did with Katniss during training. Also him being like "Ok😐" when Katniss claims its her hearing aid can make her hear the force field 😭 I don't remember if that is exactly how it happened or not when i'm thinking on it, but I don't have the book on me right now.
Idea for a story
Idk, maybe his games.
Unpopular opinion
I think if people are going to blame Gale as much as they do over Prim's death you kind of have to put equal blame on him.
Favorite relationship
Him and Wiress (I need to get around to draw them tbh)
Favorite headcanon
I imagine him and Wiress have the sort of relationship where no one agrees what the hell the status is. Some being like they are basically just lab partners and others being like "nah they've been married for 8 years"
First impression
That it was sweet that Mags volunteered for this very distressed young woman
Impression now
My sweet summer child, deserves more from the Fandom.
Favorite moment
Her and Finnick reuniting in 13- I felt that
Idea for a story
Would like a short story around her life after Mockingjay
Unpopular opinion
My girl was a Career, you can't take that away from me. She volunteered and trained for these games, be fr.
Favorite relationship
Her and Finnick.
Favorite headcanon
I like the idea that even though she is very mentally unwell, part of it is overplayed for the Capitol to leave her alone
Thanks for the asks
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
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Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
i am so late to this but thank you to everyone who tagged and mentioned me!! i loved reading your answers, i love being nosy.
let me get this first q out of the way:
Who's your favourite sim that you've made?
it's a tie between my 2 little meow meows pictured above đŸ„ș
amir because he's the oc i'm most attached to and have most fully developed
vlad because i just love the way his sim turned out and he's such a fun character to think about
if they ever met, vlad would be like "greetings." and amir would be like "bro what the fucckkk" 😭
speaking of vampires i also love the idea of au-vampire-amir being this ashamed, existential crisis having vegetarian vampire who struggles with controlling and hiding his bloodlust.
i never get bored coming up with ideas for those 2.
rest of my answers below the cut :3
What's your favourite Sims death?
it's been YEARS since i intentionally made any of sims die. i barely do gameplay these days and i am attached to the sims i make. but when i used to play sims chaotically, i preferred to "accidentally" murder sims by fire instead of deleting the pool ladder. i would furnish their houses with the cheapest stoves and fireplaces, and sit back and watching the inevitable unfold... it was the final destination fan in me.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
i can't live without alpha hair and i love a well done piece of alpha clothing.
Favourite Mod?
CmarNYC morphing penis 😐
for a sfw mod, pose player was truly a game changer, can't play without it.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
i never bought any of them 💅 the first one i p*rated was late night because umm a fancy city, bars and clubs, celebs and vampires, 2000s hoe clothes... what more could you want!
Do you pronounce live mode or aLIVE or LiVing?
Have you made a simself?
no ❀
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
if we're talking about TS4, i think the ginger hair colour is okay and the grey too. for TS3, i don't use any of the default hair colour presets.
Favorite EA hair?
i've tried so hard and i just cannot enjoy any of them compared to the alpha cc hair available. in my opinion this is the least offensive one, the "teddy" from the store:
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Favorite life stage?
young adult
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
i'm in it for cas and the storytelling medium
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
i consider all the people i frequently engage with to be my simblr friends!! 💗
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
i've considered recording, editing and uploading speed CAS videos but it seems like a lot of effort 😭
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
i've always preferred creating masculine male sims/characters, that hasn't changed throughout the years. i've learned how to take better pictures, how to style my sims better, how to create the kinds of clothes i want to style them in, and i've learned my preferred slider settings and facial features/proportions. i make the same "genre" of male sims over and over and over again, so my style hasn't really changed, but my skills have improved and i've solidified my aesthetic which i am proud of :D
Who's your favourite CC creator?
i really can't pick a favourite because there is just so much sheer talent and a thriving cc community even today, but if i had to pick one, i would say rustynail. i used the shit out of their cc back in the day. everything my sims wore was straight off the runway darling... rusty brought glamour and high fashion to the sims! an inspiration.
How long have you had a simblr?
since even before 2013 😭 tumblr was my main social media for many years LMFAOOOOO and i made a simblr after following many ts3 blogs, being wowed by their screenshots, and i wanted to join in on the fun and wanted to download all the cool cc people were making... that was the start of my ts3 obsession !
How do you edit your pictures?
i use a gshade preset i made, then i mostly just crop and add text in gimp. i don't have the patience to edit my pics.
What expansion/ stuff pack is your favourite?
late night duh and seasons is a close second because it just makes the game so much more immersive and beautiful. pets is also a top one because it adds so much to the game, it's such a well thought out pack in my opinion, and what life simulator can be complete without pets?
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longlivefanfic-net · 2 years
106 & 146 w nancy wheeler PLEASE dawg i need it so bad fr 🙁 also i know how ppl hc nancy as a dom but in my head that girl is my prissy princess and i need so bad to give her the sex that no man could đŸ€·đŸœalso it would be cool if you could fit in something to do w nancy x barb bc that’s a hc that I’ve had for a while :) & bi nancy finally accepting herself đŸ€­ okay yes im probably gg be spamming reqs like this every so often- much love !! -maxaroni & cheese (wow im so funny hahaha 😐)
Maxaroni! I feel like it's taken me FOREVER to get this finished for you (sorry!!!) but it is DONE. I hope you like it!
Prompts: “I’m going to fuck you until you forget that asshole’s name.” and “Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh
no, I was just
” “Want some help?”
Content: sapphic reader; afab!reader; afab!reader x Nancy Wheeler; college roommates; smut, just like a lot of queer smut; some pining on the readers side because why not; Nancy Wheeler has a praise kink; mommy kink; Jonathan x Nancy
Word count: 7.1k (this was supposed to be short WHOOPS)
Summary: You meet Nancy the day you move into your shared college living space and spend the next few months desperately wishing to be between her legs. But she's got a boyfriend! And a plan for her life! Right?!
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Nancy Fuckin' Wheeler
It wasn’t your fault you had fallen for your roommate. She had shown up on move-in day, had simply appeared, like the pixie she resembled, in the too-small room you were expected to share for the next nine months. Her brown hair had been curly, shorter back then, with bangs that brushed the tops of the lashes that framed her large, round eyes. She had smiled at you, striding across the tiny room with her hand already extended, and you had noticed the way her nose wrinkled, right at the tip, when she grinned and you were gone. “I’m Nancy,” she had said, picking up your hand to shake, firmly, like she shook a lot of men’s hands and was tired of being told she had a weak grip. “Nancy Wheeler.” 
You had played it cool for the first few weeks. This was your college roommate–if you didn’t fuck this up, she might end up being your best friend for life. It’s not like you could say, “Hi, Nancy, nice to meet you, I like girls and think you’re hot!” No. No way. And, if you were honest, you couldn’t risk isolating the only person you knew at Emerson. It was lonely in those big buildings, the bustling sounds of city life right outside every window yet feeling so far away. You wanted Nancy to be your friend, and you had thought that meant you had to pretend to be
like her. 
After a few weeks, though, you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. Nancy had taken to having full conversations with you while she changed in the mornings, tossing her towel on her bed when she got back from the shared bathroom. She’d hold intense eye contact with you, chattering away the entire time about her classes, and her plans for the day, and whether you wanted to go grocery shopping with her that day, and her boyfriend, always her damn boyfriend. She’d stand on the other side of your narrow bedroom, completely naked, practically daring your eyes to slip from her face, and talk at a hundred miles a minute about Jonathan, this perfect Jonathan, who was always coming to visit that weekend but never actually showed up. 
When you cracked, she didn’t even react. It was during a rare moment of silence, her back still wrapped in her towel and turned to you as she pulled a top out of her neatly-organized closet. Your eyes were fixed on the back of Nancy’s neck; her brown hair was pinned up, and the pale skin of her neck still had beads of water from the shower darkening the fine curls that lay flat against her skin. You watched a drop of water slide down her skin, tangle in that one, C-shaped piece of hair that had fallen out of the clip, and felt your eyes glaze over; you wished, desperately, to be water, to be able to slide over her porcelain body, touching without touching, and find rest in her hair. “You know I like girls, right?” You had blurted out, the words throwing themselves desperately off your tongue to land with a disgusting smack in the middle of the room, as bare and naked as Nancy tended to be. 
She turned her head over her shoulder, barely glancing away from the shirt in her hands. “Oh! No, I didn’t know that.” You stood, waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for Nancy to call you names or tell you she was uncomfortable or tell you to request a room change but instead–instead, all you got was a slight blush over her cheeks when she turned back to you. “Did you–did you want me to change in the bathroom?” You shook your head, suddenly numb to the sounds of the cars in the street, the people yelling at each other on the sidewalks, the sounds of your other roommates making breakfast in the kitchen. It all disappeared when Nancy smiled at you–almost shyly, her lips only slightly tilting up at the corners before her eyes ducked down–and removed her towel. 
Afterwards, Nancy had taken it upon herself to make sure you knew you were welcome to bring over whoever you wanted. She eyed girls at the grocery store, the coffee shop, the diner the two of you frequented for late night pancakes, and nudged you, using those wide eyes to motion towards the girls she had picked out for you. She had good taste, you had to give her that–but the girls Nancy picked were always too tall, their hair too light, their bodies too full for who you really wanted. 
One night, late–or early, really–the two of you were nestled into the couch, swathed by blankets, Nancy’s pajama clad legs in your bare lap as you passed a carton of ice cream back and forth. The other roommates had gone out earlier, disappearing in a haze of hairspray and blue eyeshadow with promises to be back for lunch tomorrow. Nancy had declined their invitations, staying home and waiting for Jonathan to call. When he didn’t, you slipped downstairs, running across the street to the bodega for a can of Coke and Nancy’s favorite icecream. 
The night slipped away with the two of you there, sitting by the phone–”just in case,” Nancy said, biting her too-full bottom lip as she avoided your eyes. The conversation started innocently enough: You wanted to comfort her, and had started sharing stories of your own pathetic dating life. She laughed so hard she snorted, actually snorted, her nose wrinkling and her eyes creasing at the corners as she closed them, when you told her about the boyfriend you barely let touch you in high school, the “best friend” you had “practiced” with instead.
“I did that too!” She exclaimed, her voice high and breathless between the sweet peals of her laughter. Her feet pressed into the bare skin of your legs, toes digging against soft skin as you tried to ignore the goosebumps that raced down your arms. She was so warm, so full of light as she gazed at you, and the weight of her body, sprawled so casually over yours, felt so right, felt like home. “I did that too,” she said. “My friend, Barb–she was my first kiss. We said we were ‘practicing’ for when boys decided to date us.” 
You reeled in your shock, loosening the fingers that had immediately tightened around her ankles at the words. Nancy Wheeler–Nancy “Perfect” Wheeler, Nancy “4.0” Wheeler, Nancy fuckin Wheeler–kissed girls? Nancy eyed you from the other end of the couch, the television light flickering over her brows, still high with the glimmer of her laugh. Her cheeks were dark, a blush building there as she held your eyes with her own. “What?” She asked, her voice suddenly low. “You didn’t know I kissed girls?” She cocked her head, slightly, the movement exposing the side of her throat. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, aggressive thumps, as her eyelids lowered slightly. Her lips parted, just barely, and you watched the pink tip of her tongue wet the very edges of the lush bow. 
“Nancy,” you replied, your shaking voice betraying you, your body betraying you as it warmed under her gaze. “That’s
kinda gay.” Nancy rolled her doe eyes, smirking slightly. “Are you–Nancy, do you like girls?” She shrugged her pajama-clad shoulders, angling her head towards the TV. “Yeah,” she said, flicking a heavy-lidded glance back at you. “And guys. It’s not a big deal.” She said it so nonchalant, said it like she hadn’t just rocked your world and flipped it on its axis, like she hadn’t made your heart jump into your throat. Nancy liked girls. Nancy could like you. Hell, it almost seemed like she was flirting with you. Except–
Except for Jonathan. Fucking Jonathan, who happened to call at that exact moment, like your thought of his name summoned him from California, the earsplitting ring of the telephone making both you and Nancy jump. She grabbed, desperately, at the receiver, picking up the heavy plastic and cradling it between her strong chin and shoulder. “Hello?” She whispered, breathy with her excitement. “Yeah. No, it’s fine, it’s– I can talk.” She looked over her shoulder at you and, if you didn’t know better, you’d have thought she looked guilty. 
You smiled, bitterly aware that it didn’t meet your eyes, and slid her feet off your lap. Standing up, you stretched–the two of you had been on that couch, skin touching skin, for hours now, and your joints felt stiff. Nancy watched, either unaware or uncaring that you could see her eyes fixate on the way your oversized t-shirt lifted with your arms, the hem dancing over the edges of your underwear. Heat pulsed through your core, a sudden, desperate throbbing, as her eyes met yours from where she sat on the couch. Your breath caught, slightly, in your chest, and you turned, heading to the bathroom for a cold shower–and, if that didn’t work, a few minutes alone with your hand and the image of Nancy, eyes wide and hungry, jaw loose like it was waiting for you to guide it. 
After your shower–and, yes, a few minutes of picturing Nancy’s face, Nancy’s body, Nancy’s neck and skin and hair and lips–you headed back to your shared bedroom. Nancy was no longer in the living room, not lazed over the arm of the couch while she giggled with Jonathan on the phone. You opened the door to your bedroom quietly, hoping she’d already be asleep. She was in her bed, a small bundle of limbs and dark hair tucked in amidst the lightly colored bedding of her twin-sized mattress. 
She wasn’t asleep. Maybe you had turned the door handle too quietly. Maybe she heard you and just didn’t care. Either way, when you closed the door with a soft snick, Nancy kept her eyes closed, continued to thrust her hips lightly against, you assumed, the hand hidden under her bedspread. You felt your heart stutter in your chest, your knees suddenly weak; she was beautiful, gorgeous, somewhere between frustrated and focused as she worked against her own skin. “Nance,” you whispered, and her eyes shot open, wide and all-too-innocent as she fluttered her lashes at you across the room. “Were you just masturbating?” 
“Um,” she replied, cheeks dusting lightly with a pink blush that matched her bedspread, “U-uh
no, I was just
” Nancy’s eyes flitted nervously around the room, her lips pressing together into a hard, embarrassed line, and you watched her throat bob as she swallowed. It was the swallow that did it, of all things. Your newfound best friend, your roommate, laying in bed with her dark curls spread under her angelic face had already driven you to the edge, but watching her throat move as she swallowed, wishing you could taste that swallow, finally hurled you over the precipice you had been dancing on since the first time you had lain eyes on her. 
“Want some help?” The words burst from between your lips, your body going cold and then hot as the blush raced under your skin. But the words were out, were hanging in the air between the two of you, and all you could do now was wait, your veins full of ice. Nancy’s eyes widened, her jaw relaxing and going slack so that her lips parted. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the full, rosebud pink curves, wishing to be in between them; that’s why you couldn’t miss it when they shifted, just slightly, letting Nancy’s whispered “yes” glide under your skin. 
The ice in your veins melted, the sudden liquid rushing in your ears, as the heat you had just dulled sparked back to life in your stomach. You pushed down the excitement, the fear that swirled through your body; it was important, so, so important that you handle this right. You walked towards her tiny bed slowly, giving her plenty of time to say “I was kidding!” or “Nevermind,” as you shifted her blankets aside, sliding your half-clothed body into the bed next to her. Nancy shifted her face, just slightly, so that her oversized eyes were trained on your face when she blinked, a rush of blood rising to the surface of her cheeks. 
You looked down at Nancy’s slender body as you propped yourself up on one arm, pressing yourself closer to her under the warmth of the blankets. Jonathan–the mysterious Jonathan, who never came to visit when he said he would, who only existed to you as the framed photograph on Nancy’s desk–flashed in your mind, and you wondered if he was the reason Nancy was rutting her hips against her own hand; if he had spent those minutes you were in the shower whispering in her ear across the phone lines, making her desperate for him, for the feeling of his body pressed against hers. It doesn’t matter, you thought to yourself. I’m the one in bed with her. The thought made you blush, and your eyes skittered away from Nancy’s, floating down the outline of her body under the blankets she was covered by. 
“You don’t have to–” Nancy suddenly whispered, watching the heat building along your neck and cheeks, and you cut her off, jumping on the words and stubbing the burning embers of her rejection out before it could flame. “I want to,” you whispered back, the words shocking you as they pressed into the room, making their presence felt in your core with a brush of heat. Nancy just stared, doe eyes blinking rapidly as she pressed her lips together, swallowing again and–fuck, what you would have given to taste the inside of her mouth. She looked, pointedly, at her body, hidden under the bedspread, before flashing her eyes back to you. 
You pulled the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth, worrying it slightly, before slipping your free hand over her body, her flat stomach and soft thighs, until it was over the hand she still had wedged between her legs. “Move your hand, Nancy,” you commanded, watching the blankets so you didn’t have to look at her. When she pulled her hand away from her sex, you could have sworn that, for just a moment, she let her fingers brush against your palm. 
Slowly, your fingers cupped around Nancy’s folds, luxuriating in the heat emanating from her skin. When you slipped your middle finger in between her lips, stroking once, you kept your face carefully turned away from hers, refusing to watch the shuddering gasp fall from her lips. Your finger was poised at her entrance, ready to push inside of her–or pull back–with the slightest hint of what she wanted. “Nance,” you said, your voice low and quiet. “This is going to feel better if I get you wet first.” You let the silence build between the two of you, stretching on for what felt like an agonizing length of time. “Can I kiss you?”
“O–okay.” The voice under you was timid, shy, unlike the Nancy you had come to know in the last few months. You angled your head towards hers, desperately seeking out her face in the dim light of your shared bedroom. Nancy was watching you, eyes eager as she licked her lower lip. The warm lap of fire in your core suddenly tightened, blazing as you leaned down, ducking your head to her strong jaw. Your lips pressed against the coolness of her skin, the hard line of her angular jaw, and you felt her chest hitch under you, her body shake with the desire that buried itself in her lungs at the touch of your mouth on her body.
You pulled back, peering at Nancy’s face. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted as she lay under you, glowing in the soft beams of moonlight that slanted in through the window, radiant; she was a Renaissance painting against her pillow, a woman blissful in the throes of passion, seduced by an immortal god. Your body, your soul cried out for you to touch her, touch her, and you leaned down, pressing your lips against the long line of her throat, the column of smooth skin, before running your tongue over it. The tiniest, softest moan escaped Nancy’s lips as your tongue warmed her skin and–
You felt her body under your hand, still cupping her sex, flutter. Her walls tightened, almost imperceptibly, as your finger waited for her body to grant you entrance. When you felt the rush of slick dripping in between her folds, sliding over your hand, you slipped yourself inside of her. Nancy whimpered, eyes still closed under you as you curled your finger slightly, pressing against the warm, tight wall of her body. “Shh,” you murmured, and your free arm pressed itself into her pillow, your hand pushing her curls out of her face so you could watch her eyes tighten, her brow crease. She moaned again, barely more than a sigh, and you felt her hips tilt up, pushing your finger deeper inside of her. You couldn’t stop the grin that slipped over your lips–and she couldn’t see it, anyways, her eyes shut as her head rolled back on her pillow. 
“More,” Nancy moaned, and you ignored the spreading heat in between your legs as you bullied a second finger into her. She was tight, much tighter than you ever would have dreamed, and you could feel her clenching around the forced spread of your hand inside of her. You rotated your wrist, pulling your fingers back before slipping them in again and again, never fully pulling them out as she gasped with each thrust. “More, more,” Nancy’s voice came to you like a prayer falling from her lips, begging, pleading for you to touch her; you dipped your head, lips latching on to her exposed collarbone as she mewled. 
Nancy ground her hips against your hand, her desire coating your palm and other fingers now, desperate for more friction as you filled and stretched her. “What is it, babygirl?” You heard yourself whispering against Nancy’s throat, the words slipping out without your permission. “What do you need from mommy?” Nancy’s hips stuttered against your hand, a physical reflection of her shock at the growl in your words, the low, coaxing tone that wallowed in between your bodies. 
“Need–I want–” Nancy stuttered, and you dared to glance up at her from where you suckled on her throat.
 “Use your words.”
 “I want you to touch my clit.” 
“Good girl,” you whispered, and Nancy whimpered, a high-pitched sound that scratched itself out a home in your heart as it fell from her lips. You let your thumb push in between her folds, seeking out the swollen bud above her opening. Pushing into it, you reveled in the sound of Nancy’s breathing, harsh pants now as her hips lifted again and again. “You’re doing so good, sweet girl,” you breathed into her skin, fingers curling inside of her as your thumb rubbed harsh, fierce circles. “Keep going. Keep going until you cum for me, baby.” 
Nancy whined at your words, and you felt her suddenly clench around you, drawing your fingers even deeper into her body. You moved your thumb faster, whispering “that’s my girl, that’s my girl, go ahead, baby,” as her panting turned into soft cries, little moans that elevated in pitch as her body pulled, tightening and releasing in short spasms. When she stopped, her hips slowing, her muscles loosening around you suddenly, you kept your fingers resting in her warmth. Pulling your face back from her neck, you carefully avoided Nancy’s eyes, avoided seeking out the sweat and blush on her face that was meant to be your reward, and carefully pulled your hand from her body, gentle as her walls twitched. 
Your hand came up from under the blankets, dripping and coated in the clear expression of Nancy’s satisfaction, of what you had to assume was her enjoyment of your touch. You chanced a glance back at her, still lying on the pillows. Nancy’s eyes were on your hands, the corners of her eyes tight as her mouth pressed into a hard line; you felt the burn of rejection simmer in your gut, a byproduct of the guilt and shame you read in her face. “I’m just–I’m going to go to the bathroom,” you said, flipping Nancy’s blanket back and standing up suddenly, desperately hoping she couldn’t see the discoloration where your underwear was soaked through, couldn’t see the glimmer of slick dripping down your own thighs. 
The two of you never spoke about it. Never, not once, over the next few months did you bring it up–and there were chances to. When you brought a girl home from a Halloween party, Nancy didn’t ask if you got her off the same way you did her; when she left to go back to Hawkins for Thanksgiving, you didn’t ask if her own hand would satisfy her the way yours had; and when either of you entered your room late at night, you both always knocked first, giving the other time to whip their hand out from their underwear and feign sleep. 
It almost felt like you had made it up, like it was some too-vivid dream. Like you had dreamt what Nancy’s throat tasted like, like you had dreamt how her hair smelled like jasmine, like you had dreamt that her fingers had tightened in the fabric of your shirt as she came, like you had dreamt of her face cradled so gently in your palm while you pushed her hair out of her face. 
Or worse–like you had dreamt up the little glances she shot you in the kitchen as you poured coffee, her eyes darting away nervously as soon as they met yours; had dreamt the way her eyes pulled together with hurt when you had walked the girl from the Halloween party out of your apartment, ducking slightly to avoid the kiss the girl had tried to press to your mouth at the front door, aware of Nancy’s gaze on the back of your head; had dreamt the blush that darkened her cheeks as she took calls from Jonathan in your living room, the phone ringing for her less and less often. 
The one thing that you knew you weren’t creating in your own head was the silence. Because Nancy still changed in your shared room, exposing her full body–the soft, pale thighs your hand had parted, the pert, firm breasts you had felt against your torso when you leaned into her–to you as she pulled her clothes, but now she did it without speaking. 
You would have let the silence go on forever, would have lived in quiet for the rest of the year and moved out in the spring and spent the rest of your life pushing thoughts of Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Fuckin’ Wheeler, out of your head for the rest of your life. Would have never spoken to her again, if that’s what she wanted, until December. 
She had packed her bags, chattering at top speed to all of the roommates: Jonathan had called, had made plans for the two of them, had booked her a flight–she was going to California for Christmas. She’d spend the holidays wrapped around the boy you resented, snuggled warm under his blankets, his hand between her thighs instead of yours, exchanging presents and kisses, while you sat alone in the drafty apartment you all shared. The other roommates were going out of town, too, with promises to bring back their family’s cookies and cakes for you since you were the only one not planning on leaving for the month of break. 
When Nancy left, she had flung an arm around the neck of each girl; had hugged them quickly, but fiercely, like she wanted them to know that she loved them but not enough to stay. When she walked up to you, her arms were slower–she wrapped both of the thin, long limbs around your waist instead of your neck, pulling you in tightly. Her lips ghosted over your racing pulse in your throat, a gentle brush that could have been mistaken for an accident, before she pulled back. “Bye!” She chirped, her voice as bright as her welling eyes. “See you in a month!” 
The next few weeks were a haze. A disorienting blur of the other roommates leaving, of rides to the airport and lonely trips to the grocery store. Of waking up in an empty bedroom, no sounds of soft sighs and sleepy, content breaths from the other side of the room. You settled into a routine: Wake up, make breakfast, bundle up in your warmest coat and a thick scarf to go for a walk, come home, flick through TV while you snacked, make dinner, go to bed. It was boring, yes, but the routine settled you, and when thoughts of Nancy, images of her wide eyes and wider grin, her sharp brows and strong jaw, her long fingers and dark curls, danced across your retinas, you could shake your head and refocus on the task at hand. There was no space for the lingering hurt in your heart with your routine, no space to bemoan the state of your life and loneliness as you sat on the couch on Christmas Eve. 
The routine was familiar at this point, comforting in the way it surrounded you with people and distractions while you were entirely alone. The routine is why it was so alarming when the front door swung open, accompanied by the loud thumps of a heavy suitcase hitting the floor. The routine was the reason you looked up so slowly, why it took your brain so long to process the small woman in your doorway wearing a skirt and t-shirt, shivering aggressively as tears slid down her face. “N–Nancy?” You asked, feeling your eyebrows draw together in confusion. She opened her mouth, the only thing coming out of it a wail. 
“Nancy,” you said, standing up suddenly. You rushed to the door, wrapping your arms around her slender, icy frame. “Nancy, what’s wrong? What–Why are you here? Where is your fucking jacket?” You asked, your head turning quickly to look at the frozen flurries frolicking past your window, snowflakes glinting in the light of the streetlamps. A watery laugh burst from the chest wrapped under your arms. 
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Nancy asked, tilting her head slightly to peer up at you from watery lashes. “I come home,” she sniffed, wiping her nose as you relinquished your grip on her, “crying,” she said, emphasizing the word, “and you’re worried about me not having a coat?” She laughed again, the sound broken and making your heart ache. 
“It’s freezing outside, Nance. You–come on, you need to get wrapped up. Come sit on the couch.” You pushed her farther into the apartment, following behind to swaddle her in the blankets, still warm from your own body heat, that were piled on the couch. “What are you doing here? You were supposed to be in California with Jonathan until January.” 
She sniffed, running a finger under her eyes. “We broke up,” she said, her voice catching on the words. The story burbled out of her in stops and starts, tears and shuddering gasps interrupting her words as she recounted the morning’s conversation, how Jonathan had sat her down at the breakfast table, how he had explained that he wasn’t sure he could give her the life she wanted, she deserved, he said, and how, eventually, it had come down to the simplest words possible: We just don’t love each other anymore.” 
Her hands reached out, sliding over the blankets to wind her fingers in between the spaces of yours. “He was right,” Nancy said, her voice more even now as the tears stopped. “He was right, we just–we don’t love each other anymore. I don’t think we have for a while. But I just–I wasn’t expecting it, you know? I thought–” she shook her head, a trickle of laughter flowing from her lips. “I thought I would just get through the next four years, and then I would marry Jonathan, and we’d have a couple of kids, and we would be normal. I wanted to be normal.” Her eyes met yours, sending a shiver down your spine before she shifted her gaze to your interlocked fingers. “I don’t think I can be normal, though. I think–I think I want something else for myself now.” Nancy’s fingers tightened, a shot of adrenaline coursing through your veins at the touch. 
When she leaned forward, pressing her wide lips to yours, it caught you off guard. You jolted backwards, breaking the first real kiss the two of you had ever had. “Nance,” you whispered. “I’m– I don’t think we should–” 
“You just broke up–”
“I don’t care. I don’t care about him like that anymore. I haven’t since–since before we–please, I just want you to touch me.” 
You bit back the words that had been pushing for space on your tongue, the denials and the rebuffs that were rational and responsible. “Say that again.”
“I want you to touch me. Please.” The last word was a whimper, soft and quiet like she was ashamed of it, but it melted whatever lingering resolve was buried in your chest. You moved quickly, bringing your mouth to Nancy’s again, pressing lips together as you tilted your head, pressing hers back so that your tongue was able to slip easily into the space between her lips. She gasped, quietly, against your mouth, and you felt your heart rattle in your chest, chaotic and longing to be closer to her. 
“I’m going to fuck you,” you whispered, moving your mouth to press harsh, hot kisses into her chin, her jawline, her neck, her throat, “until you forget that asshole’s name. Understood?” The whimper that fell from Nancy’s lips was your only verbal response, but she nodded her head vigorously, her brown curls shifting out of place with the motion; the way her fingers tightened around your arms, her nails digging into your skin as her head tilted back, a moan falling from her mouth, confirmed it for you as well. 
Your fingers flew to her waistline and were met by her hands; you pulled her skirt down as she pushed her shirt up (a trickle of annoyance in the back of your mind that Jonathan, fucking Jonathan who’s been an invisible presence between the two of you for so long, let her come back here in the dead of winter wearing a t-shirt and a skirt). Your fingers find bare skin, exposed paleness dappled with large freckles here and there. It’s the first time you’ve seen her like this–the last time you touched her, she was covered the entire time, keeping herself hidden away from your prying eyes like a sacred relic, like she knew that you were greedy and would take as much of her as you could and would never, never give up what you held in your hand at that moment. 
You wrapped your fingers around her waist, pressing your hands into the lines of muscle and sinew that separated you from her bones. Overcome, you dipped your head, pressing your nose flat into the soft padding above her belly button. The weight of your face pushed Nancy back onto the arm of the couch, her legs sprawling open as you fit your body between them so you could continue to touch the parts of her that reclined backwards. You dragged your nose up, letting your skin burn a path across her stomach as your nose and chin pushed up, up, until your chin was resting on the very bottom line of her bra. You settled your face there, Nancy’s fingers winding through your hair as she gripped your scalp, and blinked at her, a slow smile turning your lips as you took in her disheveled hair, pink cheeks, panting breaths. “Hi,” you whispered. 
“Hi yourself,” she whispered back, a gentle smile settling over her face. She loosened her grip on your hair, and the long fingers brushed against your forehead. Nancy tilted her head, slightly, watching her own hands trace patterns over your skin. When her eyes drifted back to yours, you couldn’t help but see the warmness in them, the distant echo of a centuries old fireside that represented home. “Are you done? Or do I get more?” She asked, and you had to stop yourself from practically purring at the simplicity of her request, of the implication that she was just waiting this whole time for you to decide to give her more. 
“Depends,” you said, smirking. “What’s your ex’s name?” 
“Jonathan,” Nancy replied immediately, eyebrows pulling together. 
“Must need more then,” you said, and turned your head abruptly to nip at the swell of the breast that threatened to spill out of the cup of her bra. Nancy’s sharp gasp was finished with a laugh, and your hands slipped under her torso to unclasp her bra, pulling the straps down her arms as you moved the material away from her skin. Her breasts fell free of the enclosure, the pink rosebuds already hard and drawn in the coolness of the air. You bite, playfully, at the curving line of her chest, soothing the small mark from your teeth with your tongue as Nancy whimpers. “Shh,” you whisper, “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” 
Your mouth moves, slowly and sloppily, to the hardened perk of her nipple, and you’re quick to take it in between your lips, sliding your tongue over it, around it, all but rolling it in your mouth. Nancy is gasping, little “yes”s bursting from her lips as your hands wander down from her sides, skimming over her narrow hips to clench the tops of her thighs that your body presses between. All she’s wearing underneath you is a pair of the satin panties you’ve spent the last semester watching her shimmy over her hips, wishing desperately to touch. 
You lean back, letting your eyes wander over the expanse of her body as Nancy catches her breath. Her chest heaves under your eyes, her pulse throbbing in the column of her throat. “God,” you hear yourself whisper, voice rasping. “You are so fucking pretty for me, baby girl.” Nancy’s eyes widen, her lower lip wobbling as she takes in your words. Her arm extends, grabbing your wrist tightly as she pulls your fingers to her skin. 
Nancy places the palm of your hand against her throat, your fingers instinctually wrapping around the slender column. You feel your eyes widen slightly, shocked by the unspoken request; her brows arc, right at the narrow ends, and you feel your face press into a grin. “Words,” you whisper, and Nancy’s eyes slip closed, a tiny smile playing at the curve of her full, swollen mouth. 
“Please what?” 
“Please choke me. Please. I need you to–” 
Her words end abruptly, a gentle sigh replacing her voice as your fingers tighten, pressing into the harsh pulse on the sides of her throat. Your other hand slips between her legs, finding the skin of her inner thighs slick with longing. “Oh, you’re such a good girl,” you whisper, and Nancy’s moan makes your stomach tighten, your core throb. Your fingers slide the soft fabric of her underwear to the side, pushing in between the folds to seek out her center. 
“Wait,” Nancy huffs, and you loosen your fingers around her throat, eyes flashing to her face with concern. You look over her, eyes darting for signs of distress, for too-red cheeks or teary eyes. “I just–you already–please, just let me go down on you.” You lean back, feeling your eyebrows climb over your face as your lips part slightly. “Please. Mommy.” The words are stilted, falling from her mouth like bricks, but the light blush snaking over her cheeks tells you that Nancy knows, she knows what she wants, and she wants you. 
You nod, the movement subtle. “Okay, baby girl. Whatever you want.” She preens under your words, her eyelashes fluttering as a soft smile highlights the apples in her cheeks. Nancy’s fingers are gentle, slow where yours were quick, as they grab the hem of your night shirt; she pulls it over your head carefully, eyes on yours until your skin is exposed. The cool air of the apartment hits you, causing goosebumps to rise on your soft form.
“You’re so
” Nancy’s voice trails off, quiet as her doe eyes roam over your skin. “Beautiful,” she says, the word hanging in the air between the two of you, glimmering with traces of months worth of pent-up longing. “You’re so beautiful.” Her eyes meet yours, a spark of electricity bouncing from her to tighten your heart in your chest. Nancy leaned forward, pressing her mouth to yours as you fell back against the worn couch. Her delicate hands guide you to lie down on your back, the top of your head pressing into the bottom of the arm of the couch. “Beautiful,” she whispers, pressing her mouth into your throat; “Beautiful,” she says again, her lips cloying at your collarbone; “Beautiful,” hushed, like a prayer, at the curve of your breast; “Beautiful,” louder now, spoken into the softness of your stomach; “Beautiful,” a moan, this time, as you slip your underwear down your legs, exposing your heat to her mouth. 
Nancy is quick now, her lips pressing once to the skin above your already-damp folds. You feel her fingers spread you, her body tightening with anticipation in between your clenched thighs. A finger pushes against your opening, the muscles fluttering at the slight pressure. “Is this okay?” Nancy asks, and she pulls her eyes away from your body to gaze up at you. You nod, aware that any words from your lips would come out cracked, broken, as pathetic as you’ve felt dreaming of this moment for the last few months. 
Nancy’s finger slides into your core, and a soft sigh falls from your lips. She’s gentle, caring with her hand already up to the palm inside of you. The finger curls, just slightly, as she pulls it back, and your eyelids flicker at the pressure against your walls. She pushes a second finger in, stretching you just slightly as she works her hand against you, forcing a small whine from your lips. “You’re okay?” She says, the end of the sentence rising like a question as her eyes meet yours again. You nod, your eyes already feeling hazy as you watch her watch you. “Can I
use my mouth?” The question is hesitant, tentative, shy. 
“Don’t ask so many questions, Wheeler,” you mutter, cheeks burning as your voice shakes. A slow smile spreads over her face, and Nancy pulls her fingers from your warmth and dips her face to the space between your thighs. You can feel her tongue, flat and wide, licking a stripe between your lips; when it passes your gaping hole, you whimper and lift your hips, trying to grind into her face. Her tongue whisks over your clit, barely more than a fleeting brush, but it makes you gasp, the sound echoing through the empty apartment. 
“Oh,” Nancy sighs, and her eyes are narrowed, quizzical as she looks at you again. “You want both? Want to be filled and licked?” You nod again, the desire to mock her endless questions dying on your tongue as her fingers slide back in, quickly now that she’s in familiar territory. Your head rolls back on the couch under you, and your eyelids slide closed. When her tongue returns to the swollen burst of nerves, you whimper–the sound is long, loud, ludacris when coupled with the sound of her fingers thrusting into your wetness. “Oh,” Nancy moans–really, truly, moans, into your dripping cunt, and the vibrations send shockwaves through your skin. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, and your hands are suddenly wound in her hair, giving you something to hold on to as you rut your hips against her face. Her nose, her tiny, perfect nose, is pressing against your skin, her tongue lapping fast, wide strokes at your clit, and her fingers are starting to relax, to spread from each other and stretch where you’re tightest. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimper, and Nancy’s fingers are faster, harder, while she lets you use her face for friction. “Oh, Nance–Nancy–Don’t–Please don’t–stop–” The words are coming out of your mouth in between hitched breaths, breaking in little gasps and cracks as you force them out, desperate to tell her that if she stops–if her tongue slows, if her fingers disappear, if any of it goes–you’re pretty sure you’ll die on the spot. 
“Nance,” you mewl, the word falling from your full lips like a prayer, “Nance, I’m gonna–don’t stop, I’m gonna c–” It’s the last word you get out before your back arches, body tightening around her fingers, a sharpness in your spine curving in on itself until it’s unleashed, the arrow of your desire loosed from the bow of Nancy’s lips. The sound that drips from your mouth is high pitched, cradled on each end by gasps, and you swear you can feel Nancy grinning into your body as she continues, relentlessly fucking you through your freefall. 
When you finish, she sits up and pulls her hand from you. You watch as Nancy sits back on her knees, slips her fingers into her mouth. Any thought you would have had at that moment–what does this mean, are we together now, are we going to talk about this, holy shit that was the best orgasm of my fucking life–dissapear from your head as you watch Nancy’s eyes close, an expression of bliss on her features as her mouth cleans you from her hand. She removes her fingers with a subtle pop, and you try to bring your gaze from her lips back to her eyes unsuccessfully. Your eyes are still on her lips, which is why you can’t miss when she says it. 
“What?” You ask, eyebrows jumping together in confusion and shock. 
“Jonathan,” Nancy repeats, shrugging her shoulders slightly. “I still remember his name.” 
You take a moment, letting your earlier conversation roll through your mind. A devilish smile turns up the corners of Nancy’s mouth as she watches you put the pieces together. “Right,” you say, sitting up with a grin on your own face, “Guess I’ll have to do something about that.”
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fantomette22 · 10 months
Hello, I need to know your thoughts about Ludwig (and Laurence if you don't mind?) - headcanon, relationship with others or just something you think about him! >:) (I didn't found them in your blog sry if you answered something like that already xd)
Alright! So for Laurence I already share a few ideas here : X - X - X - X and here.
Now for this dear Ludwig I do have a few ideas! I don't remember If I share things I don't think I share a lot 😐
Last time it was my last design of him eventually this funny idea with his sword. And I did a few other drawing on him they are around my blog somewhere 😅 I share a few here too like you have seen (I forgot some too...)
Now, what could I say before sharing a tons of lil headcanons... Well the first time I beat him it was thanks to Valtr! I found him so hard! Now it's way easier XD just a few tries in NG+ His lore is super interesting and even if he probably made tons of mistakes and bad things (see all the blood he have on his hands + church + that people even treat him like a monster?) I feel pity towards him 😱
Also the music is so good 👌 and he's the only one to maintain a bit of humanity and of himself after he turned into a beast?! JUST WOW And even if his design is sure quite... particular... an equine like beast with eyes? So unique. It could be based on the horse guardian of the underworld in Chinese mythology. (I need to look more on it there might be other influence as well).
And of course he got the holy moonlight sword! It's not anything.
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And before doing the dlc I always find really interesting the bit of lore around him! (Gehrman mentioning him, the sword, badge description etc) So finally seeing him for real is impressive! If the dlc didn't existed I would have assume he was the beast possessed soul below the old workshop (yeah I have an headcanon for the poor guy too).
Now for the headcanons I have him less develop than the rest so I will just do some list! And in one of my headcanon timeline I still don't know if he should died years before Laurence or should he be there when the dream was create, kill Laurence when he turned in to a beast and die after etc.
Ok go for a few headcanons!
đŸ—Ąïž He's from either a small noble family or bourgeois family. (he's ancestor were great warriors after all! That originated from Pthumeru & Cainhurst too). I don't know if he have any sibling đŸ€” that would make sense if he was the youngest son or something.
🌖 He have heterochromia! His right eye is green (if not teal) and his left one dark brown. At some point his right eye will become more teal colored (same as holy moonlight sword) then blind from and injury (or the contrary).
đŸ—Ąïž He's left handed. I mean I think it was already kinda oblivious and really one of the only thing that for me is not an headcanon but well canon.
🌖 He was a student at Byrgenwerth at the same time of Maria, Caryll, Rom, Mico etc whom he became fast friends with as well as Laurence & Gehrman. He studied in hm check notes either theology or something in history or military history perhaps? 😅 I am still unsure and I need it for my next fic chapter help.
đŸ—Ąïž HE LOVES HORSES!!! He had a lil white shetland pony (place holder name is Leonard...) when he was a kid and he did ride horses some times to times but he didn't have one that belong to him for a lot of years. So yeah he was quite a horsegirl with Maria XD she did have a horse and she bring him at Byrgenwerth on her 2nd year and let Ludwig go on ride with him, take care on and all. As such he ask Byrgenwerth to work as a part job at the stable.
All the horses and equine love him too! Even the scared or agressive ones! He have a gift it seems.
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🌖 Later on when he had to go somewhere with a horse that was either one of Maria black horses, a brown mule and his last horse a white horse (with a black mane?)
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đŸ—Ąïž He adopted a baby orphan crow too. I don't have a name yet but it's the research hall crow that give us the guidance rune.
🌖 Yes Laurence convince him to become a cleric how surprising I know. (They guy convert so many help)
đŸ—Ąïž Before wearing the executioner / beta hunter healing church clothes he wear something similar to the Yharnam set. With a tricorn hat yep. A gift from Gehrman.
🌖 He's the first one to have wear the hunter chief emblem.
đŸ—Ąïž As he kid he was kind of a Labrador/good boy type of guy that become more ruthless after becoming the leader of the hunter of the church and bad things happening around him. He was really kind, protector and courageous for his friends! even if at times he seems he bit oblivious to what was going on around him XD and shocked lot of the times đŸ€Ł see the encounter with a shadow of Yharnam hvhqf
🌖 I am still hesitating on when/where he got the holy moonlight sword. I guess he got a blood transfusion before hand and either lost himself 2-3 days in Pthumeru, Loran or Isz or another underground labyrinth. The other were really worried and glad he was alive. Even if he was hurt had a weird magic sword and say he heard and saw things now. "Yeah like Caryll! Nothing to be worried of." "But Laurence-"
đŸ—Ąïž He know how to dance in ballroom properly and could play piano and a horn.
🌖 He was kind toward the new hunters (workshop & church) and help Simon got his bow for example.
đŸ—Ąïž He was choose as the leader of the church hunters because of many aspect : cleric, better vibe to the public and to talk to LOTS of people than poor Gehrman rip, proximity with Laurence, Holy moonlight sword, guidance rune, hear voices don't let Flora lure you Ludwig!, one of the first tomb prospector for the church etc
🌖 Yeah he was, maybe, really close with Laurence if you see what I mean 😏 he might have mercy kill Laurence too... that's the huge crack on the skull...
đŸ—Ąïž he had great relationship with Maria, Gehrman, Caryll, the scholars and all when everything went well. Still when everything began to spiral down (after Maria died, before Moon presence) he still went to see Gehrman with Micolash to drink tea really occasionally, without Laurence knowing.
🌖 He got at least a scar on his face because of the fishing hamlet.
đŸ—Ąïž At the end of his life he went kinda crazy and smash everything while closing his eyes... so yeah many collateral damaged... things become worst and he transformed and many people died.. the hunters who discover what happened to Ludwig where shut in cells (Yamamura, Gratia, + a few other guys)
🌖 And last one, if he have a cute nickname it would be Lulu ^^
I probably forgot a few things but it should be all for now!
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aayo-whatt · 2 years
✹~got bored so i put the winchester gays and their angel "buddies" in an incorrect quotes generator~✹
Gabe: *slams books down in front of Michael* Gabe: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Michael: You could of said literally anything else. Gabe: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble. Michael: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now.
Dean: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it. Dean: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Michael: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically. Adam: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes. Cas: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting. Adam: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Dean: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops! Cas: *loads shotgun* I got this. Dean: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Adam: I need a long word. Dean: T-rex but the long one.
Adam: *running towards Michael with open arms* Michael: *moves out of the way* Adam: Hey, why'd you move?! Michael: I thought you were going to attack me. Adam: I was going to hug you! Michael: Why would you hug me? Adam: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
Dean: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Michael: Someone care to explain why we have 6 dogs in our apartment? Gabe: They're golden retrievers, dude. They retrieve gold. I did this for us.
Adam: Don't ask me what I'm talking about. I don't know, okay? I'm just the vessel. The message has been gifted. I've moved on.
i saw vessel and just copied & pasted-
Gabe: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me. Sam: But they said not to touch the masterpieces. Gabe: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall. Adam, on a walkie talkie: This is Adam, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
*In a group chat* Dean: A pegan just flew into my window. Sam: Pegan? Gabe: A what? Adam: Ah yes, my favourite bird, Pegan. Michael: I thought you said penguin for a second, LMAO! Cas: Just a normal day with flying penguins crashing into my window. Michael: You have pigeons flying into your window? Can't relate, I have penguins flying into my window. Dean: I literally just made a typo-
Gabe: *writing a letter* Gabe: Dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty... And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
Dean: I need to dye my hair. Michael: ... Dean: Or get another tattoo. Michael: ... Dean: Or a new piercing. Michael: Why? Dean: To, you know, appease the mental breakdown gods.
Dean: What did you order this morning? Adam: What do you mean? Dean: I heard you answer the door, and I sensed food.
Dean: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse.
Gabe: Am I going to far? Michael: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
Sam: You three, explain right now! Michael: It was Dean. Adam: It was Dean. Cas: It was Dean. Dean: Dean: 
Adam: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!? Dean, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Gabe: Wow, left handed AND British? You really are an illusion.
Adam: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Michael sitting next to him: 😐😑😐
Adam: Why are you like this?? Dean: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Gabe: You’re my best friend, I would do anything for you. Sam: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Gabe: Absolutely not.
Adam: The floor is lava! Michael: *helps Dean onto the counter* Sam: *kicks Cas off the sofa* Gabe: *lays on the floor* Adam: ...Are you okay? Gabe: No.
Adam: If I fall down these stairs, I'm just going to lay down and accept my fate.
Cas: Can I offer you a nice stick in this trying time?
Adam: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Michael: I wrote you a poem. Adam, already crying:You did?
Cas: Everyone thinks I'm this soft cute person but I'm not! Dean: Cas, you cried for an hour after stepping on a bug yesterday. Cas: It had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and I killed it! Sam: ...It was a bug. Cas: It was a BEETLE, and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is, and I really don't get why you all think I'm so sentimental because I'm not! Dean: ... Sam: ... Cas: Stop looking at me like that!
Michael: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done. Cas: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real. Michael: They're not. Cas: Haha, very funny. Michael: I'm serious. Didn't you hear? Cas: No... what happened? Michael: ...Why would you fall for this again-
Sam: You need to be more careful! Gabe, who was dragged into Sam's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Dean: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection? Michael: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
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no-naem · 1 year
Now I shall put some of my favorites of the unfinished art from the 100 Kayano Days challenge. [Rubs hands together]
These are all in order from old to new, from September 2022 to January 2023.
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It's a hot day. Karma: "I want cuddles, and I can't cuddle Akari (she'd kill me). So..." Nagisa: "You're too hot." Karma: "I know I am." Nagisa: "YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!" Karma: "Cuddle time." Nagisa: "IT'S 31 C!!! AKARI, HELP!!" Akari: "Sorry Nagisa! I have another love to attend to. You're on your own."
(Lol the dialogue is kinda off but I like what I was trying to go for.)
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Aguri lives AU but at what cost. Akari is this đŸ€ close to losing it.
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Adults Kayano, Kanzaki, and Karma went to that one cafe that was doing that collaboration with a popular video game.
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GoM AU, with Akari slowly turning into an antimatter creature. It took a long time for her to transform, and there was no cure to stop this. It wasn't fun, but at least her friends were there for her.
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Kayano and Akari, Deemo AU, based on that one art for ANiMA from the game.
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Okay, THIS one I still like a lot. It takes place in the Okinawa arc, and the concept was that there'd be a montage where each student would use Korosensei's Ultimate Defense Form as a blunt weapon to knock out all of the guards. And then end with Karasuma taking out Takaoka the same way.
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GoM AU again. Nagisa excitedly shows off one of his partners. ...and yes I made antimatter Akari 10 feet tall. :D
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Surprise Koro Q! Based on that one episode from the anime. Imagine if the transformation was permanent.
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Baby shark doo doo doodoodoodoo...onesie.
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Shirt reads: "I am completely normal and not insane I have no desire to harm anyone I am not carrying a weapon." I like the potential chaotic vibes in NagiKae. They're besties.
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Eldritch AU!!! Context: some of the 3E students are eldritch beings, and Kayano is the reincarnation of an ancient being that ruled a whole other dimension filled with other eldritch monstrosities, which she can summon. This AU gave me so many brain worms, yet not enough to help me finish any of them. đŸ˜©
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I have a bleak zombie apocalypse AU. Takes place after their high school graduation, probably after the events of Korotan D? Kayano's half-infected, Nagisa's a zombie, Karma has severe head trauma that he can't fix and it's making him go wack, and Gakushuu's trying to keep everything together.
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I wanted to draw more than one birthday art for Akari and this was one of them. Just her and her big sister...
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This one was gonna be a prank. Forgot about it though LOL.
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The concept was Kayano arriving in limbo, dazed, after getting killed. But Aguri tells her to go back. It's not time yet.
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Aberration AU. Takes place 4 years after canon, right around the time they're in college. The monster behind them is basically both of them. Their memories and DNAs make up the monster. Kayano and Nagisa are unhealthily codependent after being kidnapped and used as experiments for...3 years. 😐 But it's okay. They eventually get rescued and get therapy.
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Kayano twins AU. I was gonna draw a short comic about the twins but I had to give up because I was struggling for some reason. (Why is this pic so LONG???)
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One of the Christmas/Karma birthday ideas. It'd have Karushuu kissing under a mistletoe. Kayano's just here for the desserts, man.
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Eldritch AU. This would be a sequel to Day 88, featuring Kanzaki (she's a time god) instead, but I didn't have enough motivation to finish it.
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This is just Day 93, but Aguri and Korosensei were supposed to be there with her, along with the rest of group 4!! But I ran out of time.
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And finally, this is another limbo situation where the Yukimura sisters would hug each other one last time. But then I thought it was too sad and went for the "Aguri lives" ones.
If you made it all the way to the end, then WOW thanks for reading!! Hope y'all liked reading about my thoughts! There are actually more arts that are unfinished but those are like...really messy lol.
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marshmallowprotection · 1 year
You know the whole thing about Saeran forgiving the people who hurt him and that includes his parents, people seemed so upset by that. But it’s like it’s so complex?
Like as someone with a mother who hit me a lot and was constantly tired in the past. I can’t find it in myself to hate her. I love that the choi twins differ that way. That Saeyoung makes it a point to say it doesn’t forgive them and he’s not shamed for it. But Saeran says he forgives them and isn’t shamed for it either. It’s just how the both of them chose to cope and move on. I find myself relating to Saeran bc of this.
There’s always shows and movies where an abusive parent to child relationship is shown and we see built up resentment which is valid. Those are all valid, hating the people who hurt you and even deciding to put them in a ✹retirement home✹ is valid. But I love my mom so much. We didn’t have a lot and she was disabled living off welfare and social security. And I was always a very sensitive kid. So she didn’t have patience for it or the burdens of life were crippling. She took that out on me as a result. I feel like parental relationships are so complex. I hold grudges against her obviously, a part of me is very angry because of what happened to me resulted. I can’t help but have so much love for her. And I think no one acknowledges that kind of complexity. I felt seen during Saeran’s AE. I never tell anyone this because I get upset if people tell me “wow your mom was a piece of shit” or “she’s a bad mom” like even if that’s technically true, don’t talk bad about my mom 😐 unless someone’s my family I don’t want anyone’s two cents on how I should feel about her.
I love that fact Saeran cried for her, and I found what he said so important. How yeah he was horribly and severely abused, but she’s his mom and after Saeyoung left, she was all he had. And since the difference between SE Saeran and GE Saeran being that one had the choice to escape Mint Eye the choice to seek his own freedom and happiness, the other was forcibly removed and then put in a hospital (even if it was for the best and Saeyoung was out of options). So I found it important that Saeran said regarding how she died, “I never wanted to lose her like that.”
He was never even given a choice to leave his abusive mom. She was just gone one day. They didn’t even find a body. I’m sure he felt lonely and empty, at that moment his mom disappeared without a trace just like Saeyoung did. And he never had the chance to even process his grief, bc for some people a loss is a loss.
I never wanna seem like those type of people who are like “oh but she’s your mother wym you hate her” every victim’s feelings towards those who hurt them are valid. But it never sat right with me that people passed judgment on Saeran for deciding to forgive her. Or saw it as bad writing. Felt hypocritical to me. Like there’s a right way to heal from abuse and Saeran did it “wrong”. It’s not like forgiveness means everything is all water under the bridge.
Basically, if you choose to forgive those that hurt you and that will help you heal? Good on you. If you choose to resent those that hurt you and that will help you heal? That’s just as good too.
I love the choi twins!
You hit the nail on the head. This is personal and circumstantial. As a victim of abuse, you are the only person that gets to decide how you handle your life and the complexities of whatever choice you make in regard to how you feel about your abuser. It's important you make an informed choice based on what you know about yourself.
If you need to talk to other people and spend days, months, years, etc, figuring out what to do? That's perfectly all right, but at the end of the day, you need to be the one that decides how you're going to handle your feelings about the person(s) who abused you. You are also not confined to the choice you make.
If something changes going forward and you feel differently, you are allowed to react that way. If you know you're never going to change your mind, that's also okay. You are the one that knows you the best. Do not let anybody detract from what you know deep inside your heart. There is no right or wrong way to handle this situation.
There is only the choice you make with what feels right for you. What's right for you may not be right for another person and that’s okay.
I don't think anybody should judge Saeran or Saeyoung. They decided what they wanted to do and everybody should respect that choice. It doesn't have to be the choice you make, but they did what was right for them. Frankly, I am so happy that the two of them got to decide what felt right.
There's a reason why you get a good ending by helping Saeran confront his father as opposed to letting Rika handle him. For him to be able to reach the best amount of peace, he needs to confront all of them and find forgiveness in his heart in some capacity. I've gone over the many kinds of forgiveness because there is no single type. He got what he needed. 
Anon, I hope you know you’re not wrong for doing what was right for you. I don't think you're naive and I don't think you're foolish. You know what's right for you and you know how to keep yourself safe. If you know in your heart that the complicated feelings you have are okay, that's all that matters.
When your abuser is a parent, of course, you feel complicated. Society teaches us that we are supposed to love our parents as much as they're supposed to love us. Many abusers had good days and bad days, and that makes it even more complicated for you to come to terms with the fact that they hurt you. Some had a black-and-white situation where their parents weren’t good all the time, and I hope they know they’re justified in feeling what they need to feel, too.
Instead of shaming people or making them feel bad for the decisions that they make to come to terms with what they suffered, we should all be supporting each other and respecting our personal choices. Just because somebody chooses to do something different than you doesn't mean that they're wrong in doing so. You are allowed to have your feelings and they are allowed to have theirs.
As long as you respect and care for each other as fellow survivors of abuse, that's what matters. 
I have my own feelings about the abuse I've suffered. I don't forgive. But, I've been allowed to make that choice and nobody makes me feel bad for it. Nobody should make people who choose to forgive feel ashamed of doing so, however. I find it admirable that there are people that can lighten the load on their hearts by choosing to find some form of forgiveness to find peace. Peace for me won't come through forgiveness. But I salute those that find it in their hearts. 
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Being Nishinoya's Boyfriend
Introduction to Yuu's Grandfather
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Nishinoya Yuu x Male reader
Warnings: pure fluff (who is she đŸ€Ż)
A/N: This is another request from Dragon Anon!
đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ
Top 10 best partners in the HQ world??
Top 10 best partners in the HQ world đŸ„°
Seriously Noya is such an underrated character it's insane
The guardian of Karasuno đŸ„ș
Please he's just out here making sure our bby crows can fly!
He deserves a partner who gives him the world
And that my lovelies is our dearest Yn 😍
Arguable one of the best guys at Karasuno
You first met Yuu when you were both in literature class together
Please Noya knew nothing so YN to the rescue 🩾
Look at you out here making Ennoshita's life easier đŸ€Ł
When you first meet Yuu, he was a bit rough around the edges to say the least
Boy was practically feral ight
But in the best way đŸ„°
Fortunately our amazing Yn had the patience to tame Karasuno'a crazy libero đŸ€Ș
You often became the person Daichi and Suga relied on to help Noya
Please they added you to a group chat that was literally named "YN: Noya's Emergency contact"
They did not use the group chat sparingly
Suga: Noya ate too much again YN 😃
Asahi: sorry YN
Asahi was added later to the chat 😆
When there was too much rolling, not enough thunder, they called you
Daichi: YN SOS
You: 🙄 what now?
Asahi: I'm pretty sure Noya rolled on the ground too much and now he's got motion sickness
Suga: its actually quite the sight YN
You: 😐 omw
Soon your relationship grew from just friends to more than friends
Noya isn't a shy guy at all
If he likes you, he's going to tell you
See Kiyoko for reference
So one day, when you are walking home, Noya just blurts it out
"YN I really like you!"- Noya
You đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜ƒ huh-
"YN I like you as more than a friend and I was kind of wondering if you'd maybe be my boyfriend"- Noya đŸ„șđŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘ˆđŸ»
You đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ‘„đŸ‘ uhh I like you too Yuu
"So... is that a yes??"- Noya
You đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ„° yes
Noya đŸ‘‡đŸ»
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Please the team was so happy to have you around
You literally were so supportive to Noya and all the guys
However, unbeknownst to you, Noya was a little nervous about one tiny thing 😬
Meeting his grandpa...
He had wanted to introduce you as his boyfriend a while ago
But he kept putting it off
He mentioned it to you once and then it kind of just didn't come up again
Finally you approached the subject yourself
"Yuu, when am I going to meet your grandfather?"- you
NoyađŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ‘„đŸ‘ I was hoping you'd forget about that-
It's not that Noya was afraid his grandfather wouldn't approve
No, it was simply because his grandfather was- well, a lot
"You realize I deal with you everyday right?"- you say to Noya
Noya đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ€š excuse me?
YouđŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜ really?
"I'll have you know I'm practically perfect"- Noya đŸ’…đŸŒ
You đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ™„ yes you are
"Anyways, I'm just nervous you'll be a little, well intimidated by him"- Noya
"Yuu, if you love him, I just know I'll love him too because I care about you!"- you say smiling
Noya đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ„ș really??
Which brings us to meeting Mineo Nishinoya
"Wow, you both look so much alike"- you say shaking Noya's grandfathers hand
"You got yourself a good looking one there Yuu!"- Mineo says as he pulls you to sit down
"Please don't break YN grandpa"- Yuu mutters as he sits down
"This one's sturdy! I doubt I'll break him. He speaking of breaking, let me show you some of Noya's pictures from when he was a kid! He was so scared he'd break his entire body" Mineo says rushing to get the baby books
Noya đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ˜ dear god I regret everything
Over dinner, Mineo shares stories from his childhood as well as stories from Yuu's
It's freaking precious
You listen intently and laugh as Mineo tells you everything there is to know about Yuu
"You know, I never thought Yuu would ever bring someone home. But boy am I glad he finally did. You are a very nice young man" Mineo says slapping you on the shoulder
"Please don't break YN grandpa, Daichi needs him incase of emergencies"- Yuu says
"You mean Daichi needs me incase YOU have emergencies"- you say
Mineo laughs "sounds like my Yuu"
On your way out, Mineo pulls you aside
"Take care of him for me"- Mineo says
"I will sir. It was very nice to meet you"- you say
"Will you two stop talking already!"- Noya yells
"Hold your horses!"- You and Mineo yell simultaneously
"Dear God help me"- Noya says smacking his face
Idk Noya, seems like you got a winner to me đŸ„°
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