#and tony and two kids hugging on the floor
idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #131
Tony Stark has been kidnapped. Barely a year after saving the universe, and fresh out of a coma -- he's gone. Everyone is doing everything they possibly can to find him. The Avengers, the government, the cops, everyone.
Well... everyone except Morgan. Nobody will let her help.
Irritated, determined, alone, and terrified, Morgan finally decides to take matters into her own hands. 
Her mom wants to keep her away from the search. The Avengers and other adults won't take her seriously. But she knows of one hero who might support her. A hero known for guiding kids to their lost parents (though usually the kid is the lost one, but her mom always says her dad is immature so he probably counts).
She remembers her dad's stories. This hero would understand her need to help, to do something, too.
It's weird that nobody has thought to call this person in for the search anyway, and it's weirder that FRIDAY doesn't seem to have any info on them, but Morgan is persistent.
She sets out to ask Spider-Man to help her find her missing dad.
This is a remix of an old fic idea (#44, which no one has done yet btw!) that I just thought of ^_^
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wileys-russo · 6 months
stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
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stuck with me II k.cooney cross x reader
"-so i said we would babysit for a few hours." kyra shrugged, dropping two bags onto your bed as you raised an eyebrow. "you mean i'll babysit. when the kids are around you are not the responsible adult in the situation ky." you raised an eyebrow as your girlfriend pulled a face and kissed your cheek.
"don't act like you wouldn't have said yes in a heartbeat. everyone knows you're harleys favorite anyway!" kyra cheesed hitting you where she knew would work, your ego. "can't argue with the facts. what's in the bags?" you sighed and questioned with narrowed eyes as kyra clapped happily.
"i know its not december yet but i thought since we're as close as we'll ever get to being in the snow for christmas and its the last camp for the year we could-" the girl jumped onto the bed and rifled through the bags. "-build gingerbread houses and make ornaments!" she pulled out the boxes with a gleeful grin and you melted at her obvious delight.
"where did you even get these?" you laughed, picking up one of the diy bauble kits and reading through. "kyra! this very clearly says ages 10 and up, harper and harley are not 10!" you warned, eyebrows furrowing at the toxic warning for the glue.
"it's fine babe! we'll be supervising and doing it with them the entire time." kyra waved off your worries, moving onto her knees and knocking the box from your grip, hands pawing at your hoodie.
"baby!" you laughed as she yanked you down onto the bed and hovered over you with a grin, attacking your face with kisses. "now say; thank you kyra. you are so smart kyra, what a great idea kyra!" she demanded cheekily between kisses.
"like the sound of your own name do you cooney cross?" you teased, grabbing the back of her neck and guiding her lips to meet your own, smiling happily at the waves of pleasure which washed over you at the feeling of her soft lips moving against yours.
but the moment was cut short as rapid knocks sounded, all too familiar voices crying out for the door to open as you gently pushed your girlfriend off of you, pecking her pouty lips a few times and watching her face light up as you promised to resume what you started later on.
you'd not even opened the door more than a few centimeters before two tiny bodies barreled inside, darting through your legs with gleeful cheers as kyra dropped down to the floor to grab both young girls in a bear hug.
"thank you for this." katrina sighed gratefully pulling you into a hug, having been called into an unexpected zoom meeting with some perspective new clubs for the afternoon.
"neither of them have napped so they should hopefully crash within the hour." tameka added on, down for press conference duty with tony this afternoon. "please, like ky will let them sleep." you chuckled, the midfielder calling out hello's to both older women who smiled seeing her spinning around both harley and harper in her arms.
"call us if anything happens yeah?" katrina warned as you nodded, promising you would and taking the girls backpacks from tameka as you waved them off, both their daughters yelling out goodbye before the door closed and they were gone.
"and where's my hug?" you gasped, crossing your arms feigning annoyance as both girls tried to scramble for you, kyra trapping harper in her arms as harley leapt her small body off the bed causing you to scramble to catch her.
"i'm like a superhero!" the three year old grinned as you twirled her round, blowing a raspberry to her cheek. "let her go!" you laughed at your girlfriend as harper wiggled and whined in her grip.
"what are we doing today?" harley asked eagerly, jumping up and down on the bed once you placed her back down, scooping up harper and flinging her up and into the air, catching her as the girl giggled.
"well. aunty ky has some cool activities for us to do, but only if you're on your best behavior." you warned with a smile, both girls yelling that they were good over and over as kyra moved to grab the bags. "okay okay! we get it, you're good girls." you laughed, taking harleys outstretched hands and swinging her around like you knew she wanted.
"okay!" kyra clapped for everyones attention as you took a seat on the bed, harley scrambling to sit on your lap as harper tucked herself into your side, making you grin as her little head wedged its way under your arm.
"we're gonna make...." kyra trailed off, drumming her hands on the nightstand as the suspense built. "gingerbread houses!" she yelled happily, causing you to wince as the two girls beside you screeched in delight.
"ky, i really don't think its a good idea to let them eat so much." you warned, harley sat on your lap as harper sat on hers, both of you tucked up against the desk in the corner building your respective gingerbread houses.
you'd watched with a sigh as kyra would every now and then allow both girls to consume a lolly, which eventually escalated into her giving them permission to eat whatever they wanted so long as they left some to decorate with.
"why? it's fine!" your girlfriend waved it off, moving to help harper glue a few candy canes to the roof of their house. polar opposite to theirs, harley had wanted a much more organised look, taking her time to make sure it was neat and tidy which made you smile.
"because kyra, what goes in must come out!" you warned, already starting to see harper perk up a little more. "what? they won't throw up they're little but they're not babies." kyra scoffed with a roll of her eyes, whining as you reached over to sharply pinch her thigh.
"hey! mummy says no pinching." harper piped out with a scowl in your direction as kyra stuck her tongue out at you, dismissing your worries and returning to helping harper as harley bounced in your lap demanding your attention.
turns out, you were of course correct.
"woah woah! where did you get these?" your eyes widened as you scooped up harley and grabbed a pair of craft scissors out of her hand. "found em." the girl beamed, wiggling to be put down as you tucked her under your arm.
"kyra that is a terrible idea." you warned sternly as the midfielder pulled out the ornament making kit.
"no its not it'll give them something to do with their energy." the brunette huffed, practically pinning harper down who was doing her best impression of a lion, teeth nashing and trying to bite the older girl.
"harps no biting!" you groaned, adjusting harley under your arm who was furiously trying to get away. "see what you did!" you scowled at your girlfriend in annoyance, putting harley down and grabbing harper.
"three minutes for biting." you warned, sitting her down in a chair facing the wall. "harper." you repeated in a serious tone as she tried to get up, the toddler sitting back down and crossing her arms frowning adorably.
"kyra!" you whined seeing her setting harley up with a bauble and a glue gun. "you got any better ideas babe?" the girl raised an eyebrow challengingly. "nap time?" you sighed, wincing as two very loud protests were yelled back at you.
"not on the bed." you grabbed harley under her arms and swung her into a chair as kyra moved beside her. "done now?" harper peeked over the top of her own chair as you sighed again. "done biting?" you questioned with crossed arms as harper nodded.
"go on." you gestured for her to get up as she ran over to kyra, climbing up into her lap as you stepped out to go to the bathroom and clear your head, the christmas music kyra insisted on blasting from her phone not helping the chaos.
"see babe? piece of cake!" kyra chirped quietly, nudging her shoulder into yours as the two of you stared down at the pair of sleeping girls in bed. "they're covered in glitter." you sighed running a hand through your hair with a shake of your head.
"occupational hazard, it washes off." kyra dismissed your concerns with a wave. "come on baby. we did good! no one got hurt, nothing got broken, they're safe and fast asleep." kyra pressed a kiss to your cheek as you rolled your eyes.
"high five for top babysitters!" kyra murmured happily, holding up her hand and wiggling her eyebrows. "you are such a child sometimes." you sighed but smacked your hand into hers none the less.
but when you tried to pull away, alarm bells sounded.
"kyra. why is your hand stuck to mine?" you asked calmly, your girlfriend shrinking a little at the question.
"please tell me you washed the glue off." you spoke again, the brunette avoiding your eyes as you pinched the bridge of your nose with your free hand.
before you could say another word there was gentle knocks at the door, your girlfriend hissing a little in pain as you yanked her toward it by your conjoined hands. "hope they weren't any trouble?" katrina smiled, her and tameka moving inside as you and kyra backed off.
"no trouble! never trouble." kyra replied nervously, katrina instantly picking up on the shift in tone, shooting the younger girl a weird look over her shoulder as she picked up a still sleeping harper.
"do some arts and crafts did we?" tameka laughed at the glitter all over harley who stirred. "we'll drop the baubles off once they dry." you smiled nodding to the desk where they sat among a pile of glitter. "they're so cute." tameka grinned, kyra having done her best to help them both write their names.
"really cute." katrina echoed, though her tone conveyed suspicion as you and kyra did your best to hide your conjoined hands. "well we have to shower and get ready for dinner!" you smiled nodding toward the door, tameka thanking you both and promising she owed you one before leaving.
"you right min?" kyra smiled nervously as the shorter woman stared you both down. "fine. what are you two hiding?" she adjusted harper in her arms, eyes narrowing again as you both rambled out nothing. "its my fault." kyra blurted out as you glared and rammed your elbow into her side.
"ky shut up!" "what is your fault?"
"babe!" you groaned as kyra held up your stuck together hands. "i don't get it." katrina frowned on confusion. "they're stuck together. i had glue on my hands and i didn't wash it off and then we high fived and-" her nervous ramblings were cut off by the laughter from the woman in front of you.
"oh my you two are unbelievable. good luck! see you at dinner." with that she quickly left the room, ignoring the two of you calling after her for help.
your girlfriend withered at the glare you fixed her with, the two of you taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "where did you get the kits from?" you asked firmly, your girlfriend stuttering out an answer as you grabbed her phone and did a quick google, which proved to be incredibly challenging with one hand.
punching in the number you dialed the store kyra snuck out to you quickly explained what happened to the manager who assured there was a dissolvent they could order in to arrive tomorrow morning, the canadian clearly unable to hold back his amusement as you thanked him and hung up.
thankfully the game was not until the weekend as you explained the situation to kyra, the blunt tone of your voice meaning she knew exactly how pissed off with her you were.
"baby." you turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "what?"
"there's no one i'd rather be stuck with than you?"
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asterias-record-shop · 3 months
moan our name (p.p. (t.h.) & p.p. (a.g.))
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(No forgotten memories, Peter 1 isn’t with MJ, Peter 3 is with you, never got with Gwen — in Peter 1’s world you’re this college girl he has a crush on.) When experimenting with a Sling Ring you found with your boyfriend, you couldn’t believe it when you both fell into a portal in another Spider-Man’s room. — 1.3k words
“Babe, I thought you said you weren’t going to keep messing with that thing?”
Peter was concerned for you, mainly because he was worried about your safety. He really didn’t want you to fall through a portal with no way to get home like he did.
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“I’m just trying…” you muttered, humming softly as you attached a clip to it. “To see if it’s a conductor.”
Peter snorted as he came behind you, letting his arms wrap around your torso, softly pressing kisses to your temple. “Why do you need it as a conductor, baby?”
“To see if I can put its powers into something like a bracelet or something,” you muttered in response, heavily focused until it blitzed slightly. You gasped when it did so, and Peter jumped slightly as flickers of gold started to pour out through the ring, proceeding to sink down into some sort of ring-like portal.
“Son of a bit-”
Peter didn’t get to finish before you both fell down what seemed to be a portal like when Peter fell through one a few months ago and helped save another universe. Peter quickly uses his powers to shoot a web at you, pulling you into his chest and twisting so he makes impact with the floor instead of you.
He grunted as you looked around, inhaling as you sat up in his lap, letting your eyes trail the posters in the high apartment that seemed as though it cost more than all of Peter’s lab. “Where are we?”
Peter looks around, sighing thankfully. “Oh thank fuck.”
“What? Peter, where are we?” You asked as you slowly stood up, helping your boyfriend up as he softly kissed your head.
“We’re on the other Peter’s earth,” he mumbled into your hair, thankful that you were okay. “Remember I told you about him?”
You swallowed, about to nod before someone yelled.
“Peter 3!”
Your boyfriend pulled away, smiling when he saw the other brunette. “Peter 1!”
He was about to give your boyfriend a hug before he noticed you, his face immediately flushing. “Y/N?!”
Peter 3 paused, looking from Peter 1 from you to Peter. “You have a Y/N here?”
Peter 1 swallowed, nodding — he had literally just got off to the thought of you. Well, his you.
“Oh, you’re Peter 1!” You said as you stepped forward, offering your hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you! My Peter has told me all about you.”
Your Peter grinned when you called him ‘my Peter,’ watching as you stepped forward to greet the other Peter. Still, Peter 1 was shocked when you touched him, the firm shake of your hand making his jaw go slack.
“This must be Tony Stark’s empire you took over,” your Peter said as you stepped back, face scrunching slightly.
“Who’s Tony Stark?”
“His… dad, I believe,” your Peter said as you looked around. “We don’t have a Tony Stark. Or, a famous one at least.”
“Wait! Do they have Goblin?” You asked as you turned around, almost as though you needed to prepare before your Peter laughed as he walked over to you.
“You don’t have to worry, baby,” he whispered, softly kissing your lips as Peter 1 looked away, putting his hand over his groin area to try and hide himself from getting hard again. Your Peter noticed this, smiling as he pulled away and looked over at Peter 1.
“You mind if we crash here? Until we figure out how to get back,” he hummed as he softly brushed his hand down your back. “My darling girl was trying to put the ring’s power into some bracelets.”
Peter 1 nodded frantically. “Y-Yeah, of course,” he whispered, swallowing. “I’ll call Dr. Strange so he can get you both back.”
Your Peter grinned as you yawned into his chest. “Thanks, kid.”
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Peter 1 was upset. Very upset.
For one, you were even nicer than he could ever imagine – and he hated it.
For two, you both were stuck here until the wall between the worlds were thin enough again.
For three, the walls in the Stark Tower were thin with his enhanced hearings. Very, very thin. So much so that he was jacking himself off everytime you both had sex, just like he was doing right now.
He knew you were on your third orgasm. Peter 3 had barely just came, and you were about to cum, but Peter 3 knew just what he was doing.
“Come on baby, come on… moan my name, moan my name baby,” he groaned, the squelching of your pussy bouncing off the walls. He could only imagine how wet you were, the wet thrusts matching his pace of Peter 1 pumping his cock.
He had came just as many times as you had, mainly because he was so desperate to fuck you. What kind of coincidence was it that Peter 3 and you were together?
The thought made him pump his fist faster. He couldn’t stop, he was so so desperate to feel you.
“P-Peter, Peter!” You wailed, sobbing as you threw your head back, the bed continuing to slam into the wall. “I-I’m going to cum!”
Your Peter laughed. “Aw baby, you’re such a good girl… keep moaning my name, moan our name…”
That made Peter 1s eyes fly open.
Oh, he truly knew what he was doing.
It didn’t take Peter 1 long to get up, not even covering his cock as he walked through the halls and banged on the door.
“Ah, took him long enough, my darling…”
“Fuck you!” Peter 1 yelled, not even waiting for Peter 3 to open the door because he knew damn well he wouldn’t pull out of you – because Peter 1 wouldn’t either – stepping inside and stripping his clothes.
“W-We had a bet,” you giggled tiredly, inhaling. “Peter already stretched me out from behind.”
So that’s where he was fucking you earlier.
And so, Peter 1 wasted no time walking toward the bed before your Peter fixed the position of both of you, pulling you into his lap, spreading your legs with his thighs. “Like hell I was going to let you fuck her pretty cunt.”
To be completely honest, Peter 1 would take whatever he could get.
So he kneeled behind you, slowly steadying himself before snapping his hips forward to push into your ass. A loud wail left your lips, your teasing finally biting you in the ass as both Peter’s slowly started to fuck into you in sync.
Peter 1s thrusts were a lot more unsteady, almost as though he was still questioning what was going on, but your Peter’s thrusts were strong and rough.
He looked so pretty under you, sweat dripping down his temple as Peter 1 slowly fucked you from behind, moaning loudly as he kissed your shoulder blade. He was starting to get rougher, and the fact that two men were fucking you at now very different paces made your mind blur as their hands roam your body.
At this point, you truly were just a toy for them – and they were determined to use you like that.
“Come on baby, does it feel too good that you’re silent? Huh? Make some fucking noise,” your Peter basically snarled as his teeth graze your jaw, but that’s truly what you were feeling – you felt so good that you could barely make any noise, only with your mouth agape.
A soft sob fell from your mouth as you finally gave into your pleasure, your mouth wide open as you started to groan loudly. Your stomach felt like it was being penetrated, but it didn’t hurt at all, or you didn’t register that it was hurting.
Their hands squeezed and groped your body, their lips kissing every inch of your skin as you let out another sob. “Fuck, fuck! I-I gotta cum, I need to cum, please let me cum!”
Both Peters basically laughed in unison, a groan falling from your Peter's lips.
“Cum. We have until that portal gets figured out to fuck you.”
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I do not ever give consent to my work being published on other platforms or being translated at any point, even if it is a request. If my work is on any other platform, it’s without my permission. Your media consumption is not my responsiblity.
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© asterias-record-shop
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So imagine a fic based off the song "boy in the bubble" by Alec Benjamin where reader gets in a fight on the way home from school the one time she doesn't walk with Peter. Preferably have her father be Tony Stark and he'd take place of the mother in the story.
first, i wanted to say that i loved writing this and i love song prompts :) i hope you enjoy this !!
second, i want to apologize to the anon who told me i better not disappear for months because oops–
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WARNINGS (18+ MDNI) — hurt reader, mentions of blood, mentions of pain/wounding, swearing.
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Typically, stepping into your downtown apartment on a Friday evening would be more exciting for you. It meant that your week of stuck–up students and nerve–wracking tests could be long forgotten. It meant that you had the weekend to live freely from academic cages. At the beginning of that day, you would’ve thought today would be like any other Friday; with Peter accompanying you and your father for dinner like every week.
But Peter didn’t walk back with you.
Your tired limbs ripped from the floor with every step, hobbling out of the elevator with as much grace as you had room to carry. That room was slim, making space for the array of bruises and blood tainting your clothing. You carried the last bit of dignity you could, and tried to replace the sinister words spat at you from your attacker:
“What a weak, pathetic excuse for a Stark.”
See, till now, you’d been grateful to be excused from the attention and popularity that accompanied your title. You didn’t care for followers or anything that catered to your birthright. Your father was your best friend, and you were lucky to be a Stark just to have his light in your life. However, there were some who weren’t like your classmates or peers — people who hated the Stark name, and wouldn’t rest until the family name died at their hand.
Tonight, you’d met the first of who knows how many. The thought alone sent a serpent–like shiver down your body.
And Peter wasn’t with you.
The fumes of Tony Stark’s cooking filled your senses as you limped further into your family room. You consciously knew you were late for dinner, but the pain throbbing throughout your body put that knowledge on the back burner. The sunset was just beyond the apartment windows, and it made you wonder whether Peter had beaten you to your own house or not. It was 6:48 after all, he was bound to be there.
You’d nearly forgotten that the subtle ping of the elevator doors announced your arrival. You heard your dad set down his spatula. “You kids are late.” He greeted, hollering from the kitchen. “I hope you two didn’t stop for Delmar’s on your way back!” You processed the undertones as your knees gave out, left hand pressing into the top of the sofa back.
White knuckles gripped onto your couch as you tried to gain your balance, wincing through gritted teeth. Your right arm remained hugging your abdomen, palm pressed onto a sore–spot on your torso. Every fiber in your body ached for some sense of relief. To sit down. You were a bit too stubborn for your own liking, trying to hike up the steps and get to your room without being spotted—
“Jesus Christ!” Your father cried from the archway of the dining room. You heard his hurried steps across the hard–wood flooring, almost too nervous to meet his eyes. He made his way over quickly, and the first thing you noticed through your periphery was the ‘kiss the cook’ apron he kept tied around his waistline. “Kid, what the hell happened?” Your dad crouched down beside you, finally locking eyes with you.
The cold air hitting your eyes made you realize just how quick the tears were welling. You swallowed the lump in your throat, whether it was sobs or embarrassment or dried blood from thrown punches. “I was jumped.” Your bottom lip trembled a bit before you mustered the words out.
Your dad scanned over your body, eying just how tattered your clothes were, and how much blood painted your outfit. His eyes glistened with a parental look— a look shimmering with something mixed of worry and sadness and anguish and apology. “And Peter wasn’t with you?”
That confirmed that your best friend, in fact, had not beaten you to your apartment.
And for some reason, it made things all the more worse. Your jaw clenched a bit, both of concern and frustration. Disappointment nagged at the corners of your lips as you shook your head. “No, he said he’d meet me here later.” Your imagination got the best of you, replaying your evening but if Peter actually had been with you. The thought alone made you shutter. “But it was probably for the best.”
“Did he say what he was doing?” The look in his eyes said something that he wasn’t communicating. They said something unspoken that made you feel like there were things that you weren’t being told.
You ignored it, feeling a surge of pain in your abdomen. A quiet hiss fought its way up your throat. “He didn’t. But it’s fine.” No, it wasn’t. “Peter can’t throw a punch to save his life.”
A laugh actually left your father’s lips. “You’d be surprised.” He muttered, his tone speaking the same tongue that his eyes were. There was definitely something that you didn’t know, but your intuition couldn’t place its finger on what.
It wasn’t your fault that you were oblivious to your best friend’s vigilante status. You were kept in the dark about what web–slinging activities Peter Parker kept behind closed doors. Tony and Peter kept it secret that you were best friends with Spider–Man. They hadn’t let the news slip yet, and Tony wasn’t about to. They both agreed it was in your best interest to keep you safe.
Apparently, their efforts weren’t enough.
Your eyebrow rose, trying to cut through the bullshit. “Are you kidding, Dad?” You asked, maintaining eye contact as your father rose from his crouched position beside you. “It’s Peter Parker we’re talking about here. He wouldn’t even kill a fly.”
Tony’s hands creased his hips, shoulders shrugging gently with his response. “I don’t know, hon. He told me May had him take Karate years back.” He didn’t leave time for a response as his eyes trailed back down to the developing bruises along your arms. Seeing the crusting crimson on his daughter’s body was a sight that made him lose his appetite. “I’ll go grab my medical kit. You’re lucky that Pepper taught me a thing or two before she got promoted.”
The room fell quiet as Tony put pause on dinner and soon rushed back over with a first–aid kit. You didn’t want to stain any furniture, so you managed to sit on a wooden coffee table until you were given further instruction.
It didn’t take long before your mind wandered off to worry about Peter, and what could be keeping him so long. He did tell you before you’d parted ways that he’d join you guys for dinner? Right? You swore that he told you he’d be there by 6:30, and even you were late. Thinking back to the details made you recall some harsh memories. Your wounds throbbed at the recollection of how they came to be, and the blood that was shed, and the words that were spat…
“What a weak, pathetic excuse for a Stark—”
“We should call Bruce.” Your dad’s voice of concern and reason brought you back to the moment. All you could do was stare. You hadn’t noticed that he’d started to examine your wounds, or just how defeated and pained for you he was.
The look made your stomach twist at the insults your own self–critic threw back at you.
Before you knew it, you were standing up, choking back a wince, fighting against yourself. “No! No– it’s just a few scratches. It’s fine.” Was it? Even though the pain was searing, and you wobbled as you stepped to the bathroom. Clearly your father was overreacting. He had to be. You weren’t weak.
Tony followed your footsteps, treading close behind in case you were to trip. “Hon, I’m serious! You look like you went through a paper shredder!”
You looked at him with a grimace, disbelief shone in your eyes. Almost as if he were calling you pathetic. “Don’t make it so intense! I’m sure it’s—” You halted. Everything froze. The air sucked right back into your lungs at the sight of your bloodied figure in the mirror. Flicking on the light, you couldn’t breathe.
The color palette that covered your body could’ve painted an entire canvas worth; the shirt you wore was hanging onto your shoulders with two threads and a miracle, not to mention the slashes at the thighs of your jeans. You’d nearly forgotten that your attacker had such a thick knife until you saw it— saw yourself. A shiver snaked down the length of your spine, leaving a splintering chill behind it.
It wasn’t until Tony turned off the bathroom light that you’d realized you were staring at yourself. He carefully grabbed your hand, leading you back into the living room. “We don’t have to call Bruce, but can I at least clean you up a bit?”
You didn’t have the words to respond to him. A nod was all you could muster before he sat you back down at the coffee table. “Should I– uh.. Should I shower first?”
Tony shook his head beside you. “Until I figure out if you need stitching, no.” He went to investigate the damage, but hesitated, trying to navigate an approach. “Sweetheart? You decent enough to take your shirt off? I could grab you a blanket if that would help–”
But before your dad finished his thought, you went to try and peel off your shirt. It was a lot more difficult than you thought. Painful, too. You were cold and hot and sweaty and sticky and pins and needles dug their way into your limbs each time they moved. You were grateful your dad didn’t even pause before assisting you. He grabbed his medical scissors, snipping off the sleeves of your top.
You and your dad were really comfortable with one another, so this didn’t bother you. You were more blinded by the burns and the harshness to each ache and blemish coating your limbs and torso. Daggers upon daggers of pins and needles sunk into your flesh, yet it hurt you the most to know that you had to present yourself so battered and bruised to your dad. It made you feel so…useless. So…pathetic.
A minute of silence passed, filled with nothing but pity and the sear in your eyes, holding back tears. You wanted to be strong. You needed to be strong. Showing weakness would mean that your attacker was right. Your throat burned, swallowing hard and pushing back your damaged narrative. The feeling of how feeble you felt.
The subtle ping from the elevator made your blood run cold. Your head snapped up to look at who entered the apartment, eyes wide and teary when they met the pair of Peter Parker. And the second he jogged out of the elevator, he stopped dead in his tracks. He gasped quietly, staring back at you with the same gaping eyes.
You didn’t see the way Tony glared at Peter from beside you, but you felt the way he’d stopped inspecting you. Peter walked closer, taking cautious steps as he minimized the distance. “What happened?” His voice was gentle, perhaps because he noticed the tears coating your cheeks.
Wiping your eyes, you realized your hands were trembling. Your whole body shook from the endured trauma, and you shivered like you were in the midst of a blizzard. Had you been shaking that whole time? You didn’t have time to overthink it. You felt like you were being whisked away into a whirlwind of panic.
Tony stood up, his expression crossed with some unspoken irritation. “I need to finish dinner.” His words were short. “Kid, could you help patch her up? She mainly just needs disinfectant.” There was no room for response from Peter before your father started walking. You didn’t see him leave, but you felt the gentle kiss he placed on your head before he left one final comment with Peter:
“And you and I are going to have a talk later.”
You weren’t sure what was going on with the two. Quite frankly, you weren’t sure what was going on in general. Shaking like this, being emotional like this, it was far from anything you were used to.
It felt like you were being violated, forced open, naked— and that wasn’t just because you were without a shirt. You felt exposed, and you couldn’t hide anymore. There was nowhere you could go and nothing you could do to shield from the fact that you were vulnerable right now.
Peter sat in front of you, kneeling so that you could see him. So that he could see you. “Hey..” His voice got soft, gentler, and somehow it broke you. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth to try and stop the way it shuttered. Metal lingered on your tongue and your throat felt hollow and thick with the cries you held back. But Peter was your best friend, and he knew you.
He knew how stubborn you were with your own emotions, and how guarded you kept yourself from showing that part to other people. He knew that you couldn’t hide forever, either. And maybe he’d figured that out when his right hand went to cradle your face, and the tears finally washed away the walls you’d been keeping up.
Somehow seeing him safe was your undoing. The downfall of the avalanche you’d been hobbling in attempt to support, but you couldn’t seal the dam anymore. The relief of knowing that Peter was unharmed, the ease to all your worries, it made you forget why you’d been trying to stop your tears in the first place.
Your body broke out into violent shivers the second you let it, and your shoulders shook with every sob. Peter didn’t say anything. He merely took you into his arms and held you to him, careful not to press against any wound. It terrified you to think about what would’ve happened had Peter walked home with you, unbeknownst to you that he probably would’ve protected you from any of this happening in the first place.
It took you a minute or two to cry it out before Peter set you back on the coffee table. It seemed effortless to pick you up, and that made you realize just how strong he was. Your dad was right, Peter did surprise you.
Peter knew exactly how to mend these kinds of wounds, too. Where did he learn? It might always be a mystery. Still, it came in handy now. He draped his zip–up jacket over your shoulders, before dabbing a cloth of rubbing alcohol against every cut on your torso. He was so focused. Tensed jaw and creased eyebrow, not wavering for a second until you gained the courage to ask him a question. You took a shaky breath.
“Peter?” You murmured, immediately grabbing his attention. Peter glanced at you, the cold glisten in his focused stare began to thaw when he did. He took a breath, perhaps needing to be broken from the train of thought he’d started to entertain. With his attention, you took another breath, nervous.
Your fingers gripped the edge of the coffee table with white knuckles. If you’d been any stronger, maybe you’d broken the table, or even your fingers. “Do you.. think I’m–” You had to suck in another chunk of air just to muster out that taunting, despicable word. “Weak?” Even in your efforts to say it straight, your voice broke in an instant.
Without a beat, his eyes met yours again and he stopped everything he was doing. “Weak?” He repeated back. “No.” The word was so instantly rejected, you’d almost felt stupid bringing it up in the first place. “You’re so far from weak, Y/N. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”
Your hands went to hide your face, too ashamed of how quickly you broke before him. From the solitude behind your fingers, you couldn’t see the way Peter also broke at the words. He wasn’t sobbing as you were, but he couldn’t help the sulking of his shoulders. Peter truly blamed himself for this. Setting down the rag, gently wrapping his fingers around your wrists. “Anyone who thinks you’re weak is blind to who you are. That, or they’re idiotically stupid.” He spoke softly, pulling your hands from your face.
“You’re the most courageous person. The amount of bullshit you put up with, and the reporters you call out– Fuck, I can’t even imagine walking away from a fight like you did tonight..” His words of endearment warmed your heart. “You’ve seen the unthinkable, are still going, and you think you’re weak?” He shook his head. “Impossible.”
You and Peter stared for a beat or two before he stood up, carefully helping you to your feet. “I think you’re all set to shower. Do you want me to walk you upstairs?”
Taking a breath, you took Peter’s words to heart. You got this. “I think I’ll be okay.” Ignoring the shakiness in your voice, you took paces to the stairwell. “If I’m not back in thirty, you have permission to make sure I didn’t pass out.”
Peter cracked a small smile at you, “Noted. Text me if you need anything!” He added the offer, to which he saw you nod to, and he caught a glimpse of your timid smile. He knew you’d be okay, but it still didn’t shake the weight of how to blame he was. The sound of Tony clearing his throat from the kitchen only seemed to remind him. And with a second clearing of his throat, Peter realized that Tony was trying to communicate.
Walking into the kitchen, Peter saw Tony leaned back against the counter, arms crossed with a cold stare. “Mister Stark, I–”
“Where the hell were you tonight?”
The tone changed the entire atmosphere. No amount of savory fragrances from the cuisine could take away from the fact that Peter was in trouble.
Peter’s shoulders squared at the intensity carried with Tony’s aggravation. He took a breath, pausing in the doorway. “Sir, there was an armed–”
Tony’s fist met the marble counter in a startle. “Damn it, Pete!” Kid couldn’t get a word in if he tried. “Damn it, you had one job!” His index finger went up to emphasize his point.
“What was I supposed to do??” Peter felt like he was fighting a losing battle. “I had no idea what was going to happen!” In the midst of his hushed defense, his voice broke a bit from the weight of his guilt. “Mister Stark.. I think it’s time we tell her.”
A scoff was what Peter was met with. A rush of air caught on Tony’s disbelief, throat, and dismissal. “We’d tell Y/N what? That you’re Spider–Man? That we’ve been lying for this long?”
It was a tough call, and Peter knew that. Peter also knew that Tony couldn’t keep this shit up any longer than he could. “She deserves to know!” He planned to plead his case. “Whoever attacked her tonight planned this. It wasn’t by chance, she was targeted–”
“You don’t know that—”
“And you don’t either!” Peter wasn’t about to get cut off again. He let out some of the steam he’d began to bottle. “The way she’s acting.. Something’s off about what happened. And I think she deserves to know why I wasn’t there to defend her tonight.”
As much as the two had raised their voices, or grown to anger, they let the reality of the evening sink into the space between them. The thickened air sat within the walls as they both took a breath and collected themselves. Tony’s expression melted, and he finally reached over to turn off the stove.
Dinner was almost ready.
The back of Tony’s hips met the marble countertop behind him, supporting his weight as he crossed his arms, looking at Peter sympathetically. “Look, kid. I don’t blame you for what happened tonight.”
A weight or two instantly lifted from Peter’s guilty–conscious. “I know.” He lied.
Tony’s lips curled ever so slightly at the hasty quip. “As much as I agree with your conspiracy theories on Y/N’s attacker, I don’t know if coming clean about everything will solve this.”
There was a subtle sinking to Peter’s mending optimism. “Then when do you plan to tell her?”
A pause. Tony sighed, releasing a breath he’d been holding since Peter’s spider bite. “I don’t know..” Genuinity. Tony’s paternal protocol kicked in, and he wasn’t sure how to navigate it entirely.
On the one hand, his daughter deserved to know the truth. You deserved to know the truth. His wisdom and knowledge was such a curse when it came to fatherhood, because while being honest was what his role as a father called for, logic came right back to remind him of just how many lies were piled on top of each other. What if there was no coming back from this?
Tony shrugged, appearing more open to the idea of being truthful. “I’ll tell you what.” He started, “You tell me how you’d suggest telling Y/N you’re Spider–Man, and I’ll consider it–”
“Peter’s what?”
Ice. The room turned to ice too quickly, both Tony and Peter snapping their heads to look at you in the doorway. They hadn’t noticed you’d been listening. You’d been standing there for who knows how long, considering that you hadn’t even showered yet.
Both of the men in front of you exchanged glances of sheer panic before Tony cleared his throat to get your attention. He held up the frying pan, looking you dead in the eyes with the most false–confidence you’d ever seen your father carry.
“Dinner’s ready.” His voice cracked.
Yeah, there was absolutely no coming back from this.
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natashaslesbian · 4 months
From the ‘Tiny Dancer’ series
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Summary: when looking for your mama you find her cuddling with Steve. Natasha has to face the new challenge of telling you the truth about the new love in her life
Word Count: 1.7k
Parings: (Kid!Reader x Mom!Natasha) (Romanogers) (Kid!Reader x Steve)
“Mama?” You called out into the hallway and your feet padded along the floor “mommy?” You called again. As soon as auntie Kate went to use the bathroom you took the opportunity to search for your mama. You missed Natasha so much, although she had only been gone for a few hours. You knew she was still in the tower, Kate said she was busy working. “Mommy where are you?” You said as you pushed open her office door, the empty chair causing you to frown. You hobbled down the stairs to the gym, somewhere that you were not supposed to go without supervision. Maybe Natasha was training.
“Little spider?” Clint said when he heard you shuffling across the floor “what are you doing down here” he said as he came to kneel in front of you “I can’t find mommy” you frowned “do you know where she is?” You asked “is she not in her office kiddo?” Your uncle said as he pulled you to sit on your knee “no, I looked there” you drew your gaze away from Clint’s gaze “I’m sorry for coming to the gym by myself, I just wanna find mama” you sighed as you wiped your nose. Clint pulled out the handkerchief he kept special for you “it’s alright y/n” he said as he gently wiped your stuffy nose “do you want me to help you find mom?” You nodded “yes please”
You searched the kitchen, the living area, your bedroom, mommy’s bedroom and even auntie Yelena’s room but you couldn’t find Natasha anywhere. Meanwhile on the towers rooftop gardens, Clint was talking a panicked Kate down from her rambling “I thought she might have gotten up here and I was so scared!” She spat out “it’s alright, she’s down in her bedroom” Clint said “she’s waiting for me there” he guided Kate back down into the tower to your bedroom. “Y/n oh my goodness!” Your aunt said as she rushed into your bedroom “don’t you ever do that again you scared me” you dropped your gaze, thinking you were in trouble “I’m sorry auntie Katie” you mumbled “it’s ok y/n, you’re not in trouble you just gotta let someone know where you are” the two of you hugged it out and continued your search for Natasha along with Clint.
“Uncle Tony hasn’t seen her either, I’ve asked everyone!” You loudly sighed, throwing your arms into the air. “Are you sure you asked everyone angel?” Kate said as you came to settle on her lap, you racked your brain for a few moments thinking so hard you felt like your eyes would pop out. Suddenly it hit you “Uncle Steve!” You abruptly said “I didn’t ask uncle Stevie! Come one!” You jumped down onto the carpet and pulled Kate to her feet, knocking into Clint when rushing out of the room. “Woah! Where are you two going in such a hurry?” He asked “I gotta ask uncle Steve if he’s seen mama!” You called back, still pulling Kate along the corridor. Only did you let go of her hand when you reached Steve’s bedroom “Uncle Steve!” You called as you opened his door with no invitation “have you seen…” you stopped in your tracks when you finally found your lost love “mama?”
“Hey sweetheart” Natasha said as she sat up abruptly rubbing her tired eyes “are you okay?” She asked “why are you sleeping with uncle Steve?” You innocently asked, missing the way Clint chuckled at your choice of words (they weren’t exactly too far from the truth) The assassin shot daggers at Clint before turning her focus back to you “I was just having a nap darling” she said. Your inner widow sass started to come through as you stood with a large pour and tightly crossed arms “I’m not silly mama!” You said “what do you mean sweet pea?” Asked Steve “you were holding mama how uncle Clint holds auntie Laura! Have you been kissing my mommy?” You demanded. Clint and Kate took the opportunity to sneak away from the situation before you exploded into emotions “y/n baby calm down” Natasha said as she stood up from the bed “no!” You yelled “you’re my mommy! You’re only allowed to cuddle with me!” You said through angry tears “y/n don’t be rude sweetheart, mommy’s allowed to spend time with her friends too isn’t she?” Natasha asked as she came down to your level “Uncle Steve isn’t your friend! He’s your boyfriend! You’ve been spending time with him instead of me!” You said through choked sobs “baby girl mama’s allowed to spend time with other people just like you do, you gotta share remember y/n” you were still young and still learning so much, but sharing your mommy was defiantly not something you were happy about “but you’re my mama!” You cried and hurried from the room, leaving a stunned Steve and devastated Natasha, she didn’t want you to find out like this.
“Mommy doesn’t love me anymore uncle Clint!” You cried into the agents shoulder “oh y/n that’s not true!” He said “your mom loves you more than anything, and I think she loves Steve too but in a different way” Clint explained “wha-what do you mean?” You sniffled “well, you see your mommy loves you the way I love your cousins, us moms and dads have special hearts made just for you!” Your sobs started to subside as the new conversation caught your attention “they do?” You asked “they do! When you were born your mom got a brand new heart just for you so that she can give you all the love in the world” Clint continued “so you see now she has two hearts, one especially made for you and one to love another” you wiped your red eyes and shifted on Clint’s lap “I think that your mommy uses her second heart to love Steve the way I love your aunty Laura. So you see y/n your moms love for you hasn’t got smaller, she’s always going to love you no matter who else is in her life” Clint concluded his little speech with his signature smile and was rather pleased to see that you were no longer crying. “So mommy still loves me?” You asked your uncle “and she loves Steve too?” Clint nodded “I love mommy and Steve too” you said “you see, even your tiny little heart can fit so much love inside it! I think you should go find your mom and let her know that you love her” Clint suggested and you were off his lap and out the door before he could stop you.
You sprinted down the corridor, heading back to Steve’s bedroom. You turned a corner and crashed straight into a pair of legs, the force knocking you to the floor. “Y/n!” Natasha cried “I’m sorry baby I didn’t see you, are you okay?” Your moms fear only increased when you jumped up and threw your arms around her “oh I’m sorry baby, shh, it’s okay” she cooed for a moment before realising that there were no sniffles in the air “y/n?” Nat said as she pulled back from the hug. “I love you mommy!” You smiled brightly at her “I love you too baby” Natasha said, a little confused. “I’m sorry for being rude mama, I didn’t mean too” you pleaded “I just want you to still love me even if you love Steve too” you said as you pulled on your moms sweatshirt “oh y/n” Nat sighed “of course I’m still going to love you, I will always love you tiny dancer, you’re my world and no one else comes before you” your mama said as she gently kissed your forehead. “You’re mommy’s best friend and you always will be” she finished. “I know mama, uncle Clint told me about your two hearts and how one of them is just for me!” You exclaimed brightly. “Well uncle Clint is right you know” Natasha said as she lent down to touch your nose with hers. The widow was constantly impressed with Clint’s smart ways of calming you down. “Is Stevie still in his room?” You asked your mom.
Natasha led you back into Steve’s room, hand in hand. The solider sat up immediately at your presence. “Hi Stevie” you shyly said “hey y/n” Steve replied. You waddled over to his bed and climbed up to sit next to him while Natasha stood by the doorframe. “I’m sorry for being mean unc- Steve” you mumbled “that’s okay y/n” the avenger said. “I was just scared that mommy wouldn’t love me anymore, but now I know that she will because she has two hearts, one for me and one for you” you said, kicking your legs slightly. “Um- yes well that’s right you know” Steve muddled through his sentence. “Do you love my mama?” You asked “I do, very much y/n” Steve said “and you’ll always be nice to her” you said with your biggest puppy eyes “I promise I will” Steve smiled. “And you’ll share her with me?” You said “always” Steve said. You thought for a moment and glanced at your mom then back at Steve. “Will you be my papa then?” You quietly asked. Natasha felt her heart swell with love, she had never expected you to welcome Steve so easily. “Is that what you’d like?” The solider asked “yes please” you mumbled behind your sleeve “then of course I’ll be your papa” Steve smiled. You immediately climbed up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and shortly, Natasha came to join you both.
You always thought it would just be you and your mommy, and at first you were scared that Steve was going to take her away. Now however, you were excited to spend more time with Steve (he was secretly one of your favourite people in the avengers.) Over the next few days you did everything together and you got to see just how happy your mom was with your new papa. Natasha still had all the love in the world saved up for you, and she made sure to continue to shower you in it. You were sad when Steve had to leave for a 2 day mission and you missed him more than you thought possible. It was safe to say that you liked this new expansion of your little family, and you couldn’t wait for all the fun you were going to have together.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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crazyunsexycool · 8 months
My Little Love
Chapter 29
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!reader
Word count: 3.5k
warnings: MAJOR ANGST, sad kids, crying kids, sad Bucky, Reader being tortured (nondescript), being tied, blood, stabbing, non descriptive bombs, reader is a fighter ok, Lorraine (reader's mom) being a complete and utter monster, talks of having an abortion(not reader)
A/N: I am so sorry for this one.... 😬
Series Masterlist
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Bucky almost collapsed once his feet were on the ground. The compound was destroyed. It was obvious the missile hit the living quarters. There were injured people everywhere on the lawn and parking lot. It was a mess but he intended to go into that building and find you. Or he would if it wasn’t for Steve holding him back. 
“Let me go, I have to go in there. I have to find them.” He fought against his best friend’s hold. 
“Take a breath and look around you.” 
Bucky did just that. He looked around. There were hydra agents in handcuffs. Shield agents armed and standing guard. He then noticed Maria Hill making her way over.
“Where are they? Were they hurt?” Bucky cuts her off. Impatient and desperate for some news, any news really.
“They aren’t here.”
“Where the hell are they?” 
“Charlotte saw this happen hours before it did. Y/N found me and we made a plan. Hydra was after the kids so she made plans to head to the tower. She said she’d wait for you there.” 
Bucky could breathe again. You were safe and so were the kids. He should have known you would have kept them safe, that his girl, his doll would have seen this coming. 
“You see they’re fine. Let’s go see them.” Steve pats him on the back. 
Tony is already working on the next steps with Bruce. The rest of the team is waiting for news.
“They should be at the tower.” Steve announced and the team relaxed a bit. “We’re going to head there now. Nat back us up, everyone else stay here and help where you can. Keep comms open and both teams will update each other as we go.” 
Everyone nods and start heading their separate ways. Bucky heads to the garage with Steve and Nat following behind. 
Soon three motorcycles roar to life. All three of them weaved through traffic with ease. The closer they got to the tower the easier Bucky could breathe again. But it wouldn’t be enough until he saw you and held you, all three of you in his arms. That need made him go faster and be a bit reckless. He didn’t care though. He was just around the corner and all of his worries would disappear once he could talk to you again. 
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Bucky practically drove the bike into the building. He left it on the sidewalk but he didn’t care. When he walked up to the main doors he ripped them open and almost pulled them off their hinges. An alarm blared as he stepped inside and scanned the room. Security guards scrambled to get the alarm to stop as one of them made their way to the trio. 
“Is agent Y/L/N here? She should be here with two kids.” 
“Daddy!” Henry yelled from across the lobby. The people that had been caught inside the building when it went into lockdown all parted for him. “Daddy!” 
“Bubs.” Bucky choked out as Henry ran into his arms. 
He fell to the floor as he hugged his son. His kids were safe, because of you. Henry cried into his chest and Bucky soothed him the best he could as his own tears spilled. 
“Doll. C’mere.” Lottie soon joined the pile on the floor. 
Bucky didn’t care that others were watching as he kissed and hugged his children. His kids were safe and far away from hydra’s reach. Very little scared him but losing them and you terrified him. Above him Nat stood by, her eyes scanned the crowd looking for anyone that might be out of place and informing the team of what was going on. Steve stepped away with the head security guard to discuss something in a more private area. 
“Buck.” Steve called and nodded in the direction of an office. The same place the kids had come from.
With both kids clinging to him Bucky stood and followed Steve. The moment he stepped into the small office his world crumbled.
“Ed?” Bucky looked at your father. He had red rimmed eyes and a grief stricken look. “What are you doing here? Where’s Y/N?” 
Lottie straightened herself to look up at her dad. “Bad man take mama.” She whispers with a trembling pout. 
Just as quickly as he had gotten hope it was pulled right from under him like a rug. Steve takes Charlotte in his arms, Nat takes Henry. Ed steps closer to Bucky and places a hand on his shoulder. He shakes Bucky to get his attention and pulls him to sit at one of the chairs in the room before telling him everything you did. 
“How long ago was that?” 
“About four or five hours ago. She asked me to bring the kids here and that’s what I did.” 
Bucky gave him a nod but he was only half listening by this point. Lottie is back in his lap and she pulls and twists the straps on his uniform. When he looks around Steve and Nat are gone.
“They went to see if they could find anything.” Ed fills in.
“I’m sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for, boy?”
“She shouldn’t have had to sacrifice herself if I had been there.” Bucky says sadly.
Ed just shakes his head in disapproval. “You know my girl, she’s a fighter. If you’d have been there she would have gone with you just to make sure you were safe.” 
Bucky gives him a sad smile because he knows it’s true. You were the one who held this family together. He would be nowhere without you. 
“Yeah doll?” He looks down at his girl.
“Want mama.” 
“Me too. We’ll bring her back soon.” Bucky holds her tighter as he makes a promise to himself and to you. He will find you and bring you back. No matter what it takes.
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It’s a nightmare, that’s the only explanation. Except your mother’s voice rings clearly in your head as you were dragged away and placed in a small cell. It wasn’t just small, it was tiny like a closet. So you breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth and your eyes closed to try and keep your composure. That way you can imagine you’re somewhere else. Like in bed with your three favorite people piled on top of you and trying to cuddle. Yes, that’s a nice thought while you pop your shoulder back into place. 
You zone in and out of consciousness as you try to sit as best as you can. The cell you’re in isn’t metal so you can’t break out of it. It doesn’t even have nails in it. Had they been ready for you? They must have been. 
Your thoughts go back to the woman you had called mother. If she was hydra, was the rest of your family hydra too? Had you handed your kids to another hydra agent? You shook your head to get rid of that thought. Your father wouldn’t betray you like that. He taught you what it meant to be a good person and to do the right thing. There’s no way he could be hydra. Right? It made you question every person in the family you came in contact with. Sadly knowing your mother was hydra, made perfect sense. What she said kept repeating in your head though. 
“I had lost all hope that I could turn you into what you were meant to be.” 
The door opens letting bright light into the dark space. You lift your hand to shield your eyes from it and rough, calloused, unforgiving hands pull you out. 
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“Anything?” Bucky stood from the couch he had been sitting on. 
Since showing up to the tower Pepper had arranged for the team to be set up in the apartments there. When everyone had finally come in from the compound they were exhausted. Nat was the last person back after having gone to track you down, or at least try. 
“Your SUV was blown up.” There was no need to sugar coat anything. She pulled out her phone to show him the pictures she took. “No sign of her, I’m sorry.”
Bucky hadn’t expected anything different. Charlotte had already told him your fate. He looked over at the kids wrapped up in each other’s arms as they slept. Afraid that if they let go the bad men would take them. Bucky sighed and gave a nod. 
“I’m gonna go put them to bed.” 
With a heavy heart Bucky stood and grabbed both Henry and Charlotte and headed toward the apartment Pepper had offered him. He set the kids in the master bedroom and covered them with their blankets. With a kiss to each of their foreheads he stepped back out to the living room to sit. Bucky wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing that you were somewhere out there. 
Ed places a glass on the table in front of Bucky and then fills it with whiskey. 
“What’s the plan?” 
“We’ll look for her until we find her, I’m not giving up. Not until I bring her home.” 
“And the kids?” Ed asks before finishing the last bit of whiskey in his glass. 
“I- I don’t know.” 
“Well it’s a good thing I’m retired. I also spoke to the twins and Luke and Molly. They’re willing to come in and help while you go out and look for her.”
“They’d do that?” 
“Of course. That’s their sister and those are their niece and nephew. Besides, I think having Olivia here would be a nice distraction for Lottie and Henry. And Tony said that until we get Y/N back and end this it would also be better if they stayed close by.”
Bucky nodded just as a blood curdling scream came from the master bedroom. He rushed in, gun in hand ready to stop whatever was making Charlotte react like that. 
“Daddy, she’s seeing something.” 
Bucky moves to Charlotte’s side of the bed and tries to comfort her the best he can. She babbles but the only word he can make out is ‘mama’ and ‘hurt’. It makes him sick to his stomach to think that not only are you being hurt but that Charlotte has to see it happen. You wouldn’t want that for her. 
“Can you get Wanda?” Bucky asks Ed who nods and disappears. 
He holds Lottie closer to his chest and comforts her as best as he can. When Wanda walks in he’s relieved.
“Can you make her forget? Just for a little while.” 
“Of course I can.” 
Little sparks of red light move from Wanda’s hand to Lottie’s head. It doesn’t take long for his girl to lose the fight with consciousness.
“This is only a temporary fix.”
“I know, but she’s been through so much already, she doesn’t need to see her mother get hurt.” Bucky says as he gently caresses her cheek. “C’mere bubs.” Bucky says as he gets comfortable on the bed and opens his arms for Henry.
Wanda walks out and Ed closes the door to the room. He’ll do his best to look out for the kids but he feels unqualified. You’d know just how to comfort them. But he was drowning in a sea of worry and anguish right alongside them.
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Pain radiated from your wrists where your hands were bound, down to your shoulders as your arms were held up and over your head by some hook. They had you dangling in the air and whenever you didn’t answer their questions or told them to fuck off you’d receive another blow.  
“Get her down.” A man somewhere behind you said. 
You were angry and tired but you would fight them every step of the way. When one of the guards did get close and had started to unhook your hands, you took the small amount of strength you had left and swung yourself onto his shoulders. With your hands free you wrapped the rope your hands had been tied with around his neck and then you tightened it until he crumpled to the ground. 
This was your moment to fight your way out to at least make enough of a disturbance that someone somewhere would think to come looking. More guards made their way into the room, people you knew. They had been part of the Strike team. Knowing them didn’t stop you though, you managed to get four more guards down before someone grabbed you from behind. 
“I see the kitten still has claws.” 
“Rumlow. I thought you were dead.” You grit out as he pulls you down the hallway.
 You fight against his hold and he slams you against a wall. He hovers over you as you lay on the floor. His skin was marred with burn scars. His eyes still held that same anger and resentment toward the world and it was now directed at you. Rumlow wraps his hand around your throat. 
“I’ve wanted to get rid of you since our first mission.” 
You claw at his arms as he tightens his grip. The light hits a chain he has hidden under his shirt and your focus moves to that. You manipulate it and turn it into a spike and you jam it into the space between his shoulder and neck causing him to loosen his grip on you. Then you run. Unsure of where you’re going but that doesn’t stop you. An alarm goes off and there’s shouting behind you. None of it slows you down, not until you have to duck into some room to take cover. 
Fortunately for you it’s an empty lab. You leave the lights off as you move further in. The first thing you did was move the security camera. Then thinking back to all the time you spent with Bruce you look through the room for anything that could be used to set a fire or an explosion. Anything that will be distracting enough to give you the chance to flee. 
You found everything you needed and you made a makeshift bomb thanks to some late night talks with Tony. He had rambled about so many things that night and now you were so grateful for it. There are footsteps that stop right outside of the door. With quiet movements you take your place hiding as best you could. When one of the agents walks in you don’t wait and throw one of your bombs in his direction. He screams and you take the opportunity to run. 
There is no way for you to know which way will take you out of the building or deeper into it. The only thing that keeps you going is the thought of Bucky and the kids. You pushed forward through guards and agents. Using the supplies you had acquired carefully. It was the most tragic of outcomes. The exit was just right there, a few feet away but you’re dragged away by your hair back down the hallway. 
Rumlow was waiting for you. His arm twitched as blood ran down it. You must have hit some nerves.
That bastard deserved more than that. Once his men have thrown you at his feet he takes a knife out.
“You really are a dumb son of a bitch aren’t you.” You spit as the knife flies out of his hand and into the throat of one of the men that dragged you back. 
You manipulate it and swing it towards the other guard. It buries itself into his chest and you twist it until he’s on the ground. 
“That’s enough.” Your mother’s voice rings out from the end of the hall as you move to finish Rumlow. 
She moves quickly to stand over you. You meet her cold hardened gaze. Lorraine’s hand connects to your face. The knife follows the motion and cuts her across the cheek. She grabs it from where it’s moving back in her direction. 
“Take it you idiot and get out of my sight. Send someone else here now.” She says over her shoulder to Rumlow. 
“You continue to be a disappointment, but don’t worry I’ll have you fixed right up.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“My my, do you kiss your children with that mouth?” She chuckles as she looks down at you. “Take her to the exam room.” 
All you felt was pain. The leather straps were digging into your skin and the surgical table they had you on was cold. It didn’t help that you were completely naked in a room of strangers, your mother being one of them. They enjoyed the screams they ripped out of you as they began their work. Doing what? You weren’t sure. The drip they had you on kept you conscious enough to feel everything but drowsy enough that you couldn’t fight back. 
After hours of what felt like them pulling you apart and then putting you back together they stop. You cried just from relief until your mother stepped into your line of sight. She pretended to be a mother by wiping away the sweat off your forehead with faux concern on her face. 
“Why?” You asked. Your voice was hoarse from the screaming. 
“You have to be more specific.” 
“Why are you doing this? Why did you join them?” 
“Join them? No,” Lorraine shakes her head. “I didn’t join them, I was born into it. I’m a legacy and so are you or at least you will be when I’m done with you.” 
“Legacy?” Your head hurts just from having to think. 
“Yes, your grandfather was hydra too. Actually he was part of the team that helped create the winter soldier’s kids, including the two you stole.” 
“What?” You looked up at her with horror. “Is that why you had us?”
“It’s a bit complicated.” She moves around the table doing who knows what before she steps back into your line of sight. “I guess I should tell you the truth huh? It’s not like you’re ever getting out.” 
“My team will, they’ll come for me.” 
“If you think so.” She laughs and waves her hand dismissively. You always hated when she did that. “Your brother Luke was a mistake. I was young and dumb and on a small leave from my job here when I met your father. It was only meant to be a weekend fling. Then a few weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. My first thought was to get an abortion but my superiors thought that we could use the baby for some testing. Maybe even create the next super soldier. They gave me a shot and then sent me to find the baby’s father. Unfortunately the shot they gave me didn’t work, Luke didn’t have any abilities, no enhancements. Then my supervisors ordered me to have another child. Gave me so many shots to prepare me better and somehow things stuck and here you are able to manipulate metal.
You should know that I didn’t hate you at the beginning. I was very proud that you would be hydra’s next weapon. But you ended up being stubborn like your father so I had to try and teach you obedience. It obviously never stuck. That won’t matter soon though we’ll make sure you can’t go against us ever again.”
You were reeling from all of the information. 
“The twins?” 
“Hydra wanted more so I gave them more but the injections didn’t work like they did with you. You must’ve had some kind of mutant gene or something but we never got 
A chance to test it. Unfortunately your father was around too often for me to sneak you out of the house for a couple of days.” 
Was everything in your life a lie? A tear escaped you. 
She sighs. “Crying is for the weak. We made you strong, there is no need for tears. You should be proud that you will be the next weapon for hydra. Then we will get those two brats back and reprogram them. The three of you can go out and kill as a family, won’t it be wonderful?” 
Lorraine starts to walk away. The fear of the kids being brought back to something like this grips you and you’re begging for her to come back. She looks bored when she steps beside the table again.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t go after them.”
“Whatever I want?”
“I won’t fight the guards any more. I’ll let you do whatever tests you want on me but you have to promise that you won’t go after the kids. Let them be.” 
She looks like she’s thinking it over and looks up to someone behind you then she smiles. 
“Fine, you’ve got yourself a deal. You let us prepare you and we’ll leave those brats alone.” 
“Ok.” You whisper. Relief washes over you although you know you can’t trust her. If she leaves them alone you’ll go through whatever you have to until the team finds you.
You’re dragged away from the exam room and this time you’re placed in a better cell. This one has a bed, a table and a chair. The guards throw you on the bed and then leave dirty, tattered clothes on the floor for you. You just curl up on the thin mattress and close your eyes. It won’t be long before the team will come for you.
Bucky will save you. You know he will. 
Ch. 30
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minimarvelh · 4 months
At the breakfast Tony will give him a huge portion of pancakes with colourful cereals, which Stark calls "as if the elfs puked a rainbow at them", to which he will receive a light slap on the arm from Pepper and her famous disapproving look. „Don’t swear near the kid”
After the breakfast, Peter will probably ask Tony to watch SpongeBob with him, because it’s Saturday and he doesn’t have any school.
At first, Tony will saying in disgustingly exaggerated way that he has a lot of work to do and that actually it’s a kids show, but Peter, knowing better, will eventually drag him into the couch area, tug him in an octopus hug, glueing them together so that the Stark would have no chance to escape. Tony will have no choice but to defeatedly exhale, relaxing in the arms of his child and bury his arm into Peter’s curls.
The it will be already afternoon and pepper will probably cook miso soup, so Peter need as fast as possible try to make his homework.
So he’ll probably ask Tony to help him with physics, math, Spanish, English, literature..and, well, with everything.
Tony will probably complain about lazy teenagers in these days and how back then it was better. but he still will help.
Once they will end, Pepper will call them to eat.
Still quizzing a tired Peter on some probably history topics, will they sit down to lunch.
During lunch Pepper will tell hilarious stories from Tony's past while he will try to deny everything listening to the amusing Peter’s giggling.
After they will finish eating, Pepper would remind Tony about the papers he needed to look over and then she would go to take a bath.
Meanwhile, Peter will go to his room, impatiently calling the Ned and for about an hour losing connect with the reality, rambling about Star Wars fics.
After that, hanging up and entering the living room, Peter will find Tony lying on the sofa, glasses on his nose and a Satrkpad in his hands, who, most likely, will methodically going through some documents sent by Pepper.
Not wasting any seconds looking at his domestic mentor, Peter will take the remote and lie down next to Tony, one leg draped over him, the other rummaging around the floor scrolling Netflix.
Chances are, if Peter will hug him, watching Horseman Bojack, Tony will lose all of his concentration hugging his kid next to him and eventually to Pepper’s future dissatisfaction, will become invested in series and will forget about said documents.
After their snuggling Tony will go and make them hoc chocolate, while Peter will explain to him everything about fan fiction.
Tony probably wants to know about it more.
Then Pepper will come and talk about their plans on Sunday which will end Peter pleading Pepper to watch new “Star Wars: the Clone wars” and how can Pepper say now to these big brown puppy eyes?
It’s impossible.
So the rest of the day they will eat popcorn and watch Stat wars, until pepper would remind them that they will still need to eat dinner. Time will complain that he is adult and if he doesn’t want you to eat dinner he will not. But at the end they will order some Thai food.
While waiting for the order to arrive Tony and Peter will likely go to the workshop where Tony will look at the diagrams, making some corrections while Peter will talk and pet dum-e, calling him good boy.
30 minutes later Pepper will call them to eat and they will go and eat together, talking about their plans for the week.
After that they will return to their laying activity and will end up watching the whole season of that show.
Tony will argue about the illogicality and the holes of the plot, while Peter will vehemently refute his comments.
Will 99,9% chances Pepper will stroke Peter’s hair whispering him that he did today a good job.
Most likely, Peter will fall asleep next to Pepper with his legs at Tony lulled by the warmth of two adults, with whom he feel the safest he’s ever felt.
Most likely, Tony will not want to wake the kid and will slid his hands under Peter’s body and carry him across the couch into his chest right to the kid’s bedroom, tucking his blanket and kissing forehead.
Which will make Peter whine at the loss of contact and he will probably slip “dad”, which lately has been slipping into his speech more and more often, especially when he is sleepy.
But each time it sounded like the first time for Tony as he will held his breath and his heart will race and race.
"I'm here bambino," will Tony whisper, kissing Peter again and stroking his hand, staying in the room until the kid finally falls asleep.
Then Tony will go into the living room, where a little bit drowsy Pepper will smile tiredly at him and the two of them will go into the bedroom.
In the morning, Peter will wake up and first thing will head into the kitchen area, where Tony will greet him, kissing his forehead while the kid wraps his arms around him like a koala. Then he will do exactly the same with Pepper, getting at least a million kisses from her giggling as the woman playfully kisses his cheeks, forehead, curls smiling at the kid.
At the breakfast Tony will give him a huge portion of pancakes with colourful cereals, which Stark calls "as if the elfs puked a rainbow at them", to which he will receive a light slap on the arm from Pepper and her famous disapproving look.
I really don’t know what is it hahah
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chaosromanoff · 2 years
Sorry for what I said when I was drunk (Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader)
Summary: You and Wanda are best friends, but you want to be more than that even though Wanda is oblivious about your feelings for her. Surprisingly, things go out of hand when, at a party, Wanda starts drinking a litte too much...
A/N: English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes you could (and will) find in this one-shot.
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of swearing, mentions of drinking/being drunk, Tony being an idiot but in a cool way. This is mainly fluff tho. Enjoy :)
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You knew Wanda was the one for you ever since you exchanged words, that moment you felt a connection with her and it was almost love at first sight, but you knew she didn't feel the same for you.
She was always talking about Vision. How cute and adorable he was, how he treats her like a princess... You've heard anything but good things about the android, and you were a little jealous because that's the way you have treated Wanda as well.
"That stupid toaster." You mumbled. Natasha, who was one of your closest friends, just laughed at your words while trying to cheer you up.
"We all know you're better than him."
"Well, he was created to be perfect. I'm just a girl who's in love with her best friend." You said. Natasha could hear the sadness on your voice and she hugged you.
"You should tell Wanda." She said. "She needs to know."
"I don't want to ruin our friendship, Nat. I can handle the pain of her being with someone else. But if she leaves..."
"Wanda would never leave you, Y/n. I know she loves you."
"As a friend." You assured.
"Whatever, she loves you. And I know she wouldn't like to see you in pain because of her."
"I'm happy if she is."
"Yeah, sure, that's why you came crying to my room while saying "The fucking toaster is taking her away from me." At 3AM, may I add."
"I came here to get some comfort, not to get exposed." You said trying not to laugh.
"Think about what I told you, ok? Wanda needs to know about your feelings."
You just nodded and went to your room, since you've been on Nat's room all morning. You haven't even eat breakfast and you noticed you were hungry when your stomach started to make weird noises.
"Man, come on." You complained but started walking to the kitchen. "Hope there's something good in here."
"Well, if I count as something good, then sure." The voice of your best friend made you smile and blush at the same time. "Just kidding, I made some pancakes. I was trying to find you but I didn't know where you were."
"Oh, I slept in Nat's room."
Wanda arched her eyebrows at your words. Something you didn't see because you were reheating your breakfast.
"You two are close, aren't you?"
"Well yes, she's been a good friend since I arrived."
Wanda just nodded at your words, feeling a little bit mad about them. She wasn't used to you being with someone else, you were always with Wanda, almost 24/7.
Obviously, she knew you were friends with Bucky, Steve, Tony and Nat, but she never noticed how close you were to the redhead before that day.
Wanda left the kitchen and you found it weird because she didn't say anything to you. You just ate your breakfast and went straight to your room to get ready for another infamous party. Of course, Tony planned that.
At exactly 9:30 pm, you left your room wearing a not-too-short red dress that hugged your body perfectly. When Natasha saw you, she gave you a compliment about your attire.
"Look at you! You look beautiful, Y/N!"
"Thank you, Nat." You smiled at her and you both intertwined your arms. "Should we get going?"
The redhead nodded and you went to the last floor of the Stark Tower. There was a lot of peope in there, most of them were dancing, other few were drinking and talking, and tere was Steve, who wasn't even drinking.
"Hey, old man." You greeted and he rolled his eyes smiling. "Come with us, take a drink."
"I'm waiting for Bucky." He explained. "He was supposed to be here like twenty minutes ago."
"He probably fell asleep." Nat said and both you and Steve laughed. "Why don't you go and look for him?"
"I will. I'll be back in a few minutes." Steve said and walked to the elevator. You follwed him with your eyes and that's when you saw her.
Wanda was with Vision and Tony, who was joking about them for being an unusual couple. Wanda never spoke a word, she was just smiling uncomfortably and drinking her cocktail.
"Are you gonna save your princess from the monsters?" Natasha asked you softly, smirking teasingly.
"I don't know if I should. I think she's mad at me."
"I told her I spent the night on your room, she got angry because she thought I replaced her."
"Sounds like she was jealous."
"On a friendly wa-"
"Y/n, you should stop with that or I'm gonna punch you on the face." She interrupted you. "Wanda likes you as much as you like her. Haven't you noticed the way she looks at you?"
"You're lying." Natasha rolled her eyes but didn't said anything. You forced yourself not to go after Wanda, but Nat took your hand and walked you to your best friend, Vision and Tony.
"Good night, lady and gentlemen." The redhead greeted, Wanda's eyes focused on you for a moment before turning her attention to your and Natasha's hand.
"It's nice to see you, ms. Romanoff and ms. Y/l/n." Vision answered.
"Hey, Romanoff." Tony smiled. "So is this place full of couples now? Seriously, first Capsicle and the other fossil, then Vision and witchy and now... the spy and the wonder-kid. Isn't this adorable?"
"It isn't." Wanda quietly mumbled before drinking all of her remaining cocktail. Stark and Vision didn't hear her, and Natasha pretended she didn't hear it.
"We're not really dating." You said to Tony.
"Really? Because someone told me you have spent nights on Romanoff's bedroom."
"We're just frie-"
"Trying to figure it out what happens." Nat interrupted you while wikning at you. She kissed your temple before whispering on your ear. "Trust me."
You nodded and you noticed how angry Wanda looked right now, like she was about to kick the hell out of Natasha.
"I need another drink." Your best friend said and ran away to the bar.
"Well girls and Vision, I need to go, Pepper just arrived. Have fun and congratulations to the new couple." You all smiled before you turned your eyes to Natasha.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"Like I said, trust me, and trust the process. You'll thank me later."
Thankfully, Vision had left a few seconds ago, so he didn't hear your conversation with Nat. But your beloved brunette best friend was watching you from afar.
Her insides were burning up. She didn't like how close Natasha was from you. How her left arm hugged you by your waist. How her lips kissed your cheek. How you smiled and blushed at her actions.
That was supposed to be her instead, not Natasha.
Time passed by, Wanda never stopped drinking and Vision never left her side, talking to her about probably nothing important since she wasn't paying attention.
Thankfully to Wanda, Tony arrived again and took Vision off her side. Wanda's head was spinning, she was dizzy and the fury in her veins was present again when she saw you dancing with Natasha.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna kiss you." You said to Natasha.
"I didn't want that anyways." Nat playfully rolled her eyes and you laughed.
"I'm so thirsty. Do you want a drink?"
"I'm fine, go and drink something."
You left the dance floor and approached to the bar, you ordered a cocktail and waited next to Wanda.
"Hey, Wands! Are you having a good time?"
"Not when I see you that close with Romanoff." She answered.
"You heard me. I don't like when you're with her because you should be with me instead."
You blushed hard at her words, her green eyes never left yours. She meant it.
"I'm serious, Y/n." She said. "I know we've been friends for a long time now, but... I like you more than that." She was clearly drunk, but you couldn't help to feel happy at her words. "I wanted to forget about my feelings, but I can't now. Not when someone else is taking you away from me."
"Natasha is not really-"
She interrupted you but not with words, her arms circled your waist and you could feel her hot breath on your neck, making you silent in that very moment.
"Don't leave." She said silently. You rubbed her back and she snuggled closer to you. "I like it when you're close to me, when you hug me and when you brush my hair with your fingers." She confessed. "Stay here, please don't leave me"
"I won't, I promise." You assured. "You have been drinking all night, right? Let's get you out of here."
Wanda just nodded and followed you to her room. You took her dress off and helped her to get dressed with an oversized t-shirt. You were about to leave to your own bedroom but Wanda stopped you.
"Would you... sleep with me?"
"Sure." You smiled at her and cuddled her until she fell asleep. You went to your bedroom and changed your clothes before going back to Wanda's room again. But when you were a few steps away from Wanda's door, Natasha stopped you.
"Is everything ok?" You asked.
"That's what I should ask you, but since you're going to Wanda's room, I can say everything is more than fine" She said while arching her eyebrows.
"Don't be a prervert, you idiot." You rolled your eyes and Natasha laughed. "She said she likes me."
"I told you!"
"Yeah, but she's drunk. Probably just said that because she has been drinking all night."
"Stop being so pessimistic, dammit! Haven't you heard that drunk people always say the truth?" Natasha almost shouted. "Now go with your girl and have a talk about your feelings."
You entered Wanda's room and noticed she woke up, she stretched her arm trying to reach for you and you got close to her.
"What's wrong, sweetheart? I thought you were asleep." You mumbled.
"I was just waiting for you. Would you come here now?"
You nodded and her arms surrounded your body when you entered her bed and kept you close to her. Your faces just a couple of inches apart from each other, you could appreciate her features and you thought you couldn't be more in love with her.
"Are you gonna kiss me?"
"You're drunk." You simply said.
"I'll wait until tomorrow then."
"Sure, then. Goodnight." You answered, thinking she would forget about it in the morning.
But she didn't.
That's what you thought when you woke up to big green eyes looking at you. Wanda's hand cupped your cheek and she brushed your soft skin with your thumb.
"i'm sorry for yesterday." You almost heard how your heart broke into a million pieces.
"Don't worry. We all say stupid things when we're drunk." Wanda smirked, knowing she messed up.
"I think you're not understanding." She said. "I'm sorry that I had to be drunk to say that I like you, and I wasn't that drunk honestly." She confessed. "But I had to tell you I like you while I was sobber. But seeing you with Natasha..."
"We're not dating." You told her almost automatically, she laughed at that reaction.
"I know, I see the way you look at me." She said. "Sorry I hurt you, I just didn't know how to act to this... feeling inside me. And you don't have to forgive me just now, let me-"
"Hey, it's fine, Wanda. You just made me the happiest girl alive in this very moment." You smiled at her and brushed her hair with your fingers. "But don't do it again."
"I won't"
You both got up and you went to your room to get ready for the day. When you finished, you walked to the kitchen to cook some breakfast but noticed Wanda was just there, cooking something that smelled delicious.
"Smells good." You said approaching to her.
"It's a traditional Sokovian breakfast, you'll love it." Wanda said smilingly. "By the way, I think forgot something."
"Salt?" Wanda laughed at your question and she approached to you, her arms surrounded your neck and pulled you closer to her face.
"No, it's something sweeter."
"How do you know that?" You asked her hugging Wanda by her waist.
"I don't. I want to prove if my theory is right." She said looking at your lips and you did the same to hers.
"What are you waiting for?"
The moment you finished asking that question, Wanda's lips crashed on yours and you felt in heaven. Her lips were soft, warm and the sensation was better than you always thought.
"Yeah, you're definetly sweet." She said when the kiss ended, and you couldn't help but smile and kiss her again.
"She certainly likes you as a friend, Y/N!" You heard Natasha's sarcastic voice behind you and you just flipped her while still kissing Wanda, making both of them laugh at your action.
hope you enjoyed it! <3
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clintbartonswife · 9 months
it takes a village
Pairings: Peter Parker & irondad!Tony Stark Summary: tony gets a message from peter's kidnappers and makes a call. read part one first Whumptober prompt #6 : recording / 'it should've been me' Whumptober prompt #20 : 'you will regret touching them' Notes: brief descriptions of torture masterlist   || whumptober2023
"Sir, you have a message."
Tony wiped the sweat from his forehead, pushing his chair back and looking up to the roof of his lab. "Can it wait? I think I'm close to fixing the lagging issue in Rhodey's leg brace."
"You ignored their last message sir. This time they attached a video."
"FRIDAY, is that a yes or no?"
A few seconds passed as FRIDAY inspected the file, Tony stretching and wincing as his back made a loud cracking noise. DUM-E whirred at him with concern, going back to dusting when he shooed it away.
"No sir. It can't wait."
He sighed, twirling in his chair to face the nearest screen, grabbing his coffee from the table. "Put it up."
The mug fell to the floor, smashing and spilling the coffee all over the floor of the lab.
He was looking at Peter being thrown into a room, body limp and bruised. The angle suggested it was from a CCTV feed, though the resolution was surprisingly high. His heart dropped as the video skipped, showing the kid hammering at the door, yelling and screaming.
Tony couldn't tear his eyes away, tears gathering in his eyes as the video skipped forwards once more. Peter was curled in on himself in the corner of the room, rocking slightly back and forth in an attempt to self-soothe. Text popped up on the screen, stating that instructions would be sent in the next two hours.
As the screen switched to black he ran out of the room, grabbing the flip phone he had vowed to never use, dialling the only number saved on it.
"I need your help."
Tony paced across the tarmac, fiddling with the flip phone in his hands.
"They'll be here." Rhodey reassured, moving to place a hand on his shoulder, "Cap - Steve reached out first. He won't go back on his word."
Tony huffed, "I know it's just - they took the kid. I was so busy I didn't even think to -" He ran his hands across his face. "He's been there for three days already."
"We're going to get him."
Tony couldn't speak, settling instead for a tight nod.
His thoughts were stuck on the image of Peter. He was alone and afraid, curled up in the corner with bruised hands hugged in to his chest.
"How did May -"
"She's with Pepper now, at the tower."
Tony let out a self deprecating laugh. "No matter how she feels about me right now, she loves the kid almost as much as I do. May needs someone with her so..."
Rhodey just hummed, stepping back at the noise of an approaching quinjet. "We'll get him back. We just... need to get through this first."
Tony nodded, shaking his shoulders in an attempt to shake off some of the anxiety that threatened to choke him. Any dread that he had been feeling over this reunion was nothing compared to the last 8 hours, and with it came hope.
Hope was a dangerous thing, but goddamn did he need all he could get.
Tony cleared his throat, doing his best to appear put-together. It failed, horrifically, but he hoped that they wouldnt be cruel enough to point it out.
The quinjet door opened, revealing almost all of the old team. "Welcome back to the States."
Steve nodded in greeting, bearded jaw clenched and hands protectively crossed over his chest.
They stared at each other for a moment, unspoken words thick in the air. Rhodey broke it, stepping forwards.
"Thank you for coming. I'm sure we all... have a lot to say, but now is not the time."
Steve's eyes darkened with guilt as they passed over Rhodey's leg braces, offering another curt nod in response.
Natasha was the first to step off of the platform, offering Tony a tight smile. "Agreed."
"Just -" Tony's fist clenched by his side, "Please. I can't get him on my own."
"We wouldn't let you, man." Sam replied, "You got coordinates?"
"FRIDAY's working on it right now. So far she's narrowed it to Chicago."
"Then lets go."
Steve turned around, heading straight to the controls of the jet. Tony took a deep breath, looking at Rhodey for reassurance before following, door closing behind them.
The awkwardness of the jet was almost suffocating, Tony checking his phone every few seconds for any sort of update. Rhodey had positioned himself protectively in front of him, though not in a way that he was completely blocked from the view of the others.
Steve's body language was tight and guarded, eyes flitting over to Tony every few seconds before diverting to the floor, restraining himself from saying the words he had been sitting on for the past few months.
Tony's phone pinged, the man's face whitening as another video appeared on his screen. "They sent another one."
"Tony... you don't have to-"
He brushed Rhodey's concern off, jaw tightening. "No. I do." He clicked play with shaking hands, spare hand reaching up to cover his mouth in an attempt to withhold his shout of shock.
Peter was tied to a chair, head hung low. A woman was stood by a metal tray, picking up a cattleprod and jamming it into his stomach. A tear fell down his cheek at Peter's yell of pain, the other people in the jet jumping to their feet at the realisation of the nature of the video.
Natasha was the first to approach. "Tony -"
"Don't. I need to -"
The abuse continued, though Peter remained strong, refusing to let out another noise despite the attacks. Despite this, the pain was written clearly across his face, guilt eating at Tony like a disease.
"It should've been me" he whispered, throat tight.
Rhodey placed a comforting hand on his shoulder once again, grounding him and saving him from the anxiety spiral that was threatening to drag him down. He spoke in a low tone, attempting to hide his words from the rest of the group. "Breathe. You can't panic now. He needs you at 100%"
Tony choked out an agreement, placing his phone down on the seat and placing his head in his hands, willing himself to get it together. He had to be strong for Peter.
As his phone pinged again, he froze. Sam approached him carefully, picking up the phone and opening it when there was no argument.
"FRIDAY has a location," he said, "warehouse in Chicago, West Chatham. I'll give Steve the full address."
Natasha stood by Tony, close enough for him to feel her body heat, but keeping distance. "We'll get him. He's going to be okay. I promise."
The last twenty minutes of the journey felt like forever, Tony's mind racing with a million different possibilities. None of them were good.
As the quinjet began its descent, Rhodey moved closer to Tony, voice quiet. "You know I want to go in with you ..."
"I know. He - Peter will understand."
"Legs don't work the way they used to," Rhodey smiled, "But I'll get the meds out, ready for him."
"I appreciate it, Platypus. I mean it."
"I know its been a while since you've been alone with them, but they've still got your back. They won't let anything happen to Parker."
Tony nodded, fists clenching and unclenching as he pushed down the anxiety, willing himself to be strong. He wasn't allowed to be Tony Stark right now. His kid needed Ironman.
As he stood, he activated his armour, allowing the metal to give him courage.
"We go in quick and do this cleanly." Steve said, authoritative tone bringing Tony back to the prime of the Avengers. "We're still technically on the run. If we stay too long then -"
"They won't arrest you." Tony interrupted, keeping his eyes set on the door. "I've been negotiating since you went off the radar. I'm close to fixing it. Getting a pardon for your boy as well."
There was silence for a moment, uneasy and uncertain.
He just waved them off. "Yeah, whatever. We don't have time to waste." Clearing his throat awkwardly, he pressed the release on the door.
The alarm blared through the building, Tony not stopping as he fought his way down the corridor, visor scanning for any sign of Peter.
"North east quadrant clear" Natasha announced through coms, "I found a map and am on my way to the control room."
Steve's voice sounded a few moments later. "North west quadrant clear. I'm heading towards you Sam."
"There's a lot of them here - I think they're guarding something."
Tony slammed his fist into the last man's face, kicking open another door and swearing as it turned up empty. "I've got nothing. He's got to be with you, Sam."
"The control room is barred from the inside," Natasha reported, exertion clear in her voice, "Door won't budge. The woman's gotta be in here."
Tony's footsteps faltered, not sure where to go. As if sensing this, Steve spoke.
"We're still making our way through this quadrant, we've got it under control. Go to Nat, Tony."
Pushing down the need to rebel, Tony followed the instructions, each step increasing with determination the closer he got.
"Stand to the side." He said, raising his hand and sending a powerful blast through the door once Natasha was safely out of the way.
Shouts of panic from the other side were ignored as he blasted away the rest of the door, barging in and hitting the first person he saw. Natasha was right behind him, carefully controlled fury powering her every move as she tore through the group of men.
Tony used this distraction to corner the woman, kicking her in the knees and sending her tumbling to the floor. "You will regret touching them" he growled, looking down on her in disgust, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
She laughed, an obnoxious laugh, and attempted to sit up straight. "You know who I am."
He held himself back from hurting her further, the sane part of him knowing that Peter would never forgive him for lashing out in a rage.
Instead, he disengaged his helmet, looking her up and down with disinterest. "I've never seen you before in my life."
At her outraged shout, he stepped back, motioning for Natasha to incapacitate her. "You're going to jail now, where no one will ever know or care who you are. You are nothing."
"You cant - They'll never arrest me! You have nothing -"
"Shut up." Natasha sneered, hitting her once cleanly in the temple, and huffing as she crumpled. Sparing a kind look at Tony, she nodded towards the door. "Go get him - I'll make sure she's tied up and ready for the cops."
He nodded, hoping his gratitude was clear as he raced out of the room. "Cap? Do you have him?"
"We have him - on our way to the jet."
Relief rushed through him, speeding up even more in his desperation to see his kid. He burst out of the building, disengaging the suit as he stumbled up the quinjet ramp, colliding with Sam's chest.
"He's okay - he's okay." Sam reassured, "Take a breath, Tony."
He took a shuddering breath, eyes fluttering closed as he did his best to regulate himself. "Thank you."
"Of course."
Sam stepped aside, letting Tony rush to Peter's side.
"Mr Stark?"
His voice was weak and small, but so so alive.
Tony let out a tearful laugh, cupping Peter's cheek in his hand. "It's me, bud. I'm here."
"Knew you'd come" Peter smiled, blinking weakly, "Knew it."
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thatfanficstuff · 2 months
Open Wounds - 25
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Soulmate!Reader
Warnings: It's the end folks. Enjoy.
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It was nearly a year and a half before you and Bucky returned to the tower. Oh, you’d visited once or twice, but now you were back for good. Ready to be put back on the roster and kick some ass. The peace had been good for you. For both of you. But now you were ready to return to the chaos.
As if thoughts of chaos had summoned him, Wade appeared beside the car before you’d even shut the door. You grunted as he wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug. You returned to embrace with a smile. “Hello, Wade.”
“You’re never leaving again. It’s been too long. I missed you, princess.”
“You just saw her last week,” Bucky said.
You glanced over the top of the car and met his gaze. Amusement danced in his eyes.
Wade threw his head back dramatically. “Exactly. Forever.”
You stepped back and shook your head. “Where’s Matt?”
“With his girlfriend,” he answered with a scoff. “I tried to tell him it was a bad idea to date anyone with widow in their name but does he listen to me? No.”
You patted his shoulder as you stepped into the elevator. “No one listens to you, Wade.”
Bucky coughed to cover his laugh when Wade gasped dramatically. You leaned into your soulmate’s side and he wrapped an arm around you to keep you close as he kissed the top of your head.
You intended to drop your things off in your room before tracking people down and saying hello. However, the door opened on a different floor and you were greeted with a room full of people shouting surprise. You blinked for a moment before looking up at Bucky. He shrugged and stepped out, keeping hold of your hand.
“Surprise, bestie,” Wade said, clapping his hands like an excited kid. “This was all my idea.”
“I hate surprises, Wade.” You voice was flat, emotionless.
“I mean, I didn’t know anything about this. Blame Tony.”
Said billionaire stepped forward. “Thanks, Wade.” He kissed your cheek then looked you over. “You’re looking good, Junior. Healthy. How are you feeling?”
“Back to my usual snarky self, Stark. Thanks for asking.”
He grinned. “Perfect. I’ll let you mingle, but we’re staked out in that far corner when you want to catch up.”
Bucky nodded and gave your hand a squeeze before pulling you into the crowd. It should say something about how long you’d been gone that the two of you were willingly talking to people. You both hated crowds of any sort.
You were in mid-conversation when a hand fell on your shoulder and you glanced back to see your father. Your cheeks hurt with the intensity of your smile as you spun and launched yourself at him. You hugged him tightly and his return embrace was just as firm. The two of you talked fairly regularly but you hadn’t seen him in over six months. “Hi,” you finally said, your voice little more than a whisper.
He chuckled. “Hello, sweetheart. I missed you, too.” He kissed the top of your head as he held out a hand to Bucky. “Barnes.”
Bucky shook the offered hand with a quiet, “Phil.”
Finally, you released him and straightened. He kept one hand on your back as you stayed beside him. Bucky moved back into your space and wrapped an arm around your waist. You were beyond content in that moment.
“This is some party,” Phil murmured before sipping at his drink.
“Stark,” was all you said. That was enough really.
As your two favorite men talked quietly, you ran your eyes over the people that filled the room. Surprisingly, Tony had kept the guest list down to people that you actually knew and were happy to see you back in the city. And there were a lot of them. Some of them you hadn’t even realized you had missed until this moment.
A couple of hours later found you standing on the balcony enjoying the breeze while the party went on in the room behind you.
“You okay, beautiful?” Bucky asked and you turned to him with a smile.
You leaned against the rail behind you as you watched him saunter over to you. “Perfect.”
He placed a hand on the railing to either side of you boxing you in. You tugged him closer by his belt loops and kissed him softly. When you separated, he traced his bottom lip with his tongue and gave you a lopsided smile.
“How are you?” you asked.
“Perfect,” he echoed your words. Closing his eyes, he laid his forehead against yours. “I love you so much.”
The words warmed you as much now as they had the first time you’d heard them. “I love you, too, baby.”
“I need to ask you something,” he said softly, taking a step back.
You tilted your head as you looked at him. “Anything.”
He opened his mouth without speaking. Once. Twice. After the third time you couldn’t help but chuckle in spite of the unease starting to churn in your belly.
“Just ask, Bucky. It can’t be that world changing, whatever it is.”
He huffed a laugh and started to pace. “Why is this so hard? This shouldn’t be hard. I asked your dad. I asked Clint. Hell, I even asked Wade, so why can’t I ask you? It should be simple.”
You stepped in front of him to interrupt his pacing and his rambles. You put your hands on his arms and squeezed gently. “Breathe, Buck.”
He grinned and swooped in for a kiss. It was gentle and loving and happy. “God, I love you.”
“I believe we covered that already. Now, what is going on with you?”
He took your hand and pulled you further away from the railing. “This is good. Now if I drop it, it won’t immediately bounce off the edge never to be seen again.”
You were so confused. “Drop what?”
In answer, he got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket.
You gasped, though you supposed you really shouldn’t be that surprised. It wasn’t as if the two of you hadn’t discussed marriage before.
He grinned at the sound and snapped open the box. The perfect ring was nestled in the velvet. He said your name to bring your attention back to him. “Life has rarely been kind to either of us. There has been more than once that I wanted to tell Fate to fuck off. But then the universe brought me you. And yes, we’re broken and bitter sometimes, but our souls fit together. Even if the universe hadn’t marked us, I would know you were mine. I would have found you in a sea of millions and brought you home to me. We both know you are never getting rid of me, so marry me. Please?”
Tears had been streaming down your cheeks almost from his first word but the please made you laugh. “Of course I’ll marry you, Bucky Barnes. You’re my whole world.”
He surged to his feet and wrapped you in his arms as he kissed you before slipping the ring on your finger. The sounds of cheering drew your attention and you turned to find the party lined up along the windows watching the two of you. You laughed again and wiped the remnants of tears from your cheeks.
Bucky stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist while he rested his chin on your shoulder. “You happy, baby?”
Happy seemed like a simple word for the deep feeling of love and contentment that flooded you. You were going to marry the love of your life and all of your friends and family would be there to cheer you on along the way. This man that you were so uncertain of in the beginning, the man that you’d sworn to kill once upon a time, had picked up all your broken pieces and glued them back together. This may not have been the life you once envisioned for yourself, but it was kind of perfect.
“Yeah, I’m happy, Buck. So happy.”
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
I'm the nonnie who asked for the baby making with tony (sorry about the veeeeery late feedback) and it was even better than what I imagined, I'm so fucking into lactation/milking kink too... you're so fucking good at this, and it was your first time writing breeding kink? you really need to write more, you're good. Thank you very much for taking my request, I love it!!!
I humbly come to ask you for a pt.2 with the reader giving birth to the babies with tony being the best and supportive husband ever, and the babies (named after him or some family thing) the exact copy of tony, can you imagine the cutness? and some cute moments with them taking care of the newborn twins, we need more dad!tony content.
And if you're in the mood to spicy things up a little, I'd love to see a very horny tony watching his wife feeding the babies, dying to have a taste of her milk and really wanting to make another baby... you can add this or maybe a pt.3 with this, aaaaaa sorry, I'm going crazy, but in my defense, your writing is so good, that's why I'm going crazy, I would spend all my day reading your work!!!
Nice and round for me | Part 2
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PAIRING | Dad!Husband!Tony Stark x Mom!Wife!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | The two of you are absolutely in love with each other and your amazing twin boys. The two of them are like angels sent straight from heaven, and now Tony can't wait to make more kids with you. Especially now that he wants a few that are exact copies of you, after having boys that are his carbon copy.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Drinking of breast milk (sexual way), labor and delivery of the twins, breastfeeding the twins, smut [ lactation kink/breast milk drinking, cumming in pants, cock warming, implied semi-public sex ]
A/N | Oh, sweet sweet Nonnie, I wish I could give you the biggest hug because you gave me the biggest compliment I could ever imagine! When I saw your request I got a huge smile on my face and lots of ideas immediately popped into my head, so I couldn't wait to start working on part 2 for you 🖤
If you haven't already, you can read Part 1 right here.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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You're 7 months pregnant with your twin boys and over the moon about it. There is one thing you're not so happy about: the incredible back- and foot pain that comes with it.
''Don't worry, my gorgeous Honey Bee,'' Tony says as he sits you on the couch, ready to give you a nice foot massage. When he sits down at your feet and grabs one of your feet, you immediately feel a lot better knowing what's to come.
You let out deep groans at the feeling of Tony putting pressure on the right points, and you let your head fall back on the arm of the couch. ''Fuck, right there, that's the spot,'' you tell him, and he smiles.
You're so relaxed you don't notice that you're lactating again; your milk has come in a little while ago, and you constantly leak through your bra and shirt.
Tony completely abandons your feet and immediately goes over to your stomach to lift the shirt and drink your milk, just like he has done a few times before.
''Hm, you're leaking again, Honey Bee; let me take care of those full tits of yours so they'll be all better,'' he says, and before you can protest, your shirt and bra are on the floor, your husband suckling on your nipples.
You're very sensitive, but it feels so good, and you can't help but let out soft moans that turn Tony on beyond belief.
''Hm, keep making those beautiful sounds for me,'' he says as he ruts his hips into the couch cushion, already close to an orgasm from just drinking from you.
When one of your breasts is finally feeling better, Tony switches to the other one. Still, it starts dripping before he can get his mouth on it, so he licks it up and quickly attaches to it.
He starts moaning around your nipple, and you can feel Tony's movements get more erratic, indicating he's close.
''Oh, cum for me, Babe, please cum while you drink my milk,'' you tell him, and with that, he does, shooting ropes of his cum into his underwear and pants, leaving a big stain there.
''Ah, you're so amazing, Honey Bee,'' he says when he's done with the other one, too, and you're immediately relieved.
''You're even more amazing, Babe,'' you tell him, and with that, you send him into the shower to get himself cleaned up; you don't want to hear him complain about chafing later.
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A few days have passed without more leaking incidents, but you know this would all be too good to be true.
You're having dinner with Tony and the other Avengers in a fancy restaurant when suddenly you feel something's wrong, but you can't pinpoint it.
When you suddenly see Bucky's eyes grow wide and move down to your chest, you know what's wrong; you're lactating again, and your dress is ruined.
''I, uh, I'm so sorry, but I have to go,'' you quickly excuse yourself, closely followed by Tony, who is right behind you.
''Honey Bee, is everything okay? He says as he catches up with you, but you keep walking, too embarrassed at what happened.
''Tony, please just leave me alone; I just need to go home and go to bed,'' you say, but he notices. Even though you're wearing a dark dress, it is still noticeable.
''Oh Honey Bee, there's nothing to be embarrassed about,'' he says, but you can't stop the tears from flowing at his words.
''Yes, there is, Tony! I can't even get through a fucking dinner without ruining a dress! I just wish they would be out of my body already!'' you say, sobbing into your husband's arms.
''It's okay, I mean it. We can just go home and get you cleaned up, after which we can just lay in bed together and cuddle, maybe watch a movie,'' he offers, and you calm down at the thought.
From that day forward, you're always prepared by wearing protection in your bra or changing your clothes, which significantly eases your mind.
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The day you're 8 months pregnant, your water suddenly decides to break, and your boys are ready to be brought into the world.
Tony happens to be working at the lab, and you're in the kitchen to make yourself a snack when the faithful moment happens, and you're all alone.
''JARVIS, get Tony here, NOW!'' you growl at the AI, and he does immediately.
''Mr. Stark, Mrs. Stark requires immediate attention in the kitchen on your floor. It appears she has gone into labor,'' the AI says, and Tony practically flies up the floors to get to you.
Before Tony can reach you, Steve has already come to your rescue when he hears a scream. He is just soothing you until Tony can get there, and you're glad for his super soldier strength.
Your contractions are already pretty severe, and you're squeezing the life out of his hand while trying to get through the wave of pain.
''I'm here, don't worry, Honey Bee,'' Tony says, and you keep squeezing Steve's hand.
You loudly yell at the worst point of the contraction, which is heart-wrenching and pierces through everything.
When the worst has died down, you're rushed to the medbay after a sincere thank you to Steve, and now it's time for you to officially start pushing.
The delivery goes relatively smoothly, and less than 6 hours later, you and Tony are holding your gorgeous baby boys in your arms after lots of screaming, squeezing, pushing, and tears.
''So, what are their names?'' the nurse asks, and the two of you look at each other; you knew their names early on.
James and Oliver Stark.
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The boys are basically carbon copies of Tony without the beard, and it is absolutely the cutest thing you've ever seen.
They have been with the two of you for almost 2 months now, and it is finally time to introduce them to the Avengers; you wanted to keep them to yourself just a little longer, and Tony was totally okay with that, for which you are still thankful.
''Are you all ready to meet our beautiful boys?'' you ask when you enter the living room, where all the Avengers are gathered. Loki is also there because he doesn't want to miss the chance to meet the extraordinary twins he's heard so much about.
You walk in with James, and Tony is holding Oliver. They're wearing the most adorable matching bear suits, making them look even cuddlier than they already are.
''Oh wow! They look exactly like Tony!'' Steve says as he walks over to see the boys.
''Did you want to hold one of them?'' you ask, and Steve's eyes light up.
''If that isn't too much, I would love to,'' he says, and Tony hands him Oliver.
''Bucky? Did you maybe want to hold him?'' you ask as you walk over with James, already planning ahead for the name reveal.
''Are you- Are you sure? With the arm and all...'' he says, and you nod.
''As long as you follow my instructions, nothing can go wrong, I promise,'' you say, and he walks over, albeit still very carefully.
When the two super soldiers are holding them, you walk over to Tony and look with nothing but adoration at your boys and the two men holding them.
''So, Steve is holding Oliver right now,'' you start, and they all gasp at the beautiful name.
''It fits him,'' Steve says as he walks up and down with him, and he instantly falls asleep in Steve's arms.
''And Bucky, please don't drop him when I tell you his name. I think you'll figure out very soon why I wanted you to hold him,'' you say with a grin like the Cheshire Cat.
''Right now, you're holding our wonderful son called James,'' Tony says, and Bucky's head snaps up to both of you.
''Though we didn't name him after you - I'm sorry for that - we still thought you should be the first to hold him,'' you say, and he gets tears in his eyes from the thoughtfulness.
When he gives James back to you, he whispers a soft thank you.
''Don't worry about it, Bucky. I know it's probably something you won't ever have, so I thought it would only be fair that you would get to hold him first,'' you say, and he gives you a side hug and a kiss on your head.
''You're the best,'' he says, and you just can't stop smiling.
Steve, however, won't let go of Oliver just yet.
''Steve, you know he has to eat at some point, right?'' you joke, but he is enamored of the little guy.
''I know, but I don't want to let little Oliver go just yet,'' he says, smiling and cooing at the little boy in his arms.
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''Ready for bath time?'' you ask Tony as he walks over; he just prepared the bath for James and Oliver. The two of you have found a perfect routine where one eats while the other gets a bath and vice versa.
''More than you'll know, Honey Bee,'' Tony says as you sit in the rocking chair with Oliver, ready to breastfeed him. As soon as you open your dress to give him access, you can see Tony's line of sight move towards your breast.
''Shouldn't you be more focused on ensuring you don't drown little James?'' you joke, and he quickly turns his head, hoping you don't see his blushing face.
''Sorry,'' he says. ''Your Mommy is perfect, so it's okay if I look at her, right? I love her so much, and I still can't believe I got so lucky,'' he coos at James, who giggles and babbles back at Tony's words.
''I love you too, Babe,'' you say.
''Oh, did you hear that? Mommy is eavesdropping!'' he jokes, and you just chuckle, and you feel like you've found heaven on earth.
When Tony finishes bath time, he dries off Oliver. He changes him into the cutest pair of footed pajamas, ready to switch him out with James after he's burped.
Oliver is always pretty hungry after his bath, so he latches on without a problem, hungry as ever.
When they are both done with bath time, and James is now wearing matching pajamas as Oliver, the two of you tuck them into bed, but not before you read them a little bedtime story.
You always do this with Tony, who usually pulls you into his lap while you read to them. He just sits there with his eyes closed, listening to the soothing sounds of your voice, and he can't stop thinking how deeply in love he is with you.
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The twins have grown a lot over the past year, and they're still occasionally breastfeeding. Still, you usually tend to pump to relieve some of the strain and always have some milk within reach.
Right now, however, it is the time when you do actually breastfeed them. You have made yourself comfortable in the living room because everyone else is on a mission.
The TV is going with your favorite series, and James is happily drinking while making grabby hands at your hair, which makes you laugh.
''How are two of my favorite people on this planet doing?'' Tony asks as he walks into the living room, and when he sees you feeding, he goes almost feral.
He was already quite in the mood to pull you apart this morning, and the two of you had some lazy morning sex before the twins woke up, but seeing you like this makes him go crazy.
''Oh, fuck...'' Tony whispers as he sees you looking as gorgeous as ever.
''James is already done, and Oliver ate already, so if you want, you can drink some too,'' you offer, especially since you learned how turned on you get from it, just like Tony.
And that's how the two of you ended up in the position you're in.
Tony is sitting on the couch with his pants halfway down his thighs, and you're cock warming him while he's sucking every last drop of milk from you.
''Oh, Tony, please move, need to cum,'' you beg, but he doesn't move and let you grind or bounce either.
''When I'm done, you will get all the orgasms you beg for and more, Honey Bee. Right now is my time; later will be about you,'' he says, and with just those words, you almost cum right then and there.
But he makes true to his promise, and when he's done, you have some of the most mind-blowing sex you've had in a long time.
And about a month and a half later, you find out you're pregnant again, making Tony even more feral than he already was.
''I'm gonna keep you pregnant for as long as I can and create a huge family with you,'' he says as you look at your first ultrasound of the new baby. It's only one this time, but that doesn't mean they're not as welcome as the twins were.
7.5 months later, a beautiful baby girl is born, who is indeed your carbon copy. And her name is Lily Morgan Stark.
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mymelodymia · 10 months
omgomgomg u are literally the only one feeding my dad tony heart rn <3 u should do a fic with dad tony and child reader's first day of school! (I'll let u handle on the details) have a good day!
I loved this request so much <3
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Summary: you, tonys childs first day of school
Warnings: none
A/N: this is my first request and I'm super excited about it, anon, you just made my day <3
you made sure to wake up extra early, in order to not be late, like 5 am kind of early, you ran out of bed and most of your stuffed animals fell to the floor, you rushed into your fathers bedroom, jumping onto the bed as fast as possible.
"DADDY DADDYY" when tony didn't even stir from his slumber, you threw your tiny body on top of him, that's what got him up
"Y/N what are you doing up?"
"its my first day of schoool!" You said bouncing up and down on the bed,
"Whoo slow down there missy, kindergarten doesn't start for another 3 hours" tony said with a small smile on his face, catching you and taking you into his arms, laying back down holding you this time
"Heyyy" you said grumpy "why are we laying down i have to go to schoooolll" you whined
"Because you're gonna take a nap Y/N/N, it is far to early for you to be up" you only sighed and laid down, tony stroking his fingers through your hair.
"Jarvis, remind me to get Y/N up at 8:30"
"Will do sir"
tony woke up before you, around 8 am, so he got up, made coffee and sat at the couch chowing down on a piece of toast, when Jarvis spoke up.
"it is 8:25 A.M, and is hardly cloudy" tony walked over to his room, where you were still sleeping peacefully, when he decided to have some fun with you. Opening the door slowly tony sing-song "Oh Y/N/N"
You stirred in your sleep, before waking up fully turning over from your side, to your back, looking over you saw your father, with his fingers sped out like claws, and crouched over, he slowly stalked over to the bed, when he got close enough, he quickly scooped you into his arms, you screamed a high pitched scream, before giggling having not expected to be woken up to that.
"Guess what time it isss" tony whispered into your ear
"ITS MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL" you squealed jumping out of tonys arms and bolting of to your room to put on the outfit you and tony picked out the night before, you quickly put on the little white shirt, and small jeans, putting your pink sweater over it all.
Tony made you a small bowl of your favorite cereal, and you were both out the door, when you arrived at the kindergarten you were starting to become more and more nervous, tony noticed this and got down on one knee to be more on your level,
"Whats wrong sweetheart?" Tony asked with concern
"I'm nervous, what if none of the kids like me" you said with a frown, eyes downcast, tony hated seeing you like this,
"Baby, dont worry about that, the kids will love you, and so will the teachers, you're gonna do great sweetpea" when tony said this, you regained your confidence back, smiling you said to your father
"Ok daddy" and the two of you were back to walking down the hall to your class, before you stepped in the small classroom tony again bent down and gave you the biggest hug, and kissed your cheek "bye baby, be good" with that you were off into the classroom,
on the way home, tony may or may not have gotten emotional, he hated seeing you grow up so fast, he wanted his baby girl to slow down a bit, he missed the days where he would feed you in the crook of his arm, or rock you to sleep as you rested on his chest.
When tony came to pick you up, you ran to him and gave him the biggest hug your tiny body could produce, on the way home tony smiled listening to you going on and on about your great day, not leaving anything out,
"And this girl named camilla let me borrow this blue crayon she was using, and then when it was dress-up time we were both princesses, and then she asked me to be her friend." This continued for about an hour, tony holding on to every word you said.
A/N: I hope whoever requested this likes it, <3
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greiiliss · 1 year
Lincoln Li-Wilson is learning how to walk. His little baby legs carry him awkwardly across the floor towards his dads- Grant with his arms outstretched and Marco filming on his phone, both with encouraging smiles on their faces. "Come on Link! You can do it!" Link loses his balance and falls to the floor, not hard enough to hurt but enough to startle. His face scrunches up, but before he can even begin to cry his dads are there, wrapping him up in a hug, reassuring him. "Aw, it's okay, buddy. You're alright. You're safe."
Link's older now. They're at the house of one of Grant's friends. They visit with them a lot; Link's gotten used to seeing the same familiar faces. But this time there's someone new. Her name's Terry, he thinks, and she's in the backyard kicking a soccer ball around by herself. He asks if he could play with her, and she says yes. They take turns kicking the ball and being the goalie. She's really good! At one point Link kicks the ball towards the goal she's defending, but he misses and hits her right in the stomach, knocking her to the ground. He runs over to her, reaching out his hands to help her up. "Oh gosh, are you okay? I'm so sorry!" She bats his hands away and stands up on her own, getting back into position, a defiant look in her eye.
A while later, they get home from another one of those visits. Grant was quiet in the car, uncomfortably so. They get inside the house and Grant says "Link, I don't want you talking to those kids anymore. Especially not that Normal kid." "Why not?" Link asks, confused. "They're dangerous," is all the explanation Grant gives.
Link doesn't really leave the house anymore. He does school at home, he plays soccer at home, they have vacations at home. "It can be dangerous out there," Grant says. "You're safe at home." That's probably true. Still, playing soccer by yourself gets kinda boring. Link thinks about playing soccer with Terry. What if he tried going to a public school? For soccer, just soccer. It's not like he's lonely or anything. Why would he be? He's got his dads!
It is several months later, and so much has happened.
Lincoln, now a teenager, is standing in the entrance of his home, the one place where he has known for certain that he's been safe his entire life, and that belief has just been shattered. The man who kidnapped his father so many years ago has just come into his home and killed a man. One of Link's best friends just set that man free so he could come into his home and kill a man who Link has known for years.
Link thinks about trying to heal him, he's done it before. But he catches Willy's eye from where he has pressed Normal into the wall, and he knows that if he tried Willy would just kill Tony Pepperoni all over again. So Link does the only thing he can think of. He sits next to the Doodler's Anchor of Loneliness and holds his hand, refusing to let him be alone while he dies. "Hey man, I'm here, you're...you're not alone man, I'm right here with you." There is blood staining the floor, and Tony Pepperoni -who Link's had dinner with before, who he's spent the past two months with every day after school watching anime- is trying desperately to speak, to tell him to say…. something to his daughter. Maybe that he loves her. Maybe that he's sorry. Maybe both, or something else entirely.
And then he is gone.
Link looks at Willy, who has finally let go of Normal and is standing with his hands in his pockets, largely unaffected. He looks beat up, but he's here, and Link shudders when he remembers that Grant was the only other person in that room who was free. Link looks at Marco, who has a knife shakily pointed at Willy, horrified and unsure what to do. Link looks at Scary. She has that look in her eye, the one she had when he knocked her down playing soccer.
"Where's the opener?"
Scary scoffs. "Shouldn't you say 'Thank you'?"
"Do you have the opener?"
She manages to look somewhat sheepish. "Yeah, I have it."
He looked up to her. She was one of his best friends. And when he let her into his home, she stole from him and brought a killer in.
"Get the fuck out of my house, Scary."
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daddy day care// steve rogers
pairing: dad!steve rogers x reader, slight bucky barnes x reader (platonic)
summary: when bucky goes on a mission and it goes wrong causing him to become a 6 year old boy once again who better to look after him than his two best friends.
warnings: none currently
a/n: guess who's back! i'm finally writing again and im so happy! ive been so busy with college and work but as it's christmas i've had time to write. i am currently working on my first request and i'm so excited for you to read it but first have this fic!
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Y/N and Steve were sat in the living room watching TV when their four year old daughter, Sarah Jamie Rogers, came rushing into the room clutching one of her teddies and she had a silver princess crown on her head. 
“Daddy, when's uncle Bucky going to be back?” She asked.
“Either tonight or tomorrow princess,” Steve said.
“Ughh, okay” Sarah groaned
“Why baby what’s wrong” Y/N said to her daughter who was now pouting slightly.
“I need someone to play tea parties with” Sarah stated as if it was common knowledge.
“I can play with you princess all you have to do is ask” 
“No I don’t want to play with you, you don’t play it properly”
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you could play tea parties wrong” Steve said jokingly, poking his daughters ribs causing her to giggle but then she stopped and wore a sad expression on her face once again. 
“You don’t wear the princess crown or the b-b-”Sarah stutters, looking to her mum for help. 
“Boa baby” Y/N said.
“Boa and without it it’s just not the same” Sarah said slightly whining. 
“Well, I’m sure when Buck gets back I’m sure he will want to play with you” Steve said, pressing a kiss on her forehead, “But until then why don’t me, you and mummy have a movie afternoon and I’ll go get some snacks and we can cuddle hmm?” 
“Yeeeaaahhh” Sarah yelled loudly, jumping onto the sofa elbowing Steve in his crotch causing him to grunt, standing up slowly and walking out the door. 
It had been two days since Bucky, Sam and Tony were due home from their mission and it was causing Steve and Y/N to worry none of them were answering their phones or had even contacted anyone in those two days.
“I’m worried they should have been back ages ago” Steve said pulling Y/N in closer rubbing his thumb up and down her arm absentmindedly.
“I know, if we don’t hear from them by tomorrow we will start to panic okay” Y/N said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
The next morning Steve and Y/N are awoken by loud banging on their bedroom door. Steve gets up and opens the door to see Sam stood panting.
“You’re back, what took so long,” Steve said, pulling Sam into a hug.
“Yeah um about that, we had a slight problem. Tony tried to fix it but without his tech he couldn’t so we had to come back”
“Why, what happened?” Y/N said standing next to Steve.
“It’s hard to explain, it’ll be easier to just show you” Sam said as he turned and rushed down the corridor. 
As Y/N and Steve entered the living room they saw Tony with his back to the two of them talking to Pepper who seemed slightly stressed but no Bucky in sight and that’s when Y/N heard it, the sound of tiny feet running across the floor and the sound of a small child's laughter. 
Y/N turned expecting to see Sarah except she saw a small brunette boy with bright blue eyes, Bucky.
“What the hell happened on that mission” 
“He may or may not have temporarily been captured by Hydra” Sam muttered 
“They have developed a new weapon, they used it on Bucky and when we found him he was a child” 
“So how do we fix this?” Steve asked as he watched Bucky jump onto the sofa giggling. 
“I’ll have to see what they actually did to him before I can reverse it, so it’s going to take a while,” Tony said.
“Okay, so what do we with him until then because he can’t be left alone, he’s a kid” Y/N said 
 “Well…” Tony said looking between Y/N and Steve, “I think it’s pretty clear who should look after him”
“I mean he isn’t wrong” Sam said “You two do actually have a kid that’s around the same age as Bucky”
“So does Tony” Y/N said
“Technically Morgan is older and I can’t look after him as well as try and reverse what they did all at the same time” 
“Maybe it would be good for us to look after him, he is your best friend and it will be good for Sarah to be around someone her age a bit more. We both know she misses Bucky” Y/N said as she turned to Steve.
“Okay, we will look after him” Steve said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 
It had been three hours since Bucky returned and to say Y/N and Steve had their work cut out. Bucky was a ball of energy and with the serum it made it 20 times worse and when he was put in a room with Sarah and the two were wild. The two had always been close and when they were together they were always up to something and causing some sort of trouble and now they were the same age it was worse, mainly because Bucky now had the same energy levels as Sarah so he wasn’t getting tired as quickly so he could run around just as much as she could now. 
Y/N and Steve were laying on the sofa with her head resting on his lap as he rubbed her forehead slowly with his thumb. 
“Are you feeling okay? You don’t look so good” Steve said looking down at Y/N.
“Yeah just tired, they’ve just worn me out” 
“You sure, you’re not getting sick or anything are you?” 
“No, just tired. I think it’s cause I don’t have the serum but all three of you do” Y/N said, smiling up at Steve.
“Okay but if your tired go to sleep sweetheart”
“I’m okay, I just need to relax a little” Y/N said, although within twenty minutes she was fast asleep. 
It was the next morning and Y/N was standing in the kitchen making Bucky and Sarah breakfast whilst Steve was on a run, suddenly Y/N was hit by a wave of nausea. Holding back the urge to be sick when Sam came into the kitchen. Tony was slowly getting closer to solving what happened to Bucky and is working on something to bring Bucky back to how he should be.-=
“Can you keep an eye on the food and the kids please” Y/N asked Sam trying to talk quickly to get to the toilet quicker. 
“Yeah, you okay?” Sam asked with a concerned tone in his voice.
“Um maybe” Y/N said as she walked quickly to the toilet. 
She opened the door and kneeled in front of the toilet, shutting the door with her foot. 
“Hey, Y/N you okay?” 
Y/N recognised that voice from anywhere, Nat. Nat had become Y/N’s best friend, she was the reason her and Steve were together, for every big moment Nat was there. Her and Steve’s wedding, the proposal, Y/N finding out she was pregnant with Sarah, Sarah’s birth. It only made sense for her and Bucky to be Sarah’s godparents. 
Nat could hear her being sick and knew she hated it luckily she didn’t really have that problem with Sarah’s pregnancy. “Oh, Y/N.” Nat said, pulling her hair into a ponytail and tying it with the hairband she had on her wrist. “I know, just get it all out” She said, rubbing her back slowly. 
After a few minutes, Y/N sat up and leant against the wall next to Nat. “I think I might have food poisoning, I told Tony the chicken didn’t look cooked” Y/N said wiping her mouth with some tissue. 
“Babe, we all had the chicken and your the only one that’s ill” Nat said, that’s when it hit Y/N.
Her period was a few days late. She felt sick. Her hormones have been slightly out of whack but she assumed it was having another child around causing her to be slightly more reactive. But now that she thinks about the symptoms as a group she realises she felt the same around 5 years ago. When she found out she was pregnant with Sarah. 
Y/N jumped up and rushed to the bathroom that was connected to her and Steve’s bedroom with Nat following behind her. She could hear Nat calling her name but the adrenaline currently rushing through her veins. She rushed over to the sink and dropped to her knees and began rummaging through the cupboard. As she reached into the back corner that was when she felt the box. She opened the box and pulled out the white package. 
It had been 3 minutes and Nat was sat on the bathroom with Y/N. Y/N reached over to the white stick that rested near her feet. She picked it up and flipped it over. 
Tears filled Y/N’s eyes as she felt Nat pull her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around Nat. Y/N wasn’t even sure how to feel, she felt overwhelmed. Would Steve be happy? How is Sarah going to react? And then there’s Bucky. Y/N is currently looking after two children and it’s hard work. Would she cope with three?
“Hey, look at me. It’s all going to be okay” Nat said as she wiped the tears off Y/N’s cheek with her thumb. Nat could tell that Y/N was overwhelmed. It happened when she found out she was pregnant with Sarah. Her mind just goes into overdrive thinking about all the possible outcomes, some good but some bad. 
The door opened causing Y/N and Nat to look towards it and saw Steve. 
“Hey, what's going on in here? It looks slightly dodgy. Should I be concerned?” Steve said as he walked into the bathroom leaning against the wall opposite the girls. 
“You should always be concerned rogers, you wife is sexy”
“Oh really Romanoff? I haven’t noticed” Steve said as he leant down to press a kiss onto Y/N’s lips, using his index finger to tilt her chin up. That’s when Steve noticed the white stick laying on the floor. 
“Y/N?” Steve said with a questioning tone in his voice “Is this what I think it is?” Y/N nodded quickly. Steve had never been so happy, his smile grew and he placed another kiss on her lips. Nat knew they needed a moment alone so she left and went to spend time with Sarah. 
He had always wanted a family pre-serum but after he came out of the ice he lost the desire. He couldn’t see himself having children with or marrying anyone other than Peggy. That was until he met Y/N. She changed him for the better and everyone around him noticed it, especially Bucky. When he came back from Wakanda he was finally ready to meet the girl his best friend wouldn’t shut up about and to say all three were nervous would be an understatement. Steve wasn’t sure what he would do if the two most important people in his life would get on but he couldn’t have been any further from the truth. The two immediately got on like a house on fire, if anything they got on two well. It was common for the two to pick on Steve. Especially once Sarah was born. It was Y/N’s idea to give Sarah the middle name Jamie in honour of Bucky. He saved Steve’s life multiple times and for that naming her child after him was the least Y/N could do. 
It had been a week since the pair found out they would be welcoming another life into the world. They were both laying in bed with Sarah in between them with Steve subtly rubbing Y/N’s stomach when they heard a knock at the door. Sarah immediately jumped up and opened the door. 
“Hey uncle Tony”
“Hey kiddo, where’s your parents?” Tony said, shocked slightly by the small person that opened the door.
“What do you need Tony?”  Steve said, standing behind Sarah with Y/N next to him. 
“I’ve done it, I can bring him back” Tony said, being careful what he said not knowing how much Sarah knew about the Bucky situation. 
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked, “It won’t hurt him will it?”
“Well I mean it might a little bit but it won’t cause any more damage to him” Tony said as Sarah ran off and grabbed her doll that was laying on the floor.
“That’s great, when can you do it?”
“Now. Where is he?” 
“Uh, terrorising Peter with Sam” 
“Okay let’s go save the kid and sort out that issue” Tony said as three of them leave with Sarah following behind, although she notices Nat and immediately runs to her. 
When they entered Tony’s lab Y/N was holding Bucky in her arms. Tony walked over to the two with a vial with a clear liquid in and handed it to Y/N. She placed Bucky on the floor and Bucky turned to look up at Steve.
“Stevie” Bucky said causing Steve to bend down onto one knee to be at Bucky’s eye level.
“Yeah buddy”
“I don’t want to drink the nasty liquid”
“I know but if you want to be back to yourself then you need to”
“What if I like being small? I don’t want to be big” Bucky exclaimed causing Steve to chuckle. “And Sarah will be sad she told me she likes me being little cause we can play all day” 
“I know but Sarah will have a new friend in about 8 months so she will be okay” Steve said quietly ruffling Bucky’s hair. Bucky looked slightly confused at first but then realised what they meant, Y/N was pregnant. 
“Hey, Bucky. I know you are feeling scared but I promise we would never do anything to hurt you, it will just be a little uncomfortable. We just need to get the old Bucky back” Tony said, kneeling next to Steve. The two had a complicated relationship and it took a while but eventually the two managed to put aside all the drama and tension  and are now civil. 
Bucky took the vial into his hand and poured it down his throat. He felt the liquid run through his body causing him to grunt.
Steve and Y/N walked into the living room where Nat and Peter were sat on the floor playing with Sarah. 
“Hey, there’s our little princess. Are you having fun?” Steve said as he picked Sarah up who came crashing into him.
“Yeah, we were playing princesses”
“I can tell” Y/N said looking at Peter who had a crown on his head and a tutu. 
“UNCLE BUCKY” Sarah screamed, wriggling out of Steve’s grip and colliding into Bucky’s legs. 
“Hey munchkin” Bucky said as he scooped up Sarah. 
“How are you big again” Sarah asked squeezing Bucky’s cheeks together
“Uncle Tony helped me out so now we can play again”
“But I liked when you were small, we could play more” Sarah said whining slightly.
“I know munchkin but we can still play, I will always play with you. You know that” Bucky said, pressing a kiss on her forehead.
Y/N looked over to Steve after seeing Sarah’s putty lip she felt guilty. She knew it was the hormones but there was one thing she knew would cheer up Sarah.
“Yeah baby” He said, wrapping an arm over her shoulders, looking down slightly at her.
“I think we should tell her” 
“You sure?”
“Yeah plus she will probably get suspicious soon” 
“Hey, it’s up to you. If you think we should tell her then we’ll tell her” Steve said pressing a kiss onto Y/N’s lips.
“Sarah, baby come here for me please”   
Bucky placed Sarah on the floor and she skipped over to her parents who were now sat on the sofa. 
“Hey princess”
“Hi mumma” Sarah says as she is placed between the two of them.
“We have something to tell you” Steve said 
“What is it?”
“You know how Peter is Morgan’s big brother?” 
“Yeah uncle Tony adopted him”
“Yeah exactly so how would you feel if you were to be a big sister in about 8 months” Y/N said, studying Sarah’s reaction which was a very confused one. 
“Mumma has a baby in her tummy” Steve said causing Sarah’s jaw to drop.
“A baby? How did it get there?” Sarah asked Y/N
“We will explain it when you are older princess” Y/N said chuckling as she kissed Sarah on the forehead. 
Sarah looked down at Y/N’s stomach for a few seconds and then lent in closer to it placing a kiss on her mum’s belly. 
“I love you baby”
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
Would you be able to do Steve's little girl being looked after by Tony or nat while he's on a mission and her being a handful (in a funny way) and when steve returns either one of them looking exhausted and reader is just asleep with a smile on her face?
Babysitting is hard (Nat tony x y/n)
A/n: i did gn reader pov, hope that's still okay, its just easier for me to write gn reader bc I'm used to it.
warnings: age regression, little reader, daddy Steve, Nat and Tony babysitting.
"Okay kiddo be good for everyone and give daddy a hug, I have to go now." You ran up to Steve wrapping your arms around him. "Bye y/n." You gave him a small wave and walked back over to Natasha.
"Are you ready to have a fun day with your favourite aunt?" She asked holding out her hand. You gave an enthusiastic nod, taking her hand with a huge grin. "Do you want some breakfast?" You shook your head at her question. "I wanna play I'm not hungry."
"Okay we can play a game of hide and seek but then you have to eat something." Nat compromised, covering her eyes. "1... 2!" You panicked running out of the room as fast as you could, you ran into Steve's room and crawled underneath his bed.
After a few minutes Nat walked into the room. "Wow y/n is so good at hiding I wonder where they could be, they definitely won't be under Steve's bed but maybe I should look anyway. Maybe there's a monster under there." You couldn't help but giggle at her words. "Hmm it sounds like there is, come out little monster I found you." You slid out at the other side before running out the door.
"You have got to be kidding me." Nat chuckled getting up. "Y/N get back here!" She heard your giggles echoing down the corridor, she ran out after you, seeing you hiding behind Tony.
"Y/n come on it's way too early for this, why don't I put a movie on for you?" you shook your head making her sigh. "I give up."
"Come on Romanoff it can't be that hard." Tony chuckled taking a sip of his coffee.
"Ok Mr little expert, why don't you give it a try?" Tony scoffed turning to you. "Hey kiddo, how about some breakfast hm?" You nodded pointing to the cereal on the top shelf. Steve never let you have any because it had too much sugar, and as the two avengers were about to find out you and sugar didn't mix very well.
"Okay I can do that." He smiled. "Here hop up on the counter while your favourite uncle gets your breakfast." He helped you onto the island and you sat there kicking your legs happily.
"See romanoff it's not that hard." Tony smirked grabbing the milk, Nat playfully rolled her eyes watching you reach for something next to you.
"Ugh das yuckies." You frowned putting down the genius' drink.
"You didn't." Tony frowned looking in his coffee cup. "The little monster drank my coffee." He shook his head playfully, giving you a smile. After all who could be mad at you?
"Okay little one that is enough caffeine for one day." Nat chuckled placing you on the floor. "Let's go eat this in front of the tv, just don't tell Steve." She grabbed your hand and lead you over to the living room.
After breakfast Natasha had to go train so she went to find Tony to babysit you for a while. You arrived in his lab but the genius was no where to be seen so Natasha decided to just let you play around until he came back.
"Natty wook." You giggled putting on Tony's helmet. "Steve is noyying i hate everyone. I need coffee." You mocked the genius making Nat smile, "That's perfect y/n."
"Personally I think it needs work." You turned around pulling off the helmet with a grin. "Hey uncl tony is Nattys fault she tell me to do it." The Russian looked at you completely stunned. "liar."
"Romanoff don't call the little cutie a liar look at them, they're too innocent and adorable to lie. Blaming a little after getting them to do your dirty work is disgusting behaviour and I am very disappointed in you." He said with a smirk before winking at you.
"Whatever, have fun. Bye!" She said before walking out. "Okay, who wants a new suit. You can be a little mini me, I get a sidekick and an excuse to make a suit, you get to look awesome and it will piss off Steve. Everybody wins." He said already making a start on your new suit.
The rest of your day was spent chasing Nat and Tony in your new suit, playing tag and hide and seek till an hour before Steve was due to come home. By the end of the game you were all exhausted.
"I can't run anymore." Tony sighed throwing himself on the couch. "Yeah y/n I don't wanna play this anymore can we do something else?" You landed in front of them, the suit disappeared revealing a very tired little, yawning uncontrollably. The affects of the sugar and adrenaline of playing faded almost as fast as it came and you collapsed into the Russian's arms.
"Yeah I think this one is way overdue a nap." Nat placed you down next to Tony before sitting down the other side of you. You soon fell asleep with a huge smile on your face, as much as you missed Steve spending the day with your favourite Aunt or uncle wasn't that bad... in fact it was amazing.
"Hey y/n I'm back!" Steve called out only to be met with shushing from the two avengers next to you. He walked over and saw you sleeping soundly, your head resting on Tony's shoulder and your fingers interlocked with the widow's. "Goodnight kiddo." Steve said with a chuckle. Your expression comforted Steve, he had been worried about you all day but seeing you so peaceful filled him with relief. He smiled to himself all the way back to his room where he began to unpack his stuff.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Antonio- Hen Party
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Neither Antonio or I wanted a hen party or stag do, but our friends insisted that we at least do something, so 8 months after we got engaged we all head to Mollys for a few drinks. 
"What will it be?" Herrmann asks me and Antonio behind the bar 
"I'll have a beer. YN?" Antonio looks at me 
"I'll have the same" I tell Chris while balancing Lucas on my hip. Herrmann hands Antonio and I our drinks, Toni takes them and we find a table to sit at. I place Lucas on my lap and give him a place mat to play with 
"So how does it feel? Next week your going to be a Dawson" Gabby says sitting across from us with Matt, both cradling a beers
"Any wedding jitters?" Matt asks earning an nudge of Gabby 
"Not on my end" Antonio looks at me 
"I'd be less worried if we were just going to the courthouse. I just have a feeling something is going to go wrong"
"Well it will with that attitude" 
"What could go wrong? I've made sure everything's perfect" Gabby smiles at me 
"I know I know"
"Everything will go to plan, don't worry" Antonio places a kiss on my temple before going back to his beer. Lucas starts to get fussy throwing the drinks mat on the floor 
"Let me have my nephew" I hear Jay say coming up from behind me. As soon as Lucas sees Jay and Will he stretches his arms out wanting to be picked up. I hand him over to Jay "hey buddy, it's passed your bedtime" 
"Ha I wish. He hasn't been going to sleep until 12 at night the last two weeks. Don't get me wrong once he's asleep he sleeps until 7 in the morning" I tell Jay. 
An hour later Laura shows up with Eva and Diego 
"YN, dad!" Eva shouts running over to us 
"Hey sweetheart" Antonio ruffles her hair and gives Diego a hug "Laura" he acknowledges 
"I'll pick them up tomorrow evening. Just don' be out to late" 
"We won't" I try to reassure her 
"Yes well considering you have the baby here I would expect you both to be leaving at a sensible time" 
"Mum the baby is called Lucas" Diego corrects his mother 
"Right well I'll see you both tomorrow. Be good" she gives them a kiss on the cheek before looking back to me and Antonio "I'll takes Eva's bridesmaids dress and Diageo’s suit tomorrow"
"But final fitting isn't until next Wednesday" I frown 
"2 days before the wedding is cutting it a bit fine. They aren't going to grow in the next 5 days. I don't even know why your having this wedding, Antonios track record isn't really..."
"Laura that's enough" Will warns 
"I'm just saying that he's not had the best of luck when it comes to marriages"
"You were the one who filed for divorce not Toni, you couldn't handle being a detectives wife"
"Because my son was taken!" Laura yells at Gabby 
"I think you need to leave"Voight says walking over to us 
"Fine. I'll have their things tomorrow" with that she turns and leaves Mollys 
"I'm sorry" Antonio turns to face me 
"I knew what I was getting into when I started dating you. Crazy job hours, crazy..."
"Ex" Jay mutters under his breath earning a nudge off me 
"She's worried that we are rushing all of this. She's scared that I'm going to walk out of the kids lives"
"She should know by now that your not, your in this for life.....aren't you?"
"Of course I am" I place my hands on Antonio's face "I'm not going anywhere"
"Good because neither am I" Toni leans down and kisses my lips. 
Like we promised Laura, we don't stay out for too long, plus Lucas has started to get crabby, so we all head off home. 
I change Lucas's diaper and clothes to get him ready for bed before I can start getting myself ready for bed
"Goodnight my little man" I place a kiss on his head and sooth him to sleep before placing him in his crib. I then go to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and put on one of Toni's shirts. Climbing into bed, Antonio is already there waiting for me 
"I'm sorry YN, this isn't probably what you had envisioned when you thought about a husband" 
"What do you mean?" I frown looking at Toni
"I mean you probably didn't want a divorced man with two kids and an ex wife who doesn't know when to stop sticking her nose into my business"
"Maybe not, but do you know what I did want? I wanted a man who would love me no matter what, a man who loves his kids, a man who trust me, a man who I can trust and I have that and so much more with you. No life is perfect, but with you I have close to perfect as possible. I love you Antonio and I can't wait to be your wife" 
"I love you to YN" I cuddle up to my fiancè  and fall asleep in his arms.
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