#and wanted to try a this song since it’s short ehehe
kuiinncedes · 1 year
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blanking so hard for the second half LOL
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
So I was browsing Tumblr since I like to do that sometimes, and bam! I got hit with a fic inspiration... Anyway here you go misfits! (This is set after the new hotel is built)
Girls' day feat. Angel Dust:
“Uh why the fuck is he here?”
Those words came out when the last of the invited arrived at Charlie’s little get-together. It was Angel Dust wearing a beautiful pink crop top and black shorts with sparkly neon pink heels as he grinned. “I was invited toots.”
“Ya got a problem with Angie?” Cherri growled at Vaggie, who lifted her hands in defense. “No, just thought he'd be with the guys..”
Angel Dust just laughed. “You're just jealous cause I can easily out girl ya toots.” He playfully sneered, fluffing up his sexy chest fluff.
Vaggie just growled a bit, though blinked as she heard the door only to see Charlie come back with the cutest looking outfit on, which was free flowing grey crop top with small sleeves that exposed her shoulders and a beautiful pair of casual jeans. Instantly she blushed a bit and looked away. “Ha, look at the blush on the fuckin’ munchkin!” Cherri chuckled, nudging her best friend Angel who joined in with a snicker. Even Niffty who sat on the couch couldn't help but giggle. “She looks like a lamp.”
Charlie pursed her lips clearly not liking the teasing. She flashed the others with her demonic red and white eyes to get them to stop. “Uh whoops, so uh what cha got in the box?” Angel laughed nervously.
“I'm glad you asked, since it's a girl's day I figured we could have a fun spa session!” The princess grinned, placing the box down and opening it.
Inside said box was a bunch of different skin care products, nail polish, scented body lotions, and much more. “I ain't one for just relaxin’ but Angie convinced me.” Cherri stated picking up one of the nail polish, a beautiful shimmering yellow like his eyes. Her face fell since it had only been several weeks since the battle with heaven.
“Seriously Cherri, ya needed it, besides we all miss our little snake.” Angel placed one of his arms around her. “Now let's see how this color looks on ya sugar tits.” He grinned trying to cheer up his best bud.
Vaggie smiled a bit. She knew the loss of Sir Pentious weighed on everyone. However, with the new hotel, it was a chance to move forward. She went over to the box and smirked. “He did like the smell of mint.” The angel held up some hand lotion to Cherri, who blinked.
“There wasn't a day where I didn't see that snake with either a cup of coffee or tea.” Angel mused as Cherri took the lotion with a nod. To her it felt weird, people actually being nice, to have had a man who complimented her mind instead of her hot as fuck body, and that kiss, fuck it had been kinda hot.
Cherri smirked a bit. “He was fun to pick on, the slimy shit.” She took off her gloves and casually applied the lotion. It really wasn't her style but she didn't mind it.
Charlie smiled a bit seeing how Cherri relaxed. She was hoping to recruit the bombardier but the woman had turned her down. “So Angel..” She smirked in a sing-song like tone. “I saw the eyes you were giving Husk. What's up with that?” She playfully poked the spider.
Angel blinked and cleared his throat. Even Cherri looked up at him and smirked evilly. “Don't you start too!” He groaned but blinked as Niffty giggled.
“I'm not one for the gay stuff, but I did notice ehehe. He always pours your drink first.” She smirked with her wide toothy grin. “I think that cat has grown soft.”
Angel blinked at Niffty, but then had a soft smile of his own. “During the before battle shit I wanted to stick by the guy and enjoy his drinks and company.” He admitted with a light blush.
“I saw you two flirtin’ durin’ the whole thing!” Cherri nudged with a grin.
Charlie squeed having the same look she had when Sir Pentious confessed his crush for Cherri to her. “I'm rooting for you Angel!”
Vaggie lightly punched his arm. “You got this.”
Angel just chuckled and hugged the girls. “Daww you ladies are makin’ me blush!” He grinned. “Now which of these would Kitty like?” He asked while releasing the girls so he could dig through the box.
Charlie smiled and picked out a gorgeous starry night nail polish. “This would look so good on you, Vaggie!” She grinned as Vaggie blinked. “Alright hon, go ahead.”
Angel chuckled seeing Charlie take out a nail care kit first. “Could you do my nails too blondie?” He asked “Sure!”
Cherri blinked being tugged on by Niffty who held up a very pretty perfume bottle. “Try this, it smells really nice!” The little maid grinned, spritzing some onto Cherri’s wrist. “Oh, it's kinda got a musky scent.” She mused as Niffty nodded. “It smells nice doesn't it?”
“Reminds me of the shit Pen would wear.” Angel replied with a smirk. “Where’d ya find that one Niff?”
“I got it from the store, I also sprayed every bottle so I could find the right one.” She snickered since she made the clerk really pissed that day.
“Ya turned the store into a mustard gas situation?!” Cherri smirked and ruffled Niffty’s hair. “Yer a fuckin’ freak, I like ya.”
Angel rolled his eyes but then looked at Vaggie and tilted his head. “Hey toots, why are ya sittin’ cross legged?” He asked with a playful smirk. “Are ya tryin’ to hide your tiny ass feet?”
Vaggie flipped him off. “I don't see you taking off your heels. So you don't get to say shit.” She retorted with a smug look.
Angel grumbled and flipped her off right back. He didn't exactly like his feet, hell when he did his pornos he begged Val to keep his sexy heels on mentioning that sick fucks would be extra horny for the mystery. Cherri looked over and got up. “Hey Angie?”
“Yeah?” Angel looked at Cherri. “Wanna try on these fuckin’ sexy ass heels?” She grinned showing Angel some beautiful black leather laced up heeled boots.
The spider demon's eyes lit up as he took the shoes. “Fucking hell Cherri Bomb, where did ya get these beauties?”
Vaggie blinked and tilted her head. “Those actually look nice…” She added seeing the beautiful pink trim along the top and sole. “I know right? Bought these bitches for Angie cause the fucker loves his sexy heels.” Cherri showed a wide grin as Angel chuckled.
Charlie giggled, seeing the heels. “What are you waiting for? Try them on Angel!” She playfully coaxed, having finished applying the nail polish to Vaggie's beautiful nails.
Angel blushed a bit however looked at the girls. “Turn around for a sec and I will.” He replied looking at his glittery heels.
Vaggie noticed his hesitation and sighed. She was going to regret this but took off her own heels to reveal cute little feet making Charlie squeak. “You want me to paint these too?” She asked as Vaggie nodded.
Angel blinked at the gesture, he then looked at Cherri who looked a bit surprised but smirked. “Don't worry Angie, I'll beat any dumbfuck who messes with ya.” The bombshell grinned patting her spider boi on the shoulder.
The pornstar gulped a bit but nodded as he started undoing the buckles of his beautiful sparkly boots. He gave Vaggie a small thankful nod as the latter smiled a bit. Soon his small cute spider-like clawed feet wiggled free, tipped with his pinkish white fur and small little claws. He looked over and spotted Charlie who had removed her own shoes revealing small red hooves. “Huh…” He smiled a bit, feeling a little less awkward thanks to the two girls.
“Here catch.” Vaggie tossed Angel some beautiful glittery neon pink nail polish. “Hey thanks Vags.” He smirked looking it over.
Cherri blinked but smirked a bit. These folks were alright in her book even if some were a stickler for the rules. “Here let me apply it.” She asked Angel who blinked. “Oh sure..”
Niffty easily grabbed one of Charlie’s hooves, making the princess yelp and started to look it over. “Ooo! Kinda like what Alastor has, except yours are smaller than his..” The maid giggled only to be accidentally kicked in the face when she touched a ticklish spot.
“Shit! Sorry Niff!” Charlie gasped, looking horrified. “Yay pain!” The maid cooed springing back up from the wall she had smacked into because of the power behind the kick. “Do it again!”
Cherri just laughed. “Damn, looks like the goody two shoes has some power. Ya practically punted the tiny bitch.” She smirked as Charlie groaned. “I didn't mean to!”
Vaggie had to shoo Niffty away to keep the maid from trying to get Charlie to kick her again. “Hey Niff, check this out, there's bleach in the next room!” Angel smirked as the maid instantly scurried off with a rabid expression and grin. “Thanks…” Charlie sighed in relief.
Angel winked at Vaggie as a ‘the favor has been repaid’ gesture. The angel smirked a bit and casually started to pamper those cute little hooves. “It's a spa day isn't it, you get some pampering too princesa.” (Princess)
Charlie blushed as Vaggie massaged the ankles. She then looked over at Angel who smirked playfully. “Aww ain't that cute, betcha two get into some fun kinky shit in the bedroom eh?” He teased as Charlie started to blush and sizzle. “I think they're those vanilla type fuckers. Looks like it anyway.” Cherri smirked as Vaggie grumbled trying to pay no mind to the teasing though her golden blush was starting to show again.
The more lewd duo laughed amused at the flustered couple's reaction, though Angel smirked a bit at his painted toe nails, he soon slipped on those beautiful boots looking more comfortable.
While everyone was chatting, Charlie got a phone call. “I'll be right back, babe.” She gave Vaggie a kiss on the cheek and left to take it.
Cherri and Angel smirked at Vaggie who gave a confused look. “What?”
“Hey feather duster, wanna spice yourself up for your girl?” Angel smirked holding up some lotions. “Don't cha wanna see yer blondie practically fuckin’ sizzlin’?” Cherri chimed in with a playful smirk. Niffty giggled seeing Vaggie squirm.
“I know what she likes, I don't need your help..” The angel turned away with a cute huff. Though the golden blush gave it away that she did want to.
Angel smirked and nodded at Cherri and Niffty. “This is gonna be fun.” The spider man took out a comb and some hair products. “W-wait!” Vaggie gulped while caught off guard.
After an hour Charlie came back into the room annoyed. “Husk says that my dad and Alastor are fighting again, and they nearly burned down the lobby with a cook off..” She groaned coming back into the room. “Huh?”
Cherri and Niffty blocked her view. “And done!” Angel grinned moving away. “Go ahead and let the blondie through.”
“Ehehehe, enjoy the treat princess.” Niffty bowed and scurried away.
Cherri gave a thumbs up and moved as Charlie looked very confused. “What are..” She couldn't finish her sentence as she then spotted Vaggie.
“Hi hon..” The angel blushed with her hair looking so fluffy and wavy now. There was even a braid that brought some of the bangs back to expose the soft features of Vaggie's face. Charlie just stared as the scent of both apples and lavender filled her nose. “Ha! She's speechless!” Cherri laughed and gave a thumbs up to Angel.
Angel chuckled but blinked, coming over to Charlie. “Uh hello? You there, blondie?” He poked her, and Charlie fell over red-faced. “Whoa!”
Cherri just burst out laughing as Vaggie ran over. “Ya made her a fuckin’ knock out Angie!”
“So… pwetty…” Charlie mumbled her eyes swirling with her tail out wagging. She looked like she was drunk. “Come on sweetie, let's get you off the floor..” Vaggie easily picked up Charlie who laid like a cute little snake, her face looking dopey and in love.
Vaggie looked at Angel who gave a smug look. She grumbled but fist bumped the spider twink who grinned at his work.
Though the rumbling of the hotel made this day come to an end as Lucifer was chasing Alastor who was laughing like a mad man, with Husk coming out and shaking his head, clearly not drunk enough for this shit.
(This all started because I saw Vaggie had tiny feet and remembered the fact Angel didn't like his own feet...)
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kino-rogers · 7 months
He is always a call away (Tangerine/Reader)
Word count: 825 (reasonably short and sweet)
Song: 0800 HEAVEN | Nathan Dawe, Joel Corry, Ella Henderson (listen, I know the vibes don't fit but the lyrics inspired me to write this aha)
Short summary: Bullet Train happens and everything goes down as it does in the film. Reader is trying to process that Tangerine won't come home again.
Warnings: Canon typical swearing, angst, (light) past trauma mention
notes: thank you @nocturnest for jumping on this to fix my broken English and being a wonderful beta!! what an intro but uh [coughs] i'm already excited to write more for this fandom (bits in which Tangie is very much alive ehehe) anywaayyy, hope you guys like this!! - 🥝
It's not been the… easiest time - it has to be said.
Since that phone call from Lemon, you've been struggling with sleep. It doesn't show in your work, of course. Keeping up appearances has always come to you rather naturally. Some of it being from your repressed trauma, that even years of therapy barely scratched the surface of, but also because of your line of work too. It doesn't sit well to be an emotional wreck after every kill you're paid to do.
The call was from a number you didn't recognise. The passing sound of traffic suggested it's from a payphone as Lemon sighed heavily down the line.
"You lost your phone? On a train?" You answered the call lightheartedly and you recognized his sigh immediately, you hoped it was just a release of pent up tension over a job well finished. Although, the fact that Lemon was the one to call, put you on edge, hoping it's not coming through your pretend jolliness.
"He's gone." His statement was simple and sudden. The tone, stone cold, as his voice was raspy, possibly from crying.
"Who's gone, Lemon?"
Your throat ran dry as you swallowed around a lump. Your chest quickly tightened as you tried to piece together what he could have meant. You couldn't- no, didn't want to think about the most likely possibility.
"Tan-" He took a pause, cleared his throat before continuing. "Tangerine, was shot in the neck, he is gone."
It's not like you guys were dating, no, it wasn't anything like that. Neither of you had the emotional capacity for that. What, with your jobs requiring you to spend weeks, months away from each other at a time, sometimes in different countries, opposite sides of the world. But he was the first person, in a long while, that you genuinely cared for.
You turn to your bedside table, glance at the alarm clock there. Its digital display shines in orange numbers, 01:54.
It's a month, today.
You suddenly have a stupid idea. What would happen if you called his number? Last time you checked it was still live, it'd probably just take you to voicemail. Weirdly, your therapist at your last session suggested writing letters to him, in your bereavement. Bereavement. Such a weird word. You're not even sure that's what this is. But maybe leaving a voicemail would be an equivalent. Maybe he can listen to his voicemails, wherever he is. You scoff at the fleeting thought but reach for your phone anyway.
Tangie is still in your recent calls. You tap the saved contact and wait for it to ring.
You're not expecting anyone to answer, of course not. Your grief hasn't driven you completely nuts. But as the phone rings, you can't help but think about getting to talk to him, just once more. By some divine intervention, you'd be connected through to him, in the afterlife and you could tell him everything you couldn't the last time you spoke.
"-after the beep BEEP"
"Hi Tangie," You scoff in embarrassment, not really sure why you're doing this anymore. "I uh,"
You sigh heavily, all too aware of the silence the machine is expecting you to fill. You sniffle as you start to speak again.
"I know you won't hear this. That… Isn't really the point." You draw a shaky breath. "I know who did it though. Well, knew. Lemon and I took him out last week. What kind of an assassin's name is Ladybug anyway?" You snicker. Can't avoid the tightness in your chest though.
"I just… I dunno. Apparently I should be writing letters to you, as if I could send them off with a pigeon and they'd get to wherever the fuck you are. So, this is the next best thing. If this was anyone else, you'd tell me to fuck off and to suck it up. We always were on the same wavelength, when it came to feelings." Your chest deflates with a long exhale as you realise you need to stop dancing around whatever it is you're trying to say here.
"I guess I just wanted to tell you I really fucking miss you." You sniffle again, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. "I miss your stupid grin, your teasing, your annoyingly cocky attitude, your… The way you looked at me."
"I wish you were here right now so I could tell you I love you. I wish I didn't, I really goddamn wish I didn't care for you so much but I fucking love you. And I hate that I can't see your face as I told you, for the first time. Please call me back."
You bury your face in your pillow and you howl into it, sobs shaking your body as the voicemail recording is saved and you continue to wallow in your bereavement. You're supposed to be feeling better. You need to stop paying your therapist.
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
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my osomatsu-san oc, Ai! :D
more details for her under the cut! :3
She's 5 ft 4 in (i hc the matsuno bros to be 5 ft 7 in, so shes 3 inches shorter than them ^^)
Her outfits come in different colors! Her shirt and socks can be either black or white, and her dress can be blue, red, purple, pink, yellow, green, or black! :) (also her shirt can be short sleeve or long sleeve, and her socks can be thigh high, knee high, or ankle high!)
Initially did not intend for her to have connections to the moon (part of her last name 'Tsuki' means moon, the bunny charm on her phone) but in the middle of making this ref i was like 'eh why not'
Dekapan is the one that created her, so hes kind of like her weird dad
She has a big crush on Ichimatsu, but to be honest she has a crush on all of the Matsuno bros hehe
She moved away from Akatsuka to go to college, but moved back to do some of her studying and assignments back home (also she was feeling very homesick)
A running gag is that her major changes each time she talks about it (in the beach episode she says her major is photography, in the super detergent episode she says her major is painting, continues ad nauseam)
Her favorite season is winter! (fall is second, spring is third, summer is fourth)
I'm mainly refering to her with she/her pronouns right now, but she also uses they/them and it/its!
Her relationships with the characters:
Osomatsu: He just loooves hanging out with her lolol whenever they all hang out in a group Osomatsu is the first to try and take a spot next to her. They're usually on the same wavelength, always able to connect with each other, but sometimes Ai can get pretty fed up with whatever antics he tries to pull. He always ends up getting nervous whenever they have one of their deep one-on-one talks.
Karamatsu: Ai loves his "painfulness", but she sometimes has her limits lol. Usually tries to help him write songs, and they like to sing together. They're both very supportive of each other, playing off of each other's energy.
Choromatsu: He tries to be so polite and formal in front of her despite knowing her since they were kids. Ai tries to get him to loosen up, and he's gotten a bit better at being himself in front of her.
Ichimatsu: They're in loooooove, they wanna kiiiiiiss~ ehehe, but besides that they both connect with the fact that they love their quiet time, and also cats. Ai is very understanding and patient, and that both comforts ichimatsu and freaks him the hell out.
Jyushimatsu: Ai cannot keep up with him, but she tries. At least he helps her stay active! They just both like making each other happy, whether that means going out to play baseball, or staying inside and doing some paper craft (with Ichimatsu's assistance)
Todomatsu: Besties :3 they message each other a lot, and Todomatsu is always lowkey asking her out to do things with him. Usually though, either just the two of them go out or Totty's older brothers end up tagging along. They mutually vent to each other sometimes just to let out some frustration, and they trust each other enough to keep secrets between them.
Totoko: Good friends, though they don't always see eye to eye. But thats mostly because of confusion on Ai's part at the antics Totoko tries to pull. She thinks its really cool that Totoko is an idol, and Totoko always insists that Ai could be one too, but they both dont want her to be one for different reasons (Totoko thinks that Ai would be more popular than her, and Ai doesn't like the idea of singing in front of big crowds)
Iyami: She thinks he's skeevy as hell, not much else to say. Always finds a way to get angry at him, even if he hasnt done anything wrong (at the moment)
Chibita: Also good friends, they both admire each other for what they do. She always leaves a big tip whenever she eats at his oden stand to show her appreciation (and to hopefully make up for the sextuplets' tab they have yet to pay)
Matsuyo and Matsuzo: They love her, don't know what their sons did to deserve such a nice friend who is also a girl (kind of). They simultaneously hope that she could maybe start dating one of their sons, and also think that she could do so much better lol Ai is always bringing them gifts and helps around the house, she almost gave them a heart attack when they came home to a squeaky clean kitchen after Ai and the sextuplets had made dinner together for them ^^
Dekapan and Dayon: Her creator and his weird maid/friend/lover? They're basically her weird estranged dads. They barely interact, except for rare moments when she needs emergency maintenance
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glassautomaton · 2 years
This is an excerpt from my upcoming tale that I’m working on with a couple other writers from somewhere near the middle. It’s going to take place over the course of a single day in Site-17 and be more of a slice-of-life tale.
I figured I could post this here since I’ve been taking so long to get a new article out and I haven’t written any with the Alpha-9 characters since Voices Carry (save for Kill the Feeling, which was very short and not my usual fare). Feel free to let me know what you think, though of course, don’t feel like you need to give critique - I know how draining that can be, and I haven’t put this scene through the typical crit process yet.
I might make this a more regular thing or post excerpts of cut content here in the future as well, depending on if people like this.
Jackie supposed she wasn't entirely blameless for what happened earlier, although in terms of force delivered to the nose, the response wasn't entirely in line with the provocation. Regardless, she wasn't really expecting much - Iris had promised not to make apologizing a habit, after all - so when Iris awkwardly asked her if she wanted to help her work out, Jackie took it as an olive branch. All that girl does is work out and do crossword puzzles. Honestly, it's a little concerning, Adams had told her. Hey, if she's asking, that's definitely progress for the two of you. As much as there is a 'two of you.' Don't get any ideas.
In retrospect, the first warning sign came when Jackie asked Iris who she usually worked out with.
"It depends," she had said, not even bothering to look at Jackie. "It was Doctor Song at first, then Agent Brigs, then Commander McCarthy. Now it's a little up in the air." Their schedules must be awkward, Jackie had thought. She did not recognize the clear escalation in partners.
The second tip should have been the way the staff reacted when Jackie had told them what she had come to the training room for. The seemed incredulous, even a bit worried, and Jackie pulled out her credentials that marked her as a staff member, despite how much she disliked pulling it out.
"That's not really the… oh, never mind. You're all good. Equipment's in the front, just return it when you're done." The person attending the entrance looked resigned. The one behind him looked amused. They're probably just eager to see an anomaly like me, Jackie had thought. It's not every day someone with physical augmentations comes to lift weights.
Except, Iris was nowhere near the weights when Jackie found her way over to them. A quick glance around the room revealed that she was, in fact, standing in the middle of the open part of the room with the padded floors and circular markings on the ground. As she made her way over, Jackie had realized that Iris had not, in fact, told her how she planned to work out. Jackie had only assumed it would be weights or cardio.
"You've good a decent CQC assessment, yeah?" Iris asked, more of a reminder than a question considering Iris' privileges over Jackie's assessment information. Jackie began to feel slightly worried, but by then it was too late.
"Um… pretty good, yeah. Though you know what gets the heavy lifting done, eheh." Jackie flexed a bicep to show off. Iris didn't look, her attention fixed on the gloves she was securing onto her hands with practiced dexterity.
"Yeah, alright. Put those on, they should fit you." Even when Iris nodded over to the small pile of protective sparring equipment, Jackie failed to comprehend the weight of her situation. Iris was a shrimp compared to her - if she wanted to blow off steam, no big deal.
"Oh, is this kickboxing? I'm not super familiar with it, to be honest," Jackie halfheartedly explained, trying not to look too proud of the fact that she had enough strength to pick Iris up and throw her clean across the room.
"Don't worry about it, we don't need to spar." Iris finally turned to face Jackie once her gear was on, looking… oddly relaxed and limber compared to her typically tight posture. "I just want to work on some of my strikes, you just need to block them. I won't be faking you out or anything."
"Oh, alright." Jackie finished getting the protective equipment on and made the worst mistake of the day. (Or maybe afternoon. Or hour. It was still early.) "Don't feel like you need to go easy, I can take it!"
Of course, as another rapid kick forced Jackie to readjust her footing, she began to truly appreciate how badly she had underestimated the sheer power of what appeared to be sixty-eight inches of lean muscle and deep emotional repression sublimating their dissatisfaction into exercise. Iris wasn't particularly strong - Jackie knew this on a factual level - but the sheer ferocity of her blows made Jackie feel like her pseudo-metal bones were under an undue amount of stress.
It wasn't really clear how long the two of them had been going at it. It was hard for Jackie to keep the time in her mind when as soon as she was done focusing on blocking one punch or kick, another one was winding up, and despite the way Iris had been sweating, she didn't show any signs of slowing down.
"Y'know, I, um…" Iris suddenly started talking, though she continued bobbing back and forth, making no effort to look like she was winding down. "I can get a little, uh…" Jab to the face. "Jumpy."
"Uh huh." Not the most conversational response, but Jackie wasn't certain if this was a genuine conversation from Iris (rare) or a distraction so she could get her licks in easier (which would track). Or both.
"Right, so. I'm just not really used to-" one-two punch towards the chest- "Being, uh, you know. Touched like that. Wait, no, that sounds wrong…"
"I know what you mean, si-" That last syllable cost Jackie a quick kick to the gut. Definitely both, though it was odd to see Iris so talkative. Though then again, kicking the shit out of your conversation target partner would probably leave you feeling less vulnerable. Not like Jackie could find an opening, with her hands or with her mouth.
"So it's just that earlier, that was, like, all reflexes." Iris finally relented a bit, taking a half-step back from striking distance and shifting her weight from foot to foot. Then, as if sensing something shifting, she added "And I'll probably still have them if you try it again."
"Ah. Mhm." Jackie watched Iris for another kick and slowly began to lower her arms the slightest bit when she didn't see any coming. After actually taking a second to process what Iris had said, she squinted. "But Nanaya-"
"Right, yeah. It's like…" Iris rubbed her neck. "Nanaya's just this thing."
"It's not nice to talk about other skips like that," Jackie said with a frown.
"I don't mean it like that," said Iris, her eye roll audible in the response. "Nanaya's just this thing that just so… far away. An you're…"
Jackie's guard lowered even further. And I'm…?
Iris shook her head. "Nanaya's like…"
Now it was Jackie's turn to roll her eyes. "A goddess whose every action drips with seduction and promise?" Wait. Why was she talking like that.
"Right, yeah. No." Oh, look, Iris was getting flustered again.
"She doesn't count?" Jackie failed to keep herself from using a mocking tone.
Regardless, the jab sailed over Iris' head. "Right. She doesn't count. Not like you - or anyone else," she added hastily.
Jackie had about a quarter of a second to process not like you - or anyone else before Iris jumped clean into the air and send one of her legs towards Jackie's face. She noticed too late to block but her reflexes jerked her to the side just in time to allow Iris to land safely on the other side of her, bobbing back and forth just the same as before.
"Glad we could talk this one out."
"You and I have very different definitions of kickboxing-" was all Jackie could get out before Iris got back to it,
Once again, Jackie lost track of time. Eventually, she started getting concerned about Iris. This was an honestly impressive show of stamina, but Jackie figured she'd eventually get tired and just pass out. As Alpha-9's medic, it was her job to be concerned about her squadmates, so it was only natural she look for signs of fatigue from her 'partner.' She was definitely not just worried about looking bad if she ended up running out of gas first.
A moment's reprieve eventually did, though, when Iris glanced past her target and muttered "Oh, Adams is here." Oh good, Jackie thought, Iris will have to stop to talk to her. If she wants to be polite. Which she never is with Adams. Maybe it was just a trick, though, because the instant Jackie started to turn around, Iris threw out another kick towards Jackie's face - no small feat considering their difference in height.
"You guys are still here? Figures," came Adams' voice from some ways behind Jackie. After a few seconds, Adams walked up to the two of them, stopping at least one-and-a-half lengths of Iris' legs away from her. "Iris, I need to talk to you about something."
"Can it wait?" Iris asked in the terse voice she used for speaking to staff members.
"Not for much longer. It's about the…" Adams glanced at Jackie and bit her tongue. "…Thing tonight."
"Oh." Iris slouched, seeming to accept she couldn't weasel her way out of the conversation. Jackie was a little bit confused by how secretive Adams seemed, but hey, she and Iris had a life outside of Alpha-9. "Could I finish the set?"
"Yeah, sure." Adams seemed to lean back a bit and watched Iris' form, though she looked less like she was watching her just work out and more like she was studying the two of them "How you holding up?"
"Fine," Iris answered. "Jackie's-" A kick to the gut- "Actually not too bad at this. She's pretty sturdy."
It was a rare complement from Iris, but nonetheless difficult to take well, considering she'd basically called her very good at standing in one place and eating shit.
A quick glance towards Adams showed that she was amused by Jackie's situation, or at the very least more aware of it than Iris. "You thinking of making this a habit?" She asked, not even bothering to look like she was posing the question to Jackie.
"Mmm…" Iris grimaced, as though she felt she'd been caught in some kind of trap. "I don't know…"
As much as the prospect of making this a regular thing scared Jackie (which wasn't a lot, she told herself), it seemed like Iris enjoyed it. Well, probably, Jackie never got a good baseline for how Iris acted when she was happy, but she seemed almost… weirdly excited to just kick the shit out of somebody. She'd never seen her so… loose. She was always constantly moving like she was expecting Jackie to throw something out at her, while most of the time she was as rigid like a chip of steel. Now, though, she had her some hair in her face - it was always kind of messy, like she hacked it away herself, but she at least kept it all straight - with some of it stuck onto her forehead form the thin sheen of sweat she'd developed. Her clothes were all ruffled too, and even though she usually dressed like the sight of her clavicle was a memetic kill hazard, each time she threw out a kick her shirt came up a little-
Adams smacked Jackie on the back of the head with a frankly distressing amount of force.
"The hell was that for?" Jackie asked as soon as she righted herself back up, thankful that Iris seemed confused enough to stop attacking.
"Quit leering," Adams said with tight lips.
Jackie huffed. "The hell do you mean by that?"
"That certainly seems targeted," came a familiar voice from right behind Iris.
True to what she had said before, Iris, already sufficiently worked up, spun around with the speed of one of those fucked-up little shrimp to atomize whoever had snuck up on her - only for Anne to gracefully duck the attack and stand a little out of striking distance. A good thing, too, because although Iris seemed embarrassed at first, as soon as she saw who it was, she looked ready to try again.
Iris did little to hide the distaste on her face or in her voice. "The fuck are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know." Anne placed a hand on her hips in a relaxed gesture. She looked between the three other women staring at her with expressions of one part confusion and three parts annoyance and shrugged. "Leering."
"Alright, out, out, the both of you." Adams waved her hands as though she was shooing away seagulls trying to steal her lunch.
"What… what's that supposed to mean?" Iris looked between Adams and Anne while Jackie hastily relieved herself of her gear. With any luck, Iris wouldn't hit her without it.
"Don't worry about it," Adams replied with a tired look before shooting a glare at Anne and Jackie to get them to scram. Jackie left first despite being the one who had to take a bunch of padding off (not that she bothered to put it away - Iris took it out, so he probably had it handled), and Anne followed behind her. Jackie didn't have eyes on the back of her head, but it sure felt like that woman was smirking.
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binniesoob · 2 years
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i missed January lol, but! I decided to share my top favourite songs for each month starting from today 😌 it's going to include both kpop and non-kpop songs, i promise i'll try to keep this short :D if you have any recommendations (or you want to comment your favs!) feel free to drop them <3 i added a lil moodboard bcs why not? (the pics are mine eheh)
edit: i made a playlist for this month :)
( KPOP )
▪︎ Fighting (feat. Lee Young Ji) by BSS (seventeen)
SLAPS!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHTING 💪 HAEYAJI 🖐 FIGHTING 💪 HAEYAJI 🖐 Young Ji in this!!! The stages were so fun, they brought such a nice atmosphere every. single. time. also, them at the circle music awards making everyone dance and enjoy themselves: KINGS BEHAVIOUR!!!
▪︎ Happy Fools by TXT
can't stop replayinggg, puts me in such a good mood <3 she deserves a lot more love tbh!! IN LOVE with beomgyu's line "I'm like a butterfly / a honeybee that only works / even that sky where the sun’s setting / won't know whether it’s pretty"
▪︎ Pull Up by Viviz
me everytime ggs have a mature sexy girlboss moment: SIGN ME TF UP!!! I seriously need to check out their other songs 👀
▪︎ Forever Only by Jaehyun
the amount of times i've replayed this one is ridiculous tbh, it's one of those songs i just never get tired of. and the pop rnb hip-hop type of song i need more of!!! everytime i find one it's a win <3
▪︎ Nap of a Star by TXT
I wrote most txt analyses at night and this was the perfect soundtrack <3 also one of my fav txt songs, makes me feel like i'm wrapped in a tight warm hug 🫂
▪︎ Anywhere But Home by Seulgi
my emotional support during those days i had to face hard past things and all i wanted was to go anywhere but home🚶‍♀️
▪︎ OMG by NewJeans
yes i am still obsessed. yes i am still going 💁🏻‍♀️"oh my oh mmygah yesanghaesseo na" 💁🏻‍♀️
▪︎10 000 Hours (feat. Justin Bieber) by Dan+Shay
terry's sister wedding happened and it was so sweet and now i'm obsessed with this song and his cover all over again 😞💔💖💗💔💖💗
▪︎ Can't Get Enough by Big Time Rush
kendall's falsetto i am ascending ✈ tbh big time rush coming back best thing to ever happen 🤌🤌🤌 i can't wait for the album to drop ahhhh
▪︎ Teach Me How To Love by Shawn Mendes
deepest obsession since janaury. someone get it away from me i can't do this anymore. the only way i can describe this song is:
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need me a man like this. anyway. next.
▪︎ Ricordi by Pinguini Tattici Nucleari
italian band makes an entrance! hands down one of their best songs! it's about your lover suffering from alzheimer and the importance of memories. it's heartbreakingly delicate and, at the same time, feels very reassuring to me. love the instrumental and the lyrics so much <3
▪︎ LLYLM by Rosalía
manifesting more songs like this from rosalía bcs i desperately need them 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 🧘🏻‍♀️
And this all for this month~
See you in March!
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2022-12-16 “Can Ikeda Teresa see the dream of Teresa-panda?” [ENG]
Ahhh I can’t ever wake up for this dream, I’m pretty sure was a song that I sang on the first broadcast of New Nogizaka Star Tnajou. I had only just debuted and at that time that was the first time I had appeared on tv.
We wore this cute outfit, and sang while dancing… and watching myself in the screen I thought to my self “is being an idol really just a dream?”
I barely made it into the auditions for a group that I longed to join, Nogizaka46. It was then that my dream started and since then I’ve been unable to wake up from it.
I’ve spotted a Teresa-panda! 📷
It’s a picture I took for the joint second and third issue of Young Magazine 🤍
Sorry for being so slow in saying it..
 Hello I’m Nogizaka46’s 5th generation member Ikeda Teresa 🐼
Thank you as always for giving me the opportunity to write these blogs, if you like please read until the very end! (I wonder if you will…)
IN the issue of Young Magazine that is currently on sale there are pictures of me, Ikeda, Kuu-chan and Hii-chan. (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
The three of us sleeping😪😴💤。。
To be able to be doing a lot of magazine shoots is something that most idols aim for. I don’t know anything about this line of work, but since joining Nogizaka as an idol I’ve come to know the world and the jobs that come with being an idol.
Appearing on TV, being published in magazines, radio, SNS and stream about myself…
It’s amazing.
I’m still a million miles away from reaching my senior members, and I don’t even feel like I’m close to reaching the other 5th generation members. They’re overflowing with talent, they’re cute and on top of that they’re hard workers. No matter how much effort I put in it’s still very difficult to catch up to them.
 New Nogizaka Star Tanjou! LIVE in Kobe, I was asked to do the vocals for JUDY AND MARY and YUKI-sa’'s ‘JOY’. Ever since it was decided that I would be performing this song I was very worried, happy, delighted and pained.
For me this is an important song. Deep inside, I feel like I did the best that I could at the level I’m currently at and I gave it my all.
I hope you were able to smile and enjoy my final song that I will be singing this year.
🤍Online meet and greet
I’m looking forward to it.
The next closest one is going to be on Christmas Day, December 25th!!!! For this day I’ve bought a lot of things (≧∀≦)
To tell you the truth I wish that we could’ve gone shopping together, I wanted to pick some clothes out for you to try on. .
Ehehe let’s enjoy it!
🤍TV 📺  ̖́-
“Kotoge Eiji no nante bi da!”
Every Tuesday evenings at midnight!
This episode will finish up the segment of city design…
Umm, Uguisudani, I didn’t think that it would be such a stupid answer. Tokyo Kanda Akihabara, when I started the Yamanote-sen song I started listing off all the station names in quick succession and I had an image of all the station but Uguisundani is Uguisu and it doesn’t really fit does it…?
After that the picture that won the prize. Looking back, the yellow zebra in the meadow I drew a little big. Each ward is a ward but the ward I live in was supposedly a protection ward? Lol
 The next topic is going to be “Hairstyle” and it will air on December 20th, Please look forward to it 💇🏻✂️🤍
I’m thinking of going back to short hair 〜(  ◜𖥦◝  )
“Nogizaka Under Construction”
Every Sunday at Midnight!
Asuka-san’s graduation project, all the messages from the members were very warm and kind…
“Thank you very machine for your hard work”
The nickname Asuka gave me will be one that I will treasure.
To think that she knew about this blog… kyaaaaaa I’m so glad I’m so happy
From here on this “thank you very machine for you hard work” will be going full throttle!
With these big eyes I’m going to shoot down all of you ^_−☆
“Kanarin no top me toreru Kana?”
Ikeda will be appearing on January 28th next year. This will be my first time appearing alongside Nakada Kana-san. Please look after me. 🀄🤍
Right now I’m currently trying to learn how to play Mahjong… But I can’t even make a hand yet!!!! 😭💦
Someone please teach me..
I heard that Aruno did a ‘Nakada Kana (san) shika” call on the program, I’m so jealous. I hope that I’ll be able to do that one day.
At the 2020 TV Tokyo Music Festival Nakada-san centered Oide Shampoo, it was an iconic moment.
“New Nogizaka Star Tanjou!”
Every Monday at 25:29-25:59!
We still have the New Nogizaka Star Tanjou! LIVE matinee and soiree performances to go. Apparently that’s what they are called, I kind of like it 🤍
The Soiree performance in Yokohama|ω•๑`)
We went on the stage after the performance had ended and the silence that greeted us was different from the one before we went on the stage, it was very moving!
Also watch the teardown after the performance was really depressing ( ; ; )
But I need to make sure to bring my equipment and emotions to Kobe, wait for us Kobe!!!
 🤍Radio📻  ̖́-
“Chinmoku no kinyoubi”
I appeared on the December 9th broadcast (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
For some reason ChinKin is…. When I spoke to them it was like ‘finally’, I’ve mentioned it on the blog, and I’ve talked a lot about it with the staff.
Yumiki-san, new old man (is what I’ve been allowed to call her) who appeared on Nogizaka Under Construction and New Nogizaka Star Tanjou as a guest, out of all the senior members she is the one that I feel like I can get the closest to, want to be the closest to!
Because of ChinKin I feel like we’ve become even closer than before, I’m so glad 😭💕
(I’ve honestly listened to some of the old broadcasts and I was a little scared) Arupii’s Hirako-san and Sakai-san are really kind, it was honestly so much fun. Thank you very much!
I’ll be conserving my power until I go on again..
Next week on December 21st at 22:00-25:00!
The two 5th generation members that will be taking on this challenge are Sakusakupanda❤️‍🔥
This time we’ll be able to work alongside Tamura Mayu-san, I’m really looking forward to it(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I hope that we’ll be able to get closer with this opportunity..
 The other day while I was listening to Kubo Shiori’s LINELIVE, my name came up all of a sudden and I felt my heart fly into my mouth. Tere-pan…is honestly…….. For some reason, ehe, I became really happy aaaaahhhh ^^
When Satsuki-chan went to eat with Tamura-san and Hayakawa-san, suddenly “I’m currently a Teresa Oshi” she said with a strange smug look on her face, what the hell is she… is what I though but this is what happened.
🤍magazine📚  ̖́-
“Shuukan Shonen Magazine” 2022 Issue 53 on sale December 12th!
 It is marked by Endo Sakura-san on the front cover 🌸🤍
I was impressed when I saw the real thing the day before yesterday!
Every time I see it in the book store my hand reaches out for it..
“Young Jump” combined issue 4 and 5 on sale December 22nd (≧∀≦)
Ikeda, Io-chan, Kuu-chan, Saku-tan, Naonao are the members that are published in this issue 🤍
Young Jump!!!!
Tokyo Ghoul, Golden Kamuy, as well as Shadow House and Kowloon Generic Romance and kingdom, are all mangas I love and so for me this is like a dream ( ᵒ̴̷͈ωᵒ̴̶̷͈ )✨️
I never thought a day would come when I would be published in the same magazine along side these amazing mangas….I’m so glaaaaaad.
Also Seven net has a special limited edition version with 5 different clear files that you can choose from….
You know what I’m trying to say here don’t you, make sure to find Teresa-panda… and choose heeeeer!
 “Shuukan Young Jump Zoukan Young Heroine 3” this one is on sale the 26th of December (  ᵒ̴̷͈ωᵒ̴̶̷͈ )✨️
The five of us did a gravure and an insert for the cover and insert of Young Jump! It’s my first time on the cover! I’m so happy - ̗̀👏🏻  ̖́-
I heard that this one will be picked up a lot and I was omega nervous but because of everyone they were able to draw out a smile from me.
During the full day shoot, I have many behind the scenes pictures and stories so please look forward to hearing about them, I’m looking forward to seeing where we go from here!
 This winter, next Spring, and then the Summer through all the months in the year do you think you’ll be able to fall in love with Teresa?
I did a shoot with Aya 🍅🤍
The combo of the oldest and youngest members of the 5th generation ( ῀ᢦ῀ )
It’s the first time we’ve ever done a gravure together and I was really looking forward to it, we’ve been a pair since BanHaga!
We ate salad and Aya had her favorite tomatoes and I had my favorite shrimp, I was super happy エェェビィィ(「🦐・ω・)「🦐
I also drew a caricature of Aya so make sure to look for that.
 The fact that I was able to be in so many magazines like this was no matter of a fact thing, it’s all thanks to everyone who kept on buying these magazines, who requested me in the surveys, and because you supported me.
You’re not princes at all but like the gods themselves!!!!!
Because I was bestowed with the name of Nogziaka46, because of that I’m going to work hard to give birth to even more fans 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽)
🤍Preview of next time
My next blog update will be at the end of the year! It’ll be on December 27th. Why is it that in this busy period of the year there are so many events being held(ღˇᴗˇ)。
I’m happy but exhausted..
Christmas 🎄→ Santa-san 🎅→ Presents 🎁→ Parties 👯→ New Years 🎍→ 2023 🌅→ Year of the Rabbit 🐰
On top of Teresa-Santa, Ikeda Tere-usagi will also have a chance of arriving.
 Well then, make sure to tune in next on # Tere-pan blog
Rock Paper Scissors 🫶🏻(The strongest) ehehehehehe
This time I received over 1600 comments, thank you all so much!!!
Right now on Nogizaka’s Official tiktok, the dance video has received a lot of comments as well, reading through each and every one of them makes me happy and gives me a lot of strength 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽)🤍
(Translation: Thank you always commenting! (I feel like my feelings have reached you ) Your support gives me the power to keep working hard. I’m going to keep working hard, I love you! Teresa)
You always support my heart
Good work during the 2 day concert at Pia Arena, your hairstyle over those two days were super adorable! Though I think you’ve been told that already, but I still wanted to say it just in case no one has told you (  ˙꒳​˙  )キリッ
(Blog name: Abe-chan)
I’m so glad, thank you very much!
After consulting with the manager we were able to attack the line at the very last minute 👊🏻
Right after joining Teresa-chan drew a really cute picture in the documentary, and so I was wondering, when you draw do you have nothing in your head or are you full of idea?
I’m really bad at drawing and I never draw so I’m interested if you spend a long time thinking (Although I know you said that you listen to the same music on repeat in the documentary)
(blog name: Asamushi)
🤍You watched the documentary! Thank you very much, I’m so glad 😭😭
I did a documentary for the 29th single, which was almost a year ago now, and a lot of people have told me at meet and greets that this was how they came to like me, I’m so glad! Personally it’s a little bit of a dark past but… it’s so real lol
It so bad you laugh isn’t it, I’m trying to hid now (Praise mee! Lol)
 I kind of went of on a tangent, what do I think about when I draw, hmmm… I probably do when I’m doing rough sketches but when I draw I used to draw in drawing class it was right next to the railway track and so when I draw I think “ughhhhhh so louuuuuuuud” every time a train went by
 💌The outfit for 17funkan, is it made so that when you spin when you dance it doesn’t put you off balance while still looking beautiful?
IF you have any other secret stories regarding outfits please let us know
(Blog name: Tyrannosaurus T-Rex)
The length of the outfit was actually really long! Below the knee I would say. On the day of the shoot, they did a fitting and adjusted it then. Long version, short version and in the end they went with what they have now which is short in the front long in the back
Speaking of which, Kotoge-san doubt the fact that you read all your blog comment… do you really read them all???
(blog name: Yashiyashi no mi)
I tell you I read them and I do 😤😠😡💢(← I typed in angry and this came up lol I’m glad they have realism)
By the way this comment is in the gomenasai world I think? (Nante bi da! I watched it lol)
(Blog name: Churu Churu)
🤍I’ve found your comment! 🐼👀︎
Up until now what is the strangest thing you’ve been addicted to? Mine is to talk intently about Karaage in the comment section of an idol’s blog.
I want everyone to try the karaage sticks that they have at seven eleven, I’m so glad ⸜‪‪‪‪‪︎🐣⸝ (It’s this little one’s future)
A strange hobby or addiction… hmmm… I’m not sure, the popularity of voice messages has died down but during the voice messages we end up putting in sound effect.
I guess the color of the month is to make our text messages more colorful ꉂꉂ📣😬💬
💌I watched ‘Nante bi da!” (●︎´▽︎`●︎)
I’m so glad I was able to learn about city design ♡
It wasn’t on the broadcast but I was wondering what Teresa-chan’s favorite station is?
(Blog name: Urararara)
A long time ago I liked Harajuku station
A funny station name that I just remembered is Hassamu-chuo station! It’s in Hokkaido, I can freeze to death from the name alone :(  '-'   ):🖤
💌What’s a topping that you need to have on Monja!?
(Blog name: Kobe mo mijioroshi)
🤍Mentai mochi cheese?
It seems as though you can change the size of the font on the blog, is it ok for me to display what I’m thinking in big characters?
(Blog name: Daitabashi)
🤍Does it work?
Teresa, do you like babies? 👶🏻🍼
(Blog name: 350 million volts)
Awwww, is somsing the matter, you woke up so wate in the nigh? There there ( *ˊᵕˋ)ノˊᵕˋ*) pat pat
Here, I’ll hold you so dwink dis milk then you can sweep well 💕︎
I love tied up twin tail breads, can you show me a picture⌒(。σ.σ。)⌒
(Blog name: Nemu)
🤍Read through the blog you’re commenting on (#tere-pan blog #21)!!!!
Today I learned that if you stand facing the wall with your toes against it you can’t stand on the tips of your toes
(Blog name: TouZaiNanBoku nanonano)
🤍Just reading this gave Ikeda a bump on the head, take responsibility for this
💌What’s your favorite burger at McDonalds
The I wasn’t able to eat the Tsukimi burger that was out ~tears
Samurai mac, Yoru burger’s Teriyaki chicken fillet with two patties are really good. (◍🍖▽🍖◍)
💌Do Yaruno if you had a different nickname that was given to you?
(blog name: sausage malmetano)
🤍Teretsuan is what some kids called me. Even the games I had back in that day that had four characters were Te Re Tsu a.
I’m looking forward to the next blog. I’m so glad that you also like Yoawamushi Pedal! While reading this blog, Midousuji-kun’s “isn’t it better to be good at doing one thing than just doing 100!!” is a word that I’m reminded of. Teresa-chan please tell me your favorite character or favorite episode!
(Blog name: Norimaki)
🤍There are so many wonderful character that come out it’s hard to make a good list…(>_<)
But I do like Teshima after all. There are so many geniuses at Sohoku but because he sees himself as a normal person the way he pedals overlaps, but he isn’t really an average person he’s a genius at working hard.
There’s also a saying that I really like from a volley ball manga called “shoujo fight” and that is “the mind is more powerful than ability”.
1, During the last meet and greet on the fixed camera the 5th generation members were chatting and I can’t seem to choose which is the best member, are you okay with having someone that oshis many other members?
2, I’ve carefully watched all of Kamen Rider Geo and nothing else and I was wondering if it is okay for me ask about it at the meet and greet? I would be very happy if you could tell me your favorite Kamen Rider. I’m interested in watching Kamen Rider Decade!
(blog name: Unmei)
1, ( ・ ・̥ )
If I said no could you stop? You’re such an idiot!!!!
2, I’m still in the process of completing Decade… (>_<) I feel like it’s hard to persist if you haven’t followed the 1 season of the Heishi Kamen Rider era!
I personally really like the flow from Build → Geo… Sento and Banjo look like they’re having so much fun, I’ve cried for various reason and I was watching it in real time then 🐰
💌What should I talk about when I only have one ticket to the meet and greet?
(Blog name: Kageboushi)
💌Teresa-chan do you like Ponzu?
(blog name: Mirin)
Ponzu or vinegar with plenty of pepper!!!! 🥟
💌Tere-pan what’s your favorite flavor of cake? I like chocolate cake that is a little on the bitter side!
(blog name: Sun no kai sen no kai!)
🤍Ikeda has a sweet tooth, custard cream and strawberry tart fusion is the best 🍓🤍
💌Regarding the national handshake event… Teresa-chan was always in a three person lane and so I used my ticket elsewhere. I’m so sorry, can you please scold me?
(blog name: Bonjour)
🤍I’ll deal with you
The judgment is… the penalty of a spanking!!!
What do you always do at the end and beginning of the year? On New Year's Eve I have sukiyaki, on New Year's Day I have zouni. I haven’t done this recently but I also do Mochitsuki.
 🤍I have a big mallet for making mochi, it’s so cool isn’t it ‪(  ᵒ̴̷͈ωᵒ̴̶̷͈ )✨️
I eat both sukiyaki and zouni at the beginning of the year, when I gome home my grandmother make it for me. I really like taro and daikon
Today I learned that the longest line in a hiragana character is ‘nu’ ぬ
(blog name: kaani burger)
🤍What about ‘wi’ ゐ (this character is no longer used)
Good evening Teresa-chan💚🤍
All day I’ve felt like I needed to comment on your blog and so now I’m writing it in a panic, why all day you ask? There really isn’t any reason, but I just want my feelings to reach you.
(Blog name: Off shore boy)
You are correct! Here is 5 million Tere-points🖐🏻
I bought 8 first edition versions of “koko ni ha nai mono” and I picked them up and opened them yesterday and I got a Tere-pan!
To tell you the truth this is the 3rd single in a row that I pulled you, isn’t that amazing?
(Blog name: Yhwach 🏰)
This must be fate!!! It also must be fate to have on of my fans pull the photo that they wanted! eheheh
Do you like black or white cream?
(Blog name: Short Konto ‘cake’)
🤍Yellow, Crème patisserie really resonates almost like the name of a last boss… or should I say custard cream ehe
💌Do you like sweet or salty fried eggs?
(Blog name: Bambietta Bestervine)
My recommended recipe! 2 eggs, one tablespoon of white dashi, 2 tablespoons of sugar, it’s not that sweet and so overall it’s a little sweet and salty
The main point is to reduce washing the flavor by adding sugar first😎👍🏻 ̖́-
I’ve eaten the eggs of my ducks, boiled eggs are delicious
Are you good with spicy food? Do you like it?
(Blog name: Caramelize Taro-kun)
My stomach gives in before my mouth does,,, But I like eating spicy food ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥`)❤️‍🔥
💌You’ve said before that you don’t like melons, how about melon soda?
(Blog name: Merono-san so-da)
ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ“I wube it.. 🍈”
Teresa-chan do you wear colored western clothes? For some reason I see you as the kind of person that likes monochrome, I also think that sharp colors would suit you 😌
(Blog name: mee)
Recently I’ve been wearing green colored western clothes
I keep on buying monotone clothing, it’s a disease so I need to keep an eye out for it (>_<;)
On the previous episode of ‘Nante Bi Da!’ I wore our outfit! And at the meet and greet someone came wearing the same outfit, I was so happy 💚
What’s your favorite oden ingredient?
(Blog name: woz)
We recently started doing basketball in P.E. and I tried dribbling but it was really awkward and people were laughing at me 〜😭
For an experienced basketball player like yourself what do you think is a good way to look cool while dribbling?
(blog name: Merutii)
First work on your handling in order to make sure that the ball doesn’t leave your hand!
After that make sure your hips are positioned well and dribble like you’re kneading dough. Once you’re able to keep that up get lower and practice dribbling the ball closer to the ground!!!!
So when you start running with the ball it should go the way you want…probably 🤔💭
💌In order to see a good view one should…?
(Blog name: Kata yai oki)
🤍They should polish the window in the heart (ノ)`ω・(ヾ)
I’m making sure to properly read Io-chan’s blog.
Personally I eat blueberries, ( ͜🫐 ・ω・) ͜🫐 eyesight up
💌👻🐼🙏𓆩 ✞ 𓆪 💉💦💪🟩◻️🍈ʕ·͡·ʔ⬆️
Can you read this? ( ̄ー ̄)
(Blog name: Kimi ni Mikan juice)
Tere-panda can read! Easily… with a Teresa-power injection Merono-san will become buff.
 💌Regarding ducks, can you give my Quaxly a nickname (one with only 6 characters please!) Commenting today at this time I think it’ll be hard for even Teresa to read it I think , I’m looking forward to Tere blog, I’m waiting for it, I’m loving it 〜♡
(Blog name: Picking)
I’m also loving it!!!!
Quaxly-kun…hmmm… Marumaruku 🐣🤍
When you were in school how did you celebrate Christmas?
(Blog name: oto ga naru)
When I was in the basketball club we had practice every year( ;  ; )
We did practice games, they called it Christmas game! After that me and the other teammates had a party.
1, what kind of muffler do you use?
2, What do you always eat for breakfast?
3, Teresa-chan’s meet and greet, when it becomes my number I get nervous and I can’t speak properly, is there a way to get over this?
4, I love you Teresa-chan ♡ 
When I got up there were 1600 comments, congratulations
(blog name: Yuuki no suzu)
Thank you for the comment, I also love you.
1, I have a grey and checkered one and a red muffler, but I don’t think I’ve really used it that much this season.
2, today I had a crab karaage with a hamburger in between (🍔•᎑•🍔), it was delicious but a bit much for an empty stomach sweats
3, Why not try making cue cards??? Not matter what you’ll talk about it’ll make me reaaaaalllly happy
4, A return of the love ♡
The new outfit really suits you! Out of all the outfits in Nogizaka’s history what is your favorite?
(Blog name: penchi)
Ima Dare or NaniSora! Speaking of which dark red and green make Christmas colors don’t they 🎄, and the new outfit it white like snow ☃️🤍
Ikeda-sensei which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg?
(Blog name: Minamo)
Egg, there are no birds that aren’t born from eggs but birds aren’t the only thing born from eggs. 🥚
Aaahhh now I want to eat karaage (  ◜﹃◝ )
Do you have a weird passion that you haven’t told anyone about?
(Blog name: norinori! Masanori!)
Honestly…eyebrows!!! I really love Nagi and Saku-tan’s, I want to rub them for the rest of my life… 🥺
Good evening, good work on the New Nogizaka Star Tanjou Live! (  ᵒ̴̷͈ωᵒ̴̶̷͈ )
I have 17 funkan on repeat, no matter how important something is I need to keep the song on repeat, I can’t stop it!!!!
1, I want to see your sleeping face? Hmm? This isn’t a question
2, I’ll be going to my first meet and greet with Teresa on the 25th, is it okay for me to look forward to your santa costume?
3, IF you did cycling, where would you go?
(Blog name: Salt Lake City)
Thank you to you as well for the LIVE concert!
1, I don’t really see my…sleeping face ( ・᷄・᷅ )
2, Ummm…umm… look forward to Tere-santa 🥹🫶🏻
3, Okinawa’s Satoukibibatake or somewhere around Hokkaido, mainly somewhere where there’s a lot of nothing!
Please keep listening to 17 funkan (*´³`*)
 The ennnd!
Thank youuuuuuuuuuu *:・(*-ω人)・:*
The day I met Ito Marika-san
The other day I  went to Ito Marika-san’s solo exhibition “MARIKA ITO LIKEA EXHIBITION LIKEA” 🎧✂️
The second I entered the appearance of the world was so powerful and the level of perfection really charmed me.
It was so bright, on top of that the control of the colors and images and together with the still images and her expression were amazing.
Ito-san’s individual PV and the art she did while being a member even before I joined is something I really looked up to.
After joining, I drew self portraits, and because I liked looking at it I listened to a lot of Ito-san’s stories.
 And I’m so glad that I was able to go see this solo-exhibition!
I haven’t seen her since the 10th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE, and this is the first time I’ve talked to her, she was so kind, and on top of that she’s like so absolutely downright beautiful (  ᵒ̴̷͈ωᵒ̴̶̷͈ )✨️
Each page of the illustrated book had a different aura to it, thank you for kindly welcoming me.
 I’ve been to many exhibitions for people that I know, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been swallowed up by such powerful repesenations. Having that sensation was really nostalgic!
Ever since becoming an idol this world is something that I forgot about, which one is really my true reality? Where are my dreams? I became kind of lost
(For me they’re both important and amazing things in my life)
But, when I don’t know something, other people pull my hand and I know they’ll bring me down the right path.
I love you allllllllllll
 ON the way home from Shibuya Parco, I went by Oslwald Ito-san’s regular Chinese restaurant
There were so many people there I couldn’t get in, it looks so good though ( ´ ཫ ` )slurp  
ONe day a fan asked Ito-san about Ikeda while eating
Thank youuu ( ・_・)/-------◎
On top of that she told me that she likes me, to all of the people that read this blog, to you, Thank you ー( ・_・)/------‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐-◎
(I’m rolling more than usual)
22.12.16 #Tere-pan blog #22 (nyan nyan not tere-nya, please say Teresaa-nya)
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ichinisankaku · 3 years
Event Translation - Choose Ice Cream♪ (Chapter 1)
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Misumi: Working at the amusement park was fun today too~! Hisoka, good work today!
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Hisoka: You worked hard too. Good job.
Misumi: Ehehe~ Okay then, let's get back to the dorms!
Hisoka: Yeah.
Misumi: Flu-ffy-flu-ffy cotton candy clouds♪ Ca-ra-me-l merci☆ Melty sweets♪*
This song is so cute~ Hisoka, sing with me~!
Misumi & Hisoka: Come dear, let's dance together♪ A twirling☆step with you♪
Honda: Ah, just who I was looking for. May I have a moment, you two?
Misumi: Manager-san! What is it~?
Honda: I actually have a little request for you.
Hisoka: A request?
Honda: Are you both aware we have an ice cream shop in the amusement park?
Misumi: Yeah! It's a really popular shop~
Hisoka: There's always lots of people around it.
Honda: Well, we're going to be opening a limited edition branch of that shop by the sea.
Since it's a popular shop at the amusement park, the higher ups have high expectations. We can't drop sales.
So I tried coming up with some ideas, and I'd like to request a favour from you two theatre members.
Misumi & Hisoka: ?
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Misumi: We're home~
Hisoka: We're home.
Izumi: Misumi-kun, Hisoka-san, welcome home.
Come to think of it, you two were helping out at the amusement park just now, right?
Hisoka: Yeah. There weren't enough people, so we were asked to help out for a few days.
Misumi: Sakuya was actually asked too, but it overlapped with his guest performances~
Izumi: I see.
Hisoka: Yeah. And, we have something to ask you about the job.
Izumi: What is it?
Hisoka: Can we all work at an ice cream shop?
Misumi: It'll definitely be fun~!
Izumi: ? Uum... could you explain from the top?
Hisoka: The amusement park manager asked if we could help out at a different branch of the park's ice cream shop.
Misumi: They want to try making it a beach house. And while we prepare the ice cream, we'll sing too~!
Izumi: Singing while you prepare it... seems pretty difficult.
Misumi: And there's one more thing we were asked!
Hisoka: So that lots of people come to the beach house, we were asked to put on a short play to keep people talking.
It seems the manager likes mine and Misumi's shows, so they asked if people from our troupe could also help.
Misumi: We were told we could do lots of promotion for Mankai Company, too!
Izumi: I see. You'd be allowed to do promotion...
(If we can perform in front of an undecided number of people, and promote our troupe as well, then it's probably a good idea.)
(When we got to help out at a beach house before, too, we saw that it made people talk about and come to see us.)
In that case, I'll try running it by Sakyo-san too, but I'll consider it positively.
Hisoka: Thanks.
Misumi: Thank youuu!
*This song is the same one Hisoka sings at karaoke in his N Phantom backstage. I've decided to use my own translation for now, but may change it to the official one later.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
*kicks door in* Did I hear OTP asks?? Is it a chance to be nosy about the dragon and his wolf that I sniff in the air?? *dumps box full of questions on the floor*
Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Thoughts on each other’s family?
Who has awful taste in music?
The most important question: Who can rap better?
*jumps up from the couch and gasps* Nosy?! Oh, friend! You can be nosy all you want because you couldn't be nosy when faced with a wolf and a dragon who act like lovestuck fools?! >:D
Who as the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Eheh, I can safely say that both and Solas and Fane are pretty equal when it comes to the amount of nightmares that they each harbor. Fane's nightmares are just more...volatile due to how tangible they get. Solas, I believe, is so used to enduring his own that he's able to conceal just how unnerved they make him, but there would be moments where he'd split.
Fane usually deals with his nightmares by reaffirming solidity to his teetering mind. He searches for shapes (squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, etc.), and he'll rip open his balcony windows to literally gulp in as much frigid air as he can muster. He does the latter to try and stave of either a panic attack or a bout of retching. Sometimes it works, but most times, Fane can't stop his stomach from expelling what's inside. His nightmares do die down in intensity once he and Solas start to share quarters, but the first several weeks are...rough.
“Nightmares?”, Solas’ voice finally came in a murmur, tone laced with sleep even as stormy, moonlit orbs shone with awareness and gentle sympathy.
Fane grimaced a bit before nodding. “...Yeah.”, he said after a bit of hesitation, shifting his gaze away as the sight of more concern made him even more tired. Why couldn’t he get through one night without an interruption or seeing the sky reflect sorrow and guilt? “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.”
The command was brusque, mildly clipped and he cringed a bit as he heard his own tone echo. He needed to sleep, damn it! He knew he was being harsh, being childish, but he couldn’t take everything that was going on right now. In short terms, he was overwhelmed and for once, he didn’t know how to mitigate what was flowing through him! He never knew how to control this blighted form! He never knew anything beyond whining and--
More shifting of the covers had Fane’s ears twitching and sticking a wedge between his thoughts and the spiral they wished to delve into, but not turning his gaze back, keeping it glued out the frosty windows. Maybe the sight of ice and snow would help get his mind to shut. up. Not likely, but it was worth a shot at this point. Anything was worth a shot. Anything, anything, any--!
“Vhenan.” A gentle call, one used for moments like this and one that once again pulled his mind back from the edge, but Fane still kept his gaze turned, beginning to trace shapes along the stained glass of the upper windows. Maybe his ritual would work if he kept trying. He just had to keep trying. Try, try, try!
“Why are there always so many squares?”, Fane asked rhetorically and with a dry air, eyes slowly darting along jagged patterns and equally as jagged lines. “I should change the design. Maybe the Qunari one?” He sneered a bit. “...No. That one has more squares. I’m tired of squares.” The word for exhaustion made his eyelids feel dry and unfathomably heavy, but they still wouldn’t close. He really wished they would close. Why wouldn’t they close?! Why wouldn’t his mind be sil--!
“Fane.” Another call, this one more firm, but still just as well meaning as a warm hand came up to touch his cheek, beckoning him to look back at the sky. “Look at me, ma’isenatha.” A light stroke of fingers against his jawline made Fane shiver, even as his body rose in temperature.
“No.”, Fane said, even as he subconsciously leaned towards his beacon of comfort and warmth, the palm softly coming to cup his cheek. “Just go back to sleep, Solas.”, he practically begged, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good.
Solas was as stubborn as he was clever, and more prone to worry than Fane was in regards to the other. They often butted heads due to their collective protectiveness, each arguing that the other needed to be more concerned about themselves whether in battle or not, but grudges were never held once they explained the situation or what made them panic so severely. Knowing that, Fane wanted to look to the sky, he did, but yet, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t bear to see more worry. Not right now. However, another warm sensation, not from a hand, against his cheek had him almost abandoning his squares. He was so, so childish…
“Ma’isenatha..”, Solas murmured against where he had placed a kiss upon his cheek, gentle concern making a normally smooth voice somehow smoother. “Talk to me.” A plea with a double meaning that had Fane sighing.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Solas.”, Fane muttered, gaze shifting downwards to the floor. “It wasn’t that bad. I didn’t puke, I didn’t tear from bed like a madman, but I can’t sleep. End of story.” The dismissal curt, but sufficient. For him, anyway.
This is a little snippet kind of showcasing how Fane deals with his nightmares when Solas is around. This is kind of early on, when they just start sharing quarters, so Fane is highly dismissive, but only because he doesn't want to keep worrying Solas about things that he thinks doesn't matter. *bonks the dragon on the head*
I think Solas would be very much the same way in terms of dismissing, but would be more likely to cave when faced with the fact that Fane understands. Cue crying!Solas because the world needs more of it! >:3 Fane would definitely offer Solas a sanctuary, opening his arms and silently waiting to see if the mage would take it. If Solas does opt to seek shelter, then Fane wouldn't utter a word, knowing that he can't say anything that man hasn't said to himself. Really, all Fane does is reassure Soals that he isn't alone.
Thoughts on each other's family?
Sooo...does the Evanuris count as family for Solas? I like to kind of think they do in some capacity! As such, Fane fucking despises them! Especially Elgar'nan! :D
Elgar'nan: "So this is a mighty white dragon? How disappointing."
*Fane slams his massive tail upon the palace floors, shattering the marble and crystal with a hard expression*
Solas: "And now?"
Yeah, fuck that guy! :D Seriously though, Fane's feelings towards Elgar'nan are...justified. I mean, his feelings towards all of the Evanuris are justified, but Elgar'nan was the one that made Fane leave his sky. *smiles*
Solas and Mhairi start of a bit...rocky. Mhairi tries to reach out, tries to connect with him due to being highly intrigued by his knowledge of the Fade and the elves, but since Solas is...Solas, he does the whole, 'Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you would wish to regale me with luminous tales of the elves. You are Dalish.' Solas actually tried that line on Fane and Fane just goes, '...Presumably. Who knows?'
But back to Mhairi and Solas! Mhairi and Solas eventually warm up to each other after Adamant, around the same time Fane and Solas become an item, and he begins to teach her how to control her magic a bit better. There's actually a mini short story I want to write that shows a huge development between Solas and Mhairi where he literally becomes another brother to her. Get caught by templars and having to think of clever ways to survive and use your magic without getting silenced would endow two mages to grow close. You get me? Especially when one becomes extremely terrified from the mere sight of the Templar insignia due to a traumatic incident where they were silenced. *smiles again*
Solas ends up caring for Mhairi very much, as much as Fane does actually. And obviously, Fane is extremely happy by that. Even if betrayal is in the future, it's nice to see his sky take every moment of joy that he can.
As for Fane's father... *laughs nervously* I'll just say this: a wolf's bite is worse than their bark. I'll let you envision that because fuck does Solas want to let the beast within take hold and tear until there's naught but bones left. It'll be the one time that the Dread Wolf comes out to hunt, to kill. And if I play the 'power couple' card? *sips teas delicately* Then I'll play it in earnest. >:3
Who has awful taste in music?
I think both Fane and Solas are fairly good about choosing music! They both lived during the time of Elvhenan, so gentle cadences and calming refrains would only make them both long for what they lost. Fane enjoys Maryden's songs, too! He'll stand up with Cole in the tavern and listen to them with the spirit, humming each note under his breath since he'd be a fool to try and sing.
Also, Fane can actually coax a melody or two from Leliana if she isn't too closed up. Solas ends up giving his dragon a tiny, tender smile when he comes waltzing down the stairs with a look and smirk that asks, "How'd you enjoy that show? Pretty good, hm?"
...They are such dorks. I'm awful. *cackles*
Who can rap better?
*stares at this question like the pikachu meme*
I...honestly don't know, to be honest! X'D Like if I had to really, really choose I would say Solas because the man already speaks in iambic pentameter, so he's got a flow going already! PFFFT! I know it's not anywhere close to the same thing, but it's all I can think of to justify why! X'D
Fane isn't...wordy enough for rapping. He would seriously short circuit at a request of such a thing and just go, 'No. The fuck?' He's 5,000 years old. He don't roll with the kids and their words. *cackles before coughing violently*
*neatly shuffles all your questions and places them back in the box with the answers* There you are, my dear friend! Thank you so much for stopping by the mailbox for the dragon and wolf! Do come again! >:D
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theshinsun · 4 years
I was tagged by @gaytaiga, ily buddy <3
1.name/nickname: Shinsun/Shin
2.gender: trans man
3.star sign: Leo
4.height: 5'7″
5.time: 11:33 pm, time to Start homework eheh... (I say and then procrastinate w things like this)
6.birthday: August 20th
7.favorite bands/groups: Mother Mother, Nothing But Thieves, The Neighbourhood, Silversun Pickups, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Muse, Bad Suns, Jukebox the Ghost, Rainbow Kitten Surprise... etc
8.favorite solo artists: Hozier, Regina Spektor, Florence and the Machine, Janelle Monae, Shearwater, Gregory Alan Isakov, khai dreams, Bug Hunter
9.song stuck in my head: I’m Your Wreck by Mt Joy
10.last movie: Into the Spider-verse, for like, the tenth time I don’t care I’ll never get tired of it.
11.last show: if a youtube series counts... I watched My Pride by tribbleofdoom, an artist whose animations I’ve been following for many years (it slaps check it out if you like badass gay lionesses)... otherwise, my roommate and I binged Ouran all the way through... twice in a row bc that’s how quarantine has been.
12.when did i create this blog: I think I originally made it in 2012, deactivated for a bit, then came back in 2014.
13.what do i post: a lot of KNB/Haikyuu!! meta, select other fandom things, fanfic and some of my art, animals, cool facts and memes. 
14.last thing i googled: “how big do goldfish get” specifically to prove a point to a customer.
15.other blogs: I’ve got a few (inactive) rp blogs still floating out there in the ether, @incorrectbballboys is my incorrect KNB quotes blog, which I started after the demise of @incorrectknb. @shintillating is my current art blog (though I may be rebranding soon if my teachers have anything to say about it) @ihavefishues is my fish sideblog bc yes that’s a thing that exists, and @stuckonloop is my music rec blog, for whatever happens to be stuck in my head at any given time.
16.do i get asks: uhh... sometimes? every now and then I’ll get one about my fics or headcanons, or if I’ve reblogged an ask meme recently. my incorrect quotes blog gets some too, once in awhile.
17.why i chose my url: I’ve said this before, but some asshole has been holding onto the url “shinsun” since 2012 with a Blank Blog I shit you not... 
18.following: 1,371... my dash is never boring. honestly most of them are probably inactive now, but I’ve been accumulating for seven years, in my defense.
19.followers: 662. I still have no idea how it’s that many tbh my blog is all over the place.
20.average hours of sleep: lately? like 6? unless we’re talking consecutive hours, in which case it’s closer to 3 or 4, I am... not doing so hot.
21.lucky number: none, I cannot stress enough how little I believe in luck.
22.instruments: I have a guitar, but it needs tuning and I haven’t learned to play it. I did learn to play a recorder in elementary school but idk if I still can.
23.what am i wearing: my undershirt from work and basketball shorts that are my pajama bottoms.
24.dream job: something where I can work with animals, help people, and/or create art (preferably without pain)... otherwise the what and how have gotten pretty fuzzy now.
25.dream trip: all around the world. no, really, I want to see everything. ...for something more realistic, I’ve been really drawn to the idea of roadtripping up the west coast all the way to Alaska lately.
26.favorite food: chocolate cheesecake. anything involving chocolate and/or cake, honestly. ...also this one specific fried jumbo gulf shrimp from this one specific restaurant in my hometown; no seafood place here on the coast has even come Close to matching it.
27.nationality: 'murican
28.favorite song: f-favorite? uhh right now I’d have to say Moral Panic by Nothing But Thieves, but I know that’s not the answer I gave last time I was asked this.
29.last book i read: I just finished The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. I also recently plowed through Alice in Wonderland in one day, I’m trying to get back into reading books again.
30.top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: Avatar universe and Narnia. once I would have said H*rry P*tter universe, but it’s been ruined for me so fuck it, Animorphs universe (yes I’d take that human and alien gore-fest over H*gwarts at this point, I’m not playing).
Tagging: @bakugoukatsuki-rising, @hybristophilica, @choking-on-roses, @vanilla-daydreams, @ruluxe, @hadenxcharm, @spaztictwitch and anyone else who’d like to tbh
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harukapan · 4 years
SB69 Comiket 97 limited Illustration book: Ambivalence Black
Hello! I know I’m very late to post this because Comiket 97 happened in December 2019 but since now I have a blog dedicated to SB69, I want to share the limited goods I got my hands on~
Every twice a year(Comiket is a biannual event) SB69 will have a booth at Comiket! Though, because of the COVID-19 situation this 2020, Comiket 98 and 99 was cancelled...
Anyways! SB69 started selling these comiket limited illustration books since Comiket 93. Cyan, Titan, Ailane and Crow were the covers for 93 and it was Rosia and Shu Zo for 94. I didn’t manage to get them tho..TwT
For some reason they didn’t produce any for Comiket 95 and 96 but then...! The limited illustration book is back for Comiket 97, with Darudayu and Aion as the covers! The illustrations are named Ambivalence Black this time~
I actually got a friend (non-SB69er..) to help me get the goods because they were in Japan for Comiket 97 so I can’t say anything about the booth itself...but I’m so thankful for them to help me get these limited goods!!
From the Twitter, I read that the book comes with a bromide (Crow, Cyan, Titan, Shu Zo, Rosia or Darudayu) and a keychain of either Darudayu or Aion. I didn’t really mind who I got for the keychain but I really wanted Titan or Cyan for the bromide. However, apparently everything were like pre-packed according to my friend.
Here’s an image of the goods! I got Darudayu for the bromide and Aion for the keychain~
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Here’s the illustration of Aion for the front cover! Meccha cool...
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And Darudayu for the back cover! SHE’S SO PRETTY...
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Of course, now, the contents! It’s an illustration book so yea, the book contains full illustrations of bromides from the previous SB69 game (not Fes a Live, Shobafes wasn’t even announced yet when Comiket 97 happened lolol). Not all the bromides are included though. But a lot of my favorite bromides were included ehehe. They did try to include bromides from every band from the previous SB69 game though!!
I can’t possibly share every page in the book because that will be like.. a lot. I’ll include some of my favorite bromide illustrations in this post though! Enjoy~
This Cyan LR! I actually got her in the 39 melon LR confirmed pull in the previous game~ Thinking back, this bromide was probably a hint at SB69′s next stage
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Rix and Mix!! Rapezziauto/YKMM was my jam <3 I can literally hear this illustration saying “pyon pyon” ..ah the memories
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AILANE!!! This LR was a really huge contrast to our little queen of darkness
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Peipain’s LR! Never figured out how she could play with all those armor on lol...
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These two cuties !!! TwT Look at Retoree’s sweet sweet smile
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RIKAO <3 Why is he so handsome...
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Daddy Maple was also included~
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I also took some full images to use as my mobile wallpaper. I’ll share them here too~
Here’s Rikao!
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And my favorite bromide of my best boy, Titan TwT
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After all the bromide illustrations, there were some omakes(extras)!
First up is a manga called “Show By Rock!! Detective -Crimson Coloured Stars and Skyscraper Apocalypse-” 
The manga features the boys of Shingancrimsonz, Trichronika and ARCAREAFACT. It’s basically about Shingancrimsonz and ARCAREAFACT who are detectives competing/working together to catch the phantom thief who is Shu Zo.
Look at this man, he’s way too sparkly to be a phantom thief
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I’ll translate and post this manga someday but honestly even though the storyline sounds rather cool, the manga is actually a big joke. I especially found the last page extremely funny...
The song does not exist (it will be even funnier if it existed) but in the manga, Titan worked with Crow and they wrote a song and I bring your attention to this line of lyrics: “ お前の身長は177cmオレは165cm Long Distance〜 “
It translates to “Your height is 177cm, I’m 165cm Long Distance~” If you ever paid close attention, 177cm is Titan’s height and 165cm is Crow’s height and you know how Crow is well, rather short. Plus the fact the song also something to do about milk...that’s not the only hilarious part in the manga :”D
Despite the cool ikemen art style, the manga is a joke
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The second omake is a short 3 page manga introducing Mashumairesh!! and their anime! I’ll also be translating and posting it someday~
Howan is so sparkly and adorable...
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And lastly, they also included 2 4-komas of Sanrio Anime Store Howan! This one’s a special one because it’s about Comiket~
I’ll also translate this as part of the Sanrio Anime Store Howan series. This omake is listed under it in my Masterpost!
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Thank you for reading! As this is an event limited goods, I hope to share it with everyone especially international SB69ers.
Also! If you’d like to see the full bromide illustration of a certain bromide from the book, feel free to inbox me here or on SB69en on Instagram. I’ll happily take a picture and send it to you. I know I did say the book does not contain every bromide from the old game but you can try your luck and ask me! I can just say that there are at least bromides of every character from the main bands (Plasmagi, Shingan, Trichronika, Tsurezure, Cricri, BVL, Arcarea, Yokaze). Of course all the other bands are also included but just not every character, once again you can just try your luck at asking me!
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seoultraveller · 4 years
Omg no that must’ve taken so much time🤣 well, I’m glad you’re going to add videos to watch later lollll!!! I’ve always done that and it’s so nice since it’s more organized and you know exactly which videos you have to watch!🥳
Yesss i love all those videos!!! Especially the relay dances because they’re both being funny and talented! I actually watched the Hala Hala dance relay just a couple of hours ago🥰 Awhhh you really gotta love Yunho and his lovely Anews he’s the best<3 Poor horse wouldn’t listen to Seonghwa😂 Mars asmr is so nice, I really like seeing Seonghwa in that element!! Yeah asmr can be very annoying but Seonghwa is great at it🥰
Ohhh let’s see let’s see... I have so many videos I like rewatching but I’ll try to give you a short answer😂😂 Sorry in advance! The first one I can think about is the sword fighting video during Wonderland era (when they have blindfolds and try to hit each other with like plastic/inflatable swords?). Seeing Yunho smack Hongjoong on the head never fail to make me laugh, or honestly every fight has me laughing so incredibly much lol🤣 I also like to re-watch some of the logbooks, not really any specific video (maybe I revisit logbook 26 now and again when I feel sentimental- that’s the first time I saw ateez eheh).
Those videos when they switch parts in songs are also some I like to re-watch and it’s always so funny seeing both Jongho and Mingi so lost💀💀 I have so many more but I’ll just tell you about these hehhh sorry for the looong answer :P
Same I have such a crush on Yeosang rn!! Whew he’s really coming for everyone this comeback😭
Thank you so much, I needed to hear that🥺 I have two tests in history (the same week), a test in economics😐, one in science, two in math, and one in Spanish... so, it’s a lot. I also have a test tomorrow but I’m a bit more positive about that one. Gosh, really sorry to hear about all that drama :(( i really really hope you can relax and rest this weekend😔🥰💕 Yeah i can understand that you’re over it😬 Lol that’s actually a great strategy !! Yess that’s so true, but I guess I’m just a bit tired of the whole concept of school too ugh. Thank you so much🥺
Definitely!! I really hope ateez performs some of the other songs on the album some day, but their schedule is so extremely full so I don’t want to wish for it y’know ;((
Omg thank you!! I feel like it’s easier to manage my hair when it’s in different curls patterns😅 But oohhh then it must be pretty nice maintaining🥰 That works too :))
Sounds like good plans for the weekend, especially organizing a schedule/routine🥳 Right now my plans are to force myself into studying some and catch up on ateez content😂 also try to finish a fic and start new ones!!
Gosh thank you for reading this long answer, I try not to write too much but here I am💀🤣
Yeah~ it is.
Their entire HALA HALA performance is just always so strong all the time, even in the relay dance. I love it!! 😻 Yes~ the horse 😂 and then he just YEETED it in the ‘To The Beat’ video 😂 😂 like this dude has no chill sometimes and it’s very very obvious. 😂 It really is good to see him in that element, you’re right. It’s something that he really enjoys and likes and now he get to be an ASMR YouTuber essentially. Even getting to collaborate with another ASMR content creator must’ve been a dream come true for him. I am really glad that KQ let them express some different sides of themselves in this way. Yeah~ he truly excels at it. Out of all the members, he truly is the best at what he does in his content (they’re all good though).
I’ll accept a short or long answer, anything from you ☺️ That was absolutely hilarious!!! 😂 😂 😂 Hongjoong was getting so confident but when it came to Yunho, he (an everyone else) knew he was going to lose 😂 And Yunho, he wasted absolutely no time in securing his win agains Hongjoong! 😂 Oh~ Logbook #26 🥺🥺 that’s so sweet and special then, since it holds sentimental value. 🥺 I think I got into ATEEZ maybe when they reached 30 logbbooks, or around there. It took me a while, after I got into them, to actually watch one. The part switch videos are hilarious as well, and the confused member scrambles to their spot/holds their head down and cower to the back 😂 You have good taste in ATEEZ videos!! No~ don’t apologize. That was not too long at all. Reading it brought back memories to watching some of those videos as well.
Yeosang truly is~!! He’s like, “I’m taking this ATINY down and that ATINY down...” No one can stop his charms!!!
😖 I am going to keep you in my thoughts 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 because that surely is a lot! Especially, the history tests in one week. 😭 What was the test on? My brother has his life and I have mine. I just don’t like my parents trying to make us... force us to be close. I love him because he is my brother but we’re just way too different to co-exist in the same room for too long. I could understand that. School can be just straight up exhausting.
I know exactly what you mean! They must be tired and their schedule must be so hectic! I hope that they can perform other songs as well from the album. Imagine a live stage for ‘The Leaders’ 😍💪☺️
Really? That’s interesting. I would think that it would be easier to manage without so many different things going on with your hair 😂
Ohhhh~ sounds good. I’ll be catching up on ATEEZ content as well. Good luck on studying 📚 👍
It’s fine ☺️, it’s okay 🙂, it’s totally cool 😎! I enjoy reading it 🤓. In fact, I read it as soon as it came in yesterday, but didn’t finish my response until this morning. 😔
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ofbeastsandwizards · 5 years
Sucker [Loki x Reader]
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Still no requests so far! Send some in, I take anons! :D
Anyways, had a bit of an idea after listening to this song, so have another song-shot uwu
Title/song: Sucker (Jonas Brothers)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: You and Loki had been best friends on Asgard, and he truly felt you were the only one who cared for him other than his mother. When you left for Midgard years ago, he returned once again to Earth, and spent time with you, and he *innocently* took you out for lunch, and it just became a flirtatious, Disney Musical Number mess.
Warnings: Disney romance vibes, LOTS OF OOC LOKI, Loki being a flirt hehe. ALSO I KINDA WENT A BIT LEWD IN THIS ONE EHEHE- (meaning jokes and language)
Italic: Flashbacks
Bold/Italic: Song Lyrics
We go together
Better than birds of a feather, you and me
“Loki!” You yelled, racing up the steps to the palace, a wide grin on your face. You were young, and still a child in most Asgardian’s eyes. 
Loki was sitting on the palace steps, an eyebrow raised. His hands were clasped in front of him on his lap. You sat down next to him panting from climbing the stairs. 
You offered him a smile, and he looked over his shoulder to stare at you with a questioning look. With a mischievous smirk, you leaned over to him. 
“Wanna go prank Thor?” You asked.
Loki’s eye’s went wide, and he gave you a wide smile, standing up. The two of you then ran down the steps. 
We change the weather, yeah.
I’m feelin’ heat in December when you’re around me
You were still young, but looked to be in your teens now. You were sitting on a rock, Thor standing and practicing his powers. You watched him carefully as you felt Loki approach you, and you turned as he sat next to you. It was one of the few moments he wasn't looking for trouble. 
You slung an arm around his shoulder, giving him a smile. 
I’ve been dancing on top of cars, and stumbling out of bars
I follow you through the dark, can’t get enough
You waved goodbye to Loki and Thor, as well as their parents. You were standing at the edge of the Bifrost. You had a sad look in your eye. You had to leave. You, despite being almost full Asgardian, had family on earth, and after your parents died in a fire, you had nowhere left to turn.
The brothers offered to house you, but you declined, stating ou needed to get to know the rest of your heritage. Plus, you didn't want to place that burden on the king and queen.
You’re the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain
And, Baby you know it’s obvious
It’s been many years now, and you have been living on Earth, with your aunt and uncle. You’d even lost your accent, now having a fully American one at that. (Even though at random, usually inappropriate times, you’d drop back into your accent)
It’s a peaceful Sunday, and you’re out to the market to buy some fruit, and freshen up on some plums. As you were walking back from the Sunday market, however, a giant rainbow beam of light erupted in front of you, sending you stumbling backwards. The light vanished, leaving a tipsy Loki in it’s presence. 
He began to fall forward, and you gracefully caught him in your arms. You noticed he had a few injuries and that was probably why he seemed so off.
He looked up at you momentarily, before pushing himself off of you and clearing his throat, avoiding your intense gaze. 
I’m a sucker for you
You say the word and I’ll go anywhere blindly
Awkwardly, he glances over to you. Your eyes are wide and you’re examining him. His hair was no longer short, it was shoulder length, and his clothing was anything but casual. 
“What are you staring at, Mortal?” He asked harshly. He must not have recognized you. You frowned.
“Loki. I would have figured you’d remember your best friend.” You smirked.  Loki whipped around and stared you in the eye. Then his crystal blue eyes went wide.
“[Y/n]?” He asked, surprised. 
You rolled your eyes, placing a hand on your hip. “No shit.” Your smirk fell, and was replaced with a small smile. “Welcome back.”
I'm a sucker for you, yeah Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
It had been about two weeks since Loki arrived back on Earth. He’d been staying with you for a while, and constantly whining about how the food here was never as good as that on Asgard.
Of course, you had forgot all about how the food tasted on Asgard, and couldn't care less. Instead, you stuck to the usual boxed Mac and Cheese.
But, today was somehow different. You’d probably grown closer with Loki than ever before, even when you were on Asgard. You were just about to make a bowl of cereal for lunch, still dressed in pajamas from getting up so late. Obviously, Loki hadn’t bothered to wake you.
Despite being best friends, he was still a jack-ass sometimes. 
I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things No one knows about you (about you) about you (about you)
Loki entered the room, eyeing your cereal in disgust. You regarded him with a raised eyebrow. “Can I help you?” You asked with a light chuckle.
Loki recomposes himself, and looked you in the eye. “Get ready, we’re going out.”
With that, he leaves the room. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “Okay then.” You set your cereal bowl on the counter, heading to your room to change, which you do. You end up changing into something casual, but which you thought was ‘cute’. It was a simple pair of high waisted jeans, and a t-shirt. You added on some random pieces of jewelry and slipped on your converse. 
“Alright, where are we going again?” You ask as you shut the door to your apartment. Loki looks you up and down, before continuing down the hall.
“Lunch.” You roll your eyes.
And you're making the typical me break my typical rules It's true, I'm a sucker for you, yeah
Around 10 minutes later of walking, you arrive at a semi-fancy resturant. You. eye it suspiciously. “Well then, somebody’s feeling generous.” You muttered to yourself as Loki found a seat. 
Sitting down, you pull off your sweatshirt, and stare at the menu. Unbeknownst to you, however, Loki was gazing at you from over his, watching your eyes scan the page.
Don't complicate it (yeah) 'Cause I know you and you know everything about me
You sat the menu down with a conflicted face. “Burger or Pasta...?” You asked yourself.
“Whichever you prefer, love.” Loki mumbles. Your eyes go wide. Loki had never called you that before. He looks up at you, a mischievous look in his eyes. “I think you’ll like the pasta more, though.”
You shut the menu, and raise a brow. “Is that so?”
Loki leans over the table, and looks over your surprised face with a casual smirk. “Believe me. I know you better than I know myself.”
Your face begins to heat up, but you won’t let that stop your witty comebacks. “Oh please. It’s been years, Loki. You barely know me at all. Meanwhile I know you like the back of my hand.”
Loki grins, and leans closer to whisper in your ear. “That’s where you’re wrong.”
He leans back and looks over his menu again casually, as if nothing had happened. You stare at him wide eyed, growing increasingly flustered. He’s never been this way around anyone before.
I can't remember (yeah) All of the nights I don't remember When you're 'round me (oh, yeah yeah)
After ordering, your food arrives, and you twist your fork through the noodles. You bring the food up to your mouth and bite down. The taste is sensational, and you try hard not to let your taste bud orgasm be known to the man across from you.
However your melting state alerts him, and he looks up from his own food with a classic Loki smirk™. You finish your first bite, swallowing hard and putting on your best stoic expression. 
“Mm.” You tried to say as you swallowed. 
“It was good, wasn’t it?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Decent.”
“For Midgardian food, yes.” Loki joked.
You gasped. “You mean my cooking isn’t good?” 
He rolled his eyes and gave you a look. “Please, Darling. Nothing compares to your beautifully cooked top ramen.” You raised an eyebrow.
“What’s with all the nicknames?” You asked. He continued to eat, giving you an innocent look.
“What nicknames?”
I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars I follow you through the dark, can't get enough
You finally managed to finish the pasta, giving into it’s wonderful taste. Sighing happily, you leaned back. 
Loki smiled at you. “How was it?” 
“Okay, fine. It was amazing.” You admitted.
He smirked. “I knew it.”
You rolled your eyes, looking away from those big blue eyes of his.
You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain And, baby, you know it's obvious
Soon enough, the bill was paid, and you were both walking outside the resturant. You tied your sweatshirt around your waist. “Where to now?” You asked.
Loki looked to you, confused. 
“Ooh! We should go to the park! Come on!” You were about to start sprinting down the street when Loki caught your arm, shaking his head.
“I really shouldn’t be out in public for any longer.” You looked at him worriedly.
“What? No! Please?” You asked, giving him the puppy-dog eyes. 
He immediately faltered, loosening his grip. He looked away, taking a deep breath. “Oh, fine.”
You grinned, grabbing his wrist and racing down the street, catching Loki by surprise. He, however smiled at your antics and rolled his eyes playfully. 
I'm a sucker for you You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
The both of you were now entering the park, walking through as you talked mindlessly, whilst Loki got lost in your voice. 
You did things to him, things he couldn’t quite explain.
I'm a sucker for you, yeah Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
You noticed a playground, and suddenly grabbed Loki’s hand, beginning to run towards it making him stop in place, and jolt at the sudden contact. You stopped, being pulled back by Loki’s now stiff form. You gave him a questioning look.
“What is it?” You asked. Loki was staring at you now, with wide eyes. He shook his head.
“Nothing.” He said coldly. You gave him an odd look. 
“What’s up with you?” You asked. 
Loki turned. “Nothing! Alright?!” 
You were taken aback. “Obviously, it’s not nothing.”
I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things No one knows about you (about you) about you (about you)
Loki dared to meet your eyes, taking you in once again. 
That’s when he realized you were still holding his hand, tightly now.
And you're making the typical me break my typical rules It's true, I'm a sucker for you, yeah
You breathed easily, eyes trailing down to your connected hands. You immediately backtracked, and held back your hands, wide eyed.
“I am so sorry.” You stuttered. Loki shook his head, offering you a surprisingly gentle smile.
I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars I follow you through the dark, can't get enough You're the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain And, baby, you know it's obvious
He then reached forward, taking your hand back, and placing it between his hands, which were cold, for obvious reasons. You didn’t mind though. It was a nice contrast to the hot summer day.
He moved to a nearby bench, dragging you with him.
I'm a sucker for you You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
He sat and looked down. You’d never seen the god so anxious before. It kind of worried you. “Is something wrong?” You asked him nervously. 
I'm a sucker for you, yeah Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
“No, no...” He mumbled. “I just...wanted to tell you something.” 
He had you sit down on the bench beside him, and he took a deep breath.
I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things No one knows about you (about you) about you (about you)
“[Y/n]. I’ve known you for so long, and honestly, I’ve always seen you as one of the bravest, kindest, funniest people I know. You were always there for me when nobody else was, and I know how much it hurt to leave Asgard. At first I was mad, genuinely. But now, I think I know why you chose to come here. And I guess, I wanted to apologize or not visiting sooner...I just, I thought maybe you’d think of me as a monster....after what happened with New York.” He said. You mouth was hanging open slightly as you stared at him. 
“Oh, Loki...you could never be a monster...you’re amazing the way you are. But...y-you’ve never been this open before...” You stuttered. He chuckled, finally looking up to meet your gaze. That’s when you got lost in his eyes. His eyes had a tendency to do that to you. They always had, even on Asgard(which could make for some pretty awkward conversation).
And you're making the typical me break my typical rules It's true, I'm a sucker for you
He was now looking into your eyes, and was holding your hands. “Listen, [Y/n]. I don’t know what you’re doing to me. It’s like you can see right through me, and all I want to do is stare right back at you, to tell you everything. You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You’re beautiful, and I could get lost in those eyes for days...I...I just...I think I’m in love with you.” Loki exclaims. You are stiff, and shocked. Nonetheless, you’re a blushing mess. You clear your throat and smile. 
“I...I don’t know what to say, Loki...this is all so sudden....and new, especially from you. I never expected...-” Loki’s smile faltered. You caught this quickly, however and your eyes softened. “I never expected you to feel the same way.” 
Loki locked eyes with you, and you smiled gently. You leaned forward and hugged him, taking Loki by surprise. He hesitantly hugged back. You stayed like this for a while, enjoying each-others embrace, while there was nobody around. Then, you released him, and looked away awkwardly. 
He smiled, taking your hand in his again, and placing a gentle kiss to the top of your hand, whilst looking up into your eyes. 
You were more than flustered, and you just started grinning like a maniac.
“I love you, [Y/n].” 
You shifted, resting your head on his shoulder. “I love you too, Loki.”
I’m a sucker for you
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bpro-cardstories · 5 years
Haruhi Teramitsu SR
2019 ー Love Triangle [三角関係]
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“Fufu, I mean your smiling face. It was super cute, I want to see it one more time.”
『 Event: Hit and Run! Super Rookies (17th - 29th September 2019) 』
Part 1
It’s recording time. As usual Tsubasa is waiting for the boys to finish. 
Haru: ‘Well then, I’m going to record!’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, do that, Haruhi-kun. Please do your best.’ 
Haru: ‘Leave it to me, I will do it perfectly in one go ~! Ehehe, I’m looking forward to match with Yuduki’s song.’ 
Haru: ‘He said he redid it again and again, so I need to respond to it with everything I have.’
Staff: ‘Haruhi-kun, if you are ready give me sign.’
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm, if Haruhi-kun concludes the next one is ….’
Kento: ‘Hello, Tsubasa.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Aizome-san! Good to see you.’
Kento: ‘How is the recording?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm, just right now Haruhi-kun entered the booth. There is still time left until Aizome-san’s turn… So if it is not to far away, going out for a bit is okay.’
Kento: ‘No, it’s fine. There is no particular place I want to go to, let me watch Haruhi’s recording together with you, Tsubasa.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I understand. If something should come up, please feel free to come to me.’
Kento: ‘Aa… Then I confirm it right away. The recording is the last point on the schedule for today, am I right?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. I will also go home right after. If no unexpected work comes in at this hour you are able to go home after the recording, I think.’ 
Kento: ‘I see. If that’s the case, won’t don’t we go for a drive?’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh? A drive?’
Kento: ‘Right. It’s a nice autumn day, there are also no disturbances. Once in while, it’s good if it’s just the two of us ---’
He says with a wink but his invitation is interrupted by Haru. 
Haru: ‘A drive!? Please take me with you too!’
Kento: ‘Haruhi? …. Didn’t the recording start?’ 
Haru: ‘The mic seemed to be not good so I should wait outside, they said. More importantly, the drive! It’s super nice weather and it feels really great, right.’
Haru: ‘If Tsubasa goes, then I want to go too!’
Kento: ‘Ah-- … But you would have to wait until my recording is over’. 
Haru: ‘Eh? I will definitely wait for it!?’ 
Kento: ‘No, it’s not good.’ 
Haru: ‘It’s not! I can learn from watching Aizome-san’s recording. Right, Tsubasa!’
Tsubasa: ‘That is true, Aizome-san’s singing is very expressive.’
Kento: ‘...Haha. Tsubasa, you were thinking like that? It makes me really happy.’ 
Haru: ‘That being said, I’ll wait until the recording is over! Also, I think, driving is more fun with three people rather than alone or in pairs!!’
Kento: ‘Ah---.....’
Tsubasa: ‘That is right. If the both of you take a breather, allow me to join you.’ 
Kento: ‘....Haa. If Tsubasa says so, it can’t be helped.’ 
Haru: ‘Yay~! After the recording we all go for a drive! Well then, I’d like to sit on the passenger seat!!’ 
Kento: ‘Ha?’ 
Haru: ‘Ooh, recording is assuming! I’m off, see you later ♪’
Kento: ‘.........’ 
The invitation turned out to be anything but pleasant for Kento who only wanted time alone with Tsubasa. He is left behind speechless. 
Part 2
After the recording the three went for a drive as discussed before. 
Haru: ‘Uwaah, what a super beautiful sunset… The sun melts into the sea like butter!’ 
Haru: ‘I’m impressed to see such a scenery with just a short drive… Aizome-san, thank you very much! I feel like I’m on a trip, it’s really exciting ♪’ 
Even though Kento is amused to see his junior look so happy, he also laments about the missed chance to be alone with Tsubasa.
Kento: ‘If you are this pleased, I’m happy.’
Kento: ‘.... Because of that, I can’t have a good time with Tsubasa.’ 
Haru: ‘Eh?’ 
Kento: ‘.... It’s nothing.’ 
Kento: ‘I will go buy some drinks. The lattes that the nearby wagon sells are really delicious. Is it fine with you, Tsubasa, Haruhi?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, if that’s the case, me too…’ 
Kento: ‘It’s fine, the wagon is a bit far away from here, so you wait here Tsubasa.’ 
Haru: ‘Waah! Aizome-san is treating us!!’ ____________
Haru: ‘Fuu… This place here is really great. The wind also feels good.’ 
Haru: ‘I like the salty sea breeze of Summer as well, however the cool Autumn wind is the best too--’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, I agree. Somehow… you want to stay here forever.’ 
Haru: ‘I get that! Probably all the more because I’m here with Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh…?’ 
Haru: ‘Ah, because I’m finally having Tsubasa all to myself I accidently let it slip… Ehehe, I wonder if Aizome-san will be angry.’ 
Haru: ‘But you know, if I had my license I would bring Tsubasa for a drive? Moreover, I will show Tsubasa as many sceneries as you want! Not only the sunset but also the night view, as for Christmas all the illuminations are great too.’ 
Haru: ‘A--ah…. Now is plenty of fun as well however, at times like these I want to become an adult soon is what I think--...’ 
(.... I wonder, is it because of today? Haruhi-kun’s expression… It feels more adult-like than usual today.)
Haru: ‘....Ha!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘!?’ 
Haru: ‘That’s it! Since it’s special occasion, I’ll take a picture of this view. I need to show it to Yuduki!’ 
Haru: ‘Muuh, somehow it’s not working…. Why can’t I take it? One more time!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘.... Fufu, as I thought Haruhi-kun is Yuduki-kun.’ 
Haru: ‘Hm?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, no…’ 
Haru: ‘... Tsubasa. That expression just now, show me again.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’ 
Haru: ‘Fufu, I mean your smiling face. It was super cute, I want to see it one more time.’ 
Part 3
Tsubasa: ‘U-Uhm…. please don’t say that…’ 
Haru: ‘Ah, wait. Your troubled face is also cute.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘H-Haruhi-kun…!? That picture is embarrassing…!’ 
Haru: ‘Eeh, why? Something so cute?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘It is not cute at all…. no pictures anymore.’
Haru: ‘Buuh--’ 
Tsubasa: ‘The photo just now, please don’t send it to Yuduki-kun, okay?’
Haru: ‘To Yuduki? Aah …. no way I will send it. This photo is only mine---’ 
Right in that moment Kento comes back from his short errand. 
Kento: ‘Sorry to have made you wait. Here is Tsubasa’s latte. And this is a latte for children with lots of sugar.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘A-Aizome-san…?’ 
Kento: ‘To trouble Tsubasa like that, what a hopeless kid. Haruhi, where did you learn these bad tricks?’
Haru: ‘Eh~? I didn’t trouble Tsubasa at all! But… since there is role model nearby, it might have happened naturally!?’ 
Kento: ‘Haha, who are you talking about?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘E-Ehm… so…’ 
Haru: ‘Say, Tsubasa! I just came up with something. Since the wind around here is so nice, why don’t we walk back home? The air is clear, so when it gets dark the stars and the moon surely will look beautiful, I think.’ 
Haru: ‘While talking, it doesn’t feel that far away. Isn’t it a great idea?’ 
Kento: ‘Hee, that sounds like fun. I’m with the car so I can’t join you.’ 
Haru: ‘I’m sorry, Aizome-san. I wish I could drive too.’ 
Kento: ‘No, I don’t mind. But it will be lonely all alone… Should I invite Yuduki and continue the drive?’ 
Haru: ‘!?’ 
Kento: ‘The movie, I said I want to see the other day also ought to start. Drive, movie, dinner…. A date with your junior once in a while sounds good too.’ 
Haru: ‘No--!! You absolutely can’t!’ 
Kento: ‘Why?’ 
Haru: ‘W-Why… You know it yourself, right!?’ 
Kento: ‘No, I don’t at all.’ 
Haru: ‘Kuuhh~... You hide behind your car~! If Yuduki goes, then I’m going too!!’ 
Kento: ‘That’s because you are trying to forcibly monopolize an important person. You still have a long way to go, Haruhi.’
Haru: ‘Uuh…. I’ll do better this time, please look, Aizome-san….!!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘U-Uhm, …. you two?’ 
Kento: ‘Aah, I’m sorry, Tsubasa? The discussion is over, so rest assured.’ 
Kento: ‘Well then, shall we enjoy the sunset some more before we return home, the three of us?’ 
Haru: ‘Kuuh….Seriously, I want to become an adult soon...!’
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lunawings · 5 years
The Day Before the School Festival, in the Home Economics Room... (a King of Prism short story)
A legend from ancient times. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this may be the first King of Prism story ever published? 
So, a little history: This short script was first printed in 2D Star Vol 2 back in October 2015, when King of Prism was just barely a thing. It was then directly referenced in the first King of Prism movie (screenshot at the end). Following this it was re-worked into an audio drama released on the movie soundtrack. (Then finally it was re-printed in the Music Ready Sparking fanbook, which is the version my translation was based on...)
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(More notes and story under cut)
Translator’s notes: So the text below is based on the original script, not the audio drama. So if you listen to the audio drama you may find small differences such as lines missing/added or spoken by different characters. (I caught a few while editing, but there may be more I didn’t notice.) The biggest difference between the written and audio versions is the introduction to the audio drama was significantly abridged and I don’t blame them. The original Japanese text is really confusing for the first couple paragraphs and I had to re-write it over and over again. (They phrase it like Lu Seriana is a dance school but it’s... not?) Here it is, so if want to have a look. Let me know if you find any discrepancies.
This story takes place a year after Over the Rainbow was formed, in May. So about a year after the Rainbow Live anime but before King of Prism. In other words, the boys haven’t met Shin yet. Since you were kind enough to read my notes, you can find a link to the audio drama in the period of this sentence. The timing of this story’s release would mean the game Hiro is playing is more likely the now defunct Pretty Rhythm Shake, if anything haha. (Prism Rush was a twinkle in some game designer’s eye when this was written.)
And now without further ado.... 
The Day Before the School Festival, in the Home Economics Room...
It was the beginning of May when the cherry blossom petals had already fallen and new buds were beginning to sprout. This is when Kakyoin Academy holds their annual school festival, the “Kakyou Fest”. Kakyoin Academy is an all-boys junior and senior high school managed by Edel Rose, a organization founded by the late Kou Norizuki, which is known all over for being the best of the best. 
The elite beginner prism training school “Edel Rose”, and the combined junior and senior high all-girls school “Lu Seriana Girls Academy” are just two examples of the many institutions all over the country under the large umbrella of dance schools which educate strongly through prism show activities. The male students of Edel Rose attend Kakyoin Academy for their basic education.
Due to the extreme popularity which comes with Kakyoin Academy having a student body of promising future stars, as soon as the annual school festival arrives fans from all over the country come running. The main target of said female fans is the prism show unit Over the Rainbow, formed about one year prior. Top solo idol Hiro Hayami had joined together with genius songwriter Kouji Mihama and charismatic street star Kazuki Nishina to form this same age, three member group. 
The previous year a concert had been planned at the festival, but due to the large crowd it was cancelled at the last minute. This year it was announced in advance that Over the Rainbow would not be performing, which left many fans in disappointment. 
It was those three popular stars who had secretly gathered the night before the Kakyo Fest in an empty home economics classroom...
Kazuki: Hey, is it really okay for us take the stage tomorrow?
Kouji: Yup! I got proper permission from the school and everything.
Hiro: Gah! Huah! ... But if we announce that we’re going to take the stage it will just be cancelled again like last year. Hiyah! This year have to take care to make sure it’s a surprise. Woah!
Kazuki: Well that’s all well and good but... Hiro, what are you doing there anyway?
Hiro: It’s a rhythm game. It’s a prism show game about us. You know, one of those smartphone apps. It’s pretty difficult. Auah! But my song “pride” is in it... Hah!
Kazuki: I see.... Well, what are we actually going to do on stage tomorrow, anyway? Well, I’m assuming a prism show, but... 
Kouji: Well, about that. Actually...
Kazuki: Oh yeah, you wrote it about in the email didn’t you? ...Hey, wait. Hold on a sec. I guess I left my phone in the classroom. I’ll be right back! 
Kouji: Okay. 
*click, click*
Kazuki: Huh? I can’t open the door! 
Kouji: What!?
Hiro: Is it locked?
Kazuki: Yeah. 
Hiro: I’ll go check the other door. I wonder if someone could have locked it without noticing we were in here?*
(*In the audio drama the second line is spoken by Kouji.)
Kazuki: But the lights are on, so I’d think they would notice... 
Kouji: Kakyouin Academy has an auto-lock system. So it’s possible the doors just lock automatically after a certain time. 
Hiro: It’s no good. This door is locked too.
Kazuki: So does that mean we’re just stuck here now?
Kouji: I’ll try and contact the janitor... huh? Where’s my phone? Ah! I left all my stuff back in the classroom too. 
Kauzki: Hiro, could you call someone? You’re the only one of us who has a phone. 
Hiro: Okay! No prob!
Hiro: Huh?
Kazuki: What’s wrong? Did something happen?
Hiro: The battery is dead... 
Kazuki: WHAT! Hiro, it’s because spend day to night playing too many games! Now what do we do?
*click click* *click click* *bang bang bang*
Kazuki: What is with this door! It won’t budge an inch! 
Hiro: That’s Kakyoin Academy for you. You sure can feel safe and secure here!
Kazuki: What are you so excited about!? 
Kouji: If we go about making a big racket we’re just going to end up causing trouble for the school. So simmer down a bit, okay?
Kazuki: ...Kouji, you’re so calm... Well, I guess you’re right. Panicking isn’t going to get us anywhere. 
Kouji: Oh yeah! I’m starting to get hungry, shall I make us something?
Hiro: Good idea! I’m starving! 
Kazuki: And how are you expecting to make something here!?
Kouji: Easy! This is a home economics classroom so there’s bound to be some food in here somewhere. 
Kazuki: Well... I’m sure you’re right, but there probably isn’t going to be much to work with. 
Kouji: Look, look! There’s meat, fish, vegetables, and even seasoning! 
Hiro: They are probably using this space to store ingredients for the festival food stalls. 
Kazuki: But is it really okay for us to use this stuff?
Kouji: This is an emergency situation! We’ve got no choice. Hang on everyone. 
Hiro: Suddenly this got exciting!
Kazuki: Good grief. What did we even come in here for anyway? ...Oh yeah! We’re doing a prism show tomorrow, right?
Hiro: Actually, no. We’ve been told we can’t perform a prism show because it will cause a big commotion again. 
Kazuki: Oh. Well then what are we gonna--
Kouji: Sorry to keep you waiting! 
Kazuki: That was fast! Finished already? 
Kouji: Yeah! I wanted to make sure to get it to you while it’s still hot.
Hiro: Woah! What’s all this? 
Kouji: Well, first up is amuse-bouche.
Kazuki: W-What did you say? A music bush!?
Kouji: It’s a French appetizer. Something to cleanse your palette with. 
Hiro: Oooh! Today you’ve made us a French full course?
Kazuki: K-Kouji! Don’t tell me you’re making a full course meal in a home economics classroom!?
Kouji: Why not? After all, it’s even more important to build up your strength when you find yourself in a pinch, right? 
Kazuki: Well... I guess so but...
Hiro: I agree with Kouji! Well. And what do we have here?
Kouji: “In a fateful encounter between the octopus conveniently laying around in the home economics room for takoyaki and the dice cut tomatoes for tacos, cold marinade Napoleon Bonaparte's Campaign in Egypt assortment”!
Kazuki: What a name! What kind of a dish is it!? Napoleon did what now?
Hiro: I’m sure we’ll find out when we try it. *gulp* *chew* Amazing! The refreshing sensation of Napoleon’s arrival in Egypt is spreading through my mouth!
Kazuki: Woaah! This is great! I don’t really know what it has to do with Egypt, but you’ve really outdone yourself, Kouji! To think even in a tight spot like this you still bring your A game to the table...
Kouji: Eheh, thank you! Next is the hors d'oeuvre. “With a fresh egg taken this morning from ‘Hana-chan’ in the school hen house and the spring cabbage raised in the back garden by the principal, all conveniently found in the home economics classroom, in the style of Vasco da Gama’s Arrival the Cape of Good Hope!”
Kazuki: First Napoleon and now Vasco da Gama!? What is all of this supposed to represent?
Kouji: Just try it and you’ll see!
Kazuki: You’ve sure got a lot of confidence in us...
Hiro: E-Exquisite! Aaah... I’m filled with the joy of seeing the Cape of Good Hope after such a long journey. All the deliciousness spreads far across the horizon!
Kazuki: Y.. Yeah... I guess it tastes something like that. But anyway, this really is good. Unbelievable... 
Kouji: Next is “With potage of barbecued corn on the cob conveniently found in the home economics room, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address assortment”!
Kazuki: Now we’re going American...? I don’t know what the theme is anymore... 
Hiro: Oooh! Amazing! This is truly a potage of the people, by the people, for the people! 
Kazuki: Y... Yeah.. it’s good... I’m not quite sure what part of it has to do with Abraham Lincoln, but the flavor accent thanks to the barbecued corn is superb. ..Wait, is that a reference to southern America? Because you can grow corn there?
Kouji: Eheh. And now the main poisson, “Meunière with red sea bream caught in Akashi and conveniently left in the home economics classroom, in the style of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro shogun’s inauguration celebration with the white radish sprouts raised with love and care on a windowsill by Tamachi-sensei.” Bon appetite! 
Kazuki: I don’t even know where to begin with this one... This looks like a meal from a five-star restaurant...  What about Tamuramaro shogun.....
Hiro: Delicious! I feel like I could conquer the entire world at this rate!
Kazuki: It’s good... it’s so good I think I’m gonna cry....
Hiro: Eheh I’ll wipe your tears for you. 
Kazuki: Thank you, Hiro... To think I’d eat something so good it would bring me to tears... Thank you, Kouji. Thank you, Hiro...
Hiro: Eheh. 
Kouji: And last but not least, dessert! “Fondant au chocolat using the chocolate dipped bananas conveniently left in the home economics classroom with cotton candy and caramelized strawberry crepes. All with love... from the home economics classroom”! 
(In the audio drama Hiro has an extra line about how sweet it smells.)
Kazuki: This one doesn’t have a historical figure attached to it... But we can’t escape the “conveniently left in the home economics classroom” ....
Kouji: Oh, I forgot! “To be eaten while Marcus Aurelius Antoninus of the Five Good Emperors of the Roman Empire reminisces of the other four!”
Kazuki: Of course!
Kouji: I’ve only just began to dive into the art of French cuisine, so I’m still working on the naming part...
Kazuki: Amazing... It sure doesn’t seem like you’ve only just began... It doesn’t matter what you call it if it tastes like this....
Hiro: Aaah, I’m so full! Thanks for the feast! It was truly delicious! 
Kazuki: Thanks for the meal! I can’t believe how good that was. It was my first time eating such delicious French food like that. Thank you, Kouji. 
Kouji: You’re welcome! It makes me happy to see the two of you smile! 
Kazuki: Huh..? You know what, all of a sudden I’m not so stressed out anymore. 
Hiro: You’re right! Every inch of me is ready and rearing to go! 
Kouji: Eheh I’m glad! Stress can be built up easily by throwing off your body rhythm by skipping meals and missing sleep. So Hiro, make sure you’re always getting three good meals every day, okay?
Hiro: I know, I know! 
Kazuki: Huh? All this time I thought being stuck in this home economics classroom was the source of my stress, but... All of a sudden I feel much better. 
Kouji: Well then, shall we discuss what to do on stage tomorrow?
Hiro: Sure!
Kazuki: Oh yeah! That’s right! I almost forgot! You said we’re not allowed to perform a prism show? So what the heck are we going to do then?
Kouji: Well, about that....
Kazuki: ?
Kouji: Ta-daa! Look what I made!
Kazuki: Huh?
Hiro: Oooh! That’s our Kouji! You really outdid yourself!
Kouji: Thanks!
Kazuki: Huuh?
Hiro: Which one are you going to take, Kouji?
Kouji: I think I’ll go with purple. 
Kazuki: Wait...
Hiro: Ah, so you made them according to our theme colors, huh? In that case the light blue one is mine!
Kazuki: Hold on a minute!
Hiro: And green is for you, Kazuki.
Kazuki: No, stop!
Kouji/Hiro: ..? What’s eating you?
Kazuki: This is women’s clothing! 
Kouji/Hiro: ...Exactly. 
Kazuki: ...”Exactly”?! Why are you acting so weird?
Kouji: We aren’t “acting”...
Hiro: This is what we are going to wear on stage. 
Kazuki: WHHAAAaaaAAAT!?
Kouji: We’re going to be in the Kakyo Fest Beauty Contest! It’s a surprise!
Hiro: Since Kakyoin Academy is an all-boys school, the crown is always held by a girl from another school. But this year we’re going to bring it back home no matter that!
Kazuki: ... *twitch* Sorry guys, I’m not feeling so good. I think I’ll go on home...
*click click*
Kazuki: Oh that’s right! We’re locked in here!
Hiro: Well then, let’s start working on our makeup. 
Kazuki: EEK!
Kouji: I got Ito to teach me about how to put on makeup just for today!
*click click click* *clickclickclickclickclick*
*thump thump thump thump*
Hiro: What are you doing over there, Kazuki? Come join us! We’re stuck in here until morning anyway. Let’s all just relax and take our time getting ready for tomorrow! 
Kazuki: AHH! EEK! NO! W... WAIT...! 
Kouji: Come on over! What are you waiting for! 
Hiro:  We’ll start with your foundation... ♡
Kouji: Just close your eyes!  It will only take a sec... ♡
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tickleraptorss · 6 years
Two Sides of the Same Coin
does the title make sense? not really. i was just thinkin of that one quote from dark pit. anyways. a kiu fic!!!! a!!! i need more lee pittoo in my life tbh so. here u go. pit has a Game Theory and tickles the life out of his twin.
word count: 1484 (kinda short compared to some of my other fics but hey! what can u do)
"Since you're, like, a mirror version of me..." Pit began, staring inquisitively at his dark twin. "Does that mean that we have different tastes in... like, food 'n stuff?" Pittoo shrugged dismissively, refusing to acknowledge that Pit's question was directed towards him. "I mean, you'll eat anything," Dark Pit mumbled. "That's true... and you don't really care about that sorta thing, huh?" Standing up from the ground the two were sitting on, Pit gazed into the clouds, pondering. He placed his hand on his chin, mimicking those detectives in that TV show he'd seen once or twice. He tapped his foot on the ground, and then looked at his twin as an imaginary lightbulb seemed to flick on in his head. "You might not know the answer to this question, but I'll ask anyway," Pit said. Dark Pit rolled his eyes as his counterpart sat back down on the ground. "If I'm ticklish, does that mean you are too?" Pittoo raised an eyebrow. "Well, if I'm a mirror version of you, that should mean I wouldn't be," He explained. "We're opposites in more ways than we're similar." "I know, I know! I'm just curious! Here, give me your hand-" "No." "Aw, come on! It'll only take two seconds!" Pit pouted as Dark Pit crossed his arms, huffing at his twin's reaction. "I just wanna know! I promise I won't tickle you afterwards." That's such a lie. Dark Pit grumbled, muttering something under his breath, before he hesitantly extended his hand to his counterpart. Pit snickered. "You've never been tickled before, right?" Pit asked, before gently grabbing Pittoo's wrist. He shook his head. "Okay, this might feel a bit weird, then. Don't punch me by accident." With that, Pit began tracing circles around the palm of Dark Pit's hand, watching his twin for any sign of a reaction. At first, there was nothing, but after a few seconds Pit noticed that Dark Pit's fingers were twitching. "Okay, you can stop now," the dark angel said, before noticing the playful glint in Pit's eyes. "H-Hey! I said you can stop now!" "Just a little bit longer..." Pit smirked at his peered over at his twin, who was biting his lip in order to keep his composure. Without warning, Pit used the rest of his free hand to gently spider over Dark Pit's palm, and that earned him the first round of snickers. "P-Pit! Stohohop that!" Trying to free his arm, Dark Pit covered his mouth with his free hand in order to try and hold back his laughs, but it was a bit late for that. His snickers only grew heavier when he felt Pit's fingers climbing up his arm. "Pit! I'm- eheh- gonna k-kill yohohou!!" "So you are ticklish after all," Pit chuckled. "I wonder if you've got the same spots, too..." Tackling his dark twin to the ground, Pit pinned one arm above Dark Pit's head and used his other hand to tickle under Pittoo's arm. The reaction was priceless. "EEEP-! PIHIHIT!! KNOHOHOCK IT OFF!" The sound Dark Pit let out was something stuck between a yelp and a squeak, before he became a giggling mess. He tried to squirm out of Pit's hold, but to no avail. His laughter sounded like a more restrained version of Pit's; high-pitched, squeaky, and undeniably adorable. "Yup, that's one of 'em!" Pit laughed, as if he was checking off some sort of list. "It's funny how this is a bad spot, I mean, considering my name... I guess it makes for a pretty good joke, though!" The angel dug his fingers into his twin's hollows, resulting in a squeal. "IT'S NOT FUNNY- AHAHAHA!!" "It's not? You're laughing pretty hard, though." Pit chuckled before giving his twin a brief break. He delighted in his twin's deep breaths, as if it was going to prepare him for what's to come next. "I hate you," Pittoo grumbled after gaining his composure. However, with how flushed his face was, and how shaky his pout was, he looked more like an angry puppy dog than anything. "That's not very nice! You're hardly in a position to be insulting me, Pittoo." Pit teased, wiggling his fingers in front of his counterpart's face. "Especially now that I've discovered your greatest weakness!~" "Cut it out! Seriously, I'm-" "Just imagine if this little secret were to come out," Dark Pit's eyes widened. No. "Don't. You. Dare!" "I bet Phosphora would be ecstatic... or what about Viridi? I think she'd have just as much fun with it!" Pit snickered, softly skittering his fingers over Dark Pit's belly, causing the other angel to fall into another giggle fit. "I think you'd probably die. Phosphora has, like, deadly nails. Seriously, there were times where I thought I was gonna die laughing!" Dark Pit just kept protesting, now adding explicative language into the mix. He squirmed to try and get away from the fingers gently scribbling at his belly, but found no relief. He couldn't believe he was giggling like a child, and at the hands of his light counterpart? This was not ideal, to say the least. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!" Pit said, pausing his ministrations for a few seconds. "I'm not sure if Lady Palutena's gonna keep this a secret though-" "WHAT?!" "Oh well, no time to dwell on that now, we've still got some experimenting to do!" With that, Pit continued tickling Pittoo's stomach, making sure to keep his touch just light enough to be the most effective. Overwhelmed with the tickly feelings, Dark Pit's laughter raised another octave and became squeakier than before. For some odd reason, being tickled here made the dark angel flustered. "You're blushing? You really do have all the same reactions as I do," Pit said as if he was reading his twin's mind. Wait... then that probably means... Pit decided to kick it up a notch. "Tickle, tickle!~" It turns out that Dark Pit was just as weak to teasing as he was. "I'M GONNAHAHAHA FUCKING KIHIHILL YOU- AHAHAHA!" "I dunno, I think it'd be kinda hard to beat me if you can't even get past the tickle monster~" Pit decided to have some mercy on his counterpart, lightening his ministrations to light tracing along the angel's belly and sides. "W-Whahat are we, two year olds?" Dark Pit giggled, trying to sound angry. "I wanted to see if teasing worked on you like it does with me," Pit admitted. "Turns out, it does!" "Great, b-but can you stohohop?" "Mmm, for now!" Pit lifted his hands away from Pittoo's belly, allowing the other angel some respite. "There's still one more thing I gotta test." Taking advantage of the way Dark Pit was curled up, Pit rolled his twin onto his stomach and pinned him down. His counterpart complained. "Okay! I'm done! We're done! No more!" Dark Pit's tone sounded like he was begging. "What's that, Pittoo? Are you begging?" Pit teased, chuckling when his twin went silent. "Alright, well, guess I'll just have to keep tickling you!" Before Dark Pit could protest again, he felt ten fingers skittering around the bases of his wings. He let out a squeal - nearly a shriek - before he was consumed by hysterical cackling. He arched his back in an attempt to get away, and his wings flapped frantically, but nothing helped. All he could do was take in the ticklish touches until Pit decided he'd had enough. "Aww, is Pittoo too ticklish for his own good? Huh?~" Pit's sing-song tone only added to Dark Pit embarrassment. He couldn't stand baby talk in general, but in a situation like this? It was too much. "OKAY! OKAHAHAY!! I GIHIHIHIVE!" Pittoo hated that it had come to begging, but he couldn't stand the sensations anymore, given his lack of endurance (it was the first time he'd ever been tickled) and how ticklish he was. "YOU WIHIHIHIN! EEHEHEHE STAHAHAP- NOHOHO MOHORE!!" As soon as those words left his mouth, the tickling stopped. Pit climbed off of his counterpart, patiently watching as Pittoo composed himself. Although, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stifle the tiny after-giggles from the lingering sensations. "I... I'm gonna kill you," Dark Pit growled. "I dunno, that might be a bit hard now, since I know your weakness!" Pit smiled. "Didn't you mention something about me being just as ticklish as you?" When Pit's eyes widened, Dark Pit smirked. "I-I... uh..." Before Pit could get anywhere, his twin had grabbed his ankles and hoisted the angel towards him. "Please d-don't?" "Let's see how much you like it!" ---------------- "What happened to them?" Viridi asked, looking at the two exhausted angels in the distance. "I've never seen them so worn out. Did you make them exercise or something?" When the goddess turned to look at Palutena, all she saw was a slight smirk. "Let's just say that they got into a bit of a tussle." 
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