#and we all spent the rest of the ride losing our shit about it
buckynats · 1 year
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Your gay uncles from brunch are terrorizing manhattan
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10 notes · View notes
sex-storytime · 2 months
Get Lucky 7
Sophie was screaming in pleasure as we fornicated in her daughter's bed. The little redhead was unconscious alongside me and my illicit lover as we could help but fuck each other to a frenzy. "Ughhh!!" her blonde mother yelled as I slammed into her again and again. At first she didn't say anything, she couldn't form any words at all as I drove my cock hard into her, she just moaned loudly every time the tip of my cock bumped her cervix. The bed was gently undulating to the rhythm of our sex but poor Jessica was dead to the world, still cuddled in beside me. I started moving my hips and sliding in her at different angles. I could both feel and hear our sex fluids spilling out and over the bed as our bodies slapped together in our movements. "Oh fuck..." I groaned, losing myself, slamming hard into her.
I felt her pussy squeeze me as she quivered beneath me. My forbidden lover was silent for a few moments as she tensed up, but soon released a loud drawn-out moan of deep carnal pleasure. "Uuuuunnnnghhhh!!" She almost growled. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck..." Her voice was shaky, her tone rising and falling with every labored breath, as my cock slammed into her body. And then, I lost it. My nuts tightened and I screamed as my cock erupted as I pushed as hard as I could into her. I felt her cervix dilate against my cock as I shot my second load into her, and, as my seed splashed directly into the married woman's womb. I felt her shudder into another powerful orgasm. We screamed and climaxed together, riding the waves of our shared release, then finally collapsed together back onto Jessica's bed, beside her comatosed, redheaded daughter.
We were both sweating hard, completely spent and out of breath. I lay over her, still resting in her taboo vagina, feeling her inner muscles shuddering. After a few moments, beginning to regain my breath I began to slide off of her, my cock finally slipping from her with a wet sloppy 'pop'. Some trapped air, along with a thick stream of cum gushed out. Even after two incredibly strong orgasms, after feeling so satisfied and so physically and sexually exhausted, the view of her red puffed up cum-filled pussy still looked amazing. I almost wanted to dive back inside her right then! What the hell was wrong with me?
That's when I faintly heard a car door slam shut. I momentarily froze and listened. I was highly paranoid about fucking Sophie in her own house, in her daughter's bed behind her husband's back! Although we convinced ourselves that we weren't cheating… or committing adultery… part of me knew we definitely were. Sophie froze but putting the noise down to one of the neighbour’s getting in or out of their car, and after a few seconds of silence, she pressed her plump lips to mine. 
Then I heard the unmistakable sound of a key unlocking the front door. Holy shit! Joseph and Rachel were home! I jumped up so fast. The front door opened and I heard her husband step into the house with Rachel chattering on her phone behind him. I was frantic... I looked at Sophie as she quietly climbed from the bed so as not to wake Jessica. I was naked and had a terrified look on my face but Sophie was calm. The married woman pointed and whispered for me to get dressed. I gathered up my clothes and scurried into the bathroom. I was now panicking. I was scared and shaking. I was breathing heavily and my heart was pounding out of my chest. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... What should I do? How am I going to explain this? How would Sophie explain it? Sophie calmly put on her wrap around dress as I pulled on my pants. I heard her husband walk through the main floor and into the kitchen.
"Sophie, are you home?" I heard him call up as Sophie stepped into the hallway.
“Hi! Dinner won't be long!” Sophie replied happily down the stairs.
"Sophie, are you up there?" I heard Joseph call as he began climbing up the stairs. Oh shit, I heard his footsteps as he reached the top of the landing.
I took a quick look around the room and noticed the bed comforter was messed up. He was literally outside Jessica's bedroom door now. I gave the bed cover a quick yank, and I sat down at the end of the bed and took a deep breath. I caught a glimpse of myself in the wall mirror and noticed my hair... yikes, it was all tousled and messy... Yeah, like that just fucked look... shit. How was I going to explain this? My heart was thumping and my brain had gone blank as Joseph greeted his wife. I dropped my head down, afraid to look up at the disappointment on his face as Jessica still slept soundly beside me. I had cheated on her and I had betrayed him.
"Oh, I wasn't expecting this," he said from the hallway. He looked into his sleeping daughter's bedroom and saw me, a guilty look plastered across my face, “Now this is a surprise! Committing adultery, Sophie?”
“I know, Joseph, I have a lot to explain, look...” With that she opened her dress and took a step towards him. Even from behind her I could see her labia glazed in my pearlescent seed and our combined juices flow from her pouting, well fucked pussy. There was so much of it that started to run down her leg. In all my fantasizing about sex I had never considered where all that semen would go after the fact. Well, where most of it goes is right back out. Sophie walked into her husband’s open arms with a trail of my semen running down her smooth leg. “Look what we made for you.” Sophie whispered into her husband's ear. Joseph’s smile became absolutely wicked as she put both hands on his chest and pushed him back into their marital bedroom. “I am going to put on a show for you. Just for you...” She leaned forward and kissed him hard and closed their bedroom door behind them. I checked on my sleeping girlfriend, who was smiling in her sleep and pulled the duvet over her. Then I made myself look presentable before slipping out of the room and attempted to slip downstairs.
The door opened to reveal Rachel, Jessica's identical twin sister, another absolutely stunning redhead. I preferred redheads to blondes and I especially loved redheads with freckles. She was petite and thin with a hint of womanly curves on her eighteen year old body. Her bright green eyes contrasted with her hair and her pretty face was covered in cute little freckles. Her hair was the colour of copper that shone like fire in the sun. I stared at her as she stood at the top of the stairs, wondering how I might look to her. Rachel was wearing a very revealing mini skirt and athletic looking tank top. Needless to say, this was not lost on me, but hey, I was still recovering from two of the biggest orgasms of my life! 
"Hey," she said. "Sorry, I know you're been looking after my Mom and sister today. Thank you."
"Ahh, don't worry about it. I was just coming to see you. Jessica is fast asleep. Do you need something?"
"Sort of. Maybe. I just... Did you see my Mom…?"
“Yes, she was just in here… with me…”
“Yes. No. I don't mean that! Did you see the state she was in when she greeted my Dad? She was oozing your gooey mess all down her legs!”
“Oh… yeah.” I said turning bright red.
“No! I’ve done it again, I'm embarrassing you!” she flustered, “You know that's what he likes best about your… relationship… with his wife, right?”
“I can't believe we are talking about this. I feel guilty enough as it is.” 
“Come on, let's go downstairs, get ourselves a drink and put things right between us. We are long overdue a good talk.” Rachel took the stairs down to the living room, which still smelled of sex, and switched on the lamps to light the darkening room. The extra light made it easier to pick out the signs of worry on her face. "Come sit," she said, gesturing to the sofa I had her mother bent over only a couple of hours earlier.
I sat down as Rachel fetched us some drinks. She took a seat beside me on the sofa and pulled her knees up to her chest. She didn't look overly upset, so whatever was bugging her probably wasn't too big a deal. Then again, the women in this house were pretty talented at hiding things from me. Sometimes it was tricky being the only teenage male around. “How's Jessica?” She asked quietly.
“She's fine, she's sleeping soundly. I guess she'll be feeling herself tomorrow.”
“Oh, why? Are you guys not going to…”
“No! I meant she'll be feeling better!”
“Oh,” Rachel seemed surprised, “So… did you have sex with her today?”
“No! We are not trying to rush into having sex just because Ellen and Jerome are finally out of the picture! Don't worry, it will happen in its own time I guess…”
"I wasn't really sure," she said. "But I thought we're more or less in the same situation and everything, so maybe...."
"She's not well. We are going to wait." I leaned closer. "Your Mom wanted to… step in."
"I see that now. I just wanted to talk, not make things difficult between you and Jessica."
"We won't be sneaking behind anybody's backs Rachel. We don't need to do that anymore. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
Rachel tried to fight back a smile, but was slowly losing the battle.
"I don't need you to cheat on her, okay?"
"Okay, don't worry. What did you actually want to talk about?"
"I don't know. Just... stuff. Like, do you ever feel like it's only a matter of time before you fuck up royally?"
"I'm serious!" she said, her continued smile betraying her attempt to chastise me. "I just finished a paper and I can't help feeling like it's no good. And that's stupid, because I know it's not that bad, but...." She shrugged helplessly. "Plus I have a test tomorrow too. And I have to keep my grades high. And--"
"Whoa, Rachel, come on. You know you'll do fine. You're the smart one in the family, remember? I have yet to see you get a less-than-acceptable mark on anything."
"I know. It's stupid to worry about it with everything else that's been going on isn't it?"
I shook my head. "It's not stupid. It's unnecessary and counter-productive, but not stupid. Everybody worries."
Rachel nodded, then crawled over to sit beside me. I scooted to the side a bit so we had room to sit next to each other and lean back against the damp sofa.
"I was pretty sure I was just panicking over nothing anyway," she said. "It happens sometimes. I think it's worse because there's been so much stuff going on."
"Yeah, you might just be a little overwhelmed. It'll calm down again soon. Most professors really aren't trying to make your life difficult. Although I did have one last year who was kind of an asshole...."
"Uh huh. I guess I should just remember that if you haven't failed any classes yet, I'm in no real danger."
I aimed a punch at her shoulder that was light enough to be little more than a tap. She giggled and pretended to be knocked over by the blow before sitting back up.
"Sorry," she said. "You know I'm just kidding."
"Hmmm, it's not like you're wrong. Besides, you've been getting the best grades so long that all the pressure's on you to make your Mom and Dad proud."
"Oh god, like I need to be reminded of their expectations right now," Rachel said while rolling her eyes. "I mean, that one time I failed a test back in high school... I still remember how disappointed Dad looked."
"Sorry," I said, feeling it was my turn to apologise. "Guess that wasn't helpful. "What's all that?" I asked as I noticed a collection of bags she must have brought in from the car.
"School stuff," she said. "Duh."
"I know. I was just questioning why you seem to have twice as much of it."
Rachel sighed, though I got the impression that I wasn't the one she was annoyed at.
"I got a project thingy to do. I'm supposed to use library resources for research, or some bullshit like that. I think it's supposed to teach me something about not relying on the internet. Mostly it just means more books to carry."
I couldn't help chuckling. "Let me guess. Is the professor who assigned this, like, ancient?"
"He looks like he predates the pyramids, yeah. Has to have a TA do anything computer related for him. Fun times all round, let me tell you."
"I bet. You're not gonna get all crazy and overwhelmed again with this project, are you? Do you need a hand?"
Rachel sighed again. This time it was unquestionably directed at me.
"No," she said. "I need to do this for myself. I don't need a knight in shining armour to save me or you'll be teasing me about it forever. This is the sort of thing that gives people issues, you know."
"Oh don't worry, I won't tease you forever. Another eight or nine times tops. It'd just get boring after that… but I am happy to help."
Rachel twisted in her seat and raised her arm to hit me, then thought better of it. She reluctantly resumed facing the front and crossed her arms over her chest.
"I owe you a punch," she said. "Don't think you're not gonna get one."
"I'm kidding! You must know that. Sorry!"
"I know you are. Doesn't mean I am. I suppose I better get started sorting it out."
I tried to look innocent, but it was tricky when I had a gorgeous pouting redhead at my side. Not that she would have bought it even if I could have given the attempt my full attention. Rachel pulled her bags over and started pulling out books and papers, quickly covering the coffee table. Minutes passed, and her bags emptied. I followed Rachel as she began sorting things on the table, not yet bored enough to cause mischief. Part of that was the pants Jessica’ twin sister was wearing. Since I was behind her most of the time, I quickly discovered just how good her butt looked in them when she walked or bent over. Admittedly, it was kind of a pervy thing to do and I felt slightly guilty about it, but not guilty enough not to look. I was too distracted to realise that being so quiet would arouse Rachel's suspicions that I was up to something.
"Are you staring at my ass?"
I jerked out of my butt-induced trance and tried not to look embarrassed. I'd been caught. "Yes," I said, knowing it wouldn't do much good to lie.
Rachel opened her mouth, then closed it. Apparently she didn't know how to respond to an open admission. She took a step toward me and punched me hard on the arm.
"Ow! Hey!" I protested, trying to keep my voice low enough that it wouldn't attract attention from other shoppers. "I don't think I deserved that."
"I still owed you one from before. Now we're even for both things," she laughed.
"Well... sorry," I said. "But your ass looks really good in those pants." I got half a smile out of her for the compliment.
"Thanks," she said. Then she sighed. "How sad is it that the only compliment I get all day is from my mother’s secret lover?"
"How sad is it that, even though you're all so similar, the nicest butt I've seen all day is yours?" I countered.
She smiled even wider this time, but I could see she was trying to fight it. "Cut it out, that's not even remotely true." she said. "Seriously. I mean, I appreciate it... sort of... but it's, you know, kind of weird… that you look at my Mom's ass… and I know you've fucked Jessica's ass."
I turned bright red, "No more compliments. Got it."
"That's not what I... oh just shut up." We sipped on our drinks, every time I checked her out she caught me looking. I was pretty sure she was keeping an eye on me, but that could have been simple paranoia. I couldn't really blame her if she was. Either way, I hoped she understood that it had just been a case of my male instincts taking over. It wasn't like I'd made a deliberate decision to compare her body to her Mom or her infuriatingly identical twin sister.
"Did you ever think that this is what your life was going to be like?" Rachel asked.
"Um... it kind of depends on what you mean by that," I said.
"Like, you know… still living at home torn between two identical twin sisters? Being tortured by my eldest sister and being raped by her boyfriend? Like having an affair with your married neighbour. Making love to my mother, impregnating a married woman instead of a girlfriend... that sort of thing."
"Shit, when you put it like that: Fuck my life!” I sighed, “Yeah it sounds like someone's nightmare. But not mine. Your Mom and Dad are happy and probably getting it on right now, right above our heads. You and Jessica are free and I am not going to mess… this up… whatever this is because you make me happy. We're still young, we've got time… I am going to give you both time."
"Yeah, but... did you ever think maybe it would be different if Ellen had just been… normal and not a psychopathic bitch?"
"Rachel..." She was pretending to examine a mark scheme intently, but she wasn't fooling me. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure where she was going with her line of questioning, which made it hard to know what the best response was.
"I mean, look at all of us," she said. "Ellen tried to get us involved with her games as soon as she turned sixteen. We had only just become teenagers ourselves! She twisted things. Manipulated us. We had to move away but then she just set her sights on you! Then all of this… I can't help feeling like we've grown up, but not quite the way we're supposed to."
"At least we did grow up. I know plenty of people who haven't managed that yet and probably never will."
"I suppose. It could be a lot worse, couldn't it?"
"It could totally be worse."
"I suppose,” Rachel giggled, “I mean, perving aside, you're not exactly the worst person to end up with."
"Hey thanks!"
Rachel laughed, and I felt a sense of relief that she wasn't going to slip into a bad mood after all. If she really wanted a serious discussion about our issues in life, I'd much rather she wait until the dust had settled. We made ourselves comfortable in the living room and Rachel briefly went back to her reading before looking up at me, "Can I ask you something?"
"I can't promise an answer until I know what the question is."
"That's...." She shook her head. "Anyway, I just... I was wondering, like, am I too boring for you?"
I set my coffee down on the table and looked at the little redhead. "First off, no," I said. "Secondly, why would you think that?"
"Well, Ellen had the confidence to step up and make you hers and Jessica's always doing… more stuff than me, she's besotted with you. She's always been more popular than me."
"You don't think that maybe Eleanor is just more...." I waved my free hand as I tried to think of an appropriate word. "Self obsessed? sure she's out-going… but, some might say she was obnoxious? Being a little quieter isn't a bad thing. As for Jessica, you two don't have to be exactly the same just because you're twins."
Rachel smiled, and even giggled when I referred to Ellen as obnoxious. "I know," she said. "I just worry sometimes that I'm, I don't know, doing something wrong."
"You and everyone else in the world. I mean, look at me," I said, holding up my mug. "After this afternoon I'm not exactly up for spending an evening full of excitement."
She nodded, and I was pretty sure it wasn't just to humour me. At the very least, she looked a little more confident than she had a couple of minutes ago. But then the uncomfortable silence between us was broken by what sounded like a scream.
“Aaaaaiiiiieeee, ohhhhh fuck… Oh, fuck yes, Joseph! Fuck me!" was accompanied by the sound of a headboard banging against the wall.
All I could do was sit there. Rachel stared at me. I stared at Rachel. Just the sounds emanating from her parents room had my cock thickening and rising. This was embarrassing. I debated making my excuses and heading home but as it was obvious Sophie and Joseph were just getting started and it would be a long, torturous night of raging hard-ons and marital sex and I didn't want to walk out on Rachel when she was feeling left out. 
"Hey do you want to..." Rachel said, staring at my tenting pants, as she squirmed uncomfortably on the sofa. "Uh... Nevermind," she exclaimed as she saw my flushed face. The tempo of the headboard banging against the wall and her mother's moans were increasing in volume and frequency.
"Fuck, yes! Oh, Joseph, I feel so wet…"
"Shit, Rachel. I'm sorry..." I trailed off. Nothing could really explain away how I'd primed her mother for the rampant sex were now having upstairs, or how their coupling was arousing me.
"No, no. I'm sorry, I know you… just… blew your load in my Mom. I just… It's hard to think of anything else with those two pornstars going at it.” Rachel sat beside me, fidgeting. Her arm across her breasts, hand clasped at her elbow as she shuffled her feet. It seems I wasn't the only one feeling turned on.
"It's alright, Rachel. It’s only… natural. Your Dad likes–"
“Sloppy seconds!” Rachel giggled. It was hard not to laug0h along with her, lightening the tension between us. Which was actually completely the opposite of what my penis was thinking at the moment. My cock was still twitching in my pants, beginning to ache. “I should thank you, really.”
“You brought my Mom and Dad back together… after struggling to conceive… after Ellen made us move… Jessica and I were certain they were going to divorce. They were going through tough times as a married couple, and then you came alone and fixed things.” 
“I complicated things! Massively!”
“I have never seen them this happy,” she motioned upstairs to the rhythmic, gentle thumping of her parents bed, “I haven't heard them have sex in years!” 
Rachel continued to sit there, sending furtive glances at my struggling cock as it throbbed in my pants. Her nipples visibly hardened and she hastily crossed her arms across her body in the hopes that I wouldn't notice. It was difficult to break the awkward silence while we were still being treated to the multi-orgasmic compilation that was her parents fucking. The moans and grunts were increasing in volume, and it wasn't going to be much longer before their orgasms might bring the proceeding to an end. Hopefully.
“You keep saying you have made things difficult for us, that you've complicated things,” the little redhead continued, “But you brought our family together. You were the catalyst. You helped us all and we ended up using you, realising we needed you more than you needed us. Even Ellen needed you but she lost you… turned you into an enemy. She will regret that one day when she realises what you did for her too. So… I'm not going to let anything break us up… not even awkward moments like this.”
Right on cue we both heard her parents speaking as clearly as if they were in the room beside us; “Fuck me! Fuck my messy, loose pussy, Joseph! Fuck me with my lover's cum still inside me!”
“I am going to fuck your used pussy, Sophie. I am going to fuck it like an animal…” Then the bed started creaking.
“It turns you on doesn't it?” Rachel asked.
“A bit,” I sighed, “it's like we are hearing something we aren't supposed to hear.”
“They are just demonstrating their love for each other. It turns me on too.” She unfolded her arms and it was hard to ignore her pebbled nipples and the way she slightly shifted her hand beneath her skirt. “My pussy is positively drooling. The sounds of my parents fucking and the sight of that massive dick you are failing to hide are sending shockwaves to my clit.”
“I couldn't possibly cum again tonight, Rachel…”
“I know. I so badly wanted you to take my virginity tonight, but you are meant for Jessica… and she's somehow sleeping through this,” she laughed, “as tempting as it is, I don't want to jeopardise the relationship you have with her. She saw you first. She belongs to you… you belong to her.”
The twins were completely identical. Staring at my Rachel's cute face was not helping. At eighteen they were less than a year younger than me. Their features were smooth and unmarred by even the smallest imperfection. Even her freckles seemed to add to her beauty. Rachel's big emerald green eyes were wide and staring and of course there were those perfect kissable lips. Her long red hair cascaded down the sides of her face and the smooth skin of her shoulders. Like her Mom and sister’s, Rachel's skin was fair and even with just a light spattering of those aforementioned freckles. She was gorgeous.
"Baby?" she cut into my thoughts. Rachel calling me baby was a new thing! I didn't mind it, in fact even though I was about to turn nineteen I found suddenly having a pet name kind of endearing… but now that I was having inappropriate thoughts, the idea of her calling me baby had a far from innocent sound to it. "Hey, you in there?"
"Hey!" I cried out as Rachel punctuated that question with a gentle push.
"Well you looked like you were daydreaming." She gave me an odd smile, "I was talking about Jessica… Were you thinking about her?"
"Uh, no, I have a lot of homework to do and I was just trying to figure it out." I lied.
Rachel smiled again, knowing she had caught me. They were identical but as my time with the twins increased I could start to see the differences. Jessica was just slightly more outgoing and adventurous, Rachel leaned more towards being a quiet nerd type, complete with a love of books and learning. She was still staring at me, expecting me to say something I couldn't day, when she opened her legs revealing what looked like a giant wet spot in her panties. I groaned as if in pain. Rachel moved from the end of the sofa to sit by my side, "Sorry! Shit, are you ok?"
All I could do was clutch at my groin. My heart ached, my genitals ached. It ached to even think about cumming after such a ball busting afternoon. "Yeah, sorry Rachel. You, uh, caught me just as I was just trying no to think about… everything… you look amazing and I just can't… It's not a pleasant feeling."
Rachel wasn't a prude, she knew about orgasms and sex. But hearing someone mention it caused a deep red blush to stain her freckled cheeks. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Is there anything I can do to help?"
I tried not to stare at the beautiful twin sister's hard nipples, poking through her tight tank top, and failed miserably. I reached out and lightly touched the protrusion, being surprised at the way her eyes seemed to glass over and the soft moan that escaped from her pouty lips. None of which was helping my boner go away.
"I should go to my room." Rachel reluctantly stated, “Or get us another drink! Why don't you sit there while I grab us both some coffee. How do you like yours?"
"Uhhh thanks. I think I need a strong one." I said before relaxing back into couch.
Rachel slipped off into the kitchen where I could hear the sound of a cupboard open and mugs clinking together. My neighbours house was very clean, but homey. Lots of landscape photographs on the walls, and a huge bookshelf that was bursting with various sized hardcovers. Naturally, I felt a little uncomfortable as the woman I had impregnated was servicing her husband upstairs. I tried to shake off the feeling that I was an intruder… this was my family… or was going to be if I could just work out how to make it work.  Just a second later Rachel came out of the kitchen with two large, steaming mugs of coffee. She handed me one and sat down on the couch next to me. I sipped at the coffee, it was still scaldinging. Rachel gently blew on hers and then looked at me curiously.
"I'm just going to cut straight to it." She said, "I’m in love with you and I want to be with you. I can’t just let you go… but I love my sister too. We agreed that… you would pop both our cherries… maybe one of us might feel differently afterwards? That’s when we would make our decision… but I know, deep in my heart, that ultimately it needs to be your decision. With my parent's going at it like rabbits I can't stop thinking about it. What did you think?"
I took another sip in order to buy myself a second to gather my thoughts. "It is an impossible decision. Jessica is amazing. You are amazing. I just didn't know how either of you would feel about having a brother… that might end up being a step son… if we got married and everything. I don't want to hurt you or your family. It really is about as complicated as it gets."
Rachel let out a sigh, "You're so sweet. Look, things aren't getting any better for me, but that night with you, that got me through the last month of Jerome and all his shit. I don't know what happened to Ellen to make her so twisted and cruel but every time I think of you with her noose around your neck… I can't stand the thought that she might have taken you from me." She set her mug on the table next to the couch and started to cry.
"Fuck Rachel, I'm so sorry. I mean I knew it affected you too, but I didn't know it was this bad." I took a longer sip of coffee as it was close to drinkable temperature now. "I want to help you in anyway I can. I don't know what that means, but I can be there for you if you need anything no matter what happens with your Mom, with Jessica…"
Rachel gathered herself and brushed a tear away with the side of her thumb. She looked at me seriously, "Do you think we could survive as fuck buddies if you end up choosing Jess? I mean it, I love you and I need you so badly. If I have to settle for that… Nothing complicated so you can have a normal life, with Jessica as your girlfriend… Maybe if you choose her… we could just be friends with benefits. What do you think?"
I almost choked on my coffee when she said 'fuck buddies', "Ummmm I mean that sounds like a solution… but… I love you just as much as I love Jessica. I want to make you both happy and not care about the rest of the world.”
“But we can't pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.” A tear appeared back in the corner of her eye. God, I hated seeing her sad! “Jessica and I know one of us will need to give you up. It has been hanging like a dark cloud over me for ages because--”
“I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I didn't care about you by… spending so much time with Jess. I do. I care. I love you, Rachel.”
“I know. I'm just tearing my hair out so being fuck buddies… that would at least something, if you don't choose me…”
“We aren't in any hurry any more. Don’t worry about the future. Being with you is amazing," I said and then scooted a little closer to her and put my hand on her thigh. I could feel her tense up when I touched her.
“Fuck me, Joseph! I’m a cheating wife. Punish me. Pound me hard and deep! Shoot your cum in my pregnant pussy,” I could imagine Joseph knelt behind his wife as he plunged into the sopping, messy hole. All the way, no preliminaries, no gentleness. My taboo lover moaned in exactly the same way as when I gripped her wide hips and pounded her from behind. It wouldn't be long before her husband added his load as he thrust into her, readying himself to fill his wife's pussy to overflowing with our sticky semen.
"Is that a yes?" she asked, over her parents moans.
"How do we make it work? We would need to be really careful. Our families would know but how do we keep a secret like that from the rest of the world?”
"You're right," Rachel said, “We would find a way though, wouldn't we?”
“You too look so alike, I bet no-one would even notice!” I laughed.
“Ellen would, and she would use it against us. We can never do it at my house, it's just way too risky."
"That's fine, I live next door." I reminded her.
"Well duh smartass," She said as she leaned into me and then kissed me on the cheek, “Did you make Jessica cum this afternoon?”
“No, she made herself cum.” My heart was racing, and my cock was nearly concrete at this point.
“You watched her finger herself?”
“No… she watched us…”
“She watched you fuck my Mom?” She squealed in delight.
“She wanted to learn and was too tired…”
“She's a clever girl. Well, so am I. Let's have some fun together and we can figure the rest out as we go. You can go back over to your house, and how about I'll be over in five minutes. Anything to escape this," she looked up to the ceiling as the bed started banging. Even though I was reluctant I knew that she could sense my excitement. It was confirmed when she reached down and grabbed the bulge in my pants.
"No sex though. Five minutes?" I asked.
"No sex. Not until Jessica is better. I'll be there in five minutes." She winked at me and stood up. "I just need to put something more fun on."
There wasn't a moan or a gasp coming from her parents room any longer. They must have fucked each other in to a stupor. They would be dead to the world. I hurried out the door and across the driveway to my house where I hurriedly tidied up and brushed my teeth. My cock was still somehow painfully hard. Five minutes later, Rachel gently knocked on the door. Only now she was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and she walked right in the door when I opened it for her.
"I’ll wear baggy casual gear when I'm sneaking around… I'll tell Jessica to do the same thing. And from now on," She said, backing me up to a wall, her lips inches away from mine, "I'll be coming in the back door. We can't let the other neighbors catch on can we?"
"Good thinking."
The words barely escaped my lips before she began passionately kissing me. Her body pressed me back against the wall as our tongues flicked back and forth in each other's mouths. She tasted vividly like cinnamon. I could feel her pressing her groin up against my cock as she let out a quiet little quiver. I broke the kiss, turned her sideways so that she was backed up against the wall, and went to kissing up and down her neck and behind her ear while I grabbed her ass with one hand. Rachel moaned quietly and ran her fingers gently through my hair. It was absolute bliss.
My lips found their way back to hers as we half-drunkenly found our way to my bedroom. I laid her down gently on my bed and pulled the hood off over her head and I was not disappointed. She was wearing a see-through, white, lace bra that wrapped around her beautiful breasts. Her nipples were hard, pointing up from under the fabric. We kissed on the couch for another few minutes before I started working my way down her body. First to her neck, then her chest, then her breasts as she slipped an arm out of the bra. She smelled so sweet, almost tantalizing, and my excitement grew as I kissed down to her belly.
She lifted her hips for me as I pulled her sweatpants off, just to find a matching white thong covering only part of her pussy. I could have stared at her forever, but I went back to kissing her instead. First above the panties as my fingers explored her thighs, and then on the side of her legs. Rachel was breathing heavily, lustfully, as I at last slid her thong to the side revealing the most immaculate pussy I've ever seen. Her labia were swollen and wet, her clitoris was just peeking out at me. Then I felt her fingers on my head and before I knew it, I was engulfed in her wetness just like our first night. I was delicate with her. Gently tracing circles around her clit, savoring her nectar, feeling her excitement and pleasure pulsing through her body. She was moaning now and arching her back. Her hand pressed me harder into her. It did not take long at all for her to be on the edge of orgasm, and she spasmed just like I remembered her doing our first time together as I slid two fingers inside her and flicked my thumb across her swollen clit.
"Ohhh Fuuuck!" She said, riding the orgasm out, "Fuuck."
Rachel loosened her grip on my hand and relaxed back into my bed, breathing heavily. After a short recovery, she sat up, took her bra off, and told me to sit down. I obeyed. She pulled my shirt off and quickly slid my pants off as well. She had this hungry look in her eyes that just made me even harder. The sight alone gave my cock a surge of hot blood and I was aching for the feel of her hot, wet pussy wrapped around my length. Rachel couldn't look away from my throbbing cock. It seemed to grow before her eyes after she licked her cum off my lips. She hadn't even been thinking, only reacting. With my fingers still buried between her legs, her clit still pulsing from orgasm, Rachel was getting horny again.
Gesturing at our need for quiet, my parents were supposed to be home… somewhere. I climbed down my bed so my head was even with Rachel's pussy. The aroma, musky with a hint of sweet. He needed to taste the sweetness dripping from her pussy. I could only watch as Rachel's pussy cum puddled under her ass. One tentative stroke, just barely reaching her clit and Rachel's hips were off the bed and I was in nirvana. Her pussy nectar, and it was nectar, was the most delicious treat I had ever tasted. Whether the tabooness of what we were doing amplified it or if she just tasted so delicious, I guessed I would never know. I settled in for a long pussy licking, burrowing my tongue in her delicate folds. My mouth, tongue, and fingers were all over the flame haired twin, she was letting off gasps of pleasure as I stroked, kissed, and caressed her body all over, lighting her up as a considerate lover would do.
"I might be running on empty but you're not. I'm going to eat your pussy until you beg me to stop. Where exactly should I kiss and lick now, Rachel?"
I reached down and gently spread her tight lips apart. "Start out with my tight pink opening, just run your tongue along the lips, taste the sweet juices that will start to flow, then, right here, see the clitoris, right there? Give me lots of licks with your tongue right along there, please."
Looking at Rachel's sweaty face, suffused with the glow of her sex flush, I crawled up her sexy body and gave her a sloppy kiss. She looked so sexy, and I couldn't resist. She seemed startled at first, but as my lips parted, and my tongue gently probed, her lips parted, she allowed my tongue in, and her tongue quickly met mine in a passion-filled swirl.
I finally broke the kiss, and Rachel whispered to me, "I can taste myself on you."
Unsure of the change in our new dynamic, only knowing that her body had needs that superseded all else, I slid back down her nude female form. Rachel could only moan with each slow lick I delivered to her perfect breasts. With each nipple hard and sensitive, she cried out in pleasure as I suckled one into my mouth. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. Tears rolled down her cheeks, my fingers gently massaged her other breast. After a few minutes, I switched sides, giving the other side much needed relief. She pulled me closer, my teeth tugging on her nipple, my saliva covering her pert tit. I used my free hand to keep her steady, cupping her bottom, her smooth, hot pussy between us. Switching breasts again, I moved my other hand to press us closer as my mouth suckled and my tongue massaged her swollen nipples.
Gently, every couple minutes I'd switch. I could feel her body shiver against me. I could tell she was near orgasm and her scent drifted to my nose. Her thighs were closed together, but as I ran my hand up her leg, they opened. My fingers found their way back to her equally swollen labia, pushing them apart and teasing along her wet slit. She dripped cum, my fingers were soaked. I rubbed along her clit a moment longer and then inserted it in her pussy. Her legs shook and wobbled. I used the hand on her bottom to press her tighter to me and continued to suck one boob and then, the other. Her drenched pussy dripping onto my hand as my fingers felt inside her and my thumb rubbed her clit. She moaned this time, shaking and holding onto my shoulders to stop herself from trembling. She finally spoke out, "I'm going to cum hard for you, tonight. I want to squirt for you.” 
Her soft lips pressed tightly against mine, opening as her tongue ran across my closed lips, prying them open and sweeping inside my mouth. I couldn't help the groan that escaped me as I plunged my tongue into her mouth, tasting her sweetness. Quickly I pulled away and gasped for breath.
"Why'd you stop?" She asked in a child-like voice.
"I want you to squirt for me too.”
She moaned as I retreated from my position hovering over her body, now kneeling between her thighs. Our eyes locked. "My sweet, beautiful girlfriend," I whispered. She smiled and purred.
"You called me your girlfriend… I love you! I'm yours." she moaned as I moved down her body.
Holy fucking fucking fuck. Rachel's small but beautiful perfect titties rose and fell. I felt drunk. I put one hand on each and squeezed, picturing my cock between them. I imagined how pretty she would look getting tittyfucked by my dick. With my hands still kneading her perky tits, pinching her hard nipples. My eyes made their way down her stomach to her little puss. My cock was still laying over her slit blocking the view, it was an incredible sight. I lifted her thighs from either side pushing them firmly backward so her cunt was wide open and fully exposed and my heart jumped a beat at the sight of her. Rachel’s perfect smooth pink vulva, glistening wet, labia swollen, pussy open and horny for me.
"I can see you're still a virgin," I stammered at the sight of her hymen protecting her sweet little hole. The hymen so intact I could barely stick a match through it.
"Yes, but not for much longer." she whispered, her breathing laboured with arousal.
"It would be an honour…" I replied, my voice hoarse and my eyes hungry. The animal inside me coming alive. I was going to claim Rachel's little cherry… soon. I pushed her thighs back further, lifting her ass from the bed wanting to get a good look at her asshole. The tight little pink balloon knot, glistening with her cunt juice. I could see Rachel's body respond to my words, she groaned and stretched herself open further for me. My veiny dick throbbed as I visualized myself inside Rachel's perfect little vagina and tight asshole. I lowered my head between her legs, tapping the tip of my tongue against her taboo hole. Rachel's body lifted toward my mouth and she squealed with glee. I let the tip of my tongue trace slowly over her taint, then even slower as I moved it over her hymen covered hole, stopping just short of her clit. My tongue traced a slow deliberate circle around the redheads clit. The smell. The taste. This was fucking heaven. I looked at Rachel's face from between her legs, now lightly lapping at the cleft of her pussy. Her body responding, her hands now on my head, grabbing my hair to push my face into her cunt. I resisted. "Do you want this, Rachel?" I asked.
"Yes," she moaned, breathless. Lifting her hips and pushing my head harder downward into her pussy, she moaned, "I want you to eat my pussy and ass." My balls tightened at Rachel’s unexpected dirty mouth. She began to tense as I lowered my face down, past her navel, back to her vulva and gave her cock hungry pussy a long, loving lick from the bottom of her slit to her throbbing clit. The slowness was driving her mad. She needed more. Faster. "I need you to eat my pussy faster or fuck me. I need to cum, badly."
I sucked Rachel's swollen clit into my mouth. Marveling at the taste, that sweet honey taste. I suckled her clit as she moved her thighs over my shoulders, bent at the knees and feet flat on the bed finding the best position to grind her pussy into my face. I licked up and down my girlfriend's wet slit as she moaned and leaked into my mouth.
"Fuck, Rachel, you're so wet," I groaned into her, my tongue back at her asshole now, the tip prying into the tightest of all her holes. She squealed, lifting her ass into my mouth. The way her body responded got me so fucking hot. "There's so many things I want to do with you, Rachel," I moaned as my tongue ran back up her slit to her virgin hymen. Licking circles around her hole, she pressed her pussy hard into my face. Hands on the back of my head, Rachel ground and gyrated hard into my mouth. She slid her vagina downward and pushed her clit tight against my lips. I sucked it and tongued it and licked it hungrily.
"Oh yes!" She squealed and squirmed, "Make me squirt!" I ate her good, my face all over her vulva, loving the way she pushed my face into her. She was grinding harder, her breath quickening, using my face and mouth like a sex toy. Her wetness poured from her, I licked and sucked every drop as she started to shake. "Ngggggggg! Oh fuck, here I cum," Rachel half-warned me.
I responded to Rachel's warning, and brought her mouth directly over her vagina and urethra while at the same time pressed even harder down on her hips so a vacuum was almost made between her mouth and Rachel's engorged pussy. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, yessssssssssssssssss! I'm going to… nggggggg…. cummmmiiinnnngggg!" And with those throes of sexual exclamations Rachel's paraurethral gland squirted its fluid down and out her vagina into my waiting mouth as it mixed with the pussy cream.
"Nngggghhhhh!” Rachel groaned and the intensity of her orgasm caught me by surprise. The forcefulness with which Rachel squirted her love juice and how much, was so sudden I had no choice but to try to swallow all of her cum. But as soon as I had swallowed the first mouthful, a second large amount shot into her open mouth, filling it again, and once more I swallowed all of it. I loved the taste of Rachel's semi-sweet taste so I just continued to swallow each squirt of Rachel's ejaculate as fast as it shot into my waiting and willing mouth. There were times when I was relaxing my mouth between swallows that one would catch me off guard and shoot directly down my throat.
"Nnnnghhhsssshit! I'm still cummmmming. Fuck! I love you. I love you so much!" Rachel screamed and shook and bucked her slick sopping delicious pussy into my face. I drank her orgasm, lapping at her cunny like a hungry dog and dug my fingers into her ass cheeks as I felt her squirt her pheromone laden juices into my mouth. She was spraying my face with her pussy fluid. I couldn't believe it. I had pleasured women before but never made any cum like this. Squirting all over me.
Then it dawned on me, I was getting head. The little redhead was vibrating as she sucked me, she was shaking so much with such furious intensity, completely beyond all control. She had squirted so much of her nectar into my mouth that it overflowed, dribbling out between my lips, running all over my jaw and down my neck. That's what is so great about the sixty nine position; the better it feels for you, the more you want to make it better for the other person. You feel her suck harder, so you suck harder. She takes you deeper into her throat, you suck on her clit and lick her asshole. Quid pro quo.
Rachel lowered her mouth down on my cock slowly. She used an incredible amount of suction and took me into the back of her throat. She put her left hand on my empty balls and began to squeeze them. She took me deep down her throat and started bobbing up and down. She kissed my balls and licked them. She came up for air every few moments to catch her breath. Her lips and chin were covered in some of my pre-cum which had bubbled up.
I lapped at her sensitive labia as Rachel's pussy continued to pulse her love juices into my face, making my hair wet with her feminine secretions. She grabbed my cock and started to suck it for all she was worth. We were at a full fledged sixty nine as we both readied each other for what had been brewing all night. We both shifted onto our sides as she began to give me the most amazing blowjob. She used her hands and her mouth, even taking my balls into her mouth at one point as I sat there helplessly melting into my bed and trying not to cum all over her just yet. 
Seemingly from out of nowhere Rachel produced a cock ring. She had never used that on me before and to tell you the truth I had never worn one either. She began to lick up my inner thigh, moving her tongue up over my balls to the head of my cock, licking the precum from the head. She placed the cock ring over my stiff cock to the base of my rod and adjusted it to fit me snug. 
“This should help you hold on… and cum harder when you're ready.”
“But… I'm empty! I've cum too many times!” I moaned, my body aching in agreement.
Rachel looked at me lustily, her body still cresting the waves of her orgasm. She then began to deep throat my swollen cock making it swell even more in her warm little mouth. I could feel my balls tightening up, trying to release my juices but because of the cock ring, it couldn't. After she got my cock swollen to the point were the veins in my cock were protruding out, and my head was swollen beyond belief, she gently stroked it and whispered to me, "I am going to blow you until you're ready to release some of your delicious sperm into my mouth".
“I can't!” I panted.
"In that case, I guess you're going to have to take my virginity when you've recovered." Then she took the head of my cock back between her teeth. I almost blew my load right there as she returned my dick to her warm mouth. Her lips were swollen as she bobbed up and down on my rock hard cock. I placed my hands on her head and shut my eyes as her warm, tender mouth swallowed more and more with each bob. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be married to something like this as she continued her oral attack so I intensified mine, seeking out and finding her exposed clitoris.
I was breathing heavily and moaning as she was like a boxer smelling blood. She sucked harder and faster as she was looking for the knockout. I started to pull her head up and down, jacking off with her mouth. She started to hum as she deepthroated me, sending a vibration through my cock and about curling my toes. My body tensed as I couldn't take anymore but neither could hers.
She finally bucked her spasming pussy once, twice, three times, screaming, "Yes, yessss!! Munch my little cunt!!" And I held Rachel's peachy ass tight into my face while she convulsed. Her body slowed as her tremors receded. But my cock expanded beyond its capacity, my balls ready to explode with cum. Rachel relaxed into the bed with a deep moan, her body going limp and thighs falling open releasing her my head. I leaned back, my face wet with my girlfriend’s cum, my cock purple and throbbing hard. Rachel moaned at the sight of me looming over her. Scared by the size of my engorged dick and excited by the animal lust in my eyes. She looked like she needed me inside her.
“I'm not popping your cherry, Rachel! We can't have sex!” I panted.
She was breathing as if she just ran a marathon as her body tingled in ecstasy. She gasped, "I know! Oh god… oh god… oh my fucking god… yes..." She was trying to compose herself as I knew she was readying herself to be fucked. “I know I need to wait… For my sister… but I think …the cock ring… has done its job.” 
Her fingers went to work stretching it and pulling it over my penis. Blood and sensitivity suddenly flared within my manhood and I felt my poor overworked testicles tingle.
“Now give me what you've got.”
With that I put my hands behind her head and started pulling her head towards my cock. She automatically opened her mouth and took my cock into it. I gently fucked her face and I was so turned on that I knew I wasn't going to last another thirty seconds so I just told her, "Rachel, Look at me. I want you to look into my eyes when I cum for you."
As soon as our eyes met she smiled and nodded. I let go of her head and squeezed the couch cushions. My cock thickened inside her mouth and I let loose with a thunderous orgasm. I blew wad after wad into her mouth as I could see she was working hard at swallowing. I exploded into her mouth and I watched her swallow, gag, and swallow and gag again. She was trying to swallow it all but some of my cum was leaking out and she was trying to catch it with her hand and she kept swallowing as fast as she could. I saw a tear fall from her eye and a look of bewilderment on her face as she tried to swallow all that I could pump into her belly.
Cum started to back out through the sides of her mouth as she pulled back. I continued to let loose as she swallowed and held my cock, allowing me to shoot cum into her face. She then opened her mouth and pointed my cock so that she could take it in her mouth. Every time she swallowed, my cock would shoot more into her face. This continued for what seemed like forever and when I finally was spent, she sucked on my cock as if to empty all of its contents. She had cum dripping from her eyebrows, nose and chin. She also had a rope in her hair as she eagerly swallowed the remains. She sat up and wiped my cum off her face and into her hand.
All at once I heard the garage door opening. My Mom was home and we had like thirty seconds until she was in the house. By now my orgasm was almost done but Rachel was still sucking my cock as hard as she could. I pulled her off my cock saying, "Rachel, my Mom's home!"
She was totally out of it, and what I said didn't really register. In a daze she said, "Ahhh, What? Oh fuck." And then she jumped up and began pulling on her clothes in a panic.
I barely had my pants buttoned and I stumbled downstairs as Rachel shot out the back door. I had just dropped onto our couch when my Mom walked in and said, "Are you OK? You look… wet?"
I was still leaking cum into my Calvin's and my ears were still ringing from the massive orgasm I just had and all I could do was mumble an incoherent, "Sorry Mom, I have literally just finished… a run… with Rachel."
Just then there was a knock at the front door. Mom quickly opened it to see Rachel standing there. “Ah, yes, you look all sticky too… did you enjoy your run?”
I nodded my head frantically, behind my mothers back, trying to get Rachel’s attention. Rachel smiled and said, “Yes, we just got back… it was a good work out. I was just sent over to deliver a message: Jessica is up, and so is Mom and Dad. They want to talk to your son tomorrow over breakfast. They have an early birthday present for him.”
“Is Jessica feeling better? Oh… Your Mom and Dad are up too? Were they sick?”
“Oh yeah, probably.” Rachel laughed, “Jessica has spent the day in bed.”
“I think you all could use some bed rest,” Mom said, as I headed for the door to see Rachel. Mom grabbed me and gave me a big hug then she smiled and pulled Rachel in for a kiss on the cheek. She looked confused for a moment before adding, "You need to brush your teeth, sweetie. Your breath smells something wicked."
"Sorry, I’ve just guzzled down something creamy, I'll go brush right this instant," and as she walked away she smiled at me and left the house, strutting like a goddess, which in my eyes she now was.
"I need to ask you a favour." Sophie asked me as she showed me into the kitchen the next morning.
"Hi Sophie, does it involve hard work or heavy lifting?" I replied, as I was guided to a seat at the kitchen table with her family.
"No. But it is quite a strange request. It involves Jessica."
"Unless you have another twin in mind?” Jessica giggled looking at Rachel who blushed."
"Ha ha, Very good, you're sharp today. How can I help? What mess is she in?"
"Hey, I’m a good girl!" Jessica scolded me.
"She’s not that good," Rachel teased, “I hear she needed instructions.” Now it was Jessica’s turn to blush.
"Anyway, we’ve booked you both a lodge, up in the mountains as an early Birthday present! Turns out the Café you love so much also has a few holiday homes for rent and now it’s autumn… we took a chance and one is available. We want you both to… go away for the weekend… together."
“You both need time alone,” Joseph added, putting down his coffee cup.
"Sounds suspicious..." I smiled knowingly.
"I know, it is,” said Sophie nodding, “but, well you're all eighteen and you just need some space to…”
“Get it on!” Interrupted Rachel. 
“Stop being so crude, Rachel!” Joseph scolded his daughter.
“You need time and space to work things out without any of us being around to complicate things. The national park is beautiful at this time of year. You'll be up by the lake, and I'm just worried,” Sophie paused looking at me, “that we spoil things for you here."
"Also, we don't want Jessica getting eaten by bears!" said Joseph.
"Well bears, and other things..." chuckled Rachel.
"I'm getting worried."
"Can you go with me, please? It's just a weekend," Jessica begged.
I won't bore you with the rest of the conversation but needless to say I exited my next door neighbours house having been persuaded to go for a weekend away with my girlfriend. At least I would have a few days for my poor reproductive sex organs to recover before making the trip! Our two day, two night mini vacation took shape over the rest of that week. Jessica's Dad bought loads of stuff for us. As I loaded the car the night before we left I noticed there was only one sleeping bag.
"Joseph, did you only pack one bag?"
"It's a double."
"Yeah but… I thought you of all people would want us to spend at least some time… apart."
"We both know what this trip is all about, so stop worrying," he said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "It's two nights and it’s really beautiful up there. Maybe you might even get out of bed and enjoy the sights!"
Feeling unnerved I went up to Jessica's bedroom, where Rachel was helping her twin sister pack. "Did you know we are going to share a bed?" I said to both of them.
"Yes, my father did ask me about that. It's as it should be. I can’t wait to sleep with you," Jessica replied, her freckles glowing.
"What she means is that she can’t wait for you to take her virginity."
"Isn't it weird that our sex lives are so well planned?"
"Is it such a biggie? Are you scared she's going to ravage you or something?" Rachel giggled.
I turned and walked out the room. Maybe I was being over-dramatic. It was a two night dirty weekend with my desperate girlfriend. It was about time she got laid! Perhaps I was a bit freaked out having it planned by her parents. With two eighteen year old virgins in the house they were probably as keen to have their cherries popped as their daughters were and I think I was just a bit on edge. On Friday afternoon, Jessica's mom dropped her off. She had a bag. She was wearing a crop top and a pair of very short cut off denims. I also noticed how smooth her pale skin looked in the sunlight. I realised the autumn colours really suited the twins; Their ginger hair seemed to burn in the suns rays, their freckles seemed to match the colours of the leaves on the trees. Jessica looked elven, like she belonged to the forest. Her eyes were big, like green pools of ice cold water. Her legs were long, her ass toned and her breasts were small but well developed.
"You're staring." Sophie's voice broke me out of my trance and I realised I had been checking out her daughter a bit too obviously. Rachel giggled as she shared a last minute whispered conversation with her sister and the two girls smiled at each other nervously. Rachel was wearing a light and breezy summer dress, white and yellow, which stopped just above her knees.
We said our goodbyes and jumped in my car. I endured two hours of Jessica singing along to songs I was just a bit too embarrassed to admit I knew, gossiping about school friends and talking about her sisters. Our plans for the weekend involved swimming in the lake, hiking and just chilling. Also drinking, as Jessica revealed the beer she had smuggled into her bag. I also mentioned that I also had a six pack of beer in the back and we giggled. We drove off the main road when we reached our favourite café, onto a few smaller roads then onto a track which finally led to the forest, and then a small clearing by the side of the lake. There were three small wooden lodges and it looked like all three were deserted. "This is great. Nice and private," I said.
"I love it," gushed Jessica, "But why do you want it private?"
"Just so we don't have to put up with other people.”
“And I can wear my new bikini without pervy old men ogling at me," joked Jessica.
"I might ogle you. If you're worth looking at. In your bikini, I mean."
"You're my boyfriend, you don't count."
"Thanks. What's so special about this bikini then?"
"Well, let's say, my Mom wouldn't let me wear it if she saw what it looked like," smiled Jessica, her big green eyes lighting up.
"Maybe I'll report back."
"You won't," laughed my girlfriend. I parked the car, and Jessica unloaded the gear while I made the journey to and from the lodge to get it all set up. Although the leaves were beginning to fall the weekend looked like it was going to be pleasantly warm and it was hot work so soon stripped off my shirt, now just wearing shorts. It was my turn to catch Jessica as she watched me set up our home for the weekend. I felt good. Sophie was right: This was exactly what we needed.
With our gear in place we set about organising. Rachel sorted out the cozy bedroom and I sorted out the livingroom and kitchen, prepping the fireplace and making the little lodge feel like home. As Jessica unpacked her bags, I couldn't help but look her over as she spoke with me excitedly about our new found freedom, and I marveled at how she blossomed away from her family. The twins were quite petite, unlike their Mom, standing only about five foot four, with a slender build, with small breasts for her small frame. Jessica wore her hair long, she was athletic and thin, this together with her long, smooth legs, made her look a lot taller than she actually was. Every so often she would turn to me as she unpacked and hypnotise me with her amazing green eyes and wonderful smile. We walked to the café for lunch and as I watched her walk away I had to admire her taut bottom encased in just the tight jeans she had chosen to wear. A large part of me felt guilty for thinking of her that way, but it was hard not to as she really was a stunning creature. For the rest of the day Jessica and I spent every waking hour together. On previous visits up here we had done most of the touristy things, so she was more content to just relax by the lodge or the lake with me which is where we headed to enjoy the warmth of the afternoon. 
The first time she came out the back door in her bikini I was astounded. If she were taller, I have no doubt she would have been a supermodel. Her amazing young body appeared barely encased in a red bikini that left little to the imagination. We sat side by side on two chaise lounges, and chatted while she applied lotion to her skin. I tried not to stare but honestly stole a few peeks as she lathered her body with sunscreen. I shook my head to clear the illicit thoughts and suggested I make a couple of cold drinks for us. Jessica asked for a beer so I fetched us two from the and rejoined her on the patio with two frosty glasses.
It was wonderful to just sit next to her and hear about everything going on in her life. I learned all about her classes and friends, and it appeared she was challenged yet genuinely happy at school. It filled my heart with joy to hear her talk so excitedly about her studies, things many her age might find completely boring. It felt good to know she was independent and forward thinking. On occasion we would get up and jump into the lake to cool off a bit, before settling back onto our chairs to resume our conversation. As she stood on the deck drying off, I once again admired her lithe young figure. Her abs were tight, making her breast appear larger than they really were. Her legs were lean and toned, and her bottom appeared as firm as that of the average sixteen year olds. She was right though, men would ogle her, as they had at Ellen's wedding reception, she looked stunning. Her bikini was skimpy and left nothing to the imagination. With a beer in my hand and no one else from miles around us… I guess I stared for a bit too long.
"You like what you see then?" smiled Jessica.
"You look amazing," I gushed breathlessly.
"Do you think I look sexy?" Jessica asked.
"Well, it's not for me to say."
"Yes it is, you're a guy, you're my boyfriend and I'm asking your opinion," the redhead said, “Do you think I look hot?"
"You do look hot, it's just I'm trying to be romantic," I explained, feeling a bit uncomfortable as my penis began to stir through my own tight shorts.
"Do you think my sister's hot?" enquired Jessica, “In the same way?”
"Of course… but not in the same way."
"In what way then?"
"I'm going to need to cool down in the lake again,” Jessica smiled as she could see the outline of my penis forming in my shorts. I didn't have swim shorts, just this pair of old sports shorts but I guessed it would be fine. I ran out and submerged myself in the lake. Jessica jumped in after me and we splashed around and I began to finally relax.
"I've got a ball. I'll go get it," I said, heading out the water.
"You should have two, " laughed Jessica.
"Two balls dummy," laughed my girlfriend, pointing at her crotch.
"Oh. Yeah. Funny."
I got the ball from the car and we spent ages messing around in the water. Then we came out and lay on towels in the sunshine. We went for a walk, then cooked dinner, before sitting by the campfire I had lit, and cracked open another beer. We chatted for a while, about nothing in particular, and I was finally beginning to relax and enjoy the  company of my girlfriend, trying not to fixate on the night ahead of us.
“Let's play a game!" shouted Jess. "Truth or dare!"
"Oh no. Not truth or dare."
"Oh yeah truth or dare!" Jessica repeated.
"Please no, anything but that." I protested again.
"Never have I ever then," suggested Jessica.
"No, I hate that too.” I knew where either game might lead and I was trying to take the pressure off bedtime… not stoke the fires of lust. I wanted it to be perfect and childish games on such an important night seemed, well, childish. But eventually after another beer and plenty of arm pulling we settled on truth or dare. I wasn't enthusiastic to say the least. After a few rounds of boring truths and even more boring dares the game broke up and just became a conversation and a few questions.
"Have you ever fantasised about a black girl?" asked Jessica.
I looked her straight in the eyes, her beautiful big green eyes.
"I guess so."
"You guess?" asked my girlfriend.
"That's what I said."
Jessica giggled, "So, how many girls have you slept with?"
"I am not going to tell you how many women I've had sex with!"
"OK you don't have to tell me who you've had sex with, how many have you shared a bed with? Just answer. Come on, it's just us here and if we are going to end up in a serious relationship after… this… then I want to know everything about my boyfriend."
"Just four!?" Jessica exclaimed. "Me… my sisters… my Mom… Shit, did Ellen take your virginity!"
"Fucking hell,” I sighed, “Yes, she did, over a year ago now. How many guys have you shared a bed with?”
"Two," she answered coyly. "So you've only had sex with… two women?" Jessica enquired.
"Yes! Ok, firecracker, how many guys have you had sex with?”
“None, not that you didn't know… I'm a virgin! Do you like my bikini?" asked Jessica, trying to change the subject.
"Yes, it's very....err....nice...."
"Sexy?" Rachel asked.
'We've had this conversation before."
“How often do you jack yourself off?"
"Jessica! What kind of question is that?" I exclaimed.
"Come on, you know the rules, we're being truthful," Rachel added.
"OK then, you two have to answer the same question."
"Ok then, not as much as I used to. Last year I moved in with my now ex-girlfriend… but that didn't work out… but her mother and sister's who lived next door seemed to want to keep me running on empty," I answered with a laugh.
"Impressive answer. Very honest."
“Have you had sex with a girl?"
She looked at me and winked, “Kinda!” 
"NO! Rachel? No way!" I cried in an over dramatic way.
"Why is that so surprising? We're very close," my girlfriend responded. "Don't you think it's hot? Identical twins in bed together?" Jessica asked.
"I think girls in bed together… is hot… whether they are twins or not."
"Cool," Jessica added.
"It's kind of a guy's fantasy. Two girls together."
"Is it your fantasy imagining us together? Jessica enquired.
"I'm not saying anything more," I laughed.
We had a couple more beers and relaxed on the recliners as the sun went down. At one point Jessica rolled onto her stomach and held out an after-sun bottle out to me. "I’m a redhead and I burn easily, will you put some after-sun lotion on my back?" she asked, and I was only too happy to comply. Her skin was soft and warm, and I slowly caressed the lotion all over her back. She untied her top so I could cover all her skin, and I even got a hint of the white meat of her breasts as they were pressed out to her sides.
After lubing her back, I moved to her feet and slowly moved up Jessica's sleek legs. I took my time heading north, but finally made it to her thighs and bottom. It was surreal as I was kneeling next to her, applying lotion to her pretty bottom, but she made no attempt to move and just relaxed as I stroked her ass. Reluctantly, I made my way back to my own chair and sat down, but couldn't keep my eyes off Jessica's perfect body. I guessed that was her plan; it had been a warm day but neither of us were really going to burn in the autumn sun.
“Are you sure you're happy, Jessica? Are you sure that you want to be with me? I mean… be in a proper relationship with me?" I asked.
"I didn't come out here with my next door neighbour. I didn't come here to be with a friend. I know that's how things started with Ellen so I know why you're asking those questions. I want to make myself clear, I came here with you, because I am head over heels in love with you," she responded, much to my relief. "I want a man who knows how to treat a woman," she added, and I was left to ponder just what she meant as she did not elaborate. I was too afraid to ask. Jessica looked at me intently, and then asked, "What about you? Are you choosing the right sister?" 
I told her the truth, “I love your Mom… I love Rachel too… but I am and always have been head over heels in love with you.” She just smiled ruefully and stated flatly, "You're the sweetest, most handsome guy I know. Any woman would be lucky to have you."
I couldn't repress a grin as her words sunk in. While I'm sure she may have known men more handsome, her comment still made my chest swell with pride. I felt a tingle run through my body at the thought of all three female members of her family, but tried to push the image out of my head as quickly as possible. I was fortunate to have someone as lovely as Jessica, yet I felt uncomfortable with the idea of her playing her against her Mom or sister. In spite of myself, I just couldn't help soak in her love and beauty as we chatted. “Shall we go for a walk before it gets dark?” I suggested.
“I'd like that,” Jessica replied and headed inside to put on some more appropriate clothes. "I thought that since it is going to be a warm night I’ll dress for comfort," she told me, with a slight smile on her face. She walked by me naked and grabbed a bra and panties from her dresser. Her panties were white lace and very tiny, the back almost being a thong. Her bra was one of those half-cup types designed to lift and allow the top half of the breasts to show. I watched as she slowly slid the panties up her smooth thighs. I noticed that she had shaved extra close with not a hair or blemish on her pale, lightly freckled skin. She fastened her bra and the effect was breathtaking. Jessica's breasts, though small, were very firm and beautiful. The bra pushed them up, as if they were sitting on a shelf. Her nipples were just barely hidden from view. She pulled on her silk shirt and buttoned it up. The material was shear enough that I could make out the pink skin of her blushing breasts. Jessica then pulled her skirt up her long legs and did a little twirl for me. The hem flew up exposing about halfway up her bare thighs.
"Mmmm dressing for someone special?" I asked half teasingly.
"No. I told you, it is supposed to be a hot night and I want to be comfortable. I know that my skirt is a little short but I figured this would be acceptable attire for a sunset walk. I doubt I will have any 'accidents'."
"What kind of 'accidents' do you think could happen?"
"Oh I don't know," she giggled, "maybe if I bend over like this," she bent at the waist facing me. This caused her shirt to gape open in the front and I could see the top half of her breasts bulging out of her bra. Her nipples were just barely hidden from view by the bra. "Or this," she bent over facing away from me. Her skirt pulled up in the back, revealing just a glimpse of her ass. Her panties had all but disappeared between her smooth cheeks.
"Well, unless you want to mate with a bear out there, I would keep the bending over to a minimum."
She looked me in the eye, "Sometimes I’m clumsy and I drop something… what's a girl to do?"
With that she put on her white sandals and gave a kiss on the cheek and bounced out the door. She normally went without makeup, but she clearly had added just a touch of colour, highlighting her eyes and cheekbones.The white virginal look was not lost on me, as her hemline taunted me the whole way out to the forest trail. She was in rare form and I quickly followed her. She stood before and asked, "So, what do you think?"
I was speechless for a moment, but then uttered one completely honest word, "Gorgeous." With that, I cocked my elbow and asked, "Shall we?"
Jessica gave me her patented killer smile, wrapped her arm around my own and responded, "Of course, kind sir."
My mind was preoccupied with efforts to ward off illicit thoughts about the evening ahead of us. She must have sensed my nervousness, because she said, "Relax. Trust me; It'll be perfect." As apprehensive as I was, for the first time I realised how lucky I was.
We walked down the trail, it would only be an hour or so, just until it got too dark to see. I reached for her hand, and she gave me a smile as she placed her small palm within my own. My eyes were momentarily diverted as the hem of her dress had ridden up so close to her crotch that I just had to sneak a peek. I quickly averted my eyes so she wouldn't see where I was looking. We held hands and hugged as we walked and passed a number of couples also enjoying the orange and purple sunset amongst the auburn leaves of the trees.
She rested her head on my shoulder, and let me lead as I held her close. I could feel her firm breasts pressed against me as we guided through the park. I tried my best to avoid thinking about how erotic the experience was, but my body was in sensory overload. Her red hair tickled my chin and I could feel her warm breath on my neck. The sweet smell of her perfume wafted into my nose, which sent a shiver down my spine. In spite of my efforts to keep cool, pressure began building in my groin as my penis began to stir to life. I just couldn't help but stare into her deep green ice eyes as we chatted, lost in her beauty. I saw her blush and didn't know if it was from excitement or embarrassment from my steely gaze, but she looked lovely with a hint of pink in her cheeks. "I’ve had a wonderful time today. Thank you so much for everything, it was perfect," she said with a glint in her eye.
It was hard to keep my own eyes on the road with something so lovely sitting at my side. I squeezed her hand and replied, "No. Thank you, Jessica. You are the perfect date." For some reason, I just felt compelled to use the word date and keep the illusion going.
"Best date I ever had," she responded, then added softly, "So far."
My heart stopped and I was completely silent after the exchange, but my mind was racing. What exactly did she mean by, "So far?" My skin tingled with the possibilities.
When we arrived back at the lodge, I felt a nervous energy being all alone with my girlfriend. A part of me wanted to keep her pure and sweet, to retire to the safety of my own room, but the stronger part deeply wanted to stay close. I thought about asking her to dance, but that seemed way too overt, so instead I suggested a late-night swim. Jessica thought it was a great idea and went to change while I did the same. I couldn't help but imagine what she would look like peeling off her lovely dress to expose her creamy skin. My penis became semi-erect at the thought, and I was glad she was not there to notice. I climbed into my swim shorts again, and quickly made my way to the lake. I hoped the cool water would reduce the swelling, and figured it would be best to be in it prior to her arrival as I didn't want her to notice my bulge.
Jessica took longer than I expected, and I wondered if maybe she had decided to go to bed instead. She had enjoyed a few beers through the afternoon, so I would not have been shocked if she turned in. Just as I was ready to climb out of the lake to check on her, Jessica came out the door carrying two large tumblers in her hands. She had on her tiny bikini, and was a vision as she sauntered across the deck under the bright light from the floods on the lodge. With a smile, she said, "I made us a couple drinks. I hope you like margaritas." She walked down to the shoreline and slowly waded in towards me holding the cups high. 
I took a glass from her hand, and she said, "Cheers." We tapped our glasses together, and each took a long pull of the cold liquid. The tequila burned as it went down my throat, as clearly it was no virgin margarita. I pondered momentarily if Jessica was trying to tell me something but I decided to try and clear the naughty thoughts from my head.
We looked at each other in silence for quite a while, then made our way to the shore. Without a word, we sat close to each other on the pebble beach. I wanted to say something, anything, to let Jessica know how much I enjoyed our evening, but was afraid to wreck the mood. Fortunately, she found the right words and said, "It’s beautiful here. Perfect."
"Yes it is," I muttered, trying not to appear overly enthusiastic. Jessica gave me a soft smile, then leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but wrap my hand around her waist and pulled her close. She turned her head up and looked into my eyes. I was unable to stop myself as I leaned down and planted a soft kiss upon her lips. The peck lasted but a second, and then I pulled away. Jessica's eyes were closed, and with her head still tilted upwards it appeared she was waiting for more. I took a deep breath and moved forward to kiss her again.
I was afraid that she might push me away, but only a moment later her mouth opened and I felt her tongue snake across my lips. I heard a soft, contented sigh as my tongue touched hers for the first time. We kissed tenderly until Jessica stood and climbed onto my lap, and then planted her lips upon mine once more. I had one hand around her waist while the other rested upon her lap, softly caressing her thigh. In my mind I kept seeing visions of her perfect breasts and wondered if she would let me touch them. I slowly moved my hand to her tummy and started softly stroking it as we kissed. She moaned into my mouth as I gently traced my fingers up her side, gradually working my way closer to her chest. I began tracing my fingers back and forth just below her mounds, and then decided it was time to take the next step. Nervously, I eased my hand upwards and cupped her right breast. I heard a sharp intake of breath, but no rebuke, so I slowly closed my hand and began kneading her firm flesh. Jessica began whimpering as I caressed one, then the other of her magnificent tits. 
She surprised me by reaching behind her neck to release her top, which fell across my hand. I was only too happy to move my palm for a moment, and then quickly placed it back upon her bare breast for the first time. My fingers found her hard nipples, and I began rolling them between my fingers as our tongues continued to dance together. I could have sat there like that all night, but rapidly changed my mind when Jessica finally broke our kiss and said, "I’m ready… Take me to bed." At that point an army couldn't have stopped me from doing just that. I kept my arm around her back, but removed my other from her breast and slid it under her thighs, lifting her from the beach. We dripped water all the way to our bedroom, but I didn't care as I had one thing on my mind; making love to my girlfriend.
Once in my room, I set Jessica down to stand beside my bed. I kissed her once more, and then set about taking off her swimsuit. She had only unhitched the upper strings of her top, leaving it hanging down from under her chest. I reached behind her and undid the remaining catch, and tossed it on the floor. I stood admiring Jessica’s perfect breasts for a moment, before dropping to my knees to remove her bottoms. My hands were actually shaking with excitement as I grasped the fabric running over each hip. I looked up into Jessica's eyes and found her staring down upon me with a twinkle in her green eyes. It was clear she wanted me to proceed, and proceed I did. I leaned forward and began kissing the soft skin of her tummy as I slowly eased her bikini down her legs. She lifted her feet and I tossed the wet cloth alongside her discarded top.
Jessica held my head as I placed butterfly kisses across her belly, and then slowly lowered my face. I ran my tongue down her torso until I reached the apex of her young snatch. I slid my hands between her thighs, and grasped her taut bottom, then forced her legs slightly apart with my arms. I then slowly ran my tongue down her bare folds and began lapping at her sex. I love to eat pussy, and Jessica's was by far the most beautiful I'd ever seen, completely shaven with engorged lips. With each lick her juices flowed and I experienced more of her natural womanly taste and smell. Jessica had her hands on my head, sometimes running her fingers through my hair, sometimes pressing my face deeper into her sweet honey pot. I wanted greater access to her treasure, so I turned her back to the bed before pushing her towards the mattress. She landed in a lump, but I quickly moved between her legs once more, spreading them wide so I could feast on her pretty pussy.
I started licking deeper and deeper, savouring her flavor and growing more excited hearing her moans and whimpers. I moved a hand between her legs and slid two fingers inside her tight tunnel as I licked and sucked her folds. Jessica's body seemed to move uncontrollably, and I could just tell she loved my ministrations. Occasionally I would use the tip of my tongue to toy with her clit, but not for long as I wanted to tease her and heighten her arousal before bringing her off. In response Jessica began grinding her crotch into my face. Her young thighs wrapped around my head, locking me in place to continue my assault of her soaking sex. It was obvious she was close, so I began moving my fingers in and out more rapidly and gently sucked her tiny clit into my mouth. The response was immediate as she launched herself against me, thrusting her hips up and down off the bed. Her moaning increased until she was almost yelling, then she screeched, "Ah, ah, oh, oh… ohhhhh… fuuuuuuck!" and came with a roar.
Her thighs almost popped my head, they held me so tightly, before she eased them apart and sank back onto the bed with a contented sigh. I assumed her clit may be too sensitive, but I wanted to keep her arousal at a peak, so I backed off a bit and began nibbling on her thighs and kissing all around her crotch. She made whimpering sounds as I occasionally ran my tongue up and down her labia, then I'd move away to focus on other areas before moving back. I figured Jessica was clean after our time in the water, so I pushed her knees up to her bottom to really open her up. I then ran my tongue down to her bottom and started to gently flick it across her tight little star. My guess is nobody had ever done that to her before because she almost jumped off the bed as I toyed with her back door. I licked her like that for a minute or two, then traced my tongue back up between her spread legs and licked her pussy once more.
Jessica began undulating her hips, so I tried to match her movements with my own. I slid two fingers back inside her, and concentrated the attention of my tongue on her lips and clit. I recalled how she responded to my anal play, so I ran my other hand to her bottom and began gently sliding my thumb back and forth across her ass hole as I orally attacked her front. Her body rocked as contented sighs and moans escaped her lips. Every now and then I would hear her call out to me with an, "Oh, so good," as she basked in the sensations. As with her first orgasm, the tone of her vocalizations grew until she was almost screaming. Her hips jacked up and down in time with my insistent digits, as my tongue danced all over her hard little clit. She came hard, and I lapped up her copious secretions, reveling in her flavour.
In all my life I had never wanted to please another person the way I wanted to please Jessica, so I was very happy that I took her to two strong orgasms. I slowly moved up her body, kissing, licking and caressing as I went, lavishing attention on her hard nipples in particular. I lay down beside her and pulled her into a tight embrace. She began softly kissing my lips, a look of complete satisfaction in her sparkling green eyes. Then she rested her head on my chest and I held her like I did when we first found each other. She must have seen the bulge in my shorts, because I felt her grasp my cock through the damp material and squeezed it gently. A shiver ran down my spine as she slowly moved down my body and kneeled at my hip. She grasped my shorts and pulled them down my legs, exposing my hard cock to her hungry eyes.
Jessica casually caressed my thigh, when moved her hand up to cup my balls. She then wrapped her fingers around my cock and lashed it with long, slow strokes. A big grin spread across her lovely face, and she asked, "Feel good?"
"Amazing," was all I could grunt in reply as I basked in the wonderful sensations her palm was providing. She leaned over and began licking the tip of my cock, then took the head inside and began sucking on it softly as she continued to pump my shaft. Her long red hair caressed my thighs as her head bobbed up and down, sending my body into overdrive. She squatted down and looking up at me she opened her mouth and took my cock back between her plump pink lips. Her mouth was so warm and wet and I could hear her moaning softly onto it. She popped me out of her mouth and looked up at me again. She smiled and I'm sure I was beaming back at her. She licked up my shaft once and then did it over and over. I never felt like such a big stud before in my life. Then she licked my balls as if it was perfectly normal, held my fully hardened cock out of the way, looked up into my eyes and then took a heavy testicle into her little mouth, it was unbelievable. She licked them over and over again and then started to suck on them. I was in heaven. My eyes shut as I was taken over by this feeling of unparalleled shock and pleasure. She opened her mouth wide and then took both inside and my balls were engulfed in her wet warm mouth. She had learned these skills from her mother, for sure! I felt so dirty for letting her do this to me but then she hovered over my pointing manhood and took it past her tonsils into her throat. She sucked me some more after that and, gagging sweetly, she rose from the floor and kissed me with her cock-tasting mouth.
I kissed her while squeezing one of her full round breasts. She moaned and I knew she was in favour of us continuing. I leaned down between her slender legs and spreading them apart with my hands I planted a soft kiss right on top of them in the middle of her wetness. She moaned and I looked up and told her to be quiet with my finger. She giggled and covered her mouth and then I took a proper taste of my virgin girlfriend. Her pussy was so wet and ready that it was a real shock. She must have been getting very worked up from all that she had already done to me. I knelt there on my floor with my face buried in Jessica’s wet pussy and ate it for what it was worth. I slid one, and then two, and then three fingers inside while I sucked and licked at her clit. She was getting really worked up, her breathing was getting quite intense. At one point I looked up at her and she had her eyes closed, her hands were squeezing her own breasts. I felt my cock throb as I climbed up over her and brushed her hair away from her face before sinking into a deep kiss with her. "I can taste myself…” the little redhead gasped.
“I love your taste. I could do this for the rest of my life.” I kissed her again, sucking gently on her lip as our tongues met, and she let loose a tiny moan. I grinned and brought one hand to her narrow waist, tracing up and down her pale white skin with a fingertip. 
We kissed like lovers as her hands explored me and I felt her. While I'd imagined the opportunity to spend this sort of intimate time with Jessica a hundred times, I'd never had the opportunity to really explore her body so I let my fingers continue, tracing up her waist to her ribs, then drifting higher, to her boobs. She moaned at the touch, and I felt my cock twitch even as she pulled away from the kiss, pushing me to sit next to her on the bed. I could tell she was still nervous, despite her inviting me here. Hell, she could be even more nervous, since now there was no convenient excuse to keep us from doing whatever we wanted. The possibilities spiraled in my head as she turned towards me shyly, her green eyes searching as though for approval. I couldn't help but take her in, my breath shaking too. It felt like there was an electric charge in the air between us.
Our lips met as we fell into each other's gravity. I pulled her softness to press against me, my hand reaching around to trace over her ass cheeks and I felt her breath catch. We were desperate, kissing hungrily, our tongues tangling and tasting in a way that felt inevitable. I let my hands roam her body and as the tips of my fingers moved towards her core, she inhaled deeply and pulled away from the kiss. "I love you so much… but let’s not rush this…"
I felt a burst of nerves, averting my eyes from her, trying to hide my disappointment. "Of course, sorry. I didn't mean to--"
She leaned up and kissed me lightly again. "Don't apologise. It's so perfect, and I want you too. But I want tonight to be special. I don't want to rush to the end. I want it to last."
Jessica curled up against my chest, and as I pictured this bounty of delights that might lie before us tonight, I felt my cock growing hard again, desperate for the images dancing through my mind. I could feel it stiffen, twitching with every movement she made, and I felt a droplet of precum starting to form as it pressed uncomfortably into her tummy. Jessica twisted against me, letting out a satisfied sigh. Suddenly, her hands landed on my thighs, beginning to trace patterns on me as she looked up and we locked eyes.
"Have you been thinking about tonight as much as I have?" she asked, hands finally reaching my erection, gently starting to caress me, before looking down suddenly as she reached my wet tip. She looked up with confusion and consternation. "Did you... cum… already?"
I laughed. "No, it's just precum. Ever since I watched you masturbate in your bedroom I couldn't stop thinking about touching you." I remembered back to that night as her mother instructed her in the art of making love… while she sat and frigged herself. Before that night it hadn't occurred to me that the way Jessica's parents and their strictness might have affected her own knowledge about sex when Ellen had seemed so… the opposite. I knew she was sometimes shockingly in the dark about some things, but since our relationship had stayed mostly chaste, I really had no idea where the limits of her knowledge were. "Believe me, you'll know when I cum."
She blushed bright red, but she didn't remove her hand. "I remember. Sorry..." she cupped my stiff member and slowly slid her finger along my dripping cockhead, eliciting a moan. It felt so good, the first time she'd touched me this way. Her fingers were soft and small, but were quickly made slick as another bead of precum dripped down the front of my cock, and I couldn't help but moan again.
“This is how a man's penis prepares for penetration… and sex…” she remembered. I pulled my focus away from my slippery cock to reach down between Jessica's legs and start to tease her back. I ran it along her delicate inner thighs and up, up, up, towards her core. When my finger traced across the outlines of her pussy, she inhaled deeply in pleasure, but didn't push me away this time, and I continued my teasing while she played with my bare cock. She seemed so sensitive after her earlier orgasm, her strokes on my own cock slowing as she lost herself in the pleasure, her pussy lips beginning to glisten in her own juices.
“And this is how a woman’s vagina prepares for penetration and sex,” I repeated. 
She glanced up at me shyly, and smiled a little. "Do I look ok? I'm only barely a B cup. Ellen is a C… My Mom… she's a D. I'm flat chested compared to what you are used to." She took one of her precum-sticky hands and ran it in an alluring trace from her collarbone to the edge of her pink areola.
I was captivated by the sight of the sparkling trail, my own juices, had left on her. My mouth was hanging agape for a second before I could even formulate a response. "You're perfect Jessica, I choose you… I'd choose you every time." Her body was perfect, creamy-smooth skin everywhere, her legs shaved and soft, and I leaned in to kiss her, our tongues entwining as she moaned. I couldn't help but slip my fingers back down to her flat tummy.
“Or you’d choose my twin sister…” she chuckled. I paused, sucking in my breath. Jessica quickly put her hand on mine realising she had touched a nerve, “It's OK… she wasn't happy that Mom and Dad put all of this together… for us… but she understood. We… found each other… first. She will get her turn… won't she?”
“Could you really share me?”
“I shared you with my Mom. I can share you with my sister… as long as you promise not to leave me.” 
“I will never leave you, Jessica.”
With those reassurances she kissed me and I let my fingers drift down to her vulva. I felt her gasp as my fingers touched her there, her mound shaved and smooth. My middle finger parted her instantly and pressed against everywhere at once, and I dragged it slowly from her tight, wet hole forward. She shuddered, our kiss hitching as her breath caught, and with only a few soft circles as I found where her clit must be for the first time, she began to shake uncontrollably, breathing hard into my mouth. I couldn't believe it! She had cum almost instantly, with just my finger making contact with her. Her breathing slowly returned to normal and we broke the kiss with my fingers playing around her most sensitive parts. She inhaled once more and then looked up at me. "I'm ready..." She paused, then looked away as though she felt worried. "I want you to take my virginity. If you want to…"
“I want to make love to you, Jessica, but only if you are sure…”
“I’m sure. Am I… good enough? Am I… the right sister?” She looked at me so sweetly but looked so desperate.
"You are more than good enough. I love you, Jessica. I loved you since the first time we met at that supermarket buying ice cream. I dreamed of this moment…" I fumbled for my words.
She brightened. "Oh! Me too! Nightly! I had to start wearing panties to bed. I would make such a mess. Rachel never let me hear the end of it!"
“I'm in love with you… I don't pretend to understand my feelings for Rachel… but I know I love you and I want you in my life. I don't want to lose you. Not again.” I reassured her, but as we cuddled back into our bed, enjoying the afterglow of her orgasm, I felt a little nervous. I didn't want to stop, but I had to be extra careful to not push too much, since she was so new to all of this. My feelings for Rachel still confused me but I knew who and what I wanted. And she was naked, in bed with me, right here, right now.
Jessica stared at me and smiled, finally understanding and we brought our lips together once more. As we continued to make out, slowly getting back to it, I began to trace all over her warm, soft legs again, and she sighed in pleasure. "I can't believe I'm still a virgin," she giggled. "I practically threw myself at you every time we were alone together. A lesser man would have claimed my cherry. But not you. You amazed me. You amazed us. After everything you had been through because of us. My Dad already acts like you're a son in law. My Mom acts like she's ready to build a nest with you! My sister has secret photos of you and plays with herself when she's alone… and I… I get to make love to you."
I swallowed, my still-stiff cock throbbing again. "So... You want to keep going?"
She nodded, her delicate fingers wrapping my cock and beginning to stroke again. I let out a moan. "I’m a virgin," she whispered to me, "but not for much longer. I need you inside me tonight." My cock twitched between her fingers, a massive bead of precum sliding down its length over her fingers. I couldn't pull my eyes away from her while she giggled, playing with my sticky fluid. "Wow, there's so much, and you said this is just before?"
I nodded. "I haven't cum for a few days, so it might be sort of a big load when I do cum."
She looked at me with a devious grin. "Oh really? You already made me cum. Are you thinking about how you want me to make you cum? I could make you shoot your load all over my tits, or maybe you could get your sticky jizz all over my little shaved pussy," she purred. I could do nothing but moan in response as she got up and leaned over me. I sank back onto the bed further as she took my slick cock and pressed her body against mine, trapping it between us. Starting between her ample tits, she moved sinuously up my body, coming up to kiss me. I drank her in deeply, desperately trying to control myself and keep from just finishing with my cock trapped between her small, lithe body and my own gently muscular frame.
Despite a few shuddering twitches, I was able to calm down as we made out. Our forms were pressed fully together. She positioned her hips with our lips still clasped, and began to grind her slippery pussy directly against my dripping cock. The heat of her pussy felt like a furnace against my sliding manhood. It was incredible, and with every rolling stroke, it felt like I was building towards the biggest ejaculation of my life. Her breathing grew ragged as she continued to press against me, and our lips broke apart as I moved my lips to her neck, savouring the shudder my kiss there elicited. I let my tongue trail gently from my mouth, leaving a slick trail in a gentle curve down her collarbone as I sought her rounded tits. She switched to a quicker pace but smaller strokes as I could tell she was nearing another orgasm, her voice repeating little moans of "Oh, oh," as I finally reached her perfect breast. I couldn't help but flick my tongue across her nipple first, then sucked gently around her small, soft areola.
"Don't stop, don't stop," She breathed, a hitch in her voice. I didn't need the encouragement, gently toying with her nipple, sucking more insistently then less, letting my other hand trace a circle on her other breast. Finally, as she took a deep breath, I pressed my tongue against her and let it circle quickly around her areola. She could no longer hold back, and I felt her convulsing, rubbing greedily against my dripping, bare cock. She was completely run over with pleasure, gasping against my ear, kissing my neck, her whole body shaking. Somehow, my endurance managed to hold on, perhaps only because in her pleasure she hadn't kept up the consistent stroking against me.
As the gale died down, she rolled off me with a sigh of pleasure, then looked over at my bare cock, still trembling and hard. "Fuck... that was so incredible. I'm going to be thinking about your lips on my tits when I touch myself back home. My sister is going to be so jealous." She blushed slightly, as if taken aback that she'd been brave enough to let the words pass her lips. As she lay there, breathing heavily still, she glanced down at me again. "But I didn't make you cum yet. Where do you want to ejaculate my love?"
I was overwhelmed by the possibilities. Jessica, totally willing, ready to do whatever I asked of her. My entire brain froze up, barely able to compute. Suddenly all the options that seemed available sounded so obscene. Haltingly, I stuttered out, "Maybe you could let me rub between your tits again."
She nodded softly, looking back up at me with those huge green eyes. Without a word, she was dropping to the floor and I sat up near the edge of the bed. She eyed my sopping cock and I saw her tongue lick her upper lip gently, but first she leaned towards me, catching my hard cock between her soft, warm B-cups. Pressing her hands on either side and over the top, she began to move up and down. It was like heaven, the sensation like nothing I'd ever felt before. Her tits were slick with my precum and the rounded, smooth skin felt overwhelming.
She increased her pace, tits bouncing a little with each stroke, and our eyes locked as she looked up at me adoringly. I watched, entranced, as she shifted her hand to let one hand drop to her side, then allowed it to creep down to her vagina. My breathing grew thick as she began to touch herself, groaning as my cock began to twitch. I felt my balls tightening, a sign that I was getting close, when suddenly she stopped. "You're nearly there aren't you?" she asked breathily. I moaned, the pressure beginning to drop, another milky tear of precum dropping from my tip. As she adjusted, I watched the bead roll down her flat stomach towards her now-bare mound, where I lost track of it. An image flitted across my mind of a health classroom and a balding teacher lecturing me and my classmates about how even one drop of precum could get a girl pregnant and surely even if our juices were mixing there, there couldn't be a risk of anything like that, right? I dismissed it, but the thought had brought me away from the peak of pleasure. Another shiver ran down my spine as the little redhead took me in her arms and we kissed. Softly at first, then with greater passion, our bodies pressed together, and I felt her hardened nipples pressing against my chest. It was crazy. Less than a week ago I was making love to her mother, and I was going to take her daughter's virginity!
Jessica, hesitantly reached out and touched my cock, then more confident she took it in her hand, “It’s so soft, I mean it’s hard but it’s soft.” Jessica continued touching me, as she did so I was getting harder and harder. I wondered what Jessica was thinking as she looked at it longingly, the penis that was going to take her virginity, cupping the testicles touching that were going to produce the first cum her pussy was going to receive. “OK, let's not put this off any longer.” My redheaded lover whispered and lay down in the middle of the bed. As she settled into position she raised her legs so that her feet were flat on the bed, and then parted her creamy thighs, exposing her pussy.
Jessica blushed when she saw how exposed she was but I looked at her adoringly, “I’m so pleased we finally got here… I'm going love making love to you. I love the way you look at my body.” I knelt between my girlfriend's legs, my cock only inches from its target. For the first time I really looked at her pussy. It was as beautiful as her Moms, nice tight lips, a perfect slit between her thighs. I reached out to touch it, to touch her soft, satiny skin. A shudder ran through her body as she felt me prepare her most intimate place for penetration. I began to stimulate her, using the skills and techniques I’d learned with Ellen and Sophie. They worked just as well with Jessica. She became more relaxed, and her pussy became wetter and wetter, until, finally, her pussy lips began unfolding and glistening with moisture. I ran my finger along them and opened them up to me and circled her clitoris languidly and then licked my fingers. Jessica's body shook as my fingers touched her pussy again. I thought she was going to cream all over my fingers. I could see her pussy juice run down over her ass to puddle on the bed. Oh, God, I have to cum inside her! 
"Yes! Fuck I’m ready!” Jessica hissed, as if reading my thoughts again, “Please?"
"You look incredible," I said, staring down at her as she lay there, legs opened wide, her pussy lips now spreading open, the pink insides beginning to show. Jessica began to raise her hips, her body arching from the sleeping bag. Her feet were firmly planted on the bed, her legs spread wide, instinctively her hips rose up, her pussy pushing up to the ceiling, her labia pouting. She sighed as she felt more of her juices running down her thighs. I ran my fingers over Jessica's slick pussy, careful not to touch her clitoris, instead running a finger up and down her slit, feeling the wetness. Then I tentatively moved my fingertips to her clit, pushing aside the clit hood, barely able to cover the hard bud. I blew on it and watched as Jessica shivered in pleasure at the new sensation. Her clit stood out hard, dark red, aroused, wanting so desperately to be touched. I knew Jessica would cum quickly if I stimulated it during penetrative sex and that would only be the first orgasm of many. I was determined that losing her cherry was going to be the most perfect experience.
She mewed like a cat as I stroked her pussy lips, pushing them aside with my fingers as they ran up and down her slit, her pussy juices letting them slide effortlessly. Then Jessica looked at me and I looked at her. Our eyes locked and we both smiled. It was time. I moved up over my girlfriend, only partially resting on her, supporting my weight on my arms, and feeling her naked body below me, against mine. Lowering myself I felt her breasts pushing against my chest, her nipples rock hard. We kissed and my little redhead responded with real passion, she was on fire.
“Do it now, I want you in me.” She gasped when we finally separated our lips.
“It could hurt, you know, when I take your virginity?”
“I don’t care about that, it won’t hurt for long anyway. I want you in me, I want to have sex with you. Besides you’re not taking my cherry, I’m giving it to you.” Jess said before she kissed me again, hard as I positioned myself between her open legs. “It’s time for you to make me into a woman. Fuck me. I'm ready.”
I lowered my hips, bringing my penis to her vagina. As my cockhead rested against her sensitive clit Jessica gasped and closed her eyes. I moved my cock forward, pressing at my virgin girlfriend's labia, but they weren’t quite open enough to allow me to enter without additional help. I was about to reach down when Jessica intervened. “Let me put you inside me?” Jess reached down and, with one hand, opened her pussy, exposing her vaginal entrance to me. And, with her other hand, she guided my cock into position. “There, everything’s ready…”
Feeling the tip of my cock nuzzle between her extended labia I eased my hips forward. I was so excited to be penetrating Jessica's pussy, and not only did the pussy belong to a virgin, but it also belonged to the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Jess was not really any tighter than her Mom, but the knowledge that no other male had been where I now was, was such a turn on. Then I found the ultimate difference between Jessica and my previous lovers; my cock reached Jessica's hymen. Being used to an open vagina, even though I was expecting it, my cock being stopped was still a surprise. I didn’t know what to do, this was far beyond my experience, I knew I had to break through the barrier, but I didn’t want to hurt Jessica, at least, I wanted to hurt her as little as possible.
Jessica once again read my thoughts and smiled, “That’s so sweet, you’re such a considerate lover. You know how it hurts more when you try to remove a plaster slowly, well this is going to be the same thing, and one quick, sharp pain is better than a lot of smaller pains. I read it’s best to just drive through… when I’m wet enough and as horny as hell.”
“OK, Jessica. It’s up to you, I won’t move until you’re ready.”
“I’m wetter than I’ve ever been and if you don’t fuck me soon I’ll fuck you! Believe me I’m more than ready. I just want you in me.” I pulled back and we both watched as I slowly pressed my cock head into her, my foreskin peeling back, her labia caressing my tip as it disappeared inside her. “Let’s get lucky. Do it now!”
The petite redhead teen gasped when thrust my hips forward, driving my cock at her hymen, it only resisted for a moment and then I was through. As my cock tore through her womanhood, I gave a hard thrust to complete Jessica's deflowering, surging past her torn hymen, penetrating her completely, and jessica let out another pained cry as my cock sank in, stretching open her tight virgin walls deep, my rock hard eight inches buried balls deep in my lover; Jessica was no longer a virgin. I held myself inside her, reveling at the new sensations, willing myself to hold still while I looked into her tear filled eyes. My heart stopped.
“Are you OK?” I whispered in concern.
“It hurt a bit when you broke through, but not as much as I imagined it would. It still stings a bit. It feels so strange having your pe… cock, in me like this,” she laughed.
“I feel like I’m in heaven… I've never popped anyone's cherry and–” Before I could continue Jess started to move under me, she was ready, she wanted me to finish what we had started, “Oh!”
“Let’s make love. We can talk after…” I began to move gently inside my girlfriend’s tight vagina. Slowly, because I knew she would still be tender, but firmly. Nature was taking over and somehow it seemed right. After all, if her pussy belonged to me, then my cock belonged to her, if she wanted to share it with her mother or her sister, it was alright with me. We had both watched as I had taken Jessica's virginity, now we were intently watching as my empowered manhood slid out between her gripping labia, and we saw the blood of her torn hymen streaked up and down my cock. 
“I’m no longer just a girl… I'm a woman. Your woman. Fuck me,” and with that we began to make love.
I growled with pleasure as my cock was engulfed in her heated teen cunt, the tight walls getting their first fuck, his cock being the one to open them, fuck, the tightness was superb. Jessica was watching as best she could as her hands clawed madly across my back and she held onto him tightly, burying her face into my neck. I turned my head to kiss her as I began to move slowly, pulling back, then burying it in again. Jessica's clawing became less desperate and she simply hung onto my shoulders. After the first few abrasive thrusts, the fucking rhythm became easier, and the pain was changing into a mix of pain and pleasure, and then the pain almost completely subsided as I started to go faster, thrusting into her over and over again. 
Jessica's tight heat was becoming more slippery with every thrust, she was so wet our bodies slapped together wetly as the juices flowed, surrounding my cock, sliding in and out of her easily and she began calling my name in between pants. I pumped my cock hungrily into her, quickening my pace. Jessica definitely had the tightest pussy I had ever taken. Her nectar flowed around my cock, making him thrust into her even harder. The tight walls of her virgin pussy clamped around my prick, tightly milking and sucking at my shaft, and her moans of pleasure only further encouraged me to go harder into her until her tits were bouncing up and down. I was desperate to make sure her first time was going to be memorable. Jessica's cries of enjoyment filled the room and mingled with my own lust grunts and moans of pleasure. I alternated between sucking her breasts, nipping at her stiff, swollen nipples and her neck, and taking her mouth, pushing his tongue between her lips, as my cock experienced the loving caress of her vagina.
"Shit, oh fuck, I'm- I'm–" Jessica gasped, "I'm cumming!" My young lover's body spasmed against me and he could feel her pussy convulse and clench even tighter around my virginity stealing cock. I kept her at the plateau of her orgasm and her pussy was fluttering around my cock keeping it well lubricated for what was to come.
“Where… do you… want me… to cum!” I grunted between clenched teeth as our little bed began to creak in protestation.
“In me!” Jessica squealed, “Mom put us on the pill as soon as she found out she was pregnant! Cum inside me, I'm safe!” 
My cock was now moving smoothly and easily. Her pain had obviously gone and all Jess wanted now was for us to finish, for us to become one. As I neared my orgasm, not wanting to leave Jess behind, I reached down for her clit. She was so hot, so on edge, so near, that when I found it just one touch was enough. The teenager exploded, her untried vaginal muscles tightened on my cock, not as hard as her Mom’s more practiced muscles, but hard enough. Her pussy had become the ultimate gripping receptacle for my load, my cock was at full extension, wedging open her cervix and I couldn't hold it any longer.
My testicles tightened and Jessica quivered beneath me and around me, pulling me over the edge with her. For the first time Jessica's vagina received sperm. Spurt after spurt shot into her as I unloaded my cum into my lover for the first time. My cock burst, squirting wildly deep inside her. We were surrounded by their own cries as my cock continued to pump the contents of my balls into her, filling up her womb, and her pussy spasmed against me, eager to milk my cock for every drop, as I filled her with my potent seed. I slowly, deeply thrust into her until I was finished, her superb tightness eagerly milking my cock, taking every sperm from me.
Exhausted, I lay on top of Jessica, keeping myself inside of her, my cock still hard, enjoying the feel of my stiff hardness still being held by her loving snatch, the heady feeling of plucking her tight teen cherry. Her short pants were in unison with mine as she recovered from her virgin busting ride. When we finally finished, we just lay together, exhausted, in a haze of pleasure. Finally I had to move before my weight became too much for Jessica. I pulled out and slumped to the side, looking down at my soft, wet, cock, I saw that there were only slight traces of blood, of my girlfriend's virginity. Jess didn’t move when I moved off her, except to moan when my cock pulled out of her. She just laid there, her legs still spread wide, her pussy, with some traces of cum and blood around the lips, was already closing as the stimulation left her.
“You're still hard…” Jessica panted, “Mom said you might be if I was lucky… and if you were… I was to do this!”
Her mouth swooped down and sucked my dick head into her mouth. She sucked it in and out of her mouth with a squishy sound and she slurped-licked around its shaft. I tried to rub her pussy but she moved up and commanded a NO with her blazing green eyes. I implored with my eyes and she said, "No, I do not want to cum before we are BOTH absolutely ready for it and then I want us to explode in a Supernova!" I surrendered to her will… Jessica was certainly her mother's daughter.
Now Jessica was licking and sucking my balls into her mouth and alternated between balls and dick. She had me in a slobbering mass hanging just below the brink of a second massive volcanic eruption. I could feel her pussy-honey wetting my calves as she slowly rubbed her pussy on them. All of a sudden she shuddered and almost exploded. She closed her eyes tight and held herself stiff and the crisis moment pass without event. She stood up trembling and shivering and then moved up the bed. She again bent over to take my manhood into her mouth and now she slowly reversed herself. She reverse straddled me and now as she moved down she actually moved up my body. I looked down and could see her moist shiny pussy just above my chest. What a beautiful sight it was. Her puffy full pussy lips were framed in a heady mix of white cum and streaks of red blood. Her soft pussy petals were slightly spread open and a drop of moisture just hung below her clitoris tip. Her small tight brown-eye twitched just above the slightly open pussy hole. I was entranced and stored it in my memory as a mental photograph of what I saw.
I could no longer remain still. I brought my hands down and clasped her waist. She reared up like a wild filly but I held her waist firmly and rubbed her back with both my thumbs. She sighed and settled down allowing my partial control on her waist. Low moans kept escaping her lips as she sucked on my dick. She tried to deep throat me but could only take half of my eight inch shaft in this position. I slowly drew her hips towards my face. She slid back easily and without resistance. Now I could see her freshly fucked pussy in glorious live close-up. Juicy and pink, shining with our fluids. The very sexy aroma of her heat aroused me further. I was hanging between the portals of her Heavenly pussy lips. I slid my palms to the globes of her ass and put my thumbs on either side pussy lip and felt the warm cushions of her pussy as I spread them apart. The action spread her pussy inner petals apart also and her tight vaginal opening winked and twitched. I pulled her hips and pussy to my mouth and my flicking tongue touched her semi hidden clitoris. I flicked my tongue in and out and also rolled it left to right on her erect throbbing soft wet clit nub.
Her hips started to rotate and hump on my face as moans and groans escaped our lips. She suddenly reared up and almost stood up on the bed shaking and trembling like a leaf in a storm as she again almost reached the critical point of detonation. She turned around and faced me and I could see in her eyes that she was in a total daze. A big smile crossed her face, and she stated, "Don't worry, I know you like it like this." With that, she grasped my cock in her hand and rose up above me. In one downward motion, she slowly impaled herself on my rigid tool. The sensation was amazing! I had never been buried so deep inside anyone so hot and tight. The fact that it was Jessica's pussy made it all the more exciting.
Jessica began moaning just as she had done when I went down on her, so I hoped she was ready to cum again. My own balls began to tingle so I knew mine was close too, I just prayed I could make her climax first. She grasped my hips and dug her nails into my skin, pulling our bodies together. She was panting like a bitch in heat and was muttering under her breath. Her chest was heaving and her gyrating hips started to sink down as she knelt over my hips. She sat back down on top my throbbing fuck tool after pushing my dick against my belly. She looked at me and her fire met the fire in my eyes. We just hugged each other and she moaned, "Now my love, now! Fuck me to Kingdom Cum!"
Did I need any urging? I just had a fleeting thought about how helplessly horny I was feeling and that I was going to be helplessly hers from now until the end of time, hoping that Jessica had finally lost her virginity in the most memorable way. The eighteen year old was panting against my ear as I licked and sucked her neck and earlobe. I sank my teeth in her neck and bit softly as I held her face and neck. She raised her hips and my dick sprang up and knocked on her pussy portal. It was an automatic alignment of my penis with her vagina. We moved together and as I reared up, she sank down sharply. There was a momentary resistance and her pussy opened to welcome my cock once more. 
Jessica drew herself up, and then pushed down upon me again. She slowly increased her tempo until she was riding me hard and fast. She had a look of great determination on her face, as though she was determined to make me cum quickly. I desperately wanted to hold off, but was doubtful of my own abilities as her pussy was squeezing my cock exquisitely. Thankfully the cocktails had numbed my senses a tad; otherwise I would have nutted as soon as I was inside her. I grabbed her tiny tits harder than I probably should and knew I was fighting a losing battle. A tingle ran up my spine and my legs tightened as a powerful orgasm overtook my senses and my balls emptied with a gush into my baby girl. I heard a loud wailing sound as Jessica stiffened above me, and instantly knew she had reached her peak as well. Even as my member slid into her pussy I felt her pussy twitching and exploding just as my dick exploded again and I launched another salvo. We both were screaming as we came so powerfully and explosively.
We kept cumming like there was no tomorrow. Her pussy was squeezing and milking my manhood and my male sex organ was shooting blasts of cum deep into her female counterpart. We continued to gyrate and fuck without any break as we kept cumming. Jessica gasped and screamed after every three or four thrusts and her whole body trembled as she panted incoherent words. She was poly-orgasmic and my orgasm was prolonged beyond belief. I stopped cumming after about a dozen or more blasts but my dick was as erect and stiff as ever. Jessica fell panting but motionless over me and I worried if she had fainted. The union between us was flooded slick and the smell of cum filled the lodge. I was also feeling like the excess of sensory stimulation had blown my mind. I was in a feeling of what can be called limbo... between life and death. My nervous system was locked into an ecstasy routine. I tried to move but felt paralyzed. My brain either was not issuing the commands or my muscles were unable to obey them. My breath was coming in huge gasps and I felt my heart was almost ready to explode. Jessica was in a similar state and she fell forward in a dead faint. I might have worried about her except that she was repeatedly muttering, "Oh shit! Oh fuck!" We would have been less out of breath and less exhausted if we had run all the way around the lake!
I finally mustered the strength to move and I twitched my still hard penis. Jessica moaned, "Wait! I can't take any more right now!" as it gave a few involuntary spasms inside her. After about five minutes our breathing came back under our control. I was still raging hard and raring to go. I rolled us over and got Jessica under me. Now I was in the driving seat and in control. I looked at her and her devastating smile signaled she was ready. Her eyes twinkled and I started to pull my dick almost all the way out of her sheath. She gave me a disapproving look that was wiped off her face when I penetrated her womanhood all the way into the deepest depths of Jessica's pussy. Every thrust of my dick made her spasm and twitch, moan and groan. My thrusts were initially slow and deep but soon started to become faster and faster. Jessica's legs were splayed wide and her pussy was squelching with every thrust I slammed into her. Her spasms and twitches soon became almost convulsive. She started to emit loud guttural moans "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa!" as she started to cum again.
My rhythm became more furious and I was doing a tip to hilt movement that was primordial, natural and unrehearsed. I, a novice, was by instinct and intuition, doing the best fast fuck of my life and Jessica was cumming with every slam dunking. My second orgasm started to build up at the base of my spine and my head had fireworks in it. Rockets were exploding in my head as I began to scream helplessly as I felt my half empty balls tightening up to stand and deliver up the remaining cargo of jism and cum.
With a convulsive and unexpected movement Jessica expelled my dick and caught it in a strangling clasp around its neck and pulled me up, bringing my dick to her mouth. She begged me to cum on her face, in her mouth, on her tits and in her hair. She released the stranglehold and my pent up cum started to shoot on her face, hair and mouth. The next few shots splattered her tits and nipples. She had my dick head in her mouth to receive the remaining shots. She sucked on it to empty every last drop of cum and licked my dick clean. I was exhausted and collapsed in a heap on top of my lover, our sweaty bodies gasping for breath. We were so spent that we could not even stir for a couple of hours. We lay panting, immobile and spooned into one another. I rolled off to lie at her side, and pulled Jessica into a tight embrace. We cuddled side by side for a long while in silence, when she asked, "Can we please do this every day for the rest of our lives?”
“Fuck yses! We are one now…" I panted.
“I gave you my virginity and now I give you my heart. I have your cum inside me… it feels… I feel… so warm!” I smiled. Wasn't that how it all started with Ellen? She snuggled into me and breathed into my ear, “You made me into a woman. Your woman?”
This time I had no fear, Jessica could not have been more thrilled with the prospects, and replied, "Forever and a day, princess." A huge smile was pasted across my face as I felt her drift off to sleep in my arms.
It was very early, the sun was just rising, it was maybe six or seven in the morning. What woke me up was a hand straying beneath the covers of the sleeping bag. It was so hot after our intercorse I hadn't zipped it up and it only partially covered me. Still feeling groggy and barely awake, I felt the hand slide down my stomach towards my genitalia. I opened my eyes but it was still too dark to see much of anything. The hand then cupped my balls and before I had time to react it was touching my cock. I quickly stiffened and the hand began to stroke me. I shifted my leg and pulled the sleeping bag down a bit, my eyes coming into focus. Jessica looked wonderful, it was true, she did look like a woman and not the girl I had taken to bed last night. Her long legs, firm ass and tits, her eyes, her pale lightly freckled skin.
I closed my eyes, rolled onto my back and slipped my hand across to her, exploring her bare skin. I felt the soft flesh of a stomach, sliding down to the firmer touch of a pelvic bone. I slid my hand upwards and finally found a breast. A nipple. A slight moan drifted from the redhead's mouth so I edged across and began to lick, then suck the nipple. More soft moans escaped Jessica's lips and her wrist began to reciprocate up and down. I was getting closer to cumming. I edged further across, my hand now exploring the feminine curves of my lover's body. She was still naked. I found her mound then a wet fold of flesh. I slid my finger further, slipping inwards. Another moan. I moaned myself as my own orgasm neared.
Jessica must have sensed my impending climax and pulled the sleeping bag across and free, revealing our nudity. We looked so good together. She then slid herself tight alongside me so she could reach across our bodies with her right hand while I continued fingering her with my left. She adjusted her handjob technique, pulling straight up and then twisting her wrist just slightly as her hand went back down the shaft. I was mesmerized by the sight of her small and gentle hand sliding up and down my engorged flesh, stroking the thick, gnarled veins and then up to the throbbing mushroom head with its purple skin looking ready to burst. And there, just beyond her hand flying up and down my shaft, were Jessica's beautiful breasts, moving fluidly up and down, side to side with every stroke. I was in erotic heaven.
"Jessica," I gasped. "Let’s cum together?"
"I'd like that," she whispered.
My finger slid back and forth, my thumb plucking her hard clit, my thumb plucking faster and faster at her engorged clit, my finger sliding faster and faster, my mouth breathing and blowing softly into her ear. "I'm going to have to use both hands," giggled the teenager. "Your cock is too big for a one-handed wank!"
She interlocked her fingers around my cock shaft and continued her rhythmic stroking, a little faster now, the pads of her thumbs teasing the sensitive spot on the underside of my cockhead with every stroke. Jessica's eyes widened and she let out a short, animal, burst of air. I slid my index finger into her making a "come here" motion inside her newly opened vagina, gently raking my fingertips across her sensitive G Spot, my thumb never stopping the strumming of her clitoris. Her legs convulsively widened a fraction, then clamped together hard around my hand and wrist. Her left hand again yanked against my wrist, pulling me into the vice-like grip of her thighs.
"Oh my God," I sighed, more for her than for me, "Oh fuck I'm close," I whispered directly into her ear. 
I was breathing rapidly now and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. The erotic sensation of Jessica's hands on my cock, the feel of her breasts being jiggled by arms as they continued their rhythmic pumping was driving me closer to an explosive eruption, despite my attempts to prolong the pleasure. I could hear Jessica going, "Uh... uh... uh... uh," as her hips began to jerk up off the bed with each stroke of my talented fingers. The wet thwapping of our wet palms as we rubbed each other's sexes intensified as our bodies began to simultaneously tense. Jessica suddenly inhaled.
"Ohh!” she mewed sweetly… then her thighs clamped together. Her pussy closed completely around my fingers as she spasmodically grabbed at my wrist with her other hand. I lay back against the pillows with a roar, my hips bucking convulsively. Jessica's hand was a blur, racing up and down my cock in the final seconds. Finally, I could take no more. I felt the boiling cream racing out of my balls and up my throbbing shaft. Jessica's clasped hands were flying up and down, gripping the hot meat that was pulsing between her fingers. Then with a loud cry, I was cumming too.
The first shot flew high in the air above the bed and was followed immediately by a second powerful shot. A second later, another blast erupted from my cock and another. I just kept cumming and the thick jizz was raining down all over our naked bodies. Jessica began to shudder, I watched her breasts redden her nipples extend as her own climax wracked through her teenage body. Ropes of sticky, white semen continued to shoot out of my twitching cockhead. It flew at least two feet above my groin and I watched as the sizzling hot juice began to fall, almost in slow motion and was hit by the next blast erupting from cock, splattering the steaming white liquid in all directions, splattering all over Jessica's heaving, freckled boobs. But I wasn't done yet! A final load spat out, not as high but thicker and with even greater volume. My cock was a cum fountain, spewing out more semen with every pulse, but now instead of firing at the ceiling, it was pouring out over Jessica's hands and down over my balls.
Jessica closed her gorgeous eyes and her body jerked silently for several seconds before she began to relax and breathe once more. She inhaled deeply, held it, then let it out slowly. Her thighs relaxed, her hands let go of my wrist, her pussy released both my fingers and a flood of wetness in a torrent. I leaned into her ear once again. "I think I'm in love with you Jessica." And we both started to laugh.
"Whew!' she exclaimed, " I haven't had as good an orgasm since...since… last night! What a way to start the day," and she again breathed deeply. I kept my fingers slowly working inside her as my climax finally ran its course, I lay back panting. My body was a sheen of sweat but I could barely see it beneath the thick coating of gelatinous white cum that had formed large puddles on my chest, belly and thighs. Jessica unlocked her hands from my softening penis and lifted them up. Her fingers were totally covered in my semen that was dripping off in long strings and thick, white dollops. She lay back exhausted with a silly grin on her face. Jessica held her right hand above my genitals, letting the residue of his thick, gooey cum slither off her fingertips to plop down onto the matted pubic hair of my groin.
"I'll get some towels to mop up the mess," said Jessica. "Then I'm going to take a shower. I hope you've got enough lead in that pencil to give me a good hard fuck afterwards, because I'm so damned horny I could scream!"
"No kidding," I added. She leaned over and poked my sticky ribs with her forefinger. “I'll give you a couple of hours to recharge your batteries, then you'd better perform after breakfast.”
I did as I was told and as I listened to the soft soothing waters of the shower I fell asleep. I woke up to daylight streaming in the open windows. I called out Jessica's name but the lodge was empty. I wrapped a towel around me and stepped outside, it was going to be another warm day, which was disappointing because I could have easily opted to stay in bed with Jessica for the entire day. Jessica was sitting outside, dressed in a crop top and a short skirt, eating a slice of toast for her breakfast. She looked incredible.
"Morning sleepy head. All recharged? Did you sleep well?" asked my lover as she stood to greet me.
"Good morning sexy, mmm...not bad. You?"
“I had the best night of my life… thanks to you.”
"Jessica, last night was incredible. This morning was amazing. You look stunning," I whispered, pulling her close to me and kissing her button nose.
"You don't even know," she responded and put a hand on my face. "Let's get some coffee," she said.
We headed back inside holding hands. Once in the kitchen I watched her glide around the room as she poured us two hot mugs of coffee which we gulped down, staring longingly at each other. I admired her beauty which had seemed to have intensified since she lost her virginity. She walked over to me and kissed me.
“Wow, it's late, I must have really needed the sleep.It’s almost 11am, and it's warming up outside. Let's go back out into the sunshine?” I asked and my girlfriend nodded, her gorgeous red hair cascading around her shoulders. We walked hand in hand to the shoreline and surveyed the beauty of the landscape.
"Don’t worry, I've spent my time enjoying the view and I’ve just sent a few texts to my family, thanking them. I love you so much," She kissed me as soon as my toes felt a gentle rippling wave splash over them. "Having you like this is what I have wanted all of my life." She kissed me. "There's not a day that goes by that I didn't think about you." She kissed me. "I feel whole now."
We kissed like lovers. Our hands caressing each other's bodies. My towel suddenly feeling loose as my erection parted the opening. "I love you, Jessica." Our breathing got heavier.
"I love you more." We kissed, inhaling each other. "I want you inside me, out here, for the world to see."
My hands moved down her body, feeling her ass, I pulled her closer and unfastened her skirt. "There’s no one here except us. No one would see but I want the angels and all god’s creatures to witness our love."
Holding my neck I reached down below her ass, picking her up into my arms as her skirt fell away. She wasn't wearing panties. My penis fully erected in honour of her sexual beauty, hard and ready for sex with my woman. Jessica - my woman. I couldn't quite believe it. The redhead brought me back to the moment by wrapping her fingers around my length and guided it towards her pussy. As soon as I felt the heat of her sex she lowered herself onto me.
"Oh god," she moaned as I slid into her.
She kissed me hard. More than halfway in now she bit down on my lip. "Oh fuck, I love you." We kissed, her tongue pushing deep into my mouth. "Ohhhhh... I want all of you."
I lowered her down and until I was fully impaled inside her. "Ohhhhhh yes." She bit down harder. "Oh fuck yes it feelis incredible now." She kissed me. "Oh fuck you're so big and you feel so good. No wonder my mother wanted you, no wonder she made you cum inside her. I want to always feel just like this." Hearing a noise, she paused and looked around suddenly worried that we might be seen.
"Should we stop?" I asked as a bird emerged from the forest, looking for insects, it spotted us and took flight across the water.
"No. Just give a second my love." I held her in my arms, my cock embedded in her pussy.  She looked at me still breathing hard, a sparkle in her green eyes which matched the sunlight glistening from the rippling lake. Her breath filled my nostrils and I breathed her in. Her head tilted back and forth as she gasped, taking her time to adjust to me as I held her up with her legs wrapped around my bare ass.
"Ohhhh god, you feel so good." She kissed me passionately as I held her.
She eased off and said, "Take me to the clearing." I knew where she meant, just inside the forest canopy there was a grassy area that was bathed in the morning sunshine. I carried her up there, her little body squirming, with each step I took. As I reached the grass I sat us down with her still on me. "Oh fuck," she breathed huskily. She sat up and quickly pulled her top over her head. Her perky breasts rose up with the tight material then fell free and the top was cast aside, "I want your hands on my tits." Happily I obliged, my hands working magic on her nipples, she felt a monster begin to growl deep inside of her. Waves of pleasure began to emanate out from her pussy to every inch of her body. 
Jessica looked beautiful. Pools of sunlight moved slowly over her skin making her body glow; her breasts still pink from recent handling, with their nipples still erect, rising and falling in shallow breaths; I looked down the length of her lithe young body, down to her pussy, her labia lovingly caressing against the length of my penis pressed up between us, my foreskin fully retracted and my glans shining in the morning sunlight. She watched me look at her, taking in every movement of my eyes as she sat facing me, with her arms around my neck. 
As our eyes locked she rose herself up, then lowered herself onto the tip of my cock. "Ohhhh fuck... I can feel you stretching me." With Jessica in control she slid partially down my shaft. We kissed as I became fully sheathed within her now welcoming vagina. The wind lightly stroked our skin and she moaned as she began riding me slowly. "Ohhhhh... Ahhhhh..." We kissed and she eased herself up, then down again, taking more of my cock inside her as she explored the new feelings of having a man's penis inside her womanly vagina. "Oh god yes." Her green eyes grew. "Ohhhhh yesssss." She leaned her head back and I pulled her body close and began kissing her breasts. Her nipples were swollen and hard and I kissed them gently. "Oh shit that's good! I never knew my nipples could be soooo... Ohhhhh fuck yes," she moaned taking my cock all the way inside her, her labia brushing against my pubes. She pushed her titties forward and I began sucking gently. "Oh fuck yes... Your big fucking dick is inside of me... I love you... Your lips feel so good on my nipples... Ohhhhhhhh!"
I sucked harder, taking her breast into my mouth. My hips moving faster now, her pussy eagerly swallowing me in. Looking down my dick filled her gap between her legs and I felt so deep inside of her.
"Ohhhhhh yes, sucking my tits… gets me there… so quickly," she screamed as I sucked her nipples harder. Her breathing had become more rapid as she gasp for air. "Ohhhh fuck... Ohhhhh fuck... I'm cumming already... Oh my god!!" I held her tight and continued sucking on her tit as she came. Her hips bucked with each spasm. And each time she tried to slide off I pulled her back down. Her body shaking in my arms she moaned and screamed, "Ohhhhhhh yes... I'm cumming... Ohhhhh god yes!!"
"Mmmmmm... hmmmm...," I moaned, feeling the petite redhead cumming. I kept sucking her breast.
"Oh my god... Ohhhhh... Ohhh you feel so... So amazing," her hips slowing down. "I love you... Oh god I love you." Holding my face she kissed me, licked my lips, sucked on my mouth, and breathed in my breath. She whispered into my mouth, "I want you to make love to me now."
“Out here? On all fours, or missionary?” I gasped, realising how utterly horny I had become.
“Right here, you on top, the grass is soft and cool,” She eased herself from me, "Ohhhhhhh...," she moaned, feeling my penis sliding free from her tight box. She crawled across the grass and lay facing up, the sun bathing her in its brilliant white light. Her red hair looked like it was on fire against the green mossy pillow. "Come here my love." I joined her, sliding between her open legs, propping myself above her. "I want you back inside my pussy," she said, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me in for a kiss. "Make love to me... Make love to the right sister."
“I really got lucky,” I told her as I positioned my hips. 
Putting my dick to her pussy she said, "Ohhhh yes, please give it to me hard this time."
"Are you sure? Out here… anyone could interrupt us?" I said, teasing her, just giving her the tip of my cock.
"Yes... right now, with all the world to see our love... this is beautiful. Please fuck me."
"I will... let's take our time though... we have all day," I said, kissing her. "I love you, Jessica," I said, pushing myself all the way in.
"Ohhhhh shit... Oh god... I want you inside of me forever. Did it feel like this when you made love to Ellen… or my Mom?"
We kissed and I looked into her eyes and whispered, "It never felt like this."
She kissed me, "I know what you mean. Even before today... Before all of this... Ohhhhh god don't stop what you're doing... I could never let myself completely go... No one knows me like you do... No one… lets me be who I am like you do... I can never be myself like this... Only with you."
"Destiny," I said, kissing her plump, wet lips while I moved slowly inside of her. "I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you buying ice cream. I had no idea you were Ellen's sister. I didn't even know you lived next door!"
Jessica laughed, "I watched you from afar, my big sister kept you away from me… she knew, long before I did, that I was in love with you. It’s probably what motivated her to claim you to make sure I never got to have you. I’m sorry, she probab–" I kissed her quiet, Ellen was the past. Jessica was my future. 
"Oh my god, I can feel you so far up inside of me." We kissed again. "Ohhhhhh... it's so good." Back and forth we kissed and licked each other's mouths. This went on, and on, I got close to cumming a few times, but would slow down. We were working each other up to a frenzy, but never speeding up. "Ohhhh yes, keep making love to me." Time went by and I didn't want the inevitable to come. I was in love with Ellen’s little sister, Sophie's youngest daughter and I wanted to please her more than anything in the world. But my testicles were tingling and my cock was preparing itself for ejaculation.
"I’m going to cum soon, Jessica."
"I can feel it... I want you to cum... I want you cum inside of me."
We kissed one more time and I lifted myself up to get some leverage. "Are you ready Jess?"
"Fuck yes... please give it to me."
I pulled all the way out and in the distance we heard a car. One of the other lodges must have been booked out.
"Noooooo," she moaned. "Mnnnnpphhhh… I want you… inside… now!!"
I pushed onward, sliding my cock in and out of her quivering snatch. "Ohhhhhh fuck!"
"Like that?" I asked.
"Yes... give to me! Quickly!"
I pulled almost all the way out and slammed her again.
"Ohhhhh my fucking god... Fuck me!!"
I started really fucking her. Fucking her hard like I had done so many times to her mother and oldest sister.
"Ohhhh... Ahhhhh... Oh my god... Fuck meeeeeee!!"
I increased my pace and her hips bucked below me, wanting less, wanting more.
"Ohhhhh fuck... Ohhhh god... Ohhh god... I'm cumming... I'm fucking cumming!"
I fucked her even harder we could hear car doors opening and closing, from back down the trail. We would remain unseen, our copulation only witnessed by forest critters and trees.
"Ohhhhh shit... Ohhhhh fuck... Oh fuuuuck!" She bucked and came like she never had and I kept fucking her through her orgasm.
Then I felt it coming, "Ohhhhhh Jess... I'm gonna… I'm gonna…!" and I didn't stop fucking her. My ass rising and falling rapidly. The sun shining through the trees, like a spotlight, shining on our attempt at reproductive sex. The angels celebrating our union.
"Ohhhhhh... Yes... Cum inside me!" I started coming closer to the edge and Jessica looked lustfully up at me, raising an eyebrow as she developed this deep sultry grin. With our hands holding each other, our fingers interlocked, I start squeezing her fingers to indicate I was about to cum. She subtly nodded and I felt the point of no return approaching. 
"Ohhhhhh... I'm cumming Jess," I screamed as my sperm found its way up into my prostate, and all my muscles tensed up to begin shooting my load all over the insides of her hungry vagina, painting her fertile cervix with my virile sperm.
She was also at the precipice of another orgasm, waiting for it, knowing that I was about to cum… then the little redhead went over the edge, and loudly moaned "oohh fuuuuck YEAAAAHHHHHH!" very visibly and loudly cumming, her voice echoing through the forest.
I continued to feel her pussy begin flexing rhythmically around my cock, and then I finally let it go. My mind exploded as my penis started spurting the first jet of cum inside her vagina, painting her cervix with a load of semen containing millions and millions of the virile sperm I had already shared with her mother, fertilizing her egg, impregnating her. Seconds felt like eternity, as I shot load after load of my pearlescent seed into the youngest daughter’s pink depths. I could feel her pussy rhythmically contracting around my cock, knowing her cervix was dipping into the pool of my sperm forming deep in her uterus. My hands gripped her jiggling titties and squeezed as my thrusts went deep inside of her. With each spasm that my body endured a hot string of cum as flung into her womb.
"Ohhhh fuck yes... Give me your cum... Ohhh fuck... Ohhh fuck." Her voice got really high and she screamed, "Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my fucking god I'm cumming again!"
I was still cumming and pulled her body up to mine tightly while we both kissed and screamed in ecstasy.
"Oh god... OH FUCK... I LOVE YOU!"
"Ohhhhh yes," I screamed, releasing myself completely into her. "I LOVE YOU JESS!"
Eventually our orgasms subsided and we collapsed into each other's arms. The day was young and we made for each other. But for now the tip of my semi-erect penis was brushing against her pussy lips. I kept myself inside her, plugging her sex, letting our juices mingle and mix inside her. I tried thrusting gently and her hips responded to my thrusts and we soon found a groove and a position that was comfortable for us both. The thought kept flashing over in my mind, I've just fucked Jessica… I'm still fucking Jessica! And then...
"Oh? What!? What the fuck?" Followed by.... "Shit! SHIT!!! Are you two.....? Are you two........fucking.......?"
I looked over my girlfriend's shoulder. Jessica twisted her back as much as she could without causing my penis to pop out to see who had just blundered into the clearing.
"Hi Rachel...." Jessica whispered as she sat up.
"You two are… are… having sex… MOM!!!!"
"Shh… Rachel!" Jessica moaned.
I didn’t want Rachel to see our copulation so instinctively I thrust back inside her little sister, causing Jessica to turn back in and face me. A slile spread across her face and she moaned even louder.
"FUCK!!! THAT IS SOOOO HOT!!!!" exclaimed Jessica's twin sister. "I can't believe you're doing it!! And with me here!!" she continued.
I looked back up again at her, smiling. She smiled back. There was no point in trying to explain it, or hide it. Our bodies were locked in the throws of passion and Rachel had witnessed… the very end of it. Perhaps that was how it should have been, it's not like Jessica wouldn't be giving her sister a blow by blow account of our entire time together. I looked straight at Rachel’s heaving tits, tightly contained in a tank top of her own and as she followed my eyes, I licked my lips. Rachel smiled again, and nodded. I knew then that I would be taking her virginity too someday soon.
"Is this the first time that you........you know......you've done....it.....this....." she carried on.
"Ye.....yes.......yes....!!" Jessica stammered as I continued to thrust into her hot, slippery box, our bodies rocking into each other.
Jessica sat up a bit more, to get a better view of our sex organs as we mated, then she spread her legs slightly as I tweaked her nipple. Having her sister watching had turned her pussy into a furnace. As I looked up into her eyes as she came for the last time, then two more orgasms followed before I buried my seed deep into her pussy. Neither of us had hesitated as I declared I was about to cum, a silent acceptance that we both wanted the same thing. I rolled onto my back, we both did, as we watched Rachel rubbing herself to orgasm. When we were all finished, somehow, despite the heat and the light, we all went back to the lodge.
Her parents were unpacking their car when we stumbled out the forest, me in just a towel and Jessica, although mostly dressed, looking like she had just been thoroughly fucked. Sophie and Joseph looked sheepish as we approached and Rachel was tasked by her father to get their supplies into the lodge next door.
“We are going to be neighbours.” Declared Sophie as her husband and daughter disappeared inside.
“Aren't we neighbours already?” I pointed out.
“Good point,” Sophie looked beautiful. I think a pregnant woman is beautiful, the miracle of life is beautiful. She was starting to show, she couldn't hide it anymore with a loose blouse or the like. She was now more than three months into her pregnancy and her face was just glowing. When we came to stand beside her she had an ear to ear grin. When she realised what Rachel must have obviously interrupted she looked embarrassed. “I am so sorry… so very sorry… Joseph and I had hoped… you had consummated your relationship by now.”
Sophie had on a nice sports top and yoga pants, comfortable attire for a woman coming to the end of the nauseous stage of her pregnancy. Wow was all I could think. I gave her a hug, and a kiss on the cheek as was our custom. She always dressed nice, even pregnant, she had great style.
“Why are you here, Mom?” Jessica asked, a hint of anger or frustration in her voice.
“It was your sister… she became insufferable last night. You two are… joined in ways I don't understand. Being apart from you… on your big night… she found out it was available and insisted we rent the lodge next door. The alternative was that she was going to come up here on her own. I didn't want her jealousy to turn her into another Ellen. I am so sorry!”
Jessica sighed, “It's OK Mom… I understand. Rachel should probably have come with us.”
“Your father and I hoped that she would see that you both needed your time together… to work things out. If Rachel wanted it, and if you were agreeable, we would have planned another weekend for her to…”
“Lose her virginity too.��� Jessica finished.
“Yes. So did… did you get lucky? Have you…”
“Yes Mom, I'm no longer a virgin. I've been a woman for twelve hours,” she laughed, “and he made it the most special and incredible moment of my life. We were just settling into our second day of being lovers when–.”
“--We could hear you both, in the forest. Rachel couldn't be stopped. It sounded…” Sophie took a deep breath, staring at me with her sparkling blue eyes, “...amazing.” 
“It was. I love Jessica, Sophie.” I stated.
“I know,” she smiled sadly. “Rachel isn't going to make this easy I'm afraid.”
“We could use a rest and at least one of us needs a shower!” Jessica jabbed me in the ribs playfully and I grabbed her, turning her towards me and kissing her passionately in front of her mother.
It was late morning by the time I emerged from the shower. Joseph and Sophie were set up in their own little lodge and Jessica was probably filling them in with everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours. I grabbed a towel when I noticed Rachel standing in the doorway.
"Good morning," I whispered to her.
She looked around, "Oh, where's Jess?"
I nodded to the lodge next door, “Like you don’t know.” She smiled and walked into the small bathroom. She looked at my naked body, and as her hand lightly brushed my cock, she looked up at my face.
"Did this really take my sister's virginity last night?" she mumbled. I nodded. "Wow!"
"Yeah… Are you OK? You know… OK about us...?" I asked her.
"Erm… sure.... I mean… yeah, if you are?"
"It was the best night of my life. I’m sure if you were with Jessica right now she would be telling you.”
“But what about me… what about us? Jessica has stars in her eyes right now. She isn’t thinking of me. I need to know… where I fit in?” She said sweetly. 
“I made love to your sister! I am in love with her. But… you know I love you too… it’s just… the world wont let me love both of you.”
“You can love as many people as you want!” Rachel retorted, “You love my Mom. You loved Ellen. AND you loved Jessica… all at the same time. So we both know that’s just bullshit! I love you and you can’t hide your feelings for me… look” She pointed at my hardening penis. "I don't know how," she began, "but I think it looks bigger now it's deflowered my sister. Maybe it's hungry for my pussy next?” My dick gave a noticeable throb and both gasped in surprise. "Oh," she said, mischievously, "when I talk about my pussy it wakes up. Looks like it’s getting hard again… for me, not my sister."
“This is not the time, Rachel,” I said sadly, “Let your sister have her moment. Then we can somehow work this out.”  
"You are so conscientious… so loving and caring. You never think about yourself, you always put others first. Don’t you see how attractive that makes you? Don’t you realise why we all want you? You amaze me. No, I won't spoil this for my sister, you're right. But… you're so special you deserve a special kiss, big man," she said, leaning closer towards my crotch. She curved her body down sexily, face almost brushing my cock, her lips parted as she leaned in to kiss the shaft… Only to abruptly change direction, swooping up to plant a kiss on my lips instead.
"Uh, no fair!" I mock protested, knowing she was just getting revenge for all the times I had teased her.
"Yeah, it's waking up fast now," she smiled, watching my cock start to bob as it pulsed with each beat of my heart. My erection was quickly growing, it was thickening out and lengthening, and this time there was no doubting that it was responding to Rachel. I wondered if it could tell the difference between the identical twin sisters.
“I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but having sex with your twin sister was probably the best thing I've ever done," I told her, “Our sex was… the best.”
"Maybe BECAUSE I'm her twin sister you should try us both before you buy..."
"We are linked you know… people don't understand. I can feel what she feels and I knew… last night… she was sharing her… everything… with you. It's kind of… hard to explain… but I've been so horny ever since you left with Jessica,” she looked down at my cock as it pointed away from my body, my balls hot from the shower hanging low.
“I know we aren't making this easy for you, I'm sorry.”
“It's OK, I do understand, I'm not a possessive psycho like Ellen! I love Jess, just as much as you do. Maybe more,” she reached out with her little hand and grabbed my erection.
“I just want to make you happy, both of you… everyone.” I said glumly knowing how impossible that mission was going to be.
“Hey, now we are all here… I was thinking it would be great to go skinny-dipping. I put it to Jessica… how you might enjoy seeing two women… and I was hoping if I came too we'd get a chance to play a bit, with each other. For you. Jessica and I. Obviously my parents are going to be close by so it would be really risky… and exciting… to try and mess around without them knowing.”
As she spoke she started jacking me off, “Rachel!” I gasped.
"Just think, this was inside my twin sister an hour ago. It's been inside my older sister, my mother, there's just one more to go. I've never felt so turned on."
"Not disgusted?"
"Not at all."
"What about Jessica?"
“Your girlfriend. Ah.... maybe she doesn't have to know...."
"You need to stop. I can’t tell her. Obviously."
"Definitely a secret."
"You know I want to fuck you?"
"Yeah, I can tell. I can feel it,” she squeezed my cock to make a point, “I want you to take my virginity. Is that ok with you?"
"If you want me to."
As we spoke she was still playing with my cock, and I was toying with her nipples.
“Errrhem!” Jessica cleared her throat from the doorway.
“We were just talking sis,” Rachel smiled a wicked smile, “I mentioned your name and look what happened?” She pointed to my confused, throbbing cock.
“Mom and Dad want you to get ready, we're going swimming in the lake while the weather is still nice.”
“Oh sounds good, just as we planned!” she looked at her twin and winked, then sauntered past her and out of the lodge.
“You're insatiable!” Jessica called after her, then she looked at me, “Well, you can't go swimming looking like that!” Jessica moved round and between my legs, then edged up pushing her ass up against my bouncing member. “I can't have you going out there, thinking of my sister, fully loaded,” she smirked as I pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees and bent her over the bathroom sink. She knew what was coming and closed her legs as tightly as she could as I positioned myself behind her. Jessica stared at me in the mirror radiating love with her eyes and her smile. I tried to spread her legs but she resisted, teasing my fuck tool with her pert ass cleft. I reached up and grasped a handful of her red hair and started pulling. She quickly released her legs and I let go of her hair. I guided my erection to the entrance of her wet vagina as she raised herself, then lowered herself onto my cock. With one helpful thrust, the tip of my penis was in. She squealed in delight. I started to rock her back and forth, in and out and within seconds we were fucking again. Her moans got louder as I pistoned into my beloved girlfriend from behind and as my cock was coated with her juices it started to move with ease. As I settled into a nice rhythm of fucking her she suddenly tried to elbow my ribs, and turn towards the batgroom door. But she couldn't even get a full step in before she tripped; her shorts were still around her ankles. I easily caught her by the hair again and helped her brace herself with her hands against the sink.
This offered me a new angle of penetration and I began pummeling her newly awakened G-spot. Jessica started to scream again but I quickly placed my hand over her mouth before she alerted her parents to what we were doing. She started to squirm and squeal but I pulled on her nipple so hard she must have thought I was going to pull it off. Then I forced her back against the wall. Guided my cock back into her pussy and as I started to fuck her hard, I used my other hand to feel those young firm tits again. Her pussy was still just as tight, tighter than I would have imagined after so much sex. My little lover was making her sheath even tighter because she was clenching her muscles on my invading member. I fucked her hard. I fucked her without any sense of trying to get her to climax but as I worked her G-spot she shuddered and came before me. As I broke into a sweat from the constant rhythm, I felt my balls tighten then finally release. My seed exploded into her hot pussy with the force of a volcano. I didn't have any sense of what to do next, it just felt too good to claim my girlfriend in such a spontaneous way.
I relaxed behind her, and let go of her as she pulled up her skirt and panties and headed to the bedroom to change, a look of complete serenity on her face. I pulled up my wet swimming shorts, ready for the welcoming waters of the lake. I definitely needed to cool off! Walking unsteadily, I joined Joseph in the water, close to the shore so we could still stand and waited for the girls. When his wife and daughters came out they were all wearing bathrobes.
“Hey, the water is fairly warm, come and join us.” I called out from the rippling water. Sophie turned bright red.
“I'm… not as small as I used to be. I barely fit in my bathing costume,” she shouted back.
Jessica and Rachel looked at each other in some unspoken telepathic communication, and then Jessica said, “Before we take off our robes… Dad needs to turn around and face away from us.”
Joseph sighed, “Not again…” and turned to face out into the lake. It soon became obvious why. Jessica slipped off her robe to reveal she was completely naked. Rachel took off her robe and did a quick turn showing off her identical nude figure to me then, hand in hand with her sister, then dived into the cool water. With his girls now submerged Joseph turned around as Sophie took off her robe. His wife was not joking when she said the suit was a little tight. Her breasts were overflowing the cups of the suit almost to the point that her nipples were showing and the suit had almost pulled completely into her crotch, her baby bump stretching the material. I could see one of her lips coming out of one side of the suit. When she turned around to get into the pool her ass was almost completely on display as well. Sophie was a little red faced when she finally dipped down into the water and maneuvered herself beside me,
“Do I look OK?” she quietly asked me. 
“You look stunning, I love your body,” I replied. She looked like a fertility goddess, her baby bump just added to her sensual curves. The expecting mother kissed me and said thank you and then next thing I knew she was dunking me under the water. The next few minutes became an all out dunking and splashing contest with Joseph and me finally getting the upper hand with his children and his wife. I had just finished dunking a very naked Rachel when I looked over to see Joseph wrestling with Sophie and then he then literally picked her up and threw her into the water. When his wife surfaced she refused to stand up with a terrified look on her face. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked and in reply she threw her bathing suit, or what was left of it, in Joseph's direction. 
“My husband was a little over enthusiastic,” she laughed, “When he threw me in I felt the suit rip right down the middle… it’s now useless.”
“But it feels great though, doesn't it?” called out Jessica as she swam towards us.
“I suppose it does. Well, at least I don't feel quite so restricted!” Sophie then surprised me, “Why don't you boys join us in a little skinny dipping.” Joseph quickly agreed and I wasn't too far behind as we each took our bathing suits off under the water and threw them to the pebble beach. Jessica and I were on one side of the small natural cove and Joseph and Sophie were on the opposite side with Rachel treading water out in the middle. Sophie and Jessica both seemed to have the same idea at the same time as they both leaped on their male counterparts and tried to dunk us again. Rachel surfaced in front of us giggling uncontrollably.
“What's wrong?” Her sister asked?
“You have trails of his spunky semen trailing from your pussy, Jess!” She laughed.
“I do not!” She squeaked and splashed her sister who immediately swam away.
I submerged myself and looked towards my naked girlfriend. The water was delightful, warm and turquoise. For me there is something very sexy about a woman's body underwater. The goosebumps and lack of gravity work wonders for me and I spent so much time watching her that I nearly forgot to breathe! Rachel was right, her pussy, illuminated by the suns caressing golden light, had strings of my milky cum emerging from it like tentacles that undulated in the changing current. It looked incredibly erotic. I broke the surface and front of her and exclaimed, “Wow, I can see my cum leaking from you…” breathing heavily. 
I immediately saw the scornful look in her green expressive eyes and swam away from her towards the middle as I quickly pursued. I turned to look behind me at the cavorting married couple and didn't notice Rachel, who was just coming up out of the water in front of me, and I bumped right into her. Rachel locked her naked limbs around mine and then jumped onto my back. She hung onto me like a limpet, holding me in place for her twin sister to escape. It felt a little strange feeling Rachel’s small breasts against my back as she dunked me, but it felt even stranger when she wrapped her legs around me from the back and I could feel her pussy rubbing against my bare ass.
Over the next few seconds Rachel and I continued to wrestle in the cooling waters of the lake. I have to be honest when I say that I was more than a little turned on while splashing around with my girlfriend's twin sister, in full view of her parents. My cock was fully erect and as we played, and I tried to keep it from getting too close. It was inevitable, I supposed, despite successfully keeping my lower half hidden in the black depths, while I was trying to pull her under the water my erection rubbed against the crack of her ass. Rachel stopped immediately and just smiled over her shoulder at me. She reached behind herself and gave my cock a quick squeeze and as I swam there shocked she jumped up and dunked me again.
As I came up for air I realised that I had forgotten all about Jessica chasing me and looked for her in the lake. I saw that Joseph had her cornered on the other side of the cove. He was standing behind her and was holding her arms down on either side of her. Her upper body was completely out of the water. She no longer seemed shy about showing off her breasts to her father. As Joseph was holding her he was asking her what she was going to do now to get free before he dunked her again. That’s when Sophie appeared behind him, and grabbed his arms allowing her daughter to swim free. Joseph turned and immediately dunked his wife. As she resurfaced Rachel and I were surprised by Sophie's next action. She backed up quickly and leaned into him, obviously rubbing her ass against his groin.
Unlike Jessica, Sophie did not stop there as Joseph was still holding her arms. She tried to squirm free but in the process pressed herself even harder into Joseph's lap making his eyes widen. I knew what state his penis was in beneath the waves as mine was exactly the same: Hot and hard. Sophie was the first to start moving a little again as she grinded herself back into Joseph. Joseph let go of her arms and reached around with both hands and lightly squeezed the nipples that were now above the water line. He either didn't know we were watching or he simply didn't care. Rachel and I watched as Sophie looked like she was trying to break free from Joseph's grasp but was really moving her hips more than she was any other part of her body. All of a sudden both Joseph and Sophie gasped in unison and stopped moving. I think that Rachel and I both knew what just happened but neither of us moved or said anything. We just watched her parents curious as to what would happen next.
Sophie continued to grind herself onto her husband for a few seconds and allowed him to feel her breasts as he gently rose and fell in the water as Sophie splashed herself back against him. It was barely noticeable but it was fairly obvious that they were having sex. Sophie was quickly developing a rhythm on him and was moving up and down at a faster pace. Her movements were causing her tits to bounce beautifully on her chest. Obviously I was not the only one watching her tits as her children, treading water some ten meters away, watched as if in a trance as their parents made love. Joseph reached around and his wife leaned back into his embrace as he placed his hand around her breast and gently squeezed her firm nipple. She groaned with approval and began to grind faster on me. It didn't take long before she began to cum again and Joseph wasn't far behind, gasping and straining as he unloaded into his wife. Sophie turned to him and they whispered to each other as their twin girls splashed around, trying to pretend that they hadn't seen anything.
“We are heading back to the lodge to shower and get dressed!” Sophie called as they both swam to the shore. Watching them emerge from the water, I was struck again by how attractive Sophie and Joseph were. I noticed the beads of water running down their toned bodies in the bright clear light. Joseph's genitals glistened beneath a full bush of pubes and Sophie's nipples were very erect.
So were Jessica’s when she splashed me out of my own trance. Jess was a happy, beautiful young woman, all curves and smiles. Her broad face had the accent of prominent cheekbones; her breasts were very small with elongated nipples, and her red hair looked auburn as it hung wetly around her shoulders. She also had a mischievous streak to her personality, which often got her into trouble more often than her nerdy sister. We cavorted in the lake water; once we got chest-deep, her ample endowments floated up, buoyant. "Hey, my personal floatation devices have inflated. I'm safe from drowning now," she said playfully, though quietly enough that only I could hear her.
"Yes, but are you safe from me?" I replied with a wicked grin as I closed with her.
She giggled and made a half-hearted attempt to get away from me. I caught up to her and gave her a big hug and a kiss. She hung her arms around my neck and continued the kiss after I had intended to stop. We were neck-deep by now, far from her sister who was a natural swimmer and making progress towards the centre of the lake. Jessica encircled my waist with her legs. Being only about forty feet from shore, I got a little nervous when she started flexing her pelvis and thus rubbing on my groin.
"What about people watching, especially your parents?" I asked nervously, though my flagpole was quite hard now.
"No one will notice. We're just playing out here and cuddling," she replied and then increased the speed of her grinding on my engorged cock.
We could be easily seen from the lodge but we had just watched her parents fuck so if she wanted to chance it, who was I to argue. So I ran my hands up her chest and squeezed her tits then played with her already engorged nipples, which she always loved. She kissed me again passionately and thrust her tongue through my lips. She then released my waist reaching down to grip my rigid penis. I reached down while she was doing this and opened her pussy lips while I guided her hips toward mine with the other. She wrapped her legs around me again, and I adjusted my tool so it was poised at her hot vagina. She pulled with her heels in my ass, slamming me into her sex. I groaned into her mouth, which muffled it. I moved one hand to her nipple and the other to clutch her ass and aid her in pumping on my steel. The water made her pussy feel much different than when she is simply wet from excitement, more friction without the feeling of being dry. She humped me vigorously without making too much motion, which would be noticeable to anyone walking along the trail. The cool liquid kept me from prematurely spurting into her, since I was supercharged from the danger of exposure.
My lust was in overdrive, and I switched my hand from her tit to her ass and just pulled her rhythmically into my body. I kept this up for quite awhile with my penis alternating between the cool water and her molten hot pussy. Her tongue kept circling and strumming mine until she suddenly pulled stiffly with her feet and held me at my deepest penetration of her pussy. I could feel the undulating muscles of her vaginal walls squeezing my penis as she climaxed, moaning loudly into my mouth. My delightfully tortured cock could not take the stress anymore, and my balls pumped their payload down my member. I repeatedly jerked into her, getting even a little deeper, as my spunk squirted into her love canal. My eyes rolled into my head and I snorted to catch my breath through my orgasm. We both came down from our heights of pleasure, and the low temperature quickly reduced my manhood to the consistency of a wet noodle. My organ slipped from her as she released my torso from the vice-like grip of her legs. I opened my eyes to look at her and saw her lusty grin.
"That was simply exquisite," she said with a purr, “I can see why my parents couldn't help themselves.” She glanced over my shoulder and then returned to looking me in the eye. "And I don't think my sister noticed." She kissed me and quickly ran her tongue through my lips and out.
Then we set about cleaning our sex organs under the surface. Once we were fit for public viewing, we separated and continued our roughhousing in the lake. After about ten more minutes, we splashed towards the shore. Her Mom waved to us from the lodge doorway, "Hey, are you kids ready for lunch?" I watched Jessica, and we both restrained our laughter. We were standing completely nude, holding hands, like it was completely natural.
"Sure, Mom. I'll help you rustle something up," she replied, then turned to me, “go tell my sister… and no funny business!”Jessica smiled and her beautiful eyes sparkled in the reflected light, she then picked up her bathrobe and headed inside. I watched Sophie's peachy hind end jiggle and grinned at what we'd just done before running back to the lake and dove into soothing waters, thanking my stars for the luck in finding a woman like Jessica. I intended to give myself a bit of a workout like Rachel with a vigorous ten minute swim but quickly met up with my grilfriend's sister as she was making her return journey to the shore. I stared at her as she approached, truly marveling at how alike the sisters were. She didn't notice me staring and I was grateful. I didn't want her to think I was a pervert. Women are such a mystery, and the twins were no exception.
"Isn't this great?" she beamed, her familiar breasts floating close to the surface. The water was armpit-deep, with a gentle current pushing us back and forth, almost imperceptibly. "Turn around," she said, almost in a whisper. I complied, and the next thing I knew, I felt her fingers on my back, delicately fluttering up and down my spine. 'Cool, huh?" she said, into my ear. "Touch feels totally different under water." Her fingers slid lower down my back, clear to my ass cheeks, and below. I let out an involuntary groan as my penis, despite its own recent workout, tried to stir. Her fingers continued around onto my stomach, and up the middle of my chest. With her arms wrapped around me, she eased closer, and suddenly I felt her nipples grazing my back, undulating as the current ebbed and flowed. "You like?" she asked softly.
I nodded, speechless, as her hands slid down my sides and onto my hips. She was careful not to touch my dick or balls, but she didn't have to. Every nerve in my body lead to the head of my cock, and in no time I was forming another embarrassing erection.
"Okay," she whispered, "now that I've shown you how to do it, it's your turn." Letting her arm trail loosely around my waist, she slid next to me, and then eased in front, my stiff penis grazing her ass cheek. I let my hands settle onto her back and I did what she did, exploring her body delicately but discreetly as she moaned softly. "I love that," she whispered as my hands slithered down her back and onto her dimpled butt. I left them there for a while, letting my fingers probe deeper and deeper under her ass without actually touching anything important. She kept inching closer, until there was no room between us. I took that as a sign to move my hands to the front, which I did with slow, gentle strokes around her hips and onto her tummy. "My Mom’s tummy looks so round and sexy," she said, leaning her head back and giving me a husky laugh. "She carried me and my sister to term, and her tummy still looks amazing don't you think?" She slid my hand lower, till it was brushing the top of her hairless mound. "My tummy will grow like hers someday. I've seen the way you look at her, you know? You like seeing her pregnant."
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say or do, so I just hung around there for a while. Silently, she took my hands and slid them up under her tits. "Lift," she whispered, more as a command than a suggestion. I cupped her breasts gently and pulled them aloft. "That's where my tits belong. Can you imagine how big they will look when I'm pregnant?" She did a little shimmy, throwing her hands up in the air like she was dancing. "I will be rockin' some C or D cups. You’ve felt my Mom's tits, that’s what mine will be like."
"I like your tits the way they are, Rachel."
"You bullshitter, you like big tits like my Mom or Ellen! Hey, it's OK though… I'm glad you think mine are good. Do you just want to get your rocks off with me before swimming ashore? I can feel you twitching down there."
By this time, my stiff cock had settled between her legs, periodically nudging her thighs, or ass, or who knows what, but I think it was all part of the plan. Gaining confidence, I let my fingers slide up onto her rubbery nipples. One little pinch and her whole body jerked, jamming her ass up against my groin. "Feel down here," she whispered, guiding my hand down her tummy. Suddenly, my fingers were tracing the path of her slit, gently, barely touching. "This is what it's all about. It's the essence of life. It's your destiny, and your downfall. Someday you’re going to have to choose between us… but I won't make it easy."
Touching her down there, it just seemed so perfect, so natural. As I stroked her gently, she leaned her head back against my chest, her ear brushing my cheek. At that moment, I really wanted to kiss her, but I held back, waiting for her to dictate the next move. "Put your finger in," she whispered, showing me how she wanted it. As I rubbed, she undulated, thrusting her pelvis almost imperceptibly. As the thrusts became more mechanical, more obvious, her breathing got heavier. At this point I realised that if it wasn't for the three orgasms I had had this morning with her sister, I would have been polluting the lake with my cum right about now. As it was, I was on the verge, but also able to hold back, seemingly indefinitely. "Harder," she gasped, grabbing my hand and clamping it up against her bald pussy. "Just like this" she commanded, easing my finger back and forth. Satisfied with my technique, her hand flitted onto the head of my dick and fingered it lightly, more like a tickle than a touch. She leaned back and craned her neck to look at me. "Are you okay with this… doing this with me?"
"I do love you Rachel, but your sister–"
“--Isn't here. I'm not her and nobody is watching.” Rachel rubbed my cock rubbed back and forth into her hand, I gasped, thrusting my hips to match her rhythm. We stayed like that for a few minutes, building up the tension hoping that she would lose it first.
“Do you want to cum inside me?"
"I can't. Not today… not now. I'm not popping your cherry," I whimpered, dying for release.
She turned around, and stood on the sand beneath the water, her tits breaking the waves, then she backed into me.
“I won't give you my virginity… but I will give you my ass. You've fucked Jessica's ass?” Rachel reached around with a gentle but authoritative grasp and guided my dick between her ass cheeks. “The water will keep us lubricated, don't worry. Go on, push!” she ordered and pulled her cheeks apart with her hands.
I obeyed her command and gently eased my cock head into her twitching anus. Just the tip. I reached around to her and felt how slippery her pussy still was. I found her lips, and sized them up. Running my fingers feather like down the length of them. Her clit was rock hard, a small hot marble just above the lips. That's where I concentrated my rubbing, flicking it with my index finger and sinking my middle finger up into her vagina. I used her pussy as a sort of handle for her body, as I would push my cock into her bare ass cleft, my fingers dug deeper into her pussy. My cock head still probed inside her small rosebud situated between those beautiful cheeks. It felt hot and rubbery. The small ringed opening a puckered muscle kissing at my shaft as I rubbed against her. My penis was leaking pre-cum and that lubed up her ass properly for me.
She squeezed her cheeks together and gave me the most pleasant feeling of being crushed by her ass. I used this newfound friction to hump secretly into Rachel's buttocks. Her asshole felt so wonderful. It added so much satisfaction to this butt rub down, knowing I was on the verge of penetrating her anally. Every now and then I would bend my knees so that the tip of cock would catch the tight opening, hold for a moment on her backdoor, then shoot past to be squeezed by her butt cheeks. My nose found her wet, silky red hair and I inhaled her scent. My chin was on the back of her neck. Nobody had a clue that this woman was grinding her asshole onto my stubborn erection.
"Oh God, that feels so good. Put it inside me… I'm ready.”
She wasn't lying, I pushed my hips forward and my cock slid in effortlessly, as if God had designed her hole to accept my penis perfectly. We both gasped and then laughed, but then her laugh turned into a raggedy sob as I began to rock in and out of her bottom. The cooling waters seeminly helped lubricate and soothe my passage because our underwater anal sex felt almost like I was fucking her pussy. I reached around with my free hand and squeezed a breast lustfully. I felt Rachel's anus gradually slackening as it endured my rhymic invasion, gasping at the repetitive opening and closing. There was a satisfying sense of fullness each time her rectum was filled with my cock, and I was developing a kinky curiosity around the expansion of her punished orifice. I tried to picture it wrapped around the base of my manhood, dilating as it was extracted and then tightly embracing the bulbous end. I imagined it to be like a puckered mouth, greedily sucking and savouring my illicit member as I strummed on her hot clit in the cold water. The contrast was incredible.
Rachel seemed surprised as her orgasmic contractions began. She moaned feebly as her pussy flooded, spilling out, warming my hand and further lubricating my penis as it continued to pump into her guts. She was vaguely conscious of the water, but that was of no significance as she was enveloped by the all-encompassing euphoria of her climax. It seemed like each thrust of my cock squeezed out more juice, warming my fingers beneath the waves as I gleefully flicked and rubbed her clitoral hood, basking in the glory of her ecstasy.
I finally popped out of her when Rachel fell forwards, overwhelmed by the sensitivity of her tingling clit. However, now bent over I pressed onwards and her rectum eagerly welcomed it back inside, and her sphincter closed around my cockhead, dutifully ensuring that it remained embedded. I continued my enjoyment of her naked tits while she recovered, and she realised that I was still fucking her ass. “Fuck, you look so smug. I had no idea I would enjoy anal sex so much,” she said, finally coming to her senses.
I returned her wry smile. “I think we’re both doing pretty well.”
“I suppose you'll want to do this every day now?”
“I think your sister might object…”
“Why? Am I not pretty enough?”
“Rachel, you're beautiful, I said, leaning over her, grasping her hanging tits under the water and she turned her head.
“Will you at least… consider me? Rather than her?”
As my mouth touched hers, she parted her lips, reciprocating as naturally as she might with a lover. We kissed softly, and she felt him withdrawing my penis, leaving her with a peculiar sense of emptiness. To her delight, she felt me poke her bottom again, and she relaxed her sphincter to invite it back inside. My clumsiness amused her as I struggled to aim my cock without sight of the target. Rachel yelped as it popped inside, belligerently occupying and stretching her anus with shocking abruptness.
“When I lose my virginity will it feel better than this?” she gasped.
“Oh my God, how will I survive? Did Jessica feel good?”
“Uh... yes,” I admitted, sinking my solid cock into her guts. My smile admitted my guilt as I established a steady rhythm, and she was appalled to find herself still submissively holding her legs, allowing me unhindered use of her stretched anus. Her innards accommodated me without complaint, but I knew that I should at least offer some token resistance with my girlfriend just out of sight. “We shouldn't do this,' she said, making no physical effort to stop me.
“It's just anal sex. We're fuck buddies, remember?”
“It's still wrong,” I said as I continued to thrust into her.
“We aren't lovers are we? It's not cheating if we are friends… with benefits?” she said, kissing me again as my throbbing rod massaged her rectum.
Satisfied that I had voiced my dutiful objections, I closed my eyes and returned the kiss, focusing on her pleasure. My hands explored her familiar body, stroking her hair and caressing her legs, squeezing her hips and fondling her breasts. I drove my length into her with uncompromising vigour as my excitement peaked; my pubis slapped against her bottom with each plunge, and I began to doubt that her bowels could withstand the pummelling as the water foamed around us.
"Oh shit!" she gasped, "I’m going to cum again. It feels too good! Underwater… it feels… so good! You're going to make me cum!"
She tensed up, and then she was twitching and shuddering uncontrollably, her spasming ass chewing on my cock like a toothless monster. I was grateful when she suddenly froze, my full shaft buried inside as it filled her anal cavity with my warm seed. I felt it twitch with each spurt, and began to wonder if I had an endless supply to unload into her. I managed to pull almost all the way out, and then jam it in hard enough to send my last volley spurting deep inside her. Even after my activities with Jessica, I still had plenty to give her sister.
"Oh God!" she sobbed, flinging her head back against my neck. I kept pounding into her with a seemingly endless load of cum, wishing I could kiss her lips and feel her tits against my chest. Feeling so utterly connected, so enveloped by her ass, it was as if the sole purpose of our lives was this very moment. We stayed like that for a while, her hand cupping my balls and holding my dick inside her, my finger gently caressing her swollen clit. I let my free hand wander over her soft body, tracing around her puffy tummy and up between her tits while she gasped and sighed and tried to catch her breath. The feeling of oneness, the perfection of our union, it was like a revelation, a confirmation of our destiny. Finally, she let me dick ease out of her, and then we back in each other's arms beneath the cleansing waters, my arm around her waist, her fingers cradling my shrunken cock.
"That was some swim, eh?" she said quietly, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.
"Yeah. It was… cool."
"You'll have to try it sometime with Jessica."
"I think my poor balls are running on empty!"
"I always get the leftovers," she giggled, giving me a pouty kiss, “Take some time and make some more spermies for me.” 
"Is that all you girls think about?"
"We're both in our sexual prime right now. What else is there to think about?"
"You've got a point, I suppose." By this time, we were edging our way towards shore, with the water well below her breasts. I tried not to stare, but how can an eighteen year-old guy not stare at a pair of naked tits when they're within arm's reach?
"Before we go inside…" she asked, taking my hand like high schoolers do when they're first dating, "we probably don't want to let my sister know, right?"
"No shit. She's sexually charged enough already, without something like this to think about. She loves you but surely sisterly love has limits?"
"My sister's not some sex mad nymphomaniac. She's just going through a difficult time right now. She finally got the man of her dreams and I am not going to ruin her life by forcing you to choose me."
"You're right, Rachel. Jessica has been more than understanding. Are you going to tell her…?”
The redheaded twin paused, looking at me intently. It was obvious she had intended to share everything with her sister. "No. I don't want to cause problems."
Back on the shore, we pulled two discarded bathrobes on, both of us being careful not to watch the other. It was a tender moment, as if we both knew it was too early to admit we were lovers, but it was too late to pretend we weren't. As we headed back to the lodge, as I had with Jessica, I took Rachel's hand in mine. It was reassuring, in an innocent sort of way, maintaining that human contact we all crave.
If anyone had seen Rachel and I fuck, they didn't say anything and the rest of the afternoon was spent cooking and chatting, like any normal family would, and it felt good to be included. At dinner that evening, Rachel acted as if nothing had happened but Jessica seemed to avoid my eyes as we made small talk around the table. I spent the rest of the evening wondering if Rachel had actually meant what she had said in the lake earlier about my choice. I was starting to feel paranoid again, feeling uneasy that I was being lied to… even manipulated. No, Jessica wouldn't do that to me. Not now. When I got her back to our lodge I would ask her and confess to her that Rachel and I had not simply swam together. Jessica deserved the truth just as much as I did. Maybe I was misunderstanding the new dynamic between us all. Perhaps Rachel had released her pent up sexual lust and things could now return to normal. Maybe we were going to be secret friends with benefits. With it out of her system I could spend my second night with Jessica, making it something special, despite her family now being annoyingly close. I supposed I had better get used to that too. 
I looked across the table at Jessica to catch her eye. When she couldn't avoid my stare any longer she looked up at me. Immediately her cute face beamed with happiness and her deep green eyes gazed at me with love. I had an impulse to have those pink cupid bow lips on my own, but I didn't want to spoil the moment. The tension seemed to lift in the room and I noticed Sophie and Joseph look at each other and smile. Everything was going to be OK and tonight I would be enjoying the closeness of my girlfriend's body and feeling her genuine love for me. “So,” Rachel began, breaking the moment, "Are you going to fuck my sister underwater tonight?"
"I.....err....." I stammered totally taken aback by this outright question from Jessica's twin sister who had asked as casually as is asking if I were going to the park the next day. Her Mom and Dad didn't look impressed and Jessica just blushed as red as her hair.
"I reckon you are," she said with a cheeky grin, "She told me she loves it! The lake will be all yours but it's going to be cold… and dark!”
"No, I don't think we will be skinny dipping in the lake tonight," I answered as calmly as I possibly could, I looked across at Jessica and continued, "We will spend our last night in the lodge. We will light the fire and get cozy… then maybe ... er ... go to bed."
"Oh, I'm sure that will do but she really loves sex outdoors!" Rachel replied brightly, "You know she's safe right? She's on the pill, and can't stop talking about the stuff you’ve already done together. Can I watch?"
“Rachel! Behave yourself!” Joseph scolded his daughter. “We agreed, before we brought you up here, that you wouldn't ruin things for Jessica!”
“It's alright Dad, honestly,” Jessica said conscientiously, “I understand her, she's my sister and she's in love with him too.”
“That might be but she can't watch you,” Sophie added softly, “the intention of this was to give you both some private time together and we’ve already partially ruined that. Rachel, give them a break! You'll get your turn.”
For some reason that touched a nerve with me,”I'm not some piece of meat to be passed around! This is not about taking turns! Why is everything so fucking complicated!” I answered, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with it all. I needed to get out. I needed some time on my own and stood up abruptly, leaving the table, and marched out of the door.
"Now look at what you've done, Rachel!" Joseph's voice followed me as I headed to our lodge next door. 
“No Dad, it's not her fault,” came Jessica's sweet reply. Then there was a babble of incoherent voices before I shut my door behind me.
I tried to keep my mind busy while I heard the family argue in the lodge next door, I couldn't make any of it out and I didn't want to. Our lodge was cold and empty so I lit the fire and then threw myself onto the bed and closed my eyes, trying to come to terms with my guilty conscience.
"Are you OK?" 
Perhaps I had fallen asleep, because I hadn’t noticed anyone entering the room. I opened my eyes to see Jessica sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Hey Jess, things are pretty fucked up with me as usual… Sorry.” I sighed, “I shouldn’t have just left. Are things OK over there?" I asked, trying to clear my head.
"Things have calmed down now. You don't need to apologise to me my love, Rachel just got caught up in her own confusing feelings and spoke before thinking about what she was saying. She's finding it difficult–”
“No, she's not! In the lake, after you all headed in to shower to clean up, we–”
“I know, I know,” she interrupted me, calmly, “she told me everything as soon as she got inside. Is this what's put you on edge?”
“I wanted to… help her find… some release. I could tell she needed to feel loved. I wanted her to feel like she wasn't being forsaken. She lied to me! Rachel promised me she wouldn't tell you!”
“Well, I suppose she didn't have a choice… not really,” Jessica began to blush, “she's my twin sister, I just looked at her and knew. And… when she took off her robe to shower, she had you leaking out of her bum hole,” she giggled.
I smiled, remembering Jessica's own spunky pussy as we swam in the lake. What goes up must come down. “You showered together?” I spoke the words without even thinking. I was just as guilty as Rachel.
“Oh no, Mom and Dad hogged it when they reached the lodge, I had to wait and then as I was stepping out, Rachel wanted to step in. She was glowing. Happy. I like it that you make my sister happy.”
“It's still not right.”
“Wrong! As always, you did the right thing. You thought of my sister, you always do… you're perceptive and knew she needed something. You love her as much as I do and because of that… I love you more.” 
“I don't deserve you. I don't deserve this.”
“You keep saying that… you do! I know I need to make you feel like you do,” Jessica said as she hugged me, “and my sister doesn't always get things right.”
“She said I prefer it outdoors… but I much prefer it right here, like this, with you. Can I kiss you?" she asked, and I offered a gentle nod in return. Her left hand went to my cheek and then she leaned in to press her lips into mine. It was slow at first, just like our first. She pressed her face against mine, noses smudging together as she left small wet kisses on my lips. I could already taste her lipstick which was a dark red and sat on my tongue like cherry as I welcomed her into my mouth, her tongue flicking softly against my own. Each kiss left a smack in the air as I closed my eyes and sunk into the blossoming of love we had kept quiet for so long. Her hand went to my thigh, just as mine slipped onto hers. Her nails dragged along my skin, dancing from left to right and then down to my knee, before rising up towards the bottom of my shorts. She moaned into one kiss as the intensity picked up. Her tongue lapped up mine eagerly and she remained in control until she backed up, licking my lips during her retreat. Seeing her eyes again now was different. The gentle shine from her reveal had been replaced by a red hot fire, her grip of my thigh tightening for a second as her thumb twirled under my shorts, inching higher. "Sit back, enjoy this. Let me show you…" she whispered. She was in charge. I listened. When I did she lifted her leg over, straddling me just like I had done to her on our second kiss. But she didn't lean back in. She sat in my lap and put her hands on my ribs, softly sliding them down my waist until she found the hem of my t-shirt which she lifted up my body and over my head.
“I just want to be here, with you. Forever, just like this,” I whispered.
“It’s been a perfect day. Can I make love to you? Then can we sleep together?" I didn't answer right away. I guess I was still confused and pure lust no longer guided my actions. But I held her close, breathed in the scent of her hair, and felt the warmth of her body… exactly the same as her twin sisters. Thinking of Rachel while holding Jessica didn’t really feel that appropriate. Speaking of the word appropriate, Jessica's attire was far from it. The skimpy white tank top that left her smooth flat stomach exposed and was so tight it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra.
Jessica's tits were small, but the top was clinging to them and I could see her nipples were hard. Speaking of hard, I felt my cock stirring between my legs and quickly lowered my eyes. There was no relief to be found when I saw she was wearing a pair of tiny red shorts with lace around the edges. She had one of her long legs stretched out on the bed and I found myself staring at her inner thigh. The shorts had ridden up and were bunching between her legs. "Just us. It doesn't need to be anything else. I just want to feel you close before we both have to return home… and separate beds. Can I? Please?"
She was staring at me with those big green eyes and I felt myself waver. Her mother had gotten anything she wanted with those eyes and her daughter’s had learned to use them as well. My aching cock reminded me of the other ways Jessica's mother had gotten what she wanted. Sophie was carrying my baby, her tummy had begun to swell, but damn she was hot and Jessica took right after her. “You like your little girlfriend next to you, that's why you're hard every time we are together."
"Jessica!" I exclaimed, trying not to sound nervous, because she was right. "Hey!" I cried out in surprise when Jessica reached out and yanked the blanket away from me. I was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts and my hard cock was standing at attention in them.
"See," she giggled, "We both want this."
"Oh Jessica..."
"Here's where I want to be," she said, sliding closer to me. "In my lover's bed, and," placing her lips to my ear she whispered; "With my boyfriend inside me."
"Honey please, you're no longer a little girl..."
"You’re right. You made me into a woman. I'm yours," she purred in my ear causing my cock to twitch, "I’m your woman, and as your woman I want to apologise to my man. I'm sorry we do this to you… my sister and I. It's how we've always been. We are the same, we like the same things, we dream the same dreams. We will disappoint you again, and I'm sorry." She sighed, "When it happens next please remember… I'm OK with it. Your happiness and my sister's happiness is all I will ever want. Rachel was meant to be with you tonight. She needs to become a woman too… but she was mean to you and I want to be good to you."
I gasped as she slid her hand into the waistband of my boxers and grabbed my cock. I tried to protest, but catching me by surprise, Jessica pushed me, causing me to lie back on the bed. I tried to sit up, but stopped when she rolled over on top of me and slid down between my legs. She was still holding my cock and licking her lips said softly, "Tonight you're going to get lucky!"
I fought back a moan at the sight of her small hand with its slender fingers wrapped around my cock. I lost the fight when she started pumping it in her hand. I placed my hand on her shoulder and started to try to push her away. Jessica resisted and before I could sit up, opened her mouth and took my cock deep inside it.
"Oh God!" I moaned as she began quickly bobbing her head. Jessica moaned as she sucked my hard into her warm wet mouth. Her big green eyes were looking into mine and her long red hair looked amazing, fanned across my thighs. I tried to tell myself this was normal, my girlfriend wanted to please me even though I had ass fucked her sister, but somewhere the sick and horny part of my mind called out that they were both hot little things and she wants this. Jessica was sucking faster now and her other hand was rubbing my balls. I let my body relax and leaned back on the pillow to watch my eighteen year old girlfriend suck my cock.
Seeing I was no longer resisting, Jessica giggled around my cock and slowed her sucking. I watched amazed at the sight of her beautiful young face surrounding my dick and began breathing hard. I started to wonder how much experience she had sucking cock, but my thoughts were interrupted when she removed my cock from between those luscious lips and standing up on the bed between my legs, pulled her shorts down. My eyes widened at the sight of her bald pink pussy and as I lay there, too stunned to move, Jessica dropped back to the bed, straddling my hips and reaching back, guiding my penis to her wonderous vagina.
"Oh, I've wanted this all night!" she moaned and teased herself with my swollen cockhead. As we looked each other in the eye she reached down with one hand and cupped one of her perky tits and with the other around my cock, she lined it up with her pussy and eased herself down on it. As she did we both let out an audible sigh. It was such a great feeling as she slowly slid down until she bottomed out and I was balls deep inside her. It felt incredible.
With my cock deep inside her she reached out and grabbed my hands and started slowly rocking her hips back and forth again. Her pussy was so wet that I could feel her juices soaking me. I let her hands go and reached out and grabbed her hips. She reached out, put her hand on my shoulders and I started encouraging her to move up and down instead of rocking. She immediately picked up on what I was doing and she leaned her face down to mine and kissed me.
“They’re so small but you want to see them bounce don't you?” All I could do was nod my head. Before I could even kiss her again she sat back up and started a slow up and down rhythm riding my cock. As this began her tits started to slowly bounce and swing around. It was such a great sight.
As she was bouncing up and down my hands moved lower on her hips and around to the sides of her nice round ass. I had two hands full of ass and was guiding her up and down more quickly. As the pace quickened I watched her tits bounce and swing even more. I felt a smile come across my face as I watched them and I heard her say I knew you would like that. I looked up to see her looking at me and she smiled and quickened her pace. She was riding me so hard I thought we'd break the bed. As she kept it up I looked up and watched her close her eyes and roll her head back with her mouth open a little. I took my hands off her hips and moved them up to her tits. As soon as I had them in my hands she looked down at me again. I slowly moved my hands in and my fingers took hold of her nipples. As I did so she rolled her head back again and I pinched them hard between my fingers. I rolled them around and pulled them hard using them to lift her tits. As I did this she slowed her bounce but began a very short rough thrust and she fucked me hard.
"Ah yes! Now this is what it's all about! FUCK!" she screamed out, her voice scratchy as she felt such primal pleasure. We both stayed pressed together, holding position, our bare, sweaty chests sliding against each other, her nipples rubbing against my own. Her hands slid up my back, rubbing my tensed back as I rode out the pleasure of my girlfriend's cunt wrapped around every inch of my naked member. I let my body relax, letting my forehead rest against Jessica's shoulder as I slid my cock around inside of her, swiveling it ever so slightly, keeping myself inside her new hot, tight womanhood.
"Yes, oh yes, just keep doing that." Jessica sighed softly in my ear, her limbs wrapped around me, clutching me like a spider. She slid her hands to my head and pulled my face to her. Her open mouth leapt to mine, her eager tongue sliding into my mouth, mashing against my own savagely. Our open mouths were sealed tightly together as we made out deeply, our cheeks hollowed as we went at it. As my tongue and hers battled, the slippery muscles sliding against each other, I began to pump my manhood in and out of her, slowly, rising first, pulling out my juice-covered organ to nearly the tip before driving it back into her. Jessica pulled her lips from mine. Now we were panting into each other's mouths.
"Fuck me." she gasped. "Oh just fuck me like this forever!" I began to pick up the pace, working up a good rhythm, my slick cock sliding into her. "Uhh... ahh... guh... yeah." she panted, reacting to each thrust. She grabbed my head again and moved it down. "Suck my little titties, I love it when you pay them attention. No-one ever did until you… my older sister… my Mom… they got all the lustful stares… My sister and I were always so envious. Suck them, baby, and I'll cum for you…"
I slid my head down as I ran my hands up her sides. I filled my hands with her pert breasts, letting them fill my hands, kneading them firmly, not able to get enough of them. They were small but just so perfect. I moved my face down and attached my mouth to her throbbing right nipple, surrounding it, sucking on the hardened nub, sliding my tongue against it. I flicked my tongue against the rubbery cap as my mouth feasted on her nipple and the surrounding breast flesh, taking as much as I could into my eager mouth. As I did, I just kept squeezing and squeezing, feeling a softness I had never experienced before the twins. There's something about a teenager's breasts that just made the adolescent boy inside of me quiver in excitement. The immaculate pair of tits Jessica sported couldn't be any better. I was fully immersed in the lusty delights of my girlfriend's hot body. My mouth on her nipples, my hands and face against her soft tits. And my cock, almost numb from the nearly overwhelming pleasure of her tight, gripping cunt as I built to a pace of true fucking. I had never felt this level of pleasure before. This was on a whole new plane of physical bliss, bringing out things in my own body that I didn't know I had. My cock was throbbing, though my endurance was holding up. Her sweet cunt was keeping me on edge but I was holding out from going over. Just barely.
"Oh my God, you're amazing." she sighed. "I now know why Ellen knew you were her one… I know why my Mom won't give you up either." she whispered in my ear, kissing my lone. I couldn't reply, my mouth being full of her nipple at the time, so I just fucked her a little deeper. "AHHH! YES! I love you! My sister is really missing out… I feel so sorry for her…"
I wondered which sister she meant as she bounced down on me, I just drove up into her, our sighs and grunts and the slapping of our skin the only noises we made. Her pussy had completely adapted to my driving cock, molding around it, lubing it and smoothly taking every inch of it on each stroke. Her nails were still digging into my back, and the backs of her legs were against mine, pulling me in as I fucked her.
"UGGGHHHHHH! Oh my God!" Jessica squealed out, her pussy quivering around me. "Just like that. Just like that. You're gonna make me cum. Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum! You're gonna make your little princess cum! Yes! Yes! YES! YES! YES! FUCK! Oh my God! Yes! FUCK! UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M CUMMMMMMIIIINNNGGGG! YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!"
As my girlfriend yelled out her orgasm into my ear, I kept driving into her, giving her my full length as she came, her tight cunt locking around my pole, almost driving me over the edge as well. As she reached her crescendo, her nails dug into my back roughly, no doubt leaving their mark. Her firm, lithe legs pulled me in tight, holding me snugly inside of her, forcing our bodies close. Her flat belly mashed into mine, her small breasts pushed into my chest and her mouth bit into my shoulder. The pleasure made her lose control, her young body barely able to handle such a violent release of gratification. I held myself completely inside her, holding still, my ass clenched as I kept myself in place, where my cock belonged, deep inside Jessica's pussy. Finally her body relaxed and I pulled back slightly and looked up at Jessica, her ass sliding back to sit on my thighs, her face a mask of blissed out pleasure, her hair spread out in front of her face like a red curtain. Her chest was panting, her hard nipples stabbing upward from her smooth breast flesh. She was clearly dazed, almost looking drunk with pleasure. She looked down at me, her head rolling side-to-side in her daze.
"Oh my God, ha ha..." she giggled, bringing the back of her hand to her mouth, hiding her mouth as she looked at me, almost in awe. "Shit... that was amazing." she said, following that with another girlish giggle. "I... I... I... haha... I can't even talk that was so good…fuck!" she tittered, as if all the endorphins running through her system prevented her from talking without giggling. "Oh my god, I'm sorry, I don't usually get this giggly after I cum," she apologised. She steeled herself, regaining her composure, and looked down at me predatorily. She put one of her hands on my chest, pushing herself up lightly, communicating with me wordlessly. I sat up with her and my soaked but still throbbing prick popped out of her silky cunt as she sat up in front of me, her eyes staying on mine, a lustful smirk on her lips. She lifted up the sleeping bag and scooted inside it and I quickly followed her. I turned to face away from her, and felt her spoon into my body.
“I'm sorry about what happened earlier with Rachel,” Jessica panted, still out of breath and glowing in the aftermath of her orgasms. “It's only natural... My twin sister is in love with you. If the tables were turned I think I would just freak out too," She whispered into my ear as we cuddled into each other.
I was glad she wasn't upset. "I'm sorry too... It just happened," I told her.
"Was it because her naked butt was against you?" She said, her hand feeling my own naked ass as she pushed herself against me.
"Kinda... I think it was just the fact that there was so much… energy between us," I admitted, embarrassed.
"It's normal. You love her. I love her too. I want her to get lucky. I want her to know what sex with you feels like. I don't want you to think you're a piece of meat for the women in my family to use. I can see why you might think that, especially about what you've been put through. "
“I'm beginning to realise I can't make everyone happy.” I sighed, “I made the choices Jessica, there's no one really to blame… except myself.” 
"You are better at making everyone happy than you think. I'm realising that WE are failing to make you happy! We are making it difficult. If I asked you to… would you take my sister's virginity?”
“That’s what I worry about. I would do anything for Ellen… and I would do anything for you because I'm hopelessly in love with you. But… I don't want to make things complicated for everyone. Perhaps, this time, I need to be stronger?”
“I can understand that,” Jessica whispered. She seemed to be thinking about something, staying silent for a minute or two as we cuddled, as if she was coming to terms with something. Then she sighed, “I'm sorry... Are you still hard?"
"Yeah," I answered reservedly. It felt weird talking about my erection after such an honest conversation. Her hand was placed against my chest and she slowly crept it down to my stomach before resting it there. It was as if she wanted to keep going further down my body, but stopped herself. Her hand placement was giving me goosebumps. How on Earth was I ever supposed to lose my erection this close to the woman of my dreams? Jessica was holding me so tightly into her body. I could feel her breasts pressed against my back, her nipples poking me. Her hand rested only inches above my still fully loaded, rock-hard penis.
"You're so tense," Jessica broke the silence.
"I'm not, I'm just sleepy," I denied.
"Awwww… my boyfriend is all sleepy. I think you should go to sleep my love… and we can continue this in the morning… we have one more day together. What do you think?" Jessica rubbed her hand around my stomach. I swear she inched slightly closer to my groin area when she eventually rested her hand again.
"Waking up with you was the best part of my day. I want to wake up with you every morning and make love to you every day." I whispered, trying to lighten the mood, “But my penis says you're right here right now… and it wont go down.”
"Well, you didn't cum… Am I turning you on?"
"Yes, you always do. You have a magic touch..."
There was a quiet pause before either of us said anything else. I could feel Jessica's warm breath against the back of my head. She held me tight and I felt comfortable and safe in her arms yet again. Jessica broke the silence with a whisper, "Well I know a way to help it go away."
"Oh, what do you have in mind?" I chuckled.
Jessica didn't respond with words. Instead, she moved into my body, even closer than she already was. Once she was comfortable with her position and her body completely encompassed mine, she removed her hand from my stomach and wrapped it around my erection. I relaxed in her hold, letting her lead the way. She traced up and down the length of my member and explored my size, gliding her hand throughout my cock. It was giving me butterflies in my stomach. She played with my cock for about thirty seconds before her fingers began to play with my foreskin. Her hand slid down my penis again and the skin-on-skin contact was exhilarating. The first time my penis was being touched. Jessica began stroking my cock, slowly, going up and down my shaft. Her delicate and soft fingers slid from my glans to the base of my shaft. Her dry stroking felt great on my unspent penis, but it wasn't enough to get me off. Jessica sensed this and removed her hand for a second. I felt her shifting behind me and heard a quiet spitting sound. When her hand reached back for my penis there was a wet sensation. She must have spat in her hand for lube.
The warm feeling of wetness around my penis was sending new levels of pleasure around my body. Jessica's grip increased in strength and she picked up her speed. We continued like this for a minute or so until Jessica picked up her speed once more, this time adding a twisting motion to her stroking. By then I was oozing precum onto her fingers and palm. With the added speed and wetness of her spit, there was a growing sound of fapping emanating from our sleeping bag as the cover rapidly rose and fell.
"Jessica," I whispered behind me, "I'm going to make a mess in our sleeping bag."
"It's fine," she answered, still tugging on my rod. "Oh, OK, time to change things. Turn around.”
I didn't know what to expect next, but I followed Jessica's guide. I turned around, now facing my lustful looking girlfriend. We were close together, our bodies gently and subconsciously rubbing on each other, skin on skin. When I assumed my position facing her, my penis pressed against her tummy. I had barely any room to inch backward to give her access, so I was forced to leave my penis poking into her. Jessica shifted for a while with her lower body, but I couldn't tell what she was doing. Once she was done she laid still again and reached down for my penis, eventually grabbing it.
"This is what we both need to send us to dream land," she said to me, as we were now face to face. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness by that point and I had an eyeful of Jessica's beauty. She was beautiful in the darkness with only the soft moonlight shining through the lodge window providing vision. She looked me in the eyes and smiled then moved in closer and shifted upward in the sleeping bag. I heard a rustling in the sleeping bag and later felt her right leg rest on top of my left leg. She moved in close and her breasts were now pushed against my upper chest. With her hand on my penis, I felt her guiding me. My penis was pressed against her thigh. Then her soft pussy. Then I felt a wetness on my cock head. I looked up at Jessica with a surprised look. She met my eyes, but her soft pretty face reassured me everything was okay.
"It's what we were made for," she told me. That was when it happened. With Jessica still guiding my cock I was pressed against her wet labia and then directed to her opening. My girlfriend adjusted her body's angle and with the stiffness of my cock and the wet state of her vagina, I easily entered her. I passed the threshold and inched my way deeper into her. I was inside her once more. I loved Jessica and she loved me. She was helping me with my issue like a good girlfriend should. I trusted her in a way I could never trusted her older sister.
Soon, I was buried to the hilt inside her. Our pelvises kissed and I couldn't go any further inside. Jessica still looked me in the eyes, but now had an expression of pleasure on her face. I retracted from her only to press back deeper inside seconds later. I was beginning my rhythm of fucking. I was in sweet bliss. The warm, wet sensation her pussy was providing my penis was out of this world and far greater than anything I had felt leading up to that point in my life. Like a wild animal, I wanted more and more. I continued my slow rhythm of pumping in and out of my lover. Jessica still held me tight with her arms and her one leg wrapped around mine. That was the closest I had ever felt to anybody. At that moment we were connected physically and emotionally. My feelings for Jessica were bleeding through as I looked into her eyes. Yes, she was my girlfriend, but at that moment she was so much more. I lifted my chin to better align with Jessica's face. She didn't move but watched for what I was going to do next. A wave of confidence hit me and for the first time since I entered her sleeping bag, I took control. Slowly I closed the gap between our faces. When we were mere inches apart I closed my eyes and pressed my lips into hers, kissing her passionately.
Her virginity now belonged to me and I had awakened the sexual creature inside of her and soon matched my kiss. Our lips smacked together and I tasted her sweet saliva. Her tongue slipped past my lips and touched mine inside my mouth. I reciprocated with my own wandering tongue, entangling it with hers while we kissed. All of this was happening while I continued to impale Jessica's pussy with my rejoicing cock. I picked up my pace slightly and it seemed to be making Jessica feel better. She was struggling to focus on our kissing and at times just softly moaning into my mouth. I felt a familiar feeling building up and I broke our kiss, "Jessica, I'm about to..."
"It's OK," she cut me off, immediately kissing me again. "Send your mess inside me," she finished whispering mid-kiss.
I was grateful for her permission because I was ready to explode. Only a few more pumps and I would be filling my girlfriend's womb with my sperm. We continued to make out as I neared the edge. One. Two. Three more pumps were all it took before the first rope of cum shot deep inside Jessica's pussy. Jessica must have felt my warm seed being released within her because she ended our kiss and squeaked out a flurry of soft moans. Her legs shook and her hips raised, humping into me. She was orgasming at the same time. I continued to pump into her and with every twitch of my cock a new spurt of semen was being shot into her. We came together in a beautiful mixture of love and desire. I felt our bond grow tenfold with this primal act of procreation. Eventually, our orgasms died down and I rested my head against Jessica, lying in her arms. I left my penis inside her vagina as it slowly softened. Jessica hugged me leaving us in a post-sex embrace that was the most comfortable thing imaginable. I was overfilled with joy and love. I was also proud I made Jessica orgasm with my cock. After all her helping me she deserved her pleasure. I wished I could've made her cum twenty times, but I was content… and sleepy. “Perfect…” she whispered lovingly into my open mouth, “See you in the morning my love… forgive me.”
She had done nothing to be forgiven for but I felt renewed in her forgiveness. Eventually, we both fell asleep, in each other's arms and my penis remained seated comfortably inside her vagina. Being with Jessica made me feel at home and safe. I loved her.
I jerked awake with my heart pounding and my cock throbbing. I closed my eyes and forced myself to take slow deep breaths until my body calmed down then sighed. I'd awoken from a nightmare. It started normally enough… underwater sex with Jessica, an idea planted into my head by Rachel. In my dream Rachel appeared, fought with her sister, violently, and took her place on the end of my rampant cock. I didn't seem to care, I just wanted to rape the victorious twin. I felt disgusted with myself. My motivations were not virtuous, I just desired what I couldn't have. I wanted her virginity. I pulled us to the bottom of the lake to continue my assault on her pussy and watched as she struggled to breathe, wondering how long I could keep her down there. As she began to panic I brought us both up for air and as we broke the surface of the water, I realised I was impaled in Sophie. The mother of my unborn son smiled and her heavily pregnant body pulled me back under to the bottom, her legs wrapped around me, her arms holding me tight and we sank to the bottom. As I struggled I saw it was no longer Sophie, it was now Ellen, pregnant and smiling back at me as my lungs began to tighten, my oxygen almost depleted. My cock was still embedded in Ellen, her pussy had clamped around it, trapping it painfully. I was running out of air. Panicking. Desperate to breathe. Drowing. Ellen was laughing and my head felt like it was going to explode… and then I breathed in. The cold waters flooded my lungs. The oxygen gone. Ellen released me. She waved goodbye as she glided to the surface… the light. I felt heavy. Cold. I sank to the bottom into the darkness. Feeling the current gently tug on my lifeless body. The sparkling waters above me, fading to black.
What had woke me from this night terror? It was the bed… it was moving, the mattress gently undulating, like the gentle current at the bottom of the lake. The dream faded fast as my leg hit something and turning my head to the side, my eyes widened; My beautiful Jessica was repositioning herself in bed next to me. When my leg bumped hers, she made a soft sleepy sound and rolled over towards me. I slid over quickly so that she didn't get close enough to press against me, especially my still hard cock. Jessica nuzzled her face into the pillow before sighing softly and settling back into sleep. She really was nothing short of beautiful. Her soft features were peaceful and I smiled when I noticed her lips were pressed into a pout as she slept. I leaned closer and had the urge to gently press my lips to hers, to feel their softness. Jessica's long red hair was fanned across her shoulders and back. 
"Go to sleep." I said to myself, "Do the right thing." Instead I succumbed to my desire to kiss my sleeping girlfriend and grabbing the top sheet I slowly lifted it. “Oh, fuck!” I thought and my aching cock agreed. I took in the smooth lightly freckled skin and resisted the urge to caress it. Achingly slowly, I pulled the sleeping bag open, revealing at last her secret place. Her pussy was completely, beautifully, smooth. Her thick outer lips were surprisingly swollen open to reveal the tender inner lips pushing out to be inspected by the very man who had taken her virginity some twenty four hours earlier. Jessica's legs were stretched out and unable to help it, my eyes wandered down every inch of her well shaped thighs and calves.
After a minute, she adjusted how she was sleeping and stretched out across the bed, with her arms open as if inviting me to lie with her. I watched her for a second. Her sweet smile was so inviting and her flawless breasts rose and fell beautifully with her breathing. I leaned forward and lay back with her, putting the blanket back over us both. We lay there in each other's arms for a minute or so. Her hand was stroking my head and my hair. I could feel her heartbeat, and the whole length of her body pressing against mine. She looked me in the eye, her emerald eyes sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.
"Can't sleep?"
I swallowed nervously, wondering if she had seen me gawking. "I… um… no." I said with a shrug.
Jessica smiled and said, "I couldn't either, sorry if I woke you… getting back into bed." Her smile widened, "I like sleeping with you." I felt myself relaxing, that last remark helped clear the funk in my mind, the terror of my nightmare fading away. "It's nice to sleep naked," she shrugged, "When I'm at home I sleep in jammies. Do you want me to change into my pyjamas?" she asked, "I'll fish around in my bag for them if you want." She gave me the pout. "Do you want me too?"
"No… I like feeling your skin against mine. Good night honey, sweet dreams," I whispered, and staying on my back, I moved over a little more and closed my eyes.
"Or not so sweet ones," she giggled, causing my eyes to pop open. I gasped out loud when she slid closer and I felt the heat of her pussy along my thigh. Jessica wanted me. She was wide awake and waiting for me to react. I stayed where I was, feigning sleep and wondering if I didn't move if she'd go any further. It was everything I could do not to lift the sheet and look along the length of her nude form. My cock was hard within seconds and again I yelled at myself to get out of... My thoughts trailed off as the redhead started rocking her hips, causing her pussy to slide along my leg. My heart started beating faster as her smooth hot skin rubbed along my thigh.
I started breathing heavier as I could feel my leg getting wet beneath her and could now feel her very hard nipples poking into me. Her leg was across mine far enough that I could feel her soft foot on my other leg and she was sliding it up and down my calf. I caught my breath when her hand began to move along my stomach. She was only using her nails and the feeling of them trailing across my skin caused a surge of excitement through my already hard dick.
"Do I feel good?" she asked in my ear.
"J...Jessica," I could hear my voice trembling; "Maybe we should wait until morning."
"But I want you now." She had propped herself up on one elbow causing the sheet to fall away and my breath hissed from between my teeth at the sight of my lover's perfect breasts. Jessica's tits were small, but round and firm and her tiny nipples were so pink I could barely see them. Those nipples were erect and each one turned up slightly. Oh God, did I want them in my mouth!
"Don't you want me?" she asked, her lips going into the pout and her green eyes growing wide. "You've been so good to me, and I want to be good to you! In every way!" she put her head down. "I don't think we should ever be alone again." She looked up and locking her green eyes on mine she whispered, "I want to belong to you. I want to give myself to you. Let me make you happy.”
I turned my head and gasped as her lips immediately pressed into mine. I tried not to respond to the kiss, but as those incredibly soft lips began sliding back and forth over my mouth, I let my body relaxed and surrendered to my taboo desire. As my lips parted and began pressing into hers, Jessica let out a soft whimper that caused my cock to twitch in her hand. I began kissing her more passionately and released a whimper of my own when her soft tongue slipped into my mouth and caressed mine.
I brought my arm up around her shoulders and crushed her to me. Jessica squealed delightedly as I wrapped my other arm around her thin waist and held her against me. I could feel her nipples pressing into my chest and although I yearned to taste them it could wait. Right now I was enjoying holding her naked body close to mine and the feeling of her lips. Her tongue still teasing the inside of my mouth, the insistent redhead rolled over on top of me. I moaned as she straddled my leg and I could feel her slick pussy pressing into it. That wet pussy was throwing a lot of heat and the thought hit me that pretty soon I was going to find out just how hot my little girlfriend's pussy was. I moaned and started rocking my hips, pressing my hard cock into her soft stomach as we continued to kiss. I slid my hand up Jessica's soft smooth back and up into her long hair to cradle the back of her head. I felt her body relax against mine and sliding her lips from mine she whispered, "You feel so good!"
"So do you Jessica," I sighed in her ear as she began gently kissing my neck.
The twin slipped her arms from underneath me and bracing them on my chest lifted herself over me and leaning down, brought her perfect little tits to my lips. I opened my mouth and eagerly sucked her pink nipple into it.
"Oh, fuuuuuck…" she gasped as I swirled my tongue around her swollen flesh, “She was right!”
I felt a shiver go through her as a fresh wave of moisture flooded my thigh between her legs. As I swirled my tongue around her nipple, Jessica moaned and began grinding her hips hard into my leg. I switched to the other nipple and bringing my hand up, began rolling the other between my fingertips. Jessica's fingers were digging into my shoulders and she was releasing soft whimpers as I began switching my tongue from one nipple to the other. While sucking one tit, I gave the other a squeeze and marveled at how firm her perky little tits were. She reached up and placed her hand over mine, pressing my palm to her tit. That move caused my cock to begin to ooze into her stomach. The look of pure desire on my girlfriend's face was one that I'd never seen on a woman before. Damn she really did want me! Right now! "Oh fuck, this is so perfect." She whispered softly. I looked up expecting her to tell me to stop, but her eyes were closed and her hand was pinching and playing with her other nipple.
"Are you sure you want this? We can stop now if you want to?" I said brushing my fingers lightly over her vulva. I remembered back to the night before, as I fucked her in this very same bed. Memories of her legs wide open and my hard cock ramming into into her virgin pussy shattering her hymen, blood dribbling out around the edges as I pumped my cum deep into her, flashed unbidden across my mind… I prayed she couldn't see my madness.
"Yes, I want you to fuck me… fuck me like you're fucking you baby into me." She said and relaxed her legs allowing them to fall open. "Fuck me like you did last night. Prepare me… Take me… Make me your woman."
With a sigh of relief I lowered my mouth to her stomach and licked a wet trail to her tummy button. I slipped my tongue further down and licked back and forth across her stomach as my thumb found her hard little clit and rubbed it in small circles. My fingers pressed at the entrance of her once virgin hole through her slippery puffy labia. Continuous moans were now coming from her and she rocked her hips against my fingers wanting more, wanting them in her. My cock had never been so hard and in need so I pressed it against her leg and rubbed it there trying to control the urge to thrust it into her hot little cunt. I could see her wetness glistening on the lips at the opening and I leaned forward and took a deep breath of her pretty pussy. Oh how I had longed for this, repressed the need for this, shunned the desire to do just this; to taste my beautiful girlfriend. She reached down and with two fingers drew her flesh back exposing her erect clit, pushing out from under the tender hood that kept it safe and shuddered at the feel of my hot breath on her mound and pushed her hips up to my watering mouth. 
Opening my mouth I pressed it over her moist labia as my tongue stroked her clit, sending shivers of pleasure through her. Her hands tangled in my hair holding my head closer to her crotch. I sucked in the juices, relishing the taste of her sweet pussy, rolling my tongue over her throbbing hard clit, sliding it down her slit, then plunging my tongue into the opening. She gasped and thrust forward wanting it deeper. Engulfing her whole pussy in my wet ravenous mouth I thrust my tongue as deep as it would go, her thighs quivered and I felt the tightness form in her stomach. Using my tongue to fuck her sweet virgin pussy I slowly brought her toward orgasm. As I felt the muscles of her sweet little vagina begin the trembling of orgasm I replaced my tongue with my thumb and I grasped her clit between my teeth and flicked the tip faster and faster as the first spasm of orgasm slammed into her. Her whole body convulsed, jerking her clit from my mouth. Grabbing her ass with my free hand I raised her clit up to my mouth once more and held it firmly in place and with my tongue and thumb forced her to have wave after wave of intense pleasure that sparked through her pussy. The nectar of her climax flooded my mouth and I lapped and sucked at it, drinking it up until the last waves subsided and she began to relax.
The thrill of bringing my woman to climax as I watched and tasted and smelled it pushed my resolve to its limit. I couldn't wait any longer, the rhythmic rubbing of my penis against her leg was no longer enough, I needed to feel the wet heat of her pussy surrounding my cock. Trailing kisses up her stomach and stopping to suck hard on the softness of her belly I slid my hands under her shoulders. My mouth once again feasted on her hard teenage nipples as I distracted her while I placed the pulsing head of my prick against the wet lips of her innocent hole. I rubbed its hard hot head up and down her slit, lubricating it with the juices of her climax. 
“Yes, baby, do it… you prepared me just like you did last night… I'm ready… take me,” she gasped in the afterglow of her orgasm.
Slowly I slipped just the head in and the feel of her tight opening stretching over me sent searing flashes of extreme pleasure burning through me. I quivered with the effort of restraint, I wanted so much to plunge forward, but she started squirming, trying to reposition herself on the small bed. I lowered my head and began biting and sucking on a nipple causing a confusion of sensations to flood her body, discomfort from the head of my large cock lodged firmly in her young puss and thrills of electricity from the stimulation to her nipples. I rocked slowly, just a fraction of an inch, in and out, in and out, until I felt her begin to relax. I was losing my desperate slippery grip on my control, all I wanted to do was ram forward, bury my cock deep into the hot wetness and pound into it until I could finally feel my cum empty into her. She was right, it was what I was made to do. 
Her mewling noises brought reality back into sight, this was my woman, my lover, the sweet redhead I had fallen in love with. I wanted her to learn the pleasure of sex, the joy of making love. So I cooled the heated acid that pounded through my veins and continued suckling on her nipples as I reached between us and rubbed her clit while I gently rocked back and forth, slowly pushing my cock farther into her tight little hole. It was exquisite torture. I focused on the feel of my manhood sliding millimeter by millimeter into her. I was shivering with need, with an all consuming fire that was slowly burning away my resolve to take it slowly, so each moment, each sensation could be remembered later. This young teenage girl who's tiny tits I watched grow to these ripe full breasts I was sucking and nibbling. The feel of her nipple against my tongue was heaven as I clamped my teeth on the engorged nub and flicked its tip. Concentrating on her breast and ignoring the raging sensation on the head of my prick I slowed the building of my own fires of lust. I waited for the moment when I would sense she was ready for the next step.
Finally I felt her begin to respond to the slow rocking thrusts, her pussy began to pulse with little contractions, sucking at the head of my cock, her breath was coming in gasps as her first orgasm began to mount. I increased the pressure on her clit, pinching it between my thumb and finger, stroking it like a miniature dick. She was thrusting against my cock and I became still letting her work it deeper into her welcoming vagina until it rested against the hymen. I could feel the barrier press on the tip of my tingling penis repeatedly as she climaxed on the end of my hard pulsating cock. Wait… Hymen? I was stunned. Overwhelmed. No. It couldn't be. I froze immediately.
“No, no! I'm Jessica!” Suddenly she looked panicked beneath me.
“Rachel, I know it's you.” I said quietly.
“Because, for the first time in your life you’re not identical to your sister.”
Tears began to flood from her eyes, “No, no, nooooo! You weren't supposed to be able to tell. It was supposed to be dark! You were supposed to be too tired! It was my time…” she began to cry and I propped myself above her.
“Why did you want to trick me?”
“We didn't want to,” Rachel sobbed, “but… we promised each other… that we would lose our virginities at the same time. You made it perfect for Jessica. We thought–”
“--You’d manipulate me into popping your cherry too.” As I said the words the full realisation came crashing down upon me. Jessica wanted this. She planned this. She asked me to do this last night and I refused. She wanted me to fall asleep! Jessica loved her sister and wanted this for her, slipping out of our bed and swapping places with her twin, hoping I wouldn't notice. She even said sorry before we fell asleep, not for what had happened… but what she was about to do. 
The rest of Jessica's words from last night came back to me… "I’m your woman, and as your woman I want to apologise to my man. I'm sorry we do this to you… my sister and I. It's how we've always been. We are the same, we like the same things, we dream the same dreams. We will disappoint you again, and I'm sorry." She sighed, "When it happens next please remember… I'm OK with it. Your happiness and my sister's happiness is all I will ever want. But Rachel was meant to be with you tonight. She needs to become a woman too…" Jessica even knew how I would react when I found out. I felt guilty about my feelings for her twin sister but Jessica had told me… she was OK with it. She loved me and trusted me to love her sister in the way I loved her. I felt guilty but Jessica didn’t. And in that moment I finally understood. The guilt I had been feeling from our first tentative dates together dissipated and I looked down at Rachel with new eyes.
“Jessica loves you,” I said.
“I know… she loves you too…” she said between sobs.
“I’m in love her… and I'm in love with you, Rachel,”
“You are?” She stopped crying.
“I love you both. I didn't realise how much Jessica needed for you to… have this.” I looked down at our naked bodies, primed for copulation, the sexual intercourse we were close to having. “I was so hung up on my own guilt and insecurities… focused on my own needs… I didn't think that I should allow myself to fulfill your needs too…”
“We knew that we were risking everything,” Rachel said, wiping her tears. “If you found out you might not forgive us this time. You weren't supposed to find out… Jessica would slip back into bed with you in the morning.”
“What do you want, Rachel?”
“I want to lose my virginity. I want to give it to you. I want you to make love to me. If that's what you want… but… I don't want you to blame my sister. If this in any way changes how you feel about her then I will get out of your bed and out of your life… forever,” another tear made its way down her cheek. “Jessica needs to be with you and I want you to be with her. I just want her to be happy.”
“That's precisely what she said about you, she would do anything to make you happy,” I reassured her. 
“Maybe we need to all focus on that, rather than trying to second guess how each other feel. We all feel the same way. We want the same things. We dream the same dreams.”
Maybe that's what my dream had been trying to tell me? “I need to get you ready,” I announced while shuffling back down the bed.
“I’m all yours. Make me into a woman. Claim my virginity. I want to be just like my little sister.”
I kissed the inside of her left thigh and once again traced a path upward with the tip of my tongue, slowing a bit as I got close to the centre of her womanhood, then licking with increased pressure along the perineum, causing her hips to rise off the bed. I placed my hands on the insides of her thighs, gently spread her legs as far as they would comfortably go and slowly swept my tongue from bottom to top, the length of her pussy, causing another shudder to radiate through her body. She gasped, then let out a tiny scream and for a brief moment I thought she'd climaxed but couldn't be sure. Rachel was so wet; my tongue swished across the soaked lips of her virgin pussy.
My first licks over her vaginal area were long and slow as I parted her puffy labia with my fingers and planted my mouth over her heated core. From bottom to top, with my tongue flat and broad across her open labia, steadily and firmly, I licked her over and over again, pulling my tongue away just shy of her clitoris. Her clit was poking out of its hood, fully engorged and begging for attention. I thought if I touched it with the tip of my tongue it would be all over - I'd send the identical twin over the edge in a mind-blowing orgasm - crashing like storm waves upon the shore. But I didn't want it to be over just yet; I needed to prepare her properly… as I had prepared her sister. Looking at the clock I could see that she must have swapped places almost an hour ago now and I noticed the light constantly growing brighter although the drapes in the room weren’t drawn.
I continued licking upward, varying from Rachel's centre by alternating licks along each side of her mons - to cover every inch with my tongue. By this time my face was completely drenched in her juices and I was able to savour that special nectar that only a woman can make when she is truly aroused. She seemed drenched with desire, sprawled flat on her back, breathing fast and moaning with lust. In the increasing but still dim light, beads of sweat glistened on her body. Her nipples were rock hard and poking out as her breasts heaved up and down. My hands had her boobs enveloped in a soft embrace as I used my palms to keep her stiff nipples hard and upright.
After stroking her vaginal lips for some time, I brought my hands down from her breasts and placed them on the insides of her thighs next to her crotch. Using my fingers gently alongside my tongue, I finally licked her protruding clitoris. Rachel bucked so wildly when I did that, I almost strained my neck with the jolt. But I stayed on her clit for a few moments, licking it tenderly till I finally wiggled the tip of my tongue on it for a few seconds. I pulled away for a brief count and then did it again. She grabbed my head with both hands and held it down to her pussy, thrusting her hips upwards to mash into my face. I could feel the hymen at the tip of my tongue and a long moan of pleasure pushed its way from my throat into her pussy, the vibration of the sound sent thrills to her very. Sliding my tongue back to her clit I licked and sucked it feeling her grow wetter and more excited and I increased the pressure and speed of my flicking tongue. I knew Rachel was in the throes of complete abandonment, unaware of her conscious state; everything she did now was born of pure animal instinct. I bore down on her clit with my tongue and started licking in frenzy. I lashed her clitoris, sucked on her labia, my mouth clashing against her cunt as she continued to drench my face with overflowing juices. She continued to hold my head in place, and her hips kept jerking off of the bed. I could feel her impending climax building - her hips rose up, she arched her back and started to scream in pure abandon, thrashing her head from side to side on her pillow as she exploded in an orgasm she quite possibly had never experienced before. Over and over again she convulsed, riding each wave as it racked her body; to me it seemed as though bolts of lightning shot directly from my tongue to her clit, up her spine, through her heart exploded in a full body orgasm.
The feel of her unbroken hymen at the tip of my tongue with each thrust fueled my own lust driving my passion to limits I had never experienced. As her body relaxed, I continued to gently lave her pussy as though I was licking off the last remnants of cream from her pouting slit, careful now not to touch the highly sensitive clitoris. Her fingers unclenched as she released her grip on my hair and her breathing began to slow gradually. I heard a deep sigh after almost a minute and then what I thought were sobs. I pulled myself up along the length of her body till my face was above hers. 
"Oh fuck, you made me squirt in your face! What have I done? I’m so sorry" she gasped between gasps of breath and I noticed tears in her eyes. 
"Shhhh!" I sounded into her mouth as I locked my lips with hers. I kissed her mouth, sucked her lips, kissed the tears away from her eyes and held her close to me. "Shhhh!"
My penis was now aching because it stayed rampantly firm for what must have been close to two hours now. I kissed her mouth again, holding her face firmly in my hands. I then slid down her body until my face was between her breasts, my hands drawing them against each other and rubbing from the outside in. I took a nipple in my mouth and nibbled gently on it, the other one between my fingers titillating them both back to an almost immediate erection. I felt my stiff penis between her thighs and moved my hips so she could feel the hot stiffness against her flesh.
As I mouthed her pert titties, I slid my hands down the side of her body and slipped them under her hips. I grabbed her buttocks and lifted up her body as I ground my cock against her snatch. My own torso was raised and I looked down between our bodies; my thick penis was clearly visible in the morning light that had filtered into the room. The girth looked massive as it rested on her belly, the tight mat of my furry pubes equally visible. I saw that she was straining to look down as well; I felt her tense and there was what seemed like an immediate rise in body temperature. I needed the twin to go back into the frame of mind that we had been in when she woke me up a couple of hours ago. We would handle our emotional baggage later.
She was silent for a while, contemplating what she saw and seeming to make up her mind about something. She reached for my face and smothered it with kisses as she climbed on top of me and pushed hard against my erection, sliding up and back until it felt like my penis was on fire from the slippery wet friction of her pussy juices. Her tongue found mine and we explored each other's mouths while I turned her on her side and began massaging her breasts. In turn, she used her leg to rub against my throbbing erection while her frenzied response to my fingers sent ripples of anticipation through her body. I reached for her firm boobs and gave her nipples and areola a rough chafe until I could hear her breath come in sharp gasps and a groan escaping from her mouth.
"Oh, shit," she mumbled. "I think I'm ready!" She kept softly whispering words in a babbling language I was unable to decipher but I was incredibly aroused by her apparently approaching orgasm without even touching her vagina. When I pushed her her back onto the bed and placed myself between her legs, I looked down and realised I was was hard and ready for penetration. When Rachel looked down at my manhood, I heard her catching her breath quietly. But she lifted her legs, bending at the knees and pulling them up and apart with her hands, as if demanding that I enter her immediately. With her legs spread like they were, I felt a hunger that was almost primal to enter her, spread her legs and push into her. But, it was her first time. Instead of losing control, I nodded, as drips of my precum splattered directly into her moist slit. "I'm sorry if it hurts, Rachel. I'll go really slow."
She nodded up at me, gasping now as the tip of my long, hard member pressed against her slit directly. She moaned, "Please, please, kiss me when you do it? I want to give you my cherry… I want to be yours."
I couldn't do anything but obey. Our lips locked as I leaned over her, and I gently pressed my cock into her, bowing my body so she had enough room to touch herself. I slid into her tightness and in only a moment I felt her viginal resistance, and she gasped and shook uncontrollably. A thrill like none I had ever experienced filled me as I watched Rachel cum on my cock for the first time. The searing heat of her orgasm sent my blood racing through me, my heart was pounding. I was breathing in hard jagged gasps as I memorized the look on her face, the smell of our sex, the sound of her cries of pleasure as she screamed out "Oh Fuck, Do it. Do it!" Over and over. As her orgasm washed over her, as she reached its peak I couldn't hold back any longer and rammed my cock forward breaking through the barrier feeling her virgin pussy stretch to receive a cock for the first time, my cock, her sister's boyfriend's hungry throbbing cock.
She screamed, a shrill piercing sound of shock and pain and she looked into my eyes in surprise. Shock turned to a dreamy look of lustful love as she tried to move her sex onto mine, but I held her fast in place, impaled on my quivering manhood. All thought was gone except for the feel of her hot newly pierced pussy pulsing around my prick and her ass wiggling against my balls as she tried to fuck me, squealing in desperation. Grabbing a hold of her red hair I pulled her head back and silenced her screams with my mouth. Swallowing the sound and thrusting my tongue deep into her mouth as I had just held my manhood inside her newly formed womanhood. A small measure of thought returned at the taste of a tear that trickled down her cheek and along the edge of our kiss. I released her mouth. "Shit, are you OK?" I whispered against her ear, and sucked softly on the lobe. 
“It was incredible. Just like Jessica said it would be…The stretching felt just like the moment when you try putting on a turtleneck shirt but your head gets stuck in your sleeve instead but you try to push it in anyways,” Rachel giggled, “Now it just feels… like I'm a part of you. I belong to you now. I'm a woman…”  
“You look different…” she looked at me quizzically, “you have a glow… when you have sex, your brain releases happy hormones like Serotonin and Oxycontin, which help in cutting down the stress levels and make you feel relaxed. The result? You get clearer-looking skin with a lit-from-within glow. You look… amazing…” I whispered, kissing her lightly on the lips. 
“Please… fuck me now, before the sun rises.”
“Is that when Jessica is due to return?”
Rachel nodded her head so I began rocking my shaft in and out of her torn pussy ever so slightly. I waited for her body to adjust to my invading member and shifted to rest on my elbows allowing both hands access to her sensitive breasts. Rolling her nipples between my thumb and forefinger I kneaded them firmly, replacing the sensation of tearing and fullness in her pussy with one of quiet pleasure. 
“Fuuuuck… my titties are just like Jessica's… she said you loved them… she said you knew how to make them feel amazing!” The feel of her rapid breath on my face stimulated me, driving me toward completion. I watched the expressions on her face change, seeing the discomfort lesson I began slowly to withdraw my cock from her pussy. The velvety squeeze of her muscles contracting as I pulled out was almost more than I could bare. I left just the tip inside her.
I raised up on my arms, extending them to full length, locking my elbows in place and I gazed at her, seeing that she was watching me. As our eyes locked onto each other a quiver passed through my heart, a sensation that thrilled my very being and I watched the flames of lust leap and burn as I slowly pushed back inside her. I was hypnotized by the look in her eyes, I drank in the texture of her fresh pussy, the smell of her excitement tinged with a hint of virgin blood. I licked my lips and tasted the lingering essence of her earlier orgasm. I knew she felt every millimeter of my cock enter her, I watched it on her face as she felt the walls of her unused hole expand, stretch to let me in, feeling the hard softness of my rod as her sister's boyfriend began to fuck her. Thrusting in and out, I reveled in the slick feel of her pussy sliding over my hard meat, the cunt lips sucking the tender skin of my prick as I quickened my movements. With her first moan of pleasure my control snapped and I began the hard pistoning I had held off for so long. Rachel's own pleasure was once again rising and she was thrusting up to meet me, driving us closer to climax. And with that I let loose--there were no holds barred. I fucked and bucked and fucked and bucked as hard as I could slamming into her pussy as hard as she was slamming into me.
"Oh fuck, Rachel, Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck," I said rapidly and in time with each collision of pleasure
I kept slamming hard onto me until suddenly she stopped and sounded like she was crying. And in fact tears were in her eyes and she was whimpering, then her whole body seized tight a dozen times in a row, each seizure squeezing my cock harder than I'd ever experienced inside a woman. She pressed her hand to my shoulder, and I felt her pussy clench around me as she came, my cock deep inside of her. I couldn't help but let my cock twitch in time with her shudders, her hand pulling away from the place where we were now joined to wrap around me, holding me close through her orgasm. The pleasure was intense, immeasurable. I had thought that her tits were the best feeling imaginable, but this was a thousand times better. She was so warm on my cock, softer than I'd ever imagined, and so wet. Her muscles kept milking me for what seemed like a minute, and I didn't dare move for fear of setting off my own orgasm, pumping her tight pussy full of my milky semen. I tried desperately to hold onto my load and my arse rose and fell, my hips pistoning my cock in and out of her sex. Her orgasm swelled and finally burst again to the sensations of my hard cock pounding against her cervix, jarring her body with each thrust. As my own peak rushed in I screamed her name and grabbed her hips digging my fingers deep into the flesh and with one final plunge I rammed my cock hard and deep.
Which of course, sent me to the edge, "I’m going to… I can’t hold on!" I squealed loudly and rapidly, "Here I go, hold me! HOLD ME!" I felt my balls rise and my cock swell tightly in her hot sheath. My cum erupted from within me again and again, at least a dozen strong cannon shots of hot sticky spunk, the tingling seizing my cock so intense I couldn’t tell where I ended and Rachel began. Then just as suddenly I became stiff as if paralyzed; I literally could not move. My brain was caught in the vice grip of pleasure and blue explosions, my chest in the vice grip of her loving arms, and my dick in the spasmodic vice grip of her cunt muscles.
I reached up and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and squeezed her as if my life depended on it. The pleasure seemed to rise like a wave, bowling me over, taking everything I had. I continued to thrust into her unprotected pussy, my cock twitching, and I felt the spurts of pleasure and cum rocketing into her. Her arms held me close as I came, our bodies still sliding, slick with sweat and everything else as I groaned with every twitch and spurt from my hard cock.
“I’ve got you baby,” Rachel whispered from beneath me, tears streaming from her dilated green eyes.
"Rachel! Oh Rachel. Hold me," I said more softly, "Hold me, Hold me, Hold me."
I looked at her face and realized she was not crying out of pain or sadness--she was "crying" because she felt so loved. She looked at me, I looked at her and we both smiled as the last of my sperm gushed from the head of my buried prick filling the last female of her family with my seed. I pulled out until only the still throbbing tip was left inside her and then I rammed forward once, twice, three more times until the final shivering sensation of my orgasm began to subside. I stayed in that position, my head thrown back, diminishing cries of passion fading from my lips, heaving jagged breaths slowly calming, until I felt her arms circle me and hug me close.
The strength in my arms gave way and I rolled over onto my back with her still pressed close to my chest, my quivering cock still buried in her newly opened little hole. I savored the feel of our juices as it dribbled down over my balls. I pushed my hips tighter to hers and with my hands on the small of her back pressed her snugly down on my now softening cock. I relished the feel of her pussy as it cooled to normal temperature and relaxed allowing me to slip out and rest between our bodies. Finally, though, my pleasure was spent and I paused my shaking thrusts, catching Jessica's face and pulling her into a gentle but hungry kiss. I rolled off her, and we both just lay there, panting, spent.
She was the first one to break the companionable silence. "That was so perfect. It was just what I wanted. I'm sorry if I was confusing," she glanced away from me. "It's not that I wanted to deceive you, it's just that... for my first time, I wanted it to be just the way that Jessica told me. With someone I love so much, with nothing at all between us, both accepting the consequences.”
She trailed off so I co tinued, speaking softly as we were greeted by the dawn chorus, like a thousand ti y angels were celebrating our procreation. "While I was inside you, I was thinking about us… a future with you in it. Somehow, all of us, living happily ever after. Married… with children." Rachel blushed, flipping up on one arm to look at me, her beautiful tits and softly curving hips making a beautiful view for me as I leaned over as well. "So maybe we should just... see what happens?" 
Rachel looked down between her legs. "That really must have been a huge load, I can feel," she giggled. Despite having just achieved the biggest orgasm I'd ever felt, my cock twitched, and I watched as she leaned back, spreading her legs so I could watch a pearlescent teardrop of my seed emerge from her tightness.
“Married… with children?” asked a voice from the door. It was Jessica, back to swap places with her twin.
“It's not… no, Jess, he knew I was me. He knew!” Rachel gasped. "What are you doing here so soon?" Rachel stared straight into her sister's eyes. For a moment the panting twin just lay there, frozen like a deer in headlights. When Rachel tried to jump off the bed, Jessica leapt forwards, catching her as her feet touched the floor, grabbing her by the wrist.
"Let go!" she yelped.
"Rachel, wait! Just wait!"
“I know he worked it out. I heard him crying out your name as he came inside you.” The twin sisters struggled together, as Jessica pulled Rachel back on the bed. She wrapped her arms around her beloved sister, despite her protests and her struggling. But as she gripped tighter, Rachel began to calm down. Her sister's hair fell on her face I lifted myself up to the pillows. Rachel knew there was no use trying to deny anything now. My cream still oozed from her vagina.
"Remember why we just did that. What you were doing… with him… think… Why-," Jessica began.
"Because I'm in love with him and I wanted to give myself to him… the way you had. I love you both, OK!" Rachel snapped. "I'm in love with him… but I love you… and I know you're disappointed in me… because he discovered our switch and I made him pop my cherry anyway."
“I'm not disappointed. I'm not angry at all. I saw with my own eyes that you love him as much as I do. It was perfect. He made it perfect. Did you hear what he said? Married with children, all of us together, somehow… that's what he wants… for us all. That's a beautiful dream.” Jessica looked at me with love in her eyes, “He always blames himself, he always feels guilty for having feelings for us both… but his love comes from his heart. It's pure. We are the ones tainting it.”
Rachel curled herself up in a ball. She sobbed heavily, hiding her face from her sister. Months, if not years worth of emotion came flooding out. Through her sobs, she declared her love and explained how it evolved into a sexual desire and then a need from within her very soul. She told me how she hated it when I dated Ellen. How she even relished her times spent swapping places with Jess so she could pretend that the love we felt was for her too. She knew it was wrong, but not having her hearts desire… that was a far worse torture than anything in the world. "Do you have any idea what it's like? To want to love someone… to want to make love to someone who's around you all day? Every day? Our Mom loves you, hell, even Ellen probably still loves you. When I see you with Jessica…” Rachel turned to her sister, “I feel… everything you feel… with him… so every time I see him with you… I wish I was you. It's been a nightmare."
Jessica looked adoringky at her sister, "Rachel, baby. I… we… we will never do anything to hurt you. I will include you in everything we do. Fifty/fifty. We spent our childhood sharing everything so we will share this… but only if that’s what you want?” Jessica turned to me with a pleading look in her eyes, matched by Rachel’s longing stare. Once again, she hid her face from her sister, crying deeply. Jessica couldn't help but cry as well. No one could stand to see someone they love in such agony. Not even me. Tears sprang from my eyes.
"Rachel, honey," I said, stroking my fingers through Rachel’s red hair as I scooped her into my embrace, "I had no idea. I'm so, so sorry… yes, that’s what I want."
"You do?” 
“Yes, somehow. I don't know how. It won't be easy. I guess it's not supposed to be and… It's been a long night…” I yawned.
“Just knowing… is enough… we can talk more about it in the morning?” Rachel replied, looking at her sister who was still smiling. Jessica reached over and hugged me in silent acknowledgement. 
“You think I'm a freak, don't you?" Rachel Said after a few minutes as we all composed ourselves.
"No honey. You gave me your virginity. I became part of you… both of you. I guess I belong to you both now.”
“You made it so special…” Rachel’s tears had stopped and she looked up at me with nothing but love.
“You're my… God, I love you… I'd do any-," I stopped myself and istrad hugged her. We were bith still naked and despite the sunlight streaming i to the lodge, it felt a little cold.
I knew I would do anything for her… for both of them. Anything. But did that include… this? Jessica jumped onto the bed and cuddled into me as I held her sister. I looked at her, and her beautiful green eyes looked back up at me. I knew the answer. Yes, anything, everything… including making love to them both. A twinkle appeared in Jessica’s eye, “Let’s sleep on it.”
When I woke up, I had a touch of cottonmouth, but no headache. I focused my eyes on the tree filtered sunlight dancing across the bed. Then I looked down. Two slender arms criss-crossed my chest. One girl on my left, the other on my right, me in the middle. We were naked above the covers. I have to tell the truth, it was the most wonderful way to wake up I could imagine.
I lay in bed, thinking, remembering, wondering how the future could unfold, repeating the same prayer over and over in my head, "God, give me strength." I closed my eyes and I wanted to shut out the world forever. But it was too late for that now. My instinct was to pursue a relationship with Jessica… and Rachel, despite the feelings I had for first their older sister and then their mother. I should have run away the first chance I had. I was going to be a father and… I knew I was going to marry one of the twins. Love had made me a coward and now there was nowhere to run. The girl to my right stirred, then pillowed her head on my shoulder. I had no idea which twin sister it was. The girl on my left sighed. "Shh," she whispered. “Go back to sleep. We'll tell our secrets soon enough. Go to sleep. Go to sleep…”
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
my eyes only (part 6)
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing
a/n: hope you enjoy <33
previous part
what the hell am i doing ?
i just climbed out of her window like a teenage boy.
i needed to get out of there. all i could think about since she went to talk to charlie was what she said, “he’s convinced that you’re in love with me.”
the words themselves aren’t what freaked me out, so much as the fact that they were true.
of course they were true, who wouldn’t fall in love with her?
i loved her so much that it scared me. i was so dependent on her, i don’t know what i’d do without her.
i’ve known that i had feelings for her for a while, and i was even set to confess them to her right before her and charlie got together.
the words were on the tip of my tongue, but i chickened out at the last minute.
because at the end of the day, i’d rather be her friend and in pain than completely lose her.
i refuse to lose her. i have not gone through years of pining for her just to fuck it up now.
and, i will admit, fucking her and sneaking out of the window ? not my best move.
but i panicked in the moment, and resorted to what i do best, running from my problems.
it was too late to go back once i snuck out, but i was going to do everything in my power to fix it.
hence, the reason i was trudging through the rain towards the local plaza that was the perfect walking distance from her house.
i’m not fucking up this time.
it had been an hour since chris left. i had no way to contact him, because he managed to forget his phone in my room.
him not having any way to communicate with anyone worried me, as he had no way to ask anyone for a ride home.
i had decided i was going to drive around and see if i could find him, just to make sure he was safe.
i grabbed my phone and his, along with my car keys and stepped out into the pouring rain.
i locked my door behind me and started to make my way down my drive way to my car, but stopped halfway when i spotted chris already there.
his hair was soaking wet, his once light grey hoodie now a darker hue as it was saturated in rain.
he held a giant bouquet of flowers in his left hand, a plastic bag hanging from his right.
“chris” i breathed out, as i walked towards him.
“you scared the shit out of me” i yelled over the rain, watching as his eyes widened.
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have left like that. i just got overwhelmed and i didn’t even think before i left”
he placed the flowers down on the hood of my car, freeing his hand.
he moved my hair out of my face, cupping my cheek.
“i just- i’m in love with you” he spoke as he swallowed harshly.
my eyes widened at his confession, and my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest.
his cheeks and nose were red due to the cold rain dripping down his face.
“and i’m scared. i don’t want to do anything to fuck up our relationship, because i need you in my life. i’d never forgive myself for scaring you away” his eyes bounced back and forth between mine and my head began to spin under his intense gaze.
“and watching the way charlie treated you for so long killed me. but i’d go through that a hundred more times if it meant having you in my life. because then, at least i’d be here to take care of you. that’s all i ever want to do, for the rest of my life. i just wanna be here for you and look out for you.”
“and if i’m freaking you out we can pretend like this never happened, but please don’t run away. i can’t lose you, i need you” he spoke with certainty, like he knew for a fact that he couldn’t live without me.
“please say something” he whispered.
i continued to stare at him in shock, trying to process the fact that i wasn’t dreaming.
this was the moment that i’d been waiting for for years.
i spent so long wishing that chris would long for me the way that i did him.
and here he stood, in front of me in the pouring rain, telling me what i’ve been trying to muster up the courage to tell him.
it’s like i was living the life of a main character in a romance novel.
like the movie scene that every teenage girl dreams that she’ll find herself in.
it felt so surreal, i couldn’t even think of the right words to say.
so instead of speaking, i did the next best thing.
i grabbed the bottom of his hoodie, bunching it up and using it to pull his lips to mine.
this kiss was different than any of the other ones we’d shared, even a few hours ago.
every unspoken emotion that we shoved down and were too scared to express, was poured into the kiss.
it was almost like we were starting over.
the rain washed away every feeling of sadness and pain that we had previously experienced.
the kiss introduced us to the happiness, love, and passion that we had to look forward to.
it was always there, but sometimes it was easy for the negative feelings to overpower and bury them.
he dropped the bag that he was holding, snaking his hand around my waist.
i tilted my head, deepening the kiss as our lips moved against each others.
i silently prayed that he couldn’t hear the uncontrollable pace that my heart was beating at.
his wet fingertips grazed my jawline, making me shudder against him.
despite the coolness of his skin, every touch to my waist seemed to make my skin heat up.
when we finally needed air, we pulled away from each other.
my eyes were still closed as my swollen lips tingled, aching for the touch of his again.
chris moved in again, pressing his lips to mine tenderly, making me laugh.
i pulled away slightly, prompting his lips to follow mine.
before he could kiss me again, though, i spoke up,” i love you too” i whispered.
“and i have for years. my relationship with charlie was a sad attempt at getting over you” i said, making him chuckle at me.
“you’re the only person i’ll ever want, chris. it’s just you. and i’m not going anywhere, ok? you have me” i said as i smiled up at him.
a wide smile broke onto his face as he pulled me in for another kiss.
suddenly remembering something, i pulled away from him.
“hey, did you know that a rain kiss is on my bucket list ?” i asked excitedly.
“i know” he smiled at me before pulling me in again.
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this is literally based on @hearts4chriss + chris’s love story, i be taking notes when she tells me abt it 😝
main masterlist
my eyes only masterlist
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @heraakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
1999, part one
ok. this is my very first fic and the first time ive done any creative writing that isnt for a gcse english writing exam. this is part one of a mini series called "1999" (inspired by beabadoobee's song). im literally making it up as i go😍🙏.
please lmk what you think: should i scrap it or keep going? anything i should change?
and maybe repost if you feel extra generous :))
warnings: none!
conrad fisher masterlist
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     ༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
Summer had always been a time Belly, Steven and I had looked forward to. Sure Christmas and Easter were beautiful and memorable, but there was something about spending our summer at Cousins Beach. We'd been doing it ever since we can remember. For a whole three months, the Conklins and the Fishers did everything together. It was like while the rest of our year was shit, summer was always there to turn it around. We watched fireworks together, surfed, barbequed, and pulled all-nighters out in the backyard in tents pretending we were far away from our parents in some other country when in reality they were only a few feet away drinking wine and talking. We spent every waking hour together for those three months. And now that we’re all older, we party together.
After Belly and I turned sixteen we started seeing the boys in a different light. It was like they were the same boys we’ve known all our lives but somehow different. 
Steven would make fun of us for what seemed like years on the car ride to Cousins whenever he heard us giggling and whispering about how Belly and Jeremiah were destined to be since he posted a reel with her favourite song (he can't even remember her favourite colour for the life of him). But whenever she’d ask me about Conrad I’d shake my head and blush trying to convince her I didn’t like him like that.
Conrad was…complicated. He was gorgeous and tall and perfect and way out of my league. Hell, he probably saw me as a sister to him and nothing more. I had seen him go through girls year after next and had slowly started to lose hope of there being an ‘us’ anyway.
My thoughts get interrupted by yet another loud sigh by Steven. I swear if I don't end up strangling him by the time we get there…
“I’m boredddd”, Steven sighs.
“Steven that's your tenth consecutive ‘I’m bored’  in a row, can’t you think of anything else to say?” Belly all but yells at him.
He lets out another sigh before I wack the side of his head from the backseat.
“Hey!” he yells out trying to get me back from the passenger seat while Belly laughs and starts recording the moment on her phone.
“Alright, kids can we dial down on the domestic abuse, please? I’d like to go at least a few hours before having to swallow another paracetamol from your headaches.”, Mom says obviously getting fed up with us.
Instead of arguing back I try and shut Steven up by asking him questions.
“So Stevie,” I start, giggling as he annoyingly groans at the nickname Belly, Taylor and I made up for him, “what are you…most excited for this summer?” I ask making up the question off the top of my head.
Steven thinks for a minute before answering, “Surfing for sure.” He nods.
“Drinking wine with Susannah.”, says Mom smiling at the thought of her best friend.
“Fourth of July.”, says Belly.
“You sure you’re not most excited to see Jere?” I nudge her with my elbow as she squeals and looks away.
“What about you honey, what are you most excited for?” Mom asks, looking at me through her rearview mirror.
“The bonfire.” I say, smiling.
I’ve always loved the bonfire. Everything about it, it's always such a vibe. The kegs, the fire, the songs, the smores. It's always been my favourite part of the summer.
Until this summer, when I brought my boyfriend to Cousins.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
“You guys ready for the bonfire, should we go down?” Conrad asks as he enters the living room. I look up at him from my position with Belly on the couch. God, I’d forgotten how pretty he was.
Conrad comes behind the couch and wraps his arms around my neck giving me a slight hug before pulling away, “I missed you.” he says looking down at me.
Before I can reply Steven speaks up, “Aw Connie, no worries man I’m here now,” he says smiling enthusiastically as he pulls Conrad towards the door by his shoulders while everyone laughs at his misunderstanding.
Conrad looks at me expectantly and takes out a small box from his pocket.
“Let's go, man,” Steven says to Conrad before pulling on him again, “I wanna show you this really cool trick I learned the other day…” He drones on as Conrad’s eyebrows furrow and he looks back at me, “Aren’t you coming?” he asks pointing at me questioningly.
I give him a sad smile before responding, “I’ll join you guys later, I’m gonna wait here for Dean he should be here soon.”
Just when I thought they couldn’t, Conrad’s eyebrows furrowed deeper.
“Who’s Dean?”
“Oh didn’t we tell you?,” Belly responds, “Y/n has a boyfriend.”
Conrad and Jeremiah’s faces were a sight to see. Eyes wide, mouths agape and eyebrows straight up, staring at me as if I had told them I got my eyeballs tattooed.
“Okay, you don't have to be that surprised…ouch.” I wince.
Conrad and Jeremiah straighten up and Jeremiah looks at me and smiles before saying, “No, no that’s…uhm that’s great Y/n.” He looks at Conrad halfway through his sentence as Conrad looks down at his feet and puts the box he was holding, in his pocket before turning to Steven and talking to him about setting the keg up for the bonfire and walking out the door without sparing a glance to me.
“That was weird.” I say to Belly as she leans in to give me a hug,
“Totally. What’s his deal?” she responds.
“Beats me.” I shrug before yelling “Have fun! Use protection!” out behind her and Jeremiah before Belly turns her head around and flips me off which just makes me and Jeremiah laugh harder.
I sigh and turn the tv on. With Mom, Susanna and everyone going out, I was the only one left to wait for Dean. I wonder how long he’ll be, I can’t wait to go to the bonfire. Luckily I got a text from him just as I decided on watching Gilmore Girls.
'hey, i'll be there in five :)'
whew that’s part one done! here’s part two!!
1999, part two
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xenomorphee3 · 1 year
More Recoms + Spider Flashback shenanigans from my story!
From Chapter 5. Departure
[Flashback to the time the recoms and Spider were together, a few days after they got their Banshees]
The recoms were traveling as full tilt Na’vi for a while now. They had their banshees, they were eating Pandoran fruits and nuts, even hunting. Spider, who still felt like a prisoner to a strong degree was actually impressed with the way the team adapted to the environment. He never said it, but he knew that being Avatars, err, recoms, was helping them in this regard… Something that Spider wished so badly that he could experience.
While the group was having an afternoon meal one day in a beautiful, grassy clearing next to a waterfall and a medium-sized basin that the falls fed into, Spider went to sit on a log overlooking the falls, his legs up against his chest and his arms wrapped over them. Spider was visibly pouting, cursing the universe for the idea that these murdering assholes had recom bodies and he had to wear an exopack and paint himself with blue stripes to try to fit in better.
The seven recoms were seated together eating when Prager glanced over at Spider on the log and asked, “What up with the kid?”
Miles peered over to see him upset and he felt compelled for some reason to go comfort him. Miles let out a loud sigh, placed his leaf of food to the side, stood up, and walked his imposing form over to Spider. He just sat next to him on the log without a word. Spider, his knees held against his chest, just turned his head away from his hybrid-clone kidnapper. They sat in silence for a while, the sound of the waterfall and some of their banshees flying overhead filling the air.
Miles suddenly broke the silence by saying, “Football.”
Spider brought his head around and looked at Miles with a bewildered expression. The randomness of the word disrupted the pouting demeanor he was trying to maintain.
Miles then looked down towards Spider, smiled, and said, “ When I was a good bit younger than you, well... when human Miles Quaritch was a little younger than you, his father took him to a football game. And American Football, none of that kicking shit. Yeah, it was a dying sport, but you could still find some games around when I was a kid.”
Spider had no idea of what "football" even was and was especially confused as to how a game with the word "foot" in its name had no kicking apparently. Miles picked up on his confusion and grinned, but continued speaking.
“Anyway, so me and my old man went to one of our favorite matchups. The Kansas City Rattlers vs. the Trenton Gators. I misplaced what I thought was my lucky cap and I couldn’t bring it to the game. Every time I brought my cap, the Rattlers won. I was so mad that I no longer had it. Spent that entire game upset and worried that the team was gonna lose because of me. And you know what? Rattlers won. And it was a great game. A real nail-biter. I missed out on enjoying this game because I was busy being upset over something I had no control of.” 
Spider truly couldn’t believe that this guy was really sitting here trying to relate his childhood sporting experience to his kidnapping and being used to hunt down his friends and the people he cared about. People he considered family. In fact, Spider felt compelled to say exactly that.
“Are you seriously trying to compare your childhood ‘whatever ball’ game to taking me and hunting down my friends?” he said with irritation. 
Miles smirked and bit his lower lip in mild frustration and then expressed, “No, kid. I’m telling you that if ya spend all your time worrying about something while the world moves on around you, one day you’ll look up and the world will have passed.”
Miles, though knowing he was not great at this, was trying to give some fatherly wisdom.
“We ain’t hurtin’ ya. You’ve got food, water, our protection, and a comfortable place to rest at night. You’re teachin’ us some Na’vi, showing us the way of the land. You even get to ride our banshees. Now how many humans have done that, huh? You got some impressive hours logged, kid,” Miles continued, with a positive, friendly tone.
Spider looked up into Miles' gentle eyes with a dually pissed and thoughtful expression. Spider then realized he was right—regarding his Ikran flight. The answer was probably none. Until him. That suddenly made him feel special.
“You got it pretty made for a captive. We’re havin’ a good time."
Right on cue there was laughter from the other recoms a few yards away, no doubt due to some Wainfleet or Prager-delivered joke. Spider loosened his grip on his legs and let them relax over the log, then looked down and pondered what his Na’vi hybrid captor with his father’s memories had just said and how he said it. His careand sincerity. Reflexively, Miles gently reached out to place his huge blue hand on Spider’s back. The way the Colonel had comforted many a despondent Marine or security personnel under his command in the past. However, this was slightly different. It felt even more real and sincere. He was comforting a son, not a soldier.
Spider, to Miles’ surprise and solace, didn’t react negatively to his touch. Not so deep down, Spider found himself deriving comfort from his hand—a comfort that he was conflicted over, but his spirits were a bit lifted, regardless. Seeing Spider coming up out of his negative mood, Miles slapped his thighs and stood up in a typical dad-like fashion, and he went to look over the steep ledge down at the basin's pool and the falls. He thought for a moment, assessing what was below him, the pinks of his ears forward and tail curling lightly.
Suddenly, he yelled over to his recoms who were still chuckling over whatever funny shenanigans just happened. “Alright, Marines!” All of the recoms’ heads quickly turned, ears attuned to their Colonel. “When’s the last time any of you had a shower?” he asked, humored, the positive energy of his voice captivating Spider.
The recom team chuckled.
“I don’t know about you all, but this Na’vi nose of mine is pretty sensitive, and I’m getting damn sick of the stank of Na’vi B.O.,” Miles remarked, playfully serious.
The six recoms smiled and laughed, but to their sudden shock, their Colonel leaped off the ledge and dove into the basin below with a neat splash. Spider was the first to run and look over the cliff edge in borderline horror. The way down had to be at least eighty feet. Maybe a hundred. All the recoms quickly ran to the ledge to join Spider in looking down for their leader.
To everyone’s great relief, Miles popped up out of the water below and he yelled, “Come on Marines. That’s an order. I can’t take it anymore, you’re offendin' me,” he yelled, amused.
The recoms gave each other some funny looks, including ones that said, he’s lost his mind, but they started to remove any gear they did not want to get wet. Suddenly, Prager, shirtless, jumped down without a moment’s warning, screaming “Woooo," all the way down. This made Spider lightly laugh and the rest of the Marines excitedly jumped into the refreshing water one by one. Except for Z-Dog.
When Spider gave her a confused look as to why she stayed, she simply commented, “Well someone’s gotta stay up here and keep an eye on you. I volunteer,” with her tattooed arms crossed, and she blew a bubble gum bubble.
Spider smirked and gave a friendly, eye-rolling scoff under his exopack and looked back down to see the recoms acting like literal kids, splashing each other, Ja dunking Lopez under the water as he protested. Mansk was just peacefully floating on his back until Wainfleet tackled him.
Miles was wiping his face with his hands when he looked up to see Z-Dog and Spider looking down at them. His sharp vision could pick up the huge grin on Spider’s face and he couldn’t help but grin in response.
[Flashforward to Miles, Lyle, and Mansk in the Kestrel headed to the archipelago home of the Ash People]
Read more!
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hells-favorites · 7 months
The Red Light (Episode 7)
After returning home from a journey, Dante finds a cryptic letter from Typhon, suggesting they meet at a tavern. Dante, feeling conflicted about his relationship with Typhon, sets out on a new quest with his companions. Along the way, they encounter a mysterious man who leads them to a shocking discovery: Typhon's dark secrets, including torture chambers and a horrifying purgatory where victims are suspended in eternal torment. Despite learning the truth about Typhon, Dante decides to continue working with him, but vows to save one of Typhon's victims, Cadm. Ein, Dante's surrogate father, decides to join Dante's mission, despite his reservations about Typhon.
After their long trip, they all made it home at night. But it seemed so too were Typhon and Mercury, though those two were wasted. Both of their eyes glowed a bright blue and despite how sure-footed though both were they seemed to trip, ever-so-slighy. But it didn't seem like they had noticed everyone behind them, instead they continued walking.
Dante followed, though as they stepped into Typhon's office, they shut the door and locked it.
But as soon as Dante was about to head back to the barracks, Floyd, who had apperantly followed him up there, smashed his head into the door, popping it open, a semi-normal thing for dragonborns.
Typhon and Mercury had left the room, assumingly to bed, despite the only way to, where they assumed Mercury’s room was, was through that door. Only Typhon's jacket and a letter were in the room.
Immediately Dante picked up the letter. It was a copy of another letter and was marked as such on the envelope, just like the letters that revealed to Dante who his father was, though this one didn't have a clear receiver.
"Well, hello again. Don't think just because you disappeared in the beginning of the war doesn't mean I can't send you letters. We found you. Before you assume that this letter is trying to trick you due to my death, believe me, I am alive, though you wouldn't believe me if I told you how. Years ago I discovered that you had not done what I asked you to and now I'm seeing the problem resurface. Though rest assured, I've grown fond of our *problem* nothing's going to happen, for now. Just know that whatever you had done to steer him away failed. You will be meeting me in the tavern of your current city, by tonight. -Typhon"
"'Problem?'" thought Dante, wondering if he was talking about him.
Dante read over the letter a few more times and gave up on trying to talk to Typhon and Mercury, instead he made his way back to their barracks, where Nolan had already gone to sleep.
In the morning, Dante woke up to a nap with a note that said, "Fetch me some aquamarine" beside the map. It led to a town that would take only a few hours to ride to.
After getting ready, they took off. They rode into a forest that was lush. Each step they took made the branches below them creak and snap. It had been a peaceful ride. Nolan and Floyd made conversation between each other while Dante thought.
Dante had spent the ride thinking about himself, about where he stood with Typhon. Something about that letter had seared into his brain.
"Problem"? Was he the problem Typhon had grown fond of? Did Typhon actually appreciate him? If he knew Dante was his son, why didn't he do anything when Dante was a soldier? The night where he learned why Typhon had left him cut through his thoughts. Just because he didn't want a kid? And he'd left him out there to die? But Typhon seemed like he approved of him now?
Everything seemed so complicated.
But Dante's thinking was interrupted. A branch behind them cracked and there stood a man in a cloak.
"Shit," the man took off running.
They all were on horseback but the man covered enough ground to escape them as he leaped from tree to tree, trying to lose them. Dante grabbed for a whip he had attached to the saddle of the horse and slung it at him; he caught the man's leg. The man unraveled it swiftly as he took off further.
Eventually he'd made enough distance between the two he came along a bridge before them.
The man leaped out of the tree and ran across the bridge, throwing something between him and the horses. The man pointed at the object, then at Dante and mimicked an explosion with his hand. Dante stepped his horse forward and the man took off running.
Once they had reached the bridge, the object exploded. A huge burst of flames erupted and covered the bridge in fire, startling the horses. But Floyd took a deep breath and covered the flames in ice. They could cross it now, but slowly so as not to slip.
All three of them made it across the ice. Dante was first to take off towards the man. But all they saw was him slip inside a house.
Dante was at the front door when Floyd burst through it.
Inside stood an older man with white hair, well worn from his time, removing his hood.
"Ein?" Dante whimpered out.
Ein was the man that raised Dante when Typhon wouldn't. If anyone was his father figure, it was him! He raised Dante as long as he could remember.
"You're working with him?" yelled Ein, knowing there was no hiding now.
Dante stuttered.
"Dante, Typhon isn't a good person. You shouldn't be working with him!" continued Ein.
"How would you know?" responded Dante, trying to find something to say.
Everything was so confusing and now Ein was here too. This man was more of a father to him than Typhon was but Dante was an adult. He made his own decisions, and Typhon seemed to like him.
"Dante, I worked with him. I made the same mistake you're making right now," responded Ein.
"Why do you hate him so much?" yelled back Dante.
"Typhon may not seem that bad when you talk to him but just ask him about the things he has hidden around the Capitol building. He has more torture chambers than you can ever imagine, and Dante if he wants someone dead and he gets his way, he has places for specific bodies. Just follow me."
Dante stopped Ein from leaving by blocking the door. Dante wanted answers, he needed answers. Everything was so jumbled now, he needed something to explain it.
"Typhon is my father. How did you raise me?" Dante asked, but it sounded more like a command than a question, he sounded like his father.
Ein stared for a few seconds, "You know?"
"You know?" yelled Dante. "Why did you never tell me?"
Ein stepped toward Dante and put a hand out to touch Dantes horn but he swatted it away.
"Dante," Ein took a deep breath. "I used to work for Typhon. I was where Mercury is now. And one thing those people have to do is, *take care of the kids.* When Typhon had a child, he'd send his right hand man to kill it. You were one of those kids. He sent you away to be killed and I had enough. I took care of you because he didn't. You shouldn't work with him, I can prove it. Just *follow me*."
Ein led them across town, and into a cave. Deep inside he unrolled his sleeve, brandished with Typhon's tattoo and put it against a wall. Rocks fell away to reveal a chamber and Ein stepped inside, looking at the floor. Dante followed.
A pentagram laid on the floor, the air felt still and the room stunk. Dante looked up, it was a tall room after all, and his eyes met shoes, then legs, then a chest. A man was hung from the roof. Linus hung there, the former king suspended in air by rope. Cadm's father. The king's nephew. Hung. It was a gruesome corpse. The head had been sewn back on and stitches were ripping. How had he not fallen apart? This was disgusting.. the smell made Dante want to vomit. Each creek of the rope made Ein flinch.
"You remember Cadm. You've seen him, I know you have. That's his dad," Ein avoided looking anywhere near Linus's direction. "When Cadm was a child, he strung him up there and put Cadm in this room to watch his father hang for eternity. You don't die in these cells, it's temporary purgatory. But you also don't rot. And you don't know the worst part."
Dante turned to Ein.
"Cadm was put in here when he was a kid. When he was three. He left this cell at 15. Twelve years of staring at his father's corpse."
This was too much. Even for Dante. The smell made him queasy and he thought about what Ein had said and he'd given Cadm back to Typhon.
Dante wanted to scream, to yell, to unleash all of his confusion somehow but he couldn't. What was right? What was *wrong*? He wanted to let Cadm go but he didn't want Typhon to kill him, he didn't even want Typhon to hate him, but he couldn't let Typhon continue to do this to Cadm. He'd hurt Cadm for Hades' sake! Dante didn't know what to do anymore.
"I'm-" Dante stuttered, "I'm still going to work with Typhon. He's my father Ein, I have to. But, I'll get Cadm out. That I can promise."
Ein thought for a few seconds. He wanted Dante to run as far from Typhon as possible, to stay away from a man who Ein knew meant danger. But Dante wouldn't listen, and this was progress.
"Fine," Ein finally confirmed. "But just in case, I want to come with you."
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 5 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 1 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Julian Hart
"We're short-staffed," he says, with a pointed look at Dane.
"Everyone's been taking extra patrols in this area, with the recent robberies. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
I roll my eyes and trail a hand across Dane's abs for good measure.
"I told you, we're not here for work. We're here for pleasure."
"That had better be true," he says.
"If I catch you mucking about in official business, I'll find an excuse to cuff you and bring you in myself."
I sneer at him.
"You'd like me in cuffs, wouldn't you?"
He sneers in return.
"Only in your dreams, Hart."
"Those are nightmares, Erickson."
His face twitches with anger and for a moment, I worry I've gone too far.
Then he reins himself in.
"I'll let you get back to it, then," he says.
"We'll do that," I reply and as he rolls up his window, I pull Dane down into a kiss.
Erickson chirps his sirens once, probably hoping to scare us but I flip him off without breaking contact.
He drives off a little faster than necessary and I breathe a sigh of relief against Dane's lips as peace returns to the night-darkened street.
"Erickson's an ass," Dane grumbles.
"But you shouldn't provoke him. He could cause trouble for us if he wanted to."
I shrug.
"Let him try. You can always turn wolf and scare the shit out of him if you have to."
He grunts and deepens our kiss.
Physical contact is important to him, especially after any kind of excitement or emotional distress and we've had an exciting evening, for sure.
I push him away with a laugh and pry his hands from my waist.
"Alright... save some for later, tiger."
"I think you mean Wolf," he says, quirking a brow at me.
"Oh?" I tease, opening the passenger-side door and climbing in.
"What big teeth you have."
"All the better to..." I shut the door on whatever obscene thing he was about to say, rest my head against the back of the seat and press my fingers to my lips, which still tingle from his kiss.
Before I met Dane, I was just a guy who did psychic readings for a living, a guy with purple eyes, who'd spent his whole life being told he was 'inhumanly beautiful' sure but a normal guy, nonetheless.
Then I'd learned werewolves are real and fallen in love with one, found out my dad was a Faerie and had a shape-shifter try to eat my heart.
It's been a wild ride ever since and here I am... mated to an Alpha and using strange magic as I chase thieves through the night.
The driver's side door opens and Dane gets in, groaning as he settles in his seat.
"You okay?" I ask.
The day before, he'd pulled his back moving furniture.
I'd found it unfortunately hilarious, the Alpha Werewolf, laid low by a heavy box.
When I'd finished laughing, though, I'd realized it had frightened me, too.
Dane seemed indomitable but he could be injured as easily as anyone, he just healed faster afterward.
"Fine. You?"
He looks over at me, his amber eyes turning almost orange as they catch the streetlamp's glare.
In his late thirties, with his mass of ropy dread locks bound up in a knot and his smooth, dark skin agleam with recent exertion, Dane is a picture of masculine beauty and strength.
He's not all brawn, either... he's got a good heart and a sharp mind... the ultimate combination... and I'm reminded again how lucky I am as I study him.
"Sorry for losing the mark," I say.
"Don't worry about it. We're not the cops, our job isn't to catch this guy. It's to find out who he is and make him stop and we may have partly succeeded. If he's a kid doing this for kicks, maybe getting chased will scare him straight."
"We'll find out soon enough. Meanwhile, let's go home. It's almost three and if whoever got robbed tonight sticks to the plan, we'll be getting a call before seven. I'd like to get some sleep between now and then."
He turns the key in the ignition and the engine rumbles to life and I ponder the case as he navigates the quiet, night-deserted streets.
Over the past few weeks, the stores, shops, cafes and other small businesses on one particular block had been burglarized.
The thief... or thieves... had broken in, rifled around and stolen small items of no particular value.
Despite the aspect of petty crime, the thief was no amateur... he, she or they had left no trace, triggered no alarms, disabled cameras and seemed able to walk through locked doors.
The police were baffled, as they say and given the low stakes and lack of evidence, were at a loss.
They took statements and wrote reports and put extra patrols in the area but so far, these measures had not deterred the thief.
Desperate to protect their livelihoods, some of the business owners had banded together and hired us to look into it.
If we crack it or at the very least put a stop to the burglaries, it will be great for our fledgling business and our reputation.
So far, we haven't had more luck than the police, tonight's failed chase was the closest we'd come to making a break.
"I hope we get a call," I say.
"I'd like the chance to read a fresh scene."
The shop owners had agreed not to call the police until we'd had a chance to investigate first.
My ability to 'read' psychic impressions from my environment and Dane's wolf-senses worked best when things remained undisturbed.
"Me, too," Dane says.
"Though I guess I won't complain if we don't. Ingrid will be here in two days and the guest room's still not ready."
Ingrid, Dane's youngest sister, studies music.
She'd landed a fall internship with the local symphony orchestra and needed a place to stay.
Our cottage is tiny but family is everything to Dane, so of course we'd offered her a room, the 'guest room' which was really our home office, and which accounted for the furniture-moving that threw out Dane's back.
Twenty minutes later, we pull up in front of the cottage itself.
Though small, it's ideally situated, all by itself on a sizeable chunk of land owned by the Foley family... a local Shifter clan.
The main house, currently occupied by our friends Chloe and Grace, is just out of sight over a line of low hills.
I'd lived here alone for some years, finding the solitude and low rent suited me.
Then Dane moved in and it seemed ideal for him, too, lots of room to run as a Wolf.
I'd never considered looking for a larger place.
"Come on," he says, leading the way inside.
"Shower, then sleep."
I snort as I follow him to the bathroom.
"We could fit in one more thing, if we make it quick."
He glances at me over his shoulder as he strips out of his shirt.
"Wanna bet?"
"Given you lasted less than two minutes our first time, sure."
"Careful what you ask for, Fae," he grumbles teasingly as he sheds the rest of his clothes.
He steps into the shower and I follow, standing behind him beneath the hot spray.
"I think that's my line, Wolf," I whisper and smile to myself as I see a shiver arc across his back.
He turns, eyes lit with amber fire and I let him see the answering fire in my own.
A good half-hour later, we fall asleep in a satisfied tangle, our breath and heartbeats synchronized.
The buzz of Dane's cell-phone wakes me and I see we've slept in past eight.
Swearing, I grab it off the bedside table and answer it without looking at the caller ID.
Dane's number is our 'business line.'
"Hunter & Hart Investigations," I say, doing my best to sound alert and awake.
For a moment, there's silence... then a few whispered words have me very alert and awake, indeed.
"You almost caught me," the caller says.
"You would have regretted it if you had."
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sauntering-down · 1 year
y'all ready for a weirdass dream
so i was at my old elementary school (which was functioning like a high school), and there was some kind of kindergarten entrance exam going on... but i don't think it was actually for my school. this was an exclusive private school which was inexplicably holding exams in my public elementary school. this exam, for some reason, involved a softball game, and two of the prospective students were Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, age four. they were in their typical roles of 'one popular girly-girl and one sporty tomboy'. idk, guys. but i was either helping out with the game, watching the game, or actually playing the game; it frequently varied. couldn't tell you how it ended. when it did end, though, i left the gym and proceeded into the usual School Dream™ - i couldn't find my locker or remember my combination. i knew i'd written both those things down in my agenda, but despite Erin momentarily appearing to help me search, i couldn't find the page... eventually, however, i realized that info was on my schedule, which was also folded into my agenda.
despite this struggle, i never actually went to my locker. i'd spent most of my school day at the softball exam and i was starving - i had one more class left and it was one i'd already missed once recently, but i was so damn hungry... so i skipped it and went down another hall to Cafeteria 2. it was not the ACTUAL cafeteria, but one in the hallway and also next door to the real thing. also, here's a helpful annotated screenshot of my elementary school circa 2001:
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so i was trying to get my food, which turned out to be a massive ordeal even though Cafeteria 2 had a super limited menu. the woman working there was impatiently rattling off my options in an extremely thick accent and every time i was like 'um, can you slow down a little?!' she got angry and just went faster. i did eventually hear her say 'egg salad' though and i was like fine, egg salad sandwich, that works. she started putting my sandwich together, going down this long line of ingredients that reminded me of a Subway, and then... she abruptly vanished into thin air right in front of my eyes. i was like ????? and went over to the other woman working there, told her the person making my sandwich had literally disappeared and i wouldn't mind so much, except i'd already paid. so this other woman went and finished my lunch, which was... not an egg salad sandwich. one compartment of the tray had a bunch of tiny sausages and a beaded skewer for eating them?? idk. i was so hungry i didn't care; i sat down with my tray and started eating. there were a few other people in Cafeteria 2, and also some kind of foreign film being projected onto the wall.
my sixth-grade teacher Mr. I walked into the room then, spotted me, and came over. we said hello, chatted a bit, and he asked if i could do him a favor - he needed a ride to a place called 'Eufala Hill' or something like that. i was like eh, why not, but i need REALLY good directions as i'm terrible with them otherwise. he said that was fine, i'd actually been to the place a long time ago, i just didn't remember... didn't think anything of that in the dream, but considering how the rest of the thing played out, it's kinda sinister now lol. so i agreed to meet him here at 7 tomorrow morning, wrote it down in my notebook so i'd remember, and he left. i started paying attention to the film then and found the English subtitles were accompanied by a second set of subtitles, above or below or sometimes laid over the originals, and they were all hilariously weird and dirty. we were all losing our shit laughing about it. the teacher supervising figured out the kids projecting the film from the booth behind Cafeteria 2 were doing it, and we all thought they'd get in trouble... but she was like 'okay, we've got half an hour of school left and i don't care, amuse me' and they had the green light to continue.
things got weird after that. at some point the boy next to me noticed it was getting awfully late and we should've been dismissed by now, but evidently there was a lockdown, so we just shrugged and kept watching the film. and then someone else went 'hey, it's 10:30 pm?????' and i checked the clock and yep, 10:30. i wasn't happy about being stuck at school so late, i needed to get home and sleep since i had to be back early tomorrow... and i had something else to do at midnight, because apparently i'd been a witch this entire time and my coven was holding a ceremony. k. the other students were beginning to get restless too, there were kids gathering in the halls and discussing whether or not to leave on their own. this other girl and i finally decided to go up to the front entrance and see what was going on.
we couldn't get there, though. someone had erected a massive barrier at the end of the corridor leading to the front wing on the building. a woman (inexplicably wearing a frilly nightgown) was there, angrily berating anyone who asked to leave, saying we had to stay and to get over it. when this other girl and i approached, though, she got really snide with us, going, "oh, you're the hacktivists. you can leave." idk if she was being sarcastic or not, because we promptly scrambled over the barrier... well, the other girl did. at this point, i was floating for no apparent reason; i just floated over lol. we ran to the front doors. they were locked, and as the other girl unlocked them, i looked up and noticed there was one of those 'pull to activate fire alarm' handles WAY up on the wall, almost at the ceiling. i guess i figured the panic might get the other kids to either rush the barrier and destroy it, or else they'd cheat and go out the windows and all the other doors lol. floated up there and pulled it just as the doors opened - i dropped something in the process but didn't look for it, just ran outside with the other girl.
right outside the doors was another hallway, but it was sort of a covered walkway more than anything? it was walled in, except with a bunch of large holes serving as windows... anyway, the girl and i ran along the front of the building. we got all the way down to the end where the library was, and suddenly WATER. the grass and parking lot had turned into a very large pond with a whole-ass marina. there were a ton of docks jutting out from the covered walkway. the other girl was way ahead of me now and just before turning the corner and getting out of sight, she called back that i'd dropped my car keys AND my slime, and don't forget i'd painted my slime pink!
now i had a problem - i needed my keys, but i'd dropped them by the front doors, and if my fire alarm idea worked, it would be a massive rush there right now. i had no choice but to go back. as i did, i found there was nobody outside - apparently my idea didn't work - and i didn't have to go back in, thankfully, as my slime (a little green blob with a face, like in Terraria, splattered with pink paint) had slipped out and was hopping down the hallway with my keys, which was more of a key card, but whatever. i grabbed them both and turned back around and ran.
so, back at the 'marina', i started looking closely at all the docks i passed because the leader of my coven had apparently left a note for me on one of them. i finally found it, but it wasn't readable unless i got into the water, so i did. it was sort of an invitation to that midnight event, which was about a girl named Marianna - maybe she was joining us? idk. there were a few other small pieces of paper stuck to the first. one was a tiny post-it-note-sized piece which i originally thought was an RSVP... but when i read it, i found out the leader knew i'd maybe left the coven or was doing something i shouldn't by attending this school? i'm not really sure, but she gave me a list of options - they were all basically 'stay' or 'go' dressed up in different words. if i left i was supposedly 'forsaking the language of my father' or something. as i was reading, a man emerged from the water next to me - literally emerged, as in he was created from the water - and climbed up onto the dock. i was going to ask him if he had any idea where the hell i'd parked, because i didn't want to think about my coven or anything now, i didn't want to leave but also there was some serious fuckery going on at my school and maybe i should handle that... anyway, i really just wanted to go home and get some rest at that point. the man didn't answer me and i think i woke up right about then.
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stegrossaurus · 2 years
Pay Attention
Pay Attention
By Grayson
The fair had been up for about a week and would likely be up for the rest of October. I’d been planning to go on Halloween, but I wasn’t sure if I’d have to work then. And since I was ahead in all of my homework and projects and tickets were cheap, there was no reason not to go check it out while I knew I had the time.
The fair was fine, but since all the spooky attractions hadn’t been set up, it was a little lackluster. Still, the rides and food were fun enough for me to spend a few hours before I was ready to head back to the dorms. It wasn’t too dark, so I decided to take a shortcut through the forest a little ways behind the fairgrounds. As the yellow and red lights of the fair began to fade behind me, the forest in front of me seemed deeper and darker than before. The shadows seemed to slither and creep around the tree roots...until the streetlights on the road just beyond the woods clicked on and I was reminded how thin the forest was in this area. Just as I was getting ready to laugh at myself for being so scared, someone ran into me from the side.
I jumped back in a fright when the bumper shouted, “Hey, fuckface! Where you think you’re going?” and another person shoved me from the other side. Shit.
It was Paco and his girlfriend Summer. They’d spent all four years of high school bullying people until our senior year, a few years ago. I’d reported them after an incident and apparently it had been the last straw. They were expelled and they made it perfectly clear who they blamed. They hadn’t been a huge thorn in my side since then, but they had shown up on occasion looking for a fight.
“You should really watch where you’re walking, Gray,” Summer sneered, slurring a little. “You might run into trouble!” She aimed another clumsy charge at me, but I side-stepped and she dropped her bottle of alcohol stopping herself from running into Paco.
She wasn’t wrong; if I’d been paying closer attention, they wouldn’t have snuck up on me, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. I was starting to get a little nervous, but I knew better than to let them know that, either.
Instead, I just replied, “You should stop drinking. You might flunk your GEDs...again.”
“You little shit!” Paco roared, tossing his own bottle. I stumbled back a few steps as it bounced off my forehead. 
I quickly picked it up. There might have been two of them, but they were drunk and if I got a good hit in, that’d stun them long enough for me to run back to civilization where they wouldn't follow; I’ve done it before. But unfortunately, even these morons could learn from their mistakes, because they’d brought help this time. Paco’s older brother and one of his friends. Two of Summer’s gang girls from her high school days and her clingy ass-wart of a little brother, Lenny. They all came running up from the fair while Summer and Paco blocked the way to the forest. I was in trouble. 
Paco’s brother called from a few yards away, “You found him! Great! Now we can get this party started!” I was certain I saw something metal glinting in his hand.
Paco was about to say something back, but I didn’t let him. I lashed out and the bottle in my hand connected with his nose. Neither one shattered and they only paused for a second, but it was all the distraction I needed. I took off to the left, looking frantically for another opening into the forest. The large rocks, thin trees, and brambly clusters bordering the woods would have slowed me down, but God willing, I could find a path with an amount that I could get through but would slow them down instead. When I found one that looked passable, I ignored the thorns and ran through it. I wove through the trees for a minute before coming to a clearing. At first I panicked; I had expected to be in a thicker part of the forest where I’d have more time to lose them, but when I saw campfires, tents, trailers, and wagons, I stopped thinking and just ran. The thugs were still right behind me. I picked the closest trailer, just beyond a tent and campfire, and hid underneath it. Once I was hidden, I looked behind me and saw the thugs clearing the treeline and looking around for me. They hadn’t seen me. When they started walking towards the camp, I held my breath. As long as they didn’t see me, I could just wait until they were in the camp and then double back through the forest. But they didn’t; they went back into the forest. Which meant I would have to walk through the camp to enter the woods from another point if I wanted the smallest chance of running into them. There was no way I could do this without being seen by the people in the camp, so I readied an apology for trespassing and maybe a bit of begging before I squirmed my way out from under the trailer. 
I should have readied a scream instead.
The “people” sitting around the nearest fire were like a bunch of petting zoo teleporter accidents wearing bright, garish clothes. A trio of humanoid bats roasted large chunks of something over the fire. One of them bounced something small and slimy and squeezed into pink tutu on his knee. A massive lady with horns and hooves and a ring pierced in her neon blue nose mooed out a laugh as a shapely, scaly woman finished telling a joke. A 6 foot tall strongman with clicking mandibles lifted barbells in his three left arms for a few other brawny monstrosities who laughed and applauded. Then one of them, an elephant in patchwork suspenders, turned his snaggletoothed rictus smile in my direction and pointed the muscular red arm he had in place of a trunk directly at me.
I should have ran back into the forest, bullies or no bullies, but I panicked and instinctively ran towards the lights of the rest of the camp. After the run I’d already had, I ran out of breath quickly at the center of the camp. I braced myself for a waking nightmare when I looked around, but I was surprised to see plenty of normal humans, some working around the camp and others looking around in awe. A group of kids watched a pair of seal-men juggling beach balls with their oversized flippers. A teenage girl chatted up a perfectly normal teenage boy setting up a tent. 
“Apologies, ma’am and sir. But we’re not quite open yet,” a theatrical Cajun accent said to the left. I turned and saw a tall purple-skinned, red-nosed goblin-like man in a red ringmaster outfit and top hat chatting with young mother and father while his second head, a magenta furred goat, traded goofy faces with their toddler son. “But, please come visit the fair tomorrow night. Spook Circus’ll all set up and waitin’ for y’alls pleasure by then.”
Suddenly, I felt incredibly stupid. How could I have thought those monster clown costumes were real? Some of the circus workers were even showing off the animatronic costumes parts to the locals; a blue lion head with a bright red nose that opened and closed its mouth mechanically, a pair of long yellow legs that kicked with the flip of a remote. This was just the fair’s Halloween attraction preparing to set up. 
“Hey, bud!” another Cajun voice made me jump. A muscular young man jogged up to me and asked, “Y’all okay? You took off kinda quickly back there.” It took a second for me to recognize the patchwork suspenders he was wearing; he was the elephant strongman clown. But with his prosthetics and costume off, his nearly 6 foot frame looked almost small...and those tight suspenders were all he was wearing. And he was pretty handsome.
And just like that, I had another reason to get out of there: I knew I was going to make an ass out of myself.
“Y-yeah. Totally. I was just...checking things out,” I stuttered, convincingly, I’m sure.
“Uh huh,” the strongman grinned. “And it got nothin’ to do with those other kids that came outta the forest? Don’t worry,” he added when I cast a worried look back where I’d come from. “they didn’t follow you. And I don’t think they will. So you got a name?”
“Grayson,” I said, not trusting myself to say more. Or to look anywhere but his gold-colored eyes.
“Phil. Nice to meet you,” he said, giving me a handshake that made me forget my own name for a second. “So, Grayson. I’ll see you tomorrow night, won’t I?” he asked, flashing a smile and producing a free ticket for the fair.
“Yup,” I said rapidly, and snatched up the ticket. “Thank you. I’ll see you there.” I made for the forest quickly, before I could sabotage myself anymore than I was certain I already had.
I spent the entire walk home thinking about Phil and what to say to him when I saw him the next night. I’d actually forgotten all about Paco and Summer. 
The next day was a Saturday which meant a morning shift at the restaurant and a few classes in the afternoon. I barely had time to think about the fair until classes were over and the sun started to drop. Then the thought of seeing Phil again swelled up in my mind. 
At the fair, the change was instantly visible. The fair was nearly twice its original size, with the new additions dimly illuminated with green and purple lights. Signs carved with bloody scratches and nailed with voodoo dolls directed people to attractions, like the Fright Quarter or the Bloody Bayou. I headed to Spook Circus, where monster clowns manned the rides and chased people out of the scare-houses. I wandered around for an hour or so looking for Phil, which was hard to do with a scare and a thrill around every corner. But I found someone else first.
Lenny. Ugh. He was in one of the brighter sections of the park, the non-Halloween area lit with red and blue instead of green and purple, and he was accompanied by two much larger thugs. I’d never seen him without his bitch of a sister and her dick of a boyfriend far behind. Luckily, he was too far away to see me and I didn’t see Summer, Paco, or any of the others. They must have all been sniffing around the fair for me like he was.
Hold on; were…
“Hey, Gray!” Phil, out of costume, surprised me from behind. “Glad you could make it. Now come on. The show’s gonna start in a bit. And I know you’re gonna love it.” He put his arm, his really muscular unsleeved arm, around my shoulders and escorted me to the big top tent. Inside was a large stage surrounded by raised bleachers. “Go get yourself a good seat, Gray, and enjoy the show. I’ll come find you after.” And with a wink, he ran off to meet some other clowns to get ready.
I got a seat near the center ring and spent the minutes before the show thinking about how lucky I’d been recently. The show, introduced by the two-headed ring master, was mostly a series of small skits put on by the clowns. The first one nearly made me burst a lung laughing. A pair of non-clown actors dressed as Hansel and Gretel walked warily around a prop forest, menaced by incompetent clowns that kept foiling their own attempts to eat them. Phil tried to crush them with an enormous boulder, only for the stage to “break” under its weight and send him plummeting down a trap door. Another clown tried to bash them with a mallet only for her own arms to pop off. One of the bats mistook his pal’s grenade pin for a wedding ring and pulled it out a little too early, blowing them to pieces.
Once the show was nearly over and the witch-clown had been burnt in her oven, the jaunty music took a dark turn and Phil, looking manic, stomped back on stage and grabbed the two by their collars. He hoisted them off their feet as the clowns advanced from all sides. The music got faster and the laughter got crueler. The Hansel actor looked right at me and nearly screamed before Phil shook him quiet. The clowns reached their victims...and splattered pies in their faces.
After the show, Phil found me and led me behind a smaller tent being used as a dressing room. I chanced a peek inside, half-expecting to see the clowns stuffing large, bloody chunks of Hansel and Gretel into their mouths. But no, I was letting my imagination get the better of me. There were just totally normal people putting their totally not blood-smeared clothes away. 
But wait…
“So Gray, my man. How’d y’all like the show?” Phil asked, putting his arm around my shoulder again.
“It was hilarious. Thanks for inviting me,” I answered. I leaned into him a little closer. “You know elephants are my favorite animal.” Oh fuck, why’d I say that? I’m going to die a virgin, aren’t I?
But Phil just smiled, said, “Well, humans are mine,” and gave me an amazing kiss. 
We talked some more and agreed to keep seeing each other, exchanging numbers. He only lived a city away and even once the fair ended, we could try for a relationship. When it came time for me to go, I practically skipped into the forest. The dark, quiet forest.
My mind traced back to my first meeting with Phil, but without any distracting lights and sounds, with the anxiety over Phil waning and the fear of Summer and Paco faded, I could see a question that I never got around to asking: why were the clowns around the fire in their costumes? They weren’t entertaining anyone. I supposed they could’ve been taking a break, but how did Phil change out of his so quickly? On Face/Off, costume changes take almost an hour and their costumes are rarely as elaborate.
My breath started to pick up and so did my pace. 
I never saw Paco and Summer’s crew leave the forest.
I wasn’t looking for them. And I saw Lenny a few hours ago.
Alone. Lenny’s never alone. Wait...is somebody laughing?
I started to move and think quicker.
He wasn’t alone. He had those two big guys with him near the red and blue--
Wait, red and blue? The main fair’s lights were red and yellow. Red and blue are for--
Police. He was with the police. Looking for someone.
The laughter grew louder. Or closer. My senses spun around trying to find the source and navigate my way through the trees and shadows.
I saw the animatronic costume parts. Of course they weren’t real.
Just because someone points a remote at something doesn’t mean it did anything. How easy would it have been for something with removable limbs to fake that?
They were costumes! They had to be! I saw them putting up their clothes!
Their clothes but not the costumes themselves. I never saw them take off their costumes. Even Phil that first night. His costume was off but not the suspenders he had over it. And they still fit him. Shouldn’t they have been looser? How is that possible?
There were just...a different pair. He’s just a fast dresser!
And did I see the Hansel and Gretel actors in the tent? I’m sure I saw their clothes.
I never saw them closely enough. I wouldn’t recognize them.
But they still looked familiar on stage. And scared. And Hansel looked right at me like he...knew me.
Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!
I started to run and immediately ran smack into the two headed ringmaster.
“Whoa there, kid,” he laughed as his goat head bleated. It was real. There’s no way I couldn’t see that it was real. “You really gotta watch where you goin’. You don’t wanna run into trouble, do ya?” He stepped closer and leered. “Now where you off to, son? The camp?  Lookin’ to get a kiss goodnight from Philly?”
“N-no. I’m just on my way home.” Someone’s still laughing in the trees and the ringmaster looks...hungry. Oh God oh God oh God oh God I’m gonna get eaten!  
“Now what kinda kid did I raise that ain’t gonna walk his fella home for the night?” He stepped closer. “Don’t worry, son. I already made sure them bullies ain’t gonna bother you no more. Nothin’ but the best for my future son-in-law.” He put one razor sharp fingernail from his right hand beneath my chin, while his hoof-like left hand clutched my shoulder. The goat head licked its lips, releasing a scent like a rotting carcass. And then he shouted, “AIN’T THAT RIGHT, YOU TWO?”
The spider strongman from last night crashed out of the trees, carrying the terrified but alive and unharmed Summer and Paco in two of his hands. He dropped them, winked three of his six eyes, and stepped behind the laughing ringmaster.
“Your friends and my kids have come to an agreement and they’re gonna be a little nicer to you from now on. Right?” The jovility started draining from his voice. The two bullies nearly broke their own necks nodding. “They’re also not gonna say nothin’, ain’t that right?”
“Yeah nothing! Totally nothing! Nothing happened!” Paco yelped.
“We just got lost and now we’re here and now we’re going!” Summer stammered, barely taking a breath.
The ringmaster smiled with both heads. “Well, then GO!!!” he roared, sending the two scampering off and illicting booming laughter from the two clowns. “You go on home, too, kid. And be sure to call Phil when you can. You don’t want us to think you lost interest, do you?” The goat head smiled broadly enough that even in the dim moonlight, I could see blood on his teeth.
I nodded and ran.
Oh my God. What the hell. Oh my God. What the hell. Oh my God. What the hell.
They’re real fucking monsters!
But they didn’t hurt anyone. Not really.
But they kidnapped them. And that threat sounded real.
But Phil’s really hot. And I don’t know if he had anything to do with this.
I stopped and tried to shake those thoughts from my head. I could think about all of that back at the dorm. Right then, I was going to try to pay more attention to my surroundings. I don’t think I can take too many more surprises.
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p33paw · 3 years
broken contract
zhongli x f!reader
summary | breaking a promise to zhongli, and paying the price with spread legs (pwp, thigh riding, cockwarming, overstimulation, praise kink, sir kink, degrading kink)
warnings | nsfw
word count | ~10k
links | ao3
I would never get drunk in the middle of the day.
But— Beidou is only in town for the day, a short stop sandwiched between two several month long expeditions spent sailing the sea, too far away for contact. We settled to meet at the Third-Round Knockout. Her, me, a table of food, and all morning to talk before she visits the other people she cares about. We each got a single drink to toast with, then one became two, two became three, and... well...
I might be drunk in the middle of the day.
"Zhongli is going to kill me—" I groan, planting my head into my arms, leaning into the table.
I was supposed to meet with him today as well, as soon as Beidou's left. I can feel the heat on my flushed face where it connects with my skin. I'm drunk. He hates when I drink, enough that he told me to never drink before I see him.
Beidou grunts, and I hear the creak of her chair as she leans back in it.
"What's with you and that old man?" She asks, followed by the thud of her empty glass hitting the table. She calls for another round, and I groan again, tilting my head up to look at her.
"Wha'd'you mean?" I ask, pouting my lower lip out.
Beidou squints at me, then lifts her hands to gesture.
"Are you—" She holds her tongue with her teeth, a look of concentration knitting her brow. She forms her index finger and thumb on one hand into a circle, then pushes her other pointer finger out, jamming it into the circle she created. "—y'know."
As she continues to thrust her finger into the space created by her hand, the waiter approaches, dropping two new drinks in front of us. Beidou doesn't notice, but she's shot a dirty look.
I squint at her, knowing exactly what she's asking, but refusing to answer truthfully.
"No?" I sit all the way up, batting my eyelashes to antagonize her. "What are you talking about?" As I finish speaking, I lift my new drink, sipping it to keep my buzz if this is the conversation we're having.
Beidou blinks back, a delirious and gullible look in her eyes.
"Are you gonna go have sex with him?" She asks, point blank.
I choke on my drink, not expecting to hear the question. I have to take a moment to steady myself, eyes flicking up to Beidou as she crosses her arms and stares me down.
"I— I—" I blink, stumbling over my words, trying to collect my thoughts. I settle for a jab back, looking at Beidou with as much courage as I can muster. "Are you gonna go have sex with Ningguang?" I ask.
Beidou's brows tick in, a no less severe expression on her face. "Of course." She says, just as brash. "Now answer my question."
I falter, pursing my lips. Damn, I thought that would buy me more time.
"I'm—" I start, trying to look up and meet her eyes. I end up shying away from her severe stare, hiding in my drink. "Yes." I admit, no way around it. "We are... involved."
"Involved?" Asks Beidou, leaning in, "Like more than just having sex?"
I suck my lower lip in, hesitant to talk about it. This is something that happened recently, more than a month after Beidou last left Liyue Harbor. My hands instinctively come together, my fingers resting on a bracelet that was a gift from Zhongli. He called it the contract of what we have between us, the guarantee of the promises we've made each other, and the reminder than I belong to him. There's no official title, but...
"A lot more than just sex." I say.
Beidou 'oohs', leaning in even closer.
Before she can get another word out, the door to the tavern swings open with a slam. Beidou and I both crane our necks to look. Standing in the entryway, tall, elegant and beautiful, is lady Ningguang. Her eyes are locked to Beidou though, and intimidating enough that I find myself faltering.
She walks in, tailed by two guards.
"You're in trouble now—" I whisper back, trying to make myself look at small as possible.
Beidou shoots me a glare of her own, before pulling her face into a wide smile, staring at Ningguang as she approaches.
"Hey—y my beautiful flower, has anyone told you how lovely and gentle and beautiful and intelligent and—" Beidou starts, interrupted by Ningguang.
"I've been waiting for hours." Ningguang says, voice severe, barely flicking her eyes over to me. She gives me a curt nod of acknowledgment and I blink back in surprise.
Beidou squints at her. "I— told you I'd finish lunch at twelve." She says as looks over to me. "My friends are just as important to me—"
Ningguang immediately reaches to her side, pulling a pocket watch from a chain where it's fastened. She flips it open, pushing it forward, directly toward Beidou. Beidou leans in, lifting her brows as she reads the time, surprise clear in her expression.
"Now what does that say?" Ningguang asks, staring Beidou down.
Beidou swallows, eyes flicking up to stare at the other woman. "Two-oh-six." She says, lifting her drink, finishing it in a single swig, dropping the empty glass to the table, then slowly starting to stand.
Shit. I promised Zhongli I'd be done by noon, myself.
Beidou turns to me once standing, reaching a hand over to clasp my shoulder. "I'm glad to have seen you," She starts, "If my next adventure finds me dead—" She nervously glances toward Ningguang, "Know that you were my greatest friend." At that, she reaches into her pocket, pulling out and slamming down a satchel of mora that is certainly— more than enough to pay our tab. She turns, walking away from the table.
Ningguang smiles, small, watching Beidou approach her, before turning her gaze to me. "I'm sorry for interrupting—" She says, lifting her hands together, looking apologetic. "I'm sure you understand?"
I nod, giving her a reassuring smile of my own. "I had plenty of time with her." I say back, waving her off.
I lift to my feet to stand and leave as well, met with a head rush that makes me waver. I have to shoot my hands out to the table to steady myself, coming into the realization that I drank much more than I should have.
A hand darts forward, landing on my arm, holding me steady.
"Are you alright?" I hear Ningguang ask, much closer than before.
I nod, slowly blinking, trying to focus my eyes, batting her away.
"I'm fine— just a bit—" As I try to step away, I stumble, barely catching myself on another table. "—drunk." I sigh out, then look up to Beidou to glare. "I hate you." I bite out. I always try to drink as much as her, and, inevitably, end up far drunker.
Beidou gives me a toothy grin, shrugging. "Learn to hold your liquor." She says.
Still next to me, Ningguang turns to glare at Beidou, until the smile slips from her face. She looks to the side, sheepish.
"You're in no condition to get home alone." Ningguang says, lifting her hand and snapping her fingers together.
One of the two guards steps forward, at attention, walking up next to us.
"Assure that she arrives home safely." She says, voice stern, before turning back to meet my eyes again. "If you tell him where you live he'll get you home. Let me know if there are any problems." She says, then steps away before I can protest, back to Beidou's side.
Together, the two turn, walking for the exit. Beidou looks back, giving me another wave as she's ushered away, until the door swings shut behind them, and I'm alone with the guard.
"Where do you live, ma'am?" He asks.
I look up at him, feeling sheepish. I'm drunk, that doesn't mean a need a guard to walk me home.
"You can— leave me." I start. "I'm more than capable of getting home, I'm not sure why Lady Ningguang even—" I take the first step forward, lose my footing, and fall over face first, collapsing to the ground.
I groan, collecting myself and sitting up, blowing a stressed breath. Maybe it's good Beidou's only home a few days a year, she'd drink me into an early death otherwise.
The guard's hands land on me this time, helping me to stand. I let him, but once I'm up, the hands don't come off. Instead, I'm lifted up into his arms, until he's carrying me.
"Just tell me where to go." The guard starts, looking embarrassed for me. "Ma'am."
I huff a sigh with half a mind to struggle to get out of his hold— but— realize it isn't worth it. I would probably just fall on my ass if I attempted to walk anywhere, this is likely for the best.
Now, I have to consider my options. Fake sick and abandon my plans with Zhongli because I'm in no state to meet him, or—
Zhongli's address spills from my mouth, something selfish and needy rearing in my chest. I want to see him, I don't care how much trouble I'll be in once he sees my current state.
The guard nods, walking forward with me in his arms. It's foreign to exit a bar belligerently drunk and see it's still the middle of the day. The outside is busy with working people despite the clouds in the sky and the threat of rain looming above them.
I hide my face in my own shoulder, embarrassed as the guard strides forward, down the streets, deeper into the city, carrying me to where Zhongli lives. The closer we approach, the more nervous I get, mind racing at how he might react to the mistake I've made.
I really shouldn't be drunk.
My stomach twists as I spot Zhongli's home, and consider my current position. I'm already going to be in enough trouble as it is— I don't need him to see me in another man's arms. I lift my hand, tapping the shoulder of the guard, signaling to be let down. The guard listens, lowering me to my feet. I have to take a second to balance myself, but finally find my bearings, walking forward to close what feels like an immeasurable distance between me and Zhongli.
I approach his threshold, but before I can knock, the door opens. Zhongli stands in the entryway, his eyes flicking between me and the guard at my back, his expression set.
"Didn't we agree you'd arrive by noon?" He asks, finally staring at just me.
I nod, then stumble toward him. He receives me in his arms, holding me tight as I bury myself in his chest. His arms feel massive as they wrap me, cradling me like I'm something fragile. I drag in an inhale, breathing in the scent of clear spring and mountain air that seems ever present on him.
"Are you alright?" He asks, softer.
I tilt my head back to look at him, and see his face is knit with concern. I nod, staring up at him through my lashes.
"I'm— f-fine." I slur out, then watch as Zhongli's brow ticks in.
There's a drop in my stomach as it happens, knowing he's become aware of what's made me late. He looks away from me, up to the guard.
"Thank you." He says, voice firm, before guiding me into his house.
"I'm sorry—" I try to start, keeping pressed to his side, my fingers curled in the fabric of his shirt.
Zhongli closes the door, soft, careful, before turning to look at me again.
"You're drunk, aren't you?" He asks, disappointment clear in his voice.
I nod, moving my hands against his abdomen. I keep touching, grabbing, pawing at him.
"I'm sorry—" I repeat, lifting my hand to his chest. "Can I make it up to you? I—"
Zhongli catches me at the wrist, holding my hands still. He sighs, then walks away without another word. I stay in place, fidgeting with the bracelet on my wrist, restlessness and guilt twisting my stomach, as I wait, I hear water start to run.
He reappears, walking straight for me. He lands his hands on me in silence, lifting me into his arms. I curl my fingers into his shoulder, holding tight as he carries me to the bathroom. I look around, noting that the bath is running, filling with water.
I'm carefully lowered to my feet, then Zhongli steps back, creating distance, crossing his arms across his chest. He looks right at me.
"Do you need help undressing?" He asks.
I shake my head no, stumbling over my own feet as I grab the hem of my dress, lifting it up and off. It falls to the floor with a thump. Standing in my undergarments, I can feel Zhongli's eyes on me, burning me in the way they flick across my body, studying me. I embarrass, shoving my panties down and off as quickly as I can, shedding my bra even faster, then standing nude with my arms wrapped around my core.
"It's ready for you." Zhongli says next, the sound of water flowing cut short.
I look up to meet his eyes, finding them locked to my body, searching the expanse of it. I carefully step forward, until I'm directly in front of him.
"I'm sorry—" I repeat, feeling small, watching as his steady gaze locks back to my face.
"It's okay." He says. "We can talk about it later."
I nod, tight, still in my own head. I almost want him to be mad, to express the upset I see clear on his face so that the guilt in my stomach settles. Instead, his words and actions are measured with restraint.
I look away from him toward the bath. It's drawn high, shimmering with soap. I lift my leg, stepping in, until I'm standing in the water. Then, I lower myself in, sinking into the warm feeling that envelops my body.
I glance back over to Zhongli, watching as he walks to the door, sheds his jacket, and hangs it. From there, he turns, walking back toward the bath, removing his gloves, unpinning his cufflinks, slipping them both into his pocket. He carefully rolls his sleeves up his forearms, one at a time.
My heart jumps to my throat as he reveals his arms, thick with muscle and defined veins like his hands, a light ghosting of hair that covers the entire limb. He kneels next to the tub, lifting a bottle of soap. He pours the soap into his hands, then pushes those hands forward, landing them on my body.
"I'm sorry." I repeat, voice as small as I can make it, searching the hard line of his unwavering expression.
His eyes flick up to meet mine, piercing in the way they look at me. He slides his soaped hand against my skin, over my chest, up to my neck. He rests there, caressing with his thumb, keeping his eyes on me.
"You reek of alcohol." He says, voice low and gentle. "Didn't you promise to never drink before seeing me?"
I duck my head, heart jumping to my throat. I nod, tight. "Yes." I breathe out, blinking down to watch my hands curl around each other underneath the water. "I'm sorry." I repeat.
Zhongli says no more, but continues to move his hands. He drags them along me with purpose, washing every square inch of my body in silence, before he's up, grabbing a toothbrush from his counter. He kneels back down, holding the brush, staring at me.
"Can you open your mouth for me?" He coaxes.
I swallow around my tongue, but do, just parting my lips.
Zhongli's free hand comes up, cupping my face. His thumb forces between my lips, pressing to my bottom row of teeth. He opens my mouth, pulling his thumb back, only to dig his fingers into my cheeks, holding my face in place. He moves forward with the toothbrush, pushing it into my mouth, watching it go in, all while I search his face.
He starts to move, brushing the caps of my teeth, moving the brush in and out of my mouth, dragging it against my lips. I find my eyes fluttering shut, embarrassment overwhelming me.
All of this is because I couldn't control myself, and now, I have to be cared for. He finishes brushing my teeth, allows me to rinse, then pulls the plug from the bath. He stands up, finds a towel, dries his hands on it, and brings it to me.
"Will you be okay on your own for a moment?" He asks, waiting until I nod in confirmation to stand up and walk away.
Once he's gone, I lift my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I wait in the bath while the water drains, consumed with upset. I just want him to kiss me the way he always does, hold me tight, and make me feel like nothing else in the world matters. Instead, I'm helpless as he picks up the pieces of me.
There's a small tremble in my core as I stand up. It's a sinking feeling that acknowledges my fault, a repeated reminder that I'm the one who fucked up and crossed the boundaries we set.
I reach for the towel that Zhongli used, dry off with it, then walk out of the bathroom. I go straight for his bedroom, finding pajamas already laid out for me on the bed. It's a top and bottom set, silken, too large, I lift the buttoned top, slipping it over my head without unbuttoning anything. The hem falls past the middle of my thigh, wearing more like a dress than anything else. I don't bother with the pants.
I poke my fingers from the oversized sleeves, curling them into the fabric at the collar of the shirt, lifting it to my face. I breathe in, finding it rich with the scent that lingers on Zhongli. I nearly buckle, eyes fluttering shut as I breathe it in, grounding myself in it.
When I open my eyes again, reality comes crashing back.
I walk out of the bedroom, eyes peeled for Zhongli. I find him in his kitchen, dropping a mixture of leaves into a pot of still water that sits on a low flame. His sleeves are still rolled up to his elbow, the muscles of his forearms flexing as he uses them.
I make a noise, watching him, wishing his hands were on me. He glances back.
"You should lay down until the tea is done." He says, quiet.
Though I know it's for the best, I refuse to listen. I shake my head no, walking toward him with uncertainty.
"I don't—" I start, taking a ragged breath. "Are you angry? I don't want you to be upset with me— please, I—" I falter as Zhongli pauses his movement. "Please." I repeat, begging, breathier than last time.
Pin prick tears collect at the corners of my eyes, desperation for reassurance fueling my courage.
Finally, Zhongli turns and approaches me, his expression strained. He lands one hand on my waist, sliding it up my side. His other cups my chin, gentler than I expect, running his thumb along my bottom lip to my cheek.
"Go lay down." He repeats, his face relaxing into something kinder, more familiar. "You'll feel better if you lay down."
I whine, wrapping my arms around him tighter, hesitant to let go now that I've got some of the attention I desperately wanted.
"Do you hate me now?" I ask, voice small.
Zhongli's brows lift, his hand traveling higher to thumb the tear from my eye. He moves in closer, holding eye contact with me.
"Of course not." He says, quiet, holding my face steady to lean in and press a chaste kiss to my lips. "I am upset." He says, his breath warm against my lips, tightening his hand on my waist to pull me closer. "But we can wait to address it when you're sober." He presses another kiss.
Though the words are severe, it's a relief. I press into his lips with all of my might, digging my fingers into his shoulders, steadying myself. He can still love me the same, despite my mistakes.
Zhongli pulls back from the kiss with a soft noise, quickly turning to attend to the pot. I finally relax, moving with him, keeping myself pressed against his broad back, my arms looping his waist.
"You're too kind to me." I mumble, muffled by his shirt.
Maybe it's the drive of the alcohol, or the way his hands felt when he ran them along my body as he washed me, or maybe even just his kindness, but I find myself craving intimacy. I carefully drag my hands down his abdomen, grazing my fingers against the fabric of his shirt, until I reach his belt. There, I move carefully, working my fingers to lift the clasp, my other hand dragging down across his lap as I hold my breath.
Zhongli goes still beneath my palms. I move slower, glacially, pressing against his belt. I don't make it far before his hand covers my own, stilling my movement.
"No." He says, voice low and soft. "Not while you're drunk."
I whine, pressing against his back. "But I want to—" I pout.
Zhongli turns to face me, an unfamiliar stern look on his face. "No." He repeats, just as he lands his hands on me and lifts me into his arms.
I'm helplessly carried to his bedroom, then, unceremoniously dumped onto his bed.
"Rest until the tea is done." Zhongli says, an order, before leaning in and pressing a parting kiss to my forehead. "I'll be back when it's ready." He says, then pulls back.
I puff my cheeks out, pouting, but refrain from protest. Zhongli turns, walking back out of the room, leaving me alone. I decide to settle, admitting that he's right, I should lay down. I wrap myself in a comforter, burying my face in his pillows, and let my eyes shut. I find myself relaxing, mind filled with memories of us in this bed together, and how safe I feel here, until I slip into sleep.
I open my eyes, disoriented, watching Zhongli's back retreat from the room. I blink slowly, sitting up, lifting my hands to rub my eyes. I must've fallen asleep, and, I glance out a window, noting the setting sun in the sky, it must've been for hours.
I take in my surroundings, noticing that to my side is a cup of tea on a plate, billowing a soft cloud of steam. I steady myself before reaching for it, then lift it to drink. It tastes floral, minty, bright against my desensitized tongue.
I blink again, trying to focus my eyes as I recollect the events of the day. I notice a slight ache in my head, and remember the fact that I was drunk.
Embarrassment heats my face, the automatic memory of Zhongli's disappointment in me springing to the forefront. I hide in the cup of tea, willing myself to forget.
It's a useless effort.
Though, as memories come back in, I come to a conclusion: I owe Zhongli my thanks, and maybe another apology.
I tilt the cup of tea back, finishing it despite its temperature, then set the empty cup down on it's plate. I lift from bed, stumbling out to the living area, searching for what I want. I find him lounging, a book open in his hands. He hardly glances up at me, brows raised.
"How do you feel?" He asks.
I ignore the question, striding right for him. I plant a hand on his shoulder, swing my leg over his lap, then crawl on top of him, forcing my way into his hold. His arms come back together behind my back, keeping his book steady.
"Better." I finally mumble, once I'm in his lap.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"I'm better." I mumble, pressing my face into his neck, taking care to breathe in a way he can feel. "Thanks to you."
Close like this, I find the same feeling from earlier, a desire for his hands on me, running along my body, the desire to be wanted. I tilt in closer, arching my spine to press our bodies flush. I land a hand on his chest, and slowly drag it down his abdomen.
"Is that so?" Zhongli asks back, voice low, breathy.
I nod into his neck. "You took care of me..." I continue, dragging my hand lower with my goal in mind, resting my fingertips against his belt. "Now I want to take care of you—" My hand ghosts lower, until I'm resting my palm flat against where his cock sits.
I only make it that far before Zhongli's hand covers mine, stopping my movement, pulling it back. I tilt my head back, looking at him with a confused pout. This is the second time he's stopped me. His face is calm, neutral other than the slight uptick in the corner of his lips, his lowered eyes flicking down my face in a controlled way.
"You can't have everything you want." He says, voice low enough my stomach tightens.
He drops my hand from his hold, lifting his own hand to brush my hair from my face. He grazes his fingers against my cheek, holding his eyes on me until I falter, tucking my chin down, embarrassment burning my skin.
He immediately catches my chin, tilting my face back up.
"What am I supposed to do with you?" He says, then sighs, pressing his thumb to my lower lip. "You disobeyed our contract, broke my trust and—" His eyes flick across my face, calculating. "—you need to be punished for it."
I swallow, retracting my hands to myself, curling them in the loose fabric of the shirt I'm wearing, unable to look at up at him. This isn't what I expected, but—
"I'm sorry." I mumble, tilting my hips to press against his lap, keeping my legs spread. "You can—"
"No." Zhongli says as his other hand drops to my hip, his fingers digging into the soft flesh to hold me in place. "What kind of discipline is that?" He asks. "Giving you exactly what you want—" He leans in toward me, until his lips hover next to mine. "Exactly what you're desperate for—" His hand slides up my side, to the bottom of my ribs. "—aren't you?"
I whine, nodding, breaking my thin restraint to roll my hips, pressing our bodies together as close as I can without him being inside of me.
"Please—" I breathe out, not above begging.
Zhongli's hands both drop to my hips, stilling my movement. He handles me with his firm grip, until I'm forced off of his lap. He moves my hips into place, sitting me down on his thigh. He holds me there, his expression relaxed as he stares me down.
"Why don't you show me? Show me how desperate you are." He says.
His leg lifts, pressing against everything bare between my legs, giving a moment of pressure. I nearly buckle, relief and arousal curling in my stomach as I finally feel him stimulate me. Then, he stops. I buck my hips, grinding myself against his thigh, chasing to find the same pressure again.
"That's it—" He coaxes out. "Just like that."
I warm under the praise, looking up at him through my lashes, continuing to move my hips, fucking myself against his clothed thigh. All I have the mind to do is roll my hips, my breaths coming out heavier, cut only by soft moans, the pressure between my legs from my movement enough to stimulate my clit.
"Such a pretty sight—" Zhongli continues, watching me. "—getting yourself off on my thigh." At that, his thigh lifts again, the pressure enough to pull another whine from my throat
His lips twitch to smile as he hears it, his thumbs hooking into the hem of my shirt. He pulls it up, just barely, not far enough to expose more than my thighs. He lifts his leg again, pressing until I gasp, clenching around his thigh with my own.
He relaxes his leg as I whimper, leaning in toward him. My hips buck, grinding at a more rapid pace, arousal burning low in my abdomen. I whine, lifting one hand to his bicep, curling my fingers around it, holding on to steady myself.
Zhongli tilts his chin back, watching me through half-lidded eyes.
"I bet you can cum just from my thigh, can't you?" He asks.
I nod, swallowing around my tongue, struggling to keep my eyes open as I roll against his thigh in a rhythm, fighting to stimulate my clit, everything between my legs dripping wet as it slides together.
"Pathetic little girl." Zhongli sighs out. "Undisciplined, so easy to make finish." He lifts a hand, sliding it up my thigh, until he's holding my waist with the shirt hitched up around his wrist.
He exposes me with the motion, his eyes turning down to watch me grind myself against his thigh with short desperate movements.
"I bet you feel good, don't you?" He asks, briefly flicking his eyes back up to my face. "Do you want something?"
I whimper, nodding, the movement of my hips losing rhythm, unevenly jerking against his thigh.
"Use your words." He says back.
"Please— please— let me cum— let me— let me cum—" I breathe out, eyes fluttering shut as I chase the pleasure.
"Not yet. Keep going." Zhongli says back. "I want to hear you keep begging... those little noises you let out when you're desperate."
I blink my eyes back open, searching his face as I nod. Though his expression remains calm, there's a flush collecting on his cheeks. And, when I look down, I see his cock is standing to attention, the fabric of his pants tight around the length. I whimper out another moan, twisting my hand in the fabric of his shirt on his bicep, changing the pace of my hips to move faster, the pleasure drawing me in.
Zhongli lets out a noise, holding my hip tighter to slow my movement. He leans in, pressing a kiss to my neck, the warmth of his mouth catching my heart in my throat as his lips continue, brushing along my jaw, until he reaches my ear.
"I can tell what you want." He says, voice low. "You always spread your legs for me, beg me to fuck you, like you deserve it." He moves in closer, nipping my earlobe. "Slow down." He demands.
I'm quick to listen, changing the movement of my hips to slow, intentional rolls, careful to stimulate everything between my legs with each movement. He lifts his leg between mine, pressuring until I whimper, arching my back to move with him.
"Such a pretty noise." Zhongli sighs out, relaxing his leg and leaning back again to watch me. "You can be such a good girl when you listen to me."
My eyes flutter shut, heat warming my chest as I bloom from the praise. I move my hips with intent, pleasure at the forefront of my mind.
"Please—" I beg again. "Let me cum, please sir—" The honorific slips off my tongue, followed by a breathless moan.
Zhongli responds with a pleased noise, his hands tensing on my hips.
"Go ahead." He finally assents. "Ruin yourself with nothing but my thigh. Let me see it."
Permission is all it takes, my entire body rocking as I roll against his thigh the final few times, crashing into an orgasm that grips my muscles tight enough I tremble.
I lift from his knee with a broken moan, tilting forward, arching my back as I succumb to my climax.
As I still tremble, coming down from the high, my breathes panted, Zhongli releases my hip, moving to press his hand between my legs. His other hand hooks into the fabric of my shirt, pulling it above my navel, displaying my body to him. His fingers slide against my pussy, eased by the collecting slick. They feel blunt, spreading me open, then—
I gasp as his fingers press to my clit. My still cum sensitive pussy flutters, gripping on air. My body is torn between pressing into it, or jerking away in over-sensitivity. My thighs twitch, abdomen held tight enough to hurt.
"Look at you." Zhongli sighs out, his eyes locked between my legs. "Such a mess just from riding my thigh— spread open like that's all you're good for." He moves his fingers, gently pressing his index and middle to circle my clit, playing with me despite the way I twitch in oversensitivity.
"You're beautiful like this." He breathes. "I can't imagine how beautiful you'll look when I'm inside of you." He says, then finally retracts his hands, landing them both on his belt as he carefully works to unbuckle and open it.
His fingers move quick, intentional, knowledgeable in the way he undoes the clasp. He doesn't go further than that, instead lifting his hand to catch my wrist, pulling it toward his lap. I whine, taking control back as my hand is guided, fumbling to push into his undergarments, wrapping my hand around his cock. He lifts his hips, helping me adjust further, until his cock is free, flushed red with blood, painfully hard, resting against his stomach, exposed.
My stomach tightens just looking at Zhongli's cock. I'm up before I realize I am, sinking to the ground on my knees, directly between his legs. He watches me with a relaxed smile, his eyes half lidded. I wrap my hand around the base of his cock, steadying it as he lifts a hand to cup my cheek, helping me guide in. I push my tongue out, making contact with the head of his cock first. I lap at the slit, the taste of his skin salty on my tongue.
Zhongli's stomach twitches, his cock pulsing in my hand as I finally stimulate him back. I lower my eyes, staring only at his cock, then lean all the way in, taking him into my mouth with a soft moan.
I hear a breathy noise from above me, quiet, and force myself to take his cock deeper, feeling it throb against my tongue.
"Perfect— such a perfect girl—" Zhongli praises, running his fingers through my hair, petting me before he grips again, holding tight. "You know just how to make me feel good— so pretty with my cock down your throat—" He moans again as my mouth tightens. I fight to relax my throat, desperate to take him deeper.
I rock my hips against nothing, like I'm still sat on Zhongli's thigh, moans high in my throat vibrating around his cock. I can feel the arousal between my legs, cascading down my thighs, creating even more of a mess as I move my mouth on his cock, sloppy, focused only on making him feel good as I move my head.
I'm doing well if the constant low moans from Zhongli mean anything.
"Just like that—" He continues to praise. "So good—"
I flutter my eyes shut, forcing myself to take him into my throat again, curling my tongue along the shaft of his cock to follow a vein. His cock throbs against my tongue, his abdomen twitching above me. It lasts for only a moment before a hand lands in my hair, holding tight, pulling me off.
I look at Zhongli with a pout, noticing he looks fucked out of his mind, slowly blinking back at me. I move forward, pushing my tongue out, leaning in open mouthed, desperate for the taste of cum down my throat.
I look up at Zhongli through my lashes, begging with my eyes.
He huffs, blinking down at me. "Not yet." He says. "You don't deserve it yet."
Before I can protest, he releases me, moving his hands back to relax on his thighs.
"Up." He demands.
I nod, swallowing around my nerves, lifting back to my feet on unsteady legs. Zhongli's eyes flick down to my thighs, the slick coating them, glinting in the lowlight. His hands move toward me again, landing on my hips, tugging me closer between his legs. Once he's satisfied with my position, he lifts his hands to unbutton the shirt I'm wearing.
He does each button slowly, intentionally, revealing a new line of skin down my chest, down my stomach, following it with his eyes, until he opens the shirt, putting my body fully on display. I fight to not shy away as he drags his eyes along me, his jaw tensing in restraint.
He doesn't hold for long.
Zhongli's arms wrap my waist, pulling me even closer as he leans in, landing his lips on my stomach. His breath is hot as he drags his mouth across my abdomen, pressing a kiss when he sees fit.
I lift my arms, curling them around his shoulders to cradle his head, one of my knees lifting to rest on his thigh. He keeps one arm wrapped around my waist, tight, holding me in place. He drops the other, pushing his hand back between my legs. This time, he has a goal in mind, his rough fingers sliding against the soft skin of my pussy just to wet them, before pushing them further back, until the pads of his fingers just rest at my entrance.
I pull in a sharp breath, my legs tensing in anticipation for him to finally be inside of me, even if it's just his fingers. His mouth moves again, up my ribs, to my chest, his breath hot against my breast, his tongue pushing out to lap at my nipple just as— ah.
I gasp, my body tensing as Zhongli's fingers finally push in, two sinking into me, stretching me out as he curls them up, petting my insides. He distracts me by rolling my nipple with his teeth, a pleased noise low in his throat as I react, arching toward his stimulation, melting into his control.
His fingers are slow, careful to not hurt me as he pumps them in and out of me. I flutter my pussy, gripping down, desperate to feel him deeper. I lift my hands, carding them into his hair to hold tight, still cradling his head as he moves his mouth of my breast up to my collar, scraping with his teeth.
I feel the pressure of another finger resting at my entrance and tense my thighs, already stretched tight. His lips move higher, pressing a kiss to the base of my neck as the only warning I get before the third finger pushes in, pulling a whimper from low in my throat.
Zhongli keeps his stimulation gentle, darting his tongue out to drag it up the tendon of my neck, sinking his fingers back into me, stretching me with the taper of his fingers' girth. I tug his hair tight, tight enough to pull him from my neck, forcing him to tilt his head back and look at me. His expression is dark, unsated, desire apparent. I take panted breaths, staring back down at him as I milk his fingers.
"Please—" I breathe out. "Please, sir."
It's all it takes, the corner of Zhongli's lips twitching to smile as he pulls his fingers out of me, dragging a wave of slick with them. I tilt my head down to watch as he leads that hand to his lap, wrapping it around his cock, pumping and wetting the length.
His hand on my waist drops down my hip, guiding me to turn my back to him. He holds tight, lifting and handling me until I'm spread on his lap, my knees planted to either side of his, his mouth pressed to my shoulder. He wraps my waist from behind, holding me in place to his chest.
His other hand stays on his cock, guiding to press the head of it to my pussy. He slides against me, dragging the tip through everything sensitive, before lining up with my entrance. He holds his cock steady, kissing along the length of my shoulder, to my neck, waiting with his lips pressed to my ear.
"Go ahead." He breathes out. "Take it."
I swallow, nodding, looking down my abdomen, staring at his cock where it connects with me. I lift my hands, curling them around the arm he's wrapped my waist with, digging in with my nails to hold tight as I shift my hips, sinking down on his cock. I feel his stomach tighten against my back, a jagged breath escaping his lips as I finally envelop him, lowering onto his cock until I'm resting in his lap, our bodies fully connected.
I only pause for a moment, small moans slipping from my mouth as I adjust to finally being stretched on his cock. I can't help but move, lifting my knees to bounce in his lap, fucking myself.
Zhongli's sucks in a breath once I move, sharp, tightening the hand he has on my waist to hold me in place.
"Not yet." He says, voice low, restrained. "You don't deserve it yet. Sit." He demands.
I whine, fluttering my pussy along the length of his cock, just barely shifting my hips to keep stimulated.
"Please—" I beg again, desperate to move.
"No." He says back, firm in his resolve. "I want to see how desperate you can get—" His free hand drops between my legs, sliding against my pussy to explore where I'm stretched on his cock.
"Keep begging." He sighs out, dragging his fingers to my clit, evenly pressuring.
"Please, I— ah—" I draw in a sharp breath as his mouth continues to move against my shoulder, tightening down on the skin, sucking to bruise.
I whine as he loosens his mouth, dragging his tongue along the mark to soothe it, then moves higher, sucking another.
"I—I—" I swallow around my noises, hips fighting to move as Zhongli keeps me held in place. "I want you to feel good— please—" I manage to gasp out. "Let me— let me make you feel good—"
Zhongli makes a noise, low, that rumbles his chest where it's pressed to my back. He moves his arm from my waist up, dragging his fingers into my soft skin that gives under his touch, up to my neck. He circles my neck with his hand, his palm flat to my throat. His chin hooks over my shoulder, tilting down so he can watch the muscles of my abdomen tense, his fingers still playing between my legs. The hand on my throat tightens, holding me still, until there's a fuzz in my brain, intoxicating in the way he's controlling me.
"I do feel good." He breathes out. "—watching you like this— trembling little thing—" He squeezes the sides of my throat tight, speeding his fingers to a stutter against my clit.
I whimper, entire body pulling tight enough to shake, being forced toward another orgasm quicker than I can handle.
"You can't even control yourself— all those noises— you're so reactive." He tapers off, voice low.
He slows his fingers to more intentional strokes, dragging my orgasm out of me. I shout, eyes rolling back as the feeling overtakes. I dig into his arms with my nails, shaking through it as I cum in waves. It pulses through my abdomen, making me tighten on his cock. He goes until it's too much, continuing to pet my clit even as my hips jerk, whines constant in my throat, body arching away from the stimulation in oversensitivity.
"Please— sir—" I beg again, whining as tears collect in my eyes.
"You should see yourself—" He continues speaking, unfazed despite the way his fingers finally move from my clit, dragging up to rest his palm flat to my twitching abdomen.
I swallow, fighting to open my eyes, head rolling back, thoughts fuzzy.
"I want—" I start, mumbling. "I want to make you feel good— please fuck me—" I beg.
Zhongli huffs a laugh against my back. "So," he starts, soft, "You want—" His hips adjust, his arm steadying me as he finally snaps his hips up, fucking into me once.
It pulls a guttural moan from my throat, my mentality lost as I melt in his hands.
"—this?" He asks, rocking his hips against my ass before pulling back and snapping them again.
I whimper, managing to nod despite the way my head rolls back.
"Yeah— yes—" I mewl out, completely pliant in his hands.
Zhongli hums in consideration, tightening his grip on my hips to hold me still, then finally fucks himself into me, rolling his hips in a rhythm. The room fills with the sound of our skin connecting, my wanton moans a constant that he meets with heavy breaths of his own, unwavering as he fucks himself up into my lax body.
His endurance might be the death of me, his thrusts never stopping as I bounce in his lap from the force he's using to fuck into me, nearly just along for the ride, holding on tight.
I try to last, but don't make it long before the threat of an orgasm builds again, low in my abdomen.
"I'm—" I whimper out, thighs tensing where they bracket him, before crashing into another orgasm.
It rips through my body, hard enough to hurt, every muscle feeling exhausted, weak. Zhongli's hips never slow. Instead, he fucks into me harder, even as I feel myself cry out, face wet from tears and saliva, digging my nails into his arm deep enough to draw blood.
"Please— please— Zhongli—" I whine, tapping his arm, begging for a moment of mercy.
"Pathetic." Zhongli sighs out from behind me, though, he slows his hips to a stop, holding my stomach as I fight to catch my breath.
I try to relax, fluttering around the length of his cock buried inside of me. I realize, sitting down, his lap is soaked. I must have—
"What a messy thing." Zhongli observes first, rocking his hips against me.
"I'm sorry." I whimper out, flexing my numb fingers, trying to get a handle on myself. "I keep— I— it hurts— it's— I'm sorry."
"We can stop." He says, voice finally soft. "If that's what you want."
I'm quick to shake my head, refusing to finish until he's cum, until I've pleased him. I lift my own hips, fighting the ache in my thighs to ride, rolling back into his lap.
Zhongli hums, pleased, pressing his lips to my shoulder. "Good girl." He breathes out. "That's why you're mine."
I nod, moans high, whined, fighting my own body to ride his cock. I move in rough, jerky motions, lifting as far out of his lap as I can manage, sure to drag the full length of his cock out until the head catches my entrance, then sink back down.
I'm encouraged by the noises that start to slip from Zhongli, low, exhaled moans that come in tandem with each bounce. I steady myself, arching my back to ride with as much fervor as I can muster, colliding with his lap as I bounce.
Zhongli's hands begin to tense, his moans more frequent, his stomach tight against my back. It's almost a relief when his hips snap up, colliding into my movement, his cock jerking to flood warmth low in my belly as he exhales a shuddered moan against my shoulder, throbbing inside of me.
Shaking, I lift to my knees, only for Zhongli to pull me right back into place.
"I'm not done with you." He says, voice steady. "You're staying right here. I'll use you again when I feel like it."
I whimper, nodding. I can feel myself throbbing, milking his cock that remains buried inside of me, the mess between us growing.
Zhongli settles back, one arm still looping my waist, the other reaching to his side, lifting the book he was reading earlier.
It's humiliating, crumbling back to lean into his chest, eyes barely staying open, watching as he occupies himself by reading, all while his softening cock is buried inside of me, twitching every time I clench. Though, the break is needed, pain from oversensitivity fading.
He doesn't let me rest much, occasionally pausing only to fuck up into me, his cock growing increasingly hard as the time ticks on, until he's fully erect, rocking against me again. Though, he doesn't seem to react to it, instead continuing to read even as he tilts his hips hard enough noises slip from my throat.
Zhongli holds, unmoving, unwavering, keeping me split open on his cock until I'm throbbing, arousal low in my abdomen demanding I be fucked again. I squirm in his lap, clenching down, desperate for him to react, hold my hips, take what's his.
Instead, he reads his book like he doesn't feel it, feel me pulsing around his cock buried inside of me, cum and slick dripping from my thighs, my stomach warm where he's filled me.
Every movement becomes torture, every breath forcing his cock to move inside of me, teasing in the way it drags along everything sensitive. He continues to let his hips twitch, fucking his cock up into me with no real intent other than to make me whimper.
I only make it so long before I break, tilting my own hips, carefully lifting my knees to bounce in his lap in short, careful motions.
Zhongli notices.
"Did I give you permission?" He asks, voice low, freezing me in place.
I whine, shaking my head.
"N-no—" I mumble out.
Zhongli sighs, lifting his hands, slowly, carefully marking his page and setting the book down. His arm wraps my legs under my knees, lifting and holding them to my chest. His other wraps my waist, holding me in place, then, he stands, still inside of me, carrying me to his bedroom.
He releases me onto his bed on my stomach, keeping his cock locked inside. He presses a hand to the center of my upper back, holding me in place, then finally shifts his hips, pulling his cock out. I whine, clenching on air, feeling the cum-slick mixture pulse from my abused pussy, drooling out, across my clit and out onto the sheets.
Zhongli lets out a low noise at the sight, pressing his hand firmly against my back, before finally stepping away.
I whine once out of contact with him, shifting to flip to my back, look at him carefully slipping out of his clothes. He peels them off, layer by layer, until he's nude, then finally comes back to pay me attention. I lift my knees, keeping my thighs held together, watching as he watches me.
"You need to learn to obey me—" He sighs as he approaches, landing his hands on my thighs, pulling them apart. "You can't get out of trouble just by spreading your legs open and being my whore, no matter how much favor it wins you."
He digs into the soft flesh with his fingers, glancing down between my legs as he slots his cock against my pussy, sliding against it. His fingers hook into the shirt I still have on, roughly jerking the fabric to tear it off my body, until we're both nude.
Zhongli's hips roll, dragging his cock along everything sensitive while he stares at me, a mess in his sheets, twisting my hands and panting, begging for more.
"No one wants a disobedient girl—" He sighs out, shifting his hands up to my hips and holding on tight. He tugs, dragging me down the sheets until my ass hangs over the edge of his bed. He stands between my thighs, leaning in toward me, holding my spread legs upright.
"I'm— sorry—" I choke out again. "I'm sorry, sir."
Zhongli inhales, slow, restrained, staring down at my face. He shifts his hips back, until just the tip of his cock is pressed to me. He moves his hand until he can wrap the base, guiding it lower between my legs until the head rests just at my entrance.
"Beg." He says, low.
I whimper, nodding, a repeated 'please' spilling from my mouth like breath. I rock my hips, feeling the head of his cock catch as it slides against my pussy, desperation taking over the way I lift my hips, until I'm begging with my body, too.
Zhongli slips into a pleased smile, watching me break beneath him, until his hands tighten on my body again, holding me in place.
"You're such a good girl when you listen." He praises, then finally shifts in, pushing his cock inside of me.
I gasp as I feel him enter, eyes rolling back, scrambling to wrap his hips with my legs. My hands lift to my chest, curling there.
I brace as Zhongli drags his cock out, just in time for him to snap his hips forward, fucking into me hard enough I drag up the sheets. There's no mercy in his pace, the snap of his hips rough, colliding into me as he grips my thighs, trying to hold me in place.
I moan with each thrust, pulsing in tandem with the drag of his cock inside of me. I know I look like a mess, but I'm not present enough to care, instead focused on panting through my breaths as he fucks himself into me, the sound of our skin connecting filling the room.
The drag of his cock is perfect, stimulating everything inside of me, keeping me stretched open. I keep moaning, desperate, held tilted back, barely present enough to watch Zhongli fuck himself into me through my lashes.
I have to tilt my chin back, guttural moans carving my throat, entire body pulling tight as Zhongli fucks me like it's nothing. An ache starts in my core, forcing me to grip harder on his cock. It's a familiar tension in my muscles, dragging me closer to an orgasm, his cock pounding against every sensitive spot.
"I'm— I can't—" I sigh out, turning my face into my shoulder through my whimpered moans.
"Already?" Zhongli asks, never slowing the roll of his hips. "Pathetic mewling thing—" He moans himself, guiding his hand to wrap my throat, loosely holding it, digging his other hand into my thigh.
I whimper through my moan, too embarrassed to look at him, the roll of an orgasm building low in my stomach, close enough to hurt.
"I'm—" I manage to whimper out, before cascading into an orgasm, pussy fluttering around the length of Zhongli's cock.
"So quick." He chastises, seemingly unaffected.
I can feel my body trembling with the effort, it takes to be fucked, constant mewled moans spilling from my throat. I feel messy, used, my hands curling against my chest as he continues to fuck into me. The drag of his cock overstimulates, my cum sensitive pussy making me desperate enough that my thighs fight to close, preserve what's between them.
Zhongli refuses it, dropping both hands to hold my thighs tight, keeping me spread.
"No." He chastises, breathless. "You'll take it until I'm done."
I mewl out, desperate, darting both of my hands down to hold his forearms, digging in with my nails, jerking my hips as his movement never stops.
"Please—" I beg, not even sure what I'm asking for at this point, shaking with the effort, head rolling back on my shoulders. "I'm sorry, sir— please— please— it hurts— I'm sorry—"
I look up to Zhongli, pleading with my eyes. It takes a moment, but his expression finally softens, his thrusts slowing until he's resting with his hips flush to my ass, I continue to tremble, clenching around his paused cock. I jump as his hand connects to my chest, his rough skin tenderly dragging down my ribs and abdomen.
He goes to my own hands, prying them from his arms, lifting them until they're above my head. He slots his hand against mine, threading our fingers together, squeezing tight. The motion grounds me, preparing me for when hips rock, gently stimulating me with his cock again.
"You can do it." Zhongli sighs out, rocking himself into me, carefully moving his hips. "Just keep taking my cock like my good girl." He squeezes my hand with his as he talks, tilting his hips back to drag the full length of his cock out of me before fucking it back in.
"You're perfect—" He praises, even as my eyes roll back, "Such a— such a good girl."
I warm under the praise, blinking up at Zhongli as I come back to my body, stretched open on his cock.
"I'm—" I mumble out, disoriented.
He holds me tighter, leaning in to catch my lips. He exhales against them before we meet, kissing me with an even pressure. I arch into it, heart thumping as I warm from the affection.
Zhongli pulls back, hovering his lips next to mine as he speaks.
"You can do it—" He breathes out. "That's my girl."
I tilt my head back, eyes fluttering shut as I relax against the mattress. The drag of his cock in and out of me continues, gentler than before. He rolls his hips against me, breathy moans of his own escaping, a relaxed look on his face.
Zhongli squeezes my hand tight, a grounding motion, before his hips speed, chasing. I lift my shaking legs, wrapping his hips and holding on for the ride, my lax body dragging up the sheets, until, finally, his thrusts lose rhythm again, stuttered movement matching the moaned noises from low in his throat. I watch his face, until his expression breaks, the surrender of ecstasy taking over. There's a catch in his breath, noises low in his throat all warning whats to come.
I flutter around his pulsing cock as it finally jerks, flooding my stomach, his hand holding mine tight enough to hurt.
He watches my face as he cums, looking relaxed, before coming down, meeting my lips with his hips resting flush to my ass. I'm kissed hard enough my head tilts back into the sheets, trembling body otherwise pliant in his hands. He handles me up the bed, to the center, carefully to stay inside of me. I sigh as he relaxes, pressing me into the mattress with his weight, coming down from the high as our bodies continue to rock together, no real chase for pleasure in the movement, just a desire for closeness.
"I'm proud—" Zhongli starts, pressing another kiss to my lips. "—so proud to call you mine."
I muster just enough energy to smile, lifting my hands to thread them into his hair and hold him against my lips a moment longer, before I fully collapse, exhausted.
Looking up at Zhongli, wrapped in his arms, I watch his face soften. The severity of his expression eases, tension melting from him, until he finally seems relaxed.
"I'm sorry." I mumble again, quiet. "I'm sorry for breaking the contract."
Zhongli smiles, soft, bringing a hand up to cup my face, running his thumb along my cheek.
"I forgive you." He says. "It was a mistake."
His hand lifts from my face, grabbing one of my hands at the wrist. He places it above my head, curling his fingers around the bracelet he gave me to signal our bond.
"If you choose to do it again... I won't hesitate to remind you that you belong to me." He says, pressing a kiss to the corner of my lips.
I nod, eyes barely open, body sinking into the exhaustion that envelops it, finally feeling settled with the spoken forgiveness.
I would never get drunk in the middle of the day.
—but, if it means getting punished like this...
I might repeat the mistake.
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter One
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Chapter One: The Other Wilson Sister - chapter two
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n grew up with Sam and Sarah Wilson in the bayou of Delacroix. During the Blip she stayed with Sarah to help run the family business. With Sam back and trying to save the day, Y/n’s perfect opportunity to confess her long-kept secret to her best friend presents itself.
Warnings: tfatws ep.1 spoilers, language, suicide mention, undertones of racism, lots of Wilson sibling arguments, tragic backstory
Word Count: 5.9k
A/N: As I wrote this first chapter out I realized it’s most definitely also a Sam Wilson x platonic fic. Bucky doesn’t come in till next chapter but rest assured, it’s gonna be a wild ride...Also I didn’t know till now how difficult it is to plan out a series in its entirety when the show isn’t completed lol. Hope you enjoy! (I may or may not change the title depending on how I feel about it later today lol)
Delacroix, LA 2024
One of the only things I was certain of in life was that blood didn’t make a family.
I had no official tie to Wilson family, I wasn’t a daughter or some distant cousin sent to live with them. We shared no DNA and they had no reason to love me as much as they did. But throughout my life I had known no kinder people than them and I doubted that would change. As I stood on the family boat helping to unload the catch of the day, I thought of how our corner of the Louisiana bayou felt more like home than any place I’d ever been.
“Hey,” Sarah said from the dock, “Head out of the clouds and down here helping me.” “Sorry,” I shook myself out of my thoughts and hopped off the boat, “Not a bad catch if you ask me.”
Sarah sighed as she bent over a large bucket of fish, “It could’ve been better.” I came to stand in front of her and held my hands out for a bucket, “Take the wins where you can get ‘em, Sar. Lord knows we don’t get enough of them.” Sarah Wilson was the only superhero I’d ever aspire to be like. She was a widow who had raised two kids and run a business all by herself with no family for support. The past five years had been challenging with so many people gone and while I had moved in with her to help however I could, I could take no credit. She was one of the strongest women I’d ever known.
“You had that look on your face again,” she said as we worked.
“What look?”
“That look that lets me know you were thinking real hard about something,” Sarah imitated the expression in question by thinning her eyes slightly and furrowing her brows, “Like this.” I laughed heartily at her impression, “So what was it?” I gazed out at the bayou waters before turning to the boat and finally Sarah, “Family.”
She nudged me with her hip, something we’d done when we were young and an affectionate gesture we’d carried into adulthood. A half hour went by with us and the boys unloading and sorting the fish we’d caught. I was too wrapped up in the task to notice the sound of a vehicle approaching until AJ and Cass announced the arrival. 
“Blue for the snapper, orange for the whitefish.”
“Uncle Sam!”
My head shot up upon hearing his name, as did Sarah’s. I used my hand as a visor against to sun to spot the familiar rusted truck parked a few hundred feet away, with my best friend standing outside it hugging his nephews.
“That’s right, Uncle Sam,” Sarah called, “You’re back early.”
I grinned as I shucked my gloves off and made a beeline for him, slamming my body into his for a tight embrace. It had been a few weeks since I’d seen him, having spent the only weekend he was off away, and I’d naturally been worried sick about him. My best friend and un-biological brother may have been an Avenger for years, but after losing him in the Blip I didn’t think I’d ever stop worrying about him.
“Every time I come home, you act like I’ve been gone for five years,” he joked over my shoulder, resulting in me pulling away and slapping his bicep.
“Not even a little funny,” I pointed a finger in his smug face, he slung an arm around my neck as we walked over to Sarah.
“What’s goin’ on? You got Mom’s sneaky look on your face.” “How you gonna try to read me when you know I’m the one that reads you?” Sam smiled, passing by and greeting a long time customer of ours. “That look is permanently glued to his face, Sar,” I chuckled, “I learned that in grade school.” Sam shook his head at me and laughed before making his way up the dock to the Wilson family boat. “You gotta marvel at it, baby’s being held together by duct tape and prayers.” I leaned into Sarah, “Are you telling him or am I?” She took the initiative, “It just needs to float long enough for me to sell it.” “I thought we were gonna discuss if we were selling it,” Sam replied as he helped unload another bucket of fish. “We did, and then you were off fighting Doctor Space Cape or whatever while we,” Sarah gestured between us, “Were holdin’ it together for five long years. Now that the world is going back to normal, this thing’s gotta go.”
Sam looked to me with a look of displeasure, “Were you in on this?” “Don’t drag me into this,” I waved my hands as if wiping my involvement away, “This is a Wilson sibling discussion.” “Uh-uh,” Sam called me out, wagging his finger, “Don’t do that. Dad said every chance he got that you were one of his own, you’ve got a say in this too. What is it?” I scrunched my face up, dreading the argument that was knocking on our door, “It’s dead weight, Sam. The money we could get for it would be enough to keep us comfortable for a little longer without having to worry.” “We grew up on this thing. It’s not just Mom and Dad’s name on it. This thing is a part of our family.”
I sighed as Sarah stepped forward, “You know the situation we’re in. This is why I prefer not to dwell on it in front of everybody.” “Well what if we don’t need to sell it?” Sam said. “Can we talk about this in private?” I suggested, tiring of having to convince Sam that we were in the right when he hadn’t been around to witness our struggles. A long time friend of ours called out to Sam and he willingly took the distraction, opting out of having the inevitable difficult conversation. Sarah and I trudged back, totes of fish in hand and tried to get through the rest of the work day without worrying if we were approaching our last.
During golden hour, when the clock had struck five and we’d started packing it up for the day was the only time to get Sam to actually listen. I knew how much the boat meant to him, it meant something to us all, but he wasn’t living in the reality that Sarah and I were.
“Sam, the boat’s gotta go,” Sarah finally said, breaking the silence we were working in on the vessel. “Wait-“ “No, let me finish,” she said, “Y/n and I are doin’ everything I can to keep this business afloat and every day we’re making $5 and spending $10.” Sam looked between the two of us, “So why won’t you let me help?” 
“Sam, don’t…” I winced, knowing Sarah’s reaction would be strong.
“No, don’t start with that. We made a deal before Daddy died,” Sarah carried a few buckets to the center of the deck, “You’re out there, I do things my way here. Y/n agreed to it too when she went off to school.” “Right, but you tangled the house into this when you took those loans,” Sam finished tying off one of the ropes, turning around and giving Sarah the perfect opportunity to punch his chest, “Forgot how hard you hit.” I sighed as I passed him by to follow Sarah, “Low blow, you deserved it.” 
“Sarah, Y/n, c’mon,” he chased after us, “Look, and don’t hit me again…What if you had money to fix it up? Make it nice so you can charter it when you’re not out working the waters?” “Sam, do you think this was an easy decision for us?” I faced him, leaning against the doorway next to him, “I tried every tactic I learned in business school and got nowhere. Anything I thought up, we needed more money to do. This is our only option.” As he always did with the things he cared about, he fought. “We can take a loan and consolidate everything, it’ll take down your monthly,” he looked confused as he watched Sarah laugh, “What?” “You think I didn’t try the banks? They’re in with all that big business now.” I followed them like the little sister I’d always been as they moved their fight towards the cockpit of the boat. Sam blocked another doorway, “Yeah, but now you have me.”
“Don’t, Sam,” Sarah shook her head, “I just got good with this.”
“All right…”
“Maybe it is time for us to move on,” Sarah sighed. “Either way, just let me help,” Sam offered, “I’ll set the appointment. Look, I won’t let you guys down. We can turn this shit around. Trust me.” I peered over at Sarah, wishing I could see the calculations going on in her brain. It seemed pointless, but any shot at changing our luck was an avenue worth pursuing.
“It can’t hurt to try,” I shrugged.
Sarah finally relented, “To the rescue, huh?”
“Always,” Sam smiled, “Now, let’s get some dinner. I’m hungry.” ————
Sarah was taking AJ and Cass back home while Sam and I took his truck to go pick up food.
“So how was Tunisia?” I asked, sticking my hand out the window and letting it rise and fall with the wind.
“Hot, but the mission went well,” he answered, looking out of the corner of his eyes at me, “And that’s all you need to know.”
I snickered, “C’mon, it’s our thing. I ask you detailed questions about your confidential missions, you tell me you can’t reveal anything, I keep asking…You’ve gotta honor tradition.” “I flew, I fought, I rescued. Boom, mission explained.” “Ugh, you’re impossible, Wilson,” I waved him off, “How was the museum dedication?” The atmosphere changed as the subject of conversation changed from easy to complicated. “It was nice to see Steve’s accomplishments celebrated. Got to see Rhodes which was nice…” “You’re avoiding a red white and blue topic,” I said, trying to coax his true feelings out of their shells, “Seriously, are you really okay with this? Giving up the shield?” Sam inhaled deeply and exhaled, gathering his thoughts. “I don’t think it was ever meant to end up in my hands. I did the right thing, it belongs with Steve and the museum is the closest to Steve I can get.” I respected my friend’s choice but I knew there was so much more to his decision and I wished he would just say it. He had an enormous amount of respect for Steve Rogers and what the shield represented, but Steve Rogers never had to face the issues that Sam Wilson did. Steve Rogers could follow a government and be respected in return with no problems whatsoever. Sam Wilson couldn’t, not always. There was an elephant in the room and if neither of us wanted to talk about it, I wouldn’t push it.
“You’d have looked good in that uniform though,” I smiled as we turned into the take out place’s parking lot.
“Damn right,” Sam waggled his eyebrows and unbuckled his seatbelt. Laughter rang out in the truck sending me on waves of nostalgia. The memories that me and him had in this truck still were infamous between us. As proud as I was of the Falcon’s heroics, I was prouder to call Sam Wilson my best friend.
Just as he’d promised, Sam made the appointment with the banker. He and Sarah were already on their way as I made the hour long drive in the opposite direction to New Orleans. I’d told them I’d be back in the evening to discuss how it went, but I had my own appointment to keep.
Sam and I had met back when we were just a couple of first graders. I’d always struggled with making friends as a kid, but Sam never had an issue when it came to connecting with others. It was one of his strongest qualities. And so he used his gift on his desk neighbor, the loneliest kid in class, and pulled her out of herself. We were inseparable until college and adulthood forced us apart, but we’d never lost our bond. Even when he was a pararescue, he wrote to me as often as his work allowed him.
All the Wilsons had taken a liking to me after Sam brought me home one day after school to watch cartoons. Darlene had told me I was welcome to come over any time I wanted, an offer Sam and I accepted till I became a permanent fixture in their house. Paul and his wife had frequently tried to get the rest of my family over for a crawfish boil or a barbecue. They’d send me every few weeks with a verbal invitation to my parents and the next day I’d always come back with a polite decline and excuse as to why we couldn’t make it. Mom was busy with spring cleaning, Melanie had a recital, Dad was feeling under the weather…
The only one that had ever been true was about my dad not feeling well. He was never well. But as a child, how do you explain that your father is a ghost around his own home who drinks himself to sleep and wakes up each night screaming from nightmares? There was no polite way to phrase circumstances that dark. Sometimes I felt like my dad had never returned from the military and though there hadn’t been a war at the time of his service, he still came back with his share of trauma. Mom did everything she could to try and help him. She found support groups for veterans, she took him to the best psychiatrists, she created a safe space for him within our home to retreat to. There was no amount of help that could kill my father’s demons and that was proven the night he’d said we were out of milk and he was going to the store. A few hours later, with my sister and I fast asleep upstairs, my worried mother answered the door and was informed by the police that my father had crashed his car and was dead. After speaking to Mom about what his mood had been like before he’d left and if he suffered from any mental illnesses, it was ruled as an undoubtable suicide.
My mother didn’t get much time to mourn after the funeral, she had two children to provide for. She took three jobs just to earn enough to move us from our house in New Orleans to a dingy apartment in Delacroix by the bayou. When the Wilsons heard that Mom needed to scrape enough money in the budget to hire a baby-sitter for me and Melanie, they put a stop to her efforts immediately. The insisted that Mel and I would be happier spending the time my mom was working with them and their kids rather than a stranger. That was how the Wilsons and the Y/l/ns had ended up so tightly knit. While Sarah and Melanie had bonded as the older sisters and were often off doing their own thing, Sam and I caused havoc of our own in classic younger sibling fashion. By the time we were in high school, both parents called the other’s children their own.
When Paul and Darlene passed away, it was incredibly hard on all of us and it was equal when Mom had a fall and the doctors suggested she move into a facility. Sam, Sarah and I had worked hard to get her into one of the best nursing homes in the city and she hadn’t stopped raving about how much she loved it. Pulling into the parking lot was like muscle memory now, I never missed a weekend visit with her. This one was special because Melanie, her husband and brood of children had come too. I grabbed my visitor’s sticker at the front desk and made my way down the familiar hallways. The sound of laughter and cooing echoed out of my mom’s room, bringing a smile to my face.
I knocked on the door and heads turned, my nieces and nephews being the quickest. “Aunt Y/n!” I embraced Sophia and Max tightly, “The twin tornados! I missed you guys,” separating from them was difficult as they clung to me but I made it to Stephan, giving him a kiss on the cheek and doing the same to Mel, “You look hot, mama.” “I certainly don’t feel it,” she remarked as she cradled their newest addition, baby Alexandra, close to her chest, “I spend more hours of the day covered in glitter glue and spit up than you could imagine.” “You wear it all well,” I patted her shoulder before coming to my mother’s bedside and hugging her, “Hi, Mom.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” she kissed both of my cheeks and looked to the door, “Sarah and Sam couldn’t come?” “No, but they send their love. They had an appointment at the bank,” I set down my purse and pulled up a chair, “We’re trying to get approved for a small business loan.”
Glen took Alexandra from Mel so she could tend to the twins, “I wish we could help out, Y/n. I’ve looked at the budget over and-“ It warmed my heart that my brother-in-law cared so much about a problem that wasn’t his to bear. “Glen,” I held up a hand, “You guys are stretched thin enough. This isn’t me asking for charity, it’s our problem and Sam’s confidant we’ll find a fix.” “How does he have enough time to be a member of the Air Force, an Avenger and save the family business?” Mel asked.
“Well, the Avengers are kind of off doing their own thing right now from what I understand and he’s home for a little while from the Air Force,” I explained, “So his main job at the moment is to get us our funding and annoy the snot out of me while doing it.” After earning some giggles from Sophia and Max at the expression, Glen announced that they were going to go and grab lunch for everybody. My mom took my hand once it was just the two of us and I settled into my seat, “How are you, sweetheart?”
“Hanging in there,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair, “Tired, stressed, I smell like fish most of the time…We need this loan or else we’re going to have to sell the boat. You should’ve seen Sam’s face when Sarah told him…”
“I’m sorry, I know how much that boat means to you kids. I could’ve offered you the moon and stars and it still wouldn’t have been enough to get you off it.” I smiled at the memories of summer nights spent laying on the deck stargazing, dance parties on the stern and early mornings spent with Mr. Wilson teaching us how to fish. A childhood with so much sadness had also contained so many joys. To part with a tangible one killed me more than I’d let on to Sam.
Sensing that the topic was making me emotional, my mother was kind enough to change it. “How are things otherwise? Have you been getting out there?” I dropped my head back dramatically and groaned, “Mom…” “I’m just saying,” she dropped my hand and held up hers in surrender, “You should get out there, meet someone. There’s no shame in trying those online dating services. What’s the one…the…Tinder?” “Oh my gosh, Mom,” I buried my face in my hands and moved my fingers so she could only see my eyes, “Please stop talking.” “You know who I ran into the other day? Jack’s mom, from high school. She lives just down the next hallway, she says that he’s still single. You could get in touch with him.” “Y’know, for a woman who advocated for her daughters to lead such independent lives, you’re sure quick to try and marry us off,” I chuckled, “The second Mel started dating Glen you were practically booking the church.” “And I’m very proud of both my girls for being such strong young women,” she smiled proudly, “But finding love doesn’t mean losing your independence so long as you’re with the right man. I love that you’ve been helping out Sarah these last few years but honey…I see how lonely you are. In those big y/e/c eyes you think I still can’t read after all these years.” The y/e/c eyes in question started to fill with sadness at hearing my pain verbalized. It was true, I was lonely. More so than I would ever let on to anybody. I was a shy enough kid who only withdrew further after Dad passed away, that kind of introversion wasn’t one that you outgrew. But I’d given up the idea of finding someone to spend my life with a long time ago for a bevy of reasons.
“Sometimes it’s better to be alone, Mama,” I nodded as if to force myself to agree with my statement, “No chances of getting hurt…or hurting somebody.” “You couldn’t hurt somebody even if you tried,” my mom argued sweetly, “You couldn’t even kill spiders when you were a kid.” “And now there’s a Spiderman out there so I’m glad I didn’t,” I shot back with a laugh.
“I’m serious, honey,” she took my hand once again, “Don’t let your heart’s wounds keep you from finding someone who could help soothe them.” 
I was convinced my mother was both a poet and a therapist at some point in her life, she gave advice in the most beautifully phrased way. And while I’d loved to have taken her words to heart, tell Mel to fix me up with one of Glen’s friends and put an end to my loneliness, I feared that I was just too broken to give love to someone.
I arrived back home late, shedding my boots and bag at the doors. I’d expected to hear a triumphant chorus of Sam shouting ‘WHO DA MAN?’ as he typically would when heroically proving me and Sarah wrong, but there was only silence. When I walked into the kitchen and saw their glum faces, it wasn’t hard to guess the outcome of the meeting. “You’re kidding me…” “Said that things had tightened up,” Sam said, leaning against one side of the island and taking a swig of his beer, “Had the balls to ask me for a picture afterwards.” I groaned and grabbed the beer bottle Sarah had extended to me, “Okay, we’re out of options. It’s time to move forward-“ “Don’t say it…” Sam tiredly warned.
“Someone has to, Sam. We can’t keep searching for solutions when the right one is sitting out on our dock,” I gestured to the window that looked out on the road we took each day to work.
Sarah set her beer down and held her hands up in surrender, “I’m not having this argument again tonight, I’m going to bed. If you’re gonna kill each other, do it quietly.” She left as me and Sam silently stared each other down, waiting for the other to speak. I was too frustrated to play the game, “What’s this really about?” “It’s about the damn boat and that you and Sarah are throwing in the towel too-“ “What,” I elongated the single syllable word, “Is this really about?” Sam set his drink down and rubbed his hands over his head before looking back up at me helplessly, “You guys were on your own for five years and you’ve done an amazing job. But now nothing’s working and I just…I just want to help because I couldn’t for so long.” It all clicked as to why Sam was being so insistent on trying to eliminate the whole matter. He was used to saving the day and finally meeting one that he couldn’t save was a wall he thought he could still find a way to run through. He’d been like that ever since we were kids, always trying to help the people he loved even when it was impossible. He had the biggest heart of anyone I’d ever met.
“I love you,” I set down my bottle and crossed the island to come next to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, “But this may be one problem that the Falcon can’t swoop in and fix. The Avengers work hard, but a business graduate helping to run a struggling seafood business works harder,” I succeeded in getting him to crack a smile, “Believe me, I’ve run all the numbers and consulted with anyone who would listen. The boat’s gotta go.”
“Yeah, well, humor me and give me a little while longer.”
“Fine, a couple more days,” I grabbed my beer once again and clinked it against his, “But it’s not my fault if Sarah smacks you again.” Sam laughed, slung an arm around my neck and kissed my temple. “You coming up soon?”
“Yeah, I’ll be up in a few minutes,” I answered, watching as he finished his drink before leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs. Once I’d heard his bedroom door open and close, I exited out to the back porch. I took in the late night sounds of the bayou, the crickets chirping and the wind rustling trees had always soothed me. I wished they could touch what I was feeling right now, but the noise didn’t do a thing to drown out my worry. For the business I feared we may lose, for Sam as he ran himself ragged trying to help and for myself and what him and Sarah would think of me once I confessed the secret I’d kept from them for so long.
I held out my hand and watched as the blue energy flowed from my fingertips. Would Sam ever forgive me for not telling him I had powers? They had manifested when I was young, my parents said. I couldn’t remember a day where my body hadn’t produced a magical energy that when harnessed incorrectly could be destructive. It had been a sad day for my mother’s garden when I’d discovered that bit…According to her, she’d wanted to take me to a school for people like me run by a man named Charles Xavier but my father had said no immediately. He’d been so insistent on keeping my powers a secret that my mother said she’d only seen that type of fear in his eyes when he had a war flashback. So I was instructed to never show my powers to anyone under any circumstances and I’d done just that. I’d thought about revealing them in 2012 after the Battle of New York, but my dad’s fear rang in my ears. Three years later when Sam became an Avenger was when I began to feel guilty that I was keeping a secret from him. I’d wanted to join him and find somewhere where I didn’t feel so out of place, but I’d decided against it again. Now with their team so broken and Sam off with the Air Force, I’d finally gathered the courage to confide in him and Sarah. I should have done it six months ago, but I’d chickened out too many times. Tomorrow, I decided. Tomorrow was the day. But would they still see me the same way once I showed them? ————
The next morning, after dressing and running over what I wanted to say three times, I hesitantly headed downstairs to face the music. With there being nobody in the kitchen, I followed the sounds of the television to find Sarah and Sam staring at the screen intently. I stood to the side of the room and watched a suited man give a speech out front of a government building. “We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America.”
My jaw slackened as a man marched out in front of the gathered press, dressed in a variation of Steve Rogers’ patriotic uniform and carrying the iconic shield. The shield that had only weeks ago sat upstairs in Sam’s bedroom in a case. I dragged my gaze away from the screen to look at my best friend, hunched over in his seat with his eyes shut in sorrow. Sarah looked just as distraught, her eyes trained on her brother as well. We waited in silence until the breaking news broadcast switch back to regularly scheduled programming before Sarah switched the box off.
“I thought you said it was going to stay in the museum,” I finally spoke, my voice choked with emotion.
“It was supposed to,” Sam ground out, his grip on his own hands tightening. Without any warning, he rose from his seat and left the room. My instinct was to follow him and try to comfort him, but there was nothing I could say to ease the deep pain he was feeling. I wasn’t even sure I could form words that weren’t doused in raw shock. The two things I was sure of were that a) the government had fucked up royally and b) now was definitely not the time to tell Sam about my powers.
It was a few days later and Sam still hadn’t spoken much to Sarah and I about the situation. It was unnatural for Sam to suffer in silence especially around us, but we both gave him the space he needed. 
I was taking laundry to AJ and Cass’ room and had to pass by Sam’s, surprised to see him packing a bag. “Thought you were sticking around.” “Something big came up,” he replied as he set a stack of t-shirts in his duffle bag, “I need to go check it out.” I leaned against his doorway, “Air Force big or Avengers big?” “The second one.” “And you’re going by yourself?” I asked with raised eyebrows.
Sam looked over his shoulder at me finally, “Don’t have anybody to else to call. Besides, I can handle myself.” I hummed in response before setting down the stack of laundry, an idea forming in my head that could solve both of our problems. I folded my hands together and dug my feet into the carpet, “What if you didn’t have to go by yourself?” He looked confused, “What are you talking about?” My folded hands began to make circles in the air as I struggled for the right words, “What if I came with you?” “What, like take your family to work day something?” Sam scoffed, “That’d be fun.” “I’m serious.” “Are you crazy? Of course you can’t come.” “Hear me out,” I looked to his bag and the pair of jeans he had next to fold, “Actually watch.” He folded his arms and waited for my demonstration. I took a deep breath and extended my hand, forcing my energy outwards to levitate the jeans. “Whoa!” Sam exclaimed as he watched me maneuver the clothing inside his duffle, “W-w-what…What was that?” I shrugged and pulled my hand back to my side, “The reason why you should take me.”
“How long have you been able to do that?” “Since I was a kid,” I moved out of the doorway and closed the door, the last thing I needed was AJ and Cass knowing their aunt could move things with her mind, “My parents told me never to tell anybody. I’ve thought about telling you for years since you’re used to this kind of thing but I was scared…Then you were gone and when you came back, life was moving non-stop and I lost my courage. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Sam stood with his jaw hung for a few seconds before shaking his head back into reality, “Why are you apologizing? You never had to tell me, but I’m glad you did,” he pointed a finger towards me, “But you’re still not going.” “What are you talking about? I’d be an asset to whatever it is you’re fighting! And I love you but c’mon bird boy, you may be able to fly but I can do it without any tech.” “Oh, so that’s how you wanna play?” Sam gestured between the two of us, “You think insulting me is the way to get me to let you come?” “Come on,” I moved to sit on his bed, “Tell me what the problem is and I’ll prove that I can help.” “Alright, alright,” Sam took a stance in front of me, “You wanted to hear the tea on my missions, I’ll spill it. There’s an online group called the Flag Smashers, their MO is to get the world back to the way it was during the last five years. My military contact, Torres, went undercover in Switzerland when they robbed a bank. Knocked him unconscious when he tried to fight back.” I balanced my elbows on my knees and tapped a finger against my lip, “So kind of a Robin Hood deal, right? Stealing things from the rich and giving it to the poor. In this case, the poor being those who never disappeared.” “Exactly, except the guy that knocked Torres out was strong. Too strong. I’m thinking they could be a part of-“ “The big three.” Sam’s neck snapped back, “How do you know about the big three?” I shrugged nonchalantly, “The little you do tell me about your avenging always ties back to either androids, aliens or wizards. Though I think you’re being a little dramatic with the term ‘wizard.’”
“Are you seriously gonna correct the guy who’s actually there doing the fighting?” “Are you seriously gonna deny yourself valuable help against either an alien or an android?”
Sam sighed, I was successfully backing him into a corner. “Can you even fight?”
Extending one hand, I levitated Sam and gently slammed his back into the ceiling before reversing course and lowering him onto the carpet. He moaned as he rolled over to face me, “Could’ve given me a concussion.” “Maybe that would knock some sense into your head,” I stood and gave him my hand to pull him up, “Sam, I know that I don’t have any experience but I am more than capable of defending myself. I want to actually do something with these powers instead of sitting on my ass. I’d rather do it with you than on my own. Please?” I watched the cogs in his mind turn through his eyes, I knew he was only fighting this hard because he wanted to keep me safe. But he was in way over his head if he thought it wasn’t worth taking me with. He accepted my hand and stood to his full height, “Pack a bag, we’re leaving for the air base in an hour.” I smiled and threw my arms around him, “Thank you, you won’t regret this.” “I’d better not,” he warned, his arms stayed straightened in displeasure of my enthusiasm, “If you take some stupid risk and put yourself in jeopardy, I’m putting your ass on a plane home.” Quick footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway until the door opened to reveal Sarah, “What was all that noise? It sounded like you were throwing each other into walls.” “Busy,” I quickly dismissed her, using my energy to shut the door in Sarah’s face from a distance.
“Um,” her muffled voice rang through, “What the hell was that?!”
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Hello, I really like your work! and i would like to know if you can make yandere killua and yandere illumi fighting each other for the reader. The reader is a friend of Killua and is the same age as him, 18 years old.
Alright! This might be a bit iffy in parts because I never write actual confrontations, but I hope it's enjoyable! I couldn't really slip in some real yandere behavior, so I kinda implied it to keep things short lol.
Killua'd known you for a while now, about two years, from the age of 16 to now, his eighteenth birthday, and he liked you quite a bit. Because of this, the silver-haired man had begun to keep an even stricter eye on you than he had in the past. That's why you were tagging along to Killua's family home with him and Gon to let his family celebrate so that he could keep you safe and close. Besides, he'd rather you met Illumi under his watch than on the roads and by complete chance. So, Alluka was safely in a secure hotel room and you were walking up to the gates to Hades with him and Gon. "You sure you can't just do this over the phone?" You asked, your (e/c) eyes swimming with concern for him, it made his stomach flutter with butterflies. "Nah, my mom would have a fit if I didn't come home for my eighteenth birthday. But, if they try to introduce me to a 'nice girl', we run." That made you and Gon both giggle, but nod. Despite it being silly, the three of you knew it was highly likely. It would be too much to ask that Illumi and Milluki be the favored ones. Killua thought bitterly as he spotted the gates to Hades up ahead, but no. He and Illumi were something akin to the favorites out of his five siblings, the most 'loved' was Killua, he was the heir, so of course he was expected to breed and carry on the line, but Illumi was the eldest, so he too was expected to find a wife and have children. It was an awful fate that some part of Killua, deep down, felt sorry for his brother over, but it was a small portion.
With a firm shake of his head, Killua shooed the thoughts away and huffed at the doors that he now stood in front of, "We'll do our best to get out quickly," Gon chirped, giving the white-haired assassin a confident smile, which he returned, "Yeah! Real quick," he confirmed, before leading them to the testing gates and easily opening them all. "Y'know (y/n), each of those doors is supposed to be 2 tons each? and each bigger one is twice the weight of the corresponding one!" Gon boasted, bringing an astounded look to your face, "Holy shit, really?! Isn't that...128 tons though?" Gon nodded "Yep! Killua can open them all," he boasted, beaming with pride in his friend, ignoring the pink-cheeked glare Killua threw his way as they walked onto the mountain.
As to be expected, the Zoldycks had sent Gotoh, their head butler, with a car, so the trio was spared the miles of walking it took to get to the actual main house. So, instead, they spent the ride talking and joking, which helped to combat the knot of dread in Killua's stomach. Something just told him that this visit wasn't going to end well, but he couldn't say why he felt that way. When he got inside the manor, he got his answer.
It wasn't that he and Illumi were still on bad terms, he'd tentatively begun to mend fences with his eldest brother at sixteen after years of blubbering and pestering from his mother, but the way Illumi's soulless eyes locked onto you when he spotted you did not sit well with the silver-haired Zoldyck. However, his mother tackled him before he could stop his brother from approaching you and striking up a conversation. The only comfort he got was in knowing you were talking to him almost solely out of the need to be polite, you'd been warned enough about the manipulative snake to know to be wary. "you've grown so much! I barely recognize you anymore," Kikyo half squealed and half chided as if Killua could help himself growing to be Illumi's height, maybe a bit more, but the man just rolled his icy blue eyes, staying quiet to avoid his mother shrieking at him about how she was a good mother who loved him or something.
After his mother was done fussing at him, Killua returned to you, sticking close to you and Gon so he didn't lose his cool, doing so would only lengthen how long they'd have to stay. However, he also came over to interrupt Illumi's conversation with you, "Hey, (y/n), ya doing okay?" he asked, not bothering to hide his concern about his brother, which got him a pointed look from said brother, "Oh, yeah, just been chatting with your brother." you hummed, and while he could tell you were still wary, it was far less rigid as it was before. Of fucking course he'd do this bullcrap he thought, scanning over you to ensure his older sibling hadn't stuck you with a needle. Thankfully he hadn't, so that meant Illumi'd just charmed you. Disgusting.
Nonetheless, he bit back the urge to grab you and run and instead just talked to you and slowly led you away from Illumi. After that, things mellowed out for Killua and the day wasn't as much of a nightmare as he'd thought it would be, though that was mostly because he hung out with Gon and you more than his family. That wasn't to say he wasn't polite to his siblings, especially Kalluto, and nice to his parents, but he kept a distance from them. He especially kept a distance from Illumi, and he made sure you did the same so that the assassin couldn't put a needle in you or charm you anymore. However, Illumi approached him around evening, when you'd been drug off by Kikyo to 'have a chat' aka be interrogated for knowing her son so well. "I know why you avoid me nowadays," Illumi hummed in his usual bored, almost-sleepy voice as he watched the tv and acted as if he didn't notice his younger brother's evil look. "but what bugs me right now, is you keeping (y/n) away from me. You know that I need a partner, your friend is a viable option, you're just being rude to stop me from at least trying to date her." He continued, and Killua could almost taste the annoyance in his deadpan brother's aura, but all it did was put a spark of malicious joy in his soul. "First, my friends shouldn't be options for you, second, quit fucking talking about them like they're a piece of meat. (y/n) is a fucking human, not a damned broodmare for you." he pointed out in as cool of a tone as he could manage, both so no malice slips into his aura and affects Gon, who was next to him, and to further annoy Illumi. "Is it because you have a crush on her? No offense, Kill, but that won't stop me from making a move if she's available. they're very cute, and I wouldn't mind having her for myself." the dead-eyed man said coldly, staring down at the younger man.
For a moment or two after that, Killua and Illumi gave each other lethal looks, having a silent argument that was so palpable that Gon finally got up and moved, knowing better than to try and intervene or help his friend with family spats. It turned out the dark haired boy had the right idea, because almost as soon as he'd gotten up, the two went at each other like a pair of hostile dogs.
Killua was swiftly thrown to the ground by his older brother, but since he was no longer twelve, Killua's punch in response did actual damage instead of being ignored. Though he still stood no chance against him, Killua did his best to punch, kick, and bite his brother, managing to roll him over and slam his head into the floor before he retaliated with a punch to the throat. Meanwhile, Gon, Milluki, and the other siblings watched and cheered, either for Illumi or killua, encouraging them or throwing out advice for how to win the fight until Silva and Zeno finally came in and pried the two brothers apart. They ended up having to hold the two apart, because as soon as they were on their feet, Killua kicked his brother in the stomach and was nearly yanked off his feet as a result. "That is enough." Silva snapped, his voice not loud, but still firm enough to clear the wrathful red from Killua's eyes a bit and stop him from initiating another fist fight. "You two are now adults, having squabbles like this is unacceptable." he scolded, the brothers deflating in shame as they were finally released and further chewed out.
Finally, they were returned back to the social setting, and Killua was forced to put on a happy face for the rest of the night. He would've stayed pissed, maybe even attack Illumi a fifth time, but you were there, and he didn't want to worry you with the story. However, through dinner and the onslaught of gifts you and Gon helped him carry out, whenever you weren't looking or he was alone, Zeno and Silva once again would have to stop them from coming to blows before Killua finally left to go to a hotel for the night despite his mother offering his old room.
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
Honeymoon Headcanons: Mayans Edition
Characters: Angel, Coco, EZ x F!Reader
Miami (Angel)
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It wasn’t difficult at all to decide where the two of you would take your honeymoon. When you weren’t gonna be naked, Angel wanted you in sundresses and bikinis. You wanted him in linen shirts, and to feel him up in a club. Couple that with you both wanting a tropical environment, and Miami it is.
Angel letting you handle the accommodations, because you seem to know more about what you wanna see/where you wanna go than he does. He only cares about a bed and shower for when he’s not taking you in the inappropriate places. He just hands over the cash, though he complains about his hurt wallet.
Angel hard as a rock when he sees your new name on your plane ticket.
The two of you nearly missing your flight because your husband needs to “show his wife he loves her”.
You babying him on the flight, because Angel has never flown anywhere before.
“Mami, it’s perfectly valid to feel like a flying toaster can’t safely get you anywhere but a casket. Which they can’t even put you in, because you’ll be everywhere!”
Cue you distracting him with kisses and dirty words in his ear, which gets you initiated into the Mile High Club
Barely making it into the cute little condo before the two of you are at it again, collapsing in the late hours to jet lag and mutual satisfaction.
Your first official day is spent dragging Angel around the humid streets. Knowing he stresses easily if you plan things too tightly, and wanting to wing it yourself. It’s surprising how well you to fit in, it almost feels like home.
Angel switching from being jealous, because your tiny cotton sundress is attracting more than just his attention, to him kissing all over your dewy skin because so much of it is visible.
You getting as jealous as Angel, because it seems like each place you drag him to has openly interested ladies. It’s the white linen shirt that he won’t fully button no matter how many times you try to make him.
Angel basking in the attention, and even playing it up to force you to be the one to initiate inappropriate public sex.
Smirking when you break after a woman pays for his (and unintentionally yours) order at a small cafe you stepped into and you snap and drag him to a hidden place.
“I only love you querida, mi alma.” he whispers in your ear when he bottoms out inside you.
You two are a beautiful couple. Photogenic as all hell. Alone, neither of you have a problem attracting interest, but together, you make people want to be seen around you. That’s why you have no problem club hopping to all the exclusive places.
Angel taking photos and videos of you dancing because he’s so enthralled. He can’t wait to show your kids one day when they ask why he fell for you, and he explains how full of life you are.
Getting enough liquor in Angel to get him dance somewhere away from the club, especially since he (lies) and says he can’t.
You and Angel competing to see who can get the most people to buy your drinks + the two of you losing track because you both get drunk.
A quickie in the coatroom is the prize, Angel fucking you to the hypnotic beat.
Spending a few hours apart the following day, only to still keep texting and FaceTiming each other until you met up, touch starved, at a small restaurant.
Deciding to spend the rest of the day at your Airbnb laid up under each other after Angel scores weed. Teasing Angel about his monetary complaints when you spend all night enjoying the small backyard pool.
Angel thanking God for getting an adventure loving woman as his soulmate when you wake him up the next afternoon to inform him you rented jet skis for the day.
You being impressed when, while jet skiing, Angel silver tongues your way into an invitation to a nearby yacht party out of the host.
FaceTiming Gilly to make him jealous that you two are doing Hookah and drinking Casamigos in a hot tub.
Angel ramping up the mockery when EZ and Coco appear on screen, attracted by Gilly’s whining. Everyone looking overworked and salty, while you and Angel are living your best non-sober lives.
Slipping away from the party to one of the rooms on the boat, because once again, you and Angel never know when to stop teasing each other before it ends up in sex.
Feeling bold enough to suggest that since Angel’s been documenting so much of the trip, that maybe he should film this too.
The aftermath being a surprisingly sweet series of kisses and confessions where the two of you express how thankful you are to have found each other. How you can’t wait to build a forever together.
Marfa + Roswell (Coco)
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No one knew how you got Coco to agree to travel for your honeymoon until you finally revealed where you were going. Splitting a week between Marfa and Roswell.
You and Coco are that “weird” conspiracy, incense, and weed couple, so it makes sense.
Giving Coco an edible before you leave, because like Angel, he doesn’t fuck with air travel like that.
“They got me with that bullshit in the military, but that was out of my control. You askin’ a lot right now, you’re lucky you’re cute mujer.”
Coco getting progressively handsy during the flight as the edible hits. Eventually, you stop fake-fighting his neck kisses and forward touches.
Also like Angel in that he’s unafraid to become a member of the Mile High Club.
The ride from the El Paso airport, to the car rental place, to Marfa takes far longer than Coco would like.
He’s used to long stretches of trip on his bike, and when you notice him becoming antsy, you distract him with interesting facts about Marfa.
The entire time, Coco can’t help but think that you’re the perfect road trip co-pilot, only to realize he actually meant his life in general now.
Coco proud as hell when you fall in love with his accommodations choice like he did. The colorful airstream trailers of the El Cosmico hotel are the two of you through and through.
You both trying to be responsible adults and refresh after travel, but continuing to get lost in each other during the whole process.
Shower sex -> Making out while drying off -> Touching while searching through your bags for something to wear -> bed sex -> repeat
Looking thoroughly mauled when you finally manage to get Coco off of you and into the car in search of food the next afternoon.
Coco being happy you can’t cover up due to the heat, while you wonder what superpower he and his boys have that let them wear flannel and long sleeves in the heat.
Dragging Coco to a cute cafe you saw on instagram, and him knowing, by the hipster design of it, that his wallet is about to cry.
Stealing food from his plate, and laughing at him sucking his teeth and whining when he catches you.
“You’re stuck with me forever now Johnny sooo….get used to this.”
“Small price to pay for that I guess.”
Finding small shops to go to and being Siamese twins in every one. Coco showing he has good taste in a lot of things one might think he wouldn’t. Him opening up his wallet at everything you 'ooh' and 'aww' at. He can’t help it, he likes you happy, and your kisses and adoring looks are addicting.
For almost everything you get, Letty gets something too. Neither of you wants that tantrum when you get back.
You fighting yourself to avoid the art supply store, and Coco not having it.
“I have so many supplies already, it’s an addiction at this point.”
“So? Get some more. It’s our week, we shouldn’t stress about shit.”
Coco bragging on your talents and successes to the art shop cashier when you checkout.
“Cocoooo.” you murmur hiding your face in his shoulder, arms around his waist.
“Don’t be shy ma, you’re fucking amazing. I love your skills.”
Cue the cashier swooning at the two of you.
Finding unique liquor stores and getting tipsy on samples. It becomes twice as fun when locals, and other tourists alike, start discussing the Marfa lights with you, and you and Coco impress everyone with your ideas.
Being invited to a bonfire smoke session with the other El Cosmico guests when you get back.
Sketching Coco by the firelight, because he’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in that moment, and now he’s officially yours.
The sex being on another level of intimate that night, because all day you and Coco have been engaging in your respective love languages, and it culminates in mutual need for each other.
The drive to Roswell being more tolerable for Coco, but he still misses his bike. Your excitement about AlienFest is so palpable however, he quickly forgets.
Your hotel being more conventional, but the people you meet making up for it. Finally, you and Coco aren’t the weirdest ones in the room.
Taking the time before the festival starts to check in with friends and family and accumulate odd souvenirs for them. You believe Coco is intentionally getting them stuff they’ll hate.
“Taza won’t wear that baby, he has better taste in jewelry than UFO earrings.”
“Ok, but can he bitch about us not getting him anything? Plus, you can guilt anyone into anything.”
Doing cute edible pastries at the festival.
“You know Aliens are demons right? Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were doing summoning rituals in the Mojave in 1946, and Roswell was the following year.”
“Word?…Shit. Tell me that again when we’re not rolling. I wanna read about it………you’re so smart mami.”
Coco realizing between every snack stop, every dance he shares with you, every trinket you pick up, and every little conspiracy tidbit you share, that you’re his wife now. That the peace he’s been feeling all week, that he thought he’d never have, is going to be his new normal.
New Orleans (EZ)
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You and EZ both enjoy engaging with history and culture, and felt that your honeymoon should be built off of your shared interests. During your meticulous wedding planning, it was decided New Orleans would be the honeymoon destination. It didn’t hurt that you missed your southern roots too, even if you weren’t from New Orleans.
Traveling with EZ is a dream considering you’re both pretty organized, together people. He’s not afraid of flying, but you’re always a little nervous.
EZ being Best Husband™️ and soothing even the most minor of your stresses by turning your attention to the excitement of your trip and your new relationship status.
Teasing EZ in-flight won’t get you Mile High Club initiated, because he finds it much more entertaining to punish you by letting you work the both of you up, and making you stay that way for the duration of the flight. He’s got enough will power to suffer through it, because your soft whines make it worth it.
The airbnb is everything it was promised to be, and you’d appreciate that later, but all you can think of is your husband when you step through the door. That’s the other half of why EZ likes to leave you waiting. Your aggression and exclusive desire for him gets, and keeps, him hard.
It rains the following day, which is just as well, because neither of you are quite ready to stop physically expressing your love for each other. The day consists of ordering food, falling out of your clothes and onto each other, separating to read, falling back on each other, and quick naps.
Angel sending mocking texts in your Reyes group about how you’re trying to turn his brother bamma like you, only to stop when you threaten him with no souvenirs.
EZ and you taking responsibility for your own tour because let’s face it, you both know exactly what you want to see, and can plan a more satisfying tour for the both of you. You take turns deciding where to go next.
When it’s his turn, EZ picks an art museum, and can’t quit smiling about it. You think it’s because he picked a place he really wanted to go to.
“Babe, I have a surprise for you.”
“What?” your excitement always makes EZ’s heart race with his own.
He hands you the guide brochure he picked up at the door, folded to the section he wants you to look at.
“Faith Ringgold exhibit?!”
He hums and nods, grunting when you knock into him with a hug.
“Thank you for thinking of me. I love you.” you look up at him, eyes shining with unshed tears and he just kisses you, afraid he’ll cry if he says anything.
The two of you avoid the tourist trap spots for lunch and find a cute family owned cafe. You order for the both of you based on what you know about southern cuisine and both of your tastes.
You love watching EZ fall in love with the food as he keeps asking “Can you make this?” about everything he eats.
The two of you walking through the Garden District in the evening. Hands swinging between you with no plans but to admire the beautiful homes and foliage.
EZ noting how awestruck you are, and you describing what you love about the historic, towering homes.
He catches that when you describe what your dream home in the area would be, he and your future children are mentioned frequently, and it makes butterflies dance in his stomach. He can picture your family in the yards around him.
The two of you almost make it back to your Airbnb, but give into your baser urges after all the domestic conversation. EZ pulls you into an alley for a quickie, the two of you fighting to silence the other’s vocal expression.
You teasing EZ after that he’s more like his brother than he thinks. Him teasing back the two of you would’ve been caught and arrested if he was like Angel.
The following day is relaxed and less planned. The both of you getting thoughtful gifts for each member of your family, blood and otherwise. EZ scores major points for the gifts he suggests for your mom and dad, and you kind of want to jump him again.
EZ is glad you’re impressed, but it’s nothing to him. It all comes naturally because he loves you so much, and refuses to be anything other than the husband he knows you deserve.
I didn’t want to add this, cuz I wanted to end on a sweet note, but you just know Angel would accidentally send that vid to one of his boys.
Personally, I lose it for shit like this. Anything domestic in writings is my jam, so I decided to make these headcanons.
- Fun fact: Jet Ski is kind of like Bandaid in that it’s become the generic term for “personal water vehicles”, but it’s actually a specific brand’s name for their PWVs. I learned this while writing this enjoy💀.
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blogevaawrites · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: smut, cheating, angst
Summary: After being away of you boyfriend for three weeks, you come to Chris’s  house after he had thrown a party where you met a girl you haven’t see ever. The beginning of the relationship was unconventional so you couldn’t do anything else but suspect.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
There’s something I do when I don’t know how to deal with a situation.
I clean my closet.
I organize it; I try everything on, throw out pieces I don’t wear anymore, or I don’t like. I like to spend time doing this just because I don’t have to think in anything else.
“He’s calling again, you’re not picking up, are you?” Linda asked from the other side of the room. I was surrounded by my clothes and shoes and things, and she was working in her laptop.
“No.” I answered simply and kept doing my thing.
“Isn’t better if you pick up and tell him to stop? This is his tenth call today, and I don’t want to know about texts. This is not right.”
“I’m not ready to think about this.” I muttered. I didn’t realize she got up from the bed and walked to me.
“It’s fine, everything is going to be fine” she said hugging me. Her touch brought tears out of my eyes, but her kindness made me feel safe.
Linda moved to NY a few months before I did, and I could be more blessed because she moved to the next door’s apartment. She has been there since then; our friendship was the kind of you find just a couple times in a lifetime.
“Don’t worry I will be right here. We can clean your closet as many times as you need.”
It’s been three days since I left his house, and my phone has been ringing since then.
I spent my first day watching true-crime documentaries, eating ice cream and drinking wine. The second day I started donating the clothes I wasn’t wearing anymore. And today, I have cleaned the closet three times. Linda enjoyed the first two days, but she hated to organize anything, so she killed time working from my bed.
“That one is pretty sexy. Why don’t we go out to dinner and have a few drinks tonight? Lucy and Vanessa have been calling too.” She spoke.
I thought about it for a few minutes, and I was actually feeling sick of being here.
“Yeah! Why not? I need more alcohol” I joked.
 The night went pretty fun, and I kind of felt better and ready to face everything, his apologies, his face and his voice. Around three a.m I was ready to go back home and sleep my hangover. “Are you sure you don’t need me there? Linda asked when I told her I was leaving, she was having a good time and I didn’t want to spoil her fun. “Yeah! Don’t worry, I’m sick of being depressed, I’m ready to be me again.” She smiled at me and hugged me before I left.
The uber ride was fast, no traffic nor people in the street this made my way home calm, and the driver was quite funny. He waited for me to get in the building and left, leaving alone again. The lobby’s lights were automatic, but they weren’t working very well, I knew the way to my door, so I didn’t bother turning my phone’s flashlight on. Going up stairs, I tried to take off my high heels, but something made me get alarmed. A dark big shadow at the top of the stairs. My heart stopped for a second.
“Holy crap! What are you doing here? Why are you sitting there? You scared the shit out of me, asshole!” I yelled when the light of the hallway turned on and all of the sudden the silhouette of a big man appeared at the top the stairs. My heart started to beat in this normal pace when I recognized his face.  
“I’m sorry that wasn’t my intention. You weren’t picking the phone. I was worry about you.” His hands went up in a signal of inoffensive. His voice was hoarse and his eyes a little bit swollen and red. I could say he had been crying.
“I’m fine, you can go.” I said, walking straightly to my apartment’s door. I looked for my keys in my bag as faster as I could.  
“Can we talk?” he moved to stay behind me while I opened the door. He didn’t get too close to me and I felt grateful for that.
“I don’t want to hear anything, and right now the only thing I want is to sleep.” I got in the apartment and closed the door rapidly. With my forehead rested against the closed door and my hands still on the handle, I listened to him to beg. I missed him, his voice, his smell, his fucking presence made me shake my legs.
“Please, just give me five minutes. I love you and I can’t let you think I don’t. I know I fucked everything up but…” I opened the door before he could finish it. He looked quite surprised when a move away to let him pass.
He didn’t say anything, walked in and moved around awkwardly. I told him to sit with my head. He took a sit on the couch and I didn’t move from the door, with my back resting it in. His eyes stared me few a few minutes, making me feel uncomfortable, defenseless.
“You look beautiful.” He said quietly.
“You have five minutes.” The alcohol in my body brought rudeness out of my mouth. I was tired, kind of drunk and still hurt by him so couldn’t let him get any closer in any dimension.
“I’m sorry.” He said before his hands rubbed his face roughly. “I went to NY to tell you everything. I really did, I felt horrible, and I didn’t want to hurt you, but I knew I had to tell you. Carly thought it too. You know them, there’s no place for any secrete between them. When I arrived in here, saw your face and I felt your arms around me I chickened out. I realize that I couldn’t live without you; for the first time in my life, I was really scared to lose somebody. And that was a feeling I wasn’t used to.” His statements made my heart ache. I wished anything of this had happened.
“So, you lied? Because you loved me.” I knew he wasn’t a perfect boyfriend in the past but that was a shitty excuse.
“I didn’t know how to tell you. When Carly called that night, she heard you in the back then she assumed that you forgave me, and I didn’t deny it. I felt awful but I got into that lie so quickly, I didn’t know what to do.” I sat on ankles, sliding down the wall. I hid my face with my hands trying to avoid him to see me cry.
“I wasn’t joking, honey. You are the love of my life and I didn’t want to lose you. That scare got so real that I couldn’t face it. I’m sorry, I really am. With you everything is different, and I didn’t realize it until that. The fear of losing you got in my skin and it never left.” I didn’t feel him to come closer to me until I felt his hands in mine. As soon as I felt it, I got up and moved away from him. I knew I could fall for him quickly.
“If you have done, you should leave.” I could say walking to the fridge to pour water in glass. My throat was dry.
He looked at me for a while, then took a deep and loud breath and moved to the door.
I saw him walk to the door, to leave the apartment, to leave me. I did understand the scare of losing someone, I had lost a few people in my life, but seeing him leaving it was different, I was losing him, and everything was his fault. That didn’t feel fair.
 “Why you did this to me?” The words left my mouth before I could think about it. He turned around to look at me, but I hadn’t finished “Why didn’t you break up with me if you wanted to fuck somebody else? Why were you seeing Ashley? Why did you play along with her game after the kiss?” my voice got louder at every question. I wasn’t a person who yelled easily but I couldn’t help it.
“Baby, I’m a dickhead, I screw up every relationship I’ve ever had. I don’t know why. I promised I went out with her with any side intention, when she kissed me, I felt that fear again. And at the party, I swear I didn’t invite her, I wanted to keep her away from you, I wanted to keep everything what I did away from us.”
“Yeah! That’s why you took her panties.” I said ironically. “What did you want me to do? Kicked her out of the house, making a scene?” He saw my face burning in anger and he continued. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I hate myself enough for both of us.” Said that he took his way again. I didn’t hate him. I loved him. I was needed for him.
I moved quickly to get him; I could reach him by the arm.
As soon as he turned around to look at me, I jumped on his mouth. He didn’t take any longer to embrace his arms around me, pushing my face more against his, as if that was even possible.
We walked clumsily to the nearest wall; he squeezed my butt before holding me up. His hands flew through my tights, caressing them and reached my wet panties. I moaned when I felt his fingers rubbing me. “I need you.” He whispered in my ear. His fingers went to undo his pants and I could get out of his arms.
I saw panic in his face for a couple of seconds. But it disappeared when he saw me got into my knees. I took his hard member in my hands to stroke it a few times before get it into my mouth. He rested his forehead in the wall, and shut his eyes, leaving me caged by his body.
His breathing changed when he opened his eyes and watched my mouth around the head of his sensitive cock. Clenched jaw and hands making fist, he moaned loudly as he was being relieved of great amount of pressure.
My lips wrapped around his cock, taking as much as my throat could, and my hand gripped the rest. I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t want to think. I was tired and sick of the anxiety that this situation was giving me.
I knew this wasn’t a good idea. I wasn’t proud but I wanted it.
“I love your fucking mouth.” his voice brought my back from my thoughts. I started to suck a little bit harder as he was getting bigger. His hips also started to thrust him into my mouth, making me gag at one particularly push. “Shit! Sorry!” he said, taking my face in his hands and making me get up from my knees. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth.” he responded to my unanswered question. We kissed as his hands tried to get rid of my dress, and mine were fighting with his shirt.
Just in my panties, he pickup me up and put me on the hall’s table. Sucking my nipples and rubbing my breast and ass, he ripped my panties and his dick stormed in me.
I yelled in surprise; I was actually more than ready to take him.
“I loved that ones.” I murmured pretending to be sadly for my lingerie.
“I will make it worth.” He said with smile on his face before taking my calves over his shoulders. His thrusts were deep, rough, and needed, I tired to hold on to the table, but his movements got fiercely, and I could feel my orgasm coming.
The table wasn’t meant to this kind of activities. We realized it very late.
“Holy crap!” he said when he saw the table fall, holding me better in his arms. Everything I could do was laugh. He intended to let me go but crossed my arms behind his neck.
“No! Take me to bed!” I whispered in his ear. He smiled before kissing me.
He laid down on the bed with me over him. “Ride me, baby.” he said holding me from my hips.
I started to move up and down on his cock, rolling my hips. I saw he shut his eyes, a signal he was close, so I started to ride hard on him. His fingers were marking my hips as he pushed me up and down savagely. I groaned at the almost painful pleasure.
I felt his body getting tense as he filled me up with his cum.
“God! I love you!” he yelled.
Something woke up inside me, suddenly I felt dirty and ashamed. I hid my breast with my arms as I stood up from bed. His cum dripping on my inner thigh, made me just feel worst.
He didn’t realize, he was still dazed. He took my arm when he realized that I wasn’t coming back to bed. “Come back, I’m still hard.” He muttered with his eyes closed. I let him to guide my body, he made me lay down next to him and cuddle.
“These couple days have been awful; I’ve never felt that bad.” His lips were right next to neck and made me get goosebumps.” I was so scared of not seeing you again.” He said pecking my neck. He turned my hips a little, just enough to let himself into me one more time. I was feeling guilty, I was using him. I wasn’t forgiving him, but he thought I was.
I didn’t want a confrontation; I couldn’t handle one.
His hand held my face to keep kissing my mouth, and his other one at my hip, holding me steady. “Your so good for me.” he said between kisses. His hand went from my hip to my clit. He worked himself in deeper and rubbed me just in the right way.    
My body was so tensed and my brain so away from the reality that I didn’t noticed he fell sleep.
I wanted to have sex with him, I enjoyed. I shouldn’t feel bad for him, he cheated on me and lied, but I wasn’t like that.
I woke up with his snoring in my ear. I got out of his embrace needy for water, the hangover was taking my body. I saw my clothes and his’s all over the floor and the broken table. I didn’t get to do the walk of shame, it was my apartment, I was living in the shame.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” His voice resounded throughout the entire place.
“Okay! You are really thirsty” he said when I drank the water quickly. I didn’t answer, I didn’t look at him. The situation was awkward, and he noticed it.
“What’s going on?” he asked from behind. I ignored him again. “Hey! Are you okay?” he shouted and turned me over to face me.
“Yes, I’m just still drunk.” I said softly. I tired my best to look unbothered.
“Can we talk?” he asked.    
“Not right now. I have things to do.” I started to pick everything up. “I think you should leave; I really have things to do.” I avoided his eyes. I get repetitive when I feel nervous. He knew it.
“Well, I think you’re acting like a child. What happened last night?” his voice wasn’t loud, but it was hard.
I just could shrug, I felt ashamed, and he was mad.
“Talk to me! Damn! Don’t shut up. You always do that. I fucked everything up, I know. But you kissed me last night, you started everything so, right now please talk! Tell me what is happening!” now he was yelling, he looked mad and kind of sad, the guilt just spread across my body.
“What you want me to say, Chris? I wasn’t thinking properly.” I said, looking how he was getting dress himself.
“So, wasn’t mean a shit for you?” I felt like our roles were reversed. Now he was angry, and I was the one giving the explanations.
“I don’t want to hurt your feelings.” I could say.
“Yes, you do, and to be honest, I understand. I deserved it, but I don’t…” he was wrong, I knew I hurt him but that wasn’t my intention, I loved him, and he knew it.
“I don’t want to hurt you. I’m not like you.” My voice wasn’t soft anymore. We were in the same level, he wanted me to feel guilty, so I was doing the same. I continued “Sorry, but I’m not going to apologize, I didn’t want to hurt you. I felt bad and I wanted to have sex with you, you could have said no, and you didn’t do it. But I didn’t say anything to make you think that I forgave you.” His eyes goy darker with my words. he stared me for a few seconds.
“I couldn’t have said no, you could have given me a glass full of worms and I would have taken it.” I felt he was playing the victim; I could stand it.
“I give you a relationship and you pissed on it.” I said crudely.
The room got in a deep silence and filled with tension and resentment.
“You were right, we shouldn’t talk right now.” He spoke after a couple minutes, he took his jacket and got ready to leave. The scare of losing him went back to my head, but I knew it was the best and this time I stood up to it.
“I don’t want to see you again.” I said when he got closer the door. He looked at me incredulous, but he didn’t interrupt.
“I’m still mad and hurt, so I’m not forgiving you soon. But that doesn’t matter because we can’t be together, I don’t trust you and my insecurity in our relationship will freak you out at some point and it will be worst, for both of us.” I didn’t want to cry but I failed, at least he was weepy too.
I thought he was going to response, but he didn’t, he left my apartment without hesitation, slamming the door.
Tag list: @breezykpop  @calwitch @firoozehmoon 
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nightwcngs · 3 years
Jason Todd | Why
Pairing: Jason Todd x F!Reader Prompt: "Sometimes I question why you're with me." Warnings: language, slight angst Word Count: 1.3k A/N: it has been too long since I've written for Jason (or dc in general). This is loosely based off of the song "I Love You" by Avril Lavigne
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You've always liked his smile. Not the one he gave to family, friends, or teammates - that one could easily be faked if he was having an off day. No, the smile you adored was the he reserved for private moments with you. The one that he couldn't help but show off as a laugh escaped him, one you could easily pull from him. If you had to pick, your favorite would definitely be the one he gave you when you caught him staring at you. A shy grin plastered on his face as a blush tinted his cheeks.
Hell, it was just one of the many things you loved about Jason Todd.
Jason wasn't always so good with his words, but he couldn't help but wonder how he ended up with someone like you. Or why you were with him. Whenever he asked what was so great about him, you always answered with a simple 'everything'. Feelings of insecurity stopped him from asking anything further.
In the end, he settled for the simple answer because he didn't want to push it. He was so scared one day you'd get tired of his insecurities and questioning that you'd leave. He's had enough people walk away from him, he didn't want to lose you as well.
It was when he watched you clean up after dinner he knew he had to ask. He was staying over your place for the night, and even watching you do something as simple as cleaning dishes got butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He didn't want this feeling to go away - even if it meant being a little vulnerable.
"Let me help you with that."
"You don't have to," your smile was enough to have his heart beating faster.
"After all the shit you do for me, it's the least I can do."
You nodded, handing him a few things to wash. You knew something was on his mind but always knew when to ask and when to let him say so on his own. Jason had little quirks that you only got to knew once you spent enough time with you. And he, thankfully, let you in a lot sooner then you expected.
He spoke up once the dishes were done, the words left his lips so quietly you weren't sure you heard him correctly.
"What was that, Jay?"
"I said, we need to talk. Got some shit on my mind."
You nodded, following him to the couch. You were preparing yourself for the worst, thinking Jason was about to break up with you. A little breath of relief left you when it was just the opposite.
"I need to know, why are you with me? And please don't just say that you think everything about me is so great. I just - I've done a lot of fucked up things, [Y/N]. You could have anyone you want and you chose to be by my side this whole time. Why?"
You thought over your next words carefully. You didn't want to scare him off. An idea then hit you, a small smile pulling at your lips.
"Can I show you something?"
Jason simply nodded, brow furrowed in confusion. He followed you to your bedroom, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he watched you climb under the bed. Confusion turned into curiosity when you pulled out a rectangular box and gently placed it on the bed. A simple label with the word "memories" scribbled across it laid smoothly on the lid.
"What's all that?"
Jason came to sit behind you, arms loosely slipping around your waist as his chin rested against your shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw the contents of the box; it was all things that had to do with him and your relationship.
"You're always telling me how you've done some bad things, how I deserve better. Take a look at these, it might help change your mind."
Jason watched in awe as you pointed out the items.
"Here's the pictures from the photo booth we took on our first date. That's one of my favorite things about you; how you're not really one for tradition. First dates usually consist of dinner and a movie and you're over here taking me on rides at an amusement park."
Jason chuckled, smiling at the memory, "I wanted to make a good first impression. I was nervous as fuck you weren't gonna end up liking me."
"If I didn't like you I wouldn't have gone the done, silly."
Jason smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple as you went through more items. As you shifted things around, something caught his eye.
"Oh hey, look at this! It's the rock I got you from the beach!" He paused, "You know, saying that out loud just makes me want to die of embarrassment. 'Oh hey honey, here I got you this rock.' What am I, a fucking bird?"
You couldn't help the laughter that escaped you, "You're a dork. It's cute, and don't you remember you wrote our initials on the back?"
Jason turned the rock over, smiling as his thumb ran over the dried ink.
"Of course I remember. It was the day I realized I was in love with you. Couldn't help but tell you a week later."
Your silence was deafening. He was worried he said something wrong. He looked down at you, only to see the tears welling in your eyes. He panicked, grip tightening as he kissed your head.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
You shook your head, "Sorry, just thinking back over all this is a little overwhelming. I just - holy shit do I love you. And I can't help but wonder why you would think I would want anyone else and the man in front of me is everything I could've asked for."
Jason was quiet as you put the box away. When you came back up, he was still in the same position, lost in thought. You gently rested a hand on his thigh, squeezing softly.
"Hey, talk to me. No judgment here, baby."
"I guess after everything I've been through, it's hard to accept you want to be with me. I try to do right by you, treat you as I should, but that doesn't explain why you love me. I don't think anyone would fall in love with their partner because they got a rock."
A small laugh escaped you as you stood between his parted thighs. Your arms loosely locked around his neck as you kissed him.
"It's quite simple, Jason. The reason I love you, is you. You are a puzzle I slowly got to put together, and I fell more in love with you with each piece I found. Every day with you is so much better than the last, and I'll take every good and every bad if it means getting to be with you."
A few tears fell as your words sunk in. He pulled you in for a hug, a hand cradling your head. You only pulled away when he calmed down, your eyes meeting his steel blue ones.
"Are you okay? Are your questions answered?"
Jason nodded, pulling you in for a sweet kiss.
"Yeah, just realized something."
"What's that?"
A smile pulled at his lips as he kissed you again, "How lucky am I to be able to be loved by you?"
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
When the world falls apart, the only thing we can hold onto is ourselves (Part II)
Series Master list
pairing: canon Eren Jaeger x reader
content: Angst, unstable relationship, breakup, smut/nswf+18, major character death, violence, blood (obviously), war (pretty obvious)
summary: War and hate. It’s what defined the world at this exact moment. You failed your comrades, and by failing them, you failed yourself. Your relationship is hanging by a thread and your enemies will not only be found on the other side of the sea, but also in the mind of the person you love the most. How will you take the reins in the face of so much destruction?
Chapter summary: Coming home is melancholy and cold, and your squadmates ask you to do what you couldn't do for a year: speak up and find out what's going on inside Eren's mind.
Words count: 5.3k
They say that when a loved one leaves this world, the days follow turns gray, colorless; How ironic to think that the day we buried Sasha was gray, there wasn’t a trace of the blue sky or some solar ray that could give us the warmth we were lacking. It was cold, a cold that got into your bones and no matter how many hugs and words of mutual support we gave each other, we couldn’t get the warmth we needed.
My soul had been fragmented the moment Sasha left this world, but seeing my friends cry at her grave and leave bouquets of flowers, it fragmented even more. I wasn’t able to meet Nicolo's eyes, my guilt prevented me. Inside, I wanted this Marleyan to yell at me, to tell me that he hated my presence, that Sasha's death had been my fault, and that I should have given my life if it meant saving her. I wanted with all my being that he would give me a reason to really feel guilty.
On the way back to the island, the others assured me that her death wasn’t my fault, that I did everything possible to keep her alive. But my ineptitude, my grief, my low self-esteem prevented me from seeing things clearly. I just needed… something to hold onto.
And I wasn't getting anything.
I felt how I was slowly sinking into the rabbit hole, without the possibility of clinging to a tree root. I was falling, falling, falling, unable to know when I would hit bottom. But that bottom came fast before I could have predicted, because minutes after Nicolo arrived, Sasha's father arrived too, bouquet of beautiful red flowers in hand.
I broke myself. The two people who longed for Sasha most in their lives were standing in front of me, mourning the loss of her young soul. The two people who would hate me the most in the world, standing over my friends's grave. I fell to my knees in front of them and in front of her grave, silently begging for forgiveness.
My tears fell incessantly on the freshly stirred earth as did my fingers, imploring this burden on my chest to dissipate, as if unconsciously I was wishing for Sasha herself to forgive me for letting her die. How could one cope with this heinous feeling? How could I go on, knowing that the world was falling around us, unable to know if the next day we were going to be alive or if Marley would initiate an attack from which we weren’t going to be able to defend ourselves?
My head was racing a thousand per second and the only thing I could let out were those sobs that had accompanied me so much on the way back, the same ones that cradled me to slept, and the tears that so much wanted to dissipate the pain in my soul.
It is said that when a person leaves this world, some people are unable to handle grief, just as they are unable to articulate a word. Apparently I was one of those people.
Nights and days passed. Those of us who survived the attack on Marley stayed in commune trying to encourage ourselves to continue fighting. Hange had recommended us to rest, since the psychological damage could cause us several injuries in the future, and as for Eren ... we weren’t very aware of him. The last we heard from our commanders is that he was locked away from all human contact, stipulating that it would be better to keep him locked up for a while and let whatever shit that was going through his head dissipate.
But that was complete bullshit. I knew that, even locking him up, they weren't going to be able to change the thoughts that tormented Eren so much. I knew that, whatever was wandering through his mind, he wasn’t letting him alone and he would never let go. How did I know that? Because I spent a whole year trying to get him to let me enter in that shell he has been forming in recent years. I tried very hard to get him to tell me his plan before he went to Marley, but I got nothing, and I still get nothing.
My gaze was lost in the window. The nights grew colder and colder and I hugged my arms as I watched the sunset. The boys were arguing about something, something that Mikasa didn't seem to find funny at all, but my mind wasn’t connected to reality. I just stared out the window, remembering the old days when we'd sneak out to steal a piece of meat from the supply warehouse with Sasha and Connie.
I remembered the nights when the boys sneaked into the women's hut to keep each other warm in our days as recruits. I remembered how Armin let me practice my medicine methods on him when he got hurt, a practice that was lost when he inherited the power of the Colossal Titan.
I remembered how we would escape at dawn, grab a few horses and ride out to the ocean, taking nice cool baths on the warm moonlit summer nights. Now those moments only remained in that, in memories.
"(Y/N) are you listening?"
My gaze detached from the window, now it was fixed on a Connie who looked just as tired of the world as I did. This dwarf turned giant was just as devastated as I was by losing half of him, and yet he was still able to continue fighting alongside our friends.
"We think you might be the most suitable to go talk to Eren"
Armin's calm voice stripped me of any desire to go back to the old moments. I pulled myself away from the window tiredly and let my body unconsciously guide me to one of the couchs in the middle of the room, next to the blonde. Apparently while I was wandering in my thoughts, the tension in the room had reached a point where it could be cut with a simple wave of the hand.
As I sat down, I was able to take a better look at the room. From what I could analyze, the group had divided into two, those who still trusted Eren and those who did not, each with their reasons, and apparently, I was playing the role of mediator. The responsibility fell on me to move the pieces of the board: to talk to our supposed war partner and beg him to tell us about his plans and the demons in his head, or to dethrone him completely.
"What makes you think I can go talk to him?"
My words came out of my mouth colder and sharper than I would’ve liked, but it was the simple truth. If Eren was willing to push each other away to accomplish his task, what was I going to accomplish after a year without having answers to his thoughts?
"I haven't been able to speak to him openly in a year"
Armin and Mikasa gave me completely stunned looks. Not even their childhood friend had told them that his relationship was falling off a cliff.
"I didn't know, I thought you were fine"
"Well, we are not fine at all Armin"
I knew it wasn't fair for Armin to get all my frustration, he wasn't guilty at all. I looked him in the eye and I could find multiple feelings in those huge blue eyes: sadness, compassion, guilt, overwhelm. I knew he was one of the worst going through it, his childhood friend was no longer entirely reliable; he had carried out acts of sheer violence and had become the enemy he hated the most; Armin had become his worst enemy and his eyes clearly showed it.
And it was those same eyes that begged me to do something, to go and talk, to try to figure out the smallest thing we could use to get out of this mess Eren got us into. They implored me to save his soul brother from his mental prison.
I let out a long breath before getting up off the couch and heading to the door.
"I highly doubt that I will achieve anything, but I will try to talk to him"
I took one last look to the guys in front of me before leaving the room, each one wishing me luck and pleading for my well-being with their eyes, and sinking even further into the rabbit hole, or rather, going straight to ventured into the lion's den.
The road to the dungeons was long and heavy, but not because of the number of blocks and alleys I had to take, but because of what was waiting for me at the end of the road. Upon coming into contact with the stone walls and their semi-armored doors, the blood on my body ran cold, just as it ran cold when we buried Sasha.
The air below the ground was cold, the smell of mold and dirt entered my nostrils, preventing me from taking a couple of steps without feeling like vomiting. The place really needed a better cleaning, otherwise it would be the epicenter of a huge plague.
At the end of the corridor, where the light was dimmer and let the darkness eat much of the cell, was Eren. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him sitting on his supposed bed, staring directly at the wall, or so it seemed; knowing him he was surely lost in his world. I kept my composure, avoiding giving any trace of my emotional and psychological state.
I got no response, as always.
I had the opportunity to inspect his cell, it was quite untidy and dripping with water, coming from the sink which was covered to the top. Unconsciously I prayed that this water was drinkable or at least that it was not too polluted, since I didn’t have to look completely at the brunette in front of me to know he had put his head in that same water.
"I like your hair, looks very smooth"
"What do you want?"
His voice came out calm but imposing and terrifying at the same time, I would be lying if I said I didn’t startle a bit, but I kept my composure as best as possible to avoid showing the fear in my eyes. Eren may not have noticed, but if he did, he was unfazed.
"The guys think that I can talk to you, but I told them they were completely wrong, I mean...we haven't been able to speak like we used to for a year, maybe more"
My words came out of my mouth like the venom of a snake. I couldn't tell if my intention was to make him feel guilty, or at least feel something, to reflect on my words, but guess what… his eyes didn't even leave the wall behind me.
I crossed my arms and rested my body on one of the bars, hoping to have some intimidating way for the damn bastard to decide to speak. Even though bullying wasn't my thing, I, yes, had a tired face and wasn't there to waste my time, but I had to achieve something, get something, whatever, so I could get out of this damn place.
"You know very well that I'm not going to leave until you say something"
His eyes met mine for a few seconds and then returned to their original position. I knew this was going to be difficult, but I couldn't help my irritation growing from my chest. With every minute that passed, the pain in that area was increasing and a lump in the throat was appearing with each tear that I wanted to avoid shedding.
I'd been through shitty days and had to come alone to the exact place I least wanted to be to talk to the person I least wanted to see.
"I'm used to being on my feet for long hours, I can be here all day, and that's exactly what I'm going to do"
I remained planted in front of the cell, positioning myself with crossed arms right in front of his eyes, preventing them from continuing to look at the miserable wall.
But my bad luck wasn't giving me any sign that I was going to win this fight very soon. Although I was covering his peripheral field, his eyes never deigned to look at me, they simply stayed glued to the front, now seeing my body in front, although in reality, he was seeing without seeing.
My patience was running out and this goddamn silent game had only just begun. I had to find something to work with, something that could flicker him or make him angry… anger would not be the best if I wanted to leave with all the bones intact and my already psychological trauma without further damage; but knowing Eren, anger was his fuel, which made him move and in an action-reaction effect, made everyone move together behind him.
That's it. Everyone. But we weren't all here.
Sasha was dead; Reiner, Berthold and Annie traitors and enemies of Paradis; Ymir disappeared and confirmed dead, being inherited by the new jaw titan; the only one missing from our group was our beloved Queen. The Queen that Eren so decided to care for and protect.
"You know, Historia is about to give birth"
It was mild, but I could feel his body tense. His eyes moved just the same slightly, but in those little acts I knew I had struck a chord. And I was willing to use it, even if it meant destroying my sanity and causing one of Eren's greatest worldly anger.
"Wouldn't it be nice to have a little baby on the squad?" I took a deep breath before launching the second impact of the night, preparing to receive whatever blow came next. "After all, it's your child, right?"
His body moved faster than I could ever achieve and my reflexes weren't sharp enough to pull away in time. His hand grabbed my shirt, drawing me towards the bars and hitting my cheeks on each one, now my face was directly in front of him, my field of vision being just his face and finally, his eyes were focused on mine.
"Don't even think about talking about Historia like that"
If looks could kill, surely I would already be dead on the ground. His grip on my chest was strong, he was even capable of ripping the fabric, but with a push back showed me that it wasn’t strong enough, that everything was a facade. I staggered, almost fell to the ground, but either way, I kept my balance and my expression. I was terrified inside, but I forced myself to keep a stoic look at all time, he was trying to play with me and although I was not entirely sure how much there were just words and how much were an act of anger and violence, I couldn’t dedicate myself to having a hint of doubt.
"Easy, Romeo, I know you're not the daddy...or are you?"
I adjusted my clothes, avoiding his gaze because I knew if I stared into his eyes, I would get a much worse look than the one he gave me a few seconds ago.
"Whatever, you gave me something to work with, Historia knows something and didn't tell us...gee, I wonder why"
I leaned my body against the cold stone. My gaze went everywhere, trying to keep avoiding his eyes and incidentally have a stronger support for my figure.
"The Queen doesn’t have to say anything to anyone"
Ohhh, you little shit.
If that's the game you want to play, then you're going to lose.
Even if his words were absolutely right, we shouldn’t forget that, before she was queen, Historia had been our friend during training and the entire year of accumulated trauma between betrayals and deaths. If we could continue to have conversations with her and were invited to participate in political meetings, then we had every right to be informed of the supposed plan that Eren implanted in our queen's mind.
For a moment I was scared by the physical and emotional state of Historia. Was Eren capable of keeping her threatened? Did he say or do anything to keep her quiet? The questions seemed to have no head or tail, but if Eren was able to grab me the way he did, I can't imagine what he could do to keep someone quiet.
"Yes, you are right, in the same way, trust only the queen before your friends... that’s brave"
I searched the corridor and the cell for something I could use to attract his attention again, if it was necessary for me to use violence against him, I would be willing to do it. My eyes met a chain anchored to the wall, quite a long chain, to tell the truth. And on the other side, reaching almost the middle of the corridor, I could make out a rather dirty cloth.
I glanced at Eren who had sat back down on his bed, head down in his hands, and walked down the hall with one goal in mind. I grabbed the cloth and walked back to the cell, standing in front of the bars. I reached out my hand to the sink and started to clean up what was left of the spilled water.
"It's all soaked, incredible that they keep a cell like this"
Without taking my eyes off the sink, I could hear Eren settling on his bed, perhaps sitting upright. I kept running the dirty cloth over the water, honestly I wasn’t achieving much apart from spreading the now dirty water even more, but I had to continue with the facade of an understandable couple.
"It's a complete mess...were Historia's legs like this when you railed her?"
As before, Eren had quickly stood up, ready to grab my hand that was inside the cell, but I was already better prepared. When I felt his fingers touch my wrist, I turned my hand to anchor it on his arm and draw him towards the bars, having that same arm outside the cell. With half body on the cold metal, my other hand grabbed the missing arm and with all my strength I pulled his limbs towards me, causing his body and head to crash against the bars.
"Do you want to do it the hard way? fine, we'll do it the hard way"
Eren tried to shake off my grip, but the adrenaline rushing through my veins prevented him from loosening even a millimeter. I pushed him and pulled him back to me, stretching his arms even further and hitting his head on the metal.
"What's wrong with you?"
Again, a back and forth motion.
"What is going on in your head?"
Back and forth.
"How much shit can you have in your mind that you are not able to tell your friends?"
Back and forth.
With one last impact, I hit Eren's head and heard the fibers and tendons in his shoulders rip, just as his skin began to stretch and break, revealing the flesh and muscle beneath it. Rivers of blood flowed over his arms, dropping to the floor and turning his skin red.
His head was also bleeding to the side, soaking his torso and rebel hair. A pool of blood formed under our feet. I let go of his arms and then grabbed the chain that was on the wall and chained him. Considering the number of times he hab been chained since his fifteen years, I suppose one more time wouldn't do any harm to his already traumatized mind.
When I saw his hands were secure I dropped to the floor, not caring about the blood that now adorned the cold stone floor. I could feel my ass starting to get soggy and sticky from the substance. I would have to burn this pants when I got out of there.
Both my mind and my breath hitched, enveloping the environment. I tried to calm down and clear my mind to continue this hell of interrogation. I knew I shouldn't have agreed, and now look at what situation I was in.
"You know I can transform and use the power of the warhammer titan to get out of here"
Eren seemed withdrawn from his situation, as if bleeding to death didn't matter in the least. Steam came out of his shoulders, a sign that he was in the process of regeneration and prayed that this process would take a long time to materialize.
“I know…” I tried to calm my voice and breath before speaking again “but if you transform now, you would end up killing me, and killing me means betraying the legion, and betraying them means betraying the people of Paradis… you don 't want that, do you? "
My words may sound sly, but inside I was wanting to run out of there, get under the covers of my bed and sleep until the day of doomsday; I was even wishing to die in that sleep.
"I'm going to stay here until I know once and for all what's going on in your head, because I know that whatever shit is in there… it's killing you."
Now we were both looking into each other's eyes, fighting a battle in silence, seeing who would give up first. We held eye contact for a few long minutes, unable to tell how many. Maybe it was a couple, maybe half an hour or even an hour; whatever the time, I was already getting bored.
"If I had known it would take so long, I would have brought something to read"
"What has you so worried that you can't even tell Hange or the heichou?"
My question came reluctantly out of my mouth, as if my ability to fight was fading. I was already very tired and it seemed like days since I entered the dungeons.
"Noone would be able to understand"
"Oh please! Don't take me for a fool. Do you think that none of them are battling their own inner demons? Do you think that only you can have intrusive thoughts to fight against?"
His comment irritated me to the core. I never found Eren such a selfish person, and to think that a year or so ago he was declaring his unconditional affection to all of his comrades.
What happened in the last year? What changed?
"Each one of them has to face their own internal wars every day"
Before my anger got the best of me, I took a few small breaths, calming myself. I wasn't going to put me on the same level of hatred and misunderstanding as him, even if it meant throwing away all the years we were together.
"Historia surely has to fight against the stress and the multiple responsibilities that being a queen entails, apart from fighting against the offensive comments of the military police"
Maybe the island has been rid of Titans for a long time, but that didn’t take away the fact that shitty people, like those who lived on the Wall Sina, decided to try and continue controlling the poor people who were split the loin so those ungrateful would have a feast every night.
"Connie is struggling every day against losing his other half, his twin"
Connie, Jean, everyone ... EVERYONE! We were fighting and suffering the mourning of Sasha, of our teammates.
"Shit, surely Jean is still struggling with the memory of Marco after so many years"
Yes. No one had forgotten Marco, especially Jean. But we had to learn to keep going on that very day, we couldn't afford to get sentimental and spoil the next missions. From that day on we learned to watch over our dead mates in silence.
"I fight every day against my incompetence"
And now was the time that I could begin to veil my demons once and for all.
Already my body was begging to rest. I had laid my head on the wall and fixed my gaze on the ceiling. I heard the chains move at my side, a sign that Eren was moving, but I didn't have the strength to look him in the face.
"I fight every day against the image of Sasha dying in my hands"
I know that memory is going to haunt me until the day I die.
"I fight every day against the memories of our comrades dying in battle"
I saw countless deaths throughout the year 850, so many that I decided to use my knowledge in medicine to help even to stop a bleeding. I still remember the first suture I made to a mate already lost in battle ... I was so excited, so happy to be of such help.
"I fight every day against the idea of ​​not being enough"
But that exaltation led to thousands of failures. People who had bled internally, who had lost an arm and couldn’t get to cauterize, hundreds who had lost half their stomach or head.
"I fight every day against our enemies on the other side of the sea"
I wasn't going to deny it, learning the pure and exclusive truth of the world, I couldn't help but feel a deep hatred for the Marleyans. I wanted them to pay for the countless deaths and suffering they had caused, I wanted to see them burn, but at the same time I wanted a reasonable explanation.
"I fight the memories of the titans devouring our friends"
Memories of the first day in battle, right at our graduation, when we thought that nothing could happen. How naive we were. And to think that that was just the beginning of a long list of events that would bring us to this moment.
"I fight every day along side with the memories of the team escaping from the base and messing it up to enjoy the summer nights"
Memories of when we would sneak into the palace and take Historia with us, enjoying the air in our faces and running in the valleys of the countryside. Memories of when we ran cows for some strange reason at the beginning of the day.
Memories of when we were racing with the 3D movement gear through the great forests outside the city. Memories of the occasional punch in the face against the bark of a tree for not knowing where we were going.
"I fight every day against the image of the big bright turquoise eyes that I fell in love with"
My gaze fell on those same eyes, but instead of finding the description that I wanted to see so much, I only found grayish green eyes, eyes that had lost all their brilliance.
I found eyes full of tiredness and anger for the world. The brilliance that so characterized Eren had been lost; now I would have to settle for a blank stare.
"I fight every day ... against the memory of our return to the rooms and Levi punishing us for weeks"
My voice was breaking as I remembered the nights when only Eren and I would sneak out to spend quality time alone. Those nights where we would lie down to see the stars or to lose ourselves in each other in some meadow.
I look at my hands, they were shaking. I couldn't help but remember the first night we spent together, back then I was shaking too, but Eren's hands on my cheeks dispelled any doubt or fear that I could ever have. I unconsciously smiled at the fond memory and I think Eren did too, as I heard a little laugh coming from him.
But no matter how much smiles and laughter the memories gave me, I had to go on and face the world that was now in front of me.
"I fight every day ... against the idea of ​​running towards you, towards your arms"
Those arms that one day gave me warmth. Those arms that one day hugged and covered me the moment I found out that a mate had died. Those strong arms that I knew were going to protect me from any harm.
"I fight against the hope that this is all a nightmare, that you are going to cradle me in your arms and tell me that everything is going to be fine, that it was just a bad dream"
My gaze returned to his, now filled with tears. It hurt, the cruel truth hurt a lot.
"I fight against the desire to stay by your side"
Eren's face was dark, he had returned to how he was at the beginning, without any trace of that soft laugh I heard a few seconds ago.
"I fight with my inner voice that tells me that everything will be fine, that in a few years it will not hurt as much as it does now"
Maybe ... maybe I can start over and when all this nefarious war is over I can find peace, once and for all, and enjoy my friends.
"I fight to move on"
"I fight every day...against you"
That was it.
I stood up heavily, wiping the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand. The blood on the floor was already dry and had left the entire back of my pants stained. I hadn't noticed that the air had been permeated with the iron smell of blood, making my vomiting reflex worse, even though I had avoided it in a good way all this time.
"If you want to free yourself from this cell, go ahead, I'm not going to stop you"
His figure was already fully regenerated and I knew it was a matter of time before he transformed and left this filthy place. Eren might trust what he was doing was the right thing to do, but if he didn’t accept that in the eyes of the world, that in our eyes, his friends, the only family he had left, couldn’t understand his actions, then there wasn’t much to ask from him.
If he wanted to betray us, let him do it.
“Do what you have to do to fulfill your dream, I don't care anymore. But don't expect for me to sit around and wait for you"
"Are you planning to go to the other side of the sea?"
What a stupid and dubious question at the same time. Was I willing to leave my life in Paradis to start over even in the lands of the enemy?
No, not at all. Why I was no traitor.
"No Eren, I am not going to Marley, my family is here...but you are no longer part of it"
Those words hurt, but they needed to be said; that way I could already start to heal.
"Is that all you have to say?"
I couldn't tell if his words were mocking or a sincere question. But yes, it was all I had to say. I couldn't spend another minute in front of someone I didn't even know anymore.
"It's all I can bear"
I took one last look at the prisoner in the cell before turning and continuing down the long corridor of the dungeons.
"Are you leaving so soon? I thought I heard you would stay as long as it takes for me to speak"
As I reached the door, I took a deep breath of the foul smell of the environment. My hand lay on the doorknob and was half open when his words reached my ears. There was no need to shout from a distance, the echo of the stones made it easy for me to hear the smallest whisper of the perpetrator. I opened the door, but not before dedicating my last words.
"Goodbye Jaeger"
And behind me, I closed the door.
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