#and when they heard that there was a land in which light grows on trees? well off they were
sun-kissy · 2 months
heyyyy do you think you could write a James blurb where reader hangs with Severus and Lily (she's a Snape but it's not really common knowledge as she's a few years younger) and everyone thinks James likes to come around for Lily but it's actually for the reader? I love your work btw!!!
yes, of course!! and thank you ♡
beautiful | j.p.
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tw: fluff
snape!reader, james potter x reader
A frustrated sigh escapes Severus’ lips as you flick a petal at him for what seems like the umpteenth time that evening. You can feel the quivers in Lily’s body from where you’re laying on her lap as she laughs.
O.W.L.S. had just ended for your brother and best friend, so you dragged them down to your usual spot beneath the silver-leafed tree for a picnic. Lily was concentratedly twining vines together, crafting a daisy crown.
The light breeze caused her auburn hair to cover her face as she worked, the sun hitting her face in all the right places. She looked like some sort of heavenly wood nymph, you thought as you stared up at her. She was really really pretty.
Meanwhile, Severus was engrossed in some old, weathered-down potions book - furiously scribbling down notes for god-knows-what. Your legs were propped up on his lap as you threw the petals which occasionally fell from Lily’s flower crown at him. His expression was growing more cross by the second.
Your brother starts to grumble at you under his breath as a petal drifts straight into his nostril. A giggle bubbles out of you as he sneezes and the petal shoots out his nose, not missing the huff of annoyance he let out.
“If mother hadn’t instructed me to take care of you,” he mutters, a hint of irritation in his tone as he rubs his nose, “I would’ve tossed you into the black lake already.”
Lily grins, flicking your forehead as you bat your eyelashes at him playfully. “You love me.”
“You bought me a whole bag of chocolate last weekend!”
“That was merely because-”
Your brother’s rambling comes to a halt, his eyes suddenly narrowing as he glares at something across the field of grass. His mouth twists up into a disgruntled frown.
You follow his line of vision to see none other than James Potter stumbling towards your clique, casting dirty looks at his friends behind him as they urge him towards you.
A sigh escapes you before you can even think about it. It annoyed you greatly, whenever James came crawling after you all like a desperate dog, just for the sake of Lily.
That was all it was, you tried to convince yourself. You told yourself that the acidic burning sensation of your heart in your chest was just because it was frustrating how obsessed he was, how his eyes lit up whenever they landed on Lily, how he stumbled over his words whenever he was near.
He was annoying, a stupidly beautiful wanker with an achingly gorgeous smile and eyes so bright they could rival the stars.
But you knew why you really hated him, and it frustrated you immensely. You despised him for liking Lily, hated his guts for not liking you instead. It was sickening, the way he gazed at her. And it was even more disgusting how envy took ahold of your entire being when that happened.
It gutted you, whenever you saw him looking at your best friend with heart-eyes. But it was obvious why - she was everything a guy could ever want, and she was a perfect girl for the golden boy. How could you even think about rivalling her?
What upset you the most, though, was how Lily always seemed to ignore him, looking away and rolling her eyes when his eyes met hers. You wanted to shake her, yell at her for being so ungrateful and wrack some sense into her brain. But all you did was stare quietly at the ground whenever James was near, zoning out so you didn’t have to hear the sickeningly mushy stuff which surely poured out his mouth in front of Lily.
So it was an understatement to say that your heart stopped when you heard your name coming out his mouth. You furrow your eyebrows, snapping back to the present as you press your palms down on the grass to lift your head from Lily’s lap. “What?”
James was looking at you anxiously now, with that glimmer in his eyes and a nervous smile. “Y/n, I um… I asked if you’d like to go to Hogsmeade with me? Tomorrow?”
You blink, the cogs still turning in your head. It was unfathomable, James Potter asking you out. Surely, it had to be a joke or a dare or something. Or maybe he meant to ask Lily, that was probably it. He had just asked the wrong person and was too nice to go back on his word, right?
“But you like Lily!” you blurt out immediately, a pang of hurt overwhelming you, for both you and your best friend. James’ eyebrows bunch up in puzzlement, his lips slowly twisting up into an almost comical smile. “Lily? You think I like Lily?”
You were sure you’d get whiplash from how fast you turned around to look at Lily, seeing her eyebrows bunched in confusion. “So, you don’t like me, Potter?”
He chuckles, a bit of the tension leaving his muscular frame as he shakes his head. “Redhead, you’re cool and all. But Y/n….” His gaze flicks over to you, and the affection in his eyes made you want to melt into a pool of hot mush.
Lily starts to smile, before it turns into a full-blown grin and she turns to you, nudging your elbow suggestively.
“Me?” you question slowly, suspiciously. You didn’t want to admit it, but your heart felt like it was going to burst even at the prospect of going out with him. “You like me?”
James immediately nods, turning slightly red at how long it was taking him to get an acceptance from you. But then again, he thinks he’d wait a lifetime for you to say yes, and he’d wait forever even if you said no.
Just then, you hear a loud cough on your left, and turn to see Severus glaring at you with a deadpan expression on his face.
You feel an arm bristle the hair on your head as Lily reaches over from your right, mussing up your brother’s hair. You laugh as he swats her away, tsking and cursing under his breath. “Shut up, Sev. Let my girl have her moment.”
Severus, to his credit, does shut up. Though he still has that bleary, stormy look on his face.
You turn back to James, slightly dizzy as the thought began to plant itself in your brain. The smile on his face was asking a million questions, holding a hundred insecurities. Yet you knew that there was only one right answer to them all.
“Yes,” you say softly, your lips beginning to curve upwards. Your heart was beating so loud, you were sure he could hear it.
“Yeah?” he asks, starting to grin. He lets out an exhale and scratches the back of his head, smiling at the floor before looking back at you. “Alright, then. I’ll pick you up outside the Great Hall, 5pm.”
“Okay.” He beams at you, and it’s the most beautiful you’ve ever seen a person look before. “Bye, Y/n. And redhead, and Snivellus.”
James winks at you before turning around, causing your heart to jump and lodge itself in your throat. He jogs back to his group of friends waiting with wide eyes and bated breath.
A moment later, you can hear the cheers and whoops from across the field.
You turn back to Severus, afraid of what you’d find. He’s gazing at you with a terse expression on his face as you gulp anxiously.
“I’m sorry. If you’re not okay with it…”
“No. You are not going to bail out on him,” he says, the firmness in his voice catching you by surprise. “I know how long you’ve been waiting for this. And this is something you need to learn to do, getting your hands on the things you want. You’re a Snape, you always get what you want, you hear me?”
You nod helplessly.
“And if what you want is Potter,” he sneers, “Then Potter it is. Just don’t expect me to play nice.”
A small smile graces your lips. “Thank you.” You know he’d understand what you meant, all the things you were thanking him for.
You can see him start to soften, though perhaps that frown would be etched on his face permanently. He sighs, “Yes, yes. You’re welcome.”
Lily squeals and forcefully turns you towards her, gripping your hands. “This is awesome.”
“You’re just glad he doesn’t like you.”
“Am not!” she exclaims, but the mirth in her eyes betrays her.
You sigh, smiling bemusedly as you lie back down on her lap, watching her continue to craft the flower crowns. Maybe you’d give James one tomorrow, though you doubt he could look more beautiful than he already did.
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utterlyotterlyx · 7 months
A Fate Inked In Starlight
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Eris x Fem!Reader x Azriel
Summary - After crashing into the Autumn Court with no idea who you are, where you are or how you got there, Eris takes it upon himself to hide you and care for you with the help of the Night Court. That is until souls from other walks of life infiltrate Prythian searching for you.
Warnings - mentions of blood, Eris being gentle 🥺, memory loss, kinda arsehole Rhys?x
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
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Leaves of red and orange peered down at you inquisitively, and the earth was hard and slightly damp beneath you.
You hissed as you moved, a metallic sting coating the inside of your mouth. The world tilted, a dull thumping in your mind swelled behind your eyes and you pinched the bridge of your nose in attempt to centre yourself.
It hadn’t worked.
Looking about, you drank in where you had awoken, soil and an array of foliage welcomed your sight, dark bark held onto browning leaves, some of which floated around where you sat. Light birdsong and the faint chirp of crickets flittered around you with the occasional crunch of dry twigs that snapped under the weight of the mammals that trotted by, not heading much mind to you.
You were clad in some kind of black armour, a second skin that fit you perfectly as it curved around your breasts and hips, the material splitting open in the shape of lightening across your chest where yellow gems and light hummed. Jewelled metal talons were fitted to your fingertips, coated with dry blood that had worked itself into each crevasse it could. You were sure that whatever you looked like was not a pretty sight.
Something had kept you glued to your spot, swaying slightly from the brute force that had clearly been wrecked upon you. From what you had no idea.
From the distance, you heard the beating of hooves against the hard ground, growing louder with each passing moment before a brilliant white stag exploded into the clearing where you were. It was beautiful, those pools of emerald bore into you, there was terror laced behind them, and the stag readied his attack as he lowered his antlers toward you.
“I’m not going to harm you,” you told the creature with an extended hand, an extension of your surrender, “I promise.”
The stag surveyed you, noting the wild hair that had fallen from a once tightly strung braid, the blood that coated your neck and fingers, the bewilderment in your eyes. No, you certainly weren’t a threat.
“I’m not sure how I came to be here. I don’t know where I am,” you continued, as if the stag would be able to answer any of your questions.
The creature relaxed, taking a tentative step forward to sniff the outstretched talons fixed to your fingertips. He huffed and shook his head, one of his hooves tapping against the ground as another sound entered your earshot.
“Dogs,” you said softly, sadness laced in your rough voice that scratched at your throat. “Go. I’ll distract them,” you turned your hand, exposing your palm to him, he rested his snout in it gently, and only for a moment before he bounded away. Leaping over molehills whilst leaving you alone once more.
The barking drew closer and your breath caught in your throat at the obvious number of hounds that approached your position, perhaps mistaking your blood for that of the stags.
They hurtled into the clearing, the hedges and flowers parting for them as they surged through the air and landed in front of you, mouths pulled back and snarling teeth ready to tear you apart. You shuffled back as they circled you, snapping, slobber dripping from their canines causing your heart rate to beat in your ears. Hitting the trunk of a tree, you sighed, realising there were no weapons attached to the leather holsters at your thighs made your current predicament a lot more complicated.
You wouldn’t dream of harming an animal, at least, you thought so.
A flutter of your heart gave way to gentle excitement when you had seen the stag, and even the dogs despite them wanting to turn you into a meal.
A sharp whistle tore their attention from you, pulling them back to the source as he too entered the clearing. His head was tilted to the side and he examined you with a hand resting on the hilt of his sword, assessing if you were a threat or not. Red hair and amber eyes found you, and he approached, splitting his gaze between you and your laboured breathing to the scene around you both.
“Who are you?” His voice was rough but held a stoic calm, the deepness of his words made your hairs stand on edge.
A simple question. Your name. You opened your mouth but nothing came out, you stuttered, eyes wide as nothing came to mind, “I, I don’t know.”
You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Wide doe eyes staring at him in bewilderment, he knew your skin would be soft despite the mud and blood coating your surface. The sharp jaw and hallowed cheeks, full pouted lips and an elegantly pointed nose. Too beautiful for a human or fae.
The confusion etched into every inch of your features made the man relax a little, he knelt before you, his dogs happy with wagging tails brushing against his side, “Do you know where you came from?” By the looks of your armour, the blood coated talons, and the cuts dug into the side of your neck, it was clear to him that you weren’t from Prythian. You looked too advanced for his world.
You shook your head, muttering a faint and weak answer to him.
He hummed, reaching to tuck a strand of your dirty matted hair behind your pointed ear. Fae, he noted. Smiling when you didn’t flinch under his touch, he offered a hand to you, it was calloused and rough, but his pressure was gentle and guiding as he helped you from the ground.
“I’m Eris Vanserra, and you’re in the Autumn Court,” he looked down at you through thick lashes and offered a warm smile.
“Eris,” his name fell from your lips and he nodded in encouragement as you familiarised yourself with the sound of it. Yes, you definitely weren’t from his world, if you were, you’d surely cower from his name and the mention of where you were.
A pressure consumed your feet, and you found one of his hounds sat on them, staring up at you with its panting tongue flopping against the side of its jaw, its tail rustling the leaves beneath it as it wagged happily, “That’s enough, Duke,” Eris scolded the hound, rubbing between his ears in a bid to get him to move, “I’m sorry about him.”
“Don’t be. I don’t mind,” you smiled, and he noticed the warmth in your eyes, the molten gold and ocean blue that could have him entranced if he wasn’t careful. “I’m sorry about this,” you motioned the air, the current situation you found yourselves in, “I wish I knew what to say.”
“It’s fine,” he frowned slightly as he peered at the still open flesh on your neck that leaked with every heartbeat, “Let me help you with that.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
Eris smirked, “You’re not asking,” he shrugged as he heading back in the direction from whence he came, adjusting his brown jacket which lay over a cream open collared shirt. You weren’t sure how you didn’t notice it before, the well fit pants and shirt, the adornment of fine rings across his digits. Eris Vanserra was clearly someone of high standing, and you felt stupid for not knowing. The disappointment felt foreign to you.
The male looked back at you expectantly, his well kept fiery red hair tousling over his forehead, freckles visible as the sunlight hit his face. “Thank you,” you followed his steps, Duke trotting alongside you like a personal guard.
Once you had made it back to Fir Manor, Eris’ private residence that was home to him and his hounds alone, he insisted that you bathe, that it would be easier for the healer to assess the damage if she could tell what was or wasn’t your own blood.
You didn’t need telling twice, you thanked Eris for the spare clothes, a sheer deep red dress, before you slipped into the bathroom and peeled off your second skin, paying no mind to the marks that littered your forearms and torso, the marks that covered every inch of your body.
It seemed silly. To be so trusting of someone you’d just met. But something told you that Eris wasn’t a threat to you. Something had allowed you to feel safe with him.
You sighed as the hot water worked to relax your muscles, the rest of the world fading away into blissful nothingness.
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Rhys was happy.
Finally happy.
A mate and a babe. A family. No danger for the first time in what felt like a millennia.
Rhys watched them, watched his Nyx swaddled into Feyre’s chest as she painted, humming some lullaby to the dozing babe. Light poured into the room from the domed glass and he let a content sigh pass through his lips from where he leaned against the doorframe. Relishing in the sight for a moment longer before retreating back to his office and closing the door with a soft click.
He wasn’t sure where the rest of them were, Mor would be returning from the human lands soon, Cassian and Azriel were surely training, Nesta was probably nose deep in another book in the library with Amren at her side, and Elain was tucked away with Lucien somewhere revelling in their newly accepted mating bond.
Everything was as it should be.
The papers on his desk were too chaotic for anyone else to understand but him, he knew where each treaty lay in the stack, where each letter from a concerned citizen sat, when Az’s countless reports waited for his eye.
Though, one thing caught his eye that definitely hadn’t been there before he’d gone to check on his mate and child. A folded up rip of parchment, singed at the edges with an aroma of wet grass gripping to it.
It reeked of Autumn, of Eris.
Rhys wasn’t worried that the heir had contacted him. They were planning for a better Autumn once Beron handed over his title, it wasn’t out of the ordinary to hear from the eldest Vanserra at all. Scanning the parchment, Rhys felt his interest grow in the words, the vague message that beckoned him to Fir Manor, telling him that someone had dropped into the forest who Rhys may be interested in meeting.
So, the High Lord of the Night Court stalked through the halls, parchment in hand as the clash of swords and jostling laughter flooded his senses. Then he saw them, his two brothers in their training leathers, wide smiles and bruises that would fade within the hour as they jabbed another with playful words.
“Ah, did you call on Rhys to come and save you, Az? How desperate,” Cassian glimmered, his wings rustling and body keeping guard against Azriel’s oncoming attack.
Rhys stepped between them, holding the parchment in the air between his fingers with a smirk on his lips as Azriel to it from him, scanning the words, “With no memory of where she came from?” Azriel questioned, his shadows curling over his shoulders as though they wished to see what held their masters attention whilst he handed the written words to Cassian who pouted about being left out.
“Do you remember the visitor we had not too long ago?”
Azriel smirked at the memory of the redhead scouring through the caves of Prythian, “Bryce?”
“Yes, Bryce.” Rhys sent a glare to Cassian, no doubt still unhappy at his mates willingness to aid the girl, “She too fell into our world out of nowhere, didn’t she?”
Cassian stopped the thought before it could be shared, “Yes, but Bryce knew who she was and why she came here. It seems this woman doesn’t share that similarity,” he turned the paper over in his hand, like some newfound information was going to be inscribed elsewhere.
From the brief information that Eris had sent to Rhys, the woman who had fell into the Autumn had no idea who she was or where she was let alone how she found herself bleeding in a different world from her own.
“Regardless,” Rhys’ eyes glowed at the hidden message Cassian had tried to convey, that maybe this woman had nothing to do with Bryce and whatever war she was fighting on her shores. Though Cassian did have to admit that it was a coincidence that another soul had floated through into their world. “It needs to be investigated. Azriel, you’ll come with me. Cassian, you’ll stay here.”
The pair knew better than to convince Rhys otherwise, Azriel especially knew better than to refuse and potentially put his home and people in danger.
Another invader had dove into his world, his home, and he’d be damned by the Mother if he let another one trick him again.
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Authors Note
Hi my loves!
It’s been a while. I know I’m usually a Bridgerton girly but I’m kinda obsessed with everything SJM right now.
So, here we are. My first Maasverse fic 🤷‍♀️
I am wanting to write a series on this so let me know what you think! I’ve been out of the game for a bit 🤍
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evermoresversion · 5 months
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PAIRING Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Established relationship, fluff, marriage proposal, mention of pregnancy.
SUMMARY After everything you've been through, you and Conrad decide the future of your relationship.
SONG Paper Rings by Taylor Swift.
"Where we go?" you asked Conrad as he guided you somewhere on the beach while you had your eyes covered with a blindfold.
It had been at least two years since what happened with Belly.
"Just wait a little bit." you could hear the smile on his lips and there was a moment where he let go of you.
"Connie?" you asked with a bit of worry but it dissipated when you heard his voice again.
"I'm here, hon." You waited until he gave the next instruction. "Walk a couple of steps forward."
"I'm not going to fall, am I?" you heard him let out a soft laugh.
"No, love, trust me."
You sighed and did as he asked, thus coming across his body, from which you took his forearms with your hands so as not to fall.
"I got you, I got you." he assured. "Take off the blindfold."
Once again you obeyed him and blinked several times to get used to the sudden change in light while Conrad adjusted your hair that had been messed up.
Once you could see clearly a big smile formed on your lips.
"We are in...?" You asked, looking into his eyes and observing a shine in them that you were sure was the same in yours.
"Yes, we are in the same place where..."
"We kissed for the first time." You both said in unison while you watched the beach and he admired you.
"Yeah." he smiled.
"This part of the beach is even prettier at night." you mentioned and your gaze finally landed on Conrad and he looked at you with love and adoration. Despite so much time together, he still managed to make you nervous.
"I thought about making dinner for you but everything would probably have burned, so I might as well pass on that option." He mentioned with a sly smile of embarrassment and you smiled, caressing the back of his hand with your thumb.
"It's perfect anyway." You murmured, observing everything in detail. "Did you decorate it yourself?"
"Yeah, yeah," he scratched the back of his neck, looking at everything as well and then at you. "Do you like it?"
"Are you kidding me? I love it. I love the vintage lights and the detail of the petals. Thanks, Connie." You smiled gratefully and he leaned down to peck your lips.
"Everything to see you happy."
Your attention was diverted to one of the nearby trees, some photos were hanging on it. You approached to see it up close and sure enough, they were photos of both of you.
"Connie this is beautiful..." as you turned to look at him, he was kneeling on one knee in front of you, holding the most beautiful ring you had ever seen in your life.
"y/n, we have been through so much together that I think we deserve a happy ending, I wanna teach you how forever feels like, I want to wake up with you every morning, spend the rest of my life with you and grow old together. You are everything I was looking for and I finally found it, so I won't let you go, I will take care of your heart as the most precious thing I have, you are everything to me. Do you want to marry me?"
Some tears threatened to come out of your eyes and a look of panic appeared on Conrad's face at your silence, but he sighed in relief the moment you began to nod effusively.
"Yes! Of course I want to marry you." Conrad got up from the ground, gently took your hand, put the ring on your finger, kissing your hand and took your face to kiss you lovingly.
"We're going to be very happy, you won't regret it." He murmured against your lips and you kissed him again excitedly.
At that moment you didn't need anything more than each other.
Deep down you have never needed it.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2024.
TAGLIST OF THE SERIES : @ilovefamousmen11 @elcpsstuff @j-u-hs-world @akornsworld @conradfisherswifesstuff @sarcasm-and-stiles @nctma15
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itsvelyria · 9 months
"christmas w the f1 boys"
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Charles Leclerc
charles is a mess: he realises this as he resorts to simply bunching up the plaid wrapping paper over the Puma box that is meant for his brother. there is something on his chin, he thinks, but he’s too busy twirling the roll of tape around the lopsided present. beside him, you’re having the time of your life, folding obedient coloured paper with the precision and accuracy only found at gift wrapping stations. your stack of neatly wrapped presents sits prettily in contrast to his less neat ones – your tree looking more like a joke by the second. the velvet crimson ribbon is tied into a little bow by your expert fingers, and you set it aside, another point for you. gazes meet and yours falls onto the mess in his hands and promptly burst into a fit of giggles, at which he shoots you a pout. still giggling, you lean over, peeling the double-sided tape from his jaw, mumbling that it’s a good thing there’s something he’s bad at.
Carlos Sainz
mutters of how it’s such a waste of electricity to power up so many lights just for a holiday can be heard under your breath and he fights the urge to laugh. you’ve been repeating that spiel for as long as he can remember and the refreshing bout that hits him every time hasn’t died. still, the fact that you’re in his hometown with him, having been successfully convinced by him to go out on a little adventure to admire the christmas decorations. he pulls you in closer by the shoulder, your rant having ended with a tiny huff, and relishes in the warmth of your slender arm resting against his back. the urge to call your name, have that scowl on your face turn towards him so he can kiss it right off is irresistible. and so, fuelled by the saccharine smell of vanilla in the air, he does exactly that.
Danny Ricciardo
your boyfriend didn't need much convincing when you mentioned the Christmas decorations should go up. and thus, he was tasked with setting up the tree, brandishing his biceps with a flourish. now though, you’re standing by the boxes of ornaments you had dug out of the storage room while he wrestles with the middle tier of the plastic tree – your help having been rejected. it is with great struggle on his part, and great pain on yours, that the three tiers are all successfully stacked onto each other. the inevitable bickering begins, as you tease him about his lack of artistic direction while he jokes about your inability to reach the higher branches. even with no consensus being reached, the tree is adequately covered in tinsel and glittery ornaments. finally, danny insists on lifting you by his shoulder to place the finishing touch: the star.
George Russell
the holidays in england are top-tier and the ultimate winner of all things that bring happiness to his life — do not even try to fight him on that. the prelude of snow in the air coupled with the smell of chocolatey malt fuels him when there is no post-race adrenaline rush to do so. the market is set up with various tiny stalls selling hot beverages and homemade trinkets, the bustle of the crowd melting together with joy in his chest. he takes in the cheer that seems to make spirits a smidge higher and polite grins a little more sincere, watching you dash from stall to stall, cooing over every cute thing your eyes land on. maybe he was wrong, perhaps the greatest joy is being able to tangle his fingers with your fingers, tucking them safely into his pocket while sipping a hot chocolate.
Lando Norris
when you were apartment shopping, you had accounted for your respective large families and ever-growing social circle. butthe current state of your living room begs to differ. loud voices competing to be heard over the others was the music of choice as your sister screams accusations at your boyfriend while he has his best friend in a headlock. there’s half-empty wine glasses and nacho crumbs strewn everywhere. you’re pretty sure the sodas were spiked but your current hand is way too trash, so you fold. cursing your dealer, your uncle, you peer around the room. there is a monopoly game in the corner that looks like a full-out war, and you can spy your aunts, far too drunk on the good wine to care, so you’re halfway out of your chair to intervene but lando beats you to it. he says something that has the kids giggling and the teenagers rolling their eyes, calming the frazzled nerves instantly. glancing around, he catches your eye and shoots you a grin, and for a second, you feel your heart skip a beat. he follows up with a wink, making his way over to you where he proceeds to drape his large frame over yours. his arms hang over your shoulders, chin propped up on yours as he peers at your cards.
Lewis Hamilton
the shiver down his spine shocks him. your feet are basically icicles, he has said time and time again. but lewis remains still even as you shove your feet under the shared blanket, pressing them up against his in a desperate attempt to gain some warmth. his eyes dart up from the words on his book, landing on your furrowed brows engrossed in your own pages. the carefully curated playlist of holiday music and comforting scent of cinnamon and pine burning from the scented candle someone had gifted the year previous soothes his mind. roscoe is peacefully snoring away in the corner. putting aside your literal cold feet, he finds his attention turned back to the book, humming along gently. your full-on belting scares him and the book in his hands falls to the ground with a thud. he can’t hide the fond twinkle in his eyes even as he shoots you a glance. your apologetic shrug is nonchalant, and he finds himself mirroring your grin, joining in the annihilation of the song. it dissolves into shared laughter as the combined voices wakes roscoe, who sends you two the most displeased look a dog can make.
Max Verstappen
in hindsight, he should have listened to you. but the fact remains that he did not, and so he can only watch on enviously as you sip your coffee. you did warn him of the bustling aisles in the packed mall and asked if he needed caffeine to get him through. but then again you did reprimand his excessive consumption of a particular energy drink last night so the thought that it was a trap crossed his mind and lead to his rejection. he wonders if you would let him take a tiny sip as you drag him into the next store, arms sore from carrying a few too many shopping bags. you hold up the race cars from the boys’ section of the toy store, eyes narrowed to evaluate the brightly coloured plastic, trying to determine if they were good enough for his nephews. his heart swells a little at the sight of you trying to pick out the perfect gift for his family, but his focus lied mainly on your coffee, which was left unattended. and with zero hesitation, he swipes the drink, taking a large gulp to make up for the stress he had undergone for the past two hours. your dirty look is met with a twinkle in his eyes as he drops a kiss on your cheek as an apology.
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When Our Stars Cross Paths; V Treech x Mentor!Reader
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Pairing: Treech x Mentor!Reader
Word Count: 2.67k
Warnings: Mentions of blood
Sweet Angels🪻: @nemesii @mrsyixingunicorn10 @chmpgneprblem @thxmiss @storiesofmyhead @valdezsttuff @nekee-lilac02 @shykittycat @aceofspades190 @holymotherfxrkingshirtballs @lostmoongoddess24 @nothing2113
🎬Mood boards🎬
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You could’ve sworn your spine was broken
A groan of pain escape your mouth as you landed flat on your back, sandwiched between the solid dirt floor and whatever boy had landed on top of you. Similar moans could be heard from the others sprawled around you, with most people suffering from disorientation as well as the sudden adjustment to bright light after a prolonged period in the darkness of the van.
You attempted to sit up, albeit unsuccessfully as the person who had landed on you had yet to shift their weight off of you. Freeing your right hand from the tangle of tributes, you gently nudged their shoulder, fingers coming into contact with the soft wool of a jacket. Unfortunately this effort only produced a pained murmur from the boy as he rolled slightly off of you, yet it was not enough to allow movement on your part. Quickly growing irritated by the restriction of oxygen, you drove your knee into his back, using both hands to push the boy up off your chest.
“Watch it Sunshine.”
You instantly recognized the voice as belonging to Treech. A sigh of embarrassment leaves your lips at the realization; a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks at the physical proximity of the two of you, as well as the sudden nickname. You continue to shuffle underneath him, grumbling about how heavy he was, which managed to make the taller boy laugh. Finally, as the mess of tributes starts to untangle and take in their surroundings, Treech is able to stand up, relieving your body of the added pressure of his weight. After bringing himself to his feet he turns back around to face you, offering a calloused hand. Accepting his assistance, you take his hand in yours as you rise up off the ground. Only then did you realize where you were.
“The Zoo?”
Treech turns around to face his surroundings, a look of disgust painting his face as he noticed the crowds of Capitol citizens gawking at the tributes from behind metal bars. Most stayed a good distance away from the cage, as if they were scared the tributes would attack if they were to approach. The inside of the dome itself was unremarkable, save for the few trees and logs scattered across the ground, there wasn’t anything of use, including food and water. Just as you were noting the need to bring dinner for Treech and Lamina later in the day, you remembered the canvas bag you had brought with you to the train station. Turning away from the gaping mouths of the Capitol citizens—most of whom were shocked to not see one but two Academy students inside the cage, you searched the ground of the enclosure for your bag. You spotted it rather quickly, it had been with you when you were spilled out of the van and was lying where you had fallen. Scooping the bag up, you checked to see if the remaining food and water had been damaged. Thankfully, the vast majority of the food and drink remained unharmed, and would be able to be consumed by Treech and Lamina if you weren’t able to get back to them that day. You suspected that if word got to your parents of your little “field trip”, your grounding was sure to follow. However, as you caught a glimpse of Dill, who was currently in the midst of a coughing fit a few meters away from you, you were reminded of your original intention of offering food and drink to the rest of the tributes. You turned back to face Treech, who had found Lamina and taken a seat next to her on a nearby log.
“I’ll be right back, I just need to finish passing these out.” Holding up the bag to show the pair what you were referring to, you searched their bodies for injuries, getting the first good look at them since the fall, thankfully they both appeared to be unharmed. Although Lamina wasn’t technically your responsibility, you felt a sense of protectiveness over her and was equally as concerned over her wellbeing as Treech’s. Lamina gave you a soft smile, while Treech refused to make eye contact, more content to keep his focus trained on the audience that was growing outside of the enclosure. Rolling your own eyes at the boy’s constantly changing attitude towards you, you walked over to where the District eight tributes, Bobbin and Wovey were sitting. Wovey was one of the youngest tributes right next to Dill, she reminded you greatly of one of the young girls you used to babysit and like Lamina, you felt a great sense of protectiveness over her. Bobbin was a few years older with blonde hair that was almost as light at Coriolanus’s, he was missing his right arm starting at the elbow and you were curious as to if was from an accident in a textile factory. Being much older than both of the tributes, you felt much less intimidated when approaching them. Watching you advance, Bobbin wrapped his one good arm around Wovey, eyes tracking your movements as you got closer.
“Hi, are either of you two hungry?”
Wovey perked up at the unfamiliar voice and turned to face you, her almond eyes showing faint traces of tears. Her eyes dropped to scan the bag you held out a few feet in front of her, seemingly debating on whether or not you were a threat. After a few seconds of careful deliberation, Wovey deemed you safe to approach, sliding off the log she was sat on and grabbing the canvas bag. Unlike most of the younger tributes, Wovey didn’t wait for her partner’s permission to grab the treats, quickly snatching a sandwich and orange without any further hesitation. She passed the orange off to Bobbin, smiling at her new found treasures as the older boy began peeling the fruit for the two of them.
“Thank you, Miss!” Wovey angelic voice rang out as she hastily unwrapped the sandwich, sinking her teeth into the sourdough bread with a contented sigh. Bobbin, who had now finished peeling the orange, eyed the sandwich longingly yet made no move to approach the bag himself. Sensing the boy’s shyness, you reached in yourself, passing a second sandwich to the blonde boy. He gave you a grateful smile, unwrapping his sandwich and passing half of the peeled orange slices to his partner as you walked away.
Making your way towards the opposite end of the enclosure, you saw the girl from District nine, Sheaf performing what appeared to be acrobatics for the cluster of Capitol citizens who had gathered a few feet outside by the metal bars. Panlo, her district partner sat on a rock a few feet away, holding his head in his hands. The two shared a resemblance that under normal circumstances, would’ve led you to assume the pair were related. As Sheaf finished a series of back handsprings, you made your presence known to the pair.
“Would you guys like something to eat?”
Sheaf turned away from the Capitol crowd, holding a small pack of peanuts she had been gifted by a spectator for putting on a show. Panlo looked up from his spot on the rock, but didn’t show any signs of interest or fascination with the bag. Nonetheless, Sheaf walked over to where you stood, gently rummaging through the dwindling tote. She settled on a water bottle and an apple, giving you a short nod of appreciation, thankful she no longer had to perform to eat. She turned back around to face Panlo, curious to see if he would be taking food as well. When she was met with only a mop of chestnut curls nestled between between two hands, she sighed and dug through the bag once more to grab a second water bottle for her stubborn partner. The nimble girl walked back over to the rock, crouching beside the boy in an attempt to coax him out.
Realizing that the District ten pair were next of your list, you let out a groan. Not wanting to find out what move Tanner would pull next, you desperately searched the enclosure for anyone else you hadn’t offered food to yet. Luckily for you, Brandy, Tanner’s district partner was sat by the metal bars, quite some distance away from him. You made your way over to the girl. Her eyes were a nearly transparent blue, and she wore a patterned scarf in her auburn hair. Despite the thin layer of dirt that covered her clothes and her mouth being fixed into a scowl she was quite pretty. Clearing your throat to get the redhead’s attention, she twisted her head around to face you, the scowl on her face slightly softening.
“You want something to eat, Brandy?”
The girl quickly nodded, the grimace melting off her face as she used the palms of her hands to push herself up off the ground. Once standing, she gingerly took the canvas bag from your hands, occasionally looking back up at you as if she couldn’t believe what she was being offered. Eventually after a minute of searching through the now dirty material of the bag, she pulled out a piece of banana bread wrapped in tinfoil and a water bottle. Quickly stuffing the goodies into the pocket of her sweater, she offered you a somewhat sad smile as she handed your bag back to you. The poor girl wasn’t used to being shown kindness from Capitol citizens. Remembering that Arachne was her mentor, you hoped your classmate would have the decency to show up and provide for her tribute…
As you parted ways with Brandy, your eyes darted around the monkey house, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dill or Reaper. Though after the events that took place in the van, you were silently dreading the imminent interaction between you and the latter. Spotting the pair proved to be an easier feat than expected, due to Dill’s continuous coughing fits, you could hear the young girl’s hacking from across the enclosure.
Despite their earlier spat in the van, Reaper sat protectively at Dill’s feet, a look of worry cast over his features as he helplessly watched his younger partner continue to cough. There were faint traces of dried blood at the corners of Dill’s mouth, leftovers from earlier fits. Rummaging through the remaining contents of your tote, you pulled out the largest water bottle you could find as well as a handkerchief with embroidered flowers along the perimeter from your dress pocket. As you got closer to the District eleven pair, Reaper took notice of your presence and straightened himself up, his concerned look being replaced with a glower at the sight of you.
“Didn’t learn any lessons from what I did to your little friend huh?”
While his treatment of Coriolanus had very much intimidated you, it hadn’t dissuaded you from attempting to help the pair, particularly Dill. However, instead of responding you placed the water bottle and handkerchief at his feet, not breaking eye contact as you did so.
“These should help with the coughing fits.”
Immediately understanding your intentions behind the gifts, he scooped the water bottle up and untwisted the cap, dabbing a bit of the water onto the handkerchief that he held in his other hand. He then handed the bottle over to Dill, who wasted no time gulping down the contents while Reaper used the now wet cloth to clean the dried blood from her mouth. Once he deemed Dill blood-free, he turned to face you, offering a thankful nod that let you know the two of you were on good terms.
Checking to see what was leftover in your bag, you saw only a single sandwich, two water bottles, and a handful of fruits left at the bottom. However this didn’t concern you as you only had the District twelve tributes left on your mental list, and you were near certain Coriolanus would ensure Lucy Gray was kept fed. You caught glimpse of the aforementioned boy and girl a few meters away towards the edge of the enclosure. They were speaking to Lucky Flickerman, a Capitol reporter, and upon further inspection, Coriolanus appeared to be holding the hand of Lucy Gray. Not wanting to interrupt whatever the two had going on, you set your sights of finding Jessup. Lyzzie had been assigned as his mentor and like Clemmie, she had been very pleased at the selection. After a few moments on scanning the area around you, you spotted the boy sitting under one of the few trees in the yard. He was tall, above average but still a bit shorter than Treech and Reaper, with a soft babyface that made him appear years younger than he actually was. Picking up your pace, you jogged over to where the boy stood, his eyes fixed on his partner and her mentor.
“Hi Jessup, would you like something to eat?”
The District twelve boy whipped his head around, startled by the sudden noise, but the panic melted from his face when he caught sight of you. He had been watching you when you were talking to Bobbin and Wovey, and was to ease knowing someone was ensuring the wellbeing of the younger tributes. Lucy Gray had also mentioned taking a liking to you after observing you at the train station greeting everyone at each cart, and she’d been looking forward to meeting you before she was pulled away by her own mentor. Jessup took the now rather light bag from your hands, debating over the contents before opting for the two water bottles and the sandwich. He handed the nearly empty tote back to you as he began to unwrap the tinfoil clad food. He patted the ground next to him with his hand, offering you a place to sit.
“As much as I would love to join you, I think Treech is beginning to wonder where I went. Tell Lucy Gray I said hi though, and that I quite enjoyed her performance.”
Jessup nodded, understanding your desire to get back to your tribute before you were inevitably swept away. Nevertheless, he smiled brightly as he bit into his sandwich, entirely grateful for the meal.
Walking away, you caught sight of the District seven pair only a couple meters away. You had practically made an entire circle around the monkey house and had ended up right where you initially started.
“Hey Red, miss me?”
Lamina looked up from where she had been sitting, smiling at the sight of her new friend. She quickly scooted down the log, making space for you to sit between her and Treech. You happily took the seat, much to Treech’s irritation, and emptied out the final contents of your canvas bag, offering an apple to the redheaded girl and a nectarine to Treech. Lamina grinned as she began tucking into her fruit, exhaling contentedly at the sweetness of the white flesh. Treech on the other hand, absently tossed his nectarine from one hand to the other, clearly uninterested in forming conversation with you. Taking notice of the boy’s subconscious actions, you let out a small suppressed laugh, which immediately garnered his attention.
“Something funny, Sunshine?”
You felt a familiar warmth creeping up onto your face at the repeating of the nickname.
“You didn’t tell me you could juggle, Lumberjack.”
Treech scoffed at the pet name, rolling his eyes. He looked like he was about to make a rebuttal when two peacekeepers approached you from either side. It was only then did you take notice to the fact that Coriolanus had already been apprehended by a second pair of peacekeepers, and was promptly being dragged out of the zoo much to his dismay. You felt one of the peacekeepers place his hand on your shoulder, a gentle reminder that told you it was time to leave.
“Stay out of trouble while i’m gone. I’ll be back later tonight with more food and blankets, I promise.” You snatched up your empty canvas bag as the second peacekeeper began tugging on your arm.
“I wasn’t concerned.” You could hear the disdain dripping from his words. Lamina punched his shoulder, unamused by his blatant rejection of you.
You were going to kill this boy before the games even begun.
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Another chapter out!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I’m so sorry I keep drawing scenes out but I can’t help but satisfy my urges to write subplots wherever I go. 😭 And what do we think of the nickname Sunshine, do we love it? Do we hate it? Also I’m thinking about doing a Treech POV chapter if y’all are interested. I hope you all have a good new year, and I will try to have chapter six up as soon as I can!! I love you all so much and genuinely appreciate every comment you leave. ❤️
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
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“Kiss it.”
“I said kiss it.”
Ghost scrunched his face up at the sound of your whining to the point of almost crying, he then looked down at your extended hand and saw the large, deep cut on your hand. Crimson colored blood trickled down from the top of your hand to your palm, your fingers were also covered in it as well, as it had spread everywhere quickly. That had appeared there after you got your hands through shards of glass from a broken window to reach a device Ghost needed on the other side. He said he could reach it, but you stubbornly didn’t want to see him in pain, (though he told you he had seen worse) but that didn’t mean you wanted him to experience it again. So before he could move to do such you stuck your hand inside. Meaning it was technically your fault for not letting Ghost reach through it with his tactical-gloved hand. As usual, Ghost was just going to scoff it off and walk away,  that’s who he was most of the time anyways. As a Ghost, he was soulless, emotionless and couldn’t give a damn about your carelessness and the consequences of it. But that was until he heard your small sniff, causing him to hold his breath and look at your face. He never heard that sound come out of your lips because of him, it was always either, ‘Yes Sir’- ‘Copy LT’ - ‘Got Your Back’- oh and your famous one, ‘Mind over matter, I don’t mind and you don’t matter’. You were tough and a badass, cussed like a sailor and laughed at the sad parts in films. (And enjoyed telling dark jokes to Soap) So his heart just about busted or slipped a beat, as he confusingly beheld your rosy cheeks, pouty lips, and large crocodile tears beginning to grow in your eyes. Something he’s never seen before.
 ‘oh fuck.’
Slowly your hand began to retract back but it was stopped by a firm grasp to your wrist, keeping it in place. Slowly with fear of pain or rejection your eyes carefully searched Ghost’s, to only find him sending you a small but sweet smile. Your breath hitch at the realization of seeing the bottom half of his face, to which you’ve never seen. An old scar laid across his chapped lips, he had a light stubble, barely covering what looked like old burned scars along his jawline. It was beautiful though, like when a tree stands through fire and still looks uniquely beautiful, with its missing branches, you know, the scars and all.
‘Shit I didn’t mean to stare!’
Ghost caught your staring and you turned beet red at the realization of acting totally ridiculous in his sights, causing you to plead,
“oh sorry-“
And there Ghost- no Simon, held his lips, lingering the kiss, as if he had magical powers to heal the wound and make it all go away, and deep down, you believed he could. It felt like a heavenly eternity, feeling the warmth of his lips pressed against your hand, knowing when he took and let out every breath as it made the small hairs on your hand stand, and sending an electric spark up your spine. 
Simon hummed with satisfaction as he glanced at your hand one last time before looking for your eyes to seek approval. He took what was your look of adoration as maybe you being displeased, he was quick to stutter.
“will- do you.. do you think it’ll heal? I’m sorry-“
Your hand landed over your heart as you cried sympathetically,
“Oh Simon, I’m sure it will. Feels better actually-“
“really- oh! My cut left you a mess-“
His hand grabbed yours as you had reached out to use your thumb to swipe off the blood your cut had left on his once, clean lips, but he refused. 
“Leave it... the time blood is ever on my hands- or on me anywhere is when I’ve shed it for my j-job. Let me have this one time to say I’m painted red because I can kiss every drop to make it better. p-please.”
‘Awe goodness..’
Your words came out like a whisper, something light that could be carried away by the wind, but Simon grasped it like it was air, and took it in as he begged,
“can I kiss it again?”
You nodded confidently and witnessed his eyes gleam with relief as you voiced,
“Please... until we’re both healed.”
His brown orbs looked down at you as he very well towered over you, but he didn’t look scary or intimidating, as his eyes held love and faith within as he thought about your words with your hand against his lips once again, one hand was holding your hip tightly. He did this to ground his mind to let him know it was all real. He then opened his lips and promised with hope for the both of you, regardless of how the past betrayed you two, with old scars to prove it... or what fate was like in the future, what and where would new wounds appear...
“We’ll heal.”
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ashton-is-bored · 10 months
(I’m stealing the character from Maleficent because I can, teehee)
“They were an unlikely pair; a myth and a human.”
Johnnie loves scary and supernatural things, so when he found out about a supposedly “enchanted” forest, he was quick to pack a bag and take off.
At first, it seemed like nothing out of the ordinary. Just a forest with dead leaves, brush, and a few small animals here and there. That was, until Johnnie came to the realization that something or someone was watching him. Johnnie turned around and saw… nothing.
No one was there, just him and the dead leaves that littered the ground around him.
Confused, Johnnie continued walking, until he heard the sound of a branch snapping. He immediately stopped walking and turned around, bringing his guard up incase he was about to be attacked. “Who’s there?” Johnnie asked in a loud voice, it was obvious that he was scared of whatever was following him by the shakiness in his voice.
When he got no response, he asked again, but this time with a more serious tone. “Who is out there?”
There was a rush of wingbeats and the limbs of the trees were tossed, making Johnnie’s panic rise. When he looked ahead, he noticed a girl perched on one of the branches of the trees, but there was something off about the girl. She had two large black wings growing out of her back. The feathers looked soft as crushed velvet, and shone as they caught the light, making her look even more beautiful.
“Who… what… are you…?” Johnnie couldn’t even form a coherent sentence he was so confused and nervous.
The girl cocked her head to the side, a birdlike action that made butterflies beat their wings against Johnnie’s stomach. “What are you?” The girl asked.
“I asked you first.” Johnnie stated as he tried to hold his ground and not flip out at the obvious non-human entity in front of him.
The girl let out a small laugh, a bittersweet sound that fell smoothly from her lips. “I’m Y/N, I protect the Moors.”
Johnnie looked around confused, “The… Moors?”
The girl, now known as Y/N, nodded. “This forest is called the Moors. Many humans stay away from here because they think it’s dangerous. Why are you here?” She asked, her wings fluttering and stretching slightly to be more comfortable.
“I… I heard about this place from a friend and thought it’d be cool to explore. I’m sorry for intruding on your land, I’ll… I’ll leave…” Johnnie said nervously, turning around and getting ready to walk back to the entrance of the clearing that lead to the Moors.
“Wait!” Y/N called out, jumping from her perch and landing in the grass a few feet away from him. “You don’t have to leave…”
Johnnie turned back to the winged girl, “what do you mean?” He asked. What he didn’t know was that Y/N also had butterflies and was secretly enjoying all of his questions; she thought it was adorable how curious he was.
“I mean…” She hesitated before continuing, her face flushing slightly as she held out her hand to Johnnie. “I could show you the Moors if you’d let me. They really are a beautiful place.”
Johnnie smiled and nodded, taking Y/N’s hand and walking through the forest with her. As they walked, Johnnie noticed that one of Y/N’s great wings hovered over his shoulder as if to protect him. He felt his heartbeat pick up slightly at this action, no girl had ever treated him like this.
As time went on, Y/N and Johnnie grew increasingly closer. Johnnie would visit the Moors almost every day to see Y/N, who always brought him small crystals and shiny things she found on her patrols of the Moors. Johnnie would tell Y/N stories about the human world, which never failed to fascinate and delight her.
They were an unlikely pair; a myth and a human. Yet they both felt that when they were around each other, all was right in the world.
One evening, almost a year after their first encounter, Johnnie and Y/N were sitting on the riverbank of the Moors together. Y/N’s wings were relaxed behind her and her head was placed against his shoulder as Johnnie gently ran his fingertips across the soft feathers.
Johnnie leaned his cheek against the top of Y/N’s head. They sat in a comfortable silence, the river rushing in front of them and the sound of the trees gently swaying in the breeze created a serene atmosphere, as if the only beings in that moment were the two of them.
“The Moors always felt like a lonely place before you showed up.” Y/N said, her voice was always soft like satin.
Johnnie pressed a soft kiss to her head, “I never expected to meet you, but ever since you came into my life, I can’t get you out of my head.”
Y/N wrapped her wing around Johnnie, something she’d done ever since she gotten comfortable with him, and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder in an affectionate gesture.
“Johnnie, I… I don’t know how to say this, but…” Y/N seemed conflicted, she was trying to explain her feelings, but even she didn’t understand them.
Johnnie cracked a small smile and lifted Y/N’s chin with his thumb and forefinger. He brought his face down to hers, but hesitated. Did he really want this? Did Y/N want this, or would she hate him afterwards?
His thoughts were erased when Y/N leaned forward and pressed her lips against his in a soft, warm kiss. Johnnie’s lips were soft, and the cold of his piercings made things even better. Y/N’s lips felt like velvety pillows against his, the way they were parted slightly made Johnnie’s face flush.
When they pulled away, Johnnie rested his forehead against Y/N’s. Her wings wrapped around him and their hand’s interlaced with each other. “We are an unlikely couple, aren’t we?” Johnnie asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled.
“The stranger the better.” Y/N whispered against his lips.
The two knew that they’d be judged anywhere else, but in this moment, they didn’t care. Y/N and Johnnie had each other, and that’s all that mattered.
IK the ending could’ve been better, but I’m so tired rn. I might change it later, but idk. Sorry!
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the two other monkeys? Idk if you ever heard of them, but it's the Red Bottom Ape and Long Armed Gibbon.
i actaually had some pretty lore heavy origin story hcs for those guys a couple of years ago, but i dont think i ever posted them. ill put some of the old art here and paste the lore under a cut cause its LONG (replaced the old swk and maq in the last pic with some more recent ones bc my hcs for them changed so much lmao)
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their lore was well researched i spent days on it but it was a couple years ago lmao, its based on the principals they represent plus which of yin/yang they represent
long armed gibbon- can seize the sun and the moon, distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, and manipulate planets and stars
gibbon was born when a seed from a fir tree fell from heaven to earth. it landed on top of an eroded mountian and a tree started growing. after several hundred years, when the tree stretched high enough and was wise enough and the pine cones had gone from dark purple to blue, the trunk split one day at sunrise on a blue misty morning and gibbon walked into the world
red-buttocked horse monkey- who has knowledge of yin and yang, understands human affairs, is adept in its daily life and able to avoid death and lengthen its life
horse was born from a drop of water flung from a trough in heavens stables (part of the reason swk was so pleased to guard the horses when he went)
when she fell to earth she became a river that people often visited and talked around and played in. from this she came to understand human affairs. she also found she could help creatures avoid death or prolong their life by feeding their crops. when she knew enough, she climbed out of the river at sundown and walked into the world
sun wukong, the wise stone monkey- who knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars
stealing from nezha reborn where the myth goes that when nüwe patched the sky, the leftover stone was where swk came from, but im changing it to one of the tiles that was used to create the furnace was dropped, leaving a monkey sized gap where he could later on slot into to keep himself alive in there. the tile was knocked out of the basket by the wind and fell to earth and this was the only one that landed on ffm. you know the story here, he absorbed chi from heaven AND earth which is why hes so powerful
six eared macaque- who has a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things
macaque was born very suddenly when a piece of moon rock broke off and fell to earth on a new moon. the resulting meteor created a huge and sudden flash of light in a forest which created hundreds of stark shadows at once. the shadows condensed and the resulting being wouldnt have lived if it hadnt been a new moon because he needed the next hours of darkness to collect himself into a full being. but before the night was done, a new monkey was born who was able to hear everything in the radius he had collected shadows from, which if youve ever seen a meteor flash, is a long way
somethin interesting abt the things that created them- swks tile was actually heavenly, which is why he represents primarily yang (heaven). his was the only one that was CRAFTED BY heaven. gibbon and horse are both from something that fell from heaven and then the earth changed its form (the tree grew on earth from a heavenly seed, and the drop of water became a river) whereas macaque, representing the yin is fully of earth, the meteor that created him was from heaven but he didnt directly come from the meteor, he came from the shadows it created on earth. his only connection is to the earth
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karniss-bg3 · 1 year
An Unexpected Outing
Blackened miasma consumed the skies above the Shadow lands, bathing the once vibrant area in darkness eternal. The aroma of moss, mold and rotting trees was potent enough to sting the insides of ones nostrils, a lingering scent that followed travelers around without end. Tav, by way of a miracle or pure deception, managed to convince Kar’niss to accompany them on a small trip away from Moonrise towers. The drider stuck close to Tav on their short venture out while keeping a greedy grasp on his moon lantern, holding it high to cast radiant light a decent diameter around them. All the while the shattered creature mumbled to himself, speaking of Majesty and begging for Her protection along the way.
Tav had grown accustomed to the incoherent ramblings almost coming to find them endearing. Occasionally, they’d glance over their shoulder at Kar’niss whose many eyes kept a diligent watch of their surroundings. Despite his intimidating size and shape there was a prominent nervous energy that lingered all around him, paranoia his constant companion. Any unusual sound or rustling in the brush made Kar’niss stop in place, swinging the lantern around with panicked urgency. “Mm mm, the shadows...mustn’t feed the shadows. We should be quick, we wish to return to Majesty,” he hissed. Tav turned to face the beast, looking up at their tense guide. “We won’t be long. I’m sure the herbs I seek are nearby. Despite the curse, I read that the plant I need is durable which means it may still grow out here.”
Kar’niss shot Tav a skeptical glance but eventually his body relaxed, for the time being at least. “Hurry along then.” They nodded and took in a breath, stepping away from Kar’niss to observe the flora that was within view. Much of it had succumbed to the shadows, wilted and withered down to brown and black stalks. What wasn’t dead had become corrupted and unusable, stripped of what nutrients and viable applications the plants may have had before. Tav winced with worry yet their determined nature encouraged them to press on against the bleak circumstances.
From the corner of their eye they caught sight of something unusual. Upon closer inspection they spotted a cluster of flowers that were strangely lively despite their surroundings. Black spade shaped petals were outlined in dark purple hues, the disk at the center a navy blue color with single thick stigma sprouting from within. Tav noticed a collection of orb shaped lights dancing around the outer layer of the fascinating plant, all no larger than a peanut in size. The glow seemed to intensify the closer Tav leaned in to look, transfixed by the hypnotic way they swayed around the cluster. A sickly sweet smell seemed to ooze from the flowers like that of a more pungent honeysuckle. Try as Tav might they couldn���t recognize such a plant, far outside of their knowledge. It did little to sway their curiosity finding themselves with the urge to reach out and touch this new discovery. “What is this…?” Tav asked, their hand beginning to outstretch. Kar’niss turned his head when he heard Tav speak. All of his eyes widened in unison when he realized what was happening. “NO!” Kar'niss shouted.
The sound of frantic clicking echoed throughout the abandoned woodlands as all of Kar’niss’ legs jumped into action. He rushed over to his transfixed charge and reached out. His arms coiled over Tav’s chest while his pedipalps snapped shut around their waist, hooking over their legs. Tav felt the ground pulled out from under them as Kar’niss lifted their body and jerked them away from the plant, backing up in swift succession to put distance between them. Kar’niss snarled and melded Tav’s back to his chest, keeping them hoisted from the ground and the apparent threat. “Mustn’t touch, True Soul!” Kar’niss growled.
The jarring experience was enough to snap Tav out of whatever spell had been placed on them. Their vision blurred briefly then corrected itself back to normal, allowing them to see with eyes unclouded. The strange, peanut sized orbs morphed to reveal their true appearance. Tiny two headed flies with four glossy wings buzzed around the flower, tiny gnashing teeth bared in anger at the pair. More began to rise from the disk of the flower until there was an alarming number, their bodies buzzing with aggression. “What—What is that??” Tav asked, eyes wide.
“Flesh eaters, death bringers, foul dregs of the shadow kin!” Kar’niss explained as he continued to hold Tav up and away, their legs dangling freely.
The flies began to swarm while a harrowing droning sound rose around them. Kar’niss took a step forward and lifted the lantern jutting it in their direction. When the blinding light made contact with the swarm it was enough to make them retreat and keep away, forcing them back into the darkness. Tav could now see the area better and noticed a body lying close to the flowers. It had been dead for sometime, much of it’s flesh stripped and what little remained had become defiled by hundreds of fly eggs and larvae. Tav squinted, feeling sick to their stomach, turning their head away so as to not look any further.
“Gods, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Tav frowned.
Kar’niss lowered the moon lantern when he was sure the threat had passed, the ridges of his brow creased into a deep V shape. “True Soul mustn't touch what they do not understand!”
Tav bowed their head, their heart rate steadily returning to normal after such a close call. With the danger gone they realized where they were perched. Kar’niss’ arm still clutched around their chest as did the pedipalps at their hips. They had never been this close to Kar’niss before, always pushed away or dismissed if they even tried. The bizarre exoskeleton that stretched over portions of his torso was hard to the touch as if covered by rough plastic. What natural skin remained was somehow still soft and vulnerable. This close Tav could study the details of the driers face which included those many eyes and the scars on his cheek and lips. They could feel his labored breath on their neck, shallow and strained as if every intake of air was a struggle. Above all else they could feel the strength of his grip, how easily he held Tav aloft as if they weighed nothing at all. There was a security in it, a comfort, a sensation Tav didn’t wish to end.
Kar’niss took notice of Tav blatantly staring at him. He grew self conscious as if snapping back to reality. His spider legs bent enough to lower Tav back to earth, releasing his hold and staggering away to place distance between them once more. His ever scrutinizing gaze held on his charge longer than it normally would until he cleared his throat.
“We return to Moonrise. You can find your precious herbs later. My Queen waits for us, we will answer.” Kar’niss didn’t give the chance for Tav to argue, spinning his hefty body around to begin the march back from whence they came.
Tav stepped forward and held out a hand. “Kar’niss, wait…” The drider grit his teeth with annoyance, sparing a glance over his shoulder. “What is it now?”
Tav stood there a moment, many thoughts whirling through their mind. “I just wanted to say thank you, for saving my life. I’ll remember that.” Tav smiled as they stepped forward to return to Kar’niss’ side.
The drider looked visibly confused while clutching the moon lantern tighter to their core, a few of their long legs shuffling underneath them as if from uncontrolled excitement. The antsy movement was swiftly quelled as he focused on maintaining control. “Hmph.”
He tipped his chin and started walking once more, his head held a touch higher than when they arrived. Kar’niss returned to his unhinged mantra, praising his Queen and Her protection. However, this time he spared a glance Tav’s way now and then, taking far more notice than he had in days past. The trip back to Moonrise held more promise than before and a spark had ignited in the drider. Only time would tell if it would grow into something stronger.
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animatorweirdo · 5 months
Bodyguard From Another World
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(A crack fic crossover between Silmarillion / Attack on Titan. Hope you like it)
Requested by @springfountain
Congrats on finishing your series anima! Great work on both of them👍So some crack idea for you:
A titan reader gets transported to Middle-Earth and has their right hand cut off during a fight. They look at Mae, a smug smirk on their face, and regenrate their hand saying "Imma make you real jealous now."
It would be lovely if you could write crack headcanon based on this for all Sons of Fëanor like you did with Raiden's handmaid.
Warnings: bad jokes, falling into a hole, reader being slightly lazy, losing limbs, (Maybe poor writing? It's a crack fic, who cares) growing back limbs, and more bad jokes.
- You are not entirely sure how you got where you are now. 
- You remember it being some kind of scouting mission outside the walls. You and your team were safely chilling on a tree, taking a break, and then you found an interesting hole at the bottom of the tree. 
- You went to check it out since there were no Titans nearby, and then your team began to joke about rabbit holes and other worlds they read about in storybooks. 
- You were right in front of the hole, looking down and trying to see if you could see the bottom. Then, one of your teammates thought it would be a fun idea to smack you in the back, causing you to lose balance and fall into the hole. You were not quick enough to catch yourself in time, so you slipped in and fell into the bottomless hole screaming. 
- It happened so fast. You were blinded by the darkness and the ground beneath you was so slippery that you couldn’t catch onto anything to stop your violent sliding. Then, you saw light at the bottom and before you knew it, you were thrown out of the hole. 
- You violently rolled out of the hole. Thanks to your gear, you didn’t roll far and landed on your back. Groaning painfully on the ground, your back ached from the bruises and the dirt that covered the whole backside of your uniform. 
- When you recovered and sat up. You heard your teammate's shouts coming from the hole, but then to your fright and confusion, the tree suddenly started moving. It moved and twisted itself around, closing the hole and trapping you in the world you were now. 
- Luckily, the world you got trapped into was not so bad. There were no Titans, which was a huge plus. The only creatures you needed to worry about were orcs and some other type of creatures that tried to kill you, but honestly, you would take them any day than see another titan. 
- You found work in a guild that took bodyguard work and legal bounty jobs. It helped you get a place to live and get comfortable with your new life. 
- You sparsely used the 3DM gear since this world didn’t have a concept of using gas as a fuel. So, you had to count on your other skills to make yourself useful and earn good money in your job. 
- Even though you missed some of your friends. You didn't mind staying in this world. No Titans, no trauma. Even though orcs were just as troublesome and violent as titans, you preferred to fight someone of your own size than over ten-foot-tall monsters.  
- One day, your guild received a commission from the Noldor elves. Apparently, they needed more manpower to ensure the safety of a party that was to travel to another kingdom for a meeting. It had been a rough time for everyone, so it was understandable. You were picked into the group as you were one of the best fighters, and then you all were set to meet the elves for the time of the job.
- You didn’t pay attention when your group leader spoke with the tall red-haired elf, but when things were settled, you started your journey. You did take a chance to glance at all of them and figured they were the so-called sons of Feanor. 
- You would have preferred to go as quietly as possible but you then managed to catch up a conversation with a few of them. Apparently, you were quite short compared to others which caught their attention. You didn’t take kindly to that remark, but since they were taller than most in your group, you began to understand Captain Levi’s troubles, since he was the shortest man in the scout regiment. 
- The elf named Maglor was pleasant to talk to. You learned many interesting things about elves from him and you shared a few stories of your adventures with him. 
- The elf named Celegorm sometimes butted in, judging your size and experiences. They were just some jabs, and you were okay with him most of the time. 
- You didn’t converse with Curufin much. But you did notice that he seemed shorter than most of his brothers, and when he sent you a jab, you kinda of teased his height which then earned glares from him. 
- You mostly respectfully kept your distance from Caranthir. It’s not that you were afraid of him or his rumored temper. There was just nothing that could have sparked a discussion, and you both were fine with that.
- Surprisingly, you got quite well along with the twins. They heard your tease toward Curufin, and now you had been talking with them most of the journey. What was even better was that they seemed to share your sense of humor.
- You were quite laid back and nonserious. Your group leader often scolded you for slacking, and that seemed to have made a poor impression on the oldest of the brothers, Maedhros. 
- He even joined in the scolding and asked you to take things more seriously. 
- You knew how to be serious when needed, but when there were no immediate dangers, you saw no reason to be serious. 
- Maedhros then remarked that your lack of preparations during jobs will end up bringing you great harm and blah, blah, blaa. 
- Little did they know that you did not need to worry about injuries and such since you had regenerative abilities. 
- You were actually a titanshifter. You just managed to keep it hidden from your friends and the scout regiment and avoid receiving serious injuries that could have given you away. 
- Your guild knew about your abilities since you had ended up in a situation where you lost a leg and grew it back to save someone. 
- They were quite accepting, to your relief, and you might have confessed to them about your other abilities. They were curious but respectful since there was no need for you to shift into your titan form. 
- That was one of the reasons why you preferred to live in this world. You do not want to imagine the mess you would create if the scout regiment knew about your secret. 
- You continued sending jabs at Maedhros when he continued scolding you and then came a day when a large group of orcs attacked you. 
- It was a sudden ambush, even though, you all succeeded in fending off the attack. You protected the tall red-haired elf from a sneak attack and lost half of your right arm in the process. 
- The pain was nothing you had not experienced before, but it did send Maedhros in panic when he saw your bleeding arm. 
- But then you grinned at him. 
- “I’m about to make you real jealous right now,” you said. 
- He looked at you confused until you used your ability to regrow your arm.  
- Let’s just say, the look on his face was priceless. 
- Your group leader was quick to explain that you had such an ability, then forced you to apologize for making it a spectacle. 
- You apologized, and then you earned more reactions from his brothers. 
- He would still be quite frightened and perhaps a little traumatized to see your once cut-off hand now grow back. 
- He was quite relieved that the leader of your group explained your ability and that it was normal for you to grow back your limbs. 
- Your group leader seemed pissed off for the remark you made and made you apologize for the show, which Maedhros gradually accepted. 
- Let’s just say, Maedhros did not underestimate you again and left you on your own things even if you still slacked off. 
- He would be shocked, but then curious about your ability. 
- He would inquire a lot about it and question if you had more than one time ended up losing a limb during your adventures. 
- You were happy to explain it to him and that you could heal your wounds. 
- He might have gotten new song ideas about you, and couldn’t wait to get started with them once he got home. 
- He would most likely be surprised and then impressed by your ability. 
- He would ask what other things you could grow back and probably found your remark toward Maedhros funny.  
- Shocked and will most likely try to make sense of your ability and why would a human possess such an ability. 
- Will not confront you about, and will most likely stay away from you. He’s hella weary of you now. 
- Does not enjoy when Celegorm makes strange scenarios and questions about it. 
- Definitely, the one who will most likely be the most weirded out by your ability. 
- You two do not talk, but now he will most likely look your way and try to see if you could do other weird things. 
- He will most likely start doubting if you are even a human. 
- He is weary of you but does respect how you defended Maedhros. 
- Not too weirded out by your ability since they have probably seen stranger things. 
- Will ask questions and be amazed by other things you could do. 
- Would probably laugh if you asked Maedhros if he needed a hand with your severed arm.
- You are pretty unhinged with your sense of humor.
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dronebiscuitbat · 25 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 74)
TW:GORE! (It's a dream but still)
Dreams were always a toss up for Uzi.
Sometimes she had what she had been calling ‘instinct dreams' where she didn't have the ability to talk and was hunting outside somewhere, or flying, N and Tera were usually there too, though V, Thad, and Lizzy had also started to make appearances.
Other times… the dreams were less pleasant, more disturbing then anything.
Unfortunately, today was one of those days;
She woke up face pressed against something squishy, her body was damp, covered in a thin veneer of some clear sticky liquid. She grumbled and sat up, trying to clear the substance from her pale skin.
She gasped and looked down at herself, gone was the body made of hard silicone and metal, she felt her face, a nose, eyes and soft mouth greeted her five fingered hand. She was wearing her normal clothing only with a skirt covering her very human legs, she felt where her core should be, and felt the beat of an entirely human heart.
She had piercings in her ears, two studs and a small gauge in each, there was a reflective surface next to her, so she looked, the first time in forever she was able to look in mirror without it shattering. Her eyes were still a vibrant violet.
“W-what the-? Her voice sounded the same, but words felt weird in her strangely fleshy mouth. She looked down.
The floor was a irritated, fleshy red, squirming and pulsing as if it was alive, her face shifted into horror, the scene shifting around her.
A mineshaft, it's light flickering and frame rotting away.
A rusted out car.
Green trees and crunching leaves, N's voice saying something she couldn't quite hear, he sounded so far away…
Then with a thud she landed somewhere else, the air was damp… it was raining.
There was screaming.
Her eyes opened, she was hiding behind a building, breath coming out in panicked pants, the sky was an angry red sand slimy black tendrils crawled up walls and across the ground like overgrown weeds.
There was a sound on the other side of the building, a great metallic thud that had her jump and the fear inside her grow exponentially. She heard the sound of servos whining, motors whirring, foot plating beating heavily off the ground.
A drone.
Uzi didn't understand why she was scared, drones weren't scary, she was a drone, just not in this weird out-of-body dream. She looked up again.
It was still raining, the drops fell onto her face and slid down her cheek, she held out a hand and let the drops hit them.
…rain wasn't typically red.
The heavy metal of the drones footsteps grew ever closer, she held her breath and pressed herself as far against the wall as humanly possible, hoping to not be seen.
Then it came around the corner, white plating covered by a thick grey coat, hazard paint lining the cuffs of it's hands, both of which were long metal claws that were stained with blood, a halo of lights around the top of it's head, and a pilots cap.
She wasn't scared of N. But for some reason her body began to shake with pure, unadulterated fear. Tears streamed down her face as N walked past her, his entire front stained in red, and his visor displayed a great big ‘X'.
At first, it seemed like she wasn't noticed, N walking past and looking down another alleyway, but she could only hold her breath for so long, so she inhaled a gulp of air into her straining lungs.
And N's head snapped back unnaturally to look at her, a feral smile etched on his face as he laughed, high and cold and sent ice cold dread up her spine.
N was upon her in seconds, learing over her squishy body hungerly, drooling as he maw opened slightly, one of his clawed hands trapping her underneath him.
And that's when she gained the ability to speak.
“N… it's me, it's Uzi, please…” Her voice sounded so broken, so scared. If anything N's smile grew wider, more unhinged. Something told her that while that's what she said, it's not what he heard.
His tail snaked up around her, holding her in place as she tried to to escape, it was tight, too tight. Not the gentle squeeze she'd grown accustomed to from him. All the air left her lungs.
Another psychopathic laugh escaped his voice box, before he suddenly lurched forward and buried his teeth into the side of her neck, ripping a scream from her throat and sending her blood splattering against the wall and his mouth.
His claws began to dig into her hip, creating long gashes as he continued to bite down, she could feel the pressure increasing, the blood flowing into his awaiting maw and spilling out onto the asphalt.
Her breathing became shallow, she desperately scratched his back, trying to pull him off but her human fingers couldn't even make a dent, until that too slowed and stopped.
“N…” was the last thing that left her mouth before she felt her body go slack.
That's when she jolted awake, gripping her core tightly as she kicked off the sheets, her breathing panicked and labored as the world around her righted itself.
She glanced around, she was home, tucked in bed after another bout of exhaustion had hit her. Tera was asleep on N's side of the bed, curled up on his pillow like a sleeping kitten.
She sighed, laying back down and tangling her fingers in her hair.
That had been strangly vivid. She could still feel the phantom pain on her neck where dream N had torn into her, her hip throbbed like it had been sliced open and her head was pounding, making her close her eyes again.
She'd had dreams of N and V chasing her down and killing her before, though they had stopped long ago at this point. But she'd never been a human before, that was new. She wondered what it could possibly mean.
“Uzi? Are you awake hon?” N's voice called put to her, making her jump in fear before she made herself calm down. N would never hurt her, it was just a dream.
“Y-yeah!” She called back, rubbing her ey-visor to try and clear away the memories of the dream.
“We uh… need to talk.” N popped his head in through the door, a deeply worried look on his face, whatever he'd found out there, she knew it wasn't good.
Next ->
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
after reading your izuna tobi time travel rambles I can't help but think about them just crashing the middle of a council meeting 😭 everyone is shook, and absolutely flabbergasted and ngl they kind of just.. Want the two to stay? (Well, mostly Tobi's old subordinates/students because they feel partially sad and sentimental and OH MY GOD IS THAT FOURTEEN YEAR OLD TOBIRAMA?!?) And then the psycho Hashirama timeline is just amazinggg I can't stop thinking about it you're actually infecting my brain bro
(Cont. From this post for those without context)
Every other time Tobirama and Izuna enter a world where it's modern Konoha, they start taking bets about which one of them died there. Funny bit where Izuna says smthn about how there quote, "aren't nearly enough crazy nightmare trees and brainwashed people for you to have died here" (bc 9 times out of 10 in worlds where Tobirama dies Hashirama loses it to a spectacular degree that leaves a VERY visable mark on Konoha)
Actually, taking that thought, it could be fun if they got dropped into a seemingly normal Konoha only to find out that hey Tobirama did die in this one, but it seems to be the 1 out of 10 that Hashi was able to stay sane
Only nope!! Surprise attack!! He's just really really good at pretending to be normal and when they try to leave he plays his hand, lots of fire and explosions ensue and they just barley escape
Izuna and Tobirama are SO tired of people trying to force them to stay in places, theyve had Madara do it they've had Hashirama do it, maybe they even had alternate versions of eachother do it. They !! Want !! To go !! Home !!!!
Also you can't tell me that seeing a young version of them specifically would hit Madara/Hashi harder than any revived adult version could. They're lowkey the "idealized" versions of their brothers, still small and in need of being protected, not consumed with anger and burdened by the things they've done and seen in the war. They're silly little guys!! And they're slamming on ALL the "Oh god I need to protect my little brother" buttons, it's sooo bad
Anyways, them crashing into a council meeting after quite a few different rounds of dimension hopping. Meaning they really don't give a shit ab destroying anything bc they've already come to the conclusion that it's too late to be worrying ab any potential side effects of fucking with possible time lines.
They're immediatley diving across the table making grabby hands at their friendly ball of interdimensional light as it floats off, trying to go for it as soon as they land before it wanders off and they're left having to hunt for it.
I need you to picture these 2 kids just DIVING across a table of important clan people shouting smthn ab DO NOT TOUCH THAT FUCKING LIGHT
They miss it and it dissapears through a wall rip
Maybe they end up slamming into it trying to catch it for comedy effect actually
Other than just sentimentality there's also definatley a tactical standpoint of trying to get them to stay
That's THE Senju Tobirama, second Hokage, white demon and inventor of a fuck ton of jutsus. And also Izuna, who is much less known here to his (by now used to it in these kinds of world) displeasure
All young and untrained and perfect for grooming into a loyal konoha shinobi, ready to grow into his prime by careful hands who knows exactly what he could become
How much more terrifying could he be, if trained specifically by someone who knows his talents, shown his own research to build off of and given all sorts of modern tools he never had before
And also Izuna is still there and he's so fucking sick of being underestimated rn guys what the fuck he's cool too
Anyways the second Tobirama and Izuna hear "hahaha maybe you should stay a little longer..." they're BOLTING
They've heard that song and dance like 20 times now they know the warning signs and you seem nice but they are NOT risking another 'secret yandere' situation again, goodbye.
Their only saving grace is that respect and sentimentality does win out here in letting them go without too much arguing, no matter how valuable they might be. Got lucky this time around, might not be so lucky the next
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grave-z-boy · 1 year
Arthur Morgan x hunter!male!reader headcanons
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Male Reader
Summary: After a long day of hunting, you set up camp, only to nearly be trampled by a horse with an unconscious man as it’s rider.
Warning: Arthur got shot, blood, mild description of killing/skinning deer, you almost get trampled, mentions of a bar fight, and drinking, implications of prostitution and sex.
You were in the woods after a long hunt, resting against a tree, nearly asleep when you heard the familiar sound of a horse galloping.
You ignored it at first, but as the galloping kept drawing closer, you finally opened you eyes, only to see a horse running towards you with great haste.
You managed to move just in time for the horse to fly past you.
As you turned to yell at the rider, the horse slowed suddenly, before stopping just a few meters away. Then the rider fell off the saddle and landed in a heap on the floor.
The horse didn’t spook when you drew near, it didn’t even move when you kneeled down to check on its rider.
Turning him on his back, you could see a growing splotch of blood pooling at his side, you nearly considered him a dead man, but you saw his chest rise in a sudden gasp of air, and his breathing, which had previously been halted, continued at a mostly steady pace.
You dragged him back to your little camp and attempted to patch up his wound as best as you could. You were only used to patching yourself or animals up, but this wasn’t that different. Seems like he’d been grazed by a bullet, a deep graze, but nothing too harmful. You eventually found the real cause of his unconscious state, there was a gash on the side of his head, probably got hit by a rock or something- it looked nothing like a bullet wound or even a knife wound.
The sun eventually set, you tossed a spare blanket over the man and pulled him a bit closer to the fire as the cold night set in.
He came too as you were cooking, nothing special, just a bit of the meat from the deer you’d caught earlier that day.
You didn’t even realize he’d woken up until you heard the sound of a gun clicking.
Looking down at him, you weren’t really scared, you’ve been held at gunpoint before, and with the shape he was in, you doubted he could hit you if you were two feet in front of him.
So you kept on cooking, eventually, he decided you weren’t a threat, holstering his gun.
“Where am i?”
“Just west of Strawberry, a bit off the lake.”
He didn’t settle that night, not when you offered him food, or water, not when he eventually bled through his bandages, and not when he became light headed and needed to lie down.
You could only feel so bad for the man, sure, he’d been through a tussle, but at the moment you were taking care of him and you really didn’t appreciate the way he was looking at you.
“What are you doing out here all by yourself?”
“I could ask you the same.”
A very stale first meeting, though, you did appreciate what it would later bring.
In the morning you went your separate ways, you headed deeper into the forest, and he headed into town.
You figured you wouldn’t be seeing him again, you’ve never seen him in or around town before so he was probably just passing through or something.
You finished your hunt and headed home, the deer you’d caught draped over your horse, it’s neck still leaking blood from where you arrow had punctured it.
You skinned it, sold the pelt and the meat, and even sold the antlers before heading home.
You didn’t live in town, you lived in a little cottage just outside of it, you used to live with your sisters, but they had all moved out at this point, moving onto bigger, better things than hunting.
You didn’t mind, they’d both found themselves rich husbands to move them somewhere nice. You couldn’t do that for a few reasons, but you wouldn’t complain- not frequently at least.
Night came faster than expected, you figured you’d either loitered in the town to long or you’d been taking too much of a stroll on your way.
You decided to head home, you rode out quickly but eventually settled at a nice slow pace.
You paused for a moment when you spotted a wagon, unmoving, right in the middle of the road, with a man was stationed right in front of it.
As you drew closer, you figured you were about to be robbed, you’d seen them and they had no doubt seen you, it was only a matter of time before a gang or something jumped out of the surrounding foliage and threatens to kill you.
Sighing as you continued on, drawing closer to the stationary wagon.
As the man outside became more clear, the cigarette in between his lips lighting his face a bit, you recognized him.
You almost laughed, it was the man you’d helped- he seemed to recognize you too, him face lighting up with surprise as he blew smoke out of his mouth.
“Don’t I know you.” He said once you were just a few feet away. You could hear the sarcasm in his voice.
“What are you doing out here, you should be resting.”
“I rested enough.”
“Mmhm, how that head a’ yours?”
You heard a sudden crash from inside the carriage, then bellowing laughter of one man and at least two women.
Glancing back at the man, he said,
“Just waiting for them to finish up in there.”
“How long you been out here?”
“‘Bout an hour.”
You don’t know why you asked, considering you were convinced that you were gonna get robbed a few moments ago.
“Wanna go for a ride?”
You didn’t except him to say yes
He unhitched one of the horses from the carriage, causing it to rock a bit, disturbing the people inside.
He rode without a saddle, off the main road and into the forrest.
“I’m y/n, by the way.”
“‘m Arthur.”
You rode in silence for a few minutes, just taking in the night and the nature around you.
“So- uh,” you started, “How’d you end up in the woods like that?”
He took a moment to respond, “‘ got caught in a bar brawl with some hunter, his friend ain't like watching his boy go down too much, shot me from across the damn room. I tried to make it back to camp before bleeding out... But the next thing I know I'm at your camp getting patched up.”
You almost laughed, “so you tried to shoot me.”
“I didn't.”
“Please, you would've if your ass could see straight.”
You ended up hitching your horses to a tree and walking along the lake.
It was surprisingly calm.
You talked with Arthur longer than you meant to, you don't know how much time passed, but you glanced up at the sky and saw that it had gone from deep blue, to a lighter purple.
“Shit,” you laughed, “we've been out here all night.”
“So we have.”
He chuckled and you laughed with him.
Pushing himself up off the ground, he offered a hand out to you. You took it, he hoisted you up, harder than you thought he would. You stood with less than a foot between you, face to face with Arthur. You didn’t move back, and neither did he. There was a small smile on his face, you realized he still held your hand in his. A part of you wanted to laugh and pull away but you didn’t.
The other part of you, which was much larger, and much louder, told you to kiss him. So you did, it was just a quick peck, but Arthur looked just as shocked as you did. Even though you were the one who initiated it, you didn’t fully expect yourself to.
Before you could turn and run, you were grabbed by your arm and pulled into a kiss, not as shy or quick as yours had been, maybe a bit nervous but you doubt the man in front of you would ever admit that.
After pulling away the two of you stared at each other for a moment, the other becoming clearer and clearer as the sun steadily rose.
“We should get back-“ you choked out, “your friends probably worried.”
He let out a low laugh, “you might be right.”
The ride back was uneventful, not in a bad way, you talked, riding slow and steady back to where the carriage had been.
When you finally got back, Arthur opened the carriage only to see the man he was with, as well as two women, passed out and presumably extremely hung over.
You said your goodbyes with a small hope of seeing each other again.
(Just wanted to write something quickly so my blog wouldn’t be empty lol. Let me know if you want more)
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worfs-glorious-hair · 11 months
Greetings beloved people!
Io and behold, my first time writing smut!
Thirteenth Doctor x (Genderneutral) Reader: Sex Pollen on a beautiful moon - shameless smut edition!
Reader is AFAB and body parts are referred to by name but I did not use any pronouns to refer to the reader themselves!
No beta, we die like men! I wrote this instead of sleeping! Enjoy!
********* Smut is way under the cut!*************
Bouquet (13 x Reader)
“This is the best day to go exploring with Y/N!”, the Doctor exclaimed excitedly while grabbing your hand to pull you with her towards a glittering field of flowers with an equally vibrant forest shimmering on the horizon.
You laughed, thrilled to be chosen by her to spend a day with her. To be close to her and to see her contagious, a billion galaxies erupting in light, smile.
Travelling with the Doctor was like a fever dream, in the best and worst meaning. At times so dangerous and scary that you were afraid to take just one more step. Usually the Doctor would then turn around to you and would encourage you to go on.
“Come on, Y/N,”, she would say with her beautiful eyes full of stars and her scrunched nose and deliciously curved lips, “I need your help here, I can’t do it without you!”
And at other times it was so unbelievable and beautiful that you feared you would wake up and find it all not to be real.
Today you had landed on a small moon of a busy planet.
Yaz, Graham and Ryan had decided to go shopping and sightseeing on the planet below and you and the Doctor had dropped them off and then she had told you about the rich nature and brilliant, crystal clear flowers and and jewel-like singing tress on the moon that she knew you would love to see.
And now you were here, running with your Doctor through the field, feeling the buzzing life around you in the air, trying to keep up with her, even though she was still holding your hand.
“Isn’t it brilliant?”, she screamed and you nodded, a little out of breath.
You reached a little island of colorful bushes and some small trees on the field and you motioned towards them.
Something urged you to take a closer look.
“Can we take a break there? I need to see these colours up close!”, you asked-yelled and the Doctor just grinned and changed the direction towards the closest tree.
It looked just like an earth-birch, but instead of being white and black was this one light-blue with specks of gold and purple.
You inspected the tree closer and found some tiny red glowing mushrooms growing on it.
“Adorable”, you mused to yourself as you smelled the sweetest, fullest fragrance you have ever smelled.
You looked to find the source and it turned out to be coming from the purple, nearly black flowers that were blooming on a nearby bush. Leaning closer you breathed in deeply.
The scent was flowery, surprisingly heavy for such fine, delicate flowers and with a spicy depth that reminded you maybe of musk, or maybe of naturally scented woods like cedar or sandalwood. Something earthy, rich and dark. Something warm that heightened your senses, with a hot burning flame beneath.
“Doctor…”, you turned to look for her, when you heard your name being called at the same time.
“You have to smell these flowers!”, you continued to say unison and you both laughed when you realised it.
“You found the flowers as well?”, you asked and stepped aside to let the Doctor smell your flowers.
She breathed in deeply and smiled contentedly.
“It reminds me of you”, she said and you froze in your movements.
You had just turned to smell the flowers the Doctor had found, which were the same ones as you had seen and you stopped dead in your tracks.
“Oh I wanted to say the same thing”, you said cheerfully, only rarely registering that you had said that out loud what you would usually had only thought.
Mentally you shrugged and couldn’t care less.
The Doctor’s eyes lit up and the stars in them shone brighter than ever before.
She smiled her happy, toothy smile and you beamed back at her.
Smelling the flowers again, inhaling deeply, you decided to pick one.
“Here”, you offered the flower to the Doctor.
“It’s for you, you should wear it in your hair. I love it when you wear pretty things, it makes you even more beautiful…”
And another thing you would usually never had said out loud. How odd.
The Doctor’s eyes grew even bigger with joy as she took the flower from you and carefully pushed the stem behind her ear and arranged her hair around the flower.
“You should have one, too”, she said and picked one for you.
You placed your flower just like she had done and when she rose her hand to help you secure it, she stepped closer to you than it would have been necessary.
You gulped and felt oddly brave, so you grabbed her hand, when it was close to your face and kept it in place.
Something was burning inside of you, flooding your nerves and senses, rushing through your veins in your blood, making you feel the air tingling on your skin. You were suddenly very aware of your body in your clothes, feeling very hot and very bothered.
You felt your nipples stroke against the fabric of your bra and you felt your panties over your tingling and pulsating vulva. Of course they weren’t providing any friction.
But you wanted friction. Badly.
You felt how the Doctor’s usually cool hand close to your face, that you were holding got hotter as well. Maybe her skin burned as much as yours. Maybe her core felt just as yours did. All tingly and wet.
This thought sent even more heat through your body, tangling into a ball of arousal deep in your lower abdomen.
Your eyes were locked into each other, standing there, you felt your heart beat as you were unable to blink.
The Doctor made a step towards you and it made your eyes flicker to her lips, parted and wet, she must have been licking them.
The thought of her tongue flicking made the ball inside of you coil even closer together.
You were relatively the same height as her, so it did not take much to kiss her.
And so you did.
Using your free arm to pull her the remaining centimetres towards you, keeping your grab on your hand, you kissed her.
She responded immediately, opening her mouth for you, strangled sounds coming from her as you kissed her with everything that you’ve got.
It was an open mouth, very wet kiss, an all-consuming, senses overflowing kiss, it was her and her lips and body and nothing else.
She used her other hand to really get a hold of your face, pulling it closer to her, while pushing her knee and thigh between your legs.
You yelped into her mouth, as she pushed a sturdy seam on the inside of your jeans between your labia, exactly where you wanted some friction to be.
You started grinding on her knee and thigh, rather subconsciously, while you tried to remove her coat, kind of blindly, eyes half-way closed and mind filled with her kiss.
She had broken away from you, as the need for air took over and had opted to kiss, suckle and nibble at your jaw and neck instead.
She was working on opening the buttons of your blouse, while you tried to push down her suspenders after having successfully took off her coat from her, when she jumped back, as if she was hit with an electric shock.
“No!”, she gasped for air, making a big step back from you.
“Ohhh, Y/N, I am so, so sorry!”, she panted, a pained expression all over her face.
Your mind barely registered her words, you felt the emptiness, you felt rejected and betrayed and still so, so hot!
You were burning from the inside out!
You still felt your nipples, your tingling core and now warm and very wet underwear. You only wanted her lips back on your skin, so you made a few, shaky steps towards her.
“Ohhh”, she groaned, hands running over her face and through her tousled hair, which was your work, a proud part inside of you pointed out.
“Stupid, stupid Doctor!”, she muttered to herself, while hitting herself on the forehead.
“I should have recognised them… I should have… Think! Think! Think! Concentrate! Concentrate! You have to bring your Y/N out of here! No kissing, kissing is bad!”
You had only listened to her with half an ear, your body and soul hurting from her rejection. Why else should she have pushed you away, if she did not want it as bad as you did?
Maybe you were the only one with burning skin and a desperate pussy.
You rarely considered the whole oddity of the whole situation, how you had acted on your desires so suddenly, how your desires had manifested themselves so quickly on a physical level, when you usually sucked them up and stored them away somewhere deep inside your heart, never even considering to act on them in real life.
So you missed the pained expression on the Doctor’s face, how her chest heaved and how she fought for control over the danger she had put you two into unknowingly. And how she fought down her desire.
You only felt rejected and your soul cried in bitter pain. But your body had it way worse. Had it been a sweet pleasurable desire before, an exciting ache while you had kissed the Doctor was it now an actual pain.
Your body felt as if it was on fire, your skin felt open and irritated and the pressure in between your legs was more than you could bare.
“Y/N. Y/N! Look at me!”, you suddenly saw how the Doctor’s face came into your field of view, kind of blurry, so you tried to blink to get her image clear.
“We were drugged. You need to concentrate. Y/N!”
The word ‘drugged’ had enough effect on you that you managed to finally see her clearly, you tried to focus on her words and the information she wanted to give you.
No, not her lips! Not her soft flushed skin! Not the lips. Not her sparkling eyes! Her words! Her words! Important words!
“Listen to me! Those pretty flowers contain pollen that are toxic to most humanoids…”
“Toxic?”, you managed to blur out. “Are we going to die?”
The Doctor looked at you with her continuous worried, pained expression.
“How — how — how are they toxic? I don’t feel poisoned. But my body hurts!”, you started crying.
“Please make it stop! It hurts so much!”
Hot tears streamed down your face and you desperately tried to rub yourself over your panties inside of your jeans but it did not do much.
You fell to the ground, legs spread wide and you still tried to find release by fervently rubbing over and through your now soaking wet clit and slit.
But it was too wet, your fingers couldn’t do anything, they were unsuccessfully slipping over your skin and you groaned and cried in frustration and pain.
“This is what the pollen do”, the Doctor tried to explain the situation as easy as possible. Also as quick as possible.
“They arouse most humanoids sexually and if they don’t get to climax within three hours the nervous system and the brain could get severe damage. I am so sorry!”
The Doctor had crouched next to you and was biting her lips and pressing together her own legs. If you would have been able to read her body more closely, you would have seen the sweat on her forehead and neck and chest, her panting and her dilated pupils. She was in as much pain as you and her hearts burned with the same desire for you as your heart did for her.
“I will get us out of here and find a solution, I won’t let anything happen to you! I promise!”
She helped you to sit up and to close your jeans again and you saw everything clear as day.
“You don’t want me!”, the thought sobered you up enough to look at her properly and to think like a human being again.
“You don’t want me!”, you repeated, now with an aching heart that nearly lessened the ache in your core.
“Can I do it myself?”, you asked and stood up on shaky legs, pushing yourself up from the ground in a very ungracious way.
The Doctor stood there and watched you with furrowed brows and lips a thin line.
“Do what yourself?”
“Climaxing…”, you answered and stomped towards the TARDIS, not being waiting for her answer.
Legs feeling wobbly and every step was a sensory hell.
Your still felt your hardened nipples against the fabric of your bra, the tightness and the coiling of your insides, your throbbing clit and the seam of your jeans against your slit with every second step.
But now you were also angry.
Angry at the Doctor, angry at yourself that you had let it come so far and angry that you were still so incredible aroused that you just wanted to hump the nearest tree to find release.
“Please Y/N…”, a soft hand on your arm stopped you right in your tracks and you found yourself face to face with the Doctor. Still your Doctor with the beautiful eyes and deliciously curved lips and the soft blond hair, that now looked very dishevelled, still the woman you wanted to kiss, taking all of her in, tasting her everywhere, the woman you wanted to hear scream out in pleasure as a result to your fingers, your tongue on her, inside of her …
“Wait please, don’t go like this!“, the Doctor pleaded with big, desperate eyes, pupils huge.
She sighed heavily and bowed her head in defeat.
“It is not that I don’t want you, on the contrary. I want you so much and I know I shouldn’t. I promise I’ll find a cure for you. Just kiss me again, please! I promise I’ll— “
The sound you let out was a high-pitched moan of relief and eagerness as you pressed your lips to hers again.
And immediately the pain subsided, leaving the pleasurable ache once again behind.
The Doctor’s kiss was eager, eager to please you, taste you, feel you.
Her fingers finished unbuttoning your blouse and impatiently helped you out of the sleeves.
Your burning skin was immediately met with a cool breeze that made you shiver in the most stimulating way.
The Doctor kissed your neck, right at the juncture to your shoulder at the soft hollow above your collarbone and you sighed and sighed and sighed out loud.
The Doctor’s lips and tongue, wet and warm, were working on your shoulder while her skilled and quick fingers opened your bra. She only stopped kissing your shoulder for a second to pull the straps of the bra down your arms and the moment your sensitive nipples were hit with the gently blowing breeze around you, you threw back your head and screamed out in pleasure.
This was what you had wanted all the time, since this madness began.
So the Doctor went immediately towards your left nipple, she licked across it, once, twice, thrice and then very gently grazed it with her teeth.
She held you stable with one arm and used her other hand to pinch and stroke your right nipple.
You arched yourself towards her and tried once again to remove her suspenders, this time you succeeded as far as it was possible to the point, where she held you tight.
She unlatched from your breast and you let out an involuntary sound of disappointment.
“Shhh”, the Doctor quickly kissed you
“One second, my love!”, she murmured close to your lips and and finished taking off her suspenders, while you tried to kiss her again.
“I just want to lay out my coat for you. I don’t want you to come while standing up, I want you to feel as comfortable and good as possible. I’ll be quick!”, she purred and quickly took her coat from the ground, gave it a shake and laid it flat out.
While she had worked with the coat you had opened your jeans and were just about to pull them down as her hand stopped you.
“Let me help you with that!”
And the Doctor pulled down your jeans, helped you to step out of them and then kissed the hemline of your panties.
“We do not need them anymore, do we?” Her voice was like melted butter and you squirmed.
Everything inside of you was throbbing in painful anticipation, your nipples hard, begging to be touched again and you just wanted to ride the Doctor’s face until you came.
Laying down was overrated!
“Ple-please, ge’em off…”, your voice was slurred but the Doctor understood anyways.
She kneeled down in front of you and pulled your underwear down.
She sighed excitedly at the sight of your now fully exposed body.
“I have dreamed of this moment!, she admitted, while looking up to you through her lashes.
“Likewise!”, you answered with a slurry voice and she grinned happily.
And it was a sight for the gods — the Doctor on her knees for you, her hands tightly on your thighs, admiring every inch of your body with endless hunger in her eyes.
She looked at every jiggly curve and soft, dimpled patch of skin, every warm and oh so human part of you and looked as if she was offered every answer to every question in this universe.
“Lay down!”, the Doctor commanded as you tried to throw one of your legs over her shoulder, to get her face where you wanted it the most!
You eagerly complied, laying down on your back on her coat.
The ground beneath it was surprisingly lush, soft and plush, nothing like hard, uncomfortable grounds you knew from home on Earth. You had slept on beds that were not even half as perfect and snuggly as this random meadow on a random moon.
‘Sex moon’ your cloudy mind corrected.
It was like the moon wanted people to be comfortable after they inhaled the flower’s pollen.
You opened your legs for the Doctor and she crawled between them, but not before taking everything of your exposed sex in.
The still gently blowing breeze danced over your slick, wet bare core and provided you with a delicious tickle of sensual cold, that made your whole body tingle in lust.
You bucked your hips aimlessly into the wind, as if it could provide you with some friction.
While the wind was cool, you were getting hotter and bothered by the second.
The Doctor’s eyes glittered and she beamed at you.
“You are even more beautiful than I imagined you would be! So wet, so hot, so ready for me…”
Normally you would have been ashamed, self-conscious or shy at words or even looks like hers but the untameable desire in you burned all of your fear or shame down to dust. What was left was your lust, your passion and your love for the Doctor.
And your need for the Doctor to finally, finally touch you.
But after the Doctor was done with her admiring, she crawled on top of you, kneeling between your legs and took once again your nipple in her mouth. You groaned in frustration and pleasure.
This was not were you wanted her tongue to go.
You were still bucking your hips, this time towards her, as she pushed two fingers into your vagina.
You yelped and moaned out loud as her thumb started to stroke your clit.
“More, more, more”, you pleaded with each thrust as you still bucked, now at her hand.
And she added a third finger. She pushed knuckle-deep inside you, curled her fingers upwards and also sucked and nibbled on your nipple with even more force.
You cried out, pleasure and lust washing over you and yet it was not enough.
“Ahhh, MORE!”
She let go of your nipple and smiled at you, you looked at her a little confused and questioning but her fingers still pumping inside of you and massaging your clit kept you occupied.
“I have something for you, let me get it…”
She slowed down her pace and reached around into the pocket of her trousers and took out her screwdriver.
You watched her every move and as she put it to a low vibrating setting you were starting to be intrigued. You even forgot your disappointment about her slower movements.
“Lift your bottom, please, my love”, she urged you and you raised your butt even higher into the air, you had it partially there anyways to meet her hands and movements.
She removed her fingers from you and you looked at her angrily, you were too weak, to lust-stridden to express your disappointment vocally.
She shook her head.
“Don’t be angry at me, you asked for more and I will give you more!”
And she carefully parted your buttocks and placed her buzzing screwdriver right between them.
The screwdriver’s vibration went over your anus as well partly towards your vagina.
You bit your lips, this was going to be very good!
And the Doctor returned to insert three fingers inside you, immediately starting pumping and massaging your clit with her thumb and biting and pulling on your nipples.
She varied the directions of her tongue on your nipple, drew numbers and letters and all kind of patterns onto you clit with her thumb and took all the time in the world to fill you out with her fingers, stroking, massaging your insides and curling her fingers, finding out which directions got you to scream the loudest…
The vibrating screwdriver on your ass added extra pleasure and you were not holding back.
You bucked your hips, rode along the screwdriver, as much as you could, took her fingers in and screamed out your pleasure into the world around you.
Your moans and screams echoed around you in the forest and it just turned you on even more.
And what you did not know was that the Doctor was a mess, hearing you, hearing the echoes of your screams, feeling you, your wetness all over her hand and your beautiful breast in her mouth made her insides burn just as much.
And then you came. You bucked your hips against her one last time and screamed louder than before. It just came over you.
An orgasm so intense like you never experienced it before.
You think you blacked out for a moment, overcome with your hot, intense relief.
You panted and slowly came back into your body.
And the Doctor?
Her body ached and ached and ached, her desire just as hot as yours, she could not wait to come herself. To be touched by you, to be held by you…
She had carefully continued to pump her fingers inside of you through your orgasm, now she took them out again, stroke over your clit one last time and kissed the nipple she had last worked on.
You laid back, panting.
You slowly came back into your body and took the Doctor in, how she sat between your legs, and grinned.
Your aching, burning pain had subsided but was not gone completely, it had turned down enough that you knew that this had been incredible but that your Doctor was there and still unpleasured. Still unsatisfied.
She rocked back and forth, pushing her legs together.
“Hmm…” You sat up and cocked your head to the side.
“Looks like it’s my turn now to be good to you. Don’t you think?”
“You do not have to do it. I can take care of it myself, you do not have to do anything…”
You sighed, sometimes (very often) you wondered what was going on inside this woman’s head. Did she still think that you did not want her, did not want to touch her?
“Ohhh, no… I want to… desperately”, you darted forwards and kissed her neck, sucking on her skin, her hands immediately grabbed your waist and she sighed, laying her head back to give you more space to kiss her and you smiled against her skin.
“And I also want to make you scream, like you did to me…”, you whispered into her ear, after you sucked on her earlobe.
The Doctor shivered at your words and groaned softly at your soft lips on her ear.
She wanted your lips everywhere!
“But first we need to remove that”, your finger tips graced the neckline of her shirt and she nodded, eyes glued to you.
She raised her arms and you helped her out of her shirt and the tank top with the broad straps underneath and you found that she was also wearing a simple bra.
You removed it and immediately kissed her shoulders, upper chest, breast and nipples like she had done to yours.
She moaned, it was a high-pitched surprised sound that made you smile proudly and that also made your insides tighten again.
You stroke down the sides of her body with soft, determined fingers and stopped at her trousers. You looked up at her and she nodded wordlessly, her eyes still big and in awe.
So you opened her trousers and pushed them down, while she laid back and lifted her cute bottom to the air to assist you.
When she laid there, bare and open, you admired her, just like she had done when you had laid there before her.
But she pushed her legs together and also crossed her arms over her chest.
“Are you uncomfortable? Should I stop?”, you looked at her with a worried expression, you were confused by her actions, but yet she was visible aroused and wanted you. Were the pollen affecting her differently than you?
“I never slept with anyone in this body!”, she admitted, the words tumbling out of her as if she was afraid that she would never say them if she was not quick enough.
“I do not really know how. I want you to feel good and safe and… I don’t know what to do…”, she added with big, worried puppy eye.
“I have a few ideas”, you grinned and laid down next to her on your side.
“You don’t have to do anything and if you don’t like it or I am bad at it we stop and try something else…”
The Doctor looked at you with pure desire in her eyes and you felt her squirm next to you.
“Now…”, you carefully swung a leg over her and straddled her, “I’ll start kissing your neck, we know you enjoy that!”
And with that you were back at sucking, nibbling, softly biting and marking her neck, wandering down to her chest, to her stomach and then finally to her pelvic area.
While you had been working on her, she became first finally relaxed and had then slowly started to open up to you and your touches.
“Ohhh Y/N!”, she had moaned and her legs had opened and her hips bucked and you could not hide a pleasant shit-eating grin, while you kissed her down her stomach.
Your hand carefully parted her legs a little wider and palmed her vulva, she bucked against it immediately.
You grinned again.
You could not believe your luck, the Doctor moaning your name in pleasure, bucking and rutting against you, asking for more from you…
You went on to kiss over her stomach and her lower abdomen and stopped right before you reached the insides of her thighs.
“Hnnnghhh, Y/N… Please!”
Oh how you wanted to hear that, to hear her moan and beg for more from you.
And you happily obliged.
You opened her folds with one hand and kissed directly onto her hot, wet core.
She jolted up, as your lips reached her and moaned.
“So this is what it feels like…”, she said and you licked directly through her slick folds and the Doctor gasped.
And you went all in. Sucking on her clit, pushing a finger inside of her, feeling her walls around it, pumping a little and then exchanging your finger with your tongue, drawing patterns all over her.
Pushing your tongue inside of her, licking as much as you could reach…
“Ohhhhhhhh, plea-please! Don’t stop, don’t ever stop!”, the Doctor begged, clawing at the floor beneath her, pushing herself into your face.
“Deeper, deeper!”, she screamed as you used your fingers and tongue simultaneously on her, pushing deep inside her, licking and lapping all of her overflowing wetness…
“Y/N, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…” and she came and screamed and nearly squirted and bucked her hips and you suckled on her clit throughout her orgasm, letting her ride it out.
The Doctor breathed out and laid back, her chest was heaving and you admired your work.
The Doctor all loose, satisfied and torn apart.
The Oncoming Storm stilled at your hands and tongue. At your love.
She propped herself up on her elbows so that she could look at you and breathed out.
“Whew, this was something, wasn’t it?”
You nodded.
“Oh yes!”
“We should try to get back to the TARDIS as long as we still can”, she said while sitting up and reaching for her clothes.
You followed her movements and your shoulders slumped.
Was she done with you, was this an one time thing due to dangerous pollen and an immediate threat?
You sighed and breathed in deeply, your arms and legs felt like jelly and you just wanted to rest for a awhile on this beautiful lush planet with the sweet, flowery air and the Doctor between your thighs.
You felt yourself getting all tingly and aroused again, apparently you were not done yet…
“Doctor can we please stay for a moment? If this was the last time that this happened I want to take it all in…”
The Doctor was already pulling up her trousers again and tucking her shirt in as she turned towards you, smiling brightly and bending down to you.
“Listen, YN, listen very closely now”, she took your face in her hands and you just wanted to melt into her eyes full of stars. Her beautiful lips, swollen and pink and perfect…
“Y/N, I love you, I love you very much but we have to get off this planet! The wind has turned, don’t you smell it? The pollen are everywhere now and while I feel like I have never felt before, thanks to you and I hope, and think I know,”, she smiled proudly at these words, “you feel like I do, too, we have to get away from here NOW!
The more pollen we breathe in, the more dangerous they become to our nervous system and right now we are in the strongest place to fight them off. We both climaxed very nicely and our bodies are happy and relaxed, so please, get off the ground now!”
She was right. Your orgasm had helped to think more clearly again and while your skin and nipples and pussy and overall your whole body was sensitive and excited about being touched again, you still felt like yourself.
And maybe she was down to continue once you were safely in the TARDIS…
“Okay”, you sighed and pushed yourself up.
You quickly put on your panties, blouse and pants, there you had to grab her arm for stability and stuffed your bra into the pocket of your pants. You definitely did not feel like wearing it, too tight and unpleasant and putting it on just took too much time.
The Doctor grabbed your hand but instead of starting to walk she pulled you closer to her.
“You know we can continue again as soon as we are in the TARDIS… You know that, right?”, she quickly purred into your ear and a warm shiver ran down your spine and you giggled excitedly.
“Yes please!”
And the two of you ran towards the TARDIS, laughing, giggling like school girls.
Once inside you collapsed to the ground, trying to catch your breath while the Doctor was working on the console.
“Hey”, she turned to you, “I know a beautiful nebula, there are no flowers and definitely no people around, we can be just on our own…”
She came closer, while the TARDIS was wheezing and huffing around you, squatting down next to you.
“There I can make you scream even louder than on the moon…
I could kiss you and nib you and taste you and I promise you will forget your own name…”
“Is that so?”, you whispered, voice low and breathy and you slowly, tantalisingly so, opened the buttons on your blouse, one by one, the Doctor’s eyes glued to your every move.
She gulped and you smiled.
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blinddreams24 · 4 months
A Mermay Prompt
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“Uuggghhhhhh!” You groaned, lying dramatically across a boulder. It had been so long since you’d read something and it’s not like you could just find a book. You lived in water now. You know, the one thing paper can’t touch. And reading online was out of the question too. Water and electricity mixed just as well as water and paper. Beaching yourself to ask someone on land wouldn’t end well unless you were insanely lucky and you were starting to like those odds.
“…What is it, y/n?” Nightmare interrupted your thoughts.
If Nightmare had glasses, he would have looked over them at you. “If it was nothing, you wouldn’t be acting dramatic about it. Either tell me or go groan at Killer.”
“. . .”
“Mmmm-Do you know what books are?” You propped yourself up on the rock you had draped yourself over.
Nightmare looked down at you, amused. “You miss your old hobbies.”
Stars that was fast. “Yeah. You know what books are?”
He smiled. “Little one, I was alive when they invented the printing press. Yes, I know what books are. I’m disappointed they haven’t made one that can exist in the sea.”
“Right? It’s stupid and frustrating!” You huffed, flopping across the rock again.
Chuckling echoed through the water. “Grow to be as old as me, and you won’t need new stories. I know more tales than you could have possibly heard in your lifetime.”
You perked up and looked at him. At your sudden positivity, Nightmare gave you a side eye. “…Can you tell me one? Please?
He laughed. “I guess I could since you were so polite. Hm… Did you know that the oceans weren’t quite so big originally?”
Intrigued with a dumb smile on your face, you shook your head.
“Well, as I said, the oceans used to be much smaller. For every drop of water there was an inch of land and all the land was connected. A land dweller could traverse the entire world on foot if they so pleased. Among those on the land were the gods and goddesses, only four of which I will speak of in this story for time’s sake.
“The goddess of life and the god of creation brought flora and fauna to the land and sea, bringing beauty and grace to an otherwise barren canvas. Their work echoed down for thousands of generations into the life you see today.
“However, the god of death brought rot and violence for all things must come to an end with time. He left much space for Life and Creation to work with before a person died of old age as he became complacent in his job and would rather rest than work.
“The last goddess, the goddess of emotions, took the emotions of creatures and beings and gave them empathy, letting them understand each other better. A man would grieve and another’s empathy would encourage them to comfort him.
“Because of the gods’ efforts, the world entered a state of peace and balance. Many lived on the land and in the water and trade existed between the two. Some of the gods also decided to change form to live in the water.
“But human and monster kind misunderstood the goddess of emotions’ responsibility. They believed she was the reason they felt pain and anger so they attacked her.
“Nym, the goddess of emotions, was gravely injured and, with help from Life, was turned into a tree by the water that you may know now as the Tree of Life. Before she perished, Nym split her power in twain, placing them in the form of two brothers of the sea. The guardian of positivity and the guardian of negativity.”
You gasped. “This is about you??”
Nightmare gave you a patient smile. “It is but a story, little one. As I was saying;
“The goddess of emotions managed to live in the form of the tree. Life looked after the Tree and it bore fruit of two kinds, dark and light, respective to Nym’s children, that had powerful capabilities when consumed. Life set the children in charge of each type of fruit, claiming that they were in charge of protecting the fruit and the Tree together.
“But the men and monsters discovered the Tree that Life guarded and argued amongst themselves. ‘Surely, if Life herself guarded the Tree, it must have the key to immortality!’ They said. ‘But let us not make Life angry, lest she forget us and leave us in the hands of Death.’ So they approached as friends. Life was fooled by their friendly faces and introduced them to the children of the Tree. Upon meeting, the men and monsters tried to befriend the guardian of positivity, all the while the guardian of negativity avoided them. He did not feel safe near them.
“One day, the guardian of negativity was beached under the Tree and Life and the other guardian weren’t nearby. The men and monsters of the land, seeing only one guard by the Tree, attacked the child and cut down the Tree, taking its fruit. Half dead, the guardian of negativity ate one of the fruit and it gave him power. But the power came at a cost.
“The guardian went into a frenzy and grew into a leviathan that dripped with hate. He tore apart the land dwellers and ate as much fruit as he could find before attacking the Tree that gave him life and vanishing into the deep. When his brother arrived he found his mother destroyed and Life weeping over the stump. He somehow found one last apple and, in an effort of revenge, ate the apple and pursued the guardian of negativity.
“The goddess of life cried over the loss of her friend for so long that the skies opened and it rained across the entire world. A great flood of tears drowned the world in water and salt, making the oceans toxic when consumed. The sudden growth in tide tore apart and destroyed the land, devastating entire kingdoms.
“The guardian of positivity was still chasing his rampaging brother, getting closer as time went on. The fruit had made him a leviathan as well, granting him powers he had not yet used. When he finally caught his brother, he was met with a monster the likes of which none had seen before. A snarling beast that destroyed everything in its path.
“When he called to his brother in challenge, the beast turned on him, ready to destroy. The fiercer of the two guardians easily overpowered his brother, forcing the guardian of positivity back against the shore where, when he was struck, he was turned into a statue of stone for five hundred years.
“Enraged and slightly wounded from the fight, the corrupted guardian retreated into the depths of a great crevasse where he finally came to his senses and realized what he’d done. Grieving the loss of his family, the guardian didn’t leave the crevasse for six hundred years when a stupid shark siren ignored the territory markings and entered the leviathan’s domain. However, despite his stupidity, the siren was rewarded for his bravery with a guardian by his side. The leviathan ventured out into the world for the first time since his frenzy to gaze upon a vastly different ocean.
“He quickly discovered that his brother was alive and had escaped his stone prison as that very brother attacked him on sight. Another battle was raised by the twins that flattened and sank part of the land.
“But the corrupt guardian lacked his rage from his last fight and had another problem to look after. The stupid shark siren was attacking his leviathan brother!”
You giggled.
“Cease your laughter. The idiot could very well have died.” Nightmare gently scolded. “The guardian learned that day that someone else’s life is more important than an old grudge. The guardian, for the first time in his life, turned tail and fled, the shark siren in tow.
“The grudge between to two brothers still hasn’t ended, but they each found their own new family to care for.”
Nightmare turned back to whatever he had in his hands.
You shot upright. “That’s it??”
He raised a brow at your outburst. “Were you expecting some sappy ending full of forgiveness and reconciliation?”
“Have you talked to your brother?? Maybe he misunderstood what happened! You couldn’t have just stopped talking to him because of a fight!”
“Do land dwellers not cut ties over complications such as these?”
You paused. “…They do. You’re right. But you should still talk to him!”
“What is there to speak of? He attacked me after the Tree fell.”
“Sounds like you attacked each other.” You pointed out.
Nightmare looked down at you. “If you wish to pick apart my tale, I will not share another with you. Now go. The boys are waiting on you.” He shooed you away.
You huffed but obeyed, swimming away in the direction you could hear Killer chattering someone’s ear off.
Nightmare had a brother. And a mom and adoptive mom by the sounds of it. Though you didn’t know what happened to Life besides that she cried the oceans into existence. You hoped she was okay. If Nightmare was still alive, maybe she was too.
And Killer met Nightmare first, apparently. Crazy shark tried to get himself killed twice. Once by Nightmare and once by… if his name was Dream, you were gonna punch the god of puns or something. Positive and negative. Oh my stars. If his name was anything but Dream you’d be shocked. Everyone had a weird name down here.
Behind your tail, Nightmare smirked as he sewed the last few words of his tale into a sheet of kelp, careful to get the spelling correct.
“New family to care for.”
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yuckydraws · 1 year
A lil oneshot that I'm thinking might become the start of an ongoing fic? We'll see.
Pairing: (HT Sans/reader) with hints of (UT Papyrus/reader)
Build Up My Heart
It’s fucking hot.
You wipe the sweat off your brow and sigh, looking at all the work you and your team accomplished today. You’ve finally finished the framing for the guest house this family of… rather odd skeletons, have hired you to build. And you understand why.
This already large, cabin-like home is practically overflowing with them.
In your time here, you’ve counted at least twelve.
Twelve people. In one home that, yes, is large, but can’t hold more than maybe five or six bedrooms. 
It’s a wonder they haven’t ripped each other’s heads off - you’ve overheard a fight or two when you’ve taken your lunch on the lawn… and man do some of them argue.
When you first started working here, you swore you were going crazy. Almost every time you saw one of them it was one you’ve never seen/met before. Yet they all seem to look alike in some way, though you’ve kept that to yourself. Maybe that’s just how it is for skeleton monsters, who are you to say something ignorant like that?
Sans and Papyrus, the two skeletons you’ve spoken with the most, have been patient with every setback this project has had, though you can almost see the exhaustion in their sockets every time they pop over to talk progress. Makes you wonder if they’re the “peacekeepers” of the home.
But, then again, you suppose you shouldn’t be wondering too much. You’re just here to work, get the job done, and eventually move on to the next. Which will likely be another cookie cutter house in a subdivision.
… you’ll admit, though, that you’re going to miss seeing some of the wacky things they do.
And seeing that absolutely gorgeous garden of theirs.
It’s basically your dream. It packs an impressive variety of fruits and vegetables all neatly growing in raised garden beds. Marigolds are scattered about, likely to keep pests away, and there’s much more flowers where that came from - all of which look happy and content if their blooms are anything to go by. Whoever planned the garden, took convenience into account as well. An array of herbs grow right behind the decorative arch to the entrance of the garden. Just in case anyone just needs to grab a quick little something for a recipe.
Stars, you’d love to trade your apartment windowsill, grown out of an old milk jug, herbs for a lovely stroll to this garden. Who wouldn’t?
It also has a line of fruit trees lining the north side of the garden, likely so as not to block the sunshine. Whether those were here when they purchased the land and they planned the garden around it, or not, you wouldn’t doubt that whoever planned this garden would have the foresight for that. 
Currently, ripe peaches hang from one tree, and apple blossoms grow on another. Makes you wonder what the other two trees produce, but they must not be in season at the moment with their bareness. 
As if all that wasn’t enough, they also topped off this garden with strewn lights, stone pathways, and goofy gnomes.
A garden like this looks like a full time job, yet you’ve never seen who tends to it. You’ve seen some of the household members pick from it, but never who makes sure the weeds stay away, or who manages the more sensitive plants.
You wonder who it is.
“Hey, didn’t ya hear?” A voice calls you from your thoughts. You pry your gaze away from the garden and meet your coworker’s gaze. “It’s quittin’ time.”
“Yeah, I heard.” You confirm, slipping your gloves off. Not that those gloves protect your hands from the rough calluses littering your palms, but they do help them feel less sore at the end of the day. “The boss wants me to meet with those skeletons to go over the next step.” You thank whatever is up there that you actually have an excuse for your daydreaming this time.
“Right, I forgot that you’re a bigwig supervisor now.” He teases. You roll your eyes, that title hardly means anything yet. “Well, we’re all meetin’ at Al’s for drinks, if ya wanna join later.”
You would rather not.
“We’ll see, thanks Ron.” You neither accept nor decline. He gives somewhat of a salute before slipping away with the rest of the bunch.
Slipping your hardhat off, you await the arrival of your boss, scrolling on your phone in the meantime. It’s not long until you hear the rumble of his truck pulling up, and you quickly pocket the device in your hands. 
Out hops Ted, clipboard in hand and that aggravating smile on his face.
He’s nice enough, but something about him has always felt a little fake. However, playing nice with the boss was what got you this promotion, so you’re not about to jeopardize that now. Waving you over, he greets the skeleton brothers who approach him rather quickly. Must have been waiting just like you. Eager wouldn’t begin to explain how much they want this project to move along.
You catch the tail end of greetings, shaking both Sans and Papyrus’ hands as you’re formally introduced (though, you’ve already had multiple conversations with them while working). Your boss cracks some jokes that you half laugh along to, before he finally gets down to business. Listening intently, and chiming in when necessary, you learn what you already knew. Plumbing, HVAC, electrical, etc. needs to happen before you and your team can continue. It’ll be contracted out, yadda yadda yadda.
Just as you’re beginning to think you have no reason to be a part of this conversation, it’s… over. Yeah that was a waste of a half hour, though you suppose you may be giving clients this talk at some point so it’s likely important to hear.
Ted wraps things up, shakes their hands again, and takes his leave. Sans slips away after that, claiming that he has something that he needs to get back to. You almost follow and take your leave as well, but Papyrus, who’s always been more social, gets you pausing.
“WELL, HUMAN, I SUPPOSE WE WON’T BE SEEING YOU FOR A LITTLE BIT.” He says. You’ve long since gotten used to his loud voice. You smile.
“Gonna miss me that bad?” You tease. Oddly enough, a light flush of orange rises to his cheekbones. Interesting
“W-Well… I ALWAYS ENJOY OUR TALKS WHEN I BRING OUT WATER.” He blurts. Ah, yes, the water. Ultimately unneeded, but very much appreciated.
“It’ll be a few weeks, at most.” You remind him. He beams at that.
“YES, I SUPPOSE YOU’RE RIGHT.” He agrees. It warms your heart that he seems to care even that much. It’s not often homeowners even talk to you and your crew, let alone be as kind as Papyrus has been. “WELL, YOU’VE HAD A LONG DAY, I WON’T KEEP YOU.”
You check your watch and wince.
“Yeahhh… I still got to run to the store to get some tomatoes for this recipe I’m making, so I should-”
“WE HAVE TOMATOES!” Papyrus all but blurts. You blink up at him. That orange flush is back.
“We U-Uh… WE HAVE THAT GARDEN, I’M SURE YOU’VE SEEN IT!” You tilt your head at his words, not wanting to assume where he’s going with this - he is a client after all. “WE HAVE PLENTY, YOU SHOULD PICK SOME AND SAVE YOURSELF A TRIP.”
At any other jobsite, you’d have quickly refused… but something about his hopeful smile and genuinity of the offer has you softening like butter. Plus… you’d get to see that beautiful garden up close.
“You sure? I don’t want to overstep…”
“Bear?” You ask, wracking your brain for which skeleton he’s referring to. You haven’t been introduced to many of them.
“Well, are you sure he’ll want me wandering in there, then?”
You hesitate. This Bear obviously enjoys gardening in the peace and quiet, who are you to interrupt that? However… it’s nearing 7pm and you’re ravenous. A trip to the store sounds like torture. 
As if sensing your dilemma, Papyrus pivots, placing a hand on your shoulder and urges you back around the house. “I’LL GO WITH YOU, TO ASSURE YOU ALL IS WELL.” You just nod and follow along, both because it feels like nothing you do will change his mind, and because of your selfish desire to just get done with this day sooner.
Your workboots sink into the plush clover lawn as you both make your way across the backyard to the garden. Your eyes are captured once again, by said garden, and you almost don’t notice the rather large skeleton tending to the flowerbeds in towards the front until Papyrus speaks from across the short fencing.
You look to where Papyrus is speaking, and the first thing you see is the gaping hole in this skeleton’s head.
Holyfuckisheokay?? How-
You look to Papyrus in concern, but see him just… smiling down at you? Confused, you look back to this skeleton, crouched behind a garden bed and lock eyes (eye?) with the bloated, bright red eye-light filling the socket that isn’t scarred from his head wound. You… can’t tell what he’s thinking, with that blank expression of his.
But seeing as this is apparently normal for him, you’re now worried you’ve offended the guy.
Maybe magic helps monsters survive the seemingly unsurvivable? It’s not like he has any internal organs in his skull… maybe that’s why-
You’re pulled from your thoughts as this apparent behemoth stands up.
Oh my.
You’re beginning to understand why he’s called ‘Bear’. He’s certainly a bear in every sense of the word. Large, imposing, intimidating… and did you mention huge?? Now, you aren’t small. You’ve kept up in construction for almost a decade now and it shows… but you still feel like a twig, craning your neck to look up at him.
However, the dirt covered overalls he’s wearing, definitely takes away from some of his initial intimidating demeanor.
“... sure.” He rumbles, blank expression still giving no clue to where his mind is.
Holy fucking baritone-
Papyrus pats you on the back and beams at Bear.
“THANK YOU! I’M GOING TO START ON DINNER, OKAY?” You numbly nod, trying to force your thoughts away from where they want to go. “SEE YOU IN A FEW WEEKS, HUMAN!” Tearing your eyes away from Bear, you wave back to Papyrus and watch him retreat into the home. You wait until he’s inside to take in what you hope is a subtle deep breath.
You about leap into the air, when you turn around and find Bear right behind you, at the entrance of the garden. Clutching your chest, you remind yourself to relax. How’d he get there? And so quietly, too…
And you swear you see this giant quirk the smallest of smiles at your jumpiness. 
He thinks he’s funny, huh? Asshole.
You stare up at him, flushing and definitely not pouting. “Ah, uh, thanks for letting me steal some tomatoes, you’re saving me a trip to the store.” You decide to be polite. After all, you were the one to gawk first, perhaps you deserved a bit of payback.
He just grunts.
And you both just… stand there. After a few moments of silence, you speak up.
“So… where are they?” You inquire, glancing around at what you can see of the garden, but it’s hard when you have a seven foot wall of solid skele-man right in front of you. 
“where are… what?” He asks.
You tilt your head. He just said…
“The tomatoes?” You try, maybe he spaced out when Papyrus asked him if it was okay… and when you just mentioned them a second ago?
He seems to recall something, if the twitch of his bone brows are to say much. Nodding, he turns and lumbers through the rows of flowerbeds. Assuming that’s an invitation for you to follow, you rush to fall into step behind him and his large strides… but, you quickly fall behind as you start to admire the garden’s beauty up close. Your steps slow as you stroll past the growing cauliflower plants. These can be incredibly hard to grow… how did he…?
You gingerly touch one of the leaves, and look up to Bear, who’s stopped and turned to look at what’s keeping you.
“How do you get these to grow so well?” You ask, smiling excitedly at him. He blinks, large shoulders relaxing a bit, as if he was expecting you to ask something else.
He reaches into his overall pocket, and slips out what looks like a very well-loved notebook. You watch curiously, but patiently as he opens it and flips through it. You’re unsure what the notebook has to do with his answer but you’re willing to wait and find out.
He pauses on a page and looks back to you, seeming to ponder something before deciding ‘fuck it’, as he approaches you and hands the book to you. It’s got various dirt stains, and some pages have been taped back in where they’ve come loose, so you treat it with care as you take it from his grasp. And there, on the page you see notes in small, neat handwriting. Research notes, with drawings and everything. The topic being the little cauliflower plant you’re standing next to.
Some of it seems to just be information taken from the internet and put in short form, while others seems to be from actual trial and error. You skim his writing, noticing that he’s scratched some things out but towards the end, he seems to have figured out the perfect schedule for the plant to thrive.
You’re tempted to flip through the book and read more, but you refrain. That seems like an invasion of privacy.
“Wow, that’s really cool that you go as far to take all these notes. You must really enjoy this, huh?” You ask, handing it back to him. He stares at it in his hands for a moment, before putting it back in his pocket.
He just nods.
“Not much of a talker?” You tease lightheartedly, trying to see if you can get any sort of… anything out of this guy other than blank staring and slightly intimidating silence.
He shrugs, and turns back around, leading you again.
But you’re not done.
“You’ve really built something beautiful here, ya know?” You continue. He just keeps walking. “This is amazing! It could almost be considered a small farm! Though, I guess with all your housemates to feed, it’s just a garden, huh?”
Still no answer, but you swear he starts walking a little faster if the way you have to almost jog to keep up is anything to go by.
“The flowers too? Man, this must be a full time job that, I’ll be honest, I’m a little jealous of! I’d be in here all day if I was able to! This is absolutely gorgeous, Bear! Do you take care of this all by yourself? You really have a talent, I hope you know that.”
Suddenly Bear stops, leaving you to walk right into his back… which given his height means you faceplant right into his spine. He barely budges, yet the force of it knocks you on your butt. You grunt and rub at your smarting nose. Damn, this dude is solid.
His red light stares down at you, from the corner of his good socket. He doesn’t apologize, or offer you a hand, just simply points to the tomato plant in front of him.
“... tomato.” He mutters, then takes his leave, stepping over your sprawled legs and heading back to the flower bed he was working on.
… huh, you could’ve sworn, you saw the faintest hints of blue on his cheekbones.
Chuckling to yourself, and once again, thinking that these skeletons are silly, you pick yourself up and dust off your pants. Not that. You really need to dust off your already dirty work clothes, but it feels right.
You lean over the tomato plants in question, finding quite a little variety in the garden bed. Roma, cherry, black krim, campari - and those are just the ones you can name. Dinner in this house must be full of all the most delicious, fresh produce.
Once again, you’re a little jealous.
You pick a few ripe and tasty looking romas, and call it good. While you’d love to experiment with some of the others, this was a kind offer from a friend and given to you by an acquaintance, you’re not about to take advantage of either of them. Holding your goods protectively to you, you wander back to the entrance of the garden, where Bear is once again knelt in front of one of the flowerbeds, tugging at some stubborn looking weeds.
He glances at you as you approach him. You hold up your three tomatoes and grin at him. “Thank you for these, you saved me a trip to the store!” A nod is all you get. “And… speaking of the store, I feel bad just taking these, I have cash?”
That gets him to fully turn his skull to look at you, and you take that as a yes.
“This is about a pound, I’d say, so how about I just give you an even $5?” You offer. Yet again, he just stares. 
“... I mean I can look up how much it is at the store or you can give me a price too, if you’d rather…” You ramble, feeling a little awkward under that stare of his. You just met the guy today, and he’s proving to be extremely hard to read.
You’re about to just reach into your pocket and pull out a $10 (way too much, but you’d pay anything to get out of this awkward silence), when your stomach growls rather loudly. His stare moves to your belly.
“Ah, uh, yeah it’s dinner time, huh?” You try to joke it off. His light flits back to your face, and finally, he just waves you off.
“... You don’t want money?” You ask tentatively. He shakes his head.
“... go home.” He rumbles, yet his tone isn’t rude, “go eat.” He adds. Your shoulders release tension you didn’t even quite realize was there and the awkwardness finally fading, and you offer him a grateful smile.
“Thank you, it’s been a long day. I really appreciate it.”
He hums.
“... and I hope you know you don’t have to wait until our team leaves to tend to your garden. This is your home, we’re just working here.”
He raises a skele-brow at your words, looking unimpressed as he gestures to the sizable hole in his skull. You hold back a wince as you remember your reaction. You know the guys you work with, and you also know that your reaction is probably going to be the most tame one he gets.
“Right… I uh, I’m really sorry for how I reacted, I thought it was a recent injury and I was worried you needed an ambulance or something cause humans can’t survive something like that, but that was really insensitive.” You murmur. His stare seems to slightly soften at that, but you barely notice that as an idea pops in your brain. Instantly, you brighten. “Wait here! I’ve got an idea, I will be right back!”
And with that, you start a careful jog to your old, beat up truck - not wanting to drop your precious produce. Once there, you deposit your small bounty into your upside down hardhat to keep them from rolling around, and then pop open your rather dirt-covered glove department. You’ve never really found the point in cleaning your truck that often when you just dirty it everyday after work. Digging through the mess of papers there, your hands find that knit fabric they were looking for.
“Ah hah!” You exclaim excitedly, closing your vehicle’s door and rushing back around the house to the garden that you left Bear at. He’s since moved on to a different flowerbed, but no amount of kneeling would hide that big frame of his and he’s rather easy to spot because of it.
Hearing the crunches on your loud footsteps in the gravel, he turns, seeming a little surprised that you actually came back.
You hold up the beanie in your hand, grinning at him as you let him connect the dots, it was one of your first crochet projects… and you misread the amount of links you’d need for it, resulting in a beanie that was ridiculously large for your head. You had meant to toss it or take it apart for the yarn, but it found its way into your glove department, and that’s where it’s stayed for almost a year. 
However, it seems to be the perfect size for this skeleton giant in front of you.
“Wanna see if it fits?” You ask, stepping closer. In your excitement, you don’t connect the dots that his skull might be a no-touching zone, and reach to slip it on. He quickly leans away from you, eyeing the beanie warily.
“Oh, right. Sorry, here.” You hold it out in an offer. He hesitantly takes it, staring at it for a long moment before glancing up to you. “It’ll stretch, if you’re worried about it catching those edges.” You assure him, not sure how sensitive the area around his injury is, but figuring it’s better safe than sorry.
After a few more moments of silence (that are beginning to feel a little less awkward), he slowly and carefully slips the beanie on his skull. He makes sure to stretch it and hold it a little ways away on his injured side of his skull, and soon it’s sitting nicely on his head.
A perfect fit.
“There! Now it’s hidden!” You say. He tilts his head. “I know it’s not fair that you can’t just waltz out here in broad daylight while we’re here without worrying about feeling judged, but it’s also not fair to have to hole yourself inside and wait until we leave to do your thing. I mean, it’s almost dark and you’ve got a lot more to do, and these string lights only illuminate so much.” You explain.
He nods, slipping it off and moving to hand it back to you, as if he’s not aware it’s a gift.
“Keep it, think of this as a trade for the yummy tomatoes! Plus, I think you look cute in it.” You say, smiling again as you see the slight blue return to his face. “If you decide you don’t like it, feel free to do whatever you’d like with it, it’s not like it’ll fit my head anyways.” You say with a little laugh.
A low rumbling noise escapes Bear. You tilt your head, and it doesn’t click until you see the smile on his face and his shoulders bouncing slightly. He’s chuckling at you.
You ignore the growing warmth on your face at hearing more of that very attractive voice of his, and let out a few little giggles of your own, closing your eyes as you do.
So, you’re none the wiser when Bear slips the beanie off of his head and moves closer to you in that silent way he does. It’s not until he plops the article onto you that you sputter and open your eyes, only to be met with your lashes brushing against the yarn and your vision being hindered by the way the beanie practically reaches the bottom of your nose. Reaching up, you lift it up and find Bear grinning at you.
“... no, it doesn’t… does it?”
He’s making fun of you. Again.
Jokingly pouting, you slip it off and toss it back at him, where it bounces off his chest harmlessly and falls into his lap. He guffaws at that, his little chuckles turning into a deep belly laughter. 
It’s infectious, and soon, you’re joining in again.
It’s not until your stomach makes your hunger loudly well known again, that he sobers, looking serious once again.
“... you need… to eat.” He reminds you.
You smile sheepishly, and try not to be too disappointed at having to leave. You were just getting him outta his shell a bit!
“Yeah, I do. Your dinner will be ready soon, too, I bet.” You say, shifting your weight on your feet as you stall just a moment longer. “I uh, hope to see more of you.”
He just stares again, but there’s a sharpness missing in his light.
“Goodnight, Bear.” You say, pivoting to take your leave. He doesn’t say anything right away, and you just assume he won’t, given what you’ve learned about him today.
But as you start to walk back to your truck, you hear a quiet, “goodnight.” from Bear. You smile again, turning to give him a little wave that you don’t see if he returns as you round the corner of the house.
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