#and yes i made helen a painter
evrensadwrn · 6 months
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In which; Helen Morgan— a painter, befriends a singer-songwriter by the name of John Wick seeking independence from the record label keeping his music career dull.
thank you 2 @johnwickb1tsch for letting me use the name helen morgan<3
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eldritch-nightmare · 10 months
Can we have headcanons where the reader gets scared of the pastas and try to run away?
a/n: yes you can!! decided to just do 5 creepypastas here just to ease myself back into writing. this isn't proofread btw
includes: jeff the killer, the bloody painter, eyeless jack, homicidal liu, and zalgo.
warnings: unhealthy relationships, possessive behavior, mentions of cults, overprotective behavior, kidnapping, swearing, does this qualify as yandere? i think it does so, that's basically the gist of it, yeah.
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Okay first of all, how fucking dare you? Second of all, how fucking dare you?
You should be scared, honestly.
I mean, honestly, what the hell were you thinking? You can't run away from him, you idiot. There's no escape. You're stuck with him! He thought you knew that already.
Apparently not, seeing as the lovely little cabin he was keeping you in was empty and the front door was wide open when he arrived.
You're not going to be able to calm him down when he eventually finds you. It doesn't matter how long it takes, or how far you've gotten. He will find you. You're his. You're not allowed to leave him, ever.
"Do you wanna fucking die?" Were the first words that came out of Jeff's mouth when he found you. You had been running through this damned forest for hours now, and it was when you finally decided to take a short break that he had caught up to you. It wasn't hard to find you, he knew these woods like the back of his hand.
The anger was heavy in his words and in his actions. His grip on you has always been tight, but this was worse. Your arm stung as his nails dug into your skin, dragging you closer to him. You tried to ignore the knife pressed against your side, but it was easier said than done.
You ran from him because you were scared of him. That was your excuse, as you struggled to get out of his grasp without getting yourself stabbed.
It definitely got a laugh out of him, one full of malice. Oh, you're scared? Big fucking deal, that doesn't mean you can up and leave him. And when he drags you all the way back to the cozy little cabin in the woods that he lovingly kept you locked away in, trust me, you'll regret ever trying to run away from him.
If you want him to leave you alone so badly, then so be it.
He's a little annoyed, to be honest. He thought you loved him, so you running away from him certainly made him upset.
Helen didn't want you to be scared of him. He wanted you to love him, and he wanted to have a normal relationship with you.
But he supposes he isn't all that shocked. He's a serial killer, after all. It's not surprising that you wanted nothing to do with him.
The moment he realized you were gone, he was abandoning everything to hunt you down.
Even if you are scared of him, he can't let you leave him.
There was a look of heavy disappointment in Helen's expression when he found you. It's the most emotion you've seen on his face in the time that you've known him. He had you cornered, so you couldn't get away from that damned expression.
"Don't make this harder than it has to be," He had said when you stumbled backward as he approached. Helen would never hurt you, so why are you so afraid of him? Can't you see that he loves you? Is it really that hard to trust him? He thought you loved him, so coming home to an empty house just... it hurt him a lot, can't you see?
He doesn't want to hurt you, he just wants you to take his hand so he can take you home.
But he won't hesitate to knock you out if you refuse to go willingly. He loves you so much, there's simply no way he can ever let you leave him. Besides, you know far too much. It would be risky if he let you go.
And when you wake up, you'll be confined to one room until he's certain you won't try and leave him again. He gets that you're scared, he truly does, but you need to behave.
Feels genuinely guilty for maybe a solid 5 seconds before instincts take over.
Honestly, he's probably the only one here that will catch up to you immediately. He has a keen sense of smell, and you're his mate, so of course he's going to be able to find you with ease.
He doesn't like that you're scared of him. You were supposed to love him! You're mates! Why are you scared of him?
Like... actually genuinely confused as to why you ran away.
You could've just talked to him! Why'd you have to run?
Well, it's too late now. You chose to run, so he'll gladly chase you down to the ends of the earth if he must. He's not going to let you leave him, there's no chance.
The Jack you know is awkward, and stoic. But he's stressed to you many times that he loved you deeply. The Jack that crashed into you after spending hours hunting you down after you ran away was different.
Sometimes you forget that he was a little less than human because when he dragged you to the ground with him, his chest was heaving and he was barely able to contain the growl in his voice as he spoke, "I caught you."
His claws were digging into your skin, threatening to draw blood if you so much as squirmed underneath him. A subtle threat, one that you took very seriously.
It truly isn't his intention to scare you. He loves you more than you'll ever know. But you can't leave him. You can't. He needs you. The second he decided that you were the one for him, your fate was sealed. He refuses to let you leave him, no matter how scared of him you are. You'll learn to get over this fear, he's sure of it.
Oh. Yeah. Okay. Totally. That... that hurts, yeah. Don't get him wrong, he gets it. But ouch.
If he were in your position, he'd probably be scared as well. And for a brief moment, he considers letting you go but...
He can't. He just can't. He loves you too much to let you go, and it's just too dangerous for you to be out there in the world, where he can't protect you.
He's really good at tracking people down, it's basically his specialty, so you won't be able to get too far before he's behind you.
He knows you're scared. He gets it. He understands. But he's doing this for your own good. He hopes you'll come to understand that one day as well.
He had found you hours after you managed to sneak away from him, but he didn't make his presence immediately known. He was having an internal struggle, torn between letting you go and bringing you back into his arms. He didn't want you to hate him, but he couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt.
He made it quick, knocking you out before you had even realized he was there. And when you wake up, back in the safety of the little hideaway he keeps you in, you see Liu with an expression of pure and genuine guilt in his expression.
"I'm sorry." He had said, because he was.
Liu is doing this for your own good. He's just trying to keep you safe. If he had let you go, who knows what could've happened to you! You have a target painted on your back, and there's someone out there who wouldn't hesitate to kill you if it meant getting to Liu.
So, no. You can't leave him. He needs to keep you safe.
Yeah, good luck with that. The likelihood of you ever being able to leave Zalgo is damn near nonexistent. He has eyes everywhere, always watching you.
But let's say you do manage to run away without him noticing. Good job, by the way. That's not an easy thing to do. He'd be really pissed though.
He doesn't have attachments to people, seeing them as objects for him to toy around with until he grew bored. But you? You were special.
You were his favorite toy. He cherished you, kept you locked away so no one else could have you. Your fear was cute! He couldn't just let you go.
Rest assured, he will find you. He'll drag you back to your rightful spot.
Zalgo had been both impressed and enraged when he saw that you were gone. He had eyes everywhere, always watching you, alerting him if anything were to ever happen to you. For a moment, he had thought that someone had up and taken you. After all, why would you run away from him? You were smarter than that, surely. But he was wrong. You had left. Somehow managed to sneak out without him ever noticing.
Finding you wasn't going to be too much of an issue. His power was immeasurable, his influence vast. He had too many cults to keep track of, and they were all hunting for you. He was sure to greatly reward whichever cult found you first.
And once you were safely brought back to the cage he kept you in, he would linger around more than he normally does. Clearly, the pieces of him that he leaves behind to monitor you have been growing complacent, so he intends on sticking around until you learn your lesson, "Aw, does my presence make my little human scared?"
He thinks your fear is adorable, and he can't fault you for that. He's very angry that you ran away, however, and rest assured that he won't let that go unpunished. Clearly, you've gotten too comfortable here in this realm of mortals. Perhaps it would be best if he brought you to his domain... you would certainly have a much harder time escaping if he did that.
You'll only have yourself to blame if he chooses to go through with that train of thought.
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CreepyPasta Incorrect Quotes Pt. 8
Zalgo: I made tea
The Slender Man: I don't want tea
Zalgo: I did not make the tea for you, idiot. This is my tea
The Slender Man: Then why are you telling me?
Zalgo: It's a conversation starter
The Slender Man: That's a lousy conversation starter
Zalgo: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
(Y/N): How petty can you get?
BEN: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about
Jason the Toymaker: Have you seen a person named 'Kagekao' around here?
Liu: Ugh, yes. He made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.
Bloody Painter: It looks fine to me?
(Y/N), in the house Sally haunts: I'm going to lock myself in here with the ghosts
Jeff: Lui, what if there are monsters?
Lui: Don’t worry, we’re top of the food chain.
Jeff, lying awake at night: I am the monster
Masky: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something.
Toby, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Lui: You kidnapped (Y/N)? That's illegal!
Clockwork: But Lui, what's more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing (Y/N) or destroying our dreams?
Lui: Kidnapping (Y/N), Natalie!!!
Kate: Lui, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- these guys are counting on you to inspire them!
Lui: What, to kidnap people?!
Clockwork: To work together!
Jane: Lui, we all agreed a celebrity is a not a people.
Hobo Heart: What if people had food names and food had people names?
Jason the toymaker: Hey, spaghetti, we're having Helen for dinner.
Bloody Painter: What is wrong with you people?
Kagekao: Shut up, chocolate.
Nurse Ann, to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you're doing it all wrong.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
(Y/N): I will not let you down.
Jame: Sounds fun.
Hobo Heart: K.
E.J: No, I'm fucking not.
Dr. Smiley: Do I have to be?
Lui: Please god, I am so tired.
The Puppetteer: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper?
Bloody Panter: I feel like we've all done that at least once
Judge Angels: I ate it too-
Bloody Panter: See?
Judge Angels: -On purpose
The Puppetteer & Bloody Panter: ...What?
BEN: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Toby: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person
Toby: And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
Lui: Would you like something to drink? *opens fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper-
Jeff: Spiders?
Lui: Spiders it is then.
Zalgo: No, that wasn't-
*Lui then pours Jeff a brimming glass of spiders*
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
(Y/N): Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
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average-egirl · 1 year
Today's my b day! So here's some little birthday hcs. I wrote this at 4am so sorry if the grammar is bad lmao.
Birthday headcannons
Tw: mention of sex in Asmos and levis, mention of blood in bps, nothing else.
Characters: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Bloody painter, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Vincent Sinclair, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus.
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Jane the killer
First of all she's a very busy woman but she would never in a million years forget your birthday.
She luvs you too much :)
She would get you a dress/shoes/some kind of accessory.
Probably something leaning towards the gothic style.
Would get you your favorite kind of cake and sit in your room while you too eat it.
Slightly more affectionate on this day.
Nina the killer
Of course she wouldn't forget your birthday!
You silly silly goose.
She would get you some plushies.
By the time she gave them to you she had already given them a name and social security number.
Would get the other creeps to help throw a surprise party for you. :))
She's already very affectionate but it's like 5x as bad on your b-day.
Bloody painter
Helen would definitely remember your birthday.
Your the best thing to ever happen to him after all.
He would make a painting of you and give it to you as a gift.
It may or may not be made out of your ex's blood.
I hc that he can bake so he would make you some cupcakes. <3
Normally he's not super affectionate but today he's a little more clingy.
Michael Myers
This man would not remember your birthday 💀
He wouldn't get you a present either.
Okay okay he MIGHT throw some pads at you. Tough luck if you don't use them.
Ain't no way in hell he's gonna so much as look in your direction. 🥲
Overall 0/10
Jason Voorhees
Obviously bby boy would NOT forget.
He's way too sweet.
Would get you some flowers along with random things he took from victims.
And probably a condom he thought was chocolate.
He can't bake :( BUT no worries because pam can :)
He's just as affectionate as any other day.
Vincent Sinclair
Just like everyone else on this list he wouldn't forget.
You lil cutie. <3
He would make a little wax figure of you as a gift.
He might also draw some lewd pictures of you and him.
With the help of his brothers you would get a barely edible cake, but it's the thought that counts.
Normally he's not very affectionate, and today's no different.
He probably forgot until the day before honestly.
Once he remembers tho he would immediately run to get everything needed.
He would get you some very expensive jewelry.
Did he go into even more debt to get it? Yes. Does he care? No, not really.
He and his brothers through you an epic birthday party.
Very affectionate. Like always.
He wouldn't remember until like three days before your birthday.
He only remembers because of his brothers tho.
He got you an awesome anime figurine and some video games.
+ He probably got jealous seeing you hang with his brothers so- BIRTHDAY SEX.
Again, he and his brothers through you an epic birthday party.
Just as affectionate as any other day.
He wouldn't forget, he never forgets.
Your present is...Sex.. tbh you should know that tho.
What do you mean you want a real gift? He is the gift.
Aaand once again, He and his brothers through you an epic birthday party.
He's always incredibly affectionate. and hot.
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honeydais · 5 months
Hey friends! I returned a month later and brought for you a list of songs with which I associate the characters.
And with it you can determine my favorite characters :)
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Jeff Woods ( Jeff the killer)— Psychosocial (Slipknot)
Americano ( Lady Gaga)
Lights out ( MSI )
Enemy ( Imagine dragons)
Liu Woods - Hayloft II (Mother Mother);
GOSSIP ( Måneskin )
Replay ( Lady Gaga )
Two birds (Regina Spector)
Lira Rogers - Looking at me ( Sabrina Carpenter )
Jane Richardson ( Jane the killer )- Telephone (Lady Gaga)
Bloody Mary ( Lady Gaga)
Bad girls ( M. I. A. )
She wants me dead ( Cazzette i AronChupa )
Jane Arkensaw - Genesis (Grimes)
The mess you made ( AJA )
Nina Hopkins ( Nina the killer ) - Mamma Mia (HUGEL)
Vicious ( Bohnes )
Criminal ( Britney Spears )
Take your shirt off ( Millionaires )
Toxic ( Britney Spears)
Nina Hopkins(new) - Toy ( Netta Barzilai )
Slumber party ( Ashnikko )
Troublemaker ( Olly Murs )
Jack Nairas ( Eyeless Jack)- HURT ( 1 800 PAIN )
Ate my heart (Lady Gaga)
Valentino ( Olly Alexander )
Devil town ( Cavetown ) 
Mama ( My Chemical Romance)
Benjamin Lauman ( Ben drowned )- That That ( PSY )
Don't try sucide ( QUEEN ) 
Tobias Rogers ( Ticci Toby )- My alcoholic friends ( The Dresden Dolls )
Teenagers (My Chemical Romance)
Mama's boy (Dominic Fike)
Blow ( Kesha )
Natalie Ouellet ( Clockwork )- People I don't like (Upsahl)
NO ( Meghan Trainor )
Haunted house ( neoni )
Seventeen ( Marina and the diamonds) 
Tim Wright - GRRRLS (Aviva)
Older ( Isabel Larosa )
House of memories ( Panic! at the disco)
Brian Thomas - Guys don't like me ( It Boys )
Don't trust me ( 3OH!3 )
Kate Millens (Haze) - She homeless (Creep - P)
Helen Otis ( Bloody painter)- dump dump (mazie)
yes & no ( Paige Duddy )
She likes a boy ( Nxdia )
Dina Angela Clark ( Judge Angel )- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land ( Marina )
Mary on a cross ( Ghost)
Bloody Mary ( Lady Gaga)
Jonathan Blake ( The Puppeteer)- Drunk-Dazed ( ENHYPEN )
Lost in the fire ( Gesaffelstein )
Look what you made me do (Taylor Swift)
EYES ON ME ( asteria)
Ann Luzen Mia ( Nurse Ann ) - Take a hint (Elizabeth Gillies and Victoria Justice)
Sweet dreams ( Eurythmics)
Primadonna ( Marina )
Emra Amelia Aldridge - Dance to forget (TryHardNinja)
Cake ( Melanie Martinez )
Oh no! ( Marina and the diamonds)
Material girl ( Madonna)
Zero - Hole-Dwelling
Hermit the frog ( Marina and the diamonds)
Jason Meyer ( Jason the toymaker )- DARKSIDE ( neoni )
Super Psycho Love ( Simon Curtis)
Sexy dr_g ( Falling in Reverse)
Jealously, jealously ( Olivia Rodrigo)
Louis Vuitton Body Bag ( Jeffree Star ) 
Laughing Jack - Lonely (Palaye Royale)
Happy face (Jagwar Twin)
Backstabber ( Kesha )
Bad feeling ( Jagwar Twin )
Laughing Jill - Lone Digger (Caravan palace)
What are you watching for?  (Gwen Stefani)
Applause ( Lady Gaga)
Maniac ( Michael Sembello ) 
Shoot him down! ( Alice Francis)
Candy Pop - HIP ( mamamoo )
Nathan Nobody - Gladiator ( Jann )
Beautiful is boring ( BONES UK )
Mammamia ( maneskin )
Sally Williams - Who is she?  (I Monster)
Dollhouse ( Melanie Martinez)
Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez)
Lazari Natalie Svong - I hate my mom ( GRLwood )
Lucille Tiffany Greatfield( Lulu ) - Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez)
How do you sleep? ( AJA )
Slenderman - I didn't find the right song 
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sleepingjayy · 1 month
"Here we go again" Information Post
(Read the fic here)
Calling all creepypasta fans!
Do you like Eyeless Jack? Do you like gore, violence, and thrilling horror? Do you like homey vibes too?
I have just the thing for you! This fic (somehow) has all of this! From tags like hurt/comfort, to found family.
This fic is about Jack, who has hit his one year mark of working for The Tall One. Provided with a cabin, electricity, and protection, he is tasked with fixing up anyone who comes along. It's not in the job description to become familiar with them, but Jack can't help but hear their stories.
With reoccurring characters such as:
Toby Rodgers, Helen (The Bloody Painter) Otis, Tim Wright ("Masky"), Brian Thomas ("Hoodie"), Kate Hayes-Milens ("Kate the Chaser"), Cody (X-Virus) Unknown, and many more iconic characters.
And with lesser known characters (/OCs) like:
Pippa Darling, Leo ("Cross-X") Fincher, Reed Carter, "Something", "Smokey", and more!
(For those of you who have read it already, hi welcome to under the cut, the ad is over lol. I wanted to explain some stuff since Act 1 has ended.)
Act 1
Starting with Toby Rodgers, and ending with Kate Hayes-Milens, Act 1 is a calm, homey handful of chapters with intertwined hurt/comfort along with sting of horror.
Although Jack has only been in his cabin for a year now, he definitely has a handle on things.
Along with the end of Act 1, comes the start of a secondary fic called "I want to die with all my scars (and if they don't like the way we are then fuck them)" I know I do a lot of songs as titles, but they do actually have significance, I swear.
This fic, will have a lot of additional material from outside of Jacks cabin. At the end of Act 1 (spoiler for those who haven't made it there yet.) Kate visits and gives Jack a walkie talkie to communicate with the others outside of his small circle. This secondary fic is for things mentioned in the first one but not fully touched on.
For example, it's mentioned by Liu that Ben said the Hornets boys (Tim, Brian, and Toby) were on a road trip. That is one such things that will be talked about in this fic.
Silly little adventures with other characters that may change the dynamic between each other that wouldn't otherwise be I the central plot of the first fic.
This includes OCs! Pippa Darling, a character from a fic on ao3, will be popping up occasionally, and my own character Reed Carter.
You can even submit your own character to be in the two series. Just leave a comment with a link leading to their story, or a social media so I can contact you!
(If they're heavily leaning on or shipped with a popular ("canon" in heavy quotation) character, then I probably won't use it due to not wanting any shipping or big relationships in the story. Unless you happen to have a set of OCs.)
1. "Can I make fanart/fanfiction of HWGA?"
Yes! I encourage it! Just tag me so I can see it!
2. "Will [insert character] be in it?"
Most likely. If there's any requests, then I'll probably write for them too!
3. "What does Jack look like?"
Jack in this fic is more of a metaphor than a person. I'll let you choose what that means to you, but this also means that Jack can look like whatever you wish him to. Any "official art" I make for the series won't even have a consistent design for Jack because that's not the point. See Jack however you'd like, because he's supposed to be a source of comfort in anyway you, and his patients, see fit. You'll notice that that's why I've never outright described what he looks like. Be creative. :)
4. "Where/when does this take place?"
That's sort of a spoiler as of now. It's connected to "The Path of Black Leaves" which was made/coined by the slenderblogs here on tumblr, which is a a mode of transportation. But for a simple answer, kind of in New England.
As for when, it's taming place sometime in the mid 2000's
That's all for now! This post will update as things get posted and the plot moves along. If you have any questions, OC submissions, or just want to say hi, do so in the comments! :) I love to see it!!!
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milkycarnations · 11 months
For my legal guardians (I am twenty) @13tinysocks and @itsabee for the irreversible brain rot they have bestowed upon me. As a fair warning, this is not proofread. If I did not publish it today, I would have to wait until Monday at least and I just couldn't.
Ptolemaea | nonbinary!Bloody Painter x afab!reader | 2.2k words
one-shot masterlist | mdni | cw: religious hedonism, body worship, bloodplay, sadomasochism, knifeplay, enthusiastic consent, accidental edging, tease and denial, minor body mutilation/mentions of body mutilation, crying ho1c
There xe sat, in front of you like a Thanksgiving feast. The image alone filled you with a giddy sense of pride. It was not very holy of you, but Helen thought otherwise. To them, you were absolute divinity. You didn’t need to be pure. You didn’t need to be perfect. Xe wanted you unadulterated - even the messy bits that your Master didn’t like. Oh, how he’d fume if he saw you sat mightily in a chair, Helen prostrating at your feet. It made you feel good. Overwhelmingly good, like stealing a cookie from a cookie jar or playing hooky. 
Helen’s hand reached out to grab your ankle, gently caressing the flesh before wrapping their fingers around it. Xe looked up to look into your eyes, their glare chilling.
“How lucky I am to meet eyes with such beauty,”
Trying to hide the warmth splayed across your face, you tilted your chin. Xe pulled on your leg as a response. 
“You aren’t getting shy on me, are you? You know, I was hoping you’d let me portray the more… intimate side of you someday,” their voice tilted into a deep mumble as xe stared between your legs, “My actions are not hindering the chance of this, are they?” 
Speechless, you meekly shook your head. It was so wrong. Xe wanted to paint you naked? It was an action your Master would execute you for, yet Helen wanted to memorialize it. Regardless, the idea itself made you squirm. Helen’s observative gaze raking over your body would drive you mad. their laugh arose beneath you, light yet bold and gorgeous on your ears. 
“I’m glad. Perhaps for a separate occasion, though,” 
You continued to let them lead the conversation, as they clearly knew what to say more than you did. It wasn’t your fault that you did not know how to be worshiped. Usually, you were the one worshiping. Frankly, you were unsure how to handle it. It was a bizarre change of pace. A gentle kiss to the front of your ankle tore you from your thoughts. 
“As you’re ready we can start liturgy, yes? I can’t wait much longer,” 
“I’m ready,” you said. 
“Wonderful,” a second kiss was placed, now higher than the previous. You tried to hide it, but you were spiraling. You were being worshiped. It left you with an out-of-place sense of being. You’d spent so long groveling on your knees, giving, and being taken from - you could stand taking for once. This time with your own rules in place. Helen made you believe you belonged here. 
“Let me show you my devotion, then we can begin.” 
The third kiss xe placed reached your knee, pressing gently against your bare skin. From beside them, sat on the floor, xe grabbed an athame. Xe made it themself: a ritual blade to share between the two of you. Its blade was simple; the handle, a lovely embossed steel flaunting their intricate handwork. It was exquisite, not brutish or cruel. Xe made this to show their devotion to you - to hurt themself in love for you. 
Xe ran the blade along their forearm, sharpness cutting down any stray black hairs that lingered. Xe sighed. 
“If only we weren’t hindered by our afflictions. I think a scar would be rather lovely. Alas, we make due,” 
Blood poured from behind the knife as xe sliced, seemingly materializing out of thin air. It was mesmerizing, the way it flowed down their arm and fell off their wrist, splattering into tiny droplets on the tiled floor. You wondered if they’d stain, purposeful or not. You wondered if - years from now - you’d notice those tiny speckles and recognize them. Xe exhaled into the action, growing noticeably hard between their legs. 
“You have no idea how important this is to me,” blood flowed as xe spoke. “no idea how long I’ve seen myself in this exact spot.” Eyes rose to gaze upon your breasts. Legs inched closed in response. Helen’s studio wasn’t exactly warm. As a result, your nipples were hard. The thought of them looking made you feel exposed, but what could be more exposing than sitting in a chair naked? their head rested against your right thigh and xe moved in closer. Showing no pain, xe swiped a finger over their wound letting it pool at their fingertip. Silent, xe traced lines of blood across your thigh. 
You supposed this was their attempt at creating runes for the two of you, representing this false religion you’ve created. Admittedly, as you watched, the runes meant nothing more than gibberish. The lines, shapes, and symbols xe drew had no translation. They might as well have been some satanic henna designs, yet you adored them. Xe carefully mapped out a sun, drawing rays of light with their blood before they spoke.  
“Nothing to say? Are you enjoying yourself?” 
Your thighs rubbed against each other. You could be enjoying yourself more. A smile rose on their face. 
“I’m alright,” you told them. 
Helen’s wound was already starting to heal, blood coagulating and clinging to itself. Xe made another slice. This time their breathing shook. 
“Really? I was hoping you were waiting for something more,” xe traced bloody finger paintings further up your thigh, nearing closer towards your pussy. You were trying to hide how embarrassingly wet you already were. Xe hadn’t even done anything to you. If marking your leg up with blood was enough to make you horny, maybe you were a slut. Maybe it was exactly what xe wanted you to admit. Tell them. Tell them you want them. Tell them you’re a slut. Tell them to make you theirs. You resisted these urges. 
“Something more could be nice… What did you have in mind?”
“My muse,” they giggled, “you and I both know exactly what I have in mind.” 
Helen’s left hand reached up to grip your waist. Sprawled over you like a Renaissance painting, xe whimpered, “Please?” 
Xir begging went straight to your core. Aching for them, you leaned back, shyly opening your legs. Helen’s head instantly found itself nestled in front of your pussy. Xe used their thumbs to spread you open, looking at you before swiping their tongue along your folds. 
“You’re glistening,” xe said, mystified, “my prayers must’ve been answered.” 
Xe continued to lap away, seemingly drunk in you. Each glide of their tongue - though lazy - was practiced. Xe didn’t neglect your clit, looping back and forth to suck, flick, and tap against it with the muscle. Their expertise had you squirming. Flinging your legs, you wrapped them over their shoulders for support. Quickly, you found your hand in their soft hair. A loud moan filled the echoey room as you tugged the strands. Instantly, xe shoved their lips back up against you, muffling the noise with your body. You keened, causing you to pull harder, spurning the two of you on.
“Don’t hold back. You sing like a choir,” 
You let yourself cry for them as xe swirled their tongue around your clit. Unable to hold back, you held their head down, pushing them nearer to you. Tears brimmed your lash line as xe ate you out. Letting loose, you bucked and squirmed and pleaded with them, “Don’t stop!” 
In return they teased, slowing down into a traitorous pace, barely pressing kisses against your puffy clit. Pulling at their hair you wailed, “Take that as an order!” You fought the want to say please. Someone of your status should not beg to be worshiped. 
Dominance felt sexy in your hands. It felt different. Was this what it was meant to feel like? Was this the confidence of knowing you could ask Helen to do anything for you and they would oblige? There was a playful glint in their eyes as xe sped up, returning to a proper pace. You couldn’t think about it much, suddenly overcome with the returning pleasure. Feeling the sensation build, you panicked. Shit. Were you gonna cum already? Xe just started, it couldn’t have been more than five minutes! 
Surely reading your thoughts, xe focused on your clit, sucking heavily and humming against you. You gripped onto them for dear life. 
“Fuck, no!” you cried. 
“No?” xe stopped, face painted with concern.
“Helen, I need you,” you mumbled, panting. “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” 
Worried you’d lose your orgasm, you attempted to push them back down but they resisted. 
“Promise me-” they started. “Beg me. Let me know that you want me. I need you to say it before I go any further.” 
“Please, please, please, don’t stop. I’ll do anything to cum, please. I want you to make me feel good. Make me cry, make me scream, put your cock inside of me! Ravish me, Helen. Worship me.” -but you were already crying and screaming; fingernails clawing at their shoulders until bright red rivets trickled down. 
A smirk crept upon their face. Wordless, xe tore you down from your chair and laid you flat on your back. Teeth nipped at the nape of your neck, forming love bites that busted the skin and deepened in shades of blue. Lining themself up, Helen slipped inside of you agonizingly slowly. Each time xe fucked you, xe still managed to stretch you open. 
Moaning as xe bottomed out, xe sucked more loved bites into your skin, prodding until your breasts were spotted with bruises. Xe didn’t stop until your collarbone was lined. 
“Please,” you sobbed, “how much longer do I have to beg? Didn’t I get the point across?” 
Helen dragged their cock out, making you whine. 
“I hear you my little muse,” slamming back into you xe groaned. “I just like hearing the words you say. Bless me with them for a moment longer?” 
They started at a slow but rough pace, slamming into you and filling your cunt to the brim each time. Pussy aching, your toes curled. Their cock hit every part of you and each thrust brushed against your g-spot in all the right ways. 
“Oh my god,” you muttered. 
“Does it feel good?” you nodded, unable to speak, but that wasn’t what xe wanted. 
“Tell me, my muse.” xe moaned.
“I don’t want you to stop,” 
“I won’t,”
“It feels fucking wonderful,” you managed. Chuckling, xe thrusted. The sound of xir balls slapping against you was intense, but it only reminded you that everything happening was real. You were defying your Master again. You were committing among the most loathed acts among your cult, yet it was never really yours to begin with. Was it? You were being a slut and you had no regrets. Eyes snapped shut, you vowed to never let such trivial matters deprive you of human relationship. Zalgo could suck your dick. 
“You like it too, don’t you? You like to fuck my pussy?” The flavor of dirty talk was odd on your tongue. You used the same words, but it didn’t sound the same as when Helen spoke them to you. However, xe didn’t seem to notice, enamored by your change in attitude. 
“Fuck-” the word came out gargled and deep, “I love fucking your cunt. You’re made to fit around my cock aren’t you? Why else do you fit so perfectly? We’re meant to be together, muse” 
“Then please, can you fuck me deeper? I need you,”
“That’s it, my love.” xe swung your legs to wrap around xir waist. Instantly, you felt how much deeper xe was, reaching the point of too much. Eyes rolling back, you spoke, “I can’t go for much longer.” 
“That’s okay. Show me how beautiful you are while we cum together,” 
The rough pad of xir thumb ghosted around your clit. Helen knew just how sensitive you’d become and knew not to push you too far. Just a little bit would be enough. As xe rubbed your clit and pounded into you, you quickly neared your orgasm again. You felt dizzy and your legs shook with voracity. 
“Are you close?” you asked, trying your best to hold back. 
“Yes, my muse. Cum around me. Let me fill you with my cum.” 
Helen said this knowing that the moment you’d clenched around them they’d be completely at your mercy, unable to hold himself back any longer. Moaning, you hugged them, wrapping your arms around their neck. 
“Cum for me,” they repeated. 
Your body twitched and spasmed mercilessly underneath them as you came. It was dizzying how rapidly your cunt pulsed around them and you thrashed as you rode it out. Helen held you in xir arms until you’d both cooled down; after that lying down to be by your side. 
“Come here,” xe nudge you to face them, leaning you over to trace lines up and down your back. You wiggled your feet. Your muscles felt loose, as if you’d had the perfect stretch. 
“Can you stand?” xe asked. 
Could you? You began to worry. Everyone would definitely know Helen fucked the cult-follower out of you if you couldn’t walk for days!
“Why do you look so scared,” xe laughed, “no worries. I’ll take you to your room.” 
“Could you stay after for a bit? I’d like to keep laying beside each other.” 
“You’d like to cuddle?” 
The word felt so squishy and silly from xir mouth. You shrugged. 
“I guess so, yeah. I’d like to cuddle. If you’re up for that.” 
“Of course I am.” 
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dearest-painter · 1 year
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Can I Please ask for a part 2 with platonic yandere Bloody Painter
And he's glad that their rooms are close nearby in the Slender Man house and he kind of finds it adorable that she wears blue and black like he does
And how would Bloody Painter react to Jeff killing kianna on purpose even though Jeff knew that she was a proxy
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I'm sorry if this is too detailed and I hope you have a nice day or night
Thanks and I’m making sure Kianna ain’t dying bc I’m attached to her
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, Jeff being a bitch, Kianna is just injured :3, pretty sure his real name is Helen but correct me if I’m wrong bc I forgot, Blood in gif, tell me if I need to add anything
Summary:Somethings in wonderland can be…dangerous little Alice. Oh yes I know how mean it is for me to tell you this after you got hurt but I’m the narrator! What did you expect little Alice for me to rush my story!?
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Helen was happy Kianna that his room was near his, made it much easier for him to protect and see her. Often they watch Alice in wonderland together which Helen realized her outfit matched Alice’s which he found adorable. He often makes Kianna drawings with her as Alice and her in wonderland.
“ACK-!” “JEFFERY WOODS!” Helen rushed to the yelling to see Jeff being choked out by slenderman while Kianna was gently being held by him by his tentacles. “Helen, take care of her” “Yes sir” Helen immediately held Kianna very careful as he rushed to her room. He patched her up and then set her on her bed, he didn’t let her leave his sights one bit. He’s going to MURDER Jeff.
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Back at it again and one thing I want to say following the release of IWTV AMC is that the context surrounding a character’s racial swap in horror is what makes or breaks the whole thing.
Analysis below the cut. 
TW for discussions of racism, violence, and eugenics. 
Light spoilers for IWTV (2022)
Let me explain using an example that doesn’t work. Albert Wesker in the Netflix Resident Evil series. Albert Wesker is a eugenicist. Eugenics is a field framed by white supremecist views and anti-disability beliefs. It feels… Wrong, to race swap him to use those frameworks as is in line with his character without any meaningful effort to address the subject or say anything important about it. It’d be different if the story tackled the idea that hierarchies based in racialized science are often enforced by members of the communities that they harm (that’s how they survive.) through respectability politics and exceptionalism, but Wesker is just? A villain. That’s it. It ends there.
Now let’s use an example that works. Candyman, acted superbly by Tony Todd. He was a white man with red hair in the original short story by Clive Barker. But we don’t care because the recontextualization of his story is constructed in a way that… idk, for lack of better word actually shows an active dedication to what choice is being made, and how it is carried out. Is it racist that a black man is chasing around a white woman and terrorizing her? Yes, at it’s nature because of the history of deaths that followed false accusations during the era of Jim Crow and the Black Codes. However, Candyman is loved by the black community. Why? Because he’s sympathetic, because he’s charming, because his power is given in the wake of something awful and not even remotely uncommon for black people living in his time. Because he’s handsome and debonair and speaks with a voice like honey. There’s this great documentary called Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror that I recommend you check out if you’re interested in seeing the topography of the genre and it’s continued cultural relevance.
Candyman works because of the setting around it: gentrification and hood poverty. How myths and horrors can float around in poverty stricken communities because honestly? What’s one more when you’re facing hunger and state indifference and violence to survive? Helen‘s critical mistake was assuming that Candyman was some mass-delusion to blame squalor on a boogeyman. Like no bitch. The Candyman stories flourish in these places because of the desensitization to horror that living in an environment with them brings. Also, centering Candyman himself: His subsequent backstory and the 2021 entry to the series do so much to lend sympathy to his character. There’s a retroactive reason he’s enamored with Helen, and we see that racist violence and cruelty made him what he is. A painter in love turned something that white people invoked- that’s why he’s Candyman. The projects didn’t name Candyman, the white people who tortured him to death did. We can sympathize with him, we can ask why Helen felt so compelled to interrupt the lives of this community. For what? To be some white savior? To chase a study in intellectualism, knowing she can go home and forget them? She fucked around and found out. Enter Candyman.
So why does it work for Louis?
Well, let’s take a look at his book counterpart.
Being half black I can’t sympathize with book Louis. I don’t give a fuck about what he’s been through. Seriously. He was a slaver. There’s no such thing as a benevolent slave owner, you have human beings as currency and *chattel*. His framing as the hypocritical, but more compassionate and empathetic of the duo is something I can’t buy. That’s not something I can overlook, it takes me out of the enjoyment. I cannot separate that from his character to enjoy him for what he’s supposed to be.
AMC Louis? completely different story. By introducing blackness to his character, you are creating what is supposed to be the ‘monster’ as is the genre’s convention, but not a *monster*. He’s infinitely more compelling, more complex as a well-to-do eldest son of an affluent black family struggling with the racial hierarchy, his sexuality; and the judgment that comes with these two categorical assignments. He’s dealing with the lapse of generational wealth- something that many black people have not had the opportunity to build to the level of glut that white affluent families have. Often all it takes is ONE generation of bad decisions to lose it all because one or in the luckiest cases: two generation’s worth is the most for many who find their footing. Louis can’t be himself. He has to be tough but infinitely patient and well mannered to appeal to his white business partners. He can’t be angry, but he must be rough for fear that he’ll be walked all over. He’s judged for the very thing that keeps his family in their comfort. He’s not free to emotionally engage with art because of what kind of policing results from being a black man AND a queer man. Those two distinctions overlap and create a separate experience that people refuse to really put an understanding to? Like people put a monolith to queerness that has its defaults in white convention. White butches and twinks and bears and hunks. The colloquial y’all don’t have to deal with how your race informs the behaviors that people ascribe to queerness. 
When Louis read his mother’s mind and heard her disgust over the simple act of *getting his nails done* i couldn’t help but think about conversations among the black elders when they see the little boys acting even a little outside their norms. “He’s got a little sugar in the tank”, “you need to snap him out of that, make sure he doesn’t grow up a punk”. Some of that is garden variety homophobia, but so much of it is also how much crueler life is when you’re black and you’re gay. The racial hierarchy exists in the communities it subjugates and it maintains racial norms of what black men are supposed to act like. Louis is bound to that.
That kind of context makes it easier to sympathize with Louis and feel his pain. It lends itself well to his relationship with Lestat and the balance they’re supposed to strike. Lestat, a white man, is able to kill as he does because his whiteness gives him carte Blanche to see himself superior to ‘humans’. Whiteness, the construction, incentivizes putting people into categories of ‘other’ and situating yourself at the top. ‘Humans’ replace ‘blacks’. Of course he doesn’t care that he’s taking human beings out of this world, of course he takes delight in the killing. Vampirism gives him the tools to do what the world (the social stratosphere, the *law*) already encourages and incentivizes white men to do completely unimpeded! People don’t like to talk about it, but like the Vampire genre lends itself a little too well to capitalist greed and colonial wealth hoarding. Louis does not, and has never had access to these tools. Of course he is horrified, of course it is unnatural to him. Of course the transition is difficult! That makes the divide between them so interesting. That’s what makes this change for Louis’ character so good.
Context *matters* if you’re going to reclaim a character in this genre. Race swaps in action and fantasy? 
Nah, you don’t need a reason lmao fuck y’all. Black MJ, Black Ariel, Black Catwoman, Iris West, and Jim Gordon for life idgaf idgaf idgaf. 
Anyways. If your character has a storied history of racist belief or politics, and the change will fundamentally alter the fabric of how the story is carried out then writers have an obligation to accommodate and write carefully around it. Which I think they’ve done here in the series so far. I’m excited to see what happens next. 
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“Where would you like me to start?” Caulin asked. His voice sounded hoarse and tired. He sat hunched in the chair, bound by tighter chains and unable to move more than a few inches without pulling them into a vice around his body.
Ephrianne Lemault steepled her thin fingers. She was a hawkish-looking woman, with graying hair and golden eyes that watched every move he made with a predator’s gaze. She was dressed in the usual white frock many of Old Sharlayan’s Scholars wore, though a gold-trimmed sash cut across her small breasts denoting her a member of the Forum. Brushing a fallen strand of hair behind her large pointed ear, she said, “At the beginning, if you please.”
“Do you want me to start with when I was born? How well my childhood went, living in the Brume, a son of a simple weaver?” 
“Unless your birth or childhood involve this alleged nightkin in question,” Ephrianne said, “I suggest you start with how you received your assignment to investigate the woman, Prei Valentyne.” 
Caulin’s body seized at the very sound of that name. The foul language of the Void poisoned his throat. With a snarl, he fought the urge to try and stand once more, to attack and claw his way loose, but the chains held him and he could do nothing but speak words he didn’t truly understand.
Ephrianne’s eyes widened and then narrowed in observation. She studied him as a painter might study a figure he wishes to paint; or as an alchemist observing the chemical reactions of an experiment set to warm on a burner. Still, in his blood-fueled vision, Caulin could see the bob of her throat as she gulped. He could hear the rapid beating of her heart, the sharp, short breaths as she tried not to scream again.
“Do not speak that name. Do not call upon the darkness,” he growled. His voice had gone low, guttural. There was part of him that wanted nothing more than to fall into the intoxicating living-death that had wormed its way into his very aether. He would bleed the world dry if Prei commanded it. He would lay open his chest, give her his beating heart just so he could see her taste of his flesh. But there was a spark of life-giving aether yet in him, tethering him to his body, and it filled his head with the voice of Helene. His beloved, sweet Helene who gave herself to him so he might continue.
Caulin drew in a deep, ragged breath, trying to calm his mind and the dark parasite growing within. He pictured Helene’s face, round and beautiful with rich brown eyes and hair the color of the sun in Spring. She stood at a balcony wrapped in furs smiling at him as snow drifted down around her. “Caulin,” she called to him. “Caulin, come into the light.”
“Helene, take me with you.”
“Mr. Desperue.” His gaolor’s voice cut through the haze, sending the vision of Helene back into the darkness. “Mr. Desperue, I say, are you alright?”
Caulin opened his eyes. He hadn’t realized he’d closed them. He shuddered, weeping, and wanted to hide his face in shame but found his hands were still bound to his lap. He was still in this cluttered, rotting cell with a member of the Forum who, he knew, was only drawing out the inevitable. He would die, by whose hand, he could only guess. But his nights were numbered and he would either find mercy in the Twelve, or he would be eaten by the thing inside of him.
Through a curtain of damp hair, Caulin watched as Ephrianne fought the urge to call for the guard. It was a wonder she hadn’t already. He was nothing of the man he once was, or would ever be again. He was a killer, an abomination tainted by the Void, and he could see the fear, the judgment, in her gaze.
With hand trembling, Ephrianne began to write in the book, before asking, “What is it that drives you to react like…” Her voice quavered, betraying her as she struggled to find the words.
 “A madman?”
She cleared her throat. “I am not educated in healing or the mysteries of the mind to properly prescribe such affliction, but yes. To put it plainly: as a madman.”
Another shudder ran through his body. “She is a monster,” Caulin whispered. His chest felt tight, his throat desert dry. “She feeds and dines on living flesh, and is bound to something far worse.”
“In what way, Mr. Desperue?” asked the Scholar. Curiosity played over her sharp features, but doubt creased her brow.
“I need water, wine,” he replied with a cough. “I need a drink and then I’ll tell you everything you want to know, but please: allow me to have something to cool my throat before I begin.”
Ephrianne Lemault sighed in obvious annoyance. She stood and moved to the door to rouse the guard, then returned to the seat as another jug of water and glasses were fetched.
They were delivered a short time later, giving Ephrianne the chance to pour herself a glass first before she poured one for Caulin. “Thank you,” she said to the guard who set about tightening Caulin’s bindings. “No, don’t do that. I’ve no wish to hold the cup for him. Loosen his chains just enough that he can lift his glass and drink.”
“Ma’am? If he tries to attack you again-?”
“He won’t,” she said, pointedly, her gaze bearing down on Caulin. “And if he does then we shall be done with this interview and I’ll report to the Forum that Mr. Desperue suffered an attack of the heart, dying in the process.”
The guard seemed to catch her meaning and he snickered. “Yes, ma’am. We’ll be out in the hall if you have a need.”
Ephrianne took up the quill once more. “Now then, Mr. Desperue, please begin at the beginning, when you were given the assignment to investigate-” She paused at the sharp hiss Caulin made. “-this nightkin of Ishgard.”
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eveenstar · 2 years
Hello! I'm opening my requests for the Creepypasta/Slenderverse fandom and this is the post that will guide you through the information you NEED to know before requesting! For more details, please read this post.
I feel like I should do a small introduction of who I am, in case you don't know me! You can call me Leci, short name for Lucille, and I am, well, a returning 'veteran'. I've been in the Creepypasta fandom as a compassionate fan and writer for over 6/7 years until I dropped out, and now, almost 4 years later, I decided to return. Lots of Creepypasta OC's were made and (thankfully) lost to time, lots of memories were made in this fandom, and I realized that I could never truly leave. After reading so many stories and realizing that people are still caring for the characters within the fandom, I decided to contribute, because one way or another, we gotta admit that some of these characters have marked us :)
Basic information that I recommend reading before requesting!
•I write for the Slender Mansion AU and the Slender Forest AU.
•Slender Forest AU: There is no mansion, but there is an old manor deep down in the forest that serves as a hideout for his proxies. The other creepypasta's have their own hideout, some more used than others, spread across the forest, very distant from each other. The Slender Forest is, quite literally, every forest who's dense enough to get lost in, it's kinda like a realm in our realm, but at the same time it is not. You get the idea.
⚠️I do not write yandere characters, or requests that include killing the reader, or too much gore.
⚠️I will write them as how I perceive them realistically (thank you David Near for the inspiration!) HOWEVER I can also write them not-so-realistic (a.k.a ooc) if that is your wish. I understand that sometimes all we want is comfort from our comfort characters, so I don't bother much having to file up a request where they are more "goofy" and ooc.
⚠️I can write x reader or just general HC's! I don't write character x character.
>The Proxies || "Ticci" Toby, Kate The Chaser, Masky/Tim, Hoodie/Brian || (yes, I am aware that Masky and Hoodie are from Marble Hornets, but I prefer their Slender proxy version!)
>Bloody Painter || Helen Otis ||
>Homicidal Liu
>Jeff The Killer
>The "Ghosts/Errors" || BEN Drowned & Herobrine ||
>Eyeless Jack
>Dr. Smiley
>Nathan The Nobody
>The Puppeteer || Jonathan Blake ||
>Vine The Dollmaker
⚠️Yes, you can suggest characters. I know a handful of other pasta's but some of them make me a bit uncomfortable, but I'm very open-minded <3
(List might be updated or not in the future)
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Please mind vomit all your stuff about the puppeteer, his relationships with his proxies, his romantic relationships outside of them. EVERYTHING
I am very NORMAL about the puppeteer :) (I'm not)
YOU'VE GIVEN ME TOO MUCH POWER, REAGAN i will so gladly mind vomit to you because oh my god i was looking at his relationship map a few moments ago to make sure i remembered zachary correctly and i have so many thoughts about it. but hold on let me talk more about zachary real quick.
zachary hates him. zachary despises his guts. i think the puppeteer is perfectly aware that zachary holds no positive feelings for him, and he finds it a bit annoying, but he ultimately doesn't bother with it. even though zachary wants to escape the puppeteer, and is actively trying to, the puppeteer knows that he never will. zachary is doomed to stay as his proxy until he dies. the only time the puppeteer really gets upset with zachary is when emra is brought into the mix.
he knows that zachary wants emra to escape as well, and that makes his blood boil. the only reason he doesn't hurt him is because emra sees zachary as her kid, and if he hurts zachary then emra will hate him more than she already does.
OKAY NOW FIRST AND FOREMOST i need to talk about his relationship with liu because oh my god i saw it and i had to look at myself in the mirror and tell myself to be normal about it and im about to be Very Unnormal about it.
the thought of the puppeteer being interested in liu, and fascinated by his backstory makes my brain waves go wild. like... he sees liu, and he wants to break him. he wants to take his past, and he wants to use it against him, and he hasn't had any success in doing so just yet. and that just makes him crave more.
he enjoys it when it takes time and patience to break a victim down, it makes the hunt even better. every little detail he learns about liu just endlessly fascinates him, and it makes him want to break him down even more.
it's unclear whether or not liu is aware of what the puppeteer wishes to do to him. if he isn't aware, then he probably views the puppeteer as an odd acquaintance, maybe even a friend. and if he is aware of the puppeteer's intentions, then i highly doubt he really cares. liu isn't going to break the way the puppeteer wants him to. he's already been broken, and it took him forever to put the pieces back together so there was no way in hell he'd ever let himself go through that again.
and i like to think this leads to a toxic sort of friendship between the two, maybe even an unhealthy romantic relationship because why not.
then you have jane.
the puppeteer is literally scared of jane. he was gonna kill her, and then he felt her Vibes and was like 'haha i'm afraid actually so. nevermind.' and jane is completely oblivious to the fact that he's scared of her. he's afraid of her, and he respects her, and she respects him, and he enjoys her company. he sees her as a friend, and i can see him telling her about the more... personal things he keeps to himself, and jane gives him advice with no bias.
she's blunt, and she gets straight to the point. while, yes, he doesn't like being told that he's in the wrong, he does value jane's advice and even ends up having many philosophical conversations with her.
and then you have the bloody painter!
the puppeteer has a lot of respect for helen, and he honestly considers him to be his best friend. would he ever admit that to him out loud? hell no. they may be best friends, but that doesn't stop the puppeteer from feeling envious of him.
being friends with helen has made the puppeteer realize that he longs to be human again. this is a secret that he won't ever tell anyone because it makes him feel weak. just that jealousy alone is enough to send him into a rage and he has to remove himself from the vicinity out of fear that he may hurt helen if he's not careful.
helen isn't oblivious to this, he is aware that the puppeteer feels many conflicting emotions whenever the two are around. at one point, he probably even suggests that they stop being friends because it clearly takes a toll on the ghost. the puppeteer shut that idea down immediately however.
helen was the closest thing he had to feeling human these days. he couldn't lose that.
and i literally love the idea of him basically viewing sally as a little sister and just. treating her as such. love that. adore it, even.
he finds jeff to be a nuisance and actively avoids him whenever he's around nothing more nothing less.
oh toby hates him so much too man i just know it. the puppeteer is well aware that toby has a deeply dark past, and similar to liu, he actively goes out of his way to try and break him down. the puppeteer feeds off the negativity that toby ends up feeling whenever the ghost bothers him.
he has to be careful, of course, because he's well aware of the harm that toby can cause him if he pushes him into a violent reaction.
not to mention slender certainly won't be too keen to learn that someone is messing with its proxy.
i, personally, like to imagine that he, jason the toymaker, and the doll maker all are in this odd mutual respect friend group of sorts where they teach each other how to make certain things and how to repair stuff and like. the puppeteer teaches them how to make puppets, jason teaches them how to make wax figures and vine teaches them how to make dolls. it's like a really weird knitting club.
AND LIKE man. the thought of the puppeteer falling in love with someone again after everything that happened with emra... i think he would feel a confliction of emotions.
he would feel guilt, first and foremost, because it felt like he was betraying emra almost in the same way she betrayed him. but i also think that he's well aware that he and emra were never going to be a couple again, and that moving on was an okay thing to do. for him, at least.
i also think he would be confused, because after his death, he doesn't particularly feel emotions the way he used to. certain emotions, such as anger and sadness, come to him naturally but everything else feels more muted. so for him to feel love towards someone? a human, no less? it would certainly lead to him feeling highly confused.
and then i think that confusion would morph into slight annoyance. being in love means he has a weakness now, one that he knows certain people will try using against him. he tries to convince himself that he isn't in love, and yet he finds himself continually gravitating towards the object of his affection. that only serves to add to his annoyance, to be honest.
and when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he's in love? you best believe he'll try to keep his lover around him at all times.
after everything with emra, the puppeteer most definitely developed strong abandonment issues, so having his partner by his side all the time certainly helps to silent the thoughts of his partner potentially leaving him one day.
not to mention... they're human, they'll die one day. they could die earlier than needed if they aren't careful, so the puppeteer also likes keeping them around to keep an eye on them. keep them out of harm's way.
ALSO he bleeds and cries a like... golden plasma of sorts... and it dries black... and it stains whatever it touches so i have so many thoughts about that too like. the puppeteer has black tear streaks permanently stained on his face.
just think about all the endless possibilities with this knowledge. think of emra having black tear drops forever stained onto her porcelain, something she earned early on when she was brought back to life in her fragile body. just... the puppeteer leaning over her, crying, hoping that he was actually able to succeed in bringing her back.
also, can i just say that in control by nemesea is like... a song i heavily associate with the puppeteer these days?
so uh yeah. enjoy these thoughts, because they are a mess, i think.
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fattuccini-afraido · 3 years
Helloo! I hope you are doing fine <3.I would like to ask for a creepypasta match-up (romantic relationship) please!
I am A Campaigner (ENFP) and The Adorner (EFVL) and 7w6 (The Pathfinder) I am 159 cm. Female amd straight!
Some things about me: I like to study until at one point I would just stay up until 3 am, im such an idiot ahaha. I also would even drink coffee after 12 am. I have a RBF and i might act like I have apathy. I am very over-protective of those who i care about . And I will fight, with words ahahha. I am usually very independent to the point i don’t realize i need help :P My phobias are trypophobia and atychiphobia. I am very afraid of wasps and bees. I have Generalized Anxiety and Body Dysmorphia (more to my face actually). So basically, i get anxious a lot about some things and my looks. My personality: (uhhh mostly people find me complicated) But to me, I am independent, neutral chaotic, smart, stubborn, dense on some topics, very curious, brutally honest and I have a bit of an anger issue but I am chill tho. I can be serious, only when I want too ahah. Interests: I like to debate, study, draw, listen to music, watch Youtube, Twitch also I like anime and a fan of BTS. I go to boarding school and i can speak Japanese and Malay. I also play archery. What do I where?? At home i would just where a T-shirt and a blue jacket and some cozy pants. If I feel ‘fancy’, I would where a short sleeved dressed with said jacket :D My favourite colors are black, midnight blue and gold. Stuff that i like: + tall people + food (homemade at shop-made lmao) + drinks (favs are coffe and colaa) + people who like to spend time with me in any sort if way + art + M U S I C (any) Stuff that i dont like: + slow people + annoying people that waste my time (if they are annoying in a fun way then thats fine) + bugs
What do I look for in someone to love? How do i act with someone I love? Love language? I would look for someone who is both intellegent yet challenging. Charmingly sarcastic? Someone who is hard on the outside, soft in the inside! When I love someone, my dedication and patience seems infinite. As well as affection, care, attention. My love language is quality time and physical touch? Appearance? + dark brown eyes + dark brown hair (it looks like brunette-ish under sun). My hair is short and it looks like this:
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Zodiac: Aries, moon is Taurus, Rising is Aquarius. Aesthetic? Dark academia, Grunge (modern and 90s- ish, E-Girl) RIGHT, thats all from meee. Thank you for your Time <3 TAKE YOUR TIMEE i dont mind :D
hi, I'm so excited, this is one of my firsts asks. I'm glad it's finally happened. Hope this lives up to your expectations, and if not, I'm sorry and you can totally ask for a new matchup <3
I ship you with
Helen Otis aka Bloody Painter.
He's an introvert, yes, but I really think you'd get along!
On the outside, Helen seems apathetic and selfish, on the inside, however, he's a scared boy who does not know how to transmit his feelings properly, since his entire life he has been given to understand that his feelings do not matter to anyone else, and he most definitely has thought that kindness always comes at a price. That nice people have a goal in mind and plan to use him for it. This cynical mindset is the reason he hides under this apathetic, self-absorbed mask, who, while acting polite, still behaves like a massive asshole.
All he ever wanted was to be understood and loved, so if you're willing to give it to him, he'll very slowly begin to open up his true self, though it is quite likely that he doesn't know who that is. I believe it's a charmingly sarcastic guy. One that loves to share his passions with you.
He's quite thoughtful when it comes to you.
He'd bring you chocolates when you're sick or on your period. Every time.
He'd paint you a lot.
Sometimes he'll ask you to model for him, but others he'd just think you look stunning and start painting out of nowhere.
He's less polite with you, he's more natural.
His love language is quality time and forehead kisses.
It doesn't matter to him who gives it to whom
He'd smile and talk much more when he's with you, though when someone else appears he'll abruptly stop.
If you don't do art, he'd still talk to you about it all the time.
He feels safe to do so with you.
He's a couch potato, so you'd often drag him outside with you.
He'd roll his eyes but ultimately enjoy it.
He still has a very hard time opening up.
He becomes a bit aggressive and defensive when he's down.
So, he's a bit hard to date at the beginning, but if you have patience, it'll be a beautiful relationship. He loves you more than anything, and he'd always listen to your problems and will always be there for you, especially when you have body insecurities because while genuinely doesn't understand why you don't like your body or face, since he believes you're the most beautiful woman he's seen yet, he has those insecurities himself, due to his past.
Overall, he's a complicated person who's tough on the outside, and warmer and fuzzy on the inside, if you look deep down enough.
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horror-is-yes · 3 years
Candyman 2 (spoilers)
Friday I went to see Candyman 2 and I really was excited, like super.
I got myself a drink to sit in front of the the big screen, 
But first, I got myself lots of food at Applebee's and then I got to the theater and got some more yummy things to eat. (because I’m a fat fuck) and I needed something with me so I didn’t get sick off of drinking.
Then I went in and of course, stupid advertisements for new movies and to be silent and silence phones.
I was super excited because the trailers made it look scary but,
It wasn’t.
The only good thing about it was that it was an exact sequel to the first one.
That made it pretty good,
It followed the first one closer and that was good.
Anyways: It takes place with a painter and his wife,
her gay brother comes over with his boyfriend and tells a story about Helen and then said painter goes and takes pictures and ask questions finding out about Candyman.
From there: wait, I won’t spoiler anymore.
Though, I did have a great time going with my friend. 
and that’s my day going to see Candyman.
and yes, my friend went with too.
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10º Ivan Petrovich ‘Vanya’ Voynitsky (Performance: Uncle Vanya, 1991)
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Warner leads in this 1991 televised production of one of the most famous Anton Chekhov plays. Ivan Petrovich (Uncle Vanya for his niece Sonya) is a more then sad and angry man, who sacrificed dreams of love and intelectual success to administrate a cottage of wich provide money to his brother in law, an old professor called Serebryakov (Ian Bannen) that does nothing but look down upon him, all the while being favoured by Vanya’s own mother. Making matters worst, Vanya is one of the two man who is in love with the professors wife, Yelena (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio). Two days of a family reunion mostly consisting of verbal fightings eventually makes all the tension that acumulates in Vanya’s mind eventually explode.
09º Konstantin Treplev (The Seagull, 1968)
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The younger spiritual predecessour of Ivan Petrovich. Konstantin Treplev is an aspiring writer, who wishes to find a new style to talk about dreams, receiving praises from his mother (veteran actress Arkadina, played by Simone Signoret) and the love of the beautifull aspiring actress (Vanessa Redgrave). But the popularity of the best-selling writer Boris Trigorin (James Mason) and Konstantin’s problems to directly comunicate his feelings eventually make him fall down a tragic spiral of loneliness.
08º Bob Cratchit (A Christmas Carol, 1984)
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Interestingly, when this 1984 adaptation of A Christmas Carol, Warner was first invited to play Jacob Marley. But he asked to play Bob Cratchit instead. And we all must be glad that he did, because he gives a very wholesome performance, that makes anyone wish to have him as a father figure.
07º Keith Jennings (The Omen, 1976)
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In this aclaimed 1976 horror film, Warner’s character is a photographer, whose only job was to registrate the birthday party of the rich child of the american embassador (Gregory Peck) until a series of strange accidents start to kill people who knew that child or his relatives. Intrigued, Keith Jennings starts to investigate, and decides to form a duo with the american embassador, filling the role of the more proactive lancer to the mostly passive protagonist. One of David Warner’s most iconic good guy roles ever putt on the big screen.
06º Merlin (The Wizard, 2013 and The Once and Future King, 2014)
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The two years in a row when David Warner played one of the most iconic wizrd mentor figures in mithology and pop culture. In 2013′s comedic short film The Wizard, Warner plays a Merlin that wakes up in modern times and is starting to adapt in a office work, while his colleagues try to adapt to his magic quirks. And in the BBC Radio 4 six episode drama The Once and Future King (adapted by Brian Sibley, the same guy who adapted the 1981 Lord of the Rings radio drama, from the novel series by T. H. White), where Merlin’s spirit sits alongside Arthur in the final battle for a conversation, we see how his Merlin could have acted in the past alongside King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, providing wise counsels with a bit of a snarky sense of humour and melancholy. Those works are two “must check out” for David Warner fans and for fantasy and arthurian mithology fans.
05º The Evil One (Time Bandits, 1981) and Ed Dilinger/Comander Sark/Master Control Program (Tron, 1982)
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Yes, number five is a tye. Those two movies camed in a row, and in both David Warner played technology themed villains. In the first, Time Bandits, he is implied to be the Devil himself, and as such is portrayed as very powerfull and in control during most of the movie. In the second, Tron, Warner gives a triple performance: as the human Ed Dilinger and the program Comander Sark, he believes he is in control, but in reality is not. The real power is hold by Warner’s third character, the Master Control Program of the videogame. This transiction from a more simple one-and-all-powerfull antagonist to a more complex dinamic of a trio of antagonists was, for a lot of people, the introduction to Warner’s acting range, and for this reason it appears as a tye in this ranking.
04º The Doctor (Sympathy for The Devil, 2003 and Masters of War, 2008)
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In the late 1970s, the BBC camed to search David Warner with an offer for him to play the Doctor in the main Doctor Who BBC Television series. He was interested, but unfortunally his filming schedule conflicted in working more them one season into a long-running TV Show, so he had to put the offer down. It was only in the 2000s, after the founding of the audio-drama company, that we would get a grasp of his portrayal of the Doctor, in the what-if scenarios provided by two episodes of Doctor Who Unbound: Sympathy for The Devil and Masters of War. In those audiodramas, he plays a alternate encarnation of the Third Doctor that is sent to Earth in 1997 instead of 1969, and thus could not help U.N.I.T with the Alien Invasions that happen in the 1970s. Thus, he finds a retired and pub-owning version of Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart, and has to relearn to gain his thrust, until the two become companions of adventures that investigate new alie threads indepedently of U.N.I.T 
Warner’s Doctor is a bit less quirky encarnation of the character, having instead a more pratical temperment. He sees the danger, and he goes straight to investigate how to stop it, all the while trying to keep the people around him calm. And later he will make a comment about neading more conforting and fitting shoes. 
This is a Doctor that you would surely trust to keep your life safe. 
03º Lisander (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1968)
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A production that made a lot of millenials become Shakespeare fanboys, and they own this in part to David Warner’s performance as Lisander, one of the most romantic (if a bit bumbling) Shakespeare protagonists. Seeing the moments when he conforts and encourages his beloved Hérmia (Helen Mirren) and makes a mess of himself when he is enchanted to fall for Helena (Diana Rigg) is one of the most fun rides that an audience will ever get. Seriously, his Lisander was adorkable before the word ‘adorkable’ even existed.
02º Henry VI (The Wars of The Roses, 1965)
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From a fun and very popular Shakespeare protagonist, to a heart-breaking and very underrated protagonist. For years i was one of several people who did not care for the Henry VI plays as it cared for its famous sequel, Richard III.
This all changed when i watched this 1965 televised production of the Wars of the Roses, that condenses the four plays in a way that makes it more accessible for audiences. Once again, this was helped in a big part by the performances of the cast.
David Warner was only 24 years old during this production, and had to cary the role of the vulnerable Henry VI from his youth to his old age and eventual murder by Richard III. 
And in my opinion, he carried it brilliantly. This was the sign that a very versatile actor would have a very long career.
And my number one David Warner role is...
01º Morgan Delt (Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment, 1966)
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Henry VI stablished David Warner as a lead in theater and television. Now it was time to stablish him as the lead in film. And they did exactly that when casting him in the role of Morgan Delt, a painter who grew up mixing a familiar comunist education with an obsession with animals (particularly gorilaz) and is frustratred with his divorce of his socialite wife Leonie (Vanessa Redgrave), who is about to marry Jack Napier (Robert Stephens), art merchant and Morgan’s previous best friend. While trying every crazy squeam to take his wife back, Morgan must take on a journey to mature, so he can his wife go and be happy and he can recouver his career. But until this happens, transitioning from the sweet and romantic to the angry and scary, for Morgan, taking bombs home and wearing ridiculous gorila suits it is. 
For showing the range between scary villain and simpathetic hero that would be his trademark on years to come, and providing loud laughs mixed with an interesting commentary on masculine insecurity and entitlement, is that Morgan Delt is my favorite David Warner role. 
@amalthea9​ @superkingofpriderock​
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pastas-are-creepy · 4 years
Bloody Painter headcanons?
Hgjhgf- I love writing for Bloody Painter/Helen
Bloody Painter/Helen Otis Headcanons
Helen stands at five foot eight (5'8").
I think this is technically canon, but I see Helen as nonbinary. He uses He/They pronouns.
Sexuality? Greysexual-Biromantic.
He hangs out in his room a lot, avoiding contact from others unless he was to go on a mission with any of the other Proxies.
Helen and EJ are pretty chill with one another. He's also fairly chill with Liu.
Strawberry ice cream is a go-to snack for this boyo. He likes the flavor of said treat out of any other flavor there is.
When he wants to draw but he doesn't knoe exactly what he wants to draw, he will listen to some music for some sort of inspiration.
His favorite music genre is alternative rock.
Helen has gender crisis' once in a while. Remember, his parents made Helen act like a boy so suddenly when he started attending school.
He thought that he was a Trans Woman at one point before settling on the term Nonbinary.
Somedays he just doesn't feel motivated to come outside of his room and refuses to leave unless its for food or restroom breaks.
Either EJ, Liu, or the both of them come to hang out in Helen's room and have some sort of conversations.
"Is water wet?" Liu would ask.
"No." Helen would murmur.
"Yes." EJ would disagree.
Questions like these turn into a debate, but not a serious one. A more lighthearted and fun little debate.
Stupid arguements make Helen snicker and chuckle.
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