#and you can't see her head from most angles so it's all just a cat's body and then. Cone
ineed-to-sleep · 5 months
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She is but a humble lampshade
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cursedonyx · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Masterlist
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To be updated as I go 🙃
Asks are open - please feel free to send me a request!
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Hogwarts Legacy: The Price of Power (Complete) 🔞
Sebastian, Ominis and Dracaena embark on a new adventure in their seventh year, navigating a growing love angle and discovering a dastardly plot against Dracaena. In trying to find out more, they discover something far larger than any of them had anticipated, and the fate of the world rests in their hands.
(Warnings - eventual smut, love angle, eventual throuple, lots of angst, some comfort and mature themes)
Ao3 🔞
Wattpad 🔞
Audio Version 🔞
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Hogwarts Legacy: The Cost of Love 🔞
Almost seven years have passed since Sebastian and Ominis left Hogwarts, and the woman they loved most, behind. Over the years, both men have handled their grief differently; Sebastian threw himself into his research, determined to find a way to recover Dracaena’s memories and magic, while Ominis has tried, unsuccessfully, to accept what happened and heal.
A chance meeting one day sets all three of them off on another adventure, and a desperate attempt to recover Dracaena’s memories and magic is coupled with a discovery of a new, nefarious plot to harm the Emerald Trio. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Dracaena, Sebastian and Ominis must find their way between redemption and revenge, as the leader of a new gang of Dark wizards reveals themselves to be someone they thought long gone.
New chapters every Friday and some Mondays💚
Ao3 🔞
Wattpad 🔞
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
✨Professor Fig Adopts the Emerald Trio✨
An alternate timeline in which Professor Fig adopts Sebastian, Ominis and Dracaena at the end of fifth year, offering them sage advice, fatherly love and affection, and helping to get them out of (and occasionally into) trouble.
Hijinks ensue. Fluffy and sweet, some angst but mostly cute.
Part 1
Part 2
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Sebastian Sallow
A Promise of a Theory
Professor Fig almost trips over a studious young Slytherin desperately searching for a way to cure his sister outside his classroom. The kindly professor offers Sebastian some advice and comfort.
The Bars Between Us 🔞 Part 2
Sebastian is rescued from Azkaban after six long years, but he's not the man his friends once knew, and he needs some TLC.
Sebastian Makes a New Friend
Sebastian is adopted by a stray cat.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Ominis Gaunt
The Sleeping Snake🔞
Things get a bit too much for a very randy Ominis when his snoozing partner is just that smidge too lovely. (Unedited oneshot)
Taming the Serpent 🔞
In their final year of school, Ominis Gaunt is the only person in all of Hogwarts that seems to be immune to the captivating beauty of one Silvermaria Rivers. Little does he know that the one person who can't see her splendour may be the only one who can love her for who she really is. Ominis has his own demons to banish before he can even think of anything as tiresome as romance, but as time goes by, Silver opens his eyes, so to speak, to a brand new, intoxicating world.
Ominis leaves a voicemail 🔞
A lonely Ominis leaves you a needy and very explicit voicemail
A Loving Hand
Ominis has never experienced loving touch, and his new girlfriend decides to give him his first proper cuddle.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Professor Sharp x Professor Garlick
Brewing Desires (Part 1) 🔞
Aesop has long had a crush on Mirabel, and at the Hogwarts Professor's annual Christmas drinks at the Three Broomsticks, he finally decides to make a move.
Brewing Desires (Part 2) 🔞
Following their encounter, Aesop is confused by Mirabel's ordinary behaviour. Following his jealousy at seeing her talk to another man, things come to a head in his office.
Brewing Desires (Part 3)
Though they try to keep it a secret, a certain arsehole Professor learns of their relationship, and an unfortunate dose of Babbling Brew leads Aesop to say more than he should.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Poppy Sweeting x Garreth Weasley
Of Creatures and Cauldrons (Part 1)
Poppy has a major crush on Gareth. There's only one problem; he's in love with someone else.
Of Creatures and Cauldrons (Part 2)
Natsai tries to help Poppy go on a date with her secret crush, Garreth, but things don't go to plan when Garreth's crush turns up.
Of Creatures and Cauldrons (Part 3)
Poppy is distraught over her lack of returned feelings, and Prof. Garlick steps in with an encouraging word.
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
Garreth Weasley ABCs
Ominis Gaunt ABCs
Sebastian Sallow ABCs
Ominis Gaunt NSFW ABCs 🔞
Sebastian Sallow NSFW ABCs 🔞
Sebastian and Ominis HCs
Garreth Weasley NSFW ABCs 🔞
Sebastian Sallow is a Fox 🦊
The Emerald Trio's Wands 🪄
In a Muggle Nursing Home 🧓🏻👴🏻
Drunk at a Party 🍻
Batchelor/ette Party 🕊️
Ominis vs Duncan 🥊
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✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖ * ˖  ⊹°˖✧
MC has a baby sibling
A cat terrorises everyone but MC
Going through a Haunted House
Cuddling them when they're sad
Trying to Cure Your Hiccups
Accidentally farting in front of them
Passing in Their Arms
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Enjoy my work? Consider buying me a coffee 💚
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stick-ball · 10 months
pspspspsp Kevin's trauma and his choice to stay with Thea, why her why not someone else? How does it work considering his characters as whole books/ec , does it make sense or just feel "random"
<Picks you up like a little cat and smooches your head.>
This responce has been sped up by the people who asked Nora on twitter to break Kevin and Thea up, making me see red KillBill style, so:
For me, Kevin's and Thea's relationship makes perfect sense. Maybe it's the realist in me, maybe its the idealist in me, I don't care. When it comes to Kevin's traumas, I think that since most people can't really relate to a majority of them, they get all hung up on the one they most definately can, as in, his mommy issues. When we relate to something, it becomes a really big deal. And here we go! Thea/Kevin suddenly is feared to be toxic instead of being seen for what I think it is: finding love in a hopeless place.
The main issue i see discussed is the disproportion of power at the beginning of the relationship. The main concern is the age difference. I personally don't really get the hate about the age gap between them, because if you read the extra content you will know that while they met when Kevin was 14 and Thea 18, it's not like anything happened between them at that age? First, Kevin saw her as an impressive player, when he did actually see her. That wasn't all that often bcs from what I understand from the EC, Kevin and Riko trained with the Ravens sometimes before they joined the team but a big part of their training happened without them, as well as their life growing up was more detached from the Uni students than people seem to think. And honestly, do you think Tetsuji would just let all the freshmen know they signed into the Yakuza sportsTM? Methinks not, but be delulu if you want I guess. 💋
So anyway, from the EC, it seems like Kevin had a crush slowly build up for Thea over the years, growing from his appreciation of her skill and athletism. Considering how cold that guy is, it probably took him some time to realise, after his irritation at her romances (yeah hello she was dating people her age when Kevin was mooning for here as a pathetic teenage boy, bye bye Thea haters) with other teammates started having nothing to do with the fact it could result in the teams distraction during the game, bcs of their hormones and feelings, and turned to conscious jelousy. And here I have to applaud young Kevin because he did not even realise he was distracted from the game by being jealous. Knowing how oblivious Kevin can be about non exy issues, it likely took quite a while.
So what's next? The "getting together"? Kevin and Thea only started having a sort of physical relationship when Kevin and Riko were already freshmen for Edgar Allan, at 18/19.
Whoever wants to fight me on this being a toxic age gap, what exactly is your angle?
Anyway, Kevin was the one to initiate their relationship, after Riko was done with his distraction from the game and his focus on picking fights with Thea, and told him to sleep with her and get it out of his system. (And that's how i met your mother.) It wasn't much more than that for a long time, because having a relationship on a 12 hrs day/night full of training and uni and juggling two other teams on top of that as well as celebrity status literally sounds like the most insane schedule ever, so it's insane they even managed to talk privately at all.
Now, we circle back to the question, why Thea? Why not someone else? Well, first and fucking foremost, because Nora Sakavic said so. Second of all, because Jung and Freud weren't as stupid as imternet memes would have you believe. (Read their books, read all the books please, i can rec you like a 100 psychology texts, dont be shy)
To keep it short, we do base our attraction on the role models we have, one way or another. I saw enough of my friends pick partners that have the exact character quirks that make them just slightly like an after image of their guardians. Kevin doesn't really have a father model, but his mother? She's always going to be a huge part of his life, is it really so weird and dangerous, that he got infautated with a strong, driven, 4 years older woman, who's incredibly talented and just as determined as him? I don't think so. Is it unhealthy? Is it unsafe? As much as life is, I guess, no one is perfect, but I think he could've done much much worse for himself.
Why did Kevin decide to stay with Thea? I would find it pretty obvious, because she doesn't actually need him. She built herself, but she wants him. Even if she will never have the same fame and recognition in her career that he does. Being wanted this way must be really new for Kevin, who was always a trophy to show off because of his legacy, always a property. But Thea is not competing with him, she doesnt want to own him either. I believe his mother is as much of a role model to her, as to him. So, they have sex, when they want to, they talk - when they feel like it. They don't, well fucking fine, so they don't, they fall in love anyway. It's okay if exy comes first in the beginning, considering both spent a lot of time in cult mentality, I think neither is all that bothered as long as its not obsessive (we could discuss how reasonable it was of Kevin to ghost her for over a year and not tell her about how he broke his hand but thats a whole other essay).
What's really wild to me, is that I think the power imbalance in this relationship is the opposite of what many may think.
Kevin holds all the cards. Thea joined the Ravens as a 18 years old talented athlete, she was one of the only girls on the team, and the Nest was not a place to make friends, on top of that it was a mafia cult. She had everything to prove there, and no way of being prepared for all the grooming. On top of that, she knew nothing of the Moriyamas or even of what actually went down with the whole Perfect Court thing. Kevin knew everything, on top of that, up until he left, he had nothing to prove. He ghosted her, is it so hard to believe she accepted his cold shoulder in this dynamic, in which she obviously is not at the top of the foodchain? He kept secrets from her, is it really so hard to believe she was angry? I think neither of them was ready for neither what life at the nest was like, or for a relationship when it happened, but I also think they are incredibly lucky that they have eachother, their shared passion for exy, their daughter, their dog and friends from the dog park who can't talk about exy to save their lives.
I think Kevin was incredibly lucky for finding Thea, because maybe she did not know everything, maybe it wasn't easy for them, but they understood that Rikos death wasn't a one dimensional victory, that it was just as much of a tragedy for them, for Kevin. I'm happy with the canon and I wish more people appreciated this ship, as its very soothing.
As an ending fun fact, did you know I am the only person to make a playlist for Thea Muldani in all of spotify? Pretty insane if you ask me.
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annakie · 4 months
I do not, in fact, have the power.
You may have heard there were pretty bad storms that camd through Dallas Tuesday morning.
I haven't had power until about two and a half hours ago... about 125 hours.
Warning: Very, very long.
First of all, I was dumb. I was real dumb. I got woken up by the cats and a neighbor's dog at about 5am Tuesday morning, but I mean, that's not unusual. I came out to the office, did a little gaming, and was going to head back to bed around 6.
I heard a little thunder when I was about to head back, and then the warning sirens going off.
I checked text messages/phone calls/emails for any of the THREE weather warning services I use to see if I'd missed any notifications. I hadn't.
I then pulled up the actual weather report just as the winds really started slamming into my area.
A minute or two later, when it was already hitting in force, I started getting notifications. I peeked out a window and holy shit.
I grabbed Fry and threw him in the hall bath. Pemily figured out something was up and ran under the couch. I spent the next like two minutes trying to get to her. Just as I grabbed and started lifting her, the lights flickered, then went out. Plunged into total darkness.
I managed to grab her and my phone... and then in trying to get us INTO the hall bath, in the pitch black, Fry got out. And when I tried to get him to come in, Pemily almost got out and... I settled on hoping he'd run under a bed or do something safe because I could only get one or the other in there. The wind was RAGING and the house was creaking a little. I heard cracks and booms booms that weren't thunder.
I was seriously scared that the roof would fly off. It's old, and was going to need replacing soon anyway.
And there I was in PJs and no shoes with just a cat and a phone in the bathroom. Not exactly the model of preparedness.
After awhile, the wind subsided. I crept out of the bathroom and looked through a few windows. I used my phone flashlight to look for ceiling damage/water and thankfully saw none.
After a bit I put on jeans and shoes and went outside.
Tons of shingles all of my yard from my house.
Then looking up... the one remaining tree in my yard was uh... angled. Greatly. Resting on the chain link fence between me and my neighbhors yard. It had taken down a big branch on one of their trees and... oh great.. the top branches were tangled in the power wires.
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In addition to this, I had a couple of lines yanked partially from my house and laying across my yard, with some of it still attached to my house.
My neighbors across the street had their big tree in their front yard laying into the street and covering one of their cars that they street park.
I texted/checked in with my neighbors, and everyone was OK. I put in a ticket with my city's utility company, though that took about a half hour to get through. I logged onto Teams on my phone and told my bosses and team what happened and sent pictures. I expected it might be awhile til I got power back.
I would have no idea how long that would be.
I contacted my handyman and he said he'd be able to get some guys to help with the tree when it was safe to do so.
I'd needed a plumber to come out for a couple of days and confirmed with them that they can't come out til we have power.
I texted the roofer my parents had used a year or two ago and he said he'd be out the next day to take a look.
Annnnd... then I waited. Ate some protein bars, didn't open the fridge. Internet sucked so I played on my Steam Deck some.
After the Great Freeze of 2021 I'd done some stuff to be more disaster prepared including buying a 500w high capacity rechargable battery, some LED headlamps, an extra phone charger, etc. I could run a small hotplate that I bought off of the big battery and recharge most anything.
Day one passed, the 5G was terrible on my phone since everyone was using it, but that's fine, still no power. Our city utilities has a power outage map that I started refreshing nigh constantly. I started playing Hades on my Steam Deck and sat outside for awhile..
Eventually it was bedtime. It wasn't too bad, though I missed my white noise. Kept the spare bedroom window open for air and got through it.
Day two the 5G was better. I spent a lot of the time sitting outside letting my big battery recharge via solar panel.
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I felt pretty genius for thinking that far ahead. It worked pretty well. Played more Hades, the roofer came and evaluated things. Helped me file a claim with my insurance.
I started trying to figure out a solution for the two lines laying in my yard, still attached to the house.
Eric helped me figure out via pictures that they were old telephone and internet lines and were no longer in use. I called the power company, they said they didn't own them and couldn't touch them.
So I called an electrician to come out and take a look. He wouldn't get there til Friday.
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The other thing that happened Wednesday was that... during the storm my cattycorner-alley neighbor's fence blew completely down in the storm. And then... he just left it there.
Look, my tree was half blocking the alley, but I was told by the city not to touch it. But like... this guy's fence was laid out in the near-center of the alley. and he Did Not Care to move it I guess. Like my dude, take some pictures for insurance and then stop blocking shit. You Could drive around/next to my tree OK, it was very difficult to ignore his fence. You can kinda see it in the solar panel pic a little bit above.
There are only 2 or 3 houses that use that alley, I had driven down it maybe once or twice in the 21 years I've owned this house, but those couple of houses NEEDED IT for access.
So like, the white truck that I most often see driving by it stopped on Wednesday night, and just picked up this dude's fence and moved it himself. And he was not gentle. There was wood cracking and the fence was pretty much non-functional.
I was outside for the whole thing and heard the homeowner come out and start yelling at him.
My next-door neighbors had their generator going and it was kinda far away (and in Spanish which, well, I am not so good at anymore) but the argument was pretty clear.
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Bonus appearance in the pic by my feral friend Peter.
About ten minutes later... they were laughing and slapping each other on the back. I had to leave before it was all over but it was an entertaining few minutes.
That night I went to my buddy Eric's place. He let me store my meds in his fridge, throw a protein shake in there to cool as well. He let me leave my Steam Deck charger there to charge and lent me his phone charger.
I stopped and got fast food for the first time in awhile on the way home. Grilled chicken, but still. I was tired of plain Protein food.
Thursday it was overcast. But it looked like a HUGE number of people had gotten power back in the last two days so I was hopeful.
Got some well wishes and funny memes in Teams when I didn't make our Thursday staff meeting.
And then it started raining at 10 and didn't stop til 4.
Not a lot got done that day. From the city or from me. There wasn't much to do. I mostly sat/laid in bed. Played Hades a little, but mostly scrolled Reddit and checked my city's Twitter.
Two great things happened not long after though. First, my boss told me that he and his boss had talked and told me not to put in PTO for this week. It was out of my hands, they didn't want me to stress about it. I just got the week for free. I love a lot of things about my job, tbh.
I'll be honest, I'd started feeling pretty low that day as the rain went on and I knew that not much was getting done in the city. Most people who live here have municipal power, including me, so I just kept refreshing the map and taking screenshots two or three times day so I could see progress. I cried when my boss told me that, it was so kind and such a relief.
And then, an hour or so later, the Conviction happened, 34 for 45... it turned out to be a pretty great day after all.
And our across the street neighbors got their power on Thursday night! I was very happy for them, but sad ours didn't come with it. I knew for sure the Tree was the problem.
On the way to Eric's I saw work trucks in my neighborhood for the first time. I took pictures and texted both sides of my next-door neighbors. They didn't come to my house, though.
I left my big battery at Eric's overnight to charge since it couldn't solar charge. I also went to Sonic and got a Big Bag of Ice and a little food I did not enjoy. But the ice kept the freezer at refrigerator temperatures and I filled all my smaller thermal mugs with ice, so I had cold water with no worries from then on out.
By then I'd maxed out my Data plan for the month and the rest of the data would be free, 5G was working great by then, so I just watched the Taskmaster Season Finale and TMAustralia S2 E2... ending the night on a high note.
Until it rained for several hours at night and my across-the-alley neighbor let their dog bark for two hours straight because its terrified of lightning.
Surely, I thought, today would be the day.
I was wrong.
Anyway, Friday I had an electrician out to the house. The city twitter said that if there was damage to the meter, that we had to get that fixed first. I had also been hoping he could help fix the two downed cable/phone lines running through my yard and all yanked out at the house.
First, he said that my power lines are completely fine. He also took a look at my neighbors who's yard my tree is in and he said theirs are fine, too. He also said he couldn't help with the lines, but to call my phone company. I've literally never had a landline, at this house, he said to try Verizon since they serviced the area when I bought the house.
Kindly, since he did no actual work and said I had enough to deal with, he didn't charge me. I plan on giving him some work later, anyway.
Called Verizon, they no longer operate in Texas.
I called my current internet provider, they have someone coming out this Wednesday, hopefully they can fix them. And by fix I mean just remove completely.
It's a mess. And still Like That.
Well that was a project that took like half the day. At least it was something to do.
When he left, I went to Eric's and spent about an hour working. Convenient since Eric and I work at the same place. We've worked together at four jobs since 2020. Basically my career path is "Eric finds job, Eric convinces people to hire Tori". We met at the first job in 2020. He left in 2006, I stayed. In 2012 he got me a job that we were both at from 2012 to 2018. I had a job I got WITHOUT his help 2018 to 2020, and then he and our old boss got me a job where they were. Then Eric left job #3 and in 2023 got me to move over to where we are now. He also lives like a mile away.
So after working I got lunch, got to keep the leftovers in the freezer-fridge, and cleaned out the fridge a bit. I need to do more of that. It's super annoying because trash day is Tuesday and ours didn't get picked up on Storm Day Tuesday so now my trash can is very full and I don't feel like I can put any more fridge stuff in there. Bleh.
I truly cannot think of anything else that happened Friday. It was in the high 80's and I mostly just closed up the house early (because it's actually well insulated) and stayed in bed all day refreshing Reddit.
I went back to Eric's that night to swap batteries and grab a protein shake I'd put in his fridge and on the way out there were a ton of work trucks in our neighborhood. I took pics. I texted people, I showed Eric and his family, I was SO excited.
SURELY, I thought, Saturday would be our day for power. The power outage map said all of the big outages were taken care of, there were just a couple of medium sized ones left and a bunch of small ones like ours... about 5 - 10 house outages. The nicer neighborhood to the west now had NO outages big or small, and there was ONE small outage in the north side of our neighborhood now (also nicer than our side. Hmmm...) THIS was surely OUR DAY.
I spent a couple of hours that day out of the house. I met my friend Stephen for lunch and to loan him a bunch of D&D stuff halfway between his house and mine.
When I left my house to meet him it just started raining.
I drove up to meet him in the rain. It rained the entire hour+ we were in the restaurant. It rained most of the way home.
Not much got done in the nearly 3 hours I was gone.
I got home and drove around the neighborhood when it hadn't been raining in awhile looking for work trucks and there were none.
I'd gotten like 4, maybe 5 hours of sleep every night that week.
I was hot, tired and exhausted. I felt very... done.
I looked for work trucks when I left to go to Eric's and only saw a couple of brush clearing trucks trimming trees in an area that had no outages.
I was tired, y'all. Real low energy when I got to Eric's. They were really nice to me.
I went home, got more Sonic ice and cried as I refilled the stuff in the freezer with it.
Pretended I felt fine when I gave my updates to friends and family that night and that all was well. Truly, I didn't feel all that well. And there was one friend kinda snarky, saying more or less that I was soft and asking why I didn't go to a hotel. I was just like... find me a nearby hotel where I can take my cats and OK. Maybe. I'd looked into a few. Then he wanted me to abandon my cats there and just go myself.
No, I don't think I'll do that. I wasn't even whining in that chat, just giving updates as to the power situation in the city and me specifically. Pretty rankled about that still.
But I didn't feel like arguing, I didn't feel like gaming. I just caught up on Hacks, glad that even after maxing out my data plan the free 5G was holding up well, and went to sleep right after.
ANNND I finally slept decently even though it was the hottest night yet (high 70s which still... wasn't bad.)
Woke up around 8 and felt... better.
I just spent the morning in bed, not really hoping, watching the map, seeing that some of the outages near me had been resolved. Wondering if my job would be cool with me missing more work and now thinking about tethering my phone to my work laptop, or just seeing if I could work half the day at Eric's tomorrow.
And then around 11 I heard work trucks.
Not unusual, lots had driven by my house many times a day almost every day.
But these were close. And they stopped.
Hoping against hope I looked out my back door and... there they were.
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The most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
I put on shoes and went out to ask them if they needed anything from me. They said nope and that they'd have us back up soon. I thanked them from the bottom of my heart.
I went inside. Texted people. Cried a tiny bit in relief.
About twenty minutes later, I felt a cool breeze... and heard a buzzer going off.
Air conditioning and haha.. my stove timer. I turned it off then went back outside and thanked the workers again, sincerely. I wondered if they were just happy that they weren't being yelled at.
After getting my PC and internet back up and letting just about everyone know the situation, I headed to Eric's one last time to get my meds and shakes out of his fridge and give him his charger back.
It's over, here I am, sitting enjoying the full spoils of civilization again.
So here's a few lists.
Things I'm grateful for:
Eric & family, first and foremost. This would have been a lot rougher without having him to rely on for even the small stuff and he really helped keep my spirits up.
Honestly, the Tree situation could have been worse in SO many ways. It's something I'm still dealing with and will be for a couple of days -- the workers detangled the branches IN the wires but the rest of it is still there. But it fell on the shared fence and not into the alley, not onto the neighbor's shed, not on anyone's house or other people's property except that most of the tree is, ya know, IN their yard.
The roof looks ROUGH, there are a LOT of missing shingles and damage but it's still whole, as in, no leaks into my house. That is a FREAKING miracle to me. I've checked the ceilings and see no damage and I think by now I'd know. IDK if it'll withstand another storm like that but... it's fine for now.
I have good tradespeople who were helpful and I think will do a good job when I can employ them fully soon. My parents really liked the roofer and if my dad likes him, he's a good one.
My neighbors are being very kind and patient about the tree. I am of course going to take on all the expenses above what the insurance will pay for (and will be paying out of pocket for it and getting reimbursed for a lot of it.)
TBH I've been wanting to put up a sturdy wooden fence for as long as I've owned the house. Now I have a reason to and hopefully at least some seed money to do so from insurance.
The weather could have been a lot worse. At night it was in the low 70's most nights and stayed in the 70s until late morning almost every day. Today it's 86 out but overcast... this is the hottest day we've had I think. Maybe Wednesday it was like 88? But not that bad, for Texas this time of year. We could have done without the extra rain delays but... at least the temperature was decent most of the time.
Like I said earlier my house is well insulated so it never got too bad even on the hottest days. Later this week it's getting into the 90's though. Hopefully EVERYONE is back up by then.
I had plenty of nonperishable food and water to get me through the week if I wanted... and more. But honestly, gladder it didn't have to.
Lessons Learned:
Even when you look at the tree and think "Nah it's fine, it doesn't need to be trimmed this year." maybe think again. Of course... that no longer applies to me because I now have ZERO large trees on my property. When I bought the house I had... four. I'd like to plant another one where that one went down and one in my front yard to replace that one I had cut down several years ago but just... keep them relatively small this time.
Had to order batteries for the headlamp Friday. Keep more batteries in stock. The LED Headlamp is extremely useful and maybe I should order another one or two.
Keep rechargeables charged. I mean, I did well with that this time! Also I still have plenty of candles. Probably need another lighter.
I definitely needed to be more prepared at the very beginning. I didn't really take action when I heard the sirens go off for too long. I think I could have gotten both cats in the hall bath, clothes on, shoes on, supplies and a heavy blanket in the bath much sooner. In fact, I should keep some supplies under the cabinet in that bathroom in the future, and maybe a collapsible cage so I can get one cat secured while I go get the other one.
Stuff to do:
Call Plumber. The sewer situation isn't great but it's still moving. That just added to the stress this week but it was manageable.
Get garage door serviced. I didn't realize how much I needed to. My garage door is solid wood with real glass windows and it is FREAKING heavy. It's not bad when it's serviced and the springs are tight, but nigh impossible to open when it's not... and right now it's not. I can barely lift it. And now I can't get it back on the track to lift automatically.
Have already texted my handyman to take care of the tree, idk when he's coming though. May be a day or three =\ I don't love that.
Insurance called like Friday just to tell me they got my claim and are assigning an adjustor, but since my house is habitable and I'm not in immediate distress, I'm lower priority. I get it, but I don't love it because another bad storm and I may be in distress. But for now, just deal with all that.
I need to talk to my neighbors about the fact that I'm going to get a wood fence put up to replace our chain link one. It's time. They are lovely but I want the security of having my back yard fully fenced in. I've never done much with it back there and have shitty furniture because I'm like ehhhh.. it'll just get stolen if I put anything nice out there. I want the security and privacy of a full heavy fence. Gotta find someone to do that, too.
Get the electrician back to wire up the house for a generator.
Buy a generator (and gas cans) to run the fridge, an outlet for charging things, and either a window AC unit or space heater depending on season. That's all I need.
Clean out the garage, for real. This might wait until fall when it's cooler out. I can park my car in it but it's otherwise filled with clothes and just... stuff. I need to do a major wardrobe purge soon anyway. Need someplace to store the generator that I can easily pull it out and get it to the porch next time this happens.
So yeah, there's still a lot of work to be done.
This week sucked, but also it coulda been much worse and I had a lot of people being very cool with and/or concerned about me and that made it a lot easier.
And now I'm tired of typing. I hope anyone who actually read all this had a much better week. :D
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olichat-reads · 2 years
MHA with their cat companions | Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Uraraka
a/n: look this blog already caters to so much cat content i might as well go all the way 😂 this was so fun to write tho! i based a lot of this behaviours on my own cats so believe it or not very little is exagerated lmao
Kirishima Eijirou
owns the most social kitty in the world- like dad like furbaby
like a kid that says hello & waves to everyone on the street
has no qualms in making new friends be it cat, humans or even other animals
i headcanon kiri taking care of an old family dog, a sweet old doberman called rocky
kiri took him out for a walk one day, let him off at a dog park & he returns looking a little exasperated with a bright eyed bushy tailed little tortie glued to his side lmao
the size difference between the two is humorous but the cat is so unbothered, already so in love with his new bestfriend, running between rocky's legs, batting at those big paws playfully & already meowing up at kiri in greeting too
CANNOT seperate them. DON'T DO IT.
the little kitty starts CRYING the moment kiri TRIES to leave it behind & head back with rocky
had no choice but to take him home :)
everyone welcome pip (supposedly short for pebble) to the family
kiri brought him to the vet & everything because he acted too comfortable around people & even dogs 5 times his own size apparently
found out pip really was just a very friendly stray. a happy little thing :)
kiri is definitely one of those owners that never calls his pets by their given name lmao
rocky & pip are just 'big guy & little man'
kiri & pip both give off more doggy vibes than the actual dog lmao. the two have golden retriever energy while rocky is the calm old soul
they're just a wholesome little family <33
Sero Hanta
hanta has a long cat because i said so
actually no hanta has a meme cat
go ahead try to take a normal picture of fat gato. do it. i dare you.
you'll end up with a gallery of the stupidest cat pics
pics of him looking high af, butt licking pics, blep while he's sleeping pics, the list goes on
slap on top text, bottom text, you have a meme
not a single wholesome cute cat pic :') its never going to happen
fat gato is the chonkiest orange tabby you've ever seen btw
waddles around on his little legs
definitely overweight & lazy & on a diet
that meme of the vet showing a cat that he's overweight? that's him. that's fat gato.
hanta loves him tho. they're just both very chill & vibe together well. best homies.
oh OH- sero speaks to fat gato in spanish!! so he'll ONLY respond to spanish lmao.
like if the bakusquad comes over & tries to call fat gato over-
"fat gato! come here!" "we brought treats!"
and he'll just stare at them from across the room like 👁x👁
and sero will pop his head into the room from the kitchen & just repeat what they said in spanish "oye, gato. ellos tienen golosinas."
and its like a lightbulb just goes off in that furry head & he's rushing over with his stubby little legs, meowing excitedly for treats.
Ashido Mina
mina owns a hairless alien baby
i imagine she went to the shelter with every intention to get the prettiest model cat they have
but she laid eyes on this trembling little hairless baby with the most BEAUTIFUL blue eyes & the rest is history
and i would argue mina DID get the model cat she came for
queenie (look if mina can't name herself alien queen, she gets to call her child a queen) is a NATURAL model
that tiktok trend (?) of snapping candid photos to see if you're photogenic? QUEENIE
she just does 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 have 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 bad 👏🏻 angle 👏🏻
elegant little snob that poses for the camera, is insta famous & everything
because she's hairless, she doesn't mind clothes & is very okay with mina styling her
they totally have photoshoots together too!!!
mina's camera roll is just another level of #catmomlife
just the coolest mom & daughter on the block
you might think she's a spoiled furry brat but she's not 🥺
queenie is the most wholesome little kitty who loves mina a lot
making biscuits on mina's tummy when she's reading a magazine on her bed, 'grooming' her face when they're cuddling, just overall loving her owner
they kind of balance each other out too
mina is very outgoing & rowdy while queenie is more reserved & they make the best friends ever!!
Uraraka Ochako
chako is getting a little baby who is always hungry
his name is socks
because he's all white with a single orange striped foot (so really it should be sock as in a singular sock but sjksksj)
i imagine socks to match ochako's excited, cheery personality- a bit skittish around strangers but very friendly once he gets to know you
i think it would be funny if socks had a thing for deku too lmao
like ocha is bad at it but she tries being subtle about her crush on deku but socks gives no fucks
will run to the door, purring & meowing when deku comes over, licking his face & hands
deku doesn't mind but ocha's cheeks are just BURNING because it feels like socks is acting on HER feelings & she's just skhsks
he doesn't hoard deku tho. is happy to be with both mom & dad :)) good kitty :)
socks is also definitely one of those cats that get into your bread for some reason- takes a bite out of every. single. slice. right in the middle too.
ocha is just :'))
"you're lucky you're so cute you little RAT-"
she CANNOT leave any food or drinks in the open it WILL be stolen
its not like ocha doesn't feed him enough or anything. socks is just a ravenous lil baby & he just enjoys eating & tasting new things :')
not just meats and stuff like regular cats gravitate to either. if its food, he WILL have a taste-
ocha left orange juice on her desk? comes back to see him lapping it out of the glass
she's distracted on a phone call? socks will take the opportunity to taste the creampuff in her hand
he's just that meme of the kid running with a knife
"socks show me what you have!??"
"your lunch :D!"
a/n: bakugou, kaminari & eri are alr in my drafts haha. i'm so unfamiliar w the format for headcanons. i don't wanna clog too many characters into one post so i limited it to three characters? is it better that way? shorter posts but more parts? idk. lmk what you think
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chattegeorgiana · 1 year
Hey I'm the sasusaku fan reading Kaika Sasei. Thank you for the answer I'm looking forward. By the way, can you link here the written version? You have so many chapters written and I wanna know more before reading the manga.
I was hoping you could pick up fan's ideas, wish you could check out inosakutema they're a great trio though. I see that you plan to stay true to Kishimoto and I can pick up on the Temari situation with Sakura in Suna. (Hope it's the clinic!!).
Speaking of the clinic I can't wait to see your version of it. Boruto leaves me wanting for some more head of medical department Sakura. It's so simplified and boring, she's your average healer only when plot needs her and it's so boring only the same jutsu. It's like she ain't the world's strongest kunoichi and its best medical ninja.
I might be a loyal sasusaku but I'm not too hostile on Karin, I think she's really useful as a sensor and her sensory is the best in the world, I don't get how people downplay them. Hopefully you can find a spot for her in Konoha as their leader of Barrier.
I was sad when you didn't give any details about Hanabi. Neji was my favorite character and the only escape to his absence I could find is Hanabi, she's the best in Boruto all things considered (the story is trash). If you follow Kishimoto writing then I can rest assured she will lead her clan like I've been waiting for them to show already.
Hi there! Welcome back! 🤗
So, I have multiple formats for the written version.
I have it pretty much everywhere: my blog in storybook format on chatte-georgiana.com
This post here has a table of contents with all of them: https://chatte-georgiana.com/2020/10/25/kaika-saisei-naruto-au-after-the-war-sakura-haruno-centric/
Then, if you want, depending on what you’re most used to I have it on:
FFnet: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13771214/1/Kaika-Saisei (this one for some reason ruined some of the formatting and no matter what I try it won’t save the modificatiosn)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28149138/chapters/68971716
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1063652674-kaika-saisei-chapter-1-every-end-is-a-new
So, depending on what you like most, pick your favorite. 😁
Now to the next part of your question, regarding fan ideas and whatnot… to be honest I try to stay as far away as possible from that because at the end of the day this is the vision I have over her development & I’m writing it based on old theories I had regarding her. Which ironically came true partially and didn’t come true at the same time. It’s like Schroedinger’s cat situation lol.
From what you’re telling me there’s plenty of that in the original series though? Like I said, I’m trying my best to stay as far away from it, although I will have a certain reference to it at some point in the story. But that’ll come when it’ll come and that’s all I’m going to say about it cuz I don’t want to spoil. 😁
Of course there might be certain similarities to original due to the fact that certain things have been discussed in the fandom prior to the ending, so what the publisher did was take those ideas and put them into the actual story, lol. It’s more than clear at this point they’re scanning the fandom for ideas. But anyway, moving in from that….
As for the writing, yeah, I’m trying to stay as close as possible to Kishimoto’s writing though. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the Sakura/Temari thing I have in mind because in a way it’s not very far from what you’re telling me, it’s just that it’s maybe a different angle, let’s say.
As for the clinic, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it purely from the angle of Sakura being highly underutilized in OG material.
Like trust me, I tried giving Boruto a chance even if I was mad at the ending. I said ok, if the writing is good then I’ll give it a chance because at the end of the day, I can appreciate something good even if it’s not my preferred taste. But sadly, the way the franchise treats her it’s just lamentable, imo.
Medical ninjutsu used to be so much fun & intricate, but OG material just stuck to its ever used green aura type of thing and that’s it.
That’s precisely why in Kaika I did my best to try and give it the respect it deserves. Ofc, I might not do it 100% okay either, but at least I’ll try my best to go past the green glow. 🤷‍♀️
As for Karin, buckle up and think if this is going to be or not an impediment to you because as I said, this is going to be SK story in the end as well, not just NS. As I’ve said, I’m a big fan of the symbolism & mirroring Kishi did with them, so I’m planning on playing that out in Kaika as well.
I can understand how that might not be someone’s cup of tea, but I’ve always been real about what this story will be in terms of pairings.
As for her & Konoha sensory, well, I have let’s say other plans. At the moment Karin is very well focused on discovering more about her Uzumaki roots. And that’s all I will say for now. 👀
As for Hanabi, sorry, must’ve escaped my mind. In Kaika she’s currently the heiress of the Hyuga and as you’ll see from the written version, there’s some subplot involving her, a treasured Hyuga secret & the complications of being the heiress & having access to such a secret and trying to mend the relationship with her sister. But anyway, read the written version and you’ll see for yourself.
And as I said, in Kaika, Neji Hyuga will be brought back to the cast. 👀
As for the details of how that’ll happen, all I can say is just to follow the story. 👀🤭
Anyway, thanks once again for your interest in Kaika. Highly appreciated! 🙏 Hope you enjoy the written version! 😊
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real-reulbbr-band · 7 months
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the queen herself, victoria (character ask)
Oh, the most wonderful girl thank you!!
Why I like them
Her solos are some of the most mesmerizing parts of the show for me, and I would love to see them live. There's just this softness and grace about her that's very comforting.
Why I don’t
The entire 2019 Mr. Mistoffelees number was unbearably cringy for me as much as I like the film but particularly when she started singing. It was giving disney zombies....
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
I have three.
One of my first favorite scene is actually from Warsaw where she's dancing with the stars. It really goes back to her connection to the moon that nobody else seems to have.
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Alternatively, I love this scene where Jemima wants to approach Grizabella and brings Victoria along with her, and Victoria hesitantly looks back but decides to go along with Jem. They both scatter off when Jenny forbids them from touching Grizabella but I love how it nods back to how they're two half's of a hole.
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And of course, one of the softest parts in the show for me and in my opinion one of Victoria's best moments.
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Favorite season/movie
I Like Victoria in all versions of cats' media!! even when she's less prominent like in shiki. But for favorites I'll say standard version, 2019 film and broadway revival.
Favorite line
We're doing 2019 for this since Victoria doesn't have any solo lines.
"But at least you have beautiful ghosts."
I know a lot of people don't like this song and the criticisms for it and Victoria's character are fair, but I do think this sort of naive condescend-Iness works as a flaw for her. She doesn't mean harm, she want's to cheer up Grizabella and show that they're similar but ends up making Grizabella still feel isolated just like the jellicles.
Favorite outfit
I've grown to like the white / gold Victoria costume quite a bit but here's some designs I'm fond of:
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Ah, ok so I've been convinced a little but don't be mad please. 2019 verse and standard stage verse is with Rumpleteazer but revival verse is with Plato. I don't why or how that happened either but yea I hope that makes sense.
Mistoffelees recently, but mostly with Jemima. Again, two halves of a whole.
Head Canon
She worries a lot about injuries since she's aware about how delicate bones are and how a significant injury could hinder her dancing. So, she tends to watch her surroundings and positing more carefully than others.
Unpopular opinion
Hypothetically, I wouldn't mind if more non-reps went the warsaw/shiki route and didn't have Vitoria do a pas de deux but instead had a different solo involving the stars/moon.
A wish
More non-replica's to go all out with her design. Really emphasize the ballerina part of her look.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
probably losing her connection to the Jellicle moon, if she can't feel it at all she'll probably panic and assume something's wrong. If you want to look at it from a monochromatic sibling's angle, then she would've lost the one thing that made her "special" in comparison to her brother.
6 words to best describe them
HER WORDS they're perfect
Innocent, Romantic, Unselfconscious, Young, Inhibited, Inquisitive
My nickname for them
Again, I don't use character nicknames. But Vic<3
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muninnhuginn · 11 months
12, 22, 30!!! ❤️
Thanks for asking!
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Thought I'd go for something I've been trying to hold myself to personally here. I have no idea if this is particularly applicable to others to the same extent it is to me, but eh. Basically, it's incredibly easy sometimes to get fixated on your own mistakes, to try and mull over how you could have done things differently, to try and examine from all angles how it went wrong. The "what if"s essentially. And, don't get me wrong, you can often learn lessons from previous mistakes. And it can be healthy to vent or wallow occasionally. But oftentimes, it's just an excuse to wind yourself up further over what you could have done. To trip over yourself in guilt rather than looking at the present, which then just means you end up making the same mistakes -> why did I do that, I should know better -> rinse, repeat. So, if you're stuck on what-if scenarios and it's a case where you're not actually getting anything constructive out of it. (Namely, stuff like if you need to give an apology, if it's better to just leave it be, what you intend to do in a similar scenario if it arises, etc) If all it's achieving is making yourself feel worse? Stop. Just literally stop ruminating over it. And I know it's a lot easier to say that than *do* it, but the key thing is to catch yourself when you're doing the spiralling thing and just acknowledge that that's what's going on. Then try and move on. But at the same time, if you're not able to shut it off immediately, don't beat yourself up over it. Just recognising when you're in that zone is progress in of itself.
22. say 3 things about someone you love
This is more "loved" than "love" but I say it counts. So, my cat. - When it got cold in the winter and I was working from home, she would always come and sit on my lap and let me stroke her whilst I was doing stuff. Sometimes, she would get onto my lap by peeking up through the shelf intended for a printer and other times she would go straight over the desk. We had a system where when she wanted to leave, I'd spin the chair over to the bed and she'd walk from the desk over my lap to the bed to curl up and sleep. - One year, we got her a cat 'Christmas stocking'. It had a load of different things in it, but most importantly, it had these cat treats she really enjoyed. Unfortunately, we didn't realise she would be able to sus out what it was, so one day we got home and found the whole thing ripped open and scattered across the sides. After that, we made sure to hide any presents for her very carefully. - The only one of her toy type things we got her that she would actually use was the scratching post. If something had catnip in she'd get all big-eyed over it (which, no surprise, led to scratches), but anything else she'd just plain ignore. She was picky like that. I miss her.
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
I don't actually have any cheat code for this one. No guarantees so much as mitigations, but let's see. Hm. I think getting away from home for a bit is a big one. Just to change the environment up really (this applies doubly in autumn/winter when the weather and short days mean I spend most of my time inside). I'll often go find a nearby place that does hot chocolate and go sit there for a bit, listening to music if it's on in there or bringing my headphones along. If I've thought ahead I'll bring something to read as well. If the weather is nice there are some local areas to explore as well and some places that are fairly quiet. In the summer, you can head to the nearby graveyard and there's this abandoned chapel type building (unfortunately you can't get into it but you can go around it :<) and loads of crows and squirrels. I also as a general kinda happy thing rather than a cheering up kinda deal tend to like watching stuff with friends.
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marvelmaniac2000 · 8 months
when can you deliver the Sam x Mandy Totally Spies Drabble (this might have been sent twice)
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( Request sent from you Anon, sorry for the very late response, I had fun writing this tho <3)   
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Summary: Sam and Mandy are always bickering or cat fighting over the most simplest things. No one ever understands why these two girls can't just get along.
Subject:  Foreplay & kissing, lots of seduction, Hot core drabble/Fluff
Characters: Sam x Mandy (lesbo smut)
Words: 456 
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“What is your problem?!” Sam yelled to Mandy across her bedroom. 
“Um excuse me you invited me here remember?” Mandy continued to use Sam’s hair brush while looking at the mirror. Sam huffed while looking at the TV screen. “I just needed your advice for the upcoming mission we have before Jerry sends us back to somewhere else. 
  “How cute of you to ask me for advice, it’s about time you finally came to your senses and realize that I’m better than you” 
  Sam smirked to herself and tossed your paperwork neatly to the side. “Hey Mandy I think I owe you a huge apology for treating you in such an awful way.” Sam liked toying with her mind, reasoning being she was such an idiot in all honesty. Mandy’s signature purple top and cardigan shifted slightly revealing her toned belly underneath. 
 “You’re going to tell me how sorry you are for always making me seem like the sassy woman around everyone? And including our jobs?” Mandy raised her eyebrows looking at Sam with a little bit of maybe jealousy.
  Sam always had this inner feeling for her inside that she could never explain. She had such a strong personality but it made her hot as well. Her sleek long hair and beautiful features were something she quite admired sometimes. Mystic girl that Sam couldn’t resist. 
 “Hello?!” Mandy snapped her fingers in front of Sam’s face. Sam huffed. 
  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Mandy cocked her head slightly revealing her eyes in a certain angle. 
   Sam titled Mandy’s chin slightly toward her. “Because I think you need to relax a little..”
Mandy watches Sam gradually press her lips to hers. Her soft lips lock on hers with such ease. Sam moaned into the kiss and cusped her hand around her face.  
 Mandy grew silent and pressed her lips back against hers. Sam’s tongue continues to explore her mouth in every corner. Mandy grew impatient and roamed her hands over her shirt giving her breasts a squeeze. You let a husk moan and sucked onto her tongue wanting her even more. 
  “Let’s see how wet you are for me” Mandy unbuttoned her jeans and pressed her hand over Sam’s hot core. The dampness of her panties aroused Mandy even more. Mandy broke the kiss and stroked Sam’s luscious locks. “ I think it’s time we take this over there don’t you?”” Mandy reverted her eyes to the bed. 
“I think so too” Sam bit her bottom lip. 
Thank you for sending the request <3
My Card
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Fig Fashion Week: Fendi Blue Bud Han
Today we have the matching Zhehan to yesterday's LV Blue Ice Jun. They weren't sold together, but the fig maker designed them together.
The inspiration for this fig comes from Zhehan's shoot for the Fendi Vertigo Summer 2021 capsule collection. The groovy 70's influence can be seen in the Vertigo pattern on the bag he's holding!
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The fig maker absolutely nailed this design to this inspiration pic, I'm really impressed.
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But! He lost one of his feet! It actually came off in my hand - the fig arrived intact, and when I was trying to stand him up he wobbled and off it came. Oh no! You know that moment where you just kind of disassociate for a second, not able to process that something just happened in front of you? It was like that. My brain could not simply comprehend for a second that his foot had fallen off. I was like, what is this? What is happening right now?
ALL LIMBS INTACT is all I ask! And while we're on the subject, WHO was the librarian back in the 80s that thought it was a good idea to stock a little kid's book section chock full of ghost story comics and books? Where all limbs were definitely not attached, in lurid pulp print technicolor?
A different time, is all I can say.
Despite my delayed shriek of horror, it was not, when it came down to it, a big deal. Nothing actually broke - the foot just hadn't been glued securely in the factory so it just fell out. I just used a couple spots of glue and it went right back in his pant leg. All good. You know, except for my childhood flashbacks.
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Even with his little foot properly back in place, he doesn't stand up. I've noticed most of my Zhehan figs where he's wearing a bucket hat don't, I think because of the sheer size and weight. I propped him up to take this pic, and then promptly put him on a fig stand.
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This little cutie is thankfully a balm to my frazzled nerves. He's got little cats in his eyes, for goodness sakes!
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The fig maker changed the colorful strap of the bag in the inspiration pic to just a plain black strap in fig form. I think this was a good call - it's probably just too impractical to get all those colors in over that much territory.
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I will note that when I was searching for fig standee bases I was trying to figure out what exact size to get, since there was a wide variety. I finally settled on this 4cm size since I figured that diameter would provide enough real estate to counterbalance the weight of the figs, while also not taking up more space than say your average fig head. In the case of Zhehan and his wide variety of hats, they're definitely larger than the standee!
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I do love Zhehan in his hats. As someone who most definitely does not look good in hats, I especially appreciate when people took particularly cute and/or charming in them. Zhehan is both!
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This is a good angle to see the pose he's standing at, with one leg bent. All poses are good to see those very fancy shoes too.
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He's got the Zhehan fig proportions, all right!
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The little pocket design does, in fact, look a bit like a smiling face! I love it.
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The details on this fig are really well done. We have the details on the turtleneck, the smiley pocket tie! The exceptionally colorful bag and then of course those fancy kicks.
I will say I wish he was smiling in this, but that's simply my own personal preference. The fig maker was true to her muse and replicated the picture beautifully!
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I forgot to take a lying-down bottoms-up angle pic, so here's my poor attempt when he's already been fastened to the standee. I take zero responsibility for this lapse of memory given that I was so distracted by his foot falling off. I can't blame myself one bit!
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The top down is just about one big bucket hat! And a little wisp of hair.
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You'll notice he has the same matching style of artwork as yesterday's LV Blue Ice Jun! A different scene, but very much the matching style.
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Once again, more beautiful box artwork from this fig maker. I was her I'd be so proud of all the box art I had made for these figs that I'd get them all framed for my house.
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Here's our two handsome men, all dressed up in their beautiful blue clothes. They go beautifully together.
Material: PVC and sufficient glue!!!!
Fig Count: 333
Scene Count: 24
Rating: 💙💙
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Faulty-san :D Do you know those cliche confessions in shoujo anime where boy meets with girl at the back of the school and confesses?
That but it's F!reader that confesses to Iida 👀 She says good things about him and what she likes about his personality and ends it with a bow(like how iida bows, arms on sides and proper angle) and "-Please date me!"
Take ur time :] and have a series of cat memes🐱 cause i love you
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[ These cat pictures are both interesting and terrifying. But uh, thanks, I appreciate the love. Haha. So I do recall seeing and reading this in anime and manga. So let's see what we can do about this. ]
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As you stood in front of him, you recalled the events that led up to this point. 'You have to confess to him now!' Ashido said, pointing a finger at your face. 'What?' you replied before shaking your head and pushing her finger aside.
In retaliation, she grabbed your shoulders firmly. 'Come on! You can't just let him slip through your fingers!' you sucked in a breath and glanced to the side, thinking over her words. But before you could respond, she took a step back.
'I'll tell him to meet you in the back of the school!' she exclaimed excitedly and before you had the chance to stop her, she was out of sight. A sigh escaped before you brought your hand up to press against your forehead in a frustrated manner.
Part of you had hoped that Tenya wouldn't follow through, but you should have known better. If anyone, especially a classmate requested his help he'd be there and as you stared at him and those beautiful red eyes of his, you found that your mind was blank.
Now that you were face to face with him, all those feelings, all those loving and romantic thoughts you had about him wouldn't surface. Was it because you were so nervous? The rapid beating of your heart and the butterflies in your stomach certainly indicated exactly that.
But surely you could push past your nervousness and actually confess to him, right? You opened your mouth to speak, but just as quickly shut it. Your throat suddenly felt tight and dry, forcing you to swallow the little saliva you could gather on your tongue.
Tenya raised one of his unusual eyebrows and leaned forward. "Are you feeling unwell?" he questioned, having noted your odd behavior and failed attempt at speaking. You opened your mouth yet again, but much like before no words came.
This caused him to feel more concerned about you, but after he cleared his throat he proceeded to address the problem. "Forgive me," he began as he lifted his hand into the air and proceeded to move it frantically as per usual.
"Mina stated that you wished to speak with me, but you appear rather timid or perhaps hesitant in regards to the topic or situation you desire to speak about," granted he knew assuming was rude and impolite, but this was not like your usual behavior.
So what is it that could be bothering you? Was it serious? "I would be honored if there was a way I could assist you," he wanted to ask if you needed medical attention but also thought it best to hear a verbal response from you first.
"Mm..." you glanced away, feeling your cheeks heat up. 'Okay take a deep breath and just say whatever comes to mind' most would think this was bad advice, but nonetheless, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath through your nose and out of your mouth.
Then you focused your attention on Tenya and took a step forward, somewhat startling him. "I like you, Iida!" his eyes widened and he looked dumbfounded, blinking once or twice before adjusting his glasses so they were once again balanced perfectly on the bridge of his nose.
"I...pardon?" he replied and you dropped your head with a sigh. "I..." the temptation to give up or turn around and run was strong. But you knew if you did that then you'd never hear the end of it from Ashido. So instead, you took another deep breath to regain your composure.
Picking your head back up, you took a step toward Tenya and while he continued to look confused, you blurted out, "I have...f-feelings for you Iida! I've liked you since...well since I saw you at the entrance exam a-and..." you glanced away which was probably best. You didn't exactly want to see what expression he was wearing right now.
"I...y-you're smart and helpful and honorable and c-cute when you're angry," or at least you thought so. "Oh, and y-your hand c-chopping thing...is...is c-cute too um..." you weakly copied the movement though it wasn't nearly as intense as when he did it.
"Y-you're just really great and considerate...I love your passion, i-it's well...d-different," you explained nervously before covering your mouth. What else could you say? There were so many other qualities that made you like him.
His appearance, his way of speaking, that slightly sexy tone he got in his voice when he barked out commands. "Y-Y/n I..." he was in disbelief, feeling an unusual heat rise in his cheeks at the series of compliments you had just delivered him.
However, he had no prior experience when it came to romance and though he knew it was courteous to acknowledge someone else's feelings, he didn't get the chance to do so because you proceeded to bow. Your posture was straight and your hands firmly pressed against your sides.
"P-please..." you said as the wind came to gently ruffle your hair, "d-date me..." you could barely believe what you were asking. There was no way Tenya would agree to date you, would he? Then again, you didn't want to be rejected.
'Damn it!' you felt your heart sink and your anxiety begin to get the better of you. "I...I'm rather flattered that you feel such a way, however-" he reached out but ended up recoiling when you suddenly turned and ran.
He looked shocked before calling after you, but it was too late. Maybe it was silly to let your emotions get the better of you. But you didn't want to be rejected so soon after confessing. Tomorrow maybe, but not today.
A frown came to his face before he lowered his hand to his side. "Perhaps Y/n was seeking immediate clarification," he stated out loud, continuing to feel the rapid pace of his heart and the heat of his slightly flushed face.
The feeling of guilt then came, but he quickly shook his head. "I'll speak with her tomorrow," he said, grasping his chin in thought. "However, it would be beneficial to conduct a search on the proper etiquettes of a date," then again, he could ask his friends for advice on this particular situation.
More than likely he'd be speaking about it to them regardless, but perhaps they weren't the best source to seek romantic knowledge from. He trusted them, and he knew they only sought his best interest. Yet, it would be more appropriate to keep this a secret between the two of you for now.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Realizing i can terrorize you in your askbox too hehehe
LESBIAN princess cake for “stay with me a while longer” 🤩
lesbian princess cake just for you... and me from the angst prompt challenge
Nico's always dressed and is out of the motorhome before Jenson's barely dried her hair. It helps Nico wears her cropped blonde hair slicked back anyways, so leaving Jenson's motorhome with wet hair just looks like regular Nico. Jenson knows if she sleeps with her hair wet, she will get a migraine or a cold before race weekend and Lewis will smirk at her, offering to join him on the shaved head crusade.
Ron Dennis has different standards for his drivers and respectability, Lewis is expected to never grow out his hair -- while Jense's expected to never cut hers, keeping it mid shoulder length. Wouldn't want their female driver looking too much like a carpet muncher, or so she had overheard.
She did just finish eating Nico out, so not sure whether she was beating those allegations. Jenson had to act fast, the five minutes it took for Nico to come back from seeing stars, breathing slowly coming on an even, soft pale thighs splayed out with red splotches near the inside where Jenson left her mark -- Jenson couldn't waste her time stunned, wanting to keep her like that forever. Instead, she found Nico could be tricked and persuaded into staying longer if she had chocolate pudding around, maybe a warm cuppa. Nico would frown, staring at the peace offering like a threat before slowly acquiescing, slow blinks like a cat, and Jenson could get in an extra ten, fifteen minutes of cuddling; maybe make out again if she's lucky. Nico mostly liked to talk about engine upgrades, or shoes -- which was surprising considering how much she liked being barefoot, and Jenson was content to listen.
Jenson checked the tiny fridge in her motorhome and -- fuck, they didn't have pudding. Why the fuck didn't they have pudding, she had specifically asked--
From the corner of her eyes, she could see Nico to her senses, pulling up her panties from where they'd been at her knees to limit mobility when Jense fingered her open.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
She put the kettle to boil -- scrambling, looking for teabags when Nico was at the doorframe, bag in hand.
"Gonna head out now," she shrugged awkwardly, waiting for Jenson to kiss her forehead and walk her out -- their little routine of normalcy. Close gal pals, to the press who were savouring for a cat fight angle every-time the Williams went against the Mclaren, why let the only two female formula one drivers coexist in peace? Jense knew it bothered Nico more than her, the claims she was only here because of her father, the pressure of having to work twice as hard. Jenson had her World Championship title, she's made her history; Nico's yet to have her first win, and she whispers into her hair with complete faith it's coming.
That's why Jenson can never ask her to stay. It's wanting too much, when she already has it all. These pockets of time are all Nico's comfortable with -- she doesn't want to take more, and more, and more.
She wants more. "Why don't you stay the night?" Jenson breaks her imposed rules, asks a little high pitched. "C'mon, Britney, we'll make it a girls' night in." Jense tried to ease the tension.
Nico immediately frowns, and Jenson wants to kiss the frown winkles between her eyes. "I-- you know we can't." Nico's been spotted around the Mclaren motorhome a few times, people assume she's dating Lewis. Something about childhood friends and all. Maybe it would've been easier if she was with Lewis, even if they'd rip each other's heads off.
"For me?" Jenson asks, pleads really -- she's not above begging a beautiful girl — the most beautiful girl — to stay. "Just a little longer. Stay with me, please."
She's broken containment, their little hookup they did not put a name to. Whatever choice Nico made now, they couldn't go back from it; pretending this had no strings attached from either of them.
Nico opened her mouth to reply.
The electric kettle beeped.
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"The Game"
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Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink.
Golf is boring. You wanna play something else...
"Swinging on the front porch, swinging on the floor.
Swinging where we want, cause there ain't nobody home..."
Cherry Pie - Warrant
He should have known it was a trap. He should have known it from the very first minute. This was punishment, plain and simple punishment. Unusually cruel punishment. He didn't even know why he was so surprised, in fact, he should have seen it coming a mile away. After all, you were about as subtle as a train wreck. And that was exactly how you had hitted him. 
You had always despised golf, said it was snobbish and boring. But he always invited you to tag along just in case, because sharing one of his favorite activities with his favorite girl? That sounded almost like paradise to him. That was probably the reason why that morning, when you had jumped at the chance to join him at the country club, he hadn't suspected a thing.
Oh, how naive he was. How trusting of him. Because now, he had to play 18 while trying to conceal a throbbing, almost painful erection, watching you prance around wearing that. It was ridiculous. It was silly. It was cliche.
It was driving him completely insane.
Your little ensemble was straight out of some soft-porn movie set, he was sure of it: Keds, knee high socks… and a criminally short pleated skirt, especially designed to torture him. You guys weren't even half way through, and he was already about to snap, with his arms enveloping you, hands over yours on the handle of the club, as you bended over just a little, ass pressing against his pelvis just enough to tease him, to remind him how good it felt being buried to the hilt inside your tight, tight heat, the slapping sounds of skin against skin combining with your moans...
One of his hands let go of the club, subconsciously wrapping itself over your hip bone, when you moved, twisting, hips getting away from his. 
"Oh my god! I can't believe it, did you see that?" You turned around to face him, eyes alight with joy at having hit the ball for the first time in your life. 
And for a second, he felt bad. He was probably reading too much into it, chances were you didn't even know what you were doing to him. You were innocent in all that, it wasn't your fault not knowing just how damn irresistible you were, how hard you made him just by standing close to him…
Until he noticed the outline of your nipples under your white t-shirt, made almost see through under the bright sunlight. His eyes squinted in suspicion.
"Are you wearing any underwear?" He blurted out, cheeks immediately turning red, looking around to make sure no one had heard him. But there was no one around, not many people playing on a wednesday morning. In fact, you had the whole course pretty much for your selves.
His cock twitched inside his pants, but he shook himself, squashing the thought before it could take full shape.
You seemed to ignore him, as your face fell.
"I… don't think I was supposed to shoot it that way, though" 
Tom's eyes followed yours, but try as he might, he couldn't find the white dot he was looking for.
"Where the hell did it go?"
"I think it landed behind those bushes" You pointed to the far away patch of hydrangeas on the other side of the field. He couldn't help the snort that left his mouth,
"Yeah, that's not even close to where it should be!"
"Hey! Don't laugh at me"
"I mean, at least we know you have a strong swing" He let out between laughs
You rolled your eyes,
"Be gentle with me, this is my first time" 
The laughter died in his throat like you knew it would, as the innuendo hit him, eyes darkening as they roved over your body once again. You had to know what you were doing... 
You turned around so he couldn't see your smirk, as you started walking in big strides in the direction of the bushes, leaving him to struggle to follow you, carrying the bag full of clubs. 
It wasn't a bad sight, he had to admit, watching you walk ahead of him, your skirt bouncing with your movements, hips swaying gently from side to side. And it was even better as you reached the tall plants, parting the branches trying to see past them, bending over once again, your short skirt riding up your thighs, higher, and higher. He gulped, what little blood was left in his brain rushing south, as he saw the cleft where the round globes of your ass met your legs. You climbed on your tiptoes, and he choked on a groan: just a little bit more and the answer to whether you had or not any underwear on would be right before his eyes, literally…
"Found it!" You called out, victorious, falling to your heels again, walking around the lilac flowers, disappearing from sight, heedless to his disappointment. 
He knew it was a bad idea, as he trailed after you, like in a trance. But there you were, waiting for him behind the tall wall of bushes hiding you both from sight from every angle, mischievous glint in your eye.
The ball was nowhere to be found, and he finally understood.
Your stomach made a flip as Tom tugged at his glove with his teeth, discarding it on the green grass, his whole demeanor changing before your eyes, jaw squaring, eyes hardening, movements slow and measured as he circled you like a tiger stalking his prey. 
"You dirty little liar" He accused, watching the corners of your mouth twitch, trying to hide your satisfied smile, but it was useless: you looked every bit like the cat that got the cream. Well, he knew of another thing that looked great dripping down your chin…
"You think you're real clever, don't you? Really sneaky, teasing me all morning with this little outfit," He let his now naked hand trace your nipples, already hard under the fabric of your tee, making goosebumps erupt on your skin. He was right, you hadn't bothered with a bra, "making me hard with your little touches and smart mouthed comments…"
"Golf is boring" You shrugged, "I wanna play something else" 
He stepped back, away from you, leaving you feeling cold without his heat, despite the bright sunshine. 
"Too bad, baby girl, I'm done with games" His eyes were steel as he commanded, "Show me"
"Show you what?" You looked at him through your eyelashes, you knew how much he liked it when you played coy. But this time, he had told you the truth, the games were over.
"You know bloody well what" His south London accent was always heavy when his patience was wearing thin, "lift that little skirt and show me what's mine" 
You obeyed, and this time, he did groan, the wet patch on the simple white cotton of your thong almost better than his fantasies of your bare skin. 
He fell to his knees on the grass. God, he was so whipped! His plan had been to have you kneeling in front of him, choking on his cock as he fucked your mouth so deep and hard that tears would stream down your face. He would release himself down your throat, leaving you begging for his softening cock, his fingers, his tongue, his freaking golf club, anything to fill your empty little cunt. But of course all of that flew out the window the second he actually saw that pretty pussy through your panties, made almost transparent with your desire for him, the fabric clinging to every curve, every little detail clear for him to admire.
"Come here, baby girl" His tone was much softer as he spoke, "let daddy have a little taste" 
You did as you were told, never stopping to hold your skirt up high for him. Tom nuzzled the cotton, breathing you in before hooking one finger on the damp fabric, tugging gently to the side to reveal your most secret spot to him. He let his tongue poke out, placing kitten licks against your clit, eyes rising to meet your face. Your own were closed already, little frown between your eyebrows, as if the tiny shocks of pleasure coursing through your body confused you. So expressive. So responsive. 
How could he ever stay mad at you when you were so fucking perfect? It only took one taste of you to melt whatever was left of his anger, as he marveled of the angel whining so prettily above him, delicate fingers digging into his shoulders to support herself as her legs shook for him. It never failed to amaze him, to blow his mind. It had always been like that, he had put you up on a pedestal long before you had started dating. 
But now, he wanted to lay you down, and spread you open under the sun. 
He tsked at your huff as his tongue left you.
"No, baby, you don't get to complain today. You've been a very bad girl, so now," He helped you down onto your back on the grass, making quick work of your panties. Taking a hold of your ankles, he hooked them over his shoulders, aligning himself with your dripping center, "you're going to take my cock like a good girl" 
With that, he let his head breach you, entering you slowly, so slowly. Savoring every second, sliding in inch by inch, making you feel every millimeter of his thick, thick length as he buried it into your sweet pussy, stretching you to the limits of pleasure. He had you fold almost in half, as his pelvis finally met yours. You sighed, you had thought he would burst through your ovaries before he was completely seated inside you.
"Can you feel me, babygirl? Feel how deep I am?" 
You nodded, unable to form words. He relented, only a couple of inches, before surging back in. 
"Feel me stretching your tight little cunt? Fuck, it feels so snug…"
He drew back again, snapping back against you harder, making you cry out,
"Only I can fill you like this" He breathed, in and out again, and again. And again, establishing a harsh rhythm, "This pussy belongs to me…" 
"Yes, daddy" You sobbed, obediently. By now you knew exactly what he wanted to hear. He tugged at your t-shirt, sneaking his hand under it, massaging your breast. 
"These pretty tits are mine…"
It was hard to concentrate with him railing you into the ground, fast, brutal. Making sure the base of his cock dragged against your clit just right with every thrust.
"Yours, daddy" You managed, somehow, earning yourself a smile. If wolves could really smile at lambs before gobbling them right up...
He leaned forwards, bracing himself on one arm, the other travelling from your chest, to your neck. To your jaw. His tumb caressed your lower lip, and you opened up to him. Two of his fingers slid inside your mouth, pressing down on your tongue, you sucked them eagerly, hollowing your cheeks just the way he liked. 
"My princess… so pretty with your mouth full" Tom praised, hips never stopping, plunging his cock into you as far as it would go, over and over again, "wanna fuck your beautiful face… but this pussy… feels too good"
You sobbed around his fingers.
"So good… won't let me go… a slave" His thrusts were becoming messy. Erratic. Tom took his fingers out of your mouth to flick your clit with them.
"No, Tommy! Too much…" You cried, pushing at his hand, overstimulated. But he wouldn't budge. 
"Don't care. You're gonna take it" He growled, but sweetly kissed away your tears. He needed you to come, fast. Because there was no way he was lasting much longer, and you knew what to say if you really wanted him to stop anyway. 
"Fuck… yeah, just like that" he could feel you tensing around him. You were almost there, and he was right behind you, "so good… gonna come, baby girl. Gonna come inside you…" 
You shook your head, too delirious to express it with words, but he knew. You didn't like feeling dirty, didn't like the smell. But he fucking loved it. 
"Oh yeah… gonna fill you up… and you're not getting those panties back" His smirk was devilish, filthy. And you were sure that, even without his cock jackhammering into you, you could have come from that look alone. "Gonna see myself dripping down your thighs as you walk…"
His movements were downright sloppy now, as his words edged himself as much as they were edging you.
"Gonna have you sit in the car just like that… ruin your fucking little skirt… OH, FUCK" 
You felt his cock swell, pumping his seed inside your loins. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from screaming, as his climax unleashed your own. Still, he kept moving,
"Gonna put your mouth around me while I drive…" There was no way the morning was ending without him having your mouth.
"Tom…" You could feel him begin to soften inside you, but he still wouldn't stop.
"Shhh, baby girl. Wanna make a mess…"
The end.
Buy me a coffee
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wolken-himmel · 3 years
In which Rook can't help but get infatuated with (Y/n) due to how much of a good archer she is. Sadly, his watchful and eccentric tendencies tend to creep her out, causing her to have a negative opinion of him.
Well, how does Rook rectify that? How about a bet: He'll leave (Y/n) alone if she wins... but does she actually want to be left alone?
Request by @shikigamiuwu.
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Rook remembered very well when he had first taken interest in you — it had been exactly thirteen days ago on a wonderful and clear afternoon such as right now. While he had strolled around the forest to collect some wood to make arrows out of, he had seen you practice archery — and you won't believe how much your skill blew him away.
Another archer? He was ecstatic!
Days upon days he spent collecting information about you, snapping pictures when you weren't looking. Since recently, he had even summoned his courage to humbly shower you with compliments that would make even Vil blush from how touching and heartfelt they were.
Yet, there was a problem: You seemed to dislike him.
Of course, that didn't deter Rook at all! No, it only made him even more determined to win your heart. That's why he was currently sitting behind one of the withered bushes and hedges on Ramshackle's property, his trusty old camera in his hands as he peered up at you, who stood on the patio of the building.
A makeshift bow in your hand and a few dozen arrows balanced on the fence you had your elbows propped up on, you waved your arms around to give commands to Grim, who stood on the far end of where the spiky fence marked the end of your front yard. "Just a little bit farther to the right, Grim—" you yelled, jumping around like a mad woman so Grim could hear you.
Grim fearfully put the apple on his head once you had stopped waving around with your arms. "(Y/n), are you sure about this?" he asked, shaking in utter fear as you readied your bow with an arrow and aimed it right at him. "What if you miss?"
You rolled your eyes as you aimed at the squeaky red apple. "Grim, don't you trust me?" you asked, clicking your tongue.
Rook watched you through the lense of his camera, ready to press down his finger in the right moment to capture your beauty in its best angle. His jaw fell down, and his heart began thumping wildly as you pulled the string close to your sleeve. He was utterly enchanted!
Grim shut his eyes, his paws covering his face. "Well, I trust you!" he screamed, his voice breaking at the end. No matter how much he didn't want to look, curiosity got the better of him as he wanted to assess the situation's danger. It only made his stomach churn worse when he squinted enough to see the rather trashy makeshift bow in your hands. "But I don't trust that make-shift bow... it doesn't look the most trustworthy."
Carefree laughter spilt from your lips — so much that you almost managed to convince your poor cat that you would, under no circumstances, miss the target on his head. "Don't worry, Grim," you mumbled as you pressed your lips together into a thin line, the sharp iron tip of the arrow pointed right at the fruit between Grim's trembling ears. "I know what I'm doing."
Rook, unable to help himself, lowered the camera to momentarily be bewitched by the utter confidence you had in your archery skill. He knew how skilled you were, and yet he felt like he had seen nothing of your prowess yet. "Ah... ma cherie..." he drawled to himself, his eyes as bright as the sun in the sky. "So beautiful! So strong yet delicate..."
"Are you ready, Grim?" Rook was promptly snapped out of his trance as you uttered those words. Quickly raising the camera to his eyes again, he readied himself to snap a picture at the perfect moment.
Grim subtly shook his head, afraid you would miss if he moved too much. "I will never be."
His words merely caused you to chuckle. "Great! Let's do it..." Your fingers had already let go of the pulled-back string when a sudden lightning flash caused you to tumble to the floor. You gasped as your head shot up realise that the course of your arrow had been slightly altered, now about to lodge itself right between Grim's squinted eyes. "Grim! Get away!"
Grim immediately bolted, allowing the arrow to barely zoom past his ears. As he cowered on the floor, his paws covering his head, the apple tumbled to the grassy floor. The arrow hit the bark of the tree right behind the cat, the tip having lodged itself deeply into the wood of the creaky old tree.
The surprise on your face was replaced by sheer anger when you noticed a purple hat poking out from behind the unruly hedges. You narrowed your eyes, realising such a hat could only mean one thing. "Rook Hunt! For the love of the Great Seven—" you screamed, causing the Pomefiore student to reveal himself and shoot you an apologetic smile.
Rook cursed himself for having forgotten that lightning still had been enabled. This wasn't like him — he usually was very effective and capable of what he liked to do most: watching people. You somehow just managed to make him confuse left with right — and he loved you for it.
"Grim! Hey!" For the time being, you decided to forget about Rook and to instead focus on the traumatised being laying by the tree in the distance. Your legs carried you as quickly as you could, but Rook managed to be by Grim's side before you because the hedges were close to Grim. The blond bent over the seemingly unconscious cat, his fox-like eyes scanning the fallen beast for any injuries. You arrived by Rook's side soon, panting and heaving. "Grim, are you alright?"
"Oui, I see no injuries," Rook remarked, causing your head to snap up in utter fury. You glared at him, hoping he would just leave the property — but your angry expression caused his lips to tug up into an adoring smile. Feeling your cheeks heat up embarrassment when he merely winked at you, you raised your hand to slap him.
Forgetting all about poor Grim, you shouted, "Rook! What are you doing here?" You narrowed your eyes, and pulled your hand back to slap him. As you brought it forward, he easily caught your wrist with inhuman reflexes only a talented hunter could have. He laughed as you wretched your wrist out of his grasp. Exasperated, you cried out in utter frustration. "This is the third time today already I've caught you snooping around!"
Rook laughed as he stepped closer to you, relishing in the way you crossed your arms and grumbled to yourself. "—did my beauty distract you?" he cooed while he busied himself by playing with his hair.
"Yes—" You barely managed to stop yourself from automatically replying with what he wanted to hear. Too late, he had already heard you, judging by the smug grin that appeared on his face. Ripping your mouth wide open again, you angrily stuttered out, "Wait no, you bastard—"
Rook waved his hand in a casual manner, dismissive of the insults you threw at him. He turned his attention away from you to take a better look at the still unconscious cat, which only managed to make you even more furious.
"Anyway, we should go help Grim," he muttered, turning the cat around with his hands moving so nimbly. Grim's face soon faced the sky, and Rook ran his gloved hand across the animal's chest. "Well, he seems like he's alright? Breathing is even... heart-rate, too. Although it is slightly accelerated."
Huffing, you pushed Rook away from Grim. "Aside. I know what to do, Hunt," you sneered as the blond successfully fell to the ground. Rook merely laughed as you had taken his place, and he remained on the ground to watch as you pulled the traumatised cat into your arms, cradling him like he was a baby. Bringing your lips close to his flaming ears, you parted your lips. "Grim, I have tuna."
Grim's eyes immediately shot open, and he all out of a sudden seemed lively again. "Where?!"
You exhaled in relief as you pulled your companion into a bone-crushing hug. Something akin to sobs escaped your lips. "Grim, I almost thought I had lost you..." you murmured against his fur, completely ignoring the fact that Rook was still staring holes into your sides.
Grim pushed you away, hissing, "I'll never let you shoot arrows at an apple on my head again..."
"Hey, it's not my fault!" you exclaimed while you pulled away from Grim, grabbing him by his shoulders. Your gaze snapped to Rook, and it turned angry. "Sir Stalker appeared out of nowhere and startled me..."
Rook clutched his heart with his hands. "Aww, you're giving me a nickname already, ma cherie?" he cooed, giving you the happiest smile he could muster. Butterflies erupted in his stomach as your frustration turned into irritation. His smile turned into a coy grin. "I'm flattered."
Sighing, you turned around so that your back faced him. "You shouldn't be," you murmured as you rose to your feet, keeping Grim in your arms. Deciding that Rook was a hopeless case, you diverted your whole attention to your cherished companion. "Let's go, Grim. You deserve some tuna."
Grim hummed, squirming from the strange mood in the front yard. "Thanks..." He pawed at your chest in hopes you'd leave the area soon.
You distanced yourself from Rook with the intention to enter your dorm. After a few steps, you turned around to glare at Rook one final time. "I don't want to see you here again—" Your eyes narrowed. "Or I'll shoot an arrow right between your eyes."
Rook was snapped out of his state of being bewitched when the door to Ramshackle was slammed close loudly. Resting his elbows on his knees, he simply remained there with a smile on his lips. "Ah, what a peculiar girl you are, (Y/n)..." he mumbled, giggling like a little schoolboy. "I fear cupid might have hit me already."
Ever since that little incident, Rook had been glued to your side like some stray animal searching for your attention. He would follow you everywhere, and it was very quickly annoying you — especially when people would comment on how adorable of a couple you were.
"Your beauty is unmatched, my little archer," Rook cooed as he sat across from you, the table being the only thing that separated you and him. Your fingers clenched around the book you had been hiding behind, and slowly, you lowered it to glare at the French hunter.
Narrowing your eyes, you hissed, "Rook, stop it."
"How could I?" he asked, his cheeks resting in his palms as he gazed at you as if you were the prettiest person in twisted wonderland. You threw your book onto the table in utter exasperation, which didn't make him wince even a little bit; his gaze never broke away from yours — even as you jumped up from your chair. The birds around you in the courtyard took off at the bang that startled them greatly. Rook merely laughed at your sour scowl. "You're all I think about lately, ma cherie."
Realising that your sudden outburst wouldn't scare him away, you sank down again. Your face remained buried in your arms, and a loud groan escaped your throat. "This is getting annoying..." you cried out, peeking up to glare at him. Rook grinned down at you, unable to help but swoon at how adorable you looked. "Rook! Stop it! What can I do to get you to stop?"
Rook hummed in satisfaction and brought his hands together to clap a few times. It seemed like he had a change in demeanour, which definitely intrigued you. "Well, I have a proposition," he announced, the silly smile on his lips replaced by a mischievous shimmer in his hypnotising eyes. "We'll hold a little competition: Whoever can hit the apple on that tree from five-hundred metres away with a bow and arrow will owe the other one a favour."
You listened intently, and yet his words all flew past your ears since his voice was so beautiful and his accent caused your heart to swoon. For a moment, you couldn't help but notice how handsome he actually was — that was until you caught yourself in horror. Slapping yourself for having such strange thoughts, you quickly snapped back into reality.
Quirking and eyebrow when Rook rose from the table to trudge off into the distance, you desperately stumbled up to follow him. He watched with a satisfied grin as you managed to catch up to him, a perplexed frown on your face. "So, does that mean you'll leave me alone if I win?" you asked, your chest heaving up and down.
Rook hummed as he abruptly came to a stop, causing you to almost bump into his back. "Oui," he said, whistling a sweet tune. "I'll leave you alone."
You yelped as you almost lost your balance, but Rook shot around to grab you by your waist to stabilise you. For a moment, your eyes were glued to one another — and you felt like you were drowning in his eyes. It just felt so right to inch closer to him, and he watched in amusement as your eyes showed inner conflict. In the end, you narrowed your eyes and took a step backward. His hands retreated back to his side as he crept forward, smiling to mask his disappointment all the while.
"So... a bet..." you repeated, standing still. You watched him suspiciously as he came to a halt in front of you and stared you down with an intense gaze. "And if you win?"
Rook chuckled under his breath as he grabbed a strand of your hair to twirl it between his gloved fingers. You furrowed your eyebrows but didn't back away; you wanted to show him that you were strong. Dramatically, he announced, "Then you'll go on a date with me."
A horrified expression appeared on your face, and Rook dropped the strand of hair and backed away from you. "Ew... I don't like the sound of that," you murmured under your breath, feigning to gag. Rook merely laughed in a carefree way as he watched you try and appear all disgusted. Soon, a big grin appeared on your face while you raised your gaze to glare at him challengingly. "But it's okay, I'm very sure I can beat you, loverboy."
Rook's eyebrows quirked up in amusement. "Loverboy~?"
Your cheeks flared up as you realised what you had called him. Gulping, you huffed, "Ignore that." He merely hummed, knowing the way you had addressed him wasn't just some mistake. You awkwardly coughed into your fist before you turned around and bolted away. "Anyway, let me get my bow and arrow! We'll meet here in ten minutes, sharp. Don't be late."
Rook watched as you disappeared from his vision, a giant grin on his lips. "Hm~"
"That apple?" you asked as you pointed at the red fruit hanging on the highest branch of the apple tree in the far distance, your bow in one hand and an arrow in the other.
"Oui." Rook grinned as he stood beside you, his own bow in his hands. He shot you a little wink. "Good luck, ma cherie."
You rolled your eyes and tried your best to ignore him. "Thanks," you pressed through your teeth before you put your whole attention to the task at hand. Everything aside from said apple in the distance disappeared — well, it would have if it weren't for Rook's intense stare that caused your heart to beat quicker. Lowering the bow once again, you snapped your head towards Rook. "Hey, stop staring at me like that."
Your exhausted expression caused him to smile sheepishly. "Pardon, but your beauty is just so exquisite! The way your eyes light up in determination when you gaze at your target—" His breathing was erratic and quick like he had just ran a marathon. Extending his arms towards you, he yelled, "I am utterly love-struck!"
Your eyes softened as you searched his eyes for an ounce of truth — and you could find nothing else but truth and genuineness. Taken aback, you suddenly felt like your world had been turned upside down when realisation hit you like a truck. Had he always looked at you that way — so lovingly and affectionately?
"Wait, are you serious?"
Rook nodded vigorously, laughing. "I am serious! How could I lie to you?"
You gulped as your heart beat so quickly that it would have almost leapt out of your chest. Your doubtful eyes turned to the target you had to hit in order for him to leave him alone. Suddenly, victory didn't seem so sweet anymore. Shaking your head to get these strange thoughts out of your head, you raised your bow once again and aimed at the apple. "Alright, Rook..." you mumbled, although your voice shook slightly. "Watch as I defeat you."
Rook tipped his hat in a playful manner. "I've been watching all this time."
His words caused a little smile to appear on your lips as you let go of the string. Rook watched with bated breath as the arrow cut through the air as it made its way towards the apple — only to miss by a single centimetre! The branch shook from the gust of wind, but nothing happened otherwise. "Oh what a shame..." you mumbled in feigned surprise and disappointment as you covered your mouth with your free hand. "I missed!"
"Oh no! Or rather, oh yes!" Rook cheered loudly. Ths way he danced a little bit caused a giggle to escape your lips; but you quickly caught yourself again when he shot you a teasing look. Now, it was his turn to sink an arrow into the apple. He raised the bow, and pulled the string back. "Let me have a shot!" His giddiness could barely be contained, but it wasn't as if this task was a hard one for the seasoned hunter.
You two watched as the arrow once again zoomed through the air. But this time, the sharp tip of the arrow lodged itself into the apple's flesh. An unreadable look flashed across your face as you witnessed how the apple was ripped off the branch due to the arrow's force and fell to the ground.
"Hm..." you hummed, trying to crack a smile. "Congrats—"
Rook lowered his bow and placed it on the bench beside you, where the rest of your equipment lay. He could barely contain his joy as he rushed back over to you. "Oui, a child's play~" he drawled, wrapping his arms around you to embrace you happily. For the first time, you eagerly wrapped your arms around his torso, too, and buried your face in his shoulder. Your gesture caused Rook to grin widely. "It's suspicious how you managed to miss the apple. Maybe you missed intentionally to go on a date with me~?"
His words caused you to push him away angrily. "Shut up! No!" you barked, which only made him grin even wider with that blush on your face. He stayed silent, only wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Sighing in defeat, you pulled him back into your arms. "Okay maybe... maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were. You're actually kinda cute."
Rook ran his gloved hand through your hair. "Aw, aren't you an adorable little rabbit? Just waiting to be chased by your hunter."
"I'll lodge an arrow through your chest if you say that again," you seethed against his neck.
"Alors, you already hit my heart."
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leahblackk · 3 years
Lies pt.3
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(The gif is not mine. Whoever made this thank you so much and I’m sorry)
Summary: After Y/n is kidnapped Spencer needs to find her before it is too late, but this makes Spencer being put into a very familiar position.
Type: Angst.
Alright people, finally we have the last part of lies and I have to thank all of you for the support and for being so patient with me. I am so sorry for taking so long, and I am sorry for what you will read. I might or might not have cried while I was writing it and editing it. And this fucking thing is so longgg so i am sorry. It took 16 pages like what???
With so much love and pain, Leah.
If you haven't read the first and second part here are the links. 
And if you can read this while listening to Moonlight by future Islands it will be perfect because I was definitely listening to it while I wrote this.
People who asked me to tag them: @rexorangecouny, @b-a-utiful, @measure-in-pain, @jemimah-b99, @brod16​ 
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Y/n and Spencer have never been apart from each other. There was something that made the two young doctors crave each other. There was a connection with so much chemistry, with so much love and appreciation. The love they felt for each other wasn't like the others, and they never felt that way with anyone. After all, they belong together because they fit together. Because they were meant to be.
One of their first dates was to watch stars while they made a picnic. Spencer remembers the way her hair was being softly moved by the cold wind of that night. The moon wasn't complete because that way, they could see the stars better. The constellations were connected in the way they were, how the sky was being decorated by the little space things we call stars.
Spencer remembers very vividly how she always talks about astronomy and how the sky and space made her feel.
And that night, the stars were out. Spencer wishes she could be there with him to tell him facts about astronomy even though Spencer already knew all those facts. Still, in the way she narrates it, how she talks so happily, how she moves her hands, and how her eyes are sparkly and lighter than the stars itself make everything better. It was better to hear and learn those facts from her than in a boring book he could finish in less than an hour.
But she wasn't with him. He didn't even know where she was, but when he was out there watching the stars while hot, painful tears were streaming down his face. The universe was the only one who could know how he felt because the universe himself was the one that made them be together. Or well, that's what Spencer liked to think.
But certainly, the night sky wasn't that beautiful now she wasn't there. The night was colder, and he felt alone, empty. The stars seem dull in his eyes. The universe and astronomy weren't that beautiful anymore because the only stars Spencer wanted to watch were her eyes.
And then and there, Spencer made a promise. If he didn't find Y/n, he would never look at the night sky ever again. He won't even going to talk about astronomy in his life because that was her thing, and Spencer didn't want to take that away from her, but if he did find her, he would look at the stars every night before he goes to sleep. He would talk about astronomy, but only to her. He would thank the universe for the rest of his life. He would read all the facts so he can tell her because she always wanted to learn. She always asked Spencer about astronomy.
Spencer wanted his universe again.
He was so stuck in his mind. His eidetic memory wasn't a blessing at that moment. So he didn't hear his friend Derek Morgan approaching him.
He stood beside him. The doctor wasn't looking at his friend. He was looking up.
"Did you know space is complete silence? Some people might think it has a specific type of sound. But is silent." He murmurs while Morgan looks at him in confusion.
"No, I didn't know." He was going to encourage his friends, but the young doctor interrupted him.
"Did you know that on mars, the sunset is blue? I think it's something interesting."
"Did you know that the name milky way galaxy has something to do with Greek mythology and Hercules? It says that Hera was nursing Hercules while she was asleep, and then when she woke up and pulled away, her breast milk spilled across the heavens. But in Greek mythology, Hera didn't like Hercules because it wasn't her son. Y/n told me that."
"Spencer, I think that's pretty interesting, but-"
"Did you know that-"
"What?" Spencer finally looked at his friend with tears in his eyes.
"We are going to find her. I promise."
"Are we? I mean, it's been an hour, twenty minutes, and three seconds since she was kidnapped, and we don't even have a clue where she is. Do you think we are gonna find her, or you just say it because you know this is all my fault, and if I didn’t kiss Cat, she wouldn't be kidnapped?"
Morgan sighed and hugged Spencer. The young doctor was known because he didn't like physical contact, but at that moment, he needed it. "This is not your fault. None of this is your fault, and we both knew you had to kiss her. You err was not telling her why you did it, but you will."
"I tried Morgan," Spencer cried. "I tried, but she wouldn't listen to me. Why didn't she listen to me? I love her. I love her more than anything. I can't lose her. I can't."
"You won't, kid. You won't."
And there, Spencer cried in Morgan's shoulder.
 Twenty minutes after, Spencer tried to help the team in everything he could, but sometimes he would space out, thinking in those moments where Y/n would bring him back to reality by holding his knee. He looked down and put his own hand in his knee, trying to remember what it felt when it was her the one doing it.
"Go ahead, Garcia," Morgan said. There weren't pet names anymore. No one was in good humor to flirt. Even Penelope, her best friend, was missing, and his lack of pet names, cocky and sarcastic answers was showing. She didn't smile, but everyone knew something was wrong besides their current situation.
"A-A video has been sent to- to Spencer. It is Y/n" Penelope tried to talk. Her eyes were red, meaning she was crying.
Everyone looks at Spencer. "Show us." He said.
"Right away."
Everyone looked at the screen in front of them, waiting anxiously for the video. Spencer knew it wasn't a good one.  The video started with a woman in front of the camera not giving a chance to see what was being her but apparently it was a chair.
The woman was trying to get a good angle, and when she made it, she started to walk away from the camera, not losing her view—everyone gasped except Spencer and Hotch, who already had their suspicions. The woman was Cat Adams.
"Hiya Spencie, sadly, I don't get to see you, but at least you can see me," she greeted. "I found someone outside of your office, and it was easy to catch her, and you thought she was smart."
Cat stepped aside, leaving Y/n in everyone's view. She had some minor bruises in her temple, and her lip was bleeding, meaning she had to fight for her life. She was awake, but she was looking at anything more than the floor. Her wrists were tied in the back of the chair, so were her ankles.
Spencer looked carefully at her, looking for lethal injuries, and when he didn't find them, he felt relieved. He looked at her face, and his heart hurt at the view, but even at that moment, he thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world to him, she always has been, and she will always be.
"Look at the front Y/n," Cat said. She didn't do what she wanted, so Cat walked where she was and grabbed her chin, moving it to the camera. Spencer watched her eyes, empty, without light he always liked and red, she had been crying. Those pretty eyes weren't looking at him. Those eyes he loved so much were lost, and Spencer thought it was his fault. He believed it was his fault. "Say hi to Spencer," Cat demanded. Y/n didn't listen to her. "I said to say hi to Spencer," she slapped her cheek, making Spencer's tears finally drop, and a few of the team as well. But even though Y/n didn't say anything. "So, someone has decided to be a little brat. You like brats, Spencer?" Cat asked.
Cat disappeared from the view just leaving Y/n there. She exhaled and looked at the camera. She moved her head to the left, trying to escape from the camera view. Adams came back with something the team wouldn't recognize. She smiled and lit it, the tip of the strange object lit up like a small candle, and put it in Y/n's arm, inside of her arm. She gasped and sobbed. She was trying to be strong, strong for them. "You decided to be a brat and don't do what I say, so this is your punishment."
When she didn't receive any painful reaction from the young agent, she put the object away, watching the slight burning she left in Y/n's arm. "Now, I think we can negotiate with your little friends, don't you think?" She looked at her, but she didn't respond. "Alright, crime fighters, this is what I want. The little bitch here aka Spencer's girlfriend, or should I say ex? Did you break up with Spencer Y/n? After you saw how he kissed me, did he kiss you in the same way? I bet he didn't." Y/n remained silent. "When I talk to you, you will answer me," Cat slapped Y/n’s cheek. She looked at Cat with anger this time.
"How far did you go with your obsession for him? If I wanted to be with you, we would have, but he didn't, did he? So you had to plan and do all of this so you can have all the attention and recognition you didn't have as a child, isn't it? How pathetic you are." Y/n finally talk.
"You don't talk to me like that." Cat slapped Y/n cheek with so much strength that it made Y/n spit blood. And then she looked at Cat again and chuckled.
"You wanted me to talk."
Cat ignored her words, being annoyed by them. She looked at the camera and smiled. "How I was saying, what I want is to Spencer to come. You can bring your team I don’t care, besides I want to all of them watch the show, but you had to enter the building alone, and you can’t do dirty tricks or anything like trying to get the FBI inside because I had cameras everywhere and if I see someone else trying to be inside I will kill her. All of you can watch everything from outside, that's actually the plan, and then maybe I can give you back your little girlfriend. You have to enter with any guns, with anything. Just you, and maybe without clothes, only if you want," Cat smirked and then began to walk close to the camera. "You know the rules, but the question if you dare to play the game Spencie. I see you soon." She winked and took the camera, and the video stopped.
Everyone stayed silent.
"Oh! She sent an address." Penelope knowledge.
"How did she escape?" JJ asked.
"That's what I like to know. Care to explain, Strauss?" Hotch talked, wapping the few tears in his eyes when he saw Erin Strauss walk to the BAU.
"Don't talk to me like that, Aaron. This is not my fault."
"Then who is? One of our agents is being there torture, and you didn't even have the decency to say that maniac escape from prison?"
"I didn't want to alarm the team. She killed a few cops on her way out, but apparently, she had everything planned for weeks."
"Obviously, she had," Rossi said. "Remember when you bring Aaron down because you said he wasn't doing a good job? What is this, then? Are you doing a good job, Erin?"
"This is not my fault, and you know it. I have the power to fire you both for being so unrespectful," Erin attacked.
"Oh yeah? Please do it. I really don't care, Erin. Fire me if you want, but I promise you that I will end you if something happens to her. I actually would like to know what your superiors would think about Erin Strauss. The section chief let a criminal escape and then don't say anything about it.”
"Guys, thank you, Hotch and Rossi, but I don't think how this can help to rescue her, and my girlfriend is out there being tortured by a psychopath, and I really don't think that fighting will help."
"Reid, it's right, we can discuss this later. Right now, we need to think about how we can act," Erin proposed.
"There's any other way than me going," Spencer said with confidence.
"No! Of course, no, that's the worst plan, Spence. I don't think it would work. She's crazy, remember? She would kill you and-" JJ started.
"JJ, she's my girlfriend, and she's suffering, and it's probably my fault."
"It's not," Hotch said. "We will act, and we will find her, I promise you. Besides, she's really strong."
Spencer nodded. She is strong.
She is strong.
He repeated like a mantra to try to calm his nerves.
She is strong.
. . .
 Y/n could see everything so dark and tried to see where she was. She wasn't where Cat left her first when she recorded that video and probably sent it to her friends. She was worried, and not because of her life but for Spencer’s.
She knew he would appear at any moment with the team's approval or not. He was like that. He would give anything for her, even his life, just to save her, and at any other time, that would be comforting, but at that moment, that wasn't good. Her anxiety was all over her body, she could feel the blood in her mouth after the slap Cat gave her, and she could feel the injuries where Cat burned her, she could feel the tight hold in her hands and ankles, she was worried about the team, she was concerned about Spencer, she was concerned about Diana. And last, she was concerned about her life.
Was her life going to end?
Why wasn't that worried about her life? She was sick and concerned about everyone around her but her. Why wasn't she worried? Did she didn't care if her life ends at that moment?
She was confused, concerned, and full of anxiety. She was hurt. She wanted to get out there and never come back.
Cat interrupted her thoughts when she came in. With a black chair and put it in front of her. Cat looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry. I won't kill you even if I want to. I made a promise with Spencie, and besides, if I kill you right now, the show wouldn't be that fun, don't you think? " She walked and sat in front of Y/n. "You know, I always felt that you and Spencer needed couples therapy, you didn't trust in him, and he didn't communicate with you, and you didn't tell him the truth, but maybe when he comes, we can discuss that," and then she left leaving the young doctor confused.
. . .
 Spencer enters the building. Of course, he did. He wasn't going to leave her girlfriend in the hands of that woman even if she didn't want to see him after what he did. And he knows that if she didn't look at him while he was in there, he wouldn't be mad about it. He deserves it, after all.
He was worried. A man he didn't know was escorting him where he was supposed to be. And he was nervous, of course, he was. Her mom was with Penelope, he didn't tell her what happened because he loved Y/n so much that she would feel bad, and Spencer didn't want that.
The man stopped in front of a black door and then left him there, alone. Spencer felt confused, looking everywhere to see what was happening, but then the door got open, letting him see Cat, and he looked inside of the room trying to find Y/n, but Cat blocked his view. "Don't be rude, Spencer, here you follow my rules, and my first rule is to cover your eyes," Cat smiled while she showed him a black tie. Spencer took it, and he put it in his eyes.
Cat took his arm and guided him where she wanted him to be, in a chair in front of Y/n, who also was covered, she tied his ankles to the chair. The room was empty, only with the three people there and two chairs and a table in Spencer’s left. It was dark and cold. The two doctors were anxious. She knew he was there, she could sense his perfume, and Spencer knew she was there because he could feel her in the same way he always perceives her when she came into a room.
Spencer wanted to see her and Y/n deep down. Her soul wanted to see him as well.
Cat took the tie off Spencer's eyes first, and at that moment, his eyes, for instinct, looked for hers. Those beautiful eyes he was craving for, those who were his strength and debility.
He finds them blind on a black tie like his. But there was her, with her hands free in her lap, but her ankles tied in the chair. Her lip was bleeding, and he could see some minor injuries in her temple, the burning in her arm. There she was.
Cat walked to her and took the tie out of her eyes, they were closed, and then she opened them looking for something that Spencer didn't know what it was, she wasn't looking at him yet, but he was craving for it.
Her eyes were red from the crying and how tired she was. Spencer promised that when they get back home, she will sleep for three days straight to recover. She was so beautiful. She was everything Spencer ever wanted and more, and she was his love. The small light of the room, making her look like an angel. His angel.
Y/n finally looked at him, she was scared of what might happen with him, but she was glad to see him even if she was scared of it, even if she didn't know if she really wanted to, but there he was. Looking straight at her, looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world to him, at that moment, or maybe she has always been, and she never knew.
But his brown hazel eyes were so comforting. That was what she needed to feel strong, to feel free? His lips were highly red, so his eyes, he has been crying, and she could tell. She wonders if she might have something to do it.
She feels baffled, but she sees him, and that was what she needed, even if she says otherwise.
"All right, I guess it is time to begin," Cat starts talking. The surprise was that at that moment, they forgot they weren't alone. "First, don't you think this feels familiar. Don't you get some kind of dejá vú Spencie? This doesn't bring you memories for a certain brown hair girl?" Cat starts passing around the small room.
"I don't know what does that have something to do with all of this," Spencer says, not taking his gaze out of Y/n, but she does. She looks at the floor and his heartaches. She isn't looking at him.
"Oh, Spence, it has all to do with. Did you know that your little girlfriend here felt threatened by her?"
Spencer looks at her, trying to understand or see some kind of emotion in her, trying to find the truth, but she doesn't let him.
"Is that true?" Spencer asks with fear of what the answer might be.
Y/n doesn't respond.
"He's talking to you, sweetheart," Cat says.
"Is not that I felt threatened by her," She says, and Spencer's breathing contains because he is hearing her voice, her sweet voice, "is because I never thought- I felt like I wasn't what she was for him, for you," she looks at him this time, "she was practically your first love, and I came later. Sometimes you have this person in your life, and it is the first time you feel this way. You don't want it to end. And sometimes you feel like you're not good enough even when they say you are, mostly if they loved someone with their entire heart like you did with-with Maeve."
Spencer's face softens by her words. She felt like this, and he never knew.
"But-"Spencer says but is interrupted by Cat.
"Oh no, you are not going to say anything, and all the bullshit we all have heard. I want you to tell her the reason why you kissed me, "she smiles.
"It was because she told me that if I didn't kiss her, she would make your life miserable, and I couldn't stand that. I am so sorry."
"Yeah, but look, I did otherwise. I just have to say that I really loved that kiss. Don't you want to give me another one?" she got closer to him.
"Cat, I don't think-"He says.
"What I told you about rules?" She says and walks to a table and brings a knife with her. "You will listen and do what I say, or bad things will happen," Cat walks to Y/n and puts the knife in her arm.
"Wait! Please don't hurt her. I will do what you want."
She looks at him and smiles, "Good boy."
Cat gets closer to Spencer and sits in his lap. She looks at Y/n first and winks at her, then takes Spencer’s face in her hands and kisses him, but this time Spencer doesn't close his eyes, doesn't even touch her. He is looking at Y/n, trying to apologize with his eyes. She looks the other way while a tear escapes from her eyes.
"Mhm, I bet you enjoy those kisses Y/n. But you need to learn how to share with the class." She gets up and claps her hands together, "Now this night is getting boring. Ugh, I guess it is time to decide whom I will kill," She takes a gun out of her back and points it to Spencer and then to Y/n.
"You said you wouldn't hurt her, "He says.
"I said I wouldn't kill her if you come in, and I didn't. But now you are here. I can do whatever the hell I want, and I want you alive, so the only option is her," She points to her.
"Kill me instead. She doesn't have the fault I didn't end it up with you. It's me who you should be angry with, not her! The only bad thing she ever did was love me."
"I know, Spencer, But I see it in this way. Do you remember all those pretty and lovely letters I wrote you, Y/n? When I said, he didn't love you because he loved Maeve first, and well we all saw how that ended it, but then he found me, and because he couldn't have me, he chose you. You never loved her truly, Spencer, if you think about it. She is just a replacement. And besides, I am mad at you, of course. But I will prefer to see you suffering every day of your life for not choosing me. That is the worst punishment."
“But you should kill me instead, she doesn’t have anything to do with this,”
“I can’t believe you actually prefer to die. But you are right, you have all the fault, because of what you did to me and all the things I did for you and you never accept me. I guess the only way we can fix that is taking something you care about,” she points to Y/n.
Then suddenly they heard a loud noise they couldn't figure out what it was, but Cat was concerned. "What was that? I swear to god it is one of your agents. I will kill you both, "Cat shouts.
"No, it is me. Come look at this Cat, it is urgent," The man said. The man who was with her in all of that, the one who help to bring Y/n. Her brother.
"I will come back soon. You can't escape here, and I will be on the other side of the door. Besides that, we have cameras, so you two will wait until I come back."
Cat leaves, and silence remains in the room.
"Angel, look at me," Spencer says, but she doesn't look at him, "Y/n please," He begs and then she looks at him. "It doesn't matter what she says, or what she is trying to make you believe or what she said to you before, but I do love you so so much. With my entire heart and soul, you are everything and much more to me. I love you so much. And I am so sorry for what you have been through because of me, and I am sorry I didn't realize the way you felt about Maeve. I did love her I am not gonna lie, but what I felt for her wasn't real love, and what I feel for you is much deeper, and you are everything I ever wanted and If someone ever tells me that I can change what happened to her I wouldn't because of what happened I get to know you and love you, and I don't regret anything. You are my universe, and please believe when I say you are everything to me. " Spencer was desperate to let her know what he truly felt.
And then the door got wide open, and it wasn't Cat on the other side or her brother. It was Hotch. Y/n started crying softly when she saw him. There he was. He approached her while Morgan and Prentiss entered the room to help Spencer.
Hotch hugged her, and she cried on his shoulder. "You are okay. Everything is okay now. You will be home soon," he says while he unties her ankles without breaking the hug.
"Thank you, Hotch."
"You don't have to thank me, that's what family is for," Hotch says while he let her free. With tears in his eyes, Prentiss was full of worries that faded away when she saw her and hugged her.
"Oh my god, Y/n, please never do this to us ever again. I was so worried."
"I’m sorry," she chuckles, and Prentiss does the same.
Then Morgan hugged her, crying as well. "We are so glad you are okay. You don't have any idea how worried we were and Penelope, oh my god," He says.
Y/n chuckle and smile. "What happened to Cat and the other man?" She asks.
"We entered the back door, there weren't any cameras, and then we got him before he said anything, we made him call Cat, and we got her as well. They are with the police right now, and you won't see them ever again." She nods.
Spencer looks at her, and Y/n looks at him, but he knew she needed to be checked out for her injuries, so he doesn't say anything yet.
They walked her outside, and JJ and Rossi hugged her, leaving her without air, but happy to see her family again.
. . .
After they checked her and see her injuries, they drive back to Quantico. Spencer was dying inside. He didn't know the next chapter in their life, he didn't want to lose her, but he did understand if she didn't want to be with him.
Everyone greet her, happy to see her again. She couldn’t see Diana because she will be worried about her injuries, Y/n cried with Penelope, but she was happy. Those were happy tears. She was finally in home.
And then she walked outside being called by the sky, looking at the stars. The same ones he was looking at hours before. It was three Am, and he was tired. He walked where she was, looking at the stars and then at her.
"I think we need to talk," he says, playing with his fingers.
"Yeah, I think we do." He looks at her.
"Y/n I want to start saying that I am really sorry. For everything, and I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore, I don't know if we are together right now, you know? You kinda broke up with me," he chuckles, and she does as well. Good sign, Spencer thinks.
"I think we can try, you know? I understand why you did what you did, but it doesn't ease the fact you didn't tell me," Y/n signs. Of course she wanted him back, after all. But she was concerned about their communication skills, not only Spencer’s but hers.
"I know, but I will make it up to you, and I can work that out. Please.” Spencer takes her cold hands into his, giving small kisses to them.
"We need to try the communication, but it can work," Spencer smiles and hugs her.
She hid her face in his neck, and he does the same. He felt like home, he felt like everything was okay, and it was now. She stepped back, but then she hugs him, this time putting her head in his chest.
She looks at the stars, but he's looking at her. She looks at him, smiling. "Why are you not looking at the stars? It is a beautiful night."
He smiles at her, "Because you are the only star I want to look at."
She smiled at him and hid her blushed face from him. He smiles and hugs her tight.
Even though they had an awful night, she still looks at the stars at the end of the day.
At that moment, without them knowing, they made a promise to all the stars in the night sky. At that moment, when they were the only ones in the world.
They enjoy each other warmth, the one they have been craving for, the one that keeps them in their track, with the promise they will try one more time, and maybe a happy ending with love and pride.
Finally everything will be okay, because they were together like the stars in the night sky who were looking at them with pride and love, to always and forever to the end of the world.
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vivilove-jonsa · 3 years
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I had me a girl
Day 5 prompt-Songs
Lyrics and title from 'I Had Me a Girl' by The Civil Wars
They all think they understand him just because they’ve listened to his music.  They don’t understand though.  They don’t know anything.
They think his muse, the inspiration for all his songs, must be someone from his past, someone who broke his heart once…or maybe he broke hers.
They don’t know the truth and they can’t because they’d never understand.  She’s not part of his past.  She’s not someone he can imagine ever cutting out or leaving behind, not really.
And, Jon Snow would cease to be some rock god in the making if they knew.  No one would even want to admit they’d ever known a single one of his songs or even knew his name if they learned the truth.
Every night, they chat and pretend it’s normal what they do.  Neither one is fooled.  Every night, he sinks deeper into a hell of his own making.  Maybe she burns too though.
He waits with bated breath for the connection to go through.  Wi-Fi is horrible at this hotel chain.  The chat connects and then…
“That’s a lot of pink.  Where the fuck are you, Sansa?”
She giggles, turns the phone around so he can see her face at last, the face that’s always haunting him whenever he’s alone in hotel rooms at night.
“Mama and I went shopping earlier.  I got a new comforter.  You like it?”
“Yeah, it’s, uh…pink.  How’s your mother?”
“Fine,” she says in a tone that tells him the topic isn’t open for further discussion tonight.  "I told her I'm getting my own place next month."
"Did you tell her how you're paying for it?"
"I'm doing alright and they don't need to worry about it.  I'm not a kid anymore."
Her mother’s a touchy subject, one Sansa usually avoids during their chats.  Cat’s no idiot.  She’s not fond of him in general and especially not fond of him being close to her daughter.  At least, she doesn’t know the whole truth.
Moving out is another difficult subject.  He's footing most of the bills but she'll still be in the same town as them and Jon can't just ignore that.
Sansa flops back on the bed, holding her phone up above her, letting that red hair of hers fan out all around her on the new pink comforter.  Those wisps of red hair which seem to outline every note he writes tease him as they fall back on her pillow.  He thinks of them blowing around her pink cheeks on the northern breeze.
She’s got his latest song playing in the background.  He wonders if she always has it cued up and ready for their nightly chat.  Does she know they’re all about her?
‘I had me a girl
who taught me those things
a young man should know…’
He adjusts the angle of his laptop to cut down on the glare from the table lamp.  He likes having her on the bigger screen.
She’s dressed for bed, wearing his old high school jersey.  He can see nearly all of her thighs like this.  She never wears any pajama bottoms, not when they’re talking.
“You look tired,” she comments, frowning.
“Long hours in the studio this week,” he says with a shrug.
“Anyone keeping you up late at night down there in the big city?”
She gets jealous.  She has no reason to be.  Maybe that’s part of the problem.  If he could find some girl around (there’s plenty of them down here who’d hook up with a rock star), if he could take one of them back to his room one night instead of calling her, maybe he’d stop obsessing over this girl.
Yeah, she’d be hurt and he knows he’d hurt too but then maybe they’d get over it and finally move on from this thing they do.
“No one’s keeping me up late ‘cept you.  What color’s your toenail polish tonight?”
She blushes so pretty for him, knowing what’s next.  They do this nearly every night when they chat.
Slowly, she lets her phone drift down those long legs of hers for him, she shows him every creamy inch, until she reaches her perfectly polished toes.
“Blue, huh?”  One hand drops down to adjust himself.  He’s already getting hard.  “That doesn’t match the comforter.”
The phone’s back up to her face.  “I didn’t paint them to match the comforter.  They match something else I bought today.”
“Oh?  Show me, baby.”
She grins, giving him that devilish little look he knows too well, the one he first saw when they were far too young and reckless and lucky not to get caught, the one that tells him Cat’s little angel is about to let her halo slip.
“Just these,” she says casually, pulling up his jersey to reveal a pair of panties, light blue and lacy.
His voice is like gravel when he tells her, “Those are pretty.  Are they soft?”
“Very soft.”
“As soft as what’s in ‘em?”
She shakes her head and he tells her what he wants her to do.
“You too, Jon.  I want to see you, too,” she says all whimpery and sweet.  His sweet girl, he misses her so much.  He’s going to stay up all night writing another song when they’re done maybe and tomorrow he’ll ask the guys to try it out in the studio with him.
But an unexpected, thundering knock on her door has her sitting up before they can really get started.  She shoves his jersey back down right as it opens.
“Daddy!  I was just chatting with Jon!” Sansa explains, voice high and nervous…not that the old man will notice.
Jon’s stomach churns when Ned Stark’s face leans into the frame.  That solemn face breaks into a grin once he sees Jon.
“How’s Kings Landing treating you, son?”
“It’s good, Dad,” Jon answers, hating himself, wondering if he’d rather scowl at the interruption or vomit because of all the things he wants to do with his daddy’s little girl tonight.
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