#and youll see people say that you dont NEED to plan you just need to WRITE
corvidcall · 2 years
i love nanowrimo but people approach it soooooo differently than me lol. "you SHOULDNT plan for nanowrimo!!!!! youre not gonna write anything good and you should lower your expectations into the dirt so youre not disappointed!!!!!!!" damn rip to you but im different
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okay so normally when i make informative posts about current news, i try to always link a source for it (i tend to rely on the guardian) or at least explain the source of it.
but i dont know if the government are planning to publicise this or quietly implement it so im hesitant to give details on where i got this info. im just gonna say it was from someone/s who works in the department of work and pensions, and hope that my prior post history speaks well enough of me for you to trust that this isnt misinformation.
i dont like doing this but i think this information is too important for me not to share it and said info is fucking disgusting.
starting in march, in the uk, if you ask at the job centre for a voucher for a local foodbank, you are going to be turned away.
under the current system, if you go to a job centre that has a food bank referral service, the staff will fill in a slip (theyre advised not to call it a voucher but tomayto tomarto you know?) and refer you to a local charity which will allocate you food according to the slip.
that ends on march 1st. after that, they will just hopefully signpost you to other services that can help you get an emergency food parcel. that will likely involve you having to travel somewhere, potentially on a public transport, costing you more money that you dont have. and that does not guarantee that you will get the food you need either that day or at all.
our government does not care about its citizens, but especially not about us who are poor. they see the working class, the impoverished and the homeless as subhumans. they see us as what new right sociologist and white nationalist libertarian charles murray coined the underclass.
and you know this because of how the current system will be working from now until the end of february because if youre gonna stab someone while theyre bleeding to death, you might as well double tap it, ay?
from now until february 29th, you now must have an interview so that they can be "sure" that you need that food.
bear in mind that this does not cost the government anything. they are not losing money because of this service, if you want to call it that.
and that interview? that could take up to 3 days; its whenever they have a timeslot within 3 days of your asking. you could go in and say "i have no money and i have no food, i havent eaten for days, please help," and they could tell you to come back in three days, and then not even give you that slip of paper anyway.
this could kill someone. yes, it takes longer than three days to starve to death, but if someone is struggling that much to need help acquiring food, theyre gonna have more problems going on. people might choose food over heating and freeze to death; they might decide to eat food thats gone off and end up dying from it because they couldnt call 999 because they didnt have electricity; they might decide to try and injure themselves so bad that they have an extended stay in hospital as a way to get food and die in the process; they might not have eaten in weeks and starve to death.
but hey, if you do pass the interview process, youll get the referral you needed up to three days ago and a discussion about how better to manage your finances, because hey, youve already stabbed the stabbed person two more times, why not twist the fucking knife?
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catmask · 3 months
Hello! I love your art and got inspired to actually do something with my characters. Feel free to ignore this but I want to know what your opinion on making characters based off yourself is. The main character in my story started off as a selfinsert/sona I made as a kid and had no plans for but I eventually kept getting more ideas. I see a lot of people talk down on having characters based on yourself and it makes me hesitant to continue writing about them.
oh i dont think its a bad thing at all. thats me personally of course, and i know some people who are really nasty about self inserted characters, but i think thats because they want to forget a person made the story theyre writing.
of course in terms of writing it takes a skilled author to tell something from a point of view thats not their own, but id say that every story is in some way a self portrait. you really have to love someone or something to craft an engaging story about it, and in that way some piece of you always remains within.
so id say theres nothing wrong with self inserting ever, especially if the story is only meant to be self indulgent and for fun, but if you want a story that still communicates with the world outside you need to have compassion for yourself and write yourself through the lens of someone who loves you - flaws and all. if you can do that well, and do that for all your characters (not just yourself) i think youll do just fine.
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kingdoms-and-empires · 2 months
Hey, wanted to say I am in love with your work. Really fantastic! May I ask: Do you have any pieces of advice for inspiring CoG writers or Interactive Fiction writers? Thank you and can't wait for more.
Im absolutely welcome these types of asks as they help remind me of what ive learned myself. Im going to try and say what i think every aspiring writer should hear to help them start out. Here we go: 1) Ensure you know what how much youre writing from the very beginning and plan accordingly. If it is a smaller story, do not be super ambitious, use it as a starter game to learn the basics of choicescript and learn the social media aspect of producing a title. If it is a large story, say over 800k words long, then you NEED to have an outline for each arc to help you know A to B for the story beats. Make outlines upon outlines and you will be doing yourself a favor. ESPECIALLY when coding. 2) THIS ISNT LIKE WRITING TRADITIONAL NOVELS. Know that Interactive Fiction is frustrating to write. You can write 3k words for a choice group, and players will only see 500 words or less worth of content for that choice group. Do not feel disheartened, for it is what it is. Just know youre doing a good job providing content and playable interaction with choices! Just be aware and mindful of not injecting bad or useless content in these choices! Have it matter in some way, either to represent/flesh out the world, characters, who the MC is, consequences, relationship changes, and foreshadowing.
3) Do not get too caught up with reader interaction. Your main job is to write write write. Create a hard limit for how many asks you answer, how much time you spend interacting with readers, and know what type of questions you should answer. Simply put: Be strategic! There may be a great question, but it could be too spoilery or it could take too much of your time to answer. 4) I learned this the hard way. Do not release information about the ROs until you actually reach the part in the story we meet them. If i can go back in time, i wouldnt have announced mine so soon haha. Youre gonna be eager to share your work and talk about it, but youll only be shooting yourself in the foot with people who only seek romance from your game! Also, dont overshare about em. You could retcon something and a reader may get upset with the change. Keep it simple! 5) Set low goals. Do not overpromise. You will feel guilty for failing and it may/will affect you mentally and your willingness to write. 6) You are not perfect, and that's okay!!! I struggle with this (and honestly everything ive listed here), but reminding yourself that its okay to not be perfect will help. You're human. It's hard to remember, and take it seriously, but you have to try. 7) Choice of Games (and more specifically Hosted Games) offer amateur writers a chance to share their work with others. Though games are becoming more and more expansive and huge, don't feel like you HAVE to do the same. A Mage Reborn is widely considered to be one of the best titles to have come out in recent years, and is listed at having 160k words! Small package (160k is by no means small in any capacity, dont get it twisted) big impact! 8) Know what type of game and title youre writing. If your project is focused on romance, dont spend more than necessary on worldbuilding, action, or thematically unrelated things. Stick to what the focus is, and your strength! 9) Ask for help. Seriously. You are combining coding and writing, so there's bound to be errors and things you wont understand. The CoG forums and Twine communities are always ready to help. Reach out to the communities or other authors for help. Just remember that some may be too busy to really help, so don't feel disheartened if one doesnt have the time. There are others, and you usually only need one to say yes to help figure out what youre struggling with or why you keep getting that error message. 10) Understand that you are giving a piece of your soul out there. It sounds corny as hell, but it's the simple truth. There is literal risk involved as a creator, no matter if you write, develop, draw, sing, perform, etc. There's obviously the risk of spending too much time on a hobby or dream for too little gain, but what im referring to is the all too common story of a creative putting their heart and soul into something important to them, and receiving no attention or being told it sucks. It will damage you, and perhaps even break you. Because again, you may have given it your all. So please take care of your mental health. It's okay to retreat and stop for a while. That doesnt make you a failure. Most of us creatives do this because we love the subject, and want to share what we can with others that love the industry, hobby, or topic theyre in. Remember that love, and remember what made you fall in love enough to put yourself out there. Remember you started for the art and craft.
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radiation · 9 months
hello! i just wanted to say following you for memes and silly goofy haha stuff ive come to realize how insanely talented you are at game design and rpgmaker and just wanted to let you know youve been a huge inspiration to me!! Speaking of rpgmaker, would you perhaps have any words of advice to people wanting to make games in that engine for the first time? ty!!
I keep forgetting to answer this but this is so sweet ;_; thank you so much for the kind words!!! It always makes me really happy when someone follows me for either Joke posts or Art/gamedev stuff and then realizes i do the other half too, and ends up liking that stuff as well. Its super fun
And Im not sure if youll see this but i'll offer my thoughts on RPGmaker too. Ill be repeating a lot of stuff ive said on da blog before but hopefully its still helpful and is more specific to this particular question
So as for RPGmaker, regardless of the version you use -- I use MV, but research and figure out whats best for you -- Id honestly just recommend screwing around in the engine. Start off making junk test projects where you just have fun testing different features. RPGMaker is pretty unique in that its a very "exploratory" engine to learn, theres a lot of tools there for you by default that you dont need coding knowledge to understand, and its really fun to familiarize yourself with them. So its easy and fun to spend a bunch of time making a bunch of horseshit that you dont plan on putting in an actual game as a way of learning
These are the tutorials i watched to figure out rpgmaker MV, very simple and fun. Id recommend just going thru something like these and making doo doo projects to see how it works. Like for example I relearned the engine by making shit like this using default assets. its way too fun.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Once youre essentially familiar with how the engine works and youre like "hey why cant i do this extremely basic thing in the engine already" id suggest searching for plugins! Theyre scripts other people have made that expand what you can do in the engine. Here are all of the ones i use for my game.
I say thsi a lot but i think the most important thing as an RPGmaker developer, particularly one not super versed in coding, is planning your games around what the engine does best and what plugins you know are available. RPGmaker is very good at making what it expects you to wanna make. Its very bad at doing anything else. So if youre like "im gonna make this cool minigame" or "Im gonna make this crazy looking UI" and plan your game around the idea youll achieve those things its gonna be very very difficult for you to do that unless you get a programmer on board. And itll probably be kind of a pain for the programmer as well. Research how feasible it is to get a particular function in the game before you become married to that idea
Also as i always say, i really recommend starting with a tiny project! like take your conception of what a "small project" is and imagine it so much smaller that it seems ridiculously tiny and simple. And youll find that that alone takes way more work than you anticipated. But dont let any of this dissuade you too much, the most important thing is doing *anything* in the engine (and having fun with it). Its great to finish projects but if you end up not finishing one then its ok, you still learned a bunch from doing that
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dahliaes · 3 months
girl tell me something that YOU !!!! want to share. i always want to hear abt lv, you know that but just share whatever you want !! 🩷
since this is a very small acc i dont mind say this on here:
i wanna delete lily valley so bad
like truly. i hate it i hate it SO much it doesnt reflect me as a writer, i didnt execute it well at all. it isnt jean and maddys story, in fact, i have their REAL story planned out in my head
so many ppl (even some of my own friends) perceive jean as some narcissistic douche bag taking advantage of a desperate pathetic young girl and that isnt what they are at all. ive built this extensive universe with rage and i could tell you a thousand reasons why maddy and jean love each other but if you actually READ whats published youll be like …no they dont?
published lv isnt their story. what ACTUALLY happens between maddy and jean is this: he builds her a cabin and actually refuses to take her virginity until he believes hes earned it
see i feel like ppl who hate on lv dont wanna give me a break or cut me some slack because they just dont know that lily valley was orginally a one shot, it wasnt supposed to turn into a love story so i was just making do with what i had. part one was a smutty taboo one shot and nothing more and im completely fine w it!!! if i wanted to write a love story back then, i would have but i didnt!
i tried okay like i rlly tried and executed it so poorly that so many ppl hate it and hate me because of it—but thats not even the point the point is
the universe in my head is SO much better than what has been revealed and published online. maddy isnt some pathetic childish lana del rey and old man obsessed girly, shes a strange little fairy that collects bones and herbs and flowers and jumps on jeans back and bites his ears shes bubbly and energetic loves everything and everyone
and jean isnt at ALL what i wrote n published n what people perceive him as. hes silly and grumpy and humble and is constantly falling down tripping on stuff he built maddy a CABIN—in the words of @theragethatisdesire “like genuinely i know jean would kill for her would die for her blah blah but he’s also capable like if she needs something he’s making sure it gets done if she wants something he’s building it with his own bare hands until they bleed he is a man FOR her”
i could tell you EVERYTHING about how jean loves maddy but you wouldnt believe me because thats how it started?
truthfully i just tell myself and rage that published lv was actually just a weird daydream maddy had that didnt happen at all
and it jsut sucks that im such a bad writer that i couldnt salvage the story in the first place. i couldve made jean softer and nicer and more in love with her like he TRULY is, i couldve made maddy less desperate and more giggly and soft like she actually is but at the time i was just having fun and idk took it too far? i dont know but i fucked up
and it sucks even more that i never got the chance to explain all this because i was getting threatened on shepnicolo because SHEPNICOLO WROTE SOMETHING THAT WAS SO DISGUSTING PEOPLE HATED HER AND WANTED TO THROW THINGS AT HER AND STOLE HER SAFE SPACE
idk!!!! does any of this make sense? im sorry for rambling sjjdjdjdjsjdks prob gonna delete
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what fueled you to write that fast?
I would need that help too
that is tos ay i write what i love and i love what i write and i try my very best to enjoy the process and have fun
do it often and youll get faster
have a rough plan in place or even an outline if you can
and you know that rush you get when you imagine your characters doing stuff in an amv or when you chat about them with a friend? you gotta jump into thew riting while thats still buzzing if you can!
plus it helps to have lovely pepole to encourage you, while its also VERY important to make srue not to prioritize ao3 comments or peoples attention over your enjoyment, as long as you can take that part in without working FOR attention and love you'll do great.
think of it like, Wataru
Wataru is doing his acts and all his amazing things for praise
as lovely as wataru is , hes very very sad and he's just trying to be loved <3 so even if he does an amzing job at everything he does, he's not happy unless someone else enjoys what he does! and that can trap you in trying too hard to gain others aprooval and forgetting what you yourself do!
another thing is challenging yourself, if you doubt yourself doing something big and scary like nanowrimo or actually completing an entire book can make the big scary thing not so bad. The important thing there to remember is that anything that can bleed, can die. That is to say, if you can 'cause damage' to somethings hp bar, you can defeat it as long as you keep attacking it! eventually it will fall.
you can write an entire book just fine, if you just keep writing it.
But you gotta give yourself an hp bar for the thing or it can feel overwhelming. personally i go with a "ask a question, answer it, and ask another question" style usually when im writing
usually i would say a good chapter length is about 5,000 words max, and then writing out an outline
for example
Eichi feels ill, why is eichi unwell?
reveal: Eichi is turning into a horrrible magical monster and keito has to become a magical boy to save him
resolution: keito becomes a magical boy and saves eichi!
question: what's going on and how is keito going to save the world from these aliens
(in this case the question kind of sets up the overarching primary plot point- having at least one can help a lot in storytelling but theres so many different ways to tell stories. i like personally really like the 'no conflict narrative' that some japanese stories have, not that they really lack a conflict but its great for slice of life things and can kind of be stretched a lot of ways i think its called Kishotenketsu
but you know, find a method that works for you but the most important rule for writing a lot fast, is to just have fun and be self indulgent, the hardest thing to do when it comes to writing a lot, is make yourself write at all after all, as long as you actually are writing something you REALLY enjoy and like writing, you'll want to keep writing. stay true and honest to yourself and if you hae ONE big scene in mind you freaking LOVE and dont erally want to write the rest you are tottaly allowed to do that. The difference between talent and skill is often passion.
AND DONT JUDGE YOUR WRITING UNFAIRLY, INF ACT, TRY NOT TO JUDGE IT AT ALL ,JUST ENJOY IT. SURE ITS OKAY TO STUDY AND SEE WHERE YOU COULD IMPROVE AND GROW, BUT DO THAT BECAUSE YOU ENJOY WRITING AND WANT TO WRITE BETTER NOT BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU'RE BAD do it because you love writing and you want to love it even more and show it how much you love it by getting better <3 compliment yourself and your creative projects often
tldr: Do what you enjoy, never insult yourself, and remember to not push yourself to conform to others expectations and praise, but do praise yourself lots and lots <3 source: a lovely writer who enjoys it very much and can truly say they love writing
personally i got stuck in a huge rut by the way a few years back when my mom told me she struggled to get into my writing because i never finished anything and it took me a long time to finally work past that though she never meant anything harsh by it. It took facing nanowrimo to suddenly kick my love of writing back into gear. completing and sucessfully writing an entire actual book proved to me i could.
also on that note one more tip
writing an entire book actually isint that big a deal, its super exciting sure! you should celebrate it! but it's something we put on a pedestal which makes it seem superhuman to complete, but...it's really not. now ive written several books since nanowrimo last year, and you can really see just looking at my fanfictions how heavily beating that helped me. writing is FUN
writing can BE fun
the biggest thing ive ever seen stop writers is fear, shame, and doubt. Same with artists, or anyone else with any skills. love, love , love~ <3
just keep writing, keep loving it, and you'll find that even if you only write a little a day, youll eventually get your goals done <3 any mountain is climbable with patience time and love!
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1tsjusty0u · 3 months
ignore the follow thing i pressed the wrong button. link and paya. what happen. actually link's relationship with the champion successors/descendants
no….. my internet clout…!!!! IM…. FLOPPING… HOW COULD THIS BE…. (/joking)
AND GOOD QUESTION!! though i am sorry to say link and paya barely interact. if/when they do its around the later spectrum of the. timeline? story? but they just met once and that was kind of the extent of it. mmmaybe theyd both clean sometimes? if he does the shrine quest by helping people out. she. would be more friends with zelda probably. speaking of he might talk with her more mainly about a plan about. what now once the calamity is gone. and then ask for recipes <3. later arcs she might start to send letters out of worry once the calamity is “over” because he’d just kind of. disappear? i should clarify this isnt out of romantic love or anything (she was done so dirty and for what) but like. being kind of scared that a semi absent coworker or classmate just stops showing up. for awhile you might get used to it but eventually when the time passes youll have to ask where they went. she’d probably be blunt about asking in a . polite way. but yeah. zelda wise i think i think theyd just hang out sometimes. paya cant really be a substitute for ancient sheikah work but they just get along well enough that zelda initiates meetings by going “deconstructing (guardian) isvgoing badly. help” and itll basically be explaining code to a rubber duck deal. paya gives either a sanity check or a second perspective which is nice. and paya can talk about whats going on around her when its just a hangout session. i dunno i think they could make a neat duo especially when talking about problems/confronting them. when pushed hard enough paya wont give the polite/avoidant answer, and zelda could need the bluntness if that makes sense.
champions descendants!!!! honestly its. pretty well id say? uhhh firstly my link didnt get the thunder helm because well. thats Their Thing. so how this affects the. story? i dont know. but yeah its alright. he sees teba mostly by proxy, but teba is the one he sees the most. because he isnt like a royal person and hes Just Some Guy it makes talking a lot easier, both physically and mentally. riju hed… sort of see the second most? im genuinely debating whether or not link being able to get into gerudo town should be a thing in this au. i would like to redo gerudo town as a whole but that will take time. for now i like to think he just. gave a letter to one of the guards with the gist of it. and he completed the quest without ever going inside town. the only times hed really talk to her post that is if gerudo town is in need of resources that he can easily get, or ice. otherwise not many letters or anything, but theyre on pretty good terms. he sometimes gets to send fruit for patricia. next would be yunobo! youd think its be easier to talk to him however theyd both have nothing to talk about to each other. its basically friendly but silent terms unless necessary. last is sidon. i am so sorry sidon….. the only way theyd really interact is if sidon himself initiated the conversation/letter chain. otherwise with link actively avoiding zoras domain.. . the line blurs between friends and business partners for all of them. if they traveled together i think theyd all be better friends but i dunno if thats going to happen. they probably play a bigger. role?? in this au than im giving them credit for honestly. also i couldve sworn i had Thoughts but i forgot…… once the calamity is defeated i think itd be a bit of a mess, though how much of one i dont know
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
3x03 1/3 He is ready with a soda, coffee and a pack of cigarettes. The essentials to watch qaf: ‘okay let’s do this! How will they piss me off now?..look at my Bri Bri hanging out with his son! BRIAN? VOLUNTEERING? Yeah, right. He made files for them? I need an episode where they just show him working and coming up with shit because I wanna see my baby shine!!! HE IS MAKING THEM PAY THEM? HAHAHA GOOD FOR HIM! *he is now screaming on top of his lungs* 100% OF NOTHING OR 80% OF MORE THAN YOULL EVER FUCKING DREAM OF. BRIAN FUCKING KINNEY!!! although he would deliver that line bette- oh I don’t like that car.’ Tv is now paused because he has a lot of feelings about the car. ‘Jeep was better. Jeep is better! But if he wanted a classic or something cool, why not a mustang or something? And i know what youre gonna say! (I want everyone to know, i wasnt gonna say shit since idk shit about cars) People think ‘vette is better but i, a proud owner of a mustang 66 *holds his palm up* DIS *snaps his hand down* AGREE. This *waves to paused corvette* is shaped like a peanut! Nobody wants to drive in a peanut. Nobody likes that car unless they are 70. Why would he buy this? I get that he’s spending money cause he misses Justin but this? Not cute. And not to be hetero car dude but i just want to know what does he like about a peanut shaped car?’ There was A LOT more about the car..A LOT more. It involved youtube videos. ‘EVEN MIKE KNOWS ITS BOYFRIEND REPLACEMENT! FINALLY I AGREE WITH MI-oh god, see what this peanut did to me? It made me agree with Mike. YOU DID HAVE A BOYFRIEND! Oh look! Bri Bri isn’t suicidal about being 30 anymore. (Brian says he plans on being dead by 39) well never-fucking-mind. You are most definitely *starts singing* STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE AH AH AH AH STAYIN ALIVEEEEEEE BECAUSE I, I, I WONT LET YOU DIEEEEEE. Ohhhhh road trip to New York? COUNT ME IN! I love New York! Is he gonna go to new york and then blondie goes after him to kinda make a cool parallel to the time blondie ran off to new york? OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRAPPED UP IN THE PEANUT I DIDNT NOTICE THEYRE PLAYING MY FAVORITE SONG!! Stupid fucking peanut’ ‘i love seeing Debbie smile and happy but a cop? Really?’ ‘ITS BRIAN! Why does he look nervous? Did he just stumble? HES GOING TO JUSTIN?!?! OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY (his name) BE CHILL! We can do this, chill *pauses the tv and actually physically shakes his whole body* HE HAS A PROPOSITION?! Of course he went to Blondie for it, is he trying to win him back-no! We aren’t doing that Bri! He fucked up. But seriously is he trying to win him back? DIDNT HE TEACH YOU ANYTHING? Never do what youre good at for free! *waves to Brian* he is so hot.’ ‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. Who will be the fath-BRIAN?! He didn’t even cause you that much problems. WHO KNOWS IF HES EVEN NEGATIVE?! FUCK YOU BITCH! FUCK YOU ALL THE WAY DOWN TO HELL! He better not give her his sperm!’ Ethan just popped up on tv ‘OH FUCKING HELL i forgot he existed since i havent seen him in a while. HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM JUS! Nobody. Nobody on this Gods green earth is a bigger snob than you goat boy. No, someone HE knows, YOU don’t even know how to properly shave, call me back when you can actually grow a beard. He isn’t trying to win him back because HE didnt do anything wrong! You are SO fucking jealous. Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. PROVE IT? I am begging every god that has ever been talked about to PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP’ *immediately pauses tv* ‘every time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! I don’t want Brian to have more kids, i know theyre cute but what if you end up with a boring kid? What if you end up having a Ben?’
CARNIVAL! Such a good episode.
Brian making them pay him is so iconic. This guy.
YES I know nothing about cars so I'm glad your brother can weigh in that the Jeep is far better than the 'vette. Sorry not sorry, the corvette does look like a peanut and it screams mid-life crisis. And just to point out 30 IS NOT MID LIFE. (Sorry read a fic [in a different fandom] where the two characters were 34 and described as middle aged and I had to throw my phone across the room).
Your brother describing Brian as so hot gives me life. Thank you. And yes to all the screaming that he goes to Justin for the poster. You just know that was in his mind the entire time he was negotiating.
‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. YES men definitely wrote this. Otherwise the female representation would have been... y'know... representative.
Melanie trying to decide who the father should be and then 100% goes with the most wrong choice ever. Let Emmett father a child!
Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. <- this is legendary and I will never ever be able to watch Ethan and not think this.
very time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! HAPPY SIGH. He gets it, he really really gets it. The people I have coming to me about the house on fire analogy he made. I'm telling you, you've got to introduce your brother to fanfiction...
What if you end up having a Ben. I DIE. (also, true)
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jovishark · 1 year
hello. posts saying "just take your pupil distance with this online test/take a pic of your prescription and buy frames online!" are not lifehacks. theyre people who dont understand the difference between an optician/ophthalmologist. YOU NEED TO SEE AN EYE DOCTOR SOMETIMES. you need to have your eyes health checked at an exam by an ophthalmologist every year or few years to test for things like diseases and wear on the parts of your eyeball. the ophthalmologist will not try to sell you glasses. they will be the one to tell you the shape of your eye and whether or not you can wear contacts, which a website cant tell you. they will be the one to take pictures of your retina, which a website cant do. they will be the one to tell you if you have early warning signs of different diseases because they are a DOCTOR
The optician is the person who you will take your cheap zenni frames to in 6 months and ask for a free adjustment because the website didnt do that for you, either. they just sold you a cheap plastic frame that doesnt fit you.
OPTICIANS AND OPTHALMOLOGISTS ARE BOTH IMPORTANT and if youre like me and you need your glasses, youll visit them every few years for the sake of your eye health. I CANT AFFORD GLASSES EITHER. thats why i have a payment plan, which is usually an option. dont go to lenscrafters. dont go to zenni. if you need to, go to costco or walmart optical. if you have a high prescription (-4 or higher) go to a local optometrist. i care about your eye health more than anyone trying to sell you a website that cant provide you with actual care.
tl;dr getting your glasses online should not be your go-to option. opticians are the ones who sell glasses. you do still need to see an eye doctor for your eye health.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
what should i do with my robe fabric? an uncomfortably long write up and a poll (since i have polls now)
id really appreciate if you could take the time to give some input, even if you dont read all my writing and just skip to the voting! the writing is mostly me explaining my ideas, buf you can totally skim it and get the idea
the fabric is here, so its time to plan
i think im down to two main options, screen accurate robe or a historically accurate one- accurate is a general term here, ultimately ill do what i want with little care for being exact, but as an overview, thats the idea split. there was a fleeting idea i might do some other style of robe, but i never found anything i exactly vibed with (if you wanna vanilla extract it though, feel free to drop other suggestions in the replies)
screen accurate (SA)
a lot of my information for this comes from this blog post, its excellent research and covers just about everything. honestly theres not much i can say that isn't already written on there, and anyway, its the robe. you know the robe.
its necessary to note at this point i already plan to stray a little from screen accuracy on my lining. the SA lining is quite a vibrant pink, but to compliment my personal wardrobe more, im learning towards a dusky pink or almost maroon colour (im visualising the robe fabric background colour but a little darker, but itll depend on what i can actually find in my local shop)
this one will also require buying another fabric on top of the lining (an orange for the piping) and making or sourcing tassels if i decide to have them (up in the air as i am bound to catch them on things)
a big appeal to this version for me is the box pleat in the back- it allows for more volume, more movement, while still sitting right and keeping the silhouette. i do like volume in my garments
its probably a more technical build than a HA one, just on the neck binding and kinomo sleeves, but it should still be pretty straight forward
historically accurate (HA)
historically, the SA version seems to be based on wrapping gowns. a very simple construction, cut all in one big length (though, as on the SA i would have a seam at the shoulder so the print isn't upside down) this image gives both a good idea of pattern and silhouette
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the wrapping gown is generally quite a loose fitting garment, and is very simple in its cutting. its all straight lines, and all triangles and rectangles. theres a couple of different options in the cutting, but im thinking as flared as i can make it (with or without piecing) at the hem, and also maybe some flare on the cutting of the sleeve to make it wider at the wrist without affecting mobility
wrapping gowns do typically have a small collar up near the neck, similar to the way the SA one is, but it only wraps around a short distance, not to halfway down the body as the SA does
this is obviously a much easier pattern, in my research ive seen people complete this in a day. my main concerns for me personally are in the flare and in the fit. i like a good swoosh and im not sure that ill get that in this (but not certain. some look quite full).
while it is designed to be an unfitted garment, it still has some fitting. im a little concerned that to give myself enough room around the chest i will end up with quite a dropped shoulder (shoulder seam sitting down the arm) and im not a huge fan of that. these are all things id figure out in a mockup, but it has me hesitating to go that way
here are some research links, if you care to read a bit more
video by nicole rudolph, wrapping gown talk starts at 18:27
the difference between banyan and wrapping gown
pinterest board with various historical pictures
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a sort of tldr;
heres a basic look at what the patterns look like. as you can see the HA one is far more simplistic in shape
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if youve been following any of my sewing projects youll know i have a tendency to make things take far longer than they really need to, so obviously a simpler garment that uses mostly techniques i already know is a huge appeal rather than a far more complicated and out of my comfort zone project. but i have concerns about the fit of the HA, and there is just something so appealing to making the SA version....
obviously. whichever path i pick i have a lot more research to do, and with OFMD now being on iplayer ill definitely be watching the episodes it appears in the get a better idea of how it should sit myself.... but for now
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i love ya, but I'm not doing that for the rest of my life, no sir,
everyone knows not to marry into that, and its kinda common sense not to date someone with your type of addiction and just walk away, like we all know its never gonna work if youre constantly making your partner feel like shit because youre always lusting of the things you so desperately want, and yeah you may say that 'your're better, real, youre my love theyre just pictures, theyre just videos, ect) but we all know you wish it was them you could have when your gazing longingly and thirstly at those pictures, you create relationships with all these women, i just happen to be in person version added to the collection, its nasty, and its horrible knowing this will likely never change, cause its 'not that bad' its 'a comfort thing' 'i was alone for so long' and i have to live feeling like im always competing with them, i cant escape them, im so fucking tired of being paranoid that the person i love is going to always be looking at something more appealing, its awful, that constant pit in your stomach everytime hes lookin at a female character a little too closely, or when the girls are everywhere for him, camera roll, most social media, even his wallpapers on all devices, sure theres a photo of you two, sure as a homescreen but its really just a sunset photo and we're hidden in a low corner hidden by apps, and the never paying that close attention to you, you learn as much as you can about him listen to every word he says but doesnt care to know about you, with the exception of major plot points he knows nothing about what you like and why you like it, its either you rarely get a chance to speak, or youre perpetually cut off, or just simply ignored when speaking about yourself, but, he knows everything they say, knows every little detail, their backstories are phenominal and look how hot they are, he wont really say that to you anymore youve shown you dislike, but you know, you always know, so you try your best to be pretty and good enough to be wanted like he wants them, but you never get wanted like that, to be fair you never did, this was the first time someone is showing they love you and want you, but of course if i wasnt wantable before him what makes me wantable now? yknow all his needs are met by them and his ablilty to do so much with them that he feels no need to pay any mind to you beyond the physical and guidance, yeah he loves you, you know that hes shown that, but is it worth the mental and emotional exhaustion it takes to fight for a normal relationship? one where we both feel happy? i know theres no way he isnt miserable too, the contant bickering the anxiety of fucking up, but c'mon man, if you cope properly, like by speaking (without lashing out) to someone when things are too much, not falling further into an obsessive chemical pick-me-up addiction and honestly this sex obsession, youd do so much better, but you wont because its one of them hidden addictions that no one but your friends and people youre close to know about, by your choice, and you think that means its totally fine, because I'll stick around regardless right? cause i have this long and im making life plans with you and i love you more than youll ever know and as long as i dont see it' or notice it its fine, it wont kill me, youll keep going until im about to cut my losses and you promise and youll try you really will, but itll creep back and we'll be back at square one, or youll get better at hiding it from me, youre already pretty good at it now, ill bet money that if i got 3 hours and all your passwords id find cia sized files everywhere and id puke and cry myself to sleep for months, and i know youll only get better at it, and i dont want to be paranoid that your girls are still around my whole life, what kind of example am i setting for my daughters if i just let myself live like that, god id kill my son-in-law if he made her feel like that, honestly id kill him for most of the things youve done, so why am i letting it happen to me???
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tk-o · 10 months
also idk (coming back an hour later like AND ANOTHER THING) i dont feel like its my place to call ko+tko a system but i Do feel like. they r NOT one person. like as an og fan i rember seeing that revealed in the end and it felt soo unsatisfying like no? no theyre not. thats a diffrent guy. BUT ALSO EVEN IF THEY /WERE/ THE SAME PERSON like. i feel like . “whenever ur loved one lashes out under stress the solution is to act like they Arent Allowed to be anything but pleasant or youll treat them like their scary and dangerous” i feel like thats a Bad message 2 send to kids . like idk i know what they were Going For but thats not. what they Wrote. like if tko IS his buried negative emotions then treating his negative emotions like something that Does need to be buried. and like any time he expresses himself that he needs to be showered with love until the negative emotions go away completely. IDK THATS. THATS NOT A GREAT MESSAGE like even ignoring how i Dont Feel like the characters actually fit that and how ko/tko is very obviously a traumatized child/children etc etf. IGNORING the characters i feel like the metaphor is kinda. ermmmmmmm. yk. ok ko lets be heros i love you so much i rewatch u every couple of months since u started. why did u write urself like that. what the fuck.
this ramble started NOT AT ALL like i planned it at the beginning and u can TELL. but its 3:30 am and im having blorbo thoughts so FORGIVE ME…
LITERALLY EVEN BACK WHEN I WAS HALF WATCHING THE SHOW WHEN THE FINALE FIRST PREMIERED I WAS LIKE "wow idrc that much about mko i'mbusy being sad the show's over. tko was such an icon i am going to miss him specifically" *#W&Y*#&%Y*#&5y83 AND LIKE YEAH you're so right. like there's soo many better ways it could've been handled like (*%(@*#^%
maddestmewmew asked: WAIT ALSO CONTINUING OFF THAT LAST ASK my memory is soooo shit so PLEASE correct me if im wrong but. do they ever show like,,a healthy way?? of dealing w negative emotions?? obviously they have the meditating thing but idk if ur emotions are so bad and out of control that ur hurting people and lashing out medatating isnt gonna be like. enough . LIKE SAYING THIS AS SOMEONE W BAD ANGER ISSUES who relates a lot a lot to tko/ko meditating HELPS but also like. u DOOO need to acknowledge ur anger!!! and u need to like. sometimes u gotta get that anger OUT. like deep breathing and calming urswlf is Great for not doing rash things but sometimes u still have that energy or/and emotion and if u dont do anything w it it kinda like . it bottles up and things get Worse. which is LITERALLY what happened to ko. so like i think theyre like Aware that its not great 2 use 100% of the time but do they like . provide ? an alternative ? idk like i was like 13 when ok ko was coming out and i was struggling and i WISH they had showed healthy coping mechinisms..instead i drew tko and fern adventure time hanging out bc i was 13 and saw those guys and went ohhhh u r just like me. ANYWAY yeah ok ko BELOVED. ur writing could be . a lot better . 10/10 show I Could Fix You.
.i don't think they really did???? like tko got the punching bag cause he used fighting as an outlet but clearly he was still doing bad even with the house and needed something more than that!! they do not ever show like. an alternative way of dealing with large amounts of anger and stress because when tko rules happens and he lashes out and fucks up the house tko just gets put in the subway sandwich and then carl happens and then the fucking world blows up cause no one told tko that hwen you're mad you need to get it out by ripping up paper and biting things that don't break and messing up things that can be reorganized and it makes me very mad ironically enough 837TR47T873T893T8U ALSO OH MY COB I WAS JUST LITERALLY THINKING ABOUT FERN ADVENTURE TIME THAT SOUNDS SO AWESOME. I LOVED FERN SOO MUCH WHEN I WATCHED ADVENTURE TIME AND I NEVER EVEN LIKE. PUT THE DOTS TOGETHER THERE IS A PATTERN WITH THE CHARACTERS I LIKE W893TRW8347TRW487TYW49TU49T58U
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part 2 for the hottie-cutie! actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart. but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong... but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map... and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack... 'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you. 'that was a long rant' and i love every letter. im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!! and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great. 'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad. 'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions. 'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war. SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it. like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel. 'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true. thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn. but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge. omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me! so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie! have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
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im so annoyed with myself because i was almost done with answering you then i pressed cntl z and everything disappeared fml
now im going to be sad the entire time i type this fuck off tumblr why are you so glitchy
actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart.
T_T rip T_T HAHAAH wait its still so funny to me that 70 is average i gasped when i read this the first time T_T asian countries be like that ig HAHHAHH. i mean there are A LOT OF DUMB FILIPINOS TOO SO /: its fine theres a bit of dumb in the world but its so weird to me that our grades are so high standard. /: asians HAHAHA
but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong...
well now you know. people who are overconfident are airheaded /:
but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map...
STILL AS DISTURBING AS WHEN I REPLIED TO THIS THE FIRST TIME T_T these kids (boys especially) need to stop glorifying war i cant believe this was a trend T_T also the map thing is so true and i suck at geography but i could at least point to russia come one
also T_T although im annoyed i have to type this all over again, did you know russia is bigger than pluto. i love pluto lets talk about pluto more next time when im not frustrated with myself for fundamentally deleting my entire reply T_T
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and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack...
L war this is why feminism is important, little boys think war is the only thing that is cool enough to be their hobby because its violent T_T
'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you.
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'that was a long rant' and i love every letter.
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im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!!
i did a whole rant about sandman but T_T next time. I REALLY WAS SO SUPER EXCITED ABOUT WHAT I WAS TELLING YOU AND I WANT TO TELL YOU BUT IM SO SLEEPY AND I DONT WANT TO PUT OFF REPLYING TO YOUR P2 T_T anyway i actually returned the books i borrowed the next day (which was yesterday) without reading them because my mom said it was too dark and i agree so i did BUT LSHAH I WENT TO THE LIBRARY TODAY AFTER CLASS AND READ THE MEGABIG ENCYLOPEDIA HARDBOUND SANDMAN COMIC with like 10 issues in it (which had everything in the series) AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH IT MADE ME LOVE DREAM SO MUCH MORE T_T
and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great.
tell me about your daemon fic now IM SO CURIOUS NOW also as i said i zoomed read (and finished) that mega big comic book so im instead going to be writing sandman fics HAHAHH. i hope you liked my daemon x niece fic. i was surprised a lot of people seem to like it
'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad.
HAAHH this doesnt sound bad it so funny actually. also I LOVE THIS CONCEPT i love me a good dirty mafia boss [quietly writes this idea down in my head]
'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions.
#twinlife u like me for real
'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war.
SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it.
like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel.
i get what you mean. its fine dont apologize. and yes it is so very nice to see yourself portrayed in media
'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true.
thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT
AT LEAST YOU SAW and found it funny <3
yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn.
T_T imagine living in russia and still being hotheaded. chill /:
but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge.
omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me!
T_T I dont mean to be that person but im too tired to go on FUCK TUMBLR I HAD A WHOLEASS ESSAY ABOUT PLUTO AND AN ANALYSIS ABOUT SANDMAN CHARACTERS AND I WAS TALKING ABOUT OUR NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL but now its gone and i want to sleep next time baby i wont cntrl z it T_T
so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie!
thank you my love <3
have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
good night baby <3 i hope you have a wonderful day <3 im going to sleep now
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bunnywritesmarvel · 2 years
Do you have any tips on adjusting to living on your own/away from family for the first time?
i dont have much advice considering ive only lived alone for like,,,, 3 days so far but i can tell you what ive experienced so far and my plan that i developed so my raging introverted tendencies dont isolate me lmao
this is very long and ramble-y so i apologize in advance LMAO
so far ive had some weird sleeping issues but im just chalking it up to im not used to sleeping here and also theres no curtains. just blinds and the street lamps outside are casting a little light into my apartment, so i doubt itll persist and ill eventually get used to the light and the new location and sleep just fine
ive always enjoyed cooking, so cooking and all that stuff isnt too new to me and i enjoy making myself dinner. if youre on a budget like me, definitely write out a meal plan and tick off any ingredients youll need for them and only buy those ingredients + any little snacky stuff you might like that wont blow your budget too much.
id definitely say just make sure you build up a routine, heres mine for example
after work i go to the gym, after the gym i come home and shower. after my shower, i make dinner. when i make dinner, i prep all the ingredients first and then cook, but as im cooking ill also clean the dishes i used that i wont need anymore. eat dinner, prep lunch for tomorrow, finish dishes, then i just kinda tidy up a little for like 5 minutes and honestly you can get a lot done in 5 minutes. put your clothes in the hamper, wipe down your kitchen counter/coffee table/bathroom sink, sweep up the little pile of crumbs on the floor, take the trash out, etc. just some small stuff, all the bigger things like deep cleaning can be done on a day off or when you have more time. after that i get ready for bed, wash my face, take my meds, have a lil snack if im still hungry then brush my teeth, etc
then after that i usually have an hour/hour and a half to do whatever i want. i try to aim to do something productive for myself that i'll also enjoy like work on a skill/hobby, maybe a read a little or write a little but theres also no shame in spending that free time binge watching youtube or netflix lmao
i also aim to go out with a friend at least once a week, usually a time when i know i wont have to get up early for work the next day so i dont have to worry about getting home in time for bed
also, if youre close with your family like i am and you still live relatively close to them, dont be afraid to admit when youre feeling lonely and to go visit them!! there will definitely be some times youll feel lonely living on your own, even it youre a raging introvert like me. theres nothing wrong with that, but just dont let it isolate you and keep you from going out and seeing people!
honestly, you dont even have to tell them youre feeling lonely if you dont want to, just text them or call them and ask if you can come hang out and take up the opportunity if they say yes! and if theyre busy or need a rain check, dont just stay in your apartment. if you can, go out and do something! get some coffee and sit down and read for a little bit inside the shop, or go see a movie by yourself. yeah, youre still technically by yourself, but going and doing something might still help the loneliness and you also might meet some new friends! maybe theres a local book club, or an animal shelter that needs volunteers.
i also hate the silence of my apartment, so i always have music or a podcast going, or my favorites playlist on youtube playing, something for just a little background/white noise that i wont have to pay too much attention to while i clean/cook/do whatever
honestly, just dont be afraid to reach out to people or ask people to check up on you every so often. im such a big introvert, i thought quarantine was going to be GREAT for me, but eventually i did get lonely and i started to feel terrible, so dont doubt that itll happen to you. dont isolate yourself no matter how much you want to
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livingroombeat · 6 months
Living room beat progress update 12\16\23
Hi gang, are you ready for your scheduled progress update? I sure am the worlds most consistent writer. well anyway ive been doing some planning for a4 and im gonna kinda explain my current roadmap here.
-do end of a3 animation
Yeah i havent done it yet, ive just been procrastinating. Anyway though its gonna be a short one and it wont take long so this isnt like a major deal or anything.
-do a4
I have the events of a4 planned in detail already in a text file so all i have to do is write the dialogue and turn it into comics. Ive said it before and ill say it again: a3 was WAY too many comics. There were so many comics that were just a couple of words and thats just completely stupid. A3 couldve been like 100 comics but instead ended up at 300+ because i did it like an idiot. But im not gonna do that with a4, it will be pretty short in comic number but each one will have loads of dialogue. It will be super efficient.
I might actually post a3 before finishing a4, but again a4 is going to be super short in page count so it probably wont take TOO long to actually make, so waiting til after its done isnt completely unreasonable.
-do new website
Blogger sucks, its a terrible platform, so im gonna make a new website and host it on github pages. It will be made so that it is super easy for me to bulk upload LOADS of new pages at once so that i wont keep putting it off like ive been doing with the rest of a3. It will be all automatic and everything so i dont have to spend multiple hours on it lol. I will also be able to do bulk changes to the page format so i dont have to go individually through each post and change it. Maybe even a back button????
-do a lot of the story
This is a super vague bullet point but i just kinda want to make my way a fair chunk through the story before doing the next point because it would be kinda annoying to just be halted after a4 for ages.
-go back and redo a0 through a3 (and maybe a4, well see how that turns out)
Ive already said it in this post but a0 through a3 kinda just suck, theres loads of changes i would make now if i made them, so i plan to go back and change them. This would also make lrb more accessible for new readers because they dont have through over 100 pages for it to get 'ok'. I also plan to have a summary page to catch people up on the story of a0 through a4 quickly so that they can get into a5 and beyond. I will probably only keep that summary page until ive finished remaking a0 through a3, but i will post it after a4 as a4 is a good break off point in the story (youll see).
-do rest of the story
This is pretty self explanatory. Theres loads of story to go.
Among all of these points is also planning a5 and beyond as what i said before isnt true. I originally wasnt going to change the actual story i had planned but i changed my mind on that, the main story is being changed quite a bit.
The thing is i noticed the problems with the structure but didnt notice the ROOT cause of those problems, the fact that the characters act as too much of a conglomerate and have literally 0 independence.
Ok what do i mean by that. Well basically all of the alternate reality versions of streve and brian, and even streve and brian themselves, could be compressed into 1 character reasoning their decisions out with themself. They have 'disagreements' but they dont have any REAL disagreements, they always come around and end up acting as a group in the end.
Now is this because im a bad writer? Probably but i can (try to) fix it in future parts of the story. So im gonna do that.
I also plan to make more social media for the comic rather than just tumblr and reddit. Like a twitter even though that site is dying.
I also also need to come up with a name to sign these posts with. All webcomic authors have some name they go by, i dont. So ill come up with one. Anyway thats all i have to say for this progress update. This one ended up being super long so hopefully that makes up for me missing so many. See you next saturday.
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