#and I love shouting out people who have brought me into a fandom even if we don't know each other
martianbugsbunny · 1 year
One of my very favorite PloKit artists @uiro-mgmg1 reblogged/complimented my PloKit fic (my first for that pairing, but also some of my best work overall!) and I am so happy!! Their art is incredibly beautiful, and one of the reasons I got into PloKit in the first place, so I’m just really pleased that they enjoyed the fic 😊 If you want to see some really lovely PloKit art, go hop over there and you won’t be disappointed
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One thing that has been bothering me a lot over the past few days is seeing all these RIP YOI, RIP IceAdo, Remember YOI etc. posts. As someone who discovered YOI later, I'm watching this unfold from the sidelines and I'm seriously worrying what this is going to do to the fandom. I understand that you are sad because the movie was cancelled, everyone has the right to be sad about such a thing, and I'm not trying to invalidate your pain. But, and I'm saying this with all kindness and my best intentions, and hell, I'm not even the first one saying this, but please hear me out:
It did not die last Friday. And it doesn't die because there won't be a movie. No story in human history has ever died because someone decided it was over. Stories are forever. They live in the hearts of the people. And so has YOI been living in the hearts of its fans since October 6th 2016, and will continue to live there for as long as we want.
Whenever I type "Yuri On Ice" into the search field of any social network, web archive, or search engine, I see hundreds of thousands of hits, most of them fanworks. Please take a moment to think about what that means:
In the 7.5 years since YOI aired, fans have made tons of art, written fanfiction and metas, cosplayed YOI characters, created fan videos, crafted all kinds of fan-made merch, and so much more. You are the ones who brought into being an infinite multiverse centred around an anime that is already larger than life. You have already created so much more YOI than Sayo, Kubo, MAPPA etc. could ever create even if they made one hundred movies. And even if every country in the world turns fascist and bans YOI, it will survive because fans will always find ways to preserve it and the power its message holds. Only stories that nobody no longer talks and cares about fade in oblivion.
You hold all the power to keep YOI alive, but, and this is probably the hardest pill to swallow, that also makes you the only ones who are able to kill YOI - be it by stopping to create or talk about it, or by shouting its death from the rooftops because you fancy yourself dramatic, or by turning the fandom into a hate-infested toxic hellscape, whichever will occur first.
And I honestly don't know which of these I fear most.
If you truly love YOI, please do your share and continue to keep it alive.
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some-pers0n · 2 months
Hi I made a crackfic for Arctic's death because I had a terrible, horrible idea inspired by that old fandom meme. I don't regret anything <3
"Aaannnddd...perfect!" Darkstalker stepped back. "All set and ready to go. Haha! Look at him! Clearsight, look, c'mon. Come see."
"Darkstalker, I don't think this is a good idea–"
"Shut up woman and come look," he bluntly said. "Come on, it's not like the camera's gonna bite you or anything. Neither is Arctic, but, eh, maybe that'll add to the drama. The kids love it when people get hurt, it's why they watch it."
He grabbed the camera again and pointed it at Clearsight. "It's rolling. Come on, babe, don't you wanna do it? For the bit? Ohhh it'll be such a funny thumbnail. Everyone's gonna click on it. Just stick your head near him."
"I'm not going to bite an innocent dragon..." Arctic muttered.
"HA! Oh but it's okay for you to do that to me. Not cool dad. Mid dad behaviour, tee-bee-haitch. To be honest. Tee-bee-haitch– you get it."
"Back in my day we just called somebody a 'loser' if they were a bad parent. Like, me? I'm a dead-beat dad."
"Yeah, that's true." Clearsight nodded.
"But I'm not...mid? What does that even mean?"
"Mannn you so did not cook. 'Dead-beat'? Yeah, you're gonna be dead as hell once I'm done with ya. Like for real done. Dead. Deceased. Ain't coming back from that."
"God just kill me now," Arctic grumbled.
"In a minute! Me. I'm God. It's me. Get used to it :)"
"What was that sound you just made with your mouth--" Clearsight began but Darkstalker cut her off. He couldn't bother to hear such a whiny, woman voice. He needed to pay more attention to the crowd that gathered.
"Hey, hey! Guys! Check this out! I'm a livestreamer. I do all of these cool things on Twitch and YouTube. Follow me! My handle's Darksalter. Like Darkstalker, but salty, cause of all of the noobs I own on my daily League of Legends streams."
The surrounding NightWings just blinked at him.
"Ughhhh. How about you guys being recorded, huh? You get famous! Right here, right now, this is a big deal. No cap, this is serious. This is gonna be a livestream to end all livestreams. There's gonna be like at least ten dragons watching!!"
"OH MY GOD!?" One dragon shouted. "TEN??? I've never seen anybody have that many, hold on! We gotta watch this guy!"
Immediately, the entire population of the Night Kingdom arrived. Even the queen (a closeted Darksalter fan, who was wearing all of his merch) was waiting for him. They all cheered and clamoured for him.
"Settle, settle! I know you're all such adoring fans. Believe me, I would love me too. Already do! Such a great, handsome, all powerful animus." He flexed his muscles. "Plus, the ladies love me." He glanced back at Clearsight, who had the most aggressively unenthusiastic frown he ever seen.
"But, but, we gotta wait a minute. First, I gotta mew."
"What does that even mean?" Clearsight asked.
Darkstalker did not answer. He brought a talon up to his snout and then traced the outline of his perfectly gorgeous jawline. I mean just look at that thing. Downright beautiful. Like, come on now. Look him up right now. Yeah, yeah! The thang of all time! That sweet, succulent jaw. Bro's been mewing since the day he was hatched.
[A/N: it is a pretty cool jawline]
He cleared his throat. "Anyways, enough talk. You had your shot for the thumbnail, so now it's all about me." He looked at the camera and enchanted it to float. It hovered above, pointing at him. "Three, two, one..." He clapped. "And we're live!"
The crowd cheered and roared as he did so. No omegaluls. No minus ones. He was an unboxing andy just about ready to tear open into his best work yet.
"Hey what's going on Stalker Gang! How are the stalkers in chat going? Can we get the hype train going?" He gestured to the crowd, which yelled and screamed louder. "Yeah!! Let's go Stalker Gang!!"
"Darkstalker...this isn't you." Clearsight sobbed. "You don't do this. You aren't like this!"
"Baby, I'm an influencer. It's my duty as Twitch's No. 27 streamer of all time!"
Clearsight cried more but Darkstalker did not care. He turned back to the camera. "Ayyy guys!" He clasped his talons. "So, today is a very, very special day, because we have a guest! That's right, my terrible, very uncool, incredibly mid father! Look at him. Blue pilled in every sense of the word. Even his blood's blue, which y'all are gonna see real quick." He pushed the camera directly in his face.
"Hey, hey, everyone!" He gestured to Arctic. "Can I get a 'boo' from you all?"
With his command, the crowd began to jeer at Arctic. A wave of rotting tomatoes came hurling his way, splattering against his face.
"And, with that being said, this stream is sponsored by Glep. Get a Glep. Now. Or else. You don't wanna be there when Glep is upset. That's how the last moon was destroyed." He stared silently into the camera for a minute, as customary with the Glep sponsors.
"NOW!! Let's get this going!" He pointed at Arctic. "You. Unbox yourself."
"Wh–" Arctic didn't have a chance to finish before he clawed at his torso and gutted himself. The crowd kept cheering and applauding and tossing money at Darkstalker.
"Woah woah, pretty messy, huh guys?" He raised an eyebrow. "Totally unpoggers. L behaviour. Boo!!" But when he turned back, he noticed that everyone stopped cheering.
"Bro, dude," one dragon began, "poggers is so, like, old man. That's so cringe, skull emoji."
Then, they began to dissipate. Quickly as they arrived, they left. He was cringe now. So cringe.
"No, NO! Wait! Come back! I'm still relevant! I'm still hip with the kids! I– I..." But it was too late. He was cancelled for being cringe. Everyone was bored by him. He was out-of-touch. He was out of time. He was out of his head when they're not around.
Behind him, he heard his sister, Whiteout, crying. He turned back to see that her favourite stim toy, a rainbow coloured pop-it shaped like a crewmate from Amomg Us, was lying on the floor. Things must be serious.
"Sis, are you upset at me?..." he muttered.
"Yes! You just unboxed our dad! My trauma points are like so high right now. I can't even..." She wiped her tears and kept crying.
Darkstalker looked back at Arctic, who was dead. Very dead. He growled. "When I'm the alpha king of the world, everyone will be my fan. Everyone will follow me! Everyone will like and subscribe! You'll see, you'll all see!"
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leothil · 6 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
@mistmarauder thank you so much for creating this and tagging me! 💛💛
Top Five Blorbos: 1. Eddie Diaz - 9-1-1 2. Leon Draisaitl - Hockey rpf 3. Embry Carter - Rebel Kings MC 4. Matthew Tkachuk - Hockey rpf 5. Eddie Fulton - Summer Sons
Top Five Fandoms: 1. 9-1-1 2. Hockey rpf 3. Rebel Kings MC 4. Percy Jackson 5. Summer Sons
Top Five OTPs: 1. Buddie - 9-1-1 2. Mattdrai - Hockey rpf 3. Embry and Mateo - Rebel Kings MC 4. Andrew and Eddie - Summer Sons 5. Quinn Hughes and Brady Tkachuk - Hockey rpf (listen. I can feel the brainrot brewing for these two. It's gonna get worse.)
Shoutout to Some New Friends: I feel like this year is the first time I really properly interacted with @shitouttabuck, @messyhairdiaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz and @toboldlynerd and it's been a truly wonderful time! Shoutout to @nunc-spes-spei and @zahlibeth who are always willing to yes-and spec/ideas and indulge weird theories, you're the best!
Shoutout to Some Old Friends: @rewritetheending, talking to you more this year has brought me indescribable amounts of joy, comfort, relief, every positive feeling out there! I can't emphasize enough how important you are to me! @onward--upward you are a true champ for putting up with my weird hrpf rants and excessive post sharing, I love sharing the brainrot with you! My Buck and Eddie girls @burnthatbridge, @girldadbuddie, and @thatsveryood, I treasure you SO much and hope we can share an unhinged video chat again soon (NZ meetup??)! And my absolute ride or dies, my teeny tiny friends, @buckactuallys, @capseycartwright, @clusterbuck, @hattalove, @oatflatwhite, and @thatbuddie, you're the best thing I have gained from this webbed site, I can't believe I get to talk to you every day! All hail the superior search engine etc, I love you so much!
Favorite Creation You Posted This Year: I've loved doing my fic recs from the archive-project and I've been so happy to see other people discover new old fics through it! (It's not finished, I just wanted a break over the holidays!)
Favorite Creation Posted by Someone Else This Year: I've got to shout out @butchdiaz's Eddie Diaz is the archer because I sat eating breakfast at our summer cottage one morning back in July, watching this video on repeat and struggling to keep my feelings somewhat contained because I couldn't spoil my sister by showing it to her.
People Who Brightened Your Year: Everyone I've already mentioned, naturally, but also @tripleaxeldiaz, @henswilsons, @kitkatpancakestack, @eddiediaaz, @try-set-me-on-fire, @transboybuckley, @trippedandfell for being those extra bright spots on my dash and sometimes in my DMs!
Anyone Else You’d Like to Mention: Big shoutout to all of my mutuals and followers, you are all fantastic and I'm really happy to be here hanging out with you! Extra thanks to @evcndiaz @nymika-arts @glorious-spoon @ellelans @spruceoutoffive @captain-hen @fcntasmas @andrewblur @spaceprincessem @mellaithwen and @mistmarauder for being absolutely wonderful presences on my dash, mwah!
Five of Your Favorite Authors This Year: In the interest of not trying to double-tag people (and get to shout out even more peeps):
@bropunzeling I've reread all of your mattdrai fics more than is probably healthy, and you are this 🤏 close to making me acquire new blorbos by reading the rest of your bibliography.
@msmargaretmurry I'll have you know I reread Head Above Water three times this year and it made me more unhinged every time. That's not counting the times I went back to it just to reread a favourite scene or two.
@hopetorun your mattdrai winner's room fic rearranged something in my brain and I'll never be the same again.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels I don't know how you do what you do but I'm in awe, every single time!
@littlespoonevan I've gone back to reread several of your fics this year, and there's something so uniquely sweet and comforting about them!
Five of Your Favorite Artists/Gifmakers/Podficcers/Etc. This Year: 1. @bilosan your gifs are so gorgeous and I always love seeing what kind of sets you put together! 2. @like-the-rest-of-la if I could eat your art, I would!! It's so stupidly beautiful! 3. @skyhighrollins911 your edits are beyond gorgeous, and the cast sharing them as well is so deserved! 4. @barbiediaz your gifsets bring me endless joy and make me stop to look even when it's a fandom I'm not personally in! 5. @baneme-art I am so in love with the way you draw Buck and Eddie, I could look at them for hours!
Three Things You’re Looking Forward to in 2024: 1. S7 of 9-1-1. Of course. 2. Continuing to learn more and get better at west coast swing! (Please let me get into the spring course I will be crushed if I can't have it regularly for half a year 😢) 3. Book seven of Rebel Kings MC (Garrett Leigh you KNOW what you did!)
Tagging: Anyone and everyone tagged in this post already!
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everlastlady · 1 year
Helluva Boss X Birthday Reader. 🎂
☕ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, & powerful overlords. Welcome back to another story a very special birthday story because tomorrow is my birthday! I'll be 21 years old which I'll be celebrating with my friends. But this post is also for my birthday people out there who's birthday is either today, coming up, or already passed. If you enjoyed this story then please comment, like, or reblog. Also icons were made by me please don't re upload or edit over but feel free to use.
☕Word Count: 3429.
☕Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕Characters: Striker, Jesse, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, & Verosika.
☕Question Of The Day: When Is Your Birthday?
☕Author's Answer: June 8th
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Striker: Hooray! It was your birthday and you were excited you look over to see your partner Striker wasn’t in bed. But when the door opens you see Striker walking in singing you happy birthday while carrying a tray of homemade breakfast. He sat down and kissed you on the lips. “ Happy birthday, darlin’! “ Striker placed a kiss on your lips and set the tray on your lap. You loved how the breakfast looked and smelled. Striker was a good cook you wouldn’t lie so you were glad that your boyfriend made you breakfast in bed. “ So what does my pumpkin, wanna do on their big day? “ Striker asked while he watched you eating the food. You swallowed the pancakes and picked up the napkin and wipe your mouth. “ I was thinking we could go out to lunch and maybe just go on a nice walk. Just do something relaxing since I know we have been both working hard. “ You said. Striker smiled and kissed your head. “ Okay sweetheart, we’ll do just that just tell me where ya wanna eat and we’ll go there. “ Striker pecks you on the lips and stood up to go shower. After finishing breakfast, you decided to join Striker in that shower and helped each other get dressed. Striker whips out his phone and took a picture with you. “ I’ll take plenty more today. “ Striker gave you another kiss as the two of you left. Striker took you out to your favorite place to eat. Striker had his tail wrapped around your waist and you did the same with your tail while the two of you held hands. Striker smiled at you while the both of you took your seat. Since it was your birthday the waitress brought you a small cupcake and you thanked her. You and Striker ordered your food and ate. Striker took plenty of pictures since he wanted you and him to remember this day. After lunch, the two of you held hands and walked together in the park. “ Every year you get more beautiful. “ Striker said while he kissed your cheek. “ So do you want a birthday cake or anything else? Because I plan on making you a birthday dinner. “ Striker said while picking up a cool-looking rock and putting it in his pocket. You looked at your boyfriend with a sweet smile that could melt his heart and you nodded. “ A cake would be nice, can we bake it together? “ You asked. Striker smiled and chuckled. “ Of course darlin’ let’s go to the store and get what we need. “ He said.
You and Striker walked to the store. You decided to ride in the shopping cart which Striker didn’t mind he found it adorable so he pushed you around in the shopping cart as you placed what you both would need for tonight in the shopping cart. “ I’m glad I got paid well for my last target. “ Striker said in a low whisper towards you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You smiled and got out of the cart as you watched Striker pay for the items. The two of you loaded everything into your car and then drove home. Striker brought the bags inside and wanted you to relax since it was your birthday. You spent the rest of the evening in cozy pajamas and watching whatever you wanted on TV. You weren’t allowed in the kitchen since Striker was cooking but if you needed something you would just shout for your hybrid Imp boyfriend. Striker had snuck past you and into the bedroom, he grabbed something from underneath the bed and snuck back into the kitchen where he then set the table. Striker called you into the kitchen and you stood up. Stepping into the kitchen you saw that Striker had made your favorite meal. “ Striker this is amazing. “ You said and walked over to place a kiss on his cheek. Striker chuckled and pulled you close enjoying the kisses you placed on his cheek. “ Anything for my darlin’ so ready to dig in? “ Striker said with a smirk. You nodded and quickly sat down eating which made Striker laugh, he was glad that you were enjoying the food. After dinner, Striker grabbed something from underneath the table that made you cock your head. “ Here you go darlin’. “ Striker smiled.You grabbed the large wrapped gift and opened it. You saw that Striker had gotten you something that you took a special interest in. “ Striker thank you. “ You softly said. Striker stood up and walked over, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “ Happy birthday (Y/N). “
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Jesse: Your boyfriend Jesse was excited that it was your birthday. Because he had made some plans to make your day the special first thing he did was make you breakfast. He also got you a lovely birthday outfit. He gave you a gift which was a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “ Happy birthday babe. “ He helped you put on the necklace and the two of you shared a kiss. Jesse had gotten dressed up slipping on his leather jacket he was glad that he had gotten back from you since you tend to take his hoodies or jackets to wear because you loved his smell and loved how warm it made you. So he thought about getting you a leather jacket soon, maybe that would make a great Christmas gift. Jesse grabbed your hand and the two of you walked outside. Jesse handed you a helmet as the two of you got on his motorcycle. And riding through the Lust ring. Jesse had taken you out to a garden cafe in the Pride ring. “ I’ll wear the flower crown. “ Jesse said with a small chuckle as you handed him the flower crown. Jesse made sure to get you anything you wanted on the menu; he wanted your special day to be special. Jesse then took you shopping at a small store where he bought you a couple of outfits especially a nice one because he planned on taking you out to Ozzie’s tonight. You had always wanted to go but the policy was always couples only but now that you and Jesse were now dating so now you could go there with him. The two of you dropped the bags off back home. Exhausted from a good meal and walking around the two of you took a nap while you lay on top of Jesse’s chest. He rubs your back while you were sleeping and he soon fell asleep but set an alarm so that you two wouldn’t miss your birthday dinner. After waking up from a peaceful nap with your boyfriend. Both of you got ready and wore similar matching outfits, Jesse decided to drive the car instead of using the motorcycle. You held onto Jesse’s arm as the two of you walked into Ozzie’s your eyes lit up seeing how beautiful the place was. “ Heh, I come here a lot to work and yet this place is still beautiful but not as beautiful as you. “ Jesse kissed your cheek and the two of you walked to your table and sat down.
You picked up the menu as Jesse orders you both a drink. “ I was thinking after this we could go on a walk. “ Jesse said and looked at you. “ I would like that Jess. “ You smiled and both of you would drink and watch the performers on the stage. The two of you enjoyed a meal while Jesse would take time to compliment you and tell you how much he adored you. After drinking and eating the two of you took a stroll in the park. You held onto Jesse’s arm and walked into the park with him. Jesse would stop to pick up any pretty flower he had seen to hand it to you. “ I hope your birthday was good (Y/N). “ Jesse rubs the back of his neck. You gave his hand a little squeeze and smiled. “ Of course I enjoyed it not because of the gifts and dinner. But because I was with the guy that I love. “ You said. This made Jesse’s heart flutter and he stopped walking. He pulled you close and kissed you underneath the stars. You kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck. The two of you share a passionate and loving kiss. You and Jesse went back home, took a nice shower together, and then lay in bed together. The two of you snuggling in bed and watching a movie. “ Happy birthday (Y/N) “ Jesse said as he saw you were asleep and kissed your head.
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Asmodeus: You woke up to slam of the bedroom door. You jumped as loud music played and the people who worked for your husband Asmodeus had come into the bedroom with different sizes of gifts. Asmodeus stepped into the room and walked towards you. “ Happy birthday my little sweet rose. “ Asmodeus kissed you then snapped his fingers as the music stopped playing. “ Today is all about you and I made sure to spoil you a lot. “ Asmodeus nuzzled you and you smiled. Your boyfriend Asmodeus could be quite extra but you loved him. You were excited to see what he had planned. “ Now go ahead and open your gifts. You don’t have to open them all since there is a lot because I saw so many things that reminded me of you, that you needed, or that you would like. “ He said laughing. You smiled and started to open presents as Asmodeus watched you gasp in excitement at the gifts he had gotten you, especially a rose quartz ring. “ That outfit right there is for your party tonight. I made sure to hire the best caters and told them to prepare their favorite foods and desserts. “ Asmodeus smiled but then frowned. “ I hope they make it taste good and make it look good or else… “ He said in a dark tone. You stood up and walked over kissing Asmodeus on the cheek. “ And don’t worry I made sure to invite all our friends. “ He held you close on his lap. “ Now let’s go eat breakfast. “ Asmodeus gave you a peck on the lips and you two walked out of the bedroom to go get some breakfast. You enjoyed the breakfast that was made while Asmodeus talked about how the party will be. After breakfast, you and Asmodeus took a stroll through his rose garden. “ Beautiful just like these roses. “ Asmodeus smiled and looked at you. The man had sacrificed a lot when he asked you out when he had asked you to marry him. But he told people and even apologized that love and lust can exist in one. The party was being set up so you and Asmodeus took a bath together, then helped each other get ready. “ We both are the hottest people in Hell. And we’ll be the hottest people at your party. “ Asmodeus gave you a loving squeeze and the two of you walked downstairs for the party.
You had fun chatting and drinking with your friends. You looked at the food with amazement as your mouth waters. Asmodeus watched you with a smile. He was glad that you were happy with the party. After opening gifts and listening to your friends sing happy birthday to you. You stepped outside while everyone else parties. Looking up at the stars, you smiled. You like parties but you would describe yourself as a battery you could only handle so much until you had to recharge. You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Asmodeus. “ Everyone is going home now. I know that you have always been a battery my little battery hehe. But I made sure the party would end early so we could relax. “ He said with a smile. You turn around and hug Asmodeus. The two of you put away the gifts you got and then took another relaxing bath together. You changed into your pajamas and you could hear the blow dryer. You sat on the bed and Asmodeus came out brushing his fur and looked at you. “ I hope today was special my little rose. “ He leaned down and kissed you. “ Happy birthday (Y/N), I love you. “ Asmodeus and you spent the rest of the night cuddling in the bed and relaxing.
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Fizzarolli: You were sleeping peacefully in bed until you felt some weight on you and heard someone purring? You open your eyes to see your husband Fizzarolli looking at you. “ What are you dreaming about hotcakes? “ You rolled your eyes playfully and hit him with the pillow and he rolled off the bed then jumped up. “ Happy birthday! “ Fizzarolli yelled and kissed you all over your face as you laughed. “ You may be getting older but you are still as beautiful as the day I met you. “ Fizzarolli sat down on the bed. “ I tried to cook but I brunt our favorite pan. “ He said in a low whisper. “ But let me treat you to breakfast! “ He held onto you and you looked at him. “ Fine but next time you want to cook maybe watch a video or pick up a cookbook. “ You said and kissed his head. “ Then I guess buying a cake would be smarter? “ He said looking at you. You nodded your head and smiled. You knew Fizz couldn’t cook so you both usually went out to eat or you would cook. And Fizzarolli loved your cooking, but since it was your special day he wasn’t going to let you cook. “ Let me go get your gift. “ Fizzarolli stood up and opened the closet and stepped inside. You sat there on the bed stretching as you were in your underwear and wearing one of Fizzarolli’s t-shirts. “ Here this for you. “ Fizzarolli set a neatly wrapped green gift on your lap. You open it and smiled seeing that Fizzarolli made a scrapbook. You open the book to see the pictures of all the memories that you shared with him. You smiled and kissed Fizarolli, he kissed you back and grinned. “ Now get up and let’s get dressed so we can celebrate your birthday. “ Fizzarolli pulled you out of the bed and you went to go take your shower and slipped into a nice outfit. Fizzarolli got ready himself while you threw out the burnt pan. “ How did he put a hole in it? “ You said in shock and toss the pan into the trash. Fizzarolli walked out all dressed up. The two of you held hands and left the house. “ We should go to the diner where we first met. “ Fizzarolli suggested. “ If you want to though because it’s your day babe. “ Fizzarolli said smiling. You smiled and took Fizzarolli’s hand, walking towards the diner. The two of you entered the diner and waved at the old lady cat demon who served you and Fizzarlli on your first date here. It’s also where you used to work and how you met Fizz.
You sat down with Fizz as the old lady cat demon walked up. “ Happy birthday kid want the birthday special? “ She asked smiling. You smiled back and nodded your head as Fizzarolli just wanted some blueberry cakes and chocolate shake. “ Got it. “ The old lady walked as Fizzarolli smiled and rested his hand on top of yours. “ You look so beautiful today. How did I get so lucky to have the most beautiful and heartfelt demon in Hell. “ Fizzarolli kissed your hand and smiled. The two of you enjoyed the breakfast and took pictures. After leaving the diner. Fizzarolli took you shopping and to different spots in the Pride ring. “ Ooh matching necklaces. “ Fizzarolli stared at the necklaces that you had picked up. “ Yeah, it’s cute. “ You smiled and Fizzarolli grinned. He bought you the necklace. You helped each other put on the necklace as you both didn’t hear a familiar voice yell prude. Fizzarolli held your hand and the two of you continued to walk while enjoying the day. “ This is pretty good. “ You and Fizzarolli sat at the park underneath a tree and were eating pizza while watching the sunset. “ Yeah because you would have burnt the pizza. “ You said with a small laugh. Fizzarolli rolled his eyes. “ I’ll get better at cooking one day. Let’s go buy your cake and head home. “ He said smiling. But you had a different idea. You dragged Fizzarolli to the store and the two of you bought some stuff to bake a cake. Fizzarolli thought it was sweet that you wanted to bake your birthday cake with him more importantly you wanted to teach him how to bake. So when back at home the two of you baked the cake and Fizzarlli paid close attention. Once the cake was done, cooled down, and frosted. Fizzarolli added on the candles and sang happy birthday to you. You smiled and blew out the candles and Fizzarolli looked at you with a sweet smile. “ Happy Birthday (Y/N). “ He said smiling and getting ready to cut the cake with you.
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Verosika: You woke to the smell of something sweet and something s bit heavy being rested on your lap. You open your eyes and sat up. “ Happy birthday cutie. “ You heard a sweet alluring voice. You smiled and looked at your girlfriend Verosika who was holding a plate of strawberry shortcake pancakes. You looked over to see the large pink gift on your lap. “ Thank you, baby. “ You said. . And you kissed Verosika, you reached over and opened the gift to see that she had gotten you a jewelry set and some outfits. “ You’re going to have a special day cutie so eat up, clean up, and get dressed. “ She kissed you and then walked off she was already dressed. You sat there happily eating the food and watching some TV. After finishing breakfast; you got out of bed and took a shower. You tried on the outfit that Verosika got you along with some of the jewelry. You walked outside as Verosika was waiting in the car for you with Vortex. “ Look at you!!! I could just eat you up though I might do that later tonight~ “ Verosika said and winked. You blushed and got into the car with Verosika as she had Vortex take you two out to the shopping center where Verosika spoiled you and watched you try on outfits. She took many photos of the two of you having fun. She took you to different dessert shops. She then treated you to the spa where the two of you relaxed and talked. “ Anything else you want for your birthday cutie pie? “ Verosika asked while she lay there getting her back massaged. “ No, I think I’m good but thank you for this wonderful day baby. “ You smiled and felt relaxed as your back was also getting massaged. After finishing up the two of you went to the flower shop and Verosika bought you some red, pink, and black roses. She kissed your cheek and took a picture. The two of you drove back home and stepped inside. You and Verosika baked your birthday cake and had fun throwing flour at each other and eating frosting from the spoon.
You placed the cake in the oven. And walked into the living room with Verosika, you both ordered some pizza and sat on the couch cuddling while watching a movie. “ I swear romance movies try too hard nowadays. It’s like cmon stop trying to act all cool and relatable. “ Verosika said and sighed. “ At least the movie I starred in blew up we sold millions. “ She smirked and cuddled you close. You chuckled softly you found it cute how passionate Verosika was with what she loved makes you wonder why that bastard Blitzo decided to hurt/leave her. Hearing the ding from the oven, you and Verosika smiled at each other and jumped off the couch, running to the kitchen. She took the cake out of the oven and the two of you let it cool before frosting and decorating it. Verosika did a little doodle of her kissing your cheek and you added on the candles. She sang happy birthday to you and then got a video of you blowing out your candles. She giggled and smiled. “ Happy birthday (Y/N). “ She said. The two of you watch a movie while eating cake and cuddling. And of course, Verosika’s phone was blowing up with people telling you happy birthday as well.
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sunny-mercya · 4 months
His Reasons
Rusty Ryan x Male Reader
Fandom -> Ocean's Trilogy
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When Danny, after being out of prison, asked Rusty to join him at a Grand Coup—Rusty had only agreed halfway to it. After all he wanted to know what exactly they would rob and risking their lives and freedom for.
And when Danny told him, they gonna rob three Casinos in good old Viva Las Vegas, Rusty wanted to know a good enough reason for him to join in such madness of nonsense.
And Danny, like the best friend and charming asshole he is, told Rusty the only valid reason;
»If we pull this off and I promise you, we will, you can finally move with [Name] to wherever your heart desires and afford the safety you have promised him.«
Danny was right, hitting a wound point in Rusty's ego, because there had been one thing Rusty couldn't give you and that was protection. Protection you from a past, you wouldn't be able to free yourself if you don't have a certain amount of money to pay for.
»Okay. I'm in, but if we fail I'm gonna send you personally to hell, Danny boy.«
Rusty might have agreed, trusting and believing in his friend that they will manage this with a 100 percentage chance of successful winning—but he also know what price it would cost him, because if they indeed fail it would be you who Rusty would lose and you're more worth to him than all the money and jewels in the world.
So far, the whole plan went, besides absolutely minor improvements of differences, hellbent well.
Rusty could almost imagine the millions, billions, of money he would have. Enough money to buy you free and finally move to either (f.country) or sweet California.
Just you and him, Rusty thought, imagining the new life—fully secure, comfortable and happy healthy—he would have with you and maybe a big family with lots of dogs and cats (and perhaps Danny, because he's your self-proclaimed older brother)
„Uh, uhm, Rusty there's–“ „Rusty, there's a problem. A You problem.“
»What?« asked Rusty, scrunching up his face in confusion. Another problem? What sort of you-problem do they mean?
„Look towards the entrance.“
»Fuck. Give me some minutes to handle this guys.«
»Robert Russel James Ryan! You do not write me a letter with such unbelievable heinous words and leave our house in such fucking manners. How fucking dare you! Do you know how fucking worried I was?!«
A few people had turned their heads, when you had marched forward to Rusty and shouted in anger at him.
Ouch, shouting his full name—yeah, you're furious and it was Rusty's own damn faulty mistake. Indeed a You-Problem.
Rusty took a few steps forward to you, having his hands up in surrender, wanting to appease you. Honestly, he haven't seen you this angry ever since Danny and him had a bloody fist fight with your "Boss", which they lost—of course, as they couldn't win against a knife and knuckleheads—and you were so furious with them, that they were taken back with the amount of cursing you said at them, while treating their wounds.
»Hey, love, watcha you doing here?«
»Don't come with such bullshit. You know perfectly well, why the fuck I'm here. So tell me now, Russel, the fuck are you and Danny—and I know that fucker is here as well—suspiciously planning to do here?!«
Rusty inhaled and exhaled deeply through his nose, trying to think of a way to get you away from here—before you causing more disturbance and a possible fail to the plan. Then again, he could use you for a good distraction, but no—no, no, he had sworn himself to not do such things with you.
Gripping your arms gently, Rusty pulls you close to his side and leads you away to a more secluded area of waiting.
Waking up to an empty bedside next to you and discovering your husband is not in your shared apartment, even though he told he would be on time back—and that has been days ago, I mind you—brought a lot of unpleasant thoughts through your mind.
There could be many things happening to Rusty; him having a accident, in a hospital and injured, arrested—your husband is certainly not a innocent man, he had done some bad and dangerous awful things of illegally, you're aware of it—or worst case scenario, your Boss quit the deal and killed Rusty.
You started to walk through your tiny apartment, still clothes in pyjamas—shorts and one of Rusty's oversized shirts—mind going haywire with everything and anything; be it the due bills, another round of grocery shopping—as Rusty is a total glutton and eats more than you and probably has an endless pit of a stomach—which you don't know how to pay for, the payment deal, Rusty being gone and probably killed and you still being jobless.
A lot of things for a tiny mind like yours to think about.
Then, while you cleaned, you found a note—definitely from Rusty and when you read it, you screamed in disbelief.
Yeah, sure, do a few days trip to Las Vegas and just don't tell me personally, not even the reasons for it—you thought, scoffing at your Husband, who's a buffoon
»Rusty, you tell me now why you and Danny are here.«
»I can't love, it's a surprise«
Perhaps, in perspective, Rusty should have told you personally about his little trip and possibly heist, but then it wouldn't be a surprise and loved to surprise you.
»Fuck your surprise. I thought he called off the deal, I thought he had killed you. I was worried sick.«
»I know, I know, dear. I apologise, I shouldn't have told you via note, could this prince forgive a humble man like me?«
Rusty leaned in closer, whispering the last few words in your ear as he ask for your forgiveness and kissing your cheek, when you remained silent.
„Not to bother, but time management?“
Rusty rolled his eyes, the guys could be such mood killers and a pain of annoyance in the ass. The gang was his gang though and he had a job to fulfil.
»Need to go, love. Meet me at Helios-Motel in like two hours.« Rusty kissed your lips, a gentle kiss it was and gave you the Motel-Keys.
Before Rusty could stand up and go, you had taken ahold of his hand.
»You promised me, you and Danny will be safe and unharmed?«
»Always, my love«
And when Rusty flashed you his signature grin, you let him go—knowing he wouldn't break his promise.
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moonlight-prose · 6 months
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I have spent several days drafting this post because there's so much I want to say. 2023 was filled with some big moments for me. I graduated college, met my friend group, went on night time adventures, and actually acted like my age for once. I was chaotic and fun and carefree for the first time since I turned 19. But things have also gone wrong in many ways.
Which is why I write this to you guys. The incredible people on this site. Whether you follow me, are my mutuals, or have seen my blog in passing (or in your notes), I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
While this year might have sucked for a majority of it, the light I found in this community - on this site - is unmatched. I have met some of my greatest friends here. I've cried to fics, lost my mind over characters, and written so much more than I actually expected. It's been a hell of a year and an absolute honor getting to thirst with y'all.
So here's to getting sluttier in 2024! I'm toasting my champagne glass to you guys.
I also wanted to simply shout out some very important people to me. They've made 2023 bearable and I couldn't have been happier to know them through this place. A big massive fucking THANK YOU to my darlings. You're the greatest people I know.
@soulores my queen, my babe, my bestie. it is hard to believe we didn't start officially talking till summer of this year, because i genuinely feel like we've known each other for years. from our sunday morning phone conversations, to our screaming in the dms about these fictional men, and movie days with you. i couldn't have asked for a better friend to meet this year. here's to many many more memories in 2024 (and to finally meeting in person!).
@themarcusmoreno what would be a dedication post without mentioning you! my love i am so so fucking happy we met two years ago. all because of pedro pascal. crazy to think i would have found such an incredible person who happened to love all the things i love! you're the greatest friend and i am so grateful for you. thank you for sticking with me.
@sunflowersteves vic the absolute bad bitch. THE PERSON YOU ARE. i am so so so so fucking happy you and i are still mutuals. after meeting through marvel of all things and then pedro and now top gun. there's so many memories with you i cherish. and i can't wait to make more. and a massive thank you for being such a cheerleader for my writing this year. you and ash have managed to keep me going even when times were tough.
@karasong my first EVER mutual on this site. it's so hard to think that if it weren't for you i wouldn't be writing on here. you followed me two years ago and i flipped out and the feeling hasn't changed one bit. i couldn't be happier you're in my life. from starting up the server with you, to yearning for obi-wan, life with you in it is so much better.
@softanon it would not be a proper dedication post if i did not add you babes. dia you are one of my favorite people to exist. you're effortlessly cool, have the best ideas, and i always feel so lucky that i met you. from our talks about the moon knight bois, to tommy miller, to yearning over din djarin, i have loved every single convo with you. they bring me so much joy. you are an incredible person and i am looking forward to SO MANY more convos about our favorite men!
@saradika to one of the greatest people to exist in this fandom i love love love you. your graphics and the love you show to everyone around is so incredible and bright. we seriously don't deserve you, but i am so happy you are here and that you exist. you've made 2024 brighter just by being here.
@tarrenterror25 the spookiest darling ever! when you showed up on the server it was such a good day! and you brought with you so much fun and joy that the server was never the same. i am sending you an infinite amount of love this new years and here's to more chaos with you in 2024!
to my darlings in the dilf nation server:
@arctvrvs thea babes you are iconic, lovely, and are one of the best people to exist. you made 2023 so much better just by being around to yearn over joel with you. i couldn't be happier to know you!
@fluffyprettykitty selene you are the coolest people who has the coolest fics! the love you share on fics is so incredible, it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. also you're just so awesome i couldn't have asked for a better person to join the server.
@rae-gar-targaryen my fanboy lover in crime. i'm sure i've said it countless times, but you are so cool and amazing and beautiful. you are a goddess in real life. the talent you have is so fucking incredible it haunts me. i love each and every one of your creations and i love you as well!
@mostly-megan you are an absolute sweetheart and even though we haven't talked much in 2023, i hope to have so many more conversations with you in the coming new year. sending you my love darling!
@agirllovespancakes iris you lovely human being. i remember when i was first posting hurt you would reblog the greatest comments. and it made me want to continue, because i looked forward to each one. and now that i know you love tommy too! you're so amazing and i dedicate a new years kiss to you.
@inklore you talented insanely incredible person! i could make a whole list of good things about you. i am sending you SO MUCH love for 2024. i hope it's amazing.
@outercrasis birdie my darling i want to tell you all the things that i cherish about you. from the love you showed on black velvet, to the way we screamed about bruce wayne and even frank castle, i live for our conversations. here's to so much more fun in 2024 and infinite convos about saltburn.
tagging those lovely humans who've made 2023 so incredible. please know i love you so much and i am kissing you when the clock strikes midnight. thank you for making this year so incredible!:
@stargazingcarol, @cregan-starks, @lady-of-glass-and-bone, @fushic0re, @targaryenvampireslayer, @pennyserenade, @flightlessangelwings, @stargirlfics, @goldgilzean, @kalllistos, @flordeamatista, @perotovar, @my-secret-shame, @roamwithahungryheart, @galatially, @eloquentmoon, @starryeyedstories, @oscarseyebrow, @iraot, @zinzinina, @thefact0rygirl, @iamskyereads, @navybrat817, @ifimayhaveaword, @the-godparticle
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Anyone But the Spin Doctors
Kai Parker x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: “Nobody warned you about me?”
Summary: Y/N is loosely a member of the Mystic Falls gang, and basically the only one who doesn't think revenge is the best answer to every problem. After spending some time in New Orleans with their best friend, Kol Mikaelson, they come back to Mystic Falls to find Bonnie and crew exacting revenge on their latest enemy, Kai Parker. But, after Kai showed some signs of humanity and change, Y/N is convinced there's a better way to deal with him. So, they steal an ascendant and go to 1903 to get him out.
Word Count: 2,735
Category: Fluff, little bit of angst (esp. at the beginning)
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Wait, what? You just left him there?" I demanded, staring at Bonnie in utter disbelief.
"Yes. Because that's what he deserves. Did you not hear me telling you about all the awful, horrible things he's done, Y/N?"
"Yeah, Bonnie, I did hear you! Did you not hear me when I brought up how easily our problems were solved when we made friends with people and gave them a chance instead of immediately trying to kill them? Or when I laid out how many times our problems were caused by getting trapped in some giant circle of revenge?"
Bonnie rolled her eyes. I was absolutely fuming, and so was she. I'd just come back from visiting my best friend, Kol Mikaelson, in New Orleans, after hearing my friends fill me in on some new witch who had been causing problems lately. Based on what they'd told me most recently, after going through quite literally a hell of a lot, there was actually starting to be a glimmer of hope for this new witch to be roped into joining our side as a friendly, and not an enemy.
Until recently, when Bonnie had apparently stabbed him and left him for dead after pretending to give him a second chance.
"Look, Y/N, just because your little rehab project half-worked on Kol Mikaelson-"
"Bonnie, Kol is my friend, because we built up trust and mutual respect and stopped crossing lines with each other! We broke the fucking circle of revenge that you people–him include–seem to just love living in for some reason!"
"Does not mean that Kai Parker is redeemable!" Bonnie continued, shouting over me to be heard. "I'm not forgiving him, Y/N! And you have no right to tell me I have to!"
I sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Bon, I know. And I'm not trying to tell you you have to forgive him. I'm sorry if that's what it was coming off as. You have every right to never forgive him, and I'm not saying you even have to be friends with him! But I am telling you that getting revenge by literally stabbing him and trapping him in some nightmare hell dimension, when he was just starting to show signs of wanting to make some kind of change, is the literal worst decision you could've made!"
"I've had enough of this," she said, holding up her hands and shaking her head as she took a few steps back from me. "I'm going to go see Elena, and I don't want to hear about this anymore."
"Fine. I was kinda done talking, anyway," I said. I took a deep breath and reached into my pocket, trying not to look too suspicious as I grabbed the ascendant that I'd stolen from Bonnie when I'd first seen her. Shady, for sure, but I stood by the fact that it was the right move. Every time my friends decided to get some kind of revenge when there was another option, it backfired. This time, I was determined to get us on a different path.
Being a witch had its perks, and it didn't take me long to work a little magic of my own on the ascendant. I saw Bonnie's eyes widen as she realized what I was doing, but then, before she could stop me, I was somewhere else. I looked around, finding myself in a clearing in the woods, a heavy blanket of snow all around.
This feels like a scene out of a horror movie, I thought, and immediately scowled at myself for going there. Not the kind of mindset I wanted to have right now.
I took a deep breath and looked around the circle, hoping for any signs of life, but I came up empty. Despite the fact that every instinct in my body told me not to, I took a deep breath and shouted into the darkness.
"KAI! Kai Parker, are you here?"
I waited, listening intently, but heard nothing. A shiver ran up my spine and I took a deep breath, trying not to let my imagination run away from me.
"Kai? Hello? My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I came to get you out of here!"
"I don't think I've met you before."
I whirled around at the sound of a voice behind me, doubling over with my hand on my heart as the adrenaline spiked and then started to drain away. A tall, handsome man with piercing blue eyes stood there staring at me, his head tilted slightly to the side with one eyebrow raised.
"Kai Parker, I presume?" I huffed between breaths, finally calming down enough to stand up straight again. "You scared the shit out of me."
"And who are you?"
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N-"
"Yeah, I heard your introduction. But who are you?"
"I'm a friend of the Mystic Falls gang, sort of. I've been gone visiting a different friend for a while, but I'm back for a visit. When I got here, Bonnie told me what she'd done to you, so I..." I trailed off then cleared my throat, feeling slightly guilty for what I'd done behind my friend's back. "I stole the ascendant and came to get you out."
"Nobody warned you about me?" asked Kai, prowling a few steps closer to me. I laughed a breathy laugh and held my ground, despite my heart picking up the pace ever so slightly.
"No, they did. At length."
Kai stopped at my words, quirking an eyebrow again.
"And you still came?"
I shrugged. "It sounded like you were interested in making a change, or even just making some friends, but nobody gave you a chance. I've been there before, and it sucks. So I thought I'd come and do something about it."
Kai just stared at me for a few beats, and I swear I could see his mind processing all the new information. I held in a smile at the sight; it was kind of cute.
"Okay, so, I'm kind of new to this whole... emotions thing," he said, waving a hand in the air and grimacing. "But... I'm feeling kind of... weird, right now."
"Weird how?" I asked, taking a few steps closer to him. He stared down at me, looking incredibly confused that I wanted to approach him, but answered any way.
"Weird like... like there's something moving around in my chest, and it's grabbing my heart in a claw and squeezing it."
This time I couldn't help it; I smiled.
"I mean, that could be a lot of things, but... maybe it's a little bit of relief? Or being overwhelmed that I'm here, and that I came for you?"
"Relief... hm, maybe. By the way, it was an absolutely insane choice for you to come here without even knowing me. Why did you... why did you do that?"
I shrugged. "Ever heard of Kol Mikaelson?"
"Mmm... maybe. Crazy powerful, insane Original vampire with a lot of brothers and a sister who like to terrorize the world?"
"Maybe not how I would describe them, but yeah."
"My parents talked about them. They debated trying to step in and put them down a few times."
"Oof. Probably better for everyone involved that they didn't."
"And what's your point?"
"The Mikaelsons first came to town a few years ago, and caused absolute chaos. Honestly, it was pretty terrible, and me and the rest of my friends were scrambling to figure out what to do about them. Kol was especially problematic, and he almost killed, like, half my friends."
"I can see why you speak so fondly of him now."
I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm. "Okay, we didn't really get along at first. But then, while Damon and crew were cooking up some insane attack plan revenge scheme whatever, I happened to run into Kol at the Mystic Grill. He was being menacing and trying to manipulate me, but then a song came on in the Grill, and we both immediately grimaced because it was a terrible song. It was such a tiny moment, but we actually made a real connection over it. And from there, little by little, we became actual friends. Instead of getting caught up in manipulations and scheming and attempts to do each other in, we started hanging out and making compromises about lines we wouldn't cross. And then he stopped being a problem for me and my friends."
"So, ever since, I've kind of made it my mission to give people a chance at redemption before going apeshit with the rest of the Mystic Falls Gang and their insane ass schemes. Sometimes it doesn't work, but sometimes it does, and it saves us all a lot of hurting. And, sometimes, I find a new best friend."
"So you're best friends with a psychotic Original vampire now, because you both hated the same song?"
"Yup! He's the friend I was coming back from visiting, actually. It's crazy how life works sometimes, isn't it?"
"What was the song?"
"Uck, some garbage by the Spin Doctors."
A ghost of a smile flashed across Kai's face, and he huffed a small laugh.
"You hate the Spin Doctors?"
"Big time."
"Huh. So... assuming I go along with this, and don't just siphon your magic and take the ascendant..." he started taking a few casual steps closer to me. We were almost chest to chest now, but I still didn't back down an inch. "What's your plan for stopping me from getting revenge on Bonnie for literally stabbing me in the back?"
I sighed. "What is everyone's obsession with getting revenge all the time?" I cried, throwing my hands up in the air. "Seriously, don't you people have better things to do?"
Kai just raised an eyebrow at me again, so I put my hands on my hips and fixed him with a look.
"My plan is to convince you of the same thing I convinced Kol: there are way better things to spend your time on than some ridiculous revenge scheme that's only gonna make life worse for everyone, you included."
"By doing what?"
"Offering you a better option." I smiled, then gestured with my hands to add a little dramatic flair to my words. "Picture this: touring the world, visiting all kinds of cool new places, singing some good karaoke, and finally escaping all the stress and heartache and negative emotions that come with involving yourself in Mystic Falls drama."
"Possibly tempting... say more."
"Kai, look, I know I don't know you. But I'd like to. And if you agree, I say we go on an adventure together. You're new to the modern world, there's no way you've seen all of the coolest things we have to offer post-nineties. Let's go explore it together. We can start in New Orleans, and you can meet Kol, and then we can go wherever the hell we want after that."
Kai swallowed hard, and although I could tell he was trying to keep up his smooth, cool, scary posturing, I'd gotten pretty good at reading emotions over the years. There were finally some cracks in the mask, and I could see the hope and hurt swirling just under the surface.
"You'd really... you'd really do that?"
"Yeah. I'm all about having adventures, and I want a buddy to go see the world with. So... what do you say? Wanna be my buddy and dip out on the whole revenge thing?"
A smile tugged at the corner of Kai's mouth, and although he tried to fight it, he couldn't hold it in.
"Well, I guess since you came all this way..."
I grinned at him, not even bothering to try to play it cool. I held out my hand, and after a short pause, Kai took it.
"You know I can siphon peoples' magic by touching them, right?" he asked, his grip on my hand tightening just a little. I squeezed right back.
"Yeah, I told you before, I got briefed on your whole deal. Now c'mon, we've got places to see."
With my free hand, I pulled the Ascendant out of my pocket. I could see Kai smiling out of the corner of my eye as I started to the spell to take us back, and our hands were clasped tight enough that I could feel his heart racing through his palm. Sure, my style of dealing with things didn't always work, but a little kindness and an olive branch sure could go a long way.
It didn't take me long to get the spell right, and suddenly, Kai and I were standing in the middle of the Salvatore living room, right where I'd left Bonnie after our argument. I really shouldn't have been surprised, but we were immediately surrounded by the Mystic Falls gang, looking ready to fight.
I swore, clutching Kai's hand a little tighter. He squeezed my hand back, which I hoped was a good sign, and I did my best to stare down my friends.
"Guys, listen, I get that you're not a fan of Kai, but I seriously need you all to back the hell off-"
Their faces immediately transformed into looks of shock and horror, and then they stopped looking at me and Kai and started staring around the room instead. At the same time, I felt just the slightest trickle of my power drain away, and I turned to Kai in confusion.
"I made us invisible," he quickly explained, suddenly looking a little concerned. "I hope that's okay. I needed to siphon you to do it, and we didn't really have time to consult. Agh, just, don't freak out on my-"
"Kai," I held up a hand to stop him, and he immediately froze, looking at me with wide eyes. I could see the fear and insecurity as plain as day, as he clearly worried he'd just scared off his new (and only) friend. "It's okay, I was just surprised. Honestly, it was a great move. We should probably get out of here, though, before they get any ideas."
Kai sagged with relief. "Okay, good, because for a second I thought-"
"Hey. Seriously, it's okay. It's going to take more than a well-timed spell to frighten me off. I'm friends with an Original vampire, remember?"
Kai smiled at me, then started to look confused again as he raised his free hand to clutch at his chest.
"Is this... what is this? Ugh, feelings suck."
"No shit," I agreed with a laugh. Gently, I tugged him towards me with our joined hands, and he looked at me with wonder in his eyes. "You wanna talk about what it feels like?"
"It feels like I'm having a heart attack. And like... like insects are flapping around in my chest whenever I look at you. Are you secretly killing me with some spell I don't know about?"
I couldn't help a small laugh, even as I shook my head.
"Most people call those butterflies, Kai."
"This is what people were talking about when they said that? Weird, but... kinda fits."
I hummed, then on whim that I let myself be carried away by, I leaned up and kissed Kai on the cheek. He turned to look at me in complete shock, a disbelieving but happy and dazed look on his face, and I couldn't help another small laugh.
"C'mon, we can analyze how close butterflies and heart attacks are to the same feeling later," I said, tugging him along with me towards the front doors of the Salvatore house. "Right now, we've got a road trip to New Orleans to begin. And once we get to the car I can show you Spotify. You're gonna love it."
"I can't wait," he said, his voice still a little dreamy as he followed behind me. Now it was my turn to fight butterflies as we snuck out of the house together, still hand in hand. As much as I'd compared him to Kol, I'd never felt like this around my best friend.
Whatever the future held next, I could tell it was going to be an absolutely incredible adventure. And no matter what, I truly couldn't wait to get to know Kai Parker, especially away from all the drama of Mystic Falls.
I had a good feeling about this.
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paleyouthdragon · 2 months
Yup, exactly! And trust, there is no way Harry puts anybody before Ginny. It is very clear in the books that she is the most important person to him. In HBP when Ron is hanging out with them Harry wants Ron to go away and leave them alone. In DH he is with R/Hr 24/7 and pines for Ginny and yearns to talk to Ginny.
I guarantee when GINNY is by his side he is never pining for Ron or Hermione's presence lmao. Ginny is his favorite, it's clear.
The only reason she doesn't know anything about the horcruxes or the prophecy is because Harry wasn't allowed to tell anyone else. It was legit part of the plot that he couldn't tell anyone else and its brought up over and over in the last book. He says he's not allowed to tell anyone else. Dumbledore's orders!
Ron!stans just don't want to admit it because they want to live inside Ron's ass. Also, Ron!stans think Ron favors Harry over Ginny when that isn't true either. It's actually very clear in the last two books how much Ron loves and cares for Ginny. Ron turns on Harry and gets angry at him for exactly TWO people: Hermione and Ginny. Both are more important to him than Harry (but he still loves Harry).
ALSO - Ron never lets anyone disrespect or insult Hermione....except Ginny lol.
In HBP Ginny calls out Hermione and makes fun of her for not understanding Quidditch and Ron is right there and says nothing. THAT is so telling to me. If ANYONE else insulted Hermione (and Harry even comments that Hermione looked hurt and stung), Ron would have shouted them down or hexed them. Ginny insulted Hermione in front of Ron and Ron was totally quiet lmao. That is the only time in the books Hermione gets insulted and Ron is quiet! That shows so much loyalty to Ginny! Because at the end of the day? If his sibling fights with someone else, he is not going to get in the middle. EVEN IF THEY FIGHT WITH HERMIONE.
TL:DR Ron and Harry both care about Ginny more than they care about each other. Hermione is the love of Ron's life yes, but his sister is still very important to him and Ron shows loyalty to Ginny even when she fights with Hermione.
This is so true. I never thought about ginny and hermione' fight in HPB w.r.t. ron but this makes so much sense.
I absolutely agree some ron stans are so annoying esp. on quora. I know hermione had flaws (and Ginny too)but some people just put all the blame on Girls and Harry and behave like ron can never do anything wrong.
Ron is very relatable flawed character( that's why i love him) rather than acknowledging it, they just like to pretend he is perfect. And they can't understand a simple fact siblings can be jerk to each other, it does not mean they hate one another.
The way some fic writers writes "after war" stories is just weird like not acknowledging Ginny's trauma and her role in war.
Ginny running after harry and harry just ignoring her and only hanging out with ron and Hermione. Harry ignoring and treating ginny like a shit is justified because "he is been through alot" and ginny is selfish for demanding anything from harry.
If ginny ever complains her whole family will tell her to stop being childish. Also, molly who has just lost her son will be back and call of harry after the war.
Harry is my favorite character in the series but still isn't this too much?
There is also lots of mysogynistic undertone like molly and hermione manipulating ginny to have a baby because harry wants kids.
Sorry, for the long rant. These are just my pet peeves with fandom. Thank you so much for being so kind.
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astra-ella · 4 months
𝐙𝐎𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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fandom: haikyuu ship: nishinoya yuu x oc/reader status: complete ao3 link
"I think you're really pretty. Will you go out with me?" That was the first thing he's ever said to her. And needless to say, Amari Chiyo was not impressed. So as promised, Nishinoya Yuu will get to know her better and confess again. And again. And again. And again. It'll take 6 years and 9 confessions, but he'll get there. Eventually.
⌦ content: fluff, light angst, love at first sight, friends to lover, slice of life
⌦ note: you are free to insert yourself into Chiyo, just keep in mind she has her own character/backstory. i know some people don't like that, so just a heads-up.
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The fifth time he confessed was a little less than a year later — a few months into their first year of high school.
After a few grueling months of study sessions and a little bit of luck, Nishinoya barely managed to scrape by on the entrance exams. They went to the results board together on that cold winter day, along with Hotaru and Kaito. Neither of the kids were surprised to see Chiyo’s number there, but when Kaito somehow caught Nishinoya’s exam number on the bottom right while perched on his shoulders, they celebrated with so much enthusiasm Kaito nearly lost his balance and fell off.
So when April rolled around, Nishinoya and Chiyo were once again attending the same school. Though with Chiyo’s better grades, she ended up in Class 1-4 – a college preparatory class – while Nishinoya was put in Class 1-2.
The day club applications began, Nishinoya immediately joined the volleyball club. He encouraged Chiyo to join a club of her own or even run to become a class rep again like she had in middle school, but she refused.
Instead, she put all her energy into applying for a part-time job. She was hired at a small media and repair store near school, run by a little old lady and her grumpy calico cat. They sold all kinds of electronics, from old VHS tapes to the newest gaming consoles. They also had a huge catalog of DVDs that the old lady often insisted Chiyo borrow for the week to watch on her own. 
Despite the two of them being in different classes and volleyball practice running longer than they did in middle school, Nishinoya’s visits never stopped. He’d drop by after a quick text, eat dinner, do homework, play some volleyball with Kaito, watch a movie then head home for the night. He became such a regular presence that even Chiyo’s father, who was rarely home due to his busy schedule, knew his name and often included his portion whenever he brought back desserts for the kids. 
Chiyo would scold him, telling Nishinoya to go home to rest and that his body must be tired after a long day of volleyball and school. To which Nishinoya would simply remind her that he had to return the lunch box she brought him. Something Chiyo started doing after she found out Nishinoya often only bought banana bread for lunch from the school store.
And that day, Chiyo was on her way to the gym as usual. She preferred to deliver his lunch in the mornings, right after she got to school. Like that, she wouldn’t have to spend her lunch time trying to track him down between the classroom, the gym, or the vending machine.
As she climbed the staircase, she could hear the sharp screeches of sneakers scraping against the gym floor. Despite not being a powerhouse school, Karasuno seemed to take volleyball pretty seriously. 
“Kiyoko-san!” Before she could call out to him, the sound of two boys’ boisterous voices interrupted her. She instinctively hid around the corner so as not to bother them. It took a second before it registered in her head that one of the two voices belonged to Nishinoya. 
“Kiyoko-san, do you need any help carrying anything?” Someone asked.
“Kiyoko-san, you look beautiful as always today!” Nishinoya shouted.
“No thanks.”
Chiyo felt her heart drop.
She snapped her head around in time to see Nishinoya and a boy with short, fuzzy blond hair run up to a girl just as she entered the gym from the back door. He wasn’t kidding. With shoulder-length black hair and large black eyes, the girl had an air of adult maturity to her, someone who was stoic and passionate yet aloof with their intentions.
Suddenly, the name Kiyoko jogged her memory. Nishinoya had mentioned her during dinner a few months back when he told her all about the club. Her name was Shimizu Kiyoko and she was their one and only manager. 
He spoke highly about her, going on and on about how pretty and responsible she was. But Chiyo had always sort of disregarded his comments. After all, Nishinoya did the same thing with a character in their old literature textbook. But seeing him fawn over another girl, a real one at that, made Chiyo’s heart clench with an emotion she couldn’t quite put her finger on. 
“Guys, stop bothering- Oh!” An upperclassman with short brown hair approached the gym from behind her. “Hey, are you looking for someone?”
Chiyo blinked. “Um, I’m looking for Nishinoya. I have his lunch.”
“What is it, Daichi-san, ah!” Nishinoya’s eyes lit up upon seeing her. “Amari!”
As he began to make his way over, Chiyo suddenly felt the urge to run. There was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and in the moment, she wanted to be anywhere but there. But she still had his lunch in hand, and there was a part of her that stubbornly wanted to complete the delivery.
“Here,” she shoved the neatly-packed boxed lunch in his hands, not even bothering to make eye contact. “It’s leftovers from last night, so don’t expect too much.”
“I’m sure it’s delicious,” Nishinoya took the box and grinned. “Thanks as always!”
“Noya-san, this girl’s always bringing lunch for you. What’s up with that?” At this point, the boy with blond hair began to approach them. His eyes then widened as an idea dawned on him. “Wait, don’t tell me she’s your girlfriend or something?!”
“No, I’m not!” Before Nishinoya could respond, Chiyo cut him off perhaps a bit too loudly. “I’m just his middle school classmate. I’m only making him lunch 'cause if I don’t he’s just gonna end up buying banana bread for lunch and be short forever.”
“Excuse me?!” 
“You have your lunch now, right?” Meeting Nishinoya’s offended look with a sharp one of her own, Chiyo quickly turned on her heel. “I’m leaving. Bye!”
She walked briskly away, feeling more and more breathless the further away she got from the gym. She wanted to outrun it all, the sound of her beating heart, the emotions that bubbled in her chest and the hot tears that pricked at her eyes. When she saw Kiyoko, all she could think about was the day he first confessed to her under the cherry blossoms nearly three years ago. She had warned him that he would lose interest overtime. But when faced with reality, she felt like she was the one who lost something.
Her steps slowed as she reached her classroom. It then occurred to her that this wasn’t anything new. Nishinoya has been fawning over other girls for as long as she’s known him. And thinking back on it, the only reason he gave for confessing to her initially was because she was pretty, nothing more. 
A classmate opened the door, cocking her head curiously at Chiyo who stared up at their classroom tag in a daze.
“Amari-san? What’s wrong?”
Chiyo looked at her.
“Boys are stupid.”
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After her shift at the media store that evening, Chiyo was surprised to find Nishinoya waiting outside with two soda-flavored popsicles.
She initially thought that he wouldn’t want to speak to her for at least a good while, after how strangely she behaved in front of his teammates. But to her surprise, he simply gave her his usual greeting and smile before tossing the extra popsicle in her direction. 
“Come on, let’s go home.”
“Oh, okay…”
As they set off, Nishinoya tore his popsicle packet open and began chomping down. Chiyo watched him, fidgeting at the sound of crinkling plastic.
“Hey, Nishinoya,” she swallowed hard. “I’m sorry about what I said today.”
He gave her a confused look. “What are you talking about?”
“Well, I… I called you short in front of the entire volleyball team,” she murmured, still refusing to make eye contact. “I didn’t mean it. I was just in a bad mood and I… I’m just really sorry.”
"Oh, what, that?" Nishinoya scoffed. "Don't sweat it, it's whatever. Kaito's been calling me that for like a year."
“Kaito’s still young,” Chiyo shook her head. “But I… should’ve known better than to make petty remarks like that.”
“Like I said, don’t worry about it,” he waved a hand before quickly finishing his popsicle in two bites and checking the stick. “Dang, another dud.”
Chiyo’s lips quirked up a little before falling. “So Shimizu-senpai, huh?” She opened her popsicle packet. “She’s really pretty.”
“Wait, you know Kiyoko-san?!”
Nishinoya sounded so excited and Chiyo felt a lump forming in her throat. “I saw her when I dropped off lunch for you today.”
“That’s right, that’s right,” he tossed the wooden stick into a public trash can. “Yeah, she’s super pretty, isn’t she? A literal goddess. I heard she’s been the club manager since last year.”
Chiyo nodded before averting her eyes, pretending to admire the street view she’s seen more than a hundred times already. “Well, I better not hear any more of your random confessions from now on,” she said half-jokingly.
“Huh, what are you talking about?” Nishinoya stopped walking. “I still like you, Amari.”
Chiyo nearly dropped her popsicle. She turned to look him in the eye. 
He was dead serious.
“Why would you say something like that?” She snapped, immediately losing all composure. 
Nishinoya cocked his head to the side. “Because it’s true.”
“What do you mean ‘because it’s true’?” Chiyo’s eyes widened with exasperation. “You were literally just gushing about how pretty Shimizu-senpai is. Don’t tell me you’re like one of those sleaze bags in shoujo manga that’ll flirt with anyone you find even mildly pretty.”
“What? No! I mean yeah, Kiyoko-san is pretty and all. But,” he then thumped his chest with a confident smile. “In the end, my heart will always belong to you.”
Her lips parted slightly.
“Don’t say stuff like that, you idiot!” Those were the first words she found herself able to say. “You idiot. You’re such an idiot! The biggest idiot that’s ever existed in the history of idiots!”
“I’m not an idiot!”
“Yes, you are! You’re a shallow, stupid idiot!” Chiyo shouted back, trying to ignore the sore feeling in her nose. “You can’t tell me you don’t have even a little bit of a crush on her. I saw you and that blond kid trying to get all cozy with her. You even call her by her first name even though you’ve only known her for like, what? Two months?”
“Amari, I-”
“I’m completely fine with being friends with you, Nishinoya,” she cut him off, trying her best to avoid his pointed gaze. “I just… I don’t want to date someone who only wants to get to know me half-heartedly.”
Nishinoya rubbed his forehead, eyes flickering up to glance at the setting sun. Taking a deep breath, he then gingerly took her hand and pried her fingers off the hem of her jacket sleeve.
“Look, Amari,” he spoke as softly as he could. “Kiyoko-san to me is more like… a goddess. Someone you put on a pedestal and admire, but still way outta your reach. But when I’m around you, I feel… way more comfortable. Like when I get to see you at home cooking dinner, not giving a damn about your hair, and getting mad at us, I get really happy. Cause it feels like a side to you that only I get to see.”
He looked up to see Chiyo’s dark blue eyes glassy with what seemed to be tears.
He mentally cursed himself.
“I get what you mean though,” he gave an awkward chuckle. “I mean I literally asked you out the day we met without knowing anything about you. But I promised to get to know you better, and you know…” there was a faint tug at his lips. “The more I get to know you, the more I like you. So trust me. I’d never ask you out with anything other than pure intentions, m’kay?”
Chiyo felt her heart stop as he smiled at her. Her breath was caught in her throat, and when she reminded herself to breathe again, her heartbeat became so erratic she was sure the entire prefecture could hear it. 
“Y-You idiot!” Those were the only words that came out when she found her voice again.
“Wha-?” Nishinoya looked genuinely confused. “Why am I still an idiot?”
“Because you just are!” Chiyo turned away, biting down on her popsicle in a feeble attempt to stop the rising heat in her cheeks. She couldn’t understand how he could say something so cringey with a straight face. She then peeked over her shoulder, watching as Nishinoya became lost in thought, wondering exactly what he said that made him an idiot.
“But… Do what you want, I guess,” she murmured just loud enough for him to hear.
Nishinoya’s eyes lit up.
“You got it!”
After that little kerfuffle, the two of them continued on their way home under the setting sun when Nishinoya spoke again.
“But you know, if you wanted me to call you by your first name, you could’ve just asked.”
Chiyo averted her gaze. “When did I ever say that?” 
“You got all jealous over how I call Kiyoko-san by her name,” he reminded her with a mischievous grin. “Come on, I’ll start calling you by your first name too.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” she grumbled.
“Come on, Chiyo.” Ignoring her obviously false remark, Nishnoya poked her arm. “Say it. Yuu~”
Chiyo’s eyes wandered from their surroundings to Nishinoya to her feet. She pressed her lips together, struggling for a moment to find her voice.
“Y-Yuu…” Her voice was barely a whisper. 
Satisfied, Nishinoya smiled. “I like you, Chiyo.”
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toomanytookas · 2 months
Pedro Pascal Fandom Bingo (+ April Reading Roundup)
@burntheedges is a genius and the creation of this bingo game is proof! I love how this has been encouraging me to reach out to people and broaden my reading, Kate. I'm posting this even though I'm late to the party because it's also helping me realise that I was actually quite active this past month even though I've been feeling down about not being as engaged! Here’s to an eventual board blackout. 🥂✨
I definitely did not plan to somehow fill so many squares without getting a bingo, it’s kinda wild. 🤷‍♀️
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Spaces I’ve Marked So Far (as of 30 April)
This is just turning into my roundup of April reading because I couldn't handle leaving out any of the wonderful things I read this month!
I’ve tried to provide a super brief summary of each fic as a taster (obvs more info is provided by the author on each fic’s actual page). If you’re an author whose work is listed here and feel I’ve misrepresented your fic, let me know and I can change the little blurb/status! <3
List is alpha sorted by character then by author.
✅ Read and reblog a character that needs more love - Ben (my first!) visiting - @ladamedusoif - chaptered (ongoing) > Art history professor Lydia takes a visiting post that leads her to meet a certain lit professor, Ben Morales.
✅ Read and reblog a Dieter fic: park - burntheedges - oneshot > Reader encounters a snoozing Dieter in the park Recovery Road - @chronically-ghosted - chaptered (complete) > An epic-length tale of an ill-fated affair between actors (and their better-timed second chance at love). I'm Not in Love (If Wishes Came True) - @schnarfer - series (complete) > Dieter can’t help but sabotage his relationship with MUA reader (but first we get to enjoy the delightful, enchanting beginnings)
✅ Read and reblog an Ezra fic: be your hallowed ground - @kedsandtubesocks - oneshot (complete) > demon!Ezra lures reader off the beaten path and into a bit of delicious sin.
✅ Read and reblog a Frankie M fic: watch - @luxurychristmaspudding - series (ongoing) > Frankie and reader’s instant chemistry is brought back into play in their dynamic with Joel and Santi Be Good for Me - @pascalssbabyy - oneshot > Subby Frankie gets treated to some tasty pre-bedtime activities with reader. Up Sky, Low High - @undercoverpena - oneshot > Frankie and reader have a bit (a lot) of fun while on a helicopter ride. (Also a major shout out to Jo's Do Me Yourself. I'm an ao3 reader of Frankie & Rainy because of a weird mental hangup, so it doesn't count for bingo, but it's a story that means a lot to me!)
✅ Read & reblog a Javi P fic: Paranoid Heart - @goodwithcheese - chaptered (complete) > Two souls who are a bit too worldly wise for Laredo meet through their parents and fall for one another. 
✅ Read and reblog a Joel M fic: Maintenance Request - burntheedges - chaptered (ongoing) > Lit prof reader and [hey we know his job title now!] Joel meet as he works on facilities maintenance and landscaping around campus come morning light (safe and sound) - @janaispunk - chaptered (ongoing) > Joel & Ellie crash land at the reader’s home post Joel getting stabbed. Most Ardently (Nicest Things) - schnarfer - chaptered (ongoing) > Reader’s uncle’s neighbor, Joel, is everything her boyfriend isn’t—caring, attentive, and happy to help her read Austen while her hands are busy
✅ Read and reblog a Marcus M fic (my first!): Afterword - @secretelephanttattoo - chaptered (ongoing) > New-in-town reader makes an instant connection with local stationery shop owner Marcus
✅ Read and reblog a Marcus P fic: I'm Here - @davnittbraes - (open?) series > Reader discovers Marcus is the softdom she didn’t know she could ask for. in shades of gray and candlelight - @freelancearsonist - oneshot > Marcus meets reader at a gallery opening for a case. Raining in Baltimore - schnarfer - oneshot > Soggy Marcus angsts after a fight with reader.
✅ Read & reblog a Tim R fic: i don't wanna be me (bloody kisses) - @perotovar - series (ongoing) > Shane’s gay awakening is full of angst and a bit of getting into trouble. Good thing he has Tim Rockford to turn to as his gentle guide.
✅ Create & share a rec list: discovering lit through fic ✅ Send 3 people a fun ask: I passed this ask meme along! ✅ Send an ask to 3 people you never have before
The pie and bar charts are stowed away this month since I've got this bingo graphic instead, but for my own number-loving brain: In April, I read 320k words from 19 distinct works written by 14 authors. I made 47 comments across tumblr and ao3 (~13k words).
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thestobingirlie · 6 months
I feel like you’re giving Steve (who I love, don’t get me wrong) a little too much credit here—
I don’t think Steve ever went out of his way to bully anyone, so I don’t think he ever bullied Robin or Eddie and only got an attitude with Jonathan after he took the pictures of him and Nancy.
But I think the argument that Steve would’ve stood up to Tommy and Carol and stopped them if they were bullying or just generally being dicks to other kids is a little overly optimistic. I think Steve wouldn’t have done anything— he wouldn’t have joined in the bullying but I don’t think he would’ve stopped them either unless they were going too far. I think his whole arc in season 1 is that he was a popular kid who went along with what everybody else did and what he was expected to do and it was because of Nancy that he finally said fuck these guys and dumped Tommy and Carol and went to go apologize to Jonathan.
I think “bullying” is only viewed in this fandom in black and whites when we are shown that Tommy and Carol were mean kids, they both tried to bully Nancy away from Steve, both made fun of Jonathan for being weird and the whole thing with his brother, and they were both kinda dicks to Barb. I don’t think this makes them evil characters but kids bully other kids, and bullying isn’t solely classified as beating up other kids and stuffing them into lockers.
I’m glad Steve had the arc he did but when people say he would NEVER stand by and let Tommy and Carol bully other kids when he has just takes away from Steve’s whole arc.
Now when people want to act like Steve could act like a bully after season 1, that’s where I have a problem. Because it was that whole arc in season 1 of realizing that Tommy and Carol are “both assholes” who don’t care about anyone but themselves, that brought Steve to become the characters he’s been since the end of season 1 forward.
let’s think about tommy and carol’s ‘worst’ behaviour:
tommy giving barb a wet willy — kind of behind steve’s back, who’s talking to nancy at the time and busy.
“it’s tuesday…” (carol and tommy mocking nancy about the party) — steve huffs out a laugh, and then goes on to try and reassure nancy.
the “jonathan killed his brother” joke — steve swats tommy and tells him to shut up.
tommy pretending not to know barb — steve tells him not to be an ass and to just answer the question.
carol and tommy sex noises — steve smirks, and kind of jokingly gestures for them to be quiet, but does nothing.
the camera — steve leads the charge (tommy and carol don’t actually do that much here, but i figured i should add it).
the graffiti/confrontation — steve actively goes along with it and helps.
carol calling nancy a slut — steve yells in her face, and tells her to watch her mouth.
(i don’t think i’ve left anything out, but obviously correct me if i’m wrong!!)
i do think steve usually goes along with those jokes a little more, and he’s trying to be on his best behaviour for nancy. but clearly he’s not afraid of standing up to them. he doesn’t dawdle about telling them to stop until nancy pushes him to do it. he just does it.
and more than that, tommy and carol seem to listen. they don’t fight back against steve until their big argument (and even then, tommy only really gets serious after steve shouts in carol’s face).
i think these scenes also give us the chance to see what the dynamic of the group is. which seems to be mainly bitchy jokes made out of earshot of the target of said jokes. and having seen the kind of jokes they make, i wouldn’t really say they regularly go “too far” or bully anyone.
like, as someone that got made fun of in school, i wouldn’t class what we see carol and tommy do on screen as bullying. they’re being twats, and making annoying jokes and loud sex noises. but bullying requires… like, effort. and i don’t think tommy and carol care about other people like that lmao. which is what steve says when he ditches them! that they don’t care about other people. that they’re content being judgmental assholes, but steve isn’t anymore.
steve doesn’t want to be surrounded by mean, petty people that bitch about everyone, and who he feels like he can’t be himself around. but i think most of that behaviour happened within their group, and not towards other people unless it’s a more extreme situation (e.g. confronting nancy about the ‘cheating’).
steve’s a very introspective character, and he has spoken about regretting high school, but those regrets were more that he wasn’t friends with whoever he wanted to be friends with because he was worried tommy would make fun of him, and not that he regrets watching bullying happen and doing nothing. which, by all accounts, steve would regret.
i think most of the groups worst behaviour was directed inwards. mean jokes shared between friends, making someone feel like a bit of an outsider because you’re cracking inside jokes, judging pretty much everyone else for bullshit reasons. the kind of stuff that made steve feel a bit shit every single day, but didn’t actually have that much of a ripple effect on the student body at large.
also, and i recognise this is just me being nitpicky, but i didn’t say that steve would stand up for all victims of bullying, just that i don’t think he’d want to be friends with people that horrifically bullied everyone.
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edhellfire · 6 months
2023 was quite the year.
One of my best.
Ups and downs as usual but in general it was great.
Not only did I do everything I intended to but I became a better person a long the way.
I was there for those who needed me. I was a good friend, a good sister, daughter, cousin.
I worked, I traveled, I let go of things that held me back and clung to things that made me better.
I learned to accept apologies and move forward. I learned my worth and to not stay silent.
I have my ADHD and anxiety under control. Health not so much but thats on the agenda for 2024.
I am so thankful for this year and the people that it brought me.
Shout outs below.
@havvkinsqueen You and I have known each other for years but I feel like this year we got closer than ever and you're one of the most important people I've met on here.
@chrissyfied This year brought you to me when I needed you and I am so thankful it did. You make my days better.
@iwillnotbow You don't need to hear this year because I feel like you've known me long enough to know just how much I appreciate you.
@untamedlobo my bro! We talked more this year than ever before and I hope we get closer in 2024.
@scarredfeathers you're such a breath of fresh air and I appreciate the energy you bring into my life.
@behindtheireyes never would I have guessed you and I would become this close but I'm here for it. I love our random talks and I'm falling in love with our muses.
@zoomingupthathill I'm so glad 2024 brought you back into my life.
@little-miss-losing-her-mind I miss you and wish you were around more. I hope life is treating you well.
@lunastar92 forever a bestie.
@qxeenofhawkinshigh I love you to death, you lil weirdo. Thanks for being the cutest hamster... and for spoiling me even though I panic every time you do.
@vionlet I'm glad you're back.
@vitaegratis we don't talk at all but I know the kind of person you are and we need more people like you. We are a weird version of soul mates. Its an Eddie thing.
@puppetoffthehook we don't talk enough but you need to know I adore you and your energy.
@depictedblue love me dammit.
I'm doing this mobile so hopefully I didn't forget anyone. I hope this list gets longer in 2024.
This fandom is scary but you guys make it so worth it to be here.
Lessons learned:
Sometimes what we want isn't what we need. We cling to things and people that really aren't good for us. Trust the universe. If you tried, and you spoke about your feelings, and people didn't understand, walk away. Know your worth. What some people don't value is what other people hold dear. Let the right people into your life and your life will be so much better.
Take risks. Even if it's scary. Risk taking took me to Denver and I had the time of my life and made new friends.
Be loyal. Some people not only deserve it but need it.
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jerzwriter · 7 months
Tumblr media
Sending a shout-out to our fandom artists. Man, the talent we have out there simply blows my mind. (I am so damn envious! lol) Thank you for sharing your gifts with us, bringing your own and our creations to life!
Not gonna lie; I've only read 3 chapters of Blades 1, and I abandoned it, but because of the outstanding artists here, I'm going back to read it. That's your power - and remember that!
I will do my best to remember everyone, but I'm sure I will mess up! So seriously, thank you to every single fandom artist. We're so lucky to have you here!
@rosefuckinggenius (thank you for all the beautiful work you've done for me!); @bayleedraws-sometimesx (you are just precious to us!); @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (OMG your TALENT! You have brought so much joy to the fandom!); @pilitella (who I desperately need to commission!); @baldwinboy5ive (one of the people who has me wanting to read Blades!); @cassie-thorne (I love your work! Your CoP is precious!); @sazanes (your art is just beautiful!); @fairymatchmaker (your art made CoP2 even more enjoyable!); @nukritus (I've only become familiar with your work recently, but I love it!); @mydemonsdrivealimo (your talent! I'm so glad you can't sing, because you're writing and art is just *chef's kiss*. No one is allowed to be perfect, ok lol); @artbyalz (another artist who has me wanting to read blades because your art is so beautiful!)
While they're not on Tumblr, I would be remiss if I did not thank @/artbyainna on IG wh has created such mind-blowing art for me and so many others in our fandom, she's a treasure!
I'm sure I'm forgetting people, but I mean it. Thank you to all of you!
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reyesstrand · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you for the tags @welcometololaland @strandnreyes & @alrightbuckaroo <33 this was a much needed distraction tonight!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
predominantly 911 lone star. the only other thing i’ve dabbled in recently was the old guard
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos? (i’m going to exclude prompt collections here!)
like a bright new dream (first i love you)
wanna be still with you (2x08 coda)
lit the spark (that set a fire) (firefighter!carlos au)
take me back to the light (1x08 coda)
to be reborn (3x04 coda)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do!! even if it takes a few days (where i’m likely just staring at nice words in my inbox and using them as fuel to brighten my mood) i love having that connection, and seeing maybe what stood out to someone who read my silly little story
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
any of my codas that i wrote immediately after an episode aired—my 3x02 spec fic some and now none of you, or my 3x07 coda/3x08 spec fic not a victory march—simply because we didn’t know the outcome for these storylines yet, and i let myself get angsty.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think 95% of my fics have happy endings but to shout one out in particular….hm. i’d say got real love maybe—truly just. fluff. and the boys coming home to each other and making that official. i also think the proposal bliss in (not afraid of) living on a fault line has got to be up there as well
8. do you get hate on fics?
nothing major
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i’ve always stuck to very implied levels of smut in my fics….idk i always worry i won’t be able to make it sound good when there’s people out there who do it brilliantly. however i’m challenging myself with food fic which does have some smut (with feelings. oh the feelings)
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
crossovers aren’t really my thing!!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, would be honoured though!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
love helping with brainstorming bits, but have never actually co-written anything
14. what’s your all time favourite ship?
tarlos brainrot always and forever
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have tons of ideas that i never commit to, which sucks. off the top of my head…the andrea & tk fic that i just never got into a flow with
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m strongest when it comes to setting a scene; when exploring what that character is feeling. i like to think i can kind of evoke a mood through imagery? i’m most comfortable when it comes to introspection and exposition and general narrative
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i tell myself i’m getting better, but i’d say dialogue is the constant thing that throws me off. i also worry i over-write sometimes
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i like it, if it’s being done with good intentions and suits the character. i’d imagine for heavier dialogue it would make sense to ask for someone who speaks the language to read it over to make sure it’s accurate
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i think the get down, back in like 2017
20. favourite fic you’ve written?
i can’t choose, so i present to you two wildly different honeymoons. first, dream this night away—almost 8.5k words after a seven month gap between posting when my writer’s block was at an ultimate high. then of course, to which there is no reply—i’ve been growing happier and happier with my writing especially with these last few fics of mine, and this one is something i’m just super proud of, and the support on it definitely brought me to tears a bit ajdnskdn
no pressure tagging @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @paperstorm @tailoredshirt @theghostofashton @inflarescent @birdclowns @liminalmemories21 @rmd-writes @heartstringsduet @freneticfloetry @orchidscript @tellmegoodbye @safeashousespdf and leaving an open tag as well!! <333
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puredramione · 2 years
Why do you ship dramione? I don't get it.
I have debated answering this ask for quite some time. However, I am going to be optimistic and assume that you are inquiring why I ship dramione out of pure curiosity.
If not, then please ignore this post as life is really too short to be sat worrying about what someone else is doing with their time. I apologise this may be lengthy.
Now let’s start with how I got into dramione. My friends at school were constantly talking about fanfiction, at the time I was solely a book reader, iPads and tablets didn’t have the lovely new book smell I craved so I didn’t pay it much attention. I read some fanfiction in 2012, mostly as a dare, I had to read a Snape/Hedwig fanfic, that to this day has really “scarred” me. But to each their own. I admire the creativity of that person.
I started reading dramione in 2013, after much debate about what I should read, I had listed majority of the ship names in my head and “dramione” just sounded right. Like that way you feel when the sun hits you. I cannot be certain of what the first fic I read was now. But I know the first multi-chapter I loved was Isolation by bex-chan.
Now, the reason why I ship it, apart from the nice, insanely talented and just freaking amazing people this fandom has? I would say the end products. I can’t even imagine how these people do it but they do and it’s incredible.
I mean why dramione? Great question, but I don’t actually think I have an answer. Is it possible because I’m a hopeless romantic that would love the idea of someone changing their entire belief system to just be with me? Maybe. Do I like to read that someone can love someone despite knowing all the terrible things they’ve done but decide fuck it? However I think I just always love the stories of characters that just shouldn’t work but do, and do so incredibly.
I see a lot of the times people saying that it’s disgusting shipping dramione cause Draco bullied Hermione, that the idea sickens them. However I think we forget that Hermione isn’t a perfect saint either. Girl physically attacked him and in a way fucked with him psychologically in the books.
And not to get too personal. But I’ve been bullied, and not just name calling etc. At school I would eat lunch in toilets (I know how hygienic?). I went out with a boy who hurt me cause I didn’t know any better. But the difference is….this is fictional. It isn’t intended to hurt someone, if anything these works have brought me immense joy when I was at my lowest and maybe that’s the reason why I ship dramione.
(This is where I’m going to do some shout outs, please only spread love and appreciation, NO HATE!)
We have insanely amazing writers (in no particular order):
@ambpersand / @lovesbitca8 / @senlinyu / @indreamsink / @heyjude19-writing / @galfoy / @willhavetheirtrinkets / @mightbewriting / @colubrina / @cleotheo / @floorcoaster / @pacific-rimbaud / everythursday 💔 (I miss H&V everyday) / @rizzlewrites / @misdemeanor1331 / @ravenslightwrites / @magicaltraveler3
The incredible artists of this fandom:
@avendell / @jaxx-in-a-box / @nikitajobson / @enselius / @darrusha-art / @keerthi-draws / @ladykenz347 / @mia-moriarty-art / @abrilas-art / @efinna / @artfleureia / @ayaka-arts
And honestly any creator that contributes to this fandom, they have helped me during some bad times personally with their works and I’ll always appreciate that!
And honestly I can’t even begin to write how lucky I feel to be part of a fandom with these incredible people to look up to. So if you’re interested jump in and enjoy the ride, if you’re not then I hope you find your passion and it’s just as good. We all deserve to find those things in life that bring us joy.
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