#andromeda x molly
Cute Molly/Andromeda one shot
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If Andromeda and Molly sound like a cute pair, this ficlet for you!!!
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Best Harry Potter Hubby
I am curious as to who people think the best husband is. Please try to be as objective as possible. It doesn't matter if the man is a villain or antagonist. It's not even about the ship. Like you can prefer Hinny over Romione but think Ron makes a better husband than Harry for eg.
It's a bit hard for some of these guys since their marriage may not have a lot of screentime or no screentime at all. Use how they acted as boyfriends as a rough estimate??
Propaganda from moi:
I personally think Vernon is the best husband in HP. The dude is an abusive jerk to Harry but the man is always ready to throw hands to protect his family. Plus, the dude treats Petunia like a queen and respects and loves her. I just think the Dursleys have the best marriage on paper. Unlike other HP couples, I can't find any fault with Vernon as a husband.
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squadxx4392 · 2 months
New marauders fic dropped on ao3
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Enjoy yall!
There will be 5 total chapters, they’re all mapped out, I’ve just gotta write them
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50044w44s · 9 months
Headcanons I have about Teddy Lupin <3
I don't picture father Harry much but i def picture godfather Harry like my life depends on it. Like, Teddy calling Harry "old man" and Harry finding it hilarious. Harry calling him Ted, or Ed, instead of Teddy, makes him feel important and validated.
And he calls them Mom and Dad, or Harry and Ginny, depending on the day. And he would occasionally talk about Remus or Dora and he'd say "My father" or "My mother" and people would ask him like, which one? And I think growing up he wanted to be an auror like his father (Harry) or his mother (Dora), but also growing up he came to realize that it wasn't that great of a job, and he decided for something else, maybe teaching.
He's really good at charms, and bad at transformations, he doesn't do bad at potions but he would never pick it. And for merlin's sake do not ask him to play quidditch because he will die and kill someone in the process. He's a big fan though.
I think he was the most gentle parented kid ever, along with the other Potter kids, and I think he has both surnames cause Harry didn't want him to feel left out of the family, but didn't want to take Lupin's name out. He hopes in the future Teddy will choose for himself which one to use more.
And I think that he wasn't traumatized by his parents deaths, he was able to process them and mourn them and finally listen happily to all the others had to tell him about them.
And I think Andromeda and Molly were the best grandmothers someone could ever ask for. And I think Draco was the cool uncle that offered him a smoke for the first time and was the one Teddy asked for advice with Victorie. And Ron and Hermione were the house he ran to to avoid all the rules Harry's strict ass had.
And he was a happy kid, who grew into a happy adult.
Anyways if you didn't notice, I love Teddy Lupin.
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scaryspears · 2 months
Arcturus & Melania Headcanon
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Arcturus and Melania were an odd couple that no one expected.
She was quiet and easily slipped by people, but also great at being diplomatic, and could've made a good lawyer or spy. That of course went hand in hand with Arcturus' aspiration to be a court judge in the ministry.
She had a kind heart, with a peculiar sense of humour, and just an overall warm person to be around. Arcturus was quite possessive of her, and got jealous easily, but he was covert about it. He didn't show her. A bit of a yandere, honestly. Any man he felt a little competition with? Critically injured, or never seen again.
Arcturus treated everyone he came across with respect, even mudbloods, which is why he was never suspected of being insane. He was recognised as one of the normal or civil Blacks.
Melania came from the Macmillan family, who were known for being a long line of Hufflepuffs. They were fairly middle class, but not to the same level as the Blacks.
The Black family didn't approve of Arcturus marrying her, but he stubbornly continued courting her, and they stayed together. It took 5 years for Melania to gain Sirius II approval, but it didn't stop the other family members from looking down at her. Out of all her inlaws, Lycoris was nicest to her, with Regulus I being second place. Being an unseen middle child, Lycoris understood what it's like to be visible when people wanted something from you, and confided in her. Regulus I was the baby of the family, and seen as harmless with the agonising need to prove himself. Melania couldn't help but see him the same way, and Regulus kind of hated her for it.
She didn't like playing favourites, but Lucretia was her favourite. Melania loved having a daughter to dote on and spend time with. She didn't love Orion any less, but found it hard to understand his interests.
Lucretia and Walburga didn't get along as children as they were constantly compared to each other: With Lucretia being the well behaved one, and Walburga being the spoiled brat. Melania would set up play dates for them whenever Violetta was unavailable to look after them, but Walburga hated visiting.
Orion inherited Melania's hardworking nature, and focused on his work, never thinking of dating. When Regulus I died, Arcturus started to worry and tried to match Orion with a suitress. Pollux took advantage of this, and convinced Arcturus to have Orion and Walburga wed. Melania was against it due to Walburga's beliefs on muggle hunting, and what that could mean for Orion's future children, but Arcturus' mind was set.
She was a very kind grandmother, and didn't voice disapproval over Sirius' ending up in Gryffindor. She tried to be a mediator surrounding Sirius' growing rebellion.
She occasionally volunteered to look after Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa since Cygnus and Druella were still in school. Melania worried that Pollux and Irma would poison their minds, and she had been correct to find that it had been the case with Bellatrix.
The Prewetts were lower classed, and everyone was horrified to find out that Lucretia became engaged to one. Melania convinced Arcturus to give his blessing, reasoning that if they could marry for love then their daughter could. She used the fact that Orion was an heir against Arcturus, thus being the only one they should truly worry about. It's thanks to her that Lucretia wasn't burnt off, especially after Molly Prewett married into the Weasley family.
A lot of the family members believe that Melania cursed the bloodline, and that Arcturus was a fool to fall in love with her.
Edit: I assumed Lycoris was a boy's name and always thought he or she was male. I like the idea of Arcturus, Lycoris & Regulus being a trio of brothers. I thought it would be funny if there was a doppelganger trope within the family.
Callidora, Cedrella & Charis. Walburga, Alphard & Cygnus. Bellatrix, Andromeda & Narcissa. Arcturus, Lycoris & Regulus.
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
nothing that was without wings would escape
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“I Owled Molly,” Hermione said, tossing the words over her shoulder while she fussed with the copper teakettle. It was better to have her back to him. She knew he’d never curse her from behind, no matter how incensed he was. She’d violated his explicit directive not to ask advice from Molly Weasley and she hadn’t wanted to make him address why exactly Molly was verboten, especially since Hermione was now mostly a Weasley hanger-on, the sister Harry wouldn’t do without, even if she and Ron had crumbled like an old tea-biscuit after six months of attempting a romance. 
“I told you not to,” Draco replied. His voice was low and he’d tried to purge all the frustrated anger from it because it was widely agreed that babies could sense emotion and they didn’t need another reason for Scorpius to cry.
“Desperate times,” Hermione said. “You know the rest.”
“I already asked my mother. And Andromeda,” Draco said, continuing to walk in a nearly symmetric oval path around the dimly lit kitchen, a brief jog to avoid the end of the oak refectory table he used for breakfast and that once upon a time, Hermione had had the most delightfully filthy fantasies about defiling with him. That had been pre-exposure to Scorpius or rather, pre-exposure to Scorpius’s colic.
(She would have felt worse about lusting after a recently widowed man, but he’d made it clear he and Astoria had had an arranged marriage that would have lasted a lifetime except that she’d insisted she wanted a baby, knowing her ancestral bloodcurse wouldn’t allow her to survive her labor. It had seemed a very rum deal to Hermione and she’d had to balance dislike with pity. Adding in sexual attraction wasn’t the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was just a straw.)
(After his son was born, Draco told her, just once, that Scorpius was worth it. All of it. She’d starting falling in love then. It didn’t seem like she’d ever hit the ground and not because she was a witch. She’d never gotten any better at broom-work.)
(She could get away with lengthy parentheticals because Draco was still trying, unsuccessfully, to get Scorpius to pipe down and was distracted. It was a double-edged sword, his distraction, but she was a Gryffindor and had been trained how to wield an enchanted goblin-wrought claymore if the situation called for it.)
“And your aunt and mother have raised three children between them, two Metamorphagi, from whom no significant data can be drawn because Metamorphagi don’t follow standard developmental guidelines and additionally Teddy’s father was a werewolf. Narcissa made no secret of the fact she relied on House-elves and nannies,” Hermione pointed out, arranging a pair of mugs for the tea she was brewing. The caffeine was irrelevant, as it seemed they were never going to sleep again. “Andromeda baked you a lemon sponge cake and your mother suggested you leave him and spend a few weeks in Antibes, getting some color, taking the yacht out for a spin. My parents would only have recommended you put him on Muggle meds for reflux and you’ve already ruled that out.”
“The Healers said it wasn’t reflux, that’s why,” Draco said. Scorpius was crying but it wasn’t full-voice. It seemed a certain degree of jiggling could keep him from his upper register. Fortunately, Draco had never given up Quidditch, so his upper body strength and stamina were adequate to the apparently endless task. If that mean he was fit, deliciously so, so be it.
“Do you want to hear what Molly said or do you want me to spike your tea with an ungodly amount of Firewhisky?” Hermione asked. She’d learned Draco did better when given a choice. Since becoming more than his Ministry colleague and not quite sure what category beyond friend he considered her, she tried to avoid overt manipulation and stuck with the more direct, Gryffindor approach that he expected from her.
“Tell me what the mother of nations said,” Draco replied, rolling his eyes. Scorpius howled suddenly and Hermione closed her own eyes for a moment.
“You don’t have to stay,” Draco said. He’d said it so many times, from the first night Hermione had heard Scorpius let loose, which was roughly six weeks after the crying had started and a fortnight since the Healers at St. Mungo’s had diagnosed colic maxifabulorum, the later onset incurable crying that Wizarding babies could contract, trying to soften the blow by mentioning the high correlation between the diagnosis and magical power. Narcissa had crowed over the news, focusing on the exceedingly small chance Scorpius would turn out to be a Squib, but it hadn’t done much for Draco who just wanted his baby son to stop crying and preferably sleep for a four-hour stretch. Astoria’s death in childbirth had been anticipated and prepared for, but becoming a widower and a single father was very difficult, made more so by the lack of sleep. Hermione suspected Draco had only agreed to let her come over the first time because he thought he was dreaming. It had been 4 pm and they’d been in her office at the Ministry, ostensibly reviewing a brief. He’d looked like hell and she’d spoken before she thought twice about it.
Once she’d heard Scorpius at full volume, she’d known she’d made the right decision.
“I’m staying,” she said. She’d learned she didn’t need to argue with him about it, but he needed the reassurance in her voice that she would, if he kept pestering her about it. “Molly said there aren’t any spells for colic in magical infants.”
Molly had actually written that there weren’t any spells that weren’t terribly Dark, but Hermione judged it was wisest to give Draco the highlights of the letter and not stir up any of the trauma of his history as a Death-eater and her own torture by his Death-eater Vantablack-incarnated-into-a-witch aunt. She planned to leave out Molly’s offer to send along a proper cottage pie and a jam tart as she was well-aware that Hermione didn’t like spending too much time in the kitchen. The usual invitation to Sunday lunch was also destined for the metaphorical scrap heap.
“Was that all?” Draco asked. He was now into the patting-Scorpius-on-the-back portion of the walk. It hadn’t made an appreciable difference to date, but he wasn’t ready to give up on it. His hand always looked enormous on Scorpius’s back. Enormous and incredibly gentle.
“She said potions were dicey and it was best to Transfigure some earplugs for ourselves. Arthur added a post-script, said his Great-Aunt Frederuna swore by spirits rubbed onto the gums, preferably gin though rum or whisky would do in a pinch,” Hermione said. She’d poured out two mugs of tea and doctored them up to their respective requirements; Draco preferred enough sugar to make it almost a syrup but couldn’t bear Hermione’s own milky cup. 
“I’m not getting my baby drunk,” Draco said as she’d known he would.
“It does seem like poor parenting,” Hermione agreed. “Not that I’d judge you for being tempted.”
“That’s not what tempts me,” Draco muttered. Hermione felt herself get very still and reminded herself that nothing…untoward was going to happen with Scorpius hollering as if he were being baby-Crucioed, despite the fact that both she and Draco were in dishabille compared to their formal work robes and suits. Draco was barefoot and though she wasn’t about to advertise it, Hermione had Flooed over without a bra under her old jumper from her father’s schooldays at the University of Glasgow. Nothing was going to happen because Scorpius was screaming bloody murder and Draco looked like he was about to keel over.
“Sit down. I’ll Transfigure a rocking chair. The walking isn’t quieting him down and you’re exhausted,” she said in a rush.
“Maybe if Astoria were here,” Draco said, breaking off.
“He’s not crying for his mother,” Hermione replied softly. “He knows he’s loved. You make him know that, you show him. It’s only colic—”
She wandlessly Transfigured a stool into a maple rocking chair with a high back and managed to add a velvet cushion from the dishtowel slung over her shoulder. Wandless Transfiguration was tricky but using a similar piece of furniture helped. Draco gave her a look as he walked over and sat down, a look that said he appreciated just how gifted she was though he wouldn’t make her uncomfortable by commenting that in the entire UK, only Minerva McGonagall could have bettered her work. He sat down and adjusted Scorpius on his shoulder, his palm cupping the back of Scorpius’s head.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” he said, just above a whisper.
“Oh,” Hermione said, startled, the mugs in her hands unsteady. Or perhaps her hands were unsteady and the mugs nearly full. It was some small miracle that the tea didn’t slop over the rims and burn her.
“I didn’t mean—” Draco said, stopped himself. Scorpius took a long breath, almost like a sigh, and then didn’t immediately shriek. Draco looked at Hermione and his grey eyes were bright and warm, amused and hopeful and tender. “That is, I didn’t but I find, rather, Hermione, that I do.”
Tagging @ficwip for Hey Sweetheart 2024!
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Aunt Walburga startled, then her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. “Ah. My cousin.”
“Or sister-in-law.”
“Don’t be cheeky with me, young man.”
“Sorry, Aunt Walburga.”
The portrait huffed, though Harry privately thought if you couldn’t even make fun of the intermarried family thing, what was it even good for.
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siriusly-sapphic · 1 year
can I ask 2? Andromeda x Lily, and Narcissa x Molly, thanks ♥️♥️♥️s
Send me a ship and I'll give you my honest thoughts
Both of these are: Yeah, sure, why not, cute!
Andromeda/Lily could be very nice in like an AU where jily survives the first war but then James dies in the second war, and it's Andromeda and Lily being sad widows together finding comfort in each other post war? But otherwise I don't have many thoughts beyond "yeah I like that"
Narcissa/Molly has such potential for both comedy and genuine comfort like cmon. Molly/Narcissa while their husbands are at each other's throats, their gaggle of kids that they obviously raise together and who don't get along. But then also the angst of Molly being the one to kill Bellatrix? For good reason, but it hurts Narcissa anyway bc you know that's still her big sister. Just. So much potential there?
These are good ships
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anxiousfanchild · 1 year
Introduction to My Harry Potter Imagines
Characters I can do:
1890s Hogwarts:
Ominius Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Garrath Weasley
Leander Prewett
Molly Prewett/Weasley
Bellatrix Black/Lestrange
Rita Skeeter
Arthur Weasley
Andromeda Black/Tonks
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissia Black/Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart
Alice Fortescue/Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
Ted Tonks
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Lily Evans/Potter
Severus Snape
Bartemius Crouch Jr
Mary MacDonald
Dorcas Meadowes
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Pandora Rosier/Lovegood (or Lestrange, IDK what her canon last name is)
Xenophilius Lovegood
Marlene McKinnon
Golden Trio Era:
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger/Weasley
Luna Lovegood/Scalamander
Ginerva Weasley/Potter
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Oliver Wood
Dean Thomas
Seamus Finnigan
Cedric Diggory
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Post Golden Trio: These stories will take place while each child is in at least 5th year. I've also added their Houses, just in case it is needed.
Victoire Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Fred Weasley - Gryffindor (George x Angelina)
Molly Weasley - Gryffindor (Percy x Aubrey)
Dominique Weasley - Gryffindor (Bill x Fleur)
James Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Louis Weasley - Ravenclaw (Bill x Fleur)
Lucy Weasley - Ravenclaw (Percy x Aubrey)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Albus Potter - Slytherin (Ginny x Harry)
Roxanne Weasley - Gryffindor (Fred x Angelina)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Gryffindor (Ron x Hermione)
Lily Potter - Gryffindor (Ginny x Harry)
Teddy Lupin - Hufflepuff (Remux x Tonks)
Non-Canon Characters:
Delphini Riddle: Post Golden Trio Era (Teddy's age, possibly a year older). Lovechild of Bellatrix and Voldemort
Mattheo Riddle: Marauders Era, Lovechild of Tom Riddle and an unnamed Witch.
Lorenzo Berkshire: Golden Trio Era
PLEASE NOTE: If there is a non-canon character or a character we as a fandom do not know a lot of canon facts about, I will write them how ***I*** see them!
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thetotomoo · 1 month
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Work in Progress
Confessions of the Modern Day Gentlemen
“Draco Portion”
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger
Purpose: A writer study on the nature of what it means to be a modern gentlemen. Exploration and study using the viewpoints of character that are not my IP. 🤔
It is a known and acknowledged truth that a woman in possession of sense, sensibility, and a good fortune is not in need of a husband.
Or a lover, or anything— Hermione Granger added as she flipped open the worn pages of Pride and Prejudice again that afternoon.
For all the privileges women had come to afford in the last two centuries, none so slaked the longing and need for good company. She attributed such a fact to one reason— gentlemen were a rare breed in their day.
Modern men, she concluded as she watched the group of hollering men down the makeshift Quidditch Field at the Burrow, were crass, uncouth, and wholly ignorant of the importance of yearning.
“Granger,” came a voice she knew far too well.
“Malfoy,” she nodded, pursing her lips as he stood beside her— straightening and fixing his Quidditch kit before he joined the rest of the aforementioned uncouth men on the makeshift pitch.
She frowned and looked away— catching sight of the red streaks she knew belonged to Ron and Harry. If she were asked to determine if her best friends fell under the moniker of man or gentleman, she would be inclined to say both were deservedly cast in the former.
But, she thought as she cast a sidelong glance at Draco Malfoy, if someone were to ask her if she thought her former enemy were a man or gentleman, she would say she didn’t quite know.
Ten years since the Battle of Hogwarts and he, like the rest of them, had changed. It began with Andromeda’s invite for Narcissa and Draco to dinner at Grimmauld Place. Then, Molly Weasley insisted he come for brunch at the Burrow upon realizing his partnership with Harry at the DMLE. And finally, an invite to afternoon tea with Augusta Longbottom.
Tea. With the Augusta Longbottom.
Noone just had tea with Neville Longbottom’s grandmother (except Neville) and lived to tell the tale about it. The woman was a bull.
Though her chosen family and friends had thought the recommendations of the mothers and grandmothers of their society were suitable markers on his path to redemption, Hermione thought otherwise.
“Sickle for your thoughts?” He asked.
And then she saw it. Beneath the wisp of the smile and geniality was that annoying teasing grin from their youth. Silvery gray eyes darkened as he dared her, and he stood like the cocky bastard that he was poised behind politeness and manners.
No, Hermione thought, slipping a cold smile along her face— Draco Malfoy was neither a man nor a gentleman.
He was a bloody ferret. An undeniably irritating, barely tolerable ferret.
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seriouslysam8 · 10 months
I have a little mini challenge for you and you can’t veto it!
Stick the following Brumous couples with someone else other than who they’re paired with (you can’t use someone who is dead):
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Demelza (I know it’s endgame)
Sirius x Tegan AND Sirius x Marlene (you can put Sirius with any of them)
Remus x Tonks
Arthur x Molly
Andy x Ted
You made this unnecessarily hard by banning dead people. I am in my right mind to ignore this rule. 🤣🤣🤣
First up, the easy ones.
Harry/Ron: There is at least one universe in which these two are together. You cannot change my mind.
Ginny/Demelza: Again, there is one universe these two are together. There has to be a universe where you are just getting it on with your bestie. You can't change my mind.
Tonks/Sutton: She is so sunshiny that she needs a slightly grumpy man. While Sutton isn't self-deprecating like Remus, he's not happy-go-lucky either. Plus, he's older than her and she digs older men.
Andy/Hugh Slughorn: Andy and Ted are soul mates, right? So, the only way she's not with Ted is if she followed in the Black family footsteps and was a good little pureblood girl like Narcissa. Who better than a pureblood from the Sacred 28 who isn't a raging blood purist but wildly successful? IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. If you don't, well, then you haven't read all my stories. 😂😂😂😂
Arthur/Random Muggle Girl: I could totally see Arthur meeting some Muggle girl and falling head over heels in love with her. He'd be FASCINATED by everything. She'd find him endearing.
Now, onto the hard ones.
Sirius: He's hard in my mind. My first thought was, of course, James, because if any of them dated in that group it would be James/Sirius and NOT Sirius/Remus. But you said no one dead. I could see him getting with some random Muggle girl to stick it in his parents' faces.
Tegan: She's hard as well because her entire schtick in Brumous is that she can't move on from David and she's just a serial dater. I can't see her dating any Auror because it would remind her too much of David. Being an Auror, I could see her becoming close to some lawyers. So, I'll pair her with Magnus Shacklebolt who is only a year younger than her.
Marlene: I want to just say Charlie because if you know you know, but that seems like such a cop-out answer and we all know about hot girl Christmas on here. I could see her dating an Auror because of her family connection to Aurors. She'd know a lot of them thanks to her dad and brother. I could see her dating someone like Axel Lowe who is charismatic and friendly.
Remus: I know you said no one but seriously... no one. Remus is a major commitment-phobe. The only reason he even had a relationship with Tonks was because she was fucking in-love and wouldn't give up. She wasn't about ready to let him wallow either. So, I'm breaking the rules and saying I legit cannot see Remus with anyone except for Tonks. He'd die alone.
Molly: I think Molly would have married a pureblood, not because she's a purist or anything but just because the Prewett family is a part of the Sacred 28 and it seems like something Aunt Muriel would advocate for. I don't think it'd be any DE line, but perhaps an Abbott or Longbottom or a Macmillan.
Ted: He obviously likes the mysterious girls. I think Andromeda probably had an air of mysteriousness about her. Proper and gorgeous and tall. Yet, there was a soft side to her and she laughed in a way he never expected. So, it couldn't be anyone in Hufflepuff or even Ravenclaw. I could see him either getting with another Slytherin girl from a prominent family but not a blood purist because he reeks forbidden love or I could see him being with a Gryffindor who was fierce and fiery.
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schmem14 · 9 months
My 2023 Year in Fic
Words published this year: 256,358 Number of hits: 78,891 Number of works published: 40 (3 of which are multi-fic collections so… upwards of 100?)
Favorite Fic: Peculiar Prompts (Multiple)
Least Favorite Fic: Atonement (Percy x George)
Most Popular Fic by hits: HP Kinkuary 2023 Collection  22k hits
Least Popular Fic by hits: Tender and Breakable 3 hits 😂
Longest Work of the year: Ron and Draco Go on an Island Adventure [Gee Thanks, Hermione] (15,207 words)
Shortest Work of the year: Schmem's Sapphic Microfic Collection (50 words each)
Works Inspired by my fics: 
I Bloom Pink For You by crazybutgood was inspired by Adorned with Petals and Praise
Strange Cocks and Stranger’s Come by lumosdrabbles (lumosatnight) was inspired by HP Kinkuary 2023 Collection
Podfics recorded:
For Sale by Owner: Rose Weasley-Granger's Virginity by Vukovich inspired [PODFIC] For Sale by Owner: Rose Weasley-Granger's Virginity by Vukovich
Like A Brother Would by wolfpants inspired [PODFIC] Like A Brother Would by wolfpants
Yes, But It'll Cost You by mintaminta inspired [PODFIC] Yes, But It'll Cost You by mintaminta
Fests I participated in: 
HP Kinkuary  HP Kinktober  HP Cest Fest 31 Days of Weasley  CMD Fest Dronarry Fest Dron Fest HP Podfic Mini Fest HP Rare Pair Fest IV HP Pumpkin Spice Fic Fest HP Spooky Saffics Flash Comp HP Saffics Secret Santa HP Saffics Summer Exchange
Pairings written this year: 98 different pairings, most of them rare! (not including HP Saffic Microfics. There are way too many to count)
Pairings with more than one fic: 
Harry x Draco 9 Pansy x Ginny 4 Harry x Ron 4 Harry x Ron x Draco 3 George x Harry 3 Sirius x Remus 3 Draco x Albus Severus 2 Arthur x Molly 2 Ron x Andromeda 2 Colin x Harry 2 Hagrid x Tom Riddle/Voldemort 2 Draco x Ron 2 Bellatrix x Narcissa 2 Hermione x Pansy 2 Lavender x Parvati 2 Arthur x Lucius 2 Luna x Ginny 2 Percy x Marcus 2
Favorite Pairings this year:  Percy Weasley x Marcus Flint Harry x Ron x Draco
Favorite Characters this year:  Ron Percy
Who is my Fandom Bicycle? 🥇Harry - 29 fics 🥈Draco- 25 fics 🥉Ron- 16 fics 🥉Hermione- 16 fics Pansy- 11 fics Ginny- 10 fics Percy- 8 fics
What were my Goals last year? Release my first ever attempt at Podfic Finish at least 3 of my 8 wips Write more femslash works Organize my TBR list Take it easy, and have fun writing! 
Did I complete my goals? All except organizing my TBR list, and I did not take it easy near the end of the year. I am now paying for it with a touch of burn out. 
2024 Writing Goals: Finish my Dronarry fest piece, Finish editing a Hermione x Remus podfic, do Peculiar Prompts, take a break from writing and fests, read more (still organize that TBR if I can!!) and rec fellow authors. 
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Noble | Harry J. Potter
Noble | Harry J. Potter https://ift.tt/eojysQJ by en_la70s ❛ In the echoes of history, truth lies hidden, In the hearts of the brave, love is written. Two souls, entwined by fate and love, In the face of darkness, they rise above.❜ ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ Brietta Astor and Harry Potter are forced in fates hand. Their love is absolute. But whether history repeats itself, for better or worse, is what remains unknown. ⋆⋆☆⋆⋆ (harry potter x fem!oc) Years 4-7 Words: 13293, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Original Black Family Characters (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Original Male Character(s) of Color, Charlie Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Cho Chang, Zacharias Smith, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Horace Slughorn, Rubeus Hagrid, Andromeda Black Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Dobby (Harry Potter), Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin, Ted Tonks, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Cedric Diggory, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Hedwig (Harry Potter), Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour Relationships: Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Slow Burn, The Golden Trio Era (Harry Potter), Original Character(s), Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs Therapy, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Battle of Hogwarts, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/Uu91TRm April 24, 2024 at 05:04AM
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thatravenpuffgirl · 2 years
✨ Requests are open✨
Hi everyone! I'm a new writer on Tumblr, but I wanted to let you guys know that I am taking requests for one-shots, headcanons, etc. Below are details on what characters & ships I'll write, what I will and won't write, request guidelines and stuff like that. Please read this before you request, and if you see one of my posts before this and want to make rest, I'll be linking this post to each of the other posts I make, but anyway, let's get to it.
Characters I'll write for (at the moment, I'll update this when I become more comfortable writing about other fandoms):
Harry Potter, Golden Era Characters:
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Billy Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbott, Padma Patil and Parvati Patil, Terry Boot, Colin Creevy, basically any other characters that I might have forgotten to list or minor characters.
Harry Potter, Maurders Era Characters:
young Remus lupin, young James potter, young Sirius black, young regulus black, young lily Evans, young Severus snape, young mary Macdonald, young Dorcas meadows, young Marlene Mckinnon, young pandora Lovegood, young Narissa Malfoy, young Bellatrix Lestrange, young Andromeda tonks, young molly Weasley, young Arthur Weasley, Fabien and Gideon Prewett, young Alice Longbottom, young Frank Longbottom, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter, pretty much all of the Black family, and any other characters I might have again, forgotten.
Now, onto request guidelines:
I will write oneshots, headcanons (general or based on a specific prompt, like a character's hobby or relationship with another character) fluff, and angst. I can write some level of smut, but only something like making out, kissing, etc. Please don't be afraid to ask, but please don't be upset if I turn down the request, it's usually only because I'm not comfortable with writing it. I also won't write anything about rape, abuse, incest, anything that's racist, anything smutty that involves a minor and an adult, etc.
2. There are certain ships I will not write about as well, I won't list specific ones, but I will not write about ships that involve an adult and a minor, a student and a professor, polyamorous ships, etc. I get that everyone has their preferences, and that's fine, but I'm not comfortable writing those types of ships. Any other ships, though, are totally fine! I will also write platonic ships, not just romantic ships.
3. Be kind. if you don't like the request I've written, please be polite. Although I am by no means transphobic, racist, etc, I do not have much experience in writing characters that are part of the LGBTQIA+ community or characters with different cultures, and this may reflect on my writing. But, with that matter and just in general, I try my best, so I will not accept any hate on this blog, towards me or others.
4. Be patient. Please take this as a friendly remember that, like the rest of us, I do have a life, and while I'll try to get back to you on a request as soon as possible, I can not write 24/7. So please don't be offended if it takes a while for me to finish your request, I will try to finish it as quick as possible. And, please don't be offended if I choose not to write your request. There are a lot of things I really don't feel comfortable writing about, and that's okay. It's not my intention to offend you if I don't write your request, it's just my preference. And, sometimes it has nothing to do with the content of your request, but simply because I don't have the energy to write sometimes, and I just have to turn down some requests.
5. Please be detailed. This is very important! Please specify in your request, what character you want me to write about, the ship you want me to include if you just want it to be a character x y/n thing, or a nonshipping request, a clear summary of your idea, the type of writing you want it to be (headcanons, one shot, fluffy, angst etc), that type of thing. It doesn't have to be super long, just enough so I know what you actually want me to write. And please only submit your requests via my asks, not in the comments of my posts or anything like that.
And I think that's all! I really appreciate you taking the time to read this, and just an extra note, if you would like to submit anything via my asks, that's not a request, just a question or to share your own thoughts on Harry Potter, please feel free to do so! I would love to hear from you guys. Anyways, thank you again, and I look forward to you submitting any requests you might have!
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umbraetmortis-rpg · 2 years
Tumblr media
Las "X" y las "¿?" son para que el usuario determine la edad y la fecha de su personaje.
Edad personajes Canon en enero de 1978:
Sirius Black: 18 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 3 de noviembre de 1959)
Lily Evans: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de enero de 1960)
James Potter: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 27 de marzo de 1960)
Remus Lupin: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 10 de marzo de 1960)
Marlene Mckinnon: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1960)
Andromeda Black: 24 años (Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1953)
Mary Macdonald: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes: (Posterior a enero) de 1960)
Minerva Mcgonagall: 43 años (4 de octubre de 1935)
Petter Pettegrew: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? (mes entre enero y agosto) de 1960)
Severus Snape: 17 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de enero de 1960)
Narcisa Malfoy: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1950)
Lucius Malfoy: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Rodolphus Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1957)
Regulus Black: 16 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes (Posterior a enero) ¿? 1961)
Amycus Carrow: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Alecto Carrow: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Bellatrix Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? 1951)
Personajes Secundarios:
Arthur Weasley: 27 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de febrero de 1950)
Molly Weasley: 29 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 30 de octubre de 1949)
Davey Gudgeon X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1960)
Evan Rosier: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1960)
Bertha Jorkins: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año (Entre 1953-1958))
Dolores Jane Umbridge: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: 26 de agosto,  Año (antes de 1965))
Alastor Moody: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Bartemius Crouch Jr: 15 años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1962)
Alice Longbottom: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Frank Longbottom: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año (Década de los 50))
Rabastan Lestrange: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Benjy Fenwick: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Walburga Black: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1925)
Orión Black: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1929)
Xenophilius Lovegood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Pandora Lovegood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Travers: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Sybill Trelawney: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de Marzo, antes de 1963)
Aberforth Dumbledore: X años (Fecha de nacimiento:  entre el 1 de septiembre de 1883 y 31 de agosto de 1884)
Caradoc Dearborn: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Dedalus Diggle: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Edgar Bones: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Elphias Doge: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1881)
Emmeline Vance: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Gideon Prewett: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Rubeus Hagrid: 48 años (Fecha de nacimiento: 6 de diciembre de 1928)
Mulciber: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Finales de la década de 1950 o principios de la década de 1960)
Walden Macnair: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Antonin Dolohov: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Fenrir Greyback: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1945)
Augustus Rookwood: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año ¿?)
Igor Karkarov: X años (Fecha de nacimiento: Día ¿? Mes ¿? Año 1950)
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ao3feed-drastoria · 2 days
The Girl who is jealous | Harry's twin sister | English
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/O3PrAHZ by George_Weasley_obsessed Alexandra Lily Potter is the twin sister of the famous Harry James Potter but unlike him she is not famous and that is why she always feels as if she is in the shadow of her younger twin, accompanies Alexa in her life as the twin sister of the famous Harry Potter aka. the boy who survives and finds out why Voldemort spared her as a baby. George Weasley x Alexa Potter (Oc) A/N: - Sticking mostly to the movies + a few little things/scenes from the books -is written in Alexa's Pov Words: 388, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Dobby (Harry Potter), Original Female Character(s), Molly Weasley's Aunt Muriel, Death Eater Characters, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwarts Staff, Hogwarts Students, Malfoy Family (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Percy Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Andromeda Black Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Petunia Evans Dursley, Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley's Uncle Bilius, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Oliver Wood, Viktor Krum Relationships: George Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Katie Bell/Fred Weasley, Weasley Family (Harry Potter) & Original Female Character(s), Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Angelina Johnson/Fred Weasley, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Additional Tags: Fred Weasley Lives, Sirius Black Lives, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Remus Lupin Lives, Nymphadora Tonks Lives, Cedric Diggory Dies, Albus Dumbledore Dies, Severus Snape Dies, Dobby Dies (Harry Potter), Dobby is a Free Elf (Harry Potter), George Weasley Needs a Hug, Twins, Non-Graphic Violence, Non-Graphic Smut, Teen Pregnancy, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Tags Are Hard, Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/O3PrAHZ
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