#anon u did NOT ask for this
sapphicflower-ao3 · 2 months
u said u don’t listen to olivia rodrigo so what music do u like to listen to what’s some of ur fav stuff
ok hi if you were wondering why it took me so long to answer this, it’s bc i was malding over it really bad!! it’s a great question but it’s just one i cant answer without sounding insane bc i listen to SO MUCH music
my fav genres are all variations of funk/disco/groove; rock, shoegaze & metalcore; most varieties of EDM; alt indie; breakcore & hyperpop; bit of phonk; soul; jazz; swing & electro swing; select rnb; hip hop; jazz funk fusion; dark country…
i wracked my brain to come up w 5 fave artists + corresponding songs (but god i could swap my fifth choice for about a dozen other artists, this is so hard)
1. Foreign Language - Nothing But Thieves (alt rock)
2. Dream Dream Dream - Madeon
3. Divinity (ODESZA remix) - Porter Robinson [i know it’s a remix, i cant help but love it more than the original]
4. You Got Some Nerve - Franc Moody
5. Beyond - Daft Punk
i’m gonna look insane for this and i’m so sorry but i decided to also link a playlist of A LOT of my fav songs (dw the playlist was made before ur ask so i didn’t do it to overwhelm you 😵‍💫)
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wispscribbles · 2 months
you know the art you made of Soap "accidentally" giving Ghost a kiss before going on a mission? (before they started dating) what do you think happened when Soap came back from the mission? :3c
follow up to this post
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They start dating of course! <3
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xiewho · 2 months
could i get a fabian pretty pls… possessed would be cool but anything with him is fine
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based on that one fake bad kids twt thread that i Cannot find for the life of me
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temeyes · 2 months
How’s my baby’s father? (Gaz)
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gasp.... he got u pregegant?!
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chanstopher · 1 year
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Bang Chan ✧ Case 143 Relay for anon 
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top ten ugliest demons 🍊🍏
finally got around to drawing them... lust and gluttony next hopefully
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spacelazarwolf · 9 months
"honestly this all goes down to gender essentialism & people thinking "women = pure perfect beautiful saintly incapable of wrongdoing" aka that divine feminine tradwife shit. that's why they think it's appropriate to say that homophobic shit to you, they've steeped it in "progressive" language"
I'M SORRY WHAT 😭 the whole "wOmEn = PuRe PeRfEcT whatever the fuck" only really exists in TERF circles and nowhere else. in some countries men genuinely believe all women are whores who have to prove themselves holy. i can assure you 90% of the world does not think that way.
1. idk if u are aware of this but sometimes we talk abt things that are specific to certain communities and it doesn’t apply to the entire world.
2. there absolutely is a concept outside of te/rf circles of women being pure and good and men being oversexual beasts who need to constantly make sure they’re not corrupting women. ex evangelical men can tell you that. even in progressive trans circles there is absolutely gender essentialism.
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elderwisp · 2 months
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Atlas: Taryn? Hey!
Atlas: What happened-
Taryn: Please don’t. 
Atlas: Can you talk to me?
Taryn: [ strained ] What is there to say that you don’t already know? I keep asking myself why you’re so nice to me all of a sudden. Why would someone like you be around someone like me and it’s such a… Mind-fuck. 
Atlas: I swear to you, it isn’t like that-
Taryn: Am I just a one night stand?
Atlas: [ stammers ] N-No! 
Taryn: Convincing.
Atlas: I’m sorry it wasn’t a good enough response, I’m just caught off guard. Why would you assume that?
Taryn: Because my questions made sense the minute you walked out of that building and there was lipstick smeared all over your face. Then you gave me this look, something about it made me realize I wasn’t the first and I don’t think I’d be the last. 
Atlas: [ flatly ] We didn’t even catch each other's name, that’s how little it meant. 
Taryn: [ barely a whisper ] Oh now that’s incredibly fucked up… Was that supposed to make me feel better?
Atlas: Bee-
Taryn: [ voice breaks ] Was it worth it? [ pauses ] Don’t… Answer that. I’m… Gonna go now.
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hyolks · 1 year
idk if you still care about tpn BUT! your art for it is sooo good. and your art in general is so lovely. it makes me really happy :D i hope you have a wonderful day whenever you read this!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I MISS THESE GUYS SO BAD.... the halcyon days,.....
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barrenclan · 6 months
is it weird i’m thinking about a werewolf cormorantpaw au?? is that normal to think about werewolf cats??
(This was my Patreon illustration for October 2023! Go check it out if you feel like giving me a couple dollars)
Okay so fair warning, I have slightly hijacked this ask to talk about my MHA AU instead! I came up with it in a feverish pitch on the Discord this summer. But it's basically a REVERSE werewolf AU so it's fine!! WEHEHEHE ANYWAYS
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I'm sure all of you know the basics of MHA, everyone has superpowers and there's heroes and villains and whatnot. (I have my own problems with MHA but it is such a fun world to play around with. And it has Shigaraki, which is a notable point in its favor. Regardless) The backdrop for this AU is basically the human AU for PATFW - ratty small Nebraska town, Defiance is a secret cult in the woods, etc. You can read more about it in the 'human au' tag.
I didn't include descriptions for Cormorantpaw and Pinepaw's Quirks in the drawing because I wanted to explain them a little more - they're a bit complicated. Pinepaw's Quirk, Seeing Eyes, allows him to form eyes on any part of his body, and up to around 20 at one time. However, any more than that and he starts to get overwhelmed; and unbeknownst to him, he starts getting prophetic visions. Corm's Quirk, Beastform, lets him change into the design you see in the drawing, basically a big Set animal with heightened senses and strength. But since his Quirk activated, the longer he stays in the form, the longer it is before he change back.
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(Daffodilpaw, Asphodelpaw, Slugpelt, Rainhaze, Nightberry, Deepdark)
These are the rest of the main characters that I came up with Quirks for, although I do have some vague ideas for a couple other characters.
Applying Quirks is the main AU thing that changes here, and it's a big one with Corm! So in short, Thrasher (Dustin Turner) in this AU would have been a thief villain whose Quirk was having wings and talon-like hands and arms, but eventually one of his wings gets ripped off and it destroys his career. So when he starts having kids with Hush Puppy (Hope Turner), he’s super Endeavor about it and begins testing them all for training. Cormorantpaw (Cesar) becomes his favorite because of his Beastform Quirk, so he really starts hammering on Cormorant and doing his canon typical horrible abusive training.
They don’t realize at first the limit on Corm’s Quirk, since it's super short and unnoticeable at first, but eventually they realize that each times he changes it gets longer to change back. Once Hush Puppy dies, there’s nothing stopping Thrasher and he forces Corm to constantly train and do crimes for him in his Beastform. So by the time that he’s dead, Cormorant is essentially stuck in his scary beast form, and everyone assumes he was just born with a really fucked up physical Quirk. And then he comes to BarrenClan town! That's where the "plotline" of this AU would kick in.
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And I did have to throw in an actual werewolf Cormorantpaw drawing. Mostly so I can justify my unhinged anime AU.
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peachcott · 1 year
can u post stills from the valentines ace attorney gif please?
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sure thing!! 💓💗
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otrtbs · 1 month
Twitter people complaining about art heist baby and how u gave the women no personality whatsoever
there is not a single fanfiction in the marauders fandom that someone on twitter hasn't complained about. i know that this ask wasn't sent with good intentions whatsoever (along with the slew of other ones that you or others have been sending me since december) but i am going to say this. one time.
to paint ALL of the women in art heist baby as underdeveloped w no personality is extremely reductive. to say that all of the male characters in art heist baby were perfectly developed and fully fleshed-out characters is also reductive. i DO think that some of the characters are undeveloped in art heist. but not exclusively the women. to make that claim as some sort of moral argument/virtue signalling call for justification on why art heist is bad or why you are so much better than somebody else for not liking it is ridiculous and i would argue, unfounded. it is okay not to like things just because you don't like them.
furthermore, fanfiction is a place for BEGINNERS and AMATEURS to try out writing and to explore storytelling as hobby. nobody is going to be perfect at it their first go, and i certainly wasn't. sometimes it's not an "art heist baby is misogynist" issue and it's more of a "nat was trying to write 11 different characters all at the same time as a first time writer" issue. some of my characters were undeveloped, yes. but not just the women. but how is this, in any way, encouraging new people, or even repeat fanfic authors, to write stories if the baseline demand is that they be perfect at it? if the initial assumption is that the author has some moral or ethical failing for making common writing mistakes as a beginner? it hardly encourages anyone to try again or to try at all.
at the end of the day, people on twitter are going to complain and pick apart and be generally negative because that's how they get the most interaction and engagement. and i can talk until i'm blue in the face about how consumption of media in any form but ESPECIALLY fanfic consumption is not political praxis. nor is it a substitute for political praxis, but again, the target audience for that rant would not give a fuck. and finally. art heist baby is a jegulus fanfiction first and foremost. of course all the other characters are going to be fucking background side characters. they are not the stars of the show. enough of this.
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onejellyfishplease · 9 months
I wanna put unmutated Donnie in a tiny sweater…
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How could you do this to him
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seventh-fantasy · 1 month
top 5 dihua moments
HELLO ohhh goddd if i really really really have to pick... I'LL TRY (in tears)
in chronological order of the episodes:
(1) “你这个人最大的弱点就是喜欢当英雄。一个剑客不该有弱点。” your greatest weakness is that you like being a hero. a swordsman should be without weaknesses. (ep 1)
i'm as in love with the entire donghai scene as much as the next person but this dialogue is particularly special to me. so it was the first one i pinned down for this list. no hesitation. :)
it's a cornerstone of dihua's relationship; the thesis of lxy/llh's and their joint narrative. it prompts the deconstruction of the staple wuxia ideas of 侠 xia and heroism - which is what i really love lhl for. and dfs being the one to deliver this incredibly crucial and significant line is 10/10. he knew lxy even better than lxy did. he is the bearer and catalyst of lhl's story, lxy/llh's story.
"your greatest weakness is that you like being a hero. a swordsman should be without weaknesses." so what does it even mean to be a hero. is it more important to be a hero than being human. and i will become human. i am human and always have been. and i have weaknesses - i cannot win against fate, i am dying. but what ever is even wrong with being weak? being human is to have weaknesses. so i guess it's no wonder for the narrative to come in a full circle with dfs coming in possession of a weakness and be trapped in it. no longer the killer of di fortress. he's just a human being.
and llh bringing this up again in ep 11 feels to me that he had been carrying these words with him over the past 10 years. bicha and the battle have transformed him physically. but i like to think that dfs's words had an important role to play in an even deeper level of change.
all it took was this one scene to sell to me that this would probably be the kind of narrative i love.
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(2) reunion in the woods (ep 8)
it's just so fucking good like literally every dihua scene. who doesn't love a good post-divorce first meeting scene. there's just a lot to chew on. most of all, llh just had to keep reminding dfs how well he knew dfs. we know the moon has always been this bright, alright. AND they were threatening each other. very sexy of them.
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(3) whatever the heck was going between them in cailianzhuang arc (ep 11)
truly nothing brings out old married couple + parents vibes better than an inquisitive boy accusing you two of being up to something secretive behind his back. both their guilty expressions. :3 also dfs being the first person huahua goes to when he doesn't want to be alone. huahua being exceptionally chatty around dfs and dfs has no problem entertaining him. :3 they're totally on the same wavelength without having to say anything to each other and this arc brings it out so well.
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(4) 腊月二十七 donghai anniversary wedding night (ep 38)
this is the last one i came up for the list after fighting a whole war in my mind over which 5 of the 100000 beloved scenes to pick. hate being predictable but. you just HAVE to give it to it. how do you NOT pick this for a top 5. all the 10 million other top 5 dihua scenes just had to make space for the anniversary scene. :'(
if i had to be even more specific, i think the scene of them in bed most likely takes the cake for me. llh literally saved dfs's life and helped him to become the stronger person he has always wanted to be. and perhaps no other moment exhibits the complementary yin and yang nature of their powers/energies in a more illustrative and palpable way. undershirts in bed just hits different from being fully clothed and one person literally having to keep the other person alive by touch...and this time it's llh for dfs despite the whole time it's dfs who was dedicated to keep llh alive. they have no lack of scenes that exhibit how in sync they are intellectually, and this is peak physical intimacy and tenderness, added with a brush with death/mortality yeah...
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(5) llh/lxy's farewell to dfs (ep 40)
playing cheat here by combining two different moments :) but they are essentially connected. llh/lxy had to leave. and since it really had to be that way, i'm glad dfs was on his mind until the very end. what more can one ask for. there is really nothing more dear and tender in the world to be thought of
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tl;dr: /blows kisses to every dihua moment
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gianttol · 1 year
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♡ GT July 2023 Prompt List ♡
Big thanks to @pocket-ozwynn for helping with the prompts!
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pastadoughie · 6 months
If u be 16 I is oldr thn u...
good for yuo??? i swear why do ppl comment on my age sm when i menshin it as if itse liek, some kind of choise i made?
i literaley onley have my age their so peopl can kno not 2 make nsfw commentse on my postse (but all of those "miners dni!!! i blokl ageless blogs!!!" fuckrse still interact with me on the regular n add some, rlly inapropriate tagse n stuff 2 my art)
i usd 2 be a bit less open abt my age and honestley itse much nicer becaus i didnt have 2 deal witf people being liek "ur a child so ur opinions on things dont matter" but i sweaer ppl r so weird when ur uncomfortabl with telling ppl how old u r like they assume ur 9 or 52 with zero inbetween witchever they disrespect moar
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