#anon ur my favorite thing to see when I check tumblr
cloudypinkblink · 7 months
one were suguru was always Yggdrasil
think of it like he wanted to see the human world with it own eyes so he made the persona of suguru
maybe he married and started a family with sayuri so he could try to understand why humans cared about 'family' so much , if he actually cares for them idk
WELL! Teehee twirls my hair giggles
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I also just love drawing Suguru bc he hansomeee hehehe But here's my own spin bc u know me by now anon :3 His reasoning for finally peeking at the human world is likely that the barriers are thinning and digimon are starting to spill into the human world, and Yggdrasil wants to experience and see humanity before making any decisions. He feels right now is the safest time, as humans are beginning to learn and see something new and unknown, but it's happening at a slow, calm rate so there aren't any major catastrophes yet. Definitely just disguises himself as a guy. I like the idea of Yggdrasil genuinely falling for Sayuri and genuinely loving his family- I actually really like the idea that he didn't necessarily plan to have kids, so he was lowkey using his god powers to stop that (and he told Sayuri something abt him just not likely being able to do that) He just wants to explore this human world and humanity; despite all the cruelities that do happen, he enjoys her perspective, and finds himself warmed by her genuine optimism- but is grateful for her realism as well, because life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Despite that, she has strength to keep moving forward, keep being kind, and keep smiling. He feels... apathetic towards the rest of humanity, but Sayuri's outlook definitely helps tame any disgust or hatred he has. I feel he also genuinely likes and respects DATS- or at least the members who show genuine interest AND respect. I think around now he has a little hope in the humans that are good; that they can outweigh the bad. That's probably why he begins assisting the humans with digital partners. Yes, he could just reveal himself or do more; but the mission is to see what they do with what they're given. Can they really be compatible? Can they really be friends? He can't force such bonds, so he wants to see if humanity will take his gifts and use it well. (He is a little biased, treating his digimon with more favor.) By the time he has Masaru- I think at first he kinda expected to view Masaru as just another creation. to feel towards him what he does towards Digimon. But his affection for Masaru (and later Chika) exceeds that, because they were children born of love between him and another.
He loves his family, genuinely, but he is also the god of the digital world, and as things worsen, I think he has to make decisions. That's still his world that he reigns over. I think before he leaves during that goal to find Ikuto, he finally tells Sayuri the truth. It's... a lot for her to swallow, and I think they leave on awkward terms- it's the kind of thing where she wants to talk to him, have questions answered, etc etc,. but she needed time to process first, and he left before she finished. She keeps it from Masaru and Chika- unsure how they'll take it. I think she gets a little mixed feelings when Masaru befriends Agumon. Yggdrasil definitely pays attention once Masaru starts poking into the Digital World- curious how his son feels and views everything. At the end, he is largely proud of him (wishes he'd be less hot-headed, though.) Yggdrasil maintains his human form, but he does reveal the truth to his Royal Knights, Bancholeomon, and some other ruling digimon, like Mercurimon. Kurata's actions definitely soil Yggdrasil's views on humanity- in his rage and anguish over the loss of so many, he forgets the other humans he met beyond his own family. Even as he watches Masaru work with Touma, Yoshino and Ikuto- who share his perspective, he has a hard time caring for them. In the end the only reaosn he still loves Masaru is because of his familial and fatherly bias. Of coruse Masaru and Chika are good- they are of him and Sayuri. As things worsen, he genuinely starts to plan on a way to cut off conntact with the human world- but he's determined now to bring his family to him. He doesn't want the humans hurting his digimon any further, but he does not want to put Sayuri or his children at risk. Does not help matters when Touma, Masaru's human best friend, betrays them. By the time Masaru and him come face to face, he admits the truth of who he is- and while the others get away, he doesn't let them take Masaru. He tells Masaru his goal to destroy the human world, as it's the only way to save the digital world- and despite Yggdrasil trying to pacify him with the promise of being able to live in the digital world with his family, Masaru is too angry and afraid (dude's 14 and has been loaded w/ a lot recently okay) Yggdrasil just keeps him locked up for his own safety. A big thing is that Yggdrasil IS a computer god thing and IS supposed to be logical, but he let himself feel and have emotions and have a love and have family; it changed how he thinks, operates, etc etc Now he's more likely to feeel rage, anguish, etc., when before he might've kept a calmer head, and instead looked at everything with a colder, but logical, apathy. Now only does he have his family he genuinely loves, but being with Sayuri and learning about his heart, it did make him more affectionate and more protective of his own world. Dunno how this would end yet; I do wanna say it'd probably have a bittersweet ending where Masaru does go to the digital world, where he stays with Agumon (and Yggdrasil) while Chika and Sayuri prefer the human world and remain there.
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
Heyo, that tattoo anon got me thinkin, which of the boys would be into girls with short hair?
(Ps. love ur blog♡)
Which of the Diaboys would be into girls w/ short hair?
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! Thank you for the compliment as well. I'm sorry this took so long. Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
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Okay, so kind of bouncing off my post of which Diaboys would be into an s/o with tattoos. (post is linked here if you want to check it out)
Just like tattoos, short hair has been masculinized for the longest time as well.
So when women started to style and cut it short, you can imagine the controversy in society.
We're much past those days, but bear in mind that some of the Diaboys still hold dearly onto the stereotype and sexist expectancy that a woman "needs" to have long hair, otherwise, "what kind of woman is she?" (Yes, that's how silly their logic is, for some of them anyway.)
Although, some of the Diaboys have grown accustomed to contemporary hairstyles on girls.
Sooo, without further ado
Shu could honestly care less about how a girl's hair is styled. I mean, does he ever really style his own? Regardless though, he wouldn't mind having an s/o with short hair since it's less of a hassle for him to run his hands through it during aftercare. You tend to find tangles when running a hand through long, so the less fuss the better for him when it comes to intimacy. He likes shoulder-length hair ranging to bob cuts.
Ayato and Laito most definitely like girls with short hair, mostly because they think it looks cute. Laito especially finds the voluminous Marylin cut to be his favorite short hairstyle on a girl. It showcases such femininity but comes with a cute flare he just craves on a girl. Ayato finds the grown-out pixie cut and bob cut on a girl to be adorable and thinks it accentuates a girl's face nicely.
Subaru's a fan of short hairstyles on girls as well. He likes pretty much anything ranging from the high-low bob to a pixie cut. Even girls with linda cuts and mohawks are a weakness for him. He finds it to be so drastically attractive on a girl since he was used to seeing girls display themselves with long hair for centuries. So, it's a turn-on for him honestly to see something so out of contrast compared to what he's always been used to seeing.
Believe it or not, Ruki actually likes short hair on girls, especially the fringed bob and short bob. As we all know, short hair takes an immense amount of styling and it takes a long time to do. So if his s/o has short hair, Ruki likes running his hair through it just to mess it up since he finds it to be a turn-on to piss off his partner and hopes that this argument escalates into something intimate. Our vampire Christian Grey's got a thing for angry sex. Right, @liannelara-dracula?
Kou definitely likes girls with short hair. As an idol, he's used to seeing girls style and change up their hair a lot and has come across a lot of different styles he likes on women. He especially likes the 90's curtain pixie cut since it brings out a woman's face and accentuates it well.
Yuma doesn't really care about how his s/o styles his hair. Like, it could be long or short and he just doesn't care. When it comes to short hairstyles though, he definitely likes seeing his girl have a choppy bob or a grown-out pixie cut, mostly because, like Ruki, he likes running his hands through it and messing it up just to annoy his s/o. Asshole. Nevertheless, though, he does find these hairstyles to be hot on girls.
Kino's pretty modernized, especially since he's always on his phone lol. So, you can imagine that he's grown pretty accustomed to contemporary society, even leading to the subject of hairstyles. Like Yuma, he's most definitely into the grown-out pixie since he loves the way the layered hair rests on a girl's face. He's also a fan of girls having high-low bobs as well.
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hi cubeguy i sent u an anons a while ago that i dont use tumblr but i periodically check ur blog bcus it specifically rocks & im back. i listened to an album u recommended on here but im curtailed by the character lim to give a review so i typed out a real time extremely long reaction to the songs LOL definitely the logical nextstep. its @ pastebin.com/Ejd8E9VX idk if im allowed to link shit on tumblr?? anyway i hope to get around 2 other musiks u like bcus i lovedd this btw its get to heaven that i listened to THANK U 🎀🙇‍♂️💋💗💗💗
HEY YOU HAVE AN AWESOME WAY OF TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. GRINS SO MUCH. i’m glad you enjoyed gth it’s so so special to me genuinely the album of all time …. my favorite songs off it are s/s/w/d the wheel and blast doors Lways a joy to see someone go crazy about them
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^ really fond of this descriptor here also i think it succinctly puts a lot of what i love about ee’s songwriting down into words…. the weird entanglement of love and hate and confusion and clarity it’s a very very special moodset
also YEAH the way you described the vocals…. the early everything everything albums play a lot with like. roughness and scratchiness and the kind of ‘animalistic’ register of the human voice. (honestly everything before raw data feel. this is literally because the singer just decided to learn how to sing in high registers without falsetto for the first time which is like cool but also AUGH i miss that old sound
OK SO the thing about this bit
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absolutely YES the thing about get to heaven is that it’s literally just like. a complete album of bangers. going down through their other stuff is gonna be a little more rocky, you might enjoy the like once-per-album weird slow ballads you might not, even though i’m lazy about listening to some of their weaker stuff when i do go through the entire albums i still find a lot of quirks in the instrumentation or lyrics that manage to impress me. i’d recommend delving into either man alive or arc next those are basically on par with gth although a bit more weird and morose? if you’re feeling it id then recommend raw data feel which oscillates more around pop/new wave but still has some really interesting musical constructions, gets extremely electronic and synthy…. a fever dream is like a 50/50 split between really long slow songs which are just Fine and really fast heavy bangers. just go listen to notln, can’t do, desire, good shot, run the numbers and ivory tower LOL. uhhhh reanimator is arguably their weakest album probably the most unremarkable but it’s also like my second favorite right after get to heaven. it’s weird and glowy and flimsier than their other tunes. that enchants me i guess…. they’ve also got an upcoming album that once again seems to be more pop oriented, cold reactor is the best of the singles they’ve released for it yet. what else. there’s like a youtube playlist out there of demo/outtakes/non album stuff that you can find real easy, there’s some really good stuff in there. personal favorites are the come alive diana demo, even the dogs and dna dump
ok so the fucking thing about the “lore” of this album. there technically isn’t any and most of ee’s albums are a per-song thing usually revolving around like. modern social commentary. the genius pages for most of their songs have like. direct songwriting annotations by the band and explain the thought process behind them. however for gth there’s also like a small layer of overarching lore about this one guy called thomas silhouette as a character. he’s not so much the crux of any narrative or presence as much as he’s just like. funny anagram arising from a lyric in fortune 500 that gets alluded to in later albums because he’s loosely representative of a lot of themes that get tackled in ee songs like capitalism and dread and shit like that
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stamplerfag · 10 months
things im too cowardly to say off anon
am so glad i found ur tumblr again after your got sussed
your dndads art on twitter is what introduced me to the series and piqued my interest enough that when i saw it mentioned one (1) time on tumblr i was like "oh yeah i should check that out" and fell in deep
i looooooove ur willy takes, willy's one of my favorite characters in the series and i nod to your opinons
willyscary is absolutely my dndads otp and seeing you post about em had me doing a little run around in my room, fucking love those two. yes be horrible to your step-granddaughter. manipulate her harder. did you know that he canonically says "you can call me daddy" to her and she canonically jacked off the day she met him. im not joking the sauce is Rich and Delicious
stamplerfreaks AND oakfreaks unite
YOUU. IM GLAD YOU FOUND ME TOO IT WAS. perhaps not wise of me to post my art here. shame. im looking at it as a chance to restart my shit, anyhow..... (ill find somewhere to host everything eventually -__-)
that makes me so happy to hear?? i have a few persistent people to thank for getting me into podcast as well and every time i think about it in retrospect im like "oh my god im so glad i followed through, this thing is my heart and soul." lifechanging, no joke. continue to spread the gospel...... i need more perverts to talk abt dadson w........
WILLYHEADS RISE UP‼️‼️ UMM. HES SO. the fact that he affects me as much as he does is deeply embarrassing. genuinely genuinely obsessed. there are NOT enough of us. i could go on forever if i was allowed. (if you ever have anything else to say abt him please im begging.....) he fucking sucks so much dude i need to suck him off.
i am so fucking. im chomping at the bit to read more willyscary transcripts.... its so fucking textbook and delicious.... theres some part of me thats paranoid abt something s2 related taking up too much space in my brain, like thats a betrayal somehow, (and tbh every time i read about them i. get so excited it makes me manic. this relationship was designed in a lab to make me violently horny) but fucking. the two things that you just said are actually making me incredibly. fluttery about it and i dont even. know what to do oh god VGHHHFJJNGN!!!!! imkicking my feet & squealing !!!!. ive been meaning to draw them i promise........ whenever i feel motivated... i need him to cum on her tits (and many. and a lot of other things aswell)
OAKFREAK STAMPLERFREAK I SEE NO DIFFERENCE...... LOVE IS LOVE... WE GOTTA STICK TOGETHER....... 💋 PLEASE youre always welcome to bring your takes here !!!!!!!!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
RYEN HELLO OMG i'm finally here to scream in ur inbox about the window JFNDKFJNGK it's taken a minute bc i like to scroll through the chapter to make sure i don't forget anything and i can't stop re-reading it instead smh so first of all WHEN I TELL YOU MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I SAW THE TAGS omfg literally,,,, I DIDN'T EXPECT LIKE ANY OF THEM i was fr already a little feral and a little sweaty tbh. so u can imagine the whiplash when i start reading AND READER IS UPSET </3 but thank GOD for my queen dom <333333 always talking sense into reader!!! i am still literally screaming at her saying "make up with my future brother-in-law" LMAO AND EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THAT YOONGI WAS GOING TO SNEAK IN I STILL COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES WHEN I READ IT. i rlly love how this was "i'm yours and you're mine" but make it >:( lmao. yoongi said it best when he said "teach you to think i'm not yours. as if i don't wanna give you my shit so you can walk around everywhere with it on." SCREAMS (cut to yoongi giving reader HIS CHAIN kjgnkdjfgkjd i literally cannot stand it BUT OH MY GOD RYEN ALL THE SNEAKING AROUND GKJFKJGNDKJG literally saw my life flash before my eyes when bro came in and had to remind myself that This Is Not Real Life Please Breathe. literally every second bro wouldn't LEAVE i was just yelling in my head bc why are you here cockblocking. i love you please GET OUT. then i thought it was over AND NO??????? RYEN. look me in the eyes rn. hold my hands. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. HE KNOCKED ON THE WALL ??????? i can't complain too much bc cockwarming <3 BUT HELP. and vmin overhearing them when they think they're alone????????? dnkgjkjfdg i'm not strong enough to think too much about reader calling yoongi bitch and what happened right after. i am a weak weak person and you are so evil for making "you're gonna show me how you get off" yoongi GRAMMYS YOONGI. also bratty reader i am SCREAMING. like you're gonna call him bitch then disobey his orders????? "pass." ICON. talking about him being put in his place??? I WOULD PAY TO SEE IT. (also love how shy he was about it at the end gkjdnkfj like, sir, don't dish what you can't take. u wanna be punished a little, we get it, just say so) but it wouldn't be 3tan yoongi if he wasn't constantly checking in and taking care of reader </3 like when reader thought they heard smth and he said he was watching </3 when he thought they were in subspace and wanted to check </3 idk smth about it made me </3 </3 he's so </3 </3 i would like to end this off by saying i've never read so much smut i wish i could reenact. WHICH REMINDS ME. YOU'RE TELLING ME??? PEOPLE ARE OUT HERE USING 3TAN AS INSPO FOR THINGS TO DO WITH THEIR PARTNERS??? oh i'm so sick THAT SHOULD BE ME. like i'm glad for u but also jealousy is a disease and i'm SICK. anyways, i'm glad you took your time with it!! it was (as always) worth the wait and i'm p sure i say this every time but perhaps this is my new favorite part???? it's got it all. angst, fluff, communication, their friends, yoongi being sweet, yoongi being a menace, i would keep going but the list will get so long and this is already. A LOT and i don't want tumblr to eat it!!! -loona anon MWAH
LOONA OMFGGGG HI BABE gonna put this under a cut bc it's time to scream back!
WHEN I TELL YOU MY JAW DROPPED WHEN I SAW THE TAGS omfg literally,,,, I DIDN'T EXPECT LIKE ANY OF THEM i was fr already a little feral and a little sweaty tbh. so u can imagine the whiplash when i start reading AND READER IS UPSET </3 but thank GOD for my queen dom <333333 always talking sense into reader!!! i am still literally screaming at her saying "make up with my future brother-in-law"
LMFAOOO i told y'all the warnings were already enough to make me sweat!! and look where we ended up. i don't think anyone knew the extent of my truth there ahahaha. but also, reader baby is upset?? who do i fight oh we're fighting yoongi</333 tragic.
LMAO AND EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THAT YOONGI WAS GOING TO SNEAK IN I STILL COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES WHEN I READ IT. i rlly love how this was "i'm yours and you're mine" but make it >:( lmao. yoongi said it best when he said "teach you to think i'm not yours. as if i don't wanna give you my shit so you can walk around everywhere with it on." SCREAMS (cut to yoongi giving reader HIS CHAIN kjgnkdjfgkjd i literally cannot stand it
HAHAHA yes. yoongi managing to surprise us even though his threat about going through a window is right there in writing.... we are the whole circus!! but yeah both of them were just so upset and adorable and i can't stand them actually?? lol.
BUT OH MY GOD RYEN ALL THE SNEAKING AROUND GKJFKJGNDKJG literally saw my life flash before my eyes when bro came in and had to remind myself that This Is Not Real Life Please Breathe. literally every second bro wouldn't LEAVE i was just yelling in my head bc why are you here cockblocking. i love you please GET OUT. then i thought it was over AND NO??????? RYEN. look me in the eyes rn. hold my hands. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. HE KNOCKED ON THE WALL ??????? i can't complain too much bc cockwarming <3 BUT HELP.
the bro interruptions were honestly so FUN to write i was cackling and crying the whole time!! like how does this man know exactly when to ruin a good time his comedic timing was gd hilarious. the fact that you had to take a breath to remind yourself it's not real is so cool?? wtf that's a huge compliment! and the double down is my absolute favorite bc it led to super cute moments :((( but was HORRIFYING when it started happening ahahahaha
and vmin overhearing them when they think they're alone????????? dnkgjkjfdg i'm not strong enough to think too much about reader calling yoongi bitch and what happened right after. i am a weak weak person and you are so evil for making "you're gonna show me how you get off" yoongi GRAMMYS YOONGI. also bratty reader i am SCREAMING. like you're gonna call him bitch then disobey his orders????? "pass." ICON. talking about him being put in his place??? I WOULD PAY TO SEE IT.
I WANT BOTH OF THEM LET ME IN COACH IM SLIDING DOWN THE WALLS BANGING ON THE DOORS. i want vmin too but that's a different story lol. but gOD reader in this was an icon a king a queen a god a goddess all of the praise. to be like that in front of grammys yoongi telling you to show him that? i dunno how reader got the words out lmfao. but the adrenaline rush must have been a huge boost to confidence levels.
(also love how shy he was about it at the end gkjdnkfj like, sir, don't dish what you can't take. u wanna be punished a little, we get it, just say so) but it wouldn't be 3tan yoongi if he wasn't constantly checking in and taking care of reader </3 like when reader thought they heard smth and he said he was watching </3 when he thought they were in subspace and wanted to check </3 idk smth about it made me </3 </3 he's so </3 </3 i would like to end this off by saying i've never read so much smut i wish i could reenact.
PLEASE. YOU GET IT. yoongi being a fcking menace in the control seat but we all know what he wants to see!! he isn't slick at all omfg i'm so sjfjddjks if we ever get to reader's turn? it's over. it's over for everyone involved i may need 28 business days to get through it lol. but yoongi was an absolute sweetheart here. he was mad! he was pissed! but that didn't mean he was gonna disregard the basics like wellbeing and awareness. he knows how to hold himself back and that puts reader in a wonderful position.
WHICH REMINDS ME. YOU'RE TELLING ME??? PEOPLE ARE OUT HERE USING 3TAN AS INSPO FOR THINGS TO DO WITH THEIR PARTNERS??? oh i'm so sick THAT SHOULD BE ME. like i'm glad for u but also jealousy is a disease and i'm SICK.
HAHAHAHA YES LOONA. THERE REALLY ARE PEOPLE OUT HERE DOING JUST THAT AND IM LIVING FOR ITTTT. if i could send you a 3tan yoongi i most definitely would</33
anyways, i'm glad you took your time with it!! it was (as always) worth the wait and i'm p sure i say this every time but perhaps this is my new favorite part???? it's got it all. angst, fluff, communication, their friends, yoongi being sweet, yoongi being a menace, i would keep going but the list will get so long and this is already. A LOT and i don't want tumblr to eat it!!!
i'm screaming?? if this is your new fave part?? hell yeah. that makes me happy bc i didn't think this was on the same level of quality as the others! but if you like it then i'm very satisfied. and you got a point about it having a bit of everything! it's not a holiday special for nothing ehehehe. thank you so much again babe. this made me smile and laugh today LOL ily!
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wooahaes · 1 year
hii its tattoo anon again <3 i just wanted to update you i loved cheols part of uts and cheol is one of my biases and i am so in love with his part!! i found this series almost a year ago and its bittersweet now that it has ended. i am so excited to see what comes next for the poly fic and your new works in general. i also hope that u saw my last message!! also i wanted to ask because idk if i didnt realize it or missed it but did you ever reveal who gave mouse the little stuffed mouse? if im not mistaken was it jeonghan? i have been wanting to figure out who it was but idk if i got it wrong lol. have a good day!
omg hi lovely!! i 100% saw ur last message and meant to respond and then. either forgot or got busy w school stuff, im blanking on which is it which probably just means it slipped my mind :( sorry!!
im literally gonna copy it over here and answer both this ask + the previous one to make it easier so uhh long response under the readmore !! i hope that's okay :(
okie dokie ill address this ask first
hi!!! you've been following the series since like... very close to the beginning then haha which is v v sweet and ill sob rn!!
i think i mentioned jeonghan working on the lil plush mouse during cheol UtS but didn't address it further, but yes! it was going to come up during poly fic at some point where he made all of the plushies for each person as a way of like. giving ppl comfort, esp when they show up & don't join the group at first (so that they have Something there w them, im the kind of person who needs something in my arms in order to sleep haha so that's where it's mainly coming from).
and for ur last ask:
hi its me again the tattoo anon LOL. i just wanted to reply to what you said and im so glad that i made you happy with what i said and i genuinely mean it. this is a little vulnerable but ever since i started liking svt i think a major reason why i love them so much is because they are a big group of friends and i have friends, but not that many so stanning svt in general is so comforting because of the closeness of all of them but finding this fic was like. a fucking dream for me because them being such a big close knit group and it being like the found family trope is perfect and the way you write and portray them is so comforting. genuinely i meant it when i said its one of my favorite things i have stumbled upon in my life, i have shared this story with my friends and they love it too and when we watch some edits of seventeen or see something in general that reminds us of this fic we say “this is so under the sun coded” and its like an inside joke with me and my friends. you literally changed the trajectory of my life with this fic lol. when im having a hard time in my personal life i come back to this little world u created by either just thinking about it before i fall asleep or rereading it and i want to thank you for being a writer. i hope you enjoy writing what you write bc i know that i certainly enjoy it and i hope you are proud of urself. anyway i think selling subtle stickers would be so awesome and i will definitely buy them. also since i submitted my last ask i have thought about little ideas for a tattoo maybe?? like what about like a small drawing of a church and like 13 little people around it with a little sun?!? or flowers like you said OR getting little drawings of the animals each person has? i think that would be so cute. or like maybe a little sash blindfold?? anyway ur awesome i love u thank u
the first time i tried to answer this ask, my long response ended up deleted bc i switched tabs for a second to check something and then tumblr just... deleted it??? which was v frustrating, kind of makes me hate the new post editor a Lot!
but to be vulnerable as well, i think i started writing UtS at like... a difficult point in my life? not difficult as in the painful way, but difficult as in 'there's a lot going on right now and i've never felt more alone than i do now' i guess? it's like... i started writing it right before my final semester of college, and i'm an online student, so i don't get to go out and be in a classroom with other people. sometimes i call myself an introvert when i think the term 'ambivert' has always fit more--i don't detest being social, i do tend to enjoy it! but i still need alone time to make up for it since it's draining. and idk, i was lost for a while on who i am and what i want to do with my life?
and i feel like writing UtS has put me in a vulnerable position to like... question a lot more about myself as a person. i have friends, sure, but no one i go out to see in person since i'm not exactly like... in a good place for that kind of interaction (deep south bible belt, haha... makes not being straight something i struggle with sometimes). i think the important part of UtS is the acceptance they all have for one another, and it's something i personally wish to have a lot more of in my offline life. i think even if i had the idea without darl+ing, it would have ended up being a svt fic due to how close they are and how much they care for one another.
also tbh i just love the found family trope. i love the idea and process of choosing your own family in a sense and saying 'these are MY people and i love them' ig.
also u showing the fic to ur friends + the comment abt being like 'this is UtS coded' ill SOB!!! i will!!! thats literally so cute and sweet of u!!! (pls feel free to send me any of ur 'this is UtS coded' thoughts i would always love to hear them haha)
but like. this is why i write. i like being able to impact people and help them escape life and be happy for a while. its why it always means a lot to me when i get feedback on my work and see people be happy with what i write (... even if sometimes its angsty haha--moving people to feel is a huge compliment by itself!). im glad you have UtS. im glad i have it now, too.
i do enjoy writing, btw, and i loved writing uts. even with the frustration periods where i didn't touch it for a while, i genuinely enjoyed writing uts a lot. i think i owe a lot of that to people like you, who read it and show support for the series! its always easier to read something when i know there's someone who will enjoy it. i remember smiling hard when i rewrote the ending to cheol uts bc of how fucking stoked i was to share it tbh!!! also bc i messaged savv 'lol this is gonna be devastating (/pos)' at one point i think sdkfhsdf but i was genuinely excited to finish it and get it out to u guys!! i dont know who i would be if i didn't write, and despite like... all of the bad shit that's happened in my life that i've turned to writing to pull myself out of it, i don't think i'd ever give it up. i think it's too deeply a part of me to ever give up. maybe one day i'll get published lol
ill definitely put more thought into subtle stickers for UtS (and maybe some other series haha cant remember if i mentioned that last time but UtS felt like the bigger one)! might have to ask around my friend circle for tips on designing them >:3
ohh i like ur tattoo ideas :0 im not sure what would look good so i hope u consult a tattoo artist with ur ideas eventually!! the idea of the lil church w a sun + 13 ppl is rly cute? if u do the sash-blindfold thing, u could always have a lyric inside of it or something if u wanna play w that :3c pls feel free to keep me updated further!!
sorry i didnt get to this ask until now but i hope u are doing well mwah mwah have a good day ur awesome ily
0 notes
krisingtons · 3 years
I love ur writing! The softest Dadmight!!! :D your writing makes me feel cozy thank you. Do you have any other authors you recommend because I live for the Dadmight. For now off to read your stuff again!
Thank you so much for your kind words and your ask, Anon! I'm so glad you enjoy my Dadmight fics. "Cozy" is seriously the highest compliment in my world for them, so thank you.
As for other Dadmight authors... You've come to the right place!
So I'm going to preface this with a couple of notes.
I'll list my choice authors, then follow up with some notes and my favorite fics for each of them.
Each author listed has multiple Dadmight fics. I encourage you to check my bookmarks for more soft fics, as a lot of writers have done great single stories but never wrote much Dadmight beyond that.
I don't know many (if any) authors right now who only write soft Dadmight. Many of them write what I like to call "The Dadmight Hurts in This One," meaning that there's something about the story that is painful, even if the Toshi & Izuku interactions are sweet. I'll note who does that frequently.
Please be mindful of each author's tags for this exact reason. Also note that fic selections may contain manga spoilers.
If known, I will share both the author's AO3 and their tumblr. If I miss one or mark one wrong, please let me know!
Alright, with that out of the way, HERE WE GO!
@littlekysworld / LittleKy
@aconstantstateofbladerunner / aconstantstateofbladerunner
@birdantlers / birdantlers
@sevi007 / sevi007
@autisticmidoriyas / orkestrations
@queenangst / achievingelysium
@deepherofanaticism / Deepest
@mauds-lemon-pie / MaudsLemonPie
@slitherin-away / Quisanne
@faelwenholdsthelight / CalicoLynx
@starryystark / colorworld
@quizzicalcrow / QuizzicalCrow
Find specific fic recs for each author below!
@littlekysworld / LittleKy
Let it be known that if I could only read one Dadmight fic (besides my own) for the rest of my life, it might be Some Unspoken Thing. Everyone who loves Dadmight needs to read it. But also, everything Ky does is wonderful.
@aconstantstateofbladerunner / aconstantstateofbladerunner
I'm a big fan of Blade's "No killing All Might" rule. However, Blade is not above hurting All Might and Izuku left and right. My personal favorite is probably The Wails in the Walls, but the Dadmight in Butterfly is top tier if you can stomach the horror done to poor Izuku.
@birdantlers / birdantlers
If I ever create a collection titled, "The Dadmight Hurts in This One," half of it would be Skit's work. For some reason, Skit writes a lot of "All Might mourning Izuku's death" fics. They're amazing, but wow do they hurt. Since the ask was for "soft," then I See You is full of it. When you check out Skit's other fics (and you should check out all of them), just seriously mind the tags.
@sevi007 / sevi007
Sevi doesn't seem to currently update for BNHA, but her Dadmight reaches the level of soft I hope to match. Spoken with Love and Peaceful Sleep have probably earned most of my rereads, but there are so many good ones.
@autisticmidoriyas / orkestrations
Another author that just seems to love pain, there's always great Dadmight once you get through. The Dadmight is super soft at the end of hold my beating heart (from the fics I've read), but you have to make it past the gore in the first half. The 3rd and 5th installments of the fuguelike series also have great Dadmight.
@queenangst / achievingelysium
Lots of good Dadmight to be found here. the next time takes the cake for the softest I've read.
@deepherofanaticism / Deepest
I'm trying to choose completed works as much as possible for my faves, but I have to admit, I love seeing updates on Felt in Ink, with Feeling, perhaps because I'm a sucker for platonic soulmates.
@mauds-lemon-pie / MaudsLemonPie
Mauds really enjoys bio Dadmight and baby Izuku fics, which leaves plenty of room for soft. With that said, my favorite is At the End of the Day... I'm Here, which is decidedly not bio Dadmight.
@slitherin-away / Quisanne
Another great soft Dadmight author! For completed soft, Quisanne's recent Home of the Ancients is wonderful. For incomplete soft mixed with angst and grief, check out Laughter in a Time of War.
@faelwenholdsthelight / CalicoLynx
Words really cannot describe how much I love On The Road That You Started, I Walk. It's everything I want in soft Dadmight.
@starryystark / colorworld
Oh, colorworld. You had to go and start writing Decay, which contains some of the most beautifully grieving Dadmight I have seen. But if you're looking for some true soft, Love, Izuku is where it's at.
@quizzicalcrow / QuizzicalCrow
So much good soft Dadmight to be found here. My favorite is probably a tie between The Greatest Gift and Dear Mr All Might.
I admittedly haven't read everything by ProPinkist, but many stories focus on Izuku and Toshinori's individual angst that they help each other through. Pictures, Posters, and Tender Beauty is all kinds of soft.
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elvish-sky · 4 years
All Wounds Heal Eventually {Legolas x Reader}
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: Hi first off i wanna say I absolutely love ur account your fanfics are perfectttt (especially leggy ones <3)  Also i was wondering if you can write a legolasXreader where (female) reader does anything she can to make Thranduil like her and accept her but whatever she does he doesn't seem to accept her as part of the family and keeps judging Legolas for marrying her... but make it a happy ending??? This is so confusing I'm so sorry but i hope u get what I'm saying  :,)))
A.N: I sort of thought of the dance at the beginning as a formal one from high-society events in the early 1800s England, but you’re welcome to your own interpretation. The elves could have really liked hip-hop, who knows? Thank you so much for this request! I'm so sorry this took so long, Anon, and I hope you enjoy it and have/had a lovely day!
Word Count: 1,336
Summary: Thranduil does not accept you as his son’s wife.
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Warnings: Blood, Wounds, Angst, Fluff, not being accepted by family.
**** All Wounds Heal Eventually
Your elven dress swirled around you as you twirled on the arm of your husband, Legolas. It was the yearly Feast of Starlight in the realm of the woodland elves, and as the newly married prince and princess, you were required to open the Feast with a dance. As you paraded between the rows of other dancers you glanced up at the throne of your father-in-law. 
King Thranduil had not approved of his son’s choice of wife and had made it very clear to not only you but the whole court. He was currently glaring at you with a glass of wine in his hand, sipping it every so often as he lounged on his throne. Your mind flashed back to your wedding day, to the ceremony that the king had not even deigned to attend. He had never blessed the marriage, and had in fact done his best to force his son to wed someone else. You had tried many things to gain his approval, from mastering all the dances known to the tutors in the court, to memorizing every law and rule of the kingdom, as well as proper manners, so that you would not embarrass him. Yet he still did not approve of your marriage to his son. All of these things hurt you, but you were willing to ignore the slights so that you could be with your love.
“Melleth nin,” Legolas’ words drew your eyes back to his, “What is wrong?” “Oh, nothing,” you forced a smile as he spun you into his arms. “Only, I am afraid I cannot recall the ending to this dance!” “Never fear. Just follow me.” You let your husband guide you through the final steps and dipped you, finishing in exactly the right pose on exactly the right beat. You glanced up at the throne to see if Thranduil approved, but he was just gazing at his people, looking bored. 
Walking off the dance floor to applause and compliments, Legolas steered you towards the refreshment table. “Wine, my love?” “Not tonight, I’d like to keep a clear head.” “Ok.” He grabbed two glasses of the fruity, non-alcoholic drink and led you over to a table near the side of the large, open feasting hall. Even after living here for centuries the beauty and majesty of it all still took your breath away. The open ceiling meant that this room was one of your favorite places in the whole kingdom, as it was one of the few where you could see the stars. 
You were drawn out of your reverie by a guard urgently approaching your table, bowing, and then addressing Legolas. “Your highness, I’m so sorry to bother you but there’s been an orc attack just outside the borders to the northeast. According to our scouts they are making their way into the kingdom.” He lept up, “I’ll go drive them out immediately. I’m sorry, melleth, I have to deal with this.” He bent down and kissed you farewell, but backed away as you stood. “I will join you.” You declared, and began to walk outside, the guard alongside you. Knowing it was futile to argue, Legolas sighed and hustled to catch up. 
After quickly stopping at your rooms to change into something that allowed for more movement, and to grab your weapons, you set off with your husband and a troop of soldiers in the direction the guard had pointed you. 
You jumped into the next tree, Legolas across from you on another branch, looking down at the orcs passing beneath you. He held up a hand to signify that you and the soldiers near you should wait to attack, then moved it in a circular motion. Getting the message, you all made your way to branches so that when you dropped you would have the orcs surrounded. 
As Legolas raised and clenched his fist, you somersaulted off the branch to land on the shoulders of one of the orcs, slicing its throat with one of your blades. The sounds of fighting quickly broke out around you as the other elves did the same. You made quick work of them, and turned to see how the rest of your troop was doing. Everyone seemed to have their fights under control, and were in fact just dispatching the last few orcs. 
Hearing a small gasp from behind a tree, you sprinted over to see an orc standing above an unarmed Legolas, sword poised to slice him in half. Crying out, “No!” you ran to put yourself in between the blade and your beloved. You felt the blade bite into your side, but still managed to drag one of your daggers across the orc’s throat as you fell, making it fall back and disappear from view. You collapsed onto the ground and heard Legolas’ pained voice whisper, “My love, no. We’ll get you back to the healers, it’s going to be okay,” as he gathered you in his arms, heedless of the blood now staining his clothes from your wound. You heard those last three words repeated as a mantra as you passed out from the pain.
The next thing you knew, you were lying down in a room with calming morning sunlight streaming in from the windows. You had been undressed at some point and were lying on a large bed with a sheet covering your body and wrappings on your torso. You turned your head to see, to your surprise, the King of Mirkwood sitting next to your bedside, his son slumped at a table nearby. “Your majesty!” You tried to get up so that you could bow, hissing in pain as you moved, but he placed a hand on your arm, guiding you to lie back down. “Stay still, Y/N. You passed out due to blood loss after saving Legolas from an orc.” 
As he spoke, you remembered the gut-wrenching fear you had felt at seeing Legolas in such danger. “Do not worry, my king. I care more for your son that anything, and will always protect him.” “I know you will, Y/N, and I was blind to not have seen it before. But please take care of yourself as well. Now that I have a daughter, it would not do for me to lose her as well.” Your eyes filled with tears as he named you daughter, “thank you, my lord.” “No, Y/N. A father-in-law should never be called their title by their daughter. Call me Thranduil.” “Thank you, Thranduil.” 
“No, Y/N. Thank you for saving my son.” Thranduil grasped your hand and as you looked into his eyes you could see the depths of gratitude that dwelled there. “Now, I believe we should let the doting husband greet his now awake wife.” As he spoke he glided over to where Legolas was asleep, face resting on his elbow. He shook his son awake and left the room. “I shall return to check on you, daughter.” 
As his father left, Legolas rushed over to your side. “You’re awake! How do you feel? Is there anything you need?” You laughed at his concern. “I’m fine. I thought you would be mad after that stunt I pulled!” “I’m furious!” he declared. “I’m just going to wait until you are healed to make it known.” “Oh, great. Something for me to look forward to.” He laughed at the expression on your face and settled onto the bed next to you, careful not to jostle your wound. “Seriously, thank you for saving me.” “Anything for you, melleth nin.” You snuggled into his arms, resting your head on his chest as he whispered “gi mellin.” “I love you too,” you responded, and sighed in content. Although you were hurt, you knew the wound would heal eventually, as all did. Even the one caused by your husband’s father not accepting you had been repaired, something you never thought would happen. You were just happy to be alive, with your Legolas, accepted, finally, by Thranduil. 
Everything tag💖: @boyruins @anjhope1 @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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jiminrings · 3 years
pretty boy ONE OF MY FAVS i started reading it a while ago and i check in every week or so to see if it’s been updated and it recently has!! super good
peonies it’s short but made me tear up a little
before i ever met you it’s different from things i usually read but it was so well written and God just so good
the world after probably the second saddest (a very VERY close first) fic on this list i haven’t reread it because it’s so sad and it made me bawl my eyes out
everlasting this was the first incarnation au i’ve ever read and it is truly So amazing i might reread it after sending this
just a veil short but heartbreaking
his dandelion i feel like i sent this to u already? but if not it’s so amazing i love his character in this he’s perfect
ride or die A FAVORITE i love tropes like this and it’s so easy to visualize. so so so so so amazing i’ll never shut up abt it
ghostin THIS ONE I KNOW IVE SENT IN BEFORE and it made an anon or two cry i remember but i just think it’s worth a read (i don’t remember if u read it 😭 It’s long so i understand 🤷‍♀️). it’s so beautiful and seokjin is just so amazing and perfect and everything about this fic is amazing and perfect
rattled youve probably already read this but if not oh my god you need to you need to right now
mikrokosmos if you choose to read this please read all the warnings every single word Please it’s a very dark story that i’ve only read once because of how sad it is. u know when a book affects you to the point where ur thinking abt it for days ???? that’s this one, probably one of the saddest things i’ve ever read in my life
from home i remember when u first read this i was obsessed with it and sent it to all my friends that i knew read fics and they loved it too it’s just so amazing !!!
effortlessly this one too i read them around the same time like back to back and i was just taking abt it non stop for days
frost impressions i LOVE jungkooks character in this just the way he acts and how he’s a little dorky i love when he’s dorky
pay per view 1 + 2 i was OBSESSED when this came out this oc is probably one of my favorite ocs ever
i hope u like at least some of these!!! i tried to make it a mix of everything and i Know u said u need some angst so i pulled out the big guns but i didn’t want u to be reading angst ALL DAY so there’s some cute ones to lighten the mood <33 Also if the links r messed up i’m sorry i did all of this very fast PLZ TELL ME SO I CAN SEND THE RIGHT ONE 😭😭
- 🌟
UHMMMMM WHY R YOU THE BEST :// thank u so much for all these recs bff <3 means a lot that you took the time to compile all these and send to me!! EVERYBODY SAY THANK U STAR ANON
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Nagito reacting to his motherly fem!s/o calling him their "hope" and giving him all the love she's been craving to give him after a long day of school? headcanons please! Thank youu
Anon, are we spiritually connected?? Motherly/affectionate s/o’s are my favorite kind of readers... and Nagito is my favorite character... anon ily
(DANG IT, i’ve realized the texting thing looks fine on website tumblr but is screwed on mobile tumblr,, guys forgive me pls)
Dearie, thank you for requesting! Remember to prioritize yourself, health, and wellbeing lovely!! 💗 - Mod Mikan who is a HUGE Nagito simp
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Nagito With a Motherly! S/O Who Pampers Him After a Long Day
You had always had a motherly personality - fussing and checking up with your loved ones, always offering to help others and give advice. When you met Nagito at Hope’s Peak Academy and heard how much he despised himself, your instincts immediately kicked in. You worried about how quick he was to praise others but quicker to insult himself. Even before the two of you began dating, you constantly reminded him about how great he was and shot down any attempts of self deprecation. When you two were finally official, the affection just tripled. Good morning and night texts, hugs, kisses, you name it! You even had to start making homemade lunches for the boy because he had a bad habit of skipping meals.
Normally the two of you would take the bus and walk to school together, but today was different. He wasn’t there at the bus stop this morning and when you texted him, he didn’t respond. So now you were panicking at school, worried that something happened to your boyfriend. You had even made his favorite food today… 
Eventually class began, but you could hardly focus. How could you, you had no idea where your lover was?! You kept making sneaky glances at your phone in hopes of seeing it light up with a notification from Nagito, but to no avail. You sighed and crossed your fingers that he was ok. You really wanted to give him his good morning kiss and hug!!
Your first period class had ended and you began walking to your next one, clutching your phone sadly when you felt it vibrate in your hand. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Nagito had finally responded! Quickly you scrolled down from the multitude of texts you’d spammed him with.
nagito where r u???                                                                                                bb pls respond im worried 🥺                                                                                  istg ur getting bombarded with love as soon as i see u again
💗my hope💗
Hello there (Name!)                                                                                                  It’s pathetic trash like me made you worry..                                                            But I’m just fine! Just some bad luck today!
Your heart squeezed as you frowned. That made sense, his luck usually caused stuff like this to happen unfortunately. There was one time he got hit by a car on his way to school and you never cried so much before. Just thinking about it gave you a heart attack. Quickly you typed back a response, eyes glued to your phone, muttering apologies to whoever you bumped into. 
you                                                                                                                       no its ok bby i was just wanted to make sure u were alright 💗                          also ur not trash!!! i made ur fav food today too love <3
💗my hope💗
Haha, to think someone like me would hear such words…                                    Truly, I’m lucky! I’ll see you at lunch, my hope!
You grinned as you made your way to your next class, eagerly waiting for lunch to come. When the bell rang, you quickly grabbed your stuff and made a mad dash for the rooftop. (The mutual choice of place to spend your lunch period, sometimes people would give you weird looks for spending time with Nagito, which made him apologize and try to leave, much to your dismay.) You began to wait, and wait, but there was no sign of your partner. You frowned again and sent a quick text to him. Maybe if you roamed the school you could find him? You skipped around the halls, glancing at your phone every now and then for any new texts. Soon you were in front of the principal’s office when you heard a lecturing voice inside.
“Komaeda, I can’t even count the number of times you’ve come in late because of some unthinkable scenario…”
“Haha… it's just my luck has been acting up lately sir.”
You frowned for probably the hundredth time that day, it felt impolite to eavesdrop but your heart hurt for your boyfriend. You wished that people would take the time to understand him, he can’t control his luck! You huffed as you walked away, a new mission developing in your head - Operation Give Nagito a Bunch of Love After School.
After school, you patiently stood at the entrance of the academy when you finally saw your boyfriend exit. Your heart began pounding as you bounced excitedly, your boyfriend on the other hand, seemed pleased to see you as well but also tired.
“Nagito, baby!” You called as you rushed over to him and immediately cradled him into your chest, not caring who saw or heard. He was very tall, so would normally be a bit hard, but he was used to your affectionate nature. You began petting his hair and placing soft kisses on his head.
“Ah, to be held by you after today… the bad luck was worth it,” he melted into your embrace.
“Love, let’s go home, ok? Then you can tell me all about your day.” With a bit of encouragement from you, Nagito reluctantly released you from his grasp. You grabbed his cold hand and squeezed it as to not make him feel lonely, and the two of you ventured to the bus stop. On the bus, you didn’t stop giving him love, he deserved it 24/7! You let him place his head on your shoulder and cuddle your side. You spoke in a soothing voice as you told him about your day, which was quite uneventful without Nagito.
As soon as the two of you reached your house, you forced him onto the couch with some warm blankets and began drying his hair. For some reason it was wet, something must have splashed him this morning you assumed. Nagito naturally leaned his head back, your fingers felt so good in his hair.
“Darling, do you want to talk about today?”
Nagito’s content expression twitched as he sighed. “It’s nothing too important… just woke up late, missed the bus and got splashed by some water when it drove past…” he continued to list off the things that happened to him with his usual casual voice, as if it was no big deal. “But I’m sure I made you wait, morning time and lunch time I left you by yourself. You should stop paying attention to trash like me and find some more reliable company-”
“Nagito, you’re not trash, ok?” You paused drying his hair and came around to sit next to him. “You’re not just anyone to me - you’re my boyfriend. I will wait for you however long it takes, I will care and love you for the rest of my life. You are my hope, Nagito.”
Nagito looked shocked. “I’m… your hope?”
“Of course you are! You always call me your hope, why wouldn’t you be mine?” you teased, peppering his face with kisses.
“I-I… thank you.”
“Come here, baby. Lie down.” You braced your back on the edge of the couch and motioned to Nagito to lay down on you. Nagito eagerly took the opportunity, burying his face in your soft chest. His cold skin was a nice contrast to your warmth. You eased him out of his school jacket so both of you would have as much skin to skin contact as possible. Your legs intertwined with his, as you began to place kisses from his jawline to his neck, making him whine in pleasure.
“I’m the one whose supposed to taking care of you-”
“Shh… it’s my job too. You’ve had a long day… just relax in my arms and forget about it, my love.”
He didn’t put up much of a protest as he continued to nuzzle into your chest. “My hope, thank you for loving someone li-,” he paused and changed his line of thought, “for loving me. I… I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. I love you so much-”
“I’m not going away, Nagi… I’m staying right by your side forever, no matter what happens. Now… take a nap, babe. I’ll be right here when you wake up…”
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
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good morning mutuals and everyone else on tumblr who is cool and made my year! this is gonna be my mutuals appreciation post 2020 because if anything good happened this year then it's getting to know all of you guys so there's that. i love you all so so sooo much and always love to see y'all and your gif sets / memes / crack posts /rants / edits and so on and so forth on my dash. you made this year beautiful and i just wanna thank u for that!💘💘 (also im sorry if the picture above activates anyone's fight response i just thought that it would fit if i went back to where it all started)
@engelkeijsers mare my love i don't even have words to describe how much i love you and am happy to have you in my life. i consider you one of my closest friends by now and that's why i always message you whenever exciting shit happens in my life (or whenever shit goes down that ofc depends🤪). our phone calls were so fucking funny and i loved talking to you sooo much i can't wait to meet you in real life one day!!💖 please feel hugged you're such a beautiful human.
@dreamaur ann my beloved mutual i love you from the bottom of my heart and just wanna thank you for being the cute bitch that u are who always remembers our mutuals anniversary like....🥺🥺 i just love that we always watch and read and stan the same things like what kind of soulmutuals behavior is this?. can't wait for s&b to air so we can always freak out about kaz and inej and everyone else together. i'm kissing your cheek and wish you the absolute best for 2021 because u deserve the best😽
@sotorubio silja i love you and your blog so much you just have such a galaxy brain and you're so eloquent and your blog is one of the few that i check on regularly because i don't wanna miss a single post you make. here's a fun fact before i properly got to know you i thought that you were sooo intimating i don't even know why and then we started talking at some point and i was like "hold on a second they are SO lovely and warm actually and not intimating at all hdhdh" as you might have figured out by now i always love talking to you about skames or rant about 13rw and everything else. i just love u!!!🧡
@helmtaryn aurore you are probably the first person who ever started talking to me on here and so it all began and we always talked abt skam france before s6 started and during and you're just such a wonderful person!! thank you for always being there for me and helping me with my french homework i truly cannot thank you enough for that because you're constantly saving my ass jdhd. you're just so fun to talk to and such a talented gif maker like... for real your gif sets always knock me out and you're always so original in what you gif🥺❣
@geminibf i know i've told you that before but your blog is my comfort blog on here literally just seeing your posts on my dash always makes my day and you're one of the most beautiful ppl i've ever known like how do you even manage to do that🥺💘 plus you're sooo talented at this point im convinced that there's absolutely nothing that you cannot do so yeah i have no idea where this sentence is going but i guess what im trying to tell u is that i love u and im so happy to be ur friend
@alterlovex niiiii❣❣❣ you're not even like a tumblr mutual you're like my tumblr sister (figure out what the hell this is supposed to mean jdjd) and you were one of the first people who hyped my stupid posts up and it always made me go 🥺😭. i started following you despite the fact that u had a wtfock icon (honorary) and i absolutely never regretted it. you're so beautiful and warm and so is your blog and i will try to talk more to u again in 2021. im virtually sending you so many flowers🌷🌻🌸💐
@jorgecrespo you're just the coolest bitch alive. i followed you for your skam rankings and stayed for your whole entire personality. every post you make truly just slaps, you never miss, and i relate to you so much jdjd. the way you answer anon messages will forever be my favorite thing about your blog and just the way you talk in general like without even seeing your url i always know when it's you who wrote a post. i love you❕❕💖
@jusdekiwi you and aurore are the reason why french people deserve rights, you are such a lovely and genuine person and i absolutely love you and your chill vibes on your blog. also thank you for helping me out with my french homework thingy once like. thank you so so much for being so lovely and taking your time julia!🌻
@suburbanenigma carmen i love you and all of your posts and just the vibes on your blog!!! also omfg your riverdale side blog always makes me laugh soo much i truly cannot wait for s5 to air so we can make fun of it together because i will live blog the shit out of it too!! you're just one of the coolest bitches ever i don't know how else to say it. i love you and cant wait to talk to you more next year. you're such a blessing for this hellsite🦋✨
@sundaymorninghangover julian you are one of my oldest friends on here and i've loved you ever since i found your blog and figured out that u were a part of the having taste club (skames fandom) too!! you're so chill!!! i love your brain!! i love your posts!!! and most importantly i love you. please keep on blessing my dash with your cool posts because they are definitely appreciated and loved in this house. also i miss your frog icon (please don't hit me in case it wasn't a frog) it just spoke volumes about your vibes but i love ur new one too!! still associate the purple heart with you so here it is 💜💜
@lesbeanfatou clara you simply are an angel. you used to have a nora grace icon and i went: that's it, she's the one, she has taste im gonna follow!! and look it was one of the best decisions ever. you're my favorite chaotic n cool mosquito hater and i just love you so much and you made my year beautiful!! thank you for always listening to me when i came into your inbox to have a break down (positive or negative) over the we feel in love in october girl and thank you for teaching me how make edits!!!💐💘
@aoixe you're one of my favorite skamfr hate blogs and certain men hate blogs (if u know u know) i always love talking and ranting with you and am so glad that we're sometimes just dming!! you're vibes are so cool a d you seem like such a chill person i love you and wish you all the best for 2021!!❣❣
@fatoudixon ana i love you and your blog so so much and especially your druck reaction videos on youtube!! you seem like such a genuine and beautiful person and even though we're not talking much please just know that im always happy to see you on my dash. happy new year to you!!💘💘
@cash-queens sam🥺 you're so sweet and kind this hell site truly doesn't even deserve you but we all love that you're here anyway!! i would protect you with my life and i hope that we will get to talk more in 2021 because you're such a lovely person and for now im just gonna wish u a happy new year✨
@avaceleste sophiaaa💌 you've been here ever since the very beginning of skamfr season 6 and i always love talking to you and long live our eliola jokes, you were probably the person i started this cult with so here is our eliola emoji starterpack one more time in 2020 💏🌧🎬
@hashtag-ohboy-nicetry i have no idea whose side blog this was but the url alone made my entire year🤭🤞
@ random love anon❤ i love you and hope that 2021 will be a good year for you because you absolutely deserve it!!! wishing u nothing but the best i always love to see you around!💐💘
all the other amazing blogs i love and am always happy to see on my dash (doesn't matter if we're mutuals or not)
@floraflorenzi / @bi-kieu-my / @gumptin / @thegirlnooneknows5 / @littleweirdoss / @sohereisthisasshole / @noramachwtz / @nori-in-pink / @ayellowcurtain / @mailinrichter / @ijzermanora / @fudgetunblr / @lesbianfatous / @norgestan / @cfgc / @avaspereira / @theflowerisblue / @smblmn / @jon-astronaut / @amiraamore / @parelmoer / @stqrz 💘❣💐🦋💌🌸
i wish all of you a very happy new year and thank you for all of your gifs, posts, translations, fanfics & edits you all truly make this place beautiful❕💘
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: i dont know what blue lock is but that art you just posted is making me interested lol
AHHHHH please getting people interested in it is all my life is about lately hahahaha it’s a sports manga about soccer! Kind of!! Definitely has all the good sides of sports manga, but it’s also different enough from the usual sports manga that I know people who aren’t huge sports manga fan who loved every second of it, please do give it a try if you find yourself with the time for it! It’s such a cool manga!!!
Anon said: I don't even like BNHA anymore, haven't for more than a year, but your blog still has me shipping the characters somehow. I live for your KiriBaku content (and your KamiJirou stuff, when you post it!)
Gosh, I’m glad I can make you like them still!! It’s such a compliment, honestly ;A; <3
Anon said: so i was looking through your art and stuff and was wondering "hey i wonder if theyve ever drawn voltron stuff" and tbh, i didnt expect you to have
To be fair, if you checked it means that at least a little you thought it was possible lol I haven’t watched anything past s1 of it though, so the chances of me ever picking it up again are less than zero
Anon said: You... are one of the loves of my life... and also the main reason I check tumblr everyday lol.
Anon!!! You’re gonna make me blush here!!!!! ;;;; thank you so much!
Anon said: i started reading bluelock because of u and now im obsessed soooo,,,,, thanks!❤️😭
Anon said: Hii, do you have a Spotify account? If you do, can you share it? I really like the songs u use on your arts, and I would love to see your Playlists Sorry if it's already on your FAQ, I didn't find it And sorry for my bad English ps. I LOVE YOUR KIRIBAKU ARTS THANK YOU
I don’t! I listen to all my music from youtube, because I’m that kind of person lmao happy to hear we share music tastes, though! And thank you so much!!! <3
Anon said: What's your favorite arc of ToG both story wise and art wise?
SCREAMS I don’t know!!!! I’ve been thinking about this ask since getting it I have genuinely zero clue I love all arcs so much for so many different reasons!!!!! The first that comes to mind when I think about it is the workshop battle arc, because I love Viole with everything I have and the whole arc (plus the build up to it too!!) hurts in the most wonderful way, but then I keep thinking about it and I realize there’s so many character I live for that don’t appear in it - I love the floor of death arc SO MUCH cause for one, there’s nearly all my favorite characters in it, and also because it’s such a good, dynamic arc?? everything that happens is so much fun and interesting?? also Hockney is there, and Urek is there, and Garam is there, and the Hell Train gang is all there, so!! AH and the hell train as a whole is so damn good (the dallar show???? my whole soul rests in there, Khun’s trust in Bam!! the coin flip with rachel!! Bam’s whole everything!!!!!!!! GAH) but my fav part of it has to be the hidden floor?? because!!!!!! it’s perfect from start to end, everyone in it is wonderful, Bam’s growth in it!!! GODS! My favorite scene in the whole webtoon is in the hidden floor arc, it’s how much I love it - THEN THERE’S YAMA and the whole arc there is so so SO good too, and the latest arc!! how good is the latest arc!!!!!
so yeah I can’t pick - art wise I think it goes without saying that SIU’s art has only gotten better, so the closest to the newest update you go the more I like the art.... though, my favorite Bam is still the short haired one from the Hell Train arc haha
Anon said: Oh, wow, how stupid of me. Like 2 months ago, I sent you a message telling you how much I loved your work... and I didn’t see it on your page, or anywhere else. Finally today, I discovered I had an inbox where you answered me... 🤦‍♀️... I still love your work, by the way...
AHHH yeah I always answer off-anon asks privately! And thank you so much for still liking my things!!
Anon said: Have you read the last haikyuu chapter? How did you feel about it?
I’ve reread it at least twenty times and then I went and reread the whole of the last game again and it’s been three weeks and I’m still thinking about it more or less constantly and feeling giddy happy about everything that manga has ended up being, genuinely one of the best manga I’ve ever had the pleasure of following till the very end - that’s how I feel about it <3
Anon said: I really like looking at your art it’s so therapeutic it’s wonderful please keep drawing I want to support you on Kofi and patreon and yet I am broke please just know I love u very much ok bye
Ahhhh it’s okay anon! I try to keep as little completely unavailable for my followers as I can, and I’ll do my best to keep drawing! Can’t promise the fandoms will always be stuff you care about though haha
Anon said: This is my FAVORITE art blog. Is blog even a word that ppl use anymore?? Idk but anyways your kiribaku gives me life and cures my depression so ily and thank u
I’m so so happy to hear that! Thank you so much!!! TTATT <3
Anon said: just now realizing your oc looks like the human version of kamakiri
To be fair the only thing they have in common is the green mohawk, but I get where you’re coming from! I was very happy when Kamakiri’s official colors came out exactly cause he makes me think about my boy, after all xD my love for Kamakiri is definitely biased, in that sense haha
Anon said: Just wanted to let u know im very gay for ur oc giulia that is all thanks
Anon I’m gonna cry I’m so glad you like her!!!!!!!!!! She’s one of my oldest OCs out of that group, it’s always so thrilling to know people like her ;A; <3
Anon said: I really like how you draw kirishima’s hair
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I have a lot of fun with it, though it does mean it ends up being kinda off canon more often than not haha
Anon said: hi! just a random question but how’d you come up with your name?
Fran is my name! Erid comes from Eridan from homestuck! Art is what I try to do! And that’s the incredibly interesting story behind my screen name haha
Anon said: Heya, so i sent the ask about the person who i suspect either heavily referenced or traced your art (i sent another ask about this tho im not sure if it went through) anyway, it was posted by ****************** you'll know it when you see it i think
Ahhhhhh sorry for how long this took me to answer, I went to check and it’s!!! fine, I mean, would have preferred if they had credited but I don’t think it was completely traced so I don’t mind too much, I used to copy art of people I liked too back when I was first starting, after all haha
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wincore · 3 years
hi miss moon 💗 it’s been so long! i doubt you even remember me, 🍡 anon :), but i recently checked tumblr and saw that you moved blogs! i’m happy for you for taking a step back from writing if that’s what’s best for you, and i apologize for being so absent lol! i hope all is well! i thought i’d just pop in if you do ever check this blog! i do think of you randomly since as u know ur story romeo roulette was hilariously what got me to finally get on the same page with this dude who i was having some tension with at school and at work, who then finally became my boyfriend like i told you! i felt a little obligated to give u a bit of an update since i guess i can credit u for unintentionally getting us together lmao?? anywho, we actually are celebrating our seven month anniversary on tuesday :) 💞💞 we also are planning to move in together after this semester end since my lease expires in january. tbh i never actually pictured myself falling in love? like idk to me i really never had experience with boys in high school and then in college i had some pretty shitty experiences so i really just laid the whole idea of a healthy relationship and falling in love to rest. BUT WOW! being in love with someone??? who treats you well??? and is good for you in so many ways??? is so fulfilling?? i do believe that being with him makes me a better person and while of course we aren’t perfect and have our moments of frustration, we always come center ourselves and use the mentality that it’s us vs the issue not is vs each other.
well that was my random tangent lolz. if you even check this inbox anymore i hope you are enjoying october so far! it’s my favorite month for sure - i love fall 🤍🤍 sending good health and hugs moon!! <3
HOLY SHIT IT'S DANGO ANON !!!!!!!!!! how could i forget you?? 😡😡you have the cutest relationship I've ever read on the internet!! I'm answering this when I've just gotten back into the groove of writing but I think I enjoy taking time off more 💔Writing's still an on and off thing for me, honestly.
i'm your relationship's godmother now so i very much appreciate the update, love!! holy shit, moving in together?!!?!?? that's a big, big step!!!!! I am so happy to see you content in your relationship ❣️it's so good to see you in a healthy relationship like you deserve :') A relationship that you can grow with is certainly the best kind. I can't express how happy I feel to see you this way!!! You've really been through a lot, dear. I hope you are still doing well, i love october too (it's my birth month!!!) and I hope you continue to have a great time together with your boyfriend :-)
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kyunsies · 4 years
things i love + appreciate about my closest moots  💖 (obviously no particular order bc you all hold such a special place in my heart)
i was going to wait and post this when i hit 400 followers but that has passed and i wasn't ready in time and i didn’t really know when to post this ;; so i’m just going to do it now to remind everyone that it is truly a blessing to be here in your presence :) i don’t want to get mushy ALREADY sdlkfjsd but pls know you all mean so much to me <33
@theyoungflexer — my person, my rock, chelle you’re super special!! we have such a quirky relationship that somehow works extremely well; idk how but i had this feeling from the moment we spoke with each other i was like “omg this gal is so funky and sweet!!” i was really excited to get to know you, and we’ve talked everyday without FAIL since we became moots :) v grateful for you chelle, you’re my home girl!! (even tho we live across the states hehe) 💘💗 also i just respect you on so many levels like the way you just attend one of the most amazing colleges in the US and is thriving?? not to mention your equally as smart brother also going to an amazing college too???????? speechless. ALSO BIG SHOUT OUT BC  you are also the reason for inspiring me to start giffing so,,,,,,literally wouldn’t be here without you GOD chelle i’m so mushy for you :’((((
@softhyungkyun — 1/2 of my mom friends!!! my monmomma, my calming energy in this chaotic world!! victoria, my sweet vic how i love u so!! not to mention the BEST canadabebe around 😘 truly don’t know what i would do without you hun!! do u know how special u are to me?? how much i loved ur lil bunny pics whenever u went on a run; your CONSTANT surveillance of my many typos; and most importantly your scalding of me whenever i show my ~alter ego nasty mädch who is a simp for kyun~ (huh?? who said that, certainly not me!!) i literally look up to you in so many ways, and i’m glad i have someone like you in my life 💗💘💖
@ckyunoirs — you’ve all seen it coming but my actual soulmate!! the best kyun soulmate ever 🥺 i honestly can’t remember how we became moots LOL but i just know i thought you seemed like an absolute sweetheart (which you are) and i was so nervous to talk to you!! i was like “ah omg she has so many anons and everyone associates her w kyun i would like to be at that level” but look at us now!!! we really do share the same (thirsting for kyun always 🤝) braincell and i love that i can tell you what’s on my mind always!! you are such a nurturing soul suni, always stressing how important it is to take care of ourselves 🤧 angel behavior i think!! i don’t even have to elaborate anymore bc i think (i hope) you know truly how much you mean to me suni!!!!! thank you for being such a great friend <33
@memehyungwon — nessa!!! my love whom i get extremely excited about whenever i see your name pop up in my inbox 🥺🥺 get yourself a nessa!!!! so sweet, so supportive, so kind, and just all around LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY!! the cutest, my emotional support bub really 💘💗💖💓💞 so much love for you, plus you’re a multi-talented queen with the moodboards + edits like hello you are LEGENDARY!!! also a multistan extraordinaire, what more could u ask for?? aaaand you call me your “cariño mio” like.......,,shush i’m sobbing just thinking of it 🥺
@pansynight — i think ezra is a fallen angel I SAID IT!!! srsly THE most supportive, trustworthy, and down to earth person in the whole wide world. such a hard worker i mean moodboards, audio edits, writing on the side sometimes, AND gifmaking???????? incredible!!! and is just as a hopeless romantic as i am (cue us crying over how much we love Love together,,,,,i need a moment 😭)!! one friend who i can feel totally comfortable + stripped down with 💙💙 did i already say supportive bc ezra is the Most Supportive Bub if you didn’t already catch that 🥺
@sohcean — bee!!!! a fairly recent moot but one i love very much nonetheless!!!! i looked up to you a lot akdbdjdkjdb like you were one of my “it” monsta x blogs imo hehe but i remember i tagged you in a post where an anon asked me who my fav blogs were and 🥺🥺 you sent me an ask something along the lines of “ty v much i’m glad we’re moots now!!” AND WHEN I TELL YOU!!! i was crying 😭😭😭 anyways, always checks in on me once in a while and you’re always super duper sweet and caring (and thank you for submitting sweet kyun pics occasionally; they are SO desperately needed);; plus you are so extremely eloquent with your writing -- when you post something particularly long i kinda just space out into dreamland  bc you just take me to another place with your words omg *chefs kiss* love ya hun!!! 💙💜💙💜💙
@burnitupmp3 — ah ADRY!!! honestly i was really scared to talk to you too for some reason DJFLSDJ but i think that’s bc you’re so extremely hilarious :’) but now that we are certified CLINGMATES 🥺 i literally thank my lucky stars for you everyday :( always and i mean ALWAYS supporting not only me but all of your other moots too ITS SO AMAZING TO SEE!!!!!! never being shy and always starting a conversation with everyone like i’m starting to get the feeling that maybe you DO in fact know every monbebe on this site HEHE but!!!!! grateful for you, if there is one singular constant on tumblr it's you and you're humor, kindness, individuality 💘💗 1/3 of my joobebes, but my ONLY rujoobebe :’) alSO TY FOR FEEDING ME J.SEPH CONTENT <33
@minhyukie — LISTEN if you don’t follow amy you’re missing oUT!!!! but srsly amy i’m going to get really mushy on you jfsdlkfj  🥺🥺 i’ve been following you ever since i made this blog in january (obvi bc u make High Quality content) and i just need to get this off my chest but when u popped in my messages telling me what i was doing wrong in ps about the smart object thing I LITERALLY SCREAMED I JUMPED OUT OF MY SEAT I MESSAGED @theyoungflexer AND WAS LIKE OMG OMG OMG AMY JUST TALKED TO ME!!!!!!!!! jeez like i was so embarrassingly excited :’D !!! man, am i SO happy we are moots <33 the best minbebe around, always providing me with advice and so many resources,,,not to mention we kinda (??) live relatively close-ish to each other so that’s also very cool LOL but srsly!!! amy you are such a backbone for the mbb community here and i look up to you SO much,,,smooches to u 💘💗
@leejooheons — aj!!! 2/3 of my joobebes!!! we are only recently moots but much like amy, i’ve been following you since the beginning of my blog’s existence!! gosh i look up to you in sooooo many ways and again LIKE AMY when i finally found the courage to talk to you i kinda freaked out when you responded LOL !! your gifs are absolutely AMAZING STUNNNG WONDERFUL; you inspire me to really improve my skills, and you always always ALWAYS give me such helpful advice all the time when i don’t even ask for it :( if anything i can't imagine how annoying it is to see me complain about all of my ps troubles but you still take time out of your day to always give me the best tips ever. and for that??? i’m SUPER grateful for all that you do for not only me but for monbebe tumblr too !!! 💘💗
@chaelight — fern!! my other resourceful monbebe moot 🥺 even though we don’t talk all the time, you, like aj, are always providing me with such amazing content advice!!! seriously idk why you all are so incredibly nice to me it’s so touching 😭 and just like bee, you also give me such a calming vibe; you’re just an overall delight to see on my dash because your content is SO well thought out too <33 love you fern!!
@joosgf — lulu!!! 3/3 of my joobebes who also takes the time to tag me in kyun content 🥺 we do not message often but :( omg you’re such a freaking cutie :( i knew i wanted to be your friend when i found your blog bc 1) everyone loves u and 2) you are so incredibly nice <33 i really hope we get to grow closer in the future!! you are so supportive even though we aren't close, and just know that you can always come to me for anything!! also i just love your adoration for our joober it’s SO SWEET, i love to see you geek about him bc it really is the cutest thing <33
@haoranghae — jill!!!!!!! my eastern standard time pal!!!!!!! <33 honestly i think you're the only moot where i DONT have to think about you being asleep while i’m up bc i know we’re on the same time schedule :’) my multifandom buddy who shares my love for victon and honestly a lot of other groups too!! surprisingly we don’t message often but like, i feel like when we DO talk we always pick up where we left off, if that makes sense? i always feel at home talking with you <33 and you’re so freaking SUPPORTIVE always saying nice things and going out of your way once in a while to pop in the inbox!! jill dear you are such a joy, thank you for being you 🥺
@morkyun — carly my sweet angel!!! one of my most precious fellow kyunbebes!!!! idk why you’re so darn SWEET TO ME!! just the sweetest; always asking how i’m doing, always crying over changkyun with me, always participating in ask games sdkjflskdfjslkf how can i ask for anything more than you?? super DUPER grateful to have u in my life, literally such a blessing <33 AND U HAVE ME IN YOUR BIO <33 IM MELTING PLS I FREAKING LOVE U!!!
@hohyuk — everyone LISTEN UP AS A TALK ABOUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!! my ma, 2/2 of the mom friends!! you aren’t as active as you were when i first started to talk to you (bc u are a wonderful working WOMAN) but gosh, you made such an impact on me ma :( you are such a caring and nurturing person like the only way i can describe you is motherly :( i remember we would always talk about our days + weekends bc we never really messaged a lot HOWEVER we would always touch base at the end of the week and catch up!! although we don’t talk that often anymore, i want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart for being exceptionally kind to me 💘💗 and for that i am forever thankful for you ma!! love you!!
@kihyunsgf — kass my cutie patootie!!! we have been moots for a long time it feels!! ( i mean long for me since i’ve one been here since january lol) but you are such an amazing monbebe friend!!! we don’t really private message each other but it seems like we always participate in each other’s ask games so it’s always fun to get to know a little bit more about each other every time we ask questions!! you always reblog not only my work, but every other content creator moots’ works too and i just think you are an extremely supportive friend in general <33 thank you for always being so approachable and warm, and i hope we only grow closer as time goes on 💘💗
@kkyuns — okay aminah OMG so,,,,,,,,,idk if you even want me to consider you a moot yet or anything but 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 can i pls be your moot LOL srsly 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and if you don’t feel comfortable that’s okay and u can just consider this an appreciation post dksfjslkdjf but!!!!!! aminah i’ve already told you i’ve sent you so many asks anonymously and i only recently found the courage and come off bc i feel really comfortable whenever i talk to you <33 literally the KINDEST soul in the entire world;; you might not answer asks quickly ALL the time but you always find a way to make time for the people who look up to you and honestly?? that inspires me to be a kinder more gentler person!! my FELLOW NURSING GAL working your lil BOOTY off, a queen really :’) and not to mention one of the most TALENTED mbb gif makers on the entire planet i’m not even stretching that i truly mean it angel <33 thank u for making me (and others ofc) feel incredibly appreciated, and thank you for being a blessing to mbb tumblr :D
@changkynie — sian angel!!!! you have been with me since the beginning of this blog it seems like!!! thank you for always being my secretive cheerleader on my blog, i really adore you for that! you are such a cutie and you ALWAYS make time to send in little messages to both me and our lil family on my blog!! it’s really the sweetest thing; you are truly SUCH  blessing and i love waking up/falling asleep to your kind words <33 together forever bub i think <33
@tsunpan  (idk which blog you’re comfortable w me tagging so i’ll just do this one dsjfsjdf)—RATCH!!!!!!! i know a lot of ppl on your blog don’t know your name (and oddly enough i’ve never asked either bc i thought u wanted to be secretive LMAO) but then you plugged your twitter @ a while ago and u said it had your name there HEHE SO!!!!!!! i’ll keep it private :) but HOLY CRAP!! my actual first moot on here :( like my FIRST first moot ever :( says i’ve been following you for 8 FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!!!! and wow look how far we’ve come <33 i know i don’t message u as often as a should but just know i cherish this friendship like my life depends on it skdfjlksdjf and thank you for always indulging me with you’re changkyun writings (shout OUT to safekeeping kyun UGH my heart) + also sharing my love for mr. park junhee + ALSO being my astrology guru WOW u really do it all <33 ;; every time i message you i’m always like wow i wish i were as carefree and funny as my gal !! love you to the moon and back dear, thank you for putting up with me 💘💗💖💓💞
@monpabebe —lastly but CERTAINLY not least is my dear RIKA!!!!! again i have this running theme of being scared of the ppl i love LMAO but yes rika i’ve been following you too for a very very long time (i have actually sent u some anonymous stuff too hehe) but i think i fINALLY revealed myself when u mentioned your height!! SHORTBEBES OUT HERE PROTECTING EACH OTHER <33 but on a serious note, you are amazing :( i’m so glad i came out of my shell to finally talk to you; thank you for supporting my work, it means the absolute WORLD to me and thank you for also being a backbone here on monbebe tumblr as well :) i love seeing your interactions with your anons, it always puts a smile on my face 💘💗💖💓💞 whether you're arguing about tomatoes, geeking over shownu, or just giving your opinion on everything monsta x related, i always look up to you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i know i don’t really talk to you often (bc i’m still a lil intimidated IM SORRY skdfjksd) but i would love for our lil friendship to bloom in the future rika!! :)
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feisties · 4 years
D (any of your NHIE fics), F, H, I, M, S, T, U, W, X, Y?
anon. you spoil me
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
soooo i will normally put together a 3-4 song playlist and listen to that on repeat when i write any given fic. for before the moment’s gone i listened almost solely to no.1 party anthem by arctic monkeys, dancing with your ghost by sasha sloan, and stay together by noah cyrus. if u have any other specific fic ur interested in knowing abt i will gladly talk at length abt the process in writing it LOL
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
im a particularly fond of the dialogue i wrote for senior superlatives, because i personally think it’s the most successful attempt i’ve had at being funny and biting and tender all at once. i feel like i peaked with that fic. it’s still my favorite i’ve ever written.
H: How would you describe your style?
i genuinely have no clue!! i guess if there were a spectrum between dialogue-heavy and description-heavy, my writing would lean more toward the former. other descriptors i would use are words like direct/earnest/self conscious/wry/heavy usage of the word “like”/even heavier usage of both run on sentences and fragments
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
i would have one but i don’t ever feel guilty. check out my bookmarks for non guilty pleasure delight
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
like....yes. ive been thinking about a summer camp AU for a long long long time.... will probably write it for ben/devi and eleanor/paxton but who knows i might wanna mix things around a bit and fuck around with some different rare pairs :) lowkey waiting on s2 to give me some good content and new characters to play with
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
the enemies to lovers trope... obviously. 
i am a particular fan of AUs and i absolutely adore the “jaded high school reunions” au and the “frequent hookups to oh-no-i-think-i’m-in-love-with-you-oops” au. i also am a fan of crack fic just by virtue of being obsessed with rare pairs
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
this isn’t necessarily a trope but it bothers me to read fic about ben and devi getting together right after s1 when it isn’t well developed. for me it usually demonstrates a lack of understanding of how both characters would process their budding relationship (platonic and romantic!) and usually reads as extremely cheesy and forced. however I am also not usually a person who enjoys reading fic set in canon..... so.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
here is a list of my favorite fic writers in general (complete with rationale and how they inspire me) but for nhie im gonna highlight a couple of my friends, who also happen to be extremely talented writers!
if you read any nhie fic at ALL you’ve probably read something by magnetichearts and for good fucking reason bc she manages to write some of the best ben/devi content out there. her work is so sweet and funny and angsty and smutty and she waxes poetic like no one’s business. check out her work on ao3 and tumblr for a great time
flashlightinacave has some of the best, fluffiest ben/devi content. if you love yourself and/or love feeling Good Feelings from reading fic, please please please check her out! she’s an absolute beast when it comes to heart-wrenching scientific metaphors and vivid descriptions. you can find her work on her ao3 and tumblr
cori_the_bloody is such a gifted writer who produces fantastic fic that always makes me actually laugh out loud. her writing is so sharp and smart and always captures just the right amount of awkward-sweetness and i have yet to meet anyone who can capture the earnest kind of self consciousness and embarrassment and tenderness that she does in her ben/devi fic. her work is on her ao3 and she also writes incredible analysis abt nhie on her tumblr
one of my favorite, most underrated authors in the fandom is peterpan_in_neverland and she deserves all the attention and kudos for writing some of the BEST eleanor/paxton fic in the game. that pairing tag is basically her tag. i love the way she writes dialogue and her fics are fabulous reads for anyone who loves good writing and horny content ;) here’s her ao3 and tumblr
etc etc etc! i love every writer in the fandom tbh
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
hmmmmmmmmm i think devi. i dont actually like seeing her suffer but i think she’s the most fun/difficult to write when she’s tortured? she has such a loud personality and balancing that with her more introspective, reflective side is a challenge but always satisfying to write.
Y: A character you want to protect.
eleanor. at all costs.
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