#anorexia b/p
findingmypeace · 11 months
Sometimes the reality of the past year hits me. I’m specifically talking about things related to my eating disorder. No, things still aren’t that great and there is still lots to do but then I remember how bad the brain fog was and how sick I felt. I remember the frustration, anger, invalidation, and so many tears. But what stands out in my brain the most is that first week of residential. My time was mostly spent, sleeping, in the middle of a panic attack, or a meal/snack which usually resulted in extreme measures to act on behaviors without getting caught.
This morning I ate breakfast. I feel so guilty and actual meals have started to be scary again. At the same time I ate it. I didn’t have a panic attack. I didn’t purge. The urge is still there but I’m making an effort not to. I’m doing this on my own.
Like I said there is still work to be done but the contrast between them and now is so big. When I think about that I don’t know whether to cry or smile. I don’t know where things will go in this journey of recovery but, wow, the change is overwhelming.
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bojackhorsebitch · 6 months
Why do I keep trying to eat healthy thinking that if there isn’t any chocolate in my apartment I won’t eat it. If there isn’t any chocolate in my apartment I’m going to order and eat 12 massive cookies and then feel terrible about myself until I do it all over again 😩
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heartz4thinspo · 3 months
About to binge? Think again.
Drink some water, you're bored; not hungry.
Count down from your current weight.
Think about why you're doing this.
Thinspo or fatspo..which one are you and which one do you want to be?
Think about your goal weight, and how far you are from it.
Think about your ugw, and how far you are from it.
Do you really want to binge?
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dykethang · 2 months
looking through my medical records yesterday to find something specific and oh my god this is the funniest thing. ever. "other distinguishing features: anorexic". did they have to write that.
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miiiiaaa2323 · 11 months
I need a scale. How could they just take it away, they can't do that. Isn't it like my human right to have a scale?
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Treatment was a load of bullshit and I'm happy I finally left. But now I'm weighing 115.7 🙄 glad I left before they could continue to add more on....
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anacallingnini · 6 months
Hi! I’m NiNi. I’m a 27 year old woman (she,her) who has recently relapse on her ED (Anorexia B/P) . I’m going to use this blog as my diary to journal.
CW: 85kg
UGW: 48kg
H: 170cm
Just a little disclaimer…. I’m in no way, shape or form trying to glorify or romanticize EDs. I just need a safe space to vent out sometimes and for obvious reasons, EDTWT is not an option for me.
Love you all and STAY SAFE! <3
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spypasta · 2 days
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◜ 🍒 MAIN INFO ─ ★
☆★⠀ 3d ⠀blog ﹑don't report just block pls. ﹑pro recovery
160 cm/5'2 ⠀❞ Bodily 15 && Arab
✚ b-day: 3rd of february 𓎟𓎟 taken !!
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SW: 58.5 kg ♡ CW: 53.7 kg 𓎟𓎟
◜ 🍒 GOALS ─ ★
GW1: 50 kg ﹑ new clothes 𓈒
GW1: 47 kg ﹑ lots of rings!! 𓈒
UGW: 44 kg ﹑ reward 𓈒
UGW2: 41 KG ﹑ reward 𓈒
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◜ 🍒 ABOUT ME ─ ★
Hiya!! I'm Rudbeckia or Ruby ☆ 🎀
I'm 16 and go by mainly she/they pronouns. However any other pronouns are fine too! I'm the Main Host of a P-DID system and currently struggle with restrictive anorexia nervosa as well as other mental health disorders 😭
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findingmypeace · 10 months
Today has been a day full of b/ping. Over and over again. I am so ashamed. I am too afraid to admit this to my treatment team as things were already bad going into today. But I am going to start over. Tomorrow I will have breakfast. IOP is from 9am-12pm due to the holiday so I will have morning snack and lunch at iop. And then I will be responsible for afternoon snack, dinner, and night snack. I will do this. No more bullshitting around like today.
Aside from that I can barely stay awake. I'm not sure what is going on other than every minute or two I find myself compelled to shut my eyes. I had planned to catch up on work today but instead I spent the day b/ping and now I can't keep my eyes open. I guess I will just get up in the morning really early to finish my work.
I am SO frustrated with myself.
I'm guessing that if my treatment team finds out how bad things have been the past week there won't be a push for a higher level of care. Instead it will be a discussion about discharge because this is obviously not working for me. I am basically fucking myself over.
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librarycards · 10 months
Hopefully this isn't too personal- do you have any advice for someone who is opposed to psych wards or conventional treatment but really needs help with anorexia and adderall use? I don't want to "recover" and I'm scared they will permanently revoke my prescription but my weight and medical issues and dependence on adderall to function have gotten pretty awful to live with. I've tried to reign it in by myself but if I decrease the adderall even a little, I get really depressed and immediately start binging and purging. How do I get medical help without getting trapped in treatment I don't want or losing legal access to a medication I take several times a day?
so, obviously, disclaimer that i do not know much about adderal, i'm not a pharmacist nor have i ever taken it. also, i dislike the language of treatment/professionalized ED management, but alas, i use some here for ease of communication.
i think that harm reduction + some "freestyle recovery" techniques could be helpful here. by "freestyle recovery," i'm referring to the ways in which disorderly eaters practice healing outside the frameworks of traditional "recovery"/in ways that deliberately disalign from carceral / normalizing techniques. these can be practiced toward one's personal definition of "health," or simply as ways of living on without recovering as such. of course, this is up to you!
the first step here is outlining your necessities. do you need to be on adderall? if so, put this in the "necessity" column. do you need, at this moment, to stay below a certain # in size, or calories, or something else? put that, too, in the necessity column. once you've outlined some of these, consider what it is possible to "push" on –– for example, if you're not eating structured meals at planned times, this might be something to try - it normalizes your body's expectations for hunger and fullness, and helps a lot of people manage and decrease b/p cycles. if scales are a big concern, consider asking someone you trust to take or hide your scale –– this is actually something i asked my parents to do as a teenager (they still do to this day). if depression is a b/p trigger, it's worth thinking about what kinds of activities help you manage your depression –– for some people, that's exercise; if exercise is triggering, what about just going out in the fresh air? for others, it's art or music; for others, it's low-pressure (and food-optional/-free) hangouts with friends. also, of course, things like adequate hydration, vitamin supplementation, and maintaining a consistent eating schedule (even if you binge later!) are important to making sure your body can continue to survive without serious medical intervention.
you might notice that a lot of these recommendations are community-based: this is deliberate. it's not possible to live meaningfully without living in-relation. further, if you're experiencing hardship/crisis, it's absolutely necessary that somebody else be there to shoulder the burden with you. do you have someone around you irl not in a position of power over you that you can talk to? someone you can call or visit if you feel the urge to restrict or b/p? i find that the ways i harm my bodymind spike massively when i'm isolated/feel like i can't open up to anyone around me. even if you spend time with someone and don't talk about health stuff at all (though i also HIGHLY recommend having a crisis plan - your friends need to know what to do if you have a major health crisis), having a social release valve is incredibly important. camaraderie, being (at its best) reciprocal and nonhierarchical, is the opposite of institutionalization.
ultimately, your goal is simple but difficult: avoiding institutional treatment while maintaining access to an essential medication. while you are under no obligation to "recover," you do need to accept that the way you're living now is likely unsustainable if you want to achieve the aforementioned goals; maintaining your freedom is possible, but it's going to be really fucking uncomfortable. this is why i've emphasized skills that broadly fall under categories of "distress tolerance" (ew) and "distraction" (ick) –– you can and should not accept that your freedom is conditional upon "good behavior," but you do need to accept that in order to stay alive, you sometimes have to do stuff with your body that sucks. this is a universal truth for disorderly eaters. we can't go cold-turkey on what messes with our heads. instead, be intentional about finding the right balance of discomfort and safety. you don't need to "overcome" it. instead, focus on organizing your needs & wants, and tap into your networks to see who might be able to support you in achieving them.
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t-for-tobi · 14 days
Welcome To My Blog!
Name: Tobi or Tobias Age: 19
Pronouns: they/he/she Zodiac: Capricorn
Gender: transmasc genderfluid
Sexuality: bisexual and greyromantic
I deal with
Persistent depressive disorder with psychotic features
BPD traits
Atypical anorexia b/p subtype
Chronic PTSD
Autism and ADHD
Other Info
Side Blogs
Aromatic Blog: @aromantic-experience
My Friend AC: tobi talks about AC
ED: tobi talks about ed
Music: Spotify
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bunnywip · 10 months
— A
Arterial thrombosis.
Angel toxicosis ( fictional ).
Anorexia nervosa.
Atma virus ( fictional ).
— B
Breast cancer.
Borderline personality disorder.
Barrett's esophagus.
Bowel polyps.
Bipolar disorder.
Bacterial vaginosis.
Binge eating disorder.
— C
Crohn's disease.
Coronavirus disease.
Coeliac disease.
Chronic migranes.
Cushing syndrome.
Cystic fibrosis.
Cooties  ( fictional ).
Cerebral palsy.
Common cold.
Chronic pain.
— D
Dissociative identify disorder.
Dengue fever.
Deep vein thrombosis.
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.
— E
Ectopic pregnancy.
Erectile dysfunction.
— F
Fusobacterium infection.
Food poisoning.
Fatal familial insomnia.
— G
Ganser syndrome.
Gas gangrene.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Gall stones.
Glandular fever.
Greyscale ( fictional ).
— H
Hookworm infection.
Hand, foot and mouth disease.
Hanahaki disease ( fictional ).
Heat stroke.
Heat exhaustion.
Heart failure.
High blood pressure.
Human papillomavirus infection.
Heart failure.
Hay fever.
— I
Iron deficiency anemia.
Inflammatory bowel disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Intercranial hypertension.
— K
Kidney stones.
Kidney infection.
Kawasaki disease.
Kaposi's sarcoma.
— L
Lyme disease.
Lassa fever.
Low blood pressure.
Lactose intolerance.
Lymphatic filariasis.
— M
Mad cow disease.
Major depressive disorder.
Motor neurone disease.
Mouth ulcer.
Multiple sclerosis.
— N
Nipah virus infection.
— O
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Ovarian cyst.
Overactive thyroid.
Oral thrush.
Otitis externa.
— P
Pancreatic cancer.
Pelvic inflammatory disease.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Parkinson's disease.
Panic disorder.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Postpartum depression.
Pediculosis capitis.
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
— Q
Q fever.
Quintan fever.
— R
Rabbit fever.
Rotavirus infection.
Restless legs syndrome.
Rhinovirus infection.
Relapsing fever.
Rheumatoid arthritis.
— S
Sore throat.
Separation anxiety disorder.
Septic shock.
Social anxiety disorder.
Scarlet fever.
Sleep apnea.
Sun burn.
Sickle cell disease.
Selective mutism.
Sensory processing disorder.
— T
Thyroid cancer.
Tinea pedis.
Tourette's syndrome.
Toxic shock syndrome.
Thyroid disease.
Typhus fever.
— U
Urinary tract infection.
Underactive thyroid.
— V
Valley fever.
— W
White piedra.
Whooping cough.
West nile fever.
— X
— Y
Yellow fever.
— Z
Zika fever.
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emetophobiahelp · 8 months
I see on the about section only a few of the censored warnings are posted but I've seen a lot more on the blog that I don't understand because it's just a letter and an asterisk next to it. Like what's a* or s* for example? Would it be possible to post all of them so that people can understand what the trigger is so they can avoid it in the films you mention here?
sure I'll do a list underneath the cut. I will say sometimes people submit with other ones but I usually change them so that a whole lot of semi unrelated words aren't censored. I have to have limits. so all of that said, idk what a* is without context lol but I'll guess
s*- sick. I personally prefer not to censor this one but sometimes I leave it in submissions
same for ill (i*) and choke (c*)
a* could MAYBE be anorexia if I had to guess. similarly someone may submit with bulimia as b* which I typically change bc it's confusing. you may also see ED (eating disorder) but that's a common abbreviation
b*- barf (my LEAST fav word for it. I usually change it to another word unless it's a quote)
c*- cough
sp*- spit
some of the more common ones:
g*- gag
r*- retch
v*- vomit / pr* v*- projectile vomit
p*- puke (actually this might be my least favorite tied with b* lmao)
t*u*- throw up
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transmutationisms · 10 months
Hopefully this isn't too personal- do you have any advice for someone who is opposed to psych wards or conventional treatment but really needs help with anorexia and adderall use? I don't want to "recover" and I'm scared they will permanently revoke my prescription but my weight and medical issues and dependence on adderall to function have gotten pretty awful to live with. I've tried to reign it in by myself but if I decrease the adderall even a little, I get really depressed and immediately start binging and purging. How do I get medical help without getting trapped in treatment I don't want or losing legal access to a medication I take several times a day?
ok you probably understand this but the b/ping and restricting are part of the same underlying cycle of food behaviours. the adderall can help hold off b/p because it's an appetite suppressant, but for the same reason, it's very very common to experience a period of higher hunger when quitting or reducing any stimulant use. i don't believe that eating disorders or drug use are binary propositions, which is to say i think it is possible to reduce these behaviours and find ways to live with them even if you're not prepared to give them up entirely. however you do most likely need to confront the fact that your current level of restriction is dependent on your current amount of adderall usage, and in order to make whatever changes you want in your life, you are probably going to have to budge to some extent on one or both of these factors.
generally my advice here would be to decide in advance exactly what you want from a medical encounter (alterations to your stimulant script? eating disorder harm reduction? just someone to talk through it?) and then let that goal guide the exact type of treatment / professional you seek. you are correct to be concerned about losing the adderall script; stimulants are generally contraindicated for anorexics (though some doctors ignore this or dgaf) precisely because of the appetite suppression, so you should tread extremely carefully if this is something you want to talk openly about in a medical setting. whether you could be forced into eating disorder treatment obviously depends on other factors, namely your age and the laws where you live, so you should look into that before discussing details with anyone who has professional power over you.
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teaganlmaooo · 1 year
how can I make myself relapse with ana when i’m super busy?
btw im not some 12 year old asking for an eating dis0rder, i’m 17 and I’ve been struggling for years.
after being forced into anorexia recovery I went from ana (r) to ana (b/p) to straight up BED. And i am so done with the binge eating that i’m willing to do anything to go back to the honeymoon phase. I know all the risks. I lost most of my hair, had to get my gallbladder surgically removed, my bone density had decreased, i was hospitalized and ect.
I don’t even care about how horrible it was. I want to go back. So please, any advice on how to relapse would be greatly appreciated! :3
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ember20sblog · 1 year
I thought since I’ve been on here for a hot minute, I’d introduce myself and tell u a little bit about me:)
First off, Ember is kinda like my alter ego name that I use for pretty much all my social media accounts except Facebook (made that account when I was 14 and it’s mainly for family). My real name is Alyssa but I’ve never really liked that name for myself. Im 21 years old but I definitely feel like I have the mind of a teenager lol
My favorite color is black🖤
My favorite food is popcorn 🍿
I’m a coffee addict☕️ also have an obsession with coffee mugs (especially Halloween mugs)
My favorite animal(s) is an elephant, owl, cardinals (I honestly love all animals Lmaoo)
My favorite hobbies are writing poetry and occasionally drawing
I have been diagnosed so far with C-PTSD, MDD, GAD, an eating disorder (I’ve had anorexia nervosa b/p subtype as well as bulimia and ednos) I’m also being evaluated for mood disorders
I have 2 biological sisters and 4 half siblings (3 half sisters and 1 half brother) I’m the youngest
I have a dog named mufasa who’s a shitzhu mix
I suffer from lots of chronic illnesses as well
I never finished high school. I only went freshman year but missed a lot bc I kept getting sick. I tried homeschooling but I was too mentally unstable and physically sick to do most of the work. And I was in the psych ward and ED residential treatment during sophomore year so I finally just gave up. I haven’t gotten my GED yet bc again I have a lot of physical and mental health issues that make things 10x harder to do
I’m pretty much a homebody but I wish I wasn’t. I wish I had friends but I don’t
I struggle with my sexuality and identity bc of my religious family and what I grew up on. I’m pretty sure I’m a lesbian but I’m not 100% sure. I just know deep down I’m not straight. So maybe queer? Idk but it’s hard when u have homophobic parents and siblings. I’ve only kinda come out to two of my aunts who are supportive but I struggle with internal homophobia bc of the way I was raised and the beliefs that were taught to me. But I’m working on accepting myself
I’m more vegetarian then vegan bc I eat some animal products (some dairy and stuff made with eggs) but I eat a lot of vegan foods. I’m allergic to gluten and lactose intolerant so it’s easier to be vegan most times but I’ll allow myself to get away with eating some animal products. But I refuse to eat meat. Just grosses me out
I’m not big on having a favorite movie or show but I do like superhero movies (marvel not d.c.) my favorite genres of movies are thrillers, action, horror, and some comedy.
The shows I’ve been watching are supernatural, the fosters, American horror story, and SpongeBob (yes SpongeBob bc it’s nostalgic for me and reminds me of a happier time)
I need more shows and movies to watch so if u have any good recommendations pls comment them below!! I also have been trying to find more lgbtq+ movies and shows too
My favorite season is fall and my favorite holiday is Halloween
That’s all I can think for right now but if u have anymore questions feel free to ask me anything:)
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