#anti ?
graphic-hawk · 3 days
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Chase Brody
“Do you have any regrets?”
Reblogs welcome
Don’t repost or steal
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degeneratedworker · 10 months
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"Being Jewish is not the same as being Zionist! Our own history of persecution as Jews helps us to understand and support the struggle of the Palestinians to determine their own destiny." Lisa Kokin United States 1978
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chengfagshi · 5 months
Antis will post this, right??
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But what they never show you are these images. You know, the ones that disprove their whole entire argument.
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Right there. Juuuuust a little further down from the screenshot they love sharing around. So next time an anti shoves the first image in your face, well here y'all go.
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clonehub · 2 months
For the purposes of this poll, ship and let ship means you don't care what people ship; everything is fair game. Some might refer to you as "pro ship".
If you think certain things shouldn't be shipped, if you apply morals to what you or others ship, and/or you do care, then answer "no".
You define white for yourself.
No results option bc you either pick or you don't.
Please reblog for sample size.
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Hi idk what anti needs to hear this but That's Not How Boundaries Work
Boundaries are something you set on yourself, for your own safety and comfort. A boundary can only ever be placed with regards to your physical body, or your immediate mental and social field. For example, you have a right to place a boundary around people visiting you unexpectedly at your place of work, because your stability and success require you to be able to do your work well, and because being at work "traps" you in that social situation. You're allowed to place boundaries around things like what terms you'd like people to refer to you as, or what topics of conversation you don't want them to try and engage you with. "I don't talk about money" is a boundary.
You cannot place a boundary on what other people do in their own space, on their own time. A friend of yours quietly posting and exploring content you've deemed "problematic" on their own side blog where you don't need to see it is not crossing your boundary.
I check the blogs of every person who follows me, and if they contain anti content, I block them, for the safety of myself and my other followers. I am maintaining my own online presence. If you don't want to see content that upsets you, then you need to do the same. You are responsible for maintaining your own boundaries.
And if somehow this last purge missed some of you, then allow me to make this clear: My blog is not a safe space for conservatives or fascists, and I do not support any form of violence, bullying, or harassment directed at people for the topics they chose to explore in fiction. If I catch you, you will be removed.
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zombiecicada · 30 days
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“Hey, Wolfie!! The gang’s all here!”
This has been a wild adventure.
She’s met a lot of people, experienced a lot of things, from wonder and excitement, to great horrors and pain.
She feels like her experiences have changed who she is, like some preexisting barriers have fallen away. She feels braver than before, as tired as she may be. She has been to hell and back and she has survived, a little stronger, more skilled and more knowledgeable than before.
Now there’s simply one final journey left to make, and that it is to go home. There she can find the ending to her story and hopefully, all the answers to her remaining questions.
Wolfbell feels like she has become strong enough to deal with whatever awaits on the mountain, but… even if she isn’t strong enough on her own…
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The friends and allies she has made along the way are coming along and she will not have to be alone.
『R』『E』『A』『D』『Y』 >”
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the-sides-dimension · 2 months
Me being against proship is not : "censor, take down, no one should be allowed to talk about this"
Me being against proship is: "people aren't going to like you if you romanticize pedophilia. I am allowed to not want to be around you, cut you out of my life, whatever, because you romanticize disgusting, serious, awful things that happen to real people. And I'm not the only one who will"
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klaudia96art · 1 year
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Autobot or decepticon ?😈
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icyfetish · 3 months
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Rihanna, 2016
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theflorasdiary · 3 months
Me to the Velaryons about their relationship with Rhaenyra:
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Only caring about them when your bastard son “legitimacy” is in danger,betrothing the twins to her bastards only for her own selfish reasons.Having Sex at Laena funeral with her husband and “killing” yours so that you could marry your pedo uncle the next day.Having Vaemond killed for saying the truth.Not sending her son out to patrol because is dangerous but sending Baela without problems,reducing Rhaena as a mere consort first and now as a babysitter.
You go RhaeRhae,you will make an amazing Queen that always listen and care for everyone🥰
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
What does Wolf’s true form look like?
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anti-the-glitch · 1 month
Hey, do you like sour candy or spicy candy?
Hm... Both actually! Once I possessed a human body, I was able to taste. And boy sour and spicy is amazing!
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animentality · 6 months
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trava1505 · 5 months
I don't say please, I don't say thank you
I just do what I want
And if you want to get with me
You better have what I want
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andaboop · 5 months
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You think I can't see the man that you are, if you're a man at all
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leostarred · 7 months
icky emoji combos to look out for :(
-🌈🍖 (proship)
-🍓🍰 (proship)
↑Someone who supports/likes romantic relationships in media that is considered "problematic" as well as supporting fanworks about said pairings.
-🌸🌙 (comship)
-🕊️🍋 (comship)
↑Similar to Proship, someone who indulges in complicated ships, things that are socially/morally unacceptable in reality, they do not endorse these things irl, but still triggering.
-🍋🌈 (profic)
↑These people don't really care what others ship- which is fine, they basically just stay out of the way of others, and don't really argue over their ships being correct, or others being incorrect (while this is probably one of the least bad ones, that still means they are okay with icky/illegal ships)
-🐰🎀 (l0licon)
↑A type of media fixated on younger looking women in a sexual or erotic sense, probably the people who say "but she's a god!!!!" when she looks like 5.
-🍯🧸 (sh0tacon)
↑Someone who is attracted to fictional characters under the age of 16... so fictional p3dos. Icky.
-🕊️⚰️ (deaddove)
↑Enjoyer of darker media, things that are violent or vile in general.. sometimes being things like necr0ph!l!a.
-🥀☁️ (n0n-c0n)
↑Enjoys fictional tropes with lack of consent; like r@pe.
-📚☕️ (agegap)
↑Pretty self explanatory, they usually enjoy ships with a biiiig age gap, the reason this is problematic is because usually one of the people in the pairing is super young.
-🌸💫 (gr00ming)
↑Someone who enjoys grooming in media, essentially, grooming is preparing someone younger for sexual purposes, or abuse.
These emoji combos are associated with things like pro shippers or dark media lovers, if you don't want to interact with these icky people, look out for these !
Here are some ANTI emoji combos 2 use!
also reminder that "🌈♾️" means autism.. please do not block autistic ppl in mistake for proshippers. 😭
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