#anti snow white
Rewatching OUAT and realizing Snow White was a terrible leader and written as a tone deaf as hell when it came to her morals which were too Black and White especially considering how evil Regina was!!! Sparing Regina may have protected her and Charming but did she even consider the people who being slaughtered after Regina was spared her execution!!! Plus the show never called her and Charming out for sparing Regina and basically allowing her to cause so much suffering!! How do you allow the woman who killed your father, stole 28 years of your life, and forced you to send away your daughter to be put in the American foster care system to be Queen of your people and realm!! King George could have been a interesting antagonist because he could’ve called out Snow White on her poor leadership skills via trial and ask the people of Storybrooke whether they want to have her as leader or not!! Hell Snow completely forgot about the fact Regina slaughtered an entire village of men, women and children for giving her good!! Splitting her from her Evil half was basically absolving her of her crimes!!
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rhmis-user-2020 · 8 months
Yup, another Disney live-action monstrosity based on their first animated movie in 1937. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Just wait until Disney ruins their animated catalogue for money purposes and shit, I won't even like Disney when they are doing this to destroy their filmography and nostalgia bait their fans.
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beauty-funny-trippy · 3 months
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bidisasterforzutara · 10 months
“Zenyuki won’t be endgame! They never spend any time together and they have completely different goals!!!”
The different goals:
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rogue205 · 10 months
Oh my god. What is with Disney these days? No one wants a “woke” Princess and it’s like they don’t even understand the word anyway.
Pixar does because look at Merida. She still got help from “a man” even if they were her little brothers. It was still “female empowerment” because her mother is actually the one who killed the bad guy anyway and it was because he was about to kill Merida. It wasn’t just “women strong!”. Hell, Merida refuses to get married and actually ends the movie that way but she never comes across as “ew, men” but that she simply doesn’t want to. I can relate.
But back to Disney. They changed Little Mermaid so Ariel literally did EVERYTHING including killing Ursula despite the fact that she shouldn’t even know how to drive a damn ship. 🙄 There was nothing wrong with Eric doing it!
And now we’re getting “woke” Snow White who is named as such because her skin is WHITE AS SNOW! But noooooo… she has to be a person of color too so Disney can have lazy writing and call everyone racist when we call them out on this BS. POC are just shields for them now although Rachel Zegler tried to accuse everyone of hate already. Lady, that’s not going to get people to see your point. And frankly, it’s not even about her. It’s about Disney and what they’re doing.
Also they’re apparently planning to change the Prince coming in to wake her up at the end. Like, what? And most of the seven dwarves are gone too. I think there’s only one now while the others are “normal”. They thought(and Zegler said) that the Prince was “acting stalker-ish” so that’s why they wanted to change him. Hah. They clearly didn’t watch “Once Upon a Time”. Now THAT is a live-action Snow White.
Plus there is a “deleted scene” comic which explains how the Prince even knew to come looking for Snow White. He was captured and locked up by the Evil Queen and witnessed her transform into the hag and poison the apple. He immediately went to find Snow when he managed to escape. All the live-action had to do was include something like this and then he isn’t “stalkerish”. 🙄
Frankly, their movie is not even Snow White anymore and I can tell already that it’s going to flop with all these unneeded and unnecessary changes. All it shares in common now is the name. Nothing else.
This is just my opinion. You don’t have to agree.
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penguinofspades · 1 month
I'm bored and Viv is a shit writer so I'm gonna go into how the Helluva Boss Stolas is a fucked up version of Snow White:
Stolas's human form has pale white skin, black hair and red eyes/Snow White has pale white skin, black hair and red lips - Stolas is a horrible person while Snow White is not.
Stolas has an abusive father with a connection to mirrors/Snow White has an abusive mother or stepmother with a connection to mirrors - Stolas becomes just like his father while Snow White is better than her mother or stepmother.
Stolas is connected to a female antagonist concerned about her reputation/Snow White is connected to a female antagonist concerned about her reputation - Helluva Boss uses Stella to excuse Stolas's bad behavior while Little Snow White doesn't do that.
Stolas is a prince connected with shorter, lower class imps/Snow White is a princess connected with shorter, lower class dwarves - Stolas treats imps like absolute shit while Snow White befriends the seven dwarves.
Stolas could be said to be "awakened" by Blitzo in a sleep-like experience/Snow White was awakened by her Prince when the Queen poisoned her - Stolas goes on to sexually coerce his "lover" which Snow White never does.
Stolas wants Blitzo to be his knight in shining armor/Snow White's true love is a Prince - As said before Stolas sexually coerces and fetishizes Blitzo which Snow White never does.
Stolas has to deal with Striker trying to assassinate him under Stella's orders/Snow White has to deal with the Huntsman trying to assassinate her under the Queen's orders - Stolas treated the situation unseriously enough to where he was making sex jokes while Snow White was concerned for her life.
In conclusion Snow White is better lol.
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whitedragonwolf4961 · 8 months
You know I remembered something from Battle of the Bastards. Show Sansa was smirking as the Knights of the Vale destroyed Ramsay’s army. Smirking that is until she saw Jon alive. Then her smirk turned into a frown. Why? Shouldn’t she be happy that she arrived just in time to save her brother? Except… she didn’t tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale even though she kept insisting they need more men. And now she’s frowning seeing Jon alive. Why? What if it’s because she was hoping that he would die in the Battle, leaving her to get all the glory for herself? She already gave up on Rickon and didn’t seem bothered that he died. But she sure looked unhappy seeing Jon alive. Why? Well I now think it’s perhaps because she was hoping he would die too and that would leave her the only one around to get all the credit and glory for herself. If this is true… then she only saw Jon as a tool and was hoping he could be discarded. Imagine if I tell a Jonsa this. That Sansa only saw Jon as a tool and she was upset to see that he survived the battle and thus she wouldn’t get all the credit for winning.
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kvtnisseverdeen · 7 months
i think it’s crazy that rachel zegler got cancelled in an interview she gave with the one and only gal gadot standing next to her. gal gadot who literally served in the IDF and spread lies and propaganda time to time about palestinians.
the real outrage for snow white should’ve been that disney casted gal gadot, a colonizer, idf soldier, & white supremacist.
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justarandomgirly · 7 months
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It appears Disney replaced 7 magical creatures that everyone hated (because they thought dwarves were going to be offensive) by CGI dwarves so I have a question:
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vasfasan · 2 months
mikey's ouat rewatch notes: 5x01 "Dark Swan" (part 1)
trigger warning!! - brief mention of r*pe, lots of swearing and an unusually high consentration of memes
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part 2 - here!
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fancylala4 · 11 days
Anyone noticed that tangled stans trash and discredit other Disney abuse victims? They talk trash about Snow White and Cinderella. Saying that they are weak and stupid. They also do the same thing to Anna and Elsa. Saying that they weren’t abused and that they could have left the kingdom anytime they wanted.
Yet, if you talk shit about rapunzel, they get angry and accuse you of hating real life abuse victims or not understanding them. Heck, you can just talk about her bland personality or how gothel is a three way walking stereotype and they will still say this. A bunch of hypocrites.
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azural83 · 8 months
The way wish is supposed to be a love letter to snow white yet they're still going to release a live action remake next year-
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harperaccount · 5 months
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hahahax30 · 10 months
Rachel zegler has me wanting to bang my head repeatedly against a wall until I start bleeding to death
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doverstar · 1 year
disney. stop making live-action remakes. stop it. you're not hip. it's not cool. you're not cute. sorry you thought we wanted this. ever. we did not and you are a disease, either make new stories or go away. anyway bye. off to watch those universally acclaimed animated masterpieces circa 1953-
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artist-issues · 9 months
Snow White's Race and Skin Color Are Not Integral to the Story.
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They're just not. It doesn't matter if she's brown or black or white or literally anything in color. Im sorry. I know it's a talking point, but it's not a very good one if you know how many different cultures have stories with the exact same point and themes as the popularized German version that Disney's is based off of.
I know, I know, it's in the name, her NAME is "Snow White," how can whether or not she's white not be a thing?? Because the point of Snow White is not "she's white." The point of Snow White is, "she's pure and beautiful." And the popular version just uses the symbolism of "Snow" to make that point with a clever name. She could also have been named after her "blood-red lips" or her "ebony-black hair."
But they didn't name her "Blood-Red." They named her "Snow White." Because the point wasn't really on the way one specific feature looked--it was on who she was. Pure.
It's a story about purity. So sure, the Disney version--and the only versions in any cultures that can lay accurate claim to the title "Snow White--" depict the lead character with white skin.
But that really only matters to the story if you're trying to associate her, by look, with the color of snow. Which you don't strictly need to do. Because the color of snow is not the only way to communicate "this girl is pure and innocent."
Any skin color can go into portraying that. There's lots of different ways to say "pure and innocent."
You can say, "but this proves that the Live Action Disney creators are racist against white people now; they're erasing white people culture! They're erasing white people history! They're just being ridiculous, because the word "white" is in her name!"
You can say all that if you feel like it. But those are different issues than the one I'm talking about, and for the sake of argument, it should be very clear: The STORY does not need the Princess to have pale skin in order to work.
(The character doesn't even need pale skin for her name to still be "Snow White," because again, the snow-and-white-thing was only a word picture for "purity." Her name could also be "Silver" or "Salt" or "Refined Gold" or "Filtered Water." It would all serve the same purpose. It just maybe wouldn't have the double-ness of the meaning unless her hair is refined gold-colored or her eyes are the color of filtered water or something. You get what I'm saying)
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