#anti-DID tw
shattered-system · 26 days
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I’ve seen some art with the line “the future is plural!”
I hope it isn’t.
More systems means more abused kids.
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wxrmeaterz · 27 days
"The future is plural" movement from endos is CONCERNING
regardless of the fact they do not believe you require trauma to be a system (medically impossible) this proves they want to groom kids into identifying as endo and spread their medical misinformation further.
as well as causing real systems to believe they dont have it bad enough to be "traumagenic" (the only "genic you can be. this language is bullshit im just using these terms to explain their shit), preventing them from getting real help. they are WIDELY anti-recovery.
their misinformation has ALREADY endangered real systems medically as they have made professionals skeptical of a medically proven disorder, a disorder that is already very stigmatised.
outside of just endogenic misinformation, this statement leads to the idea that they want to traumatise kids to make more systems.
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vcrnons · 2 months
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nobetafortomorrowedie · 3 months
It really bothers me when people describe the way I grew up as "sheltered" when in reality I was not being sheltered or protected. I was intentionally confused. I was kept in the dark. My reality was being controlled.
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sysboxes · 4 months
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[Text: This system exists.]
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delphientropy · 24 days
(may edit/revise in the future)
you say the future is plural,
that there will be thousands nested in yours,
but i hope that your future is not true.
if it were,
every day, the news would be horrid.
every parent to hold a belt like a whip
every parent dismissive and neglectful
every friend hostile and hissing
every doctor cruel and unwelcome
every priest holding you down, you are devilish
every human to hold you as a freak
every water prepared to sink you.
your future sounds like a nightmare.
i hope the future is unity.
i hope the future is single.
i hope the future is one.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 4 months
By the way, I've seen a lot of discourse on "endogenic" alters, so repeat after me
Your brain splits alters as you need them. That means you can have a completely trauma based alter, and you can also have an alter created to deal with homework, aka an "endogenic" alter. If your system formed from trauma, you are not "traumaendo". You are traumagenic. Full stop.
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antiendovents · 1 month
Endogenics, stop calling us “ trauma-scum ”, when in fact — you're all projecting because you know you're lying about a serious illness that needs distressing and traumatic events to even develop.
Stop claiming systemhood and get genuine fucking help.
Stop bending over backwards twisting resources to say that science has proved you right, when in actuality, you have shit reading comprehension.
Stop threatening actual victims of abuse by saying that you'll “ traumatise us further ”, when we call you out on your fucking shit.
Safe to say — you're the scum you so proudly call every genuine system.
Get a fucking grip, please. — 🩸
^^^ literally. Stop saying people with trauma are lucky. Stop spreading misinformation. Stop threatening anti endos for calling out your bullshit. Stop acting like being a system is fun and games. Stop denying science.
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cemetery-drive-sys · 3 months
tw // mentions of abuse (no in depth descriptions)
You can be a system if you haven't gone through physical abuse.
You can be a system if you haven't gone through sexual abuse.
Trauma comes in many, many different forms. For us it was a family member becoming repeatedly sick during our childhood and a few other more minor things, most notably a bit of unintentional emotional / psychological abuse.
You do not need to remember your trauma. You do not need to have "super severe" trauma.
Children are extremely susceptible to trauma. If someone ever tells you that your trauma "isn't bad enough," they're wrong. You are valid. Your experiences are valid. You are allowed to be upset.
- 🕸️
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courfeyrec · 1 month
i keep coming back to 'i was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic' because i do distinctly remember conversations about how taylor seemed to be drinking a lot more and getting drunk at like every awards show she went to. and those conversations were coming from a place of concern and of hoping that she was alright and that this wasn't a problem.
so to then say 'ugh i can't believe no one noticed this problem i had' when i know that people definitely did, and on the same album say that fans who are genuinely concerned about a new relationship that you are in are just 'bitching and moaning'? what do you want from them? you're talking about so many people who do at least believe that they are coming from a place of care and concern, and you are totally dismissing them on both ends of a scale!
not to mention that her implying that since nobody (???) was noticing her ~aesthetic~ drinking problem she just stopped having it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to people who do have drinking problems and can't just stop having them, since that's not how it fucking works.
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CW/TW: Stupidity, mentions of dysphoria, sexual topics, topic of genitals
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I don’t read smut but this pisses me off. I’m keeping the user anonymous considering this is a rant, multiple people act this stupid and I won’t be calling out specifics.
Maybe, think about this, some trans people including me don’t fucking hate the fact that for the time being we have a pussy. Some of us, don’t like the idea of taking it up the ass. I’m trans male and I have a cunt and I fucking own it. I don’t read smut, but stop shaming the trans FTM people who do and want to read it for the genitals they have for the time being. No one is fetishizing anyone for being inclusive. Not every trans person experiences dysphoria. Some of us love our bodies.
We’re on tumblr bb, get a grip and let people be inclusive. If you wanna be taking it up the ass in a Anakin Skywalker x FTM husband reader smut fic, then go find that. Leave the content for trans FTM people who haven’t transitioned yet, for the trans FTM people who haven’t transitioned yet.
“B-b-b-but dysphoria-!” This is for the trans people who aren’t dysphoric, and again, don’t wanna take it up the ass. I’m trans and I serve cunt when going out and looking feminine/like a girl, womp womp. Just because you have the privilege of transitioning and like taking it up the ass, not everyone else does.
Some people who haven’t transitioned fully, also like the idea of characters comforting them when they feel dysphoric. It’s not like they’re fucking feminizing the trans reader, it’s literally just smut for trans men who haven’t transitioned yet. And if you don’t like that, god damn don’t read it.
I don’t think people realize how much comments like “stop fetishizing trans men” over stuff like smut is so stupid. There are plenty of fics for trans men who have transitioned. Most x male reader writers don’t gaf if you see the reader as trans. And I’m gonna be honest, it feels very anti-trans men who haven’t transitioned. Like shit, sorry I don’t wanna go through a surgery yet. Sorry people write smut that makes them comfortable. Sorry that not every trans ftm person is gonna want to read smut of them taking it up the ass and getting their dick teased when they haven’t transitioned.
And honestly, trying to make trans male readers read fics where they’re fully transitioned can make them uncomfortable too. It can remind them they’re not in the body they want to be in. Let them own the body they’re in right now, because you don’t have to hate your body to be trans.
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system-hottakes · 2 months
Not a serious hot take, but the endoskeletons from 2014 indie horror franchise Five Nights At Freddy's are the only endos I support
-- Umbrella
lmao, same. the only endos I support are Fnaf endos, because at least they're honest when they try kill me
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guiltyasins · 1 year
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 7 months
on that note, i think there's a lot of merit in talking about the happy, weird, or even silly parts of being a system. because at least for me, being a system can be really, really scary-- especially in the beginning, when i was first discovering that's what was happening, i was terrified. the origin of my system is pretty brutal, something i wouldn't talk about in detail to someone i don't already trust deeply. but we're not defined by our trauma, our plurality just came from it. we're all still people, individuals with our happy moments and our sad moments. i don't think anyone should be defined by the worst things they've experienced, systems included.
and also, when people think of systems, of someone with "multiple personalities", the first things they think of (thanks in huge part to awful media representation) are the scary things, the tragic things, the unrealistically violent things. talking about the day-to-day discoveries and occurrences that are unique to plurality-- yes, even the "cringe" or the "quirky" that make us look like we're "faking it" to someone who doesn't know better-- is incredibly important for breaking the stigma around DID and OSDD. because believe it or not, fun system fact, systems don't go through heartbreaking, life-altering trauma every single day. i know, right?
so before you recoil at someone you think is being "too silly" to be real, ask yourself this: do you know this person/this system's entire life story from the one single post you're seeing? or even from reading their entire public blog? do you know who they are more intimately than they know themselves? is this really about them "faking it", or do you want a reason to dehumanize a person so far that their only visible trait is their trauma?
and even if you are right, and they are faking it, what do you stand to gain from running the risk of denying a system who *is* real of their identity?
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sysboxes · 5 months
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[Text: This system only shares their SimplyPlural account with people they're close to.]
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chimeraas · 22 days
The neurodiversity awareness in leftist spaces is really, TRULY lacking at times!
You cannot claim to support the mentally ill if you demonize personality disorders. Cluster B’s aren’t out to get you, the fuck is with that whole sentiment online?
You cannot claim to support the mentally ill if you call others ‘schizo’, freak’, or the r slur. These words are STILL used to hurt us to this very day, and it’s clear you know *damn well* what you’re doing.
You cannot claim to support the mentally ill if you make a mockery of OCD with your shitty ‘letting the intrusive thoughts win’ memes. Learn what intrusive thoughts are and, unkindly, shut up!
You cannot claim to support the mentally ill if you demonize paraphilic disorders. They are not ‘predators by default’, attraction isn’t action.
You cannot claim to support the mentally ill while humiliating those with delusions publically, or by calling them fucking ‘delulu’. Delusions are a real struggle, not something quirky for the internet to sensationalize.
You cannot claim to support the mentally ill if you go after those you deem to be ‘acceptable targets’ of your ableism.
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