#anti-israel is bigotry
bottlepiecemuses · 4 months
Virtue Signalers Cheer One Jewish Girl Who Faced Injustice In The Past, While Booing Another One In The Present Facing Current Ones
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Again as people said before people like dead Jews over alive Jews because they want someone to pity and to feel sorry for while not actually do anything of substance to help and even better they show more sympathy for their enemies who lie about them. People just want victims to pity rather than people who are willing to fight back from being oppressed but like zero tolerance school idiots they condemn only the one who hit back harder. Seriously, these people are people with main character syndrome who think they are the good guys because they believe modern society could never become as corrupt and cruel as past society. Guess what injustice can appear over and over again but in different forms. When you are cheering on mobs trying to harm this girl then you are on the bad side.
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edenfenixblogs · 8 months
Kinda crazy how any post I make about my experience of antisemitism — whether or not it mentions Israel — immediately becomes inundated with comments about Palestinian pain and suffering. Do you really not see how inappropriate that is, people?
When Black People post about their experience of racism, it’s not OK to come in to that space and talk about, idk, war in Sudan.
When Asian People talk about their experience of racism, it’s not appropriate to come into that space and start talking about China’s treatment of Uyghur people or North Korean aggression.
When Muslim people talk about their experience of Islamophobia, it’s not OK to come into that space and start talking about all the horrible things Isis or Al Qaeda have done.
When a trans person starts talking about their experience of transphobia, it’s not OK to come into that space and start talking about the latest horrible thing Caitlyn Jenner said.
Why are you able to understand this when it comes to every other group, but posts about Jewish pain are always filled with arguments about Palestine that blatantly imply that actually—my group, Jews—actually deserve the hatred we receive?
Spoiler alert: It’s because you’re antisemitic and will double down on your beliefs 100000 times to prove to yourself that you’re not, because actually confronting that you have hateful beliefs is too scary for you.
I’m sorry if it messes with your sense of self righteous inherent goodness, but you have and perpetuate systemic antisemitism just like you have all other forms of systemic bigotry. And if you don’t address it, that makes you a bigot on purpose. Deal with your hatred and stop being horrible to Jews.
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So, I don't know if this has been said or not but here goes I guess. Do any other indigenous people start getting real nervous when they see a bunch of white people flocking towards particular causes? Because even as someone who can pass as white, I start getting a bit twitchy about it. In particular, I'm talking about how many white people on both the left AND right have rallied behind blatantly antisemitic ideals as a result of the conflict in Gaza and have, as a result, either heavily implied or outright stated that these ideals line up with an idea they have that indigenous identities have a time limit for how long you can say your people come from somewhere while not living there REGARDLESS of whether or not it was outside forces displacing them rather then it being of their own accord. REAL fucking convenient there, I'd say, ESPECIALLY when it was colonization done by white nations that resulted in the death and displacement of MILLIONS of indigenous peoples across the planet, not JUST in the US. I think native peoples across the globe should start getting cautious REAL quick if they haven't already about that. I've been trying not to say too much about all of this since I'm not Jewish OR Palestinian and I don't want to detract from them and their voices and suffering OR spread misinformation, but I feel like this needs to be openly acknowledged in some way so maybe a few of us will be at least marginally prepared when they turn these tactics on us, because if we're being honest, the Jewish people are the global guinea pigs to see how easily governments can sell these ideas to the people about other groups that they find annoying and distasteful in some capacity(read refuses to trust in people and entities that have already abused them). Please keep this in mind as all this continues and try not to fall down the antisemitic rabbit holes on either side of you can. Support both your Palestinian AND Jewish neighbors during this time so they know they are safe with you, and know peace for BOTH peoples SHOULD be the end goal. So far @prismatic-bell has been my main resource to educate myself when I'm on here, so please check them out if you're interested, and stay safe everyone!
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
B4 i forget again,the Neil Gaiman apologia by throwing pity parties for themselves got on my nerves so imma do a dump on why even besides the borderline pedophilic r*pes he did to two different women,he's a bad person
Zionist(fence sitter on the Israel vs Palestine conflict)
Supporter of undeniable pedophiles(defended fictional cp and even payed to support it's legalization)
And wrote a pedophillic story himself that was also incestous in the form of his Snow White retelling
His writing in general has a lot of racism to it and yes,even queerphobia despite him being pro trans because supporting a minority does not inherently equal being a real ally.That's called performativeness
He's not your dad,he's not your uncle,he's not your friend,he didn't raise you.You are nothing to him.He'd turn against you in a second and we all know it.He's been doing it the whole time.It happened over 20 years ago
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kalessinsdaughter · 11 months
Can we agree that tagging non-Israeli Jews—celebrities or not—in anti-Zionist posts, and demanding that they denounce Israel and the concept that Jews have a right to exist in Israel, is all kinds of horrible?
Holding someone answerable for other people's actions and demanding to know their stance on them, merely because they share the same ethnicity, is bigoted in the extreme.
You can't do this, and claim it's "just anti-Zionism", or that you're "only criticising Israel". Holding Jews anywhere else in the world responsible for what Israel does, is an act of antisemitism.
And tagging individual Jews in your antisemitic anti-Zionist posts is just as vile as sending them an ask or a DM.
I shouldn't have to say this, but I just know someone will try to strawman if I dont: Holding Muslims anywhere else in the world responsible for what Hamas, Hezbollah or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or the government of Iran, are doing, is just as bigoted.
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rebelsabers · 11 months
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ace-hell · 2 months
Deranged idiots: "Israelis should go back to where they came from!"
Newsflash asshole
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Almost 80% of the israeli jewish population is born on the land whether you refer to it as israel or palestine- that's where they came from.
And that doesn't even include the palestinian arabs muslim and christians
"go back where you came from" i don't wanna live in tel aviv there's no parking places
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dougielombax · 6 months
Here’s an idea.
How about you don’t use solidarity or the idea thereof as a pretense to sneak bigoted views about other people and groups into the minds of others.
You know?
Let’s not use it to try indoctrinating them into believing your personal prejudices!
I’ve seen this done a thousand times in many different circumstances and it never fails to sicken me.
I saw a post on here a month or two ago about solidarity between Jews and Hindus which looked harmless at first.
But when I got to reading it, it proved to be nothing more than a delusional tract FULL of Islamophobic bigotry and Hindutva revisionist BULLSHIT!
Full of BJP-type myths and lies and it was horrible to behold!
Right down to fearmongering about demographics and all the usual Hindutva fascist bullshit.
I’m not Indian or Jewish myself but I know what that kind of stuff looks like. This particular instance was hiding under a veil of coexistence and solidarity.
And it sickened me!
Simply USING the idea of solidarity to spread some of the most vile, conspiratorial bullshit I ever did read in years.
Despite initially appearing harmless and sincere.
Rambling on about how Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to live in India and should all be expelled, bitching about leftists, something about Pakistan and Palestine having no right to exist, vague mentions of George Soros and some sort of plot, and so on. I’m surprised they didn’t invoke QAnon as well!
I noticed this crap right away and it troubled me deeply how many more people couldn’t even see it!
I saw right through that shit immediately!
I’ve seen this happen a thousand times before with other topics and it never fails to sicken me!
So kindly stop it!
Starting yesterday!
Anyone who willingly falls for that, be they a Jew or a Hindu or any other such group, is no better than the crank leftists sucking up to Hamas.
*it’s especially troubling since the Hindutva crowd is known for being friendly with actual Neo-Nazis*
They are EXACTLY the same kind of idiots!
Exactly the same!
And just as dumb!
Enough of this bullshit!
*Feel free to reblog*
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trailofstardust · 5 months
Zionists truly have no self-awareness. They compare those who stand in solidarity with Palestine and refute their ahistorical, revisionism takes to "neo-nazis" yet it is they who are the violently bigoted reactionaries and far closer to fascist, neo nazis and altrighters.
They are the ones who believe that oppressing an entire population-through bombings, occupation, starvation, denying them sovereignty and treating them as an inherent threat to their own security is "justified", yet claim the moral high ground of restraint. "I believe that bombing, starving and occupying palestinians is necessary to make me safe, but I dont support it and condemn the worst extremists on my side".
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bottlepiecemuses · 1 month
Oda wrote about pirates who are destroying colonial powers. Of course he cares. He hates Israel. Luffy is more like a Houthi than a Zionist.
Luffy would hate the Houthi they are more like the evil pirates. Houthi are ruthless people who are terrorists and not freedom fighter you deranged pos. Also again funny you say colonial powers when that is the history of so many Islamic nations. You anti-semitic bigots need to get your ass out of this fandom quick. Seriously, you guys also have dumb logic saying he cares because he writes about taking on tyranny.
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edenfenixblogs · 10 months
Goyim non Muslim/Arab/Palestinians who are trying to help with the situation have to understand this:
Reading one book. Reading 3 news articles. Reading even three scholarly articles. Watching the news every day. Even doing ALL OF THESE THINGS EVERY DAY since 10/7—this is nothing more than a drop in the bucket of the work you need to be doing to contribute to conversations about this conflict, let alone leading any kind of charge.
I have been intimately aware of the conflict and it’s intricacies since I was seven years old. I have been learning and unlearning things my whole life. I am Jewish and pro-Palestine and have spent my adult life learning about Palestinian needs as well as combatting pervasive propaganda from extremists on BOTH SIDES meant to confuse newcomers to the situation like most of you are.
It is, honestly, entitlement that makes you think you can’t waltz into a complex situation involving a 2,000+ year old conflict, multiple identities of non-western origin, multiple cycles of extremism and expulsion and ethnic cleansing and wars from all sides—and take the lead on any of this. You can’t. You don’t know enough. You don’t even know enough to know what you don’t know or how to tell if what you know is wrong.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t necessary for helping to solve this conflict. It means a lot of people are being more vocal than they have any right to be about a situation they know almost nothing about. And they’re doing it so they can feel morally righteous and on the right side and like they’re helping.
But if you actually want to help rather than just looking or feeling like you’re helping, then you need to listen to affected groups when they are speaking. You need to not declare either side right or wrong. You need to learn the difference between terrorism and activism. You need to understand the impact of your words on Muslim, Palestinian, Arab, Jewish, Israeli, and even south Asian communities who are constantly roped into the conflict by racists who just hate all brown people.
You need to learn about the foundations and warning signs of antisemitism. You need to learn about the same about Islamophobia. You need to be open to being wrong. A LOT. Because you will be. Because this conflict is complicated and even those of us who have been in it forever learn things and have to revise our opinions and stances. You need to not assume you are correct about anything and you should have reliable sources for anything you add to this conversation.
You outnumber ALL OF US. You outnumber everyone who is actually affected by the conflict by A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT. And your job should be to focus your efforts on FINDING A PATH TO PEACE. Move the conversation away from the personally fulfilling but globally damaging good guys v bad guys narrative. Move it towards a mutually beneficial peace agreement that keeps both Jews and Palestinians safe and protected and equal in their shared homeland.
This is not a Western European-American Christo-centric conflict. Stop applying your principles to it. Start considering that marching, calling senators, and calling for more or less bombs to happen to the “right” people isn’t helping. It’s not helping. You’re not helping.
What will help is listening to people who are actively working to achieve peace. Listening to concerns about ongoing attacks against Israeli civilians during ceasefire. Listening to ongoing segregation of Palestinians and depravation of essential resources from Palestinian Territories. Learn about the official political history of the international community with Israel and Palestine and what the motivations of EACH NON-I/P COUNTRY might have been over the course of Palestine’s 2000yo history. Learn how that might still influence modern western nations today. Learn about Jewish diaspora. Read about counterterrorism and propose or spread awareness of methods and means that can both protect Israeli and Palestinian civilians and defang or eliminate antisemitic or Islamophobic extremists and terrorists. Look for organizations devoted to SHARED PROSPERITY FOR PALESTINIANS AND ISRAELIS.
Furthermore, anyone who tells you that the conflict is simple or repeating a phrase over and over is simple or tells you there is an obvious good answer is at best uninformed but is most likely operating in bad faith. Their “simple” answer isn’t something every world leader ever has magically overlooked. It is one of the routine, recurring “solutions” that depend upon the disenfranchisement, death, or displacement of an affected population that they deem unworthy of consideration.
Israelis aren’t going anywhere. Palestinians aren’t going anywhere. Both populations deserve safety. Both populations’ religions and cultures deserve equality and, yes, explicit constitutional guarantees that they will have their religious and cultural practices respected and protected from violence or suppression. That may not fit with your modern secular ideas that having any guarantees for any religion in a constitution is inherently evil.
But we are dealing with two groups who have been brutalized to near extinction on the grounds of their religion and culture for millennia so consider that asking for guaranteed safety in writing is a pretty reasonable thing to want for everyone, actually.
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bogunicorn · 11 months
i'm not a world politics expert by any means but it kinda feels like if you know that hamas' violence against civilians is unacceptable and horrific and needs to be stopped, it should be a quick mental jump from that to admitting that israel "fighting back" by doing worse to palestinian civilians is also unacceptable and horrific and needs to be stopped.
genocide is always wrong, violence against civilians is always wrong. but doing this "israel is fighting back against hamas, that's why it's okay that they're cracking down on gaza" song and dance is a disgusting reaction. if you can understand that american imperialism is wrong and often nurtures the very terrorists the US was supposedly there to stop by visiting horrors upon the civilians of the countries it invades and radicalizing them, then you also fundamentally understand why israel is responsible for hamas.
no reblogs and shit on this one, i'm not opening the floor for debate on whether or not it's proportional "retribution" to commit genocide, you can just block me. i have no delusions that this will meaningfully help anyone or anything, i just won't be considered a "safe" person for zionists.
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aldebarangel · 11 months
just a reminder that you absolutely *can* post about palestine genocide WITHOUT triggering content.
there are posts out there about helpful links, charities, lists of companies to boycott, that goddamn "click to donate" website, and those videos of doctors comforting children! updates of traumatized victims doing better! videos of protests worldwide! repost duas for your muslim followers and mutuals who want to pray for palestinians! links on where to buy kuffiyehs!
you say you're living through a historical event? fucking act like it then goddamn!! governments and leaders are failing palestine. we may be regular people who can do almost nothing compared to stopping the deaths of thousands, but the reason nobody does anything major is because the truth is unknown.
you don't need to retweet and reblog explicitly disturbing content if it hurts you! you can just simply promote things on your account like "hey guys starbucks stocks are declining, we should help the boycott by not getting drinks from there! here are some alternatives:"
this isnt a heroic act at all, anybody can do it
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Do us all a favor and fucking kill yourself already you shit eating nazi retard.
I keep on living to spite you bigots and sociopathic free palestine sheep
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afroscribble · 7 months
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Amazing. A post expressing empathy about Palestinian Muslims near their annual worship period being disrespected and violated, routinely, and a reblog immediately followed by "I will debate you" going "Well, Akchually" 🤓 to the validity of their entire ethnicity and apologia for the state of Israel. Beyond parody
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