#anyway!!! thank you for the ask it's always lovely to wake up to it 😊😊😊
hailsatanacab · 2 years
Just curious how the next chapter of close enough to be whole again is coming
You made me panic because I thought the first Friday of the month was next week, but it's not!! It's this week!! Ahh!!
So I guess you'll see in a couple of days 😊
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once-upon-an-imagine · 10 months
You Keep Me Hangin' On - Steve Harrington
A/N: sooo, apparently it worked 😂😂😂 thank you to everyone who voted, I might keep this up since it helps me focus on a specific story😊 I mixed three different requests here so I really hope it makes sense, this one is mostly angsty but I am planning on a part two, so let me know what you think  
Requests - dawninparis​ asked: is this how you request something? i don’t know i’m a bit new to all this 😳 anyway i saw you were accepting st request so i was thinking maybe steve and reader are in an established relationship but with all the stuff happening in s4 and reader not being aware of all the supernatural stuff she gets jealous of all the time he spends with nancy and the fact he is hiding everything from you just to protect you and just basically a lot of angst (bc i like to suffer) and ending however u like even tho my heart is easily broken with sad endings 
- Anonymous asked: I would like to request a Steve story that takes place in season 4 where him and reader are dating already. Reader has noticed how awkward he has been around Nancy and vice versa. How they’ve been talking a lot more (good thing Eddie was there to keep them company😉). [full request here]  
- Anonymous asked: Hello babes, I'm not sure if you want to write this but may I request for a Steve Harrington angst to fluff fic? Haha! I just want to torture myself again with all these angsty stories. Somewhere around, reader is pining for steve and thought that she have a chance with steve but the latter thought that maybe he's still not over nancy. Reader felt hurt / embarassed by this and decided to date someone else, when she did steve realizes that she's the one that his heart has been longing for the whole time and not nancy. Thanks
Warnings: pretty angsty and Steve is kind of an asshole but also a jealous asshole xD and Jason (he deserves his own warning) let me know if I missed anything 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
You Keep Me Hangin’ On
Set me free why don't you, babe Get out my life why don't you, babe 'Cause you don't really love me You just keep me hangin' on
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You had known for a long time now. You had just, for some reason, held on to a stupid little hope that kept you hanging to this stupid little crush. Although it wasn't that little. And that voice in your head that kept you hanging sounded an awful lot like Robin insisting that Steve felt the same way you did.
You tried to believe her. You really did. Steve was very caring and affectionate towards you. You remembered the first time you drove him home, drunk, and he asked you to stay with him. And you did. And he said it felt nice to not wake up alone. And then, it became a natural thing between the two of you. He would call you whenever he needed you. And you would call him whenever you needed him. And he showed up. He always showed up. Which made you believe Robin when she said he felt the same way you did. But neither of you spoke about it. You hugged. You kissed. You did more than kiss. You couldn't imagine your life without him. But you weren't entirely sure if he could do the same. You feared that he could. He could live without you.
And right now, it was more evident than ever. You instantly dove into the water when he was pulled back into the lake. You pulled the bats off him and fought them with whatever you could find before Nancy, Robin, and Eddie also appeared to help. You were about to help him stop the bleeding right before Nancy ripped off the bottom of her blouse and started patching him up. And you saw it. You saw the way Steve looked at her.
"You're bleeding" you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Eddie by your side.
"Huh?" you asked, confused.
"Your arm" he pointed out. "It's bleeding" he repeated and you looked down to see that he was right. You hadn't even noticed. You were bleeding. Badly.
"Holy shit!" you panicked a little, not really knowing what to do.
"Here" he said, gently grabbing your hand and taking the black bandana out of his back pocket.
"Oh, I don't want to stain your bandana. I know that's your favorite one" you told him, not really noticing the smile that appeared on his face when you did.
"Don't be ridiculous, princess. It's just a piece of fabric" he insisted, grabbing your hand and cleaning your wound gently. You lifted your head from your arm to watch Eddie as he worked on tightening his bandana around you. You found yourself smiling a little at how careful he was being. He did not seem like the loud, careless guy you always saw in school. "How's that? Is it too tight?" he asked, worriedly.
"N-no. That's perfect" you smiled. "Thank you, Eddie" you told him.
"You know, it was pretty badass, w-what you did" he chuckled.
"It was?" you asked, feeling a little nervous for some reason. You never really thought of yourself as badass enough to get that credit from Eddie Munson, who you considered to be one of the most badass people you knew.
"Yeah, I mean, jumping in the lake and fighting those bats. That was metal, princess" he smirked.
"You also jumped in the lake and fought those bats, Eddie" you reminded him.
"Yeah, but after all of you ladies did" he insisted.
"Well, you still did" you told him. "And that says a lot" you smiled.
"So, uh" Eddie cleared his throat, pulling away from you a little. "This place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?"
"Yeah, pretty much" you nodded.
"Wait, watch out for the vines" Nancy said as Robin started walking around. "It's all a hive mind" she explained.
"It's all a what?" Robin asked.
"All the creepy crawlies around here" you told her. "They're, like, one or something" you told her. "Step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat" you instructed. "You're stepping on Vecna" you finished.
"Shit" Eddie said, next to you.
"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asked.
"As far as I understand it, yeah" Steve said.
"So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate" Robin suggested.
"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin" you told her. "But guns, yeah, sure."
"Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns" Nancy added and everyone looked at her. "I have guns in my bedroom" she shrugged.
"You, Nancy Wheeler" Eddie started. "...have guns, plural, in your bedroom?"
"Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin asked, excitedly.
"A Russian Makarov and a revolver" Nancy explained.
"Yeah, you almost shot me with that one" Steve said.
"You almost deserved it" Nancy smirked back at him.
You tried to hide your upset expression but Eddie seemed to notice before he threw his jean vest at Steve and he glared back at him a little.
"For your modesty, dude" he said, making Steve roll his eyes before putting it on.
"Hey, are you okay?" Steve asked, walking closer to you.
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he questioned, looking at your arm.
"Yeah, but don't worry. Eddie fixed it" you told him.
"Oh" Steve said, not entirely loving that part. "O-okay" he sighed.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a scratch" he said, trying to make you laugh.
You barely smiled before you followed Eddie and Robin who were climbing on trees and rocks, careful not to step on the vines. When Robin accidentally stepped on a vine, the five of you felt the Earth moving under you when an earthquake happened. Your instinct almost made you run to Steve, but you saw he quickly grabbed Nancy, who was closer to him, and he pulled her to his side. You couldn't even register the whole thing before you felt two arms grabbing you and making you fall to the ground with him as you felt Eddie's arms tighten around you.
"Holy shit!" you heard Robin, not so far from you.
"So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie said.
"Yeah, me too" you said, feeling your cheeks burn a little at how close you were to the metalhead and not noticing a pair of eyes glaring your way. "Uh- um" you cleared your throat. "Thanks" you smiled shyly.
"Don't mention it, princess" he said, helping you up.
As the five of you walked to the Wheeler's house, Steve could barely register what Nancy was telling him. His eyes were glued to Robin, you, and Eddie walking ahead of them. Specifically between you and Eddie Munson. He noticed he was trying to make you laugh because he could see the worried look on your face. And the worst part was that he was succeeding. He didn't like the feeling he got whenever you laughed at something Eddie Munson said. He didn't like that you had his bandana on your arm. He didn't like that he was walking a little too close to you and the worst part was when he saw his hand trying to reach for yours.
"Uh, yeah, Nance, hold on a second" he said, not even trying to understand what she was talking about as he ran over to the trio in front of him.
"Hey, Eddie" Steve said, catching up with you. "Uh, could I... talk to you?" he asked, making Eddie look at you a little confused. You simply shrugged and Robin pulled you away to go join Nancy instead, leaving the two boys behind.
"What's up, Harrington?"
"Hey, man. Uh... Listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there" he smiled.
"Shit. You saved your own ass, man" Eddie told him. "I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there!"
"When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat's head off onstage" he explained as Steve looked at him confused.
"I don't-"
"You know? Doesn't matter" he shrugged. "It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying" he told him.
"Thanks" Steve smiled.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact" he explained.
"Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah" Eddie nodded.
"Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest" he mocked Steve. "I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve" he smirked. "I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way" he chuckled. "That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine" he explained, making Steve laugh and roll his eyes a little. "Still super jealous as hell, by the way. Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh... normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week" he muttered the last part.
"Give yourself a break, man" Steve insisted.
"See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you. Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind" he explained. "But, your girl, right there" Eddie said, pointing at you, walking ahead of them. "She didn't waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in" he told Steve as they stopped walking for a moment and Steve looked at you while you walked with Robin. "Now, I don't know what's going on or what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would not take her for granted, man. 'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen" he told her. "And if you let her go, someone else might not be so stupid" he informed him.
"Are you talking about... someone in specific?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Maybe" Eddie shrugged, patting his back. "I'm just saying, Harrington. Don't be the douche I always thought you were" he said before he walked away from Steve.
As soon as you all got to Nancy's place, she, Robin, and Eddie started making their way upstairs. You were about to follow them when Steve gently pulled you back.
"Hey" Steve said, smiling nervously at you, a few steps down. "Uh- I just... um, I wanted to ask if uh-" he said, running a hand through his hair as he always did when he was nervous. "If w-we're okay? I mean, are you- uh are you feeling okay?"
"Are you?" you asked, a little confused.
"No- yeah, uh I'm fine" he sighed. "I just wanted to check if you were also... fine?"
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile before you turned around and you tried going upstairs but Steve stopped you again.
"It's just um... you got hurt" he said, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb as he looked at the bandana wrapped around your arm.
"So did you" you told him. "And I think yours is... much worse" you said, looking at Nancy's blouse wrapped around him.
"No, it's fine" he insisted.
"Great. So, you're fine. I'm fine. We're both..." you sighed. "Just fine" you said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, frowning.
"Uh- nothing" you quickly said. "We should... get up there-"
"No, what did you mean by that?"
"Steve, this isn't the time or the place-"
"But you're upset!"
"No, I'm not, I just told you, everything is fine!" you insisted.
"Really? So, if everything is fine, why are you spending so much time with Munson?" Steve asked, accusingly.
"Ohh, you noticed that? I figured you'd be too busy with Nancy to even pay attention to anyone else!" you replied.
"Wait, is that what this is about?"
"No! I didn't mean to ugh-! Just... forget about it, okay? We have bigger things to-"
"Shhh!" he shushed you, holding up his finger.
"Um, excuse me?"
"Did you hear that?" he asked, looking the other way and walking away from you.
"Hear what?"
"Henderson!" he said, walking around the empty room.
"Well, it finally happened. He snapped" you muttered under your breath.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked, walking over to you with Robin, and Eddie.
"I don't know. He thinks he can hear Dustin-"
"I don't think! I can hear him! HENDERSON!"
And then, you heard it.
"Oh, my God! DUSTIN!"
"There has to be a way for them to hear us!" Eddie insisted as the five of you tried to look around the room.
"Wasn't there a way that Will communicated with Joyce when he was here?" Steve asked you, pointing his flashlight at the light in the middle of the living room.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Robin, for the fifteenth time, I'm okay" you replied as you two tried to grab anything you could use at the War Zone.
"It's just that you and Steve have barely spoken since-"
"Since he decided to stay back at the UpsideDown because Nancy was cursed by Vecna and he now refuses to leave her side?" you snapped a little. "Sorry" you sighed. "There's just... a lot going on right now" you told her.
"I know that, but... well, you and Eddie on the other hand-"
"What?" you asked, confused.
"Come on, you can't tell me that there's nothing there-" she chuckled.
"There's literally nothing there" you laughed. "I don't think Eddie likes me that way" you rolled your eyes.
"Do you like him that way?" she asked, curiously.
"N-no" you said, nervously. "I don't know. Like I said, there's too much going on right now. And Eddie has been nice to me. He's always nice to me and... I don't know this isn't the time to focus on stupid guys, okay?"
"Love, it's never the time to focus on stupid boys" she laughed, making you laugh a little too but she quickly stopped when she spotted Vickie on the other side of the War Zone with her boyfriend.
"Rob" you said, feeling sorry and placing your hand on her arm.
"Have you ever felt like someone just ripped out your heart?" she asked, looking back at you.
You smiled sadly at her and then looked past her. "Yeah, I... have an idea" you said silently and she followed your stare to see Steve laughing with Nancy at something she had said. "Aw, well that's fun for me" you smiled, sarcastically. "I'm gonna go over there, okay?" you quickly said, walking away from Robin as she rolled her eyes and walked over to Steve, punching his arm.
"Ouch! What the hell, Buckley?!"
"Well, I wouldn't expect to find you here" you turned around hearing that dreadful voice.
"J-Jason" you said, nervously. "Yeah, well, it's just... scary times" you smiled. "Uh- I'm... sorry about Chrissy" you told him.
"Want my advice?" he asked, getting closer to you. "Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds" he said. "I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range" he said, as you stepped backwards, creating space between the two of you but he got even closer. "And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this..." he said, grabbing the weapon from you. "...and redirect it" he said, smiling, making you feel uneasy. "Well, you look nervous" he chuckled.
"Uh -like I said" you tried to smile. "Scary times" you told him. "Could you let go, please?"
"She said 'let go'" you heard Steve behind you and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Harrington" he said, letting go of the gun. "Didn't see you there" he said, stepping away.
"Well, now you do so..." Steve said, nodding his head so he would take the hint.
"Lovely seeing you" Jason said, before turning to look back at you.
"Hey, you okay-?"
"We need to go, now" you said, grabbing his hand.
"But nothing" you said, pulling him with you. "Eddie's outside" you whispered.
"Right" Steve muttered a bit upset. Munson.
"Hey" you were snapped out of your thoughts when Eddie sat down on the grass, next to you.
"Hi" you smiled.
"So... I guess this is a dumb question but... how are you feeling?"
"Funny, I was just going to ask you the same thing" you smiled.
"Me? I'm having the time of my life, princess. Are you kidding me? We're about to go to the UpsideDown and fight for our lives, really... it's where I pictured my life at this point, he chuckled, making you laugh a little.
"You know, you don't have to do this, Eddie" you insisted.
"Are you trying to rob me of my hero arc, princess?" he said, making you laugh, which you didn't know how was possible with how anxious you were feeling. "I was just going to tell you the same thing" he told you.
"It's just... you've been through a lot in like... what, 48 hours?"
"Yeah, it's been intense but... well, you being here kinda makes it better" he admitted.
"It does?" you asked, feeling your cheeks burn.
"Yeah" he insisted. "I mean, if... it were up to me, I wouldn't want the situation of us hanging out to be in a creepy world fighting this... monster but... I guess it's pretty badass" he chuckled.
"Well, if it involves you I would assume it would have to be badass" you smiled, making him blush a little. "So... if it were up to you... what would the situation be? U-us hanging out?"
"Well- uh-"
"Hey, Munson!" Steve said, suddenly appearing and interrupting the two of you. "Um... Henderson's asking for you" he said.
"Um- sure" Eddie said, looking back at you. "Sorry, princess. Raincheck?"
"Sure" you smiled as he got up and he helped you up too. "See you in a bit" you told him before Steve replaced his place.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" you asked, confused.
"You and Munson?"
"We were just talking" you shrugged.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?"
"What? What are you talking about, Steve?"
"I just find it interesting that every time I look at you he just happens to be there" he said, glaring at you a little.
"Well, maybe we were just talking about our part of the plan, since you made me stay back with him and Dustin!"
"I knew you were upset about that! Nancy and I just decided this was the best way to make the teams!"
"Oh, what a lovely coincidence that you get to go with Nancy!"
"And Robin!" he added. "Why does that make you so upset? Because you don't get to come and physically kill Vecna with us? I need you to stay back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"Why? Because you don't trust me as much as Nancy!? You don't-" you stopped yourself before you could say 'You don't love me as much as you love Nancy'.
"Nancy knows what she's doing!"
"Oh, and I don't? We were all down there, Steve! And in case you didn't notice, I was the first one to jump when you were dragged back into that lake! Not Nancy! I am just as capable as she is-!"
"I didn't say you weren't but I just..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I need you to stay back with Dustin and Eddie okay?"
"Fine!" you said, reluctantly. "I can't do this anymore Steve" you sighed.
"Sweetheart, I know it'll be hard, but we have this plan and-"
"No, not that! This!" you said pointing at him and yourself. "I am tired of just being your option when Nancy is not around!"
"That's not true and this isn't the time to-"
"Right... it's never the time" you sighed.
"Well, not when we're about to go face Vecna in the fucking UpsideDown!"
"You're going to face Vecna with Nancy and Robin! I'm staying back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"That's not how it is!"
"Yes, it is! That's the plan that you two came up with! Together!"
"Look, what do you want from me? It made more sense this way!"
"Just admit that you still have feelings for Nancy and be done with it so I can just... I don't know, move on!"
"M-move on? From us?"
"There is no us, Steve! Is there?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I don't know, Steve! I'm tired! I'm tired and I can't do this anymore! It's not fair!"
"Ugh! I'm not trying to make you feel like this on purpose! I don't have feelings for Nancy, okay? Why does everyone think that I still have feelings for Nancy?"
"Oh, really? Everyone thinks so? So, I'm not the only one then!" you said, feeling your heart starting to break.
"No! I didn't mean it like that! Nancy is my friend! Okay! That is it! I care about her and I don't want her to die!"
"Nobody wants her to die, Steve! But you keep following her around like a lost puppy-!"
"How would you even know since you decided to stay with Munson every chance you get?! I can't believe you're being this dramatic over Nancy. SHE'S MY FRIEND!" he snapped. "Look, I don't want to fight with you, we are all on edge, and... I just... I need to do this, and I need you to stay with Dustin and Munson!"
"I don't want to fight with you either, Steve, and I know this is probably the worst possible time, I just-"
"Hey, guys!" Dustin shouted, interrupting you. "Time to go!"
Steve sighed, tiredly and looked back at you, not really knowing what else to say, so you did.
"You know what? You're right, we have more important things to deal with right now" you smiled with tears in your eyes and you placed your hand on his arm. You were about to follow Dustin but Steve pulled you back, pulling your hand.
"Listen, I care about Nancy, yes. Of course, I do. But, I swear, she's just my friend" he told you. "And I care about you too. I do, a lot" he said, nervously. But something wasn't letting you believe him anymore.
"As a friend?" you asked, with your voice breaking a little.
"It's... complicated" he said, making your heart break into little pieces. "And I swear we'll talk about it, after this, I just-" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Something was telling you that he would never love you as he did Nancy. That little voice was becoming louder than Robin's telling you he loved you just as you loved him. And you felt your eyes watering. And you knew he could see it, but he didn't say anything. Because you knew time was running out and you had to follow Dustin. So you just smiled sadly at Steve and cupped his cheek with your hand.
"I love you, Steve" you whispered, having the strangest feeling in your heart that this may be the only chance you would get to tell him this, so you kissed his cheek. Like you always did and you gave him the saddest smile Steve had ever seen on someone. "And I really hope you get her back someday."
To Be Continued
[Part 2] 
A/N: sooo, I am definitely not evil enough to just leave it there :D this is definitely going to have a part two... so let me know what you think xD (and also, who you think she should stay with) 
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nmakii · 2 months
Hi!! I saw that you’re taking Hazbin requests and was wondering if I could request one!😊 I’d love to request an Angel Dust x gn!reader oneshot where Angel doesn’t have anyone to watch Fat Nuggets for him while he’s at work, but reader feels bad and offers to help him out? This is set before they’re dating, like reader really likes Angel (pretty much crushing on him) but doesn’t feel like Angel notices them much, so in an effort to put themselves out there, they volunteer to help, especially since they know how much Fat Nuggets means to Angel. Angel is a bit hesitant at first, not knowing how qualified they really are to take care of his baby, but he sees how sincere they are in taking on this responsibility, so to put them to the test, he agrees. Of course, Nuggs is a little mischievous at first, but instantly warms up to reader☺️
Later on, Angel comes back and sees how well reader and Nuggs are getting along and he’s just all soft and mushy at how adorable they are😍 Angel’s known about reader’s crush on him for a while and would always playfully tease them about it, thinking that it was just because they were a fan, but seeing this, he can’t help but notice how caring and sweet reader really is😍 and if Nuggs likes them enough, then that says a lot. In the end, Angel thanks them and in true Angel Dust fashion, suggests that they should get to have their own “play date” next time😏😉 in which reader is all flustered and is thinking “fuck… I didn’t expect to get this far”😳 but Angel laughs, eating up their reaction, saying that he’s just teasing and would genuinely like to get to know reader more. And then they share a really cute, fluffy moment (with Angel giving a little cheek kiss😘) in the end💕💕💕
I’m so sorry this is insanely long!! My brain got carried away and went off but if you’re willing to write this request, I would absolutely appreciate it! If not, no worries!! Thank you love!!🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
— falling in love can make you do silly things. especially when it’s angel dust you’re falling for.
— i get it Y/N. i did the exact same thing (i j bought him cup noodles and i gotta chill out) happy birthday to me and angel hehe!
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“fuck me..” angel groaned out. “isn’t that what’s about to happen..?” husk raised his eyebrow at angel. “hah!” angel rolled his eyes at husk’s joke. “val wants me to head to the studio… something about dick fight island or whatever…” he scrunched his face at the corny plots valentino wrote. “hey, whiskers! can ‘ya take care ‘a fat nuggets till i’m back?” angel asked, keeping fat nuggets close to his body.
“ah… angel, ‘ya mind if i take care of him?” you asked, heart racing as you did. “i…i mean husk is kinda busy with manning the bar… ‘n i don’t have much to do, so i could take care of him!” you explained, hands fidgeting as you nervously looked angel in the eye.
“eh…” angel thought for a second. your explanation was logical, but you and him were not as close as say, angel and husk. “shit, fine. why the hell not? i trust ‘ya.” he shrugged.
he looked down at fat nuggets, wondering what might happen when he’s gone, before hesitantly handing him over. fat nuggets squeals a bit under your care, feistily wiggling around in your arms.
angel laughed as he watched you struggle to keep fat nuggets still. “haha! hope you can deal with him. anyways, i gotta head out now.” he frowned before pinching you on the nose and leaving.
in all honesty, fat nuggets was not much of a problem. he was affectionate and not at all messy. all you had you do was feed and tend to his grooming.
when angel returned, he found you and fat nuggets fast asleep on the couch of the leisure room. your arms cradle him as fat nuggets’ hooves rest on your shoulders, all while having a blanket over you.
the two of you looked so sweet, as if a parent with their child. angel almost didn’t want to wake you up. almost.
you forget that this is angel dust.
angel reached a claw under your jaw and started tickling you until you woke up. “mornin’, sleeping beauty!” angel grinned as fat nuggets climbed his way into angel’s arms.
“aww… did’ya miss me, nuggs?” angel smiled, petting fat nuggets. he looked up to see you blushing from you and angel’s close proximity to each other. angel only grins. “what’s up? never got close enough before?”
“no! it’s nothing.” you said, moving your eyes to anywhere but angel’s. he shrugs it off. “thanks a lot again, i appreciate it.” he smiled, his eyes showing a moment of genuine gratitude. “ya’know… next time, i could leave nuggs with good ‘ol whiskers, then you and i could have… a playdate of our own?” he smirked, pushing his forehead against yours while placing his lower set of hands on your waist.
you froze under angel’s touch, brain trying to think of a response. angel simply laughs, eating up your reaction to his advances. “i’m just teasin’! it’ll be a long time before i let ‘ya touch me anywhere. chill, will ‘ya?” he grinned.
“but, if you’re interested…” he starts. “i wouldn’t mind a dinner tomorrow.” he grinned, winking as if to tempt you even further.
you thought to yourself before speaking “ah, sure..! what you say dinner at 7? i’ll meet you down here.” you said. “‘ya betcha. i’ll see you tomorrow then, babycakes.” angel smiled, peppering your face with kisses before he returned to his room, fat nuggets in hand.
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spidernuggets · 2 months
this is so tropey and cliché yet I cannot help but adore it sooo a calm chill peace n love pacifist type of gal who only uses computer skills/detective skills/whatnot for the titans but never violence. that is until some asshat takes jason hostage and reader to the sheer shock of everyone goes deathstroke level violent, demolishes everything, sneaks out alone to single handedly rescue jason whilst the titans are still tryna figure out a plan, and jason wakes up back in titans tower to find out that it wasn't a team effort to get him back, that reader did it all alone and killed the people who took him, jason is maybe a lil shit and is all thanks but I had the situation under control, and then he asks why she cares so much and she's like I don't but if they killed you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself 😊 👉👈
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Note: I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING SO LONG TO GET THIS OUT, BABES!!! I'M IN MY FINAL YEAR OF SCHOOL, AND I HAVE EXAMS LIKE EVERY WEEK REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CRIES. ALSO, the first part of this fic is kinda based on Jason and Gar's little moment before they go down to the subways.
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"What are you doing now, nerd?" Jason walks into the computer room where yoh sat in front of the downgraded version of the Bat Computer. He leans against the edge, budging your leg with his to get your attention.
"That name is hypocritical, theatre nerd," you bite back.
"Holy shit, they're thespians, not theatre nerds."
"Same difference. Anyways, if you must know, Arkham Asylum's system broke down. Dick asked me to help them fix it. It's fine now, but a bunch of crims broke out. Some are back in, but a few handfuls are still out there. No one above Riddler level. We'll be fine," you say, leaning back on the chair, hands resting behind your head.
"Need any help, babe?" He asks.
You'd be a pathological liar if you said all the nicknames he gave you didn't make your face heat up. You always liked Jason. He has the smart potential that everybody else seems to refuse to see. But you appreciate it.
You shrug. "I dunno. You can if you want, I'm just trying to find where these criminals would be next. But it just looks like they're breaking in and stealing shit from wherever. They pick one building and then move on to a whole different area," you frown, unable to find a pattern.
Jason squints at the big screen. "Hey, zoom into that street over there," he points to the corner of the city's map. You furrow your brows, but oblige. "They're not targeting random buildings, sweet thing," he mutters.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Look. See those buildings there? They already have past records of breaking and entering, and robbery. These Arkham crims are targeting untouched places." Jason says, observing the area.
You then go on your own computer, searching the history of crime through Gotham. Sure, the majority of residents were witnesses or victims to these crimes, but there's still places that have been safe for a good while.
"Hey, all these buildings. I know them." He adds. "Bruce enforced higher security. They're aiming for Wayne Enterprise sponsored buildings!"
"How did I miss that?" You whisper to yourself. "Fuck, Jason, your a bloody genius." You missed the whiplash he got, looking at you in awe for such a simple compliment. "Alright, let me just go mark these locations and I'll go and let Dick know."
"Woah, woah," Jason holds your shoulder. "He doesn't need to know. He's already so busy. I'll handle them. You said it yourself, 'we'll be fine'." He says proudly.
You sighed. "Jay, I know you'd be fine. What's not fine is knowing for a fact that you'd show no mercy and probably make all of them bite the curb." You crossed your arms, folding one leg over your other.
"Ugh, c'mon, Y/n. I promise I won't, and I promise I'll be safe. Dick and the other guys need to know that I can do shit on my own!" He starts to beg. You always knew how important Robin is to him. You were actually impressed about how passionate he was to a mask.
You sighed again, staring at the floor while thinking. "Fine. But you need to be wired. At least be in contact with me. The moment you get into trouble, you call me, I'll get the others to help."
"Why don't you just come out with me? I know you git them badass combat skills?" Then, Jason gives you those eyes for when he asks you for something, and shamefully, you always give in. Not this time.
"Jay, you know why. Even just giving someone a oetty slap just doesn't do it for me."
"Yeah, yeah I know. But if you're ready to throw a punch, make sure I'm there to see," Jason winks as he's about to leave to suit up. But you call out to him.
"Jason." He turns. "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Not to me at least," you gave him a sympathetic look. Jason just gives a slight nod in return before turning again and leaving to get ready.
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"You sent Jason out there?!" Dick storms into your room without knocking.
You were sat on your bed, holding your hands up. "Woah, man, I could've been changing or something," you say nonchalantly. "Jason will be fine, Dick. He is capable enough of defending himself. Besides, I have him wired, so if he needs help, he can contact me." You say, eyes focused on the laptop placed on your legs.
"Okay, genius, then why did Hank inform me just now that Jason's unresponsive and that his tracker has been disconnected!" Dick yells at you. You stop typing.
"I'm sorry," you choke out a sarcastic laugh, getting off your bed, walking out of your room, Dick following suit. "What? It sounds like you're saying someone cut off all connections that Jason has to us," you said, hoping that you heard wrong or that it was some lame, insensitve prank. You walk into the debriefing room, where the other Titans were. And to prove what Dick said was true, the screens showed that there were no signs of Jason, his tracker, or his wire.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." Dick replies sternly. "Jason's gone missing, possibly kidnapped. Why didn't you tell me he was going out?! Why didn't you tell us?"
Hank chimes in. "Yeah, kid. You know how reckless Jason can be-"
You chucked your laptop to the wall, completely smashing it, the screen chipping everywhere, and the keys scattering across the floor. It instantly made the room dead silent.
You stayed silent, too. You said nothing, giving the others no explanation to your sudden, quiet outburst, and headed back to your room.
From behind you can hear Dick sigh, and preoare everyone to find Jason.
You had other plans.
You didn't know where Jason could be. But from the tracker, you can pinpoint his last known location. Not that you told Dick or even Bruce, but you managed to connect your smartwatch to Jason's tracker. No, you are not a stalker... is what you always repeated to yourself. You just wanted to be the first one to always be sure that your spontaneous friend is okay. And look at what good it's doing.
Opening your closet, deep in the back, situated your throwing knives and flame thrower.
"Come to mama," you whispered. Sure, the use of violence is more or less a disturbance to you. But these assholes have your friend hostage. And you know that if you stay with the others, they'd slow you down.
You packed a backpack with everything you think you'd need, and you climbed out your window and ran to where Jason was seen last. You didn't have a hero suit of your own, seeing as you refused to kick ass with the others. Oh, well, you thought. A face mask would do you good.
You ended up in the outskirts of the city. There was no noise, and no Jason. But there was blood. Possibly his.
Unfortunately, there were only splatters and no trails that could guide you.
"Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" A deeo, raspy voice said behind you.
You turn around and tilted your head. "Hello. I'm lookin' for a friend. About yay high, black domino mask, Christmas coloured superhero suit with an R on the left breast of the chest plate. Goes by the name Robin. You seen him anywhere?" You politely ask.
The gruffy man hummed. "Hmm. Show me what you're made of little lady, and I might spill a secret or two," he disgustingly smirks.
You shrug. "Since you asked so nicely." Swiftly, you threw a knife at him, slicing right through his shoulder as the man howls in agony.
"YOU BITCH," he screams.
You slowly walk up to him, and right as he tries to throw a punch, you dug, slicing his leg with another one of your knives, making him tumble to the concrete.
As he lays on his back, you tower over him, your foot resting on top of the knife that was impaled through his shoulder, making him cry out in pain.
"Now you listen to me, pretty little thing," you smile, mocming him. "After this, you're going to live. Because the sight of a dead body makes me gag. But the catch is," You reach for your flamethrower from your back, pointing it to the man's crotch as he whimpers in fear. "You're gonna be walkin' around with a fried dick. So what's it gonna be? Giving me a location? Or giving yourself a grilled sausage?"
You blink twice before he yells and reveals where Jason is. "Thank you so much, sweetie," you smiled, moving the flamethrower away and your foot lifting off the knife, turning to go find your friend.
He sighs out in relief, but you then turn back around. Saying nothing else, you point the flamethrower at his face, setting it off, letting the flames char his skin.
You hide behind crates in a dimly lit, abandoned warehouse, trying to search for Jason. You then go into a different room, and upon going in, you see a figure tied up in a chair, mouth covered in a dirty rag and a blindfold over his eyes.
My poor- shit. I mean. Poor Jason. You think.
The room was empty. It's an opportunity for you to help him. You cut the ropes, take the rag, and blindfold off.
"Jay?" You whispered. "Jason, wake up, c'mon we gotta go." It was no use.
"So you're the little gal burning up faces," another rough voice says.
You stand up straight, facing the significantly larger man in front of you. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I'm the average height," you complained, crossing your arms.
The man grunts, snapping his fingers. Then, what seemed to be a whole army of men dressed in black and white striped jumpsuits appeared from every corner, with crooked grins and nasal chuckles.
"Naw, but you'd be cut, chopped, and sliced into little pieces after we're done with you, little thing," he smiles.
"All of you against me?" You pouted. Well, that's just not fair, is it? How about a little disadvantage for you guys." You threw knives in all light sources, smashing the bulbs, now with the only source of ligbt being the moon shining out from a window or two.
You quickly whip out night vision goggles, activating them and your flamethrower ready in your hands.
You start blasting at all the men that attempt (and failed) to attack you, quickly burning their faces, hands, legs, all over their bodies.
All you could hear were the sounds of their writhing pain. You also made sure to stay close to Jason, making sure no one tried to hurt him.
Just as you were about to roast another guy, your flamethrower suddenly ran out of fuel.
"Well, shit," you muttered to yourself. "Old fashioned, it is."
You used the flamethrower itself as a combat weapon, hurling it through their guts and crotches, any of their most vulnerable areas.
The last guy to go down was the supposed leader. You smash the flamethrower into his head, probably leaving a dent, and he falls to the ground. You then take out any knives that remain, stabbing them through bith his shoulders and shins.
You took out your remaining anger and adrenaline out on him by using the flamethrower, striking it against his abdomen.
"Asshole! Perveted! Kidnapping! Ugly! Son! Of! A! Bitch!" You exclaim with every blow.
You pants, looking around the room full of unconscious men. Even the one in the cape.
You lift him up, throwing his arm over your shoulder, beginning to haul him out of the warehouse.
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By the time Jason woke uo, his head was spinning, his throat was dry, and his vision was blurry. He sits uo, trying to stay still to focus his vision. He then notices that his shirt is off and his torso is bandaged. There were also many patches all over his face.
He slowly gets uo from bed, wincing at the pain. On his nightstand, he sees a glass of water, pills and a sticky note.
"Take the pill and drink all the water, theatre nerd
- Other Nerd."
Jason couldn't help but smile at the little message and consideration. He did as was told, swallowing the pill and gulping down the water.
Wanting to get into bed, he heard voices coming out of his room. He leans against his dokr, trying to listen.
"Half of those guys are in death threatening condition! The other half have permanently damaged bones! You killed a guy, Y/n! When the fuck do you even kill!" It was Dick. Who seemed pissed. Wait.
Did he just put your name and the word kill in the same sentence?
"What was I meant to do, Dick? Lock them up and wait for them to escape again? You and I both know the justice system is bullshit!" You spit back.
"That doesn't make you the judge of death, Y/n!"
"What-Fucking-Ever! Here's an idea! Maybe if you had just a little faith in Jason, he wouldn't feel the need to go out there! He was just trying to help! You're his older brother. Act like it!" You bite, not wanting to hear another word coming out of Dick's mouth, and stormed into Jason's room.
Too bad you didn't know he was leaning on the other side of the door.
He grunts heavily, and you shove the door against him.
"Shit! Jay, what the hell are you doing out of bed!" You scold him, taking him by the arm and leading him back to bed.
"Hello to you too, nerd," he mumbles, lying back down.
"You just wake up? How you feelin'?" Your hand rests against his face.
"I'm fine. What happened?" He replies groggily.
You sighed, sitting on the floor, resting your chin on the edge of the bed. "You got kidnapped. Your tracker and wire went offline."
"So what were you and Dick arguing about?" His brows knit together.
Your head tilted so that you were leaning on your cheek.
"Just tell me, nerd," he scoffed.
"Went to save you on my own. Killed a guy," you shamefully admitted.
He smiled in disbelief. "I thought I was fuckin' hallucinating. Fuck, wished I was conscious to see you in action. You didn't even need to get me, nerd. I had everything under control." He scoffs at the end.
"Mm.. Okay, Mr. black eye and stabbed stomach," you reply tiredly, while poking his nose.
Jason sighs and stares at the ceiling. "Thanks." He mutters.You smile.
"Hm? What was that?" You tease.
"I'm not saying it again. You know what I said."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." You admire the side of his face.
"Why? Why go through all that, Y/n? You haven't even punched a person in who knows how long. And suddenly you put people in the hospital and kill someone? I don't understand," Jason suddenly says, turning to face you.
You look back at him. "They took you."
He shook his head, unsatisfied. "No. That's bullshit. Gar and Conner got kidnapped once. You didn't kill people then."
You looked away. "They aren't you." You mumble.
"So what? What the hell's so special about me, Y/n? Why do you care so much?" Jason was confused. He wanted answers as to why someone could care so much for him. He wanted to know why someone who doesn't believe in violence would kill for him when even his own family couldn't.
"I don't," you tried to excuse yourself. "But if they killed you, I would've killed everyone, and the Titans, and then myself," you casually say, still avoiding his gaze.
Jason couldn't help but snicker. "Sounds very caring to me, nerd," he lowly says.
You hum. "Mm, whatever."
He then dramatically sighs. "You know what, sweetheart. It's pretty cold up here. And I assume the floor isn't as comfortable as the bed," there's a look of both want and need in his eyes.
You smile. "What? Wamt a blankie?" You teased.
"Fuck, just come up here," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
You said nothing else. Just quickly obliged, going around to the other side of the bed, lying beside him.
"You're too far," he complains.
"I'm gonna mess up your bandages," you pout.
"You're so stubborn," Jason says, using his gokd arm to pull you closer, making your head lay on his chest.
"You're one to talk," you snap, though nestling your head into his warmth.
He just hums in response, letting his lips linger on the crown of your head.
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I'M SORRY AGAIN, ANON. this is probably lame... and I didn't know how to end it
cries 🥲
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello 😇 i have never made a request before and i don't know if you take them currently but if you do, could you make a one shot, headcanons - whatever you feel like fits more! of gender neutral reader sewing Wrecker's Lula after it got ripped? There's so few cool Wrecker fics/hcs 😢 but anyways hope you have a great day!
Ah, yes, I think I have an idea for this scenario 😊
Wrecker x GN Reader One-Shot - Tough Love
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Crosshair is minding his own business, as usual, rather quiet and withdrawn, and as almost always, Wrecker tries to draw him out. Pushing Lula in his face over and over again, Wrecker says, "Come on, Cross, can you stop cleaning that rifle for a minute?!"
"Get that thing out of my face!" snarls the Sniper, trying to dodge.
Wrecker doesn't back down, though, and continues to shove Lula in his face over and over again. You look up from your reading material, and see it coming before it happens. Crosshair grabs Lula at the same moment Wrecker pulls her back. With a ripping sound, Lula's arm almost completely detaches from the doll's body and the white filling spills out.
Both men are startled and more or less surprised at first. But when Wrecker looks from the battered Lula to Crosshair's face, the sniper has already put on his grumpy expression again.
He growls, "I told you not to do that! This is what you get!"
Wrecker looks so crestfallen that your heart grows heavy at the sight.
"Not cool", Wrecker grumbles meekly and retreats to his bunk with the destroyed Lula.
Crosshair sighs and says, "I warned you."
Wrecker curls up in his bunk, not responding to anyone who speaks to him, the broken Lula in his arms.
Later that night, when everyone is asleep, you sneak up on Wrecker, you are about to gently pull Lula out of his arms when you feel the barrel of a blaster at your temple.
You glance out of the corner of your eye at Crosshair, who is holding the gun to your head.
Your heart is pounding, but you say quietly so as not to wake the others, "Crosshair, I know we haven't known each other too long, but is that really how you think of me? That I would sneak up on you and your brothers at night to harm you in some way?"
The sniper hesitates. Finally, with a sigh, he slowly puts the blaster away and watches you carefully take Lula. He watches you with his brows drawn together critically and follows you to your bunk.
You whisper to him, "For often being so mean to your brothers, you're pretty protective over them."
Crosshair rolls his eyes and says just as quietly, "One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other."
You shrug your shoulders and say, "I was just making an observation."
You dig out your sewing kit, pick out a matching needle and thread, and get to work fixing Lula. Crosshair's brows move up in surprise, his expression softening. He watches you fix Lula. When you're done, she's as good as new. You hold the doll up with a smile, and you could swear you see a small smirk on his thin lips.
"That's very decent of you," he says softly.
You nod slowly and press it into his hand.
"Here's your chance to apologize to your brother".
Crosshair sighs, rolls his eyes, takes the doll and instead, carefully, stealthily places it back into Wrecker's arms. You shake your head, more or less amused, the Sniper may not apologize, but he very carefully covers his brother after putting Lula back in her place.
The next morning, as you open your eyes, you almost let out a startled scream. Wrecker's face hovers directly over you, something you didn't expect. He grins at you.
"Thank you," he says, touched, and holds up Lula.
Smiling, you ask, "How would you know it was me?"
Wrecker laughs softly and says, "I've seen you sew things before. Besides, neither of us can sew that well, not even Tech. The stitching is way too perfect."
You smirk, "Okay, you got me".
"Thank you" he says again, "That means a lot to me. Lula is not just a toy. She is a reminder that even we were children once, though not for long. No matter what happens on the battlefield, she always reminds me that there is still a human being in each of us, maybe even some innocence left."
Surprised, you look at the giant. The words surprise you, but they make a surprising amount of sense.
"I think I understand," you say softly.
Wrecker gently presses a kiss to the top of your head and says, "I won't forget this."
As he is about to leave, you say, "Wrecker, wait."
He turns and looks at you questioningly.
You say softly, "Crosshair loves you, he was annoyed, but he didn't hurt you on purpose by damaging Lula."
Wrecker smirks, "I know. Crosshair is difficult, but he is my brother. His love is tough sometimes, but it is love nonetheless"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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danny-415 · 10 months
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pov: jack was thinking to surprise you to have a dinner date on a yacht. you thought to yourself why jack was always on the phone calling trevor and leaving the room. well, there’s only way to find out.
“what’s up trev?” jack said while on the phone
you were thinking why jack was always calling trevor. you started to wonder some things on your mind.
as jack leaves the bedroom, you can hear him laughing and talking about something happening on a yacht.
“what is he saying?” you started to talk to yourself and hear through the door.
after a few minutes of them talking, you sat on your bed watching tv.
“hey babe” jack said.
“hey” you replied
“what’s going on with you and trevor?”
“nothing i just want you to get ready tomorrow”
“i’ll tell you more tomorrow, it’s not that important. let’s just watch a movie together and cuddle”
“okayy” you said as your thoughts started to wonder.
as you and jack cuddled, you fell asleep into his arms smelling his wonderful scent.
—next day—
“baby wake up” jack said you as he’s putting your hair behind your ears
“why?” you asked
“ohh yeah sorry” you said as you started to wonder why he woke you up so early
“i made you some breakfast”
“oh thank you baby” you said as you smelled the wonderful eggs and toast
as soon as you woke up, you started to get ready and put on some natural makeup.
as you walked down the stairs, you and jack started to eat breakfast together.
“jack why are you being so nice to me today?” you asked as you started to be suspicious
“oh nothing we’re going somewhere” he replied in a weird way
“hmm what do you mean somewhere?”
“don’t worry about it, after you eat i’ll warm up the car”
as time passes by, you went into the car and scrolled thru insta. the drive was 45 mins away.
as soon as you and jack arrived at the destination, you were in shock.
“jack why are we at this beautiful dock with only one yacht?”
“you’ll find out”
“trev! come on over bro!”
“what’s up guys! how are we doing m’lady?”
“dude” jack said as he hit trevor lightly on his chest
“oh oops sorry jack. take a chill pill man”
“guys! why are we here?”
“you see y/n i will be your butler”
“no way trevor, are you serious? on this yacht your a butler?” you laughed
“anyways y/n come inside” jack said
as you walked inside, you started to see the beautiful sunset outside.
“jack, honey this is beautiful” you said as you walked to the table
“i know that’s why i’ve been calling trevor”
“trev you guys!” you said as you went in for a hug
after trevor served you and jack food, jack told trevor to record this moment.
“uhh jack-“
jack kneeled on one knee and held a ring box.
“y/n will you marry me and be mine forever?”
“jack, yes of course!”
“she said yes guys!” trevor shouted in happiness
“i will always love you jack!!”
“thank you trevor for everything man”
“aye no problem” trevor said with a smile
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 20,123 others
y/n user: got engaged to my #1 ! 🤗🤍
trevorzegras: happy to help you guys with this! 😊
jackhughes: she my number 1 😍
_quinnhughes: Yall didn’t even invite me to this 🙄
[jackhughes: chill quinn we’ll invite you to the wedding 😐
[_quinnhughes: Yeah y’all better
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
Love your writing it makes my day so much better when I see you wrote something else anyways can you please write a smut where Pedro catches the reader touching herself because she couldn’t wait so pedri punishes her pls if you do not it’s ok thanks love ya
A/N: hope you like it 😊
Warnings: ⚠️ smut ⚠️
You hadn’t seen Pedri all day. He had woken up early and decided not to wake you up before he left for training. He took a picture of you sleeping and placed a small kiss on your forehead before heading out.
You had spent all day running around the city for work and now all you wanted to do was sit and read a book as you waited for him. You took a warm shower and put on a top and shorts before climbing into bed. You put on some low music and began to read.
You loved to read books about love and sometimes they got a bit steamy. This one wasn’t the exception. You placed the book down and closed your eyes as you reached for your middle. You could feel yourself wet from what you had read, always imagining it was Pedri who was doing those things to you. You put one finger in and although it wasn’t as good as when it was his fingers it was good enough. With your other hand you went under your top and grabbed your nipples. -Pedri.- You moaned at the mere thought of having him home and doing these things to you. You continued the movements.
You were too involved with what you were feeling to hear as Pedri came into the house. He placed his bag down and began to look for you. A smile growing when he reached the hallway and he heard your moans.
-Babe!- He startled you as he walked into the room with a smirk on his face. -Those books.- He said while looking at your book thrown over on the side of the bed. You bit your bottom lip and stared at him thinking how he had gotten home at the perfect time.
-Come here.- You said extending your arm for him. He shook his head. -You think I should reward you for not waiting for me?- He said causing you to roll your eyes as you realized he was going to make it harder for you.
-Papi, come here!- You pleaded. He took his shirt off and walked towards you. He licked his lips as he took the covers off of your body and stared.
He leaned into your middle, you spread your legs wanting him to touch you immediately. He looked up at you and smirked. He began to leave soft kisses all up your legs until he got to your middle. You couldn’t take it anymore, feeling as you throbbed for his touch.
-Pedro, please?- He shook his head. He came up and began to feverishly kiss you. His pants were now gone and you wrapped your legs around him, feeling his tip close to you. -You’re going to have to be patient, mami.- He said into your ear causing you to feel a rush of adrenaline throughout your body.
-Come on, Pedri.- You begged. But he wouldn’t budge. While you kissed, while your legs still wrapped around him, you reached down and grabbed him. You pushed your body down and moaned as you placed his tip at your entrance. You managed to slip the tip in but he pulled out. -Mami, I said you had to wait.-
You looked up at him, your swollen lips parted as you anticipated his touch. His mouth went towards your nipples causing you to moan with every lick he took.
You were getting wetter by the second and he knew it. -Why don’t you tell me what your book said that turned you on so much?- He asked causing you to blush.
You giggled and took your hand towards your middle as he continued to suck on your nipples. You moaned his name out.
-No, no y/n.- He scolded you as he moved your hands above your head and held them by your wrists. Continuing the sucking on your nipples. You bucked your hips up trying to make any sort of contact with him. He felt your middle against his chest and groaned at how wet you were.
You finally felt as he dipped one, two, three fingers in. You moved your hips against his fingers as he moved them in a way that made you feel like in heaven. -Do you like it like this?- Pedri asked knowing the answer perfectly fine. But it turned you on, that he knew he was the best you had ever had and that you thought of him doing all of these things to you.
Eventually he positioned himself and entered you as you were on all fours on the bed. His chest hitting your back, his hands grabbing onto your hips, leaving bruises from grabbing you hard to pull you in to meet his thrusts.
The two of you moaned in unison. The sound of him moaning without any control was something you would never get tired of. He continued to thrust into you, your bodies meeting each other and making a sweet melody. You reached your hand in between your thighs and grabbed his balls as he thrusted into you. You heard him moan out your name and when you turned to look at him his eyes were shut, eyebrows furrowed, and his cheeks were red.
You were so in love with this man. Everything about him was perfect, even the face he made when he came. You felt as his thrusts became sloppier and you knew he was almost ready. You pushed your hips back to meet his movement which caused him to touch you deeper. You were a moaning mess. You felt tears coming down your eyes because of how good he made to feel.
-I’m about to come.- He whispered as you continued to move onto him. Feeling as he lost control. -Come for me, Pedri.- You said to him which did it for him. You felt as he came undone and at the same time you felt a rush of pleasure run through your body. You came right after him and it was magical.
Tag list:? @cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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charlunday · 9 months
Please share all your thoughts for Frankenstein AU.. Thank you 😊
OKAY YES!! several people asked me in the tags but I wanted an ask to answer so thank you nonny ❤️
Anyway, here are my thoughts:
I started thinking about this because it's approaching Halloween season. I was like "would he be a werewolf? A vampire? A ghost?" And then I had my genius epiphany. NO. He would NOT be any of those things. You know what he is? He's a fucking Frankenstein. (Nobody better get on me about "Frankenstein is the scientist" I will BLOCK YOU)
The whole thing of Frankenstein is feeling rejected by your creator. Feeling unwanted. Feeling like a burden, a mistake, a stupid creature. Who feels like that? Our boy Peeta
To make up for people always ignoring/ forgetting he's disabled, I have decided to make him more disabled. So not only does he have a missing leg, but he also has severe chronic pain.
I think for the purposes of this story, he was created by Dr. Gaul. For no other reason than she seems like the type to do that tbh. But! At the time the story takes place, she is long dead, kind of like in Edward Scissorhands.
So Peeta sort of has free reign over this castle, but he was conditioned into submission for so long that he stays in his old habits, like sleeping in a closet in the basement.
Also because of how big he is, he was essentially trained to fear pain instead of retaliating. Otherwise, he definitely could have snapped Gaul in half and run away.
He did try to run away! And his leg was taken away as punishment.
Anyway, on to how he meets Katniss.
He can't stay in the castle forever, and so will venture out into the woods. He'll catch things like rats and eat them raw, since his food has long run out. He does feel bad about it though.
So one rainy day he's in the woods, and so is a beautiful young huntress. But she slips on some rocks and hits her head! (Or falls from a slippery tree, whichever you prefer) And he rescues her. Takes her back to the castle, tries to help her but doesn't really know how, so he just kind of sits there until she wakes up
And when she does. Well. Obviously she is very freaked out. Starts throwing things at this huge intimidating guy in a strange castle. But instead of fighting back, he gets upset and covers his head
So like, she soon realizes that this dude is incapable of hurting a fly. He's just very fucked up
But anyway, that's really all I have. Obviously they fall in love. She teaches him more things about the world. He quickly gets attached to her, feeling things he's never felt before. Then there's the question if his feelings are even real, if he's even real, etcetera.
They're just really sweet. And he's just a gentle giant. And I love it.
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deadgirlkisses · 1 year
Hi!! I would like to ask, if possible, the lifestyle of Baro x black reader in general with the mention of household chores, what they do with their free time, how they sleep together and more if you have inspiration😊
Bye 🫶🏽
Mr. n' Ms.' routine ♡
in which you spend a day with barou.
c.w: black reader, pro footballer! barou, fly girl shit, the gym, idk anything else!
a.n: i post like every blue moon i swear LMFAOOOOO, but anyways, thank you for asking!
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barou wakes up pretty early in the morning to head for training so you wake up without him, but he sends you a voice note saying sweet words to you! something like:
" mornin' doll ♡, practise was good, i'm driving right now but i'm gonna get something from that caffe you were talking about. anyways, i'll reach in 20 minutes, tops, so don't miss me too much, babe, i'll be there. love you forever. "
you get ready to make some breakfast for yourself, (or if you feel lazy to, you can order!) and do your cute lil' skin n' hygiene routine!
when he comes back home, he makes sure to pester you with tons of kisses and goes straight to shower & change and comes back to eat breakfast with you.
you two work together to wash and put away the dishes which typically takes hours because you two are mostly just talking about the most stupid shit, but work gets done!
you can finally get to work in your cute office in which barou chills out in the living room watching some of his favourite shows until he gets bored and starts trying to cuddle with you while you're trying to focus.
'rou knows how to cook real bad, so expect him to make you something really nice, maybe even something from your culture because you taught him how to make it!
but lunch is that time of the day when you don.t need to eat anything that big and appetizing (if i'm correct) and so, he would probably make you a sandwich or order something for you if he feels too tired to make anything and you're too busy.
now in the afternoon, he gets pretty tired and takes a nap in your shared bed after playing some FIFA or probably COD and just dozes off, but always tosses and turns incase you're not there laying next to him :(
you tend to do some laundry and organizing your closets and cleaning up a bit before eating some lunch and going back to work!
if barou doesn't feel tired, he'll help you clean up or will clean up himself!
barou and you tend to go to the gym at night since not that many people are there and it feels more soothing to work out at night.
he drives while you're the passenger princess (he jokes about this a lot and once called himself "passenger king" when you were driving) looking all dolled up but ready for a pretty nice work out.
he helps you through out like a personal trainer and listens to your shared playlist during the exercise until you're done n' head out.
he normally gives you the aux and can be seen mouthing the lyrics to your favourite songs since you're always playing them in the car with his left hand steerin' while the other grippin' your thigh (alexa, play "don't" by bryson tiller!).
" ugh, i'm so tired, i wanna go home, and my thighs hurt :( " " no worries, i'll stretch you out, alright? " " mmh, that sounds nice- wait stretch me out? what you mean by that? " " in the way a queen needs to be stretched out ♡ "
you two take a nice bath together and do your night routine together taking 30 minutes until you make dinner together, making a beautiful dish!
once done eating, its back to the kitchen again to wash and put back all the dishes, brushing your teeth in the bathroom, hopping into your bed and watching your favourite netflix show and maybe doing something crazy ♡
but, at the end of the day, dolls need their beauty sleep and lovin' ♡
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lilbadgyu · 1 year
Can I please request Father’s Day featuring Mingyu? 🥰
oh my gosh YES OFC!!
Best Years: 김민규
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Best Years by 5 Seconds of Summer
Main Master List Seventeen Master List
Warnings: none (y/d/n = your daughters name)
Word count: 974
Summary: Mingyu's first fathers day, you have to make it special 😊
The sun came through the windows, causing you to wake up; as well as hearing your daughter cry loudly. you looked over to see if mingyu was next to you, but he was gone. you let out a sigh, throwing the blankets off of you, and getting out of bed to go into your daughters room. there you saw mingyu standing by the window with your daughter in his arms. "Well good morning to your two." you said with a smile, brushing your hand down his back, "what are you doing up?"
"she woke up, i didn't want you to wake up, you were peacefully sleeping." mingyu answered, turning to you slightly.
you looked up to him, a soft smile on your face. "but she is not calming down i think she wants you." mingyu chuckled softly.
mingyu handed you your daughter, and within a second she was calming down. "see what did i tell you." mingyu joked before walking out, and going downstairs.
you looked to your 7 month old, "you know, we are going to have to make this day special for him." you told her, bouncing her on your hip slightly, causing her to giggle.
you put your other hand around her and began your way downstairs. "do you have schedule today?" you asked him, putting your daughter in her play pen.
"just for a few hours, i'll be home around i think 3?" mingyu said, grabbing a water from the fridge.
"i'll be at home then," you walked up to him, mingyu leaning down to give you a kiss, "happy father's day by the way." you smiled.
mingyu gave you another kiss, "thank you my love." he told you before grabbing his keys and heading to the door, "i love you." mingyu said before walking out.
"i love you." you replied.
mingyu headed out, and you looked to your daughter, watching her play with her stuffed animals. "alright, we have three hours to do something for him." you said.
the thing was... mingyu was a hard person to shop for; at least to you. yet today, you just wanted to start with something simple. you decided to clean up the house a bit, but once you finished, you had no idea what to do next. you pulled out your phone, going to text wonwoo.
hey i need help with getting something for gyu
i mean, i don't know what to get him for his first fathers day, and i want to make it special for him
i'll be over in a few then
wonwoo... a man of few words.
you sat at your kitchen island, scrolling through twitter, waiting for wonwoo. of course when wonwoo arrived, he just walked right into the living room through the garage entrance. "oh my gosh thank you." you said right when he came in.
"you don't know what to get your own partner for fathers day?" wonwoo questioned, putting his jacket on the coat hanger by the door.
"no because he is so hard to get gifts for anyway." you sighed.
wonwoo went over to your daughters play pen, picking her up, "you got so big since that last time i saw you." wonwoo said, putting her on his hip.
"see he gets me things, and then always stops me from getting him things. i just never have had the chance to really know what he likes." i answered, going over and sitting on the couch.
"well think about it this way," wonwoo put your daughter back in her playpen, "mingyu is a family man, so just you two being here is all he could ask for. so i don't know, do with that what you will." wonwoo explained.
"that doesn't give- i-" you let out a frustrated sigh, "this is so stressful."
"you're just overthinking it y/n. think simple." wonwoo said.
you leaned back against the couch. "i don't know what else to do." you sighed.
"just think simple." wonwoo repeated, "you got this. you literally love mingyu so much, and he loves you so much."
you daughter began to want your attention, making you go over and picking her up. you sat her on your lap, "i don't know woo, he's been an amazing dad, and i just want to show him that." you said, brushing the small hairs back on your daughters head.
"you always do, even before your daughter was born. whatever your doing to do, you will do great." wonwoo said.
wonwoo left about an hour later, after helping you set up a small gift basket for mingyu. you just put your daughter down for her usual nap, you heard the garage entrance open, and then shut. you went downstairs, seeing mingyu with a bright smile on his face once he saw you. "well hello baby!" mingyu beamed.
"hello, how was your practice?" you asked, going to him to give him a hug.
mingyu wrapped his arms around your shoulders, placing a kiss on your forehead, "practice was great, how was your day?" mingyu asked, keeping his arms around you, rocking side to side as you two walked back.
"pretty good, y/d/n actually was very calm today. i just put her down for her nap too." you answered.
mingyu looked down to you with a smile, "wonwoo told me you texted him trying to get help to surprise me." mingyu said with a chuckled, "you know that- you and y/d/n are the best thing that has ever happened to me. i don't need any other present."
"i know but you've been there for her when i can't be, and even when i was having bad days you're there- i just wanted to show you that we really appreciate you." you explained.
"you have given me the best years i could ever ask for."
AN: i am so sorry this took a while but i hope you like it :)
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wandabear · 2 years
Hello how are you? I'd like to ask for something like Y/n and Wanda in a zombie apocalypse. I'm not very good at summarizing but I hope you can write, thanks 🤗😊
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WHERE ARE YOU NOW? - WANDA MAXIMOFF X F!READER Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - chapter 3
Thank you for giving me this one! It was really cool, some time ago I wrote something about this and it was good to do it again. I hope you like it or enjoy it. 🌻
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The noise of the pen hitting that paper again and again, with some anxiety. The woman sighed, thinking how silly this idea was, but she still kept going town after town, city after city searching for her…Even if she wasn’t there. She was never there. ㅤㅤㅤ   
She carried a list of cities that Wanda might have fled to after the 'catastrophe'. Boston Providence New Heaven New York New Jersey Pennsylvania?
The idea was to leave a letter in each place. One where only she knew where to find, a little code between them in their past. A clue to follow. A little hope.
Everytime, Wanda and Y/N always used to play a little game where they had to guess where they might be. Only that time… they were separated forever.
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“Are we talking about something apocalyptic like… zombies, alien invasion or a climatic catastrophe?” Y/N asked, curious as she cut up some cheese so they could enjoy while dinner was in the oven.
“Zombies?” Wanda wrinkled her nose.
“Okay but… ‘I am Legend’ zombie style or just dumb zombies like ‘The Walking dead’?” She frowned at Wanda, offering some pieces of cheese to her.
“Well...”  Wanda took a piece of cheese and ate it. Delicious. Those warm moments together, the good times. “The first ones are like mutated, they're really wild… and the second ones are zombies. So I would say more like 'the walking dead'... Slow ones but dangerous.”
“Okay, okay. That’s good, I have big chances to survive. Zombie outbreak, virus thing. Big deal.” Y/N nodded.
“You wake up and you’re in this big place, a big city. What’s the first thing you would do? Think about it, your life depends on it.” Wanda asked as she washed some dishes. They used to play that game every time one of them cooked or washed the dishes, it was fun.
“Maybe try to get away from the city?”  Y/N shrugged, staying a little thoughtful until then looking back at her beloved girlfriend. “But definitely, I would always be with you. I woudn't know what to do without you.”
Wanda looked at her for a moment, trying not to smile but it was impossible.
“You’re so whipped, detka.”
“Oh, shut up!”
Y/N sighed deeply at that memory and opened her eyes again, coming back to the cold reality, back to life. Picking up the pen again, she began to write on the paper.
« Wanda... It’s me again. I know, I must look really crazy writing letters to someone who will never read them. Who keeps writing letters in times like this, right? Maybe that’s the answer, you know me, I’ve always been somewhat like a pro for these cheesy dumb stuff. I’m not good at expressing myself, but at loving… well... I try.
A friend told me that maybe the way to find you it's trying something else. Anyway, there are days like today when I can’t stop thinking about you. We recently came to New York. Yelena, Kate, Jules and me.
They help me everyday… to not lose my mind, of course.  You wouldn't recognize me right now. How long have we stopped talking to each other? That day, yes…
I don’t know what to say. Before, I knew what to say to you, I had so many beautiful words to say to you, until you left. You left. But that doesn’t matter now, right? Because I know you were saving yourself. I saw him.  He seemed nice. It seemed like he made you happy.
All these years I have been… I’m no longer the same person I was before.  I've killed people… I needed to survive, I didn't have another option. I’m not the same… but there’s something that would never change and is that I would never stop loving you.
I know we were so damn stupid, enough to let us go.
Please, I just wanna know, are you still alive? Tell me, does it make sense that I’m still looking for you? Should I give up as everyone says? Please, give me a sign. Please, be alive.
Hope to see you again. I love you.
For a moment, Y/N wondered if she was doing the right thing, the reflection in the mirror showing that she was a completely different woman. Not only physically, but also inside. Was she right to look for her?
Y/N sighed once more and then folded that letter slowly and carefully. She got up from her seat and looked in that house for the perfect place to hide it, she ended up doing it behind some nice painting. A beautiful beach and a purple sunset, something that made her smile slightly with melancholy and nostalgia.
After putting away the letter, Y/N took one of her paint spray cans and began to write on the wall, something that only Wanda could understand and big enough for her to see, pointing to that painting. A date.
‘JULY 8, 2022’ - Y/N.
"You're still doing it, huh?"  A voice behind her made Y/N turn around. She could easily recognize Yelena's accent everywhere. The blonde finished adjusting her backpack and a machete on her waist when she approached to see that graffiti. "Do you think they'll ever see it?"
"I hope so." Y/N looked down at her, leaning down to grab her own. To one side her ax was waiting for her, with which she was in charge of freeing the path of the zombies that got in their way.
"Is Kate ready?" The taller woman asked her as they left that room, they found refuge in an old bar in Little Italy. Although Y/N had completely refused to visit Manhattan as she felt there would be too much danger, the three of them managed to avoid all the hordes of zombies surrounding that city.
"She was able to get some arrows from an old gun shop, we make others… with my amazing and  skillful help. You know? I'm good at that." The blonde said with a smug smile. Yelena was finally getting into a good mood after eating something other than beans.
They found some things to eat, some rice and some cans of tuna. Sadly though, no macaroni.
"I'm ready!" Kate smiled, as always. Sometimes Y/N was surprised by that, Kate always tried to see the positive in all the chaos that surrounded her. So unlike Yelena, who was completely in love with Kate.
Beside Kate was Jules, who had red eyes for almost an entire week. Her jaw and headaches were getting worse and they couldn't find any drugstore, not even a damn painkiller. What was the point of being a doctor if she couldn't even help her best friend?
"We’re ready." Jules barely whisper, gently rubbing the side of her face.
ㅤㅤㅤ    The four women left that place carefully and very quietly, somewhat sad to leave such a pleasant place, but it was too exposed. Danger was always around the corner.
They got far enough from the main streets, daylight was not the best idea to travel, but the night used to be quite dangerous in that area.
"Where are we going now?" Kate asked wincing, trying to block out the sun that was shining directly into her eyes. She put on black glasses that Yelena gave her a few weeks ago. The glasses were her favorite color, purple.
They just walked stealthily through that uninhabited part of the city. Y/N looked over Yelena's shoulder, who was sniffing around one of the maps they stole from an old newsstand.
“New Jersey.”  Y/N whispered, Yelena simply nodded knowing that she was the best choice before traveling, start the road to the center of the country, maybe they could find some nice farm... maybe.
Find a nice and lonely place in the center of the country. Wooded areas, maybe. Where the land was fertile and they could harvest, try to find a quiet life after the tragedy.
“Y/N... You know that it’s possible that you may not find her… after so much chaos… she may even be a Biter. Why do you keep trying?” Yelena asked, looking at Y/N, knowing that it might hurt but it was the truth. In front of them, Kate and Jules chatted about how wonderful the city was before the 'incident'. New York lights left anyone dazed.
“Have you stopped looking for Natasha?” Y/N answered in the same way, noticing how the blonde was now facing forward. A quiet Yelena meant a battle won. “You can't fool me, Yelena. 'Cause, just as I leave letters everywhere, I know you don't stop trying again and again on all those radio frequencies and channels. Searching, asking, calling her. Every channel possible.”
Yelena was quiet, she knew that Y/N was right.
"There you have, that's the same answer to the question you're asking me now. Now, can we go on?" The brunette swallowed hard, watching as little by little they approached the Hudson River. Some cars were abandoned, completely destroyed or burned. The girls took some time trying to remove as much fuel as possible from one of the cars and some stuff that could be useful.
"What now?" Kate asked, looking at the river, knowing that nothing good would come of them swimming across the water. They hadn't seen the Biters swim, but there were other kinds of dangers they couldn't expose themselves to.
“We must cross the river.”  Y/N wrinkled her nose, looking both ways. “We can find a boat, we can walk to the George Washington Bridge or we can go through the tunnels. Lincoln tunnel is the closest I think.”
“We don't know if there will be a boat nearby.” Yelena shook her head, trying to block the sunlight from hitting her face. She hated the weather lately, the sun was hotter and the night was colder.  “The tunnels will definitely be dark and full of biters… But we don't know if it will be safe to cross the bridge, it's full of abandoned cars… there could be biters there too.
“Geez.” Jules whispered.
“I'm not going to lie to you, there probably are biters there. Less than the dark tunnels, we have a better chance of getting out alive if we go across the bridge.” The tallest brunette began to walk, noting that the bridge was about two kilometers away. Y/N turned to see one of her best friends, the one who could save them. “I trust Kate's aim and her bow.  I trust you'll have our backs, but do you think you can do it?”
The gaze of the three women was fixed on the younger girl, who nodded quickly, although Kate wasn't going to deny that she was feeling quite nervous.
“Perfect then. Kate will watch our backs from distant threats and we must protect her…” Y/N finally said. The four took their backpacks and walked around that river, praying that no threat would appear to them.
And yes, although several Biters appeared, none were difficult to kill. From distance, Kate managed to take down some Biters with her arrows while Yelena and Y/N finished off those caught between the cars.
They walked about seven hours, getting far enough from the city. By going through the bridge, they avoided a huge horde of biters who apparently had taken refuge in the tunnels.
Seven hours, maybe 22 miles, plus another hour, because one of the roads was destroyed. According to Kate who was reading the map, they arrived at a town called ‘Westview’ in New Jersey. Although it wasn't what Y/N expected, it wasn't too bad to be able to find a small town to spend the night away from the city.
It was a pretty quiet place, kind of nice. Those where you can hear the birds in the morning and listen to the crickets at night.  Perhaps, if that terrible tragedy had not happened, it wouldn’t been bad to live in such a place. Or at least that's what Y/N thought.
Wanda would be in love with a place like this…
Some empty buildings and abandoned houses in the suburbs. What appeared to be a huge building with a huge clock that reminded her of 'Back to the future'. A nice gazebo too.
Spent about forty minutes looking for a place to rest and make something to eat. They were about to give up when finally, the girls found some luck in their pockets.
They reached a huge abandoned supermarket, that made them feel a bit excited, but not everything was good news. To their bad luck, they found nothing but leftovers and garbage. The shelves were down and broken, a completely desolate place.
“This place really sucks!” Yelena yelled really annoyed, throwing an empty box of macaroni and cheese.  Clearly someone took ALL those boxes and that made her so damn furious.
ㅤㅤㅤ     “Don't worry, we'll find others boxes somewhere.” Kate said looking at her from one of the shelves. Feeling really lucky, the archer found some bottles of water and some gunpowder in the hardware store.
The Russian just kept growling under her breath some words in russian that none of them could understand. Y/N stuffed a few things into her backpack as she watched Jules, who seemed somewhat down. Really down.
“Are you okay, chicken?” Y/N asked a little worried, noticing how Jules simply nodded slowly with a small friendly smile.
It definitely wasn't and Y/N knew it.
“I promise we'll find something, really.” She tried, but Jules just shrugged, she completely lost all hope some time ago.
“If the infection progresses, there will be no going back and you know it. We need painkillers, antibiotics right now…” Jules simply tried to say something, but her voice cracked. “I'm fine for now...”
"We'll find it and you'll be fine, I'll be able to take it off."
“What do you want me to say? That I'm fine, but I'm not, I'm just waiting for me to get sepsis and die horribly? Just because of a stupid infection!”
“Jules…” Y/N whispered and reached out to pat her shoulder when Yelena's voice caught their attention.
“You have to come to see this, right now.” The blonde said, seemed quite excited and that caught the attention of both women, who looked at each other a bit confused.
They followed Yelena to one of the rear warehouses, a huge door that had previously seemed to be locked with various objects, was now open showing the amount of boxes they had stored.
“Kate found it after pushing two of the fallen shelves against the door.” Yelena said with a proud smile, pointing to some boxes of macaroni and cheese, although some seemed to have broken they were in good condition. “I can't believe they left all this behind!”
“It’s just one box of macaroni…”
A huge smile and a hopeful look appeared on the faces of those four women. They were soon taking it upon themselves to collect a few things like they were kids at a candy store, trying to grab as much food as possible - and find medicine for Jules - when Y/N stopped.
A huge smile and a hopeful look appeared on the faces of those women.
They were soon taking it upon themselves to collect a few things like they were kids at a candy store, trying to grab as much food as possible - and find medicine for Jules - when Y/N stopped.
She heard a strange sound that came from some hidden doors, covered by boxes in the back of the warehouse. Even some coming from what appeared to be a huge freezer.
Y/N looked at that door for a moment, somewhat doubtful not knowing if she heard a noise or maybe it had been her mind, playing tricks on her.
She waited a few seconds but heard just hopeful silence. Yes, surely it was her mind.
The brunette smiled and shook her head, she went back to taking some cans of corned beef when she heard some knocks again, this time more insistent and perhaps more terrifying.
“Girls… Who got in first?” Y/N asked, a little hesitant.
“Kate.” Said the blonde one, who was busy putting things in her bag. Yelena and Kate approached Y/N, now the three of them seemed a bit hesitant to move forward.
“Then I want to assume that you know what's behind that door...” the doctor murmured, but again, new knocks were heard again. This time, stronger and even more.
“I didn't even know there was a door there.” Kate swallowed, a little embarrassed and scared.
The knocks became stronger, so much so that the door began to shake, ready to break, and the chains that locked it began to give up.
“We have to go.”
“But we have stuff...”
“We must go now!” Y/N yelled taking her backpack and backing away. Her friends did the same and went out the door, as soon as they managed to do so that huge door fell hard, letting through a horde of completely hungry and outraged zombies.
The girls ran as fast as they could, avoiding some fallen furniture and jumping over it with agility. Y/N managed to grab Jules and get her out of there as fast as she could, saving her life from being eaten by the horde.
"Wait, I couldn't get medicine!"
"If you go back YOU'RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAY!" Yelena said seeing how Kate turned to shoot some arrows, making the zombies closer to fall and delay the others.
"COME OOON! I'M GONNA KILL YOU BOTH!" Y/N yelled as they ran through the uninhabited streets of that town, trying to lose the horde of zombies, but it seemed quite difficult. They seemed too hungry. How long have they been trapped? No wonder no one had dared to look for all that food.
“SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW!” She heard Kate say, who was shooting her arrows at the fastest biters now.
They managed to kill a bunch of them, but to their bad luck, the noises they made had caught the attention of more biters in that town. The brunette looked for some explosive bottles and threw them at the horde, thanks to Kate's arrows they ended up catching fire but they didn't seem to stop. Yelena managed to spot a large building guarded by huge iron fences that could help.
"this way!" She exclaimed pointing to that building, the public library. The girls ran over and threw their bags on the other side before climb the fences, which looked pretty sharp but was much better than siding with the zombies.ㅤ    
Between the three of them they managed to help Jules through it, who seemed quite sore and tired.
“You okay?” Y/N asked looking at the girl who only nodded slowly, closing her eyes for a few seconds to hide the stabbing pain in her head. “We must hide now, these bars will not help us forever.”
They approached the huge doors that seemed completely sealed from the inside so it was best to go around the building. The windows were boarded up and covered, there was nothing but an old outside entrance to a basement. The door was locked with a chain and a huge padlock.
Y/N searched through her stuff until she found her tools to sneak it open, when Yelena just rolled her eyes at her.
“Step aside.”  The blonde came over and took Y/N's axe, starting to hack the chain until it broke, just like the padlock. The door swung open, letting the women through.
“I was going to do it quietly and not call another horde of hungry zombies!” Y/N complained, shaking her head and taking her axe from Yelena, ready to attack any threat that came near.
“Yes, yes. No problem.” Yelena muttered wryly as they entered the huge library. The place was locked from the inside by various pieces of furniture and bookcases, the windows were sealed or at least the first and only room they reached.
“Not bad, huh.” Kate said with a huge smile. They all nodded somewhat hopefully, happy to find a good place to spend the night when the sound of a gun charging alerted them.
Not just one weapon, but many. Two women were watching them from many meters away, two men from the second floor who were aiming at them too.
"Did you have to say it, Kate?"
“You have three seconds to turn around and leave with the horde you all brought from the supermarket!” growled a redhead with a husky voice. She seemed like a badass, because everyone seemed to pay attention to her.  “How stupid you can be to get into…”
The redhead woman stopped, approaching slowly to see their faces in a better light.
Yelena Belova couldn't believe it, neither could Y/N. Natasha Romanoff was in front of them, keeping her gun behind her pants. She wasted no more time and jumped on both of them, hugging them so tight to never let them go again. She looked different, well, not as much as they expected. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    
“Yelena?… Y/N?” Natasha lowered her gun and took a few steps towards them, completely surprised and excited to see them again.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ     Yelena stammered a few words and just hugged her sister so tightly, fearing that she would disappear again.
Y/N just smiled as she walked away from that hug, letting both sisters meet again, who kept telling each other how much they had missed each other and shedding some tears of happiness.
But her heart skipped a beat, a huge leap that she thought her heart would escape from her chest.
“Y/N?” The brunette heard behind her. That voice, that angelic, soft, lovely voice. That voice that carried a certain shyness, a slight Sokovian accent that made her world shake completely. Her. Was it really her?
As soon as Y/N turned around, she saw her… finally saw her. She looked so different, so…beautiful. Her red hair was left behind, now had her natural brown hair. Wanda.
But before they could say anything, a loud noise was heard and they all watched as Jules ended up on the ground, blacking out.
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As you know, Jules is portrayed by the amazing Adelaide Kane. link
forever taglist? Yes. Here goes some amazing and lovely people tags ✨ : @wandsmxmff, @bluesimps-world, @oh-thats-cute, @sleepilysworld
If you want to be tagged, just ask! Thanks you so muuuuch to the people who leave a ❤️ , 🔁 and leave comments -even as an anon on my mystery box of questions and requests-, you make me keep writing. 🐻ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤ   
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whispering-about-loki · 4 months
Hello 😊 I saw you reblog the a "get to know your writer" post and wondered if it was ok for me to ask a few questions? If so, I'd ask 1, 7, 16, 25 and 56?
Absolutely! Let's see....
1 . Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Honestly, multi-chapter! I actually find it really, really hard to write a one-shot. I mean, I can do it, and certainly have done it... but my plots usually tend to get away from me and branch out here, there, and everywhere! The only problem is, I also don't tend to finish those multi-chapter monsters...
7 . How do you choose which POV to write from?
It depends on what story I am trying to tell. If I want some details to go unknown to a character for mystery's sake, I will write in their POV; or I will write in the POV of the person who has the most emotional stake. When I am writing a ship fic, I often try to write from both POVs (alternating from chapter to chapter) to compare and contrast how they are coping or what they are thinking. The challenge there is to get the "voices" right, though.
16 . How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Far, far too many to count! In way too many different fandoms! Of the stories I haven't posted a word on yet (as opposed to current WIPs that I have up at AO3), there's at least one Lokius AU, a couple Bagginshield angst pieces, three gen TMNT fics, and a couple of random ideas that I have yet to fix a fandom to.
25 . What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
Oh, gosh. It's weird, but although I absolutely love getting comments, I don't often push for them because I don't want to seem... needy, I guess? Back in the late 90s and early naughties, it was actually a lot easier to get responses to fics. The fandoms were smaller and everyone knew everyone, so the stories would be passed between friends online... so now living in the age of kudos is actually a bit disorienting. Of course, the fics that don't get responses are usually about pretty obscure people or situations. Like Afterimage (a short Hobbit thing about Nori as a child), The Touch Of Rain (about Cobb Vanth), and When She Loved Me (an imagined backstory about a character that was only in the TMNT Adventures comics... and when I originally wrote and posted that one twenty-some years ago, it got a much better reception). I do notice that gen stories tend to get swept to the side in favor of ship-fics, though, which always seem to get some kind of response.
56 . What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
Actually, what I mentioned up in #7 about finding the right voices. I think I do okay with getting into characters' heads and making them each sound individual. Again, like I said... it isn't always easy. I'm currently writing a chapter in a story... and in this chapter a character is in medical distress and we are seeing it from their POV. Problem is, two chapters ago there was a different character in medical distress whose POV I was writing from... and in both instances the characters are waking up from being treated. It's taking a bit of juggling to make sure the second one and the first one are different enough so people don't think, "hey... I've read this already!" It helps, I guess, that one of the characters is more skilled in medical concerns, so they are more calm about the whole thing while the other one was in full panic mode.
Anyway, thank you for this! It was fun!
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
I also don't know if ur open to writing Michael Kinsella but if you are I think he deserves more fluff 😊 if not thats totally cool dw!
hi love!! thank you for this! I’ve never written anything for mikey but I’m always willing (I’ve read enough fics about him LOL and @saintmurd0ck is truly the queen of writing him so I feel like I know enough!) here’s a little something fluffy for a rainy afternoon (in my neck of the woods anyway!) thanks babe! ❣️
(also - I am working on your other request too this one just got done first!!)
🔥friday night fever!🔥
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The rain in Ireland is like nothing else. They said you would grow used to it, that you’d grow to despise the dark weather, the looming clouds and damp air, drenched ground and rolling thunder.
But it’s just the opposite. You love the rain, love the thick scent of it in the air, how it lingers the next morning until the next storm, or until the odd sunny day chases the clouds away just for a while. You long for the softness the rain offers, the way it wraps around you like a sweater, inviting you to stay indoors, to find other ways to keep away the cold.
So, when you wake to find the world outside a dark shade of grey, it brings a smile to your face. It means Mikey will be easy to convince, letting you keep him in bed long into the late morning, maybe even into the early afternoon if you’re lucky. He’d been out late last night, his key hitting the lock well past midnight. When you’d seen the look in his eye, you hadn’t asked, hadn’t said a word, taking his outstretched hand and letting him lead you upstairs.
You’d both undressed quietly, heads bowed together, hands working buttons on shirts and zippers on jeans, the clip of your bra and the knot in his tie. Slowly, silently, until you were both nearly bare, Michael just in his tight briefs, you in your underwear as he reached for the dresser, pulling out one of his old t-shirts and handing it to you. You could feel your eyes on him as he helped the fabric over your head, leaning in to kiss your mouth softly, hand curling around the back of your neck as you settled into his shirt.
The only sound in the room was the soft patter of rain at the window, lulling you both to sleep as you climbed into bed, going to find your usual place curled at his side, your head on his chest and your arm slung around your waist. But this time, Mikey moved before you could, sliding down slightly and resting his head on your chest, ear pressed between your breasts, arm sliding across your hips.
“I love you, Michael,” you’d murmured to him, one hand winding into his hair, the other kneading his shoulder.
“Love ya, pet,” he murmured back, and that was that.
It wasn’t unusual behaviour, per se. You’d picked up on the patterns enough; when he has a bad day, he wants comfort, but is still struggling with how to ask for it, finding the silent ways he can get it from you without being a bother. And then the good days, the days where everything is right as rain, and he comforts you, caging you in his arms and kissing the crown of your head.
So it was a bad day, you could deal with that.
He hasn’t moved much, in the night. He’s still sprawled across you, his hair a little more wayward, head resting more on your stomach than your chest. The grey clouds diffuse the light through the window, tricking your bodies into thinking that it’s later than it is, and you silence your alarms once you’re awake, not wanting to disturb the sleeping man on top of you.
You stay quiet, feeling him shift slightly against you, his hand right under the shirt covering your torso, palm dragging down your ribs. You keep your breathing as even as possible, hoping he’ll sleep a little longer, that you can give him just a little more of the comfort he needs.
The rain starts up again not long after you wake, the grey clouds releasing a torrent that plucks against the windowpanes, louder than it had been last night, dripping down the glass in thick rivulets. You watch for a while, transfixed by the flow of the water, so much so that you miss Michael’s rousing against your skin, the soft kisses pressed to your stomach, the squeezing hands along your sides, the almost tickling feeling making you look down at him, his head craned back to look up at you.
“Should be a crime,” he murmurs, “lookin’ tha’ pretty in the mornin’.”
“How’d you sleep?” you ask instantly, carding a hand through his hair. There’s the shadow of a bruise around his eye, darker now; you hadn’t noticed it last night. He blinks languidly back at you, sleep still tainting his features. “Any dreams?”
“Only of you, pet,” he replies, and moves up you slowly, leaning up onto his hands until he’s hovering above you.
He leans down slowly, muscles is his arms bulging, making the tattoos on his skin ripple as he lowers himself. His kiss is soft, gentle noises pulled out of both of you as he kisses your mouth, then your cheeks, the curve of your jaw, the slope of your nose. His beard tickles against your skin, and you take his face in your hands as he continues to kiss you, body slotting against your own, sinking into your comfort. His movements are slow, dreamy, sleep still making a home in his limbs as he gets impossibly closer to you.
It’s a good long while before either of you get out of bed, and when you do, the rain is still falling.
I have a taglist! if you’d like to be tagged in future works, please fill out this form!💕
I don’t have michael kinsella on my taglist so tagging some potentially interested parties: @saintmurd0ck @mindidjarin @phoebe-danvers @freshabogados @e-dubbc11
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aphrodites-law · 2 years
Hi! I was reading Gold, red for the billionth time and I was wondering, if you're up to of course, if you could tell us more about their first time together.
I'm very curious about this moment, how was Lexa and Clarke's reaction about seeing Lexa for the first time.
I really love all your stories, I find them really interesting and when I have a bad day and I don't know what to do, I often read them and they cheer me up, so thank you! 😊
Happy to hear that 💛
Clarke's first time started in a bathroom stall. Lexa worshipped her in there for a bit because they couldn't wait, and then later on in bed more properly, though there was nothing proper about the way Lexa ate her out, to Clarke's delight of course. Lexa remained clothed throughout it and when Clarke came to her senses she had a pretty good notion not to ask about it. She just kissed Lexa's smug face a lot and made her feel appreciated with some cute pillow talk. Lexa loved the cuddling and their little cocoon. There was something incredible about Clarke being completely naked feeling safe and happy in her arms, and not trying to dig for stories she wasn't ready to tell. She could tell Clarke knew there was something but that now was not the time, and for that she adored her even more.
Lexa's 'first time' was later on. Clarke basically had Lexa become more and more comfortable one piece of clothing at a time. Like first they'd make out and take off her pants, then they took off her top in the dark, and Clarke promised she wouldn't touch her back. Little by little Lexa relaxed and allowed herself to get carried away. They'd have sex like that for a bit, with Lexa never fully undressed and Clarke never touching a few parts of her body.
Then Clarke makes a mistake and touches Lexa's back in the heat of the moment. Her finger traces a scar absentmindedly, taken by the rough texture, and before she knows it Lexa has flung herself on the opposite side of the room like a petrified animal. Clarke manages to diffuse the situation, but Lexa starts to let her fears take over. She briefly breaks up with Clarke:
“Please don’t do this.”
“It’s just not working-” Her voice cracks and you know it’s not what she wants, but then she inhales sharply and straightens her shoulders. She puts on a mask, one you’ve never seen before. “We’re not on the same page.” 
She’s staring at the floor and somehow it hurts more than anything she says. “At least look at me when you’re breaking my heart.” 
Her eyes widen when they finally meet yours. You didn’t mean to say that now, but that’s what it feels like. And it makes you so angry; not at her, but at everything that led her to this moment, where someone’s love for her would be shocking. But she digs her heels in anyway, her chin stubbornly raised and her jaw clenched. 
You know this battle isn’t an easy one, but she’ll always be worth fighting for. You step closer to her and reach for her hand, relieved when she lets you. 
“This-” you entwine your fingers and keep them pressed against your body “-has been the most incredible part of my life. So if it’s not working then nothing ever will. Nothing will make more sense than you do. You can let it go if you need to, but I think we have a shot at something beautiful. And if tomorrow or next week you wake up realizing you made a huge fucking mistake, you know where to find me.” 
Then Lexa has a conversation with Anya, who (lovingly) tells her to stop being an absolute dumbass and let the (obvious) love of her life slip away. Lexa goes to Clarke in the middle of the night and opens up about her past. They take a bath and Lexa lets Clarke sit behind her. Clarke sees her back for the first time and kisses it, then holds Lexa tightly. Clarke worships Lexa fully that night and they cuddle naked for the first time 🥹
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justimagineok · 1 year
2:30 series - in the middle 4
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Summary: One too sure, the other not that much. One focused on the present, the other too stuck on the past and afraid of the future. Both of them in love with each other.
A/N: TLet me know if you have any questions ;) as always feedback is always appreciated! feel free to reblog, comment or send me an ask at anytime 😊
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"I walked around the room today.", Jungkook vocalized proudly as  soon as you walked inside the room.
"Really? That's amazing, Kook! I'm proud of you!", Jungkook nods, blushing at your compliments. You haven't seen him smile like that in so long... it was good. You missed it.
"Why are you staring at me?", Jungkook calls, making you come back to the present. "Nothing. I like seeing you happy, that's all."
Jungkook grins at your words, but his smile fades quickly. "I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure, what is it?", you answer as you fix your posture, ready to listen.
"I think it's best if you go home.", he said simply, avoiding your eyes.
"Yeah. I'm much better now. There's no reason for you to keep coming back here.", Jungkook kept his eyes glued to the television in front of him.
"Yo--  you want me to go?"
He nodded in agreement. "But why?", you didn't understand.
"It's the best. Since you been back to my life and to my days, I began to think that I don't wanna wake up and find out  you're not here," he whispered, closing his eyes. "So, it's best if you go."
Your heart race hearing his words. "Kook, I can stay, it's really no bother."
"It's a bother to me, YN. Can't you see? ", his eyes were full of dark circles, like he didn't sleep thinking about this. "Maybe it doesn't hurt you, but it hurts me. You staying all this time with me was a mistake. I'm hurting all over again, 'cause in the end you're just gonna leave me again." he looks at you pleading. "So can you, please, just go already?"
"I don't wanna leave. I wanna stay.", you state. "I am not leaving, Kook."
"I am grateful, you know.", Jungkook continues, like you didn't say anything before. "For everything you've ever done for me... I noticed. And I saw you. And I've never thanked you properly, so... thank you, YN. You've done so much for me. You're the best, okay? Simply the best. Thanks for putting up with me.“
"Stop thanking me, Jungkook... It's freaking me out", you try to joke, but he stays dead serious. "Everything will be okay. You're not alone in this.", you give a step closer to him, but Jungkook slammed the small Breakfast table in front of him so hard that it made you jump in surprise.
"Do you really think things will get better and get back to how it was?! It's not, YN! IT'S FUCKING NOT! Stop telling me things will be okay! Stop lying to me."
"I'm not lying", you defend.
"I can't do this anymore, YN. Look at the way I'm treating you..." Jungkook sighted,  his voice breaking. "Why won't you just leave me? I deserve it."
You give a step closer, still not touching him, afraid of how he'd react. "Because you would never leave me, Kook." Jungkook swallowed hard, looking away from you. He already made up his mind.
"I already talked to my mom, she's gonna stay with me tonight. Namjoon will come visit in a few minutes, so you can go.", he didn't spare you a glance as he said it.
"I understand if you don't want me here tonight, but I'm coming again tomorrow, Jungkook. You're stuck with me", you smiled at him, but he just shrugged.
"Do whatever you want, YN" he whispers. "It's not like I can't stop you anyway."
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ddwcaph-game · 4 months
hi there! This is more of an appreciation ask than a question, sorry about the ramble! I read through the game a couple of weeks ago but honestly it's still living in my head rent-free. I wanted to see what having a crush on Wayne was like and did my MC fall HARD. I honestly can't imagine her with anyone else 😂 I saw one of your posts and noticed that there can be two confession scenes with Wayne but I don't think I triggered them- my MC is shy so I didn't click on any that was clearly bold and I also avoided some of the yellow hearts because of that same reason so 😬 at least there are more chances in the future? And I definitely don't think he was there at first because MC woke up to her twin.
Anyways it's still fine! I really love this game and the slice-of-life, it makes me feel so cozy and like a little kid again 🥰 thank you for sharing it!
Hehe, thank you so much! Wayne and I are very much glad to hear that. 😊
The two confession scenes were both in Chapter 4:
Confessing in front of his dad in The NeStore (only available if you already picked a choice with a blue heart before)
Stealing a kiss on the cheek during the group photo scene (only available if you have the [Romantic] Trait)
And yup, there would be definitely lots more chances in the future. (Also, just to be clear, Wayne's hearts are blue, the yellow crush hearts are for JM, hehe.)
Oh and to clarify, MC always wakes up in Chapter 5 with their twin. What I meant is that Wayne and Roselyna will arrive with Tita Josie if they have a secret crush on MC (and if you aren't already bestfriends with them). I figured MC & Twin should have their own moment together first, before everyone else.
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