#anyway!!! thank you so much for asking me this and for keeping me company anon!!!!!
stormyoceans · 10 months
What is the first bl you ever watched? :))
my very first BL was SOTUS way back in 2017!!!!
my girlfriend of the time was really into it so she convinced me to watch both that and then later that same year the original 2moons as well. even if our relationship ended badly and im fully aware of the problematic aspects of the show, im still very fond of SOTUS, especially because i feel like it treated its female characters way better than some of more recent BLs even do
i was never active in the fandom back in the days tho and after i broke up with my ex-girlfriend i stepped away from the BL world until 2021, when by complete accident i saw someone i followed on tumblr reblog a gifset of history 3: trapped and i got really really curious about it until i decided to watch it, got completely obsessed by it and decided to make this sideblog (which very quickly became my main one ;;;;;)
so yeah, technically my very first BL was SOTUS, but history 3: trapped was what actually made me want to explore the genre and interact with the fandom!!!
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allysunny · 4 months
Hello!! Can i request a 14 + 19 + n for Miguel? remember to take care of yourself as always :)) , luv from anon! 🎀
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"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me” + “I’ve got you” + Pregnancy x Miguel O’Hara
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Words: 4.1k words
Warnings: Beach day! Fluff, pregnancy, mentions of body image issues, mention of suggestive themes, some light angst (if you squint, really), soft Miguel, he's an incredible husband <3 If I missed anything, let me know, I'm terrible at tagging! Not proofread - oops!
A/N: Hey everyone!!! I'm back!!! Wow, I could post two works this week? Insane!!! Well, it was a real blast writing this. I mean it, I got it ready in like, a day or two. That's just how much fun I had with this little drabble! It was just so cute, and I'm a sucker for soft Miguel. I missed writing for him!!!
Once again, I ask your patience. I promise I haven't given up on writing, I'm just really, really busy hahaha.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this! I certainly did <3
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“These are so good…” you mumbled, biting into the treat in your hand.
Miguel, standing next to you, winced and his face contorted in a slight expression of disgust. “Cream cheese with anchovies?” he asked, “Yes, mi vida. I’m sure it’s delicious.”
You kept on biting at your sandwich, a content smile on your lips.
“How’d you know this is exactly what I’d want right now?” you asked, mouth stuffed. Miguel winced again. You knew it bothered him when people spoke with their mouth full, and yet he said nothing, simply happy to watch his loving wife indulge in her (honestly appalling) sandwich.
“Call it a lucky guess. All of your cravings so far have been disgusting, I thought I might as well mix whatever we had left on the fridge, and you’d enjoy it.”
You stared at him, dumbfounded. Seriously? Were you and your cravings that predictable that he could just mix whatever two ingredients there were in your fridge? But as soon as you gave it some more thought, the notion made you laugh. Perhaps it didn’t mean you were predictable, only that your husband knew you that well.
You ran a hand on top of your pregnant belly, giving it a few pats before returning to your sandwich.
“Thank you. Our baby seems to be enjoying it as well,” you tell him with a soft smile.
Miguel returns it and bends down to press a soft kiss on top of your stomach. “Well, that makes me happy.”
You two sat there. You, enjoying your ridiculous sandwich, Miguel enjoying your company. He’d been meaning to take you on a small beach day for a while now, but his work kept getting in a way. After a few tweaks in his schedule (courtesy of Lyla), and a few missions handled by other people (Jessica and Peter B. had been kind enough to catch those anomalies by themselves), he’d managed to snag you away on a sunny Saturday morning.
You had everything you could possibly need. Lots (and lots) of food, an insane amount of sunscreen (that Miguel insisted on applying on your skin every 20 minutes), a few books to keep you entertained (even though you’re only spending the day, and not a whole week), lots of refreshments, and four beach umbrellas for you to sit under (that occupied far too much space, something you’d stressed a lot at home. But it’s not like Miguel listened).
“Everything alright, mi vida?” He asked you.
You nodded and wiggled your feet, relishing on the feeling of the soft sand against them. “As alright as it was five minutes ago, Miggy. I promise I’m fine. There’s no need to worry about me.”
He only sighed in response and shook his head.
“Are you sure you’re alright? Can I get you anything? Would you like something from the beach bar? Fresh juice? Any other beverage? An ice cream?” Miguel looked positively adorable when he worried. Ever since you told him you were pregnant, he started treating you as if you were made of glass, and as soon as you started showing, he went actually crazy.
His wife can’t lift a box – can’t bend down and possibly hurt the baby. He’ll do all of the heavy lifting. In fact, he’ll do all of the lifting.
She can’t do the dishes – spending far too long on her feet can tire her out, and he couldn’t have that.  He’ll wash everything and get a dishwasher for the days he worked late.
She can’t possibly cook dinner – what if something goes wrong and she gets upset? Stress is not good for the baby. No, let Miguel do all the cooking.
She can’t clean either – let him handle it.
The point was, Miguel was an extremely protective man. He loved you more than anything. And now you were carrying the world’s most precious cargo: his son.
So why wouldn’t he treat you with the utmost care?
“Miguel, I told you, I’m fine.” You sighed, finishing your sandwich. Before you could say something, Miguel had handed you two napkins and a bottle of fresh orange juice. You took the napkins, cleaned your mouth, and he quickly grabbed a bottle of water, presenting both to you.
“Water? Juice? Which do you prefer, my love?” he asked.
You just shook your head. It was pointless to say anything. Better to simply enjoy it.
“Juice is fine.” You took the bottle and brought it to your lips, which earned a slight groan from him. Safe to say, your pregnancy had just made Miguel even more enamoured with you and your body. The accentuated curves, the softness and plushness of your skin, all for Miguel to grasp and tug and pull. Your tender breasts that had grown, and he’d already spent hours twisting and helping relieve some of your pain and soreness, your calves that often needed to be massaged – your body had always been a treasure to Miguel, but now that his child was growing inside of it, he was going to do everything in his power to love it more and more.
You looked at him; this look of his was easy to recognise. Crimson eyes low and darkened with desire, tracing every swirl of your tongue over your lips. You blushed furiously. It was flattering to know Miguel wanted you, and even more so to know both his love and lust had only increased with your pregnancy.
“Like what you see, Mister?” you asked, tilting your head, and playing coy.
Miguel loved it when you did that. It did things to him whenever you played hard to get, whenever you pretended not to know the effect you had on him.
“Very much. Te ves bien bonita,” he hummed, dipping his head low to place a kiss on your jaw. You sighed, and he took it as a sign to kiss you further, trailing down your neck.
You were just about to run your fingers through his hair when you remembered where the hell you were.
“M-Miguel!” you breathed out, slowly pulling him away from your body. “Please – we’re in public.”
“No me importa. Que vean.”
“No – Miguel, no.” You giggled and pushed him off you, earning an annoyed huff from him.
“We’re at the beach. We’re not going to give these people a show.”
“Oh, but who told you I don’t want to?” Miguel asked, raising a brow, “I’d like to show all of those idiots staring who the hell you belong to.” His voice was low and raspy, and you felt heat pool in your lower stomach. You shook your head, trying to get these nasty thoughts out of your head. This was supposed to be a nice, innocent beach date! Not fantasizing about your incredibly handsome husband.
“Well,” you spoke, “Too bad. You’re not doing anything.”
Miguel grumbled and got up, shaking his head.
“Always the same. Always ‘We’re in public Miggy!” or, ‘Don’t do that, people are watching Miguel”, or even ‘You can’t fuck me in front all of these people Miguel’!”
Your cheeks heat up and you blushed furiously, embarrassment spreading through your whole body. Your husband wasn’t talking in a particularly low tone, and people had started to look at him. More specifically, women, smirking towards him and licking their lips viciously. Your stomach was about to curl when Miguel spoke his next words, making you forget all about other people.
“One of these days I’ll take you in front of all of them, I’m telling you. Show them you’re mine.”
“What?” He turned to look at you, and you could see that stupid smirk of his plastered all over his face. It was no secret that Miguel loved to see you flustered like this.
“Don’t say that out loud, oh my god!”
“Why? It’s not like I’m lying here.” Before you could protest further, Miguel offered you a cheeky smile and nodded his head towards the water. “I’m gonna go for a dive. Do you want to come?”
You shook your head. “No, that’s fine.” It was enough for Miguel to tense up, but you were quick to reply. “It’s fine – I’ll be fine, Miguel, don’t worry. I’ll just stay here under the shade.” You tried offering him a reassuring smile. After all, you weren’t a child, and could take care of yourself just fine.
Miguel eyed you for a while, before sighing.
“Fine,” he said, “But if you need anything – “
“I’ll let you know. Don’t worry.”
“And I won’t be long. I promise. I just need to freshen up.”
“Miguel,” you said his name softly, “It’s fine. I promise I’ll be fine.”
He nodded and ran towards the water. You watched him as he looked around and the water tickled his feet.
You then looked around, taking the scenery in. It was a lovely sunny day. There were no clouds in the sky, and nothing but a small breeze could be felt brushing your hair. It was the perfect beach day, and you were so glad Miguel had taken today off to be with you. You missed him when he was gone, and although you knew what he did was extremely important (after all, your husband was Spider-Man), it was only natural to long for him when he was away. Especially with these pesky pregnancy hormones.
You returned your gaze to him, and that’s when you saw her.
A woman, eyeing Miguel up and down, shamelessly.
You raised an eyebrow. For the looks of it, it seemed as if she had been looking at him for a while. It was clear she was looking him up and down, and you felt a nasty feeling forming on your stomach, something green and envious and nasty.
The woman approached him, and your eyes lingered on her, on her perfect silhouette. Her legs were long and lean, her stomach toned, and her bikini sure did wonders showing off her boobs. Along with the jealousy you felt clawing at your skin, came another feeling, that instead of making you angry, just made you sad.
Miguel had seemed to notice her, because he turned to face her and the two started to talk. She was all smiles and giggles, tilting her head slightly and – was she actually swaying her hips? You huffed. Miguel was no stranger to flirtation. Women shot their shots with him all the time. Well, tried to. He was always quick to shut them down, mentioning his lovely wife, who happened to now be carrying his baby.
You knew him to be faithful. You knew he loved you and only you. You knew he would never hurt you or cheat on you or cause you any distress.
So why was it that you felt so unworthy of him when you two were out?
You looked at the woman again.
She was gorgeous, with perfect skin, flawless hair, and a great fucking body.
And here you were, sitting down on a chair you could barely get out of, eating a sandwich you were sure was positively disgusting to everyone else, feeling big and fat and ugly and simply not enough for him. The thought nearly brought you two tears. Miguel always assured you of how much he loved you, of how much he adored you and found you the most beautiful woman in the world.
And yet you couldn’t help but wipe away one or two tears that spilled across your cheeks, dark thoughts clouding your mind. You were surrounded by beautiful women, all of them reminding you of how much less you felt, with their perfect bodies and normal stomachs that did not weigh a ton because of the baby growing inside of them, with long legs that elegantly strutted instead of awkwardly waddling from one room to the other. Would Miguel be better off with any of these women? Would they look better on his arm, on his bed, on his life?
It was simply too much. You grabbed your nearby dress and placed it on top of your belly, hiding it. Then, you moved to grab your book, trying to focus on your reading. It was nearly impossible, and when Miguel returned after a while, you did your best not to look at him.
“Hey,” he said. “Everything okay?”
You refused to meet his eye.
“Mhm. Just peachy.”
“Are you cold?”
“No, I’m fine.”
“Then why are you covering yourself?”
“Just protecting the baby from the heat,” you mumbled. What a terrible excuse.
Miguel hummed before you. He bent down and grabbed his towel, shaking the sand from it (away from you, of course), before setting it down on the spot next to yours, and laying on it. Now that he was up close, you could see every freckle on his body, every muscle, every droplet that fell down his arms, his legs, his back. He was as charming as ever.
And you had never felt more inadequate. Unconsciously, you brought your dress closer, hiding your chest too.
"¿Seguro que estás bien, mi vida?" Miguel asked again, looking up at you. Why the hell were you covering your body? Were you cold? It was rather warm outside, that couldn’t be it. Did you feel sick?
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Miguel followed your eyes. They landed on the woman that had tried to strike up a conversation with him earlier.
And then everything fell into place.
The way you were hiding your body from him, the way you looked somewhere else so that you wouldn’t have to meet his gaze, how sheepishly you were acting.
And it genuinely upset Miguel. Because how could you ever think that you weren’t the most gorgeous woman out there? That your body wasn’t worthy of worship and adoration and idolisation? His fingers slowly crept up next to you, and he softly pulled the dress away from your body, exposing your belly, your thighs, your legs, your beautiful skin and being.
“Miguel, gimme that back,” you mumbled, trying to take the dress back from him. He pulled back his arm and the dress was immediately out of your reach. You huffed, hugging your hands around your body, as if you could hide it from him. You couldn’t. And Miguel was heartbroken that you thought you had to.
“Tell me what’s wrong, mami.” He said, hand caressing your thigh. He’d have to coax the insecurity out of you.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just cold – “
“It’s so hot, we could almost fry an egg on that cute belly of yours.” Miguel said. He wasn’t afraid to talk about your body, especially not after you’d gotten pregnant. You’d felt insecure once or twice, but he had always reassured you of how beautiful you were, and how radiant you looked, even with that big pregnant belly of yours. And for the past few months, you’d been doing amazing, feeling confident about your body, and loving your new figure and everything it meant for your future alongside Miguel. But perhaps the beach had taken some of that confidence away.
You sighed and looked away. Unfortunately for you, Miguel reached out with his hand and turned your face towards his. Nowhere to hide.
“Vale. Suelta la sopa,” he spoke.
There was nowhere to hide, nowhere to look to aside from those gorgeous chocolate-crimson eyes of his. You trusted Miguel, you really did. So why were you having such a hard time saying this? Perhaps you didn’t want him to feel like he didn’t love you enough. You knew he loved you. You knew he found you attractive. What if you thought you were being dramatic? What if he thought you were too high maintenance, still feeling insecure even though all he did was reassure you of his love? It’s not like you can help your feelings.
“I don’t want to bother you Miggy,” you replied, voice soft. “It’s fine.”
“You’ll never bother me. You know that, right? Now, come on. Tell me what’s wrong.”
You bit your bottom lip, and then nodded.
“It’s just… I just feel so…” You scrambled for words.
“Take your time,” Miguel said to reassure you.
“I feel so unworthy.”
“Unworthy? How so, mi alma?”
“I’m not – my body is not – I’ve changed, Miguel. My body has changed so much. I don’t look like them – “ you nudged your head towards the water, where the gorgeous woman had been moments ago. “And I never will. And look at you – you’re so handsome. You’ve always been. And next to you, I feel… I feel inadequate. I don’t feel beautiful enough for you… And I know what you’re gonna say. That I am, and that you love me, and that you love this child. And so do I. More than anything. But sometimes, I just feel… I feel like you’d look better with someone like that on your arm.”
Miguel listened attentively to each word you said. Just as he figured out, you were feeling down because of your appearance.
“Honey,” he started, letting go of your chin. “You are right. I will say that you look beautiful, and that you’ll always look beautiful to me.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but he was quicker.
“Uh-uh – let me finish. As I was saying, you are beautiful. And I love you. Sure, your body has changed, but it has changed because you’re carrying our baby. You’re carrying a child. Mi vida, do you know how miraculous that is?” His voice was laced with nothing but adoration, and so were his eyes. “You’re carrying a life inside of you. You’re going to bring a life into this world. That is such a beautiful thing. Your body has simply stretched to accommodate our little one. And that is such a lovely thing. It’s a miracle, mi vida. You’re a miracle.”
Your eyes quickly filled with tears, and Miguel cupped your face with both of his hands.
“I couldn’t care less about other women. Whatever they have, whatever they might offer, it will never compare to what you offer me every day. To the love you so selflessly give me every single day, to the greatest gift you’re about to give me. A child. You’re going to bring my child into the world. You say you feel inadequate next to me – Mierda, I feel inadequate next to you. You have chosen me to be the father of your child, and you’re doing all of this to carry it and bring it to the world safely. And all I can do is watch. I can’t take away your pain, I can’t take away your discomfort. I’m the lucky one. I mean – hell, you could’ve had any guy in the world, but you chose me. You chose this awkward, nerdy, standoffish man who couldn’t even tell you he loved you the first time he kissed you because he was so bad dealing with his own feelings.”
You giggled as you recalled the memory, and your heart warmed. Miguel laughed along with you. He’d come very far with you. He was a man of logic, of reason, never letting emotions cloud his judgement. Which made everything infinitely harder when he met you – you, who broke down his walls and made it impossible to think and be reasonable. He’d come so far, and it was all thanks to you.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” Miguel continued. “This child is the greatest thing that could ever happen to us. I know that I can’t take away your insecurities just like this. And it kills me that you can’t see yourself the way I do. But please, please believe me when I tell you that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life. The kindest, smartest. The most miraculous of them all, carrying a child all by yourself.”
Tears ran down your cheeks, and you sobbed softly. Miguel scooted closer to you, and with his help, you got up from your chair and sat down on his lap. His arms were instantly all over you, one of them bringing you close, the other trailing patterns on top of your stomach.
“I just… I feel so ugly sometimes… And then we came to the beach, and it was supposed to be a lovely day just between the two of us, but then I saw that woman, and she looked gorgeous, and I’ll never be her…” You said in between sobs.
Miguel caressed your head and dropped a kiss on your forehead.
“You forgot the most important part.”
You looked up, confusion in your features.
“She will never be you.”
Your eyes widened softly, and you parted your lips.
“She will never be the woman I love. She will never be the woman who puts up with me every day, even when I’m cranky and grouchy. She will never be the woman who wakes me up with kisses in the morning because she wants me to start my day in the best way possible. She’ll never be the woman who packs my lunch and writes sweet notes. She will never be the woman who loves me unconditionally despite my many, many flaws. She will never be you. Never.”
You smiled through your tears and the invisible rope that tugged at Miguel’s heart loosened its hold. You were smiling. Thank God.
“She’ll never be me?” You repeated.
“No one will ever be you.” He replied, closing the gap between your faces, and taking your lips in his. You kissed him softly, cupping his jaw with your hand and trailing your fingers through his head with the other. When you pulled away for air, there were tears in your eyes once again.
“I’m sorry for being like this… Sometimes, the hormones, they just…”
Miguel quickly cut you off.
“You don’t need to apologize. I will never get tired of saying how much I love you, of telling you how much you mean to me. It’s okay to not be fine. Isn’t that what you tell me?”
You nodded with a small smile.
“Then I’m telling it to you too. It’s okay to feel like this. And I know I can’t understand the depth of your feelings. I can’t know for sure what you’re going through. But I’ll always be by your side. I’ll always be right here to help you. I love you, honey. I really do. I’m the luckiest man alive.”
If someone were to tell you a few years ago that Miguel would be capable of saying these sorts of things, you’d have scoffed and told them to fuck off. When you met him, Miguel didn’t do feelings. He never opened up, never spoke about himself or his emotions. But then you came along and taught him how to feel, how to love. You taught him it was okay to be vulnerable, to be taken care of, to be loved. You loved him all the more for it, your scary, mean, giant of a man who turned into putty whenever his eyes landed on you.
“I love you. Thank you so much for this. I mean it.” You said, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. He smelled like the beach, like the soft breeze and the warm sun. You placed a kiss there and smiled as soon as the salt of the water hit your tongue.
“I’ve told you, mi vida. I’ve got you.” He said, still tracing patterns on your skin. “I’ll always be here for you. I love you.”
You two remained like this, in each other’s arms for a while.
You didn’t feel the need to get up or go for a swim. Not yet.
For now, all you wanted was to stay in your husband’s arms, feel his heartbeat against yours, sink further into his touch. You looked up and took in the scenery around you. The shining sun, the clear blue sky, the sparkly water. You watched as young couples smiled at each other, groups of friends played around, and families ran after their children. Someday, it’d be you and Miguel, along with your little one.
You realised you didn’t feel insecure anymore. Miguel was right. It was a miraculous thing, to be carrying such a precious thing inside of you. Your child. Miguel’s child. The product of the love and devotion you held for each other. You couldn’t be ashamed of that, could you?
You knew this would be an uphill battle. Your insecurities couldn’t be erased simply overnight. But with Miguel’s arms wrapped tightly around you, you realised that as long as you had him to remind you of all the beautiful things you and this body meant, and how much you two loved each other, it would be okay.
You would be okay.  
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys have enjoyed this little drabble.
Have a wonderful day ahead, everyone!!! <3
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vivalarevolution · 1 year
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓐𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮
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Dark Tyler Galpin x Siren Reader
A/N: Request sent by anon, I hope I used the ideas well enough and everyone will enjoy this. I warn you, it's not my best work. Be aware of mistakes, english is not my native language. Work contains smut, minors do not interact.
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Xavier and Y/n were each other firsts in almost everything. First friend, first love, first kiss. They were almost inseparable.
But something started to go wrong.
Maybe it was because it was first love and those were meant to fail. Not without reason this type was also called puppy love. Everything was approached with excessive excitement and an equal amount of expectations and dreams.
The girl, however, never paid much attention to it. She was in love and all that mattered to her were the feelings that the brunette had for her. What she didn't expect was that he would also give her the worst feelings known to human.
-Your coffee and a cinnamon roll - a new voice said, snapping her out of her thoughts.
Her teary eyes moved to the boy standing over her. Tyler with a warm smile put a mug in front of her, and a small plate on which lay a sweet treat.
-Thank you - she said, trying to sound normal but her voice was trembling anyway -Um, Tyler. I didn't order dessert - she remarked, looking at him expectantly.
-I know - he said, his voice like a woolen blanket on a winter's evening -But I saw my favorite girl had tears in her eyes, so I wanted to try to comfort her.
Favorite girl.
Those two words were etched into her mind like a permanent tattoo. Especially now, when her heart pounded with pain after the loss.
-It means a lot - she confessed, dropping her head to stop more tears from flowing.
-Do you want to talk about it?- he asked concerned.
-I don't know if I be able to do it - she confessed quietly, moving her gaze on the cafe window.
-If you would like, I can just sit with you, keep you company - he said.
-I would -the girl replied with a slightly ,tired smile.
Tyler sat down beside her. In silence, watching as she sipped a hot drink, occasionally picking at a sweet snack with her fingers.
He wanted to be worried, but all he could feel was unbridled joy. When his eyes saw the teenager, something in him snapped. His heart was flooded with an uncontrollable amount of obsession with the siren next to him, but since she was with Xavier he couldn't make a move, he feared he might have alienated her. But now, now nothing stood in the way, and he had come at the perfect time when Y/n was most vulnerable and susceptible on manipulation.
Grasping her smaller hand gently, he squeezed it in an act of silent comfort, and she immediately squeezed it back, looking at him as if he had saved her from all the evil in this world.
The boy smiled softly as his eyes darkened. He had her exactly where he wanted it.
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-Of all the people, you chose him?- a male voice suddenly said.
The girl turned on her heel, looking incomprehensibly at the teenager. Her brows furrowed and her face took on a colder expression.
-What are you talking about, Xavier? - she asked.
-Tyler -he replied shortly.
Y/n raised her eyes in disbelief, after a moment snorting like a cat.
-It's none of your business Xavier - said the siren - Everything related to me ceased to be your business at the moment when you trampled my heart without even thinking about the consequences.
Brunet came closer to her, trying to grab her hands, but she ran away from his touch as if burned.
-Don't you remember what he and his group of friends did a year ago?- he remarked, trying to show his point of thinking.
-I remember - she said -But I'm not going to write people off for their mistakes in the past. Tyler is good, Xavier. He was with me when you broke my heart, he picked up every single piece and put it back together, not you.
She felt like she could finally breathe. Letting go of the last rope that held her emotions in a firm grip.
-I did - he began, but couldn't finish.
-No, don't explain yourself to me - she interjected in a hard tone of voice -You've done enough. I loved you Xavier, I loved you more than anything in this world, and you just ruined it like it never meant anything to you. Tell me, was it ever real for you or was it just an illusion?
-It was real, of course it was real - he whispered, catching her face in his hands - I never knew that it would hurt so much to lose you.
-You're right Xavier - she stated quietly, and he smiled thinking that the girl would come back to him, oh how wrong he was - You lost me...forever.
With these words, Y/n pushed her ex-boyfriend's hands away, turning on her heel to prevent him from seeing the tears flowing. It was the fact that she knew that no matter what he did, there would still be a part that would love him. And that terrified her like nothing else.
Walking as far as she could through the city, she found herself in Weathervane, as if her feet carried her to the only source of comfort she knew. It didn't matter that Jericho didn't just stop at the coffee shop, something always drew her there.
When Tyler saw the girl, his face immediately lit up. He loved seeing her face, no matter when, no matter where, he just had to see her, it was as important to him as oxygen itself.
-Hello my favorite girl - he said, and seeing her tremble at his words, his eyes darkened unconsciously.
He quickly learned that Y/n loves compliments just like him. She loved being seen by the people she cared about, she needed that warmth just like Galpin needed her.
-Hey - she said, rushing into his arms as soon as she saw the opportunity.
Nestling into his chest, she inhaled his scent, which was actually muffled by the coffee, or maybe the boy always smelled mostly of this? It was hard to tell.
Brunet embraced her waist, pulling her closer, almost in a possessive and jealous manner, as if no one else could look at her, only himself. Even when the cafe was empty.
-I have something for you - he confessed after a moment, twirling a strand of her hair.
-Hmm, what is it? - she asked, her big doe eyes nearly drove him crazy.
Tyler reluctantly let go of her body as he made his way to the back room, from which he emerged a moment later, holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand. Y/n widened her eyes in surprise, a blush involuntarily appeared on her face.
-Rave'N is soon - he noticed, and seeing how the girl's face beamed, he knew he hit the jackpot.
-I'm the student of Nevermore. I should have invited you, not the other way around - she remarked, walking slowly towards him.
-I noticed you like old-school romance, so I thought I'd invite you. Even if it's kind of against the rules -he stated, watching her reactions -So, Y/n, would you like to come with me to dances?
The girl smiled broadly. Taking the flowers from the boy, she kissed him on the cheek, stroking his face with her free hand.
-I would love to -she replied, smiling after a moment, exhilarated.
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As Xavier's eyes landed on a particular siren, his heart involuntarily began to beat faster in his chest. She looked beautiful, like a living sculpture or a work of art brought to life. Her body was covered with a white silk material that hugged her body tightly, emphasizing every aspect of her figure, and the lace only added charm to the whole dress. Her hair, though pinned up, managed to find a way out, falling on her face in the form of a few loose strands, and her neck was decorated with a silver necklace that almost sank between the valley of her breasts.
Brunet shamelessly watched her until a man's hand came to her hip. Frowning, he shifted his gaze to the owner , who turned out to be none other than Tyler Galpin.
The teenager held her in an almost possessive grip, and in response she only fell on his torso, hiding her head in the hollow of his neck to be able to kiss the exposed part of his skin, which made him immediately shift his gaze to her, looking at her with adoration, later kissing her forehead tenderly.
-Will you dance with me? - he asked, practically purring in her ear.
Y/n smiled. Taking his hand that rested on her waist, she pulled him to the dance floor, for a moment her gaze was level with Xavier, who had not taken his eyes off her since her arrival, but this moment made her confidence diminish. Enough for her partner to notice the change in her expression instantly.
Sheriff's son sent him a warning look, turning the girl's back to the green-eyed boy, so that she focused only on him.
The teenager leveled her gaze with Tyler, and her mind immediately calmed down. Feeling his large hands on her hips, she almost melted under their influence, connecting their foreheads as they both swayed to the music.
-Can I kiss you?- he asked like a gentleman, even though his voice was low, almost dark, sending a shiver of excitement down the siren's back.
-I want you to wanna kiss me so bad that you don't even ask - she stated, looking at him through half-closed eyes.
Brunette looked at her with desire, after a moment connecting their mouth in a slow kiss. Their lips couldn't tear themselves apart, connecting almost instantly as one of them pulled away to breathe.
Boy's eyes wandered towards Xavier, who, if he could, would probably tear him apart. But he didn't care much, returning his attention to Y/n, which occupied most of his thoughts.
His hands, as if on cue, tightened on the material of her dress, involuntarily forcing her hips to move, and she allowed him to, moving as he wanted.
Y/n clung to Galpin's body, wrapping her hand around his neck to hold him even closer, even though there was absolutely no space between them. Putting her chin on his shoulder, she rocked with him, feeling him rest his head on her shoulder as well, kissing her bare collarbone.
It didn’t matter if the music around them was slow or fast, danceable, romantic or driving people completely crazy. They danced to their own rhythm, gliding on the dance floor in each other's arms, not leaving each other even for a step.
Suddenly, the girl felt something wet on her face. Opening her eyes, she lifted her face up, causing more drops to fall on her forehead and cheeks. Tyler straightened up, looking at her, wanting to know why she stood still, but seeing her face stained red, he ran his thumb over her skin, checking what had hurt her, but there was nothing under the blood. Only then did he saw that the liquid also adorned his clothes, painting his jacket scarlet.
Then chaos broke out around them. The Nevermore students crashed into each other, screaming and running to avoid the rain of blood, which turned out to be mere paint. Y/n grabbed Tyler's hand, trying to lead him away, but he ended up quickly grabbing her in his arms, taking her away from everyone, especially Xavier, who was fanatically searching for her.
-I'll take you to your dorm - he said innocently, and the teenager nodded thankfully.
-Thank you - she said, putting her hands on his neck- Do you know where to go? - she asked, slightly shocked that he hadn't asked her for direction yet.
-I figured I'd just keep walking straight - he explained quickly.
-Well, you're lucky - the girl stated, turning her head towards the corridor ahead -My room is at the end on the left - she confessed, and Tyler immediately started walking towards it.
-Can I come in? - he asked, setting her down.
-Sure. You'll be able to put on something clean, a few of your shirts are in my closet - she stated, looking away from him, slightly embarrassed by the confession.
-My shirts, hmm? - he muttered as he closed the door behind him.
-I may have borrowed one or two while I was at your place - she announced, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
-I don't mind - he admitted, walking toward her like a predator - I like knowing you wear my stuff. It's clearer that you belong only to me, no one else -he added, catching her chin in his fingers, lifting it up.
-Tyler - the girl whispered, blushing.
-You belong to me, don't you Y/n? - he asked, his eyes darkening -Tell me the truth, don't you dare lie.
-I...- she began, almost gasping for air as the boy's hand rolled up the material of her dress, resting on her womanhood, which was covered only by the thin material of her panties.
-Come on Y/n, you're my favorite girl, and favorite girls tells the truth - he stated, pressing down on her clitoris ,which made her moan softly.
-I belong to you - she said shyly.
- Good girl - the teenager praised her, grabbing her jaw with his other hand - You deserve a reward.
-Reward? - she asked confused.
-Of course - he said, stroking her dirty face with his thumb -I'll make you feel good, very good. It's up to you if you want my fingers, my tongue... or my member, or all three.
-Tyler...I never - she began, trying to hide herself.
-Don't worry. I'll be gentle - he said tenderly - Consider it my way of convincing you - he began.
-Of what? -asked the siren.
-That I’m better -he said.
-You already are - Y/n replied honestly.
-You're just telling me what I want to hear, sweetheart? - he asked -So I’ll fuck you?
-Please - she whispered, closing her eyes.
-You already asking. So polite - he remarked - Will you tell me what you want?
-I don't know - she admitted quietly -I don't know what I want.
-Oh, you're poor thing - he murmured, kneeling before her -In that case I'll give you everything, and you'll take it.
Before Y/n could fully process the words in her mind, Tyler began feasting between her legs. The girl felt embarrassed at being so exposed for the first time, but the feeling quickly disappeared, pushed out by lust and unbridled desire.
Unable to stop herself, various sounds fell out of her mouth. Moans, whimpers and screams that she couldn't stop.
-Ty...Tyler- she moaned, clutching the wall behind her in desperation - Stop...I'm going to pee...please stop.
But those words only turned him on more.
Grasping her thighs in a firm grip, he lifted her body up so that her legs hung over his shoulders, causing her to nearly fall from the sudden movement. And seeing him lift her body with ease made her reach her endpoint with a loud, uncontrollable scream.
-So sweet - the boy purred, his voice drowned out by the fabric of her dress as he slurped her juices that squirted straight into his face.
Y/n's face turned burgundy. Her mind screamed for her to hide away from everyone while her heart pounded, becoming addicted extremely fast to the feeling that overtook her body.
She was so conflicted, yet she stayed put. Waiting to see what Tyler will do with her.
After a moment, the boy got up from his knees, towering over her again. Her flushed and embarrassed face gave him more satisfaction than he could admit. Grasping her neck, he slid his hand up to her jaw, turning her head as he wanted.
-Are you ready for the main attraction? - he asked, and the tone of his voice, so dark and dangerous at the same time, sent her far beyond her body.
Y/n was scared as much as she was excited, but didn't want to disappoint Tyler, so she nodded obediently, not trusting her own vocal cords for the moment.
Brunet turned her back to him, pressing her body against the wall, while one of his hands pulled her hips closer to his crotch. The boy brought his mouth close to her ear, gliding gently on its lobe.
-Can you feel me? - he asked, pushing his loins against her bum -You made me so hard. You always do that when you're with me, but you don't realize it, do you? You are too naive and innocent.
-I'm sorry - she whispered, not knowing what else to say.
-You don't have to apologize - he said, stroking her cheekbone -I'll make you feel exactly what I feel -he promised, imperceptibly grabbing the fabric of her dress.
The first thing the girl heard was the sound of ripping, then she felt the silk material slide off her shoulders and breasts, hanging loosely from her waist. A shiver ran down her naked back, and as the Tyler's hands pulled her clothes up, revealing her ruined underwear, her body burst into flames.
-So ruined, you look perfect - he admitted, removing the last of the material protecting her from the teenager's eyes, even though she thought he had long ago gotten rid of them - Only tears are missing... but don't worry, these will soon be on your face as well.
Removing his belt and unbuckling his pants, he pulled out his member, not without reason stroking it a couple of times, knowing full well that a pair of eyes were watching him carefully.
-It won't fit - the mermaid confessed quietly - You'll tear me apart.
-You're so wet I'm going to enter you in one fluid motion -he stated, clinging to her back again -And when I do, I'll stretch you properly, don't be afraid - he added, directing his manhood to her entrance, which was tightening again and again - See? - he whispered as half of it disappeared into her tight and warm canal.
-Too big - she said, on the verge of tears, feeling her lower belly being filled.
-Shh- whispered the green-eyed boy soothingly -You take me so well, your pussy want me inside. Don't deny it and let yourself be carried away by pleasure.
As Tyler entered her fully, he growled as her insides gripped him, not letting go, sucking him inside. Y/n, on the other hand, had never felt so stuffed, so full.
Again, he didn't let her process the situation exactly, starting to move back and forth slowly at first, testing the waters. Changing pace quickly ,obsessed with wet sounds, skin slapping against skin and feeling the outline of his member under his fingertips.
The girl leaned her forehead against the cold wall, moaning and squealing, letting him use her to his heart's content. Even when the pain mixed with pleasure became too much for her, she dutifully accepted everything he gave her, losing track of time.
Galpin snatched one orgasm out of her after another. Hitting her harder and deeper with each climax until his Y/n was barely conscious. Her mind, long clouded by lust, was unable to function and he took full advantage of it.
Finally, the tears in the girl's eyes, her sore throat and the walls of her womanhood that tightened on him made him unable to stand it, coming deep inside her. She shivered as her latest orgasm mixed with Tyler's. A sticky substance flowed from her used inside, straight to her thighs. The girl wanted to be disgusted, but deep down she felt how her desire only grew stronger, although it shouldn't have.
Her eyes began to look for those belonging to the brunet, who did not stop watching her even for a moment. Caressing her lips extremely gently and tenderly, he smiled, and adoration returned to his eyes.
Y/n like an addicted of the feeling, tried to kiss his lips again, and he easily bent down, giving her exactly what she wanted, after a moment looking back.
The siren decided to follow him, confused, only to find Xavier in the doorway staring at them with envy and a hint of lust that he couldn't contain.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 7 months
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Note: I had to repost this cuz I accidentally deleted the first one lol. Anyway, this is such a cute request, anon! ❤️ I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you'll enjoy it. Lmk if you want a second, smutty part 🤗;
Pair: Leon Kennnedy x Reader;
Type: fluff, but things get heated at the end;
If you want to commission me check my Ko-Fi. I also have a Patreon page if you wanna check it out. Thanks! ☺️
The day was about to end as the sunset blessed the sky with its beautiful amber rays. The patio was slowly becoming crowded as more people finished work by now, but Leon wasn’t bothered. He took a sip from his cocktail and watched the sunset, lost in his own thoughts.
Even if it’s been a week with no calls from work, he still waits for the familiar ringtone to disturb his peace. He brings one arm to his bicep and gently brushes his fingers over a certain spot. The pain was gone. All the bruises healed from his last mission.
“You alright?” You asked, seeing as he might not be here.
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just... everything is calm and peaceful, you know.”
“And I take it you’re not used to it.”
“Nope. Usually, I would’ve been hit by this table by now instead of having dinner at it. Some big, scary monster would’ve chased after me, and so on.”
“Hmmm, I guess that’s true. If you want, I can chase you around with this knife and give you some adrenaline if you miss it.”
Leon chuckled and shook his head.
“No, it’s alright. It’s not that I miss the adrenaline, it’s the fact that I keep expecting something bad to happen any time now.”
"Well, stop it. Hunnigan was very clear when she told you that no one would bother you in your free time. There are plenty of agents; they can manage.”
“I guess you’re right.”
He took your hand in his and squeezed gently while smiling at you. The gentle breeze moved your hair from side to side slowly and delicately. Leon stared at you for a few seconds, admiring how beautiful you looked in that golden light that highlighted your beautiful features.
“One thing I’ll never get tired of is having such great company.” He said it softly while looking at you. He took another sip from his cocktail.
You smiled and looked away for a few seconds, but you didn’t move your hand. The way he was looking and talking with you made you blush.
“What?” He said this as his big thumb began to caress your skin. “I mean it.”
“I know; I enjoy your company too. It’s just that such moments like this with you are rare, and when they finally happen, it feels surreal.”
“I know… Don’t worry, I promise I’ll try to make them happen more often.”
A full moon replaced the sun, and stars filled the sky. You and Leon went for a walk after the meal you just had. The breeze was still gentle, but the air was colder, so Leon gave you his jacket since you forgot yours home. You were holding hands as you walked on the crowded boulevard.
“Wanna get yourself something nice?” He asked as you passed in front of some stores.
“Hmm, no. Maybe later.”
Leon spoiled you this week a lot. He bought you various gifts, took you to expensive restaurants, and made sure that the hotel where you were staying was one of the top. You paid too for some meals and tickets to tourist attractions, but it was mostly him to use the wallet. Despite telling him there was no need for such treatment, he ignored you and continued to pay.
He also went everywhere you wanted to go. He didn’t say “no” once during your vacation. He just enjoyed your presence, and as long as you were happy, he was happy too.
"Are you sure you’re not cold?”
"Yeah, I’m fine; don’t worry about me.” He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him. Then he pressed a kiss on your head.
“You’re such a gentleman, Leon.”
Under the soft glow of the moonlight, the streets were bathed in a gentle silver light. Both of you found a quiet corner of the city and allowed yourselves to be caught in the magic of the night. The distant hum of traffic and the occasional city sounds provided a subtle backdrop to the moment.
Leon couldn’t take his eyes off you, smiling the entire time like someone who had experienced love for the first time.
The air between you became charged with an unspoken connection. Leon looked deep into your eyes as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
The streetlights cast a warm halo around you, creating an intimate space in the midst of the urban chaos. The night held a certain stillness, as if time itself had slowed to allow you to savour your romance.
You placed your hands over his shoulder, then went behind his neck as you leaned forward, closing the gap between your bodies.
The anticipation hung in the air, a delicate dance of desire. Leon finally closed the remaining space, and your lips met in a tender, long-awaited kiss. With closed eyes, you let your bodies be consumed by the intense lust that this magical moment brought.
The moon dispersed its bright light as if it were aware of this gentle moment, subtly urging its sister stars to gather and cast their shine in the beautiful moment that was unfolding beneath them.
Your mouths melted together in a union of passion. Neither of you felt like pulling out any time soon. Leon’s hands began to gently caress your waist, shifting the fabric of your shirt as they moved up and down. Your hands began to play with his hair, running it between your delicate fingers.
“Leon…” you said in a needy voice.
“I think we should go back to the hotel…”
With a sigh, Leon pulled away. A smile shortly appeared on his lips as he cupped your face with his hands.
“I think you’re right.”
He kissed your lips one more time and grabbed your hand, guiding you back to the hotel through the crowded street.
Tag-list: @lunarastrobabe @skylar-todd @rokurodokuro @brownsugarwrites @yourallyse @ravenrune (if you want to be added DM me 🤗)
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bellewintersroe · 2 months
Okay this is part 2 from this anon request, which one of my lovely followers asked if I could do in the comments @beautifulbluejay <3
Easy Boys x Reader Headcanons - How They React To You Going MIA.
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It happened just before his leave to Paris, in fact the reason Nix pushes his leave so hard is because everybody genuinely thought you had gone.
So the trip to Paris isn’t exactly a leave for him, he’s alone and just thinking about you the whole time.
Grief stricken- nobody else knew about your relationship considering it was fraternisation, so he literally feels so alone.
This one’s a lil different- but you’d be completely lost and track Winters down in Paris, all you’d need to do is ask Lewis and he’d probs blabber mouth it to you- although he does think you’re a little crazy because you’ve just gone MIA in the middle of Europe for almost a week and now you’re wanting to travel to Paris.
Anyway you’d get to the correct place, despite having a slight cut on your forehead and grazed knees you’re physically fine- but you get caught up in a German hospital during your time lost and it’s mf scary. You’re so lucky you’re still alive.
You’d knock on the door (assuming it was his) and when he answers it he kinda cracks it open only slightly, and then rips the rest fully open and has a literal heart attack.
“Dick?!” Your voice cracks and you’re crashing into his chest before he can even fathom.
“You’re- you’re here- I?” He’s overwhelmed, wondering if he’s dreaming or not until his arms wrap tightly around you, feeling you cling onto dear life.
Once the shock has worn off and tears were shed Dick can’t let you go. He’s slightly dizzied with practically the shock of his life.
When you’re sleeping he keeps watching over you, checking you’re real.
He can’t do enough for you, gets you food water (ofc), checks over any wounds you have, really talks to you about it- like Dick out of all the men seems extremely emotionally intelligent, so he wants to make sure you’re really okay.
“Just tell me and I can send you somewhere safer…”
“I’d rather just be where you are.”
Lewis Nixon:
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After he was supposed to jump into Berlin and he only just made it out of the plane, he turned up to see the explosion right before his eyes. The Germans were shooting down the planes- including the ones he knew you alongside so many other flight nurses and young men were on.
Not only had it gone terribly- now his trauma of knowing you’re potentially gone makes everything 10x harder.
He’d not been able to see you much throughout the war, you’re often stationed in different areas, but he always worried about you, and just then he was so close to you, yet still so far away- it pained Lewis.
Replays the moment over and over again in his head, drinks more and more and as the days pass and he receives no letter from you or your company or family- he knows the worst is coming.
Asks Dick if he should write a letter for your family- he was there after all. Dick informs him it’s probably best to wait until he’s found out what’s really happened to you.
But the silence was screaming at him- and every time be see’s a nurse in a uniform near him he grows restless.
He’s walking near the hospital one day, where he knows hundreds of the prisoners from the camp are being treated. He watches from afar as dozens more of them pile out of trucks and vans, some of them unable to walk- the rest of them still being treated inside the walls of the camp.
He turns away when he see’s the nurses, feeling overwhelmed by the grief until he hears a quick, “Lewis!”
He turns around so quick, dropping his cigarette when he’s stunned by the sound of your voice.
Seconds later you’re running towards him, grinning and giggling. He feels his chest squeeze tighter and he’s practically scurrying towards your direction to embrace you in the biggest hug of his lifetime.
Holy fuck. Lewis thinks. Holy fuck, fuck, fuck. Thank god.
His eyes close and he squeezes you tighter, hand pressing to the back of your head as he attempts to calm himself down whilst you cling onto him.
He very quickly pulls you towards his lips, kissing you deeply, so needily, he doesn’t care who see’s.
Both of you keep talking over the top of one another, excited to be in each others presence again.
“But I thought your plane went down?!” Lewis doesn’t notice until you hold his hands that he’s shaking.
“No, we turned back miles ago, it was too dangerous- oh I’m so glad you’re okay, I didn’t know what happened to you.”
The feeling is mutual, and even if you only get a night to spend together Lewis makes it all worthwhile.
Ron Speirs:
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This man is tense asf from the second anything happens.
“What happened to the nurses?” His voice is quiet yet sharp and quick. His hand grabs at Nixon’s arm, urging him to answer immediately.
“Uh, I don’t know. They were in the hospital that got bombed, we’re not sure.” Lewis sighs out slowly, clearly affected by the trauma, but he has no idea about Ron and you.
Ron takes it upon himself to literally do anything he can in his power to find you- ofc he’s worried about everybody else, but the two of you have been together in private way back since before you were deployed. His hearts in his chest.
“We got them all sir, but one.”
“Y/l/n. Where’s Y/l/n?” He attempts to keep cool but his heart is thumping, he has the worst sickness and he can barely hold back how he’s feeling.
The man pauses and shakes his head. “Don’t know, sir.”
The whole company is obviously in grieving, this is when he’s still part of D-company but he’s in misery- he breaks only when he’s alone and in front of the men he keeps an even more tough exterior than ever.
Truthfully he’s hard to be around, he tries to push you to the back of his mind, trying his best to accept you’re gone and that’s it but he can’t.
He’s in the infirmary one day, after literally being shot in the ass- he almost can’t believe what’s going on and refuses to believe it’s true. Ron for the first time feels weak and useless.
“Can somebody help?! Please!” A frantic calling from a more than familiar voice cries out as he’s laid on his side in the bed, curtains closed around his area.
This is the first thing that causes him to move. Ignoring all soreness (he probs just blocks out the pain) he crawls out of bed at the sounds of scurrying and desperate shouting of the medical staff.
Ron could’ve sworn that was your voice, and when he stands, opening the curtains and staring straight at you, he thinks he’s seen a ghost.
He mutters your name so quietly, but you look up, face dirty and slightly bruised and bloodied, uniform dusty with a GI woollen jumper hanging over your frame. Like you’re just looking at each other.
“Excuse me, please.” You’d just tell the medical staff, hurrying your way down the hospital, weaving passed people until you’re stepping closer and closer.
Ron’s breathing and heart increases in a state of shock and you nudge him back in, yanking the curtain shut before you just engulf one another in a hug.
“Ron.” You’d mutter through tears, he grips you even tighter, engulfing your smaller body. “I was so scared, Ron.”
He pulls back your face, his eyes wide and stunned before holding either side of your face and pulling you in for a deep, borderline desperate kiss.
It’s the best comfort either of you have had in days, and once your lips part you fall back into his arms.
He’s probably lost for words for the first few minutes, and he’ll become all teary eyes for the first time in front of you.
“Are you okay? What happened to you?” He speaks for the first time, checking over you worriedly after remembering you must’ve been in that shelled out hospital
“There was Germans… I took a patient and ran away in the bombings. We got lost- we only just got back here now. I don’t know if he’s okay or not.”
All he can do is comfort you and hold you close, still in a state of disbelief.
“Why-why are you in here? What’s wrong?” You’d eventually ask. “I was shot.” Ron spoke in a blasé manner. He didn’t care about himself, only you.
… “my ass.”
Babe Heffron:
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Hear me out, you’re a little bit clumsy yet always careful with everybody’s life but seemingly your own?
Like you’ve been at war for 8 months or so and still Babe worries that you’ve stumbled onto enemy lines just because you went to find a man’s boots or something.
He looks out for you and takes care of you so much, like it’s so so sweet and everybody’s aware that you’re Babe’s girl, even if you keep it more or less hidden out of respect for the fraternisation rules.
Anyway, you’re assigned to second platoon & that’s how you and Babe got close initially, the second nurse was sadly lost, and ever since then in Bastogne, Babe has been extra worried that something might happen to you.
It’s the day after Jackson passed and everybody’s exhausted, even though they’ll be moving off the line, they’re all sick of war.
“Hey anybody seen y/n?” He’d glance around the room where she’d usually be hanging out when she wasn’t at the aid station.
“She’s not at the aid station?” Joe would ask.
“No.” Babe would frown, pushing himself up and heading out.
He tries not to panic at first, but admittingly he has an anxiety nibbling away at the back of his mind.
Something just feels off, you’re not at CP, at the infirmary, with the other nurses, where you’re billeted.
“Babe!” One of the nurses shrieks in surprise as he bursts into the house they were stationed in.
“Sorry, sorry. Anybody seen y/n?” None of them have, not since the early afternoon and it was nearing 6. Your duty ended three hours ago.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
(Okay this isn’t as extreme as some of the other cases, I wanted to change it up a bit)
20 minutes later he’s chain smoking like crazy, asking all the guys where the hell you were.
“Babe? What’re you yapping about?” Your voice appears, giggling as he snaps his head, almost doing a 360.
At first relief floods through him, but then he see’s your helping a limping soldier, bleeding just below your eyebrow.
“Jesus- what the hell?!” His voice raised, breath stuck in his chest.
“A little help here, Babe?”
After hooking up under the other side of the wounded back, he helps you both back to the aid station firing questions a million miles an hour in your direction.
“I’m fine, Babe.” You’d soothe. “What happened?! Where th’ hell were ya?!” He’d take both your shoulders, holding his hand over the cut on your forehead, in an attempt to apply pressure.
“Babe-” you’d swat his hand away, becoming distracted with the sight behind you. Clearly you didn’t realise how worried he was.
“Ya shouldn’t run off like that!”
“Ya got me worried sick!”
“Edward! His leg is crushed! Let me go help!”
“Wait here, alright? I’ll be 10 minutes.”
Babe waits, watching you help some of the other nurses and medics with the man you both carried inside, tending to what looked to be a badly wounded leg. He grimaced and turned away, growing an even more profound respect for you (if that was even possible).
When you’re done you head straight back to him. “Sorry, Babe, his leg was so-” You go to hold his arm but instead he turns, engulfing you in a bone crushing hug.
“I thought I’d lost ya, never do that again.”
Finally, you’d silence and realise just how worried he was. He was border lining upset, his frustration had dissolved and turned into pure relief.
“I’m okay.” You’d whisper, leading him to the quieter area of the porch.
“Where were ya?” He’d glance over you, checking head to toe everything was okay, hands still on your forearms.
“I went to get some supplies, then I found him- his leg was stuck under rubble. I couldn’t just leave him.”
“What ‘bout ya head?”
“I knocked myself in the face, you know what I’m like.”
“Oh thank god, ya scared me, angel.”
Ugh he’s such a sweetheart, just apologise to him and promise you won’t do that again without telling him.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 months
Derek morgan x reader - thunderstorms and those small moments
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Hi! Could you do derek morganxreader where he takes her with him to one of the houses he renovates but a big snow/thunderstorm stops them from going home so they are stuck there for a couple nights Fluff ensues as they try to make the best of the situation by cuddling and catching up on what happened in their personal lives🧡 - Anon💜
Looking around the old house, you walked into the only room that was finished.
“Of course you finished the kitchen first.”
“Hey, where else are you supposed to cook amazing meals if there’s no kitchen.” Derek chuckled.
You laughed a little bit, and he took you to the stairs.
“Careful, there are little unsteady.”
Derek held his hand out for you, and you took it, letting him carefully lead you up to the second floor.
Your fingers were laced with his as he showed you the other rooms, explaining his plans and his visions for each room.
You didn’t really understand most of it, renovating properties wasn’t something you were all that interested in, but Derek was and he loved it, so you were trying to make sense of everything he was saying.
You both went back downstairs and you sat in the middle of the living room while you watched Derek.
“Why did you ask me to come anyways?” You asked.
“I thought you could use the company, especially after the last case.”
Derek looked at you and you offered him a small smile as you picked up some of the papers and tools he had laying around
“Thank you..”
Derek walked over, kneeling down in front of you and he took the things front you, taking the safety glasses from his face he put them on yours
He then held out the hammer for you, and you furrowed your brows a little bit in confusion.
“I got a wall that needs bringing down and a (Y/N) with a needs to work out some rage.”
“Derek it’s okay.”
“Come on sweetheart, I know you like breaking things and trust me you got a real talent for destruction.”
“Is it too much work for you Derek?” You taunted.
“I just know I ain’t stronger than you.”
You laughed, and Derek walked behind you, putting his hands under your arms to haul you to your feet.
You walked over to the wall, and he pointed to where you needed to swing the hammer first and you did.
You were a little unbalanced, and he stayed behind you in order to keep you from falling over from the weight of the hammer you were holding.
You kept going for as long as you could until you arms began to ache, and you finally set the hammer back, turning back to Derek with a sheepish grin.
“Feel any better?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
He smiled at you, leaning down to kiss the side of your head.
“You ready to talk about what happened?”
Your hand instinctively went to your thigh, feeling the bandage from under your jeans.
You shook your head and Derek gave you a gentle look, nodding his head in understanding.
“Alright, we don’t have to. Come on, let’s go sit down, don’t want you overworking yourself now do we?”
“I’m as fit as a horse.”
“Yeah, got the bullet wound to prove it and all.”
You laughed a little bit, making your way to the kitchen to sit on the chair.
Derek picked up his jacket, placing it over your shoulder, and he pulled a chair over to sit in front of you.
You placed your hands on his knees, looking up at him.
“Can I ask you something Der?”
He gave you a soft smile.
“Of course, ask whatever you want you know that.”
You nodded, taking a small breath.
“I uh.. I’m thinking about taking some time away from the BAU…”
“You’re leaving? Where would you go?”
“My parents downsized and moved to a small country house, I guess I would go there for a little while, they’re on a cruise at the minute, so they won’t be back for a while.”
Derek nodded his head.
“And the question?”
“Would you… would you come with me… if I did?”
“Yeah, yeah of course I would (Y/N). I wouldn’t let you go alone you know that, I got time off I need to use, I can tell Hotch I’ll be there in emergencies.”
Derek placed his hand over yours, giving it a small squeeze, running his thumb along your knuckles.
“Yeah sweetheart, I know right now you can’t be alone. When you’re ready to talk about what happened I’ll be right by your side.”
You leant down, resting your forehead on his hands, tears burning your eyes.
“I just don’t want to be alone…”
“Hey, hey it’s okay… it’s alright… you’re not going to be alone…” he whispered.
Derek leant down, kissing the back of your head and he cradled your face in his hands, lifting your head so he could look at you, wiping your tears for you.
“How about we go to that little pizza place you love so much?” He whispered.
“Can we have Thai food instead…?”
This made him laugh a little bit.
“Whatever you want sweetheart.”
You stood up, pulling his jacket on properly, and he did the zip up for you, picking up his bag, the pair of you making your way towards the front door.
You both noticed the dip in temperature the closer you got, and you shared a look as he opened the door to see the rain hammering down all around, the wind whistling through trees.
There was a few flashes across the sky, followed by a crack of thunder so loud it shook the very building you were stood in.
“Can you see the car?” You asked.
“No, it ain’t safe to go out there, we need to stay here until it passes.”
Derek closed the door again, ushering you to the kitchen and he rummaged through some of the cabinets in there, pulling out a blanket and some candles.
“Some people would consider that creepy Derek Morgan.”
He chuckled.
“Sometimes I forget to look at the time so I would stay here instead of going home.”
You hummed a little bit, letting him wrap the blanket around you before he began lighting some candles.
It didn’t light up the place all that well, but it made it easier to see when the lightening wasn’t streaking across the skies.
Derek went through a few more of the cupboards, pulling out some snacks and a few cans of soda.
“Damn Derek you’re really stocked up huh?”
“Gotta be prepared for any situation. Here, these are your favourites.”
He handed you your favourite sofa and snack, and you smiled sweetly at him.
Derek sat next to you, and you wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, sitting between his legs with your back against his chest.
“So, if I didn’t bring you with me what would you be doing?”
You thought for a moment.
“Probably be at home to be honest, maybe asleep or watching tv.”
“Yeah? With that dog of yours?”
“You mean Thrasher?”
“Yeah, that’s the one. You’ve had him a few weeks now right? What breed is he?”
“He’s a Doberman, my friend couldn’t keep him at her apartment but she couldn’t keep him at the shelter either. He’s actually really sweet once you get to know him.”
Derek hummed a little bit.
“Didn’t see him last time I was there.”
“Oh yeah, he was at the vets, that’s all.”
He nodded his head, wrapping his arms around you with the blanket, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“You got me as your big scary bodyguard and you get yourself a dog, should I be insulted?”
“Yeah but nobody’s scared of either of you.”
He chuckled.
“Careful sweetheart that just might break a mans heart.”
You grinned a little bit, leaning your head against him.
“Come on, I wanna know everything, tell me what else you’ve been up to.”
You turned on your side, resting one leg under his and the other over it, mindful of your injury.
Resting your head on his chest, you began to tell him everything you had been up to while you weren’t at work, from volunteering with your friend, to just lounging at him.
Derek wanted to hear about it all, so you told him about it all.
He just listened, arms wrapped around you, making sure you were fully wrapped up inside the blanket in order to keep you warm.
“So, when we run off to the middle of nowhere what’re we gonna do?”
“Well, there’s a nice village nearby. We could go there, or there’s a hiking trail nearby.”
“You’re gonna hike with that shit leg of yours?”
You laughed, playfully hitting his side which made him laugh.
“It’ll be fine by then. I’ll have to bring Thrasher though, can’t leave him alone while I’m enjoying the country life.”
“Yeah? What about me?”
“Yeah I could leave you happily.”
“Ouch, okay. I see how it is, you know what? You know what I’m gonna do?”
“What’s that?”
“I’m gonna take you there, then I’m going to go down to that village and get a house there, then I’m gonna move there, and the only rule is you can’t go there.”
You grinned a little bit.
“You can’t stick to that.”
“Can’t I?”
“I reckon I can.”
You hummed a little bit, moving away from him and you laid down with your head on his bag, turning to look at him with a little grin.
“Get your ass back over here before you freeze.”
“Nope. If you can stick to it you can stay over there then.”
“(Y/N) you’re going to freeze come on.”
You just grinned a little more at him.
Derek stared at you before he rolled his eyes, making his way over he laid next to you, covering you up with the blanket.
“I knew you couldn’t stick to it.”
“Hey, this doesn’t mean I won’t stick to it.”
You hummed a little bit, turning your back to him and he chuckled, climbing over you to lay on your other side, wrapping his arm around you.
You reached up, brushing your fingers against his cheek and he closed his eyes.
Your touch as gentle, almost as if you weren’t really brushing your knuckles against his skin.
Derek opened his eyes, moving forward to press his forehead against yours.
“You’re so damn stubborn you know that right?”
“Yeah but you wouldn’t love me if I wasn’t…”
“You could be the most stubborn person out there and I’d still love you.” He whispered.
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
He chuckled, leaning foreword to gently kiss you, then he pulled away.
“I’d make you your own little house and everything.”
“So you wouldn’t try make me not a worm? Wow okay.”
“You didn’t say that was an option.”
You leant forward, pressing your lips to his again, resting your palm on his cheek.
When you pulled away, you resting your head on his chest, letting Derek pull the blanket around your shoulders.
You balled your hands into the fabric of his shirt, and he ran a hand up and down your back.
“But would I really have to turn you back into a person & just keep you as a worm?”
“You asshole.”
He chuckled a little.
“I’d travel every country if I had to sweetheart don’t you worry.”
You closed your eyes with a little grin on your lips.
“So does this mean I can live in your fake village house now?”
“You can live in any fake house I own. I love you.”
“I love you too Der…”
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ursa-tan · 11 months
Part 2 of the reader "captures" the wally, where wally's friends break into the reader's house to save wally from the reader's "evil" clutches and find wally sleeping and cuddling the reader.
(I thought this situation would be funny like a comedy)
He's yours?...
Wally Darling x Fem!Villain!Reader
Word count: 2,910 Reading time: ~10 mins
Part 1, Part 2
A/N: I know that I’ve closed requests… But this was such a cute idea and I couldn’t help but write it… damn you anon, coming in here with such cute ideas! I've put this in my Playfellowxxx masterlist on account of the first part being nsfw and how this second part doesn't really make sense without the first - if you think it needs changing, please let me know!
Anyway! Hope you all enjoy!
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It’s dawning on the next afternoon before anyone realises Wally is missing. The sun is already high in the sky and Barnaby is heading into the bugdega to get the same thing he gets every day for lunch – the “chilli dog” that can’t really be classified as anything but a crime against food.
“Morning Howdy,” He drawls, the same low rumble he speaks with every time he talks.
“Afternoon, actually,” The caterpillar chuckles, pointing to the town clock with one of his many arms. Barnaby can just about see it through one of the many windows of the bugdega.
“Huh, well then, afternoon Howdy.” It’s just gone twelve, but Howdy had adopted the habit of correcting the dog on his timing after Barnaby had jokingly done it once. It was a little inside joke, both of them rather enjoyed it thought.
“Indeed,” Howdy stops cleaning the counter and finally looks up at the big blue puppy, “ I take you’ve gone here for lunch?”
“You know me all too well,” Barnaby chuckles, walking up and resting his elbows on the freshly wiped counter, leaning his head into his hands.
“I know you’re routine – and I know that you’re going to ask me for that abomination of a hot dog for lunch.”
“Don’t knock it till ya’ try it.”
“I think I’ll stick to salad, thanks.”
“Same response every time.”
Howdy can’t help but let out a light laugh as he turns his back on Barnaby, starting to make the same thing he did every day around noon. They always had the same kind of conversation, the same routine. Day in day out, Howdy could rely on Barnaby to come in and keep him company for a few minutes. He also knew he could, begrudgingly, rely on Wally to ruin the apple display while he tried to look for the “best apple”.
“Go tell your little menace of a best friend to get out of my apples,” Howdy speaks, still with his back to Barnaby. He’s in the process of gathering the sauces he needs when Barnaby speaks up.
“Uh… He’s not in the apple display?” The other puppet sounds rather concerned, like he hadn’t noticed before this that Wally wasn’t present.
“What do you mean he isn’t in the apple display?” Howdy practically whips around, abandoning the half made hot dog in order of scanning the store for the much smaller puppet. Barnaby was right, Wally isn’t in the apple display. Nor has he climbed his way onto the counter to wait for Barnaby to get his hot dog. As far as Howdy is aware, Wally isn’t even in the bugdega.
“Where is he then?” The caterpillar asks, turning back around to finish the hot dog as fast as possible before handing it to Barnaby.
“I assumed he was following me…” Barnaby trails off, brows knitting together as he tries to think back on the day so far.
“You didn’t check?” Howdy sounds exasperated. In truth, he’s panicking, he’s incredibly worried about Wally, but his voice isn’t conveying that.
“I don’t usually have to! He’s never not followed me in here when I come in to get lunch!” Barnaby is starting to look panicked as well, discarding his lunch on the counter in favour of starting to look around the bugdega. If Howdy wasn’t also so worried about the little puppet, he would’ve told Barnaby off for dirtying his counter.
“I’ll keep looking around here, you go check to see if he’s spending time with Julie and Frank.” Howdy’s rushing out from behind the counter, hurrying Barnaby out the door as he speaks. Barnaby doesn’t resist in the slightest, running out to see if he can find Wally elsewhere.
It’s not long before the whole neighbourhood is searching for Wally. Julie and Frank have teamed up to see if Wally has wondered into the woods. Howdy, Barnaby, and Poppy are checking in higher up places, seeing if he somehow managed to get himself stuck. Eddie and Sally are going through everyone’s gardens. Even home is worried, squeaking and banging – while no one can understand what they’re trying to say, everyone can tell that they’re distressed.
After a rather frantic search, the whole neighbourhood – bar Wally, of course – gather in front of home.
“Did anyone find him?” Eddie speaks, coming to stand next to Frank. He hold their hand, stroking his thumb over their knuckles as a way to comfort himself.
“No, couldn’t see him anywhere,” Julie says next, worrying at a strand of her hair, tugging at it lightly.
“Does anyone have any ideas where he could be? Did anyone check Home?” Barnaby seems to be doing the worst, his tail swishing nervously as he continues to look around like he’ll somehow spot Wally.
“I asked, but I don’t think he’s inside,” Sally mumbles, looking towards Home. Home, in response, opens and closes its doors. Even if no one but Wally can understand them, they all pretty clearly understand that not even Home knows where Wally is.
“Has anyone seen (Y/n)  today?” Frank speaks up, taking a moment from comforting Eddie to look around themself.
Their question seems to still the very air as it comes from their mouth. Collectively, everyone seems to stop worrying as they turn their heads towards Franks. No one had seen (Y/n) that day, or the previous one for that matter.
It was particularly strange not to see (Y/n) for more than one day. Much like Barnaby going to the bugdega every day or Eddie always delivering mail at the same time every morning, (Y/n) was always up to something or other. So, for the neighbours not to see her was unusual in itself. For them to not see (Y/n) or Wally was even more unusual. So much so that Barnaby immediately turned on his heel and stormed off, heading straight for her house.
“Barnaby! Hold up! Don’t do anything rash!” Eddie calls after what is now an 8 feet tall ball of rage coated in spotty blue fluff. The mailman is hot on Barnaby’s heels, followed close by Frank and then Julie.
“maybe we should think about this?” Julie calls out from the back of the line, still twirling and tugging at the strands of her hair that frame her face.
“If she’s got Wally we have to get him back. We all know nothing good is happening behind those doors,” Barnaby growls out, his voice deeper and rougher than anyone had heard from him before. The tone causes Eddie to stutter in his steps, nearly tripping as Frank bumps into his back.
“(Y/N)!” Barnaby barks, finally coming to her door and pounding a balled-up fist against the wood. The force behind his knock – it’s really more like a punch – seems to cause the whole house to shudder.
“Barnaby, I really don’t think-“ It’s Frank’s turn to try and reason with the angry hound only to get interrupted.
“OPEN THIS DOOR! THIS IS TOO FAR!” Barnaby continues to thump his fist against the door, yet he doesn’t get an answer. Sure, (Y/n) had caused problems before – snuck into the bugdega to switch out the sauces he normally had on his hotdog, stolen Frank’s butterfly collection, messed with Sally’s plays. But this was too far, entirely too far.
After a few minutes of practically howling through the door accompanied by insistent banging, Barnaby decides that he’s had enough of waiting and takes matters into his own hands; using his size and weight to his advantage, he begins to throw himself against the door with the intention of breaking it down.
“Barnaby! Stop!” Julie calls out, running over to him, trying to grab his arm and pull him away, “We can settle this like adults! I’m sure (Y/n) would be open to talking it out!”
Barnaby pauses, more in fear of hurting his friend if he were to continue his attempts over anything else. He looks down at the much shorter puppet, a flash of remorse in his eyes before he scoops her up and walks over to a tree not too far away and places her in one of the branches. She’ll be able to get down, but she’ll need Eddie or Frank’s help to do so.
“Barnaby!” She calls out, trying to figure out how to get out of the tree as he walks away and back towards (Y/n)’s house.
“Sorry Julie,” He mumbles, walking back to the door and throwing himself against it one more time. Apparently, that last push was all it needed as Barnaby collapses forwards and into the house, landing on top of the now ruined door with a loud huff.
The inside of the house is dimly lit despite it being early afternoon, all the curtains drawn and any like that was too bright turned off. The smell of cinnamon and cooked pastry fills the air, accompanied by soft swing music and what sounds like a soft feminine voice mumbling. If it weren’t for the situation at hand, Barnaby would find it rather relaxing.
The dog climbs back to his feet, taking a moment to brush himself off before storming deeper into the house, following the sound of her soft mumble. He knows he’s going to find (Y/n), he can only hope he finds Wally too. What he does find at the end of his short rampage is completely unexpected.
Wally is laying on (Y/n), head on her chest and arms wrapped as far around her as they can go. There’s a blanket pulled up over the both of them – it’s a fluffy yellow one, a teddy bear blanket. Wally is wearing a light pink shirt that appears to be 4 sizes too big, it also looks like one that Barnaby remembers seeing (Y/n) in. (Y/n) is laying on a sofa, head on the arm rest and holding a book in the air, half reading the words aloud. A record player crackles away softly in the background, playing “I will always love you”. There’s a fresh apple pie on the table, along with a few fresh apples.
“’You should learn not to make personal remarks,’ Alice said with some severity; ‘it’s very rude.’,” (Y/n) mumbles before craning their neck ever so slightly to kiss the top of Wally’s head – an easy feat, as his hair is not in his signature pompadour.
“What the fuck.” Barnaby finds himself unable to move, completely rooted to the floor as he looks at the scene in front of him. It’s so perfectly domestic that, if it weren’t for his friend being kidnapped, he would find it sickeningly sweet.
“Do you mind?” (Y/n) asks, turning her head to stare at Barnaby with a look somewhere between distain and malice, “We we’re perfectly comfortable before you came barging in here.” This time, its her turn to growl as she speaks.
Barnaby looks around, looking for any kind of indication that Wally is being held captive, that he can’t just get up and leave. Yet, no matter how hard he looks, he can’t find any. Wally is just relaxing on (Y/n)’s chest while she stares down Barnaby.
“Barnaby!” Eddie’s voice comes loud from somewhere behind the dog before he bursts into the room. Much like Barnaby, he freezes upon seeing the scene.
“Oh great, you brought the mailman,” Yon grumbles, closing her book and leaning over as much as she can to place it on the coffee table, “is there anyone else? Did you bring the whole neighbourhood?” her voice is snarky as she speaks, obviously annoyed with the interruption.
“(Y/n)? Why have you stopped?” Wally finally speaks up, opening his eyes and shifting to sit up slightly. He seems completely oblivious to the presence of both Barnaby and Eddie while he looks up at (Y/n) with droopy, relaxed eyes.
“Wally?” It’s Eddie’s turn to speak now, as Barnaby is still trying to collect his jaw from its place on the floor.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Eddie sounds equal parts confused and outraged, staring at Wally.
“oh… Hello.” Wally sounds like he has just woken up from a nap when he speaks, despite the fact that he doesn’t sleep.
“Can you two leave?” (Y/n) growls, putting her arms around Wally and holding his much smaller body against hers. “He’s obviously not in any danger and I’ll return him soon enough. Get out of my house and please put my door back on it’s hinges as you go.”
“I’m not going anywhere without Wally,” Barnaby finally manages to find his voice, deciding to walk towards (Y/n).
“He’s a grown man, he can go home when he wants to. Like I said, he’s not in danger, I’m not holding him here against his will, he’s free to leave when he wants. He just doesn’t want to leave.” (Y/n) hugs Wally tighter to her body as Barnaby approaches, refusing to let him take Wally from her.
“I… Maybe we should go,” Eddie mumbles, seemingly nervous now. Any anger he had from before has melted away after seeing Wally in this state, obviously not wanting to leave.
“See? The mailman gets it. Now get out,” (Y/n) continues to growl at them, still holding the sleepy looking Wally against her body.
“I’m not-“ Barnaby tries to step forward, tries to reach out and pull Wally from her grip. Yet he doesn’t succeed; Eddie is holding the arm he was reaching forwards with.
“Barnaby…” Eddie mumbles, looking up at the much smaller puppet with a pleading look, “Wally is his own person… He can come home if he wants to… I think we should go.”
“But- He-“
“Let’s go.” Eddie tugs at Barnaby’s arm, beginning to tug him towards the living room door.
Barnaby doesn’t attempt to fight it, just letting Eddie tug him out of the house. His foot steps are staggering as he’s finally lead out, squinting a little as the sun shines into his eyes. He takes a moment when Eddie lets go of his arm to put the door back in place – it’s not perfect, but it’ll to till (Y/n) gets it fixed.
“What happened?!” Julie shouts, still in the tree that Barnaby had left her in. He can see that Frank is still trying to get her down.
“Wally wants to stay,” Eddie is the one who responds, as Barnaby is still unable to find his words.
“He wants to stay?” Frank stops their attempts to pull Julie from the tree to turn to their husband, a confused look on their face.
“Yep, wanted to stay.” Eddie walks over, reaching up and managing to catch Julie as she shimmies her way out of the branches. He puts her down before turning back to Barnaby.
“Why would he want to stay?”
“I don’t know, he seemed comfortable.”
Barnaby can hear the others ease into soft chatter about the situation as he begins to walk away. He doesn’t really know where he’s going, he’s just heading vaguely towards Home and the rest of the neighbours. He doesn’t know if Eddie, Julie and Frank are following him. He just knows that he saw his best friend curled up on the chest of the town’s biggest nuisance. Although, he doesn’t get far before a familiar pair of hands are on his arm again.
“Hey Barn, are you ok?” It’s Eddie. Ever the sweetheart, he’s desperate to comfort Barnaby to the best of his ability.
Barnaby looks around, waiting for Frank and Julie to approach, waiting to be overwhelmed with the voices that are just trying to comfort him, yet no one appears. It remains as just him and Eddie on the small path leading back to Home.
“Frankie and Julie have already headed on ahead. It’s just me and you. Are you ok?” The same question is so much heavier now. Especially as Eddie seemingly stares into his soul – almost the same way Wally always manages to do.
“Why would he do that?” Barnaby’s voice is broken, cracking, and barely above a whisper. Something about it is hollow and desolate.
“I don’t know,” Eddie mutters, now relaxing his grip on Barnaby’s arm.
“He… He’s supposed to be my best friend,” There’s so much distress in Barnaby’s voice. It sounds like he should’ve been shouting, he really should’ve been shouting. “Why would he leave? Why wouldn’t he say anything? Why would he stay with her?”
“I don’t know, only Wally can answer your questions.” Eddie continues to do his best to comfort Barnaby. Although the dog seems to be starting to whimper now despite trying to supress it.
“Maybe we should head back… The others are probably starting to worry about us now,” Barnaby mumbles over a barely supressed whimper.
“Yeah… Let’s head back.” Eddie places a hand on Barnaby’s back, agreeing. He knows the topic change is a desperate attempt not to start crying, so he won’t mention anything.
Wally turns up the next day like nothing ever happened. Granted, his ascot is tied in a different way then he usually does it and his pompadour isn’t coiled as tightly either, but he acts as if nothing is out of the ordinary. When Julie asks where he was, all he says is he was ‘visiting a friend’. When Howdy asks what he did, all he’ll give is vague answers. Worst of all, when Barnaby looks at him with a look of betrayal, he doesn’t acknowledge it.
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vampsquerade · 11 months
Hi! hope you have a good day! Can you do a poly "Ghost x male reader x Soap" (if you comfortable writing poly relationship) with slow burn, angst and fluff at the end?
Where Ghost and Soap already in a relationship until the reader came into their team The two male thought the reader wasn't talkative around people but few weeks later, things change at first Ghost seems interesting in the male skill using gun and how fast he can run and Soap like the male sense of humour.
Both of them thought it only a friendship type of things. Until the male save Ghost from the enemy on the battlefield and him laughing at Soap jokes. That when the two males known what happen to them, they weren't sure if M/n would comfortable in a relationship with them, so they start doing small things for him like making coffee or helping training,..
And M/n notice it, he even started to fall for the both of them. But he keep denying the things they did for him because he thought that what friend do. and M/n don't think he is ready for a new relationship, he wasn't sure he is good enough for them (the male got trauma from the previous relationships) (more angst please, I would like to suffer for a little bit)
After a while, the three of them got into a mission together, everything went good until the male got shot. He thought he going to be de@d soon (only to find out that he only got shot at his leg) so M/n confessed how he feel about the two of them which got him embarrassed when Ghost mention it when they got back to the base.
(andddd I don't know what to do with the ending cause I'm ran out of idea. I would want to see how the treated each other when got into a relationship. Sorry about the grammar, English isn't my first language)
hello anon! thanks so much for your request, i’m sorry for having taken so long to get to it because i will be honest, i rewrote this 29 fucking times…anyway, thank you for being as descriptive as possible because that really helped me out. and it’s okay! if you would like, feel free to leave a request in your native language so it’s more comfortable for you, i can translate it easily!
Ghost x Male!Reader x Soap: One’s Company, and Two’s a Crowd
Trigger Warnings: angst wth a happy ending, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, gunshot wounds, past abusive relationships, relationship trauma, accidental confessions, reference of domestic violence
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Simon and Johnny had, despite their slight differences, found themselves in a relationship together. Behind closed doors, the relationship was as domestic as it could get with an angsty man who’s had the worst of the worst happen in his life and a golden retriever boyfriend whose purpose for his traumatized lover was to show him there is some good in this world. Though his biological family is gone, Simon’s found his place in the Task Force and SpecGru; and a new member was just about to join the family. You walked into the room where Simon and Johnny were sitting, and his eyes grew wide when he saw you do a double take once you saw them. “Hey—who the fuck are you? How the fuck’d you get in?” he asks, quickly standing up.
Johnny’s quick to do the same, grabbing Simon’s hand tightly to hold him back. “Easy, Simon—let’s give him a chance to explain himself,” he says. His ocean blue eyes are soft as he looks at you, meanwhile Simon’s dark brown eyes are glaring into you so hard you feel like you’ll suddenly feel the blade of an invisible knife ghost against your neck before digging into you. “I’m new around here, sorry. The main contractor was telling me to try and introduce myself to anyone who’s around,” you explain. Your voice is so soft and so gentle, despite your military build. You’ve even got your arms raised in the air as a form of surrender. Simon, still wary of you, walks over to you and begins to frisk you for weapons. Satisfied that he doesn’t find anything, Simon lets you lower your arms before walking back to Johnny.
“You should probably learn how to fucking knock,” he scolds, glaring at you hard still. “He doesn’t need to knock Bonnie, this is the common room,” Johnny says before shaking his head slightly. “Sorry about that—what’s yer name? I’m Johnny and this here is Ghost,” he asks in a more kind manner. “Ah, cool. Nice to meet you two, please call me Y/N whenever we’re not on a mission or anything,” you say, giving the two a more peaceful and gentle smile. “Y/N…very nice name, I’ll say. Glad to have you on our side, too. I’m sure all of us will make some real good memories now that you’re here,” Johnny says. You can’t help but smile, nodding your head a bit, “Can’t wait to see what the future holds for us—this is going to be really exciting. I’ll be out of your hair now, see you around,” you say.
The duo then watches you give them a little wave once you step back out of the common room. It makes Simon sigh deeply, looking back down at Johnny. “M’sorry, love. I didn’t mean to snap on the kid like that…you know how I am…” he apologizes. It makes Johnny laugh, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek as he leads him back to the couch. “It’s okay, you’ll eventually warm up to him…I hope,” he says, wrapping his arms back around Simon. He does the same, holding onto Johnny once more and closing his eyes. “He seems…a bit promising, however. I’ll try my best to warm up to him…” Simon mumbles, nuzzling into Johnny’s chest. “Go at your own pace, alright?” Johnny reassures. Simon nods, sighing again as he closes his eyes. His lover’s embrace always seems to calm him for the better.
Time seems to fly, the more you spend time on base and out on missions, the more Simon and Johnny seem to notice you’re completely reserved to everyone else. The only time you ever speak is on missions, and even then, it’s only when you need to make call outs or call in a UAV. The two of them are impressed however, your ability to run and gun down enemies is something that they haven’t seen in quite some time. The way you carry yourself is with so much pride and a determination to do your job the best you could now that you’re in the big leagues, met only by the silence of someone who actively acknowledges just how good they are. It’s not arrogant or anything, as you tend to give everyone a thumbs up once you’re asked how you’re feeling before, during, and after a mission.
Outside the field, you’re even more isolated and really only hang around Johnny and Simon whenever they invite you to. You laugh at Johnny’s dumb jokes, picking up on some of his Scots and occasionally using it whenever the time is right. Johnny starts to feel drawn to you, and with your expertise in handling weaponry and staying cool in the field draws Simon closer to you too. It’s shocking, but it’s what draws the romantic duo closer to wanting to know you better. Johnny comes up with the idea to make you more comfortable, following Simon’s suggestion to get you closer to the two of them. It’s a big risk, he says, but Simon’s more than willing to make that risk for you.
You warm up to them both, talking more and more only when you’re with them. The prospect of potentially adding you to their relationship makes Johnny and Simon a bit excited. They begin to treat you nicely, waking you up whenever you’ve slept long enough, giving you coffee or tea if it’s too early in the morning, and treating you with a kindness you haven’t really felt in a long time. It almost feels…a little domestic. It’s a form of intimacy you didn’t even have in your last relationship, and in turn it makes you a bit wary. Still wanting to be friends with them, you just return the gestures whenever you can. Acts of service seems to be Johnny’s love language, and quality time seems to be Simon’s.
For you, it’s gift giving. You give them little trinkets and stuff you find—out in the field and in the cities you all travel to—showing them that you’re their friend and want them to know you appreciate them. It scares you, after a few months of doing this, as you eventually find yourself catching feelings for the both of them. It felt wrong, having such strong emotions for two men at the same time. It almost reminds you of your past relationship, except you were forced to share yourself with two different people who ended up forgetting you in the end. They’d exclude you and eventually started hurting you physically whenever you protested the relationship.
So once you wake up from a nightmare recounting that verg relationship while sleeping on the couch of the common room, Johnny and Simon are immediately alerted by this as they sit and talk seated at a table in the corner of the room. They see the cold sweat dripping off your forehead, your chest heaving slightly as you try to regain your breath and rush over. “Are you doing alright? What’s the matter?” Johnny asks, looking at you. “G-Get away…please…” you plead softly, shocking the duo slightly. “Bonnie, come on…we just want to help you…” Johnny says, reaching out for you. You crawl further back into the couch, as if scrambling to get away from them.
Simon, despite wearing his usual skull balaclava, is clearly distressed by your sudden behavior. “Do you…feel scared because of us…” he asks softly, trying to show his concern for you. Not a word comes out, however, a gentle nod of the head is the only answer given. “Do you feel comfortable enough to talk about it? We just want to understand…” Johnny says. You just remain silent, not even realizing that your body’s begun to tremble. “Please, let us understand…help us understand…” he continues to urge you. Feeling overwhelmed, you just push them away and quickly storm out of the common room.
The duo doesn’t move or go after you, opting to give you the space you clearly need right now. Weeks go by, and you’re sent back on another mission with Johnny and Simon. They could tell you’re still very much not willing to talk to them. The distance aches their hearts, as all they want to do is understand what’s hurting you. They don’t even realize that they’re the reason; you’d swiftly fallen in love with the two men, and you really don’t want to have a repeat of your previous relationship the more you fall. It hurt, and you didn’t want to see them hurt from it either. It’s distracting, especially on such an important mission like this. Suddenly, you can faintly hear your callsign being yelled.
“Liquid! Get the fuck down!”
You snap out of your thoughts once the disembodied voice yells at you, managing to hear a bullet whizz past your ear. Immediately you drop to the floor, clutching your TAQ-56 tightly in your hands. Not realizing the enemy’s become fully aware of your presence long before you started zoning out, the realization of three of you being pinned down where you were positioned really rang in your ears. Maybe it was just the bullet that whizzed past, or the thundering gunfire that surrounded you making your ears ring. Whatever it was, you forced yourself to wait for the enemies to call out to their own teammates when reloading to return fire.
The shootout lasts for a while and as a last ditch effort against the remaining 4 scattered enemies, one of them hurls an active frag grenade towards Simon. “Ghost, move!” you exclaim. Simon looks down and quickly moves back, firing at an enemy that appeared from the left of a different building. Running from your cover, fire is immediately opened on you as you grip the grenade and hurl it back to the one that threw it. A bullet pierces through you in an unknown area, pain immediately surging in your body as you fall to the floor. The grenade explodes on the enemy that tossed it, as well as his friend that happened to be unlucky enough to move forward. “Y/N! Streamin’ bloody Jesus!”
“I-I can’t go on anymore! Just know—I really love you guys!” you exclaim, not even paying attention where you had been shot at. Johnny comes out of his cover and fires at the remaining enemy before joining Simon at your side. Simon’s already removed your body armor and was in the middle of checking where the bullet hit you, and he seemed to have frozen in place at your confession. Johnny turns his attention to your leg before looking up at your face, “You uh…you’ll live, Liquid…you got shot in the meatier part of your calf,” he says a bit awkwardly. Instantaneously upon hearing you weren’t even dying, your heart dropped even further into the seemingly bottomless pit.
You just accidentally confessed.
The once talkative trio was now completely silent, being treated by medics and being moved to get further care for your gunshot wound. Simon and Johnny patiently wait to be allowed to see you and once they do, the tension in the room is just as heavy as it was back when you first joined the whole operation. “Y/N…we need to talk about what you said earlier,” Johnny urges gently. A deep sigh escapes you as you sit there in the infirmary cot. You’ve begun to play with the stitching to your jeans, huffing softly. “It was the heat of the moment…” you make an excuse for yourself, blaming it on the situation.
Simon raises his brow after, “You do know that that makes it all the more true. This isn’t something you can easily avoid,” he says, reminding you of the other side of the coin. Feeling defeated about this situation, your shoulders slump as you reluctantly look up at the couple. “Okay, fine—I’ve…I’ve had feelings for you two for quite some time but…ah…” You say, trailing off as different points come through your mind. Deciding to start on one, the look in your eyes becomes somber as the duo watches and patiently waits to hear what you have to say. “Can I first explain why I started pushing you guys away…?” you ask, hoping they’ll provide you a safe space to speak.
“‘Course ya can…go in and tell us, lad…we’re listening…” Johnny reassured you. Simon nods silently, waiting to understand why you began to act so distant in the first place. “Well…when my partner and I were dating, they decided to add another person to the mix…except, it was a blatant slap to the face,” you begin, feeling a bit overwhelmed as the story of your past relationship comes to light. Johnny and Simon both reach for your hands, gently holding onto and caressing them. They give you a moment to recollect yourself, clearly treating you much better than you had been treated. “It was only like that because it was basically a way for my partner to distance themselves and cheat on me.”
The last sentence makes Simon furious, and he squeezes at your hand a little tighter. You couldn’t help but keep going, “The two of them had degraded me and…sometimes they hit me…whenever I asked them to join or made a protest to the whole thing.” Johnny’s eyes, usually soft, looked immediately protective, “Oh bonnie…you didn’t deserve to be treated like rubbish like that. Is the ended relationship why you ended up joining the military, and eventually us?” he asks while reassuring you. A silent nod is your only response, as well as the quivers of pain and fear your body gives.
“I pushed myself away to keep myself from hurting like that again…from personal experience, I’ve become so afraid…” you say. Your own hands then hold onto Simon’s and Johnny’s a bit tighter, and they do the same. “We wouldn’t let that happen at all. Johnny and I here, well—the two of us have fallen in love with you at the same time. It’s completely understandable if you want to join or not,” Simon confesses, rubbing at the back of his still balaclava-covered head. “Promise we won’t ignore how you’re feeling…a relationship as big as ours relies heavily on trust so…” Johnny says, looking at Simon before you.
“Will you trust us?”
The question comes out of their mouths perfectly in sync, showing that giving you the move you’ve always deserved is something they both agreed on doing. A heavy and apprehensive silence filled the room, the 50/50 chance of you agreeing or not waiting to be flipped by a singular figurative scenario. “I’ll trust you…” eventually came out of your lips and confirmed your answer. Not even realizing they had been holding their breaths, Simon and Johnny sigh in relief. “Thank fucking God…” Simon says, putting a hand in his chest. Johnny chuckles as he leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“Best choice, Y/N…you’re going to be so loved…you’ve even got Simon all exasperated about this,” Johnny says, slightly joking with you. Simon grumbles, rolling his eyes as lifts his balaclava up before he leans forward and kisses your other cheek. “That’ll do…” he says, ruffling your sleeve a bit. “Thank you—I’m really hoping this could work out for us…” you mumble softly, kissing both Simon and Johnny’s cheeks. This was the staff of a new beginning, and the first step from healing what you’d experienced before. So much love was on its way to you, and you were just so happy.
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stormyoceans · 10 months
Which character development leave you more fascinated: Talay's or Puen's? (they had not equal amount of screen time dedicated to their background stories tho... but still. Maybe you have something to say about that!)
but if i really had to pick one, i think rn i would go with puen's!!!!
talay is actually my favorite character and his journey from someone who doesn't believe in love, someone who almost considers it an hindrance to his life, to someone who learns to fully embrace it as one of life's many colors that can coexist with the others is always incredible to witness, but if we talk about character development, i feel like talay is way more consistent throughout the show. like don't get me wrong, of course he goes through some changes: he opens up more, he learns to rely on others, he gets comfortable with physical touch.... however, we meet talay in episode 1 and we immediately get to know him. he is rational and hardworking but also understanding and kind, and that remains true until the end
on the other hand, the puen of episode 12 feels completely different from the puen of episode 1, and part of it is because for the most part we see the story from talay's point of view so we get to know puen along with him, but it's also because puen the man had been buried for so long under puen the actor that his entire journey is all about rediscovering and relearning how to be himself. i honestly could spend hours talking about the way the show tackles the concept of identity, especially when it comes to puen, so for now i'll just say that i always felt like a lot of people saw puen clinging onto tun and not being fully transparent from the start as him being deceitful and manipulative, but i think this just completely disregard his development, which is about accepting himself and being accountable for his action: the puen who in episode 10 is finally ready to reveal his name to talay is a puen who has grown SO MUCH, and it's a pity that such an interesting character with such an impressive journey is often overlooked or even, imho, misconstrued
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Taehun with s/o who is smart, introverted (kind of) like his personality as well except for being a bastard. S/o who is like on more matured side. She was like a 'manager' or 'mom' of their group (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Thanks for the ask! I havent written anything for Taehoon in a hot second but anon why was this so hard to write 😭 is my brain fried? Am I just dumb? SURPRISE it's both.
And that guy's hair is out of control in this pic.
Seong Taehoon x Reader: Unnie/Noona
3 lil scenarios with the Yoo Hobin Company
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You don't keep track of where Taehoon goes.
Not that you really care, but your boyfriend is pretty predictable anyway. He's either with you, practicing at the studio, playing at the arcade, or hanging at the Yoo Hobin Company house.
If he's at the latter without you, your absence will be duly noted by your phone pinging incessantly:
Rumi: Unnie, we miss you <3
Gaeul: Please come over!
Mangi: It'll be nice to see you :)
Snapper: AND ME
Snapper: pls hurry
You think the record is 297 messages and 40 missed calls from the collective. You were napping, you didn't avoid them on purpose!
But regardless of what you might have had planned, you have a soft heart for the kids. If they come calling, you would try to see them.
"Stalking me again?" Taehoon gives a teasing quip whenever you make your appearance.
The words have no bite, he loves having you around.
You're only part of the company by association, but it's sweet that you got invited along to their next holiday.
Only a shame that no one had the foresight to put any sort of itinerary together or even research the area beforehand.
Trying to help them out, you message the group chat with some suggestions of cafes and sights. In exchange, you hoped for some alone time with Taehoon.
You both enjoy lunch before meandering through a park together.
...Until you turn around and find five pairs of curious eyes belonging to the rest of the company staring back.
"Why are you here, piss off." Taehoon starts to launch a kick at Hobin but you manage to hold him back in time.
"Erm, can we help you?"
"Noona!" Hobin gives you what he must have thought were cute puppy eyes. (You're not a violent person, but you agree with Taehoon that he does have a punchable face.) "We don't know what to do next!"
Rumi chips in, "Can we please hang with you and Taehoon?"
So much for spending some time with your boyfriend.
Tonight, you could practically feel the Yoo Hobin Company physically unclench as you enter the room.
It might be due to the fact you're the only one that could rein Taehoon in when he's on a rampage.
Mangi had texted you as a matter of urgency.
"Who the fuck drank my beer?"
Ah, there it is. You take in the group, all looking tense as Taehoon looms over them.
Typical of your boyfriend to blow this out of proportion. But honestly? Why would anyone purposely try to set this bomb off.
Shit. You notice Snapper a little red faced and swaying. He actually drank it?! You better step in.
"What?" he doesn't take his eye off them.
"Why don't we just go and get some more?"
"You know I hate people touching my things,"
"I know but I'm sure Hobin wouldn't mind putting some on company expense,"
"And there's probably some petty cash for the arcade."
That piques his interest. Taehoon stops scowling and turns to you, "Yeah?"
"Yep," you smile and take his hand, "Snapper, why don't you go have a look for some cash?"
Not needing to be told twice, Snapper takes this as his cue to make a swift exit.
"I'll help!" Gaeul pipes up, and scuppers off to join him.
Taehoon softens up at the thought of free beer and spending the night at the arcade with you.
Crisis averted.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Something cute with Zhang Hao where the reader became close with one of the boys (Jiwoong maybe?) and he's jealous because poor boy has the biggest crush on reader :( with a cute lil confession? 🥰
A real kiss~
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pairing: jealous zhang hao x long time friend reader ft. jiwoong as the cause of drama (jk)
pronouns: none used
genre: canon au, fluff, humour
tw/tags: introvert things, nicknames, jealousy lol, jiwoong giving hands-on acting lessons (maybe a lil too hands-on for hao but he’s just being nice y’all), woong best wingman (yes he can sense the tension), kdrama mention, flashback, kissing, confessions
wc: 1175
summary: maybe hao’s a teeny little bit jelly of how well you get along with jiwoong. 
a/n if any of you saw this earlier than scheduled, it's because tumblr hates me and likes to confuse me constantly~ anyways thanks for the req anon, this was really cute and i enjoyed writing it very much, a little content note: xiào xiào is a nickname used for kids who are like happy or smiley but hao calls mc that bc they make hao happy shdsd ok if any better mandarin speaker would like to correct me or suggest another nickname, just lmk~
check my pinned for more fics!
Zhang Hao likes to think he’s a fairly laid back person.
Or at least, that’s what he likes to think when you’ve been deep in conversation with Jiwoong for the past hour and not spending time with the person who actually invited you over (him).
Okay maybe he isn’t being fair. You’ve also, over the past hour, checked in on him and tried your best to involve him in your conversation. It’s just that Hao is an introvert and today is one of the days where he doesn’t feel like making it a three way conversation. Also they’ve mostly worked it out but he and Jiwoong still have their awkward moments so there’s that too.
“You alright Hào hào?” Well at least he can enjoy the fact you’re using the nickname that only you call him. (Because absolutely no one else is allowed to call him that ever).
“I’m fine, Xiào xiào.”
You had joined Yuehua around the same time, Zhang Hao as an idol trainee while you were preparing to go into acting. To say you were close would be an understatement. You clicked immediately, the other Yuehua trainees would joke that you were Hao’s co-parent with how often you would come over to their dorm with food. 
Hao spent every free day he had off the program with you if both of you weren’t busy. Sometimes you’d even accompany him to visit his subway ads, obviously sporting a mask and hat and keeping it lowkey so as not to draw attention to yourself. While you’ve been an extra or had a line or two for a few drama gigs, you haven’t exactly made your public debut just yet.
It just so happened that you’d be working with Jiwoong on your first minor supporting role in The Good Bad Mother, alongside your actor sunbaenim in Yuehua who had the starring role. The eldest hyung also happened to have quite a bit of experience in acting and you happened to have questions. While your company sunbaenims and teachers were helpful, they were also quite busy and you didn’t want to bother them too much.
“So for kissing scenes-”
Suddenly, Hao’s full attention is on you as you ask his bandmate how one goes about filming such scenes. He’s not dumb. Hao knows once you start getting bigger roles, you might do scenes like that. But dammit, he wants to be your first kiss, not some actor who’s playing your love interest.
“You’ve never been kissed before?”
It’s one of those moments where you’re too tired from the hours and hours of PR training, Hao preparing for Boys Planet and you for the eventual conferences and public appearance you’ll make once you make your acting debut. 
“It’s not that.” You sink into the sofa of the little room you’ve been in for hours, learning how to avoid getting a bad edit on camera. 
“It’s just that none of them really meant anything, you know? It was for fun, for a dare or some shit like that. To figure out whether I liked boys or girls or both. I just don’t think it’s a real kiss, you know?”
“What’s a real kiss then?”
You’re quiet for a bit and Hao’s about to move on with the conversation when you speak again.
“With someone I like. I’d be nice to kiss someone I like. Someone who likes me too.”
I like you, Hao thinks. I’d like to kiss you. 
He could do it. He could offer. But he’s shy and your friendship is only a few months old and he’s going to get shipped off to this Mnet program soon. So instead he says:
“That sounds nice. I’ve never thought of it that way.”
“Maybe because you’re the type to go around kissing everyone, Mr. Campus prince.”
You tease.
“Hey! I wasn’t like that at all.”
Hao protests. You grin mischievously and your conversation devolves back to light, playful back and forth.
But Hao doesn’t forget.
Maybe that’s the day that he decides to try and become the someone you like.
Jiwoong’s hands are on your shoulders. Zhang Hao’s not sure when that happened but he does know that he doesn’t like it.
“So my hands should go here?” You ask, patting Jiwoong's rib cage. He nods, expression completely placid and wholly focused on teaching you how to manoeuvre yourself.
“You can also put it on their waist, the director will be giving you instructions and you can monitor yourself on camera between takes as well.”
You nod thoughtfully, tentatively placing your hands on him. Zhang Hao’s fingers twitch, just a little. Most of the members who had been filtering in and out of the room seemed to have disappeared. It’s just him, you, and Jiwoong.
Which is why you decide to lean in, your face just about a few inches away from the eldest ZB1 member.
“So I just go like this?”
That’s it. Hao’s had enough. He can’t do this. He can’t watch you anymore.
“Xiào xiào?” 
Hao’s careful not to show how happy he is when you pull away from Jiwoong and look at him. His hyung must have sensed it anyway, standing up and saying he’s supposed to meet Seobin soon. You thank him for the help, he says you can text him anytime (Hao’s not sure how to feel about that one) and then he leaves the two of you alone.
“There goes my acting teacher.” You pout a little and Hao can’t help himself.
“You came here to spend time with me, not take lessons from Jiwoong-hyung.” 
“Awww, is Hào hào jealous?”
“I miss you.” He says instead of answering, hugging your side like he usually does.
You hug him back, and in a small voice, you admit.
“I’ve missed you too, Hào hào.”
There shouldn’t be anything special about the moment. You’ve done this before, hugged like this before, said things like this before. But this time, he just-
Hao pulls away, his arms still wrapped around you loosely. It’s just enough so he can see your eyes, looking at him, he can’t read you too well, he swears his heart’s beating so loudly that you can hear it. But you don’t pull away. He leans in.
His lips are soft against yours, you can feel the slightly sticky sensation of the lip balm he uses, taste a little of the tea he was drinking a while ago. It’s warm and nice and it feels perfect.
His arms slide to your waist and your fingers circle around his shoulders, holding onto the fuzzy knit fabric of his cardigan. You can smell the perfumed lotion he uses, pleasantly floral and addicting. He keeps kissing you. You keep kissing back.
Hao only stops when his heart feels like it’s going to give out, catching his breath and looking at you with your flushed cheeks and swollen lips. He can’t help but ask.
“Was that a real kiss?” I like you so, so much.
“I think it was, Hào hào.” I like you too.
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whomstress · 7 months
Keeping the Skies Clear
One shot of Ragatha and Jax! @estro-gem Thank you for finally pushing me over the edge with your amazing fics! to finally start writing for my current hyperfixation. (I was the fan anon this is just my side blog)
Anyway, this about year before the pilot. Zooble's the new kid in town and pushes a dumb bunny just trying to do his "job" keeping a close eye over a devastated Ragatha at another lost friend. I would say poke the bear and find out but Zooble's tough as nails, they can handle anything thrown at them.
Ragatha was the nicest and most stable of them. When Zooble first came, Ragatha was the one to calm her down, as she often did for everyone who allowed it. And, despite how many times it happened, she was always so sad when another one of them abstracted. She was here the longest next to Kinger, yet she was still the most sane one here.
Zooble would like to be in the same mood that Ragatha was always in, but they also knew that behind closed doors she was one of them who was struggling the most. She cared too much about other people before herself. She found this out after Zooble saw their first abstraction. They couldn’t sleep that night, so they wandered the circus until they finally decided to head back to their room in the middle of the night, thinking everyone was asleep by now.
Only when they crossed by Ragatha’s room and heard muffled, sorrowful sobs dulled by a pillow did they figure out the truth. Zooble was never the first person to comfort someone; in fact, they hated being a shoulder to lean on, considering Ragatha had been by their side since they first got there. They felt a kind of guilt for not returning the favor.
As they were about to knock on the door, a gloved hand caught theirs. They nearly jumped in shock, only to realize it was Jax, and the shock was replaced with a glare. “What the-” They said before he gave a hushed “Shut it!” He pointed to the door with his thumb, obviously telling them to be quiet, or Ragatha would hear.
Zooble once again looked at him in shock before he grabbed them by the elbow away from the door a little before Zooble yanked away. “What the @#!$ Jax?” Zooble said, annoyed, but still made sure to keep their voice to a lower volume. His smile seemed to widen at their annoyance.
Even after two months, they still didn’t really care to get to know anyone beyond surface-level things, except Ragatha, who did her best to keep the unwilling newcomer company. Jax was only what they saw on the outside. A mythic A-hole.
So without beating around the bush, they cut to the chase and asked, “Why do you even care?”
His face drops for a nanosecond before he switches back to his regular yellow grin, looking bored at where his finger nails would be. “I actually don’t, for your information.”
Zooble scoffed, rolling their eyes. "It doesn't seem like it. You’re the one stalking her door in the middle of the night to stop anyone from seeing if she’s okay, Jeez. I knew you were a sadist prick picking on the only person who no doubt deserves to be here all the time, but I didn’t think you actually hated her.”
A loud thump on the floor snapped their vision back to the rabbit man. His slightly tinted purple face suddenly filled with a darker purple angry flush, and the rabbit ears that shot up past his hair pulled back. His smile finally turned downward as they glowered over Zooble. “You’ve been here, what? A month, and you think you know me? Get real, @#$%@.” He pointed a gloved hand in their faces.
Despite the slight surprise of seeing him for the first time, seeing him actually pissed off Zooble’s face remained in a glare that matched his slapping his hand out of their face. “You have all of two seconds to get out of my face, or you’ll wish you were the one to go today. Maybe everyone else puts up with your #&^$ but not me %#&*!^.”
He scoffs and backs off, making his face go back into a neutral expression. “*@ off, the only reason I’m not making your life more of a hell than this place is so you don’t wake up. Raggedy dumb@$%.”
Wake up? Zooble only just noticed the sobbing had stopped, replaced with an oddly louder snore. “She’s been crying for like two hours; she thought she’d never stop.” He said it once again, looking bored, but as he listened to her snore a bit more, they could see he was visibly almost completely back to his normal relaxed and annoying nature.
“Why?” They asked.
They knew Jax didn’t need a clarifier but asked, playing dumb anyway. “Why what, Crabby?”
Zooble once again cut straight through his bullshit, “Why do you care? Really.”
He scoffed and placed his hands in his dumb, cartoonish overall pockets. “I told you I don’t.” He looked at Zooble's deadpan face and knew they wouldn’t drop it until they got an answer. He almost told her to buzz off again before they threatened to ask the whole circus if he wasn’t going to give them an answer. “Freaking nark”.
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes until they went almost to the back of his head. “If I tell you, you can’t say jack. If Rags finds out, this will all be for nothing, got it?” Zooble stayed silent but nodded.
“When she gets this way, if anyone says a word to her, she’ll get even more depressed for, like, a week.”
“Some dumb need to never ‘upset’ anyone. The one thing she hates more than anything is thinking she hurt someone. Which is dumb as hell. I get she has this bleeding heart or whatever, but the woman needs to seriously bite the bullet and be an @#$hole one of these days.”
He continued after a moment of silence, “When she’s all depressed, everything and everyone feels like shit. I hate to admit it, but she kind of makes this place bearable for everyone. like the sun through the clouds or whatever that dumb poet said. Anyway, this place gets dark as shit at that point. And doing funny things to people when they have a reaction of a brick wall is boring as hell. Messing with people is the only thing that keeps me from going insane in this place. That’s why.”
Zooble stays quiet for a moment, like they're processing everything he said before they nod, brushing their pink hair out of their face. “Makes sense. Kinda.”
He rolls his eyes again, not caring whether they approve of his reasons or not. Until they broke the silence again, “Like the sun through the clouds, huh?”
His head snaps to theirs, and they let out an amused exhale through their nose before speaking again before he can retort. “Don’t worry, Romeo; the secret's safe with me.” They laughed as they walked away.
He actually almost strangled them at that moment, but was interrupted by a particularly loud, pig-like snort/snore from across the hall, and he rolled his eyes, smirking a bit. Before catching himself and pitching the bridge between his nose trying to stop the oncoming headache. Whatever she’s asleep, she’ll be back to her cheery facade in the morning. He’d done his personal job of keeping the sanity in this place level.
His personal job of keeping the sun out of the clouds.
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gonzo-rella · 5 months
Headcanons: Abed Nadir and Annie Edison Taking Care of Their Sick S/O
Requested by: Anon
if you’re still open to doing the Sick reader headcanons, could you maybe do one that’s Abed Nadir x reader (in a romantic way)? Thank you so much, I love your work!!
Relationship(s): Abed Nadir x sick!gn!reader (romantic), Annie Edison x sick!gn!reader (romantic)
Warnings: The reader has a cold so... yeah. Also, since I'm sick myself, my brain isn't working at it's normal level so apologies for any mistakes! (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: Thanks, Anon- that's incredibly kind! Anyway, I'll always have time to write about Abed, my beloved. I figured I'd throw in Annie too, to make up for how short these are going to be and because if I'd want anyone taking care of me right now, it'd probably be Annie. Also, feel free to request more characters from different fandoms for the sick!reader hcs series I seem to be doing now (I've already done the Yellowjackets ladies).)
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Abed is more than happy to keep you company whilst you recover.
If you go to Greendale with him, he’ll ask Annie if you can borrow her notes to help you catch up when you’re feeling better.
He will also ask Annie for advice on what to do to help you recover.
He’ll bring you snacks and water, and pick up any medicine you might need.
But, his main strategy in taking care of you is hanging out with you to take your mind off of how awful you’re feeling.
He doesn’t really care about getting sick himself, so he’s more than happy to sit in bed with you.
He just loves to spend time with you whether or not you’re disgustingly sick.
He’ll bring over his favourite movies that he watches when he’s sick, and even when he has to go to college he’ll leave you with plenty of DVDs to get through when you’re by yourself.
He’ll also watch whatever you want to watch, regardless of whether or not he actually likes it.
(Again, he just likes spending time with you)
If you haven’t yet watched Inspector Spacetime with him, he might use your bedridden state as an excuse to force you to watch it with him.
Annie is very much a natural caretaker, and she’s completely prepared to take care of you and help you get better.
She can be a little strict, but it comes from a place of love.
If you go to Greendale with her and share some classes, she’ll make sure to catch you up when you’re better.
And, if you plead with her enough, she’ll complete any assignments you might have missed.
She’s able to balance school and taking care of you.
Between classes and at lunch, she’ll call you to make sure you’re alright and to make sure you’ve drank a sufficient amount of water, eaten and taken any medicine you need to take.
And, to everyone’s surprise, she’ll skip her study group meetings to take care of you.
Well, she’ll still study, just in your room instead.
She’s also pretty cautious not to get sick herself, so she insists on keeping a safe distance and limiting physical contact with you.
She can be guilted into giving you a hug, though.
Also, not to completely recycle my Misty Quigley headcanon but I can 100% see Annie feeding you soup.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Can I requests a oneshot with Ron Speirs x reader? everyone in easy thinks that big grumpy speirs holds a grudge against the reader bc he often gives her paperwork or smth but in reality he just wants to keep her around him out of protectiveness bc he likes her? But she doesn't know and thinks he doesn't like her either so shes kind of intimidated but also has a massive crush on him? But when he sees the reader with some other easy members he gets jealous and snaps so now he has to tell her that hes in love with her. Don't stress yourself, i just thought it could be interesting, thank youu
From Scratch
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Ron Speirs x reader
Summary: No, what bothers you is that ever since he gained control of Easy Company, he’s done nothing but take opportunities away from you. You’re proud to be a lieutenant. But what’s the point of holding the rank if you never do any of the work that comes with it?
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, Anon! I swear I didn't forget about this - or the other prompts in my inbox. School has been keeping me busy this semester, so this took me a long time to write. But it's here now, and I hope you enjoy it! (This is written for the fictional depiction from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️
Warnings: mentions of war
“Uh oh!” Nixon singsongs when you step into the command post. “Looks like someone is in trouble.” He flashes you a broad grin as you make your way over to his desk and drop a stack of files with a heavy thwack! “What’d you do this time?”
Anger boils in your chest. Not towards Nixon. It’s not his fault. For his sake you try to keep your voice just as light and joking when you shrug and say, “Oh, you know, just the usual sort of thing. Got the scouting mission that I was supposed to lead taken from me and given to one of the sergeants.” You shrug. “No big deal.”
Except it is, and you both know it.
Nixon lets out a low whistle. “Damn. And might I inquire as to who arranged this?”
You roll your eyes. “Do you really need to ask?”
Speirs. It’s always Speirs.
Which seems unfair, somehow. You can still remember the first time you saw him, way back in Camp Toccoa, when he was in a different company, but already gaining a reputation for himself as one of the best runners. One time you passed him as you were going up the mountain and he was going down. He had nodded at you as he passed, and something about the niceness of the gesture made your heart jolt so fiercely that you almost tripped as you started on the switchback.
Then he went on to distinguish himself in other ways – the ever present whispers of rumors and stories that follow him like a cape made out of mystery – and suddenly, after he was put in charge of Easy Company, he didn’t seem so nice anymore. The rumors have never bothered you; Ron is a good leader, and you trust that he’s making whatever choices he needs to in order to keep the company safe.
No, what bothers you is that ever since he gained control of Easy Company, he’s done nothing but take opportunities away from you. You’re proud to be a lieutenant. But what’s the point of holding the rank if you never do any of the work that comes with it? (Well, besides paperwork, that is.)
The most frustrating part of it is that as angry as you are with him, you still feel your heart begin to hammer away in your chest whenever he enters a room – or race into triple time if you think he’s looking at you. How dare your own heart still feel so fondly towards him when your eyes can clearly see the obvious fact laid before you?
The fact being: Ronald Speirs dislikes you. Which kind of makes it feel as if someone is crushing your heart under their shoe, like a cigarette being ground out on the sidewalk, when you think about it.
You push the thought – and the feelings – aside. Or try to, anyway.
“I hate paperwork,” you mutter as you take a seat across from the intelligence officer. “Almost as much as he hates me.”
“I don’t think Speirs hates you.” When you fix him with an incredulous look, Lewis holds up his hands in surrender. “I mean, he might hold some sort of grudge against you, maybe, but hate you? If that were true, I think you’d be dead by now, (Y/N).”
You roll your eyes; it’s a conversation you’ve had before, and one that never fails to fill you with the smallest shred of hope that maybe Nixon is right about Speirs not completely hating you. “Well, now I hold a grudge against him for making me do all this paperwork.”
“You sound like somebody else I know. Ah, and if you speak of the devil, then he shall appear!”
Quick, confident footsteps approach the desk from behind you. Neither you or Nixon can stop the smiles that spread across your faces when Dick appears. Even something as simple as his presence has always been able to lighten the mood, and today is no exception.
He returns the smile as he pulls up a chair from a nearby desk to join you, but not before glancing over both shoulders, searching.
“The devil?” He huffs a laugh. “Weird. You were already here, Nix.”
“Oh ha ha,” Nixon deadpans. He props his feet up on the desk and leans back in his chair.
Dick gently pushes his friend’s feet off the desk, which makes Nixon sit upright. For his part, though, Nixon doesn’t seem to mind it. Or mind that Dick sets more paperwork in front of him. Well, at least someone seems okay with filling out forms. Maybe if you’re extra nice, you can trick him into doing all the work that Speirs assigned to you.
Just as you’re trying to sneak your stack of files in with Nixon’s, Dick raises an eyebrow at you.
“There a reason that you’re stuck inside again, Lieutenant?”
You shrug. “Oh, you know how I just can’t stay away from office work. And how much I love to be bombarded with company gossip by Nix.”
Lewis puts a hand over his heart and gasps. “What?! You mean to tell me that you don’t hang around here because you enjoy my witty banter and winning personality?”
“Actually, I would rather – “
You’re cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind you.
Slowly, you turn to see Speirs standing a few feet away from where the three of you sit. Upon first glance, he looks a bit like a child standing on the fringes of a friend group on the first day of school, nervously waiting to see if he’s going to be invited to join in. But when the shock clears off, it’s impossible to miss the look in his eyes – there’s a darkness lurking beneath the surface that suddenly makes it so easy to see why every rumor thrown his direction sticks to him like he’s covered in paste. It makes your heart drop.
“Good afternoon, Captain,” Dick says, leading the charge bravely, as always.
After a nod and a brief salute, Speirs turns his attention to you. “Lieutenant (Y/L/N), I forgot to give you this.”
Your heart sinks when you realize that he’s holding yet another file full of paperwork. It’s such a setback that your heart can’t even bring itself to run wild when your hands briefly brush his as he hands it to you.
“Oh.” The words feel rough as sandpaper as you force them out. “Thank you.”
When you manage to meet his eye, Speirs has furrowed his eyebrows, which makes him look thoroughly annoyed. Standing so close, it’s easy to see the striking features of his face – like a marble bust of a Greek hero. He’s so handsome, even with the lines between his eyebrows and the frown tugging at his lips. It makes you want to reach up and smooth them away, let him lean into your touch so you can soften his features, molding them like clay into the gentle man that you imagine he might be under his tough exterior and the cold armor of rumors that make every line so harsh and so jagged to everyone else.
But you can’t do that. Instead, you’re separated from him by his armor, just like everyone else. You hate that you’ve caused him to look this way – to look at you this way.
“You know,” Speirs says, his voice quiet and as cold as the look he’s giving you. “it’s a lot safer here than it is on the line.” He glances back at Nixon and Winters before looking you up and down. “Get to work, Lieutenant.”
Then, just as quickly and as silently as he appeared, he’s gone.
It’s so cold, so impersonal. Your stomach turns to a block of ice.
Behind you, Nixon lets out a low whistle. “Well then.”
Get to work. Part of you wants to scoff, brush it off, and go back to your friends. The other part of you is chasing after him, trying to figure out where it all went wrong. Instead, you’re stuck standing there, staring after him, looking forlorn.
No, you decide. You can’t carry on like this.
The file falls unceremoniously onto the desk in front of Nixon as you toss it at him. “Finish this for me, will ya?”
Dick can’t contain the small laugh that escapes him when he sees the surprised look on Nixon’s face. You’re out the door before either of them can offer a proper response.
Outside, you don’t make it far. The door clicks shut behind you, and when you look up, you see him. Ron is a few feet away, coming towards you, closing the distance between you. Unlike a few moments before, he doesn’t look mad. The hard edges of his expression have softened into something like concern.
You stop in front of each other, each waiting for the other to say something.
“Can we talk?” You ask at the same time that Ron blurts out, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
You blink. “You’re what?”
Voices fill the air as a small group of officers approaches the command post. Ron gently takes your elbow and guides you aside so that they can pass, not seeming to notice or care what it does to your poor heart.
He lowers his voice as the group passes. “Can we talk? Privately?”
The Ronald Speirs wants to talk, alone, with you. There’s no question about it – you follow him.
He leads the two of you into one of the remnants of a building that soldiers have been quartering in. The skeletal remains of the structure probably provide no protection for whatever words he wants to exchange, but at least you can be away from prying eyes.
Alone, his dark eyes look you over. The motion isn’t as harsh as it was back in the command post. No, this is . . . gentle. Like he’s studying you.
You find yourself nervous under his gaze. Clearing your throat, you try to find your words. “You wanted to talk?”
Ron looks unsure of himself – something that you never would have imagined was possible. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs, the sound filtering through the hollowed out room you stand in like it’s the building’s last raspy breath.
“I was an accountant, back before the war.”
Whatever you thought he was going to tell you, it certainly wasn’t that. You raise an eyebrow.
He nods. “I’m good with numbers; that’s my strong suit. Words . . . don’t work themselves out as easily. Some people mistake quietness for cruelness.” The dim light casts shadows on his face as he tilts his head. “You’ve heard the rumors, just like everyone else?”
Who hasn’t heard the rumors, the stories? Speirs can’t walk through a room without turning heads and leaving a trail of whispers in his wake.
“Yes,” your voice comes out as a whisper. Are they true? you stop yourself from asking, because with his sudden openness, you’re starting to question everything that you’ve ever known about Ron Speirs – everything you’ve thought you’ve known. Who is this man, really?
“I . . . didn’t mean to snap at you,” Ron admits, his voice as soft as the look that he’s giving you. “And I’m sorry about all the paperwork. I don’t have a grudge against you.”
You cringe. So he did overhear that part.
He wets his lips, not quite meeting your eyes. “I try to keep you off the line so that you’ll be safe. There’s no grudge or dislike or . . . I just wanted to keep you safe because – “ He cuts himself off with a deep breath.
With the quiet all around you, the frantic beating of your heart fills the silence. “You want to keep me safe?”
“Yes. If you’ll let me.”
Being in the same room as him felt impossible a few minutes ago. Now though, some inexplicable force draws the two of you together. You both step forward so that there’s hardly any space left between you. Something in the back of your mind wonders how things have changed so quickly. What else have you been wrong about?
“Who are you, Ronald Speirs?”
So close to him, you can see the smile tugging at the edge of his mouth when he replies, “There’s your answer: Ronald C Speirs. That’s all that I am.”
An accountant. Someone’s son, brother, friend who got drafted into the war. A man. The rumors and myths that shroud him fall away until someone you don’t know stands before you. You want to get to know him.
“Well, Ron, it’s nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N).” You smile at him, and it feels natural when he returns the gesture. “Can we maybe start over?”
Ron lets out a laugh and you could swear it was the sweetest sound in the entire world. “I would like that very much.”
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youwouldntlietopapa · 7 months
"I'm not jealous, you are jealous."
With Primo
This is anon and it’s definitely not Beth ❤️
I love you and I like you thank you bye
Oof, okay, this one got more feelsy that I was aiming for. Sorry not sorry.
“Buongiorno, sorella.” Primo’s greeting sounds unusually formal and a bit flat when you walk into the greenhouse. Not his usual warm welcome or his smile. In fact, he hasn’t looked up from his work table where he was fussing over one of his plants.
“… Good morning, Papa.” You respond, sounding more like you’re asking a question than offering a hello. “It’s nearly tea time.”
It’s become a habit over the last few weeks. Tea with Primo in the greenhouse at 10:30. Late enough in the morning that he’s ready for a break and early enough to give you some time to spend together before lunch. It’s… something. Neither of you have been willing to name it or put rules to it. It simply is what it is and you’re content knowing that you’re both comfortable and happy with your arrangement, without worrying too much about the rest. Sharing his bed (or work bench, or chair, or whatever else is at hand) when the mood strikes, and enjoying his company just as much.
You walk over, setting the tea tray down on the bench next to where he’s working. Primo still doesn’t look, shifting his weight subtly to make any attempt at a kiss on the cheek awkward if not impossible. It’s not like him to behave that way and definitely not like him to not even offer a thank you for bringing pastries from the kitchens.
“Not today, I think.” He says bluntly. “I am very busy.”
You blink at him for a long moment. “Replanting that hosta? Primo, if you’re going to lie to me, could you at least make it less insultingly transparent?”
He huffs. “I did not think you would come today. I have things to do.”
“Why wouldn’t I come today, of all days?” That’s all the patience you have for talking to his back and you walk around him to actually see his face. “If I did something, I wish you would tell me.”
“You did nothing. I just assume you would be with Cardinal Doyle this morning. Too busy for tea out here.” He says Doyle’s name like a curse, his mouth twisting sourly.
It takes a moment for the meaning to sink in, like an unexpected slap in the face. You had been talking to the Cardinal or, more like, he was talking to you. The other Sisters had already warned you about that man and his wandering hands. He was a menace and a pest, and also had seniority. It was very hard not to talk to him once he got it in his head to talk to you.
“What on Earth are you talking about, Primo? Do you mean at breakfast?”
“In the hall, si. You seemed very interested in what he had to say. I hear him telling you to come to his office later.” He finally looks at you, trying to keep his face neutral but his pale eye glows in the muted light of the greenhouse. “You are not obligated here, Sorella. If you wish to meet with the Cardinal, I am capable of entertaining myself.”
“Are you being serious right now?” You stare at him, stunned. “Where is this coming from all of a sudden?”
“Are you forgetting who you are talking to?” In all the time you’ve known him, you’ve never heard Primo play the I am Papa card. Definitely not with you. He’s told you more times than you care to count that he’s too old for juvenile dick measuring contests. I always win those anyway, he winks every time.
But not today, apparently.
“I thought I knew. But I’m starting to wonder.” You pause and look at him, pieces clicking together. “Are you… Are you jealous???”
Primo scoffs and dusts the dirt off his hands, marching across the greenhouse to look for a larger pot. “Now you are just being ridiculous!”
“Me!? You’re the one who’s all bent out of shape because I was talking to Cardinal Doyle – who approached me by the way! He’s my superior, what was I meant to do? Walk away? I’m so sorry, Cardinal, Papa Primo will be absolutely miserable if I talk to anyone else! A rule I was supposed to just intuit, as it happens. I know, very odd, but you must know that I can read Papa’s mind and know exactly what he wants without him ever actually telling me!”
That certainly got his attention. Primo turned back, pulling himself up tall. It was easy to forget how imposing he could be. Easy to forget that Papa Secondo was his little brother. His little brother who still wouldn’t cross the eldest Emeritus. But you are quickly reminded, fighting the urge to try and shrink down, to back away.
“You may speak to whomever you wish, Sorella. You do not belong to me, clearly. If it is Doyle you want, you have my blessing. May the Old One bring you both nothing but happiness.” His tone was icy cold.
“You are jealous!” Is all you can think to retort. Maybe not your finest comeback and definitely not ideal timing, but no one ever said you were good at keeping your mouth shut.
“I am not jealous. You are jealous!” Primo snaps.
This time you do stand there, looking like he slapped you. Part of you wants to laugh at the absurdity and part wants to scream. Not able to make a decision, what finally comes out of your mouth is simply, “Who in all the depths of hell is it I’m jealous of, exactly?”
“I see you yesterday, and several days before that, Sorella. Don’t think I am so old and feeble I don’t notice. The way you glare daggers at Sorella Abigail when she comes to talk with me.” There mockery in his tone meant to get under your skin and it works all too well.
“Abigail???” You are very aware of how loud you’ve both gotten and the greenhouse walls aren’t thick. But to hell with it. “You think I’m jealous of Abigail???”
“Si, Sorella.” He fires back snidely. “You deny it?”
“Satanas, I think I had better just go get your brothers because I think they may need to take you to the doctor for whatever head injury you’ve apparently suffered. Jealous of Abigail. Lucifer be merciful. Of all the absurd things you could have said. The last person I will ever be jealous of is that catty, manipulative, power hungry little social climber. You can talk to her whenever you want, Papa, I just thought she was making a damned fool of herself, aiming to be rejected by the third Papa this month!”
“And you were, what? Going to Doyle’s office just for a nice chat? Hmm? Everyone here knows who he is. What he does. Don’t tell me you don’t know. I see right through you. You want to fuck that stronzo, you go ahead. And when you are sorry and disappointed, don’t come back here crying to me. I try to warn you.” He slams the bigger pot for the hosta down on the bench so hard it cracks.
“I don’t want to fuck Doyle!” You shout back at him. The shadow of a ghoul on the greenhouse wall freezes, pressing a little closer to listen. You know that silhouette. “SWISS, FUCK OFF!”
The shadow skitters away, leaving you to your shouting match.
“I was only talking to him because his fucking sister is a florist and she knows people who deal in rare flowers, you absolute dickhead! All I wanted was her number so I could surprise you because it’s your birthday next month! But I suppose I won’t need to worry about that now, will I? I don’t need to ask you what this is or if you want more. I don’t need to tell you how I feel. You’re the brilliant Papa who’s already got it all figured out. It’s Doyle I want, right? Just my type. Creepy scumbag who keeps trying to feel me up. Not the man I actually spend all my free time with. Not the man I actually get excited to see.” Your anger and your hurt collide and your voice cracks. All the energy you’d had for yelling vanishing at once.
“Not the man I actually love.” Your eyes drop to the floor because it hurts to look at him, and all you can manage is a tired sigh. “I’m so sorry I bothered you, Papa. Please forgive me. I won’t keep you from your work any longer.”
His hand catches your elbow before you can reach the door and when you look back at him, there’s something panicked and uncertain in his eyes. A hope he’s afraid to give voice to, half certain it will crumble to dust if he tries.
“You don’t mean that.” It’s not angry or even accusing. Just disbelief.
The tears on your cheeks burn like acid. Traitors, every one of them. “You’re going to call me a liar now too?”
“Don’t snip at me about treating you like you’re old and feeble and then tell me you didn’t know, Primo.” You hang your head and give in to the exhaustion. “I love you. Of course I love you. I spend every morning waiting to come out here just to see you. To be with you. To be close to you. You had to know.”
“Why didn’t you say?” His hand slips from your elbow to your hand.
“Say what, Primo? That it wasn’t enough? Because it was. It was enough to just… to just have you to myself for a little while. A few minutes. An hour. Whatever I got. I could make it enough because it was better than nothing. And if… if I said it and it was wrong… it would vanish. I couldn’t… I couldn’t risk that.”
His warm arms envelope you, wrapping you in the smell of fresh turned earth and a dozen different herbs you can’t hope to name all of. The sound of his heartbeat, faster than its usual steady rhythm. His hand rubbing your back, soothing and calm.
“Mi dispiace.” That voice, that’s the one you know. Primo’s voice. “Mi dispiace, angelo mio. Forgive me. I don’t have an excuse. I am a fool. A fool who doesn’t deserve you.”
His finger hooks under your chin and lifts it to look you in the eye. Gently drying your tears, cupping your cheek. “I thought…” He sighs, shaking his head at himself. “I see the way he hangs around you. Like a fly, always buzzing. But you smile, you laugh and I think… Satan knows what I think. Stupid, ridiculous, petty things. Because he is still young, he is flashy and confident… And I am…”
“Perfect.” You finish for him. “You are perfect.”
Primo presses his forehead to yours and closes his eyes. “Far from perfect. But for you, fiore mio, I will keep trying to be.” His lips brush against yours softly. “Anch'io ti amo… from the start. The very beginning. No matter how many times I tell myself you don’t need an old man holding you back. I can’t help it. I don’t want to. Ti amo. Ti amo tanto. Ti amo così tanto che non riesco a pensare lucidamente.”
When you stretch up to kiss him again, it’s no light brushing of lips. Your hands catch the back of his neck and you kiss him deeply, passionately, the way you’ve held back from anywhere but bed. Worried it would overstep some line. Break some unwritten rule. But he leans into the kiss, meeting you with equal desire and need. His arms crushing you to himself.
When you finally break away and look back at him, it’s like seeing a new man. “Does that mean we can still have tea?”
“No.” He says firmly. Letting you go and taking your hand, he starts walking quickly toward the far end of the greenhouse, hidden by a thick layer of foliage, to the private room you two have made use of before.
“No. Today, amore, I still have apologies to make and lost time to make up for.”
Anch'io ti amo = I love you too
Ti amo. Ti amo tanto. Ti amo così tanto che non riesco a pensare lucidamente. = I love you. I love you so much. I love you so much I can't think straight.
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opossumloverr · 1 year
Could I maybe ask for a rottmnt request? I was wondering if you could do the turtle tots have a crush on a child y/n. Like it would just be really cute to know how the turtle boys handles crushes as kids 😭
The little turtles have a crush on child reader!
None! Just some adorable fluff
Congratulations anon for being my first ask, this is absolutely adorable, them having little crushes omg SO CUTE AKAKAKA (gender-neutral reader!)
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I feel like he wouldn't know the concept of liking someone.
He would definitely ask splinter about it, it would go a little bit like this..
"Hey dad.." Raph peers over at splinter, sitting on his one man couch.
"Yes?" Splinter responded,
"Why everytime [Name] comes to play with me, I feel all fuzzy and weird?"
At the end Splinter shoo's him off, man's gotta deal with 4 mutated turtles, I don't blame him.
So he has to rely on his brothers
They tell him that's the feeling he has is probably love, and he freaks out.
You bet next time you come over he's sweating BULLETS
He can't even look you in the eyes for five seconds without looking away in a hurry.
You're confused by this but don't think to much of it cause you just wanted to play
His brothers totally tease him about it saying..
"Raph has a crush! Raph has a crush!"
He denies it so much
But in the end he's just a sappy little turtle.
He's so surprised when he realizes
Like you guys would be playing catch and he misses a few catches because he was to busy thinking about how awesome you looked while throwing the ball.
He never would've thought it would be you! You're his pal, his amigo, his playmate, just a good friend, right?
Goes into a state of panic for about a solid 15 minutes, during those 15 minutes he runs around his room for a bit, rolls around the floor maybe, before laying on his bed and accepting that he has a crush
Definitely gonna be a little awkward when you come for visits though, tries to hide it.
But I think you can tell by the way he's looking at you like he's bout to start squealing.
Would try to get you to come around more often
Constantly asking Splinter after every visit
"So when can [Name] come over Agian?"
He's happy that it's you he had a crush on.
He's confused?
How did he fall for you?
Sure you listen to his rambles, and contributed to his 'weird' little hobbies, not to mention your smile is so contagious, but that doesn't mean he has a crush!..Right?
Oh, yeah that's how
He doesn't freak out as bad as Raph
Just goes into a mini state of shock when he puts the pieces together
He's is keeping this secret with him till he DIES, for his age having a crush is BIG news
He could not let anyone know, not even his brothers
And y'know what, he keeps this secret hidden for a solid 4 days.
Leo being a sneaky sneakster of course.
Next time you come over for a play date of a visit, all eyes would be on you.
Donnie would probably tried to keep you away from his brothers so they don't accidentally say something.
Not just that but he enjoys your company
Over all very lowkey with it
He's so happy he got a crush, and on you!
Goes to tell his brothers immediately
But all his words just come out like this: OMGGUYSSSYOUWONTBELIEVEWHAT-
Like a keyboard smash
They're all like: what?
Mikey calms down and tells them what he just figured out
They're happy for him, little bro finally found someone
When you came to play, he has twice the amount of energy than when you usually come around
Wanting to do anything you want to do
If you wanna play catch, Okay he's down, you wanna play dolls, already has one, if you just want to talk, he's pumped for that too
He loves the feeling of loving you.
This was so cute omg ty for requesting, sorry if there is grammar issues it's 12 am and I have to wake up early to go somewhere, Anyways thanks!
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