#anyway i could talk forever about how these two kids have *gifts*
avenin7 · 1 year
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Nobody knows why it’s so hard to make eye contact with the Princess. Perhaps its because she’s royalty. Perhaps its something else….
I’ve always been taken with the idea that Zelda/Hylia is a very eldritch-type being; a favorite hc of mine is that after Link acquires the Sword he is able to see the divinity that envelopes Zelda’s every move. He is dutiful not because of his orders but because of her divine nature. It’s hard to disobey someone when you can see the presence of a god lingering around them always.
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tempe-brennans · 9 months
and i'd come back if you'd just call
author's note: soulmate au + apocalypse
summary: you show up in jackson and turn joel's life upside down
warnings: implied smut and handsy touching
word count: 2.7k
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There’s gray in his hair. He’s sure he should feel grateful for that–especially now–and some part of him does, he supposes.
He has people.
There’s Ellie and Tommy and Maria. You.
He’s not sure exactly what to do about you.
Besides, he’s more concerned about the ache in his back and the knots in his muscles–much more important problems than the love he’s beginning to think he still feels for you or the sunflower burning on his wrist.
There’s heating pads for his muscles and pain pills for his back–concrete solutions.
You, on the other hand, you’re young and fun and something he can’t quite get his fingers around.
And, you had left him–a fact he can’t quite forget. No matter how much he’d like to.
His throat is sore, scratchy in the way that tells him he spent last night snoring. Sighing as he sits up in bed, he cracks one shoulder and then the other.
His feet don’t want to find the floor. His body doesn’t want to hide behind the curtains in his own home because he can never be sure if you can see him.
Tommy thought he was so funny, making you two neighbors.
Joel does turn, eventually, let his feet land on the too cold floor. Toes slip into slippers he’d left in reach when he’d gotten into bed last night. He reaches blindly for the faded flannel robe that’s draped over the chair in the corner of his room.
He hasn’t had time for such indulgences, too busy running–from life, monsters. Anything. Before, he simply hadn’t wanted them.
But, Ellie had presented them both–a set, though the patterns didn’t match at all–as a gift and he hadn’t been able to say no.
He’s tired of being so sharp, so tough. In his own home, at least, maybe he can rest.
The thought brings his mind back to you, against his will, and as he pours his coffee he tries to see if your lights are on.
He can’t tell. The sun is working against him. He resolves himself to the fact that he’ll run into you at some point in town, so, really, what does it matter if you see each other sooner rather than later?
Besides, he’s almost positive you aren’t sitting in windowsills, pining after him.
He sits in the recliner Tommy had insisted he just had to have and welcomes the ability to put his feet up. It’s a relic–a handle raises and lowers the foot rest–but, somehow, it still works.
Taking a drink of his coffee, he thinks.
There’s no sound in the house, something Joel still hasn’t gotten used to since Ellie moved out.
I’m 20, she had said when Joel had asked if she was sure she wanted to leave, as if that was an explanation. Besides, don’t you want your own space?
He didn’t, if she wanted to know the truth. He wanted to hear her downstairs cooking breakfast or the sound of her snoring through the crack in her bedroom door.
He knew why she had gone, though. It was the same reason he had left home the moment he turned 18.
So, he could understand it, even if he wasn’t entirely fond of it.
He sees her every few days anyway.
Coffee now gone, he knows his day has to start, even if the town now feels like a loaded gun is waiting around every corner. He dresses–a flannel still happily coasting between cozy and too threadbare and jeans. He cracks his front door, feels the bite of the winter wind, and shuts it firmly.
An extra jacket wouldn’t hurt.
“I’m telling you,” Joel mumbles, “she probably doesn’t even remember.”
Tommy quirks a brow. “Are you kidding?” Shaking his head, he laughs. “You spent the better half of a year together. The tattoos–”
“I don’t wanna talk about the tattoos,” Joel dismisses. “Besides,” he mutters, “it was eleven months.”
“Oh,” Tommy hums. “My mistake.”
Silence and then, “You know someone will notice, right?”
Joel tilts his head. “You see me wearing a lot of short sleeves in the winter?”
“You can’t use the weather to hide forever, bro. The minute Ellie–hell, anybody–notices the two identical sunflowers on your arms?” He shakes his head. “Secrets out.”
“Yeah?” Joel asks. “What secret is that?”
His little brother leans in, whispers, “You can still find your soulmate after the apocalypse.”
“She’s the one that left.” Joel sighs. “Obviously, she didn’t care that we were soulmates.”
“You don’t even know why she left!” Tommy exclaims, exasperated.
Joel quirks a brow. “Somehow I haven’t had a lot of time, what with the apocalypse and all.”
His brother claps him on the shoulder. “You’ve got nothing but time now.”
Joel walks the streets of Jackson, spitting snow beginning to fall around him.
Maybe Tommy is right. It’s not like Joel doesn’t have some extra time on his hands, a strange concept after the last twenty years, he has to admit.
Maybe he should take advantage of it.
It’s that thought that’s rattling around in his brain when he collides with someone else.
“Sorry!” He reaches out, blindly, tries to catch the person or their belongings–something. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” a voice says. It’s a voice he’s never forgotten–couldn’t forget, even if he wanted to–and he kicks himself that this is the way he’d run into you again.
“It was really,” you stand, catch sight of his face for the first time, “my fault.”
He’s older now, grayer and a little softer around the edges, but, still, he can see the moment recognition lights on your features.
He nods, suddenly sheepish. For once, his mind is completely blank. It can’t begin to come up with an adequate greeting for an old flame that, maybe, still burns somewhere behind his rib cage. He settles on an all too casual, “Hi.”
You smile, a soft thing. “Hi.”
On instinct it seems, you take a step closer and hug him. Though it’s been years, the feeling of you pressed against him, your arms around him, it’s familiar.
He wants to hate it, but he doesn’t. Not even a little.
He barely resists the urge to press a kiss to your forehead, take a minute to inhale your scent, before you pull away.
“S’nice to see you.”
Joel nods. “You, too.” Somewhere between the truth and a lie.
“Your hair, it’s…softer,” you murmur.
“Yeah?” Joel reaches up, runs an idle hand through it. “Haven’t had a lot of time for haircuts, I guess.” He shrugs. “I kinda got used to it.”
You nod. “It’s been a long time.”
Joel quirks a brow. “Whose fault was that?”
It’s too sharp, too biting, and he can see the results flash across your face.
Shaking your head, you glare at him, blow out a breath. “I should have known you hadn’t changed.”
You turn on your heel, away from him, and he wants to reach out, tell you he’s sorry, but something won’t let him.
He thinks it’s his heart.
“I’ve changed plenty!” He calls after your shrinking form. “Changed enough to know I should stay away from you.”
You look over your shoulder–just for a second–long enough to cut him to the core. “The feeling is mutual!”
He sighs and continues on his own path, towards his own lonely house, entirely too close to you for comfort.
“So.” Ellie sighs. “That went well.”
Joel chuckles, rolls his eyes. “You think?”
“We can fix it,” she says, sitting on the couch closest to him. “It’ll be fine.”
“Sure about that?,” he asks. “It’s not a leaky sink, you know.”
Her eyes light up in the very particular way that tells Joel she’s had an idea he won’t be fond of.
He’s suddenly nervous.
“That’s it,” she exclaims.
“What’s it?”
Ellie leaves the room, obviously in search of something, and ignores him.
“Ellie,” he calls after her. “Ellie, what’s it?”
It’s her scheming that puts him on your porch, in fact, toolbox in hand and looking for something to fix.
Real or fake, it hadn’t really mattered to Ellie.
He should never have told her he had been a contractor.
The door opens and you glare at him, unsurprisingly.
“What do you want?”
He spits it out, before he can change his mind, run back home and hide.
“I’m sorry for earlier.” He shakes his head. “You left…before. And, I was angry and seeing you again…” He trails off, settles on simplicity. “I’m sorry.”
Something in your face softens as you step aside to let him in.
“I’m sorry for leaving, you know.”
You take him off guard, turn his pulse to a gallop.
“I was…I was afraid,” you murmur, skipping over his own apology in a way that’s entirely you.
Of course it’s the way you’d let him know things are okay.
“I should have told you that, though, instead of disappearing.”
He nods, swallows down a memory he doesn’t exactly want to relive right now, whispers, “It’s okay.”
You nod, smile at him. “You want a drink? Some food?”
He nods, places the toolbox in the floor next to your couch.
“That’d be nice.”
Joel isn’t sure how long the two of you have been talking–minutes or hours. Maybe days. Easy familiarity settles over the pair of you, and things are like they used to be.
He’s glad for it.
“Were there others?” Joel asks, words slipping out before he can stop them.
It’s the question that he somehow desperately wants the answer to and also never wants to hear.
You nod. “A few.” But, then, “None like you.”
It’s more honest than he expected, like your heart has opened to him once again.
You’re vulnerable. He knows you hate that.
“That makes sense.” He nods, rising to his feet, hand curling around the handle of his toolbox, imagining you want him to take his leave. “I’m pretty unforgettable.”
You laugh, look at him with something he would have called affection, once upon a time. “Yeah, you are, Miller.”
Something buzzes inside of him at the knowledge he can still make you laugh, even after everything, and he ducks his head, starts to head for the door.
He turns, finds apprehension on your features.
He aches to set you at ease.
“Could you…would it…” You shake your head, shoulders squaring like you’re heading into a fight. “Would you want to stay? The night? With…with me.”
In a minute, he forgets it all. The pain and heartache and anger disappears with one look at your eyes.
Simple–the way it’s always been between the two of you.
You crawl on top of him in a way he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined over the years.
His hands find a resting place on either of your hips, squeeze the flesh there lightly.
“Hi,” you murmur, grin on your face.
“Hi.” He smiles.
It’s different when you’re with your soulmate.
Joel had been with others, sure.
Tess comes to mind, but he quickly shakes the thought away–along with the memory of her death.
But, every time, even when stars popped up behind his eyelids and warmth erupted through his every limb, it wasn’t what it had been with you.
The best way he could think to describe it was…more.
As you lean down, press a kiss to his lips, he finally admits to himself how much he’d missed it. You.
Joel feels you pull away and squeezes you closer. “Where you goin’?,” he mumbles, already half asleep.
“Shirt,” you whisper.
He shakes his head, nuzzles his nose into the hollow of your throat.
Chuckling softly, you say, “S’winter, Joel.”
He holds you even closer–if that’s possible. “I’ll keep you warm.” Then, just to tease, fingers dance over your hip bone, inches from the crux of your thighs. “Any way you want.”
“Or, are you too old for this game?” He hums, getting a rise out of you too tempting to ignore. “You get soft on me while you were away?”
Your own hand–cold from it’s trip beyond the faded quilt that covers you both–dances along the soft skin of his stomach, curls around his still too sensitive length. He jumps, hisses out a breath, interest already simmering at the base of his spine.
“I can still play,” you purr. “Can you?”
Your hand works him over, languid strokes finding a pattern that makes his skin buzz.
Joel rises, mouth desperate to find yours.
He’s always liked to be kissed–especially by you, especially when you’re touching him the way you are.
You indulge him, lips parting to let his tongue tangle with your own. He can’t help but grin into the kiss.
In the morning, he wakes alone. Part of him isn’t shocked. Part of him is heartbroken all over again.
Quickly, he gets dressed–avoiding mirrors with the hopes of missing any evidence you’d left behind of the night before.
He goes to Tommy’s, doesn’t even look towards your house as he walks down the street.
“You’ve been in love before.” Tommy shrugs. “Maybe it could happen again. Nothing says you have to be with your soulmate.”
Joel hadn’t thought about it when he’d fallen in love with Sarah’s mother.
He hadn’t had much choice, if he’s honest. One look at her and he had been done for.
So, the fact she didn’t have a sunflower on the soft skin of her forearm wasn’t of much consequence. The fact she had her own tattoo–purple dahlia petals curling around her own wrist–had never mattered to her either.
They had shared a life and love and had turned that love into something that lived outside of them.
It was only a few months after she was born that Joel had woken up alone to the sound of Sarah’s crying.
He had adjusted, though. The two of them had made a team and found happiness all on their own.
Until…well, Joel didn’t really like to think about that day–that last day. He preferred to imagine her laughing, head thrown back in joy.
“I know,” he murmurs. He adds, almost under his breath, “I don’t think I want to fall in love. Not if it’s not with her.”
Tommy ducks his head, sheepish all of a sudden.
“What is it?”
“I promised I wouldn’t tell you.”
He leans forward, insistent. “Tommy, what is it?”
“She told Maria that she was…thinking of leaving Jackson.”
Joel is off Tommy’s couch and out the door before Tommy can ask where he’s going.
Joel suspects he knows.
His knocks are incessant, barely a pause between them.
“C’mon,” he murmurs to himself. “Please don’t be gone.”
The door opens, shocking Joel, and he almost falls through it.
“You can’t leave Jackson,” he pants. There’s an ache in his side, a pulling at muscles that scream with use more often than they don’t these days. He’s certain he shouldn’t have run to make sure he caught you.
You shake your head, hands coming to rest on either side of his face.
It’s a gesture full of affection and hope ignites in his gut.
“I’m not leaving,” you murmur.
Joel’s tongue is heavy, suddenly too thick to form a reply. “You…you’re not?”
“No.” Gently, your thumb rubs back and forth over his cheekbone. “I thought of something to stick around for.”
“Yeah?” Joel hums. “What’s that?”
Joel feels the heat flush his cheeks. The emotions he really feels are too much–too real–so, he settles for a joke.
“That makes sense.” He nods. “I’m pretty unforgettable.”
“Yeah.” You laugh, duck your head for a minute before your eyes meet his again. “Yeah, you are, Miller.”
Later that night, with most of your closet mingled with his own, he pulls you close to him in bed. His lips ghost over your forehead and an arm wraps around your side.
He glances down at his wrist, takes in the bright yellows of the sunflower petals. With gentle fingers, he finds your wrist, brings it to his mouth and kisses the yellow of your own petals.
There’s gray in his hair, but, right now, he couldn’t feel more grateful for it.
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joviepog · 1 year
EEE HI JOVIE again i love love your writing and im so glad youve been enjoying my stuff!! anyway, sweet and simple request-- wilbur and reader having an at home dinner night :)) (if u wanna make it silly tommy could be their "waiter" LMAO)
much love !!
Lovely night
Who: Wilbur x f!reader
Warnings: i dont think there is anything but if there is just let me know!
Pronouns: She / they
Word count: I have no clue
Requests: @poraphia
Anything’s else: I actually liked how this turned out! thanks for the idea lovely requester!
This story is NOT proofread
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Listen to this while you read! <3
Both you and Wilbur aren’t the richest people around. For you, this was absolutely fine. But for Wilbur?
Well, Wilbur is just a bit disappointed about not being able to spoil you as much as he wants. Since you both have met, he’s been obsessed with getting you little gifts and taking you to cute dates. But what he really wants to do is to be able to take you to the fancy restaurant down the street from your guy’s apartment.
He’s told you about this little problem of his and you cant help but giggle every time he mentions it. The conversation always ends with a kiss on the cheek and the same six words. “Wil, i dont need all that!” But lately he wont stop talking about it. He’s been daydreaming about you in a fancy dress and him in a fancy tux. Not the old cheep one he has for all those dumb occasions. No, he wants to be able to give you a bouquet of roses and a ring that means forever. But most of all, he wants to make you happy.
You’ve noticed that this was starting to get to him. Every time you got home he would give you a kiss and a hug -per usual- then he would start talking about this dress he saw on twitter and how beautiful it would look on you. “And that dress would be perfect for that restaurant!” And every time you say that you dont need all that, he looks like a kid being rejected of a puppy.
And so, you set up a plan. While he was gone on tour, you saved up, took cooking classes, and learned how to do your best makeup possible. You called him up one night, “Hi Wil! Are you busy?” There was a slight pause and he spoke quietly, “No, i just have to be quiet.” You gave a soft laugh and spoke quietly. “I just wanted to make sure i have the right day for when your coming back.” He raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Why?” You pouted, “Why? What, I can’t miss my boyfriend?”
He apologized at least 100 times before he woke Joe up. You said hi to Joe and hung up. “I love you Wil. See you soon?” You asked with a smile. “See you soon.” You hung up and silence fell on the room. You had 1 more week. You bought the dress he had mentioned 1,000 times, you made sure Tommy was free, and you made sure the house was clean. You were ready.
“I’m two hours away.” he spoke and you could hear the boys in the back teasing him.
you fake sighed, “I guess i’ll just wait here. all alone, and sad, and-“
he stopped you, “Yeah i’ll try to hurry up.”
“No take your time, darling.”
he sighed, “All i want to do is get home and hug you.”
“Aweeee.” you put another fake eyelash on, “I miss you too baby.”
“Wilbur! The taxy is here!”
you laughed and he scoffed, “I’ll see you soon darling.”
“See you soon.” you hung up and looked at yourself in the mirror. you looked amazing. you hair was fixed, and the dress fit nicely just like wilbur said it would. everything was perfect.
2 hours: Tommy got there with a suit and a tie that was ties badly
1 hour 30 minutes: You and tommy set the table and clean the house. you fail to figure out how to tie tommy’s tie
1 hour: you start dinner and Tommy calls phil to help him tie his tie.
30 mins: you finish up dinner and you get out wilbur’s favorite wine
20 mins: you double check everything for 10 minutes
10 mins: you wake up Tommy from his nap and cehck to make sure you look good.
5 mins: you triple check that you look okay and you serve the food.
1 minute: You light the candles
0 mins: You hear a knock.
“Is that him?!?” you say with a cheerful smile. Tommy smiles, “No it’s the mailman.” he jokes. you roll your eyes and open the door. Wilbur has the biggest smile on his face and he’s holding flowers. You close the door behind you, not wanting to ruin the surprise, and jump into his arms. he gives you small kisses all around your face and neck; your giggling at his touch. he finally lets you go and you were so excited to see his reaction.
His eyes widen at the sight of you in the dress and he begins to ask questions. “YN? Where did you-“ you stopped him and grabbed his arm, interlocking your arm in his. you yelled out to tommy, “Ready!” tommy opens the door and the smell of delicious food swept through the door.
The sight of warm lighting and wine glasses were shows on the small table. Warm jazz music was playing and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Wilbur. His mouth was agape and his eyes completely widened. He turned to look at Tommy, who had his hair slicked back and a napkin on his arm (still holding the door open he cleared his throat.) “Welcome Mr. Gold and Ms. LN. I have your table ready right over there. He nudged his head towards the table and you and Wilbur walked in. Tommy quickly close the door and pulled out the chairs for both you and Wilbur.
Wilbur sat down, still in shock, and looked at his plate. Tommy spoke up, “You see, we already served you food because your girlfriend here, preordered. Wilbur laughed and Tommy grabbed the wine glass. “Tell me when to stop.” He started to pour the wine and Wilbur told him to stop about halfway, you did the same.
“Anything else?” Tommy asked.
“That’ll be all. Thank you.” Tommy winked at you and nodded his head. As he walked away you turned back to Wilbur. “So?” His mouth is still slightly open but soon enough, his cheeky smile appeared back on his face.
“Well, i feel like I’m a bit underdressed.” You both laughed and spent the rest of the night talking while Tommy took photos of both of you.
What a lovely night.
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salty-croissants · 8 months
Hey! If your still taking requests, I was wondering if you can do Rayman/Ramon being a father to him and His S/os kids? I can see Rayman being his kids to work, like bring your kid to work day, that would be so cute
Thank you for the request !
I’ve been struggling to get back writing for quite a few days now , had a massive writer’s block phase … I’m really sorry I took so long to get this done ! Hopefully I’ll finish the next request a bit faster ;-; 
Anyway , I really enjoyed writing this one : I love the idea of Rayman being a sweetheart to his kids … it brings me joy :,) 
Hope it turned out okay ! 
And again , sorry about the inconvenience ;( 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
Two words : Best Dad . 
Rayman has always had a soft spot for children , so now that he has a family with you , the love of his life , he truly feels like the luckiest man alive .
He knows that he can’t be around all the time , but whenever he’s there he wants to be as present as possible and make everyone smile … that’s probably the most important thing for him .
Rayman is more than happy to bring his children along to work when he is allowed to , and the sheer enthusiasm he has when talking to them and answering their questions is surely something to behold …
< Ohh - what is that , Dad ? > 
< That is the television production studio , sweetie : it’s the place from where the things I say get filmed and then put on tv . 
It’s one of the most important rooms in this building , and the one where I spend more time into . > 
< That’s so cool !! 
Can we go in there now Dad ? Can we ? Can we ? Can we ? > 
< Hehe , alright , let’s go !
Just be careful and stay close to me , okay ? > 
< Okay ! > 
Rayman isn’t bothered in the slightest by the fact that his coworkers and staff members could see him and his kids , and if anyone has complaints about it ?
Well , he is ready to have an hours long argument with them if necessary , so most people don’t even try to talk about it … at least not out loud . 
When he comes back home , despite how tired he may be , Rayman is pretty much always down to see what his children have been up to while he was away : 
they crafted something or made a drawing ? He will see it .
They want to tell him all about something cool that happened today ? He will give them his full attention .
< Dad ! Dad look , it’s you ! We made it together ! > 
< Wow - that’s such a good drawing you made there ! I love it ! > 
Rayman makes sure to keep every little thing they gift him , and sometimes you can find him sitting somewhere , smiling while staring at something they made …
< Aw , is that a new one Ray ? > 
< Mhm …
Y’know y/n , sometimes I look at you and our family and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have all this .
I can’t thank you enough for staying with me … I love you , I love you so much ~ > 
< I love you too sweetie … I’m so lucky to have you as well ~ > 
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Ramon 🖤
Saying that Ramon will do anything to keep you and your kids safe is an understatement …
He is ready to throw his life away to ensure that , and that often brings him to make many , many dangerous decisions .
< y/n ? Is … is Dad okay … ? > 
< Don’t worry hun , he just needs some rest and he’ll feel better soon …
Still Ram , that’s not an excuse for doing stuff like that . 
Please , please promise me you’ll never do it again … > 
< I … hnn … I’m sorry … I just - I forget myself sometimes …
I’ll try to be more careful , I promise . > 
Ramon’s softer side is especially visible when he is spending time with your children , playing with them …
< Aha ! We got you ! >
< Heh , you got me … >
< And now you’re trapped , forever !! >
< Noo - how could I be so easily defeated ?? >
You can’t help but smile whenever you see your partner like that , at this point only ever smiles when you’re all together : it’s the one thing that keeps him sane . 
Since he doesn’t want to make your kids worry about how bad things actually are , with Eden constantly on the hunt for him and his beloved family , Ramon most likely confides  to you at night , when his tormented thoughts prevent him from getting some much needed rest …
< y/n … ? > 
< Hey love … can’t sleep … ? > 
< … yeah … 
This is just such a huge mess … I really have no idea how we’re gonna make it through this with those assholes constantly looking for us .
You deserve better … our children deserve better … maybe the both of you should - > 
< No . I know what you’re about to say , and I’ll never leave you , no matter what happens .
I know that … things aren’t easy right now , and I honestly have no idea what’s gonna happen next … but I know we’re going to get through this , and we will be happy , all three of us … I promise . > 
Your loving words always manage to give Ramon some reassurance , and with a momentary sense of peace he eventually manages to fall asleep in your arms , grateful to have you and your kids by his side . 
He will do everything in his power to keep you safe , no matter what it takes . 
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Hi hi hello! Can i request mordern high school love with thoma? Reader being a gentle and reserved person being more popular among the juniors and thoma popular for his charm and being on the basketball team. Theyre relationship isnt too open but its not a secret either. They try to keep it low key of course
Now imagine the small moments with him :( after school studying at the library, walking home together, recess on the rooftop, arcade dates on the weekend and him winning you a plushie that we know sleep with evry night :(( him asking you to prom and being a gentleman :(( him coming over after school to study but end up staying over cause of the thunderstorm outside :(( our parents love him hes so sweet
(Pls help im so delulu for him)
ngl i love. modern high school aus theres smth about the simplicity of high school and being in the in between where you're *almost* an adult but still treated like a child and knowing youre about to ?? crest smth that everyone talks about anyway idk i really romanticised my high school life and ngl all my friends are from higschool LMAOO also the whole freshman/junior/sophmore/senior thing makes no sense to me idek if i put this in the right order and i wish prom was more of a thing here bc yall make it seem so fun
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Thoma is definitely that kid that people know of, but don't really know all too well. He's really nice and all the teachers and students like him, and of course being both attractive and athletic made him that much easier to admire.
You had a crush on him for what feels like forever, wishing that one day he'd notice you out of all the other people who liked him too. He had so many admirers due to how kind he was, but being his friend you knew that there was so much to him.
When he finally asked you out it was the most cliche, yet sweetest way he could have ever done it. He drove you to a place that the two of you often frequented. When you got out, you turned around to see a picnic he prepared for the two of you, thinking it was just another nice thing he was doing for you because you were a little stressed out recently but the flowers and shy look on his face told you otherwise.
The two of you didn't go out of your way to tell everyone you were dating. Thoma just wasn't as willing to let people touch him as much, and you were seen hanging around the basketball team a little more often than before. Thoma always walked you to class anyway if he could, so people couldn't really tell the difference until one day they saw him give you a hug.
By that point everyone found out pretty quick but the two of you didn't feel the need to justify anything to anybody so you'd just confirm that you were dating and that was it.
Thoma always loves taking you on various dates whenever you can. He would see what kinds of places pop up on his feed and scout them out before taking you out for a night on the town (until curfew of course).
Your parents were really trying to look for something to be wrong with him, not wanting him to distract you from your life or end up in an unsatisfactory position of your heart being broken or anything like that. However, the fact that he constantly brought you home on time and made sure to say greet your parents every time as well as bring them treats he baked himself made it hard for him to stay hated in their eyes.
He's constantly gifting you things that remind him of you. If he's at the grocery store then he's giving you a candy that you liked. If he's at the mall he found some accessory he thought you'd look good with. It doesn't matter when or where - you're always on his mind and the trinkets you've accumulated from him are proof of that.
Whenever there are any events locally he loves to take you to them. Whether it be some sort of festival or just a pop up his favourite thing to do is explore the grounds with you and spoil you with prizes or the food there. He's got no limits when it comes to you.
Exam season means crunch time. The two of you are forcibly holed up by each other to try and get studying done. He's a hard worker so he's got tons of study tips for you if you need it and the right amount of rewards too. Whenever you get a practise question right or finish a writing prompt within the time limit well he always congratulates you with a hug or a kiss.
I can see him being super into doubling too. The two of you are one of those people who are constantly on call just doing random shit together. Neither of you has to actually talk to the other person - you both just like being in each other's presence.
Your room and bed are both filled with tons of things that Thoma gives you and he can't help but grin to himself whenever he comes over and sees it. He's got photos commemorating everything on his phone, glad that you like the things he gives you as much as he likes you.
Thoma absolutely adores you and I can see the two of you being high school sweethearts. He comes to your events and you to his, and the two of you end up living a perfectly happy life together, glad that one day oh so many years ago the two of you were assigned lockers next to each other.
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burplewrites · 8 months
palentines day | tamarack & qiu
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𓆉 | fandom: our life: now & forever
𓆉 | characters: tamarack baumann, qiu lin, reader
𓆉 | word count: 1,384 words (7,332 characters)
𓆉 | a/n: please. i need someone to tell me if this is wayyyyy too ooc. but anyways enjoy my first ol2 fic??? HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LOVES
"y/n, if you and your friends want a ride so you can carry all your stuff, we need to go now!" opal yelled from the front door, putting on her boots and adjusting her scarf. she was starting work a little later due to the special occasion in her child's life.
valentine's day, a day that happened every february 14th, once every three hundred sixty-five days, and y/n loved it. ever since they learned about the special day, giving gifts to the people you love, sharing kindness, and getting/giving chocolates, y/n had been in love with the day.
y/n glided down the stairs, with their backpack, and two big bags filled to the brim with gifts to give, and stopped right in front of their mom. "sorry mom, i was just finishing up my last one. it's really special!"
y/n said, while opal collected the bags from them to let them put on their jacket and boots. opal chuckled, feeling a little confused at the statement, since they stayed up an hour past y/n's usual bedtime to finish all the valentine gifts for their class and friends outside of class.
"y/n, i thought we finished them last night?" opal said, opening the front door and letting y/n walk ahead of her.
"um… yes, no, maybe so?"
"and what's that supposed to mean?"
"i can't tell you! no more asking mom, ok?" y/n said with a smile, before jumping off the porch, instead of using the stairs. opal could just weakly sigh as she locked the door and got everything situated in the car.
"ok y/n i won't ask anymore but, could you go get the other members of the trio? i called their parents last night, so it shouldn't be an issue. you got that trooper?"
y/n nodded and ran off to qiu's house, ringing the doorbell, collecting their friend, and bringing the stuff to the car, before doing the same thing with tamarack. once the trio was by the car, and all their stuff was in the trunk, opal dusted herself off and smiled.
"good morning you two, i hope you guys didn't stay up too late making all of these!" she teased, opening the back door for the kids to go in.
"good morning mrs. l/n! i finished mine a while ago since i have a lot of people to give treats to." qiu replied with a cheeky smile. he looked at tamarack and y/n before whispering, "i have something special for you guys, don't worry."
tamarack smiled widely, holding the seatbelt that went in front of her chest and waist. "i made some stuff for you guys too! and you too y/n's mom! oh, but i have to give it to you after school."
opal looked at the rearview mirror and smiled at tamarack before pulling out of the driveway. "thank you, i don't mind waiting so it's all fine. i hope you made stuff for your grandparents as well?"
tamarack nodded before pulling them all into a different conversation about what she found in the woods last night. opal took no offence from the switch, knowing this is how kids were and drove to school while the kids talked in the back. opal thought to herself on the ride there, happy that her child had friends that made them feel so comferable in this new place. they had been in golden grove for a little bit over six months, and y/n had settled in nicely, which was music to her ears. as she pulled up to the school and parked in the parking lock, she looked back at the kids.
"ok, you three! let's get this in your class, alright?"
she got out of the car, while the three kids met her at the trunk and started taking out their things. opal smiled and helped them by bringing in some of the larger things since she could practically see the energy radiating off the three kids, even if qiu disguised it better than the other two.
once they got inside the classroom, and opal said goodbye to the energetic trio, y/n excitedly took off their outside clothes, bringing all the gifts to their desk. this was business to y/n, and the quicker everyone got settled, the quicker the valentine's exchange could happen.
after mrs. murray got everyone settled and did roll call, she set rules up for the valentine exchange. everyone had the paper bags they made the day prior on their desks, decorated and bedazzled to their choosing, and the valentine goodies ready to be handed out by them. mrs. murray played some music and the giving began.
as mrs. murray sat at her desk, some kids would put things on her desk, either being bold about it or sneaky. it was cute to see the kids acting like kids. tamarack had some things for everyone, little drawings of things from the forest, like a pretty leaf she saw that reminded her of a certain classmate, or an acorn she picked up once. everyone got some candies from her as well.
when it was time for her to drop things off in qiu's bag, it was already overflowing. this was expected though, since qiu was pretty popular. the trio had talked about it in the car, all three of them agreeing that he was going to get the most out of them. tamarack tucked the card, candies, and pretty stones she found, in his desk, then turned to go put things in other people's bags.
y/n had worked hard to get something for everyone, secretly making a little bit more for their two best friends, and their new favourite teacher. they even had some for their uncle yusuf, granny and gramps, and mr. and mrs. lin. this was serious business for them. their valentine's gift for their mom was hidden underneath their bed, which they would give to their mom at dinner after she came back from work.
qiu on the other hand was putting things in everyone's paper bags except tamarack and y/n's. he had a 'better' gift for them since they were his close friends, and didn't want to make anyone jealous. he slipped to their desks and hid the presents in their backpacks, making a mental note to write down in his notebook that he needed to tell them where it was.
the gift exchange lasted a few more minutes, and mrs. murray surprised the class with cupcakes and cookies.
since y/n, tamarack, and qiu all got different cookies, they each split the cookies three ways and gave each other a piece of their own so they could all share. due to it being valentine's day, they were allowed to sit anywhere they wanted for the rest of the school day since they were only going to be eating snacks and watching movies. qiu sat on the left of y/n while tamarack sat on the right, letting the music play as the kids were talking about what they got.
"so, how was your first valentine's here? did it live up to your expectations?" qiu asked the two, licking his lips from the frosting, after y/n signalled to it.
"it was fun! i hope everyone liked me and the forest's gifts! i worked really hard on them!" tamarack said, kicking her feet while leaning back on the chair.
"it's not over for me! i still have a bunch of gifts to hand out! me and mom are going to the diner table tonight to drop off uncle's gift! mom called him and asked if he was working tonight, so its perfect! if we decide to have dinner there, do you guys want to come?" y/n rambled, taking a breath after they were finished.
"yes! i wanna go!" tamarack exclaimed, earning a chuckle from qiu.
"sure, if your mom lets us, then i would like to come too!"
"great, i'll try my hardest to convince her, and ill try convincing your parents qiu, and your grandparents tamarack! we can do this!"
qiu chuckled. "i thought you said i was scatterbrained! it's not even confirmed that you guys are going there to eat."
"…oh yeah."
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
I've been having this thought
What if Steve has small rebellions that are east to hide from his parents
So this is inspired because I've seen a couple fics where eddie has a tounge piercing and I know nothing about tounge piercings but it occurs to me that if your parents don't let you talk and you never see them or only see them for a day or two it would be easy for Steve to do that as a small act of rebellion with Robin cheering him on
Maybe he also has a small tattoo somewhere (I always love him having a tiny ice cream cone or ice cream scoop somewhere and Robin having a matching one)
Robin helping Steve put on eye liner
(Eddie seeing Steve's tounge piercing and not functioning for a moment, Steve one day asking eddie about his tattoos because ' mine hurt a bit and it's tiny how bad was that one' and both the kids and eddie losing their minds because Steve has a tattoo and him refusing to tell them where it is (it's on his hip he's not telling them that though(eddie finds it eventually)))
I LOVE this!!! In terms of a piercing though, how about a belly button piercing? Steve was undecided on what he would get, wanted something he could hide but also something he could show off when the time was right. So he settled on a belly bar.
He got through the healing process okay, wearing baggy tops at home to avoid catching the piercing on anything. When he was alone in his room he��d walk around with his shirt rolled up to a fake crop top, meaning he could tug it down at a moments notice. He loved the look of the bar and would stand in the mirror admiring it whenever he got the chance. Steve was just grateful he was out of school and out of the swim team, nobody would be seeing his piercing unless he wanted them to.
It hit summer time in Hawkins and the heat came with it. Steve was sweating under T-shirts when he’d been known to go around topless before. His parents didn’t ask though, in truth they didn’t notice.
The day that Steve and the older ones decided a day at his house with the pool and the kids was in order was the day Steve’s belly bar was unveiled. They’d all been sitting in their houses motionless because of the unrelenting sun. It had taken some time to round everyone up but eventually everyone was there, jumping to get into the cool water. Steve didn’t even think, just whipped his top off and plunged into the pool to dunk Dustin and enjoy himself.
After a while Steve pulled himself out of the water when he heard the house phone ring and Eddie’s life changed forever. There, in the sun, glinting away, basically mocking him, was a silver barbell through Steve Harrington’s navel. Before he knew what was happening he’d followed Steve into the kitchen, watching as he answered the phone. Eddie had lost all control, brain to body movement filter completely destroyed. That was how he found himself on his knees infront of Steve’s belly, reaching out to stroke it when he stopped himself. Steve was outright staring down at him with a blush across his face (and what a visual that was) when Eddie realised what he was doing, stopping in his tracks ‘I uhhhh dropped my contact…bye’ (Eddie doesn’t have contacts. He doesn’t even wear glasses. Eddie knows this. Steve knows this). Anyway, eddie runs
Steve started planning a nipple piercing immediately if it meant Eddie would get this close again
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shrekgogurt · 9 months
This is a sappy creative talking about being creative post. You have been warned. I did not proofread because I am nothing if not consistent in my personality.
I just got done watching Season 2 episodes 3&4 of the FX’s The Bear and I’m constantly inspired by their storytelling. The two episodes I watched really leaned into the creative process in a way that made me very reflective. I am terrible in a kitchen. However, I really saw similar patterns in my own pursuits.
I have a dear friend who studied brains in university and when I was at my lowest a few months ago she was telling me about how life is just skills. Things like IQ are bullshit. Everybody can do anything if they put the time in. It’s about just choosing skills and developing them. I get mad that I can’t draw. I get mad that I can’t play guitar well. Those are skills I’ve never worked on because the process doesn’t bring me joy, even though they are skills I wished I had. Meanwhile things like science or sports are areas I’ve never had much interest in cultivating anyway so the lack of skill doesn’t bother me as much.
I think about my skillset now a lot more. I think about how learning piano—while I’m frustrated by my lack of expertise—doesn’t make me literally cry while I’m learning. I embrace the challenge unlike something like drawing where I get so upset with myself it’s not fun anymore. This past fall while my confidence was totally shot (for a lot of reasons) I looked at my ability to sit at a keyboard and just play the same riffs from Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights over and over and over and over until I could do them. I learned I could do hard things. That maybe I’m not a total lazy piece of shit who gives up at the first sign of trouble.
And the beautiful thing is? That wasn’t always the case with piano. I’ve dabbled here and there throughout my life but when I first took piano lessons as a kid I HATED them. I didn’t enjoy putting in the work. But I do now because people change. And so maybe one day I will learn to draw but not right now. And that’s okay.
And then I start thinking about singing. There’s this sentiment that people are just naturally gifted, especially at singing. But at least for me that’s not the case. I’m good at singing because as a kid I loved it. I gravitated toward it. I sung all the time to the radio, mimicking the voices I heard. And I listened to SO MUCH music—partially because of my parents but also because I chose to always have the radio or a CD or my trusty mp3 player going. When I was playing with my dolls. When I was riding my bike. When I was in the shower. When I was at dance class. When I was dragged along to my siblings' sports games, I would build worlds while tuned into the nearest iHeartRadio station. (Airplanes feat. Hayley Williams. I loved it. I loved the storytelling. Pt. 1 but oh when the oh so rare Pt. 2 came through over the FM waves it was the best day of my life.)
Eventually, my parents put me into voice lessons. I learned how to sing rather than mimic. (Not that the latter is bad.) But I learned how to use it as an instrument. And I sang and I sang and I sang. In lessons. In choir. In church. That’s why I’m good at singing. It took me forever to learn how to harmonize. I was a soprano—it was always melody. But I’m learning that too as my voice changes. I can’t sing as high as I used to. I haven’t practiced notes off the staff since high school. Life is just skills. I was focusing on different ones. Like film (but we’ll get to that.)
There was something else always there. I don’t know how many people knew it—the extent. You had to live with me to see it…but I loved nothing more than I loved reading. 
I always had my nose in a book. Like a lot of kids who consumed books non-stop it was definitely escapism. But I read and I read and I read. The classic question in my family was “where is Mary?” And the answer was always “in her room.” And if I wasn’t reading a story I was creating one. With my dolls yes, but eventually with my tiny little acer computer and with my thumbs in the notes app on my iPod Touch. (I still maintain that the notes app is where the best art happens.)
It was May in my eighth grade pre-Algebra class when my friend told me what FanFiction was and about how she had an account on good ole fanfiction.net. I made one too. I joined a Divergent roleplaying forum that lasted two months. I started writing a long-abandoned backstory for my character—Antoine, named at intermission of the high school production of West Side Story I was watching. It was bad. But I didn’t know it at the time. I thought I was doing something important and I guess I was.
The Divergent forum didn’t last long but a few months later I would create my own. Welcome to Camp Half Blood! Join in! Make an OC! I brought my friends over from the old forum and even as Admin my authority was immediately usurped. We built worlds. And then we rebuilt them. And then our worlds had baby worlds. Generation 1, Gen 1.5 (you suggest a teen pregnancy plot line as a joke one time while on a choir trip in Yorkshire ONE TIME and then you wake up and uh oh two characters are actually teen pregnant), Gen 2, on and on and on. There’s a whole Google Sheets document. It’s deeply comprehensive and filled with all our faceclaims and timelines and playlists.
We rarely wrote action in our roleplay. We mainly talked. Dialogue and dialogue and dialogue for years. I get compliments now on my dialogue in fics. It didn’t come from nowhere. It came from cringe-y exchanges with my friends as we fell in love with each other’s self inserts over and over and over again. I stayed up on school nights until 2am quietly wheezing only to fall asleep in Algebra 1 over my scribbled cursive poetry on the graph paper. Life is skills. I was choosing which ones to build.
It was never math.
It was stories.
In the singing. In the dance (competition team—burned me out. I was never the best athlete. I was always the most expressive. I was telling the story.) In the theatre. And in the little fan videos I would make with my friends for our OCs over on fanfiction.net.
So my dumbass went to film school. And like with singing I learned about stories. How to craft them. And I wrote bad scripts. And we made bad low budget films. And I was so scared of cameras but I learned how to use them. And I directed and I got good at that especially with documentaries. Looking at all the information and chasing down the story. Telling people who were faster editors than me where to cut. Telling people who could make the camera capture what I saw in my eye what to film. God I fucking loved it. And I miss it.
Because my dumbass went to seminary. Why? Because there were these ancient stories that were really important to me that were being used to harm others. And I wanted to learn them. And I wanted to be able to show that there was a different way than the one that spews hatred. And as Phoebe Bridgers sings I “went looking for a creation myth ended up with a pair of cracked lips.” And I’m figuring all that out still. What to do with these stories that mean so much to me. How to tell them. How to Robin Hood theology.
And as my life and my faith were falling apart. I looked at my tiny little shithole apartment. And how I used to hide in my room where I felt safe. And I made that apartment feel safe. It was my room now. And I walked out to my bookshelf and I saw a book I had bought and opened it up. And on the inside of the cover there was a map just like there was in all the best books from my childhood. So I stayed up until 3am reading it. And then the next night. And the next night. And then I bought the sequel and I read about a boy who thought he was going to be something and then he wasn’t that anymore. And he was lost and angry and self-destructive just like me. But then in the last part of the trilogy he decided at the last second to try to figure it all out. And I’m still trying to do that too.
I had been writing all along—non-fiction. Papers. Essays. (Metas—really.) And I learned how to approach a text. How to analyze it in one million different ways. And I think I took those skills I learned from the Bible and I stuck them on some YA trilogy. And I thought and I thought and I had something to say.
And I wrote. And I keep getting better. Because life is just skills.
So I was watching The Bear and Will Poulter as a baker talks about how he used to see some other baker as competition. Until he decided he wasn’t and instead he just tried to keep up. And I want to keep up. And I watch these television shows and I read your fics and I get so fucking inspired. 
And I look at this stupid fucking soccer fic I love with my whole chest and I think about how life is just skills and they all have led me to be able to write it. And I know that in ten years when I’m 34 I’ll probably think it’s cringey just like I think that what I wrote when I was 14 is cringey. But GOD I’m so proud of it. And I think I always will be.
Because life is just skills and I’m really glad I chose these ones.
TL;DR I’ve never been the best “athlete” (had the best skills in a particular medium) but goddamn if I’m not a good fucking storyteller.
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fff777 · 3 days
reaction part 1 to dream haus picnic ep 1
this is a super long video, 47 minutes
this looks to be a continuation of the dream haus universe (the corporate roleplay) since they're reusing the names. i guess it'll be like a corporate retreat. they did a lot of activities in the opening intro.
the opening intro was very cute, with dream run as the bgm.
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the backstory is that smoothie sold super well so this trip is a gift to the staff
mark is playing tour guide with the microphone :P
whether or not he's still the intern, he must turn >3
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cmo renjun is on a very important business trip
haechan asked to go home to change for the trip
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jaemin complaining about the work trip being on a weekend. he knows what's up.
jaemin's been taking pictures non stop so far. don't know if it's a bit.
haechan said they usually play crayon shin-chan for them on the bus?
haechan being like let's play a game and whoever wins gets to go home. you know all the introverts in this group perked up at that.
schmooze (also marksung)
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jeno wasn't even wrong when he told jisung that the intern days were the best because you could leave at whatever time
haechan asked mark to stop manspreading and mark just spread his legs wider 😅
then jeno complaining about jaemin's shoulders infringing on his space lol. these guys are too relaxed or they've grown too big or they've grown too comfortable complaining about each other lel
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they're playing the 1-second song guessing game. chenle said before that he'd only be able to guess nct songs but he's doing decently right now lol.
moving on to liar game
mahae bickering was cute lol. mark was showing the phone to the camera and haechan happened to turn his head and mark was like "HEY STOP LOOKING" and haechan was like "I'M NOT!!!!!"
lol mark was starting to talk about the 'thing' and i guess it was a bit hard to watch for the guys (sorry i don't really know how to play this game) but jeno blew up being like "WHY ARE YOU SO BAD AT THIS GAME TAT" how do you get that response out of him lmao
jaemin admitted to being the liar and then started joker laughing and jisung was like "...is the craziness from two years ago back?" i guess 2022 jaemin was legendary or smthg among the members.
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apparently the word was peach and jaemin really was the liar lol. i think jeno and jisung gave clues that were puns.
also hilarious that whenever any of them mess up and forget to show the camera their word, they all go like "czennies, play along!!!" lol. showbiz kids indeed.
lol the food was something a lot of the guys didn't know so that was why they ended up giving some weird clues
markmin english class but they descended into giggles before he got any further
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jaemin once again complaining about the trip being on the weekend because everywhere is crowded
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jaemin is surprisingly in tune with the plight of the common people lol
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i assumed jisung was at a point where he was used to being a celeb in public but i guess not quite yet. forever shy.
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the guys found a punching game machine at the rest stop
jisung didn't have money on him and haechan was like "...then why are we here"
jaemin told jeno that he had to get the cinnamoroll keychain and jeno was like "but i have nowhere to put it :(" but jaemin got it anyway. there were also some 10cm plushies and jeno said one of them looked like jaemin :P
mark and chenle checking out the zodiac bracelets. chenle says he likes that kind of thing (i guess zodiac and astrology stuff?)
jaemin was being his weird self again and jeno was looking around seeing if anyone heard
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jaemin was saying how jeno was an introvert who didn't like crowded places so that was why they went outside for food instead
i think chenle sprained his pinky. he was saying how if his finger wasn't injured, he would have picked up the tray of food and mark was like well even if your finger was fine i would have gone and get it lol. everything's a competition with chenle.
haechan shared some of his tonkatsu with mark and chenle :3
haechan: let's play rock paper scissors mark & chenle: no haechan: you won't do it for the content? mark: we don't know you leave us alone
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intern got stuck cleaning up ToT
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arrived. the place looks a bit castle like from this angle.
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haechan immediately on the karaoke machine
jaemin and jeno wandered outside for a while before going inside
local introvert always wants to not be here
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lol there's a karaoke machine on each floor
haechan asked the in to turn again and jisung did a pirouette <3
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they're going to stay here for 24 hours, so this is an overnight trip. this feels more like the 7llin series than the 7llin with dream earlier this year where they didn't stay overnight.
he's actually soooo uncomfortable...i feel you homebody v.v
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mark was handing out papers lol
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(i accidentally saved over this post with an old version so lost my work from here to the end of this post...tried to retype them from memory though...)
jisung won the ladder game 🤣🤣 to decide roles for the rest
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haechan asked jisung for a redo and he was like okay 😅 太乖啦~! 💖
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jaemle cuddle session
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jeno ended up winning ladder 2
jisung volunteered to grill the meat and chenle was like "oh....sorry" 😅 jisung's really trying hard to improve his image from clumsy baby eh
jaemin put in charge of cooking as always. he wasn't very pleased about it but unfortunately he's typecast lol.
jisung designated as driver 🤣🤣🤣
chenle SHOCK at the thought of not being able to play games because he was designated judge. he's actually soooo whiny about this.
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haechan designated mark dish washer 🤣
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he's actually sooo upset
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the real questions
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so they will play ping pong for grocery shopping and foot volleyball for cleaning up
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callmeherry · 1 year
I can't keep following people because they like my favourite streamer (Cellbit and Roier)
You're the last one./obvious lie
Anyway! What is your favorite thing or headcanon for both? Or guapoduo
Honestly, same anon- Well, I have some headcanons for them so I'll list them all >:D q!Cellbit has ptsd from the cucorucho encounter and is afraid of sleeping and waking up on that corridor again, q!Roier knows this and sleeps holding him so even if Cell is teleported he won't be alone there.
Both are aware that there is SOMETHING going on between them but Roier keeps trying to convince himself he is just seeing things because "Cellbit only has eyes for his familly and mistery, and I'm neither of those things" and Cellbit doesn't want to see it because cucorucho is already messing with his loved ones, it took Felps! HIS bestfriend, bringing someone new onto his life is just too risky, and he needs to focus anyway.
q!Cellbit is ace non repulsive "Sure we could have sex BUT... Look at this code I found! Why don't we do this instead :D"
q!Roier tries his best to aways be energetic around Cell trying to take away all his worries
Roier and Richarlyson aways talk about Cell and Richas keep trying to push the two dummies together (and Bobby thinks it is gross) but Roier brushes off as just a kid being silly.
I see them both as people who would start a relationship without starting one, one day both of them just call eachother love when parting way and don't notice it until way later and then never bring it up again.
Roier cooks decent food and gives it to Richas to give it to Cell (Richas is the only one that can convince his dad to eat something good for his health)
Forever dislikes Roier because he is jealous of their relationship so everytime Roier visits he brings gifts for Forever to try to get into his good side
Cell has some pretty nasty scars from both his past™ and from the chainsaw incident, Roier kisses them as a way to paint in a positive light so Cell will remember him when he sees them instead of flashbacks on how he got them.
And that is all I can remember for now :D
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chickenskeleton · 1 month
Poem about an ex, parts 1 & 2
TW for self harm and suicide attempt
Today I learned my voice still cracks when I say your name. It’s been 9 months.
I still wear the pants you gave me because you outgrew them. I didn’t know you would outgrow me too.
We had a secret handshake in kindergarten
A secret fucking handshake. I still remember how our hands interlocked during it. I still remember how our hands interlocked. I can’t remember being a kid without remembering what it was like to love you. Do you have the same problem? Sometimes I wonder. It doesn’t seem like you do, because I can’t imagine you being so cold if you remembered what it was like to love me.
I know I it’s easier to forget anyway.
Today I put on a necklace, a gift from our six months. I’ve worn it every day since November 11th. The day you left..
I still think of you when I wear those pants,
by the way.
I still think of you when I wear your old sweater.
I still think of you whenever I wear your hand me downs, goddamn your sense of style, I can’t justify getting rid of any of your shit.
I still think of you when the moon is particularly full
When something quirky catches my eye in a gift shop
And when someone repeats one of your phrases. (Often myself)
Did you know that every time I think of you I start to shake?
and I get this feeling in my chest. This hole. This void. Right in my heart. I try to curl up in a ball, as tight as possible, because collapsing inward is better than leaving that space exposed. But it does no good, the hole goes straight through my chest to my back, leaving it exposed regardless. The air always feels cold too, when I think about you. It seeps in through the void in my center and goes straight to my bones.
I remember my bones being this type of cold when I realized you were leaving. I wore a sweatshirt over a sweater with my wool jacket on top to meet you in your car.
I couldn’t shake the cold though.
I’d never felt cold like that.
Now I’m too familiar
and after-
the only thing that could get rid of it was the warmth of my own blood as it ran down my arms.
The heat that took over my body when I realized I might have gone too far
I wanted more of the warmth
It was easy to get, too easy.
All I had to do was go deeper
Deep enough and I’d be warm forever
I didn’t stop.
Well, until you picked up the phone.
I didn’t even tell you what I had done.
You still don’t know.
I just asked if you knew anyone that could drive me to the hospital because I was scared.
You asked if you could drive me yourself.
At first I said yes
But as I realized
I couldn’t hide it this time.
the implications of you seeing what I did
I hung up and called my mom
Somehow I stayed conscious for the 30 minutes it took her to get there
I don’t remember the ride
I remember being angry
But I don’t remember why or at who
But I remember the fucking heat
I’d never felt heat like that.
I hope I never do again.
And so we learn.
What have you learnt? I’m so curious.
We called one night.
A few months after you left.
You were back again.
You had been living in your car
Drinking too much
Apparently, as I learnt in that phone call,
You’d been drinking too much for a while.
Two months before you left
That’s when I started to feel you going.
That’s when you said the drinking started.
I’m not mad
I just don’t know why you wouldn’t tell me
I loved you
We always said that
“I love you unconditionally”
You said it too.
The morning after our phone call I tried to text you.
You blocked me.
A few months after that I deleted your number for good.
Now I talk to you through the moon.
I sob at her as if my cries will reach you
I hope you’ll feel some pull in your heart
A pull that you know leads to me
You told me that night that you had faith
Faith that we would find our way to each other again if it was meant to be
Why the fuck would you say that?
I’ll be searching until we find each other again
Even if it’s in another life
I know you’ve eroded space in my soul
That only you can fit into.
I live for you still.
I would rather be freezing fucking cold than feel that heat again
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dothwrites · 1 year
me watching supernatural: i am completely normal about this show, and my theories are normal, boring theories me watching chuck in 'galaxy brain' turn on the tvs and point DIRECTLY at an image of dean and cas: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN????? (he says THE WORLD and it shows DEAN AND CAS. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?)
anyway, i feel like people did not like galaxy brain when it came out? but i GREATLY enjoy this episode. and how are cas and jody only just NOW meeting in person? boring! cas and jody are ACTUALLY hunting besties and then they watch romcoms together after the hunt is over. jody paints cas' nails.
(why did they lose the wardrobe budget in s15? i swear to god, sam wears the exact sam plaid shirt in like. five episodes. and it's an UGLY shirt. there. i said it.)
this conversation between dean and cas where cas says "i was RIGHT" feels like a little gift from bobo to me. he and dean are on a DATE night! they're having a nice midnight drink and they're talking about their kid! cas' smile here is so FOND when he looks at dean, and i am WEAK for him.
castiel, master strategist of heaven, allowing his kid to beat him at connect 4. my HEART! once again, bobo gives me a little kiss on the forehead, just for me. (cas plays BOARD GAMES! with his KID!)
"winchester dumb" seems an appropriate moniker also when did all the reapers become bitchy tattletales? this is lame. bring back tessa! bring back jessica!
cas backs me up in the idea that cas and claire are not actually that close! it always bugs me when i read canonverse fics where claire and cas are super super close because! i do not think that is ever going to happen! i think that she comes to some kind of peace with cas, but she's never going to be fully comfortable with him! and it hurts cas to acknowledge this because he DOES have dad/paternal feelings of responsibility towards her, but she's NEVER going to give him the dad/daughter feels that he wants. (that being said, cas is claire's dad forever and always in au fics)
i remember when this episode aired, how HOPEFUL it made me. because if we could spend an episode in the final season to rescue kaia, then what did that mean for cas? OBVIOUSLY the parallels were set up! cas and kaia were parallels for each other, and these two characters were trapped in a horrific world, so CLEARLY since kaia was rescued... you see where i'm going with this? (and then it DIDNT' happen)
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iuvroachfromcodq · 8 months
Simon Ghost Riley
Fluff alphabet
A: affection
If you guys were in a relationship, it would take him a while to warm up to physical affection, so he'd typically stick to verbal. He'd give you affirmations; I love you so much, your my beautiful girl, ECT. Once he (finally) warmed up to physical affection, it'd would be small touches here and there, but he'd always have to be touching you a little bit.
B: best friends
He's not gonna talk much, but he would listen to you ramble. And if you don't like to talk, he's comfortable in the silence. He'd give you tips and small gifts out of the blue.
C: cuddles
Once again, it would take a long time for him to be comfortable with physical affection, due to his past. But once he does he has to have at least a hand on you at all times. If you guys are fully cuddling, your head is on his chest with his arms draped over your back, rubbing it or playing with his hair.
D: domestic
If he could settle down he would. But he's scared. He doesn't want to leave 141, they're his family. But on the other hand, he lives for the thought of settling down with you, becoming a house husband even.
E: ending(a relationship)
He would do it in the quickest way possible. It hurts his heart too, and he would only end a relationship if it's hurting you. He would probably just shoot you a text, or have Soap do it if he could. Would probably be bawling while he did it.
F: fiance
He wants to get married one day, but it would take forever to do so. It would take him a few years, six or seven minimum. He would take his time planning it, probably a year or so and he'd probably take you to your favorite place, and make you wear a pretty dress. Before he pops the question.
G: gentle
Taking his past into consideration, you know he's a strong ass guy. He had to train to the point where he could pick up a guy like Konig easily, so it wasn't surprising when he was terrified of hurting you. When he first started being okay with physical affection he touched you so gently you could barely feel it.
H: hugs
Simon was originally terrified of giving you a hug, seeing how much smaller, and fragile you were compared to him. The guy could probably crack someone's skull with his hand and you expect him to wrap his arms around you and squeeze?! What are you, crazy woman/man/person? Eventually when you manage to get a hug he barely places his arms on your back. Once he gets more comfortable with it tho, he loves them
I:I love you
It takes him a good while to say the three words. He's not used to them, and he finds it hard to believe you love him. It'll take him around a year to say I love you but will melt if you say it back.
J: jealousy
Simon never thought he was a jealous man, that was until you two started dating. Once you two start dating, he caught himself getting aggressive anytime her sees any other guy staring, which is quite often cause, damn, your cute.
K: kisses
Small pecks! He loves giving you random little precious pecks on your forehead, nose, shoulders, anyway he can see. He only starts doing them almost three months after he says I love you.
L:Little ones
He's awesome with kids, he's just not sure if he wants them. He's scared he'll turn out like his dad, but if your able to convince him he won't be, and he'd be an awesome father, he'd love to have a kid. He loves the thought of having tiny little versions of you and him running around.
M: mornings
He always wakes up earlier than you, due to 141 always having him wake up so early. He'll get up at five in the morning and go watch the sun rise. Once it reaches around six thirty he'll make some tea for the two of you and make breakfast, waking you up to breakfast in bed.
N: nights
He prefers to stay closer to you at night, making sure nobody or nothing could hurt you. If you're washing the dishes, he'll stand behind you, listening to you talk about whatever. When you go to bed he'll cuddle if you ask, but he won't sleep till a good hour or so after
It'll take a long time for Ghost to open up about Simon. He prefers showing off his big, scaring, emotionless persona, not his small, vulnerable insecure actual personality. It would take longer than it did to kiss him.
P: patience
Simon has quite a bit of patience when it comes to you. He doesn't want his baby, if all people, to see him get mad. But, some days it seems easier to make him mad than happy, and it's confusing.
Q: quizzes
He'll remember a decent amount of things about you. He's not gonna remember everything, mainly just the things that are super important to you. And your takeout order, because one time when you were very sick you started crying because you got the wrong thing, and he didn't want that to happen again.
R: remember
His favorite memory was the first time you broke down in his arms. I know it sounds bad but hear me out. When he watched you burst into tears as his arms were wrapped tight around you, he was glad. Not glad you were crying, but glad you felt comfortable enough crying into his chest. The way you whimpered and whined, and Simon spewed soft praises from his mouth, trying to make you feel better.
He's protective, maybe a bit over protective. If you ever told him you felt uncomfortable because of somebody, someone there is ending up six feet under. He would never let anyone hurt you, and would ultimately teach you self defense just in case he wasn't around.
He would try a lot, and do as much as he could for you. Most of the dates would be at home but, he would set up flowers, candles, and food. He'd love to just pamper you(mostly cause he's scared you'd leave him if he didn't).
Makes horrible jokes. Also makes jokes about getting himself killed. Very bad at communication when it comes to fights.
V: vanity
Not very concerned with his looks unless you are. He'll wear the same stuff, same hairstyle, same everything. Doesn't really matter to him. If you want him to look pretty for you tho, he will. If he's going to a special event or something tho he will wear something special for it.
W: whole
Would not feel whole without you. He wouldn't be able to. You're his everything. He needs you. If he was to break up with you, it would've been for a good reason and it still would've fucking killed him.
X: Xtra
He refuses to let you two go to bed mad. You two had an argument at eleven at night? He doesn't give a Fuck. You will stay awake till three in the morning until you two apologies. No "I'm tired. We'll talk in the morning." He'll reply with a "Open your fucking eyes. I'm trying to apologize, and I expect you to do the same. I love you, and I'm not letting this happen."
Y: yuck
Super messy partners. He can't stand coming home to a huge mess. It'll just put him in a mood. If he comes home to a mess he'll immediately ask you why. Butttt, if it's cause of something going on, putting you into a depressive state, and you weren't able to get anything done due to your mental health he'll make you lay down and stay sitting while he cleans the house.
Before you guys started cuddling all that lovey dovey' stuff he would sleep in a straight soldier position. He also snores like a dying goat.
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lingering-42-long · 2 years
I’ll be home for Christmas pt2.
Part 2 of the I’ll Be Home For Christmas series. This one is shorter, I wanted to capture the everyday life that goes on when your loved ones are away. I think this is an overlooked issue some writers forget. It may be a bit boring but it does show the domestic side to things. Fell free to leave me feedback or requests! I love doing them and they make my day!
Warnings: none
Summary: A snippet of the in between part. 1 and part 3
Finding the perfect Christmas tree, wrapping presents and decorating the house for Christmas should have been a fun experience for (y/n), but truth be told, she deeply missed her Scot’s man. Johnny was away serving his country and it was only a week till Christmas. (Y/n) was beginning to wonder if he would be able to come home. She hadn’t heard anything from him, since he left five weeks ago. Thankfully, she was not alone. Johnny’s parents and cousins came and help make the holidays more inviting for her.
Right now (y/n) was sitting in the living room with Johnny’s mom as the two were wrapping last minute gifts. The tv in the background was playing A Christmas Carol, the one with Patrick Steward as Scrooge. The fireplace had a nice little fire going. Johnny’s mom, Eilidh, talked about how Johnny was in his youth, occasionally showing pictures of him playing on the football (soccer) team as a goalie. Keith, Johnny’s dad, came in and undressed out of his winter gear. Johnny was a spit image of his father, who was just as fit and good looking as Johnny, though older, adorning the crows feet around his eyes and the aging on his hands, and did not possess the same short, military mohawk that his son wore.
“Hello loves!” He called out. Eilidh stood up and kissed Keith. “Hello love! Did you get the mail?” She asked.
“Sure did. Nothin’ much but ther’ is en letter fer ye Lass.” Keith held a letter to (y/n), who jumped up and took it carefully. She opened it and quietly read it to herself.
To my dearest,
She rolled her eyes. He was always so cheesy when writing letters.
I have missed you so so so much these last few weeks. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten the time to write to you sooner. Work has me pinned down and it’s killing me. I do lie awake every night wondering how you are doing. I know this is a stressful time, I’m sorry. I wish I was there to help you. I’m assuming your with the family? I know mum and dad really love you. Mums probably telling embarrassing stories and dad is watching tv or making coffee. I can picture it. Is Christie there? I miss her and her wee youngens.
He was referring to one of his close cousins and her three kids.
Will we ever have kids? Crazy thing to think I know, I wonder at night.
I miss you all. More so than usual. I miss you the most. I want to be back with you for the holidays. I don’t know if I will be able to make it for Christmas. We are pushing hard but it’s taking forever. I promise I will be home as soon as I can. I miss you my Bonnie Lass. I think ghost is starting to get tired of me talking about you in front of him.
Ghost,Simon Riley, The lieutenant that Johnny had befriended. You had noted that he was a pretty quiet man and prefer to keep to himself. It was a nice surprise to know that Johnny had befriended somebody so… reclusive.
Anyways, I have to go to bed, we are leaving to a new place. I love you my Lass. Please don’t forget that.
Tears pricked (y/n)‘s eyes. Usually Johnny would write long 3 to 5 pages worth of material or send small notes throughout the week. For him to be this tired and this overworked The only send a small note, made her heart sad for him. She could tell by his writing, that he was incredibly tired and he was missing his family. Eilidh saw her crying and came over to comfort (y/n)
“There there.” She hugged her. “It’s ok. Did he say he would make it?” She asked.
“No. He didn’t know.” (Y/n) sniffed
“Oh. That’s sad. So it is…. But you know he loves you and he knows your safe with us. That makes it all the worthwhile.” Eilidh tried to lighten up the mood. (Y/n) nodded and put the letter down. Johnny would not have wanted her to feel sad on a special holiday like this.
Later that night (Y/n) was finishing the last gift wrapping. Keith was the only one up as he was watching football on the tv. “Ah Lass its getten’ late. You sure need to be asleep.” He looked at the time.
(Y/n) glanced at the clock as well. Sure enough the clock showed that it was 11:35pm. “I know.” She sighed. “I’m just worried about Johnny…”
“Ah Lass. Don’t be worried. Johnny is a strong man. He will be ok” Keith turned off the tv. “Tomorrow is a big day. Why dont ye tackle it then?” He jestered to the decorations (y/n) was working on.
“Ok” I smiled.
Keith headed upstairs as (y/n) cleaned up her mess. She looked at her phone, expecting a call or a text, but nothing happened, as usual. It was really disheartening. She left the porch light on, Just in case Johnny came driving down the road. It was never chain locked when he was away. (Y/n) sat waiting for someone who she knew wouldn’t come tonight, or tomorrow, or the next day. Yet, she waited. The song ‘I’ll be home for Christmas’ sang in her head as she stared up at the stars, wondering if her Sargent was safe and well, She hoped he was. She wasn’t the only one missing her partner on this day.
Johnny laid on his cot in his makeshift tent thinking about his girl. He missed her so much, he didn’t think his heart could take it much more. But duty calls and he did love the thrill. It was a toxic thing he had gotten into, and the fact that he wanted to settle down and marry… he was starting to second guess himself. Not his love for (y/n), Never, but about what he perceived on what his life was meant to be like. His head and heart hurt.
Johnny looked outside and stared at the night sky. He wondered if she was sleeping ok, if she was eating fine. If she was having fun, if she was missing him. He remembered the song ‘I’ll be home for Christmas’. How fitting. A song for a World War 2 soldier missing home, now Johnny was missing his girl. He knew it would not be long before he saw her but it still drained him knowing that he was away from all the festivities. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas. You can count on me.’ Johnny thought as he closed his eyes and went into a dreamless sleep.
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speckle-the-crow · 1 year
Every time I read a book by Fredrik Backman, I'm left speechless. !!!LONG RANT BELOW!!! + my reviews of the books I've read by him
It all started one year when the book "A Man Called Ove" was chosen to be read in my bookclub. The teacher was talking about how he has a different style of writing and I'm like oh alright bet let's try it out.
GOD. That book was a solid 10/10. It touched dark topics like death and suicide while also having a good humor. The chapter with the cat being almost frozen to death had me giggling a little too much 😂 I loved seeing it on screen when the movie came out.
So many good quotes were in this book. Especially between Sonja and Ove. “You only need one ray of light to chase all the shadows away,”  “But if anyone had asked, he would have told them that he never lived before he met her. And not after either.”  “Of all the imaginable things he most misses about her, the thing he really wishes he could do again is hold her hand in his.” 
This book was just so amazing. I have nothing bad to say against it and strongly recommend it to be the first book one should read by Fredrik. It shows the dark themes he touches while having humor, how good the flashbacks are shown. How they leave you with more questions until you're gut-punched.
Alright. Second book I've read was Beartown. I got it as a birthday gift along with Anxious People (I'll talk abt that later). I knew Beartown revolved around the topic of rape. But god, it was still a hard read. Watching a small town get torn apart over the drama, how nobody really believed Maya and she was even bullied for lying. It broke my heart, leaving me in tears.
The worst part? How real this felt. How it's probably happened to countless girls and guys before. Being raped but not believed, then being bullied and harassed.
The quotes hit hard in this too. "It's not always obvious, because the people around a bullied child assume that he or she must get used to it after awhile. Never. You never get used to it. It burns like fire the whole time. It's just that no one knows how long the fuse is, not even you." “Everyone has a thousand wishes before a tragedy, but just one afterward.”  “What you create, others can destroy. Create anyway. Because in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and anyone else anyway.” 
I don't have too much to say on this book as it was an extremely hard read and took me about a month to finish. But it was still a great story. I don't know if I'll finish the other two books anytime soon. I think what makes it hard is that there's no "happy ending." The rape can't be undone. The damage can't be undone. Maya will forever be scared of the dark. How Kevin has status, keeping him safe. Yes, he is scared of the dark now, but it's not enough. Nothing will fix what happened.
And what I just finished reading today, Anxious People "It's a story about a bank robbery gone wrong? How can that make me cry?" -Me to my teacher.
God. What a book. This book made me laugh and almost brought me to tears. If I wasn't in school while reading this, I would be ugly crying.
This book perfectly embodies Fredrik's writing style. How EVERY little piece matters. Every character is important. You're reading and then hit with a plot twist. Knut being dead? Never expected. That one COMPLETELY threw me in for a loop. The way the chapter hopped back to the flashbacks and then to the interview, oh my god I loved this so much. Might be my favorite one yet.
Every character was so diverse with their own story and struggles, yet they all came together and helped each other when they needed it. I loved the fact that there wasn't a villain in this story- the bank robber wanted to harm nobody, just take care of her kids.
So many of these quotes hit home. The funny ones, the serious ones.
“Not knowing is a good place to start.” I always tell my therapist "I don't know." She said I'm the only person she allows to say that. The fact that a psychologist said that??? It just comforted me so much.
"...but inside she was standing in a forest screaming until her heart burst. The trees grew until one day the sunlight could no longer break through the foliage, and the darkness in there became impenetrable." This one also hit home for me. I'm a very angry person but try my best to control it. Multiple times a day, I imagine myself running into a forest, screaming and yelling my heart out, nobody hearing me. I felt so understood, so seen in this.
"Can you imagine what a bad parent you must have been for your children not to want to be parents?" Woah. I had to close the book and think about this. I don't have the best relationship with my parents, but they are okay parents. They might not rob a bank for me though 😂. But this quote just... I don't know. It really puts a different view on things. It almost makes me feel a bit bad. All in all, this is a quote that lives in the back of my head rent free.
Ever since the first page of this book, I knew I was in for a ride. It felt so long ago, reading chapter 2, "don't think about cookies". This book is a solid 100/10, I will never get rid of it and will reread it many times to come.
Please. If you're looking for a good book to read, please just do ANYTHING by Fredrik Backman. His writing style is unique, fun, just so different and a breath of fresh air. His books will make you cry and laugh and you'll find quotes that you carry on with you for years to come. As I write, I find myself often writing in his sort of style. He is truly an amazing writer and comes up with amazing plots. Before reading his works, only one book ever made me cry. (A Mango Shaped Space). But no movie has ever made me cry. I sobbed in the theaters watching A Man Called Otto. Can't wait to watch Anxious People on Netflix now! I've heard bad stuff, but I'll still watch it.
I hope I managed to convince someone to read a book by Fredrik Backman. Or possibly even re-read a book. I know I want to keep reading books by him. Maybe My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry?
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talentforlying · 1 year
a moment in time, #7, or 14!
07.     wish they had taken more time to savor while they were in it.
he's in the kitchen with his sister, and they're still in their funeral clothes.
it's a funny sight: cheryl in her nice black dress, purple rubber gloves up to the elbow, doing the washing up with her good pearl earrings in. he remembers, a few years back, how she'd sworn off ever wearing jewelry around that bloody disposal again; how he'd fucked up snaking the drain trap for her little silver chain so badly he'd almost burst the pipes, while she fretted and moaned about it being a gift from tony, how silly she was for not checking the clasp, how cross he'd be if he knew how she'd lost it.
really, it should have been HER snaking the drain, since she was the one who actually knew how and john had always been lost with household things like that, but that was just the way they did things, most of the time — he'd offer to help, and she'd let him. didn't have to do any good.
thinking back, he wonders if it'd been a sibling sort of thing, watching your kid brother flounder just for the shit of it; if she'd just liked laughing behind her hand at him whenever he tried something that should've been bloody SIMPLE and fell flat on his face. other times, he wonders if it'd been a mother sort of thing: giving him the chance to do all the little shite he'd never learned how to. letting him go until he gave up or got it, then pointing out the way to do it that was miles easier, honestly, you silly bleeder, how've you survived all these years faffing about like that? you'd take the ring road to the toilet if you didn't leave the door open to see it.
they're talking serious things as they wash and dry; gemma, two years out from her brush with kidnapping and seeing ghosts at granddad's funeral. cheryl shit scared, trying not show it; voice wobbling as she asks him whether he thought something had happened. he can't look at her when he consoles her, because he doesn't know; he doesn't lie to his sister. tries not to, anyway. deflects to talking about her husband, because he knows it'll make her mad, and they're constantines: they do pissed better than they do sad.
besides, cheryl's always loved her husband the same way she loved their dad: with her eyes shut tight.
used to be that he resented her for it, before he was old enough to understand. how could she not know? how could she leave? how could they meet years later with her telling him their dad wouldn't really hurt anyone, couldn't hurt anyone, oh john you know what he's like, and him with scars smarting under his shirt sleeves and a ringing in his ears that will never fully go away, wanting to scream i know what he's like, but do you? did you ever? did you even fucking care?
but he's grown, now, and so has she; left the anger behind with gemma's first diapers and tony's resurrection crusade membership and the house in liverpool they won't ever go back to. it doesn't matter anymore. they've outlived him.
he makes her laugh. her laughter makes him laugh. one day they'll be older than their dad ever was, and hopefully happier, and they'll stand in her kitchen at christmas and new year's and do the washing up in purple rubber gloves, and it'll be just like this, but without their funeral clothes. nothing hanging over them except the sound of leslie gore crooning from a room away and their first glass of red for the day. gemma all grown, with friends and family of her own to do the washing up with. tony hopefully shafted in the divorce, or at least being a little less useless in a far corner of the living room.
he didn't want to stay like this forever, then — wounds still raw and fears still fresh, memories of his dad's hair burning in the crematorium. both him and cheryl sad and scared, putting on faces so the other can get by. but he will. god in heaven, he will.
she doesn't quite get to be older than their dad, in the end. fifty-nine, and still too young. too bloody young.
jesus christ, cheryl, he wasn't supposed to outlive you, too.
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