#anyway i didn't cry just bc i had my parents next to me. but i was huh def close to
I can't fucking believe that I procrastinated my gender for like. A good three years.
#Like in fairness I was in an incredibly abusive environment already#Questioning my gender was the last fuckin thing I needed so I was just like “that's a problem for later”#Butttttttttt... Now I've got no idea what I'm doing#Like I've cut my hair??? I like looking like a boy????#But I also know that a few months ago I was straight up wearing floor length skirts on the daily and braiding my hair with flowers??????#and my definition of “boy” and “man” is so inherently fucked up bc of the abuse that I'm unwilling to actually use those words???#And I chose the name I use for a reason as a promise (long story) but it's really feminine????#And it'd be nice if people would be ok with using two different names for me if it turns out I am genderfluid but?????#They almost certainly won't??????#Like most of them refuse to use my chosen name anyway and I'm just. To polite to correct them.#no I'm not canadien I'm british#Anyway help?#Bc I realised all this the other day LITERALLY AN HOUR before I went on stage and almost had a complete breakdown??????#good news is there's this trans boy in my performing arts group and he was so nice and supportive that I didn't cry in the end#much anyway but still?????? I procrastinated my fucking gender????????? And now I'm fuckin confused???????#Also I can now cosplay one of my OCs#So that's cool#Remember the name Becky Roberts guys#Like if I am trans for genderfluid or whatever it'll help next year with The Plan (which I may elaborate on if asked)#but also???? My parents still refuse to accept that I'm a lesbian if I tell them “yo I periodically become a boy”#They'll probably yell at me at BEST#“that's not a real thing!!!” NEITHER IS YOUR FAÇADE OF A HAPPY FAMILY BUT YOU BELIEVE IN THAT#*ahem* anyway yeah I'm struggling if anyone has any advice pls help#Oh and I've only told like one person I've cut my hair and I'm meeting up with a load of friends on Sunday#Bwhahahhahahahhah#help me#tw abuse mention#queer community
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trabandovidas · 2 years
Me: i don't need a waterdown non-binary “representation” or “visibility” being mass-produced for consumption to feel comfortable on my identity or to feel “validated” on its existence
Murga: *makes an 1 hour show entirely about discovering and being non-binary*
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words-4u · 1 year
don’t shut me out
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pairing: jordan li x f!reader
wc: 750
a/n: i combined the two requests bc they felt kinda similar but i hope you guys enjoy <3
(NOTE: your super power is the ability to transform into any animal you want)
you stared at the last message you sent jordan.
to j 💗 i miss u. text me when u see this pls
you had sent that text at 8 pm last night and it was almost noon the next day and you still hadn't heard back from them. sighing deeply, you locked your phone, stuffing it in to your backpack.
is it me? did i do something? you thought.
it might seem over the top reacting this way but jordan is so communicative especially at night so it was off brand for them to go ghost like this. you were going through the different possibilities in your head as walked the god u campus to get to your next class, you had almost missed your friend calling your name.
“hey, y/n!” 
you looked up and saw cate beckoning you over to a table she’s at with andre.
“hey guys,” you said with no excitement which the blonde found weird.
“did your cat die or something? what’s up?” she asked patting the seat in between her and andre.
you huffed and set your bag on the table and your head on andre’s shoulder.
“okay this is gonna sound so stupid but i’ve been texting jordan all night and all morning today and i haven’t heard so much as a peep from them. i know the messages are going through, i just don't know why they're ignoring me”
“oh y/n. you haven’t heard,” andre begins. ”jordan’s parents are in town. we don’t know much about them but we know they are jordan’s least favourite topic.”
“i mean they’ve told me the basics but…” you trail off.
if their parents are in town then that explain why they’ve been so hard to reach. jordan's parents have never understood them and always made them feel ashamed of their powers which is ridiculous because they are ones who’ve injected their kid with compound V.
"guys i’ve got to go,” you said grabbing your bags and transforming into an eagle, flying off to jordan's student accommodation.
you knock rapidly on your partner’s door, once you arrived. “jordan, open up!”
you grabbed your vphone out of your bag and checked the “find my” app. “i can literally see that you’re in there so either you open this door and let me in or i turn into a snake and slither in… your choice.”
you hear some metal clanging and something unlocked and in a second you were faced with your gorgeous significant other who looked like they have been crying their eyes out.
no words needed to be said between you before you dropped your bag and pulled them into your arms, rocking them side to side.
you let a few moments pass before you spoke. “why didn't you just tell me?”
“i’m sorry,” they said pulling away. “i fall into this pit of self hatred when my parents come around.”
you guided them to the bed and played with their fingers as you shared your thoughts. “you know i thought you were ignoring cause i might've done something to piss you off or something…”
“no, baby” they whispered. “it’s not you. like at all. it’s them. they… they’ve never accepted my full powers. the girl version anyway. to my parents, i’m their golden boy and nothing else. i came to god u and swore that i would never feel ashamed of myself and would never be forced to choose one gender like my parents desperately want.”
“that’s a lot to carry by yourself, jord,” you move their short black bob out of their face and tuck it behind their ear. “i’m here if you ever need to talk. about any of it.”
“i know,” they smiled softly.
“and for what it’s worth i like…all of you,” you confessed which made jordan put on their sexy grin that you fell for.
“is that right? and which parts of me do you like?” they asked switching to their male form and placing you on their lap.
“hmm now that i think about it, i actually can’t remember,” you stroked your chin jokingly.
“how about i make you remember?” they replied, capturing your lips in an over due kiss. you breathe them in as you run your hands through their short hair.
you pulled away still holding their face in your hands. “promise to tell me when things bother you, big or small okay? i don’t want you to shut me out.”
jordan nodded, whispering, “i promise,” before kissing you once more.
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call-me-strega · 3 months
How to Become a Step-Dad in 5 Easy Steps: ch.3/5 of p.2
First, prev, next, lore, ao3
OK SO- I’ve been working on this for months and I was actually supposed to have it done like a month ago but my parents took me on the last minute vacation to another country to visit family and I didn’t have access to my laptop most of the time. But it’s okay bc the timing worked out! I wrote most of this on my phone actually and I’m posting it from there too so I hope the formatting isn’t weird. Our flight back is tonight and we’re in a different time zone so I really hope this is going up at the correct time. Anyways I tried to make this chapter longer so I hope it’s worth it. Thanks for sticking around to read this and I’ll let you start now.
-Strega p.s Happy 4th of July!
Chapter description:
Danny and Jason comfort each other after a rough night, Jason teams up with Duke to stop a villain, and Jason spends the 4th of July with the Nightingales.
Everything was hot. Someone was laughing. Someone was crying. It's all too loud but he can't hear a thing. It was so hot. He could taste the bitterness in the air. His face ached. It's too much. All the textures overwhelm him but he can’t feel a thing. It was too hot. All he can see is rows of black upon gray, but he can't really see anything at all. He couldn’t- he couldn’t breathe. His forehead was wet and sticky. Why was it wet and sticky? Why was it so goddamn hot?!
With a desperate gasp for air, Jason launched up into a sitting position on his bed. He supported his body with one hand and the other pushing back his white, sweat-soaked fringes out of his eyes. He sat there for a few moments, just panting, trying to regain some semblance of control over his breathing. He felt a warm sweat drip down his face and back. It made his skin crawl.
He looked around his dark room and then down at his messy sheets for a moment, before pulling off the blanket and flinging himself off the bed. He couldn't stand the idea of staying there a minute longer. Not right now.
He stalked out of his bedroom and into his living area. He didn't want to stay inside. The thought of being in an enclosed space right now gave him the hives, no matter how spacious the apartment might be. Even if it's bigger than a coffin. Even if it's smaller than a warehouse. He can't see the sky. He's closed in.
Instead, he pushes open his window and pulls himself out onto the fire escape. It's not particularly open, facing into an alley, but it offers privacy and is heaps better than being inside. He slumps down against the brick wall of the building, feet planted and knees bent. He looks up and takes a breath trying to calm himself. Even with all the smog and Gotham's perpetual cloud cover, Jason is grateful to see the sky. He half-wished it was a clear night so he could see the stars. The other half didn't. It didn't think he could handle seeing the stars peeking out through the smog. It would look too much like a night sky tainted with smoke and bad memories.
His mouth felt dry as he clenched and stretched his hands. He almost wished for a cigarette or a joint, (no he didn't, he didn't want to see the smoke, to feel the heat of the slow burn) but the thought made his lungs constrict and he felt bile rise in his throat. Instead, he alternated between closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths, and gazing at the lights and laundry lines. Even in the sticky city heat of a Gotham summer Jason shuddered from the cool night air.
Suddenly, he heard metal creaking and his eyes snapped open. His head jerked to the side where the sound had come from. A few feet away, on the adjacent fire escape, stood a figure slumped over the rail. They must have also sensed his presence because they turned to meet Jason's gaze.
Before him stood a haggard Danny Nightingale with dark circles under his eyes and a head of bed hair. He wore an old worn-out shirt for a band called Dumpty Humpty, and a pair of basketball shorts that came down to his knees. Faintly, Jason could make out a faded scar on his calf. (Not that Jason had been staring at his legs or anything!) Jason soon became aware of Danny's own eyes assessing him as well. He felt his face heat up and was grateful that he slept in sweats and a white tank tonight.
And the two of them stayed there for a while, on their fire escapes. Two souls in the haunted hours before morning, looking worse for wear, just staring at each other as the world continued on around them.
Then, Danny weakly gave Jason a wry grin and in a rough voice he said,
" Hey, neighbor."
" Hey," Jason replied hoarsely, with a small grin forming on his face. "Funny running into you here, huh?"
There was a brief pause where the two continued to stare at each other, suppressing the quickly growing urge to laugh.
Danny broke first.
" Pffffffft, you dork!"
The two of them burst out laughing and the atmosphere grew lighter. The ever-present smog and darkness seemed to lift and the shadows haunting them seemed to fade.
Danny bubbled up with giggles that rang in Jason’s ear like a familiar song coming on on the radio. Jason looked at him softly in quiet wonderment. Well, I guess that’s where Ellie got her laugh from.
Jason heaved himself off the ground and walked over to the railing closest to Danny, who was just coming down from his high. He leaned over, one arm on the railing and the other coming up to support his jaw. He gave Danny a tired smile.
“Hey,” he said once more.
“Hey yourself,” came Danny’s soft reply.
Then the two, now standing closer, took a moment to examine each other once more. Danny took note of Jason’s sweat and unsteadiness. Jason could now see that Danny’s hands shook lightly and were covered in faded, barely-there scars. They met each other’s eyes and both just felt like the other understood.
Tonight hadn’t been a good night for either of them. But they didn’t need to talk about it right now. No, for now the two could just bask in each others presence The air filling with a certain solidarity and what felt like a near-tangible sense of mutual comfort.
Jason turned away first, observing the way light and shadow danced across alley walls and how the clothes on clotheslines fluttered in the night breeze. Danny followed his gaze in suit, trying to identify what Jason saw out in the city.
“ Ya know for being such a hell-hole Gotham really does have a subtle beauty to it.”
Jason turned to look a Danny with mock offense.
“Hey! Gotham may be a hell-hole but it’s our hell-hole! Just ask any true Gothamite, the city has a way sinking itself into ya.”
Danny looked almost amused by this statement, but nodded in understanding.
“Yeah, I think I kinda get it. It really sucked back home, but it was still home, ya know? And I agree, Gotham does have her ways of making you feel like she’s a part of you. We’ve only been here bout a month or so but I already feel like Ell and I are well on our way to become city slickers through and through.”
Jason chuckled, shaking his head and bringing his arm down to stand up straight. He decide to pursue the opening Danny had left.
“Speaking of Ell, she the reason your up so late?”
“Naw,” Danny’s smile grew a bit strained. “My little spitfire may have a lotta energy but the girl sleeps like the dead.” He grew a more subdued, looking down at his hands.
“Nah, this was something else.”
“Nightmare?” He probed gently.
Danny nodded.
Taking a breath, Jason said “Me too,” in a show of vulnerability that he found came surprisingly easy. Danny glanced at him sympathetically.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Kinda, but at the same time not really?”
Danny nodded as if he understood perfectly. Once more a comfortable silence overtook they began to shift closer. Even with the space between their fire escapes they felt impossibly close.
Danny interrupted the quiet with a light chuckle and Jason returned him a questioning glance. Danny shook his head,
“ Nothing I just think it’s kinda ironic we both came out to our fire escapes to escape our bad dreams.” He paused as his face clouded with confusion. “ Or at least I think it’s irony? Would you call it irony?”
“I think it might actually be symbolism but fuck if I know. I don’t have the mental capacity to figure which literary devices apply to our situation right now but remind me to come back to it later.”
Danny hummed in amusement before taking a deep breath.
“ I think I wanna talk about it.”
“Hmm?” Jason raised an eyebrow
“ I think I wanna talk about my dream.”
In a split second Jason makes a impulsive decision.
“Hold on,” he says, before climbing over the railing and extending his foot over to reach Danny’s fire escape.
“ What are you doing, ya maniac?!” Danny asked incredulously at Jason’s actions.
Jason stepped over onto the fire escape and shrugged as he walked over to Danny, “This felt like something I should be close for.”
The startled man seemed to loosen up and sunk to sit on the platform with his back to the railing. Jason joined him on the floor. They sat shoulder to shoulder, Danny staring at his trembling hand, and Jason, staring at him. Jason hand crept towards Danny’s, gentle taking it and interlacing the fingers.
Danny’s head swiveled to look at him and Jason returned him a gentle look and a squeezed his hand reassuringly. Faintly, the young man smiled and squeezed back. He took a deep breath and began.
" So you remember how you found my groceries in an alley the other day?”
Jason nodded.
“ Yeah well, the reason I left them there was because some mugger tried to kidnap Ellie. I ditched the groceries to grab her and get home.”
“ You did a smart thing,” Jason continued to nod as if he didn’t already know exactly what happened that day.
“ Mm I don’t doubt that, Ellie’s safety will always be my first priority. But the whole thing kinda brought up old fear. Some old … memories.”
A distant look grew on his face and Jason’s heart burned with sadness and anger for his friend.
“ The dream started out back in that alley. I had just pulled Ellie back into my arms but when I turned around it wasn’t the mugger standing there. It was Vlad.” Danny’s breath staggered before he continued.
“He started saying stuff about taking Ellie back since he’s the one who made her. The one who had wanted her originally, never mind that he’d lost interest after realizing she was a girl and not his perfect son. But he kept saying things about how he had more life experience and was better equipped to raise her. How he’d be able to do better than me and provide more for her. And for me, if I let him. I hated it. I hated him for leveraging his age and wealth to try to get into our lives again. I didn’t have many reservations about punching him in the face about it either.”
Danny tightened his grip around Jason’s hand. He squeezed back in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.
“I turned to leave but at the mouth the alley was a van. And not one of those stereotypical white vans they warn you kidnappers use. No. No, it was my parents’ van. They slid open the door and and I felt like I couldn’t move. I looked down and Ellie was gone. They-” the words started getting choked up in his throat. His eyes becoming glassy as he fought with his next words.
“ They wanted to take her too. They said they still loved me even though I was different and that they could fix me.” His voice grew frantic and shaky. “They thought they could ‘fix me’ but that Ellie’s existence was unnatural. That it’d be better if they took her and tried to raise in a ‘normal’ environment, especially if she showed signs of being unnatural too!”
Danny turned his face into Jason’s shoulder, trying to fight back tears.
“ And I know they don’t actually think like that- that I need to be fixed, at least not anymore. But, the idea that they’d try to take her from me? Raise her better than I could? It tore me up inside. How could they want to raise her when the barely raised me and my sister? When my sister raised me more than they did? How could I trust them not to get her involved in experiments when they still store chemical samples the same fridge as our food? How could I trust them when I told them I didn’t want to be around Vlad and they still let him into our house? Because ‘We’ve know good ol’ Vladdie since college! Nothing to worry about with him!’ even though I told them I-!”
He paused trying to catch his breath. Jason lifted his other arm to wrap around the crying young man, tucking him under his chin. Danny shifted, now shuddering into his chest. Jason could feel the Pits ignite a fire in soul. His blood boiled and a voice cried out for blood in recompense for his friend’s pain.
‘What type of shitty parents-! No. Later’ he tried to reign in the voice. ‘Being here for him now is more important.’ He held the other even closer.
Finally, Danny calmed himself enough to continue, “ I know they don’t think that now. I know that they love me and, and Ellie too- and I still love them too and I know that they want to be better. But they just don’t get it. That there’s a lot of reasons I don’t want to be around them anymore. Reasons I don’t bring Ellie around if I can help it. Even though it was just a dream I couldn’t handle the idea that they- that anyone might try to take Ellie from me.”
Jason tilted his head slightly to press a soft, comforting, kiss on the top of Danny’s head. He rubbed small circles on his back and murmured gently in his ear,
“It’s okay Danny. It’s okay to be mad and upset and scared. From the sounds of it you have ever right to be. It’s okay for you to worry. I have a friend ya know. He’s a recovered addict, started getting extra serious about staying sober when his ex dropped a daughter off on his doorstep because he was worried at every turn that if he slipped up or relapsed someone would take her away. I know that it’s not the same but I think every parent is entitled to worrying over losing their kid. And it sounds like your own parents haven’t done you too many favors in minimizing the worry. But you don’t have to hold yourself back from being afraid. You’re allowed to be afraid, or upset or whatever else you might be feeling.”
He finally let go of Danny’s hand in order to hold him properly, once again shifting their positions. Now, they sat perpendicularly, with Danny partway into his lap, pressed against his chest. After a while Danny wiped his tears, whispering out a thanks to Jason and allowed himself to be comforted.
They sat in delicate silence until Jason finally worked up the nerve to speak.
“So you probably know who I am right?”
Danny lifted his head from Jason’s chest to give him a confused eyebrow raise. “Yeah I think I’d know whose lap I’m on right now?”
“Not like that,” Jason blushed. “ I mean since you asked about volunteering you must know who I am in a larger context right?”
“ You mean do I know you’re beloved Gotham celebrity and non-profit worker: Jason Todd-Wayne? Because I do. I did research this city before moving here, believe it or not. Actually I remember seeing a bunch of articles about how one of Gotham’s beloved sons had returned home with your picture around that time?”
Jason touched the back of his neck, glancing away in embarrassment.
“Uh yeah that, so you’ve probably hear about my- uuh, ‘resurrection’, huh?”
Danny’s expression sobered up. His eyes darkened and his voice got all quiet, likely due to the serious nature of the discussion.
“Yeah, I did. The media claimed you had been in a kidnapping turned terrorist attack slash hostage situation? And that you had managed to survive and were taken in by family who help you recover and reconnect with your dad once you were ready?” Danny recounted the cover story they’d given to the public. There was something in his tone that made Jason think there was more he wasn’t mentioning but it was likely all speculation or more sensitive details.
“Was-… was that what your dream was about?”
Jason bowed his head into Danny’s shoulder, not having it in him to say it to his face.
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “It was.”
Now it was Danny’s turn to hold Jason tight, one arm one his back and the other coming up to pet his hair, gently pressing the larger man further into his shoulder. It felt like something cracked open inside him. Suddenly, words came tumbling out before he could even think about them.
“ I was back in that warehouse. Laying on the ground, injured. I could hear someone crying. And- *gulp* -and his laughter before the explosion. It was … so hot. And when I woke up I couldn’t stand the thought of being trapped inside. The same way I was trapped … during some of the worst moments of my life. And I know I’m not there anymore but I’m still terrified by the memory! Sometimes I still get scared the man who took me the first time will find me again and I just-!”
He choked on a sob as Danny held him even tighter, as if trying to melt him into his skin.
“I just hated feeling that way so much!” He whimpered.
“It’s okay Jay, I’m here big guy. You can let it out.”
And for the first time in a long while Jason allowed himself to cry freely, sobbing into his neighbor’s shoulder. Danny continued to stroke his hair, rocking gentle as one would when comforting a child. But maybe that sort of gentleness was what Jason needed.
Once he heard Jason’s sobs subside Danny took a deep breath and spoke.
“You know what?”
“What?” Jason asked lifting his head to gaze into Danny’s icy blue eyes.
“I’m kinda glad I ended up out here tonight. I mean the nightmare sucked but at least I got to be here for you.” He smiled softly, “I’m in your corner if you ever need me.”
Jason couldn’t help the soft smile that worked it’s way onto his face.
“Yeah, me too. I’ll be there if you ever need help, with anything: Ellie, Vlad, your parents, your groceries.”
Danny giggled at that last part, knowing Jason was sincere. With a sigh he rested his cheek on Jason’s chest. Jason reach down to hold his hand again and the two enjoyed the feeling of holding someone who held them back.
With a sigh, Danny lifted his gaze from their hands to Jason’s face. Jason gave him a closed-mouth smile, his eyes asking if something was wrong.
“It’s the 4th of July in a few days.” He stated.
“Yes, it is.” Jason said back.
“If it’s not too short notice, Ellie and I would love to have you over again. We were gonna have barbecue and ice cream and then come out here and see if we could catch the fireworks. She’d love it if you could join us, and … and, well I would too.”
Jason swore Danny was looking at him with the biggest, roundest, most earnest eyes he’d ever seen, save for his daughter’s.
“ I’ll be there.”
Danny flushed at his quick response.
“Don’t wanna check your schedule first?”
“Doesn’t matter. I didn’t have anything else planned so I’ll do my best to be there.” He made sure the shorter man’s eyes met his as he said his next words. “Besides, I like spending time with the two of you too.”
‘His ears are pink, he’s just adorable.’ He thought to himself as Danny seemed brighten in a shy glow. He shifted in Jason’s lap, probably getting ready to get up when he did something that cause Jason to blue screen.
Danny tilted his head up planting a quick peck on his cheek before squeaking out a “see you then” and fleeing back into his apartment, leaving a wide-eyed Jason on the floor of his fire escape.
Jason sat there stunned, before a furious blush over took his face and decided to hurry back into his own apartment. The voice in his head came back to give its routine comments: ‘His lips are so soft, the stuff of dreams’
He somehow managed to blush even more violently. ‘Damn it’ he thought, shoving his head under his pillow, unable to tell whether he actually wanted to dream about Danny’s lips or not. ‘It’s actually embarrassing how worked I’m getting over a fleeting kiss on the cheek from a friend.’
~Bzzt~ “Calling for back up! Firefly decided to start his annual firework show early this year!” ~Bzzt~ Signal called through the emergency comms.
Jason cursed his luck, of course Firefly would attack just as he got off work! Now he might be late to dinner! He sighed and tried to look on the bright-side: If they dealt with this now that meant it was less likely for any of the other rouges to try anything later. Then, the comm crackled back to life.
~Bzzt~ “I could have got him by now but he keeps lightin’ more shit on fire! By the time I get the first fires under control and punch him in the face, he’s started 20 more! Normally I’d be able to handle it, but there’s a lot of civilians around right now and fires take priority. I just need someone to help me keep the guy down long enough to make the arrest.” ~Bzzt~
Jason started ducking through alleys trying to get to his near safe house in order to grab his gear. Hey called back to Duke over the comms.
“Signal, heard! I just got off work. See if you can herd him towards the Alley. It’ll give the Red Hood an excuse to show up and beat the shit outa him while you make sure nothing actually gets damaged. I’m heading to the safe house near the Catherine Johnson Rec Center. Try to get him at least two blocks away!”
~Bzzt~ “Heard!” ~Bzzt~
Jason tossed the comm to the side and started strapping into his body armor. He started fastening his helmet when felt something in the air change. Then the comms buzzed to life once more.
~Bzzt~ “Hood, I’ve got Firefly coming your way! He’s heading up Delancy Ave.!” ~Bzzt~
Hood readied his grapple on shot.
“Good, keep him there! I’ll see you in 5, Narrows!”
~Bzzt~ “On it! I’ll be waiting Alley!” ~Bzzt~
Jason swung through the rooftops, heading in the direction of the fires that kept spontaneously appearing and subsequently being extinguished.
When he arrived Hood found Signal split between stopping fires and engaging Firefly in combat. The madman was so absorbed in antagonizing Signal that he hadn’t noticed Hood’s approach. Signal was handling him pretty well but being unable to focus solely on the villain lowered his efficiency. Jason’s mind wandered back to his friend, who had wanted to see him tonight, and decided he’d end this quickly.
You see for all his bulk and bullheadedness Jason was still a highly trained and intelligent individual. Maintaining the element of surprise he approached in the shadows silently looking down from his perch on an adjacent building. He made subtle gestures for Signal to move the guy into place, which he returned with the slightest of nods. Signal moved Firefly over to the side of the building closest to Jason’s position. Jason got ready took make use of his high ground, tapping into what he learned from Dick.
With a deep breath Jason runs up and launches himself into a triple forward somersault, building up power and momentum. In midair he took account of his bearings, aiming his feet at Firefly’s back.
Firefly goes down like he’s been hit by a semi.
“AND THATS WHY YOU STAY OUTA THE ALLEY FUCKER!” Jason shouts, crouching over the rouge who was quickly losing consciousness. Even though it’d been his plan to lure him here Jason was still protective of what was his. And Crime Alley? Crime Alley was his territory.
He stands up and gives Signal a celebratory high five.
“Nice going, ya tank! I thought he’d never go down!”
“No problem, Dayshift! Nice work handling him, you’d have gotten him eventually. I just sped up the process.”
“Thanks Hood, I ‘preciate it.”
“Soooo, you good here oorrr…?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it. Get outa here before the cops show up and arrest you,” Signal dismissed him.
Jason gave him a quick, two-finger salute before running off to change before he was late to dinner.
Jason arrives at the Nightingales’ red faced and out of breath. His hair is a windswept mess and his clothes slightly messy from his quick change. He knocks on the door desperately trying to tame his hair and adjust his t-shirt and jeans.
Jason feels a burst of cool air as the door opens and he’s greeted by a smiling Danny and a surprised Ellie. He smiles at the two but Danny speaks before he’s got the chance.
“ Surprise! It’s Jason!” He says with some mild jazz hands.
To which seem to Ellie explode in glee. Jason swears she’s vibrating with how fast she’s bouncing.
“The secret surprise guest was Mr. Jason! Awesome!”
And just like that there is small child attached to his leg. He looks down at her, then up at Danny, who’s holding in laughter, then back at Ellie. Then he bursts out laughing. He bends down down to scoop the young girl up into his arms and she lets out a small “whoa!” Jason follows Danny into the apartment, Ellie resting on his hip.
“It’s nice to see you to princess!”
“Mr. Jason! You’re not wearing any red!”
He looks down to see the young girl scrutinizing his plain white shirt and blue jeans and looks questioningly at Danny. The young man takes pity on him and explains.
“Ellie really wanted to wear red, white and blue for the 4th of July,” gesturing to his own outfit: a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt with a logo for a band called Fifth World Raga, and a lightweight red flannel wit the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“That’s right! I have a white skirt and socks, and a blue top and tiara, and my cardigan, my sneakers and beanie are all red!” She showed off. Then she pointed at Jason.
“You’ve gotta white shirt and blue jeans but no red!” Then she gasped, “Oooooh! I have an idea! Wait here!” She said, scrambling off to her room.
Jason looked at Danny who smiled and shrugged helplessly in a “eh, whadda ya gonna do” sort a fashion. To which Jason just huffed in amusement.
That’s when Ellie rushed back in, holding something behind her back. She patted Jason’s thigh indicating for him to bend down, to which he obliged by crouching down to her level.
“Close your eyes!”
Jason shut his eyes. He felt something being placed around his neck and on his head.
“Open them!”
Jason found himself looking into a small purple hand held mirror. Ellie had placed a cheap red-beaded party necklace around his neck and a silver tiara with red gems on his head, one to match her own silver and blue one.
“I have lotsa tiaras so you can borrow this one so that you can have red! And you can even keep the necklace!”
Jason’s internal monologue nearly burst into tears. ‘She’s an angel! She’s bestowed such a wonderful gift Must. Protect. At All Costs!’
He heard Danny burst into laughter but focused his attention on the grinning girl in front of him.
“Thank you so much Princess! I love it! Just what I needed! I’m honored to receive such a thoughtful gift!
“Yeah Ellie, it looks great on him!” Danny chimed in between chuckles.
“That’s great daddy b’cause I found a white one for you! Now we can all match!”
Danny stopped laughing and Jason returned him a wicked grin.
“Yeah, your highness! We can all match! Besides, what’s a king without his crown!”
Danny sighed, placing the tiara on his head.
“Thanks Ell, I love it.”
“Your welcome daddy!”
“Alright, now go wash your hands for dinner!”
And the girl scurried off to wash her hands. Jason grinned at the interaction. He waited till the girl was gone before turning to Danny.
“Looking good your highness,” he teased.
“Oh, hush you!” Danny flushed. “Come help me set the table. It’s not a traditional barbecue but I made some chili, hotdogs, veggie skewers, and some coleslaw. We’ve also got fruit salad and some soda pop in the fridge. Ellie wanted to do a homemade version of chili dogs and I had to insist on some fruits and veggies in there. Ancients knows she needs her nutrients! If you could be a dear and grab some plates off the drying rack that’d be great!”
“Of course, your highness! You had me at chili,” Jason said following Danny into the kitchen.
Later that evening after finishing up with dinner. Danny herded them all onto the fire escape with some frozen treats. Ellie had drumstick ice cream cone, Jason an ice cream bar, and Danny an orange popsicle.
“I don’t know if we’ll be able to see the fireworks from here but fingers crossed we do. Just don’t be too disappointed if you can’t see them alright Ell?” Danny told his daughter.
“It’s okay daddy! Even if I don’t see the fireworks I still have you and Mr. Jason and my ice cream!”
Jason and Danny looked at each other sharing the same thoughts: ‘She’s so precious!!!!’
Then the tell tale boom of fireworks started and the trio turned their attention to the sky. A streak of red danced across the sky before it burst into a shower of ruby colored sparks. Then came gold, and green and blue and white. One after another in a barrage of sound and color. And they were just able to see it above the end of the alley.
Ellie let out an awed “Whooooaaaa” as she watched the colors dance across the sky. She turned back to her dad tugging on his sleeve and point up at the sky. He chuckled, picking her up to give her a better view pointing at the sky with her saying, “Look at that one!”
It was near enough to make Jason’s own heart burst.
“I know right!” Danny said, glancing back at him, talking about the fireworks. Silently, Jason thought about the way both of the Nightingales’ glossy black hair reflected the fireworks colors in their sheen.
Then Danny turned to hand his phone to Jason.
“Would you mind taking a picture of us?” He asked. “I never had many growing up and I want this to be something she’ll remember.” Looking back down at the child on his hip.
“Of course I can,” he said, taking the phone in his hand. “Smile!”
Jason looked down at the photo he snapped when he saw something that made his heart stall. It was a good photo, both Danny and Ellie smiling at the camera while the remains of a fireworks fell behind them in a shower of fading light. What stopped him in his tracks was the soft look on his own reflection in the window of the apartment staring at Danny and Ellie.
And he realized, ‘Oh. I like Danny’
And he doesn’t know when he zoned out and missed Danny taking his phone back, but he zones right back in when two arms are thrown over his shoulders and suddenly he’s in a selfie sandwich. Both Nightingales press close, Ellie throwing up a peace sign while Danny snaps the photo.
The two laugh at his startled face and he can’t help the laugh that bursts out of him.
“Hey! I wanna redo!”
That night Jason tosses and turns in bed while his brain replays images of Danny: his smile, his lips, his laugh, the way he licks an ice pop. If he hadn’t realized earlier then he definitely knows now.
Jason Todd has an undeniable, unequivocal crush on Daniel Nightingale.
~~~ I tried with that fight scene but I don’t have a lotta experience there. I know this is a fluff fic so sorry to angst you but it’s necessary for hurt/comfort. Have some “Jason accepts his feelings” to make up for it. Sorry if it’s too clunky or dialogue heavy. I’m open to constructive criticism so let me know what you think.
Fifth World Raga is a real band in the DCU their a rock band and their music is described as quote “spiritual in nature” so I feel like it fit Danny’s vibe.
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sungbeam · 11 months
𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐒 — part one (i – vii)
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nonidol!ji changmin x f!reader
your sister's dead, but apparently that's not the most shocking news. maybe she wasn't killed on accident, maybe ji changmin isn't really human, and maybe the monsters were never under the bed but all around you...
▷ genre, warnings. strangers 2 reluctant allies/friends 2 lovers, slow burn, demon/supernatural creatures au, angst, action, murder mystery-ish au, forced proximity trope, suspense, gore, depictions of violence and blood, themes of death and grief, use/description of weaponry, swearing, a slightly unreliable narrator bc she has no idea what's happening, reader's sister is dead, mentions of stalking, humor bc coping mechanisms, reader has hair long enough to braid sorry, blood drinking, the barest of proofreading and editing done...
▷ part word count. 22.3k words / 47.4k - read part two here
▷ associated songs. teeth (5sos), wet nightmare (bibi)
a/n: i tried to make it scary I SWEAR but changmin brings the clown out of me 🤥 anyways i ripped a chunk of my heart out and im serving it to you bloodied on a gold platter, i hope u love her :') read the warnings ofc and lmk your thoughts <3 also i completely gave up on wrestling w blr so im dropping it in two parts, but both of them at once 🤣 pray for me.
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THEY TOLD YOU YOUR SISTER'S DEATH WAS AN ACCIDENT, they being the authorities who had shown up at the front door of your apartment with their caps in hand, solemn faces pressed into lines that you could not read between. The world had fallen out from beneath your feet like someone had just yanked the carpet out, and you hadn't yet stopped falling.
The funeral was set on the rolling green hills of Elysium Memorial Park, the cemetery where your parents were buried, where your grandparents were buried, and now, where your sister joined them six feet under. Generations ago, your grandparents had purchased plots for themselves and their future family members while the land was cheap. When it came for your time to leave this mortal coil behind, you too would join them in the dirt of Elysium. It almost seemed right that the sky had opened up to reveal a blindingly hot sun, not a cloud to be seen in the sky. Perhaps the sky would not weep for your sister, but celebrate her life instead.
But while the heavens above would shed nary a tear, you could make up for that loss yourself. Having little to no living relatives left, you had been expected to take responsibility for all the arrangements, all while grieving, all while studying, all while trying to not fall apart some more. You were holding it together by the zipper of your dress pants and the caffeine from your coffee. You couldn't stop crying for the entire service, the forced silence of your cries balanced by the violent tremors in your shoulders.
Your sister Sena's patch in the land was now marked by a heaping pile of dirt. She had a lot of friends—most of whom gathered behind you and had thrown their flowers upon the dirt hill. You had a few distant relatives as well who you'd managed to remember (somehow) amongst all the madness. A couple of them were able to fly out for the event, but most had to decline.
When you heard your name being called, you drew your blazer sleeve over your eyes in a futile attempt to dry them.
Walking towards you now was a couple, middle-aged, dressed in black from head to toe, not far from how you looked right now. You knew them from about a week ago when they had sought you out after the news of your sister's death spread.
You hadn't the heart to sue them when they confessed who they were. It's our fault, they told you in the quiet of the hallway outside your apartment, we're so sorry. We understand if you'd like to press charges.
Sena was a victim of an automobile accident. You didn't know the entire story—was too tired for the whole story—just shocked she was even in the country. She was supposed to be across the world for a study abroad program, but why was she discovered on the side of the road, a few towns over, inebriated and dead? She became nothing more than roadkill and a statistic in death, and maybe that was why you were so bitter.
"Yn, it was a beautiful ceremony," said the woman—Julia, she had introduced herself as that week ago. Her nose was reddened from the friction of tissue paper, her eyes damp and glittering in the sunlight. "I'm sorry you—that you have to deal with all the pomp and circumstance."
"We know you deserve your time alone," joined her husband, Carter. He tucked his hands into his pockets, mustering up a smile for your sake, but you could still see the guilt flooding his eyes with water. "We just wanted to say thank you for letting us come and pay our respects."
And for not pressing charges. But you dashed that thought away. That was the bitterness talking, but these were good people. They had come forward and been honest, and it wasn't their fault Sena was drunk. (Why in the world was she drunk and here and why didn't she tell you the truth—?)
"Thank you for coming," you replied, "I wasn't sure if you would take me up on the offer, to be honest."
You wrapped up conversation with the couple and watched them depart across the grassy hills toward their car. Your eyes surveyed the last bits of the lingering crowd for familiar faces—anyone at all. But all you found were strangers.
These were all Sena's friends, after all. She had always been the more adventurous of the two of you.
You sighed and resigned yourself to start looking for the funeral coordinator to discuss payment and the like. Though the event was over the worst was just beginning. There was so much to do, and so little energy left to perform them.
But as you began trudging through the plush grass toward the far end of the plot, you noticed a man standing beneath the shade of a nearby oak tree. He wore typical funeral attire—the black dress shirt, pants, shoes, and even a pair of rectangular shades to cover his eyes. Like many of the others, you didn't recognize him—at first.
And then he shifted, lenses of his glasses reflecting sunlight and you could just barely put together the puzzle of his face and his identity. Ji Changmin.
What was he doing here?
They were friends, too, Yn, you reminded yourself. Yet, you weren't sure why you were so surprised he was here. Maybe it was because you never remembered extending the invitation to him (but someone could have spread the news by word of mouth). Maybe it was because several months had passed since you last saw him. Maybe it was because you always thought there was something… strange about him (but that could have been your bias; there was always this thing about him that irked you). Either way, you never had anything to say to him before, and that had yet to change even in light of your sister's death.
The two of you stared each other down, and for a moment, you believed he was going to walk over to you.
But instead, he pushed off the tree trunk and made his way toward the trickle of funeral goers up the hill, leaving you to wonder after him.
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The next time you saw Ji Changmin was a week after the will reading.
Because you were Sena's next of kin, you were contacted by your shared attorney about Sena's will. Apparently, she had a will. After all these years, you couldn't even fathom the idea of needing one so early, but for some reason, she had. (Maybe that worried you a little more.)
The strangest thing was that your attorney had delivered to you a flat lockbox made of steel and secured with an old fashioned lock and key. Along with the stash of money in her savings account (where the Hell had all of that come from anyway?), Sena also gave you that. Whatever it was.
You had yet to open it when you bumped into Changmin on your way out of your college's academic counseling center. With recent events, your departmental advisor called you in to discuss your academic plans for the foreseeable future.
You can take as long as you like, Yn, she'd said to you. You're already ahead of schedule to graduate anyways. But that wasn't the point was it?—
"Oh." You stopped short as you rounded the corner and nearly crashed into something. "Sorry," you said before you even recognized him.
A pair of dark, feline eyes looked you up and down. "Yn, right?" Changmin drawled. A pair of white wired earbuds hung from his ears and his shoulders were fitted with a dark colored bomber jacket that was familiar to you. You'd seen it draped over the back of one of your kitchen chairs once when Sena had him over for a project.
Your eyes shuttered. "Yeah. Changmin?"
His nod was barely there. He cocked his head to the side in a way that felt like he was trying to gaze into your soul. "I'm—I'm sorry for your loss," he said, grappling for the right words. "Sena was a good friend."
"I didn't realize the two of you were so close," you told him. This was probably the most he'd ever said to your face, and you to him.
Changmin gave a small shrug. "We worked closely together, so it was kind of inevitable. How are you doing?"
You didn't think the conversation would last this long. "Oh, uhm, I'm fine." You inwardly knocked yourself over the head. He's probably just trying to be nice, Yn. "I mean—" you amended, "—I'm doing as well as you can imagine, I guess. Just lots of legal stuff and…" Her room. Cleaning out her room. Opening the lockbox. Reading her last will and testament for the fiftieth time.
When you didn't finish your sentence right away, he nodded again, shuffling on the balls of his feet. Was he feeling as awkward as you were? "I get that. Hey, if you—y'know, like, need anything—"
"You don't have to do that."
"What about coffee? Just… to talk."
Coffee? You considered him for a second. Before, you nor he had ever given any indication to the other that you acknowledged the other's presence. In fact, you confessed to Sena once that he intimidated you, even if he was just sitting there in your shared living room while pouring over JSTOR academic essays.
He was patient, you realized. Then you relented. "Okay. When's good for you?"
You thought you saw a glimmer of relief in his eyes, but that could have just been the afternoon sunlight. "Now?"
Your eyes widened a smidge, and you coughed. "Uhm now? I—I have class…?" You didn't, but the curve ball that was an impromptu coffee session with Ji Changmin wasn't something you needed right now.
His eyebrow lifted as if he didn't believe you. "Okay," he dragged out. "Tomorrow morning?" He offered as a counter.
Your brain did cartwheels in an attempt to figure out if you would have the willpower to do that. "Okay," you said. Better to get this out of the way, right?
"Do you know that one place on Magnolia?"
"The one across from the Eight Ball?" You perked up in recognition. You and Sena used to go all the time. The two of you liked to say that Magnolia was her street because it housed all her favorite places; just the thought of taking a stroll down it made your eyes water. "Yeah, Sena and I used to go all the time."
Changmin paused, his mouth opening, then closing.
You guessed what he was thinking. "It's fine if we go. I'm not gonna like, burst into tears or anything," you chuckled awkwardly, clearing your throat when excess tear fluid made you congested.
His lips pursed, impressing a dimple into his cheek. "Okay, only if you're sure."
"Yeah, I'm sure." It seemed that everything you said to people was something like a lie nowadays.
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It was late when you finally faced the lockbox.
The box was an unassuming hunk of metal, flat and slim and no bigger than a standard piece of paper. You warmed the key in your palm until it was hot to the touch and made your skin redden. The sky outside your apartment window had darkened to a blot of ink, the white shutters drawn shut to create a white paneled shield. You just finished up a very lazy dinner, washed up, and decided to confront the last thing on Sena's will.
The lockbox in the bank under my name goes to my sister, Yn Ln. She is the only one allowed access to it until she opens it; what she decides to do with the contents is her choice.
There must have been something important inside it, you reasoned, otherwise it wouldn't have been a part of the will and it wouldn't be under lock and a single key.
"What is this, Sena?" You asked aloud, venturing to twist the lock open with the key. The locking mechanism gave way, and you set the lock and key aside. The shorter end could slide open like a hidden door, and you peered into the dark depths, almost afraid of what you might find between its jaws.
You could make out the silhouettes of shapes at the bottom, the soft-cornered texture of a wad of bills. You reached in.
One of the things she had left for you in her will was all of the money in her savings account. It had shocked you to see the number—you always thought her only job was at the library, but clearly, she was not just on a librarian's salary.
Pulling out a stack of cash from the box was yet another thing that helped solidify in your mind that something was off. The confusion settled first, and then the betrayal. Had she not trusted you with this knowledge while she was alive? You were the one going into accounting and finance, and yet, she hid all of this money from you? Was she afraid of something? Afraid of judgment, of the law?
You tossed the twenties onto the table. The note slipped between the rubber band and the first piece read something along the lines of 'in case of emergency.'
You made a plunge into the box again. This time, you pulled out the last two things at the bottom, a standard white index card and a small, fabric pouch. The card displayed Sena's familiar scrawl:
You're probably wondering what any of this is, but if you're reading this, it means that something's gone wrong—like really wrong. The necklace in the pouch is super important. DON'T TAKE IT OFF. Don't let anyone touch it before you do. Don't trust anyone. This is really important to me, Yn. Please be safe; I love you.
x, sena.
Please be safe? Safe from who or what?
You held the note in your hand for a moment and couldn't believe this would be the last thing you received from her. It would be a tangible legacy, in a way, and you weren't sure how to feel about that. You moved the note to the table and turned your attention to the pouch.
You carefully tugged it open. She said it was a necklace, right?
"Oh," you voiced aloud while fishing out a thin, silver chain.
There was a pendant attached to the end with some heft to it. It was a deep, bloody red in the loose shape of a teardrop. There wasn't a sharp peak, but a slightly flat end on one side and a rounded end on the other. You would guess it was some kind of precious stone, but when you stared at it long enough, it looked like the color pulsed… like a heartbeat.
Your breath hitched.
Eyes narrowed, you held it up to the light by the chain. The vibrant red remained stagnant—perhaps you were just tired.
Don't let anyone touch it before you do. Don't take it off. Don't trust anyone.
Strange request about a necklace. For a moment, you wondered if your sister had indulged in some unsavory acts to achieve the numbers in her bank account and the previous stone in your hands. If you put this on, would you be counted as an accomplice to robbery?
"God, you just need to go to sleep, Yn," you muttered, swiftly clicking the chain into place around your neck. There was no way your sister would have anything to do with—
You froze.
From the other side of your shutters, you swore you heard the sound of shuffling. It wasn't unheard-of that the leaves and tree branches knocked against your second-floor window once in a while, but there hadn't been much wind as of late.
A chill spider-crawled up your spine as you strained your ears to hear more.
When you came up with nothing, you shoved the pendant under your shirt and cleaned up the lockbox. You had an early day tomorrow, after all; sleep was dire to face Changmin.
But as you crept into bed, you couldn't help but feel as if the stone on your sternum did have a heartbeat, and that something in the dark was watching you.
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YOU STEPPED FOOT ON MAGNOLIA STREET looking for signs of your sister.
The morning air was a little cooler as spring filtered into town, and it also meant that this street in particular would begin to swirl with baby pink petals from the trees of the street's namesake flowers. There weren't many people around on a Thursday morning, but the sun peered between the buildings to say hello, at least.
You were in good company.
"Holy shit—" you whipped around to find Changmin almost right behind you. Your heart stuttered against your ribcage, your hand flying to your sternum where the necklace was. You were still getting used to its presence.
He gave nothing away with his facial expression. Damn him.
"I didn't realize you'd be early," you breathed as you tried to get a grip on yourself. Did this guy just materialize out of thin air everywhere?
Tongue in cheek, he said, "Well, I couldn't really sleep, so I figured the morning air might freshen me up a bit. Shall we?" He gestured with his elbow and chin to the establishment to your right.
There sat the quaint, little coffee shop you'd both agreed on yesterday. This one was one of Sena's favorites. She always claimed that their blueberry scones were the best in the world.
When you didn't say anything for a little, he cleared his throat. "We don't have to, if you can't or don't want to."
You hadn't even realized you were being quiet. Thoughts had been muddled as of late. You cleared your throat and stumbled for the door. "No, we can go in."
Two cups of coffee arrived at your table seven minutes later in compostable cups and a pile of artificial sweetener packets and creamer. You straightened in your seat across from Changmin and began ripping open sweetener packets and wondering if you should have gotten something of substance to eat. (You had stared at the blueberry scones for a long minute before deciding that today was not the day you wanted to cry in front of someone, especially this someone in particular.)
Changmin moved his cup toward his side of the table but made no move to add sugar or cream, or to even drink it.
This place was so familiar to you that you knew exactly how many packets of cream and sweetener to mix in, and you gently blew a breath over the steam floating off the surface. When the liquid hit your tongue and your throat, its warmth enveloped your nerves in a warm embrace, assuring you everything was going to be okay. The emotion hit you like a freight train.
You pressed your thumb against the rear gland in your right eye and willed it away. "So uhm," you said, fanning your eyes gently as you attempted to pull yourself together in front of him, "what… what did you wanna talk about? If there was anything?"
He folded his arms over his chest while leaning back in his chair, and you thought you saw his gaze soften. "Why don't you take another sip?" His eyes went to the coffee. "It'll help."
You couldn't deny that suggestion, and you reached for your cup to take another small gulp. The breath you let out rattled.
This was a bad idea.
"Are you gonna be okay if I talk about Sena?"
You nursed the coffee cup in your hands and nodded slowly.
He eyed you for a moment, then relented. "Did she happen to leave anything that was marked for me? Before the—the accident, she said there was something she needed to tell me."
Something she needed to tell him? You racked your brain, eyes drilling into the wood grain of the coffee table between you two. The will hadn't mentioned anyone else but you. And all of the letters or notes from Sena that were given to you were all for you; the attorney would have handled the rest and mailed them off to anyone else she'd written something for.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "No, I can't think of anything. You say you were expecting something?"
The resolve in his eyes steeled over, and that little bit of softness you'd seen before disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place. You couldn't read him anymore. "Yes, I have her texts."
He fished out his phone from his pocket and you pursed your lips as he maneuvered to a screen of his and your sister's last messages to each other:
sena: i think i'm going back home soon, so i'll c u then changmin: okay that's fine changmin: wait ur still over there?? i thought u left already? sena: had to talk to someone abt the thing, but it was a dead end sena: just remind me that i have something to tell u changmin: what? sena: it'll be better if i said this in person
That was all Changmin let you see.
You leaned away from his phone, head reeling more from the fact that he knew she had been out of town and knew where she was and why she was there. Never mind the fact that apparently, Sena was holding onto important information for Changmin. You couldn't care less about that.
You supposed the texts were for him to prove to you he was telling you the truth. It wasn't like you weren't telling the truth either.
"Why was Sena out of town?" You asked him. "Did she ever go on any of those study abroad trips?"
Changmin paused, then something flickered in his eyes. "I think I showed you too much."
"I think you showed me too little."
"Yn, did she tell you anything about what she needed to tell me?"
You were going to push against him for your own agenda again, but the slight pressure in his tone made you think twice. There was something urgent in his words, his expression, his body language. You couldn't tell what it was, but something about this had to have been important.
Absentmindedly, your hand rubbed the area where the pendant sat on your chest beneath the collar of your shirt, and his eyes followed for a moment before flickering back up to your eyes. "No," you told him quietly. "She didn't tell me anything."
He must have believed you, because defeat shuddered across his face, and he said goodbye to leave. He didn't even take his coffee with him. Asshole.
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You told yourself it would be months before you could bring yourself to go through Sena's things, but after this morning's run-in with Changmin (because it wasn't even a session; you could hardly call it anything but a run-in because it lasted maybe ten minutes), you were determined to unlock her door and do some digging. Clearly, she was hiding more than her money and jewelry(?) from you.
Changmin… he completely ignored your questions confronting him about Sena's whereabouts and her purpose for traveling. You were getting more and more suspicious as to what your sister had been up to lately. Changmin had to be in on it, too, then. He had to be.
Sena's door took up your entire vision as you stood before it with the key in your hand.
You weren't entirely sure what you were expecting when you opened it, but it was as if she had never left. Everything was where she left it—plum-purple covers tucked beneath the mattress, vintage national park postcards hanging from fairy lights by wooden clothespins, jackets layered over the back of her desk chair. There was an empty mug on her desk with the remnants of a red lip tint on the edge, and you knew you weren't going to remember to take it out to the sink later.
The small shelf-nightstand hybrid next to her bed was filled to the brim with books and notebooks and magazines. You settled gingerly upon the edge of her bed, palms pressing against the comforter.
The room still smelled like your sister.
You took the small bottle of perfume on the nightstand and spritzed a little onto your wrist. You pressed it to your nose, letting the scent make your senses woozy. It wouldn't bring her back; it didn't smell exactly the same when it was on your skin.
You set the bottle back onto the nightstand, then lowered yourself to your knees to pull all of the books off the top shelf. You stuck your head into the empty cupboard—you weren't really sure what you were looking for.
All of the titles here were the normal things you remembered seeing her read: assorted mythologies, books on the occult and supernatural, her textbooks for anthropology and archeology. There were about a dozen and a half National Geographic magazines that you flipped through within the next two hours, as well, all of which turned up nothing of curiosity.
None of the bound books were notebooks of any kind.
You crawled over to her desk—rifled through those. Nothing. They were all school related and completely, utterly ordinary.
Disappointment weighed you down into her desk chair as you hit another dead end.
Was there nothing she could give you?
No, she's dead, you thought to yourself. You'd never known Sena to be a secretive person, especially with you—in fact, you were the quieter of the pair, and she always managed to coax the right things out of you.
Sometimes you had felt like the older sister because you handled so many of the logistics and practical things, but when the world became too scary, you could always count on running to her to feel safe again…
Sena, were you ever safe? You were beginning to think not so much.
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"Do I need to file for a restraining order?"
It was getting ridiculous how many times you ran into Changmin in the past two weeks. It was outside the advising office, on your way to the store, in the hallway outside your finance lecture. And now, he loitered in the lobby of your apartment complex with a wired earbud in one ear and the other dangling freely.
He seemed to be unfazed by your remark as he peered over at you from beneath the brim of his cap. "What if I just live here?"
"But you don't," you huffed, coming to stop right in front of him. You had a feeling you would have definitely known if he moved into this building. "What do you want from me, Changmin? I'm not going to magically lead you to my sister's secret stash of whatever. I just want to get to class."
"Then go to class," he said simply. He gestured with the phone in his hand toward the door. "I'm not here for you."
You narrowed your eyes at him. Perhaps you were being a little silly, and this was just some weird trick your brain was playing on you to make you notice him more. "Answer me something."
"Only if you answer something for me."
"This isn't a negotiation."
"Worth a shot," he said with a sigh. "What shall I answer for you?"
"You and my sister weren't dating, were you?"
He must have choked on his own spit because he coughed, furiously thumping his chest. You would have laughed if this was any other circumstance, and if you and Changmin were friends (but you weren't). He shook his head at you. "No. Your sister wasn't interested in me like that and neither was I. We were strictly colleagues."
You cocked your head to the side. Colleagues… you let that marinate. "Okay, so did she have anyone she was seeing then? Just out of curiosity." A former lover you didn't know about would make sense, something like a Bonnie and Clyde situation maybe. Or perhaps you were chasing after ghosts to get a glimpse into the past.
"Someone I suspect, but I don't have their contact," he replied, mimicking your head tilt and narrowed eyes. "If you had her phone—"
"I don't."
"Ah, a shame then."
"Do you?"
"And why would I withhold such an important item from the next of kin?" He drawled.
Changmin suddenly jolted upright from the relaxed position he stood in. It was so abrupt, it gave your heart a start. "That's my cue."
You followed after him out the front doors. "What cue? Did you hear your microwave go off or something?"
You swore to God you saw his mouth curl up in amusement. But it might have been just your imagination. He yanked his other earbud out and lifted a hand in goodbye. "Something like that! See you around."
He disappeared around the corner before you could follow after him. Plus, you really did have a lecture to get to. (Wait, did he say that she was seeing someone—?)
You sighed, wondering if you should follow him… something in the back of your mind told you it would be safer not to.
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YOU SWORE JI CHANGMIN HAD TO BE a psychic with the amount of times he predicted your whereabouts. Every time you saw him in your vicinity, you and he shared either a verbal sparring match or stared one another down. He seemed amused by it; you were growing increasingly concerned, even if it was all just coincidence.
(There was this one time, on a Wednesday this past week, where you were the one who appeared at the anthropology department to see one of Sena's old professors. Changmin was there, as it was his major's headquarters, and shot you a curious glance. The meeting was innocent and an accident. No, you definitely weren't stalking him. Absolutely not.)
(It was interesting to consider whether both of you thought the other would lead you to something of Sena's. You were certain he knew more than he let on, and perhaps he thought the same of you… Shit, maybe you should invest in a taser.)
Additionally, the weird sounds around your apartment had increased. Sometimes when you walked around in the evenings, the hair on the back of your neck and your arms stood at attention, as if you could feel the gaze of someone or… something watching you. However, every time you turned to look, the crazier you were convinced you'd become.
It didn't help that the necklace Sena left for you kept mimicking your heart beat when you weren't paying attention. If you willed it to repeat the steady beat in the light so you could observe it up close, it would cease.
It was as if distance from your skin or touch left it without a heart to echo.
You were half certain you were losing your mind. It had to be all this stress and emotion overwhelming you.
Saturday morning, you decided to pick yourself up and go see your sister. The funeral home had called you earlier this week to say that her headstone was complete, so this would also serve as a trip to ensure everything was engraved correctly before it was placed over her grave. You dressed yourself up in a dark top and comfortable jeans, something you might be able to sit in on the grass as you lingered in her presence, even if she was dead.
Ever since you went through her things, you hadn't ventured into her room again. You thought it might preserve the way it looked, smelled, felt… preserve something of her.
Once you'd gone to the funeral parlor and management center at Elysium Memorial Park to confirm the engraving, you took a brisk walk up the hill to where you remembered Sena's plot to be. The sun peered out between clouds this morning, giving the sky a dual-toned appearance, one half a dark gray, and the other a gossamer yellow.
You started down the hill, head ducked to watch for any graves or hills so you didn't trample over other people's bodies. A bundle of flowers from the grocery store sat cradled in the crook of your arm—a bundle of pink carnations ("I'll never forget you") and dark crimson roses (mourning). You didn't often pay attention to the meaning of flowers, but you thought if you weren't able to choke anything out today, then at least they could speak for you.
Just as you neared the grave between oaks, you lifted your head, your footsteps slowing at the person who stood over your sister's grave. "You have got to be shitting me."
"Isn't it a sin to curse over someone's grave?" Changmin asked as you stopped short of where he was. There was a single stem of sunflower (adoration) seated at his feet on the bundle of earth that was Sena's resting place. "Well, I wouldn't know. That's not my expertise."
"What are you doing here?"
He gave a loose gesture with a flourished hand. "Visiting a friend. Don't leave on my account. She's your sister."
It was as if he could read your mind. You didn't count on anyone being here when you saw her, but he had a right to visit her, too. The bitterness seeping into your bones would have to be squandered for today; the universe just needed to stop making the two of you bump into each other.
You ignored the quickening pitter-patter of your heart and the necklace, and trudged over the grass to where he was.
You gently placed your bundle of flowers next to his, then straightened to stand beside him. The two of you stared at the patch in the ground in silence.
A frown etched itself onto his face, along with a crease between his brows. He seemed almost angry—at what, you couldn't tell. Not you, you hoped.
Quietly, you lowered yourself to the grass to sit down and be closer to her.
I miss you, you voiced into your head, as if you could transmit these thoughts to the dead body in the ground. I'm so… it's too much, Sena. I can't do this. I don't know what you want from me, I don't know what Changmin wants from me. The apartment is cold. Why didn't you tell me you were home all this time?
For the moment, you let your vision blur with tears.
You covered your mouth with your palm to dam the emotion inside, especially with someone else right next to you, but dignity be so fucking damned. Your body trembled with the weight of everything and beyond—you were Atlas carrying the world upon his shoulders. Pressure mounted in your cranium from how hard and freely you sobbed, your fingers pressed to your face to support your head as your tears wet the earth beneath you.
A presence lowered itself to the ground beside you, and Changmin remained politely quiet. He breathed in deeply, but you heard the slight tremble of his breath when he exhaled.
Maybe you were crying for the both of you.
After what seemed like eons, you sniffled, pawing at your puffy and reddened eyes with the sleeves of your shirt. You hadn't brought along any tissues or anything, an oversight.
You gathered your wits about you and clambered to your feet, your knees knocking together like a baby deer. Changmin still had his eyes pinned to the ground.
"Whatever the Hell you want from me," you told him hoarsely, "I don't care. Just leave me alone."
You watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. Without another word, you walked away to head back to the bus stop.
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Your skin prickled when you returned home. The air was oddly… off, and a strange smell lingered in the air. It was subtle, only becoming apparent to you with deep, focused inhales. The identity of the smell eluded you and it wasn't something you were familiar with.
You kicked the front door shut behind you, and noticed that the window was ajar. Had you accidentally left that open before you left?
You padded across the room to peer out at the street below. There sat the usual tree that occupied the space in front of your window, the one that you assumed (hoped) was the thing making all of the noises outside the past few weeks. (Because if it wasn't that, you didn't want to know what it really was.)
The thought occurred to you that you might have opened the window before you left to air out whatever smell had crept through the air vents. Yes, that made a whole lot of sense.
Settling with that explanation, you cranked the window closed slightly, only leaving a sliver so you could muffle as much of the sounds outside as possible. This part of town wasn't the noisiest, luckily, but when there were vehicles that drove by, they tended to be loud for no reason.
You sighed, settling down onto your couch with your bag. The whole rest of your day was open, and the only thing you had thought of was to go see Sena.
The feeling of eyes on you loitered on your skin like an invisible ant crawling over your body somewhere. You swiped at your neck, rubbed your arm… you couldn't identify it when you swung around to observe your own home.
This was your home, wasn't it? Why did it feel like you weren't alone in it?
You were going to go close the window—
A shadow appeared on the ledge of your window sill and you let out a scream.
The mass gnarled its teeth at the sound, pouncing at you with claws and fangs that glinted in the daylight.
You scrambled backward on the couch, toward the opposite end, your heart throwing itself up against your ribcage. "What the fuck?" You breathed, trying to figure out what in the world it was.
Bad idea. Oh, baaaad. Bad. Bad. Bad idea.
You shouldn't have stared so long; then you wouldn't have realized it had multiple rows of teeth, a face pale as a full moon, and two beady eyes narrowed into slits. Saliva dripped from its maw and down its chin as it crawled on its haunches and arms to you.
It made a guttural noise, then lunged.
You swore and fell over the arm of the couch, dragging along the lamp on the side table. You tried to move your right leg off the arm—it didn't budge. Oh god, it had its claws in your pant leg—
"Mine," it snarled, surprisingly sentient. "Master wills it so."
You kicked it in its face and managed to scramble away, clutching the lamp in front of your body as a weapon.
It ran after you, and your body leapt into instinct.
You nearly slipped as you fumbled to your feet and tipped the coffee table over the creature. "What the fuck are you—SHIT."
Wood splinters exploded as the creature smashed clear through one of the legs and went careening for you.
"HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE," you begged, running for the kitchen and the block of knives in your sight.
Your knees hit the wood floor with a vengeance, and you had no time to mourn over bruised knees. You twisted around and just barely shoved the lamp between its jaws before it could enclose them around your neck—
Somebody pounded on your front door. "YN? YN!"
Familiar—that was all that went through your head. "HELP ME," you screeched, your hands growing slippery from the slobber. Desperation filled your veins and you gave a violent shove.
Your front door bursted open, the handle banging against the opposite wall and leaving a dent.
Changmin charged into the room with a dark look in his eyes, a swear on his tongue. "You're the little weasel who's been fucking with me."
The creature shifted his attention to Changmin. "Your Disgrace," it gave a mocking bow.
That seemed to be his ticker.
You couldn't comprehend what happened—only an exchange of blows, a blur of body mass—Changmin brawled with the creature on your floor and you dragged yourself behind the kitchen counter to hide. You reached for a knife from the knife block up above and pulled your knees to your chest, the sounds of snarling and wood breaking and bones cracking—then—complete silence.
You slapped a palm over your mouth, eyes going toward the ceiling to pray to anyone who could hear you.
This was when you died. The creature had killed Changmin and now it was coming back to finish what it started.
You held your breath with your eyes wide open. You strained your ears. The sound of a sigh met your ears, one that was oh-so familiar to you.
"Shit," came Changmin's voice. "Yn. Yn? Yn, where…?"
He rounded the counter, his hair sticking up in different directions and a large tear at the top of his shirt, but other than that, he seemed no worse for wear. He eyed the knife pointed outward at him, and he showed you his palms as if placating a rattlesnake. "Woah, hey, it's okay. It's gone now."
Your body trembled from head to toe with all of the pent up fear and adrenaline. You shook your head, your hand still clapped over your mouth to keep your screams or cries in.
Changmin lowered himself to your level slowly. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise, it's gone and you're okay now. Let's put the knife down."
You slowly, slowly brought your extended hand down, letting the blade point toward the ground and away from the man in front of you. "What—" you choked, "—what was—who are—"
His facial features arranged into something short of stress. "It's a long story…" He roughed a hand through his bangs. "That thing back there? Yn, that was a demon."
You blinked.
He exhaled sharply. "I'm a demon."
"Don't fuck with me."
"You think I'm fucking with you?"
Your free hand clutched at the pendant around your neck. "You—you don't look like that thing though."
He gave a nod. "Right, I don't. I'm… a different kind of demon." When you remained quiet, he prodded, "You're not going to fight back? You're not gonna tell me you're going crazy?"
"Oh, I know I'm going crazy," you nodded vigorously, wiping away the snot that dribbled down your nose inelegantly. He reached over the counter to grab the roll of paper towels and slide it over to you in an act of (rare) kindness. Your head made contact with the cabinet behind you. "Is the carcass lying on my living room floor, Changmin? Tell me it is not lying on my living room floor."
"It's not."
"Then where the fuck is it?"
He licked his lips, closing his eyes. "It escaped."
"Out the window?"
"No, through a portal—"
You wheezed, and you were sure you looked half mad to him. "Oh my god, I really am off my rocker." A portal. A portal! Of course it was a portal.
He pinned you with a look. "Yn. Yn, listen to me. You're not safe here."
"No shit. I almost died two minutes ago." You saw his unimpressed expression and forced an apology out of your mouth. "Sorry. Humor is a coping mechanism. You can't just tell me demons exist without me thinking we've both gone absolutely insane."
Changmin settled into a more comfortable position on the floor, gripping onto the edge of the counter behind his head. "Yeah, your sister reacted similarly when she found out."
Everything came to a screeching halt.
He stuck his tongue in his cheek. "Supernatural creatures exist. The ones that you read about in books and in myths and legends, and watch in silly movies and TV shows?" He gestured wide with both his arms. "They exist—we exist."
You could hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears. You swallowed. "And she… she knew this?"
A nod. "Yes. We've all been walking among you this whole time."
"What does this have to do with Sena?" What did any of this have to do with your sister? Was this even worse than you imagined it was?
He pursed his lips, exposing the little mole beneath his bottom lip for a moment. "Sena and I were… business partners. We were in the bounty hunting business, essentially."
There were words coming out of his mouth, but it was too much. All of it hit your head and fell straight to the floor, and none of it truly sank into your sense of reality.
Sena was a supernatural bounty hunter? And she died while on a case. A personal one, he said—?
"—I was coming over to show you something when I felt my trap get triggered."
"Wait, wait, wait," you cut in. "Trap?"
"I've been hunting that demon for weeks now," he explained to you, but the words were coming out slowly like he was reluctant to let them go. "It's been… avoiding me, and I tracked it to your apartment and realized what, or who, it was after." His teeth ran over his bottom lip and his eyes narrowed on you. "You're wearing it, aren't you? The pendant?"
On instinct, your hand shot up to your sternum. "How the Hell—"
"That's what Sena and I were looking for." His sharp, feline gaze remained pinned on you as you slowly lifted the chain to take the pendant out. It glistened like a fat, red ruby in the daylight. "What did she tell you about it?"
"Absolutely nothing," you said plainly. You set the knife on the ground beside you and adjusted your sitting position with a shaky exhale. "Except that I shouldn't let anyone touch it before me, that I shouldn't take it off, and to not—trust anyone."
You stiffened when Changmin reached for something in his back pocket.
"Relax, this is what I wanted to show you." He held his hands up after retrieving a cream-colored envelope from his back pocket, majorly bent and crumpled in some portions, but intact for the most part. He slid the envelope across the kitchen floor to you, and you immediately recognized your sister's handwriting.
You gingerly picked it up off the ground and inspected it. It couldn't have been forged—the way she wrote her R's were too distinct. She was so weird about always writing capital R's even if it was supposed to be lowercase.
You opened the flap and tugged out the letter inside. As you made your way down the note, it came to you that this was his evidence. This was his evidence that Sena knew him personally and that, according to past-Sena, you could trust him.
Your fingers shook as you pushed the letter back into the fold, and you shoved the envelope back over to him. "Okay," you muttered. "What now?"
Something akin to relief washed over his face. "She didn't tell you anything about the pendant? Nothing?"
You shook your head, fondling the stone between your fingers. "No. I found it in the lockbox she left for me with cash and a small note."
"Lockbox?" He perked up. "Are you certain there wasn't anything else in there? Not a second stone or a second necklace? Nothing?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in thought, and you pressed your thumb and forefinger to your closed eyes when they began to sting from dehydration. "No. It was just those three things I mentioned earlier. Why?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," you said. "I am absolutely sure. You don't think I turned that thing upside down?"
Changmin stood up and began to pace around his side of the kitchen, his head buried in his two palms. "Oh fuck," you heard his muttered swear.
"What is it?"
He rubbed his hands down his face, and it reset him to that careful blankness from before. "Do you trust me?"
"No," came your automatic answer.
He rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "Your sister was after something important before she died. She—she was supposed to update me about it when she got back, but she never did." He carded a hand through his hair again. "It could reveal to us more about what happened. Didn't she mention anything about how important this was?"
He wasn't wrong, unfortunately. Sena wrote it plainly in her final note to you about how important this necklace was, and keeping it with you. You supposed you could dash out any thought that she stole this from a bank or jewelry store… a mortal one, at least.
What the fuck was this thing made of?
You enclosed your fist around the stone. "So what are you saying?"
"We need to finish what she started." He considered something for a moment, then added, "And you're not safe here."
Something panged in your chest. "I'm not teaming up with you."
Changmin took a couple steps toward you and from this distance, there was an unmistakable ferocity in his gaze. "I would agree with you, but unfortunately, if I want answers and the pendant, then I'm stuck with you."
Your blood pressure spiked. "You're such an ass."
"Ass or not," he drawled, "you can stay here and risk that cretin coming back for you, or you can come with me, and we can figure out what the Hell happened to your sister."
Your bones, your joints—everything ached as you clambered to your feet. God, you were tired. A grave sort of determination trickled into your mind, though, at the thought of getting away from this. It didn't seem like there was much other choice anyway.
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IT WAS LATE WHEN THE CAR pulled into the motel parking lot. Your ass was on fire from the long drive, and your mind hazy from sleep deprivation. Fear kept you awake for the entirety of the eight hour trek between home and nowhere. You would have worried about Changmin in the driver's seat, but considering you found out he was a supernatural being literally eight hours ago, your worries consoled themselves.
"This was the best out of the selection," he murmured, barely audibly, as he put the car in park. The glow from the motel lights was the only light for miles, and the red-violet from the neon sign washed over Changmin's sharp side profile like a grungy teen thriller show.
A yawn stretched out of you and you reached for your seatbelt. "Wasn't complaining."
He sent you a pointed look. It was a silent "Really?" You pointedly ignored it.
The two of you clambered out of the car and you massaged your back and butt with reprieve. Your hand reached for the red ruby settled beneath the fabric of your T-shirt, the warm stone solid and present between your fingers. Changmin slammed his side of the car closed as he slung his bag over his shoulder, and you were swift to follow his lead.
Your fingers drummed against the side of your pants just as the main office came into view. There was someone seated behind the front desk with her head buried in her phone and Candy Crush on the screen. You and Changmin walked up to the counter and her head flicked upward.
Her eyes darted between you two and something or other clicked in her head. "Room for two?" She droned, already clacking away on her computer screen.
"Yes please," you sighed. You knew there was no way you were getting around her assumptions.
She smacked the gum in the side of her cheek, twirling around in her chair to reach for a key on the wall behind her. "It'll be thirty bucks," she said, sliding the key across the counter, "and we don't have condoms."
You and Changmin both coughed, heat rushing to your face. "None needed," he muttered as he slid a twenty and ten dollar bill over to her.
You collected the key and checked for the room number. Sleep crept into the corners of your eyes again and they were starting to sting from dehydration.
Changmin eyed you from his peripheral vision and nodded his silent thanks to the girl. He swept an arm loosely around your shoulders to guide you back out to the night beyond the main office. The room you were assigned was on the second floor of a building just a little ways down the complex. It was outfitted with a single queen-sized bed and bathroom, and the lights fortunately worked well enough. You couldn't decide if it was a good thing that you were too tired to assess the cleanliness of this room, but you made a beeline for the bathroom.
"I'm taking a shower," you announced, already closing the door.
The last thing you heard was his grunt from the other side.
You dumped your backpack on the lid of the toilet then braced your forearms on the sink counter. The lights in here were a dull gray and made you look sickly in the mirror. Dark bags hung beneath your pinkened eyes—the receptionist probably thought you were drunk or high. Exhaustion hit you like a bus, your limbs sluggish and heavy.
So much had happened in the past 48 hours.
You ripped the shower curtain back and fiddled around with the shower until cold water spouted from the top.
Changmin was a demon. He was Hellspawn. You'd messed around with the idea of him being a pain in the ass before, but you never expected his demon-ness to be true.
When the water warmed as much as it could, you stepped beneath its drizzle. The ruby pendant from your sister sat on your sternum, safe and warm, and you watched it pulse with a glowing scarlet beneath the stream of water.
Your sister.
A few weeks ago, you watched her body lowered into a ditch in the ground. A little before that, you were told her death had been an accident. Now, you were on the run.
From who or what? You weren't completely sure. That was what Changmin was here for. Well, technically he was here for the necklace your sister left with you, but after what happened at your apartment that caused the two of you to go on the run, here you and the necklace were. Plus, the note your sister left explicitly instructed that the necklace be kept with you—on you. (You still weren't too certain of anything.)
When your fingers began to prune, you reluctantly stepped out of the shower to slip on a new set of clothes from your backpack. You went through the motions of getting ready to sleep, too, mind fuzzy and unable to make sense of anything.
You wrestled down a sigh and desire to cry. You were tired, for fuck's sake, you were so tired.
But when you opened the bathroom door, flicking the light off, you paused. The room was dark.
Your breath hitched in your throat and the hair on the back of your neck stood at attention. Heart pounding, you took a step into the main room.
"Chang—" A palm closed around your mouth, another cupping the back of your head.
A warm breath by your ear. "Calm down. It's just me." Changmin.
Fucking Hell.
You found his eyes as yours grew more accustomed to the dark. His head twisted over his shoulder to the window by the door where you could see silhouettes walking past, silent and stalking.
"Someone's here," he exhaled as he slowly removed his hand from over your mouth. His dark bangs hung in his eyes, his mouth set in a firm line. "They can sense the pendant, I think."
Your heart thundered against your ribcage—ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom—
Changmin's head whipped back toward you and he fished something out of his pocket. He reached for your hand, closing your fingers around something cold and metal. "Slowly put your backpack down and barricade yourself in the closet over there," he instructed quietly, finger pointing in the direction of the sliding doors just to your left. "If it comes to it, use the knife, Yn."
You bit your tongue to keep your breathing as steady as possible. Your hands shook around the switchblade he'd passed to you, and under his sharp eyes, you carefully lowered your bag to the ground without making as much noise as you could. Then, with his go-ahead, you crept as quietly as possible toward the closet.
Just as you reached for the slot in the door, all Hell broke loose.
The window shattered open, the door kicked off its hinges. Your entire body tensed as you dropped to the floor behind the bed, clutching the knife in front of you.
Changmin swore, nice and loud.
Shadows pummeled him to the ground until he was tangled in darkness, like nightmares brought to life. You saw a flash of claws in your view, your scream caught in your throat.
A blur of shadow whisked across your vision and your eyes went wide.
The creature crawled over the bed and pounced toward you—you rolled away from him, blade held out in front of your body. Oh, there was an awful wave of déjà vu coming over you.
"You are a difficult being to find, pet," the creature hissed. You were beginning to make out its features now—dagger-like eyes, claws that could easily rip flesh apart like cloth, and a maw of knives for teeth. Shit straight out of nightmares.
It cocked its head at you, crouching on the floor a few feet away. Why hadn't it attacked you yet?
"Curious," its scratchy voice croaked. "The master will be pleased when the asset is brought home to her."
The asset? It must have meant the necklace.
You heard a snarl from your right, and in horror, noted the thick, dark liquid splattered all over Changmin's clothes and body. When he snarled at the demons holding him down, you spotted the gleam of fangs.
"What do you want from me?" Your voice trembled, returning back to your main problem. The necklace sat warm and present, the pulses matching your racing heartbeat.
The creature released a sound like grating metal, something akin to a laugh. "Your guardian is more dangerous than he appears," he said instead while tilting its head to the side. "Clever being, that one. Master will be pleased when we bring his rotted corpse home."
You didn't anticipate how quickly it would move. You screamed as the creature dove for you and you swung out of the way. Its claws dug into the meat of your thigh, clinging to the flesh there with all of its might.
Fear struck painfully through your chest and you desperately twisted around to stab the blade into the side of the creature's neck.
It screeched. You drew the knife out to impale it in the back area, messily splattering an arc of its black blood everywhere.
You sucked in a sob as you scrambled backward. Its body dragged along the ground from its claws still sunken into your leg. The body was limp, but your nose wrinkled from the acrid, hot smell reeking from the corpse. It smelled burnt.
You peered at the blade in your fist with new eyes. The silver glowed gold in the darkened room; you shouldn't have expected anything less. Why did you think a mortal weapon could defend you from demonic creatures?
Too late.
Claws sunk into the sides of your throat and trapped your voice there. You thrashed around; panic stabbed your chest. Pathetically, desperately, you reached your arm back to try and drill the blade of your knife into the creature behind you.
Hot blood squelched down your throat—you were losing feeling there. Numb numb numb—it hurt, oh fuck, you were going to die—
All at once, the pressure subsided.
Breath could only flood into your lungs as quickly as blood spilled from your throat. You were choking, eyes wide up at the ceiling.
This was it, this was it. Maybe you'd see your sister in Hell.
A face appeared above you, sweaty but familiar. Your blurry vision couldn't make out the emotions on his face, but you could hear him… boy, could you hear him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he cursed, rustling around and adjusting his position above your body.
His rough palms cupped your face. You could hear your heartbeat slowing in your ears. Ba-boom… ba-boom… ba… boom.
"Stay with me," he panted. His left hand pressed against that side of your neck to staunch the blood flow. He sucked in a breath and he ducked out of your view.
You felt a different wet sensation over your open wound. His tongue was rough, yet soothing as he lapped and sucked on the gouge in your throat. Feeling sparked in that area; you could feel your skin physically stitching itself together. If you could squirm, you would have.
He was swift to switch to your other side and copy those actions there. He groaned low against your skin, one hand cupping the side of your head to hold you in place.
Oxygen rushed through your lungs and you gasped. You tore your neck away from his mouth to dry retch. Blood dripped from the side of your lips to the dusty carpet. You had been asphyxiating on your own life force.
You flopped back onto your back, tears rolling down your cheeks as you gestured wildly at the steaming demon carcass still attached to your thigh. "Ple-please," you whimpered. "Please, get it off."
Changmin crawled onto his arms, sliding down toward your leg. "Yeah, sweetheart. I got it."
He looked up at you as he dug his fingers into the creature's skull, ready to pry the thing's claws from you. Something dark was smudged over his face—his nose, cheeks, across his eye. "It's gonna hurt," he warned, voice hoarse.
You moved your head in a microscopic nod.
Tears pricked at your vision, and your leg screamed. Blood filled your mouth even more from the force you used to clamp down on your tongue. Changmin was swift, but gentle as he removed each claw from your thigh, then tossed the body somewhere behind him. He lowered his face to your leg to carefully lap at your wounds like he'd done before.
When he was done, he flopped onto the floor with you, his sigh filling the awful silence.
You could feel everything. It was pulsing all over your body. Your skin, threading together, tingled and ached and throbbed. Your cheeks were damp with tear tracks and your fingers finally loosened their grip on the switchblade. Your mouth was coated in the metallic iron taste of blood.
The only familiar feeling was the pendant on your sternum. The bane of your existence.
"So you have magic spit?" You croaked, your voice scratchy from your sore and bruised throat.
You heard his huff, the closest thing you'd ever heard to a laugh from him. "It's regenerative," he exhaled deeply.
You snorted, then winced when it hurt.
If you could look up, you would've seen the corner of his lips twitch.
"Are you sure you're not a vampire?"
You heard a soft shuffling sound as he clambered upright to lean against the wall. His head thumped against it, eyes fluttered closed. "I don't drink blood, sweetheart."
"I didn't say you drank it."
You grimaced as you struggled to swallow. Reality was swooping in on you like a vulture above a carcass. Doom swirled in your stomach—you almost died just now. You choked on a sob, and you reached up to your face to brush away your tears.
Oh god, everything hurt.
"I want to go home," you whispered. It wasn't even to Changmin, just to whoever could hear you. Homehomehome, but where was home? They could find you anywhere.
A beat passed.
"I'm sorry." Changmin's head hung, either out of exhaustion or genuine regret. "I promised your sister I wouldn't get you involved."
You still couldn't move your head much, so you kept your gaze on the speckled ceiling. "What?"
"I have… had sisters."
You didn't hide your surprise. You didn't think you would ever get anything personal out of this guy, let alone the fact he had family. But his confession planted a seed of sympathy in you… maybe he was human before, or maybe he wasn't at all, but he had family. That had to count for something.
He released another haggard sigh. "So that was one of the few things we could agree on—keeping you out of this unless necessary."
Necessary. You should have never put on the necklace, should have never touched the cursed thing. Now, you were literally chained to it and its fate.
He went quiet again and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. You thought he was going to say something else, but instead, he rose to his feet. Taking slow, careful steps, he made his way over to your body.
"C'mon, let's get out of here," he murmured as he tucked his hands under your armpits to haul you upright.
You cursed under your breath at the ache and the blood rushing to your head. Your left leg was pretty much useless, and he had to cup the nape of your neck to his shoulder so you could lean on him.
"Can you walk?" He asked, his breath by your ear again.
You shook your head, pressing your mouth against the muscle of his shoulder. He smelled like demon blood, and you shifted to lean your cheek on him instead, holding in a gag at the wretched stench.
"Okay. Hold on a second."
He helped you sit down on the ledge of the bed, before going around the room to collect things. He plucked up your backpack from the floor, then his own bag, hoisting them both over his shoulders before returning to you. From your vantage, you could see all the limp demon corpses lying on the ground, unmoving. You wrestled down the bile creeping up your throat and looked away.
Changmin scooped you up in his arms with a grunt, and you looped yours around his upper body, tucking yourself into him. "We have to get out of here before someone comes to check this shit out," he said to you as he exited the room.
You gave a nod. "Aren't you tired? Hurt?" You asked, guilt and fear twisting something horrid in your chest.
"Don't worry about me."
"How could I not?"
His lips twitched. "Oh, so you care about me now?"
You closed your eyes against his shoulder. "Don't be an asshole."
"Sure, sweetheart." He made it to the car and instructed you to reach around his back to get the car key hanging from his bag strap. Changmin managed to get the car door open and deposited you in your seat. Your body molded into the material, exhaustion settling once more into your bones and joints.
In a blink, the two of you were back on the road.
Changmin carded a hand through his damp hair as he pulled out onto the barren street. You rolled your head to the side, eyes drinking him in. There were scratches over his exposed skin, barely there, but still present as if they had healed over already. His clothes were splotched and stained, as well as ripped in other places. And of course, there was the blood smeared all over his face, his neck. The bastard didn't even look fazed.
Right, demon. What did that even entail?
Your eyelids were beginning to droop, yanked down by the force of gravity and the human necessity to sleep. You didn't want to sleep though; you didn't want to be attacked a third time. Though most of the adrenaline had dissipated, your shoulders were still tense, your senses alert and unable to relax just yet.
Changmin glanced over at you briefly. "You should sleep."
You moved your head. "Can't," you rasped.
He reached over then, his palm warm against your head, as he gently brushed his thumb over your eyelids to coax them closed. "You're safe with me, Yn," he promised. You were reluctant to believe him, but after what just happened, at least you knew he could take care of himself and you.
Sleep was already coaxing you into its jaws to devour you, and the pendant under your shirt pulsed to a steady beat to encourage your descent. "Morning will come soon."
All you could do now was trust him.
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THE DINER OFF THE INTERSTATE was like the ones from the movies: red, vinyl seats that squelched when you scooted over them; blind fluorescent lights that flickered every time a fly died against them; people minding their own business as they hunched over grainy coffee and burgers that looked a little too good to be true. You sat across from Changmin, hands laced over the white table surface while he had his arms braided over his chest.
Another eight hours had passed since the motel. You'd found a rest stop to clean up and change clothes on the way, but when you could no longer deny your need for food, Changmin made the executive decision to feed the monster that was your stomach. Executive decision meant he was driving you somewhere to eat something so you wouldn't pass out from stubborn, self-induced hunger.
You're not gonna die if you want fries and chicken tenders, Yn, he'd said with a roll of his eyes.
Easy for him to say. He wasn't the target of every other supernatural being within a fifty mile radius. Perhaps by association, but still.
It was fascinating what a few hours of rest and magical demon saliva could do to help the human body. All of your wounds had pretty much closed up—albeit a tad sore, but nothing as awful as the pain you were in when being clawed in the moment. It was even more fascinating how alive Changmin looked despite literally not being alive. And the fact he hadn't slept a wink within the past day at least.
You, on the other hand, looked like a dumpster fire. Your hair was a bird's nest, eye bags more expensive than Louis Vuitton. Your stomach gave another whining growl; you'd ordered not five minutes ago with a middle-aged woman in too-bright red lipstick and a blue collared dress uniform.
"Are you sure you're not like, a vampire?"
His face dropped into a deadpan you'd seen before. "Oh my God."
"You can say His name?"
Your lips curled into a self-indulgent smile at the way he rolled his eyes so hard, he could probably see his brain back there. (If he had one.) "Sorry."
"You're not sorry," he said, eyebrow arching. "Do you have any real questions?"
Your hands shifted to your lap as your gaze moved to the window next to you. The sky was an ugly, sickly shade of gray-green. It reminded you of the lighting from the first Twilight movie, and you gagged at the thought. The bright red and neon of the diner clashed horridly with the sky, too. All of it was a little disconcerting.
Back in the car, when Changmin was first introducing you to the real world, he'd given you the short version of the supernatural who lived amongst oblivious humans. He hadn't gotten down to the nitty-gritty, just the shit he needed you to know so he could justify hauling you across the state, and to understand all the supernatural creatures after the little pendant resting beneath your shirt collar.
Two mugs of coffee were set onto your table, the dark liquid sloshing over the sides to stain the white below it.
You reached for your mug first, gently cooling it down with a breath. When you took a sip, gingerly, you grimaced. You somehow managed to wrestle the liquid down, but the searing bitterness was enough to make you push the cup away and reach for the sugar packets at the end of the table.
Changmin watched you in amusement, tongue poking the inside of his mouth.
You narrowed your eyes at him as you ripped a Stevia packet open. "What're you laughing at?"
"M'not laughing," he shrugged. He picked up his cup of coffee, clinked it against yours for good measure, then chugged the cup of shit in one sitting.
You watched in ill-concealed disgust, horror, and… maybe you were a little impressed.
When he set the drained cup on the table, he wiped his smug mouth with a napkin from the aluminum dispenser.
It was your turn to deadpan. "Show off," you muttered, stirring your artificial sweetener into the dark brown brew.
He shrugged again. "What? Like it's hard?"
"Oh my god, you can be funny."
Your chicken tenders arrived. Steam wafted from them and you closed your eyes to inhale the beautiful smell. Happiness on a plate, you liked to think.
Changmin thanked the waitress who had also delivered him a plate of blueberry pancakes. He eyed you quietly as you inhaled the food on your plate, despite the dull throbbing in your throat.
You caught his gaze, stopping mid-tender. "Want some?" You asked after swallowing the bite, gesturing to your fries.
He shook his head and began buttering up his hotcakes. "Nah. Have at it."
The two of you settled into a comfortable silence as you ate your separate meals. Changmin had told you before that demons didn't need all the typical things humans needed to "survive" or "live." Technically, since he was undead, there were only a handful of ways he could die. Eating and sleeping were necessary for human life, but they were more so preferences for him. If he wanted to eat, he could eat. If he wanted to close his eyes and dream, he could try.
The thought had you waving a fry at him. "The switchblade," you began, drawing his attention and pancake-stuffed cheeks, "what was it? It definitely wasn't something human-made."
Changmin swallowed his bite. "It was an angel blade."
"You're kidding," you drawled in disbelief.
He challenged your stare. "Believe it or not, it was. Forged up there." He lifted the prongs of his fork up toward the ceiling, shaking his bangs out of his eyes.
Your jaw dropped. "So the Big Man Upstairs does exist?"
"I mean, I don't really know. I've never met him if he does. I just know the angels are ruled by the Seraphim," he told you. "Lots of hierarchical bullshit I didn't care to pay attention to."
He impaled another piece of pancake. "Angel blades are one of the few things that can kill a creature like that."
"A demon?" You asked.
"Yes. Lower level demons are easier to kill, especially with a blade like the one I gave you." He shoved the bite into his cheek to continue, "That's why I was able to take on multiple at once."
You made a noise of indignation. "So you're telling me you're a higher level demon?"
His shoulders fell in a half-hearted shrug.
"Helpful," you muttered as you washed your meal down with bittersweet coffee. You paused for a moment, cleaning your fingers off with a napkin. "The… the licking thing."
Changmin's eyes could not meet yours. "Mhm."
"Do you… do you do that often?"
"No," he said curtly. "That party trick only works on humans and I don't really enjoy the taste of blood."
You pursed your lips at his rather clipped response. "Oh." You recalled the sound he'd made as he cleaned your blood up with his tongue at the motel… maybe it was something out of disgust. You suddenly felt out of place, like you had made his shoulders tense up and the air crackle. You racked your brain. "I—thanks, by the way."
With a cough, he murmured, "Welcome. Couldn't have you dying on me."
You nursed your coffee cup, reaching up to absentmindedly fondle the pendant under your shirt. "Yeah."
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"Have you ever met an angel?"
The car was quiet as Changmin peered over his shoulder to switch lanes, the blinker tick-tocking away until it was turned off. "Yeah."
You stared out the front windshield to count the white colored cars on the highway amongst you. "What're they like?"
"They're like every other species," he said, unenthused. "Some are more asshole-ish than others. You'll find good ones and bad ones." A sigh. "The ones I've met have largely been the latter though."
"Oh." You weren't sure if you were disappointed by that answer.
The diner had been less than half an hour ago and you were back on the road again. Yours and Changmin's ETA to your sister's safehouse was supposedly another five or so hours. You couldn't believe she owned safehouses. For fuck's sake, she lived with you for majority of the time before she went to study abroad… she probably wasn't even abroad all those times, you realized anxiously.
It was like he could sense your change in mood from bored curiosity to tense overthinking. He dug around in the pocket of his pants and handed you the pommel of the switchblade from the motel. Angel blade, he'd called it.
You glanced at him in question, but he only pushed it into your palms.
"Get comfortable with it," he said. "It's a decent size as far as angel blades goes, since those fuckers don't really like to give them up. It's good for self defense."
The blade looked like something one could buy at a gift shop, slim with some heft, painted a shiny white color. There was no logo on it, but if you looked at it from the right angle, it shimmered. You unlocked it and let the blade whip out of the slot. The blade was shaped like any other box cutter you've seen before, but the underside had a serrated edge for extra ease in slicing through tougher materials. Your finger ghosted over the glowing metal, silver warming to a yellow-orange, but only if you didn't blink in the daylight.
You killed a demon with this. The blade burned the creature.
"How'd you get this if they don't like giving these up?" You asked as you figured out how to put the blade back into its sheath.
His fingers drummed against the wheel. "Won it in a poker game," he said.
Your eyebrows lifted. "Seriously?"
You swore there was a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Seriously."
With nothing better to do, you flicked the blade in and out, in and out. You'd only ever really held blades in the kitchen and when opening packages. "Do you have a name for it?"
"A name?"
"Yeah," you said, shifting slightly in your seat as an ache crept into your spinal cord, "y'know like the fantasy books where they name their blades." You inspected the switchblade again, rotating it in your hands. "Looks like a Clyde."
Changmin let out a huff from his nose. "Clyde?"
"What? Got any better ideas?"
"How about we don't name dangerous utilities for murder," he drawled.
"I can't believe you didn't just say 'weapons.'" When he didn't answer you, you made an indignant little noise you hoped annoyed him and admired the angel blade in your hand in a new light. Clyde. Hi, Clyde. You're pretty.
"Don't tell me you're communicating with it," he said to you.
You ran your finger over the flat side again with a fond smile—just to annoy him. "It doesn't give me lip."
A sigh. He tended to do that a lot. "How's your neck?"
Your hand lifted to your throat and massaged it lightly. "It's doing alright. Does it still look bruised?"
You tilted your neck so he could take a good look at it. He eyed the span of flesh there, his dark irises taking on a strange tint. The corner of his mouth curled downward as he turned his focus back to the road. "Yeah."
"It doesn't hurt as bad anymore, if that's any better."
"I guess," he grumbled. "Humans are so fragile."
"Hey man," you huffed, "is it my fault that I don't have magic spit or my skin doesn't heal fast—"
"How many times do I have to tell you? It's not magic spit. That's just how human biology reacts to demon saliva." Changmin tapped the back of his hand on the steering wheel as a vague gesture.
You shifted in your seat to look at him and so that you could take pressure off one side of your back. "I have a question. Why does demon saliva have healing properties when usually lore says that you guys are opposite in nature? Actually, that kind of sounds prejudicial," you thought aloud.
"It is prejudicial," he replied. "Well, mostly. It depends on the demon, but we're just like any other species. It's just that most pop culture depicts us as evil. Demons and vampires are derivations of each other in that—"
"So you are a vampire!"
He didn't even try to counter you this time. "Both species have saliva that can heal wounds, not large wounds, but you can probably imagine that vampires use it to seal puncture marks post-meal."
That made sense to you. "But why do demons need it?"
"Human blood…" he trailed off for a moment as he narrowly missed a car zooming past, his glaring eyes trailing after them, "...is like our saliva. It regenerates us. It's kind of like an energy drink, so it's not a necessity, but more so like a luxury or privilege."
You swallowed and you could've sworn you heard a soft huff from his mouth like a laugh. The thought of your blood being like an energy drink for him—and he'd literally licked your wounds clean at the motel that night. Was that how he was able to heal so quickly? It was a marvel he hadn't drunk you dry. But then again, he'd also said blood wasn't his taste…?
"Are you sure you don't like human blood?" You asked, sounding like a broken record, but more apprehensively this time.
"Sweetheart, you really think you'd still be here if I did?"
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Changmin stiffen. His hands tightened the slightest amount around the steering wheel, his eyes darting from the front windshield to the rearview mirror.
"What?" You asked, taking a look through the side mirror on your side. "What's wrong?"
Changmin's face washed over in a careful blankness. "We're being followed."
Your whole body tensed and you had to physically restrain yourself from twisting around in your seat. "What?"
"Hey, stay calm." He flicked his turn signal on casually as he exited off the freeway.
"Why are you telling them where we're going?!" He was literally signaling to whoever was following you exactly your next move.
"Just because we're on the run, doesn't mean we shouldn't follow basic driving safety."
You sent him a very emboldened stink eye. "Out of all the times, you choose now to have a sense of humor and to be an upstanding citizen?" Where was this during the entire road trip thus far?
Changmin made no other comments as he turned right onto the street leading further away from the freeway. You sat quietly for a moment, monitoring the cars behind you from your side mirror. Your knee started bouncing as you took note of the white sedan following behind, not tailgating, but its intentions were clear enough where even you could pick it out.
"What're we gonna do?" You murmured.
Changmin glanced over at you briefly. "We're gonna be fine. We just have to lose them."
"No shit."
"And you say I give you lip?"
Without any forewarning, Changmin jerked the car to the left, practically zooming across the intersection to catch the yellow light. Your whole body sailed across the center console, and before you could give him a piece of your mind, he was sending you crashing into your doorway from another sharp turn. You glared daggers at him, but turned to peer out your window.
The white car was still following after you. They must have run the red light then.
Changmin's sharp eyes sliced across the rearview mirror, and his foot lowered on the gas pedal like a challenge. His eyes whipped back and forth for somewhere he could go next, brain working double the speed. "Hold onto something, sweetheart."
"I don't think that would—HELPPP!" You sputtered and yanked on the handle above the door, hugging yourself to that side of the car.
You could hear the tires of Changmin's car burn rubber and squeal as he zigzagged through streets. You were pretty sure half of this was residential, you thought as the landscape blurred past.
"Do you even know where—" You swore as your body flailed around from another one of his god awful swerves, "—we are?"
He shook his head and floored the gas. "Nope."
It was about fifteen minutes of this supposed drag racing before his driving finally began to even out. You were seconds from hurling up diner food when you realized…
"Where the fuck did the trees come from?" You asked, lowering your tense form from the door handle.
You pressed your nose against the window to gawk up at the towering trees on your side of the vehicle, all dark green and beautiful. A light fog clung to some of the leaves, making the sunlight streaming through them look like golden strands of gossamer. The road you drove on held to the side of the mountain, but from what you could tell, Changmin had officially lost the white sedan.
Changmin visibly relaxed. "You might wanna pull up a GPS."
You reached over to your phone in the cupholder. But you pretty much tossed it right back. "No bars. Where did you take us?" You didn't even realize there was so much forest in this area. How come you hadn't seen it from the highway?
He gave a sigh, raking a hand through his hair. "Shit."
The car sunk into silence. Changmin could do nothing else but follow the road until you hit civilization or some kind of sign as to where you two were. You hadn't been in this part of the state before, so it wasn't like you could point out any landmarks. But as you both continued along, you settled into a sort of calm—the trees here were beautiful, untouched by man. Even from inside the car, you could feel the serenity.
Your finger pressed down on the button on your door to lower the window. You stuck your head out, hair flowing behind you. With a great inhale, your mouth broke into a smile. It smelled just as gorgeous as it looked. Fresh and clean and—
"You've got to be shitting me."
You pulled yourself back into the car and raised the window back up. "What?"
Changmin's mouth was set in a firm line, a dimple pressing deep into his cheek. "Wolves."
Your brows knitted together. "Huh?"
"We're in wolf shifter territory."
Just as he said this to you, the car rounded the side of the bend and revealed a large green sign that read: WELCOME TO MOONSTONE CREAK! Population 276.
The sign following it did not make you feel any better: CAMPERS! BEWARE OF WOLVES.
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AT THE FIRST SIGN OF WOLVES, you sunk low in your seat. You'd made eye contact with one of the furry creatures hidden in the brush, their sharp predator eyes narrowing at the sight of a foreign entity in their woods.
"By wolf shifters," you said quietly, holding onto Clyde in your lap, "you mean like… werewolves?"
Changmin's eyes stayed on the road ahead, but every once in a while, you would catch him scanning the forest, too. "Those aren't the same things. Werewolves are the things you read about in lore, half-man and half-wolf. Wolf shifters can change completely from man to wolf and vice versa."
"Oh." Well, that cleared some things up. "I'm guessing they don't take kindly to trespassers?"
He bit his lip. "I mean, it depends on the pack. If my hunch is right about where we are though, we shouldn't have to worry."
You gulped. "And if you aren't?"
"Well, I told you to get used to that angel blade, right?"
The trek further into the forest and mountains continued. The scenery around you was still as stunning as it was before, and you thought to yourself how dangerous a beautiful thing could be. Every time you peeked out of the car window, you saw a flash of something in the woods beyond the road. There had to be a reason why they hadn't attacked the car yet, right? If this was a pack of wolves who didn't like trespassers, then why were you and Changmin still alive?
Maybe they wanted you in a place where there was no chance of outsiders hearing you scream…
Your intrusive thoughts were getting to you.
There was a dead end, a near broken road sign and fence directing all passers-by that this was the end. Changmin was forced to take the off-road path, beaten into the dirt as it wound through the forest. If you didn't have signal up on the main road, you definitely would not have any here.
It was a few more minutes of traveling down the path that two wolves appeared before the car. Changmin brought the vehicle to a slow halt. The wolves were relatively large, spanning about six feet and about as tall as the bottom rim of the car door window. One of the wolves had black hair like a raven, and the other had hair like a field of grain.
Your heart stuttered in your chest as the wolves stared right at you. "Changmin…?"
He met their staring contest with little intimidation. "It's… it's fine. I think they recognize me."
After a moment, the two wolves broke their strange staring contest and trotted off to the side of the road. They were back so quickly, you almost didn't realize what had happened. Like magic, they had transformed into two toned young men, both nicely built with their lean upper body on display. They must have had a strategic stash of shorts hidden behind a tree for after they shifted to their human forms. One had cropped black hair, the other blond. Well, at least that made sense.
Changmin slumped in his chair, relieved. The corners of his mouth curled upward in an almost-smile, as the two wolf shifters came over to greet him at his window.
The brunette bent his head down to the window with a broad smile, the kind that made your stomach fill with butterflies. (Not to mention the eyeful of abs you and Changmin were getting…) He leaned his arms over the top of the car window, eyes flickering from the demon to you. "Long time no see, Changmin. Who's your friend?"
"That's Yn," your demon guardian said, clasping one of the man's hands in greeting. He reached for the second wolf shifter. "Haknyeon, nice to see you, too."
"Good to see you, Changmin" said the blond.
Oh, so he knew them.
Changmin gestured to the two men. "Yn, this is Kevin and Haknyeon. They're with the pack."
"Not that we're unhappy to see you," Kevin drawled, "but how did you find us?"
Okay, wait. If Changmin knew them, then why wouldn't he know the location of their pack? You sat quiet, waiting for someone to explain it to you… or just explain everything to you.
"Someone was following us and I lost them," Changmin told them, "but I managed to get us lost, too. Coincidence that we ended up here. I'm glad it's you guys and not another pack."
Kevin's eyebrows flew up. "Yeah, for sure. Well—" he turned his head up toward the treetops and scanned the skies. They were beginning to bruise like your skin as the sun sank somewhere amongst the trees and into the horizon. You hadn't even realized how dark it was starting to get. "—sun's already pretty low right now. Why don't you guys shack up with us tonight and then we'll help you out in the morning?"
"That would be great actually." Wow, really? You kept your surprise at bay. "Lead the way."
With no further discussion needed, Kevin and Haknyeon disappeared behind the same large tree trunk from before, then re-emerged as the wolves from before. Kevin, the one with black colored fur, pointed with his snout in the direction the path would take you. The two wolves began to trot down the path, and Changmin waited for them to get somewhat ahead before he flicked his headlights on and followed.
It was a curious act of consideration, you thought.
You watched as the wolves began to pick up speed, your eyes flickering to the speedometer. "So…" you drawled, "what the fuck just happened?"
A sharp huff, his version of a laugh. "They're old friends," he said.
"How'd you not know this was where their pack was if they're old friends?"
"I met them out of the pack," he explained. "It was somewhere in the New England area, and we just happened to be hunting the same thing."
Hunting? Oh, bounty hunter. Right. "And the—the shifting thing."
"What about it?"
You made a face of frustration. He always made you pull teeth when you wanted background information. "Everything."
He glanced at you. "I think it'd be better if one of them explained it to you. Better to have one of their own say it right than risk me getting something wrong."
That was, unfortunately, a very fair answer.
Instead of pushing on the wolf topic, you had more questions that he could answer. "So what now? Are we just gonna stay the night? Is it safe?" What if that white car found a way in here? Neither of you could see who the driver was, and so how could either of you be sure they weren't trying to perhaps get you both here? And if they also had the means to come in here without being marked as trespassers?
"It's safe," he said with such confidence that you arched your brows. He saw your expression, making a soft turn along the road as the wolves had, the pads of his fingers lifting off the steering wheel for a second in gesture. "I know what you're probably thinking, but it's safer than sleeping out in a motel off the highway, alright? Packs usually don't drive cars, and they have maybe one or two for convenience sake. They can smell trespassers from miles away, and they usually have people on watch all the time, which is how they found us so quickly."
You supposed that made sense. The forest here seemed denser, and with the quickly fading light, it made it all the more unnavigable. If you were to try to run… good fucking luck.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. As the car rounded the bend, yours and Changmin's faces illuminated with the glow of light.
The town was laid out flat before you, not over a ridge, not over a mountain, but a path that led into a central meeting place with wooden buildings all around it. The lights were all from candle-lit lanterns rather than the LEDs and fluorescents of the human world. There were a mixture of both wolves and people milling about, an air of warm cheeriness that you could feel even from the car. You felt a fuzziness manifest in your chest at the sight.
Kevin and Haknyeon directed Changmin toward a back road to the right behind a row of buildings. It was most likely to avoid getting in the way of the pack members, you guessed. You kept silent as you averted your eyes from the void-like darkness of the forest beyond to your right.
Up ahead, you saw the two wolves trot into a small paved area with one other car parked along the walkway. It seemed to be like a makeshift alleyway of sorts between two blocks of buildings. With some maneuvering, Changmin managed to parallel park into the space that was just big enough for his vehicle.
When he parked, he gestures for you to follow his lead and get out of the car. "You should be safe to come out with me. We'll probably meet the pack alpha and get everything settled—" His head tilted to the side, "—hopefully."
Your eyes shuttered. "Hopefully?" You echoed. Pack alpha? What the fuck did that entail? From what you remember in the books and shows, you thought to yourself as you clambered out of the car and stretched your sore limbs, wolf packs had an alpha that would lead everyone. You weren't sure if you would have to go through some kind of cult initiation or something to be granted permission to stay the night.
The angel blade sat tucked into the pocket of your pants along with your phone, and you slammed your car door shut. From here, you could peer down the alley and see out into the glowing atmosphere of the town center. It sounded like fun, actually—all of the chatter and laughter. You hadn't been anywhere so lively-sounding in awhile.
"Yn right?"
You startled a little, whirling around to find the brunette—Kevin was his name—smiling at you sheepishly. He was back in human form with a pair of shorts and a plain white T-shirt on. "Sorry I snuck up on you," he said.
"Oh, it's totally fine!" You laughed bashfully, smoothing a hand down your hair. "And yes, I'm Yn. You're Kevin, right?"
Man, he was so much prettier up close…
Kevin nodded. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you. Changmin says this is all pretty new to you." He gestured loosely to the world around him, an all encompassing notion to the entire world you had just unearthed beneath your nose.
Your eyes darted behind Kevin where Changmin and Haknyeon were gathered on the other side of the car, pulling yours and Changmin's bags out the backseat. Changmin caught your eyes, lifted his eyebrows, then returned to his conversation.
So he was just gonna leave you in the hands of the very handsome wolf shifter? Cool.
"Yeah, it's kind of a crazy story," you mused. Understatement of the century. "Thanks for taking us in, by the way.
"It's no worries," he chirped. "Changmin and us? We go back pretty far, I'd like to think."
"Oh, cool! He mentioned something about that… and something about meeting the pack alpha?"
Kevin's eyes flickered to something behind you, and you turned around to see what or who it was on instinct. "It's nothing to stress about—he's coming this way, actually."
You felt his hand, warm and large, gently settle between your shoulder blades to guide you toward the two men making their way down the alley toward you both.
One of them… well you could feel the subtle shift in the air. It was as if molecules in the air moved for him. He boasted a powerful sort of stature, with dark hair parted neatly to frame a carved face. For a moment, you didn't know if you were supposed to bow or something, but then he smiled, and you nearly fell over from that alone. He wasn't so scary once he smiled.
The man next to him was a lighter brunette with a cheery expression engraved onto his face as if that were his default setting. There was something about him, however—you thought he glowed a little in the dim light. The angel blade in your pocket seemed to warm slightly at the sight of him.
(So was everyone just super attractive in the supernatural world?)
"Changmin-ah," greeted the man with darker colored hair. He clasped his hand with Changmin's in greeting. "It's been awhile."
"It has," your demon counterpart agreed. "Thanks for taking us in on such short notice. I wouldn't have intruded had I known."
The man brushed the thought away. "It's okay, really. Nice to have a couple new faces around."
"Speaking of new faces," drawled the second man. He beamed a pretty smile your way, waving. "Hi, little one."
Something warm blossomed in your chest. "Hi," you said softly. You weren't certain of etiquette—if you were expected to speak for yourself, to bow…
But it seemed Kevin had your back. He clasped his warm hand on your shoulder. "This is Yn. She came in with Changmin."
"Nice to meet you, Yn. I'm Sangyeon." This was the man with black hair, who felt like the tangible version of power. He must have been the pack alpha. He had to be.
The other man placed a hand on his chest. "And I'm Jacob!"
"We're just looking for a place to stay for the night," Changmin piped up. He tucked his hands into his pockets, eyes shifting over to yours.
"Well, why don't we head over to the pack house and we can talk about all the details of a plan," said Sangyeon. He inclined his chin in the direction of where you assumed the pack house was. Then his eyes, you watched their keen movements, latched onto Kevin's as if they were communicating silently. "Yn," you nearly jolted when you realized he was addressing you. "Kevin's gonna take you to the small inn we have here. It'll give you a little more privacy, and I'm sure you've felt pretty overwhelmed."
It didn't sound like he was asking you, but there was a warmth to his smile. You couldn't help but feel inclined to agree.
Changmin's head went on a swivel. "Wait, she's not coming with us?"
Haknyeon and Jacob were already rounding on either side of him to guide him in the opposite direction Kevin was leading you. Something in the back of your head made you turn over your shoulder to look at him. Was being separated such a bad thing?
Haknyeon suddenly tossed Kevin your backpack, the latter shouldering it.
"Come on, Yn," Kevin chirped, angling his body as he nudged you along so you could no longer see Changmin. "There's a lovely hearth in the main lobby, and the auntie who runs the place makes the best cookies ever."
You nodded slowly as your brain struggled to think of any reason why they would separate you from Changmin. And why did he sound so surprised? Your hand drifted toward the pocket that hid your angel blade. "Oh, really? That sounds nice."
They didn't drug them, did they? Your shoulders tensed at the idea.
Why did they separate you and Changmin—
The inn was the building right outside the alley with a porch that spanned the front facade. The architecture reminded you of an upscale cabin with large oak logs piled atop each other to make up the structure. A warm light emitted from the front windows and glass doors, and you swore you could smell the cookies from here.
When you and Kevin entered the building, he called out a greeting to an older woman stationed behind a reception desk in the back corner. She greeted the both of you with a cordial smile, wiggling her fingers in a wave. Her head tilted curiously at you, however, her eyes zeroing in on…
Your attention was drawn away and you were directed toward the seating area on the other side of the lobby.
"Can I get you any water or anything?" Kevin asked you as he motioned for you to take a seat in the armchair adjacent to him. He set your backpack at your feet for you.
You lowered yourself onto the edge of the seat, hand reaching for the pendant beneath your shirt—you stopped short. Could he sense the power of the pendant? Was that why they separated you from your demon bodyguard? Oh fuck—
"Hey, hey," Kevin suddenly said softly, face morphing into an expression of concern. "No need to get panicked, okay? You're safe now."
Wait. What? You wrung your hands in your lap, heart still throwing itself up against your ribcage. "Safe? What do you mean safe? Safe from what?"
Kevin considered you for a moment, but the gentleness from his voice and body language never left. "You're safe from Changmin."
"Safe from Changmin?"
"Yes," he affirmed patiently. "The bruises on your neck—"
Your hand went to cover the side of your throat where it had been pierced by the maw of a demon, but not Changmin.
"—does he feed from you? They look fresh—"
You immediately put your hands up to gesticulate in wild opposition. "Oh, no, no, no. He—he didn't feed from me; he saved my life, actually. We were attacked by other demons and I was bleeding out, and he just closed the wounds. He… he isn't, uhm… yeah."
Kevin's posture changed, and his smile became relieved—sheepish even. "Well, shit. I'm sorry for assuming, Yn; it's just that a lot of people end up here because they're in unhealthy relationships, and I saw the marks on your neck and just assumed the worst." He cupped the back of his neck. "This must have been really confusing for you. Sorry about that."
Okay, now that made a lot more sense. Your adrenaline was slowly teetering out and the tension left your shoulders. "No, please, that's honestly really nice that you would help victims like this. It did give me a little scare, but… yeah no, this wasn't Changmin's doing."
"That eases my mind a lot," he chuckled. Then he turned and nodded to the auntie behind the reception desk. You watched as she disappeared out the doors of the inn. "She's just gonna let Sangyeon know that everything's good."
"I thought you said you and Changmin go way back…?" Did they not trust him?
Kevin leaned back in his armchair. "We do. It's just protocol, you know? Whether or not we know them, it doesn't matter."
That was good for victims, you thought. Though, you couldn't imagine what they were really discussing with Changmin then… "So Changmin…"
"Sangyeon, Jacob, and Haknyeon would have taken care of him if I told them he was harming you," he replied, lips pressed together. "They really are talking about how you both ended up here though—that, and plans for the morning."
It was like he could read your mind.
A lot had happened just now, and you were still reeling from the fact that you didn't need to prepare to run. Though, you were still hyperaware of Clyde's warmth in your pocket.
Kevin noticed your far-off expression. He leaned forward onto his knees, that kind smile of his curling onto his face and making you feel some sort of woozy. "I know it's probably been a lot for you. Do you have any questions for me?"
He was so different from Changmin. While with the demon getting information was like pulling teeth, here was Kevin offering you information. They were polar opposites, really. You wondered what it might have been like if Kevin had been the one to take you on this quest instead—your mind shuttered. What a strange thought. Changmin might have been a pain in your ass in the beginning (and still now), but… it wasn't like he hadn't protected you. You didn't know.
"I guess," you started, "what's gonna happen now?"
He thought about it for a moment. "Well, uhm, I think we're both gonna find out once Changmin gets back. See what they've all decided on. But for sure, you and he will be able to shack up here for the night."
You gave a slow nod. "Is Sangyeon the pack alpha? Kind of a stupid question—"
"It's not a stupid question at all," Kevin said. "But yes, he's the pack alpha. You can just consider him as a community leader, essentially."
"And you're all wolf shifters?"
A nod, then he paused, tilting his head. "Yes, but Jacob's not a wolf shifter; he's an angel."
Your eyebrows flew up. Everything was suddenly making a lot more sense. "An angel? So he and Changmin aren't, like, mortal enemies or anything?" You hadn't noticed any wings on him…
Kevin laughed. "Oh, you're cute. No, thankfully they are not mortal enemies. Jacob's too nice to have enemies."
"Even someone like Changmin?" You jested.
"Even someone like Changmin," he said, humoring you. "Speaking of the demon, you two aren't…?"
You sucked in a breath. "Definitely not. We're not together or anything. It's a long story, but our meeting and traveling together is just because of a common goal." You couldn't tell why the thought of you and Changmin being an item made your heart cartwheel. Perhaps it was simply the anxiety of being thought of as Changmin's significant other that made you want to jump to correct that assumption. Yes, that was it.
Kevin bit his bottom lip like he was trying to hide a smile. "Ah, I see. That's good to know."
"And why's that?" You asked.
You could have sworn if he was in wolf form, his ears would have been tucked against his head. "Nothing!" He insisted. "It would just be a shame to not take a chance when it's presented, you know?"
You weren't quite sure what he meant by that, but for some reason, you were eager to find out.
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It was late still when Changmin knocked on your open door, lingering on the threshold. You had just stepped out of the shower in the private en suite your accommodations had, a towel settled upon your shoulders to act as a barrier between your wet hair and dry clothes. He didn't look any worse for wear—then again, he never did.
"Everything okay with Kevin?" He asked, clearing his throat. You felt his eyes on you, scanning your body as if searching for any signs out of the ordinary.
You were searching for your phone charger in your bag. "Yeah, it was good. What—what happened with you?" You asked and lifted your eyes to meet his as you fondled the cord between your fingers.
He stuck his tongue in his cheek. "Well," he drawled, "Sangyeon offered to send a small group out to scout for any signs of our pursuers from today. In the meantime, we're invited to stay here to recuperate for a couple days. If not, then they'll restock our supplies and help us out of here."
"I'm guessing you already made a decision." You paused when you realized there weren't any outlets in this room. Anywhere. A curse fell from your lips and you dumped your cord and dead cell phone into your bag.
"I figured you could use the rest," he said.
Your head whipped upward.
He arched a brow at you. "If that's alright with you."
Was he really asking you? No buts, no ifs, no snark? "Yeah, that's fine with me."
"Maybe a couple days here will be good for your frail, human body anyway."
There it is. You rolled your eyes so far back, you swore you saw your brain waving at you. "And maybe some fake demon sleep will make you less grouchy."
You thought he smiled. It could have been a trick of the light or sleep deprivation. "Whatever."
Just when it seemed like he was about to turn and leave, he stopped. "Kevin's taken a liking to you."
You stilled, attention piqued. "Really? How could you tell?"
Changmin gauged your reaction, and again, you couldn't quite tell what he was thinking. "You need to sleep."
"Wait, you're just gonna ignore my—and he's gone." You huffed and collapsed onto the bed. It was awfully comfortable.
Leave it up to Changmin to leave you high and dry like that.
You rolled over the surface of the bed to close your door. Quietly, you went around the room to close the knobs of the lanterns to put out the lights like Kevin had showed you earlier. The only light now came from outside the window, the campfire and lanterns in the pack center streaming through the shutters to create an elongated stripe pattern along the walls and floors.
You climbed into bed—it was a strange, but welcomed feeling.
Only a couple days without a bed, yet it felt like years had passed. You could only hope you didn't wake up to a demon at your throat this time.
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WOLVES BEAT EVEN THE SUN from her slumber, you came to find out. The next morning, you rolled out of bed to hear the sound of muffled voices outside your window. Your body ached in places you didn't even think they could ache, and you stretched your arms up over your head as you opened the shutters.
Just a little off from your window stood a small gathering of creatures, both in human and wolf forms. You recognized Kevin as one of the human ones among them. It was the noise of your open shutter that had him turning his head up toward your window. He saw you there, and a smile blossomed on his face, bright and easy. He wasn't wearing a shirt again, as was the other man standing beside him. The other two in their group were wolves.
Kevin waved at you, catching the attention of the others with him. The man beside him beamed and waved, too.
You chuckled to yourself and returned the gesture.
Kevin beckoned you down with his hand.
You searched the window sill for the latch, muttering in triumph when you managed to notch it open.
He had walked over to stand directly below your window by the time you stuck your head out. "Good morning!" He chirped. "Good sleep?"
"Good morning, and so far I think so," you mused, unconsciously smoothing down your hair. You hadn't even checked the state of your bed head. Yikes.
"There's breakfast in the pack house if you'd like," he offered. "I can walk you over?"
You leaned your cheek against your fist. "Sounds great. Give me some time to get ready."
"Take your time!"
You locked the window back up, dropped the shutters, and hurried to get changed. It occurred to you, as you were getting yourself prepped and primed to face another day in a new world, that you hadn't felt so giddy in awhile. And about a boy nonetheless. The skip in your step was crazy to you, and—did you even have anything nice to wear?
You just managed to yank one of the nicer of your graphic tees over your head when you heard a knock at the door.
"Just a second!" You called, carding your fingers through your hair and separating into three so you could braid it out of your face.
You ripped the door open. "Hi."
Changmin stood on the other side looking slightly refreshed with his dark hair damp and plastered over his forehead. His eyes narrowed slightly at your lightened countenance, the way you actually cared about how you were doing your hair, the… everything. He sent you a look. "Breakfast is in the pack house, but I have a feeling you already knew that."
"Yeah, I was just headed down, actually." You stepped out into the hallway with him, closing your bedroom door behind you. Clyde sat in your pocket, replacing where your phone would have been stashed had it any use.
He cocked his head to the side. "You seem a lot more…" He made a gesture with one of his hands. "Alive."
"Well, considering I don't have magic regeneration—"
"Forget I said anything," he said, shaking his bangs from his eyes and beginning to walk down the corridor toward his room. "Go get sustenance, Yn."
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. You watched him disappear into his room before you made your way to the stairs.
Kevin was waiting for you in the lobby, perking up when you appeared on the stairway landing and made your descent. He took a couple steps to meet you in the middle, and you noticed that he had found a shirt to put on. Damn. "Hope you like waffles," he said as the two of you fell into step beside each other to head out of the inn.
"Love 'em."
It seemed that the entirety of Moonstone Creak was awake, even at such an early hour. The sun had yet to even clamber up above the treetops, leaving the sky a soft mesh of purple and orange. The air was as fresh as it had been yesterday, cool and pure, washing your lungs and waking you up some more.
"Is everyone awake so early?" You asked him, inhaling as much of the peace as you could.
Kevin nodded. "Pretty much, unless you're just coming back from a night watch. We usually encourage the pups to come out and exercise with us."
"The pack's primary watch," he clarified. "You probably saw me talking to a few of them earlier."
"Ah," you hummed. "That's nice though. You're all such a lovely community… It's refreshing."
His eyes twinkled as he smiled at you. "Thank you. I like to think we're a really big family."
You could see as much. By the way Kevin greeted all of his fellow pack members, a part of you wondered what it might have been like to grow up somewhere like this instead of always chasing after safety and security.
You and your sister had always got by somehow, but it had never been like this. With your parents gone so early in both of your lives, you only really had each other to rely on, besides the occasional aunt and uncle who took turns caring for the both of you until your sister turned 18. And now with your sister gone?
For some reason, it felt like you were still taking care of her in death. But perhaps that was the cost of seeking closure.
You weren't sure what you were expecting when they said pack house, but what you saw was about what it sounded like it was going to be. It was similar to the inn and many of the buildings around the area with its log cabin likeness, but this one was much, much larger. You could hear the squeals of children from out here, and there were smaller wolves chasing each other's tails around the wraparound porch. A few stopped to sit and cock their heads at you as you passed, their tails tick-tocking behind them.
It was strange seeing wolves carry around infants and toddlers in their hulking jaws, too, and Kevin chuckled when you almost stopped in your tracks. "It's no harm to them, don't worry."
"Yeah," you laughed nervously, fingering the pendant at your sternum. "It'll take some getting used to. Are you born as a wolf or as a human?" You asked him as the two of you stepped up the front steps of the porch and walked through the entryway.
"Depends—woah, hey guys. Careful!" Kevin clicked his tongue as he caught and lifted one of the younger boys off his legs just before he accidentally knocked over a table holding a vase of flowers.
The kid and his friend giggled as Kevin put him down away from the table. "Sorry Kevin!" And they were gone, out the front door.
He shared a smile with you, cupping the back of his neck. "Where was I?" He gestured to your right down a hallway; you could smell the sweetness and buttery goodness of breakfast. "Oh, right. It depends: since wolves and humans are mammals, giving birth is a little easier than other non-mammal shifters."
"Non-mammal shifters?" Your eyebrows shot up. "What other shifters exist?"
"Any you can think of, to be honest," he said. "All pups learn about their own growth and development though, especially since learning to shift and stay in touch with both their animal and human sides is so integral. It would probably be better if I connected you with someone who identifies as female to talk about birth specifically though," he admitted.
The kitchen was painted a pale shade of yellow that reflected the golden rays of sun and made the whole room much warmer and brighter. There was a mishmash of wolves and humans milling about the central island where a buffet-style breakfast was being served. The variety of food before you was enough to make even—as you liked to think—Changmin's mouth water. (He didn't need to eat, your ass. You saw the blueberry pancakes on the far end and wondered if he had some yet.)
Kevin passed you one of the plates stacked at the end before grabbing one for himself. "Lily, thank you for breakfast!"
Lily, you identified, was the woman leaning against the sink with a pale blue apron tied around her waist and baby bump. "You're welcome! Haknyeonie helped out, too."
Haknyeon's blond head poked in from where he was partly hiding in the butler's pantry, his cheeks stuffed with food. "Hm?"
You laughed to yourself as you started off by transferring a waffle to your plate. "Yes, thank you so much for breakfast. It looks delicious."
"Oh, no need for that," Lily beamed as she came over to the island across from you and put more food onto your plate. "Take more, please. We have so much to go around."
"Oh," you blinked, watching Kevin start to pile things onto his own plate. "It's so much; I don't want to take more than I can finish—"
"I'll help you finish," Kevin offered, shoving a strawberry into his mouth. "I'm sorry if it seems like we're pressuring you, though. I guess we're all just used to making sure the other is fed around here."
You could melt like a slab of butter between two warm hotcakes. "Thank you—I appreciate the thought."
Kevin ruffled your hair as the two of you continued around your tour of the island. "Of course."
From the entryway you had just come in, Sangyeon arrived whistling an offhanded tune under his breath. "Good morning, everyone!"
"Good morning!" Chorused around the kitchen at differing intervals as everyone greeted their pack alpha.
Sangyeon beelined around the island and over to Lily, the two of them exchanging fond touches and a warm kiss in greeting. "Morning, love."
"Good morning," Lily said. "Eaten yet?"
The dots connected in your head and you nudged Kevin as the two of you finished up at the island. "Lily and Sangyeon—?"
"Yeah, she's our alpha female," Kevin confirmed. "Six months pregnant. They celebrated nuptials about a year ago."
"Ah." You didn't mean to stare, but they were such a beautiful couple. Though you thought Sangyeon's smile was warm, it was nothing compared to the one he saved just for his partner.
He must have felt your eyes on him, and he lifted his gaze to yours while he held one of Lily's hands. "Yn, sleep well?"
Your eyes widened. "Oh, uh, yes. Yes, thank you."
"All of your accommodations are to your satisfaction, I hope?"
"More than satisfied," you stammered with a sheepish smile; he was talking to you, right? Everything was way beyond what you had been living with for the past couple of days. A demon-infested motel or this? Well, no competition there. You could still feel the impression of Changmin's passenger seat in your back.
Sangyeon nodded. "Good, I'm glad to hear that. I was hoping to speak with you and Changmin after breakfast about your situation. It'll be with myself and my closest advisors, plus the two of you."
"Yes, of course," you said. "Does Changmin already know?"
"I'll have someone run and let him know."
You and Kevin were dismissed to go forth with breakfast. The two of you settled in a room next door to the kitchen fitted with a long dining table that reminded you of a cartoon rich people banquet table. You sat adjacent to each other, Kevin at the head, and you with the seat to his left.
You smeared butter over the slots of your waffle. "Do I have to worry about what Sangyeon's gonna talk about at the meeting?"
Kevin shoved his bite into his cheek. "To my knowledge, no, but if you're worried, Sangyeon's advisors are a pretty cool crowd."
"Oh yeah?" You asked.
His lips turned up as he chewed. "Mhm," he hummed before swallowing, "I should know since I'm one of them."
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Sangyeon had an office deep within the first floor of the pack house. It was tucked away somewhere between the living room in the back and the door down to the wine cellar. (Kevin joked that the first pack alpha had planned the layout of the first floor deliberately.)
Following your hearty breakfast, you found yourself seated in one of the armchairs in the leader's office chambers, amongst Changmin (in the chair next to you) and the other members of the so-called inner circle. Kevin lingered nearby, leaning against the office's hearth with his arms and ankles crossed idly. It seemed that the advising board included not just Kevin, but also Jacob, Lily, and someone named Juyeon. You learned that he was out on night guard when you came in last night, so you weren't able to properly meet him until now.
Sangyeon stood next to the office chair seated behind the grand, mahogany desk; Lily was automatically given the chair because of her pregnancy, and because she'd been working all morning. "Concerning the white sedan you said was trailing after you two yesterday—" he said, "—none of our scouts could follow a solid scent past the freeway entrance. It was interesting, actually."
Changmin leaned forward onto his forearms. "How so?" He asked, eyebrows creasing.
Sangyeon nodded to Juyeon, who filled in, "Well, we couldn't figure out what their scent is."
"How is that even possible?"
You blinked, brain whirring into overdrive. There was something you were missing yet again. What was the context here?
Kevin stepped over to your side and murmured to you, "We can usually pick apart scents to identify the layers, so this is why it's… concerning."
"Ah," you nodded. "Thanks."
"It was distinct for sure," Juyeon supplied with a vague gesture of his hands, "but it was nearly impossible to tell what species they were. It was easy enough picking apart the entity from the car smells—" Exhaust fumes, metal, seats, you assumed, "—and we could follow the smell as far as the entrance to the highway you guys came from, but…" He shook his head. "No-go. In all my years, I've never come across anything like it."
The helplessness that settled into the grooves of the room made you squirm, and your fingers fondled the red pendant at your collar again. Here was a space of the all-powerful, and yet, something as simple as a scent was throwing them all for a loop. You couldn't begin to wrap your head around the implications, because, well—you didn't know the implications.
(Dark. You were always sitting in the dark.)
Changmin passed you a glance, and you couldn't tell what he was thinking, as usual. "There has to be a way to somehow analyze it. Could we consult a witch?"
"I've already called an old friend," said Lily. "They're on their way over presently."
"Could I see the pendant?" Jacob's voice carried out into the room. Though he himself was soft-spoken, one could not mistake his volume. Everyone's attention cut over to you, and you wanted to be swallowed up by the earth beneath your feet. "If that's okay," he added. "It feels familiar."
"Feels?" You echoed, gripping the stone in your hand. The chain dug into the flesh of your neck as you anxiously yanked on it.
Changmin's eyes darted from the stone to you. "What do you think?"
"What do I think?" You were overwhelmed; that was what you thought. You fisted it in your hand, suddenly reluctant to part with the thing that had caused you so much trouble as of late. You felt… an uncanny urge to keep it in your possession. "Uhm… you can see it, but I won't take it off."
Your devilish counterpart narrowed his eyes slightly, cocked his head to the side, at your behavior. He didn't say anything though, as if this truly was just all your decision. Perhaps this was because he knew that you weren't exactly buddies with these people yet. In retrospect, they were still strangers, and thus, potential threats to you.
Jacob took easy strides over to you from where he was standing by the desk. He passed you a reassuring smile as he knelt in front of you, close enough that you could see the eyelashes brush his cheeks. There was something warm radiating from him, and you swore you saw a flash of gold in his eyes.
Angel, right.
He rose up on his knees, holding out his hand, but not touching you. "May I?"
You pinched the part of the pendant attached to the chain and stuck it out toward him.
Jacob's eyebrows knitted together as he touched the pendant with only the tips of his fingers. You held your breath throughout the entirety of his assessment. When he finally leaned back onto his haunches, you blinked away whatever angelic warmth still lingered. "Juyeon, come smell the pendant."
Your eyes widened. "Uhm—"
"Hold on, what?"
"Wait, Jacob."
The latter two responses came from Changmin and Kevin, respectively, the two startling at Jacob's request.
There was a swift exchange of glances between everyone else and the alpha wolves in the room.
Lily said, "Yn?"
"Why are we sniffing the pendant now?" You asked, finding your voice.
Jacob looked up innocently. "Sorry, I probably should have explained myself. I think it might smell like the scent Juyeon was trying to track."
Something in the room shifted. You glanced down at the pendant in your grip and the questions in your head accumulated and accumulated and accumulated. What in Hell did you get me into, Sena?
"Okay," you said, "you can… smell the pendant."
You weren't sure why he couldn't smell it from where he was, but he took a couple steps over to you and replaced Jacob's position. Changmin's hand appeared on the arm of your chair as he leaned forward slightly.
Juyeon took a cautionary sniff, and his eyes widened. "That's it. It's—it was slightly different, but similar enough where it has to be the same entity." He looked up at you. "Is this the only one of its kind?"
You met Changmin's eyes.
He looked away first. "No."
Your gaze became earnest in his direction, and if you could, you would burn twin holes in the side of his head like a snakebite. More shit he hadn't told you. Were you surprised?
No? What did he mean no?
"We need to talk," you forced out of gritted teeth, gripping onto the arm of his chair now.
He passed you a glance. Later.
"Well, we can only really assume that the person following you was most likely after the pendant," Jacob said plainly as he stood from the ground and dusted off his pants. "But now that we know the origin of the scent, per se, it'll make the hunt a little easier."
Sangyeon gave a bob of his head. "Kevin, you're leading the search party for the day."
Kevin's head perked up, hand on the back of your chair. "But—"
A single look from his leader made his mouth snap closed.
"Yes, sir," Kevin murmured with a shallow nod of acknowledgement. He gave the back of your chair a small pat, then departed without another word from the office. You thought you could feel his presence leave your side, from the room. All of this feeling… was this how the supernatural operated? Was this what a sixth sense entailed all along?
"Juyeon—" the man in question raised his head, "—go find where Haknyeon and Eric are." Sangyeon scratched his temple with a sigh that sounded suspiciously like exasperation. "Grab them and round up the pups."
Juyeon brightened. "Are we taking them down to the creak?"
Lily nodded her approval. "Ooh, nice idea. Yn and Changmin, you're both free to join us. It's lovely down there."
You forced your hand to fall away from the pendant, but not before tucking it back beneath the collar of your shirt. It felt too exposed out here, sitting on your sternum for all to see. You nodded though, trying for a small smile. "Sure, sounds nice."
Sangyeon patted the desktop. "Excellent! The two of you can continue to make yourselves at home."
Though this was a physical conclusion to the meeting, your stomach continued to sit uncomfortably. This conversation should not have been over so quickly… right? Was there not more to discuss? Perhaps not now then. Maybe it was better to take your time letting this all sink in.
"Ah, before the two of you go join the little ones," Jacob cut in. He shot Changmin a pointed look. "You owe me something."
Changmin roughed a hand through his bangs, but you could have sworn his lips curled up with a smile. "Aish… your memory."
"It never fails me when I need it."
You glanced between the two; Changmin did owe you yet another explanation, but if there was something these two planned to settle… "What? What is it this time?"
Jacob grinned, and you definitely hadn't been hallucinating when you saw flickers of gold in his irises. "He owes me a sparring match."
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a/n: i am clasping my hands in prayer for a reblog, comment, or ask. take a moment to grab a snack, drink some water, and head over to the second part! thanks for reading
read part two here (if it's not linked yet, refresh and it'll be at the top)
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @tinkerbell460 @kaaimins @hyunjaespresent-deobi @otterly-fey @zzoguri @floatingpluto @winterchimez @ethereal-engene @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @loveliestfelix @bless-311 @zhaixiaowen @leaz-kpop-life @amourdsr @pxppxrminty @kqyutie @sseastar-main @kxthleen14 @fluorescentloves @mosviqu @justalildumpling @jaerisdiction @super-btstrash-posts @jundundun @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @outrologist @vernonburger @maessseongs @ericlvr @kflixnet
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idkbutimgabby · 4 months
Good Days - A Lee Minho ff
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Hey loves... idk what has been going on but I've been feeling so emotional lately 😭 idk why bc I literally had my period already and I usually get super emotional right before... sorry if that's TMI but I'm so confused 😭 anyways this is the result of that. I hope you like it. I hope you cried as much as I have while writing this and looking for inspo.
word count: 1k
-fem!reader x bestfriend!leeknow
warnings: ANGST if I haven't made that clear enough, character death, car crash, drunk driving, cuts (? not sh just a tw jic) grieving, cursing, fluffy
Im so sorry 😭 my Instagram is cursed because why do I keep getting reel after reel of some heart wrenching story? Istg all I do is cry for strangers on the Internet ✊😔 Anyways I'm probably over hyping this you probably won't cry but if you did please tell me that would make me so happy 😭 you know what I mean 😒 *lightly proofread* calling all my emotional people this is for you get your tissues ready
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Having a best friend is something you can't describe. Having someone you know will always run to you first, someone you would trust with your life and who you know would trust you with theirs. You can't even begin to spew some shit about how much you love him; it would be pointless. Words can't describe it, truly.
The person who stuck with you through the years, through the hardest times of your lives, and the best. The person who sat next to you during your first week of kindergarten because he saw you crying when you got lost on the first day. The person who you've never seen cry, because he doesn't like how it makes him feel.
The person who was there when you were sick, and who stayed up all night while you were asleep doing your missing assignments, because he knew you hated asking for extensions. The person that saw you grow up, and the one you saw grow up. The person who held you as you cried, wiped the tears from your cheeks and rocked you both to sleep.
The person you cheered on as he pursued his dreams of dancing. The person who cheered you on as you got into your dream school, joining a program you've been waiting to join since day one. The person who was driving you to your graduation, excited to walk across that stage and watch you walk across it, finally being able to acknowledge how far you've both come.
The person who was taken from you, when a driver under the influence ran a light and crashed into his side of the car. The same person you cut up your hands to shove all the shattered glass away from.
The person you've cried for countless times before, but this time you couldn't shed a tear. The person who you saw stop moving, whose pulse stopped even after your desperate attempts to save him. The person you slumped over, holding his body and ignoring the sharp shards of glass puncturing your skin and clothes.
The person whose body you held until you felt his spirit drift away. You think about that moment every day.
The person whose parents asked you to speak at his funeral and deliver the final speech, because who else could do it but you? You're not a public speaker. You couldn't possibly remember a speech, and you didn't want to write it out because your hands would have been shaking too much to read the words anyway. Instead, you just wove your speech around one memory that still sticks in your mind, all on the spot. You cried everyday after the accident, but you made it through your speech, driven by the fact that he needed to hear everything you had neglected to tell him while he was still there.
"I remember one time that he asked me the question, "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" It was a joke. I rolled my eyes, probably slapped his arm. But I return to that moment when I grieve for him. And I wish I had told him everything that question brought up in my mind. I think that was one moment I realized how big a part of me he really is. I wish I had told him that I would love him until the worms swallowed up every last bit of him. That when I'm six feet under the ground, with the worms eating my brain, they'll see visions of him; his beautiful face, crooked smile, bunny teeth, and glittery eyes. They'll smell what he smelled like; the vanilla and orchid scent that always calmed me down, and still does. They will hear him call my name, voice of honey, where you were always able to hear his smile. They will experience the greatest of wonders, as they feast on the corner of my brain that houses him. They won't be able to move an inch without bumping into a piece of him. Then, I'll fade away, as will he. And they'll go back to eating, gnawing away in awe at the wonders they experienced, the wonders that were my best friend."
The person who got you, understood you in a way that no one else will. The person who your family accepted as another of their children, who was treated at your house like a prince. The person who snuck through your window at night anyway to hang out, just because he wanted to know what it was like. The person who always did the most for everyone else without making it obvious because he didn't like making a fuss over it.
The person who always bought and wore jewelry and clothes that supported a cause or charity, and encouraged others to do the same. The person who had three cats he loved more than even you. The person who always cooked for you when you mentioned a new food you wanted to try, and who fed you bites just because he wanted to and thought it was cute.
The person you loved the most. The person who loved you the most. The person you'll always miss, who you'll never forget, and who you'll go to hell and back to make sure no one else forgets about him either.
Your beautiful best friend. Simultaneously angelic and feral. The oddest person. The sweetest person. Now unburdened, cutting through the sky and watching over you. Forever your best friend, forever a worm. Forever your worm, actually.
You love him.
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again I deeply apologize. LINO ISNT DEAD GUYS HES ALIVE AND WELL I PROMISE 🙏😭 ngl tho I was flowing with this one... I might try writing angst more often 🤭 normally I'm a fluffy kinda girl (my favorite trope is literally bsfs 2 lvrs 😭) next fic guys watch out I'm getting better at this 🤫 also I'm so sad I don't have the original author but I did get some of the speech from a poet on Instagram just fyi 😓
Anyways love you 💋💋 Muah byebye 💕
written from:
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Okay, so..... I want to request tsukasa and rui x reader having a strict parent maybe? Like reader sometimes feels anxious when they talked about their parents or someone mentioned reader's parents.
And if u don't mind, can u do where tsukasa/rui comforting reader bcs they feels overwhelmed by their parent?
(not me having a strict parent though)
Heya! I may or may not had too much fun writing it... totally not because I realte pfft I know it's mostly about grades here but I think they reactions would be similiar to other situations too ^^" but anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
Tsukasa, Rui with reader who has strict parents
Tag List: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
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⊱ Tsukasa noticed when you started hanging out, not necessarily after you started dating but even when you still have been friends, that you always needed your parents approval or you never really wanted to tell stories about your parents, but he understood that! He thought maybe you have your own private reasons and he didn't wanted to go too far with it since it may ruin your relationship
⊱ after you started dating tho, it often happened that you couldn't come to your date because of bad grade or something and you were grounded, he offered to help you study as much as he can but you always told him that you can't invite anyone
⊱ you had exam from [insert hated subject here] and you studied for it for whole 2 weeks! But in the end you got a 2... sure, you passed but it wasn't enough to make your parents happy...
⊱ luckily for you tho, teacher was supposed to type in grades in the next week so you still had some time, and Tsukasa saw how sad you looked so he invited you to his place so you can have a calm date which you of course agreed on
⊱ he being the sweet and caring boyfriend he is, buyed you a lot of your favorite snacks, got some funny movie ready and a lot of pillows, and blankets for you two!
⊱ in the end tho... you kinda started venting to him about your situation, and he didn't mind! Instead he got ready some tissues and listened to you while hugging you and letting you cry into his chest
⊱ after you told him everything or just cryed your heart out, he'd start errasuring you that it's not your fault and that you did your very best, and if your parents can't see that then he'll go and confront them, it may sound as a silly joke to cheer you up but he surely will if that what'll make you feel better
"My star, there's no one shining brighter than you and I, as future star, will make sure that they will notice your charm and all your tries!"
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⊱ Rui notices things pretty easily, so it's not a surprise that he quickly picked on that you may have strict parents and as much as he wanted to change it, he didn't wanted to only give you more problems, and you still found time to hangout with him so that was really enough for him!
⊱ once you started dating tho, he wanted to hangout with you more often then you did when you were just friend, but you meeted SLIGHTLY more often than back then and he exactly knew why even tho you may not want to admit it
⊱ lately you've been stressing yourself over because of [insert hated subject here] exam, and your boyfriend told you that he can help you, fact, it was mostly an excuse to spend some more time with you but it worked
⊱ although he will actually help you study so you won't have problems because of him, but he also makes you take some breaks and uses it to have some sweet time with you he missed so much
⊱ the day you were supposed to know results of your test, he immidietly rushed to meet with you to congratulate you since he knew you will do the best! but how surprised was he when he saw sad look on your face
⊱ Rui immidietly knew something is wrong so he took you to the rooftop to calmly talk with you when you started crying, was it because of stress? fear of how your parents might react? sadness because you disappointed your boyfriend? you wasn't sure... but he was there to hold you and rub your back
⊱ no matter if you needed to talk or cry, he'd be there rubbing your back in comforting way, and once you were done, he'd spoil you with affection and all sort of comfort sentences
"Darling, it's not your fault. You did your very best and I was even there to see how hard you studied for it. If they can't see it, you can always count on me to confront them if you need."
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bita-bita · 1 year
Last night I had a dream where Twilight/Loid and I were married (for real xD)
And had a 2 years old daughter (biological, I believe🤔)
She had brown hair....... uh.. I have black hair and Loid has blond hair but I guess that can happen.
Anyway. Me and Loid were out on a walk, holding hands, hehe 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼
My birthday was coming up, and I told him "I wanna spend my birthday with you. And then the next day, I'll celebrate with my parents, and the day after that, with friends."
He nodded and agreed, listening to my plans for my birthday-week (I always celebrate for at least 3 days)
My mom arrived unannounced on my birthday, and I was trying not to be grumpy cuz I don't like my plans changing 😤
Dad had sent her cuz he was away and busy bc of work and thought sending mom to where I am would make me happy, which it did, but I preferred seeing her the next day and have this day with my husband :c
So as mom was staying in the guestroom, Loid was trying to get me to cheer up and told me we still can do what I have planned and not change it because of mom's presence. And so we did.
We were going to go to a restaurant I liked for dinner, only me and Loid. A birthday night date.
But I was a very worried mom lol
I felt anxious everytime I was away from our daughter.
And I told our daughter's nanny to bring her to the restaurant but sit far away from me and Loid so I can be at ease and enjoy myself, and also be there if anything goes wrong. But Loid didn't know about this 😬
As me and Loid were dining at the restaurant that night, enjoying the finest foods~ I suddenly heard our daughter crying from tables away.
I quickly got up and Loid looked at me in confusion.
I rushed to where our daughter was to check on her and naturally, Loid followed and found out that I'd had our daughter be there.
After we made sure our daughter was alright, he pulled me away from there so we could have a private moment, he cupped my face in his hands and gently caressed my cheeks neidjodidjodjdokd his touch was so gentle. He stared at me a bit sadly (he was generally worried that I seemed to be that anxious about our daughter)
He gently asked "what is our daughter doing here?"
I explained to him how I couldn't bring myself to leave her at home.
He said, "Love, your mom could take care of her for one day. And the nanny is always there. You're stressing yourself too much. She would have been fine at home. It's just one night.. you should at least be able to relax on your birthday"
Plus some other scenes from later where me and Loid were seated on the sofa at home. He was reading something, and I was snuggled into his side, watching our daughter play with her toys and run around the living room.
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ashtraythief · 1 year
That post you just reblogged made me sob, wtf was that. Anyway I can’t stand Mary in the later seasons. She is super uncaring and callous towards the boys, which is just so hard to imagine because that is not how I pictured her at all. Ooof, I always thought she’d love the shit out of them. I mean, who wouldn’t? Your kids gave up everything up to avenge you, literal years of their lives. That just breaks my heart. Honestly, I just pretend Mary coming back never happened. Jody was a better parent figure? What is up with that?
Omg yeah, so good. Hurts in the best way.
I think my thoughts on this matter deviate from yours here, and I'll put my ramblings under a cut. 
I wasn't a fan of them bringing Mary back. I don't understand what the point was except that J2 wanted more time off and the writers/Show runners were too uncreative to go beyond which dead character can we bring back??? 
That being said, I really like the idea expressed in ameliacareful's post. I don't remember how callous I found Mary bc I've only seen S12 onward once or twice because they really lost me in S12 and I only finished to watch it all. I do kind of get it though. I mean Mary had a toddler and a baby, a husband and bam she's dead, bam she's back and her little children are grown men, living a life she never wanted for them and her husband is dead. Not to mention the time jump. I mean that alone is enough to fuck anyone up I'd think. As for loving Sam and Dean, they're not her Sam and Dean. They're grown men. She needs to get to know them first. Knowing someone wanted to avenge you is not a sufficient basis for love I think, because you love someone because of all their bits not just one thing. And Mary never wanted them to go on the revenge hunting train to begin with so she was probably more horrified than anything. I would have been. My beloved tiny babies growing up into giant hardened hunters? Ouch. Also when Mary was a parent before she died, she tucked her kids into bed, made them sandwiches, changed Sam's diapers and put bandaids on Dean's scratches and read them stories. She can't do any of that with Sam and Dean. She thought she'd spend her next 20 years watching her boys grow up, making them food, helping them/herding them with their homework, driving him to little league games, comforting them when they cry, etc. I mean a parent's relationship with a young child is so different from an adult child, I don't blame Mary for not knowing how to behave with them. Also, Mary is more than just a mom. She's a whole person and reducing her to just their mom makes her a really one dimensional character. The problem was that the expectation of course was there for her to be a mom, from the boys too and the show didn't do the best job to show Mary's struggle. They tried. But then there was the whole men of letters thing. And I kind of get that maybe Mary is so confused and displaced that she goes back to something that is familiar and unconnected like hunting but again, the writing was so weak. The subject of a resurrected woman confronting her grown children is so complex and they just… didn't do it justice. And don't even get me started on her and Ketch and the brainwashing. And then they killed her again for drama. that whole story just didn't work form me at all. 
As for Jody, I didn't really see her as a parent or mother figure. She's a mother hen type, sure, but I didn't see a parental relationship there. I do like her and her relationship with the boys, I just didn't see her that way. Sometimes, you just have a friend who does that caretaking, planning, worrying, mother henning thing, but it's not necessarily parental. At least that's my impression of that relationship. 
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allergic-to-color · 2 years
A Very Merry Wenclair Family Christmas
DISCLAIMER!!! if y'all are looking for soft wenclair christmas content, you may be slightly disappointed... it started off as that, but at some point this literally just became me heavily projecting onto wednesday bc honestly the same thing happens to me during the holidays, it just gets to be too much and yeah- anyway enjoy fhdjfjfkdk
tw: ??
word count: ??
Christmastime, Wednesday's favorite time of the year. It was the last day of class before winter break, and the raven-haired girl was absolutely dreading it. Not that she didn't want to see her family, (although, perhaps that was also part of it.), but she was just getting used to being away from home for so long, and then there was Enid...
Normally, there should be decorations, the whole building lit up like a Christmas tree, but Weems couldn't be bothered to spend the school's budget on something that would only be taken down again in January, so she didn't really see the point in it. So the halls of Nevermore remained dark, and cold. As cold as Wednesday's mother's heart, she thought.
While everyone else was getting excited and ready to go home for a few weeks, there was Enid, alone, sitting on her bed next to a packed suitcase and trying not to have a full on breakdown after the phone call she'd just had with her mother. The pure rage she felt, while at the same time, a deep sadness washing over her, there wasn't a single person that could possibly understand her pain right now.
What was she going to do? She didn't have anywhere else to go. She thought that maybe, just maybe, her parents would accept her now that she'd finally transformed. But it didn't change a single thing. The Lycan felt absolutely shattered and nothing could make things better in the moment. Down the hall, Ms. Thornhill could hear the whimpers and cries from Enid, so she decided to investigate.
“G-Go away..” the blonde mumbled as she heard the woman's footsteps approaching the door. She thought it was Wednesday. Cautiously, Thornhill opened the door, making her way to the young girl's bed and having a seat on the end. “What's wrong, honey?” she asked in a soft tone, not wanting to startle her student. With a deep breath, Enid just mumbled out in a barely audible voice; “icantgohomeforchristmas”.
The woman was confused at first, but then it all clicked immediately after, and she just placed a comforting hand on Enid. “Did you wanna talk about it?” The girl sighed and shook her head, curling up with her blanket and crying some more. She cried her little heart out until it stopped hurting.
“I'll be right back, okay?” and she left the room, returning about 15 minutes later with Ms. Weems. The older woman had made a call to Wednesday's parents and made arrangements for Enid to spend the holidays with her family, which of course they were hesitant about — but knowing that Enid was her closest friend, they agreed.
Once the two women let Enid know the arrangements, now all that was left was to wait for the raven-haired girl to return and they'd be sent on their way.
Wednesday's POV:
“Thing. Help me with these bags.” I said as I opened the door to my dormitory, which wasn't something I was exactly looking forward to, seeing as it's Christmas time, and principal weems said that I couldn't stay at Nevermore for the holidays, since nobody would be here— to which I told her that I actually prefer it that way. Where was I? Oh. Right. Thing didn't move. Or 'say' anything, I honestly think that if he had the ability to, he'd be giving me the dirtiest look and rolling his eyes right at the command. Perhaps next time I should be more polite. But probably not.
It isn't until I take my headphones off that I even notice that Enid is sitting on her bed, she looks sad, (I think) and she's got company. My eyes widen and I take a step back as I realize it's my teacher, and principal. Acknowledging their presence with a nod, I wait for one of them to explain why they're here. They tell me that I'm being forced to take wolf girl home with me. I'm thrilled, really. I don't even waste my breath making an argument, as I've grown quite fond of Enid, and I don't really have any other choice.
Meanwhile, in the car on the way to the Addams family home....
Enid had somehow managed to sneak her hand over to Wednesday's and rested it there for the remainder of the car ride, unnoticed— or, if Wednesday had noticed, she just didn't say anything, and that's honestly what Enid was hoping. “Enid.” The girl muttered, staring down at their hands before staring back out the window. She wasn't usually one for small talk, so the rest of the trip was mostly silent after that....whether that was by choice or not, neither of the girls were really sure.
“Wednesday?” Enid tapped her friend on the shoulder and immediately she was startled awake, turning to the blonde and staring at her through hooded eyes, she hated being woken up... almost as much as she hated unprompted touches. “Sorry. It's just—” she pointed out the window as they approached a large, creepy looking mansion on a hill at the end of a long, winding driveway. It sort of reminded Enid of Nevermore. “Your house is so big...” she said with a smile and Wednesday just nodded.
If she was being honest, holidays weren't ideal for her. But, her parents were usually very understanding of her needs and things were kept lowkey. This Christmas, however, they would have a few unexpected visitors...
As soon as they pulled into the driveway, Wednesday had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach, and it wasn't pleasant, but she sucked it up and put her headphones back on, so she could try and make it through the next few weeks with her sanity somewhat in tact. Morticia wasn't really a holiday person herself, either, but she couldn't pass up this opportunity to get to know the girl who her daughter had been getting close to over the last year or so. It was rare that Wednesday let anyone in, so you could imagine how her parents were feeling. Let's just say, those feelings were.....mixed.
In front of the house was all-black string lights, some leftover Halloween decorations, christmas-ified, nothing too colorful or bright, just how Wednesday liked it. Although, it did spook the young Lycan just a little bit.
Once they got up to the house, Lurch let the girls out of the car and helped with their bags, Morticia and Gomez were already waiting in the doorway, practically attached at the hip. Wednesday found this nauseating. “There's my little viper!” Gomez smiled as he greeted the raven, he wasn't too sure about the brightly colored girl next to her. They'd both met her, but it was only briefly, so they were hesitant about a stranger staying in their home. But they had always been open-minded, so they were willing to give her a chance. Besides, it wasn't like they'd be keeping her as a pet...
“Hello, darling.. welcome home.” Morticia's eyes scanned over her daughter and she noticed that she was acting strange, and not in the usual way. Not in the Addams way. “Oh, what is it, dear? has a cat got my little raven's tongue?” she spoke in a calming tone with genuine concern as she broke away from her husband, hands coming up to cup Wednesday's face. The girl just nodded and looked away, sighing.
Enid looked over, concerned about her and whimpered quietly. “Do you need anything? How can we help?” The older woman asked, but all Wednesday could do was shake her head ‘no’. The girl hated when she got this way, it made her feel weak, it was rare, but she hate it nevertheless. But her parents, and Enid were thankfully very patient with her, they knew it wasn't a choice, and she just needed to take some time to herself to recharge.
Wednesday's POV (again):
I don't know why this happened, earlier I was fine, but it's like my thoughts are racing, I just can't get them out. I wish I wasn't like this, but I know that I can't change it, I can only adapt. I'm just glad that Thing taught me sign language and I've learned to use that for simple communication when I cannot speak. I look forward to just spending the evening alone in my bedroom. But then I look up, and see that my Uncle, cousin Itt, and my grandmother (who I honestly didn't even know was still alive at this point.). Great. They're all here for the holidays... yay... I sigh deeply and march straight up to my bedroom.
No surprise, Enid's following right behind me like some sad little pup. She's the only person who I think I can tolerate right now, she doesn't always know how to help, or what to say— but honestly I'm just.....appreciative of her support.. I don't know if she knows that, I don't exactly know how to express that, but I hope she does know.
a few days later...
It'd been a few days since Wednesday had said a single word, the stress and sensory overload were too much to handle. God, she hated this. Everyone was getting ready for Christmas and having conversations and being together, but she couldn't bring herself to take part, she just wished she could be with Enid alone and watch Christmas movies with her. She hated them, but she loved making fun of horrible movies and they were honestly worse than horror movies to her. Enid was the complete opposite.
The Lycan knew to keep her distance unless she was specifically asked for, she was mostly quiet other than to ask if Wednesday needed anything. This wasn't exactly how either of them planned for this break to go, but they honestly just enjoyed each other's company, Enid was Wednesday's comfort person. Whether she made that known or not. “Hey, Wedn—” The blonde finally broke the days-long silence, the raven girl just glared at her, annoyed. “........Yeah.” It was more of a statement than a question, she wasn't really up for conversation just yet, forcing even the simple response felt like climbing mount everest. “Sorry. I know you're struggling, it's just— I wanted to say , Merry Christmas. I'm really glad you let me stay with you all this time, I don't want to be an annoyance, but yeah. I hope I'm not. Sorry.” Enid sighed, grabbing a gift from beside her side of the bed and handed it to the raven. “ what's this. ” wednesday looked up at her best friend , skeptical. “just open it, you silly! I promise you will like it. I hope so, anyway.” the lycan beamed at her, studying her every move and subtle changes in expression, anxious to see what she thought about her present.
to be continued because I keep forgetting about this and it's been a while since I wrote it 😭 merry christmas tho djdjsjfjsjdj. edit: totally did not mean to leave this on a cliffhanger besties my bad I will try to get a part 2 out within the next week or so 🖤
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keepoffthegrassss · 2 years
It was weeks ago now and I can't rember who it was, but I saw a post of someone saying they wanted some fics of Steve seeing Billy that first day in the car park and immediately dumping Nancy bc of it. By the time I'd written this I couldn't find the post anywhere , idk if this is what they wanted but its what came to my mind, I obvs changed the timeline around a little but hopefully it's still easy to follow, anyway enjoy :)
Steve pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins High. Nancy was sitting in the seat next to him. The air was tense between them, had been since last Wednesday.
"So let me see the essay" She said, he unfolded it and handed it to her. He watched her face as she was reading it and he could see her mouth, pinching into a line. clearly preparing herself to let him down gently.
"i know it's shit" he said,
"No, it's not, It just needs a little reorganising, can I make notes?"
"Yeah, sure." He said.
"So here you talk about your basketball game, which is really good, but then you go on to talk about your grandfather and I don't really see how it's related?"
"Well, you see, we both won. That's the connection." 
"..Right" She says, almost grimacing. "Well, when's the deadline?"
"Tomorrow for early admissions." She winced. He said, "Well, Can you come over and help me with it tonight?"
"We can't. We've got the dinner tonight."
He froze thinking back to what happened at last week's dinner with Barbara's parents. They'd been doing it for months now. Coming over every Wednesday, having dinner with them and consoling them, pretending not to know that the daughter they thought had run away and was missing was in fact dead and buried.
It had always been horrible but last Wednesday Nancy seemed to be having a harder time than usual.
She drank too much at dinner And when she excused herself to the bathroom, Steve followed trying to look after her. And that's when she got mad at him for not telling Barbara's parents about her death.
Which was completely unfair. 
He remembered the look on her face, looking at him like he was disgusting. He had to remind her that they were under a government NDA to not tell anyone. 
She didn't care.
She started calling the government bullshit, the NDA bullshit. Hawkins lab bullshit. All the stuff that happened and Barb's death? Bullshit.
And then she turned on him. She pointed her finger at him and said "you are bullshit".
He remembered reeling back like he'd been hit, hurt and shock making it hard to breathe. 
"Nance, what do you..."
"you're pretending like everything is fine and it's not fine! Barbara is dead and no one can know. This is all bullshit! You and me pretending, going on little dates like we're in love." 
Steve froze.
"..Like we're in love?.."
"Bullshit." she spat.
"..You don't love me?" 
At that moment she turned around and threw up in the toilet. Even with his mind reeling he'd helped her out, holding her hair and rubbing her back even though his mind was a million miles away, he was barely aware of their touching.
He remembers awkwardly apologising to Barbara's parents, they were very understanding, dinner was over anyway. He remembers having to support Nancy, the touch scalding him as he led her to his car. He remembers driving her home in silence, simmering the whole time trying not to cry. He dropped her off at the door into Mrs Wheeler's arms and just walking away. Mrs Wheeler could see that he was upset but didn't say anything.
He came back to the car where they were sitting as Nancy repeated whatever she'd said. He scoffed, "right, of course, the dinner."
She glared at him.
He had confronted her about what she said the next day. But she claimed that she was drunk and that she didn't remember any of it. It wasn't right for him to be mad at her. And he kind of understood that…but he could not shake the hurt that he felt when she called everything that he felt for her. The last year of their life spent together. Bullshit.
A roaring engine interrupted them. They both turned on instinct to see a navy blue camaro swerve into the parking lot, screeching to a halt in front of them. 
They glanced at each other silently communicating and opening their doors, as they stood they could hear the loud music blasting from the car, something with alot of electric guitar. Nancy's sharp eyes immediately noticed the California licence plate. 
The door opened and a booted foot slammed down onto the concrete, next  a head of dirty blonde curls ducked out from the car as the owner got out, straightening and slamming the door shut.He leaned back against the car to light a cigarette, looking out across the parking lot with a smirk on his face, his eyes glancing over Nancy and Steve with a sneer.
The other door opened and Steve vaguely noticed a redheaded girl get out and skate off.
But he wasn't looking at her. He was looking at the boy. 
A cigarette dangling from his pink lips as he tucked his tight, white tshirt into his even tighter blue jeans that left little to the imagination. As he turned his head Steve caught the flash of an earring dangling from one of his ears. 
The boy took one last suck on his cigarette, Steve watching the way his cheeks hollowed and how his long eyelashes fluttered as he blew the smoke out through his nose, before he threw his cigarette to the ground, grinding it out with his boot and sauntering off towards the school building. Swaying his hips and showing off his gorgeously muscled ass as he did. Steve noticed the tittering of girls as he walked past them clearly checking him out.
Nancy huffed, drawing Steve's attention back to her, she'd come round the front of the car to stand next to him and watch the stranger disappear. Her nose was scrunched up, a judgemental look on her face.
Steve frowned.
He looked down at her, her small frame and soft brown hair in contrast with her piercing eyes and crossed arms. Then he thought of a muscled frame with unruly curls, a smirking mouth that didn't match the look in those sea blue eyes and decided then and there that he was going to make a decision.
“Nance. Do you love me?”
Steve clarified, “I know that you were drunk. But you said that you didn't love me. So I'm asking you now, do you love me?”
She froze. Clearly panicked. And her mouth opened and closed. 
She seemed to not know how to reply.
“Right..i see” he muttered, turning away and willing back the tears in his eyes. 
“Steve” she said “Steve that's not fair!”
He whirled around, 
“What's not fair!? We've been dating for a year! I thought that we were in love! You said that you loved me. And then you call it bullshit.” he took a steadying breath “Even now, when you're sober. You still can't say that you love me. So maybe you're right! That year of our relationship was bullshit. So what's the point of continuing!?”
She looked hurt, almost like she might cry, and steve could see her opening her mouth to say something but he cut in before she could, afterall she’d already hurt him so badly
“I won't see you at the dinner tonight. Goodbye, Nancy.”
He spun around and walked into the school, immediately veering into the bathrooms to splash water on his face and compose himself. He wasn't sure if he really wanted their relationship to be over, but he certainly didn't want what was going on for the past week to continue.
Or perhaps what had been happening for the past Year, they say that drunk words are sober thoughts, or at least that's what Steve was telling himself as he wondered if he'd made the right decision.
He headed to his locker, feeling determined to not regret this, on his way he saw that blond haired boy in the office, leaning on the desk in a way that showed off his ass, a charming smile on his face as he spoke to the receptionist. 
The boy turned, looking Steve up and down then smirking as they made eye contact. The receptionist said something and the boy turned away again. 
Steve could feel heat rising to his cheeks, but also sinking low in his gut as he walked away, unable to help the smile forcing its way onto his face.
Yes he decided, he definitely made the right decision.
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
An odd little modern au thing with izzy doing a solid for mary and doug during an emergency, in the process pissing off stede leading to a stede and mary argument, which lands izzy in explaining his own near death experiences while babysitting the kids bc mary won't call stede and ed for it while pissed at stede. It gets wildly serious and sad, but i also tried to keep my own death positivity vibe in there, in that yes death can be scary, but it doesn't have to be and you can sit safely with your fear.
is genuinely the easiest way to describe this odd thing.
Fun fact: all of the described experiences i gave izzy belong to myself or other family members! We have a joke of the [our last name, my maternal grandfather's last name] curse as a result! sometimes it doesn't feel that much like a joke lmao
anyway: TW for multiple medical emergencies (two appendix related and two severe allergic reactions), detailed descriptions of near death experiences. Brief mention of beliefs, but v general in nature.
"We're in your debt," Mary smiles and hands over a sobbing Louis. "I'll call as soon as we get there."
They speed off with Alma in the backseat of the car, leaving Izzy and Louis in the dark front yard together.
"My appendix didn't kill me," Izzy remarks, after a moment of patting Louis' back hoping for a break in the hysterical sobs. "Your sister's won't kill her either. I promise."
Dangerous promise, considering they'd been sent back from the doctor multiple times over the week over the exact pain that had made Alma pass out now.
He winds up essentially wearing Louis with how the kid clings to him. It's not unlike a possum baby clinging to a parent, and it would be sweet if it wasn't actually painful.
So he sits on the couch and lets him cry and vent out everything he's worried will happen to his sister until finally, Louis sleeps.
"She's okay," Mary says. "Back home as of today, actually."
Stede narrows his eyes. "And I'm only finding all of this out today because..."
"Because she nearly died, Stede, and we've been a bit preoccupied with that!"
"I understand, but she's my daughter too and I could have helped look after Louis! Surely he didn't enjoy being there for all that."
"Izzy looked after him. Has on and off while Doug and I took turns staying with Alma."
"You called him first?" Stede knows he's being a touch dramatic. But he's also just found out how close their oldest was to death, all over an improperly diagnosed appendix that burst, in all of five minutes of arriving for their weekly group dinner.
"He doesn't have kids or a partner that stays with him usually, so I thought he wouldn't mind being bothered, and he's helped babysit the kids before," Mary splutters. "Stede, we were panicking, and it was one in the fucking morning and I couldn't wake her up! Forgive me for just hitting the first name in my contacts list that seemed a good choice!"
"Okay," Doug says softly after a beat. "I'm gonna put out dinner for the kids. Ed, can you help these guys get to the theater room? The kids know to join us after they eat."
"We should go," Stede says. "Izzy might be available though. He's usually sitting home alone anyway."
"Stede," Ed hisses. "Come on. Let's at least talk to them-"
"No! I'm always the one suggesting talking, and no one else ever wants to! Now it's my turn to say no to it!"
"As if you would have done any better had this happened on one of your weekends," Mary scoffs, and sniffles. "Fuck off then. Ed, we'll try again next week, and I'll box some of this up for you to take home. You don't have to share it with him though."
"Mary, I didn't mean-"
"I know," she says bluntly. "I don't care right now. Both of you, get the fuck out of my house."
"The house I insisted you take in the divorce."
"Stede," Ed's hand carefully but firmly grabs his arm. "Enough."
He's right.
They walk back out and get a wave in at the kids from the front window.
"I can," Izzy replies. "Are Stede and Ed out of town again? They didn't mention-"
"Please don't bring them up right now," Mary interrupts, voice tinny through his old flip phone's speaker. "To us or the kids. We're... it's just a rough patch we're working through."
"Understood. Anything Alma shouldn't be doing yet?"
"She's got permission to sit and watch TV, or read, but no physical running around yet," Mary sighs. "She's giving her doctor grey hairs."
"That just means she's feeling better."
He heads over a half hour later, a little earlier than Mary had requested. It gives him time to think about what the fuck might constitute a 'rough patch', and to call Ed to ask.
"Stede is furious that she called you instead of us," Ed says plainly. "And I mean...I see both their sides. I think they'll see that too, eventually. Doug does already, so he and I have been in contact trying to help mend the bridge."
"Is that him?!" is shouted in the background.
"Yes, he had a question for me," Ed replies. "I'd better go. The kids like you; just act like everything is normal and it'll be fine."
He's right, up until Mary and Doug drive away from the house and towards their restaurant reservation, and Louis bursts into tears.
"Awful early for that," Izzy groans and picks him up. "What are we going to do when you get too big for that?"
"Lift weights," Louis grumbles and sniffles into his shoulder.
Inside he finally is able to shed his leather jacket and Louis, though the latter is immediately back at his side.
"Alma keeps saying she isn't going to die now. I don't believe her."
"Wouldn't she know best if she was about to?"
Louis blinks. "Oh."
He takes the opportunity to lead Louis to Alma's room, though per usual, she's fine.
Sat in bed, reading, headphones on-
With a book entitled Near Death Experiences and You.
"Oh," Izzy sighs.
"Have you ever almost died?"
"You know, these taste better because they're shaped like faces," he's spent the entire dinner of dinosaur chicken nuggets and smiley face chips like this, trying to avoid actively discussing death while Alma asked the same death-related questions.
"You're avoiding the question," she says.
"He's not dead, so what does it matter?" Louis asks. "The smiley face ones are my favourite, even though Mum says they aren't healthy."
"They're potatoes; that's a vegetable and that's healthy enough."
"That's what I said!"
Alma slams a hand against the table top. "I want to know!"
"And that's fair enough, but would Mum or Dad let you act like that? Or Ed or Doug?"
She blinks. "No. Sorry."
"Eat your dinner. After that, we can talk. Louis, you can stay up for that if you like. But I leave it up to you."
To his surprise, Louis walks into the living room with them after dessert.
"Have I ever nearly died?" Izzy repeats aloud as they settle beside him on the couch. "Yes. More than once."
"When, and how?" Alma asks. "What did you see? You know, during..."
"Are you sure this is actually something you want to hear?"
She nods. "I don't...I keep reading about it and looking it up online because I don't know...for me, it was..."
She gives him a pleading look as her words trail off.
"Not sure what it was or how to explain it?"
She nods again.
"Okay. Well, the first was when I was all of two years old. My mum had to tell me this one, of course, so I can't exactly give details of how it felt. Bad, I'm sure."
Alma looks horrified. "Two?"
"I was given an almond and a few other mixed nuts by my grandmother; my first time ever eating them," Izzy continues. "Turns out I'm allergic at varying levels to all of them. Bad enough with some that my throat swelled and I wound up in hospital."
"And they said you almost died?"
"I did. Mum, grandparents have all confirmed my lips were blue by the time they got me there. But I was so young that I don't remember it beyond what they've told me."
"That's why you have Epi-Pens," Louis remarks. "I thought maybe it was for something cooler."
"It's okay," Izzy smiles. "He's right. They should be for something cooler, but no. Just in case I accidentally get given a walnut and don't realise it."
"You said your appendix didn't kill you," Louis says. "Was that another time?"
"It was! My first year working with Ed, both in our early twenties and in the ship yard together. I insisted I only had a stomachache, and the doctor the company called in agreed. Ed was the one who protested and finally dragged me to the hospital himself."
"Had it burst by then?" Alma asks.
"It did right about as he got me in the door of the hospital, actually. But they didn't believe us, so I sat in the waiting area for hours. Then, once they had me admitted, they still didn't believe me and had me waiting for all sorts of tests."
"How long?"
"Believe it or not, days. Ed tells me three, because by then, we later found out, I had gone septic. So I don't have a lot of detail on that either, except for the surgery itself."
"Holy fuck," Alma breathes.
"Language," Izzy murmurs.
"Pot meet kettle."
"Okay, fair enough. Anyway, during the surgery, and remember, we don't actually know what happens during all of this, or after. Everyone believes what they believe, and that's fine. Belief isn't...what you need everyone to know to prove a point about things, like what happens after death. It's for your own comfort and life, yeah?"
"Sure," Alma says. "What did you see?!"
"I...did see a light. No tunnel nonsense, just a light. And I felt very calm, even though I could register that people were rushing around me, operating on me finally. I thought of Ed, and it was like there was something of me away from my body, sitting there beside him in the waiting room. Jack had come by then and was comforting him and I kept trying to get him to look at me, but he wouldn't-"
It occurs to him that he's started to cry. "Sorry. Um, yeah, but then suddenly I was awake and on the operating table and in the worst pain of my life. They got me sewed up after that, and then finally I was given proper pain meds while I recovered. But I was dead for a few minutes per the surgeon."
Alma nods.
"You okay?"
"Is there more?"
"Jesus christ."
Izzy snorts. "That's about how it feels, honestly. There's a quote about that, about being someone who did not die when they should have died..."
"That's how it feels," Alma says softly.
"You want to talk about what happened?"
"Can I hear the rest of yours first?"
Louis crawls into his lap and snuggles.
"You want to hear the rest? If not, I can take you up to your room."
"I'll stay," Louis replies. "You're really unlucky, huh?"
"That's one way of putting it. But...the one after that, you guys don't need to hear about. Not yet at least. I was a teenager and it was stupid and...maybe in a few years."
"I guess," Alma says.
"The next one was just another allergic reaction."
"Just another one," her eyes roll. "Right."
"That was...I was nearly thirty then. Ate a couple of chocolates that had massive amounts of pecan in them, but I didn't know that. Didn't have my Epi-Pens at that point in my life, so I took some over the counter allergy medicine and tried to carry on. Don't do that, if either of you ever wind up in that situation."
She just stares. Understandable, because no one he's told about this one has ever had any other reaction.
"Eventually, my body tried to make me sick anyway it could, to get it out, all the while my throat swelled. I finally broke down and called Ed for help. By then I was at the oddly calm stage, even though my body was still trying so hard to make me sick. Laying on my bathroom floor, feverish, not realising at all how bad it was, feeling utterly outside of myself-"
Alma grabs his arm. "That. I felt like I was watching myself!"
"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to experience that."
"What happened next?" Louis asks. "Did Ed get there in time?"
"No, he died," Alma snaps.
"Alma," Izzy chuckles. "He did. He found me there in my bathroom, called the emergency line and asked what to do, then drove me to the ED and stayed with me while they..."
He pauses. "Wow. While they tried to keep me breathing. Anyway, one panic attack over them inserting an IV later, I was being pumped full of epinephrine and benadryl and some other things I don't remember and was feeling much better. Left the ED a few hours later, actually."
Alma frowns. "They wanted you to leave?"
"They did. Said I was good. I felt horrible the next few weeks after, and my sensitivity to those allergies is even worse now, but otherwise I was fine."
Louis yawns. "You need to stop almost dying."
"I'll do my best."
"I could hear Doug crying."
Izzy lets Alma take his hand.
"But I knew he was with Mum a bunch of rooms away, so I shouldn't be able to hear him. Also, Mum knows a lot more swear words than I realised. I think she made some up, because she kept going after the doctor that said I was fine."
"You need to tell your Mum and Doug this too," he says. "They should know, and they can help with this."
She nods. "I'm sort of tired. Can we go to bed?"
"I think your brother is drooling on me."
"He is. It's really gross."
He makes it home by midnight, but he doesn't sleep.
It isn't exactly a bothersome thing, to talk about each experience. He has to at various doctor visits now and again anyway.
But he's unsettled all the same.
"No," is the icy reply.
"Sorry, I'll-"
"Alma said you did a good job tonight. Texted me earlier. Said to be nicer to you because you keep nearly dying. Is that true?"
Izzy sighs and chuckles. "Do you have an evening to hear about it?"
"I suppose I do. Ed and I are still awake, and staying up if you want-"
"I'll be there in five."
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maraeffect · 1 year
can't sleep and my head is buzzing so!! im happy ranting here
ANYWAY i totally didn't realize how close it was but I'M GETTING ANOTHER TATTOO IN A WEEEEEEEK 💖💖💖 it's my Christmas present from my parents lol; i just get to have it now bc we don't know how long my break from treatment will last. can't get anything new once i start back up most treatments!! going out of the past two months i'll be 3 tattoos cooler and will have gotten two things i've wanted since 5+ YEARS AGO.... and maybe i'll add something myself, too, since i'm trying to practice tattooing!! i'll share pics when everything is healed (:
and then autumn and i have our FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY COMING UP. on Halloween!!!! i could CRY like how has it been this long!!! and we're doing my eternity collar and im genuinely so happy 😭💖 NEXT month too we're going to a friend's wedding back home, and i get to see my best friend!! and hazel!! which is gonna be great bc i didn't know if i would get to see hazel before her cancer got really bad.
and this one will sound silly but. i used to SWEAR by this one contour in HS. but it was in a palette and i couldn't get it on its own, so i only had the one pan. well it turns out they've been making it as a single for YEARS now, and i saw it and am officially REUNITED 💖💖💖 it made me so confident when i'd wear it so im really excited 🥹 (especially since they changed the formula of my other go-to chocolate Soleil, and now it's gross)
also i have just felt very confident and cute and happy lately, which is really such a treat 🥹💖 i have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone more, which has made me super proud of myself, and made me more productive!! i'm drawing again, eating a little better, and wearing my prosthetic more (: just a lot 2 be happy for 💖💖💖💖
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
After I split with my ex, it took me a while to get my head around it, like justifying to myself that I wasnt in the wrong etc andthat the way he was treating me was wrong and I shouldn't feel guilty about breaking it off etc.... I ended up trying to do like a 3rd point of view perspective thing... so like, I would explain everything that happened and how I felt and then try to see it from another point of view so like this other point of view would go. . "So you didnt reply to his message within an hour because you were literally in a college class which he knew beforehand, and he took the huff and wouldnt speak to you for over day as punishment?? You shouldn't not feel bad about ending it" obvs I had more extreme examples too lol but I dony wanna delve into them much it's like baggage ahaha
But afterwards, like when i was over him and had no feelings towards him etc, i thought i was fine and then discovered i wasnt... so like i could meet someone and really like them and find them attractive etc, and their personality and vibe really well and when I started to fancy this guy I was like omg yes thisnis nice and he acc seems a lot nicer than my ex woop woop. But then as soon I started to think about being in an actual romantic relationship with him I couldnt, I felt physically sick and anxious??? I literally couldn't face the idea of a relationship being like my previous one and I realised that while I was over him, I had some other issues as a result of the relationship I had to deal with instead.
I did get over it though
I've actually forgotten the point I was making with this message now so I do apologise for that sorry
But I thought he hadnt cared too, like he would delete every single pic of us literally within an hour of us breaking up.... he blocked me, and things he didnt block me on, he would post stuff like "good riddance" and stuff that basically made out he didnt care and it was all me etc and that I meant nothing to him....... he would add all these girls and shared their photos with hearts etc....
Anyway like a few months later he literally tried to get in touch saying he was sorry and he missed me and thought about me everyday etc and couldnt get over me
I ignored him though and that was that
I guess this is just a bit of a sharing story, I hope it helps in some way????? Sorry if it doesnt though.......
yeah, the looking at what happened from an outsider's perspective is a really good method. makes things a lot clearer and easier to see. and yeah thanks for sharing your story, it makes me feel less alone <3
but yeah, im definitely scared of falling in love again. but i really hope that the next time it happens, im gonna be more mature and sensible and things will be clearer for me. i mean obviously that's gonna be the case cos i fell in love with B when i was 17 and even now things would be different. but the thought of being in a relationship any time soon makes me very anxious. i think my next serious relationship is gonna be in like 5 years from now. for now the vibe is celibacy all the way!
i wonder how i would feel if B reached out to me again. bc i know it's very stupid of me, but it makes me sad that he didn't try to get me back, you know? like he didn't fight for me. he tried a little bit and maybe i have high expectations, but it didn't feel like it was enough. a deep dark side of me wishes he suffered more. and don't get me wrong, he did suffer. i left him without a warning and i still feel terribly guilty about that. the night i left he stood outside my parents' balcony and shouted my name and thinking about that makes my skin crawl. i feel awful. but at the same time something about that was so satisfying bc it felt like he had finally acknowledged me and my feelings.
but idk. maybe im spiteful and vengeful. and sadistic. but i fantasise about him begging me on his knees to take him back and crying and sleeping by my front door and following me around like a puppy dog asking for forgiveness. the last time we saw each other and had sex i strangled him, wishing i could actually choke him to death. i wanted to see despair in his eyes and absolute submission to me. like finally, after all the suffering i had endured, finally i could have full control over him and make him mine. you know?
but he never fought for me. and from a sensible perspective, that's good. he accepted my rejection and left me alone. and that kind of things requires great discipline, so good for him i guess. im thankful for that. but from like a twisted toxic perspective, i wish he'd message me saying that he misses me.
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mordcore · 1 year
teaching me to drive was also. something. my mom was wayyy to angry and impatient with me, i wouldn't learn anything and just panic and/or cry. so eventually only my dad got to teach me. i actually broke the entire engine of the car cuz he forced me to drive on the fucking. periférico (city freeway) before i was ready (and i never became ready). it's like neither of them could accept that i can't be a fucking prodigy in every single fucking task. like my dad kinda calmed down a bit eventually and i learnt a lot of good & important things but he was always a little too strict and high pressure.
i actually only rly learnt that i Can drive in driving school because idk the teacher there was just fucking. chill. like he didn't overwhelm me right away for one and had me practice easy shit first (thank gods). and when he thought i was ready he said "let's drive on this busier road" and just kinda leaned back & let me handle it & i was like whoa. actually i Can do it! bc he was actually. trusting me & not stressing me out the entire time.
once i had my license & regularly drove to school mom would come along sometimes but She Had To Sit In The Back or she'd stress me out by freaking out all the time. hey i think i know who i got my control-freak-ness from!
anyways i just realized that i wasn't actually asked if i wanted to learn to drive and i think i tried to quit a few times but was forced to suffer thru it (is this why i can force myself to suffer thru anything?). i'm starting to realize that "my parents decided i'd do/learn/want/wear this thing next" is going to keep coming up in every single fucking memory :/
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captainmarsupial · 10 days
once again, i fail at this blog.
it's just now occurring to me that fall is in like, a week. which means i get to listen to stuff like phoebe bridgers & death cab for cutie & kyuhyun's "fall, once again" album & that one dj snake song about the end of summer. <3 i know it's gonna be hot for the next five weeks anyway, but i'm still in a good mood about it. the sun sets earlier & the mornings are a little colder! and i'm just about in the mood for warmer scents and using my oven!
summer was good. i guess i haven't updated since the first of july?! my week off kind of sucked since i was at home & there was a pretty vicious heatwave, but we got a new couch and it's such an upgrade from our old one. i went on a cousins trip to san diego which i would say was...overall successful, but i definitely learned who i would not travel with again. hahahah. but that's maybe not a story for the public blog. other than that, july was pretty laid back. i saw a soccer game with kristen & honor, celebrated john's bday, hosted a knitting night with tram & minnette & a new friend jenn... also ate hella bad & barely worked out, but that's ok. lol
august was buuuusy. went to outsidelands after swearing i'd retire, also went to a jazz festival (which was so much more lowkey), had a catch-up dinner with susan, took a yarn spinning class!, & had like a billion different birthday celebrations:
-dinner with toni at this popup thing her cousin was hosting. it was my first time doing one of those tasting menu type dinners & it felt hella fancy. there were some things we were confused on how to eat, & also there were ribs on the menu but we didn't know if we could use our hands?! LOL. i ended up using mine bc it was supposed to be a filipino fusion menu, & we use our HANDS! i also got a birthday shot on the house, &they gave me a fat ass shot of hennessy. -lunch with noel & josh! we got japanese curry, &then we went to the mall bc noel was buying a very expensive watch. i was already planning on buying myself a very expensive bag which is why i tagged along. my wallet was crying, but it was worth it & it was fun to hang out with the guys. :] -dinner with siblings & toni & everyone's SOs! we got kbbq. i was banned from helping plan this dinner because im the micromanager friend :[ embarrassing. but it was so awesome, they got me a cake that was covered in kyuhyun cake toppers bahah. &the restaurant staff wheeled it out which was definitely embarrassing but it's ok. -house party! not really. it was only like ten of us, but we did barbecue &drink hella &play beer pong &sing karaoke for the rest of the night. we cleaned up the yard & busted out all the seating and the umbrella, and had party favorites (filipino bbq + lumpia + little caesars LOL). oh & we even played GUITAR HERO! honestly, it was pretty healing. it was like all the best parts of family parties &no aunties there to call us fat or ask us why we weren't dating or going to med school. hahahah -dinner with parents! honestly, i've been too busy to go home and i feel super bad about it. so we met halfway and got sushi &did some shopping after. it made me happy, but i should definitely try & go back home sometime this month...
annndd now it's september!
i started playing tennis (technically again, but i haven't played since high school) & it's been a ton of fun. im so bad at sports, but i've definitely been getting the hang of it, which is shocking. i guess the only thing is im worried about getting injured so i tend not to go super hard. which i guess is fine, at my grown ass age lmao. but i do try and cross-train by doing cardio &strength training at the gym. i think it's helping more than i thought it would.
choir also started back up again! i was playing tennis last week with tram and rj and josh, & they were joking that i have the extracurricular schedule of a high school student. the only thing about choir is we're preparing for the christmas concert, so im already hearing christmas music this month. i've always been good about not listening to any christmas music until after thanksgiving, but not since i started singing in choir again. BAAHH. but im pretty excited for this concert because the repertoire isn't as challenging as last year's.
this week niki came & stayed for a few days since she was attending a conference in the area. it was actually rly fun to have a sleepover vibe going on, even if we did all sleep in separate rooms at the end of the evening LOL. we had a yummy dinner of korean corn dogs on her first night, &just caught up with...life. i haven't seen her in a couple of months since helping her move, &i worry about her sometimes bc i know she's going thru some life stresses.. so it was good to catch up, &have some reassurance that she's ok. on thursday night we were all busy, so we didn't see each other until the end of the evening, but on friday we spent the afternoon in the backyard drinking some vietnamese dessert drinks &playing genius star &cracking jokes. it was a nice start to the weekend. :]
i actually saw her yesterday too to check out her new place! she & meredith are living with a couple minnesotan friends now that i got to meet back in march. marissa came too so it was basically a mini reunion. we had a super yummy home cooked dinner & then talked shit about crappy guys at work & then played this game called in cahoots. i ended up going home first since i live the farthest :[ buut it was so nice to be all together again. i think march was the last time.. TT i've seen the rest of them on separate occasions since then, but being together as a group just hits different. sam & emily are so nice too :')) they live so far away, but hopefully i'll see them again soon.
next week im going camping! my sister was supposed to come, but she texted me today that she has covid :[ grrr. i should definitely be more careful since a lot of people i know have been getting it.. i slacked off on masking at work for sure, but people there sound hella nasty right now. so i packed a mask in my bag lol. anyway, camping should be fun. im excited to hike and cook! i started watching the kvar show spring camp today, &it really got me excited to camp. granted my gear is not that nice compared to theirs LOL. but still.
im hoping it won't be super hot at camping, especially now that the nights are cooling down significantly. i guess as long as we get the outdoor activities out of the way early, & then spend the rest of the day in the shade it should be fine. ahhhh...im excited :]
anyway, i guess ill go do some duolingo &then go to sleep.
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