#anyway i really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who needs their brain melting/enjoys a good murder mystery
sw33tsuccubus · 2 months
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𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘰 𝘣𝘧 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
warnings: bad writing perhaps
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How Does He Act With A Crush?
he’s so cute when he has a crush. he finds excuses to hang out with you, he’s nicer to you than he is to anyone. he does his best to charm you with his ‘bad boy’ persona and then drops it to just be that soft funny guy. he’ll let you borrow his books and he’ll read any you recommend, he lets you borrow his cds, sneaks you free stuff from luke’s, probably steals something of yours to remember you by when he’s sitting alone.
Love Languages
i think jess is an acts of services and gift giving kind of guy. he’ll annotate books for you, give you books, drive you around, carry things for you. he’ll let you drag him places as long as it makes you happy too. he keeps your best interests in his heart. he struggles with voicing his feelings. he’s physically affectionate, but it’s mostly hand holding and kissing.
he definitely listens to you when you talk. he learns what your favorite candy is to randomly give to you when you’re hanging out. he gives you books based off your taste and he expects you to tell him what it was about and if you liked it or not. he buys you cds and records of your favorite artists and does his best to find collectors items too. has bought you little antique trinkets that are genuinely adorable.
like i said, he takes mental notes on what you talk about, he’s a great listener. if you mention having seen a new restaurant open he’ll take you there for dinner. he enjoys taking you out for ice cream (there’s ice cream at the diner, but no cones), taking you book shopping, record shopping, seeing a bad movie to make fun of it (at home or in theatre), going to concerts or small gigs. he loves just walking around with you and talking too. keeps a hand in your back pocket or an arm around your waist. if you ask him to a town event he’ll complain about it and say no for a while but if you keep asking he’ll probably say yes, or he’ll come up with an alternative date.
when you first start dating he genuinely cannot stop kissing you. stops you mid conversation to kiss you and then goes back in his same position to listen to you continue talking. kisses your cheek when he really wants to kiss you but you’re ranting. kisses you to shut you up. of you want him to shut up, it's effective on him as well. kiss him and you can get you whatever you want. he’d give you the world if you asked, anyways.
he does magic tricks for you!! sometimes your brain hurts from reading so much or you’re studying and you want a break so he busts out his cards and just does some tricks for you. sometimes he’ll take you to the lake and you two sit on the bridge and sit in silence, holding hands and looking at the water while thinking about whatever. whenever he’s upset, this is his favorite thing to do with you. he honestly doesn’t peg me as the jealous type. unless you outright hang out with an ex or a guy who clearly has a crush on you, he won’t care. he trusts you. he’ll ho to parties with you, but he makes sure both of you steer clear from drinking. while yes, he would normally drink at a party, you’re here and he doesn’t want to worry you and he certainly doesn’t want you drinking. he would stop smoking for you if you asking him to!! sometimes you to sit in the park/town square and he’ll be reading on the grass while you’re sitting on a bench and his head is between your knees so you can play with his hair. it calms him down, and also it’s fun to mess up his hair without his knowing. he offers his jacket to you when it’s cold and then you get to watch him start shivering before he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you close to him for a bit of warmth. he takes care if you before himself!! if you say you need help he’s immediately coming to your rescue. stuck on a homework question? he’ll figure it out, don’t worry. your car won’t run? he’ll figure it out, don’t worry. your sink won’t stop dripping? he’s no plumber, but it shouldn’t be too hard. pet names are weird to him, but a small ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ will leave his lips inbetween kisses or when he’s about to softly correct you on something. whenever you talk he’s looking at you with the softest eyes, a small smile on his lips. he seriously doesn’t understand what he did to interest you in him. sometimes he’s mean bc he’s mean to everyone and it’s his defense mechanism against the world. blows you off when he’s upset but the longer you’re together the better he gets at communicating he’s upset and letting you try to improve his mood. please hug him and let him hold you and kiss your hair it’ll do wonders for him. he’s half hopeless romantic half asshole. he’s such a loser boyfriend. the beginning of the relationship is puppylove and then it leads to real love and he doesn’t know how to handle it. it’s amazing but scary.
he loves you, he just doesn’t know how to tell you because he’s never been loved back before.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
hello I hope ur request are open! If not be free to ignore this!! Okay so TADC x y/n? (The amazing digital circus also it can be muti characters or one!! The choice is yours!! ^ ^)
OKAY OKAY SO WHAT IF..🥁🥁🥁 y/n was like Jessica rabbit from "who framed roger rabbit" 👀 and was very like motherly to everyone but when she was called doll,/toots,/ect, by jax or anyone SHE WOULD PUNCH THEM HARDDDD (kinda like the lola bunny fanfic??) Also she is like one inch taller then jax (she a tall women👀❤️)
Digital Circus x a jessica rabbit-type reader!
since im a little melty brain from blasting through a bunch of requests today im going to do part of the cast! mostly characters i think would be interesting with this kind of reader as well as some characters i just wanna write more of (cough cough kinger cough cough)(i was originally going to do gangle as well but uhuh!!) ...this reminds me ive never watched who framed roger rabbit... or rather i have, but its been so long that ive truly forgotten nearly every aspect of the movie relying on the character wiki talking about her personality to guide me through this
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caines and jax's parts are both likely going to be on the shorter side thanks to both of their cores holding similar themes in regards to half of the idea
anyways he's going to call you pet names, especially if he's interested in you.. good luck trying to land anything on him, though, he's going to easily zoom through the air
okay nod to the lola bunny request aside, i think caine would be just head (jaw?) over heels for you, i mean, he would be anyways, but something about your caring and quick witted personality
probably makes literal heart eyes at you and audibly goes "awooga"
absolutely loves watching you do your thing during the in house adventures, on the few times he actually spectates them; though you may or may not be the reason he watches
seems like the kind of person to call you "hot stuff" or "babe"
doesn't really care about the height difference since he rarely ever stands on the ground anyways, plus he doesn't care how small he is
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to get a good idea of how jax would interact with you, i recommend this similar post! hope this links correctly, im still new to linking stuff in my posts!!
a lot of elements from the post above bleed into this, but lets add some more to it to make it a little more unique to the jessica rabbit idea!
takes it upon himself to try to get some sort of reaction out of you, outside of the name stuff... which proves to be a little harder than he thought.. actually, oddly enough, you seem to enjoy his antics?
well thats certainly new to him...
aaaaaand oh! hey would you look at that you've officially caught his attention, congratulations!
does not take too kindly to being the new second tallest, though... sure you're barely taller than him but its the principle! how can he lord his height over everyone else now!
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so here's where i may be biased since i love kinger and i wish more people wrote for him, so his part may be a little longer, we'll see! i write these lil notes as i work on the post
right away i dont think he would call you any of the petnames listed above, or anything similar. i think, should you guys get on a nickname basis he would call you sweeter ones, "my love," "my darling", "my sweetheart", and similar stuff!
does not have lightning reflexes like jax and caine but if the names genuinely do bother you he would likely stop, you'll just have to remind him
imma be so real this man needs someone to stand back and just be there for him because he is going through it, so to have someone in his corner who has his best interests at heart will really do a lot for him
no comment on the height difference since kinger is pretty tall himself (and hes taller than jax! the only reason jax isnt upset about that is because kinger is always hunched), but i dont think he gives a darn about height
i am once again thinking about the in house adventure prompt with kinger that i had earlier, where he gets stuck somewhere and you have to go rescue him... this + that prompt, JUMPS UP N DOWN
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nerdylittleguy · 2 years
Transformers Earthspark theory - how Knockout could actually be Mr Smelt
....or ideas about it, anyway. Enjoy my observations!
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So uhh here's where the neurodivergent urge to consume media and hyperfixate on it has lead me! Please, feast your eyes on my flow chart/ mind map of madness™.
I know the text is really small, if you click and zoom it could be easier to read. I did try to split the original image into quarters, hope that makes it a little easier to read. However, if anyone needs a transcript I'll do my best to sort it out, my only concern is that I have no clue how to link ideas if they're just bullet points (the idea of having a way to link ideas is what lead me to make this in this format :) )
Perhaps a bit of an explanation as to what lead to this?
A few weeks ago, I saw the Earthspark season 1 part 2 trailer and hey... Who's that?? Breakdown?? Of course, I immediately wanted to watch what existed of the series so far, and imagine my pleasant surprise when I heard Knock Out's (tfp) VA voiced a side character!
Anyway, I started watching the series, finished it in 3 days, cried tears of happiness over Nightshade's pronouns (for those of you who say representation doesn't matter, it does. You probably just feel represented), fell in love with Megatron, etc etc. But imagine my absolute, brain-rotting madness when I couldn't find episode 7 on youtube!
Meh, like that would stop my theory brain. Using various episode summaries I found on youtube (first and foremost this one, as it was short and had good attention to detail! But if anyone has any recommendations for other good summaries feel free to let me know), I started to slowly make a mindmap. That evening I found @transformers-earthspark's blog and the where-to-watch resources... Firefly I cannot thank you enough!!! You're literally amazing!! You have no idea how happy I was to find ep 7!! You do so much, give yourself a pat on the back and a nice snack :))
Anyways, armed with my new access to ALL the earthspark episodes (1 - 10, anyway, as only they are available atm), I remade some of my mindmap, added to it, made more points. Over the last few weeks (aka less than two) I polished my mindmap, did some colour-coding, added images, links, details etc until it could apparently fit on an A3 sheet?? What??? So many ideas from silly old me??
Obviously, I don't think I'm completely right. As a matter of fact, I think I made many assumptions and links that were a very big stretch (blame this overactive imagination of mine. I keep thinking of potential plot lines and then forgetting that actually, I made them up and they're not canon). However, I hope I made a few points that will inspire someone to make their own theories, or just have fun thinking!
Apologies if this all sounds garbled or if it's difficult to understand, I am tired and I have two languages running around in my head (that I'm fluent in, I've also tried to learn 5 others. Lingual hell!!!)
Have a good day/ night and enjoy the theories!
Also a quick note and thing to add: I wrote this on Monday the 27th (I draft just about everything in my notes ok), before I woke up on Tuesday and saw the new images from the episodes, including the one with Breakdown!! AHHH!! /pos So I guess I was right about something? And I mean... Breakdown and a theme of racing in one episode? If this is a coincidence and Knockout is not chilling somewhere in the background then I don't know what to say.
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springfallendeer · 6 months
Lethal Culinary Note: The Nutcracker
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@ectoplasm999 here we are.
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Ayala's Culinary Notes:
The Nutcracker is one of those rarely encountered but heavily feared entities that will often dissuade a crew from visiting locations where they've been seen. It does not matter if you're experienced with their encounters or not. Just the idea of bumping into one can make the most hardened worker second guess going on a scrap run.
These would-be anomalies are actually artificially designed security guards. They tirelessly roam the grounds where they have been stationed, and will mercilessly gun down anyone determined to be an unauthorized guest... And that's if it doesn't decide to put its gun down and kick you into the next life.
My crew and I only recently learned that the Nutcrackers - as least the ones on Rend, where they tend to be the most common - actually have a special signal that apparently marks you as an "authorized" guest. Surprising as that was to learn in the heat of the moment... Well, I suppose it makes sense. You wouldn't want your security monsters to up and kill workers or other people who had permission to be there.
Anyways. If you happen to be on Rend and you spot at Nutcracker. Maintain a safe distance and wait for it to go into its usual scanning mode. Once it is looking at you, click your heels together and salute it like you would a member of the military. This seems to be how they figure out that you have permission to be there.
If you get insanely lucky like I did, the Nutcracker in question might even decide to give you a personal tour of the facility! Which was terrifying for me in the moment. But hey, we walked out of there with a LOT of scrap - and my guide even gave me their gun, for some reason.
Maybe it thought that I was of a worthy rank? I'm really not sure... But you're not here for aimless pondering! You're here to know if I've tried to eat the Nutcracker!
The answer is yes. Multiple times, in fact. I've personally had to put down a few when the aforementioned "salute them like a military officer" did not work (which has happened anywhere that is not Rend). A couple of these times I just happened to be left behind while my crew made a mad dash for safety (something that they've been doing more frequently now that they've determined that I'm capable of surviving on my own... Much to my dismay. Its never pleasant being left behind. And I certainly don't enjoy the life or death struggle to survive that the situation puts me into).
Anyways! In terms of edibility, I'd say that the Nutcracker is perfectly edible! I don't think that I'd of been willing to crack open its shell to dig into those meaty innards otherwise.
After multiple Culinary encounters, I can actually detail the (current) easiest means of harvesting a downed Nutcracker for meat.
You'll firstly need to kill the Nutcracker in question. Which is actually easier for me now that I've figured out how its body works.
The eye itself is not the weak spot (as was formerly thought), but it just happens to be placed in the same general vicinity of what you actually need to destroy.
When the head is open and the eye is exposed, you will see that the eye is suspended by a total of 6 large arteries. Three above, and three below.
Well. You technically only need to sever one of these six arteries to kill a Nutcracker. Because the one in question (the one in the middle, which is actually connected through the eye) effectively acts as the spinal cord. If you can time a good jab with a shovel while the Nutcracker is facing away from you, you can sever that vital "artery" and basically disconnect the brain from the rest of the body.
While this does not outright kill the Nutcracker, it is effectively a death sentence since you cut off the brain's ability to send signals to the rest of the body. It is a far more effective method of killing them, and it allows you to keep their eye intact; which I highly recommend, because it makes for good food!
Once the Nutcracker is downed, you'll need to drag its heavy body to your makeshift shelter for processing. Because, unfortunately, it takes a lot of work to get these bad boys open.
Once you're in a (hopefully) safe spot, the first thing you'll want to do is cut out the eye (if you haven't destroyed it) and set that aside for safe keeping.
After that, you're going to need your shovel. And you'll need to treat the Nutcracker like a giant crab. Put the edge of the shovel into every joint that you can find, and jam it in there. You might need to put your foot into it to get the shovel where you need to be, but if you can separate the joints, you can get the outer body of the Nutcracker off of the internal creature.
You may find it easier to completely remove the hands and feet of the creature beforehand, but there is meat inside of these parts. So don't remove and discard them unless you're willing to give up on some of the sweeter pieces of meat.
You can otherwise remove the individual fingers/toes and then separate the wrists and ankles to harvest the meat easily. It just takes some practice. But if you can stick it through, then each disconnected joint will make room for you to just slide the next part of the "shell" off of the meat. And there is rather a lot of meat inside of these things, surprisingly enough.
I've gotten 25 something pounds out of them, at most. The majority of it is actually found in the limbs. The torso is virtually hollow, and contains only a few organs. You can crack open the torso by jamming your shovel into two cracks found on either side of the mouth. This is the hardest part. And since the torso has the least amount of meat in comparison to effort, you can easily skip this step.
But if you decide to go through with it, you will find that the Nutcracker has has lungs, a heart, and a couple of other organs that I cannot yet identify. None of the organs are edible, outside of the eye. The thick arteries and veins are not edible either (take it from someone who has taken the risk and eaten them only to suffer the consequences).
Once you've harvested the meat, you have one more step before you can begin to cook it. And that step is to remove the arteries and veins that run throughout the meat.
This is a surprisingly easy process, because for some reason the meat is actually softer and more delicate than the veins. So if you can find the artery, all that you will need to do is pull. With a little effort, it will slide right out of the meat; leaving you with a sizeable amount of food.
The meat itself is surprisingly pleasant. A little stringy, like imitation crab meat, but with a slightly sweet and savory taste. It will be sweetest when raw, and more savory when cooked.
While the meat CAN be eaten raw, if fresh, the harvesting process tends to take so long that I cannot recommend eating the meat unless you are doing so within minutes of prying it out of the shell. Because I have found that the meat becomes unsafe to eat (when raw) in as little as 15 minutes after being pulled out.
This probably has something to do with the fact that the meat has never been exposed to the outside air until it is removed. The Nutcracker is just not designed to be able to endure exposure to outside pathogens.
The meat remains perfectly safe to cook for up to 4 hours after being pried out of the shell. Keep an eye on it. If the dark red flesh starts to turn grey and green, then unfortunately it has spoiled and I cannot recommend trying to eat it. So it is important to cook the meat as quickly as possible once it is pulled from the shell.
The meat of the Nutcracker is very versatile and worth the struggle that it takes to harvest and prepare it. I've found that it is one of the most appetizing things that can be eaten as is, because the meat is tender enough and flavorful enough that you do not need to season it for it to be tasty.
You can find some of my favorite recipes on how to prepare Nutcracker below.
Stewed Nutcracker Eye: Ingredients: Nutcracker eye, 1/2 pound of Nutcracker meat, water, salt (optional), any other seasoning or vegetable (optional)
Fill your cooking utensil to the halfway point with cold water and place the whole eye of the Nutcracker in the center. Chop your 1/2 pound of Nutcracker meat into small cubes and add to the water. Sprinkle with salt if you have it. Add in any additional seasonings or ingredients now, if you have them, making sure that everything is in small pieces.
Place container over a low flame, and bring to a steady simmer. Keep the cooking liquid moving, to assure that the ingredients can cook evenly (this also prevents the liquid from boiling over).
Cook for 20 minutes, rotating the eye every 5 to assure that it cooks through. You will know that it is completely done when the eyelid has pulled back tight to completely expose the eyeball.
Pop the eye, and allow the contents to drain into the broth while continuing to mix.
One the eye has completely drained, pull from heat and allow to cool for at least 30 minutes to allow the stew to thicken. Then enjoy!
Stew will have a rich, umami flavor. The shriveled eyelid is perfectly edible and will be a bit chewy.
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Grilled Nutcracker Eye: Ingredients: Nutcracker eye, salt (optional), pepper (optional)
Peel back and skewer the eyelids of the Nutcracker eye. Be careful not to puncture the eye itself, or it will leak and fail to cook properly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, if you have it.
Arrange the skewered eye over an open flame and cook for 20 minutes. Rotate the eye every 3 to 5 minutes to prevent it from burning. The eye will visibly wrinkle and darken in color as it cooks.
Once cooked through, remove the eye from heat and allow it to cook for at least 10 minutes (ideally 20). It will then be ready to eat as is, like a big, soft apple (disgusting comparison, I know... But it taste good).
The eye itself will have a texture akin to the yolk of a medium-well egg. I find that it tastes like something of a cross between steak and bacon when cooked over an open flame like this!
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Milk braised Nutcracker Eye: Ingredients: Nutcracker eye, 1/2 pound of Nutcracker meat, 1/2 cup milk (do not question how I obtained this), salt (optional), any other seasoning or vegetable (optional)
Cube and place your 1/2 pound Nutcracker meat, the eye, and any other seasonings or solid ingredients in a shallow container and place over a low flame. Grill for 12 minutes, flipping the pieces every 3 minutes to prevent burning while you develop a savory crust on everything.
Once your cooking dish is thoroughly seasoned with grilled meaty parts and all your meat has a crust, add in your milk and pop the eye.
Cook for 20 minutes, mixing everything regularly to prevent the milk from burning while the sauce thickens and the eye drains.
Remove from heat and allow to sit for at least 10 more minutes to assure that the sauce gets nice and thick. Then dig in.
This will be a rich, creamy stew that is absolutely packed with flavor, even if you only had the base 3 ingredients. Its perfect to warm you up on those colder nights.
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Grilled Nutcracker: Ingredients: 1/2 pound Nutcracker meat, salt (optional), vegetables (optional)
Cut all of your ingredients into bite size pieces and skewer.
Arrange over an open, low flame and rotate constantly to allow an even crust to form on the meat as it cooks through, 7-10 minutes.
Remove from heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes, then enjoy.
Meal give off a very pleasant aroma and will be crisp on the outside but juicy on the inside. There will be a faint sweetness to it, but the meat itself will be nice and savory.
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Boiled Nutcracker (or Nutcracker Soup): Ingredients: 1/2 pound of Nutcracker meat, water, salt (optional), any other seasoning or vegetable (optional)
Fill your cooking utensil to the halfway point with cold water and place over a low flame. Chop your 1/2 pound of Nutcracker meat into small cubes and add to the water. Sprinkle with salt if you have it. Add in any additional seasonings or ingredients now, if you have them, making sure that everything is in small pieces.
Bring contents to a light boil Keep the cooking liquid moving, to assure that the ingredients can cook evenly (this also prevents the liquid from boiling over).
Cook for 15 minutes, or until the cooking broth takes on a brownish color and you can see fat floating on the surface of the water. Then remove from heat and allow to cool (do not try to drink boiling broth).
Cooked ingredients can be removed from the broth and eaten as is, or given a quick stay in a hot pan to develop a crust and extra flavor, and the broth can be saved as a pick-me-up for later. Or everything can remain in the broth as a sort of soup.
Expect a pleasant meaty flavor from the broth. Like slightly watered down beef stock.
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Milk braised Nutcracker: Ingredients: 1/2 pound of Nutcracker meat, 1/2 cup milk (do not question how I obtained this), salt (optional), any other seasoning or vegetable (optional)
Cube and place your 1/2 pound Nutcracker meat and any other seasonings or solid ingredients in a shallow container and place over a low flame. Grill for 10 minutes, flipping the pieces every 3 minutes to prevent burning while you develop a savory crust on everything.
Once your cooking dish is thoroughly seasoned with grilled meaty parts and all your meat has a crust, add in your milk and bring it to a simmer.
Cook for 20 minutes, mixing everything regularly to prevent the milk from burning while the sauce thickens and darkens.
Remove from heat and allow to sit for at least 10 more minutes to assure that the sauce gets nice and thick. Then dig in.
This will be a rich, creamy stew that is absolutely packed with flavor, despite only having 2 major components.
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snakegorl212006 · 2 years
Mystery shop
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I really do my best to adapt to this change in living which includes taking care of the property and the wild animals that just happen to want a snack. I also understand why I have to live this way. It’s explainable. But the doors opening and closing constantly in Heartslabyul, running noises in Scarabia, music playing in Pomefiore, the increase of shadowy figures in Diasomnia, items getting rearrange or missing in Savanaclaw, the locked door in Octavinelle keeps rattling everytime i walk pass, even that dang life size doll keeps moving around in Ignihyde. Other than grim who’s been promoted to somewhat of a house cat, I live alone. Completely alone. I sighed into my desk chair as I relaxed my fried brain. I would call Crowley but he probably would think I’m going insane and that it might be the isolation of this place. Maybe I just need to leave and go out somewhere. There is a town away from the manor. It’s around a 30-40 minute walk which isn't too bad as long as I don't go into a shopping spree. After getting dressed in some comfortable wear, I began my walk down to the town and made sure I locked the gate behind me. It was a peaceful walk. There were a lot of people in the main street, almost looking like a large shopping district. I began walking around enjoying the stores until I spotted one that caught my interest. Sam’s Mystery shop. It was a cool yet creepy looking shop that seemed out of place due to the other brightly colored shops. But many people are going in and out of it so I assume it’s probably for aesthetics. I entered the shop to be greeted by weird trophies and collectables and had relatively normal items like milk and eggs. “Welcome Little Imp, what may you be looking for today” A male voice spoke from the side of me. There was a male with dark skin with black twist with a few purple in his hair. He has an apron with some bones and a hand in it which looks cool “oh I’m just browsing” I replied “let me know if you need assistance little imp” he said. I nodded and began looking around more. While looking around, I spotted a crystal basket. There are tiny crystals of a multitude of colors and sizes. “You know, they say that these magic crystals ward off ghost” a voice spoke next to me. It was the shop worker “ghost?” i replied and he nods “where are my manners? I'm sam. You must be the new Imp that moved to that cures property” Sam introduced “Nice to meet you” I replied “the pleasure is mine. I have to meet the brave soul who bought that land” Sam replied “anyway, the main house is made from these crystals which were embedded in the structure to prevent evil from seeping through” Sam informed “why would anyone put these in the house” I asked “well i amit, that old bird should’ve done that a long time ago. It would save us a lot of newspapers..… but surely you know of the unexplained activity” Sam stated and I just nod “give me one second. Let me give you something” Sam said as he left for the back. After a little while he came back with a journal and a necklace “here take these, on the house” He said “whats the journal for” i asked “You’re going to write down each and every ghost on that property and report back to me. You make sure you wear that necklace everytime you leave the main house or they’ll start to make permanent attachments.” sam suggest “oh and i recommend you wear it outside the property too” sam adds and I put the necklace on “why is that” I asked and he ushered me to come close and her whispered “the only reason why I knew you lived in that place is because there was someone following you the whole time.that someone has been dead for a long time but now he’s standing and watching you from afar”
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i've been on the hellsite (affectionate) for almost a decade and i literally never once tried to reblog something privately before, and so i did for the hell of it, just to see?
and it was your 'shoutout to writers who get bkdk relationship' post, and i just saw i must have been the last person to reblog it before you turned off reblogs 😬 so in case it wasn't just coincidence and i committed some faux pas i wasn't aware of, sowwyyyy!
(and uh, if it's not too presumptuous to ask, hello now that i'm here, care to help a boy in need lmao? i'm brand new to this fandom and it's so big i don't know where to start, would you happen to have any recs of fics that do understand the bkdk relationship? 👀👀)
Hello hello!! First of all, welcome to the mha fandom!!! It gets a little crazy here sometimes, but I hope you enjoy your stay here nonetheless! Anyways, I haven't turned off reblogs on that post to my knowledge (to be honest I'm not even sure I know how to 😅) so you're totally good!! My best guess as to what happened is that someone else reblogged my post and turned off reblogs and you saw it there Also, fics!!! Where do I even begin? There are so many amazing fic writers out there that I know. Still, if you're specifically looking for people that understand the bkdk relationship, I'd start off with any of amarisllis' fics. She's fairly popular on ao3 and her portrayal of bkdk is *chefs kiss* Also also!! ladyofsnails makes amazing bkdk fics too!! Highly recommend too!! Now, if you're looking for specific fics instead of just authors, I'm gonna throw some in here below and give a brief summary of them (these are all on ao3 by the way): The Way You Used To Do by edema_ruh (Look. I know it's long, but it's the bkdk fic. Like. It's predicted events that happened in the manga. Anyways, this fic has a whole lotta forced proximity and slow burn.) warm hands by flowercafe (I used to reread this fic over and over again. Basically it's just a 5+1 of Katsuki taking care of Izuku's hands by massaging them.) you dragged me out (of a mile deep hollow) by deadwriter16 (Katsuki looks after Izuku post vigilante arc and gives him the love he deserves. Great hurt/comfort fic.) All We Ever Knew by dynamics (The writing for this fic is stunning. Goes really into depth with Katsuki's psyche and why acts the way he acts.) Halfway to the Moon (But the Sun is So Bright) by Catsired (Middleschool bkdk fic, but Bakugou realizes how much he's fucking Izuku over and tries to fix things.) in your dreams, nerd! by sapphic flower (Katsuki and Izuku can see each other in their dreams. Amazing concept. So well written)
message delivered by dekusneakers (Chat fic that goes really in-depth with Katsuki's feelings when Izuku had his vigilante arc. The way bkdk is portrayed in this is so aaaaaaaa I love it sm) Your Hand In Mine (In Every Universe) by panpanicatmha (Oh my god. This fic changed something in my brain. So alternate versions of Katsuki come and meet Izuku, share their stories and try to find a common link between all of them to be able to get home. The author also writes a bunch of companion fics to this, so I highly recommend reading those too if you're interested!!) Well, this post is already pretty long so I'm going to have to restrain myself from adding more. I hope this was helpful!!! But if you ever do need more fic recs, feel free to ask and I will deliver!! That goes for anyone <3 Take care anon <333
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lollytea · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Luz bringing the hexsquad to school for them to check it out? What would they enjoy, what would bamboozle them, would they absolutely have to sneak in like Luz had to Hexside?
Asgdhjkl Luz is only one person and Willow and Gus still got caught sneaking her in. Imagine Luz's efforts to discreetly smuggle in four kids, all of whom have a bad habit of being....peculiar by human standards. It would be hard not to arouse suspicion.
Leaving for school in the mornings is hard for Luz cuz they linger in the doorway with their big sad eyes. They miss her not being around.
I could see them longing to explore Luz's school. Their curiosity to see what she does all day is insatiable. It's only Gus that's shameless enough to beg. He'll wait at the door to ambush her. He'll spit out his pitch rapid-fire as to why Augustus Porter should attend human school for a day. He negotiates and he bargains his ass off until eventually he is on the floor, gripping Luz's ankles, pleading.
Hunter takes this moment to pop up and say "I don't recommend taking Gus to school with you. Who knows the kind of trouble he could get himself into."
"Exactly! Thank you, Hunter!" Luz exclaims trying to shake Gus off her leg. "It's too risky to just-"
"Unless!" Hunter powers on. "He was supervised. By somebody older. Somebody responsible. Somebody who knows how to handle him."
Luz is thoroughly unamused.
Hunter blushes "Somebody liiiike...."
"Me!" Declares Willow, scaring Hunter out of skin as she suddenly appears next to him. "Once Gus's hyperactivity contaminates Hunter's brain and you know it will, you'll need somebody to supervise both of them."
"You're not coming either, Willow. I'm sorry."
"Aw man..."
"Guys, you gotta stop bugging Luz about this. If she's gonna bring anyone to school with her, it's gonna be her girlfriend."
"We could hold hands in the hallway 🥺"
"Don't do this to me, sweet potato..."
See THIS is why they're all huddled around an ipad here
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They get restless when Camila and Luz are gone for the day so they give them a screen that mezmerises them until they get back so so they're not inclined to go stirring up a ruckus.
Anyway in the chance that they DO get to explore the school, I figure they'd be enthused but bewildered.
I'm kinda drawing a blank on the big things that would confuse them cuz for the most part Hexside is very similar to a regular human school. They have a bell, an intercom, lockers, clubs, ridiculous teen drama. So they're accustomed to a lot of stuff.
I think the biggest thing that the kids just cannot wrap their heads around is the lack of Boiling Isles flair.
"So you guys have a grom..."
"It's called prom actually."
"Right, right, but there's no monster to fight??"
"Then what's the fucking point???"
I don't think any of the kids can fathom that sports can exist without magic. They're fucking gobsmacked to learn about human sports. Like?? No chance of dying?? No annihilating the opposite team with offensive spells?? What do they even do then??
I think, despite the initial confusion, it would fascinate both Willow and Hunter and they would stick around to watch a football or basketball practise or whatever Luz's school's main sport is. I think Hunter would be interested in any activity that makes you look awesome and badass without needing magic, while Willow just thinks it's really cool and innovative how the game revolves entirely around your strength and speed and stamina. As somebody who loves working out, she can appreciate that.
I could see Amity being really intrigued by whatever business is going on in the science lab. Chemistry specifically. Being an abomination specialist, she'd be eager to mix some weird human shit around and see if she can bring something to life. Luz is pretty sure she can't do that so it's safe to just let her at it, but also keeps an eye on her just in case.
Gus just...Gus loves everything because of course he does. Goes apeshit over a GLOBE. Willow, Hunter fucking LOOK AT THIS!! THIS IS A DIORAMA OF THE WHOLE HUMAN REALM!!! AND IT SPINS!!!!
Sees a poster of the whole solar system and loses his entire goddamn mind.
Stumbles upon the library and gets kicked out after ten minutes for squealing and yelling from the overload of human culture everywhere but it was the greatest ten minutes of his life.
Gus discovers whiteboards and markers and learns that you can scribble all over the board and then wipe it off. He's amazed. He has his fun with it until the marker dries up.
Once he finally wanders back to the rest of the gang, he informs them that he has joined the chess club, the DnD club and the anime club. No, he does not know what any of these things are but he's enthusiastic.
Hunter, meanwhile, has been staring at an algebraic equation on a whiteboard for the last hour now. He doesn't understand what kind of code it is but he's determined to figure it out.
Luz is like "You really don't know math?"
"I can count. But what does math have to do with this?"
"Hunter...buddy...this is human math..."
"No way..."
"Yeah way."
"Why the fuck are there letters in it???"
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Hey Mel I have questions. You seem to know things.
First of all, do you know anyone who like...designs blogs? I want mine to look better but I hate that crap.
Secondly, your new layout and everything looks super rad. I'm not bugging you about it btw, you are a busy creator - I'm just curious if you can pass along info.
Next, what would you say is your favorite way for your readers or ... art viewers to show appreciation? Do you like reblogs most? Reblogs with comments? Or tags? Or mainly replies. Both, all?
I used to be a serial liker way back when (I know, I'm Satan) but once I realized how important rb'ing was (thank you, educational posts), I started doing it all the time, and I try to interact, which has turned out to be lovely and so much more fun! Anyway, what's your fave feedback method?
Omg hi babe!!!!
Thoughts below the cut:
You give me too much credit with "you seem to know things" hahaha. I TRY, but this hellsite is a challenge!
Firstly, thank you SO MUCH for the sweet compliment on my blog. I have gone through MANY different styles and different schemes before landing on this one. For me it was VERY trial and error and I definitely like this one a LOT.
Designing your blog is tough, and despite having my BFA in graphic design, I sucked at it until I started figure out what works best for me, the writer, and for my readers. The thing I discovered that works best for me personally is the simplicity, but I did have it set up much more complex (and I'm in the process of switching my masterlist to the simpler style STILL)
I don't know anyone who designs them, though I wonder if that's something that people would do? Do they charge money for it? If anyone reading this has any thoughts on that, let me know!
A couple of resources I recommend are:
Canva.com (for the actual design)
Colorpalettes.net (for coming up with color schemes you like)
Pinterest (for photos if needed)
For your second point, I'm ALWAYS happy help anyone with anything I can <3
For your next question, I've talked about this previously but I'm always happy to take the mic when someone hands it to me to discuss this further. Reblogs with comments will always be mine, and most, creator's preferred form of support/appreciation.
- Side note: Financial support is technically the best way to show support/appreciation for most artists but I don't ever want to charge money for fanfiction because that opens up a whole can of worms that I don't think most fanfic writers would really want, despite it sounding good in theory. - For example, most fanfic writers are writing out of passion, emotion, and just raw feelings. As soon as you start charging money, it starts being more of an obligation for the writer (less fun). I also like that you don't HAVE to have money to enjoy creative works like fanfiction, you can enjoy it for free. It's a community that thrives off of my providing the stories that my brain enjoys coming up with, to people who enjoy reading them. - Though I will say that if someone sends me a tip or something just to show support that's AMAZING. I just mean, I don't think putting fanfiction behind a paywall is something we want inherently.
That being said, the LEAST anyone can do, is reblog. I also used to be a serial liker, not knowing how important reblogs were. Let me paint the picture and tell a story lol:
Person 1 sees Artist making art and says "I like this." The Artist is happy and says "Thank you that's so sweet of you. I hope others like it too," but before they can even finish their sentence, Person 1 is gone. Person 1 never tells their friends about the amazing art they saw. Person 1 doesn't even tell the artist WHY they liked their work. (And in some cases, Person 1 says "I like this. Hey can you make me an extremely complicated commission for free so I can have it and also not tell my friends about that?") - Person 1 is a "serial liker" and an asshole entitled reader. We hate Person 1, they're an asshole.
Person 2 sees Artist making art and says "I like this." Now, they go to their friends and say, "I saw some art. I liked it," and they don't elaborate. So their friends, might go see it, but Person 2 hasn't really done anything to "sell" your work to their friends. So YES it's SO MUCH better than what Person 1 did, but Person 2 could still be better.
Person 3, our queen, our beloved, sees the Artist making art and says "I like this." Then Person 3 not only tells their friends about how amazing it is, but they also tell the artist why they liked it so much and the things about it that made them happy. Their friends can see how excited Person 3 is about the work, thus inspiring them to check it out and spread it to their friends by reblogging as well.
All of this to say, Person 3 is the ideal reader, they reblog, they engage with you, they're spreading the word, and sometimes that can be the difference between an artist continuing or ending their time on tumblr. I've seen it happen twice, and it's fucking heartbreaking.
Just something to think about for others who don't understand why we push for reblogs so much!
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lo-sulci · 1 year
tagged by @itshighjuniper to share 5 songs i've been listening to recently!! thank you juni ^u^ i am not including songs that are on the playlist that plays at my work (which I have been listening to ad nauseam but not by choice) or songs from the OSTs of stuff, just because those would probably dominate the list (that said, some of the OSTs I've been listening to lately: Across the Spider-Verse, Revue Starlight, Gatchaman Crowds, fanmade g witch covers). anyways!!
- PRESSURE BOMB 2!!!! by Jhariah: have been listening to a LOT of jhariah lately, super super cool style and I always always always love narrative albums. this song in particular just makes my brain happy and also, like, vibrate aggressively. it's nice!!!! other favorites include ENTER: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH (the opening track off the album A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO FAKING YOUR OWN DEATH), Promises, Needed A Change of Pace, and Flight of the Crows
- Riptide by the Scary Jokes: been a fan of the scary jokes for a whiiiile now, and this has been one of the songs from their newest album that i've been listening to the most (other two favorites from the album probably being Forever In You and Rage). Burn, Pygmalion!!! is still an all timer to me tbh (MEANWHILE ON THE ROOF JEANNIE CONSIDERS THE VASTNESS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE THE DARKNESS OF THE MOUNTAINS-) but I am also enjoying RB and bonus points the cassette looks SICK AS HELL
- Love Me Dead by Ludo: introduced to by way of a podcast and thoroughly wormed its way deep into my brain along with Tick Tick Boom by The Hives, Electric Version by The New Pronographers, and Picture, Picture by Harvey Danger. anywhays, god DAMN that chorus kicks ass. also, the video is pretty fun!!
- Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary: song that I actually found ages ago and only recently checked out the rest of the album for- it's really good!! i think there's a narrative going on here even if I havent quite figured it out in its entirety but in the meantime gosh the music is good and the vibes are exquisite. other favorites off Flight of the Knife include La Madame on the Moon, Mama Waits, and Son of Stab
- A Better Place, A Better Time by Streetlight Manifesto: Streetlight Manifesto singlehandedly made my opinion of ska as a genre do a 180. one day while cleaning/organizing stuff in my room I decided to listen to, like, almost if not all of their discography, and this one was my favorite. made me cry the first time I listened to it!! anyways, my personal recommendation is to do what I did and listen to the entire Streetlight Manifesto discography just fuxking do it
anyways, tagging @theclairewitch @plaintivemeow @lvnarsapphic @sg-x00-airgetlam @destructix (absolutely no pressure tho yall lol) and, like, anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to do one of these!!
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Well so... did you like Arcane? Favorite character, moment, etc? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Anon. Oh sweet anon I'm so very sorry you asked this (no im not >:))
Anyway, I loved Arcane. I'd just kind of...decided not to watch it for a few months now, so I missed a lot of the hype when it first came out. (Which, I'm pretty sure will be around 11-ish months while writing this. So uhm. It's been a little bit.) I'm not quite sure why, it's just kind of hard for my brain sometimes, even when my friends really like a piece of media and recommend it to me.
I was actually going on a quick trip, and needed entertainment, so I frantically texted one of my closest friends and boom!!! She recommended I watched Arcane! So finally a downloaded the fourth episode (blaming my phone's funky storage on this one) and watched Happy Progress Day in a good bit of confusion before going back and watching the first three when I got home.
So! Some thoughts: (Spoilers for anyone who's thinking about watching Arcane. It's really good and I truly recommend it, but you will be seriously spoiled if you read any further. You've been warned.)
Favorite Character: Oh!! That's so very hard because I don't think there's a character's writing that I specifically dislike! I enjoy how each and every character is so incredibly interwoven into the plot. However, I think I'm going to have to narrow it down to 3.
First is: Jinx!
Everyone and their mother I feel like has made art about Jinx, and also talked about her, from what little I've seen of the fandom. But goddamn does she deserve it.
She's so incredibly fucked up, but the narrative really makes you understand her actions and why they happen. It almost makes you root for her in a way. The way that her backstory is set up, from start to end is simply incredible.
Each and every path that she faces is another nail in the coffin for what she used to be. Her narrative arc is one of corruption, and her struggle with mental illness is one that is so compelling that whenever the show switches to her POV, I can't help but fist pump and also whisper a horrified "No" at the same time.
Because she's descending into a path of madness driven on by some serious abandonment, a rough life from the get-go, and the urge to convince someone that she's worth the trouble. She's worth it so please please please don't let her go. Don't leave her.
It's such a heartbreaking cycle that truly gets into my emotions and makes me feel. I'm obsessed with the way that the narrative does not throw her away like many of the characters coinciding with her arc are portrayed as doing, but also the way that it balances out her tragic past elements with some absolute badass scenes with such dope action and visuals that the screen she's on is only slightly tinged with sadness.
I wish I could put it into better words, but Jinx is simply off-the-walls in a way that is so unnervingly fun, but also devastating to watch as she scrambles to keep the people she loves close when she feels them drift away.
2. Heimerdinger
You don't understand my love for this eccentric ex-councillor. If I could go out and get lunch with any of these characters it'd be him. I want him to sloppily write all of his ideas on a napkin that I try to decipher for hours, only to fall back onto my bed in defeat.
I want to hear him talk about issues he think are important, and what he finds to be integral to his life. I would literally listen to this dude talk for hours and hours upon end, and watch with childlike wonder at his glorious inventions.
He's literally soooooooo amazing and I love him. I love the way that he was first introduced too!! He's just a goofball who really doesn't try to be funny. And omg when he's wandering the streets and shows the girl the top?? When he finds Ekko???
You literally cannot fathom how wiggily this man makes me feel.
Also I think it's something about his history.
He's seen dangerous devices before. He's seen the rise and the fall of entire planets and populations. He's built a city from the ground up, only upon the idea of progress and the scientific method. He wishes for those around him to let their curiosity take hold and lead them to projects and places all around them.
He truly wishes that everyone has the chance to be a scientist, and he's such an oxymoron. He's a scientist who gets stuck in the ways of his past, and it's a battle that he fights throughout all of his screen-time during the show.
I love Heimerdinger so much <33
Also have you seen his mustache?
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[ID: Heimerdinger looking just off to the right, his face contorted in anger with his two fists on a table that reaches up to his waist. END ID]
And finally, last but not least:
Caitlyn Kiramman
This one isn't as rooted in narrative drive as it is for how amazingly Caitlyn fits into the show as a main character simply through her dynamics with other characters alone.
I'm head over heels for her friendship with Jayce. I love the scene that they share in Happy Progress Day, I'm over the moon with the fact that for her investigation she lets Vi go, only to grow to love her as their narrative throws shit at them that they have to face together.
I love that through Caitlyn, we get to see the soft side of Vi come back, the protectivness, the love, and the bickering that comes with it is absolutely a delight. I swear the two of them could have a spin-off Nancy Drew-esc story and I would read it.
And the way that Jinx sees her as a threat? The way that when she sees Vi finding love and being able to cope with her trauma by moving forward, she thinks that there is only one place at Vi's side. That she thinks that Vi is betraying her?
You don't understand. I'm going feral.
I also think that Caitlyn's ambition to do what she loves no matter who tells her otherwise is simply proven wrong. For the girl will be an enforcer, she knows that she will. No one can stop her.
Also she and Vi may or may not be in love and I simply think that that is absolutely a relationship that I need in my life as sapphic (?) myself.
(Honorable mentions go to Viktor and Mel. You both deserve the world and I adore them to bits.)
My favorite things about the show:
Dude. Dude this show is so incredible writing-wise. It tells a compelling story, grappling with so many issues at once and somehow managing to do it all in a clear way. The representation is at it's peak, because these characters are not gay for extra points, they are not black to check off a box. They are deeply thought out characters with narrative arcs that bounce off their traits. They are not simply marketing ploys and it's refreshing. (godDAMN my standards are low)
Anyway the storytelling capabilities that this show pulls off with the dynamic characters bouncing off one another, a seamless timeskip, lore that pulls me in and fascinates me as a consumer, and themes that pique my interest makes it one of my favorite shows of all time.
The art style too. Gah!! I'm in love with the way that the characters' designs work, the way that the lighting is handled in different scenes, the painting look that the models take. It's such an amazing and most likely time-consuming animation style, but it turned into one of the most gorgeous-looking shows that I've ever seen.
And dude. dude. The. The the the. The soundtrack. The incredibly differing soundtrack that varies from song to song, depending on the mood that the show is trying to capture is OUGh. Snakes, Enemy? Such bops, would sprint to them anytime, 11/10.
Favorite scene?
*shaking uncontrollably* The fucking ending one. The last scene takes into account all of the factors that make Arcane such a special show as a whole, and it wraps 'em up in this nice little present for the show to end off on.
The way that Silco is killed like any other man, the way that betrayal bleeds into his eyes as he dies, acceptance in his words as Jinx cradles his head in her hands, apologizing profusely for what she's done.
The narrative parallel to the line "She's a loose canon" so much earlier in the show is a stab to the heart as you watch the light fade from his eyes.
The way that What Could Have Been plays hauntingly through the entire scene, the viewer's eyes dreading the way that it's about to end. And the way that the characters' expressions twist in different ways as the final missile blows into the council window, the way that Mel's figure is highlighted before it's hit.
There are many scenes that are incredible, but this one might be my up at one of my favorites of all time.
To get even more specific, the way that Caitlyn's slow motion sob turns into her mother's resigned face as she makes her vote--that part literally broke me.
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I think that literally might be my favorite shot in the entire show.
Anyway, to summarize my incredibly long post of thoughts, Arcane is a cinematic masterpiece, and I wish I could go into more detail, but it's like 12am and my brain isn't really up to the task. Thank you so much for the ask, needless to say, I loved the show to bits <33
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qrupafjzvm1 · 1 month
a neatly-folded letter is placed under a bottle of vanilla extract.
pretty sure it's been there for more than a day. you have a feeling that you were late.
hello hi if you're reading this i'm probably going in pmd to become an eevee WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
if i'm not please return this where you found it thank you very much
anyway what the heck is this letter about.
i have a tradition that started on another site where i'd talk about what I've done for the year and my resolutions for the next.
it's a gaming site, sooooooooooooo not much fanfare is possible in those posts. only about the game and the community.
so i decided, since i'm using like 5 different sites now, why not make 3 recaps?
so yeah this is one of 3 you can find, honestly would rather you don't find any of the other ones but who knows :shrug:
this one's gonna go very in-depth about fandom stuff! well, as much as i can, anyway. i didn't do much this year.
ANYWAY! first 6 months had absolutely nothing. i was locked into irl stuff and honestly had no time to think about anything else. ended in complete failure btw.
so yeah life was miserable
and then vocaloid happen.
whoo boy, fun fact: i didn't understand why people liked music they can't understand the lyrics of. like I'm a lyrics kid, i need lyrics to sing them songs, how can you enjoy a song without singing it
yeah turns out you can and WHOOOOOO what a turnaround now i'm rolling all around for a trillion years and a night while getting mesmerized and ok i'll stop
vocaloid would later bring me to other Japanese songs which i also love (yorushika anyone? pls recommend some more too)
anyway then ES happened and yup i can dream again that's great
yeah 2 years of depression and half a year of failure really takes a toll out of you, but then ES and PMD came from heaven and rescued me from the grasping hands of hell (no depictions available)
the fandom (and pokemon as a whole) probably brought me back to life in many ways i thought only techno's vids could do sooooooooooo yeah i love 'em
got an eevee plush recently actually can anyone recommend me a small pouch to go with so eve can be an explorer
oh and also ssrpg but that's honestly old news and you guys probably don't know 'em too so we'll just pass that
and splatoon, and doraemon (you didn't expect that did you), inside out had a page for a while, i was joining a dozen fandoms lmao
anyway so big problem. i can dream again. i have like, a full a4 page of fic ideas, in 11px times new roman. i can't write any of 'em.
no, i'm not saying that like i can't can't, it's more like i put myself down to write and 10 million things happen in my brain and now i'm playing the same boring games and can't write for naught
truly a curse (i'd call it adhd but i cannot get to a therapist so yeah that ain't happening)
the plan is for eve to be my hyperfixation so i can focus better? i mean i hope it works
anyway resolution!!!
i mean when it coms to fandoms my only resolution is to write more fics. i'ma be honest it's only that. you really shouldn't expect much more.
actually you can expect much more i'll try to pick up drawing at some point if i have time
so yeah that's the end of this random rambling, honestly i wanted to write more but the page's ending and so is my time, the gate to pmd's closing in like 15 minutes eek
sayonara (i'll be back with a fic i swear)
there's something on the back of the page. "why did you expect me to use the back of a page. i am disappointed in you."
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xoteajays · 1 year
Yes! I have been rewatching Vincenzo again. A Korean mafia show, so that could been another series for you to watch if you enjoy more of a crime drama. It's an internationally popular series around the world.
And Vincenzo Cassano's an ideal man for me. Has beauty, brains and brawn. He's handsome, wealthy, multilingual.. Not afraid to kill a man. And he's the true Don of the mafia. So the type of man I need my life.
I have a type.
And I'm so annoyed there's no stories written about him either. If this is a popular series, then there should be stories written for the man.
That is why I was debating on whether or not to have more romantic ships between the canon and original characters in my story, but not too many romantic ships either. If and when I do to write this story.
Since there aren't that many, well, any romantic couples in High&Low besides Kizzy and Kaito. But everyone has their own crushes though.
That would depend for me. I can be easily entertained that there have been times where I can enjoy, both adaptions - like how the show and book could be. But sometimes, I'm also critical about it. So it actually depends on the series. Since I can be overly critical of certain series.
That's your decision on what experiences you'd want your characters to go through. I would be curious aither outcome. Because there is so many different outcomes that can happen for the characters, story or anyone and anything else involved too. You decide what can happen.
So they're close siblings, but not close in the same way as Smoky and Lara though. Smoky's a huge presence in the Rude Boys family.
I think that's why I wanted to write the timeline for my story before all the movies.. Because I wanted to have some interactions with Smoky and my characters. Even if those scenes might be brief. I don't know.
Like after the second season since Hyuga's already released from the prison, but before the movies when the major plot takes place for this whole story. That's why I was deciding around that timeline for mine.
I'm a lot more idealistic about the relationships I want, how I think the relationships should be. So I might be slightly unrealistic in that way... Which is why I save those types of relationship for writing stories that could have those couples. Since those relationships are unrealistic for most people. But that might also be based on my own experiences.
But yeah. You'd think that most people would have common sense to not hurt someone they care about, regardless of the reasons. But no.. They end up being horrible people. Just like most people in the world who say and do things like this all the time. Ignore me. I hate humans.
You're only five years younger than me.
True. She's trying to right her wrongs. But you would think someone's common sense would make them realize not to do things like this but they still end up doing this anyway. This is why I lose faith in humans.. Because they end up saying or doing things like this. I hate humans.
ah vincenzo! ive watched a few episodes but haven’t gotten back around to it yet. i hear it’s pretty good, but it was a bit of a slow start for me.
i did think the scene of him holding that guy out the window was cool tho.
both hinami and ryuko’s stories are kinda balanced between romance and found family stuff. bit more of a lean towards romance, but that’s because it’s what i enjoy writing.
i definitely recommend the junji ito books and then the anime only if you’re looking for an easy, not-too-serious watch. there’s mixed reviews for the recent netflix series. i thought it was an easy watch, but it didn’t really have the same unsettling, scary factor that the manga has.
smokey really is like a big brother to all of nameless. hinami probably visits his grave a lot after he dies, just to keep it well-tended and maybe to talk to him. though probably a lot of other nameless city citizens that also knew him would as well. they definitely try to keep his spirit alive around nameless. i imagine it’s a bit of a struggle for takeshi, trying to live up to smokey.
i think that hinami would’ve been with rude since the beginning, so idk where exactly i’d start her story. the fic i’m writing for her now takes place across a few weeks between the end of the first movie and the start of the second. ryuko’s intro fic was taking place around the same time actually, though more towards the start of end of sky.
they’re having very different situations.
we need to change the term ‘common sense’ because clearly it isn’t that common. apparently what’s ‘common’ is the dumb shit people keep doing. like cheating and drunk driving.
0 notes
chainreh · 2 years
finished Nirvana initiative Feeling Oh So Normal
#nirvana initiative spoilers#tbh i was kinda right that this game didn't feel as mind fucky overall as the first game#mostly bc i kinda guessed some of the twists i suppose#like the identity of the masked woman and tearer and stuff#but that doesnt mean it was bad ofc i had a blast and was still surprised by a lot of things#also imo he's peaked with mindfucky stuff with the 999 plot twist . that still makes me lose my mind to this day#also im glad this game had a lotta 999 stuff thats my favourite in the ze escape series ncjdjcjdjx#shoma is still my favourite new character<3 but mizuki is my fav too ofc#also (me after finishing ryuki's route) is ryuki gay?#theyre like really vague about it and then at the end were like him and Tama are in love btw<3 weird bc thats like his eye but ok#like maybe the confession of love was platonic im all for telling ur friends you love them#but tama constantly made gay jokes about him 😭also we have a very Intimate relationship#what what does that even mean they didnt explain it#whatever ill never get answers#anyway i really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who needs their brain melting/enjoys a good murder mystery#idk if i like it more. i think i like the characters more in this one but ill need to sit on it a while to say overall#also ni definitely wasnt as gorey as the first game. you never get to see the cut half of the corpses#also the somniuns were a lot easier. also a bit more hand holdly at times#but i think thats probably bc people complained about the solutions being random or whatever#i actually really appreciated the randomness bc it was actually pretty cool especially on how trauma patients process things#but also i appreciate not having to repeat the somniums a billion times😭#i still have nightmares about boss saito's somnium 😭i had to look up a guide for it in the end#anyway. ive added far too many tags. its 5am goodnight
0 notes
Btw Im bored and Im craving an angsty fic. Somehow I managed to be on your blog knowing your good at it. Anyway could you do part two of avenger cast x teen reader wherein the reader have cancer and got remission but rhis time the cancer is back. The cast and fans know about it and they are all supporting to your battle. When the cancer got worse the reader thought of giving up but the cast still encourage to fight. Its up to you if you want the reader die or not. (But for me I wanna more super angsty that I wanted reader to be dead lol)
So that's all hope you can make it and make my heart in tears heheheh. Anyway have a good day and be safe.
Notes: I’d like to thank @huntective-kyeo for the request!! I hope you enjoy it.
I mean no disrespect by writing or posting this, and in no way do I take the themes and topics discussed in this story lightly. So if you’re triggered by any of this, I suggest not reading it.
I would also like to apologize for any cancer treatment misinformation in this story. I will gladly change anything I get wrong.
I don’t own any of the gifs/pictures used.
Warnings: Some angst probably, mentions of cancer, depression, mentions of cancer treatment, spelling/grammatical errors, medical inaccuracies, cliffhanger, a really bad cliffhanger, anything else I failed to mention ⚠️
Characters: Vague mention of Marvel cast, possible mention of doctors and family members, anyone else I failed to mention
Part 1: Click Here
Masterlist: Click Here & Here
Word Count: 1305 (give or take)
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You’re in bed, staring at the ceiling. The early signs of emotional numbness is beginning to take root, drowning the overwhelming emotions within you. Your brain refuses to process the information you’ve been told, which only makes the whole situation worse. Cause who wants to hear that their cancer came back? After fighting so hard to be in remission, it comes back at full force. Who wants to hear that? You recognized the signs that you were beginning to feel unwell, so you went to your doctor. They ran their tests, and you waited.
The somber tone in your doctor’s voice was all you needed. Unlike last time, you hadn’t caught it in the early stages. This comeback had been faster, a little more aggressive. It hadn’t progressed enough that it couldn’t be treated, but precautions were made to ensure your full recovery.
Your doctor recommended you begin treatment immediately, so you did. It was also recommended you let your work know, and you hesitated. You agreed that you should let them know, since they were fully aware of your last battle with cancer. Of course, they were only made aware once you were in the clear. And you’d been on a break from filming and promoting, so that gave you plenty of time for treatment and resting. Now... Now, you’re going to start filming in a matter of days.
After muddling over the topic, you chose to let the producers know. You sent them a quick text explaining the situation, and anxiously awaiting their response.
You’d been met with understanding from the producers, who were more than willing to put your scenes on hold until you recovered. While grateful for the accommodation, guilt began to flood you. How long are they willing to wait? The last time you had cancer, it took a long time before you fully recovered. Maybe you shouldn’t have agreed to the accommodation. Maybe you should’ve just sucked it up and done your scenes.
A knock snapped you out of your thoughts. You took a second to realize your doctor, Alanis Baker, was standing in the doorway to your hospital room. A small, but comforting smile was on her face, a clipboard in hand as she approached you.
During your first diagnosis, you’d been recommended to Alanis, having been told she was the one of the best in her field. It didn’t take long for you to see why. Her honest, personable behavior made it easy to get along with her. You came to realize that even though Alanis hated delivering bad news, she had to do it regardless of how it made her feel. She wasn’t known to sugarcoat anything; and while her bluntness may not be everyone’s cup of tea, you appreciated it. You needed it.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Alanis starts, a small smile on her face.
You mumble out a morning.
“We’re going to run a few tests,” your doctor explains. She’s giving you an almost apologetic look. “Just to see how everything’s going so far.”
You nod. Your heart feels like it’s jumped in your throat. You expected this, and you’re anxious to see how you’re progressing. It feels like you’re improving. You can only pray the test results match.
You’re… not improving. The cancer is seemingly getting worse. Still treatable, but it’s not reacting to the chemotherapy like the doctors had hoped. So that meant surgery. Probably multiple surgeries.
Alanis tried her damndest to inform you of all the benefits that come with surgeries, but you just couldn’t understand. You couldn’t understand why the cancer wasn’t going away with chemo. You couldn’t understand why it was getting worse. It didn’t make sense to you. Nothing your doctor, or any doctor could say would make you understand.
Part of you had to wonder if surgery would even do anything. If it progressed to the point where Alanis was attempting to sugar coat it, in her own way, then maybe you shouldn’t…
No, you think, snapping back into reality. You can’t give up, not now. You beat this before, you can do it again! You have to keep trying.
But is it worth it?
Your first surgery was fast approaching, and you were on the verge of throwing up. You knew it was important. You knew it was necessary to improve your health. But you were nervous. What if something went wrong? What if you didn’t wake up? What if it didn’t do anything?
What if you got worse?
“You feeling okay, kid?” Your ears perked at the voice. It was Robert. Him and a few of your co-stars had come down to visit you. The production crew let you have time off in preparation for your surgery, which was nice. But you needed something to keep you distracted. That’s where your co-stars came in. If they’d finished their scenes for the day they’d visit you or call or FaceTime—whatever they could do to stay in contact.
“Same as always,” you sighed. You didn’t tell them about how you were feeling. You didn’t want to hear what everyone else was saying. You’ll get better. Just keep fighting. You’re so strong, you’ll get over this. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. You were numb to the comfort they intended to bring.
Robert nodded, “I can’t imagine what you’re going through,”—here it comes—“but don’t let it control you.”
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean,” you asked.
“Don’t let your thoughts control you,” he said, giving you a gentle look. “You’ll have your ups and downs, and those downs will feel like they’re suffocating you. Don’t let them take over. You’ll get better, you will.”
You knew there was truth in his words. Robert had his own struggles, his own ups and downs. He was speaking from his own experiences.
“I’ll try,” you said. “I can’t make any promises though.”
“Do what you can.” He placed a hand on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll be here for you every step of the way.”
The day of your surgery came faster than you thought. Robert’s voice rang in your head, and you tried to focus on that instead of your nerves. Your family, after wishing you well, was escorted to a waiting area.
After all the necessary preparation, you were put under.
It felt like only minutes later that you woke up. You were groggy, your mind hazy from the drugs. Was the surgery successful? Deep down, buried under the disappointment and growing cynicism, you hoped it was. You didn’t want to be sick anymore.
You heard voices. They sounded muffled, far away. Turning your head, you saw the door to your room was slightly ajar. You squinted, but your vision seemed blurry. After what felt like a lifetime, your family walked in with the doctor behind them. They were smiling but there were tears in their eyes.
“How’re you feeling?” the doctor asked.
You hummed softly. “’M fine,” you slurred. “Tired.”
The doctor smiled. “We’ll make sure you get lots of rest, okay?” You nodded. “You’ll stay here with us until you’re well enough to head home, how does that sound?”
You mumbled a ‘fine.’
“Okay.” The doctor’s smile looked almost strained before looking at your parents. “I’ll give you all a minute. Call us if you need anything.”
Your mother nodded. She was trying her damndest not to cry.
“What’s wrong?” you mumbled.
“Nothing,” your mother said, her voice soft but shaky. “We’re just happy you’re awake.”
You hummed and nodded.
“You did great today, (Y/N),” your father remarked. His voice sounded strained. “You’ll be out of here in no time.”
You smiled and nodded. You were starting to fall back asleep. Maybe once you’re more cognizant, you’ll ask about the surgery. And why your parents seemed so upset.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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sukirichi · 3 years
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You had no intentions of becoming acquainted with the clan your family had cut ties with, but when Naoya Zenin himself is willing to teach you a lesson and you’re determined to show him what you’re capable of, it becomes a silly game of power and dominance.
REQUEST. naoya putting reader back to her place
WARNINGS: Naoya Zenin, rough sex, orgasm denial, face fucking, slight voyeurism, degradation, slight bondage, cowgirl riding, manhandling, spanking, hate sex
WC. 5.4k+
NOTES. Because Naoya is my favorite, his fic is the only one I’ve ever edited, LOL. Even though this is requested, this is written out of self-indulgence, purely because I love Naoya and even though he’s nasty, he’s my comfort character. And freaking FINALLY I have written more for this man. I worship this King 👑
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There were so many ways this day had gone wrong. First, your shower broke. Second, the maintenance men couldn’t come until late in the afternoon, so you had to drive all the way to school looking like a half-mess. You weren’t a slob, of course, but you were beyond irritable at the thought your hair felt greasier than most.
So when an unfamiliar mop of blonde hair sat at your place, the sight of pierced ears meeting your gaze as you smiled at the young man, you had to clutch your bag tighter. No need to be harsh to anyone; you reminded yourself.
“Hi,” you greeted as politely as you could.
The young man in your seat was handsome — terribly so — feline eyes emphasized with an eyeliner, and stunning green eyes that peered up at you with utmost boredom. He looked familiar, but you couldn’t pinpoint where you’d seen him before.
“I believe you’re in my seat.”
You expected he’d kindly take another seat since the hall was empty, but he only leaned back in your seat, brow raised with a slight smirk. “So?”
Your mouth fell agape, hands falling at your sides. Who was this guy? “What do you mean, so? Get the fuck out of my seat.”
“Women,” he rolled his eyes, “Always so tempered and dirty mouthed,” the words felt like stinging slap in your face, and he easily read through you when he snickered to himself, waving a hand in the air as if he was swatting a fly away. “I’m already sitting here, so go find someplace else. I came here first.”
“You little — who do you think you are?”
“Who do you think you are for speaking to me? Did I give you permission?”
His condescending voice made you lunge at him if not for your friend’s hand wrapping at your arm, shooting worried glances over the guy. His smirk deepened when your friend pulled away, the words mutter under her breath. “Come on, let’s go,” she tugged you away despite your protests, pushing your shoulders down to make you sit. Once out of earshot, she rolled her eyes. “I seriously hate that guy. Don’t you ever involve yourself with him.”
“Who’s that prick anyway? He acts so high and mighty like he’s some rich daddy’s son. Look, he’s totally claiming my seat as his!”
“That’s Naoya Zenin, and yeah, he is some rich daddy’s son,” she confirmed, shivering at the mere mention of his name. “He’s an absolutely big misogynist. Don’t be fooled by his pretty face — he’s the worst fuckboy to ever exist. That dick of his isn’t worth getting fucked over. He’s already made half the women in school cry and run after him like a horde of lovesick zombies,” your friend gagged with a shake of her head, “It’s terrifying, actually.”
“Fucking asshole,” you hissed under your breath, sending side glances at the corner of your eye.
That stupid guy was still in your seat, a bored expression on his handsome face, his long lashes fluttering against his cheeks at every blink. He just had to be a sexist pig with that gorgeous face — no good men existed anymore. “Whatever. He’ll get a taste of his own medicine soon.”
“Whatever it is you’re planning, I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“I’m doing this for all of us,” you announced with your spine straightened. “I’m not letting a man walk like that acting like he’s got the whole world at his feet. I’ll teach him a lesson or two.”
“You do know he can sue you if you punch him right?”
“Who said I was going to punch him?” a smirk painted your lips at the same time he felt your eyes burning holes at the side of his face, your expression even more triumphant when he tilted his head to the side, eyebrow cocked at your gaze. He must’ve assumed you’d fallen for his looks judging by the satisfied smile on his face, making you laugh because it would be fun to teach him a lesson.  “No, I have a much more interesting plan in mind.”
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It turned out that Naoya wasn’t that much of a stranger.
You had his reputation to thank for — people spoke his name left and right that it was nearly impossible not to know of him. It had you wondering how you managed to live through university so long without knowing him when the name drowned you; he was a Zenin.
No wonder that name was so familiar.
The Zenin’s were a close business partner of your family, but they cut off ties with their company years ago due to them having an intolerable attitude. Clearly, it ran in the blood, and their heir manifested it so well.
Thoughts of Naoya and his stupid face were soon drowned out by expensive champagne, the golden liquid sparkling in your hands. You had to attend this dinner gala where businessmen and powerful families alike conjoined for a formal opportunity of forming connections and solidifying deals, pressuring you to be at your best behaviour lest you wanted your black card to be cut off.
You made your way through the crowd to get another one of those hors d oeuvres, opting to just sit in the corner while you watched your family plaster on big, fake smiles with even louder, faker laughter.
It was quite sad, really, that people had to do stuff like this, but who were you to complain when it was what fed you on a silver plate all the time?
For now, you just wanted to enjoy the new dress your mother had gotten you, the silk black material hugged around your curves delectably. Pearl drop earrings hung to frame the sides of your face, legs lengthened and accentuated with stiletto heels.
You felt sexy — especially when you got lingering gazes from men who were slightly older and definitely richer, though you made no move.
The last thing you wanted was to become someone’s trophy wife when you could become so much more.  Plus, only your parents had the task of befriending people and building trust with others. You were only here to help represent the name somewhat with your pretty face, not really having much of an intention to be acquainted with anyone.
You swiped another glass of fizzy alcohol from the waiter that passed by, glossy red lips pinched around the glass when a sultry voice mused at your ear, “Still can’t find a seat?”
Swirling around so fast that the contents nearly poured out the glass, you weren’t surprised to see Naoya fucking Zenin stood before you, his tall stature draped in only the finest and hand-stitched three piece suit.
He looked absolutely delectable this way, earrings glimmering under the golden chandeliers and eyes lined with kohl, the aura of elegance that perfectly concealed his less than pleasing personality excessively charming.
You were beyond appalled.
“Still can’t find a brain?” you retorted with a roll of your eyes, eyes still narrowed at Naoya’s displeased ones as you dunk your drink in one go. “What are you doing here, pig?”
“I’ll let that comment slide once — only because you look hot tonight,” his predatory gaze ran over your form, the careful pattern of him pausing at the swell of your breasts sliding to the curve of your hips heating up each inch of your skin. “And it’s Naoya for you. Naoya Zenin, the rightful heir of the Zenin Corp—”
“What’s that scent you’re wearing? Baby powder? Fitting for your cute face, actually.”
Naoya’s jaw clenched, clearly unaccustomed to people cutting off his holiness, and you had to bite down on your lip to prevent the chuckles from slipping through. “It’s Tom Ford.”
“Hmm, why am I not surprised? My horrible ex also wore the same scent. Maybe it’s a trademark for all limp losers, huh?” Naoya opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it, stepping forward to grab at the space between his tie to pull him down. His face was mere centimetres away from you, close enough that his breath ghosted over your lips, the intense anger flaring through those eyes hot enough to burn you. “You act so smug and defensive, Naoya. Trying to have a big man personality to conceal a small dick?”
“I have nothing to prove to you.”
“You don’t need to prove me anything,” you glanced down at his pants with a smirk, ignoring the heat pulsing in your veins because the sight contradicted your words. There was a noticeable bulge inside those shiny black slacks, though the last thing you wanted him to see was the way your mouth watered in anticipation. “I already know what I need to know.”
“Yeah? You and your shitty girlfriends can’t stop talking about my dick?”
You shrugged sarcastically, “You know women. We’re tireless complainers.”
Naoya’s jaw ticked upon you using his words against him, his hands coming up to caress at your neck, his nails scratching behind the thick silver chain you wore.
From afar and in the eyes of others, people would’ve thought you and Naoya were simply getting a little too heated, his lips dipped to graze your ear while his slender fingers pressed a little tighter into your air pipe. Your positions could easily be mistaken for Naoya seducing you, and you supposed he was, since your body responded differently from your verbal protests.
“You should watch what you’re saying,” he warned, voice low with warning. “I could easily dump your body into a river and no one would even notice. In fact, maybe the world might even thank me for doing them a service and ridding them of a spiteful woman like you.”
“Oh, pretty boy,” you chuckled back and stood to your tippy toes. One of your hands wrapped around his neck to forcefully tilt his neck to yours, nose pressed above his collar to inhale the intoxicating masculine scent he wore. “You’re all bark and no bite. Why don’t you show me what you’re capable of? If you’re as awful as they make you out to be, maybe I’ll shiver enough to drop my panties for you.”
You didn’t miss the way Naoya’s hands gripped at your waist to pull you close, enticing you to continue with your insults because maybe Naoya liked this a lot more than he let on. Could it be his superiority complex didn’t always like submissive women, after all?
Well, it would make sense; everyone always liked a little challenge, didn’t they?
If that was what he wanted, then you’d be generous enough to grant it to him.
“Wouldn’t you like to get a chance to put me in my place, to teach me a lesson for defiling the oh-so-mighty Naoya Zenin?” you purposefully toned your voice down to a more breathy tone, your chest swelling with pride when Naoya sucked in a sharp inhale beside your ear.
God, he sounded beautiful — and you hadn’t even fucked him yet. Now, you were eager to hear what else those disgusting lips could be capable of other than degrading you.  
Pulling away from him just to bat your lashes at him, heat pooled straight into your core when Naoya’s gaze had completely darkened, dark orbs pooled with lust and anger. Only he could make such an expression look so good.
“You don’t scare me, Zenin. You’re nothing but a small boy wearing big man pants.”
For a moment, your smile widened, believing that you’d won this time around. Naoya was still breathing hard at each brush of your stomach to his now hardening erection, but then he smirked and gently pushed you away from him. “I’m not fucking you here,” he stated calmly, not even bothering to keep his voice low. “You’re a lot dumber than I thought you’d be if you really think I’m whipping my cock out during this dreadful dinner.”
“This dreadful dinner you speak of is an opportunity for people like us to establish connections. I would’ve assumed you wanted nothing more to impress others but it seems I was wrong. If you hate this event so much, why bother coming here in the first place?”
“Just had a feeling I was going to meet a little minx,” he watched you seductively, his smirk adorned with his tongue peeking out to lick his lips — in turn wetting you in places he promised to make his by the end of the night. Curse him, you chanted in your head, curse him for being so attractive. It would’ve been easier if he was ugly. “And as always, I’m right.”
You tilted a brow, slightly impressed. “So you’ve done your background check on me. That doesn’t explain why you’re still here though. Surely a woman couldn’t be enough for a reason to make a man like you go all this way?”
“You’re right, a woman would never be a good enough reason, but I wanted to put you in your place,” his eyes flickered back up to you, now twinkling with danger and something else entirely. “Bad little girls need to be a taught to a lesson.”
“So what’re you waiting for? Go ahead and show me your ways, Zenin.”
“I will,” he nodded to himself, “I’m about to,” Naoya was nothing but confident as he strode your way until his arms was locked with yours, his breath tickling your collarbones that had unknowingly exposed itself at each heated touch. “You’re not that bad for a slut. You look like one, smell like one — I bet you also feel like one.”
A dry laugh left your lips as you fisted his shirt, mirroring his smirk to show that if a match was what he looked for, then a match he’d find indeed. Only this time, you would be worse.
“Why don’t you go ahead and find out?”
Naoya, despite being an absolutely poor excuse of a human being, was somewhat redeemable for being a man of his words. Find out he did, and he wasted no time into shoving you inside his McLaren, barely able to keep his hands off you the whole way up to his penthouse.
It was a blurry mess from there.
Moans spilled from your lips while he ripped your clothes off, not bothering to apologize that he’d just ruined one of your most prized possessions, his lust-clouded haze mumbling that he’d just buy you another one.
It was the last thing you expected to hear from him, but you couldn’t protest, not when he’d angrily snapped the buttons of his shirt away, a low growl mixing with your breathy whines as he loosened his tie.
Your eyes widened at the sight, legs rubbing together as you imagined what else he could do with that pretty tie of his.
Would he tie you to his bed, fuck you stupid and call you useless? Or perhaps, you could do it?
Naoya cut off your train of thought by pushing you back to his mattress, his hands tugging at his belt before he pulled his boxers down, his thick length slapping at his abdomen. Your mouth immediately watered at the sight. You were beyond wet from nothing but your sloppy make-out sessions, but would he fit?
Just the thought of him giving you that burning stretch made your legs spread beside his sides, the sardonic laughter ripping from Naoya’s lips absolutely disgusting.
“Fucking pathetic. You’re just like everyone else; submitting to me at the sight of my cock, but that’s not true, is it? Moment you saw me, I knew you were clenching around nothing,” he gripped at your jaw to force you to look at him. You glared up at him from his bruising hold, your cheeks squished under his rough hands. “But that’s okay; wanting me is not something you should be ashamed about. Although you should be thanking me I’m even letting you near me like this.”
“I’m so honoured. Come on, Naoya, let me feel you — let me make you feel good.”
Naoya, too lost in his ego, missed the sarcasm dripping in your voice. “So eager to be my cock sleeve, huh?” he grinned, tugging at your hair to push you deeper into his mattress.  “Get on your knees. Now suck.”
He was too harsh in his pace, determined to exert his dominance over you. You could feel every ridge of his vein as he continued fucking into your mouth, his abs rippling above you. It felt like witnessing a Greek god come apart, and you took pleasure in being his ruin, prompting you to hollow your cheeks and bob your mouth up and down on his cock harder.
Naoya’s chuckles were broken and often mixed with curses of fuck, you feel so fucking good, his nails now scratching at your scalp.
Soon, Naoya stilled inside you, his hold around your head deadly to keep you in place. Tears flowed down your face as he kept thrusting inside, making sure to hit the back of your throat before his muscles tightened. Spurts of warm cum followed after that, but instead of swallowing it like you expected he’d command you to do, Naoya whipped out his cock and came all over your face, his seed shooting all over your cheeks and lips.
You took it all obediently, just enough to give him the false pretense of submissiveness that he was so willing to force from you.
While he was occupied pumping his still rock hard cock, eyes closed and massaging your scalp almost soothingly, Naoya failed to notice your hurried movements of standing from the bed, fingers looped around his tie.
A small wail resonated from him when you shoved him down onto the bed, knees locked at either sides of his waist before you tugged at the cloth wrapped around his neck. Naoya kicked his legs behind you as you tied his wrists to the bed hard enough that Naoya winced, the tie only forming tighter at each lame grapple of his.
You looked back at how he got more beautiful laid out in front of you like that, chest heaving up and down while he struggled against the restraints, face flushed with anger — no, this wasn’t anger anymore — he was furious.
“What are you doing?! Get this off me — how dare you!”
“How dare you,” you spat back, discarding your lace bra off to wipe his cum away from your face, gagging when the bitter cum left a tang on your lips. “I just got my skin appointment last week and you came on my face like that?”
Naoya kept fighting back before he realised it was a futile attempt, leaning back down onto the pillows, though that didn’t soften his heated eyes on yours. You cooed at how adorable he submitted to you, running a finger down the sides of his jaw. “Aw, don’t look so angry, baby. I’m just starting my fun,” you purred, “You should’ve known better than to mess with me, Naoya. I’m not as nice as the others. And I’ll show you just how awful I can be.”
Naoya’s breath hitched when you shimmied out of your underwear, a dark glint in your eyes as you stretched the elastic into a fake arrow until it snapped into his face.
“You fucking bitch,” he growled, turning his face away from your panties soaked with arousal. “Once I get out of here, I will ruin you.”
“Huh, yeah, sure,” you mumbled incoherently, too lost in the pleasure as you sunk down on his cock. You were right, he was fucking thick, stretching you out better than any of your toys could. Plus, he was warm and leaking with pre-cum that he slid in easily, erotic groans leaving both your mouths once he was finally seated inside you.
Naoya was growling at you to let go of him when you laughed, lifting your hips up slowly before sliding back down on him just as slow, almost as if you made love to his cock the same passionate way you did with a lover. “You do have a wonderful cock, though. I’ve never felt this good in my life,” you leaned down to lick a stripe down to his neck, allowing him to hear the needy pants you graced with him. “You feel so good, Naoya, oh. If you weren’t such an asshole, I might even fall in love with you.”
“Go faster. This is unfair!”
Naoya tried thrusting deep into you, evidently unsatisfied at this torturous pace you set, but you only gripped at his thigh in warning, your eyes no longer sweet as you glared at him.
“Nothing’s ever fair in this world, sweetheart,” you reminded him, shivering every now and then as you bounced on his cock, his length slipping past through your walls magically. “Like how such a gorgeous face and amazing dick is paired with the most disgusting personality ever. No, it’s not fair, indeed...”
You closed your eyes with your head thrown back, placing your hips flat on his pelvic bone instead, fingers rubbing at your clit while Naoya throbbed inside you, desperate for release.
The little whines you gave were nothing but mocking. You knew that Naoya suffered through this position, but did you care? Absolutely not. With Naoya’s cock stretching you full and his tip kissing your most sensitive spots, in addition to your fingers rubbing and tweaking at your clit, this was the most pleasure you’d ever gotten from sex.
You were stimulated everywhere, your other hand reached up to tug at your hardened nipples.
Your walls clenched around him, signalling him that you were close and you let out a broken moan, falling forward to gyrate your hips around his cock to push you over the edge. It wasn’t enough to get him off since you were mostly still fondling with your clit, the sounds of your moans like torture to his ears.
“No, don’t you dare cum, I swear if you—” Your orgasm washed over you comfortingly like a warm blanket. Instead of seeing white, it was like your vision cleared, the sight of the sweat that made Naoya’s hair stick to his forehead in clumps crystal clear. You prolonged your orgasm by thrusting your hips in a sickening rhythm of thrust, pause, thrust, stop ­— and by then Naoya was losing his mind.
Naoya lost control as he snapped his hips upwards inside you hard enough that you winced in pain, pushing off his dick until he’s left humping the empty air, his body drenched with perspiration. “No, no, no, fuck you! Get back here you useless slut!”
You lay beside him, giggling in post-orgasm bliss. Just to tease him, you rolled to his side to press a kiss to his cheek, laughing harder when your lips came in contact with his flushed skin.
“You’re so adorable like this,” you cupped his face tenderly, perfectly aware that Naoya had begun to growl, his wrists almost bruised from how hard he brawled against his tie. “If I didn’t hate you so much, I would’ve let you cum inside me,” you offered with a pat to his chest, moving off the bed with wobbly legs.
“Well, whatever, that was fun. I would say we both had the most sensual sex of our lives, but that would be a joke for you, don’t you think?” you snorted as you inserted your arms to his discarded suit jacket.
Naoya stayed still on the bed, his cock still painfully hard and slick with your cum. “Don’t look so angry, Naoya. You had it coming for you. Don’t worry, though, as a thanks for letting me cum that hard — though I mostly did all the work — I’ll keep this between us so you at least get to keep whatever’s left of your dignity,” you blew a kiss his way, “Bye, sweetie. At least now I know people weren’t exaggerating when they called you a good fuck.”
Not bothering to slip your heels back on, you looped your shoes into the curls of your fingers, about to button Naoya’s jacket as you made your way to his door.
You never got halfway across the room when strong arms suddenly lifted you off the ground, your vision transitioning from his door to the pads of his feet, your body slung across his shoulder. Naoya gripped at your ass in warning when you kicked your legs, leaving him with no choice but to hug your thighs with one arm.
The next thing you knew, he slammed the balcony doors open with one hand and slammed you on the pool table. His rough hands yanked his jacket away from your body, the chilly night of the air bringing a shiver down your spine as it hit your drenched core.
Naoya had pinned your arms flat on your back in a painful angle, making you cry out just as he kneed your legs open, his free hand that wasn’t pinning you down aligning his cock against your hole. You were a moaning mess underneath him, the pain only an intoxicating addition to the pleasure he was pounding into you. Naoya then leaned to whisper your ear, the sudden movement making his cock slide deeper into you, the pleasure overwhelming.
“Oh, Naoya, fuck—”
“I am not just a good fuck,” he corrected you, “I am Naoya Zenin — and you will do well being silent and submissive while I fuck you, do you understand?” You were too lost in the feeling of him rutting deep into you that he had you seeing white this time around. When you didn’t answer, Naoya slapped your ass, your yelps echoing from the dead night. “I asked you a question.”
“No,” you bit back, “I refuse to—” you were silenced when Naoya hit your sweet spot, laughing at your state that you were too fucked out to give him a proper answer.
Naoya’s pace was merciless as he fucked deeper into you, the hand on your ass moving up to grab at your waist to keep slamming you back to his cock. He watched as your lips sucked him in so tight that he didn’t know whether you were pushing him out or refusing to let go. Turning your head to the side to gasp for air, you opened your eyes, only to be met by the sight of men crowding on the building across yours to witness your undoing by Naoya’s hands.
“I’ve barely started and you’re already so wet for me,” he mocked in your ear. As if on cue, squelching sounds accompanied your desperate moans, hands grabbing at nothing in particular. “Shall I try upping my speed?”
“N-Naoya- there are people looking.”
“Let them see,” he seethed, using one arm to lift your other leg up to the table to gain him more access into your warm, wet cavern. The sudden stretch made your muscles ache until you lay there limp; jaw clenched at the pleasure Naoya drowned you with. “Let them know how much I’m making this pussy mine. Gosh, can you hear yourself? You sound like a dirty fucking slut,” another slap landed on your ass, hard enough to leave a mark there for tomorrow. “You claim to hate me, so then why are you dripping all over me, huh? Pathetic whore. You women are nothing but cum dumps to me.”
Naoya spread your butt cheeks open, laughing at the silly way you clenched around him every time he pulled out, your puffy lips sucking him back again until Naoya buried himself to the hilt. His dick did wonders in letting out the most erotic whines and whimpers you never thought you’d be capable of, leaving you a drooling and panting mess under him.
“You little fucker, don’t even think about cumming inside me, I will literally castrate you and feed your balls to yourself.”
“Such a dirty mouth. Though that’s expected of a nasty woman like you,” he sassed, his thrusts faltering while his hand clenched your flesh tighter. That was enough to send you over the edge when Naoya slammed his hips harder and more desperately this time around, his cock twitching against your walls. “You wish I would cum inside you. But I have a better plan in mind.”
All it took was one rough hand for him to pull you before him, pushing you down into your knees again as he came inside your mouth. You could feel your cum and his dripping onto his dark marble tiles, the white pool of liquid shining.
Naoya thrusted lazily into your mouth, a sickening grin on his face while he kept you down there. His glare deepened when you tried to pull away from him. “Swallow, you slut. Or I’m fucking your face until I break your jaw.”
Furiously, you swallowed around his cock, Naoya groaning at the feeling of your walls convulsing around him. The moment you gagged from when his tip poked the back of your throat, Naoya pushed you off him until you were left choking on the ground. You gasped for air, hands clasped around your neck, sure that you were going to have a sore jaw and a fucked throat tomorrow.
You kept glaring at Naoya, but this didn’t deter him from gripping your chin down, humming to himself upon seeing that his cum was now gone in your mouth. “Hmm, so you did swallow it like a good girl. I’m glad I’ve disciplined you well.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’m King there already, baby,” Before you could retort, his arms encircled your waist until you were heaved in his arms again. You pounded against his back because you were too done, you couldn’t do another round. Naoya sighed as he threw you in the bed as if you were a ragdoll, disappearing in the bathroom for a while before coming back with a wet towel, which he rudely flicked your way. “Clean yourself up and then leave. Take the back elevators. I don’t want the staff to see a whore leaving my place.”
“You’re the one who brought me here.”
“Only because I had a duty to put you in your place,” He stared at you with his smirk now permanent in his face, admiring the bruises he left on your body.
“We’re not over yet, Zenin. I’m going to break you one way or another.”
You rolled your eyes at him, walking to his closet to wear one of his shirts. Naoya was silent the whole time as he watched you button his shirt with trembling hands, his presence hot on your heels as he followed you out the large room.
As you were about to leave, you picked up the towel you used to clean your cum with and threw it right at his face.
Naoya dodged it easily, eyeing the towel with a scoff. “Still resilient, I see,” settling down on one of his lounge chairs like it was a throne, Naoya rested his cheek on his fist as he stared you down. “But fine — I accept your challenge. A true man never backs down from a challenge, after all.”
“Oh, honey, I’m more than just a challenge,” you sneered.
Naoya’s gaze left your eyes to stare at your perky nipples that poked through his shirt, feeling his cock swell all over again. But he was a man of control and dignity — he wouldn’t do anything more with you, not when it was clear you’ve had enough for tonight.
It didn’t bother him though, he knew he’d have more opportunities to put you in your place.
“We’ll see about that. I’ll be the one to decide your worth,” he declared oh so smugly, the mere sound of his voice pushing you to slam a fist to ruin that pretty face of his, though you held your ground, far too tired to move a muscle. Naoya saw this too, and he smiled to himself, head tilted to the side as he studied the mess he’d made of you. “Tomorrow, same time same place?”
There was no telling what pushed you to agree, but the words left your lips far too confidently for you to even wonder why.
“Be ready for me, Zenin.”
“I always am.”
All the way back to the back elevators that Naoya had directed you at, you pondered on how you’d be able to tell your parents you suddenly needed a ride home when they had no idea you left the dinner gala in the first place. But most of all, how were you supposed to tell them you’d acquainted yourself with the Zenin clan all over again?
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youandtom · 3 years
Satisfy Me
Tom Holland x Reader
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Summary: When your current long-term relationship becomes bland and stale, how far are you willing to go to bring some satisfaction back into your life? When you meet Tom, he shows you exactly how a man should be pleasing you.
☆ You right, I got my guy, but I can’t help it I want you
☆ I got a man but I want you and it's just nerves, it’s just dick makin’ me think ‘bout someone new
Themes: smut mostly, a bit of angst and ending in fluff.
Warnings: Reader being a cheater but not out of spite? :) choking, fingering, oral (fem receiving), smut smut smutty smut, orgasm denial, overstimulation, a dash of thigh riding, unprotected sex, softdom!tom, tension so thick you need a knife and the use of a really, really bad joke that made me laugh more than it should’ve.
w/c: 8.7K
A/n: Based on Doja Cat & The Weeknd - You Right. I recommend listening to it while you read either for understanding of the premise or for the mood. Also I wholly intended for this to be a short fic but it seems I am completely incapable of such a thing. Anyway. Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated!!
The feeling came naturally to you in the same manner that happiness finds a young child when their eyes set sight on a brand new puppy hidden underneath the wrapping paper on Christmas Day. It diseased your mind as easily as the embarrassment of the memory of you falling in front of your part-time manager, spilling the water down your blouse painting it transparent for everyone to see what lies beneath. At first contact, it overruled your subconscious and moved your body into an involuntary shock just as someone would if they had been given a fright. You never asked for this nor did you anticipate it having such an effect on you, but perhaps because of its natural arrival that you deemed it fate. That it was supposed to happen, because why else would you be riddled with an intolerable guilt every time you saw him? There’s no reasonable justification for the guilt; you’ve done nothing wrong, but if anyone were to discover the compulsions running through your mind, they would berate you for your immorality.
The guilt stemmed from that one night you spent at your friend’s housewarming, where you first saw him standing poised in the corner of the symmetrical interior of your friends new house, and that sight alone dug its claws into your brain ever since. Its roots were too tightly intertwined with your conscience and instead of trying to dig it out, which you failed to do anyway, you learned to live with it no matter the depravity of the situation.
Normally showing interest in a man wasn’t a crime, but when you already had a man to claim as your own, the notion then became indecorous.
Never did you think that once you found who you thought was the love of your life, young and naive, that you would seek anything more than what your dear boyfriend, Zac, gave you. Zac came to you so easily, and as that teenager with low standards of men and life, you quickly settled for the first bid, ignorant of other offers. Five years in and you regularly experienced issues common with long-term relationships; the romantic spark had fizzled out until there was nothing but boredom, laziness and a formidable wave of dissatisfaction. It meant that your fantasies and desires could no longer be satiated by Zac because over time he lost sense of how to make you feel loved like you were his girlfriend and not just someone he knows.
Unbeknownst to you, the night of the housewarming proved that you are just as you thought: naive. So simple-minded that you never expected to want someone else, someone better than your current boyfriend because you didn’t know it existed. But now, given your lacklustre relationship, it is the only thing you ask for; someone who knows how to please you, excite you, fulfil your fantasies and desires in a way that is unpredictable, to bring about that once-felt youthfulness of love again, to satisfy you.
You knew exactly what initiated it, and whether intentional or not, it was a fleeting moment in time that decided your paths were to be connected. It was strange how the thought occurred to you, that millions and millions of years had passed, a catalogue or two of written history had led you both to this exact moment in time, where the urge for your eyes to connect in the small time frame of a single second appeared simultaneously. It was like a noise only he and you could hear, pulling your attention towards each other and keeping it for yourselves. Despite the flute of Prosecco you sipped on at the time and Zac’s stiff hand on your waist, you still remember quite explicitly what coursed through your veins when your eyes found his; curiosity, want, desire, an uncontrollable impulse, then fear. In that exact order.
His name was Tom, and although his name revealed itself quickly to you, you were still strangers no less. He had looked to you from across the room as if he knew everything about you, your personality, your wants and needs, your history, and evidently, who you were drawn to as you remember his eyes snapping to Zac’s hand resting haphazardly on your hip. His eyes were a variant of brown that you couldn’t describe them as such; the simplicity of the word didn’t do them justice. It was more like a burnt umber but in the right light was like a delicious, rich and bitter chocolate. The way you fantasised how they would run down your figure, coating you in their warmth caused a very visible shiver to make itself known, and it gave Tom that little piece of insight to the fantasises in your head. That look was all you got from him, and it worried you how quickly you found yourself being attracted to him with just a small gaze, whereas it took four dates and a bunch of flowers over three months to consider taking a liking to Zac.
The initial betrayal of being interested in someone other than Zac was confusing, but the novelty of it was enticing. Be that as it may, an unhealthy and a very suppressed obsession for satisfaction lured you into craving after the spark you felt when you first saw Tom, knowing that it was too ferocious to ignore. However, three very trying obstacles stood in your way. One obviously being your current relationship with Zac. The second was the uncertainty if Tom felt the same. What if you misjudged and it was just a glance and nothing more, that the spark was one-sided and undeserving of being reciprocated? The last was your own guilt, unsure of right from wrong. You pined at the possibility of Zac discovering that although he was the one who shared a bed with you, someone else was occupying your mind and everything in between. You were fighting against the bitter inner-conflict between the selfishness of wanting more and liberation from the monotonous for a long time, until loyalty and perhaps a certain anxiety of the unknown kept you stuck with him. You had always been with him, you didn’t know any different.
When another social event loomed around the corner, you utilised it as a trial to determine what direction your doubts would swing you in, that if they were as concerning as their very existence reasoned them to be, they would help you make the right decision. You approached it as you would any other gathering; calm, taken and unexpected of the presence of a certain man that had been infecting your memory. Unaware that you had dressed at little more immodestly than usual, it was too late to change when the taxi’s horn blared from outside your front door. For the first few hours of the night, Zac appeared absent: his touch lacked the usual half-arsed affection and he spent most of his hours with some guys watching a live football match between who? and never heard of them in the kitchen, sharing nothing but an empty look towards you every now and then.
The words of your friend were waffled into your ear beside you as you perched yourself on the plush sofa in the living room where the women remained, but you didn’t heed any of them, absent-mindedly picking away at the pink nail polish and listening to the conversation in your own head. As he always was, Tom was present in your mind, but yet his physical presence was yet to be seen here at the gathering; he was a dear friend to the hostess, so it was a surprise that he hadn’t shown. Before you completely negated doubt number 2 on the grounds of lack of evidence/Tom, when the clock struck 10pm, the front door clambered open and a few latecomers, mostly guys sporting football strips laden with various packs of beers in their hand, stumbled in, the remnants of a chant fading as they flooded into the kitchen to meet with the other guys.
“That’ll be the football fans arriving.” The words of Katie, the hostess, were murmured inwardly as she followed them into the kitchen to greet them. You decided to trail behind her, curious to see who else had arrived but also desperate to avoid negating one of your doubts prematurely. The pristine white tiles of the kitchen floor clicked under your heels, a woman’s siren. The very sound that alerted the men, turning their heads as both you and Katie strolled into the kitchen. The air was dense, thick with left-over sweat that lingered around the latecomers, a souvenir from the football stadium. Even though it was overwhelming and potent enough to reach for the window, it had undertones of a musky, cedar and cinnamon cologne that thankfully someone had the initiative to wear. It wasn’t Zac’s, that you were certain of.
Faces filled every space, but not faces you wanted to see. Your search was abruptly stopped when you heard Zac calling your name through the crowd. With his hand reaching for you, you grabbed and pulled. In seconds, you were standing hip-to-hip with him, his boisterous elbow landing painfully on the crook of your shoulder.
“There she is. Tom, this is my girlfriend.” Yes, because the pointed elbow jabbing into my neck screams love and affection. Wait what…?
Your eyes immediately left Zac’s bloodshot eyes to find deep, dark umber irises staring back at you, defined in the clear whites of his glossy eyes. Your heart stammered as the spark flickered. Tom looked to you expectantly, seemingly amused by your momentary bewilderment and folded his arms across his chest, clad in the football strip of team never heard of them. You tried to swallow to ease the tension, but the bob of your throat just tempted Tom’s notice and the sound that escaped your mouth hung heavy in the air. The musky scent you detected earlier was wafting through your nose, stronger than before and its warmth wrapped you in a tight hug - it had to be Tom’s. A brew of nerves broiled in your stomach, its very existence bringing about a flavour of disgrace as guilt consumed you once more. Your mind was running on basics, not risking letting your words suffer to the heat of the moment.
“Hi,” you vocalised. A small, innocent syllable, but the message you sent through the fluttering of your lashes brimming your eyes was nothing alike.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he husked. “Finally.”
The conversation was kept short and precise between you and Tom as Zac babbled his way through his life story that apparently held no interest to Tom…nor you for that matter. There was so much you wanted to say to him, so much you wanted to ask of him, but with Zac within earshot, you couldn’t. The desire was running ragged in your limbs, and you just hoped that you didn’t convey yourself too desperate towards the man that was unequivocally not your boyfriend. You couldn’t help that Tom was making you feel so nervous, especially with the stare of those dark orbs that felt as though they were burning your skin. And it wasn’t your fault that wanted him, he just made it so hard to resist. Your heart naturally pounded in his presence, beating faster, pulling you towards him rather than Zac.
It was obvious that Tom and Zac’s personalities couldn’t be more dissimilar; the zealous animation of Zac’s mannerisms and loud words were a stark contrast to Tom’s calm, composed demeanour. From the side glances he would share with you in Zac’s unawares, or the mindless confirmations leaking from his mouth in a clever pretence of being invested in Zac’s ramblings, your suspicion remained firm in that Tom revelled in your presence as much as you did his.
As Zac talked about his job, which was never an interesting topic, the spaghetti strap of your dress lost its grip on your shoulder and fell down to the side of your upper arm, resting daintily against your skin. Brought out from your reverie, you tipped your head down demurely, picking up the thin piece of fabric with the tips of your fingers and placing it back into the crook of your shoulder, thinking nothing of it. Although, when you turned your head back to the man opposite you, his eyes were stuck on you, undeniable that he was mesmerised by the small, innocent gesture. Even as Zac continued to talk directly towards him, adamant for his attention, Tom silently acknowledged how obvious he was being in his interest for you, but yet refused to pull his gaze away. In fact, he exacerbated the situation by wetting his bottom lip with his tongue that swept across, slow and calculated.
Your stomach swirled inside you, but it was easy enough to conceal. The shiver that shook your body even less so. Staring at another man’s girlfriend knowingly? In front of him? His bravery was applaudable.
The chains of loyalty and guilt fell away at the precise moment Tom had winked at you, setting you free from the bounds of the dysfunctional relationship that no longer served its purpose. The heat in your belly refuted one of the remaining three doubts left. Tom was completely and utterly entranced by you; the spark had finally been reciprocated. The expression read loud and clear on Tom’s face for you to see. I want you.
It could’ve happened that night. It should’ve. But it didn’t. And if it did, you would’ve. Frustratingly, the chance to talk to Tom alone never presented itself that night but even if it did, neither of you could take it; the house was far too populated with witnesses and Zac was around every corner. You couldn’t risk the exposure and the scandal that would follow. Instead you had to settle for Tom’s close proximity during conversations that neither of you were listening to, the electric touch of his hand to the small of your back as he passed behind you, and the magnetism of his glances as he sought you out through the crowd. Even as you passed through the front door to leave, one last glimpse over your shoulder saw Tom winking at you in a vow to have you, sooner or later.
The spark fizzled out when you left and you sat in silence during your taxi home, staring defeatedly out the window where Zac’s attention was preoccupied with the happenings of his phone. It was pitiful how sad you were, how discontented with the situation that you found yourself stuck in and your heart lurched for relief. Surely your life was destined to be more than the domesticity of the bland and stale relationship, if you could call it that, with Zac. You couldn’t face it any longer.
It took a couple of nights of tossing and turning in your bed to accept that you were only human and with that came weakness and error; humans had needs and they were selfish but most of all, they didn’t always do what was right. It was time for it to be settled. The ball was in your court now, Zac was your issue, not Tom’s. If you wanted this so badly, if your lack of satisfaction was so overwhelming that guilt and betrayal were no longer on the table, then you had to do something about it.
Which was why when your hand lifted to knock against the hard wood of Tom’s front door, months later, regret was no where to be found. Doubt number 3 was dealt with.
The surprise in his voice when he mentioned your name reminded you that you hadn’t warned him about this, that you had acted upon your own intuition and carried on full steam ahead. Despite the surprise in his voice, his body didn’t seem to convey the same shock, lacking the deer-caught-in-the-headlights look as he calmly folded his arms and leaned against the door frame. Nerves pooled at the sight. Casual in a baggy white t-shirt and a pair of loose jeans, hugging him at his waist was enthralling to the spark in your stomach.
“It’s nice to see you,” he said.
“Yeah…you too.”
“What can I do you for?” He knew, but it pleased him to entertain the idea of asking anyway.
“I was…I was hoping actually…” Your voice was wavering, clearly lacking direction. Five years out of practice with flirting with a guy - no wonder you were failing miserably. “Honestly, I don’t know.”
“Does Zac know you’re here?”
“Uh…no, he doesn’t. He’s visiting his parents, actually.”
“Then you better come in then,” he smirked, unabashed and mischievous. He opened the door for you, clearing the way and guiding you in by the palm of his hand. It was all very real. Suddenly the pressure of being with him alone sprung on you, drowning your mind with self-doubt, trepidation but most of all, temptation.
He led you into his living room adjoined with a very open kitchen, walls mounted with ovens, hidden cupboards and a gleaming silver fridge illuminated generously by the full length patio doors that let in the light. He hid himself behind the kitchen island in the middle as he grabbed a glass of water for you, even though you hadn’t asked for it. But by the way you were wringing your hands together and constantly swallowing the lump in your throat, he had figured you needed it. Or at least if he suspected the real reason why you were here, you would need it.
You thanked him, offering a small smile before he placed himself on the Sherlock chair adjacent to yours. You could feel him survey you, knowingly adding fuel to the spark as he queried your every move. The air was warm, borderline suffocating with heat that forced you to readjust yourself repeatedly to stop the sweating.
“How did you find out where I lived?”
“Katie,” you shamefully replied. The edges of your teeth were sinking into your lip in admission. He nodded, despite how stalker-ish you sounded.
“We never really got a chance to speak at Katie’s.”
“We didn’t,” you concurred. “Zac’s got a pretty big mouth on him.”
“Well I guess it’s a good thing you’re here then, isn’t it?” Your eyes found his, twinkling with intention. He suddenly bursted into motion, sitting forward and resting the points of his elbows on his knees. “Actually, I’ve been waiting a long time to get you by yourself.” The purr of his voice initiated a shudder. “I can tell you have too. And it fascinates me that for a woman who has a boyfriend to love, why she can’t stop herself and look the other way when another man tries so desperately to get her alone.”
“Would it surprise you to know that she maybe doesn’t love her boyfriend anymore?” You spoke in soft tones while your eyes sunk to the pair of hands before him, his fingers swivelling in a casual motion but yet teasing all the same. “Maybe her boyfriend doesn’t love her like he used to, either.”
Tom’s lips tugged at the sides and his fingers halted all movement. He knew what you were insinuating.
“It doesn’t surprise me actually.” There was a breath of silence before he stood and hovered over you. His hand reached out to let his fingers glide along the line of your jaw fluidly, his touch skimming over your cheek. “I know why you’re here, darling, even if you’re too afraid to admit it. You try to hide it in your face, but it doesn’t work. I can see right through you.” How he had read the situation so accurately you didn’t know, but you were hooked on his words as he unravelled the secrets you had locked away for months now. “That little boyfriend of yours doesn’t satisfy you anymore, does he?” You timidly shook your head. “Five years, Zac had said. That’s an awful long time. You were only eighteen-”
“Seventeen,” you corrected.
“Seventeen.” He tutted, somewhat pouted his bottom lip and had taken your chin within his grasp where his thumb had a mind of its own. You sank into his touch so willingly. “So young. You’ve barely hit your peak.”
As sat before him, eyes dedicated to nothing else but him, Tom became your priority and Zac was completely erased from your mind. You knew that as soon as you got a taste of Tom, there was no way you would be able to settle for anything less. For Zac. You were just too entranced by the man before you, the man you had been subliminally chasing in the quietest moments of your day and the man who could give you everything you wanted. The craving was immense; physically and mentally shattering. It was shaking you to the core.
Complacent with your surrender, he cocooned both of your hands in his and gently guided you through his house, his eyes rarely leaving yours.
“Tell me what you want,” he had whispered when he pushed you against his bedroom door. You breathed in that musky, cedar and cinnamon smell once again, taking just a moment to appreciate it while you searched your mind for your fantasies. In your silence, he took the opportunity to fulfil his own desires, sweeping away your hair and binding his lips to the skin of your neck. Tom was desperate to taste your lips but he was going to wait until you had submitted until he could claim them. As they roamed your neck, his lips were soft, gentle, barely there in comparison to the rough hands that enclosed around your waist, squeezing with impatience. “Tell me what that sleazy boyfriend of yours can’t give you.” He nibbled on your earlobe and your breath hitched. “But know that as soon as you succumb to me, you won’t have a boyfriend to be going back to. I swear, one touch to your cunt and you’ll belong to me. Understood?”
“Yes,” you whispered. Your voiced lacked in strength because his lips found your throat, ceremoniously branding you with his tongue and teeth at the first instance of your submission. He pulled back from the mark, encased your head within his hands and pulled you close until your noses skimmed in front of you.
“Good. Now tell me what you want.”
“I want to be touched,” you confessed. That dark, burnt umber was fiery now, never leaving your sight for one second.
“Be specific.” He was panting with restlessness.
“I want…I want to be choked, pinned down so hard that I can’t move when I cum. I…” A sudden hot flush painted your cheeks as you began pleading your fantasies. There was no denying you had an erotic mind, but you didn’t even stop to consider it might’ve been too erotic for Tom. But he didn’t blink and as a motivator, Tom glided his hand down past your navel, sinking in between your thighs to feel the heat of your cunt and toying with it by cupping his fingers into you, rubbing back and forth. The only thing that stopped him completely submerging was the fabric of your shorts. He made you want them to be ripped off but in order for that to happen, you knew you had to divulge your desires first.
“Keep going.”
“I want to cum in as many ways as I can; your fingers, your tongue, your dick, a toy, any way. And I don’t want that choice to be mine either; I want you to decide how and when I cum too…if you let me cum.” Your candour was staggering.
“Rough or gentle?” Tom asked, breath hot against the crook of your neck.
“When was the last time you had sex?”
“Um…” You were embarrassed to say, and Tom could feel the weight of your apprehension underneath his lips as he felt your throat bobbing to swallow. He pulled away until you could see the dread in his eyes, translated into an anger. “A few months,” you had whispered.
“How. Long.” He wanted specifics.
“Five months. Valentines day was the last time.” Tom couldn’t imagine how insatiable you must have felt, the thought of being rejected for so long from your own boyfriend no less was unfathomable. The only thing he did feel, though, was sympathy for your frustration. He wanted to tell you that if you had belonged to him he would never leave you so unfulfilled for so long. But he would much rather show you than tell you. He slacked his jaw until the anger dissipated, replacing it with an obligation to make up for your boyfriend’s mistakes.
“You must be ravenous, darling.” The comment made you chuckle. But the harsh tap to your clothed clit made you squeak.
“You could say that, yeah.”
“Then we’ll start gentle. Lie on the bed for me. And relax, you are still so tense.”
In a sequence choreographed by what you had seen in films, you sat on the edge of his bed, shyly shuffling further backwards until your back laid rest on the mattress. You had followed one of his instructions at least, the other was easier said than done. The rhythm of your pulse was still elevated, unaided by the sight of Tom crawling over the top of you until he had eclipsed the light, leaning down and finally claiming your lips in his. Your body was motionless under his weight except from your legs that had slithered out for underneath him to press against either side of his hips, teasing out a groan from him. His lips moved against yours purposefully, opening you up bit by bit before his tongue breached passed your lips to edge against the tip of yours. You audibly hummed, simply because you hadn’t felt such passion in a kiss for so long, savouring the notion of feeling wanted for once. The sound had Tom smiling against your lips.
In kissing someone new, you suddenly realised just how much Zac’s kisses lacked the spark you had always been seeking.
Surrounded by Tom - his right arm supported his balance above your head whilst his left cradled your face - you easily melted into his embrace.
“I think…” Tom started, but he dipped down for another heartwarming kiss. “That we’ve both wanted this since the moment we met.” He dipped again, but his lips landed against your cheek. “That night. At the housewarming.” His thumb hooked under your chin to tilt your head up as he licked his way down towards your neck. “You looked so gorgeous, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You couldn’t take yours off me either, apparently.” You yelped when his teeth grazed your pulse. “But then I saw Zac’s arm wrapped around you and…fuck,” he growled loudly and rutted his hips into you. Your eyes widened. “You are a little tease, do you know that?” No, you didn’t. In fact, you had always figured he was the one teasing you.
“I didn’t mean to tease you,” you mewled hopelessly. Before your words had reached his ears, he had the material of your t-shirt bunched underneath your breasts, slipping it over your head for his lips to kiss away the swarm of nerves in your stomach.
“Hmm, I’m sure you didn’t.” The devilish sarcasm had your legs attempting to clench together, but any movement was redundant because the entirety of his hands had pulled your legs apart. Your skin burned underneath his harsh touch, but it was only for a moment because until you were open and at his mercy, he didn’t hesitate to soothe out any remnants of the fiery tingle. He offered relief through his lips or his fingers, either way, you were rolling your hips impatiently. Tom detached himself from you momentarily, and the recognisable rustling of clothes slumping onto the floor filled the air.
As your eyes opened and the dizziness alleviated, they set sight on Tom standing clad in just his boxers concealing his bulge and ironically, your eyes almost bulged from your head.
He stood, smouldering with a body embellished by toned muscles and defined by the shadows that hugged them. He was beautiful and was…way out of your league. The extent of your beauty, whether you thought you had any, was greatly exceeded by Tom’s that you were certain that fate had mismatched you, like there was some sort of discrepancy. You couldn’t find a flaw anywhere on him, but when your eyes peered down to your own body and the image of your reflection mirrored in your mind, it was riddled with imperfections. It was that kind of debilitating mindset that had cursed you from the start. Not for one second did you think that when you were that young, naive seventeen year old who was ecstatic to have her first boyfriend, shaped and built like a twig, ever imagine that years later she would have this absolute adonis want to do all of the filthy things her twisted mind desired. People like Tom were never within your reach. Hell, you thought Zac was out of your reach when you were young.
The hands that you were crumbling under moments ago were now hooked underneath the crook of your knees, yanking you forward and placing your hips to rest just on the cusp of the edge. He tilted his head when he noticed your blatant disbelief, up close and easily readable.
“Nothing, just…holy fuck. How are you built like this?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you kidding, you’re literally perfect. It’s actually very nerve-wracking.” You mumbled that last part, but he heard it all the same.
“I’m flattered,” he chuckled. He leaned down between your legs and stole a kiss from you; short, sweet and meaningful. “And why would that make you nervous? Because between you and I, I think the only perfection in this room is…” kiss, “…right,” kiss, “…here. Lying like an angel on my bed,” kiss.
“Tom, come on-”
“What? You don’t believe me?” His eyebrows sunk abruptly, and if you were reading him correctly, he seemed…disappointed. Almost offended that you were so easily doubtful of his words.
“Well, I…no, not really. Just…um, well, I’ve just never been complimented like that before.” You shrugged your shoulders, suddenly taking interest in your hands by the side of Tom’s face mere inches above you. You did anything to avoid his burning gaze but in your attempt, you realised it was as hard as trying to escape prison. He held you captive, locked up and thrown away the key. You knew that he didn’t take too kindly towards your doubt in him, but hearing the doubt in yourself Tom thought was unacceptable.
“Look at me.” He demanded, voice husky and assertive. “I don’t know what the fuck Zac is playing at, quite honestly, I don’t know what he’s done to deserve you because if he’s not giving you his undivided attention, if he’s not appreciating you, or showering you with compliments every single day, because believe me, I would be, then you do not belong with him. And I know he isn’t doing any of those things so do yourself a favour and get rid of him. Stop wasting your time on him.” The tips of fingers smoothed out the frown plastered on your lips, a response not in disgust of his words but in disgust of yourself for letting this relationship carry on as long as it had - you had stopped feeling for Zac years ago, so why hadn’t you broken it off yet? Tom had sunk his head closer to yours, nudging his nose with yours to angle your face more openly as he encased your lips in his, sucking fervently on your bottom lip.
“If Zac doesn’t appreciate you enough, let me show you what you do to me.” Tom whispered against your lips, still buzzing from the nip of his teeth. He released a groan as he rutted his hard dick into your core, subdued by your shorts. “God, the most beautiful little thing I have ever seen. Let me show you how this gorgeous girl makes me feel.” With one more roll of his hips pressed into you, your patience snapped and your sanity crumbled; you needed to be touched. Desperately. “You said you wanted to cum any way possible, right?”
“Yes,” you whispered.
“And only if I allow it?” Your cheeks blushed…why did you have to say that out loud? It was clear he was going to use that statement to his advantage and for that reason, you hesitated, very obviously sighed and conceded. Tom’s smirk split into glee.
“Just take my shorts off. Please. I need you to touch me, I can’t wait any longer,” you whined. He almost laughed at your eagerness, but had excused it. You have been touched deprived for so long, who was he to deny you any longer?
“Keep those arms above your head and I will. If they move, I’ll stop.”
The cold air bit at your cunt when he finally pulled away your clothes, clit already tingling underneath the close proximity of his breath. The anticipation was ruining you, arms tingling with an itch to reach down and pull him into you but you resisted every time the words of his warning circled your head. Instead, you bucked your hips in a bid to get him closer to you, to where the heat swarmed and your core was begging for attention. Slow tutting sounds were muttered from his mouth as he shook his head in distaste.
“Darling,” he snickered, his laugh somehow broke the word into more syllables than you thought possible. If that little sobriquet didn’t grab your attention, his fingers drumming into the side of your hips did. “Don’t act all bratty on me now, I want to have my fun first.”
“Fine, but—fuck!” Your hips twitched at the first touch of his tongue gliding through your cunt. The muscle was soft, flat and slow as it dragged itself through the lips of your slit. In its trail left his warm spittle, coating you entirely so that every part of you was covered in him in some way, and dripping with a sparkle from the light above him. Already your legs were quivering, not quite in anticipation of your climax, but in a shiver of pleasure you hadn’t felt in a long time. Tom saw your back arch and wanted more from you. He dipped his head again, languidly pressing his tongue against your slit and pushing through until he reached the little bundle of nerves at the peak. Happily, he took your clit into his mouth and sucked, pressing the harsh tip of his tongue against it, flickering erratically until he could hear you moaning for release.
When you began to writhe, he slotted his finger into you whereby both your cunt was filled with him and your clit was caught between his lips. His other hand was occupied at your navel, pressing into it to keep you still.
“Shit…shit…shi-i-i-it,” you panted in a wanton plead and sweat dripped from your brow. “Tom, what the fuck?!” He released your clit with a pop. An added finger pumped in and out of you, curling at the knuckle to make up for the loss of attention elsewhere.
“This is how a man is supposed to pleasure you.” A momentary open kiss to your clit sparked a twitch. “None of that five-month-celibacy shit. If you were mine, I’d be eating this pussy every spare minute I had.” To solidify his words, he pressed his tongue flat against the sensitive bud and frantically shook his head between your legs and every time you felt a flicker twitch your nerves, your thighs spasmed. You were so desperate to rake your fingers through his hair, to either pull him further into you or drag him away but regardless, the threat of his promise to stop if you did overruled your instinct, so you whined through the suppression. The bubble grew in your stomach and your toes curled. You couldn’t tell if, at first feeling of an orgasm, you were going to immediately implode or whether you had retained some self-control. It had been so long since you had any and knowing that Tom was expecting to grant you permission first, you were worried that if you lost control, he would be sorely disappointed.
You felt yourself tipping over, your legs closed in on themselves every second or third time Tom’s tongue darted out to circle around your clit. He was expertly pulling at the elastic band in your stomach, ready to snap.
“Fuck, I’m so close. Can I cum, Tom, please?” Tom’s lack of a verbal response immediately told you that he was indeed going to abuse that little statement you let slip earlier. I want you to decide how and when I cum too…if you let me cum. His fingers slipped from you just as easily as the moan slipped from your lips. His hands, now free, lifted the back of your thighs to rest against his shoulders before his arms completely encircled your waist, his weight pushing you further down onto the bed. In seconds, you were completely immobile and it frightened you why he would so such a thing. With Zac, you were only ever used to dead hands lying lifelessly at the side, but with Tom, it was like he wanted to make you aware that his mouth wasn’t the only part of him that could drive you to insanity.
You peered down with what strength you had in your neck and what you saw staring back at you had your mouth hanging open, muttering profanities as the dark eyes of Tom stared hauntingly back at you from behind the flexed muscles of his forearms. It was a primal display of his skill, hungrily devouring you, showing you how he can contain the shaking underneath the strength of his arms and the persistence of his tongue dragging your clit mercilessly in every direction. Warm, wet and sensitive, you were driven to the edge.
“Tom, please!” In your desperation, your hands swung down to the side of your hips and instinctively grabbed an angry fistful of the sheets beneath you of their own volition. You had realised your mistake a second too late, for Tom’s eyes had already glimmered with disapproval and just like that he detached his touch from you. The groan that left your mouth was demonic with frustration. The feeling in your stomach was empty as was the sensation at your clit; the elastic band had shrivelled into nothing. Your head bounced against the mattress as you swung back, sobs rattling from your throat in a child-like tantrum and reasonably so. You were so close to experiencing the biggest, most intense orgasm in years and for as excited as you were for Tom to arouse you so quickly, you were just as equally maddened that he didn’t allow it to happen, especially when he made a point about how unfulfilled you were in your sexual fantasies.
“You’re a prick,” you panted. In seconds, his face hovered above you but you refused to give him the satisfaction of eye contact. Although in your peripheral, he was stoical and unfazed by your insult.
“I gave you one rule.”
“I didn’t think you were actually going to follow through with it. I was so close,” you huffed. There was something about your sudden unreserved, bratty nature that Tom wanted to immediately snuff out, so he did the only thing he thought plausible. His hand reached for your throat, fingers coiling around your neck where his tips of his digits curled harshly into your skin. The pressure elicited a yip and your entire body froze aside from the expanding heat at your core. Wide eyes sprung open to find Tom, donning a very particular look of censure. Tom had already proven to have a reliable memory, so when he heard that you fantasised to be choked, he wasn’t going to take it lightly.
“Was there so much mistrust in your relationship that you expect such low standards from everyone else?” He spat. “I don’t joke about, so when I said I’ll stop, I meant it.” You squirmed underneath his touch. “Such a shame, really. I was rather enjoying myself.” You could tell by the way he sensually licked around the perimeter of his mouth to collect any residue of your arousal that he wasn’t lying. Your taste set his eyes ablaze.
“I’m going to ask you one more time. Keep your arms above your head.” You obeyed without a seconds hesitation. “Good.” He pinched your chin endearingly, despite the hostile grip around your throat. “My little angel.” My. Not Zac’s. Tom’s. The word, so short and simple, caused your heart to stammer and you were certain that Tom could feel it in your pulse beneath his hand.
With a hand still wrapped around your neck, the other slid down between your bodies until the pads of his fingers found your clit and began circling; the remains of your climax still lingered and buzzed to life when it finally got Tom’s attention again. Pleads were dripping from your mouth until you started to sound like you were reciting that fucking Daft Punk song, so you resolved to biting your lip. Nevertheless, he pushed harder, he circled faster, his grip became stronger and the pleasure was better. The feeling of your lost orgasm was redeemed in minutes and Tom’s fingers furiously pressed down onto your clit methodically, emphasising the sensation when he slotted them into your entrance, his palm cupping you to make sure that no where was void of his touch.
Between the taut muscles in your stomach homing an impending climax and the dizziness in your head from Tom’s tightening grip, the ecstasy of having your needs fulfilled was earth-shattering, which eventually shook with the orgasm, finally granted by Tom, ricocheting from your core. The room filled with your whimpers and he coaxed you through your high. But Tom couldn’t wait for your recovery. When he felt how tightly your walls clenched around his fingers, he decided, because that was what you had wanted, that he was going to make you cum with his cock deep inside you.
He brought you back from your post-orgasm reverie with a few taps to your cunt, and teased back into reality when he couldn’t resist a few kitten licks to your throbbing clit. Although small and harmless in nature, it was a torment that a cunt so abandoned would cower from - and Tom drank in the sounds, the sight of you crawling away, the feeling of pride he had knowing he was the one to satisfy you and not the arsehole of a boyfriend he knew wasn’t deserving of the beauty that was writhing between his sheets.
“How you feeling, eh?” He had asked, picking away the strands of hair that had fallen onto your forehead. He had noticed the glow to your cheeks, convincing him evermore that you really were his angel.
“Amazing,” you gleamed.
“Good. Now—” A sharp inhale pierced your lungs at the sudden motion. You blinked and you were suddenly straddling Tom’s hips, slowly rutting and bucking into you. He was full, contained and ached for release, and his eyes twitched with demand as your coy hands traced the rim of his boxers. Mirroring your touch, his fingers danced across the surface of your thighs, coaxing you into his authority, showing you how good he could make you feel if you just took his damn boxers off.
You positioned yourself high on his thigh, and as you dragged his boxers down the length of his legs, you couldn’t resist to grind your slit against him. In one passing, he was coated in your arousal. It was so delightfully promiscuous that you felt like another person - had you been stuck another day with Zac, you wouldn’t have never ventured into the more salacious side of you.
Tom sat up and grasped your jawline in his hand.
“Here’s me calling you an angel.” He chuckled, dark and menacing. “You’re a filthy little thing, aren’t you?” Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip and his dick twitched. “I love it. C’mere.” He placed you back where he wanted you, where your heat hovered just inches above his cock that lay rigid against his stomach. You salivated in anticipation; how was that going to fit inside you? Despite the doubt, there was nothing you wanted more than to have him buried inside you, and Tom could feel that energy buzzing around him as you lay on top of him.
Carefully, you eased yourself down onto him and the head of his cock slipped right through the barriers of your slit, eager to push further into you.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking tight,” Tom groaned. It was so pleasurable, it almost sounded like he was in pain. The wail that screamed from your throat was just the same, amplified the further Tom dragged you down onto him by the hands gripping your waist and the hips pushing upwards. Your head was spinning and a whirlwind of sounds and expletives screamed internally because you couldn’t find the strength to vocalise them. The mind-blowing feeling was so profoundly debilitating, reaching new highs that it was so unfamiliar, so foreign that the naivety in you couldn’t believe such pleasure could exist. “I should be thanking Zac,” he gritted. “Giving me this tight pussy to stretch out.” Tom elicited a shrill breath from you when he began rolling his hips into you, grinding you against his hilt like he was making sure he could fill every little inch of you. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you wouldn’t even remember that arsehole’s name. Gonna make you cum like he never could.”
Tom planted his feet solid against the mattress, grabbed a firm hold to the sides of your hips and thrusted upwards, over and over and over again. Tom was never one to mistake harder with faster, for his pace remained at the same delicious tempo, stopping only to grind against you. It was all Tom, putting more effort into his poundings that gravity did and you swore for that reason alone, it was why you could feel him pulse in your stomach. His movements never faltered and you almost felt guilty for not having the commitment to move as vividly as Tom, though despite the pathetic attempt, he hushed you and told you to relax, enjoy the feeling because this was all about you.
Your hands found his chest when you felt yourself buck forward, Tom still hammering into you, adamant to steal your breath with every one of his virile thrusts. You hadn’t even realised you had completely folded until your forehead laid rest against the fiery skin of his shoulder. The bubble of oxygen that sat impatiently in your throat was clamped down, scared that if you released it, it would set off a chain reaction that would ultimately result in an explosive orgasm; not yet granted by Tom.
With his arms fully encircling your waist, Tom planted a few grounding kisses to your cheek, telling you that he had you, warning you for what was to come.
“Are you close, darling? I can feel you squeezing me.”
“I’m…bursting Tom, I’m gonna cum again.”
“Let go for me. Let me hear those noises. I wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
With a few more of Tom’s animalistic thrusts and the spinning of your clit beneath his fingers, you came undone, releasing the pressure and savouring the euphoric feeling of both pleasure and years worth of denied satisfaction that coursed through your entire body.
“That’s it, oh fuck. Christ, darling, you’re killing me, keep going.” You continued to clench, squeeze, scream, wail, grip, quiver; it was all too much for both you and Tom. You couldn’t even hold yourself up anymore, gripping onto to Tom like a koala would their tree. And it was reciprocated; once Tom finally descended from bliss, he coiled his arms tightly around your middle, keeping you stationary as he carefully released himself from you.
“Are you okay?” He had whispered into your ear. You nodded back, movements weak and small, and Tom returned with a supportive kiss to your shoulder. “My little angel.”
The air was still when Tom had prompted you to lie on the bed, humming contently as he cleaned you as best he could. The beating of your heart was still erratic but it was something as affectionate as Tom’s steady breath sweeping over your face as he knelt down to kiss your temple that slowed the pace. Light flooded in when the slits of your eyes peered open. They found Tom’s, the rich chocolate of his irises staring back at you in admiration. A blanket of serenity covered you both.
“Hi,” he murmured.
“How you holding up?”
“I think I’m okay,” you smiled.
“Hm,” he hummed. “I’ll need to try harder next time.”
“Fuck, Tom!” Your unstable giggles filled the air. “So there’s a next time then?”
Tom shuffled closer until foreheads touched and noses brushed.
“Of course there’s a next time. And a time after that, and after that and after…” You pressed a finger to his lips and he immediately hushed, those glossy eyes told you he was listening to your words and sealed the promise with a kiss to the tip of your finger.
“What about Zac?”
“Who’s Zac?” He teased. You heaved a heavy sigh. You were actually being half serious - not knowing how to wriggle yourself out of the situation you now faced having deemed yourself unfaithful. “I told you you wouldn’t have a boyfriend to be going back to,” he whispered with a bit more understanding lacing his words. “It’s obvious you’re unhappy with him, so break things off with him-”
“And then what, Tom? All my stuff is with him, all my friends are through him, most of my life has been with him…I would have nothing without him.”
“But you are also nothing to him as well. He’s too connected to the woman you used to be and can’t see the woman you are now.” He took a breath to calm himself. “Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to break it off with him. Completely. Don’t let him persuade you otherwise; tell him you’re unhappy and you want to move on. Stick to your guns. Then, you’re going to gather everything you have and bring it here-”
“Here?” The suggestion was unexpected. Was he being serious?
“Here,” he confirmed, his eyes and voice resolute. “Stay here for as long as you like. Let me indulge you, I want to appreciate you the way he never did. Because if it were up to me…” His voice dipped into his lower register and eyes fell to your lips. “I would happily satisfy you and please you and satiate all of your fantasies and desires for the rest of my life to make you happy because I…I just can’t resist you. You make it so fucking hard, darling.” He pushed against your lips as a testament to his admission. His conviction twinned with his determination to keep you as his own thrilled you with a sense of longing that had been absent from your life for so long. It was all too enticing that, just like he had said, it was so fucking hard to resist.
“So?” Tom asked desperately.
“I hope you’ve got enough room, I’ve got a lot of clothes,” you giggled. Tom embraced you with a contented smile on his lips, his armed wrapped around you pulling you closer into his chest where the cedar and cinnamon scent welcomed you in.
“Plenty of room for you, my angel.”
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