#anyway just wanted to say thank you to all of you writing with me atm; i'm having a blast & you've all been so great to me; too!
occkalt · 9 months
HONESTLY KAT IS QUICKLY BECOMING ONE OF MY FAVOURITE MUSES OF ALL TIME... or at least one of my favourite to write, lol.
I DON'T KNOW WHY because again, it's not like she has much time to shine in her canon, being as short as it is. but what is there is just so great, and her personality is just so much fun to write............. I love this dumb reckless girl so much ;ww;
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spideyanakin · 3 months
10 things i hate about you - chapter 6
eddie munson x harrington!reader
summary - a new rule strikes the Harrington household: if Steve wishes to date ever again, his sister needs to find a boyfriend first. As Steve becomes desperate and thinks of everything in his power to set her up, only one guy comes to mind that will take up a challenge such as that: Eddie Munson.
warnings - the moment you have all been dreading (I'm half sorry), mentions of death, eddie and his questionable dares, joyce buying christmas lights in april, some fluffy fluff, and ofc; a sprinkle of angst
word count - 8.8k
thank you to the amazing @inknopewetrust for proof reading most of this series <3
series masterlist
eddie munson masterlist
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"Eds!" Gareth clapped his hands in front of his friend's face. 
"You're sulking"
"I'm not sulking."
"Why are you sulking?" 
There was a pause, a short, challenging silence slithering between the trays of food and drinks before Eddie spoke again with solemn words;  "I think I'm in love with her." 
And just as the words left Eddie's lips; Gareth huffed loudly alongside two other Hellfire boys. Gareth sent a piercing glare towards his dungeon master–ripping a piece of white bread from his tray and throwing said piece towards Eddie’s face, making it land in his curls.
“Hey! What was that for?” Eddie swatted the bread away, watching with raised eyebrows as his three closest friends fished for something in their pockets; simultaneously pulling out twenty dollar bills. Eddie watched, eyebrows creasing to a frown as the three twenty dollar bills traveled across the table; right into Oliver’s hand.
"Did you have to say love?" Jeff whined.
"Yeah, the bet was lower at like, or really liked," Gareth gruffed, Oliver simply shrugged while Eddie stared—too dumbfounded to speak. The blonde guitarist counted his money before neatly folding it and placing it in his back pocket.
"I'm going to pretend like you guys haven't betted on me," Eddie said before poking his fork around his plate, attention focused on the carotte he was making dance across the paper. “Anyways, it’s not that bad, you guys should be happy for me!”
"Yes it's bad, terrible even!" Oliver dropped his can of mountain dew, drops spilling out from the harsh clatter of it against the table–and Eddie gulped when he made eye contact with the daggers in Oliver’s eyes.
Unfortunately, all his lost heart could do was look back at him like a lost puppy–big eyes pleading for help rather than judgment, and just for a moment–Oliver caved. 
A short sigh escaped the blonde’s lips, and he leaned back on his chair in thought. That action caused a new silence, one filled with short huffs and glances from the boys; right until Eddie broke it again.
"I know," he pushed his tray away before leaning back, imitating his guitarist, "I don't know what to do."
"Call the deal off?" Gareth suggested.
"Yeah, that's the most obvious thing, Gareth!" Eddie almost screamed. "One problem; Steve keeps handing me bills like he’s a fucking ATM machine. I have three hundred fucking dollars from him that I refuse to use!"
"I thought that's what you wanted, extra cash," Oliver’s voice was dry, and it almost made Eddie flinch.
"I don’t think I ever took the deal for the money…” He closed his eyes, sighing through his nose, “I think she kind of always fascinated me.”
“So, let me get this straight. Instead of just asking the girl out, you made a deal with her brother that he’d pay you to go out with her?”
“Kind of?” He winced at his own words. “I didn’t realise how fucked up this whole situation was!”
“As if we hadn’t warned you!” Olivier exclaimed, tone almost condescending which sent a new pang across Eddie’s chest. 
He didn’t want this. He didn’t need judgment from his best friends, his own internal turmoil was enough.
He was asking for help and Oliver was throwing hard cold judgment across his face like the iced daggers he’d write about for his campaigns.
He felt like Boromir. Tempted by the worst of forces–hypnotized by his mistakes, too enticed to step back–and now he was paying the consequences, as invisible arrows were shot right through his heart.
“Hey calm down Ol’,” Gareth defended, humming in the best soothing tone he could muster; “screaming at Eddie won’t make this any better for him.”
“Right, because he so understood when we told him this was a bad idea three weeks ago,” and with his words, the table fell silent.
Everyone looked at each, carefully assessing the situation and how to proceed. Would anyone dare to break the silence? Even Jeff wondered if he could chew his food and finish his lunch without all eyes turning to him.
Eddie crossed his arms over his chest in subconscious defense—gaze to the side and fixed on the back of a random blue cafeteria chair.
He truly didn’t know what to do. Everything in him wanted to cancel this stupid deal, tell you the truth and just hope that you wouldn’t hate him forever. 
Or maybe he could call the deal off and never say a thing—but he’d have to live with that secret for the rest of your relationship.
But thinking about the possibility that you could discover the deal on your own made him shiver. He knew that would hurt you the most, that you’d most, probably, definitely hate him for the rest of your days, and he could say goodbye to ever even being close to you again.  
“Hey boys,” your sweet voice broke the undeniable tension, and like a bee pulled towards honey; Eddie turned his full attention to you.
He didn’t know if you noticed the energy, but if you did you didn’t say anything. He did notice your shoulder tense as every eye around the table turned to you, an oldy intimidating silence slithering up your spine–but the second Eddie’s hand reached your waist, it dissolved into a content smile.
“What were you talking about, I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?”
“Spring Fling.” 
“Our next performance.”
“A campaign.”
Eddie flinched, internally cringing at the multitude of answers that rang across the table at the same time.
“O-ok?” You raised an eyebrow, hand resting against Eddie’s shoulder–silently asking for clarification.
“Mainly, Spring Fling, babe,”
“Ah,” you squeezed his shoulder, already pouting before the next words came out of you, “will you be mad if I say no to going?”
“I get you for not wanting to go,” Oliver chimed before chugging the end of his mountain dew.
“Yeah, staying home too?” You asked.
“Oh no, I’m going, don’t know why though,” and as the words left his mouth, he eyed knowingly at Gareth. 
“See, Eddie! Olivier is going! Gareth is saved! We don’t have to go!” You squeezed his shoulder and Eddie gulped. This was not going to be easy.
“Y-yeah,” he could barely reply and Gareth shot him a quizzical look. 
Eddie was digging his grave right then and there. 
He really needed to break that damn deal.
“Hey Y/n,” Nancy caught up with you, ponytail bouncing as she ran the short distance between the cafeteria door and the lockers.
“What’s up?” You smiled once she was at your level, closing your locker and tightening the notebooks you were holding as you continued your way through the mass of students.
“Have you seen Barb?”
“No,” you frowned. “I haven’t seen her all day, actually, I was going to ask you. She didn’t have lunch with you?”
You watched her frown deepen, “no, she wasn’t there, I sat with Steve and his friends. I–um I haven’t seen her since yesterday at your place.”
“Oh, well I’m sure she’s fine, probably called in sick or something,” but your words didn’t soothe Nancy’s worries.
“I called her mom,” she averted her stare from yours.
“She didn’t come home yesterday, or this morning.”
“Oh,” your heart sank down to your stomach, the uneasy feeling threatening to swallow you whole.
“Are you sure she left your place last night?”
“Yeah,” you matched her frown. “You don’t think-?”
“That she disappeared like Will?” 
“I don’t know… This whole situation just seems odd…” You looked around, maybe in search of something, just to be met with the mass of students that walked through the maze of hallways that was Hawkins High. No one seemed bothered; no one looked worried or stirred by what was silently unfolding in the city.
You brought your gaze back to Nancy, trying to hunt for a topic to change the subject–anything that could hook both your attentions elsewhere.
Then you saw it: the bright pink and yellow poster for Spring Fling. You huffed, ripping the poster from the wall and crumbling the paper, just to throw it in the nearest trash. An attempt at rebellion, maybe.
“Who the heck would go to that antiquated mating ritual.”
“I would!”
“Do you seriously want to get all dressed up so some rando with a boner dressed up in the first suit he found at Gap can feel you up while you’re forced to listen to a band that by definition ‘blows’?”
She scoffed, “the rando in question is your brother, may I add.”
“My brother?” You raised your eyebrows, “but I’m not going, he won’t be allowed to go.”
“You’re not?” She squeaked, eyes darting to your hands as you unfolded the wires of your walkman. “Steve told me you would. I think he assumed Eddie asked you.”
“Steve has no business assuming what I will or will not do, and Eddie has asked me, I told him no.”
“Why? I thought you liked Eddie.”
“Going with someone I like, still doesn’t change the fact that I find these gatherings dumb,” you accentuated your words by harshly placing your headphones around your neck, and locking your walkman onto your backpocket.
“Are you sure you won’t go? Just for me? Just so Steve will go, and by extension I will?” Her big blue eyes pleaded, lips forming into a pout, and for a split second you faltered, wondering if you could do this for your friend.
“I’ll see.”
“You are incorrigible,” she rolled her eyes, already knowing this meant no.
“Indeed I am,” you looked around, gaze flickering from the lockers to Nancy, “so do tell me, you and Steve last night, hm?” 
“Oh, shut up!” Her shriek made you giggle, and you would have continued teasing her if not for the hands that latched onto your waist, you jumped, shrieking before feeling yourself getting picked up into the air.
You immediately recognized the laugh that echoed in your ear, and Nancy’s smile gave the owner of those hands even more away.
“Eddie, let me down!” You giggled in echo with him, hands wrapping around his own before he dropped you back on your feet.
“Don’t you have a class to get to?” You mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Mrs. Day called in sick, I have a free period.”
“Oh lucky,” you hummed, shoulders slumping at the anticipation of your next hour.
“Eddie?” Nancy spoke, making Eddie’s curls brush your cheek as he turned to face your friend. “Have you seen Barb by any chance?”
“Not since yesterday,” he shook his head and he sensed the way you tense up in his arms. “Everything ok?”
“We think she’s missing.”
“Missing? Like the Byers kid?”
“According to her mom, she didn’t come home last night, and skipping school isn’t like her,” Nancy bit her lip as she looked to the side.
“I mean, maybe she did. I’m not one to say that skipping school isn’t fun,” Eddie concluded, smirking slightly. He knew that this subject was reaching a dead end, and he sighed before turning his attention back to you. “What are you doing after school?”
“Nothing, why?”
“I found this new card game at the comics shop, and maybe if the game gets boring I can teach you D and D.”
“Are you asking me out on a game date?”
“Are you saying yes?” Instead of answering directly with words, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, muttering your answer as you pulled away. 
“If you two will stop face fucking in the hallway, we’ve got class,” maybe it was jealousy that your brother wasn’t as sweet as Eddie picking at her stomach, or the stress from Barb stacking up, but she ripped her stare away from the two of you to stare at bright blue lockers on the other side.
“Sorry,” you giggled, slipping out of Eddie’s arms after stealing one last kiss. 
“I’ll see you after class, Eds.”
“What do you think they’re up to?” Your hand gripped Eddie’s a little tighter as you watched your brother and his friends laugh towards Johnathan. The poor Byers brother was being thrown around by the greedy hands of your idiot brother, the grim look on his face turned to disgust and anguish. You watched your brother, a loud chuckle ripping from his mouth. Your frown deepened as Tommy gave him one last push, Steve snatching pieces of paper from his grip.
Jonathan watched as Steve and Carol ripped to shreds the papers, they all laughed one last time; Tommy giving him a last cruel shove that almost made him trip before walking away. 
You took closer steps towards the parking–maybe in a quick attempt to help, but unfortunately, the group was walking right for the two of you, waltzing away from the mess they created towards god knows where.
“What did you do?” You grumbled as your path crossed your brothers, glancing behind his shoulder to spot Nancy jogging the distance between Johnathan and her group of new so-called friends. 
“You’ll never guess, the perv took pictures of us yesterday!” 
“He was in the woods by our place, snapping pictures of us in the pool, even snapped shots of Nancy while she was changing.”
“Why?” You raised your eyebrows, squeezing Eddie’s hand.
“Caus’ he’s a perv?” Carol snickered, “and that’s all he’s found to do with his miserable life?” Tommy chuckled at his girlfriend’s words, and they disappeared behind you again, snickering as they left towards the field behind the High School building.
“Weird,” you muttered, watching Johnathan getting back into his car and leaving.
“You think he took my good profile?” Eddie, like always, pulled you out of your thoughts with a dumb joke, making you snort and playfully shove his shoulder. “What?” He offered a new laugh and you rolled your eyes.
“C’mon, let’s go try this new card game, I’ve had enough of this place for the day,” you tugged at his arm, dragging him further towards your car.
“Understandable,” he muttered, watching as you toyed with your car keys. “Hey, how about we pass by Melvald’s first? Grab some snacks and stuff.”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” your hand brushed his as you parted ways to climb in the driver’s seat.
Apart from the Metallica blasting from the speakers; the ride was quiet, peaceful almost, as you bathed in each other’s presence. It was nice, seeing the streets of Hawkins with someone you liked by your side–it almost all seemed less… daunting. It was soothing, knowing you’d get to have careless laughter over junk food and a pack of cards, letting the week’s worries and Steve’s torment slip away for just a few hours. 
You almost smiled when the red writing of Melvald’s came to view, stomach already growling not with hunger, but envy for cookies and candies–anything that could be considered a bad excuse for a dinner. 
You parked next to a mattered brown truck, mud stains on its wheels and rusty doors. Eddie placed a hand in his hair as he exited your car, a poor excuse at trying to tame his curls, but you smiled when his hair stayed as wild–it suited him better.
Your hand found his as you walked into Melvald’s. The shop seemed pretty empty apart from a few stray heads bopping out of aisles. 
“Afternoon,” you smiled at the owner behind the counter, he nodded before you both headed for the cookie aisle, grabbing one of those cheap red plastic baskets on the way.
“What are your favorites?” You hummed playfully as you scanned the shelves.
“I’d say Oreos are good, or um,” he thought, fingers going over his lips in thought. “Chips Ahoy! I love Chips Ahoy” 
“The white chocolate fudge ones are the best,” you turned to Eddie and watched his face turn in pure horror. 
“What did you just say?”
“That the white chocolate fudge cookies are the best?”
“I think you hit your head too hard as a kid, sweetheart. The normal milk chocolate ones taste so much better.”
“Hey! That is so not true,” you pressed on.
“They’re so sweet,” he scrunched his nose, “makes you sick if you eat too much.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes, jokingly vexed at his hatred for your favorite.
“Oh my god, I used to love these as a kid,” Eddie’s face lit up as his eyes crossed paths with the a small white cardboard box, big smiles drawn over it. 
“Says the guy who called White Fudge Chips Ahoy too sweet,” you narrowed your eyes as he picked up the pack of Giggles from a shelf.
“You don’t want to get them?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No, no. I still love these, put them in,” you grinned, raising the basket so he could dump them in next to the pack of Oreos.
“What else should we take?”
In twenty minutes spent in the store, your basket was already full with enough food and drinks for the entire of Hellfire. Cans of coke laying against bright blue cookie packaging and other junk food that had caught your attention. Eddie had ended up carrying the basket when it got too heavy, and now it rested by his feet as you waited in line. 
A middle aged woman was in front of you–a toddler in her arms as she fumbled with the coins in her wallet. The baby’s small hands were fumbling with strands of her red hair–babbling something as he watched his mother pay for her groceries.
You were so enthralled in the scene–trying to see how much strength the toddler could tug on the women’s red locks with, that you hadn’t noticed the familiar face settling in the cue behind Eddie. She was almost hidden behind a pile of boxes that laid upon one of her hands, the other gripping the bar of a shopping cart, and you only recognised her by her anxious sigh as she tried to balance the boxes in her grip.
“Oh, hey Joyce,” you smiled, a gentle smile that bled with your compassion and she suddenly turned her attention to you. 
Eddie also turned his attention to her–immediately realizing who this was. He’d seen her behind the counter more times than he could count, and he was also eighty percent sure that Wayne briefly knew her from High School, remembering their short conversations from the hundreds of times he helped his uncle shop here.
“Oh! Y/n, I didn’t see you there!” She spoke, almost startled by your simple greeting. 
She looked tired, like she hadn’t properly slept in days. Her hair poking all over the place, and she was anxiously tapping her foot against the white floor of Melvalds. You assumed she was off work with everything going on, since she wasn’t standing behind the counter like usual.
But what really caught your attention was the amount of Christmas lights she had gathered. At least twelve boxes had been stuffed in the kart, leaving no room for the five others that she held in her free hand. You couldn’t begin to wonder why she had bought everything out of the clearance section, but your heart ached as you watched her gaze falter to the window for a split second before going back to you. She shifted her grip on the boxes, and a new huff left her lips before she handed you a tight smile.
“Is Johnathan with you?” You wondered, eyes briefly going across the aisle visible from your spot in the line.
She shook her head, “he’s probably home right now,” you nodded at her words and watched as her gaze flickered around again–as if she was suddenly comfortable. Maybe it was the mention of her son; maybe a conversation or two about Will that caused tension to seep between them, when in fact they should be sticking together.
Her gaze faltered, becoming softer as she took new acknowledgment of you again. She sent a smile to you and turned to Eddie who was yet to talk.
“This is Eddie, my boyfriend,” you watched the expression on her face change–impressed, slightly surprised maybe.
“Wayne’s nephew right?”
“In the flesh,” Eddie smiled, politely nodding.
“Also I wanted to tell you,” you spoke again, Joyce’s gaze dancing back to yours. “If you need anything from us, you have my number, Joyce.” Her whole face softened, gratitude seeping in through her eyes.
“Thank you, honey,”
Eddie’s trailer felt just as you left it the day before. A cozy haven for the loneliest of souls to find refuge on cold nights. But to your surprise, Eddie didn’t remove his shoes once he crossed the threshold–he even told you to wait for him by the entrance with the multitude of bags filled with the sweets you’d bought. 
You watched as the metalhead bounced across his living space, shedding his leather jacket on the living room chair after he had complained that the spring sun was suffocating him, before he disappeared to his room, and came back with a small blue and orange metal box. His card game.
“Follow me,” Eddie swept past you, grabbing the two shopping bags and jumping the small steps out of his trailer. You raised an eyebrow before following him through the grass patch around his trailer, passing through a laundry line that hosted a few band t-shirts that could only be Eddie’s, and tattered work jeans that you assumed were Wayne’s. 
You intently watched as you both faced a small, thin ladder that climbed up to the trailer’s roof. “Can you take one?” you nodded as he handed you one of the plastic bags.
Eddie stuffed the small card game in his back pocket–you silently questioned him, he could have simply just put it in the bag he was holding. But that didn’t stop him from anything, and you carefully observed as Eddie hummed a ‘follow me’, before starting to climb the rusty ladder. 
You landed on the roof with a huff, and noticed that Eddie had already settled himself on a far off corner, the plastic bag neatly placed next to his feet. 
“Nice view,” you noticed. Smiling as you gazed across the sea of trailers, each painted in their own uniqueness. it was far off from the white picket fence houses–a sea of odd shapes and colors, but it was all the most comforting, lively even. Smoke coming out of barbecue grills, laughter spilling out of small backyards and the light breeze making the bright colored laundry dance. 
“You like it?” He grinned as he admired you trot towards him. 
“I love it,” you settled beside him on the floor, dropping your bag next to the other one and started fishing inside of it for your well earned snacks.
Your hands settled for a pack of oreos, settling it in your lap as you wiggled yourself to be more comfortable. 
"This feels like that one Elton John song."
"Which one?" He raised a playful eyebrow.
"We sat on the roof," your soft voice hummed, slithering into the soft breeze and to Eddie’s ears.
“Kicked off the moss,” he hummed along with you, making a giggle escape your lips.
“You listen to Elton John?”
“On occasions,” he murmured, busying himself with the bag next to him to fish for a can of soda. 
“Wow, didn’t take you for the Elton John type.”
“I’m a man of many mysteries,” he dramatically sighed.
“Shut up,” you giggled, rolling your eyes before grabbing your own can of coke–popping it open before finally speaking again, “so, that game of yours?” 
Eddie grabbed the small box from his pocket, eyes sparkling as he opened it and placed the lid at his side. He took the cards in his hands and started mixing them. 
“So, rules are simple, I think.”
“You think?”
“I didn’t read the rules.”
“Eddie, you can’t play a game if you don’t know the rules,” you giggled, grabbing the box at his side and taking the paper out.
“The guy at the shop told me how to play it, I thought I’d remember.”
“You’re impossible,” you huffed, unfolding the little paper and scanning through the words. You raised an eyebrow, reading through the instructions, “ok, so,” you licked your lips in thought before looking at the cards in Eddie’s hands. “We have to start with the card that looks like the cross path thingy.”
“Ok,” Eddie listened before flipping through the cards and placing said card in between the two of you; right next to the oreo pack. 
“Wait, Eddie.”
“It’s from three to eight players,” you giggled. “Eddie, we can’t play.”
“What?” His eyes widen, ripping the rule book from your hands. “Oh,” he hummed, realization hitting. “Well, this sucks.”
“Yeah, dumbass,” you giggled, grabbing a new oreo.
He sighed, placing the cards back in their box before dropping them at his side, sharing a gaze with you. 
“What should we do?”
The sun had started to set across the trailer park, and a tumble of giggles seemed to be the main theme of your afternoon. One lone cookie was left in the Chips Ahoy pack, and the stacks of plastic wrappers and cans were starting to pile up; a show of the evening slowly dying out into night. 
“Ok, ok,” you giggled, leaning closer to Eddie. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” you raised an eyebrow at his reply, a smirk dancing across your lips.
“I dare you to compliment your neighbor’s dinner,” your gaze traveled to the elderly couple eating in the garden beside Eddie’s trailer. They looked happy–a couple who danced through time together. You could faintly hear their conversation in the distance, but barely making out words, and if Eddie shouted just enough he could easily spring a conversation.
“That’s so stupid,” he grinned.
“I know,” you giggled back and Eddie rolled his eyes before turning around to face his neighbor’s garden. 
He took a second to observe. The barbecue grill on the opposite side was still smoking from its use, and he spotted the home made burgers on their plates. That would be easy to compliment. Plus, Eddie didn’t mind, Wayne was on good terms with them, maybe less so Eddie as he often bothered them when playing guitar. But if the odd comment could bring a good laugh out of the two of you, then Eddie would gladly plunge into your dare. 
“Hey! Mr. Carol!” The elder man turned from his grill as the call reached his ear. “Good job on the burgers! They smell amazing!” You had to place a hand over your mouth to stop the giggles from tumbling like a waterfall as you watched the poor man’s face twist in an awkward smile, both of his eyebrows raised to the sky as he watched his teenage neighbor send him a compliment from his trailer’s roof. 
“Thanks Eddie.” The man awkwardly replied and Eddie saluted him before turning back around to you.
“He looked so confused.”
“He did, didn’t he?” Eddie smiled with you, grabbing another oreo, before mumbling with a mouthful, “truth or dare?”
“Dare,” you smiled, keeping your gaze on Eddie as you grabbed the last Chip’s Ahoy, crumpling the wrapper in your hands and throwing it to the side to join the pile. 
“I dare you to take off your top,” your eyes went wide at his request.
“And flash the whole trailer park?” You shrieked and a loud laugh tumbled from Eddie.
“Well, already you did it for me once,” he dramatically sighed, poking at your ribs, creating another laugh to leave you. 
“I did it to save your ass.” 
“I know, I'm only kidding,” he smirked. “I’ll keep that dare for another time,” he smiled, knocking at you before looking down at the oreo’s in between you, “I dare you to fill your mouth with as many oreos as you can.”
“If you manage to put seven in without almost choking, you get a prize.”
“Why seven?”
“Because that’s my record.”
“That’s so stupid,” you noticed.
“C’mon, do your dare.”
You rolled your eyes, keeping eye contact as your hand traveled to the cookies. You grabbed one-easy. The next one slipping nicely against the second one. You couldn’t look at Eddie anymore, the look in his eyes was enough to make you laugh and want to spit out the whole thing. The next two managed to fit, somehow, and you could hear Eddie chuckling, your gaze focused on the blue wrapper in concentration. 
But when you reached for the fifth one, about to place it in your mouth–you caved. Making eye-contact with Eddie. He was laughing like an idiot; watching your chipmunk cheeks with a devilish spark in his eyes. But that look was fatal, and a laugh climbed right through you, causing you to spit everything out to the side. 
Eddie roared even more with laughter and you had to playfully slap his shoulder in order to keep yourself from laughing too.
“You lost, I’m so sorry,” he patted your shoulder, using his grip to bring you further towards him, kissing the side of your mouth.
“What was the prize?” You questioned, chewing the last bit of crumbs that were left in your mouth as you leaned against him. 
“A private concert,”
“As if you don’t willingly do them, all the time.” he shrugged at your comment, making you smile and remember your game, “Eddie.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Tell me a secret,”
“Ok, I hate peas.”
“No,” you giggled, “tell me something real, something no one else knows,” you grabbed a twizzler, pointing to him with it once you had taken a good bite out of it.
“Ok,” he smirked, a mischievous glint passing by his gaze. The grip on your waist became tighter and he leaned even closer to you, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear with his free hand before kissing your cheek. “You’re sweet,” he pressed a new kiss to your other cheek “and sexy,” a new kiss to your lips, “and completely hot for me,” you gasped a laugh.
“You are amazingly self assured, as anyone else told you that?”
“I tell myself that every day, actually,” he chuckled before locking your lips into a new kiss, and suddenly an invisible sting pulled him back to the reality of the pact he had made with your brother. “Come to the dance with me tomorrow.”
“Is that a request or a command?” You attempted to joke, but he continued.
“Come on, go with me.”
“Why not?” He breathed out a sigh, toying with your fingers.
“I told you already, it’s a stupid tradition.”
“C’mon, people won’t expect you to go.”
“Eddie, why are you pushing this? What’s in it for you?” Maybe you wouldn’t have asked, but Barb’s words suddenly came bouncing into your mind, like an unstoppable bouncy ball hitting the walls of your brain and shuddering through your spine. 
“Nothing, just the pleasure of your company.”
You paused at his words. Mind twirling in the multitude of possibilities. Eddie had been pushing this, but maybe that was just his attempt at trying to be a normal high school couple. 
Would Eddie really want this? Would Eddie really enjoy a gathering full of sweaty hormonal teenagers, with no alcohol, weed or anything else you could think of that he’d use for a good time, all that mixed with awful music? You couldn’t be sure, and you were getting anxious about an ulterior motive.
Barb had made it clear she didn’t trust Eddie, and your heart pinched at the thought. 
You sighed, eyes dancing across the setting sun as it reached further down the sky, casting yet a new glow of colors across the trailer park. 
Your grip on Eddie’s shoulder tightened; “It’s getting late,” you hummed, turning your gaze back to Eddie, “I should go.”
“No, it’s fine Eddie, don’t worry about it,” you gave him a tight smile. “Thanks for the evening,” you stood from his grip, dusting the crumbs from your jeans before nodding back to him, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The next morning, you opened your locker, just for a bright neon pink paper to slip out of it, flying down just to land on your feet. 
You huffed, gladly stepping on it. It hadn’t even happened yet, and you already had enough of this stupid dance. 
You wanted to throw up, first Will, and now no one seemed to even blink twice about Barbara. Maybe if she had been some popular cheerleader, a Tammy Thompson, or a rising star like Chrissy Cunningham she would have the whole town at her feet trying to find her, caring for her. And a part of you wondered if anyone would even care if you would ever go missing yourself..
"Are they really still throwing Spring Fling when two students are missing?" You gazed at Eddie who was leaning against your neighboring locker, fumbling with his walkman. 
“Is Barb officially missing now?”
“Police thinks she ran away,” you angrily stuffed some books in your locker, Eddie noticing the stress lines forming on your forehead.
“Hey, I’m sorry about yesterday, I should have gotten the hint the first time you told me you didn’t want to go.”
“S’okay,” you hummed, keeping your hands fumbling with the contents of your locker as your gaze stayed focused on its insides. “I’m not mad at you, I’m just- I don’t understand why everyone is acting so calm. Nancy was balling her eyes out on the phone to me last night, assuring me that Barb was gone missing. She went on, telling me her car was still parked not far from mine and saying that she felt a creepy presence in my backyard,” you finally managed to neatly place the books like you wanted, and closed your locker door in a loud, angered thud. 
“Yeah,” you chewed on your nails and Eddie didn’t know what to say, or what to even do with his own hands. “What if something bad has happened to them? And I mean bad, bad,” you rested your back against your locker. “I can’t imagine what it would do to Dustin, imagine Barb’s parents? I-, I feel desperate in this situation and I feel like I’m one of the only ones to actually care.” 
“We could try and play detective, if you want? I mean, D and D does make you pretty good at piecing things together,” he offered you a short smile and your heart warmed a bit at his words.
You didn’t understand Nancy. 
As much as you loved her, you couldn’t begin to piece her out. Last night, she was calling you crying about your missing friend, and now she was begging you for a distraction you weren’t willing to give out. 
“Please, please come,” she whined over the phone, and you eyed Steve as he walked across from the kitchen to the living room, giving you his biggest death glare as he did. 
“Nancy, you know my answer,” you groaned–wanting to slam your head onto the wall next to you. “Do you realize that two people are missing, and you’re ready to just forget all of that to go dancing with idiots?”
“Y/n, I think we both need this, we can continue searching tomorrow.”
Was this really the same Nancy you had chatted with the day before?
“You’re in a relationship now, you should understand this!” 
“Understand what exactly?”
“That I want to spend time with my boyfriend. The world is falling apart and I’m stuck home with my thoughts. Wouldn’t you ask the same thing if the roles were reversed? Wouldn’t you beg Steve and I to go to a Ren Fair or I don’t know a Metallica concert if you couldn’t?”
“Spring Fling is far from being a Metallica concert, Nancy,” you chuckled at the idiocy of her comparison.
“But what if Spring Fling is my Metallica concert?”
You fell silent over the line. Were you that selfish? Not letting your friend get that date with your brother and miss out on an event everyone wanted to go to. You sighed, rethinking your life one last time before sighing out; “Okay,” head falling against the wall by the telephone. “I’ll tell Steve to come pick you up.”
“Oh my god I love you!”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too, I’ll see you there,” and with those words you hung up, dread seeping into your bones once again. “Steve! Get fucking ready, you’re taking Nancy to that stupid dance!”
“I’m what now?” 
“You’re taking Nancy to Spring Fling,” his eyes widened, mouth agape.
“Oh my god, I love you,”
“Oh, shut up,” you rolled your eyes, watching Steve scurry away to the upstairs bathroom. You sighed before crossing the kitchen, eyeing for any one of your parents. 
“Hey darling,” as if she knew you had been searching for her, your mom’s soft voice echoed from the laundry room, through the corridor and right to you.
“Right here,” you hummed back, trotting to meet her there.
“Oh perfect,” she smiled, “could you bring this up? Half of this is Steve’s and then the other half is yours.”
“Are you obliging me to walk through the pits of tartarus?”
“If this means, entering your brother’s room to drop off his laundry, yes I am asking you.”
“Fine,” you hummed, grabbing the basket of folded laundry from your mother’s arms. “Also, Steve and I are getting ready to leave, we’re um- going to the spring fling thing.”
“Oh,” her eyes widened. “You’re going?”
“Yeah. Nancy convinced me.”
“Alright,” she let the shock seep through her. “I’ll let your father know.”
“Thanks,” you smiled before scurrying away, jumping up the steps–the quicker you got this done, the quicker you could get ready, and the quicker you were out of the house, the quicker you would be back. 
You dropped everything that was yours on top your bed–not bothering with putting it in your cupboard before waltzing towards Steve’s room. You could hear the stream of the shower, and if you were really careful, you could hear Steve faintly humming a Kate Bush song. You rolled your eyes before opening his door, ready to be met with the utter mess that you remembered his room to be–but to your surprise, it was neat and even smelt nice. 
You blinked in shock, taking in the well done bed, the freshly vacuum carpet and the organized shelves. Even the desk was neat, two pots of pencils stood proudly in the corner, while only a stray eraser felt out of place–sitting next to an opened agenda. His desk lamp illuminating his scruffy writing, creating a halo over the white lined page. 
Once the surprise was seeping in, you blinked; remembering your original mission. You dropped the basket on his bed, sighing before turning back around.
And that’s when you caught the writing across the white paper of Steve’s used notebook.
March 30 - family video $6
April 2 - Maldev’s $2, lunch $5
April 5 - lunch $2
April 11 - Lunch $7, family video $3.
April 12 - Eddie $50
April 14 - Scoops Ahoy $6
April 15 - Eddie $100
The list went on–Eddie becoming a recurrence since ‘April 12’, the money only adding as the days went by. Your heart thumped in your chest–why in the world was Eddie’s name on Steve’s wannabe accountant list, and secondly, where in the world did Steve find this kind of money?
You wondered for a brief instant if Eddie had been dealing to your brother, but then you had only seen Steve high once, and it had been two days ago, at that wretched gathering.
Barb’s warning echoed in your head, and for a mere second you allowed yourself to feel the worst. Was this why Eddie had been bugging you to come to the dance with him?
You refused to make it make sense, but then April 12 had been the day Eddie had first tried to ask you out. 
Your breath suddenly caught in your throat, and you could feel your heart thumping in your ears. No. This couldn’t be happening. You couldn’t be sure of anything yet. 
Nonetheless, you didn’t have time to think about it. You were on the clock with a promise made to your best friend, and strolling out of Steve’s room, you noticed a frown on your face you hadn’t even realized was there.
You let out a shaky sigh as you entered your room, being met with your reflection in the mirror.
You had made Nancy a promise,
You’d have to confront either of the two after the dance.
“Eddie, there’s a girl outfront for you.”
“Huh?” He lifted the book from his eyes, dropping it on the coffee table before lazily sitting up, limbs cracking as he did. He looked at Wayne in question, not bothering to fix his pyjama shirt as he walked to the kitchen area and looked through the window.
His eyes weren’t failing him–indeed there you were, the window of your car rolled down and Eddie could see you all dolled up in a pretty dress he’d never bet he would ever see you wear. You looked straight at him through the window and honked, a signal for him to come over.
“What the fuck,” he muttered under his breath as his socked feet walked him to the front door. “Hey, what are you doing here?” Even though shock was seeping through him, he smiled at your sight.
“Get in loser, we’re going to the spring fling,” his mouth was wide, agape like a fish as he registered what was happening. He blinked, and stood there a second too long because you honked your car horn again. “C’mon! We don’t have all night!”
You watched as Eddie blinked again before shaking his head and scurrying back inside. You heard faint mumbling from the trailer and his running around. You even thought you heard a loud noise that was most probably Eddie falling as he tried to get the suit of his pants up. 
His hair was wild once he opened the door of the trailer again, but he was brushing it back with his fingers as he walked down the metallic steps and walked to you.
“Where did you get a tux last minute?” You grinned as he opened the passenger door, his slime had made all anxiety wash away from your body and you felt yourself melt a little further into your car seat, butterflies brushing the side of your stomach at the sight of him in a suit.
“Oh, you know, just something I had, laying around,” he shrugged, pretending to be brushing something off of his shoulder “Where’d you get the dress?”
“Oh you know just something I had, laying around,” that made him laugh, eyes intently scanning your figure as you started driving away.
“What made you change your mind?”
“Nancy wouldn’t stop bugging me about it, thought I’d take a break from being a heinous bitch, for a change,” you smiled, and your mind brought you back to the writing in Steve’s notebook an unsettling feeling tugging at your heartstrings as your gaze went back to the boy next to you. 
“Respectable,” he grinned, already opening your glove box for a cassette–fishing out a Black Sabbath mixtape he had made for you.
And for a golden second, as you watched him grin like an idiot over the cassette he had so carefully designed–your worries washed away.
Eddie had been so caring. He had come into your life, bulldozing everything you had trapped yourself in. He brought a new breath to your lungs and you felt yourself again, you felt whole again.
And maybe, just maybe you could let yourself believe that Eddie’s name on Steve’s notebook was something entirely different.
Spring fling was everything you had expected it to be. 
Bright colored balloons floating across the air, handwritten banners hanging from every corner, large tables with various beverages and food laying across it. Music was bursting out of large speakers lodged at every corner of the room–and not to mention almost the entirety of Hawkins High. 
Toto’s Hold The Line was ringing in your ears, and you felt your hand grip Eddie’s a little tighter as you walked past a group of cheerleaders, all giggling at something Cameron Ness had said. The star jock was wearing his best suit, a blue ruffled jacket that made all the girls cling to him like moths to a flame. Each of them were in close competition with your brother at the amount of hairspray they had, hairstyles more and more elaborate the more you stared. 
You did not feel in your place at all. 
It all felt intoxicating.
You spotted your brother, long gone into a conversation with some brunette jock named Jeremy. You looked at Nancy–she seemed so happy for once; a bright smile plastered on her face as she leaned against Steve’s navy vest. 
And maybe, just maybe the thought of your best friend getting to have a good time made it less hard to stand the suffocating gym.
“Wanna dance?” Eddie turned to you, a smile on the corner of lips, “while the music is still somewhat tolerable.” Eddie lifted his hand, silently asking for yours.
“Yes,” you slotted your hand in his–butterflies brushing the sides of your stomach as you marched towards the dance floor.
Maybe the evening wouldn’t be so bad.
“Can you hold my drink, I need to go to the bathroom,” you smiled as Eddie was already offering his hand.
“Of course.” 
Eddie’s gaze traveled around the room, and an unsettling feeling crossed his stomach when his gaze met your brother’s. He was at a different spot this time, chatting with Nancy over a cup of punch.
This was it. 
This had to be his chance. 
He didn’t think twice before crossing the room, fingers brushing through his hair before speaking; “Hey, Harrington.”
“My man!” Steve cheered, and wrapped an arm around him. Eddie awkwardly nodded towards Nancy who had handed him a tight smile upon his arrival.
“Can we talk?”
“Sure,” Steve nodded and asked Nancy if she could hold his drink–to which she accepted and nodded them away.
Eddie noticed Steve was maybe more than a little tipsy as he walked beside Eddie, mumbling jokes and saying hi to everyone who crossed their way. He thought this would be a never ending nightmare, and it would probably be hours before he reached a quiet spot. And after torechous minutes of Steve greeting everyone who met his eyes as he was dragged through the mass of students, they finally reached the quiet corner next to the bleachers.
"The deal is off."
“What?” Steve suddenly felt himself sober up. “Why?”
“Because I can’t continue like this.”
“But why? I thought you needed the money-”
“This isn’t about the money, Steve,” the name felt bitter in his mouth–maybe because he blamed him for his suffering, or maybe Eddie blamed himself–but right this minute the lines blurred in his mind and he felt his stomach bubble with a new kind of anger. “This is about your sister, it’s killing me to be doing this to her.”
“Why would you care?” Steve snorted, and Eddie almost took a step back at the cruelty he was witnessing first hand.
Did Steve really care so little about you? 
“Because I’m falling in love with her,” the words tumbled out of Eddie’s mouth faster than he could think, and he had to bite his lip once he realized his confession.
Steve’s mouth fell open wide, the room starting to spin—and this time it wasn’t the snuck in vodka that made him feel this way; but the way his plan was biting him back. 
“No, no, no. You can't be in love with her,” he felt the words leave faster than intended, his own interests getting the best of him. 
“Who are you to tell me what to feel or not feel, Harrington.” 
Steve blinked–stunned, “no, you’re right. But you can’t be falling for her! I never said you could actually date her, you’re going to be a bad influence!” 
“Excuse me? Says the guy who hand picked me.”
“Because you were the only one good for the job!”
“Exactly, and that’s why I’m putting an end to the whole thing.”
“She’s smarter than you give her credit for, you know? She’s going to figure it out soon enough, and it’s going to go all to shits. She might hate us both in all cases, but I’d rather her learn about this fiasco the right way.”  
“No-no, you can’t tell her anything! What about me? What about Nancy?” 
“Are you fucking serious right now?” 
“Look, I’ll pay you double, we continue the deal like it was, you continue to date her, and we can just forget this whole conversation happened, okay?”
“Did you not hear a word I just said?”
You sighed, fixing a strand of your hair as you looked at yourself in the mirror—smacking your lips together to spread the gloss you had just reapplied. 
You pushed the heavy bathroom door, sighing once it closed behind you–the school hallway staring back at you. You could faintly hear music playing from behind the closed doors, but murmurs from a nearby corridor caught your attention. 
“Did you hear?” Mr. Arnold fiddled with his hat, twisting the material between his fingers. 
“Hear what?” You recognised Mrs. Gilbert–the drama teacher, she was fixing the sleeve of her sparkling dress before a content smile appeared on her lips.
“They found him,” now they had your full attention. Head spiking up like a cat, and breath catching in your throat.
“The Byers boy?” She whispered, the smile getting whipped off her features. 
“Yes,” Mr. Arnold had a grim look in his eyes as he stared down at his shoes. “They found his body at Sattler Quarry about an hour ago… Poor kid drowned himself.” 
Your shoulders tensed and you felt your ears ring
No, no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening.
Will, the shy boy you babysitted a few times. 
Will, the quiet one with a mind of gold and an ever growing imagination. The one who came up with creatures, monsters and wizards D and D magazines and Eddie’s campaigns could only be envious about.
Your body hit the back of the lockers, and you could only hope that Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. Arnold didn’t hear the thud that accompanied the movement. Head spinning and heart unstoppably racing as you tried to tame the buzz in your head. You couldn’t hear anything, an uncontrollable numbness hitting you as your fist clenched the material of your dress. 
Why had a boy full of life like Will had to meet his end in such a way?
What about Dustin? Did he already know? 
Your heart only shattered into more pieces as you thought of him. 
You had to tell Eddie.
You walked back into the gym, the air feeling stuffy again and the music barely hitting your numbbed ears. Seeing everyone so full of life made you sick to your stomach. All these people who didn’t even care that he had gone missing, and now they would wake up tomorrow morning with the news of his death, and move on with the rest of their lives as if nothing happened.
It didn’t take you long to find Eddie in the crowd. He was a few meters away from the door, in a corner talking to—your brother? 
He had a large frown on his features, and your brother was waving his hands around frantically like he did when he got frustrated. You watched as Eddie groaned, a hand flying up to his hair as he tried to reason whatever argument your brother had thrown. 
You moved faster than your mind registered, feet gliding over the polished ground of the gymnasium. Something in you wanted to save Eddie from presumingly a horrid conversation with the gremlin that you were cruelly related to. 
You were about to go through the last small group of people, you could clearly see them from your spot in between the dancing bodies—and Steve’s voice became clearer over the fading music.
“No-no you can’t tell her anything! What about me? What about Nancy?”  
What the fuck was that suppose to mean? 
“Are you fucking serious right now?”
“Look, I’ll pay you double, we continue the deal like it was, you continue to date her, and we can just forget this whole conversation happened, okay?”
You stopped in your tracks.
Steve’s writing suddenly became clear,
your worst assumptions were true.
Eddie was paid to date you,
And had been since the start. 
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
hiiiii! can I get something about Lando but reader is Charles or Carlos 's sister? Even just fluff. thank u❤️
thank you for your request!! really in my Lando feels atm fuming after qualifying but it’s fineeee, I love this idea sm I’ve been thinking about it all day <3 <3 You’re Carlos’ younger sister who’s English isn’t so good, but somehow Mr Lando Norris who’s had an eye on you for years has you under his wing, much to Carlos’s surprise.
warnings: none, I just hope this makes sense because I am half asleep writing this.
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“Hello.” A British accent filled your ears, causing your head to turn at the familiar voice, hair bouncing with your movement. Stood besides where you sat was Lando Norris, one of your brothers close friends whom he drove with for many years. Your lips immediately tugged up, blinking in surprise at how much he’d grown, despite the fact he was still a year older than you.
“Lando, hello!” As you stood, Lando felt his heart beat in a funny way, followed by the sensation sinking down to his stomach. Butterflies. He knew he had the hots for you, Carlos’s younger sister, but now he felt nervous?!
“How are you?” You greeted him in a friendly hug, wrapping your arms tightly around the taller boy. You were positive there was a time when you both reached the same height.
“Ummm.” You began, unsure of what he just spoke. Your English was nowhere near as good as your brother or sisters, hell even your dads. “Are you good?” He repeated as your smile widened, offering him an amused beam.
“Good? I am good.” You’d nodded, trying to think the words in English to ask him how he was. “¿Cómo estás?” you’d furrowed your brows, scanning over Lando’s gentle eyes. They still glistened the exact same way they always did, but here now, he somehow looked 10x more handsome than he ever had before.
“Huh?” He frowned a little, at your giggle, his lips tugged right back up. “Good?” You asked, pointing towards him.
“Ohhhh, yes, yes I am good! Are you here to watch Carlos?” Your head cocked to the side, a little confused, offering him a nervous grin. “Ahhh, okay, let me just-” he pulled out his phone, whipping out Google translate. Recognising what it was you immediately laughed out loud.
“What? I want to talk to you?” He giggled innocently, the words not computing in your mind.
“No tengo idea de lo que estás diciendo ahora.” (I have no idea what you are saying right now).
Lando handed you the phone over, playing the Spanish out loud. Google translate distorted the sentences slightly, but it made perfect sense.
I just wanted to talk to you, I haven’t seen you in over a year.
Lando watched you chuckle as you typed back your sentence, eyes fixated to your beauty. Every time you’d come to watch a race or a practice he always sought you out, conversation was difficult, something that frustrated him, he always wanted to get to know you better than what he knew surface level.
how sweet, you should come sit, I hurt my ankle the other week so can’t sit down for long. I can’t believe it’s been a year!
Lando glanced down noticing your bandaged up ankle to which you pursed your lips at playfully before letting out an “ow!” Sound, just to prove how much it hurt. “Okay.” He nodded, sitting besides you on the sofa’s of the paddock.
“What’re you doing in here anyway? Can’t see much of the race from here?” He swallowed, knees knocking against your own bare ones. “¿qué?” Lando cursed, forgetting every now and then he couldn’t just blurt out whatever he wanted.
“It’s ok.” You smiled, using some of the English you knew. The two of you made eye contact, his phone looking extra large in your hands, fingertips brushing against his own. Lando swore you were flirting with him, you were making him feel nervous and Lando never felt nervous around girls.
Time had passed. Neither of you knew how long, but the conversation had flowed so much over Google translate, Lando’s arm resting comfortably behind you. “My English… is… shit.” You copied his curse word. “Yes!!!” Lando squeaked in amusement, slugging an arm over your shoulder and squeezing you.
“Shit, fuck.” You cursed, placing a hand on his leg to stabilise your movement. You saw how Lando’s smirked, licking his lips as his eyes dropped down to where your hand slid off slowly. “Now you’re gonna tell your brother I’ve taught you all this shit.”
“Shit?” You repeated in confusion, eyes trailing down his front, back over his lips. Landon thought he’d melt on the spot under your intense gaze. He was trying to meet it back equally as flirtatiously but he swore his nerves just got in the way. If it wasn’t for Google translate he was positive it would be much sexier.
you’re going to tell your brothers I’ve been teaching you to swear “No!” You exclaimed, laughing and nudging his arm playfully. “Please don’t.”
“O tal vez lo haga y te meta en problemas...” (Or maybe I will and get you in trouble). Your Spanish was so effortlessly sexy to Lando, he always loved a girl who spoke in a foreign accent, maybe that obsession started somewhere between meeting you and speaking to you, but he’d never openly admit that.
“I don’t even know what you’re saying.” He laughed, shaking his head, fingers trailing over your shoulder slightly. You shared a moment of amused eye contact, heart racing at the painfully sexual, intense moment, Lando thought you were going to kiss him. That was until your eyes trailed behind him slightly. The fluttering in his chest stopped when you started giggling, your brother stood behind with a confused expression. “Really?” Carlos sassed, Lando turning up over his shoulder. “Oh hey man.” He spoke casually, too casually. You laughed without even knowing what was being said. “Are you having fun?” Carlos questioned towards Lando, narrowing his eyes at his best friend whose arm was slung over his little sister.
“Y/n, ¿No me di cuenta de que eras tan cercano a Lando?” (I did not realise you were so close to Lando?) The sound of his name mixed with a foreign language he couldn’t understand had him confused. His arm slipped back onto his own lap after realising Carlos was looking rather too inquisitively. Ok maybe he was making moves on his sister, but who could blame him?!
“Sólo estábamos poniéndonos al día. Muchas gracias señor entrometido!” (We were just having a catch up. Thank you very much mr nosy!) Carlos laughed at his younger sister who’d already turned back to the Brit sat besides her, she looked completely enthralled by him, giving him all kinds of heart eyes. Carlos knew he was a nice guy but it was weird seeing his baby sister like this with his closest friend.
“How are you talking?” Carlos then asked Lando who looked a little confused, left out of the conversation prior. “Google translate.” He snickered, waving his phone up. Carlos nodded at the inventiveness. “Ah. Nice.” It wasn’t uncomfortable, but there was a little awkwardness that lingered as the three of you kinda sat there. Truthfully, Lando and you were waiting for your brothers departure, leaving you be, to continue your conversation- if you could call it that.
“¿Necesitas que te lleven a casa? ¿Me voy ahora?” (Do you need a lift home, I am going now). Carlos then asked you, knowing he was your only option of a ride home, you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointment. You were positive Carlos saw it written all over your face, so did Lando.
“What did you say?” Lando questioned. “Oh, I just asked if she wanted a ride home. I brought her.”
“I mean… I can drive her back. We’re having a good time.” He cheeked only a little. He wanted her to stay, he wanted to drive her back. Winding up Carlos in the process was a little funny though.
“Este idiota dijo que puede llevarte a casa. ¿Quieres hacer eso?” (This idiot said he can drive you home. Would you wanna do that?) Your laugh back to Lando caused him to frown back to Carlos who was too laughing. “Hey, what did you say to her? What did you call me? What did he call me?”
“Idiota.” Carlos repeated, teasing again as you laughed in amusement at your brothers antics.
“Me quedaré aquí y me llevarán a casa. Gracias, Lando” (I will stay here and get a lift home. Thank you Lando).
Hearing his words roll off your lips caused his lips to tug up again knowing you’d agreed. “That’s ok.” His tone was much softer rather than when he spoke to Carlos, or anybody else for that matter. With a quick goodbye and a second eyeing up of the boy chatting up his sister, Carlos disappeared, leaving the two of you be again.
You felt a little nervous, for no particular reason. So when his eyes were on you again you’d begun giggling out of nowhere. “You are cute you know that?” Whatever he said, you liked the sound of that…
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milksuu · 7 months
can I get some headcannons based on Heartsteal being becoming fathers? Like how they were during the time their s/o was pregnant. :3c
Maybe a bonus on whether the child was planned or not.
❥ prompt: v!heartsteel expecting father headcanons with reader ❥ content/warnings: suggestive themes, foul language, pregnancy and all things related, baby genders mentioned ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel! (aphelios, ezreal, kayn) x pregnant!reader an;; forgive me, i am too sleepy tired to write for all the boys atm. ;w; fml my hc's for sett would make me fold errr maybe later
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░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ APHELIOS
When you break the news, Aphelios forgets he primarily uses sign language to speak. To your surprise, and to his own, he uses broken words and barely audible sounds. Almost like a child learning to talk again. You have to help him by taking his hands, and guiding him to use them instead of straining his vocal cords.
'Are...are you sure?'
At first, it's difficult to process all the emotions. Happiness. Fear. Excitement. Anxiety. Love. Overwhelmed, he presses your hands against his face, hiding his unraveling expressions. Afer a beat, he chokes up. His hands squeezes yours, deepening your touch. And within moments, you're wrapped in his arms. And he presses as much of you into himself as he can. Holding you so close to his heart, you feel it pound against your cheek. As if to say; 'is it really okay for me to be this happy?'
To any outsider looking in, Aphelios seems disconnected and unenthusiastic about the whole situation. A plus-one wasn't planned, after all. When anyone asks about you and the baby, he replies with a simple 'Fine. Thanks.' And promptly diverts the subject back to work or anything else. But on the inside, the poor man is suffering. Constantly worrying about you and the babies well-being. In reality, he's too afraid to indulge in his own happiness and share it with others. Fearing the moment he does, it'll all shatter like glass in front of him. And he won't be strong enough to mend the pieces.
It's no surprise that his new chronic obsession consist of only making sure you and the growing baby are safe. He texts every hour, on the hour. Makes frequent video calls. And installs motion sensor cameras around the house, especially in places you could easily fall. And no, he doesn't mind watching you fold laundry or wash dishes for an hour while on a face call. So long as he can see you smiling and healthy, that's all he needs to assure him when he's not physically with you.
He's also pulling all nighters until his bottom eyelids are rimmed red. Reading hundreds upon hundreds of articles, forum posts, and online material on how to be a 'Good Father'—especially one who can't speak. Jotting down everything he can in his notebook, bleeding pen after pen dry from ink. There's plenty of times you have to wake up in the middle of the night and convince him back to bed. But only after reassuring him a thousands times how great of a father he'll be.
When the baby bump begins to show, Aphelios presses his ears against your stomach. Listening to the life you carry inside you. The amniotic sounds ease his intrusive thoughts, and lulls him to sleep; he always imagines he's taking a nap right beside the baby. Plus, he loves getting the small bit of attention from you as you run your fingers through his hair. A moment of selfishness he can't help but relish all for himself.
As for sex...well, he's not always on board with the idea. As much as he craves to be inside you everyday, especially when your body looks so heavenly full, he just doesn't want to risk anything. Especially in your later months. Last thing he wants to do is induce an early labor. But he's more than willing to devote his hands and mouth to satisfy every inch of you that he can. Worshipping you with adoring kisses and soft touches from head to toe. He's happy to please you, and doesn't expect anything in return in your state. (Of course, you do anyway.)
Familial genetics is one heck of a thing. Aphelio's eyes are blown wide at an image screen that shows two babies growing side-by-side. When it's conclusive you'd be having identical twin boys, he almost collapses in front of the ultrasound technician. So not one—but two—surprise gifts waited for him at the end of the third-trimester. And if they would be anything like him, their house would be a pranking death trap to all who entered. No one would be safe, except for mom.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ EZREAL
When you show Ezreal your pregnancy result, he looks at it with complete shock. He's locked in silence, which is never a good thing for someone as talkative as him. You almost have second thoughts about revealing the news until he bounces to you and gathers you in his arms. Eyes brimming with tears of absolute joy.
"No way—No way! Are you telling me I'm going to be a dad? Babe, for real. Is that what these two lines mean? Are you kidding me? This is the happiest freakin' day of my life!"
Ezreal has always been a fan of surprises, and this big news was no exception. Everywhere he went, no matter the conversation, he'd just casually state he was becoming a father. Didn't matter the person or group setting. Family. Friends. The neighbor; his neighbor next to him. The young teen delivering packages to his door. The grandmother and her toy-poodle waiting in line at the convenience store. If anyone was around him, he was boasting about you and the now expected bundle of joy.
Ezreal tries his bestest to help you around the house. He's never been great at chores, but he's a happy little helper eager to listen and please. You tell him exactly what you need from him, and he'll do it with a smile on his face. Anything that keeps your stress levels low, he wants to be the one you rely on to ease your burden.
Ezreal can't lie and say he understands everything about pregnancy and what you're going through. It all seems to go right over his head. The only thing he seems to get is your morning sickness, because he's literally feeling it too. Seeing you nauseous gets his own sympathetic response going. So while he's trying to comfort you, holding your hair as you hover over the toilet, he's also cradling the nearby trash bucket for himself. (How romantic!)
When your stomach grows, Ezreal can spend hours and hours talking to it. He never runs out of topics. Even mentioning the most mundane parts of his everyday life. These moments are when he feels he's bonding most with his child to be. He'll pretend to tell the baby secrets that you don't even know about, and whispers out loud with a wink, "but don't tell your mom about that one, 'kay?"
Ezreal is literally terrified to have sex with you. And not because he doesn't find your body attractive. But he actually believes he'll poke the baby's eye out, or pop you like a water balloon. And if that ever happened, the guilt would forever destroy him. It takes a visit to the obgyn and for a professional to explain that it's perfectly safe to have sex during your pregnancy. He's hesitant at first, but after the first go around, his confidence and sex drive picks right where it left off. (He regrets not going at it like rabbits sooner.)
When you're at your routine ultrasound appointment, Ezreal can't stop the tears parading down his face, even before he knows it's a boy. Hiccuping and siffling, one hand squeezes yours tight, while the other points at the imaging. "H...He...looks just...like me." It's endearing for him to think that. When the monitor only shows splotchy and fuzzy spots of the babies butt. The copied images to take home are his favorite photos taken. Ever.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ KAYN
When you break the news to Kayn, he doesn't hesitate to pull you in by the waist, pressing your hips together. Guiding a hand to the back of your neck, in a manner that was gentle and not comparable to how he fucked you senselessly. And with all the care in the world, he takes your lips.
"Damn. You're fertile as Hell. It only took us one time after you stopped your birth-control. Honestly, it's really fuckin' hot. How about we—you know—to celebrate?"
Counter to popular belief, Kayn brought up the idea to start a family first. When you asked him the reason, he first joked around a bit, telling you how hot and sexy it would be to 'impregnate you with his seed'. But, he put aside his usual impulsivities, and explained his desire to move on to the next part of his life. He was done with the partying and drugs. Over the one night stands and dating random no-nobodies. And just wanted to have a more meaningful, family oriented life—with you.
To show he's committed to the whole idea, he takes days off from his idol schedule to go to every prenatal check-up appointment. He plucks and stuffs every pamphlet into his pockets he can find around the waiting lobby. He asks tons of questions to the obgyn, and stuffs more educational brochures in his pockets. You have to scold him when he tries to snag a small uterus replica from the exam room. Kayn defends himself, wanting it for "educational" purposes. (Rhaast just wanted it as a neat souvenir.) He settles when a medical assistant gives him a sperm shaped pen.
Kayn is another one that isn't great with house chores. (But he'll gloat and say he's mastered cleaning the dishes, at the very least.) He's generally better at being sent for errands outside the home. If you need an extra ingredient to make dinner, he'll hop on his motorcycle and get it in record time. And if you're not feeling up for cooking, he'll order pick-up from your favorite place in town. You need to send a package at the post office? He'll wait hours in line on the busiest day of the week. Whatever he can do for you, he makes sure it gets done. So you never have to worry about something once you pass the responsibility to him. Showing you he's a more than capable partner and future father.
When your baby bump starts to show, Kayn's favorite thing to do is touch it. Applying the softest pressure as he runs his hands and finger across your rounding stomach. He's always enamored whenever he feels the baby move; another reminder of how amazing you are. And he never forgets to vocalize it. "You're so goddamn beautiful, you know that?" he'll say like you've cursed him. Cradling your face and taking your mouth.
You never have to tell this man more than once to touch or have sex with you. It's part of his daily routine a this point. And definitely one of his favorite ways to bond with you. But now that you're pregnant, it's as if the sex between you two has shifted into another plane of pleasurable existence. Never getting enough of it, even moments after finishing. But on the days you're not up for it, he respects it. And doesn't mind defaulting to cuddling, before dozing off to sleep with you in his arms. (But he eagerly counts down the time for when you're in the mood again.)
Kayn tries not to show to much of his softer-side; he rather be the one to have his shoulder wet than yours. But at your ultrasound appointment, once it's confirmed you're having a girl, his whole punk 'fuck only the hot police' persona collapses. You notice him clear his throat, and quickly swipe a knuckle at the corner of his eyes. He masks this dent of composure by huffing a laugh, "Guess I'm, uh...going to be kicking the crap out of a lot of asses later."
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mitch-the-silly · 7 months
First of all: I *love* your writing, it's really good :]] Second: Could we get a Vox x gn!sick!reader ? I've got a really bad case of the flu atm and i figured it might be cute
Thanks so much!!! I got you!! Vox anything is my specialty!! Anyway, hope you get better!!!
Vox x gn!sick!reader
"I said, Rest and Drink Some Tea!"
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You sniffled, the covers keeping you warm but you were still shivering. It was horrible what was happening to you. You wouldn’t be able to work or even walk out of your room. But worse of all, you had a date with Vox today. You didn’t even have the energy to pick up the phone to call him. However, you didn’t even have to.
Before you knew it, he’d zapped himself into your room. Eyes opening wide when he saw the state you were in. “What happened? You’re sick and you didn’t tell me? I almost thought you stood me up!” he sighed, sitting at the foot of your bed.
You sighed, your head throbbing, “I can barely even bring myself to speak…”
“Is it that bad? Shit… Look, stay here, I’ll bring you some tea or something, you get some rest. Don’t even try to get up!” He insisted, at which you simply nodded.
Once he came back, you’d dozed off a bit, but he tapped you awake, propping you up so he could give you your tea. “Here, I had someone make you some tea. Just sit back, have some rest, and drink some tea.” He spoke, lying down by your side.
“Vox no… you’re gonna get sick…” You grumbled, your nose stuffy and your will to argue so minimal that that was all you told him.
“And? I’ll be fine. Just shut up and sleep.” He hissed, cuddling close to you. He snapped his finger, turning on your TV and putting on a movie. “You need anything, just let me know, ok?” He added, pulling out his phone and texting his secretary to cancel all his meetings today. Immediately after, he sent a voice message, “Hey Velvette, Y/n is sick, I’m staying with them until they get better. Tell Val to NOT bother me today.”
He then, cuddled you closer, lying down with you until you fell asleep. Shit, he took a nap himself. And he didn’t really care if he got sick, he could just drink some medicine and call it a day. However, in the middle of that nap, you felt like you needed to get up. You didn’t know why, but despise this you were still tired. So you did, forgetting Vox was cuddling you. When you shifted, he grumbled awake. Seeing you standing up, shivering from the cold.
“Hey! I told you to rest and drink your tea! What are you doing up?”He exclaimed.
“I don't know, I just didn’t wanna lie down anymore…” You mumbled.
“Yeah, but you have to rest up until you feel better…” He sighed. “Come on, I’ll get you whatever you want, I’ll even change the show. Just don’t do anything. I’d rather you not overexert yourself…”
You huffed softly, “Fine… I just… I feel kind of useless right now.”
“Be as useless as you want. It’s kind of the point of me taking care of you. You shouldn’t be doing shit.” Vox retorted. “Come back to bed, now. C’mon…” He added, reaching out to you. And you just couldn’t say no to those inviting arms. So you returned to him, napping in his arms again.
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kasagia · 5 months
I want to start off by saying I never wrote this kind of message before and you don't have to reply as these are just my thoughts lol. Atm I really think ''right hand'' is the best Feyd fic out there! At the end of every chapter, I kind of already have an idea in my mind of the possible outcome but with every new chapter you just blow my mind and expectations! The fact that every chapter is filled with action makes the reader longing for more (me included) I really like the way you structured Y/n and her dynamic with Feyd and I love that her choices gravitate around what's best for her & she doesn't act like a teenage girl in love (homegirl actually has personality AND is a badass). Regardless of what others said I think that her being the one to stab him was the supreme act of love she could've ever shown our crazy boy (maybeee she stabbed him hoping he wouldn't pass because she knew if Paul was the one to do it he'd be dead fr) Thank you for feeding our fantasies and updating so often (keeping in mind each chapter is long enough to satisfy one bored girl) I hope you ace your exams <3.
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*Me reading this*
My two dear anonymous, thank you soooooooooo much! 😊😊🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤🖤🖤🩵🩵🩵
Of course I will replay after such words xD How could I not when I'm so fucking grateful? I really like surprising you and I'm very happy that I can do it. 🩵🩵🖤🩵🖤🖤 This is the type of reader I like to write about the most. And maybe she makes decisions that are good for her, but she is not entirely indifferent to Feyd's fate and it is of great importance to her. Unfortunately, I won't confirm or deny your suspicions, but... YES GIRL. Her actions were on the verge of betrayal and an expression of great love, and now we have to wait and see which side she will choose and decide to go. Thank you so damn much! I will ace them and go back to writing for you all! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
I'M CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU ALLL!!! (I guess it's karma for what happened in part V… I don't regret anything anyway xDDDDD) Unfortunately, I promised myself that I wouldn't tell you anything and that I wouldn't give you any hints about what will happen in the next chapter... except for the ones I wrote in Part V. So I won't confirm or deny your wonderful speculations of you all (that I LOVED to read. You can feed me with more.) 🤭😇 Thank you very much, I don't know how to express my gratitude for your involvement… just thank you!!!!!!!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
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specialgradefckr · 17 days
Is your heatwave series still ongoing? Going crazy over it atm
I must say that I just loooove it! I'm crazy about Omegaverse especially since you can mess with the universe lots— the thought of feral men💕
And you do it sooo well aaah! I love your stuff<333
I adore adding a trope of inner wolf (think of inner monologue/their institutional primal side that's absolutely unhinged) makes me giggle— hear me out : they *try* to be nice and polite and a good alpha to the sweet little omega it's just... they smell so good and their wolf is just soooo hungry!!
Even better if there's like a forbidden trope >:) he knows he shouldn't and it's wrong but he can't help it!! That dumb little mutt brain of his doesn't care about what's wrong or right, cheating or whatnot hehe
Or a servere commitment issues Gojo who's wold is practically *drooling* over sweet lil omega y/n!! he tried to fight it so much but he failed:( he must look sooo pathetic all panting and growling like a wild dog but it feels sooo good! He hates the idea of commitment but his wolf is so desperate that its almost as if the omega is his owner >:) perhaps commitment isn't so bad...
Anyway, a little unplanned rant, thank you for the food!!
You're very welcome <3
The Heatwave series has three fics left to go - day 8 and 10 are half-written, and day 9 I'm kinda worried about but I'll get there when I get there skjfhglhdg.
I've gotten pretty distracted with this yandere fic ngl sdfkghlsdhg
But yeah!! Omegaverse stuff has been really fun to write for the most part. It helps that I've mixed it up a bit - beta reader, alpha reader, and omega reader. The final day is omega/omega and I'm really excited for that!
I'm glad you enjoy it so much! Sometimes I do look at the works and go "is this even really omegaverse" so it's nice to know I'm doing well on that front.
See, the "inner wolf" thing makes me think too much of werewolf stuff (which I don't necessarily hate but it's not the angle I'm going for). But I can achieve basically the same effect with like, "your omega instincts compel you", and I also really like how that can blend with the reader's internal monologue.
Like your omega instincts are telling you to jump on his knot, sure, but that's also just you wanting to jump on his knot. It feels less distant, more like an intrusive thought than a separate entity. I've enjoyed some stuff that had the "inner wolf" stuff going on, though! It can be great for breaking up the more stoic characters.
I am definitely all for characters going feral and wild with need. Is it?? Even LOVE? If it isn't driving them completely insane???
As for Gojo being a commitment-phobe - I do see it, and I do also see Gojo going so wild and impulsive that he accidentally ties himself into something he doesn't want.
Would be absolutely hilarious to see him fighting mate-withdrawal, alpha protector/provider instincts, etc. I think a lot of the appeal there would be him trying to walk back on the mating but not being able to, and then you're also in the picture bringing your own complicated feelings to the table and maybe throwing his shitty behavior in the face... so many fun ways to go about it.
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majachee · 29 days
did you say….a power rangers x td au?
IVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE ONE BUT HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU I owe my life to you power rangers was the shit
please yap about it I’m begging
I am writing a fic about it, though it isn't my number 1 priority wip atm cuz its just smth silly and self-indulgent, but because I now know there's someone out there REALLY DIGGING THIS IDEA, it'll be moved up on my list by a few notches lol
This AU is heavily focused on comedy and action, so rather than assigning TD characters to PR roles that they'd actually fit, I went with what would be REALLY FUNNY to write about.
So the Rangers consist of Harold (red), Duncan (Black), Noah (blue), Courtney (yellow), and Heather (pink).
These guys were assigned to work on a lab/project for their science class, specifically on the effects of pollution, littering, and climate change. No take-backsies, they're stuck with eachother and 4/5 of these guys don't want to fail... 4/5 of these guys are also assholes.
After some healthy doses of bitching, they agree to meet up and study an abandoned rig. But GASP! They get attacked by some guys... made of putty? Damn dude that's CRAAAAAAZYYY
... this is specifically based on the MMPR tv show, and I'm very tempted to draw the putty monsters exactly like how their costumes look in the show (silver fullbody suits with seams visible and monster claws/masks.) Listen, the putty monster costumes bring me A LOT OF JOY, I genuinely love this show dO NOT @ ME (unless its for mmpr fanart... please @ me...)
Anyways, these assholes fumble through the fight: Harold shows off the skills he learned at Defensive Steve's Defense Class, Noah gets thrown off a small cliff because he weighs less than a paper weight, Courtney feels the exciting rush of bloodlust for the first time... Normal stuff, really!
Of course, this ends up with all 5 of them being summoned (lazer kidnapped) to Power Rangers Headquarters! And it's revealed that Zorgon's role was taken by Chris McClean I'm SORRY. Look, it's funny. He has the same personality he does in canon, but instead of running a reality TV show centered around teens, he has to babysit a small group of teens who hate eachother. This will be really funny in execution, I promise.
Some of the kiddos have a few words to say about the Dinozords... cuz half of them aren't even dinosaurs. Also, they do NOT like the idea of being forced to work together on a color-coded superhero team of all things!
Drama Bot is Alpha, it focuses on the team's publicity ratings.
Rita Repulsa? Meet Blainely McBlamey!! SELF EXPLANATORY!!
I love Rita Repulsa, so Blainely fans consider this a very high honor.
The Green Ranger is Alejandro.
I plan on having the AU mostly focus on campy episodic adventures with some character development sprinkled in, and having the more important PR plots be... well... important and more thoroughly executed, if I ever get around to it.
As for the main gang themselves?
Harold is quite stoked and honored about being a superhero, and quickly ends up being the team leader and team morale – due to his smarts, and quick-to-forgive personality. He doesn't take shit from anyone, but he also won't hold grudges, especially on the battlefield... Though he does have a slight problem with going on long tangents about certain factoids (same...)
He has a vast array of skills and knowledge at his disposable... It all depends on how/when he uses said skills lmao. So far he's probably the least developed one in this AU, right next to Duncan. That'll change when I write more of them.
Courtney? Oh... Oh you KNOW she likes being a Power Ranger. She preaches about the importance of morals, and upholding laws, and how some people ought to respect the responsibilities that come with being a Power Ranger... and some people are more deserving of being recognized as heroes than others. Courtney I love you and I hope I do you justice... mwah... She very much likes taking the lead, and claims that she should be the team leader... and valedictorian, and class president... Oh yeah, you KNOW she worries about her grades a lot, especially after becoming a Ranger. She becomes a lot more productive with her passion as the story goes on, and learns to trust and respect her teammates.
Noah takes on the role of reluctant tactician... Aka the smartass. Physical activites aren't his forte, and he plans on keeping it that way. He relies on his Zord the most, and when that isn't available he resorts to evasive maneuvers and hiding while the other guys handle it. Him staying on the sidelines, however, does lead to him being more observant to the enemies' weaknesses, which will eventually lead to him having a more active role in the team as the main tactician. I'd imagine once that happens, he'll have a lot of interesting back-and-forths with Harold and Courtney. Still a sarcastic, laidback asshole, but more active in his participation when it comes to the team.
Duncan... is more aligned with his season 1 and early season 2 personality. No cheating or love triangles here. He is still an ASSHOLE, though, especially to Harold and Noah. They don't take his shit. I dont have much to say about him yet iM SORRYYYYYY
Asshole punk with a heart of gold... that's his schtick alright...
HEATHER MY BELOVED. She looks hella good in pink and she knows it. She doesn't like being a part of this team, but by god will she put the effort in, because she doesn't want to die to some clay-freak. Her zord-buddy is the pterodactyl, which she finds to be quite convenient, considering it's on the smaller side and can fly, very easy for aerial advantage. Very hellbent on defeating Blainely McBlamey, because once she's defeated they can all go on with their lives. Presumably... evil grin...
I don't know how to really put it in more fancy words, but like... Heather is the most active participant along with Harold and Courtney. She's very headstrong, tends to butt heads with Courtney a lot (not only are they both stubborn, but they also both view themselves as the leader of the group. Nobody realizes it's Harold, not even Harold himself, dramatic irony at its finest.)
Everyone on the team loses their shit when Alejandro (the enemy[tm]) gets a frickin' DRAGON-ZORD of all things.
If yiu have questions about specific characters or MMPR episodes, I'll do my best to answer lol
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axcel-lucci · 11 months
Full moon
Wereleopard! Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
A/n: I'm kinda busy ATM, but even if October is done, it doesn't mean I can't write sm- also, probably last part lol
My masterlist
<== last part
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It's been a few weeks since the full moon, Law was fully able to relax around (y/n) to let her see his wereleopard form. Even cuddles up to her on the bed when she's cold.
(He also demands being scratched behind the ear)
It kinda surprised his closest friends because he SWORE he would never tell you but when they visited, Law was just casually cuddling against (y/n) in his full wereleopard form as she brushed his soft fur.
"You should've told me you were this warm, hehe." (Y/n) giggled making Law groan.
"Mmm..." law grumbled before glaring at his friends, "what do you want?"
"Law. Don't be mean to your friends" she laughed softly and kisses his forehead before standing up, "please make yourselves at home, I'll make you some tea."
He huffed and crossed his arms, ascowl on his face as he watched (y/n) leave the kitchen.
"Law." Bepo called, "the pack by the south... They just had children."
"What the fuck do you want ME to do?!" Law yelled in clear disdain to the south's pack.
(Law is, and currently, the leader of the northern pack)
"Don't you understand?" Shachi muttered, "most packs need an heir they can count on...!"
"So?? I'm literally just 26."
"Look... I mean having an heir isn't exactly important, but think about it. An heir is just as important as the leader itself in a pack, only the northern pack has no heir!" Penguin reasoned, "you already got married, which is a good thing, the only thing we now need is an heir"
"I still don't see what's wrong with not having an heir." Law rolled his eyes before shushing his friends when (y/n) had entered the room
"Here is your tea..." She muttered while placing the tray of hot steaming tea pot and some tea cups on the coffee table along with some biscuits she knows his friends love
"Thank you... (Y/n)" he smiled softly as he kinda turned back to his human form and kissed her, "though... Can you give us some space for a bit? We need to talk about something important"
"Oh it's alright, I was planning to do some gardening anyways. My roses are the biggest this year..." She smiled, "just call me if you need me, alright?"
She soon walked out of the room to do her gardening.
"Now, is the heir really necessary?? I don't think it is..." Law huffed
"It isn't but... It puts the pack at ease that if something were to happen, whic we hope not, were to happen to you... There's already an heir ready to... You know... Take your role." Penguin explains further
"Especially now that the eastern pack is growing more and more aggressive..." Bepo muttered
"What? Aggressive?? That leader has always been calm" Law muttered
"Hmm..." Shachi thinks to himself for a while, "I did hear from somewhere that the Pack's leader dumped him right after he proposed... Maybe that sent him into a spiral?"
"It would happen... But... For now, get a feel of the eastern pack. I'm sure he'll calm down eventually... What about the western? They've been awfully quiet, especially since their leader is... How do I say this..." Law hummed to himself
"... Rowdy?" Shachi raised a brow, "don't worry... That leader is just busy training his young one. The young one turns 6 this year."
"Is that so...?"
"And the kid is like... Really cute!" Bepo cooed.
Law groaned, "is that all you want to tell me?"
"Oh? Well..." Penguin grinned, "there's a news somewhere that, Sora, warrior of the sea, is getting another book."
"Wait... Really?" Law said with wide eyes
"Hell yeah! I'm so excited! This book apparently focuses on Sora as a person not as a warrior" Shachi cheered whole munching on some cookies.
(Yes, these four gossip a lot over tea and biscuits)
After their visit, Law helped (y/n) wash the dishes.
"I love what you did with the roses, honey" Law smiled as he looked out into the backyard, now decorated with different coloured roses.
"Awww thanks sweetie! So, what did you and the boys talked about? I bet it's Sora again. Huh?" She laughed softly.
"Oh you bet" Law grinned and started to tell her what was said in the gossip.
She listened intently with small laughs and giggles here and there, responding with some questions about this and that, just... Listening to him until they finish cleaning up.
"... Yeah. And I remember, Sora was inspired by the creator's sister, who's name is also Sora and like..." Law hummed, "the creator said that his sister has always been brave growing up. Isn't that amazing??"
Law followed (y/n) up the stairs to their bedroom
"Oh? That's quite cute actually..." She smiled before sitting him down on the bed with a serious look, "Law... I need to tell you something... I don't know what your reaction would be but..." She muttered, "wait here."
She went to their bathroom that was connected to their bedroom.
Law just sat there, wondering what she wanted to say. She then came out with something behind her back, looking rather excited.
"What's that?" He said while trying to peak.
She giggled at his attempts before calming him down and showing him a positive pregnancy test.
"I'm pregnant..." She shyly said.
Law was in shock, more because he thought he was playing it safe, "oh wait... The full moon..." He thought
He just grabbed her waist and pulled her close gently before pressing a kiss on her abdomen and placing his head against her, "fuck... I don't know how to express how happy I am..." He groaned
She laughed and ruffled his hair, "it's alright... At least now I know you liked the news"
"Liked... Liked?? I LOVED it!" He smiled before hugging her tightly.
She just laughed even louder until he stood up and kissed her.
"Alright, you LOVED it." She smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I love you..." He muttered before kissing her forehead
"I love you too..."
But the he remembered something, "wait... What if... My child has the same curse as me...?"
"Law..." She cupped his face
Law wasn't always a wereleopard, Law used to be a happy little boy in his small village until a couple of ruffians, that he now realized was a really mean pack, terrorised his village and unfortunately killed his parents but cursed him and his sister, sadly, his sister didn't survive the curse...
Law didn't even notice himself crying until soothing hands were wiping away his tears and a smooth voice coaxing him to calm down.
"Come now..." (Y/n) smiled as she pulled Law unto the bed.
He immediately buried his face in her chest and his arms around her waist tightly, silently curing against her at the sudden pull from memory train.
"Ahh... It's okay... It's okay, I'm here..." She soothes him while running her fingers through his inky black strands.
"Thank you..." He finally muttered once he had calmed down, "I don't know what I would be without you" he smiled up at her Smas she smiled down at him.
She only chuckled softly and kisses his forehead, "let's arrange this tomorrow? Good thing you're off from work for a week."
He nods with a smile.
5 months later, Law finds himself craving for something.
Though he knew (y/n) was pregnant, and a bump was already showing, he can't help himself at full moon.
While she helps him all the time, her hand wasn't simply enough.
Especially now that a bump is showing and it is said in her ultrasound that she might have twins or triplets, it'll be harder for her to reach him.
"(Y/n)..." He muttered, his body as hot as a furnace and trembling at any motion, his tail stood on end, his fur wa slightly sticky with sweat, his pupils were blown wide with arousal.
"Hm? Oh dear..." She gasped when she rubbed his cheeks, making him pur, "you're in heat... Again? I thought it only happens in the full moon?"
"It... It does but... It's not enough... I'm sorry, but I want to feel you. Touch you... Taste you with my mouth... Please... Is there anyway...?" Law practically begs her with such pleading eyes.
She hummed softly, "u-uhm... I don't know if it's alright but... You know... I have two holes..." She shyly suggested with a deep blush, "ah-! Forget it! It's embarrassing...!"
"Wait... No, it's alright. I like that idea...!" Law grinned mischievously before slowly approaching her
"Ah-ah." She smiled at him making him pause, "wipe the table and help me clean the house first, just some vacuuming and mopping will do."
"I should've known..." He mumbled
"Is it alright if I clean up first...?" She asked with a small smile as he nodded
"It's alright."
She kissed his forehead softly before going to the bathroom.
Law pulled out the necessary "tools" he'd need which is simply just lube.
He waited patiently (and excitedly) on the bed until she was finished.
She came out of the bathroom in only her underwear, highlighting her belly bump slightly.
"I hope this is alright as well...?" She asked as soon as Law got up and kissed her deeply.
"It's sexy..." He muttered before snapping off her bra and throwing it away, "they're growing nicely for the baby."
He smirked slightly before playing with her tits.
"Law..." She laughed before gasping when he carried her to the bed and gently placing her down.
He then crawled to be on top of her, his hand drawing soft circles on her belly.
Law was currently in his wereleopard form, it made (y/n) wonder... Since his physique changed, would there be a chance that his thing grew a little? The thought had her squirming
"Thinking unholy thoughts, aren't we?" He smirked making her blush deeply.
"J-just do it already... I'm waiting." She pouted
"So am I..."
He soon removed her panties and throwing them somewhere before lifting one of her legs to his shoulders and coating his free hand with lube.
"This might feel weird..." He warned before rubbing the outside of her back hole making her whine.
"Law..." She moaned softly before gasping in pleasure when he slipped a finger inside, he started thrusting his finger inside slowly until he changed his pace, adding another and another until he stretched her out so well and coated her, inside and out, with lube.
"There... I hope it doesn't hurt" he smiled before coating himself with some lube as well and pumping it, coating his dick with some shiny lube.
(Y/n) can't help but stare and "observe". His member sure is bigger and has more veins than his usual one, she's not complaining though.
"Here goes..."
She whined slightly when he pressed his tip against her hole before slowly but surely pushed in with slightly ease.
It stung for a moment until pleasure kicked in, he was stretching her other hole up deliciously until he was all the way inside with a groan.
"So tight... Warm..." He growled almost animalistic while he waited for her to adjust.
By now, he had both her knees up to his shoulders, his hands on her hips, grinding her against him softly.
"L-law...! Please..!" She gasped before unconsciously clenching against him with a moan.
He groaned before lacing his fingers against hers and pinned them on the bed, his other free hand then gripped her waist before starting to thrust into her.
At first, his pace was kept to a medium, eliciting small moans and gasps from her until he could feel his animal side break and turn her to her hands and knees before thrusting deep inside.
She howled moans as he kept slamming himself in and out of her sorry little ass like the animal that was controlling him. He leaned over and hugged her real tight, a hand on her belly as he continued to thrust inside her
"L-law...! Ah- so... S-so good!" She moaned loudly.
Her moans were enough to fuel him more into a rougher state, thrusting in and out of her mercilessly. Like an animal in deep heat.
She kept moaning loudly that she feared her neighbors would hear, but that thought was thrown out the window once he hit a special spot inside her making her newly and drool with pleasure, "l-law...! Right there!" She moaned some more before he started abusing the spot.
"Law...! I-i cant-" she gasped when she feels herself start to tighten up into a warm recoil before releasing intensely with a moan.
He growled loudly and fastening his pace, roughing it up more, until he felt her squeeze the life out of his dick. He growled lowly into her ear and thrusted deeply inside her to spray her insides with his sticky cum.
Thrusting a few more, to make sure she drinks every single bit of him, he pulled out slowly and helped her get settled on the bed.
Law could still see his own cum leak out of her slowly as she panted heavily
"Much better..." He muttered before cuddling against (y/n) with his soft fur being her pillow
"That... Wasn't so bad..." She panted softly and hugging him
"I didn't hurt you, did I?"
She shook her head before going to sleep.
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
Hi Bee! You seem to read a lot of books, and I've been trying to get back into reading books rather than fanfiction as of late (which is going good atm). I used to read a lot of actual books when I was younger, but once I was a pre teen I'd discovered fic and had trouble reading actual books unless I had to for school lol. Anyway, my question is do you have any book recs? While for right now, it is going well, I only have two books I'm planning on reading after I finish the two I'm reading simultaneously right now. So it'd be nice to have some more for once I finish those as well. :D
Another reason for my wanting to get back into reading actual types of books is studying a more formal written literature to improve my writing, and to observe what author's do with their writing style that I'd want to incorporate in my own writing. If you have any tips for studying/observing, I'd also love some of those.
While this doesn't really have to do with the whole book thing, I just wanna say that you definitely inspired me to want to write more. Most of your titles always sound so cool and make me wanna read anything of yours solely based off them, and your plot, descriptiveness, metaphors, Greek mythology references, and so many other little things about it make it so enjoyable to read and something I'd strive to be within my own writing. A little silly, I know, considering it's MCYT fic, but your writing is genuinely so cool.
That's all I wanted to say, bye bye.
this is so kind thank you!! it seriously makes me so happy anytime someone tells me my silly fic writing inspired them to start/improve their own writing. writing is such a beautiful art but it's also a skill you have to put so much time into. you're off to an amazing start already with recognizing that you have to read published novels to improve your writing. it seriously helps so much.
I can definitely give you some recs! I'll put them under a read more, but since you asked for tips when reading novels:
try to pay attention to things you like and don't like about the author's writing style. like if you're reading a novel and there's a line of description that's particularly gorgeous or sets a scene super well, consider annotating the book with a pen or highlighter or if you don't own the book itself, copy down the line/paragraph somewhere (notebook, notes app, smth like that) to refer back to later. or if you find yourself super immersed in a conversation going on between two characters, take a step back to notice how the author writes out the conversation. is there a lot of physical description of what the characters are doing while they speak that lets you picture th escene easily? or is the dialogue rapid fire back and forth which forces you to just be sucked into it? what about it do you like?
or, on the contrary, if you find yourself struggling to enjoy a book try to notice what about the writing style is pulling you away. is there too much flowery description that makes you want to skip ahead? is there too much exposition so you feel like you're just getting an infodump instead of a narrative? take stock of what your own thoughts are as you read and then try to figure out why that is.
also, a tip I heard once is that you can always try to emulate a specific style. if you want to improve your writing and you just read a book with a writing style you really want, maybe try and write a random scene in that same style. it doesn't have to be anything original or even good, no one ever has to see it, it can just be for your own practice. just keep the book beside you and try to pick out what makes the writing style distinct, and try to emulate that. not saying you have to adopt that style, but just trying out a new style can give you some variation to help you develop/improve your own.
okay now book recs time, this'll get long so putting it below
now you didn't specify what kinds of books you like to read so I'm going to just throw in a few from a few different genres I've read. most of these are books I've recced here on my blog before but they're all a bit scattered so I'll rec them again. now, I mostly read fantasy or historical fiction because I just like those genres but I'll try to include some variety here
Genre: Fantasy (Typical Medieval)
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
one of my all time favorite novels. incredibly expansive fantasy worldbuilding that draws from a variety of cultures that's not exclusive to just europe. of course there's one country that's fantasy england, but you also have countries that take inspiration from asia, africa, and the middle east. you follow several characters that vary in age, race, gender, sexuality, etc. and they're all wonderfully fleshed out and fascinating. the story itself is also just fantastic and the world really swallows you whole. there's also a prequel to this called A Day of Fallen Night that I actually think I liked a bit more than Priory, but I'd recommend reading Priory first because it's easier to get into the world through that one whereas ADOFN is a bit more dense.
Genre: Fantasy (Apocalyptic? Sci fi? Kind of?)
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin
similar to priory, the fifth season is a masterclass in worldbuilding and creating interesting worlds. that's where the similarities end though. technically speaking The Fifth Season is a fantasy and not a sci fi, although it feels more like sci fi to me tonally. The Fifth Season explores a world that is so regularly tormented by apocalyptic natural disasters that everything is formed around survival and it makes for such an interesting culture. the story also does an incredibly interesting and unique thing with POV that I rarely see in novels so that's also super fascinating to dig into for writing study. currently reading the sequel to this one and I love it so far.
Genre: Historical Fiction
Hild by Nicola Griffith
alright if you really wanna stretch some writing/reading muscles this is definitely a book you can try out. but be warned, it is dense. I'm a fairly fast reader and it took me so much longer to read this than I was expecting just because of how dense the writing is. this story takes place in 7th century Anglo-Saxon Britain so there's a lot of Old English words thrown in, and while there's a glossary at the back it doesn't cover everything. this is a really interesting novel though that dives deep into the time period and the specific life of one girl as she grows up at the heart of the political machinations of the Anglo-Saxon kings. really great if you're like me and think learning a lot about what life was like in this time period is super fun, but I could see it being a drag for people not super into history like that. I still think it's a really good story though on its own, especially with how the main character is characterized as she grows up, and how it represents all the politics going on at this time
Genre: Satire/Dystopian Fiction
Chain Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
I'm including this because I'm trying to give you a bit of genre variety. If you want to read an adult dystopian book for our modern day this is definitely an excellent one to pick up. warning, it's incredibly effective as a dystopian novel because all I felt was dread and fear after finishing it. it takes place in the near future where the prison industrial complex has been combined with the entertainment industry. prisoners who are serving a sentence of either 25+ years or life are given the option to compete in televised gladiator style death matches. if they survive 3 years, they'll be released. the novel is incredibly on the nose and not subtle whatsoever about it's criticisms of capitalism and racism, especially the racism that the prison industrial complex is built on. the horrifying thing about reading it is how easily I could see this becoming a reality, especially the brand sponsorships. it made me want to laugh and cry at the same time because of how ridiculous but realistic it was.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
And here we have my all time favorite novel. this novel is a great example of unreliable narrator and how to tell a story two different ways. if you don't know the twist for this already, go into it blind, I promise it'll be more fun that way. the premise of the story seems simple—the morning of their 5th anniversary, a man's wife goes missing and the story follows his attempts to find her. but it gets way messier than that. this novel is an excellent example of how to characterize horrible people and still make them enjoyable to read about. also, if you're like me and enjoy media about two shitty people having an unhealthy and fucked up relationship, you'll adore this.
Okay that's a lot so I'll stop there for now, but feel free to pop into my inbox if you want anymore recs! especially if there's a specific genre you're looking for. if I've read anything that fits what you're looking for I'd be happy to throw it your way!
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maibluemen · 16 days
it's been a hair over a year since i last posted any fic/updated last light (look. i know the exact date bc it's also my sister's birthday i swear i have not actually been obsessing over this lol). i'll probably? be able to update this month, the next chapter is mostly done and then needs to be edited. mostly i need to sit down and just write it lol
it's felt a lot like the past couple of years, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, and it sucks to add all of that to a laundry list of pre-existing mental health Issues (the combo of adhd/depression/ocd deserves a special place in hell). social media has been....really rough, especially with the ocd. i simply don't have spoons to deal with it much and it doesn't take a lot to make me spiral in such a way i've nearly called 911 on myself a few times. i've unfollowed and blocked people over genuine grievances but also because i simply can't deal with it. and i'm going to keep doing that, and likely cycling between using socmed a fair amount and avoiding it for long stretches of time. i'm going to keep running the horror week, tho i think i'm going to have to put a pin in rusliet week for the time being, btwn my mental health and feeling really pessimistic about participation for numerous reasons (mostly the mental health tho, and also not knowing what my schedule is actually going to look like any more than a week out at a time atm). and all of this isn't getting into everything that's been going on offline either lol
but i did want to say that i appreciate everyone who has stuck with me, and stuck with my fics. and especially thanks to the people who comment, seeing ao3 emails about getting a comment have made me tear up lol and there's some of you i need to still reply to on ao3 proper but for now please take my thanks here
i also wanted to say that although i haven't posted in (just over) a year doesn't mean i haven't written, either, because i write things out of order and also write snippets of other things....if i can find my outline for the fra/pol/pru murder mystery fic, i'd like to start working on that for real and have it up by halloween, and then also get back to working on oneshots, too. and rework the LL outline...i was going to do that in scriv but i'm a bit hesitant to pay for scriv rn so i might be messing around with pen and paper a bit before typing it up nicely in word lol....anyway. i haven't actually lost interest in writing fic, though there are definitely patches there....but these story ideas and characters live in my head rent free and what can i say i like to write! so it will be exorcised from me eventually lol
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Thanks @nczaversnick for the tag!
I got tagged for a character name origins tag, but I did that very recently, and the post also mentioned talking about the characters origins, which I’ll gladly yap about!
The Artist
Gotta be honest, it feels odd that Ive BARELY talked about the artist here considering how important they are to How Our World Ended. The Artist is a God who can create universes, and observes them
The artist is a literal outline of a person, with a white line covering their eyes. They exist within a black void, as a result of destroying their own universe. The origin for this character is odd, and many years old, but I’ll try to get a good timeline.
Initially, they were just a character for me to project negative thoughts onto. Then, the idea of them being a creator of universes came into my mind. They were first put into a story during a OLD assignment which I unfortunately do not have access to anymore. While it was bad, it solidified the character in my mind. And they always stayed in the back of my mind, untill I came up with How Our World Ended. And considering how important they are to the ending, and hell, the universe of Souls Collide, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them ( random note, but I feel like the watcher from What If was a big inspiration of the concept )
Ugh, so this one is a littttle embarrassing. A lot of my older ideas have evolved a lot, and that includes the early stages where they were inspired by some…. Odd stuff ( you don’t wanna know how souls collide itself started )
Anyways, if I remember right, I always liked the idea of doing a more medieval fantasy story. Souls Collide takes place in current times, so that line of thought was always an interesting thought experiment. Anyways, in 2021 I was watching the game awards because I had nothing better to do. I was kinda zoning out, untill the live performance of the song enemy started playing. And as it played, the premise of How our World Ended, or at least a rough outline, hit me. And as time went on, more music inspired more about the story. Hells coming with me by Poor Man’s Poison gave me an idea for a second half of the story that was, admittedly, terrible. But the ending, that was cool, and it stayed. That song also gave me the rough outline of what I wanted Res to be. A revenge fueled fire soul was how he initially was gonna be. But as time went on, a lot changed. I changed him to be an ice soul, as the protagonist of souls collide is already a fire soul, and I didn’t want to overlap that. Then, Res became more fueled by grief. Now, Res is cold and calculated. He works as a vigilante of sorts, and is far more caring once he gets to know someone.
Oof- that was long, I’ll do a quick lighting round of origins that are WAY shorter.
Two big inspos for this guy. Firstly, I always wanted to do something similar to the organization 13 from kingdom hearts. Salazar, and his past in the council of fate, was initially gonna fill that role. Over time, the council shrunk and that role more fell to the gods. Then, for his explicit personality, it was heavily inspired by moon waltz by cojum dip. Something about it just fit the guy, and me misinterpreting the wrestling mask of the album cover as a masquerade mask 100% shaped both his chilling personality and his design
Okay I think this one is just funny. So, I didn’t plan this book well. At all. I kinda just went “ fuck it “ and let it happen. That’s why the first draft is VERY rough atm. Anyways, Nelios wasn’t originally in the story at all. I was just gonna name drop him, and maybe give him a scene or two, but when I wrote a full chapter of him, I loved him so much, he became VITAL to the story. His personality came from a mix of “ how can I make an arrogant asshole likable? “ and “ how can one make this guy a fun ass character to write “
Okay I rambled for WAYYY to long there, but I have a lot to say haha. Anyways, tag list time.
Tagging @aintgonnatakethis @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @noxxytocin @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @theverumproject @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives
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acourtofthought · 6 months
Hi ☺️! First, just want to say that I’m obsessed with your content. I read it like gospel.
I’m an Elucien through and through and atm I’m so confused about Elriel storyline, which brings me to my second point. According to Elriels, the bond will be rejected in Elriel book. But if SJM confirmed that each spin-off will be about 1 couple, how can SJM FURTHER develop Elriel while also exploring the mating bond with Elucien? That would make for more than 1 MMC/LI. I don’t see how the story can focus on both at the same time while also dealing with the overall plot (fighting the big bad, etc). I think it would be too confusing, too convoluted to have Elain build a relationship with Azriel while getting to know Lucien before deciding to reject the bond. Because there is no way, IMO, that SJM will make them reject the bond without them getting to know each other first and realizing they don’t work.
That would mean we get Elucien book first where their story is about exploring the bond, then reject it then we get another book for Elriel? But it’s 1 couple per book so the book after the next would be another couple’s (Gwynriel 😍), not a continuation of Elain’s story. I don’t know if I’m making sense because I’m more confused than anything about how/when Elriel’s love story would unfold.
Anyway, I hope my message is not too weird and THANK YOU for fighting the good fight. I look forward to more Elucien golden thoughts 🙌.
Thank you, your message was so nice (definitely not weird!)!!! ❤️❤️❤️
And I agree.
First off, SJM confirmed on a few occasions that that each book will feature a new pairing in what is a traditional romance.
Traditional romance means the couple in the book HAVE to end their book with a HEA together. She literally cannot market these standalone books as traditional romance unless she follows those rules and that's what she's contracted for. So there's not going to be Elain and Lucien exploring a romance in one book then ending it the next.
Second (and to your first point), if SJM were going to write a rejected mating bond between two main characters there's no way she's going to casually throw that into the plot at the start of the book so that a romance between Az and Elain can progress after.
There is ALWAYS going to be a tug between Elain and Lucien. We know that a rejected bond can impact the male so much that it can drive some of them mad.
Even if Elain didn't want the bond, do we honestly think she's the kind of person who would be so heartless that she'd just move right onto to dating someone else knowing that Lucien is suffering? People can claim all they want that she has no interest in him but she is physically reactive to his presence. We don't know exactly what those reactions mean because in these books one thing often looks like another but she's not indifferent to Lucien and there is no way, when he's been nothing but amazing, she'd be fine getting her HEA when she can feel her mates sorrow.
Lucien has longed for Elain for 2 years. He's dealt with disappointment over her being withdrawn since the novella. He's not happily moving on from a rejected bond in a few months regardless of what E/riels say. A rejected bond between Eris and Mor might make sense because Mor has stated she does not have romantic feelings for males and we don't know Eris's sexual preference, we wouldn't feel hurt for either character if they had a broken bond. But with Elucien, a broken bond after his entire arc since the end of ACOMAF has been about her is too emotional a thing to easily walk away from without some serious page time being dedicated to it.
Really, the only way this scenario would actually make sense is if Elain rejected the bond in a Lucien POV because she did not want the bond and we witnessed his journey to a HEA with someone else and THEN Elain got a book. Because it would be difficult to root for Elain and her ending up with Az if she broke the heart of someone who was absolutely perfect for her in favor of a guy who hadn't thought of being with her beyond his sexual fantasies.
And I'm not thinking anyone believes Lucien and a love interest other than Elain is getting the next book.
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bubblesxo · 6 months
I love your fic!!! I fucking adore de-aged Bruce fics and Gotham!Bruce is such a fun way to go about it!! And oh, is there anything in particular you’re looking forward to writing with Bruce and everybody? Or anything you wanna share about the process? I’m super curious!!!
oh thank you so much!!! that means so much to me to hear <33 i'm really glad that you're enjoying the story! i agree, gotham!bruce is a really fun way to tackle the topic of bruce's youth.
i'm really excited to write more bonding between bruce and his kids, as well as some alfred and jim scenes coming up!! (of course, harvey will be making another appearance, don't worry! he's just basically in dix's position in gotham canon here---very knowledgeable, very seasoned, but a bit older at this point. he's happily retired with a wife, and is distinctly spending it away from gotham XD) this fic was made with family relationships in mind, so i'm excited for when bruce finally begins to trust them a bit and starts to care about them more. (as a sneak peak for the next chapter, i'll say now that damian makes an appearance very soon!)
speaking of alfred, i really need to lore drop about him more coming up.
anyway, one of my favorite things ever to include in the fic is bruce random lore-dropping. like, his family has NO IDEA about most of the stuff he casually says, it's just such good comedy fuel for me XD i need some comedy to offset the trauma that all of the characters have, after all!
i have some plot points coming up that i am so so so excited to write!!! more short-term, i have a character coming up that's been mentioned a few times in-fic already as a bit of foreshadowing. he's only in like one chapter atm but miiightt make an appearance later. *wink wink*
more middle-term, there's an arc coming up soon that is gonna be both angst and comedy gold. it includes a character who has been mentioned by name but not discussed haha. he's around for a while (meaning at least a few chapters as a very very prominent character and probably a few as more of a background character) and i know that people are probably gonna be super hype when i introduce him, especially from the time period i'm taking him from!!
finally, i have an important long-term plotline that's going to go on in the background for most of the fic. i was thinking about writing it in a bit more blatantly in about 4 chapters, but now looking at all of this written down, i think i'll shove that chapter into the next round and write something a bit more foreshadowy for now and less obvious. i don't wanna give the plot away too soon, after all! (if you try, you can probably guess the character i'm referring to here, though probably not his name...)
i'm thinking of doing a special babs chapter coming up to talk about her whole parentage thing in this ficverse, too! do you think that would be interesting to anyone? LOL
i also am going to start tying selina in more often in the future, which is going to be a ton of fun!! and looking back on all of this, i'm starting to worry about just *how long* this fic is going to be XD but hey, whatever! i'll go with my muse.
looking back on what i wrote, this seems to be suuuuper vague, and i'm sorry about that!! but mid-term and long-term ones are a bit of a surprise and a mystery, respectively, and i don't want to spoil the fun too much XD
thank you so much for the ask!! i love talking about things on here, especially my fic! feel free to send more asks if you ever feel like it<33 and of course thank you so much for reading and enjoying my fic !!<33
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wawamouse · 16 days
so you write Oz like it’s high concept novel quality I just wanted to say that first off. Fontana should give you the rights tbh
curious as to if you see the potential to ever write Miguel/Alonzo as romantic or mutual? the way you write them is so rawly intriguing and ambiguous the way it is dgmw! just that I find it interesting to consider them in all different configurations w romance+the Consequences thereof as one of many options
Hahah thank you <3
Idk, tbh I’ve never thought of writing Miguel/Alonzo straight up… I know I have like 1 fic tagged as them but I should probably take that tag off the fic bc it’s not really there like that/I scaled back on some of stuff I had planned anyway :S… It’s kinda funny because I remember watching Oz Youtube clips before I’d watched the show (like, back in middle school maybe, when I was a dumb little homo desperate to find queer rep in media blah blah blah). Back then lowkey highkey being very intrigued by Torquemada, but then I watched the actual show and I was like oh boo… He’s barely in it.
That’s all to say, I find him entertaining as a character and I think it’d be interesting to try and tackle a character study of him (of course, I’d be making up a lot 🥴) but I don’t think my default interpretation of his character is really a thing that makes it possible to write him in any kind of romantic relationship, you know? Based on what little we learn of him from the show, I feel like his main thing is like getting off on power imbalances, voyeurism, enmeshment—that kind of thing. Which is interesting! But yeah, no, I don’t really see romance for him. Without getting too into it, he seems more… business minded, to me? I feel like he just wants to scare the hoes and get rich, which is pretty funny of him. I think exploring some kind of dynamic between Miguel and Alonzo that I haven’t already done yet would be fun bc I tend to write Alonzo as just a creep near Miguel, unless he’s an AU version of himself… and honestly, I prefer the idea of a fun, chaotic Torquemada to the creep but it's so clear that Miguel thinks Alonzo's a creep that I guess I end up writing him that way too 🤷🏻‍♂️
Writing a fic where Alonzo turns out to be actually helpful/a tentative ally once/if Miguel is able to set boundaries/get his head on right, etc, would be interesting 🤔, but yeah, that’s about the extent of where my head’s at with them. Plot Plot, not ship stuff LOL.
(Rambled, sorry + this is probably not the answer you were looking for so sorry x2)
Tldr: I don’t think writing Miguel/Alonzo as mutual or romantic is really in the cards for me atm
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alicechess · 10 months
Love your writing so much! I was just having an idea atm, so I hope it’s fine requesting stuff
Reading the Yandere Springtrap series (which I really enjoy ♥️🙏), reader asked if he’s a person in one part.
What if reader wanted to open his face in curiosity tho? What would he do and if he DID open his face, would he sometimes scare reader?
Ooo I like this idea, thanks! I'll just turn this into the next chapter. I changed it a bit, and used it only as a way to scare her.
This hasn't been proof read, so it might not be the best. Anyway, enjoy the year late chapter. Also sorry it's not super long.
The new nightguard Chapter 10 (Yandere Springtrap x f!reader)
The familiar footsteps was heard from behind the door. The sound of metal hitting the old, wooden stairs. A sense of dread often fell on you whenever you heard it. Maybe it was just as a result of him being the only person you've seen over the past.... how long? You couldn't keep track of time down there. No windows, no clocks, not even a damn calender. It was boring, the same old thing over and over again. You craved for something different, whether it be something small or dramatic.
The sounds of keys jingling alerted you from your thoughts, and a few seconds later, he appeared into the room once again. He brought some gifts into the room, like some new clothes he got from... some victims.
"Here, this should make you feel a bit better. I... I'm starting to understand how you feel now." He says, glancing at reader. Y/n noticed how his eyes You aren't just something I can use, and... I'm sorry."
Y/n sat their on the mattress stunned, what makes him think you'd forgive him over something so horrid? What he said about your family, what he'd do to them. You knew you were still falling down the hole, the hole of Stockholm syndrome. But regardless of how much you tried to push it aside, those feelings never fully left. You were afraid of them clouding your ability to see him for what he truly is.
"We had such a nice day yesterday, but you had to fucking ruin it! I was starting to like you, but in the end, I'll always see what you're fucking like. I couldn't care less about what you give me. You disgust me. You're a fucking monster, you truly are rotten inside and out. You deserve all the hell which you've been through you sick fuck!"
You snapped, every single thought, emotion you've experienced spilled out. You couldn't hold it in, you realised it was too late when you saw him rush towards you. He gripped you by the neck, throwing you against the wall. Pain radiated all throughout your skull, putting you in absolute agony. You cried out, afraid of what he'd do. That horrific, scary suit, the rotten meat that clung to the metal skeleton making you realise further what is in front of you. You now had a good look at him, how he truly was once a human. How did a person become this? Something which was flesh and blood, had emotions and memories, close relationships, was a fucking corpse in a suit. You wanted to know what was underneath, but you had a feeling you'd regret it.
He put pressure on your neck, you knew it was going to bruise. You felt his hands slowly put more and more pressure on your neck, making it more difficult for you to breathe. You kicked at him, but you knew it was no use as he was much taller and heavier than you. After all, he's made of metal, you never had a chance.
As your vision became blurry, you started to accept your fate. Freedom, finally. What's the point in living if you're going to be surrounded by the same four walls? You let your hands drop from his, there was no point in fighting back. He looked at your face, realising what he was doing. The defeated look scared him. Springtrap didn't like that look on you at all. It didn't fit you, it felt wrong seeing you in a position like this. Although he wanted to tear you apart, he knew that he'd regret it. Springtrap let you fall to the floor.
In a way, he wanted to let you down gently, but he was still frustrated and upset with what you had said.
"Doll... we had a discussion yesterday. You should know better."
Y/n struggling to catch her breath, coughing repeatedly, her hands touching her neck. He had slightly cut her neck from the wires which were peaking from his hands.
"Darling?" Springtrap said, looking at her bloody hands. He felt panicked, "Darling!" He wrapped his arms around her, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have hurt you. I love you so much, I'm so sorry! I didn't think." His voice was full of panic.
Springtrap stood up and walked to the bathroom, grabbing some medical supplies. He went back over to Y/n, seeing her still panting, not moving from shock. He knelt down, and opened the small metal box. He pulled out some disinfectant, then poured it onto a cotton ball. He then slowly patted it over her cuts. Y/n didn't wince from the pain, only staring into the distance. Springtrap then but a bandage over it, making sure that it won't come off.
Springtrap then held Y/n, knowing he absolutely fucked up and wasn't sure how to fix the mess he created. Y/n and Springtrap stayed together for an hour, y/n still not wanting to look at him at all. He disgusted them.
Springtrap started to become frustrated with how Y/n barely moved, didn't say a word. Their eyes were so empty, it angered him. Nothing he did satisfied them. They never responded, they just stared. It couldn't have been that bad, right? He's done worse before, why can't they just move on? He provided everything for them, he protected them from the outside world, gave them expensive gifts and love.
"Y/n?" He shook them
"Y/n, you've been silent for a while now."
"Y/n for fuck sake answer me!" He said making them face him. Even though he raised his voice, Y/n just turned away. Springtrap tried his hardest to not hurt them again, knowing it'd make things worse. He wanted to hit her, he really did. But he loved her. He wanted her to love him back.
"Please, just respond to me! I'm fucking sorry."
Y/n turned away, just not caring anymore. All the truly wanted was to die, to simply get away from here. Nothing provided them joy. They just felt.... so empty. They couldn't care less what happened anymore.
They just wanted it all to end.
"Y/n, you'll regret this. I'll fucking hurt them."
Y/n gave Springtrap an unamused glance, the thought hurt them, but in the end, they just couldn't do this anymore.
"Do you want to go for a walk? Yesterday was nice, wasn't it?"
He nudged Y/n, but when he didn't get a response, he got up and walked towards the door.
"Fucking last chance Y/n, you'll either fucking love me, or I'll kill your family. I'm not doing this with you. I'm not going to play your pathetic game."
Y/n just gave him a sad look and turned away, staring at the concrete walls.
Springtrap sighed at the response, then opened the door and walked out. He knew she'd hate him, but he tried so much. It didn't go anywhere.
Springtrap did some research, with the application for applying to the job, he found her address. It was so painfully easy. The shitty company had no protection for the individuals who applied to the job. At least no one would have any use for this anymore, besides Springtrap. Y/n was simply someone who used to be. People probably think she's dead. He wondered if they connected the dots yet. The workers knew he lived in the abandoned pizzeria. It'd be amusing if they hadn't. It was difficult to find the place while staying undercover, making sure people didn't spot him. It was late at night and dark, so it was unlikely. It was also pouring down with rain and thunder.
Eventually, he found the place. There was a crappy car at the front, the paint was peeling off and dirty. The overall house looked fine at the front of the place. The grass was kept mown, and the building looked newish, probably built in the past 5 years.
Springtrap attempted the front door, and it wouldn't budge. He then walked around towards the back, and tried with the door. He knew he'd have to pick the lock, causing him to sigh. He hoped it wouldn't wake them up, otherwise it would make things much more difficult and irritating. He had no doubt he could take them down, it would just be leaving the area which would be a nightmare if the police became aware.
Eventually, it unlocked, and the door opened with ease and little noise. Springtrap looked around the bottom floor, a few cans of beer was on the floor. He guessed the family was struggling. There were a few bottles on one of the shelves in the dining room. Some seemed to be half empty or less.
He started to walk up the stairs, hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with any creaking. Unfortunately, because of the suit, it did creak underneath him. However, there was loud snoring which seemed as though it helped to cover the noise, so as the crackling thunder.
Once he found the room, he looked over at Y/n's parents. "So you're the peoples she's so desperate for, huh?" He murmured under his breath, knowing it wouldn't wake either of them. Springtrap moved over towards the bed. He pulled out his knife, then plunged it into the fathers chest. The mother seemed to instantly wake up, but Springtrap held her down, slicing her throat. The father attempted to hit Springtrap, but that wouldn't do anything to him. He was much larger and stronger than the man next to him. Springtrap raised the knife, enjoying the fear and pain in the mans eyes. He stabbed the man in the head, ending the mans suffering.
Springtrap stood up, relieved that they didn't make much noise. It was beneficial having a thunderstorm occur at the same time, as it made this much quicker and less difficult.
He cut the heads off both of them, which was rather difficult with the knife he was using as it wasn't as sharp as he would've liked. He took note on doing that later.
He put them both in one of the plastic bags which were on the floor. He could hardly wait to get his darlings attention again. She'd be traumatised for a while, but thankfully she'd eventually fall for him, and be grateful for what he's done for her.
Springtrap walked down the street, the blood washing away from his suit. It was rather dirty, but he couldn't often do much about it. He knew he'd have to fix it up some day. If he was going to be stuck in this hell for the rest of eternity, might as well make it a tad bit more comfortable and appealing.
It took a while to get back to the house as it was rather far away. Once he arrived, he opened the door and stepped in. He had a thought of possibly cleaning the place later, maybe he could bring up Y/n. They might be able to live a bit happier. She had nothing to cling onto anymore, any hope of leaving this place. He might do some more research later into possibly any other family that may be alive. He'd take care of them too if there were to be. Springtrap opened the basement door and stepped inside.
Y/n glanced over at him, noticing tiny specs of blood. Most of it was gone, but there still were small stains. Y/n remembered what he said yesterday, panic instantly settled in.
"What did you do?!"
Springtrap smirked, "Oh darling, don't you remember what I said yesterday?"
"No...." Y/n mumbled, tears welling up in her eyes. "You didn't...."
Springtrap laughed, then dropped the bag. Both of the heads rolled out. Y/n instantly moved back against the wall, a loud scream escaping from her.
He grabbed her by the chin, she tried to turn her head away, but he pressed harder, forcing her to look at him.
"You have nothing left but me. You have to love me now. There's nothing left out there for you! Besides me!" Springtrap wrapped his arms around her. "Its just you and me now. If there's anyone else I'll find them. I will make sure you have no reason to leave this place. If you try to, I'll break your legs once again, I will make you so disgusting no one could ever be attracted to you besides me. You'll only be loved by me. I'll be the only one capable of loving someone like you."
Y/n cried hysterically, she didn't want this anymore. She couldn't do this. She couldn't live with herself. What could she even do? She truly felt as though there was no reason to live.
"Just fucking kill me, please. I don't want to do this anymore! Just do it already!" Y/n screamed, pathetically hitting him.
"Doll, that's not going to happen. Isn't it obvious? I love you so much. I'm risking myself everyday getting you new gifts to make you happier. I give you all the attention you need. You don't want to die! Why would you? Is none of this fucking good enough for you?" Springtrap raised his voice, hitting the wall right next to her head. Bits of concrete fell off onto the mattress.
Y/n didn't feel afraid, she wanted this. "You think any of this would make me happy? You ruined my life! You took everything for me! Do it, you freak, fucking do it already!"
Springtrap gritted his teeth, knowing what Y/n was trying to do. He sighed, sitting down next to her. "Oh darling, I won't let you get to me."
Springtrap kept attempting to get attention from Y/n. He wanted to spend time with her, but kept getting shut down which was making him frustrated.
"Do you want to go outside with me?
Y/n looked away, rolling her eyes.
"Want to watch a movie?"
"Fuck off."
Springtrap grabbed her wrist roughly, dragging her up. "You're going to fucking spend time with me. Got it?"
"Fuck no, why would I want to spend time with something like you. You're a fucking monster."
"You think I'm a fucking monster huh? I'll fucking show you how much of a monster i am." Springtrap pulled off his mask, showing the rotting face beneath it.
"Oh my god-"
"I'll fucking make you like me. I'll fucking force you to suffer like I have. You won't ever escape me then. You won't have a choice anymore, you'll be constantly under my control. What's your choice, hmm? Love me willingly, or I'll force you to."
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