#anyway lads i have been up since 4
alackofghosts · 1 year
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ʕ ˵·ᴥ·ʔ♡ʕ·ᴥ·˵ ʔ
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the-busy-ghost · 5 months
Idk why every time I have a project that involves using the Register of the Great Seal for something even slightly more complex than looking up a single isolated charter, I always have a lovely plan where I think it will only take me a couple of hours to go in, check the index, and take the numbers I need down. And then I end up having to skimread the whole damn volume.
#No I know why#It's because the index is fucked up that's why#All due respect to those Victorian and Edwardian lads who went to the tremendous trouble of compiling all these sources#But this particular method of indexing leaves a lot to be desired#Does NOT have everything I need in it#And by the time you realise that some lands might pop up where least expected you start to convince yourself it would be safer#Just to read the whole thing#It's 800 pages long#I have been at this since 4 and I'm not even an eighth of the way through#Would be much quicker if I had the physical volume but it's a very old rare book so the library have it under strict control#Fortunately of course it HAS been digitised which is fantastic#Lots of sources for mediaeval Scottish history that were compiled into printed editions in the nineteenth century have been digitised#They are very easy to get ahold of and in my biased opinion it is easier to do online primary source research for Scotland than England#But 800 pages staring at a screen (which is NOT a format I can easily retain information from even if it didn't make my eyes hurt)#Having to physically scroll down the page rather than just flip a page#Is just not ideal#And this is the only volume in the series which is on Hathi rather than Internet Archive and personally I find indexes more difficult to us#On Hathi than internet archive#Anyway#That's how you end up making the bad decision to work your way through an 800 page volume and make yourself go blind#Just to find some charters#But I've already sunk several hours into this so can't give up now! I always vastly underestimate the amount of time it takes too#Also a certain degree of Ill as well. Like I feel I have to Suffer For My Craft-suffering being back problems and 19th century antiquarians#Alright this is officially the most boring rant I have ever had
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i know now it’ll pass - ch. 1
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still me here
You have to understand, working at Nelson Road isn’t what everyone thinks it is. It’s a job. You’re not best friends with Ms. Welton, you don’t share inside jokes with Coach Lasso, and not a single member of the team could pick you out from a crowd. You talked to Keeley Jones exactly one time when she stumbled upon your office, lost in a hunt for Roy.
And none of that is bad. It’s not a bad thing. What it is is  good money and security to get your own one-bedroom flat as well as food on the table and whatever else you might need. You have a few friends there and your direct supervisor is nice and overall it’s a great environment. You’re not sure you could ask for anything more.
It’s just not as glamorous as people believe. 
Your friends think it’s great that you work in the same building as AFC Richmond legends like Roy Kent and Dani Rojas. They bombard you with questions every girls’ night, which you indulge with a laugh. 
As you sip your drink on the couch, surrounded by friends and giggles, you decide you live a pretty great life.
You don’t sleep well. You never have, and you’re concerned you never will. You’ve taken to sitting on your front steps with a blanket and a cup of tea in the hopes that it will cause your body to produce melatonin so you can get enough sleep to get through the day. Your “tea time” is usually anywhere from 2am-5am, and you’ve woken up many a morning curled up on the steps.
There are two good things that come out of tea time: the sunrise and your increased ability to cover up the bags under your eyes.
This Monday is different in that it’s worse. Much worse.
You’ve been on the porch for three goddamn hours, since 1am, and nothing is helping. You’re so tired that your eyes feel like little weights, and yet you can’t fall asleep. 
You’re leaning against a support beam with the realization that your work day is going to suck, when you see Jamie run by in the street. He doesn’t see you, what with it being 4:15am and all. Roy jogs by a few minutes later. You wince. You can tell his knee’s killing him by the way he’s running. He’ll probably take it out on the lads at training, and you find strange comfort in the knowledge that you’re not the only one who will be suffering at Nelson Road.
Oh god, you’re going to die. This is it, this is the end, death is imminent and you’re going to let the Grim Reaper snatch you with his scythe or whatever the hell he does with that thing. 
See, Mondays are when you get all your steps in because you’re walking all up and down Nelson Road collecting signatures and passing around documents. It’s usually pretty nice and culminates in a stop at Higgins’ office, who will offer you whatever candy he has at his desk or sometimes a cup of tea.
(He has a knack for offering the tea when you’re especially tired. You’re not sure how he can tell, but chalk it up to the plethora of sons he has.)
Anyway, this Monday you’re on your way to meet Higgins with a bundle of papers in your arms and you must have blacked out ever so slightly because you rammed straight into the team coming in from the pitch for lunch.
Documents are flying and you’re wobbly on your feet and now there’s like twenty beefy footballers helping you scramble to pick everything up while you say, “Sorry, sorry,” on repeat. 
“Not a problem, love,” says Jamie Tartt, handing you the completed stack. It’s a little wrinkled and haphazard, but all you can think about is the fact that you revealed yourself to be a klutz to the whole team. 
Girls’ night is about to get embarrassing. Especially because Jamie’s hand brushed yours for a millisecond and it caused literal sparks to shoot up your arm.
You’re frozen as they walk away, silently cursing your stupid screwed up sleep patterns. You had better get some sleep tonight.
You don’t. Your mind keeps replaying that touch like you’re a middle school girl who’s just discovered boys don’t have cooties. You wrestle a few hours in between 11 and 3, but find yourself on the steps again by 4, definitely not hoping Jamie runs by again.
He doesn’t.
Tuesday is not worse, but it’s not better. You’re eating lunch at your desk because you’ve decided never to leave it again, but unfortunately Jim in HR needs a signature and you’re the one who has to get up so he can collect it. You sigh and close your laptop. 
You’re padding to the other side of the building and congratulating yourself on the decision to wear flats today when you turn a corner and smack into something solid.
You stumble back but catch yourself before you hit the ground.
“God, I’m so sorry,” you say to Jamie Tartt’s blue eyes.
He half-grins. “Little wobbly there, innit?” he says before he’s gone.
Tuesday night means you’re awake due to sheer humiliation. It’s bad enough that your celebrity crush is now Jamie Tartt, but the fact that you’ve literally talked to him twice and both times have been because you weren’t watching where you were going?
You have half a mind to email in your resignation, but as you put the kettle on for 3am tea you realize you need the stability Nelson Road provides. You’re not sure you can go back to living with three other flatmates.
Your only consolation is that there’s no way Jamie Tartt knows who you are or that his damn blue eyes are seared into your brain. 
You’ve snatched five hours of sleep this time, and you’re hoping you’ll be asleep again before the sunrise, but the odds are not looking good. It’s Wednesday, and you’re going to need all the help you can get in order to make it through the longest day of the week.
Jamie runs by again. Roy notices you under the porch light and gives a two-finger salute as he hobbles by. You raise your cup in return, grateful that he at least will have no idea who you are, much less that you work in the same building.
Wednesday is fine except you’re exhausted, and Laughing Liam’s goddamn laugh is making your head pound. You set a timer and fall asleep on your lunch break.
You take a breath. Then another. And another. Deep breaths, you remind yourself. It’s not that big of a deal. 
You skipped the porch in favor of staying in bed, with the hopes that maybe a softer environment would be more conducive for sleep. It wasn’t, and the bags under your eyes are not good. They are so not good that you can’t completely cover them. You feel so awful that you forgo tea in favor of coffee, extra strong. You down it in three burning gulps and head out the door, ready to face Thursday.
It gives you a headache, but you’re awake. You’re trying to kill the dull, persistent pain with some water but it’s not helping. You rest your forehead on the community water jug for a moment as footsteps walk past you, slow down, then backtrack.
“Porch girl,” says Roy Kent, recognition in his voice. 
You turn your head, still on the jug, and nod. Roy Kent nods back and grunts, “You’re up fucking early,” then keeps walking.
Ah shit.
Friday. It’s Friday. It’s Friday and you held off from sitting on the steps until exactly 2:37 at which point you felt that if you stayed in bed any longer, you would suffocate or go crazy. Maybe both.
You set down an empty cup of chamomile and pull your blanket closer as you inhale the crisp air. You feel something like sleep creeping up on you, so you close your eyes and finally succumb to the call.
You wake to someone shaking your shoulder and an urgent voice saying, “Oi, you dead? Can you hear me?”
You blink groggily, aware of the fact that you’ve just gotten maybe an hour of sleep and it isn’t going to be enough to get you through the day. Tears begin to slide down your face, unbidden, as you try to control your sheer frustration at being woken up.
“Oh shit,” says the voice, then Roy Kent says, “You fucking broke her,” and you think maybe you actually are still asleep and this is all a dream.
But it can’t be because the hand is still on your shoulder, and it’s warm and solid and there’s no way your subconscious would be so cruel as to have Jamie Tartt and Roy Kent find you passed out on your front steps.
Your subconscious wouldn’t be so cruel, but the universe apparently is.
You force your eyes open. Jamie and Roy look concerned.
“You alright?” Jamie asks. “Thought you were proper dead.”
“Jesus Christ,” Roy mutters, turning back to you. “Look, we’re sorry for waking you. We’ll get out of your fucking hair.”
You nod mutely as they turn and jog off. It’s not until they’re well out of sight that you realize they didn’t even ask your name.
Table of Contents
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iz-star · 2 months
LaDS random thoughts.
I've seen players saying that they can't see Zayne as a romantic interest cause he resembles or reminds them of their dads or older brothers that are involved in the medical field... Funnily enough, these players always tend to be Rafayel girlies in most cases, and I find it funny cause in my case is kinda like this but opposite places? Rafayel sometimes reminds me to my dad!
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Like not only personality wise but also, my dad used to be quite the artist when I was a child. He was a musician and also painted, I remember seeing him paiting a whole ass scene of a guy holding a dying woman in his arms in one of the walls of our rooms, kinda like a greek sculpture style. I think to see him paiting was that inspired me as a kid to learn to draw, altho I have to admit that I've been quite inconsistent about it, especially cause these were always just hobbies and not something that we decided to take professionally; my two brothers dedicated themselves more to music, while I went to the art route just to pass time.
Anyway, the thing is that I've always had this thought in mind and my mom ended up confirming it lol. My family knows I play L&DS cause I have no shame and they hear me yap about it all the time (They don't even know the name of the game or how... Spicy it gets, however), and my mom knows how much I love Zayne, so one day I showed her the three guys (it was before Sylus debut) and asked her to rate their looks from 1 - 10; I showed her Zayne and she said "I give him 100!" (cause she knew he's my favorite ❤️), then I showed her Xavier and she said "80, he kinda looks childish" (he was wearing his hoodie tho, so I suppose for her he looked too young), then I showed her Rafayel and she said without a second thought "200! He looks cool!"
And I was like... "Really? He's your favorite?" She just shrugged her shoulders and said "He's the one I like how he looks like the most"
And listen, is not like Rafayel resembles to my dad physically... Maybe there are some slight similarities, especially with the hair (and I think that's kinda important lol) but I left it like that. After some time, the devs released the lastest outfits of the three guys (The outfits used for 4 stars cards and that were recently released with Sylus debut, I don't remember their names rn, sorry lol) I showed my mom their outfits because I was drooling for Zayne and asked her which one she liked the most. She said Zayne looked nice, Xavier looked like a prince but of course, she liked Rafayel the most, and I was surprised again and asked her if she was being serious, like the previous time, she didn't comment on Xavier but dismissed Zayne cause he looked like a "Mister or Sir" I don't know if these terms fit with what she meant to say tho, cause words in our native language are different, but what she meant to say is that he looked "Too old for her taste" and the way my jaw dropped... I literally told her "You're older than me! You should probably notice him more than me!" We laughed a lot.
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At the end I told her that it was curious and funny how she always chose Rafayel cause out of all the guys, he's the one with the role of the artist; my mom laughed. It was probably his vibe, idk but it's clear for me that my mom has a type and if she were to play the game, she'd definitely be a Rafayel girlie ahaha.
To finish this story, unfortunately my parents divorced years ago, you know things irl are more complicated than games and even tho my dad shares some similarities with Rafayel, they're not exactly the same, they have a lot of differences too so It's not complicated for me to see Raf as someone different and not feel weird when I get cute messages from him, however, I think after this is easy to sense how unserious my parents are, no wonder why Zayne's seriousness got me wrapped around his finger since I first interacted with him xD
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 4x1: A Tale of Two Sisters
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Summary:  A series of 100-1000 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 4 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 447
Other Chapters: (2) (3) (4) (5)
Note: Okay, I know that in canon, after this scene Emma went to talk to Regina, but I think that was stupid, so I changed it.
“So what precisely is this Netflix you mentioned?” Killian asked as they ambled through the woods, hands entwined, his thumb absently caressing hers.
She smiled to herself, there was nothing quite so entertaining as Killian trying to wrap his mind around the modern world–although to be fair, she likely provided him similar levels of entertainment during their Enchanted Forest adventure.  
“It’s this…thing…on the TV,” she said, struggling to find words to describe it.  “Let’s you watch movies and TV shows and stuff.”
“The moving pictures you and your lad are so fond of?” he asked.
“Yeah, exactly,” she said.  “Anyway, I thought we could, you know, make some popcorn, pick a movie and just snuggle together on the couch.  My parents have plans for a date night tonight, so we’ll have the place to ourselves.”
His smile was bright, joyful. “I’ll happily agree to those plans for the evening.”
“Any idea what kind of movie you might like?” she asked, realizing their choices were nearly unlimited, as he likely hadn’t seen ANY movies.
He shrugged. “Anything you pick is more than fine, Swan,” he said. “I’ll enjoy anything, as long as I’m with you.”
There were those butterflies in her stomach that had been dancing more and more ever since he found her in New York.  He could be so incredibly romantic, and the thing was, these weren’t just lines.  She knew that.  He meant every word.
Last night had changed things.  Last night, when she’d kissed him outside of Granny’s she’d acknowledged to herself and to him that she wanted this….whatever it was…between them.  Things had become complicated when Marian had been revealed, but it didn’t change the fact that she wanted a relationship with Killian.
So she’d asked him to be patient, and she knew he would be.  He’d been endlessly patient with her ever since New York, and she’d finally come to not only realize but accept that he wasn’t going anywhere. Ever.  He chose her, with all her faults, with all her struggles, with all her walls.  He wanted her and he was staying.
She only hoped that she could find a way to open up enough to let him know she felt the same.  
Suddenly his grin turned wicked and he waggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner, “And might this ‘Netflix’ experience involve–what’s the phrase common in this realm?--making out?”She laughed, enjoying this–enjoying the flirting and the fun that came with dating.  “If you play your cards right, pirate, it just might.”
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livsspecialinterests · 2 months
hi lads quick question are there any coping strategies for when it's too warm at night and the sound of the fan you use sometimes dowsnt bother you but sometimes cant be drowned out, and your partner snores (sometimes right fucking next to your head!!) and every single strategy people try to suggest is already something you do?? if one more person tries to "just use earplugs, they really work!" me I'm going to lose it.
basically it's 4:50 AM I've been awake since 3 and have to be up anyway in less than an hour so I've just got up to do my skincare stuff and might try to write for half an hour.
I've been on the whole sleeping better since starting ADHD meds, maybe that's why I react so strongly to having a shit nights sleep now. Like I work weird hours and have a decent number of days off between shifts for the next few weeks but just because I can sleep in some days doesn't mean its okay that I spend half of the night awake??
and my husband doesn't mean to snore, obviously, and he sleeps downstairs on the sofa if it's been a few nights where he's been snoring badly so I'm not even directly complaining about him but I know the shit effect that long term sleep deprivation has on people's health, let alone how fucking annoying it is in general to lie there listening to someone REALLY LOUDLY sleeping for hours on end and then needing to get up at 5:45 AM for work
I know it's partially an issue of my mood regulation but jesus fucking christ if lying awake for hours/drifting in and out of sleep/dragging myself downstairs to sleep on the sofa doesnt make me want to kill myself literally nothing does (and don't get me fucking STARTED on the process I have to follow in getting changed, moving my pillows downstairs etc because the sofa is "dirty" and my pillows are supposed to be "clean", yes I probably have OCD but I've never managed to get anyone to take it seriously so I just deal with it)
like my poor husband if he wakes up while I'm on my way downstairs says I'm really mean and like... yeah? my tone is a mixture of being pissed off that I've not slept AGAIN, trying to not cry because insomnia is something I've been dealing with since I've been a literal child, and also trying to not just flat out tell him that I want to die because I know he knows its hyperbole/something that I say in the moment to try to express my distress but I know it worries him when I talk like that so I don't want to do that
(though he will now check with me before saying he's had a bad night's sleep, since for him a bad night means he maybe woke up a few times before going right back to sleep ie he slept for like 7 hours but it wasn't great quality sleep, whereas for me a bad night is getting maybe an hour or two, interspersed with rage/sadness/loneliness/anxiety)
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khaotunq · 1 year
when aye asks akk to be his boyfriend, akk says they should sleep. But afterwards aye jumps on him. What do you think happens then? Did they make out a bit? Did akk immediately throw aye off the bed (we know he is capable of that), did they cuddle and talk a bit? Tell us your thought please, we need more of your thoughts.
Plsssss, the concept of Aye immediately being judo-thrown over Akk and onto the floor, landing in exactly the same spot is fucking hysterical. This was never in my head, but now it consumes me.
I have a couple other asks I'm meant to be answering first, damn it, but you sent me this two hours ago and I haven't been able to think about anything else since. You are a plague. A beautiful, perfect plague. I love you so much.
I do think it was probably relatively innocent, whatever happened, considering it's almost canon that their first time - whether it was The First Time or merely Akk first-hand discovering the wonders of blowjobs, who's to say - was at Akk's parent's house, and Akk's not shown as especially bold about putting his hands on Aye before then - not gently, anyway. (This has a potential to tangent, but: Akk does a lot of grabbing Aye by his hoody in the first two episodes alone, and I know because of a mystery pair of gifsets I have half-completed, that he does a fair amount of shoving Aye around later on. But to my memory even when they hug or kiss, Akk typically waits for Aye's hands to find him first, unless it's after The Morning After).
I can't get the idea of Ayan being thrown out of bed out of my head, by the way. It's hard to be serious.
My favourite thing about the entire scene is Akk's helpless smile. The close-ups are wonderful, the แฟน is gorgeous and the little kiss is sublime, but it's the helpless smile after he's turned away that jumps out at me and steals my wallet at knife-point every damn time.
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Figs. 1.1, 1.2: Devastating enough on their own
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Figs. 2.1-2.3: "Definitely sleeping, not mentally kicking my heels and twirling my hair, no sir, not I." - head prefect and complete fucking liar
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Figs. 3.1-3.2: Wanted for wallet theft. Look at that little smile. He can't help it.
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Fig. 4: The only reasonable solution.
Truthfully, I think they probably just went to sleep. Ayan jumped on him because he's spiritually incapable of not climbing his beanstalk boyfriend even when he's lying down, even when that beanstalk has only officially been his boyfriend for ten seconds, but I imagine it just evolved into what's fast becoming a signature koala (there's a Khao-koala pun in there and I need everyone just to acknowledge I'm being strong as fuck by not making it) cling and Akk complaining that it's too warm but not really doing anything about it because he's flustered and disbelieving and giddy all at once. He's literally fantasised about this. In exactly this bed. Right in front of this bed's salad.
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Figs. 5.1-5.3: when faced with a rare motionless First Kanaphan, get a leg over? K H A O A L A My favourite character trait of Ayan's.
I also imagine it takes Akk a whole lot longer to get to sleep, despite his words. We already know Akk's kept company by his waking delusions when Ayan's in his bed.
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Figs 6.1-6.3: a lad and his delusions.
I'd assume that those delusions get so much worse-better when Ayan's clinging to him knowingly, having just kissed him and called him his boyfriend in the softest, warmest voice known to man.
Anyway. All this to say, non: you're a genius, and I am now fully convinced Aye was catapulted into the bathroom. It's the funniest possible outcome.
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windermeresimblr · 6 months
The Bachelor Beaumaris, 2.2
After the hunt, the contestants retreat to the drawing room for some socialization. Gregory talks about two things: idle chit-chat, and horses. Girls like horses, right?
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Gregory: And the poor lad painted--can you believe this--Potoooooooo on the stable door!
As you can see, Amalie doesn't find this as amusing.
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Gregory's conversation with Demelza went about the same (apparently nobody really likes hearing random horse trivia?), though a distressing lack of speech bubbles prevents the Watcher from writing a witty caption.
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Gregory: And the piece was really quite moving... Isadora: (thinking) How much would it cost to repaint these walls something other than brown?
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Isadora's response to Gregory's discussion of horses ended poorly; they both lost favor with each other. I wonder what she said!
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Gregory: It's like Welsh Rarebit, but there's an extra piece of bread on top... Marie-Claude: (thinking) Daisies. I think I'll carry daisies at our wedding. Marie-Claude: But if you put the clotted cream on top of the strawberries... Mathilde: (thinking) Oh, that's it, I'm finished, I know nothing about desserts all of a sudden, I wish the earth would swallow me whole...
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Gregory: Having a house is capital, absolutely capital!
(At times like this I wished I actually played with sound on so I could try and glean some other meaning from the conversation. I'm a bit bored of him going on about his house!!!)
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Gregory: And so the Duchess was almost kicked out of the townhouse, and if the Viscountess of ---- hadn't interceded, she would have been quite separated... Vivian: (thinking) Townhouse...if I marry Gregory, I could have a fashionable townhouse! Perhaps in Bath. And have all the latest furniture...and ride in a sedan chair... Vivian: ...and it comes in a glass bottle, but it's much softer and somehow much tougher than glass, and it bubbles like mineral-water...
(WHY were they discussing divorce and soda??? I know I need to put in the "historical speech bubble contents" mod, but I keep forgetting...)
Anyways, here are our ladies' relationship scores now that we've had some more socialization. I've rounded these numbers to the nearest tenth.
Amalie is now at 13.78.
Demelza is now at 15.03.
Gabrielle is now at 12.03.
Isadora is now at 7.65. (Yikes!!!!! Isadora, what are you DOING. You barely went up 3/4 of a point!)
Marie-Claude is at 15.03. (An increase of almost five and a half points! Good for you, Marie-Claude!)
Mathilde is also at 15.03.
Vivian is at 13.02.
Since Demelza, Marie-Claude, and Mathilde are tied, here are our official "place" rankings.
Demelza, Marie-Claude, and Mathilde
How is this going to end??? Find out tomorrow!!!
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
The Crown and the Shield Chapter 4: Time Is Up
Series: The Crown and the Shield
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Constantine x Jackson
Word Count: 645
Rating: PG
Warnings for this chapter: None
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Look at your son,” King Alexander stood next to Constantine in the doorway of the palace nursery.
Five-year-old Leo sat enraptured as his favorite nanny read out loud to him.
“He’s fine. He’s happy. What about him?” Constantine had no idea why his father had brought him to the nursery in the middle of a workday, but he enjoyed watching his son play. He especially enjoyed hearing him laugh.
It had taken time, but the lad had recovered from the loss of his mother. As much as could be expected anyway. He was close to his father and his grandparents. He liked all of his nannies but especially the raven-haired beauty laughing with him as they read together.
“He loves her,” Alexander noted.
“Okay…” Constantine replied warily. He knew when his father was angling for something.
The king pulled his son into the hallway, out of earshot as he continued, “She’s going to leave.”
Constantine blinked, “What?”
“She’s going back home to Auvernall. She’s been offered a position with-“
“Well stop her!”
“How do you propose I do that, Son?”
“Offer her more money!”
“It’s not about the money. The position she’s accepted allows her to be near her family. It would take more than a mere raise to convince her to stay.”
“Well, whatever it is, give it to her!” Constantine could not deny the way his son lit up in Eleanor’s presence. She had been a fixture in his life since birth, spending more time caring for him as an infant than his own mother had. The bond between the two was obvious and had been instrumental in her promotion to head nanny.
“I don’t think there’s anything that I could offer her to get her to stay,” Alexander grasped him by the shoulder.
Constantine felt his heart sink, “What are you suggesting, Father?”
“I’m suggesting that you’ve put off remarrying long enough.”
“You can’t seriously be implying that I should-“
“Marrying her will secure her continued presence in Leo’s life, give Cordonia the queen that she needs and present you with the opportunity to give your son siblings. It’s a win/win/win my boy.”
“What makes you think she wants to marry me?”
His father chuckled, “Are you really so blind? Have you not seen the way she looks at you? Leo loves her and she loves him. She’s at least enamored of you. It’s the perfect solution!”
Confusion swept through him. He would do anything for his son. But the thought of betraying Jackson was unbearable. “But Father-“
“You’ve had three years to get it out of your system, son. It’s time to get serious about your family.”
Constantine’s stomach dropped. Get it out of his system? Did his father know about him and Jackson?
“She put in her two weeks’ notice this morning. Time is of the essence! You need to woo her and woo her quickly.”
His voice barely above a whisper, he protested, “But I don’t love her…”
Alexander heaved a deep sigh, “You and your notions of love! Look at her, Son! She’s beautiful, kind, and smart. Love will come in time. Meanwhile, you’ll be giving Leo a mother, something he desperately needs! Or are you willing to watch that boy get his heart ripped out again?”
“Think about it. But do it quickly because time is running out.”
Alexander strode away leaving Constantine alone with his thoughts. He crept silently closer to the nursery room door again, peeking in to watch as Leo snuggled into Eleanor’s lap. He mumbled something and she looked down at him, “What is it, little one?”
Leo’s blond head lifted, and his ocean-blue eyes peered into her onyx ones, “I love you. Can you be my mama?”
Constantine’s head fell back as tears filled his eyes. He knew what he had to do.
He just hoped Jackson was going to understand.
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wintersplctice · 10 days
Sleep Schedule… (Pt2 of “Abusive orphanage”
Contains: Bad language, violence, mention of weapons, mention of abuse, etc?
You have stayed at the Task Force 141 base for a while…They still don’t know you have any scars from the “Good Wishes” orphanage. Just thinking about the horrible place sends chills down your spine! I’m the “Good Dreams” orphanage, your set in a specific time you wake up and go to sleep. 5 am and curfew is 10 pm. Thought you were most punished for staying asleep to long since your more of a night owl and not a morning bird. So every time you wake up at exactly 5 am and go out into the common room (area to hang out and relax) Ghost, who’s mainly the first person to pretty much wake up, always notices you first but you just sit in the corner (drawing, reading) mainly and you always wear some long sleeves and pants even when you wear a hoodie or a cover. (Sweaters, jackets, etc) Today, it’s 4:47 Am and you get ready and wake up fully. When you wake up, you can’t go back to sleep. You brush your teeth, your hair, get dressed, any other necessities you do in the morning (can’t be anything with devices. Sorry!) and head out into the common room except…Soap, Ghost, Price, and Gaz are in there already. Waiting for you…Soap and Gaz who are still a little bit sleepy but they’re all concerned. “Whatcha doin up this early, lass/lad?” (I’m so sorry I forgot to add “lass(laddie)/lad! I might tend to forget up ahead when I continue the story! Apologies in advance!!) Soap said tiredly. “…What are you doing this early though?” You asked confused on how they’re up before you and trying to change the subject. “Don’t change the subject, Y/n.” Ghost says in a deep menacing voice that sends shivers down your spine. “Go back to sleep, y/n” Gaz said also sleepy as hell like Soap. “You shouldn’t even be up this early.” Price said. “I’m fine I assure you.” You say. It’s not fully true but your body adjusted to the time of waking up and going to sleep since the more you slept in, the more you were punished back at “Good Dreams” orphanage. You grabbed your (sketching book, reading book) and went to your usual corner and sat down. They all just looked at you concerned. Time skip to 8:35 am you felt even more sleepy but dealt with it anyway. You remembered that you’ve been limping around this whole time around the base and they might have noticed (definitely have) and you out more weight on your sprain. You got that sprain from trying to talk back to them about your sleep schedule and they almost broke your leg. Thankfully, they showed mercy…THIS time…unlike others, some had broken fingers, shoulders, etc! That place was crazy! You got up and started to walk to get some cereal since that’s your main favorite breakfast unlike the “oatmeal” they gave you every breakfast. Let’s face it, that “oAtMeAl”, was straight sludge! A pig would even refuse it! (No offense to the piggies ^.”.^) at most you would call it poison! They didn’t even feed you till you were full because they always said, “If your full, then you’ve eaten to much!” Which was absurd but how would you know? You were practically raised there! When you forced yourself to put more pressure on your sprain, your leg gave out almost causing you to face plant if it wasn’t for Soap who caught you. Gaz and Soap are fully awake now. “Woah there Lass/Lad! Ye got to be more careful!” Soap said. They all knew your leg was definitely wrong. Not like wrong, but…Hurt or smth! “Hey Y/n, roll up your pant leg.” The Lieutenant (Ghost) commanded. You hesitated once again remembering what happened before but you went down and rolled up your leg. It was bruised and swollen. Well, that was atleast at your ankle. Up above there were scars and scratches, gashes and slashes, etc! They all looked concerned, and pissed. They took you to the medic and you had it tended too. Lunch time, you fell asleep on Soaps shoulder instead of Ghosts this time. “We all agree that wer’ suing the Fuck, out of that orphanage, aye?” Soap said as they made sure you were dead asleep. “It’s clear that lass/lad has some sort of specific time schedule!” Gaz stated. “Shut up! You’ll wake the kid!” Price scolded. “She needs rest now..”
(Hint for part three, ”Food habit…” is the title..) ^.”.^
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nautilus1954 · 2 months
Hey Hey Hey Lads, back with another chapter story!
I’m gonna tell you right now… don’t get your hopes up. I was practically dragging myself to write this thing, and I doubt the next chapters will be any better, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
This will be a 4 part chapter story, (I think) we get a better insight on Linda, who’s mostly been a side character up to this point, and we’ll get the return of an old character we haven’t seen since the pilot series (1-4)
Anyways, in this story, we see Ava and Linda’s dynamic in a different light than before, and more insight into what kind of mother Linda is. We also get some fun times with Ava and Vincent, which we haven’t had in a hot second. Vincent plays Mario Kart! And Stabbed! And we get more insight into Raymond’s job.
With all that said, I hope you enjoy X]
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Linda ref made by me. (Pls don’t judge)
Ref consultant: @bbsundae
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localrye · 2 months
LADS I'M BACK AGAIN! Kind of! My nerves are fucked again! c': (personal ramblings ahead)
I had a big three weeks since like mid-June till early July So first I went to this hardcore fest I mentioned last month, and it was fine, but I found that fests aren't really for me. I'm glad I went because now I know. I guess I may attend again but buy only one-day ticket in the future but idk if I'll want to honestly, maybe only if some band I really like would play. Guess the only fest I'm still interested in is K-Town but that'd be different coz I would be sleeping at my friend's house in a town nearby, so at least I'd get some *peace and quiet* far away from people and only come to the fest for the bands. But yea, it was kind of overwhelming and uncomfortable. Completely unlike venue gigs, which feel intimate and comfortable and make me feel very present and like I'm a part of this scene. Fest was just chaotic, and since there was no breaks in-between sets I feel like all bands blent into one, I literally don't feel like I made any memories beside discomfort. And also almost everyone was drunk, which of course was to be expected and I know that getting wasted is the point of fests for many people and it's fine, but just not a space for me and it definitely contributed to the discomfort; I'm really glad my friend who was there with me also doesn't drink alcohol. But I got cassettes and a vinyl from bands and distros so that's nice!!
Then after I came back, I only had 3 days before leaving again to visit my best friend to go to some Pride events, a Xiao & Speedway gig and a bonfire on which I was supposed to play mandolin. Pride was nice as usual, I think I looked pretty faggy at the main parade but I'm def getting some chained harness for the next year, I'm brave enough for that by now lmao But neither the gig or the bonfire happened!!! :/ The gig was cancelled like 3 hours before it was supposed to happen coz bands' plane was delayed. And bonfire didn't happen coz one person couldn't attend and I couldn't play mando coz my fucking...... nerve issues in the right arm came back...... But it was still great, I love my best friend, we had such a lovely time, love just spending time with them!! Heals my accumulated mental damage lmao
And since I came back I've been waiting for my nerves to heal, not doing much, which is very annoying coz I got only like, 3 months since the last time I couldn't use my hand. It's really difficult to accept new disabilities, especially when they're still pretty new and you don't know what you can and can't do yet. But I guess I know a bit better now. Definitely can't spend a few days in a row writing down the chords and playing an instrument, definitely can't do any strength-based activities like lifting heavy objects multiple times a day or doing push-ups and I definitely need a longer stick for my aro flag so I don't have to raise my hands at all!
Honestly I'm still pretty upset about the gig not happening coz like I said, the fest just blurred into one, so I feel like I haven't been at any actual show this summer! (and also I REALLY wanted to see Xiao) Thank fuck Frail Body plays here at the beginning of August coz I wouldn't go at any gig before October otherwise!! But it sucks to live in the middle of nowhere, having to travel 2 to 4 hours to see a gig, pay a lot of fucking money for the train tickets and having to always figure out the place to sleep coz no trains go back to my county from the cities past like, 19:30 lmao
But anyway, guess I can try to come back on tumblr again, I miss my blog!! My hand is still doing bad, it'll probably take at least one month till it's fine again. I hope only a month!
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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HP Bodice Ripper Fest 2022 : Masterlist of DRARRY fics
@hp-bodiceripper || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 19 works (art, fic, podfic) The Mods : @ghaniblue & @getawayfox
1. The (Third) Worst Year by @the-francakes [E, 20k]
Draco Malfoy has one year to fall in True Love with Harry Potter or be turned into a Dragon. And he knows that is never gunna happen. This is going to be the worst year of his life. Well, minus that whole having to kill Dumbledore or be killed by Voldemort thing. Second worst year. Oh, but there was his whole 7th year while Voldemort was using his house as a home base for Death Eaters and making him torture his fellow students. That one was pretty bad too. Fine, this is the third worst year of his life.
2. coffee & communication: a (slow) romance by @softlystarstruck [E, 10k]   *restricted
Nearly a decade after the war, Draco has made a life for himself in Muggle London, writing romance novels and hanging out with his cat. But when he spills iced coffee all over a gorgeous man who turns out to be Harry Potter, has he tumbled into the start of his own romance without realizing it? And how difficult can it be to talk about desire, anyways? He writes smut for a living. Surely it can’t be that difficult.
3. Good Boy by @lqtraintracks [E, 15k]
This is a love story between a trans lad and his werewolf boyfriend. It’s about loving someone in their very furry entirety. It’s about being your true self and loving that self. It’s about getting absolutely railed.
4. The Greatest Game by @sleepstxtic [E, 45k]
So what then makes The Greatest Game? The Greatest Game is something more. The drama, the tension, the narrative that the other games lack. There is a story here. Two rivals with a history spanning years; the oldest, most illustrious prize to be won. Prime pickings for a plotline. But wait, there’s more. Two lovers with a secret spanning seasons, a secret that is about to be discovered. What I am trying to say is, The Greatest Game is greatest because it has the greatest story.
5. Nine dates and a wedding by @deliciousblizzardshark [E, 11k]
“You need to get married,” Potter says. “I need someone to help me navigate all of this. It’s an insane idea…” He peeks out from behind his glasses. "...or is it?" [...]
6. Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants [E, 35k]
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis? Very hard, apparently.
7. The Sun in Summer (Presto Pizzicato) by @cannibalschism [E, 89k]
Harry Potter is an orphan. Everyone knows this, him most of all. Taken in by the agoraphobic and ancient Dowager Viscountess Cassiopeia Black, Harry's musical aptitude was evident even from a young age. [...] Draco Malfoy is an orphan. He hasn't been as such for very long, however. Known as the Instrumenteur, Draco runs a modest shoppe in lower Diagon Alley where he creates and repairs musical instruments. [...] In a time of galas, secrets, corsets, and symphonies, can love prevail over all else?
8. Your Majesty by @cluelesspigeons [E, 16k]
Draco's bored. Ever since he's become King, he hasn't done anything apart from being stuck in assemblies and meetings. He yearns for a life with adventure and excitement. So, when a group of pirates start raiding the villages of his Kingdom, Draco sees the perfect opportunity to escape his duties as a King for a little while. After all, there isn't much that could go wrong. Right?
9. Yours Truly by @skeptiquewrites [M, 14k]
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
✔ other fests in 2022 ✔ fests in other years
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soggycheeseuwu · 2 months
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The year is 2017, times are about to get vulnerable, Gerrard has left, Coutinho's about to leave, shaky team altogether but Klopp has something in mind. In comes a young 25 years old lad from rome, Salah he is. The guy scored and assisted 10+ goals in his last season for roma. A promising youngster and a decent striker. Can he fit in the PL? You bet he can.
Mo, I remember watching you in the first season, doing what debutants do, running from the wings, dribbling exquisitely, megging and shaming defenders. Then you win the record breaking Golden boot in your first season and reach the UCL final (hard luck that time) I've started to like you now.
Then comes the season where you play when the team is at its best. You're the man now you're becoming the next big thing. Klopp has put his faith in you. You're ready for the next big thing.
2019, you're the man now. Coutinho has left. New transfers are in. You are the official face of Liverpool now. You have a place in my heart now. You absolutely nailed that season. You are the real intimidating force in the PL. The greatest thing about you this season is that you've grown now, you're mature, you've learned how to carry the team. You are the playmaker, the finisher. You've earned the role and you fulfilled it. Congratulations you're the best in PL now.
2020, You win the premier league, bringing back what's been missing from the club for the past 30 years. You're an English champion, a European champion, and a WORLD champion.
I'll just skip the 2020/21 season. "OnE SeAsOn WoNdEr" is the only word coming from critics who have been dead since forever. Anyways, you saved football by thrashing the trash of Manchester right out of the title race.
21/22 you've bounced back better than ever. You've started to show that Liverpool is because of you. You're the one man. You're scoring week in week out. There are speculations about you leaving us but I know it's not happening anytime soon. Another golden boot in the bags.
22/23 you are incredible, the team not so much. You're amazing, the team is not. You have done everything for the team. You've worked so hard. You've changed your positions putting interests of Liverpool ahead of yours, and yet the team fails to deliver.
23/24 This probably is the last season with Klopp. You've scored so much you've assisted so much. You are the only player to score 10+ goals and assists in the league five times, ending up in the same category as the likes of Henry. You've been amazing this season. I've loved you more than ever. You literally singlehandedly carried the team to top 4. That's one job done. You've won the Carabao cup, that's the second job done.
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theelectronicstranger · 11 months
Ultimate Universe #1 (2023) and some Ultimate Invasion Thoughts (Spoilers!)
            So, I just read the new Ultimate Universe One Shot by Jonathan Hickman. If you have not read it and you’re interested in reading it, then maybe don’t read this. I’m also going to talk about Ultimate Invasion for a bit so if you haven’t read that then definitely don’t read this. I also will only show images from Ultimate Invasion since this title just came out today and I feel like you should be able to buy it without the insides of it getting spoiled to you too much. I recommend reading both Ultimate Invasion and Ultimate Universe by the way.
            I really like this Ultimate Universe One Shot. I like the idea that Tony Stark and Reed Richards are trying to use this time where the Maker is trapped (maybe dead) in his city of tomorrow to undo the damage he has done to this universe. For reference this is what he has done to Universe 6160 (The New Ultimate Universe) from issue #2 of Secret Invasion:
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He basically recreated this Universe so that he can be the ruler of it, and he methodically erased, destroyed, and imprisoned the heroes of this universe. Leaving only the people he deemed to be useful to him and his idea of this new world. I thought this was a pretty interesting idea to have the Maker pretty much invade and infiltrate this universe to create a new Ultimate Universe; but also, I felt that as a reboot of the Ultimate Universe that this premise felt pretty messy.
With that being said, I do like the idea that this version of Tony and Reed are trying to fix these changes that the Maker has made to this world. In this issue, we see them taking a container with little trinkets of what the Maker has changed in this world. One of them being a cryogenically frozen spider. I’m assuming it’s the same one that was supposed to bite Peter Parker in the first issue of Secret Invasion. I’ll talk about Spider-Man more later, but I will say this: if Tony and Reed are undoing the Maker’s actions wouldn’t it be better for them to go back in time and undo those changes during the time, they happened rather than them getting these trinkets and these people and undoing the actions of the Maker in their present time?
 In Ultimate Invasion #4 Tony and Reed actually go back in time to retrieve Captain America’s body from the glacier he’s trapped in, and they put him in their present time and they’re trying to unfreeze him now. Meaning that they’re the reason why the Maker couldn’t find Steve’s body in Ultimate Invasion #2 (see the last pages up top). Now my question is this: Is the reason why they can’t change what happened during the time they were changed because they might see the Maker? Like they can’t change the Maker’s universe alterations because it’ll screw up their timeline and the maker would know that they’re up to something? That’s why they can retrieve Steve because he was already supposed to be gone and taken by them. I kind of hate time travel stories because they tend to be really messy and hard to keep up with, so I really hope we get a better explanation of these events. If somebody wants to tell me what they think that’ll be great. Here’s the pages where they found Steve Rogers in Ultimate Invasion #4:
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Anyways, I really like this new version of Ultimate Thor who seems to have been imprisoned and tortured by this universe’s Loki, who is now the King of Asgard because of the Maker’s alterations. There also seems to be something more going on with Lady Sif and Thor. I think they were married or have a more personal relationship rather than just being a prisoner and a guard. I’m looking forward to seeing more of them. I also want to know what Asgardians are capable of in this new universe.
Also, I’m still really invested in what will happen to Tony Stark in this Universe. The way it’s being presented, it seems that he will turn into this universe’s Kang because he literally calls himself Iron Lad instead of Iron Man. Although, if I remember correctly, the mythos of Iron Lad in the Main 616 universe involves him being an unsure way towards Kang, so maybe Jonathan Hickman is trying to say that this Tony Stark can become Kang but also, he may not turn into Kang. If he plays his cards correctly then maybe he can fully restore this universe to what it actually was supposed to be rather than what the Maker has made it to be. Although, all signs point to him being Kang because when Howard Stark took off Kang’s mask in Ultimate Invasion #4, he looks shocked and disappointed. I really hope there is an answer to all these events and whether or not this universe can be restored and revived from the Maker’s alterations. Here's some panels from Ultimate Invasion #4 hinting that Tony Stark may become Kang:
Howard Unmasking Kang:
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Tony Stark Calling Himself Iron Lad:
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In regard to Peter Parker, the Ultimate Spider-Man of this Universe:
            We get some hints to him in this book, we actually see Aunt May and Norman Osborn’s names in the list of the potential casualties of the blast that happens in this book. I hope they’re not dead to be honest. I’m kind of hoping that Tony did something to save everyone from that blast because if you look at that panel in the comic his Arc Reactor/ Immortus Engine glows when they figure out that they were going to get hit by the beam. If they are dead, then I’m really interested in how that affects Peter in this universe. Also, it seems that this comic confirms that he is going to get bitten by the spider as an adult rather than them coming back in time and having him get bitten as a teen, which I don’t know what I feel about it yet. I honestly would have liked to have seen Peter get bitten as a teen in this universe so that in the new Ultimate Spider-Man book he’ll be a more experienced Spider-Man rather than an adult Peter Parker trying to figure out his powers, which is where I think this is leading to. Although, if he does get bitten as an adult with a wife and kids, that would be pretty interesting to see as well. How would he juggle being a superhero and his personal life if he has more responsibilities in his personal life now more than ever? It doesn’t sound bad, but I just prefer him having his powers at a young age and then growing up becoming a better and more responsible Spider-Man.
            I really don’t know where Jonathan Hickman is going with all of this right now. I’m interested in what he’s shown me so far. Although, I also have a lot of stuff that I don’t like. For example, the time travel shenanigans of this universe feels a little too messy. I want to see what his resolution is for all of this. I’m really excited to see what becomes of this universe. I want to know more about Ultimate Thor and Ultimate Lady Sif. I want to see how and if Tony becomes Kang. I want to see what’s going to happen to the Reed Richard/Doom of this universe. I also want to know what happened to the Maker and Howard Stark. It seems unsure at the moment if they’re dead or alive or just simply trapped there. Also, I really want to know what the Ultimate Illuminati does in this universe. it seems like they're going to fight one another now that the maker is gone. I also want to know who the silhouette we saw at the end of the book was, the one that’s shrouded in green smoke. My thought was that it was Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin because of the green smoke, but it could also be Black Panther because the silhouette looks like the new version of Ultimate Black Panther’s costume. It’s probably going to be Black Panther more than it is Norman. Also, I like the little preview we got of Ultimate X-Men so I might pick that up. It has a unique look and I have no clue how different it’s going to be to the X-Men we’ve been used to.
            Thanks for reading this. Tell me if I got anything wrong or if you have any thoughts about this new Ultimate Universe. Also, what do you guys think of the time travel and the alterations that the Maker made in this universe? Do you guys think we’ll ever get the original Ultimate Universe back?
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soopsiedaisies · 11 months
do you think you'll write a sequel to hypocrites, the lot of you? I need more Prongsfoot dads and teenage Harry 😭
it’s a lovely universe near and dear to my heart and it’s likely i will. i’ve got three drafts of prequels anyway (the situation after harry’s birth; james&sirius moving in together, unwed; and an outsider’s perspective on harry as an odd, adorable little boy at muggle primary) but those will be, probably, at least 4 chapters each so it’s taking a while lmao (except the latter, but i’m having difficulty with creating a plot)
i need to brainstorm about it though!! no matter how much i want to write about teenage harry and his chaotic dads, i do still need to have an idea for a plot. professor!james dealing with his absurd son in class, maybe? wine aunt lily giving harry horrible dating advice because she thinks it’s funny? hungover harry and an awfully smug sirius (wearing hot pink reading glasses) carefully piecing lily’s ugly bowl back together because james and sirius refuse to put it back together with magic?
either way, here’s a snippet from the WIP about harry in muggle primary:
And nobody will ever claim Amy Bryce doesn’t have a soft spot for troublesome children.
Little Harry Potter-Black is one of those children. As is usually the case, it’s not that Harry himself is truly at fault, really: Harry’s name isn’t really ‘Harry’, for starters, but ‘Hydrus’ instead, which is odd enough in a small village overflowing with your Johns and Janes that the other students sometimes chase him ‘round the schoolyard and tell him how odd he is. The fact that Harry also has two dads — and is very, very proud of it — also doesn’t help matters. Not here, not where the church is less than a minute walk from the school gates.
It goes without saying that Harry Potter-Black fights in order to remain in the upper-tiers of the pecking order, to the valiant protests of many parents. Harry’s got the kind of face that makes him look a bit sharp around the edges, a bit mischievous, a bit like he chases trouble instead of it chasing him. His black hair is perpetually messy, his big eyes are a greyish-green, and his smile is so cheeky it melts the iciest of hearts and prompts unbidden suspicion. His quick and sharp wit has helped him brow-beat most of his classmates into submission, and though Harry doesn’t get physical unless another student threatens him with fists, he’s already broken two noses for blatant homophobia towards his dads.
Sometimes she loses Harry at the end of recess and proceeds to find him holed up in the big willow that’s been growing in the courtyard since before old Mrs Bloom attended Ottram, perched on one of the big branches. She’ll ask him how on earth he got up there, and he’ll blink his big eyes at her and smile, ruffle his hair so it sticks up every which way, scrunch up his nose a little.
“Dunno, miss,” he’ll say. “Like everybody gets up into trees, I suppose.”
He’s an adorable little lad.
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