#anyway my attempt at a shitty meme
jooffo · 1 year
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genericpuff · 8 months
the last few episodes of persephone moping around have felt like less of a self-reflective moment for her to grow and change and more rachel griping about criticism and surrounding herself with yes men
this isn't gonna be in any way a formal essay like my usual sort, more of a slam post honestly, so fair warning that i'm gonna be a little salty here
but seriously, it's been a pity party of greek proportions because this constant "woe is me" shit with persephone that's constantly met with "no queeen you're amazing and perfect" has been going on for DAYS (real time and comic time)
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literally every episode since the comic returned has had some segment of either persephone or hades (or both) being upsetti spaghetti over their current situation because oh nooo persephone made the deal with erebus and had to sacrifice something. even though they both knew that was gonna happen and yet she did it anyways. so she just continues to lock herself away in her mansion and spout adorkable quips while her husband, mother, and colleagues deal with the mess she caused.
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and of course there's the constant inclusion of apollo spitting straight facts about persephone being a terrible queen and person, but of course because it's apollo saying it, it's not meant to be taken as gospel, essentially clapping back at the words of the critics who call out persephone for being a shitty and toxic protagonist by putting those words into the mouth of a literal rapist.
and yeah episode 263 had a lot of the same shit, to the point that you could literally swap out the names of the characters and the words they were speaking and it applies exactly to rachel and the corner she put herself in u.u it's been a thing for a while now that apollo has just felt like a mouthpiece for LO criticism but as mentioned by users within the subreddit during the discussion of this newest episode, it's never felt more apparent than now.
so yeah enjoy this satirical text edit of a sequence from the newest FP episode, which I honestly can't tell is meant to satirize the critical community or Rachel's reactions to the critical community because the weird reality this comic and its community exist in has just become that wack that it's hard to believe it's not directly from The Onion sometimes LMAO
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-and as much as i find myself empathizing with the pressure that rachel is surely under right now - no one should have to be subject to the screeching howls of the peanut gallery - i can't help but be reminded of the memes and tweets she's put out that basically outright say "persephone is supposed to be celebrated for being a shitty person, if you can't handle her at her worst you don't deserve her at her best 💅"-
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-and how often she's ruined her own day looking for critical groups or people with the "wrong opinions" that were minding their own business, or how much she's stifled her own community's attempts to discuss the story openly by having her mods ban anyone with even so much as a question regarding persephone's integrity.
so yeah, as much as i can empathize with her from one creator to another that being under this amount of pressure and scrutiny must be immensely frustrating and exhausting, beyond that one similarity i just can't empathize or relate to this mindset of almost learned helplessness that's taken a firm grip over her writing. this is the story she wants to tell and by all means no one is entitled to make her stop, but if she's gonna keep using her greek myth "retelling" comic that's trying to be "feminist" as a mouthpiece for her own griping over criticisms that are largely on-point and justified - to the point of putting the words of her critics into the mouth of her token villain like she's playing some single player barbie doll "act out that fight that sounded cooler in your head" game - then she's gonna keep getting called out, full stop. i figured she didn't have any nose left to rip off in spite of her face but apparently not.
look, i get it, there are some opinions and behaviors within the critical community that even i'm not on board with. there are people who absolutely take shit too far on both sides of the fandom, and i think both sides need to do more to hold themselves accountable for how they interact with each other, the comic, and rachel herself. i make it a point to keep my shit in my own house, i'm not entitled to rachel's attention and frankly it's the last thing i want because i have a lot of fun here and i don't want that to be potentially ruined or dampened! but if you come into my house and complain about the decorating, then i legitimately don't know what to tell you. i used to love LO and i'm so sad for my past self knowing fully well they're not gonna be able to wholeheartedly enjoy this comic forever due to how manipulative and shitty the storytelling has become. a story that i once connected to as an AFAB who was a victim of assault and abuse and generational trauma.
if persephone being the true main villain in her own story was ever meant to be the point of Lore Olympus, then it's taken way, way too long to get to that point, and rachel herself definitely doesn't seem to be of the mindset that that's what she's become with all of her blasé meme'ing on a plot arc that she's still expecting us to take seriously. persephone was never a very complex character to begin with - being an easy self-insert for the audience and rachel to project themselves onto and relate to - but at least in the beginning she felt like she had so much legitimate potential, she was naive but put her best foot forward and clearly wanted to make a life for herself, made by herself.
now she's just mean. jaded and mean. dependent on the constant validation of others to the point of being manipulative. an absolute shell of a person who can only grow a spine when she's punching down on people weaker than her, completely incapable of standing up to the people who are a legitimate threat to her. it's not empowering, it's not subversive, it's just another pick me story about women pitting themselves against other women and never taking accountability for their own behavior, mistakes, and deliberate actions meant to hurt others, often teetering on the line of straight up narcissism all for the sake of a "boss babe" moment.
anyways, if you want an actual well-written and GOOD scene of an empathetic female protagonist struggling to find their footing in adulthood being called the fuck out for their learned helplessness behavior, go read Tamberlane, it tackles this topic much better through its main character who keeps using her brokenness as an excuse to never do better, it slaps and it's so real.
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hereticaas · 22 days
Back when I was working on that danlou fic with transfem lou for the kink meme, I did actually attempt to write it as a human au too. I preferred the canon adjacent version though, so that's what I posted.
But here, have a snippet of 70s human au danlou on this fine september evening:
Daniel met Lou for the first time at a bar on McAllister Street, when she sat down next to him and asked what’s in the bag? He'd looked at her, at her pretty face and her cool gaze, her carefully applied makeup and her short leather skirt, and felt like he'd missed a step going down the stairs. 
He'd never been so immediately attracted to anyone in his entire goddamned life. 
She'd breathed out a plume of cigarette smoke and smiled a little, like she'd known it, like she knew exactly what he was thinking.
She always seemed to know what he was thinking, like those brown eyes could peer into the very soul of him, could peel back his brain and flip through it like the morning paper. It was intimidating. It was hot.
He'd asked to interview her and she'd laughed at him and said yeah okay, sounds fun. And they'd gone back to her place, to this little apartment on Divisadero with laminate floors, and muted yellow lighting, and the original stained glass still in the upper arches of the windows. An apartment, it turned out, that she owned because apparently she had it like that, and he'd fucked her on her green floral couch, her skirt pulled up to her waist and her heels digging into the small of his back; her nails in his shoulders and her soft moans in his ear, and he'd come almost embarrassingly fast. 
She'd laughed at him for that too. He hadn't even minded.
Anyway, he doesn't know how he got lucky enough for her to let him keep coming around after that. Crazier still that, months and months later, she agreed to move into his much shittier apartment with him.
I can put the other place up for rent, turn a nice profit, she'd said easily, like it was all opportunistic convenience, a business proposition fallen perfectly into her manicured hands. But then she'd looked over her shoulder and smirked at him and he’d rolled his eyes and kissed her.
Daniel knew, could tell from the passing references she sometimes made to past relationships, that Lou didn't usually go for guys like him. Shitty kid from Modesto, a little too into hard drugs, though he’s trying to work on that; a broke boy struggling to make it as a writer. Meanwhile, Lou owned fucking property–she had to be used to better men than him. 
“Hey, what were those other guys like? Your exes?” he asked her one night, not long after they'd first started hooking up. They were over at his place, smoking in bed, him leaning on his elbow in just his boxers and her sitting up against the headboard in Daniel’s oversized Berkeley T-shirt and her underwear. Lilac and lace—the peek of them from underneath the hem of his borrowed shirt made Daniel’s mouth water.
“Oh, are we finally doing that interview?” she asked mildly, ashing her cigarette in the cheap tray on the bedside table. 
“It's just a question,” he responded, just as mild, sensing that he should tread careful. Half journalistic instinct, half a hope that he was maybe starting to get her just a little bit. He reached across her smooth brown thighs to get at the tray, ashed his own cigarette. “Maybe I just wanna know if I'm your usual type.”
“And why would you need to know that?”
“Competitive advantage?”
She huffed a little laugh. “You're not like my exes.”
She took another drag on her cigarette. 
“Didn't say that was a bad thing,” she said eventually.
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redditantisemitism · 1 year
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Here’s an interesting one-is this antisemitism? I think so. Let’s discuss:
First, the context. This comment was left on a post containing this meme, poking fun at the messianic “Jews” (they aren’t Jewish) and antisemitic Christians that appropriate Pesach.
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Now. This person does make a few correct statements, and I’ll give them credit. They’re right that a lot of Christians and Christianity are antisemitic. But with that out of the way, let’s look at the myriad of ways they’re so very wrong:
I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about Passover
User admits that they are not qualified to be making judgements. As a Christian it isn't their place to tone police Jews anyways, but especially since they admit that they have no idea what they're talking about.
I would refrain from throwing all Christians under the bus
I'm sure they would. That isn't what is happening though, and framing it like this highlights their defensiveness- they aren't trying to have a productive conversation, they just don't like seeing Christianity being portrayed this way. Playing the victim, and not for the last time.
The Catholic church has largely been the main culprit here
Interestingly, there is a Catholic elsewhere in the thread blaming the Protestants. Typical Protestant vs. Catholic stuff, and this user is using it to attempt to distance themself from the "bad" Christians. Also, in my experience, almost every Christian "seder" I've seen or heard of has been held by a Protestant sect of some sort.
it's important to know that all the while the persecution was happening to jews by christians, there have been other christians speaking out against it.
More of the same, see above. "not all Christians!"
Please don't forget about the Christians who are willing to lay down their lives for the Jewish people.
Here's where the fetishization starts. Also, literally nobody asked you to do that, don't use us to feed your martyr complex. Also also, where exactly are these Christians, because they've been doing a shitty job.
Christians like myself are perfectly capable of seeing Yeshua in the Passover without changing it, or preaching to you up and down about it.
And this is where the explicit antisemitism starts, as opposed to the red flags we've been seeing. This person, based on their language, seems to be some sort of "Torah believing Christian"- something inherently appropriative and antisemitic.
Furthermore, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SEEING JESUS IN PASSOVER. That is, at best, idiotic, and at worst, actively antisemitic. It's certainly supercessionist. JEWISH TEXTS DO NOT PROPHESIZE JESUS. Christians should not be touching Pesach uninvited in ANY way, regardless of if they change things or not.
Yeshua didn't change it and neither should we
This person demonstrates an astounding level of ignorance. Any modern Seder would HAVE to be different than any Seder Jesus might have held (assuming he even existed), because it is impossible to do it like him. There is no temple to offer animal sacrifices at, like there would have been at the time. Regardless, not only should Christians not be changing seders, they shouldn't be touching it.
They then rant for a while about how Easter is bad. Which. My dude. That's your holiday. Go fuck around with that and leave Jews alone.
Please have patience and a soft heart for Christians who believe that:
More "not all Christians", this time with an added level of playing the victim. Hard pass.
-Jews don't need to be converted
Even stopped clocks are right twice a day.
-Christians have the holidays and events wrong
Uh? No? Is this some weird Christian intracommunity thing? Your holidays are your holidays, leave ours alone.
-the dietary laws were upheld by yeshua
Regardless of if this is true or not, Jesus was Jewish. This poster isn't. Kosher is for Jews. Christians aren't entitled to Jewish practice just because they worship a Jew.
-all of the torah was upheld by yeshua
see previous bullet point.
-the Jews are the chosen people of God
Typical Christian misunderstanding of "Chosen". "Chosen" to uphold the mitzvot, not to be better, or put on a pedestal. This is another example of how they fetishize Jews, and it does not get better.
-the Jews come first
See previous bullet point. Fetishization like this is disgusting and harmful. It removes humanity and personhood from Jews, instead presenting us as some mystical object of worship that we never claimed to be and can never live up to. We are not a zoo exhibit, we are a vibrant and living culture.
-salvation is of the Jews
See previous bullet point. We are people, not a tool for your salvation.
-the Jews have been entrusted with the words of Yah*weh
See previous bullet point. Also super disrespectful to just throw that name around in Jewish spaces, but I don't know what I expected from an antisemitic, philosemitic Jew fetishist.
-we should be suffering with the Jews, not against them
WE ARE NOT FUEL FOR YOUR MARTYR COMPLEX. Plenty of Jewish suffering would be alleviated if Christians like this person would just leave us alone. But they don't actually want Jewish suffering to stop, because then they'd lose a tool and a way to play victim.
they end with a plea not to lump all Christians together with the "bad" ones- something literally nobody was doing. Once again, it's a lot of "Not all Christians!!!" and their own self-victimhood. They say not all Christians are "like that", which is true. But this one certainly is.
Chag Pesach sameach everybody, and stay off the fuss bus.
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I feel bad, but I'm getting a bit fed up with a mutual on my dashboard who has a habit of posting about how they don't feel like they belong or that nobody cares between bouts of inactivity (I feel this way at times myself but try to focus on engaging with the dash when this happens). Sometimes these posts also request memes/asks to their inbox, and they have posted opens or plotting calls in the past. I notice 1-3 people (including me) tend to reach out/like these fairly consistently, then the mutual drops off the dash again, rinse and repeat. I have tried to interact over the course of many months (never spamming, just liking calls or sending in a meme or two when I see them on the dash), but any asks or prompts I send them are never replied to, starter calls liked don't actually get starters written, threads get dropped after 2 replies max (plotted or unplotted, doesn't seem to matter), and any memes they've sent me in the past that I've replied to are lucky to get acknowledged by a like. Looking at these attempts individually I just figured they'd reply when they had muse, but now… now I'm pretty embarrassed that it's taken me this long to realize: they probably aren't interested in interacting with me, and have just not been getting attention from the mutuals who they ACTUALLY want to see these posts about needing more asks/interactions/reassurance from. But do they not realize how shitty it feels for others who ARE trying to include them and write with them when they talk about how the dash is dead, nobody wants to write with them anymore, etc etc…? I don't want them to feel ignored, but rp is not just about receiving all the time--you have to give a little as well, right? Anyways, I'm done reaching out and will just keep focusing on the people who seem genuinely interested.
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symphonic-scream · 5 months
I'm still gonna do proper au posts for all my AU's eventually but I'm in a certain mood and I follow that dopamine like a starving street dog
So. Here's every Makoto from every Arcana Swap I have.
It will be a long post, but I'm putting the bulk of the content under the cut, I know I clog tags sometimes and I apologize
Anyways. Feel free to talk to me about each of these, ask about the swaps as a whole, and offer suggestions! I enjoy interaction a lot
So. Every Makoto. Under the cut
0 - Fool Makoto (Learning to be Young) {P4}
This Makoto was raised strictly by an aunt after the death of her parents, and has since been kicked out of her home. So, she's reuniting with her older sister, who was kicked out for the same reason many years before. Makoto, during her time in Inaba, experiences what being a teenager is all about. She's only got that final year, but even mysterious murders won't keep her from truly living
Ft no rizz Makoto showing up and having every girl just. Fall for her. Epitome of autism swag meme thing. Has a polyquad in it
0 - Fool Makoto (Doomed Toxic Yuri Swap)
After being arrested for something she didn't do, Makoto is sent to live with her older sister in Tokyo while on parole. She intends to keep her head down so she can get into a good school still, but she can't douse the flames of righteous rage in her heart when she encounters injustice. That anger of hers is what landed her in Tokyo, and it'll be the spark that begins a rebellion in those around her
This one has Justice Haru. And they're in a doomed toxic Yuri. For those who need more than fluff in their lives
3 - Empress Makoto (ACAB swap)
Daughter of the police commissioner, Makoto has her whole future pre-determined for her. Her father has been changing, and won't listen to her about not wanting to follow in his footsteps. She wants to be a mechanic, but... If only she had a way to return home to the man she once knew...
In her confidant, she'd be dealing with grief, but also, reuniting with Devil Sae, and trying to fix her future, get out of the school her father set her up for, and into the courses she wants herself
4 - Emperor Makoto (Gender Thieves)
Second palace is Kobayakawa in this. Makoto is his perfect attack dog, kept under his thumb by promise of scholarships and recommendations. The others make Makoto see that she's being strung along, and she breaks free. And, mega rebels. Rebels so hard they throw out their gender. They/he Makoto. Grunge Makoto
Ft trans boy Haru, and MakoHaru are together from the start in this. A soft prep boyfriend who's scary with a bat and his grunge gruff partner who's scared of the dark
6 - Lovers Makoto (Morg Swap)
She graduated early, finished teachers college, and is doing her one year placement at a middle school. The principal is using blackmail to keep her complicit and silent, making her forget the reason she was so passionate about teaching in the first place
Ft Fool Morgana! It also has a Hermit Haru and Magician Joker, this one I'm real proud of
7 - Chariot Makoto (Chaos Swap)
A classic. In an attempt to stand up against Kamoshida and his abuse, Makoto got beat up, and framed for using physical force to get better grades. An outcast and feared by her peers, this is a punk Makoto all the way. If given the chance, she'd risk it all to save the other students, even after all they've done to her.
This one was my first one it's my favourite. It's also mostly silly goofy so
8 - Justice Makoto (Blood Moon Swap)
The darkest of these. Young, Makoto's mother dies. Her father, never in her life before, appears and informs her it was her fault, and demands she make up for it, following his orders, his little psychic assassin. She's filled with anger; at herself, her actions, her father, at those she's told to dispose of. She shakes with rage, a need to tear down everything around her, make everyone else feel how shitty her life was. Her public appearances as a junior detective are firm, and serious. Proper.
Plot includes the discovery that the Fool, Goro, and Makoto were twins. Separated after the death of their mother. A "what if", since in Makoto's arc they were sort of parallels almost?
9 - Hermit Makoto (Polygirls Swap)
This Makoto watched her parents die. A Good cop, an EMT, trying to help someone, when suddenly they, changed, and walked off of a bridge. She's believed it had something to do with her for a long time, but after she's saved from her own distorted heart, she comes to the conclusion that the "Black Mask" had them killed for planning to report a superior for taking bribes from Shido
This is the Fool Ann and Emperor Haru au where the three are gay and together and gay.
12 - Hanged Man Makoto (Age Swap Au)
Makoto, a former soldier, runs a seedy shop in Shibuya to afford her younger sister Sae's hockey fees. She's still carrying the mental and physical scars from her time in service, but will do anything for her younger sister, even if it means letting the cops do whatever to her so she won't get arrested again
This is adult confidant Thieves, so the main cast of this au are the adults, like Sojiro and Sae and Iwai. The Niijima sisters get along a bit better here
19 - Sun Makoto (Yaoi Swap) {I hate that name}
This. This is just an au where literally they're all guys and theys. Whether it's trans guys, NB, CIS, or demi, they're. All guys. So this is a guy Makoto, captain of the debate team at Shujin, who offers the fool speech lessons in exchange for understanding people better. Makoto wants people to stop being scared of him, and wants to stop fearing people at the same time
Ft Yaoi MakoHaru. It's. Man idk this is a crack au
- Faith Makoto (Uh. I don't have a name for this one)
Trans guy Makoto. Parents died the night he came out, complete accident. So, he's been living as a girl and denying it happened ever since. Only, Makoto is his chosen name. Whoever the Councilor is in this au will mess up and use his dead name and. Big moment
Most of my Makoto's aren't like. Goody. This one is. He'd totally want to be a lawyer. Sweater vest and ties. He's a little gentleman, though he does Aikido, and is gym buddies with Ryuji. Layers
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clonerightsagenda · 8 months
for superb owl ppl: tamora pierce character(s) of your choice? or if you don't want to choose, Kel?
Ask meme
Tbh I probably would have chosen Kel anyway lol
First impression
"I want to be like her so bad." Unfortunately I maxed out at 5'1" and my attempts to win the affections of the birds at my parents' bird feeder did not succeed. I could have tried lifting weights more; that one's on me.
Impression now
Oh my god she was 18. They put her in charge of a refugee camp when she was 18. No wonder all the adult refugees were pissed.
Favorite moment
Squire is my favorite book of the series, although I enjoy a lot of the school story elements from the first two, particularly when Kel's helping the other pages (and later training Lalasa). In Squire I always remember the part when Kel's prepping for her ordeal and meditates on serving the "realm" and reflects that while a lot of knights see it as this vague hypothetical concept, she's crossed a lot of the realm on foot or on horseback. She's gotten its dirt under her nails. She's met its people. She's more grounded than a lot of trainees in her societal role and it shows in how she treats people and how they respond to her. Imo it shows the series continuing to deepen and mature from its beginnings - I'm not a huge fan of the Alanna series and have only read it twice, but I feel like that was more a 'important people scuffle' narrative using 'the realm' as a backdrop.
Idea for a story
I love the idea I saw once that she'll become the training master. She's good at it! She helped the other pages, she trained the kids at Haven, she will kill hazing absolutely dead... also she's got a working relationship with the Chamber of the Ordeal which could be handy. Parent-teacher meetings where she's like "listen I expelled your shitty child for his own good. The Chamber would've killed him. Yes it told me that itself. Get out of my office."
Unpopular opinion
I think she could've stood to make Wyldon squirm a bit longer before forgiving him. Ah well she's young yet. She can revisit this.
Favorite relationship
I love her friendship with Neal a lot! They keep each other grounded and always have each other's backs. He's a romantic and a cynic, she's a realist and an idealist, he heals her, she makes him eat his vegetables. Whatever happens in their futures I struggle to imagine them not living in each other's pockets at least part of the time. (He'll probably come be the pages' palace healer when she becomes training master.) Also I really enjoy her mentor/mentee relationship with Raoul - he's a great teacher, they work well with each other, and thankfully considering Pierce's penchant for pairing her female leads with much older men, it does not go anywhere weird.
Favorite headcanon
I think on top of being palace training master her future should also include unofficially running the Tortallan version of the old sunshine senior animal sanctuary. She's halfway there already. Behold Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan, training master for the crown, winner of the Scanran war even if no one can legally admit to that, and her 500+ elderly dogs, cats, birds, horses, and sundry. If you leave your animal unattended near her you may not get it back.
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viriborne · 1 year
Hey I saw you do a character ask thing, and I was wondering if you would do lucifer
Okay, just to start off with, quick warning to Lucifer fans...I am VERY UNFORGIVING when it comes to my opinion and interpretation of him. He's too real of a character to me for me to like him. I appreciate his complexity... but I hate him lol.
If you've ever been in a family with generational trauma, you likely know someone like Lucifer. Someone who, while recognizing the abuse they've endured, still perpetuates it over and over again. Someone who controls his brothers just like how his Father did. And this is why he's mom-codedBEFORE PEOPLE GET ON ME FOR THIS, just listen. While we can't determine what Father's motivation is for keeping angels on short leashes, I feel as if we can infer that it's meant to "keep them in line," by force, if needed. We can see this mirrored in Lucifer's treatment of his brothers. Yes, the brothers are Very unruly but, as we can see with Mc's influence, they react MUCH better to when treated with kindness than humiliation and corporal punishment, something that mirrors real life. While Lucifer isn't as Bad as Father is when doling out punishments, it still yields the same effects of the brothers being terrified of the one in charge, something they reiterate over and over again. And Lucifer acknowledges this! He KNOWS his brothers are terrified of him but feels that it's "for the greater good" as he's scared of being thrown out of their home once again.
Okay, now let's get into Lucifer's treatment of Mc (is about to be nailed to a cross by Luci fans)
Sorry, I gotta mention Lucifer beating Mc until they passed out as "punishment" during the early lessons for the heinous crime of...protecting Beel and Luke. Like uhh wtf was that lol?? How am I supposed to like him after this? Even Belphegor had a better motive literally Killing us than he did for beating Mc unconcious lol. Not to mention the god forsaken pact scene where, despite attempting to be forced into a pact by Solomon multiple times, forces Mc into a pact (and a fade-to-black sex scene) and undermines their consent. Yippee!!! Overall, he's really just written to be the stereotypical Christian Grey archetype when it comes to Mc. I'd say he's like Beast from Beauty and the Beast but at least the beast grew as a person instead of being a man baby who can't express his emotions for the rest of his life. Instead, I feel as if he's the husband from The Taming of the Shrew. Okay that might be a bit harsh, even for him, but it still feels like an accurate comparison in some aspects lol.
Onto fandom interpretations: I've already gone at length as to why "daddy dom" Lucifer is inaccurate and makes me wanna deglove my entire body so I won't go into it. There is an issue where I feel like he's reduced only to a sexual object by many fans and that's Weird and Not Good and often aids in how he's so bastardized in writing and interpretation of his actions. It really feels like his bad parts Really get glossed over or completely excused even by fans who Recognize his flaws and I really feel like that's a damn shame. He's a shitty bastard with tons of baggage and u gotta accept that or else you're liking a completely different character.
Anyways take this meme I quickly made while writing this.
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redphienix · 4 months
alt right groups do everything they can to steal spaces as their own, to claim things are theirs despite the absurdity of it, to push others out and go "It was ALWAYS ours", this goes for everything from claiming entire nations are their own ("make it great again as it was when it was theirs") to claiming that internet humor itself- the very memes- are theirs like when they stole the frog. They love to look at popular culture and claim a part of it is their own despite never contributing anything of worth because they crave RELEVANCY.
This is verifiably embarrassing, desperate, and stupid- it's apparent to anyone with a brain that making absurd statements like these is a desperate bid for legitimacy and to Take- to steal things that are not and never have been theirs so that they can discriminate and attack anyone not of their own kind who previously involved themselves in whatever they are trying to steal.
It's the "any bar that allows nazis is a nazi bar" deal all over again.
So then, why the fuck do some of you who openly mock and recognize this then attempt to do the reverse to their openly hateful possessions?
Why do you think you can reclaim something that was never yours, just as ignorantly as they? Even worse, being too oblivious to recognize that you are actively popularizing their hate while ignorantly pretending you can reclaim something that was never yours???
You can't make "Make (x) great again" funny, it's not funny.
You can't make wojacks the everyday meme without admitting they are, from day 1, racist alt right bullshit. You're attempting to reclaim something that you never owned and the owner and those like them are gleefully giggling as their symbols and phrases of hate are being spread and 'softened' so that they are no longer recognized for what they are- they are being normalized.
Anyways, fuck that.
I resent my own lazy participation as well, I know for a fact I've let those shitty images pass my blog. Tired of their ubiquitous nature.
Just got really upset for a moment because for no god damn reason at all youtubers get news about a game and start making "make (x) great again" jokes as their title like dude get blocked immediately you unfunny fuck ass.
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mechazushi · 2 days
Meet Mizu Ashiro. Also Known as Kaiju n. 24
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(I am aware this is the BLURRIEST f*cking shot of my art, but I don't have access to technology where I can scan my art directly into my laptop that I work out of.)
See kids, this is what happens when a writer tried to branch out from their norm and try something they're not good at. You get shitty proportions, half the art is off the page, and your art style looks like a pre-middle schooler's attempt at a f*ckin' Mary Sue lookin' *ss OC. The worst part about this is I was also planning on drawing out her boyfriend as well, only to re-realize my drawing skills are sh*t and go back to waiting for izfaish to finish the Kn8 Pic crew that I'm assuming is still being worked on (which is FINE. That sh*t takes forever because you have to be meticulous with it due to compound layers and uploading it all. I'm sure it's a headache.)
I was even going to draw out a meme! Only having to sacrifice the space for it for the side profile. Doesn't matter. Back to having my artist skills hibernate until I can't take it anymore.
Anyway, onto the loooooorrrreeee!
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So the universe where I picture this happening is the same one where I headcanon Mina being ace-sexual. (I don't apply this to ALL my Kn8 universe headcanons, just the ones that have Mizu in them.) Mina and Kafka reunite, all the Kn9 sh*t goes down, things settle out and something happens that makes Mina consider dating Kafka. She's not really sure it will work due to her sexuality, but Kafka manages to talk it out with her and he's fine with it. They date for a couple months, have one hot and heavy drunken night out, only for Kafka to die about a week later by stray rebar on a mission while saving people.
No, I don't hate the guy, he's actually my favorite. I don't know why I wanted him dead in this AU, it just happened. I am well aware that due to Kafka's Main Character Energy, this is something he should be surviving from, but I like the morbid irony that comes with him living through all those previous moments, only to die by something mundane as Random Debris. And, I mean, I didn't completely disrespect his death, he died doing what he loved which was saving people!
So Mina catches on pretty quickly that she's pregnant and voices the concern with Hoshina (Who I also see as ace-sexual in this world.) They talk it out a lot, both of them listing pros and cons of having this baby, and eventually Mina decides to check out a support group for Widowed Wives and talks it out some more with them. She comes to the conclusion that she's going to raise the thing, but will make a serious attempt NOT to raise it to think that there is pressure to be something great and that it needs to follow in it's father's footsteps due to said father being a hero. In fact, Mina hardly ever talks about Kafka. If she does, she only mentions that they were friends, some stories she remembered that he told her about his time in the monster sweepers, and very rarely, talks about the two of them working in the Defense Force. Never once mentions that he was a Kaiju due to not wanting to cause her daughter to think that she was also a monster and hate herself and also, to be honest, no one had any idea what was going to happen to the kid biologically in a few years.
Mina keeps the pregnancy on the down low for as long as possible until delivery. The entire Third Division shows up for the delivery and congratulates her on the new daughter. There, she reveals who the father is and makes everyone depressed for a moment. They all agree to help her out any way they can, with Hoshina personally stating that he'll act as the Main Father Figure in Mizu's life.
So Mizu gets community raised by the Third Division for a few years and it's great, now calling and considering all of the division to be her Aunts and Uncles. She grows up with an unspecified heart condition that makes her heart beat really weird and causes her to lose her breath a lot and is prone to fainting spells (this is due to her developing her own kaiju core). She goes to school and it kinda goes downhill for a moment due to the other students bullying her because she (unfortunately) developed her father's heavy weight stature. It's not all doom and gloom as she makes a friend in the school's Manga Drawing club.
{Cliche tragic backstory ahead, Final Warning}
Fast forward to late middle school (around 14 to 15) and her class is on a field trip to the local museum to check out the new exhibit that showcases the life and achievements of Kaiju Number Eight, Japan's Hero. Her friend called out sick that day, so now she's left to defend herself from the wolves, i.e her bullies. Cut to the front of the museum and an incident happens. Mizu gets tired of somebody's bullsh*t and yells at him to stop.... only to trigger her first Sonic Screech near point blank at someone's face. (Don't worry, the kid lived. She's not that powerful yet.) This however sets off the Kaiju alert system and her class runs to the nearest bunker. She gets kinda lost in the confusion for a moment, making her behind everyone else. Once she makes it to the bunker's entrance, the teacher of the class, who saw the whole thing, panics and closes the door in front of Mizu, leaving her there out in the open. Mizu is left standing there and cries in front of the Kaiju Number Eight statue as she hears choppers out in the distance. The Third Division shows up along with her mother and everyone is wondering why the hell Mizu isn't in the bunker and where the hell is the Kaiju? Through her tears, Mizu explains what happened and tries to apologize for it, only to be comforted by her mother and the rest of the division. They do however gain suspicions and MacGyver up a test. They slide on an arm of a defense force suit and have it connect up to a screen. When it reads back 0% aptitude, it confirms that Mizu is now a Kaiju like her father.
Having not told her about this because she thought she wouldn't have to, Mina decides to break it to her daughter gently that she's a Kaiju like her father by using the new exhibition. Mina, Mizu, and Hoshina get the whole museum to themselves since Mina commanded that her daughter's class stays in the bunker for a extra three hours. Ya know... for safety. There, the two of them break it to her gently about who her father was and what she might be now. Mizu doesn't take it well at first, but thanks to healthy communicating, she's not that angry about it afterwards.
This, however does bring up a problem with the higher ups. They say that Mizu can't be with regular students anymore due to being an untrained threat to the public. Mina somewhat agrees but wants to let Mizu keep as much of a normal childhood as she can before sh*t totally hits the fan that is her new life in a few years. The Higher Ups are trying to strong arm Mina into having her daughter register as an officer of the Defense Force so that they can keep an eye on her. Mina discusses it with Mizu and they come up with a plan. Mizu home-schools the rest of Middle School at the Division and goes on to Neutralization High School to finish out her degree. Mina gives her the speech about how she doesn't have to fill in her father's boots or think that she has to be someone important to the defense force because she's a Kaiju. Mina says that she can convince them to let Mizu out of service once she can demonstrate that she has control over her abilities.
Something happens (I haven't figured out what exactly) and Mizu decides to stay in the Defense Force. After a while, she's offered a special place on a new team. It's called (for the moment until I can come up with a good acronym for it) The International Division. Basically, Japan has decided to come up with an elite task force made out of other counties's misfits and gather them together for the explicit mission of taking out Kaiju invasions with unusual circumstances or unusual Daikaiju cases around the globe for countries that don't have the man power or are in desperate need of over-powered back-up.
On the team is:
A Swedish tactician/medic(in theory)/and mechanic that's anaphylactically allergic to Kaiju material (and because of this) is also severely hemophobic. (42% aptitude)
A blind, Turkish Bomb expert with a special weapon / visor that helps her see and who's Code name is Pile Driver. (67%)
A German Mech suit driver (Who may or may not be a paraplegic from the waist down, I'm not set on the idea just yet) who's suit looks like a mixture of the Berserk armor and the Day Armor from the Castlevania Anime on Netflix. He also wields a claymore. (87%)
And an Australian man, born from a Texan Mother and a Floridian Father, who mains a trench sweeper shot gun (Look it up, its concept is terrifying) that can transform into an anti-tank rifle. His problem is that he's unruly, bloodthirsty, and possibly borderline insane. (72% as a sniper) AND THIS MAN GETS TO BE MIZU'S BOYFRIEND!
(Don't worry, he chill and has a thing for cats. He's just got ADHD.)
So yeah... that's her story... here's a quick breakdown of her design because I know ya'll can't see that shit.
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So I initially had a problem with coming up with her Kaiju design. Her whole thing is that she's the daughter of Kafka so her design should still look a little like Kn8 but with some more female connotations, right? How the f*ck does one do that? And it gets harder because all the kaijus in Kn8 either look completely alien or like a monster version of Unrealistic Peak Male Form. (I feel like there could be a really funny meta commentary about this, but I'm not going to get into that right now.)
Eventually, my brain came up with the thought of-
"What if we came up with some bullsh*t Kaiju science and said that because Bakko is a tiger AND a Kaiju, we say that there was some weird exposure/interference that changed some things for Mizu while in vitro."
So now I'm coming up with a tiger-like design for her (you probably can't tell, but to me the head looks more wolf-like than tiger but that's because my artist skills are sh*t) And for the most part, she just looked like an inverse-colored version of Bakko with a mane. At some point while drawing this out, I started to hate it because, like I said in a previous post, she just looked like a furry with a Kn8 style mask. Which led me to come up with some samurai like inspirations for her armor like what Kafka has on the lower half of his body. So yeah, now she has Shoulder Pauldrons, Upper Arm Bracers (I miscalculated her size so the lower half of her arms are off the page.), Rib/Thigh protection, and an armored snout.
She's mostly black with white stripes, most of the armor is dark gray with black borders, and all of the white areas glow Glacial Blue when she's powering up. And yes, the mane is white and glows as well. (She's my pretty little Magical Girl Kaiju ✨🫶✨)
I don't know if anyone can see this as well, but she also has these black little Horns? Attached to the outside of her ears. They don't really do anything, I just wanted to give the similar appearance of Kn8's horns without copying them directly.
As for Mizu Ashiro herself, I tried to split the difference and modeled her after both of her parents. She's got Mina's long hair and hair clips, but her father's spiky type of hair (Which is why it sticks straight out like that.) She's got her mother's eyes and ears, but her dad's eye shape and nose. It's also clear that she takes after her father in body type. (Gotta carry on the tradition of carrying them Tig Bitties in both Human and Kaiju👍)
She's a fairly bubbly and optimistic person, but definitely gets terrified very easily (especially around heights.) Thankfully, she works with a team that can talk her through it most of the time and is actively working on it.
She also grew up exhibiting a lot of Cat-like traits like making lap biscuits when nervous, murrping at someone when they catch her slightly off guard, and napping in the weirdest positions/places. Not even being in the defense force broke those habits out of her and her team likes to poke fun at them playfully when they happen.
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Episode 18 liveblog YIPEE!
Fewer opening notes on this one. I'm gonna attempt liveblogging AND drawing at the same time, let's see how that goes. I'm currently feeling very smug with my advertisement efforts and while I hope to get to spar and vellum today I realized I made Anya kinda thin and that feels...not right for her vibes. So I'm doing Anya again...that's my excuse JGLDKDHDIS she's so...she's like a purse sized friend
Anyways, beginning of this i was not in front of my art tablet so:
"we come as a pair" haha. Cute.
Cloven heart said OUR little brother figure [bugs bunny com meme]
Scientist with a radio tower.....max.....hm. interestinger an interestinger
Yeah josepha you might be the only person in town who wants cloven heart to be the "center" of anything. Why not sindershore? She already works....idk, there? Or in v.n
Vellum just pulls out the papers lmao. Like why not!
Max came up with the schematics... Did max disappear? Yeah. Hm. HM!
Josepha used to be a woodworker? Was I remembering that right or did my brain just make this up.
"We would talk to Thorne" 😬
Did grey have like....a really shitty alias? How old was max??? Fifteen days ago.... Hmmm.
Vellum would know if his uncle was out of town for like 2 and a half months if there was overlap and it took like a day or half a day of a train ride to get back and forth. It's unlikely vellum wouldn't connect those dots
"I was on drugs when I named it I will be honest".josepha is SO good. She's lovely. She's so funny. Oh my god.
"This may not be to your taste of perhaps it is I do not know how you party vellum" NFOSBDKSHDO
Trying not to burst out laughing in public this is a struggggllleeee
"The belt has 3 slots for arcane cores" I would rather we not go looking for bombs.... But yk. Queer people have plenty of odd hobbies who am I to judge
Okay but like short distance teleportation for someone with a bad leg is a pretty banger deal
"Sometimes you wake up one day and you're retired" In THIS economy?
Also I'm mentioning this out of order bc this episode is being funny faster than I can type, but (I say this with all of the respect) was vellums "I'm sure I'll find other use for you" sultry or was that just Ila's voice? HFOSHSKSBSOS
Spar sounds so depressed. Give this sheep dog some enrichment!
Vellum being like 'Hey you're good we still need to find some more bombs!' he is in fact giving spar some enrichment
"Waiting for this boat and seemingly intent on returninf to clovenheart"
I just squinted with SO much suspicion that that would be diamond
"Is Brunhilde!!!" Dksgsud ok
"Do you say hi to your mom as you're pretending to arrest the chick you dated who you invited into her home on grounds of a repeat assault?" My god
Spar is ~5'8 tati is 5'3 very good to know
~ many hours later, now doing art stuff~
Vellum could fall on this face and STILL look cool
Anya spar and vellum having a snack has gotta go on my to-draw list (my mind is so fast and my hands are so not fast! Ahh!)
OH NEW MIDTRO isk if this was here last episode. OH SHITFUN FACTS? i love blorbo facts
he has written a SYMPHONY? The essentricism is genetic i think.... a smphony baout YEARNING FOR BELONGING? you are handing me a fic idea. NOTE: symphony driven by loss and isolation over being trans, having lost his parents, wanting to find a place where he's accepted
Smooth velvet is his stripper name this episode is just raining fic ideas, huh? (i am joking but also I am not joking. BUt im joking but im not joking....I am deciding if im joking)
DONT BE MEAN TO ISHBALA (spell chat tdb) SPAR!!!!!!
greggins binder generator.
[not episode related but im battling between having sincere thoughts about Anya's fashion sense and going "ooooh belly"]
anya said hey your uhhhh. Your uhh special friend is little stressed. go makeout of whatever. THEY'RE WALKING ARM IN ARM LMAOOOO
ishbala just chose violence SO unprompted
[anya is drawn now for spar and vellum iterations i am...........Well to be fair i am Never very confident going in and it walways turns out okay!!!]
"*he puts a gun in vellums hands* its goot to know you're with someone who can protect you." s;aldfalsfdjaw awhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! SPAR DOESN'T GET PROTECTED SPAR IS ALWAYS THE ONE JUMPING IN FRONT OF THE BULLET DO YOU KJNOW HOW MUCH THIS MEEEEEEEANS TO ME?????
"when you got a good one you keep em" thats it thats spar
spar is correcting vellums stance and vellum must be SCREAMING inside lmao. Vellum focuses SO HARD on everything BUT spar directly behind him and accidentally becomes an expert
vellum, full on titanicking it with spar is trying VERY hard to respect boundaries and that is my FAVORITE kind of tension. "I am not making moves because i respect you as a person" is never not entertaining
ughhhhh drawing kisses is such a pain but FUCK do i wanna.
oooh this new outro is so fancy!!!! i love the format changes that are happening here!
im torn between doing another episode tonight and saving it for tomorrow so I can focus fully on drawing.......ill feel out the vibes after i get spar's jaw right. LOVELY episode. spar is making moooooooves!!!!
@threeheartscast i almost forgot!
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safyresky · 11 months
Hello, I need to drop this in here before Season two of TSCS drop kicks me in a few days.
But I've had Fusion Au on the mind. In the brain. And I just frankly wanna know more about it. Whatever other information you can give I will GLADLY take. (Maybe even drop the fusion height chart 👉👈 if it is to be found)
Steven Universe has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I just wanna hear you talk about this silly little au that has been fluttering around lately.
F E L T. I have been hitting the ground RUNNING for Crystal Springs just to give myself decent AC for when the series picks up again (not sure if I'm gonna post the same day of the new episodes or the day AFTER, but New CS will be there to comfort me and maybe others in my our time of need).
I am not ready. I NEVER will be. I hope and pray that the Council isn't butchered, bc if we've got three confirmed Legendary Figures, I can't see us NOT getting the others. Or, maybe it WILL just be Sandy and Cupid and EB 2.0!! But idk. Idk man. Idk. I really want the snowball that gets thrown in Scott's face in the trailer to be courtesy of Jack. I know it won't be. But I fucking WISH and HOPE and AH.
I have a height chart floating around somewhere, but it is a stick figure doodle, so I will ATTEMPT to give you a proper?? Chart???
I think I said that Berline is about the size of two Elles stacked on top of each other (sitting on her shoulders) so I kinda eyeballed it based on that??? (me retconning so much about heights knowing that I had Berline pick Elle up and seat her in their palm lmao) So here we go, the main line up:
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I eyeballed the SHIT out of this??? I may boost them all a whole ass foot lmao but Richard was liek "DANI. SEVEN FEET IS TALL!" and I was like I GUESS.
Also, as an aside??? The height chart site has a 3D one?? That actually disturbed me??? Thank GOD I was able to switch back! If I find the shitty lil stick figure height doodle I will edit to add it. Or reblog to add it, lol. ANYWAY.
Some info, you request? Okay! Let me marinate it in my head and see what I can do throughout the day:
If the entire frost fam fused they'd be called Frost and they'd be a DELIGHT. They don't talk much except for to be polite and they will throw melty molten rock at you at the drop of a hat, so it's a GOOD THING that Jackie doesn't exists when Frost does! Because they WOULD drop their hat on purpose just to see a fire show
Frost probably freezes in place a lot while thinking since there's 6 whole ass sprites in there having a discussion, which is a very funny mental image--just this blob of ice and fire BUFFERING and then suddenly some asshole gets pompeii'd lol
They're very sweet! Very polite. Always say please and thank you!
When Fino and Fiera fuse, Fire is just the opposite of the THERE'S TWO meme. There's ONE. And they are making it YOUR PROBLEM (they also do unfuse in my head very similarly to the THERE'S TWO meme)
Fire is also the most humanoid looking fusion, for sure!
Diteline really likes flower crowns. She will make you a flower crown or a lil grass bracelet if she's left alone with no threats and a bunch of nature. She's a big old sweetie, an absolute delight
Diteline kids, meanwhile, are a pain when they learn about fusion, and incredibly hard to keep track of once they master it. Those three lil buggers will bounce from fusion to fusion, going from helping to causing trouble to wreaking havoc to trying to fix something as simple as "oh shit, mom and mater will be home soon and we DIDN'T CLEAN THE KITCHEN LIKE THEY ASKED"
Inter season squabbles take on a whole new meaning when it's "shoulder season" time, as 9/10 times it's because the two seasons have fused and are still doing their jobs 😂😂
Of all the Frosts, Fino is the least likely to fuse! It's fun but not like, a big deal, y'know? Orc Friend (who's name is, in fact, Ken, and then I saw Barbie and. Well. But I can't not see him with any other name! It's short for Kenothy) was tres relieved about this, had a whole crisis about if they'd have to fuse at all and of course, overthought it in leaps and bounds 🫠🫠🫠
Fiera and Normal Man (His name is Norm bc I am a SUCKER for a PUNNY NAME) probably would equate to the Stevonnie plotline lol. Like, they'd fuse and Fiera would be like "I DIDN'T KNOW ORDIBEINGS COULD DO THAT! WOW!" And they'd be so excited and have a regular time, bc the normal and absolutely unhinged wild crazy balance out :)
I think their fusion is named Norma lol
Blaise and Pyros never fused, ever. They were not allowed to bc it "wasn't proper" for royalty to resort to something like that
(King and Queen Frost had a very hands-off approach with...messier conflicts. There's a reason they managed to scrape by when The Call happened)
If a redemption arc ever happened for Pyros, it A) wouldn't be one like Jack's, it'd be a more "oh so this was a fucked up upbringing and I need to stop blaming others and confront myself and maybe fix my shit or maybe get worse, who's to say" kind of thing, and B) there'd deffs be a fusion related plotline in Fusion AU, potentially involving murder of parents and/or falling into a volcano.
I think, somehow, of ALL the fusions, Elline (Elle and Jacqueline) are the most chillest one. She is SO chill. She probably always has sunglasses on or on her person. She's got great advice. She'll go with you for ice cream any day! She has such good vibes it's unREAL.
I want to/am in the process of giving the inter-season fusions names. So far we've got:
Flora: Spring/Summer
Fauna: Spring/Autumn
Mud: Spring/Winter.
She's very insistent on this name presently, but I think a wintry plant would be cuter, like Winterberry or Poinsettia or Snowdrop (my personal fave tbh) but NO. She's like "I make Mud therefor I am mud."
Everyone calls her Snowdrop and she's like "No, just Mud for short is fine" It's like. None of those letters are even IN "Snowdrop" Mud, the FUCK? CAN'T YOU CHARACTERS BE NORMAL. TO A POINT.
Evergreen: Autumn/Winter
Sunflower: Summer/Autumn
(I was torn between something plain and obvious like "Harvest", or a silly crop related pun like "Melony", then I remembered that in SDV Sunflowers grow in Summer and Autumn, you know, like they do in IRL and went OH THAT'S PERFECT!)
Summer/Winter fusion is definitely the poster fusion for vacations, lmao. Probably I'll think of something like THAT for their name. Maybe Snowbird? Bc that's what they call people who fly south for the winter on vacations? Lol
(smacks head of Season sisters) These ladies can fit SO MUCH PUNS in 'em
Blaise and Winter I don't think really fuse with the kiddos, not until later years. I know for sure Winter and Jacqueline on occasion have! She's called Flurry and has the MOST energy ever always and is a sentient storm's WORST NIGHTMARE
Blinter the fusion. Can deffs. Pull other fusions apart. They can just pick up a fusion and be like "nope" and separate their asses. They do not abuse this power; it is just something they can do and it came in handy a LOT during the War of Succession
Which is probably actually when they first appeared! Trauma bonding 🥰🥰
So that's what I managed in a day! The heights are...average, I'd say. Not gospel, but like, the differences between the fusions? Solid. I eyeballed it 100%. I'm like MAKE EM BIG but then I'm like I WANT THEM TO BE SNEAKY AND BLEND IN WHEN THEY CAN AS JUST VERY TALL PEOPLE HUEHUEHUE. For some of them. SO YEAH. I HOPE THIS SATISFIES THE LIL ITCH? THE LIL TICKLE? THE LIL FUSION BUG??
I gotta like. Tidy Fusion AU up now that I've got Crystal Springs tidied up, too! It'll make it easier to write the Jackie Frost instalment, lol.
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cloudbrooksblog · 1 year
I know this is just how the internet is, but like
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i hate the internet so much sometimes. this was a child who was trying to escape a bad place. the kid died. we arent desensitized, people just fucking suck. people say a lot "oh we're desensitized to tragedy we make jokes about it" but like. yeah maybe you can make that argument about the kids who made fun of the shooter, but thats kids making jokes about an event THEY were a part of - that's happened forever. this isn't the same thing, and im already sick of it. It happens IRL too, i hear people making shitty jokes about tragedy like that (even terrifying and heartbreaking ones like the one above, which would usually be sobering if you bothered to process what you were looking at for five fucking seconds). i'm only a kid, i'm only 17, and i know older people will look at me and scoff or whatever. but i'm already sick of this place. i've had adults tell me "well MY generation turned out fine" but the thing is... that's survival bias. the teen suicide rates show that the jokes about tragedy and this whole suffocating atmosphere of making fun of people who are already in bad positions... it doesn't just "not affect people", yknow? like, sure, maybe a lot of suicides are because of other reasons. but you have to admit a decent amount of common suicidal thoughts are about "nobody will care" and "if i said something, nobody would care". nobody does care, and when tragedy happens, the most heartbreaking kind, you go "this looks like an album cover tee hee" like god im so sick of this. im sick of this place. a 19 year old dies in a submarine he didn't even really want to be on, and my friends are like "its fine though cause his parents were rich" like what. no. thats such a terrifying death, right? imagine dying like that. one of the worst i can imagine, you know? a nightmare. and i think back to hearing that a teenager dived in the pool and hit his head and needed CPR and shit. i never found out if he was ok, but people get stabbed and overdose around here all the time. all my parents do is laugh and say "that's why they say not to dive!"
i'm so sick of it. i want out of here, but there's nowhere to go except inwards. to "sanctuaries", where the people are more like me. yknow, i hear that the cool (gay) people are around the "sex, drugs, and rock n roll". but they've always died around me, so i guess i'll just look for more silver linings. the main reason i'm not dead is because if i survived an attempt and became paralyzed like someone else in my family, unable to even speak. That would be the worst possible ending. and a large part of me thinks it could happen. and everyone would just laugh! say silly things about it, meme on it. and if my friends died, people would laugh. and if a teacher dies at the school nearby, will they laugh if the teacher wasn't well-known? will they find any pictures "aesthetic"?
i once went to a crisis stabilization center. for the fifth or sixth time. the place was bad, but its the only one nearby. anyways. we met a kid who was 9 who we nicknamed the gravedancer. he fortnite danced on peoples graves. hilarious, right? i feel sick.
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turtlemagnum · 2 years
another incomplete and petty list???? really turtle??? guesss your really hitting bottom of the beryl now.....
yeah anyways here's shit about youtube thumbnails and the stuff surrounding that make me go "ew" and click not interested
column A: stupid lookin faces in the thumbnail. just some guy pulling something that'll then get turned into one of those stupid soyface memes, or somebody editing a character's face to look like that stupid imposter meme of that jeremy guy that people seem to like so much. i don't find it funny, in fact i actively find it obnoxious, and if i were still allowed to i'd report your videos for terrorism
title something like "You Won't Believe This....", too damn vague!!!! tells me NOTHING.... you think i'm just gonna be suckered in by something so fucking noncommittal and wishy washy? for the love of god, if you titled your video "i put my penis into a microwave just to see what would happen", i'd think it was dumb, but i'd still know what it was about so i'd be able to make a goddamn informed decision about what i'm fucking ignoring, you telling me nothing but the vaguest and blandest hint of intrigue just makes me intensely disinterested.
columbo 3, the channel is titled in a certain way, it's hard to give a concrete list of attributes but it's definitely a "you'll know it when you see it" kinda thing. names like "The Art of Learning" or "Trey The God" or "MemeMoonMan69" are pretty exemplary of the general most common archetypes, just painfully generic or self aggrandizing names that you could name literally anything and are virtually interchangeable
obnoxious voices, especially british voices, for the love of god just talk like a normal person instead of that Bullshit Announcer Voice That Sounds So Excited To Say EveryThing And Yells Every 10 Seconds To Make Sure The Babies In The Audience Don'T Click OFf
children. enough said
obnoxious britishness, i can tolerate the rare good brits but if i have to hear some johnny rotten soundin dickshitter whine on about ohhhhh god save the piddlywankas and the boys in red and oi doncha talk piss on the L85 ya fackin cunt i'll glass ye and shut up. just shut up.
omg yes i totally want to hear about the celebrity gossip with jairo and mellissa mccrompferspotnen and their breakup with jizzo and vumsch or whoever the fuck like god shut up i have literally never heard of any of these people and frankly, they're all probably insufferable. you couldn't pay me billions to even attempt to care about a single one of these shitstain cum snorting hogfuckers, the only rival of their intense lack of interestingness is their sheer vapidity and preening obnoxiousness
then there's videos where it's like OMG ARE YOU A REAL (bullshit societally constructed group, usually something pertaining to masculinity). i know i'm by no means the target audience for this shit, quite frankly my masculinity is about the only thing about me that isn't severely unstable, so your incessant pompous posturing about how much of a "real man" you are and whatever other shitty opinions you have that you're gonna try to pass off as objective facts are quite frankly, less interesting than dirt to me. literally, you ever fucking look at that shit???? it's got all sortsa neat little things in it, i could honest to god get significantly more enrichment playing in the goddamn dirt like a literal toddler than to spend even a picosecond paying a sliver of attention to you
the news. i am not going to watch goddamn fox news, i am not going to watch fox news via whatever foreign sounding alt accounts they have. that is all
omg did you hear about the drama between crumb and bookgum????? what about this thing that crockmunchher said about splorpo mcgoonsface??? who even are these people, you ask??? oh they play minecraft usually but also they sometimes play indie horror games and hey where are you going, i didn't even get to matchvvrangler's face reveal!!!!! no i don't care that you're an adult who hasn't played minecraft in years, you like gaming and this is gaming so you're sure to like it!!!!!
offensive memes from social media platform v287!!!!! ylyl cumpliation number 963!!!! my god how do you people know how to breathe, much less edit a goddamn youtube video together
hey did you wanna see a dead hog??? no??? well here's a dead hog anyways. what, you like guns, this channel does gun stuff, obviously you love seeing dead things since you like guns so much, and apparently dead fuckin animals with clear wounds in their face isn't violating any TOS!!!!
oh boy!!! i sure love sportsball, don't you!!!!! what's that???? you couldn't care less about sportsball even if it was the only entertainment left in a bizzare post apocalyptic world where everyone except you and sports fans are dead???? too bad buddy here's some news about the latest match of grown men in pajama shorts playing with balls!!!!!! it was a 0-0 match, isn't that fun!!?!?!?!?? aren't you entertained by watching jackass millionaires getting paid to frolic around in a plastic field for a few hours!!!!
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Answering @matchasilver. Sorry I forgot to reopen the ask box before sharing another ask game. It's back up and running now should you or anyone else want to ask something else.
20. Preferred place to write (i.e., in a notebook, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? 
Depends on what kind of writing I’m doing.  
If I’m writing fanfic/drabbles, then absolutely my laptop as it’s easy peasy (until college I wrote all my fics by hand, in notebooks which killed my wrist). If I need to rework something, I can just copy paste into a new document and quickly swap between versions for comparison. I have access to it anywhere and can easily share documents with others for proofreading. When I’m taking notes for educational purposes, I still prefer to handwrite them in either notebooks or large notepads. I need the space because my individual letters are big (on average, I can only fit 6-8 words a line) and I don’t skimp details as I know I won’t remember them otherwise. I usually make multiple copies of To-do-lists. Depending on the length, they can be found on scrap paper, on my phone’s notes app and/or post-it-notes. In college, they would occasionally be long enough to warrant be written on notebook paper. 
24. Favorite crystal? 
Malachite. The stunning shades of green and hypnotic patterning always get me. 
36. What is the first meme you remember ever seeing? 
Oh Christ this is hard. Congrats, you’ve made me unironically look up meme history. By timeline, my first meme would’ve likely been from the funny motivational posters or rage face era, hopefully that’s sufficient because I genuinely do not remember what it was. 
42 Jacket pockets or pants pockets? 
Jacket pockets. As a girl, most of pants either did not have real pockets or they were disappointing. My hoodies have never let me down. And they’re easier to reach. 
53. What is the current state of your hands? 
Currently soft and decently moisturized. As we progress deeper into fall and winter that will change. I usually have cracked knuckles a few times before spring. My nails are decently short, not yet reaching my fingertips and cut squarish. I am a shitty judge of whether something is lined up straight so they’re a little cockeyed. My nails have always been thin and brittle (I occasionally put on strengthening polish, but I struggle to form habits, so I lose progress about as fast as I make it) hence I keep them short to prevent tearing. Very unmanicured cuticles that are usually overgrown. All my attempts at correcting this myself have ended in severe hangnails. I get hangnails often anyways but usually they’re not bad.  
I have a few little scars on my hands. The newest additions being minor burn scars on the middle and ring fingers on my right hand. I was trying to shut the doors on an air fryer and missed the handles by just a smidge. I have a writer’s bump on my right ring finger that I’ve had since elementary school.  
Overall, they are small (children’s gloves fit me better than adult’s do) and pale, several of my veins being visible. Small knuckles. Rectangular shape with square palms and slightly longer fingers. Knobby joints but you wouldn’t know that by looking since my fingers are a little chubby. I have arthritis in my hands thus they swell often.  
I’ve been told that my hands (amongst other things) are reminiscent of my maternal great-grandmother. 
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royallygray · 2 months
App Idea
idk what it would be called, but Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikToks all merged into one app so when your friends send you things from one, you don't have to be stuck on the shitty web version that is like "MIMIMI DOWNLOAD MY APP NOW SO YOU CAN WATCH MORE" when all you want is to watch the one video.
Example: me
I use YT shorts as my poison.
At the moment, when I click on a TikTok link from my friend, I get sent to the web version and it tells me I suck and should download the app. It blocks part of the video, which is particularly irritating when the captions are up there, or when something is happening up there.
With the use of this app that doesn't exist, the link (bc I don't have tiktok) would direct me either to the App I downloaded for this reason, or the Web Version of the App that makes it good and doesn't block anything. This website/app functions almost exactly how it would if you had the app (you can like. you can comment and you get a little badge that says you commented from App), except for one major thing: You can't scroll.
It serves as a purpose to not doom scroll, and also allows you to easily access TikToks, Shorts, or Reels that you may have found difficult to access before.
I'm a genius. if this exists already someone tell me. if this doesn't exist and someone wants to make this. you can credit me if you desire. take the idea and respond to this post. I need this I just wanted to attempt to watch a meme compilation from reels and it didn't fuckin let me and I'm sad
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