#anyway. this was a nothing ramble
alaynestcnes · 5 months
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…many thoughts abt this asos passage.
like we have jon once again imagining getting frisky in the godswood. his obsession with the godswood/hot pools and his voyeur/sacrilege kink are literally confirmed….love this little freak. but not only that, we have the inclusion of him refusing his desires (kissing ygritte) because of his father watching - manifesting as a face on a weirwood - literally the manifestation of jon’s shame and guilt about his feelings and what his father would think.
and then this shame and denial of his desires is followed by the reasons for his guilt; he was the blood of winterfell. it’s strange to me that this reason is placed before being a man of the night’s watch, when that is the actual oath he broke for ygritte. not to mention that specific blood of winterfell term being used, when jon and sansa are the only starks to refer to themselves this way. it would have had the same meaning if grrm used ‘he was a stark’/‘he was eddard stark’s son’. but instead, he chose the term that links jon and sansa.
then we have the classic you know nothing, jon snow. this is ygritte’s catchphrase, so it’s clear why it’s included in his drugged out dream abt ygritte but we do see this phrase connected with sansa in his recollection before he dies…it’s strange how easily it can be used as a thread to link ygritte to sansa. interesting that there are two links that could be made to sansa here. (and i knowww the antis are going to accuse me of sTeALiNg CoNtEnT but that’s literally not possible, none of the content exists in a ship-only vacuum and content can have multiple meanings for multiple charas/used as textual tools to link events/charas/themes. like if an argument can be made that a link is exists, then everyone has the right to make the argument 🙄).
mayhaps i am delulu but we know grrms lovessss his breadcrumbs and alluding to future events/layering multiple meanings into his dream sequences. the veil covering this passage of jon’s desires that shame him, make him think of his father’s disapproval, specifically linked to him being blood of winterfell…yeah…i wonder what sort of future desires and events grrm could be alluding to that might lead to similar feelings….
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phereshift · 1 year
personal opinion but. the reason tiktok’s ‘zepotha’ isn’t doing great isn’t because of a lack of cohesion or poor reasoning behind it (although I’m sure these would’ve contributed). It’s because when I was first introduced to Zepotha it was as a fake movie concept. And when I was first introduced to Goncharov it was as me spending the entire morning trying to figure out why Tumblr was obsessed with some random movie.
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wayward-wren · 5 months
I do find it facinating how Dracula Daily has turned Dracula into a different kind of myth now that we're in its third year running. I've seen a few people compare it to Hadestown, or a timeloop. The enjoyment isn't JUST from engaging with the story now, it's engaging with the experience, and while the emails are still the same as previous years, we've been through this before.
The way we as an audience interact with this story and this way of telling the story changes the genre. Its no longer a gothic horror, classic lit story. It's become a mythology, a tragedy, a repeating loop. Jonathan Harker returns to the castle every year. Every year it happens again. And that changes it, builds up new mythos around it, even if the words stay exactly the same.
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cangrellesteponme · 6 months
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
do i have to post an in-depth tutorial on how i make my frappes at home if it'll get people to stop going to fucking starbucks
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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rystiel · 11 days
i feel like poolverine easily could’ve been one of those “they’re flirty but it’s mostly unserious” situations, and for most of the movie yeah they were extremely gay, but wade’s been like that with other guys and it was never treated as a serious type of relationship before. they’re willing to die for each other, but even then the romantic aspect of their relationship could be glossed over because it’s a superhero movie, that’s just what they do, and they’re working together to save a whole timeline—it’s not just about them. but then the movie doesn’t end with them saving the day and moving on. i think this’s really the part that sells poolverine as a genuine relationship to me… logan’s leaving, and wade calls for him. he can’t stand to let him go. then he introduces him to his family, and logan stays. he doesn’t really need to stay, but they’ve both decided they’re better off with one another than without
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dollarstorefern · 4 months
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*cough* if you hate amber volakis i hate you *cough* (just kidding!) (i’m not.)
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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sophsicle · 6 months
time is so fucking scary. because it does not care if you are happy. you will think I wish to stay like this, right here in this moment. i have found my place. but then time comes like a wave and pushes you forward. you cannot stay. and neither can the people you love. forward forward forward. time has ripped the claws from my hands, and the teeth from my mouth, as I have tried to cling to yesterday. but you must move forward forward forward. Forward forward forward. Forward forward forward. Forward forward forw—
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seefasterdraws · 11 months
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captain and the girlssss
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
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armenelols · 1 month
In deference to my recent bout of shitposting, have a daily reminder that Tolkien's half-elves have no happy ending and no matter what they choose, they'll still lose part of their family forever. They'll always be split between two people, neither fully one or the other, yet forced to pick one and lose the other
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shyshitter · 1 month
do you think steve carlson knew what he was getting into when he agreed to make music with the #1 most unhinged deangirl heller jensen ackles. like did anyone prepare him at all. when they were recording watching over me, did he know it was about castiel or did jensen use the dead friend excuse, leaving steve to find out about his contribution to the destiel community through convention leaks. do you think now he just assumes half of jensens songs are about spn or do you think he holds out hope his creative partner is somehow. normal
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
isn't it weird how if you get up at 7 or 8, do your work all day, then have free time and go to bed at 11 that's absolutely fine
but if i said i get up at 10, do fun stuff in the morning then work in the evening and go to bed late, i could be called lazy, nevermind that i'm getting just as much or MORE work done as i would in a traditional work day
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calmlb · 4 months
can we as a society please stop calling Dazai the “demon prodigy” like it’s canon??? IM BEGGING
his canon nickname is so underused too… i mean c’mon, the “black wraith of the Port Mafia??” idk if i’ve ever even seen it used in a fic 😭
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