#anyways I wanna reply to asks here but can’t so I’m just Thinking about answering them instead
fearamids · 2 months
I love doing anything where bills forced to not lie for once in his life cause his entire career is based of lying abt himself and to himself. my best friend bill cipher who lies until he doesn’t know what he’s lying about anymore and overstuffed his resume until half of it is bullshit <3 and the best thing is if we’re extending that to having no filter he loves infodumping so he just won’t stop
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7ndipity · 6 months
Every Little Thing
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: When you overhear Yoongi talking about how clingy you’ve been lately, you decide to take a step back from your friendship to give him space. But your sudden absence goes far from unnoticed by him.
Word Count: 2k(wtf?!)
Warnings: angst, swearing, only partially proofread
A/N: Thanks so much to the lovely anon who requested this! This story, I... I don’t know what happened, I went from struggling to get it to work at all to getting waayy too carried away. I kinda had to stop myself at the end before it shifted into something else, but maybe if y’all want a part two, we can pick up from there?
As you got off the elevator, you couldn’t help the faint bounce in your step as you made your way to Yoongi’s studio, your bag slung over one shoulder, a grocery bag of snacks and drinks for the two of you to share.
Ever since you and Yoongi(and in turn, the rest of the members) had become friends, The Genius Lab had become a hideaway of sorts for you. Whenever you were feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you knew you could call Yoongi, and he would tell you to come over, letting you camp out on his couch while he worked, occasionally asking for your thoughts or opinions on a specific song or line.
As you neared his studio door, you noticed it was slightly ajar, allowing the voices from inside to slip out into the hall, quickly recognizing them as Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s.
“You wanna come to lunch with me and Hoseok?” Namjoon asked.
“Agh, I can’t, I told Y/n’s we could hang out today.” You heard Yoongi’s chair creak as he stretched, letting out a groan.
“Again? That’s like the third time this week, people are gonna start thinking you’re a couple or something at this rate.” Joon joked, making your cheeks flush lightly.
“Nah, it’s nothing like that,” Yoongi replied, sounding tired. “They’re just being clingier than usual, you know what they’re like.”
You frowned at his words. What did he mean by that?
“I know it’s just cause they’ve been stressed lately,” Yoongi continued. “But honestly, it’s gotten to the point where it’s weirder for them to not be here.”
Joon chuckled. “I’m surprised you don’t find that annoying.”
“I didn’t say that I don’t,” Yoongi said. “But it’s Y/n, so I let it slide. Anyway, on that track you showed me-”
You stepped back from the door, the sudden tightness in your chest making it slightly difficult to breathe as you quietly made your back down the hall to the elevators. As the metal doors closed, you replayed what you had overheard in your head.
Yoongi had always told you that he didn’t mind you hanging around, but maybe you had started to abuse that privilege, grown too dependent on him. Was that how he really felt about you? Had you become a nuisance? And if so, why hadn’t he said anything?
Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you quickly found his number and hit the call icon, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat before he picked up on the second ring.
“Hey, are you almost here?” He answered, sounding much brighter than a few minutes ago.
“Uh, actually, I don’t think I can make it today.” You said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, concerned.
No, one of my best friends hates me. “Yeah, everything’s fine, something just came up, sorry.” You bit your lip, managing to slip out of the building without running into any of the other members and making your way down the street to the bus stop.
“Okay.” He sounded unconvinced. “Is it anything I can help with, or-?”
“No, no it’s-, it’s a work thing.” You said, the words falling flat on your own ears. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Alright.” He said reluctantly. “Bye.”
“Bye.” You hung up, letting out a deep breath.
You could tell he hadn’t believed you, but you didn’t really care at the moment. If he wasn’t going to be honest with you, why should you be any different?
Suddenly presented with the afternoon to yourself, you decided to head to the park, wandering along the river as you thought over everything.
You and Yoongi had come here together not long after you had moved to the city, the last few blooms of the cherry blossom season clinging on stubbornly to their branches. He’d promised to bring you back the next year, so you could see them in their full glory at peak bloom.
Of course, life and work had gotten in the way, as they often did, and before either of you had realized, the season had nearly passed again before he could keep his word. You’d told him at the time that it didn’t matter, you’d just been happy to spend time with him, a recurring theme for you apparently…
Had you been a bother to him back then as well? You didn’t believe so, but the earlier sting of his words had left you questioning everything, even if you knew it might be an over-reaction.
It was dark by the time you made it home, flopping down on the sofa with a tired sigh as you contemplated your options.
So you’d been bugging him lately, that was an easily fixable problem, right? Just leave him alone for a bit, it was as simple as that, wasn’t it?
You weren’t so sure as your phone suddenly buzzed on the cushion next to you, drawing your attention to Yoongi’s name illuminated on the screen. You’d forgotten you said you’d call him.
‘Hadn’t heard from you, just wanted to make sure you’re okay?’ The text read.
Now who’s the clingy one? Was your immediate first thought.
‘I’m fine, just tired. Talk to you tomorrow.’ You typed shortly before turning off your phone and going to bed, with no intention of texting him the next day unless he did so first.
For the next week, you tried to keep up with your new normal; you didn’t go by the studio, you avoided texting him unless he did first, and generally avoided his invites to hangout with vague excuses.
One place you couldn’t avoid him though was dinner with the other members. It was a monthly tradition that you usually looked forward to, but as you stepped through the door of the restaurant, you only felt a wave of nervousness, for what though exactly you didn’t know.
“Y/n!” Tae quickly hopped to his feet to give you a hug, the others all greeting you enthusiastically. You noticed Yoongi didn’t speak, only nodding to you politely, but his eyes never left you for a second, seeming to study your every move.
“Y/n, do you want my seat? I know you usually prefer to sit by Yoongi-hyung.” Jungkook asked, starting to get to his feet, but you quickly waved him to sit.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to move for me, I’m fine over here.” You said, settling in the free seat next to Jimin, which happened to be directly across the table from Yoongi.
Everyone quickly settled into their usual routines and conversations, the mix of voices blurring into an almost comforting buzz, allowing you to zone out for a moment and relax, but a single low voice managed to snap you back to attention.
“I haven’t seen you all week.” Yoongi said quietly, a noticeable heaviness in his voice.
“Yeah, things have just been kinda busy.” You tried to say convincingly, but it was hard to pull off under his gaze. Luckily, Jin asked you about something from the show you’d been watching and gave you an easy out of the conversation.
You managed to get through the evening well enough, talking with the others, even making plans with Jimin for him to help you pick out some new furniture for your apartment. You’d felt Yoongi’s eyes on you all evening, but hadn’t said anything.
It was later that night when you were pulled from sleep by the sound of someone knocking persistently on your front door.
Cautiously, you climbed out of bed and padded to the door.
Who’s there?” You called anxiously, trying to remember where you’d put your old baseball bat, in case you needed to defend yourself.
“It’s Yoongi.”
You froze, staring at the door in surprise for a second before going over and peering out the peephole.
Sure enough, he was standing on your doorstep, causing a brief sense of relief that was quickly replaced with confusion and the same nervousness from earlier.
Not quite knowing what else to do, you cracked the door open slowly, taking in his slightly disheveled state; hair mussed and faint bags under his eyes. He looked the same way as when he would pull all-nighters at the studio.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Why’ve you been avoiding me?” He responded with his own question, staring you down.
“I-, I haven’t-”
“Don’t lie.” He stopped you.
Glancing around quickly, you pulled him inside, not wanting to have this discussion in the hall.
“You’ve been dodging my texts and calls, you wouldn’t sit with me at dinner, you asked Jimin for help with furniture shopping, which you know he’s terrible at.” He continued as you closed the door. “So, tell me please, what has happened to make you start ditching me?”
“Why didn’t you tell me that I was annoying you?” You snapped.
He stopped, staring at you in confusion. “What?”
“I heard you and Joon talking last week,” You said, his face falling as the memory came flooding back. “About how clingy I’ve been, and how I’ve been annoying you by hanging around so much.”
“You haven’t been-”
“Don’t.” It was your turn to cut him off. “Don’t try to tell me that it’s not true or you didn’t mean it. What I want to know is why you weren’t just honest with me?” You hated the way your voice started to shake as you spoke. “Why didn’t you just tell me to fuck off or something? Why do you put up with me if I'm such an annoyance?!”
“Because I fucking love you!” He blurted out.
You froze, staring at him in shock. “What?!”
“I-, I love you.” He said quietly.
“You love me?” You repeated, hurt and frustration still churning in your stomach, not letting you take his words to heart. “You love me, but you think I’m annoying?”
“I think everyone’s annoying!” He tossed his hands up in frustration. “The difference is that I like your annoyance!
“I like that you’re loud and weird and make terrible jokes, I like that you nag me to take better care of myself.” He said. “I like that you’re happy holed up in my studio with me. I like that you sing along to every song that you recognize, even without realizing that you’re doing it.”
He took a cautious step closer, pleading with his eyes as he spoke.
“I like every little annoying thing that you do, because they’re what make you you. I’m so sorry that I made you think anything otherwise.”
You hadn’t moved as he spoke, fighting the tremble in your lip as your eyes had misted over with tears.
“Y/n?” He asked anxiously.
You didn’t speak, choosing instead to lunge forward, wrapping your arms tightly around him in a bruising hug. He staggering back slightly at the force of the collision, arms immediately coming up to hold you in an equally tight embrace.
“I missed you.” You sniffled, burying your face in his chest.
“I missed you too.” He replied, holding you tighter, pressing a soft kiss to your head. “I’m also sorry for telling you I loved you in a shitty way.”
“Eh, it’s kinda on brand for us, honestly.” You teased, making him let out a huff of laughter.
“I guess you’re right, fuck.” He shook his head.
“You wanna try again?” You offered.
He pulled back to look at you. “Really?”
You nodded. “If you want to.”
He nodded, pulling away enough to take your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles as he pressed his lips together nervously, eyes shaking slightly as he met your gaze.
“I love you, Y/n.”
He’d barely gotten the last word out before your lips were on his, effectively shutting you both up for the next several minutes.
When you finally pulled back, his eyes were blown wide, lips swollen and red from your assault, his breaths coming out in shaky puffs.
“I love you too, by the way.” You said, grinning at his slightly dazed expression.
“Cool, c’mere.” He said, pulling you back in, making you giggle as he eagerly reconnected your mouths.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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mrwavellswaps · 10 months
Aftermath of the Homo-Bomb (Andrew and Mateo)
(Make sure to read the ➡️ Prologue ⬅️ first!)
Wavell sat across from the happy gay couple who’d gleefully let him into their home. They were practically wrapped around each other on the couch, smiling and giggling as they subtly groped one another. It was as if they were trying to be civil but just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Not that Wavell minded, if anything he thought it was cute. It reminded him of the way he was with Dane most of the time. So giddy and happy to be in the other’s company.
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“Sorry uhh… what did you say you were here for?” The man in the red shirt asked with a smile, not remembering why exactly they’d let this stranger into their house.
“Well I was hoping I could ask the pair of you a few questions regarding the strange event that took place in this town recently. From what I know, a vast number of people here have been affected by some otherworldly power and my colleague and I have been gathering data on those who’ve experienced it. So what I wanna know is, have either of you been affected?” Wavell asked but of course he already knew the answer judging by the aura of magic emanating from the couple.
The two men looked at each other and giggled before holding hands. “Ohhh yeah. Big time.” The other man in the black shirt replied. “I still can’t believe it but honestly I think we’re happier than we’ve ever been!” He boasted before leaning in and giving his boyfriend a kiss.
Wavell smiled softly. “It would seem that way.” He watched as the pair stared at one another lovingly, practically undressing themselves with their eyes. “Well I’d be delighted if you could tell me all about it.” He reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out a note pad and pen before waving them about comedically. “My name is Mr Wavell by the way. And you are?…”
The man in the red shirt answered first. “My names Andrea-” He stopped rather suddenly, chuckling a little. “Sorry, I mean Andrew. Andrew Gardener” He corrected.
The other man seemed just as amused by the slip up. “And I’m Mateo Ramos.” He added.
Wavell quickly scribbled down the names of the two men. “Andrew and Mateo. Such wonderful names for an equally handsome couple” he complimented, causing the two men to blush. After which he went through the usual routine of questions. Asking their ages, what they do for work and what types of people they consider themselves to be. He quickly found out that they were both the same age, 28 years old, with Andrew being about 3 months older. As for jobs, Andrew explained how he worked a simple office job not far away while Mateo worked as a model and personal trainer. When asked how they’d describe themselves, Andrew seemed to think of himself as a quiet but hard working and considerate person while Mateo believed himself to be confident, outspoken and always driven towards his next goal. All stuff Wavell seemed happy to write down.
“Now tell me. What’s your story. How did the pair of you get affected by strange event that’s taken hold of this town?” Wavell finally asked, eager to know if these two were your average homo-bomb case of straights gone gay or if one or both of them were somehow anomalies.
Andrew and Mateo gave each other a knowing look look before Andrew decided to speak up. “Well you see, we were actually already a couple before this but we weren’t a gay couple…”
Night of the Homo-Bomb
After a long day of work, Mateo and his girlfriend Andrea had come home at last. Mateo had been fully booked for the day with clients to train at the gym while Andrea had been working non-stop at the office. Needless to say they were both happy to get home and chill out in each other’s company.
As they ate dinner together, Andrea went on to tell Mateo about her day. Telling him about how they’d been considering people for promotions at work recently so she’d been working extra hard to get one. She was already one of the most efficient workers amongst her peers anyway so she was hoping she’d have it in the bag. However for some reason they kept putting the men in her office at the top of the consideration even if they were objectively worse at the job than she was! She loved her colleagues but the blatant sexism her bosses were showing had her wanting to rip her hair out! She couldn’t help wishing she were a man like Mateo, maybe then she wouldn’t be undermined and under appreciated.
Mateo sympathised with his girlfriend. He knew how hard she worked and how she deserved a promotion more than anyone in that office. It was just a shame the higher ups were refusing to see that. All he could was console her while offering her the encouragement to keep being amazing until her bosses were forced to recognise her. Hearing that really seemed to put a smile on Andrea’s face,
Before they knew the couple were falling into bed together that night, kissing and holding each other close. It wasn’t long before they were fully nude and engaging in a little foreplay before Mateo got his cock lined up with Andrea’s entrance. The room filled with lustful moans as he made the plunge inside. Little did the two of them know, this was the last time they’d ever get to experience this type of sex…
Once both parties were satisfied they got themselves cleaned up and rolled back into bed, now completely exhausted. It wasn’t long before both Andrea and Mateo found themselves steadily drifting off to sleep and as Andrea's eyes fluttered shut, she couldn’t help wondering if her life would’ve been easier had she just been born a man instead.
Soon after the couple were fast asleep and holding one another close. Mateo’s large manly body pressed against Andrea’s smaller feminine one. Little were they aware however that a certain warlock and his dashing boyfriend were hovering above the town as they slept. Not long after that very same warlock unleashed a magic explosion on the town of which he deemed ‘The Homo-Bomb’. A powerful mass of magical energy designed to explode into a mist turning any straight man within its radius completely gay. And that’s exactly what it set out to do.
The purple mist surged across town, infecting many a man in its wake with its power and changing them for the better as the warlock deemed it. Naturally it didn’t take the magical fog very long to seep its way into Mateo and Andrea’s bedroom as well.
As expected the fog surged into Mateo’s body first after swiftly identifying him as a straight man. Pushing inside his muscular body through any entrance it could find. His mouth, his nose… his asshole. Infiltrating his body as efficiently as possible. Immediately his cock jumped up, hard as a rock once again, as the magic began twisting his desires. Any attraction he would’ve had towards women was morphed into an attraction to men. Filling his head with desires for big pecs, muscle butts and fat cocks. Not stopping until Mateo was completely and utterly homosexual with his current dream turning to that of a sex dream with all kinds of hunks surrounding and fucking him.
Normally the mist wouldn’t have a reason to stick around. The only other person in the house was Andrea and the warlock hadn’t programmed it to do anything women. Yet for some reason the magical fog was drawn towards her as well as it connected with her thoughts. Her wish to be a man. And so the fog did something it wasn’t programmed to do and entered the body of a straight woman…
Like Mateo, the mist coursed into her from every entrance it could until her body was filled with enough magic to begin some kind of transformation. Andrea couldn’t help tossing and turning as her body lit up with pleasure just as her boyfriends had before. Only it wasn’t her sexual desires that were going to change, it was her body.
Strangely enough the transformation began with her head. The likes of her long blonde hair receding significantly into a shorter, cropped cut before darkening to a brown hue. The soft shape of her face began to fade in favour of a sharper look that was most visible in her chin and jawline as they grew wider and more pronounced. Her eyes on the other hand became less feminine and more deepest while her eyebrows thickened and her nose broadened. Even her somewhat thin lips from before found themselves plumping up into lips that anyone would be lucky to kiss, only now they were being surrounded by a thick stubble that’d quickly sprouted across her face. As the last of her features readjusted themselves, Andrea’s head had transformed completely into that of a man. An odd contrast to her still womanly body for sure. But it wouldn’t remain that way for long.
Once she had the face of a man, the transformation spread further down her body starting with her neck. It thickened quite noticeably as a lump in her throat made itself visible. Almost immediately her feminine moans turned to masculine grunts due to the sudden dropping of her vocal cords until it settled on a much deep commanding resonance.
Those same masculine groans would only continue to be heard as Andrea’s traps and shoulders began to bulge. Growing thicker and broader alongside her upper back. Already she was gaining that wide upper body shape that most men strived for which only looked more impressive as her chest started to develop. Her modest breasts shrunk down to almost nothing while her nipples became far less pronounced. Her chest didn’t stay small for longer however as moments after it began growing again, only this time with powerful muscle. Swelling into two powerful pecs that would demand attention from anyone that laid eyes on them. Looking like swollen pillows of muscle you could fall asleep on that could become hard as a rock with a single flex. While her waist reformed into a more masculine shape, her arms were already well on their way as well.
After her back and shoulders had grown to such a wide degree with powerful muscle, her still dainty arms and hands looked very strange. However they wouldn’t look out of place for long as veins ran along them, thick and pulsing. She grumbled in her sleep as her arms began pumping themselves up, her tiny hands growing into meaty calloused mits that were made for picking up heavy weights at the gym. All the while, biceps and triceps burgeoning with new size and muscle, gaining the kind of explosive strength Andrea could only have dreamed of! Soon enough her biceps and forearms were almost as big as her boyfriends, so thick and juicy. She could probably curl at least four times the weight she could before, maybe even more! With massive guns like those anyone would think twice before messing with her now, lest they want a taste of just how powerful her manly arms were.
With that Andrea’s whole upper half was all man. Huge back, giant arms, massive pecs. She was already becoming quite the specimen but of course her transformation wasn’t done just yet with her lower half still looking incredibly feminine. But that would be fixed soon enough.
The next target on the magic’s hit list was Andrea’s ass. She’d never been all that gifted in the rear area having always had a rather small butt. Or at least she did until now. When the transformation spread to her backside she couldn’t help clenching her ass tight while it changed. Before long it lost its feminine in favour of a more masculine form. But that wasn’t all as even after obtaining a man’s butt, it decided to grow like the rest of her body had so far. Fattening with muscle that caused her body to rise up a little until she finally adorned the kind of big round bubble butt you’d normally see on pro football players. Seems like she’d have to deal with people always wanting to walk behind her from now on just to watch her thick man butt jiggle with every step.
But with that one of the biggest changes was finally on the horizon. Andrea couldn’t help letting out a deep murmur in her sleep as her ovaries began twisting and pulling inside her. It was as if someone had stuck their hands inside her and was trying to pull them out somehow… and they succeeded. On their journey down her ovaries had morphed into a fat pair of testicles, protected by a large ball sack that’d pushed its way out and now sat comfortably between her legs as her pussy quickly began sealing up behind it. Just before it could finish however, a small fleshy tip pressed its way through. The small sensitive piece of flesh soon found itself growing at an alarming speed until it was fully recognisable as none other than a fat cock. It flopped and bucked around between Andrea’s legs as it proceeded to grow to its full soft length of five inches before continuing to grow via an erection. The bedsheets soon began to tent as her cock grew harder and harder by the second until it reached its full length of seven and a half inches with some hefty girth to go with it. For most men having a dick that big would be considered a dream come true on its own, not to mention the cum factory that was her fat bull nuts already churning plenty of semen.
With Andrea’s new manhood already locked and loaded, there was only one part of her body left. Her legs. And the very first thing they did upon begging touched by the magic was lengthen, increasing her height substantially. Her torso had already stretched taller whilst it was packing on muscle earlier so her total height by now must’ve been around 6’2, much greater than her former 5’7. But of course it wouldn’t stop there. Andrea couldn’t stop herself from mindlessly bucking her hips in her sleep, rubbing her erection against the bedsheets while her legs began to bulk up. Quads and hamstrings, all the muscles that made up her thighs, flexing involuntarily as with every flex they packed on more and more muscle. Becoming thicker by the second to help give her new balls plenty of protection. It was a good thing she slept naked as any underwear she’d have been wearing would’ve been easily torn apart by thighs as massive as hers were now. The kind of muscle thighs most people would beg to have their head between just so they can be pressed between their thickness and feel their power wrapping them up. Thankfully her calves also received a similar treatment, bulking up considerably with new mass which served to help round out her manly body. All that was left was for her dainty feet to expand and that’s exactly what they did, growing into huge size 13 men’s feet. There’s no way she’d be able to walk into a room from now on without someone noticing her thunderous footsteps.
With that a few final touches spread their way across Andrea’s body. Most notably a light dusting of body hair that covered her chest and legs to give her that extra sense of masculinity. And with Andrea’s transformation came to close with the magic believing it’d done its job in creating another homosexual man. Yet she still refused to wake from her deep slumber, instead beginning to toss and turn in bed with her hard cock bouncing all over the place until finally she found herself spooning Mateo. A small lustful grin spread across her face as she managed to slide her cock between her boyfriend's ass cheeks before subconsciously thrusting her cock back and forth between them. With how pumped she was already after such a transformation, it didn’t take long before Andrea was already blowing her first load all over Mateo’s back with a dumb satisfied smile all over her manly face.
The couple would certainly have quite the surprise waiting for them when they woke up the next morning…
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“So you’re telling me that you went to sleep as a happy straight couple and by the time you woke up, Andrea had become Andrew and Mateo suddenly found he was into men now instead?” Wavell clarified while making notes.
“That’s pretty much it. Everything was normal when we went to bed but when we woke up, this is how things were.” Mateo confirmed, looking over at his once girlfriend now turned handsome boyfriend.
“I don’t even remember turning into a man honestly.” Andrew admitted as he ran a hand down his muscled torso. “I guess I slept through it somehow because when I woke up I was already a total hunk! I’m even wearing some of Mateo’s clothes because there was no way in hell any of mine were gonna fit.”
Wavell nodded. “Well I have to say this is certainly interesting. Mateo, you seem to have been affected in the same way as most other men in town. By far the most common theme has been straight men somehow turning gay.” He then turned to Andrew. “You on the other hand are much a different case. For a start hardly any women in town were affected at all so the fact that you were is already an anomaly. But unlike most men, you didn’t experience a change in sexuality but rather a physical transformation! I’ve come across a few others who’ve undergone things like muscle growth, age progression and more but you’re the first one I’ve seen to undergo a complete sex change from woman to man! It’s both incredible and perplexing…”
Andrew smiled. “Oh it’s definitely incredible alright.” He flexed a bicep before giving one of his pecs a squeeze through his shirt. “Being a man feels better than I could ever have imagined! Before I always felt weak and frail but now I’m just so huge and powerful! It’s fucking great! I can practically feel the testosterone flowing through me! Honestly I don’t even care how it happened, I’m just grateful that it did because I never want to go back!” He claimed boldly as one of his hands slid down towards his crotch before giving it a hefty squeeze. “I don’t have to deal with boobs, periods or getting pregnant anymore. Plus now that I’ve got this manly body and a dick between my legs, I can finally see what all this male privilege stuff is about!” He smirked. “Once everyone at work sees how I’ve changed, maybe those sexist old men at the top will finally consider me for a promotion now that I’ve got a pair of balls in my pants.”
Wavell seemed rather amused by the former woman’s response. “So I take it you’re happy with your new body Andrew?” He chuckled. “That said, might I ask what your favourite part of it is?”
Andrew thought about it for a moment, looking down at himself. “God I don’t know. There’s so many things I love about it. My deep new voice is one. I just love how masculine it sounds. My pecs feel amazing as well. One of the first things I did after waking up was trying to bounce them and I got the hang of it pretty quick.” He flexed his pecs a little through his shirt gleefully. “But fuck these arms feel amazing. The way my biceps bulge anytime I move them is just intoxicating. They’re just so massive and flexing them makes me feel like I'm invincible! Honestly I could go on about every part of my body but I’ve gotta say, as predictable as it sounds, I think my favourite part has got to be this new cock.” He admitted as the very manhood he spoke of began chubbing up a little in his pants. “I was a little nervous to touch it at first because it was so weird and different from what I’m used to but after I got in the shower for the first time, I couldn’t help touching it. It’s crazy how it can go from being so soft and floppy to hard and firm at just the slightest stimulation. And I have to admit, cradling my balls felt pretty good as well.” His face went a little red, feeling as though he might’ve overshared a little.
“Well I’m glad to hear you seem so comfortable with your new body already. Not everyone would adjust to such a change so fast.” Wavell shifted a little in his seat, trying to hide his own erection slowly growing in his suit pants “Now this next question might seem a tad personal but I’m curious to know, have you masturbated or had sex since your change Andrew?”
The new man blushed a little. He might’ve been openly grabbing his crotch a moment ago but a question like that had certainly caught him a little off guard. And yet for some reason he almost felt compelled to give this man an answer. “Well I… might’ve touched my dick a little too much while I was in the shower. It just felt so good, you know. Having a cock is so different to a vagina. It’s like once it gets hard it’s nearly impossible to ignore. I just kept touching and stroking it until… I came.” He reflected back on the memory, remembering just how incredible it’d felt when his dick spasmed and released ropes of hot cum all over the shower wall. “I also think I came in my sleep after becoming a man. When we woke up I was spooning Mateo and he said his back felt all sticky…”
“So you’ve experienced a male orgasm but… you haven’t tried gay sex is that right?”
Before Andrew could answer, Mateo chirped in. “No we haven’t. We thought about it a lot after waking up that morning but I’ve never had sex with a man before and Andrew has never had sex as a man before so the thought of it has been sort of intimidating for the both of us. It feels like we’re virgins all over again.”
“Ahhhh I see. So what you’re saying is you want to have sex but the idea of having sex as two men scares you. I can understand that. Sometimes new and unfamiliar things can be scary but don’t worry, I can help you with it.” Wavell got up from his chair and made his way over to the couple across from him.
“Wait, what do you mea-” Andrew was cut off as Wavell placed a glowing hand on both his and Mateo’s head. Their eyes began to glow a bright purple just like Wavell’s as the warlock's magic surged into them. Suddenly their brains began to swarm with a mass of brand new knowledge on gay sex. It was as if every trick in the book for two men to pleasure one another was suddenly revealed to them. At the same time Wavell made sure to elevate their libido’s to an almost unbearable level, causing both men to groan out as their cocks shot up to full length and bulged against their pants in an obscene and uncontrollable fashion.
With that Wavell took a step back, releasing them from his magic. “So boys? How do you feel now?” He asked, smirking inwardly as he watched the two hunks struggling to comprehend what the magical being before them had just done.
“I… I feel…” Andrew struggled to get a word out as his cock bucked as it strained against his pants, demanding attention. “I… feel like… I need… TO FUCK!” He shouted as thoughts of nothing but sex, dick and ass clouded his mind.
“Mmmmmm god… me too! Need to FUUUCKK!!” Grumbled Mateo who was having a similar issue of not being able to think of anything that wasn’t related to sex as he groped his rock hard cock through his pants. In an instant Mateo jumped on top of Andrew, grinning down at him lustfully as his boyfriend returned the same look. Their faces slowly drifted closer and closer as the gap between them shrunk until it closed at last with the touching of their lips. Touching softly as kissed gingerly at first but quickly their desire for one another began cracking up the intensity.
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In no time the couple had jumped up from the sofa and began making out with a fiery passion. It was clear Andrew was now the taller of the two, standing a good 2 inches taller than Mateo, which was ironic considering how short he once was. As they kissed feverishly, they held each other as close as possible until the only thing separating their muscled bodies was a few layers of thin clothing. But of course that didn’t stop them from rubbing their crotches like such hot dogs as they both kept at least one hand firmly grasped on the other’s ass.
“Mmmmm… I’m gonna pound your tight fucking ass so hard with my dick.” Andrew claimed between kisses as he reached down to unbuckle his pants. Mateo in turn followed his lead and within seconds the two men allowed their throbbing cocks to flop out into the open. Andrew couldn’t help but grin maliciously as the difference between the cock sizes became painfully clear. Mateo had a rather average dick that sat around a respectable 5.5 inches hard with decent thickness. Andrews however was a whole other beast as it’d grown to a monstrous 8 or more inches with girth so thick it was bound to make anyone scream. “Guess I’m the man of the house now huh?” Andrew teased while smacking his giant dick against his boyfriend’s smaller one, causing Mateo’s face to go red as he couldn’t believe the man that used to be his girlfriend had a dick so much bigger than his! Yet at the same time he couldn’t help finding it so damn hot..,
Without another second to think, Andrew gripped the waist of Mateo’s pants and yanked them down to his knees. “Kick them off and show me your ass.” Andrew demanded like the powerful man he now was. Naturally Mateo obeyed, tossing his pants and underwear to the side before turning around and crawling onto the couch. Back arched and ass up in the air, ready to be serviced. “Fuuuck yeah that’s perfect…” Andrew grunted as he knelt down, mesmerised by the sight of his lover’s thick fuzzy ass. His face slowly drew closer to the two hairy globes until finally he pressed his face between them, finding himself in heaven as he did. After that it didn’t take long for Andrew to put some of his new knowledge to good use as he started eating out Mateo’s ass like a porn star. Digging his tongue in deep and tasting the inside of his boyfriends tight virgin hole. “Mmmphh mmmphhhh fuck… I never knew mmph… how amazing it is to eat ass! mmmmmph!”
Once Mateo’s hole was finally prepped, Andrew was eventually able to find the strength to pull his head out of the other man’s hairy ass despite wishing he could just stay there forever. Instead he got back up onto his feet before stripping off, throwing his clothes across the room. Soon enough Andrew stood naked in all his male glory with his fat monster dick standing at full attention. Not wanting to waste any time however, Andrew shuffled forwards a little before rubbing the tip of his dick against Mateo’s hungry hole. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. He was going to penetrate another person. Something he’d never imagined being able to do. Andrew always thought he was destined to be the one getting penetrated. But now, as a thick veiny cock throbbed between his legs, he finally had the chance to be the one doing the thrusting!
With a hungry grin Andrew just couldn’t contain his lust any longer. Without a second of warning, he pressed the fat head of his cock inside Mateo’s ass causing the former straight man to bellow in a mix of pain and pleasure. That initial feeling of pressing his cock inside another person set off fireworks in Andrew’s brain. Without even thinking he lost all self control and slammed his entire 8+ incher inside his boyfriend's tight hole causing Mateo to scream a flurry of swears due to the almost unbearable feeling of having such a giant rod stuffed inside him all at once. However he was soon silenced as on instinct Andrew reached around and covered Mateo’s mouth, muffling his pained cursing.
“Be quiet and take daddy’s dick bitch.” Andrew blurted out as he slowly but surely began to pump his cock back and forth, starting with a gentle rhythm. “It might hurt now but you’ll learn to love it you little cock slut.” The dirty talk came to him so naturally like an instinct. “Fuck I love being a man…” he muttered to himself under his breath.
As this went on, Wavell was still very much present and sat in the chair across from the pair of horny men. He couldn’t help whipping out his dick and stroking it a little as he watched Andrew slowly move his hips back and forth while he found his footing. He knew he should probably stop interfering with his subjects but it was just too damn fun!
Gradually Andrew began to pick up the pace, ass clenching a little with every thrust as he got faster and faster. “Fuck fuck fuck! Mmmm yeah! I’m the only the fucks around here from now on! You got that!?” He proclaimed in a lustful haze.
“Y-yes sir… nnnrgg…” Mateo just about managed to grunt out, his asshole feeling as though it was on fire from the sudden invasion. Andrew’s giant fucking dick hurt so fucking much… So why the hell was he actually kinda enjoying it?
“Good boy.” Andrew gave Mateo’s ass hearty smack that left a red mark before gripping Mateo’s hips and drilling his cock into the hole with even more aggression than before. Thrusting back and forth in a way that almost seemed primal. Like Andrew wanted nothing more than to breed his boyfriend’s ass. “That’s it! Your thick muscle ass belongs to me now! Don’t you forget it!” He groaned while burying himself to the hilt, balls pressing against Mateo's aforementioned muscle ass.
All Mateo could do was agree and comply with everything Andrew said as if being speared on that giant dick was somehow hypnotising him into doing so. He used to be the dominant one in their relationship but now he was being pinned down and fucked into a oblivion like a submissive slut.
Neither of them knew exactly how long they fucked for. They were so horny they completely lost track of time. For Andrew all he cared about was breeding boyfriends hot ass to the point where he was jackhammering into it with such speed and strength that the decorations and furniture around the room began to shake and creek. Books and ornaments began falling off shelves and onto the floor but that wasn’t about to stop Andrew. He had one goal and one goal only and that was to fuck. He moaned out, plowing that ass with everything he had until finally his balls began to churn. “NEED TO… BREED… ASS… NRRGHHAAAAHHHHH!!!” Andrew let out the most animalistic roar of his life, the deep bass of his voice reverberating through the entire house as finally he busted a load. His fat dick practically flooding Mateo’s hole with how much cum his balls had produced.
After a couple minutes of cooling down Andrew carefully extracted his softening cock from Mateo’s backside, allowing a pool of cum to spill out from the hole as he did. “Now that was some of the best sex of my fucking life… dudes have it soooo much fucking better.” He commented while giving Mateo’s butt a playful pat. “No wonder you guys always wanna fuck like rabbits.”
Mateo could hardly even respond. His asshole was throbbing from the pain of being stretched so wide by Andrew’s dick while his own cock was still hard as a rock and ready to blow any second!
Seeing this, Andrew leaned down and planted a few kisses along the back of Mateo’s neck. “Awww I’m sorry baby. I know I got a little carried away. I thought you were exaggerating when you said dicks have minds of their own but I could barely control this thing.” Andrew smacked his soft cock, slick with cum, against Mateo’s ass cheeks a few times. “I meant what I said though…” he continued as he got up from the couch and walked around until his soft yet still fat cock was right in front of Mateo’s eyes. “From now on I’m the one that gives dick and you’re the one that takes it. Got that?” He smacked Mateo’s face with his dick a few times in a display of his new manly dominance.
“B-but Andrew… your butt… it’s so big and juicy now. You’ve gotta… let me have a go at it.” Mateo whined between heavy breaths while Andrew continued to lather his face with cum.
Andrew glanced over his shoulder at his huge new bubble ass and shrugged. “Yeah, I suppose you’ve got a point. It would be a waste to not use this thing huh?” He agreed before turning around so that his fat muscle ass was right in Mateo’s face. “Fine. If you’re good and do everything daddy says then I might let you have a go at my ass from time to time.” He didn’t even give Mateo a chance to respond before grabbing the back of his head and pressing it between his colossal ass cheeks, smothering his newly submissive boyfriend between them. Moments later he heard a deep muffled moan come from Mateo as he finally blew a fat load.
“Well that was certainly a wonderful performance, you two.” The sound of Wavell’s voice made both Andrew and Mateo jump. Somehow they’d been completely oblivious to the man’s presence this whole time. How the hell could they have forgotten he was there. It was as if he’d been invisible to them somehow. Not only that but he now seemed to be tucking his dick away as his suit was soaked in a cum. “I have to thank you for the entertainment but it would seem I’ve got everything I need so…” He waved a hand and suddenly his clothes were clean again. “I shall bid you farewell.”
The warlock got up from his chair once again before outstretching a hand towards Andrew to which the man cautiously shook it. “I hope you enjoy your new life as a big dicked man. Judging by how you just dominated your boyfriend, I’d say you were born for it” he complimented. “And as for you Mateo, just do everything Andrew tells you to do. Before long your asshole will be begging for his dick. Trust me.” He patted the other man on the back. “And remember everything that happened here today stays between us.” Wavell’s eyes glinted that familiar violet. Andrew and Mateo didn’t question the man. Simply nodding and agreeing with him.
With that done, Wavell left the newly gay couple to clean themselves up so they could get back to sorting out their new lives. It was mainly Andrew who’d have to go through the headache of changing a bunch of legal documents and what not so, as one final favour, Wavell did a tiny bit of reality bending that would take care of it all. It was the least he could do after his experiment was what had caused all this.
As he made his way towards the next person he needed to interview, Wavell skimmed over the notes he had for both men.
Andrew Gardener (formerly Andrea Gardener). 28 years old. In a relationship with Mateo Ramos. Works an office job. Believes himself to be hardworking and considerate while also being a quiet person around others though his interview seemed to suggest otherwise. Prior to homo-bomb he was a heterosexual female who’d apparently been yearning to know what it felt like to be a man. This desire may have triggered some sort of abnormal reaction with the homo-bomb as instead of ignoring her, the homo-bomb transformed her completely into a tall muscular man with functional male genitals. Despite such an intense physical transformation, the subject doesn’t seem to be distressed or upset about it. Instead he seems to have adjusted to his new body rather quickly and seems eager to explore it and the benefits it may come with. He didn’t have much issue exploring a male orgasm once alone in the shower; however he was nervous to undergo sex for the first time as a man. Due to this I took it upon myself to bless him with all the knowledge and experience of gay sex he’d ever need while cracking up his sex drive. He naturally slipped into a more dominant role with his partner Mateo, partially due to his significantly above average penis and testicles. In conclusion Andrew is without a shadow of a doubt an anomaly. The homo-bomb was never intended to affect women whatsoever so the fact that it did shows that the spell itself still has lots of perfecting to do. That said, I can't say I’m not pleased with the results. Not to mention the subject seems happier than ever now with his new body.
Mateo Ramos. 28 years old. In a relationship with Andrew Gardener. Works as a model and personal trainer. Believes himself to be confident, outspoken and driven to which I can’t attest. Unlike his now boyfriend, Mateo does not seem to be an anomaly. Prior to the homo-bomb he described himself as a heterosexual man but now he seems to be completely homosexual. The subject didn’t detail to me any other changes either mental or physical that would suggest he was affected in an abnormal way. Similar to his boyfriend however, he did feel some anxiety about having gay sex for the first time so I took the liberty of giving him knowledge and experience in gay sex also. With a quick amp to his libido as well, he and his boyfriend were all over each other. Once Andrew displayed a dominant nature and his larger penis, Mateo seemed quick to accept a more submissive role. In conclusion I can confidently say Mateo has been affected by the homo-bomb in the intended way.
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“Looks good to me.” Wavell muttered while walking up the steps to a different house, sensing another homo-bomb affected individual inside. “So… who have we got next?”
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lexisecretaccx · 2 months
High School Sweethearts pt.6 - Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT7, PT8, PT9, PT10, (rest of the parts on my Masterlist)
(Fem reader x Chris sturniolo, kinda fluffy and cute at the start, bad mother/daughter relationship, pretty sad, grab those tissues, idek what else, not proofread!)
A/n: sorry that I can’t keep y/n happy for more than 1 chapter of this😭😅
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I get dressed into clean comfier clothes and I lay back on my bed, Chris joining me. We don’t speak but instead we just lie there, looking up at my ceiling in a comforting silence.
“I am so proud of you.” Chris whispers to me, a smile creeps across my face. “I want to do more with you Chris, but..” he sits up slightly and interrupts me, “hey.. take things at your own pace okay? Don’t feel rushed, I mean we aren’t even dating properly yet..” he grabs my hand, “not that I don’t want to, I totally want to date you but don’t feel rushed into anything okay?” He tries to reassure me and I smile.
“You wanna date me like for real?” I ask quietly. He sits up fully and so do I. “Well yeah of course, you’re so pretty and..” “so you only like me for my pretty face?” I fake pout and look down sadly. “No! No I wasn’t finished!” He panics and I laugh, his face relaxes as he realised I was joking.
“Anyway, wait what was I saying?” He whispers. “You were saying about why you want to date me I think? I also forgot.” We both laugh. “Oh yeah, I think you’re funny, you’re pretty, you’re kind and we skipped school to go on a date y/n.” He smiles to me.
“If I get in trouble for that I swear I will kill you.” I joke. “Do you want to like.. be my girlfriend or something.” He shrugs and his face goes red as he grins. “Yeah I’d really like that.” I smile at him, my cheeks also flushing red. “Okay! That went so much worse and difficult in my head, so you’re now my..” “girlfriend? Yeah.” We lay back down.
We lay together, both smiling messes. His phone starts to buzz and he pulls it out of his pocket. The screen is lit up “Matt” he looks to me, “I gotta answer this..” I nod as if to say “of course.” He stands off the bed and puts the phone to his ear. “What’s up.” Chris says, I can just about hear Matt from the other side.
“Where are you?” “I’m with y/n.” “Okay.” “What?” “Mom wants to you come home.” “Why Matt?” “well she’s making spaghetti” “oh shit really?” “Yeah so come home like right now because she won’t make it otherwise” “okay thank you.” “No problem, bye!”
Chris puts the phone back in his pocket, “what was he saying?” I ask, since I couldn’t hear most of the last part of the phone call. Chris stands in-front of me and kisses my hands, “I gotta head off okay? My mom’s making spaghetti,” I laugh softly and he smiles “I’ll meet you here tomorrow morning so we can walk together?” Apparently he lives like 10 mins from school the other way to me, so he’d have to walk past the school to walk to mine.
“Oh okay, why?” I ask hesitantly, “because you’re my girlfriend.” He smirks and kisses my forehead. “I really gotta go though okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” He hugs me before walking out my room, I walk after him to lock the door behind him. “Bye.” I smile at him, leaning on my doorframe.
“See ya.” He waves.
It’s been quite a few hours and now it’s 9pm, and I hear my front door unlock, my mom. “Y/n?” She shouts up to me. “Hey.” I walk out my door and sit on the stairs as she takes her coat off and shoes. “How was school?” She asks, walking to the kitchen and I follow her. “You see Evan today?” She’s always been fond of Evan and didn’t believe me when I said what he tried to do.
“Uh yeah..” I reply, not mentioning the fact he had grabbed my wrist, made me cry etc. etc. “are you gonna get back together?” She washes her hands. “No mom. Remember?” I sigh, sitting on the counter of the kitchen. She turns to me in annoyance. “Still y/n? You’re still going on with that thing? Evan is a nice kid!” She huffs, drying her hands.
“You don’t know him like I do mom, he’s horrible!” I try to talk sense to her but she just rolls her eyes. “Go to your room.” She spoke as she sat on the couch, me still following her everywhere shes going. “I don’t want to, I want to talk to you!” I say loudly. “Don’t raise your voice at me, just talk to me if you fucking want to!” she says in an irritated tone.
“It’s hard to talk to you when you’re constantly accusing me of lying! You only want to hear it if it’s about me and Evan or if it’s about you!” My voice cracks. She goes to speak but I continue speaking. “I have a new boyfriend.” I say more calmly. She widens her eyes. “Who?” She half yells.
“His names Chris and he treats me much better than Evan ever did.” I say. “Does this Chris have a stable family? Is he gonna be able to provide for you when you’re older?” She’s only ever cared about her future and how much money people have but never about my life and my heart.
“I don’t know.” I shrug. “You know who does have a lot of money to provide for you?” She shouts, knowing the answer I reply “Evan..” she nods, tears fill my eyes. “Exactly, Evan would be able to keep your family and children supported.” She keeps prodding until I burst. Tears flowing down my cheeks and anger filling through my body.
“Get over it mom oh my god,” I yell loudly, causing her to flinch, “me and Evan are never gonna be together. Do you know why? Because he’s abusive as fuck!” I practically scream. “He was fine when-” she try’s to contribute. “When you met him? Yeah of course he was. Earlier he made me cry, he grabbed my wrist and practically threatened me, but yeah he’s fine.” I start to cry harder.
“Don’t ever take that tone with me again, you can get out of my house,” my mother stands up and walks to me. “You are just like your father.” She hisses before walking past me into the kitchen again.
Those words break me, and I wipe my tears before walking out the front door, slamming it behind me. I didn’t think to grab a jacket and the freezing air hits me, but I’m too angry and sad to notice.
I walk for a good 20 minutes before I sit on the sidewalk and just cry, it’s raining and I’m in a sweatshirt and shorts. A car horn honks and I look up, the headlights blinding me. The car pulls up infront of me and I see Nate in the passenger seat and Michael in the drivers seat, “shit y/n what’s wrong?” Nate leans out the window.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” I say. “Chris reject you because you’re a pussy?” Michael laughs and Nate smacks him, “what the fuck Mikey? Do you need a ride anywhere?” Nate looks concerned. I shake my head, trying to ignore Michael’s presence. “Thank fuck.” Michael whispers but I still hear him and Nate shoots him a look.
“You can go.” I motion to the road. “It’s dark y/n what if you get hurt.” Nate actually seems worries, “I’ll be fine, I’ll just go home.” I lie. “Okay see you tomorrow then.” Nate smiles and Michael speeds off.
Chris’ POV
I lay back on my bed scrolling through TikTok when I get a text from Nate. “Check up on your little girlfriend, she’s sat on a sidewalk somewhere just fucking crying.” My heart drops to my stomach as I reply. “What? Where is she” I don’t even deny the girlfriend allegations since they’re obviously true now.
His typing bubble appears, “idk dude it was near the opening to Michael’s street.” I leave him on opened as I rush to get my shoes on and I run down the stairs. “Where are you going?” My father asks me as I’m opening the door. “Girl problems?” He adds on. I shrug, “something like that.” Before running out the door closing it behind me.
I run down and out of my street, and to Michael’s street which is 15 minutes away from mine. I look around rapidly and I can’t see her anywhere. The rain is super fucking heavy, I hope she’s okay. I walk a bit further down past Michael’s street to see if I can find her.
My jacket is soaked through but I don’t care, I need to make sure she’s okay. Then I see something, somebody sat on the sidewalk with their head in their hands. That must be her, I cross the road and walk slowly towards her. Rain dripping down her bare legs, she must be freezing. “Hey.” I breath out, she darts her head up to me.
“Chris?” She asks, squinting her eyes because of the downpour, “yeah it’s me, come here.” I lift her to stand and I wrap my arms around her. She cries into my chest and my heart breaks.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask softly, placing a kiss on her head. She shakes her head, “I’m too cold.” She whispers, her voice cracking. “I’d give you my jacket but it’s only gonna make you colder.” I chuckle softly, putting my arm around her waist and I walk with her.
She rests her head onto me, “should I walk you home?” Why could she possible be out here crying? “I can’t go home right now.” She cries, her voice wobbling, “okay, we will go to my house.” I smile down to her and she nods lightly.
We walk together in silence, except for the sound of the rain against the sidewalk and a few sobs from y/n every now and then. We turn down my street and I notice the lights are out in my living room which means everyone’s in their rooms. We walk up to my front door and I open it and lock it behind us.
I lead y/n upstairs and into my room, more plain than her room but it’s what I know and like. I walk into the bathroom attached to my room and grab a towel and walk up to her, she’s standing there with her makeup down her eyes and she’s shivering. “Can I take this off you?” I point to her sweatshirt and she shrugs, “ok” she whispers.
She takes her shoes off before I peel the sweatshirt and cami top off of her, it clinging to her wet skin. Leaving her in her bra and shorts, I dry her off slightly before grabbing a hoodie of mine from the closet slipping it over her head and onto her now dry torso, “can I take these off of you also?” My hands on her shorts, she nods and I pull them off of her over her feet and dry her legs and her face, clearing it of all makeup smudges.
I grab matching sweatpants from my closet and she leans on my shoulders to step into them, I pull back my duvet and offer her to lie in my bed, she does and I quickly take off my jacket and shirt to change into a different dry shirt, I feel y/n’s eyes on my shirtless back and I smile to myself.
I finish changing and I hop into the bed next to her, “do you want to talk about it now?” I ask her, not pushing her to tell me but just wondering. She nods softly, “my mom hates me.” She cry’s into my arms, “I’m sure she doesn’t, what happened?”
I plant a gentle kiss on her forehead as she takes a deep breath and wipes her tear filled eyes.
A/n: y’all I’m crying wtf😭 ik I wrote this but poor y/n she can’t catch a break fr. Idk how many parts are left of this series but probably no more than 10 so idk. Chris is so sweet aswell like girl❤️
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind
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lookforthelightsposts · 3 months
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|Hello, you.|
summery: you have been working at your parents bakery since your were 14, one day at the store, you meet Abby anderson.
warnings: abby has sexual thoughts about you,SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW (YOU) (watch it before you read), perv!abby, everything is in lowercase, masterbating (a&r), you get fuckrf by man lol.
🌱’s notes (🌱 is me): tell me if i missed anything also i suck at spelling and have bad grammar, my phone will probably correct smth into smth completely different then what i ment, also this is my first fic. DONT RUSH ME PLEASE!! (i did add/ change stuff from the show so i know that the ending didn’t happen but stfu)
the sun shines in the room, lighting your face, the sound of footsteps, talking and carts being pushed around you. the new girl, who joined yesterday has been behind you the whole time, you obviously noticed but decided not to say anything. as she got closer and closer to you, you decided to say something. then you lift your head and look at her, holding the peach up, glancing at it then back up at the masculine girl. “do you think this peach looks like a butt?” you ask, making her go silent then she looks at the peach. “there is no wrong answer.” you add, easing your eyebrow with a tiny smile. and she looks back down and back up at you. “it looks at little, like a butt, yeah?” she says, “right?” you reply and hum, turning back around with a “thank you”.
“are you flirting..?, i’d like to think you are, but it’s just—— i can’t.”
the blonde thinks then she looks back up and she walks forward a little. “i should also inform you that..” she starts, walking closer then she’s right next to you and she points to the peaches. “all peaches look like butts.” she says and you take a deep breath, looking around. “oh yes. well, thank you for your honesty…” you start with a small fake sympathetic sigh, “i might go out on a limb and suggest that… bell peppers can be extremely vaginal depending on how you cut them.” you say, pressing your lips together. “i hadn’t noticed that, but i definitely will now. thank you.” the tall woman says. “yeah, no problem.” you say and you lift up off your heels then go back down with a smile. “were you following me?” you throw out, the blonde making a confused expression. “well.. i mean..” she starts, “not initially, but then yes.” she ends, holding the hand up that is holding her lettuce. “i was, completely. i am sorry… if i seem skeevy.” she admits and her dark blonde eyebrows lift up. “no.. i mean, you might’ve…” you start and look the tall blonde up and down, “if you looked like a skeeve, which.. i guess is me saying, good choice… showering today.” you say, nodding your head and your eyebrows lift also. “good. i debated so..” the blonde jokes, a grin forming on her face, her brow raising then going back down, her dark blue eyes meet your again. you let out a hum, “oh! you work here?” you ask, completely knowing that she does but you wanna keep the conversation going, the girls brow raises and she stares at you. “the apron” you say, pointing the the apron that’s hanging out of her backpack. “oh yeah,” she says, looking down at the strand hanging from her bag and she puts her hand that’s holding a green pepper and she puts over to the cafe. “abby. i just started at the cafe.” abby’s dark eyes dart to your again. “me too, um, i uh—— i manage the kitchen. i do most of the buying for the store,” you say, looking over across the room then you lift your left arm that has your basket and then put it back down. “i was just shopping for my dinner. anyway, sorry. y/n.” you say and chuckle, holding your hand out to shake the blondes. “cool, it’s nice to meet you y/n” abby smiles and shakes your hand. “i’ll see you in the break room then, abby.” you say and shrug with a chuckle walking off.
“no, not biting.” abby mutters as she stands there, staring at where you were, “i’m not that person anymore, and i don’t think i ever will be again.” she mutters again along with a “i can’t be, y/n you are not for me.” abby says, walking off.
it’s been a day since the store talk and everything has been fine, you haven’t said a word to her which she wants but also doesn’t.
abby walks over to the shelf, picking up the first book of a stack she has in her hand and she slides it next to many others, her muscles flexing as she does since who ever put the last book in, didn’t fit it right. abby takes one by one and she puts them in order, fixing that one fucking book that wasn’t placed right. “the best it’s gonna be.” abby says under her breath.
“no offense, you look like your ready to puke.” Candace says, abby looking down at the table then up at candace. “just tell me what your want.” abby says, her boot tapping on the ground underneath the table. “i’m getting to it.” candace says, her lips sticky from her awfully bright but somehow dark lipstick. “here you go,” the server says, setting down candace’s drink and abby looks over at the sever setting down candace’s drink then she looks at candace and she raises her eyes browns, her lips pressed together, candace’s eyes darting back to the blonde which who has the palest face she’s ever seen. “now you really look like you’re gonna puke.” candace says dipping a fry into her milkshake then eating it. “sorry excuse me.” abby sayss and she quickly gets up, rushing into the restroom.
“excuse me.” a man’s voice interrupts her thoughts then abby looks up and she walks over to the man. “yeah, how can i help?” abby asks, the clipboard and pencil in her hand. “how can you help? yeah um..” the man starts, taking his sun glasses off, “can you tell me if this Carl Jung book is vegan?” he asks, tilting his head slightly, catching abby off guard and she looks at her clipboard. “uh, if the—— if the book is——?-“ “new here, huh?” the man says, grinning slightly. “yeah, your apron is, like, very fresh.” he says, looking down at the apron tied around abby’s waist. “you got me. i just started this week.” abby says, pointing her pencil to the clipboard, “the books are made from trees. i’m pretty sure those are vegan,” abby says and she looks at the man. “i’m just messing with you old sport.” the brown haired man chuckles, poking at abby’s shoulder. “forty.” calvin’s voice says. “calvin.” forty replies. “you tell our new friend abby here that it was vegan author month at the cafe?” forty asks, turning his head to calvin. “i will get abby on the right page” calvin answers, pointing to abby then putting his hand in his pocket. “abby.. i think you are gonna do really well here. i like your whole look. it’s very um… i’ve-read-a-book.” forty says and his eyebrows raise, abby gives him a small smile and when he turns back to calvin she wipes it right off. “calvin…” forty starts, calvin clearing his throat then forty gives his drink to calvin and walks away. “so that’s..” abby’s starts, “forty’s parents own the place, obviously. shit he was being cool just now, but if he comes back and it’s still wrong…” calvin says quickly then abby looks up from the clipboard. “i got it. don’t worry, calvin.” abby says then looks back down at her clipboard. “watch the register.” calvin says, walking off quickly and abby takes a deep breath then she walks over to the register and she sees you. “let me guess, hurricane forty?” you joke, setting down a plate of croissants on the counter and you smile. “yeah. yeah, i guess so.” abby replies. “don’t worry. he almost never actually fires anyone. you know how some people are, like. starting in their own movie? well, his.. is about a hilarious misunderstood genius working with idiots.” you say as you put the croissants on a same plate filled with others for people to take after they buy something. “right, one of those.” abby replies, smiling with a nod and you chuckle. “what? do- do i have something?” abby says quickly, looking at you when she notices your expression. “oh no, i was just trying to figure out what your movie is.” you say, looking up at abby and she looks down “oh i think it might be the one where the gets the guy in trouble at work for slacking off. i’m sorry, i got to go. thank you, though.” abby says, walking away into the locker room.
abby walks into the room, biting into the croissant and sitting on a pile of wood. “are you running away from me?” your voice crosses over her mind and she glances up at ‘you’, your standing in front of her. “what? no.” abby starts, sitting up slightly. “i feel like you are.” you say and walk closer to her. your right in front of her now and you run your hands down her masculine arms then move your hands to her belt then kiss her, leaning her back and your lips latch onto her neck at your hand moves into her boxers and you shove two fingers into her sopping hole and she leans her head back slightly with a small groan. then abby’s snaps back into reality, her skilled fingers moving quickly in and out of her hole and she leans her head back, her lips parting and she pants slightly, her orgasm building but then she realizes where she is and what she’s doing so she quickly pulls her hand away and she moves her hands away from her body, she quickly stands up and she zips her pants up then fixes her belt.
the sky is now a orange, reddish as the wind blows faster and harsher, the day slowly turning into day. abby walks into her apartment, shutting her door then she sets her bag down and she walks into the living room, sitting down in front of the window, looking down at the scope and what are the odds..? it’s pointed right to your house.
you’re standing in the kitchen, cutting vegetables then she sees you grabbing your phone and something grabs your attention from the other side of the room, abby’s eye brows raise and she zooms in a little more and she sees a man walk inside the kitchen with his arm around you, she bites her lip then she pulls away from the scope for a second. “who the fuck is this y/n” abby grumbles, looking at you two through the scope again and she narrows her eyes, your back to cutting vegetables but the man his behind you, kissing your neck and her hand grips the scope but then she backs off, noticing herself again and she gets up, walking into her small kitchen and she looks down at the counter and makes herself some instant noodles since she hasn’t bought/ got the chance to get anything yet. abby sits down on her couch and she takes her phone out, going onto instagram and she types ‘y/n y/l/n’ which she finds instantly and it’s mostly about cooking but she sees nothing about the man and she scrolls for a little more then likes one of your old posts by accident and her eyes widen, she throws her phone down on the couch, knowing that you’ll see it.
abby eats her noodles then sets the cup down, glancing over at the scope then she gets up and she walks over to the scope and she zooms into your apartment again and her hand grips it to the point it might break, her muscles flexing.
your sitting on the couch, your head leaned back and the man is on top of you, she knows that she should look away but she doesn’t and her face turns red with anger and she sees the man get off of you and she calms down after that’s but she watches as he just leaves you. “fuck buddy, probably.” abby mutters then she grabs her phone again and she looks at your account and she goes to following and sees the man, andrew smith, he has multiple pictures of him with other women then she looks back at you through the scope and sees you sitting on the couch while running your hands through your hair, you clearly didn’t get even close to cumming and abby can tell, he just left you there also, bear and panting. suddenly she sees you laying back down and your legs spread again, her head turns then she quickly zooms in as far as the scope can go, seeing your thighs and you fucking yourself made her squeeze her legs together. abby then shoves her hand down her boxers once again and she starts abusing her cunt, her head falling back and then she tilts it back down to look at you and she starts saying your name over and over again like your actually there then she lets out a loud moan as she comes on her fingers, not even 2 seconds after she sees you leaning your head back and slowing down your movements. abby pulls her hand out of her boxers, not bothering to clean herself then she gets up and she cleans her hands, drying them after and she grabs her phone, seeing a picture in front of a house with andrew in the picture and she walks into her room, throwing a sweatshirt on and she walks outside, looking at the picture then she notices the exact place, it’s her wonderful neighbor, who has a wife.
🌱: don’t really like this but i promise i will get better at writing and i’ll try to make it more like abby then joe😭.
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theangelssing · 1 year
Ben being Ben, gender neutral!reader, third pov, Ben & reader are a couple, Reader is friend with The Boys
warnings: physical touch (romantic way), fluff & soft mostly, domestic fluff
a/n: this imagine will have a next part, mention of The Boys, only based on the tv show! forget everything about the end of the boys and let’s pretend the boys and soldier boy are friends <3
prompt: You thought Ben was the kind of guy who doesn’t remember anything their partner talk about. But You were wrong, Ben actually does remember everything you’re talking about. Here’s the proof with a painting you absolutely loved.
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“Luv, where did you see the painting you were talking about the other day?”
You looked at him with big round eyes.
“Can you repeat, please?” you asked.
He only entered the room but was surprised to see you looking at him like that.
“Uh,, I was asking you about the painting you were talking about the other day. Where did you see it?”
“You mean, the painting?”
“Well, I think so, yeah,” he answered, kind of disturbed by how you were acting. “Doll, you sure you’re okay?”
You didn’t reply straight away, you were trying to understand how he could’ve remembered this small detail.
“We’re both talking about the painting from the small gallery on the street the boys are staying?”
“I guess, yeah, I think so, why?” Ben was slowly starting to worry.
“I barely mentioned it, never thought it was that important for you.”
It was Ben’s turn to look at you with big round eyes.
“Luv, you were really excited to go there only for that painting. ‘course I remember it.”
“Well, true, but it wasn’t the most important thing we did the other day.”
“You said you wanted it in your house. It was important.”
You looked at each other, you still shocked and him still amazed by how you could imagine he wouldn’t have remembered that detail.”
“Anyway, I asked because the exhibition ends today and the owner wants to sell it. Do you still want it?”
You blinked before pinching yourself.
“Luv why are you doing that?”
“Who told you about that? I didn’t mention it!”
“Not to me but you talked about it with Hughie. I was there y’know, still have functional hearing. And a brain.”
“Yeah, right,, sorry. Just didn’t think you would remember that.”
“C’mon, let’s ask the owner so you can have your painting.”
You lowered your eyes, looking at the floor. Ben took your hands, he didn’t understand your brutal change of behavior.
“As sweet as it is from you to propose that, I can’t afford buying the painting,” you sadly said.
“Who said you will buy the painting?”
For the second time you blinked and looked at Ben with big round eyes. You stayed speechless while Ben was grinning.
“Doll, don’t forget who am I, please.”
“I don’t but,,”
“No but, you let me offer you that painting.”
He was strict but sweet as the same time. You still could make your own choice, of course, but you knew he was sincere so it wasn’t difficult.
“You sure? I don’t wanna,,”
“I’m sure luv, if I tell ya,” he replied softly.
You finally nodded and Ben knew it was your answer. A bright smile took place on his lips.
“Right, let’s get ready then.”
He kissed you and you only murmured a ‘thank you’.
“Of course luv, anything for you.”
Ben was hard sometimes, but with you he was gentle, patient. You were happy to be with him, and thankful to the boys for letting you be with him.
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samlovesradiohead · 18 days
false idols - ch. 2
lucifer x f!reader
cw: slow burn, drug + alcohol usage, lowkey enemies to lovers, more to be added
wc: 2.3k
a/n: rip charlie you wouldve loved taylor swift, lululemon, and stanley cups. charlie would love the clean girl aesthetic. (btw, i get a lot of my inspo from taylor swift and phoebe bridgers i love them so much) I REALLY HATE THIS CHAPTER NEXT ONE WILL BE BETTER TRUST ME. im winging this whole story
thinking about making a playlist for this fic. anyway heres the song i been listening to on repeat while writing this: the albatross - taylor swift (the tortured poets department - the anthology)
“Why didn’t you tell me you were famous?! That is so cool!!!” Charlie bursts in your room, startling you so much that you almost fall off your bed. It was after dinner, and you had announced to the group you were turning in for the night. You were in the middle of watching hell’s equivalent to trashy reality TV, and it was pretty entertaining. 
“Sorry for scaring you, I’m just really excited at the news!” 
“Who told you?” You ask, but you already have an idea. And when she replies with Angel’s name, you internally high-five yourself for guessing correctly. You adjust yourself to sit upright at the edge of the bed to face Charlie. “I figured. I was just answering his questions while having a drink with him and Husk at the bar.”
You can see Charlie practically vibrating in excitement at this new revelation. “What kind of songs did you sing? What genre? How many fans did you have? Did-” Charlie is abruptly interrupted by you.
“One question at a time, girl!” You give a light chuckle at Charlie’s embarrassment, a light pink flush decorating her cheeks. 
“I’m sorry, you’d think as the princess of hell I’d be accustomed to people with status, but it’s different! The ones I know are just old, stuck-up royals. I’ve never met a famous singer before.” Charlie giddily explains, hands clasped together. 
“It’s fine. I’ve seen way worse reactions when people meet me. I used to be a popstar. I’d say I was…” you didn’t want to seem like an asshole bragging about how many fans you had, “decently famous. Of course, there are always people who had to catastrophize the things I did, so, my career did have its fair share of scandals.” You make the assumption that she would also like to know how you died, so you tell her. “Now I’m here because I got poisoned at a party.” 
You still think your death was not how it should’ve been. But you can’t do anything to change it now. Young starlets died all the time. You weren’t special. Honestly, you thought you’d be a bit sadder about dying. But with death came an escape from the chains of your previous life, and for that you are grateful. 
An exasperated expression paints her face as you nonchalantly let her know how you wound up in hell. “That’s a horrible way to go, I’m sorry you went through that. At least you’re here now!” 
You sigh. “It’s alright. I was being stupid, kinda deserved it. It’s whatever now. I’m glad you guys were the first people I found. I don’t wanna imagine what could have happened to me if I stayed out in the streets. Thank you, Charlie, seriously.” 
“I just want to help my people. It’s no big deal.”
You smile at that. Charlie, the ever-saintly hellborn. 
She sparks up. “I know it's your first day, and I’m not sure how much the others have told you, but sometimes, especially powerful sinners gain powers relating to how they lived or died. I figured since you were quite reputable on earth, you’d have powers that coincided with your singing, kind of like my mom. We don’t have to test that out right now, but I was just letting you know!” 
Woah. “Really? Hmm, I might test it out later.” A part of you hopes that you do indeed have powers. Maybe you could scream at supersonic levels and make people’s ears explode. 
“Okay, next question! Do you think… how do I word this… do you think some of your fans are down here?” Huh. You actually never considered that. Your career spans from your late teens to 27 years old (since that’s the age you died at). There’s no way some fans haven’t died throughout that span. You ponder her question for a second. 
“More than likely. I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Charlie’s eyes light up. You can already tell she has something planned. “I have the most fantastic idea ever involving you but I don’t want to push you out of your comfort zone this early into your stay here, but what if we orchestrated a mini-concert, with you singing of course! Sinners and your fans that are down here can come enjoy your music and learn about the hotel, maybe they’ll take a chance on redemption!” 
You gotta hand it to Charlie: she really wants to help sinners. Her explanation earlier was evidence enough, but her pure dedication is admirable. As for you, you’re not sure redemption is possible, as there hasn’t been proof of it. You’re not even sure if you want to go to heaven. For now, you’ll help Charlie with her dream while trying to figure out what you want. It’s the least you could do, as she is letting you basically free-load off of her. 
Her idea didn’t really deter you, anyway. You performed at packed stadiums plenty of times, a simple concert isn’t that bad. A tiny part of you is excited to visit the echoes of your former glory. Is that selfish, to want to restore what once was?
“That sounds cool. I’m down. But, uhhh, where and how will we make that happen?” The logistics of the situation hit you mid-agreement. Seriously, how?
Charlie laughs, “I’ll ask my dad, Lucifer. He can basically make anything at the snap of his fingers. Ooh, by the way, I’m going to call him up tomorrow. He may or may not swing by and visit.” 
You stand up immediately at that. “Lucifer?! Like the Devil from the Bible!??!” Why did it not hit you till now? You figured her dad was some king or whatever, but you didn’t expect her dad to be THE king of hell. The church raised you on the scariest iterations of Lucifer, so you only expect the worst. What if he incinerates you for looking at him wrong?!
She chuckles at your reaction. “He is nothing like what humans are taught. He’s a real sweet guy, albeit a little… distant. I promise, he won’t kill you a second time, unless you do something really bad. But I doubt you will!” 
Her assuring words offer some comfort to your original antsiness. Still, it’ll be your second day tomorrow and you’re already (possibly) meeting the king of hell. “That’s … refreshing to know.”
“It’ll be alright.” Charlie reassures you, assuring herself as well in the process. “Anyway, I’ll leave you alone for the night. Vaggie and I’s suite is just down the hall, knock if you need anything.” She back steps towards the door, swinging it open. “Goodnight!” she says before closing your door. You repeat the pleasantry. The door clicks, signaling its closure.
Sleep came quite quickly after the talk with Charlie. But before slumber pulled you under, you did some introspection while staring at the blank ceiling above you. This time of the day is when you surrender yourself to your worst thoughts.
You thought of this while dying, but now its persistence has fully enraptured your attention. You can’t help but think of the world you left behind. Did they find your body yet? You can see the tabloids now: “Global Popstar Phenomenon Found Dead from Laced Drink at Trashy Party Bathroom”. What a joke. 
Even now, you are nitpicking yourself to atoms as you realize you’re thinking about what the world thinks of you instead of worrying about the few real people who cared for you.
You can count on one hand how many people carried genuine sympathy for you. Two friends from your childhood, but even that’s pushing it because you haven’t been keeping up with them. You’d count your ex, but that was before. So… who was left to mourn you?
These self-deprecating thoughts came to you in familiarity. It is known that celebrities are extremely unhappy and you were no exception. 
In life, perfection was always a concept you tried to reach. You knew you couldn’t do it, but you tried to get as close as possible to it. It didn’t help that your management team was also ensuring you were at your best at all times. With practice and rehearsals for concerts leaving you overly exhausted and bruised, to taking hours in the dressing room, trying on different outfits and makeup styles to see what fits best, you don’t know how you’ve survived that long under those conditions. The team will be very relieved to find out they don’t have to manage a prima donna anymore if they didn’t know you were dead already. And this thought made you feel awful. God damn, why is it every thought trails back to you feeling bad about yourself? 
You push these demeaning voices aside as you close your eyes.
– – – – 
You wake up to the sound of rustling coming from your closet.  Still, your morning grogginess lingers. Rubbing your eyes while sitting up, you try to focus your vision on the movement coming from the closet.
Hearing you move instantly had Charlie shooting her head out of the closet. “Oh My Gosh I am SOOOO sorry for waking you up. But I forgot to give you a wardrobe, so I woke up super early to go get some outfits for you! And I may or may not have been listening to your music catalog while out in town…”
You couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at her, she was just so adorable. Her unlimited kindness is fascinating to you. “It’s okay, Charlie. This is about the time I wake up anyway. But you were listening to my music? I didn’t know hell had access to earthly media.”
She stands up, straightening out her clothes as she explains, “We don’t! But you know, after tinkering around and doing some searches, I found a website that uploads music from earth! How they manage that, I’m not sure. But it’s there! It seemed like your entire catalog was there, so I listened! I’ve been listening since last night before Vaggie told me to go to sleep. You’re such a great songwriter and singer!”
You were used to compliments up on earth. Oftentimes, they were said under false pretenses and malicious reasons. But for some reason, it feels more personal now. Maybe it was the genuine look and obvious sincerity in her tone, but it was different than usual.  Blood rushes to your cheeks as you stammer out a mousy ‘thank you’. 
“Oh! By the way, Vaggie’s almost done with breakfast. So, get ready!”
It’s after breakfast, and you sit on the couch with Angel Dust, watching Charlie pace back and forth. 
“Babe, just call him. You won’t know his answer unless you talk,” Vaggie says, trying to console her girlfriend. Charlie takes a deep breath.
“Okay, you’re right. I am calling my dad.” And so she did. 
You felt bad for her, seeing as her responses and facial expressions were evident of her emotions. It was clear her and her father don’t have the closest relationship, with her grimacing face making an appearance continually throughout the call. After a minute of awkwardness, she ends the call, turning to the group who were now seated on the couch. 
“Okay sooooooooooo my dad’s going to be here in an hour.” 
Angel and Niffty seem excited at the news. 
“I’ve always wanted to meet the big dick in charge.”
“The ultimate bad boy!” 
Vaggie pretends like she didn’t hear that. She takes charge as she gives out orders to the residents. “Alright, Lucifer’s going to be here in an hour. Let’s get this hotel presentable.” 
— — — —
Lucifer continues to stare at the portrait, even after the call ends. The frozen glimpse of the family haunts him. He can feel an isolating cold run through his body as he stares into the eyes of both his daughter and … ex-wife. Charlie, standing there, shyly smiling, but with wide bright eyes. And Lilith, the former Queen of Hell, emulates prestige and elegance like no other. Even framed, her beauty was radiant. A looming aura of gloom and despair was ever present within the king. 
Some days, Lucifer thinks he’s finally over it and that he’s ready to face everyone after years of cowardice. But one glance back at the stagnant memory and into the hypnotizing gaze of his first love, he crumbles apart again, just as he did when he first saw her in Eden. 
It is unfathomable to him that after being condemned to damnation for eternity, raising hell from the ground up, and creating a child together that she would leave it all behind. 7 years has not changed his questions for her disappearance. He knew it was getting rocky after Charlie was born. Even with Lilith constantly taking Charlie away from Lucifer and arguments over the governance of Hell, he never thought she’d leave after over 10,000 years of marriage. 
To be quite honest, Lucifer is tired of Lilith haunting him. Echoes of her presence still linger in the palace and her phantoms breach the darkest corners of his psyche. It’s like she’s tormenting him with memories of her and their love. He wishes he could get over it that quickly, but being together since the fall of humanity has instilled its lasting legacy on him. Lucifer does not want to be a doddering fool who keeps wistfully yearning for the woman he loves, but he can’t help but play the role. He obviously still loves her dearly, but he knows what they had has long been buried by time. 
This phone call with Charlie has granted him a chance to make up for the past few years of distance, isolation, and hurt he has bestowed upon his own daughter. 
“I’m trying my best, dearest.” His fingers trace Lilith’s enigmatic figure in the portrait.
---- ----
tag :3 @vififofum
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urjanedxn · 1 year
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ღ you idiot. ´
ღ pairing: lo’ak sully x fem!omaticaya!reader
ღ summary: you’re in an established relationship with lo’ak, one night he comes back after a fight, again, and you try to get him to tell you what made him so angry. you’re mixed (human mother and na’avi father)
ღ warnings: fight, insecurity, don’t really think it needs more warnings, it’s kinda just fluff i wouldn’t really consider it an angst.
ღ note: this is the first avatar stuff i write, and yes i’m aware of his age we’re the same age, anyway, english is not my first language ;) enjoy!
Once again, you were just sitting there after a whole day of working with your new people, you were just about to go to bed when you heard someone entering the room.
You looked up to see, once again, your injured boyfriend, you couldn’t believe your eyes.
He had bruises and was cut on his arms, he obviously had a fight with someone.
“Hey” you hear as your eyes become black, “You idiot.” you get up and walk to him, your face said it all, you were mixed with anger and worries.
“I just-” he started but of course, you cut him off “No no no, i don’t wanna hear any of your stupid excuses, i don’t care anymore.”
Lo’ak had been in fights before, every single time he came up to you, injured, with a smile hoping for you to help him.
“Sit here.” he listened, mouth shut he sat down, waiting for you to come back with all your stuff to take care of his wounds.
You came back, still not saying a word, the silence was painful, you stood in front of him as he looked up to talk to you, you didn’t even give him one sight.
“Y/N…” you gave him a death stare, of course you were going to help him but you refused to hear him.
“You promised me you would start actually fighting with words and not with your fists! You do really believe that i was going to take you in my arms and nurse you tonight? There’s no way. No way.” You screamed at him, tears coming in your eyes, he didn’t think it would hurt you that much, he really had a reason to fight every time he did.
“I-had-a-reason.” he took your hands, looking up to you, you turned your head to look at him with a pout, trying not to cry as you were really tired of your day.
“Can i tell you the story or are you gonna throw things at my face?” Lo’ak asked raising his eyebrows.
You nodded, waiting for him to talk, “I was with my brother and we were hanging out with some guys from here and they started to talk about girls, and we just started arguing because one stupid asshole said things about you.”
He looked sincere, “So you hit him? Lo’ak you are a good guy don’t you know how to contain yourself? What could he say to make you so mad to the point that you got so injured?” you were seriously trying to understand what crossed his mind.
“Trust me, you don’t wanna know.” he replied looking at you, you rolled your eyes “I don’t care about what they said, i care about you and your health.” you answer, letting go of his hands to clean his wounds.
“Wouldn’t you stand up for me if girls talked about me like that?”
“I would, but i wouldn’t punch them and come back to you half dead.” you mock him, “Ouch! That hurt!” he dared to complain.
“Ah!, that’s what you get for being such an idiot. I can’t believe you.”
“You’re really mad at me, huh?”
“Of course i am. But i understand why you got mad.” you admitted, calming down a bit.
“Why does it matter so much, y/n?” he asked, searching for an eye contact, taking your hands back in his,
“I don’t know. I don’t like seeing you like this, hurt. You have to understand that it hurts me too.” you finally looked at him in the eyes.
“Y/n, my love, i am so sorry.” hearing this, you’re kind of relieved, you really deserved an apology.
“Thank you, for defending me though…” you said, tidying the stuff you used to patch him up.
You heard him giggling a bit then felt his hands on your waist, then he laughed letting his head fall on your stomach while you were still standing and he was sitting.
“What? what’s so funny?” you replied a bit offended.
“Nothing, you’re cute when you’re angry.” he answered, mocking you.
“Oh fuck off Lo’ak!” you giggled then pushed his hands off of you, you turned your back and he was already standing.
He took you by your hips and turned you around to face him, “What can i do to gain your forgiveness?” he smirked.
“Start by stopping your stupid fights and also, don’t expect anything you’re way too injured for that.” you said with a sad face to make fun of him too.
“I’m never too injured.”
“Oh yeah?” you said pressing a bit one of his wounds on his arm as he screamed out of pain.
“Alright, bedtime now.” you quickly kissed him before running to your bed, happy you got your revenge.
You heard him sighing then he laid down next to you, looking at the ceiling.
You tried to fall asleep but you kept thinking and thinking, you noticed Lo’ak didn’t even really try to sleep he was just laying here.
You turned around, watching him closely, something was keeping you awake, your curiosity really wanted to know why these boys upset him so much when they talked about you.
“Psst…Lo’ak?” you pushed his arm a bit, he turned his head with a questioning face, “What? What’s wrong?” he sounded a bit worried as you usually say goodnight and instantly fall asleep.
“What did they say? The boys?” you were a bit embarrassed to ask that to your boyfriend, it felt a bit weird.
“It doesn’t matter, why do you want to know that?” he really didn’t want to tell you for some reason.
“Please, just tell me i can’t sleep i just keep thinking about it…” you beg him.
“Y/n, i love you, i don’t want to say that to you.” he smiled, holding your hand.
“Come on, was it that bad?” you started to worry about it.
“No no, it’s just, you know, we don’t care about what they think, right?” Lo’ak tried to reassure you as much as he could.
“Well, it’s not that i care but i wanna know what made you lose your mind like that.”
“It was at the same time, bad compliments and degrading things that’s it.” he made a small smile and then gave you a peck on your lips before just stopping the conversation to go back to sleep.
He pulled you closer to him, in his arms, but
you were still so upset, you really needed to know, it somehow mattered.
♡ ♡ ♡
Of course, the next day, you didn’t want to ask Lo’ak about it again, so, you knew Neteyam was there when the fight happened, the only way to learn about these bad compliments was to go beg Neteyam to tell you.
During the day, you were cooking with Neytiri when you just sneaked out to find Neteyam.
When you finally found him near the beach you ran up to him, after a little talk you finally brought up the fight.
“Yesterday, Lo’ak came back after a fight with some guys, he told me he was with you.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry i couldn’t dissuade him to jump into that fight.” he apologized scratching the back of his head.
“No worries, it’s just that, you know, he refuses to tell me what the boys could’ve said to make him so angry, I had hoped that you would resolve that mystery.”
“Well, it’s not really flattering y/n. Not sure it would be really useful for you to know that.”
“Oh come on give me a break just tell me and i’ll go.” you were tired of begging for someone to just tell you.
“Okay, okay…I don’t remember it entirely i just know one said things about your body, nice ass and all, they said they’d mate with you then another said you were too human, they just talked about you as if we weren’t there, dirty things, stuff about your human blood. I wanted us to go but Lo’ak definitely wanted to kill them.”
After Neteyam told you, you thought you’d feel relieved but in fact, it kinda hurt. They talked about you like a piece of meat in front of your actual mate and all this story about your origins made you sick.
“Oh- alright, thank you Neteyam, see you later.” you tapped his shoulder and then came back to Neytiri.
♡ ♡ ♡
“What is wrong, dear? You seem somewhere else.” she asked, as you were lost in your mind.
“Do you think i look too human?” you sincerely questioned.
“I don’t think any of you look “too” human, you are mixed, this is how you are, having 5 fingers and being a bit smaller than the others doesn’t make you one of the sky people.” Neytiri honestly replied.
You smiled to her, she saw you like she saw her kids, just a bit different but that’s not how you saw things.
You were more human then them, at least you looked more human, and it was no secret, everybody knew it.
You weren’t just a bit smaller and had more fingers, you were a bit lighter, your eyes were smaller too and they were darker. You really looked different.
♡ ♡ ♡
The whole day, you were just questioning yourself about what some stupid teenagers said about you.
That night, when you and Lo’ak found each other in your room, he immediately noticed something was wrong.
“Y/n? are you listening?”
“Huh? you weren’t listening… Sorry i wasn’t paying attention.” you smiled at him.
“Are you okay?” he walked to you.
You of course said you were fine, Lo’ak made a small pause and then talked.
“I’m gonna be completely honest with you, Neteyam told me that he told you what the boys said. And he explained that you took it great so…”
“I did, i don’t care about what they said it was simple curiosity.” you lie very very badly.
“Mmh mmh…y/n who do you think you’re fooling right now? You’re doing that thing with your ears when you lie.” he laughed.
“Wh-what ear thing are you even talking about?”
“Don’t change the subject.” Lo’ak replied, tickling your left ear.
“Fine, i just, i don’t know i thought i wouldn’t care but then i thought what if my chest is too this or my ass is too that and then my body is too human and…you know.” you admitted, looking down in shame.
“It’s okay, i didn’t want to tell you because i knew you would question yourself and get insecure. You are perfect. You should’ve seen how ugly these guys were, and still they were judging the most beautiful woman that they’ll ever see. I wish i could lend you my eyes to look at yourself, you’d see how amazing you are. And you and i, with our 5 fingers, we’re Na’avis, and our human part is only genetic, nothing about our heart is from the sky people.”
A little tear rolled down your cheek, you were always scared to not be enough for your people, especially for Lo’ak.
“I, see you.” he whispered to you before he put both his hands on your face, he pulled you into a huge comforting hug, kissing the top of your head, as you were gaining your confidence back into his arms.
You definitely needed to hear that, that’s probably why you wanted to know what the boys said, because you don’t really believe that you’re perfect.
You were so glad your boyfriend was like you, you understand him. You see him.
thanks for reading me, hope you enjoyed that ;)
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diacripticcomplex · 7 months
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Quick lil Shu x Yui smutfic
Shu’s POV:
“Want a hit?” I ask her, I can sense the judgment on her. She always pretends she’s some innocent girl, not so innocent when she screams out my name, not so innocent when she’s making those slutty faces…I do enjoy those faces. But I only enjoy them since I’m the reason she makes those faces. “No Shu I don’t think you should smoke either it’s bad for your lungs-“ she begins to say, and I couldn’t help but open my mouth to cut her off. “How many times have I told you…? I’m a vampire something as silly as weed won’t do anything to my lungs. Though it barely does anything to humans as well..” I finish, and take another hit from my joint. I was feeling nice and calm not thinking of anything treacherous. Ah the song on right now, it’s a good one, I just want to listen to it in peace.
But I can’t, she’s right in front of me, making her faces as usual she always looks like she wants something from me, if not my fangs tearing her throat then she wants me holding her legs as I take her into a world filled with desire. I’ll never admit it to her but I do love fucking her. I love those faces, I love the sounds she makes it’s also music to my ears, I wouldn’t mind listening to her music right about now either. She’s already standing in front of me I might as well..
“Why are you still standing there as if you have something you need from me?” I questioned her, not really caring for her answer but she answers regardless I already know what she will say, she’s so predictable it’s honestly hilarious. “I just don’t think you should be sitting out here in the cold, smoking…” she pleads, her eyes make a look of pity, now I hated that look. “Alright then…come here and warm me up.” I reply with that, and grab her, she’s light as a feather in my hands, humans really are so fragile, I’m so high right now I don’t even want her blood I just want her in my arms, I want her to scream out my name and beg for me to let her finish. I want to see her slutty faces.
She’s squirming around like a fish, it makes me chuckle and she yells at me saying it’s not a laughing matter, I manage to get her onto my lap, her name is exposed in front of me but I really don’t wanna bite her, she’s got such a pretty nape, so many marks on it…I smirk at that, it’s like art. I trace the marks with my cold fingers and she jolts back. “Your hands are so cold! Let’s go back inside…who smokes in a crypt anyway??” She questions me, I take her hand and put it to my lips and give her an icy kiss. “Obviously I do..” I answer back, kissing her hand some more, they were so soft and warm she tasted great too. A little nibble would be nice, I scrap my fang on her finger and she winced at the sting that sound was delightful. I wanted to hear more.
“Wanna sit on my face?” I say to her, opening up one of my eyes, I was smirking slightly so maybe she thought I was joking but I did want her to take a seat on my face. She starts blushing, the the way her cheeks get red that’s adorable, I’d like to make her other cheeks red with my hand prints too…fuck why does weed always make me so horny. “ your face is bright red, and you’re not answering, are you considering it?” I tease her, I start touching her thighs and snake my hands up her shirt, pushing past that silly bra she has on, she doesn’t need to wear those…I’d much prefer to see her free those Hershey kisses shaped nipples.
Her nipples felt so nice in my fingers, she would twitch and jolt everytime I twisted and flicked them, fuck. I could do this all day. I noticed her legs fidgeting, they would open more and more I took that as an opportunity to stick my hand in her shorts, I liked that she wore shorts it was so easy to just snake my way into them. I slide her panties to the side and start stroking her sensitive area, and my oh my it was soaking. Her body really does betray her. I begin fingering her, I want to drink some of her juices, after a few more moments of fingering and stroking her I take out my fingers and lick them. She tastes so fucking good. I pull her on top of me, and rip off her clothes, it was very easy to do as well.
She’s a horny mess right now too she’s being very obedient and not fighting me. I like that, she parks her dripping self on my face, oh man it looks so nice too, and tastes even better, im sucking slurping it, flicking my tongue up and down and side to side going faster then slowing down when she would start panting, her moans are really music to my ears, she just sounds so good right now. Her moans are getting more and more high pitched, it sounds like she’s going to climax soon, I took my thumb and started to rub on her clit, while still eating it and she’s crying out my name now. And then she climaxes squirting all over my face, I gladly guzzled that down. “I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to make a mess all over you” she begins apologizing. “It’s quite fine, but if you’re so sorry you can let me make a mess all over you..” I say and take her off of me, then I push her to the wall of the crypt.
I got rock hard eating her out…I pressed myself up against her butt, so she could feel how hard I was and how difficult it was about to be for her. I pulled my pants down slightly and my piece came out, I pushed her up against the wall and lifted up one of her legs then shoved my piece deep within her, man I love fucking her, she was begging and crying for me to be more gently but I was going even more fast and rough I liked hearing her cries. She’s my prey after all, the sweet sound of a prey crying for me …it really gets me going.
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pedroscurls · 9 months
Third Time’s A Charm (epilogue)
Character(s): Frankie “Catfish” Morales and Reader (female, second person POV)  Summary: You and Frankie get married. Word Count: 1,809 Author's Note: Thank you everyone for reading this story. It was truly so much fun to write and I also wanna thank you for sticking with me to the end. It’s been a rough past couple of weeks, so thank you for being patient with me. I had this sudden urge to write again... Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! (inspiration dress and hair.) Warning: None.
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“Will’s gonna take her, Molly, and Tess to the venue and we’ll meet them there,” Santiago said, walking into the room with Benny. 
It was going to be a very casual and small wedding, held on the beach just right before the sunset. Santiago would be officiating the wedding while Benny and Will would stand next to Frankie, and Tess and Molly next to you. You and Frankie decided not to have a big, extravagant wedding mainly because both of you were already too excited to just already be married. You both decided to just invite the people that mattered most, the ones that had seen your relationship from the beginning. 
“How’d she look?” Frankie asked. He was dressed in a white button-down shirt, tucked into a pair of fitted black slacks. He slid on his black suit jacket and ran his hands across the sleeves, releasing any creases or wrinkles. 
“Amazing,” Benny smiled. “But I mean, she always looks amazing, so–”
“You’ll just have to wait and see, hermano,” Santiago said with a smile. Santiago, Benny, and Will were all wearing the same attire: white button-down shirts and black slacks. The guys didn’t bother with wearing nice shoes since you and Frankie decided to be barefoot while on the beach, exchanging vows. 
“You nervous?” Benny asked.
Frankie shook his head. “Just want to get married to her already. I’m more impatient than anything,” he laughed. “She’s gonna be Mrs. Francisco Morales in a little over an hour and I just can’t wait.” 
Santiago smiled, looking over at Benny and then back at Will. “She said the same thing.”
“I just wish Tom was here to see it too,” Frankie said with a sigh. “He’d probably say something like about time,” he smiled sadly. 
Benny and Santiago both let out a quiet sigh. “I think he knew that this was bound to happen anyway. Besides, Tess and Molly will be there too.” 
“I know,” Frankie nodded. 
“You got your vows?” Santiago asked.
He smiled. “Didn’t need to write them down.”
“Seriously?” Benny said with a shocked expression. “What happens if you forget what to say?” 
“I won’t,” Frankie said with a nod. 
“You gonna speak from the heart?” Benny asked.
“Exactly,” Frankie replied. “She’s all I ever wanted, Ben. It’ll be easy to express the love I have for her.” 
Santiago and Benny smiled. “Alright, lover boy. Let’s get you married,” Benny said. 
Frankie ran a hand through his hair as he wiggled his toes in the warm sand. The sun was starting to set, casting a perfect sunset along the water. The waves were low and quiet, crashing against each other as Benny and Will stood next to him. Santiago was facing the aisle, reaching over to rest a hand on Frankie’s shoulder. 
“You deserve this, Frankie,” Santiago said. 
Benny and Will smiled in agreement. “Are we gonna get to see you cry?” 
Frankie rolled his eyes, but answered truthfully. “I guess we’ll see.” 
Molly and Tess were standing across from Frankie and the rest of the guys, flashing them an excited grin. It still felt unnatural not to have Tom here, but being there for each other helped; time did too. 
Then, everyone’s gaze shifted and so did Frankie’s. He felt his breath being taken away at the sight of you. Your hair was braided in an updo, several strands of curled hair just falling from your face. Your dress had subtle ruffles towards the ends of your dress with an accentuated v-neck in the front and back, as well as sheer, laced sleeves. The warm orange tinge of the sunset casted a glow and the soft winds that swept past you made time stand still as Frankie watched you walk towards him. 
He felt tears sting his eyes; he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be able to get to marry you. 
“She’s beautiful,” Benny whispered. 
“Lucky sonofabitch,” Santiago teased.
Will chuckled and looked over at Frankie who was captured by your presence, just like always. 
“What did I do to deserve her?” Frankie whispered quietly, bringing a hand to wipe away his tears. “I’m never letting her go.” 
When you saw Frankie, you felt your heart beat faster and the butterflies fill your tummy. It was like you had fallen in love with him all over again. Frankie rarely dressed up, but when he did, he always left you speechless. His white button down shirt was tucked into his black slacks, paired with a black suit jacket. 
Your eyes were locked on his as you continued to walk towards him. Frankie had always looked at you like you were the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on and even now, with tears in his eyes, he was still looking at you like you were the only person in this world that mattered to him. 
As you reached Frankie, he held out a hand for you that you eagerly took. You stood in front of him, holding both of his hands in yours.
“Hi,” you whispered.
“You’re absolutely beautiful, hermosa,” Frankie replied. 
You blushed, squeezing his hands as you forced yourself not to lean in to give him a kiss. “And you look handsome. You gotta dress up more often,” you teased.
“As long as you’re happy, I’ll do anything for you.” 
Santiago smiled and interrupted, “Well, let’s get you guys married.”
“Thank you for doing this, Santi,” you smiled. 
Santiago nodded with a smile and began speaking, watching as you and Frankie kept your eyes solely on each other. It was a fitting end to your story with each other. Of all the tribulations, the ups and downs, the things you both had to go through to get to where you were now, Santiago was the one person who was glad to see that it all worked out. He knew that when he set you and Frankie up together that it was a match made in heaven… And even despite the couple of breakups, Santiago always knew you both would work your way back to each other. 
He could see the love written all over your features, the love you had for each other, the hope and excitement of what the future would bring. 
Santiago said your name, watching as you looked up at him. “Do you have your vows ready?” 
You smiled and nodded, turning around to grab the paper from Tess. You unfolded it and kept one hand holding Frankie’s as you began to speak. 
“Francisco, no one has ever made me feel the way that you do. You’ve always been my safe place… Being in your arms, in your presence, is something I’m always going to want. And the amount of love I have for you just grows more and more each day. I promise to always be by your side, even when things get tough. I promise to always fight for us, for you, and for our relationship.” Tears pooled around your eyes and you released Frankie’s hand to wipe at your eyes with a tissue that Tess gave you. 
Letting out a quiet breath, you continued. 
“For everything we’ve been through, Frankie, it was all worth it because it led us to where we are now. I can’t wait to call you my husband and to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Santiago smiled and then turned to Frankie.
“And you, hermano?” 
Frankie bit his lower lip and reached up to cup your cheek, running his thumb across your cheek to swipe away your fallen tear. “I didn’t write anything because everything I have to say is something I’ve always wanted to tell you.” 
You smiled, leaning against his touch. You turned your head to gently press your lips against the inside of his wrist. “I love you,” you whispered.
Frankie smiled. “I love you so much, hermosa. I don’t know what I did in this life to ever deserve you, but I promise that I’ll always be the man you deserve. It’s always been you. After our first date, I remember telling the guys that I was going to marry you,” he said quietly. “You have always been by my side, even when it wasn’t easy on you and you have no idea how much that means to me.” Tears were now stinging his eyes and it was your turn to reach up and cup his cheek. 
“There’s no one else I’d rather be with than you. I can’t say that our life will be easy, or that it will be perfect, but I promise you that I will always do my best. I don’t ever want to live life without you and I can’t wait for what the future holds for us. Most of all, I can’t wait to finally call you my wife, hermosa.” 
Frankie tried to lean in to kiss you before Santiago cleared his throat, causing him to pull back with a quiet chuckle.
“Sorry,” he said.
Santiago smiled. “We’re almost there, don’t worry.” Then he motioned to Tess, who was carrying both of their rings. You turned around and took it from her with a smile, turning back to face Frankie. With both of you holding each other’s rings, Santiago turned his attention to you first.
“Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?” 
You smiled, sliding the ring onto Frankie’s finger. “I do.” 
Santiago nodded with a grin and turned to Frankie, repeating the same words. 
“Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?” 
“With all my heart, I do,” Frankie answered, sliding the ring onto your finger. 
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Morales, you may now kiss.”
“Finally,” Frankie grinned. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around your waist. You leaned up on your toes and snaked your arms around his shoulders. 
“Mrs. Morales,” he whispered. 
“Finally,” you repeated, finally leaning in to press your lips against his.
Frankie sighed contentedly against your lips, moving his own slowly with yours. The sounds of clapping mixed in with the sounds of waves and when you pulled back to look up at him, the sun was finally setting, a glow surrounding the both of you.
“I love you, Frankie. You make me so happy…”
“I love you too, hermosa. Thank you for making me the luckiest man alive.” 
“Third time’s a charm, huh?” you teased.
Frankie grinned, resting his forehead against yours. “Third time’s a charm,” he repeated.
Taglist: @harriedandharassed, @tanzthompson, @casa-boiardi. @bitchwitch1981. @painitemoondust, @pedritosdarling, @vanemando15, @kittenlittle24​, @gracie7209​, @your-voice-is-mellifluous​, @mikeyswifie
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harlowcomehome · 1 year
“Our last Valentine’s Day before baby Hazel.”
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You were due with Hazel just next month which meant you were heavily pregnant and uncomfortable. Jack was squeezing as much studio time in as he could, and trying to finish up all of his projects before the baby came.
The two of you had had a brief conversation about Valentine’s Day, you didn’t wanna make a big deal out of it because you knew the both of you were simultaneously losing your mind getting ready for this big change in your lives.
You both agreed that you weren’t going to make a big deal out of it this year, but because of your hormones, you felt regretful of that conversation.
You had come to the realization that this would be your last Valentine’s Day just you two.
So, you called your mother in law and the two of you went out shopping, neither one of you ever really needing an excuse to.
“I don’t know what to get him, you know how he is about gifts” you giggled as you waddled down the aisles with her.
“And I know how you are about gifts too” she teased and you laughed, “I can’t help it! It’s how I show love.”
“What about one of those massage chairs? His scoliosis has been killing him and it’s only going to get worse when he has to carry a baby around the house” you sighed.
“That baby is going to be seven pounds tops” she laughed and you did too.
“You know how dramatic your son is” you laughed before continuing “It’s crazy that next month she’ll already be here” you sighed as you waited for someone to assist you in ordering the massage chair.
The next day was Valentine’s Day and you woke up alone, Jacks chair was going to get delivered soon and you had hoped that by some miracle he had decided to spend Valentine’s Day with you anyway.
You started to clean up the kitchen, you always cleaned when you were upset. After that it didn’t take long before the delivery showed up at your door. You showed them where to put the chair, and thanked them, tipping heavily.
You started to cry, because a guilt was growing inside of you because you had high hopes for today. You placed a bow on the chair, and started to get ready for a shower.
When you had got out of the shower you had a missed call from Jack, you rolled your eyes and continued to get ready for the day. You knew he worried because your were heavily pregnant but you were too upset for rational thinking at the moment.
Meanwhile Jack was at the studio with Clay and Nemo.
“Shouldn’t you be with your wife today?” Nemo asked concerned.
“Yeah, I have a whole plan for today but she’s not answering any of my calls” Jack said worriedly.
“She’s probably pissed at you” Clay laughed “I mean she’s super pregnant and I’m sure she’s emotional.”
“She probably thinks you forgot what today is” Nemo replied.
“Well we both agreed not to do anything today but I know her better than that” Jack laughed.
“So you do have a plan right?” Clay asked nervously.
“The entire back seat of my car is full of flowers and gifts” Jack laughed and both Nemo and Clay sighed in relief.
“I’m definitely going to head home because she’s either giving birth on our kitchen floor or ignoring me” he joked but also it was clear he was nervous.
You had just finished getting ready for the day when you heard the front door open, you usually met him in the living room or at the door but you didn’t today which stressed him out even more.
You continued to ignore him.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” He started to stress and you heard footsteps coming toward the bedroom.
“You scared me. I was worried you were having the baby or something” he joked and you gave him a half smile.
“What’s the matter baby?” He walked over to you and you shrugged.
“Just hormonal today” you lied and he knew it.
“Wait here, I have a surprise for you but I need like 30-40 minutes?” He smiled and you tried to hide your excitement but you agreed to stay in the bedroom.
When Jack went back outside to his car he noticed Clay was parked outside, “you’ll get this done a lot quicker with help” Clay laughed and the two of them ran in and out of the house setting up flowers, balloons, gift bags and other small decorations.
“Next year I’m hiring someone for this” Jack laughed before taking an exhausted breath and thanking his little brother.
When he came back to the bedroom you were laying down scrolling on your phone.
“Come with me?” He helped you off the bed and put slippers on your swollen feet.
You walked out into your living room/dining room area and saw the flowers, balloons, gifts and more.
“Jack, I thought you weren’t doing anything today” your eyes began to water and he turned to you.
“I know you better than that” he laughed, wiping your tears that began to fall.
“I ordered some food that’ll be delivered here soon but I got us a cake, chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling grape juice” he laughed and you tried to hold it together. Truly touched by your husbands actions.
“I was so mad at you because I thought you weren’t going to do anything but then I was mad at myself because I’m the one who told you not to” you rubbed your belly as you continued to cry.
“You’re pregnant, I knew you didn’t mean it” he laughed before continuing “This is our last Valentine’s Day just the two of us, I knew better than to skip it, come on” he laughed and you did too before giving him a kiss. His hands immediately rubbing on your big belly.
“Did you see your gift?” You smiled and he shook his head.
“I was so busy running in and out I guess I didn’t notice it” he confessed and you guided him over to his new massage chair.
“I got you a massage chair for your back” you said proudly and he sat down in it immediately. He started moaning and it made you laugh, “don’t do that too much, a massage is what got us here” you winked and he turned the chair off before following you.
When the food arrived the two of you reminisced about your past valentines together. Discussing your first one together was almost a Valentine’s Day tradition.
“Did you really think I wasn’t doing anything today?” Jack said in between bites and you giggled, hiding your face.
“It’s the hormones” you responded shyly and he laughed.
“I’ll let you get away with it this time” he winked before pointing to the gift bags aligned against the wall.
“Do you wanna open your presents now?” Jack smiled and you nodded. He stood up, handing you a small bag first.
“Geez, I wonder what this is” you giggle sarcastically opening your bottle of perfume. Jack had gotten you a new bottle every Valentine’s Day since the first.
“Your cologne is on your nightstand” you giggled, following the same tradition.
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miuszn · 1 year
Ok i Just found my new fav writer 🤍so i NEED to ask this ( do It only if you want)
What about an ellie x fem!reader where they go out on Patrol ,they run into a lot of zombies of every type , ellie gets bit and reader sees It so now ellie needs to explain the whole immunity thing and reader believes her ,
They go back to Jackson where Joel (lets Say he skipped golf lessons this time) finds out and freaks out and gets mad at ellie cause She wasnt supposed to tell anyone so he wants ellie to break up with reader but ellie doesnt want to so they fight and ellie goes back to reader for comfort
Its up to you if Joel and ellie fix this whole argument thing
(also Sorry if my english Is perfect🤍)
hiii anon <33 first of all i’m so honored u consider me ur fav writer i never expected to get so much love from the community so fast im rlly grateful to all of u hehe <33 . anyway , i rlly love ur idea !! i decided to write a short drabble instead because i’m working on another fic but i still wanna post some stuff while i’m working on that , hope ur fine w that 🥹🩷 ( note : this is an alternate universe where ellie already forgave joel and they were starting to fix their relationship .. also this might be kinda ooc especially joel bc i’ve never written him before eheh )
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
you weren’t sure how it happened. you were only gone for a second, you swore, and somehow ellie got bit. you knew it was a bad idea to leave her in a room full of clickers, but you knew she was strong and should’ve been able to clear them out with ease. the second you saw the small bite mark on her hand, you realized what had happened. your heart sank. in a panic, you burst into tears and kept apologizing over and over for about 15 minutes until ellie was able to calm you down and explained to you that she’s immune, leaving out the details of the whole situation with joel and the fireflies. of course, you didn’t believe her. it seemed ridiculous. how the hell would someone be immune and not be out there in some lab being researched or whatever, like in movies?
it took you a while to believe her, but eventually, you did. you helped wrap her hand with bandages so no one would see the note mark, because the less people knew, the better.
you were distraught for the rest of the day. you felt horrible. she kept telling you there’s no need to keep apologizing, but you still felt the need to. what if that had been someone else? what if ellie wasn’t immune? how the hell was she immune in the first place? so many questions ran through your head.
later that night, you laid awake still thinking about today. you were disappointed with yourself for what you did, yet still so confused.
you heard some knocking on your window, and looked out to see ellie. you opened your window and let her in. she sat on your bed next to you.
“what’re you doing here?” you asked.
“just wanted to check on you,” she replied, “and. uh. joel’s kinda mad.”
you were confused. you wondered how he even found out, but it’s like she read your mind and answered.
“i told him about what happened today. just casually. and he completely lost it.”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“i can’t believe that girl let you get bit.” joel wasn’t even looking ellie in the eye. he was extremely disappointed in both of you.
“it wasn’t her fuckin’ fault, joel! i didn’t think anything bad would happen either! if you’re gonna blame anyone, blame me-“
“i’m blamin’ the both of you! what the fuck did you think was gonna happen back there? leaving you in a room full of clickers to fend for yourself? now one more person knows about you bien’ immune and all. god knows if she can even keep a secret.”
“what the fuck makes you think shes just gonna tell everyone? she’s not like that at all. why the hell are you acting like you don’t know that-“
“why the hell are you actin’ like that girl’s any good for you? all she does is get you into trouble.”
ellie went silent. she was shocked at how different he was acting. all this time he had been so nice to you, not once showing a sign of not trusting you or disliking you. she was conflicted, and in the heat of the moment, she just turned around and left, fuming with anger. she was starting to wonder if joel was actually right, but realized that was such a stupid thought. the worst part is, she wasn’t even sure if he meant it. now she didn’t know what to do. just as they were starting to fix things, life threw another curveball at them.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
you were hurt by what ellie was saying. his words just further fueled the thoughts in the back of your mind saying that this was all your fault. but ellie realized this and tried her best to comfort you. she kept saying it wasn’t your fault, that she fucked up too, that she’s sure he didn’t mean it and he was just angry. while you were hurt by his words, that wasn’t your main concern. you thought about how this incident just further damaged their already broken bond that they’ve been trying to fix these days. you felt like because of you, all that progress was thrown away in less than 24 hours. and it was an ugly feeling. you felt even worse than you did before, and you didn’t know what to do.
“ellie..” you placed your hand on hers, “i’m sorry.” you started to tear up.
“hey..” she pulled you close and hugged you.
“it’s just.. i don’t know what exactly happened with you and joel. you don’t have to tell me. and everything is getting better now and i’m just scared i’ve ruined it and i just-“
“hey,” she interrupted you, “don’t worry about that, okay? it’s not your fault. i’ll.. i’ll figure it out. you don’t have to worry about me and joel. we’ll be fine.”
“are you going to forgive him for it?”
“i’m not sure,” she sighed. “if he didn’t mean it, maybe. but if he did, i doubt i can.”
“i don’t want you to lose progress with him just because of me..”
“we’ll be fine. please.. just.. stop worrying, okay?”
you nodded hesitantly.
while the guilt of possibly extending the process of ellie’s forgiveness of joel would continue to exist within you, at least for as long as it took her to finally reconcile with him, you were grateful to have her by your side. and you were sure to be with her every step of the way.
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madebyrolo · 4 months
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Chapter 9
ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟ ⋆。°
ꔮ ⋆ ‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅
It’s been a couple days since the beach hangout, and y/n has been going down to the reservation a lot more ever since. Ever since her and a Paul finally met she’s been itching to see him again. She seen him once on the Rez, he was hanging around then the second time he was just “passing through” just sent a wave then vanished. She’s back at the Rez and she hasn’t seen him since.
“Hey Jake” she said walking into the workshop
“Hey y/n/n” he said working on his car
“Whatcha doin” she asked
“I’m just fixing the transmission, it started slipping and shaking so I’m just checking the fluids.” He said
“Ah yes” she replied
“You dont understand a thing do you” he said with a chuckle
“Ah yes” she repeated answering his question
“So when when are the other boys coming by?” By boys she meant Paul.
“Quil and Embry are grounded so it’s just us” Jacob said
“Cool cool, just like old times” y/n said with a smile “what about Jared and Paul…” smooth y/n.
A part of Jacob tensed up hearing y/n ask “so um they aren’t gonna be here for awhile” he said while grabbing a tool
“Why?” She asked concerned
“Well they’re kinda sticking to them self’s right now” he said turning the tool
“What do you mean?” he sighs and sets down the tools trying to figure out how to tell her without letting her know.
“In a way they hit puberty. Like not like in a boy way but in a tribal way. They mature and somewhat grew more into their own self. Sam was the first so he kinda took them and made his own little pack” Jacob said.
“So what they’re like the cool kids now? Sam’s the alpha” Y/n joked
“Yes actually, he is” Jacob said
“Oh, so what they aren’t allowed to come here anymore? I haven’t seen Paul in a while”
“They think they’re better than us. The ones who haven’t shifted” the word slipped out of his mouth.
“What do you mean shifted ?”
“Look, I can’t say much but they don’t wanna hang out with the “normies” basically.Now that they have Jared, they formed at little pack, a little gang. now let it go” He scolded her
“Okay! geez chill out” she said rolling her eyes
“Alright sorry that was rude. What’s up with your interest in Paul anyways?” He asked
“I don’t know” she said kicking her legs off the stool
“He’s seems nice. When I met him on the beach-”
“Y/n he’s not nice. Well not anymore anyways”
“What ?” She asked
“Like I said, he thinks he’s better than anyone els, the whole group. Sam has them skipping school and just going off in the woods doing patr- whatever they’re doing.”
“I just thought-”
“Y/n please don’t hang out with them. They’re not the good guys anymore. Emily has that scar for a reason.”
“Oh my god did they hurt her ?” She asked worried
“No she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Not saying what Sam did was wrong but you just have to becarful around them now’s. It’s worst this time around.” Jacob said
“Wait what do you mean? With shifted, “worst this time around”, packs?-”
“Enough just drop it! I can’t say much they wouldn’t allow it.” He snarked
“Well for not being allowed to say much you sure do keep on talking.” She said defending herself
“Let’s just do something els alright?” Jacob offered to try to dissolved the tension
“Fine. Let’s make something to eat im starving”
y/n hops off the stool following Jacob towards his homes. They walk in the little red house and taking their muddy shoes off and heading into the kitchen.
“Alright what you got ?”y/n asked
“We can make subs, corn, pasta, fish,”
“Let’s do corn.”
“Grilled or boiled?”
“Grilled. That’s the only way Jacob.”
As they start prepping the corn to put it on the stove. As they cook it they start talking catching up, Jacob trying to make her forget about what they talked about earlier. As the corn finished cook y/n grabs it off the stove and puts them on separate plates going to the fridge and grabbing 2 things.
“Mayo and cheese ? What are you doing with that” Jacob asked
“I’m making an elote, my dad used to make them when we were younger. Here try it” she said taking her prepared elote and giving it to him to try. He takes a bite and his eye light up
“Mhhm this is soo good oh my god!” He said while taking it away from her.
“Yeah sure take mine.” She said sarcastically
She finishes her and they sit and talk while having dinner.
Y/n slowly starting to forget about Paul but she’ll never forget what Jacob said.
“Shifting, pack, alpha” those words slowing gracing her mind. If she didn’t know any better she would say they sounded like wolfs. But that’s just silly.
˚ ࣪𖤐⋆⭒˚‧₊ ִֶָ☾.
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bisamwilson · 2 years
Sam bustles around the kitchen, cleaning off counters he’d deep cleaned two days ago, grabbing dishes out of the dishwasher that really could wait until tomorrow morning, putting some elbow grease into trying to get out the stubborn spot on their stove that’s been there since they moved in and that Bucky’s not sure will ever go away. They’ve been home from their last mission about a sum total of fifteen minutes, and Sam’s still in frenzy mode.
If there’s anything Bucky’s learned in all the years he’s been around his partner, it’s that Sam’s never really quite figured out how to slow it down.
Good thing Bucky’s always happy to help.
He straightens up from where he’s leaning against their kitchen’s entryway and walks over towards Sam, purposefully making his footfalls a little louder than normal so he doesn’t sneak up behind him.
“We’ve been awake for almost thirty-six hours, sweetheart,” Bucky almost croons, cozying up behind Sam and wrapping his hands around his front. Bucky himself doesn’t really need the sleep—not the way that Sam does—but he’s found Sam’s a little bit more willing to be pulled into slumber if they’ve both gone without for a while.
Just a little, though.
“I’m so close to getting this grease stain out,” Sam says, huffing a bit between words, his metaphorical feathers ruffled up, trying his best to resist Bucky’s attempts to get him to sleep.
Bucky knows Sam isn’t getting that stain out, knows that vibranium wool wouldn’t be enough to get that stain out, but Sam’s working at it like he’ll get it out if it’s the last thing he ever does, Bucky’s soft crooning be damned.
Time to bring out the big guns, Bucky thinks, nuzzling at Sam’s neck before peppering soft kisses all over it.
It slows Sam down enough that Bucky knows he’s at least got an opportunity here, so he kisses a little slower, a little more sensual.
They’re both too tired to do anything tonight, but neck kisses have always been Sam’s kryptonite; they might be the only thing capable of distracting him when he’s this wound up.
The mission hadn’t exactly been a pretty one, after all.
“Wanna snuggle up to you tonight, angel,” he whispers in between kisses, voice soft and adoring. “Hold you all night long, keep you warm.”
That’s the last push Sam needs to relax his shoulders, setting his cleaning supplies over to the side and breathing in deeply as Bucky places one last kiss on his neck.
“Ready for bed, angel?” Bucky asks, as quiet as he can, and Sam just turns around in his arms in answer, wrapping his own arms around Bucky’s back and tucking his face into the crook of Bucky’s neck instead.
“Shower first?” he mumbles, the already quiet question muffled by the words being spoken into his neck, but Bucky hears him anyway, bending down just enough to pick Sam up, wrapping his legs around his waist and carrying him off to the shower.
Sam doesn’t take his face out of the crook of Bucky’s neck until he’s placed back on his feet, the warm spray at his back still cooler than the feeling of Bucky’s hands on his abdomen, sudsing him up.
It’s a quick shower, warm but mostly utilitarian, a few kisses when Bucky just can’t help himself aside. They dry off only enough to not be uncomfortable between the sheets, and Bucky picks an already almost asleep Sam up one last time to carry him over to bed.
Sam immediately turns over to lay half on top of him, burying his face in Bucky’s neck once again, like it’s a barrier to keep out everything else. Bucky knows it won’t be long until Sam moves—knows Sam sleeps like a hurricane when he feels safe enough to, always looking for the cool spot—but it’s enough to warm Bucky all over for now.
“Good night, sweetheart,” he says, wrapping his arm in tighter around Sam. “I love you.”
All he gets is Sam’s soft, slow breathing in reply, but he knows Sam falling asleep next to him that easily is an “I love you” in its own right.
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verxn · 1 year
Dad joke
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Description: Thor tells a dad joke while you two are having a movie night.
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Black fem reader
It’s been a while don’t beat me up pls- I lowkey lost some inspiration + been caught up with hella work and papers to write but now we are back and better !!! - v!
I took the popcorn out of the microwave and poured it into the big silver bowl and threw the bag away, while I was walking to the living room I saw my boyfriend rushing down the steps with more pillows and blankets.
He does this everytime just to make sure that I’m comfortable, which I already am…I just don’t want to fall asleep on the movie….like how I usual do.
“honey that should be enough blankets and pillows” i said putting down the bowl of popcorn to help him. “You have to be more comfortable though” he said with a small smile “I seriously don’t think that’s necessary” i replied back in a demanding yet sweet tone
One thing i learned about my current boyfriend is that he doesn’t take no for a answer, I don’t know why I set myself up like this.
Thor snatched the covers from me and started to lay them down like I didn’t just say anything. I sighed in defeat because who wants to argue when we got movies to catch up on?
I picked up the popcorn from off the table and went back to the living room and sat down, he sits down next to you with the remote and a huge smile
“Let’s watch some movies!” He says in a childish tone
halfway through princess and the frog— I demanded for this to be watched, I had to get my get back someway somehow. I turned to Thor to see him interested in the movie like he’s hypnotized by it, I looked back at the screen and saw that a commercial had come on
At this moment I was about to get up and get some more beverages. I turned to Thor and asked “do you want anything to drink?” He had to think for a moment, he’s gotten pretty familiar with the brands of drinks etc only stuff that me and him like anyways
“Can I have soda?” He replied, I nodded and went to grab two sprites, when I came back the commercial was still playing, I mentally took note that I have to change my subscription plan. I sat down next to Thor while handing him the soda
He opened it and drunk a bit of it then sat it down on the coffee table, he turned to me and said “wanna hear a joke?” I should mention that he’s gained a bit of humor from Bruce, Steve, Tony and Scott
“Sure let’s hear it” I replied while turning my body towards him
“My wife asked me to stop by the grocery store after work so I did and she gave me a list of things, but here’s the catch she wanted six sprites and it wasn’t the usual six pack, it was all together so I grabbed six of them. when I got home I realized I picked 7up” he started laughing at his own joke
“Thor who told you that joke” I replied
“I think it was either Bruce or Steve I can’t remember” he said still laughing
“7up..” then it clicked “OH LIKE THE DRINK?” I said to him and he nodded chuckling
“I feel so dumb for it to not click right away” i said face palming myself and chuckling a bit “oh it’s fine sweet heart I was just like you when I first heard the joke too” Thor replied while kissing your forehead
This was….terrible don’t mind my dad joke I think it was kinda funny 😭 but how have y’all been? Hopefully it’s good. Anyway love you all bye!!
Also happy black history month 🤞🏾
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
hello! can i ask for a soft fluffy sappy jeno drabble with him showing his tears and laying himself bare in front of oc ... i cannot stop thinking about him trying not to cry during tds2 it hits different seeing him like that :( i wanna hug him fr
a/n: a week later but yeah... i agree, the ending speech of tds2 broke my heart. probably more angsty than fluffy but this is all i could come up with, i hope you like it anyway!!
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“You know you can let go sometimes, right?” You say, chin resting against your boyfriend’s head as you caress his hair while he lays against you. 
“I know but…” Jeno sighs, voice shaking before he presses his lips in a thin line and pulls away from you, sitting straight on the bed. 
You wait in silence, sitting against the headboard for a while, thinking he needs time to put the words together, but when you hear a low sniffle you quirk a brow and sit next to him. 
“Nono?” You ask, turning his face toward you, surprised to see him like this. “Are you crying?” 
“It’s just… it’s just that sometimes it gets so hard,” he whispers, sniffling, drifting his eyes from yours. “So fucking hard.” 
You don’t speak, you know how hard it is for him to let out his emotions, and right now, words are not what he needs. So you wrap your arms around him and you let him fall in your warm embrace. 
“I’m fine, but do you ever feel like some days you carry all the weight of the world on your shoulders? That no matter what you do is never enough? That… you can’t support the people you love how you’d like to?” 
You sigh, your heart breaks because you can hear in his voice that he’s holding back his tears to the point that he’s almost choking on his words. 
“But you don’t,” you whisper, starting to caress his back, feeling even more how hard he’s shaking. “You don’t carry that weight of the world on your shoulders. And you have no idea how much people rely on you because they trust you and feel comfortable around you.” 
When he doesn’t answer and only shakes his head, you sigh. “You know it’s fine to don’t be so hard on yourself, right? You can cry. You can break your walls down. You can be vulnerable, and, I know that it’s not easy to be vulnerable around everybody but at least with me, please, trust me.” 
After hearing that, Jeno breaks down, he starts sobbing loudly and hides in the crook of your neck, holding you tight, seeking more comfort. 
You stay like this for a while, none of the two saying anything. And you get that he wants to talk, finally open up and say some of the things he’s been bottling up, but now, he needs another type of reassurance. 
“I’m proud of you,” you whisper, starting to rock his shaking body back and forth. “So, so proud of the person that you are and all the things that you do. And all your friends and family think the same. I’m not saying it can’t get hard, but you’re not alone. You are never alone.” 
He lifts his head up and looks at you, cheeks streaked with tears but eyes filled with love. And you know that no matter how headstrong he is, he will always listen to your words and believe in them. 
“I’m so lucky to have you.” It’s the only thing he says before a smile, the first in hours, appears on his face and makes your lips turn into a tender smirk too. 
“And I’m lucky to have you.” 
“Can – can we cuddle? Just stay here and I... I’ll talk to you. I mean, I think that it will be just a senseless rant about so many things, but I trust you, and I need your comfort.” 
“Of course, we can, babe,” you reply, opening your arms to let him cuddle between them. “You don’t even have to ask.”
So he lays back and starts ranting while you caress his skin, it’s a wild ride as the both of you cry and laugh and smile, but you’re just glad that he’s opening up and letting you see his true self. And after more than an hour, you know he feels better when he proposes to make tea and spent the night together playing board games. 
“Thank you,” he whispers when you’re back in bed, he’s once again in your arms and even if you’re not used to being the big spoon, you have to say you love it a lot. 
And you don't have to ask him for what, you know why he’s thanking you, you know how hard it is for him to seek comfort and be vulnerable and you can only be happy he trusts you enough to open up. 
“You don’t have to thank me,” you reply, kissing his cheek. 
“Trust me, I do. I’ve never felt safer with anybody else.”
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