#anyways so excited for this hihihi
hayaku14 · 2 years
Anything black org related is very hype for me but my favourite part of this trailer is seeing Agasa getting to shine and actually do something other than be a comic relief. And I love that it happens in a movie that's centered on Haibara ;-; LOOK AT HIM ANGERYYYYY!!!!! YOU DO NOT MESS WITH HIS ADOPTIVE DAUGHTER!!!!
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she's so pretty crying with conan's glasses on thoooo, haibara and coai stans are getting fed in 2023
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anyways, here's a conan screenshot cos he's my fave 🥹
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Boyfriend!Bangchan x F!Reader TW : slight angst ; short but sweet and fluffy at the end ; Word Count : 1.3k Request : @kurolils : I just want something really really angsty w chan. so just maybe like, he's supper stressed and snaps at the reader and yk something very angsty, but obviously with a fluffy ending A/N : THIS TOOK FOREVER TO GET TO AND I'M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT BUT I"M WRITING IT NOW!!! HIHIHI!!!
Preparing for a world tour, as exciting as it seems, was probably just as stressful, if not more stressful than working on an album, at least for Chan it was. He had to work on remembering all of the dances for the entire setlist, he had to think of what he’d say to all the STAYS, he had to remember all the lyrics to all the songs. There was so much to do, and it felt like there wasn’t enough time to get it all done. 
The date of his departure for the first international part of the tour was quickly closing in, and of course, management was still against you going with him considering the news hadn’t broken yet that the two of you were dating. That was the hardest part of leaving for tours. He was leaving you behind, and while you were an absolute champ about it on the surface, he could read right through you and tell that you were upset. 
That’s why he tried to spend as much time with you as possible before he had to leave, that’s what he usually did. He wasn’t sure why things felt more stressful than usual this time around, he wasn’t sure why it felt like the clock was working against him this entire time. All he did know was that there was so much to get done, and he didn’t need any distractions, he didn’t need anyone getting in his way. 
“Still working, huh?” You said from the doorway, your hands shoved into the pockets of one of Chans oversized hoodies. He hummed in response, his eyes not even glancing up from the laptop screen as he sat at his desk. His headphones were on, but at least he had one ear uncovered so he could hear you. “I know you have to leave in a couple days… I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me or something? I really miss you already and… Just wanted to spend some time with you-” 
“Shut up.” Chan mumbled, and your lips quickly pulled into a thin line, your eyes dropping to the ground, both embarrassed and upset from those two simple words. “As if I don’t have enough on my plate, now I’m expected to stop everything I’m doing to coddle you because you’re going to miss me. I mean… good god, Y/N, grow up. I’m not always going to be here, get used to watching movies by yourself. Damn.” He huffed before adjusting his headphones so that both ears were covered. 
You didn’t even know what to say, you didn’t have anything to say anyway, you were trying not to cry, so you kept your head low and turned around, shutting the door behind you as you made your way to the couch. It’s not like you hadn’t seen Chan stressed before, it’s just that most of the time you were the one that would get him out of his funk. Now it seemed like you were the one stressing him out even more. 
The rest of the day went by without any sort of interaction between the two of you. He’d leave the room to go to the bathroom or grab something to eat or drink, and then he’d quickly retreat back to his desk. You spent the evening sitting on the couch watching movies by yourself and scrolling through your phone to try to keep your mind off of what had happened. 
You had made dinner, and not even the smell of a home-cooked meal had pulled him out from the bedroom, so you made enough for yourself before saving the leftovers in the fridge and eating all alone at the table. You made sure to clean it all before heading to the bathroom and washing up before going to bed. You thought that maybe at some point he would come out and apologize or something, but he didn’t. If it weren’t for the sound of keyboard typing and his mouse clicking rapidly it would feel like he wasn’t there at all. 
The bed didn’t feel as empty as most people would assume it would feel, but that’s only because Chan rarely joined you in bed before you dozed off. The only difference is that this time you wondered if he’d join you at all. Would you feel the bed shift with his weight as he finally got under the covers at the crack of dawn or would he opt to sleep on the couch instead? 
Your mind was full of thoughts, some good, some bad, most of them were bad though, and these were the thoughts that filled your subconscious, the thoughts that fueled your dreams tonight. He was getting tired of you. He thought you were annoying. You were a burden to him. All of these negative emotions played out in the most realistic scenarios in your dreams, and they felt so real in fact, that when you woke up, you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. The emotions were overwhelming, that feeling of being unwanted by the only person you wanted was devastating. 
You didn’t know how late it was or how early it was, and you had been sleeping so deeply that you hadn’t even felt Chan come into the room and get into the bed. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He whispered, having not even fallen asleep yet when you jumped up. Your sniffles were quiet, but in the silence of the room they sounded so loud. 
“You don’t love me anymore…” Your whisper was choked out, and the sob that followed was heartbreaking for him to hear. He knew that he had been quite harsh and honestly, rather heartless when he had spoken to you earlier. That’s why he had kept his distance for the remainder of the day. He thought that that was what you’d needed, but he had been horribly wrong. “I’m… I’m annoying… and distracting…” 
“Shh… baby, no…” Chan cooed, sitting up in the bed beside you and wrapping his arm around you to pull you against his side. “I didn’t mean what I said earlier, I was just stressed… I’ve got so much to do and… I shouldn’t take that out on you. It’s not your fault.” He used his other hand to turn on the lamp on the nightstand, and when he did he could see the tears flowing freely down your cheeks. “I’m an asshole, aren’t I?” 
You weakly nodded your head before resting it against his shoulder. “I don’t like watching movies by myself. That’s our thing… It was really lonely without you.” You mumbled, fiddling with the tag that hung off the blanket. “Am I too clingy? Do you want me to leave you alone?” You asked, and your body tensed up just enough for him to notice. You didn’t want to hear the answer, you were scared of it. 
“Of course not! You cling to me just the right amount.” He joked, and he couldn’t help but chuckle when you looked up at him with unamused eyes and a slight pout on your lips. “I love that you always want me around, it makes me feel loved. I don’t ever want you to leave me alone, because I don’t like watching movies by myself either. I’m not mad at you, I never was, and I never could be. So let’s get some sleep, I’ll have Changbin and Ji handle the rest of the setlist for the tour, and we can have a date day, the whole day tomorrow. You get my undivided attention. You deserve it.” His finger slid under your chin to tilt your head up, pressing his lips to yours, just long enough to have you melting against him and your mind clearing of any and every thought. “And just so you know… I already miss you too… And I miss you way more.”
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@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
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805 notes · View notes
jenscx · 5 months
HAPPINESS — yu jimin x f!reader
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jimin made you feel like life was worth living for.
TAGS — situationship, strangers to lovers, ive member!yn, jealousy, angst, fluff, birthday fic for jimin
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it hadn’t been long since you and karina met. by luck, she was attending a fashion show and had gravitated to you during the after-party. it was an unforgettable experience; one of the most gorgeous idols constantly hovering around you, eyes lingering on the silky black, backless dress you adorned, fingers dancing across your arms… needless to say, you had immediately asked for her contact information, only to receive a cryptic smile in return.
“why not just,” she whispered, “come back to my place instead?”
you had instantly declined, “i’m sorry, i don’t do that. and don’t you live with your members anyway?” karina merely shrugged, eyes twinkling with a gleam you couldn’t name. 
“then shouldn’t we go back to yours?”
exasperated, you shake your head, “i just said, i don’t do that. i was interested before, and you are jaw-droppingly beautiful, but i’m not intending to go anywhere tonight, karina.”
the girl hesitated for a few seconds. you raised an eyebrow. she grins, “call me jimin.”
it had only been a month since that interaction. since then, your relationship has progressed. from strangers to friends and now tethering on the edge of a relationship. or as your member yujin had described, a ‘situationship’. it was so easy to open up to jimin, her sweet talk, midnight chats and relentless insistence to annoy you had captured your attention. she was so stupidly cute. 
you had fallen. 
and jimin seemed to have as well. 
no one would stay up till midnight talking to a situationship unless they really liked them, right? 
and even though jimin had a schedule the next day, you and her were still in a heated discussion about which ice cream flavour was the superior one (it was always vanilla).
the alarm on your phone rang. in bright words read, ‘milan fashion show.’ you smile to yourself. it was another chance to see jimin after her hectic schedule. you barely had time to see her during her break, and now your schedules finally matched up. you couldn’t wait to see her.
jiminie [7.41am]:
hihihi good morning
i’ll see u ltr :))
ynie [8.20am]:
can’t wait. 
you turn your phone off with a bright grin, barely keeping your excitement under wraps. your flight was at 10 and by the time you reached milan, it would be around 11 in the evening. it was going to be a long flight, but the thought of seeing jimin again made your stomach tighten up. was this what people in relationships feel? it was so bizarre that the simple thought of someone could so easily make you feel breathless. 
unable to contain your exhilaration, you get some weird stares from your manager and assistants. meekly apologising, you close your eyes as they drive to the airport, dreaming of a certain main dancer.
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you blink. how did you get here?
jimin, was just standing a few feet away from you, but she had barely spared you a glance the whole day. she didn’t even greet you or anything. even after the crew had asked for you two to stand together, jimin was at least a metre away, not daring to stand in your vicinity. you could cry.
especially with the heart eyes every other person was sending her way. you swallow the lump in your throat, staring at the man who stood a little close for comfort next to her. and throughout the show, you could only stare longingly at the back of her head, sighing every once in a while when the two of them would pose. it was devastating.
“you good?” one of the other attendants asked. you think you recognise them from a recent drama you’ve watched.
“yeah,” you mumble, taking a sip of the champagne in your glass. at the corner of your eye, you could see jimin and that man conversing, both sharing giggles and whispers. your grip on the glass tightens. groaning, you look away, trying to hide the hurt on your face from being ignored so obviously. all your attempts at conversation had been shut down and she brushed past all your waves.
you saunter to the corner, taking a seat and pulling out your phone.
yujin [9.27pm]:
how’s it gg
yn [10.14pm]:
it’s like i don’t even exist.
i don’t know what i should do
she keeps talking to some guy
yujin [10.15pm]:
girl gtfo
you agree with yujin. if karina wanted to ignore you, so be it. there was nothing for you to do anyway. after sending a quick message to your manager, you get back up, heading back to the group of actors and idols alike that were engaged in conversation.
coincidentally, karina and her partner for the night had joined as well. it wasn’t difficult to avoid eye contact when she wouldn’t even look in your direction.
“i’ve requested for more champagne,” one of them say, “anybody wants a refill?”
a murmur of chorus emerges.
the waiter stares at your glass expectantly, the bottle in his hand waiting.
“ah… no, i’m leaving soon,” you say awkwardly, handing your glass to another waiter passing by. karina’s head shoots up.
“shame,” they all agree.
“your manager’s picking you up?” karina finally speaks. you longed for her voice, but you’re not very appreciative of it now.
you nod, barely wanting to start a conversation with the girl.
“i’ll walk you out.”
can you really refuse in front of all these people? you already had a reputation of being a bitch. refusing karina’s offer was going to severely damage your image.
you just hold your tongue.
the cold air greets you warmly, unlike karina. you relish in the gusts of wind, waiting patiently outside the gala for your manager’s distinguishable car. karina hums a gentle tune, turning to you.
“how was the show?”
“good,” you reply, curt.
karina doesn’t back down.
“you had fun?” you nod.
“i didn’t get to talk to you at all, it’s sad you’re leaving now.”
you shrug.
“why are you leaving so early?”
“hm, okay.”
you stand in silence while karina fidgets beside you, her hands constantly twirling her hair and eyes darting around. cursing yourself, you take a quick glance at her. the girl’s deep, lush and dark hair flows charmingly in the wind. her eyes draw you in, hypnotising you deeply, full of uncertainty and hesitance for the first time you’ve met her.
“do you have something to say?” you ask. karina huffs, blowing her bangs covering her eyes.
“i do, but it just depends if you’ll listen to me.”
“depends on what you’re asking for,” you reply.
karina smiles, smaller than before, “stay. just for a few more minutes. with me.”
you contemplate. just for a few minutes.
“only until my manager comes.”
she falters, it’s the first time you’ve ever subtly rejected her company, but a practised mask of indifference is put on.
there’s an uncomfortable silence, one that neither of you are willing to acknowledge. you start to regret your decision; you should have just asked her to go back in, instead of waiting out here with you like a fool.
“minjeong’s been talking about this milan cathedral, called duomo di milano, it’s really pretty,” karina looks at you expectantly, “do you have the day off tomorrow for sightseeing?”
you answer slowly, “i do have the day off...”
“where are you staying? i’ll come pick you up.”
“but i don’t want to go, karina,” you complete your sentence. shock passes her face rather quickly.
“uhm, do you want to go somewhere else?”
you shake your head, wanting her to get the hint that you weren’t exactly jumping for the opportunity to hang out.
“we could go shopping at this galleria that aeri mentioned, it has a hotel and everything.”
“no, thanks for offering.”
karina’s tethering on the edge of distress, her face showing visible distraught by now, no longer caring to hide behind a mask of impassiveness. you check your phone again. notifications line your lock screen, most of them coming from yujin.
yujin [10.29pm]:
are u out of there yet
make sure to get back safe
also call me ltr i need to tell u smth
omg jiwon js told me she left seo at home alone
you smile at yujin messages. the leader’s caring nature makes your heart warm and the mention of your other members makes you miss them.
“your manager texting you?” karina asks.
“uh, no,” you reply vaguely, not very keen on talking to her. karina frowns.
“are you sick? do you feel unwell?” she lifts a hand up to touch your neck. the fleeting touch of her fingers already caused goosebumps against your skin.
“i’m fine, karina.”
the mention of her name makes her glare at you, “didn’t i say to call me jimin?”
unable to answer coherently, you settle for silence. karina huffs, seemingly getting irritated.
she opens her mouth once again, but the honk of a car distracts you. the window rolls down and you recognise your manager.
“thanks for uhm, staying here with me,” you bow, “have a good night.” you were upset, but that wouldn’t stop you from being polite.
karina merely watches you leave.
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your manager gives you about five minutes of peace and tranquillity before unleashing an onslaught of questions onto you, like “why’d you leave?” or “did someone say something to you?” you answer truthfully to most of his questions.
unable to get a proper response, he just drives back and tells you to not get into any trouble on your day-off.
(“what trouble would i even get into?”
“i’ll actually quit if dispatch posts a photo of you drinking with your friends.”
“that would be impossible since i don’t have any friends.”)
meanwhile, yujin fills you in on the stupid shit your members get up to during your absence. like rei putting aluminium into the microwave and wonyoung just managing to stop her in time.
your phone lights up with notifications throughout the night and you hate the fact that it doesn’t bring you the same excitement like before. the morning after, a chain of messages graces your phone.
jiminie [9.17am]:
are u awake?
jiminie [9.20am]:
when are u gg back to korea?
ynie [9.31am]:
jiminie [9.31am]:
do u feel like gg out tdy?
you turn off your phone, sighing. you would have felt bad for being so distant but the mere thought of karina with that guy yesterday night made you feel unneeded. why was she texting you and asking to hang out with you when she already had someone to go to?
there was no point overthinking about her.
karina would just be another failed situationship. she didn’t mean that much to you (she did). she wasn’t the first thing you thought of once you woke up (she was). and she definitely couldn’t be a good girlfriend for you (she definitely could be).
the hotel doorbell rings. you quirk an eyebrow, not remembering ever ordering room service. maybe your manager knew you wouldn’t be going out for breakfast.
you don’t bother checking the peephole, the hotel you were staying at was very tight on security and only celebrities stayed at this floor. you open the door, stomach grumbling at the thought of food.
karina stands at your door, a small smile on her face. you feel terribly underdressed compared to her in your bathrobe and messy bed hair.
“good morning,” you greet hoarsely.
“hurry up and get dressed.”
you stop karina from entering your room.
“what are you talking about?”
“we’re going out whether you like it or not. you shouldn’t rot in your room, you should be exploring milan, before you leave, with me.”
do you really have a choice to say no? (yes, you do).
in your heart, you knew in the end, you wouldn’t ever say no to karina.
she grins and you forget why you were even upset in the first place.
karina waits patiently while you finish getting ready. she’s on the balcony admiring the view when you’re done.
“where are we going?” you grab a mask and a cap as karina puts on her shoes again.
“it’s a surprise, and you don’t need those,” karina answers, pointing at the items in your hand. you frown.
“people will recognise me. they’ll see me with you.”
karina shakes her head, “it’s fine, i don’t mind it.”
i mind it though.
you end up leaving them by your bedside table.
“where are we going?” you repeat as karina drags you out of the door. she groans, “stop asking! i already told you it’s a surprise.”
“i need to tell my manager.”
karina pouts, “i’ve already contacted him, just stop worrying about everything.”
her words seem so easy to believe now. to stop worrying about everything.
the streets of milan are filled with cafes and luxury brands. with it being one of the most visited cities, tourists and locals alike roam the area. at every corner, there’s either an art gallery or museum. you must admit that the architecture is simply amazing. quaint bookstores and coffee shops provide a sense of peace away from the bustling metropolitan city. milan was beautiful.
karina pulls you into a cafe, the strong aroma of coffee already filling your senses. there’s a quiet ambience of chatter and the soft footsteps of the waiters walking around. the girl brings you to one of the tables near the window. it gives you a view of a clothing shop adjacent to the cafe, full of customers.
“milan’s called a fashion capital,” karina remarks, “it’s one of europe’s most dynamic cities.” when you don’t reply, karina stands up, awkwardly saying, “i’ll go order our food.”
you nod.
she comes back soon, red in the face and fumbling with her wallet.
you ignore it.
“uhm, anyway, did you sleep well last night?”
“okay… uh, what time is your flight tomorrow?”
“i think it’s in the morning,” you feel pity for karina who’s been desperately trying to keep the conversation going, “what about you?”
karina’s face lights up, “it’s at one in the afternoon.”
the waiter soon arrives with your food. its mouth-watering. karina hands the waiter a note and says something in italian that you don’t understand.
“you can speak italian?” you ask, curiosity taking over you.
“yeah, a little,” karina mumbles. she doesn’t seem to want to elaborate, so you don’t bother asking any more. you gorge yourself out with the pastries that karina ordered, all while she looks a little constipated and unsure.
“you’re not going to eat?”
“i… i already ate before coming here.”
you nod, continuing to chew.
“it’s so early, who’s awake to even eat with?”
karina mutters, “i ate with jaewook.” you swallow the piece of bread in your mouth. the sweetness you tasted on your tongue is gone, just left with a bitter taste. you regret even asking her. you regret coming out of your hotel to eat pastries with her at 9 in the morning.
your head feels clouded. it’s not only gravity pulling you down. it’s a wrangling chain clutching your heart, pulling it into your stomach. the more you think about karina and that guy together, the more you feel like puking out all the sweet treats you stuffed your mouth with. you wanted to get rid of anything related to her.
“are you okay?” she asks.
no, you want to reply.
“i wanna go back,” you say instead.
lying was always better than telling her the truth.
“what? no, uhm,” karina blurts out, panicked, “you can’t go back yet, we still have a lot to sightsee.”
“please let me go back,” you beg, feeling a wave of nausea take over. between her incessant pleading to not leave and the vision of the two of them, jealousy fills your every vein.
“i planned a lot for today and oh my god, yn—” you can’t stand it anymore.
swiftly, you take out a wad of cash, placing it on the table and leaving the cafe without a second look behind. you stomp out quick, steady steps back to the hotel and you can feel karina hot on your heels. she calls out for your name, but to no avail do you turn back. you think of a plan. once you get back to your room, you’re going to block karina on everything. she’s never going to exist in your life ever again. if your job requires you to interact with her, it’s a bare minimum. you’ll break off contact with all of your mutual friends, ryujin, minjeong, maybe chaewon (but yujin and wonyoung would kill you).
it’s only when you reach a traffic light that karina catches up with you. once it flashes red, you groan. you can basically see karina’s triumphant smirk at the corner of your eye.
“are you done running now?”
you take a good look at karina. she’s panting, not more than you are, and her cheeks are flushed red.
the light flashes green.
and the chase begins again.
karina tails you until you reach the hotel lobby. you open up your purse, searching for the keycard. karina is just a few steps behind.
you hear gasps of recognition behind you, the very reason you wanted to cover up your identity.
the moment the lift reaches the ground floor, you slide in, rapidly pressing the close button. karina, however, navigates through the crowd and manages to reach the lift in time.
you groan, your attempt at running away has failed. maybe you could still convince karina to leave you alone somehow. she wouldn’t try to break into your room, right?
“this is awkward now.”
“yeah, i wasn’t expecting you to follow me,” you sneer, “if a woman says she wants to leave, just let her leave for god’s sake.”
“okay, that’s my fault but you literally left out of nowhere, and you’ve been acting weird ever since last night,” karina argues back.
the lift beeps. you exit it with karina following you closely behind, still ongoing about your sudden change in behaviour.
“like last night, you left early and we didn’t even have time to talk or anything, and when i asked you about it you didn’t even explain anything?! just brushed me off and left! can you just tell me what’s going on?”
you two reach your room.
“i don’t need to explain myself to you. i said i was tired.”
“okay, but what about today? i planned the whole day for us to hang out and you just got up and left? what the hell! are you just an asshole who plays with people’s feelings? you told me you ‘can’t wait to see me’ and then just left like that,” karina raises her voice. a elderly couple passes you two and you feel self-conscious. you were just standing outside your room letting karina yell at you.
“come in then yell, you’re getting weird looks.”
karina inhales sharply, finally calming down.
you sit down on one of the lounge chairs, taking a deep breath.
“i really don’t have anything to explain to you. i’m sorry. and i’m not the one playing with people’s feelings here.”
“what? are you insinuating that i’m the one playing with your feelings?”
“uh, if the shoe fits?”
karina slaps your arm, “are you serious right now? can you just talk to me for once?! is this your first time being friends with someone?” friends? since when were you ever just friends with karina?
“no, it isn’t,” you swallow, “it’s my first time feeling this way for someone.”
“do you know how many times i think about you in a day? it’s once, because i never stop. it hurts me every time i see you with someone else and i know i shouldn’t feel this way because while you reside in my mind, i have to hope that I cross yours once in a while to feel less pathetic of myself. do you know how that feels? to want to exist in someone’s thoughts. i feel happy just to know that you’re even acknowledging my presence. but you didn’t. you didn’t even care when i was there, so you shouldn’t care when i’m not,” the weight of unshed tears came pouring out. you let out a watery but hollow laugh. karina makes your heart ache, she makes you feel defeated and useless, she makes you feel angry and jealous.
“you make me feel that life is worth living for. that i went through all those torturous years just to meet you.”
karina, is life in itself.
“and i don’t think i’ll ever be able to find someone else that makes me feel this way. have you ever felt that way about someone?”
she stares at you, unblinking. she comes to terms with your words finally.
“i’m sorry,” she says.
“it’s fine,” you sniffle, wiping your tears.
“i’m sorry i hurt you.”
“of course you’ll hurt me. of course we’ll hurt each other, because this is the condition of living. and what’s not love, if not living for each other?”
“i didn’t know you felt that way about me.”
you sigh, “regret is a stupid thing. when you reject me, i would be better off knowing that we wouldn’t work out because you don’t like me, rather than me not telling you and wondering if we would ever work out. and you’re with that guy anyway.”
“who told you i would reject you? and who said i was with him?”
“i feel everything that you’ve just said, about you. and i’m upset that you were planning to just throw me away like that because of our inability to communicate.”
you laugh, more heartily this time, “i just didn’t want to be one of your conquests or whatever.”
“you’re more than one of my conquests. i wouldn’t dream of even letting you go. some people search their whole lives to find what i found in you. you can be assured that i won’t ever let you go.”
her sincere words draw red to your cheeks, warmth spreads from your neck to the tip of your ears. “you still like me,” you repeat, “even when i’m a jealous freak, have commitment issues and i care too much?”
“even with all those traits. if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be the yn i like,” karina’s voice softens as does her touch. she takes your hand in hers, caressing the back of your hand with her palm.
“even if i don’t understand why you get angry and why you ignore me, i still like you. that’s what makes you, you. and love is all about understanding.”
you nod. all the crying has made you feel drowsy, and your fatigue is apparent, since karina smiles in amusement and says, “wash up and take a nap. i’ll be here.”
she’ll be here.
“thank you, jimin.”
karina, or rather, jimin, chuckles, “hurry up and shower. i hope you brought extra clothes since i’m going to change too.”
you quickly wash up and so does jimin. the two of you settle into the bed, your hands clutching at jimin for warmth and intimacy. you have her. the thought allows you to drift asleep, finally knowing that jimin’s heart beats the same for yours.
when the sun sets as you wake up from your nap, you can’t help but blurt out, “i adore you.”
jimin, pleasantly surprised, only giggles back.
“i adore you too, in ways words cannot express.”
maybe paris wasn’t the city of love. yours was milan.
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🎙️ author’s note: this is probably one of my favourite fics i’ve written. most of my own personal values have been put into this fic. regret is a stupid thing, we only live once and we have no idea if we’ll ever get to live again. find people that makes life worth living for. happy birthday yu jimin, aespa’s stupid cheese cat 🤍
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httphonsool · 1 month
Endless Summer
genre: angst, teen beach AU Brady!Jungkook x Mack!Reader
warnings: infidelity, angst, heartbreak, angst, angst, angst...yeah you get it
authors note: hihihi, so I was watching Teen Beach movie reminiscent of my childhood ofcofc, anyways, there's this one seen where Brady calls Leila smoking after telling Mack he'd never get over her and thus the brainchild was born, and after going on a rampage through @jiminrings fics i’ve become bitter and needed to put people through pain (plus your writing is so good i love you) I hate that after being gone for so long this is the first thing I write and it's just a bunch of pain but yes hope you enjoy (though you can't really because it's a bunch of angst) if anyone wants this to be a full fic lemme know because yk i might....
You’d known Jungkook for so long. You knew how he looked when he was hurt, and you knew how he looked when he was happy, you had felt the rays of his gaze of love. It hadn’t occurred to you when you were encouraging the relationship between Jungkook and Leila that his once felt heartbreak would inevitably turn into feelings of romance and excitement. You didn’t realise encouraging a love with someone that he’ll inevitably have to leave behind would leave him just as hurt as before, because at the end of the day you’re so used to him being in love with you.
You didn’t realise that his interest in Leila, in someone he had seen on a screen for so many years would hurt you. You didn’t realise that your idea of using Tanner to move on from Jungkook would leave your own heart so fuzzed up and confused. The cracks in your heart healing in some places and deepening in others. But inevitably, that’s what intimacy does, you’re just upset you didn’t see it coming sooner, but no one expects their endless summer to end.
Inevitably, the two of you have returned from your 1960s Hollywood beach adventure a little bit in love with each other but a little more enamoured with others, leaving only doubts and regrets and clouds of insecurities.
‘Where do we go from here?’ Jungkook asks you, head in his hands, his voice weak.
‘I don’t know, Jungkook,’ You cry, you cry because what else do you do when your boyfriend’s tasted a life with another girl, he’s tasted a life without you, and you don’t know what to do. You can’t live like this.
But neither can Jungkook knowing you know the taste of another man’s heart, he’s seen you in love, hell, he’s been in love with you, and he can pretend but he can’t hide the truth: you’re both bound by love and certainly not to each other.
The handcuffs of young love hang off of both of your hands by a thread and you realise that you didn’t know that metal could be broken so easily.
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
hihihi i adore ur work and i was wondering if u could do a hippie!reader x johnnie fluff?? mayb like a record store date or something cutesy :3
We Don't Believe What's on TV.
"i don't care what's in your hair, i just wanna know what's on your mind. i used to say i wanna die before i'm old, but because of you, i might think twice."
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Hippie!Reader.
as requested, hippie reader!
word count:
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you sifted throughout the stacked records. your boyfriend, Johnnie, stood next to you, trying to find one of your favorite albums. there was a comfortable silence between the two of you.
he pulled out [album] and handed it to you with a sweet smile. "Look at what I found." he handed it to you and placed a soft kiss on the top of your head.
your jaw dropped as you looked at it in your hands. "you know ive been looking for this album forever! I can't believe you found it,"
"I was so fucking excited whenever I saw it, he responded, turning his attention back to the records.
you smiled, looking at him for a second more before you continued flipping through.
you and Johnnie had planned this date a month in advance. with his busy schedule, it was hard to find time to take you out on a real date. he made you feel loved nonetheless.
the whole afternoon, it'd just be the two of you. there was a picnic blanket in the car, along with a couple of canvases and paint.
Johnnie had been wanting to do the painting trend on tiktok; you switch canvases every 5 minutes or so, and now was finally the chance. excited energy radiated from the both of you. even though you and Johnnie had been dating for over a year now, the honeymoon stage never faded.
you made sure to wear Johnnies favorite outfit of yours. he adored everything you wore. he loved your style in general. he could watch you style outfits for hours, the colors you wore were always so mesmerizing. each time, his stares made you nervous.
you left the shop with two records in hand, which Johnnie had paid for despite your protests.
in the car, Johnnie turned on your shared playlist. it was always so bipolar with your contrasting music tastes, but it was enjoyable anyway. he sang the words to your favorite songs as you did his. you drove to a park right on the outskirts of town.
Johnnie jogged around the car to open the door for you. "thank you, kind sir." you giggled.
"you're welcome, sweetheart." he flashed you a toothy grin.
being 'cringe' with Johnnie was your guys' thing. he loved calling you all of those silly pet names, and you took pride in the fact that you two were the stereotypical 'love bird' couple.
the two of you collected all of the supplied and trudged out into the park.
"im so glad I'm here with you." Johnnie mentioned, holding your one free hand. "it feels like it's been forever since I've gotten to take you on a real date, something other than cuddling and watching a movie with takeout or some shit."
you sighed, taking a step closer to him. "I know. but, it's okay baby." you planted a kiss on his cheek, stumbling over your feet as you tried not to drop the things in your arm. "I love those dates, too."
you laid out the blanket and Johnnie piled all of the painting supplies on top.
Johnnie sat across from you, a love struck look in his eyes that never seemed to leave whenever you were around. he spoke to you about whatever was on his mind: his music, the new Star Wars game, how much he loved your smile. he always found it so easy to talk to you, and you felt the same.
as you squirmed some colors out onto the pallette, you quizzed him on his new music. you practically begged him to show you daily, but he always refused, claiming it'd 'ruin the surprise.' so, as your paintbrush moved gently over the canvas, you gathered whatever information you could about his album (which wasn't very much.) you groaned, making a joke about him cheating on you with his album. you changed the subject, filling him in on co-worker drama. you also asked about how getting his drivers license was going, which he seemed proud to talk about.
finally, the timer went off and you switched paintings. you had painted a night sky, and that was all you had. his beautiful blue eyes were the biggest distraction.
he had illustrated a large, lanky, dead tree. it resembled his shoulder tattoo. you began painting small fairies under the tree as he immediately got back to work, simultaneously talking more in depth about his license.
you updated him on how learning guitar, on his guitar, was going. he gushed about how proud he was, and how he couldn't wait for the two of you to be able to play together. the only reason you hadn't yet was because you wanted to get better before he heard. silence fell between the two of you once more. you listened intently as he hummed, his eyebrows furrowed with concentration. he looked like a painting himself.
you switched off paintings. in your night sky, he had painted a UFO. a goody smile formed on his face whenever he saw your fairies.
he brought up the idea of making a youtube video together. the internet knew you were together, but you kept your relationship private. you had filmed videos with the whol group before, but never just Johnnie. you immediately agreed. word vomit erupted as you told him how excited you were to have two new records for your collection.
you mutually agreed you were ready to go home, seeing as you both were pretty tired and ready to cuddle and watch a movie.
the final painting switch commenced. he had drawn houses in the tree for the fairies, along with where lights strung around it. you had added a cow wearing sunglasses and a tutu under the UFO. you planned to hang both of the paintings up as soon as they were dry.
Johnnie leaned in, placing a long, sensual kiss on your lips. "I love you," he muttered against them with a smile.
you couldn't wait to marry Johnnie someday.
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lawlietkitty · 9 months
HIHIHI i just found you so im excited to see you write for larry!!
anywho anyshoe..
i wanted to know if you could do headcanons for larry with a fem! S/o who is the EXACT opposite of larry? Like is super against drugs and alcohol, always gets to class on time, listens to people like taylor swift and is always in a skirt or wearing pink? Ty!!
have a lovely day/night and remember you are loved!!
Larry Johnson x Opposite f!reader
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TYSM FOR REQUESTING :D sorry it took a while ">.< i absolutely loved doing this, even though it's kinda short (sorry about that). I hope u like it :3
.at first you thought Larry was actually kind of weird and maybe even disgusting
.but your friend Ash wanted to introduce you to her group of friends
.and thats when you realized Larry was actually a really sweet guy, even though he seemed tough he had a really sensitive side, and that's what caught your attention
.Larry immediately thought you were really beautiful, even if your style was the complete opposite of his
.as you got to know each other better, you realized you had nothing in common but still for some reason you really seemed to like each other
.you started going out more, and in the beginning it was kinda weird cause you could never agree on what to do but eventually you found out that your guy's favorite thing to do was getting to know more about each other
.like, you hated metal, it seriously made your head hurt, but you loved seeing how excited he got when telling you about his favorite bands
.he liked showing you his paintings, you liked showing him your new books
.one night, he dragged you into a party, something you hated, but you went anyways because it was an opportunity to hang out with him and the rest of the group
.eventually he started offering you booze and w33d, and it made you kinda mad bc he knew how much you hated that stuff
.you walked out, mad at him, but he ran after u and apologized, he even gave u a hug
.a hug that turned into a kiss, and a kiss that turned into making out
.and thats when you both confessed your feelings for each other
.he took you home, and you two spent the night doing stuff YOU enjoyed
.after you guys started telling people you were together, everyone was surprised, even Liza
.Ashley was the only one that wasn't surprised because she realized you liked him before even you knew that
.picking out what to do for dates was hard, so you'd just take turns on choosing what to do
.whenever he sees something pink, with glitter or heart shaped he always buys it for you (most of the time he actually just steals it LMAO)
.his mom absolutely LOVES you! You guys like to have girls night together :3
.now u guys are just the token couple of the group and it's the cutest thing ever
That's it! Hope u liked it :3 pls keep requesting! Hope u have a wonderful day and remember to keep hydrated ♡
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
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here are some facts about prince!gojo and knight!reader and sugu and shoko!!!! some of these might've been mentioned in the previous parts but i just wanted to go over them anyway!! also some of these are very random but they feel right so i needed to add them hihihi enjoyy!!
+ the "i hunger to commit the act of touch" masterlist
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— a sensitive, sensitive boy; cries easily.
— touch starved out of his mind; his mother kisses his forehead and his cheek and suguru's arms more often than not falls around the prince's shoulders but he needs more.
— very curious; he loves going outside, he loves people staring, he loves learning (dislikes reading though bc that can be a bit boring).
— hates staying inside the castle; has escaped into the forest behind the estate many-many times (usually suguru is the one to bring him back).
— gets cold easily.
— his eyes are also sensitive - the reason why he has to wear a blindfold; he doesn't like it though. so he often goes out into the blinding sun without it and later bares the terrible migraines because of it. he says it's worth it.
— hates his father but adores his mother.
— is actually very devoted to becoming a good king; he loves the town and the people a lot and he wants to take care of them.
— he loves all of the kids in the town aswell; they play ball and have tea-parties together.
— he loves hot cocoa.
— he has brought in a lot of stray cats; they all run around the castle freely and the king hates it (the prince doesn't care).
— the maids and the servants of the castle absolutely love him!!! he takes good care of them!!!! treats them like family and loves joking around with them.
— once fell down some stairs and just laughed it off.
— he's really good with a sword and he likes to fight!! he often spars with suguru and he just thinks it's so exciting and fun.
— he has known suguru almost all his life and he cares for him very deeply (the feeling is mutual).
— the prince has only been taught soft touches all his life so he kind of seeks out action and violence to feel something New.
— also loves shoko a lot a lot a lot. he thinks that she's just so cool and their humor is very similar which sometimes pisses suguru off. which in turn just makes them laugh even more. it's a vicious cycle.
— is absolutely enamored with the knight. they're the fresh breath of air that he's been missing from his royal life and he's determined to keep them in it forever.
— does know how to speak like a proper prince but thinks it's very funny to swear and make dirty jokes.
— despises the smell of alcohol.
— gets attached rather easily. they can't get the knight out of his head for the life of him (he isn't even trying).
— loves flowers of any and every kind; buys them regurarly for his friends and his mother.
— he, of course, has a snow white horse (his name is John?).
— is terribly terribly eager to please. he just wants to be good.
— would gladly get into a real fight just for the thrill of it.
— rough and scarred hands.
— they used to live in the same town but moved away when they were twelve.
— they know shoko; she was their best friend until they left.
— used to get slashings and beatings from the castle guards because they were hell-bent on taking the blame for just about every other stray kid in the town. they were just trying to protect them...
— just as touch starved as the prince but unlike the latter - they're more afraid to seek it out. let me rephrase - they don't seek it out, quite the opposite - they're more likely to pull away at genuine touch than to accept it.
— but as a protector, it is part of their job to offer their hand to people. a helping hand to pull the prince back onto his feet, a helping hand to wipe the blood from his face, a helping hand to get him onto the horse, a helping hand to keep him from falling - it's just what they're supposed to do. they also need more - just like the prince.
— they're determined that they're scary and that everybody should stay away from their bloody hands and their scarred face (they're wrong).
— confused about their feelings; only being familiar with anger and bitterness - everything else comes as a complete surprise.
— a brutal fighter - blood and guts are nothing new to them. nor are beheadings and dismemberment, slit throats and bashing in faces. if that's what it takes to save a person - they'll do it without a second thought.
— very very good with a sword. they've been carrying that thing around for years now and it feels a bit weird to be without it.
— despite the way they act towards the prince - they do think he's gonna be a great king. they're mostly just jealous.
— loyal to the Cause even though they don't even exactly know what the cause it. is it protecting people? is it running away from them? is it just violence?
— they act tough as shit but inside they just want to be held. well, first they want to get over the fear of being held.
— they can't wait to see shoko again. they might be a bit nervous but ever since seeing the doctor and hearing that she's in fact well and is now living in the castle??? they can't wait to see her little smile.
— they want to hate the prince. but they can't (they're not even trying).
— a big scar running across their eye. it makes them look badass. and hot.
— the armor they wear is a bit rusted but good nonetheless. it has carvings on the front and the back.
— clearly has some sort of authority issues.
— cats really like them. they always come up to them in the town, swirling around between their legs and purring. they always smile back at the kitties.
— loves eating bread.
— picks at their scabs and wounds all the time; shoko always slapped their fingers when she saw them doing it bc that is a really fucking bad thing to do especially with dirty hands... they can't help it though.
— is surprisingly (it's not surprising at all) popular with the brothel ladies. they always seem to try and invite them in and it's one of the few things that actually manages to fluster the knight.
— thinks that the prince acts like a child, like a puppy and no matter how much they try to convince themself that they think he's annoying - it just doesn't work. the prince is the only one who's gotten a smile that big out them anyway.
— the prince took him in when he was just a kid; convinced the queen that suguru should stay and well who is the queen to say no to her little prince - they've been inseperable ever since.
— trained to be a knight so he can take care of his best friend.
— cares for the prince a lot A Lot (probably a little bit too much).
— the prince and suguru fooled around when they were younger and they got caught once; the prince managed to sway the king with the argument that he was the one who made suguru do it - suguru felt very bad after that incident and tried to distance himself from the prince but it didn't work. the prince was clinging to him like his life depended on it and soon after that everything was almost back to the way it was before.
— very good friends with shoko; they often sit in the tavern together after a long day.
— has a sensitive nose and the prince likes to tease him about it.
— likes sparring with the prince - he's stronger and better but he lets the prince win sometimes because he likes his smile.
— when he does decide to keep his win - straddling the prince while holding the sword to his throat - his own smile shines so bright that the prince thinks he's gonna get a migraine just from that.
— massages the prince's face whenever he has a migraine. his hands are almost magical, he's too good at it.
— all of the cats that the prince has brought in fucking love him.
— he also lives in the castle!!! he has his own room and it's very close to the prince's one. you know.. for safety reasons.
— loves drinking tea.
— sometimes shares a few smokes with shoko but he keeps glancing over his shoulder to make sure that the castle people or the other knights can't see him. the prince always sighs very dramatically when they smoke.
— knows all of the prince's hiding spots in the forest.
— the three of them have gone skinny dipping together (the prince screamed like a little girl when a piece of kelp touched his leg).
— even though he is a knight of the castle, he - just like the others, is not a fan of the king or his ways. they all think that he's a cruel old man and they're all ready to help the prince become a better king.
— he understands the knight like nobody else.
— gets along with the queen really really well and shoko constantly teases him about it by saying that she has a teeny tiny crush on him. suguru always gets flustered by that (he's just very well-mannered okay).
— accidentally once heard the king say that he should cut his hair ("it's not suitable for a knight") and is now more than ever determined to never cut it.
— has a black horse and takes really good care of it!!!!
— likes to read whenever he has a free moment. which isn't too often, so he usually reads during the night in the moonlight.
— childhood friends with the knight; neither of them had a home and had to take care of each other.
— a doctor took her in and began teaching her so she'd become her apprentice.
— always patched the young knight up after a fight or a beating.
— she was very upset when the knight left.
— around the age of 16/17, a prince with a bloody knee and a teary eyed little soon-to-be-knight knocked on the doctors door - they made her put bandages on his knee and they've been friends ever since.
— now lives in the castle; the prince got her her own room with a little balcony. they all often eat breakfast together there.
— learned how to use a bow just for the fun of it.
— braids the prince's hair when she's bored.
— the cats also love her. there's one that always sleeps in her room and on her bed. she named the cat Horse (suguru has never rolled his eyes so dramatically).
— she misses her childhood friend terribly; she thinks about them a lot.
— mainly lives a very quiet life and doesn't really interact with the other people in the castle. she also fucking hates the king.
— has a big scar on her lower back from her days on the streets. it was the one time where the knight had to patch her up, hence the "ugly" scar. she doesn't think it's ugly though, she quite likes it actually. she flexes it to the prince, calling herself a tougher guy than him. the prince pouts at that every time.
— the only other person she talks to in the castle is one of the maids. she has a scar across her face and shoko thinks she looks beautiful. shoko also thinks it's very funny when she cusses out the prince. shoko likes to play with her hair.
— is surprisingly bad at riding horses. she tried it twice and fucking hated it so she never did it again.
— works at the doctor's office. not full-time because she likes to just Be but she is very interested in blood and guts and wounds so she genuinely loves the job.
— used to be a regular at the brothel but ever since she met the scarred pretty little maid - she hasn't stepped a foot back in there.
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mistywaves98 · 2 years
HIHIHI IDK IF YOU REMEMBER ME BUT YOUR ALBEDO THEME IS SO !!!! ME TOO EEE <333 that being said !! can i ask for mean dom!albedo w aphrodisiacs on like an assistant reader maybe,,, TYTY I LOVE UR WRITING
OMG PEARLL IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU OFC I REMEMBER YOUU!!! And thanks, when I made the theme I was so proud of it lmao and forgive me for taking soo long with this request😭😭
Mean! Dom! Albedo x Assistant! Fem! Reader
¡Warnings!: Aphrodisiacs, Sub! Reader, Dubcon/Noncon, Dumbification, Chocking, Degradation, Albedo calls you princess, Thigh Riding, Reader cums easily, Implied Virgin! Reader, I feel like I missed something!
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It was an honor to be the personal assistant of the best alchemist in Mondstadt. You were proud of your position and always did your best to hold up your image, even if you did slip up every now and then.
You were always with him wherever he went, sometimes it was by choice and other times he demanded your presence. Whenever the latter happened it would leave you confused but proud that he wants you around.
Now just happened to be one of those times and this time you were in Dragonspine once again.
You were supposed to just 'relax' but now you were growing quite impatient since you had nothing to do and whenever you asked Albedo if there was anything you could assist with, he sent you to do something boring, like dusting the shelves or rearranging the books. You wanted to be assigned to something exciting, maybe collecting some slime secretions, or helping him mix up a new chemical, or....oh! Perhaps even something related to the cryo hypostasis!
As much as you didn't want to be a nuisance, you felt your brain cells deteriorating the more you stood around doing nothing, even observing the alchemist paint the wonderful scenery of the mountains outside had lost it's entertainment. So once more you tried to get Albedo to let you do more than sit around,"Sir, are you sure there's nothing else that needs to be done? No experiments needed to be conducted, no hypotheses to test?" You tried dropping some hints that would tell him to let you actually go out of the confinements of his laboratory but Albedo only sighed.
He personally thought it was nice to watch you when you weren't looking. So beautiful.... like a dainty little doll.... !!
Oops, he must've zoned out for a bit. Shaking his head slightly, he pondered your question. You had been bugging him non stop since you got here, but he couldn't really blame you. You were always an energetic one, always looking for something to do, or more specifically, something that'll please him. So just existing in his lab probably wasn't the best thing for you, besides, there is something he did want to try....
"Well, if you want to do something that badly, there is one thing I have in mind...." "Oh? What is it? Can I help you with it? What do you need me to do? Should I go—" "It's rather, dangerous, are you sure about this?" "The more dangerous, the better!" "Wait right here."
He put down his brushes and paint and left the room. When he came back he was holding something in his hand, a little vial containing a curiously pink liquid. Upon closer inspection you saw that it was filled with carbonated bubbles fizzing around. "I want you to drink this." "What is it?" "....I can't tell you." "..."
That was an odd response. Albedo never kept secrets from you before and it made you rather uneasy about what you were going to put in your body. But you trust him, he would never poison you, not on purpose anyway. So you just took his word for it and drank the liquid in one gulp.
It tasted very sweet, like a dozen sweet flowers had been mixed in, the texture was nice too, the way the liquid ran down your oesophagus felt satisfying. "So...I drank it. What now?" "We wait."
Albedo watched your face contort in confusion and held back a smile. Oh you were so soo clueless.
You stood there for a while, feeling kind of awkward as Albedo's eyes bore into the side of your head. You were thinking of something to say that would break the tension, not really paying any mind to the heat building up between your legs.
You may not have noticed the way your thighs were rubbing together, or the way you started tugging at your shirt collar, or the way your breathing became heavy and deep but Albedo saw it all. You couldn't hide anything from him. This was no exception.
Walking up to you he asked,"Are you feeling any different now?" "Uh... n-not really....just a bit h-hot–"
You find it hard to form a proper sentence without stuttering and jumbling up your words. The fact Albedo's standing right in front of you doesn't help either. You can't help but stare, goodness. Has he always been this attractive? The way he's looking at you...you can feel your underwear getting wetter.
"Hmm... are you sure? It seems you have a little issue down here." His hand cups your heat, making you gasp and immediately try to close your legs which he forces apart with his other hand. "I—" You cut yourself off as a surprised moan leaves your mouth when Albedo presses two fingers deeper against your clothes cunt and begins dragging them back and forth.
"S-sir, what are you—haah!— doing?" "Why helping you of course, unless, you don't want it?" You whine as he removes his hand from between your legs. You were so close! Oh, why did he stop?
"That's not what I meant! I— uh..." Your already red face burned even more as you struggled to find a way to tell Albedo that you actually want him to fuck you. Your boss simply sat down on a nearby chair and, patting his lap, he said,"Well, if you want to cum, you have to work for it princess. Ride my thigh and make a good show out of it. If you succeed, I will reward you with release, don't and you will face the consequences." A mean, smile was plastered across his face as he spoke, after all, what other option did you have?
You walk over and as you straddle his thigh, you avoid his burning gaze. However, Albedo doesn't like that and reaching up a hand to grab your face he pulls it close so you are forced to make eye contact with him. "Don't just sit there, if you want me to touch you, start moving." Letting your face go, he leans back in the chair with his hands crossed against his chest, smirking at you.
You're brought out of your dazed state as your pussy needing throbs. Hesitantly putting your hand on his shoulders, you use the leverage to move yourself. Suddenly you flinch and gasp at the feeling of your clothed clit dragging against the rough fabric of his pants.
A few more weak attempts to get yourself off has you in tears, it's humiliating and you hardly have any clue to what you're doing. You look at Albedo, silently begging him for help, but he just returns it with a cruel smile. It takes a moment for you to realize what he (probably) wants and although you don't really want to, you're so desperate right now you don't really care.
"Please...." "Hm?" "Please help me! Please help me cum, sir!" "Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll help you, but you better not complain when I give you what you want." You don't understand what he could possibly mean by that, but you don't have much time to think about it when Albedo grabs your hips, pushes you down and grinds you against his thigh. It's too fast and hard for you but nothing you say makes him slow or soften his pace. It's barely a minute before you feel the knot in your stomach burst. You collapse into his neck, tears streaming down your face, soaking his coat but suddenly you feel him yank you up by your throat. "Did you cum just by rubbing yourself against my thigh? Fully clothed no less, such a sensitive little whore aren't you? But I'm afraid you haven't satisfied me, so I think a punishment is due, don't you?"
Without warning, he suddenly squeezes your throat, stopping any air from making its way to your lungs. Your hands immediately try grasp his arm, but Albedo manages to catch them, leaving you to slowly asphyxiate. Fortunately, he let's go after a while, chuckling at the way you choke and sputter. "You have any idea how adorable it is to see you struggle," he sighs,"I've wanted this for so long and finally, I have you at my mercy. Now, for your punishment."
Cold air brushes your cunt as your cum-soaked pants and panties are ripped off. As soon as they're off, your juices gush out, messing his thigh up even more. You shut your eyes in embarrassment, not daring to meet his gaze, "Look at that. Who would've thought someone like you would cum so much untouched? You must like this more than you'd ever admit, no?" "No, I—" "Don't lie to me." "But—" Your sentence is cut short by a hard slap. "I don't want to hear any excuses. In fact, maybe it's better if you just shut up." You make a gagging noise as two fingers are shoved so far into your mouth, they hit the back of your throat. That was so hot, Albedo thinks, imagine if that was his cock.
Bringing his attention back to your pussy, he rubs his free hand against it, making you squirm as he collects your arousal and cum on his fingers. So wet, surely it would be enough for you to take his cock. Unbuckling his belt, he takes it out. Your eyes widen in slight fear, how were you going to take that inside of you?
Albedo laughs at the anxious look on your face, what are you worried about? Of course it's going to fit and if it doesn't, he'll make it fit.
Taking his hand out of your mouth, he lifts you up by your thighs and positions your entrance over the leaky tip of his cock. He then slams you down, giving you no time to adjust, a twisted, sadistic look is on his face as you scream and begin to cry once more. After giving you a few seconds, he lifts you up and impales you on his cock over and over again. It's fast, hard and painful, each thrust causing you to let out something that sounded like a mixture of a cry and a moan.
You beg him to stop, but in the back of your mind you think, do you really want him to? Yes it hurts, you are a virgin after all, but it also feels really good at the same time, in fact, it nearly feels too good. You didn't really have much time to recover from your first orgasm and now you feel another one coming. You're unsure if to say anything, but the uncertainty is short lived when fresh tears fall from your eyes as you cream around his cock.
"Came again? Ahh... and I've barely felt even close the cumming." "P-please sir, n-no more..." "Sorry princess, but like I said, you've failed to satisfy me, now you must accept your punishment."
You were exhausted and looked like a mess. Hair disheveled and sticking to your sweaty skin and clothes stained with cum while Albedo on the other hand, seemed perfectly normal aside from his dilated pupils, red tint across his face and small beads of perspiration rolling down his forehead.
Suddenly, you feel your stomach make contact with the cold Marble of the table as Albedo effortlessly puts you on it and turns you over. "I think this would be a more efficient position."
Before you know it, his cock is drilling into you once more. His pace is as fast as ever and you find your self grabbing at the tables edge while you moan in ecstasy. It's uncontrollable, the way a third orgasm washes over you at his continuous pounding.
It goes on like that for a while. You've cum about eight times before Albedo cums once. When he does, he cums inside you and you squirm at the foreign feeling. When he pulls out he can't help but feel mesmerized by the way his thick seed trickles out of your abused hole, running down your trembling thighs and falling into the puddle of cum from all your previous orgasms.
"You did so well for me princess, now wait here while I go get something to clean ourselves up." He sounds so unbothered, how much stamina does he have? While you lay there, brain reduced to mush and unable the form a coherent sentence or think of anything but the feeling of his cock in your walls. If there's one good thing about this whole situation, it's the fact that the uncomfortable fire in your stomach and nether regions is gone now :)
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elizaaarts · 8 months
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Aaaaaaaaaalright! OOKKAYYY Thin Man and The Lady again :> yey
Was that the real Mono...? Anyway, wait for part 37, which I'm personally very excited to show you HIHIHI >:D
I know some people expected something more epic, but I chose to do that because making Six go through everything in LN 2 would just waste time and be repetitive anyway :V This time she is smarter and more powerful, so she won't fall into the same trap twice!
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sharkboywrites · 9 months
Could I request a Dammon (bg3) x GN! Reader?
More specifically, a fluffy piece where Dammon has been overworking himself since getting his forge in the Lower City. Maybe it's him trying to prove himself to the Bauldarians. Maybe he's just so excited to finally have a proper forge again? The Reader/Tav has to physically drag him to bed by the back of his shirt because he keeps saying he'll be there, and he just has to shut down the shop, but he keeps getting redistracted.
Overall, it's just a cute domestic scene.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a good day/night, and remember to eat something and stay hydrated❤️
Take a Break
Dammon x gn reader
A/N: I love Dammon so much, developers please make him romanceable 🙏 anyways I made this more of a full writing rather than headcannons like I usually do
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Two and a half hours. It been two and a half hours since the time Dammon told you he’d be home from the forge.
You’ve been sitting on your shared couch, in the shared hime the two of you had gotten a few months ago, reading a rather interesting book, but you found as the time it became harder to focus. Your mind wandered more as the time passed, worrying about where he could be.
Two hours wasn’t enough time to start panicking though, he could have been held up by something at forge. It probably wasn’t an emergency. You tried to keep distracting yourself, but the book became just words on a page, and you had to find something else to do.
For a bit you paced back and forth, then cleaned a bit, then paced back and forth again. After another half an hour, three hours past the time he should have been back, you decided this was the time to go and look for him.
A simple walk to the forge to check on him, nothing drastic, you didn’t live far away after all, him needing to go there almost daily for work.
You soon found yourself at the forge not long after leaving your house. It also didn’t take long to find Dammon, over his craft, looking frankly exhausted.
His breathing was labored and he was covered in sweat, it wasn’t hard to tell how tired he was, but he kept working, pushing himself through it.
“Dammon,” you call out “What’s going on? You were supposed to be back home three hours ago…”
Your tone isn’t mean, but more concerned. He looks up at you, clearly suprised, not expecting to see you while he was working.
“Honey, what are you doing here?” He asks before he even processes your words, but once he realizes a confused look crosses his face. “What? What time is it?”
“It’s almost eight, you were supposed to be off a long time ago Dammon…”
He immediately starts to panic, packing up his things and apologizing to you profusely. You’re out of there in no time, assuring him it’s alright on the walk back home. When you enter the house, you encourage him to go wash up, and he does. You lay on the couch, now able to return to your book without worry.
He comes back in a bit later, clean but still looking a bit stressed out. You motion for him to sit next to you, and he does. You lean your head on his chest, looking up at him and admiring his features, resisting the urge to reach up and caress his horns.
He, on the other hand, looks straight ahead, head clearly full of thoughts. You decide you need to address what’s clearly bothering him. “What’s wrong?” You call up to him.
He looks down at you, confused. “What do you mean?” He looks more confused for you rather than himself, as he usually is.
“You’re stressed out. Worried about something.” Your tone is blunt, no dancing around the issue.
He hesitates for a moment. “I just… I feel like I need to be better, faster. I need to make better products and faster. Karlach had to wait so long for me to fix her engine… I need to be faster next time…”
His voice is full of guilt, even though he had fixed the issue, he somehow feels like he still didn’t do enough. You can’t help but furrow your brows in concern “Hey… it’s alright, you fixed the issue after all, and she’s so grateful, she’s not mad about the time that it took…”
He nods. “You’re right…” He agrees with you, but it’s clear he needs a little more convincing.
You sit up, and he looks at you confused, a hint of disappointment from the lack of your touch. He doesn’t have to worry about that for long though as you lean forward and kiss him on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you, I hope you know that…” you mutter to him.
He’s shocked for a moment, before softly smiling. “You…” He pulls you into a hug and holds you close.
You lean up and kiss him again. As you start planting kisses across his face, he can’t help but laugh a little.
The house is full or giggles as you comfort him in the best way you know how, and for him it’s working.
It’s not long before you fall asleep on top of him, and while he’d prefer to sleep in your bed, he doesn’t have the heart to wake you, your weight making him drift off himself.
Maybe he doesn’t need to work so fast after all.
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I’m exited to see how this turns out because usually people like my headcannon fics more than my will writing fics, ty for reading and have a nice day
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bonsaibudz · 3 months
hi hello howdy ◡̈
hihihi simblr!! ⋆⭒˚.⋆
it's been a Minute! but i'm back, and thought i'd do a little introduction post! :D
my name is maddie (she/her), i'm 22, and have been playing the sims franchise for approx. 12-13 years (wOw)! currently! i'm coming back from a 3-4 year break from playing out of ⋆⭒˚.⋆nostalgia⋆⭒˚.⋆ and an escape from real life (boo job market boo)!
i Actually had a cute lil simblr five-ish years ago but genuinely cannot remember the name of it nor can i find it — so starting out fresh again it is ^-^ on the other hand! i've had a somewhat active cc finder blog that i've been running for a while which is where i reblog a lot of items/mods i like, and most of the time, use!
i don't have any solid confirmed plan on how i plan to use this simblr but i think that's almost.. the best? way? to head into it! i didn't realize how much the game has updated in the time i've been gone (infants since when?!??), and am just really enjoying playing through new things!
⋆⭒˚.⋆currently⋆⭒˚.⋆ i'm playing with a super new generations-type family to have fun with the growing together pack! AND!! i'm working on making sims for a save file in the works!! so what i can tell you to expect are some cas screenies of some cuties that i'm working on!
anyways! long intro post short — i'm supersupersuper excited to be back to interact with the simblr community and hope to get to know some of you!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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devskindawritingblog · 9 months
hihihi can i request a drabble of transmasc!shauna (🫣) catching you wearing his boxers (in the wilderness, maybe you grabbed his boxers by mistake?!) and you feel his lingering stares all day until he breaks and says how good you look :)
Transmasc!Shauna x reader
AN: thanks so much anon for being my first request. I was a tad bit excited about it and maybe wrote this in a day. But I just had so much ideas. I don’t know why I’m apologizing. But anyways I hope you guys like it.
and Shauna’s text is in green and the single thing Van says is in red.
word count rounded : 630 words
It's been a while since you guys crashed in the wilderness. And the clothing situation has become complicated. It doesn't really matter whose shirt it is. They are all equally as dirty . Except for Mari’s sweater, that thing is beyond washing but you don’t tell her that.
So you don’t think that much of it when you throw on Shauna’s favourite pair of boxers. But he sure does.
You walk over to where your teammates are eating breakfast and Shauna’s eyes widen as his cheeks heat up. His eyes dart down at his boxers on you and back up at your oblivious face. He quickly goes back to eating, lowering his head to try to hide how red he is. You sit down next to him and start eating as well. 
“How did you sleep last night Shaunie?” you ask giving him a little nudge.
“ what? Oh…uh good” he quickly says as if you are snapping him out of a trance. 
He then turns to look and gives you a small smile before his eyes wander back down to those infamous boxers. Across the room you can see Van and Nat giggling to one another.
“Hey? Shauna, you feeling alright, you're a little red” Van teases from across the room as Shauna's blush darkens.
You look over at Shauna, still very unaware of his growing embarrassment. “Oh no, are you getting sick” you say as you reach over to cup his face, feeling at his cheeks to see how hot he is.
The more attention he gets the darker he blushes. “No, no, I'm fine” he quickly says. “I was just all wrapped up in my blankets last night” he explains away as the others decide to spare him embarrassment and drop it.
You all finish eating and go on with your chores. Chopping wood, finding berries, getting more water, trying and failing to catch fish.
You go on your day like normal. Every so often though you look over and catch shauna looking at you for afar. Shauna usually stares. but this time it seems different.
You brush it off and go the day without pestering him about it. The day comes to a close and all of you get into your sleeping spots. You, Shauna, and Taissa head up to the attic. Tai wanted to prove to everyone that nothing weird is going on. After Shauna decided to stick with Tai, you joined as well.
The 3 of you lay down on the attic floor and get ready to go to sleep, you and Shauna sleep next to each other sharing a pillow. Tai falls asleep first, she spent a good chunk of day chopping some wood, so she must be tired.
You roll over to face Shauna and he wraps his arms around your waist, playing with the hem of the boxers.  “Hey? Are you alright” “You’ve been quiet today” you say quietly as you run your fingers through his hair. 
“ Oh..Uh..yeah Im ok…..It's just” he says but hesitates but then sighs and just decides to say it “Well you were wearing my boxers today” he says quietly not meeting your eyes.
“ Oh right! Sorry did you not want me to wear them” you say quickly looking back up at him. “No, no you can wear them it's just well……” shauna trails off again before finally spitting it out.
“ I really like how you look in them, you look hot” he says shyly smiling at you as he wraps his arms around your waist again. 
“Oh” you say as it all starts making sense. “So what you're saying is you want me to wear them tomorrow” you say as you plant a little kiss on his cheek.
“That's exactly what I’m saying” Shauna says as he pulls you closer.
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orezby · 4 months
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Sage from High Guardian Spice (it’s my new obsession)
Here you can compare how much i changed her design.
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Well i just didn’t change her outfit like that, but i wanted it to match the personnality i have come up with.
Most reviews and critics i saw lways came with the same idea : Sage is the worst character or at least the least liked one.
Well, i thought it was sad since she was one of the main protagonist. And she reminds me a lot at the character i really wanted to be as a child (in terms of powers and outfit). Not just her but also many of the characters in HGS... That must be why i like the show haha.
I thought while eating dinner with my family "what if Sage was just trying to show a confident facade but in reality she is just constantly freaking out about anything that’s happening ?” then the idea was born.
What if...Sage was really fond about Fashion ?
Noo don’t let leave stay pls :(
What i mean by that is..
She feels awful and disfusted by herself inside. Because her family wished to have a boy because for some reasons (i’m still trying why haha...sorry). So at first she dressed pretty and used make up to show her parents that they didn’t make the wrong choice. As the times goes by, she continues even though in her mind, it’s not to please her parents anymore, it’s to feel better. Because she is craving for people’s compliments, even though she doesn’t feel happy doing so. What she truly wants is to be herself. What she truly wants is to feel because she wants to. In others terms : freedom.
Ahh that girl is messy in the head. But i really like that kind of story in movies ! Why ? Cuz i’m a bit messy in the head too.
Ah i also have ideas for her interactions with Rosemary. And maybe her character development. Hihihi i want to share all of it here, i feel really excited. Many ideas but just two hands and one head. Plus i’m stupid and really not good in consistency. Or at least i try to be.
Idk if i was clear about Sage’s personality. In my head it’s totally clear but i know how bad i am at explication. Even so, i think she really gives of the vibe of this song :
If i like this artist ? Yes. If i am a real fan of this artist ? No.
I just listen to different genres and- anyway i’m out of context.
Byee. (Nobody gonna read all that T_T)
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ms-oswald · 1 month
So, you finished the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen. 💕
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Who are your top 3 characters so far? (BONUS: is there anyone you loathe?)
I had to think this over because it's all over the place haha but I think I'm leaning towards the main trio - Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki. I looove their dynamic - that last episode with Yuji and Nobara teaming up??? was fiiiireeee!! And Fushiguro just taking on that cursed spirit by himself? damn I feared for his life for a sec I really thought he was gonna die 😭 Nobara is hilarious and Yuji reminds me so much of a character in another anime I used to watch as a kid idk why lol and Fushiguro!! I want to hug him at times.
It has also been going back and forth between some of the others like Toge and Maki. OH and Gojo! He's pulling me in. Idk what it is - could be the eyes but daamn haha
As for a character I loathe???? Oof, hmmmmm..... I want to say Yoshinobu Gakuganji - I did not like him wanting to kill Itadori straight away and sending his students to do that as well. OH and Noritoshi Kamo - I did not like him in that tournament episode fdjsklajfdsk
ANYWAYS. Can't wait for season 2 and the movie hihihi I am excited to see the story between Gojo and Geto. There is something there and I am dying to find out what fdjsklfjdskl;f
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hiiiii (i’m coming to redeem myself from not answer ur ask) how have u beeen??? have u been listening to any new music recently?
the other day i was at an antique market and found a bowie vinyl and almost picked up a belle and sebastian vinyl!!! sadly i hadn’t listened to that album yet :/
lee!!!! hihihi my love it’s so lovely to hear from uu omg <333 i’ve been v good lately actually!!! my second semester has just started and so i’m fully back at uni and work now and it’s v v cold here omg :’) but omg i am having suchhhh a good winter compared to last year LIKE!!! this week so far have seen my beautiful friends and have been to visit a couple of galleries AND have started wearing scarves (um did u guys know about these things??? insane!!!) so it’s been good lately definitely :’)
but also omg omg omg BOWIE VINYL GAHH <33 that’s soso cool lee oh my goshhh which album was it? and omgg belle and sebastian record THATS SOSO INCREDIBLE i actually have not been able to find one myself so i am giving u a big hug bc that’s so cool gahhh xx also also ooh do i remember which album the b&s record was? OH ALSOO lee i can’t remember if i told u but i’m going to see b&s live this month i’m SOSO EXCITED <3
anyways hehe tell me how your holidays have been !!! hopefully v lovely and relaxing, i hope your new semester goes soso well, and as alwaysss it’s so lovely hearing from u MWAH xx
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linguenuvolose · 6 months
2024 goals - March progress
I can't claim I focussed on my goals at all this month... Idk I don't really see them as goals either they're just kinda.. things I keep some track of. I know I said this last month but I think April will be more productive because this month for sure spring will feel like it's here (we're still waiting for the trees to turn green, it snowed A Lot last week, just to give you an idea of the situation).
Anyway love and light below are some reflections on my specific goals :)
Get back into a reading routine
I've kept on reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf and I only have 35 pages left. I'm still not consistent at all with it, I read a bit about once a week. I find it so hard to reach for the book instead of my phone, it's annoying because I really do enjoy the book.
Meet friends at least once a month
I've had some good hangouts this month, mostly others that have been reaching out. I'm happy because one of my friends came to my boyfriend's show and was so excited about it and I'm happy they are bonding! In April I have plans to go visit a friend who lives in another city (one of my closest friends who will also meet my boyfriend for the first time) and I'm also planning to reach out to another friend!
Do the damn exercises for my back :(
I did them like.... 2,5 times :( not good at all. And my salsa classes stopped in the middle of the month and I've decided to not continue so it's not looking perfect. Hopefully with the extra light we get now I can have more energy to do them in the evening.
Get better at Portuguese
I signed up for the Portuguese course at uni <3333 Hopefully I'll get in and I'll be able to do that in the fall. I studied in some way 11 days of the month which isn't nothing!! Started doing Clozemaster and I really like it, especially on the writing mode (let's be honest, all my knowledge in Romance languages makes the "choose from these four options" a walk in the park for me). It's super annoying that the free plan only allows you 30 words a day. What I really should do is produce more, write little texts and stuff.
Get my license
We're still waiting for the permit to be able to practice driving with my boyfriend but it's taking a while... I've had 2 lessons though (was supposed to have 3 but one got cancelled). I don't know that I feel that I'm getting any better but I do really have to start studying the theory. It would be nice to talk to my instructor also and ask him what he thinks a reasonable time frame would be for me. In my head I'm seeing myself getting the license during the summer but who knows.
Get back into the habit of going on walks
I have been on some walks this month but more in the sense of I am somewhere and walk a bit instead of taking the closest subway. But I mean now with the change of the hour and the warmer weather I for sure am seeing myself going on more walks!
Go to the theatre more (youth discount my beloved) and also to some museums!
I went to the Maurizio Cattelan exposition at the Modern art museum because my friend had a free entrance with her job. I actually really liked it! Unfortunately I was in a bit of a hurry so I didn't have time to meander or look at the other expositions but I would love to go back! They do the free entry on Friday evenings so I think I might go!
Improve my sleeping schedule
I actually compiled my statistics for this this month (yay!). Slept an average of 7h15 but if we just look at work nights it's 6h20. Not great... It's not something I've paid particular attention to this month but I think I should. I think a goal could be maybe sleep before 1 more often (this month it was 3 times hihihi ma come siamo messi raga).
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