#anyways the original photo is actually so funny to me. like i love it
misiahasahardname · 11 months
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family comes in all shapes and sizes…
ignore how i drew brody here. i’m not proud of how he turned out.
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Ermm...What the flip is a "Will Wood?"
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Awhile ago I made a Will Wood LEGO set in the program Studio 2.0 based off his album "In Case I make it," and just never posted it anywhere. Contains a bunch of references to his songs, his albums, those tapeworms that he has, stuff he has worked on with other people, etc. Some of the character's are based off preexisting stuff while others is more original I guess. Still not the best with captions cuz I got nothing else lmao
More photos below!!!
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Some dark lighting here. This is how it's supposed to look but when I showed this to my friend they said the images were too dark and like fair it is pretty dark so I made a bunch of more renders but with brighter lighting so you can see better
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Ahh! so bright!! so so bright!!!
I'd probably make some changes to this like changing the designs of some of the figures and maybe add other designs but I don't got it in me to rerender everything so oh well it is what it is lol
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Can you guess the references? First person to name all of them wins a photo of a scary monster!!!! ahhhh!!!! so scary!!!!!!!!!
Okay here's the answers lol
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I feel like i complained a lot in the caption of this post but I actually do love how this came out and I really enjoyed doing all the fancy posing for all the figures and I really want to do more stuff like that
(and I already did get ready I got more of this stuff lmao)
For a lot of the character's I had trouble finding good parts that actually matched with the design so some of them are just real wonky looking. Part of me sorta wishes I made an original design for SELF-ISH but at the same time I think just having the actual art from the cover being placed on top of a LEGO dude is really funny.
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like look at this shit lmao
I'm probably going to make a followup to this post showing off like the 800 wip renders I did of this anyways follow for 800 reblogs of random ass shit and NOTHING ELSE
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wandixx · 3 months
I didn't realized I haven't posted it before
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies art!!!
aka how I figured out Dani's Hoopoe costume design and some chibis (with my mediocre marker skills)
"Ghost of fries and hero of cookies" is a cute and fluffy fic I wrote about Dani going to Gotham and accidentally became Signal's sidekick. Here is tumblr link. Here is AO3
Anyway, let's get to the art
Photos may be poor quality, my scanner did shitty job, and I tried to fix it up a bit in Ibis Paint, but there is only so much I could do
Hoopoe with hoopoe, to get you hooked up :)
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This is finished design, so now we can get to the journey there. Some drawings will be just Dani because, yes, she threw on a cape, but I still needed to know how she looked like underneath.
And in the love of Gods, I was not going to put a child in the crop top.
Or at least I changed that when it hit me that I can... just do that. I can redesign her. Anyway, chronologically:
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As you can see, in the beginning, both her cape and her mask had some more interesting designs that I got rid of. Not because I don't like it, I still think it's pretty cute, but! Mask got simplified because I realized that Bats keep their masks pretty simple in color, and she got her mask from Duke, so it needed to be simpler. Just... let's say that the one with a bit more fun stuff going on was her original paper mask, and she was pouting up a storm when Signal gave her such boring mask in exchange. THE ABSOLUTE BETRAYAL!
And the cape got more boring because it's literally a blanket. I don't think she could get a blanket with this specific pattern. But for a funny bit that I thought out when it was too late, The Pin that holds her cape together is either something like "I ❤️ Central City" or Flash merch. I highly encourage you to suggest to me what it could look like
Anyway, then came actual figuring out of her actual costume
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I don't know what to tell about this part, to be honest. Maybe I would vibe better with the first one if I kept green parts one shade instead of... 4 or 5. Second one just isn't it at all, though I could probably give her belt back at some point. Third one was pretty close but this 》 shape on her torso just felt weird, so I just simplified it to the straight line in the fourth, which is the final. The elbow protection there was literally spur of the moment idea when I looked at the figure drawing and decided "I like the elbow shapes. Let's keep them" and I kept them.
Anyway, this is other shot of finished Hoopoe!Dani, with better view of her costume:
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And chibis! Chilling on the roof with Signal and eating fries like good lil gremlin ghosts oath to do:
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I'm frankly really proud of the chibis because for the life of me, I usually cannot draw them without feeling that their faces went through a hydraulic press or at least met a wall at really high speed.
That's all for today
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bananaactivity · 2 months
Something I find funny is how Mals hair changing colors isn’t seen as bad costume consistency. It’s seen as symbolic of Mals changes throughout the series.
Chloe’s on the other hand is seen as just bad and a weird choice. Which makes perfect sense because there’s NOTHING to even try to read into about her hair changing. It just changes to change… like what could her hair possibly symbolize?!? She doesn’t have magic in her blood either so it just looks like bad costume design. And she isn’t a Vk so why is her hair blue?! Chads hair isn’t blue but his whole family has some blue. Chad is giving this photo:
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That’s sad for me cause I live laugh love Chad 😔 he’s so goofy…
It just feels like they’re trying to recapture the camp and iconography of the og by redoing some of its stuff. But for me personally the only part that felt like it captured the ogs spirit was the VKs. Technically the only one that’s a villain kid is Morgie since his mom is actually a pre established villain. Everyone else is kinda the start of their families villain line. I’m gonna just call them the OGV’s (original villains). But anyway the OGVs despite being the stupidest villains of all time are actually pretty fun to watch with what little screen time they have, it makes since that them as adults would serve harder cause teenagers are dumb asf.
This was about wigs 💀💀💀 I’m gonna get back to work on that morgie and hook stuff now 😔🙏
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grae418 · 4 months
LONG POST- sorry. I’m nerding out about historical document handling. More below the cut.
I don’t know if anyone caught IWTV essentially dissing themselves in episode 2 but I’m gonna go ahead and explain the “gloves for historical documents” joke made by Daniel when real Rashid gave him the Paris album and WHY my archive loving self found it so funny.
It all starts with season 1, actually. In season 1, (episode 4 I think?) Daniel gets access to Claudia’s journal (and a few other historical paper documents). While handling the journal he is seen wearing white gloves given to him by Armand.
THIS USE OF GLOVES IS BAD PRACTICE. In modern archival perpetration we are told NOT to wear gloves for paper products like books. (Unless it could be hazardous to health due to mold, ect.)
We are told this because it can actually be detrimental due to snags, grit catching onto the gloves, lack of dexterity (as Daniel actually noted), etc. In having Daniel wear the gloves, he is not following procedure given in most archives. (Though I don’t know the full composition of the journal, maybe there is a reason but I don’t think it’s anything that would require gloves, i.e. doing more good than harm) In fact, the oil on our hands is helpful to the books (and leather covers if applicable) in most cases as it keeps them from crumbling to dust (not good obviously)
In having Daniel make a joke about not wearing gloves for historical documents, IWTV is essentially calling themselves out for him doing so just a season earlier. I find this ABSOLUTELY hilarious seeing as I was PRESSED when I saw him in those gloves during my first ever watch of season one.
Ironically enough, not wearing gloves to separate your hand’s oils from original photographs CAN be detrimental. If the photos he was holding in this episode were the originals (I’m going off memory, so tell me if they’re copies and I didn’t notice) then he SHOULD have taken some gloves. Preferably nitrile or cotton that doesn’t attract lint.
So anyway, IWTV is amazing and y’all should watch but also sometimes it can be stressful to nerdy book lovers like me. I do also wonder if this note was made on purpose or not.
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wellbelesbian · 2 months
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Seven Sentence Sunday
thanks for tagging me @hushed-chorus!
here's another snippet from my Shoulder To Shoulder sequel fic. i had originally wanted to post it yesterday as that was the day of Durham Miner's Gala, but didn't finish it on time, so i'll just post it when i get it done.
Even the yellow and white LGSM banner is smaller than most here, made with wood, fabric and paint we could get for cheap from hardware and crafts stores.
"Now, that's just showing off." Niamh rolls her eyes as another banner passes us. It's twice the size of most of the others, a portrait of four bland, blonde men shaking hands while limply holding a clover, thistle, rose and daffodil. At the top it reads Durham Miner's Association, Trimdon Grange Colliery, and at the bottom, Unity is strength.
"Do you think they're compensating for something?" Agatha nudges Baz suggestively and he shakes his head with a chuckle.
rambling and banner photos below the cut
i'm allowed to make fun of the trimdon grange banner, it's my hometown's and everyone agrees is stupidly large and hard to carry. why does it need this massive red trim? just to be big and obnoxious!
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(picture is my own)
anyway. i said this in my author's note at the beginning of Shoulder To Shoulder, but my great uncle Tommy (my grandad's big sister's husband) was a big figure in the Miner's Union. he died of cancer about ten years back and hundreds of miners came to his funeral to pay their respects.
his side of the family lives pretty far away, and i don't get to see them often, but yesterday was Durham Big Meeting (also known as the Miner's Gala), a huge gathering of ex-miners where they march with their banners. it's a celebration and memorial in one. and this year, my uncle has been painted on a new banner (he's the one in the middle), so my extended family came up for the weekend. turnout was actually lower than usual due to the rain, but ah well.
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my great auntie, his wife, asks me every time i see her "have you got a girlfriend yet?" (i'm chronically single 😭) and told me she wishes her husband had still been alive when their grandson came out, and could have met his boyfriend. i have every faith that he would have been an ally, just like her. he was such a strong, funny, loving man.
so yeah. this new fic was inspired by that banner (also the Mark Ashton Trust and LGSM banners) and the Miner's Gala, and then I decided to explore more things Simon and Baz would have lived through between the end of STS and now.
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hopefully i can finish it in at least a somewhat timely manner.
tags and hellos: @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @artsyunderstudy @that-disabled-princess @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @aristocratic-otter @larkral @ivelovedhimthroughworse @cutestkilla @shemakesmeforget @fatalfangirl @ebbpettier @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @alexalexinii @youarenevertooold @shrekgogurt @bookish-bogwitch @thewholelemon @shutup-andletme-go @supercutedinosaurs @theearlgreymage @ileadacharmedlife @alleycat0306 @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @comesitintheclover @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony and @noblecorgi
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definatelymrhyde · 2 months
I guess I’ll send in my ask now 🤣
Since I already seen a post on Edward’s design choices, I’m curious what was the inspiration for Jekyll’s design? Like do you based him on a musical cast actor? Or your personal preference? Things like that.
Jekylls design is based mainly off of personal preference and how I imagined him in my head when I first read the original novella!! I also gave him long hair because one; I love that design idea for Jekyll and think it’s super neat! I took inspo from the musical in that effect. And two; It made a great subject for any transformation scene. Because Hyde’s hair is shorter. How would Jekylls hair get shorter? Yeah. Im not gonna say it outright though because the implication is terrifying both to ME and to Jekyll. Because he was still very much so conscious during any transformation. He could see hear and feel what was happening. I also really REALLY love the red/green motif in TGS, so I snatched that too! Jekylls eyes also have opposite light/dark halves to Edward’s which was so I could have a little nod at the ‘opposite halves’ bit. I also think it’s funny he looks more like TGS Hyde than TGS Jekyll. Jekylls Eyes are a huuuge part of his design too!! As I mentioned before him and Edward have got an opposite eye thing going on, not just colour wise either. Jekylls eyes are darker on the bottom and lighter on the top while Edward’s are lighter on the bottom and darker on the top. I kinda think this gives Jekyll a neat little effect where he looks MUCH more worn out and tired than Edward does!! I also really liked the idea of Jekyll having little circle Victorian Glasses, but never actually decided wether or not I wanted him to HAVE said glasses. Hence we get that sometimes he wears glasses and sometimes he just doesn’t. I think it’s because he’s stubborn and refuses to wear his damned glasses for anything that doesn’t require fine detail vision like reading, writing or alchemy/doctor stuff. The glasses don’t really have arms on them though when I draw them so it’s beyond me how they stay on his face. For the rest of Jekylls clothes I went with the THS red/brown/warm colours theme. Originally it was meant to be just a TGS au but then @fanartsandstuff (sorry for the ping!!) drew an amazing photo of wtiht Jekyll with a darker vest and I fell in love with that idea!! So credits to them for that part of the design!! I also loooooovvveee gradients on my designs so of course he gets a little gradient on his pants and when I’m in shading occasionally the rest of his clothes too lmao.
Anyways I apologize for how long that was, I just think a lot about my character designs and how I execute them woshishahs
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toadinthechest · 1 month
First thing first! Some context:
Last year I've been introduced to Epic the musical which reignited my childhood obsession with greek mythology. Since then a lot of my themed drawings have been piled up. I don't think I will draw anything related anytime soon due to some "in real life stuff". So I decided to post most of them here dividing in two.
And this is the first post, which mostly contains drawings with Iris!
Why Iris? Let's just say I have never heard of her before, but after reading the Illiad I LOVED the idea of two Olympic messengers who counterpart each other.
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As you can see in this take on their designs I wanted to give Hermes rather dusty and faded color scheme, while Iris is the burst of colors! However *headcanon!* their character is completely opposite to their appearance. So while Hermes is very lively, energetic, outgoing and chaotic, Iris on the other hand is collected and composed, calm, kinda a withdraw person (brooding even over something *cough* Titanomachy *cough*).
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Speaking of the Illiad, while reading I've noticed that Homer used an interesting adjective to describe a brunete person: violet haired. So here's random portrait of young Zeus:
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But let's get back to Iris. Her origins are also very interesting. I wouldn't ever guessed that she's rather sea goddess than anything! You see, her parents are Thaumas (sea god who personified the wonders of the sea) and Elektra (cloud-nymph of the amber-trim), and grand parents accordingly: Pontos, Okeanos and Tethys.
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Btw I already talked how different scanners affect your drawing. It took me several days to convert next two pieces into digital format... Because I literally needed the SUN to do that. Why? Because the first scanner "ate" the colors from drawings and i couldn't restore them. And the second one made them incorrigibly dark. So I waited days for sunny weather and make a photo with phone. I have no idea what am I going to do in winter. But I hope I will come up with something!
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I'd like to tell more about these two drawings. On the first one I pictured several celestial gods: Hemera, Helios, Selene and Eos. Looking at them now I realize I actually want to change Selene's design (it's just waaay too simple) and maybe I'd like to make Eos a little bit chubby or curvy. By now you must have already realize that Helios's design is basically humanization of sun in sunglasses (I know it doesn't really fit his character in myths, I just thought it would be more funny and interesting). As for Hemera... I will explain hers and few other gods designs in second post.
The second picture is... Well... Iris and her twin sister Arke the traitor. Look now... I know that there is only one literary source where this character is mentioned, which dates back to the 1st-2nd century AD. So I'm not entirely sure that it can be considered part of ancient Greek mythology. Basically, I just like the idea of ​​such character and how her existing would affect other characters.
Anyway. Iris is also a sister to harpies! (I will show their designs in next post) So I was thinking what Iris would look like if she herself were one?
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Congratulations! You made it till the end of the post! Here's some scribbles of Olympic messengers:
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cyclesprefectpress · 4 months
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[image description: 8 photos of a letterpress broadside printed from handset type and a linoleum block illustration. the poem is titled The Interview, written by a young poet for the 2024 edition of Words of Courage. the poet answers questions like what musical instrument, or animal, or color would you like to be. they would be an Afuche Cabasa, a tarantula, and the sound of a bird being eaten by a tarantula. printed from lead type, handset in Motto and Neuland; illustrated in pink, red, and blue is a tarantula playing the Afuche Cabasa. there are motion lines embossed out of the sheet for the shaking effect of the percussion. full text under the cut. end description.]
behold my abominable contribution to this year's Words of Courage publication 🎉🎉
WoC is a yearly publication of poetry broadsides written by patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital, and designed, printed, and bound into portfolios by local letterpress & book artists. this year’s whole edition will be scanned and posted there in a couple weeks & previous years are always there to see!
knew that i wanted this one immediately; this kid is SO cool and funny. personally i am deeply arachnophobic and have been doing some spider illustrations as exposure therapy. so far no discernible effect!! still very afraid of em. don't like to see em. research phase is a horror. but i am getting better at drawing them.
the Neuland for the sound effect was a no-brainer to me, plus i knew i would be varying the size and we have the original hand-cut stuff so each size of the face has little differences in the letter forms that you can spot. that little change in angle on the Cs, i love it so so much.
i didn't want to make the spider a cartoon. this reach for the skies pose is a real thing tarantulas do as a defensive back-off posture, so i was aiming for more of a posterized-from-photograph feel on the linocuts. reduction cut for the pink and red passes, separate block for the blue. the little bit of wobbly registration between the red and blue blocks helps the posterization feel, and some people also said it reminded them of riso, which i thought was very neat.
thought about printing the motion lines from rule as well, but it's a lot of text and i wanted it to stay very readable. so i made an embossing jig out of masking tape and hand-scored each of the lines into the edition instead. easy! well. simple anyway. 100 of em does strain the wrist so i only did a few at a time over a couple days. i finished a little ahead of schedule and this felt less…stressfully complicated than some other projects I've done so I kept looking at it and worrying that it wasn't actually finished?? when i'm not looking at it i still worry about that. but i'm, hmm, when i see it i'm really pretty sure i was correct to stop here.
The Interview    Q:        Rio, if you could be an animal, what animal would you like to be? A:        I’d be a tarantula. They make beautiful webs. Some tarantulas eat birds!   Q:        If you could be a color, what color appeals to you?
A:        I’d be red velvet like the red velvet cupcakes at Cupcake Royale. I’d also be aqua blue, the color of hospital masks.   Q:        What loud noise would you like to be if you could be one? A:        Definitely the sound of a bird screeching while being eaten by a tarantula.   Q:        Suppose you could be a musical instrument? A:        I’d love that! And I’d love to be a Latin Afuche Cabasa. It’s a stick with tiny metal spheres around it. When you rotate it in your hand it makes the sound Chichichichichichichichi.   Q:        Rio, can you imagine having wheels?  A:        I can! I’d be a buggy. I ride the hospital buggies every day when I’m here. They make me feel happy and fast! And wanting to go! Go!
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sohcah--toa · 5 months
bullet train/マリアビートル details ~
Hello!! I recently dug up the Bullet Train script (if you search it up, you should be able to find it relatively easily!! I'm not sure if it's completely reliable but it seems to be the first version) and listened to the soundtrack. (It's awesome, you should listen if you haven't already!!)
There's a lot of stuff here about マリアビートル, I hope you enjoy reading 🥳 (It's really ridiculous)
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I attached a photo for reference in the book!! :D (there's highlighter marks, I'm sorry) His backstory is tragic and aahh noo 🥹... I won't say much on it because we're all thinking the same thing. In the script, this is carried over when Lemon passes out because of the water. But apparently, in the final movie, this isn't shown a lot. In the book and movie, they aren't brothers and have a considerably colder relationship, so I can understand why the childhood scene in the cut is so much more wholesome. (Still supersuper cool though!!)
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-- 2) "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
The original reason why this song was chosen for Bullet Train was because of Tangerine's West Ham United sticker (turns out, that's a football club). Hey!! But wait a minute!! There's a funny coincidence because Ladybug in the book was trying to become a football star. He has a quote that's like "my friend told me that someone like me could either become a footballer or a criminal, so I did both" and he says that his first crime was stealing a football.
The song delves into themes surrounding fortune as well!! I love their music selection 🙇‍♂️😤
Okay this part (in a way...) contains spoilers for Three Assassins, which is the first book of the "series"! ! The story revolves around a guy named Suzuki, who appears again in Bullet Train!! He kinda-sorta becomes friends with Ladybug and it's like 😊 they are so happy. To be completely honest, Suzuki's a bit traumatised but so is Ladybug, right?? Lovely friendship!!
It's also so interesting that he's reading a hotel buffet menu because his wife used to love eating at buffets and he adopted the habit of hoarding all the food as well. He's on the train to meet with his dead wife's family (which was extremely difficult for him after her passing).
There's this other book in the series called The Mantis or AX for the Japanese version. This one isn't talked about a lot but if you like family stories, this book is so so soo good. It really pulled at my heartstrings when I first read it but I can't say too much without spoiling everything. Anyway, it makes a few references to Bullet Train and literally starts with the main character, Kabuto (an assassin), having a flashback to talking to Tangerine and Lemon during one of his missions, where they had the same target so they worked together. The Twins really respect him, actually, but find it funny that he's so careful around his wife (YES KABUTO, AN ASSASSIN, HAS A WIFE). Some characters reappear so.. :")) yay!!
-- 5) 777
Ladybug comes back!! He comes back in the latest book in the series; 777. So far, the Japanese reviews have been pretty positive and I think there's an English translation coming in November!! 🥳 I like how the title is 777; 7 like 7 tails in Nanao (七尾), car 7, his favourite number is 7 (if I recall correctly), 7 the "lucky number".
-- 6) THIS GUY
No one asked but I heavily dislike the Prince in the book. (to be honest, who doesn't...) He's just mean for no reason and likes ruining people's lives, makes fun of poor Ladybug (this really isn't that bad compared to the other stuff he does) and yeah, the list goes on. Also apparently he (heavily) tortures other schoolmates and it's not like he gets paid for it like the Twins or the other guys. He just does it for fun?? OK!! The premise of his character is amazing and it's great to see a villain that's actually just straight evil but since he's designed that way, we are validated when hating him ww. He talks about politics as well for some reason... keeps referencing historical tragedies.... man.
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The Pusher is back too!! Weee~ (not really)
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In the movie, it seems as though this entire part got cut out which, like, is reasonable. I attached a photo from the Grasshopper (2015) movie for reference hahaha. The guy in the black suit is the Pusher!! Yeah, he pushes people!! (not in the fun way!!)
He is in charge of protecting Wataru from the Prince's guy, although he's reluctant at first. He's obsessed with bugs and stuff. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's probably going to be about bugs. The Pusher's also strangely poetic. Maybe it's because he likes old bands like the Rolling stones? Oh!! And he gets mentioned in The Mantis.
And speaking of the Kimura family, Yuichi Kimura says something very true and it's:
"who do they gotta make the train toilets so nasty"
This is very much a fact. In Mariabeetle, he gets kidnapped when he's 8 years old because he gets mistaken for a rich kid (after he lost a bet with his wealthy friend and had to wear his "rich person backpack"), then in the place he's being held captive, he escapes by HIMSELF since his dad isn't able to give the guys money for his son back (since they took the wrong person!!). But heyy he's resourceful and smart.
AND guess what?? He gets traumatised because there was this other boy being held but Ladybug didn't save him and it's haunted him ever since. This is also one of the reasons why he ends up helping the Prince even though he knows it won't do him any good.
Obviously, it gets worse from there. He makes it back to his family and they're pretty happy. Unfortunately, they're far from rich and Ladybug has to study extremely hard to get into a college. Spoiler alert, he doesn't. THE THING IS!! He studied so hard!! It's just that during his exam, some kid sneezed on his paper and he wiped it, smudging all his work and even his name!! Nanao! No!!
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To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
"We perished, each alone."
-> He really loves that quote. A lot. Also he's a Virginia Woolf fan!!
2. Forbidden Colours - Yukio Mishima
-> He's also a Yukio Mishima fan... I wonder if he's ever read "The Sound of Waves". What would he think about it? Hahaha this will keep me up at night 😅 (<- SLANTED EMOJI!!)
3. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
-> To talk about Article 41 of the Penal Code of Japan. (Mr Kotaro Isaka, the author, studied law, by the way!! It's interesting!!) However, here, Tangerine quotes Mishima on Article 41 ;)
4. Hemingway and Faulkner
-> Actually it's a collection so it's not really a book recommendation but these two people are real - Ernst Hemingway (the Old Man and the Sea guy) and William Faulkner. They didn't really get along, by the way, and even though they respected the other's work, they criticised more than praised. Sounds like the Twins.
5. Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
-> "Crime is no longer insanity, but simply common sense, almost a duty; anyway, a gallant protest."
I think the author is a heavy Fyodor Dostoevsky fan, just because he also referenced his works in Three Assassins.
6. Crime and Punishment ;D
-> "Science now tells us, love yourself before all men, for everything in the world relies on self-interest."
(CONT'D) yeahh this book was referenced in Three Assassins and one of the characters is obsessed with it. Glad to see that Tangerine is a fan too hahahaha.
Opinionated text here but Lemon is plain awesome.
"Between the principal's name and Doraemon's gadgets, it was blindingly obvious which one was more important."
To each their own and I know he's a criminal but he seems like he has no enemies. Sounds very wholesome.
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She's in Three Assassins AND the Mantis!! Hypercool. In both books, the Hornet is a team of a male and a female. The female is eliminated (this word choice ww) by Ladybug but the male is still up and kicking, though Ladybug feels bad about it. They use poison needles, like the movie, but they trigger anaphylaxis, which is a really dangerous allergic reaction that causes body shocks.
"If people knew that they might be killed by someone tomorrow, economic activity would grind to a halt."
... well 😅 take from that what you will.
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(that's Suzuki!!)
Cela dit... that's all.... so long, I'm sorry. But thank you so much if you read until the end!! I hope you at least found it a bit entertaining!! :"))
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chubsonthemoon · 2 years
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This is To Hell and Back Again, by dear dear @perexcri. Cover design by @byierficrecs (thank you SO much for letting me use your design!). Binding by me!
I'm not in ST fandom, but I had the pleasure of skimming this fic while I was typesetting, and can I just say? I'm rooting for these kids SO hard. I'd go to hell and back again for them--[GUNSHOT]
But in all seriousness, Leah's writing is whip-smart, sincere, and funny as hell. I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who is a fan of these crazy kids. Her ao3 is a veritable treasure trove of excellent byler stories, which you should absolutely check out right now go do it!!!
As usual, process chatter and more pics, under the cut! <3
Title: Hellprint
Heading/Chapter Headings/Spine Titling: Norwester
C4 Summary: Roboto Condensed
Main Body Text: Garamond
COVER MATERIAL: Epson Premium Presentation Paper Matte, printed on my Epson Ecotank (more on that later baha)
HEADBANDS: Trebizond silk thread in the colors Garnet and Black
EDGE PAINTING: Acrylic paint in Crimson and Black
TITLING: Red iron-on foil for the text and white HTV for my maker's mark. Cut by Charlotte, my Cricut!
This was my first go at a German Bradel binding! I've seen lots of Renegade folks use this method and am so psyched I got around to trying it myself. I modified DAS's approach a bit and tipped on endpapers instead of sewing them in (there were a lot of new things to learn so I decided to shelve sewn endpapers for the next binding XD). I also only had 2.0 mm bookboard instead of 1.0 mm, so instead of layering two of the same boards like DAS did, I instead used one 2.0 mm board and one very thin piece of cardboard to create the groove for the hinge. The original article that DAS bases his video on actually uses boards of two different sizes too--a "thick" board and a "thin" board--but I still want to experiment with DAS's way of doing it, especially since I think it'll be easier to do cutouts on thinner board.
As far as matching the groove with the hinge, I think I did pretty okay for my first try! One board is definitely better fitting than the other though baha. There's always room for improvement, but hey that's where half the fun is anyway (and also you can't tell after the case-in whew), so I'm not stressed about it :D
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Nearly all of my design decisions for the color scheme were based off of @byierficrecs's gorgeous cover design! They were so generous in letting me use their cover and answering my questions about fonts, for which I can't thank them enough. And with so many wonderful elements to work with, it was so much fun to tease out the elements I loved from their work!
I decided to keep with the theme of red/black, which I also thought was fitting for a ST fic set largely in the Upside Down. Thus, black painted edges with red vines, as a kind of inverted, "upside down" continuation of the cover:
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Even the thread I used to sew the signatures is red/black! :3 (please also ignore how the picture of the textblock is not focused on the actual textblock ajsldkfjs it was very late when I took that photo)
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This was my first time printing a cover on my new printer (!!!), and BOY oh boy was it an adventure. Figuring out the dimensions took a second, but not as long as it took me to figure out what settings produced something I was happy with. Behold, all my test prints:
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Very long story short, let's just say now I understand why being a prepress color specialist is literally a career you can have in publishing LOL.
Also, for some reason I could only sometimes get the bleed to work? Basically what I ended up doing was painting over the parts where the design didn't quite extend over the turn-ins, using with the same black acrylic paint I used for the edges. You can see this more clearly in the photos I took of the groove, and the endpapers covered the messy bits when I cased in:
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Finally!! The most important part of the process!!! HI LEAH ILY!!!! This fic is special for a lot of personal reasons, but chief among them is LOVE!!!! Your A/N's made me tear up when I first read it, because AH! You read my words of love!!! And went and wrote hundreds of thousands of your own words of love!!! And now I hope I've given that love back once again :3 And on and on we go, ad infinitum, until we are relieved of the curse of literacy and greet whatever comes after all this, thanks be to Todd. But until then, I'm so glad I get to shoot holes out of bagels and scream about radioactive tumblr posts and cry over fake people with you, friend :] Truly, peace and love on FUCKING Planet Earth. We are making it and we will all go together when we--[ANOTHER GUNSHOT]
I'm so excited to see where we're going, and what other stories we have to tell. But for now: EEEEEEEE YOU WROTE A BOOK!!!!!!!
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player1064 · 6 months
for the carraville prompts: jamie’s pov of your fic it’s just not what’s done, and him doing/saying increasingly gay things that fluster gary who thought he’d never have a chance with the straight boy
honestly I could write a full length fic of this I LOVE this idea but I am exercising restraint (read: i am too sleepy to keep writing but want to post it anyway) and cutting it off at 1.3k words. Jamie is so so annoying in this god bless xx
There’s a weird buzz in the air when Jamie arrives at Melwood in the morning, and not the usual frustration he’d expect the morning after the first team have lost a game. Everyone’s grouped in little huddles, hushed whispers that cut out when anyone else walks by, but the weirdest part by far is that everyone is holding a fucking newspaper.
He walks into the apprentice’s dressing room and snatches a paper out of one of the other lads’ hands. He turns straight to the back page, but there’s nothing particularly noteworthy there – United won the league, big fucking whoop – so he frowns and flips the paper back to the front page.
Jamie would normally dismiss anything The Sun prints as garbage, but a quick glance around the dressing room shows a few other papers scattered around, all with similar headlines. All with the same photo, printed to take up most of the page, full colour even on a weekday.
The Sun’s headline is not a particularly creative one, but is does get the point across quite succinctly: there, right above the grainy, dimly lit photograph, are the words GAY NEVILLE?
“Oh my fucking God,” he hears Michael whisper from behind him.
Gary Neville, right-back, Jamie’s brain helpfully supplies. Manchester United, 21 years old and already eight caps for England.
His next thought is: what a fucking idiot.
He doesn’t give a shit about the gay thing, not really – he did spend two years at boarding school, he knows what some of the boys got up to there. No, his issue is more that United have just won the league, and everyone knows in a few days they’ll be getting the double when they win the FA cup too. 21 years old, a starter for a team that’s about to make footballing history, a spot in the squad for this summer’s Euros, and the stupid prick’s just thrown it all away because he felt like getting off with someone at a club where anyone could see him.
Maybe he should ask his coaches about practicing in right-back. He has a funny feeling a spot’s about to open up on the England team.
“Not so brave now that yer boyfriend’s fucked off to Spain, are ye?”
Neville gives him a disinterested look from across the tunnel.
“Not my boyfriend,” he says flatly, rolling his eyes like he’s recited that line a thousand times before.
He probably has, actually. Jamie needs to come up with better insults, something more original. He’ll workshop some for next time.
Still, better to dig in on this one. “No, I s’pose he’s not now that he’s traded you in fer better things. Yer not exactly a Galactico.”
Neville’s expression is still blank but there’s a hint of fire behind his eyes, which tells Jamie that he’s on the right track, that if he pushes just a little bit more he’ll be able to tip him over the edge.
He sees Keane step out from his place at the front of the line, turn to Neville and mutter “d’you need me to –”
“Couldn’t give a fuck, he’s not worth worryin’ over,” Neville replies, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
There’s no time to say anything back, because the referee walks to the front of the tunnel and then it’s time to go start the game.
“How’s it work, then?”
Neville looks up from the bowl of Weetabix he’d been intently focused on and glances around the room, like he doesn’t believe it’s him Jamie’s talking to.
He shrugs. “How’s what work?”
“The gay thing. Did yous get to bring a WAG over too, or is that only for the normal lads?”
“Wouldn’t be a WAG, would it?” Neville mutters snobbishly.
He’s right, Jamie supposes. But that’s obviously not something he can admit, so he decides to lean in to the ‘stupid Scouser’ bit. “Why not?”
Neville squints at him suspiciously. “’cause he wouldn’t be a wife or girlfriend, would he?” He clears his throat, looks back down at his bowl. “If he existed, that is. Only brought my dad over for this tournament, does that answer your question?”
“Hmm,” Jamie says, ignoring the obvious cue to leave and taking a seat opposite Neville instead. “What would they call ‘im, if you weren’t a sad lonely old spinster… husbands and boyfriends… HABs? Doesn’t ‘ave quite the same ring to it, does it?”
“Why’d you never get married?”
Neville – Gary – looks up from his iPad to give Jamie his familiar ‘I can’t tell if you’re having me on or if you’re actually just stupid’ squint. “’s only been legal a few months, give us a break.”
“Civil partnered then, whatever. I don’t get it. You’re rich, you were a footballer. I know you’re ugly but looks don’t really factor into it, if your brother’s marriage is anythin’ to go by.”
Gary scowls at him. “Different measures of attractive when you’re gay. I’ll ‘ave you know men find me quite good looking, actually.”
“Do they fuck,” Jamie snorts, because he’s willing to bet that there isn’t a single man on Earth, gay or otherwise, who finds Gary Neville in his current state attractive. Maybe in his playing days, when he was all lean muscle and intense glares, but not now. “They’re just queuin’ up to get a piece a’yous, are they?”
“Maybe they are. Not that it’s any of your business, but I actually ‘ave a date tonight.”
“And that’s after he’s had a look at you?”
“Don’t go.”
Gary looks exhausted, pale skin and dark shadows under his eyes. His hair needs a trim, his stubble needs a shave, and he needs to not move to fucking Spain.
“Don’t look so stroppy, Carra. You’re about to become Sky’s number one pundit.”
“Don’t want it. C’mon, Gaz, what’m I gonna do for my Monday mornin’ entertainment without tales of your endless bad dates.”
“Most people just read the news.”
 “What’re you gonna do, you’re bad enough at pullin’ as it is without a language barrier makin’ things harder. It’s like you want to spend the next five months celibate.”
“Yer awfully concerned about my personal life, James, for someone who not two weeks ago was tellin’ me that I needed to, and I quote, ‘spend less time thinkin’ about fit men and more on thinkin’ about fit footballers instead.’”
“And I stand by that.”
Jamie’s changing out of his gym clothes when his conversation with Gary earlier in the week echoes in his mind, the dreamy way Gary had said his arms…
The guy probably doesn’t even train as much as Jamie does, probably just exaggerates because for some reason he’s trying to impress Gary. As if Gary is someone you’d want to impress.
He stands in front of the changing room’s mirror and flexes his bicep, notes with pride the bulging vein that leads up from his elbow. It’s a shame, really, that he has to wear suits when he’s on Sky. He’s sure viewing figures would go up if he was allowed to wear something a little more form fitting, maybe he should pitch it to the wardrobe people.
Gary would probably have a fit, his tends to get in a tizz at the suggestion of any change to the strict set of rules he’s got in his head. Jamie had once tried to wear his suit without a tie (because he’d spilled coffee on the one he’d brought, not that he’d told Gary that), and Gary had screeched at him for a good half an hour about professionalism until he relented and went to wardrobe to find a spare tie he could use.
Imagine if he wore a t-shirt. Gary’s head would probably explode.
All the more reason to do it, really.
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daredevil fam celebrating teen!intern!reader's birthday! (headcanons)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 906
request: yes / no
original request: “HIII FAVORITE AUTHOR OMG ok soo my birthday is comin up on the 19th and i was just wondering how the daredevil fam would help celebrate w a teen!reader -- intern or adopted kid, whichever you’re feelin. and there’s literally no rush! i’m just excited that my birthday’s coming up :) “
dynamic: daredevil fam (nelson murdock & page) x teen!intern!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, josie, marv LMAO
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! omg i hope u have the best day ever!! this request was SO FUN to write & i rly loved thinking up how the fam would help celebrate!! i used a more professional looking pic bc i think these headcanons may be my most chaotic LMAO 🫶
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form if you'd like to be on my taglist!!)
ok so the way they found out it was ur birthday is lowkey stalker-ish
maybe not full stalker but it’s not like it was out in the open.
a certain… ahem…. fogwell foggy foghorn fogster fog jr 
i forgot his full name this is embarrassing so let’s pretend i said that on purpose as a joke!!
haha hehe omg mae ur so funny
why thank you!!
anyways he was looking in ur file that ur school had given nelson murdock & page so that u could legally work there
and he saw that ur birthday was in two days!!!
two days!!!
so he was in full panic mode
below are real (YEAH, REAL!!) texts he sent to karen & matt
i gotta prepare myself yknow i gotta get in that foggy texting headspace
ok i'm ready
“OMG (oh my gosh) 😱😱😱😱!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y/n’s birthday is in TWO DAYS 🚨🚨🚨RED ALERT RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨we have to do something for them!!!!!! like maybe get a gift 🎁or some cake 🍰🧁🎂? they would like that, right? of course they would, who doesn’t like cake 🤩🤩🤩🤩?? well, except for you matt 😡😡i judge you for that. JK (just kidding) LOL (laughing out loud)... or am i🤔🤔?? anyway we need to be READY!!!”
imagine matt’s text to speech reading that
like it would be saying “exclamation point” until the end of time LMAO
(laughing my ass off)
also i do think matt prob doesn’t like cake
he prob would want one of those meatloaf cakes for his birthday like the ones that ppl “frost” with mashed potatoes? they seem like his vibe
ok anyways so you were kinda suspicious when you got to the firm the next day
you had a lot of stuff to file so you were trying to get down to it
but then they all kept coming over and asking questions
“hey, y/n. what’s your favorite color?”
“[your fave color].” you answered
and karen nodded but she took out her phone and made a note so you were like “hm”
but you thought nothing of it
and then matt came over 
and he was like “what’s something you like”
and you were like “...”
and he said “well?”
and you were like “just… anything?”
“uh… i like watching baseball. and … cats.”
“ok, baseball and cats. perfect.”
and then he smiles as he walked away because he understood that he just unintentionally made the perfect pun
so that was kind of funny
and kind of sweet bc like maybe they were trying to connect w u more!
but then u saw foggy taking a picture of u filing
“foggy, what the hell are you doing??”
you knew they didn’t like you swearing in the office but y’all desperate times call for desperate measures
“uh.. i’m… taking a selfie.”
“yeah? let me see.”
so he tried to hide it from you
but it was very clearly a photo of you!!!
“foggy --”
“y/n. it’s a new filter. don’t worry. it only LOOKS like you. it’s actually me.”
so you went to bed that night kinda nervous
like were they going to kill u or something??
did u need a witness??
oh well
anyway so the next day was ur birthday!!
happy birthday to u happy birthday to u happy birthday y/n happy birthday to u
that was from me to u reader, but ik u wanna know what matt and foggy & karen say so i’ll go do that
you were lowkey scared to go in the office
bc again, they were all acting weird 
u heard foggy whisper “go”
and then nothing
and you heard foggy curse and karen was like
“we told you these confetti poppers were expired!!”
regardless, they all were like “SURPRISE!!!”
and you were totally floored
bc this was like so nice
& u never expected for them to do anything for ur birthday
really really nice seats to a baseball game!!
not that it mattered for matt where u sat 💀 
and yeah they were gonna go with you 
which was so cute like aww
bc lets be honest she would be the best baker
and she piped these like little cats on them!!!
they were so cute
except for the fact that they weren’t in the fridge so they were kind of half melted
but you loved them so much it literally didn’t matter
if you didn’t suspect that this internship was the best thing to ever happen to you before, you definitely had it confirmed now.
ok last little anecdote so i don’t end on such a cheesy note
after u did some filing
ok it was ur birthday but that didn’t mean u got out of work
the fam took u to josie’s and foggy told her it was ur birthday
and she was like “happy birthday kid.”
and then she looked him straight in the eye and was like “you’re not getting food for free because of that.”
but guess what?
everyone in the bar was pretty jolly bc its a bar guys ppl drink
anyway so they sang happy birthday to u!!
ur fave old man marv (who u had that wing eating contest with once) led the singing
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asylumseriesdaily · 3 months
Forgot to update yesterday
(Asylum, Chapter 2)
Look, life's been a mess, okay? Anyway let's get into it.
(Spoilers not just for this chapter but also, like, the entire second book)
Right off the bat we get a reminder that Apple products were not always in vogue. Nice. When did this book come out? 2013? That was only 11 years ago! How things have changed.
Also Dan worshipping nerdism like a cult. That's the only explanation. There's no way everyone on this campus is so pretentious that the more books you have the cooler you are.
The NHCP vs. New Hampshire College Prep detail is... really weird. This strikes me as an odd thing to specify. Like no shit, Dan, they looked at you a little funny for saying the whole thing instead of abbreviating. I would too. I am beginning to think Dan is a slightly unreliable narrator.
Wasn't this place originally built as a mental institute? Was it just fancy as fuck or are you telling me that they added the chandelier and wood panelling while converting this thing into college dorms? The fuck? Also wasn't Brookline built in the '50s? The architecture is suspicious as hell.
Why is Brookline built like a hotel? I'm no expert but this isn't adding up. Dan. Dan I think they lied to you about what Brookline was. Get out of there. This is scarier to me than the actual horror.
Love how much Dan points out his roommate's organizational habits. Can't wait for the part where he starts getting overtly ableist. Yippee... (not yippee)
Dan, it's not a hotel. There's not going to be a Gideons Bible in your room. And anyway, those go in the bottom of your bedside table, not the top drawer of your desk.
Now we get into something interesting: the photo.
We get to see this photo, actually, which is good because Dan's description doesn't quite do it justice.
The way that the eyes are scratched out feels a lot more realistic than how most media would do it. Someone really just took a pencil and pressed down as hard as they could and scribbled out the eyes one at a time. There's even rips where they pressed down too hard.
This guy looks really young, right? I can't get the pic up right now but he looks really young. He looks like a kid with resting bitch face playing at being grown up. It's... oddly fitting. Dan is young. Daniel was young (if memory serves, this IS Daniel, right?) when he started doing fucked up shit to people. He was a kid. He played at being grown up from a really young age because he wanted power, he wanted respect, he wanted to be in charge. This is exactly what I'd want Daniel Crawford to look like: like a child taking himself too seriously. Forcing himself to be an adult. Or maybe I'm reading too deep into it. Anyway this had disastrous consequences. Both Daniel's actions on his victims and this not-really-a-revelation on my psyche. Okay goodnight.
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
It has been a criminally long time since I've posed teensies (no it hasn't I'm greatly exaggerating)
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This was actually a fun exercise lol. Taking an oc, one of my favorite characters, and some stolen skin from Minecraft Planet and making them interpretive characters was really fun to do. (Similar to how people drew DSMP and Hermitcraft ppl)
I did this b/c of a childhood Minecraft series that I'll describe below lol (along with progress photos):
Recently I felt this urge to watch a really old Minecraft series called Seedlings. I remember watching the first season when it first dropped on Game Time (I think it was called that???) and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. Rewatching it as an adult, I see how the existentialism is shown and being comfortable with your place in the world is felt. (I relate to Mark so heavily and I have no idea if that's a red flag or not.)
ANYWAYS, I had an interesting hypothetical Season 3 where the NPCs show their intelligence and sentience to the Marked Ones and come to a resolution to the whole violence and massacre thing. It would most likely be leave the server alone and let the NPCs do whatever without interference lol. Thing was I had no ideas for how these hypothetical Marked Ones skins would look. You would think I would try to be basic with it, but I wasn't in the mood to draw a buncha anime peeps. So, what better idea than to use my own Minecraft skins!
The two taller skins are my OC Katelyn, and my interpretation of Goth Teensy both translated into the Minecraft style (which is funny cuz Katelyn was originally a Minecraft character anyways soooo 💀💀💀). Then they are translated out into these new designs lol. Their users would probably be KattoDrago27 and GTeensyGuardian lol
The "Tiny Minumus" as I've deemed him is called King Teensie Grand Minimus Rayman Legends Origins by SnaKke on Planet Minecraft. Go check out their skins they're pretty good. His user would probably be TheGrandestMinimus001
But ye, if you have questions feel free to ask me lol. Have a lovely day <3
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fandomtherapy44 · 9 months
Klaus x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 1,932
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy
I got the divder from
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Chapter 5: Fruit of the Poison Tree
So Elijah came back. “We just came back from the bayou and Rebekah poured us some drinks. “ I don't care if we have to get you a leash, that was your last trip to the Bayou. What is it with you and those wolves, anyway? “ Rebakah downed her drink with that one. “Hayley and feel like we're connected somehow. I don't know. Maybe it's just some pipe dream that we have of finding any real family out there. But sometimes, when I feel like it's us against the world, it keeps us going.” I knew Hayley agreed with me. “Well, if you ask me, family is a pain in the behind. And as for being in it alone, how dare you? I don't ruin a perfectly fabulous pair of boots traipsing through the Bayou for just anyone.” 
In her own way, Rebekah did care. “Thanks, Bex.” Hayley thanked her and it was nice to see her trust someone else than me. When Bex was downing her second and Hayley her first Klaus walked in. “Nik, finally! What—” Elijah was behind him. Bex and him hug in a tight embrace never wanting to let go. “Elijah! You're safe! Now that you're home, is your first plan to kill Niklaus? “ “Excuse me just a moment. “ He walks to go see Hayley, which is properly good because she is pissed. Rebekah goes back to drinking and once again it’s just Klaus and I. “So did the two big bad wolves find what they were looking for today?” He said with his usual annoying but good wit. “Ha ha very funny. And no I know there is something out there I just don't know what that could be, connected to us.”
“Well, love you don’t have to go all out to the smelly Bayou to find family, it's inside of you now.” He gestured to my stomach. He was right if anything Hayley had a niece and I had a daughter waiting to meet us. “Speaking of her I wanted to show you something.” I brought out the ultrasound photos. “I managed to save these before we were almost witch stew last night.” He looked at the photos in wonder like he could actually believe that he was having a child. He had no words. “I know I had the same reaction.” I smiled. “Thank you, love.”  He tried to hand them back. 
“No these are yours, plus I have my own. I would like to eventually get a locket for it and you deserve to have a picture of our little girl.” He looked up to me and moved closer like was about to hug me when Elijah walked back in. ��Ohh Elijah I am so happy you're alright.” I moved to hug him. “How are they?” “Well, they is a she, and she is doing great!” Klaus left the room with a smile but a bit of jealousy also. “A baby girl! Oh, that's Studepedus Y/n!” “Thank you Elijah really.” “It's an honor Y/n.” That's when I noticed the bit of red stinge on his cheek. “I see my sister welcomed you back with open arms.” “Yes, well I did break my promise.” “But you didn't mean to, my sister has had a lot of people let her down.” I tried to explain her behavior. “And you didn't?” “Growing up in the foster care system you get used to it pretty quick.” “Welcome back Elijah.” I bid him a goodnight.”
Since then everyone has been a little tense and that is not helping with my pregnancy. I walk into the living room and what I see makes me almost puke. “Uhh If you guys are going to have a lively breakfast can you do it not in a ten-foot radius of me.” I held my bile back while talking. I sat down next to Klaus while taking out some chips. Elijah got up and took them right as I was about to bite into them. “Hey! That’s my breakfast that doesn't have a pulse well used to.” I said looking at the body in disgust. “I will return with an actual breakfast for you.” He goes to the kitchen not only for my food but to talk to my sister. I looked over to Klaus and he had on a stupid smirk from me being mad from the chips being taken. 
“What are you reading?” “A poison tree? What’s it about?” “Nothing that would be interesting, love.” “Ahh, I don’t know Klaus. I was top of my english class and I read at my high school graduation so I'm pretty good at old books.” “Really graduation speaker! Smart and beautiful.” I turned my head and blushed. “Would you have gone on to do something with that?” I did not expect him to ask that. “Umm before Hayley and I came here I was thinking maybe something with social work I would want to make sure kids never went through what I did.” I felt some tears rise but I pushed them back down. “Well, Y/n after we cut the string between you and Sohpie you love you can do anything you want.” I stared into his eyes and I couldn't look away. But then Elijah walked back in. And we backed away. “Oh, thanks, Elijah!” I grabbed the eggs and bacon from him in awkward silence. 
A little later I went to look for Klaus again but all I found was Rebekah. “Hey where did your brother go?” “The one that always causes trouble or the one that is falling for girls with a face like your sister’s.” “Ha the first one.” “They both went to go fix this thing between you and Sophie. And I was left to babysit you and Hayley.” “Oh well might as well make the best of it. Have you ever learned how to make pie from scratch?”  “Do I look it?” “No but there is a first time for everything so let's go!” “Hayley kitchen!”
“So this is how you roll the dough.” “Can’t we like I don’t know do anything else.” Both Hayley and Bex were not stoked to be doing this. “Guys I know this is not as fun as drinking or eating seafood which I can do neither right now so I am doing something I know I have control over so I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.” I could hear their eyes rolling. “And I want to make some for Elijah to welcome him ba- OW WHAT THE FUCK!” It felt like a quick stabbing pain with lava filling my veins. Both of them drop their rolling pins. “You ok!” Hayley turned me to her in concern. I touch my neck and I see blood. “I don’t know” I turned my hand to them and they had the same expression on their faces that I did.
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I had to sit down after that and try to get it off my mind. Bex comes up with an apple for me. “Oh, thanks.” I took it not really wanting to eat it which is weird because I'm basically always hungry. “Please do me a favor, and don't die on my watch. I'll never hear the end of it.” “You know when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch.” Hayley walked in saying that. “What changed your mind?” “Oh, I still think you're a bitch! I've just grown to like that about you.” We all laughed and it was it felt like we were starting to become friends. 
“Aw, well, that's sweet of you to say. Remember it when I'm gone.” “Bex  Gone? Where are you going?” “ I only came to town to make sure everything was okay with Elijah. He's fine, and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him, so... as usual, they'll be thick as thieves, and I'll be left to clean up the mess. It's time for me to fly the coop.” “Well, Rebekah if you're not here for your future favorite niece's birth lll-” Suddenly I felt awful. “What's wrong?” she felt my head. “I dunno, probably morning sickness…” It was like summer but 100 degrees more in my body. “Oh, you're burning up, actually.” 
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I had ten Ice packs on me AC full blast and I was still boiling. “Stop fussing, will you? Elijah will be here any minute.” “I feel like I've been thrown in a toaster oven.” I groaned. “Hey! Just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one! I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak.” I hope so. Elijah and Klaus with Sohpie run in. Sohpie sends Bex a list of herbs to help me. “Bex wait.” She kneels down next to me. “Thank you.” “Of course now you just rest.” I nodded in agreement.
While waiting the temperature kept rising. Please please to whatever is out there don’t take her before I've even met her. Klaus sits down next to me. 
“Well love, I knew I was hot but not this.” “Ha ha, that was a terrible dad joke.” “Did it work?” “A little” “Good.” “Look Klaus if I don't make it tonight-” “Don't say that you will be here tomorrow to have morning sickness again.” Sophie runs in. “Guys, let's go!” 
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We go out to the pool. Sophie gives me some herb water to drink. Klaus feels my head. “AHH!” “ She's burning up! We need to do this now.” “Get her in the water!” Klaus leads me in the middle of the pool. “Her temperature is sky-high. The water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down. You're going to have to get her heart rate down.” She said to Klaus. “How do you bloody suggest I do that?” “Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure.” Klaus picks me up and this is the closest we've been since that fateful night. “I can't breathe!” I screamed out, the pressure was building. “Okay, long deep breaths, Y/n! Look at me. Long deep breaths, just focus on the sound of my voice. You'll be okay. You'll be okay. Love.” He guided his hands to my face to look at him. And suddenly it's like the pressure exploded in me. 
“AHHHH! AHHHH!” Then it stopped. “I just felt it lift.” “Klaus I'll be okay!” I hugged him and he hugged back. “Yes you'll be love. Lets go.” We start to get out of the pool. “Ive got to go okay.” “Okay.” And he speeds away to kill the bitch who placed this evil curse on me. “Elijah...  he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please, don't let him kill her.nElijah! She's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him!” “It's me, where are you? Don't hurt her. I'll be there shortly.  make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes.” He goes. I start to walk out of the water and grab Sohpie. “Sohpie, If my baby is hurt at all or if you ever try that again I will rip you apart.” Hayley has a towel for me and we walk in.
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I was waiting outside for Klaus near the pool feeling the cold air when I heard a branch snap behind me. “Hello? Hayley? Mysterious wolfs?” I turned and I heard a swoosh and I turned back and all I saw was darkness.
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 I loved writing this it was so fun! We also are getting more into the relationship between Y/n and Klaus. Also excited for the next episode thanks for reading.
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