#apart from his angry friend who is always getting him into trouble YOU end up having to get them both out of. he hates you and ur parents
atomic-sludge · 11 months
On the one hand, I can understand why they didnt do anything more with the implication that Dan and Elise share a grandmother (it would retroactively make anything dan/elise ship related kinda weird) but on the other hand, can you imagine how fucking funny that dynamic would be if explored?
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: You've been distancing yourself from Morpheus, because you know he's an Endless and can't be romantically involved with humans, but you can't bear being with him while knowing you can't have him. He comes over to your house and demands to know what's the matter. It ends unexpectedly.
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It had been weeks. You had known it was forbidden for Endless to be romantically involved with mortals, but your stupid heart had still developed feelings for him. It had been too painful to endure, so you willed yourself not to visit The Dreaming anymore, and avoided Morpheus in your dreams as well - not that you actually had the power to do that, but Morpheus knew when someone didn't want him to appear so he didn't.
When your doorbell had rang, you had to admit that you hadn't expected who was on the other side of the door, even when it should have been obvious. Morpheus stood there, looking as gorgeous as always. Compared to you - messy hair, looking like you didn't sleep properly, in your t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Hi, um... sorry, I'm kind of busy here," you mumbled to him, not really even looking at him.
Morpheus sighed, clearly knowing it was a lie. "May I come in?"
It wasn't really a question, but you still nodded. He came into your apartment and closed the door behind himself. You tapped your tea mug nervously as you stood in front of him. You didn't know what to say to him, really. You were embarrassed, angry, and frustrated all at once. Your emotions made you feel out of control, which in turn only increased your frustration and your embarrassment.
"I do not understand why you will not talk to me," Morpheus said, his voice soft. He looked hurt, or maybe just disappointed.
His words hit you like a hammer. You took a deep breath. "Because I... I just... I can't visit you anymore."
He frowned. "Why?"
"I don't want to talk about it." you replied quickly. If you told him, you knew he'd sigh and explain what could happen. He would also say he doesn't love you back.
This time, Morpheus didn't press any further, but he did look upset. He stayed silent after that for several minutes. Eventually, he spoke again. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No!" you exclaimed. You shook your head, trying to get some of your thoughts together. "No, it's... it's me."
Morpheus moved closer to you. "Then why..."
"Just leave me alone," you snapped. "I told you I don't want to talk about it, and I mean it."
"But-" he started, but you cut him off.
"Dream, please, stop," you pleaded. "You've already caused enough trouble by showing up here. Just go away."
"I do not understand," he whispered. "What happened?"
"Nothing happened," you muttered. "And I can't let anything to happen, I can't control... just leave me alone."
Morpheus seemed truly confused now. He didn't seem angry, though, and he didn't argue. He just continued to stare at you, his expression unreadable. "You are one of the first humans I consider a friend. I need to know-"
Next thing you didn't even think about doing. Your feelings just rushed forward, spilling over and you grabbed his coat and tugged him close and pressed your lips against his.
Morpheus froze, just as you had expected and you pulled back before he had a chance to, breaking off the kiss. You stared into his eyes, panting slightly. "This is why I've been avoiding you," your voice broke mid-sentence, tears now cascading over your cheeks. "I know it's wrong, we can't be together."
"What?" Morpheus asked, bewildered.
"I love you," you admitted. It felt like the hardest sentence you ever uttered. "I can't keep it in, I just keep thinking about how I want to wake up with you, and I dream about you all the time, and I hate myself for feeling this way. I ruined our friendship the moment I developed those feelings for you, and I'm sorry, but I can't stop loving you, and I can't bear to see your disappointment in me."
Morpheus stared at you for a long moment, watching you sniffling in front of him, before you felt a hand sliding down your cheek and wiping away your tears. "Where did you hear we could not be together?" he asked, gently.
"I... I found it in a book. You had fallen in love with a woman named Nada and the Sun punished her for it."
Morpheus was quiet as he thought about that. "It is true," he then said. "But rules have changed since then. You are not allowed to rule The Dreaming with me or marry me until you are dead, but I am allowed to love you."
His words echoed in your head for a moment before you registered them, and looked up at him. "What?"
"I have loved you ever since we first met," he explained. "I cannot help it. I will never stop. Even if you stop talking to me, even if you stop visiting me, I will always love you. I needed to know if I can fix our friendship, but I did not know you feel the same way about me, and that is why you stopped visiting me."
You blinked at him, almost thinking this was a dream... or at least a daydream. But it felt too real to be one - and in dreams, you knew Morpheus would be controlling what he'd say."
"So you love me?" you asked hesitantly.
Morpheus nodded. "Yes. Yes, I do love you."
You stared at him for a few moments longer, unsure what to say, before you felt your lips growing into a wide smile. "Well, I love you too," you said, pressing another kiss on his lips, and this time, he returned it.
And on that moment, you knew it - this was going to work. Even though it was a risk to love him, you were willing to take it - because you believed he deserved your love more than anyone else in the world.
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rynwritesreid · 11 months
The Perfect Girl || Spencer Reid.
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Summary: You are Spencers dream girl, everything is perfect about you. However, there is something you can’t tell Spencer as it will put his life in danger.
Content: Reader is basically on the run from some bad people. AFAB reader who goes by she/her. It’s kind of angst and full of fluff :) Use of Y/N.
Words: 1.5k
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You were Spencer’s dream girl; all his colleagues and friends knew you were the perfect girl for him. From the moment Spencer saw you, he knew you were the one. You were smart, you could argue your way out of anything and most importantly you always stood up for what you believed in, no matter the consequences you may face. Spencer could not get enough of you. You were a light in a world full of darkness for him.
So, when you just disappeared, he was left confused and alone. That wasn’t something you would do; it was totally out of character for him. You would have said goodbye, whether that in person, through a text or on a note. You wouldn’t have just left him like this.
Spencer searched for you everywhere. He looked in all the places he thought you might go, the places you mentioned you loved visiting growing up or places you took him, but you were nowhere to be found. As days turned into weeks, Spencer grew more and more frustrated. He missed your fiery spirit and the way you challenged him to be a better person.
He had asked Garcia for help; she could track anyone down. But you were smart. You had left all belongs that could be traced in your old apartment. You didn’t use any bank accounts; you face wasn’t found on any security cameras or systems. You were now just a ghost.
Spencer was at his wit's end. He couldn't bear the thought of never seeing you again. He knew he had to do something, anything to find you. He spent every moment of his free time pouring over any information he could find about you. He was determined to find a lead, no matter how small.
He would get angry at himself, he worked for the FBI, part of his job was searching for people. So why couldn’t he find you? Then he would get angry at you, why did you leave without saying anything, were you in trouble or did you just get bored? Spencer wanted to give up, you obviously didn’t want to be found, so why should he keep searching.
But despite his frustration and anger, Spencer couldn't help but worry about you. He knew that you were capable of taking care of yourself, but he couldn't shake the feeling that you were in trouble. He spent countless nights lying awake, trying to think of any leads or clues that could lead him to you.
He knew that there was only one person he knew that could truly help him in this situation. She had disappeared before, and she was able to keep part of her history a secret. Emily Prentiss. She was the only one who could possibly understand why someone would do this, and where they would go to hide.
Spencer picked up the phone and dialled Emily's number. It rang a few times before she picked up.
"Reid, it's good to hear from you. What's going on?" Emily's voice was warm and comforting.
"It's about Y/N. She's disappeared and I can't find her. I've tried everything. I don't know what to do." Spencer's voice was strained, and he could feel himself starting to panic.
"Okay, Reid. Take a deep breath. Let's go over everything you've done so far." Emily's calm voice helped steady Spencer. They spent the next few hours going over all of Spencer's attempts to find you.
"Okay, I have an idea," Emily finally said. "There's a group of people I used to know. They're kind of like a... rogue organization. They know how to disappear without a trace. If anyone would know where Y/N is, it would be them."
Spencer leaned forward; his interest piqued. "What kind of organization?" he asked.
Emily hesitated for a moment before answering. "They're a group of people who specialize in helping individuals disappear. It's not technically legal, but they only help people who are in danger or need to start fresh for whatever reason."
Spencer nodded, understanding. "Do you think they'll help me find Y/N?"
Emily shrugged. "It's worth a shot. I can make some calls and see if any of my old contacts are still active. But Spencer, you have to understand that this could be dangerous. These people don't mess around."
Spencer didn't care. He was willing to do whatever it took to find you. "I'll do whatever it takes," he said firmly.
You were safe, you weren’t happy, but you were safe. It took all of your will power to disappear and not tell Spencer anything. You loved him, but this needed to happen.
You were now living under a new identity, in a small but quaint town. You had a new job and a new home, but you always had the feeling of someone watching you. You knew your past was eventually going to catch up with you, it was something you had constant nightmares about.
One day, you received a phone call from an unknown number. You answered hesitantly, and a voice on the other end spoke.
"Is this Y/N?" the voice asked.
You froze. How did someone find you? "Who is this?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"My name is Emily Prentiss. I used to work with Spencer at the FBI."
You felt your heart racing. Did Spencer send her to find you? "What do you want?" you asked, trying to keep your voice calm.
"I know you disappeared for a reason, and I'm not here to judge you for that. Spencer asked for my help in finding you.”
You felt a wave of emotions wash over you. You wanted to see Spencer so badly, but you knew that it was dangerous for both of you. "I appreciate the gesture, but I don't want to be found," you said firmly.
"Y/N, I know you're scared. But Spencer is so worried about you. He misses you so much, and he just wants to know that you're safe," Emily said gently.
Tears welled up in your eyes. You missed Spencer too, but you weren't sure if you were ready to face him just yet. "I need some time to think," you said finally. "Can I call you back?"
"Of course. Take all the time you need. But please, consider talking to Spencer," Emily said before hanging up the phone.
You spent the next few days agonizing over what to do. You missed Spencer more than anything, but you were still afraid. Finally, you decided.
You would meet with Spencer, but only once. You knew that seeing him again would only make it harder to stay hidden. But you couldn't bear the thought of him thinking that you didn't care about him at all.
You called Emily and told her that you were willing to meet with Spencer, but only under certain conditions. Emily agreed and made the necessary arrangements.
The day of the meeting arrived, and you were nervous. You dressed in a plain outfit, nothing that would make you stand out. You arrived at the meeting place and saw Spencer waiting for you.
He looked relieved and overjoyed to see you, and it took everything in you not to run into his arms. You sat down across from him, keeping your face hidden as much as possible.
"Y/N," he said softly. "I'm so glad you're okay."
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. Spencer looked at you with concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked.
“I’m okay, but I am going to have disappear again after this. Spencer, I love you, and I did this for us. I was putting your life in danger and your career in jeopardy. When I was teenager, I got mixed up things, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are people out there who are trying to find me and well kill me.” You paused; you couldn’t let Spencer know everything.
Spencer looked at you, his face full of love and concern. "Y/N, I understand that you were trying to protect me, but I can't bear the thought of losing you again. Please, let me help you. We can figure this out together."
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "Spencer, I can't let you do that. You have a life here, a job, a future. I can't let my problems drag you down with me."
Spencer reached across the table and took your hand. "Y/N, I love you. I don't care about any of that. All I care about is being with you and keeping you safe. Please, let me help you.”
“Spencer, if I do let you help me. You’ve got to promise that you won’t die or put yourself in harm’s way. Because if you do, I won’t ever be able to forgive myself.”
Spencer looked at you, his eyes full of determination. "I promise, Y/N. I will do everything in my power to keep us both safe. We can do this together."
You looked into his eyes, and you knew that he meant every word. Slowly, you nodded. "Okay, Spencer. I'll let you help me."
Spencer smiled; relief evident on his face. "Thank you, Y/N. We'll figure this out together."
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lazysublimeengineer · 4 months
Reo and Isagi: An Intriguing Line Between Rivalry and Camaraderie
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I was in the middle of doing something when I've received a notification from one of my long lost readers who decided to pop up into one of my stories again and left a feedback.
To my pleasant surprise it's one of ages ago finished fics of mine from this fandom. It's finished a long time ago and seeing someone reading it and leaving a review makes me think of these two characters again that fascinated me when I was starting to delve more into this franchise:
Reo and Isagi.
I remembered back then on how I was solely focused on Chigiri's character when I was reading the manga and watching the anime because of how mysterious he was and how he got one of the most enthralling yet tragic backstory in the franchise. But my attention was caught between these two during the second selection because probably it's one of the most dramatic things I've seen in the series. A lot of things had been happening in that period that's probably you can see in a normal conflicts of teenage boys.
I do admit at first that I didn't have any favorable impression of Reo and Nagi because of how arrogant they are and so full of themselves. I guess that's the quirks of being a naturally skilled and talented person. But anyway, the characterizations of these characters are being driven and push over the edge during the second selection. Seeing Reo displayed a multitude of warring emotions and thoughts when Nagi left to join Isagi's team is an interesting concept.
Because you have here is a rich, confident, smart kid who always makes strategic decisions in life except for his treasured friend and he loses his rationality and a storm of emotions has influenced his actions mostly throughout the second selection.
He was brooding and he's a lot more introspective in that period which is fascinating because we were given by the author another side of him which is in stark contrast to his usual affable and charismatic facade with other people.
A lot of things had been bothering him to say the least. But the highlight of his character was how he was conflicted with everything. He was angry with Nagi for leaving him. He developed a misplaced anger towards Isagi because he blamed him for splitting them apart. But most of all he was angry with himself for being weak and was always wondering if he wasn't weak then Nagi wouldn't leave him.
The way that the author had displayed his vulnerability makes him one of the most intriguing character because of how "human" he was. His brooding era became a running joke to the fandom when in reality his reaction is the usual reaction of a teenage, highschool person who felt betrayed by their friend leaving him for another person without any preamble or whatsoever.
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The conversation between him and Isagi in the monitor room during chapter 96 has got to be one of the most memorable to me because of how sincere and honest it was but at the same time in the end you were left there wondering if they become friends at that point because as a reader you can't pinpoint it was.
They both have trouble picking a team which opened a can of worms between the two of them and how Reo was serenely downcast in his admission if he can still play alongside Nagi with him because he was getting further away from him in skills and talent inside the program. It was also interesting to note of Isagi's reaction towards it, of how he came to an understanding of him as a person and how he'd come to light with his own predicament and even thanking him in the end.
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It was a simple but compelling scene between the two of them because of how it drives their character more towards the realization of each other's motivations and purpose in the program.
But the ambiguity of their relationship remains to be seen because you cannot categorized them as being too close with each other unlike with their other friends such as with Chigiri, Bachira Kunigami, Nagi etc.
And that's what's fascinating about these two.
They still oscillate between the lines of rivalry and camaraderie even now in the recent arc of the franchise.
It was painted in a subtle manner. It's not an overt rivalry or any sort of relationship that the reader can categorized easily and that's what it becomes an interest to a writer like me to explore it a bit more vividly during my early heydays in being an active writer between these two characters.
I remembered this reader asking me if I'm going to write for these two again and who knows?
Only time can tell if my Muse will be inspired enough to go back to their fascinating relationship with each other.
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fullsunfilm · 10 months
how svt hyung line breaks your heart
i’ve been wanting to do something more angst-heavy for a while and i think 2 am is the perfect time to do that <3 enjoy!
svt x gn!reader, angst
wc: ~1k
he breaks it off after a long battle with himself. he still loves you and hopes that you can forgive him, but he ultimately knows that it’s for the best.
the two of you have different values and wants out of life. maybe it’s not that you can’t be together at all, but it’s that you can’t be together right now. he knows that, and he knows that he loves you and you love him. but he can’t let this relationship tear you apart any longer.
so, he leaves. he’s firm on his decision. he tells you he wants to break up with a stern expression on his face. when you beg him to stay, he only insists on leaving, because if he stays any longer he knows he’ll break down.
he lets you down easy when it happens. when you ask him why, he just says it’s not you, but him that is the problem. he’s not ready for commitment. he’s not ready for the serious talks about marriage. he’s not ready for anything truly impactful.
he’s not even surprised when you get angry. he knows you’ve put your entire being into the relationship, and that’s exactly why he doesn’t feel comfortable staying in it.
a part of it may be that he doesn’t know how to feel. he doesn’t know what he’s feeling. all he knows is that when he looks at you, an unknown, honey-like feeling simmers in his stomach and it terrifies him.
he tries his best to be nice about it, but his words still hurt. behind his sweet, affectionate gaze and upturned lips is a man who you realize you don’t even know anymore.
maybe you’ve changed. maybe he has, too. neither of you know. what joshua knows at least is that whatever spark he felt for you has long since faded and been replaced with a thin layer of resentment.
he’s fallen out of love with you, and he decides it’s best for him to end things earlier rather than later. even as you attempt to ask him why or how you can fix things, he simply tells you the truth. he’ll always love you, but he’s not in love with you anymore, and nothing can change that.
he’s not even sure how things ended up this way. he’s not even sure why he agreed to start dating you. perhaps it was the fact that he has trouble saying no to people, or the fact that he didn’t want to look like an asshole in front of all your friends.
but now he’s six months in. things were fine in the beginning, when the honeymoon phase and excitement of having a significant other fueled his affectionate gestures. now, everything feels fake and empty. he tells you he loves you, but he feels deep down that he barely knows you.
he brings it up while you two are on a date. he can’t do it anymore. he can’t do this anymore. the fake smiles and strained laughter. he just can’t. he leaves you crying at the table and calls you an uber before he leaves.
he can’t blame you. he can only blame himself. when he first started feeling things towards someone else, he knew that he should cut them off and refocus his attention on you. instead, he fed into the flirting with passionate touches and intimate texts.
he hates himself for doing that to you. it’s not fair at all. while you were waiting for him at home with a hot plate of pasta, he was locking lips with his hot duet partner. it eats at him each night when he greets you with a kiss, one that still tastes like his lover’s strawberry chapstick.
it explodes at dinner one night. while you expect him to propose, he bows his head in shame and tells you everything. he can only accept what he’s done and begin packing his things, tears rolling down his cheeks as he hears you sobbing even through the lit tv chatter.
the two of you aren’t strangers, but it definitely feels like it. from missed texts and calls to not even greeting each other, it feels like there’s a solid wall dividing the two of you, one that wonwoo builds higher the longer you date.
you feel the break up coming even before it happens, but that doesn’t mean you don’t do everything in your power to prevent it. but even through your warm hugs and shining smiles, you can only feel the icy loneliness that wonwoo offers you in return. you don’t give up hope, but he crushes it.
during the breakup, he’s straightforward. he tells you he wants to break it off and watches as you start crying. he simply stands and sighs calmly before leaving. he’s gone before you can even ask why.
you know work comes first. it always does, especially when it comes to jihoon. at first, you’re okay with it, but as you find yourself in a year long relationship, you can’t help but feel a bit of neglect.
jihoon realizes it, too. he knows that his work is time-consuming and mentally taxing. he knows he should probably text you he’s going to be working late tonight and that you should eat dinner alone. but for some reason, he doesn’t. he can’t. because he doesn’t want to do this to you anymore.
you pick up after the first ring and greet him with an excited chirp. the bright smile plastered on your face quickly disappears as you listen to jihoon’s words. he barely waits for a response before he cuts the line. when you try and call him back, he doesn’t pick up.
a/n: have fun with this one <3
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sinsinsininning · 8 months
Law x fem!reader
This got so long for no reason 💀
TW: slight dubcon, nsfw,
thinking of obsessive!Law who pines over you for months or every years before even acknowledging his feelings let alone making a move.
obsessive!Law who relishes that he’s your captain, that you’re bound to him in such an impactful way.
obsessive!Law who on the outside seems so cold and disinterested in you, but on the inside is fienin’ for you.
obsessive!Law who makes you question your future on the crew, certain that your captain hates you and will abandon you on an island one day, so you make sure to do everything to be a model crew member and avoid him.
obsessive!Law who actively seeks you out, just to watch you squirm as you try not to mess up a task.
obsessive!Law who touches himself late at night, at his desk, to thoughts of you, it’s the only way to clear his head so he can work.
obsessive!Law who almost considers abolishing his mandated crew uniforms so he can see more of your skin, who practically drools on nights you’re off duty and wear literally anything.
obsessive!Law who wonders what you’d taste like while he watches you sleepily eat breakfast with the crew.
obsessive!Law who feels a twinge of jealousy whenever you laugh and joke with someone, especially from another crew.
obsessive!Law who shambles you away from a conversation with that god awful straw hat cook after a strategy meeting.
obsessive!Law who is fully prepared to lecture you about fraternizing with enemies.
obsessive!Law who is stunned when you grab his coat and with wide eyes thank him for getting you out of that situation.
obsessive!Law who is speechless as you, for once not nervous, tell him about how uncomfortable you were with the cook, how you’d been trying to end the discussion politely but the blonde’s persistence kept you in.
obsessive!Law who walks you back to the ship with a blush on his face as you tell him how Sanji is not your type at all, you prefer someone with darker hair and a more calm personality.
obsessive!Law who thinks about fucking you right then and there in front of both crews, just to show everyone who you belong to.
obsessive!Law who finds you so cute when you realize how casual you’re speaking to your captain, sputtering out an apology for your behavior.
obsessive!Law who hopes his face isn’t red as he reassures that it’s fine, actually it’s better than fine, he tells you, it’s nice to see you behave in such a way.
obsessive!Law who watches you scurry away, embarrassed at his words.
obsessive!Law who overheard you talking with Ikkaku about the encounter, telling your friend how flustered he makes you, how you always thought he hated you.
obsessive!Law who moans when you tell the other woman how attractive you’ve always found him, despite his frosty demeanor.
obsessive!Law who palms his cock as he shambles himself to his room, unable to listen quietly any longer.
obsessive!Law who fucks his fist to thoughts of you for the nth time, picturing your face covered in his cum and pumps himself faster, biting down on his shirt to stifle his groans.
obsessive!Law who decides then and there he can’t not have you anymore, he can’t focus on his plans so he has to have you finally.
obsessive!Law who summons you to his office later that evening after dinner.
obsessive!Law who watches you shake and tremble with anxiety as he stares at you, seated while he stands, leaning against his desk, barely a foot apart.
obsessive!Law who keeps his face neutral as you stumble over and apology again and again, as you stutter how how sorry you are for anything.
obsessive!Law who finally tells you he isn’t angry with you, smirking at your relieved face.
obsessive!Law who tells you that you’re still in trouble, however, for even entertaining that stupid fucking cook for as long as you did.
obsessive!Law who tells you how he’s now questing your loyalty to him, you don’t catch that he didn’t say crew, but your loyalty to him.
obsessive!Law who waits as you try to come up with solutions to prove yourself to him, he shoots down every single one.
obsessive!Law who almost feels bad as tears fill up your eyes, certain you would be booted off the ship.
obsessive!Law who asks if you find him attractive, still smirking as you stutter out another apology, close enough to a confession for him.
obsessive!Law who drops to his knees in front of you as he tells you to prove your commitment to him by spreading your legs.
obsessive!Law who preens under your gaze as you do so without a word.
obsessive!Law who mocks your slick arousal as he pulls your shorts and panties down to your feet, it’s almost as if you liked him interrogating you.
obsessive!Law who feels dizzy again as he breathes in your scent, kissing down your thighs slowly, making you gasp before finally, finally pressing his mouth to your pussy.
obsessive!Law who can’t stop eating you out, even after your orgasm leaves you shaking and crying, small hands trying to push him away.
obsessive!Law who growls at you to be quiet and grateful, then redoubles his efforts and brings you to another climax.
obsessive!Law who finally enters you with his fingers, lips suckling on your clit as you squirm, his free arm wraps around your waist an pins you to your chair.
obsessive!Law who gets one more orgasm out of you before pulling away completely, returning to lean again his desk as you shake in your seat, dizzy from the sudden lack of contact.
obsessive!Law who ignores his own arousal as he tells you he’s been reassured of your commitment, that you’re dismissed now.
obsessive!Law who tries not to grin when your face heats up and you hesitate, legs clearly too shaky to stand right away.
obsessive!Law who asks why you’re still in his office, baiting you.
obsessive!Law who watches you with dark eyes as you reach out to grab him, a finger clasping his belt loop, and you tell him you’d like to make sure your loyalty is unquestionable.
obsessive!Law who yanks you up as you try to get on your knees for him, too worked up to handle anymore foreplay, he knows he won’t last much longer and he wants to cum inside your pussy, not your mouth, yet.
obsessive!Law who has you bent over his desk, shirt ripped off of you, his jacket opened and jeans pulled down just enough to free up his cock.
obsessive!Law who sets a grueling pace, one hand gripping your jaw, making you arch your back, the other hand spreading your ass cheeks to watch himself enter you.
obsessive!Law who circles your clit with his ring finger, desperate to not cum first.
obsessive!Law who fucks you harder when your orgasm washes over you, getting whiny as he feels your pussy clench down on his cock, your cries and tears spurring him on.
obsessive!Law who asks where you want his cum, moaning when you walk for him to do it inside of you.
obsessive!Law who starts thrusting sloppily as he nears his high, releasing your face to grip both ass cheeks desperate to watch his cock fuck you over and over and over again.
obsessive!Law who’s surprised when you climax again on his cock, he would’ve teased you for it if the sight and feeling hadn’t sent him over the edge, holding your ass tightly to his hips as he cums, wanting to be completely surrounded by you.
obsessive!Law who pulls out slowly, watching his cum rush out after him, using his tattooed finger to push some of his release back into you.
obsessive!Law who pampers you with affection as he shambles you to his private bathroom, cleaning you up while complimenting your body and performance.
obsessive!Law who is completely night and day from your usual cold, stoic captain, as he tells you that you’re his from now on, he’ll tell the crew in the morning about your relationship.
obsessive!Law who drags you to his bed, fingering you lazily as you spoon, telling you what he’s gonna do to you next, confessing his attraction as you climax.
obsessive!Law who nearly tells you he loves you, but instead tells you about his idea to fuck you in front of the straw hats so they know who you belong to, you laugh tiredly and call him jealous.
obsessive!Law who kisses you for the first time, mostly to shut you up as you egg him on about that stupid cook, slowly kissing and touching you until you both fall asleep.
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Ghouls Rule except its not Jackson who wants to fit in with the Normies, but Holt.
Between the two of them, Jackson embraces the Monster world. He's a mad scientist, he's fascinated by the supernatural and the werid.
But Holt, Holt wants to be a regular person. He wants to make friends and DJ at parties.
He's happy with his place in the Monster World of course, but Holt is still part Normie and wants to explore his heritage.
But he's always been banned from going to the Normie world.
Jackson's got no interest for it, but Holt does. So when they have the chance to attend a Normie school, Holt pleads with Jackson to see what Normie school is like.
Jackson hates every second of it. He's a lot more cynical, a lot more realistic and aware of how Normies treat those that don't fit the standard.
And Jackson has never fit the standard, not as a Normie and not as a monster.
But he puts up with it, because it let's Holt live vicariously through him and his experiences. Holt's eyes light up even it it's so mundane it hurts and that's enough for Jackson.
He gets to live through both worlds while Holt is confined to one, it's the least he can do.
It falls apart when Jackson attends a party, because Holt convinced him and the headphones he's wearing are yanked off.
Holt is revealed and he's chased out, called the most awful insults and ends up in tears. Because he never expected this, why are they treating me like this?
Sure he knows Normies have a vendetta against monsters but... Hearing it and experiencing it are so different.
... Why do they hate me?...
Jackson, in their shared mindscape embraces him. Holt cries, clinging onto him and tells him he's sorry.
Because he's witnessed first hand what Jackson receives on the regular in the Monster World.
He's never faced this kind of discrimination before, and he's so sorry for putting Jackson right in a situation he was uncomfortable with from the start.
Jackson comforts him, and says he forgives him but its not Holts fault. In a perfect world they would get to live in both Monster and Normie society, but that's not the case.
And he agreed to this, so they can both take the blame.
"Jax... I wanna go home."
"I know, I'll get us out of here."
Jackson manages to escape the mob, though he does get hurt along the way. Because angry mobs do be angry.
He ends up back at Monster High, and immediately all his friends surround him in concern.
They've been looking for him and Holt everywhere. Heath, of all people hugs him in relief and starts ranting about how you're parents have been worried sick man.
Everyone chimes in they were all worried
"and so was Heath"
"I was not! I just didn't wanna get in trouble with my aunt and uncle!"
"Liar, you were the first one worried."
And Jackson cries.
It's not just him, Holt is too because they're back where they belong. Back with the people who love them, who accept them for who they are.
Jackson gets patched up, stops a few murders by talking all his friends out of getting revenge.
He tells them not all Normies think that way, just like not all monsters do. He's used to this, Holt is not and it's a bit of a wake up call for everyone else.
Bloodgood reminds Jackson and Holt that monster, Normie or both they will always have a place at Monster High.
There is an event on Halloween night but it's not the monster normie dance from canon.
"Guys, I appreciate the invite but i can't attend a party." Says Jackson, Frankie smiles. "Trust us, I think you'll want to see this."
He follows them, expecting loud music to knock him off his feet. But that doesn't happen, there's music playing but it's softer, quieter.
Jackson remains, he's suprised. Deuce tells him it was Holts idea and Jackson finds himself back in his mindscape.
Finding Holt smiling before him. "I know what you said, but I still wanted to make it up to you. You let me see the Normie world, and I wanted to show you the monster world you've been missing."
Jackson looks at him in suprise "you... You threw me a party?" Holt nods "sure did, everyone pitched in. And I might not be DJing in person but I picked all the songs."
Jackson hugs him and Holt instantly hugs him back.
"I can't believe you cramped you're style for me." Holt snorts, shaking his head "it's not my style but it's just as killer." He grins, gently pushing him away.
"Now shoo, go have fun. Dance till your socks fall off."
And he does, Jackson laughs and dances with his friends. In the back of his mind he can Holt cheering him on and singing along.
They're home, they are well and truly home.
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[ID: Rigby, an anthropomorphic raccoon,, and Mordecai, a taller anthropomorphic blue jay, pointing at each other in The Park. /end ID]
Some more info below:
Pre Eileen Rigby:
-once tried to go on a date with the girl his best friend was crushing on.
-would regularly skip out on work even when Mordecai was serious about getting things done.
-on multiple occasions has allowed his greed, laziness, and sometimes just meanness to nearly destroy reality.
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[ID: Rigby's butt, there is a noticeably smaller butt cheek with stitches in it. /end ID]
-goes into a coma if he eats eggs
-once stole Benson's food and lied about it to both mordecai and benson.
-once beat up everyone in the park and made them do everything he said using Death Quon Doe.
-gave Mordecai his college letter of rejection so mordecai would think neither of them got into College so they wouldn't be apart from each other, only to accompany him to college in an alternate timeline via changing history so mordecai got the correct letter instead.
-once changed his name to trashboat.
Post Eileen Rigby:
-has remarkably turned himself around via studying.
-pulls his weight more and becomes much more reliable after graduating high school
-much nicer all around
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[ID: The same image of rigbys butt cheeks, this didn't changed once he matured. /end ID]
My own personal thoughts about getting high with pre eileen rigby: he's a bit overactive at times, and gets into trouble a lot, but he'd be chill to smoke with, so long as you do all his work for him (otherwise you might have to deal with an angry benson). You should probably also let him choose what video games or movies you watch, because otherwise he'll be a nightmare. And don't you dare be first player.
My thoughts about getting high with post eileen rigby: much easier to manage although you should probably still let him be player one.
Id rate his tolerance level at a solid 3/5. He and Mordecai are definitely getting high every weekend with a little bit during the week if everyone else is for a party. He'd be willing to chill alone if you asked him to, he'd even bring weed although depending on which rigby he is he may not share as much with you.
-once killed his best friend for trying to go on a date with the girl he had a crush on.
-regularly finds himself cleaning up both his and Rigby's messes.
-took multiple seasons to get with one girl.
-broke up with her when she moved away.
-rebounded and dated a girl who he had so much more in common with.
-broke up with her for his ex at one of his best friend's weddings.
-didn't even get back with his ex after this.
-plays punchies to get his way knowing he'll always win against rigby.
-very talented at volleyball.
My personal thoughts on getting high with mordecai: i think he'd be chill, so long as you're not a girl, or he is already dating someone. Probably has the biggest munchies of anyone, so bring lots of snacks.
I think his tolerance level at around 3.5/5, weekends parties, but he's also taller than rigby so he needs a little more. Definitely would bring the weed, as he already does so the most when it comes to smoking with rigby.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 month
Your Actual Child
Shota Aizawa X Teen!GN!Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 1922
Requested: Anon
Request: Hey hey
Could you please write a Aizawa platonic scenario in which he has a biological daughter?
Warning: Angsty with happy end, crying, something that could be considered a poorly described panic attack, tried to keep it gender neutral.
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You don’t know how your parents met or even decided who would have you. All you knew is that your mum wasn’t around anymore and your dad worked all night and slept all day. You didn’t have a quirk worth investing your time in, you were a glorified nightlight at best. You assumed that you got it from your mother considering your father’s ability.
For the first 18 years of your life, everything seemed to follow a routine, one that had you seeing your father for no more than a few hours before he was off to work or he was sending you off to school. You didn’t mind too much the time that he spent with you was always nice, that is until you got old enough to look after yourself, then time with him became more sparse and you found yourself feeling lonely. You tried not to feel angry or hurt because there were people who needed him.
It only seemed to get worse when he was assigned to the new class of heroes and trouble really started, the villains making a rise and your father was forced to the front lines on more than one occasion. The first time you were given time off of school to look after him while his was bandaged up, you worried about his eyes and what he would do if he wasn’t able to use his eyes once he was healed. But of course he healed just fine and everything went back to the way that they were.
The aftermath of the second big event resulted in you getting a little sister, Eri and you loved her with all of your heart but she only served to drive you and your dad further apart. He cared for her the way that he cared for you when you were younger and that made you miss him even more. You did gain a friend through it all though, Mirio, one of the heroes in training, spent a lot of time with Eri and by extension you.
You remembered one night you had all had dinner, Mirio had been there at the request of Eri, your dad was working so he wasn’t there. Mirio had just finished putting Eri to bed when he found you in the kitchen. “She’s sleeping.” He said as you placed the plate of food for your Dad in the microwave. “Thank you.” You said softly as Mirio walked over leaning against the counter. “Can I ask you something?” He asked. “Of course.” You nodded, wiping off your hands after washing them and gesturing for him to follow you into the living room. “You were never on the hero course, why?” He asked. “Oh, my quirk isn’t really anything that I could use for hero work.” You lifted your hand to show the small light you held in the palm of your hand, willing it to change shape until it resembled Mirio. “Woah!” You both jumped at the sound of the softer voice, you looked behind you to find that Eri was standing at the entrance to the living room. “Eri what are you doing up? I thought you were sleeping.” Mirio was about to get up but instead she ran over to you scrambling to climb up onto your lap. You helped her sit against you as she pulled your hand towards her. “Can you do that again!?” She asked, you lifted your hand creating a small figure that resembled her. “This is your quirk?” “Yeah.” You answered softly, “Do you want to hear a story?” Eri nodded vigorously as you told her a story using the small light figures to play out the story you were telling her. Eri feel asleep to you telling her a story and you carried her to bed and tucked her in and saw Mirio out telling him to be careful on his way home.
It would be hours later that Aizawa would walk through the front door, he was quiet, sure that the both of you would have been asleep by now. He was surprised to hear the TV playing in the living room, and walked into the living room to find you laying on the sofa, your phone held tightly in your hand as if waiting for something. He was gentle as he picked you up but it still woke you, ever since he had brought home Eri you had become a light sleeper waiting for the moment that she would need you. “Welcome home, your food is in the microwave.” You mumbled. “Thank you, what are you doing sleeping on the couch, you're going to end up with a bad back.” his scolding was half hearted as he carried you to your bedroom placing you in bed, you settled yourself before answering him. “It’s closer to Eri.” You finally answered. “If she needs me when you're not here.” “Mmm, get some rest, I’m home now, Eri is going to be fine.” He said as he turned back out to leave the room. “Make sure you eat.” You called sleepily before turning over and falling back to sleep. Aizawa glanced back at you for a second as he tried to figure out when you had grown up and how he had missed it. He couldn’t think of anyone that he would want to look after Eri more.
Things settled into a routine of you looking after Eri and the house while you dad worked day and night. Eri became your shadow and you fell into a roll that shouldn’t have been yours at your age. Your dad sat you and Eri down and explained the raid that he was supposed to be a part of, the one that was supposed to put an end to Shigaraki and the rest of his group. Of course the raid didn’t go the way that it was supposed to and you found yourself sitting in the living room leg bouncing as you waited for news on your dad. You had managed to get Eri to go to bed a few hours before Hizashi showed up.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked. “What happened?” “(Y/N), can you sit down for me?” Hizashi asked. “S-sit down, w-what… He’s okay right?” You asked. “He’s alive.” Hizashi answered. “So it’s the same as before. I'll look after him for a little while and then he’ll be back to normal.” You said. “Not this time.” Hizashi answered. “He lost his leg in the battle, at the moment he’s in the hospital, the doctors think that they will be able to save everything from above the knee but he’ll need a prosthetic.” “And how long will that take?” You asked “how long will he be in the hospital?” “That will depend on your dad.” He answered. “Well he’s never been one to stay beaten.” You mumbled. “Do you need me to stay?” He asked, he remembered the first night that something like this had happened, you spent the night crying and Hizashi had been the one to stay with you and make sure that you were okay. “No it’s okay, get some rest, thanks for fighting for us.” You said softly, he wanted to stay and make sure that you were okay but he didn't want to seem overbearing so he nodded, hugged you and made you promise that you would call him if you needed anything.
Over the next couple days there were regular check ins from the people that were able to check in, you even ended up meeting Hawks and Best Jeanist who were also sent to check up on your both for whatever reason. Soon came the time that your dad was finally allowed visitors and of course you took Eri down the hospital to see your dad. She missed him a lot and you hoped that seeing him was going to help her.
You had been there for about an hour when Mirio stuck his head through the door “Eri! No one told me that you’d be down here! You want to come get something to eat?” He asked “I’ve been given a special mission, I have to find some food for Tamaki.” Eri jumped up from where she was sitting. “A special mission?” She asked, she looked back at your dad who nodded softly before she ran off with Mirio leaving you both alone. “Hopefully, I’ll be able to come home soon, they’ve shown me the prosthetic that they are making for me.” Your dad said, you looked at him and nodded. “That will be good, it’ll be nice to have you back home, I think Eri misses seeing you around.” You explained. “I hear alot about Eri, she’s easy for the others to read but what about you?” He asked, the question itself made your throat close as you looked down at your hands balled in your lap. “I’m okay.” You answered after taking a deep breath and schooling your voice. “Mmm, you remember when you were younger anything bad ever happened you would cry?” He asked. “Yeah, I remember.” You nodded. “That was how I knew that you were going to be okay, the first time that I got hurt you cried, when you cry I know how to fix it, so I need your help so I can fix it.” He leaned forward taking your hand in his as he waited for you to talk. “You’ve done enough, you all have done enough.” You finally said. “What do you mean (N/N)?” You couldn’t see the frown but you could hear it in his voice, along with confusion and slight worry. “I know that I’m not the child that you chose, I don’t have some amazing quirk, I’m a glorified night light. The best I can do is scare away the imaginary demons Eri sees in her room. Whenever there’s a real threat, something tangible the best I can do is stay out of the way, there are people younger than me fighting for my right to live. I’ve watched you get hurt time and time again and all I can do is make you breakfast and keep the house clean-” the confession poured from your mouth in one breath, as tears poured down your face with all the strength he had he pulled you into his chest catching your entire weight as he wrapped his arms around you. “I need you to listen to me, I don’t need you to have a powerful quirk, I don’t need you to be fighting this war on the frontlines, do you know how important it is to make sure there’s somewhere for the soldiers to come back to?” your crying and quieted slightly, enough that he was sure that you were trying to listen to him, even if you weren’t hearing everything that he said. “As for choosing you, you don’t understand how much I thank you gods for the child that I was given and the person you raised yourself to be.” “I’m sorry.” You cried. “No need to be sorry.” He shifted you until you were laying on the bed next to him “Rest, the world will not collapse in on itself without you for a few hours, I promise.” As you relaxed into him and you fell asleep he saw the little girl that you had been hiding, the one that he had lost sight of and promised himself that he wouldn’t ever lose sight of her again.
Request Here!!
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 78: Awkwardness, Overcome
Luigi was so wrapped up in wrestling with responsibility and morality that just like with his father, he didn’t notice Noemi until she sat down next to him.
He looked up in confusion; desperately glad to see her but embarrassed to be in such poor shape. Her wince when she got a good look at his face didn’t help put him at ease. “You have quite the shiner there, friend. It’s not too late for us to bail if your family isn’t as friendly as you thought.”
Luigi gingerly reached up, grimacing as his fingers met the bruised and swollen skin encircling his right eye, all the while struggling to process that Noemi was really here and that she’d said us. “I guess I must look like the monster I really am right now, but even I’m not evil enough to ditch Dad tonight.”
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“Evil!?” she asked. “Whatever gave you that idea?” Luigi explained about the fight with Leroy, Amaya's angry words, his father's disappointment, and his larger secret shame. “I really hurt Beau. Am I going to keep hurting people because I can’t control myself?”
Noemi shook her head “You are a lot of things, but evil certainly isn’t one of them. Just the fact that you feel so terrible about what happened with Beau proves that.” When his downtrodden expression didn’t shift, she gently squeezed his hand and decided to try a different approach.
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Turning playful Noemi said in a sing song voice: “Ooo look out, I’m evil Luigi! I’ll defend my friends from your insults and then become your co-captain and maybe best friend on the team! I’m so mean I have tons of friends and… she looked meaningfully through the window at the dancing and laughing crowd inside … way too many relatives who want to party with me.”
She made vampire hands to snatch at the now bemused Luigi who was watching her tirade with a much more put upon, but much less pitiful, look.
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Noemi smiled as Luigi chuckled, feeling much better after her lighthearted show. “Thank you for that. I guess you’re right, maybe I’m not evil, but I obviously have some work to do controlling this stupid temper and making a better habit of repairing relationships like I did with Beau.”
Luigi knew that making amends for bad behavior wasn't the same as not causing the trouble in the first place, but saying sorry to those he’d hurt was a step in the right direction. He resolved to reach out to Bryon on Social Bunny one day soon and apologize for that whole mess as well.
Noemi agreed “There’s always room for personal growth. That’s… actually why I decided to come here after all.”
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Now serious she explained “Luigi, I’m so sorry. Social situations are so hard for me, and this big wedding is terrifying. After you left that night, I tried to tell myself it was for the best, but I couldn't get you out of my head. The silent apartment you left behind taunted me with every empty room.”
“I looked at the future I was headed for and I didn’t like it one bit. I don’t want to end up a recluse afraid of crowds, but most importantly I don’t want to end up without YOU. It took me forever to find the courage, but I decided to come here and get my boyfriend back. Assuming you’re still willing to introduce us to your family that way.”
Luigi’s expression morphed into an excited smile. “Are you kidding?! You show up, turn my misery into happiness once again, and offer everything I wished for! I’d like nothing better than to take my girlfriend inside and show her around.”
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Rising Noemi took a deep breath, muttering nervously “Let’s get this over with.” Luigi leaped up to embrace her, grinning like a fool.
“I’ll be there for you every second, and if all those hours of Sims Forever have taught me anything, it’s how to come up with a story to explain away an unusual situation!” They walked inside hand in hand, shocking his parents with his transformed mood and even more unexpectedly altered date.
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True to his word, Luigi spun truth and lies into a smooth explanation. Meeting and discovering they shared a major at Harvestfest, their friendship deepening over time, and the awkwardness Noemi felt about meeting everyone again causing them to keep it all a secret until now.
His elders took the whole thing in stride. Peachy joked “there’s nothing wrong with keeping it in the family!” while Valentina simply said, “its lovely to see you again dear”.
With that hurdle overcome at last, Luigi led his reclaimed lady to the dance floor. Just like before that fatefulHarvestfestdinner he was excited to take their relationship to the next level now that they were out of hiding and Noemi was finally free of the burdens of the past.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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imaginationlover101 · 2 years
Trust Issues
Austin Butler x reader
A/N: Loosley based of the Weekends song "Trust Issues"
Summary: Austin & Y/N have been best friends since birth, & after the breakup of her on and off again ex boyfriend, Austin wants to show her how much shes worth, but doesnt get the chance.
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I simply couldnt take it anymore, it had been the 3rd time in 4 months that he called "quits", because he didnt see us working out anymore. You would think that after the 2nd time I would become wise, but I was too in love to notice. I didnt want to believe that the only guy I loved was too much of a jerk to notice.
I should of listened to Austin, more then I gave on. The simple yes and no's wasnt cutting it at this point. Even though he's my best friend I didnt want to believe him, because when your in love eveything seems blind. But deep down I knew that the only problem there was, was me. I needed to get over the guy that broke my heart too many times to count.
In one way I would assume thats how I ended up at Austin's penthouse. With all the breakups and heartaches Austin always seemed to fix it all, even with his own troubles hes always seemed to fix mine. So heartbroken and teary eyed I waited until the elevator opened to reveal Austin's apartment.
Standing in the archway door almost waiting for the elevator door to open, Austin stood holding two arms full of different flavor ice creams and blankets. For a moment I was stuck in the elevator waiting for my own two feet to move, but for a moment there was nothing. The closing door reminded me of my own presences and from there I emerged into Austin's home.
Dressed in grey sweatpants and favorite black sweatshirt, Austin placed the items in his hands onto the table besides him and stared at me from the hallway door. I was ready to let all my worries go and leave my troubles at home, but I knew that there was an underlying promblem. "Dont say it Austin."
Huffing Austin comes closer taking my jacket off moving it to the kitchen chair. Fixing the jacket over the chair almost caressing it (a nervous habit of his) Austin starts to reply. "Oh you mean how he left you for god knows how many times this month, I just don't get it Y/N."
"What happend to the sympathy over the phone Austin?" Raising my voice the slightest I remarked in a sarcatisic tone. In one way I couldn't disagree with him, I did get back together with a guy who broke my heart way too many time, but a little sympathy would be nice. I knew Austin was my best friend but I wanted comfort now more then conflict. Besides he was the one who told me to come over to his apartment, I wouldn't of came if I knew there was going to be arguments.
Letting go of the chair, Austin begins to pace in his tracks until he looks at me in an almost parental tone, "You don't see it do you?" Austin and his analogies, for a moment I wish he would just be upfront instead of trying to make me think of what I was doing wrong.
"He's using you Y/N." Rolling my eyes I knew he pulled it too far. Moving my way into the living room (not wanting to get too angry over the subject), I began to fix the curtains tangled up at the end of the rod. "No he's not Austin, he just has no one else."
Throwing his fingers through his hair, Austin throws his head back following me into the living room. Taking some of the cloth out of my hands, Austin begins to take over the tangled mess of curtains dropping them on the floor, embracing my hands instead. "Listen to me Y/N your too good to him, get out of his trap before he pulls you too far in."
Dropping his hands, my heart started to hurt ever more. I didnt want to push Austin away because of my manipulative ex boyfriend, but I didnt know what to do. The main reason I got back together with my ex was because Austin was dating a "new" girl. In all honesty something inside me loved my ex, but the feelings I held for Austin are stronger. But watching the guy you love be a relationship with someone else , hurts more then a shitty boyfriend who lies most of the time.
Looking at the hands that I dropped (the true ones I loved) I began to walk to the couch. The couch provided so much comfort from hurt and reminded me of the good times Austin and I spent during the winter days.
Hearing a sigh come from the window view, Austin begins to make his way over to the side of the couch, sitting next to my spot. "Its just that-" Watching his face fall before he can say the words, Austin gathers my hands in his and stares at them for a moment before saying a word. "Nervermind Y/N im sorry it's my fault I'll drop it. You know I'm your best friend, and I can't keep seeing you getting hurt like this. I'm sorry I got worked up, but I cant keep on seeing you break yourself over some scumb who doesnt deserve your time."
Rubbing my sock clad feet against the rug out a nervous habit too afraid to make any other moves. I tried to avoid Austin's blue eyes, and the way he was staring at me. "I know he treats me like crap Austin, but I'm scared."
Austin's face distorts and immediately gets tense thinking the worse out of the situation. Unlike the harsh parental tone that had previously arised, this time his voice was soft and calming. "Why are you scared? If its because of him I'll have no problem putting him in his place."
Laughing I leaned closer laying my head on his shoulder, finally thinking I was getting my feeling out I maintained eye connect. "No Austin, it's just that... I dont know how I feel? If I leave him what happend if I'll never find love again, what happens if no one ever loves me like that again?"
Watching his face become somewhat angry again he began to sigh. "I know how it feels to be scared like that, but let me tell you something. I'm sorry if you think that's what love feels like because you are so much more then that. That guy is nothing but a cheater, and should be paying for what he's done. And as far as not loving again, I think your far from it."
"Any guy would be lucky to have you and I know your not able to see it, but your so worth it. Your smile practically lights up any room your in, and your empathy is worth more then any dollar bill he might of spend on the side." Seeing Austin face change, he moves his posture to more in front of me then to the side. "I shouldnt even be telling you this right now- but" before the words could get out Austin's phone starts to ring.
While both eyes move to the phone vibrating on the table, Austin goes to turn the phone to mute. "Its okay Aus, awnser it."
Shaking his head in a no way, Austin begins to pick the phone to end the call, but awnsers it before he knows. Realizing that it was his girlfriend Austin gets up off the couch and begins to move his way into the kitchen.
Being the noisy person I am, I began to move to the end of the couch for a better ear. "Kaia I told you I'm sorry I can't do it." Hearing him pause, Austin peaks his head into the living room knowing he had company. Leaning my body against the couch as if I wasnt listening he continues.
"I'm busy right now I'll call you back." Ending the phone call rather quick on someone who seems to be your "girlfriend" seemed to be harsh. According to the tabloids, its was the lastes gossip, but who could believe it.
In all honesty I didnt even know if the two were truly dating. This had been the first time in a month Austin and I had seen each other in person. Between isolating myself at home because of my "ex", and work we haven't seen each another in a while. Although we talked on the phone either through text or phone call Austins "girlfriend" never really came up.
Walking out of the kitchen Austin apologizes for the sudden call. Deciding if I should even bring up the new girlfriend talk I decide on shutting it down. I didn't need to have my heart broken more by the supposed girlfriend talk.
Moving to my original spot on the couch, Austin sits next to me dropping his phone far away from him on the table. Looking around the room, I turned my attention back to him. Acting as I forgot the words Austin had said before, since I was curious to what he had to say. "So what'd you say again?"
Now turning his attention my way Austin begins to deny his words. "Oh nothing, it was nothing." Not believing a word he was saying I start to laugh, "Oh no you said something, you gotta finish it now."
Moving his eye sight to the Christmas tree begind me Austin continue. "Well I uh, wanted to ask your opinion on the tree, I didnt want to go with an artificial this year, so I got a real one."
Turning my head to the Christmas tree behind me I smiled. Knowing that's definitely not what he wanted to talk about I rolled my eyes. "Well it turned out pretty, you know real ones are always better smelling wise and all." Both humming in agreement the room was filled with silence. "You know it is way after Christmas right, its January now."
"Yes, Y/N I know. Dont blame me I want my decorations up as long as possible." Watching the gold lights twinkle off the window reflection I watched as Austin leaned deeper into the couch. "Okay Santie Clause."
Pushing my shoulder so that I would fall onto the other side of the couch, I realized that the atmosphere was brighter then before. The talks of horrible ex boyfriends were in the midst, and suddenly it had became all about Austin and I, but hey I was complaining.
Peering over my body to see if I was okay, Austin grabs my hand pulling me up off the couch. Pulling me into his shoulder (a lot closer then usally), I started to enjoy the ambience of Austin's late Christmas decorations.
Grabbing the tv remote from the table, Austin flips through movies stopping on a random one. Re6alaizng that I wasnt paying attention, Austin takes tickles my side for a moment getting my attention. Seeing that "The Grinch" was the movie he chose, I couldnt help but laugh. Austin was still stuck in Christmas mode.
"Fine", Nodding my head for confirmation, Austin presses the start button and the music starts to play.
"See I knew I loved you for something, sometimes you make good decisions." Pushing his body off of mine, for the lowkey backhanded comment. I got off the couch grabbing the blankets from the edge of the sofa.
Sitting back down next to Austin, he begins to wrap an arm around the back of the couch opening the blanket I brought, so that it was big enough to share. Just when he was about to lean his head on top of mine, once again his phone began to ring. Burrying his head in the crock of my neck (making me want to squeal inside), Austin groans not wanting to get up.
"I dont want tooo get ittt." Vocalizing his words like a child, I peered over to the edge of the table seeing Austin's managers name pop up. Debating on if I should tell him or not, I started to rub Austins hair. "Its your manager."
Groaning even more then before, Austin gets up fully stretching over to the table grabbing his phone. Awnsering the contact, Austin leans back on the side of the couch bumping his feet on mine.
"Hello?" With a groany voice, all I could hear over the phone was yelling. Austin's manager was seemingly yelling at him for something and the only words I could get out of it was Kaia.
Hearing Austin sighs, he begins to press play on the movie, and once again he begins to get up only this time moving behind the couch. Making a talking motions, Austin motions that he'll be a moment and to watch the movie.
Pretending as if the Grinch was my favorite movie of all time, I started to eavesdrop one again on his conversation. "I've told you Austin, you need to get rid of that girl shes no good for your image. Just leave her for a few months, replace her with Kaia. The paparazzi see her way to often we need to cleanse your image with Kaia."
Coughing as if he thought I couldnt hear his conversation, Austin walks into the kitchen talking back to his manager in a harsher tone. At this point it all made sense, I was the girl that was "breaking" Austin's image, that's why he never brought up Kaia with me. I was the girl who was ruining my best friend image.
Hearing Austin almost yell from the kitchen I felt frightened thinking if I could I be the girl he was talking about. "Ive told you before and I'll tell you agian I love her, I've always been in love with her! It's not going to change! ! Shes in my life, not yours. You can't control who I'm with or not. I have no interest being with Kaia, if it's going to ruin my own personal relationships!"
The bright Christmas ambience that filled the room previously now was getting darker. Hearing that Austin was hanging up the phone, I felt confused. Was I really the girl he was talking about? I couldnt be?
Marching his way back into the living room, Austin shuts his phone off leaving it on the kitchen table. Feeling his prescene come behind the couch, I began to sit up. I didn't think I could take it anymore. The fact that I possibly was the girl Austin was talking about was too much, and the underlying crush I had for him only amplified leaving me to feel overwhelmed.
"Hey, sorry about that again. I really gotta shut my phone off." Hearing Austin let out a nervous laugh, I stood up folding the blanket back on the couch.
With eyes filled with confusions Austin tilts his head. "Where you going."
"You know what I'm gonna go home." Grabbing my jacket from off the dinning room chair, Austin eyes begin to amplify. "You ok? What happend I thought we were fine?"
"Were" pointing between the two of us "fine, better then okay. I just feel sick all of sudden." Watching as Austin followed my movement, he suddenly stops me before I could walk to the elevator door. Seeing as his face came to a realization he blocked me from pressing the button.
"Listen Y/N, if it's about what you heard then-" stopping for a moment Austin looks at me before muttering f it. "Its true okay, I've been in love you all this time. I didn't want to scare you off and know I'm doing it. Please Y/N, can we just talk, I'll explain everything."
Feeling as if the room was 10 times heavier then before I tried to squeeze myself through Austins arm trying to tap the elevator button. "I dont know Austin, can we do this another time. I just dont know."
Realizing that I pushed the button, Austin stands away from me. Watching as each number started to get brighter coming closer to his floor, Austin placed a hand on my arm. "Come on Y/N, dont do this to me. Dont shut me out. I'm not like eveyone else Y/N I'm your best friend. I have you forever, and always dont do this to me."
Seeing the tears gather in his eyes, the elevator door suddenly opens. Watching as Austin's face seems to drop, I looked between my two options. I wanted nothing more then to run into Austin's arms, but the feelings I had deeper in my heart to told me I wasn't good enough. That I should run far away and never tell a soul.
With my heart in two places, I turned my back walking into the elevator. Trying not to make eye contact as I pressed the closed button, Austin whispers my name. "Please Y/N dont do this."
Wanting to stop the elevator to confess my feeling to him at once, the doors close, and my eyesight with filled with nothing more then silver. Austins apartment was no longer to be seen, and as the elevator lights flickeres brighter and brighter reaching every floor. My mind was only reminded of the mistake I made. The mistake of letting my best friend go.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
I was think about this post and if beloved had been famous in the 80s can you imagine how pissed Terry would be if he found out she was Daniel or Johnny’s celebrity crush
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He loathed that Lawrence prick.
Loathed him for having John's inexplicably good opinion for decades. For being an idiot and getting away with it in life. For failing at everything and still managing not to fucking sink, as he should've, ages ago. Loathed him for being Cobra Kai's --- his Cobra Kai's --- supposed golden boy even though the title was far from deserved. Even though he betrayed every ethic, creed and belief Cobra Kai ever stood for. For trying to kill his own Sensei. For being a self-destructive lowlife. He supposed he loathed him for having a family too. So many families in fact, that he had enough to spare, fumble, break apart, neglect and toss aside at will, with a new influx of fresh reserves always devotedly on the way even though he couldn't even provide for the first batch. Loathed him for being forgiven and perpetually justified for all his stupidity, failures and asinine behavior. That there were, in fact, people --- friends --- who managed to find it all oddly charming at the end of the day. Terry loathed him even as he rummaged through his things, if they could even be classified as things and not mere junk in the rented rathole he called his home, deliberately looking for even more things to loathe. Fuel himself with. Figuring it was impossible to add even more to the red he was already seeing. Figuring that all hate had a physical limit before it starts splitting atoms and creating black holes in the atmosphere.
A fact confirmed untrue when he stumbled upon it.
On a stack of old magazines beneath the couch he flips through, wanting to spit in disgust through his sneer, buried beneath an equal rank stack of old crushed beer cans on the carpet; a periodical, crumpled, used up and seemingly forgotten. The date on it marking the year of 1983.
Fuck sake, could this loathsome schmuck be any more of a hoarder rat and --- his train of thought halts right there, suddenly, shot dead in its tracks. You. Your face. On the cover. He was so angry it took him a moment to process the fact. Terry's blindness instantaneously lifts. Scribbled in ballpoint pen notes and juvenile obscenities alongside the occasional caricature. Babe with good tits, one of the crude addendums said, clearly written by none other but the loathsome prick himself at one point in time, perhaps years ago. Johnny Lawrence had a magazine of you. Beneath his couch. For god knows how long. And he? He scribbled on you? Held you? Looked at you? What else did he do to you? Terry's mind goes foggy with wrath and he feels his fingers dig into the glossy paper cover at the very thought of all the possibilities, leaving behind dents until his nails practically dig holes in the surface. This is precisely why he didn't approve of you being in the public spotlight then and why he didn't approve of it now or any during any point in time. He could just about demolish this apartment with his bare hands, separating concrete from brick and he would've been entitled to do so, but he steadies himself. Takes a moment to breathe. Control himself. Think. Strategize. No. This wasn't just about him and John anymore. Wasn't just about settling scores and revenge. No. This was about more. So much more now, Terry decides. This was a matter of pride.
He saunters of the apartment, leaving no trace of himself behind.
Taking only the magazine with your face on it with him.
The only thing there that belonged to Terry.
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antielevator · 4 months
@dojimakaichou sent: ‘ ASLEEP. ’ - [ my / your ] muse sits with [ mine / yours ] while they rest. ( x )
Right away, maybe in his first month of work, Sebastian came to the conclusion that the rules in place were stupid. They were too rigid, too inconsiderate of the circumstances of each individual, and he'd taken enough social science classes in university to learn that equality and equity were two different things. What was important when dealing with people who "got in trouble" with the law was to listen, to understand their positions-- Daigo Dojima, for example, was a frequent visitor at his precinct, but never really did anything bad except refuse to grow up.
They usually go to diners whenever Daigo agrees to go to breakfast with him, but today was different. Daigo's injuries from the brawl he'd gotten into the night before were more visible than normal (they were all over his face, even, and Sebastian had made it a point to tend to those before he even started cooking), so Sebastian hadn't wanted to subject him to any particularly hard stares in a public place. With his roommate out for the weekend with his girlfriend, their small but cosy apartment had felt bigger, somehow-- less so now that Daigo's here, though.
Sebastian meant to wake him up once the food was ready. The spread was just bacon, eggs, and some waffles shaped like the Millennium Falcon (courtesy of a novelty iron his roommate had), and it didn't take very long to make at all. But when he moved from the kitchenette to the living room and caught Daigo asleep on the couch he'd left him on, he didn't have the heart to do it. He never saw the man outside circumstances brought about by work, sure, but Daigo seemed to be the type to often get into shitty situations. More pressing, too, was the fact that he was also the type to exacerbate those shitty situations. The dissonance between the angry, banged up guy that Sebastian always had to write up and the snoozing young man on his couch faded rather quickly into fondness. Regardless of what Daigo's been through, Sebastian's certain he could use the rest.
So now he sits on the floor between the (cheap) coffee table and the (relatively more pricey) couch, watching Saturday morning cartoons and crunching on bacon. It's been maybe half an hour since he decided not to wake Daigo up, and by now Sebastian's stopped paying attention to any mumbling, snoring, or other minor noises the guy might've made. It's surprisingly comfortable just sitting here with him, even though Sebastian would usually be crawling into bed by now. It makes him wonder if this might have happened if they were friends the way normal people became friends-- if Daigo would have also ended up under a crocheted blanket from his abuela that Sebastian put on him to keep him warm.
He's stirred from his thoughts, though, at a noise that sounds less like an involuntary sleep sound and more like waking. Sebastian brings the volume to the television way down almost immediately, turning Pikachu's high-pitched pikas into silence.
"Morning, sleeping beauty," he says, turning to look behind him at Daigo's groggy, beaten up face. "You got a bit of drool there."
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writings-by-fairy · 7 months
Double Trouble
Fandom: American Housewife
Pairing(s): Oliver Otto x Cooper Bradford with background relationships
Words: 2,353
Rating: T
Warnings: drug use (specifically marijuana)
Summary: Oliver is offered a couple little treats.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The bus was late to picking up Oliver, he sat in the back of the bus tapping his leg anxiously. He was supposed to be at Cooper’s frat 20 minutes ago and now Cooper isn’t answering him. Oliver knows its probably because Cooper got distracted but he can’t help but let his anxiety race. Oliver reminds himself that Cooper always ends up talking to someone for hours. He always made friends with everyone when he was drunk: he has been promised that he will be the best man at 2 weddings just this semester.
“Approaching…Lion Drive Apartments,” the automated bus rings out. Oliver peaked his head up and got ready to get off. He thanked the driver as he got off, he looked around for a second, taking in everything. Cooper’s frat was on fraternity road which means every weekend the streets are filling with drunk people trying to take care of other drunker people, vibrating music, and so many LED lights (it was not a safe place for people with epilepsy).
Oliver began his walk to the frat when he felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and saw Cooper’s face light up his phone screen, incoming call.
“Ollie!” He had a couple drinks. “Oh, I miss you! When…when are you getting here?”
“Well, Cooper.” Oliver smiled as he saw the frat come into view. “If you knew how to check your phone, you would know I am not coming.”
“WHAT?” Oliver laughed as he held the phone away from his ear, he could still hear Cooper making a scene, even heard a few angry voices telling him to shut up. “Oliver. You’re joking and I need you to tell me that.” Cooper’s voice became quiet at the end, he had had a rough week and truly the only thing keeping him from losing his mind was Oliver. Though they hadn’t even seen each other much throughout the semester, just the thought of Oliver kept Cooper at ease.
“Look behind you, weirdo.” Cooper snapped his head around to see Oliver standing there still on the phone. Oliver hung up and opened his arms for Cooper, which he happily accepted. Cooper ran into Oliver almost pushing the two over. “I missed you too.”
They hugged for a few seconds, a couple awes and kms’s were heard as Oliver wrapped his arms around Cooper’s neck, breathing in his expensive cologne.
They pulled back and stared at each other for a moment, just the two of them as the party warred on around them. Oliver invaded every part of Cooper making it feel like they were the only ones left in the world. Their reunion was short lived when the president of the frat came up to them.
“Yo, Coop, Ollie!”
Oliver just nodded his head towards him while Cooper settled for, “What’s up, player?” Oliver couldn’t help but giggle at the cringey phrase, he tried to conceal it with a cough.
“Could you fill in for Ric, he left the bar area and can’t be found.” The bar area was a sticky, old wooden bar that was built into the frat. There wasn’t much positive about the bar other than it provided drinks. There is a bonus of fighting off underage drunk girls who swear they just left their ID at home, they sweaaarrrrr. (Cooper has heard that one too many times this year).
Cooper looked to Oliver, he looked worried that he was leaving Oliver all alone. Oliver grinned at him, “Go, you loser. I will be fine and waiting for you right here.”
“You know what, Coop.” Brody, the president, started clasping a hand on Oliver’s shoulder shocking him slightly. “I will make sure that your precious Oliver here is having the best night of his life.” Cooper smiled at the two, more pointedly at Oliver though. He said his good-byes before taking over the bar.
Oliver was anxious to see what Brody had planned. Usually, Oliver arrives at the frat, he hangs out with everyone downstairs, then him and Cooper just go up to his room for the rest of the night. Unless Cooper hears No Hands start. ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ Cooper’s arm around Oliver’s waist kept him grounded as he felt his head was spinning. It was one of the guys birthday or something, either way, it was a great excuse to drink on a warm sunny Saturday. Oliver had to lead Cooper away from the party, the clothes were starting to come off.
Just as Oliver felt the sweet release of sleep start to creep up, Cooper shot out of bed. Oliver wasn’t even fazed, just annoyed he now had to change his position. He pulled the comforter over after Cooper ungracefully flung himself from the bed. his head to help block out the noise of the downstairs party, how is it still going he wonder.
Oliver was confused about what Cooper was in such a rush for but he didn’t even have time to stop a shirtless Cooper from running out the room, but then Oliver heard it.
“Girl, the way you moving, got me in trance…” and he immediately recognized the song. He laughed to himself for at least 2 minutes, of course his boyfriend would wake from a deep sleep when he heard No Hands. ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ Cooper gave one last look to the two before smiling and started to push his way back to the bar, it was extremely crowded. Oliver looked up at Brody expectantly, he never hung out with him one-on-one, but they had many interactions, in fact he was one of the only ones who knew about Oliver and Cooper.
Brody smiled at him before leading Oliver over to the beer pongs table which were in the frats make-shift living room. Brody told him that he promised a few people a game or two, but he was welcome to sit on the couch or watch.
Oliver spent the first game standing and watching, cheering for Brody when he got one in. After the first round, Oliver decided to sit on the couch: he fell back as much of the springs that were in the couch were gone or broken.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” Oliver immediately apologized to the person he fell back on when sat down. “I did not mean to shove you, its just that there is no support so I fell-“
“You gotta chill, it is no big deal at all bro.” The guy laughed, patting Oliver on the back. “Apollo.”
Apollo leaned back, dragging Oliver down with him. They just sat there shoulder to shoulder for a while, talking about everything and nothing. Conversation fell easy and Oliver felt he finally made a friend.
Oliver was bouncing his leg before Apollo pushed down on his leg stopping it, “Bro, you gotta chill.” He started reaching in his cargo pockets before pulling out a couple Oreos. “You want one?” His stomach growled at the site, he didn’t realize how hungry he was.
“Uh, I would love one, maybe two?”
“Wow there, are you sure?” Apollo got two out, Oliver wondered why this guy brought a ziploc bag of Oreos but he was just grateful. “They aren’t Oreos..” He the two hesitantly and Oliver was already eating one.
“I don’t care if they are off brand or what,” Oliver happily ate the two before settling back but heard his name being called shortly after.
“Oliver!” He looked up to see Brody waving him over to one of the tables. “My partner left, you know how to play?” The three frat brothers stood at the table, looking at Oliver.
Oliver laughed, “Uhhh, not well.”
“Doesn’t matter, get your ass over here.”
Oliver apologized to Apollo before getting up to the table. He stood beside Brody, fidgeting heavily: he looked over at Apollo who looked at him and held two thumbs up. As the game went on, Oliver became more comfortable and turns out that he is really good. People started asking to play because they couldn’t believe how good Oliver was, they just chopped it up to beginners luck but changed their minds when it was Brody and Oliver celebrating a win, not them.
“Okay, one more game,” They had been playing for three games now and Oliver carried each one. The nickname, goat, was starting to spread around. At this point, there was a small crowd surrounding their table.
Just as Oliver went to throw the first ball, he felt a complete change in himself. He just froze; feeling lighter, heavier, dizzy, he stood there staring at the table for at least a minute.
“Uhhh, Oliver…you good?” Brody leaned down and put a comforting arm on his.
Oliver just looked up at him and smiled. “Yeah, man. Feling great.” His eyes were now blood shot and barely open.
“Did you take anything?”
“What?” Oliver’s eyebrows furrowed. “I…uhm…I just had some of Apollo’s Oreos. No drinks or anything.” He laughed a little, why was Brody asking him that, he waved over at Apollo who looked completely spaced out now.
Brody excused them from the match despite many, many protests. He lead Oliver to the bathroom and turned the lights on.
“Dude,” Oliver buried his eyes in his arm as he tried to block out any light. “Turn those off now, please bro.”
“How many did you take?”
“Oliver, how many did you have?” Brody put his hands on Oliver’s shoulders to help ground him. Oliver wondered why he cared.
“Just two.”
“Oh my god,” he pinched the bridge of his nose before running a hand through his hair. Brody took a deep breath and paced back and forth a little.
Oliver stared to panic, “Uhm what Brody? Brody, what’s happening? Oh my god…I am dying, aren’t I? Please!” Oliver raised his hands to curse God but felt like they were 10 metric tons, he tried to lift them a few times before dropping them. Brody grabbed him and started walked but Oliver became dead weight, he was not moving despite Brody, who works out at least twice a day, pushing him.
“Oliver, come on.”
“I can’t.”
“I can’t!” Oliver widened his eyes when he said it again, he believed he truly could not move his body parts. He chuckled to himself as he became okay with never moving again. Brody looked around as if looking for an answer before sighing and just throwing Oliver over his shoulder. Oliver did not know what was happening, but he couldn’t even try to fight back or anything.
Brody pushed his way through the crowd ignoring the “oh, someone had a little too much”, “freshmen”, or “can’t hold his liquor”. He finally made his way to the stairs and started to make his way up, he forgot about the two “bodyguards” at the platform to make sure no drunk people tried to sneak their way into their rooms.
He nodded at he two before making his way back to Cooper’s room. He went to turn the knob but was met with resistance, Cooper locked it. Brody cursed whoever was at fault for this, God, Cooper, the universe. He knelt and was able to sit Oliver down against the door who just rolled off like a Jello. Oliver’s eyes were closed, and he slumped heavy against the door.
“Oliver…Oliver,” He put an arm on Oliver’s shoulder, shaking him a bit. “There you are, you stay here, okay? I am going to get Cooper.” Oliver stared at him with absolutely no thoughts, he knew Brody was talking but could not decipher a single word. He heard Brody say something else before he fell back against the door.
Brody ran down the stairs as quick as he could, he did not want Oliver alone for that long. He ran behind the bar, interrupting the girl ordering from Cooper. He picked up a high noon and shoved it at her with a “on the house.”
Cooper looked at him with concern masked behind a smiling face, “Uhm, what’s up Brody? You miss me that much?”
Brody chuckled but Cooper knew it was not a real chuckle, more stressed. “So, funny story…Oliver is…” Brody looked for the write words causing Cooper to start to panic.
“What? What?” He looked behind Brody hoping Oliver was standing there. “Where is he? Is he okay? What happened?” He started to get close to Brody and raise his voice catching a few nosy eyes.
“Oliver got drugged.”
“What?!” Cooper yelled angrily, he went to push Brody out of the way, he was going to find his Oliver.
Brody pushed him back, trying to calm him back down, “No, no, no. Not like that…Someone gave him edibles but I don’t think he knew they were edibles.” He nervously talked through it and looked at Cooper with a pained smile, he did feel bad.
“Where is he? Is he okay?” Cooper asked again, slower and more dominant.
“Yes,” Brody let out a sigh of relief, he did not know he was holding. “He is sitting outside your room, waiting for you. I will take over here, get up there.” He shoved Cooper towards the direction of the stairs.
After Cooper pushed his way through the crowd earning a few grunts, he raced upstairs but still making time to say hello to the bodyguards. Once he reached the top, he saw Oliver laying on his back rubbing his hands back and forth on the carpet. He ran over looking at Oliver.
Oliver moved his head towards Cooper slower than Cooper has ever seen anything. He opened his eyes manually, he stared the boy looking down at him for a minute.
“Cooper!” Oliver smiled and started laughing. “You have to feel this rug!” He grabbed Cooper’s hand with surprising strength and rubbed his hand uncoordinated all over the carpet.
“Ollie.” Cooper couldn’t help the smile that shyly creeped across his face. He pulled his keys out of his pocket unlocking the door for them but as he started unlocking the door, they heard a group of footsteps climbing up the stairs.
Oliver immediately turned over and crawled as quick as he could and into the bed, he was breathing heavily as he calmed down. “What was that? That was terrifying!” he looked shaken up from the incident.
Cooper laughed before walking in the room, now he hasn’t had much experience dealing with high people especially when it is his boyfriend. He turned on the LED lights wrapped around his room to a soft purple color for them. He walked over to his desk, grabbing some water bottles he set there for them later and eye drops.
He turned around and saw Oliver just staring at the lights like they were the greatest thing to ever exist. Cooper slowly took his phone out of his pocket and snapped a photo of Oliver who sat up against the headboard with a blanket around him. He looked cute.
Oliver felt the bed dip in front of him and he was greeted by Cooper who had a water held out to him. Suddenly, he became very aware how dry his mouth was. He snatched the water and chugged half of it, breathing a little hard after.
“What is that?” Oliver mumbled his words together but luckily Cooper is used to mumbly Oliver in the morning.
“Eye drops, tilt your head back and open your eyes as wide as you can.” Cooper asked, reaching the bottle to Oliver’s eyes. It was almost comical how wide Oliver was making his eyes. He was able to get the eye drops in with surprising ease.
Cooper got up and pulled the blanket off Oliver who protested it greatly but was physically submissive for Cooper. Cooper went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of pajamas Oliver left here.
Cooper looked back at Oliver, “uhm, what?”
“I want yours.”
Oliver looked down bashfully and Cooper’s heart melted. He dug around his drawers some more before pulling out Oliver’s favorite shirt: a food challenge shirt that Cooper won the first week at campus. When he turned back, he was met with sniffles and Oliver crying now.
Cooper ran over and wrapped Oliver in a hug, shushing him. “Baby, baby. What is wrong?”
“Youuuuuu…” Oliver tried to talk but when he looked at Cooper, he just started bawling again. “You are up here taking care of me when you should be downstairs…” Oliver started sobbing, he felt everything so intensely.
Cooper laughed; he couldn’t help it.
“Oh, and now you are laughing at me!” Oliver turned over and pulled the comforter over his head, hoping to just wither away.
Cooper pulled the comforter down and caressed Oliver’s face. “Baby, I’m not laughing at you 100%. Just the thought you think I would rather be down there when the most amazing boy is right here.” He smiled at Oliver who slowly processed what he said.
“Taco Bell!” Oliver gasped and sat up looking for his phone.
“Taco Bell…all you have to say is Taco Bell?”
“Yes! Taco Bell!” Oliver lazily ruffled through the bed until he found his phone. Cooper looked over after a few minutes of silence to see Oliver holding his phone upside down trying to order. “Coop…its not working…” He handed the phone over to Cooper who put in the password and opened the Taco Bell app.
Oliver tapped on the phone screen mumbling things like “yes..yes..should I get two..yeah..” He handed the phone back to Cooper who laughed at the chaotic mess of an order that Oliver picked out. He placed the order and then the two of them just laid down and waited for the very needed text.
Once the driver arrived, Cooper went down and got it. The two laid out all their food and Oliver could barely contain his excitement; he has never wanted food more than he did now. Cooper put Oliver’s comfort show causing Oliver to smile wide, the amount oh love he felt in that moment was indescribable.
The Amazing World of Gumball played on in the background and Oliver ate all his food, moaning. This was the best food he had ever had. Eventually, he laid back to watch the show more comfortably but ended up falling asleep.
Cooper looked back at Oliver when he realized it had been silent for a while. He smiled at him: Oliver was laid back, arms spread, legs crisscrossed, and an unopened taco. He couldn’t let this moment leave his brain ever so he took a photo for him (and to post on Oliver’s birthday in a few months). He cleaned up what he could and turned off the TV along with the lights.
He knew Oliver would not want to wake up in his jeans, so he tried to wake him up. Oliver shushed him and stretched his legs out; Cooper took this as his sign to pull off Oliver’s jeans. Oliver let out a sigh of relief and curled up into his favorite sleeping position. Cooper pulled the sheets back and snuck in the bed. He scooted close to Oliver and wrapped his body around him.
He leaned up and kissed his forehead, whispering good night before sleep finally got to him too.
☆⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆ Oliver rolled over groaning, his head felt dizzy and his eyes were dry. He rolled over to see Cooper on his phone. Why was he holding a supreme Doritos locos taco still in the wrapper?
Cooper looked down when he heard Oliver groan and start moving around. “Ahhhh, look who is awake. How did you sleep?” He set his phone down and turned towards the sleepy boy.
“How-“ Oliver coughed and cleared his throat, why did he have cottonmouth? “What happened?” He sounded so confused and concerned and Cooper understood.
“How much do you remember?”
“Uhmmm…” Oliver furrowed his eyebrows. He was still waking up mentally. “I, Uhm, you left…then I met someone a new friend who gave me some oreos, he was chill.”
Cooper hummed and nodded.
“Oh, then I was playing beer pong but I wasn’t drinking…and then…I guess I woke up…here.” He gestured down to the bed.
“So you remember those Oreos?” Oliver nodded. “Those were edibles.” Cooper decided to rip off the Band-Aid and just be blunt with him, he had no idea how to react and to honest, Oliver did not know how to act. He started the denial phase.
“But-“ Oliver sighed. “but he said that they weren’t Oreos like I would care- OH!”
Cooper looked at him with a tilted head.
“When he said that they weren’t regular Oreos, I thought he meant they were off brand!” He buried his head under the covers, embarrassed now. Cooper smiled before cuddling Oliver, he told Oliver everything: Brody carrying him, him crying, Taco Bell, everything.
“Guess I owe Brody a thank you.” The two laughed a little before cuddling back up under the covers. They decided to spend the rest of the day in bed watching cheesy rom coms and laughing occasionally at the craziness of last night.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
I am on AO3 as the same username if you want to check out my other works. This is on there :P Requests are open so please message me
XOXO Fairy
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hesthermay · 1 year
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PAIRING: robby keene x fem!oc reader
SUMMARY: the beginning of robby keene and beckett jones, and the fall of robby keene and beckett jones.
RATINGS + WARNINGS: general audiences, mature themes (mentions of violence), explicit language, angst. no y/n
NOTES: this is apart of a bigger story, but it is not yet written and only lives in my head and my notes app. i wrote this a long time ago and have made slight changes to it but oh how i love robby keene, so i’ve decided to post it. fuck it we ball! i hope someone likes it, mayhaps i’ll post more of these two. and yes i love repetition could you tell?
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If there was one thing Beckett Jones knew for certain, it was that Robby Keene was the love of her life. 
Everything had changed after she moved to California, the San Fernando Valley somehow being everything and nothing like she’s heard. While staying true to herself, who she was, she learned and grew and made friends she was proud to have—one of those being Robby Keene.
It was slow at first, things between them, but it was enough. Robby was troubled but he was also sweet, and funny, and from what she could tell—also willing to grow. It had made her respect him all the more. But as always, the niceties of life were short lived for the regular person, the cloud of peacefulness blown away by the storm of what one could say was fucking bullshit.
When the fight at the mall had happened, Beckett Jones knew she was more involved than she had been hoping to be. But, loyal to a fault, she stood by Demitri and protected him because he was her friend, and that was just what Beckett Jones did. But the fight at the school? That was a new chapter of crazy for her. She knew she had to stand by Sam, for she was her best friend and although flawed as all humans are, did not deserve to be attacked. So, she intervened and did her best to push Tory away, to get her to back off; to save it for another time because it was obvious that everyone involved in this would get hurt. 
It was when Robby got himself involved that she knew, deep in her bones, that this wasn’t going to go her way. She was not going to be able to mediate this, it was growing too big and too angry to be settled—especially when Miguel showed up. 
Miguel was one of her closest friends. Her first friend in California, her honorary brother, and someone who did not get along with her boyfriend. They were both great guys, but Beckett Jones couldn’t focus on either of them when they started fighting. It had haunted her for a bit, watching Miguel go over the railing, the sound his body made when it collided with the metal. Robby’s face as he watched from above, shock turning into fear in real time. Sam’s voice as she screamed at him, followed immediately by the boy fleeing the scene. She had wanted to go after him, the boy she knew couldn’t stop himself, but she was not oblivious to the fact that she was in trouble; she had participated in a blown out of proportion karate fight on the first day of school, and so her feet remained planted to the ground where she could keep Sam and Miguel in her sight.
To be clear, Beckett Jones did not regret her actions, even when awaiting the consequences in the aftermath of it all, but the outcome she was faced with was not one she had anticipated. 
Robby was MIA, not answering anyone’s calls with his location turned off. The guilt and worry she felt had grown all consuming. 
She was with Daniel LaRusso when he got the call from Robby’s mom. She had begged and pleaded, and in the end demanded, to come with him. Beckett Jones had more respect for her teacher than she had for most others in her life, but she would be damned if she was going to have Robby thinking she didn’t care about his whereabouts or well-being. She hadn’t known he had called the police, however; hadn’t known at the time that making it look like Robby turned himself in was the best thing for him. So she screamed.
Screamed at the officers, screamed at Mr. Larusso, screamed at Shannon, and screamed at the world. Beckett Jones knew that from the moment Robby Keene was born, he was handed the short end of the stick, and he only knew how to operate with the tools he was given and had scraped together trying to survive. She knew what had happened was terrible, and something needed to be done, but seeing the boy she loved hauled away in handcuffs with that look on his face was enough to break her heart in half. 
If there was one thing Beckett Jones knew for certain, was that Robby Keene was the love of her life. Even after seeing all of that, he was. 
She had apologized to Mr. LaRusso. Told him that her emotions had gotten the best of her, and she hadn’t done what he had taught her about finding balance in the midst of chaos. Had revealed to him that she held so much respect for him, more than she ever had for her own father, and that she hoped he could forgive her. He had. His arms were warm as they wrapped around her and his voice soft as he confessed that while he loved teaching his students, she had always reminded him of himself when he was younger and learning from Mr. Miyogi. 
She had apologized to Shannon. Told her that she shouldn’t have thrown her mistakes in her face at a time that was terrible for everyone, and that she especially felt guilty knowing she had taken the steps to get better for herself and her son. Assured that all the progress she had made would help her as a mother, and that she shouldn’t have discredited her because of how angry and scared she felt in that moment. It was then that Shannon had asked if Beckett Jones loved her son, because if she didn’t then she would not have had that reaction. If she didn’t, then she would not have come all the way to look her in the face to offer the kind words and comforts. 
Beckett Jones was so in love with Robby Keene and that was a fact she could no longer hold off. It was a part of her and her life and she had to stop trying to keep it at bay. 
Beckett Jones was so in love with Robby Keene, was so sure that he was the love of her life, that it had taken her by complete surprise when he crushed her heart as it lay in the palm of his hand. Sat there, in the room where visitors could meet with the boys locked away in juvie, looking at her in a way she never thought she’d see with her own eyes. His expression told her that he was angry, he was scared, and he was alone. His body language was cold, blocked off, and not letting her in for a second. There was a cut on his face, an indicator that he’d already gotten into a fight. 
This Robby, with his gaze sharp as a dagger and words as harsh as his fists, was afraid. And he didn’t want her to be afraid with him. 
Beckett Jones told Robby Keene that everything that had happened did not mean he had to love her. Him being in there did not mean that he had to have no one in his corner. She loved him, and if he’d just let her then she’d be there in any way she possibly could. 
Robby Keene, with Beckett Jones’ heart in the palm of his hand, closed it to a fist. Strike hard, strike first, no mercy. 
Beckett Jones ended the day in Samantha LaRusso’s bed, tears streaming down her face as her friend let her vent. Robby Keene ended the day with his own heart sitting heavy in his chest, trying not to think of her as he bottled everything up. 
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all works on this blog belong to hesthermay.tumblr.com: do not copy, repost onto other sites, or claim my content as your own.
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ryverbind · 2 years
Faceless Fixation {Sal Fisher}: Coffee? [4]
Me, Larry, and Todd are quietly sitting and waiting for Ash to convince Sal to join the voice chat. Apparently, the prick has never gotten angry enough to leave the chat before, so Ash is going nurse his bruised ego back to health. I laughed about it, but no one else found it that funny. I get it. I guess.
So I sit with my headset on and my arms crossed over my chest with Call of Duty's Warzone loaded on my screen. Todd and Larry haven't said a word-- I almost wonder if they're muted.
I hear some Discord notifications, then Ash's over-exaggerated sigh. I sit up quickly, uncrossing my arms as I prepare to get into another argument with Sally.
Instead of feeling remorseful or even guilty, I feel energetic to the point where I have to remind myself that stooping down to his level isn't a good thing. But it still feels so damn good.
"Alright everyone," Ash says. When she's serious, she always says 'alright' in that exhausted, slightly disappointed tone. "We're having a meeting. Call this therapy because, clearly, some of you fuckers need it!"
I hold my breath and my stomach turns with excitement as words just leave my mouth without command. "Yea, I'm sure Sally needs some therapy after that burn. It's okay, buddy. We all support you."
"Y/--" Ash chokes on the first syllable of my name and I hold my breath again, but this time it's not out of eagerness. Fuck, I guess that one was a warning for me to just shut the fuck up from the universe.
Thankfully, Ash spits out a random word that starts with the same sound as the beginning of my name. It's random enough and the others are used to it, so no one says anything.
"Dammit, Vi!" Ash tries again, a tremor in her voice. I gulp, chewing on my bottom lip anxiously. That was way too close, but it's my own fault. "This is serious. Sally's pissed off and the two of you are way too hostile. This needs to end, or tone it down a bit at least."
My mouth feels dry and sticky as the guilt I wasn't feeling earlier starts to pick at my brain. I don't want to feel bad because if anyone should feel bad, it's Sal. He's a dick to me for no reason and it's fueled every one of my reactions. That's exactly why we're having a damn group intervention right now.
But, then again, all we're doing is giving Ash, Larry, and Todd a hard time. I genuinely don't want to do that. I feel selfish realizing that I've ignored how they may be feeling over the situation.
I chew on my lip and try to bite back my pride because the truth of the matter is that I need to apologize. My insides burn and I swear I'll make my lip bleed, but it's for the good of the group, right? Sal will let up, and maybe we'll even become friends. Right?
"Sally," I say with a sigh, trying to push away the slight sarcasm that leaks through my words. Fuck, it physically pains me to have to do this. "Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... done or said what I did. Can we, maybe, start over?"
I hear a scoff. My eyes narrow and my head clears. It's a moment of clarity for me-- not quite an epiphany, but a full second of time where I accept reality. It's a point in my life where I ditch any original plan I had just come up with.
"Shut up," Sally's voice bites out. Then he sighs heavily. "You're not my friend and there is no do-over. The only thing that's saving you right now is that I refuse to let you tear apart everything me, Ash, Larry, and Todd have built up. You will not get in the way. You're just an obstacle on my righteous path of life." His voice is confident, even amused as he speaks rather than the instant aggression he originally addressed me with.
I tilt my head and swallow thickly, "You know what?" I say, adopting a clear and gentle voice. Honestly, I'm kind of tired of fighting with him by now because he can't overlook whatever bullshit he's starting. He's a brick wall. At the same time though, I see how things must look to him. I'm some random person who's causing trouble-- a possibility that could break up the group he's worked so hard on. If I were in Sally's place, I'd feel threatened too. "That's fine by me. I have no intentions of breaking up your group-- I never have. I just want to get to where you guys are, make some friends in the process. I mean no harm."
"You do know that offering to choke on my cock is the quickest way to break up a group, right?" Sally snorts, his voice filled with accusation and humor.
So he finds this entire thing funny now. And for once, he scores a point. I can only win for so long, I suppose.
A blush tinges my cheeks and I pinch my lips together. He's managed to embarrass me and spew the truth at the same time. I can't fucking stand him, but I respect the accomplished attempt. I'm a fair person. He gets two points in my book for that one, but he doesn't have to know I respect him.
"So you don't want your dick in my mouth?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow even though he can't see it.
"Can you both just stop?" Ash says tiredly, clearly exasperated.
The reminder that I'm probably stressing all of my friends out makes me see rationally again, so I swallow back whatever else I was going to say.
"Sorry guys, I'm done with it. Let's play some games," I say, forcing a smile on my face. It's a facade to try and feel like I'm actually enjoying myself and not acting like a total bitch.
"I'm not done," Sally's voice comes in and his claim makes me sit up in my chair. No point in that, I'm just watching my character walk around with a gun at the ready-- nothing else. But it felt right to sit up-- to have a physical reaction. He never fails to fucking shock me.
"You've never seen my face, but you want my dick so damn bad, don't you?" he continues, chuckling at the end, like he genuinely can't help but find our situation funny. Probably because he knows he's beat me out on this game.
I sigh, and force myself to fight off the painful urge to kill his pride right now. I want to put him in his place so bad, but in the grand scheme of things, Sally means nothing. He has nothing to do with my future, nor will he be in it.
"That's highly inappropriate, Sally," I say softly, wincing at the obviously fake tone. "Let's just play, okay?"
Sally hums, the sound sending chills down my spine. It's sarcastic, it's meant to get under my skin, but fuck it feels good. I'm shocked into stillness for a moment, recalling the way his skin felt beneath my fingertips a few days ago. The way he spoke to me kindly, softly. His attractive mannerisms, his tattoos, and the look in his eyes when they met mine.
I shake myself out of the moment, taking a deep breath to quell the uncomfortable flutters in my chest.
"Let's play, then," he purrs, the sound of his voice digging into every inch of me in, unfortunately, all the best ways. "Just remember, if you end up with my cock in your hands, it's your position in jeopardy here, not mine."
Why is everyone so fucking silent?
Having to ignore his remark as quietude ensues around us makes me physically heat up. I've done a lot of averting and ignoring tonight and I can only do it for so much longer.
"The second you all start talking is when this ends," I snap harshly. "So talk."
"Yes, ma'am. Starting my stream now," Larry chuckles. It takes that instant of pure hilarity from my friend to realize that he genuinely has no issue with what we're doing. If anything, I think he may enjoy it. At least that's one person off my list of worries-- I'm not sure about Todd's stance. Ash has made her opinion clear.
We stay quiet out of respect for Larry, Todd, Ash, and Sally as they do their short introductions. I grow nervous as Ash closes her own intro up because that means I'm next.
There's no telling if anyone will even join my Twitch stream. I have hardly any followers anywhere, I've just started out. I don't even know what to say or do either. Todd and Larry had to break their backs trying to help me figure out how to work Twitch to begin with. The beginning of our Discord call was spent with panic and aggravated sighs.
"We have our sweet VioletViolence with us today and she'll be streaming for the first time too!" Ash chirps sweetly, addressing the fucking elephant in the room. "You know how to start everything up, baby?"
"Err," I spit out nervously, feeling around my keyboard for now reason at all as I start up my own stream. A spear of anxiousness travels through my system and I squint my eyes, wishing I could take it back.
But what helps is that ten people join the stream at the same exact time. From there, people join one by one every second or so.
This is real. I'm even more nervous now, but I'm hyped up over the fact that I won't be sitting in a barren stream.
"Uh, hi everyone. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing," I giggle, swiping a hand through my hair and releasing a shaky breath.
Ash giggles and Todd snorts.
"It's okay," Todd says reassuringly despite his somewhat monotone voice. "Introduce yourself and kind of go with what feels right from there."
If Sally was speaking at all right now, this wouldn't be going as smoothly. Another aggravating thing I respect about him, I guess.
"Thanks, Todd," I say sweetly, grinning as I look over a few comments on my screen. "My name is VioletViolence, and I don't have a cool trademark line yet, but I guess I'll say something ridiculous at some point. Welcome to my stream though, we're chaotic here and it's bound to get spicy eventually."
My eyes glance over a comment talking about Sally and how the person loves our banter, so I snort over it, scrunching my eyebrows. "That's cute," I laugh good-naturedly. "I think Sally would raise hell if he saw someone talking about our arguments as banter. Regardless, I'm glad you like it. It does get pretty fun."
An influx of comments come in and I lean back in my seat, grimacing. I should have stayed quiet.
"Banter!?" Sally exclaims over the mic, his voice cracking under the shock. "I can't stand this bitch!"
I roll my eyes, a smile pulling at my lips. He's such a literal cunt, but people love it.
"Awe, you love me. Don't lie," I coo, clicking on a couple things on my screen. Impatiently waiting to finish yelling at Sally so I can lose myself in Call of Duty. Kill bitches, feel better. "You couldn't shut up about having your dick in my mouth two minutes ago."
Sally grumbles, some aggression hidden in his deep voice that makes me giddy for a good fight instantly. "You're putting words into my mouth, dumbass. Get it right-- you're the one who offered to suck me off."
"Mmm," I hum, licking my lips. "You've read me wrong. I didn't offer, but you seemed intrigued by the thought and kept the topic alive. I'm sure you'd prefer something other than my fingers in your mouth, too, wouldn't you?"
"Oh, bi--" Sally's voice has real edge to it before he gets cut off by Larry. For a moment, I was a little worried he might try and find me to argue this out in person. The harshness of his voice actually made me flinch.
But now that it's over, the adrenaline rush feels fantastic.
"Oookay, that's enough you two. You gave the audience what they want. Let's move on," Larry actually cackles, loading up a new game. "Anyway, Vi! You any good at COD?"
I give Larry my best little evil laugh and scroll through my gun options. "Oh, I eat ass at this game so prepare yourselves," I say, clicking on my best options-- the options I know well enough, in and out, to really show what I've got. Call of Duty is the first game I've ever played, which means I've had plenty of time to get used to it.
"Is... that a good or bad thing?" Todd asks, genuine curiosity and a little bit of fear in his voice. The absurdity makes me want to laugh.
With a smile, I join the game with my friends and prepare to show up every single person in this lobby. "It means my skills are gonna leave you incapacitated for weeks. This tongue game is just as serious as my thumb game."
Ash, Larry and Todd burst into uncontrollable laughter, big sighs and choking the only thing I can hear for a bit. I didn't think it was that funny, but they did so that makes me smile excitedly. I'll have to keep working on my humor, but this is a start, isn't it?
I glance over at my twitch stream and note that 2,036 people are watching me right now and my comments are wild over the words I just said, one of them saying that I've already found my catchphrase.
I'm playing a game with over two thousand people in attendance to watch me kick ass. This feels amazing, but scary all at the same time. I have to watch what I say and do. The world is a beautiful place, but it's a haunting one too. One wrong move and shit can end just as quickly as it's begun.
I address some of my comments, grinning as our game starts and I hide myself behind a corner for a moment, listening to Ash yell at Larry to stop laughing.
"You guys like my serious tongue and thumb game? That got you?" I giggle, tilting my head curiously.
A ton of comments come in stating that they do, in fact, like the claim. "So what if I replace serious with dangerous?" I ask, spotting an unfortunate soul crossing my path.
"Fuck!" Sally exclaims suddenly, a lot of clicking and huffing going on on his end of the call. "I need help, some asshole's lighting me up."
Larry harrumphs, "A bro in need is a bro indeed," he says. "On my way!"
The phrase makes me laugh as I take off in Sally and Larry's direction as well, targeting who I can along the way. "You sure it isn't me kicking your ass?" I ask.
"That'd be cute wouldn't it?" Sally snaps, his voice grating. "Too bad you can't target group members in this setting. Otherwise, you'd be dead."
"Bold of you to assume I'm not already dead," I say sweetly, veering around a corner and finally spotting both boys.
"I wish you were." Sally grunts out, sighing exasperatedly.
"If I was, then you'd be dead, too." My tone is serious for a moment. Sally Face really was drowning in opponents and they were gunning him down bad, so I take out the last two to my left while Larry and Sally handle the others.
Sally's character spins around as I do and he notes my presence. I can't see him and I'm nowhere near him in person, but I can just smell his rage from across this continent that we both reside on.
"Fuck off," he bites out.
"I think you'd prefer to... fuck on," I can't help the smirk that envelops my face at the dumb joke. Sally doesn't find it funny, but my viewers, Larry, Ash, and Todd giggle at it.
Then an enemy pops up behind Sally while he's struggling to find something to say and the worst happens. Sally goes down in an instant-- I couldn't save him in time but I do avenge him by finishing the enemy. Friend or not, Sally is my teammate.
The issue is that he's dead because of me. Oops.
"Shit, sorry," I murmur, hot-cheeked and chewing my lips in embarrassment. I know he's going to be pissed.
"Dumb bitch," he spits out. "You just have to argue over everything."
Ew. Gross. "I apologized, asshat. Get over it. I was in the wrong, it happened, it's over. Don't be a dick," I grunt out, a little disgusted over his instant reaction as I keep playing with Ash, Larry, and Todd.
"Yea man, low blow," Larry murmurs.
"The two of you need to tone down the hostility. It's funny when it's friendly, but you went a bit far, Sally," Todd says matter-of-factly.
Fuck, his friends defending me is just going to piss him off even more.
"Yea, okay," Sally huffs out, less than pleased but forced to hold up a facade for the sake of his fans. I can only imagine what he's going to say when we end our streams later. "I'm going get coffee."
There's that damn accent. It's so nice and steals my attention immediately. The stupid way he says 'coffee' is so damn distracting that I can't stop myself from saying, "Wait, Sally, say that again."
The fear that erupts in my body gets me killed too. Everything goes to chaos for a moment, Larry yelling as I try to save myself, me panic running and still losing, then my comment section absolutely losing their minds.
Damn him. He could have just said something like "be back in a second." Why did he have to say the word 'coffee?'
I take a breath as I watch my dead body on my screen. Larry is breathing hard, Ash let out a little "oop" and Todd is off dominating elsewhere. Hopefully, Sally left before he could hear what I said.
That would be the best case scenario considering it was a moment of weakness for me. Please, let him be gone.
Of course he isn't though.
"What?" Sally suddenly asks, voice scrutinizing like he's trying to understand what just went on. The rest of the group is immersed in the game, so I lean back in my chair with wide eyes and a defeated little huff.
"What do you mean, what?" I ask nervously. Right now, Sally and I's viewers are just listening to us. This is a bad moment with no outside distractions to move us on to some other topic.
"You told me to say something again. What did you want me to say?" he says, seemingly short-fused. He's acting like he's sparing me just this once, like he's giving me a little break. The bastard.
I swallow thickly, squeezing my eyes shut as I try to remind myself that I really need to play up my act. No one can see how fucking embarrassed I am, so I can't let them hear that I am, especially Sally. "It doesn't matter. I thought you said something different."
"You sure?" Sally asks, a meticulous edge to his raspy voice. I shiver for what feels like the hundredth time tonight. He's too good with the way he speaks-- not specifically the words, but the way he uses them. "Did the accent get you?"
Dammit. This mustn't be the first time he's gotten shit about the way he says some things.
I try desperately hard to hold back a groan. What else should I say? How can I deflect-- deny? I... don't think I can.
"Yea," I improvise, bringing my fingers to my lips. "It sounded... cool. Where are you from?"
Sally and I have never had a normal conversation before so trying to initiate one to save my own ass is awkward. I don't know how to talk to him like a normal person.
Sally snorts. "Yea. I get bitches with the accent. Wish you were next?"
I roll my eyes and drop my hand back to my table. "You're such an ass. I was just trying to make casual conversation, you know?"
"That's not a 'no,'" he chuckles lowly and I feel like I'm going to fall apart. He needs to contain this asshole-ish, aggressive flirting because it's tearing me apart. It fills me with rage, but attracts me to him at the same time. I've never hated a guy's charm more than I do his.
"It's a no. I do not want you, Sally Face," I rush out, attempting to keep any hostility out of my voice even if it's incredibly hard. "Just tell me where you're from."
"Nope. I don't see why that's relevant when there are more important topics, such as your very obvious attraction to me." Sally quips, laughing lightly like he enjoys terrorizing me. He definitely enjoys it.
"Oh, really?" I grit out. "You keep bringing up this attraction you think I have for you, so are you sure it isn't the other way around?"
"More than. I've never seen you before. How could I be attracted to you? Not to mention, your personality is utter shit." Sally's insult is fired back at me angrily. Every time he's not in control, he gets pissed off. All I have to do is flip the switch on him, huh?
"Oh, there's no need to lie, Sally," I antagonize. "What about when I sent photos on Discord earlier? You disappeared then came back so, so angry. Were you just upset that you thought I was hot? What happened there?" If he can play this game, then I can, too. Fuck moving on, I'll bring up the past if it just so happens to be in my favor.
"I disappeared because there were more important things to do. You just think so highly of yourself, don't you? You think you're the center of attention. I saw your bullshit in the chat and left to get some water while everyone else hyped you up for no reason." Sally's smart, I'll give him that. He's quick with his rebuttals and he knows how to make me fucking itch.
For example, he pulled out his trump card-- that fucking accent again. He said 'water' on purpose. And no, I'm not hearing anyone out. Of course he said that on purpose.
No, I'm not just losing my mind because he's hot and and irking me all at once. I'm fine.
Before a syllable can even leave my mouth, Ash pipes up and cuts our argument short.
To say I'm fuming and yearning for Sal's neck in my hands is an understatement. And I'm not even quite sure how I want his neck in my grasp-- to assert dominance or to actual wring him fucking breathless.
"Hey, you fuming little fairies," Ash chirps with a giggle. "We won. Let's start a new game."
"No thanks to the bitch in the chat, of course," Sally's sighs. I can hear the mocking smile in his voice. "But yea, new game."
Things are getting worse, not better.
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