#apocalypse wow
pscottm · 1 year
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lucid-daydreamer · 1 year
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Part three of my OCtober challenge, where i drew one of my ocs each day of october. Days 21- 30. Four of these were fan ocs. Info is in the alt text.
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paradoxicalloopy · 2 months
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I cant tell what my life is anymore. Im not kidding but the ibispaint tools have burned themself into my screen.
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got-the-dreams · 1 month
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Bro is literally me while listening to music
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soldrawss · 5 months
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I know you're out of the PJO fandom (me as well), but I got a sudden wave of nostalgia when an animatic of yours popped up on my youtube feed. You influenced my art journey so much—like, I remember tracing over your art over and over again with paper so I could learn your style.
Now I can recognise bits of you in everything I draw so I think that's neat :)
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yellow-dejavu · 3 months
It was unexpected for me that Claudia, Jonas, Noah and Elisabeth ended up being the post-apocalypse group, but the four of them fit so well together.
They don't really had screentime together, but I can't stop thinking about the apocalypse family and how much they can relate to each other.
Each one of them lost their naivety when they discovered time travel and learned a little more about the reality of their world, but they lost their innocence when they experienced the reality of their dads death.
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Each member of the group carries the guilt for the death of their dads.
Noah literally killed his dad, influenced by sic mundus.
Claudia tried to prevent her dad's death and accidentally caused it.
Jonas was led to believe that he could prevent his dad's suicide when in fact he was the trigger.
Elisabeth was not to blame for her dad dying, but she probably felt guilty that he died trying to protect her.
They were completely broken, and the person who came to comfort them and give them hope was a member of the apocalypse family.
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After Bartosz died, Noah told his younger self that he knew how it felt and that the pain of what he had done would pass. Noah knew that wasn't true. It would be a pain he would never forget. Since he was the one who had defined the irony of his dad's fate, it had only become more painful.
Claudia met Jonas for the first time after what happened with Egon, and she realized that she couldn't change things. Jonas appearead and let her know that they could change things. This happened after Jonas had spent a year traveling with an older version of Claudia.
Jonas met Claudia for the first time when he realized that he wasn't there to stop his dad and that his attempt to save him had failed again. At that moment, Claudia came and told Jonas that he could save them all. So Jonas goes to spend a year with Claudia learning about time travel.
After Peter dies, Elisabeth only knows of a place somewhere in the woods where Noah stays, and Noah only knows that he would protect her. In the cave, they find the passage, and Noah tells Elisabeth about paradise. Their connection gave them hope. Even when Noah felt hopeless himself, he only wanted to give Elisabeth hope.
They just tried to give them some comfort. In one of their darkest moments, they were there for each other and tried to never give up hope.
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Also everything that losing their moms represented for them.
Silja died when Noah was very young and apparently Bartosz became distant.
When Doris left, Egon started to drink. It was probably at that moment that his relationship with Claudia became colder.
Their relationships with their dads deteriorated when they lost their moms. A disagreement resulted in the death of their dads. Noah and Claudia eventually saw their dads again, but it was a younger version of their dads who didn't yet recognize that version of them as their kid.
I think it is similar with Elisabeth and Jonas.
The first thing Jonas did when he got home was look for his mom, and he couldn't find Hannah. He probably thought he couldn't save his mom just like he couldn't save his dad.
Peter and Elisabeth were still trying to find Franziska and Charlotte, and after months she just thought they were dead. When her father died, I don't think there was any hope of seeing her mother again.
For years, Jonas and Elisabeth probably assumed that their moms had died in the apocalypse. It was unexpected the way they were reunited with their moms, and the revelations that came from it.
This group is so interesting to me because they experienced many years of friendship and then all that was left was betrayal. Although I will never forget all those years of friendship that I never saw.
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munchkin1156 · 11 months
Listen. Listen. LISTEN.
Zombie apocalypse with G/T Headcannons!
(Let me have my fun guys, come on-)
. . .
-Borrowers are already incredibly agile and smart, needing to avoid humans daily, but with zombies it's much easier, since they are slower, and less smart than humans! And they probably wouldn't even notice borrowers, they're only after human brains
-Lots of abandoned food and scraps for taking, plus no need to worry about beans! Mostly
-Get caught by a human? Easy! Just pretend to be a zombie! A foolproof plan that definitely won't make you get thrown across the room like a tennis ball!
-Borrower who already lives with humans teaching them how to scavenge and save food
-Group of borrowers fighting off zombies who enter their territory
-Borrowers who leave traps for humans and zombies to get caught in
-Borrower who borrows from a secret underground resistance against the zombies and gets caught trying to trick zombies to come into the humans base so that they can have all the supplies for themselves
-Borrower who gets caught by a human who was pretending to be a zombie to prank their friends the borrower thought it wouldn't care about them since it's a zombie
-Avian borrower who taunts the zombies so that they don't chase the humans and then they get caught because they got hurt and now the humans are freaking out oh no
-Borrower who thought they got caught by a human and is now best friends with a zombie
-giant zombies that are sixty feet high but ignore humans because their brains are too small
-tiny zombies that sneak into your house and bite you while you sleep like mosquitoes
. . .
Aaannddd that's all I have for now!
If anyone takes inspo from this, please tag me, I'd love to see what you guys made!
Speaking of tagging...
@i-am-beckyu for tagging! Idk if anyone else wants to be tagged, tell me if you do, and I'll gladly add you!
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vertigoartgore · 22 days
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2007's Batman Vol.1 #666 cover by Andy Hubert (after Grant Morrison).
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corvidist · 25 days
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An unexpected conversation. Nothing will be the same.
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rhinocio · 9 months
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POB Bitty would like to offer you some nice eggs in this trying time
(Don’t worry, the hens at base are laying more than enough to share and Uncle Raph is holding 90% of the weight for him, Bitty just wants to feel strong)
(This is just for funsies, no pressure to reply <3)
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とてもちいさい弟 (totemo chīsai otōto) - very little little brother
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not-a-font · 2 years
I think it would actually be really funny if Danny and Billy had opposite problems.
So I've always had a head canon that ghosts born from people dying don't age, but since Danny is still technically alive, his human form would continue to get older while his ghost form remains stagnant as a teenager.
This is fine for Danny since it hides his identity better, but it does have the side effect of making him look like a child, which is fine because Danny's perfectly secure in being a little goofy to play up his hero persona of a dead teenager. So Danny's like 30 something but as Phantom he's like "yeah I'm totally 14 or whatever."
Meanwhile there's Billy the 9 year old masquerading as an immortal demigod who's way to OP.
Therefore, when he meets Phantom he's like "oh wow another kid with super crazy powers and no adult hero mentor. We should be friends."
And it goes from there.
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lucid-daydreamer · 1 year
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Last pic of my OCtober challenge, where i drew one of my ocs each day of october. On day 31, i drew Wit.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
i dont have credentials in many areas. but ill be damned if i let some commentary youtuber try and lecture to me about the history of mlp horror aus. oh you know what cupcakes is through cultural osmosis but didn’t even bother to read it? you think its sooo wild and strange that people would write about this children’s cartoon but Dark and Spooky? you’re going to stop every five minutes to remind the audience how you would Never support the topics discussed in this Zombie Infection Tik Tok Series About Ponies™️? im going to hit you with a vacuum cleaner.
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omegalomania · 1 year
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from the other side of the apocalypse
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aethismantis · 9 months
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Pack of different sketches and requests I gathered over ~ a month
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plant-sim · 1 year
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