#apparently a dozen people had used the link and i was like... wait... that says what channel
severalowls · 1 year
Apologies to anybody who used the old discord invite in my pinned post, which apparently may have led directly to the #politics channel. This was the equivalent of inviting guests in via the eternal torture dungeons.
4 notes · View notes
dweetwise · 4 months
[Vittorio X Ace] Language barrier
I've had this fic sitting in my drafts for one and a half years and finally got around to finishing it. I hope you like it 💕 Rated T | 6k words | ao3 link
Ace was whistling as he walked back from another successful trial.
The fully-stocked ranger medkit felt heavy in his hand and he couldn't wait to show off his latest haul. And people said looting chests was a waste of time!
When he approached the familiar glow of the survivors' campfire, however, there was no welcome committee to greet Ace after his spectacular escape from the Spirit's clutches. Instead, everyone was gathered around one of the logs, their postures tense and voices raised.
Ace frowned. Another fight? Damn, he really couldn't leave these people alone for five minutes.
Ace took a breath and steeled himself for facing the ire of whoever was responsible for the commotion this time.
"Children, children!" Ace exclaimed. "There's no need to fight: I love you all equally!"
Predictably, that got most people to shut up and two dozen heads whipped around to look at Ace.
But instead of the eye rolls or disgusted scoffs Ace expected, the survivors looked…relieved?
"Oh, thank god," Élodie sighed. "You're finally here."
Ace arched an eyebrow. The crowd started dispersing, like they had actually been waiting for Ace's arrival instead of being perpetually annoyed by his existence like usual, and Ace felt another tacky joke bubbling up—
And then he saw him.
The man was tall. He was muscular and tattooed, with silver hair and a calcularing stare, standing in the middle of the survivor campsite with his arms crossed over his broad chest. His leather jacket creaked from the movement, bulging biceps straining the material.
"Ace," Élodie said, grabbing his arm firmly. "We need your help."
Ace felt a smirk forming. "He's for me? Oh, Élodie, you shouldn't have."
Strangely enough, the new guy neither laughed nor sneered at Ace's remark. In fact, he didn't react in any way whatsoever, which was a little unnerving.
"Not the time," Élodie hissed. "He just got here, and he only speaks Italian. Please tell me you weren't lying when you bragged about being fluent in seven languages?"
Oh; that would explain the mild panic of his friends and utter indifference to Ace's charms from the stranger.
"Italian?" Ace grinned and shook off the woman's hold. "Say no more!"
He sauntered up to the new guy—shoving the medkit in a clueless Dwight's arms as he passed—and put on his friendliest smile.
"Ciao, stranger," Ace said, effortlessly switching to one of the four—not seven—languages he spoke. "I heard you could use some assistance?"
The scowl finally disappeared from that handsome face as the man perked up in recognition.
"I would be much obliged," Mr. sex-on-legs said.
And that was how Ace was roped in to play translator between the rest of the group and their newest arrival.
The man introduced himself as Vittorio Toscano: because of course, even his name was attractive.
Vittorio had apparently been wandering the fog a long time before finding his way here. This was only validated by the fact that he didn't seem at all phased when Ace—at the others' insistence—went over the basic “sorry you were kidnapped by some Lovecraftian god and are now gonna be hunted for sport for its amusement.”
"That doesn't exactly surprise me," Vittorio said. "After the things the fog has shown me…well, I concluded as much."
Ace should probably have been more curious about the…fog visions, or connections to the Entity, or whatever else Zarina and the others were screaming in his ear about once he translated that piece of information for them.
But he had a hunch. And after a lifetime of relying on it to survive, Ace's intuition was usually pretty good.
"So where exactly are you from? Before you got taken?" Ace asked.
"Gordega, Italy," Vittorio said. Then he sighed. "I'm sorry. I used to be a well-read man and be better at languages, but after so long, most of the knowledge has faded."
"Hey, I'm not complaining. Any of these people would tell you there's little I enjoy as much as running my mouth—and now there's actually someone who listens!"
"Nevertheless, I appreciate the help." Vittorio glanced around at the group still gathered around them, patiently waiting for new information. "So ask away. I know you all have questions."
"Yeah, speaking of…" Ace said. "When are you from?"
Vittorio smiled ruefully. "1391."
Though Ace had suspected it was coming, the admission still took him by surprise. Here this man was, looking like he’d jumped right out of some modern alternative fashion spread, casually telling Ace that he was actually over six hundred years old.
And the weirdest part was that Ace believed him.
"What? What did he say?" Meg bounced restlessly in her seat. 
Because Ace being stunned speechless was actually a little worrying, all things considered. He didn't even know how to begin to convince the others of Vittorio's past.
"Thirteen…" Jonah spoke up. "The 14th century!?"
But fortunately, Ace didn't need to. Because while Italian and Spanish were different languages, there were enough similarities for certain math nerds to understand numbers.
"What!?" Élodie exclaimed, then looked at Ace for confirmation.
"Yeah, uh," Ace said. "Our new friend seems to be of the vintage variety."
That was when the arguing started again.
And after the shouting matches were done, when Yui was glaring at Vittorio and ordering Ace to “tell him we don't trust him”…
Ace only smiled at the new survivor and said, "She says she's jealous of your stylish outfit."
Vittorio huffed a dry chuckle. "Is that so?"
Ace was happy to learn that sarcasm apparently existed in the 1300's.
═════════════ ♧ ═════════════
Unsurprisingly, Ace ended up talking to Vittorio a lot over the next few days.
Yes, there was the shared language. Yes, Vittorio was ridiculously attractive. Yes, everyone was still harassing Ace about using their new time capsule friend to find out more about the Entity and the fog.
But more than that, this was the most interesting thing to happen in the entire six years Ace had been stuck here.
The others weren't thrilled that Ace used most of his time simply getting to know the guy, whether that was blabbering on about his family's Italian roots or bugging Vittorio for fashion advice.
"So you picked up all the accessories in the fog too?" Ace asked. "Pierced your own ears, cut your hair, the whole thing? Damn, and here I've had the same haircut for six years."
"I suppose I could try a different style," Vittorio said, fiddling with one of his necklaces. "Maybe the jewelry and neckline is too much for someone of your time?"
"Don't you dare change anything," Ace said. "Have you seen some of the atrocities the others wear? You'll be dressing like an elf or rocking fedoras if you try to copy us."
Vittorio huffed out an almost-laugh at that. Tactfully, he didn't comment on Ace's flamingo sweater.
"What about you?" Vittorio asked.
"What about me?" Ace grinned. "I mean, my uncontested status as a fashion icon notwithstanding…"
"You seem content to talk about the past," Vittorio said. "But I'm curious about the future. What was your life like before the Entity?"
Ace's smile only widened. "Tell me, my friend, did you have poker in 1300?"
═════════════ ♧ ═════════════
It was easy to befriend Vittorio. 
Ace never would have guessed someone from that era to be so open-minded when even people in the 21st century had plenty of prejudices.
But Vittorio was happy to prove him wrong. It was amazing how easily he kept up with Ace's banter and picked up on concepts previously foreign him. Ace chalked some of it up to the man's calm disposition and interesting life both before and after falling into the Entity's clutches, but more than anything, Vittorio was just that goddamn smart.
Still, six centuries in the fog didn't come without baggage.
"I've seen them," Vittorio said one day, his voice quiet and eyes distant. 
He was staring at a group of girls sorting bandages: Claudette was giggling and Yui was rolling her eyes while Nea talked animatedly with her hands and messed up the bandages.
"Yeah?" Ace asked. "In trials? You've met them before?"
"In the visions," Vittorio clarified.
Because apparently, that was a thing. This group of survivors wasn't the first one Vittorio had come across, though the timeline and his memories were hazy.
But in between centuries of sporadic trials, Vittorio had spent most of his time wandering the fog, not confined to a campfire like the rest of them. He'd told Ace that he used to be obsessed with people called the watchers—or observers, or something—so Ace supposed it made sense that he'd been on his way to becoming one.
"I saw one of the girls get chased by sirens and flashing lights," Vittorio said, still looking at the trio. "And one crying on her birthday, before her father made her smile again. And the Japanese one I saw in the future, far away, and she was killing…she killed them all."
Vittorio's eyes were starting to look vacant. But it was only when the tattoo on his neck started glowing that Ace decided to intervene.
"Hey," Ace said, putting a hand on Vittorio's shoulder. "It's okay. Parallel universe, right? No biggie."
"You're right,'' Vittorio said. When he looked back at Yui, he seemed a little more relaxed. "I've seen how she is. She values loyalty above all else; she's not a murderer."
Suddenly, Ace almost wanted to ask if Vittorio had seen him in any visions.
"I never wanted this," Vittorio continued, so quietly Ace didn't know if it was meant for him to hear. "All I ever wanted was peace. To help the world."
"I don't think world peace is a one man job," Ace joked. "But it's a nice sentiment."
Vittorio's smile was melancholy. "At least I can try to make things better here and help as much as I can."
Coming from anyone else, Ace would have rolled his eyes and asked Dwight to calm down with the team-building speeches. But this was a man who had been doing this for hundreds of years and, somehow, still kept on hoping and earnestly helping others.
"Well," Ace said. "You're at least helping by keeping me entertained. And trust me, that's more important than you'd think. There've been flashlight duels and misuse of murky reagents—and a few explosions—when I got bored."
It probably wasn't the kind of world-saving heroics Vittorio was aiming for, but this time, his smile was genuine enough to reach his eyes.
"Somehow, I'm not surprised."
═════════════ ♧ ═════════════
Trials came and went and Vittorio settled more firmly into their group dynamic.
It was strange, having a new teammate who wasn't exactly new. Vittorio had more experience in trials than most of them combined, and after the initial hiccups—mostly consisting of Chinese cursing and “Stop wasting gen efficiency, you fucking fossil!”—Vittorio proved to be a valuable asset against any killer.
"Watch out!" Vittorio hissed, suddenly pulling Ace away from the generator they were working on.
Ace stumbled after him, shooting a confused glance over his shoulder to where the green orb of the Knight's phantom passed their generator by probably forty feet.
"It's okay," Ace said. "He missed the gen. We can keep working."
"No," Vittorio insisted. "That's the jailer. He's an expert at tracking."
Ace dubiously watched as the phantom phased into existence far from the generator. He immediately started down the path his master had determined for him, not even looking at the generator…
Until he came across Ace's muddy footprints from before.
Ace watched the guard change course and follow the trail to the generator. He peered behind the machine and looked around, and Ace was suddenly very glad for Vittorio's foresight to quietly sneak them away. Because the guard found nothing and returned to his path, and Ace avoided what would otherwise have been a nasty burn from that branding iron.
"Huh," Ace said. "That was pretty impressive foresight, not gonna lie."
Vittorio huffed. "One of the few good things to come from being acquainted with Tarhos and his followers, I suppose." 
"Oh, right," Ace said. "I forgot you used to know these guys."
It was bizarre to think that Vittorio was from the same time as the killer with platemail armor. While Vittorio had been seeking knowledge all these centuries, the Knight had apparently been content with slicing people up with his little posse.
"Come, now," Vittorio said. "It should be safe."
Vittorio nudged him back towards the generator and only then did Ace realize that he'd been holding onto Ace's arm this entire time.
═════════════ ♧ ═════════════
"Must've been lonely, all those centuries on your own," Ace said over a game of cards. "And here I thought a few years of celibacy was bad."
"It never felt like hundreds of years for me," Vittorio said. "But time does pass differently here."
"Still, there's gotta be more interesting stuff for you to do than hang around an old geezer like me."
Vittorio snorted. "If you're old, that would make me ancient."
"Doesn't stop Kate and Jane from checking you out," Ace said. "And unless your monk training required a chastity vow or something, I'm pretty sure body language is universal."
Ace waggled his eyebrows and threw in a wink for good measure. If Vittorio was offended by his matchmaking attempt, he at least didn't show it.
"I'm a philosopher, not a monk," Vittorio explained patiently. "Regardless, I always valued intellectual compatibility above all else. Which is difficult to achieve if there's no way to even communicate."
Ace shoved down the disappointment. If he'd been entertaining any sort of romantic-slash-sexual angle with Vittorio, those thoughts were definitely dwindling with the requirement of intellectual compatibility.
"Damn, it's a shame Claud doesn't speak Italian," Ace said. "She's wicked smart. You'd probably get on great."
Vittorio hummed and adjusted the cards in his hands. "I mostly gave up on romance after my first and last bed partner turned on me and now kills me on a daily basis."
Ace's brain did the equivalent of a record screech. "What!?"
"Tarhos," Vittorio said, his face neutral like he was discussing the weather. "I told you, he used to be my bodyguard—among other things."
Ace could only stare at his friend and try not to gape like a fish as he pieced together this new information.
Logically, Ace knew that same-sex attraction had existed since the dawn of time—hello, ancient Greece—but he never actually expected Vittorio would be interested in men; or at the very least, not admit it so casually.
"You're shitting me, right?" Ace said.
Vittorio gave a one-shoulder shrug. "There's nothing for me to gain by lying."
As he said it, Vittorio met Ace's eyes with something akin to a smirk.
"Speaking of, were you planning on putting back those two extra cards you took last round?" Vittorio asked. "Because I may not know much about this game, but I'm almost certain that's against the rules."
And Ace could only laugh somewhat hysterically before attempting to explain his little card maneuver as a legitimate strategy, all the while recovering from the absolute whiplash of the last few minutes.
Because, yes, Ace still found Vittorio hot: that little fact hadn't changed just because they were friends now. Vittorio still looked like someone had taken David's muscles, Felix's face and Jeff's rugged charm and mashed them into Ace's ultimate wet dream.
But he never thought anything would come of it. The guy was from a completely different time, was only talking to Ace because that was his only option for company, and had probably seen enough shit for a hundred lifetimes.
And now, he was learning that there might be a chance after all?
No matter how small that chance was, Ace had to take it.
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"So, I've been meaning to ask," Ace said a few days later.
Vittorio paused in stocking a toolbox, immediately giving Ace his full attention. "Yes?"
And looking at that handsome face and those deep green eyes staring so earnestly into Ace's own…
Ace chickened out. 
"What's that tattoo on your neck?" Ace asked. "The one that lights up like a glowstick when you go all…observer-y."
"Oh." Was Ace imagining it, or did Vittorio sound disappointed? "It's… well, it's probably easiest if I show you."
With that, Vittorio shrugged out of his jacket and reached for the hem of his shirt, and Ace only had enough mental capacity to swallow an embarrassing noise. He glanced around in alarm: they were right by the campfire, with a dozen or so people milling about and Christ, anyone could see the impromptu strip show!
Someone gasped across the campsite and when Ace finally turned to look, he almost wanted to do the same.
Vittorio was covered in tattoos. From his neckline all the way down to his waist, tattoos in various shapes and colors took up the majority of his muscular torso. Most of them were symbols or writing Ace couldn't understand—but then again, he didn't know what he expected from a medieval philosopher.
"How…?" Ace managed to get out.
"I did most of these by myself," Vittorio said. He brushed over a row of what looked like runes on his forearm. "When I was locked in the dungeon, I marked myself with every ancient symbol and passage I could remember. It's how I got the Entity's attention, and what lets me channel energy in trials."
For the second time in just a few days, Ace was rendered speechless. He had seen Vittorio use some sort of portals on generators, but other than Feng's complaints, none of the survivors had been keen to learn more about it.
The longer they were silent, the more Ace could feel people staring. Some of the others were already whispering, but in the end, only one person dared to approach.
"Hi," Mikaela said, finally snapping Ace out of it.
"Hello, beautiful!" Ace's poor, frazzled brain automatically resorted to flirting.
"Those symbols…" Mikaela reached her hand out, hovering above Vittorio's chest. "Can I…?"
Ace had half a mind to tell her to get her own half-naked, medieval hunk. But before he could, the woman's hand started glowing.
"Whoa," Ace said. "Easy there, Red."
"Ask him to channel the power," Mikaela said. "There's—I can feel the potential of the magic, but I can't reach it."
"Reach what?" Ace said. He trusted Mikaela, he really did, but if there was a chance of her witchiness hurting Vittorio… "What are you doing?"
It was an unnerving sight, seeing Vittorio's tattoos and Mikaela's hand both glow the same unnatural blue. The lights were pulsing in tandem, almost like a heartbeat, but Vittorio only watched the sight curiously.
"There's so much knowledge in his magic," Mikaela said. "We just need to unlock it."
"Ace?" Vittorio asked. He still looked as calm as ever. "What is she saying?"
Ace swallowed and stamped down on his own worry-slash-jealousy.
"She said to channel your magic—uh, like when you're doing the observer thing, I guess." Ace frowned. "But you don't have to."
Vittorio looked back at Mikaela, and then he nodded.
"Good," Mikaela said. "I'll try to amplify the magic. Ready?"
"Now, hold on just a minute—" Ace tried.
"It's alright," Vittorio said. "I want to try this."
Ace sighed and stepped back, giving the duo some space.
"I swear, if you break him…" he told Mikaela.
The woman rolled her eyes. "Please just stay out of the way."
And that was apparently all the warning Ace got, because as Vittorio closed his eyes, the glow that resulted from his and Mikaela's shared magicking was bright enough to nearly blind him.
Ace shielded his eyes from the flash of light and heard many curses and yelps as others did the same.
"What the fuck!?" Nea exclaimed.
"Ugh, my eyes!" Steve complained.
"Is everyone okay?" Jane asked. "Mikaela? Vittorio?"
"We're fine," said a familiar deep voice.
A very familiar voice that was no longer speaking in Italian.
Ace blinked the light from his eyes, only to see his friends seemingly unharmed—save for the fact that Vittorio's eyes were glowing blue.
"I assume it worked?" Mikaela asked.
Vittorio smiled. "I'd say so, yes."
Ace could only gape stupidly. From everything he had expected Mikaela's little spiritual session to include, making Vittorio a fluent English-speaker wasn't part of it.
The others cheered and swarmed the man, now free to talk to him without Ace's interference, and Ace's heart sank to his stomach.
He should have been happy for his friend. This would make things much easier in trials and do wonders for the survivors as a team, not to mention vastly improve Vittorio's quality of life since he was no longer restricted to one person as his entire social circle.
So why was Ace so disappointed?
═════════════ ♧ ═════════════
A few hours later, footsteps approached Ace at the edge of camp—where he was absolutely not sulking away from the group, thankyouverymuch—and it was a small surprise to see Vittorio flop down next to him. 
Ace glanced over. Vittorio was usually more graceful, but this time he just sort of…crumpled to the ground, heaving a sigh as he dragged a hand down his face.
Clearly, he wasn’t looking forward to this conversation, but they both knew it had to be done.
Instead of friend-dumping Ace, however, Vittorio merely propped one of his arms up on a nearby log and looked at Ace with a smile: a small, tired smile, but a smile nonetheless. 
“Ciao,” Vittorio said.
Ace just stared at him. The way Vittorio was leaning against the log, arm casually draped over it with the rest of his body on display and an easy smile on his face made him look like something out of the magazines Ace used to steal and hide under his pillow when he was a teenager, until his father found them and…
Yeah, okay, not going there.
“How's it going?” Ace asked.
Vittorio frowned. “Why are you speaking English?”
Ace shrugged. “No use trying to talk in code when everyone’s gonna understand every word you say regardless.” He averted his eyes and kicked at a pebble on the ground. “Speaking of, shouldn’t you get back to them? I’m sure they’re all dying to talk to you.”
It wasn’t a lie: he could feel several pairs of eyes lingering on them and probably anxiously awaiting their turn to talk to Vittorio.
Vittorio huffed. “Have you considered the possibility that maybe I don’t want to speak to thirty people at once?”
When Ace’s response was only a skeptical look, he continued, “The magic requires conscious effort to keep active and getting to know this many new people at once is exhausting. I’d much rather keep it to short intervals and spend the rest of my time with you.”
Ace couldn’t stop the smile from creeping up on his face. Switching back to their shared language, he said, "Well, in that case, I guess I'm all yours.”
It was seemingly just another cheesy line and, hopefully, Vittorio wouldn’t realize how much Ace truly meant it.
Vittorio just frowned, then said softly, “I saw you, you know.”
“I wasn’t moping,” Ace reflexively lied.
Vittorio huffed a quiet laugh and shook his head in what seemed like fond exasperation—his default mood when it came to being around Ace, really.
“In a vision,” Vittorio clarified.
“What, just now?” Ace asked.
“No,” Vittorio said. “A very long time ago. It was from one of your stories: the one where you challenged the female fighter for a bet. It’s one of the first visions I remember having in the fog.”
“Oh,” Ace said, then promptly cleared his throat as realization set in. “Damn, that's the memory you saw? I've had more glamorous moments in my life, you know.”
At least it wasn't Ace’s secret gay porn stash or any of the numerous loan sharks threatening him.
“I wasn’t sure it was you at first,” Vittorio kept going. “It was such a long time ago and I didn’t remember all the details; I didn’t know much about the future back then. And even when I thought I recognized you, you didn’t seem at all like a violent person. I assumed it could have been…” he trailed off.
“A dark universe?” Ace suggested.
“Yes. But after getting to know you and learning how reckless you are, not to mention your stupidly proud smile whenever you tell the story—”
“Hey! It's a good story!”
Vittorio smiled. “I can see that it was definitely you.”
“Well, yeah.” Ace cleared his throat and averted his eyes from the sincere smile. “I’m glad you remembered. I think?”
“It’s strange,” Vittorio continued, “how much calmer I felt as soon as I recognized you when I first came to this campfire. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner—that was dishonest of me.”
“Uh, no, it’s all good,” Ace said. “It was probably a confusing situation. It’s not like you could have known you’d stay with our gang for this long.”
“That’s not true,” Vittorio protested gently. “Arriving here was different from all the other places I’ve come across in the fog. It feels like I know these people.” 
He cast a glance over the survivor campsite where everyone had mostly returned to their usual tasks of sorting items and talking shit about killers. 
Vittorio looked back up to meet Ace’s eyes and said, “Like after centuries of wandering, I’ve finally found the place where I belong.”
Ace kept telling himself it didn’t mean anything.
═════════════ ♧ ═════════════
Ace sighed and clutched the apology medkit in his hand.
He and Vittorio had had their first fight. The Deathslinger had been a little too happy to focus his attention on the new survivor and Ace had the brilliant idea to take a couple harpoons to the chest to buy Vittorio at least a few seconds to make distance from the killer.
Unfortunately, it had ended in all of them dead. And after Jane lectured Ace's ear off about ignoring generators, Vittorio had actually raised his voice for the first time and yelled at Ace for intervening in his trial.
And maybe Ace had snapped something vaguely sarcastic back, and that hadn't gone over well, and eventually Vittorio's kind eyes had hardened into a glare and he'd stormed off.
Thus, the apology medkit.
Ace eventually found Vittorio in the woods surrounding the campfire, standing by a small lake and looking out over the still water.
"Hey," Ace said, then hurried to add, "Don't worry, I come bearing gifts."
He held out the medkit. Vittorio simply stared down at it.
Then, Vittorio sighed and dragged a hand down his own face. "I'm sorry."
Ace blinked stupidly. "Uh, I'm pretty sure that's my line."
"I haven't lost my temper like that since…I don't even remember."
Since Vittorio didn’t seem interested in his bribe—ahem, peace offering—Ace made the executive decision to toss the medkit on the ground.
"Well," Ace said. "I am pretty good at getting on people's nerves."
Vittorio smiled at him. "You're also very good at calming people down."
Ace shrugged. "Eh, jury’s still out on that one. Still, I’m sorry too."
"Don't be. You…your actions made me realize something."
Ace swallowed the automatic quip of “That I'm a dumbass?” and forced himself to be serious for once in his life.
"Yeah?" he asked.
Vittorio hesitated, then took a pointed step closer, making Ace realize just how much distance there had been between them. Assuming Vittorio was pissed at him, Ace had unconsciously kept him at arm’s length—but that didn’t seem to sit well with either of them.
Because now that Ace thought about it, Vittorio always seemed to hover in Ace’s space. He’d brush a hand over Ace’s back when passing him, sit close enough that their knees bumped when they relaxed by the campfire, and lean on Ace’s shoulder for support while he wheezed at Ace’s jokes that he swore he didn’t find funny. 
Ace had simply assumed it was a cultural thing: Mediterranean people and Latin Americans were both a little touchy-feely. But now he was starting to question the seemingly platonic gestures.
Vittorio’s brow furrowed while he studied Ace—probably concerned about the fact that Ace had gone a good two minutes without so much as a joke or sarcastic eyebrow raise—before he finally spoke.
“I’m not very good at this sort of thing,” Vittorio admitted. “I’m not sure how to be any clearer, and you are impossible to read…” he trailed off and fidgeted, actually appearing uncertain.
That was on opening if Ace ever saw one.
“Like I said the other day.” Ace grinned and took a step closer. “Body language.”
He tilted his head up and gently grabbed a handful of Vittorio’s shirt to pull him closer, giving the man his best seductive smile.
…Except instead of sweeping Ace off his feet and kissing him silly, Vittorio’s eyes went wide and he froze completely under Ace’s touch.
Ace immediately pushed himself off. “Shit. My bad!” He ran a hand through his hair in a gesture he desperately hoped looked casual. “I read that completely wrong. Sorry about that.”
Ace could almost physically feel the hit his confidence was taking from the rejection. He really had to stop thinking with his dick before he ruined what had become one of the best friendships he’d ever had.
A warm hand grabbed Ace’s wrist and stopped him from fretting with his hair.
Vittorio was smiling, his eyes now fond. “You just took me by surprise.” He huffed. “Apparently, things have changed somewhat in the last six centuries.”
Ace’s smile returned. “Oh yeah? Was kissing about a date twenty type of thing?” he bantered along. “You never thought to peep on those kinds of things in the future?”
“I can't exactly choose what visions I see,” Vittorio protested, though his face pinked as he blushed.
It was a pretty blush and Ace wanted about fifty more of it, please and thank you.
“Then maybe you should show me how you did it in the olden days,” Ace challenged with a wicked smirk.
In response, Vittorio raised their joined hands to his mouth—all the while keeping eye contact—and gently kissed the inside of Ace’s wrist.
“Oh.” Ace’s voice cracked on the word but dammit, that was really nice.
“Would you believe me,” Vittorio said, lowering their hands to properly intertwine their fingers, “if I said that things were much more crude back then than they are now?”
Ace perked up. “Really now?”
Vittorio chuckled at his obvious eagerness. “But this isn't the 1300st century,” he continued, cupping Ace’s jaw with his other hand. “And I can adapt.”
“In my humble opinion, it sounds like a compromise would be in order—”
Vittorio decided to shut him up with a kiss and Ace’s witty response—along with most of his coherent thoughts—promptly fizzled out into nothing.
Vittorio’s beard rasped pleasantly against Ace’s own and, wow, Ace was really kissing someone who hadn’t been kissed in several hundred years. No matter how much Vittorio had tried to play off his need for intimacy, he was clearly desperate for this and very much into it, his lips a little sloppy and his hand tightly clutching Ace’s.
It was flattering, really.
Ace was completely on board and gave as good as he got, clinging to Vittorio’s jacket and standing up on the balls of his feet to press even closer, kiss even harder. He experimentally flicked his tongue over Vittorio’s bottom lip and his effort earned him a quiet moan that shot straight to his groin.
When Vittorio finally pulled away, his breathing was heavier and he was blushing in earnest, pink coloring his cheeks all the way to his ears.
It made him look somehow even more handsome than usual.
Vittorio smiled down at Ace. “That was nice,” he murmured softly.
“Worth waiting six centuries for?” Ace quipped.
Vittorio laughed and warm pride spread through Ace’s body. Vittorio looked so utterly happy here, in this moment of quiet closeness and shared jokes, and Ace wanted to keep making him smile and laugh and blush for many years to come.
Vittorio leaned back down, then murmured against Ace’s lips. “Worth every single year.”
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It was easy after that.
Ace strolled back into camp after a trial and found Vittorio propped up against one of the logs, his legs sprawled out on the ground in that effortlessly attractive way he always carried himself. He held a book with some weird symbols carved on the cover—one of Mikaela's spell tomes, if Ace had to guess—and his eyes were glowing blue as he translated the text in his mind's eye or whatever.
Ace immediately flopped down next to him with a dramatic sigh, leaning into Vittorio’s side and letting his head rest on a muscular shoulder.
“Damn, your friend really had it out for me,” Ace complained. “That assassin phantom, the one who can outrun us? Somehow always managed to find me when I was injured. I want to file a harassment complaint.”
Vittorio hummed in acknowledgement and the corner of his mouth quirked up. He kept reading but snaked his hand around Ace’s shoulders and gently massaged the spot where Ace had been repeatedly pierced through with a meat hook.
Ace sighed happily and leaned into the touch, his eyes sliding shut as he relaxed from the soft affection.
He could hear murmurs around the campfire: some people had been quite surprised about this turn of events when they shared the news, others had said "told you so", and a few thousand bloodpoints had even exchanged hands.
Ace tuned them all out but he knew people were staring. Here Ace was, casually leaning against his gorgeous, 600-something-old boyfriend, one who was currently glowing blue and magically translating a foreign language, and who would periodically get visions of the future or alternate dimensions.
Yeah, it was a little weird.
There was a laugh from behind them and Ace perked up in anticipation of the newest gossip, but slumped back down in defeat once he heard Élodie go on in French.
“Did you know that Élodie and the architect are dating?” Vittorio asked.
Ace gawked at him. “What?!”
“For quite some time now, apparently,” Vittorio said, still seemingly engrossed in his book but apparently eavesdropping at the same time. “Hm. It's a wonder nobody has noticed.”
“You can…you've learned to…” Ace stammered.
“Translate any language, yes.” Vittorio turned to him and smirked. “Do you think I should tell the others?”
So, maybe his boyfriend had a few voyeuristic tendencies Ace probably should be concerned about.
But then again, Ace was a huge gossip, so maybe it was meant to be.
“Oh hell no.” Ace grinned and leaned closer, draping himself against Vittorio’s side. “This is our little secret and we'll reveal it when they least expect it. Like one of those times when Feng is cursing me out in Mandarin, you can interrupt her with ‘Actually, Ace's mother is a lovely woman, and secondly I'm not about to let him shove a whole flashlight up his—’”
“Alright, alright.” Vittorio chuckled, nudging Ace to shut him up. He lowered his head, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “Our secret.”
Ace’s heart soared and he didn’t even hesitate before pulling Vittorio into a kiss in full view of the others.
He hadn’t been this happy in years and nobody—not even their so-called friends making gagging noises in the background or Vittorio’s murderous ex stabbing him repeatedly—could take this away from him.
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simowis · 11 months
Monthly nonsense 23.11
So I started to read the history again. Because he is the representative of his civilisation, even though we are of different races and our cultures must be far apart. I had to have more knowledge about the human culture before I could have a basis for an idea of his culture.
I don’t need to search sacrifice from others fictions,my people’s history has so many of them.
There's some good words in my language can discribe those solders' spirit, but english don't have them. A pity.
Maybe the word 'martyr' can explain part of it. But not for religious. For faith, for all of us a better life.
The ME's writer may not know what a 'memory shard' means for my race.
"No fight, no future. " "This cycle is doomed, unless there's a miracle. And miracles are what we must strive for with all our might." "Our deaths are inevitable, but it's all worth it in the passing of the flame to the next cycle. "
The consciousness of the Protheans in Javik's time would have been sublime. They no longer thought only of their own race, their own cycle.
He's absolutely a hero.
Wish he can have some kind of hope after war.
Casualty exchange ratio
His story summit is just over one hour. Too little, and too precious for me. I wait until I almost forget all of it then look back a little. Hope it can always be fresh to me.
In fact javik did not told Shep what's the actual 'weakness' of prothean empire. He indicate it is linked with 'all united together'.
I really enjoyed the philosophical musings in Shepard and Javik's daily conversations, especially on the subject of AI versus organisms. It's a shame it's only a few dozen lines of dialogue in the game. He really has a lot on his mind. He has a strong moral and philosophical view of the world, and he's been educated in more than just the parts necessary for a soldier. Had he been an adult in a time of peace, he would undoubtedly have been a fine scholar; he wasn't the type to be a passive recipient of others' ideas. If he writes books after the war, I'd like to read his thick, brick-sized series of essays on his ideas about AI; his philosophy of race.
Javik says that the Zha's mistake was to implant devices to enhance their intelligence, and that this led to the creation of Zha'tl. And he apparently believes that the rise of Zha'tl was an aberration, and that the Zha were subjugated and enslaved by their implanted AI. The Protheans, staunchly anti-AI, would have resisted their own implanted devices. At the very least, 'implanted devices to enhance intelligence can lead to a loss of control' is a lesson deeply embedded in the consciousness of every Prothean. They may also develop robotic hands, robotic eyes, or even entire mechanical bodies, but turning the brain into a chip and running multiple cores, as in 'Battle Angel Alita' ; or fusing Motoko's mind with the AI's consciousness, as in 'Ghost in the Shell', must be an absolute prohibition for them. Their ethics on genetic modification are obviously very loose, as they would modify the genes of the primitive Asari, and they would probably do genetic screening on themselves, as they are worshippers of evolution. However, they would certainly have no use for AI in this area, even though it would be a lot faster in terms of efficiency.
Honor must be a very important part in Prothean society.
The third day, his smile still compels me. This art is to pull my head and stab me with a small knife at the same time; while warming me up like a hot water bag. This only makes my blood flow faster. How do I draw a smile like this …… and then stab myself to death?
He tortured me for loving him.
Prothean don’t need primitives to fight Reapers.
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loulougoingsolo · 1 year
Don't ask why I wrote this (thoughts on the latest Ear biscuit)
It's been a good while since I've written down my thoughts on an Ear biscuit episode. I can tell you, there are probably dozens of unfinished drafts saved on my tumblr. I'm determined to post this one - if that doesn't happen, hi, me, from the future, trying to cypher why this text never got posted.
This was the rpisode after Good Mythical Evening, and, as we learn from Link, Rhett is still sick, but I think it's safe to say he's not premused quite as dead as he was during the Streamys anymore. Because of all of my neuroses, I've been genuinely worried for a few days, but I guess it's okay to breathe again.
So, Link was doing the podcast with Jenna, and I have to say, this was an excellent episode. The past few times when Jenna had been on the podcast with both Rhett and Link, the dynamic has been a little off, more confrontational with Rhett and Jenna teaming up "against" Link (which of course is not really the case, but because I tend to see things more like Link than Rhett, I'm often rooting for him). This episode, Link and Jenna have a great discussion as complete equals, and it is really enjoyable.
First, Link and Jenna go through GME and the Streamys, and sounds like they are both proud of Link's performances on both occations. It seems Rhett was pretty sick on the night of GME already. I hope GME 4 happens next year, not just because I've loved every show thus far, but so they get a chance to do one with both guys not sick, and with the technical stuff going as planned.
My heart kinda melted, when Link said he was missing "his dude" at the Streamys, and turns out he had talked about what to say on stage with Rhett. The way he presented Mr Beast's award was epic, but apparently, had they won Show of the Year, something even better would have happened. Next year, maybe.
So, the majority of this episode is dedicated to a solo camping trip Link made (with Jasper) during their summer break. He compares notes with Jenna on why they both enjoy solo travels, and talk about things you gotta do to stay safe while staying in the wilderness alone.
The reason I ended up writing my thoughts about this episode, in particular, is that listening to Link and Jenna talk about how freeing solitude is. I got envious.
The reason I've been so absent from Tumblr and everything else is that with my parents getting older, a lot of my time these days involves me doing things for them. My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's last year, and he no longer has his driver's licence. My mom has had some pretty major health scares in the past year, and it's near a miracle she is currently alive and actually physically functional. As if these things weren't enough, my sister was diagnosed with cancer, went through surgery, chemo and radiation therapy in the past year, too. She is doing better, now, but with my parents and my sister all struggling, I've suddenly ended up being very necessary. And that means, the most time I've had for myself in the past few months has been two days at most, but usually, not a day goes by without someone needing my help. And, I could really use a solo trip right about now.
Link talked about how being alone gave him a sense of being fully in control, and that made him happy. And for Jenna, solitude meant freedom. I can relate to both of these feelings. I've never really been able to be truly myself when other people are around, and it can be really suffocating. For me, it took a world wide pandemic to figure out that I actually like being me, but the problems, the anxiety and stress, emerge when I'm expected to interact with other people. As much control as I have over my own existence, I can't control other people. I've tried, doesn't work.
I csn't wait to see the video version of this episode on Wednesday. Link showed Jrnna a video he had made while watching the sunset with Jasper. I'm not religious, nor particularly spiritual, but if I ever feel connrcted with the universe, it's when I'm in the wild, surrounded by the beauty of nature. One August night this summer, I sat in the dark, staring at the sky, searching for shooting stars. I was alone at that time, apart from a million mosquitoes eating my ankles, and at the same time, I felt free, yet not lonely. And then I heard something crack in the dark, and, because I was in my garden, I calmly stood up and walked inside.
So, yeah, after sll of this nonsensical rambling, what did I actually want to say? Enjoy the little moments in life, alone or with someone you love. If you can, go on a solo trip - and if that is not an option, go outside, look at the stars and breathe. And even if this text probably isn't the best ad for this Ear biscuits episode, listen to it.
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numberth1rte3n · 1 year
TH1RTE3N'S TR4V3L5: In The Shadow of the Dragon-God
I have been playing video games my whole life. Since I could pick up a controller with my grubby little toddler hands, the medium has never been far from my grasp. From my first adventures in gaming where I would watch my older cousin play the original Kingdom Hearts on the PlayStation 2, to getting my very own PS2 for my fourth birthday and playing Jurrasic Park: Operation Gensis well into my childhood nights (yes, I DID let my dinos run loose and eat my park-goers, thank you very much). In all my years of playing games across countless genres and developers, there have been few times in my life where playing a game has made me gasp, drop my jaw, make my breath catch in my chest, let a “wow” spill forth from my lips.
Climbing the western edge of the Gerudo Highlands for the first time in Breath of the Wild was one of those times for me. I was following my red pin towards a Sheikah Tower that I needed to unlock. Kind of. I was sort of aimless, wandering the rolling hills of Hyrule, doing that thing I do best when I play massive open-world games like BOTW. That thing being, wandering aimlessly towards the loose direction of my initial objective. I love to lose myself in games. To explore every corner of the map, to drink in the scenery, admire how the score compliments the situations I encounter, and I ESPECIALLY read every bit of lore I can find. Well, at least I try to (looking at you BioWare!) As games get bigger and more grand, and with the apparent renaissance of the open world genre across the industry, I am very grateful for lore journals and notebooks becoming a standard practice.
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Wandering through the Great Hyrule Forest for the first time certainly made me say “wow”... sometimes out of frustration!
It was on one of these wanderings that I crested a hill in the Highlands, not even sprinting and using up my stamina, but more slowly and with care, in a strange pseudo-reverence to the talented artists and engineers that built the world that I was wandering in. I remember stepping over the hill with my game camera pointed to what was behind Link. I turned the camera to a gorgeous view of Lake Hylia at sunset. It was a stunning sight, one I decided I would stop and admire for a few seconds. Many real people with real lives and real love for  the Legend of Zelda series spent many real hours of their lives on making sure that the wind blew through the grass on the Highlands at just the right speed, and that the crickets chirped at the right pitch and volume. Someone had to make sure the sunset was the right shade of orange, and I intended to be the one to make note of its hues.
I noticed something right then, out of the corner of my right eye. How long had it been there? My reaction was to turn my camera quickly. Was it an enemy that I hadn’t encountered? Some new form of Guardian? Heavens forbid… what if it was another keese swarm?! My eyes adjusted as the motion blur from the camera pan settled. What I saw wasn’t a new enemy; guardian, keese or otherwise. It was… wait… what is that? Is that a dragon? OH MY GOSH THAT’S A DRAGON!!! And a dragon it was. Snaking its way out from beneath Lake Hylia, was the yellow-green visage of Farosh. 
My first experience with a Zelda game was in 2013, playing Wind Waker HD on the WiiU. The admittedly charming themed console was pre-loaded with a copy of Hyrule Historia, Nintendo’s attempt at weaving a cohesive narrative from the notoriously incohesive franchise. Like I said, I am nothing if not a lore nerd. At that point, I had been a bit-more-than-casual Zelda fan, and had taken some forays into the “Zelda timeline” YouTube holes, where I spent a bit (read: many dozens of hours) of time.
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Seeing the Temple of Time in Ruins after fighting Ganondorf within its halls in Wind Waker HD was jarring to say the least.
It’s moments in games like these that I find myself reflecting on what gaming is to me as a medium. I could have experienced a serpentine dragon-god rising from a lakebottom in a fantasy novel, sure no problem. Heck, I probably have already, who knows these days with all these dragon shows and their houses and stuff! But it wasn’t in a novel. My meeting with Farosh wasn’t planned or scripted. Someone hadn’t written it, published the scene, edited that moment with flowery language until it fit their perspective of what the author thought a mighty creature being revealed might look like. It was my wanderings, a beautifully blank canvas left to uncover built with the love and attention of the people that made Breath of the Wild a reality, that allowed me to cross paths with the dragon. Watching Farosh ascend to light up the skies above Lake Hylia was something I will never forget. I will admit, when starting Tears of the Kingdom this past week, I was nervous that my breath would be measured, that my footfalls would be quicker, that I would press the sprint button more and the camera button less. Thankfully, I can say that is not the case, and I cannot wait to pick my jaw off of the floor once more.
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Image Sources: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 3 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 41 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter
Chief Laura Coleridge arrives less than a quarter hour after our call ends.
I tell her the short version and leave werewolves out of it but after only a brief spate of shock and denial, she accepts the evidence with which she is presented easily enough.
More importantly, she agrees to my plan.
Maybe people are more open-minded in the middle of the night.
While a deputy drives Ingrid and Danni home, Freya packs four of the Fae, the seven children and Halloran's body in my old Ford Explorer and drives them up to the standing stones to wait for us.
Julian, Erickson, his niece, the two warrior Fae... Alyth and Sylv... and I go with Coleridge to Erickson's sister's house in a police SUV.
When we arrive, however, I see we're not the first ones there.
A fire engine idles outside, lights flashing and a police cruiser has just pulled up at the curb.
"Oh shit," Erickson breathes.
As we pop the doors and pile out, though, I see Savannah's mother dashing down the front steps, tears streaking her face and a wild, frantic look in her eyes.
Then she sees Savannah and screams.
Running towards us, she snatches the sleepy, still-damp girl from Erickson's arms and collapses in tears.
As the Fae slip past her and into the house, I gather that the mother had awoken to a strange sound, gone into her daughter's room and found the window open and the child gone.
Fearing she'd been taken, she'd called the police.
"Skin-changer must have sensed or known we were coming, somehow," I murmur.
"Probably through Savannah. The mental link, remember?" Julian says.
"I bet as soon as we came through the portal, it knew the game was up and fled."
A moment later, Alyth and Sylv return, shaking their heads.
The skin-changer left no trace.
While Erickson invents some story about finding his niece sleepwalking 'his house is apparently nearby' the rest of us withdraw.
"Where do you think it went?" Julian asks and shudders.
"No idea," I say.
"But if it knows what's good for it, it'll stay far away from here."
Coleridge shakes her head.
"You and I have a long talk ahead of us, Hunter. I'm rolling with this now, 'cause it's that or arrest you all and that's too much paperwork. But I want a full, thorough and complete explanation as soon as you don't look and smell like shit."
Despite my tiredness, I bite back a smile.
"Yes, ma'am."
Leaving Erickson with his family, Coleridge drives the rest of us out of town and up into the hills to the standing stones.
She parks as close as she can get and then, with weariness weighting our steps, we cross the open meadow to the natural outcrop of white granite.
There, we find the others already gathered, along with what appears to be a small delegation of Fae.
The doorway between the arched stones is open, the air shimmering like rippling glass and a dozen Fae wearing long garments that flow like silk mill about tending to the time-orphaned children and to the dead.
Halloran's body lies uncovered upon a much grander bier than the stretcher of ferns and branches on which we carried him from the Shadowlands.
Candles burn around him and flowers cover him.
A woman kneels at his side and when she straightens, I bite back a gasp.
For a moment, I thought she was Rhiannon but from the likeness and Julian's description, I recognize Eirnín.
Spotting Julian, she approaches with her hands outstretched.
"Son of my daughter's son," she says, tears making her eyes shine bright.
"We meet again. I am glad to see you well, though I wish it were not under such sorrowful circumstances. I feel as if I have lost my daughter a second time and now my son."
"He was... very brave," Julian says.
"So were you all, I have heard but I am told you will speak on my daughter's behalf."
"Yes. I..." Julian sways on his feet and I steady him.
He's on the verge of collapse, now dangerously exhausted and badly in need of food, water and rest.
Eirnín gets the message.
She beckons to one of the Fae, who approaches bearing a silver tray on which rests a pitcher and a set of small silver cups.
Pouring some liquid into one, she hands it to him, then does the same for me.
"Drink. The tea will restore you, at least for a time and clear your mind."
Julian downs it without a second glance, so I do the same.
The effect is immediate and strong, like a mix of caffeine and alcohol... warming, relaxing and energizing at all once.
Julian holds out his cup.
"More, please."
"One is plenty and now, tell me this tale of yours."
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myfanfictiongarden · 2 years
A Song In The Silence- Phantom of the Opera 2004
Soft is the light streaming through the small round windows, its shine white and rather cold, the new year starting with a gust of wind and flakes of snow, the window glass covered in flowers of frost. Outside, the roofs and roads seem covered in a thin layer of icing, lace along the branches of the trees, the skies overcast, the whole world apparently coming to a halt. Even the Seine has frozen over. There are carts driving along the streets and sometimes the voices of people may ring through the icy air, yet it all seems no more than a distant echo of a different world to most inhabitants of the grand Opera house. Inside, a wholly different world exists.
It truly is a grand building, many stores high, beautiful ornaments on the outside, lavish upon entering, the scene a masterpiece in itself, the glittering chandelier the crown of it all. Behind the scene though is where the beating heart of the theatre lies, countless halls and passages connecting rooms and work spaces, tailors and artists and sculptures working side by side, dancers and singers and actors practicing, stagehands and maids running constantly from one end to the other. There is always a loud buzz in this contained spaces, always someone talking, always someone arguing, laughing or shouting. The wooden beams hold floors upon floors of people going about all kind of things that need to be done, or find those who lazily search for excuses avoiding to finish a task. Yards of tulle, silk or velvet drape over one of the railings, waiting for worn fingers to turn them into the most exotic costumes, pearls and feathers of various colours and sizes lying in rows ready to perfect any elaborate wig. Papier-mâché constructions awaiting to turn the stage into a palace. All of this is a home to many.
And all of this is Christine’s home as well. 
It has been her home for nearly seven years now, and the place she has stayed the longest in. The times she nearly got lost in this wast labyrinth at the beginning were countless, as are the many stairs that connect the many levels of this building. Through the years she got accustomed to it. Half her life it was now, the life before a distant memory. Did she really travel by ship and coach across half of Europe before the age of five? Share the smallest of accommodations with her father happier than in a castle or listen to him playing day and night rather than join other children in their games? How could it be that the world had been so much brighter with him around and misses now all the shine she is expected to experience in the bloom of youth? This are thoughts she tries to shake off as she places her hairbrush back on the chest of personal belongings by her bed, most of the other girls already having gone down to the kitchens for some breakfast. Their dormitory is a crowded little place with two dozen of beds and plain bare walls. The ambers in the little oven that keeps the dormitory warm during winter nights have nearly died out and she puls her shawl closer around her arms when a new gust of wind makes her shiver. She does not like when sad thoughts come to haunt her.
“You alright, Christine?” On the first next bed along the wall to hers is Meg, looking up after putting on her shoes. Four of the older girls pass their end of the room and disappear down the stairs, leaving them the only ones left.
“Yes, it's just the winter wind.”
“To think you came from the north is a bit funny when you have a hard time getting used to even these rather mild winters. Why, mother’s chamber would barely get much warmer during winters when we used to share it with her. Here you can have my new stockings, there is not a single hole in them yet.” Saying that she is already on her way to open her her own chest of things, but Christine just shakes her curly head.
“Thank you, but I will be soon warm again once practice starts.” Putting on a wide, and hopefully, ensuring smile she links arms with her best friend and together they make their way to join the others. 
Life has been good to her since arriving under the care of Mdm. Giry at the great Opera Populare. With no other relations there to take her in she found herself the ward of an accomplished former ballerina turned dance instructor of a great establishment, had a roof over her head and a warm meal secured. Along with a few of the younger girls she had been taught to finish primary education by a tutor who came just for Madam's students and with her dance lessons found a way to a secure future. Best of all though was the friend she had found in Meg. 
If only there wasn’t something missing.
The first time she can hear him talk back to her is on the anniversary of her fathers passing. For seven years she had been lighting candles in his remembrance in the little chapel under the stage, many hours since first arriving here she had spend alone praying in it. As a little child she had always followed her father's counsel, and when at last he had promised that through prayer he’ll watch over her, she had no reason to doubt his words. It had been the promise of his that had left her feeling safe and secure in this strange new place. With great wonder had she listend to the voice that would ring like from a great distance to her, often times accompanied by the sound of organs and violins. Her father’s violin. Sometimes it seemed that voice was so close she would startle and turn around, expecting to see the source right behind her. Life was good to her with Madam, the dancing, and especially with Meg as good as a sister. Yet, sometimes she was lonely. It was a loneliness deep and cold and silent. That was when she started quietly to talk to the Voice, quietly talk to this invisible friend, even though no reply would come. On one late November day though she found no strength to talk, so she sang. And the Voice sang back. The tears that had been streaming down her face had stopped when she realised what had happened. 
“Angel, is that you?”
No answer had come at first until she began the song again. It was beautiful to sing with the Voice, it was wonderful the Angel had replied to her after so many years. It was also a bit overwhelming. Her step had been light and joyful as she returned to the attic dormitory, a smile on her lips as she attempted to join the other girls current conversation. Meg had asked later what had happened to make her this glad out of the sudden, and she had replied she was just happy. Yet, as evening came the excitement had given way to worry, worry that she might have just imagined it, worry the Voice would not speak to her again. At that moment she thinks back to the great house she had often visited when very little, of the younger of two boys her father had taught playing the instrument. Somehow she feels the boy would understand her fears. They had understood each other so well.
She does not go down to the chapel the next day, nor the day after that. The fear that only silence could meet her there is too great. During rehearsals she feels uneasy, like someone is watching her, but above the scene are only the familiar stagehands to be seen. A week passes like this before she finds the courage to go down once more. Not sure what she thinks she will find there, the thing upon which her eyes land first is far from anything that could have been expected. Resting on the image of her late father where the candle has died down is a sheet of note-paper, a fine writing having given it the title Lesson Nr. 1 in cursive, dots and lines playfully covering the rest.
“Angel, is this for me? Am I to learn how to sing?” She whispers in awe.
Yes. If you follow my instructions. comes back as a whisper barely louder than hers.
“Good Angel, with your guidance there is nothing I will rather do.” 
Suddenly, there is song that graces her days instead of silence.
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The Things We Do For Coin Chapter 9
Azami and company finally meet the man who is trying to destroy the Bazaar.
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They did indeed find Shiro talking with Kikipu. Azami hadn't heard what, exactly, they were discussing, but judging by Kikipu's worried expression it likely had something to do with Kendall. While she waited for Shiro to finish his chat, Azami took a moment to reflect on her life and her choices.
This whole Bazaar situation had her all out of sorts. Turning down paid work, doing favors for sad useless men with no promise of payment in return. Clearly being around Pink was affecting her, and it would only get worse the longer they stuck together. If this kept up, she might even lose sight of why she had come to Eorzea in the first place.
"Want to help us deal with some goblins?" Azami asked as Shiro finally finished his little chat and rejoined them.
"Uh... Sure?" Shiro said.
"What were you and Kikipu talking about? Did something happen?" Pink asked.
"No, that's just the thing. Kenrick hasn't made a move since we ran off those goons before, and it's starting to make Kikipu nervous."
"I'm sure he'll make a move soon enough." Azami shrugged, "More likely than not whoever is paying him is going to get impatient. Whatever he's going to do next is probably going to be drastic."
"That is exactly what we're afraid of." Shiro sighed, "I was discussing the possibility of a counter offensive with Kikipu."
"Things being what they are, I'm not sure it would be the best idea."
"I agree." Azami nodded, "These people seem fairly well beaten down. We've not the numbers nor the spirit to take the fight to Kenedy."
"Kenrick. And we lack the resources or political influence to go up against whatever rich Ul'dahn is backing him."
"So what does that mean for us?" Pink asked.
"The only thing we can do for right now is wait and see." Azami huffed, looking sullenly at the broken mosaic beneath their feet. That meant spending yet more time in this depressing place making no money.
"I don't like it either." Shiro admitted, "If we were in a better position I'd like to stop by those Hammers and sabotage them a little, but we simply couldn't weather their response."
"Looks like we're in this for the long haul."
"You mentioned something about goblins?"
"Oh right! Azami is helping Galfridus again!" Pink explained, her cheery tone at odds with the dismal atmosphere.
"Apparently some goblins stole some of his fishing lures and he wants me to try and get them back."
"I see, I see." Shiro nodded, "You need a diversion."
"I wouldn't say no to one."
"Alright. Rabta and I will go cause a diversion while you go fetch these fishing lures."
Their plan of attack decided, they left the bazaar once more. Shiro seemed to know the way to the little camp the goblins had set up, so Azami fell in step behind him. Pink bounced along at her own, somewhat sporadic, pace. Bounding forward and falling behind as she felt like it. Azami couldn't help but be a little envious of the girl's boundless reserves of energy. How much work could Pink get done if she just focused that energy more productively? She could weed a paddy in half the time it would take Azami, no doubt.
The goblin camp was quite a bit bigger than Azami had been expecting. She had thought the band of goblin thieves would be four, maybe five strong. But looking in their campsite, it was clear there were over a dozen goblins milling about, with a sizable pile of treasures right in the heart of their camp. And so close to the city as well. But it seemed as long as they only preyed on the people of the Bazaar, the Brass Blades were more than happy to turn a blind eye to the banditry on their doorstep. Not that the Brass Blades were any better than bandits themselves. 
"Alright. Wait here for our signal." Shiro instructed her, "Once we've got their attention you should be able to sneak in and find your lures."
"What's the signal?" Azami asked.
Shiro gestured to his sister, "Fire and screaming. And explosions, probably. A lot of goblins like to throw around explosives, so keep an eye out for those."
"Well, as long as you two are sufficiently distracting, I shouldn't need to worry about that." Azami said. She turned to Pink, "Try not to get blown up."
"I'll be the one doing the blowing up, thank you!" Pink huffed. Stomping off without looking back at Azami. Somehow Azami doubted that very much, but it seemed mean to say so. She took up a position crouched in the shadow of a rock while she waited for her signal.  
"We'll buy you as much time as we can, meet us back in the Bazaar. If you're not back in a bell we'll come back to rescue you." Shiro said before following after Pink before Azami could tell him to worry about himself. She was more than capable of evading a couple of goblins. 
The waiting was the most agonizing part. Certainly not that she had tasked her new companions to pick a fight with a bunch of goblins on her behalf while she did nothing to help them. After all, they were both grown and knew the risks. Well, Pink might not have been grown now that Azami thought of it. There hadn't been many miqo'te in her village, so she wasn't exactly familiar with how they aged. From her behavior Azami suspected Pink might have been pretty young. Old enough to set out on a journey, but Azami wasn't so sure about calling her a woman grown just yet.
But she was with her brother, and he seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders. Even if he was a smug jackass. She doubted he would let any harm befall his younger sister, even if it meant abandoning the plan early and leaving Azami to fend for herself. But, Azami was a woman grown. She knew the risks when she had agreed to the plan. And Shiro had promised to come back for her if she ran into trouble besides. Even if that had just been a lie, Pink would come back for her.
They were best friends after all.
Her thoughts scattered as the first explosion went off, a plume of bright orange fire striking a goblin from the north. The bandits quickly jumped up, swarming the interlopers. Azami took a deep breath and tried to remember what she had learned from those days she had spent in the bamboo thickets playing at being a shinobi. She had never had as much aptitude for stealth as certain other girls she could name. Masking the sound of her footsteps was one thing, but she had never quite gotten the hang of hiding her presence. 
As quietly as she could, Azami snuck towards the pile of treasures. There was a lot more to sort through than she had been expecting. But there was no point in complaining about it. All she needed to do was find the fishing lures and get out of there. The air was full of shouting and heat and explosions. Azami forced herself to ignore the sounds and focus on her own task. Underneath a particularly heavy wooden chest, Azami spotted a box that seemed promising. She shoved the chest with all her might, causing it to topple off the pile and spill its contents on the ground. All of them shining and quite a few of the trinkets seeming valuable on their own. But they weren't what Azami was here to collect. 
She took the box that had called to her in her hands. The dark wood had begun to splinter and collapse in on itself from the weight of the chest that had been crushing it. She quickly opened it and saw a flash of copper. They were a little different from the style she had seen used by fishermen back home, but they were unmistakably fishing lures. They looked a little bent. Misshapen, perhaps. But surely they could be repaired?
What mattered was that she had what she had come for. As much as she wished she could stop to pick through the rest of the stolen goods, the sounds of the battle were beginning to die down. It seemed that Pink and Shiro's distraction was coming to an end. Azami tucked the box under her arm and sprinted back to her hiding rock.
She slid back into the shadow, holding her breath and focusing entirely on the sounds around her. If she were being pursued, she couldn't hear any sign of it. No running footsteps or shouting. No explosions or even ill intent sent her way. Azami chanced a peek out from behind her rock into the goblin camp. Those who weren't nursing burns or cuts were stomping in rage at the mess Azami had created. No doubt they would begin their search in earnest soon enough.
Azami decided it would be best to get back to get herself far away before that happened. But before that, she needed to confirm that she did indeed have the goods. She double checked her surroundings, ensuring her privacy. It wouldn't do to repeat past mistakes. 
Azami pulled off one of her gloves to get a better feel for the lures. She took a steadying breath and tried to quiet her mind. What story did these have to tell?
Objects had their own energy and memories, just the same as people. They could tell all sorts of stories, if one only knew how to listen. Sensitive was what her mother had called it. And Azami was. Had been for as long as she could remember.
Azami tasted the sea. She saw a woman, one who had eyes that looked so much like that boy's eyes. These lures had seen much strife, bickering and shouting. But there had been kindness as well. The husband and wife had worked together on their boat, along with so many others. But after the Calamity, after everything had changed...
Azami pulled back, shoving her hand back into her glove. These were indeed the lures she had sought. 
She scanned the road for any sign of Shiro or Pink. She didn't see them, but she hadn't seen them in the camp either. So they probably hadn't been captured. Either they were hiding out somewhere until the commotion died down, or they had been killed in the fighting. The goblins had seemed too angry about their little attack for that to be the case. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking? Shiro had said to meet back at the Bazaar. 
It would make more sense to head back and wait at the gate, but what if doing that meant abandoning them when they needed her help? Azami didn't care for the two of them. She truly didn't. But that didn't mean she wanted to abandon them to bleed out at the edge of some bandit camp in the middle of nowhere. Least of all of the wounds that they had only gotten because they had been helping her. 
So she should double back to check for any sign of them. Unless they had already started on their way back while she had been preoccupied by finding the fishing lures, and were already waiting for her at the Bazaar. Doubling back to check on them when they weren't there could only serve to put her in a dangerous position when those vengeful goblins decided to search for the sneakytheif who had stolen from them. And it would be pretty embarrassing. Pink would never let it go if she found out.
A flash of light caught her eye. The glint of metal catching the sun. Azami turned to look for the source of it, and spotted Shiro peeking out from behind a rock of his own some yalms away. He shrugged as if to ask What's the hold up? Pink poked her head out from behind her brother, waving excitedly at Azami. Holding up the box of lures for them to see, Azami pointed towards the Bazaar. They appeared to be no worse for wear, which took a load off of Azami's shoulders. Not that she cared what happened to them in general. Just knowing that it would have been for her sake would have been a little grating. That was all.
Having firmly established how little she cared about those two obnoxious miqo'te, Azami made her way back to the Bazaar. They linked back up with her about a quarter of a malm out from the entrance.
"So, you found them?" Shiro asked.
"I did." Azami confirmed.
"Wow Azami! That's amazing!" Pink bubbled, doing a little twirl as she sped on ahead, "I'm gonna go find Galfridus!"
"How did things go on your end?" Azami asked, watching Pink rapidly disappear into the Bazaar.
"Couple of bruises, but nothing too serious." Shiro replied, "You?"
"Somehow they didn't spot me. Guess I should thank you two."
"What was that?"
"You heard me."
They crossed the threshold of the Bazaar once more, and Azami quickly spotted Pink waving furiously from next to the well. Azami sighed and approached. She handed the box of lures to her client who beamed down at her. He tore the box open, the poor abused lid clattering noisily against the stones.
"I'll be damned! Me ol' copper lures. Never thought I'd see these beauts again!" his enthusiasm quickly waned as he got a better look at his abused lures, "Bloody hells, them goblins sure saw to bangin' them up. Bah! Ain't gonna be catchin' no fish with these."
"Can they not be repaired?" Azami asked.
"Mayhaps, but it'll cost me more than they're worth. Well, that's that. Must be Nald Hisself tellin' me to give up me sea legs." he said, trying to keep some sort of cheer in his voice, "Might be as there's a new life waitin' out there, somewheres. Heh, maybe me compass'll lead me to it." 
Galfridus turned to stare at the ocean, his expression almost wistful, "Born an' bred here, I was. Ain't never called no place else home. Times are changin', though. S'pose I could sell off me land to them bloody buzzard prospectors and see what else is out there for me."
"I suppose you have to do what's best for you and your family." Azami conceded. There was no sense in getting on a high horse about the idea of him betraying his home. Not when he had a boy to look after. Being a single father was difficult enough when there was work to be found. But even understanding the position he was in did nothing to chase the bitter taste from Azami's mouth. 
 "It's terrible, U'mhig! Simply Terrible! Please, you must help us." the somber moment was interrupted by that lalafellen woman rushing over. Shiro turned to address her.
"Kikipu, what's the matter? Has something happened?"
"You've already done so much for us, I know, but we are in grave danger! Those fiends have drawn up a fake contract of sale and are trying to use it to drive us from the Bazaar!" Kikipu explained. Azami frowned. Drastic indeed. There was no way this was legal, but all that proved was that whoever was backing Kenrick was wealthy enough that laws were merely suggestions.
"Do you smell that, Kikipu? That is the smell of inevitability." A smug looking hyurain man with a bad haircut and ugly colored glasses approached them, "You knew this day would come. You simply chose to fill the interim with resistance rather than acceptance. Brave, but foolish."
"Back for more, Kenrick? How many times must I say it before it seeps into that thick skull of yours? I'll die before I see one ilm of this land fall into your hands!"
"Easily arranged, I assure you." Kenrick boasted. Azami couldn't help but bristle at the threat. It would not be so easy if she had anything to say about it. This Kikipu woman was weird and loud, but she had spirit. Azami couldn't help but respect that. Besides, for the time being, she was Azami's client. A cold metal gauntlet wrapped around Azami's arm, Shiro didn't want her to step in just yet. He was the one with the most experience in these matters. Begrudgingly, Azami decided to follow his lead.
"Come, Kikipu, listen to reason. You know who we are. You know our deeds. You've no hope in this. Look at this miserable place. A stain on the map. You resist now, but I swear I will lay waste to these shabby tents and broken buildings. And when I'm finished, I guarantee you will thank me for it." Kenrick continued his smug diatribe. What Azami wouldn't have given to settle things with him here and now, but Shiro's grip on her arm stopped her for the time being.
"You stupid, foolish man. You couldn't be more wrong. We may no longer boast the visitors or gil of days past, but this is home to me and many more. Our memories are here- years' worth of them. Decades." Kikipu shouted, "We sweated together when we dug this well. We laughed and drank together in every festival. And we mourned together with each life the desert took from us. That is the Silver Bazaar. That is home. Those memories are what make this place. And I swear to the Twelve above, I'll feed you and whatever masters you serve your own manhood before I let you destroy it!"
"Stubborn girl... No matter. The sale is all but concluded. Look about you. Writs of seizure have already been posted. And I'd not think of taking them down, were I you. End this futile fight, Kikipu! There are far more of us, and if you are truly willing to die for this place, we're more than willing to oblige you."
As Kenrick laid bare his threat, Shiro released Azami's arm. Which left her free to deal with the situation as she saw fit.
"Are you?" Azami asked. 
"What?" the man looked at her as though she were some sort of strange and disgusting insect. Azami did not wilt under the gaze. The quiet rage that had begun to simmer ever since this man had approached them gave her far more confidence than she had earned. Regardless, she was in too deep now.
"Are you willing to die for this place?" Azami clarified, "Because if you aren't, you should do the smart thing and walk away."
"Do you have any idea who you are speaking to?" Kenrick asked, incredulous.
"I don't particularly care. You can walk out of this place or you can crawl. It's really up to you." 
Perhaps her bluff was going a little far, but she held herself like a warrior and forced herself to believe that she was strong. Kenrick eyed her for a long moment, considering her. There were times where being foreign could be an asset. Azami was a wholly unknown quantity, and therefore could be anyone she so chose in this land. 
"It doesn't matter what you do now. The demolitionists are already on their way." Kenrick said. He stalked off towards the gate, leaving them to deal with his mess. Azami scanned the area for anything that hadn't been there before they had left to fetch the fishing lures. 
"U'mhig, please, the writs of Seizure! You must tear them down and chase Kenrick from here once and for all!" Kikipu begged.
"I've got eyes on one." Azami announced, having spotted a sheet of paper that had been hastily pasted to the chocobo stables.
"Good. Azami you take care of that one. I'm going to check by the docks. Rabta I need you to search this area." Shiro doled out their roles effortlessly, "Be careful. I've no doubt Kenrick hired some swords to guard the writs in case we did try to remove them."
"Okay!" Pink chirped, "Let's all meet back here after we're done searching!"
Azami hurried off towards the stables. As she approached a short hyur stepped out sword already in hand. He didn't seem as though he were interested in just having a friendly chat. 
They both hesitated for a moment, waiting for the other to make a move. Azami took a moment to observe her opponent. His stance seemed unsteady, he clearly favored his back foot. He wore a cheap looking leather pot style helm that left his face exposed, and thick padded cloth armor that must have been terribly uncomfortable in the harsh desert heat. It was old and worn, but not particularly well cared for. Second-hand, Azami decided. In all likelihood, this man was no more experienced in real combat than Azami was. But his sword seemed sharp enough, and his round metal shield seemed plenty sturdy. 
"Boom!" Azami heard Pink yell in the distance, followed by the sound of an explosion. Azami wasn't certain that that was a real spell, but she didn't know enough about magic to argue that point. As long as it worked, she supposed. Besides, she had her own problems to attend to.
Namely, the sword-wielding maniac who seemed to have taken Pink's shouting as a signal to cut Azami's head off. Azami ducked under the swing and aimed a punch for his solar plexus. It would have been a devastating blow. Had his shield not blocked the strike. Azami hissed as she felt the skin on her already terribly abused knuckles split from meeting the hardened metal.
"Son of a bitch." she swore, shaking out the pain as she dodged to the left to avoid the next blow. Her opponent had over compensated the force necessary for his strike, utterly destroying his own balance. Azami quickly circled behind him. She slammed her elbow into his spine with as much force as she could muster.
The man's body bowed under the force of the blow. The wind exiting his lungs in hacking coughs. The sword fell from his loose grip, clattering noisily against the stones.
Azami grabbed the back of his collar roughly and slammed his face into the very sign he had been fighting so valiantly to protect. She heard the satisfying crunch of bone as face met wood, she dropped the man, allowing him to fall in a heap at her feet.
"You need to practice your footwork." she told him, before tearing the writ of seizure down from the sign. The man glared up at her, blood streaming from his broken nose. Azami stared back, impassive and unimpressed, "Get out of here."
The man didn't need to be told twice, slowly picking himself up he trudged away. Azami watched him go, ensuring that he was gone before turning her attention back to the others. She scanned the Bazaar for any hint of Pink or Shiro. Pink was the easiest to spot, bounding enthusiastically back to Kikipu with two writs of seizure in hand. Shiro sauntered over with just the one. Between the three of them they had found four. Azami couldn't imagine that they had set very many more. After all, the Bazaar was so small.
Azami walked over to join the others. "This is the only one I was able to find."
"I only found one as well." Shiro confirmed. Pink giggled.
"That means I found the most! I'm the findiest!" she announced, dancing in a little circle. Azami sighed.
"You sure are, Rabta." Shiro gently ruffled the girl's hair. A mistake in Azami's opinion. Such things will only encourage her to say more annoying things like that.
Pink stared at Azami for a short moment, whatever victory she had been enjoying seemingly entirely forgotten about as her eyes narrowed. "Does your hand hurt a real whole lot?" she asked.
"Uh..." Azami was suddenly very conscious of how she had been rubbing at her sore knuckles, "It's nothing I can't handle."
"That's no good, Azami!" Pink pouted at her before fishing into her bag for that potion she had shown Azami the other day. The one she had called green. Pink shoved it at her with an expression that seemed to allow no room for argument, "Drink this! It'll make your hand feel better!"
"It's really not that bad." Azami had to at least try to protest.
"Driiiiink iiiiiiit!"
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Shiro started chanting at her before Pink swiftly joined in, "Chug! Chug!"
"By the Kami, you two are so annoying." Azami groaned before taking the bottle in hand and pulling the cork. She drank down the bitter draught, if only to stop their stupid little chant. The siblings cheered loudly at her as she did so. How had she ended up with such irritating companions? It made the fact that the pain in her knuckles had begun to fade away that much more annoying.
"Now that that's out of the way," Shiro said, "We should probably give these back to Kenrick."
"Oh right." Pink nodded, "I think I saw him standing by the gates."
"May I?" Azami asked, holding out her hand for the writs. Pink and Shiro happily handed theirs over. Azami turned on her heel and walked quickly towards the gate, Shiro and Pink at her heels. As Pink had promised, the man in question stood by the gates with a self satisfied smirk. Azami couldn't wait to wipe it off of his ugly face. He turned when he heard them approach, his grin only widening.
"I thought you might be along. Pity, you're too late. The demolitionists are already on their way. Every building bearing a writ of seizure will be rubble within the hour!" He gloated. Azami gave him a moment to enjoy his little speech before throwing the writs down at his feet. He stared at them for a long moment, as if trying to decipher what they could possibly mean. Finally it seemed to click. He looked up at them with an expression of dawning horror.
"Th-The writs! You... What have you done!?" he asked.
"I'm simply returning what's yours." Azami shrugged.
"But that means... My men... No, that's impossible."
"They weren't as strong as we thought they were gonna be!" Pink interrupted. It was true, Azami had been expecting something a bit more threatening than one poorly trained gladiator herself.
"The day may be yours, but I will be back soon, and with far more fearsome company. You've made an enemy for life, you fool. I won't be content simply to see the Bazaar struck from the maps. No, I will not rest until its name is wiped from every history book in Eorzea." he ranted, spittle flying from his mouth as he raged against their victory. Azami quietly wiped the few flecks that had landed on her from her face with the back of her fist. Disgusting.
"Well, good luck with that." Shiro said, waving him a merry farewell.
"Bye bye!" Pink added, joining in with another cheerful wave.
"Like I said. You can walk out of this place or crawl. It's really up to you." Azami smirked, sending him off with a dismissive wiggle of her fingers. 
Evidently, he chose to scurry, rushing off into the distance. No doubt back to whatever masters he served. In his haste Kenrick abandoned the writs he had hired people to fight so hard for. Azami picked them up. Perhaps Kikipu would like to throw them into the fire herself. 
Once Kenrick was sufficiently far away, Shiro decided to head back to give Kikipu the good news. Azami trailed after.
"I'm surprised you got so worked up back there." Pink said, "You didn't even ask for money or nothing!"
"It's not always about the money, Pink." Azami said, "Sometimes I just want to punch somebody."
"That's not very nice!"
"Well, I'm not a very nice person."
"So, Kenrick is gone for now, is he?" Kikipu said. Azami held out the writs to her, and she took them gleefully. Clearly planning some sort of destruction or another. As was her right.
"For the time being." Shiro confirmed, "Although he did threaten to return with "far more fearsome company"."
"That's certainly the brightest news we've had in a while, though I can't help but wonder about the "more fearsome company" he threatens to bring." Kikipu looked up at them with an expression that seemed almost bashful, "Uh... I-I've never had a way with words... Bloody paltry things. But I, er... we would like to thank you three. You've not just saved the Silver Bazaar. You've saved me. You've saved who I am. I see now that I'll have to maintain constant vigilance to keep my home from harm. But it's a vigil I welcome. I'll stand up to any threat that comes through that gate."
"And we'll stand with you!" Another voice joined the conversation. That traitorous lalafell who had wished for the Bazaar's destruction not hours before. Not just him, but Galfridus as well. Hadn't he given up on his home entirely?
"Wh-what do you...?" Clearly Kikipu was as baffled as Azami was. 
"Saw what ye did for us, havin' these three here chase off Kenrick an' all. It's true, that there ain't much here worth fightin' for. But it's home, godsdammit, an' I for one ain't ready to give up on it just yet."
"Aye, this is home. An even if there's nothing left but sand and cracked stone, then I say we build something- right here. Together." Fafafono continued.
"Thank you, everyone... Thank you so much. And most of all, thank you three. There are no more fine garments of goldspun and brocade here. No more bustlin port with ships full of cargo and fish. But the better days live on in our hearts. We are the Silver Bazaar, and it is us. Our memories, our past, our history- that is what makes this place. So long as we remain, so too does hope. You taught us what it is to defend the home we love, and from now on, we'll do no less for ourselves than you've done for us. I've a final favor to ask of you." Kikipu paused her heartfelt speech to scribble something on the back of one of the writs. She held it out to Shiro who took it, "This letter... I wonder if you would deliver it to Momodi for me when next you visit Ul'dah. She and I have been friends for man years. Let her read my words, and she'll be able to give you the reward I cannot."
Oh, so there would be money in it for her after all. All in all, Azami supposed their little adventure hadn't been the worst thing that had ever happened to her.
"Oh! I need to get back to the thaumaturgy guild soon anyway!" Pink said. That was right. 
"Ah. I probably need to check in as well." Azami said. So much had happened that she had almost forgotten about their little training missions. It seemed like moons ago that she had done battle with those earth sprites at Master Hamon's behest. Had it truly only been that morning?
"My guildmasters said that I had to finish up by sundown. I wonder if that means they want me back before then, or...?"
"Sun should be setting soon, so we should probably hurry if you want to make it there in time." Shiro said, "It'll be faster if we rent chocobos. Have you ever ridden one Azami?"
"No. Can't say that I have." Azami admitted.
"It's not too difficult. Just try not to breathe too deeply."
They wandered over to the chocoporter, and Shiro handled renting three chocobos for them. Since the trip was meant to be one way, Azami couldn't help but worry a little about how the chocobos would find their way home. The porter assured her that his birds were very well trained, and would be able to find their way back all on their own. Well, he probably knew what he was talking about, and it was a far better option than teleporting, in Azami's humble opinion.
0 notes
300iqprower · 2 years
Wait, as someone who only goes to the FGO wiki for the occasional data and pictures, what's the problem with it? Is it just the comments that are bad?
So there's 4 wikis. There's gamepress, there's the .wiki one, the fandom one, and the Type Moon fandom wiki.
The Type moon wiki reads like it was 90% written neckbeards who make blood sacrifices to Nasu on a monthly basis.
I'm not even going to put forth the effort of describing more than one example so i'll use my favorite: they actively reject using officially localized lore and instead use GARBAGE fantranslations with at most the english version of the skill name in parentheses below the title, because obviously if they didn't do that no one would fucking get it as a search result. My go to example is the absolute gibberish that is Kotarou's third skill, which is called Suspicious Shadow but the wiki claims is "Afraid of your own Shadow"
A state that originates from soldiers of a defeated army being frightened simply from the sound of the wind, or the cry of the crane; from fear as the origin itself. As Fuuma Kotarou suppresses his presence and lays surprise attack, by making use of his subordinates as if they are his own limb he is capable of intentionally reproducing the state of paranoia. The will to fight severely declines and all kinds of bad status effects are applied as a matter of course.
I feel like I had a stroke just rereading that.
And to be clear there's a lot of claims of "well there ARE no officially localized translations for a lot of skills!" and that's a bullshit lie/excuse for 2 reasons.
These are the same puritan incels who harass localizers and claim they "censor" their precious gacha game by accurately translating with an understanding of basic culture and context, rather than copypasting google translate like both Nasu and these chucklefucks do. If there's a sudden lack of english translations we can blame people like them for that giving creators motivation/excuse to not even bother.
THE DESCRIPTIONS 100% EXIST THEY JUST REFUSE TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE IT. WHICH IS WHY PEOPLE KEEP THINKING THEY DONT EXIST, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO BURY IT. Did you know there's an entire compendium with dozens of fully localized skill descriptions and lore on exactly how they work in Fate Extella Link? Apparently no one but me ever even noticed that exists, and when i want to check the lore for skills I have literally found it more reliable than the supposed fucking wiki for the same series, having to boot up my ps4 just to check and everything, to say nothing of typing them up or taking pictures of my tv bc they sure as hell arent available online to copypaste.
Seriously. Letting Nasu fans run the type moon wiki is the equivalent to putting Catholics in charge of Darwin's biographical records.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Deceitful Curse
Word Count: 10K
Warnings: non-con, stalking, obsession, mild blood, chikan, gaslighting, manipulation, humiliation, degradation, misogyny, exhibitionism
AO3 Link
As promised, this will be a gift fic for my lovely friend @lyrrotting​ , I promise I will write your four armed Sukuna fic soon to make up for this shitty fic lol <3 
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It was said that most people had an angel sitting on their right shoulder and a devil sitting on their left shoulder, the two bickered into the person’s ears about many things. While the devil would try to tempt the person, the angel would become the sound of conscience.
However, Yuuji only had the King of Curses whispering in his ear and he himself had to be the voice of conscience within his own mind.
Certainly, there would be a time he would be tempted to listen.
Life was good, Yuuji had already graduated over a year ago and gotten his sorcerer license to work until his inevitable execution.
Life was good, everyone had moved on with their lives. Inumaki had gotten a girlfriend, Fushiguro had a girlfriend and from what he heard, Maki and Kugisaki were dating each other.
Life was good, they were all happy.
Life was good, everyone else was happy.
There was a new coffee shop that had opened just two blocks down from where he lived. Naturally, Yuuji wanted to check it out for the sole purpose of seeing how big the place was. When he invited his friends over to his place and if they ever stayed the night, he wanted to have a place he could take them to for a brunch or a cup of coffee.
Unfortunately for him, the place was small. There were barely a dozen tables and nobody seemingly wanted to sit at the cramped coffee shop when they could walk to the nearby park to enjoy their coffee.
The place was crowded due to rush hour so he returned a couple of hours later to finally order something.
As soon as he walked inside, the sugary smell of the sweets and the strong aroma of the coffee surrounded him.
“Welcome!” said a cheerful voice. It was you, beaming at him with the brightest smile he had ever seen on anyone. It looked too genuine to be a fake service worker's smile.
He hesitantly walked up to the counter with a blush coloring his cheeks from the intensity of your smile that was aimed towards him. “Hi,” he said before lifting his eyes up to the menu displays. “Ah.” He had no idea what to get. “Takeaway, I think, and ahh… Um…”
As if you noticed his struggle, you started talking. “If you like sweets I’d recommend my special summer drink. If you like coffee, I can give you the best brew in the whole city. It isn't strong but the aroma actually tastes like fresh coffee beans, I roast them fresh every day.” You were so bright, still smiling. Didn’t your cheeks hurt? How could anyone be this sweet? “Or I can choose a drink for you! Trust me, I’ll make it count!”
He understood none of the things you were saying but he felt like he could trust you to choose a drink for him, so he nodded approvingly.
Clapping your hands together, you walked behind the coffee machine and disappeared from his view. “You live around here?”
Yuuji was caught off guard and didn’t realize you were talking to him for a while until you repeated your question. “Ah, yes! I live around the corner.”
“I’ll do my best to impress you so you’ll buy coffee from here every day.” Your tone wasn’t flirty. It was friendly and inviting, actually welcoming.
“That’s a good business tactic,” he said, matching your tone. “But I’m not that easy to impress.”
“Isn’t my prices enough to impress you? They’re rather cheap for the service you get and I’m not even talking about the quality of my products.” You reappeared with a plastic coffee mug, it had ice and apparently black coffee in it. You poured some sort of golden cream over the coffee on the counter where he could see it.
Like hypnotized, Yuuji watched with his mouth wide open as the two colors mixed in a gradient effect in his drink before you put a lid on it.
“Was that good enough?” you asked, proudly. “To impress you I mean.”
“Y-yeah.” He reached and took the drink you set on the counter. He was carefully examining the colors in awe when he abruptly realized that he hadn’t even paid yet. Hastily he dug his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet, “I’ll come here more often I think if I like the drink of course.”
“Hmm, you’ll like it so I’m not worried.” You smiled as he paid with his credit card. “See you later…” Furrowing your burrows, you looked at him so he would fill in.
“Itadori,” he introduced himself, blushing. “Yuuji Itadori.”
“(name),” you said, offering a cute smile. “Have a nice day, Itadori.”
“Y-you too.” He waved awkwardly and you did the same with a giggle. It was clear that he was a little overwhelmed.
By the time Yuuji exited the shop, he hadn’t realized how hard he was blushing or how he had forgotten to even try his drink. Then he blushed even harder realizing how embarrassing he acted back in the shop but he shook his head to get over those thoughts.
Decidedly, he took a sip from his coffee and immediately understood why you were so confident that he would be back to buy more.
The next day, it wasn’t exactly the incredible coffee you had sold him yesterday that brought him here.
It was you.
He was trying to convince himself that wasn’t the case though.
However, Sukuna knew the truth.
“Being single sucks!” Yuuji complained with a whine after slamming his empty glass on the table.
“You should try those dating apps if you really want a girlfriend,” Fushiguro replied and flicked the ash off his cigarette on the ashtray.
“I agree, Itadori, if you really are determined to be in a relationship then you should try meeting new people.” Yuuta fanned the smoke Fushiguro blew towards him away using his hand with a forced smile.
Inumaki nodded in agreement, continuing to munch on the salted crackers and avoiding drinking.
“It’s easy for all of you with pretty girlfriends to say!” Panda cried, “It’s only me and Itadori who’s single.” He wrapped his big arms around Yuuji and started rocking back and forth.
“You can always book a flight to China to meet with a female Panda?” Yuuji said in a confused tone, “Or the zoo?”
Panda froze and loosened his arms around Yuuji before pushing him away from himself. “That was rude.”
“Huh?” Yuuji raised a brow, still confused.
“His type is more… humane, I think.” Yuuta scratched at his cheeks and raised his brows, hoping that Panda would deny what he just said but he didn’t.
“Wait.” Yuuji’s eyes widened, “So, you’re telling me that it would actually work between you and a human, or is it-”
“Itadori,” Fushiguro said to stop Yuuji from delving deeper into the uncomfortable topic. “Leave Panda’s love life alone.”
“Hmm, why did you bring up the topic of wanting to get a girlfriend?” Yuuta asked, humming thoughtfully. “Do you have someone you like?”
“Deja vu,” Panda mumbled under his breath, nobody heard him.
As soon as the question was asked to him, Yuuji thought of one single person; you. The image of your smile and your cheerful voice. It was just a simple crush, the two of you were total strangers. Yet, he was still thinking about you right now and couldn’t get you out of his mind.
He suppressed all of those thoughts and noticed how everyone was looking at him, waiting for his answer.
“No, I don’t,” Yuuji replied.
Unlike Sukuna, Yuuji was an inexperienced young man. He was a celibate too. Which meant that to him, sexual desires had to come after love. The feelings of love and affection were important when it came to sex. Having sex was an act of love and a form of affection, to prove to the person he was involved with that he was devoting himself to them.
The kid had already grown up to be an adult but still had the mentality of a child.
Sukuna knew he could help.
“You’re coming here more often now,” Sukuna pointed out. “Is it because you know the server likes you?”
“No, she doesn’t like me,” Yuuji deadpanned. He pouted cutely seconds later and watched you walk over to his table holding a tray with his drink on it with a bright smile. “I’m here only because this place makes the best coffee.”
“Here you go,” you chirped, putting Yuuji’s drink on the table. Your friendly smile and gorgeous eyes wandered on his face for a moment longer than usual. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Thank you.” He was blushing.
You flashed him another stunning smile before turning around on your heels.
“She’s into you,” Sukuna declared.
Yuuji ignored Sukuna’s words and stared after you as you walked back to the counter to take another order. His eyes couldn’t leave the way your hips moved with each step you took.
Sukuna’s lips on Yuuji’s hand grinned before disappearing.
“The girl looks like her,” Sukuna said.
“Will you be quiet?” Yuuji groaned and slapped his cheek so he would go away.
It was silent, he smiled to himself. Finally, he had some privacy.
The porn actress spread her legs and Yuuji wrapped his left hand around his cock after licking his palm as he was holding his phone with his right. He slid his fist up along his length and squeezed tightly towards the tip. The pressure felt the best when he applied it to the sensitive tip.
Loud moans coming from the actress filled his apartment since he hadn’t bothered to put on headphones. Not that he needed them when he was living alone but it was a habit now. So, he lowered the volume.
However, there was another reason why he didn’t need to hear the moans of the actress.
“She doesn’t sound like her, does she?” Sukuna made fun of him.
Yuuji ignored him and didn’t bother to tell him that it wasn’t the case. He just needed to cum and go to bed, that was it. He was too used to Sukuna interrupting his self-care time at this point and if the King of Curses didn’t mind watching a guy jerk off to some cheap porn, so be it. They were sharing Yuuji’s body and mind. Or not?
Yuuji focused on the video as the girl bent over and started fingering herself in an awkward position. His hand around his cock started moving to match the way her fingers went in and out of her cunt.
She really looked like you.
Wasn’t that why he had chosen this video?
Nevermind. Forget about it.
He had read or heard somewhere that masturbating with the non-dominant hand could give more pleasure. It was something he had done when he was only a teenager to try it out but now he liked to use his left hand.
It felt different, sometimes his hand went numb and it felt like someone else was touching him. You were touching him.
This had to be how a handjob felt, if you ever gave him a handjob it would definitely feel like this.
Yuuji dropped the phone and closed his eyes, only focusing on his fantasies about you while jerking himself off. His hand moved faster while his hips were desperately thrusting up as if to mimic fucking you.
You would tease him, wouldn’t you? Stare at him with a grin, edge him and even slow down just to make him whine.
Or perhaps you would get rid of your clothes hurriedly to ease yourself down on his cock. Were you a virgin? You would be his first, he would want you to be your first too.
Were you the type to whimper or moan during sex?
Where would you place your hands?
Would you move your hips?
Which position would make you lose yourself?
He would want to be on top, so he could watch your face and kiss you.
What kind of face would you make?
Would you be blushing and moaning?
The image of your eyes overflowing with tears while your face was being stained with the same tears and your ruined makeup appeared within his mind.
Yuuji abruptly came harder than he ever had in his whole life and his seed landed on his stomach, his orgasm left his legs shaking in pleasure.
He didn’t go to the coffee shop the day after from embarrassment.
“You weren’t here yesterday,” you remarked while making his drink. “I was sure you were going to be here after I made you my new drink on the menu.”
“Ahh, I was just busy and didn’t have time to swing by.” It was a simple lie and it wasn’t like he could ever tell you that he was scared of himself after he came to his fantasy of seeing you cry. “I didn’t think you’d miss me this much.”
“Well, you’re my only loyal customer,” you pouted and put his drink on the counter. Nobody else was in the shop, another coffee place had opened just around the corner. “You always drink my special brew coffee too. It’s like an honor to me that you like my coffee.”
“It’s the best coffee I’ve ever had,” his reply was instantaneous and honest. “I like this place, I can tell how much love you put into making your drinks and it feels cozy here.”
You were grinning, “Mm, tell me more. Praise me more. What else?”
He started smirking but his blush ruined the smug face he was making. “Never mind, you’re weirding me out.”
“Hey! I was just asking you what else you like about my place! What’s weird about wanting to know how I can make this place better?” you feigned anger.
He wanted to tell you that he was only coming here for you. Wait, no. He came here for the coffee. Nothing else.
“What about making new drinks every week? They’d sell more and you’d get to try out new things?” he said after careful thinking.
“That’s actually a good idea, thank you, Itadori!”
Ahh, the way you said his name… Yuuji wanted to hear you say his name again and again. Over and over again.
“It’s nothing,” he replied, rubbing his neck nervously with his hand. “I’m just trying to help.”
It started with small words of encouragement.
“That woman likes you, I can tell from the way she smiles at you. Talk to her more and befriend her.”
“It’s not like you to say nice things,” Yuuji said, averting his gaze from yours in embarrassment when you looked his way. He hoped you hadn’t caught him looking. “Besides, she’s just a server. It’s her job to attract customers with a smile and sweet talk.”
“Every server needs a master,” Sukuna spoke through Yuuji’s hand. Nobody could see him since the guy had his hand pressed against his ear. “She doesn’t look at you the same way she looks at the other peasants here.”
Yuuji didn’t say anything.
His finger hovered over the follow button.
”That’s her?” Sukuna asked, his ancient soul was getting used to the technology he saw his vessel was using. “Those are her pictures?”
“Yeah.” Yuuji gulped, nodding languidly. It would be weird if he followed you, right? He had found your account by chance. Not because he found the account of your coffee shop and then scrolled through the following list to find a friend of yours and then searched through their following list to find your name to eventually find your account. Only by chance.
“She looks different in the pictures.” Sukuna was right. You were smiling as usual but you weren’t wearing your cafe uniform. You were wearing normal clothes. Clothes that revealed more of your skin, your shoulders, legs, thighs, and in some pictures your cleavage. There was a smug look on your face when you were looking at the camera as if you knew whoever was looking at these pictures was admiring your beauty.
“Yeah, she does.” He was now looking at a picture of you in a dress that fit you just right, showing your curves he hadn’t noticed in your uniform.
“She’s beautiful.” Sukuna could sense the intensity of his vessel’s stare at your picture.
“I’d save that picture if I were you.” Sukuna grinned.
Yuuji took a screenshot.
“You should be more assertive if you want her to consider you as a man,” Sukuna said as Yuuji was walking towards the coffee shop. “Women like confident men.”
“You come from the ancient times, this is the new age. Women are equal with men and I want her to feel-”
“Women want men. Not boys. Definitely not brats like you.” Sukuna disappeared when his vessel entered the coffee shop.
Yuuji sighed in a dismissive manner, “Whatever you say.”
Women want men.
“What do women like in a man?” Yuuji asked.
The happy laughter of the guys died out as soon as he asked that and the loud chatter of the other people inside the bar couldn’t fill the dead silence Yuuji created.
They were all looking at each other around the table now. Nobody wanted to talk.
“I guess they like guys who are assertive,” Yuuta responded when no one else did. “Megumi, why don’t you say something? What does your girlfriend like about you?”
Fushiguro was inanimate as he stubbed out his cigarette on the ashtray and took a long moment to consider what he was going to say. “She said that likes that I’m possessive and get jealous when she talks to other guys.”
“Hmm, possessive and jealous...” Yuuta nodded and then turned to Inumaki. “And your girlfriend liked that she can depend on you, right?”
“There you have it,” Yuuta concluded. “They like possessive guys who they can depend on!”
“What about you, Okkotsu?” Yuuji asked. “What does your girlfriend like about you?”
The person in question looked a little lost and taken aback that he was being asked. He had to take a deep breath to keep his facial expressions normal. “She likes that I take control.”
“How?” Yuuji was desperate.
“Isn’t that a bit invasive question, Itadori?” Fushiguro warned in a soft tone.
“It’s not invasive at all!” Yuuta forced a laugh and spoke in the same joking manner. “It means that I was a little pushy and bold, I think?”
Both Fushiguro and Inumaki started agreeing.
“I see.” Yuuji realized that Sukuna was right.
“Isn’t that her picture?”
Yuuji ignored him and continued rubbing his cock.
His hand started moving faster, his eyes were trained on the picture of you, eyes roaming on your body and imagining how it would feel to run his hands along your curves.
“She looks like she’d love taking it from her ass.”
“Shut up, she’s not like that!” he immediately protested. His cheeks were bright red from shame. He had never done it to the pictures of the people he had met. Only celebrities. It didn’t feel right.
“She’s a woman. I know what women want and like.” Sukuna was confident. “I know exactly what she wants, unlike you.”
Yuuji tried blocking out the curse’s voice in his head and tightened his grip as well as his pace. He was imagining you again, eyes full of tears and you were twisting your body to push him weakly away with your tiny hands as he took you from behind.
Thanks to that fantasy, he came in an instant.
Yuuji was a good guy.
He was sacrificing his life to save others every day and he was going to be executed for the sake of saving humanity from the curses.
He could never be the bad guy.
“Welcome,” you chirped as soon as he walked through the door. “The usual?”
Yuuji awkwardly smiled and bowed his head to greet you. “Y-yeah.”
“Had a good day?” Turning around, you walked away from the counter to reach the coffee machine, disappearing from his view.
Yuuji made his way towards the counter and tried recalling how his day had been. He had exorcised a couple of curses and even got the opportunity to catch up with Fushiguro and his girlfriend when they ran into each other downtown. To put it simply, his day had been the worst. “It was a good day, how was yours?”
You were only making small talk because he was a regular here, nothing more. He knew people who worked in small coffee shops like this were always friendly to attract customers, to give a sense of home to people who come here for a drink or the tasty sweets. It was a marketing strategy.
“My day was tiring. I took your advice and put a new drink on the menu but apparently, it’s really good because everyone wanted to try it. However, the thing is… it’s so hard to make it!!” You appeared in front of him again with his drink and pointed behind you, at the menu displays. “I ran out of strawberries twice and had to call to ask my friend to go buy some from the store for me.”
“Woah, that sounds really exhausting!” he said in a tone to match your own while you were making a cutesy pouting face. “Hmm.” There was a momentary pause as he took his coffee from you and grinned. “I changed my mind, I also want to try this incredibly hard-to-make drink too.”
Your shoulders slacked and you gave an exaggerated sigh. “I thought you of all people would pity me…”
“I’m known for being ruthless,” he joked, chuckling. The smile on his face was genuine and he couldn’t stop smiling, it was as if he could never be in a bad mood around you. “But yes, I was joking. No need to call a friend to buy more strawberries or anything.”
You pointed a finger at him with mock threat and anger. “Don’t make fun of me or I won’t serve you again.”
“That’s better than threatening to spit in my coffee.” He tilted his head and shrugged.
“You said it as if I don’t do it all the time.” You raised a brow.
Both of you laughed but once the joke died out, there was an awkward silence.
“Anyway,” you said, gesturing towards one of the tables you clearly had wiped and cleaned because you were getting ready to close the place. “You can take a seat there if you wanna, I sadly have to finish up cleaning.”
When he looked around he could see that there was a mop you were planning to use. He didn’t want to disturb you any longer. It would be weird if he sat down when you were desperately trying to close the shop for the night.
It was rude and you were only being polite to him.
“I’ll drink this on the way home,” Yuuji replied with a nervous grin, and the tension from your shoulders visibly relaxed.
“Have a good evening!” you chirped after him as he turned around his heels.
“You too!” He exited the shop.
“Coward,” Sukuna spat.
“Please, be quiet.” Not again. Not this devil again.
“You could’ve fucked her against that counter. She was all over you, begging for you to make a move.” There was an undeniable smile in his voice.
“Be quiet, will you?” No. You were just an innocent girl. Someone who was nice to him because he came to buy coffee. He was just a customer.
“You, brat, are going to die as a celibate if you keep this up. Have you ever stick it inside a woman before? Do you have any idea of how heavenly a woman’s warmth is? The way they squirm and moan under you as they give you the look of an angel’s and beg for you to take it slow, cling onto you with tiny little hands-”
“Shut up!” Yuuji slammed the coffee on the concrete ground, his chest heaving in anger and frustration.
Some passersby stared at him and walked further away from where he was standing.
Sukuna disappeared with a smile.
Yuuji took a deep breath to calm himself.
The bells over the wooden door chimed, announcing his arrival.
“Hi!” you quickly yelled and appeared by the counter, your smile widened when you realized it was Yuuji. “The usual?”
“You don’t need to ask,” he replied, eyes softening and shoulders relaxing. He felt like himself in here, he felt at home.
“Did you have a good day?” you asked before disappearing behind the coffee machine.
“It was a bad day until I came here,” he said lumberingly, his cheeks flushed from nervousness. He was terrible at flirting.
You laughed, he couldn’t see your reaction but you sounded happy when you spoke. “Ahh, I’m glad I’m able to make you happy! It brings me joy when I manage to help others have a good day in one way or another!”
So kind and selfless.
The two of you were a perfect match.
Seconds later you were standing in front of him with his drink on top of the counter. “I hope you’ll have a great rest of the night, Itadori! I’m glad my coffee was able to help you feel better.”
He opened his mouth to say that it wasn’t the coffee that made him happy but he closed it when he realized how weird it would sound. “Thank you.”
“I like you and I think we should hang out sometime,” he said, smiling awkwardly. Seconds of silence passed and he slapped a hand on his face in embarrassment. After taking a deep breath he tried again. “Do you wanna go out for dinner this weekend?”
“You are acting like a brat,” Sukuna mocked. “Go up to her and tell her you to want to make her yours like a real man.”
Yuuji ignored him while staring at his reflection in the mirror and groaned. He hated when Sukuna said things that made sense.
His clothes were ironed and his hair was slicked back with the hair gel he had bought in a rush.
“You look pathetic.” Brutally honest, Sukuna’s voice had a tone of embarrassment in it. He was ashamed of living inside him.
“I look good.” Yuuji wasn’t going to let him ruin this moment. He was going to prove to everyone else that he could get the girl if he acted like himself. There was no need to be pretending something he wasn’t when it came to you. He knew you would want him to be honest.
“She’s going to reject you, brat. Don’t ridicule yourself and take my advice.”
“What’s your advice?” Yuuji scoffed, “Manhandle her?”
“You’re feeling the instinct of mating and lust,” Sukuna said. “You want to fuck her, you don’t want to make love to her or whatever the humans call it.”
“What?” Yuuji forced a smile on his face and laughed hysterically, “Are you even hearing what you’re saying?”
“Love isn’t real. Obsession, lust, and devotion are real though. You want to breed her. Don’t mix up libido with what peasants would call love.”
There was a grim pause.
“I like her,” Yuuji said. “She’s pretty and she seems like a nice person. Her smile is cute and-”
“Do whatever you want, brat,” Sukuna yawned, getting ready to disappear from Yuuji’s cheek. “Try not to throw a tantrum when you get rejected.”
“You were the one who told me to go up to her and make her mine?” Frustrated, Yuuji rolled his eyes in irritation.
“Making some woman yours doesn’t mean to woo her or make love to her. Are all brats the same as you? Don’t you know that women are pleasure dolls for men? They live to please men.” Sukuna was getting serious, he raised his voice with each sentence. “Women are like fish, they don’t have feelings.”
“That’s not true.” Yuuji’s voice got a little weaker than he had intended to. “You’re wrong.” It didn’t sound like he was denying what Sukuna had said and trying to convince himself that wasn’t the truth instead.
Sukuna disappeared from his cheek with a malicious grin.
Shaking his head to gather his thoughts, Yuuji quickly walked out of his room and exited his apartment.
It took him twenty minutes to get to the coffee shop when it usually took him barely ten minutes. He had gotten flowers for you. Not really sure which ones to get, he had chosen one of the pink and red bouquets on display. He was nervous and sweating. He had to wipe his palms down on his jeans to keep them dry way too many times, he had stopped counting after the seventh time.
He stood outside of the cafe, trembling in excitement. There weren't any windows at your coffee shop thus he couldn’t see if there were any customers inside. He could only hope that it would be just the two of you alone since there was something very special he needed to tell you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
He grabbed the handle and opened the door. You were behind the counter, looking down at your phone. As soon as the bells over the door chimed you put it away and smiled, “Welcome!”
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Yuuji’s grip tightened around the bouquet he was holding, his cheeks started burning in nervousness.
“Woahh, you’re going on a date?” you asked while he walked up to the counter, your voice was as cheerful as ever. “I couldn’t recognize you, should I give you the usual?”
“Uhh, no.” He paused. When both of you stared at each other he realized how awkward and confusing his answer was. “Um, it’s not a date but I’m gonna ask the girl I like out.” His face was turning beet red.
“Aww, that’s so adorable! She’s so lucky, you’ve even bought her flowers, so cutee!!” You pressed a hand over your chest, feigning being hurt. “Ahh, my heart can’t handle it.”
“Y-yeah.” He blushed harder, shifting his weight on his feet nervously. “She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”
“You better treat her right then and I hope she’ll say yes.” You didn't miss the eyes on you and continued smiling in discomfort. “The usual?” you asked once it started getting a little too quiet and he nodded.
The uncomfortable silence started making Yuuji reconsider what to say or if he should say them at all. You put his coffee on the counter before he could take his time thinking.
“Is that all?” you asked as you were putting his order’s total into the cash register.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
“N-no,” he replied in a quiet voice while reluctantly taking out his wallet to pay for his coffee.
“I hope you have a lovely night, Itadori. Go get the girl!” you cheered him on with a cute smile.
“Actually,” he started, looking at you with his flushed cheeks and fidgeting with his fingers. “Ahh, (name), I wanted to tell you something.”
“Hmm, what is it?” You were smiling, watching him in confusion.
Yuuji decided that he shouldn’t beat around the bush at this moment because he wanted to seem confident. He knew if he didn’t spit it out now or else he would never say it. He had to get to the point and dive in ahead without any hesitation.
“I like you.”
Lifting the bouquet, he held it up towards you as you looked at him and then at the bouquet repeatedly with wide eyes but you didn’t seem shocked.
You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again.
“I mean, you’re such a nice person and I found myself always looking forward to seeing you. I think about you all the time and I can’t get you out of my head. I used to hate it here, it’s a large city with too many people… but then you took over this shop, and now I… don’t hate it that much.”
He was saying all that with a puffed chest and a big goofy grin on his face, his cheeks were blushing as he tried not to look nervous. However, when he saw the way your smile curled down to a frown as he kept on talking, it felt like someone poured iced water down his head.
Yuuji couldn’t breathe.
“Um, that’s flattering,” you said, forcing a smile on your face and taking the bouquet from him. “Were these for me?”
“Y-yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
You nodded languidly, noticing that you were the girl he wanted to ask out. “I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you, I really appreciate it.” You couldn’t find the words that wouldn’t hurt him.
Gradually, he noticed how uncomfortable you looked and his smile disappeared from his face.
“I’m sorry but I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m really busy with working and taking care of this cafe but I appreciate your feelings.” You averted your gaze from him for a moment, a scoff left your lips. Were you laughing at him? “I apologize if my affable demeanor gave you the wrong idea but sadly I can’t return your feelings.”
He looked down to his feet to pull himself together, an icy shiver ran through him as he spoke. “Thank you for being honest with me.”
So childish.
“Of course,” you said, forcing a chuckle.
“I hope we can still be friends, I wouldn’t wanna lose you.” Yuuji was desperate, he couldn’t imagine a life without you.
“Of course!” you repeated with a louder forced chuckle. “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship!”
“Me neither.” He couldn’t lift his head or move, his body had turned to stone.
The pauses started to grow longer and eerily quiet. You were the one who spoke next.
“Thank you so much, Itadori, I’m flattered by your confession and I hope we can be close friends!” Pressing the bouquet on your chest and hugging it with both arms, you used a soft tone to talk to him. “I need to close down and catch the train home, I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah…” Yuuji turned around and walked out of the cafe without saying anything else, leaving the coffee he had paid for on the counter.
“I told you, didn’t I, brat?” Sukuna mocked, voice full of mischief as he appeared on his vessel’s cheek.
“Leave me alone,” Yuuji hissed. He was walking away from the coffee shop, not going home though, not yet. He needed to calm down.
“Women want to be ordered around, brat. They want men to take control. If you act like a brat, they won’t see you as a man.”
Yuuji’s breath hitched upon hearing Sukuna’s words. His knees started feeling weaker than they ever could but he had to stand proud, assert his dominance over the King of Curses and collect himself.
It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair that he was in this situation, it wasn’t fair that he was rejected, it wasn’t fair that he was cursed to live in despair. He was eventually going to get executed and he hadn’t had a youth where he fulfilled any of his dreams. He had wanted only one thing, to feel happy with one person and that childish wish must have been too much to ask. Not only he got rejected but now he had Sukuna making fun of him.
“You must be a man and make her yours.”
“She told me she didn’t want a relationship.” Yuuji couldn’t deal with him anymore. “We’re friends.”
“Do you want a woman for yourself or not, brat?” Sukuna sighed in irritation before humming thoughtfully. “I’ll help you,” he offered generously, “I’ll help you make her yours.”
“Leave me alone, Sukuna.” Yuuji was getting angrier, and soon he started to tremble in rage.
“Let me help you to get a taste of a woman, brat.”
“She rejected me-”
“She’s just playing hard to get. A woman like her wants to be chased. She didn’t tell you to get lost because she wants you to keep coming back to her so you’ll continue to give her your attention. That girl would spread her legs for anyone who gives her attention if she wasn’t a prude. She’s a virgin, that must be why she’s acting like this. I can smell it, the blood that’s yet to bleed once her innocence is taken. You need to take it, brat.”
“You want me to rape her, is that it?” Yuuji spat, he had never thought he would say those words out loud.
“I never said that, brat.” Sukuna let out a chuckle, lying. “Let me show you what I mean.”
“I’m not letting you take over my body,” he replied coldly.
“I don’t want to take over your body, that woman is yours,” Sukuna assured.
“Then, what do you want me to do?” Yuuji asked.
Sukuna grinned viciously, “Let's go back to where she works first.”
The door closed after him with a soft click.
You let out a frustrated sigh and pressed the bouquet against your chest, hugging them tightly.
That hadn’t gone well at all.
Your eyes landed on the coffee he forgot to take with him on the counter. “I’m the worst,” mumbling, you put the flowers on the counter to prepare the cafe for closing.
You took the paper coffee mug and poured it out, the dark liquid went down the sink as you watched, hypnotized and lost in your thoughts.
That guy… He wasn’t like any other you met. He was adorable and matched your energy like no other person ever had. You enjoyed being around Itadori and you were glad he felt the same but… he knew you for less than two weeks. He was clearly confused, he had made a friend who he managed to click instantly and mistook his feelings for love.
Nonetheless, you felt terrible. It was never easy to reject someone, especially when you were so busy trying to manage the coffee shop of your dreams you finally got to open.
Itadori had to understand that. He would understand, right?
Oh, he had looked so excited and nervous. He had even slicked his messy hair back and brought flowers…
You hoped he would get over it quickly or at least, he would come to the shop tomorrow so you could comfort him. The two of you needed to talk a little more, you needed for him to know that you didn’t want to break his heart. You felt the need to apologize, ahh, so stupid. You hadn’t even done anything wrong.
It hurt though.
It still hurt.
You hated making other people feel bad. You wanted to be the reason behind their smiles and laughter, not tears.
Packing your stuff and turning off the lights, you left the shop. The door was locked two times as usual before you hurried down the street towards the subway.  
The station was packed more than usual and you immediately regretted not listening to your friend’s advice on renting that one apartment down the block. But complaining right now wasn’t going to get you home.
You hopped on the train and shielded the bouquet with your arms wrapped around it as you tried not to get crushed by the swarm of people getting on the train. Once the doors closed, you had successfully managed to find a place by the train door with a little space so you could avoid getting the bouquet crushed.
Facing the doors, you stared out the small window, it was dark but every second or another a light would zoom in and out. You weren’t sure if they were there for navigating or not but you found yourself too focused on the lights as the sudden brake of the train made you stumble forward.
When you regained your balance to stand up straight, there was someone behind you. They were a little too close but it was nothing out of the ordinary, you always found yourself being pressed against other people during rush hours in the subway.
At the next stop, the doors on the opposite side opened and another swarm of people filled the train. Now, the person behind you was trapping you between their body and the door that was in front of you.
You were showing extra carefulness to not let the bouquet get crushed, you wanted to take it home in one piece without anything happening to it. These flowers were beautiful, they smelled amazing too. You wanted to cherish them even if you hadn’t managed to cherish Itadori’s feelings.
As you were inspecting the bouquet you saw a small card that was attached to one of the flowers. You checked it and realized what it was.
It was Itadori’s phone number and a cute little heart drawn next to it with a small message.
‘I’d love to hear more of your voice and complaints about work in private!!’
You didn’t realize you were smiling at the note until something brought you out of your trance.
A voice to be exact.
“Your lover got them to you?” A husky voice asked.
Lifting your head, you stared at the small window. From the almost transparent reflection on the window, you could see that the guy behind you had talked. You couldn’t see his face from his hoodie covering his features but you could tell that he was talking to you.
“Um, not really,” you replied. It wasn’t abnormal to you that other people made small talk to you, you talked to strangers more than anyone else every day. You always overshared anyway. “They are from a close friend.”
“He must love you.” There was an undeniable smile in his voice.
You forced a chuckle, looking down in front of you. “Y-yeah.”
When the train braked abruptly, he got closer. “Touch her-” It was a whisper from the same guy, you were unable to make out the words clearly but you decided to ignore him for the rest of the ride. You needed to get off in twenty minutes and were too tired to act friendly.
That was when you felt the back of his hand brushing against your ass.
You froze, before you could call it an accident and blame it on the crowded train, he pressed the back of his hand more purposefully on the soft flesh.
Fear paralyzed your body and you found yourself at a loss of words. You didn’t know what to do, you wanted to move away but you were trapped between him and the door.
“You’re not gonna ask for help?” he asked, leaning forward to mock you.
It was too humiliating and you were unable to think of anything. Somehow, you shook your head to tell him to stop because your voice wouldn’t come out. You pressed the bouquet harder against your chest in panic, praying to whoever was listening that the guy would stop.
You heard him say something but every other voice was muffled now, it was as if your ears were filled with cotton.
The only thing you did was to hope that you could muster up the courage to push him away and get out on the next stop.
Why was this happening to you?
“See, I told you.” Sukuna scoffed as Yuuji’s entire face was beet red. “She’s not even gonna ask for help because she wants you to continue.”
Yuuji saw your blushed cheeks in the reflection in the window, you were breathing heavily and standing still.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
When Sukuna convinced him to follow you into the subway train and let him do the talking, he was conflicted because he wasn’t sure what the King of Curses wanted to prove but now, he knew.
“Women live to be conquered by men,” Sukuna concluded, “Do you understand it now or should I elaborate more?”
Yuuji was quiet.
“She’ll bend down and beg for you to fuck her right now if you continue touching her.”
You wouldn’t.
Using his whole hand, Yuuji groped your ass while trembling from dismay but he couldn’t forethought the way you reacted being anything other than screaming for help or pushing him away.
Instead of fighting back or doing anything he had thought you would, you mewled and stayed exactly where you were.
They were all right.
Fushiguro, Inumaki and Yuuta. They were all right.
Sukuna was more than right. He had been trying to help him but Yuuji was too blind to see it.
“Check her cunt, I bet she’s soaking wet.” Sukuna had said to mock his vessel. He didn’t expect for him to move his hand between your legs and under your skirt to press his fingers against your clothed pussy. Neither did you.
Letting out a squeal, you hunched forward, pressing your legs together in panic as his digits moved along your clothed slit that was completely damp.
He started rubbing his fingers between your folds, your juices soaked your panties and made sloppy sounds each time he moved his digits.
“I can hear it from here, did you wet yourself, or are you this wet for me?” Sukuna laughed audibly.
You shook your head, slouching further down and trying to move away from Yuuji’s hands.
“Women aren’t good liars,” Sukuna said as Yuuji slouched forward with you and pressed himself against your ass. “You’re aching to have a cock inside you, no?”
“Please,” you begged. You wanted him to stop.
“Oh, look, she’s asking so politely to be filled with a cock.” Sukuna made fun of your misery while watching the brat finally grow into a man.
Yuuji was sure Sukuna had taken over his body because he would never hump the girl he liked as he was fingering her over her clothes in a train. In public, he reminded himself, in a train and in public where nobody seemed to care.
His hands were moving on their own, he hooked a finger under the elastic edge of your panties to pull them to the side.
“W-wait, please,” you whispered in a weak voice, finally using a hand to grab his wrist to try to pull him away from your pussy. You weren’t strong or convincing enough though.
Yuuji slipped his fingers inside you and grinded his growing erection against your ass, earning a surprised moan out of you.
The hand that was grabbing his wrist immediately went to cover your mouth to suppress your voice as he started humping you to deliberately mimic fucking you.
“Please, stop…” Your voice was fainter than a whisper behind your hand.
“You say that but you’re pitifully trembling in anticipation.” His lips were brushing against the shell of your ear but it was as if he wasn’t using his mouth to talk.
“I’m not…” You pressed your legs together and trapped his hand between your thighs while he twirled his digits around inside you.  
“Lying isn’t cute, you know.” There was a smile in his deep voice, “Come on try harder to lie and make me believe you don’t want it.” He dragged his tongue along the shell of your ear, earning a surprised but muffled moan from you.
Yuuji brought his other hand up to cup your breast over your shirt, his cock was painfully hard against his jeans, and the knowledge of him touching his crush was too much for him to handle. He could cum in his pants if he wasn’t careful enough. Sukuna was saying the most vulgar things to you but instead of pushing him away, you were staying exactly where you were. It was fascinating to see how much you were begging to be touched.
It disturbed him a little, would you let any stranger touch you like this? Would you be this wet for anyone?
Yuuji didn’t want to know the answer but Sukuna did.
“Come on, be honest. Would you be this keen to be fucked by any man or is it because it’s me?” Sukuna asked, he was barely holding himself to switch with the brat, he loved corrupting innocent souls like you. He loved seeing the painful and pathetic cries they would let out as their faces were stained with tears.
You shook your head rapidly as his fingers inside you curled to rub a sweet spot you didn’t know existed.
“So, does that mean you wouldn’t want to be fucked by anyone but me?” Sukuna laughed while Yuuji let out a low groan, grinding harder against your ass, humping you roughly.
“N-nooo,” you were sobbing now, tears started running down your cheeks.
“Good girl… You’re finally being honest. You hear that? She would never want to be fucked by anyone but me.”
“T-that’s not what I meant…”
It was fun to tease girls like you. Sukuna could feel your fear and took incredible joy from hearing your voice crack. “Now, that’s cute… I wanna hear you cry out my name in your cute voice too.”
Yuuji groaned, shaking his head as if Sukuna was going to listen to him.
“S-Sukuna,” he mocked your crying. “Come on, say it just like that and beg for me to fuck you.”
Your body was shaking in fear, your cries only spurred him on and you didn’t know what to do. “P-please stop, S-Sukuna.” The way you whimpered his name, there was no way Sukuna could hold back.
“You better take her innocence before I do it myself, brat.” Sukuna was a man of his word, he had promised the brat to not touch you but if he didn’t man up and fucked you here, he would have no choice but to do it himself. He would never let a girl’s innocence go to waste. The blood of purity was something holy for curses like him. It was the nectar of the gods from the most ancient times, something that could only be attained by the perfect innocent virgins.
“Don’t you dare,” Yuuji spat, speaking for the first time. “She’s mine.”
You didn’t hear him though. His fingers were thrusting in and out of you vigorously while he was humping you and fondling your tit. Your walls clenched around his digits as he moved his hand on your chest between your bodies to impatiently pull the front of his pants down.
Realizing what was about to happen when he finally pulled his cock free and hiked your skirt up, you stared at your reflection on the window, crying and begging him to stop.
Yuuji froze momentarily, pulling his fingers out of you. He could see your expression in the window but you couldn’t see his face. He was stunned by seeing your cheeks wet with tears and mascara running down to ruin more of your makeup, it was… it was purely so erotic and better than his fantasies.
He slammed his hips forward and buried the entire length of his cock in your pussy.
Your virgin walls squeezed tightly around him and the sharp pain of your hymen being torn made fresh tears run down your cheeks. Your hand covering your mouth went to the door in front of you to keep your balance because of the ferocity of his thrust. Your lips parted to scream in pain but his fingers being shoved inside your mouth stopped you.
You tasted your bitter juices on his fingers as he twirled them around your tongue, catching the muscle between his knuckles.
Yuuji felt lightheaded by the fact that he was actually having sex with his crush, on top of all that, you were both each others’ first. He knew he was going to cherish this memory forever and even though he would have liked to do it in a bed with the lights off, this was fine too.
It didn’t matter where he was as long as he had his cock inside of you.
With a moan, he staggeringly pulled his hips back to abruptly slam into your pussy. The blood of your innocence acted as a lubricant, made it easier for him to slip inside, and made a sloppy sound each time he thrust inside.
You could feel his entire weight settle on your back while he nuzzled against the side of your neck before he shakily licked the sensitive skin to get a taste of you. Instinctively, you tried moving your head away from his mouth but his fingers in your mouth prevented you. To put it simply, you were trapped and were at his mercy.
He picked up a discreet but still desperate pace to fuck you, he was still cautious of the two of you being in public but he was still delirious to be having sex with you. Sex. Did it always feel this good? Were you feeling good too? You wanted it, he knew you did because you told Sukuna you wanted it.
Slamming his hips forward, he knocked the air out of your lungs, you gasped on his fingers, drooling all over yourself from having your mouth forcefully kept open by his long digits.
Yuuji was hopeless to mark his territory, to mark you as his. He wanted everyone to know that you belonged to someone when they looked at you. You were his and only his.
His cock grew bigger inside you at the thought of him owning you. He started fucking you frantically, no longer bothering if the people around had noticed or not. Your cunt tightened around his cock and you felt his teeth sink into the sensitive flesh of your neck. He bit hard, hard enough to draw blood and leave you trembling in numbing pain.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the tip of his cock hit a sweet spot and your legs shook uncontrollably under you, they were struggling to carry your weight.
His teeth sank deeper into your flesh and you dropped the bouquet you were holding against your chest to involuntarily arch your back instead. He chewed on your skin as he felt your virgin walls pulsate around his cock, you were begging to be filled with his seed, weren’t you?
Women were nothing but a bunch of breeding holes anyway. They all acted like innocent angels when deep down they all were whores. Pleasure toys for men. They lived to please men, didn’t they?
You lived to please Yuuji, didn’t you?
Yuuji pulled his hand out from your mouth and stopped biting you. He licked the blood from your neck to focus on fucking you with frenzied thrusts instead. All of his inexperience and desperation were behind his thrusts, along with his entire weight, forcing you to take the very shape of his cock and never forget the girth of it.
Continuing to peppering small kisses on your neck, he started angling his hips just right to hit the spot that made your knees unbuckle. One, two, three thrusts, and your legs were a shaking mess. You moaned in response before he wrapped an arm around you to keep you up on your feet.
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Sukuna spoke suddenly, startling both of you. “You shouldn’t hold back anymore.”
Yuuji wasn't sure which one of you he was talking to but he kept on nodding and moving his hips.
“Nobody else is going to hear you, give me an honest answer,” Sukuna was chuckling. “How does it feel?”
How does it feel to be fucked?
How does it feel to be fucked on a train?
How does it feel to be fucked in public?
How does it feel to have your innocence taken away?
How does it feel to indulge the darker parts of your mind?
Yuuji’s hips stuttered when your walls clenched around him tightly as you refused to answer.
“I won’t know how it feels if you don’t tell me, (name).”
Your mouth popped open and you moaned upon hearing your name. How did he know your name?
As soon as he thrust into your pussy, you forgot about it and let out a moan.
Were you always this depraved?
He continued fucking you frantically. His pace was faster and more ruthless, he was close. With each thrust of his hips, he left you moaning in involuntary pleasure but there was no denying that it felt good.
It felt so good.
“Tell me, (name).”
It felt so good.
“Come on, tell me.”
“Please,” you begged. It feels so good. Feels so good.
“That’s not what I wanna hear,” Sukuna murmured. “Come on now.”
The automated voice announced the next stop.
“Hurry it up already.” He was getting impatient.
“It feels so good,” you whimpered, defeated.
“Good girl,” Sukuna grinned before disappearing from Yuuji’s cheek.
The shame overwhelmed all of your senses and you looked at your reflection in the window once more, you caught a glimpse of your aroused expression. You were such a whore.
Yuuji slammed his hips forward one last time and you felt the small twitch of his balls against your skin before his cock twitched, spurting thick ropes of cum inside you.
The train stopped and he pulled out of you.
His seed started gushing out of your pussy before starting to trickle down your legs. Most of the bodily fluid had pooled under you and when you fell hard on the ground, they soaked into your skirt.
The guy who assaulted you was nowhere to be seen as the doors of the train on the other side opened. Many people hopped off the train but nobody paid any attention to you and you were sure they had been oblivious to what had happened. Nobody would care anyway.
A sob tore out of you and you tried getting up. Your legs were like jelly but as you managed to stand up, you noticed the bouquet you had dropped. More tears started to come out, they blurred your vision and you found yourself grabbing it from the ground.
Thankfully, it wasn’t crushed.
The train doors closed and it started moving forward while you were trying to fix your skirt.
Ah, that was your stop…
You sobbed again but pressed a hand over your mouth to not disturb anyone. Your crying didn’t stop even after you got off of the train on the next stop. You wanted to call someone to help you get back home because you weren’t sure if you could make it alone. Your legs were hurt, the throbbing pain coming from between your legs wouldn’t let you walk or stand up.
You weren’t going to tell them what had happened. Nobody could know. You didn’t need their pity. You were too ashamed.
Sitting on a bench, you scrolled down your contacts but none of the names there would help you. Not unless they had something to gain from it. Wasn’t that why you dropped everything and moved here to open a coffee shop?
How pathetic of you.
People only used you for your kindness.
You shifted on your seat and something slipped out from the bouquet. When you picked it up, you noticed that it was the note Itadori had written for you.
There was an ugly pause before you dialed the unknown number and a familiar voice responded.
“Hey,” he sounded awkward. Of course, he would, you rejected him. “What’s up?”
“Itadori,” you whimpered, voice cracking. Immediately, you cursed yourself for being this pathetic.
“A-are you o-okay? W-what happened?”
Bursting into tears once again, you only told him that you only needed help in shame after clearing your throat.
It took him barely fifteen minutes to arrive at the station to get you. You wiped your tears as soon as he came into your view. He was breathless, face beet red from running.
“You okay?” he asked in between breaths. “I ran here as fast as I could.”
He ran here.
Has anyone cared for you this much?
“Yeah, thank you and ahh, I… This is embarrassing… I twisted my ankle and needed help getting home.” You were never a good liar but you hoped he was gullible enough to believe it. “I know it’s weird to call you here but none of my friends would come if I called-”
“Ah, it’s no problem!” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and chuckled. He had been worried for nothing. “I can carry you, that’s what friends are for, right?!”
You nodded and bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying. He was too kind. Too similar to you.
“Want me to carry you on my back? Or like this?” He emphasized his words by holding his hands in front of himself to show you that he was offering to carry you bridal style.
“Yeah, that would be better.” You masked the shame with a fake smile. You were embarrassed that you were pathetic to ask him for help even after you rejected him earlier tonight.
He smiled and took a step closer towards the bench. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he slid his arm under the back of your knees and placed a hand on your back to support you as he lifted you up to take you home.
You were grateful that you had a friend like him in your life.
The next day Yuuji came to the coffee shop to take your offer from the last night about giving him a free coffee drink of his choice. 
You served him his coffee with a smile and sat with him on one of the tables, talking about your day as he listened to you complain. 
In the end, Sukuna was right, Yuuji realized. 
Women were begging to be fucked. Women secretly wanted it and that was why you were acting indifferent after all that happened the day before.
He had been worried over nothing, besides, he needed to be more confident and assertive like everyone told him to be. Then he would get the girl. That was what every article he read online, all of his friends and people around him told him. That was what Sukuna told him.
“Wanna go get dinner after you close the place?” he asked, taking a mouthful of his coffee.
“I need to clean and it might take a long while-”
“I’ll help,” he replied, smiling. “Everything’s on me.”
How could you say no to that? How could you say no to anything he had to say?
In your eyes, he was the nicest guy in the world.
Were you really going to pass on the opportunity to have him in your life?
“It’s a date then?” You were grinning, cheeks flushing as you said it. Slowly, you placed your hand over his on the table.
Yuuji gave you a blank stare, something sinister sparkled deep within his eyes but you couldn’t see it. Unbeknownst to you, his other hand under the table had a mouth on it that had an unsettling grin on it too. It was funny how clueless you were. Nonetheless, Yuuji took your hand in his to give you a reassuring squeeze and made you blush harder before agreeing, “It’s a date.”
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mooniefics · 4 years
— beck and call
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pairings : yelena / fem reader
word count : 10.2k
tags : one-sided relationship, lowkey master / servant dynamic, eventual smut, mild body worship, dom / sub undertones, power imbalance
warnings : contains nsfw, mildly dub-con at some points, yelena being physically rough w you for disobedience
summary : serving as yelena's personal guard turned out to yield many unexpected consequences.
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to say that you were unnerved by the task of guarding an anti-marleyan volunteer would be an understatement.
you hadn't quite digested the fact there even existed a world beyond the walls that had towered over you for your entire life, looming high in the sky like a reminder that you would be trapped, penned like an animal for the rest of your prospective future. that had been your initial motivation to become a soldier, to at least advance to a garrison position where you could have a taste of exclusive information regarding what lay beyond the stone and metal bearings. but in the final year of your basic training, everything had changed. there were talks of outlandish things, of traitors from another land that had hidden amongst the native people, talks of islands and foreign soil and something more than the confines of the walls.
upon graduating, you had ultimately chosen the scouting legion, seeing how the garrison was quickly being disbanded and the remaining soldiers that hadn't stepped into their early days of retirement were joining the aforementioned regiment. the benefits only seemed to become greater and greater with the extinction of titans, the whispers of allies and retribution and rebuilding a lost legacy of your people. but somehow, all that novel luster had become muted, completely darkened by the imposing presence of this singular individual seated before you. you had only been debriefed on their name and role in military operations before your assignment, leaving you worryingly unprepared for arguably the most important assignment of your career.
the sound of your name passing from your squad leader's lips grounded you, the formal introduction quickly drawing to a close as he relayed the information to the striking foreigner. "she will be your personal escort for the remainder of your stay. if you have any questions regarding the island, feel free to ask her at any time."
"wonderful." their voice was rich, smooth with confidence and underlined with something unfamiliar—it was the way their lips rounded out the first syllable, or perhaps the way they spoke from the depths of their throat.
you felt your back stiffen as they rose from their seat, somehow rising taller and taller, their stature reaching much higher than anyone you'd ever met. immediately, your right hand clamped into a fist, thudding over your heart as your left arm hooked behind your back, spitting out your full name and designation just as you had while saluting hundreds of times. "i'm incredibly grateful for this opportunity to occupy you. thank you for all that you and the volunteers have done for paradis."
you were shocked that your voice hadn't quivered with the way their eyes dragged down your body, grey and barren of any emotion besides a hint of intrigue, sharp features framed by short, fair hair. they were strikingly handsome, masculine yet feminine at the same time, an indiscernible sort of beauty that perplexed and enthralled you.
"no need to thank me, soldier." whether they were assuring or commanding you, you didn't know, only cognizant of how they nearly purred out your title. swallowing, you lowered your hands, standing at ease and forcing yourself to not look to your superior for encouragement.
"then i shall show you to your lodgings. please follow me."
you forced yourself to turn your back to them and take a step, then another, mentally counting them one by one until you reached the door. you could hear their heavy footfalls following behind you, the distance steadily beginning to close until you forced your own pace to quicken. on the silent walk out of the management building, you had found a speed that worked, one long stride of theirs equaling two of yours, leaving you straining to keep a comfortable yet polite space between the both of you. you risked a glance back, having to crane your head up to catch a glimpse of their face. they had been staring idly at the back of your head, meeting your eyes when you turned to briefly face them, the moment cut short by your own haste to fix your view back onto the path before you.
"how shall i address you?" you attempted to fill the cool void of discomfort that had suddenly settled in the air around you, shoulders tense and brow taut.
"anything works."
their answer offered nothing in return to your inquiry, the faint image of their face flitting across your mind. you hadn't looked at them long enough to commit their features to memory, but you had looked enough to remember their startlingly cold eyes, angular nose and full lips, sharp jaw and heavy brow.
"m-miss yelena?" you attempted, fighting the urge to nervously fidget or give away any sign of your unease.
"if it suits you." was their final reply before the two of you fell silent once again.
the lack of discussion persisted through the remainder of the journey, the only sounds occupying the space being the fall of your boots against the ground and the jingle of your keyring that you drew from your pocket to unlock the front door. you stood aside to hold it open as she walked in, feeling an odd sensation flutter in the pit of your stomach when she had to duck under the frame to enter. the housing itself wasn't extravagant, only a single open room with a desk, bookshelf, dresser, kitchenette, bed, and a small bathroom area to the side to occupy the space, the ceiling seeming much lower than it was due to yelena's formidable height. she looked out at the room, flicking a stray lock of hair out of her eyes, face neutral and inexpressive.
"how quaint," she turned to face you, a prick of unease making your posture pin-straight once again, "is there any reason they've put us volunteers away from the main soldier barracks?"
your mind suddenly went blank at the worst of times, unknowing of the exact answer but knowing you had to over something in response. "s-simply for your comfort. we wouldn't like it to seem as if we don't trust you to stay on your own."
"ah, so considerate of you." for the first time she smiled, a barely-there tilt at the corner of her lips that made your heart stutter, "then i'll be sure to make myself at home."
she stepped slowly over to the bookshelf, dragging her fingers over the backs of the books with an apparent interest. you stayed standing where you were, unsure if you should leave then or wait a bit longer for just the right moment. something about her presence was unnerving, but there was also an undeniable allure that you almost gravitated to, despite her being a stranger.
"do you need anything else?" you piped up, letting your hands link behind your back, fingers twisting together.
"not that i can think of." each word seemed scripted, as if she'd practiced this entire conversation a dozen times before it'd ever happened.
"then i'll be on my way." you shakily smiled in an attempt to seem put together, hoping that she didn't immediately see through the weak front, "i'll be back in a couple of hours to escort you to dinner."
you bowed and took your leave, almost desperate to escape her all-consuming gaze and find refuge outside her line of sight. but even after you'd shut the door behind you and stepped off the porch, well on your way down the path you'd taken, you could still feel how her eyes had examined every fine detail of your stance, analyzing every shift and subtle movement you made with a calculating look. deep down, you already knew that this position would be completely exhausting from the get-go.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you had fulfilled your typical nightly routine—fetch yelena from her quarters to escort her to the cafeteria, go your separate ways and sit at your usual tables after getting food, finish your dinner with five minutes to spare in the dining hour to go inform yelena that it was time for her to wrap up her meal so you could take her back. she'd followed you down the usual path, now lit with newly placed street lamps that turned on after the sun sunk below the horizon and night fell. there had been nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the way the volunteer table had eyed you with a formerly absent intrigue when you came to speak to yelena.
that comfortable distance you'd kept between the two of you had slowly been narrowing over the last few days, a development which had peaked both your curiosity and your anxiety. while you still kept yourself a few paces ahead of her, you could feel how close her presence had become, an almost physical weight that settled itself over your back and urged you to walk faster and faster to escape its grasp. but you knew that she was all too good at reading your body language, somehow having familiarized herself with even the finest idiosyncrasies that incriminated you in just about a month, an understanding that had only grown deeper as more and more time had passed. although you felt as if you'd gained the upper hand for a few days when you realized that she always let a bit of emotion slip in her large, ashen eyes when you said something just enough out of the ordinary to catch her interest, any progress you thought you'd made was quickly squandered by her own advancements. today was no different, another morning and afternoon filled with dodging the occasional pervasive question from her about the simplest of things.
were you an only child? had you been closer to your mother or father when you were younger? did you join the scouts to explore the world or because you simply found no value in living out your life doing something different? they had started out with an ambiguous end-goal, but slowly evolved into even more unprofessional matters—attempts to provoke a discussion about your love life, what you might look for in a prospective partner, whether you wanted to settle down after you retired or stay unattached for the remainder of your life.
you always dodged, and she always let up for a while, lulling you into a sense of safety that was always broken by that same question again, worded differently but asking for an answer that was the same as the last. the more you ran from her company, the more she seemed to push it upon you, pleased when you would slip up and get flustered when she caught you off guard. so you held your ground this evening, even when your fingers quivered at the realization that she was practically peering over your shoulder, watching you unlock the door to her quarters with just barely enough space separating you to not feel her breath fanning down the back of your neck.
you quickly opened the door and began moving to hold it open for her like you always did, but felt a large hand resting at your shoulder, prompting you to quickly spin on your heel to face her. she was usually finished with her casual interrogating by this hour, which was why you were more than surprised to see that she was staring down at you, having lowered yourself to your level enough for you to not have to tilt your head completely back to meet her eye.
you took an instinctive step back, flinching at the sound of the door falling shut behind you, effectively caging you in between it and the woman before you. pale, dangerously alert irises traversed your expression, drinking in every small feature that had been drawn back into a confused look, stomach already knotting into a twisted tangle of warmth and icy panic.
"are you afraid of me?"
the immediate answer sat on the tip of your tongue, lips parting to deliver the lie you had ready for such an inquiry. but something in her eyes spoke to you, silently, warning you not to give into dishonesty. you couldn't possibly admit to still being fearful of her, not when you were meant to be the powerful one in this relationship. you weren't supposed to say yes, but you also found yourself unable to lie as you always did, not when the path you'd walked with her was still worryingly empty and you felt the hard wood of the door now pressing unforgivingly into your back with each minuscule step back.
"sh-should i be?" you cursed your stammer, betraying your evident lack of control, the only redeeming aspect being the non-committal implication that responding with another question held.
that seemed to throw her off a bit, owlish eyes slowly blinking at you as she thought. even up close like this, you couldn't identify a single flaw in her appearance—pale skin smooth like porcelain, unconcerned by any sort of natural imperfections, hair like fine silk and eyes piercingly bright, yet clouded like a stormy sky. you squeaked at a hand seizing your collar, right hand instinctively flying down to the scabbard strapped around your thigh, clammy palm shakily clenching around the hilt of your blade, the other clamping firmly around her wrist.
she only smirked at the presumed threat, pressing herself even closer to you, enough that you could feel the radiant heat of her lips just barely grazing your own. you suppressed the trembling threatening to shake through your every limb, beginning to feel lightheaded with the effort to contain your quickening breaths, swallowing down your dread, forcing yourself to meet her gaze when she spoke.
"if it suits you. it doesn't affect me either way, does it?"
you just barely shook your head side to side, not realizing you were rising up onto your tiptoes until she pulled you forward that last inch by your shirt, eyes falling shut as her lips melded easily against yours. an inexplicable warmth flourished in your chest, heart tripping up to match the frantic speed of your thoughts, fingers clenching around her slender, clothed wrist. you forced yourself back with a sharp intake of breath, backing yourself far enough into the door that you could feel the wood digging into the small of your back.
"m-miss yelena, you can't—!"
she didn't allow you to finish, tugging you back to your previous position with a low huff, the faint snap of a stitch popping somewhere on your collar going unregarded as you let out a small noise of surprise, wide eyes relenting and squeezing shut. a voice in the back of your mind screamed for you to draw your knife, push her away, force her into her quarters, anything but just standing there and allowing her to exert such a humiliating power over you. but it was so much easier to sink into her grasp, to feel her fingers slowly relax and hold you at a comfortable height rather than force you up, to allow the hot flush of an unknown intimacy to settle deep into your skin.
you'd been kissed before, it wasn't as if she stole your first chance from you, but it had never been like this. you had only brushed the surface of gentle pecks and lingering hands on the other's face until you both giggled and pulled away, never faced with such a certain confidence that almost frightened you more than it allured you, an unspoken order that left you at her mercy rather than on equal footing. and though you'd all but forgotten about your initial rejection, yelena had not, chastising you with a firm bite to your lower lip that drew a less-than-composed whimper from the back of your throat.
"i would advise you to not dictate what i can and cannot do in the future." she stated firmly, tone devoid of any personal inflection, barely pulling away enough for you to meet her stare, hand tightening around your collar once more, "understood?"
"y-yes, miss yelena." you barely whispered, nodding affirmatively. a flicker of amusement momentarily lightened her expression when you drew your tongue over the aching skin of your lips, the taste of faint copper and black tea clinging to your taste buds.
she slowly slackened her grip, not even so much as blinking as she straightened her posture and reached past you to open the door, allowing you a moment to scamper out of her path and pull your shirt back into place with trembling hands. "then, you are dismissed, soldier."
she didn't spare you a second glance before proceeding into her quarters, shutting the door behind her without another word. you stood dumbly for a moment, licking over your bottom lip once more, just then realizing how shallow and quick your breathing was. you steadied yourself enough to lock her door, shaking away the mental fog of such an abrupt change of scenery, pulling your jacket tighter around you to make up for the lack of her warmth pressing into you, confused as to why you had just allowed yourself to be ordered around by the individual that you were meant to be keeping in check. the walk back to your dorm was blurry at best, a few good-nights from your colleagues that prompted a hum of acknowledgement, thankfully nothing that required you to recount your daily fulfilled duties or anything past a few minutes prior.
even after you'd shed your clothes, pointedly ignoring how wrinkled your shirt front had become, cleaned yourself up and crawled into the isolated comfort of your bed, you found yourself unable to sleep. perhaps you could learn from this experience, remind yourself at all times to put even more distance between the two of you. maybe you would have to stop conversing with her so casually, or perhaps your best option would be to cut your losses and request an assignment change, consequences or record mark-ups be damned. but as you tossed and turned on your mattress, burying your face into your pillows and trying to rid your skin of any memory of her touch, a voice at the back of your head ceaselessly murmured, a rambled premonition of more turbulence to come.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
this day marked five weeks since the initial incident, there had been no activity like it since—although you couldn't say whether you thought that was a bad thing or not. not to say that you hadn't been keeping your distance, the first few days were spent cautiously looking over your shoulder, making sure to keep her even further than arm's length but still close enough to guarantee that she couldn't slip away on her own. she behaved respectfully enough, although she herself seemed to be acting as if nothing had even happened, greeting you like normal and allowing you to escort her to meals and strategy meetings when necessary, despite how she'd affirmed that you weren't to give her any orders.
you hadn't reported the infraction to any superiors, knowing that you would get caught up in an unnecessary fuss that might even get you stuck at the bottom of the ranking list once again, an unthinkable outcome that only made you sure that the right decision was to keep your mouth shut. the previous afternoon was the first time yelena had made a special request, describing how unfortunate it was that she was lacking just a few proper amenities that would really make her lodgings "feel just like home". your persistent hesitance had eased after the first week of safety, and you fulfilled your responsibility of maintaining her comfort by arriving early this morning, toting a small bag of a dark ground powder and cups.
you were surprised to see that yelena was already awake upon your arrival, seated at a table that looked far too small for her, reading one of the many books from her provided bookshelf. you exchanged polite greetings, her not rising from her place until you'd lit the fire beneath the stove and set out a plate and cup for her at the counter, stowing away the rest in whatever free space you could find. you stood by while she took care of making whatever it was she wanted herself, noting the fragrant richness that had filled the air upon her steeping the powder in heated water.
"they only serve black tea in the cafeteria," she said, speaking to no one in particular, plucking a ladle from the utensil rack, "it's been ages since i had a cup of coffee in the morning."
the heat of the stove was beginning to warm the room, prompting you to shed your jacket and place it on the back of the chair yelena had not been previously seated at. your shirt beneath it was more forgiving, a thin material that had always hung a bit loosely from your shoulders, great for the hotter days when you were still expected to be in uniform.
"have you ever had a cup of coffee?" her voice interrupted your meandering stream of thought, the sound of liquid being poured into a cup faintly catching your attention.
"no, i don't think i have."
"would you like to try some?"
the offer stoked the spark of bothersome curiosity, the scent filling the air and mingling with the ambient sound of crackling wood and the feel of the hot air making you want to accept. perhaps this was her way of making amends, or just doing something pleasant for the worker that she was made to follow behind like their second shadow.
"if it's not too much trouble, then.."
"of course it isn't."
you felt a light sweat beginning to bead down your back, pulling your handkerchief from your pocket and dabbing at your neck. this space wasn't properly suited for a stove to be used, seeing as the unlatching mechanisms on the window had been removed for the sake of thwarting any sort of curfew breaking by the volunteers, meaning there was little ventilation aside from the small chimney extending out of the kitchenette area. you stole a glance at yelena, now opening the cabinet that you had strained to reach with ease.
the memory of her hand fisting your shirt, the collar that now hugged just the slightest bit looser at the base of your neck, the long healed-over bite that had left the soft flesh of your lips feeling raw for the following few days. the external heat of the still burning stove was only intensified by the flush climbing up to your cheeks, the desire to release a button or two on your shirt and free some of your skin to the open air becoming undeniable. it felt a bit ironic that the one time you'd properly stepped into her quarters for more than a quick minute to help her get something sorted was the one time the tension that always hung in the air between the two of you was replaced by something tangibly suffocating, the sweltering heat that made you kick off your blankets in the dreary silence at night when the recollection of her kiss relentlessly looped in your mind and chased away any thought of sleep.
you hooked a finger on the collar of your shirt, gently tugging it to the side to absentmindedly press the soft cloth over the skin, wiping away any bothersome perspiration that would leave you uncomfortable by the time you were allowed to change out of your uniform and shower it away.
"what's that?" your eyes darted up at her question, catching sight of the two plated teacups in her hands before you met her gaze.
"i beg your pardon?" you asked meekly.
"that. at your shoulder." you glanced down to where your handkerchief had previously been.
"oh, do you mean this?" she nodded when you pointed to the raised line of skin marring your shoulder, a thick scar that you'd stopped fussing over after realizing that it was an inevitable outcome. "it's a scar," you clarified, tucking your personal cloth back in your pocket, "just about everyone in the military has the same one."
she didn't respond, but held your gaze as she proceeded to the table to set the cups down. you'd become more accustomed to these silent requests, and you knew that she was telling you to continue.
"you work with the equipment engineers, right?" she nodded. "then you've seen our harnesses. all those leather straps end up digging into our skin and leaving scars pretty much all over. although, i did practice on the omnidirectional gear a bit more than all the other recruits during basic training to increase my proficiency, so mine may be deeper.."
you tensed as she approached, slow, deliberate steps steadily closing the distance between the two of you until she was right in front of you. she had started stooping down more often around you, only when she was directly addressing you alone, but it was something that you noticed all the same. a part of you wanted to feel offended, that she thought it necessary to lower yourself to your level as if you were beneath her in a way besides physical stature, but you couldn't deny that you enjoyed the exclusive treatment. she never seemed concerned with doing any sort of thing with anyone else—not with her colleagues, not with other soldiers of or below your ranking, not with any of your own superiors, only you. in a way, it made you feel acknowledged.
"could i see?"
"huh?" was your unprofessional response, but she didn't allow you any time to correct it.
"your scars. where else do you have them?"
"oh." you swallowed, forcing yourself to look up into her steely eyes, "well, i have them on the soles of my feet, and around my thighs, mostly around my torso."
a hand on your abdomen made your back go stiff, her touch pressing lightly over your shirt. "here?"
you nodded, small and timid before her, a trickle of sweat beginning to slide down your back. you realized that you had never had to look down at yelena, not until this present moment where she had knelt down on one knee in front of you, holding your gaze for just a moment before she undid a single button from the bottom of your shirt, glancing up at you as if to check for any sign of refusal before she undid another, then another.
there was nothing forceful about her motions today, nimble fingers patiently unfastening each clasp with care until your shirt revealed your midsection. one slender hand pulled aside the cotton fabric, the other reaching out, just barely grazing the skin of your stomach where the long, pale scar from your utility belt stretched horizontally across your body. her fingertips were warm from handling the kitchenware, but the shiver that crawled up your spine was cold, almost electric, a strange sensation squeezing around your heart and lungs, making each breath quicker than the last.
"was it painful?" she asked quietly, a tinge of earnesty lining her words, features entirely relaxed as they always were.
you let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding, voice barely reaching a whisper. "yes."
she focused her eyes onto the marred skin, following the raised line of flesh to your sides, brow cinching upwards the slightest bit at the sight of another carving down your waist, following the curvature of your ribs.
"what resilience.." she murmured, free hand returning to undo the remaining buttons of your shirt, "determination is such a beautiful trait, don't you think?" her eyes flitted up to meet yours, sharp and observant, fingers gingerly wrapping around your waist, thumb stroking down your lumbar. "for most, i have to hear it in their voice, or through their words—but it has always been different with you." she pulled a button free. "i see it in your eyes, the way you carry yourself, it's written all over your body." another undone button, you could feel the warmth of her breath fanning across your stomach, the graze of her fingertips tracing up your side and halting at the cloth wrappings over your breasts. "are there more under this?"
your knees felt a few flattering words away from buckling, each gentle touch making the fine hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. you nodded, lips parting to take in a much-needed deep breath, realizing that your shirt was now completely open, exposing the entirety of your scarred torso aside from what remained covered by your chest bindings. your fingers curled into your palm, trembling, just then noticing how soft yelena's hands were in comparison to your own, absent of callous and work-roughened skin. you bit at the inside of your cheek, blinking down at her as you watched a thin finger trace the seam of the cloth, finding the tucked end within moments and gently pulling it free.
a few loud knocks at the door were startling enough to make you jump, head snapping to the side to face the front of the house, a muffled call of your last name from the other side making an anxious knot twist painfully tight deep in your gut. you quickly stepped away, leaving yelena kneeling on the floor, struggling to button up your shirt without even bothering to fix your chest cloth. as soon as you'd gotten yourself situated, you opened the door to find your squad leader awaiting you on the other side.
"is everything alright? breakfast started five minutes ago."
you hoped that the disbelief on your face could be taken as the expression of someone who had simply lost track of time. "i apologize, sir! m-miss yelena put in a request for marleyan coffee yesterday, and i was simply waiting for her to finish before i escorted her to the cafeteria."
you forced yourself to stay composed, trying to focus on the impassive face of your squad leader. there was a stark difference between the emotionlessness of yelena and that of everyone else around you, she somehow made her lack of any sort of feeling or warmth a beautiful kind of coldness, unlike the unnatural stoicism of your superiors. you saw his mouth open to reply, but you were both surprised by a sudden presence behind you, a firm hand at your shoulder, his eyes moving from looking down at you to looking up at the woman behind you, a flicker of genuine unease flitted across his hardened features.
"please don't fault her for my lack of punctuality," she said, a false sincerity lightening her usual low tone, "i simply wanted to enjoy a taste of home, is all. is my presence imperative?"
"i was only making sure everyone was accounted for." your squad leader asserted, staring up at her in an obvious attempt to intimidate that you knew would fail, "as long as you're being properly monitored, do as you please."
"understood." her fingers curled around your shoulder, gently urging you back, away from the door, "then i won't dawdle any longer, i'll join you all in the cafeteria momentarily."
yelena shut the door for you as soon as you took a step back, waiting until the steps of your squad leader had descended off of the porch and disappeared down the path before speaking to you. "i do hope i didn't get you in trouble."
you turned on your heel to face her, feeling a slight flutter in your chest at the sight of her already having lowered herself to your height. "oh, no, you don't have to worry about that.. he's always been a bit on the uptight side of things."
the corners of her lips perked up into the faintest smile before she proceeded back to the table, pressing a finger to the side of one of the teacups. "the coffee's gone cold now. my apologies for the distraction."
distraction, the wry thought flitted across your mind. you guessed that word was suitably to describe allowing her to nearly undress you before the sun had even fully risen in the sky. this was becoming a dangerous game, an ever-lengthening round of cat and mouse, and each day that passed made your more and more certain that you were the one who was running despite your inherent position of power over her. there was something absolutely captivating about her, whether it be the air of mystery that no amount of questions could dispel, or the way that she could practically bring you to your knees with just a few careful words—the more thought you put into it, the more instances of appeal that you seemed to find that only made you want to sink deeper and deeper into the depths that was her subtle control over you.
"i just don't want us to arrive late and miss out on anything." you said lamely, empty words to fill the air as you moved across the room to grab your jacket.
"perhaps another time." she replied, removing the dishes from the table to deposit them in the sink, leaving you with that sole promise that insinuated much more than just another cup of coffee.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"miss yelena, i don't know if we're allowed to be in this section of the building—"
"no one has stopped us yet, have they?" yelena didn't turn back to address you, only continuing forward with that long stride that took two quick steps of your own to match.
she was correct in the regard that no one had questioned her presence in the west wing of the management building, and the few that had begun to object stopped immediately upon catching sight of you following obediently behind her. you felt a bit like a prop, being used as almost a badge of clearance by the one and only individual that you were meant to keep from unauthorized locations such as this one. but her flat assertion that she had important business that gave you nothing in the way of information of direction before she'd taken off for the barracks, leaving you only able to chase after her and hope that no one figured out that she wasn't supposed to be there in the event that she truly wasn't meant to be.
you didn't have long to ruminate on your circumstances before you arrived at a door flanked by a single soldier, a young man that you recognized as someone affiliated with the more well-known soldiers from the 104th graduating class. though you didn't recall his name, you nodded politely to him as he opened the door for yelena, trailing closely behind her while still trying to peek around her slender frame. it was one of the smaller meeting rooms, a large window providing a fair amount of natural illumination down onto the round table, the sole occupant being another one of the anti-marleyan volunteers.
"glad to see you could make it." onyankopon smiled broadly up at yelena, his warm gaze flitting to you momentarily before traveling back to his associate, "no trouble, i assume?"
"none at all." she replied as she took a seat at the head of the table, looking as if she belonged there more than any of the superiors you'd seen seated there, "this one made sure no one interrupted our trip."
you flushed at the praise, standing pin straight beside her chair, hands lowering from behind your back to at your sides, trying not to let the enjoyment of her commendation show on your face. he turned his attention to you, inspiring a quick skip of your heart, fingers tapping nervously at your thighs.
"it's great to hear that yelena has been treating you well." he said matter-of-factly, but a cocked eyebrow and tilt of his head seemed to request a verbal confirmation of his statement.
you blinked, your words catching in your throat as your eyes involuntarily glanced to yelena, an instinctive desire to hold your tongue in the face of speaking about her, an odd sort of insecurity concerning your character flaring in your chest. but that split second of silence was all that she needed to take up the task of answering onyankopon, planting an elbow down on the tabletop and resting her chin in her palm.
"i have been treating her well." she affirmed, almost sounding bored, tilting her head to address you as she reached out and took the hand of yours that was closest to her, drawing it close to her face as she examined your expression, "isn't that right?"
you swallowed, mouth dry, nodding at yelena before remembering that you were meant to be answering onyankopon. "oh, y-yes. miss yelena has been very easy to work with."
pale eyes glimmered at your positive answer, mouth twitching upwards into that rare, barely noticeable smile. you felt your heart jump into your throat as she brought her lips to your knuckles, planting a soft, brief kiss over the back of your hand before gently placing it down at your side. she looked at you as if she knew exactly what you were thinking, like she could hear that unspoken worry of whether she should be doing this in front of her colleague, like she was giving the silent reply that she could do as she pleased.
"then, shall we begin?" onyankopon's voice brought you back to the present, shooting you another momentary glance before fixing his eyes on yelena.
"oh, right." she turned back to you, "be a dear and leave us for a moment to chat."
the mix of confusion at her request and surprise at the affectionate title halted your thoughts. "i'm sorry, miss yelena, but i don't think i'm allowed to do that."
your heart sank as you watched a look of annoyance draw across her features, large eyes narrowing, brow knitting together. she didn't speak for a moment, almost like she was waiting for you to take back your refusal and head on your way without any further discussion. when you did neither, she frowned, reaching out her hand once more, her fingers drawing up your palm to wrap around your wrist.
you nearly yelped as she clinched her grasp almost painfully tight, thumb pressing down hard over the bone at the side of your wrist, nails digging in your skin. her voice was low when she spoke, dangerously commanding and castigating, each word carefully enunciated.
"i said go."
only after you'd earnestly nodded did she release you, allowing you to scamper out of the room, blinking away the tears that had begun to well in your eyes from your stinging skin and the way she'd spoken to you. you took your place at the side of the door unoccupied by the soldier you'd seen before entering, fingers shakily tracing over the underside of your wrist.
though you weren't bleeding, the skin felt raw and irritated, your pulse racing fast in your veins. perhaps it wasn't so bad that you'd left them in there on their own, seeing as the older, more experienced guard was also standing by, well aware that there was no one monitoring them in the meeting room. so you obediently stood and waited, straining to make out coherent words from their muffled voices, contemplating why seeing yelena upset with you was so distressing.
why had you allowed her to order you around? why had you even complied with her demands instead of outright refusing like you were supposed to? why were you worried that she would still be angry with you by the time she walked out of that meeting room? you couldn’t understand what concerned you so deeply about what yelena thought of you, but somehow, the overbearing silence of the empty hallway made it even more difficult to wrap your head around your thoughts. you were so wrapped up in your panicked attempt at contemplation that you didn’t even notice the sound of their footsteps approaching from the other side of the door, only torn from your mind when the door opened from beside you. the two marleyans emerged, laughing affably together, exchanging temporary farewells until they could see each other at dinner that evening.
you looked up at her anxiously, wishing she’d spare you a glance for even just a moment instead of keeping her gaze fixed on the only other individuals populating the space. you hid your hands behind your back rather than in your pockets, knowing that it’d look horrendously unprofessional. but before you could worry about anyone catching sight of the reddened marks, the familiar soldier addressed you directly.
“i do look forward to working more closely with you in the future, i don’t believe we’ve met before. ” he said, outstretching a hand for you to shake, “floch forster.”
you quickly tugged the sleeve of your coat over your injured wrist, grasping his hand and giving a firm up and down, only offering your own name and a polite nod in return. you didn’t exactly know what he meant by working together in the future, but you assumed that it was in reference to your shared position of personal guards to marleyan volunteers.
you tensed at the familiar weight of a hand on your shoulder, feeling a firm squeeze that you knew all too well. “then we shall be going now. come.”
you immediately complied, giving a brief goodbye to the two men before proceeding quickly behind yelena, practically at her heels as the two of you walked further and further down the hall, shrouded in another bout of tense silence. you escorted her out of the building without issue, through the barracks and all the way to her lodgings, receiving nothing in the way of assurance or acknowledgment the entire way.
you wanted to speak up for yourself, ask if she was angered with you, anything to fill the quiet void, but you couldn't bring your mouth to push the words free. you hoped that she'd at least offer you her usual goodbye, as inherently lifeless and out of polite necessity as it may be, but it didn't come even as you unlocked the door to her quarters and held it open for her to enter, not even turning back before she sat herself at her desk and got to work on the clutter of papers occupying it.
you left her, feeling strangely heavy with defeat, unable to focus on anything for long before your mind strayed back to her upset expression, or the physical evidence of her displeasure with you. over the next hours, you constantly checked your watch, counting down the minutes to dinner, to when you'd be able to justify being in her presence and hopefully receive some sort of indicator that you were in the clear. you'd always been someone who did what was asked of you, a people pleaser—but there was something different about the inclination you felt towards yelena. it wasn't the kind of obedience that you gave to your superiors, she wasn't anything close to your superior in a technical sense, but somehow it felt natural, a servitude borne out of free will rather than one determined by ranking.
you knew you hadn't done anything wrong by denying her initially, but yet you still hoped for her forgiveness.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you quivered at the feeling of her lips sucking at the already marked skin of your neck, thighs squeezing tighter around her waist, her nails digging deep enough into them that they nearly threatened to tear the fabric of your pants. you swallowed down yet another moan, one hand working its way deeper into her short hair, the other clenching tightly to the fabric of her barely-buttoned dress shirt. your soft, shuddering breaths filled the space of the open air around you, the fear of knowing your squad leader was just outside the door waiting for a reply, adjacent to the wall that she'd pushed you up against despite your meek warnings that dinner would be starting any minute now, was almost tangible in your stomach.
she pulled away from the reddened flesh with a low hum, nipping at your ear as she demanded, "make him go away."
you barely nodded, eyes screwing shut when she began yet another bruising assault to your shoulder, not even giving you enough time to collect yourself and speak. "i apologize, s-sir. miss yelena wasn't f-feeling well, so i brought her meal h-h-here instead of escorting her to the cafeteria..!"
you nearly whimpered as her teeth sank into the soft junction between your neck and shoulder, silently praying to any higher power that may be listening for your superior to just leave already. "understood. please return the plates to the cafeteria before they close up and make it to the dormitories before curfew."
"y-yes, sir..!"
you could barely count his descending steps down the porch over the sound of your own blood roaring in your ears, only completely assured of his absence when she sighed against your skin, soothing the ache with a few apologetic licks, pressing her lips everywhere they could reach. you often found yourself recalling the first time this had happened, when the two of you were sitting at the table in her quarters and she had been apologizing for the day she'd ordered you out of the meeting room. you could still remember how her touch had trailed from stroking at your wrist, crescent nail prints still occupying your skin, to cupping your face, drawing you close to kiss her again and again—the heat of her proximity, how her hands had felt and caressed every inch of your body, whispering a breathless, endless stream of praises into your ear as you came apart under her.
though you had vowed to yourself that wouldn't allow it to happen again, that that night would be your first and only instance of giving into that weakness she'd slowly but surely carved into you, but you found yourself sinking into her arms when she beckoned you, sewing the buttons of your shirt back into place without complaint after the nights where she had become impatient and accidentally popped them free, staring at your naked body in the mirror after your long showers and tracing your fingers over the bruises she'd sucked and bitten into your tender skin.
she only marked you in places where you could hide them beneath your clothes, places which assured that she would be the sole individual to see them when she stripped you bare, only to add more and more. there was no set time between those late evenings, sometimes the interval would be less than a few days, and other times it would stretch out for weeks with no indication as to when the next occasion would come. but when it did, any semblance of self-restraint had completely diminished.
"you're such a good pet for me.." she cooed, her words sending a warm spark through every inch of you.
she'd become fond of calling you that, and a part of you wondered if that was all she saw you as, as only a pet or a possession. you'd accepted that she had the upper hand in this relationship, whatever it may be, but you couldn't help enjoying the feeling of being desired so deeply, being touched and admired in ways you'd never even imagined before you met her. your arms clasped tighter around her neck as she pulled you away from the wall, laying you out on her bed, taking a moment to strip out of her shirt before lowering herself on top of you.
her hands busied themselves ridding you of your chest wrappings, lips attentively traversing each inch of newly revealed skin, murmuring curses and sweet nothings that only made you squirm more beneath her, impatient and eager. you mewled when she'd finally settled her hands over her bare breast, large palms pressing into soft flesh, slender fingers pinching at your nipples. she turned her head up to kiss you, tongue outlining the seam of your lips before sliding into your mouth, claiming it as her own.
you were left panting when she pulled away despite its briefness, hazy, low-lidded eyes finding her own, intoxicated by that carnal look, dark pupils nearly overtaking the piercing grey of her irises. she only smirked at your lack of composure, dipping her head back down to suck and bite at the valley of your breasts, your fingers reflexively tightening in her hair. your hips bucked up into nothing, desperate for any sort of friction, much to yelena's amusement.
"aren't you just the neediest little thing?" she paused to lave her tongue over a pert bud, drawing another heated sigh from you as you nodded, hoping that your agreement could persuade her to not spend so much time teasing you.
she granted you the slightest relief, taking your nipple between your lips and sucking at it, the hand not occupied with another breast trailing down the scar etched into your side, following the path down to your navel to begin unbuttoning your pants. each second seemed to drag on longer than the last, and though you knew that she wasn't purposely drawing out the process of undressing you, it was still not enough. you were practically kicking your underwear to the floor by the time they made their way around your ankles, skin still burning hot despite being fully exposed to the air.
"p-please, miss yelena.." you whimpered at the feeling of her hand tracing up and down your inner thigh, occasionally stopping to stroke across the raised lines of skin that had been inscribed into your skin by the series of belts and buckles on your gear harness, but never proceeding that final inch up to where you needed it.
she pulled away to let out a low chuckle, peering up at you through dark lashes, bare chest pressed flush against your stomach. she drank in the way your face shifted as she rested the pad of her thumb over your clit, rubbing languid circles over it as her pointer finger dipped down your cunt, instantly slick with your arousal.
"you're so worked up from just that?" she taunted, speaking at barely a murmur, "or was it because somebody was listening?"
you felt the knot of anticipation drawing tight in the pit of your stomach, watching as she took her fingers in her mouth and licked over them, thighs shuddering when she returned to their previous position. "i-it was— i j-just— please.."
you could barely form a coherent thought, back arching up to urge your body as close to hers as you could manage, only cognizant of just how close you were to being relieved of that unbearable pressure welling within you. she only smiled, close-lipped and cunning, resting her head over your heaving chest.
"your heart is racing. i wonder how much faster i could make it go.."
you nearly whined as two fingers slid into you with little resistance, her mouth closing over a nipple, alternating between gently tugging at it with her teeth and flicking over it with the tip of her tongue. your hips rocked up into her hand, matching the pace of her wrist as your head dug back into the mattress, moans and incoherent pleas spilling from your parted lips.
you could feel yourself quickly approaching that rapturous peak, hands fisting the sheets under you, white stars blotting out your vision as she curled her fingers just right. you shuddered, gasping, eyes rolling aimlessly into the back of your head as the tension that had wound itself into every muscle finally released, coming completely undone beneath her. you pressed a shaking hand over your mouth, muffling the sound of your winded breaths, letting out a small noise when she relieved you of her fingers. you felt her lips grazing over your chest, forcing your head up to look at her with bleary eyes when their feather-light touch proceeded lower and lower down your stomach.
you had expected things to come to an end as they usually did, with her pulling her clothes back on before you even had the chance to see straight and gathering your own garments from the floor to hand to you, leaving you to walk back to your dormitories on trembling legs in your wrinkled uniform. but there was no sign of that immediate withdrawal as she gathered your thighs in her hands, lifting your legs up onto her shoulders as she pressed a brief kiss over your naval.
you licked your lips nervously, already more than too sensitive at just the feeling of her breath over your soaked cunt. you opened your mouth to meekly object or ask for just a moment longer to catch your breath, but she shushed you, her heavy-lidded gaze sending a fresh bout of heat across your skin. each little quiver of your thighs only made her grip fasten, unable to keep still as she kissed at the scars and soft flesh, drawing a stifled whimper when she stopped to suck a deep mark at a spot of untarnished skin.
you could see the pale expanse of yelena's back, pristine and absent of any previous traumas, the complete opposite of your own. the first time you'd see her undressed, you couldn't take your eyes off of her slender frame, lined with muscle from her days as a soldier but still so delicate. you'd never left any marks when she'd allow you to kiss at her neck and chest, only enough to see the rosy flush settle over her body, but by that time she was more than eager to get back to playing with you instead.
you took in a deep, unsteady breath, jaw clenching and stomach tightening as her tongue drew flat up the length of your cunt, a small moan breaking from your parted lips. she pressed forward, flicking the tip of her tongue over your clit in a merciless rhythm, holding your thighs apart to accommodate her presence each time they attempted to squeeze shut. you writhed over the sheets, her name slipping from you between high-pitched whines and labored breaths, minutes melting past in an incomprehensible blur, leaving you only cognizant of her tongue and hands dragging you back over that edge again and again.
by the time she'd released you, you could barely hold your eyes open, thighs aching from her fingers digging into them, throat raw from crying out for her and gasping in what never seemed to be enough air, feeling too exhausted to even think about making the walk back to your own room. but rather than hand your clothes to you in a silent cue for your departure, you watched her make her way back up the mattress to lay beside you, pulling your heavy, sweat-slicked body against her own. you couldn't try to refuse the comfort of her warmth, face pressing into her chest, breathing in her soft, clean scent, still occasionally trembling as you tentatively allowed your hands to cling to her.
you told yourself not to get comfortable, to try to regain control of your limbs by the time her sympathy for overworking you had worn off and she ordered you away for the night, but the demand never came. you felt a large hand settle at the base of your neck, another splaying across the small of your back, her chin resting on the crown of your head, holding you close like a lover would.
"you could stay for the night if you'd like." her tone was even and collected as it always was, but hushed, like she was murmuring a secret to you.
you knew that sleeping her had already far overstepped whatever boundary had been abandoned that night she'd first kissed you, the morning where she'd marveled at your body and commended your courage, every instance you'd obeyed her rather than carry out the simple orders you were given. it was already too late to tear yourself away from this presence that you'd grown so familiar with—the one that you had feared, the one that you now craved despite how you knew you shouldn't.
"thank you, miss yelena." you whispered hoarsely, curling into her, allowing your heavy eyes to close.
that would be the first and last time you ever spent the night in her quarters.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the banquet to celebrate the completion of the rail system in trost was minutes away from commencing. the speaking podium was empty for the moment, soldiers and civilians chattering amongst themselves as they waited for the military officials to gather at the stage. you were authorized to be in the private area as yelena's personal escort, seeing as she had participated in the mapping of the railroad through the district and would be acknowledged as a contributor to the advancement of paradis.
but as excited as you were to celebrate, eat good food and hopefully get a chance to drink, you weren't looking forward to transferring your position to floch forster for the remainder of the night. although, your desire to stay by yelena's side had been momentarily dissuaded by the desire to please her when she'd requested the change a few days prior. you hadn't bothered to hide your disappointment, nor did you hold back your questions.
"change to forster? but.. why?" you had asked, in the privacy of her quarters, feeling an immediate disheartening at her words.
she didn't directly respond, the hand that had been at your shoulder rising to pet at your cheek. "you trust me, don't you?"
"y-yes, but—"
"then file a request to change with him."
you couldn't explain why you had felt such a cool emptiness burrowing into your chest, a sudden spite for the other soldier beginning to fester in the back of your mind, the thought that she would choose him over you inspiring an indescribable irateness. you turned away from her hand, not thinking of how you were pouting like a child, unwilling to meet her eyes or compromise with her. you'd been fretting over how she hadn't spared you any sort of affection in the nearly two months that had passed, the fear that she'd grown tired of you an incessant whisper in your ear. but then she had reached for you, treated you gently, persuading with that hint of sincerity she rarely ever showed you.
"it would only be for the evening, i have business to attend to that night. i'm sure you've been looking forward to the celebration?" a frown tugged at your lips, only offering a small nod in reply, meeting her eyes when she guided you by your chin to face her. "then transfer with forster, have fun for the evening—you deserve it."
you couldn't help but preen under her praise, meeting her eyes, heart stuttering at the sight of her barely-there smile. you finally caved after a moment of thought, relenting to her wishes. "i'll put in a temporary transfer request tomorrow afternoon."
"thank you, dear."
despite how you weren't exactly looking forward to forster's arrival to relieve you from duty, those final words lifted your spirits just the slightest bit. perhaps she had simply been caught up in the stress of such a grand achievement, too busy attending meetings with engineers and generals and event staff to make any spare time for you for the past weeks. you had waited for weeks before, you could continue waiting if need be. you were at her beck and call, and as long as it pleased her, you were perfectly fine doing as such.
you let out a soft sigh at the sigh of floch forster approaching, weaving through the scattered crowd with a stoic, dutiful look plastered across his expression.
"good evening, floch." yelena said from beside you.
he replied with a polite good evening to both you and her, adding your name as more of an afterthought than anything, but turning his focus back to you when you still hadn't stepped away. "you can go, i'll take it from here."
your gaze flickered over to yelena, feeling yourself relax as she nodded to you, a hand resting at your shoulder to gently urge you forward. "i'll see you tomorrow morning. enjoy yourself tonight."
so you took your leave, watching the ceremony in the company of your fellow soldiers, eyes always wandering away from the speaker and to yelena at the side of the stage. the speech concluded, the crowd cheered and applauded, and everyone was directed to the banquet hall where the remainder of the event would be held. you watched yelena and floch walk off the stage with the other officials, becoming distracted for just a moment speaking to someone but having lost sight of them by the time you looked back.
you didn't see yelena for the remainder of the night, but you did as you were told, enjoying the good food, talking to your friends, avoiding any alcohol in preparation for your usual early morning. it was all over quite quickly, and the next morning came and went, business as usual for the remainder of the next few days—then came the news of eren jaeger's disappearance, then the plans of the all-hands-on-deck operation that was to be the retrieval effort for the young man, the entire scouting branch thrown into overdrive.
and, though you never mustered the courage to ask, you felt a sinking feeling deep inside, that yelena's nightly errand with floch and eren's absence were somehow connected, that there was much more going behind the scenes that you couldn't even begin to fathom.
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just wanted to give u guys a little gift for my birthday (´・ᴗ・ ` )
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
all is well
Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped into the next room I am I and you are you Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. ~ Henry Scott Hollard
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He hadn’t meant to say it, that much was clear. As much as she wanted to hate him for it, claim it was some sort of cruel manipulation; she knew he was just as distressed as she was. The ghost boy had covered his mouth, bright green eyes wide with panic as his misspoken words brought their battle to a screeching halt. Even the ghost the three hunters had been fighting stopped and stared before flying off. No one moved to stop them. Phantom looked at her fearfully, then over at her companion before vanishing without a trace.
It was a slip of the tongue, an accident, so why did the ghost boy calling her Mom make her blood run so cold?
“I’ve knew a kid who called the teacher Mom one time but I’ve never heard it from a ghost,” the Red Huntress said with a sarcastic chuckle. But her shoulders were tense and it was clear the situation made her uncomfortable too. “You okay, Mrs. Fenton?”
“My son isn’t dead,” Maddie said quietly. She would admit there were times where she’d look at Phantom and see Danny overlaid on top of him but those moments were becoming more and more rare. Maddie liked to think it’s because she could find more differences than similarities between the two but honestly, she couldn’t say who her son was anymore. She saw this damned ghost more than she saw the child living in her own house.
“I know, I’ve seen him around,” Huntress said with steady conviction. It made Maddie pause, as it always did, to wonder just how old Amity’s other human ghost hunter really was. Or how young rather. “It was a mistake, he’ll probably avoid you for a bit out of embarrassment but then things will go back to normal.”
“Yeah, a mistake,” Maddie muttered to herself, finally lowering the gun even though the fighting had ended several minutes ago. Why was this whole thing so unsettling to her? Phantom had said much worse things to her, called her a fake scientist and more obsessive than a ghost. He’d even called her a bad mother once when he’d been particularly riled up. She remembered how offended and angry his unnatural eyes had been as they’d glared accusingly into her.  
“You know his parents are still alive,” Huntress said suddenly. “I found out by accident a little while ago.” She was still standing on her hoverboard about 3 feet off the ground, her gaze was trained away from Maddie. “They don’t know that he’s a ghost, that he’s Phantom,” the girl’s head was still turned away from Maddie but she had a feeling she was being watched none the less. “Maybe you remind him of his mother.”
Maddie felt liked she’d been slapped.
“And why does that matter to you?” she questioned defensively to cover how much the conversation was shaking her - they didn’t know how could they not know, how could they not miss - “I thought you hated him as much as we did.”
“I don’t like him,” the Huntress said vehemently. “He’s annoying and acts like he’s the only hunter in this town who can actually do the job. But I,” she paused, “I think I understand him, just a little bit. Enough that I’ve been combing through Amity’s missing children files in my spare time. Of course, it’s no good if no one reported him missing in the first place. Phantom doesn’t want me prying but it’s not right for a kid to die and no one to care.”
“He’s just a ghost,” Maddie said, her words weak even to her ears. Was that why Phantom was stuck here? Because he died forgotten and unmourned? The thought of one of her children, her babies, dying without her knowing... she was going to be sick.
“Yeah, he is,” Huntress nodded, “but he wasn’t always. And humans deserve to be remembered, even if they don’t want to be.” That said, the girl sped off into the setting sun, the varying shades of orange glinting off of her suit. Maddie stood in the middle of the street for a little while longer, gun pointed limply at the ground as her whole world spun.
She drove home slowly, taking the long way around to try and put her conflicting feelings into words before she talked to her husband. When she and Jack first began their research into ghosts, they told themselves that they had to divorce themselves from the people the ghosts had been before. If you focused on the lingering traces of humanity in every monster then they would never be put in their place. But she was human and she had kids around the ghost boy’s age, despite her attempts to stick to logic her heart ached with sympathy.
“And you call yourself a mother,” the Phantom in her memory spat at her, filled with hatred but underneath it all was grief. “Where are your kids now? All you care about is the dead but when are you going to care for the living?” Maddie tightened her grip on the steering wheel to keep her hands from shaking.
“Mads! You’re home!” Jack grinned enthusiastically as she quietly entered the house. “Jazzy has her nose in her books and you know Danny, in and up to his room without a word so I made us grilled cheese!” He held her a plate with a flourish, “they’re ghost shaped!” The world tilted itself a little more onto it’s proper axis, no matter how crazy things got, Jack would always be her true north.
“Gracias,” she said accepting the plate. “Can we talk, privately?” She gestured her head down to the basement. Conversations from the kitchen could easily be heard upstairs and she really didn’t want her children to overhear her asking if she was a bad mom. She didn’t want their confirmation that she was right.
Jack’s goofy grinned smoothed out into something softer and he put one hand gently on her back as they walked down to basement. He kicked her usual stool her way and they sat in silence while they ate their dinners, staring at the swirling vortex of the portal.
“You remember that time Phantom called me a neglectful mother?” Maddie asked quietly after a few minutes.
“Mads, you can’t let that sneaky spook get to you. Everyone knows you’re a great-”
“Jack,” she interrupted harsher than she needed to but she didn’t need comfort from a husband but the unbiased opinion of a fellow scientist. “He accidentally called me Mom while we were fighting today, I don’t - I don’t think he meant it, he looked more scared then I’ve ever seen him before he ran off. Huntress was there too, she said.” Maddie gripped her plate tightly in her hands. “She said that Phantom’s family is still alive, that they don’t know about him.”
“Not know? You mean about him being-”
“Apparently,” Maddie squeezed her eyes shut to fight off the unwanted sympathy she felt. “He’s always been the Ghost Boy, the Ghost Kid. I never - I never fully absorbed what that meant. He looks,” Maddie set the plate aside and dropped her head into her hands. “He’s about Danny’s age.”
“Maddie,” Jack said softly, setting aside his own plate and wheeling himself closer. “Whoever that boy was, he’s gone now and all that’s left is an echo, an obnoxious and powerful echo but he’s not... he’s not a child. Not anymore.”
“But he remembers,” Maddie gasped, angry she was letting herself get all worked up over a stupid ghost. “He called me Mom, Jack. Huntress, she said maybe I reminded him of her and,” her eyes filled with tears now. “He’s comparing me to someone who didn’t even notice that he’d died. What does that say about me? About my relationship with our children? I feel like all I do is argue with Jazz these days and god knows where Danny goes to half the time-”
“Maddie, don’t do that to yourself,” Jack said softly, tilting her face up towards him with a gloved hand. “Once you go down that rabbit hole, there’s no digging yourself out. I think it’s just part of being a parent, always worrying that you’re not doing things right. Sometimes,” Jack gaze dropped, troubled. “Sometimes I enter the room and Danny looks at me and freezes like he expects me to do something terrible... He’s just easily startled but it still hurts.”
“Phantom is an echo, not a child,” Maddie nodded quietly to herself, trying to fall back on her usual logic but it tasted wrong in her mouth. He was a ghost... but also a child. “I wonder what he was like when he was alive? His personality seems remarkably preserved, he must have been a vibrant young man.”
“Or his death was particularly traumatic,” Jack mumbled. “Painful deaths usually leave powerful ghosts. And most healthy teens don’t just drop dead for nothing.”  A chill fell over the lab.
“How could they not notice?” Maddie whispered with horror. “What sort of parent wouldn’t see that their child was dead, what? Now two years in?”
“Not everyone is as good a mom as you are, Mads,” Jack said, pulling her into his chest. “Neglectful parents are a dime a dozen sadly. He could’ve been a runaway too, ran off and died leaving his folks still holding out hope that he’d come home. Or maybe...” he frowned, “maybe he’s pretending he’s still alive.”
“No, he couldn’t keep the charade for this long,” Maddie gasped but the horrible idea had been planted none the less. Phantom always seemed in such a hurry, like he had somewhere else to be. Was another woman tapping her feet as she waited for her boy to return like Maddie often did, not knowing her child was long gone?
“He’s a wily one, incredibly solid for a spirit. Sometimes I look at him and swear I see his chest moving like he’s breathing. Dampen his glow, dye the hair, change his clothes, he could probably pass as human so long as you didn’t look too close.”
“Jack,” she pulled back and looked at her husband in a panic. “Jack, if he’s pretending to be human when he’s not fighting then there’s a good chance he goes to Casper.” Her and Jack’s eyes widened with realization at the same time.
Their children’s high school has had an unprecedented amount of ghost attacks since the portal opened. They could never figure out why the ghosts targeted that school and ignored the other elementary, middle or even the other public high, Wendy. “What are we going to do, should we pull out Danny and Jazz? Even just until we figure this out.”
“That might tip the ghost off,” Jack said evenly but his teeth were biting into his cheek with worry. “We don’t want to set him off, who knows what he’d do if his cover was blown.” He might look like a harmless teen but Maddie had seen first hand how devastating Phantom could be when threatened. “I think we should tell the kids.”
“What? Why? You know they’re supportive of him!” Well Jazz certainly was, differing opinion on Phantom seemed to be the cause of half their arguments. Danny, truthfully, she didn’t really know his opinions on the ghost boy. He always looked so uncomfortable talking about ghosts with them so they just didn’t.
“Supportive maybe but they’re smart and observant,” Jack countered. “They could be our eyes and ears inside the school. They know better than to provoke a dangerous ghost,” Jack let his eyes drift over to the portal. “Besides, if the worst comes to pass, I want them to be prepared.”
“I don’t like it but you’re probably right,” Maddie grumbled. “If it keeps them safe then I’d do just about anything.” Jack smiled and leaned forward to kiss her gently, his lips a perfect match for her own.
“And this is why you could never be a bad mother,” he said. “Come on, let’s talk to them before they go to sleep.”
“Or Danny sneaks out again,” Maddie said to herself as she followed her husband up the stairs and heard him call for a Fenton family meeting.
It went about as well as Maddie had expected. Jazz alternated between being angry and anxious, telling them emphatically that Phantom wasn’t hiding among them at school and wasn’t a bad ghost to begin with. Maddie didn’t know what had come over her but she hardly recognized this irrational and emotional young lady as her daughter. She hoped it was just Senior year stress and hormones and not some ghostly influenced. Danny, as usual, sat there like he was a piece of the furniture and didn’t say much at all.
“Danno,” Jack said gently as he interrupted Jazz’s rant to engage their youngest. “You would tell us if you noticed anything unusual with one of your classmates, right? You know we’re telling you kids this because we trust you, love you and want to keep you safe.”
“Have you considered that keeping guns around the house, threatening to hunt and torture ghosts doesn’t make me feel very safe?” Danny said quietly, looking down at the table. “So what if he sometimes goes to school, maybe he wants to have something normal in his life. All I know is that if I was Phantom, maybe I would want to hide too. So people like you didn’t find me.” For the second time that night, the words of a teenage boy stopped her cold.
“Danny, what do you-” Danny didn’t elaborate and instead pushed his chair back and headed towards the door.
“Young Man, where are you going? It’s almost curfew and we’re not done here,” Maddie scolded even though she knew that neither her or Jack were in the control of the situation. Danny opened the door and didn’t look back.
“I won’t be long, just a lap around the block. I just, I just need some air, okay?” The house became quiet, no one quite knowing what to say. Jazz excused herself a moment later and walked back up to her room. She slammed her door shut. The ticking of the clock was the only sound to be heard in the suddenly silent kitchen.
“Is that how he sees us?” Jack asked quietly, looking down at his large hands. “Danny used to think what we did was so cool, when did that change?” When did he change? was the silent, unasked question. Or maybe they'd all changed, grown apart so slowly that no one had really noticed. Maddie stood up abruptly and stalked towards the door, strapping an ectogun to her hip as she went.
“Mads, maybe you should give him-”
“You know as well as I do that this is the peak time for ghosts. Danny, he might not trust us but I won’t let a disagreement get him killed.” It was full dark outside and she was halfway down the block before she realized she didn’t know which direction Danny had gone in. The night air was chill for mid-April as it shook off the last dregs of winter. She was feeling cold in her protective hazmat; Danny had left in short sleeves. Maybe she should run back and get his jacket for when she found him.
“Nice night for a walk,” Maddie jumped at the voice to find Phantom lazily floating in the air above her. His posture was casual but his eyes were sharp, searching as he always was. Green eyes glanced at her gun before meeting her eyes. “Looking for someone? Perhaps chasing someone who doesn’t want to found?” No way was she going to let him know her son was out here, alone and vulnerable.
“You actually,” she lied. He raised a disbelieving eyebrow but didn’t call her out. How could he be so expressive and so hard to read all at once? Against her better judgement, she thought again about the ghost as a human. “You called me Mom earlier, I want to know why.”
“What, you’ve never called someone something dumb by mistake?” Phantom flinched, crossing his arms defensively. “It was an accident, I’m just as upset as you are, believe me. Now if you don’t mind, I was trying to have a nice flight to clear my mind. Good luck finding whoever you were really looking for.”
“My husband thinks you’re pretending to be alive, that you’re lying to the town, going to school.” She searched his face for some sign that she was wrong but his expression was still as stone. “You’re putting people in jeopardy, I thought you wanted to play the hero!”
“I’m not doing anything,” He growled, his eyes flashing ominously in the dark. “I’m just doing the best I can, okay? If I go to the Nasty Burger or sit in on English Poetry when there’s no ghosts to fight then who’s hurt? Only me for trying to hang onto something real, something normal!”
“But the ghosts-”
“News flash! The ghosts would be here with or without me because of your stupid portal! I can’t even legally drive and yet you blame me for everything.” He scoffed and looked away, “you really are just like my mother.”
“So I do remind you of her,” she stated. “Your mother.”
“That’s a great thing to say to some kid you shoot at regularly,” Phantom said, icily, his green gaze boring into her over his shoulder. “What do you want me to say? Yeah, you do. It’s not just your voice or your face but the way you look at me like I’m nothing but a disappointment. How you make me feel like I’m some damaged child you need to hammer into shape.”
“You can’t - I’m not disappointed,” she said before she could think otherwise because how else could she react to such a charged statement? What kind of abusive, miserable home had he come from? Her heart clenched again to be compared to this woman.
“Yeah, I can tell,” Phantom snapped at her sarcastically but, like the time when he’d called her a bad mother, underneath the anger was sadness. “None of this matters, we’re both going to keep doing our own thing without each other’s approval. We’re enemies so let’s just forget this all happened and go back to you shooting at me while I beg for you just stop and listen for one second-”
“Alright, I’m listening!” Maddie shouted back, frustrated and sympathetic against her better judgement. “What is it you want to tell me so bad?” Phantom froze, like he hadn’t expected her to just stop like that. His shoulders hunched and his eyes were wide and he looked so much like a lost teenager that it pulled painfully at her heart. God, why did this one ghost bring out so many contradictory feelings in her?
“I want,” he stopped, swallowed and floated to the ground so they were near eye level. Sometime in the last year, he’d gotten taller than her. She hadn’t realized ghosts could grow, could age. Phantom was always the exception to every rule they had. “I want the same thing you want. I don’t like seeing ghosts coming through and hurting people. Before I was Phantom, I was nobody, I couldn’t help anyone. I can now and keeping people safe, it gives me a purpose I didn’t even have when I was human. Ghosts might just be the untethered remnants of dead people but we still love and feel and value things, just differently than you do. I want to keep ghosts from attacking people but without damaging them, we’re not all evil just... trying to find our own way to the finish line. If you’d just, not attack on sight, I could show you.”
It was perhaps the most she’d heard Phantom say all at once. He was rubbing his gloved fingers anxiously against his thigh and there was a desperate bit of want in his tragically young face. He wanted her to believe him, like a child looking to their mother for approval. As more time stretched on without her speaking, his hopeful look fell into a kind of sad acceptance. He looked like Danny had at the kitchen table not 15 minutes before.
“Okay,” she said finally. “We can give it a try for a bit. It’s not a truce exactly but so long as you’re not causing harm, Jack and I won’t shoot at you.” It wasn’t much but the boy looked like he’d handed her the moon and then some. He floated up a little, his boots jittered with excitement. She gaped when he reached forward and grasped her hand only to shake it enthusiastically. His hand was chilled but solid in her own.
“Yeah, you got a deal! Don’t worry, Mo- Ma’am you won’t have to worry about me, I’ll be a good little ghost, scouts honor! not that I was, uh, ever in the scouts. If things go well, I’d be happy to tell you more about ghosts and the Zone. I’ll even give you a tour if you’d like.” His smile was infectious and she bit her lip to resist the natural urge to smile back.
Maybe Phantom was a ghost, a sad child who’d died far too young but he was also someone’s son. That woman, however, hadn’t been able to protect him, to support him. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to give the ghost boy a chance and maybe Maddie could fill in something his other mother couldn’t. Perhaps she could even learn how to give her own children what they needed too.
“We’ll see,” Maddie hummed. “Now, you were going to go flying and I need to find my son before he catches his death, that is, if he’ll even talk to me.”
“He will,” Phantom said softly. “My mom messed up, hurt me sometimes but I knew she loved me and I love her. I don’t know your son but I do know what it’s like to be a son and your mom is... whether you’re living, dead or in-between, she’s always your mom. Maybe he’s worried you won’t love him, the things he’s done or believes in.” He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck, “Of course, I don’t really know you and your family. Usually try and avoid you guys, being ghost hunters and all. Even your daughter is pretty scary.”
“That would be pretty weird, a ghost surrounded by hunters,” her lips twitched upwards despite herself as she imagined Phantom chatting with Jack and Jazz in the living room. The image wasn’t quite as strange as she’d initially thought. Who knows where this shaky truce would lead them? Phantom took that as his excuse to leave and flew off into the night. Maddie watched him go, she started up the block when she got a series of texts a few minutes later.
Danny: I’m home, sorry for running off like that Danny: I don’t like the way you talk about ghosts the way some people talk about race or gender. I want to make opinions based on facts and understanding, not half baked theories Danny: I’d be willing to talk more, if you’d stop being so stubbornly certain you’re right and just listened for a change Danny: I love you, Mom I don’t think I say that enough. Sometimes I feel scared to, like you won’t understand Danny: Jazz came down and Dad brought out the special fudge Danny: Come home, its cold out
Maddie brought her phone to her lips, looking up in the sky as if she might see Phantom still flying around. That boy still loved his mother, the mother who’d hurt him. She didn’t want to be like Phantom’s mom: distant, cruel, unwilling to listen. If she could hold out an olive branch for her enemy, then she certainly could for her son.
Mom: I love you too, baby, never doubt that. I think I'm ready to listen now. Mom: I’m on my way home, save some fudge for me.
I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, Just around the corner. All is well.
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realcube · 3 years
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choose-a-date ♡ choose love! — 2k event  ♡ @peachiileaf​
tw: captive fishes, water & general aquarium stuff
instructions: for each decision you make, you will be given points. at the end, tally your points and click on the links at the end to view your results! everything in blue bold is a question for the reader
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Iida’s gaze flickered between his wrist watch and the crowds of people passing through the entrance hall, lips instantly curling into a smile as he picked you out from the masses. 
He took a moment to admire you from afar until he decided to approach you, gently tapping your shoulder once he was close enough, “Good morning.” He almost sung, breath hitching slightly in awe of your outfit, “You look amazing.”
Turning to look at him with a bright smile, you awkwardly rubbed your forearm, “Morning, and thank you! Though, I feel rather underdressed compared to you.” You tried to sounds as upbeat as possible, vaguely gesturing at his attire; straight trousers, a white shirt, a blue blazer and tie. 
Iida reciprocated your sheepish grin, nodding while pointing at his tie, “Don’t worry, as I said, you look wonderful. I pondered wearing something more casual for today but not only did I want to make a good impression, I also found this tie and thought it was perfect for the occasion. What do you think?” 
You giggled, inspecting the tie and noticing that it was dark blue with patterned outlines of little fishes. 
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> “I love it!” ♡ 3 points 
> “It’s so cute!” ♡ 2 points 
> “Very fitting.” ♡ 1 point
“I’m glad you think so.” He said, offering his hand while motioning to the first exhibit, “Shall we?”
“Yep.” You chirped, gently placing your hand upon his as he lead you towards the start. By poking your arm, Iida then brought your attention to the open map he was holding in his opposite hand, using his fingers — while still intertwined with yours — to point out each location in the aquarium.
“This place is quite large so I doubt we’ll be able to see it all in one day. Are there any exhibits you especially want to visit?”
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> “The coral reef!” ♡ 3 points
> “The sharks!” ♡ 3 points
> “The penguins!” ♡ 2 points
> “The sea otters!” ♡ 2 points 
> “Nope.” ♡ 1 point
“Alright.” Iida smiled, glancing at the map once more before folding it and slipping it back into his pocket, “The first exhibit should be the general tanks.” As he spoke, you both entered the vast room which was lined with many different tanks filled with varieties of fish from all over the world.
While you were admiring the surreal at atmosphere of the display, Iida was already checking out the first tank to his right and tapped your shoulder to bring you back to reality, “Would you look that,” He mused, observing the fish while reading out the information sign along with it, “ ‘The Atlantic Blue Marlin are located throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Fun fact: The average speed of the Blue Marlin is 50mph, however they can reach up to 110 mph.’ ” 
After reading the card aloud, Iida spun around to face you, “Fascinating, right?”
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> “Yep, it’s so cool!” ♡ 3 points
> “It kinda reminds me of you.” ♡ 2 points
> “Why is it built like that?” ♡ 1 point
 Iida simply chuckled, about to inspect the next tank until a wave of panic seemingly washed over him, as he rapidly started patting his pockets in search of something. 
Fortunately, his fright was short-lived as he pulled out a pair of tickets and showed them to you with a gleeful grin, “I almost forgot; before you arrived, I booked us tickets of the dolphin show. I’m not exactly sure what the dolphins do in said show, nonetheless I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.”
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> “I think they perform tricks and stuff!” ♡ 3 points 
> “Maybe they let the audience pet the dolphins?” ♡ 2 points
> “Stand-up comedy?” ♡ 1 point
“Well, I suppose we will just have to wait and see.” He said with a shrug.
You momentarily forgot that you were still holding his hand, which led to you stumbling over your feet slightly as he began guiding you to the room where the show was going to take place. 
However, as the entrance to the hall came into view, Iida chose to let go of your hand in favour of holding you to his chest by the shoulders, since the room was bustling hence he had to keep you close so neither of you got lost.
Eventually, after ages of shuffling forward among dozens of parties trying to get in through a narrow doorway, you both finally managed to take your seats — front row, of course — as you waited for the show to begin. 
“At last.” Iida breathed a sigh of relief, attempting to make himself comfortable in the wobbly plastic chair, though he quickly realised all his efforts would be futile. So instead of messing around with the chair, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, immediately opening the front camera, “While we are waiting, may I take a picture of us together?” 
As soon as you nodded your head, Iida’s arm had already extended upwards with the camera, “Say cheese!” He grinned, and snapped several photos once you were posing too. Straight afterwards, you watched as he scrolled through the pictures, selected the best one to set it as his home-screen. 
If it wasn’t for the announcement for the starting of the show, you and Iida probably would’ve spend another hour or so playing around with the filters. Thankfully though, after what felt like hours of waiting, the dolphins finally emerged dramatically from behind the stage. 
As one may have predicted, the show mostly consisted of the dolphins performing tricks; like jumping through hoops, bouncing balls and dancing! It was truly an incredible sight. Plus, one even gave you a high-five! However, when it turned around to swim back to the stage, the splash it’s tail made was enough to soak both you and Iida. 
Overall, it was a pretty enjoyable experience. Perhaps targeted more at couples with children but Iida didn’t really know what he was signing up for when he booked the tickets, so you couldn’t really blame him. 
Eventually, the curtains fell and the dolphins went back to their enclosures, after successfully putting on a show and ruining your shoes in the process. 
Iida promptly turned to look at you, his damp hair making you snicker slightly, “That was, definitely something. Did you like it?”
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> “Yeah! But I think they should let the dolphins go.” ♡ 3 points
> “Yes, they were all so adorable!” ♡ 2 points
> “Yeah, those dolphins were so talented!” ♡ 1 point
Iida nodded in agreement, getting up from his chair to stretch while searching for the exit. This time, you were the one to escort him to it.
Apparently this exit led to a gift shop so you asked that he stay here while you quickly head to the bathroom to dry off your clothes.
With a single hum of acknowledgement, you were gone, leaving Iida to shop aimlessly for a gift to give you, just as a small token of love and a reminder of this date so that in a few years time, you could both reminisce on your fun times together. 
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5-8 points
9-12 points 
13-15 points
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Good Help - chapter 4 - ao3 link
The day Wen Ruohan returned, Meng Yao felt ready for just about anything short of an immediate order of execution. He had survived an increasingly frantic set of attempts to murder him – in many instances, his survival was entirely courtesy of A-Jue – and had a list of achievements as long as his arm, each one backed with public recognition and an explanation as to how they fit into Wen Ruohan’s pre-existing orders.
He'd disposed of any dissenters, too.
The return ceremony was no time for someone to blurt out something awkward.
It was intricately planned: first the multitude out in the Nightless City, cheering their Emperor’s return, then the procession through the court with all its ministers and representatives of all the other Great Sects, and finally the entrance to the throne room, which would contain only those most important to the Emperor: his closest deputies, his wives and concubines, and of course the Empress far above them all in her sedate chair.
And Meng Yao, of course.
The innermost hall would be guarded by those guards assigned to it, an honor that they all lusted for, and Meng Yao had abrogated the right of the guard captain to select each of them himself, claiming that all of the disasters in the past few weeks had shown him the need to take especial care of their beloved Emperor’s life.
He didn’t select A-Jue.
He hadn’t even looked for his name in the list. He'd rather deliberately planned on A-Jue not attending, in fact, and A-Jue hadn’t questioned it, only saluted with a bow deeper than any of the (usually ironic and highly irreverent) ones that had come before. Their eyes had met briefly – a glance full of regret, regret and understanding – and they had said no more about it, each going their own way that evening as if everything were the same.
And then, in the morning…
A-Jue had not come.
Meng Yao had not permitted himself to be disappointed.
He’d turned his mind to other things, to preparations, to making sure everything was perfect, and it was. He’d worried briefly about the Empress, that she might refuse to leave seclusion, but she was there before he was, seated and waiting in her place, a larger than life statue in her thousand veiled layers as always. He’d stressed over the placement of the guards, but they were there, shining and immaculate as always, each one carefully selected for their talent at discretion. He’d checked over his multiple plans designed to let him survive.
He was as ready as he could ever be.
Wen Ruohan’s procession took an age, the concubines in the inner hall yawning and shifting from leg to leg, the veiled Empress as unmoving as stone. Meng Yao took her as his model and remained still, refusing to show weakness.
And then –
The Emperor walked in through the doors, a swirl of robes, and no matter how much Meng Yao had prepared himself, he still involuntarily drew a breath when he felt the sheer power radiating off the man. There were those that accused Wen Ruohan of doing dark and dirty things to get his power, those whisperers all dissatisfied and envious, and they were probably right, too. But those that entered his presence, that were subject to his might directly, knew that it didn’t matter how he’d gotten his power.
Power was power.
Strength was strength.
Wen Ruohan had the face of a young man and the aura of a vicious beast, the temperament of an emperor and the emotional stability of a madman – and he had enough power to crush all the rest of them with a snap of his fingers.
He swept into the room like a storm.
Following in his wake were those he had taken with him on his travels: his highest-ranked guards, his most favorite servants, and Imperial Consort A-Sang, veiled and hidden but for his clever eyes, characteristic scholar’s fan held loosely in his hands.
Walking freely, as if he feared nothing.
As if he owned the hall.
Meng Yao was not the only one who tensed at the sight of the Imperial Consort and his blithe unconcern, thinking that the last thing that they needed right now at this moment was the bitter internecine conflict of the harem breaking out.
And then, of course, it turned out that their concern, all those rumors and suspicions and speculations and schemes, were all for nothing.
Wen Ruohan didn’t so much as look at the rest of them – not the concubines he had obtained, unmatchable in their beauty; not the guards he had nurtured, each one as ferocious as a tiger and as precious as pearl held in his palm; not the deputies he valued so highly; not even Meng Yao to who he had entrusted his city, his sect, his empire.
He had eyes only for his Empress.
“My beloved,” he said with a smile and hands extended as he climbed the stairs, Imperial Consort A-Sang left forgotten behind him to quietly retake his proper place among the other concubines. “Have you missed me?”
The Empress ignored him, silent and unmoving as always.
Wen Ruohan did not take offense the way he might have with someone else – the way he would have, with anyone else.
Meng Yao had heard people say that Wen Ruohan was mad over his unspeaking statute of an Empress, but his time in the Fire Palace had made it difficult for him to believe it. Wen Ruohan enjoyed rape, among the multitude of torments inflicted there, and he took sadistic pleasure in snatching would-be brides or daughters, sometimes even sons, from people he disliked and forcing them to become concubines; the more he disliked them, the more time he spent in the beds of their loved ones.
He was a man who enjoyed violence and humiliation above all else. How could such a man fall in love?
Much less with the Empress, of all people. The frigid, silent Empress, who had no political backing to prove her worth, who had been there by his side for years and years – long enough for any man to grow bored, much less an Emperor who commanded the wind and storm, who could have anyone he pleased?
Meng Yao couldn’t believe it.
And yet, it appeared – he was wrong.
Wen Ruohan’s gaze as he walked up to his wife went beyond passion and into obsession. The miraculous treasure he had obtained in the south, a powerful spiritual weapon in the shape of a lamp that was said to increase the speed of the bearer’s cultivation a dozen times over, was placed in front of her.
“Do you like what I got for you?” Wen Ruohan asked, and the Empress turned her veiled head aside, a clear gesture of rejection. “So picky, so picky. I could pluck the moon out of the sky for you, my beloved, and you wouldn’t care…”
Any normal woman would yield to such persuasion.
Any woman who knew fear, knew Wen Ruohan’s fickle moods, would seek to at least temporize, distract.
The Empress ignored him.
“Same as always,” Wen Ruohan sighed exaggeratedly, and put his hand upon her cheek, turning her face back to him. “You never do change, do you, A-Jue?”
A cold sharp shock spread at the base of Meng Yao’s spine.
The Empress permitted her head to be turned, to be raised to regard her imperial husband.
“Fuck off,” A-Jue said, his voice painfully familiar, and attacked.
“Would you like some more tea?” A-Sang – Huaisang, apparently, Nie Huaisang, just as A-Jue was apparently the long-thought-dead heir of the Nie sect, Nie Mingjue, and obviously had never even once been a guard of any hall whatsoever – asked Meng Yao, patting his shoulder sympathetically yet again. “You’ve had a hard day.”
“No, thank you,” Meng Yao said, both because he didn’t know where he’d put the needles he used to check tea for poison after the last cup and also because he wanted to keep some room in his belly for the barrel of liquor he intended to find and down at some point later on.
He rather thought he deserved it.
A hard day. He scarcely had words to explain how much Nie Huaisang was understating things. A hard day!
Meng Yao still had blood splattered on his face from standing too close to the throne when A-Jue – Nie Mingjue, he needed to remember that – when Nie Mingjue decapitated the Emperor right in front of all his deputies and concubines, which was immediately followed by half of said concubines pulling out knives or swords or other weapons and moving at once to hold the other half hostage. The shrieks of those concubines that had not been in the know acted as a signal to those outside the hall, the roar of fighting breaking out at once, and Meng Yao didn’t even want to think about the gigantic mess they’d undoubtedly turned the Sun Palace into.
(But that was still better than thinking over and over, with no little amount of hysteria, I’m so glad I never ordered him to serve me in bed!)
Nie Mingjue had stalked out to the door, the frankly gigantic saber he’d always carried around everywhere finally drawn – it felt almost alive to Meng Yao’s admittedly inferior senses, alive and vicious and cruel and bloodthirsty, and he remembered how he’d once laughed off A-Jue’s claim that death would inevitably follow if he drew his blade – and he’d been greeted by shouts of acclaim and admiration from his followers, cries of dismay and despair from his enemies. He’d still been dressed in an Empress’ robes, which he’d torn apart for more mobility, but no one had cared one bit.
I guess the problems really did start in the harem, Meng Yao thought to himself, and thought he might still be a little hysterical.
Jiang Cheng had shown up at some point, wielding some sort of lighting-whip; he’d only stopped long enough to pull Nie Huaisang into a brief embrace before continuing onwards, his voice snapping out orders as sharp and vicious as his weapon, his orders obeyed by what might or might not have been a secretly resurrected Jiang sect. And he was the least disturbing of their visitors – the Lan sect apparently had been hiding a demonic cultivator away in their placid and boring little mountain retreat, just waiting to bring his unique brand of necromancy to cause havoc in the Nightless City – !
“How did I miss all this?” Meng Yao found himself asking Nie Huaisang, who smiled at him.
“Scale,” he said. “You were so close to everything, and your ascension so abrupt, that you had no chance to catch us – by the time you were put in charge, everything was already in the works. You would have only been able to see the patterns as they were, not as Wen Ruohan would have had them be.”
That made sense.
“You came pretty close a few times, though,” Nie Huaisang added thoughtfully. “I had to deal with more than a few frantic messages from my brother – thanks for spilling that, by the way.”
Meng Yao could not, for the life of him, tell if Nie Huaisang was being sarcastic.
He did feel marginally appeased that he’d come close.
“Was it always supposed to happen now?” he asked, curious. “The lamp he retrieved – was it –”
“Oh, no, no, we’re three months early! The lamp wasn’t important at all; it was just something I dug up a reference to because I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist going after it and we needed him out of the way to set up the last few things we needed. And then da-ge got into a fight with him so that he’d get the idea to drag me with him – he’s vindictive like that, but also predictable – and that gave me the opportunity to keep on poisoning him. The whole thing was actually supposed to be at his birthday banquet, after he’d gotten drunk…it’s all your fault, you know.”
“He was going to execute you, as you’d suspected,” Nie Huaisang said. “Your methods would have forced his hand – he couldn’t have done it publicly, not and keep his self-image of the merit-rewarding Emperor intact. But he promised your father that you’d be dead before the month is out, even if he had to cause an ‘accident’ himself.”
Meng Yao shuddered. That’d been the one weakness of his plan: his weak cultivation, which Wen Ruohan could have used to excuse a death from a supposedly ‘friendly’ interaction.
Still, that wasn’t the key part of what Nie Huaisang had said.
“You sped up your plans – for me?” he asked, confused, and Nie Huaisang nodded. “Why?”
“My brother likes you! He doesn’t like just about anybody, really,” Nie Huaisang said, voice blithe and merry as it had always been, something that raised Meng Yao’s hackles more than relaxed him. Clearly Nie Huaisang wasn’t anywhere near as useless and head-in the-sky, dreamy and idealistic, as he’d appeared for years. “Especially when it turned out that you were easy enough to convince into not continuing to commit atrocities as long as another route was offered – you don’t know how hard some people find that, and of course you did come out of the Fire Palace, very suspicious, but all in all you passed your trial period with flying colors. So obviously we couldn’t let you just die, could we?”
“…this humble one thanks you,” Meng Yao forced himself to say.
Nie Huaisang waved a hand dismissively. “Anyway, you’re a good administrator,” he said. “And there’s still the Nightless City and all the Empire left to manage. You don’t mind, do you? There should be fewer assassination attempts now.”
Meng Yao frowned. “Those attempts…?”
“We spread word that Wen Ruohan was planning on keeping you,” Nie Huaisang said, and he didn’t even sound apologetic. “Obviously Wen Ruohan had already encouraged all those he thought were his enemies to attack you, but we tried to lure out the rest of them: his most faithful servants, the greedy and the vile – that part of the plan was before we got to know you. Or, well, before my brother did. He felt so bad after a while…I don’t see why. He protected you, and together you got rid of any number of the people who would have been our fiercest enemies! So what if you had to endure a little stress?”
No, Nie Huaisang was definitely not useless and dreamy and idealistic.
“Now there’s really only one problem,” Nie Huisang mused. “It’d be strange if you went from being Wen Ruohan’s viceroy to being ours, so we need to give you a new position. But what would suit…?”
“Huaisang! Meng Yao!”
They both turned.
A-Jue – Nie Mingjue, why couldn’t he remember – strode towards them. He’d changed into proper robes at some point, dark ones that could handle bloodstains, and he looked like a war-god, shining with power as bright as sunlight. He was every bit as powerful as Wen Ruohan was, in his own way – the blazing sun to Wen Ruohan’s dark and ominous hurricane – but that wasn’t so much of a surprise, given as he was such a ridiculous cultivation maniac…and, oh, they’d made jokes about the Empress right in front of him. They’d joked about her dual cultivating with the Emperor in front of him – !
No wonder he was so powerful. Wen Ruohan literally shared his spiritual energy with Nie Mingjue, presumably for years, the cultivation making them both grow more powerful and creating a connection between them, a connection that Nie Mingjue had used to drain all that power away from a weakened Wen Ruohan – Nie Huaisang’s unspecified poison, presumably – and then to sever the bond between them when he severed the erstwhile Emperor’s head.
A-Jue smiled at them both, just as free and easy and straightforward as he’d ever been.
“I’m so glad you’ve finally met!” he said, beaming. “You’re very similar, in some ways; I think you’ll get along excellently. Which is good, because I’ll need all the help I can get –”
And then he started talking about a publicity campaign, rearranging the army, and tax reform, about implementing Meng Yao’s system of random audits for more than just wheat and expanding the Watchtowers concept across the entire Empire, and Meng Yao stupidly felt a little like someone had given him flowers and romantic poetry written just for him.
At his side, Nie Huaisang started giggling.
“Oh,” he said. “Well there’s always that, I suppose. It’ll work quite well. I think you’ll make a very nice Empress, Meng Yao – perhaps a bit more sociable than our last, wouldn’t you say?”
The pinnacle of power, Meng Yao thought to himself, and shrugged, accepting his likely fate with a smile that he thought was even genuine. And why not? He could have everything he’d had under Wen Ruohan, except with a leader that would actually listen to him – that he had already trained to listen to him – and it would good for them, too. They’d keep him around, he was sure of it.
After all – good help was so very hard to find.
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of falling & skateboards
Fandom: Sanders Sides Characters: Logan, Virgil, background Remus & Janus Rating: Teen & up Relationships: Pre-romantic/platonic Analogical (first meeting), romantic Dukeceit (getting together), platonic Dukexiety.  Warnings: Language, Remus is somewhat suggestive throughout because he’s Remus, minor injuries Word count: 4541
Read on AO3!
My writing masterpost
Starlight Universe masterpost
analogical week 2021 start - previous - here - next - masterpost
Summary: Virgil's friend Remus drags him to the skate park and promptly abandons him in order to flirt with Janus; at least Remus had the grace to introduce Virgil to Janus's attractive friend Logan, who is just as poorly versed in skateboarding techniques as Virgil.
Notes: Day 5 of Analogical Week 2021! @analogicalweek Remus uses he/they pronouns; at this point, Janus uses they/them.  Takes place in my Starlight Universe, does not need context to read. 
 Virgil’s phone began ringing, making him jump. He fished it out of his pocket, planning to hang up until he saw the caller ID. It was Remus—one of his new friends. They’d met at a club Virgil had gone to during orientation, and they’d hit it off and started hanging out. 
Virgil picked up the call. “Would it kill you to fucking text me first?” 
“You don’t respond fast enough,” Remus said, sounding bored. 
“Sometimes I’m in class, Remus!” 
“Are you in class now?” Remus asked. 
“So it’s all good, see!” Remus cackled. “Anyway,” they went on, steamrollering over Virgil’s objection, “you wanna come to the skatepark with me this weekend?” 
That was totally out of the blue. “What?” Virgil asked after a pause. “Why?” 
“So, my brother has this roommate, and he’s super nerdy and boring but I think you’d totally get along and he’s coming to the skatepark with me and you should totally come along and meet him!” Remus explained. 
His voice was a little too self-satisfied. “What’s the catch?” Virgil asked suspiciously. 
Remus gasped dramatically. “Can’t I just want good things for my friend?” 
Virgil waited. 
“Also he’s friends with Janus and he’s bringing them, which is obviously totally unrelated,” Remus added. 
“Aha.” That made more sense; Remus had told Virgil way more information than he wanted to know about their crush on this Janus figure. 
“So you’ll come?” Remus asked eagerly. 
It wasn’t like Virgil had anything else going on this weekend. “Sure. I’ll come distract your friend so you can flirt.” 
“Hey!” Remus yelped, loud enough that Virgil winced and held the phone away from his ear. “Listen, this is a win-win situation for both of us! You’ll love him. Promise. He’s so fucking boring and nerdy, you’re going to talk each other’s ears off. It’ll be great! Trust me!” 
“Sure,” Virgil said, amused. “Text me the time and place. Text me,” he repeated for emphasis, and hung up the phone. 
On Saturday morning, he met up with Remus and the pair of them walked to the bus stop. Remus had their skateboard with them; Virgil didn’t own one, but Remus had assured him that he could check one out at the park for a small fee if he wanted to. 
“You did not say it was fancy,” Virgil accused as the bus pulled away from the stop. 
“What?” Remus looked down at himself. “Oh. No, I’m just sexy, nobody’s supposed to be fancy.” He was wearing a gray sports bra—it was the first time Virgil had seen him without a binder on, but even in a public setting he seemed totally unbothered—and faded jeans with huge holes in the knees, as well as platform doc martens and an olive green bomber jacket with “HE/THEY” stencilled on the back in white paint above a pair of skeletal hands giving double birds. His belly button was pierced and he was wearing a chunky black piece with small silver spikes in it; they had fishnet gloves on their hands, a black choker with small studded spikes on it around their neck, chunky black and silver studs in the three piercings he had in each ear, and messily smudged black and silver eyeshadow. His dark green curls were pushed back into a tiny, low ponytail that did absolutely nothing to contain them or make them less messy. “Pretty sure this isn’t what normal people mean when they say fancy, anyway,” they added thoughtfully. 
“Shut up, this is fancy. You’re being fancy to impress your crush.” Virgil elbowed them in the side. He was only wearing his typical combination of band tee, skinny jeans, and black hoodie; he felt positively underdressed next to them. 
“Yes, I am very very sexy and this is my mating call,” Remus said with an easy shrug. “What can I say?” After a pause, they added, “Do you think it’ll work?” 
Virgil snickered. “Sure. Whatever. You look very punk. I’m sure they’ll be very impressed.” 
“Good,” Remus said happily. “Here, this is our stop.” 
One thing Virgil had learned about Remus was that they had what seemed to be actually boundless energy, and it showed in the way they walked. They practically skipped, moving at a pace so quick Virgil had difficulty keeping up. But Remus was especially energetic today, and it got worse the closer they got to their destination. He was practically vibrating out of his skin by the time the park came in sight. 
“There they are!” he exclaimed, pointing to two people standing in the shade of a tree and making conversation. “Jan is the gothy one, the nerd’s all yours.” 
Virgil screeched to a dead stop and grabbed Remus’s elbow. “Dude.”  
“What?” Remus looked at him with raised eyebrows. 
“You didn’t say he was hot!” Virgil snapped. 
“What?” Remus looked bewildered, looking back to the people he’d pointed out. His expression cleared. “Oh, right, I forgot you can be attracted to cis people.” He looked back at Virgil. “I dunno. Make out with him about it?” 
“Jesus Christ—no! I don’t know anything about him, for starters?”
“Fuck first, ask questions later.” Remus grinned. “Or if you don’t want to, then just get over it. People are hot sometimes. No big deal.”
Virgil spluttered for a moment. “That is such terrible advice, please tell me you don’t actually—”
“No, no, I’m marginally smart sometimes, don’t worry about me. But I don’t know what you want from me, dude.” Remus shrugged. “This really seems like a you problem.” 
“I need to mentally prepare myself before I talk to hot people! A warning would have been nice!” Virgil said, hiding in the hood of his hoodie. 
“Mentally prepare yourself now, then,” Remus said pragmatically. “This is really not my fault, I simply am sexier than you at all times and it gives me the power to say no thank you to being attracted to cis people. How was I supposed to know you’d think he was hot? Like, if you get all hot and bothered by glasses and the walking personification of a college textbook, be my guest, but I don’t get it.” 
Virgil groaned. “Actually, I’ve changed my mind, could you shut up about it forever starting now?” 
“Oh, absolutely not, but your complaint is noted,” Remus said. “C’mon, let’s go say hi, some of us actually want to flirt with the people we think are hot.” They grabbed Virgil’s elbow and dragged him over. 
“Remus,” Hot Glasses Boy said cordially (and dammit, he was tall, which was another thing Virgil found attractive). “This is your friend, I assume?” 
“Yeah!” Remus grinned. “Logan, Virgil, Virgil, Logan. Apparently you’re hot. He’s emo. You’re both nerds, you should get along great.” 
“Remus!” Virgil snapped, cheeks going hot with embarrassment. 
“What? What?” Remus demanded, then elbowed past Virgil. “Hiiiii, Janus.” 
Janus raised a singular eyebrow, looking for some reason amused rather than annoyed. “Hello there.” They eyed him up and down. “I like your jacket,” they added, very obviously staring at his chest in a way that Virgil suspected has nothing to do with the jacket. 
Remus grinned and did a little twirl. “Thanks, I decorated it myself,” he said, wiggling his shoulders. “Wanna see me do a sick kickflip?” 
“Sure,” Janus agreed, and allowed Remus to link his arm through theirs and drag them eagerly away in the direction of the skating area, already talking a mile a minute and beaming up at them. 
Which left Virgil alone with this Logan guy and no idea what to talk about. He coughed, shuffling his feet awkwardly. Now that he was up close like this, Logan actually looked familiar, but Virgil couldn’t quite place him. Shit. Should he know him from something? 
“Don’t we have History 104 together?” Logan said, breaking the silence (and saving Virgil from the approximately two dozen different social gaffes he knew he was probably committing by not knowing what to say) all at once.
Virgil breathed out a sigh of relief, because yeah, that was it; this was the guy who sat at the front of the huge lecture hall and always raised his hand (and his voice was unmistakable too, now that he’d spoken; Virgil would have placed him in another minute). “Oh, yeah,” he said. He had no clue how the guy recognized Virgil; it was a big class, and Virgil usually sat by the back. Maybe he noticed Virgil on his way in? Virgil guessed he sat kind of close to the door. It was possible. 
“What do you think of the class?” Logan asked, and for some reason he sounded genuinely curious, not like he was just making small talk for the sake of it. 
Virgil had absolutely skipped two class sessions and napped through another, but he found himself not wanting to admit it. “It’s alright, I guess. The professor’s kind of dry for me, but the readings are okay.” That was more or less true, although it was maybe the most positive spin on his opinion. 
Logan nodded, adjusting his glasses and absorbing Virgil’s words like they were actually important information. “He is a bit long-winded sometimes. I wish he would be clearer about which things he intends to test us on.” 
Virgil nodded vigorously. “Right? Like, what’s up with that? Why is he spending twenty minutes out of the hour telling us about, I don’t know farming practices, or whatever, if he’s just going to say ‘oh, but that stuff won’t be on the test, I just think it’s interesting’ at the end?” 
“Well, it is interesting,” Logan said. (Virgil disagreed, but held his tongue.) “But I do wish he’d be clearer about what he intends for us to be taking away from his lectures ahead of time.” 
Virgil nodded again, and there was a brief silence while he scrambled for something to say. 
He glanced over Logan’s shoulder at the skating area; Janus was sitting on the edge with their legs dangling into the area, watching Remus, who was skateboarding back and forth at a speed that couldn’t be safe. 
“So,” Virgil said, looking back to Logan because he was pretty sure he’d scream if he watched Remus tempt fate any longer, “you’re friends with Remus?” 
Logan made a gesture that wasn’t quite a shrug. “I suppose so. He’s my roommate Roman’s twin, and the two of them spend a lot of time together, so I think I am friends with him by association. I’m much closer with Roman. Not that I don’t enjoy Remus’s company. I simply don’t know them as well yet.” 
“Right, right,” Virgil said. 
“How are you acquainted with them?” Logan asked. 
“Oh, we met at a club during orientation,” Virgil said. “We hang out a lot. He’s pretty chill most of the time.” Well. “Chill” wasn’t really the right word to describe anything Remus did, ever. But it did describe Virgil’s feelings towards him. 
“Ah, I see.” Logan nodded. “Do you know Janus at all?” 
“Not really—I mean, Remus talks about them a ton, but we haven’t really met or anything,” Virgil said. “You do, though, right?” 
“Yes, we were in the same group at orientation, and now we’re friends,” Logan said. “They and I like to deconstruct TV scripts together.” 
That sounded incredibly nerdy, and Virgil wasn’t even sure what it meant. “Wow,” he said, not sure how else to react. “Fun?” 
Logan smiled, and fuck, Virgil had managed to forget he was cute for a minute there, but it was back in full force now. “It’s lots of fun,” he agreed. 
They made some more small talk—majors, hometowns, and so on. Logan actually paid attention to every word Virgil said, and he was surprisingly easy to open up to. He didn’t seem judgemental, instead accepting every word Virgil spoke as important. Virgil was actually starting to feel comfortable talking to him, which was… cool. Remus’s assessment of the way they’d get along evidently hadn’t been too off. 
After a while, Logan looked over his shoulder at Remus and Janus; Remus had coaxed Janus onto the skateboard, and was pushing them back and forth, his hands clasped carefully around their waist and a huge grin spread across his face. 
“Are you planning to try that?” Logan asked Virgil, gesturing at the little building off to the side that was renting out skateboards and safety gear. 
Virgil hesitated. “I don’t know… are you?” he asked. 
Logan made a considering face. “I might. I’ve never been on a skateboard before.” 
“Wait, really?” Virgil asked. He hadn’t in a long time, but he’d been obsessed when he was twelve. He didn’t think that he’d been very good, but it hadn’t been for a lack of trying. 
Logan shook his head. “No, never.” 
“Well, we’ve got to change that,” Virgil found himself saying in spite of all the common sense that screams at him to not do something with such a high likelihood of making him look like a fool in front of a cute boy who was also turning out to be surprisingly easy to talk to, and thus a potential friend, which was honestly way more valuable than cuteness. 
Logan looked pleased, though, like he’d been hoping Virgil would agree, so Virgil couldn’t find it in himself to regret the decision. “Together, then?” he inquired. 
“Sure,” Virgil agreed, and they made their way into the building. 
They rented a pair of skateboards and two sets of safety gear for the minimum time—thirty minutes, at $15 apiece, which was definitely higher than Remus had implied but Virgil did luckily have the cash to spare—and made their way out to the skating area. 
Remus was now skating in tight, fast circles around Janus, who was holding perfectly still and calm at the lowest point of one of the curves built into the area. Virgil was pretty sure they weren’t supposed to be in the area without a skateboard of their own, but he also wasn’t about to tell them off and bring down the wrath of Remus upon himself. The two seemed engrossed in conversation, anway. 
Logan led Virgil to a completely different space from that which Remus and Janus were taking up. Virgil was grateful; he didn’t feel like being made fun of, no matter how good-naturedly, by Remus at this time, and while Janus was likely interesting enough to keep Remus from following them over here, they would never have passed up the opportunity if Logan and Virgil had stayed anywhere nearby. 
Logan stared at the skateboard he’d set down before himself on a flat space, looking vaguely perplexed. “You just climb on, right?” he inquired. 
“Yeah,” Virgil said. “You can, like, kick off with your foot to move, and stuff. Kind of like riding a bike.” He instantly regretted the comparison, and tacked on a hasty, “Only, not that much.” 
Logan made a small “huh” noise. “Interesting.” He cautiously put a foot on the skateboard and tested his weight on it. “Oh, I do not like that.” 
Virgil chuckled a little, tugging at the strap of his helmet to make sure it was securely fastened. “Yeah, it’s a pretty weird feeling, huh?” 
“The ground should be stable,” Logan said emphatically, staring at the skateboard that he was still barely resting one foot on with an expression on his face like it had personally wronged him. 
Virgil snickered. “Can’t say I disagree with you there, buddy. But seriously, it’s not too bad once you get used to it.” He hopped onto his own skateboard as if to prove his point, but he hadn’t realized he’d set it up on the barest incline, and as soon as his second foot left the ground it rolled right out from under him. 
“Are you okay?” Logan gasped, reaching to offer him a hand up. 
Virgil half laughed, because that was the best option just at this moment, trying his best to ignore the wish to go hide in a hole in the ground until everyone left and then never talk to Logan ever again. “I guess I deserved that,” he said, trying to shrug it off. “Got too cocky.” 
“You still shouldn’t get hurt! Are you okay?” Logan insisted, hands fluttering vaguely like he was resisting an instinct to check Virgil for injuries. 
Virgil’s tailbone was a little sore, which he was absolutely not going to admit to Logan under any circumstances when he’d only known the guy for half an hour, but aside from that—“I’m fine,” he insisted, brushing himself off. “Uh, thanks for the concern, though. I appreciate it,” he added awkwardly. 
“Are you sure? You—” Logan began. 
There was a loud cry of “FUCK!” from just out of sight that was undeniably Remus’s voice, followed by a crashing noise. 
“Oh, fuck indeed,” Virgil said under his breath, and scooped up his skateboard. “Come on.” 
Remus was rolling over as Virgil and Logan came into view of him; Janus was already kneeling by his side, worry plain to see on their face. 
“It was a very cool fall, don’t worry,” Remus yelled over at Virgil, pushing themself up on their elbows. “Ow, fuck.” 
“That is not the part I’m worried about, idiot!” Virgil called back as Remus gingerly poked at his knees, which were both scraped and bleeding. 
“No no, I’m fine, leave me alone, Virge,” Remus insisted hastily, making some complicated hand waving motions and glancing meaningfully at Janus. 
Janus looked very put out by this. “No, you know what, I’m inclined to let him scold you! Why would you not wear knee pads?” they demanded, grabbing Remus’s elbow, helping them to their feet, and guiding them to the side of the rink with motions far gentler than their words. 
Virgil paused, watching to see if Janus needed help, but now that it seemed they had it under control much more inclined to give into Remus’s wishes and let them handle it. 
“Because anarchy,” Remus said, grinning up at Janus and leaning all his weight on them, legs shaking slightly. 
Janus pushed him to sit on a bench with a fury that still managed to be gentle. “First of all, that is not what anarchy is, and second of all, even if it were, that’s still an objectively stupid decision to—”
“Oh, no, what a terrible mistake I’ve made,” Remus said with a shit-eating grin that told Virgil he knew the definition of anarchy perfectly well. “If only there were a smart, sexy nonbinary person around who knew all about anarchy, who could tell me what it really is while they tenderly bandage my wounds!” They cast themself back on the bench dramatically, draping the back of their hand across their forehead. 
Janus flushed slightly. “You could have just asked,” they said, and though their voice still had an annoyed bite it was softer now. “You didn’t have to get hurt before I gave you more attention.” They sank to their knees on the ground in front of him, examining the scrapes on his knees. 
Remus sat back up, reached out, and cupped Janus’s cheek in his hand, leaning far into their personal space. “Trust me, babe,” he said, and then something too low for Virgil to catch that made Janus flush a brilliant shade of red. 
Remus grinned and sat back, his fingers slowly dragging against Janus’s skin as he removed his hand from their face. “I have a first aid kit somewhere in here,” he said in a more normal tone, digging in his pockets and procuring a small white plastic box. He hesitated, eyes flicking to Janus. “If you don’t want—”
Janus rolled their eyes and shook their head. “Give me that.” They grabbed the kit and flipped it open, pinning down Remus’s legs with their elbows. “Don’t move.” 
Remus only rested his cheek on his fist, gazing down at Janus with a look on his face far softer and fonder than Virgil thought they’d ever admit to, should he call them out on it. 
“So,” Logan said in a low voice to Virgil, “please help me out here. Are they dating? I can’t tell.” 
“I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s unclear on that,” Virgil responded in a similar tone, going to go pick up Remus’s abandoned skateboard. “I—I don’t think so? From the way Remus talked about this beforehand, I would have been sure not. But then they—” He gestured vaguely at Remus and Janus. 
“Exactly!” Logan agreed. “I wasn’t even sure if Janus liked them back before we got here, from how they talked about him.” 
Virgil snorted, watching Janus gently sponging Remus’s knees clean with a shockingly tender expression on their face, which up until now had been haughty. “That must have been a trip.” 
“You have no idea.” Logan shook his head. “Alright. I will continue to allow it to be a frustrating mystery, since you don’t seem to have the answer either. Do you wish to attempt skateboarding again before we have to return these?” 
Virgil glanced at his watch; there were only seven minutes left. “I dunno. It feels like Remus getting hurt kind of killed the mood for it a little, you know?” 
“I can understand that,” Logan agreed. 
They checked their skateboards and safety gear back in (Virgil deposited Remus’s skateboard next to the bench he was on as they went), and then made their way back outside. The sun was starting to reach just the sort of angle in the sky where it was annoying no matter which direction you were facing, so Logan and Virgil retreated to the shade of one of the nearby trees. 
“Did you know,” Logan began, examining a fallen leaf on the ground, “that you can actually eat magnolia blooms?” 
“Wait, oh my god, yeah!” Virgil sat up. “I haven’t done it before, but I really like making preserves.” It was a good activity for days when his anxiety just wouldn’t go away no matter what he did, because it took a long time and a lot of hands-on work that always helped to take himself out of his thoughts for a while. 
Logan lit up, adjusting his glasses and peering at Virgil with keen interest in his dark brown eyes. “Really? That’s fascinating! Tell me more!” 
That was honestly all it took to get Virgil to start explaining his hobby, and if he’d thought Logan had been paying attention to him when he talked before, that was nothing compared to this eager interest to learn that Logan was now displaying. He asked just the right questions to egg Virgil on and on, and occasionally interjected facts of his own, some of which Virgil knew and some of which he didn’t. It sounded like Logan didn’t have much actual experience with preserving food, but a decent framework of theoretical knowledge. 
“I wish I could see what that looks like in practice,” Logan said at one point, as Virgil explained the way fruit jellying worked. 
“I mean, I bet there’s videos on YouTube,” Virgil said thoughtfully. 
“Yes, but it’s not the same, you know?” 
Virgil turned this over. “Tell you what. Jellying is a lot of work, and I don’t think we could really do it in a dorm kitchen, but here. Give me your number. I’m down to show you some kind of preserving method. I’m sure we can figure out a way to make it work with what we’ve got.” He dug his phone out and opened it to a new contact page. 
Logan’s eyes widened. “Really?” 
“For sure, dude.” Virgil handed him the phone and watched as he punched his number in. “It’s been a while since I did any kitchen work anyway, I could use the destressor.” 
“I would love that, thank you!” Logan said with an enthusiasm that was absolutely catching. 
Virgil chuckled. “No problem.” As he reaccepted the phone from Logan, he noticed the time at the top of the screen. “Oh, shit, it’s nearly three. Do you have anywhere to be?” 
Logan blinked. “Really? It doesn’t feel like it’s been long at all.” 
“I know, right?” Virgil agreed with a small laugh. Talking to Logan was surprisingly enjoyable, given how rare it was for Virgil to really like the company of new people.
“I do have a paper due tonight that I haven’t started yet,” Logan said thoughtfully.
“Dude, what? Oh my god.” Virgil felt the onset of deadline panic setting in, even though it wasn’t even his own deadline. “What do you mean, you haven’t started?”  
“Oh, it’s fine.” Logan waved his concern away. “It’s only three pages, I can do it no problem by then.” 
“But, like, research? Drafts?” 
“No, I already know it all. I can find sources to back me up easily. Trust me, I know what I can and can’t get away with when writing a paper. I only need to worry about drafts and research when it’s five pages or more. Anything less than that I can write the day it’s due and still get an A.” Logan spoke with an easy confidence that would be annoying in almost anyone else, but that somehow couldn’t quite manage to put Virgil off. Not after the absolute delight Logan had shown over the last half hour as he learned from Virgil. 
“If you say so. I still hate that,” Virgil told him. 
“That is what most people say when they learn about my homework methods.” Logan nodded. “Should we gather up our companions—oh.” His eyes widened as he looked over Virgil’s shoulder. “Um.” 
Virgil turned to look too. “Wow. Uh.” 
Remus and Janus were—well, to put it bluntly, they were making out. Much more extensively than was probably appropriate, given the public setting. Remus had Janus backed against a wall, with their legs around his waist as he held them up and kissed them, sloppy and desperate and gleeful, like he was on a mission to map and memorize the shape of their mouth. Janus was clinging to him tightly and kissing back like they’d never get another chance to. 
“Um,” Logan repeated again, frantically looking anywhere but at their friends. “Well. That is. Something.” 
Virgil laughed a little, also looking away. “Yeah… I mean. I guess now our question about dating is maybe answered?” 
“I hope so,” Logan said fervently. “However, just at this moment, I feel a strong inclination to, ah, pretend I don’t know either of them.” He chuckled, but Virgil got the distinct sense he was only half joking. 
Virgil snickered. “I mean, I feel like they’d deserve it at this point if we deserted them. Want to head back to campus together?” 
Logan perked up. “Really?” 
“Sure, dude. You seem pretty cool.” Virgil offered an awkward fistbump, and after staring wide-eyed at it for a brief second, Logan returned it. 
“You seem cool as well,” he said. “Shall we?” 
“Let’s do it.” Virgil got to his feet and followed Logan to the bus stop.
Virgil wasn’t normally one to get his hopes up, but he hoped this Logan guy would stick around for a while. He seemed like exactly the sort of person Virgil could have an amazing friendship with.
Taglist: @fivehargreeves05 
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
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SamBucky Halloween Prompt 5: Mausoleum
Sam meets Bucky in a mausoleum in Brooklyn  (This fic is set in Brooklyn because I could not make up a reason for Bucky to be in Louisiana despite the fact that I really very badly wanted it set in Louisiana. Bucky is also slightly younger because of fic reasons.)
Rated G: Discussions of death and loss (It’s set in a mausoleum, use discretion) (AO3 link in the notes)
Title from “Little Ghost” by The White Stripes, highly encourage you to listen to the song
One I’m Most Scared Of
Sam hated funerals. He hated that his father wanted him around for them. No other seventeen year old was surrounded by so much death and mourning.
“Sam, you have a gift,” his father said. “You put others at ease just by your presence.”
Sam thought everyone else should invest in a therapist and not a high schooler.
Petulantly, he kicked his heels back against a stone bench as he stared at the walls of crypts and cremains spots. Behind him, the funeral party milled and offered condolences to the bereaved, which actually seemed like everyone in the party. Sometimes, a funeral party seemed less bereaved than relieved at these things. Sam remembered the first time he heard a man’s daughter immediately plan lunch with a group of friends without a waver to her voice or a tear on her cheek. He vowed he’d never be the kind of person that had a funeral like that.
If he even had a funeral. Putting himself in the ground in whatever clothes he died in and then becoming a tree without telling anyone was becoming a nicer and nicer option.
So, he listened to the sniffling without turning around and thought about what kind of tree he’d become. He’d already done his duties of rubbing a wife’s arm, hugging kids, tickling grandkids, listening to the same three stories a dozen times. His father couldn’t expect anything else from him. So he wasn’t thrilled when someone his age sat down beside him.
The guy was handsome in a traditional, classical sort of way. Not as boring as the rich white guys who went to Sam’s school. His hair was side parted and only long enough to make an impressive arch on his head instead of laying in his face. He had a square jaw that was a little comical and his nose was a little fucked up in a kind of endearing way. The way Sam’s best friend looked after getting beaned in the face by a wayward baseball. Like most people who came through the mausoleum, he was sad.
There was no other word for it. Sam had tried to be poetic about his time in the crypts, but there was only so much the clinical-ness of bereaved and the dramatic-ness of tortured or sobbing or anguished could do. And they were rarely entirely true. Sad was just the word for people staring at remains of someone they once loved. Sometimes the simple explanation was the most appropriate. The rest of death and grief was already so complicated. It was easier to just feel sad.
The guy was too old to be a grandkid but too young to be a kid, unless the deceased and his wife had gotten freaky in their elder age. Sam hadn’t noticed him in his previous passes of the party or from the service, where he always sat in the back and made it a game to memorize as many shades of black or ridiculous hair styles as possible.
In fact, the boy wasn’t even wearing black. He was wearing a dark brown jacket, adorned with gold accents and pins. In fact… Sam was pretty certain it was an old military dress uniform.
“Uh...are you just visiting?” Sam ventured when the guy didn’t even bother to glance over.
The guy’s mouth quirked to one side faintly. “Yeah, you could say that. That one,” he said, gesturing to an entombment with a gravemarker that read James Buchanan Barnes March 10, 1922 - February 5, 1942. Son, Brother, Friend, Hero.
“Oh,” Sam breathed and understood the weird military uniform. “Are you related to him? You do kinda look like him.”
The guy turned finally to look at Sam and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, you could say that. I’m Bucky.”
“Oh, jeez, you were named after him too.”
The guy--Bucky 2, apparently--cocked his head in a half nod. “I’m actually waiting on someone. Do you think they’ll be here much longer?” he asked, jerking his chin over to the party.
“Well, these things don’t really have a limit to how long people can be here,” Sam pointed out. “But most people get the point when they start sealing the tomb and all. Uh, this thing you’re waiting for, is it about him? Like, some kind of memorial service?”
It was neither February nor March, so Sam couldn’t imagine why there would be a memorial service for Barnes now. It had been a while since Sam’s father had done a service in Brooklyn and he’d kind of forgotten the cult status Barnes and,  to a much greater extent, Rogers had in this town.
“Nah, I’m just waiting on a friend,” Bucky said.
“Well…” Sam settled back against the stone bench. “I’ll stand in for a while.”
“You wanna be my friend? Should I be worried. I think horror movies start off like this.”
“Name one horror movie that starts off in a mausoleum.” 
“Murder by the Clock. Mummy’s Tomb. All the vampire movies.”
“Dracula doesn’t live in a mausoleum,” Sam argued lightly. “And I’ve never even heard of those other movies.”
“That’s ‘cause you don’t watch classics.”
“Uh-huh. Or you were just scraping the bottom of the barrel.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and knocked his shoulder against Sam’s. “Did you know…” He gestured back to the waning funeral party.
Sam shook his head. “No. My dad’s the pastor. He did the service. He likes me to be here for moral support.”
“Hell, I don’t think my parents trusted my morals as far as they could throw me,” Bucky snorted.
Sam noted the past tense but knew better than to push for information, especially in a mausoleum during a funeral of all places. “Are you a student around here?” he asked instead.
“Can’t you tell?” Bucky answered as he popped the lapels of his jacket. “I’m a soldier.”
“Right. A soldier who’s home, spending his time in mausoleums in front of his great-great uncle or something.”
“I could be a great-great grandkid. I heard he got around.”
“I heard that was all manufactured propaganda to sell a story.”
“I read it in a book.”
“And I read about time travel and aliens in a book.”
Bucky shrugged. “There are weirder things out there.”
“Right, in a world of super soldiers and Nazis with no faces,” Sam agreed drily.
“You’ll see,” Bucky assured. “Aliens and time travel are both gonna be all anyone talks about soon.”
“Y’know, I didn’t think a guy dressing up as his great-great grandpa-uncle to meet someone at his burial site would be so into sci-fi too.”
“Multitudes and all that. You know, there were half a dozen sci-fi books in his bag when his belongings were recovered.”
“I’ve heard that,” Sam said. Only because it’d been a point in the Oscar-Bait movie a few years ago. “He’d read to Rogers when he was sick.”
Bucky looked a little wistful and then nodded.”I’ve heard that too.”
“Do you ever feel pressure to be like him? Or be somethin’ you’re not, just ‘cause someone looked at your little baby face and named you after a legend?”
That wry, sad grin came back and Bucky shook his head. “Nah. Not really. Do you, though? I mean, obviously not him. But someone.”
Sam traced out the letters of the name of someone who died in 1985. A L E X A N D E R. He nodded. “Feels like everyone needs me to be someone and I let myself play that part until people stopped noticing it was a part.”
“What’s the part?” Bucky asked as he leaned back on his hands.
“I dunno. Someone who-- Well, I mean… Maybe it’s not a full part. Maybe I’m just upset that people only want me to have one kind of personality trait. I mean, everyone knows I’m kind and I’m good with words and I care about people. And I really do want to be that guy. But when I want to be that guy, y’know? Not all the time. Sometimes I want to cry and scream and rage too. Sometimes I want to be quiet for a little while and not help someone else. Just for a few hours.”
Bucky nodded and stared at the rows of internments  before them. “Y’know. I’m sure people would understand that if you told them. If you said, ‘I can’t do this right now. Please let me be quiet.’”
“I know that,” Sam said softly. He tangled his fingers together in his lap. “Maybe I’m mostly angry at myself for not being able to say something like that. I’m the guy who helps. If I don’t do that, if I beg a day off, then who am I? What am I bringing to the table?”
Bucky scooted closer and put a hand on Sam’s knees. It sent a jolt through Sam’s body and he worked very hard on not jerking his gaze up to Bucky’s face. “Sam, you just said you have other personality traits, other feelings, other hobbies that aren’t hanging out in a mausoleum. That’s what you bring to the table on the days you can’t be there for everyone else.”
Sam nodded and reached up to rub two fingers under his eye. He wasn’t at full tears yet, but he also didn’t want to get any closer. “Wait, did I tell you my name?” he asked suddenly.
Bucky lifted an eyebrow again. “You must’ve. Or someone else said it earlier. The point is, you’re still you. And you bring smarts and humor and a good head around, even when you aren’t offering free therapy or a crying shoulder. And, Sam, listen, even when you don’t want to be any of that, you’re still kind. I’ve only been sitting here for a few minutes and you’ve been kind the whole time, even when you weren’t trying. It’s not a part you’re playing. Just be who you are and ask for your time when you need it. If people reflect even a quarter of the love you put out there back at you, no one will ever begrudge you some quiet.”
Sam swallowed thickly and leaned against Bucky’s shoulder heavily. Bucky moved his hand from Sam’s knee to wrap his arm around his ribs instead. “You really think I’m funny and smart?” Sam asked eventually.
“You started spouting off propaganda theories and joking about where vampires technically live. Yeah, you’re something else, man,” Bucky laughed. “And I think you’re beautiful, which people always appreciate in people they hang around with.”
Sam rolled his eyes and ignored the last comment, thankful that his skin was dark enough to hide his blush and Bucky couldn’t see the swooping of his stomach. “Well, if you think that’s impressive, I’ve got a whole list of things I think are propaganda.”
“I’d love to hear all about it some other time.”
“Is your friend here?” Sam asked, sitting back a little and glancing around.
Bucky’s eyes cast around the mausoleum briefly too. “No. I just don’t feel like listening to any propaganda tonight,” he joked.
Sam jostled his elbow into Bucky’s rib and leaned back against his side. “I can’t remember the last time I actually talked to someone in one of these things. Everything’s always so surface level here. ‘Sorry for your loss’ ‘He was a good man’ ‘Of course we’ll come by the benefit.’ None of it means anything.”
“Well, I wasn’t part of the funeral, so maybe that was a plus. I’m just some guy. Hanging out in a mausoleum.”
“Ah, you’re the vampire,” Sam said with a grin. “Maybe I should get a stake in that casket.”
“There’s no body in it,” Bucky reminded him. “They never found Rogers’ or Barnes’ body.”
“Right, right. The train and plane.”
“It’s just for show,” Bucky said. He reached out to trace his fingers along Barnes’ last name and then held his palm against the stone for a second longer.
Sam put his hand on Bucky’s knee and said quickly, like ripping a bandaid off, “Do you want to get lunch or something? With me? Now, or later. I’m not picky. And then maybe again?”
Bucky turned blue eyes back to Sam and he really did look just like all those old pictures. That same sad smile came to his mouth. “Yeah, I really, really do. Maybe later,” he said and leaned over to kiss Sam’s cheek softly.
Sam’s eyes fluttered shut and his heart kicked up so rapidly in his chest it punched the air out of his ribs.
When he managed to open his eyes again, Bucky was gone.
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