#applies to other discussed versions of him discussed on this blog too
transingthoseformers · 6 months
I don't care how it happens, merely that it happens
Humiliate the murderous bastard
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7grandmel · 18 hours
Rip of the week: 23/09/2024
Megalo Switch Back
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More) P-Switch (OST Version) - New Super Mario Bros.
Ripped by AdamCrossing
Undertale celebrated its 9th birthday earlier this month, and as you might've guessed I immediately went to thinking if I ought to celebrate that occasion in some way or another. I mean, yeah, the blog has a dire case of Too-Much-Undertale-itus with Locked In The Underground, Determination is Magic, World Out There - hell, Do for LOVE was just three posts ago - but as I've explained many times I find Undertale's impact on SiIvaGunner is plainly too big to be overlooked. Yet I wanted to find some new way to discuss Toby Fox's work, more than just a good Undertale rip: and right as I was pondering that very topic, the SiIvaGunner channel dropped "P-Switch (OST Version) - New Super Mario Bros." into my sub-box. I'm not quite sure what so expect, a pretty standard runtime attached to what's otherwise a pretty one-note jingle from the New Super Mario Bros series - yet mere moments into the rip, I knew Megalo Switch Back was an instant classic, and EXACTLY what I was looking for.
AdamCrossing is a pretty unique case as a ripper in that my first exposure to him came from seeing his work spread on Twitter, as the guy has a knack for knowing exactly what kind of audio edits and arrangements are able to get a kick out of people. A lot of his work such as his self-produced fusion collab, his arrangement of the New Super Mario Bros. Wii plains theme or the inverse of the same joke hit a lot of similar beats - the main one, of course, being the reoccurring fixation on the New Super Mario Bros. series of games. And maybe this is me speaking as a fellow Wii-generation kid, but I think that fixation matches perfectly with the SiIvaGunner MO, of both catching you off guard and providing something genuniely delightful: And so, as the aforementioned examples show, AdamCrossing's fantastic ear for quality and deep understanding of the New Super Mario Bros series' sound and sample usage leads to rips that know exactly how to strike the funny bone just right due to the sheer contrast in music featured in them: With New Super Mario Bros. as perhaps the most tonally cheerful thing outside of the Kirby series, just about anything from a more grim series mixed together with it is bound to result in something very interesting to listen to. Put succinctly, it's the appeal of If Pazuzu Sneezes Do You Still Say Bless You? applied to the New Super Mario Bros. series.
Megalo Switch Back is impressive even beyond many of AdamCrossing's other work, however, due to the factor mentioned at the start of this post: P-Switch is less of a "track" in the New Super Mario Bros. soundtrack and more like a glorified jingle, a timer enforcing stress with a tense synthetic melody of noise and a repeating backing of a sound that's best described as "crunchy", rounding itself out through a Shepard tone repeating until the P-Switch timer ends. And so we have a lead and we technically have a backing - but how does one compose an entire rearrangement with just those confines? The solution is, of course, to "cheat": much like Nape Mango did way back on Earth, Wind & Bombs and as dozens of rippers have done since, the trick is to employ usage of other instruments, samples and segments from the same soundtrack as the source track, whilst keeping the source track as the rip's focal point. Through this, every turn that Megalo Switch Back makes still resoundingly sounds just like the original New Super Mario Bros. on DS, whilst ALSO always sounding exactly the way that the P-Switch theme ought to. The blend was so good that, upon my first listen, I was halfway convinced that they'd changed the P-Switch theme for some of the later New Super Mario Bros. games, due just to how "New Super Mario Bros. DS" Megalo Switch Back sounds. It approaches Jamangar levels of authenticity in variety within a rip, the kind I gushed oh so much about back on Story of Undertale: yet here, the core P-Switch melody never quite fades away.
Though I talked a lot about contrast betwixt the New Super Mario Bros. series' tone and whatever else may be mashed up with it, the P-Switch theme in particular is able to resonate more closely with the track being arranged through its prominent tension-building - the repeating synthetic notes being a natural fit for the eerie tension-building intro to Megalo Strike Back. For those unaware, a few years before Undertale's release, Toby Fox contributed the aforementioned track to an EarthBound tribute album, the track itself being arranged entirely using EarthBound's soundfont. It's seen, in a sense, as a stepping stone to what would eventually become Undertale's finalized Megalovania theme - an original composition sharing much the same intensity as that of an A-Class final boss theme. Through its rearranging in Megalo Switch Back, AdamCrossing employs all the tools within New Super Mario Bros.'s toolbox of sounds to preserve that menacing sound: The lead and backing instruments from the game's Castle theme, notably, take center stage and create a suitably dramatic atmosphere through their slight reverb: An atmosphere that's deliciously (and hilariously) enhanced through the NSMB series' iconic "bah-bahs", now feeling almost akin to the chants of a choir of followers.
The entire rip just OOZES the feeling of the original Nintendo DS in a way that's hard to quite put into words, yet immediately recognizable as soon as you hear it. Yet althewhile, as it runs wild with this dramatic boss theme, the crackling backing instrument of the original P-Switch theme lingers throughout, alongside occasional breaks to add the P-Switch theme's main instrument to the mix. Like lots of what Season 8 has presented already in the likes of KNUCKLES (Smaragdwächter) and Luna, Mi Amor, Megalo Switch Back is an incredibly inspired and inventive rip, leveraging a source so seemingly minescule in material in a way that feels completely natural whilst technically not at all adhering to the premise the rip's title would include. As a fellow Wii kid and enjoyer of specifically these kinds of incredibly arrangement rips, AdamCrossing has my deepest regards - and if he continues on this path of quality, he's bound to become an all-time favorite in the future.
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gunsandspaceships · 5 months
I see this post is needed.
What is the purpose of this blog?
Analysis of the MCU and its characters, with a main focus on Tony Stark. Why? Because he is the most misunderstood character in the MCU. Sometimes I write/reblog about Comics versions too. This is not a "pure fun" blog, it's a meta blog about a fictional universe. I use sources, facts, educated guesses, all that scientific stuff.
Are fandoms just for "pure fun"?
No, they are for people. People like different things, not just "fun" ones.
"Fun" varies from person to person. My fun is science.
Are Comics Universes and characters the same as the MCU and its characters?
No, they are not. See this post and this one. Examples from different comics universes: 1610 Tony had a "tumor" in his brain, which was actually an Infinity Stone. 616 Tony never had tumors or Infinity Stones in his brain. 9810 and TRN591 Tonys are Sorcerers Supreme, while 616 or MCU Tonys are not. 1610 Nick Fury is African American. 616 Fury is white. I can go on forever.
Does Comics Canon apply to the MCU?
No (see previous question), unless the traits shown in the MCU are the same as in the Comics. Example, Tony Stark has 3-7 PhDs in 616 Universe, but in the MCU he has 2 (see this post). Another example: Steve Rogers had a smoking habit in the comics, but in the MCU he doesn't smoke.
MCU canon is canon only for the MCU. 616 canon is canon only for 616 Universe. 1610 canon only canon for 1610 Universe. The canon of your favorite fanfic is the canon of that fanfic, etc.
Am I anti-Steve?
No, I am not. Do I criticize him? Yes, when there is something to criticize for. The same applies to any other character: Rhodey, Pepper, Wanda, etc. It is science. Deal with it.
Do I hate anyone?
No, I don't feel hate. Can get angry and annoyed though. In this case - sorry if I bite you.
Do I ship Tony with anyone?
I ship Tony with Happiness. If he is happy with Pepper - great. If he is happy with Steve - I ship it. If he is happy with Stephen - I ship it too, and so on. But if they hurt him - I don't like it. Do you expect me to like it? What would be weird. The ideal option is when everyone is happy, loves and cares about each other.
How to react if I wrote a comment on your post/reblog of my post?
If you're open to discussion, great, that's what comments are for. If you are overly sensitive, can't stand other people's opinions, or deliberately ignore the facts, then it is your right to ignore my comments. And it is my right to write them. Remember that. It is called "communication", and that's what Tumblr and other social networks are for. If you cannot communicate with other people - talk to yourself.
Will I come to your post to write a comment about how wrong you are?
Am I so terrifying? If I see something is wrong, like 2+2 is stated as 5, and not 4, I will probably tell you about it. But I don't do it for headcanons. Headcanon is your HEADcanon. You can have any headcanon you want. It is your right 100%. But if your statement about CANON is incorrect and I can prove it - I can come to you. Remember, it is my right to do so.
You have a headcanon that MCU Tony is of Italian descent. I will not correct you because the MCU never mentions what his origin is.
You stated that MCU Tony has a drinking problem. I will come to correct you, because this is not true and I proved it here.
If you said 616 Tony has a drinking problem, I will not correct you because it's true.
You said that in fanfic N a kitten was saved by Clint, but it was actually Natasha. If I read that fanfic, I will come to correct you.
I think it's fair.
To summarize: if you say/write something - be ready to prove your words. That's how it works in real world, that's how it should work online. If you deliberately lied or slandered someone, even if it's a fictional character, there must be consequences.
Do you have any questions?
Ask anything - my doors are always open. And I don't block people if I don't like what they say.
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ancientbygone · 1 year
intro post
Copper, 18 years old, it/its pronouns (he/him acceptable; no they/them). made this side blog as a contained space for my own Sleep Token art and ramblings and such first and foremost, as well as others' Sleep Token posts i like.
if you want to support me, consider donating: https://ko-fi.com/copper_sands
autism creature Vessel keychain preorder: https://ko-fi.com/s/3e86930c7f
the basics (racist/queerphobic/etc)
unmasking the band members
RPF supporters/creators
if you romanticize/glorify incest, zoophilia, sexual depictions of children, etc. (fictional or not, either way it's block on sight)
if you use, support, or in any way condone any use of generative AI (images, music, text, anything at all)
strictly/mostly NSFW blogs (if it's just occasional NSFW content that's chill)
taglist & more info under the cut:
DO NOT REPOST MY ART. if you wanna use it for non-commercial means, ask for permission & if allowed, credit me when used. if you wanna use it for commercial means, fuck right off.
my native language isn't english. if i fuck it up i fuck it up.
i do not ship the band members themselves or their stage personas and i find it uncomfortable in general (for myself). i know i listed RPF in my dni but i feel the need to elaborate that for the sake of personal taste, it applies to their stage presence, too.
adding onto the previous point, whenever i talk about the vessels in terms of lore/adjacent, i am talking about them as characters. always. this blog is not for speculating on their private lives, and if you do so, you will be blocked.
i'd prefer not to discuss any of the sexual connotations in the lyrics for my own comfort. i know they exist, i just prefer not to think about them for my own interpretations.
i would appreciate people not leaving NSFW comments on my art, especially the more emotionally heavy stuff, thank you very much! if you really Have to say something, please do it in a separate post or just in a place where i'm unlikely to see it.
even if i might tag my writing as "theories", they aren't necessarily intended as such. if anything, i'm telling a story of my own based on the lyrics. if you try to claim there is one correct interpretation and it's yours, you're getting blocked.
adding onto the previous point (x2), a lot of the time i interpret the lyrics in tandem with my personal life experiences. it will absolutely get a little too real here. if the subject matter is too heavy, it will be tagged with #[subject] and #[subject] tw.
let me know if you want/need me to tag anything specific! either in an ask or in my DMs. don't hesitate to reach out about that :]
in addition to everything, i will be posting about my Sleep Token D&D AU, which is as simple as it sounds and also not at all. it's also very removed from my "main canon" or most of the band IRL, so it's really just me (& @mapleborealis !) fucking around. also, unlike the "main canon", they are a polycule and all kiss with tongue /hj
blog tags (WIP):
#bygone art - my own art
#bygone talks - my ramblings & the more disconnected bits of writing/theorizing
#bygone writes - the more coherent writing/theorizing
#bygone lore - everything related to my version of the lore of Sleep Token, be it art, writing, or anything else
#bygone silly - my memes
#bygone shows - any post of mine related to a personal Sleep Token ritual experience (pics, rambling, etc)
#bygone footage - images/videos/etc of the band, mine or not (credited as much as possible)
#bygone beloved - posts i particularly like and want to archive, mine or otherwise
#bygone off topic - things vaguely related to sleep token or not related at all
#others' [___] - a post of any variety listed above, just made by someone else
d&d au:
#sleep token dnd and #dnd au - general au tags
#dnd au vessel/ii/iii/iv/etc. - character-specific d&d au posts
little clarifying moments:
#espera - tag for vesselettes (hopefully no maskless posts; won't call them vesselettes either)
#sleep token him - separate tag for whatever Vessel and Sleep were pre-Sundowning. you can glimpse more on that in my posts about it.
#sparrowverse (thank you @fivewholeminutes for the name) - everything related to the lore of a timeline alternate to my main lore in which each vessel of Sleep has to kill the one before them to assume their place. outlined in my fanfic "kill the sparrow". there isn't much to it right now but there might be more trust
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koskela-knights · 9 months
EEAAO Connections
More meta! We're going on another long feel trip! Having watched AW2 videos, playthroughs, read multiple wiki pages & having watched Everything Everywhere All At Once (+ insightful meta posts and video essays) I see some overlapping themes and messages 👀 General/vague spoilers for the movie & spoilers for AW2 below
CW: mentions of suicide in red
+ additional Koskela feels & thoughts casually sprinkled in <3
I'm going off the concept that there are countless possible loops/alternate timelines/multiple universes in AW2. EEAAO obviously deals with the latter: multiple universes where every choice you make branches off into another reality/universe.
Nihilism, breaking the cycle/spiral
One of the main messages the movie conveys is that yes, the universe may not care about us, our actions may and can be insignificant in the big scheme of things. But that doesn't mean we cannot choose love, for ourselves and others. As this post brilliantly pointed out: in the universes where the characters choose nihilism through negative actions and not care about others, they sorta ruin/worsen their own lives. But once the characters choose love and empathy for themselves and others, their lives improve for the better.
You can see similar thoughts reflected in AW2. If we go with the idea that the Shadows in the Dark Place (DP) are past Alan (they even are his 3d model) and perhaps even versions where he kills himself, haven't led Alan out of the DP or the Darkness at all. They're literally dead ends. But only once he begins accepting external help (Saga, Rose and of course Alice) is he able to advance out of the spiral. It's also his love for Alice that keeps him going after all those years.
(Which is a similar point made in this post where the post argues that it's not destruction (parallel/similar to pessimistic nihilism) that can help you break free from the spiral but ascension (//love, support from others))
Choices & love
Now, venturing more into Koskela territory (this is a Koskela love blog after all)
What I loved in the EEAAO is that some characters are aware of these multiple universes and even if not, they long for a universe that exists somewhere else. In this post it's outlined that Waymond, who's a rich successful businessman in one universe, still longs for a domestic "poorer" life with Evelyn, doing simple taxes and having a laundromat business. That's the life the main story's universe takes place in, basically. Just ughh, the idea that gets me that people will choose to be together in every possible universe, or that they'd choose one humble universe over any other version where they might be more "successful" but separate from one another.
And I feel this would apply to the Koskelas too. Those brothers are soulmates. @zephyrone01 said that if Saga could still profile Jaakko after his death, Jaakko would've probably said that he loved Ilmo and didn't regret any of it and <33
The Koskelas would love each other and die for each other but also desperately try to save each other in every loop, every iteration and alternate reality/universe. I've been thinking about what-ifs: what if one of them is aware of the loops, what if they're both aware or subconsciously know what will happen/can happen. They would try to prevent each other from dying. They would and they keep on fighting for each other but also for their town and the people that they clearly love. Ilmo and Jaakko wouldn't put all that money and energy into their various businesses if they didn't believe Watery and its people still have a chance.
@zephyrone01 and I've been discussing many such what-if scenarios. Maybe it would've been easier for them if they just packed their business, aware of how dangerous BF & Watery are, but that's not their way. Even if they know the dangers and the tragic future ahead, they are willing to fight for who they love, what they love and they'll desperately clutch onto the hope that maybe, just maybe the next loop will be different and more positive.
And maybe there's a reality where they left or gave up but other versions of them would be (subconsciously) reminded of these darker futures and realize that staying and fighting has a much better outcome, even if the stakes remain high and one or both might still die as a result. But they would still choose any of those universes where they stay and fight because they have each other and it would've been worth it anyway. Even if the pain of losing the other will be painful and unbearable, it means they loved deeply and cared dearly.
I have so many feelings about the Koskelas man 😭😭😭 I hope this post was somewhat comprehensible and cohesive.
So yeah, TLDR: it's corny but love, empathy and compassion are the answer in every universe. Love for yourself and the people around you. It can help you get into the light. Maybe choosing this life is enough even if you don't leave the biggest impact because there are people you care about and who care about you too. And that's all that matters, really.
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bthump · 2 years
I was wondering if you could help me understand this scene where the king tortures Griffith in volume 9. I really don't want to draw a parallel between Griffith and Guts and incest. But is there a parallel here? Do you think Griffith by asking "don't you want her to have you?" is implying that he understands the king? if so, in what way? He then tells him "how worthless…" and pages later he is talking to himself saying "this is worthless". What does this scene imply? Does this have to do with Guts?
btw I love your blog :)
Thank you!
I actually have a pretty thorough interpretation of this near the end of this post, but since it's long and also the third part of a 4 part essay lol I'll give you a shorter version of my interpretation here too.
So basically I do think Griffith is comparing himself to the King and his incestuous feelings, but I think that parallel exists only in Griffith's own self-loathing mind, not as an objective statement from the narrative.
Guts has just left, which, to Griffith, feels like a very personal rejection - he trusted Guts to see the real him underneath the image he projects to others, and, to Griffith, Guts left him because of it. Griffith also tried and failed to keep Guts at his side through force, with the second duel, and then Griffith functionally threw his dream away over Guts by sleeping with Charlotte in a fit of despair and getting caught.
So what Griffith calls the King out on in the dungeon also applies to himself.
He calls the King a lonely miserable man with no reason to live beyond his daughter, derisively pointing out that he has the power of the throne but has failed to harness it for anything - “How worthless.” And that applies perfectly to himself - he threw his chance at the throne away because of Guts, because ultimately Guts, rather than his dream, is what Griffith has found himself living for, and he - wrongly - considers that to be pathetic. (I would love to be able to link you to a short explanation for that assertion lol but it’s basically the thesis statement of my 18k monster up there.)
And when it comes to the King's fucked up feelings for Charlotte, the parallel is with Griffith's falsely negative perception of his relationship with Guts, imo.
It's very easy to apply Griffith's "wouldn't you rather she have you?" line onto his attempt to force Guts to stay with him through a duel. The concept Griffith’s getting at there is the difference between forcing someone to be with you vs that person actively choosing you, as is thoroughly demonstrated when the King tries to rape Charlotte, then abandons the attempt and flees when she fights (rejects) him. And I think it makes a lot of sense for Griffith to feel a ton of self-loathing for the second duel, because he sees it as Guts rejecting him, and he sees his own attempt to keep him at his side by force as more of the “cruelty” that drove Guts away in the first place, in his incorrect opinion.
We know that Guts admired Griffith, that he actually left because he wanted to be better friends with him, and that he was actually reassured by Griffith’s challenge, because it meant that he was still important to him. But from Griffith’s perspective he tried to force Guts to stay by his side to prevent him from rejecting him and failed, and that false perception is paralleled in the King’s attempt to rape Charlotte. And yeah the parallel is made pretty clear through the repetition of “worthless,” as what Griffith calls the King and what he calls himself.
Idk how much sense this makes lol, it’s kind of hard to discuss without a thorough explanation of my take on Griffith and the story overall to accompany it, but yeah, basically I think there is a deliberate parallel there between Griffith and the King, but it’s not a commentary on Griffith’s feelings for Guts, but rather on Griffith’s biased, negative perception of those feelings.
It’s good that Griffith came to rely on Guts more than his dream as something to live for, to derive a sense of worth from, but Griffith doesn’t see it that way. He sees it as a betrayal of his ideals, and the fact that he threw the dream away over Guts, because he cared too much about Guts, makes him feel worthless. And then add some guilt for trying to demand that Guts stay with him, and you have a pretty thorough parallel that illustrates Griffith’s self-loathing quite well.
Thanks for asking! lmk if you have any follow up questions since yeah I’m not sure this is super coherent lol.
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Hello, this is going to be a long one, bear with me please 😅
I wanted to say how your blog and comments on things really changed my opinions on many topics, even tho some of these people I admire, or tbh used to admire. Now I don’t enjoy the hype or the personality because it is fake.
I saw the recent pictures of HC and how people really lost their minds over them. For once, they looked like a normal couple, she even looked tired and was relieved her dog is okay.
People were criticizing her because she was smiling in a picture, why would she not be smiling after getting her dog and everyone else is smiling as well?!! People are truly exaggerating.
Although she has been sneaky on social media, there is no denying.
I used to think Henry was innocent and he has no saying in this, sort of against his wish. But why would this be the case every time he is with someone?
After 2 years, why would people still be in denial that he wants her around and he is the one hanging on to this relationship like a koala.
There is no way he hasn’t seen her old pictures and videos, he saw them and chose to move on, it didn’t change the way he felt about her. I also think at that time, he was really excited to be in a relationship, he’s been single for a while.
Keep in mind, I don’t think she is any different than the mean 16 years old girl, or her model mayhem account. He wanted to polish her image before going public, if not, her model mayhem account wouldn’t have been deleted, nor her entire instagram and twitter history. I think he tried to suppress the inner party girl in her, but he won’t be able to do that forever.
She will miss it as well, even if they take this in a more serious way, it contradicts everything Henry has ever said before. Which proves my point, his public image is nothing but a lie, he just gets away with things because he’s good looking.
Hell, even her entire wardrobe and clothing option has changed for him.
This is not a healthy relationship, the change in the lifestyle was not initiated by her.
I say this because anything can happen next, he is not obligated to live according to people’s rules.
I can’t say I would be happy or excited if they become more serious, that would be a bug fat lie, but keeping this narrative of ‘poor Henry’ is stupid.
I don’t like her either, and you can clearly tell at her core she is not genuine nor a good person, but neither is Henry.
That’s what makes them a match. They deserve each other.
I find it funny that Henry told his entire fanbase to F*ck off and be the “best version of themselves” and he’s been acting like this for the past 2 years. Looks like his own memo wasn’t applied within him. What an enlightened king 😂
Again, I am saying this because they are alike, they deserve each other.
Hello! Sorry for the late answer.
What you said about opinions means so so much to me. I don't want to change people's opinions, I don't think my way is the only way even if I have strong views on some things. However, I believe in 2 sided conversations because life is not simple. Not at all. And I feel we are living in very dangerous times where opinions are silenced, labelled radical etc just because they are "old fashioned" or not " progressive" enough. I would love to discuss more serious topics here, and give a platform to conversations while I remain true to myself and what I believe in.
Those pictures you mentioned were so surprising to me too because they truly looked like a real, happy, ordinary, normal couple instead of the SM push. It was refreshing.
That is a really important step to be a healthy fan to realize he is not innocent (blackmailed, possessed etc). He is a grown-up who has his reasons to be with her. Clarity is the most important thing in my opinion. To see people who they are. You have to imagine them as silent movies. What they say is non-existent, it's not important. What they do, how they behave... that is what you should focus on. Celebrity or not. That should be the standard.
He definitely has a free pass because he is good-looking. This is the privilege of beauty. This exists. In Hollywood, this is the basis of everything, but you can find it in the smallest village too. Beautiful people have an amazing advantage in life.
I think NV could be different or could be the same, I don't want to judge her anymore. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Not because of her or him but because of myself. I just don't want to think about someone poorly without any hard evidence. She seemed a pretty awful teen and if I knew her back then I wouldn't be her friend today, that's for sure. But I have to think some people are capable of evolving. Because I am trying to do this every day. If I can, others can too.
His FO post was definitely a PR mistake, a huge one, but for some people was a wake-up call at least. That is who he is. He is a control freak (that's why probably her wardrobe has changed for him). He is not that soft boy who was fat for a hot minute and this is the sob story of his life. And not the one who just needs love and cuddling from his soulmate as the hardcore fans imagine. I am not saying he is a bad man, but he is definitely a pain in the ass and hard to live with. Women need to forget this saviour complex when they are determined to save the shittiest man just with their love. This narrative is fed by awful books like Twilight, Coleen Hoover and the rest I have the fortune not to know. Maybe one day I will rant about this, but I stop for now.
Thanks for your ask. Have a nice day, and stay safe.
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The Most Boring Way to Put a Hero on the “Bad Side” (Inspired by a YouTube Video)
This is a blog post in which I comment on the following YouTube video I watched (I was not involved in the video's creation at all). For an even better experience, read the blog post on my independent blog.
Please note: The creator of this video made a follow-up video (DC’s Civil War: Teams & Sides) in which he ends up changing his mind with regards to my main disagreement with his video, as well as tweaking his ideas in other ways. Apparently, other people in the YouTube comments made similar points to the ones I make here, and he was convinced.
I have nothing against T.M.M., and this article mainly exists because analyzing this video’s idea is an interesting exercise.
The video, How I Would Make DC’s Civil War by T.M.M., presents an idea for a DC equivalent of the Marvel Civil War event. I’m not going to comment on Marvel’s Civil War since I haven’t read it, but I know its premise, and this video applies that premise to the DC universe. The idea is that the government introduces a law (called the Registration Act) that requires all superpowered individuals to register with the government and obey certain rules. The details aren’t really important for the purpose of this article, but ultimately it means the government is trying to exert authority and control over superheroes.
The reason for the Civil War name is that some superheroes support the new law and others opposite it – the pro-registration and anti-registration sides. So naturally, the DC equivalent to this story would feature this too. In the video, T.M.M. says he doesn’t want to discuss in detail who would be on each side in the DC universe, but that he might make a new video to cover that topic specifically (which, as I mentioned above, he did). However, he does touch on it briefly, and in particular talks about one superhero who would be on the pro-registration side: Superman.
The Core Problem: Making It Boring
But what really ruins the video for me is not that Superman is on what is implied to be the “bad” side (since the registration act is enacted by Lex Luthor, who has become President), but the reason why. Instead of Superman simply agreeing with the law (which is farfetched for how I and many fans prefer Superman to be, but could be believable for some versions of him), he’s just being threatened into supporting it. Lex Luthor somehow kidnaps and captures his wife and child and uses this as leverage to make Superman support the Registration Act. He forces Clark to become the Registration Act’s biggest champion simply through this means. (Naturally, T.M.M. explains that where they’re being held is hidden by lead and is accompanied by red sunlight and kryptonite and all that jazz.)
There are multiple questionable things about this, but the biggest problem is that it’s boring. It doesn’t say anything interesting about Superman’s character. In the original Civil War, characters actually took sides based on their own opinions instead of being coerced, so there was an actual conflict between the superheroes. Though of course, that also gives many opportunities for criticism for Civil War, as many have complained over the years about the characterization of heroes within it.
I’m guessing that’s why T.M.M. went with this direction for his idea. He knows full well that people get angry if their favorite characters are characterized in a way that doesn’t match their prior character and/or makes them look bad. This is a good thing to worry about, generally speaking, because consistent characterization and character likability are important.
But personally, as a Superman fan, I don’t really think it’s worth it. T.M.M.’s idea avoids characterizing Superman in an unlikable way, but it makes it so that Superman’s character doesn’t matter. Instead of a potentially interesting story where Superman has to struggle with how to respond to a controversial new law, Superman is coerced into a role he didn’t choose. It feels like Superman’s character is ignored and he’s just reduced to a plot point.
Another Problem: Implausibility
I also feel like this plot point suffers from being hard to believe. While T.M.M. describes his story as taking place in his own version of the DC universe, I feel like it’s safe to assume it must be fairly similar to official portrayals. Therefore, I feel confident that, like other versions of himself, Superman is an immensely powerful superhero who has fought Luthor and other extremely dangerous foes for years and has faced a variety of extreme challenges in doing so. This makes it hard for me to accept that this time, Superman just gives up and accepts Luthor’s terms and does what he wants.
Yes, obviously Superman cares about his child and values their safety immensely. But frankly, that also brings up the question of how Lex would be able to kidnap him to begin with. Not saying it’s completely impossible, but even for President Lex, it should be overwhelmingly difficult. I’m not saying you couldn’t write a good story with this premise, just that it’s another potential contributor to implausibility.
What makes this even harder to believe is that Luthor didn’t just demand that Superman support the law or not fight against it, but actually champion it and never do anything to indicate anything less than enthusiastic support of it. This is a bit debatable, but I think Superman would struggle to promote something he doesn’t believe in. I do think Superman is a good actor, considering he keeps a secret identity, and in some interpretations, especially pre-Crisis ones, he acts very different in his life as Clark Kent. But other than being cowardly, Superman doesn’t usually have to act in ways that defy his basic principles as Clark. In fact, he usually still acts according to them, fighting for truth and justice in his journalism. For Superman to act for an extended period of time like he believes in something he doesn’t actually believe in seems like something that would be hard for him to do convincingly.
This is exacerbated by the fact that Superman would be under extreme stress due to Luthor keeping his family captive and continuously threatening his life. This would be extremely hard for anyone to cope with, especially someone as caring as Superman. Could Superman successfully keep his composure and act as the right-hand man to his greatest enemy, the one who’s imprisoning his family and ready to kill them at any time? I have serious doubts about that.
Even if you want to dismiss that all by saying Superman would do anything to prevent his family’s death (though none of this would actually rescue them from Luthor’s clutches, but only incentivize him to keep them forever), I still feel like the intricacies of this plot point would be very messy to make plausible. I can’t believe Superman would never be able to communicate to any of his allies what’s going on, especially considering Martian Manhunter’s mind reading powers and Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth. T.M.M. even mentions the fact that Batman is usually able to figure out stuff like this, but he doesn’t actually give an explanation for why he can’t, other than just emphasizing that the world and everyone’s emotions are in a bad state.
What Makes an Idea Good?
The idea of a DC counterpart to Marvel’s Civil War story may sound like a good idea, and I’m sure a good story with this premise could exist. But in T.M.M.’s video, he doesn’t really tell a story. He simply describes some more specific ideas for implementing that basic idea. It’s possible a story could be written that keeps all his ideas and could be good, but I can only judge what I’ve been given. And from what I’ve been given, it’s hard to imagine a great story.
It’s difficult to measure what makes an idea good. Good stories can be made of ideas that sound bad, and vice versa. But T.M.M.’s version of the idea of a DC Civil War (as described in his original video) doesn’t sound good to me, because such a big part of it is Superman getting on board with the Registration Act for an uninteresting and somewhat contrived reason. In order to truly sell me on it in a story, the author would need to do an excellent job implementing it. They’d have to find a way to make it just as interesting as Superman making decisions based on his own beliefs and desires, and they’d have to make every part of it believable, from the initial kidnapping of Superman’s family to Superman never “breaking character” in front of Luthor to none of Superman’s allies figuring out what’s going on. So much effort would be need to be taken to make this premise work that it would just be better to go with a different idea.
Maybe that’s what makes an idea good: how easy it would be to implement well. But I’m not completely sure about that. It might also be the potential of that idea: the total “amount of goodness” that can be gotten from an idea. In truth, both of these contribute to an idea being good, and the best ideas do well in both of these categories. Ultimately, goodness of ideas is subjective, as is the goodness of their implementations, but I feel like I’ve explained why I find this idea unsatisfactory.
Addendum: The Follow-Up Video
I don’t want to go in detail about this video, but thankfully, it does directly address my central concern and make it so Superman is no longer being coerced into being pro-registration. Instead, he supports the act willingly, and alongside this, Luthor is conceptualized as being much less evil than he was in the original video. Unlike in the original video, where it seemed like Lex was just acting as a pure villain and the Registration Act was just part of his evil plan, it now feels like he may be acting at least partially honestly for the good of the country and world, and it’s a more reasonable point of view to be pro-registration.
It’s good to see T.M.M. listened to feedback and changed his idea. If I was to write a story with the same basic premise, I likely would not make Superman join the pro-registration side, but I think making him join either side willingly is far more conducive to good storytelling than having him be forced to do actions he doesn’t want to do. Ultimately, letting Superman actually do what he wants to do feels like valuing him as a character, whereas having him be manipulated basically treats him like a plot point.
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ofstarsandskies · 1 year
7, 17, 29?
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics! || @unborderedreflection
7 -- DNIs in Rules || 17 -- Fanon Interpretations || 29 -- Blocking
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Hoo boi, this turned into a big word/semi-rant sandwich. I'll do the more positive one outside the Read More, but the Kika Soap Box ones, I'll do under Read More.
17: Fanon Interpretations
Fanon interpretations are something I think should stay an open season list that should be respected (but not adopted) on both ends, especially in the roleplay community.
Do you think this character reads as someone with a certain mental condition? Go ahead! I do that with Ludger, who I read as somewhat socially anxious on account of him being a semi-silent protagonist. Or perhaps you think an ending could continue one way or the other? Awesome, share that! Make it an AU! Expanding on canon, even if it's just off the rails, is something that should be widespread welcome.
That said, you have to be ready to accept that not everyone reads something as you do. While I read Ludger as socially anxious, if someone disagrees, it's not my place to force them to change their mind. Discussing why you interpret canon a certain way can be fun and maybe along the way someone can support that interpretation. But if someone doesn't agree, then that's fine. How I read Ludger isn't more "correct" than yours.
HOWEVER, HERE'S THE BIG BUT FOR RPs: in the RP sphere, here's where you have roll with another's interpretation. RPs are all about exploring canon in a way someone finds fun; if you follow/start a thread, you've made a silent agreement to accept their version. Do you have to believe it's the "right" way? Not at all! But when interacting with X/Y/Z, it's to be treated as the rule.
7: DNIs in rules
I think the concept of DNIs isn't bad; if there's a fandom you just don't want to get into, better you say that than let a potential partner see your blog and you're just not interested from the get-go. Or if you're not into NSFW-centric blogs, by all means let people know! HOWEVER, some of the DNIs I've seen now don't feel more like a performance piece/shout box than their intended purpose.
I'd say the worst offender of this type is "Basic DNI rules apply." I'm sorry mate, but that is a nothing sandwich. What exactly do you consider the "Basics"? Where do you personally draw the line? Would, say, the joke thread I did where Ludger said he had a wet dream with Julius because he thought "Wet Dream" meant a dream about pools be too far? Or is it fine because it's a misunderstanding? Blanket words/labels that require your partner to try and do the math is grounds to just not bother.
In short, I think DNIs are a good idea on paper! But how some folks use them... they're not very helpful to and/or actively hinder a potential partner.
29: Blocking
Kika soap box time: for those who believe blocking is a sign of admitting defeat, allow me to say that's exactly how bullies get you to suffer.
Here's the thing: blocking is supposed to be the "I don't see us interacting well" button. Can it be used maliciously? Indeed, just like all things can be. But if someone tries to convince you that "Blocking me means I'm right!", do not give in; if you feel you should block, do it.
The reframing of blocking = admitting defeat is a way for bullies to still "win" after they get ignored. After all, bullying's all about hurting the target; if the targets ignores it, well damn, there goes the proof they hurt them. So how do they still win? Easy, convince themselves that blocking is the coward's way out. So then, they always "win"-- if you don't block, they can still hurt you; if you block, "SEE, I KNEW THEY WERE A WIMP".
So how do you, the target, win? Simple: you still block them. They might take it as a victory, but what matters is making your space on the interwebs one you're comfortable in.
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sortasirius · 4 years
What the Fuck Happened to the SPN Finale?
Okay so here it is, my Charlie Kelly style manifesto.
Before I get into it, I recognize that I will look like this to many of you, and that’s okay, I understand:
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Secondly, your personal Takes about the writers don’t interest me, I don’t need to hear them. This, as I’ll explain, is going to remain a writer positive blog, and that’s the end of it.
Third, and most importantly: some of what I’m going to talk about is fact, and some is highly educated speculation. I will notate what is speculation, just so there’s no confusion or hot takes in my inbox that I’m a conspiracy theorist or stirring shit up for no reason.
A list of what I’ll be discussing
The episode in regards to the rest of the season
The episode issues: length, editing
Scene placement and speculation of scenes cut
The scrubbing of Jack, Cas, Eileen
Network involvement and general timeline of when things were cut
Misha: theories on where he was, official company line, why we can’t expect to hear anything directly
The silence of the cast post episode (in Misha’s case, mid episode) and what this might mean
Jensen speaking with Kripke about the ending: why it doesn’t mean what you might think (also why kripke remained positive on the ending)
Walker, and why this episode had a major shift
Why the network would do this or get involved
Why the writers of the show simply aren’t the bad guys here, and what I “want” out of this post, since I know it’ll get asked
This is very long and under a cut, but I hope you’ll give it a read.
The Episode In Regards to the Rest of the Season
So, I’ve discussed this already here, but it’s the most obvious thing to me, and that’s the way this episode simply doesn’t fit with the rest of the season.
These people in this room have, truly, been nothing but consistent when it comes to their arcs, especially this season, and the marked dropoff in quality for the finale episode is just too sus to discount to me.  Dabb’s whole focus has been character-based.  In his seasons, we’ve moved far away from MOTW and bro-codependency, the found family taking it’s place.  Does it really sit right to anyone that that was all thrown away in literally the last episode of the entire show?
This is speculation on my part, but as a writer myself, there is no way I would be happy or willing to stamp my name on something that I didn’t think would, at the very least, wrap up the season+ character arcs that I and my team had been crafting.
And before anyone comes in here saying, “well GOT did that!”  Bruh.  The writing was on the wall for GOT long before the final episode.  You could tell that the showrunners just wanted to be done (not only from the plot, but from the fact that they lobbied for a shorter season).  Miss me with that, it doesn’t apply here.  Andrew has, besides Singer and J2, been with the show longer than anyone.  He cares, he is meticulous and detailed, and this ending feels worse than anything Bucklemming has ever written, let alone Dabb.
Additionally, I’ve seen a lot of people say that Dabb was never behind Destiel, that it was all Bobo and Meredith and no one else.  That is reductive to the point of insult of the work Dabb has done to get this greenlit.  This man did not write the s13 Dean grief arc to be slandered like this.  That being said, YES, Bobo and Meredith were the leads on the DeanCas arc this season, but ANDREW IS THE SHOWRUNNER, TO GET EVEN THE CONFESSION APPROVED BY THE NETWORK HE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE THEIR BACKS.  AND HE DID.
Finale Issues
So, now that we’ve gotten the fact that this episode doesn’t hit on any of the major themes the show was barrelling towards all season, let’s discuss the fact that the episode is just...weird.
Not only is it shorter than any other episode (I think with the intro and the credits/crew thing at the end, it was around 38 mins), but it was also...idk, 90% filler?
One of the lovely humans in the POLOL server did the legwork here, and broke it down:
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This is weird, y’all.  Most series finales are LONGER than normal (Lost, SOA, Longmire are the ones I can think of off the top of my head), and for the final episode to be this?  I saw more than one person point out that we only really needed 19 episodes, what was the point of 20?  AND THAT’S EXACTLY IT?  WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS FINAL EPISODE IF THIS WAS ALL WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET?
It simply doesn’t make any sense, the first half of the episode was rushed, a final monster hunt gone wrong, but in the second half?  Nothing really happened?  Sam lived his entire life and Dean just drove around.  It doesn’t make sense to have all the emotional arcs left unaddressed in an episode that definitely needed some kind of spark.
Here’s the speculation I have: the episode seemingly went through a lot of changes between the initial inception of the final season and when we actually got it, but I think it would have been passable (as in, we wouldn’t be sitting here asking each other why each arc feels incomplete) until the editing room got ahold of it.  The only think that makes this episode make sense is network fuckery.  Truly, that is the only thing.  It explains the weird, cuts, the rushed pacing of the first half followed by nothing in the second half, the double montages of “Wayward Son” back to back, and Dean just...driving around for the last half of the episode.
Scene Placement and Speculation of Scenes Cut
Before I get into this section, the info of the shots in the episode I have come from a source that @occamshipper​ got a week or so before the finale.  She’s talked about this here.
So here’s what Min was given:
1-5: 1 INT MEN OF LETTERS – DEAN’S ROOM Dean is greeted by Miracle
6-10: 6 INT MEN OF LETTERS – HALLWAY/SAM’S ROOM Sam has his routine
D1 1 11-15: 15 EXT FARM HOUSE Establishing
N1 1/8 16-20: 19 Dad’s journal, marker, drawing of masked man in journal.
21-25: 23 INT IMPALA – PMP Driver picks the music
N2 1 3/8 1,2 26-30: 28pt2 INT BARN: A face from the past
28pt3 Sam and Dean say goodbye
28pt4 Shot early for technical reasons, presumably the overhead shot
N2 31-45: 41 INT MEN OF LETTERS – SAM’S ROOM Sam’s alarm goes off D4 1/8 1 46-60: 56 INT N7glasses for Sam, laptop.
So...it all fits right?  It all tracks with the actual episode, where it lands, etc.  The issue is between shots 29-40 which were apparently “too big to spoil.”  Uh.  Where are they?  And where’s 28 pt4?
After Dean dies, the next scene is Sam burning him, then shot 31, the shot of his alarm going off.
So.  Where are those 11ish shots?
PLUS we have the boards, which are scenes we KNOW were actually shot:
As well as scenes for 20 that were shot in 19.
It’s just...weird, it’s weird and again hits on the fact that the episode is so short and like 80% montage.
The Scrubbing of Jack, Cas, and Eileen
So now we have to reckon with the fact that Eileen was last mentioned by Sam after she got snapped by Chuck, Jack’s last mention is that he’s off being God somewhere, and Cas’ last mention is a ~knowing look~ between Dean and Bobby.
I’m sorry, make it make sense:
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????????  That’s the end if it?  They don’t need to be discussed after this???  It’s just simply not something a writer would do, they would not introduce these characters, these arcs, without thinking there’s going to be some kind of follow through here.
So not only were three major characters (including two leads and both of the original characters’ love interests) completely wiped from the finale episode, it was as though Sam and Dean never even needed them, which just...ain’t it.
So why Eileen and Jack too?  Why not just take Cas out of it if they were afraid of the gay?  Because, ultimately, the episode went back to Kripke’s original story: just the bros, they only need each other and no one else.  They don’t want anyone else, they don’t need anyone else.  Easier to go back to something they knew was successful than trust the writers and their audience and take a big leap.
Alex even said he shot for 20 with “some of the guys” here.  What happened to that footage?
The complete 180 of it all still shocks me, I still cannot believe that we were essentially at the finish line, and the network just stopped short, and decided to go run another race, at the expense of the arc of this fifteen year legacy show.
Network Involvement and When Things Were Cut
Okay, now into the juicy stuff.
So I’ve pretty well established that network fuckery is clear, but how much did they get involved, what was the original intent?
Well again, we may never actually know what Andrew’s original script was, but I think, at the least, it would involve Dean speaking his truth to Cas and Sam living a life with Eileen.
Now, it seems today, that Misha said that Jimmy Novak was supposed to be in the finale in one iteration of the script, and while initially my brain was like “that truly makes no sense and he’s either straight up lying or telling a half truth,” I think what may be happening is Misha talking about as much as he can right now.
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So Jimmy right.  Weird as fuck.  Why would he been in the Roadhouse and not Cas?  My current thought (this is about as reachy as I’ll get) is that Jimmy had no lines, could he have been in the Roadhouse as a red herring, like it said “Jimmy” in the script but it was just Cas in human clothes, a way to get around the network saying Cas couldn’t be in the final scene.  Also, you’ll notice that Misha didn’t say that Cas wasn’t supposed to be in the ep at all, just Jimmy in the last scene.
All this to say, there have clearly been multiple versions of the script, getting lighter and lighter with Cas and Eileen as the network pulled further and further back.  Remember, Dabb has to get things approved before they get shot, and if the network kept asking and asking and asking to cut Cas and Eileen, he had to find a way to work around it.  Granted, I still think that if we had been able to get a Dabb script that wasn’t torn to shreds in editing, it wouldn’t be so bad.  It may not be what a lot of us wanted (Dean speaking his truth to Cas and a reciprocation), but doing everything he could to give it to us in subtext or visual clues.
Plus, in all honesty, my man can’t keep his story straight anyway.  He said twice in his panel that the Empty and offscreen Heaven ending weren’t his original ending either.
In addition, remember that Jensen did ADR post episode 18, AND said in a meet and greet last weekend that Dean’s reaction to Cas’ confession was “cut down.” (Source here).  Many of us clowns got excited when we first heard about ADR, because we thought it would be upping the ante on Dean’s reaction, but I remember being a little sus when it was just crying.  My speculation on that is that they cut out Dean actually SAYING something, @winchestersingerautorepair​ spoke about that here.
The biggest sins were, in my opinion, committed during editing, where the network got too gun shy and sliced the episode until it was nothing but a heartless bro-fest of a finale, not mentioning anything about the other major characters that we all love, and letting the boys just suffer in separation until Sam died and finally joined Dean in Heaven.  The editing came by cutting all the major emotional beats between anyone other than Dean and Sam, leaving the skeleton of the story intact, just shorter and less...poignant than it was ever supposed to be.
We know Misha was in Vancouver, we know he quarantined, but we also know he wasn’t in the final scene, when he spoke about being in the last moment of the show months ago.  We were not crazy, he was there, he quarantined, and, in all likelihood (speculation but fitting with the timeline), he actually may have shot something (not much, but something).
I have sources here, here, here, and here showing where Misha was at that time.
Remember, the man was completely open about coming back until they finished shooting (look at this thread).  The switch happened, just like everything else, halfway through them shooting.
Please also remember Jake Abel posting his “Where’s Misha” video here.  Jake isn’t malicious, he isn’t being nasty here.  Misha was there, and everyone that’s trying to convince people he’s wasn’t just...isn’t telling the truth about it.
This is one of the things that makes me really mad, because they’re literally attempting to gaslight people into thinking, “oh we were totally wrong he was never supposed to be there” WHEN HE WAS THERE, WE KNOW HE WAS THERE.
So we’ve already heard from several people (Meghan Fitzmartin, Jay, a PA on the set of 19 (WHO WAS NOT WORKING FOR 20), Misha himself) that this was all down to Covid restrictions.  Ultimately, as this post says, we’ve heard FIVE versions of where Misha was.  None of it makes sense, but the Covid protocol seems to be the company line that others are repeating.
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You may ask: why?  Why lie to all of us when we have questions?  Why, in Jay’s case, say that we’re all spreading false lies to stir up trouble, when we just have questions and things that do not make sense.  Simply?  Warner Brothers is absolutely massive.  These people have their careers to protect and are likely all under NDAs.  They want to work for WB again and don’t want to burn bridges, including Misha.  It sucks, but that’s why it’s unlikely that we’ll hear someone come out and say, “yeah we’re lying to you.”
Silence of the Cast Post Episode
So this is...probably the worst part of all this, at least in my opinion.
The guys had all been pretty excited about the end of the show (especially Jared, but Jensen’s panel last week was Jensen as happy and jokey and positive as I’ve ever seen him.  He was so excited about episode 18, about what it meant for Dean and for Cas, and I just cannot buy that he would have been that excited unless he thought there was something more in the episode.
Misha live-tweeted the episode, and was watching it with his kids.  It’s well known that Misha and the kids don’t watch the show because it’s too scary, and let’s ask ourselves, why would he have them watch an episode that he’s barely even mentioned in?
He also stopped live-tweeting at a very specific point in the episode (Dean’s death) and has not mentioned Supernatural since then. 
None of them, not Jared, Jensen, Misha, or even Alex, said anything about the episode for nearly 36 hours, when Jensen posted a salty photo on instagram.  It’s just...not what you’d expect for the end of a 15 year show, when the cast and crew are so close to the fans, so close to each other. 
My theory?  They didn’t know.  They thought Misha was, at least, going to be in the episode in some way, and when he wasn’t, they decided not to say anything.
You really think that Jensen “Heller” Ackles would have been so excited about the end of the show last week if he thought Cas wasn’t going to be in it at all?  Nah son, doesn’t make any sense.
Even today, in Jared and Misha’s panels, they seemed sad and...more than a little careful, both saying that there were things they couldn’t say, both talking around things that we all have questions on.
Jensen Speaking with Kripke
So this is where a lot of people are getting fodder to take shots at the writers, saying that Jensen hated it from the beginning, but I don’t think so.  I actually think I know what Jensen went to him about, and it wasn’t the lack of Cas or the weird pacing or the montages (which I don’t think were there when Jensen got the script); I think it was the manner of Dean’s death.
I know a lot of people were upset about that, upset with how...normal it was, coming off an episode where they literally beat God.  I actually didn’t mind it, I thought it was an interesting thematic take to be like: you can be a hero all your life, but sometimes shit happens, and you just die.
But imagine how hard that was for Jensen to read.  He would run to Kripke for that, because for him, Dean dying by being impaled by a piece of rebar had to be tough to swallow.
So, why didn’t Kripke say that?  Why didn’t he say, “oh well he had a problem with Dean’s death, none of that other stuff was in the script.”
Guys.  Why would he get involved?  He’s not going to burn bridges any more than anyone else is.  He said the ending was good because it’s the easy thing to do, it’s simple, will cause him no problems in his career, and he can just ignore the people trying to engage with him on it.
Something else to talk about is the major shift this episode had from the rest of the season: the shift from Dean to Sam.  I am NOT saying that Sam isn’t important, he definitely, absolutely is, but it was DEAN who really needed to wrap up his arc, Sam just needed to move on, get married to Eileen, become the leader he was always meant to.  So what changed?  What was with the shirtless scene, the Austin number and random case there, most of the episode being heavily Sam focused, going through his entire life in a montage?
Anyone else notice the 375 Walker promos, or Jared’s little spiel about Walker and how he hoped SPN fans would “come along for the ride.”
It’s...kinda obvious?  CW wanted to appeal to who they think the key demographic of SPN and Walker is: rural areas in the South.  It would explain a lot, why so much editing, why so Sam focused, the Austin number, the number of Walker promos, all of it.
I’m not saying this is fact, I don’t know that it is, but it is a little suspicious that even in Jared’s panel today, he talked A LOT about Walker and how he hopes SPN fans will watch it.
Why Would the Network Get Involved?
Simply put: $$$
If they think Walker can be the new SPN, and that those crazy SPN fans liked it originally, it’s a lot safer to go with the “original intent” of the show than do something risky (like making one of your two original leads queer).
And?  They don’t care.  They don’t care that the episode didn’t make sense, they don’t care that all the emotional arcs were left hanging, they don’t care by (potentially) smashing together two of Dean’s monologues (one to Sam, one to Cas) that it came of as...gross. ( @curioussubjects​ wrote a beautiful post showing how part of that death speech was likely meant for Dean here).  They don’t care, they never have, they just want to make their money and move on from the too-loud fandom that fought for representation too hard for too long.
It can’t help but feel insidious, which, honestly, it might be, but it really all comes down to the next cash cow, which, they think, is Walker, even at the cost of the fifteen year legacy show.
The Writers and What I Want
So here it is, all this weird, sus shit laid out on the line.  And you know what?  To me, there is no way to blame the writers, because they didn’t want this.
I don’t think Dabb and Bobo would have gone ahead with the confession in 18 without thinking that there would be some closure to that arc, they wouldn’t have done that not only to the fans, but for the sake of their own story as well: no writer wants to start something that they can’t finish. (And this applies to both Cas and Eileen).
Here’s a basic rundown of what I think happened: they had a clear arc from 18-20, ending in reciprocation at some level from Dean, Sam marrying Eileen, Hunter Sam as the new Bobby, Dean in heaven with Cas and big roadhouse reunion at the end. Covid prevented a good amount of that. Network had to stare at big gay 18 for six months, got cold feet. Thought about Walker, target audience and alienation of the rural areas if it went full gay. Misha quarantined and likely shot something (not much), he was then cut by execs and went home. They likely added in lines referencing Eileen and Cas to make it clear but more subtextual. They wrap, editing gets it and hacks it to pieces, so we get a shorter episode that’s mostly montages and jarringly bro-centric with nothing else. Arcs are left hanging. Dabb gets episode but it’s too late, there’s nothing he can do. Actors aren’t told so they can continue to do positive PR for the ending, they all found out at the same time we did: hence almost complete silence about the finale.
And you know what?  They warned us.  I talked about it here, but they’ve been telling us all season that Chuck wasn’t the writer, he’s the network.  I don’t think, still, that they thought it would be cut up like this, into something so unsalvageable that it’s been panned by almost everyone, even people who didn’t care much about Dean and Cas.
Finally, a masterpiece can be ruined by editing, and while I’m not sure even the script they ended up shooting on was a masterpiece (due to the network meddling already), but to me it’s blatantly obvious that it’s no one but the network that caused this, that took away closure for Dean, Cas, and even Sam.
So what do I want?  Nothing really, there’s nothing we can do, but I wrote this mostly to show people that the writers are not your enemy.   In fact, to the people trashing them?  You’re doing exactly what the CW wants you to: blame the obvious targets, blame Misha, blame Jensen and Jared, blame Dabb.  Scream and yell at them on Twitter and about how the show is ruined because of them.  The network keeps their engagement levels high, they don’t get as targeted for their behavior, and just keep moving along.
Just, please, think about who did this,  Mourn the show, be angry, but not at the people who fought tooth and nail for this for literal years, not the people who wanted it more than we did, not the people who cannot say anything because of their careers and the NDAs they’re bound by.
Someone is going to spill eventually, but until then, we just have to wait, and continue to be loud.
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idol-trickster · 3 years
Advice for ask blogs starting up?
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You’re asking for advice~? I’m both flattered and honored to be able to get this question. I’ve decided to answer and post today for Mun-day. This post will be a bit long as I like to give thorough advice, or at least offer insight into what I’ve done, but I’ll do my best to break text up into palatable sections and keep topics relevant. 💜
I’ll be going over:
how to set up your core values and image
how to interact with blogs and keep audience awareness
how to keep your passion alive.
If you’re interested and in for a long read with some mun anecdotes, feel free to continue below!
♫ Core Values and Image ♫
When you’re starting up, I really encourage you to have three things in mind to make sure you cultivate a proper image and platform for your blog: Content Focus, Presentation and Goals. These are things you don’t want changing too much throughout your blog’s runtime, as they should be your “Core Values”. In other words, these are the special traits that will differentiate your blog from others out there. I’ll discuss each of my big three below, but don’t be surprised if they blend in together, as that should be the point and how they function.
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♪ |---- Content Focus
This is probably one of the most essential parts of a blog and truly what makes you the most unique, along with Presentation. Find out what part of a character/muses’ personality you’d like to focus on the most. 
For me, this was a focus on Ji-Woon (and Yun-Jin) with a large nod to Korean culture and K-pop music, putting them near the forefront. This is because I grew up learning the culture through popular media and was confident in how to honor it, or even have a desire to learn more of it.
Personal Mun Ramblings, will be referred to in Goals but not mandatory to read) It was so special once I learned my favorite game and scene for so long was bringing another part of life that I enjoyed. I was a year 2 player of DBD since I play on console, and I’d gotten DBD the same year of Console’s release date; roughly a few months before Nightmare on Elm Street DLC was announced. So to me, this was a blending of fandoms/cultures that made me excited and brought me back into the DBD scene after a small hiatus following other passions, because now two of my passions were mixing. To preface, I’d been a fan of K-culture: Watching K-dramas and even being a generation one/two K-pop fan; around since BoA, BigBang, Girls Generation etc.’s relevancy along with even seeing EXO and BTS’ debuts (Roughly a fan since 2000s, in my pre-teens/teens). 
I wanted to cultivate and pay homage to that for my blog. Ultimately, that’s why I chose to have the name Idol-Trickster. Because I wanted my characterization of him to be immersed as an idol in k-culture. After all, that’s what differentiated him in the Dead By Daylight roster, so I wanted to reflect it. ( semi-relevant: I was a fan of Japanese-drama/pop so I knew the difference and similarities between the scenes. I’m still learning and differentiating between cultures though, and enjoy it quite a bit.)
ANYWAY, back to how to apply this advice- It’s good to look at the blog scene and see what’s out there. Understanding other personifications and know where you want to go with your own ‘version’. In Trickster’s case, maybe someone would want to play up in his narcissism a bit more, or maybe the fact that he’s a bit insane, or even making him completely evil and kill obsessed. This depends on how you want to portray and spice up the character to your liking and will ultimately give you an advantage on your blog.
Granted, I was one of the first blog runners for this character, but even then I had a solid game plan on what I wanted my focus to be. I wanted Trickster to be charming. An Idol (denounced or not in lore with his final ‘real-world’ killing). I wanted him to try to hold onto that small bit of humanity and people pleasing, despite his twisting and figuring out what that meant for him. It made for an interesting ‘plot point’ in my mind, and I figured others would like to see that.
♦ |---- Presentation 
Now that you got your ideas in mind...How are you going to present them? Think of the big picture first, since it’s the easiest and most generalized. I always start out with a general theme. Like I said above, I played on Korean/Idol culture a lot. Which meant looking through blogs for existing idols or groups/band fan pages. Fun fact, the blog theme I use for Idol-Trickster was based on a One Direction fan-blog template. (Not K-pop but definitely ‘boy group sensationalists’) My tumblr theme even has header text sections like this (it made me solidify my choice):
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Which reminds me a lot of BTS’ 
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As funny as it sounds, I even use Cookie Run font for Hangul/Korean text (Popular mobile game developed in South Korea) along with Manga/Manwha  text.
This is because I knew I wanted to pay homage to K-culture from text to even in my art style choices. I enjoyed reading manhwas and webtoons, and noticed webtoons are arguably been the biggest trend in Korea. (Like what Manga is to Japan, comic books to America etc.). In fact, I even remember my first webtoon when the platform was just starting (I feel so old reminiscing on these things). I knew if I could bring a bit of that in my posts, I’d be happy and would add a layer of ‘immersion’ to fans. Granted, I knew it wouldn’t be possible to go all out webtoon style for every ask, but I did want at least an art style that looked like it could fit in or was heavily inspired by them, even if I only did big comic pieces on occasion.
All of this to say, starting out big can help focus on the aesthetic and presentation. It brings interest. It makes everything feel developed and keep you closer to your Focus. If you want a scary blog, go for scary themes, etc.
Now of course, you don’t have to change your whole art style or be particular in your font choices. Those were just BIG PICTURE things to separate from the others. 
You should also focus on how you’ll make your character act. What is their aesthetic. How are they going to speak to readers or others visually. Will they voice all their thoughts and talk out loud? Do you want them to stay quiet on certain topics and not monologue those? Full sentences or Short curt ones? Large vocabulary or limited? These are all important to try and keep consistency in your characterization. Make sure you have an understanding of your character and how to present them. (This will get explained more in the Next big section “Interaction and Audience Awareness”)
☆ |---- Goals
Finally and the last of the big three, one of the most crucial elements to have that ties in everything else above is your goals for the blog. Having something you want to achieve or strive for. It’s okay to have some change or add more as time goes on, but they should always stay fairly solid. I can’t tell you what exactly these should be, other than they should fit your interests, or how you wish people looked at a character.
Sharing my goals: I had major goals seeing how the fandom handled the release of Trickster, and k-pop culture/fans in general. 
I firstly wanted to cultivate a space safe for k-pop enthusiasts. A welcoming introduction to people either wanting to get into k-pop previously in the dbd fandom, or vice versa of new faces to the game/scene.  > I was aware of preconceptions towards K-Pop fans or ‘kweebs’, and wanted to make it apparent that they shouldn’t be ostracized. Alternatively I wanted to explain idol/k- culture to DBD-enthusiasts while remaining ‘in-character’ if possible.  > Hearing that DBD fans were concerned the game was going to cater and bring ‘those’ types of people (k-pop enthusiasts) made me a bit sad, because I was one of those people! I’d just been a sleeper agent ✨. So it was a way to prove we can be normal DBD fans too. No gate-keeping here.
Show why Ji-Woon was indeed a good killer/horror icon, and why All-Kill has some of the best writing in the game, as a cohesive story line.  > People upon initial impression thought it was a marketing scheme. “Why is a pretty guy showing his abs. DBD is just catering!” When in reality that reaction was exactly what made Ji-Woon a good and scary killer! I Jokingly like to say this is the ARG effect. Audience reaction is so fitting to how they would perceive him as a real idol serial-killer. No one would suspect him, it’s so dramatic. He’s not taken seriously at all, etc. (He’d get away with it, even if it was happening right in-front of you.) > Admittedly I adore that this is more of a non-traditional westernized take on a villain/killer or horror in general. Neither survivor or killer were completely black and white in their roles. There’s no “hero” and “bad guy”, instead it was just them both being morally gray to achieve their goals. It’s a psychological/thriller horror which is very Korean in notion.  Straight from Wiki: Many of the Korean horror films tend to focus on the suffering and the anguish of characters rather than focus on the explicit "blood and guts" aspect of horror.[...]Modern South Korean horror films are typically distinguished by stylish directing, themes of social commentary, and genre blending. (To me All-Kill does this fantastically in homage to the cultural awareness)
Make people who were fans of Ghostface into fans of Trickster.  > This one may seem a bit silly. Admittedly though, ghostface is a fan favorite in the DBD roster. No one questions why he was added, in fact a large majority of the fandom was asking and wishing for him to be added in before he was. People liked the charming narcissistic side of him that DBD created, and enjoyed seeing him interact with others. > While Trickster isn’t an exact copy, in fact I think they’re more Day and Night of each other, he had all the traits fans enjoyed about Ghostface. Ambition towards their chosen art/production, god-complex/narcissistic, an iconic appeal that only they bring. The thing that makes them charming and likeable to fans. > I knew if I could get any type of die-hard fan to see the ways of liking Trickster, it’d be the Ghostface enthusiast. It’s good to remember the good ‘ol waffle: What would Ghostface fans like. WWGFL (joking)
Nothing will be seen as cringe on this blog. > I don’t know how to explain this other than It’s for my own sanity and comes with safe space territory. It’s welcoming. You want broken Korean while I’m learning? Deal. You want that OC shaped like a 8? Got it. I’ve got limited energy and I’m not wasting it on if I think something’s cringey or not. 
I don’t know if I’ve reached these goals on a big scale, but I do hear that I’ve achieved small successes through some friends, so I’ll take the win. I still try to implement these and think about them when I make posts, so they’re pretty fundamental in what I hope to achieve on my blog. 
♫ Interaction and Audience Awareness ♫
This was touched on a bit from my goals, but I wanted to talk about how your blog will interact with others and how to be aware of your general audience. I’ve never really struggled when interacting with blogs, so I may either be the best or worst person to speak on this matter.
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AUDIENCE AWARENESS: Firstly, I would say keep a general audience in mind when making your blog (especially your first blog in a community/fandom) and posts. While I see some people vouch for “+18 blogs only, minors DNI” I think it marginalizes your audience, and personally I’ve never been a big fan of it. Mostly because I like to keep things comfortable for the general populace, especially on an open social-media site. If +18 interactions happen, I’d say take it off blog or put it under a ‘keep reading’ “spoiler”. Intimate or gore pieces can scare away casual enjoyers; but if you’re adamant in your character portrayal to interact with others of that caliber and you’ve already found your community, the use of tags should definitely be your priority, as well as making a list of them easily accessible and understandable. This is keeping Audience Awareness in mind and stops anyone from feeling discomfort. It’ll allow people to feel safe interacting with your blog.
In the same vein, I understand that my characterization will be interacting with others, anons or blogs. This means that despite how much of a jerk my character would be, always make sure it’s spoken about to others before hand or explained OOC or in tags why they act that way. We don’t want hurt feelings amongst the blog community or to make someone think they did something wrong. It simply allows us to have insight into the character. 
Alternatively, I’d say try going for a less intense characterization, unless you want to intentionally be the edgy blog. Edge is more palpable in small doses over a constant assault of it with only some moments of levity. We want the blogs to be a good enjoyable experience with interesting variation in the character, not a threatening one. Overall, I’d say make sure you show a full range of emotions and knowing roughly how your muse will react, and reasoning behind it. Being well-rounded makes things dynamic and keeps viewer engagement.
INTERACTIONS: Don’t be afraid to talk to other people in the fandom/community. I hear often that blogs are shy on approaching others, and it causes an anxiety of wanting to interact, but never doing so and not knowing what to ask (this section should help). We can’t expect people to just see us and come talk to us like popular kids. An effort should be made on reaching out and connecting to others first. If you want someone to talk to you, then talk to them first. 
Now this comes with some loose rules of comfort though, especially if sending in asks. 
Speaking for the DBD community: If you chose to interact with other blogs and run a blog, make sure you send relevant asks. Try to think of something that’s unique to your character/characterization only. Something no one else will ask. Why? Because there’s anons who can catch the basics, and you can easily get overwhelmed by people asking the same question from different blogs. This makes the mun worry over which iteration to answer, and may end up not picking yours. Simply because it wasn’t unique enough to catch interest. If you’re certain no anon asked a certain question yet, and know it might just be a quick response that won’t leave room for a response, then ask on anon, not on blog. It’s good to remember that when you send an ask, you’re not only trying to find out more about the muse being asked, but taking a chance to show off characterization of your own muse as well. Something that could potentially lead to an actual interaction over a quick answer. A well thought out ask can spur relationship building between blogs, and that’s, in my experience, truly what people are most interested in seeing. Chemistry and relationships between characters/blogs. Not entirely just a single characterization on it’s own.
Most importantly though, try not to be afraid of the community. We’re here to entertain them and have fun with them, not stand around like an awkward kid in the corner of class. This ties in to our last section:
♫ Make yourself Happy ♫
We’re ultimately making an ask blog to make ourselves happy. It’s good to cater to an audience, but make sure you don’t sacrifice your Core Values or what you want to get out of your experience running an ask blog. Alternatively, if something isn’t working and you’re unhappy with it, it’s okay to change ideas. I’m constantly learning new facets of my character and building on them, and sometimes I wonder if it’s hypocritical, but I’ve realized it’s just growth as both muse and mun. If it can naturally happen over the course of the blog, then that means you’re doing a great job building a ‘story’ or ‘dynamic experience’.
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We muns do this for fun and it’s good to try not to take ourselves or the blogs too seriously. (Alternatively, try not to make it all a joke either. We do like some character depth.) Like I said, a dynamic blog is fun and seems safer and more enticing to interact with. This is all a fun social-platform and ask blogs are just another way to stay social. 
Admittedly it can get overwhelming some times, but being open about this or even knowing when to close an ask box or step away can help keep your passion from burning out. Set boundaries and limits. Maybe just try changing something up and do a meme or personal art/comic if you want to keep nursing your muse but don’t want to feel indebted to doing asks/responses or keeping a certain style. 
Don’t wait for the perfect ask or interests, it’s okay to create content individually and share what your ideas are without being asked. In doing this you can draw people’s interest. So long as you keep yourself happy, you’ll do good running a blog, and will be able to maintain your run-time and passion much longer. Most importantly don’t look at numbers. I never mentioned them anywhere, but that’s one way to not have fun. If you’re doing your blog right, you’ll get big numbers.
Create for yourself firstly, and others secondly.
Bet you weren’t expecting this much. I just had so many thoughts... Still, I truly hope this helped anyone curious in wanting to start up a blog, or even help those looking to polish up theirs.
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spanishskulduggery · 3 years
Hi! I'm very curious about something regarding the Spanish language. I'm currently studying A2 Spanish but I had this question and my teacher did not seem too willing to discuss it. Here it goes:
I know that Spanish has, something my Spanish teacher says, linguistic gender. I was wondering how do the people who don't align themselves with the gender binary (masculine and feminine) speak/write in it? I have read this article about Spanish speaking people from US adding "x" Or "@" and people from Argentina using "e" to make the words gender neutral.
Thank you so much for responding, whenever you get to it. Also love your blog. ❤
Short answer, in general speaking terms people are tending towards the -e now because the other two are very hard to actually speak, and because Spanish-speakers feel the -e is more authentic
What you're most likely to see in Spanish is masculine plural as the default, or in written things you might see todos y todas or like un/una alumno/a "a student", or like se busca empleado/a "employees wanted" / "looking for an employee"
If it's something official or academic you typically include both [todas y todas] or you go masculine plural [todos] unless it's specifically feminine plural
Related, linguistic gender applies to all things, not just people. Why is la mesa "table" feminine, but el libro "book" masculine? Just linguistic gender. I can tell you that most loanwords (that aren't people) in Spanish are masculine, and that there are certain words that come from Greek are masculine, and that -ista words are unisex most of the time... And I can tell you there are some words like testigo or modelo that are unisex and don't change for gender. Aside from that, speaking about nouns and grammatical gender... those particular things are harder to parse for regular people, but if you go into the field of linguistics you can explore that more deeply. Some of it is source language (i.e. "it came from Latin this way") or things like that. And in general when talking about nouns it's unimportant and not considered sexist, that's just how it is.
There is such a thing where it gets a little too far the other way and people will say "history? what about herstory" which is a nice thought but the etymology has nothing to do with gender there
When it comes to people - and when it comes to gendered attitudes - that's where it gets more confusing and more complicated.
I believe there was an experiment where people had French and Spanish speakers [I believe it was Spanish] try to identify how a "fork" would sound. French people gave it a more feminine voice because "fork" is feminine in French, while Spanish speakers gave it a more masculine voice because it's masculine in Spanish.
Whether we like it or not, certain gendered things do influence our thoughts and feelings and reactions. A similar thing in English exists where the old joke was something like "There was a car accident; a boy is rushed to the ER and the surgeon but the father was killed. When they got to the ER the doctor said 'I can't operate on him, he's my son!'" and it's like "well who could the doctor be?" ...and the doctor is his mother. We associate "doctor" as masculine and "nurse" as feminine.
There's a gender bias in our language thought patterns, even though the language changes. And that does exist in Spanish too, to different extents.
There are certain cultural and gendered stereotypes or connotations attached to certain words, many tend to be more despective or pejorative when it's women.
For example - and I know this has changed in many places or it isn't as prevalent - el jinete "horseman/rider", while the female form is la amazona "horsewoman/rider". Because la jinete or la jineta was sometimes "promiscuous woman".
There were also debates about things like la presidente vs. la presidenta or what the female version of juez should be, whether it should be la juez or la jueza
Most languages with gendered language have varying degrees of this, and all languages I'm aware of have gendered stereotypes related to professions or cultural attitudes in some way, and not just for women, and not all in the same way with some of them being very culturally based
The longer answer involves a bit of history, and I'll be honest, some of it is contested or considered a little controversial in Spanish-speaking countries particularly in the conservative parts (which honestly should come as no surprise)
The first symbol that I know of that came about was the X
First piece of contested history: As far as I know, it was the trans/queer and drag communities in Latin America who started the trend of X. When there were signs or bulletins that had the gendered endings - specifically masculine plural as the default plural - people would write a big X through the O. This was a way of being inclusive and also a very smash the patriarchy move.
Some people attribute this to women's rights activists which may also be true, but a good portion of the things I read from people say it was the trans/queer/drag communities in Latin America doing this.
I've also read it originated in Brazil with Portuguese; still Latin America, but not a Spanish-speaking country.
Where it's most contested is that some people will say that this trend started in the Hispanic communities of the United States. And - not without reason - people are upset that this is perceived as a very gringo movement.
That's why Latinx is considered a very American-Hispanic experience
The arroba (@) is relatively new. I remember seeing it in the 2000s. I don't know if it existed earlier for gender inclusivity.
People used it because it looks like a combination of O and A, so it was meant to be cut down on saying things like todos y todas or niños y niñas in informal written speech
I remember quite a few (informal) emails starting like hola tod@s or muy buenas a tod@s or things like that
I think of it more as convenience especially in the information age where you never knew who you were talking to and it's easier than including both words, especially when masculine plural might be clumsy or insensitive
Still, it's practically impossible to use the @ in spoken Spanish, so it's better for writing casually. You also likely won't be allowed to use the @ in anything academic, but in chatrooms, blogs, or forums it's an option
I love the E ending. And the gender neutral form in singular is elle... so it's él "he", ella "she", and elle "they (singular)"
The -e ending is I think became more common within the past 10 years though it might have existed longer than that. These sorts of changes tend to come from the queer or trans communities and tend to be more insular before becoming more of an outside thing that then the general population finds out about
It came about because there are some adjectives in Spanish that end in -e that are unisex. It's not an A, it's not an O, but it's something grammatically neutral for Spanish
It's not as awkward as X, and E exists very firmly in Spanish so it's not perceived as some outside (typically gringo) influence
The good news is, it's pretty widespread on the internet. Not so much in person (yet), but especially in Spain and Argentina at least from what I've seen, particularly in the queer communities and online culture.
The only issues with it are that for non-native speakers, you have to get used to any spelling changes. Like amigo and amiga, but to use the E ending you have to add a U... so it's amigue.
That's because there are certain words where you have to do spelling changes to preserve the sound; gue has a hard G sound like -go does [like guerra]... but ge has the equivalent of an English H sound [gelatina for example]. Another one is cómico/a "funny" which would go to cómique. Again, because co has a hard C/K sound, while ce is a soft sound more like an S or in some contexts TH/Z sound; like centro is a soft sound, while cola is a hard sound
Unless you make it to the preterite forms where you come across like pagué, alcancé, practiqué with those types of endings... or subjunctive forms, pague, alcance, practique ... Basically you'd have to be exposed to those spelling rules or you'd be really confused if you were a total beginner.
It all makes sense when you speak it, but spelling might be harder before you learn those rules
The other drawback is that the E endings are sometimes not applicable. Like in damas y caballeros "ladies and gentlemen" there's not really a gender neutral variation on that, it's all binary there. And while la caballero "female knight" does exist, you'd never see a male variation on dama; the closest I've ever seen is calling a guy a damisela en apuros "damsel in distress" in some contexts where the man needs rescuing, and it's feminine una/la damisela, and it's very tongue-in-cheek
There are also some contexts like jefe vs jefa where I guess you would say jefe for "boss" if you were going the neutral route, but it's a bit weird because it's also the masculine option.
I can't speak for how people might feel about those if they're non-binary or agender because every so often you kind of get forced into the binary whether you like it or not
I totally support the E, I just recognize there are some limitations there and it's quirks of the Spanish language itself
Important Note: Just to reiterate, E endings are the ones most Spanish-speakers prefer because it's easiest to speak and doesn't have the American connotation that X does in some circles
Where it gets very "Facebook comment section" is that you'll see many Latin Americans traditionalists and conservatives claim that "this is just the gringos colonizing our language" and "grammatical gender doesn't matter in Spanish". They'll say that the "gender movement" is an American feminist movement and that it's a gringo thing and doesn't reflect actual Latin Americans or Spanish-speakers
Which on the one hand, yes, English does have a lot of undue influence on other languages because of colonization, and American influence and meddling in Latin American politics is a big important issue
But as far as I'm aware of the X (and especially the E) were created by Latin Americans
The other issue I personally have is that any time this conversation comes up, someone will say something like somos latinOs and claim that masculine plural is gender neutral
To that I say, first of all, "masculine plural" is inherently gendered. Additionally, there is a gender neutral in Spanish but it's lo or ello and it's only used with "it" so it sounds very unfriendly to use on an actual person... and in plural it looks like masculine plural and everything applies like masculine plural
Second, the reason masculine plural is default is because of machismo. It's more important that we don't possibly misgender a man, so it has to be masculine plural. It's changed in some places, but growing up when I was learning Spanish, if it was 99 women and 1 man you still had to put masculine plural
I'm not opposed to there being a default, and I understand why it's easier to use masculine plural, but some people get very upset at the idea of inclusive language
In general, my biggest issues with these comments come when people act like non-binary/queer/trans people don't exist in Spanish-speaking countries, like English invented them somehow. So it's nice to see linguistic self-determination and seeing native speakers using the E endings.
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Recovery [Ezra (Prospect) x Fem!Reader]
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A/N: Hello all! This is my first Pedro Pascal work and the first to be posted here to this blog. If anyone has any requests, don’t hesitate to send them my way! As always, please read the tags/warnings, you are responsible for the media you choose to consume. Also posted to AO3 under the same username (kingofkingdom). I did not use “y/n” or anything similar in this story.
Rating: Explicit
Summary: You were taken from your younger sister, Cee, ten years ago. When you answered a distress call from the Green, you didn’t expect to be reunited with her, and you certainly didn’t expect to meet a man like Ezra. 
Warnings: mention of past violence/death, discussion of medical procedure, discussion of disability (amputation/loss of limb), family dynamics, abstract discussion of philosophy, small SW universe cameo :)
Tags: considerable amounts of fluff, size kink, daddy kink, hint of dd/lg, copious use of various pet names, p-in-v sex, some breast play/worship, some dom!ezra & sub!reader
Word count: 9552
You hadn't seen Cee since your mother died. 
Her father had taken her and left you in the care of your aunt, a woman you didn't know, a woman who jumped at the chance to send you off to boarding school on the Ephrate the moment you were old enough. Most of your memories consisted of your host family there, with a younger "sister" who reminded you all too much of the one you had lost. In your mind, Cee was still a toddler, all wispy blonde hair and big blue eyes.
Cee's father had never liked you. You were the evidence of his wife's life before him, and you looked too much like your own deceased father for him to have any affection toward you. It didn't surprise you that he left you behind after your mother died, but at ten that didn't make it hurt any less. 
Since then, ten years had passed. Now, your aunt was gone, and your studies on the Ephrate completed. You'd taken to a rather nomadic lifestyle, catching rides from planet to station to planet and picking up odd jobs here and there. It wasn't much, but you'd become a strong woman in your time on your own, and thoughts of your half-sister plagued you only some nights now.
Jobs you took ranged from helping the lone-wolf prospector on an excavation to ship repairs at major stations across the system. In one of your darker moments, you'd even carried out a hit against some low-level merc who'd pissed off the wrong people. Those people paid well, enough to fill your stomach for a few days and cover a ride far away from that moon. The right circles knew you could hold your own, and that's what mattered.
This particular station was on the outskirts of the system, a rough-and-tumble place frequented only by prospectors and the people that paid them. You'd taken a shift at the bar here a few weeks ago, and knew the locals pretty well. In a spot like this, people could often get more information at your humble establishment than they could from the officials. You were lying low, and you itched to get moving again, like the nomad you were.
Hence why you kept the radio channels on all the time during your shifts, quiet and unobtrusive where you stood at the bar.
You were thankful, looking back, that it had been a quiet afternoon, and that you'd been so vigilant in keeping track of job openings.
"This is Kilo-Romeo 12, calling from Green sector 608. In need of assistance pronto, rapid extraction A.S.A.P."
The voice is faint, but frantic - a masculine growl laced with an edge of panic. Your radio isn't the best, and you don't recognize the prospector's callsign, but you know he must be in deep shit. A call like this from the Green is a death sentence if someone doesn't act quickly.
As with most of your decisions, you act entirely on impulse. As you hit the button to close up the bar's doors, the radio is already in your hands.
"This is Juno B-390, responding to Kilo-Romeo 12. Do you copy?"
You're down the hall by now, rushing to your quarters to collect your meager belongings. Everything fits in a single pack, and you're just pulling your helmet onto your head when the radio crackles to life again.
"I copy, Juno B-390," the relief is evident in his voice, even through the static. "We need extraction and medical care."
Well, that wasn't in the initial signal. "We? How many are with you? And what kind of medical care are we talkin' here?"
"Just me and one other. Deep trauma to the abdomen, I'm afraid."
You swear under your breath. Nothing you can't handle, but this guy's timer's really running out. You grab the necessary supplies and dash to your small pod racer, which is just big enough with its three seats.
"Hang on, Kilo-Romeo. I'll be there as soon as I'm able. You'll need to direct me to your exact location, is that clear?"
There's a moment of silence before his voice echoes through your racer one last time.
You descend upon the Green as fast as the forces of physics and gravity allow you to. Sector 608, as it says on your map, is a stretch of deep woods and rolling terrain, nearly unexplored save for the last rush. You slow up as you approach, and call out to the prospector over the radio once again.
"Kilo-Romeo 12, this is Juno B-390. I am approaching your location. Do you copy?"
It's quiet. Much too quiet. You slow the racer even more, as your heart begins to race. Just as you begin to worry that you're too late, the radio awakens.
It's not the man, however, whose voice you hear.
"This is Ez-- I mean, this is Kilo-Romeo's... uh... companion. He's gotten worse."
It's a girl. A young teen, from the sound of it. Your heart clenches, thinking of how scared she must be out there.
"Okay, hey there. It's gonna be okay. Can you tell me what landmarks you see? Help me find you."
"Um, yeah. We're in a clearing, there's another ship right nearby. It's not operational, which is wh-- uh, yeah. Clearing, big ship. Also sort of a gulley nearby."
You're about to respond when she speaks again.
"Please, hurry."
"I will, kid. Just keep him alive."
It takes you longer than you would've liked to find this clearing, but once you do you see a scene that brings more questions than answers. Dead bodies litter the field and a half-blown excavation site sits in ruins. Discretion's always been a virtue of yours, though, so you file the information away in your brain and swiftly land your craft. As soon as you exit, you hear the girl's voice not too far away.
"Here! We're over here!"
You grab the field kit and run over to where she stands over a slumped figure. The man you'd spoken to is now unconscious, and not only does he have a nasty looking wound in his chest, he's missing an arm. You look up at the girl. Her brows are furrowed, eyes like steel. You like her already.
"Go to the racer and grab the stretcher that's behind the passenger seat. We'll have to move him onto that and carry him over."
She nods and runs off. Immediately, you turn to the man and take stock of his injuries. The arm has been gone for at least a little while, so that's not of immediate concern. You set to treating the chest wound, making sure to purge it and his suit of dust. Nasty stuff, that which floats around this planet. His filter is as good as gone, so you quickly connect your own.
You drain the wound with the juice the locals here produce, which is generally in stock in the station's field kits. It smells rank, but it works, and the man below you groans. Good, he's still vocal, at least. It doesn't sound like a lung's been punctured. You set up a highly temporary pocket over his wound and torn suit through which you can patch the injury. You take some foaming antiseptic and apply it to the wound before adhering a sticky bio-bandage over the top of it. 
It'll do for now. He'll need further treatment at the station, but this should keep him alive, at least. 
The girl returns with the stretcher then, and places it next to the man. You glance up at her, and see momentarily a young version of yourself. Eager to help. Eager to make things right. 
You shake your head, collecting your thoughts. "Okay, so I'm going to tilt his body towards me, and you slide the stretcher as far as you can under him. Then we'll let him down on top of it and secure him for travel. Can you do that?"
She nods, and you give her a small smile. You hook one arm around the man's waist, the other supporting his neck and shoulder. 
"On three, okay? One... two... three!"
Quickly, you roll him up onto his remaining arm as she slides the stretcher under him. As gently as possible, you let him back down, and just like that he's mostly on the stretcher. You set to arranging him properly and tying straps down. 
The girl fidgets, and you look up to her.
"Do you know how to stow the back seat in a racer like that?" you ask, and she nods.
"Good, go do it."
She runs off, and is back by the time you've gotten the man secured to the stretcher.
"You take the handles at his feet and I'll take his head. We have to be careful not to tilt him too much, to keep the weight on the stretcher even. Did he suffer any head trauma?"
The girl shakes her head. "No, I don't think so."
You probably should have asked that before moving him onto the stretcher, but then again no one's ever known you for your excellence in trauma care. Your knowledge of first aid comes only from what you've picked up in the field, so sometimes the order of operations gets a bit jumbled. 
Whatever. He'll be okay. You can't let yourself think otherwise.
The girl stoops to grab hold of the handles at his feet. You do the same at his head, and again you count backwards from three.
Together you stand, and twin groans echo from both of you. The girl huffs, clearly struggling a bit under the weight.
"Okay, let's go. Slowly, remember."
You walk backwards, feet taking cautious steps so as to keep the same pace as the young girl. Her face is screwed up in focus and concentration, hands in a vice grip on the handles. 
"You're doing good, kid. Just a bit further."
Before you know it, you've reached the ship. Carefully, you set the stretcher in the racer, and then the two of you slide it in. There's just barely enough room for it. You quickly secure it, and then close the hatch.
The girl is looking at you, eyes wide and chest heaving. You reach out a gloved hand and set it on her shoulder, giving a firm squeeze. 
"He'll be okay. I promise. Now go get in the passenger seat and I'll get us back up to the station."
She nods, and seems to relax a bit at that. You can't help but wonder what she's been through, out here in this rough, unforgiving environment. "Thank you."
You smile, and sincerely hope that this young girl finds a way to leave this life of prospecting behind. You don't know how she got here, but it's no place for someone so young. You know that all too well.
"Let's go, kid."
The trip was pretty quiet save for a single groan from the man in back. The girl glanced back to him when she heard that, and then looked at you, concerned.
"It's okay. He'll be in and out of consciousness until we get to the station. I'll pull up to the emergency med-bay so the doctors can start treating him properly right away."
You look over to her, and she nods.
"Does he have anyone they can contact? Any family?" you ask. "The doctors will need to know."
She shakes her head. "I'm not sure. I don't think so."
You sigh. "Okay. Well, we'll deal with that when we get there."
It's not long after that you arrive at the med-bay. It's a whirlwind of nurses and questions and forms, most of which you have to leave blank, since you don't know the guy and the girl seems not to know much more. She does, however, give you a name.
"His name's Ezra," she offers, when she sees you pause at the line on the top of the screen.
You look over at her. "Ezra? Spelled E-Z-R-A?"
She nods. "Never told me a last name though."
"That's alright. A first name's enough."
She sits next to you and helps where she can as you fill out the form. Once you're done, you go up to hand the tablet back to the receptionist. You then sit back down next to her, crossing your arms over your flight suit. The girl's fiddling with her fingers, bag tucked between her feet.
"Do you think we'll be able to see him when they're done?" she asks, clearly trying not to sound as worried as she is.
You shrug. "Probably. It might be a while, though. Do you want something to eat while we wait?"
She nods, and when you look over at her, she's smiling. 
As it turns out, it does take a pretty long time for them to complete the operation. It feels like hours that you two are sitting there. You watch the people come and go from the waiting room while the girl writes in some notebook, headphones secure over her ears, absently eating a chocolate bar.
She can't be more than 13 or 14. You think back to when you were that age - in the middle of your time at the Ephrate, moody and angsty like all young teens. It makes you think of Cee. She'd be about that age by now. You look over to the girl sitting next to you, wondering what ever became of your sister. Maybe she's at the Ephrate by now, or perhaps her father has taken her to some peaceful planet with beaches and a nice home, a few pets running around. 
Hopefully a better life than the one you've led. Somewhere far from thrower blasts and gemstones.
This girl seems nice enough, and you're sure she's seen her fair share of shit. It's clear this guy's not only not her father, but that they haven't known each other long at all. You can't help but wonder how they ended up traveling together. 
Images of the clearing littered with bodies flashes in your mind. Something went down there, and it clearly got ugly fast. It's amazing that the girl emerged relatively unscathed. You've seen a fair share of shootouts and fights, and never did you escape completely uninjured. It takes cleverness and a strong sense of self-preservation, the latter of which you don't often have.
You're ruminating on the mystery sitting next to you when the doors to the operating rooms swing open. A nurse steps out and looks at both of you. You stand, and she follows suit.
"He's awake, and asking for you," the nurse says. You nudge the girl slightly with your elbow.
"Go on, go see hi--"
The nurse cuts in. "He's asking for both of you."
Oh. You're surprised. He doesn't even know you, so there's no reason he should be asking to see you. Despite your confusion, you follow behind the girl as she follows the nurse to his room.
The hallways are sterile and white, cleaner than anything you've seen in months. The doorway is the last on the right, and inside is a single bed, with a small window looking out to the stars.
The young girl enters first as the nurse stands to the side, and you hover in the doorway to watch, still not quite feeling entirely welcome. You can just see the man's - Ezra's - hair behind the girl, with an unusual shock of blonde in otherwise dark brown curls.
"I was wondering where you went, birdie. One minute I was on the ground and next thing I know I'm sitting here like a babe in a bassinet, right as rain," he says, voice melodic with an accent you can't quite place.
"Do you feel better, Ezra?" the girl asks, voice wavering just slightly.
"I do. Are you faring alright yourself?"
She nods, and crosses her arms. Silence fills the room for a moment, then Ezra speaks again.
"Who was so kind as to bring us here, birdie?" he asks. The girl turns to you and steps aside so Ezra can see you.
"She did," she replies, a soft look on her face.
You step forward and look at Ezra properly for the first time. You hadn't really paid much attention to his facial features back on the Green, so concerned as you were with getting him out of there.
His dark brown eyes are kind, and his lips tease at a smile. He's got stubble growing on his chin and a mustache on his lip. There's a thin white line in the shape of a crescent underneath his left eye, the silvery remnant of a deep cut sustained long ago. He's older than you, maybe 40 or so. For some reason, you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach, but you're quick to snuff those out best you can. Mirroring the girl, you cross your arms, and flip your braid over your shoulder.
"Yeah, that would be me," you say, as nonchalantly as you can manage.
"I recognize that voice from the radio," he notes, looking at you intently. "I can't hardly give you enough thanks for getting the two of us out of that... sticky situation. You really are somethin' else, sugar."
You shrug, unused to such praise, such immediate kindness. You feel your face heat up with a blush, and you clear your throat.
"Well, it sure sounded like you were in need of some help. I'm happy to see you're doing better."
Your voice is softer than you intend. Spending even three minutes with this guy seems to have thrown you off balance. You haven't met anyone that talks like him since you were in school, and it's like a breath of fresh air.
His face turns serious at your words. Ezra's gaze is as intense as it is gentle, burning into your own.
"Oh, much better," he assures you, giving you a look you can't quite decipher. A smile quickly returns to his features. "It's a shame they couldn't get my arm to grow back."
You laugh a little at that, happy to see that he's in good spirits. The nurse steps forward then, tablet in hand. The three of you turn to her.
"Ezra will likely be discharged tomorrow morning, given how much progress he's made just today. He will need somewhere to rest, however, for the next week or so. We can help to make boarding arrangeme--"
"No," you interrupt, surprising even yourself. "No, he can stay with me. I have quarters in the 4th wing." You turn to the girl. "You can stay with me too, if you'd like." You don't know what's come over yourself, but you find yourself drawn to this unlikely pair.
The girl nods once, just as Ezra speaks up. "You're too kind, sugar. Your hospitality and generosity are appreciated beyond measure. Do let us know if there's any way at all we can show our gratitude."
You shake your head immediately, waving a hand as if to wave away the notion.
"No need for that. Consider it a celebratory gift for parting with the Green."
Everyone laughs at that - even the nurse, who hides her grin behind her tablet.
The next morning, you and the girl - whose name you still don't know, and who still does not know yours - visit the med-bay first thing after breakfast. Your quarters are small, enough to fit two comfortably and three at most. The girl has decided to take the sofa, since Ezra will need to rest, and a bed is most ideal for that. It seems you both tend to rise early, so you gave her some oatmeal and a cup of coffee. She took both without hesitation, and it warmed your heart to see her eat after however long she and Ezra had been out there.
When you two arrive, Ezra is waiting in his room, dressed in clean loungewear with a bag on his lap. He is seated in a wheelchair. You and the girl greet him, happy to see that he is rested and ready to leave.
"I told the kind folks that I am more than able to walk unaided," he comments when you begin to push the chair from behind. "They insisted, however, and I am not one to ignore the advice and orders of my physicians."
You see the girl try to hide a smile. It seems as though he's grown on her, and she struggles to admit that to herself. Before you can think better of it, you give Ezra a pat on the right shoulder, a small attempt at reassurance.
"You'll be walking in no time, I'm sure," you reply.
You feel his left hand cover your own, and you nearly stumble as you push him along through the hallway. His palm is rough and callused, a signature trait of most prospectors. It's large, too, covering your own entirely. Its warmth soaks through the back of your hand and into your stomach.
"With kindness as bright as yours to guide me, that will certainly be the case."
You don't know what to say to that, so you give his shoulder a squeeze and retract your hand.
The 4th wing is not too far from the med-bay; the station itself is smaller than most, so the distance is blessedly short. Ezra does most of the talking while the three of you walk.
"It would suit me just perfectly to never see that god-forsaken moon again so long as I live," he comments just as you reach the door to your quarters. You scan your ID card and the panel slides open, revealing a small but comfortable dwelling. "Forget the gems, forget the money. Prospecting is surely the most foolish endeavor of them all."
"The lust for wealth is stronger than the fear of death," you reply, almost without thinking.
Ezra looks up at you, smiling, a curious look on his face. "Asmolea. Ruminations, chapter seven. Color me impressed, sugar."
You look back, equally surprised. "You recognize that quote?"
"Why, yes, in fact, I do," he responds, and you notice the girl watching the two of you out of the corner of your eye. "I was an admirer of the great thinkers, long ago. When I was younger, and more -- well, more curious about such things, I suppose."
You wheel him into the small sitting area, arranged around a holo-screen. The walls are bare, lack of personality belying a short-lived residence here. You engage the wheelchair's brakes and take a seat yourself, across from him on an armchair. The girl sits on the sofa, where she slept last night.
"Philosophy is the sustenance of the mind," he continues, kicking his feet up to rest on the coffee table. He winces slightly at the motion, but keeps speaking nevertheless. "Without it, we decay. We risk succumbing to trivial errors of man. It is the sharpening stone to the blade of our intellect."
"What about literature?" the girl asks, her eyes firey and brow set. "I think that's much more valuable than what some ancient guy thought about a world we don't even know anymore."
You smile, pleased at this contribution. "I think great literature can convey philosophical ideas in the form of a modern narrative. You just have to keep an eye out for it, and understand its relevance to the story."
Ezra nods along. "I agree. Where did you read Asmolea, sugar?"
"At the Ephrate," you reply, and you see the girl perk up. You smile at her, hoping the two of you will have a chance to discuss that later. She seems entirely intrigued by you now. "I studied there for seven years, until I was eighteen."
"Why did you leave?" the girl asks.
You sigh, and bring your foot up to rest on the chair, so your thigh is pressed against your front. "Life there didn't suit me. I'm much happier on my own, not surrounded by stuffy academics and pretentious businessmen. The only ones I could stand there were the monks."
Ezra laughs at that. "The Neo-Carthusians?"
You nod, grinning. "Yeah. Considered joining, for about a month or so. I admire their lives of solitude and contemplation, but I couldn't imagine staying in one place for so long."
The conversation flows between the three of you so naturally you hardly notice the time flying by. They ask questions about you, and you return the favor by inquiring about their lives. The girl is quiet when it comes to her past, but you find out her father died on the Green. Both she and Ezra are hesitant to talk about it, which tells you all that you need to know.
Night falls quickly, or at least night according to standard time - on the station, there is no night or day, just a constant darkness visible out the windows interrupted by pinpricks of light. Everyone follows the standard clock, which runs according to time on the Ephrate. 
You show Ezra to his room after the three of you have eaten dinner. It's a small space, just enough for a bed and a dresser. Carefully, he stands from the wheelchair, tosses his bag on the bed, and turns to look at you.
He's much taller than you are. The butterflies return as you look up at him, and a warm feeling radiates through the area below your stomach.
"Thank you again for the hospitality, sugar," he murmurs, voice low and deep. He moves the wheelchair out from between you, so there's nothing but air separating the two of you. "As I said, don't hesitate to ask if there is anything I can do to repay you. Anything at all."
You nod, at a loss for words. His hand comes up and gently brushes a loose strand of hair away from your face and tucks it behind your ear. You positively melt. This man is going to be the death of you.
"I'm just glad to see you safe, Ezra," you reply, and your eyes flutter at the way his fingers linger over the apple of your cheek. His lips look so soft, his eyes full of promises he intends to keep. You can feel yourself falling, as if in a dream.
You blink and lean back, away from him. This is a bad idea. For what reason, you can't say, but you dart to your room as soon as you begin to doubt yourself.
You shut the door and lean against it. There's no way, your mind whispers to you. He feels indebted. That's the only reason. You're too young, he just sees you as a kid.
In your haste, you didn't see the look in his eyes as you left so suddenly, or the way he stared at the door long after you shut it.
In the night, you dream of him. Dark eyes above you, heavenly, filthy moans filling the air around you, something thick and perfect filling the empty space inside you. His musical voice murmurs sweet words in your ear, and you hear the sound of your passion just as much as you feel it. Your hands grip his hair as he thrusts, your body trembling underneath him.
Your peak startles you awake, and you find your bedsheets soaked with the evidence of your fantasy.
Your bedside clock tells you it is the early hours of the morning. With a sigh, you toss back the blankets and emerge from your room quietly. 
After a quick shower in the refresher, you step out and wrap a towel around yourself. You stare into the mirror, thinking about him.
You've never felt such an instant attraction to anyone before in your life. Sure, his looks contribute quite a bit, but it's much more than that. You and he seem to have a similar intellect, his passion and aptitude for prose matching your own knowledge and understanding of philosophy and the humanities. The girl is also equally respected by him as she is by you, and you both share a common want to see her thrive. You've known them both barely a day and a half, but they already feel more like family than anyone you've ever known.
You wonder if you're imagining his affections toward you. That could just be him, his way of communicating. You desperately hope it's more than that, but you also can't get your hopes up because of a silly dream.
A silly, beautiful dream.
Water drips from your hair, down your chest, and into the towel. As you begin to shiver, you decide to return to bed and try again for some uninterrupted sleep. You'll have to change the sheets, unfortunately, but that shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
You open the door and tiptoe back out into the hallway, quiet as a mouse. Just as you're about to sneak back into your room, towel clutched tightly in your fingers, you're startled by the door opposite your own sliding open.
And there he is. Dressed in little more than a pair of grey shorts, hair tousled and eyes weary with sleep.
He blinks a few times, and then his eyes widen, suddenly much more awake. You see him glance down, and his mouth parts ever so slightly before his gaze returns to your face.
You are frozen in place. Somewhere in your mind, you will your feet to dart away again, but the remnants of your dream still echo in your muscles, preventing you from leaving. Your hands tighten on your towel and despite yourself, you make note of his chest, his abdomen - the wound, which is an angry red line, held together with clear stitching, and which makes your heart clench at the thought of what would've happened had you not arrived - and finally, a rapid glance at his shorts, his thighs, before you find your sense and look back up at his face.
There's that intensity again, with considerably less gentleness. You inhale sharply, and spare a glance towards the sitting area, where the girl sleeps.
"She's quite the light sleeper, I'm afraid. I'd be mightily surprised if she didn't already hear --"
His voice is low, nearly inaudible to your ears as you look back at him. The tone of it causes the insides of your thighs to tremble, and your chest to heave with silent breaths. Ezra cuts himself off, clearly not having meant to say as much as he did.
Maybe it's the early hour that makes the words escape your lips with ease. Maybe it's the dream, the visions of which you can still see in your mind's eye as you look at him. Perhaps there's just something about Ezra that makes you bold, standing there with nothing more than thin terrycloth protecting your modesty.
"Hear what, Ezra?" you whisper, and set your jaw when his eyes widen ever so slightly.
Ezra reaches out, and his hand comes up to grip the back of your neck. His thumb strokes your jawline, behind your ear, and he steps forward. He's so close that you can feel the heat from his body on your own.
His lips press softly against your forehead, a surprisingly intimate gesture that makes you shiver. The hand that isn't clutching your towel moves to rest on his waist, golden skin warm under your cold fingers.
"Hear this, sweet thing," he murmurs against your skin, lips still pressed against you. "How strongly I feel for you. How deeply I know that it was divine providence that brought you to me. The ways I want to repay you for saving my life.”
His words are like molten gold, shimmering and hot as they slip over your skin and into your heart. You shiver, and your fingers curl gently into his side.
”I don’t - I don’t want you to feel obligated to... to do anything. With me. For me,” you whisper back, eyes closed, basking in the feeling of this quiet moment. 
Ezra hums in dissent against your worries. “No... no...” he says, as his fingers slowly thread their way into your hair. “It isn't like that —“
He’s interrupted by a shuffling sound from the sitting room. You both freeze, wide-eyed, and look toward the room where the girl sleeps.
A moment passes, and then two. Enough that you know she is still asleep and there isn’t any risk of her finding you two like this.
It‘s like ice water thrown over you, the reminder of where and who you are. You look back up to Ezra, whose eyes are soft and knowing as they stare at you. His hand gently caresses the back of your neck, and then he brings it back to rest at his side.
"Go to bed, sweetheart," he murmurs, and then steps around you. He enters the refresher without another word.
You do as he says, but you find yourself struggling to fall back asleep once you return to clean, cool sheets. You watch the stars inch past outside your window as your mind races at the memory of his lips.
The next morning, you wake to sounds of movement coming from outside your door. For a moment you panic, before you remember your two visitors. And then you remember your encounter with one of those visitors last night, and the hushed words exchanged between you and him.
Beside you, the clock reads barely past 06:00, which is usually the time you wake up anyway. Today you have another shift at the bar, assuming you still have a job there after you ditched it the other day. With a groan, you pull yourself out from under the warm, soft covers and dress yourself. 
The noise becomes more decipherable as you make your way down the hallway. Ezra and the girl are making small talk while something sizzles. You turn the corner and see Ezra standing at the stove with the girl sitting at the counter, the pleasing aromatic smell of pork bacon wafting through the air. You lean against the wall and watch the pair with a small smile, happy to see someone making use of a space normally reserved for microwave rations and alcohol snuck from the bar.
No one's ever accused you of being a particularly good bartender, that's for sure.
Ezra turns to look at you when he hears your footsteps, a bright smile lighting up his face. 
"Good morning, sleepyhead," he teases, and pushes the bacon around with a spatula. "I cannot emphasize enough how divine it was to wake up with a soft cushion beneath me rather than dirt. I could much too easily let myself get used to this, and I think Cee here agrees with me on that account. Don't you, birdie?"
The girl nods, but you don't notice it. The color has drained from your face and you feel a frantic, sinking feeling in your chest.
"What did you say?" you ask, pushing yourself off the wall and looking at Ezra with wide eyes.
He looks back, brow furrowed, confused. "I believe I said that I could get used to this...?"
You turn away from him and look at the girl. She's looking at you too, now, concern evident in her eyes.
"What did he say your name is?"
She blinks. "My name's Cee."
Your hand flies up to your mouth, and you feel tears gather at the corners of your eyes. It can't be. But she's the right age, and her hair's the same, and...
"What was your father's name?"
She looks even more confused now. "Um, it was Damon."
Oh my god. "Oh my god. You're Cee."
The two of them stare at you like you've grown a second head. You laugh, realizing how foolish you look.
And then you give her your name.
Cee's eyes light up like nothing you've ever seen before, and she nearly launches herself off of the counter stool to wrap you in the tightest hug you've ever been given. You laugh again, a loud and boisterous thing, as happy tears spring unbidden and flow onto your cheeks. Her hands grip the back of your shirt as you hold her head to your chest with both hands.
"I never thought I'd see you again," you mutter through the tears, pressing your nose against her hair. It's her. It's really her. Suddenly you think Ezra was right about divine providence, that the three of you were meant to find each other, the event arranged by some mighty cosmic force.
"Dad told me you were dead," she cries, as the two of you collapse to the floor. Propriety suddenly no longer concerns you, not now that you're cradling your long-lost little sister.
"I'm so sorry, Cee. I'm so sorry."
You can't say much more than that. There are simultaneously too many and not enough things to say to the last family you have left in the universe, to this girl who was so much like you even in the first moments of knowing one another. 
Above you, Ezra clears his throat.
"While this is clearly an unexpected but happy reunion that I hate to interrupt, I do have to ask how you girls know one another, so that I might not be kept in the dark about your relation?"
You look up at him as you move backwards to rest your shoulders against the wall. His dark eyes look down at you from above, and though you've never felt so small, you've also never felt happier in your life.
"She's my sister," you answer with a smile. "Same mother, different father. We were separated when our mother died. She was hardly more than a baby."
Ezra's eyes grow soft at that, and he nods. You begin to think that maybe now you both have something to thank the other for. You may have saved his life, but his radio transmission brought you Cee.
You tighten your arms around her, and place a kiss on the crown of her head. You aren't sure how long you sit there - long enough to have surely lost your job when you don't show up for your shift, but you can't find it within yourself to care. This is all that matters to you right now.
The day passes with you and Cee doing most of the talking, for once. Ezra seems content to just sit and listen, though you catch him a few times looking at you like he did in the darkened hallway last night.
After lunch, he makes a point to sit next to you on the couch, arm draped across the cushions behind you.
If Cee notices, she doesn't say anything. You still aren't sure where your relationship with Ezra stands, but in the midst of sharing stories with Cee and learning about her life, you don't find time to sort that out.
Dinner comes and goes again, and the topic of the future comes up.
"When do you think you'll be healed enough to travel again, Ezra?" you ask, as the three of you work on cleaning the dishes.
He shrugs. "I'm fit to travel right now," he answers, and you give him a look. No, he isn't. He chuckles. "Alright, sugar. Maybe another day or so. The serum they gave me to apply daily has been working wonders, I must admit."
You nod, and look over at Cee. "Where do you want to go? The Ephrate? I have no doubt you could get into the school there."
She perks up at that. "You think so? Would you bring me?"
"Why not? I'm a traveler anyway, and I think it's high time I got out of this station. Ezra?" You look over to him, but he's already looking at you.
You feel his hand ghost over the small of your back. "I would be most honored to accompany you both to the Ephrate, if you'll have me."
"Yes, of course," you reply, leaning into his touch, and you turn back to the task at hand.
Later on, when Cee is in bed listening to her music, and Ezra's in his room, you sit on your bed thinking about what's to come. In order to apply to the school, Cee will need a guardian contact, and a record of education. You hope she can pass the entrance exam and submit a writing sample, and that that will be enough. Maybe you can talk some of your former professors into considering her.
It’s a pretty long trip from the station to the Ephrate, even with a ship that can travel at hyper speed. You can’t help but wonder what will become of Ezra after you get Cee set up in school. 
The man captivates you, to put it plainly. His poetic manner of speaking and the gentle fire of his passion, when directed at you, gives you a feeling unlike any other you’ve experienced before. You’ve met plenty of men in your life. None have ever made you feel such a way. 
Before you can think better of it, while the desire to see his sleep-ruffled hair still sits at the forefront of your mind, you get out of bed and leave your room. Quietly, so as to not disturb Cee, you knock on his door.
”Come in!” he calls out from somewhere within.
You slide the door open, slip inside, and close the door behind you. Ezra is sitting up in bed, looking at you.
”To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing such a beautiful woman enter my chamber in the night?” The question is teasing, good-natured, but the compliment still makes your stomach swoop.
You smile, and walk to where he lies in bed, leaning against the dresses. “I wanted to thank you, Ezra. You brought my sister back to me, which is something I’ll never be able to repay you for. Can we call it even?” 
He laughs at that. “Sure we can, sweet thing. You know, when I first saw you in that recovery room, I thought I recognized you from somewhere, and that my brain had done me the disservice of erasing all memory of you. I now realize it was because you and Cee are so much alike. I haven’t known her for much longer than I’ve known you, and it remains a miracle that she has given me even a modicum of trust, but I see the relation between you clear as a bell now.”
You have to smile at that. It warms your heart to know you didn’t imagine it, that someone else noticed it too.
Ezra reaches out then, in the dim light, and you step forward. Thinking he's reaching for your hand, you extend yours - but he bypasses it completely and wraps his hand around the back of your upper thigh, thumb brushing against your sleep shorts. A giggle escapes your lips as he pulls you in even closer to him. Ezra leans forward and presses his face against your midsection, nose just next to your belly button.
Confused, but certainly pleasantly surprised, you place your hands on his head and thread your fingers through his dark curls. Gently you massage his scalp, not quite understanding this sudden show of affection. It's different than last night, though you can't exactly express how. 
You decide you're really enjoying seeing these different sides of Ezra when the two of you are alone.
When you happen to massage a certain spot right behind his ear, Ezra groans, a low sound that ripples through your bones. His grip tightens, and you feel his next words more than you hear them.
"Come here, little one," he murmurs into your stomach, nosing at the hem of your shirt. The pet name makes you clench, desire flooding through your center. 
He pulls you closer, shifting his face away so he can guide you down onto the bed. You swing one leg over his waist just as he slides his hand up to grip your ass, turning you further so you're on your back next to him. He's on his side, propped up by his elbow, leaning over you.
You're breathless, staring up into those infinite brown eyes.
"You have consumed my every waking thought since the moment I first saw you" he says softly, his voice a low purr that awakens some unknown part of yourself. You turn into him, resting a hand on his side, and he presses his nose against your cheek.
"I must have been a saint in a previous life to have earned this sweet embrace," he continues, breath warm against your face. "I want to learn you, to study you with the same vigor the ancients studied and examined the mind. I want to know you, sweet girl, in every way possible.
"But I must be truthful with you, because I could no longer live with myself if I were not. I am not a good man. I have lived a long life of violence and amorality, and death and deceit seem to follow me hand-in-hand. You are so young, little one, full of life and vitality, future bright ahead of you. I do not deserve you, and you certainly deserve better than me."
His words are like needles piercing your heart. You slide your hand up his chest to cup his face, tenderly stroking his cheekbone. You draw him away ever so slightly so you can look him in the eye.
"You and I are not so different, Ezra," you hum, making sure that he keeps the eye contact. "I have been on that same path, of death and violence, for years. I've lived for none but myself."
You slide your thumb across his lower lip, soft and pink and tempting.
"Let me live for you." 
You punctuate your whispered plea by drawing him back down and pressing your lips to his. He gasps into the kiss before returning it with passion amplified twofold. His leg slides over your midsection to stabilize himself, knees pushing in between your own so your thighs stretch open around his.
Ezra deepens the kiss almost immediately. You surrender to his lips, one hand gripping his shoulder while the other tangles again in his hair. His mouth is hot, tasting faintly of mint but mostly a sweet flavor you attribute only to him. You let out a soft moan at the feeling building in your cunt, wet and warm and yearning for him, and he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Ezra licks at your teeth, seemingly in an attempt to map out every part of you that he can.
All you're able to do is moan, melting into him like a candle to a flame.
You feel Ezra shift a little, followed by profanity muttered softly against your lips. He draws away, and you open your eyes to see him clenching his jaw.
"'M still not fully adjusted to not having a kriffing arm," he grumbles, frustration evident in his eyes. You hum, hurting for him, wanting to take his pain away.
"What do you need, Ezra?" you ask. "What can I do?"
He presses his forehead against yours and sighs. "I want to see you, sweet thing. I want to touch you."
You flush, understanding the meaning of his words and feeling your panties grow wetter at the implication. 
"Yes," you breathe. "Yes." You push at his shoulders, urging him to sit back. He does so, sitting back. You rearrange your legs so that yours rest outside of his, and sit up. Your thighs are tucked against his hips in a position that feels much closer than before - you can just barely feel the heat of his groin against your own. A breath stumbles its way out of your lungs, chest heaving.
Before you can think any further on your insecurities, you grasp the hem of your shirt and draw it up and over your head. Ezra's eyes light up, glance at your face, darken considerably as he looks down again, and then he's on you once more.
His arm wraps around you tightly, hand pressing firmly into your ribs, and it's then that you really take in the size difference between you and him. As his head dips to press his lips against your breasts and nipples, you can't help but shudder at the way his body curls over your own. You feel distinctly small, in a way that would usually frighten you but instead makes you shiver.
This position is clearly more comfortable for Ezra, because he becomes more vocal as he lavishes your tits with attention.
"Gods, little one," he murmurs against the top of one of your breasts, tongue darting out to taste your peaked bud, "your body is divine, the sweetest fruit in the universe." He pauses to suck at your nipple, drawing it into his mouth, and the sight of it forces a whine from your throat. Something about it is so perfect, so perverse, for a man who's always been so sweet, that you can't help but press your clothed cunt down on his cock, the shape of which you can feel burning and hard like an iron through your clothes.
Ezra lets out a choked growl at that, a deep rumbling sound that you immediately commit to memory, in case of the unfortunate event that you're not blessed to ever hear it again. He releases your teat, now spit-soaked and throbbing, and looks at you with eyes so dark you hardly recognize them. His brows are drawn together, teeth bared like a feral animal.
"That's what you do to me," he growls, moving his hand down to cup your ass, squeezing harshly. You gasp, and press into him, bare chest to bare chest. "Feel my dick against your little pussy, baby? Think it can fit?"
You nod frantically, knowing your shorts are soaked through, as his filthy words send your mind reeling. You're not capable of thoughts beyond him and this any longer.
Ezra uses his grip on your ass to press your cunt against him once more, and he rolls his hips up into you in a mimicry of what he'd like to do you. You moan, completely unashamed, and drop your head to tuck your face against his shoulder.
"Please," you whine, nearly unaware of the words coming out of your mouth. It's quiet, hushed, this next utterance, and it's passed through your lips before you can think twice about it.
"Please fuck me, daddy."
Ezra freezes. It takes you a moment too long to realize what you've said.
"What did you say?" Ezra asks, the words rumbling from somewhere in his chest.
You get a frantic feeling in your limbs, panic crawling up your throat. Great, you think, I've messed it all up. He probably thinks I'm some freak, screwed up in the head.
You're broken from your spiraling thoughts by the feeling of his lips on your neck, teeth digging into the space beneath your jawline.
"I asked you a question, sweet girl."
You tremble in his grasp. He's not going to let it go. "Daddy..." you whimper, and he groans.
"You really are a perfect little girl for me," he mutters as his hand slides around from your ass to the front of your shorts. You tighten your grip on the back of his neck and lean forward, thinking he intends to pull your remaining clothes down your legs.
Instead, he clenches his fist and tears them, both your shorts and your panties, from your pussy. You yelp as he does so, and watch as the fabric goes flying somewhere off to the side.
"There you are, sweet thing," he murmurs, leaning back to look at you, hand back in position on your bare ass. "Look at you. Filthy and perfect for daddy, aren't you? A fantasy come to life, placed in my lap by the gods themselves."
You moan once more, pressing your bare cunt against the outline of his cock in his thin sleep pants. He reaches down to pull it free, and as you keep your balance against him, you look down and see perhaps the biggest dick you've ever laid eyes on. Ezra chuckles, watching your reaction.
"You ready, baby? Want me to fill you up, fuck you like you need?"
You nod, and lean in to press your face against the crook of his neck again. "Please," you whine. "I need your big cock in my pussy."
The words are completely unlike you - something about Ezra has awoken a completely submissive, unfiltered side of yourself you didn't know existed before. Sure, you knew you wanted him, and weren't a stranger to sex, but this is an entirely new personality, focused entirely on being his. It's almost like a dream, and for a moment you feel as though you're floating, with how relaxed you are in anticipation for --
He's guided the head of his cock to your entrance, and is using his leverage on your ass to guide you slowly, slowly down. You gasp - he's certainly the biggest you've ever had, and the stretch is delicious. Ezra's restraining himself, going slow so he doesn't hurt you, but you have no such qualms.
You drop down in one fell swoop, and the way he fills you makes your eyes roll back in your head. His hand moves from your ass to around your waist, nearly encircling it entirely. He groans, loudly and deeply.
"You'll kill me like this, little one. You're just wrapped around my cock, aren't you? Desperate for it?"
You nod frantically. "Yes, daddy. Yes!"
Ezra moans at that. His hand grips your waist, teeth biting and sucking at your neck, as you push up on your thighs to lift off of him. The drag of his dick against the walls of your cunt is incredible, the head of it catching and pushing on hidden, sensitive ridges within you.
You drop down again, and begin to fuck yourself on Ezra's cock.
His hips piston up as you do so, finding and matching your rhythm with ease. His melodic voice mutters the dirtiest things you've ever heard as he slams his hips up into you.
"...That's it, sweet thing. You were made to fit on my cock, weren't you?..."
"...Wanted to do this that night in the hallway, take you right up against the wall..."
"...My strong, sweet girl, bouncing like a whore on daddy’s cock -- gods, look at your tits..."
You feel your climax building, rising like a fire about to consume you from the inside out. Ezra is close, too, from the way his hips stutter and his breathing becomes ragged.
"Sweet thing..." he groans, slowing his thrusts. "I can't... inside you..."
You shake your head. You know he's clean, since he was tested at the med-bay when he went in for the operation. And besides...
"I've got the implant, daddy. Come in me, please."
Ezra finishes with the most beautiful moan you've ever heard, and you come nearly at the same moment. It's an ethereal, heavenly experience, like the two of you have ascended and joined the gods who so graciously brought you together.
You fall asleep tucked into his chest, warm under his blanket, with the smell of him and you and both of you lulling you into the most peaceful sleep you've had in your life.
A month later, you and Ezra and Cee sit at a mahogany wood table, filling out a holo-tablet with the form for Cee's entrance into your alma mater on the Ephrate. Your sister is already taken with the place, and you couldn't be happier for her. 
"Now it wants me to put in a parent or guardian's name," she says, stylus hovering over that section. The cursor blinks as it waits.
You're about to tell her to skip it, but Ezra speaks up before you can.
"Put my name down," he offers, and she looks over at him. "Is that okay with you?"
Cee nods, a genuine smile brightening her features. She turns back to the screen with haste.
"Ezra Stallard," he adds simply.
You look over to him, pleased with this revelation. 
As you watch Cee enter Ezra's full name into the blank and select Guardian, you get a chill up your spine. Despite yourself, you think back to that night, and you know Ezra's thinking the same when his hand moves over to rest on your thigh.
You can't wait to have your ship to yourselves; the joy of seeing your sister thrive in a new setting is followed only by the anticipation of what is to come. You and Ezra have made no plans for the future yet - all you know is that he will be with you, and that's the only guarantee you need.
For the first time in a very long time, your heart sings.
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maverick-werewolf · 4 years
Werewolf Fact #60 - Werewolves Have Tails
Unbelievably, I never actually did a werewolf fact on this. But... Well, it disturbs me just how many random people on the internet I see making the utterly baseless assertion, as if they actually know, that “werewolves in folklore didn’t have tails.”
That is categorically untrue.
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(Although plenty of things in Hollywood spurned tails on their werewolf designs for various reasons, Underworld remains the primary culprit for popularizing the concept of “my werewolf is too edgy and unwolfish to have a tail”)
Do werewolves in folklore have tails? The answer is so simple it can be shortened to just one word:
Now, if you ask me, I think it looks totally ridiculous to have a werewolf with a wolf (or whatever modern designs pretend passes as something remotely wolfish; let’s face it, most werewolf designs, especially movie ones, have basically nothing in common with a wolf) head and/or digitigrade legs that doesn’t have a tail. Those need tails. But don’t get me started on werewolf designs.
I also personally think it’s much scarier for a werewolf to have a tail, and I don’t buy the arguments that they are “scarier without one,” because apparently startlingly bare werewolf butts sticking out like they’re begging to have a tail pinned on them are scary (?), and I’ll tell you why at the end of this post.
Before I get into the folklore meat of this, though, I will say that part of my personal stake in werewolf studies is to push for a less broad definition of the word “werewolf.” Personally, I don’t hold to many scholars’ ideas of calling every single person turning into a wolf a “werewolf,” and this applies doubly to things involving witchcraft.
Personally, I think a “werewolf” needs to fit a certain, meaningful criteria, instead of any old person or thing who has the ability to turn into a wolf.
To start off, I will open with the very simple statement that the overwhelming majority of werewolves in folklore turned into giant wolves. Yes, just wolves. Not wolves walking upright, not wolf-men, just wolves. And what do all wolves have? Tails. Case closed.
If that isn’t enough for you, though, there are many sources that detail exactly the how and why of werewolves having tails in folklore...
Firstly, there’s Henry Boguet in “Of the Metamorphosis of Men into Beasts,” from 1590 (my version was republished in A Lycanthropy Reader: Werewolves in Western Culture, edited and compiled by Charlotte F. Otten). On page 79 of this edition, Boguet marks a difference between werewolves and witches that have turned into wolves, repeating a common belief that, when witches turn into animals, they have “no tails.”
Notice that the witches do not have tails. The werewolves, however, do, and that is even specified as an identifying attribute.
Secondly, there’s the Malleus Maleficarum, specifically question X of part I, “Whether Witches can by some Glamour Change Men into Beasts.” I’m pulling this from Monatgue Summers’ translation.
They say that, “the devil can deceive the human fancy so that a man really seems to be an animal.” This specifically refers to deception. Thus, illusion. Not a true, physical change as we get with a werewolf.
Furthermore, however, they say that “when it says that no creature can be made by the power of the devil, this is manifestly true if Made is understood to mean Created. But if the word Made is taken to refer to natural production, it is certain that devils can make some imperfect creatures.”
“Imperfect,” in this instance, generally thought to refer to “tailless,” along with a few other legends, such as a witch in animal form still bearing human eyes. Again, witches.
Bear in mind that the Malleus Maleficarum was written and compiled during a time period in which werewolves were considered a form of witchcraft, although not equal to it. One could become a werewolf via a curse, without directly practicing that witchcraft. Long story short, werewolves and witches were NOT the same thing.
This also came from a time period when werewolves were considered negative (obviously), unlike in earlier time periods, and much more like today.
Moving on, we also have Albert the Great in his book On Animals, as cited by Montague Summers, who says that devils can indeed make animals: “they can, with God’s permission, make imperfect animals.” Again on the imperfection.
There is one scholar who disputes this very, very briefly in his writing, and that is actually one of my prime sources: Montague Summers. In his book The Werewolf, he remarks, “many–but not all– authorities hold that the werewolf has no tail.” Like, dude, what? We just established that they do.
Something to remember about Summers is that firstly, he truly believed in werewolves as a form of witchcraft. To him, werewolves are more closely connected with those aforementioned witches (that I think werewolves need to be separated from). Secondly, when he makes this sweeping statement, he provides absolutely no sources whatsoever and doesn’t really make any kind of argument to back up or to defend that idea. I’m calling his BS on that one.
Thirdly, we have an overwhelming number of other sources on werewolves being depicted with tails as opposed to without. We have imagery from various time periods (as appeared in my post on werewolf appearances; there are a few more images here), in which they are virtually always depicted with tails or mid-transformation into the form of a wolf, which would have a tail. One of the only depictions we have of a tailless werewolf is the wolf-man woodcut of the one eating the baby, which is in itself a rare sight, as werewolves weren’t generally “wolf-men” very often in folklore. And, frankly, I think somebody misnamed that woodcut, because I’ve never seen any sourcing on it and I don’t even know if it’s supposed to depict a werewolf in the first place.
Descriptions of werewolves in folklore frequently refer to tails, or else refer to the werewolf as simply a “wolf” and thus lead us to assume they must have a tail, or such a radical difference would’ve been noticed by the narrator (Niceros’s tale, Bisclavret, Melion, the curse of Lykaon, Chinese legends, and many more).
There are doubtless many more citations/discussions/arguments on this, but I think you get the picture.
Werewolves have tails. And not some funky little cut-off rat tail or some stub sticking out from their spine - a wolf tail.
And you know one reason why werewolves have tails? Because, ages ago, people didn’t see a terrifying werewolf and immediately go “omg puppy uwu must pet good boi” or “werewolves are so corny lol.”
Because, ages ago, the concept of a human turning into something so inhuman was terrifying. Unfortunately, everyone today has reframed like 90% of everything into “that is bad and corny” if it’s remotely fantasy. Regardless, the idea of a human turning into something with a tail - a tail being a markedly inhuman trait - was extremely scary and startling. A werewolf with a tail will always appear much less human than a werewolf without one, and that is something that brings them closer to being terrifying beasts as opposed to just hairy dudes.
So yes, sure it’s an aesthetic choice of the creator, but werewolves in folklore had tails, whether anyone likes it or not. And if they are anything beyond a wolf-man, they’re simply going to look better with tails, and if you ask me, that’s also something that will be the case whether anyone likes it or not. You hear me, Blizzard? 
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(If you like my werewolf blog, be sure to check out my other stuff and consider supporting me on Patreon!
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rollflasher · 3 years
Another Sonic ramble
So once again I’m here with one of my rambles about my incredibly subjective view of how the Sonic series should be handled! *Beat*
So, one of the more recurring opinions on the fandom is that Sonic games should be written by Ian Flynn, I have talked before about the gripes I have with his writing and why I disagree with this but this post is not entirely about him, but rather a more general topic that has been bugging me for a long time.
The other day I was watching a video speculating about the upcoming Sonic Rangers, there’s not much to write home since it was pretty well made but there’s a particular part that inspired me to do this post and talk about it with other fans to discuss it.
See, at one point the video critisized the fact that Sonic Forces was written by a Japanese writer because they have to re-write the script in English and that can cause problems with localization, and that it would be better to have western writers from the get-go since Sonic’s main demographic comes from there, while making an off-hand suggestion that Ian Flynn could be a main choice. While I can see where they’re coming from, my response was a simple:
‘‘Absolutely, not’‘
See, I have a lot of issues with this to put it bluntly and I’ll try to break them down and explain them the best I can since they’re pretty subjective in nature, but I’m bringing this up because I want you guys to share your thoughts as well.
So, why does it bug me so much the idea of Sonic being handled by western creators?
In my case, the main reasons are because Sonic loses a core part of it’s appeal because of this, the fact that SEGA of Japan seems to have a better grasp of the franchise’s tone and characters and there’s the very subjective point that, in my eyes, American versions of Japanese franchises were always nothing more than dumbed down products of the source material.
To start with my first point, whenever someone talks about Sonic’s creation, a lot of people are quick to point out that our favorite blue hedgehog and his games were inspired by western pop culture and cartoons, and that is true, however oftenly they forget to mention a core thing that not only inspired, but also formed part of the core identity of this franchise.
Sonic is very inspired on anime, and at heart this franchise is a shonen.
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(This image by The Great Lange expresses more clearly what I mean)
Generally, the most acknowledgement anime gets on it’s hand on Sonic is the mentions of Sonic being inspired by Dragon Ball, particularly the Super Saiyan, but there’s so much more than that, as Sonic blatantly takes inspiration from Studio Ghibli films specially in games like Sonic 3, which draws a lot of inspiration from Laputa: Castle in the Sky, this great post shows proof that this is not a coincidence.
And it doesn’t stop there, Shiro Maekawa himself has stated that SA2′s story (and in particular, the characters of Shadow and Maria) draw a lot of inspiration from the manga Please Save My Earth.
Even Sonic’s character design resembles shonen protagonists moreso than the main characters of silent cartoons, don’t believe me?
Sure, Sonic has a cartoony anatomy, no one can deny that, but he also exhibits a lot of traits from shonen characters such as spiky hair/quills (?), dynamic posing, a confident, courageous and energetic personality and most importantly, fighting spirit.
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If you compare Sonic’s personality and more specifically, his abilities and moves to, say, cartoon speedy characters like the Road Runner, there’s a pretty big disconnection between him and western cartoon characters. Hell, this disconnection is even just as present if you compare him with a character like The Flash from DC.
Simply put, Sonic acts, moves and more importantly, fights like a shonen anime character. He doesn’t just go Super Saiyan and that’s it. Here’s even a quick comparison if necessary.
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And this is important because this doesn’t apply just to him, but the whole franchise as a whole and when it takes a more western approach, all of these details are kinda lost or more downplayed, of course this depends on the artists and there’s YMMV at hand, but I think my point is clear.
My second point is...SoJ has consistently proven they have a much clearer grasp on how Sonic’s world and characters are compared to SoA.
Hear me out, yes, Sonic 06 and ShtH exist and yes, SoJ is not perfect by any means. But hear me out...when did the characters start to get flanderized and turned into parodies of themselves? In the 2010s...and when did SEGA move from Japanese to western writers in the games?
Of course it was more then that since there’s a whole tone shift that came with this decade and the new writers, but it’s not a coincidence that when writing in Sonic started to decay, western writers also happened to get on board with the games.
Besides that, SoA has a wide history of not getting Sonic’s tone and characters, from how they made media without much of Sonic Team’s input, to altering how characters are seen in the west. (Such as how they amped up Sonic’s attitude in their media or how the English scripts of the games featured things like Sonic seemingly barely tolerating Amy while the JP scripts portrayed this as Sonic just not understanding girls all that well instead, or for more recent examples, the addition of the ‘’torture’’ line in Forces). Not only that, but even ignoring obvious infamous writers like Ken Penders, even the ‘’best’’ writers from the western side of Sonic are still not above of giving us Pontaff-esque gems.
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Like this one.
Or alternatively, I feel like sometimes western writers on Sonic rely a bit too much on their personal vision about Sonic which may or may not be a good thing, clear examples of this are Ian Flynn himself and Pontaff.
By contrast, while SoJ has it’s own share of notorious inconsistencies when dealing with writing (The 2000s era is a big offender), it seems that for them Sonic hasn’t changed much and this is visible not only on the JP scripts of the Modern games which are for the most part better than the ENG ones, but also things like the Sonic Channel comics and the recent one-shots they made with Sonic interacting with the cast show that for all intents and purposes, the Japanese’s staff vision of Sonic is much more clear and consistent compared to the west. Because of this, I’d rather have a good Japanese writer on Sonic games with the localization being focused on being faithful with the original script than have a more western writers dramatically changing the characters. (I don’t mention the tone since either way, SEGA is the one in charge of that and the writers have to follow that)
My last and very subjective point is that, at least for me, everything SoA does with Sonic involving the writing and canon feels like a dumbed down version of the source material. One of the reasons it bugs me so much that in the latest decade Sonic has taken a more western direction is because a lot of what I pointed out gets lost as a result, even if some of those elements are still there, you can tell they’re more downplayed with products like the Tyson Hesse shorts having a more predominant cartoon direction. If any of you have been following my blog for a long time, you should be aware that just because I prefer the Japanese Sonic content doesn’t mean I won’t give the western products a chance, my enjoyment for Mania, the Tyson Hesse shorts and the movie should be a testament of that, but at the same time I can’t help but being sour about the fact that because of these products, we don’t have stuff like a new anime for Sonic or even a serialized ‘’main’’ manga as an alternative for the comics, and my hype for these products is generally more subdued as a result since I’d wish SEGA rather spent that money and resources on more Japanese content than just merchandise.
In particular, because Sonic is a Japanese franchise with a notorious inspiration from anime, what I get from this is a pretty big contradiction. I know Sonic is much more popular on the west but...is it really necessary for his game or products to be handled by western creators to keep their appeal?
For instance, imagine if Dragon Ball’s manga and anime got replaced by western comics and animated series because of it’s world-wide appeal, would that really be the same?
Or imagine the same thing with Fullmetal Alchemist, a pretty aclaimed anime that has a lot of western influence. Would it really not matter at all if it’s Japanese products were replaced with western ones?
At least for me, it wouldn’t.
And what I said about American versions of Japanese franchises being nothing more than watered down versions of the source material? I have that view because of countless examples.
Mega Man and how the English manuals removed a lot of important information about the story of the Blue Bomber’s game and world, causing a lot of plot holes in the process.
American remakes like Godzilla 1998 or Dragon Ball Evolution being an in-name only version of the source material.
Or the many censored anime English dubs from the 2000s, for instance, whenever I see the Yu-Gi-Oh! dubs, I only see a very dumbed down and childish version of a show that was originally a shonen.
And I know that all of these things don’t have to necessarely get lost since every creator is different and there’s franchises like Avatar which are made on the west but draw a lot of inspiration from anime and I’m aware of that, and I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to say that American writers are not allowed to work on Sonic, what I’m trying to say is that inevitably there’s always gonna be some culture dissonance and clash when writers from another culture handle a foreign franchise. And even with examples like ATLA, I think being made by one culture while being inspired by the other is actually a big part of these franchises appeal and it’s something that can’t simply be replicated by handing it to creators from that specific culture they draw inspiration from.
I think James Rolfe’s quote about the same thing with the Godzilla franchise sums up how I feel about this.
‘‘It’s like champagne, anybody can make their own and call it champagne, but unless it’s from Champagne France, it’s not real champagne’‘
So, this last part was very subjective, but I think this post in general sums up why I dislike so much the idea of Sonic having western writers specifically in the games or just focusing more on that side in general.
But what do you guys think? I guess I am too biased so that’s why I wanted to ask for opinions and discuss this topic.
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a O (Part 2)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Orenchi no Furo Jijou:
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Josei, TV short
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Synopsis:  On his way home from school, Tatsumi sees a man collapsed near a lake. When he approaches him, Tatsumi notices something strange: the person in need of help is actually a beautiful merman named Wakasa! Because Wakasa's home has become too polluted to live in, Tatsumi graciously offers his bathtub as a refuge. With a boisterous merman as his new roommate, Tatsumi's normal life won't be returning anytime soon, not to mention Wakasa's aquatic friends—Takasu, Mikuni, and Maki—often show up uninvited, making them all quite a handful for the high school student. As he humors their curiosity for human life, Tatsumi sometimes finds himself enjoying their childish antics, but he will have to keep his cool if he intends to keep up with his daily life and newfound friendship. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8.5/10
Finished airing in 2014 with a total of 13, 4 minute long episodes. 
My Thoughts: A soothing tv short with a fantasy twist and cute guys as far as the eye can see! 
Oshiete! Galko-chan:
Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy, School, TV Short
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Synopsis:  At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2016 with a total of 12, 7 minute long episodes. 
My Thoughts: Cute art/ animation style. An alright short but nothing amazing. 
Otome Youkai Zakuro:
Genres: Demons, Historical, Military, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
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Synopsis:  Second Lieutenant Kei Agemaki, the son of a famous general, has hidden his extreme fear of paranormal beings all his life. However, when he and two others are reassigned to live and work with youkai in the Ministry of Spirit Affairs, he is brought face-to-face with his worst nightmare. Now with the help of the fox spirit Kushimatsu, he and his fellow officers must learn to work alongside youkai maidens—Zakuro, Susukihotaru, Hoozuki, and Bonbori—to solve paranormal cases. Set in the midst of an alternate version of Japanese Westernization, Otome Youkai Zakuro explores the clashes and unions that can occur when east meets west, local meets foreign, and women meet men. The unusual alliance of the youkai maidens and human officers must learn to work together in a world that is changing around them. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
Finished airing in 2010 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: An interesting (if not a bit cliche) but incomplete anime. Has a manga.... which is also incomplete and updated very, very slowly. 
Ouran Koukou Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club):
Genres: Comedy, Reverse Harem, Romance, School, Shoujo
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Synopsis:  Haruhi Fujioka is a bright scholarship candidate with no rank or title to speak of—a rare species at Ouran Academy, an elite school for students of high pedigree. When she opens the door to Music Room #3 hoping to find a quiet place to study, Haruhi unexpectedly stumbles upon the Host Club. Led by the princely Tamaki Suou, the club—whose other members include the "Shadow King" Kyouya Ootori; the mischievous Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru; the childlike Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also known as "Honey"; and his strong protector Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka—is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls in the academy. In a frantic attempt to remove herself from the hosts, Haruhi ends up breaking a vase worth eight million yen and is forced into becoming the eccentric group's general errand boy to repay her enormous debt. However, thanks to her convincingly masculine appearance, her naturally genial disposition toward girls, and fascinating commoner status, she is soon promoted to full-time male host. And before long, Haruhi is plunged into a glitzy whirlwind of elaborate cosplays, rich food, and exciting shenanigans that only the immensely wealthy Host Club can pull off. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2006 with a total of 26 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Raise your hand if you believe this series deserves a remake!? I would lose it if they remade this series but the original isn’t all that bad either! Worth a watch if you’re a shoujo lover! 
Outbreak Company:
Genres: Harem, Comedy, Parody, Fantasy
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Synopsis: Shinichi Kanou is a shut-in otaku with a vast knowledge of anime, manga, and video games. One day, after applying for a job in hopes of escaping his secluded lifestyle, he is kidnapped and transported to the Eldant Empire—a fantasy world filled with elves, dragons, and dwarves. Trapped in this strange land, Shinichi is given an unlikely task by the Japanese government: to spread otaku culture across the realm by becoming an "Otaku Missionary." To accomplish his mission, Shinichi has the full support of the Japanese government, as well as the half-elf maid Myucel and Princess Petralka of the Eldant Empire. Together with this ragtag bunch, he will overcome the obstacles of politics, social classes, and ethnic discrimination to promote the ways of the otaku in this holy land. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Not memorable at all. Character design looks nice, very shiny... 
Owari no Seraph:
Genres: Action, Military, Supernatural, Drama, Vampire, Shounen
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Synopsis:  With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood. Among these survivors are Yuuichirou and Mikaela Hyakuya, two young boys who are taken captive from an orphanage, along with other children whom they consider family. Discontent with being treated like livestock under the vampires' cruel reign, Mikaela hatches a rebellious escape plan that is ultimately doomed to fail. The only survivor to come out on the other side is Yuuichirou, who is found by the Moon Demon Company, a military unit dedicated to exterminating the vampires in Japan. Many years later, now a member of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, Yuuichirou is determined to take revenge on the creatures that slaughtered his family, but at what cost? Owari no Seraph is a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen anime that follows a young man's search for retribution, all the while battling for friendship and loyalty against seemingly impossible odds. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 4/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Cliche, but not in a fun way. I rarely watch anime involving vampires though so that was a bit fun. 
Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen
Genres: Action, Military, Supernatural, Drama, Vampire, Shounen
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Synopsis:  Yuuichirou Hyakuya is finally reunited with his childhood friend Mikaela Hyakuya, whom he had long presumed to be dead. Upon their reunion, however, he discovers that Mikaela has been turned into a vampire. Determined to help his friend, Yuuichirou vows to get stronger so that he can protect Mikaela as well as the comrades in the Moon Demon Company. Kureto Hiiragi receives information that a large group of vampires will be gathering in Nagoya, preparing for their assault on the Imperial Demon Army's main forces in Tokyo. Led by Guren Ichinose, Yuuichirou's team is one of many selected to intercept and eliminate the vampire nobles. With the Nagoya mission quickly approaching, the members of Shinoa squad continue to work towards fully mastering their weapons, while learning how to improve their teamwork. Yuuichirou must gain the power he needs to slay the nobles and save his best friend, before he succumbs to the demon of the Cursed Gear. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 3/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: It somehow got a sequel... still lacking. Plenty of pretty people though with little substance...
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