#april and casey's kid
scholastic-dragon · 2 years
💕❣️😢Small angst with bayturtles
Reader is April and Casey's child (they'll be the turtles niece/nephew) and they got into an accident after saving a child from being hit by a car. The reader is gonna be ok but they're slowly recovering.
This is just an excuse to see uncle turtle brothers 😭
I'm not sure if you meant it this way, but I am not killing off April and Casey, they're just very badly injured and in the hospital.
Vern is (somehow) one of the Godfathers and brings the child down to the lair. Also, I'm making the child a toddler, cause I think the boys interacting with a baby is cute.
This isn't really an 'x reader' fic cause I have no idea how to write like the reader is a toddler, so I'm naming the baby Emma (cause it's easy and simple).
Family Matters
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: talking about car crashes, crying toddlers, solid uncle moments, spelling mistakes, it jumps around quite a bit, but it's so everyone gets a moment with the baby, if you don’t like babies don’t read it, 
Summary: the turtles take care of their Niece while April and Casey are in the hospital.
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The brothers hadn't gotten up so fast in years. Hearing Donnie's worried cries through the lair as he ran around the lair waking up the others.
It was the longest 24 hours of their lives. Having gotten a call from Vern at 3 AM telling them that April, Casey and their niece, Emma, had gotten into a car crash.
April and Casey were fine but had several broken bones and internal bleeding and had to stay at the hospital for many days. Their niece had a few scratches, but was thankfully alright (thank goodness for her carseat).
They all waited in the living room for Vern to arrive, he had been given temporary guardian-ship and was brining her to stay with the turtles.
"He should've been here by now," Raph grumbled, pacing by the sewer entrance.
"He had to get the car seat in the car, get Emma in the car and grab all her things from April and Casey's apartment-" Leo sighed, sitting on the edge of the couch, leg bouncing.
"Plus, the hospital is also over 30 minutes away, he's probably still on the road," Donnie interrupted, coming out of the kitchen with a granola bar, the first thing he's eaten this morning.
"And he said he'd text us when he got to the manhole cover," Mikey added, sitting next to Leo. "We just....just have to wait,"
"I'm tired of waiting!" Raph threw his hands up. "I'm tired of not knowing anything, we still have no idea what actually happened!"
"My sons," Splinter exited his room, despite his calm voice the brothers knew he was just as worried as them. "We must all take deep breaths, I know this is frightening but we must do this for April and Casey. They need us,"
Raph sighs, lowering his head as Splinter walks up to him. "You're right, I'm sorry, Sensei,"
"You need not apologize, my son, we're all worried," He reaches out a hand and gently sqeezes his arm, offering a warm smile.
Donnie's phone beeped in his pocket, everyone's head snaps toward him. Stuffing the granola bar into his mouth, he yanks his phone out of his pants.
"He's here," His voice is muffled by the granola, everyone jumps from their spots and rushes down the tunnels.
Reaching the manhole cover, Leo climbs up first, lifting the metal and peeking out into the alleyway.
Pushing the manhole cover over, he pulls himself out, seeing Vern standing beside one of the dumpsters. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked exhausted. In his arms was a baby carrier.
The others quickly climbed up as well, Donnie ducking down to check on the toddler.
Her eyes and cheeks were red from crying but she was mostly okay, with just a small bruise on her elbow. She squirmed and whined in the carrier.
"Come, let's get back inside and get Vern and the baby something to eat and perhaps a bath," Splinter says.
Vern vented to the brothers and Splinter in the kitchen, he didn't know exactly what happened, but it wasn't April or Casey's fault.
They were returning from a visit to Casey's family farmhouse and they pulled to a stop at a red light, but some asshole wasn't looking and drove across the road, smashing the front of his car into theirs.
Mikey felt sweaty and nervous and offered to take Emma and give her a bath. He was thankful they could all tell he was setting overwhelmed and wanted a moment.
Mikey knelt by the side of the tub, watching Emma chew on a small rubber ducky. Squirting a small amount of of shampoo onto his palm, he carefully lathered it in her soft hair.
Covering her eyes, Mikey rinsed out all the soap, grabbing one of the boat toys by the side of the tub and pushing it through the water.
"Is that fun?" He cooed, smiling as her eyes went wide watching the boat float in the water.
"We have fun bath time with Uncle Mikey," Mikey looked at his niece, a wave of sadness coming over him. She looked like April, she had those large inquisitive eyes and little button nose. He was so worried for her, and Casey.
Emma was looking up at him, and started to fuss, kicking her feet and wining.
"Emmy, what's wrong?" Mikey snapped out of his daze, reaching an arm out to rub her back.
She fussed more, starting to move around in the tub.
"You wanna get out?" She whined louder, putting her small hands on the edge of the tub, starting to pull herself up. "Alrightly, let's get out,"
He grabbed her towel from her bag by his side, wrapping it around her shoulders and pulling her hood up.
It was a soft yellow towel with a duck head on the hood. She still squirmed and whined in his arms, face going red, tears starting to fill her eyes.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mikey bounced her on his side, pulling the plug on the bath, grabbing the rubber duck she was playing with and speaking it. "We're you just really done with your bath?"
"Perhaps, it's not the bath," Splinter peeked into the bathroom, strolling in and standing by Mikeys side.
"What do you mean?"
"Children feed off of emotions," He ran a gentle finger down the side of her plush cheeks, adjusting her hood slightly. "She sensed you were upset and it made her fussy,"
Mikey sighed. "I was thinking about April and Casey. I'm just really worried about them,"
"I know, were all worried, but our jobs right now are to look after little Emma here," Splinter reached his arms out toward her. "Come here little one, let's go get dressed with Grandpa Splints,"
She was still a little fussy, but she'd calmed down feeling how calm Splinter was.
Mikey handed over Emma and her bag of clothes and bath things, watching Splinter take her to his room. He smiled thinking this was how he was when him and his brothers were babies.
Splinter set Emma down on his bed, placing her bag on the floor in front of her. Picking out two pairs of pajamas he held them up for her.
"Which one would you like?" Her small hand grabbed the one in his left hand, covered in little turtles.
"Yes, I like this one too," He smiled, putting her arms and legs into the onesise and zipping her up. "Comfy?"
She babbled softly, reaching her arms up toward him. He leaned down, picking her up and setting her on his hip and bringing her to the kitchen.
"Let's have dinner,"
She -surprisingly- ate all her mashed foods and sat without fuss in her high chair, allowing everyone in the lair to take a breather and eat peacefully.
They'd babysat for April and Casey dozens of times, but everytime they knew at the end of the night they'd come back and pick up Emma. Now they had no idea how long she'd stay with them and when April and Casey would be sent home.
Leo and Donnie had dish duty so they cleaned up the plates as Raph and Mikey brought Emma to the living room.
Donnie had set up her playpen, filled with a soft blanket and her favorite toys. Mikey set her down and she immediately crawled around sitting by her blocks.
Mikey and Raph put something on the TV, they're not sure what it is, but it's a distraction as they sprawl across the couches.
After about 30 minutes of them staring blankly at the screen, Emma starts whining. Raph looks over to see her standing in the playpen, hands pressed against the railing, with large teary eyes.
"What's wrong, short stack?" He coos, glancing at Mikey, seeing his younger brother had passed out.
Emma whined loudly, stomping her feet. "Mama,"
Raph sighed, standing and leaning over the playpen. "I know, I miss your momma too,"
He reached down, picking her up and sitting back down on the couch, leaning her against his chest. He gently rubbed her back in hopes to calm her down, but she kept squirming.
"Here," He reached over, pulling a blanket off the side of the couch. "I made this," He wraps it around her body, draping it across his chest and waist. "It's your mom's favorite blanket,"
She squirmed a bit more, but having his hand rubbing her back and the soft blanket that still smelled like her mom's shampoo had her closing her eyes.
"Mama," She whined again, fighting her heavy eyelids.
"Don't worry, Mama's going to come home soon," He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her hairline, hoping he was right.
She was out for 30 minutes before Donnie emerged from his lab, motioning for the baby. She had crawled off of Raphs lap and found a toy to chew on.
"I'll take her," Donnie offered, crouching down by where Emma was leaning against the couch. She was sitting at Raphs side, biting on a rubber train, still wrapped in the blanket.
Raph and Mikey were passed out, and being such heavy sleepers, Leo and Donnie didn't need to worry about whispering.
"She shouldn't be near chemicals," Leo argued, crossing his arms.
"I'm not working with chemicals, it's all online coding and stuff, I've fully wiped down my lab, there's nothing in there that could hurt her,"
Leo raised an eyebrow ridge.
"Anything that's out right now, obviously there's a lot that could hurt her, but it's all put away," Donnie protested.
"Fine, just watch her this time, that way she won't break anything else," Leo raised his hands in defeat, walking over to the dojo.
"Yay!" Donnie softly cheered, tickling Emma's sides, she giggled, allowing Donnie to pick her up. "I made you something,"
He walked her to his lab, closing the door behind him and taking her over to the side of his desk. He had moved all his boxes and loose wires to the opposite side of the room.
He took her old bouncing swing and hooked it up to the ceiling and side of his desk.
"It's your swing!" He placed her in the holder, her feet just touching the ground, on instinct she started bouncing and jumping.
"Isn't that fun?" He sat in his chair, smiling down at her, she giggled and smiled. "Now you can do that while I work on stuff, and hopefully you won't find another beaker to break," He leaned forward kissing her forehead before turning to his computer.
He tried to type, but his mind was going too fast for his trembling fingers. He started and stopped the same line of code at least fifteen times before he sighed, leaning back in his chair and glancing at Emma.
She was still bouncing without a care in the world, glancing around at all the blinking lights and machines that hummed and buzzed around his computer.
"Maybe, we need a break," He stood, taking her out of the swing.
Leo breathed in deeply, eyes closed, back straight (or as straight as he could get it with a shell) and tried to distract his thoughts.
He'd been meditating practically all day, trying to get the swarming uneasy feeling of dread out of his system. But today his thoughts wouldn't stop and sitting alone in the quiet wasn't helping.
"I think uncle Leo needs a hug, what do you think?" Came a voice from the doorway.
Leo smiled, peering over his shoulder to see Donnie helping Emma walk into the dojo. He was practically bent in half, holding onto her little hands as she walked in between his legs.
"Hi, Emmy," He turned toward them, holding out his arms. Donnie stopped about five feet away and crouched down, letting go of her hands and gently pushing her forward.
She giggled, stepping toward Leo, she was wobbly and leaning a bit far to the left but happily landed in Leo's arms.
"Look at you!" Leo pecked her cheek, tickling her sides. "She's doing a lot better, her balance needs some work,"
"She gets it from Casey," The brothers laugh for a moment, then it goes quiet. Emma turns around in Leo's arms, sitting down in the spot between his crossed legs.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Donnie mumbles quietly, pulling at his shoelaces, not meeting his brothers eyes.
"I don't know," Leo runs a hand down Emma's head. "Do you?"
"I...I just want them to be okay," Donnie whispers.
"We all do, and Vern said they were alright, the doctors just wanted to monitor them for a few more nights," Leo hated how his voice trembled, he swallowed the growing lump in his throat.
"It still hurts,"
"I'd be worried if it didn't," Leo tried to laugh, but he just shakily exhaled. "I've spent all day in here to try and get rid of the anxiety and nervous thoughts but it hasn't done me any good. Normally I'm good at being alone, but today...."
"Today is hasn't helped?" Donnie supplied, glancing up and seeing Leo nod. "Can I stay in here with you and Emma until she has to go to bed?"
"Yeah, I'd like that,"
Three days after Vern brought Emma down to the lair, all four brothers were sleeping in the living room, none of them wanting to be alone.
Emma was laying bundled up in a nest of blankets, Raphs arm around her sleeping form.
Raph was having trouble falling asleep and sensed another presence crouching over him and Emma.
"She can sleep by herself, you know, Raphie," A soft voice said, his eyes shot open, body jerking.
"April?...!" He slurred, eyes blurry, leaning close to her. She laughed softly, she had some bandages on her arms and forehead but she was alright.
"I'm here too," Casey chimed in, his arm was in a sling and he had a small shadow of stumble on his chin.
"You're okay!" Raph’s voice woke the others who were just as eager to see them. Everyone stood and wrapped them in tight hugs -being weary of the bandages and wounds.
Emma got woken up by the commotion, whining loudly. April leaned down, picking her up and kissing her plush cheeks.
"It's alright, honey, Mom's here," She held her tightly to her chest, Casey came up behind her and ran his good hand down her face.
"We're all home now,"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog
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soldrawss · 28 days
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@funneylizzie got me in that Casey Jones Jr brainrot and I haven't known peace since
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beebopurr · 6 months
I can't believe I've been drawing turtles for a year
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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It is a shame children such as yourselves had to endure such hardships
You all did not deserve to have the weight of the world fall on your shoulders
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iooiu · 1 year
teens being teens
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abbeyofcyn · 2 years
Poses practice
Single drawings below
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darth-sonny · 1 year
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that post i made about the three amigos with the turtle tots, but now with pictures!!
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seagull-scribbles · 7 months
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Happy valentines! what says ‘love’ like two smelly, unwashed teen boys?
Drew this after a lovely convo with @less-depresso-more-espresso, who also gave me this song to listen to 💕 so this one’s for you bestie aha
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sylphee · 27 days
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Grammy April, Casey Marie, and the Last Ronin kids for my full @bteamzine piece!! This zine was so much fun to be a part of :D
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Your tmnt au meeting Monkey kid and the gang?
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I think you're talking about my 2012 TMNT designs? Which I understand, theyre really far from canon HELPP but they're not really an au 😭 or they were never really meant to be. Anyways I have a lot of thoughts and I could explain why I picked each character and paired them up with each other and if I can I'll definitely draw the rest of them!!
I'll explain right now why I paired Mei with Donnie and Tang with April
First and foremost though,
With that out of the way I'll start with why I paired Mei and Donnie. I like to think that Mei is a super good builder and tbh, this is actually pretty canon. We see her rebuild her bike in S1 Ep 3 and in S1 Ep1 she's also the one who builds their secret fortress which is INCREDIBLY made. With this information in mind it can be quick to assume Mei is a pretty good mechanic! In S3 of 2012 TMNT we know that Casey and Donnie spend a lot of time in the small barn out back working on stuff both seperately and at times together! While I do think Casey can understand some of the tech jargon Donnie talks about (as long as it relates to car parts) I don't think Casey can really understand the technical stuff. I think Casey's knowledge probably comes from self taught experience, as a result he can identify each part and what they do but not the technical terms for them and professional blueprints for things and stuff. Which is why I think Donnie would be absolutely ecstatic to have someone able to read his work!! And like I said earlier Mei is really good with tech as we see a lot in the earlier seasons before they delved hard into mystic magic and stuff. I would have paired Mei with Casey but I have other ideas grrr!!! If people are interested I'll explain more.
Moving on to why I paired Tang with April! I kinda rewrote April a lot HELP I think her writing had a lot of problems so I just changed stuff lol. I like to think that the reason April tried so hard to prove herself and stuff was because she doesn't want to be useless. I feel like she gets sorta babies a lot (mainly by her father) and it makes her want to overachieve to prove a point, prove that she's grown and that she's perfectly capable of handling herself. The problem though is the years of fighting experience she lacks. In a normal situation April can 100% take care of herself but in ones where she faces opponents with a lifetime's experience in combat versus her measily 1 and a half years the difference is huge. And on top of this April has to figure out her psychic powers, which in S4 literally blew up in her face. I just think she struggles with feeling inadequate, when she does something she wants to be the best and it's hard for her to feel like she has a place in the team when everyone else seems not to struggle the way she does in battle. She just tends to forget the difference in fighting experience even though they're all the same age. Anyways, being unsure of ur worth on the team and struggling with your powers seems like it would be right up Tang's alley!! Tang in S3 Ep8 has a huge tipping point where we see he struggles with self doubt and feeling like he isn't needed. Then later when he discovers he has powers he struggles to control them and get them to do what he wants. I think Tang reassuring April is just a really nice gesture!! Especially since Tang and April are like the most human out of the rest of the group (excluding Casey but he struggles in a different way). I think in a group full of spectacular talents, it's easy to feel ordinary which is a thought I think plagues Tang and April's minds while their characters develop. I tried to keep this short so I hope it makes sense ahhh if you're still reading you're totally awesome and cool!!!
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Casey: I once spent five weeks digging a tunnel out of a clinic where I’d been admitted for two weeks.
April: Why didn’t you walk out after two weeks?
Casey: I’d already started. I hate leaving things unfinished.
Casey: On a completely different subject, does anyone happen to carry anti-hallucination drugs?
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joyfuladorable · 10 months
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Watched the first two 90s movies, and I think it's absolutely adorable that April gave Mikey a panda plushie to use as a pillow 🧡🧡
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zymstarz · 2 years
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aggie.io artdump from tonight! ft some turtles, my first attempts at some lego monkie guys, and an extra sun wukong!
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0-greenjay-0 · 2 months
(with commentary)
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He plays Ocean much differently than most people, he’s much more openly logistical and sarcastic. Insisted on still wearing his googles, no one could tell him not to.
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The wig is blonde because he wouldn’t shut up. Raph gets angry every time he does the original version, loves doing it anyway to mess with him. His interpretation is much more confident and a little less fancy (only a little). Didn’t actually do the kiss with April because gross, they called in some hot guy to do it. (Who could it be? Per chance your OC?)
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The first time she did emotional acting everyone was flabbergasted. She put a lot of effort into getting herself to the point of “Talia”. Tries to get everyone a little solo moment in “This Song Is Awesome”. Had to do Ukrainian Duolingo for weeeks. It took her FOREVER to convince Cass to take the Talia videos with her, but it was definitely worth it.
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Has to be carried around everywhere and doesn’t talk at all pre-death. They connected his voice to the stage speakers so he could talk without actually talking. As well as everyone saying that he is in fact flying. Leo gave him a master class in glam rock and he read a TON of sci-fi graphic novels. REFUSED to say the original “0101011” line, he was very offended that it didn’t mean anything. Now he has a little solo where he says “01001101 01101111 01101110 01100101 01111001”. He and Don built a bunch of bots to be the Zolarians. Don is very proud of his boi <3<3<3
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Nobody expected him to be THAT GOOD at being creepy, he loves soaking in their scared expressions. He learned to cast a spell that alters his voice so he can hit them HIGGGGGHH notes. (That’s the thing around his neck). Does all his own tricks by using his ninpo to fly and his chains to make the spirals. He is by FAR the best at stage crying
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Doesn’t have enough fingers for the recorder, so he settled for the kazoo. Wasn’t very good at the Jawbreaker Monologue at first, but he figured out that he could do it if he just thought about his family and all they had gone through. The “seeing my baby brother dance naked to ABBA” line changes every time he does it. At first it was “dance naked to MARINA”, “dance naked to David Bowie”, or “dance naked to Ke$ha”. But he got more and more specific with stuff they’ve done as time went on. Needless to say, his brothers hate it.
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Took some time to convince him to be in the show, but once he said “yes” he was ALL IN. He adores sassing Donnie, maybe a little too much…
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Permanently salty that he has no lines and wrote his own just to spite his sons. “Plays” an inflatable bass.
Alright, that’s all I got. Let me know what I missed or any details you think I should add! Thank you so much for reading all the way through <3<3<3
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cherrb333 · 3 months
so sorry it took so long, but its finally here:D
another part to @angelpuns kid leo au is finally here hehehe, sorry it took so long, I was swamped with exams, but now that I'm finished and finally on summer break, expect lots more uploads:D
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transk0vsky · 10 months
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Random April O’Neil icons
(In General I don’t care if you use these without credit…..but like it’s appreciated ♥️)
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