#arc trooper fives hurt comfort
toomanybandstocare · 1 year
{I Wish I Never Asked}
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Program: It's no secret that there's something going on between you and Fives, and the entire 501st is trying to get one of you to admit that there's more than lust and friendship. A welcome party at your apartment brings in good people, decent drinks, and revealing secrets. Maybe the confident ARC trooper isn't all that sure of himself or his emotions as he leads everyone to believe.
Pairing: FWB, ARC Trooper Fives x FWB, GN! Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Second Chances
Length: 5k w
Warnings: Petname (Cy'are), Reader gets embarrassed in front of everyone, Drinking/Party
Camp Resolute Masterlist
ClonexReader Bingo Masterlist
Prompt: "This is awkward" Hosted by: @clonexreaderbingo
Counselor Notes: The thought of Fives admitting he doesn't love reader in front of everyone during a drinking game popped into my head...and then he wanted to make it when I started writing it smh. Y'all got lucky. I wasn't planning on giving anyone any comfort, but Fives genuinely would want to make it right and try to make himself a better version of himself to treat you with the care you deserve.
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Courecent’s cool breeze causes your skin to prickle, but the mix of Endorian port and Fives’ fleeting touches warm you. The boys in blue had just arrived from their latest assignment bringing back a new drink and many stories to share. Naturally, they messaged their friends and partners to host a party to celebrate their safe return home. As soon as the chronometer displayed your usual dinnertime, all your friends began to pile into your apartment. The sliding door to your terrace stays open as people come and go to bring out food and drinks for the group at the outdoor lounge area.
Tucked into Fives side, you sit on the love seat and nurse an ebla beer to take a break from your previous heavy drinks. Your body buzzes as a comfortable haze blankets over your mind. You hum when Fives’ arm drapes over your shoulder and lazily trails his fingers over your skin. 
As the conversation begins to die down after Echo retells Jesse’s mishap with a speeder, Hardcase jumps in his seat. “How about a game?” he eagerly suggests. 
Fives perks up. A new sense of excitement washes over the dull boredom that nipped at the back of his mind all night. Content to have his favorite person by his side again, Fives needs something to keep his mind from wandering to how your lips felt against his earlier in the evening. Or how Jared’s friend, Ashlan, looks handsome in the sheer top he wears adorned with a gold chain around his neck. And especially away from the conflicting storm of emotions that seems to overcome him when he thinks about anyone but you in that regard. His attention easily latches onto the game. “What did you have in mind?” he calls out.
“It’s called True or not true,” Hardcase starts to explain as he clears off the table, “Similar to Truth or Dare, but it’s only truth. The only way out -- not that it’s much of one -- is to take a shot if you don’t want to answer the question”. Hardcase finishes off his beer and places the empty bottle in the center of the table. His eyes twinkle with mischief as he eyes the group, “This should be an interesting night, then. Who wants to go first?”
Everyone seems to hesitate. All eyes warily look at the awaiting bottle. 
“For kriffsake, it’s not going to hurt anyone,” Jesse breaks the silence and leans over to spin the bottle.
Your body locks stiff as you watch the bottle teeter around the table. Your heart races as it begins to slow in speed. Everyone whispers and shushes each other. As it stills, your stomach drops and your shoulder relaxes when Kix groans. A light laugh falls from your lips as you rest your head on Fives’s shoulder.
He looks down at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, and Fives nudges you. “What? Afraid of sharing secrets with your friends?” Fives quietly teases.
“Depends on what the question is,” you slyly reply. You peer up at him through your eyelashes. Your cheeks flush under his gaze, and you nudge back as his smirk grows larger. “You’re awful,” you sigh.
“Me?” Fives exclaims. His voice is thick with faux disbelief. Fives wraps his arm tighter around you when you try to push away, and he pulls you closer. His heart hammers when your bodies collide, and he feels you laugh while trying to regain your balance on his lap. Fives ducks his head to mumble into your ear, “I’m awful? Pretty sure I’ve taken care of you very well when I come home”. He feels you shiver in his hold, and his chest swells with pride. Fives leans back into the seat and looks at you with a content look.
Your heartbeat echoes in your ears as you look back at the smug man with an incredulous look. Cheeks burning, you lightly smack his chest only making him laugh. “My point exactly,” you hiss. Your eyes scan the group, and you’re thankful everyone is screeching in shock about Kix’s response.
“I fucking knew it,” Jesse hollers and points at his brother, “When did you put the medbay on lock down? Was it after Felucia?”
“Of course I have, and Coric was in on it,” Kix response with as much heat, “We have to fix you di’kuts everytime we leave base. The least we can get is an hour of peace and quiet away from you lot”.
“Don’t drag me into this,” Coric leans forward with a shit eating grin, “And Jesse you had your question. No follow ups allowed”. As Jesse shakes his head and takes a sip of his beer, Coric flicks the bottle.
Once more, your blood rushes to your ears drowning out everyone’s lighthearted chatter. Only this time your stomach drops as the bottle points between you and Fives. You look at Fives with wide eyes and his matching expression causing you to bark out an involuntary laugh. You’ve rarely seen the man so shocked.
“Well,” Coric tilts his head and slowly thinks out loud, “as usual, the pair of you are attached at the hip”. And like all vod’ika when they stubbornly admit they need guidance, he looks to Rex who leans against the balcony railing nursing a glass of Corellian whisky. 
When he watches Coric’s frantic arm flailing towards the unofficial couple and the beer bottle, Rex rolls his eyes and sighs. He makes a note to cut off his brother and intercept solo cups with water bottles. “Fine,” Rex gruffs and takes a step closer to the group. “If you want me to be the decision maker, then I get to ask the question. Fair?” Rex raises an eyebrow at Coric. He looks like he’s about to protest before he bites his tongue and collapses into his seat once more. Rex smiles, and he shifts his gazes to the apprehensive couple in the love seat. A wash of concern stings Rex when his eyes look onto yours. He pulls his gaze away while trying to fake a thoughtful look to mask the guilt that sits heavy on his chest. His younger brother’s weak deflections from anyone’s questions about your relationship run through Rex's head. They only make him even more confused by your current situation on the couch. Entangled and enveloped in a world of your own world as if no one’s the wiser of something happening there. He swallows the lump in his throat, and he decides you deserve an answer. Nodding his head, Rex looks at you again and calls out your name. “True or not true. You’re head over heels for Fives”.
Your head jolts backwards as if Rex’s words hit you in the face. Your expressions pinches before you try to brush off the hesitation with a weak laugh. Not looking at the man involved in the question, you try to keep your voice casual. “I guess it’s true in a way. We’re friends. I just,” you pause and make a vague motion with your hand, “love spending time with him”. Even your response doesn’t convince you, so you keep your gaze focused on your drink.
After a deafening beat of silence, Hardcase whistles lowly. His eyes dart across the group, and he clears his throat. “So the tough questions are coming out this fast,” he laughs, “I was not expecting that. Especially from Rex”. With a clap of his hands, Hardcase spins the bottle.
While everyone falls into quiet chatter, you slip back onto the couch from Fives’ stiff posture. Your eyes dart to Hardcase who’s already looking towards you with a concerned gaze. You smile and shrug it off. Mouthing your gratitude, you try to relax. But Rex’s question replays in your mind and waters the seeds of insecurity that have already taken root in your mind. Pursing your lips, you steal a glance at Fives out of the corner of your eyes. No longer paying attention to the game, he looks off into the distance with a serious expression and thumbs the curve of the bottle in his hand. You take a sharp inhale and look away to see the bottle on the table stop in front of Ashlan.
“You know,” Hardcase muses, “I’m going to follow this lead as well. True or not true, Ashlan, you have your eyes set on someone”.
“Feeling a little left out of the action, Hardcase,” Ashlan teases. He then closes his eyes and tilts his head in thought. When he opens his eyes, the Pantoran’s gaze holds a sharp glint that unsettles you. “True,” he simply responds with a shrug.
Kix’s gaze flickers from Ashlan to Fives, and his stomach knots when he watches you carefully eye this new connection. “Let’s keep it going then,” Kix breaks the tense atmosphere and gently twists the bottle. He hopes that his luck hasn’t run out as he watches it wobble and slow down. When it teeters to a stop in front of Fives, Kix breathes a subtle sigh of relief. Without missing a beat, Kix tries to keep the edge to his voice in control: “True or not true, Fives. You’re head over heels for the host of the party”. Kix grinds his teeth as Fives looks at him with a pained expression.
Fives looks at his brother with wide eyes that soon flicker to Ashlan and then to you. Acutely aware of everyone’s gazes on him, Fives runs a hand over his face. Dread boils into anxiety that causes his stomach to churn. He feels sickly as his body burns from the guilt stoking in his chest. Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling it, Fives shakes his head. “Not true,” he forces the words past the lump forming in his throat. “Not completely at least,” he tries to explain the tangled mess of emotions that have kept him up at night. He knows that his words are lost on deaf ears.
The night air hangs still over the terrace patio. Everyone holds their breath as they try not to look at Fives. Their eyes certainly don’t meet your blank expression. No one notices Ashlan wince. 
“This is awkward,” Hardcase mutters under his breath. Though with no one else speaking, his words are deafening.
Rex lightly smacks the back of his vod’ika’s head with a hard expression, “Not the time”.
Without another word, you get up and everyone shuffles their legs out of your way as you make your leave. Your chest constricts as you try to even your breathing. You step into your apartment and shut the door shut behind you. The silence rushes over you as you quickly walk into your room with tears stinging in your eyes.
Fives feels like he can’t breathe. He feels dizzy as his mind races. The two of you never defined what you were, so Fives knew the casual dates he went on weren’t wrong. But the lingering thoughts of what you were doing while he was away quickly shut him off mid way through getting to know the other person. Darting his tongue across his bottom lip, Fives places the bottle down by his foot before standing. “Everyone out. Party’s over,” Fives hollers. Without a second thought, Fives follows your path and steps over everyone’s legs to go after you. He spares a glance to Rex who nods and begins to guide everyone to start cleaning up. Quickly opening and stepping through the door, Fives shut it as he scans the open layout. A sliver of illumination from under your bedroom door guides him to stand before it. Broken sobs and cries wrenches Fives’ heart. He leans his forehead on the door and shuts his eyes. Softly calling out your name, Fives lightly raps his knuckles bringing your sniffles to an attempted silence. “Can we talk?” he quietly pleads.
His muffled question resparks your frustration as you sniff, “Didn’t you already say enough?”
Fives squeezes his eyes to the point where the dull pain in his head sears in a white hot flash. “Not enough. Certainly not enough to you. Please,” his voice breaks, “Please, let me explain”.
Your eyes burn as you look at the door in disdain. However -- regardless of how much your brain pleads with your heart not to open itself up again -- your need for closure wins. “You can come in,” you hoarsely call out.
Fives’ eyes fly open. After his mind registers your words, he presses the control panel. When the door hisses open, the air is knocked out of his chest as he takes in your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. As the sliding glass door opens with quiet murmurs, Fives quickly steps into your room to shut the door and shield you from the others. “I should have been better,” Fives rushes out. He takes a few steps towards you, and he drops to sit on the ground to still allow you space. “I-I,” Fives stammers and he shakes his ducked head, “I should have talked to you. Tell you how I was feeling, and I’ve hurt you. The singular most important person in my life, and I’ve shattered their heart and trust”. 
“What was going through your head, Fives?” your voice wavers. A man you can’t even recognize sits before you, and you stare in disbelief while waiting for him to look at you.
“Everything,” Fives breathes out, “And none of it was making any sense”. Tears bubble and threaten to pour over his lash line, so he quickly blicks them away. This isn’t about him. He’s the one who messed up. He doesn’t deserve for you to listen to his mess of a thought process. His chest rises and falls quickly, and Fives pulls his legs to his chest to rest his head on his knees.
Your eyebrows crease in concern as you watch Fives curl into himself. “Fives?” you softly call out, “What’s wrong?” Tell me”. As much as you want to reach out and pull him into your arms, you hold yourself back and grip your comforter. 
“I fucked up,” Fives hoarsely slurs. “We said we were keeping it casual. That we care for our friendship, and that comes before everything”. Fives raises his head and tries to ease the pounding in his skull with his knuckles. He looks up at you dejectedly and tucks a knee under his chin. “And I was trying so hard,” he forces the words out, “It just got too hard, though. Sending a message just to share a night together. Not being able to rest my arm on your waist when we’re out at 79s. Leaving you alone every time I have to go on deployment. It got too hard, and I was confused”.
“About what?” you breathlessly ask. Your heart hammers against your chest, and the sharp shards sting you as hope gets the best of you.
“It’s always been hard to leave you. I adore you. You’ve been there for me for everything, and you’re such an important friend,” Fives explains. He practically spits out the last word though as it causes a pang to stab his heart. “I don’t even want to use that word to describe what you mean to me. That’s not enough. It’s never been enough. And when I started to realize that, things got messy. I was overwhelmed, and I didn’t know who I could talk to about it”. A sob breaks past his resolve, and his chest shudders. “Everyone kept asking about us. What we were. If we were together. How long was I going to wait to tell you how I feel. This pressure to figure out what I did feel for you just built up to the point where I felt like I was about to break. Because everything I feel for you is indescribable, and I’ve never felt this strongly for a person before”. Tears run down his face, and Fives doesn’t bother to hide them from you. A lightheadedness overcomes him as his breathing grows ragged. “And I hurt you,” he frustratedly cries out, “I hurt the person I’m falling head over heels in love with, and I’ll never forgive myself for that. I fucked up our friendship, and I know I’ve probably lost you. And I’ll live with that for the rest of my life, because you deserve so much better than some clone who runs from his emotions”. Fives’ lip wobbles, and he bites down on it to try to contain himself. This isn’t about him. He shouldn’t have said anything at all. He should have just consoled you like he intended. Let you move on and meet someone who will treat you with the care you deserve.
Even with the tense atmosphere that’s settled around the two of you, a weight comes off your shoulders. Slipping off your bed, you shuffle to Fives to sit beside him. One arm wraps around Fives’ heaving shoulders and pulls him to rest his head on your shoulder as a shaky hand cards through his curls. Fives tries to fight back and pull away, but you keep him tucked into your side. “Let it out. It’s okay, Fives. You’re safe,” you softly mumble. Your voice still raw from the sobs that wracked your body as you soothe him. 
“No,” Fives croaks, “You shouldn’t be comforting me. I’m so sorry. I should leave. Let you think about what’s best for you. If you don’t want me in your life, I completely understand. Whatever will be best for you. I’ve always just wanted you to be happy even if that means never seeing you again”. His mind races with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, but he slowly sinks into your embrace.
“Listen to me,” you plead, “Fives, I understand. I may not completely know how you’re feeling or what it’s been like trying to figure out your emotions, but I hear you. You can’t bottle up your emotions. You have so many people who care about you and will listen to what you need to say”. You press his head further into the crook of your neck, and the tears that fall onto your collarbone sting your skin. “You are not alone. Especially in figuring out your emotions. That’s not a simple ordeal, and everyone has to go about it at some point their life. You are not the only person who struggles with that”.
“I should have talked to you. To Echo. Kriff, even Rex would have knocked some sense into me,” Fives sobs. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you”.
“We’re going to work through this,” you promise. “You’re not just some clone, Fives. Please don’t ever use that as an insult to you, or your brothers. All of you are such wonderful people. You’re an amazing person. Granted, you’re a little dumb sometimes,” you lightly tease. A choked laugh breaks his whimpers, and your chest swells. “We’re going to figure out a support system for you, alright?”
After a moment of catching his breath, Fives pulls his head up to look at you. His eyes prick again when he meets your concerned expression. “Why are you so quick to help me? You should be telling me to leave you alone” he quietly asks.
You smile at Fives and slide your hand to cup his jaw. Rubbing his puffy face with your thumb, you reassure him, “We aren’t going back to the way things were, but I still want you in my life, Fives. I need some space, and it’ll do us both some good”.
“Why are you treating me with such care when I’ve broken you?” Fives helplessly looks at you. His eyes flicker between your desperately trying to grasp onto how you could be so quick to forgive his mistreatment of your heart. Your soothing touch helps him catch his breath, and the thundering headache raging in his head is more tolerable.
A pained smile pulls at your lips. “Because I love you. And people do dumb things when they’re in love,” you simply explain. You raise an eyebrow as you watch a smile tug at Fives’ lips. You sigh, “Go ahead. I suppose I walked into that one”.
“Do me, I’m dumb,” Fives chuckles. Hearing your laughter mis with his rather than your sobs, Fives feels a weight come off his shoulders. When the small moment of reprieve comes to an end, he looks at you with a serious expression. “So space,” he brings it up again.
You nod. “Jared and his twin, Embrey, run a health clinic called The Loven Institute. It’s specifically intended to help troopers with physical therapy and mental health wellness. You could reach out to see if they have any available therapists. Start to process everything that’s weighing down on your mind”, you offer.
“What if,” Fives hesitates, “what if I don’t get to a point where it would be good for us to see each other again before I have to leave for deployment?”
“If you think I’m letting you leave me without a single goodbye or hug, you clearly don’t know me that well,” you say and squeeze his shoulder. “And we don’t have to wait for that abstract moment either. Give it a couple of sessions and then call me, yeah? You don’t have to go through this alone, Fives”. You pull away from him and stand to your feet.
Fives watches with wary eyes as you grab your comlink. He jumps slightly when he hears his go off in his pocket. His heart races as stands on wobbly legs and scratches the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, cy’are,” Fives apologizes.
You turn to face him with an understanding expression. “Thank you, Fives,” you respond. Fatigue weighs down on your bones as you lead the pair of you out of your bedroom and towards the entryway. Pausing by the door, you feel Fives’ presence behind you and feel the overwhelming mix of emotions around him. You turn around and open your arms.
Fives looks at you for a moment before a grateful smile breaks his hard expression. He steps into your arms, and he feels at home when they tightly arm around him. Pressing his face into the crook of your neck, Fives wraps his arms around your waist and takes a deep breath. “I’ll clear everything up with them,” Fives mumbles and motions to the door with his chin. “I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost all of them as friends, because they absolutely adore you”.
You rub small circles between his shoulder blades and trail your other hand the length of his spine. You chuckle, “I somehow think everyone was on my side tonight. You’re probably going to have hell to deal with, and you should have some sense knocked into you a little”. Fives hums, and it tickles your skin.
With one more squeeze, Fives pulls away and cups your cheek. “You need to get some rest,” he says and looks over your tired appearance, “Let Rex or Kix know if there’s anything you need, alright?” He raises an eyebrow when you try to shake your head in protest. If he can’t take care of you, the least he can do is see to it someone you both trust will.
“Sounds good. Thank you,” you promise. You raise a hand to hold his wrist and give it a squeeze before stepping back. Pressing the control panel, you open the door. “I’ll talk to you soon,” you say as he walks by you.
“Talk to you soon,” Fives promises with a sad smile. He waits for the door to close and lock behind him, and he looks at you with such tender regard. Neither of you want to end the night like this, but some doors must close for others to open. Fives gives you a nod of encouragement, and when the door hisses shut and locks, his smile drops. 
Shoving his hands in his pockets, Fives walks down the hallway. His footsteps echo in the night’s quietness. His mind aches from his admittance, but it’s the pain that crushes his heart that makes the short walk difficult. When he rounds the corner to the elevators, Fives blinks in surprise. Absolutely certain that none of his brothers would want to speak to him again, he takes a deep breath as he looks Rex in the eye.
A pained expression falls across Rex’s face as he looks over his vod’ika. Tired, broken, and battered, Rex witnesses a version of Fives he’s never seen before. He presses the call button with a knuckle. “I wish I never asked that question,” Rex begins to apologize. His words come out slow and deliberate as he tries to decide the best way to help his little brother.
Fives shakes his head. When the elevator opens before them, he motions for Rex to go in first and follows. “A lot of good came out of it actually,” he reassures Rex. However, the words bring a wash of clam over him as well. It was going to be okay. Regardless of whether the two of you stay friends or step into a relationship after he starts to work through his emotions, it would be okay. “Do you know about The Loven Institute?” Fives asks while turning to look at Rex.
Rex’s eyebrows shoot up. “The Loven Institute? Sure, that’s where Wolffe went for physical therapy with his eye replacement. Almost every clone finds his way there at some point, but only with a referral,” he explains. When Fives turns away, Rex recognizes the faint disappointed look on his face. A quiet sound of realization falls from his lips when he connects the sudden interest. For the rest of the ride, Rex thinks about Fives’ request. It could be possible to start the referral process. He could create the report then have Coric sign off on it, and he could twist Cody’s arm to put a seal of approval on it. Not that it would take much convincing. Rex’s ori’vod had been messaging him to check in through the night and was concerned by how things turned out. It could work.
When the elevator dings at its stop, Rex motions for Fives to exit first before following behind. “I’ll see what I can do to put your name in,” Rex casually muses. “I’m sure that if you're struggling with emotions and experiences that should excite you, that you might be struggling with what you witness on the battlefield as well,” Rex thinks out loud. He looks at Fives out of the corner of his eyes, and his heart stops at the small nod Fives gives. Rex never thought that would be the case. He was just thinking of a way to push Fives’ name further along in the referral process. A wave of concern and determination overcomes Rex as the two men leave the apartment building. Courescent’s cool air wraps around them as they make their way back to base. Slinging an arm over Fives’ shoulders, Rex knocks into his side. “You’re not alone in this, Fives,” Rex firmly assures, “Anyone of us will listen to you and help you the best we can. We’ll figure something out”.
Fives nods and flashes Rex an appreciative look. His steps become lighter as they stumble through the streets of the city planet as he finds his way home in the early hours of the morning.
Your eyes flutter open after another restless night. Each time you tried to fall asleep, your mind raced with memories of last week’s get together. Morning rays of sunlight streams through your blinds as you wrap yourself in your comforter while you doze off into the land between consciousness and sleep. The sunlight kisses your skin as you stretch your achy muscles and shake off the sleepiness. 
A chime twinkles and pulls your attention from the blissful blanket haven. As your mind begins to wake up officially, the entryway chime rings again. With a hum of discontent, you push up and out of your bed to pad across your apartment. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you press the control panel. When the door opens to reveal no one in sight your gaze sharpens in alarm. Scanning the hallway, you take a step forward only to nudge a basket with your toe. You look down to find a large package filled with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, your comfort snacks, new books and movies, and much more. Taken aback at the surprise gesture, you peer into the hallway once more to see if anyone might have left it here or if any neighbors were around for you to ask. With no such luck, you carefully pick up the package and walk it into your apartment to place on your small dining table. 
You run your fingers over each of the thoughtful gifts, and your attention latches onto a card tucked into the side. Freeing it from its hiding spot, you open it.
Cy’are, I hope you’re taking care of yourself and have been getting some rest.  If you feel up to it, or would like some company, all the boys are eager to see you again. When I asked if someone could run this over to you, it was a madhouse with them trying to volunteer. Jesse won out by snagging it running before anyone could say anything. Everyone misses you and wants to make sure you’re doing alright.  My first session is today. As much as I’m nervous, I’m looking forward to it. Try to go outside today if you can. Courescent is supposed to be beautiful with sunshine and an afternoon light rain. Your favorite café has some new books in their selection that could be good to curl up and enjoy. Be safe, Fives
You smile and lightly run your finger over the corner of the card. Everything would be alright with time.
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33 notes · View notes
muyru-iru · 1 month
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(I forgot one thing to add/lmao)
82 notes · View notes
sadiecoocoo · 2 months
Hoth - tcw fanfiction
Relationships - CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & Clone Trooper Hardcase, CT-7567 | Rex & Anakin Skywalker
Tags - Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Blood and Injury, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo Whump, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo Needs a Hug, Hurt CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives are Twins, Hurt CT-27-5555 | Fives, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives Whump, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives is a Good Bro, Protective CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Humor, Blizzards & Snowstorms, Planet Hoth (Star Wars), CT-7567 | Rex is a Good Bro, Protective CT-7567 | Rex, Concussions, Avalanches
Summary - A small group of Torrent Company, including Fives, Echo, Hardcase, Rex, and Anakin, are sent down to the icy planet, Hoth, to distribute supplies for the new research facility there. Their stay is extended as they are informed that a scouting patrol went missing, likely from the cold and lack of supplies. The group splits up to scout out the area surrounding the base. The Domino Twins survey the mountain range alone, and of course, run into trouble as an avalanche is triggered. Echo is badly injured in the aftermath, and Fives is turned around with no idea of which way the base is. They must try to survive the icy plains until they are rescued.
Word Count - 3,913
Read on AO3
Notes: This is for the 2024 Star Wars Prequels Big Bang! @swprequels-big-bang I worked with @thingskorokhasdrawn for the art and @battlekilt as my beta! tysm to both of you, I had sm fun working on this <3 anyways, I promised a while ago on my Tumblr that I'd make some Echo and Fives centric whump, so here it is! please enjoy <3
Echo loaded another crate onto the shuttle. He dropped it with a huff, then went back into the hangar to grab another. A few paces away, Fives chatted with Hardcase.
“Hey, you two mind helping at all?” Echo asked snarkily, though it held no malice. The two other clones turned to him, Fives sticking out his tongue at his twin. Echo mimicked the action.
“Only because you asked so nicely,” Hardcase quipped as he leaned down to grab a crate of supplies.
Fives, being outvoted, did the same. With their combined efforts, they finished the task fairly quickly, just in time for when Rex and the General arrived.
“Alright, boys,” General Skywalker started. “This is a quick in-and-out. We drop off supplies to help get the set-up of a new facility, then we get back to where it’s warm,” he explained. Echo was grateful to know that the group wouldn’t have to spend a night on the ice-flats of Hoth.
“Let’s load up,” Rex ordered, causing the group to board the shuttle and the pilot to get in the cockpit. 
“Thank the force we won’t have to be there long,” Echo murmured to his ori’vod .
“I’m sure something will go wrong,” Fives said with a grin as he punched Echo playfully.
“Have a little optimism, vod ,” Echo continued their banter, wrapping an arm around his vod’s shoulder.
The group dissolved into silence, save for the occasional remark from Hardcase, as the ship descended into the atmosphere of the ice planet. They all could hear the harsh wind whipping against the ship’s hull. Echo shuddered at the thought of having to feel the blunt force of that wind.
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Soon enough, the shuttle touched down and opened its doors to the harsh cold. Echo frowned as snow flew into the ship. He shook his head and followed the rest of the squad. The ARC trooper rubbed his hands together before grabbing one of the crates.
“Are we sure this is the best place to have a facility?” Fives yelled over the wind.
Echo shrugged in response before Rex answered, “There already is a facility.” The Captain started, “It was a Separatist base, but a squad took out the clankers, and now some scientists in the Republic want to use it.” He explained. 
“If this is just a supply drop-off,” Echo said as he carefully put down the crate he had been holding. “Why is the General here?” He asked.
The aforementioned General had gone off to speak with one of the scientists that had taken residence at the base.
“To get a chance to spend some time with his lover,” Fives muttered to him with a nudge. Echo chuckled as he glanced at the Captain, wondering if he may have heard Fives’ remark.
“Or to get away from his other one.” Hardcase joined in with a loud guffaw.
“I can’t take you boys anywhere,” Rex mumbled with a shake of his head, though there was humor evident in his tone.
The troublemakers laughed as they continued to work for several more minutes. Not too long later, they had unloaded all the supplies and were resting.
Echo shivered as a particularly cold gust of wind assaulted him. Flakes of snow had stuck to his armor and melted, leaving small stains on the durasteel.
“When do you think the General will be done?” Fives asked, leaning back against a crate.
“Dunno,” Echo answered with a shrug. “But I doubt there’s much a scientist would need to tell a Jedi,” he guessed. Fives mumbled something about being cold and this taking too long. Echo patted his vod’s shoulder. 
“Change of plans!” Echo jumped at the General’s voice. He stood at attention, waiting for whatever miserable news Skywalker had to share. “We’re gonna have to scout out the area around the facility,” he explained. The entire squad’s mood seemed to sink at that; the cold was bad enough already, and there were heaters all around the base. It’d be ten times worse out there.
“What happened?” Rex asked.
“Some troops already stationed here had sent out a scouting party, but they never returned,” he answered with a shake of his head. “It might have just been the cold, or it might have been hostiles. They don’t have enough people to send another scout party, so they left that up to us,” he finished with a frown.
Fives and Echo exchanged a glance.
“Well,” Rex said with a sigh, “Let’s get moving.”
Fives dismounted the tauntaun he had been given and walked over to the edge of the snowy cliff. Over the snowy plains, he searched for some kind of threat; there was nothing; the planet was desolate and empty. “See anything?” Echo called, still mounted. Fives didn’t blame him; the tauntauns gave them a little bit of warmth.
“Just more snow,” Fives replied miserably. He mounted back onto his tauntaun and continued up the mountain. Echo followed. 
The squad had split up: Rex with Hardcase and General Skywalker, and Fives with Echo. Echo and Fives were tasked with searching the mountain, then the plains surrounding it. The other group would venture in the opposite direction and search the snow plains there.
Fives rubbed his hands together as he urged his tauntaun to move a bit faster. The sooner they got this done, the better.
“What do you say we take a rest up there?” Echo yelled over the wind, pointing to a ledge not too far from them. Fives gave him a thumbs up, then rode his tauntaun over to said ledge before dismounting. 
Echo did the same, then grabbed a metal spike from the satchel on his tauntaun. He plunged it into the ground, then tied the reins around it. Fives got his own and did similarly to his vod .
Fives grabbed a ration bar from his pack and sat down in the snow with it. He took off his helmet and started eating the flavorless meal. Echo sat down next to him, a bit closer to the ledge.
“This sucks,” Fives mumbled between bites. Echo grunted in agreement before looking out over the plains below.
“It’s kind of pretty though, if you ignore the cold.” He said optimistically. Fives rolled his eyes in response.
“Only you could call an empty snow plain pretty.” He muttered snarkily. Echo mimicked him in a high-pitched voice, causing the twins to laugh.
Suddenly, the tauntauns seemed to get anxious. They both started struggling from the spikes, trying to jump away. Fives got up to try to calm his.
“Whoah,” He said soothingly, “Easy girl.” He rubbed the tauntaun’s neck fur, though it did little to calm it. He was about to turn to ask his vod what he thought might be wrong. It seemed like some of the obscure information that he might know, but then he heard a deep rumbling in the ground, followed by the cracking of ice.
“Echo,” He started before the sound got louder. His brother stumbled on the ledge, eyes growing wide as large cracks formed in the ice. Fives jumped towards his brother just as the ledge crumbled, causing both clones to fall down the cliffside.
Fives awoke with a painful cough, followed by a groan of pain. There was pressure on him, like he was buried in something. He kicked out on the small layer of snow that covered half his body, then dragged himself a few feet away.
He curled in on himself, shivering violently. Snow had gotten in his armor, making the insulation useless in keeping him warm. He had no idea where his bucket was, so there was no way to keep his face warm either.
“Echo,” He mumbled, half aware of why he felt the urge to call out for his brother. Then, he seemed to wake up a bit more, and he jolted upright. He didn’t have many injuries, but he felt sore, and the abrupt action sent a jolt of pain through his body.
“Echo!” he yelled, trying to crawl back to the pile of snow he had emerged from. He started clawing at the snow, moving large junks out of the way. “Echo, where are you!” He yelled desperately. 
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Fives scanned the area around him, hoping to see a hint of durasteel glinting in the snow. He caught a glimpse of something dark a little ways away, and he quickly stumbled towards it.
There was a red stain in the snow, and right next to it, he saw a bit of durasteel armor that hadn’t been covered by the blizzard. “Echo,” he called, digging into the snow until he could feel his brother and drag him out.
He pulled him out by the armpits. His brother was limp in his arms. Echo’s head lulled to the side, eyes closed. Fives feared the worst as he dragged his brother away from the aftermath of the avalanche.
He laid Echo down in the snow. Fives tried to wipe some of the blood off of Echo’s face, but he had a head injury. He shakily felt for his vod’s pulse. It felt weak, but it was there.
Fives shook his vod’ika to try to rouse him awake. He wouldn’t move. He placed pressure on the head injury, trying his best to stop the bleeding.
“ Eyayah , wake up,” He begged, moving to try chest compressions. He didn’t know if that would help, and after a few minutes of it not doing anything, he went back to trying to shake him awake. He fumbled to try and find a stim in his pack, but most of its contents had fallen out during the avalanche.
“ Eyayah… ” Fives’ voice shook as he leaned down and rested his head on his vod’ika’s chest. He felt the rise and fall of his cuirass, which at least meant he was breathing.
Fives sat back up, solidifying his resolve as he decided that if he couldn’t resuscitate his vod , then he would get him back to the base. He whistled for his tauntaun, but got nothing in return. He hadn’t really been expecting anything either.
He looked around through the blizzard. Fives didn’t know which way was to the base, he didn’t even know which side of the mountain they had fallen off of. Finally remembering that he had it, he tried his com-link.
He was only answered by static; the blizzard wouldn’t let the signal through. He tried Echo’s as well but got the same result.
“Kriff,” He muttered, then to Echo, “I’ll get us out of this, vod’ika . Ni oritsir. ” Fives vowed.
He carefully stood, the wind trying to force him back into the snow. He leaned back down and put a hand under Echo’s back, making him sit up. Fives grabbed Echo’s middle and hoisted him onto his shoulder, stumbling slightly from the added weight. He tried not to think about Echo being completely limp in his hold.
Making a guess from the little amount of sunlight he could see through the blizzard, Fives picked a direction, then started trekking through the snow.
It didn’t take long for him to not be able to feel his fingers anymore. He was stumbling through the snow, almost falling several times. The wind did little to help, making it impossible to walk in a straight line.
“I-I’m sure we’re almost there, Eyayah .” He said to his unconscious brother. He had tried talking to him at different intervals, hoping that something would wake him up, or at least comfort him. He was starting to think that he was doing it more for himself than for Echo. It had started to feel like a lifeline.
Fives’ legs buckled from underneath him. He fell face first into the snow, dropping his vod. He just barely heard the sharp intake of a breath as Echo hit the ground. Fives sprung up at the noise.
“Echo?” He asked, trying to shake his brother awake again. The ARC trooper’s face was scrunched up in pain, and he let out a tight groan. “Oh, thank the Force!” Fives said with relief. He knew that a groan of pain wasn’t too reassuring, but it was another confirmation that Echo was alive.
“...Fives?” Echo mumbled with a hoarse voice. Fives laughed hysterically in relief. He was cut short when he noticed the red on Echo’s teeth. He frowned as he remembered their situation.
“I’m right here, Eyayah ,” he said, gently grabbing his brother’s face. He rubbed his thumbs over Echo’s cheeks. His vod leaned into the touch.
“Wha… happened?” He forced out. He was slurring his words, and his eyes were unfocused; it looked like Echo wasn’t even seeing fives.
“Th-there was an avalanche,” He explained, getting up to try and carry Echo again. “I’m trying to get us back to base.” He made the same movements as before to hoist him over his shoulder, but this time, Echo let out a pained sound.
Fives immediately rested his brother back into the snow. He quickly looked over his pained expression, holding his hands up, not sure of what to do.
“What’s wrong, vod ?” He said quickly. Fives ghosted his hands over Echo’s chest after too long without an answer. Echo took in a sharp inhale as Fives touched his side.
“Sith spit.” He muttered. He put pressure on Echo’s side, stopping immediately as Echo let out a pained sound. Echo tried to push him away, his arms flailing weakly.
Fives cooed at him softly, trying to calm his half-conscious brother. “It’s alright, Eyayah , we’re gonna get you back to base.” He promised.
The ARC likely had a broken rib. Fives cursed their luck. How did he end up unscathed while Echo was littered with injuries?
He gently grabbed his brother’s hand and squeezed it. Echo’s eyes were shut tightly in a grimace.
Fives looked around, his vision blocked by the snowy winds. He could just barely make out the outline of a ridge. Fives turned back to Echo.
“This is gon-gonna hurt a lot.” He warned as he grabbed his brother’s arms. He started dragging Echo behind him, leaving a scar in the snow as they went.
His legs gave out again when he made it to the ridge. He fell against it, leaning his head back for a moment. He shivered and hugged his stomach as he curled up.
After he had recovered enough to move again, he pulled Echo close to him. Fives wrapped his arms around his vod , providing as much warmth as he could.
He tucked Echo’s head under his chin, pressing down on his dark curls. He watched as Echo’s breath came out in white puffs. He was still breathing. He was still alive.
“W-we’ll be okay-okay, Eyayah .” He mumbled weakly as he closed his eyes. The two of them were shivering wildly, their bodies trying to warm them up.
He hugged Echo tighter, as tight as his strength allowed. Echo’s head lolled onto Fives’ chest.
“We’ll be okay.”
Fives stumbled again, almost falling. He carried Echo piggy-back style, his arms under his legs to support him. Echo’s head rested on his shoulder.
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The sun had broken through the tormenting storm. Fives had found the strength to climb up the ridge they took shelter against and tried to scout out where the base was.
It was far, but he could see it in the distance. Fives cursed himself as he realized he had been going the complete opposite way. He had started the long trek as soon as he felt strong enough to carry his vod’ika .
The cold seeped into his bones, making him shaky and weak. He couldn’t feel his hands when he didn’t move them, and when he did, it was extremely painful. Pins and needles assaulted him with every step he took. His legs were beginning to cramp.
Fives fell again into the snow. Flakes of it shook off of his hair and joined the white desert. Echo was on top of him, and Fives didn’t feel like he had the strength to push him off and get up.
He tried, placing his hands under him and pushing against the ground. He fell back down, his face becoming buried in the snow. He heard Echo’s faint breathing next to his ear.
Fives suppressed a sob. Everything either hurt or he couldn’t feel it. He was impossibly cold. Snow covered his armor and face, freezing on his skin.
Fives reached back and grabbed Echo’s hand. He squeezed it tightly. Fives let his face fall into the snow. He let out a shaky breath. He closed his eyes; he didn’t have the strength to keep going.
“M’sorry,” he said, barely audible even to him.
Rex kicked at his tauntaun, urging it to go faster. His heart was beating a mile a minute. His breathing was shallow and quick.
When they had returned from their own patrol, Fives and Echo hadn’t checked in. He had hoped that maybe they just weren’t at a good place or that their signal was interrupted by the storm.
Then it got dark as the combination of night and the storm blocked out the light of the stars. Rex had worried a bit more, but he trusted his ARCs.
Then, one of their tauntauns came back. Alone. One tauntaun and no rider returning from a patrol of two. Anakin had to physically hold him back from going out into the blizzard to find his ARCs.
He didn’t sleep last night, worry and fear making him too nauseous to keep his eyes closed. He left as soon as the blizzard stopped a bit before sunrise. He guessed the General would be pissed, but there were bigger things to worry about at the moment.
His tauntaun made a noise of protest as he once again urged it to go faster. He thought he saw something out in the distance. He wouldn’t risk being too late because his tauntaun was complaining. 
“Fives! Echo!” He tried. His voice was hoarse from yelling out into the snowy planes. He clicked the tauntaun’s side again, whipping the reins.
Rex saw it again. A glint of something blue in the snow. He jumped off his tauntaun, not bothering to bring the creature to a full stop. He stumbled through the snow before regaining his balance, then ran towards that bit of blue he saw.
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He fell to his knees as he slid to a stop. He clawed through the snow until he revealed Echo’s face, blood drying on his forehead. He pulled the obviously injured ARC out, then continued to dig for his brother.
Both of them were unconscious. Fives didn’t seem injured, but the cold had exhausted him.
“General!” Rex yelled into his comm, “I found them- I need a medic!” He said frantically. He searched for both of their pulses, Echo’s first. There was a light thumping under his fingers, far too slow.
“ We’ll bring a transport, ” Skywalker said through the comms. Rex didn’t bother answering, too busy making sure his ad’ike were still alive. He moved over to Fives. The ARC looked fairly uninjured, but with the cold, that wouldn't really matter.
Fives mumbled something that Rex couldn’t hear. He turned his attention to him as he cupped his cheek. His eyes were half-lidded, looking vacant.
“Fives-“ Rex’s voice broke, “Fives can you hear me?” He tried. Fives groaned. His eyes fluttered shut as he leaned his head into Rex’s hand.
“ Buir… ” he mumbled weakly, barely above a whisper.
“I’m here, it’s gonna be okay.” Rex assured. He grabbed Fives’ bicep and squeezed it comfortingly, doing similarly to Echo.
“You’re both gonna be okay.” He promised, praying to the Force that it’d be true. Where is that damned transport?
There was a constant beeping in the background. Echo’s sleep-addled brain barely comprehended it. He scrunched up his nose and groaned at the noise, turning over in the sheets so his face was pushed into the pillow.
The beeping persisted, and he begrudgingly opened his eyes. Bright fluorescent lighting made him push further into the pillow, though this time he took his annoyance quietly. He tried again, this time opening his eyes much more slowly.
He was on a medical bed, and there were several blankets piled on top of him. He blinked in confusion, trying to wash away the last of the sleep. It wasn’t standard for any trooper to have so many blankets in the medbay; surely there was someone else who needed them.
He looked around the room. When he tried to sit up, he only collapsed once again as a wave of dizziness made black spots dance across his vision. He shivered, feeling a wave of cold.
He lay facing the ceiling for what felt like an eternity, waiting for this dizzy spell to leave him alone. Once he felt confident enough to sit up again, he fully took in the medbay. No one but him was in the room, though he thought he could hear muffled talking from behind the door.
There was a shuffling next to him; then someone grabbed his bandaged hand. He jumped as he looked down at the surprise person. His face relaxed into a relieved smile at the sight of his brother.
“Go back to sleep, Eyayah .” Fives muttered softly. Echo obliged, laying back down comfortably. However, he only looked over his brother, searching for any injuries he may have had in whatever mission that got Echo sent to the medbay.
“What-” He coughed several times, his dry throat scraping. “What happened?” He asked once he had regained his voice. The ARC slumped into the pillow, content to let the massing heap of blankets weigh him down.
“There was an avalanche when we were scouting.” Fives said, he sounded sad. Echo wished he could squeeze his hand, but the bandaging held his fingers in place. “You got knocked out, I got all turned around. We spent a night out in the cold.” He was starting to sound distant, nothing at all like his chipper self.
“You get hurt?” Echo asked, his voice coming out in a hoarse whisper. Fives only shrugged, turning his face to cover his nose and mouth with one of the wool covers. Echo moved his free hand to rest on top of Five’s head.
“‘M okay now, vod ,” Echo said softly. He tried to fight the urge to sleep again, trying to blink less often once he noticed each blink lasted longer and felt heavier.
“Rex said the General would let us name the base,” Fives cut in, trying to fill the silence. Echo let out a soft hum, having lost the battle of keeping his eyes open. He still felt cold, and just wanted to snuggle up under all the covers. Though, he wished the beeping would stop, even if it was just a heart monitor.
“I was thinking we could name it Echo Base.” Fives said, utilizing a teasing tone. Echo frowned, peeking one eye open as he gave Fives an unimpressed look.
“There’re way cooler names than just calling it Echo Base .” Echo grumbled, scrunching up his nose. Fives snorted as he lightly bumped Echo’s elbow.
“Too late, I already told them.” Echo didn’t need to open his eyes to see the shit-eating grin on his brother’s face. He let out a huff.
“Can’t wait to get a transfer away from you.” He drawled sarcastically. It elicited a mock-offended gasp from his brother. He smiled softly as he let himself sink further into the pillow.
End Notes: Mando'a Translations Vod - sibling/brother vod'ika/vod'ike - little brother/little brothers ori'vod - older brother eyayah - Echo Ni oritsir - I promise (not exact translation) buir - parent/father again, I really enjoyed working on the big bang, it was my first ever event! I hoped everyone enjoyed and that you all have a lovely day <3
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the-l0st-lore · 5 months
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*👯‍♂️* For the Clone Enthusiast *👯‍♂️*
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A definitive list of ambience creators and their clone content to aid in your copin-AHEM writing, reading, drawing, daydreaming and make believing!! Here's some of my favorite audio tracks containing clone chatter/conversations.
(TLDR- Clone ambience videos are up top, clone wars era video game playthroughs without commentary are in the middle, and an index of supercuts containing all the scenes/lines of individual clones is at the bottom. Might look confusing if you’re on mobile but everything that’s underlined is in fact a hyperlink.)
[ ——🎧 Ambience 🎧—— ]
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(Above) 79's with Clone Chatter
🧡 Clone Patrol with Chatter & Rain
🧡 Clone Foot Patrol with Chatter
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(Above) Clone War - (Combat / Droids / Clone Trooper Chatter / Vehicles / Radio Chatter)
💜 Venator Bridge: Combat (Clone Chatter / Engine Brown Noise / Space Battle)
💜 Venator Hangar (Engine Rumble Brown Noise / Clone Chatter/ Starfighters)
💜 Clone Sleeping Quarters - (Sleeping Clones / Barracks / Outpost / Clone Wars)
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(Above) Republic Gunship (engine white noise, radio chatter, rain, no music)
🧡 Republic Command Centre - (Felucia Nature, Deep Battle, Chatter)
🧡 Republic Attack Cruiser - (chatter, relaxing ship sounds, no music)
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(Above) Sleeping on the havac marauder - The Bad Batch Ambience // With occasional extracted dialogue
*I don’t feel comfortable posting someone’s face without their permission even if the profile is public and thus the ⭐️
[ ——🎮 Gameplay 🎮—— ]
While not technically ambience here are a few full gameplays of clone wars era video games with zero commentary and loads of voice acted clones:
1.) Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005) Full Campaign
2.) Star Wars: Republic Commando Remaster Full Game
3.) Star Wars: Clone Wars - Republic Heroes All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD
[—🎬 Supercut Index 🎬—]
Is there a special copy paste man in your life? Use this small index to jump to supercuts of all your fave characters and scenes. *note that I've only included videos over a minute long but that the editors you will find below the index have an even more extensive library of characters. So if you don't see who you're looking for jump to one of the creators at the bottom.
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Appo | Denal | Dogma | Hardcase | Hawk | Jesse | Kix | Rex | Tup
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Cutup | Droidbait | Echo | Fives | Heavy
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Boil | Cody | Oddball | Waxer
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Boost | Comet | Sinker | Warthog | Wolffe
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Crosshair | Echo | Hunter | Omega | Tech | Wrecker | 99 the OG
Rex's Underground:
Howzer | Nemec | Fireball
Coruscant Guard:
Fox | Hound
Misc Comandos:
Gregor | Scorch
Misc. Commanders:
Gree | Bly | Colt | "Fil" | Mayday
Heroic Supercut Editors:
Revenge of Cinema | Journal of the Whills | Merrin
I have tried so many times to redo this link but it just won’t take so you should also check out Cardo over on YouTube (Clicking on Waxer, Boil or Bly’s links will get you over to their channel from this post!)
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fandom-friday · 2 months
Happy Fandom Fri-yay!
I come bearing the gift of a new fic:
Brother, my Brother by @iiidunno /nonbifandomqueen on AO3
I know you’re a sucker (like me!) for a good Fives-Lives AU, so you are gonna love this!
No spoilers here, but The Bad Batch takes a bounty-hunting job, and it turns out to be someone they were NOT expecting.
It’s a whump-filled examination of Echo’s PTSD and history, although the rest of the batch have their moments to shine too. Very creative and a great read.
Looking forward to the next chapter and more emotional damage. ❤️
You are SO right, I'm always down for a good Fives Lives AU, and this one promises to be ANGSTY and PAINFUL (we all know what we're signing up for when it comes to the Domino Twins). GIVE US THE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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toska-writes · 1 year
Heyyy could you maybe write like an angsty one shot for fives x platonic reader with a happy pleaseee i love your writing so much your stories are all so we'll written thank you for all your one shots <333
This one has been in the inbox for so long there’s practically cobwebs on it
“Darken Worlds”
Summary: 2 times where you and Fives had each other to hold on to.
Paring: Fives x GN padawan!reader (PLATONIC)
Warning: ⚠️SPOILERS FOR “THE CITADEL” and THE UMBARAN ARC. Angstttttt hurt/comfort- this one is pretty sad MAJOR SPOILERS FOR DEATHS IF YOU DIDN’T SEE
Word count: 1409 (Not proof read)
Notes: there is no really happy ending in this one because it is my job to try and make you cry😈
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It was hard to breath. For the first time in a long time the bucket over Fives head seemed too small.
His skin crawled as each remaining member of their squad passed. But Fives’ eyes scanned what was behind them.
Ragged breaths racked his body, he ripped the helmet from his head. It all felt wrong as his eyes tried frantically to search for a ghost.
Wait. He could still make it. His eyes were like hawks looking for any movement in the rubble and smoke from before.
He just needed a little longer. Fives knew that this couldn’t be the end.
All the other dominos have fallen, and he was unfortunately the last one standing alone.
Title waves of emotions crashed off of Fives, it shook your entire being as you looked over your shoulder to find him not coming along.
It nearly knocked the breath out of your lungs as you slowly advanced to his position. If you didn’t have the force you wouldn’t be able to tell anything was truly wrong.
Maybe that’s what scared you most for Fives.
To everyone he was watching the back of the pack, making sure nothing followed. Only now he hoped one person was.
“Fives?” Your voice caught in your throat watching as Fives’ helmet hit the ground, not acknowledging your words his back was still turned.
You knew what happened. The pained scream of Echos’ name ringed towards the back of your mind.
The pastroid armor heaved up and down in an uneven manner the longer you looked at Fives.
“Fives.” You were sterner this time walking up next to the trooper. The unraveling of his emotions were like pulling on a loose string.
Your hand reached out and rested on the shoulder plate. The string was pulled.
“Echo-“ He looked at you now, his voice was unlike anything that you’ve ever heard.
Unsure. Scared. He was unraveling.
“I know Fives.” You couldn’t help your voice from breaking. A lump rose in your throat making it harder and harder to breath.
In an instant Fives was engulfed in your arms. The larger man seemed to kneel down to your level and shove his head in the crook of your neck.
Fives’ whole body heaved as his sobs became louder and your shoulder was damp.
Tears of your own leaked down your face as you squeezed the trooper tighter. “I’ve got you Fives, it’s ok.”
His words were broken up by tears, stringing them together you got. “Echos gone- I saw him. He’s gone.”
Cradling the back of his head you could feel Fives’ grip on the back of your robes as you didn’t dare to move.
“I’m so sorry Fives.” A sob of your own was heard. “I know, I’ve got you Fives.”
You consoled many troopers before. Some, including Fives comforted you. Seeing a trooper as strong as Fives and one that you held as such an idol like this really opened your eyes to this war.
But right now Fives’ needed someone.
“Is he really gone?” The person speaking through Fives was no longer the mischievous ARC, it was that of an unguarded child. So vulnerable and ready to break.
You could only nod in response for a moment, afraid your own voice would betray you more. But soon you found your voice to say. “I don’t think Echo made it.”
An audible cry rung through your ears and your heart. You knew what it was like to be the last one standing, for better or for worse you both somehow made it this far and you couldn’t quite.
“I’ve got you Fives.”
“They’ve got our gear and our weapons.” It was sick to you the fact that those Umbarans were dressed as the fallen just to get a jump on you.
In an instant from the thick fog horizon blaster bullets rained down as you were forced to take cover or pay the consequences.
A blaster rested at your side, your main focus being on your lightsaber until a stray shot seated your hand.
With a hiss the saber fell from your grasp while you were forced to duck out of the way yet again. The fog was so murky your senses didn’t even feel right as your eyes scanned desperately for your lightsaber.
You pushed forward without it for now, the darkness of the planet sat awkwardly in your mind making the force much more challenging to comfortably use.
Shot after shot you could barely see the enemies forces dropping, but so was your own.
“We’re experiencing high casualties.” You barely heard the words crackle over the comms. Worried you looked around towards some of your men.
You quickly located Fives and what you could make out as Tup- For a shiny the kid was alright.
Movement was seen in front of you, a shadow was running across the battlefield frantically. Your blaster was trained on it until you heard the unmistakable voice of your captain.
“Stop shooting! Those are our men stop.” You lowered your blaster slightly. You couldn’t be hearing this right.
You were fighting your own men? There’s no way-
Rex continued on as you emerged from your cover slowly following him.
“Take off your helmets, show them who you are.” His voice was desperate trying to pled with anyone who would listen.
The blaster fire died down as the captain continued his shouting. You watched Rex tackle what you once assumed the enemy to be, only now this time in his arms Rex held Cody to show the whole galaxy who they were fighting.
The breath was ripped from your lungs as all you could do was stare. You watched Rex look around at all his men before letting Cody go.
He feel to his knees with Rex close behind taking a huge breath in. They were firing at their own brothers.
They were killing their own brothers.
“No no no-“ the whispers escaped your mouth gradually becoming louder until finally you yelled. “No!”
The scream echoed throughout the planet, no doubt registering in the ears of the soldiers around.
Dread fell over you looking at all the bodies of the fallen, on both sides of the field. You don’t remember when Fives walked over to you, you could only feel as he slung an arm over your shoulder letting you collapse into his side.
Anyone who has ever know you could tell of how high up you held the clones in your heart, maybe that was why the first to get to you was Fives.
“Those were our men.” You couldn’t look up into Fives eyes, not now. “We’ve lost so many.” Your voice cracked in the last sentence.
It didn’t matter who could see, everyone felt the same it was just a matter of who would show it.
Fives looked up from where he had you cradled in his chest, all of this brothers had the same look of lost in their eyes. Rex met his own and he realized the same thing.
They were turned against their own men, and a kid watched and took part in it all.
The sobs seemed to wash over Fives as he slowly melted to the ground with you.
With a firm grip on both of your shoulders Fives held you up so he could get a good look at your face.
Red eyes met is own and it took everything in Fives not to break down with you right now. “You listen to me.” He spoke with a hard tone, only the edges seemed to reveal truly what he felt.
“It wasn’t your fault. You got that?”
It was you that had to be here, it was you Krell didn’t take in account for when he sent Anakin back to Courusant, and it was you that now had to live with it.
You shook your head slightly at his statement but a hand stoped you and wiped the river that poured from your eyes.
“I’ve got you here, it’s over now.” This time the word we’re more quiet, like Fives was telling you a secret that only you could here.
“Fives-“ you spoke softly saying his name. He was the one thing that was still here, but you feared if you moved too much the dark mist would take him away.
“I’m here with you.” Fives knew what it was like to survive, but sometimes it’s what you have to do.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @ct-0113
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year
You Promised
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023|Day 10|Prompt 10: “You promised you’d never leave.”
Rating: T
Words: 1409
Summary: Prequel to “I Miss You”, Fives goes to collect Echo’s effects from Kamino.
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Kamino is always dark, always stormy, but as Fives walks past the yawning panes of glass overlooking the turmoil of waves against the gloaming night, he feels a kindred connection to its anguish. This is his first time on Kamino without Echo.
It’s been weeks since his death, and Fives is about sick of the questions, the looks, the reassuring squeezes of hands on his shoulder. Because not a single word, expression or touch will bring Echo back. Empty condolences are useless. He doesn’t need to be coddled or sympathized with. Fives is as strong and capable as the best of them.
And yet, he’s never experienced life without Echo until now, and the resounding emptiness of his absence burns with the intensity of a blaster bolt right through the heart.
When Rex suggested that Fives be put on a troops transport assignment to Kamino, the ARC leapt at the chance. He’d been quietly looking for any excuse or reason to return to his home planet to collect Echo’s personal effects; however, outright asking would mean admitting…something. That he was weak? Devastated? Heart broken? Clones are supposed to withstand the stresses of warfare, to have unbreakable resolve in the face of death, no matter whose death it was. It is literally bred and cultivated into their DNA. Maybe the Kaminoans aren’t as smart as they think they are…and maybe clones can’t be programmed because they are actual human beings.
Fives shoves away the wandering thoughts, focusing on navigating the halls to their barracks. He thanks the force that most of the troopers assigned to this barracks are off-world, and he’ll have the space mostly to himself. Activating the lock, he wastes no time making his way to his and Echo’s bunk cell. He goes to the storage shelf and pulls down the box with Echo’s CT number. Clean, cold letters.
Fives sits down on what used to be Echo’s bed and opens the box. He isn’t surprised that it is nearly empty. Practical and by-the-book Echo didn’t find much use for sentimental trinkets or useless collections. Which means the things he did keep are — were — invaluable to him. Inside is his graduation medal, his cadet data pad with all the manuals he’d memorized still downloaded, and the deck of cards he had stolen after the rest of the squad had teased him relentlessly for being boring.
Fives remembers when Echo came into the barracks that night. It looked like the kid had murdered someone by the look on his face, awash with guilt and a sheen of nervous sweat.
Echo grabbed Fives’ arm and practically dragged him over to the bunk.
“Who’s boring now, huh?” he whispered, the tremor in his voice betraying the bravado of the words. Echo shoved the deck of cards into Fives’ hands. “I took these off a trooper outside the rec hall.”
“You mean you stole them,” Fives clarified.
Echo frowned. “He wasn’t even supposed to have them. I think he stole them.”
“So, what, that cancels out the fact that you stole them from him?” Fives asked, trying so hard not to smile. It made his whole face hurt suppressing that stupid grin. “What’s the regulation against that, huh?”
Echo looked like he was actually about to answer him when the rest of Domino Squad appeared.
“What are those!” Droidbait crowed, snatching them out of Fives’ hand.
Echo protested indignantly, “Those are mine!”
“Yeah, but you can’t play sabaac by yourself, di’kut,” came Hevy, lightly smacking Echo on the back of the head.
Echo ducked away and tried to get the cards back from Droidbait who immediately tossed them to Cutup. “Hey, give ‘em back!”
“Is there nothing in the manuals about sharing?” Cutup laughed and went to toss the deck back to Droidbait when Fives intercepted.
“I’ll take those,” Fives said, giving Cutup an extra shove for good measure. He handed the deck back to Echo with a wink. “Fine. I guess you’re not so boring after all.”
Fives opens the tin and begins to lay out the cards, chuckling over the matching folds. That was the day he’d decided he never wanted to be on Echo’s bad side. Cutup had barely survived the verbal lashing he’d gotten for damaging Echo’s prized possession just to cheat at a game he was kark at anyway.
The cards are soft and almost pliable, worthless by any sort of functional standard. Shuffling had become too difficult, and they’d resorted to sifting them manually, which in turn led to arguments about stacking the deck, which – depending on the dealer – was often true. After the Risha Moon Outpost, Echo had become even more protective of the deck, grudgingly allowing Fives to use them occasionally. Ironically, it was Echo that caused further damage by dropping a card in his cup of caf one morning.
Fives bit back the laughter that bubbled up, the compulsive need to make a sarcastic comment at his brother’s expense almost overwhelming. But desire was snuffed out the moment he saw Echo’s face as he held the dripping card gingerly between his thumb and index finger.
The man’s eyes had misted over, and if he weren’t a war-hardened ARC trooper, he might have burst into tears.
“Here,” Fives said, taking the card carefully. He laid it flat on the table and patted it dry with his sleeve. “Just a little stained. We could stain the rest of them, and we’d be none the wiser.”
Echo swallowed and blinked. Hard. Fives pretended he didn’t notice. “No. I think I’ll just put this deck away. I can get a new one next time we’re in town.”
Fives picks up the offending card. Even months later, it has the faint smell of caff. “Why’d you have to go be a hero?” Fives asks. “Turns out we didn’t even need that kriffing shuttle.”
Echo doesn’t answer. Echo will never answer him again.
Fives glares at the card, refuses to acknowledge the burning sensation behind his eyes. “You said you’d never leave,” Fives growls to the void where Echo’s presence used to be. “You promised.”
After Rishi Moon, the first time they’d lost brothers, the first time the war was more than just a distant promise of action, they had sat in this room, on this bunk, and Echo tried to comfort Fives from the depths of his own mourning.
“We’re next, aren’t we?” Fives had asked, voice still hitching on exhausted sobs. “What if you die, Echo? I don’t want to be alone.”
Echo is quiet for a moment, an arm wrapped around Fives’ shoulders. “You won’t get rid of me that easy, vod,” he whispers.
“Don’t you dare make promises you can’t keep,” Fives insisted.
“I’ll keep this one,” Echo said.
Like a fool, he’d sounded like he meant it. And in the same foolish vein, Fives had believed him.
Another memory approaches uninvited. Just before they’d become ARC troopers, before the Battle of Kamino, Echo had been driving Fives absolutely crazy, following him around reciting regulations and protocols.
“Force, Echo! Sometimes I wish we’d been assigned to different units,” Fives groused irritably.
Echo smiled, unperturbed. “Give it a day, and you’d miss me.”
Fives stares at the caff stained card. What he’d give to have the culprit back, to hear another recitation of another reg manual, to goad Echo into participating in another inappropriate prank.
Fives stands abruptly and snatches his own box off the shelf. Unlike Echo’s, it is crammed past capacity with whatever junk Fives found remotely interesting. He digs through it until he finds the ink pen Echo said he’d never use because they never use paper. Gripping the pen in his hand, ignoring the way it shakes, he presses the tip into the stained card’s backing and writes: I miss you.
“There,” Fives says out loud, anger disguising grief. “Are you happy? You were right. I would miss you. I do miss you. You didn’t have to go and prove it to me, you kriffing idiot.”
He throws the pen in his box, shoves it back in its slot. He turns to Echo’s bunk, his meager belongings strewn across a regulation blanket that Echo will never use again. He gathers them up, puts the cards and the medal in his pocket, and clips the data pad to his belt.
He tries to leave the memories behind, but they trail after him like echoes of lost voices against cold, empty walls.
Author’s Note: I didn’t intend to write a sequel (prequel) to I Miss You, but inspiration struck and refused to be ignored…so here we are, and here it is! **There’s a little hidden Easter Egg somewhere in this post (and on my post on Ao3), so I’m excited to see if anyone finds it!
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista
✨Let me know if you’d like to be added to my Tag List ✨
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tereox · 1 year
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CT-7567 | Rex, Dogma & Echo & Fives & Hardcase & Jesse & Kix & Rex & Tup (Star Wars) Characters: CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-6922 | Dogma, CT-5385 | Tup, Clone Trooper Hardcase (Star Wars), CT-6116 | Kix, CT-5597 | Jesse, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CT-87-1180 | Frog (OC), CT-87-4012 | Bird (OC) Additional Tags: Hiking, Clone Trooper-centric (Star Wars), POV CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives are Twins, Fluff, Mostly Fluff, Clone Troopers Speak Mando'a (Star Wars), Sibling Bonding, Brotherly Bonding, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo Lives, Hardcase Has ADHD (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma & CT-5385 | Tup are twins, CT-7567 | Rex is a Little Shit, Hurt/Comfort, Nonbinary Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Trans Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Pranks and Practical Jokes, Minor Injuries, ultimate frisbee 
Summary: During a brief period of downtime in the outer rim, Fives convinces his vode to take a break on a nearby abandoned planet. Fives makes sure that everyone has a great time. Unfortunately he forgot to include himself in that.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
For #Fandom Friday!
It’s been a long while since anyone rec’d The Art of War by Moxibustion. It’s one of my absolute fav fics and I just finished a re-read.
The story weaves Echos settling into the Bad Batch with discovering their individual artistic talents. The characterizations are SO spot on - these skills are head cannons for me now. From Wrecker’s secret smarts and being protective of his teammates to Crosshairs grudging acceptance of Echo, the Bad Batch are so carefully fleshed out.
And Echo - of course - is the star in this. He is a brilliant tactician, seasoned soldier, badass ARC, a master of regulations and a battered soul by this point. He shines in his interactions - most especially with Fox and the Corrie Guard.
And if you are a Domino Twins lover (as I know we all are!) this fic deals heavily with Echo’s grief over losing Fives. How they write these scenes are absolutely heart wrenching and even though I’ve read this multiple times, I still tear up pretty much every time when I hit the last chapter. It’s vivid and honest and devastating, but also hopeful.
I also love how Moxibustion examines the life of a clone and what it means to be a soldier. How the clones all felt like cogs in a bigger military machine. How their sense of brotherhood drive them to support each other and changes how they view the war and their role in it. From a fight with the regs, to interacting with shinies, to facing off against the military brass - it’s a deep dive into the beaurocratic war machine in the most personal of ways.
Love this fic so much. 10/10. Must read.
THIS IS ALL SUCH HIGH PRAISE, but the HIGHEST COMPLIMENT is the fact that this is a re-read for you! As a fic writing human, can confirm that hearing those words makes me kick my feet and giggle like an idiot. This all seems like such an interesting idea and fantastically in-depth examination of Echo's character. I particularly love the note "this was supposed to be a short piece. I have no idea what happened." For me, that's ALWAYS a promising (and incredibly relatable) sign. Thanks so much for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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arcsimper5 · 1 year
Whoops! I fell in love with Fives again!
Fives hasn't dealt with the Citadel. Alcohol has been the only thing that's kept him numb, up until now. A chance encounter with a stranger sets his life on a new path, one that will lead them both to where they need to be. But what will it cost? (Sort of a fix-it, I fell in love with Fives again and needed to give him some love)
Phew, this has been in my drafts for a while! Fives has always been my fave boi, he deserves all the love. This is going to be a SLOW SLOW BURN. But I hope it will be worth it! The first part is going to be multi-chapter, then go into one-shots taking them through their adventures. I've poured a lot of healing into this as well, so I hope it helps someone else! TW at the beginning of each chapter! TW for Chapter 1: Alcohol abuse Alcohol use Grief Suicidal thoughts Abuse of veterans Canon typical violence General insults Drunk rich kids
Let me know what you think! :)
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
Hey there Mythos!!
BIG congratulations!!! Getting to know you has been excellent!
For your celebration, my I request a Platonic Summer of Fun??
Thank you, my friend!
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₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ - Summer of Fun
Who I would ship you with plus a little drabble. @art-of-the-twistedstitcher / @twistedstitcher27 requested a platonic summer of fun, and once I thought of Fives sitting next to you at your work bench it just clicked. Thank you for celebrating with me, an dI hope all is well! <3
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives & GN! Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Length: 824w + 269w
Warnings: Term of endearment (Kairtep = desperately brave of heart), Barely edited - I have been exhausted but still wanted to work on a request
Counselor Notes: I may have inserted myself a little in this with how it feels to be a creative and how we show our emotions through our work, but I hope you still enjoy <3
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Resolute Masterlist <-
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Lofi softly hums through your Coruscant apartment as you pad across the cool tile flooring to the kitchen. Paintbrush between your teeth, you dump out the murky paint water from your water jar and replenish it after swishing out paint residue. Warm sunbeams stream through the windows and cover your latest painting in a soft glow when you walk back to your work area in the living room. As you settle back into your seat, you steal a glance at the chronometer by your holo-tv on the opposite side of the living room. He should have been here by now. Unease creeps across the back of your neck as you force yourself to focus on your project once more.
Brush bristles scratch over the canvas. The aroma of paint brings a sense of comfort when you lean in closer to get a better look at a detail spot. Going through the repetitive motions, you feel a wash of excited nerves flow through you every time you sit down to capture a moment of your creativity. Leaning over your workstation to grab a new paint to smear on your palette, you take in your work in progress with a heavy heart. The emotions that overcame you as of late stare back at you, and a growing wave of catharsis wash over you as you're finally able to let it all out.
Lost in your own world, you don’t hear the entry door hiss open nor the careful footsteps that quietly approach you. It’s not until you smell the light scent of campfires and evergreen trees do you realize that Fives has finally arrived. Bringing your attention to reality once more, you drop your paintbrush into the water jar and turn your head. Shock shoots through you when Fives’ profile is mere inches away from your face.
Heart hammering, you lightly kick his shin. “Kriffsake, Fives. You scared me. Haven’t you ever heard of giving someone a warning when you sneak up on them?” you breathe out. Even managing to calm yourself, your skin still stings with nerves as you take in Fives’ serious expression. Following his gaze to your painting, curiosity nips at the back of your mind. What does he see when he is faced with your vulnerable work?
It feels like hours before Fives slowly leans back to stand up straight once more, but you notice how his expression only hardens the longer he looks at the canvas. Your stomach knots, and you hesitantly ask, “Everything alright? You look like you went back to the battlefield there”.
“Is this how you’re feeling? Right now?” Fives lowly questions. His voice quietly rumbles with concern as his expression softens with care as he looks at you.
Your stomach drops, and you break away from his gaze. The warm regard and ripples of worry in his eyes make you feel vulnerable. Like he’s truly seeing you for the first time. “It’s better to put my emotions somewhere rather than letting them run wild in my mind. Sometimes I have to think about what I’m trying to express in my art. Sometimes it feels like a tap was turned, and all my emotions pour out when I sit in front of a canvas or journal,” you softly explain. Shrugging your shoulder, you look up at him with a tired smile. “Even when everything feels overwhelming, there’s a sense of peace knowing that someone might come across my work and relate to it”.
Fives slowly nods and tilts his head before relaxing. Grabbing the bag of your favorite take away meal from the side table, Fives rests his other arm around your shoulders. “Think we need to do some catch then,” he softly expresses. “Feels like I may have missed something while I was gone, and I want to hear all about it if you’d like to talk about it. Or we could put on that holo-film that always makes you cry laughing,” Fives offers. His tone is lighthearted, but there’s an underlying reassurance that he’s here however you need.
Rising from your seat, you stretch your arms over your head to relieve your shoulders from the tension building. “Do you have time? We could do both,” you say with a groan of relief as you drop your arms. 
“Always have time for you, Kairtep,” Fives reminds you. Guiding the pair of you to your couch, Fives attentively listens to your life updates as he sets up the take away food on the coffee table while you look for the film.
Coruscant glows from the skyscrapers’ illumination as the two of you share stories, laughter, and solemn moments of silence. As the night grows later, you find yourself able to relax more than you did just a minute ago. Even though it can be difficult navigating life with so many unknowns thrown at you, you find comfort that Fives will always be there every step of the way.
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You’re an extremely creative and passionate person who channels their emotions into their work. Every interaction you have and every piece of art that you create is filled with love.
Everyone would think that you and Fives would be complete opposites, but the two of you complement each other very well. He finds that he’s able to channel his emotions into his athletics. If he’s full of energy, you can always find him rounding up a group of brothers for a game of soccer. When his body and mind ache from the latest mission, Fives goes to the local yoga studio to stretch and take time to himself. The two of you just channel your emotional energies through different outlets, but it’s a shared understanding between the pair of you.
Fives is so intrigued by how you’re able to capture such human experience in writing and artwork that he often asks to join you while you work on your latest project. Ever respectful of your space and work style, he sits near you and rests his head on your workbench to watch you continue your latest project.
He’s an extremely emotionally intelligent person. The minute that he picks up on a change in your mood, Fives keeps a careful eye on you. He never asks what’s going on right away to see if he can figure out how to help you first, but Fives won’t waste too much time where your wellbeing and happiness is concerned. If he can’t figure it out quick enough, he will check in on you and ask what he can do to support you.
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muyru-iru · 3 months
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sadiecoocoo · 4 months
TCW Fanfiction: I Wasn't There When You Needed Me
relationships - CT-7567 | Rex/Anakin Skywalker, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker
characters - CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6922 | Dogma, Grievous | Qymaen jai Sheelal
tags/warnings - Graphic depictions of violence, Torture, Whump, Hurt No Comfort, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Kidnapping, Hurt CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex Whump, CT-7567 | Rex Needs a Hug, Protective Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug, Ahsoka Tano Needs a Hug, Ahsoka Tano is a Sibling to the Clones, Protective CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Lightsaber Wounds (Star Wars)
summary - Rex is captured while on a campaign. Anakin is unable to go rescue him as he needed in the field, so the job falls to Ahsoka and a small squad to get their captain back.
chapters - 1/1
word count - 5,676
link -
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clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Just had a no good very stinky bad thot. So I’m sure everyone here has seen the trope where a prank goes wrong and someone ends up locked in a closet and having a panic attack for one reason or another.
But imagine, it’s just under a year into the war and Rex is still getting a handle on being a respected captain. Then torrent decides to play what seems like a harmless little joke on the captain to try and get him to lighten up. Little do they know that Rex was bullied and abused by other cadets and trainers as a kid, and as punishment they would lock him in small dark spaces and embarrass him in front of everyone. So obviously when torrent all teams up on him, push him into a supply closet and lock him in while everyone laughs it’s all too similar to the past. Their trick triggers him and instead of being able to hack the door open Rex spirals into a panic attack. He starts to think that everyone was faking being friends with him just to get close to him and hurt him and nothing’s actually changed since he was a cadet and no one will ever actually like or respect him. He’s there for hours until torrent is like hmm it’s been a long time since we saw the captain, you think his soar about the whole thing? And there like nah, everyone gets the closet treatment eventually he would be soar about it. Then it’s the middle of the night and Rex still hasn’t shown up and he could be working late but he’s not answering his com and his helmet is still in the barracks and he never goes anywhere without it so there going to look for him just in case and after a couple hours of looking for him and finding nothing now there really worried and their practically ripping the place apart trying to find him and the last place the look for him is the last place they saw him but low and behold there he is, still in the closet, exhausted, hurt, crying, fists bloody from beating on the door and cutting himself on the doors mechanism’s trying to escape for hours and still caught up in a panic attack. Said attach only gets worse when they find him because now Rex thinks they’ve come to hurt him more and after seeing him like this no one will ever respect him as a captain again. But no that’s not the case and soon enough Kix is pushing himself to the front of the group to comfort Rex while cursing their stupidity. They bring Rex back to the barracks to clean him up and get a cuddle pile going with him at the center and soon enough Rex is spilling the beans about what happened to him as a cadet. Que torrent being supportive but also big time pissed about it and being mad protective of Rex for the longest time.
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fandom-friday · 4 months
Hello!! I’ve been seeing fandom Friday around so I thought I’d drop by!
First is this awesome fic about the Domino twins and Ahsoka being siblings (and a partial fix-it) by my good friend @saggitary. I cried 😂 many times while reading, and even did some art for it; it was that moving. I have gone back to read it multiple times
And then as a shameless plug my favorite Fives x Reader fic that I’ve written so far about reader finding out she’s pregnant at the same time she finds out about Fives’ death (but he’s not actually dead!) and of course it gets fluffy.
Anyhoo I best be on my way so have a good week Karrde!!
WOOOOOOT we love a good fix-it AU 'round these parts, and both of these fics seem to scratch that itch PERFECTLY along with a healthy dose of angst and maybe even some fluff! Covering ALL OF THE BASES here! Thanks so much for the recs!
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Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CT-7567 | Rex Characters: CT-7567 | Rex, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Jesse and Dogma are there at the beginning Additional Tags: Umbara Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Emotional Hurt, Angst, CT-7567 | Rex Needs a Hug, Hurt CT-7567 | Rex, Umbara is its own damn warning, do i really need to tag self-hatred, no beta we die like krell, (too late to save anything) Summary:
"Rex looked down at his own shaking hands, his smoking blaster. He was tired. He was so tired."
What if it was Rex who shot Krell after all?
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