#arc trooper fives x male reader
clone-anon · 6 months
Since you're offering 🤣
Could you do a Fives x Male reader bf where Fives teaches him how to shoot a blaster cause Fives wants him to be able to protect himself when he's deployed? (Sorry if it's a weird ask😅)
This isn't weird at all! I love it. I made it just a bit angsty at the start, but only as a way to get to the blaster training. Now just let me figure out how a blaster works...
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Fives woke up from a nightmare slightly sticky with sweat. He reached for you in bed and pulled you closer to him, making sure not to wake you as he tried to focus on steadying his heartbeat and grounding himself in here and now. He felt you breathing and heard you hum in contentment as you slept. He couldn't help but smile at that. He closed his eyes again and tried sleeping.
"Wuhzzit," you asked, barely awake.
"Nothing," he replied. "Just needed you close."
"I know better, Fives." You were more awake now and sensed his unease. You rolled over a bit and started rubbing his back the way he liked.
"Just a nightmare," he answered quietly. "I thought I lost you."
"You're not gonna lose me."
"I'll make sure of it." He kissed you and snuggled close. You both fell asleep holding each other.
The next day he dragged you to a shooting range after breakfast.
"What are we doing here, Fives?"
"You're going to learn how to shoot," he replied.
"Why? I've never needed this. I live in a very safe place, and I-"
He put his hand up. "I know this, but I would feel better if you knew how to protect yourself. Even if you never need it. I just can't stand the idea of my boyfriend going unprotected while I'm deployed."
You knew this had something to do with the nightmare, so you weren't about to ask. You knew he'd tell you more about it when he was ready. Learning this skill wasn't going to hurt anything and if it made him feel better, then you'd do it.
You broke the silence after a few moments of contemplation. "Alright. Show me what to do."
"What do you already know," he asked.
"Umm, point and click?"
He chuckled, "There's more to it than that. We'll start at the very beginning."
Fives helped you pick out a blaster. If you were going to learn to shoot for protection, you needed to have one at home or knowing how to shoot wasn't going to do you any good. He showed you each part of a blaster, how to clean it, how to fix it if it was jammed, and basic safety measures. Once you seemed to have that down, he helped you find the right stance in front of the targets. He stood behind you and helped guide your movements. You fired shot after shot, taking in all his advice along the way. Even after you had your stance down, he continued to stand behind you, but you felt him relax into his usual self. You tried to focus on the exercise and not the feeling of his body against yours, but when you looked back over your shoulder after a particularly accurate shot, he grinned at you and kissed your neck.
"I think that's enough for today," he said. "But promise me you'll practice your aim while I'm gone."
"I promise." You put your new weapon in your holster. Fives wrapped his arms around you and he pulled you in for a kiss. He seemed to linger, wanting to take in the experience as much as he could. You were here. He was here. All he wanted was you in his life. He didn't know what he would do if he lost you.
On the way out, Fives checked with the manager of the range to see what else they offered. There were several different areas where you could practice and they had a set up for practicing with moving targets. You signed yourself up for several time slots.
You went home and spent the rest of the day together. He had to leave the next morning and you wanted to enjoy every moment you had. As you got into bed that night, he held you to him and kissed you firmly. It was always hard the night before he left. You wanted it to last forever, but knew it couldn't. Still, he knew how to make the evening memorable and once you finally fell asleep, only pleasant dreams played on your minds.
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
{I Wish I Never Asked}
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Program: It's no secret that there's something going on between you and Fives, and the entire 501st is trying to get one of you to admit that there's more than lust and friendship. A welcome party at your apartment brings in good people, decent drinks, and revealing secrets. Maybe the confident ARC trooper isn't all that sure of himself or his emotions as he leads everyone to believe.
Pairing: FWB, ARC Trooper Fives x FWB, GN! Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Second Chances
Length: 5k w
Warnings: Petname (Cy'are), Reader gets embarrassed in front of everyone, Drinking/Party
Camp Resolute Masterlist
ClonexReader Bingo Masterlist
Prompt: "This is awkward" Hosted by: @clonexreaderbingo
Counselor Notes: The thought of Fives admitting he doesn't love reader in front of everyone during a drinking game popped into my head...and then he wanted to make it when I started writing it smh. Y'all got lucky. I wasn't planning on giving anyone any comfort, but Fives genuinely would want to make it right and try to make himself a better version of himself to treat you with the care you deserve.
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Courecent’s cool breeze causes your skin to prickle, but the mix of Endorian port and Fives’ fleeting touches warm you. The boys in blue had just arrived from their latest assignment bringing back a new drink and many stories to share. Naturally, they messaged their friends and partners to host a party to celebrate their safe return home. As soon as the chronometer displayed your usual dinnertime, all your friends began to pile into your apartment. The sliding door to your terrace stays open as people come and go to bring out food and drinks for the group at the outdoor lounge area.
Tucked into Fives side, you sit on the love seat and nurse an ebla beer to take a break from your previous heavy drinks. Your body buzzes as a comfortable haze blankets over your mind. You hum when Fives’ arm drapes over your shoulder and lazily trails his fingers over your skin. 
As the conversation begins to die down after Echo retells Jesse’s mishap with a speeder, Hardcase jumps in his seat. “How about a game?” he eagerly suggests. 
Fives perks up. A new sense of excitement washes over the dull boredom that nipped at the back of his mind all night. Content to have his favorite person by his side again, Fives needs something to keep his mind from wandering to how your lips felt against his earlier in the evening. Or how Jared’s friend, Ashlan, looks handsome in the sheer top he wears adorned with a gold chain around his neck. And especially away from the conflicting storm of emotions that seems to overcome him when he thinks about anyone but you in that regard. His attention easily latches onto the game. “What did you have in mind?” he calls out.
“It’s called True or not true,” Hardcase starts to explain as he clears off the table, “Similar to Truth or Dare, but it’s only truth. The only way out -- not that it’s much of one -- is to take a shot if you don’t want to answer the question”. Hardcase finishes off his beer and places the empty bottle in the center of the table. His eyes twinkle with mischief as he eyes the group, “This should be an interesting night, then. Who wants to go first?”
Everyone seems to hesitate. All eyes warily look at the awaiting bottle. 
“For kriffsake, it’s not going to hurt anyone,” Jesse breaks the silence and leans over to spin the bottle.
Your body locks stiff as you watch the bottle teeter around the table. Your heart races as it begins to slow in speed. Everyone whispers and shushes each other. As it stills, your stomach drops and your shoulder relaxes when Kix groans. A light laugh falls from your lips as you rest your head on Fives’s shoulder.
He looks down at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, and Fives nudges you. “What? Afraid of sharing secrets with your friends?” Fives quietly teases.
“Depends on what the question is,” you slyly reply. You peer up at him through your eyelashes. Your cheeks flush under his gaze, and you nudge back as his smirk grows larger. “You’re awful,” you sigh.
“Me?” Fives exclaims. His voice is thick with faux disbelief. Fives wraps his arm tighter around you when you try to push away, and he pulls you closer. His heart hammers when your bodies collide, and he feels you laugh while trying to regain your balance on his lap. Fives ducks his head to mumble into your ear, “I’m awful? Pretty sure I’ve taken care of you very well when I come home”. He feels you shiver in his hold, and his chest swells with pride. Fives leans back into the seat and looks at you with a content look.
Your heartbeat echoes in your ears as you look back at the smug man with an incredulous look. Cheeks burning, you lightly smack his chest only making him laugh. “My point exactly,” you hiss. Your eyes scan the group, and you’re thankful everyone is screeching in shock about Kix’s response.
“I fucking knew it,” Jesse hollers and points at his brother, “When did you put the medbay on lock down? Was it after Felucia?”
“Of course I have, and Coric was in on it,” Kix response with as much heat, “We have to fix you di’kuts everytime we leave base. The least we can get is an hour of peace and quiet away from you lot”.
“Don’t drag me into this,” Coric leans forward with a shit eating grin, “And Jesse you had your question. No follow ups allowed”. As Jesse shakes his head and takes a sip of his beer, Coric flicks the bottle.
Once more, your blood rushes to your ears drowning out everyone’s lighthearted chatter. Only this time your stomach drops as the bottle points between you and Fives. You look at Fives with wide eyes and his matching expression causing you to bark out an involuntary laugh. You’ve rarely seen the man so shocked.
“Well,” Coric tilts his head and slowly thinks out loud, “as usual, the pair of you are attached at the hip”. And like all vod’ika when they stubbornly admit they need guidance, he looks to Rex who leans against the balcony railing nursing a glass of Corellian whisky. 
When he watches Coric’s frantic arm flailing towards the unofficial couple and the beer bottle, Rex rolls his eyes and sighs. He makes a note to cut off his brother and intercept solo cups with water bottles. “Fine,” Rex gruffs and takes a step closer to the group. “If you want me to be the decision maker, then I get to ask the question. Fair?” Rex raises an eyebrow at Coric. He looks like he’s about to protest before he bites his tongue and collapses into his seat once more. Rex smiles, and he shifts his gazes to the apprehensive couple in the love seat. A wash of concern stings Rex when his eyes look onto yours. He pulls his gaze away while trying to fake a thoughtful look to mask the guilt that sits heavy on his chest. His younger brother’s weak deflections from anyone’s questions about your relationship run through Rex's head. They only make him even more confused by your current situation on the couch. Entangled and enveloped in a world of your own world as if no one’s the wiser of something happening there. He swallows the lump in his throat, and he decides you deserve an answer. Nodding his head, Rex looks at you again and calls out your name. “True or not true. You’re head over heels for Fives”.
Your head jolts backwards as if Rex’s words hit you in the face. Your expressions pinches before you try to brush off the hesitation with a weak laugh. Not looking at the man involved in the question, you try to keep your voice casual. “I guess it’s true in a way. We’re friends. I just,” you pause and make a vague motion with your hand, “love spending time with him”. Even your response doesn’t convince you, so you keep your gaze focused on your drink.
After a deafening beat of silence, Hardcase whistles lowly. His eyes dart across the group, and he clears his throat. “So the tough questions are coming out this fast,” he laughs, “I was not expecting that. Especially from Rex”. With a clap of his hands, Hardcase spins the bottle.
While everyone falls into quiet chatter, you slip back onto the couch from Fives’ stiff posture. Your eyes dart to Hardcase who’s already looking towards you with a concerned gaze. You smile and shrug it off. Mouthing your gratitude, you try to relax. But Rex’s question replays in your mind and waters the seeds of insecurity that have already taken root in your mind. Pursing your lips, you steal a glance at Fives out of the corner of your eyes. No longer paying attention to the game, he looks off into the distance with a serious expression and thumbs the curve of the bottle in his hand. You take a sharp inhale and look away to see the bottle on the table stop in front of Ashlan.
“You know,” Hardcase muses, “I’m going to follow this lead as well. True or not true, Ashlan, you have your eyes set on someone”.
“Feeling a little left out of the action, Hardcase,” Ashlan teases. He then closes his eyes and tilts his head in thought. When he opens his eyes, the Pantoran’s gaze holds a sharp glint that unsettles you. “True,” he simply responds with a shrug.
Kix’s gaze flickers from Ashlan to Fives, and his stomach knots when he watches you carefully eye this new connection. “Let’s keep it going then,” Kix breaks the tense atmosphere and gently twists the bottle. He hopes that his luck hasn’t run out as he watches it wobble and slow down. When it teeters to a stop in front of Fives, Kix breathes a subtle sigh of relief. Without missing a beat, Kix tries to keep the edge to his voice in control: “True or not true, Fives. You’re head over heels for the host of the party”. Kix grinds his teeth as Fives looks at him with a pained expression.
Fives looks at his brother with wide eyes that soon flicker to Ashlan and then to you. Acutely aware of everyone’s gazes on him, Fives runs a hand over his face. Dread boils into anxiety that causes his stomach to churn. He feels sickly as his body burns from the guilt stoking in his chest. Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling it, Fives shakes his head. “Not true,” he forces the words past the lump forming in his throat. “Not completely at least,” he tries to explain the tangled mess of emotions that have kept him up at night. He knows that his words are lost on deaf ears.
The night air hangs still over the terrace patio. Everyone holds their breath as they try not to look at Fives. Their eyes certainly don’t meet your blank expression. No one notices Ashlan wince. 
“This is awkward,” Hardcase mutters under his breath. Though with no one else speaking, his words are deafening.
Rex lightly smacks the back of his vod’ika’s head with a hard expression, “Not the time”.
Without another word, you get up and everyone shuffles their legs out of your way as you make your leave. Your chest constricts as you try to even your breathing. You step into your apartment and shut the door shut behind you. The silence rushes over you as you quickly walk into your room with tears stinging in your eyes.
Fives feels like he can’t breathe. He feels dizzy as his mind races. The two of you never defined what you were, so Fives knew the casual dates he went on weren’t wrong. But the lingering thoughts of what you were doing while he was away quickly shut him off mid way through getting to know the other person. Darting his tongue across his bottom lip, Fives places the bottle down by his foot before standing. “Everyone out. Party’s over,” Fives hollers. Without a second thought, Fives follows your path and steps over everyone’s legs to go after you. He spares a glance to Rex who nods and begins to guide everyone to start cleaning up. Quickly opening and stepping through the door, Fives shut it as he scans the open layout. A sliver of illumination from under your bedroom door guides him to stand before it. Broken sobs and cries wrenches Fives’ heart. He leans his forehead on the door and shuts his eyes. Softly calling out your name, Fives lightly raps his knuckles bringing your sniffles to an attempted silence. “Can we talk?” he quietly pleads.
His muffled question resparks your frustration as you sniff, “Didn’t you already say enough?”
Fives squeezes his eyes to the point where the dull pain in his head sears in a white hot flash. “Not enough. Certainly not enough to you. Please,” his voice breaks, “Please, let me explain”.
Your eyes burn as you look at the door in disdain. However -- regardless of how much your brain pleads with your heart not to open itself up again -- your need for closure wins. “You can come in,” you hoarsely call out.
Fives’ eyes fly open. After his mind registers your words, he presses the control panel. When the door hisses open, the air is knocked out of his chest as he takes in your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. As the sliding glass door opens with quiet murmurs, Fives quickly steps into your room to shut the door and shield you from the others. “I should have been better,” Fives rushes out. He takes a few steps towards you, and he drops to sit on the ground to still allow you space. “I-I,” Fives stammers and he shakes his ducked head, “I should have talked to you. Tell you how I was feeling, and I’ve hurt you. The singular most important person in my life, and I’ve shattered their heart and trust”. 
“What was going through your head, Fives?” your voice wavers. A man you can’t even recognize sits before you, and you stare in disbelief while waiting for him to look at you.
“Everything,” Fives breathes out, “And none of it was making any sense”. Tears bubble and threaten to pour over his lash line, so he quickly blicks them away. This isn’t about him. He’s the one who messed up. He doesn’t deserve for you to listen to his mess of a thought process. His chest rises and falls quickly, and Fives pulls his legs to his chest to rest his head on his knees.
Your eyebrows crease in concern as you watch Fives curl into himself. “Fives?” you softly call out, “What’s wrong?” Tell me”. As much as you want to reach out and pull him into your arms, you hold yourself back and grip your comforter. 
“I fucked up,” Fives hoarsely slurs. “We said we were keeping it casual. That we care for our friendship, and that comes before everything”. Fives raises his head and tries to ease the pounding in his skull with his knuckles. He looks up at you dejectedly and tucks a knee under his chin. “And I was trying so hard,” he forces the words out, “It just got too hard, though. Sending a message just to share a night together. Not being able to rest my arm on your waist when we’re out at 79s. Leaving you alone every time I have to go on deployment. It got too hard, and I was confused”.
“About what?” you breathlessly ask. Your heart hammers against your chest, and the sharp shards sting you as hope gets the best of you.
“It’s always been hard to leave you. I adore you. You’ve been there for me for everything, and you’re such an important friend,” Fives explains. He practically spits out the last word though as it causes a pang to stab his heart. “I don’t even want to use that word to describe what you mean to me. That’s not enough. It’s never been enough. And when I started to realize that, things got messy. I was overwhelmed, and I didn’t know who I could talk to about it”. A sob breaks past his resolve, and his chest shudders. “Everyone kept asking about us. What we were. If we were together. How long was I going to wait to tell you how I feel. This pressure to figure out what I did feel for you just built up to the point where I felt like I was about to break. Because everything I feel for you is indescribable, and I’ve never felt this strongly for a person before”. Tears run down his face, and Fives doesn’t bother to hide them from you. A lightheadedness overcomes him as his breathing grows ragged. “And I hurt you,” he frustratedly cries out, “I hurt the person I’m falling head over heels in love with, and I’ll never forgive myself for that. I fucked up our friendship, and I know I’ve probably lost you. And I’ll live with that for the rest of my life, because you deserve so much better than some clone who runs from his emotions”. Fives’ lip wobbles, and he bites down on it to try to contain himself. This isn’t about him. He shouldn’t have said anything at all. He should have just consoled you like he intended. Let you move on and meet someone who will treat you with the care you deserve.
Even with the tense atmosphere that’s settled around the two of you, a weight comes off your shoulders. Slipping off your bed, you shuffle to Fives to sit beside him. One arm wraps around Fives’ heaving shoulders and pulls him to rest his head on your shoulder as a shaky hand cards through his curls. Fives tries to fight back and pull away, but you keep him tucked into your side. “Let it out. It’s okay, Fives. You’re safe,” you softly mumble. Your voice still raw from the sobs that wracked your body as you soothe him. 
“No,” Fives croaks, “You shouldn’t be comforting me. I’m so sorry. I should leave. Let you think about what’s best for you. If you don’t want me in your life, I completely understand. Whatever will be best for you. I’ve always just wanted you to be happy even if that means never seeing you again”. His mind races with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, but he slowly sinks into your embrace.
“Listen to me,” you plead, “Fives, I understand. I may not completely know how you’re feeling or what it’s been like trying to figure out your emotions, but I hear you. You can’t bottle up your emotions. You have so many people who care about you and will listen to what you need to say”. You press his head further into the crook of your neck, and the tears that fall onto your collarbone sting your skin. “You are not alone. Especially in figuring out your emotions. That’s not a simple ordeal, and everyone has to go about it at some point their life. You are not the only person who struggles with that”.
“I should have talked to you. To Echo. Kriff, even Rex would have knocked some sense into me,” Fives sobs. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you”.
“We’re going to work through this,” you promise. “You’re not just some clone, Fives. Please don’t ever use that as an insult to you, or your brothers. All of you are such wonderful people. You’re an amazing person. Granted, you’re a little dumb sometimes,” you lightly tease. A choked laugh breaks his whimpers, and your chest swells. “We’re going to figure out a support system for you, alright?”
After a moment of catching his breath, Fives pulls his head up to look at you. His eyes prick again when he meets your concerned expression. “Why are you so quick to help me? You should be telling me to leave you alone” he quietly asks.
You smile at Fives and slide your hand to cup his jaw. Rubbing his puffy face with your thumb, you reassure him, “We aren’t going back to the way things were, but I still want you in my life, Fives. I need some space, and it’ll do us both some good”.
“Why are you treating me with such care when I’ve broken you?” Fives helplessly looks at you. His eyes flicker between your desperately trying to grasp onto how you could be so quick to forgive his mistreatment of your heart. Your soothing touch helps him catch his breath, and the thundering headache raging in his head is more tolerable.
A pained smile pulls at your lips. “Because I love you. And people do dumb things when they’re in love,” you simply explain. You raise an eyebrow as you watch a smile tug at Fives’ lips. You sigh, “Go ahead. I suppose I walked into that one”.
“Do me, I’m dumb,” Fives chuckles. Hearing your laughter mis with his rather than your sobs, Fives feels a weight come off his shoulders. When the small moment of reprieve comes to an end, he looks at you with a serious expression. “So space,” he brings it up again.
You nod. “Jared and his twin, Embrey, run a health clinic called The Loven Institute. It’s specifically intended to help troopers with physical therapy and mental health wellness. You could reach out to see if they have any available therapists. Start to process everything that’s weighing down on your mind”, you offer.
“What if,” Fives hesitates, “what if I don’t get to a point where it would be good for us to see each other again before I have to leave for deployment?”
“If you think I’m letting you leave me without a single goodbye or hug, you clearly don’t know me that well,” you say and squeeze his shoulder. “And we don’t have to wait for that abstract moment either. Give it a couple of sessions and then call me, yeah? You don’t have to go through this alone, Fives”. You pull away from him and stand to your feet.
Fives watches with wary eyes as you grab your comlink. He jumps slightly when he hears his go off in his pocket. His heart races as stands on wobbly legs and scratches the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, cy’are,” Fives apologizes.
You turn to face him with an understanding expression. “Thank you, Fives,” you respond. Fatigue weighs down on your bones as you lead the pair of you out of your bedroom and towards the entryway. Pausing by the door, you feel Fives’ presence behind you and feel the overwhelming mix of emotions around him. You turn around and open your arms.
Fives looks at you for a moment before a grateful smile breaks his hard expression. He steps into your arms, and he feels at home when they tightly arm around him. Pressing his face into the crook of your neck, Fives wraps his arms around your waist and takes a deep breath. “I’ll clear everything up with them,” Fives mumbles and motions to the door with his chin. “I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost all of them as friends, because they absolutely adore you”.
You rub small circles between his shoulder blades and trail your other hand the length of his spine. You chuckle, “I somehow think everyone was on my side tonight. You’re probably going to have hell to deal with, and you should have some sense knocked into you a little”. Fives hums, and it tickles your skin.
With one more squeeze, Fives pulls away and cups your cheek. “You need to get some rest,” he says and looks over your tired appearance, “Let Rex or Kix know if there’s anything you need, alright?” He raises an eyebrow when you try to shake your head in protest. If he can’t take care of you, the least he can do is see to it someone you both trust will.
“Sounds good. Thank you,” you promise. You raise a hand to hold his wrist and give it a squeeze before stepping back. Pressing the control panel, you open the door. “I’ll talk to you soon,” you say as he walks by you.
“Talk to you soon,” Fives promises with a sad smile. He waits for the door to close and lock behind him, and he looks at you with such tender regard. Neither of you want to end the night like this, but some doors must close for others to open. Fives gives you a nod of encouragement, and when the door hisses shut and locks, his smile drops. 
Shoving his hands in his pockets, Fives walks down the hallway. His footsteps echo in the night’s quietness. His mind aches from his admittance, but it’s the pain that crushes his heart that makes the short walk difficult. When he rounds the corner to the elevators, Fives blinks in surprise. Absolutely certain that none of his brothers would want to speak to him again, he takes a deep breath as he looks Rex in the eye.
A pained expression falls across Rex’s face as he looks over his vod’ika. Tired, broken, and battered, Rex witnesses a version of Fives he’s never seen before. He presses the call button with a knuckle. “I wish I never asked that question,” Rex begins to apologize. His words come out slow and deliberate as he tries to decide the best way to help his little brother.
Fives shakes his head. When the elevator opens before them, he motions for Rex to go in first and follows. “A lot of good came out of it actually,” he reassures Rex. However, the words bring a wash of clam over him as well. It was going to be okay. Regardless of whether the two of you stay friends or step into a relationship after he starts to work through his emotions, it would be okay. “Do you know about The Loven Institute?” Fives asks while turning to look at Rex.
Rex’s eyebrows shoot up. “The Loven Institute? Sure, that’s where Wolffe went for physical therapy with his eye replacement. Almost every clone finds his way there at some point, but only with a referral,” he explains. When Fives turns away, Rex recognizes the faint disappointed look on his face. A quiet sound of realization falls from his lips when he connects the sudden interest. For the rest of the ride, Rex thinks about Fives’ request. It could be possible to start the referral process. He could create the report then have Coric sign off on it, and he could twist Cody’s arm to put a seal of approval on it. Not that it would take much convincing. Rex’s ori’vod had been messaging him to check in through the night and was concerned by how things turned out. It could work.
When the elevator dings at its stop, Rex motions for Fives to exit first before following behind. “I’ll see what I can do to put your name in,” Rex casually muses. “I’m sure that if you're struggling with emotions and experiences that should excite you, that you might be struggling with what you witness on the battlefield as well,” Rex thinks out loud. He looks at Fives out of the corner of his eyes, and his heart stops at the small nod Fives gives. Rex never thought that would be the case. He was just thinking of a way to push Fives’ name further along in the referral process. A wave of concern and determination overcomes Rex as the two men leave the apartment building. Courescent’s cool air wraps around them as they make their way back to base. Slinging an arm over Fives’ shoulders, Rex knocks into his side. “You’re not alone in this, Fives,” Rex firmly assures, “Anyone of us will listen to you and help you the best we can. We’ll figure something out”.
Fives nods and flashes Rex an appreciative look. His steps become lighter as they stumble through the streets of the city planet as he finds his way home in the early hours of the morning.
Your eyes flutter open after another restless night. Each time you tried to fall asleep, your mind raced with memories of last week’s get together. Morning rays of sunlight streams through your blinds as you wrap yourself in your comforter while you doze off into the land between consciousness and sleep. The sunlight kisses your skin as you stretch your achy muscles and shake off the sleepiness. 
A chime twinkles and pulls your attention from the blissful blanket haven. As your mind begins to wake up officially, the entryway chime rings again. With a hum of discontent, you push up and out of your bed to pad across your apartment. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you press the control panel. When the door opens to reveal no one in sight your gaze sharpens in alarm. Scanning the hallway, you take a step forward only to nudge a basket with your toe. You look down to find a large package filled with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, your comfort snacks, new books and movies, and much more. Taken aback at the surprise gesture, you peer into the hallway once more to see if anyone might have left it here or if any neighbors were around for you to ask. With no such luck, you carefully pick up the package and walk it into your apartment to place on your small dining table. 
You run your fingers over each of the thoughtful gifts, and your attention latches onto a card tucked into the side. Freeing it from its hiding spot, you open it.
Cy’are, I hope you’re taking care of yourself and have been getting some rest.  If you feel up to it, or would like some company, all the boys are eager to see you again. When I asked if someone could run this over to you, it was a madhouse with them trying to volunteer. Jesse won out by snagging it running before anyone could say anything. Everyone misses you and wants to make sure you’re doing alright.  My first session is today. As much as I’m nervous, I’m looking forward to it. Try to go outside today if you can. Courescent is supposed to be beautiful with sunshine and an afternoon light rain. Your favorite café has some new books in their selection that could be good to curl up and enjoy. Be safe, Fives
You smile and lightly run your finger over the corner of the card. Everything would be alright with time.
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green-alm0nd · 23 days
How each of the Bad Batch would react to
“I’m just so stupid! How can you possibly want to be around me?” Female / Male / GN Reader exclaims in tears.
+ possible Rex and other clones
[The Bad Batch x trans!male!reader (Headcanons)]: Light in the dark (+ Rex, Howzer & Fives)
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You've been feeling very self-conscious lately. Your favourite clone is there to comfort you.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angst, trans reader, mentions of gender dysphoria, self hatred, mentions of mental breakdowns, overwhelming thoughts, comfort, established relationship. Not proofread. Kinda self indulgent but it doesn't really matter.
A/N: I was looking for one of these type of requests for pride month heehee
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Hunter could feel something odd happening around you. He knew you had been struggling with gender dysphoria for a long time, and that odd feeling was the one he used to assign whenever you felt that dysphoria crawling back up.
So, he ran. He ran towards your shared bunk with a slight hint of worry on his heart. He found you crying, sitting down, probably in the middle of a mental breakdown, clenching your chest with tears in your eyes.
He kneeled down, looking into your eyes and asking what was wrong, before you said in tears:
"I'm just so stupid! How can you possibly want to be around me?"
His eyes widened and a pang on his chest brought him back to the gravity of the situation.
He placed his arms around your figure, hugging you tightly.
"You're not stupid. You're amazing, you're resilient. And I love you because of that. I want to be around you, you're an awesome person. Never forget that, trooper." He said.
That gave you enough comfort to believe his words.
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Echo came back from a long mission, and headed to your bunk. It was clear that something had happened, since he heard your sobs from across the door. He know you've struggled after you came out as trans, and he's been supportive throughout the entire path. Still, he know it's hard to keep it fine sometimes.
He opened the door, and saw you crying, hugging your arms, with your head low. The clone's expression softened, slowly walking closer to make you know he was there and in order not to scare you.
He sat down besides you, wrapping an arm around your small figure before he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How can you possibly want to be around me?"
To this, his eyes widened, and he pulled you even closer, letting you cry.
"That's not true...you're not stupid. You're a brave man, and I love you so much for that." He said, kissing your forehead.
Echo is not a fan of physical touch, whether it's given or received. However, in moments like this, he doesn't mind giving you physical affection for as long as you'd like.
And you love him for that.
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He knows something is wrong immediately. He may act silly, but he's not dumb. He knows when you're feeling down, and he's been with you every single time you broke down in tears. He's the same with his brothers: he's the glue that kept Crosshair and Hunter from fighting so many times. He's the glue that kept you away from hurting most of the time.
Wrecker knew you were trans. He once tried to beat up a guy for misgendering you, but it's not like he can do that every time because 1) He'll draw attention to himself and the Bad Batch is not on the position to draw attention, and 2) It will make Hunter upset and won't let him go eat Mantell mix with you and Omega.
He opened the door, and saw you on the floor, hugging your knees. He felt his heart beat faster, concern washing all over his face. He also got worried when he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
To this, he gave you the biggest hug he's ever given you. He never really knew what boundaries were, he didn't know that word existed. But, he wasn't good at keeping boundaries when it came to hugging in middle of panic attacks, but he just had to do it because it's the only way he shows comfort.
"Come here. You're okay, you're fine. You're not stupid, you're pretty dang smart! And besides, who will I share Mantell Mix with whole Omega isn't here if it isn't you?" He said.
That definitely made you laugh.
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This man has, of course, studied about your emotions. When you feel them, what that emotion is associated to/with, if there's a reason it even 'triggered' whether it's positive or negative...
Like I said, he has studied your emotions. And it doesn't take a handsome man, with brown hair and goggles to understand and see that you're not doing well based on your position, and the tears flowing in your face. And, you told him you were trans and still struggling with gender dysphoria, so he figured it was linked to that this time.
He also understands why, but he is surprised when he hears you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me!"
Tech gets very uncomfortable when it comes to showing physical affection. Though there's small moments when he doesn't mind showing his love for you.
"Sarad, I do not think you're thinking clearly. You are not stupid, nor anything similar. You are a valuable team member and this group could not have done remarkable things without you. I also feel rather flattered when I find out that you listen to me when I speak. Which is something Crosshair lacks on, for example." He explained, awkwardly placing an arm around you.
He's very awkward when it comes to this stuff but he doesn't mind giving a thirty minute rant on how much he appreciates and loves you.
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This man notices everything. He may not have Hunter's enhanced senses nor Tech's ability to notice things based on actions; but he has the eye of a hawk and a sharp mind. Of course, he knew you were trans. And it wasn't the first time that he had seen you break down and be mad at yourself. He tried multiple times to change that, and he still tries.
He enters your shared room, keeping some distance between you two to give you space, especially since you were crying and breaking down, hugging yourself while you sat on the bed. His gaze softened when he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
He slowly got closer, to the point where he sat down on the bed and gave the side of your forehead a small kiss.
"I've felt the same for a long time, and those thoughts bring no good for you. Trust me." He said, staring at you. Crosshair grabbed your chin, and forced you to look at him.
"You...gave me a second chance when no one did. I owe you that, and much more." He swore.
He gave you another kiss on your forehead before he placed an arm around you.
REX (bonus)
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Now, Rex doesn't have enhanced senses, a great mind nor an eye of a hawk. But, he has a big heart and more than half of it belongs to you. You and the clone have been dating for a while, and he can tell when you're not doing alright. Especially, when you told him that sometimes gender dysphoria gets a bit hard to handle.
He come back to your shared barrack, only to see you crying with your back against the wall, curled in a ball. He quickly closed the door, and ran towards you.
He kneeled down, asking if you were okay, before he heard the words:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
He pulled you close, hugging you tightly before he let go, and smothered your face with kisses.
"I can't believe you're saying that! You're not stupid! You're beautiful!" He said, between kisses.
"I love being around you, sarad! You're one of the best thins that's ever happened to me! Of course I want to be around you!" He exclaimed.
HOWZER (bonus)
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Howzer is like Rex. He came back from a tiring mission on Ryloth, and he only wanted to see you. However, it broke his heart to see you cry, and to see how bad you were doing. He felt guilty for not being there that often, since he was always in missions.
He took off his chest plate, and sat down next to you. He waited for you to speak, but when you didn't speak for a long time, he opened his mouth for you to say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
He placed an arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
"Don't listen to the voices, please." He whispered, hugging you.
He knows you've struggled with gender dysphoria, and he's tried to make the voices smaller. However, he knows it's not always easy, and that they come out pretty often.
"You're an amazing person. Those who don't want to be around you don't know what they're losing. You're a great friend, and a pretty great boyfriend too." He reassured.
FIVES (bonus)
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Fives used to be the type of boyfriend to distract you from the voices by doing things together: watching a holomovie, playing games, etc. However, when he realised your body dysphoria was getting worse, he knew he had to change his strategy. He bought you a few binders a long time ago, and you've used them plenty of times.
He still hated to see you cry. Especially when you sounded so broken. Though, Fives always came to the rescue. This time, too.
He entered your shared apartment, and saw you sobbing on the sofa. He approached you and hugged you close, but his eyes widened when he heard you say:
"I'm just so stupid! How could you possibly want to be around me?"
His expression softened, and he forced you to look at him by placing his hands on your cheeks.
"I won't let you say that, 'aight? You're far from stupid! You're smart, brave and strong. Heck, the entire 501st wants to meet you! They adore you and so do I!" He said, with a soft smile.
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
As a trans male boy, I feel so proud that there's a month of representation for me, and for others like me!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your request anon! Stay safe and remember to drink water!
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hi!!!! I love your writing a lot!!!!! If you're taking requests, would it be at all possible to ask for the bad batch + fives reacting to their partner's (gender neutral or he/him pronouns) top surgery scars (ftm)? If you're not comfortable writing this dw about it, it's just something that I thought of but I don't really know how to write it for myself
Top Surgery Scars
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙
All Bad Batch Boys + Fives X M/GN!Reader (initially I wrote it for a male reader but it can also be read as gender neutral 💜 )
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Exactly as the request asks ♥️
Warnings: mentions of scars and surgery, a little angst, some insecure reader in some sections, fluff given from all boys.
A/N hope this is okay, loved the idea! I’m not an expert in this field so I hope I did it justice ♥️
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙
Echo 💕
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This sweetie first saw your scars by accident when he walked in on you changing. He was taken aback, a little panicked if it was an injury of some kind you once had but then you explained that they were top surgery scars. You had even tried to cover yourself up quickly both for obvious accidental invasion of privacy and because you had exactly not told Echo about your surgery.
He allowed you to dress first before he came closer to you, seeing your slightly flushed features. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.”
“Why sorry? I love you regardless of who you are.” He wraps his arms around your waist, scomp pushing into your back as your pressed flush to his own body.
You sigh in silent relief, resting your head against his shoulder as you let him embrace you with all the love he can give you. “I love you too.”
He is definitely there for you through it all.
Hunter 💞
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“Can I show you something?”
Hunter is sitting on your shared bunk, playing with his viro-blade when you stand in front of him, wringing your fingers together nervously.
He didn’t need his senses to see the anxiety on your face and he found himself too getting worried. “Of course, everything alright?”
“Y-yeah, I just want to show you now so it’s not a surprise late down the line if this relationship is to grow any further.” You exhale a shaken breath and he nods slowly for you to continue.
As you peel your shirt away from your body and show him your scars, he’s surprised but not at all fazed. “Do you think I would have thought of you any different?” He asks softly, standing whilst sheathing his knife and crosses the threshold to you.
Before you could reply you’re in his arms and he’s peppering the sweetest kisses all over you from your lips down to your chest and then back up again. “Perfect. As always.” Laughter fills the room and in that moment you had never felt more at home.
You had a feeling that Hunter will be the perfect boyfriend.
Wrecker 💓
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“What are those?”
You turn quickly to see Wrecker stood behind you, eyes a little wide.
You were just about to change into a loose vest top as you and Wrecker took a trip down to a beautiful and remote lake and when you thought he wasn’t looking, he had caught you mid-dress.
“Oh, these?” You ask dumbly, trying to seem unfazed by your crushes questioning and pointing towards your chest. “They’re my double incision scars… I’ve had top surgery.”
He blinks at you, tilting his head. He’s quick to put two and two together and realises that you have transitioned or going through the transition process. Or maybe you’re it’s just a personal preference. He’d like to know more but wants to make sure he asks all the right questions first incase he says something silly. He may ask one of his brothers for advice (if you’re comfortable with that) but for now, he grabs his inflatable and grins widely at you.
“You gonna come swimming with me cyare?”
Feeling relaxed that it was now out in the open, feeling like you now had nothing to hide, you’re more than happy to take your top off and enjoy one of the best days you could with Wrecker.
By the end of the evening, you’re both walking hand in hand back to the Marauder and he sneaks a kiss in before the others could see.
Tech 💖
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With Tech, you had no fear in showing you your scars because he actually went with you to the surgery in the first place. Of course, he was questioning those doing the procedure and you had to reassure him that they knew what they were doing.
The moment you’re in surgery, he’s in the waiting room researching everything he needs to know and what you need to know so he can relay information. Once you’re done and a little tender, he treats you with the utmost perfection and insists on checking on the healing process every day and night.
“The tissue is healing accordingly. Though it will still be tender for the next few weeks. That means you need to stay off missions for a while more and take plenty of rest mesh’la. Oh, I am also going to locate a pharmaceutical and inquire about any other the counter ointments.”
Although he’s being a little repetitive as this is what you heard for the last few days, you adored him. And clearly, he adores you just as much.
Crosshair 💗
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When Crosshair’s fingers find their way under your top, innocently caressing the skin on your stomach you had jolted upright and nearly sent the poor Clone tumbling onto the floor. “What was that? You alright?” He grunts, moving his hand away from you but rests it just over your hand.
You’re both cuddling in your bunk together, a tight snug but enough to give you enough warmth when the ship is chilly.
“Y-yeah, sorry I just…” words are failing, not coming up with a smart reply but Crosshair does it for you.
“Is it your scars? Are they hurting?”
Your head snaps to look towards him, eyes wide in surprise. “You know about them?”
He blinks at you, gaze soft for a man so moody most of the time. “Of course. My eyes see everything.”
You didn’t question him about how he saw them and in fact, relished in the knowledge that he knew and did not seem to mind. Though, you still had to ask. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
There’s a small conflict on his face but gnaws on the inside of his cheek before saying, “I wanted to, but it’s not my business to do so. I don’t care about that stuff.” He struggles to word it correctly but hopes it comes across as okay and not at all insensitive. But if there’s one thing you knew about Crosshair is that he adores you and his words told you just that.
“I picked you for a reason. I love you all the same.”
Fives 💘
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When Fives saw your scars, he was not shy in asking about them. He was curious, intrigued and quite pleased that you were prepared to show him something like this. To him, he showed that you were brave and embraced who you are and he valued that a lot in a person. He thought you were beautiful regardless and does never fail to express his fondness of you.
“Did it hurt?“ He sits beside you, snaking an arm around you and pulling you into him for a hug.
“It felt a little sore after the first few days and I got used to it. I was a little nervous about the stitching truthfully but the professionals took good care of me.” You said with a smile, so relaxed and blessed that you had someone like Fives in your life. No matter what, he had endless love for you.
When you’re both alone and maybe having an intimate moment, he kisses every inch of your skin, praises and reminds you of how beautiful you are to him and how happy he is that he had met you. Clearly you had made the best choice in suitors when it came to this particular Arc Trooper.
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tags: @nunanuggets @littlefeatherr rr @kaitou2417 7 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp p @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich h @mustluvecho @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 7 @rain-on-kamino o @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @agenteliix @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @buddee @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater
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wild-karrde · 2 years
The Light Between Oceans by @rowansparrow is the next installment after What Blooms in Thunder and is bringing us old and new characters. Now like many other ongoing stories, this one has it all and lately we have been receiving some serious ouch time from rowan, but we still love it. This story has given, yet again, some OCs that you just love and if you do not love them? Your a monster ! ( nah kidding (not really) )
This series is one of my favorites, and TLBO has been absolutely INCREDIBLE so far. You're 100% right that Ro is crushing souls, but it's only because their writing is so beautiful and we get so invested in each and every character they write (their OCs in particular). I cannot wait to see where Ro goes with this series and am always anxiously awaiting the next update. Thanks for including it in your recs!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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clone-anon-after-dark · 6 months
So, can I get a Fives with an ace reader, the theme is up to you
Here we go!
Fives x Asexual GN Jedi Reader
Word Count: 1199
Warnings: None really. The start of a queer platonic relationship with just a little hand holding and closeness.
A/N: I really wanted to show the start of a new relationship that isn’t going to include the usual romantic tropes. Some discussion of relationships versus attachment. Originally I wrote this for a male reader, but then realized that it doesn’t indicate the reader’s gender anywhere.
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You watched the moon brighten as night overtook the planet.  Fives looked through the supplies you’d brought with you for this little scouting mission. 
“Found an ax,” he said as he walked back out of the small ship.
“Want some help,” you asked.
“I can handle it, general.” He struck a bit of a pose to make you smile.  He looked pleased when you let out a bit of a laugh.
You got serious for another moment and replied, “I told you, Fives, you don’t have to call me that out here.” 
Fives gave you a grin, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he approached a fallen tree and started cutting off large branches for some firewood and kindling.  You pulled out a pot and a packet of dehydrated soup. It wasn’t the best food, but it was better than ration bars.  Fives made a fire and you heated the food. Dinner was quiet at first, but then you spoke up.
“I don’t think I’ll be a general in this war. I certainly don’t want to lead anyone into battle.”
“Why not? You’re a Jedi.”
“There are many ways to be a Jedi.  I’m better with jobs like this. Supporting civilians.”
“You’re good at it,” Fives replied. “You’re good with people.”
“So are you.”
You smiled at him as you finished your food. You liked helping people and you didn’t like war. You were grateful to have the ARC trooper with you. Rex had given him leave to help you after Anakin found out you’d be going alone. At first you thought this mission wasn’t going to need more than one person, but after seeing how complicated the situation had gotten, it helped to have Fives’ support. He was great with the little kids who were all still reeling from the recent attack on their community.  He spent a lot of time in the makeshift hospital. As soon as he saw the children, he went in to visit, telling them stories and reading to them from a small collection of books that had been donated.  Your heart warmed when one little girl crawled into his lap while he read.  Beyond this, he communicated needs with the 501st.  They were sending in more support and were to arrive the next day. The locals needed food, medical supplies, and support in clearing debris.  It wasn’t the first time you’d worked with Fives. You’d worked with other clones before and always admired them, but there was something about Fives.  He made you feel a way that no one else had.  You had a special place in your heart for him.
You cleaned up from dinner and Fives watched the sky.  It was clear he was deep in thought.
“What is it,” you asked.
He cleared his throat and said, “I was thinking about how I…” He took a breath and stared at his hands for a moment. You’d never seen him nervous quite like this.  “I was thinking about how I care about you, but I know you’re a Jedi. You can’t be in a relationship.”
“That’s not true,” you said.
“It’s not? But isn’t love and attachment forbidden?”
You shook your head and sat next to him, scooting a little closer.  
“There are many ways to have a relationship.  I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to exploring what that might mean.”  You paused and collected your thoughts before continuing.  “With a few exceptions, we aren’t supposed to get married. Ki-Adi Mundi has multiple wives, but that’s because his species has few males. He says he’s unattached to them, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about them either.”
“So you can love but you can’t get attached. How does that work?”  Fives mouth twisted in a bit of frustration. He knew how he felt and it seemed so simple. Putting all of this into so many words felt like it could easily trap someone in a complicated mess.  You held out your hand toward his.
“Don’t offer me that if you don’t feel the same,” he said cautiously. You didn’t push. 
“I’ve always known I was different,” you stated. “I don’t feel attraction in the way that a lot of people do. I see beauty in the force, in the universe, in people, but I have never wanted sexual intimacy or anything like that. I realize that’s what some people would want.  Maybe to me this seems simple because for me it is.”  You left your hand out toward him and added, “I care about your Fives. I feel great love for you. Not being attached means that if I know I can’t control you or the future. If you were, I’d be sad, but I would know that you’re now one with the force. The force is everywhere, so we will never be without each other. Being unattached means that we are free to do our duty. Don’t mistake my lack of attachment for a lack of caring or a lack of love. I love deeply even if I don’t act on it in the way most people would.”
Fives took in all that you said. He felt a comfort in how you put it. He wasn’t sure about all the details of the force, but he often felt like his fallen brothers were watching out for him. Maybe this was the feeling of someone being one with the force and always being there.  He liked that thought. It was comforting. He reached for your hand and interlaced his fingers with yours.  He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths.  He hadn’t felt this close to anyone.
Several minutes passed and you both felt a calm come over you.  You studied his face. Little muscles that were worried now relaxed. His beautiful brown eyes grew softer. The warm light of the campfire lit up his features. You could see every bit of wear on his armor. So many battles and so many stories and yet he was always ready to help and do his job. You admired him and felt your connection grow. You hoped he understood how you felt.  
Fives looked back at you. His kind smile was accompanied by some butterflies as he looked into your eyes.  He gently squeezed your hand.  You sensed his vulnerability and wanted to comfort him.
“I like spending time with you. I like you. Let’s just see where things go. That okay?”
He nodded.  “More than okay.”  Then, for the first time instead of calling you general, he whispered your name. 
You were both distracted from the moment when you heard a battle droid’s voice from the edge of town. You drew your lightsaber and he had his blaster out, each wanting to protect the other.  You walked around the ship, but put your weapons away with a sigh as it was revealed that the noise was simply a group of stray tookas play fighting on top of a pair of halved droids. You let out a sigh and returned to the fire together.
You sat shoulder to shoulder and he put an arm around you. You briefly rested your head on his shoulder before reaching for his hand and watching the stars.
Tagging: @dukeoftheblackstar @trixie2023 @staycalmandhugaclone
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ariadnes-red-thread · 2 years
Promise Me
Summary: When Rex made that promise to Jesse, he didn’t think that he would ever have to keep it.
Pairing: Jesse x AFAB!Reader, Rex x AFAB!Reader
Warnings/Tags: 18+, MINORS DNI!; Smut, PiV, AFAB Reader, Fingering, Oral (male and female receiving), Armor kink, soft dom Jesse, Canon-typical violence, Canon death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Order 66, Happy Ending
Word Count: 8692
A/N: My first finished fic! I tried to publish another Jesse WIP last month but it needed more time and I got distracted by this idea. Not sure if anyone will read this but I’m glad it’s done and I’m just going to put in out there into the tumblr void. Any feedback is welcome!
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It was his first day as an ARC trooper. You knew he hadn’t slept at all the night before, tossing and turning beside you. You had tried your best to soothe him after he woke you up for the second time. You wrapped your arms around his waist and tugged him into you. He turned so he could hold you back and, when he pulled you into his chest, he clutched onto you like a man lost at sea.
“You’re going to be great.” You whispered into the solid darkness of the night, an indication that it was late enough that the moons had already set.
“Fives was great.” He whispered back, his voice choked.
“And you will be too.”
He didn’t argue with you, even though you knew he wanted to say something else. Instead, he held his tongue and tucked his head into your neck, breathing heavy against your skin. He didn’t fall asleep but at least he could rest.
Now, you waited. You chewed your lip and threw all your nervous energy into dinner as you waited for him to come home. Two bantha steaks and a taba leaf salad practically assembled themselves while you fussed over ingredients, unsure of what your hands were even doing. You knew he would make a great ARC. You and Jesse had dated for almost three years now and you saw all of the amazing things that he never liked to give himself credit for, like the way he looked after his brothers, the way his leaders asked for his advice on their plans, and the way he could always come up with a creative solution with a smile on his face, whether it was on the battlefield or for a problem you were having. But you also knew the GAR was unforgiving and that Jesse had been through a lot lately. Losing Tup and Fives had taken a toll on the quick-witted and joyful man. His jokes came a little slower and his smile didn’t always meet his eyes anymore. You just wanted him to have something good, something for him to look forward to again.
You requested the day off ages ago, knowing that you could make it a nice evening for him. You cleaned the small apartment that you shared. Technically, it was yours since you lived there before you even met Jesse. There was also the unspoken fact that his name couldn’t be on the lease, but he lived there as much as you did. You put on a nice sundress that you knew he would like and bought flowers for the small dining table that sat in the corner of your kitchen. Anything you thought would make him smile.
So waiting was all that there was left to do. You were nervously rearranging silverware on the dinner table when your ears pricked up at the sound of fingers tapping on the keypad outside your door. You held your breath as he punched in the numbers.
The door slid open with its usual groan and Jesse burst through. A grin stretched from ear to ear. Warm wrinkles fanned out from the corners of glinting, golden eyes and your riduur whooped as he stepped through the doorway. Relief rushed through your body, making your knees wobble just the slightest bit.
Jesse crossed from the doorway to the kitchen in just three strides. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up by the waist. He carried you a step back into the middle of the room, away from any furniture. Holding you out, he spun you around, his kama lifting up with your legs. You let out a yelp as he laughed.
“Jesse!” You looked wildly around as he lowered your feet to the ground, stunned to find that he had miraculously avoided knocking anything over.
“That’s ARC Trooper spatial awareness.” He smirked, still holding you in his arms.
“You’re still the same man who broke the cleaning droid last week.“ You tapped an accusatory finger on his armored chest.
“That was on the droid.” Jesse rolled his eyes. “Stupid pile of bolts.”
You shook your head but didn’t care enough to tease him any more. Instead, you took a step back to look over the man before you. He saw your inspection and put another step between you to show off his new armor with pride. His hand went to his hip, just above his kama. He tilted them, sending the panels swaying. Your eyes traveled up to his shoulders, finding the new dark blue and silver pauldrons that your arms had just been wrapped around. Jesse always looked handsome. His sharp jawline, amber eyes, and bright smile could still send your head spinning if you stared at him too long, even after all these years. There was something about this armor though. Maybe it was the way the new pieces accentuated his broad shoulders or the command that he suddenly carried himself with, but a heat started to grow between your legs as you admired him.
“So?” His grin widened and he shifted under your lingering gaze.
“You look good.” You smiled devilishly as your eyes grazed up and down the man before you.
“Come here.” Jesse pulled you back into his arms, matching the look in your eye.
His lips landed on you and as he begged entrance into your mouth, he picked you up again. Tongues danced as he guided your legs around his hips. His fingers dug into the fine skin along your thighs as your dress rode up to your waist. Without untangling his tongue from yours, he began to carry you in the direction of the bedroom.
“Jesse, dinner?” You asked, breaking the kiss with regret. You didn’t really care about the food but you did worry that he was starving from a long day.
“It looks lovely but it can wait.” He nipped at the soft skin along your neck as he fumbled with the bedroom door behind you. “The chef looks more delicious.”
His attention never left your neck as he carried you through the doorway and made his way to your bed. It wasn’t the first time he’d found his way blindly through your bedroom and he proved his skill by sucking a small purple mark onto your pulse point while he guided you gently to your bed.
He sat you down on the edge of the mattress. His attention immediately turned to your clothing as he grasped the hem of the sundress that had bunched around your waist. He whisked it over your head. Jesse groaned as he realized you weren’t wearing a binder. His fingers trailed back down your arms, restraining himself just for a moment as he admired your breasts. He brought one thumb to your left tit and ran the rough pad of his glove along the sensitive skin just below your nipple. Jesse bit his lip as he watched the skin pearl. Then, as if he couldn’t hold himself back any longer, he unleashed himself on you. He began to pinch and tweak the nipple he had been gently teasing and he swooped down to take your other nipple in his mouth. His tongue danced circles around it as his teeth gently grazed you. You let out a soft breath of release as his ministrations sent ripples of desire to your core. At the sound, he raised his head and captured you in a kiss again.
Tenderly, he pushed you back on the mattress and chased you until you were resting just against the headboard. Knowing how you got annoyed when his armor would end up on the bed, Jesse turned his attention to the magnetic latches to rid himself of it. You frowned at the movement. As much as you enjoyed admiring Jesse’s god-like, naked form and even though the blaster smoke and dirt that were caked on the armor would usually bothered you, you weren’t ready to see it go away. In fact, you had other ideas.
“Leave it on.” You grinned at him as you laid your hand on his, stopping his movements.
“What?” He turned back to you, eyes wide.
“I like seeing you in your new armor.” You let your hand fall to the kama on his hip and, with a single finger, you began to trace your way along his groin.
“Oh, is that it?” His lust-blown eyes narrowed as he stilled above you, “You want this ARC Trooper to fuck you in his new gear?”
You nodded as he kneeled between your legs. He dropped the hand that had been working on the latches of his armor to your last piece of clothing. Jesse let out a groan as he saw the mess you had already made of the fabric. He pressed small circles against your clothed clit, making you moan and squirm before him. Then he took a single finger and pushed your soaking panties aside.
“Is my good little slut gonna make a mess of my shiny new kama?” He cooed as he ran the finger along the lips of your aching opening.
“Mhmm.” You bit your lip as you took a leg and began to lift it over your soldier's shoulder. “I bet I can think of a use for this pauldron too.”
“Fuck.” Jesse’s eyes blew out as he brought his lips to the inside of the knee that now rested over him. “You’re a fucking dream. You know that?”
You moaned as he sunk a wide finger into you. It was only then that you realized he hadn’t taken off his gloves. The friction of the fabric was a new sensation and it felt absolutely filthy. You sunk down in the pillow behind you and lifted your leg higher around his pauldron, looking for more. He chuckled at your quiet desperation.
“Patience.” Jesse ordered as he added a second finger to your desperate slit. “I’ll take care of you, cyare.”
He pulled himself completely onto the bed and then lowered himself to his elbows, between your legs. With the hand that wasn’t fucking you, he gripped your free leg and slung it over his silver pauldron.
“Couldn’t think of a better use.” His voice was husky as he winked at you.
You started to smile at his cheek but Jesse’s tongue found your clit and he began to draw small circles around it that made you throw your head back.
“Eyes on me, mesh’la.” He abandoned your sweetest spot to nip your inner leg again.
You turned your gaze to meet his amber eyes. He fell back to your core, lapping at your clit and building the pressure he knew you loved as he slowly fucked you with his two fingers.
As your sounds of pleasure grew and you began to rock against his hand, he added a third finger, stretching you. He thrust harder into you, finding that sweet, spongy spot he knew so well, as he began to suck on your mound. The pressure that had been building in your stomach began to come in waves and you started to beg.
“Please, please Jesse.”
You didn’t know why you were begging. He always made you cum. But you needed to feel it, to feel him. He knew it too and with one motion of his fingers, he sent you over the edge. The pressure snapped and you stiffened as you brought a hand to his head and called out his name.
He kept his lips pressed to you as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers. As you came down from your high, he slowly and almost regretfully pulled his fingers from you. Licking one last line along your lower lips, Jesse drank up your taste. He pulled himself to his knees, a wild grin across his face.
“At least one of these has to go.” He pulled his codpiece from his body without taking his eyes off of you.
His chest heaved as you lifted yourself to him, your head coming up to the level of his cuirass. You palmed his newly released hard length through his body glove. He groaned and brought his hands to yours, gently pushing them aside so he could retrieve his cock. He pulled out his thick member and pumped it a few times, smearing leaking pre-cum down his shaft. Jesse’s cock never ceased to amaze you and, suddenly, you wanted to taste him. You made a mental note to give him a blowjob in his new kama. Right now though, your empty cunt clenched around nothing as you admired him and you ached to feel him inside you.
“Jesse, I need you.” You begged again.
“Anything for you, cyare.” He softly pressed you back to the bed.
He propped himself up on one arm as he leaned over you. His broad form always made you feel small in his arms but right now, with his armor on, he towered, trapping you in the most thrilling way against your mattress. With his other hand, he guided his cock to your opening. He ran his wide tip along you, circling your clit for a moment and making you mewl at the sensation. Then he pressed his head between your folds. As he brought his other arm up to cage you into the pillow, he slid home.
“Jesse.” You murmured, pressing your head into his neck. “Feels so good.”
“I know, cyare.” He gave you a moment to adjust to his size.
It didn’t matter how many times he fucked you, you always needed a second to adjust to the stretch of his cock. Soon though, you began to wiggle your hips against him, cool plastoid pushing back on you as you lifted up to meet him. He understood your meaning and began to move, thrusting in and out to meet your hips. He slid an arm into the small of your back, angling you up so he could reach your deepest, most sensitive spots. You let out a cry as his cock pressed against your walls. At the sound, Jesse captured your lips in his and a mess of tongues tangled together for just a moment. In the next moment, he sat up, pulling your hips into his lap so he could reach even deeper, bottoming out with a groan. His thumb found your clit as he pulled you into him again and again. His fingers threatened to leave bruises on your hips and the angles of the armor pressed against you but the sharp sensations only heightened the feelings of pleasure.
Soon you were at the precipice again. Your legs shook and you clamped down on him as you grew closer and closer. Jesse gritted his teeth as pulling out became harder and began to thrust without mercy, his attention on your clit never letting up.
“Look at that, mesh’la.” He growled.
You followed his eyes as best you could in your dazed and cockdumb state. He was staring at where you came together. His body glove was soaked with your slick and it had spread to the edges of his brand new kama. The fresh gear now glistened from what he was doing to you and the pool grew with every plunge of his cock.
With that image, the coil in your stomach snapped and you came again. Jesse swore as you clamped down on him and let out your own cry. As you came down from your orgasm, your walls still spasmed around him. Euphoria wrapped around your body in a warm hug and you grasped his pauldrons, pulling him down so you could be closer to your love. You felt his thrusts begin to become uneven.
“Jess,” You murmured as your hands fell to his hips to stop him.
His eyes shot to yours in stunned protest but you pushed him over so you lay on top of him, letting him slide out of you. Before he could mutiny, you lifted yourself to your knees and crawled down his body. You gripped the edges of his kama as you licked a long stripe down his aching cock.
“Mesh’la.” He choked on the word.
“Use me, Jesse,” You smiled up at him before you took him in your mouth.
As your lips sunk down on his cock, he groaned. He lifted one hand to your hair and carefully gathered it in his hand. His eyes never left yours as he gently pumped your head up and down his cock. His hips started to lift as he slowly let himself loose control and began to fuck your face. You let your jaw relax and drool gather along his member, taking him down your throat with every thrust. You looked up at the man, loving the wild look on his face and the wonder in his blown-out eyes as he watched you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” He slurred the words, “I love you so fucking much.”
His hips began to stutter, his mouth formed an ‘O’, and his string of praises became a guttural groan as, with one final thrust upward, he came, spurting salty ropes of cum down your throat.
You quickly swallowed his mess before you gently let his softening, sensitive cock drop from your mouth. He scrambled to pull you up into his arms, laying you out on his chest and pressing sweet, small kisses all over your face. You pressed yourself against the solid plastoid, smiling at the marks and trails you had left on it. But the angles of the armor no longer offered a strange pleasure and you wanted to feel him now.
“Off.” You tapped on the armor.
“Make up your mind,” He teased as he drew circles in your arm. “What would the chef say to a shower and then dinner?”
“Dinner can wait a little longer.” You smiled.
In one move, Jesse sat up in bed and swept you up into his arms. You let out a yelp as you threw your arms around his pauldron. He kissed your forehead as he carried you to the shower.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, you finally got to hear about his day. Soft moon light spilled through the window across the room as you pressed your naked form to his. Jesse lay on his back, one arm around your shoulder as you curled into his side. You lay your head on his chest, your favorite spot to be.
“You should have heard Kix.” He shook his head. “That sheb made a scene. You would have thought he was a shiny meeting his first ARC.”
“That’s cute. Reminds me of you after he got his promotion to CMO”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You smirked at your riduur’s dismissal. You knew he loved Kix and that his excitement meant the world. There was only one other reaction besides yours and Kix’s that Jesse would have cared about.
“What did Rex say?” You asked as your finger danced across his broad, strong chest, tracing along the spaces between the scattered grey and purple scars.
“You know Rex.” Jesse rolled his eyes. “He didn’t say anything but he was happy. I could tell.”
“No doubt he was proud.”
“Yeah,” He stared up at the ceiling with a soft and satisfied smile. “I know he was.”
You watched your ARC trooper as you worked on the hull of a malfunctioning gunship. It was an overheated engine that had shorted out an electrical circuit, a repair job you could do in your sleep at this point, and that gave you some room to let your thoughts wander. Currently, they were wandering across the hangar to a certain set of pauldrons that you could still imagine your legs being slung over. While a shiver ran down your spine thinking of the night before, Jesse, on the other hand, was entirely focused and oblivious to your attention. He had his helmet tucked under his arm as he stood over a holotable, pointing out strategic waypoints to the squad under his charge. You grinned a little wider as you watched him give commands. It gave you ideas.
“You ogling my men again?” The voice over your shoulder was stern but the elbow that landed in your side was playful.
Yours and Jesse’s relationship was an open secret among the 501st. Technically, it was against the rules but you weren’t the only mechanic or civilian employee of the GAR to get caught up in a romance with one of the handsome soldiers of the Republic. Most hid it from their superior officers out of an abundance of caution but Captain Rex was different. He was the first clone you had ever met and he had actually introduced you to Jesse on that first day you had been assigned to their legion. There was no point in hiding it from him. The moment you and Jesse had laid eyes on each other, you were both in love and Rex could see it. He always joked that he knew he had lost his new mechanic as soon as Jesse had gotten his grubby hands on her. Still, you were respectful of the fact that he was guarding your secret and both you and Jesse tried your hardest to never put the Captain in a bad position. You never snuck off into closets during work hours and always waited a block away from the hangar to walk home together. Although, occasionally, you would eat lunch with the Torrent boys and, even though it felt harmless enough to sit next to Jesse in the mess, you would catch Rex’s eyes lingering on the two of you. In those moments, you would wonder at the pressure he was under to keep your secret and feel a little extra grateful for him.
“Can’t help it.” You giggled as you glanced up to find Rex beside you, bucket by his side, before you turned your gaze back to Jesse. “He looks good, doesn’t he?”
“He’s a natural.” Rex smiled, following your eyes to the ARC trooper. “Honestly, he should have done it years ago but I didn’t want to give up my Lieutenant.”
“Who knew you were a softie, Rex?” You quirked an eyebrow at the clone Captain.
“Keep it between us, yeah?” He grinned back at you.
“It’ll be our secret.” You winked before your attention drifted to the damaged ship before you.
You immediately began to fuss with wires again, back at work too quickly to see the hitch in Rex’s breathing or the way his eyes fell on your lips at the words our secret. By the time you turned to him to speak again, he was gone, high-stepping halfway across the durasteel hanger. You frowned after him for a moment, wondering what had pulled him away so quickly, but you began to drift in your carelessness. Two wires that shouldn’t have crossed started to spark in your hands. You cursed and pulled them apart, all other thoughts chased from your mind.
It was only a few months later that you were hiding with the Lawquanes. Word had reached you quickly of the Republic’s fall and their house was always the plan.
“If anything ever happens, if I can make it out, I’ll meet you on Saleucami.” Jesse always swore to you on late nights before particularly dangerous missions. He would make you repeat the plan over and over again until you had memorized the time and designation number of every flight between the two planets. It always felt excessive to you but he was insistent.
So when news came over the comms that the Jedi had fallen and the Republic was gone, you knew what to do. While the rest of the planet reeled in the chaos of sudden peace, you were on the first transport off of Coruscant that evening and knocking on the familiar farm door by the next morning. To their everlasting credit, Cut and Suu weren’t surprised to see you and they never hesitated to welcome you in. You spent three nights with Suu and Cut as they hushed your fears and assured you that Jesse would be walking through the front door at any moment. Rex showed up instead.
He didn’t arrive by the front door. Instead, he waited until Cut went out to collect his herd. Ever cautious, he had to make sure Cut wasn’t compromised. It took hours for Cut to convince him and, even though the deserter insisted the house was safe, Rex still came in through the back entrance, hand ready at his waist. He caught you and Suu off guard as you stood around the dim kitchen assembling dinner. His golden eyes found you immediately and then, just as quickly, he couldn’t look at you.
“Rex,” The knife you held clattered to the floor.
You rushed across the kitchen, your hands reaching him out for him to be sure that he wasn’t a ghost.
“Rex,” You pleaded as you clutched his arms. Your fingernails dug into him around his armor harder than you intended, but he never flinched. “Rex, where is he?”
You peered behind him at the wide open door. A single silhouette, clearly recognizable as Cut, stood in the gaping hole.
“Rex?” You turned back to the man who still couldn’t look at you.
“Rex.” You whispered one last time.
Only then did you sink to your knees.
You heard wailing and you wondered at the noise for a moment. It was hard to breathe with how loud it was in the room. Then you realized the wailing was you.
“I'm sorry,” Rex’s voice whispered softly in your ears.
You realized then that he was kneeling beside you on the ground and his arms were around you. He held you pressed to his chest, trying his best to comfort you, though your body still shook as you wept. You hung on to him if only to keep yourself from completely crumpling. A teardrop hit your arm that you realized wasn’t yours. You looked up to see silent tears pouring down Rex’s face. Any hidden hope left you in that moment and your heart, which had shattered at Rex’s solitary appearance, evaporated completely from your chest. You knew beyond a doubt. Your riduur was gone. Jesse was dead.
“I’m so sorry. I… I couldn’t save him.” His voice broke before he repeated the words. “I couldn’t save him.”
The wind whipped and tugged at your clothing as you stood before the graves. Tears came in single, silent trails down your face. You had sobbed for hours and hours in between Rex’s arrival and this journey. The tears still came but you had nothing else left to give.
Jesse’s helmet stood out among the orange and blue, his cog staring at you like a single, unseeing eye. You had fallen to your knees before it and brought your hands to clutch the sides, as you had often clutched it as it rested on his head. You pulled yourself up to your highest kneeling height and pressed your forehead against its cold plastoid.
“Ner ka’ra, ner kar’am, ner kar’ta, ner riduur.” You whispered as you focused on the helmet in your hands and conjured up the many, sweet memories of the man who wore it. “Urcye mhi.”
After what felt like just a moment, you stood. Your knees suddenly screamed at the abuse of the stiff ground and you realized you might have been there with Jesse’s helmet for longer than you thought. Behind you, Rex gave you space but you could still feel his presence. He hadn’t said much after he had told you what had happened to Jesse. As you sat stunned at his story of chips and brain-washing, you asked him if he could take you to the moon. He nodded and, although you later realized that he could have thought of a million reasons for why it was a bad idea to come back, he brought you straight here. You turned to him now. His eyes were glazed over as he looked at the helmets and you knew he was seeing the face of every man that he had buried here.
“Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la.” You spoke the words softly as you joined him at his side, pausing for one last look at the memorial.
“I never told him how proud I was of him.” Rex stared with empty eyes at the one helmet that seemed to keep pulling you both back to it.
You swallowed the last of your tears. You turned to the Captain, taking in the man as he stood before the last of his legion. You took his hand in yours. He clutched you without even thinking about it.
“I promise you that you did, Rex. He knew you well enough that you did in so many ways.”
Rex didn’t speak again until you were both sitting in the cockpit, preparing the ship to leave the moon before anyone detected your presence.
“What’s next for you?” The words were quiet and serious
“What do you mean?” You asked, genuinely confused as you looked up from the datapad's flight checklist.
“Where do you want to go? I’ll take you anywhere.” He swivled the pilot’s chair towards you. “You have family or friends somewhere that can keep you safe? Maybe an outer rim planet?”
“Rex, I’m not leaving you.” You slowly put down the datapad and crossed your arms.
“I don’t know where I’m going.”
“We can figure it out together.”
“That’s not an option. The Empire thinks I’m dead now but there’s still a war going on and I’ve got enough life in me to put up a good fight.” His jaw set as he spoke, “It won’t be safe for you.”
“Who said I wanted to be safe? I want to fight too.” Your heart began to pound and your voice started to raise as panic at the idea of suddenly being all alone set in. You knew you could make it, if it came to that. You were alone for a long time before you got hired on with the 501st and met Jesse. Right now though, you wanted to stay with Rex.
“I don’t know what this fight is going to look like. I can’t take you with me. It's not safe.” His own tone met yours and he was coming dangerously close to yelling as he repeated his protest.
“I can either go with you or I can go out on my own.” You leaned back in your chair, your mind made up. “It’s up to you.”
Promise me, Rex heard a voice whisper. He sighed as he raised a hand to his forehead to massage his temples. He knew better than to test your determination. He had served with many civilians in the GAR but he’d never met one as stubborn or as gutsy as you. It was something that both he and Jesse had fallen in love with.
“Alright, we’ll stick together.” He mumbled, turning back to the ship’s preparations.
“Thank you,” You reached over and clasped a hand over his as it rested on the joystick.
He felt his heart skip a beat as your soft hand held his rough, calloused one. Aruetii, he silently cursed himself. Traitor in so many ways. Your hand released him, taking up the datapad again, and he let himself exhale.
“Besides,” You gave the clone a small smile, prompting muscle movement you hadn’t felt in days. “I’ve been around you long enough to know that you need a good mechanic.”
A ghost of his own smile drifted over Rex’s lips as he gave you a small roll of his eyes. He quickly busied himself with the ship's gears but the smile lingered on his face.
You and Rex had been on the run for almost two years now. You helped Rex free many clones and you’d found a small network of other fighters to join in a fight against this new Empire. The Martez sisters, Ahsoka, the Bad Batch, and Gregor all crossed your path from time to time and it was always good to see them.
Most of the time though, it was just you and Rex. You never discussed your partnership. It had become an unspoken agreement. And Rex certainly never made mention of any promise but he thought of it every night as he sat up during his shift on watch. It became his mission and his mantra. He had failed his men but he could protect you, he told himself as you slept, his eyes frequently wandering over to your quiet form. He didn’t know that you were watching him too, in your own way. He didn’t know that you saw the way he always made sure that there was caf on the ship, even if rations were low, because he knew that you liked to start your day with it or that he always took second watch just so he could make your morning cup. You saw the way he had traded his datapad to make sure you had a blaster and you saw the quiet patience that he gave day after day to train you with it. You saw the way his pulse quickened when you were pressed into alleyways together, hiding from enemies in pursuit. You even saw some of the things you had missed before, like the way he had always looked at you wasn’t the way friends look at each other. It wasn’t long after the two year mark when you realized you were looking at him in the same way. You thought maybe you should hate yourself for that. He was Jesse’s brother, after all. So you tucked that feeling away into corners of your heart that you didn’t go to any more.
A few months later, you sat with Rex at the small holo table you occasionally ate at, when time allowed you enough rest to sit down for a meal. This was one of those times. You had finished dinner about an hour ago. It had been a simple meal of protein bars, but you had scored some Corellian whiskey during your last ration run so now the two of you sipped on the sweet liquor from mismatched, plastoid glasses. Rex had brought out cards with the whiskey and you were trying your hardest to stumble through a game of sabacc. You felt like you were doing better than normal. At least, the pile of bolts that you used to place bets was bigger than usual but Rex’s face betrayed nothing.
You had fallen into a comfortable silence. The only sounds were the clatter of the dice and the quiet announcements of your moves. You stared over the top of your cards at Rex and smiled softly at the way he chewed his lip as he considered his hand. He had stripped his armor off from the top down, clad only in his black body glove above the waist. It was a warm night. You had on a bandeau top wrap around your chest and long, wide leg pants that floated around your ankles when you walked. Your gaze drifted from your companion to the small durasteel ship surrounding the both of you, the one that had become home. Behind Rex, the starlit night sky of this quiet and distant moon peered at the two of you through the viewport. It was bright enough that you didn���t need any other light (and leaving lights on was a bad idea anyways, you learned a long time ago). Your eyes fell back on the man across from you and you felt your heart swell. Dangerous thoughts began to rumble in your mind. Pushing them away, you settled on the feeling of gratitude. You let it overwhelm you. Putting your cards down with a sigh, you lifted your glass to your lips.
“You know, I never said thank you.” You finally spoke after the whiskey burned its way down your throat.
“For what?” Rex’s eyes snapped from his cards to you, a deep curiosity suddenly written across his furrowed brow.
“For letting me tag along.” You murmured as you swirled the liquid in your glass, letting it catch the starlight through the clear plastoid. “You could have refused. After everything you went through, you could have told me to go to hell.”
“No…” His voice trailed off as his eyes slid out of focus, still affixed to your face but staring somewhere far away. He placed his cards facedown on the table.
“I mean it, Rex. You had bigger problems than some sad mechanic but you let me stick around. You could have left me.” You shrugged as you set the glass down and turned your attention back to the man across from you.
“No, I couldn’t have.” He shook his head, “I promised.”
Then he told you about the promise.
“Rex, promise me.”
“Jesse, I'm not making you a promise like that.” He bit back at his brother.
His stomach churned at the idea. They sat on Jesse’s bunk in their barracks on Mandalore. They were waiting on Ahsoka’s next orders after her debrief with General Kenobi. Rex was fully dressed in his armor, his helmet ready at his side. Jesse was still only clad from the waist down. He had puked as soon as he had made it back to the barracks, first emptying his stomach and then dry-heaving in a trashcan for 30 minutes. Some of it lingered around his collar. Jesse didn’t seem to care. Rex had seen this look in men before. He had just never expected to see it in Jesse and he didn’t like it.
“Please.” Jesse’s wide eyes bore into him.
“You’re going to be fine.” He didn’t say anything about the other part of the promise, the one he would make in a heartbeat but couldn’t bring himself to consider because it would mean that Jesse was gone and that he was… was what? A replacement? A poor substitute? Was he just supposed to follow her around like a sad puppy dog, a reminder of what she would have lost and he could never have? It would be unbearable for both of them.
“Rex, I need to hear it. When I was down there in those sewers, all I could think was what would happen to her if I died? I need to know someone is going to look after her and I want it to be you.” His vod begged him.
“Promise me.”
“Alright!” Rex snapped as he surrendered to Jesse’s pleas. “I promise that, if anything happens to you - which it’s not going to - I’ll look after her.”
“And you swear you’ll go to Saleucami to get her?”
“I swear.”
“Thank you.”
The ARC Trooper’s shoulders visibly sank as tension fled them and he let out a sigh at his Captain’s promise. His attention suddenly landed on his soiled top and he frowned in disgust. He quickly stripped the body glove from his top half and turned to his trunk to pull out a replacement. Rex let out his own sigh, relieved at the change in his vod. He patted him on the shoulder as he stood.
“Just relax, Jesse. You and her are going to live long and happy lives together when this is all done.”
You felt tears well in your eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me that before?” Jesse’s worry for you was both a pang in your chest and a warm blanket that embraced you. You simultaneously felt both his absence and his presence.
“I didn’t want you to think I was sticking around just because of a promise. I would have anyways, in the end. I think Jesse knew that.”
“He knew you well.” You paused. “Why then?”
“Why what?”
“Why else would you stick with me?”
“You don’t know yet?” His eyes pleaded with you as you pressed him to reveal his last, most closely guarded secret.
You reached forward and placed your hand on his. You knew what you were asking him but you needed to know you weren’t crazy. You needed him to say it.
“Please, I want to hear it, Rex.” You whispered.
He sighed and stared at the holotable. His hand limp was under yours, as if he were afraid to move it because he didn’t know what it might do.
“I love you. I have since the moment we met. But I saw how happy you and Jesse made each other and I would have died rather than get in the way of that.” Rex took a shaky breath before he continued. “When I promised him I’d take care of you, I thought he was just upset after Maul took him. I never actually thought I’d have to go to Saleucami to find you. Never thought we could be on the run together.”
“But why didn’t you leave me?”
“If it had been up to me, I would have found you somewhere safe and hid you far away from this mess. Maybe that would have been better. But nowhere felt safe and I know you well enough to know that you meant it when you said you weren’t going to stay out of it. The only way I could keep you safe, the only way I could keep my promise, was to keep you near me.”
“You have no idea…” He stopped himself, turning away from you before he could keep speaking. “I hoped my feelings would go away, that maybe closeness would erase the shine of it. But, mesh’la, I’ve fallen more in love with you every day. So, yes, I would have looked after you anyways but I kept you with me because of that promise. It gave me purpose after losing all of my men. And I keep that promise to honor him. I keep it even though I am in love with you and all I can think when you look at me is that you must see the man you love and that must be so kriffing awful for you.”
You realized you were squeezing his hand in a grip that was sure to leave marks. Jesse knew, was all you could think. He knew that, if something happened, we would need each other. For the first time in a long time, you looked at Rex without guilt.
“Do you want to know what I see when I look at you, Rex?”
He didn’t move. He didn’t even turn his eyes to you.
“I see the man that has saved so many of his brothers from an evil regime. I see a man so earnestly dedicated to freedom that it inspires a whole army of rebels. I see a man whose passion for justice is going to bring this empire to its knees. I see blonde hair that’s a little uneven but you keep letting me shave it anyways. I see stubble on the cheeks of a man who misses a lot of things about the GAR but enjoys not feeling like he has to shave every day. I see the light in your eyes when you teach me the rules to sabacc and the patience it takes for you to teach me how to shoot.”
You tugged on his hand. His amber eyes turned to you, starlight dancing on golden flecks.
“Yes, I see your brother but I see all of your brothers and how tirelessly you love them. Rex, when I look at you, I do see the man I love but the only man I see is you. I love you.”
Rex suddenly stood up, jolted by your words. Before you could even register his movement, he was in front of you, dropping to his knees with a clatter of plastoid armor hitting durasteel floor. Slowly, his hands rose to your face. His calloused palms pressed themselves to your cheeks and fell along your jawline as he held you before him.
“Say that again.” He stilled entirely as he waited for your words.
“I love you, Rex.”
He stood once more, this time taking you with him. As you both rose, he pressed his warm, full lips to yours. You melted into the kiss. One hand stayed pressed to your cheek while the other fell to your waist, pulling you flush to him. You needed more of the man who you had ached for for so long. You let your tongue swipe across his bottom lip and beg for entrance. He let you in with a small moan. For all the suddenness of Rex’s movements, the kiss was slow and passionate. His tongue found yours like it was seeking a home. You felt his other hand come back to your face and he gently pulled away from you.
He stared at you with soft eyes and kiss-bruised lips. His gaze traveled over your face as you peered up at him, starry-eyed and waiting. He brushed hair from your face and swept it behind your ear.
“Mesh’la.” Rex whispered as he leaned in to press his forehead to yours. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” You reached up to caress his cheek, his skin soft beneath the stubble. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” He agreed, his head falling back so he could look into your eyes one more time.
With that, his lips found yours again. They were hungry this time, as if certainty brought a fierceness with it. Greedy tongues tangled together. He let his hands fall to your waist so he could pull you tight against him. Though his fingertips pressed into your skin, his hands didn’t move any further and you realized he was still holding back. You lowered your own hands to find the edges of his compression top. You ran your hand along them, letting them ride up above his waist and giving you access to his warm skin. You dragged your fingertips along his muscled core. He keened into your mouth at the ministrations. Feeling more bold, you began to tug at his shirt, rolling it up so you could slide it over his head. You broke your kiss for just a moment. Rex quickly discarded the shirt over his shoulder before devouring you again.
Spurred by your actions, Rex began to run his hands along your curves. He traced your silhouette with wide, resolute fingers. His touch sent heat pooling between your legs and it was time to move away from the holotable. You tugged him backward towards the small sleeping area that you shared, though your lips never left his. He spun you while you walked as one so he could slowly lead you down to the lower bunk of the beds you had shared for years. It had been his bunk but it didn't feel that way anymore.
Before he let you sink all the way to the thin mattress, he sat you on the edge of the bed, breaking your kiss. His hands came to your top and his eyes met yours in an unspoken question. You raised your hands to the fabric in answer. Rex’s hands quickly joined yours as he helped you unwrap your chest from the bandeau. He let out a curse as you came tumbling out from the quickly dismissed fabric.
Gently, he guided you back onto the bed, laying you out on the soft, worn sheets. Rex joined you, taking your seat on the edge of the bunk. He turned his attention to the armor he was still wearing. With lightning efficiency, he snapped each piece off and piled it on the floor. Just as quickly, his focus was back on you. He let his hands fall to your breasts, palming them and toying with your nipples before he continued tracing a path further south. He ran his fingers along the soft curve of your waist and down to your hips until he reached the seam of your pants. Dragging his hands across your skin until they sat at the top of the curve of your butt, he then hooked around the elastic and yanked your pants and underwear to your knees. He stripped them from you with his next move.
Rex let out a sigh as his eyes traveled back up your body, taking in your naked form. You reached up to tug at his lower bodysuit. He gave you a small smile at your impatience but he pulled them off his body and climbed into bed next to you.
You pressed yourself to him, drinking in the sensation of his bare skin on yours. Your lips met again. He pulled away from you, placing kisses along the delicate skin of your neck. His kisses trailed their way down your body as he traced each rib with warm breath and parted lips. Finally his head was between your legs. He teased the soft skin of your thighs, nipping at them. As you began to grind your hips, looking for more friction, he pressed a wide hand to your stomach, holding you in place. Then he drew a long stripe up your core with his tongue. You moaned at the sensation.
He devoured you, drinking up all you could give him. He found your sensitive nub and sucked until your legs shook. His tongue plunged in and out of you. As you writhed beneath him, he brought his other hand to your sex and dragged one finger across your labia before he sunk it into your soaking center. He quickly added a second finger but you still needed more.
“Fuck me, Rex. Please.” You brought your hand to the face between your legs and dragged your thumb across his cheek.
With one last kiss pressed to your thigh, Rex sighed and nodded. He pulled himself up so he could lay on one elbow above you. His eyes were lust-blown but the sweet, watery look of love persisted. He leaned down to capture your lips in one more tender kiss.
Then, he slowly sank into you. His dark eyes never left your face, drinking in your every move and moan of pleasure. In spite of his preparation, the intrusion of his hard length still took your breath away. He stopped for a moment, letting you adjust to his size. As the stretch turned from uncomfortable to intoxicating, you nodded to him to let him know you were okay.
He deliberately pulled almost all the way out of you before sinking home again. Rex found a rocking pace and he pulled waves of bliss from you with his rhythm. You could feel every ridge of his member as he discovered new depths with every plunge. His head fell to your neck and he mumbled praises into your skin as his thrusts became deeper and faster. You rose to meet him, your peak quickly approaching. He could feel it too.
“Cum with me, mesh’la.” Rex commanded, his eyes narrowing as he fought against his own climax to find yours.
“Rex,” You cried out as you threw your arms around him.
“Cum.” He ordered as he buried himself in you with one last thrust.
There was a blinding light and a moment of rapture. Your walls spasmed around him as you came, shaking and crying out. He stuttered as he erupted, painting your insides white with ropes of his spend. He collapsed next to you, taking you with him and pulling you close. His cock softened inside of you. A hand came to your face.
“Rex.” You leaned into his palm.
After your breathing stilled and he finally felt absolutely sure that this wouldn’t all evaporate into a dream if he stood up, Rex rose from the bed and shuffled to the fresher. You barely registered as he brought back a towel and cleaned you up. Just as quickly, he was back in bed by your side, pulling you into him.
In the early hours of that morning, as he played with the hair cascading down your back and watched the small rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, he thought of his vod and he was grateful for his promise.
Ner ka’ra, ner kar’am, ner kar’ta, ner riduur: My stars, my breath, my heart, my partner
Urcye mhi: We'll meet again
Aruetii: Traitor
Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la: Not gone, merely marching far away
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ladykatakuri · 2 years
Stardust Reblog Challenge Master List
Participating in this challenge, I am making this master list and hope it may guide you to stories not yet read that you can now discover and enjoy or re discover. You can also find the stories of all others who make these lists etc under the tag #stardust reblog challenge.
September 2022:
September 1:
The Gym Membership Part 13 ( Echo ) by @imabeautifulbutterfly SFW
Clone Trooper Rambles: Routine by @wanderinginksplot SFW
All in Favor of You Poe Dameron x F! Reader by @princessxkenobi SFW
All Around Me Savage Opress x Reader by @eyecandyeoz NSFW
September 2:
The Bad Batch: Just Curious TBB x Reader and with Omega by @rainydaydream-gal18 SFW
Kindred: Prologue Hunter x F! OC by @clonecyaree eventual 18+
Sins of the Father ch. 34 by @imabeautifulbutterfly SFW
TBB + Rex x Tall Reader HCs by @zoeykallus SFW
Truth or Dare TBB x F! Reader by @zoeykallus NSFW
Celebrating Together Frankie Morales x F. Reader x Benny Miller by @wardenparker NSFW
Traveler of the Night Khonshu x Fem. Reader by @interstellarwraith NSFW
Dirty Little Thief ch. 12 Hunter x F!Reader by @zoeykallus NSFW
Boinsoir ch.5 Gregor x OC Cassia Nu by @kaminocasey SFW
Rex - In Love and War 8 Rex x F!Reader by @zoeykallus SFW ( slightly suggestive )
Bruises and Scrapes 2 GN!Reader x Silco by @a-gal-with-taste SFW
Wild Abandon part5 Ezra x F!Reader by@starlightmornings NSFW
TBB x S/O Born with 2 fingers on their right hand by @zoeykallus SFW
Echo and Fives ficlet from asks by @wild-karrde SFW
TBB x F!Reader - First date HC`s by @zoeykallus SFW
Howzer x Medic!Reader by @wild-karrde SFW
Hotel Sanguine Max Phillips x F!Reader by @absurdthirst NSFW
The Cottage part 2 Rebels!Rex x Wife!Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
Love me Gently Hunter x F!Reader by @zoeykallus NSFW
Veman`alor ch.24 Boba Fett x Reader - Din Djarin x Reader by: @galacticgraffiti NSFW
TBB x Fem!Reader - Hurt HC`s, She loves me not by @zoeykallus SFW
A Glimpse of Us part 3C Rex x Reader x Hunter by @kaminocasey NSFW
Gar Cyare Chapter 2, Alpha17 x F!Reader by @wanderinginksplot SFW
Late Night Feelings, Crosshair x F!Reader by : @kaminocasey NSFW
TBB x Reader Soft HC`s - Tall Guys by: @zoeykallus SFW
All in Favor of You, Poe Dameron x F!Reader by: @princessxkenobi SFW (ish)
The Cottage Part 3, Rebels!Rex x F!Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
Hunter: Enemy Mine 4 and 5, Hunter x F!Reader by @zoeykallus NSFW
Moving On part.10 Wolffe x F!OC Jirli by: @imabeautifulbutterfly SFW
The Hand that Feeds, Boba Fett x F!Reader Ch. 11 & 12 ( Finale and Epilogue ) by: @interstellarwraith SFW
TBB x F!Reader Spicey HC`s-Needing your attention by @zoeykallus NSFW
Tender Hearts 2/2 Dogma x F!Reader by: @nahoney22 NSFW
What Blooms in Thunder Final Chapter, Rex x F!Reader, Fives x Male OC, Lieutenant Rose x F! Reader by: @rowansparrow-writing NSFW
The Riders, Silco/Reader by: @a-gal-with-taste SFW
There for You 21, Echo x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
In Perfect Light Ch.30 Crosshair x F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
TBB x F!Reader HC`s - Holding a Baby by: @zoeykallus SFW
You`re Worlds Away, Din Djarin x F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
Do You Hear The People Sing, Fox x Reader, Thorn x Reader ( kinda ) by: @kaminocasey NSFW
Crosshair - My Beloved Enemy 39, Crosshair x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus NSFW
PAMARTHE ARC 3: HIREACH (HIGH-RAWK), Din Djarin x F!Reader by: @djarinsbeskar NSFW
TBB x F!Reader HCs - A Soldiers Love by @zoeykallus SFW
TBB x Reader HC`s - Get Rid of a Toxic Friend by: @zoeykallus SFW
Rex - In Love and War 9, Rex x F!Reader by @zoeykallus NSFW
TBB x Reader with coily hair by: @zoeykallus SFW
TBB, Maul, Kit Fisto, Fox x F!Reader HC`s - Adopting a Pet by: @zoeykallus SFW
TBB x F!Reader HC`s - To Be Heard by: @zoeykallus SFW
My Sweet Traitor, Imp!Crosshair x F!Reader 1/? by @zoeykallus SFW
TBB x Reader HC`s - Kitchen Dancing by: @zoeykallus Partly Suggestive
Always, Forever - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Tagging: @imabeautifulbutterfly@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@cyroku@reluctant-mandalore@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@galacticgraffiti@ashotofspotchka@dindjarindiaries@dinbeskarbaby@djarrex@djarinsbeskar@rowansparrow@photogirl894@rigelmoonshine@rigel-the-moonstrider@nahoney22@loth-wolffe@neon-junkie@bobafetts-princess@cyarbika@charnelhouse@zoeykallus@kin-rokku@jgvfhl@honestly-shite@here-comes-the-moose@dindjarindiaries@firstofficerwiggles@fictional-men-ruin-lives @ladysongmaster @lozalot @moonstrider9904@lorjukka@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @rain-on-kamino @monako-jinn-stories
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dez78 · 2 years
Reader: Fives, baby. You know I love you through the galaxy and back, that I'd do anything for you and that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Reader: But you're a kriffing idiot.
Fives: Yes, but I'm your idiot.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Think im still in time for soft hours?? could i get... fives being gay for his boyfriend plz?? There’s barely any male reader insert stuff and i love him a lot (if i read timezones wrong feel free to ignore)
So I do want to point out that the majority of my reader fics are gender neutral just to be as inclusive as possible, but yes ofc I will do my best for you. Please let me know if anything I write is out of line.
You couldn’t stop tapping your foot. Between your anticipation and some lingering nervousness, it was impossible for you to remain still. It was a success in your book that you had limited your jitters to solely one part of your body.
This was the first time you’d gone to the GAR docks to meet Fives when he returned on leave. Usually, you’d wait for him at your apartment, thus allowing him to completely unwind from the moment he saw you. But today, you’d received a message from him asking if you’d meet him here. It was a surprise for sure, but there was no other conceivable answer in your mind than “yes.”
As the first troopers began disembarking from the recently arrived shuttles, you let your eyes roam over the sea of white and blue, searching for his helmet or face. You wanted to remain focused on him, on the swell of happiness that came with seeing Fives once again, instead of letting your mind bring up any worries you had about finally meeting him when around so many of his brothers.
He never made you wait long. He was just as eager to see you, something made evident by the bright grin on his face when you finally caught sight of him as he pulled away from a clump of other troopers. Your legs were moving you towards him you even realized, but it just meant that you didn’t have to wait as long before you were pulling him into a tight embrace, your arms tightly winding around his waist as if you were afraid of him vanishing midair.
“Hey, you,” Fives laughed as his arms came around your shoulders, his face pressing into the crevice of your neck as he briefly lost himself in the feel and smell of you. You reminded him of safety, of home, and it was just what he needed after so many long weeks away on the front.
“I missed you too,” you chuckle in reply, your elation at having your boyfriend back with you once again sending a flood of warmth through your body.
“Missed you most,” he shoots back as he pulls back just enough so he can press a brief kiss to your jaw, and then your lips, and then your cheek. “Thanks... thanks for meeting me here. I know we hadn’t talked about it but—”
You silence him with a kiss of your own. “Don’t worry about it. It just meant I got to see you faster.”
Some tension clearly drains from his body as he smiles at your reassurance. “You’re my favorite boyfriend.”
“I’m your only boyfriend, Fives.”
“I know, that’s what makes you my favorite,” he teases back, and suddenly it’s like he never left. “Can we go home now?”
You release your hold on him and shift so you’re side by side, allowing you to now link your fingers with his gloved ones. Despite the fabric between you, the warmth from his palm seeps into your skin and makes you clutch him a bit tighter at the reminder that he’s real and here and with you again. “Yeah, yeah we can. But only if we can get takeout on the way back.”
Fives grinned easily as you both began walking back the way you’d come, heading out into the civilian sector of Coruscant. “I was hoping you’d say that. Sounds like a plan.”
You might be heading back to your apartment, but as you continue through the streets hand in hand with Fives, you realize you’re already home.
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not-really-a-writer · 2 years
The Ugly Friend
lil bit of ARC Trooper Fives x reader (sort of). Captain Rex x reader
Summary: You hit the town with your coworkers only to find yourself in a familiar situation: you're the ugly friend. It's gonna be a long night. ~5.7k word count
Warnings: alcohol use. Frustration, jealousy-ish feelings, guys being immature douchebags, sort of competition for a guy, rejection, being ignored, flirting, wavering self confidence, a kiss.
You pull a pink blazer on over your low cut white top and stand in front of your mirror. Damn! The front of your blouse accentuates the soft curves of your chest just the right way. Your shorts are a bit cheeky, but your blazer adds just the right amount of modesty and classiness to your outfit. You slip on some magenta heels and turn around to inspect yourself again in the mirror.
Yup, the heels really make the outfit. You admire the way they make your legs and ass look. The image before you fills you with confidence because you look damn good. This is the most daring thing you've worn in a while. The bold colors, the skin showing. You hope tonight's 'night out with the girls' is going to be fun.
You had recently arrived on Coruscant with a small group of other women. Several years post-graduation, you had recently changed careers and started all over in a new field. A risky move in the middle of a war, but it was a new and exciting chapter for you. For the past few weeks, you and the others had all been going through your introductory classes together as new hires for the company you all worked for. One of the ladies suggested going out tonight now that you had some time off and everyone agreed. Except, one part of you - a part you were ashamed to admit - didn't really want to go out with them at all.
And that reason was... out of the four new ladies at your company, you were very clearly 'the ugly friend' of the bunch. It wasn't even that they were several years younger than you. It's just that they were far prettier.
First, there was Tia. She was a thin, leggy blonde who turned heads everywhere she went. Literally. Then, there was Candy. A sultry redhead who effortlessly drew stares with her curvy body. She was curvy like a holonet advertisement model edited to perfect proportions, not like you at all. Finally, there was Liv, a Twilek. The exotic beauty of her lilac skin and green eyes were a magnet for men and women of all species.
You really tried to not feel jealous of them. Though you hadn't known them long, they were fairly nice and friendly to you. The problem was really how other people treated you in comparison to how they treated them, and how they treated you while in their company.
Your male coworkers would listen to them more than you, despite you having years of life experience over them. They would offer to take them out to lunch, hang out at happy hour after work, or help them with whatever tasks they were doing at work.
For you, your male coworkers would talk over you. They NEVER asked you out to lunch, or to take you out for drinks after work. Whenever you needed help, they would be short with you or just tell you to look things up in the procedure manuals.
And that's how they treated you when you were alone. If you were in a group together. Well, you were damn near invisible. People would not even acknowledge your presence if you were in a group together at work. You can only imagine how bad it will be tonight when they're all dressed up like you are now, looking to have a fun night out.
It's still a bit early but you decide head down a few levels to the designated meeting spot - some bar you hadn't heard of, but it had good reviews. It was a smaller, casual type of place. A good place to have a calm start to the night.
When you walk in the door, you take a glance at the bar and to your surprise, they're already there. You see the ladies - Candy, Tia, and Liv - posted up at the bar. Of course, they look fabulous. Tia is wearing a sparking silver dress that shows off her tiny figure and long legs. Candy is wrapped in a luxurious scarlet fabric that rivals the vibrancy of her red locks. Liv is wearing fitted leggings and a crop top that shows off her flat midriff and toned body. And of course, hovering around them are a small group of well dressed, attractive men.
Liv is seated at the end of the bar with her back against a wall. She faces the entrance of the bar, so she actually notices you arriving. She waves to you and motions for you to join them. You walk over, trying to hold on to your confidence.
"Hey, glad you could make it out," Liv says. "Yeah, me too. I needed a night out," you say.
"So, you were saying..?" a man to your left says toward Liv. There were two guys standing on either side of her. They must have been talking about something before you arrived. "Hang on, " she says toward him, holding up her finger. You notice her squirming in the barstool a bit. "Can you hold my drink while I go to the refresher?" she says, looking at you.
"Sure!" you say with a smile. She slips off the stool, and saunters off leaving you with her drink and the guy she was talking to. You turn to introduce yourself. He is quite attractive, a bit young for your taste, so you're not trying to take his attention off Liv. You just want to be polite.
"I'm - ," you start to say, but you notice he and the other guy have already started to move away from you to join the others standing around Candy and Tia.
You turn around and listen in on the conversation. One of the men is telling a joke or some anecdote to both of the ladies. They are listening and laughing along with him. After he finishes. One of the other guys jumps in and starts talking to Candy. Tia's attention is drawn to another man on her right that pipes up with something to say as well. The others appear to be listening in, chatting amongst themselves or waiting for their turn to jump in the conversation. No-one makes an effort to talk to you.
You finally get a chance to grab one of the ladies' attention to say 'Hi.' You hadn't spoken with either of them since you arrived. "Candy! Hey!" you say between the men standing in your way. "Hey girl," she reaches out to you and offers a fist bump. "Having fun?" she asks. You shrug. "Just got here," you reply. Candy nods. "Us too!" she says, but then her attention is swept away again when one of the men steps in to flirt. Of course, within minutes of arriving they would be swarmed with guys clamoring for their attention.
It's hard to stand there, not knowing what to say. You don't know these men and you haven't been involved in the conversations earlier that evening. They appear to be well-to-do, judging on how they're dressed. They must also work in one of the corporate offices above. None of them are making an effort to include you in the discussions or talk to you directly. Everyone is so involved with talking to each other or trying to flirt with Candy or Tia, so you just kind of stand there and listen passively. Some of the guys are young, like the ladies, but some appear to be around your own age or older. Yet, they do not show any interest in you, and literally ignore your presence.
Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Liv is back from the refresher. "Thanks!" she says gratefully. You give her drink back and she slips back onto her stool. "Ah you're back!" the man she was talking to earlier steps back over before you or Liv can say anything to each other. "Yeah, so now tell me about..." Liv and the man resume their conversation from before her 'fresher break.
Ok, time for a drink, you think. You flag down the bartender and give him your order. "Hey, buddy," you hear being called out from your right side. One of the men flirting with Candy and/or Tia waves at the bartender in a friendly manner. "Can I get another round of whiskeys, and another round of whatever the ladies are having," he says.
"Thank you!" Liv says, across the group, placing her hand over her heart. "I got you baby," he says back to her. The man she is talking to grins at his friend buying the drinks and resumes his conversation with Liv.
You watch the bartender whip up the whiskeys and drinks for Liv, Candy, and Tia. He sets your drink down in front of you. "Six credits," he says. Clearly, he doesn't group you in with the 'ladies.' You drop the credits in his hand. To be fair, the man flirting with Candy and/or Tia did order another round for the ladies after you placed your order.
You scoop up your drink and look out across the bar. There is a crew setting up karaoke equipment in the corner. That looks like fun! "Oh look, karaoke!" you say, toward the guy standing on your left. He hasn't really been talking much tonight. Mostly, he has just been standing around Liv and listening to her talk. He doesn't react to you, so you speak up. "Hey, did you see they're setting up karaoke stuff?" you say, trying to make eye contact and initiate conversation. He locks eyes with you briefly before looking away mid-sentence to refocus back on Liv and his friend. There's no way he didn't see you talking. He is just ignoring you.
You turn around and try to join in on the conversation around Tia and Candy. "OOh, that looks good," Tia says, turning toward you and noticing your drink. "It is," you agree. Your colorful cocktail was bursting with flavor. It was something you had heard of, but hadn't tried yet. "Want a sip?" you offer. "Sure. Thanks!," Tia says, taking your drink. She takes a little sip and rolls her eyes back in her head, licking her lips. "Mmmm, that IS good," she says, handing your drink back. "I want one of those next," she says. A couple of the guys around her chuckle. "You got it," one of them says. "I know of a place that mixes those really well. Not too far from here."
"I dunno, it's gotta be good to beat that," Tia says. "Oh, it will be. You'll see," he says to her. After some more conversation, you look out across the bar at the DJ table where the karaoke equipment has been set up. It had been while since you had sang at a bar like this. It was not something you did often, but something that you found fun. You wondered if the girls liked singing too. You glance over at them. They're too busy for you to ask at the moment.
"Ready?" one of the men talking to Candy and Tia says. A chorus of agreement sounds and then you see a different guy each reach out to Liv, Tia, and Candy to help them down from their barstools. Each man holds out a bent arm which each of the ladies graciously accepts by hooking her arm into his. Huh? The group has decided to leave?
Not that anyone really included you in the conversation, but you did try to listen in. "Where are we going?" you ask toward the group. None of the guys responds. "Hey, where are we going?" you ask, tugging gently on Liv's other arm. "Up. Some place they know has good drinks, " she explains. "You'll love it," her guy says to her, not to you. "Lead the way," she says, flirting back with him.
You sigh and stare at a distant point in the bar, but don't move. They move past you to join the group inching toward the door. You feel frustrated and aren't having fun at all. All these guys jockeying for the girls' eyes and ears, showering them with attention. Of course it is fun for them. So much for the 'girls night.'
You still don't even know where they're all going. Or anything about these guys. They didn't talk to you. And you know why. The same reason as always. Nobody wants to be stuck with the ugly friend.
Liv, Candy, and Tia were all absorbed in their conversations so they couldn't really pay attention to you. And you couldn't blame them. They were like you: single and out to have fun. They couldn't help that they were beautiful and got so much attention. You could barely get a word in between the suitors practically fighting over each other and fighting you to talk to them. It was too much. This group and the vibe is off but the ladies seem to be all about it.
You turn at watch the group congregating toward the exit. If you stand still, they probably won't even notice you're not there, you think.
Out of the corner of her eye, Tia does notice you, and she breaks away from her guy to come back to you. "Hey, you coming? They're taking us to Eleven on Main."
No, they're taking you, Liv and Candy there, you think. But you don't say it. You don't want her pity.
Of course. Eleven on Main. You had heard of that place. It's upper crust only and very swanky. "Meh. I've been there," you lie. "It's not my thing. Actually, I'm feeling a little done. This drink is hitting me harder than I thought. Might call it a night already," you say.
Tia looks at you for a minute and you decide that she bought your lies. "Ok hon. Be safe. See you at the next training session," she says before returning to the waiting group.
"You too," you say and watch them leave. Climbing onto one of three now-empty stools, you sit to enjoy the rest of your drink. You can't help but feel a little melancholy sitting at the bar by yourself. You felt so confident leaving your apartment earlier, but then things like this happen and it messes with your head. The karaoke would be starting soon so at least you could have some entertainment before you leave.
Looking across the bar, you notice a small group of clone troopers entering one by one. You had taken Liv's spot at the end of the bar, facing the entrance, so you got a view of them all as they came in.
They are dressed down for the night, upper armor removed, but you can still see the blue markings on the lower pieces. Ah the 501st is back on Coruscant. You'd heard of them. They were famous since the Clone War started.
The three of them move toward the bar and take up some of the empty stools a couple of spots down from you. You try not to stare, but you can't help but notice them and the way their black undershirts cling to their bodies. The fabric leaves little to the imagination, as it forms almost a second skin on top of their broad backs and shoulders, well muscled arms, and rippling abs. There is a blonde one, one with a large Republic crest tattoo on his head, and one with designs cut into his hair.
The first singer of the night takes the mic and starts off with a poppy tune that you recognize. It's a good song. You notice two more clones enter the bar together, and call out to the ones already seated. They talk to their brothers and then move toward the two empty stools next to you.
The one with a "5" on his temple and goatee turns toward you, "Are these seats open?" he asks. Mmm. He's cute, you think. "Yes they are," you answer, turning your torso a bit. You subtly pull your blazer open to try to show some skin in an attempt to flirt. Guys rarely hit on you so you were used to making the first moves to try to get things going.
"Ok cool," he says, taking the seat next to you, while his brother sits on his other side. "Let me guess, you're with the 501st?" you ask, trying to initiate conversation. "Yeah, that's right," he says, turning his head to you and offering a friendly smile. "The blue gives it away, huh?"
"Well, yeah. I thought so. You guys are pretty well-known throughout the galaxy. I guess I never expected to actually meet one of you," you say. The trooper grins wide and proud, and you see him scrunch up his eyes a little.
"I see. I'm Fives," he says, holding out his hand. You take it and give him your name. "Pleasure to meet one of the famous 501st. Can I get you a drink?" you ask flirtatiously with a smirk on your lips.
You order him a drink and starts to sip it right away. You decide to try to keep up the conversation with this cute trooper. "You here for the karaoke?" you ask him.
"I didn't know they were doing that tonight," he says, "but I am so down for it!" You smile at him. His face is just like the others, with exception of his tattoo and goatee. His tan skin, dark amber eyes, full lips. "How 'bout you?" he asks.
"I uh, only really do it after a few drinks," you stammer out. And it's true. Fives motions toward your half empty drink on the bar in front of you. "I can't be certain, but you look like you need another drink soon. Hopefully, you'll let me buy you one?" he asks with a smirk of his own. Mmm that smirk, so sexy.
"I'll allow it," you say with a wink, "but only because you're cute."
Fives looks you up and down slowly, and chuckles. You feel your cheeks heat up in response to his attention. "Well, you're pretty cute yourself," he says back. You smile at his compliment. He's awfully adorable! You would have stood no chance if the ladies were here with you. You're glad that he's noticed you.
"Wanna look at songs with me?" you ask. "Yeah, lets go," he says. You each grab your drinks, go together to look at the song selection at the DJ's table.
While flipping through the selections, you chat and find that you have similar taste in music. In fact, you both end up picking the same song and decide to just do it together.
And singing it together turns out to be a blast! Fives is actually a very good singer. You aren't the best singer but you had sang this song in the shower so many times that you at least had some kind of practice. It is a popular song that gets the whole bar singing and dancing along with you both.
"That was so much fun!" you say, reaching out to put a hand on Fives' shoulder. You throw back the rest of your drink to cool your throat which was kind of raw from belting out the song earlier. Fives pats you on the shoulder and you walk back toward the bar together where you were previously seated.
As you approach the bar, you notice that in yours and Fives' former barstools are seated two identical women - twins - who happen to be very beautiful. The trooper Fives walked in with is facing the one seated next to him, and chatting with them both. And that's fine. You weren't worried trying to save the seats.
Fives approaches the bar, standing next to his seated brother and you follow behind him. "And this is my twin, Fives," the man says, softly elbowing Fives in the rib. "Hey, Echo," Fives says looking at his brother with amused annoyance, but then he catches sight of the twins giggling at Echo's remark. "Hello there, Fives," they both say nearly in unison, batting their pretty eyes.
You see Fives' do a double take between the sisters. The concept of natural twins must be fascinating to the clones. The twin ladies both have the same dark wavy hair, and stunning tan skin tone. They are wearing identical dresses, but one is in red while the other is in blue.
"Fives, this is Staci," Echo says, motioning to the one dressed in red. "And this is Maci," Echo says, tipping his head toward the woman seated next to him, in blue.
Fives flashes them each a smile, and greets them both. You watch both Staci and Maci hungrily eye the two troopers up. And that's fine. They can have Echo or the others seated at the bar. You saw Fives first. And you had just slayed a karaoke song together. And he's getting you a drink.
Echo turns to you and notices you standing behind Fives. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there, " he apologizes. "I'm Echo. And you are...?" he asks. You introduce yourself to Echo and he nods his head. "Nice singing earlier," he says, offering you a thumbs up. "Yeah, I fuckin love that song!" Maci pipes up. "Makes me wanna dance!" Staci says, raising her arms above her head and moving in her seat to the new song playing now. "Whooo!" Maci copies her actions before turning to take Echo's hands and pull him out of his seat to dance nearby.
Fives turns around and hands you a fresh drink. "Here's that drink I promised," he says with a warm smile. "Wanna grab a table?" you offer toward Fives, motioning toward an empty table for two across from the bar.
Due to the volume of music and chatter in the bar, you had to say that louder than you wanted in order for him to hear you. Unfortunately, that meant that Staci heard you when she decided to butt in. "Dance with me," she says, moving closer toward you and Fives. Fives quickly downs his shot and places the empty glass on the bar, while Staci moves in on him. He turns and joins her. "Uhh, sure!" he says, dancing to the song along with Maci and Echo. You happen to like the song too, so you kind of join in on the dancing together around them. There are other people at the bar dancing around the floor so it's not like you're all by yourselves out there.
When the song ends, you turn toward Fives to see if he wants to go get a table now, but he and Staci are still holding onto each other. Dammit! You'd been in this situation before. Where you'd actually gotten a guy's attention only for someone else to swoop in. You don't believe in competition, but you want to be aggressive enough to let it be known you are attracted to him. If Staci was brave enough to make such a bold a move, then you should feel confident to do the same.
A new song comes on and the beat is bumpin'. Perfect. You dance over to Staci and Fives hoping to get him to dance with you for a song now. You go right where he can see you and you decide to take a play out of Staci's book. "Hey Fives! Dance with me!" you say with an inviting smile, holding out your arms and playfully making a 'come hither' motion with both your index fingers.
You see Staci pout up at Fives. His face fills with confusion, like he is torn on this decision. Then, lets out a chuckle, holding up one hand, palm up, shrugging his shoulder. He's acting like he's stuck with her and there's nothing he can do. It's frustrating, but he's adorable.
The beat goes on and Staci starts to dance closer to him until they are basically grinding on each other. You continue dancing by yourself hoping you can get your chance the next song. You now had turned into a 5th wheel, effectively, in a matter of minutes.
As soon as the song ends, you move closer to Fives. He and Staci are still clinging to each other and whispering in each others' ears. If he didn't want to dance with you, maybe he'd want to do another karaoke song? You had a lot of fun earlier with the song you did together. "Hey Fives, wanna do another song?" you offer. If you could only get him away from Staci...
Fives and Staci stare at each other as they catch their breaths from their dirty dance session. Clearly, something is developing between them. You sigh and give up. You don't stand a chance against her.
Fives looks up at you, shaking his head and scrunching his nose. "Nah, we're actually heading out," he says, confirming your suspicions. "Echo! 79s?" he calls out to his brother. Echo nods and whispers something into Maci's ear. She nods with excitement. "It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the drink earlier, and have fun singing tonight," Fives says to you politely as he and Echo gather up the twins and exit the bar.
Looking down the bar, you notice the group of three clones from earlier is now reduced to two. The blonde one is gone already. The one with the designs in his hair and the Republic crest tattoo guy are putting a few credits on the bar to pay for their drinks. They're getting ready to leave as well.
You return to the corner barstool where you sat most of the night. Your half empty drink that Fives bought you is still on the bar. The ice has melted into it by now and it is watery tasting, but you give it a good stir, and still drink it. It's your consolation prize for the night.
Facing the bar, you sip your drink steadily, now with the intention of finishing it and calling it a night. You are alone in your thoughts when you hear a familiar voice over you right shoulder. Fives?
You turn to see the blonde clone from earlier. "Miss...I saw you with my troopers Fives and Echo earlier. Is everything OK?" he asks with concern.
"Yeah," you say rolling your eyes lightly, making a dismissive motion with your hand. "They, uh, left with some other girls," you say. The blonde clone seems surprised by your answer, and maintains his look of concern. "Ok, I just wanted to make sure they were treating you right," he says taking a seat next to you, and setting his drink on the bar. "I'm Rex, by the way," he says. Then, you introduce yourself to him.
"Heard you singing earlier," he says, his face bearing that same sexy smirk that Fives showed you earlier. Do they all smile like that? you wonder inside your head. His eyes quietly roam your figure nearly the same way Fives' did earlier, but there's something softer about the way Rex does it . "Do you do this kind of thing often?" he asks, motioning toward the karaoke DJ.
"No, not really. I sing a lot, just not in front of other people much. Just like, in the shower and stuff like that," you admit. Rex puts his elbow on the bar and turns slightly toward you, smiling. "Oh, I understand," he says, nodding his head. "You're good though. A good singer," he says.
"Really? Thanks," you say earnestly, looking over his face. He's cute, too, you think. But much different from his trooper, Fives. Something about this one is suave and smoother. Less playful, and more deliberate.
"Do you sing?" you ask. "I do," he says, taking a sip of his drink. "Just not a lot in front of people."
"Then that's something we have in common," you raise your glass to offer a toast to that. You gently clink your glasses together. Rex huffs softly. "Cheers," he says, lifting his glass again to his pouty lips for a sip of his liquor. "I guess us being at a bar on karaoke night gives us a chance to break out of that pattern if we want," he adds, cocking his head to the side. You raise an eyebrow in interest, "Wanna go pick out a song?" you ask him. You see him hesitate. ”I bet you’re really good,” you add in encouragement.
The two clones that came in with Rex approach and tear his attention away from you for a second. "Sir, coming to 79s?" the one with the hair designs asks. "Kix, I think I'm sitting out on that place tonight. You boys have fun," he says. "Thanks. Good night Miss," the clone says before he and the other leave the bar.
You finally finish the rest of the melted drink Fives had bought you, while Rex knocks back the rest of his liquor. Then, you both go up to the DJ table to pick out a song together.
The song you pick is an absolute banger. It was popular several years ago, but it's a song with plenty of nostalgia and is enough to get the whole place dancing and singing along. Rex is an impressive singer, just as good as Fives, and you can't tell if it's the liquor or energy from the crowd, but he is really getting into the performance. You both dance and sing your heart out. You don't do this much, but when you do it, it's cathartic.
When you finish the song, Rex offers you a high five as you step back toward the bar together. "That was awesome!" you say, nearly out of breath. Instead of swatting his hand, you slowly press your hand against his and thread your fingers into the spaces between his fingers. He locks eyes with you as if to make sure he is reading the moment correctly. He accepts your advance and steps in toward you.
The next performer is singing slow song, a much needed break from the thundering pace of the previous songs of the night. You lean in to speak to him over the music. "Is this ok?" you ask, slowly putting your arms around him and beginning to sway to the music. You look up to him and smile bashfully. "Yes," he says, holding you. You aren't the most graceful dancer, but in his arms, following his lead, you feel like you are a queen in a grand ballroom dancing with a king.
When the song ends, you slowly break out of your embrace but Rex continues to hold your hand and guide you back to the bar. There, you easily fall into long conversation about everything. Music and dancing. Drinks and food. Space travel. Planets you'd both been to. What you're doing on Coruscant. He tells you about a little about the GAR and growing up on Kamino.
You spend the rest of your evening there at the bar, chatting away with Rex while the minutes go by. Before you know it, it's late and you're both feeling like it's time to call it a night.
Rex offers to walk you home, and you accept. How could you turn him down? You exit the bar, and begin to stroll to your apartment in the cool night air. As you step side by side slowly down the walkway, Rex wraps his hand around yours. "Is this ok?" he asks. You accept his hand into yours and you look up at him. "Yes," you say quietly. He is so gorgeous, and such a gentleman, he takes your breath away and it is hard not to stare at him, but you need to look at where you're stepping.
When you arrive at your building, you turn to face Rex. He's already looking at you when you face him. "Listen - " he says your name, "I had a really good time with you tonight." Rex suddenly seems a bit shy and looks a way for a bit before continuing. "I was hoping that next time I'm on Coruscant... that we can get together again?"
"Of course. Rex, I'd love to get to know you better. You seem like a fun guy," you say. You think you see Rex's cheeks flush even in the relative dim light of the nearby streetlamps. "Well, good. Thank you," he says quietly. You input your comm frequency into this device.
"I guess I'll just keep an ear out for when the galaxy-renowned 501st is back," you say. "Your General is quite famous in the media. Hopefully he lets you have some time off when you're back." You didn't know much about the Jedi but some of them were known to be very strict with their troopers' off time.
"General Skywalker will. He's pretty good about that kind of thing," Rex says, shrugging one shoulder. "So you don't have to worry about that.”
"What about the other officers? Are they good about that too?" you ask.
"Yeah," he replies, "Commander Tano likes to give us time off. So those decisions really just fall on the Captain." Rex's lips then form that sexy smirk from earlier. His hands move to hold you by your waist gently.
"Well, he'd better let you come see me next time," you say playfully.
"Oh, he will. He's me," Rex says, maintaining his little smirk. You giggle a bit at his statement, but then you realize that he is being honest with you. He's the Captain.
Nodding in understanding, you wrap your arms around him, looking over his face. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again," he whispers before leaning in for a kiss. You capture his mouth with yours, returning the kiss eagerly. His lips are just as soft and warm and inviting as they look. The kiss is short and sweet, but perfect at the same time. Just enough to leave your lips tingling and tease your curious mind about what it would be like to take things further.
That would have to wait until next time. "Good night," Rex says, barely pulling his mouth away to speak. "Good night, Captain," you tease, leaving him with a flirty smile.
You turn and walk into your apartment building with a little extra sway in your hips. Tonight had turned out quite well despite all that happened earlier. Perhaps it was a good thing you were left at the bar alone tonight so you could meet the dashing Captain of the famous 501st. Maybe tonight, being the 'ugly friend' was a good thing for once.
just some quick commentary - i don't mean for Fives to seem like an a-hole. I love him and would never mean to write him that way. For this story he wasn't completely vibing with Reader and that's ok. Not everyone we meet is gonna be attracted to us. I hc Fives as the type that is hott and he knows it, so maybe he's a bit more shallow. Like, he's not an a-hole at all, he just prefers pretty girls.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Can I request 8 from the list with Tech?
Stop Thinking
Ahh yes!
Tech x Reader: "No, no- I liked it."
Warnings: slight cursing
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Tech licked his lips. Squinting with furrowed brows as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was feeling self conscious about himself, and it didn't help you and the others decided to head for 79s. A place full of regs.. Normal clones. Perfect clones. Clones you seemed to get along with as well as you got along with him and his brothers.
"Tech, you about ready?" Your voice called from outside the door, and he felt his breath catch. "I uh, yeah, one second." He called back. Running his fingers through his hair one last time. Then slipping out of the fresher. None of you were dressed fancy. You all had your blacks on and lower armor still attached. The others already waiting outside while you stayed back for Tech.
He looked over to you. You were seated on a chair. Fixing your boots, then straightening up when you saw him trail out. "You feeling okay?" You asked. Looking at his slightly distressed form. Hands trembling a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine." You frowned. You knew he wasn't, but you didn't try and press it.
You stood up, looking up to the taller male with a small smile. "Ready then?" He nodded. You opening the door and heading out of the Marauder. Closing the door behind the two of you. He was quieter than normal as the two of you trailing behind his brothers as they bickered and rambled.
You were concerned to say the least. "It's really nice tonight, " you tried to start a conversation and he looked over. Nodding a bit. He was thankful you were trying. His mind was wandering, degrading every little thing about himself. "It really is, the stars are beautifully aligned, too." He commented, and you smiled. Looking up as the five of you went to get a cab.
You and Tech had to take a separate one. The ride was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. You were relaxed and he felt a little better just with you. You never once treated him differently for being defective. You treated him with the same respect you did other clones. If anything, you were a bit nicer to him than most. Always holding conversations, smiling his way, or going out of your way to help him. It always made his day a little brighter. Especially on days like these.
"You gunna dance with me?" You asked as you both approached 79's. You've only danced with him once. It was when you were both pretty buzzed, he was actually drunker than you. Which was a shock, but you never forgot it. It was one of the best nights of your life, and by the way he smiled fondly and his cheeks tinted pink. You were sure he at least remembered a bit of it. "Sure," you giggled a bit at that.
You walked out of the cab. Tech waiting for you to catch up with him. Two of you walking in to see the rest of the gang towards the back where they normally sat. You were going to head back there, but was stopped by the 104th. "Y/n!" Comet and Sinker nearly screamed as they ran over to you. Making you smile and snicker. Giving Tech a small glance as if to say you would join him in a bit. It didn’t take him long to disband from your side and head for the others.
You could practically feel who you assumed was Crosshair glaring daggers into the back of your skull for the five minutes you were talking to the troopers. You were just catching up, it was harmless. Or at least that’s what you thought.
“Sorry, I’m back,” you spoke with a small laugh as you sat at the booth the bad batch took over as theirs. “Welcome!” Wrecker chirped. Shoving you lightly with a snicker, and you snickered back. Eyes moving to Hunter and Crosshairs. “What..?” You spoke with a bit of a frown. “Why were you talking to them?” Cross spat, and you sighed. “Cross, I used to work for the 104th, I’m not about to ignore them. How’d you feel if I got assigned another troop and I just straight up ignored you guys?” You spat back. You noticed Hunters expression changed. He seemed to change his view point on it all, but Crosshair just scoffed.
“We should just enjoy our drinks-“ “Can it, Tech,” Cross sneered, and his eyes moved back to yours. Leaning over the table, but you didn’t back up. “They’re regs, we don’t talk to them, what part of that do you not understand?” It was your turn to lean in now. Furrowing your brow. “What part of you don’t run my life do you not understand?” You snarled. Smacking your hands on the table and standing.
“Wait, where are you going?” Wrecker asked, and you didn’t even turn to answer. “The bar.” Tech sat there and sighed. Head in hands. “They mean no harm and you know it,” “Tech we know as good as you that you feel insecure when she talks with the Regs.” Tech snapped his attention to his brother. Frown forming on his face. Nostrils flaring, “You don’t know bantha shit,” he snapped, and headed off to the bar as well.
It was nights like these he wished he was normal. Kriff, he loved his brothers, but their attitudes were always too stern and glum. He needed change, so he decided to accompany you at the bar with Comet, Sinker, Boost, Wolffe, and a few other troopers.
You noticed him approaching, smiling, but then frowning a bit. “If you came to drag me back to the table I won’t. I’m not letting Crosshairs petty attitude ruin my night.” He shook his head, fingers fiddling with the armor on his thighs. “No, I came to join you, actually.” Your smiled returned. Shoving Comet with a grin. “Move over, Tech sits by me!” Comet grumbled a bit, but did as told. “Yes, Sir,” he spoke and you rolled your eyes with a toothy grin.
“Alright Tech, this is Comet, Sinker, and Boost, that over there is Wolffe.” Everyone but Wolffe waved. “Don’t let him scare you off, he’s actually quite enjoyable.” You informed Tech with a grin. Shooting Wolffe a wink, which made the commander roll his eyes. Lips curled just shy of a smile. “Everyone, this is Tech, a good friend of mine.” He knew it shouldn’t, but you addressing him as a friend and not a coworker made his chest bubble with joy. Smiling as the others waved and welcomed him.
You, Tech, and The Wolfpack all participated in some drinking games with one another. One of them was ‘take a shot each time you could make Wolffe roll his eyes, two if he rolled his head and eyes.’ Though after some time you all moved to a different one since the buzz was hitting and Sinker was singing ‘Sweet Caroline,’ in a near scream.
You were laughing and enjoying yourself, and Tech spent most of the time looking over and studying your face. The way your nose scrunched up when you scolded one of the troopers, jokingly. The way your eyes nearly closed when you were laughing at a joke. Or even just the way your smile never seemed to faulter. This is what he wanted. He wanted an environment like this. One with you happy constantly. Where you weren’t scolding his brothers for something stupid. Or even himself. He began to wonder if you should transfer back to the 104th, or another legion in general.
His thoughts got the best of him again. Zoning out as he played with an empty shot glass on the counter. Coming back to when you nudged his side. “Hm?” “You good, Tech?” You asked, and his eyes widened. Realizing he was zoned out. He nodded, forcing a smile. “Yeah uh, yeah I’m fine. I just uhm.. need some air, is all.” He spoke, turning in the chair and heading off to the doors. You weren’t about to let this slide any longer.
You jumped off your stool, heading for the door with him. Catching it before it closed. The music still able to be heard outside the door once shut. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You asked, watching him turn around with a near hurt expression. “Don’t lie, either, I know you aren’t okay, I’ve been working around you long enough to know that.” You spoke. Approaching him a bit closer. You watched as he caved in. You could see it by the way he seemed to slump forward. His light eyes seeming to shatter. Worrying at his bottom lip.
“Y/n?..” he spoke, and you tilted your head a bit. “What is it, Techy?” You didn’t use that nickname on him much. Mainly only for your ears to hear. You weren’t sure of it at first, but he seemed to take a liking to it. Tech closing his eyes and sighing at the nickname. Then slowly opening them again. “I don’t think you belong with us.” He told you, and you furrowed your brows. He could tell his words hurt you, and he knew they would. “What?” Your voice wavered a bit. “I don’t mean it in anything against you, Kriff. You’re absolutely perfect, but you just seem so much happier with the 104th.” He told you. “I want what’s best for you, and well,” he chuckled, beginning to pace in front of you. “Quite honestly we aren’t the best. We’re stubborn, hard to work with, and quite un-enjoyable half the times.”
You folded your arms over your chest. “And you think the Wolfpack is any better? Did you see Wolffe? His scold is worse than Hunter and Crosshairs combined, and he holds a grudge as long, and if not longer than all of you. Then Sinker? Boost? Comet? For stars sake they’re a handful, they’re crazy, and chaotic, and Tech. What I’m trying to say is every clone unit has its flaws. No matter what. Whether it be the commander, Captain, General, Arc Trooper, whoever. There’s flaws in everyone.” You told him.
He stopped his pacing. Watching you as you told your spew, “and honestly, Tech. You aren’t in the authority to tell me what is good for me. I enjoy you all, even if I disagree with you all at times. I don’t expect a perfect troop. We’re in a war for makers sake,” you spoke, and noticed him shift at the mention of the war. “I enjoy all of you. Tech.. I enjoy you.” His eyes lit up at that. Then he looked back down.
“I’m not like them though, I’m blind, I can’t see without.. Without these,” he tapped his goggles. “I’m tan, sure, but I’m lighter than even my brothers and.. I stand out, and I hate it, y/n,” he rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh. “I feel like I’m not good enough,” your heart shattered into a million tiny pieces at his words. Stepping closer. Pausing when he seemed to tense. Reaching out to place your hands on his shoulders as if to ground him as you looked up to him.
You just stood there, watching his eyes look over yours for a moment. Searching for an answer, like he always was. “Tech, stop thinking.” He furrowed his brow. “You’re overthinking all of this, you’re good enough, in my eyes you are.” You told him. Watching as he seemed to relax under your touch. Hands running up to rest on the sides of his neck. Thumbs rubbing his exposed skin. Making him shudder. “I don’t care if you’re different,or that you need glasses. Tech, you’re absolutely perfect to me. You’re brilliant, handsome, and a fucking badass.” You both snickered at that. Techs fingers tapping at his thighs.
“Thank you,” you smiled and nodded. “‘Course.” The both of you standing there for a second. Taking in the moment and the touch of one another. Then you made a move that you immediately blamed on the booze. Pressing a quick kiss to his lips, and he froze up. Eyes widening. “Sorry I-“ you blurted, taking a step back. Pulling your hands from the base of his neck, but he caught them with his. His hands carefully holding yours. “No no- I liked it,” he assured, and you both smiled. Cheeks tinted pink. “Well..” you hummed, “you still up for that dance?” He chuckled and nodded. “Always.”
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toomanybandstocare · 11 months
Hey there Mythos!!
BIG congratulations!!! Getting to know you has been excellent!
For your celebration, my I request a Platonic Summer of Fun??
Thank you, my friend!
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₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ - Summer of Fun
Who I would ship you with plus a little drabble. @art-of-the-twistedstitcher / @twistedstitcher27 requested a platonic summer of fun, and once I thought of Fives sitting next to you at your work bench it just clicked. Thank you for celebrating with me, an dI hope all is well! <3
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives & GN! Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Length: 824w + 269w
Warnings: Term of endearment (Kairtep = desperately brave of heart), Barely edited - I have been exhausted but still wanted to work on a request
Counselor Notes: I may have inserted myself a little in this with how it feels to be a creative and how we show our emotions through our work, but I hope you still enjoy <3
-> Celebration Announcement Post <- -> Celebration Masterlist <- -> Camp Resolute Masterlist <-
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Lofi softly hums through your Coruscant apartment as you pad across the cool tile flooring to the kitchen. Paintbrush between your teeth, you dump out the murky paint water from your water jar and replenish it after swishing out paint residue. Warm sunbeams stream through the windows and cover your latest painting in a soft glow when you walk back to your work area in the living room. As you settle back into your seat, you steal a glance at the chronometer by your holo-tv on the opposite side of the living room. He should have been here by now. Unease creeps across the back of your neck as you force yourself to focus on your project once more.
Brush bristles scratch over the canvas. The aroma of paint brings a sense of comfort when you lean in closer to get a better look at a detail spot. Going through the repetitive motions, you feel a wash of excited nerves flow through you every time you sit down to capture a moment of your creativity. Leaning over your workstation to grab a new paint to smear on your palette, you take in your work in progress with a heavy heart. The emotions that overcame you as of late stare back at you, and a growing wave of catharsis wash over you as you're finally able to let it all out.
Lost in your own world, you don’t hear the entry door hiss open nor the careful footsteps that quietly approach you. It’s not until you smell the light scent of campfires and evergreen trees do you realize that Fives has finally arrived. Bringing your attention to reality once more, you drop your paintbrush into the water jar and turn your head. Shock shoots through you when Fives’ profile is mere inches away from your face.
Heart hammering, you lightly kick his shin. “Kriffsake, Fives. You scared me. Haven’t you ever heard of giving someone a warning when you sneak up on them?” you breathe out. Even managing to calm yourself, your skin still stings with nerves as you take in Fives’ serious expression. Following his gaze to your painting, curiosity nips at the back of your mind. What does he see when he is faced with your vulnerable work?
It feels like hours before Fives slowly leans back to stand up straight once more, but you notice how his expression only hardens the longer he looks at the canvas. Your stomach knots, and you hesitantly ask, “Everything alright? You look like you went back to the battlefield there”.
“Is this how you’re feeling? Right now?” Fives lowly questions. His voice quietly rumbles with concern as his expression softens with care as he looks at you.
Your stomach drops, and you break away from his gaze. The warm regard and ripples of worry in his eyes make you feel vulnerable. Like he’s truly seeing you for the first time. “It’s better to put my emotions somewhere rather than letting them run wild in my mind. Sometimes I have to think about what I’m trying to express in my art. Sometimes it feels like a tap was turned, and all my emotions pour out when I sit in front of a canvas or journal,” you softly explain. Shrugging your shoulder, you look up at him with a tired smile. “Even when everything feels overwhelming, there’s a sense of peace knowing that someone might come across my work and relate to it”.
Fives slowly nods and tilts his head before relaxing. Grabbing the bag of your favorite take away meal from the side table, Fives rests his other arm around your shoulders. “Think we need to do some catch then,” he softly expresses. “Feels like I may have missed something while I was gone, and I want to hear all about it if you’d like to talk about it. Or we could put on that holo-film that always makes you cry laughing,” Fives offers. His tone is lighthearted, but there’s an underlying reassurance that he’s here however you need.
Rising from your seat, you stretch your arms over your head to relieve your shoulders from the tension building. “Do you have time? We could do both,” you say with a groan of relief as you drop your arms. 
“Always have time for you, Kairtep,” Fives reminds you. Guiding the pair of you to your couch, Fives attentively listens to your life updates as he sets up the take away food on the coffee table while you look for the film.
Coruscant glows from the skyscrapers’ illumination as the two of you share stories, laughter, and solemn moments of silence. As the night grows later, you find yourself able to relax more than you did just a minute ago. Even though it can be difficult navigating life with so many unknowns thrown at you, you find comfort that Fives will always be there every step of the way.
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You’re an extremely creative and passionate person who channels their emotions into their work. Every interaction you have and every piece of art that you create is filled with love.
Everyone would think that you and Fives would be complete opposites, but the two of you complement each other very well. He finds that he’s able to channel his emotions into his athletics. If he’s full of energy, you can always find him rounding up a group of brothers for a game of soccer. When his body and mind ache from the latest mission, Fives goes to the local yoga studio to stretch and take time to himself. The two of you just channel your emotional energies through different outlets, but it’s a shared understanding between the pair of you.
Fives is so intrigued by how you’re able to capture such human experience in writing and artwork that he often asks to join you while you work on your latest project. Ever respectful of your space and work style, he sits near you and rests his head on your workbench to watch you continue your latest project.
He’s an extremely emotionally intelligent person. The minute that he picks up on a change in your mood, Fives keeps a careful eye on you. He never asks what’s going on right away to see if he can figure out how to help you first, but Fives won’t waste too much time where your wellbeing and happiness is concerned. If he can’t figure it out quick enough, he will check in on you and ask what he can do to support you.
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blxwjobsforclones · 4 years
The thing -Hardcase x Reader x Fives
To my baby: @littlevodika (i was trying to introduce Jesse but i not good writting foursome :c) @hxldmxdxwn
@maulieber te tageo porque me caes to bien ok? ok
Warnings: A little bit of angst, some fluff and, of course, smut, specifically a thresoome.
Requests are open
"Hardcase has a thing for you" Fives yells at his girlfriend. They have been together for a long time now and she helped him before the acconteciments in Umbara. She was the doctor who saved Hardcase from the death after the explosion in the horrible planet.
"How is that my fault?" she yells back. She can’t believe that Fives is blaming her for Hardcase's feelings.
"You are always there for him, being a friend and nice" Fives yells.
"Do you even hear what you are saying?" she asks her voice dangerously soft at once. "I will stop being nice to people and break off all my friendships with men" she says sarcastically.
"That sounds like a good plan" Fives says narrowing his eyes at his girlfriend.
"If I can’t have any male friends while dating you, I rather not be dating you" Y/N tells the trooper in front of her.
"What are you saying?" Fives asks stepping closer to the woman in front of him. He loves her more than anything and right now he actually fears that he is losing her.
"We are done" she says. With her head held high she walks out of the room she shares with Fives wen he is in Coruscant.
When the door closes behind her the tears jump into her eyes and she sits back against the wall. She never thought that she and Fives would break up. He means the whole world to her but she can’t have a man tell her that she can’t be friends with people.
Fives steps out of the room and sees his girlfriend, or ex sitting next to the door. With a sign he sits next to her and wraps his arms around her.
"Tell me something. Why is it all of sudden that you me to stop being friends with Hardcase" she says. Her voice is soft and when she looks at him she sees that he has tears in his eyes to.
"Because he is in love with you and you two are getting closer every day and I am so scared that you are going to leave me for him" Fives says softly.
"You realize that this behavior is making me want to run away" she says.
"I know. But you can’t tell me you don’t feel anything for him" Fives says while looking into her eyes. Her face falls and she looks away from him. She does have feelings for Hardcase and she has been doing everything to stop feeling those things for him. She loves Fives more than anything in the world but right now everything is a mess.
"I can’t tell you that without lying" she whispers. She immediately starts crying again and Fives wraps his arms around her signs deeply.
"We will figure this out, as long as you love me. Just don’t walk away from me" he tells her sweetly.  
Fives helps her stands up and walks her back into the shared room. He helps her sit on the bed and holds her until she stops crying.
"I love you, cyare" he says. The mando'a sounds too good in the lips of de Arc trooper. She nods her head and kisses his cheek.
Fives can’t stop thinking about a way to fix all of this. His friend and girlfriend need to get these feelings out of their system and he knows a way.
"I am going to get Hardcase" he says after he cleaned Y/N her face, which is wet with tears. "Why?" she asks. "I explain when he is here" Fives says.
He kisses her nose softly before he stands up and walks out of the room. This is going to be hard for him but it has to be done.
When Fives steps back into the room with Hardcase on his heels Y/N is still sitting on the bed looking as confused as Hardcase does behind him.
"We have to talk" Fives says when he closes the door behind Hardcase who is standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.
"I know Hardcase has feelings for Y/N and that she returns those feelings" Fives states. "I need you two to get those out of your system" he adds.
"What are you saying, Fives?" Hardcase asks. Y/N is sitting completely silent on the bed looking at the two trooper in front of her, they were so equal in appearance, but at the same time so different, with their distinctive tattoos and haircuts that he didn't see how the facial features were the same. He saw them for what they were, the men who had seized his heart without warning...
She has no clue where Fives is going with this and she is to scared to ask him.
"I want you to have sex with my girlfriend while I am here" Fives says bluntly.
"What?!" Y/N yells at her boyfriend. Hardcase’s mouth is hanging open while looking at his vod.
"It will work" Fives says. He looks desperate. "Don’t tell me you don’t want to fuck my girlfriend?" he says to Hardcase.
"Of course I do, but Fives this could change everything" Hardcase says, completly shocked
"It won’t. Everything will go back to normal. You will stop having those feelings for my girlfriend and she will go back to only loving me" Fives defends his plan.
Hardcase and Y/N both know that fighting him on this won’t do any good. When Fives has an idea, how stupid it may be, it has to be executed.
Y/N nods her head at the men as a form on conformation that she is willing to go through with this, if they are.
Hardcase walks closer to the bed after Fives nods his head at his best friend. ‘I want Fives to join’ Y/N says when Hardcase is standing right in front of her. Both men’s eyes widen at her blunt statement. "I won’t do it, if you are just sitting there looking sad" she adds to Fives. He nods his head at removes the shirt from his body and Hardcase does the same.
Y/N removes her own shirt from her body. Hardcase’s eyes widen at the sight of her naked breasts.
Fives climbs on the bed and kisses his girlfriend while all Hardcase can do is watch her reactions to Five’s hand unbuttoning her jeans. With one swift movement the pants fly through the room.
Hardcase sits next to Y/N and takes on her breasts into his hand. A moan escapes her lips when his cold hand touches her hot naked skin.
Fives rolls next to her and starts’ pulling his own blacks off while Hardcase hovers above her and kisses her again. It is mostly tongue and teeth clattering because the kiss is so rough. His hand is moving it’s way down her body until it cups her mound.
"Please do something" Y/N begs the man on top of her. Hardcase smirks down at her and starts kissing is way down her body until he gets to her clothed pussy. With his teeth he rips the piece of fabric from her body.
He gives a soft kiss on her clit before he licks her up and down.  
Fives is watching his brother eat out his girlfriend and a shiver runs down his spine. He never thought that the sight of the two most important people in his life doing this would turn him on this much. He touches his dick which is already red and swollen. A drip of pre-cum drops onto his thighs.
Y/N can’t stop moaning when Hardcase is happily licking away. The free hand is holding her down.
It doesn’t take him long to make her orgasm and with a loud scream she comes all over his tongue.
"She tastes amazing" Hardcase tells Fives. "I told you so" the arc trooper laughs softly. Hardcase’s face is glistening with her juice and Y/N moans at the sight of him.
"On your hands and knees, littlu'n" Fives commands her. He climbs of the bed so he can help her get into position.
"You take her mouth" Fives tells Hardcase with a stern look.
Fives stands behind his girlfriend and with a hiss he slits into her awaiting cunt. Y/N moans at the feeling of her boyfriend stretching her.
Hardcase moves in front of her and Y/N opens her mouth. She can’t wait to taste him. His dick is already so hard and angry looking. Pre-cum is smeared all over it.
When he pushes into her mouth, Fives removes him self from her pussy. The two trooper quickly find a nice rhythm. When Fives is inside of her, Hardcase is barely on her tongue and when Hardcase hits the back of her throat Fives is almost completely out her.
Their pace is hard and fast and Y/N barely has time to do anything but just take whatever the two of them are willing to give to her.
"Are you close?" Fives asks after a while. She can feel that he is getting closer because his trusts are getting sloppier with the minute. Only she can’t answer his question because of Hardcase in her mouth so she tries to nod her head.
Fives starts rubbing her clit in a faster manner and it doesn’t take long for her to come all around him. Her pussy spasming around his dick triggering Five’s orgasm. She moans around Hardcase and the vibrations of it make him cum to. When he goes limp he removes himself from her mouth.
"Swallow" Fives commands and as a good girl she swallows all of Hardcase’s cum in her mouth. Licking her lips she looks at Hardcase while Fives is still inside of her pumping cum in her.  
Hardcase and Fives share a knowing look which Y/N can’t see when Fives pulls out of her. She whines softly at the feeling of being this empty.
Hardcase helps her lay down in the middle of the bed and just stands in the middle of the room while Fives lays down behind her holding her in his arms. It makes Hardcase feel out of place. Y/N doesn’t know what to say, because she doesn’t want to piss Fives of. But his plan really backfired on him. Her feelings for Hardcase are greater than ever, but so is her love for Fives.
"Get in bed" Fives commands his vod. Quickly, Hardcase lies in front of Y/N.
"It didn’t work, did it?" Fives asks softly.
"I am so sorry, vod" Hardcase starts. Fives silences him with a hit on the shoulder.
"I guess I should learn how to share" Fives laughs softly. Y/N turns around looking her boyfriend in the eyes.
"You knew this would happen" she accuses him looking angry.
"I rather share you with some one who loves you just as much as I do and who can protect you when I am not around than lose you forever" Fives confesses looking guilty.
Y/N starts laughing and shakes her head at the man in front of her. Blindly she grabs Hardcase his arms and make him hold her to.
And with a smile on her face she falls asleep between the two men she loves more than life itself.  
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
{By Your Side Tonight}
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Program: As the 501st's support agent, you've come to grow fond of your boys. Even if they're reckless and obvious. You only just marked it up to be a part of their charm, and two members of the boys in blue enjoy pulling at your heartstrings. Always trying to stay one move ahead of them in your game, a night out to 79s has you kneeling before one of them after what should have been a fatal blaster shot.
Pairing: Arc Trooper Fives x GN! Reader
Side Pairing Ref: Jesse x OC! Embrey, Rex x GN! Reader -> tiny hints
Genre: Fluff, Teasing, Flirty Humor
Length: 3930w
Warnings: Flirting, Petname (Cy'are, Little One, Mesh'la), Blaster wound, Some swears
Counselor Note: So excited to be apart of @cloneficgiftexchange!! The lovely @miaowshacat requested a funny/serious situation for their gift. Hopefully, you enjoy this! My sense of humor is definitely flirty irl, so I know that's not typically what humor is considered.
Request Prompt: "Please stop getting shot, it stresses me out". "Oh, well if you don't like it".
Camp Resolute's Masterlist
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Skyscrapers shoot pillars of faint illumination through the night sky, and speeder taillights leave trails of neon in their wake. As war rumbles across the galaxy, the blaring bass and sonic speakers from the surrounding clubs cause Coruscant's lower levels to vibrate. Overly excited club goers stumble and giggle amongst themselves on the walkways as wary eyes peer out from alleys.
Even on nights out, a heavy unease seeps into your bones once you step onto the landing platform. Your eyes narrow as you try to take everything in, but not even the bright signs help you see past the heavy rainfall tonight. 
“If you keep glowering like that, you’ll scare away anyone who might consider asking your sour ass for a dance,” Fives shoulders past you and throws a wink over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes and follow the rowdy boys in blue closer to the pulsing music, “I’d be more worried about anyone seeing past your ego, if I were you. You do know that sweet words and drinks will only compensate for so much. Right, Fives?”.
Jesse howls in laughter, and Echo claps your shoulder. “Got you there, vod. For the so-called ‘people’s man’, you’ve been striking out lately,” Echo laughs. Each clone walks beside you with buzzing excitement, fitted with their new planetside outfits. Similar to their blacks, they all wear a tight, compression top with short sleeves with matching cargo pants. 
“Who’s side are you on, traitor,” Fives shouts back. With an unconcerned shrug, Fives’ face melts into a smile of soft admiration: “Maybe, I have my heart set on someone, and I don’t want to fuck it up”. 
Your breath hitches. For the faintest moment, you catch Fives’ eyes flickering to you. The rain splutters as it lands in the forming puddles by the line to 79s. A few stray away to kiss his cheek bone and trail down his glowing expression. They hang, frozen, on his jawline before they race down the column of his neck and find a home in the dip of his collarbone. Quick as the moment, the storm thickens, and Fives refocuses on his brothers leaving you with a racing heart.
“The side of reason, di’kut,” you cough as you shuffle closer to the entrance when the line moves. Knots twist and sit heavy in your stomach as your gaze shifts from one group of friends in the line across the walkway to a group of illegal speeders in the next landing bay. Pushing a deep breath through your lungs, you roll your shoulders. Even shifting your weight from side to side, you still feel restless surrounded by some many unfamiliar people.
Fives takes you in with a gentle look and holds your face, “Hey, look at me. Look at me, okay?” His soft voice rings clear from the cybernetic cacophony that makes your ears prick. You meet his honey colored eyes and feel your gaze soften. He leans in close to your ear, “Everything is going to be okay, I promise you. 79s is the safest club down here, and you have a small army of clones that’ll have your back. I’ll be by your side the whole night if you’d like”. 
Calloused fingertips carefully soothe your warm cheeks. Cool droplets of rain help tame the frenzied tingles burning your skin. Fives looks towards his brothers while carefully running his hands up and down your arms to help ease your nerves. While you think about his offer, you notice the coy looks and smiles directed at Fives over his shoulder. Pushing a heavy breath through your nose, you close your eyes and lean into his hold. Fives’s hand naturally falls to rest at your hip.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, it plummets into your stomach. Crushing the few butterflies who hoped to soar. “Well, I would hate to sour your night,” you shoot him a teasing smile and pat his chest moving up in line. Your lips purse as you hand over your ID to the bouncer, and the thumping stereo only further irritates you.
While you wait for the rest of the group to hand over their IDs, a warm hand rests between your shoulder blades. Although very similar to the ones that held you moments ago, you know it belongs to another. Slightly larger and holds you with a firm tenderness that you allow yourself to ease into. “Safe to assume this game’s continuing tonight then?,” Rex asks as he shuffles closer to you, allowing Hardcase and Dogma to pass over their credentials.
“Care to elaborate on what game you’re referring to, Captain?” you ask with a raised brow. Your blood sears through your veins as Rex meets your smoldering gaze with a knowing glint in his eye.
“There is not a single person who doesn’t see the two of you playing cat and mouse,” Rex lowly explains, “I’m getting quite bored watching you play around, little one”.
His hand trails up and across your shoulder line to rest on your upper arm, tucking you into his side. The only relief from the flush of warmth washing over you is the fact that you feel Rex’s heart hammering against his chest almost as fast as your own.
“And what would you have me do, hm? Or would you like some more attention instead? All you have to do is ask,” you ponder, “Besides, it’s all good fun. Did you ever think that I might like being the one who’s chased? This little game isn’t as straightforward as you may think”.
He shakes his head with a small laugh and guides you through the entryway into the club. “Then I’ll leave you to your fun tonight. You’ll have to teach me the rules to your heart next time, mesh’la,” Rex’s voice darkens as he parts away from you with a lingering touch. The fleeting feeling of his calloused fingertips trailing along your side makes you dizzy.
Bodies twist and bend around each other to the DJ’s beat. Flashing lights twirl and surround you in a warm glow as you step down into the ever fluctuating crowd. The boys in blue start to holler and skirt past you to get a jumpstart on their night. Kix pauses by you, “If you need anything, just grab one of us, alright? Have some fun tonight, too”. Before you can even spare a smile, he disappears into the mass of bodies.
You push and shove your way through the wave of patrons swarming the entrance to try to make it to the bar. Sweaty bodies graze up against you trying to get to their next destination while the deafening bass pounds your chest with every beat. Glimpses of the illuminated shelves of drinks and mixers being tossed in the air can be seen in the small openings between passing bodies as you squeeze through the last line of people.
Your chest constricts as more people seem to push you from behind and others shuffle you sideways. Reaching out with one arm, you huff before pushing back against the wave of people around you. With everyone moving in different directions at once, you’re jostled in the thick of it. When you break free of the rushing crowd’s pull, you tumble forward from its hold and it into the welcoming arms of another.
“Thought you said you didn’t want me by your side tonight,” Fives’ warm breath tickles the shell of your ear. He pulls back with his signature smirk and leads you with a hand resting on the small of your back to a pair of open bar stools.
You shoot him a playful glare as you settle onto your seat, “Don’t put words in my mouth, love”. You rest your head on your fist and kick him gently underneath the bar. Once the pet name slips past your lips and registers in his mind, Fives’ breath hitches. “Afterall, you were the one who called me sour when I’m only ever sweet to you boys,” you wink at him before signaling over the service droid.
“Now hold on a minute,” Fives leans in on his forearm with a smile pulling at his lips, “You’re sweet to us? Who else is graced by your kindness and charm? Thought I was the only man for you, cy’are”. Tearing his playful gaze away from you, Fives orders for the two of you. In a moment, two vibrant mocktails are set between your seats.
“Wouldn’t the people’s man like to know,” you drawl out and take a sip of your drink. A refreshing mixture of juices and ice blend together in your mouth. “Now, back to the boys-- how do you think the night will end for them?” you ask and do a sweep of the club with your eyes.
Most of the boys have managed to find partners to join them on the dance floor. Jesse is tucked away in a secluded corner with his partner, Embrey. The two men have only just started seeing each other, but you also catch Jesse smiling at his data pad more often now. Hardcase is tangled with the wolfpack in one of the booths as they continue their usual boisterous recollections of the latest events. Rex joins Wolffe and Cody at the unofficial CO booth on the raised level as they keep a careful eye on their legions.
“Jesse won’t be coming back to the barracks with us. That civvie’s got him wrapped around his little finger,” Fives pulls himself closer to your side and slides an arm to rest on the back of your stool.
You hum in agreement, “I somehow think that’s not hard to accomplish with you boys. You’re all practically a pack of tooka kittens — from pulling at each other's ears to pushing each other to try to get someone’s attention”. You smile at him over the rim of your drink, and the look of utter betrayal on Fives’ face sends you into a flurry of laughter. 
“Oh, don’t leave yourself out of that either,” Fives wags a finger at you, “Nearly bit my head off when you found out I didn’t get medcare after Teth only to keep me close when we were all playing sabacc. You’re just as bad as us when it comes to attention, and I would reckon that you’re even worse”. 
As Fives points out your shared similarities, you can’t help but lean into him more. Nearly tangled together, to the point where anyone could rightfully question if the pair of you are just friends, you rest a hand on his chest. You play with the collar of his shirt with your fingertips. The rise and fall of his breath upticks beneath your palm, and you find comfort in the steady thrum of his heartbeat.
“What’s the matter, love?” You tilt your head, “Cat got your tongue?”
As you pull your gaze away from where your fingers fiddle with Fives’ collar, your heart drops when you realize his attention lays elsewhere. “Now what could be more captivating than our conversation,” you weakly laugh. Twisting your head, you immediately notice the handsome Nautolan man eying Fives from his table. His eyes shift from your friend and widen when he meets your gaze. Even as your breath freezes, lungs constrict, want to push Fives’ arm away -- you instead send the man a soft smile and nod your head.
Turning away with slightly slumped shoulders, you put on a brave face and pat Fives’ arm. “I’ll make sure to tell Echo you won’t be returning to the barracks tonight as well,” you say as you rise from the stool. With a swift swoop of your arm, you grab your drink and quickly finish it off.
“Cy’are, come on. Sit back down. I said I’d stay by your side tonight, which means I’m not going anywhere you aren’t,” Fives pleads. One hand grasps your forearm and weakly attempts to guide you back to the stool.
Even with his warm expression inviting you to rejoin him, his hand feels cold against your skin.
Even with the teasing tip of his smirk pulling you back to his side, his silence rings clear.
Even though Fives is the person you dream of waking up next to in bed each morning, Fives’ eyes wander everywhere except for the one person who stands by his side.
“Go have fun, Fives. I’m going to search for some of mine own,” you reassure him and slide his hand away. You shoot him a wink as you walk past him and blend into the wave of patrons.
Once again flooded with the overwhelming proximity of strangers, frustration flames through your blood. The sticky atmosphere chokes you as your heart pounds against its cage. The corners of your vision blur and darken while you move solely focused on the entrance. Stinging static drowns out the annoyed protests and looped music tracks from your hearing. The moment you break free from the club’s hold, you stride into the crisp night air that envelops you in a thick downpour of rain. 
Not sparing a glance behind you, you continue to move as far away from the clone club. Yet with every step, something nips at the back of your neck. Not even an hour ago, you wanted to leave and return for a night in the barracks. Now you follow the near-empty streets as they twist and wind and lead you further away from your friends and into an awaiting pit of darkness. Finally able to blink away the rain just long enough to catch sight of a nearby storefront awning, you dart for cover and shiver against the cool durasteel building.
Heavy breaths wrack your body as you watch the trickles of rain plummet from the awning. 
Maybe it was time to put a stop to your little game and come clean?
The occasional speeder joins the rushing soundscape that drowns out your comlink’s alert. 
You heart wrenches at the thought of cutting off both men.
Faint shapes of bodies not even glancing at your hiding place come in and out of focus from the downpour. 
Then again, neither seemed too interested in making the next move.
Until one shadow stops. 
You shake your head to clear your mind from memories of their shared looks, and you push away your thoughts.
Its shape growing and defining itself against the curtain of rain that had shielded you.
Steadying your breath, you carefully stand. “Not another step,” you demand. In the moment the shadow pauses, you slip off your comlink and send an alert to the shared channel of the 501st. Hopefully, the darkness is your ally this time.
“Wouldn’t you want some company?,” a husky voice calls out, “This isn’t the type of place to be wandering around by yourself — especially in this weather.”
They take a step closer.
A faint alert chirps from your comlink.
“My friends are on their way,” you coolly reply as thunderous footsteps and shouts roar against the brewing storm.
The shadow’s head tilts, but not in contemplation. 
“That’s what we were hoping for,” the shadow snarls.
Shivers shudder down your spine in realization.
Just as you launch yourself from your spot, blaster bolts strike through the night sky like lightning. No longer concerned about the shadow who slipped into the darkness, you run towards the echoign command. Clenching your fists, you slam your feet against the rain soaked platform.
“Fives,” you shout.
Blaster bolts illuminate the walkway and reveal silhouettes struggling against one another.
“You picked the wrong person to go after, ge’hutuun,” one of your boys grunts.
Rain droplets pelt down on you and leave stinging splotches on your skin.
Bringing your comlink up to your mouth, you grit your teeth against the howling wind. “This is 501st support agent to base, do you copy? We need back up. This is an emergency, do you copy,” you try to speak clearly against the growing panic bubbling inside you.
A single scream silences the street’s symphony.
“Fives,” someone calls out.
“Fives?” you breathe out.
It feels like the rain weighs down on you and locks you in place. Each footstep harder to take than the last. As the 501st comes into view, tears blur your vision as you hastily look each man over.
Rex and Jesse stand just off to the side, speaking to a holograph of Commander Fox with apprehensive expressions. Hardcase, Dogma, and Tup surround the dazed assailants while pacing every few steps before returning. 
Echo and Kix kneel on the ground beside a body just ahead of you.
“Fives?” you croak.
Echo raises his head and motions you over to join them. His serious gaze pulls you from your cemented spot and into a run.
Skidding to a stop, you sink to your knees next to Fives’ head. Your eyes flicker from his pained expression to his heaving chest to the blaster graze just above his hip. The outfit he was so excited to wear out for the first time now smolders around blistering skin.
“This wasn’t the show I was hoping to put on for you, cy’are,” Fives hoarsely laughs.
A watery chuckle breaks your chapped lips, “Well, you’re quite the showstopper. You can put on an actual show for me another time. But, please stop getting shot, it stresses me out”.
Fives lets out a booming laugh that’s quickly cut off by a groan, “Oh, well if you don’t like it, I’ll just have to ask the Sith to stop the war for me. Sure they’ll be real understanding -”. His sentence cuts off when he sucks in a sharp breath.
You look over to Kix who has a less than amused expression at the two of you. One hand barely applying pressure to Fives’ wound.
“Calm down, you’re not going to die,” Kix rolls his eyes and slightly shoves Fives’s side, “You have second degree burns, di’kut. Just need some bacta patches, and you’ll be fine with minor scarring”.
“That should have been a direct hit though,” you murmur, looking at the wound. You face Fives once again, yet this time he won’t meet your eyes. Resting your hand on his jaw, you make him meet your pointed gaze. A slow warmth grows underneath your touch.
“His clothing is made up of an experimental light-weight, ballistic material. It’s a prototype for casual bulletproof clothing,” Kix explains and pulls  your attention back to him. He tugs at the singed edge of Fives’ shirt. The cloth barely moves from the strain. “Did -- did he not tell you why we came out tonight?” Kix asks you with an incredulous laugh.
“He actually went through with his dumb plan. Kriffsake, this should be good,” Echo snickers and shuffles away from you.
“It’s bulletproof?” you shriek at him.
Fives quickly throws his hands up and scoots away from you to push himself up into a crouching position. “Not completely! That’s why we had to test it out,” he defends.
His words still you. Narrowing your eyes, you watch as Fives pales under your sharp gaze. “Test it?” your voice comes out a low growl.
Fives sends a weak glare over your shoulder, “Who’s side are you on, traitor?”
Echo and Kix burst into laughter, barely spitting out coherent words. “The side of reason, di’kut,” they reply in unison.
“You were the one who volunteered to be the mark,” Kix notes.
“‘Just you watch, I’ll put an end to this little game of ours tonight,’” Echo say in a poor imitation of his twin, “‘By the end of the night, I will confess my undying love for my cy’are”.
“I did not say that,” Fives barks back.
“I am so grateful that shot didn’t kill you,” you confess while you drop your head in relief. You try to conceal the snickers that threaten to slip past your lips.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Fives perk up. “Does that mean I can take you out on a date?” He asks.
“No,” you say. When his posture slumps once more, you slowly raise your head and meet his disappointed gaze. “No, I’d like to take you out myself,” your voice drips with false sweetness.
“Well, who am I to say no to a lovely date with my cy’are,” Fives leans closer to you with a small smile spreading across his face.
“I’m so grateful that bulletproof material kept you alive just long enough for me to take you out myself,” your voice growls in playful anger. 
Fives’ eyes widen, and he pushes off the ground and sprints away from you. “Cy’are, I’m sorry,” he laughs and shouts over his shoulder.
“Too late. Get back here, di’kut,” you yell and launch after him.
Footsteps slosh and slap against the platform while both your laughter mixes with the comforting hum of the evening. As you near Fives, your gazes meet as he turns to check on you with an adoring expression. Reaching out with one hand, your face lights up when he turns completely to face you. Arms open waiting for you to join him by his side once more.
Throwing your arms around his neck, you press yourself close to him. His hands rest comfortably on your hips, and Fives ducks his head in the crook of your neck. The gentle scratches as you play with the edge of hair bring small hums from his mouth that softly tickle your skin. 
“I’m still going to murder you,” you mumble into his shoulder.
Fives hums, and his hold tightens around you. “Just wait until after the date. I’m looking forward to it, and it would be my life’s regret if I never actually had the honor to spend the night by your side”.
The soft glow from flickering neon signs wraps around your bodies as the rainstorm eases to a gentle lull. Neither of you pay attention as the Coruscant Guard passes. Some send Fives a celebratory salute while others clap your shoulder with a chuckle. As the night life fades to distant hum, Fives straightens himself and pulls you under his arm to lead you back to the group. Soft smiles and shouts of relief greet the two of you, now that the game has come to an end. 
At least for tonight. 
One pair of eyes linger on you for a moment longer than they should have. “Rex, we’re good to head out now. Gave Fox the report and analysis already,” Jesse states.
Rex pulls his gaze from where you stand tucked comfortably in his vod’s hold, and he nods at Jesse. “Then I think it’s time we head back to the barracks and get some rest. I’m sure we’ll find ourselves absorbed in another game by the time we deploy again,” Rex shakes his head with a small laugh.
Jesse looks at him with an impressed, yet shocked, expression. “Don’t tell me you’ve been keeping out on us and have your eye on someone,” he says with a light elbow jab to Rex’s side.
With a knowing look in his eye, Rex motions for Jesse to make his way over to the awaiting transport. Once everyone from the 501st and guard are accounted for, Rex allows himself to relax against the wall. Letting his head fall to one side, he steals one more glance and smiles at the sight of you dozing off on his brother’s shoulder. Rex raises his gaze and meets Fives’ eyes, and they subtly nod at each other.
The night may be over, but the game is still in play.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Number 22 off the prompt list with echo or fives with he/him pronouns 😳😳 pls and thank you 🙏🏽
Missing You
Ahh this would be so cute with Echo. May or may not be biased because— I love him with all my heart, but since you offered you get Echo. You are a medic in this because, uh yeah I am SO creative. But anyways, Echo calls you Doc because I dunno how to use cooler nicknames.
Echo x Male!Reader: “I remember practicing to ask you out in the mirror.”
Warnings: It is a little sad because I am kind of in my feels rn. It has its fair share of happy stuff though, don’t worry.
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You were a medic, that often worked along side Kix in the Medbay. The first time you and Echo met he was in with a blaster shot to the leg. It wasn’t anything that you couldn’t help in healing, though. Taking over for Kix as he tended to one of his other brothers.
You were calm and collected. Starting conversation with the man to distract him from the pain as you disinfected and then patched up his wounds. Eyes flickering up to look to him when he would wince and tense up. Though he gave you a look that said, ‘I’m fine, keep going.’ So you did.
Echo always requested to have you helping him. Claiming that you were more gentle than his brother was. Which you were, in some ways, but honestly he just wanted an excuse to hear your voice. To be near you. After a few visits, he would start looking for you when he knew you weren’t working. Go out of his way to walk with you to your quarters, or to the mess. Or to wherever you were going. It made your day. You absolutely loved it. He was so kind, and thoughtful. He listened to you, let you talk, and even shared stories with you on the days that you weren’t really in the mood to hold a solid conversation.
But now? Now that was all gone. Now you wouldn’t be seeing him in the medbay, or the mess, or bump into him in the halls. You wouldn’t be able to sit in your quarters with him and eat some of the snacks you snuck in for him from the last mission that you were needed out on the field. He wasn’t able to bring you trinkets from the planets that he visited. None of that was able to happen again. All you had was your memories.
Your damned memories that seemed to be slowly fading after months went by without him. You were beginning to forget how he laughed. Sure his brothers shared the same laugh, but something about his was unique. You were beginning to forget little details, and it upset you more than anything. The others in the 501st could tell, too. They all knew you and Echo were close. Even Fives could see that the two of you wanted to be more than friends. It wasn’t rocket science. So, the moment Rex found out that Echo could be alive. He made it his mission to not only save him for Echo, but for you as well.
Echo wasn’t the only trooper that loved your smile and your kind heart. So he hoped if he got him back for you. Even the closure of his body, then it would finally put you at ease.
You weren’t told about any of this. Not until you heard troopers talking about how they found a POW. You were curious, to say the least. Finding one of the shines that was talking about it with his brothers. “Who was the prisoner?” You asked with a brow raised. You had lost so many men, so many friends after Echo, that you never believed it would be him. Though a piece of you, deep down. Screamed and shouted in hopes that they would say his name or number.
“An Arc Trooper, sir, went by the name of Echo. They’re bringing him back here with Clone Force 99.” The shiny informed you, and you felt your heart stop. Your eyes were darting around. Breathing picking up a bit, this was a joke, wasn’t it? It had to be. Rushing off past the men to find someone to fill you in on what in stars name was happening.
You sooner or later ended up getting a hold of General Skywalker. He could tell you were distressed. “What sort of sick joke is this?” You spat, starting in before Anakin could even get a word in. “The shinies are talking about how Echo is alive? That’s impossible. I was there when the explosion happened, he’s not, why are they saying this?” You were on the verge of tears as you paced your quarters. Running your hands through your hair. “Oh, he’s alive alright. Why don’t you come outside?” He spoke with a smirk. Anakin knew about your feelings for Echo, and you knew he didn’t mind. He was supportive, even. Anakin always treated you like the little brother he never had, and told you to go for it a number of times. Though you never did, and you greatly regret it.
“Y/n, just come outside and see for yourself.” You were brought back to the conversation. Biting your bottom lip and hanging up on the general. Rushing out the door and down the hall. Until you were exiting the hanger and finding a group of people gathered around.
Your stomach was turning. Heart pounding in your chest. Then the world felt like it froze when you saw him. He was talking with a group that you knew had to be Clone Force 99. You knew it had to be Echo, his armor didn’t match theirs. He looked like a clone, at least. If it was, he looked horrible. But not in a way that you still didn’t want him just as bad as you did nearly a year ago.
You were stuck in place, waiting for him to turn, and when he did. His eyes fell on you. His expression dropped, and he froze up as well. “Cyare..” You watched his lips mouth. Your eyes tearing up, it was him. It was Echo. Your Echo.
You started with a fast walk, and then a jog over to the other. Him moving towards you nearly just as fast. The two of you extending your arms and then engulfing one another in a hug. Something the two of you missed more than you could both remember. “Echo, I- Are you okay? oh my force I’ve missed you so much-“ You sobbed as you burried your face in his neck and he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “I’ve missed you so much, too, Doc, not a day went by I didn’t think about you.” He murmured, and that made the dam break. Tears falling from your eyes in streams.
You were at a loss for words, the two of you holding onto one another for what felt like forever, but honestly it wasn’t long enough. “You’ve changed your hair?” He muttered, reaching up to run his fingers through your hair with his good hand. It was longer than the last time the two of you saw each other. “You changed yours, too.” You murmured. Reaching up and running your fingers over the top of his head. Causing the two of you to snicker a bit.
You both parted slightly so Echo could rest his forehead on your own. His eyes, unlike his skin. Were still bright and had some life in them. Your hand falling to cup his face with a small smile. “Y/n?” You raised your brows a bit. His voice was soft, and stars you missed him saying your name. You missed his voice in general. “Yeah?” You spoke in a near whisper. Shuddering a bit as his hand ran to cup the back of your neck.
He looked nervous. Eyes darting to the side and then back to yours. Gulping, even. “Echo, what is it?” You asked again, and he sighed. “I know, I just got back, but I don’t wanna waste my chance, not now, not ever. Never again,” You stared at him, creasing your brows. What was he saying? “I want to take you on a date, just the two of us, I don’t know where, but.. Kriff, Y/n I like you, and I have since the first time I met you. I maybe even love you, you were what kept me going, you kept me fighting. Because I knew you would be there when I got back. Even if you got into a relationship with someone else, you would be there for me, like old times.”
You were tearing up again, and you could see the panic in his eyes when another tear drop rolled down your cheek. “You do-“ You couldn’t speak, for you knew you would just break down. Which would scare him more. So you reached up and cupped his face with both hands now. Pulling him in for a kiss. Interrupting whatever he was about to say.
The kiss was soft, Echos hand stiffening, then relaxing. Along with his lips. Both your guys’ eyes falling shut as he moved his arms down to wrap around your torso. This was when you felt the metal of his other arm. Making you even more angry and upset. They hurt him so bad, but that didn’t change how you felt about him.
The two of you parting after some time. Huffing out breaths as you both tried to steady your breathing and racing hearts. Even though you were both on cloud nine. “I remember practicing to ask you out in the mirror.” Echo blurted. You looking to him with a shocked expression. “You did?” You asked, and he smiled shyly. Looking down towards the ground. “Yeah.. I did, Fives was tired of hearing me talk about you all day, so he told me to take it like a real one and ask you on a date, so I would talk to myself in the mirror.” He spoke, catching your eyes again.
Your gaze softened on him, and the mention of Fives pained you. You were going to have to tell him about what happened, it was the right thing to do, but it wouldn’t be now. That was a conversation for another time. “Yeah? Well, it paid off in the end.” You hummed, and he tittered. Kissing your forehead with a sigh as you leant agains him. “Yeah, yeah it did.”
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