#arcadia rambling
Best genre of character is “they’re not tired of being nice, but they deserve to go apeshit”
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The thing about found family is that at the beginning the family in question don't realize just how important they'll become to each other
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sonicranger1 · 13 days
What is wrong with him genuinely
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If I had a nickle for everytime a fav of mine ate paint I'd have two nickels
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Which isn't alot but it's strange it's happened twice
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lavenoon · 9 months
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Before domestication comes a good, thorough hosing down
So, uh. This was supposed to be a wet beast wednesday and "stinky sewer troll" joke in one. And then it got entirely away from me. I continue ignoring canon and living in my made up timeline of Severing Hell's Leash (if you look closely, you can see Angor wear his ring!), and in that timeline he needs a shower.
Also version without the water below the cut
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packet-of-staples · 10 months
One of the funniest things to think about is Angela trying to teach Trevor what modern technologies there are and how to use them, post Arcadia. He’s literally a man out of time, plucked right out of the 70s only with funny robots.
She hands him her mobile phone and is like “We’re gonna need to get you one of these at some point.”
Trevor is like “A thin black slab?”
Angela reaches over to turn it on and goes “No actually, its a tiny portable computer!”
I can only imagine the look of amazement on his face. Mf is like “WHAT??”
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avirxy · 7 months
hear me out, httyd toa au
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alchemisticramblings · 3 months
list of things that would fix hisirdoux casperan:
nineteenth century victorian fashion (my man desperately needs a waistcoat) (and a top hat)
my chemical romance
my chemical romance
my chemical romance
my chemical romance
my chemical romance
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octopus-in-disguise · 9 months
Lol ok so like. This thought wouldn’t leave me alone but. You guys know how irl Disney just lost the rights to Steamboat Willie? Could you imagine if Walton similarly lost the rights to Spaceship Boogie? I only say this because I feel like Angela would absolutely own a shirt with public domain Comet on it with a silly caption like “fuck capitalism” or something. Just a thought.
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saturnniidae · 24 days
Trollhunters, the Janus Order and why it's antisemitic.
This is a very like surface level explanation, and I'm probably forgetting a few things, but it's the way the Janus Order itself is very similar to a lot conspiracies that almost always boil down to antisemitism.
The concept of 'people infiltrating the government and other such positions, biding their time and controlling things from the shadows for the endgame of world domination' combined with the baby abduction (uncomfortably similar to blood-libel) and changelings' non-human nature is just like textbook antisemitic conspiracy type thing, like think of the lizard people, in terms of them not being human or whatever.
Also, here's just kind of a quick background for the conspiracy theory stuff, taken from the Wikipedia article on antisemitic tropes.
The trope of Jewish governmental and international domination often appears in the twenty-first century in coded terms that cast Jewish domination plots as the exploits of elite individuals, and like with the history of the protocols, this often seeks to scapegoat Jews for orchestrating broader political changes or perpetuating great social ills. For example, it has been linked with the conspiracy theory QAnon, a conspiracy theory which purports that a secret, evil cabal of global elites is harvesting children for world power.
(Yes, this is real stuff people genuinely believe, I'm aware of how ridiculous it is.)
And with Strickler specifically, he is a very classic caricature of a Jewish man. His nose, the 'foreign' accent, how formal he is. Otto also plays into similar sterotypes, like 'the fat jew'. Them both being changelings, creatures that transform into form with horns and fangs, is very reminiscent of like nazi Germany era propaganda of jews having horns and not being human.
All of this combined are things that while I doubt intentional, are still very much harmful and you should be aware of it. Makes me kind of sad considering how much I love changelings and how much potential they had in the story (like let's be honest the way they were rlly done dirty isn't helping 😭)
Don't in any way take this as hate for the show, as me saying you can't/shouldn't enjoy it. I adore Trollhunters, but like with anything we need to acknowledge when our favorite stories have aspects that do real world harm.
Also, any other Jewish ToA fans if you see this I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
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mrmushroom1031 · 8 months
Idk abt you but heres my list of "I need to listen to these" in order of how I plan to listen (red is never started, orange is unfinished, green is finished):
Camp Here And There
The Magnus Archives
Welcome to Night Vale
The Magnus Protocol
Hello From The Hallowoods
Old Gods of Appalachia
Nowhere, On Air
The Penunbra Podcast
Alice Isn't Dead
Wrong Station
Station Arcadia
Wolf 359
The Bright Sessions
King falls
Dream Boy
Red Valley
More will be added as time goes on
This is mainly to keep track for myself
Feel free to recommend more👍
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dragonnyy · 2 years
yk what i just realized
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these mfs are the same
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drthrillerr · 5 months
So.... after watching Wizards, I saw something that caught my eye and thought it was interesting? Maybe? I don't know if anyone has ever pointed it out or mentioned it back then, but I might as well bring it up now.
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As I was watching this episode, I was wondering why this particular frame looked off. Well, maybe not off, but it seemed strange to me.
Like is it just me or does Blinky look a little smaller than Troll Jim?
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Because the last time I checked, he was not that short.
So, my indication is that since Wizards takes place in the past, Blinky must be younger, yes? Alrighty, then. But honestly, they could have made some changes to his model to make him look younger.
I mean the first 4 to 5 times I've seen Wizards I never saw any difference in his model from this series and Trollhunters.
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Like they went out of their way to change Vendel's model to make him look younger than he does in Trollhunters.
So why not Blinky? I don't know, maybe budget n stuff. I just wanted to pointed this out.
(Btw I've had this idea for a fan story where instead of Hisirdoux sending Clair, Jim, and Steve back in time to Camelot times, they actually got sent back even further. I don't have all the details so this is just me throwing an idea at a wall)
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dougielombax · 1 year
Analog Horror be like.
1. Don’t make any loud noises.
2. Find somewhere safe to hide.
3. Try using any household objects you have for self-defence if necessary.
4. Do Hold Your Wife in your Arms Every day While You Still Can!
6. Lock and barricade all windows and doors.
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somecallmejohn · 4 months
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While I understand why some people may not like it, Steve's himbofication through the shows was one of my favorite things that happened in the franchise and it really helped him turn from a character I really disliked to basically my favorite character. 3 Below is probably where he was at his peak as a character, however I'd be lying if I said that Wizards wasn't my favorite version of Steve. I also liked him Rise of the Titans until a *certain point* however the less we speak of that movie the better.
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Trollhunters au where Trolls & magic were always public knowledge in arcadia, so when Jim becomes Trollhunter it's less a matter of "nobody can know about trolls" and more a matter of "nobody can know the new trollhunter is human, and by extension Jim Lake Jr"
He'd have the helmet from the get go, and the big concern from everyone would be that the new trollhunter is clearly a child, as he's much smaller than any previous trollhunter
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packet-of-staples · 10 months
Could you imagine, after the Solano Hills documentary comes out, if one or a handful of people decided to follow in Angela's steps and ACTUALLY hack into Walton Media and try to help arcadians escape. Imagine Walton media having to scurry around because a group of people actually managed to hack into their highly secure system and now there are arcadians missing.
I bet they wouldnt be prepared for Escape from Arcadia except the real thing where they dont have control over what is happening.
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