#arg word girl
ratlordsarah · 4 months
unhinged aah history dream I had last night
for some reason, in this dream, I was a 34 year old man living in Ancient Greece named Wallis with a jet black beard and some muscular aah legs, and I had a ginger haired brother named Cornelius (he looked like if amazing rope guy had a glow up)
and basically, I disowned Cornelius for being to annoying when I was 15 in the dream , and we were no longer on speaking terms for some reason, and we had the most Disney ending ever, it was like near the ending of encato where Bruno meets his ma again or something idk 💀
but we worked this job where we had to scavenger for wood planks and rocks in the city states Sparta, Athens, and Troy, in which the boss was a buff version of both Robert tubing from wordgirl and William dafoe 😭
half way through the dream, Tim, tj, and sally botford, as well as dr two brains, glen furlblam, Timmy timbo, the coach, and Chazz from word girl were in California as a meet up, to go visit Ancient Greece. As I am now in the pov of dr two brains, we travel to New Orleans from a magical flat escalator or something, and then we take a several day trip (walking on foot)to Canada , and on the way there, we had to share a single hotel room for some reason
after several days in the dream world, we make it to Canada, where there is a magical portal that takes us back to Ancient Greece, and we hop in.
as we are now in Ancient Greece, dr two brains sees Steven boxleitner, and they have one of those old western stand offs, accept apparently, d2b has schizophrenia in the dream, so you see both in dr two brain’s pov and Sally’s pov where dr two brains is saying “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us” in a southern accent, while gripping a revolver, talking to absolutely no one
anyways, two brains’s hallucination goes away, and he placed a magical box in the middle of Greece, that does nothing, and nothing happens, but anyone who hears about it or comes across it has to put in a passcode for no reason.
I am back into the pov of Wallis again, and I refuse to put in a passcode to see what happens, and dr two brains is screaming “AAAAAAHAGH THERE ARE RATS IN MY BRAIN AAAHAHAG” in which he is being dragged away like a toddler by sally, and Timmy timbo is only speaking Hebrew now, and he is striking up conversations at random Greek people in Hebrew. anyways, the travelers leave, and about 6 months pass by before the Romans take over, and we die for some reason. Also, the Roman’s were literally just a bunch of will woods marching in unison with the helmets and armor on (the Roman will wood army had a New Zealand accent for some reason)
I was so confused when I woke up, because I was genuinely convinced that I was this middle aged Greek guy that was getting conquered by the Romans for a solid 5 minutes 💀
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elzore-da-great · 10 months
Some drawings of The Learnerer out of costume (Keen) and more emo Liam (@melodythebunny 's oc)
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Tired Keen (he pulled an all nighter... again.)
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He typically sleeps in only his underwear.
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Keen and Liam
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Emo Liam
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Emo Liam and implied ARG
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erideights · 1 year
Little pieces here and there (2)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Chapters: one, three, four, five
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Flirting, suggestive flirting, heavy pinning
A/N: GUYS THIS CHAPTER HAS ME ON THE FLOOR, I HOPE YOU ENJOY, THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE and if you like it let me know to start preparing part 3 ♡ (sorry for any grammatical mistake!)
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"The One Piece will never be yours!" He shouted angrily, that -now- dwarf with a red nose, giant hands and feet, when he was defeated. Just like in a cartoon for kids.
"You're just a sad, lonely little boy wearing another man's hat!" She could not understand how it was possible that this intimidating, psychopathic, eccentric clown had turn around so quickly into this little thing that was so... dare she say pathetic, but she didn't wanna be too cruel to him.
The moment Luffy declared his intentions again, Buggy began to look around him, desperate for a way to escape, maybe one of his crew members who would miraculously come to the rescue, or an unexpected ally.  Like (Y/N).
"Wo wo wo wo, no no no no, wait wait!"
He opened his mouth and begged, probably to suggest some kind of pact, to promise (Y/N) a place among his crew like he did with Luffy before, but before he could say anything else, the rubber boy already threw him into the sky.
And that was the last time she thought she would see Buggy The Clown. Little did she know, she was wrong.
Oh, so wrong.
Let's say that the days to come were anything but calm. From the Kuro Incident™, at least they won Usopp's friendship and the Going Merry, one of the cutest ships she has ever seen, to be fair.
And then they arrived at the Baratie, where they met the oh, so attentive Sanji, Zoro was about to die, and Nami... Nami left with the fishmen. Although (Y/N) was on Luffy and Sanji's side when they claimed something bad was actually happening, because she wouldn't have chosen to leave with them just like that, without a hidden, ugly reason behind. Didn't fit in with the idea she had of the ginger.
"I know someone who knows where to find her," says her "captain" when they all discuss their next step.
"Hello boys!" Buggy's head coughs and exclaims in the most forced, sarcastic way possible. Imagine threatening to kill those people after kidnapping them less than a week ago, and now your life depends on them. Low blow, if someone asked her. "Sweetheart." He then smirked devilishly when he saw (Y/N) a little further back, resting her side on the kitchen counter. Surprised to see him and the way he calls her, she raises an eyebrow and gives a small, amused smile. "Hello Buggy."
"Arg, Doll! I'm so happy to see a beautiful face like yours around here." The clown shouts when (Y/N) comes out on deck after several hours organizing the pantries with Sanji. She looks at him out of the corner of her eye with a little smile on her lips when she leaves a snack for Usopp and goes towards the bow of the ship or, in fewer words = in the opposite direction to where her mere existence is spiritually needed. The clown is already tired of giving Usopp directions after all morning arguing where to go, so infatuated and hypnotized by the mysterious aura that surrounds the woman, he doesn’t give up, and his head floats in the direction of the girl, following her, resting right by her side as she sits on the ground, legs falling over the ship's railing and out to the sea.
"Pretty sure you didn't hear me back there" because the idea of someone ignoring him was unthinkable. A war crime. An insult to God itself. He was still Buggy The Clown, The Flashy Fool, even without his crew. Or his ship. Or his body. Fucking hell, what did he have left apart from the head? "I was saying I'm glad I'm not only surrounded by idiots. Having your beautiful face around here makes standing them much easier." He flirts, winking an eye, which (Y/N) doesn't fully get but finds kinda interesting. "We had a moment the other day, right? It wasn't just my imagination, I know it."
"Yeah, we totally had a moment" She agrees, clearly being sarcastic to everyone but him.  "You kidnapped us, you called me pretty, you searched me, I threatened you, you liked it..." she lists, lying her back on the deck, arms raised, own head resting on her hands, enjoying the breeze, the sun, and the smell of the salty water. 
"I loved it," he corrects her after emitting a little grunt of satisfaction, vividly remembering that scene. What would he not give to go back and enjoy it a little bit more before the rest of her crew ruined his entire day -week- so blatantly and unnecessarily over the top.
"You're welcome. Any time." She answers after an amused giggle, eyes closed.
"Don't tempt me."
"Now tell me," Buggy resumes the conversation after about 30 seconds of silence. He clearly doesn't know how to enjoy it. He is that type of person for whom silence not only makes him uncomfortable, but also terrifies him. Theatre kid. "What's a woman like you doing with a bunch of insufferable kids like them? I know they're trying to organize their boy band and go on adventures around the world, but you... you should look for someone more suitable to your needs, capable of giving you different stimuli. More mature." He adds in the end with a low, seductive tone of voice, shamelessly feeding on the image of the curve of her body now that she's not paying visual attention to him.
"Hmhm. Maybe I'll look for them." She answers nonchalantly, just because. She finds really entertaining this type of tug-flirting-war. Even if he's the only one that flirts and she just gives him opportunities to do so.
"You don't have to look too far." He was so cliché, how cute.
"You talk too much to be no more than a floating head."
"I could always put my tongue to better use." Snapping her eyes open, (Y/N) holds her breath for a second, taking in what she just heard = what he just offered. That would be, literally, giving head. In all the glorious sense of the expression. Raising both eyebrows, she turns her face on the ground to observe him, nibbling at her lower lip. She seems to consider it for a few seconds, because no, she cannot deny how interesting and, at the same time, weird, degenerate, the idea is. But before he has the opportunity to keep talking his way into convincing her, she breaks into a cruel smile and decides to cut his mood "You mean like guiding us to the Konomi islands instead of talking with me? You're right, you should get back to work."
He looks at her like he was just betrayed by his second in command, hoping she would agree by the expression on her face seconds ago, the way she looked at him and how she was biting her own lip in that tortuous way that pushed him to want -need- to do it by himself.
"Wait, no need to play difficult with me sweetheart, I--" But it's too late, (Y/N) is already standing, grabbing Buggy's head between her hands, and before he could add anything else, she winks at him, kiss one of his cheeks, screams at the top of his lungs "USOPP!! CATCH HIM!" and throws his head like she was playing volleyball, Usopp jumping to be able to reach him, both of them celebrating the pass like children, ignoring Buggy's complaints.
The third time he flirts -tries to- with her, she's back on the deck, helping Zoro and Sanji moving some things around. He begins to scream desperately, and knowing damn well that if no one pays attention to him he won't stop even if that means losing his voice, she approaches, hands on her hips, sighing as she looks at him like someone that is about to regret getting close to a crying, annoying child. "What's wrong with you?" she asks dryly, pressing her lips together. "Ah, my guardian angel. Could you do me the favor of scratching me behind my ear?" Oh. A waaay more harmless request than she expected. Of course, she relents, because she sees nothing wrong with this small favor; she’s quite the empathetic, and in his place she would surely prefer to jump headfirst -ba dum tss- into the sea rather than suffer that itch and not be able to scratch it. After granting his wish, just as she is about to leave, Buggy moves his head much faster than anyone would predict, to catch one of the girl's fingers in his mouth and suck and lick and nibble, in a… God, a sample of what he could do with his tongue somewhere else.
A shiver runs down (Y/N)'s spine, and it reaches a pleasurable end between her legs, causing her to press them together as she inhales deeply.
"Wanna see what else I can do?" He whispers as he releases her. She can hear him over the crash of the waves against the hull of the boat, eyes fixed on his face, will to complain nowhere to be seen. Bold, not in a hundred years she would have expected that. And for a moment, she is tempted. That has been undeniably attractive. And it had a really strong effect on her. "I would gladly show you if you let me, you just have to ask, sugar lips. I bet it's been a damn long time you don't treat yourself--"
"(Y/N)!!" Zoro calls her, instantly exploding the bubble between Buggy and her.
She sighs in relief because only God knows she was close to give up. Then swallows, shakes her head exaggeratedly to shake herself out of his spell, and, licking her lips, gives the clown a mischievous smile, recomposing herself. "Nice try"
"Stop trying to deny the obvious" He tried again for the... 5th time? She /really/ lost count during their journey. Appearing from nowhere, he startled her in the process. He was now in a shelf of the kitchen, at the same height as the girl's face. "The chemistry between us is unbearable, you can see it from miles away." Jumping to approach the edge of the shelf, his eyes look her up and down. "Turns me on how you play hard to get because I don't like easy things either, so I respect your game," he nods, raising an eyebrow "But come on... I know you like me. I've seen how you look at me or bite your lip when I flirt with you, you have nothing to be ashamed of."
This whole thing was really trying her patience. Not because she wanted to fuck him off, but because she knows that all that flirting would end with her giving in and doing something she certainly shouldn't. As of for now, he had gotten her to vaguely consider it, and she had to admit, she was growing some kind of attraction slash fondness slash crush for him, but it wasn't enough to fall to her knees.
He wanted war, tho? He would have it.
"You're right, I like you, but you know, I like my men body and all, capable of grabbing me by the hips and pushing me on theirs, to fuck me and make me scream their name until I lose my voice. To make it difficult for me to walk straight the day after." she whispers, approaching him slowly until they share the same air, her nose touching his red one. (Y/N) closes her eyes, taking a deep breath as her tongue caresses her own lips, almost touching the clown’s ones too. Yes, she likes him, she has some sort of twisted soft spot for men who ranged from intimidating psychopath to the most pathetic human being depending on the day, and Buggy was the perfect example for that. "And you..." she tilts her head to the side, attempting to close the distance between each other and kiss him, but at the last second she withdraws, leaving the poor clown with his eyes closed, waiting for the touch of her dreamy lips. "Unfortunately you're just a head."
"Try again when you get your whole body back!"
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juanarc-thethird · 3 months
The Hidden Ones.
The beginning
Beacon Academy, all students and guests are preparing for the grand dance of the Vytal festival tournament tonight. The boys wear their respective tuxedos, and the girls their elegant dresses. In the JNPR team room was Jaune fighting with his bowtie.
Jaune: I never understood how to put this… thing! Arg! I give up, I'm not going.
Pyrrha: *Smiling* Calm down, Jaune. Come, let me lend you a hand.
Jaune approaches her and Pyrrha begins to work on his bowtie.
Jaune: I don't know Pyrrha, it's a hard thing to do.
Pyrrha: Done.
Jaune: What?! How?!
Pyrrha: I've seen how my mom helps my dad put it on many times. So I memorized it.
Jaune: Wow, just like that?
Pyrrha: Yep.
Jaune: Damn, you never cease to amaze me.
Pyrrha: *Chuckles* You are the only one who is surprised by these little things about me.
Jaune: *Chuckles back* You may be right. Well, I'll just put on my jacket and we'll go, ok?
Pyrrha: Ok
Jaune goes to his closet to take out his jacket and Pyrrha just watches him.
Pyrrha: Um... Jaune...
Jaune: *Putting on his jacket* Yes?
Pyrrha: You know,... I wouldn't mind helping you in the future with things like this.
Jaune: Thanks Pyrrha, I can let you do that. I need to learn one day. I can't rely on you until we graduate.
Pyrrha: No... I mean help you in the sense-
At that moment Pyrrha is interrupter by the door being open. Letting in Nora and Ren with a package in hand.
Nora: Are you two ready for the dance?!
Jaune: Of course we are, right Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: S-Sure
Ren: By the way, Jaune. This package was outside the door. It's in your name.
He says while showing said package. Jaune takes it and thanks him.
Jaune: Thank you.
He reads the return address on the package and it just says "Uncle Mario." For a moment Jaune's expression changed to one of sadness. It was almost unnoticeable but Pyrrha could tell.
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: Huh? Oh! Sorry. I just need a minute to check my package.
He goes to his desk, turning his back on his team. As if trying to stop them from seeing. He takes his small box-cutting knife, and opens his package. Pyrrha, try to see what it is without drawing his attention. But I only noticed a piece of paper and a feather from a somewhat large white bird. Jaune looks at the paper carefully and puts it inside his tuxedo jacket along with the feather.
Jaune: Hey, why don't you go ahead to the dance without me? I'll catch up with you guys later. I just have to make call to my uncle.
Ren: Is everything okay?
Jaune: Yes, everything is fine, it's just a family matter. Nothing serious, I promise.
Normally a group of friends had more questions. But they know that when Jaune promises something he says, his word is worth gold. So satisfied with his answer they accept his request and leave without him. The four left the room with Jaune accompanying them to the door.
Nora: See you on the dance floor!
Jaune: Yeah, see you guys there.
Jaune watches as they get further and further away. And when he lost sight of them in the hall corner, he left his room and walk in the opposite way. But he fail to realize that Pyrrha was in the corner looking at him.
Pyrrha: Where are you going Jaune?
She told herself quietly
Nora: Pyrrha, come on! The dance is this way!
Nora shouts, getting her attention.
Pyrrha: I'm coming!
Pyrrha returns with the rest of her team on the way to the dance, but unable to stop worrying about Jaune.
Pyrrha: (Why do I feel uneasy? Why do I feel like I have to stop him?)
These were the questions she asked herself. But the only thing she can do is trust him. And trust that he would return with them to dance.
That night Jaune never came back.
---------------------- This is a new idea that I've had in my head for a long time. For some of you, you already realized that is this about just by the title. For the rest, I hope you like it.
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☆There's No Place Like Home☆
Episode 1: A Warm Welcome
《You are new to this... Neighborhood? Where the hell are you?》
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《Warnings: the subject matter this ARG has are potentially disturbing. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. Welcome Home was created by Clown @ partycoffin 》
Furiously wiping at your eyes, snot running down to your chin. You try to control yourself when realizing that the voices didn't sound like they were gonna hurt you.
"Oh, dear!"
"My goodness!"
"Are you alright!?"
Shaking like a leaf, you gaze down at the rainbow-colored pieces of paper falling down your shoulders.
You choke out, feeling spit and vile in the back of your throat.
"Neighbor, are you alright?" A soft voice questioned you, gazing up at...
That is not a person. What are you even looking at?
A yellow fleece-skinned puppet with blue hair styled into a tall, spiraled pompadour and 70s clothing greets you. He kneels beside you, reaching out a yellow hand to your back, rubbing it up and down gently.
His expression was rather calm than frightened of your well-being.
You wanted him to back away and didn't have the energy to shove him if you were honest. It felt like your skin was saggy and your bones turned into juice.
"I'm so sorry Neighbor, we didn't mean to frighten you. Right everyone?" The male puppet says, looking at the other puppets that stared at you with worry.
"O-oh, yes!" One of them rushes to you, causing you to lean back. "I'm so so so sorry! We didn't mean to come in without asking! Of course, we scared you! Poor thing!" The pink fleece-skinned skinned puppet exclaimed.
"Julie, maybe give them a bit of space, you're invading it." Another voice pipes up behind the female puppet. A gray puppet pulls the girl back by the arms gently.
"Oh, right!"
"What are you?" You whisper, and your pupils were blown out with fear.
"WHO. Are you?" You ask more loudly, catching the colorful group off guard.
"I forgot! Introductions are in order!" The pink puppet proclaimed.
"My name is Julie! Julie Joyful, oh, this is Frank!" "Frank Frankly."
"I wanna go next!" A voice boomed, and another puppet appears in your line of vision. "My name's Sally! Sally Starlet! And I'm a star!" She flaunts good-naturedly, her eyes bright with energy.
"Oh, I forgot!" Sally pulls a giant bird with rainbow feathers, a caterpillar-like puppet, and a mailman puppet toward your supposed "group".
"This is Poppy, Eddie, and Howdy!" They smile at you kindly before Howdy pulls out a cake, (from seemingly out of nowhere.). He holds it out with a smile with his multitude of hands.
"We brought a welcome cake from my bodega! We hope you would enjoy it," Howdy said showing it out to you from your position on the floor. The cake was layered with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles slathered around the giant frosted words: Welcome To The Neighborhood.
Little signatures surround the bottom of the bolded words. "Oh.. Thank you..? That's very, uhm, sweet."
You pause, recalling your words in your head and becoming quiet.
"Hahah! Good one bud'!" A big blue puppet dog laughed, slapping his paw on his knee. His laughter was contagious as the rest of the marionettes giggled along.
"You're gonna' fit right in! Names, Barnby B. Beagle, your new Neighbor."
The dog winked, holding out his hand for a shake. Yet moves his hand away when he pulls the yellow puppet from beside you. Holding him by his armpits and showcasing him like a shiny trinket. The blue-haired puppet seemed unfazed and still had his soft expression.
"This nice 'fella here is Wally, a real Darling! Hehe, a pal of mine! My best-est buddy, and hopefully, your's too!"
Why did it feel like this was a commercial or a horrible skit you weren't in on?
"It's lovely to meet you, Neighbor," Wally replied.
You nodded, looking away from his eyes and focusing on the cake.
You felt better than earlier when you thought you walked into some murdered party or cult-type thing. But was it worse than talking puppets without strings?
You aren't sure yet?
Was this cake even real? Was any of this real??
"W-ell, thank you for the hospitality. But this isn't my home... I'm not even sure where this place even is?"
The puppets grow quiet at your words. Their confused stares made you uncomfortable and queasy. "This is Home, where inside your Home silly! Isn't this all your stuff?"
Poppy points out, gazing at the clutter of unopened boxes and furniture.
"Hmm, they must have forgotten. Moving is tricky business, especially on short notice." Frank states thoughtfully.
"N-no that's not-"
You feel your tongue become limp and your eyesight blurring into meshes of color.
"Are you okay, Neighbor? I bet all that stress of moving got ya' pretty tired. C'mon, let's eat some cake!"
Barnby states, letting go of Wally and helping you up.
Everyone cheers as Sally goes off to find cutlery in one of the boxes. Howdy places the cake on a table hidden away in a corner while Eddie and Frank round up any chairs they could find.
Wally pulls out your seat like a gentleman, handing you a plate of cake as everyone chats and eats
[Taglist closed]
@tearjerker666 @trzppyghxuls @cookieswithay @luna-charlie @isometimeswritestuff @kazi-pop @lightspectre-universe @jjowithastar @smilingfox22-blog @jayysnotjoyful @cadaverous-coop @heather-hutchcroft @camilo-uwu @pauldanosbandonedirection222 @sweetheartturtle2007 @pretty-please-just-let-me-sleep @welcomehome102
[Hiya! Thank you guys so much for such the positive comments! I need some more, I crave. Readings ya'lls reactions are the best and make it easier for me. Thanks! Art is always appreciated!]
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tkachukz · 1 year
Fake Dating, Sunflower - Jack Hughes
Summary:  When Jack is tired of his friends' comments about him never having a girlfriend and asks his best friend to be his fake date for a week.
Words: 5,5 K
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Winter made New Jersey beautiful, and you were grateful you'd picked a coat warm enough to handle the cold. The icy wind was cut as soon as you entered the great arena, hearing the sound of blades cutting the ice from afar.
Jack waved at you as soon as he saw you, heading towards one of the ice exits to greet you with a awkward hug over the top of the bleachers.
“Too cold outside?” he said with a big smile, his cheeks slightly red.
"Only to the point of making me freeze."
"Twenty more minutes of training and I'm good to go"
“Don't worry, I brought company” the book Pride and Prejudice was present in your backpack.
Practice lasted another half hour, but you didn't care. How could you, considering you was tucked away from the cold, with a wonderful book in hand and hot tea served by a kindly woman.
Many of the players had already left when Jack arrived. He wore a heavy jacket over his suit. With the points of his hair still wet from shower, he made sure to shake his head as soon as he was close enough.
“I could kill you right now” you said drying the cover of your book.
“You couldn’t, who would offer you a ride home?”
“I'm sure I would find someone. Ready to go?"
"Clear. Some boys are going to go to that pub at the end of the street. If you want".
“I think it's the least for wetting my book” you walked towards the exit.
“Just a few drops” he positioned himself in front of the door, holding the handle “ready?”
“Arg. Yes” with the hood over your head and holding your breath, you surrendered leaving the warm comfort of the arena, with Jack accompanying you while laughing.
The pub was busy, and Jack guided you to the back, where Nico and other teammates were.
“Yn! Good to see you” you greeted everyone and sat down next to Jack.
“Fries for you?” you nodded in agreement.
You and Jack met about a year ago. 
You were trying to make your ex boyfriend jealous and a lonely handsome boy sitting at the bar seemed perfect. You shared your plan and Jack accepted because he thought it would be fun. But at the end of the night, your goal had been achieved, but you didn't even remember it after so long talking to Jack. It turned out that you had a lot in common, both of you having a big family, your connection to hockey - your two younger brothers were in the junior league and were obsessed with your friend - among many other things.
You became friends that day and that friendship has only grown over the months. And although many people hinted at things, it was really friendship. 
I mean, you've already found yourself imagining what it would be like if that happened, but you were too focused on college to think about it and, well, if Jack wanted something, he would have dropped a hint after all this time, right?
The conversation at the table was lively, and you already knew the players long enough to be able to interact with everyone, the quietest one, however, was your best friend.
Jack snorted for the third time as he looked at his phone and then put it in his pocket angrily.
“Okay, want to tell me what's going on?”
He snorted once more and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm meeting the boys at the lake house this weekend"
“You guys are crazy to go there in this cold” you said imagining all that cold water, getting a stern look from Jack “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, keep going honey why are you mad?”
He pressed his lips together and let out a “it’s humiliating” sigh.
“I already took care of you while drunk, I think I can handle it” you shrugged.
“Well, last time we were there, the boys were talking about girls they get with and...”
“I don’t know if I want to hear this”
“No, not like that,” he said quickly, “they talk about the girls they've dated, they've all had at least one girlfriend, and Brock manages to put together a whole line of hockey with exes. Meanwhile, I stayed there just existing” he let out a sigh.
“Even Luke! My little brother Luke once had a girlfriend! Okay that lasted a month, but still. Do you think there's something wrong with me?"
The question caught you off guard “Of course no Jack! It's okay that you've never had a girlfriend, you're still young!"
“You're younger than me and you also had a boyfriend” he looked at you from the corner of his eye.
“And I ended up with a pair of horns on my head” you shrug making him laugh “it's not a problem that you've never dated Jack, you just haven't found the right person yet” you said sincerely, stroking his arm. Your eyes stayed locked on his for a few seconds, until Nico, who was sitting in front of you, and apparently listening to the whole conversation, decided to speak up.
“Why don't you take a fake girlfriend?”
"What?" you spoke in unison.
“Yeah, take someone, tell them you've been with her for like two or three months and they stop bothering you” he shrugged.
“They are my best friends and two of them my brothers, do you think they wouldn't notice if I had a girlfriend? And two months? I clearly would have said something by now.” Jack leaned his elbows on the table.
“So you say it was more recent. About a month ago, you fell in love with a friend and boom” Nico made an explosion noise.
“Boom?” you couldn't hold back your laughter.
“Come on, are you going to tell me that lately you haven't mentioned any friends to them? Someone they haven't met yet who would surely believe you fell head over heels in love with her because she's beautiful.” Nico also leaned his elbows on the table with a sneaky look.
Your attention on the conversation was being shared with your delicious orange juice and you only realized that something was going on when you looked up and the two boys were looking at you “what is it?”.
"You could be my fake girlfriend" Jack spoke a little clouded.
"What??" you dropped the juice on the table.
“It would be perfect! I already mentioned Yn to the boys, but they never got to know each other!” Jack turned to Nico.
“Today is still Wednesday, you can say something like I have a surprise for you at the weekend and when you get there, boom!!” Nico was excited.
“Aren't you forgetting something?” you stared at the two of them as if they were crazy.
“The details of how you fell in love can be discussed by then” Nico apparently felt very proud of the plan.
“You can't be serious” You grabbed Jack's arm and he had a grin from ear to ear.
“Little please with many hearts”
"No yet"
“Come on, you owe me a fake date” he arched his eyebrows making you roll your eyes.
You pondered. A trip would be a great distraction, you enjoyed Jack's company and always wanted to meet his brothers. However, you knew that something like that could scramble feelings that you never considered and the idea of losing your best friend scared you.
“Okay” you say in defeat, receiving a tight hug from Jack, while Nico smiles victoriously across the table.
 “Don't forget to grab bikinis” Jack's voice rang loudly in your apartment as you went through your suitcase.
“Bikinis? In this cold? Are we going to another hemisphere without my knowing?”
He rolled his eyes, leaning against the doorframe "the house has a jacuzzi, it's fun"
“Okay, bikinis...” you turned to the wardrobe.
“Get a nice one”.
“Get out of my room” he raised his hands in surrender and walked back.
The bags were already being loaded into the car when you started wringing your hands. Three days ago Jack had asked you to be his fake girlfriend in front of his friends and brothers for an entire weekend, and you'd be lying if you said you slept soundly all night.
Jack eyed the trunk, satisfied with his meticulous packing, but his smile faded when he saw how nervous you were.
He approached slowly, holding your hands close to his chest "you can quit if you want".
"What?" you answered too quickly and Jack's smile faded a little more.
“You can quit. Sorry if you felt pressured to do this. I don't want a fake girlfriend if my best friend is going to start hating me” he gave a small smirk and you took a deep breath.
“I would never hate you” you said sincerely “and I won't give up!! And I promise I'll be the best fake girlfriend you'll ever have!!!"
Jack's smile came back bright as you took a deep confident breath with a giant grin.
“You are without a doubt the best friend in the world” he said, and you hated yourself for feeling your smile fall a little.
The sun was at its peak when you and Jack arrived at the house. The weather was still freezing, but not as cold as Jersey. Your eyes circled the place enchanted by every detail. He'd already shown you pictures of the place, but in person, it looked even more fun.
"What do you think?"
“It's prettier than the pictures” you said with a smile still admiring the place.
Jack carried your bags inside and you followed him down the many corridors “the boys must have taken the boat out, come on, let's put the bags in the room”.
The room was on the second floor, and had access to a small balcony. The walls were blue and scattered with photos, mostly of Jack. Him with his friends, playing hockey, with his family and...
“Do you have a picture of us?” a small Polaroid you didn't even remember taking off was stuck next to a small sunflower sticker.
“It was the first time you came to my game” Jack walked over.
“And the sunflower...”
“Your favorite flower” he scratched the back of his head nervously, but you didn't see it as you were too focused on the photo.
Jack opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of the boat's horn stopped him.
You followed him outside the house, watching the boys tie up the boat and run towards you.
You felt Jack's hand on your waist, pulling you closer. He looked down and gave you a little wink, as you felt confident to wrap your arms around his waist as well.
“I don't believe it” the first boy arrived with his mouth open, looking between you and Jack.
“Well, believe me my dear friend Trevor. This is Yn” Jack had a smile from ear to ear as he greeted his friend with a hug, pointing to you right after.
“Hi” your cheeks flushed as Trevor greeted you with a warm hug ignoring your outstretched hand.
"Okay, you can stop hugging my girlfriend now" Jack patted him on the back.
"I never thought the word girlfriend would come out of your mouth" Quinn approached, offering you a hand, which you accepted gently.
"Fate is playful" Jack shrugged.
“Jack talks about you all the time, but I thought you were just friends. I'm Brock, and this is Elias, nice to meet you” The blonde approached with a smile and this time it was Jack who felt his cheeks flush.
“Yeah, well, I realized after a while that I wanted more than friendship,” he says confidently, walking back to you.
“And how was that specifically?” Luke, the younger brother who had greeted you with a hug asked a curious question.
“He got jealous of me with someone else” you respond after realizing that Jack has stalled.
"How cute Jack" Trevor said smiling.
“Poor cute, you thought you'd lose me” an amused smile tumbles from your mouth when you notice that Jack's cheeks are reddening.
"You're right. When I thought of her dating someone else, I freaked out.”
“And ran to my apartment with the intention of making a romantic gesture,” you continue, enjoying the idea of making him shy.
“In a very manly way”
“With a giant bouquet of flowers” his friends seem to be amused by the idea of him being romantic.
“A very manly bouquet” he tries.
“Of sunflowers”.
He rolls his eyes "they're your favorite".
A sincere laugh leaves your lips and he follows you.
You reach for his cheek, standing on tiptoe to place a small kiss on the spot, while he still has one hand on your waist, caressing it with his fingertips.
Butterflies emerge in your stomach and you feel your leg wobble.
“Ew, it's good. We already understand that you are in love” Elias says making you two come back to reality.
“So tell me, how are you guys?” Jack addressed the question to the group, who continued talking until they reached some benches near the lake.
Jack guided you all the way, still with his hand firmly on your waist, positioning you to sit next to him on the couch. You spent hours talking, the boys treated each other like brothers and were always very polite in trying to include you in the conversation.
After watching the sunset by the lake, you decided to go inside for a shower and dinner.
The kitchen smelled of pasta and sauce when you came downstairs, your hair still wet.
Quinn was in charge of the stove; Elias, Brock and Jack were making the pizza dough and Luke and Trevor were waiting, they would be responsible for putting the pizza together.
"We could go a lot faster if I helped" Trevor complained, clearly bored.
"Don't you dare go near the stove" Quinn said without taking his eyes off the pot.
"And you would never have the skills to do this" Jack said, tossing the flattened pizza dough up, rolling it around on his finger, and returning it to the counter in a perfect circle.
“Wow” you blurted out and watched as six pairs of eyes turned towards you.
“Impressed?” Jack teased, wiping some of the flour off his hands on a napkin.
"I am. You never told me you knew how to do that.”
"Lie! I already cooked for you"
“True! But you never made pizza” you pouted while Jack laughed and leaned a little closer.
"Guilty. I promise to do it when we get back to Jersey.”
“Pinky promise?” you lift your pinky and Jack does so without batting an eye, placing a small kiss on your hand.
The boys had slowly returned to their duties while you and Jack talked. The butterflies in your stomach grew more euphoric with every smile Jack gave. He was always very smiley, but today he looked different.
“Hey, you two, enough flirting and get back to work. Jack, you still have more dough to make, and Yn, if you don't mind sweetener, could you cut the cheese?" Quinn gave the orders with his hands on his hips.
“Yes boss” you and Jack said together by chance going each to a counter.
"Is not fair! Yn just arrived and already has a mission!?” Trevor complained again.
The conversation was animated in the preparation and assembly of the pizzas, which were delicious. 
Jack and you were in charge of the dishes, and while some were tidying up the kitchen, others were preparing the room for a little movie session.
"I wash and you dry" Jack said four dishes ago, you didn't object.
“Tonight has been great” a smile graced your silly lips.
"Yes! They adored you, you're doing great being a fake girlfriend” Jack winked at you and you nodded.
"You're also a great fake boyfriend."
You lost track of time as it got dark. The boys had a long argument to choose the movie and when they did, your tiredness got the better of you.
You're not sure when you fell asleep, but you knew you were comfortable. 
Your head was resting on Jack's shoulder, who had his arms behind your back. He had a sweaty smell of shower, and with the little caresses he made on your back, you felt extremely comfortable and safe.
But not prepared for Luke's scream, when apparently some character died.
“I think I'll go to bed” your voice came out through a yawn as your heart was still beating fast.
After a chorus of goodnight and sorrys -and a peck on the cheek from Jack- you finally made it upstairs.
You were finishing getting dressed when Jack walked into the room, his eyes covered.
"It's safe?"
“Yep” you said as soon as you finished putting your pajama top over your head, making your friend open his eyes “is the movie over yet?”
"Not yet, but I'm tired from the trip, and Luke hasn't stopped complaining since the character died."
You watch as Jack locks the door, and takes a blanket from the trunk, spreading it over the foot of the bed.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't worry, you can have the bed, I sleep on the floor."
You'd be lying if you said this didn't make you slightly upset.
And you would be lying if said that you hadn't doubled the amount of cream you had applied to your body.
And maybe perfume.
Jack glared at you "Are you scared of monsters by any chance?" the provocative tone present.
“No” you rolled your eyes.
“Don't worry honey, I'm here to protect you if you need it” he said showing off his muscles.
"My hero!" you said with a laugh, turning off the light.
The moonlight came through a part of the curtain, making the room a beautiful color.
You snuggled under the covers while Jack took off his shirt, and you remembered that he had once commented that he slept like this. The temperature in the room seemed to rise and you closed your eyes quickly before he caught your eye.
Heavy knocking on the door made you jump up. Jack was still sleeping, face down, and he didn't seem to mind the louder and louder knocking.
“Are they still sleeping?” whispers through the door, sounding like Trevor's voice.
"Doesn't Luke have a key to this room?"
You reached for the nearest pillow throwing it at your unconscious friend who jumped up, facing your desperate eyes and the noise at the door.
He hurried to his feet, throwing the covers under the bed, and erasing any traces that he had slept on the floor. He tried to straighten his tangled hair, heading towards the door, still shirtless.
“May I know why the hell you guys are making such a racket at this time of the morning?” he opened the door wide enough to see the boys but made sure they couldn't see you.
"Room service" Trevor's voice sounded excited.
“Is Yn awake yet?” Brock appeared to try to enter the room, but Jack held the door steady.
“My girlfriend is still in her pajamas and you are crazy if you think I would let you see her like that”
Damn butterflies.
Jack went into the hallway and closed the door, returning a few seconds later "I told them we'd be down in a few minutes so they could get off my back, but you can take as many minutes as you want".
He turned to you, walking towards the bed and climbing on it, sitting next to you.
“I'm sorry about them, I promise they won't try to get in the room again” he says with a small smile holding your hand, which only then you realize was tightly gripped in the blanket.
Jack places a small kiss on the top of her head, and once again the feeling of security invades you.
“I can't believe you guys came all this way to play hockey” your voice was indignant as Jack pulled you towards a large open air ice rink.
“We're hockey players honey” he said amused.
“Yn, what size are your skates?” Quinn turned to you.
"I...I think I'll just watch"
“How disrespectful.” Trevor looked offended.
“I don't know how to skate, but it's ok I...”
The looks of shock went from you to Jack in a matter of seconds.
"Didn't you teach your girlfriend how to skate???"
"What's your problem??"
"Mom would be disappointed."
“He already tried to teach me, I'm just very resistant” you felt on a mission to save your friend.
"And I'm still going to teach her" Jack said confidently.
“Maybe one day” you nodded, as the boys headed towards the ice.
You followed Jack to the edge of the ice, where the other boys were, too, turning to him with a bouncy smile.
“Score a goal for me darling?”
He laughed "honey, you deserve nothing less than a hat trick".
You watched the first few minutes of the game, trying to be a competent fake girlfriend, but you fell into your book a while later, still on the edge of the ice. The boys formed a team and were playing with other boys, it seemed to have formed an interesting match.
Jack passed by you several times, to celebrate goals or try to splash ice on you.
Minutes of what should have been the second half, a boy also on the outside of the ice approached.
"What are you reading?"
“Pride and Prejudice” you lifted the cover.
“Great book, and much better movie. I'm Dylan, nice to meet you” he held out his hand.
“I don't trust anyone who thinks the film is better. I'm Yn” you shook his hand, he laughed.
“Interesting activity being right in front of an ice rink. Don't you know how to skate?
"No. And you, why aren't you there?
Dylan's response get lost in the cloud of ice hurled at him.
“Oops, my bad. I had to stop,” he said with a cynical smile, taking off his glove and holding out his hand to Dylan, who had ice in his hair, “I'm Jack Hughes”.
"Nice, Dylan, apparently you've already met my girlfriend Yn."
"Girlfriend? Now it makes sense,” Dylan murmured.
"What did you say?" Jack moved forward and you put yourself in front.
"Hey!? He was just being nice.”
"He was trying to hit on other people's girlfriends" Jack glares at the boy who has already run off.
"No, he was not."
“You are too naive to understand.”
“You never notice when someone hits on you Yn!” he yelled “they can do anything but you don't realize it!”
Jack ran a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner and you instinctively took a step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you I just..."
You turned your back and walked away, ignoring the call of your best friend and the other boys. The fact that they were on roller skates favored you, making it possible for you to get home before them, and lock yourself in your room.
Jack's outburst caught you off guard, you had never heard him scream, especially with you. Inevitable tears flowed from your eyes. These last few days had been a tangle of emotions and you felt overwhelmed.
Light knocks on the door “it's me” Jack's voice echoes through the lock.
"I don't want to talk right now."
Your voice cracks, and Jack feels his heart sink when he realizes you're crying. Worse. Upon realizing he made you cry.
“I shouldn't have yelled at you Yn, I'm so sorry” his voice is also muffled; he is sitting on the floor, his forehead resting against the door.
"All I did this weekend was help you Jack."
"I know. I'm an idiot” the pain in his voice was audible.
A long silence hangs in the air, making her sobs seem louder.
“I bought you a present” he says still in a whisper “it's in the second drawer, on the right. It's the black box.”
You hold back for a few seconds, but curiosity overcomes you. You open two wrong drawers before the right one, but finally find a small black box, looking like an intruder in the middle of so much hockey stuff. A sob leaves your throat as you open it to find a delicate sunflower pendant.
"It was supposed to be a surprise" Jack says with a sigh.
“When did you buy this?” you felt your voice waver.
“Did you buy this week?” your heart was sinking “tell me you didn't buy this this week. Tell me you didn't buy it just to show your friends that you know how to gift your fake girlfriend! That you're more than the kind of boy who changes when he's in front of his friends! You are making me confuse the whole weekend!" you shouted in a shaky voice.
“I've had this for months” Jack let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes tightly “you've always been true to me Yn, you just never realized it.”
Silence reigned for minutes, which became hours.
You were grateful for the door, since without it, Jack would find you in a sorry state.
Unaware of how much time had passed, you heard another knock on the door.
"I don't want to talk Jack."
"It's Quinn" your heart jumped "let me in please".
You pondered for a moment, but staggered to the door, opening it for the older brother.
“I thought you needed food” he held up a bag, which looked like it had bread and juice “can I come in?”
You nodded giving him room, your stomach rumbling as you opened the bag.
"What time is it?"
"Midnight. You were locked in here for nearly seven hours.”
"My hair must look ridiculous."
Quinn let out a small laugh through his nose, sighing shortly after.
“I know about you and Jack.”
"What?" you almost choked.
"Jack is my little brother, I know him better than anyone. And I knew that if he had gotten a chance with you, he would have told me right away, not a month later."
“A chance with me?” your head was spinning and you ate another bread.
“Did you really never notice?” Quinn looked at you with a certain admiration and curiosity, while you disagreed.
“He liked you from the day you met. The Devils had lost that day and he was on a losing streak, his mood was sour than lemon, but after meeting you, he came home grinning like an idiot. I remember him saying that he was so stunned that he had forgotten to ask for your phone number..."
“I always wondered how he found me”
"He knew your college, and he knew your last name, so he looked through the list of approved until he found it."
“But should they have like a millions names?”
"Was a long night" Quinn let out a smile "he let out a scream when he found your Instagram, and when you followed him back."
“He was always talking about you to me. Always. When we traveled, he always thought of a little souvenir to bring you, and I lost count of how many times we stayed behind because he wanted to take a picture of everything.”
“The Hughes family travel vlogs starring Jack Hughes” you mimicked the voice you knew by heart and Quinn laughed.
"He recorded it at least five times to make sure it was good."
“Why has he never asked me out?” you rambled.
Quinn shrugged, “He's Jack. He never went into detail with me, but I remember him mentioning once that you had a bad relationship with your ex and that you were trying to focus on your studies now. I think he just was afraid of losing you.”
You felt little tears forming in your eyes remembering moments of you and Jack.
When he listened to you for hours telling about your love misadventures, your deepest scars. 
When he took you in when you broke down and went to buy you a big tub of ice cream. 
When he heard you say you were tired of suffering for love. 
When you fell asleep on the couch and woke up warm and comfortable in bed. When you got sick and he left practice early just to check on you. 
Jack's smile when you showed up to watch him on the ice, or wore one of his shirts.
When he smiled at you and you felt your heart stop. 
And those damn butterflies.
"Where is he?"
The clock was past one in the morning and the night was cold.
Jack had his eyes closed, feeling the warm water of the Jacuzzi under the moonlight.
You approached slowly admiring the scene. He was shirtless, and looked relaxed, his body moving slowly with the water.
“Are you alone?” your voice was muffled.
Jack gave a small smirk, eyes still closed.
You walked around the jacuzzi, sitting on the stairs, right across from Jack.
He opened his eyes, analyzing you for a few seconds. You were wearing a heavy winter coat, and you smelled like vanilla and after-bath, with a high bun.
“I'm sorry” his gaze was intense.
“Me too” a small smile came out of your mouth, being reciprocated.
You took a deep breath, putting your legs in the tub. Jack's eyes shot to them instantly, your skin reflecting the blue of the water.
“I don't regret it,” he said, looking back into your eyes.
“From this weekend. Of having you as my fake girlfriend for a while. Was cool".
A small smile came out of your mouth “I could have been your real girlfriend if you had had the guts to ask.”
The tension was electrifying. 
Jack took a deep breath, putting his arms out of the jacuzzi, looking at you in a different way. Desire.
You took off your coat, revealing your body in a black bikini, which you had felt stupid packing to go visit somewhere cold, but now you were nothing short of grateful.
Jack let out a heavy breath, and gripped the edge of the pool as he watched your entire body submerge.
"Now, I'm slightly sorry" he accompanied you glazed, while you walked slowly closer to him.
“The weekend isn't over yet” your smile was relaxed as you stopped right in front of him, who was sitting, making his knees touch your belly.
“Hi, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you".
“You are unique” Jack grabbed your waist with one hand, pulling you onto his lap.
The kiss was desperate. A prize won after an agonizing wait.
His tongues engaged in a hot battle as he had his hands all over your body, pulling you close. Between caresses, you let out a smile.
“Look how interesting, you will be able to introduce your real girlfriend to your brothers and your friends tomorrow”
Jack lets out a smile as he kisses your neck "I wish you the best of luck, they really liked the last one, it's going to be a tough competition".
You couldn't hold back a hearty laugh. And Jack found himself admiring you bright smile, going down your neck seconds later. 
He starts tracing the silver chain, until it went down towards your breasts, where a delicate yellow sunflower was.
"Did you like it?"
You felt your cheeks flush "you get lucky, they're kinda my favorite".
Your heart melted as you moved closer for one more kiss.
 And it was like that all night.  
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munson-blurbs · 24 days
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Argyle x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: literally just Argyle being the sweetest during sex with his pregnant girl.
WC: 820
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), pregnant!Reader, Argyle calls Reader "mama" (but no mommy kink), allusion to daddy kink
A/N: shoutout to @chatteringfox for being the most feral over Argyle with me--not only for this fic, but also 24/7. Also, happy birthday Eduardo Franco. Sorry that we want to have your stoner babies.
Argyle was always gentle during sex. He held you as though you were the most precious thing to him, pressing soft kisses down the column of your neck. Even when you were on top, he’d languidly roll his hips upwards to meet yours, never once rushing through or chasing his own orgasm until he was certain you’d gotten yours.
Part of that could be attributed to the marijuana haze he kept himself in, but the primary reason was simply because he loved you so much and wanted to savor every moment.
Now, he braced his arms on either side of your body, groaning as he slid inside you. You were so wet for him, so eager and ready, a regular occurrence since you’d entered your second trimester. The nausea had subsided and had been replaced with an influx of hormones that had you craving his touch every second of the day. 
“Fuck, princesa,” Argyle murmured, sucking in a sharp breath. “How do you always feel so goddamn good?”
You could only whimper in reply, relishing in the way his happy trail brushed against your bump. Your fingers dug into his back, drawing him even closer. His raven curtain of hair draped over one side of you and tickled your bare arm.
Now fully seated within you, Argyle lifted one hand and let his thumb graze over your left nipple, his tongue swiping over the right. It was too much; the feel of him playing with your breasts was overstimulating on its own, but then adding in the additional sensitivities of pregnancy…
“A-Args,” you whispered, your breath hitching in your throat as he kissed you.
“Yeah?” The word, said against your lips, sent vibrations through your body.
It was impossible to concentrate with him filling you so perfectly. Every thrust was both lazy and intentional, the kind of movement that simultaneously said ‘I’m safe with you,’ and ‘I’ll take care of you.’
“S’too much.” Your eyes met his, and all at once he understood. This wasn’t you being a brat or teasing him for more. 
The hand on your breast moved to your side and caressed your bump with a tenderness you’d only ever imagined before Argyle. You relaxed into his touch and allowed yourself to be immersed in all of him. 
Argyle would always be Argyle, true to his core. The whites of his eyes were tinged pink from smoke. His fingers were strong and perfect for massages (a back massage was, ironically, how you’d ended up pregnant). The scents of cologne, weed, and flour mingled together and created an aura so utterly and uniquely Argyle. 
“‘S that better, Mama?”
And, oh, did that denomer do it for you. 
Your half-lidded eyes widened, your own movements temporarily stalled as you processed what he said. 
The corners of Argyle’s mouth curved into a gentle smile the moment he clocked your reaction. “Such a beautiful Mama, having my baby. Y’know,” he nipped at your bottom lip, “I always thought you were beautiful, from the moment we met. But now? Holy shit, s’like I didn’t even know what beauty was until now.”
Wrapping your legs around him, you pulled him in even deeper, eliciting a groan from both you and him. 
“Little faster,” you urged him. “I’m so fucking close.”
Argyle tucked his lips into his mouth, focusing solely on giving you what you needed. He thrusted into you faster than before, each movement sending a ripple of pleasure through your body. 
“C-Can’t hold out m-much longer, Mama.”
You nodded and threaded your fingers through his hair. “S’okay. I’m right—right—oh my god, yes!”
Your orgasm wasn’t gradual; it crashed into you with unfounded speed. You could feel every inch of him, the ridge between the head of his cock and the shaft hitting your sweet spot and making your toes curl. 
“Baby—Princesa—I’m c-coming,” Argyle panted, his breath warm against your neck. “That’s it, fuck, take it. Take my cum. Take it all…unngh.”
Argyle spilled into you with everything he had. His grip tightened around you as though he was grounding himself, lest he wake up and realize it was all a dream. 
Lucky for both of you, this was reality. 
He flopped down on his back, his bare chest heaving as he came down from the high. Perspiration darkened the thatch of hair between his pecs. 
“So.” Argyle turned his head to look at you. “Being called ‘Mama’ really does it for ya, huh?”
You gave him a wry grin. “Apparently.”
“Good to know.” He breathed out. “Good to know.”
“Why, you plan on using that to your advantage?”
He laughed and pulled you closer, letting his hand rest on your tummy. “I would never,” he said mockingly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Good.” You shifted so you were facing him, mischief dancing in your eyes. “Because then I just might have to see how you’d react if I called you ‘Daddy.’”
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬
୨♡୧ You are in love with your best friend's older brother, but he never showed interest in you until the night you were alone together
୨♡୧ x r e a d e r!
୨♡୧ 𝑭𝒕. Rindou Haitani and Ran Haitani
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tw: explicit words, virginity loss(in secret), masturbation, unprotected sex, nicknames (doll, baby) names like (bitch, whore, slut) I think that's it...
Rindou was always your best friend, to the point where everyone believed you're were like a couple, but all you felt for Rindou was just a feeling of companionship and friendship, the opposite of what you felt for his older brother, Ran Haitani, You fell in love with him the first time you saw him and had been harboring feelings for him for a long time.
That night, you would sleep at Rindou's house like you used to do, Ran was always at home, despite that, he never gave you the attention you wanted or simply never left the room, for some reason, Rindou had to leave to solve a problem personal or from a gang, then, to your delight, you and Ran would be alone together that night.
Knowing that you were alone, Ran preferred to give you a little attention so that you wouldn't get bored, inviting you to watch something with him in the living room, you really weren't expecting that, but you accepted the invitation at the same moment.
Going to the living room, there he was sitting on the sofa in his nightwear, which marked his defined body even more, you couldn't hide your eyes at Ran, he clearly noticed, giving a brief laugh and asking you to sit next to him.
"Girl? are you going to stand there and watch me? What are you waiting for to sit down, my authorization?" Ran said looking you up and down, he had never noticed how beautiful you were until that moment.
"... What do you plan to watch?" Still a little shy, you questioned Ran.
He looked at you, sitting a little away from him, getting closer, he placed his head on your shoulder.
"It's up to you, I just don't want to make you bored because my brother had to leave." Ran stood up a little and looked at you again. "If you don't want to watch something, we can do something, don't you think?"
"W-what do you mean by that, Ran" You knew what he was talking about, but you just preferred to act innocent, you were a virgin, but you wouldn't tell Ran that, thinking you were imagining too many things since Ran had never even looked at you before.
"You and Rindou, there's something going on between you, isn't there?" Ran asked you in a serious tone, he felt guilty if he stole his brother's girl, even though you know Rindou has a crush on you.
"We're just friends!" You replied, again getting even closer to the older.
"Hmm? You sure? Arg ,It's better this way" Ran put your hair aside and gave you a small kiss on your neck, making your body shiver, you didn't want to miss that opportunity to be with Ran, even though you were still afraid that Rindou would arrive at an inappropriate time.
"C-calm down, Ran, what are we going to do if Rindou arrives?" You said, trying to hide your flushed face, not being able to hide how apprehensive you were towards Rindou.
"With a hot girl like you by my side, do you think I care if my brother arrives or not? " He interrupted your speech, continuing to kiss your neck with even more intensity, at that moment all you did was stay still and let him take control.
You just wore a small pair of light fabric pajamas, making his job even easier, he masturbated you over the thin fabric, making you all wet. As soon as he got tired of leaving your neck marked, he looked at you smiling, that was the most beautiful smile you had ever seen, so your desire for Ran in that The moment only grew even more, even though you still nervous. He lowered one of the straps of your nightwear, caressing your skin gently, Ran couldn't control himself from holding your tits, he really liked what he was seeing, as you were on the sofa, he made you sit on his lap, that place had enough space for him to do what he wanted, so, as soon as you sat down on his lap, you realized how excited he was, so you pressed your hips even more against his, making Ran give a slight sigh, you couldn't delay because of Rindou, Ran didn't delay in taking off your blouse, leaving you completely defenseless in front of him at that moment.
"Damn girl, you're hot, I don't know how my asshole brother hasn't fucked you yet." He said, in one of the pauses in the intense kisses he was giving you, as he was kissing you, you slowly felt his hands pass over your body, carefully taking off your pajama pants, you were wearing absolutely nothing underneath those clothes, this ended up making him even more excited, at that point, he could no longer handle that desire. "You really are a whore, aren't you? Now you will be mine, silly slut."
When he had played with you enough, he wanted to start going harder on you, Ran knew how big he was, but he didn't intend to be careful at all, holding your waist, Ran made you sit on him, he wouldn't be patient, so you would have to be quick.
"Y-yes, mmm~ keep looking at me with that cute naughty face, my pretty doll." He forced you to look at him throughout the act, as he loved seeing your face of pleasure every time you went down on his dick.
"Y-your pussy feels so good... Sit for your daddy, hum?" Ran held you tightly, your moans drove him completely crazy, he could only think about how he wasn't able to tell you fuck before.
You were determined to make him cum, your body was shaking and your face was flushed, when you were both almost cumming in, you noticed that Rindou was coming home.
"R-Ran!? It's Rindou... R-rindou has arrived." You said with a scared expression, stopping what you were doing at the moment.
Ran looked at you seriously, he didn't really care if Rindou had arrived or not.
"You didn't want to be my bitch? Now you will go to the end." Practically giving you an order, Ran made you suck his dick until he finally reached cum, it didn't take long for him to end up cumming all over your face.
"Good girl... Now go wash that doll face before Rindou sees you all cummed." He said biting his lip, giving a brief laugh and getting ready, you quickly got ready too and returned to Rindou's room as if nothing had happened.
Rindou entered the living room door minutes after what happened, seeing Ran sitting on the sofa.
"Where is Y/n?" Rindou questioned the same.
"Is there someone here? I hadn't even noticed..." Ran pretended not to be paying attention, answering his brother's question without showing much interest.
Rindou just shrugged and walked into the room, seeing you sitting on his computer chair, noticing your rumpled clothes and the hickeys on your neck, he approached you, holding your face and looking at you with a look you never had repaired, seeing you in that state made him undeniably excited.
"What the fuck happened while I was gone?" Rindou questioned you, however, you remained silent, no longer looking at him just as a friend, you had already get fucked by Ran, you weren't minding giving your pussy to Rindou too.
"Did you fuck my with brother?" Rindou questioned again and you only agreed, nodding your head in affirmation, Rindou was silent and soon a smile appeared on his face.
"Oh...It seems like he didn't satisfy you enough, doesn't it? Don't worry baby, I won't mind fucking that pussy." Passing his hand over your face and then gently opening your legs and caressing your clit through your clothes, it was the last thing Rindou said.
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 8 months
Wait I think I missed the part of the game where it says all the characters (like Catnap and Dogday) are kids and when I looked it up all I'm finding is theories?? (This has nothing to do with the sexualizing them conversation)
Before the release of chapter 3, we received an arg from mob entertainment games- the makers of poppy playtime. In said ARG you can learn about an orphan child named Theodore Grambell.
Through this arg you learn that Theodore has been seeing and interacting with The Prototype- and The Prototype supposedly was trying to save Theo from playcare before he was experimented on, but it failed when the workers of Playtime co severely injured Theo, and the prototype basically came back with theo to make sure he could receive the help he needed to survive- leading to the prototypes capture. Theo views this event as The Prototype giving up his own freedom to save him- and as such, when the workers of playtime co turn Theo into Catnap after he's returned, Catnap worships the prototype as a savior. This is then all doubled down on when the chapter actually released, because you can find a tape of a doctor speaking to catnap, but referring to him as "Theodore" and wouldn't you know it, Theo is the only one ever to have that name in lore.
Kissy Missy can be found in Chapter 3 looking longingly at a picture of a little girl who is believed to be her from before-
and even FURTHER back many MANY people believe that poppy herself is the founder of playtime co's adoptive daughter.
Its also said over and over and OVER again that playtime co would be nothing without the kids. Many people believe this to be very literal. Without the kids- their toys wouldn't be successful.
There's also other tapes in Chapter three, one is about a kid being pulled from class because hes been "selected", one is about a woman and man (presumably a couple) crying because the orphan they wanted to adopt is no longer available as hes been taken for "testing", and in another we hear a doctor have to turn a kid away because he's trying to "fix" his friend who is "sick".
The toys are not always kids, but a lot of them are as that was the WHOLE POINT of playcare, the onsite orphanage. It's why in my AU i am trying to save them- because they are just that. Kids. Who have been traumatized beyond any understanding of the word. It is horrific- grotesque- and honestly stupid because where does playtime co even GET that many orphans.
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sissytobitch10seconds · 5 months
Two Birds on a Wire
Fandom: Helluva Boss Summary: After getting trapped with his ex-boyfriend in Greed, Blitz ends up saying a lot of stupid stuff that makes his life better in the long run. Warnings: Past underage sex, pregnancy, trans male pregnancy, mpreg, and kidnapping Word Count: 4,883 Ship(s): Asmodeus/Fizzarolli and Stolas Ars Goetia/Blitzo Buckzo
Archive link!
A/N: Another fic for my wonderful mutual(@lovely-number-7)! They give me so much inspiration for this and encouragement to keep going. I added some surprises for them so everyone is going into this fic on an even playing field, haha. I hope that you all enjoy it! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Blitz’s day had already been going pretty terrible when he ended up getting into a fight with someone that had been very important to him over a decade ago.
Not only did seeing Fizz bring back memories of when they were in the circus together and everything that they had shared before the fire, but it now also reminded him of how awful the Loo Loo Land Fizzbot had been to him. The taunts and jeers from the back of the already sparse crowd still haunted his dreams and shot down his confidence when he was trying to cheer up his office or kids. Of course that was when the jester thought that it would be a great idea to pick on him and reference the stalkers that he had, which Blitz would never associate himself with.
After the fight, Striker had captured them to prove to Crimson that he was a worthy investment. Blitz had always known that being in his line of work would result in something like that happening to him, he just hadn’t accounted for Fizz being thrown into the same cage as him. At least Striker had finally gotten the sense to cater to who he was capturing instead of assuming that Millie wouldn’t chew her own leg off, beartrap or not, to save her husband.
He had been bound in normal rope, something that he couldn’t hope to wiggle out of because of the friction that it was causing on his skin and suit. Fizz, on the other hand, was bound in what looked to be duct tape so that he couldn’t do anything with his robotic arms and legs.
Even the memory of the fact that Fizz had prosthetics instead of his natural limbs made years and years of guilt come swimming back at him. He wanted to snap and fight back to get the feeling to go away, but he also knew that it would lead to nothing good for either of them. He had been trying so hard and for so long to better himself so that he could be a good example to his girls, but it was a slow going process. Being around the man that had started and ended everything in his life had regressed him back to where he had been fifteen years before.
Fizz started to whine and look around the cage for a way out. “Oh, chill out Jester,” Blitz spoke without meaning to. The words all just tumbled from him and into the open air without his mind even taking a second to process them. It was what had gotten him into the mess that was his life and would likely be what took him out of it as well. “It’s like you’ve never been tied up before.”
“Ugh,” Fizz grunted as he continued to try and pull at his bindings. “Sure, but not by a bunch of psychos.” He fell forward so that he smacked into the hard metal floor of the ground, “Arg! And a piece of shit.”
Blitz narrowed his eyes at the man that was once his best friend as he tried to figure out what he was talking about. “Fi- Okay… okay, am I the psycho or the piece of shit?”
“Both,” Fizz snapped.
“Ah, that checks,” he sighed. He should have known that even when they were in a dangerous situation Fizz wouldn’t be open to listening to him, just as he hadn’t been for years. He had tried so hard after the fire, when they were both trapped in that satanforsaken hospital, and then again through letters for nearly a decade and a half afterwards.
“How is this happening?” Fizz whined as he straightened up again. “I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling!
Anger boiled inside of him. Blitz had been in situations like that more times than he could count and he had never spent as much time whining as Fizz had. They hadn’t even been drugged or interrogated yet, they were just waiting for money to exchange hands. “Oh relax. I’m sure your big royal chicken isn’t going to let anything happen to his peppy little fuck doll.”
“Oh, playing that card, huh?” Fizz snarled. He had just as much anger and vitriol as he had back when they were snarling at each other in Ozzie’s. “Okay, well what about you? Seems your taste has gotten more… regal, lately?”
Again, his brain spoke before his mouth could. “Stolas and I aren’t like that, alright? We might have been able to try out dating if you hadn’t fucking shamed him in front of countless people at what was supposed to be our first date.”
“First date? I knew that you were bad with that whole romance thing but I didn’t consider the fact that you only take a guy out when he’s been railing you into the mattress for months first,” Fizz snarked back. Gone was the boy that looked up to Blitz with all the earnestly of someone that was the golden child of the circus. He no longer had that compassion and tenderness that Blitz had fallen for all those years ago, at least not for the very imp that had protected that in him.
“I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” Blitz seethed. He had worked so long and so hard to try and make his relationship with Stolas healthier for the sake of their children. He knew that he was bad at picking partners and starting things off, the fact that Verosika still hated him for using her credit card to pay for the twins medical bills when they got the hellflu. Fizz didn’t have the right to mock him for his romantic relationships when he was the one that had damaged Blitz into making bad decisions in the first place, though.
“I think that I do!” responded Fizz. “I was the first guy to earn a date by pounding you into the mattress for months, remember?”
“You know, that’s not really a claim to fame,” Blitz snarled. “Not that you really need anything else to boost your notoriety, right?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
His cheat was heaving with the emotion that was spinning through him like a bullet. He knew that feeling very well, he had gotten shot more times than he cared to admit in his line of work. When it was an emotional bullet instead of a literal one, the pain was so much more intense. A literal bullet would pierce the skin where it had been shot and then destroy the nerve endings in that specific spot, echoing the pain from that location. A metaphorical bullet, on the other hand, tore through the entire body all at once and lit every single nerve on fire. He could feel it twisting and ripping at his heart, making memories from a long time ago arise in his mind the way that an exorcist blade might on a sinner.
Blitz focused on what he was doing instead of saying something. If he kept talking then he was going to say something incredibly stupid. He couldn’t afford to do that when he was surrounded by people that very obviously wanted to use him for their own gain. He wouldn’t be surprised if they had already sent a message back to Stolas letting him know that Blitz had been captured, or if Stolas had been able to feel it the same way that he had with the demon hunters.
With thoughts of his Goetia lover rattling around his mind instead of the memories of what had happened that fateful night of the fire, he was able to focus. He jerked his foot backwards on the rough metal floor of the cage that they were in and removed the knife that he stashed there for moments such as this. He picked the blade up with the edge of his fingers and then turned it around with amazing dexterity, something that he had picked up when he was in the circus, not that it had done him any good. Maybe he could have gotten a job at that cat-themed gambling place if he had just been a bit older when he applied.
He deftly cut through the ropes that were binding his hands and then did the same to the ones on his arms and legs. “What was that supposed to mean, Blitzo?” Fizz demanded again, as if he couldn’t see that Blitz was trying to get them out of that cage so that they never had to face each other again.
He knew that he shouldn’t have said anything, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut and protected the little pocket of joy he had carved for himself with his own claws and teeth, but he couldn’t. “Oh, nothing. I’m just glad that you managed to find someone that you could knock up and not want to abandon this time around,” he replied. 
“What in the ever loving fuck is that supposed to mean?” Fizz demanded as he turned around towards Blitz.
They didn’t get the chance to keep fighting about what he had said because Striker was there at the cage, grasping at Fizz and threatening him. Blitz had seen how ruthless he was when he had been preparing to take down Stolas, so it was a surprise to everyone there that he didn’t just perform the kill immediately. Part of him wanted to be grateful to Crimson for reminding the bigot that they were a valuable asset that had to be returned in one piece, and the other half of him was so angry that he could barely see straight.
Blitz felt like an idiot, talking about the pregnancy that he had detected from Fizz’s goading earlier and putting his ex-boyfriend in trouble because of it. He knew what it was to be a child that grew up without a parent and to raise a child without the other half of one’s heart, he would never do that to someone else. He hated Fizz with every fiber of his being for what had happened during the fire and afterwards, but most of his heart was just clinging to that anger so that he didn’t have to feel the alternative. Somewhere deep inside of him, in a place that he had buried and decided to never return to, was the sorrow that tried to choke him out every second that it got.
He could barely think about the guilt that he was feeling over that. If he had any luck left in him then they wouldn’t have to worry about Striker or Crimson in a little while. He supposed that being a Prince of Hell and a Sin meant that Ozzie would be able to hire good security for his lover when he found out what had happened. Stolas didn’t have that luxury since he was one of seventy-two Ars Goetia and often ignored by his family, which was why he had resorted to using Blitz as a bodyguard even though the imp wasn’t very good at that. 
He had to get them both out of the warehouse or he would never forgive himself. He knew that he still held resentment for Fizz, but that was only there because of the massive swell of love that existed for his childhood best friend. So he flipped the knife around his front when he had finished cutting the ropes around his arms and sliced it off his legs as well. He worked silently as he got the sharp blade through the duct tape and let Fizz be free as well. He did something convoluted and stupid to get them down from the cage, but it also managed to distract all of the goons around them so that several of them were fighting each other.
While they were working together, Blitz learned several things about his ex-best friend that he never thought he would have been given the chance to. Fizz was incredibly flexible, likely because of the prosthetic arms that he had gotten after the fire at the circus. He was still able to do everything that he had when they were kids despite the fact that they were nearly thirty, which shouldn’t have really been a surprise. Despite the fact that he had bionic limbs and had been famous for over a decade, the bastard knew nothing about fighting.
Blitz had to pull the slack for both of them because while Fizz was able to avoid getting shot pretty well, he couldn’t shoot anyone else to literally save his life. It ended up working out well when Fizz picked Blitz up and used his stretchy arms and flexibility to help the other imp get some of the harder shots, which resulted in them finding the window that eventually got them out.
After another explosion and some acrobatics that he hadn’t done for years, he managed to get them to a point where they were both safe for the time being. He let out a low breath and nearly collapsed as the adrenaline began to melt from his body. “I know that you hate me, but can I borrow a phone from you so that I can call my girls?”
“I want to talk to you about that before I let you go,” Fizz shook his head. The world around them stank like burning rubber and melting metal from the fire that they had started on the junkyard, but it felt oddly poetic in some way. Their entire relationship had gone up like a trash fire so they might as well talk about it while surrounded by one.
He had always known that it was a possibility that he and Fizz would have this conversation one day. He had known the second that the doctor came in with the confirmation that the pregnancy had lasted through the fire, he had known the second that the test had come back positive, he had known the second that they had decided one time without a condom would probably be fine. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he finally managed to make his voice say.
“What did you mean when you said that I got someone pregnant and then abandoned them? This is my first time having a kid, Oz and I were really excited when we found out,” Fizz said quietly. He looked so forlorn and scared when he did it, that it actually made Blitz’s heart ache in his chest.
He turned his head to the side and tried to blink away the tears that had gathered there as he explained. “You know how we were dating back when we were sixteen and we thought that one or two times without a condom would be okay? Well, I got knocked up. When I tried to tell you I got sidelined or told to fuck off every time. I thought for sure you knew.”
“Why would you think that?” Fizz asked, holding his hands out to the side of him like Blitz had told him that he thought the living world’s moon was made out of cheese. He knew that his ex-best friend would react to that situation in that specific way because it had happened when they were thirteen, the first time that they had gotten drunk together.
“Because I tried to tell you a dozen times! I mean, the first time really didn’t work because I passed out at your party and then when I woke up everything was on fire,” he sighed.
Fizz tightened up when he heard that. “You passed out? While pregnant? Were you okay?” he asked.
“I mean, I’m okay now. At the time I was actually really anemic, having them almost killed me,” he shrugged. “But I did try to tell you about the twins, Fizz. I wrote you letters after the security gave me a bruise on my ass because of how hard they tossed me out of the hospital.”
“No one ever told me that you came to visit while I was in the hospital,” the other imp whispered. He had tilted his head down for the first time since the explosion, staring at the green flames still licking at the trash below them. It was beginning to peter out already as it had consumed everything that wasn’t just melting. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his one usable arm around them, his tail completing the circle. “I wanted you to visit me so badly. I was so scared and I didn’t understand why you ran away from me after you had seen me.”
“I didn’t really see you,” Blitz shrugged. He tilted his head forward and dug his fingers into his eye socket. He was able to see the absolutely disgusted face that Fizz gave him before he marveled at the glass eye. It had enough tech in it that it could help widen Blitz’s peripheral vision and give him his depth perception back, but it didn’t have anything high-tech. If he had wanted that then he would have had to go with VoxTech because Asmodean prosthetics tried to focus on actually being usable. “See? My eyes were totally fucked for like a week after the fire, I had to make the nurses give me an extra ultrasound so I had a chance to see my own babies since I couldn’t when they checked the first time.”
The other imp was quiet for a while longer, Blitz knew why. He had put together towards the beginning of their conversation that Cash and Mammon had worked to keep the two of them apart, especially since Cash was the one that had originally told Blitz that the fire was his fault and that Fizz didn’t want to see him. Both the older imp and the sin had to know about the twins and had kept Fizz from that knowledge on purpose.
“So you were pregnant and tried to tell me, but they didn’t let you because they wanted to keep exploiting me,” Fizz finally said the silent part out loud. Blitz had known that Mammon was abusing his best friend since he had attending the first show he had to work in Loo Loo Land. The robots were made poorly because of the demand for them, which meant that they only resembled his friend to some extent. He knew that none of that money was making it back to Fizz, at least to some extent, because otherwise he wouldn’t have kept working for the bastard as long as he had.
“Yeah, pretty much. I’ve been raising both girls on my own for a long time, there’s a lot of shit I wished you had seen and even more that I’m so glad you didn’t,” Blitz said. His pregnancy had been a fucking disaster, what with him being out on his own and absolutely covered in slowly healing burns for the entirety of it.
“What do you mean by that?” Fizz asked. It seemed like that was what he was asking most often, likely because Blitz was telling him something convoluted and overwhelming. He only had to ask for clarification when Blitz could actually get the words he needed to say forced out of his mouth.
“Well, it wasn’t pretty after I had the girls. I was mostly working odd jobs that were part time so that I could be home with them for the majority of the day. I even had to take up doing maintenance of my building so that my landlord would drop the rent to something that I could actually afford. Stole a lot too, usually baby clothes and formula because your kids sure know how to eat, Fizz. I guess that’s the one thing that I’m actually grateful that Cash taught me how to do,” Blitz rambled on.
While they talked, he shimmied towards the main part of the crane that would let them travel downwards. Fizz followed after him, coming down to the ashy ground as well despite the injury that he had on his arm. It felt almost like the fire had never happened and they had never been separated for those long fifteen years. He wondered what they would have been if they had that time instead of what they had received instead. They might have turned into what Blitz’s parents had been like, in love once upon a time but miserable and together only for their children. Perhaps it was for the best that they had been separated, so they could both grow as people and become better for their children.
They reached the bottom of the crane without either of them falling and then embarked further on their journey as they tried to get out of the junkyard. The fire had thankfully turned into nothing but warmth and foul smoke by the time that they actually descended and hadn’t caught the entire place on fire.
Thankfully, Blitz was used to his van giving out and stranding him wherever the most recent part had chosen to break. He was used to having to walk through cramped, foreign city streets until a payphone was found. He slipped into it and rigged the machine by hitting it in just the right places so that the coins inside jingled but didn’t fall, which was something that could only be done in greed. He rested his head against the grimy box as he listened to it ring a couple times before someone finally picked up.
“Blitz? Are you alright? Oh please tell me that this is actually you and not another one of those kidnappers trying to taunt me,” Stolas rambled. Blitz should have known that he was going to be an absolute mess when they were able to talk to each other again, but it still warmed his heart and the lower half of his belly to know that he had someone who cared that much about him. The part of his brain that carried Stolas’ voice with him like a protection ward told him that the only reason his lover hadn’t come to break him out the same way that he had when Blitz had gotten caught in the living world was because the politics in Hell were more complicated.
“I’m alright, Stolas. Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to get us out of there? I hope that you didn’t pay those fuckers any of your money,” Blitz said.
“I was preparing to, darling, if I’m being totally honest,” Stolas replied. He sounded a little sheepish when he spoke and Blitz could almost see the blush covering the lower half of his face. In the background, the imp could make out someone else talking but couldn’t quite discern what the words were. He just knew that the tone was familiar. 
“Stolas! What they were asking for was totally fucking ridiculous and you know that Striker still has a shit ton of money from when Stella tried to have you killed,” Blitz scoffed. The memory of how injured his boyfriend had been after that incident still made his entire body feel as though he had been doused in ice water. He hadn’t been able to go to the hospital because of the trauma that he had from his first pregnancy and post-fire, which meant that he had to deal with a lot of things completely on his own on top of battling the guilt at not being there to defend his partner. He couldn't wait until their case got through the courts of Hell and they were able to put the bitch in her place by taking Via from her and giving her nothing in return during the divorce.
Stolas chittered in that way that he did when he was blushing and preparing to say something mushy, “There’s no price in the Nine Rings that’s too high when it comes to making sure that you’re safe, my dear. Both of you.”
Blitz’s hand moved down to the bottom part of his stomach, which was already beginning to swell with whatever baby had been implanted in him some months ago. He and Stolas hadn’t even been aware that it was possible for a member of the Ars Goetia and an imp to reproduce, so they hadn’t been as careful as they could have been. That was, of course, what had gotten him into trouble with his twins back when he was nineteen with the very imp that was standing outside the phonebooth. He couldn’t bring himself to regret it either time, though. The only thing that he did regret was being the first to do it because the absence of knowledge about how that worked made them both worried. They had no idea if Blitz could handle delivering an egg, like what Octavia was born in, or if he would go into labor and deliver live babies the same way that he had with his twins. There were a lot of questions and very few answers to be found, which had to be half of the reason that Stolas was so worried about the kidnapping.
He couldn’t help the smile that crossed over his face as he said, “I’m okay, Stolas. You know that I can handle this kind of thing.”
“But we don’t, Blitzy,” Stolas replied. “You could have been very hurt if your balance was off when you were trying to do one of your action hero moves. Let me know where you are and I can portal you right home.”
“Are you with Ozzie right now?” Blitz asked. It was awkward to have to refer to the man that his ex-partner was now embroiled with, but it was important. Stolas had said that he was going to request an Asmodean crystal for Blitz so that they could make their relationship official. If it was known that a Goetia was allowing his lover to use such a powerful magical artifact without permission from Paimon, the leader of the Ars Goetia, then they could both get in serious trouble. Blitz refused to give up his work even if he was just manning the office with his eldest daughter until the baby came, in whatever form that was.
“I am, in fact,” the other replied. “Why?”
Blitz went quiet for a while. He let out a low breath to try and settle the nausea in the back of his throat. He was glad for the pregnancy, for once, because it allowed him to blame that feeling on the fact that he was growing another being instead of it being about the idea of telling Fizz. That was stupid anyway, since he had already told the other imp and the reaction that he had feared didn’t come to pass in the way that he had feared it. 
He straightened up in the phone booth and then waved at Fizz to make sure that the other was okay. “I want you to bring me and someone else to their palace. I, um, I finally told the twins father that they existed and I think that we should discuss when they’re going to meet for the first time.”
“Do you think that he’s going to try and fight for custody?” Stolas immediately asked.
“I don’t think so. And you know my feelings about how custody should work,” Blitz replied. Via had been very worried about what would happen to her when her parents finally settled in the courts. She didn’t want to have to go stay with her mother every other week, not when the woman had soured so completely since Stolas had cheated on her. Apparently her bad attitude had now transferred to being directed at her daughter instead of being reserved only for her ex-husband. They had managed to work in a clause that Via would get to choose where she wanted to go and who she wanted to be with. She wouldn’t get carted around based on the whims of her parents or a court system, she would have autonomy for who she got to be with.
Stolas agreed after a bit more poking and prodding, then got the coordinates that he needed from Blitz. The portal opened and they were permitted to step through onto the plush carpets of Ozzie’s mansion. It was decorated the same way that everything else in Lust was, with massive windows that let in the hazy pink light and blues thrown just about everywhere. 
As soon as they were safely through the swirling bit of magic, Fizz launched himself off the ground and into his boyfriend’s arms. Blitz could barely even think about being jealous or envious of what they had because his own boyfriend was smothering him with affection. He knew that things were going to be okay, even if they would be weird and out of the ordinary. He hadn’t been loved the way he wanted during his first pregnancy, but he was getting it now. And Fizz would get to know what it was like to watch his children grown in the belly of the man he loved, even if that had to be with his third child and Ozzie instead of his eldest girls and Blitz.
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heavens-angels · 2 years
Oops, she let it go
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A secret fan, but her boyfriend plays for a mentioned rival team. Can she keep her facade when the team she swoons for wins infront her boyfriend?
Type : Mini story (fluff)
A/n : First time writing here, please be gentle 🥲 Also lmk if yall want some more stuff like this. Cliche fluffy story btw, read at your own will. Enjoy! Its not perfect i know, but give me a break never wrote fluffy shit before fml. ALSO CONGRATS ARGENTINA I LOVE YOU BB.
She had been a fan of Argentina since she was a little girl. Well she got introduced to being a fan because her father was a die hard himself, but she truly enjoyed watching Argentina. Especially, magical Messi. Her magical Messi.
She was sobbing, looking at the tv and see Messi kiss the golden ball as he achieved an award of his own. What a beautiful sight, and what a tight match. Her heart was outside her chest the whole time.
Her boyfriend on the other hand stared at her, amused and impressed of her loyalty. They met in her working place, her being an English speaking assistant to someone who works under her boyfriend. A long chain of hierarchy if you will.
“Bebe.. you know your boyfriend play for Brazil right?” He asks her.
She looks at him, mascara all over her face and nose and cheeks tinted pink from crying so much. “Umm yes I’m not stupid.” She tried to put out an understandable sentence as she huffs for air.
His confused eyes went away as he smiles, bringing her closer to him. He put her head on his chest and she feels comforted as his warmth from his hand on her head soothes the ache from crying too much. “Ayay, you always shock me amor.”
“I know how this looks, but I swear I love you. But Argentin_” and she can’t complete the sentence because she starts crying even harder.
He brings her closer and kisses her head whilst trying to hold in his laughter but oh man what a sight this was.
“Okay next time remind me to bring you Messi jersey and not mine.”
She looks at him with big old guilty eyes, “No neymar! I support you, I love you! But Arge-” And the water works just got bigger.
He laughs out loud this time, he was having a great time teasing her, borderline bullying her.
“Ney I promise I prayed for you and Brazil. I even acted like I didn’t care for Argentina, but today all the memories from childhood came back t-to my head and I can’t stop thinking of this win. I wanted this for soooo long.”
Neymar listened to her intently, not understanding a few words, but understanding her love was enough. It was true though, she gave no reaction for Argentina for their matches. Never bothered to look at Messi whenever he and Neymar were together, tried gaslighting herself even. That it looks odd to anyone, her boyfriend PLAYS for Brazil, but she supports Argentina, a rival team. But why would she have to throw away her love for one thing for another, is it that impossible to love both?
Neymar was understanding, and someone very caring, so he tried his best to support her. He even took a secret picture of her that he definitely was going to send to Messi later, he’ll prank her for sure.
She covered her face, embarrassed, supporting the opposing team, a rival team, him finding out this way, him losing a few days prior, and her facade coming undone, ugh, it just didn’t feel right.
She looks up to tell him something when she sees him smiling down at her, eyes gloomy from his eye smile, lips parted and pink, and damn his beauty all over. She blushes instantly. God this was not the time. So she snaps herself out of his trance.
“Ney.. don’t think I take you or supporting you as a joke okay? This is just a childhood thing.” She speaks slowly so that he can understand every word. He smiles even deeper.
“(Y/n/n). It’s okay. Loving me is not equals to loving Brazil, yeah? Infact, it’s good that you are supporting Argentina. Means next time I will play to win your love to Brazil, means I play extra hard, and I will win.”
Her little sobs fade away as she hears him say something so sweet, and proud he could explain something so heart felt with such little words. Just hearing it can swoon anyone.
This time she puts her hand on his face, kissing his cheeks slowly, feeling his long lashes bat against her cheeks. “I will always support you, win or lose. No matter where you are, or where you go. I am here, for you.”
He pulls her in, pecking her with soft motions to calm her down. “Te amo, princess.”
She laughs hearing such cliche sweet words, “I love you too, king without a crown.”
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axolozzy · 6 months
had an insane dream about TUMBLR so i thought it was my obligation to share (warning for murder and horror movie like stuff i guess)
so there was this old tumblr creepy pasta that was really popular back in the day and it took place on a blog called “cortney’s blog” spelled exactly like that. it was weird because it was the only blog that had a space and apostrophe in the name.
the main antagonist was this tiny really ugly wrinkly pink creature that looked like a 3D puppet of that one shrimp character from smiling friends, and it’s name was The Numbler. iirc Cortney was i think the stereotypical popular high school girl but in secret she was the only one who could see and talk to The Numbler (or the only one The Numbler allowed to see and talk to it) and basically carried out murders for it. she had pale skin and long brown hair and wore a heavy metal band t shirt
(also like halfway through the dream, i realized it was a dream and thought i’d wanna write it down and post about it when i wake up LOL so the way i thought to remember The Numbler’s name was thinking about the word “mumble,” “number” and “the riddler” all combined into The Numbler. and it worked)
also it’s weird because the dream kinda kept going back and fourth from present days and flashbacks, so it’s kinda hard to get the timeline right. so i don’t know exactly how The Numbler started or came to be, because i didn’t see that far back yet before i woke up. i also don’t know how the dream ended either
anyway from what i can remember, the stuff put on cortney’s blog years and years ago was in the form of really well drawn webcomics that told the story of each murder Cortney committed, most of them involving her luring people away from their friends and murdering them. but people didn’t exactly know or think it was real because they were just comics. somehow, people caught on that the stuff the blog was posting was actually based on real murders taking place at the same time, but nobody could find the bodies or the person running the blog, so it was kinda just left as a creepypasta and forgotten about as time went on and it stopped posting.
and when i say forgotten about, like really forgotten about. nobody really knew it had existed unless you were on tumblr like a decade ago and saw the whole thing go down yourself, otherwise the posts became kinda lost to time and were never talked about.
years later, i was at my grandma’s house just kinda hanging out lol and i went upstairs to this really weird room we were never really allowed in. the room was dark and looked like a concrete basement and there were all sorts of writings on the walls that looked written out of dried blood or black paint. there was a giant rectangle slab in the middle that was basically a bed i think but it looked more like a tomb or coffin. apparently this was where cortney committed her last murder (which. apparently was my grandpa LOL???) and after that, her spirit became trapped in that room for years until the door was finally opened by ME. oops
now cortney’s spirit is loose and i’m freaking out and trying to find out soo much lore about her blog to find a way to stop this. i looked through all the cortney’s blog tumblr posts and read all the comics. it was a weird moment because suddenly, everyone on tumblr was coming across those posts again and reblogging them saying they were part of the tumblr greats and stuff. as i was binging the comics, i also reblogged them to show my mutuals because they were genuinely interesting and a good story and thought they’d like it. apparently there had also been a horror movie adaptation of cortney’s blog back in the day so i watched that movie to find out more.
the movie didn’t reveal much except i think it’s how i figured out where The Numbler was left. anyway during all of this, cortney’s blog had started posting AGAIN and people were really excited because they thought it returned for some kind of arg creepypasta and they didn’t think it was actually Real.
my time was limited to find The Numbler and destroy it before Cortney came back and killed me, so i began my search. here’s the part where it gets confusing and i feel ends very abruptly. i went outside by the woods that don’t exist irl and found three wooden crates that looked like they had been there a really long time. they were all weathered down and had plants growing around them and stuff.
anyway me and my friend (dunno who it was they kinda showed up outta nowhere) opened the crates and found some stuff. the first one had a red piece of yarn in it and and ohhh shit i think i forgot something else important. so! sometimes i get these weird lucid deja vu dreams where during the dream, i realize im dreaming and that i’ve actually had the same exact dream before! but that’s a lie, i’ve literally never had those dreams before but my brain made me think i did? so i knew some extra information that was just given to me at the start i think. that information was that The Numbler had more friends. there was a red piece of yarn that could take shape of a little stick man person and stuff. then there was a rag that was also a little guy idk. they were just little fucked up creatures that were part of the cortney’s blog lore and were The Numbler’s companions.
after The Numbler was abandoned all those years ago when Cortney’s spirit was trapped in my grandpa’s room, it and its friends were basically trapped in those crates and abandoned for years. my friend and i had now just opened them and saw the remains of those guys, now just the lifeless objects they were based on. the red yarn was just a piece of yarn and the wash cloth was just that. but The Numbler was nowhere to be seen. fuck
we ran back into the house after seeing a creepy fucking shadow man staring at us from across the lawn. it was creepy as hell and was now IN THE HOUSE CHASING US. this house was not my grandma’s anymore either it was just a random house i’ve never been in before, i think it was suppose to be my mystery friend’s house actually.
anyway i just stayed in the kitchen and my friend and their family were being chased by the shdadow man and allll of The Numbler’s friends. yep. they were back to life now, must’ve been playing a trick on us in those crates, and now they were like running in a circle around my friends doing some sort of weird ritual thing. all of a sudden they became humanoid and their personalities also reminded me of the starkid lords in black, both the weird monster forms and the human forms.
anyway i was hiding under a really small table and could see into the room were they were terrorizing my friends. i made eye contact with one of the creatures. shit
i was found, they all surrounded me, then i woke up. i have no idea what happened to The Numbler or Cortney but their friends were doing some sort of ritual on us and they probably completed it. Cortney probably continued her reign of terror and fed our bodies to The Numbler who knows. it was a crazyyy dream i hope u all found it entertaining :) now who wants to make The Numbler the new tumblr sexyman
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marypsue · 8 months
Blood will out for WIP game?
[from this meme]
Thank you for asking about this one, because it's one I haven't really talked about on here and I'm very glad to have the excuse!
I wrote Lost in the Shadow of the Vampire, which is one of the most self-indulgent things I've ever posted: a piece of semi-meta semi-fan-fiction, where a (fictional) actress working on a (fictional) reboot-slash-sequel to 1987 cult classic The Lost Boys starts to suspect that one of her costars is actually becoming a vampire like the ones in the movie. It was a complete blast to write, and I had so much fun figuring out what the fictional reboot-slash-sequel would be about that I decided that I'd just go ahead and write it.
Since the premise is that this is a movie, a 2015-ish all-female reboot slash sequel ignoring all the other sequels, I tried to come up with a plot hook that would let me introduce new leads and change the time period, while honouring the vibe (without just ripping off the plot of the original) and calling back to the original, but also respecting which actors from the original would actually be likely to come back (and which actors from the original are still, uh. Alive). Also, I wanted a girl gang of vampires who have unfuckwithable style and vibes.
So. The premise of Blood Will Out is that, shortly after she turns eighteen, Kate Fischer, the biological daughter of Star and Michael Emerson, starts turning into a vampire. Since she was adopted as a baby and has had no contact with her bio family until very recently, she has absolutely no idea what's going on - but her sister Jamie does. And, because of what Jamie had thought was a very convincing blog-form webnovel and interactive ARG but is now looking like it's actually just the blog of an actual real-life vampire hunter, they have a line of communication to one Edgar Frog.
Unfortunately, this ends up raising more questions than answers. Was there something sinister behind the string of tragedies that struck Kate's birth family and left her orphaned? Was her becoming a half-vampire really biological destiny, or does someone have plans for her? And, once she finds herself drawn into the orbit of a trio of captivating vampires who're more than willing to accept her as one of their own, does she even want to go back to human? Will Jamie get her sister back, or lose her forever?
Does the world need another female-OC-centric TLB fic? Who knows? Who cares? I haven't written one yet, and I'm having fun. (Also, I have a big reveal in mind for the third act that I haven't seen anyone do before, and is positively evil. I'm excited about it.)
I've posted one small sample here, but here, have another:
“Where the hell were you.”
Kate closes her eyes for a second. Like she’s tired. Jamie knows better than to buy that. It’s past midnight. This is prime Kate active hours.
“I’m serious, Kate. I woke up – alone, in a strange city, in California, by the way – and you were just gone. No note, no text, your phone here on the desk -”
Kate sounds defensive, not meeting Jamie’s eyes. Good. She should feel guilty. “Don’t shit yourself. You fell asleep. I was bored. I took a little walk.”
“A little walk down to the Boardwalk, Kate?”
And now Kate doesn’t look like she feels guilty at all. Just kind of flatly angry. Jamie absolutely doesn’t feel a little silver wiggle of apprehension about that. “So what if it was?”
Jamie can’t find words. So instead, she settles for letting her face and her upturned hands do the asking for her. “So what if – Kate. Kate. We agreed. Neither of us goes down there alone. Do I need to remind you that you had to lock yourself in your room for nine solid hours because you accidentally saw a nosebleed? Do you know how many people -”
“Nobody died and I didn’t eat anybody,” Kate snaps, yanking out the chair by the little desk and dropping into it with her front pressed against its back and her legs splayed out to either side. She presses her chin into her hands on the top of the chair back, so the next words come out as a muffled grumble. “Not like you could’ve stopped me if you had been there, anyway.”
The silence that descends around and between them is abrupt and icy.
Kate shifts uncomfortably in the chair, looking everywhere but at Jamie. Like she knows she’s crossed a line. But she doesn’t seem any too ready to apologise for it. “I know you don’t like thinking about it, Jay. But it’s true. If I did go off the deep end -”
Jamie only realises she’s been frozen perfectly still in place when she tries to unclaw her hand from around the TV remote. “I wouldn’t let you. I won’t let you.”
“Jamie…” Kate’s eyes shutter, for a moment, before she finally looks Jamie in the eye again. “You could get hurt. I. Might hurt you.”
Jamie meets her gaze with one of her own, steady and, she hopes, fearless. “You won’t.”
Kate breaks first. She shuts her eyes, rolls her head back on her shoulders, and grips the chair back, leaning back as far as her arms’ reach will let her. “Ugh. Do you think Mom’s found our note yet?”
In answer, Jamie holds up her phone. Kate flops her head forward again so she can look under her mess of dark curls and see the notifications that fill up the screen. Can see that Jamie’s had fifty-eight missed calls and a hundred and two unread texts.
“I think she’s found it,” Jamie cracks.
Kate groans, long and deep and heartfelt, and lets her head flop backwards again.
She starts getting out her laptop as Jamie’s crawling back into bed. Jamie watches her face, the hard set of her stare, as she sets it up on the desk and boots it up. Now that Kate’s back, the wild anger – and the fear that had driven it – are starting to settle again. But there’s a slow, deep, sucking dread starting to take their place. The matter-of-fact coldness, the who-cares attitude earlier – that’s not Kate. At least, not the Kate Jamie knows. And the longer this goes on, the more often this new, cold version of Kate seems to slip to the surface.
But. Even this new, cold version of Kate still doesn’t want Jamie to get hurt.
That has to count for something.
“Kate?” Jamie says, pulling the covers up around her head so she’s looking at her sister through a tunnel of duvet.
Kate makes a wordless noise of acknowledgment without looking up from the laptop screen.
“You’re going to go back to the Boardwalk without me, aren’t you.”
That actually does get Kate to turn around. To look Jamie in the eye. “Jamie -”
Jamie doesn’t give her a chance to speak. She doesn’t really want to hear her sister talk about losing control again. But more than that, she just doesn’t want to have to hear Kate lie to her. She doesn’t want to know if Kate could do it with her eyes steady on Jamie’s and not a hint of guilt in her face or her voice. “Not tonight, okay? Just…don’t go back there again tonight.”
Kate rolls her bottom lip between her teeth, something in her stare softening.
“Not tonight,” she agrees. “Everything’s shut down by now, anyway. Now come on, Jay. It’s almost one AM. You’ve gotta be up early tomorrow if we’re gonna have any time before dawn makes me useless.”
“Your messed-up sleep schedule’s rubbing off on me,” Jamie grumbles good-naturedly, as she lets her head sink back into the pillow and her eyes drift shut. The bed’s never felt so warm, so soft. Despite her nap earlier, she really is tired.
“Oh shit, I hope not,” Kate says, sounding worried. And then, warmly, “G’night, Jamie. Get some sleep.”
Jamie drifts off to the sound of her sister’s fingers tick-tick-ticking over the laptop’s keys.
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lilolilyr · 10 months
Ok I know I am definitely reaching here but cousin Alison from the St Clare’s books = homosexual behavior
Args I should’ve live-blogged this from the start! I was binge re-reading these children‘s books all week and I’m for the first time realizing how incredibly crush-like Alison’s behavior towards the woman and girls she’s obsessed with is - like yes she tends to like them for superficial reasons and the other girls rightly make fun of her for being a feather-head and always falling for people who turn out to be shallow and not so nice… but that she keeps falling for pretty girls in the first place? Over and over again, every book? No Heterosexual Explanation dot jpeg
It starts in the second book she’s in, Summer Term at St. Clare’s, with “her precious Sadie.” who’s quickly the only one whose opinion she values and the only thing she’ll talk about, as the other characters notice, “She's like a gramophone record always set to say" Sadie says. . . . Sadie says . . . Sadie says . .”, and it keeps going throughout all the books adsfg
Case in point:
- ‘Miss Quentin certainly was extremely good looking. She had black piercing eyes, and a beautiful voice. Alison thought she was wonderful.’ ‘The class disliked Miss Quentin's “dears” and “lambs” and other names-except Alison. She loved them’ and the ‘sugared words of praise she felt sure would drop from Miss Quentin's lips.’ ‘Alison loved to wear anything that even remotely resembled her beloved Miss Quentin's belongings.’ ‘She waited round corners for her, hoping for a smile. She hung on every word the teacher said.’ (About a teacher in book 4)
- ‘Fern blushed and Alison, looking at the pretty, dainty girl with approval, stepped forward. “Fern!” she said with her charming smile. “What a pretty name!”’ ‘“Well, Alison, I can’t understand what you see in Rachel, to be honest,’ said Fern in her high, pretty voice. ‘But as it’s so important to you, I really will make an effort to be nice to her.’ She smiled her sweetest smile, which a delighted Alison returned with one of her own. … Alison was content, and made up her mind to speak to Rachel later. Perhaps they could be a threesome after all.’ (Fellow students in book 5 - and yes I’m laughing at the use of the word threesome xD)
-‘Margaret was a remarkably good-looking girl’… ‘Alison said nothing, staring raptly at Margaret’s retreating figure’ … “Alison, don’t say you’re going to lose your silly heart to Margaret” (an older student in book 6)
- ‘Alison leaned over the banisters-and, just as the others had guessed, she immediately lost her heart to the new girl. “She looks like a princess from a fairy-tale,” said Alison’ (fellow student in book 7)
-‘She had graceful, dramatic gestures, which filled Alison’s romantic soul with delight’ … “Alison, you’re not going to lose your heart to her, are you?” … “Why isn’t Miss Willcox the right person?” said Alison trying to speak coldly, though she felt very hot and cross “She’s clever, she’s written the most marvelous poetry, she’s got a lovely deep voice, and she’s most picturesque-looking.” … ‘thought that their beloved Miss Willcox looked lovely with her dark soulful eyes flashing’ (about a female teacher in book 8)
Femme 4 Femme Alison O’Sullivan confirmed
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meowsgirldrawing · 10 months
Chance Encounters
Dragon age: Inquisition- Cullen x Bellatrix (Female Lavellan)
Cullen has some doubts, some that Bellatrix feels the need to get rid of.
Tumblr media
Warning- Slight suggestive content but not really, violence (Battle), mention of stupid elf slavers 
AO3 Link
Word Count- 3,249
“I think we met before..” Cullen mumbles, rubbing his thumb over her arm. With her sitting/laying sideways on his lap, in his chair, it’s easily the comfiest way to show affection without moving too much(at least in their opinions.)
 “What, the hell you talkin’ about, Blondie?” Despite her words, no discourtesy is detected, only confusion. Even with her tight grip on his rarely worn tunic, he knows it’s simply Bellatrix’s way to stay closer. 
 “I mean…” He pauses, pressing his lips against her short hair. “I..swear I remember meeting you before. Before all of this, before the Inquisition, the Breach.” 
Bellatrix sighs, “Blondie, I adore you, but if this is another sentimental line of yours..”
 He chuckles, giving her a gentle squeeze, “I hope I don’t sound that emotional.”
She shrugs and leans against him more, nudging at his neck, “No comment.” She smiles at his laugh, kissing his cheek. 
He returns the topic, “I assure you though, I remember speaking with an elven white-haired girl at Kirkwall,”
 “There are many elves with white hair, dear. Take Hawke’s lover for example if you're that desperate.” 
 “I remember her having  purple eyes  that startled me some.”
 That causes a better reaction. Bellatrix jerks up with eyes wide as plates, a grin as her hands grab his shoulders, “I startled you?!” her wild laugh gets cut short when he smirks, “So, you remember?” 
He earns a pout, a roll of eyes, her letting go and turning away from him slightly. His grin seems to double, patting her arm with his palm. “You definitely do.”
 “Shove it.” 
 Ignoring her reply, he tugs her closer. “Come, Love. I’m only returning your jokes.”
Cullen’s chuckles continue more as the elf keeps her vague sights on the latter that leads up to his private quarters. Her teeth are threatening to grit while her cheeks burn red.  She’s really rubbing off on him, ain’t she? She almost growls. A bit back smile it’s only obstacle from turning full.
 Creators yes, she remembers. It was all a simple encounter. A random one. Maybe normal. Something that happens to all- well… She smirks….maybe not  all …
  Cullen strides past alleyways of Hightown, hand tight on his hilt with eyes similar to a Hawke’s. His armor glints against the moonlight, proof of the un-eventful day he’s had. He’s already decided by now that he’ll just wrap up this last patrol before heading back to the barracks. 
     A huff as he adjusted his poster. Just as he’s turning the corner, the street holding Blooming Rose and several manors in view, a yell from the alleyway he just passed up erupts along with the clattering of crates and other various objects.
  “-UCK! GET THE HELL-ARG-” His body jerks, swiftly turning to the alleyway and pulling his sword out. Without thinking, his instincts drive him to enter. The sight..surprises him.
  A person, who by their attire tells him it’s a slaver, is thrown on the ground, a knife doused into their side as the other one swings at their opponent. Their opponent, being an elven woman with white, undercut hair, shines a wicked grin as her hand summons an enchanter blade from her knuckles. She doesn't hesitate to slash at the Slaver’s neck, growling curses. Blood splatters against the walls and her unarmored outfit but she doesn’t seem to care. 
Cullen stands frozen, watching as the woman grabs the remaining enemy and pulls him up before smashing him harshly against the wall. Finally, he finds his voice.
  “You there!”
  The Slaver looks too dazed from the blow to notice, but the elf does. Her purple eyes still him longer. A searing glare joins an exhausted smirk.
  “What? The hell you want?”
  He unconsciously readies his sword,    just  in case..he thinks. “What is going on here?”
She rolls her eyes, “What do ya think? These bastards thought they could get a nice little elf to add to their collection of ‘em.” She sends a glance to the pinned man, “..Guessed they didn’t expect some claws?” She shrugs. Cullen’s eyes stay on her as he moves closer.
  Nor does hers. The smirk turned into a grimace. Her body stays tense, ready to strike out at any sudden move. “I’ll ask again..what do you want, Tempe?”
  Before he can move, or say anything else, the Slaver calls out, “HERE! THE KNIFE-EAR IS H-” His words cut as the elf slashes with her returned blade, “Goddamn it…” Her mutter is followed by elven words. Curses, he assumes, judging by the glare.
Cullen straightens when she spins towards him while dropping the Slaver to the ground, “Leave or fucking fight. I don’t care, just don’t get in my damn way.” With that, she turns and launches a fireball at one of the coming reinforcements.
  Screw it, with nothing to do, and quite frankly for being bored, he joins in, starting to cut down enemies. 
It was an easy fight. Fairly similar to the normal ones of patrol really. The Slavers must’ve been new recruits or just weren't expecting a templar to help the mage. 
Soon, the last Slaver falls. The two take a moment to catch their breaths. The elf leans against the wall, holding her side. “Mother..” She growls as she returns the kick from the prior alive man on the ground, “Fucking-shit!” 
  “Hey..” The Templar glares as she turns to him, reciprocating the look. “They’re dead. No need for that.” He pants heavily, back against the other wall and keeping her in view. Yes, the fight was easy, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t take a good ounce of energy from him.
  She rolls her eyes, “Let me guess: Some fucking honor? Respect the dead?” With an obnoxious wave of the hand, she gestures towards the body, “You should’ve heard the crap spilling out of his mouth before you interfered. Talking about how   great    of an elf helper I’d be. “   Just needs to be tamed  ” How’s that respect for ya?“ She quotes, then gives the body a middle finger. …..She certainly has a thing for courtesy.
  “Tamed my ass.” 
  “What happened, anyway?”
  “What do you think? Asshole and his goons tried to screw me over, they came, and I kicked their asses.” She pauses, tilting her head in ponder. Her skeptical gaze gives him a once over,, “I suppose I should say we, though.”
Cullen shakes his head, hilting his sword away. He glances over the corpses, grimacing at the paperwork he’s soon to handle. He guesses he forgot that bodies come with it, not just their soon-to-be rotting stench.
  In the midst of his recuperation, he never realized the elf was still staring at him. “..Why did you interfere?”
  He jerks up, looking back at her. He hides his fumbling hand by grasping his hilt, only to take it off when she tenses with a harsher glare.   Right, He’s already exhausted and doesn't need an angry mage to turn her rage onto him  . The excuse he inwardly explains as he instead stands straight with hand taut at his side. “I….” 
A moment of silence. The two standstill. Eyes straying on one another. The brother of goosebumps chills on his neck the more the purple eyes linger on him. By now, he’s sure she can tell what he’s feeling just by looks alone- despite all his efforts for otherwise.
He clears his throat finally, finding his voice. “ I was on patrol. I overheard some yelling and believed it was in my right to investigate.”
  She crosses her arms, “Ok..Then why stay?”
  He can’t even try to hide the raised brow, “What?”
  “You could’ve just turned a blind eye and left, there was no need to join the fight. You realized that, yeah?”
  He finds himself in a pause, thinking over her words and events. No matter how much he wants to say the opposite, the mage is right, he could’ve just left. Let her try and fight her way out. She seemed more than capable; even without proper armor like the Champion and others wear daily, she’s clearly one to not back down from simple Slavers. “..I suppose…I’m not sure.”
“Well, whatever it was, there’s no need. I’m fine. My goods are fine, “She signals towards the boxes beside her before smirking at him, “The wee elf can handle herself, sweetheart.”
  “Unless…” She pauses, staring at his chest plate. He doesn’t have to look down to understand.
  He shakes his head- a recurring motion tonight, “I’m….”   Not going to kill you? Not going to capture you and force you to the circles? 
  “I was only doing patrols. No need for any more violence tonight.” He nods, mostly to himself. 
  “Good.” She nods back and grins a feral one. As he is set on edge once more, a strained frown while she simply walks over to a crate and pops open the lid with minimal effort. After reaching in and searching around, she finds one of the saveable wine bottles then holds it out to him. Cullen studies it in exasperation.
“You’re just giving that to me? After all that?”
  She shrugs, waving it lightly in place, “Why the fuck not. Consider it a peace offer. A payment for not sending me to your human circles, something to go get drunk with, a token for my ‘elfy’ appreciation- whatever you please, Tempe.”
Without waiting for his response, she tosses it at him, forcing his decision. Grasping it in his free hand, he watches with a frown as she grabs ahold of one of the crates. She kicks a body out of the way- he doesn’t even try to speak up, he knows she won’t listen either way- and packs it back into the now noticeable cart. 
  Even after, he stands there, unsure what to do as she continues cleaning up. She raises a brow at him when she takes over, “..Thanks for guarding?”
With an awkward nod, he turns, walking out of the ally. He hears a small grunt and looks back. She has everything back in her cart, dusting off her hands and blood on her pants, wincing at her side. 
  “What’s your name?” The question startles both of them. Her watchful gaze falls on him and he narrows his eyes at her curling smirk.
  “Wouldn’t you like to know…”
“Yeah yeah, anyway-” Present Bellatrix waves her hand, “Since you’re clearly not going to let this off. What about it?”
 Cullen goes quiet. His hand slowly and gently runs along her tall boots, which were thrown over the side of his chair, bouncing lightly. Moving over her knees and to her side, his thumb pressing against her white, buttoned up tunic. Like him with his armor and hilted sword, she rarely parts with her corset. It being a core aspect to her usual outfit with her dark purple, leather tailcoat. This time they have gotten comfortable enough to both change into different attire, something to relax in on their matched off day. 
The thought, which usually gives a flutter to his chest of her trust in him, only adds to his sudden solen tone. She seems to have already taken notice.
 “Blondie?” Her palm at his shoulder, “Hey, what’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Bellatrix forces a giggle, but it comes out hollow. Too nervous at his silence.
 “Cullen, Hun?” 
“...I could’ve hated you.”
 She blinks. She sits up as her brow furrows, “You’re talking about your time at Kirkwall, yeah?”
 He looks up at her. Eyes filled to the brim with guilt. Oh, she can’t even ignore the tightening of her gut . A look that screams at her instincts to soothe the down feelings from him. She listens without a second to waste.
Her legs sit against his outer thighs, straddling his lap as her pale fingers gently run through his hair. It makes Cullen instinctively lean his head back a slight, not that he minds. 
 “Cullen.” His eyes match hers, boring in, “Yes, you could have. Hell, I probably hated you at that time as well just for being a Templar. We had different lives, completely different viewpoints back then.”
 She continues, “Especially,” she lifts her hands and slips off her gloves, his gaze stays on her. “Since I had my sister and I to watch out for.”
“And I could’ve fought you instead. I could-”
 “I would have killed ya, honestly. Or at the very least, wounded ya.” She smirks at his chuckle. It’s still solen, but at least it’s something. Her smile grows at his response.
 “True. You’re very violent at times.”
 “Hey,  talk shit, get hit.  You know how it goes.”
 He rolls his eyes, despite his own smile. “Say that when I have to bandage you up for trying to spar with Cassandra and Bull at the same time..again.”
She shrugs. Then she returns back to the topic. , “Remember what I said at the Winter Palace though?” 
Cullen does. Of course he does. It was the moment he realized how much he truly loved her, wanted to stay with her, the moment he stopped caring about appearances or faces when around her. 
   “I don’t think this is a great idea…”
  A groan in reply is followed by, “Blondie, don’t, just don’t.”
  “But-” He erases the nerves in his throat, glancing around them as if waiting for the lingering looks to attack him at any second. His eyes land back on a glaring Bellatrix. “You’re the Inquisitor and I, the Commander. Honestly, we should just return to the balcony, it’s better for-”
“The Inquisition? The so-called precious image of the Lady Cirdan Inquisitor? Please, I’ve heard much worse when I was just a low ranged mercenary. Besides,” She crosses her arms, before noticing a lady noble glancing at her and putting them behind her back with a silent growl. Cullen chuckles at her reaction, not stopping at her directed glare towards him. “If Josie thought our relationship would damage our images then she would’ve made it known and told us to stay apart during this. At least in public.”
  “Yes, but-”
  “But nothing, Blondie.” She turns to him, “If it’s a human and elf, a mage and a templar, a mercenary-”
  “They don’t know you were one,” He mutters, earning a smirk. 
  “..and a Former Knight-Captain- it doesn’t matter. I don’t give a damn about what people add to any of those. I don’t give a damn if they go and say impossible rumors or any other made up scandal. I’m just a woman who wants to dance with her handsome boyfriend.”
A short smirk lifts on his lips as he crosses his arms. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees some nobles watching them, some he recognizes as the ones corning him at his previous post. Before, when Empress Celene was still in danger, it was an annoyance, but now…
  He manages to keep his smirk from growing at Bellatrix’s increasingly harsh glare at the pillar near his shoulder. No doubt she sees them too. 
“...You want to establish that I’m   your  lover.”
  She doesn’t miss a beat. “Figured you want that too since I keep seeing some guy staring at my ass the past hour I’ve been over here.”
“What.” His arms unfold, narrowed gaze flicking around the ballroom. It turns back to the elf who just grins at him, “Seeee?”
  “So there was no one?”
  “Oh no, there was. Dorian and I acted as if we were planning something while sending him the strangest of looks. You could practically see the color of his cheeks turn as pale as his obnoxiously made suit.” 
  His deadpan face gives Bellatrix a fit of laughter. Ignoring the looks from around them, he shakes his head, a barely hidden smile on his lips. A reluctant sigh soon comes from him as she calms down. Giggles still manage to escape nevertheless.
  “Alright, but if you have any second th-” .A groan. 
  Without a moment too soon, the snow-elf grabs ahold of his front collar, pulling him close enough to smash her lips onto his. Wide eyes before lowering into a close, pulling her closer. An arm wraps around his neck, teasing at the soothed back hair. His gloved hands rest on her hips and grip tightly as her other hand cups his cheek. She smirks against him, chuckling at the shocked gasps and murmurs. 
  “Second thoughts who?” Her head tilts after she pulls away, grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary. Cullen can just barely hear Dorian’s wolf-whistle and Sera’s high-pitched laughter from the sidelines. Blood pulses through his ears, his cheeks burn red but he doesn’t care at this point. The woman in front of him is all he cares about. Her bright, purple eyes staring up at him, half lidded but full of adortion. A lazy smirk graced across her lips, quirking at the reactions of the people around them. Josephine is going to flip her lid on them. 
  Just like her, however, he can care less. He quickly takes her hand, pulling her towards the stairs that lead down to the dancefloor. Her heels click and ring like her laugh, making his smile finally appear outwardly. They pass by The Iron Bull and Estel; the qunari laughing before bending down a slight to whisper in his lover’s ear, who gapes then turns to wack his chest. Bellatrix, as if hearing whatever comment he made, hugs Cullen’s arm closer before turning her head and winking at Bull. The couple can hear another laugh trail behind them.
Cullen puts his hand on hers and leads her down the steps. Once at the bottom, footsteps away from the dancefloor, he looks at her only to find her already watching him. “Second thoughts, Blondie?” She asks, almost smug.
  He actually returns her grin. With a pull at her hand, his lips land a kiss on her gloved knuckles. “Not a single one, love.”
  “Good. Now let’s get on with it!.” She chuckles. He doesn’t waste a single second in tugging her into the dancing groups.
 Cullen’s smile softens. He tugs her hand to his lips, exactly like he did that night. Her hand then moves to cup his chin and gently direct it towards her. 
 “You know what I mean then, yes?” She tilts her head.
 His free hand shifts to her hip, rubbing his thumb against the fabric. She continues, “ I don’t care about our differences, nor our pasts. I only care about us in the now.” 
Her hand moves the side of his face which he nudges against, unconsciously tugging her closer as his brown-filled eyes regard her form. Bellatrix suddenly smirks, causing him to furrow his brow, “So…”
 She leans closer, purple eyes half-lidded and zoned completely on him as she starts to slowly ruffle his hair. Her fingers run through, pressing against and pushing up the curls. It’s always her favorite thing to do for some odd reason. A cat fascinated by her favorite toy is the picture-perfect image that ponders his mind. 
Cullen delved too far into the feeling of her soothing hands that he just barely catches her next words, “-You with me, Blondie?”
 She giggles, kissing his forehead, “I said, from now on, are you with me?”
 He smiles, “Till as long as you’ll have me.”
“Good. Cause I plan to keep you for a very, long, time.” Bellatrix smirks, and leans down to give a well wanted needed  kiss on his lips. 
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tkachukz · 1 year
Grinning Like a Devil - Matthew Tkachuk
summarry:  When you get drunk and confess your feelings to your best friend -Cruel Summer Taylor Swift
words: 1,2 K
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The tequila burned in your throat and your brain was pulsing in time with the music.
The bar was packed, and the neon lights made it even more energizing. You and your friends wore pink feathers, while the birthday girl wore white. Hailey handed out sparkling crowns to all of you and you felt like queens of the party.
When you escape the dance floor for a few seconds, your phone announces a new photo posted by Matthew, your best friend who you were madly in love with but were too scared to talk about it.
A sigh escaped your mouth and Hailey looked over her shoulder.
“How much longer are you going to hide that you like him?” her voice cracked.
“I need more tequila.”
 After midnight, Matthew had just arrived from his trip.
With his curls still wet from the shower and a towel around his neck, he walked around the apartment, heating up leftover food and looking for a movie to watch.
The knock on the door was erratic and he raised his eyebrows considering the time.
When he opened the door, he saw you, with a sparkling crown tangled in your hair, a pink feather and a pout.
“Yn!? Shit what happened?"
You hugged him without saying anything, feeling your eyes burning and your head spinning.
"What happened?" Matthew's voice was almost desperate.
“I’m fine”  but it wasn’t true.
"Are you hurt?" you shook your head negatively “drunk?” positively.
Matthew hug you and pulled you into the apartment, closing the door behind you.
You remained in his arms for long minutes, he caressed your back and arms. You lifted your head to look at him, your eyes teary.
“Oh dear, please tell me what made you cry. Or who” his eyes exuded concern.
“It’s just that you are so perfect!” your voice was choked with weeping and drunkenness.
Matthew couldn't hold back a smile, following you closely as you walked towards the sofa, walking almost in a zigzag.
"What did you drink?"
“Oh, I can see”.
Upon reaching the couch, you turned to Matthew, putting your hands on your hips, staring at him for a few moments.
"You are annoying"
“How did I go from perfect to annoying in seconds??” he pretended to be offended and you huffed.
“Arg. You are annoying for being perfect!”
“Got it” he put his hands in his pockets, watching you carefully.
You started pacing back and forth, swinging the pink feather.
“I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you!! You're nice, fun, handsome, caring...and hot, wow, you're hot” you gestured and spoke quickly “and I'm a mess!”
“You're not a mess” his voice was calm, he leaned in a little closer with a small smile at the corner of his mouth.
"Of course I am!! Everything I touch I ruin! I'm the blame for the endings of my relationships, I wasn't good enough for them, everyone I approach goes wrong!"
"Please don't blame yourself for these assholes."
“Everything goes wrong, and I don't want it to go wrong with you” you approached breaking down in tears “I don't want it to go wrong because I love you and you're my best friend... and... I don't want to lose you and i don't want you to walk out of my life and i don't want you to get hurt because i'm a mess and ahhh”.
The words came out slurred and mumbled as a drunken child's cry echoed.
With a heavy sigh, you threw your head forward, landing your forehead on Matt's chest.
He didn't take long to hug you, comforting you with a kiss on the head.
"So... does that mean you love me?" he had a goofy smile on his face.
“Ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard??” you screamed.
He looks up, grinning like a devil.
“That's not even remotely a bad thing” plus a kiss on your forehead “come on, I'll take care of you”.
He helped you get the shine out of your hair and ran a hot tub, kept his ear up to the bathroom door to make sure you were okay while still giving you privacy, and put together the smallest pair of pants and a sweatshirt .
You threw yourself on the bed, smelling Matt on the clothes that warmed your body, you fell asleep in half a second.
The headache kicked in as soon as your eyes opened.
You staggered a little way into the kitchen, where your friend Matthew had his back turned, in pajama bottoms and shirtless, cooking something.
“Good morning” a murmur came out of your mouth and you sat down, resting your elbows on the table and leaning your head in your hands.
“Good morning sunshine” Matthew had a bright smile as he approached you, with a tender kiss on the head.
Your heart sped up and you tried to pull from the memory of last night, which was a blur.
"How did I get here?"
He laughed "to be honest I have no idea how you got here".
“Argh, I just remember to be drunk in the back of the car” flashes started to invade your mind “I had a crown didn't I?”
“It's on the chair, next to the pink feather” he pointed, bringing you a cup of coffee “it's good for a hangover”.
You drink a generous gulp “my eye is swollen, did I cry?”
Matthew bit his lips holding back a smile “maybe a little” he approached, looking at you in a different way.
"I know my hair is ugly, don't face it".
He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, running his fingers gently from your cheek to the chin, holding it gently.
“What are the chances you were serious about that yesterday?” his eyes were hopeful, desperate for the answer.
You remembered. 
Not exactly, but you knew very well that the reason you went there was to take advantage of the moment of alteration to finally get everything you felt for Matthew out.
“I love you” the words came out as a whisper, and he smiled, the most beautiful smile you've ever seen, and pulled you into a gentle kiss, caressing your cheek.
“I don't remember you responding to my statement yesterday,” you said, playing with the little curls that fell in front of his face.
“I love you” he said, placing small kisses on the tip of her nose, cheek and forehead “do you accept my declaration or do I need to cry and scream? I can do that if you want.”
You laughed feeling your cheeks flush and butterflies in your stomach “my head hurts so much can you hold off the scream?”
He chuckled, bringing you closer, you laying your head on his neck.
“Alright” he whispered “no rules in breakable heaven”
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