#art theft really be making me pissed
the-kings-of-games · 2 years
YGO fandom, stop reposting other people's artwork 2k23. It's not appreciation—it's art theft, and you should do better. Thanks.
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densewentz · 1 year
hey in case anyone needs the reminder
fuck ai, and fuck the people using it to steal and scrape from artists and writers and actors and creators because they can't be fucked to pay for or learn a craft that requires passion and devotion
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you said you think gay sex cats is the new duchamp's fountain. i dont disagree and i kinda see what you mean already but please elaborate
it was a silly and tongue in cheek way to say that a lot of people are getting mad about it in a way that implies reactionary views on art, and that there's no way to say gay sex cats isn't art that wouldn't also imply that the fountain isn't art. a funny meme image is a funny meme image, but it is also funny to overthink and recontextualize them as art.
and the reaction makes the comparison even more apt. neural net generated artworks are anonymized mass produced images, vast majority having no artistic pretension or meaningful content such as a thomas kinkade painting. gay sex cats was made with no intent to be art, but the discourse it has with audience reaction and its appropriation in derivative works make it so. why is gay sex cats not art if people talking about it negatively allow it to be called art? is art only things you find beautiful and valuable? if so, what is value and beauty, and how do you draw the line? if gay sex cats was still ai generated but had more "aesthetic qualities" would it be art? if someone copies the original image by hand with all its ai generated faults where is the value generated? does the original still have no merit of its own, even after appropriation as a digital ready-made?
but the main reason as to why gay sex cats is comparable to the fountain still is because it made a lot of people with bad takes on art really really mad. and that the pissed off tags wouldn't look out of place as reaction to modern art in the 1920s. art is a flat circle
EDIT: well. putting an addendum because in retrospect more people took either or both the op and image in face value and much more self serious than ever intended. a lot of people understood the tone i was getting at, and i still stand by the questionings i added on, but still for clarification. the original comparison is not serious. it's self evidently ridiculous to compare a meme image to a historically significant artwork, the comparison was only drawn because they were both controversial to an audience, who reacted denying their status as respectively as an image and as art, and that it was funny that the negative reaction people had to the original image explicitly denied its status as art, even if the meme never had pretension to be art, so it was funny to draw a comparison and iterate on that.
i did think it was valid to bring in questionings about art and meaning because that's the reaction i saw most and wanted to make people think about the whys, and that also i do not think it's valid to base your dislike on ai art on either grounds of questioning its position and value as artwork, or even as a question of ip theft. regular degular handmade art can be soulless, repetitive, thoughtless, derivative, unethical, open and blatant theft, and much more, and that does not make it any less of an artwork. neural nets are tools that generate images by statistic correlation through human input.
the unambiguous issue with neural nets in art is its use as a tool by capital, to threaten already underpaid and overworked working artists and to keep their labor hostage under threat of total automation. in hindsight i regretted not adding the paragraph above as it was a way in which people could either misinterpret or assume things about me, but hindsight is hindsight and there's no way to predict how posts would blow up. so shrugs. i had written more posts in my blog that elaborated on that because asks would bot stop coming. and i think my takeaway is that people will reblog anything with a funny image without reading the words around it, or even closely looking at the image.
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ebodebo · 3 months
Chasing The Mask
—red hood is on the hunt for the director and his accomplice, blueprint, gotham's most notourious art theives.
—red hood x art thief "blueprint!" reader
wanna be on my taglist ? fill out this form !
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A heavy dew settles over the city, along with a light fall of freezing rain. It would almost be calming if you didn't know it was Gotham. One of the most crime-ridden cities in the world. Full of crooks and villains alike. 
Among the haze of rain and sleet, a vigilante sits perched on the top of one of the city's most renowned museums, The Metropolitan. The Red Hood, so he calls himself. While most nights he goes out into the night by himself, to his dismay, tonight he is accompanied by his heroine brother, Nightwing.
The Metropolitan is filled with some of the most exquisite pieces of art made by some highly famed artists, from Van Gogh to Basquiet. It is home to a most priceless collection, indeed. 
Of course, with such valuable pieces, the museum has been the target of numerous theft attempts, and tonight is no exception. 
"You didn't have to come," Red Hood snarkily says as he leans against the red brick encasing the rooftop exit door. 
"Just trynna' help out." The honesty in his voice makes Red Hood roll his eyes. He doesn't necessarily hate Nightwing but he thinks he's too smug for his own good. An entitled, know-it-all. But they are brothers, after all. So, there is a sense of undeniable care there. 
"I've got it taken care of." Red Hood counters, crossing his arms. His tone is almost defensive. Does Nightwing believe he can't catch a simple art thief? Like he's some kind of amateur?
"Is that right?" Nightwing questions, crossing his arms, too.
"Yes." Defensive, again. 
"Because, last time I checked, The Director and Blueprint are still running around Gotham." Nightwing accused. 
"Way to state the obvious, Dick." Red Hood enunciated his name. Dick was used to Hood using his name as a homonym, often. 
"I'm waiting." Hood finally answered his question after the insult. Nightwing let out a light laugh. "For what exactly?" He pushes, uncrossing his arms and walking over to the brick wall Hood was leaning on. 
"An opportunity," Hood stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "Jesus Christ, Jason." Nightwing pulled his hand up to wipe across his face, which was covered by a simple black domino mask. 
"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come, Dick." Hood sighed deeply. "Talk too much." He finished, uncrossing his arms.
"Sorry, I have-" Nightwing started, but Hood quickly interrupted.
"Wait, shut up," Hood stated, putting his pointer finger in the air.
"You're really starting to piss me off." Nightwing exhales, anger simmering off his body. 
"Dick, I'm serious," Hood says, turning his head to look around the roof. "You hear that?" He questions.
"Hear wha-?"
"Boys." Hood and Nightwing quickly turn to see Blueprint emerging behind the bricked rooftop door they were leaning on. 
"Blueprint," they simultaneously say. "What are you two doing here?" you ask, tilting your head. Nightwing is quick to respond. "We could ask you the same thing."
"A woman never reveals her secrets." You chirp, pointing your finger at both of them. You walk closer to them, smiling. "It's actually good to see you both." 
"Wish we could say the same." Hood finally speaks. His words are gruff and gray. You rapidly turn your head towards him. It felt weird seeing him like this. Not even thirty minutes ago, you were lying in the sanctity of his warm, cozy bed in a post-orgasmic haze. It wasn't like you and him were dating, but you shared a specific intimacy that wasn't common to either of you. 
Normally, you wouldn’t give boys like him the time of day. But, what can you say? He’s a great lay.
You did like him, sure, but this was strictly business. There should be no feelings involved in business.
"Blue?" Hood questioned, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
You shake your head, absolving you of your thoughts. "Would love to stay and chat, boys, but I have some paintings to tend to." Thanks to The Director, you swivel on your heel to head toward the rooftop exit door that's been propped open. 
"That won't be happening today," Nightwing spoke, pulling out his slick-black Escrima Sticks. 
You let out a smug laugh. "And I suppose you two are going to stop me?" You crossed your arms over your chest, tilting your head. 
"That's the plan," Hood said, pulling out his weaponry, which was tucked nicely in his jacket. 
You gave a nice, wide smile before pressing the button on the small metal capsule of a lead-lined smoke grenade that had been concealed in your hand, throwing it in front of them, unleashing a cloud of smoke that covered your being as you made your getaway.
"Bye-bye, batboys." You yelled to them as you sprinted to the ajar exit door and entered the museum's stairwell.
"Fuck." Hood says through coughs as the smoke forces its way deep into his lungs. Even with smoke filling his lungs, he's still quick to spring into action, following you inside the museum, with Nightwing following hot on his trail, coughing as well.
You flew down the steps. Skipping three, even four, steps at of time. When you turned around after you got inside, they weren't even behind you, still coughing and heaving on the smoke. It was a damn shame Jason was so tall because once you scaled the second staircase, you turned to see Jason beginning the second one. Your eyes widened under your mask at how swift he was. You turned and continued sprinting as fast as your legs could go.
You could faintly hear Hood and Nightwing yell at you to stop, but you pursued down the flights downstairs, reaching the last set of stairs. 
You scrambled up as Hood came unexpectedly close and almost grabbed your arm, but you managed to escape his grasp, holding the handle of the main door and slipping inside, slamming it in his face. You breathed a sigh of relief as your legs carried you over to where The Director AKA your dad was standing, holding an authentic Da Vinci portrait. 
"Nice job, Blue." Your dad remarked, referring to the diversion you created with the bats so he could slyly take the precious art without them interfering. Though slamming the door did make an excellent barrier, you had forgotten to arm the system back, so Hood and Nightwing forcefully pushed the door open. 
"You didn't arm the door system back?" Your dad hissed, looking down at you.
"I-shit." You cursed, turning to see Hood and Nightwing standing only a few feet from where you and your dad stood. 
"You really think you're going to get away with this?" Nightwing cockily questions, stretching his arms down with his sticks in each hand. 
The Director let out a deep, guttural laugh, causing you to spin your head to face him. "Don't you see? I already have," he declared, showing the painting in his hand.
"We could still take you out." Hood points out, his eyes on The Director, as his hand slides to reach for a gadget on his signature utility belt. Though, he couldn't feel anything. Did he seriously forget to bring it?
"How are you going to do that, Hood?" The Director challenged. "Don't have that shiny belt on, do you?" He questioned, gesturing to his waist.
Hood glanced at Nightwing. "You forgot your belt?" Nightwing questioned, disbelief coating his voice.
"I could have sworn-" Hood says before shaking the rest of the sentence off. "Whatever. I don't need it." He assures, assuming a fighting position.
It was honestly true. Hood was an incredible fighter. Watching him fight was astonishing. He could move his body in ways you didn't even know were humanly possible. But, you did not want to fight him. You just wanted to appease your father by helping obtain the painting, so you could all get the hell out of there.
"Get them." Your father demanded, looking down at you. You hesitated, looking up at your father. "Did you hear me? Get them." His words came out harsher than the first, showing his agitation. 
"Come on, Blue, we won't go that hard on you." Hood snarkily remarked, and you reached for his belt wrapped around your waist. You felt a weird sense of guilt as you covertly pulled out a Batarang.
"You just gonna stand there or-" Hood starts but is interrupted by the Batarang swinging right near the side of his head. 
"I actually think I'd like to play, Red." You mischievously say, running towards Nightwing, catching him a little off guard, and extending your leg to kick him in the stomach, pushing him back, as he holds his stomach.
"Come on, Red. I won't bite." You say, making your way over to him while Nightwing is still down. You let out a powerful punch, but he's quick to move his head to the side, dodging it. 
"Actually, I think you might." He says, grabbing your extended arm and twisting it so your body turns in the other direction. 
Nightwing makes his way up. "Well, that was easier than expected." He said, wiping his hands together.
"Because I did all of the work." Hood chimed, still with your arm twisted behind your back. Their banter made for a good distraction so that you could reach into the utility belt Jason mistakenly left at your house and grabbed a stun gun. 
You turned quickly, letting go of contact with him, as Hood talked, and pressed the tazer to his forearm. Although clothed, the powerful current still hit his skin, making him drop to the floor, convulsing.
"Wanna have some fun, Grayson?" You sarcastically ask as you step closer to him. He swings his sticks in front of him in a criss-crossed pattern. 
You take his silence as an answer. "I knew you were always the boring one." You sigh, holding up the stun gun.
"That's a bat-belt." Nightwing states casually, looking over at Hood, whose body is hunched over on the ground, still convulsing. 
"Aren't you just a genius? You sneered, carefully watching him. 
"How the hell did you get bat-belt?" Nightwing gruffly questions, eyeing your hand with the stun gun. You narrow your eyes at him. "Like I said before, a woman never reveals her secrets." You quickly move towards him, though he's not so off guard. Not like Hood was. 
However, unlike a taser, a stun gun does not shoot any projectiles, and it has to be held against a body or skin to do any damage. Nightwing was standing a few feet from you so the stun gun would do you no good. 
But, you don't even get a chance to use it because he's quick to knock the stun gun out of your hand and uses his stick to hit across the museum, a ways from any of you. 
"Ah, I get it," Nightwing says, letting his sticks rest on his side. You tilt your head to the side. "Get what?" You shouldn't be indulging him. You should be kicking his ass, but with Hood down, Nightwing wasn't going to be so much work. Plus, in between fighting them, your dad had slipped away, leaving you to do the damage control. 
"You got it from Jason, right? Well, stole." He dragged out the last word. 
"It's not really stealing if he leaves it in my apartment. Is it?" You retort smugly.
"Of course he did." As he finishes his sentence, you realize you two have been talking for a while. Well, in hindsight, in normal conversation, no, but this is supposed to be a fight, not a catch-up. Wait, I haven't heard Hood? Upon this epiphany, you turn to see an empty spot where Hood laid.
"Where-where did he go?" You stutter, deciphering when he could have left and how you didn't hear him.
"Oh, Jason?" Nightwing starts. "He left a while ago—once you turned around, actually." He coolly says this, sliding his sticks back on through the straps on the back of his suit.
This was a diversion, and you were stupid enough to fall for it. Shit, your dad is going to be so pis-
"Got em'," You hear Hood's voice echo off the walls as he walks in with your father, ropes tied around his hands and ankles, painting in hand. He handed him off to Nightwing as he placed the art back in its place.
You and Hood watched as Nightwing dragged him through the exit door you all came in through.
"So, heard you stole from me?" Hood tuts, shifting closer to you. 
"Like I said to your brother, it's not stealing if you leave it in my apartment." You retaliate, your throat drying as he moves closer.
"It's still mine." He's now standing right in front of you. You feel flustered at the proximity but cannot let it show. He would never let you live it down. 
"And I want it back," he casually says, his hands ghosting over your waist, housing the belt in question.
You look straight up at him. "Take it then." You swear you could hear him inhale deeply at your suggestive words, but you don't ask. 
His hands wander to the belt, hanging a little low on you. You swear he holds his fingers on the front part just to tease you, and if that was the goal, fuck, did he succeed. But you wouldn't tell him that. His ego is already huge. His fingers leave the front portion of the belt and continue dragging slowly along the sides until he reaches the back to unclasp it, and pull it off of you.
Once he steps back, you release a breath you didn't even know you were holding. "I would leave now." He suggests, wrapping the belt around his own waist. "You know, before the police get here."
"Okay." You felt like he had just put you under a spell. You are willingly agreeing with him. He can sense this, too, and smirks under his mask at your cooperation. 
"Night, Blue." He says as he turns to the rooftop top exit door, pushing it slightly.
"Goodnight, Red." You say, releasing a sigh of relief once he steps outside the door.
"Oh my God." You say to yourself. "That was-" You pause, taking a deep breath. "Do I like Red Hood?" You question, thinking. "No. Definitely not. It was nothing." You lie to yourself. You had only ever slept with the guy, so it just had to be the undeniable sexual tension between you two. That’s all. Right?
You thank God when you push open the rooftop door that Hood isn't hovering behind the door, listening to you essentially try to deny, and fail, expressing your feelings for him.
It is so nice for Hood that stairwells offer a safe place during storms, but they also offer space for a secret spot, just like the one Hood implemented into the walls of The Metropoliton some years ago.
He used to hide from criminals chasing him through the museum, which happened quite frequently, but now he was using it to simply make sure you left okay. But who knew it would double as a way to hear about your secret love confession? Certainly not him. 
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reblogs & comments are encouraged!
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daydreamerwonderkid · 8 months
Update (1/30): Please do not give any attention to this person. I'm no longer angry about the art theft, I'm just amused/annoyed. But yeah this person thrives on any attention, negative or otherwise. It genuinely bothers them that they can't get "engagement" based on their own skills/merits so they resort to lazy art theft. Their bread and butter is hurtling harassment towards others and creating posts accusing the people they harass of being predators.
So, yeah. Not worth your time or mine.
(Vent Post/Art Theft: I'm hella pissed and I don't give a fuck right now)
@nefarious-616-necromancer Stole and reposted my art and then had the fucking gall to come onto my own post and try to "claim it" as theirs.
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Wow, what a way to tell on yourself, too. And they still had the fucking gall to hop onto my own post and try to say my art was theirs asd;lfkja;lgkjag
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Like, my guy, the timestamps ALONE make it very obvious who made the original art. AND MY FUCKING SIGNATURE IS STILL IN THERE!!!!!
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What does the DDWK stand for @nefarious-616-necromancer? Huh? Wanna share with the class what that could POSSIBLY stand for?????
If you're going to have the balls to not only steal and repost my art, but to try to say my art is also yours, then get F U C K E D.
Update: 🤡 Clown Alert 🤡
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I wanna say I'm surprised, but I'm really fucking not. People like this suck ass.
Update II: They fucking blocked me and deleted my original replies on their stolen post XD
Fucking. Wow.
Update III: They changed their bio to say they have "permission" to repost stolen art
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I wonder what could have possibly happened in the past hour or so for them to change that all of a sudden 🤔 🤡
Also what a bullshit made up excuse to hide behind lmao
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anxiousdreamcore · 2 years
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My first case of art-theft, YAY!!!🥰🥰
Honestly, it threw me for a loop when I saw my art piece on a platform where I don’t usually post but there it was, cropped and with a completely different prompt (like it’s not obvious that the ikran is not some random banshee but literally cupcake 😐)
Anyway, since this is a thing I gotta deal with from now on, I introduce you to my new watermark 🥰
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/j, of course, but nonetheless, I’m really pissed off at the moment.
AND, if you like my art, would you perhaps be interested in going on Twitter and giving this art a like? It would make me very happy if the orignal post outdid the stolen one.
I gotta say tho, just in case people like that follow me here, please don’t send any threats to them, thank you. I’m mad but at the end of the day, I just want my art recognised as mine so while you should point out art theft and call ppl out, please abstain from any insults or, again, threats. Thank you.
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robotlesbianjavert · 8 months
10 fav things about spinner + 10 fav things about shigaraki
this is like asking me to describe my favourite things about the gentle warmth of the sun on my skin on a cloudless day at a beautiful lake that is good and fun to swim in. how can i put words to how perfect something like that is.
gay little hench fella. most important character trait always.
the bravado and bluster he gets introduced with being a cover for his deep-seated insecurities and internal struggles...
...his claims of high-minded idealism and lofty goals when his true wants are so simple (HOMOSEXUAL LOVE) (and to matter in some way i guess.) (mostly love. though.)
i know he is an annoying backseat gamer. i have said this before but it's so charming to me.
how surprisingly well his character development elevates the Themes & Motifs around how important human connections are for the ostracized. and he doesn't have to be annoying about it.
the charming little touches of characterization. him shrieking GRAND THEFT AUTO as a battle cry in 160, when he has to move his headband tail out of his eyes when trying to deliver a speech to toga. they make him feel so that much more real.
he's so poetic. he should be a writer. that warped, crumbling horizon...i'd never seen anything prettier GOD i know he was writing angsty poetry.
as someone who usually prefers secondary/side character to the mains, he is like. such a great example of a side character done right. he's like commentary on the nature of being a side character (monoma is another example of this in the manga), of the interplay between dehumanization/discrimination (Shoji Arc DNI) and crime, of connection with others and how they inspire us pushing us, etc etc etc. lots of the fun themes.
he is so sincere. so crazy sincere, once you have his love, he is so sincere. and so determined. he has the soul of the troubled outsider type of shonen hero who has to become stronger through the strength of his bonds. but also the energy of that shonen hero's love interest. all trapped in the body of a secondary character. he is so amazing.
when his face is drawn so small and cute and squishy like you can eat it :3
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the reason i read bnha in the first place was because i stumbled upon the leaks of chapter 222 with the tortured flashes of shigaraki's past when i was discourse diving for fun. and then looking at that chapter in full, the way that shigaraki delivered what he remembered of his backstory, the Insane Tragedy of it all. well how could i not love him.
when he wants to murder highschool students. who wouldn't!
i love his physicality, the way his body language is portrayed - like he's generally pretty loose and slumped (especially early on), but he's also very purposeful? it's something that i think horikoshi generally excels with in art, but shigaraki just takes the cake.
for that matter his whole character design is perfection. early on with all the hands was such a unique and creepy look that tied in beautifully to his backstory and also Themes & Motifs. and even when he loses most of the hands, his face is so <3 with all the eyebags and scratches and wrinkles. he's also the character whose appearance has changed the most, in a way that goes hand in hand with his character development.
when he gets pissed off when he first starts trying to recruit people so he goes to the mall. to angst publicly. he wore a hoodie <3
he's a character that's really easy to reduce down to his victimhood and trauma - and lots of people sure do that! - and his victimhood and trauma are essential parts of his character, but even with the dumbass possession arc shigaraki never loses sight of who he is and what he wants, even beyond AFO's influence. it's also really easy to make him Just a villain, a straightforward villain who cares for nothing and no one. but he does care about things, he cares about the league! he does it all.
much like spinner and in fact more than spinner, he has The Most shonen hero energy despite being thee villain. and he's so cool about it. he even gets a love interest.
petty misanthropic bitch but as soon as you know you're place he's chill. this is how shigaraki/resdestro is real.
chapter 379. everything about it but also how he called nagant a flip-flopping screw up. i'm ignoring how he said the same about my friend gentle criminal.
his smile :)
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i feel like both these lists do not do enough to really encapsulate why i love them. but one must try.
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
I usually don’t like putting people on blast, but as much as I hate discourse I absolutely HATE art theft even more
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Look at this shit. Like, dude, if you’re gonna blatantly trace over and do a shoddy coloring job of a popular artist’s work then credit them it’s not that hard.
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Again, I don’t usually like starting drama, and I know I should just block and move on and not make a whole post about it, but art theft never fails to make my blood boil. Especially in the age where AI keeps stealing artists’ work, any sort of art theft really pisses me off. Like! Crediting the original artist only takes two seconds, cmon now.
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moth-time · 5 months
hello friend.
for the non-us asks, can i pls ask (for whatever country you want/both): 4, 5 & 7?
Hi! Thanks you for sending these in :D
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
french: oh man there's so many fantastic french dishes, you make me choose one?? Ok I'm going to pick a classic but specifically my mom's version (my mom is dutch, does this make this fusion cuisine?) because it tastes like childhood and also it's so, so easy to make:
Tarte tatin! It's a caramelized apple cake. The fancy versions (see picture below) requires you to carefully arrange the apples and painstakingly flip the cake, but the lazy version is a lot easier.
My mom basically does it like this: - In a deep dish, arrange apple slices in circles until the dish is full. Sour apples are best. Make two layers, ideally the whole thing is slightly domed. You can add a few fresh rosemary needles to the apples if you want, but only a few! 5-7 should be plenty. - Drape dough of your choice on top - my mom usually uses store-bought laminated dough - making sure to cover the whole thing. Then poke some holes in the dough with a knife. You can arrange them in a circle for prettiness. - Pour a cup worth of melted butter and honey (50/50) on the whole thing, making sure to pour a generous amount into the holes in the dough so the apples are also soaked. - Push the whole thing into the oven at 180°C (with bottom heat!) for roughly half an hour, or until the dough is golden and flaky. - That's it! You can flip it but I don't bother, I just messily scoop apples and dough out of the dish. The honey and butter caramelizes and the whole dish is so, so tasty.
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german: I really really really like a good Gulasch. Especially with wild meat like deer meat (Rehgulasch). I guess arguably it's not a dish specific to my country, since a whole lot of places make this too, but they're always a little different in every region. This one has mushrooms and juniper berries in it, and it's a perfect, hearty winter dish. Serve with potatoes or potato dumplings (Kartoffelknödel).
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5. favourite song in your native language?
I'm so sorry neither of these are going to be even remotely comprehensible for non-native speakers. I always want to share obscure french new-wave music or german punk, but both of these rely heavily on people understanding the lyrics. They are funny because they are absurd, or crass, and very hard to translate. I guess that's part of the charm?
That said:
french: Le blues de Francoise - La Femme La Femme (the woman) is a French psych-punk band who does very floaty electronic music. Their lyrics tend to be really sarcastic and mean, the characters they play deeply unlikable, and the contrast to the peppy, spacey dance music is very funny to me. The lyrics of Le blues de Francoise (Francoise's blues) are about a woman named Francoise who is having a depressive episode following a break-up, and is told from the point of view of a "friend" who tells her "come on Francoise, get yourself together. I tell you this as a friend, you aren't pretty when you're crying". It's SO mean, and so many of their songs are like that x)
A lot of french alternative music is like this, imo. Just. Mean. Or plain absurd, french humor has a lot of absurdism to it.
german: Alt sein - Pisse Pisse (literally just: Piss) is a German punk band. They write songs about social inequality and deeply sarcastic and crass about it. Alt sein (to be old) is about being old and grumpy and slightly senile (or maybe just pretending to be to get away with theft). It's really hard to translate, it's a very German punk sentiment. Being really tired of the world turning, mad and impotent, doing small stupid things just to have any kind of impact on the world around you. All of their songs are kinda like that. I also really like Vernissage, ranting about the world of commercial art and how you have to kiss ass to make it anywhere, not having merit but just being the best at groveling.
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
cagouille: a regional word for snail! It's just a very cute and fun word. Cagouille! Doesn't it fit the animal perfectly? It's so round.
vistemboir: ok this is a made up word but it sounds so quintessentially french and I love it. A vistemboir is an object from a short story by Jaques Perret, titled Le Machin (the thing). It's a thingamabob, essentially.
oiseau: french word for bird, mainly famous for being five vowels and only one consonant (and a fricative, to boot). Isn't it perfectly shaped?
Kreisverwaltungsreferat: look this one just cracks me up because it's so damn german. Google translates it as "district administration department" and yeah sounds about right. But look at it. It has to many letters. So many of them are consonants. Presposperous.
Rettich: Raddish. Look, it's the same one in english. But the german one has a 'ch' sound in it, which english doesn't have. Fun sound! And a little Rettich is a Radieschen. Look at it, it's got a diminutive and everything!
Schorle: Okay this one I'm adding mainly because a Schorle is a cool thing that seems to be fairly specific to Germany: It's fruit juice cut with sparkling water. Typically half and half. Depending on the type of juice you would add the name of the fruit in front. So Apfelschorle (with apple juice), Johannisbeerschorle (with red current juice), etc. You can get a Schorle in p much any restaurant, it's usually the cheapest non-alcoholic option, too. Refreshing!
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
I really am tired of how comfortable people are with stealing my artwork or being "inspired" by my art style but just plain old copying me. I don't get a lot of time to draw but when I do it's like I'll catch this wave of people who wanna jack my shit. Doubly fucked up that a lot of these people are white.
I'm also really tired of hearing "oh there's no such thing as style theft" etc. when I have proof of people admitting to stealing my work or being heavily influenced by my work but not crediting me or just plain old not giving a shit. I'm not someone's fucking stepping stone. I'm my own person with a lot of complex feelings about race and religion and sexuality that I purposefully put into many of my pieces and seeing some random white person gentrify and trivialize my experiences for some bullshit aesthetics drives me up a fucking wall.
I don't mind if people are genuinely inspired by my art and want to create similar work, but there's a fucking line. Considering that I'm very open about my influences, inspirations, and experiences that led to the creation of my pieces, I absolutely love pointing people in the direction of the media that inspired me to create. There's nothing wrong with drawing from the same well of inspiration, but I'm putting my foot down that it's fucked up how many people wanna use me as a stepping stone just to make something with no meaning or inspirations behind it. It really feels as though it's trivializing my experiences as a black queer artist. And I'm doubly sick of people trivializing my complaints like I'm not allowed to be pissed about white people (yet again) stealing from black folk.
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samethstarrart · 10 months
I've decided that, going forward, all of my completed artwork will be including a more obtrusive watermark. I hadn't thought art theft would be an issue as my work doesn't stand out very much, but people have been re-uploading and actually making money off of my work. This is unacceptable and really pisses me off. This isn't even just about the recent thing with my Sonic comics being stolen, this has been an ongoing issue for me since 2020 and I just don't know what else to do anymore. I want to share my art, but knowing that assholes are making money off my effort is really discouraging.
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frostbite-the-bat · 4 months
stop that.
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yknow how you can start with idk.. a mascot or vtubing? hit up an artist. support them. pay them. does your friend draw? maybe they'd be willing to help!
or maybe get involved!! start drawing yourself! in this day and age i know people are often very busy but if you have time to look at this ai shit and want a hobby like, as they for example say, fandom or vtubing - you probably have time to draw and design a thing.
its not about affordability, though yes, many adopts are overpriced but artists DESERVE PAYMENT FOR THEIR WORK!!! there are issues with adopts and scams and all this, and i agree that people hyping designs up because they're by someone famous is a bit... meh... and many artists will underprice because of this in the end.. but really. ai. is that your solution. stealing more art?
none of this is embracing creativity. you are stealing artwork. embracing creativity is being brave and drawing something yourself. even if it "sucks" at first - you created something! who else was going to draw it the same way you have? ai sure wont. it's just data making images based on prompts.
nobody can draw like you can!! embrace it!!! that's what is wonderful about art!!! i know people can be rude and exclude newbie artists, and people seek out these sleek "professional" art styles and you will get overlooked in certain areas of the internet if you DO not look like that. but like... why follow that??? just!! do your own thing!!!
i am all for supporting anyone starting art!! it is a difficult journey and i am still going through it!! but if you want to do an artsy thing WITHOUT putting any effort into the art itself... why fucking bother? why care? is art just assets to you??? how swallowed by everything corporate are you???
it's fucking disgusting that these people are SELLING these. art they didn't make themselves. i do give them props for "cleaning them up", at least there is minimal effort put in. but to me it is no excuse. you can draw then, right? make your own adopts!!! hell back then i had worse art and people bought my designs regardless because (it was cheap) and i put it where people sought adoptables in the community!! these people even turned their comments off. you don't even need to speak to them to get an adopt. you just buy it on the side and can download the image (which, is often cropped)
like my hand drawn adopts sold better and faster than most my base adopts - which i think says something??? not to say all base stuff is bad! it is not a bad thing. but going out of a comfort zone and drawing my own thing ended up working for me. here's the art below. it wasnt perfect but it was genuine. y'know?
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you can make base adopts!! there were people even sought after and well known back then who made designs on bases and they sold WELL!! it allowed people to buy designs someone made and it was quicker with the help of a base. like as long as those are okay to use by the creator you can use them. theres nothing wrong. its like a coloring book. you still put in some effort and your own spin.
with this ai fixing you just fix the text being weird and the paw being off and are good. you did nothing.
sorry for popping off but it's pissing me off. i do believe that ai could be used for useful things - but art theft like this branded as CREATIVITY AND FREEDOM is. so sick to me. that's what ART is. that's what ANY CRAFT IS. that's not what telling words to a bot that shits out pictures based on other, real artists, art.
im so mad. ai art where fandoms come to life. no, artists who work their asses off making art for things they love out of passion is where fandoms come to life. interacting with fellow fans is where fandoms come to life. not this shit. i feel so bad for the new generation of young deviantart users. it wasnt perfect even back when when i began using it early 2015 - god it was horrible, but at least we didn't have art theft like this painted as CREATIVITY AND ART COMING TO LIFE! no the fuck you dont. but man things sure have changed since 2018, damn.
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lemonthepotato · 5 months
Pony Moment
Back in 2023, maybe even 2022, I was planning on making the Muffins cast into ACNH villager designs. I only ever finished Inkie and Blinkie Pie, and I wasn’t going to post these until I did AT LEAST Minkie too, but eh, I’ll probably never get around to it at this point. I don’t really do art that much. So here’s shitty, old Muffins art. I don’t remember what base I used but- oh my god… it’s by piss-party on DA. I’m so sorry but that name is so funny to me 💀
If I ever did make a Minkie, she’d probably be a Scorpio, born November 8th, her hobby would be nature, her catchphrase would be- okay, “I’m already dead” is way too edgy, so “naive?” Lmao. Her preferred style would be elegant. Her preferred colour would be navy and her personality would be… normal. I can’t believe I’m saying that about the edgy horse, but it’s the closest lol.
While I don’t care for doing the other bakers (y’all do what you want tho, idea theft ain’t real) I kinda wanna make an animal crossing sona now lol.
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theeeveetamer · 1 year
I will never be okay with all the ai stuff after I watched an artist stream their progress of a painting (took them something like 12 hours), have someone take a screenshot to run through an ai, and then try to run the actual artist off of Twitter for art theft
Copyright will turn into a nightmare for anyone in the art industry if something isn't done
I know there are already some lawsuits out for artists/image hubs who had AI trained on their works, WGA is still on strike over this, and I’m sure the music industry is about to hop on it real quick if they haven’t already. Congress has also had hearings on this where they demonstrated just how scary this could get, and even those incompetent jackasses can probably band together long enough to do something about this. No way this stays unregulated for long, in fact I guarantee if someone deepfakes Bitch McConnell’s face onto some hardcore gay porn it’ll become the fastest regulated industry we have ever seen.
But techbros just piss me off with how they dump any old shit into the world with 0 thought as to the consequences. Literally ANYONE with half a brain could guess that this was going to be used for some really vile shit the second it hit the public.
I just can’t believe AI bros literally felt empowered to harass a VA off of Twitter over this, but actually I can. Because these are probably the same asshats who minted NFTs of dead artists’ work to make a quick buck.
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nanjokei · 1 year
theres a glut of ai art usage in small time, like, super small time vocaloid music production these days and the most fascinating thing is that its all generated by the same guy who spams their slop on piapro and overwhelms the site, so people started using it. i dont even need to check the credits to be able to tell these are AI or that it was them
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ive seen it enough time that i know the specific sets of prompt styles they do. yeah, yeah, it looks cool and eyecatching and its all about getting people to click. right.
anyway, i dont really hold it against the people using it at all, they probably don't really think about it and its no different from your usual hand drawn art... im not gonna expect savvy from everyone. because art made for anyone to use at the end of the day achieves the same thing as this ai art. but it makes me sad that there are many wonderful and talented artists on piapro who post their artwork for people to use in their music for free with very few stipulations only to get passed on for a guy who spams with very little effort.
hurts my head to think a guy shitting out like 50 generated images a day is getting a lot of attention when they have nothing to gain from this. i hope its just a "i wanna contribute" genuine sort if thing, but its still so strange to me. like, you don't get job opportunities or potential commission chances as a regular artist does from the exposure that the piapro circuit offers. how many artists in the vocaloid got their start making art for others to use freely only to get actual non-generic made to order commission jobs and some even becoming prominent figures.
if only there were large models and suppositories full of artists who actually contribute their art to it CONSENSUALLY. im sure there are many artists who believe or could believe in that kind of vision!! same with stock images, i think adobe already has this kind of dataset... i think AI image generation can be useful!! people can make their own generated artwork and everyone involved is ok with it. i think there is a lot of potential in AI image generation that is lost by uncritically defending art theft and worker abuses. but hey, this is the pissing on the poor website, no one has heard of the middle ground or nuance, all "if youre against AI art youre ableist/a nazi/support IP law" and "its not real art unless XYZ"
seriously just tightening the noose around yourselves when in the end its people in vunerable already unappreciated poor paying jobs who will have to suffer for it. @nanjokei
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
i have so many mixed but mostly /neg feelings about this entire conversation
i think there are things such as fair use and stuff and not everything is breaking copyright morals by using it (ex, people using your icon on a DNI banner since it's your public icon, even if it is weird and rude and also personally still morally gray)
but also for them to insist on the idea that people should edit someones entire work to simply replace certain words and thats it, that's not fair use, that's just editing someone elses copyright, ESPECIALLY if you repost it, that's like art theft.
also people need to learn the meanings to things and not get so pissed at people ""block evading"" (seeing public content publically because this is the reblogging website sir). block "evading" to harass someone or to bother them, that's bad, but if you see their PUBLIC CONTENT and comment about it WITHOUT EVEN MENTIONING THEM and talk about the ideas it brought up and not about Them Specifically then like... thats not bad that's just reacting to a public conversation
Yeah, I really don't know what the legality is in the case of the DNI banner. I'm leaning towards it being okay if they screenshotted a post with me in it that happened to include my avatar, but not when making a custom banner that uses the picture. The reasoning being that the screenshot would be for informational purposes while the banner could constitute a work of art, and it's incorporating someone else's art into it in order to make it more visually appealing and gain more traction.
It's not really a big deal. It's actually something that a lot of people on the internet look the other way on since copyright laws can be a bit too oppressive at times. I do think that it's a situation where they would probably have to remove the banner on the off chance it was pursued by the IP owner. But that goes for a lot of generally accepted content on the internet. 🤷‍♀️
But yeah, copying massive novel-length documents word-for-word is way more blatant and less ambiguous. There's no gray area to it. It's just plagiarism.
Vent below the cut...
This user actually has a history of not understanding the meaning of "block evading," and I've given up hope they'll ever use the term correctly.
Apparently, the whole reason for the DNI banner was because of an incident where I replied to one of their posts. They told me to get off, and then JAS replied to me. Respecting their boundaries after that, instead of replying in that thread, I made a separate post screenshotting JAS to continue the discussion in a way that wouldn't notify the OP or interact with them in any way.
And so they then accused me of block evading for HAVING A SEPARATE CONVERSATION WITH SOMEONE ELSE WHO WAS TALKING TO ME.
It's absolutely maddening how their boundaries are "you vaguely talking about a general topic that was mentioned by an account you have blocked is block evasion, you replying to someone else who reblogs me in a way that doesn't link back to me at all is block evasion, but I'm allowed to block you and plaster your name and avatar everywhere, and talk about you all the time."
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