#as I an english teacher am very prepared to do this
crescentmp3 · 1 year
i have work to do. 27497005 dead 7738 injured
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lupinmoonlight · 7 months
Hi! Could you write an alpha prof!remus x omega reader in heat. He gets her to his office after lessons to offer help and she agrees to spend the night( breeding kink)
Masterlist AO3
Alpha, please.
Summary - You are an omega about to experience her first heat. Professor Lupin offers to help and you end up getting railed in the Shrieking Shack (3,416 words).
Warnings - teacher/student relationship, omega verse, alpha!remus, omega!reader, breeding kink, unprotected sex, dubious consent because reader not very in control, age gap, my grammar (english is not my first language), not proof read.
Notes - Throwing this here and RUNNING AWAY. I am SO sorry for the delay, I was hit by a bus (jk lol i'm just burnt out). On a serious note, this was my first time ever writing something in the Omegaverse. Sorry if it sucks :( Thank you to everyone for your patience. I will eventually get to your request!
He noticed your scent before noticing you- a wave of pure, unadulterated omega scent that struck him like a physical blow, a visceral assault on his senses. The classroom, usually a blend of various scents, was now entirely dominated by this scent. Your scent, one of an omega on the cusp of her first heat yet blissfully unaware of it but one that Remus, an alpha, sensed with every fibre of his being. It was rich, sweet, intoxicating, awakening a primal need he had learned to control years ago. An almost uncontrollable need to own, to mark, to protect, to make his. 
As an alpha, the presence of an unclaimed omega, especially one as evidently oblivious to their own nature as you, was concerning. Why were you there without suppressants? How could you not know what was about to happen to you? It was dangerous. Both for you and for any other alpha around, yet there you were, looking as calm and serene as if it were just another day. 
You took a seat at the front of the class, your eyes glued to him. He was tall, commanding, exuding the authority and confidence of an alpha and you hated to admit how much it drew you in. Deep down, you were not interested in following the traditional roles of your status. You didn't want to submit to anyone. The thought alone filled you with dread...except right now. 
The class began and Remus found himself incapable of focusing on his carefully prepared lecture, distracted by the powerful need for something he didn't even allow himself to entertain. It was like all his senses were heightened. He could hear everything, feel everything. Too much. 
The lecture drew to a close, and you began to slowly pack up your belongings, your mind unconsciously reluctant to part from your professor. He made you feel so- 
"Y/N, may I have a word with you before you leave?" Remus asked. His voice was calm but it held an underlying urgency that he hoped you wouldn't notice. 
You looked up to him, your eyes wide and innocent, and in that moment, it felt like you would've done anything this man asked you. What was wrong with you? 
"Yes, Professor Lupin?"
He cleared his throat, attempting to appear casual. 
"Y/N, I... uh, I need to discuss something somewhat personal with you, and I apologize for the discomfort," he began. 
Your brows knitted in confusion, your posture tense. "Something personal, Professor?" 
He paused, gathering his thoughts, carefully selecting his next words. "I've noticed...that is, I've sensed...that you might be approaching a significant time that's inherent to your nature as an omega." 
Your expression shifted from confusion to embarrassment, unsure where he was going with this. "I- I'm not sure to understand, Professor... what do you mean?" 
Remus hesitated, his instincts as an alpha to protect and take charge clashing with his respect for you and your autonomy. "It seems that uh... you're about to experience your first heat, Y/N. It's a critical time for an omega, and it can be very dangerous if you're not prepared or aware." 
Your eyes widened, your embarrassment escalating into fear. "My first heat? But... I- I didn't know... I thought I had more time before... before that happened," you admitted shyly. 
Remus nodded, trying to appear comforting despite the turmoil raging within him. "It's unpredictable at times, especially the first one," he assured you. "It's imperative that you have a safe place and proper care during this period, especially considering that... well I assume, considering you haven't been on any suppressants." 
You looked away, uncomfortable. "No... no I haven't."
"That's okay. That's why I'm offering to help. I can provide a safe place for you, ensure that you have what you need to get through this safely. It's not ideal... but I cannot, in good conscience, let you face this alone." 
You suddenly wanted this very much, despite your habit of fighting your inner nature at every turn- no. You were not going to be a weak, vulnerable omega who needed an alpha to protect her. You could manage. You would manage. This was no big deal. 
"I can handle it myself, Professor," you said, trying to sound confident but failing pretty miserably. 
"I understand, but I assure you, my intentions are solely to offer protection and support. I wouldn't suggest this if there weren't a genuine need." 
At that moment, you weren't sure if he was just very good at being persuasive, or if your pathetic omega nature begged you to bend to his "protection". 
"Are you sure?" the question coming out more as a challenge. 
"Yes, I am. It's my responsibility as your professor and as an alpha to ensure you're safe," he affirmed. 
"O-okay, fine." 
"Just come to my quarters at the end of the day. I'll have everything prepared for you. We'll make sure you're as comfortable and safe as possible," he instructed and this time, his tone was firm, leaving no room for you to argue back. 
You simply nodded and made your way out of the classroom. The conversation had left you disoriented. Your lifelong determination to maintain independence and resist alpha authority was now clashing with an inexplicable trust in your professor. 
You had never expected your first heat to come so suddenly. You thought there would be signs to prepare you, like most other omegas. But no. It was just there. And what was more embarrassing was that it wasn't you who found out first. It was an alpha. And your professor, at that. 
You seriously considered not going to his quarters that night. Not because you were scared or didn't trust him, but just for the shame you felt. That shame, however, was quickly overshadowed by fear. You knew what could happen to unclaimed omegas who were in heat and who didn't take suppressants. Not all alphas were as kind as Remus. Some of them were vile predators ready to pounce on the first vulnerable omega they smelled. Somehow, you knew- rather inherently felt, that Remus wasn't like that. 
Swallowing your pride, you made your way to Professor Lupin's quarters, your stomach an absolute mess from the strange blend of anxiety and odd sense of security. 
Remus was already out by the door, a small bag in hand, a gentle smile, albeit somewhat anxious, expression gracing his face. 
"Thank you for coming, Y/N. I know this must be overwhelming," he said, trying to keep his voice soft and reassuring. 
You nodded, not sure you could trust your voice in that moment. 
He offered a small smile, then gestured for you to follow. "We're not staying here. I have a safer place in mind." 
You obeyed silently, following him through the corridors and then outside, the only sound being the small vials of potion clinking in the bag and the soft thumping of your feet on the wet grass. 
You had no idea where he was taking you, but it didn't matter. In that moment, you were quite literally trusting him with your life, and you hated that. 
Stopping before the Whomping Willow, Remus motioned for you to wait at a safe distance, and you watched in awe as he expertly pacified the violent tree, revealing a hidden entrance to an underground passage. 
Without questioning him, you proceeded in silence, making your way through some damp, sketchy tunnels. This was definitely not how you had expected to have your first heat and your need to be with him was growing stronger and stronger. In normal circumstances, you should have been scared, terrified even, following a grown alpha to Merlin-knows-where, but you actually were starting to feel desperate, aching for something you couldn't explain. 
You finally emerged into an old, creaking building, full of dust and looking like it was about to fall apart. Despite this, fresh blankets were laid out on the bed, candles provided a soft light, making it look somewhat comfortable. 
Remus carefully set down the bag of potions and turned to you, looking a bit sheepish. 
"It's not much, I know. But this place has been a refuge of sorts during my time here as a student... it's secluded, away from prying eyes and other... influences," he explained, deliberately vague about the deeper reasons. 
You looked around, taking in your surroundings. He was right, this wasn't much, but it was safe. "Thank you, Professor Lupin." 
"Please, call me Remus here," he insisted gently. "I'll let you settle down. I'll be just next door. If you need anything, just call for me."  
"Thank you, Remus." 
In the adjacent room. Remus sat rigidly, every muscle tensed, focusing on every breath, attempting to anchor himself to his resolve. He was battling his own nature, his instincts, usually so well-contained, were now threatening to overwhelm him, fuelled by your potent scent. It had been years since he'd felt such a primal pull, and he had never acted on it. So he sat, focusing on deep, steadying breaths. it was all he could do to maintain control. 
Meanwhile, you were beginning to experience the torturing onset of your heat. It was a violent assault of unfamiliar sensations, confusing, intense, leaving you feeling profoundly alone yet achingly in need of something- something, specifically Remus. The room felt too large, too empty, yet suffocating. 
Unable to bear the isolation and the escalating ache, you called out, your voice echoing a desperation you barely understood. "R-Remus... Remus, please... I don't know what's happening to me." 
Remus hesitated at the door, his hand clenched around the frame. "Y/N, I'm here. Tell me what you need," he encouraged.  
"I need... I need... I feel like i'm losing my mind. I need... I don't know," you stammered, your confusion and need radiating from you in a way that tugged relentlessly at Remus' instincts. 
He stepped just inside the room, his expression a mix of concern and fear- for you, for himself, for the line he was terrified of crossing. "I know, I know. I understand. It's your heat... and it's strong. But I brought something that might help," he said, retrieving a vial from the small bag he had brought. "Drink this; it should ease the symptoms." 
You took the vial with trembling hands and drank the potion, your eyes never leaving his as he sat cautiously at the edge of the bed. 
"Why is this happening to me like this? Shouldn't the potion work immediately?" you asked, panic evident in your tone. 
"It should, but... your heat seems to be very strong. Let's just wait for a moment. I'm here." 
"Remus... it's not working. Please, I need..." 
"I know what you need, Y/N. But I can't give it to you. We have to wait it out. It's going to be alright." 
This wasn't going to do. Being far from him was painful. Being close to him without getting what you needed what torture. You needed him in a way you had never needed anything else before. You needed him to consume you, to take you, to mark you, to breed you. 
"Alpha, please," you whispered without even meaning to. The moment the words left your lips, Remus froze, his heart racing as every fibre of his being, of his soul, responded to that word. It was spoken with such raw need that it resonated with the very essence of his being. His resolve shattered, not out of defeat, but out of an overwhelming need to fulfill his role as an alpha. 
Before you could react, you were flipped onto your stomach, the sound of a low growl reaching your ears. You were not even in control of your body anymore. Your instincts were controlling you, and you desperately raised your hips, presenting yourself to him in the most intimate way. 
The sight made Remus' blood travel south immediately. Already hard, he yanked down your trousers before unbuckling his own. You raised your hips higher, whining pathetically, desperate for him to take you. As he looked down at you, his cock throbbed with need and he knew then, there was no going back. 
"Please, alpha," you begged again, your voice trembling. "I need... I need you." 
"Fuck..." he growled, reaching down to position himself at your slick entrance. "I'm sorry," he started, his voice trembling, "this is the only way I know to help you." 
You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain and pleasure that would soon consume you. "Please," you whimpered, "I need this." 
With a grunt, Remus pushed himself into you, your bodies connecting in a way that was both deeply intimate and primal. You gasped at the intrusion, your body trembling as you felt him filling you. 
He felt you tighten and tense as you tried to accommodate his size, your body reacting instinctively. "Relax," he instructed, his voice a low rumble. "You need to relax. Let me take care of you." 
His words, the authority in his tone, something deep within you responded. You forced yourself to relax, even as you felt his girth stretch you. He hissed in pleasure as he felt you accommodate him, your tightness almost too much. 
"That's it, good girl," he rasped out, one hand coming to rest on your lower back to steady you. His hips snapped forward, burying himself fully within you. 
You moaned, your entire being blissfully consumed by the feeling of fullness. 
"Are you alright?" he asked, staying very still within you. 
You could only nod before another desperate plea escaped you. "Yes, alpha... please, more."
At that, he allowed his instincts to fully take over. His hands gripped your hips painfully, and he began to move, his thrusts deep and powerful. A part of him was urging him to be gentle, but the other part, the alpha, was screaming at him to take what was his, to claim, to mate, and it was too strong to resist. He needed to feel you beneath him, to lose himself in the pleasure of your connection. 
You clung to the sheets, your nails digging into the fabric as Remus continued to rut into you. Your body rocked with every thrust, and soon enough, the pain began to fade, replaced by a blissful warmth that spread through your body. He knew he was taking a risk. A huge risk. But he couldn't help himself. He needed you, and you needed him. 
"Fuck, Y/N," he grunted as he continued his relentless pace. He leaned over you, his chest against your back, your bodies moulding together as though they were made for each other. "You feel so good," he growled low in your ear, his voice deep, rasping, reflecting his unending hunger. 
Each of his movement was sharp, controlled yet desperate, a constant rhythm of push and pull and he delved deeper into you, the pulsing throb of him only heightening your pleasure. 
"Alpha... alpha, please... I- I'm going to-" you tried to say but your orgasm tore through you with such force that you lost your voice. Remus didn't slow down. If anything, feeling you clench around him only fuelled his punishing pace. 
"I'm going to knot you," he announced. "I'm going to fill you up. Mark you as mine," he continued breathlessly. "I want everyone to know you're mine, to see you swollen with my seed, to see you bear my mark." 
You whined, barely able to hold yourself up from under his weight, but you managed to keep your hips elevated, desperate to be filled, to be marked, to be owned. 
His movements became jerky, sporadic as the wave of his release began to crest, each thrust of his hips pushing you further down into the mattress. "Take it," he rasped, "take my knot," his voice a harsh whisper against the shell of your ear before his teeth latched onto the soft skin of your neck, imprinting his mark on you. 
You moaned at the mix of pain and pleasure as his hand traveled down your arm, tangling your fingers together and with a final, deep thrust, he surrendered to the pleasure, his body shuddering as he came inside you. His hips flush against yours, his body draped protectively over yours as he poured himself into you with abandon. Finally he stilled, grunting as he felt the knot at the base of his cock start to swell. 
The sensation was foreign, somewhat painful, and you tensed, almost instinctively trying to move away. 
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," he tried to soothe, still panting from his intense climax. "Stay still for me. It'll subside soon, I promise." 
He remained on top of you for a while, the knot locking you together, securing a powerful and intimate bond between you. His fingers stroked your skin gently, before he carefully maneuvered you to your side, spooning you protectively as his knot was still deeply lodged within you. 
"I know, it's okay. I'm just making you more comfortable. I've got you," he soothed as you whimpered from the movements. 
You stayed like that, your bodies intimately connected, until the knot subsided enough for Remus to pull out. You whined at the sudden loss and the wet warmth spreading between your thigh. 
As he felt you relax into him, Remus gently kissed your temple before carefully disentangling himself from you. With a flick of his wand, the wet feeling between your legs disappeared and a blanket was draped over you. 
Turning to the potions bag, Remus retrieved a vial, his hands slightly trembling as he grasped the small bottle. 
"Y/N, can you sit up for me?" he asked gently, offering his hand to support you. 
With his help, you managed to move into a sitting position, your movements languid, utterly exhausted from what had just transpired. Remus handed you the potion, noticing your confused expression. 
"This is uh... it's just a precaution... to prevent any unwanted consequences," he explained, uncomfortable from the intimate implications of his words. 
Your cheeks flushed with a hint of color as you took the vial, your fingers brushing against his in the exchange. 
"Oh, I... thank you." 
"I know this looks like... perhaps I had planned for this to happen. But I promise, it is not the case. I simply keep this sort of supply for any students who may be in need." 
"I trust you, Remus. And this was bound to happen, one way or another... and I'm glad it was with you." 
"Well, I... erm. It's important to stay hydrated, especially after this. Here," he said, trying to change the subject. 
You laughed softly, accepting the water from him. He had this way of knowing exactly what you needed before you even knew yourself. You were actually thirsty, and the cool liquid helped soothe your parched throat. 
As you sipped your water, a sudden sharp pain caused you to reach for your neck, your fingers brushing against a fresh, deep red mark. You looked at Remus with questioning eyes, seeking an explanation. 
Remus, visibly uncomfortable and with a hint of regret in his eyes, cleared his throat before speaking. "That's... that's a mark. My mark," he began, struggling to maintain eye contact. 
"In the heat of the moment, it's something an alpha can leave on an omega. It's a claim, a deep, instinctual reaction that seals a powerful bond. I didn't mean to- I should have controlled myself better." 
Your fingers lingered on the mark, your initial shock giving way to a different emotion, one of a surprising acceptance and even a hint of joy. "Does this mean... are we mates now?" 
Remus nodded. "Yes, it does. And I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't intend for this to happen this way. You're a student. I should have been more careful, more in control. But please know, I will take responsibility. I will take care of you, support you, and I promise, I won't be overbearing. I'll-" 
"Remus, stop," you interjected, amused by his words tumbling our in a flustered rush. A smile crept onto your lips, a sense of deep contentment washing over you. 
"I'm not upset. In fact, I'm...happy," you confessed. 
Remus looked up, surprised. "You are?" 
"Yes, I am. To be marked by you, to be your mate... it feels right, despite everything. I don't see myself with any of those young inexperienced alphas..." 
"Young inexperienced alphas," he echoed. "Are you calling me old, miss?"
"Yes, maybe I am..." 
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nohabed · 10 days
My children, my beautiful home... On days like these, we were waiting for the start of a new school year... We were preparing school clothes and stationery, full of seriousness and energy.... But now, we are under the blazing sun without shelter, schools, or any of the features of life... My children were deprived of their most basic rights... sleeping safely, studying, playing, and eating. Replace that with standing behind lines to receive water and food, and searching for a safe place from bombing, heat, and insects. Help my children from slow death. Help us get out , Help us from slow death Do not hesitate to help us get out of this horrific genocide ! and death ,
My children are just looking for safety and a decent life without fear or terror Don't forget us.....You have all my love and respect from me
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My children prepare themselves to go to school, before this genocide !!
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My children are now immersed in filth, standing in line for the toilet to relieve themselves in a very terrible place that does not have a shred of cleanliness.
We need your help to get out of this disaster. Do not hesitate, the little you have means a lot to us.
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del-thetiredwriter · 6 months
Mafia Au/Good luck while running away from mafia part4
Intro, part 0.5 , part 1 , part 2 , part 3 ,
Tags: @hrhqueenfox , @hasty-desert , @oceanside-pixie , @lianreine , @h3apm3ch4n151m , @cecilebutcher , @ayachansan , @roseapov , @randomlyappearingartist , @serenity-loves-red , @wonderlandcrown , @nightw-izhu , @moonlight-nightwing , @lorkai , @lucid-stories , @morokumi
Notes: little bit rushed I guess? Well I am working on three other aus at the moment so. I hope you like it.
Warning: yandere stuff, gn reader, English is not my first language…
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4 years ago
“Tyranttt!” You moaned.
“I haven't eaten a bite or drank a sip of water for hours. Now you're giving me an exam! “This is not a test, it is torture!” You shouted to the cameras on the wall.
As usual, you were training with Crewel sensei all day long. And it couldn't be said that he was a very kind teacher. He was extra harsh on you, especially compared to the other people he trained.
However, he had especially gotten things out of hand. Today was one of your least favorite days. Surprise exam day. Surprise exams: as the name suggests, you would never know the content and time of the exam. Crewel would put you to the test suddenly, without you even noticing. You especially hated the hands-on ones.
You couldn't eat properly yesterday. You had been training under Crewel Sensei all day. When you returned home, you fell asleep straight away from exhaustion. When you woke up, you found yourself handcuffed in a room. While I was sleepily trying to comprehend what was happening, Crewel Sensei's voice echoed into the room from the ceiling speaker.
“My dear little puppy, guess what time? Correct answer: Surprise exam! Your mission is to get out of the handcuffs and get out of this building within two hours. Let me tell you from the beginning, do not complain, the exam was prepared according to the topics we covered. Then I wish you good luck. Your time has begun.”
“Two hours and 6 minutes nch nch. You need to work harder. 8 minutes to get out of the handcuffs, 43 minutes to open all the locked doors, 40 minutes to pass the obstacles... we better tighten up your training."
You just glared at Divus as he seriously analyzed the exam. You're too hungry to bother with that damn practical exam. You just focused on eating your salad.
“I mean, what was slowing you down? Should we increase the number of exams?
“Sensei, it’s just six minutes, I was tired, unprepared-“
“The aim is to prepare you for all kinds of situations.” Crewel interrupted.You grimaced. You weren't in the mood to argue with him right now.
While Crewel was talking about your mistakes, there was a knock on the door. It was Sam.
“Sam-san!” Your eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of your savior. Whenever Crewel scolded you or increased your training hours, he would save you from Crewel like a savior angel.
“Excuse me to interrupt, but Boss wants the little imp.” said Sam.
“Huh, now? Why does he want Y/n?” Crewel asked with a grimace.
"Who knows. By the way, get it while you're at it.I brought the information you requested.”
He handed Crewel a package. Meanwhile, you escaped at the first opportunity you had and went to Crowley, the head of the mafia.
“Looks like Crewel gave you one of his wonderful exams again, hmm?” The masked man asked, as he poured a tea for you.
"Yes sir."
Dire Crowley is the head of one of the largest organizations in the Underworld and also your protector who took you in when you were ten years old. You had always wondered how such a goofy and slightly weird guy became the head of the mafia.
Once, when you asked Crewel sensei about this, he told you these words.“If you only knew what that man did… Anyway, just be careful with him. He is…the devil himself.”
“You've been with me for a long time, Y/n, and the time has finally come.”He handed you a file.
“Congratulations, you are now an official member of the mafia and here is your first target.”
You started examining the file.
“This man was a traitor we had been looking for a long time. He poses a great danger to the organization. I want you to get rid of him.”
Current time
You were on something soft. You opened your eyes slowly. You felt a pain in your shoulder.
“Jamil! Y/n woke up!”
You heard a joyful familiar voice. The owner of the voice hugged you with joy. Kalim. You tried to comprehend the events in a dazed manner.
That's right, Floyd shot you last and you fainted from blood loss while running with all your strength. And apparently Scarabia had caught you.
“Oh Y/n you really had me worried. If you only knew how scared I was when I saw you like that, shot and unconscious."
You didn't reply. You just stared blankly at Kalim.
“Yes Y/n you had us all so worried.” Jamil entered the room. He had a black agenda in his hand and was wearing a suit. Now if you look carefully, Kalim was also wearing a suit. The welds of weight on his wrists jingled as he turned to survey the room. Oh you were chained.
“Is it allowed to keep such things in the hotel room?” You said.
“Oh, I'm sorry, we brought the silver ones with us because we came here in a hurry, but don't worry, we have gold ones at home.” said Kalim innocently.
You loved Kalim, his sweet and pure nature prevented you from venting your anger on him. You gritted your teeth. You looked at Jamil.
“Kalim, you better go now, you need to greet our guests for the meeting. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes." Jamil dragged the manager out by force.
“But Jamil-“
“Don't worry, nothing will happen. They are both injured and the whole hotel is full of guards.”
After Kalim left, a grin appeared on Jamil's face that you had never seen before. A familiar and yet disturbing grin.
“Congratulations, you are truly someone who lives up to the title of the boss's right-hand man. Sorry, his former right-hand man. You know Kalim was so panicked it was hard for me to calm him down. Especially when you suddenly disappeared he stopped working, coming to meetings…You owe me for this.”
You didn’t answer. You knew he was trying to provoke you.
“I wonder what would have happened if those documents had never arrived? Would the boss throw you aside? Would you be his heir after all the training you received?”
You tried to hold yourself back.
"Who knows." You replied.
A burst of laughter broke out from Jamil. He approached you.
“Oh, you are really tough. It's not easy to break you, but don't worry, we have plenty of time. The doctor will be coming soon to change your bandages, so don't be a hassle. I notified room service for you to have breakfast.”
And he left the room.
You laughed. Oh apparently Crewel Sensei was right. Training would really come in handy.
Once you were free of the chains, you got into the bed and waited for the doctor.Indeed, as Jamil said, the doctor came about fifteen minutes later.You quietly waited for him to approach you on your bed.
“Excuse me, Y/n-san are you awake?”
You didn't reply. Just as the doctor was bending over to lift the blanket on you, you jumped on top of them and gagged them with one of the sheets before they could scream. You undressed the poor doctor while they were struggling in chains made for you.
“I'm sorry, but you know I have to run away. And my clothes are a little off for that.”
You were careful not to attract the suspicion of the guards as you left the room dressed as a doctor. You started walking away from there with normal steps.
Indeed, as Jamil said, there was protection everywhere. As you were about to get into the elevator, you noticed the guards talking on the phone, then they all hurriedly dispersed. Apparently room service had found the poor doctor.
You changed direction. You walked calmly but quickly and pulled the fire alarm. And as you wish, chaos broke out.
While people were screaming and running in panic, you mixed in with them. And you finally reached the exit.
When you left the hotel, you hailed a taxi with the money you got from the poor doctor.
“To the amusement park,” you said to the driver.
Then you called that number with the phone you got from the doctor.
“Hey it's me Y/n. It's time to pay me back. Be at the amusement park. Don't forget to bring a vehicle and weapon with you. You better be on time, Snow White."
“Looks like your training has paid off, Crewel.”The masked man said in a sarcastic tone.
“It's truly incredible, but it's a shame that such a person is a traitor.” said Trein as he caressed Lucius.
“Well, talent is in their blood, after all, he was like that too when he was young.” said Vargas.
“I have work to do. With your permission,” Crewel stood up sharply.
“Oh Crewel, don't be angry-“ but before Crowley could finish his sentence, Crewel spoke angrily.
“You hate it the most when we talk about him. Didn't you declare him a traitor to take over, and completely erased Ramshackle from the mafia? And now you're sacrificing them for your executives."
Crowley smiled under his mask.
“Crewel Crewel, are you really going to play innocent? You were the one who gave them those documents. If they didn't know anything, maybe we would still be living in peace. But no problem. After this game, we will return to our peaceful life again."
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
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10 reasons why you should love yourself
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
1. Just a quick disclaimer : This reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
2. Please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
3. Third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore, this pac can contains harsh, hurtful comments about you or the other person that can trigger you if possible, so kindly read at your own risk and take how it’ll resonates.
4. Lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : All of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , I don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners however edits and reading itself goes and belong to yours truly. I use the editor tools canva and ibispaint for the header and divider.
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Pile one
You don't take bullsh*t from others.
Your opinion is way more matters for you rather than other people opinion of you now.
You are good at dancing.
You are highly connected to divine and spiritual realm.
You have a strong fighting spirit.
Cutting people off for you is like as if you were cutting a paper pad. Too easy.
You've got a brightest smile and pretty hands.
You prefer few friends rather than a bunch of friends who are just fake and plastic. Quality over quantity.
You always want to grow and learn from your mistakes.
You are brutally honest person.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile two
You are good with arts, crafting, sewing, music or painting.
You are unique, feels like a weirdo from everyone else. (aquarius?)
You prefer old fashion rather than to keep up with the trends.
You have a peaceful and positive mindset.
You have a nice thighs.
You are passionate and hardworking about your work.
You always stay focus at your project, seems like you are perfectionist individual.
You are a great listener and advisor, probably someone who is there for everyone. A friend that can rely on with.
You are good at reading and observing people.
You are quite person but d*adly scary.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile three
You love taking care of yourself, you prepare for your daily healthy foods and keep yourself hydrated everytime.
You are good at guiding other's, someone who can be a teacher, tarot reader or a leader itself.
You have a high respect for people especially for your parents.
Many people love you online or in real life.
You are grateful that God give and provide your everyday life. You are thankful that God has given you another chance to live again, to prove and improve yourself.
You love the sound of rain while reading your favorite book.
You like reading newspapers even though through online sites and watching documentaries.
The fears you are fearing before, you can deal with them now.
You are creative human, there's something new up and something incredible happening to your mind 24/7.
You finally learn how to say ‘no’ with those things and someone that you think won't serve you. You rather be hated for who you truly are rather than to be someone else who faked everything.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile four
You are soft-hearted individual.
You have a sexy body.
You have this mindset - it's okay to cry then start to fight again for tomorrow and for your future.
You are determined and doesn't give up easily.
You know how to pampered yourself when you have money.
Even though you doesn't seems see yourself as a good leader atleast you always perceived yourself as great team player.
You know how to handle and organize your own time and things.
You think your ship doesn't yet come to the shore and so, you knew there's a lot of lessons for you to uncover in this lifetime.
You are someone who know themselves well, someone who knew that they have strengths, weakness, positive and negative traits about themselves. In short, you accept your own flaws.
You have a strong faith.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile five
You are lucky and grateful about your life and about yourself.
You are kind to yourself and to others.
You are lovable individual, partner, son/daughter and best friend.
Type of person is not easy to get fooled and scammed.
You know how to discipline yourself about something or someone.
You can deal with your personal issues alone without the help of others. Maybe sometimes when you badly needed it.
You have this quote ‘loving yourself first before loving others’.
You know how to have fun and you know how to joke around with other people. You have a jolly and positive energy.
You have a perfect eyebrows?like even though you don't casually wear brows pencil.
You only have you in this world and you have your family.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile six
You have unpredictable nature, that may lots of people wonder what were you thinking.
You are very secretive and mysterious individual.
You look good in every outfits and styles you wear.
You know how to forgive and forget others. But you don't give chances.
You have a great story and will, to share with people.
You have a beautiful and graceful ; soul, body and mind.
You know how to celebrate your own victory. You are happy in small things.
You are generous individual.
You usually have a good music and artist taste.
You know how to defend yourself in a bad situation.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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blueishspace · 16 days
Looped Sun 5
Loop #177
Scott had decided to take one vacation loop and this happened? A null loop? In an empires world where Xonorth won? Without an arm? ... The world tree was very very mean.
Loop #179
Grian had decided to take a vacation loop, nothing too big of course but something relaxing... of course this plan did not predict for a null loop stuck in the end with the most sadistic version of the Watchers possible. Grian would never set fire to the world tree...but the tree is making it really hard not to want to.
Loop #182
Pearl wanted to just have a good loop, being trapped for twenty years in a tower was not part of that plan. It being a null loop even less. Being a damsel in distress is extremely boring without something to do.
Loop #184
This is war, after almost 200 loops Scar had yet to have a Star Wars loop and now he instead had a Star Trek one... To be fair it was a good one but it's the principle! The world tree did it on purpose.
Loop #187
Scott: Guess Grian Isn't going to be the only god now...
Pearl: I guess so... So whose place did we take?
Scott: I know a bunch about this place, I took Mianite's place as god of order and you took Dianite's as god of chaos.
Pearl: Where's Scar?
Scott: According to the loop's memories he's taking Ianite's place as balance god.
Pearl: Wait, wasn't Ianite imprisoned for like...centuries?
Scott: ...
Pearl: Let's go get him.
Loop #189
It was two in the morning when Scar crashed trough the window of Grian's apartment. Grian was not excited to see him.
Grian: Another hero loop?
Scar: What? No! This is a villain loop! Watch and fear, I am the wizard!
Grian: The wizard? Really?
Scar: What!? It's straight to the point.
Grian: ... I'll stop bullying if I can join the villany. I still got a mother spore outfit from last time we looped into season 7.
Scar: Welcome on board!!
Scott: No chaos magic this time?
Pearl: Nah, decided to go waterbending for this hero loop. Get better at healing. Maybe if I get a villain next time.
Loop #191
This was early, Grian had gotten used to sometimes waking up in Hermitcraft season 6 or 7. He wasn't too surprised when he woke up as a Watcher or in Evo. But this? He didn't even think he could loop back to high school. Fortunately this wasn't a null loop so he could actually do something but still...
Loop #193
Pearl didn't mind being an hyena, it was the why that annoyed her the most. At the same time, she should have expected this to happen considering Scar's name. She tried not to sigh as she recites her part.
Pearl: And where to we feature?
Scar: Just listen to teacher. I know it sound sordid but you'll be rewarded when at last, I'm given my dues. And injustice deliciously squared, be prepared!
Loop #193
It's been a while since Grian had gotten to start in the desert, as much as he hated waking up here at the beginning of the loops now it was a bit nostalgic. He knew this was going to be a relaxing loop.
Loop #195
Bdubs: She's losing her freaking mind-
Bdubs didn't get to finish that he became smoke while his items fell to the ground... The spectators weren't happy.
Grian: ...Who decided to give Pearl a gun?
Scar: I did!
Grian: ...why?
Loop #196
Rendog: Give us back that banner!
Grian: Nev'r! If thee need t then cometh h're and taketh t thee phony king.
Ren: Phony? How dare thee, thee damn hippie! I'll showeth thee the wrath of the r'd wint'r.
Grian: Nay, I wouldst winneth.
Skizz: What's going on dude?
Scott: They are talking in shakespearian english.
Skizz: I got that. Why?
Scott: I have no idea. Ren isn't even looping, he's just going along with it.
Skizz: Looping?
Scott: It's nothing.
Ren: Cometh h're and visage mine own wrath thee heathen!
Grian: Is yond a dare? Prepareth thyself f'r a vanquish.
Mumbo: Grian?
Grian: There is a way we can still be friends.
Mumbo: Ther-
Grian: þū meahte geunon mē!
Mumbo: ... What?
Grian: What? It's just some Old english.
Tango: Jimmy? Jimmy? What's wrong?
Jimmy: It's Scar and Grian! Make them stop!
Tango: What do you mean-
Grian: 𒁠 𒂠𒀭𒋠𒍦𒋀 𒆭𒋠𒂠𒄀𒊠𒊀𒋀𒀀𒋠𒂠 𒆤𒄠𒀀𒋀 𒋀𒄠𒄀𒁠𒊠 𒁭𒊠𒀭𒁀𒇠𒄀𒈀
Scar: 𒁠𒊀𒍤Y𒄀𒀀𒄠𒌋 𒈀𒄀 𒋠𒄀𒁠𒋀𒄠𒄀𒊠𒍤
Joel: Grian, mate, please stop this.
Jimmy: You'll get used to it eventually.
Grian: 𓃀𓄿𓂧 𓃀𓇌𓋴 𓃀𓄿𓂧 𓃀𓇌𓋴 𓅃𓉔𓄿𓏏 𓄿𓂋 𓇌𓅲 𓎼𓇋𓈖𓎼 𓏏 𓂧 𓅃𓉔𓈖 𓏏𓉔𓇌 𓎢𓅓 𓆑𓂋 𓇌𓅲
Joel: I really doubt it.
Grian: ⊑⟟ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⋔⏃⍀⏁⊬⋏!
Martyn: You do know I speak ender right?
Grian: ... I forgot.
Loop #199
Listen, Grian didn't mean to start a religion really. That was more Joel's thing then his. It's not his fault he went god mode right as Gem started her Dawn church. At least he turned the god war between him, an unawake Pearl and Joel into a prank war. Which he was winning by the way. But that didn't stop it from being... Annoying at certain times. At least now he could teleport, that's a plus.
Loop #200
Grian: People! We got an expansion to our loop!
Scar: We did?
Grian: Check your loop memories!
Scar: Why- oh! We are after Secret Life!
Pearl: Finally, we get see season 10!
Scar: Look Joel and Skizz are Hermits.
Grian: Good for them, kinda hardcore that their first month of the season is demise 2.
Pearl: I mean, they are used to the Life Games so It's actually a good way to introduce them mate.
Pearl: Mate.
Grian: I know...
Pearl: I'm so sorry for you.
Grian: I'm going to have so many fishing loops now.
Pearl: It's ok...
Grian: Curse you unawake baseline me! Curse you!
Pearl: ... Snails?
Grian: Snails.
Scar: ... What are we talking about?
Grian: Snails.
Pearl: Snails snails.
Scar: ... Ok then, I'm out of here now.
Pearl: Snails!
Pearl: Is it me or is there something up with the season 10 water?
Grian: It's not you... it might like a moon big thing.
Pearl: Not another moon big, please.
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dragonfly0808 · 4 months
college advice? i’m starting in the fall 😭
Kay, so, I’m no professional here but I am about to pass into my 6th semester, so will hopefully soon be wrapping up my 3rd year of college so here’s some of advice
First off, go in the mornings, if you have a chance to do your schedule, go in the morning, it’s so fucking heavy to have to go in the evenings, did that once, never again
try to find a website or blog where students can give teachers reviews, these exist for most colleges and while it can be very hard to build your schedule based on the best teachers and I wouldn’t recommend doing that, it can help you be mentally prepared and know what each teacher values most ahead of time
always have smth to entertain yourself. You WILL have teachers who don’t show up or constantly cancel classes and while its fun using that time to catch up with friends, you should take a book or smth with you to keep yourself entertained during down time
if you have AFI’s (I have no fucking clue what they’re called in english but they’re activities, conferences, talks, outings, stuff like that) check how many you can do per semester and keep up with them, don’t leave them till last minute. For example, I need 14 to finish my career and can do up till 4 valid ones per semester but can only do them till my 7th semester. So check on that if you do have them as a requirement as well
Make sure you check out every part of your campus to know the best hangout spots. This is mostly just for yourself and to not get lost.
Hang out at your library if you have one, check out what they have even if you don’t particularly plan to use that many books, it can help motivate you and find more passion for your career if you’re feeling down or having doubts.
learn how to properly reference articles (perplexity is a great tool to find references)
make sure the teachers at least recognize you and, I would recommend to limit yourself to a certain number of classes you can miss. I try to limit myself to skip 3 classes from each teacher and try to not miss at all, the teachers recognizing me as someone who always goes has given me second chances and opportunities for extra points.
ALWAYS DO OPTIONAL PROJECTS FOR EXTRA POINTS, even if you feel confident in the subject, better to be safe than sorry
carry a cardigan or a light sweater and a small umbrella. You never know what teacher is gonna put the AC like it’s antartica and an umbrella can save you from sunburns and unexpected rain
carry headache pills or any medication you use semi-frequently, also a small utensils kit cause who likes using disposable utensils when you can carry your own + it’s better for the environment, also a hair tie
have an ‘emergency kit’, I have one that barely takes up a lot of space in my backpack and I am just now having to refill it 5 semesters in, I have mini deodorant, a small toothbrush/toothpaste I’ve never actually used, mini wet wipes, mini hand sanitizer, mini perfume, mini brush, toilet paper, band-aids, pads and kleenex.
^ these last 3 are cause my mama taught me to always be prepared and cause I personally can be a bit paranoid, I’m the mom-friend who always has anything anyone could ever need :) so those are according to the type of person you are. I also carry an UNO card game for when multiple teachers cancel on us (yes my backpack is very heavy but the paranoia can’t catch me if I’m prepared)
If you’re propense to low-sugar do NOT skip breakfast and try to carry a small snack, or in general always carry a small snack
if your career involves having to go to the laboratory, LISTEN TO THE INTERNS/LAB ASSISTANTS, half the time, they’ll know more than the teacher
remember, when it comes to group projects, you don’t have friends, you have classmates. Someone can be a great friend but an awful classmate and I am not risking a grade over a lazy friend, prepare yourself to separate those 2
try to figure out what to listen to when doing hw or studying, me personally, classical music (specifically cello music from the barroque period) really helps me focus
ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK, those are some of the easiest points to get
Finally, don’t be afraid to decorate your backpack! One of the funnest things of college to me (cause I was at a strict school for middle school and spent highschool in pandemic) has been to decorate my backpack with pins!
I’ve found a great thing about college is that genuienly no one cares about your interests and you can freely express yourself without fear of being bullied or ridiculed. Everyone is far too tired or focused to care. At least that has been my experience so far, be ridiculous if you like
I have ATLA pins, an asexual flag, spider-gwen, a matching carebear with my bestie, the school mascot and a dinasour (still looking for a winx pin)
I think that’s all I can come up with for now, so yeah, hope this helps and best of luck bestie!
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vicxss · 2 months
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Clarisse la rue x fem! reader
Summary: you and Clarisse don't know what you are, but during a training session she flirts with you
Warnings: slight mention of sex; Light kisses
English is not my first language
I arrived at the camp about 2 years ago, I have to confess that it was a bit difficult, although everyone was basically like me, there were still groups and I did not fit very well in almost all of them.But that changed when I met Clarisse, or rather, I approached her. You all know the habits she has with the newbies, and I thank the gods that she didn’t do the welcoming ceremony with me, perhaps out of pity.
After so much insistence, she let me get close, even if only a little and today we do not know very well what we have.I’m going to the training camp where I see Clarisse with her spear, my God, she loves that spear, but who wouldn’t love a gift from her father where everyone is so neglected by them?
Y/n: soon there will be nothing left of this doll. - I speak approaching where she was
Clarisse: if he is so bad it is because I am good. - he says continuing to hit the doll, stopping a little just to give me a smile. - Even, shouldn’t you train?
Y/N: I should, but my teacher is too busy killing a doll. - I talk doing a beak and pointing at herShe laughs and looks at me.
Clarisse: don’t be that way. - she tells me to get closer and gives me a sword. - Attacks me
Y/N: so dry?. - I ask holding the sword clumsily
Clarisse: do you want it wet?. - she looks at me suggestively and swings her eyebrows making me turn red
Y/N: you are very naughty. - I say going on her
Clarisse: I do not, it is you who makes my mind become malicious. - he says dodging my attack and smiling
Y/N: so it’s my fault that you only think of...you know?. - I say dodging his attack
Clarisse: you know? , you’re how old ksks. - he talks laughing. - And not I don’t just think about it
Y/N: I just don’t like to speak that word publicly, outside there are children in the camp. - I speak pressing my sword against his spear
Clarisse: do you really think they don’t know anything about it? , and sex is not a seven-headed animal or a Minotauro. - says moving away
Y/N: I know not, it’s just that...let it go. - I say going to keep the sword but it interrupts me
Clarisse: Tell me, why does it seem like you don’t like to bring up this particular subject? You’re so talkative about everything. - speaks caressing my arm
Y/N: I don’t like to talk about it. Despite my age I don’t feel prepared for this sex life, and nobody would ever see me like this. - I sit on a bench and she accompanies me
Clarisse: are you saying that you think no one would feel desire for you. - asks with an indignant face
Y/N: yes, here are many other beautiful girls for this, I’m just me. - I say leaning on her
Clarisse: I think you are much better than all of them, and also more successful. - says hugging me
Y/N: that’s something to say Clarisse? , I’m ashamed now. - I hide my face in her neck
Clarisse: it’s just the truth, I would spend nights just thinking about how beautiful you are and how perfect it must be to kiss your mouth. - she holds me tighter
Y/N: so you want to try it?. - I ask stepping away from her neck
Clarisse: I would love to. - she intersperses the look between my eyes and my mouth, getting a little red
Y/N: I’d love you to try it too. - I speak red looking into her eyes She comes closer holding my waist, at first her nose bumps into mine and I laugh making her smile.
Y/N: Your smile is beautiful, I say, slipping my arms around your neck.
Clarisse: no more beautiful than you," she says and finally kisses me.
By the way, it's a slow kiss without tongue, but full of sensations. She pulls me closer and moves her head, I just follow. It's hard not to have kissed her before.We separate and she distributes a few kisses over my cheeks.
Y/N: that's scratchy kkk - I laugh
Clarisse: I know you feel it, but I'm too happy to have finally kissed you for that to stop me from kissing you all over.
Y/N: who would have thought that the much-feared Clarisse la rue would be a melting ice cream inside and enjoy kissing?
Clarisse: only with you, I don't mind putting other people's heads in private," she smiles.
Y/N: You've got to stop terrorizing the newcomers. I walk away from her, putting my sword away.
Clarissa: I can't promise to stop, but I promise to try.
Y/N: That's quite a start considering it's you I'm having this conversation with.
Clarisse: I have a girl to win over," she says and winks at me.
The drive to our respective huts was full of banter and even a few quick kisses so that the rest of the campers wouldn't see.
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storiesfromgaza · 11 months
The words of my friend and colleague Feda'a about the shocking news of her 8 year old daughter Habiba:
"Here is Habiba, 8 years old from Gaza City.
A beautiful girl with pretty red hair and the most beautiful face in the world.
Habiba is in third class and is the smartest girl among her peers, she can solve a mathematical equation in just seconds and never makes a mistake in any of her exams in her 3 years of education. She always gets the highest marks in her class. Her teacher said she is one of the most beautiful and intelligent girls she has ever met.
She is polite and quiet and earned a lot from her name, which means "the beloved", no one can see her without loving her.
Her love for her mother, her father and her only brother Omar is boundless, she is the "hug giver", she must hug you to express her love and she is a very, very, very kind girl.
I saw her many times, when some child assaulted her, she would reply: "This is not nice, don't use naughty words and she will never respond in a greedy way".
She loves babies to the moon and back, she carries them, hugs them and sings to them.
Habiba's dream was to be a doctor and I was preparing her to join the Palestinian children's council.
In the COVID-19 emergency situation, she participated with me in many zoom meetings with international partners from all over the world, she heard a lot about human rights, children's rights and international laws. She loved it and was very interested in doing it. like me and let the whole world know about the children in Gaza.
Her dream was to speak very good English and to inform people about the news and the situation in Gaza.
The war started, Habiba is a very sensitive child, her little body was shaking all the time from the sounds of shelling and rockets.
On the seventh day, Habiba, unlike the previous days of the war, was calm and said she was hearing a sound that said "don't be afraid" and asked me if I had heard it, I was surprised but I didn't take any action.
Then she picked up her colours and brushes, for the first time she brushed her hair with the colouring brushes and said I am an "artist".
She draws the TV telling the news of the war and the Palestinian flag.
An hour later, Habiba was killed in a brutal attack on her home, through no fault of her own, she was carrying a colouring brush and not a gun, she is a girl with many dreams.
They killed her dreams and deprived me of enjoying the light of my beautiful child "habiba".
I worked for more than 7 years in PCHR (Palestinian Center for Human Rights), one of the most prominent human rights organisations in the country, I worked with international partners who called for and believed in human rights, and today I call them to stop everything. No mother would need to go through such suffering.
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autism-alley · 8 months
augh found my old post abt pjo and disability from before the show came out but it was on ye olde blog so i’m literally just gonna copy and paste, 3, 2, 1—
ok now that i’ve got it on the brain, i want to talk about disability in pjo and specifically how calling percy jackson dumb or treating him as such is not only a mischaracterization, but ableism. as a quick note, i’m keeping this to just percy to avoid having this already long post be even longer, but there are other disabled characters in pjo worthy of discussion, though i hit many of the same points in this post. i bring up percy specifically because he is mostly the character i have seen people treat as stupid.
percy is a dyslexic teen with ADHD who comes from a low-income family, raised by a single mother, and deals with an abusive step-father. i cannot stress enough how much of his character is shaped by that experience, but as hard as it is to single out any one part, i am going to focus on his ADHD and dyslexia. this kid has nightmares of being forced to take tests in a straightjacket as teachers ask him if he’s stupid and withhold him from recess with his peers. he is constantly labelled as “troubled” and blamed for things he didn’t do or aren’t his fault. he is told, over and over again, even from trusted adults, that he is “not normal” (othering him). he bounces between schools. he struggles to make friends. he deals with bullying. he has difficulty studying and reading, even when invested. teachers struggle to connect with him and tend to just give up on him. these are real disabled experiences, and rick does a good job at presenting them in the pjo books. sometimes, it feels like everything is a struggle. you are living inside a system that not only is restricting, but actively works against and punishes you.
in contrast, CHB is a great example of how when environments meet the needs of disabled people, it hugely changes how disabled we are in that environment. demigod brains are hard-wired for ancient greek, not english, and they’re born impulsive, with high energy levels that help them survive battle—but aren’t very good for a classroom setting. but by having them read books in ancient greek, regularly do lots of training/physical activities, and have genuine opportunities to express themselves...they function pretty damn well. percy discovers that while he struggles academically, he is brilliant in combat and capable of saving the world numerous times—he is a hero. do you know how important that message is for disabled children? disabled adults, too? that we can be heroes?
it is here, in camp half-blood, that percy finds a place he belongs, that shows him his worth—finally, somewhere is built to not only include him, but to nurture and genuinely prepare him for the world outside its boarders. however, i think people forget that just because percy functions in the world of CHB and the gods, that does not mean he doesn’t face ableism in the mortal world—and that there is an entire group of people who see ourselves reflected in his character.
i could talk on for hours about how much being disabled shapes percy’s identity and how he interacts with the world—like how percy’s humor revolves around coping with his environment and actually displays a very low self esteem after being looked down upon his entire life. this kid doesn’t even have to say anything and he screams i had a neurodivergent childhood. but about 5-6 years ago, when i was more regularly tuned into the fandom, every time i saw someone call percy jackson dumb or an idiot, even jokingly, i raised an eyebrow, and now that the series is getting fresh coverage from disney+, i have wanted to make this post. so much of this kid’s life and personality comes from being treated like he’s dumb or incapable, so it’s troubling to watch part of the fanbase reflect the harmful parts of this character’s upbringing. i truly hope it does not become common again. it’s also one thing coming from a neurodivergent/disabled person with similar experiences (and even then i personally find it a little uncomfortable), it’s another to be said by a neurotypical/able bodied person.
percy jackson’s experiences make for very important representation, and for people to characterize him as just a goofy, unintelligent guy is not only an insult to his character as a kid who is intelligent, but previously lacked the environment to show it, but also ableist. so in the dawn of the new tv series era, i ask that we cut that shit out. rick riordan did not create rep for neurodivergent and disabled kids for them to be called stupid by the fanbase. even jokingly.
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AITA for telling the teacher I made a group project all by myself which made my classmates get a worse grade?
Background: im 16F and in eleventh grade, im in a new school which is only for eleventh and twelfth grade. So my whole class was all people who didn’t know each other. This happened in the first few weeks of school. Also english isnt my first language and I’m a very shy person.
We got the task from our English teacher in our first English lesson to make a presentation and poster. She choose our groups and we just sat together for like two minutes and then the lesson was over and I completely forgot who I was in a group with because I didn’t yet know anyone’s names. We had to do the presentation three weeks later so I figured in that time someone else would reach out to the group so I don’t really need to know who was in my group.
No one else reached out for a week and the teacher was sick for the next week so I couldn’t ask her who was in my group. So we now only have less than two weeks left to do the project.
I send a message in the class group chat asking who’s in my group. No one answers. A few hours later i send a message again and no one answers again.
So I decide, ok, im just gonna start this by myself and the others can help later I guess. So I get a big piece of paper, do some research, print pictures etc… I also message the group chat with pictures of what I’m doing.
We are now at the weekend before the presentation is supposed to be on Thursday and I still don’t know who’s in my group. A different classmate sends a message in the group chat to ask who’s in her group, and someone replies to her with some names, including MY name.
So I finally know my group and I make a group chat with just us and ask them about ideas and if they could maybe write some texts for the poster and what part of the presentation they want to do. No one answers. I keep doing the poster alone and send pictures. I don’t get more back than „looks good“ and „👍“.
Now we’re at the day before the presentation. I have a finished poster and I’m writing the last part of the text while sitting at the kitchen table. My sister is sitting there too and doing homework. I’m complaining about how I did the whole thing by myself and the others completely ignored my messages. She says I should just say to the teacher that I did it all alone. I don’t really want to do that, but frustrated as I am I write on the back of the poster „100% (my name)‘s work“, kinda as a joke, and actually planning to erase it later, but I forget to erase it.
It’s Thursday, we do our presentation as the last group before the break. The others read the texts I wrote. We don’t get our grades told yet but it’s not a bad presentation.
After the lesson we change rooms and I stay behind for some reason I don’t remember, when the teacher wants to talk to me because she saw that writing on the back of the poster and she asks if I really did the poster by myself. I say yes because it’s true and it literally is written there so how am I supposed to lie. She also notices that the texts everyone read (she collected those too) are all in my hand writing. So it’s clear to her I did the whole thing alone.
A week later we get told what grades we got. I have a 1 (best grade) while the other group members have a 4 (barely passing). They ask why and the teacher says they would have gotten a 6 (worst grade) but they at least did the oral presentation. She explains that I told her I prepared the presentation all alone, and then not just my group but the whole class erupted and called me an asshole and worse things until I actually started to cry and no one talked to me for weeks. The other people in my group said to the teacher and the class that I told them I wanted to do the project alone, which I didn’t, but maybe it seemed like that because I had already started it when I found out who was in my group?
My family said everyone else was an AH for making me do all the work and stuff. But I’m not sure because of that giant negative reaction that not just the people involved, but also the rest of the class had. I‘m quite a solitary person and didn’t have friends in the school I went to before this one, and because of that I’ve always made group projects alone and don’t know the etiquette around them. I also do feel bad that they got a bad grade because of me, especially if they really thought I didn’t want help.
TDLR: I did a group project alone because my group ignored me. We did the presentation together, and I told the teacher that I made the poster and the content of the presentation alone. The teacher then gave the rest of my group a bad grade. My entire class insulted me until I cried when they found out. I don’t have good social skills so im not sure if I was right or wrong.
What are these acronyms?
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part three
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warnings: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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A year and a few more months passed since that event, and it seemed that karma was taking its revenge.
That sweet lady who had given you a job in her real estate agency had died of a heart attack. Although at first it seemed that her children were going to take over the business, they all declared that none of them could since they already had their respective jobs. And so you were left without a job.
It was a very hard blow, not only the loss of your job, but also the death of that lady whom you considered a mother.
Although you had your savings, you hated the fact of being left without a fixed income, so you started looking for a job, but this time you had no luck. Many of the jobs were part-time, and you didn't like the idea of leaving Ryusei with someone else for so long. And the ones that weren't part-time, didn't want to hire you as soon as they heard you had a son who was almost two years old. And to top it off, none of them could offer you a salary even close to what you had when you worked at the agency.
"I don't know what to do" you said frustrated to Ieiri through the call, "Well, you always have a very reliable option to choose from" she told you, while you were preparing food for Ryusei, "Oh yeah? which one?", "You can always go back and practice as a teacher here" you let out a laugh, thinking she was joking, but you stopped when you realized she was serious, "Ieiri, it's not an option to go back, tell me, how am I going to show up at school with a two year old, who happens to look like a copy of my ex-boyfriend, Gojo Satoru, who it should be clarified also teaches there? it's crazy". Of course you had thought about going back, from the first moment you did, but you didn't have the guts to face Satoru and tell him the truth. "Y/n, are you seriously thinking of not telling him, you said it yourself, Ryu is a copy of his father and therefore, surely, he's going to have the same skills as Satoru, and that makes him the future heir of the Gojo clan", there was silence in the call and she spoke again "Besides you not only have to go back for that, you also have to claim your place in your clan, your father disappeared more than a year ago and you're still the only heir". You got a shudder when you heard that, you weren't interested in claiming anything and you didn't think it was right to do so either.
"Think about it, you know I can talk to Yaga-sensei and I'm sure he will be very happy to welcome you here again." Masamichi Yaga, besides having been your teacher, was like a dad to you, he always understood you and helped you in everything, you remembered how Satoru always bothered you saying that Yaga-sensei had a preference with you and it wasn't a lie.
"Okay, I'll think about it" you told her, "Alright, I'll call you later, say hi to my cute nephew" she replied. "When he stops eating and pays attention to me, I'll tell him you said hi" you heard her laugh on the other end of the line, "Bye Ieiri" and they both hung up.
You walked over to your son and stroked his white, slightly messy hair, but he continued to eat and watch a children's program on the TV. "Hey Ryu" he finally looked up at you, his big little eyes that seemed to reflect the sky, just like his father's, and the corner of his mouth a little smeared with food, almost killed you with tenderness, "Would you like to go live near Aunt Ieiri?" you asked him and his eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual, and a smile formed on his face, showing his little teeth, "Yes, yes!" he replied. Ryusei adored Shoko, even though he didn't know her in person, he loved talking to her on video call and loved when she sent him toys as gifts.
Even though you were so scared, you made up your mind. You were going back to Japan. You needed work and maybe it was time to face the problems you left behind when you ran away.
And mostly, it was time to tell Satoru the truth.
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Hii, I am very happy for the support I am receiving and I thank you very much🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷.
I was just dropping by to tell you that the question box is open for any request you want to ask me!
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hi love. Hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you would be ok with some general Frederick and/or Helena headcanons for the birthday requests. Hope you have a nice day and thank you for your content 🥰💕💕
hello and i am, thank you sm! 💓💓 you've just requested both of my faves (for the first time too on here too) so who am i to deny🤲
helena adams and frederick kreiburg general/random hcs👁🎼
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helena adams👁
first of all, i hc her as american (not CAWWWW MURICA🦅💥🦅💥🦅💥 (well now that i think about it...) american, but rather mid-atlantic accent american. yeah. the early 20th century american) and obviously quite short, standing around 158cm (~5'2") and being of a bit chubbier, pear shaped build
i'd say that she's a pretty picky eater honestly. she really likes eating sweet foods and is used to the food that's generally on her repertoire at home, so eating out makes her feel a bit anxious since it's a whole different way of preparing food (and whole different dishes/meals, after all) and she's worried that it might have the wrong texture and that it's not going to taste as well as it does at home. she'll always give it a try before judging it though!
it's been made quite obvious in the previous hc but helena loves routine and needs it to function. she only feels completely calm once all the furniture in the house is at the same place it usually is and when her duties/tasks are organized throughout the day. although the manor forced her to adjust to an unpredictable lifestyle, she kept on doing some of the "rituals" she did at home to feel more at ease
definetly has gotten education in the music field! poetry and music go hand in hand, so i'm sure she at least had singing lessons or listened to a lot of classical music growing up. she is very knowledgeable on the topic and can quickly analyze any given composition
prone to meltdowns when she's very, very upset. she bottles it up 99% of the time and hides it well, but sometimes she just snaps and it results in a very self-destructive meltdown. she's a calm person in reality, so if you've managed to anger her you seriously had to fuck up BIG time
she dislikes getting any pity because of her disability, she knows that once her teacher and her father pass away she'll have to be able to stand up and fight for herself. and hell, she has been living like this since infancy, she's prepared for a lot of situations! might occassionally accept some gentlemanly aid, but anything else is a no, thank you. despite her short stature she is incredibly stubborn and strong willed, never giving up even when it seems the most reasonable option
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frederick kreiburg🎼
slim and of proper posture, frederick stands at 175cm (~5'9") tall and is of austrian descent
very paranoid about cleanliness and keeping everything tidy, refusing to take off his gloves unless necessary
he likes piercings very much! has a double helix piercing on one ear, an industrial on the other and snake bites, he's not sure why he's so fond of them but it's probably because they're (usually) not very flashy, easy to remove and safe (as long as the piercer is experienced)
very thick body hair/hair in general and has a greek nose!
not incredibly talkative, and when he does talk he often drifts away mid conversation and gets easily disturbed by the background noises or chatter - has a very light lisp and sometimes struggles with pronouncing english words as it's his second language and he was forced to learn it during his homeschooling program, fred's kind of insecure about it so it's one of the reasons he doesn't talk a lot
uses a cane to support himself as he limps, the reason behind it is that some other health problems of his built up over time and resulted in him struggling to walk and becoming exhausted quickly - being frail and sickly all of his life took a serious toll on him and his mental health, constantly making him paranoid about becoming seriously ill and even resulting in a lot of early gray hairs
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terresdebrume · 2 months
Hello children, it's office drama time
Covering several aspects of a worsening work environment x)
Aspect the first: the creation of the staff/teacher room
So until last year, each teacher had their own room and students would move from one to the other for classes. This was much more comfortable for us, allowed us to actually decorate our rooms (as encouraged) and also gave the students a little bit more occasions to move around between classes rather than having to stay in there 2hrs at a time. At the end of last year, we were told that we would have to switch to the reverse system and use a teachers' room to prepare classes.
Now, because language classes mix students of the same year and the Chinese lessons use the homerooms (which are bigger) I have my own room and I'm therefore not subjected to the teachers' room, but I can still have Opinions over its installation, which went as follows:
Upon arrival 3 days before the planned start of the school year, all teachers are instructed to work in "their room" for the mornings & attend meetings in the afternoons. The vast majority of teachers, having neither a homeroom nor a subject room to take possession of, has no fucking idea what they're supposed to do
While I set up the French class + my homeroom, a few of the room-less teachers who were present last year take one of the two staff rooms and set it up to their preference
That same day, the guy in charge of logistics and maintenance barges in, rudely tells everyone off for setting things up, and informs them that actually admin will be the ones assigning seats in the staff rooms
Upon being told that things would have been smoother if the rooms were set-up, logistics guy proceeds to explain that he never wanted this system and didn't know it would happen (it's a lie: we got the room assignments a week before we came back to work)
Staff room is left as is for 3 business days, then logistics guy tries to gain sympathy for staying until 9pm on a holiday to set up the staff rooms. Again: he knew about this AT LEAST two weeks before the installation
The Saturday before classes start, seating assignments in the staff room are sent. All teachers are grouped by specialties except for Z (head of foreign languages), K (head of English) and M (English teacher who's been here for years & got a camera in their homeroom which apparently records image AND sound)
K & Z, both new to the school, both picked as heads of department over people who have 3-5 years of seniority (and in the case of Z, more competence than them imo) are seated together, away from teachers allegedly in their department
M is sat in the middle of the PE teachers, away from their head of department
The consensus between M, S (another friend) & I is that it's starting to feel like M is in the management's bad books
Aspect the second: the probable HQ plants
Z, foreign languages head
Z joined us for the last two weeks of last year, upon which they immediately (as in week 1)
Badmouthed the 2ndary Chinese teacher to L, the primary Chinese teacher who was trying their best to act as head of department at the request of the principal at the time, saying the other teacher's classes were a bit shit and she wasn't invested (granted it was an open secret in 2ndary but have some fucking decorum/professionalism ffs)
Spent the entirety of those 2 weeks trying to get L to go out with them for drinks despite a) having known them less than 2 days at the first occurrence b) L's repeated response that they didn't drink (I have since been told that Z has done that with several teachers & proceeded to ask pointed questions about work to the inebriated teachers)
On top of that, I personally am not very fond of Z because this afternoon they made a comment on the visible mending on my jeans, which would be fine except they touched the patch which is on my fucking thigh + my understanding is that they tried to make one of our autistic student take off the construction helmet they wear to deal with their sound sensitivity (there is a possibility I misunderstood that one though to be fair, I will need to follow up on that w students)
K, head of English
Joined this year, immediately buddy'd it up with the superintendent who is pretty distant usually. Was conspicuously seated next to other suspected plant Z in the staff room. Also: M, person overlooked in K's favor for head of department, ended up sitting in the other staff room from K's, and this morning K said in front of all the other teachers of that room that 'they could keep M' when all the other English teachers are in K's room
(in fairness: M put their foot in it MAJORLY on day one and is now trying to avoid K as much as possible so that uh. Does not help.)
I will also say that I straight up don't like K's Vibe on the basis that their "greetings" to me every day this week (after literally talking for 15 minutes tops) has been to say "you!" Pretending to shoot me, and then trying to laugh it off
I have explicitly told them I don't like it this morning (after trying to jokingly point out it was weird a couple times, only for them to tell me "it's going to become a habit") we'll see how that shakes out
ETA: Minor but very telling bullshit
One of our classes rn has 32 students
One of our early meetings delineated rules for avoid AC overuse and one of the proposed actions was to ask the scholarship students to take pictures of the AC units + fans every hour and send it to the student services
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mrhaitch · 16 days
hi mr.haitch!
as someone who's interested in academia, do you think you can speak a bit about your experiences and journey? it's something i've had my eye on for a bit but honestly don't even know where to begin and idk if i'm just having a mini life crisis because i'm feeling unfulfilled in my current field.
I think I've spoken about this before, but I'll do it again. Please note that I am currently not in academia at present, although I do have plans to return. Currently I'm teaching functional skills in English and maths to kids in their late teens (many of them with severe emotional, behavioural, or learning disorders) so this will be more of a retrospective.
(Be warned, it's long)
Let's get one thing very clear: I was a bad student and my road into academia is and remains crooked. I had bad grades in highschool, an appalling attendance record, and spent a great deal of highschool in detention. It is a miracle that I finished highschool, and a further miracle that I was accepted by a college, and fluked through my A-levels.
I never paid attention in class unless it was something I cared about. Homework was a mythical concept, I never participated, rarely engaged, and generally treated school with disdain.
And I didn't get better until I was in my twenties.
Some of it was anxiety, a lot of it was arrogance.
So fast forward through my undergrad years where I oscillated wildly between workaholic frenzy (political philosophy, existentialism, philosophy of religion) to staunch absenteeism (philosophy of language, socratic philosophy). In my final year things kind of clicked, I knuckled down, got into a few fights with my lecturers, forced my grades up, and came out with a good enough grade to get onto a masters course.
This was largely in thanks to my writing, which I'd become increasingly dedicated to, completing and submitting my first (and thankfully unpublished novel) in the process. During my master's I revelled in the greater degree of independence, how I could direct and engage with the material in my own way, and how it connected with my passions (creative writing). I still had an arrogant moment, failed to prepare for an assignment and failed it. The failure capped my overall grade at a pass which sank any hope for a scholarship.
Dejected and pissed off, I then took the first job that came my way and gave up on academia. I languished in the service industry for four years and thought I'd amount to nothing more. Some political nonsense happened towards the end, I pushed back against the wrong people who promptly tried to fire me under false (and illegal) pretenses.
Haitch pushed me to look into doing my PHD again. I applied, teaching out to one of my old MA teachers to be my supervisor and he accepted with far more enthusiasm than I could've hoped for. I got a loan from the government and vowed to throw myself at my PHD as hard as I could, and I did.
From 2019 until early 2023, I worked five days a week (plus some time in the weekends) on my thesis and my writing. 8-5 every day with my nose in a book, or plugging away at a manuscript, or drafting papers. I lived and breathed it every second. I kept a journal where I pushed myself to work harder and harder to achieve what I felt was my dream. During that time I was determined to come out with my experience and qualifications than I could possibly need for an entry position. I shadowed my colleagues when they taught classes, exchanged emails with academics I admired, published more short fiction.
Brick by brick I built a portfolio and a modest reputation. Then I was invited to speak at a prestigious convention in the UK. I met legendary literary agents, famous authors, hung out with people I admired, and had a chance to read some of my work to an audience and discuss its themes.
I taught for two years, while at the same time working two other contracts for various outreach bodies teaching and supporting kids from deprived or disadvantaged backgrounds.
And I still can't get a permanent position.
I've been shortlisted once or twice, and knocked back at the first hurdle a whole bunch.
Academic positions are like gold dust scattered down the back of a unicorn as it leaps over a double rainbow. It is hard to get a job teaching and researching at a university, especially in the humanities. It is endless rejection with minimal feedback, banging your head against a brick wall over and over wondering if you felt it move or if you've just softened your skull.
It's hard, very hard, and takes a lot of commitment and a lot of sacrifice, with zero guarantee you'll get anyway.
But you do it because you can't imagine yourself doing anything else.
The eagle eyed amongst you will recognise this as the same conclusion I reached about writing, and they're right. It's the same. Often thankless, frequently difficult. A feeling of toiling alone in the dark, waiting for someone, anyone to peer into the well you fell down.
But as hard as it is, if that's the path you've chosen, a part of you doesn't care. You do it anyway. You do it in spite of what it costs you, and the little it gives back.
At least, that's how I see it. Thank you for attending my rambling, somewhat doom-laden, TED talk.
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authorxxxxxx · 1 year
Afraid Of The Dark 🌙
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Pairing : Detective David Loki x fem!reader
Summary : You were always afraid of the dark - as long as you can remember - and just when you thought you were beginning to overcome your greatest fear , it came back and everything was destroyed .
Tw : mentions and detailed descriptions of insomnia , discussions of heavy topics ( based on the original plot of the movie ) , anxiety and panic attacks , angst , the reader and David they fall in love with each other , extreme fluff towards the end .
Lately I've been experiencing heavy episodes of insomnia ( maybe for the past couple of weeks ) and I haven't been able to sleep or even rest properly . I really do not know what to do . I've started to eat more healthy and as much as I really want to take sleeping pills I am afrais that it is not going to be good for my body as I've already taken enough this month . If any of you know anything that can help , I would appreciate it if you would write me a message . Sleeping is one of the things that I enjoy the most and not being able to do it - it really drives me crazy .
Remember , English is not my first language so if you spot any mistakes just bare with me .
Ps : Writing this really helped me get some things that are disturbing me these past few weeks . I enjoyed working on this but at the same time it made me feel really bad at how I cope with some of my problems .
11k words : ?
As long as you can remember - from a really young age - since you were a little girl - you were really afraid of the dark .
But you were not just afraid of the dark . . .
You hated the dark . . .
Actually you despise the dark with every living passion .
You can not actually remember when it first started . Maybe when you started hearing kids in the early years of primary school saying that from 03:00 until 04:00 a.m. was the Devil's hour , or that there ghosts and monsters everywhere in your room while your asleep , or when a teacher of yours told you that insects are inside your mattress.
There were times that your parents were actually very conserved and tried to explain to you that nothing is going to happen to you while you are sleeping .
But you always remember your father saying : " Pray for the best . Prepare for the worst " .
So you could not think otherwise - that something might happen to you or your family in the most unexpected time .
After the birth of your younger brother and sister , thinks got worse .
You would practically stay up all night making sure that everything was safe .
After one time were you fainted from exhaustion , your parents tried to help you with a psychiatrist .
Your father drove you there once every week - seemingly helpful .
It was not .
The pills that the doctor prescribed to you made your stomach turn upside down , your head dizzy with headaches , eyes crying .
Everything seemed to be getting worse .
But only your younger sister Anna had noticed .
Oh Anna . . . you were thinking now as your Honda Prelude was picking up speed by the minute driving you back home .
Conyers was always moody , while Philadelphia were you had moved 4 years ago for University had a lot more of sunny days - it maybe was the reason why your insomnia was getting step by step a little better .
That did not last for long . . .
149 km/h and your car was practically screaming for you to stop .
Just a couple of hours ago you received a call from Conyers Police Department begging you to come back as your little sister Anna and her best friend Joy were missing .
Your only reasons for existence was missing . . .
And you would search every single corner of the world to find her .
When you finally got home it was nearly midnight and while everyone was enjoying their Thanksgiving night , you were holding your younger brother trying to protect him form your mothers cries .
Your father told you to leave the house and go to the car .
You wanted so badly to scream at him .
Ho could he suggest something like that while his youngest daughter was missing ?
Trying to control your anger you started to cry , your brother dragging you out of the house inside your car to both calm down .
The morning you both came back at the house .
Thank God your mother was sleeping in the living room , your brother was in the kitchen and you were discussing with your father in the upstairs bathroom .
You rather seemed calm to the whole situation but your father could see in your eyes that you were thinking of the worst possibilities .
Detective David Loki was something else .
You came into the room while he was typing away on his phone , not directly answering your mothers questions .
'' So, did we pass?"
" I'm sorry, what did you say?"
" The poly thing. The lie detector we took this morning. Did we pass?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry. Yes, we appreciate your cooperat- "
Loki was interpreted by your form sitting cross leged in the entrance of the living room .
" How are you ? " He asked you , but your father did it for you .
" She is are oldest daughter Y/N . She came here yesterday . " He said and Loki without missing a second asked you to come by the station to fill your report .
That's how you found yourself sitting in an interrogation room with him asking you questions while observing you .
" Can I go home now ? " You asked him after a minute of total silence .
" Do you have trouble falling asleep ? " He asked with the most serious tone . Dark and deap voice only for you to hear .
Your lack of answer made him understand that that maybe you hade trouble falling asleep because of your sister's disappearance , but something told him it is not only that .
What he did not understand is why he felt the need to protect you and help with any way he can .
After the events that happened when police let Alex go you began to leave the house .
Either helping police with their investigation , or spending time helping your brother mentally , which triggered your mental health too .
Your mother started taking pills and ended up falling asleep all day long .
But what made your anxiety worse was when you had a full blown out panic attack in front of the Detective .
You were with your brother in the police station after ending todays search in the woods with the team .
And then you heard it -
" Look, kid, we can't always save the day. All right? We're just cops, janitors . So you lost this one, all right? " You heard the captain say to Loki , but the only think that you could think right now was that the case was not going very well .
-So you lost this one, all right?
What does that mean ? That the case is closed ? That he is not going to find your sister ? That she is alone ? Maybe dead ? Dead ? Anna . . .
Your head was practically thinking about the worst things right now .
And when your eyes started crying on their own , your head became dizzy , your throat cloased , you finally realised that you could not breathe .
Your brother started crying watching you in this state - crying uncontrollably and violently shacking trying to breath .
A couple of officers noticed and came closer to help both of you but the Loki stormed out and when he smashed everything in his desk the while office went silent .
" Please do not let it go " . Hearing your crying voice he asked one officer to brig you water immediately while he came towards you .
" Hey hey hey you listen to me , alright?" He said while he cupped your face with his palms .
" I need you to calm down love just breath for me okay?" He asked you one more time before turning his head around to glance at the officers thaat were standing there just watching the scene unfold .
That day Joy was found , but while she was slowly recovering from whatever they experienced , your father disappeared .
Thank God Loki had found new evidence and he was able to put some pieces together and finally after a whole week he found Anna .
The next morning
You gently knocked on his open door making him turn his gaze from the newspaper to you -
" Y/N ? " He asked you silently thinking of why you were with him and not with your sister .
" Do not worry . I was with her the entire night , but she wanted to be left alone with our mom for a while . She is thankful you know ? We all are . " You said to him .
He could see you were tired , dark and heavy bags under your eyes from not sleeping , puffy and red eyelids from constantly crying .
Shit . He thought . He should have tried to help from the moment he first saw you .
" Uh, Detective Loki? I hope we're not intruding." Your mother and your sister appeared - you knowing fully well what was going on .
"No." He said and looked at you asking what is happening .
You just smiled and right then and there he realized that he had fallen for you .
You just wached the scene unfold feeling happy until your mother told Nancy leave them alone for a moment .
After she sterted to talk about your father your smiled droped . Every little drop of happiness vanishen from your body knowing what your father had done . Hating that your mother had somehow defended him - while you did to in the bottom of your heart .
You realised that you too were crying when you sniffled your nose .
David looked at you worried .
It did not go unnoticed by your mother .
Hell she was worried about you , he has almost a decade older than you - but then she remembered about her and your father .
She wiped her eyes , smiled both at you , passing you the message that although this whole thing happened - two broken souls found love .
And with that she left .
The early evening that David found your father , that night when you were overcome with anxiety and passion at the same time , David was there with his look, his touch cooling you down but at the same time burning you with his love . That night you both realised that you had fallen for each other - you loved each other .
The night were you both fell asleep together .
The night were he helped you to stop being afraid of the dark .
I am going to add more tag's in the future , until then : )
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