#as I said at dinner the other night ‘mother and daddy are fighting for attention’
Tonight, I will be splitting my evening between households (Switching between The Grammy’s and TLOU)
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Shower Me With Love
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Reader feels overwhelmed as a mother. Thankfully, Ruben knows how to make her feel good again.
It was a hard thing to admit. A thought that brought you shame. But being a mother of three sometimes made you want to scream.
It was always at the end of the day, just before dinner and the moments after, that you felt like you had no control over yourself or the children. The oldest and the youngest would run around, chasing each other throughout the house. While the middle child needed help with homework that kept reminding you of the horrors of being a student with dyslexia. You simply felt incompetent as a mother, a sudden urge to take it out in your kids. They expected so much of you and so little of the rest of the world. Putting all of their trust in you and Ruben.
"I'm home."
Peace would fall upon your home whenever Ruben showed up at the door, a brimming smile on his face, arms open for the kids to run into his embrace. And just like that, the conflict within you simply seized to exist.
"Hi baby, how was your day?"
He would kiss you with a child clinging onto his neck and another his leg. You would tell him that your day was fine, leaving out the part where you almost had a mental breakdown again.
"How was your day?"
"Fine. We're doing alot to prepare for the game next week."
"I see."
Ruben would then fight his way through the house, carrying two children just to get to the third, who sat around the kitchen table, still tussling with homework. Ruben never failed to greet any of your children, giving them the individual attention that they all deserved. This he did better than you. It was a sad thing to admit. However, it was true. Ruben was better with the kids than you, or so the chaos in your mind made you believe.
"I'm going to hop in the shower." You announced. However, none of them seemed to have heard you. They were all gathered around the kitchen table, suddenly interested in doing homework. It didn't bother you as much as it could. This allowed you to slip away unnoticed, finally getting well needed time for yourself.
You would let the water run for at least an hour. The heat was scolding to the average man. However, the perfect temperature for you. You soaked in it, melting into a puddle of nothing. Someone without so much expectation on them.
The knock on the bathroom door came just in time, like it did almost every night. Through the foggy glass, you saw your husband slip into the bathroom. The kids had been put to bed, leaving him nothing else to do but to join you in the shower.
"God, you're beautiful." He pulled open the glass doors, grinning at the sight of you.
"Don't just stand there." You teased, to which Ruben wasted no time stripping himself of his shirt, tugging his sweats pants down his legs. He winced with the first sensation of the hot water. Once his skin was used to it, his arms pulled your body towards him, pressing your back against his front.
"I've missed you." He said, whispering the words against the lobe of your ear. He then traced his kisses along the running water that ran down your shoulders and the length of your arms. Ruben then made you turn around and face him and the way he regarded you with such admiration and lust. How he never failed to make you feel special was a wonder itself.
"You okay?" He asked, perhaps seeing the fatigue in your eyes. Not even an hour spent in the shower could wash away your fear of inadequacy.
"I am." You nodded. However, it only rewarded you with a skeptical look frown from your husband.
"Don't lie." He said, which caused your heart to strain and tears to well up in your eyes.
"I'm okay, Ruben, I really am. It's just that the children...." You stopped yourself from admitting your sinful thoughts and how they would make you come off as an even worse mother than you already were.
Suddenly, all that anxiety seemed to evaporate with Ruben's touch upon your cheek. Even though he couldn't see them through the running water, he seemed to be drying away your tears.
"Why are you always so hard on yourself?"
You chuckled. "Perhaps because I have a husband who makes it seem so easy."
"It is easy." He nodded, and for a second, you thought about stepping out of the shower, ignoring the tempting way Ruben's growing erection put pressure against your stomach. "You make it easy." He smiled.
"I what?"
"I come home to a house where my kids are happy because my wife makes them happy. I get to play with them until it's time to put them to sleep and you leave me to help them with their homework which mends a big part of me that hates it when I'm gone for too long. Football and my career are temporary. You and our family are forever."
"Oh Ruben."
You had never thought of it that way. How you were the heart of the home that he came home to. How he, unlike you, enjoyed helping the kids with their homework, cherishing every moment he had with them considering that he wasn't present for the majority of their day.
"I love you." Ruben spoke the words into your skin, his mouth now attached to your collarbone, nipping the skin until it became softer and thicker as he reached your breasts.
"Fuck." You moaned as he licked across your nipple, taking it into his mouth. Ruben's rough hands then traveled down your body, searching for the soft folds of you slit.
"That feels so good." Your head knocked against his torso, your hands cradling around his head, fingers running through his wet hair. You kissed his lips as you stood on your toes, savoring the tase of him.
Ruben rubbed small circles on your clit, small but powerful.
"Just put it in." You nodded.
His laughter drummed in your ear. "Without a condom?"
"Why would you wear a condom in the shower?"
Again, his laughter drummed in your ear. You always seemed to forget the beginning of your troubles. How your hot showers with Ruben resulted in three kids barley a year apart from each other.
"Can I fuck you like this?" Ruben turned you over to face the wall, arching your back in a way that offered him your ass.
"Yes, like this." You nodded, eager to have him inside of you.
His muscles flexed as his hips aligned with your entrance, the hot water running down the length of your back.
"You ready?"
"Ready." You squealed to the sensation of the size of Ruben, easing into you. Like always, he started of slow, despite your plea for him to go hard right away. His thrusts then came in waves, slow and fast, a combination of both. The sounds of your breathless moans were confined to the sacred sphere that was your shower.
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milkywaygg · 2 years
FOP-Lost Child Ch. 4
The next morning, while Darren was still asleep, Linnie had gotten up and got Julie ready for the doctor’s appointment, hoping for a physical check up and to examine the numerous scars that troubled Linnie so. After making sure Julie was nice and situated eating her breakfast, he dug through the closets to see if there was anything appropriate for the child to wear, before deciding to grab her a T shirt and some shorts out of a box of Chelsea’s old clothes as a child. They were a little big on Julie, as the shirt seemed to barely stay on her shoulders, but Linnie reassured her that they would go find some appropriate clothes once they were finished with the appointment.
The two found themselves back at the children’s hospital, Julie clinging on to her seat as she watched the children play with the wooden blocks and beads that were connected onto multiple colored wires. Noticing her behavior, Linnie smiled gently and rubbed Julie’s back, surprised that she didn’t jump.
“Sweetheart, don’t you want to play with the other kids while we wait? Maybe you’ll make a friend.”, Linnie offered gently. Julie just shook her head, causing him to frown sadly, “Why not? What’s the matter?”
“Why are you helping me?” Julie asked quietly, “I don’t deserve it.”
“What do you mean dear? Why don’t you deserve it?”
“Everyone always thinks I’m annoying. That I’m stupid and always want attention.”, Julie said sadly, “Even that other man doesn’t like me! He yelled at me and got angry. I didn’t want to make him angry, but I always do.”
“Oh dear.”, Linnie sighed softly, “Well uhm…honey of course you’re not annoying. You’re just a child. You need people to love and help take care of you.”
“But why does everyone hate me? How come you’re the only one who doesn’t hate me? Unless…you hate me too?”, Julie asked, waterfalls of tears threatening to spill. Linnie’s heart shattered into pieces and he pulled Julie close, hugging her tight.
“Oh now now, I don’t hate you. I like you very much, and I’m very glad I met you when I did. You remind me of my daughter when she was just a little girl.”, Linnie said, “And I don’t think anyone hates you. Are you talking about Darren? I-I know he can be in a bit of a bad mood at times, but his heart is in the right place. Sometimes he just doesn’t adjust well to change, darling.”
“Yeah but not just him.”, Julie said, making Linnie’s heart ache, “My mommy sometimes hits me when she has that icky brown water, and yells a lot too. I’m always messing stuff up when she’s around. Daddy also never gets out of bed. He just sits there and drinks wine and cries all day. Barely even notices me.”
“Oh dear sweetheart, come here.”, Linnie sighed, hugging Julie tight and rubbing her back, “I’m so sorry. No child should ever have to go through that. I know how much that hurts.”
“You do?”
“Mhm. See, my wife wasn’t very nice to me or my kids either, and you know, my daughter was a lot like you growing up.”, LInnie said, remembering that one night Nora had came home drunk after they had just finished dinner, “I remember one night after dinner, Chelsea wanted to help me with the dishes like she always does, but when her mother came back screaming, Chelsea grabbed my leg and begged me not to leave her.”
“Did you?”
“No of course not, dear. I just took her to bed so I could deal with Nora alone. Yes, it was uncomfortable but at least she was safe.”, Linnie sighed, before smiling at Julie, “And I would love to do the same for you. You deserve a good life, filled with people that love you, and I want to help you out the best I can. Is that alright?”
Julie was unsure of how to answer, but just nodded quietly before returning to watching the other children play. Fighting the urge to coax her to pick up some toys, Linnie eventually decided that he didn’t need to overstep his boundaries with her and decided to keep quiet until the doctor called her. After a good 15 more minutes, Dr Honeycomb opened the doors leading to the offices, calling Julie’s name, and leading them to one of the examination rooms. 
“Well, you’re looking a bit better than when we had last met. How have you been?”, he asked, smiling patiently at Julie. Julie didn’t say anything, but rather blushes and smiled shyly, “No problem. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Let’s just get you weighed to see if we’re making any progress.”
Dr Honeycomb took Julie’s hand and lead them back down towards the hallways once more, turning a corner to the weight scale, and having Julie stand on it without flapping her wings. She did as she was told, and Dr Honeycomb smiled as she gained a pound, and seemed to have better balance on the scale.
“Well, it’s a start. I’m sure you’ll be a healthy weight in no time. Now then.”, he said, turning towards Linnie, “So, as you’re aware, we’re doing a physical, correct?”
“Yes, but I was wondering if you could take a look at sometime while you’re at it,”, Linnie asked, frowning worriedly, “There are a bunch of cuts and scars on her arms and legs, and I’m worried that they’ll get infected.” 
“Yes of course”, Dr Honeycomb knelt down gently, getting a brief look, “They don’t seem infected to me as none of them have a harsh red color around the area, or any crust. I will go ahead and document these and bandage them just so they don’t get infected in the future.”
“Alright thank you.”, Linnie sighed, as he took a seat towards the wall of the office, worried for Julie’s well being while also thinking about all the scars he had seen today. Watching as the doctor tended to her, Linnie couldn’t help but notice a sense of distrust towards Dr Honeycomb, even though he seemed like a perfectly nice and kind person to Linnie. She flinched whenever he attempted to take her arm to dab some disinfectant onto her bruises, and almost looked like she was about to cry the entire appointment. It took all his strength not to scoop the child up and give her a hug, wishing he could protect her from whoever was hurting her.
Why would you do something like that to a child, Linnie wondered. How miserable did you have to be to believe hurting a child would magically solve all your problems. Whatever excuse these parents had to abandon the poor child on the street and cause all the physical and emotional scars, Linnie was determined to make sure Julie escaped from the life she was living. To have the experience a child should be living. Instead of fighting for her life on the streets, she should be playing on the playground, and playing tag with her friends. It was all almost too much for Linnie to handle.
After a while, Dr Honeycomb finally finished tending to Julie’s wounds before handing Linnie a manilla folder, containing Julie’s documents, injuries, and x-rays; anything that was recorded on her behalf. 
“Well sadly, I can’t say this is the first time I’ve seen a child with this many scars.”, Dr Honeycomb commented, “But never have I seen so many in one place.”
“I know. It’s awful. I’m very concerned about her, and I’m not sure what I’m going to do next.”, Linnie said sadly, “I’ve planned on coming to the police and figuring out where her parents are, but I’m not so sure this poor dear should be going back to her parents at all.”
“You don’t think THEY’ve caused all of those, do you, Mr. Cosma?”
“I don’t know for sure, but she’s said some things that make me believe so. I probably shouldn’t repeat them.”, Linnie said quietly, “Anyways, thank you so much for looking after her. I know she seemed a little wormy and I think she’s just scared. Uhm, she’s not on our insurance so I’m not sure what you’d like for me to-”
“Oh, the receptionist should take care of it. Seeing as this is a special case, we might just be able to overlook the appointment and charge your insurance just this once.”
“Really? Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.”, Linnie smiled gently, clutching the folder in his hands as he reached out to Julie, “Come on sweetheart, we should probably head back to the house now. You’ve had a long day.”
Unlike the behavior he had seen with Dr Honeycomb, Julie seemed to be a bit more eager to respond, allowing Linnie to hold her hand, and walking almost right next to him, almost as if she were trying to hug him. Despite her rather anxious body language, Linnie couldn’t help but smile softly at the little girl, feeling somewhat proud that she was finally starting to trust him. Before he and Julie walked out of the doctor’s office all together however, Linnie had bumped into another green haired man, who groaned as the little boy in a purple shirt and overalls, and purple curly hair looked up, smiling. 
“Grandpa Linnie!”, the boy hugged, Linnie recognizing him as Poof. Linnie smiled warmly, kneeling down to give his grandson a hug.
“Hi sweetheart, I’m so happy to see you! I didn’t expect you.”, Linnie cheered, before looking down at the man, “Cosmo?”
“Watch where you’re going-Dad? ”Cosmo's tone immediately changed upon hearing his father’s voice, “What are you doing here?”
“I-uhm”, Linnie stuttered, Julie hiding behind his legs, “I’m just taking care of some personal business. What are you doing here?”
“Poof’s check up”, Cosmo said, with a somewhat bored tone, “Wanda was supposed to take him this go around since I have things around the house that needed to get done, but she ‘conveniently’ had to go to one of her father’s meetings at that garbage company. I swear, she always does this to me.”
“Does what, dear?”
“Every time something involving one of the kids needs to be done, she’s nowhere to be found, and then expects me to be ok with it just because she pays the bills around here.”, Cosmo complained, “And I’m like, what the hell does she need to go there so damn much anyways? Doesn’t he have his workers for all that stuff he does at the company? How about instead of running around and using the ‘I pay the bills’ excuse, you help you damn husband out with the kids. They’re your responsibility too.”
“You sound just like Daddy.”, Julie squeaked, catching Cosmo’s attention, causing him to raise an eyebrow.
“Dad, who’s this?”, Cosmo asked, studying Julie’s features, and felt himself jump back as he saw the condition she was in, and all the scars on her arms and legs, “And what happened to her? Why’s she got all those scars? And what’s with her nose? It almost looks as big as Darren’s.”
“Uhm, you know what, I think that’s something we can all discuss in private, dear. I don’t think this is the right time and place to talk about it.”, Linnie said, “Would you maybe want to come over for dinner tonight? I can explain everything then.”
“I don’t know. Depends on if Wanda’s lazy ass comes home to help with the kids.”
“Bring the kids, dear. I’m sure little Julie here could use a playmate anyways.”, Linnie said, before Cosmo and Poof’s names got called for the appointment.
“Maybe. We’ll see. Let’s go.”, Cosmo said to Poof before bringing him into the back offices, as Linnie continued to take Julie home, finally arriving back at the apartment. Upon entering the room, Linnie wasn’t surprised to see Darren at the TV, eating a bowl of ramen noodles he had left for him. Before striking a conversation, Darren waiting until Linnie had sent Julie for a nap, and took a seat on the couch next to him to clear his mind.
“How’d it go?”, Darren said, his mouth half full.
“FIne. She was very skittish at the doctors, but we were able to get what we needed.”, Linnie sighed, “Oh, and I ran into Cosmo on my way out.”
“Oh, is that so?”, Darren said, heart dropping suddenly, “I-I completely forgot to call him when I got out. Has he said anything about me?”
“Not really, other than Julie looking like you. I invited him over to dinner, so he and the kids may or may not be coming over this evening to discuss Julie.”
“Kids? Wait, Cosmo and Wanda finally did the deed, twice?”
“Great. As if my life couldn’t get any better.”, Darren groaned, remembering how much he and Wanda disliked each other, “Is she going to be there?”
“I’m not sure. Cosmo said she was working tonight.”
“God, I hope not. I don’t know what her problem is with me, but she always acts like I’m out to get her husband or something.”, Darren complained.
“Well, let’s just try to keep a more positive attitude about it.”, Linnie said, “After all, we’re here to discuss Julie, not any drama between you and Wanda. I’ll make sure we keep focus so that Wanda’s point of view against you will not be brought up, if that makes you feel any better.”
“Ugh fine I guess.”, Darren groaned, before noticing the envelope, “Are those her medical records?”
“Yes. This has everything from doctor’s notes, to her x-rays, so let’s try not to lose them, alright?”, Linnie asked, “I’m going to be taking these to the police within the next day or so. She’s uhm..said some very concerning things while we were waiting for her appointment.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t really want to say exactly, but something about her mommy and daddy hitting her.”, Linnie said, catching Darren’s attention.
“What the hell? Are you serious?”
“Darren language please.”, Linnie scolded lightly, “But yes, I’m very worried about her.”
“Damn, that’s crazy.”, Darren said, before receiving a sigh from Linnie, “So, what do we do now?”
“I guess there’s not much we can do until tomorrow. If you wouldn’t mind watching her tomorrow while I go to the police station and start a case after I get off work.”
“Shouldn’t I go over there too? I mean, they might want to ask me some questions since I was technically the first person to notice her.”, Darren brought up.
“Well, yes, I suppose so, but then we won’t have anyone to watch her-”
“What about that one lady you had helped with her niece? I mean, she seems like a nice person to me.”
“I’m not sure. I don’t really want to bother her.”
“What other choice do we have? Besides, it’s not like we’re leaving her with Julie all day anyways, It would just be for a few hours.”, Darren shrugged, taking his noodle cup to the kitchen to throw it away, “I’m just saying, sometimes you’ve gotta be resourceful. It’s ok if you need other people to do you a favor anyways, and it’s not like we can leave her by herself, especially since it’s obvious she can’t even go to the bathroom by herself.”
“Well.”, Linnie sighed, “I’ll give her a call, and if not, then one of us is going to have to stay behind.”
“Here how about this.”, Darren offered, “Call her, and if she can’t watch her, then I’ll go to the station since you’ll be with Julie as the nursery anyways and since you did her doctor’s visits. It’s not like I’m doing anything anyways.”
“Are you sure? I know you and the police don’t exactly get along.”
“Yeah well…”, Darren rolled his eyes, “This is important, and I got to do what I got to do. Uh…just let me know what she says, I’m gonna go shower before Cosmo and his bitch wife get here.”
Even though he was annoyed at his last statement, Linnie smiled at Darren as he watched him disappear into the hallway, proud that at long last, at least a little maturity was starting to show. Finally, he was starting to care about people other that himself. 
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slasherscrybaby · 2 years
𝕬𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕸𝖞 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘 1
Okay so I had to redo this I’m currently yelling at myself in cringe AHHHH so anyways WARNING DEATH AND SENSITIVE TOPICS!!!
The homely house, with the soft humming sound, was almost drowned out by the clinking and sizzling from the kitchen as The television's white noise in the living room kept her two kids occupied and quiet. The mother slowly walked to the open-up kitchen wall looking at her two kids cuddling up next to each other as some silly cartoon was playing. She leaned against the kitchen wall and crossed her arms over her chest. “Now would you look at that” she cooed as she watched her 13 year old son rub his 9 year old sister's head as he lays against him. “Sam, Y/n, dinner is ready to come to eat,” she said as she watched her two kids turn around. “Is daddy coming home late again?” Y/n asked. The mother smiled slightly. “I’m afraid so, angle” she said as she watched her kids walk towards her “Mom, this is the fifth time this week,” Sammy said as he crossed his arm and squinted his eye, causing her to laugh. “I know, Sam, I know,” she said as she placed a hand on her son's back. “That’s enough talking about your late father. It’s dinner time” she said as the three walked into the kitchen. “Okay, you two sit down tonight. I made chicken Alfredo” she said as she walked to the counter and picked up the two plates before setting them down in front of her two kids, grabbing her own, and sitting down. “How was school, you two? Did anything interesting?” She asked. “Nope” Sammy said, going to town on his food. “Sammy dear, please slow down. I don’t wanna give CPR tonight” she said before turning her attention to Y/n. “What about you, my lily pad?” She asked. “Phoenix and I found a dead bird in the playground” she said, smiling as her mother both eyebrows raised at what her daughter said. “You didn’t touch it, right?” She asked. “Of course not” she said. “Okay, good,” she said, patting her daughter's head. “But Phoenix did” she said as the older woman sighed as her eldest son let out a full belly laugh. Tonight was going to be a long one. After ensuring the two kids were fed and clean, she tucked them in bed and kissed them. “Goodnight Y/n, my sweet Lil milk chocolate,” she said, rubbing her nose on the little girl and making her giggle. “Mommy” Y/n said. “Yes, baby” she said, sitting on the bed. “You and daddy going to get a divorce?” She asked; the woman sat there in silence. “O-of course not sweet, yes we may fight, but we always talk it out,” she said, rubbing her face. “Why do you ask?” the other woman asked, “Daddy keeps breaking his promises, and it makes you sad, and I don’t like seeing you sad it makes me sad, and when I’m sad, Sammy gets sad,” Y/n said as her mother placed her hand on her face and leaned into the touch “I’m okay your dad just works a lot” she said. Y/n nodded. “It’s getting late. I love you” she said “I love you too” Y/n said as her mom kissed her forehead before getting up and heading towards the bedroom door. “Your dad loves you too and is working hard for you and Sammy,” Y/n nodded. “Good night Y/n, sweet dreams” mom said before blowing Y/n a kiss. “Good night mommy” she said before the door closed. Y/n Jolted Out Of her Sleep immediately when somebody placed her over her mouth. Her eyes landed on her mother as she placed a finger on her lip, telling her to be quiet as glass shattered, followed by a thud sound. She watched her mom yank Y/n up quickly and quietly open her bedroom door, looking in the hallway before jogging towards her bedroom and slipping inside, then locking the door and speed walking towards her closet to open it to show Sammy with tears forming in his eye “Take you sister keep a hand over her mouth” you mother said as she placed you in your brother's lap.
So many questions were going through your head what was happening? Who was in the house? Where was dad? Why wasn’t dad home? Was he not coming to help? You were scared and felt like you had to pee as you watched your mom take the dresser and move it hoping it wouldn’t make a noise; as she moved it, the sound of footsteps sounded like it was coming upstairs, and voices can telling whoever they were with to check every room you can see the fear and panic in your mom's face as she slightly bends her knees to lift the dresser to move it faster you felt you body move to the side as your brother got up to help your mom as you just sat there frozen as one thought popped in your mind dad wasn’t coming to help once you noticed that the warm liquid that was threatening to come out finally forced it way out feeling the pressure that was tight finally let go like a soda before shook then opened. Your eyes slowly looked downward towards your legs. “Y/n” Sammy whispered, getting your attention. Your head snapped up with tears falling down your face. “It’s okay” he said as his voice cracked, holding up a pair of your mother's leggings. “Too big,” you said as you slightly lifted the pressure off your hands off your mouth. “It’s fine; we can deal with it later” your brother said as he helped you stand up; you watched your mom grab her phone as a door opened. She stood next to you as she helped you out of your wet underwear. As he began to speak, “We need help; somebody broke into my house. I’m alone with my two kids,” she whispered into the phone as she helped you into the leggings when a creak of the door made them jump “Please, there trying to open the door Yes, 936 Pulaski Road Fort Lauderdale,” she said before letting out a yell as a loud bang echoed through the room; whoever was behind the door continued to kick it in. “STOP FUCKING AROUND AND OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR” the guy yelled out as Your mother ran to the window and opened it before going towards the bed and grabbing the comforter before wrapping it around us as she picked us up and jumping out the window as the door pushed open. Before you knew it, you hit the ground rolling out the blanket on top of your older brother before you got yanked up and put in your mom's arms before she started to run. You burned your face into her shirt as you gripped it before flinching when a loud pop sound happened. Then felt your mom hit the ground before letting out a painful cry, “MOMMY, GET UP PLEASE!!” Sammy yelled as he and Y/n cried; they watched the blood flow from her leg as their mom looked up. “You two have to run, okay,” she said as she looked behind her; the back door opened to show two guys with hoods running in their direction with a gun. “I love you too, Sammy; take your sister and run,” Your mom said, and just then, Sam grabbed your hand and yanked you up. “SAMMY, WE CAN'T LEAVE MOMMY!” Y/n yelled as you looked back at her mom lying there, trying to get up. “Come on Y/n, mommy said we have to run” he said as tears fell on his face. “Look forward, Y/n” he said as she did. She flinched when she heard a few pops as they both ran towards the neighbors to get help before feeling a warm liquid on her face and then hearing a thud “GOTEM!” A guy yelled “Sammy” you said, stopping and turning to your brother's face on the ground. You got on your knees and began to shake him. “SAMMY YOU HAVE TO GET UP!” you yelled, convulsing him and looking at him and the two guys running towards you, “Sammy” as you pushed your brother's body over to make him lay on his back. You let out a scream as you moved back, seeing blood pouring out of your brother's head. You looked up to see the two guys stopped from a distance, confused yet happy “Yeah, stay right fucking there, you cock suckers!” You heard yelling before you turned to see your neighbor standing behind you with a gun, but It was different from the other guys. “It’s okay, Y/n” he said, “Y/N!” You heard a female yell for you to look slightly past to see Mrs. Floyd running in your direction before stopping and playing a hand over mouth, seeing Sam
placing a hand over mouth, seeing Sammy's dead body. “Come here, sweetie” she said, waving her hand as she watched you scramble to your feet and run towards her legs, hugging them tightly. “Drop your gun and don’t try anything stupid” Mr. Floyd said, “Or what?” Said the guy. “Does it look like I’m joking with your twig ass?! IF YOU TRY ANYTHING, ILL SEND YOU TO THE MOTHERFUCKING SHADOW REALM!!” He yelled, “Mary take Y/n inside” Mr. Floyd said as the small sounds of police sirens were heard in the distance before a gray van swerved, blocking the two guys. Mr. Floyd begins to shoot at the truck as It backed up and drive away. “FUCK!” He yelled, watching them get away before the cops' cars came
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TW: mentions of abuse and depression
I am 3. I sleep outside their door. They do not understand why. The doctor tells them they do not give me enough attention. They do not give me the attention I crave, the attention I need to survive. I forgive them.
I am 5. My dad leaves too early and comes home too late for me to see him. I call him and say ‘goodnight daddy’. He says he’ll be home soon but I don't ever see him. It is just me, my mom, and my sister in this little house. I forgive him.
I am 8. I no longer wish for him to come home before I go to bed. Instead I learn to dread when he comes home, because more often than not that time is filled with screaming matches and anger. We are a volatile pair, me and him. I can not hold my tongue and he can not understand that I am just a child. I cry in the dark, trying to be silent so my sister doesn’t wake up. I forgive him.
I am 9. My sister lies and I am in trouble. I beg and plead and cry and say I did not do what she says. I’m not lying, I swear. Please daddy. He does not believe me. He screams and threatens and hurts. And when my sister admits the truth, he does not apologize. He simply says I knew it. Why was I punished then? The first seeds of loathing for her are planted in my brain. They blossom quickly under my parents. I go to bed angry that night. I fall asleep to the mantra of ihateyouihateyouihateyou. I forgive him by morning.
I am 9. I do piano and art club and swim team and I try my best, but it’s not enough. The refs tell him to step away from the pool. I cry in the car on the way home. I resolve, somewhere deep inside, that trying is not worth it. I cry again that night, stifled sobs into my pillow so my sister does not wake. He is forgiven by morning.
I am 10. He begins to grow up. He no longer throws things and hurts. He never raises a hand to my siblings. But the damage is already done. I am already made of anger and hate. It lives inside me, lingers beneath my skin. You can see it in my eyes, my stance, the words I say, the way I do not back down until we are both hoarse and red-faced. We scream and rage at each other and he always wins but I take solace in the fact that I am fighting back. I may go to bed angry, but I forgive him every morning.
I am 10. I watch him make my middle sister pack a suitcase because she said she doesn't want to live here. She is 5. I do not forget the way she screamed for our mother as my dad dragged her to the car. She comes back an hour later and apologizes to everyone. She's not the one who needs to ask for forgiveness. And although it is not my forgiveness to give, I forgive him anyways.
I am 10. He wonders why I hate my sister. So do I. He tells me that I am self-centered and egotistical. He calls me a bully and a jerk and tells my that when my sister commits suicide, it will be my fault. I sob in the living room of our 2 bedroom apartment and struggle not to cry myself to sleep that night. I forgive him.
I am 11. My mom and I argue. I hold soap in my mouth and refuse to admit wrong. I do not remember the fight, but I remember the injustice I feel at being told I am wrong when I am not. I do not yield. I hold the soap in my mouth for an hour, and she tells me to apologize and I can spit it out. I hold out for one more hour, allowing it to burn my tongue before finally giving in. I can’t eat for a week. We laugh it off at dinner, but I’m bitter as I fall asleep. I forgive her by morning.
I am 11. I hate my sisters. I hate myself. I hate my school. No one is my friend and I am so lonely. I want to go back home. Not this stupid city, but where I lived a year ago. Where I had friends, where the kids weren’t cruel, where I understood what was going on. I get a detention. So does my sister. Only one of us grounded. They go watch Star Wars. I pack a bag, grab the burner phone that used to be my Grandmas, write a note, and leave. I make it a block before I chicken out and come back. The babysitter didn’t even notice I left. My dad finds the note and I am yelled and laughed at simultaneously. Yelled at, because I was in trouble for breaking my grounding. Laughed at, because I am stupid and wouldn’t have gotten very far. I do not tell him I had a plan. I do not tell him I had money, that I knew which bus to take, that I knew where I was going. For years, he holds this over my head. Every time I complain or get upset he asks if I’m going to run away again. And every time, I forgive him.
I am 12. I do not know what I am doing. Am I stupid? No one is helping me catch up. I cheat in school. It is bellwork. I do not understand the difference between a noun and a verb. He locks me in the office and screams at me for hours and hours as I cry. He tells me that I am going to end up in the streets, pregnant and a drug-addict if I keep acting like this. He comes back later, and disguises another lecture as an “apology”. I rage in my room, wanting to hit something. Instead, something inside me breaks. I do not stop cheating. I just become better at hiding it. I develop a silver tongue, with which I talk my way out of trouble and, in the same breath, condemn others. He believes me, calls me trustworthy, says he is proud that I am not like other kids my age. I go to bed angry. I forgive him.
I am 12. I sob to my mother about how cruel kids at school are. I am loud and annoying and wrong. And they notice. And they act on it. Oh sorry you weren’t invited. A kid calls me a nightmare, another tells me to kill myself. He has said this before, but this time, for some reason, it sticks. I cry to my mom. She tells the teachers, because I am her child and there is a part of her that loves me. She tells my dad, and he sits me down and asks what I did to deserve it. A week later he is on the phone yelling at the mom of a kid in my sister's grade who was ‘bullying’ her. I have seen the way she treats her peers. They treat her the same way. Another ‘something’ breaks inside me. I am not loved. My arm hurts when I go to bed that night. I forgive him.
I am 12. My beautiful, baby-brat brother is born. I love him more than life itself. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. As I hold his tiny body and look into his brilliant blue eyes I think maybe he has come to save me. My mind flickers back to 3 months ago. My mother was on bedrest, trying to avoid a premature birth. I said something cruel to her that should never have come out of my mouth. She tells my father and he comes home from work in a rage. He takes everything I own and packs it into boxes. He tears paint off my walls, breaks my things in his rage. I am so angry. I look at my beautiful, baby-brat brother and I forgive him.
I am 13. I begin to notice things I hadn’t before. I see the way my mom favors my other siblings over me. I see her lie to my father about our arguments. I see how she twists our conversations to make me seem worse than I am. I see the hate she has in her heart for me. It hurts, but it makes things better at the same time. I sit and cry in the shower until she bangs on the door and tells me to stop wasting the hot water. I go to bed with tears in my eyes. And,although it takes me days and weeks, I forgive her.
I am 13. My uncle looks at me in ways grown-ups should never look at a child. He gives me special gifts and spends time with me. He’s been doing this for years. I don’t notice anything concerning. My dad takes me out and explains grooming and pedophiles to me. But instead of protecting me, he takes me back to the house and tells me to just avoid him as best I can. I do not understand how this simple gesture will affect me now, but in the future I will cry myself to sleep over it. I will wonder why my father did not protect his daughter. Isn’t that what dads are supposed to do? Still, I forgive him.
I am 13. It is Christmas morning. My dad is angry. He yells at my sisters for taking too long to eat breakfast. He yells when they take too long to get dressed. I bully and tease and antagonize to draw my dad's attention. It works, and I know that I’m protecting my siblings. He calls me a selfish bitch on Christmas, and sends me to my room. They open presents without me and that night I cry. I forgive him
I am 14. I am in a luau for church. My dad tells me I have not practiced that dance. I have. Over and over and over and over and over because I don’t want to look stupid. I am so, so desperate for approval. We scream at each other and I cry. I lock myself in the bathroom and sob and scream. He tells me to stop being a baby. He records the dance, prefacing that he will rub it in my face if I fail. I don’t. I go to sleep that night crying. I forgive him again.
I am 15. He makes comments about my body and how I hide my fat under baggy clothes. I do not understand what he is saying, I am built like my mother, Short and skinny and small-boned. I glance at my sister, the one built like my father, tall and muscled and big-boned. There is nothing wrong with either of us. I stand next to my sister. She wears black, and so do I. He only comments on what one of us is wearing. I don’t understand why I am the only one who gets judged. Again we stand, side-by-side. We present our grades. We are both failing. Only one of us gets yelled at. My arm hurts. A friend asks what happened. I don’t meet her eyes as I tell her I was puppy sitting. She doesn’t believe me. I can see it in her face. But my mom does. It hurts, how easily she believes me. I forgive her.
I am 15. My mom finds my a suicide note. She does not help me. She does not talk to me or offer any shows of support. Instead, she waits weeks to take me to a psychologist who specializes in helping kids addicted to drugs. He tells them I just get sad sometimes. When we leave she tells me I am overreacting. She tells me I am on my period, my emotions are just haywire. My father sits and listens to me tell the psychologist how empty and hopeless I feel inside. In the car he tells me to stop seeking attention. They tell me I am jealous of my sister. Jealous that my sister is getting attention because she actually needs help. I didn’t know. They tell me I am doing this because I can’t not let the world revolve around me. I cry myself to sleep that night, wondering why they did not love me. Still, I forgive them.
I am 16. And once again I notice things I hadn’t before. I watch my mom’s face pinch as my father calls her woman and tells her to shut up as she defends me. He turns his anger to me and I scream at him then, and we fight like we haven’t in a long time. Not since I learned how to read his emotion, since I learned to hold my tongue. My mom herds my sibling upstairs, before sitting in the living room, listening to me and my father scream at each other for hours. We scream about anything and everything, and find no way to stop, because we are the same, me and him. We are angry, cruel, and spiteful people. We are fractured reflections of each other. All he sees when he looks at me is what he could have been and all I see when I look at him is what I might become. We are disgusted. I go to bed angry and, for the first time, wake up with hate in my heart. Still, he is forgiven by sunset.
I am 16. Only 2 years now. I cannot wait to leave. People tell me not to look forward to leaving. I don’t understand why. My father tells me he will not pay for college. I did not expect him to. In his next breath he tells me he’ll be paying for my other sisters. They try, he says. I am no longer bitter towards my sisters for the favoritism. I know it’s not their fault. My father, ever the middle child, sees something in them that needs to be protected from me. I think this revelation hurts more than it should. When I go to bed that night, Iswear to not forgive him. I swear I’ll hold this hate in my heart. I forgive him anyways.
I am 16. I learn things I hadn't known before. I learn of my fathers forgiveness to his father. I learn horrible, awful things about the way he was raised. And I can see that he is trying his best, and he is becoming better. I see my dad’s actions and see that he is trying to make himself feel better. I realize that all my life he has been destroying what he was built into. I see a strength in him that I hadn't before. And when he screams and yells and demeans and belittles, I know this is a method of survival he learned. I forgive him.
I am 17. I realize things are not my fault. My sister's mental health does not lay on my shoulders. The family finances do not concern me. I do not need to listen to my mother grope about my father. I do not need to hear my father rant about my mother. I research coping mechanisms and I am happier than I’ve been in a long time. The fault does not lie with me, I was so young and so fragile and I learned to survive. It does not lie with my siblings, who are innocent bystanders. The fault lies with my mother and father, to broken halves of a fractured whole. I can see them, my father more than my mother, trying. I know that he is doing his best. I know he wants to change, to be better for us. But it is not enough. He may not hurt my siblings as he has hurt me, but they will carry his anger with them forever, just as I do. Regardless, I forgive him.
I am 17. I have less than a year left. I make amends with the sister I hated. I am rebuilding bridges with the siblings I hurt. But every action has its equal and opposite reaction. I stop trying to protect them. I watch in silent anger as my father yells at my sister for interrupting his video game. He tells her she is doing it on purpose, because she wants attention. She is 11. She does not understand. I say nothing, just leave the room. I watch with barely contained rage as he tells my brother to stop crying. He is 5. He is allowed to have emotions. I do not intervene. I feel ashamed. Later, while he's at work, I sit my brother down and tell him it is okay to be upset. He cries into my shoulder. I pray my siblings will learn, just as I did, that they are not the problem. I worry what will become of them. I know I work different than they do. I know I process information in ways they do not. I know they will not notice what I have noticed, I know they will not understand the whats and hows and whys. I know they will never see things the way that I see them. I am 17. I am self-aware. I am angry and spiteful and cruel. I am what my father made me. I forgive him
I am 18. I live thousands of miles away from my family. In some ways I am free, but he and I both know I will always struggle with burdens he has given me. He is sorry, I know that. I guess the push he needed to finally be apologetic was for me to no longer be around. He has told me he is sorry. He has told me he knows he hurt me. Perhaps a better title for this would be My Father's Anger. It curls around my heart, fogs my brain. Taints every interaction, sets fire to the words I say. No matter how hard I try, I will always be my fathers daughter. And yet, as heavy and as dark and as cruel as the revelation is, as he cries to me on the phone, I forgive him.
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erwinsvow · 3 years
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summary: uncle eren comes to visit.
warnings: step-cest, jealousy, manipulation, hints of verbal/emotional abuse + touch of dubcon to con, reader feels guilty, grinding/dry-humping, overstimulation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex
author's note: part two of sole salvation. i really hope everyone enjoys this! the warnings are just to be on the safe side as i do not want to accidentally trigger anyone, please feel free to message me if you want to ask about something before reading.
tagging @sangwoos-mom & @divine-delight :)
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If Zeke didn’t want my interest to get piqued, Eren thinks to himself as he watches you stroll away, off to get him to a fresh cup of lemonade, he should have kept his mouth shut.
When his brother had mentioned his new fiancee had a daughter, Eren had supposed it would be some spoiled, bratty kid. After all, he had met your mother once before, and he didn’t think that kind of a woman could raise someone even remotely well-behaved.
So given that, he was more than pleasantly surprised the first time he met you. It was all a shock, from the almost angelic way you float down the stairs to greet him, your soft skin and sweet smile, to the genuine look in your eyes when you tell him that you’re glad to finally meet him.
He still doesn’t know what Zeke did to deserve you in his life, the taste in his mouth a touch too bitter when he watches the way you look at his brother, even when your mom is in the same room. It’s dreamy, as though there’s no better way to spend your time and nothing better to think about than your step-father.
It’s a little unfair, Eren thinks, that Zeke has a sweet, doting little thing head over heels for him. It’s a little unfair that Zeke waited so long to invite him over, to introduce him to you. Maybe it was brotherly instinct, maybe he knew that once Eren met you, he wouldn’t be able to think about anything else, just like it had been for Zeke.
Regardless of what it was, Eren knew one thing for certain. Sibling should always share.
It finally takes an unbearable conversation on the phone with your mother for an excuse, an opportunity to arise. The lie is taking hold in his head and spilling out of his mouth before he can even control it—“Yeah, the pipes burst and it’s just a mess, I called Zeke but his phone’s off- no, really? Just for the weekend, I promise- thank you, I’ll be over soon.”
His bag is packed and cock is twitching at the idea of getting you alone in that house, maybe when Zeke’s locked away in his office and your mother’s out shopping. It’s going to be a hot week, with almost intolerable heat, and he’s positive it’ll have you in revealing clothes (no doubt ones that his brother bought for you) and teensy swimsuits when you go for an afternoon swim.
That’s what he’s thinking of—the image of you soaked to the bone, wet hair and the thin, dripping material of your suit sticking to your skin—when he pulls into your driveway later that day.
It’s almost easy enough to miss the slight wobble in your steps, the way your clothes are just a little too wrinkled for someone that’s been sitting around the house all day.
But Eren notices it, of course, and doesn’t miss the way Zeke practically keeps one eye on you the entire day, no matter who he’s talking to, either.
Maybe if Eren was just a drop stupider, a bit less cunning, you and Zeke could get away with all of it, but he’s not. He thinks it’s his turn to have his fun with you.
Your mother’s even more intolerable than he remembers. He wonders how bad a family dinner could be, but this is much worse than he could have fathomed. It’s a whole host of things, like how she’s oblivious to the affair happening right under her nose and her small comments that have your lips trembling and eyes blinking away tears before they can fall.
Jeez. Eren had initially felt bad for himself, but he’s starting to wonder how you put up with it. Maybe fucking around with Zeke is your own way of getting revenge, payback for every ‘Why do you look so tired, it’s not like you’re the one working all day’ and ‘Don’t you have plans with friends, or are you just gonna bother your parents all day?’
By the time dinner ends, you’ve made your way to the kitchen almost automatically, putting away dishes and wiping counters without even being told, as Zeke gives your mother a cold, hard stare.
“Was all that really necessary?” his brother questions quietly, eyes fuming with anger yet still disguising his true reason for being upset.
“What?” your mother responds innocently, pretending as though she hadn’t said anything wrong. Eren watches the interaction carefully. He thinks it’d be better if he didn’t interject on a married couple’s little spat, but here he goes again, words out before he can control them. They’re spoken a bit louder than they needed to be, but he wants to make sure you hear them over the running water.
“I don’t know, she seems like a good girl to me, no? Maybe you should be easier on her.”
And a few feet away, in the kitchen, your heart skips a beat. Uncle Eren—who you’d only met once and heard about a handful of times, someone who doesn’t owe you anything, someone not even really related to you—defending you?
It was enough to make tears rush to your eyes again, a smile on your face as you rinse off the dishes.
Good girl. The words run through your head again, seemingly on repeat. They’re your two favorite words, enough to pick you up from the dark, sullen headspace you’re in as a result of your mother’s cruel phrases and Zeke’s stinging silence.
Zeke claims it’ll become too obvious, even to your clueless mother, if he always takes your side and speaks up for you, despite how much he wants to, he says. You’re so hopelessly gone, so devoted to him that you don’t think you have it in you to fight for it. The words he says when the two of you are alone, how he makes you feel and spoils you rotten makes up for it, right?
That’s what you’d been telling yourself all this time, but you’re not sure how much longer you can keep the act going. Does he think it’s easy to watch him walk into the bedroom he shares with your mother every night? To watch her kiss him goodbye, hold onto his arm in public, while you trail behind like a lost puppy?
It’s not actually revenge you’re aiming for, when you start greeting Eren in the morning brightly, walking straight on over to him in the living room rather than the kitchen where your step-father is. It’s closer to a plea for attention, like you’re waiting for Zeke to realize you can play at this game too.
Eren’s more than happy to indulge you, spending hours of the day beside you on the couch watching movies, or watering the lawn while you work on your garden, claiming that he just wants to help out around the house as much as he can. His weekend-long visit turns into a week, as the ‘good for nothing contractors are taking their sweet time.’
It’s terribly easy to make you believe every word he’s saying, with you even defending him when Zeke asks how much longer he’s planning on sticking around.
“He’s family,” you had argued valiantly, leaving your step-father with narrowed eyes and a tense jaw as he noticed Eren smiling behind you. For once, your mother had agreed with you, and Zeke was left with no choice.
It’s sunny and warm when Eren’s opportunity, the one he’s been waiting for patiently, appears. Your mother’s gone out again, this time to the salon, there’s that hour of time right after she’s left that you usually treasure, because you know there’s no chance she’ll be on her way back or call home.
It’s usually your favorite time of the day, when you know you can have Zeke all to yourself, and that’s what you’re thinking, when you hesitantly make your way to the door of his office.
Truly, you hadn’t meant to make Zeke angry, you just wanted to be there for Uncle Eren how he was there for you. You were ready to make up and forget about it now, dolled up in a new sundress that you hadn’t gotten a chance to wear yet. Zeke had bought it only weeks ago, before Uncle Eren’s sudden visit, and you thought he might like it if you wore it now.
Your hand has just reached the cool metal of the doorknob, just about to twist when you hear a ringing from inside the room, of Zeke’s phone going off.
You step back, knowing better than to interrupt one of his calls. You’re disheartened a little, mind wondering why he would schedule something when you and he both know this is your hour, your chance to be alone.
You make your way back downstairs, lingering on the last step and thinking about going back up in a few minutes, when Uncle Eren’s voice calls to you from the living room, making you jump a little.
“Oh, sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, voice calm and quiet, a contrast to your thudding heart.
“That’s okay, Uncle Eren,” you say, and your head turns back to look in the direction of Zeke’s office inadvertently. “I was just-”
“Waiting for Daddy, huh?” Your lips part a little in surprise, confused by his implication. Though surely, Zeke wouldn’t have told Uncle Eren anything. No, he wouldn’t do that.
“I-I just needed to ask him something, but I think he’s on the phone with someone,” you say quietly, confused at Eren’s tone, the confidence with which he spoke those words, almost mockingly.
“Oh, yeah. He told me he’s busy all afternoon, something or other about work and a report-” Eren stops himself right when he notices your expression change, looking thoroughly upset that Zeke was busy when you were ripe for the taking. “He didn’t tell you about that?”
Fuel to the fire, maybe a bit too much, but Eren doesn’t care. Not as long as you keep it up, looking like a maimed little prey upon realizing that Daddy was too busy for you.
Yes, Eren was getting much better with the lying. It doesn’t even register to you to question his words, to go back up and double check, that Zeke might, in fact, be waiting for you to knock on his door at this very second.
Your feet find their way to the sofa, slumping down dejectedly, as Eren sits right next to you. It’s the way you two have been sitting for the past week, except he’s ready to take the risk. His hand finds your knee, thumb rubbing the soft skin as you let out a shaky breath, wiping away a stray tear.
“All afternoon?” comes your quiet voice, trembling at the mere notion that Zeke was upset with you. You hadn’t meant to take it this far, hadn’t thought he would be ignoring you just because you disagreed with something he said for the first time.
But your sadness is turning into something different when you look at the hungry, almost predatory way Uncle Eren is looking at you now.
“That’s what he said, sweetheart. Did you two have plans, or something?” It’s coming off nonchalant, or so he hopes, because every bone in his body is excited at the prospect before him, blood rushing to his hardening cock as he catches a glimpse of your exposed skin as you fiddle with the hem of your dress.
“N-no, I just… He always spends time with me when mom leaves. I just thought he would be free.”
It’s the sweet, lonely way you’re looking into his eyes, your own doe-like and watery, that tips him over the edge.
“Well, I can keep you company.”
“Yeah, baby. A sweet thing like you shouldn’t be left all alone… it’s not right, well, at least to me.”
“Yeah?” Eren nods his head, line between his lies and the truth blurring suddenly as you inch closer and closer to him.
“I wouldn’t treat you like that, if you were mine, you know-” and he can’t finish his sentence, because your hands are on the collar of his shirt and you’re shifting onto his lap, and your lips are on each other.
It’s stupid, you know, to be so easily guided by a few choice words, putty in virtually anyone’s hands if they say the right things and make you feel seen and heard, but you can’t stop now.
Eren’s tongue is in your mouth, your lips practically glued together as you feel his hands go under the soft cotton of your dress, exploring the supple skin of your thighs. It’s not long before his hands find your ass, squeezing and groping as moan into his mouth.
A sharp slap to your ass makes you yelp, pulling away for just a second before Eren’s hand is on the back of your neck, guiding you into a kiss again. You moan again, louder, when his teeth bite down on your lip just a little bit, when Eren finally pulls away.
“Can’t be too loud, remember, sweetheart? Daddy’s busy upstairs,” he says, somehow knowing exactly what would rile you up. The words act like a little shock running through your system, making you even more eager for Eren’s touch.
“Don’t care-!” you mewl, head going fuzzy when you feel Eren’s hard cock grind against your core, waves of pleasure rushing through your body. You’re still, Eren’s hand coming up to cover your mouth as he continues his rocking movement, making you moan against his hand.
Your eyes roll back when Eren increases his speed, and it’s silly, how the barely-there contact is making you shake, the coil in your stomach tense and unwinding, when Eren stops completely.
You whine loudly, muffled some by his hand, but not entirely, causing Eren to spank you again.
“I thought you were a good girl, hm? Don’t get bratty on me now,” he says, though he thinks it went in one ear and out the other as you come down from your incomplete high.
“I want-I want you, Uncle Eren, now-!” Another whine, another spank. You cry out again, until the fourth slap—which leaves your ass sore already from Eren’s heavy-handedness—silences you.
“Sweetheart, stop misbehaving or you’re not gonna get anything, okay?” he coos, fingers finding your chin and directing your face to look him in the eyes. They’re lust-blown too, and his hardness is still evident underneath your body, but your body’s inclined to follow his rules, despite how badly you want to cum.
“Yes, Uncle Eren,” you say softly, your squirming body finally stopping. Eren’s fingers find their way to the thin straps of your sundress, pulling them until they rest on your shoulder and expose your neck and collar to him.
“Tell me something, baby, did you wear this for me? Or for him?” The very mention of Zeke makes your body stiffen, but you’re still desperate for more and eager to please Uncle Eren.
“For you,” you mumble, wanting to just bury your head in the crook of Eren’s neck and feel him inside you, though you know you won’t get what you want that easily.
“Me? I’m so honored,” he says, letting out a laugh at how your body shakes in anticipation but you stay completely still. He wonders if Zeke had to teach you to be this obedient, or if it just comes to you naturally.
He thinks it’s the latter when he rolls his hips quickly, watching you squirm and bite your lip hard to keep quiet, another rush of pleasure coursing through you, though it’s not nearly enough.
“It’s okay, baby, you’ve been good enough to me, haven’t you?” he asks, and you nod your head quickly. “You deserve to feel good, don’t you?” You nod again and let out a shaky breath when Eren moves your hips with his hands, finally giving you the much-needed pressure on your clit.
“Why don’t you cum for me, baby, just like this? Mmh?” You’re letting out little squeals at each contact, hips moving faster and faster as Eren lays back and lets you use his cock as a toy to grind against. His head falls back at how good it feels, though he won’t let himself cum until he’s inside you.
You’re close again, stomach tensing again and that familiar feeling gathering inside your chest, making you feel warm all over as you speed up.
The breaking point is when Eren’s hands come to your chest, pulling down your dress and exposing your tits to the cool air. His fingers pinch one while his mouth finds the other, and suddenly you can’t keep quiet no matter how hard you try, moans spilling out your mouth as well as repeated cries of Uncle Eren, that sound sweet as sugar to Eren.
It’s when Eren starts bucking his hips up too, that you finally cum, a bolt of pleasure running through your entire body as he keeps going. You’re not entirely sure what kind of noises you’re making—everything seems to be muted and fuzzy as repeated shocks make you shake, Eren’s firm grip on your tits being the only thing that’s grounding you.
When you finally come down, forcing yourself away from Eren’s lap and legs pressed tightly together to calm your oversensitive cunt, there’s a lecherous look in Eren’s eyes. It’s screaming to you, silently, how he’s not done with you yet.
“Aw, baby, look how fast you came just from a little bit of humping. Are you that desperate, bunny? Is Daddy not taking care of you?”
Your face feels like it might be on fire, blood and heat rushing at the same time and burning quickly with shame at the realization that Eren knew all along, that he’s been playing this little game with you since his arrival and you never, not once, had the upper hand.
He feels more predatory than ever before, spreading your legs despite how your legs ache and your core is burning—even if you wanted more, you don’t think you could take it—but it doesn’t seem like Eren cares.
“U-uncle Eren, we shouldn’t- h-he might-” you start, but are cut off as Eren presses a finger to your lips.
“Sweetheart, isn’t that a little unfair? If you get to cum, and I don’t? Be a good girl and spread for me,” he says, and you feel your body comply automatically.
Your back’s on the couch now, Eren hovering over you. All it would take is a few steps in this direction after coming down the stairs for someone to find you, but you can hardly care when Eren’s shoving your dress up, exposing your panties and shoving them to the side, your wetness on display for him.
“One day, baby, when Daddy’s not here, I’m gonna fuck you stupid with my tongue—just not today,” and the words go straight to your head. Your heart thuds uncomfortably in your chest every time he mentions Zeke, a sense of guilt washing over you and replacing the pleasure you feel, but you forget all about it when you see Eren undos his pants and take out his hardened cock.
It’s plainly wrong to compare it to Zeke’s, and though it might not be longer, it’s definitely thicker, not as pretty but covered in throbbing veins that you can’t even imagine feeling inside you.
Eren’s about to grant your wish, running his cockhead over your sensitive clit once, twice, and just as you're expecting a third, he pushes inside of you.
A strangled, loud moan escapes your lips before he can cover your mouth again. It’s agonizing, not being able to make a sound as your step-uncle fucks you into the couch, movements picking up and a steady pace filling the room with obscene noises. You can’t see where the two of you are connected, since your eyes are locked with Eren’s pretty green ones, but you know you’re making a mess.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, every thrust stretching you out, you think he’s ruined your cunt for anyone else—but that’s exactly what he wants.
It’s silent, save for the heavy patter of Eren’s balls against your ass with each thrust, the sound of his hips knocking with yours. He’s trying to keep his grunts silent, but it’s getting harder and harder with the way you’re clenching around him, so tight and wet and soft, he wonders what his brother did to deserve someone like you—he wonders why he doesn’t spend every minute inside you.
Your sensitive cunt tightens around him, knowing only another few strokes and grazes on your clit will be enough to tip you into your second orgasm. Your shaky hand finds Eren’s, pulling his wrist away from your face and meeting his lips again, releasing muffled moans into his mouth.
You know he’s close too, from the way his pace picks up, and you pull away just for a second, just to say three words.
“Please, Uncle Eren.”
And it’s enough to make his hips stutter, enough to uncoil the knot in your tense stomach and have your orgasm washing over you, as you feel Eren fill your cunt with his hot cum. Your lips are on each other, the lewd squelching of his slowing thrusts matching the small squeaks you release, until he finally pulls out and your panties snap back over your leaking cunt.
It’s hard to catch your breath, from your position laying down, feeling your tight hole throb and Eren’s cum spill out, probably onto the sofa seat. You adjust the top of your dress, covering your tits and pulling one strap up. When you’re fixing the skirt, you feel Eren’s hands pull the other strap onto your shoulder, hands lingering on your exposed skin.
You shy away from looking at him, despite how his cum is still inside you. It feels too intimate, almost, because a part of you thinks you were taken advantage of, and another part of you doesn’t ever want Eren to leave you.
Eren’s fingers find your chin, forcing you to look up and meet his gaze. You blink quickly, licking your swollen lips and biting the inside of your cheek nervously.
Neither of you speak, though you know what’s lingering in the air. You can tell he’s gotten what he wanted, and he’s going to leave, and yet you can’t stop yourself from speaking first, throat scratchy and dry and your words nothing more than a whisper.
“C-can I… did you- did you mean all those things you said? Before?”
And suddenly Eren understands everything, why you’re this way, why you need to be validated so badly, why his brother’s such a good match for you. He thinks he’d sacrifice anything too, like his marriage and a new life, just to make you happy.
“Of course I did, sweetheart. I meant every word of it.”
“Really?” There’s a soft smile on your lips, your eyes watery and he thinks it doesn’t have anything to do with how hard he fucked you.
“Yeah, I-”
“Well, what do we have here?” Zeke’s voice comes from behind you.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Wrong Idea | Lee Bodecker x reader
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summary: you weren’t exactly a rebel in the eyes of the law, but that didn’t mean you cared for the corrupt, alcoholic town sheriff.  and that certainly didn’t mean you would care at all for him marrying your mother.  if only you’d known how much worse it could get...
word count: 4.5k
warnings: smut!! (heavy dubcon/noncon), age gap (reader is 19), stepcest, loss of virginity, pain kink, creampie kink, infidelity, degradation, oral (m and f receiving), spanking, choking, slapping, daddy kink, authority kink, subtle ddlg themes?, reader’s mom being toxic af
You’d never cared for the Sheriff.  Even you, being generally a well-behaved young woman, thought he was a little too intense and a little too corrupt.  Up until now, you’d assumed your mother agreed with you on that, because she never protested to your complaints about Sheriff Bodecker and his ‘fascist reign of terror’ as you called it.  Apparently that was a poor assumption, though.
“You… what?!”
“I never told you we were seein’ each other because I knew you had your childish rebellion against him and his police force,” your mother explained with a demeaning eyeroll.  “But now that we’re engaged, I can’t hide it anymore.”
“How long has this been going on?” you asked quietly, still in shock at what you were hearing— and unable to take your eyes off of the sparkling diamond wrapped around her finger.
“Oh, I’d say… about two months now,” she decided.
“Two—” you stopped and started over, so bewildered that you couldn’t finish your original sentence.  “You’re engaged after two months?”
“Don’t make that face at me, you look so ugly when you scowl like that,” she frowned.  Of course, she could never miss an opportunity to nag you.  “He’s a respectable man, and he treats me well.  The wedding is in three weeks— and he’s generous enough to let you live with us after that.  Says there’s a spare bedroom for you in his house.”
“His… his house…” you slurred, suddenly feeling light-headed.  “I’m… we’re moving…?”
“Yes, honey, and with your work ethic it’ll take you the whole three weeks to pack up, so you should start now,” she informed you with that cruel, fake smile of hers.
She walked away as you sat down on the couch, staring off into space, trying to comprehend what you just heard.  It’s not like you thought your mother was flawless or anything, or that you and her had a perfect relationship, but you thought she would’ve been a little more… gentle about all this.  She could do better than him anyways!  But she didn’t care about that, only money and status.  You could almost laugh at her small-mindedness to think the Sheriff of a nothing-town like Knockemstiff was actually plentiful in either of those things, but right now you couldn’t laugh.  You couldn’t even cry as you packed your things and said goodbye to the home you’d known your whole life.  You were just numb.
You couldn’t look him in the eye when you arrived at his house, duffel bags in hand and shoes stained with the dry red dirt of summer.  It was nicer than your old place, and if it were anyone else’s you’d say it had charm, but everything was tainted because you knew it was his.  You could sort of tell that this had been his bachelor pad for a while, but it had a half-assed attempt at hominess with the rug in the living room and a centerpiece on the kitchen table.  He even had a TV, presumably funded by bribes and all his other nefarious dealings— meaning you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to watch it.
“Nice to meet ya, properly,” Lee greeted, though his monotone didn’t come across as particularly impassioned.
“Thank you, Sheriff,” you mumbled quickly, hoping to get this conversation over with.
“You don’t have to call me Sheriff anymore, you know.  Not in the house, at least.”
You nodded but said nothing, following him as he motioned for you and moved into the hallway.  You trailed behind him, noticing the eerie lack of any personal effects on the walls (no family photos, apparently, and not much of a family to photograph in the first place from what you’d heard), and stopped when he reached the door at the end.
“This is your room,” Lee informed you stiffly.  Opening the door, you were horrified by the assault on your eyes of pink.  Pink everything: pink wallpaper, a pink fuzzy quilt, pink bedframe.  There were even assorted stuffed animals on the bed, disturbingly enough.
“When my mother told you she had a daughter, did she not mention that I was grown?”
“You may be nineteen, honey, but you’re nowhere near grown,” he scowled.  “She didn’t tell me she had a daughter until two days before the weddin’.  This is what I managed to... improvise, since then.”
You almost had sympathy for him, just in that you two were both victims of your mother’s eccentricity.  Almost.  
“Must’ve inherited your expensive taste from your ma,” he frowned.  “Sorry, princess—” the nickname made his lips curl like the word itself tasted sour— “but this’ll have to do.”
“Oh, I’m nothing like her,” you sneered back, “cause I wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole.”
“What are you two chatting about?” your mother’s voice called from the kitchen.
Both of you answered at the same time: “Nothing!” 
With a grimace, you dragged your bag into the room and shut the door in his face.  It was those little acts of rebellion that had to tide you over.  You weren’t audacious enough to do anything actually cruel, or illegal, but you weren’t going to make this any easier for him.
At first it was just refusing to leave your room.  That worked for a week, until you realized you were going to starve to death.  So then the only times you saw him were at the dinner table, which you made into a protest by pretending he didn’t exist and refusing to answer his questions.  You occasionally relented when he asked you to pass something from your side of the table, but you never looked at him while you did it.  
He didn’t seem angry or sad about your determination to avoid him, if anything it seemed like he was happy to pretend you weren’t there either.  And that should’ve made it easier, but for some reason it bothered you even more.  You realized that maybe his attention did matter to you, even though it was negative attention that you were hoping to inspire, but you knew that was ridiculous and you tried to fight it.  Still, for all your plans to never see him, you sure did think about him a lot.  You thought about where he might be, so you could be somewhere else.  You thought about what he must be doing at work, and how he was probably continuing to be a nasty mean drunk as frequently as possible.  You wondered if he and your mother were making love just across the house, although you were lucky enough to never hear anything.  Just knowing that could be happening made you feel sick, even though you realized it was none of your business.  
You sometimes found yourself listening for it at night, just in case.
Your mother had decided to spend her new husband’s money on a trip, but the man himself couldn’t tag along— too much work to do, apparently.  The prospect of being left alone with him was nightmare fuel, but you didn’t even try to ask her to stay… you knew she wouldn’t listen.  She’d been totally absorbed in her own world since the wedding, seeming to be very fulfilled by the social role of ‘Sheriff’s wife’ to the point that she had lost all interest in her former position as ‘your mom’.  
There was a balance to the silence with her gone, though.  You avoided him, he avoided you; it was a tense truce, but a survivable one.  At least without her, nobody was going to try to make you two get along.  Friday night was different, though.  This time when he came home from work, you knew you were stuck with him until Monday morning.  That thought made you realize that you needed to get out and you didn’t care if you weren’t dressed for it.  It was hot, and it was just a walk so nobody was going to see you in this miniskirt anyway, right?
Too bad Lee was sitting on the couch, still in his uniform, not giving you any mind but likely to harass you before you could make it outside.  You figured if you just walked casually enough, he wouldn’t even notice, so you made your way towards the door.
“You’re not going out like that,” he announced suddenly, seemingly without even looking up from his newspaper.
“Says who?” you deflected quickly with a raised brow.  It wasn’t that you wanted to pick a fight, but you just couldn’t understand why he would even care what you were wearing.
“Says the guy who doesn’t want you to give all the neighborhood boys the wrong idea.”
“What idea?!” you asked, crossing your arms.  He shot you a look, quickly raking in your body and outfit which made you feel more observed than you cared for.
“The idea that you’re a slut,” he explained coldly.
You gulped at his words but tried to keep a poker face.  You didn’t let it get this far just to give up.  You were so sick of his shit; what made him think he could boss you around when he’d never even tried to get to know you?
“What makes you assume that’s the wrong idea?” you shot back, fighting the nervousness in your voice.
You hadn’t expected him to stand up instantly, the coffee table wobbling a bit when his knee bumped into it.
“The fuck did you say?” he hissed.
With his teeth bared at you he looked like a predator, and you felt like small, helpless prey.  You tried to muster some of your former confidence, but everything came out shaky and weak.  “I— I said that maybe it’s not the wrong ide—”
He pounced, crossing the room and slamming you back against the wall, a hand at each shoulder; you instantly cowered, shrinking back and turning your face away from him as far as you could.  You never thought he’d put his hands on you like this.  Your heart was pounding so loudly that you were surprised you could hear his hoarse whisper.
“Watch your tone with me.  I’m not kidding around.”
“I’m an adult,” you weakly fought back, “I can do what I want.”
“Not in my fuckin’ house you can’t!” he bellowed.
For some reason, it all hit you at once.  All the emotions you’d been suppressing since your mother had gotten engaged— all the anger and fear and betrayal and indignation, they came bubbling up before you could stop them.  
“I don’t even want to be in your ugly fucking house!” you cried in response.  “I don’t wanna be anywhere near you!  You’re a fascist and a tyrant and a pig!”
You expected him to get more aggressive but he suddenly stilled.  It was the scariest anger, that outwardly-calm type that made your blood go cold.
“Go to your room.”
You didn’t question it, turning to walk away (any excuse to get away from him, right?), but you didn’t expect him to follow you in and shut the door behind the both of you.
You were paralyzed with fear as he stepped past you and sat on your bed.  It was sort of strange as you realized you’d never seen him in your room before.  He stood out against the somewhat childish decorations, but you were in no mood to appreciate the humor of the situation as he patted his knee.
“Lay across my lap.  Don’t make me tell you twice.”
He couldn’t possibly be doing what I think he’s doing, could he? you wondered to yourself, but did as he asked.  You realized you’d never been so close to him before, the warmth of his body radiating through his clothes.  He smelled like cologne and booze, although you didn’t think he’d actually had much to drink yet today— at least compared to his normal habits.  It was almost worse to think that he wasn’t acting on drunkenness now.
“It’s prob’ly too late for it, but you are in serious need of discipline, young lady.”
You had no idea what he was talking about, but your body reacted to it differently than you expected.
His fingers slipped between the top of your skirt and your skin, having to pull pretty hard to get it down due to how tight it was.  You bit your lip and hoped he wouldn’t notice your arousal, but as your pussy was exposed, you could feel the breeze from the ceiling fan and you knew you were undeniably wet.  You didn’t know why, but you were.
“Count them for me,” he instructed coldly and before you could ask what you were counting, he brought his hand down firmly.  You felt his wedding ring in the slap and it made you feel a little sick.
“O-one,” you stammered.
He delivered four more, alternating cheeks, and you tried not to react with visible pain.  But as the intensity increased, you realized that not reacting might’ve actually been making it worse.  Either way, you couldn’t stop yourself from crying out when the eighth made your whole body lurch forward from the force.
“Eight!” you squealed, but both of you noticed the way you pushed your hips forward.  Unintentional as it may have been, you were trying to rub yourself on his thigh, desperate to be touched where it felt like all the energy of your body had focused.  You were sure you’d never been so horny before, and now your clit was nearly throbbing.  What the fuck is wrong with me?!
He quickly delivered the final two slaps before grabbing your neck, hoisting you up until you were on your knees before him.  He examined your face closely and you tried to keep your lip from shaking.
“You’re worse than I thought,” he hissed.  “You are in dire need of a punishment.  You should thank me for going so easy on you so far.”
You realized when his grip on your jaw tightened that he was being literal.  “Thank you, for going easy on me…”
“Where’d that fire go, huh?  Guess you’re all talk,” he laughed.  
He roughly shoved his fingers into your mouth, moaning lowly as your tongue rubbed against the pads of his fingers.  “This fuckin’ mouth.  You just don’t know when to keep it shut, do you?  Come on baby, open up.  I’ve got a better use for it than your fuckin’ disrespectful attitude.”
He used his free hand to work on his belt right in front of your face, and your eyes went wide.
“Don’t act so surprised sweetheart,” he said with a hint of irritation, “this is exactly what you’re asking for.”
You gasped a bit when his cock was freed from his trousers, springing up and already red at the tip.  You’d never seen one this close before and it was intimidating in every way.
“Like what you see?  You’re so wet for it,” he purred.  You tried to speak but words abandoned you. 
It was all a blur as he held your mouth open and shoved his cock inside— it tasted like skin and salt, and the size made your chapped lips crack until you worried they would bleed.  His moans were deep and gravelly, making your skin break out into goosebumps as he pumped smoothly into your pliant mouth.  He slapped your face a few times, not quite hard but plenty strong enough to make it sting.  You winced with each impact, the tears which had welled from your gagging finally falling down and dripping from your chin.
“Suck on it, princess, like a popsicle… fuck yeah, like that,” he groaned, and your mind resisted obeying him but your body was completely at his mercy.  “Aw baby, ya look so good chokin’ on my cock.  Is that what you were gonna go do in this slutty little outfit you’ve got on?”
You tried to shake your head but he was holding you down, not even giving you a chance to breathe.  His protruding stomach rubbed against your forehead when his cock was this deep in your throat, and the disgust and fear somehow made your arousal stronger.
He let you go, finally, and you pulled back with a gasp and a cough.  You weren’t given much reprieve, though, as he started to tug at your blouse as well.
“No, wait,” you whimpered, weakly trying to bat his hands away.
“Wait?  I think I’ve been waiting long enough,” he growled.  “Your ma’s a fuckin’ tease, hasn’t touched me since I got her that ugly fuckin’ ring.  Let’s hope you learn from her mistakes.”
Your blouse was torn open and tossed aside, leaving you only in the pulled-up skirt and your bra.  Reaching up to cover yourself, you were discouraged by the shockingly-gentle brush of his hands. 
“Don’t cover yourself, sweetheart, you’re gorgeous,” he murmured.  His gaze made you feel hot all over, and it wasn’t just because of the summer weather outside.  “Nobody ever looked at ya before?”
You shook your head, looking down at the floor.  A finger under your chin guided you to look up at him.  
“Nobody ever touched ya before?” he pressed, his stare boring into you.  You shook your head again.  “Fuck,” he whispered, but then he started to smile proudly.  “Knew you were a good girl, princess, you just didn’t wanna act like one for some reason.  You gonna be good for me now?” 
You nodded weakly, swallowing as you tried to comprehend what was happening.  
“Then I’ll be good to you, too,” he promised darkly, a shimmer in his eyes that made you throb between your thighs.  “Come get on the bed, pretty girl.”
You almost resisted, but it was your need driving you now, not your mind.  You had been waiting too long to let a boy touch you, and now that a man had touched you, you felt all kinds of wrong and yet craved more.  Before you had even finished sitting down beside him, he was slipping off your bra and pushing you back onto the quilt.
“Sheriff!” you yelped instinctively, a little disoriented as he started to climb on top of you.
He chuckled, clearly amused by your unexpected appeal to authority.  “Wanna know a secret, sweetheart?  Wanna know the real reason I said you didn’t have to call me that anymore?”  He leaned down, his breath hot and moist against your neck when he spoke: “Because it made me so fuckin’ hard when you said it.”
He pressed his cock, still wet with your spit, against your thigh; maybe just for emphasis, a reminder that he was still hard and wasn’t anywhere near done with you.
“What are you gonna do to me…?” you asked weakly, your voice so wavering and broken that you cringed just hearing it.  
“Just gonna make you feel good, princess,” he smiled, and before you could ask what that would entail, he was groping your tits in his large, calloused hands.  A low groan echoed in his chest, and you tried not to squirm as he teased your nipples between his fingers.  They were already hardening from the moment he’d touched you, but somehow it was getting even worse when he played with them, watching your face and surely seeing the shame you wore there.
His hands trailed lower, rubbing your waist, your thighs… you found yourself anticipating that he’d remove your panties, so much so that when he did, you quickly lifted your hips to help him slide them off.  You couldn’t believe how easily you were letting him do this to you.
“I can tell how much you want it,” he taunted lowly as the fabric slid down your legs and was tossed to the floor.  “I can smell how much you want it.”  He growled a little before diving in, licking a thick stripe through your folds and taking a moment right at the end to tickle your clit with his tongue.  “So fuckin’ sweet, princess; I knew you would be,” he praised.  You were forced to wonder how long he’d been thinking about this.
The noises were beyond obscene and you felt your face burning— but there was a burning in your gut, too, and shooting down your legs.  You’d never felt like this before (being a very good girl who never even touched herself), but you knew that if he didn’t stop, you would come.  And you really, really wanted to come.
Everytime he put pressure on your clit, your leg quivered involuntarily.  It was nearly too much, the sensation so powerful it almost hurt, but he pushed you right to the edge without knocking you off.
“Please,” you found yourself begging before you could stop it, “please, Sheriff—”
“I’m not your Sheriff anymore, sweetheart,” he informed you gruffly, popping up from between your legs with the entire bottom half of his face covered in your arousal, “I’m your daddy now.  Go on and beg your daddy to fuck you.”
Eyes shot wide open, you stared back at him in bewilderment.  Rage flashed in his eyes, and he snarled as his hand suddenly wrapped around your neck, tightening and choking you. 
“You heard me,” he groaned through his teeth.  “Beg me.  To fuck you.”
“Daddy,” you stammered, hoarsely fighting to speak through the pressure on your throat, “fuck me, please.”
He slammed his cock into you and you nearly screamed.  It burned and you instinctively tried to crawl away but, of course, his weight on top of you made it impossible.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned.  He laid down on top of you entirely then, slipping his arms under your torso and holding you tightly.
Each thrust made you feel like you had reached your limits, as if you couldn’t be stretched further which was probably true.  And yet, in spite of it (or worse, because of it), you found yourself moaning and writhing under him, even arching your back to make his movements smoother.  He laughed a little as he bit at the shell of your ear.
“You love it, baby,” he moaned, “you love my cock.”
You couldn’t respond, just sob as you clutched at the shirt still on his back, your jaw tight as you tried to bear the pain.  
“It’s not always gonna hurt like this,” he promised between heavy breaths, “s’gonna feel good soon.  Gonna make you feel so fuckin’ good, pretty girl.”
Truthfully, you weren’t sure if that meant that this would happen again or not.  At the moment, you were incapable of thinking that far ahead, too focused on the way the sting of the stretch was melting away and morphing into such powerful pleasure that you couldn’t even see straight.
He kissed you, and only then did the weight of it hit you.  Who he was, what he was doing, what you were doing… it had been distant and vague before, but something about his tongue inside your mouth made you remember that the metal digging into your back was his ring; that the lips on yours were sworn to somebody else— and at that, the one exact person that made this so fundamentally wrong.
Tears welled in your eyes, gentle sobs shaking your chest.
“Don’t cry, baby,” he whispered, pulling back and kissing your tears away, “feels good, don’t it?  Feels good when daddy fucks you?”
You knew speaking would only make you cry more, so you only nodded your head shamefully.
“That’s my good girl,” he moaned as he fucked you deeper, harder, rougher.  Your fingers held onto the back of his neck, running through his hair and pulling him closer.  He kept mumbling praises but they fell on deaf ears, pleasure clouding your mind and making every hair on your body stand upright.  He didn’t stop as he reached down between your bodies and laid his hand over your stomach, growling with satisfaction at what he found there.
“I can feel me inside ya,” he grinned.  “Feel that, sweetheart?  Feel how deep I am in your wet little cunt?”
When you didn’t answer, you got a quick slap to the face.  “Yes,” you replied quickly, “yes, I— I feel it.”
He buried his face into the crook of your neck, biting you there until you nearly screamed.  You couldn’t figure out why something so objectively painful only pushed you closer to your peak, making every spot inside you more sensitive, but somehow it did.
“Gonna come, pretty girl?  Want daddy to fill you up?” he groaned against your ear, pushing down on your stomach even harder.
“Yes, daddy!” you sobbed.  “Please!”
“Fuck, you’re squeezin’ me,” he hissed, “don’t fuckin’ stop.  Keep milkin’ my cock and m’gonna fill ya up so good, princess…”
You couldn’t stop even if you tried— your orgasm hit you in powerful waves, your head falling back as your walls clenched involuntarily (as did your fingers and toes, so hard that your nail tore the sheets a little bit, which you wouldn’t notice until the next day).  He grunted as he came, pumping into you with each thrust until you felt more full than you ever had before, in a way you could never describe.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, him catching his breath and you losing yours as his weight threatened to crush you.  “Fuck,” he groaned as he sat up and pulled out.  He grabbed your legs and held them up for you, staring at your abused pussy and making you feel uncomfortably observed.
“Push it out for me, wanna see my come leak outta ya,” he purred, moaning a little when you did as he asked.  It felt even hotter as it gushed out of you, and you mindlessly bit your lip.  He tucked his softening cock back into his trousers, rezipping them and buckling his belt.  “We’d better get ya cleaned up, huh princess?” 
The bathroom wasn’t far, so he carried you, setting you down to stand on your own as he started to draw a bath.  You watched him, although you weren’t really watching him so much as staring into the void of space that happened to be in his general direction.  You were so out of it that you didn’t even register when he turned around and smiled at you with an air of pride.
“You look so good like this.”  
It pulled you out of your trance, though you had to ask him to repeat himself with a mumbled “huh?”
“I said you look good like this,” he explained, stepping closer.  “Fucked out, braindead, just my empty-headed fucktoy.”
“I… I don’t…” you began to disagree.
He used your jaw to turn your face to the mirror, and you gasped when you saw yourself: your hair was a mess; your whole face was red, especially your eyes and nose from crying, but plenty on your cheeks where he’d slapped you; your lips were swollen and slick; bruises were already forming on your arms where he’d grabbed you, and along your neck and shoulders where he had bitten you.
His form dwarfed yours as he stood behind you, looking at your reflection with a smile.
“Look at us,” he announced wistfully, “one big happy family, huh?”
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Teaming Up with Sam and Bucky ft Zemo
Pairing: FEM!Reader; Bucky Barnes x reader, Sam Wilson x reader; platonic(?), let’s throw in some Zemo x reader
Summary: What it would be like to team up with our favorite duo. Takes place during TFATWS.
Warnings: none, TFATWS SPOILERS. Lowkey a mess :D
A/n: Ever since TFATWS came out I’ve been reminded of how much I love Bucky and Sam. Also I have a new found love for Zemo. I’ve just been so obsessed with this series and I’ve been reading so many fics about it, so I decided to finally write my own :) Enjoy my loves❤️
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You’re basically working with a bunch of children.
The children mostly being Sam and Bucky, though Zemo does have his moments once he joins you three.
You’ve known dumb and dumber for a few years now, being part of the Avengers, you’ve worked with Sam on multiple missions. The friendship blooming somewhere in between.
You were also close friends with Steve; when he first came out the ice, you were assigned to help him adjust to the modern world by Fury. He would tell you a bunch of stories of him and Bucky running into trouble or Bucky always saving his ass whenever he was getting beaten up.
Eventually, you finally got to meet Bucky, though he wasn’t Bucky, he was the Winter Soldier. Your introduction to each other was quite memorable to say the least.
He choked you with that metal arm of his and for a split second you swore you might’ve found it attractive—till he threw your body against a car.
You sided with Cap during the accords and helped him protect Bucky. When that whole mess was over, Steve asked you to stay with Bucky in Wakanda to make sure he would be safe.
You were the first person to have some kind of bond with Bucky. Before and after he was freed from Hydra’s hold on him, you were always someone he knew he could trust.
When Steve told you what he was going to do while retuning the stones he told you to watch over them.
“Promise me you’ll keep an eye on Buck and Sam?” He asked you, sitting on the edge of your bed. He had snuck into your room late at night, knowing you were wide awake.
You squeezed his hand reassuringly, a lazy smile on your lips, “They don’t need me, I’m sure they’re capable of surviving on their own.” Steve breathes out a laugh and shakes his head, “You’d be surprised.”
“But seriously, (y/n), they need you. You know how they get when they’re together. You’re the only person in the world who knows how to deal with the both of them at the same time.” Steve reasons, his baby blues sparkling in the darkness of the guest room of Tony’s lake house.
“Make sure they’re not on the verge of killing each other or running into too much trouble?” You tiredly nod, sleep slowly consuming your body. “I promise, they’re gonna be alright, Steve.”
Sometimes you found yourself looking up at the sky, cursing at it—or Steve—for leaving you with two of the most childish and stubborn men you’ve ever known in your life.
You were like the mother of the group; breaking up fights, making sure they skipped no meals, patching up their boo-boos, etc.
“Will you stop staring at me?” Sam snapped, tossing his goggles onto the seat beside him to glare at Bucky.
“I’m not staring at you.” Bucky remarked from across Sam. His flesh and metal arm crossing with each other as he stared at Sam challengingly.
“Yes, you are. Your eyes are connecting with mine. You’re literally staring at me right now!” Sam pointed out, to which Bucky rolled his eyes at.
“Because I’m talking to you, genius. I wasn’t staring at you.” Bucky quipped.
“Yes you were!”
“No I wasn’t!”
This continued till they were sick of bickering with each other, finally yelling out your name for help.
The arguments were straight up petty. Bucky wouldn’t admit it, but he was the pettiest.
Exhibit 1: “LoOKiNG StrONg jOHn!”
Like seriously? Bucky’s the pettiest bitch, nobody can tell me otherwise.
You and Sam would definitely find it amusing how Bucky doesn’t trust Redwing.
Obviously, you all despise John Walker. Just the thought of him left a bad taste in your mouth.
He was like a fly that you all couldn’t get rid of. But because you were all painfully patient people—mostly you and Sam—you had to deal with his bullshit despite the way he annoyed you all.
Totally loosing your shit when Bucky helps Zemo break himself out of prison.
“Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did.” You groaned, fingers pinching the bridge of your nose together.
Bucky looks at you with feign innocence; his mouth agape and puppy eyes. “I—didn’t do...anything(?).”
“You helped Zemo break out of prison didn’t you?” You crossed your arms at him, hip jutting out. As if on cue, Sokovian sugar daddy walks into the abandoned garage you were all in.
Before you can explode on him, Bucky tried to calm you down, “Wait, I technically didn’t do anything though! It was his plan!”
Zemo definitely lives up to being the ✨Sokovian Sugar Daddy✨ of your dysfunctional group.
I think you’d all be surprised at how rich he was. The amount of connections he had wasn’t that big of a shocker.
No like seriously, homie was pulling all sorts of shit out his ass; cars, private planes, houses in different countries, etc.
You all had a love hate relationship with Zemo. On days when he was actually helpful, you all got a long. On the days when things got horribly messy, Zemo couldn’t even let a word out since Sam would tell him to “shut up”.
Though that still doesn’t excuse the fact that he got the Avengers to spilt up and go against each other.
When you guys are all hiding out in one of Zemo’s apartments or homes, you would probably cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner for everyone.
They actually loved it when you cooked because it made the atmosphere feel a bit homey and calm compared to the current situation you were all in.
You were the person they can all go to. You were easy to talk to, making it easier for them to open up to you.
You always checked in on them mentally and physically. For example, you knew Sam felt guilty about giving up the shield, but Bucky never made him forget about his choice. You were there to reassure him that he thought he was doing the right thing and didn’t know the hidden agenda of the government.
You were like their on the go therapist, babysitter, and partner.
Sometimes Bucky and Sam would even argue for your attention.
“Can you stop hogging (y/n) please? Her ears might fall off from hearing you yap all day.” Bucky said as he gently took your arm and dragged you away from Sam.
“You literally spent the whole day with her yesterday, you’re the one who needs to stop hogging (y/n).” Sam argued, grabbing onto your other arm.
“I didn’t get to spend time with (y/n).” Zemo mentioned from his seat in the kitchen, a glass of whisky in his hand. Bucky simply turned to him and pointed, “NO!”
Honestly what’s a friendship with Bucky and Sam without some harmless flirting. They weren’t gonna lie, you were gorgeous, the most attractive one out of the group.
When you guys had to go undercover at Madripoor, both times with Zemo and Sharon, you had to wear dresses that were a bit revealing. Maybe your chest was a bit shown, but the dress definitely showed off your legs.
“So what do you guys think?” You stopped at the bottom of the stairs of Sharon’s apartment, doing a little spin to show off your outfit.
Both Bucky and Sam’s jaws drop, Zemo probably nodding in approval in the corner.
You can’t forget about the nicknames: maybe doll, sweetheart, or darlin’ from Bucky and the typical Louisiana Cher from Sammy.
While fighting against the Flag Smashers or anyone in general, you guys always had each other’s back.
You could directly be fighting someone, but you’ll naturally have an eye on Sam and Bucky to make sure nobody was sneaking up on them.
It’s a given that you all patch each other up after some fight.
You were all very protective of each other. If there’s one thing Sam and Bucky can agree on, it’s their instinct to protect you.
Like how you kept an eye on them, they also kept their eyes on you. Even though they knew you could hold your own.
“Could you walk?” Sam asked you as you laid on the concrete floor. You were double teamed by a couple of Flag Smashers. Two super soldiers against a normal person, you totally got your ass handed to you.
You pushed yourself up to rest on your elbows, “I’m fine, just got dropped kicked twice, but I’ll be fine.”
Sam smiled at you, “That’s my girl.”
Though the two can be a handful and argue almost every minute, you loved the both of them tremendously. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Cheerleader Eddie AU, Pulling Your Strings
TW: Chrissy's Eating Disorder plays a heavy part in the beginning of this chapter so here's a heads up. Read with caution.
Chrissy Cunningham was eight years old when she learned her value as a person was tied to her weight. It was the day before second grade when her mom had come home with a new back to school wardrobe for her to try on. Like most little girls, Chrissy was excited when she saw the pink ribbons and purple butterfly patterns. Her mom sitting on the edge of her bed and waiting for her to try everything on. But as she pulled the dress over her head with the glee only a child could have when it came to new clothes, Chrissy struggled. Her arms just barely fitting through the sleeveless top and the skirt tightly hugging her stomach in a way that made it stick out.
"I think it's too small." Chrissy still vividly remembered the face her mother made when she stepped out. A combination of disappointment and what she could only now describe as faux sympathy.
"But you were this size last year." Her mom said as she looked Chrissy over. "How did you get so big?"
Big meant fat. And fat was bad. She'd heard the way her mother talked about other women enough to know this was bad. And at only eight years old she burst out into tears, she didn't want to be fat. But her mom had an easy solution to her problem.
"Here, I know how to fix this but you can't tell daddy, okay?"
After eating, if she even ate at all, she would go to the bathroom and stick her finger down the back of her throat until her stomach was empty. When she cane out of the bathroom after dinner that night, ber mother looked so proud. Like it was something normal for an eight year old to be doing. Nothing but the best for Laura Cunningham's daughter.
Except for now, here she was. On the floor, watching as her mother stormed into her room with a look of absolute rage on her face as she pulled a still half naked Eddie off her bed. Glancing over at the doorway, Chrissy so her father quietly standing over to the side, completely silent as always. Her mother? Not so much.
"Who do you think you are? Coming in here and defiling my little girl, I'll have your arrested-"
"Mom, please! Stop!" Chrissy found herself jumping between her mother and Eddie. The woman's eyes widening at Chrissy speaking back to her before narrowing as she let go of Eddie. "I-I thought you were at the lakehouse." The cheerleader stumbled for words as she felt the pit in her stomach growing.
"We got a call from the Carvers, Michael said you got in a fight with his son. I came back home to talk some sense into you but it seems you're already too busy letting this, this trash take advantage of you."
"He wasn't taking advantage of me mom!" Chrissy protested.
"So you were what? Cheating on your boyfriend with any boy that would have you?"
"Jason's not my boyfriend!" Chrissy snapped, finally letting the pent up anger start to seep out. "And Eddie's not just any boy, but it's not like you'd notice. You've got your head shoved so far up Jason's ass, people would think you're the one dating him!"
"Excuse me?" Chrissy watched her mother's face turn up in a sneer. "Chrissy, you don't know what you're saying. Let's just go downstairs and talk this out-"
"No. I'm not going downstairs mom." Chrissy glared as she turned back to Eddie who was struggling to get dressed now that the attention was off him. "I'm eighteen now. I can make my own decisions." The girl grabbing Eddie by the crook of his left elbow and pulling him closer much to his and her mother's confusion. "Like who my boyfriend is. And Eddie's my boyfriend now."
"He is?"
"I am?"
Eddie's confused excitement and her mother's shocked horror gave Chrissy enough confidence to storm out of the room with the boy in tow. Ignoring her mother's voice calling out as she felt her heartbeat in her eardrums. The adrenaline coursing through her veins until she found herself in the back of Eddie's minivan. Her hand still tightly hiding onto Eddie as she began to finally let her body shake. The impact of what she'd just said hitting her all at once and Chrissy felt her chest start to tighten and she began to heave.
'What did I just do?' The redhead asked herself and the panic began to set in. 'I can't believe it. Oh God, shes going to hate me. Why did I say that?' Tears started to fall as she felt Eddie's long arms wrap around her, cradling her body as she began to openly sob.
"Hey, hey," his voice whispered into Chrissy's ear as he rocked her in an attempt at comfort. "It's okay."
It wasn't. Nothing about what happened was okay, but in Eddie's arms she could almost be convinced that it was.
"Did you mean what you said?" The boy asked when she managed to calm herself down a little, handing her his handkerchief to wipe her face off with.
"What part?"
"The...boyfriend part?" He asked unsure.
"I mean, if that's okay with you." Chrissy allowed a small grin to cross her face as Eddie nodded vehemently.
"Yeah. It's way more than okay. "
"Then...maybe we should go back to your place. Where there's no interruptions?"
"Oh....oh, yeah, we can definitely do that." Chrissy giggled as she watched him scramble into the driver's seat. As she began to adjust in the back of the minivan, somewhere in the distance, the cheerleader could hear the sound of a clock chiming.
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smallblip · 3 years
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You asked, I deliver! Part II of Accidental baby acquisition💖 I lost one of the asks 😩 but anon who asked about baby Udo, I named the baby in your honour! Saddle up cowboys! I’m not good with sequels but here we are-
the scandal that implies that a certain boy band member cheated on his partner (another band member) and had a kid even when the mom was never pregnant.
- urban dictionary
Reiner thinks things are alright. Life is definitely picking up. Pieck still sends him excerpts of her dirty fanfiction to proofread, Bertholdt is still doing all he can to “retire at 30”, Annie might have eloped with said boyfriend. But he’s seeing Porco on the regular now, he’s really cute, he’s got a nice ass. Reiner can’t complain.
He’s also recently donated his Levi Ackerman standee. Only because it’s getting increasingly hard to reconcile the fact that he has a life sized cutout of his colleague’s boyfriend in his room.
What he can complain about is said colleague (and friend) dropping bombs on him. He’s one of the moderators of one of the bigger No Name servers. Sometimes he wonders if that’s a conflict of interest because, well, he knows the guy on a first name basis. But today he has other concerns. He sees his notifications blowing up and decides to go on the No Name server. And lo and behold. There’s a paparazzi shot of Levi and Hanji with a stroller taking a walk in a new channel called “MYSTERY FAMILY?”.
He cancels his plans with Porco. “Don’t text me for the next few hours, got a fire to fight.” He clicks send, and feels kinda bad, so he sends Porco really dank meme to appease him. (That doesn’t stop Porco from doing exactly what Reiner told him not to do and demanding an explanation every five minutes).
He forces himself to take a deep breath before texting Hanji-
“Hanji… I don’t mean to be rude but…
So here begins babygate. A conspiracy theory that took the Internet by storm.
“Levi Ackerman had a secret marriage! He was keeping this from us from the start!”
“It’s a publicity stunt to keep No Name relevant during their hiatus!”
“It’s an elaborate scheme by the company to punish Levi for announcing the hiatus without their knowledge!”
“Levi’s mystery partner was sent by the lizard people to take control of his mind and produce half-lizard, half-human hybrid babies to take over the world! What a bitch!” (This is Hanji’s favourite).
And the internet’s favourite- this is all an elaborate scheme to cover up the scandalous love affair between Levi and Eren- the band’s guitarist.
“What the fuck?” Levi had said during dinner once, to which Reiner had to swallow his food and pretend he never read or actively looked up ereri content. Yes. Reiner knows the name of their ship.
Levi hadn’t been too worried before, but when pictures of them shopping for baby stuff leaked online, something snaps. Something snaps and Erwin tells him he needs more time to figure out the biggest PR crisis in No Name history.
It’s Levi. Levi is the PR crisis.
So in the meantime, no shock reveals, no more social media, (if possible) no more leaving the house with pregnant girlfriend in tow. “Don’t do ANYTHING.” Erwin had said, “especially not you!” Erwin had directed that at Eren, who suggested he makes an announcement. Erwin shudders. He remembers all the past scandals they got themselves into just because Eren, bless him, didn’t know when to shut up.
“I’m sorry…” Levi says to Hanji when they’re cuddled up on the couch watching a documentary on whale migration.
“Huh?” Hanji says, voice muffled through her incessant sniffling because “whales are delivered tail first, Levi! They wear their mothers like hats!”
He apologises for putting her through the mess that is him and his job. And Hanji smiles at him. He wonders if their kid will look like her. He’s hoping they would.
“Levi…” Hanji sighs, taking his face in her hands, “that night at the bar I thought to myself ‘this man has a face I would risk it all for’… I think this counts within the realms of ‘all’”
Levi scoffs, but a smile is threatening the corners of his lips. Erwin’s nagging over the phone fades a little and he sinks a little lower into the couch. He sighs one more time for good measure before saying-
“So… you wanna know which my favourite babygate theory is?”
“And you’re really not bothered by all this?” Reiner asks, in an emergency meeting that he had scheduled into her calendar. He hates that he’s packing things into her already busy schedule when she’s about to pop but, he figures it’s better now than when the baby’s actually out. He had booked a meeting room and everything, figuring if he projected some of the crazy shit they’re saying on the fan boards up on screen, Hanji would start taking this seriously. Because if Reiner knows anything, it’s that the fans will do anything to keep their ship afloat.
He scrolls past another post on the lizard people and Hanji gets him to pause.
“I mean… A little?” Hanji pinches her fingers together.
“Hanji…” Reiner sighs, “you and Levi discuss and rate babygate conspiracy theories you find online I don’t think you’re taking this seriously at all…”
Hanji looks at Reiner- an absolute state of panic. And she considers panicking for a moment. She’s read articles dissecting babygate and although they’re absolutely batshit, Hanji appreciates how well-researched they are. Which is a little scary. To be fair to Levi, he’s been trying to get her to worry. “I can’t keep you safe all the time, you have to be careful” like he’s going off to war somewhere. But it’s not in Hanji nature to worry about things like this. She’s a researcher at a lab who lived an ordinary life up until the point the universe hit her with a-
Sike! Levi Ackerman is your baby daddy! What are you gonna do about it?
And now she knows what headcanons and lemons are, and she really doesn’t know what to do with that knowledge. So Hanji decides, she’ll do nothing. She’ll go on indulgently long walks Levi in tow, she’ll talk his ear off about work. And like a good girlfriend, she’ll listen to his demos (and enjoy them) and tell him “are you sure anger rhymes with danger?”.
“I don’t really know how to worry about anything beyond our samples getting contaminated…” Hanji says, sheepish. Reiner sighs. He doesn’t want to be a wet blanket on Hanji’s life. He wants to be fun Reiner. Cool as a cucumber. Reiner who manages to make it through dinner at Hanji’s without having to excuse himself to hyperventilate in her bathroom because Levi is right there. And he’s so afraid that he might just be able to read his mind and find out he had looked up Levi Ackerman x y/n fanfiction once in his foolish youth (youth being approximately four months back)
Reiner shudders.
“Yeah okay… That’s um… That’s cool… Right?” He says.
Hanji shrugs.
So Levi Ackerman is your baby daddy. Now what?
You go into labour of course, with a matter of fact- “oh. Look Levi. The water broke.” All while refusing to leave the house until you demolish that amazing sandwich he made for you. You go into labour and you yell and grunt like a beast as you squeeze the life out of your baby daddy because he kinda deserves it. You both kinda deserve this pain. Take it as heavenly punishment for being horny and stupid if you will.
And in the middle of it Hanji thinks huh, this feels like a mix of a reality TV show from MTV and a badly written fanfiction. Except Hanji isn’t a teen mom and she’s too old for self-insert fiction that involves a lead singer of a popular band.
But Levi is here, and he doesn’t complain one bit even though he looks like he’s about to pass out. So as far as drunken one night stands go- this is pretty damn aspirational.
The baby enters the world with a huge cry.
“Kid’s got a huge set of lungs…” Levi says, but his own voice is quivering.
“Just like her dad…” Hanji smiles.
As he watches Hanji fall asleep with their baby on her chest, Levi thinks fuck it. Fuck keeping this under wraps. Fuck the fans and them enjoying how Eren gets on his nerves. Fuck Erwin and his “Levi. You’re giving me a headache. You are the cause of this headache.” Because the baby has Hanji’s nose and his eyes and he loves them more than anything in the world.
He snaps a picture of them and tags bigdaddyzoë-
“Welcome to the world, my love.”
Reiner can’t help the tears that well in his eyes after seeing the picture Hanji had sent him of the baby-
“He says hi to his favourite uncle!” Was the caption, and Reiner could only reply with a crying cat meme and an incoherent text that Hanji favourites.
He’s on the bus on the way to the hospital when his phone buzzes incessantly. It’s Porco.
He sends a reply at the entrance of the hospital-
“Welcome to my world”
Reiner thinks things are alright. He’s one of the moderator of one of the bigger No Name servers, so he can block and remove people at his discretion. Some days he lets it get to his head. It makes him feel like a king. But today, he’s putting out fires.
Erwin decided their PR strategy was absolutely no strategy, because “they’re zooming in on the pixels Levi. Once they doubt the pixels, they won’t believe anything we’re saying”. With that. Babygate has officially taken on a life of its own. Eren still sends Levi babygate articles to annoy him, and to Hanji because she asked very nicely. Hanji thinks Erwin’s strategy makes sense, Levi thinks it’s just lazy. But Erwin framed a certificate that says “survived a PR crisis (sort of)” that Hanji had insisted be hung up on their wall, so that closes one chapter. Besides, Eren has been spotted going out on dates with a mystery girl. Which has the double effect of diverting attention away from Levi and exacerbating babygate because “see? Told you the company’s doing all they can to prove they’re not together!”
“Can’t you keep it in your pants?” Levi had thrown at Eren, to which he had responded cleverly with a-
“Could’ve said the same for you!”
“See? That can’t be Levi! Look at how he’s smiling!”
“That can’t be a baby! Looks like an animatronic to me!”
“Do they even make animatronics that realistic?”
Reiner pins his “no slander” rule- one day they’ll get it. Or at least he would’ve gotten rid of all the people that don’t.
“Who’s this bigdaddyzoë anyway?”
“Maybe she isn’t real? Company probably invented her…”
“Heard she’s a crazy groupie who got knocked up…”
“Heard she’s hot…”
… several people are typing
“So… I heard from Reiner you were defending my honour in the server?” Hanji quirks an eyebrow.
Levi shrugs. Whatever goes down in the server stays between Leviackerman173810 (leviackerman and all 173809 permutations of said username had already been taken) and the hundreds of people who haven’t quite figured out he’s the real deal. Besides, Erwin has issued him three warnings so it’s best to lay low for now.
“My hero…” Hanji chuckles, pressing a kiss on Levi’s head. Below them, baby Udo wriggles and yawns against the fabric of Levi’s shirt. Cute.
So Levi Ackerman is your baby daddy. Now what? You look at your son and know he’s going to break hearts like his father of course. And if you’re Levi, you pray to god he never asks about babygate because Hanji has read up enough about it to be considered a connoisseur.
One day the internet will break when they find out the identity of bigdaddyzöe. But for now baby Udo has his parents wrapped around his tiny fingers and he doesn’t quite understand the concept of him being the spawn of every typical band member x y/n fanfiction. Or the centre of a very popular, very absurd, yet strangely believable internet conspiracy theory. Or the canon plot that has sunk one of the biggest No Name ships. And that’s okay.
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secret Lives
Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: You and JJ never got along so your friends trap the two of you on a boat in the middle of the marsh to work it out. Only it doesn’t go as planned.
Note: Hi guys! This is my first writing piece. I tried not to do a two parter for my first one but it ended up being so long. Sorry! I would love to hear your feedback so feel free to leave me a message! Part two will be posted soon. Also I have completed a rewrite of the show with a JJ x Routledge sister pairing so keep an eye out for that! Also wanna shout out @skiesofthesketchy​ @malfoyfarms​ @collecting-stories​ because they were some of the first masterlists I read and I loved them and it inspired me to write my own. So thank you!
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Language, angst, very slight mentions of abuse
Part 2
Y/N Y/L/N. That’s you. Or as some like to call you, Hannah Montana. You live the best of both worlds, living it up on Figure Eight and wearing hundred dollar dresses to fancy dinners and parties, sneaking expensive mimosas to brunches with your friends, and getting biweekly mani pedi’s with your sister. Meanwhile, when you’re not rolling around in the luxuries of Kook Life, you’re rolling around in the dirt with your Pogue friends, baking in the sun on a dirty small boat while drinking the cheapest beer one of the boys’ could get their hands on. Most Kooks hated you even when they wanted to be you. And most Pogues didn’t trust you even as they tried getting in your pants.
One of them being JJ Maybank.
Kiara introduced you to her group of friends right after freshman year. The two of you were the black sheep of Kook Academy. Both your families have money, sure. But you weren’t jerks about it. You enjoy a little pampering here and there, but you’re not tone deaf and superficial like the rest of your peers. You were so grateful that your science teacher paired you two together for that year’s science fair. You instantly clicked with the curly brunette and spent most of the class talking about whatever came to mind instead of actually brainstorming project ideas. After working together for months on a science fair project with a shared passion of wanting to help save the environment, Kie finally introduced you to her best friends.
John B and Pope immediately made you feel like one of the group. Sure, they were curious about your life but you never felt like you were being interrogated with questions. They included you on inside jokes and even gave you the nickname ‘Sassy’ after proving to them that you can hold your own in a verbal fight.
Thanks to JJ.
From the start he claimed to never like you. He hated where you were from, who your parents were, and that you never had a job. He hated that you didn’t even have to try to get people to like you. In his eyes, everything was handed to you on silver platter. You had a picture perfect life and all you had to do was bat your eyelashes and show off your pearly white teeth. He couldn’t stand you.
Yet, he was dangerously attracted to you.
He loved the way your hair shined against the setting sun, he loved that you didn’t wear makeup every single day like every other Kook on the island, he loved how your white jean shorts perfectly shaped your curves, and he loved how your temper was as equally as short as his because it made you fighting with him that much hotter.
Last night was no different than every other night with you and your friends. It was quiet, spent around a bonfire in John B’s back yard. You sipped on cheap beer from the can while the smell of JJ’s marijuana smoke wafted through the air. Kie lightly strummed the strings of her ukulele while Pope and JJ bickered about the pros and cons of smoking weed.
This was your family. You had friends on the other side of the island too but you weren’t as close as you were with the Pogues. You would do anything for the people surrounding you. Even JJ. You tried to tell yourself you hated him just as much as he hated you, but you couldn’t help but feel like every other girl on this island, falling for his ocean blue eyes and golden locks. His wit and his charm. His loyalty and protectiveness of his friends. How he looked with his shirt off. How he would wink at you when he caught you staring. You wished you didn’t, but you loved him.
“Hellooo, Y/N?” John B waved his hand in front of your face. You hadn’t even realized you’d been staring.
“I’m sorry. What were you saying?”
John B smirked but didn’t say what he was thinking. He always thought you and JJ were acting dumb when it was clear as day that the two of you were attracted to each other. He always caught you two staring at one another when the other wasn’t looking. You two would always ask about the other person when they weren’t there even if it was just to throw a sharp jab behind their back.
“I asked you what you were up to this weekend.”
“Oh,” You shrugged. “Probably run some errands, babysit my neighbor’s kids...”
Just like Hannah Montana, you also lived a secret life. Your life wasn’t as perfect as everyone thought it was, but you’d never admit to it. Your mother would be crushed, your friends would find you stupid and pathetic, and you would hate yourself even more than you already did.
“Good. Sunday we’re going to check out the surfing competition on Seasill Beach. JJ’s trying to qualify for it next year.”
Your smile immediately dropped. “Sunday. Oh.”
“Already got a spa day planned, Princess?” JJ smirked from across the way.
“I, uh,” You tried your best to fake a grin. “I’m sorry. I can’t go. I already have plans.”
You held you breath as you waited for someone to respond. This was the third time this month you flaked on your friends without a good explanation. You never knew what to tell them, only that you had plans. You were afraid if you said anything else, they’d find out you were lying.
“Again?” Kie stopped playing her ukulele to look at you. “Seriously. Is there some secret boy we should know about or something?”
You scoffed. “No.”
You felt the most guilty lying to Kie. After all she was your best friend. The one you were supposed to be able to share everything with, even the stuff you couldn’t tell your parents.
“Kie’s right. You bailed on us last week last minute too,” Pope said.
You opened your mouth to say something, but your head wasn’t working fast enough to come up with a lie.
“We all knew this day would come.” JJ’s smirk was gone. He flicked the butt of his joint into the fire and claps off the ash from his hands. “Hannah Montana dips her toes into the wild life. She feels free and independent long enough to decide she’d rather go back to her cookie cutter life and live with all the privilege that daddy has to offer.”
The word ‘daddy’ physically made you flinch. Your eyes narrowed in a tight glare as you dug your fingernails into the palm of your hand, hating that this was the way JJ thought of you.
“J...” John B tried to warn him but JJ didn’t listen.
“No, seriously.” JJ stood up. “I bet the reason she’s not telling us what all her ‘plans’ are is because she knows you’ll all be disappointed. Me? Well, I couldn’t care less whether you hung out with us or not. In fact, I’ve been praying for it. So tell us, Y/N, what are you doing that you won’t tell us? If it’s not some dude, then maybe you decided you’d rather be a Kook. Are you going to fancy lunches and riding yachts across the ocean? Maybe you’re spitting in the faces of the people who work to make your life easier. Maybe -”
“JJ!” Kie yelled.
You stood up, your vision turning red and your skin going hot. Usually you could take JJ’s insults. You were use to JJ throwing your family’s money in your face, trying to make you feel bad for something you can’t control, but this was too much. Because now he was calling you out on your loyalty to your friends. And he was so far from the truth.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” You said. The other three stood up when you took a step in JJ’s direction. John B stood close to you. He didn’t know what you were going to do, but he’s never heard your voice so low and threatening in a long time. The other time was with a Kook who was giving JJ shit. Ironically. “For me to just leave.”
“I didn’t stutter, did I?”
“Well I hate to break it to you, but I’m not going anywhere. In fact, because I’m such a nice friends, I’m going to give you some free advice. First, the last thing you want to question me about is my loyalty to the people who’s lives I would put before my own. Second, I would suggest removing that stick up your ass because it seems like your way too uptight to handle it.”
JJ glared at you and didn’t move to respond. A part of you was surprised he didn’t have anything to come back with and the other part of you was relieved.
The thick tension between you and your friends was suffocating. Your night had been effectively ruined by a simple question. But the sad part is, you didn’t even know who to blame. JJ, or the other man causing most of your guilt and grief.
“Y/N/N...” Kie tried stopping you as you gathered your stuff to leave.
“I’m out of here.”
You stormed out of the backyard and into your car. There was only so much you could take until you broke. And you were not going to give JJ Maybank the satisfaction of seeing you break.
You couldn’t fall asleep last night. JJ’s words kept replaying in your head like a bad song stuck on replay. You wanted to hate him. You wanted to blame him for not trusting you. But instead, you hated yourself. Because you’re the reason he can’t trust you. Cause you have secrets you don’t want shared.
Your thumb hovered over his contact. Not JJ’s. The man who’s made your life a living hell for the last sixteen years. You wanted to scream and cry and slap him in his face. But instead, you stayed frozen in fear. Like the little pathetic girl he says you are. And you hated yourself more for proving him right.
Your attention was taken away when someone busted through your bedroom door out of breath. Kie immediately went to your drawers and pulled out the first bathing suit she could find and threw it at you.
“Kie -”
“We need to go,” She said. “Get dressed.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Pope and John B ran out of gas doing grocery runs for Heyward. We need to get them with the HMS Pogue.”
“Where’s JJ? Why can’t he help you?”
“He’s working,” Kie said quickly. “Come on.”
You and Kie found Heyward’s boat stranded in the middle of the marsh like Kie said it would be. John B and Pope were waiting for you on the back and thanking you both for coming to help. You hold the gas as they helped you onto the boat. They directed you to the tank while they helped Kie.
As soon as you made your way to the front of the boat, you heard the engine of the Pogue rev and take off. You dropped the gasoline gallon and sprinted to the back of the boat where they left you. John B and Pope waved back to you as Kie drove them back to the Chataeu.
“What the hell?” You yelled at them to come back.
“You and JJ need to work your shit out!” John B yelled back to you.
“What...” You mumbled to yourself before you heard the sound of heavy footsteps running towards you. You gasp in surprise when a sweaty JJ passed you to glare at the boat that’s getting smaller and smaller by the second.
“What the fuck?” He screamed.
“There’s food and blankets in the cabin!” Pope yelled back.
“We’ll come get you in the morning,” Kie said.
You clenched your teeth together with frustration. JJ looked just as pissed off and small part of you was disappointed with that. He turned around, cursing to himself and hitting random shit in his way.
This was going to be a long day.
After four hours, you and JJ still hadn’t spoken to each other. He took over the cabin while you laid out on the back of the boat. Your head was running with different thoughts. Should you try to make up with JJ? Should you just continue to ignore him? Should you tell him why you can’t go to the surfing competition tomorrow?
You didn’t know what to do but you knew you couldn’t sit here in silence anymore.
You reluctantly stood in front of him with crossed arms. He was smoking a blunt and looking out into the setting sun. If you were friends, you would take a picture of him right now. The pink sky painted his skin perfectly.
“What?” He said without looking at you.
“Seriously?” You raised one brow. “We’re asked to do one thing on this boat and that’s all you have to say?”
“I’m not sorry for what I said last night.”
“Neither am I.”
You rolled your eyes. The problem with both of you was that you’re both stubborn. But if the problem with JJ couldn’t be fixed today, you didn’t know how much longer you would be able to put up with his rude remarks and assumptions about you.
“What the hell is your problem?” You said.
“My problem?”
“Yeah. Your problem. You’ve been treating me like shit ever since Kie introduced me to you. What could I have possibly done to make you hate me so goddamn much?”
JJ shook his head in annoyance. “I’m not doing this.”
He got up and walked to the back of the boat where you were sulking not even five minutes ago. You followed him like the stubborn person you were and you continued to grill him.
“I’ve tried so hard to be your friend. I’ve bought you drugs, I’ve even done yours and JB’s laundry. I put in a good word to the tourons who ask about you at boneyard parties. I laugh at your jokes, even when they’re about my friends. I try so hard to be on your good side and you still want nothing to do with me!”
“Because you’re a Kook!”
“You have everything. Money, family, friends, a future. I don’t trust you because I don’t know what the hell you want with us. What do we possibly have that you can’t get on Figure Eight? Hm? Are you trying to prove a point to your mom that you don’t need her? You trying to prove to your dad that you’re a tough girl and don’t need his money or protection to keep you safe? Huh?”
“You know what your problem is? You don’t listen! I’ve told you time and time again that I don’t care about any of those things. I hang out with you guys because you are my friends. I have a good time when I’m with you. Why is that so hard for you to get?”
JJ scoffed. “Please. You don’t think I see you constantly checking your cell phone? Making sure no one can see who you’re texting? If we’re such good friends, why won’t you tell us what you’re doing tomorrow? You always have ‘other plans’ and then you never tell us what they are.”
“Because that’s none of your business!”
“If my friends are going to get hurt because of some lying bitch then it is my business!”
You were breathing so heavily, you were basically panting. Your blood felt like it was boiling under your skin and your head felt fuzzy with lack of thoughts. You didn’t know what to say, truly lost for words.
JJ took another step closer to you. You’re so close to him, you can feel his breath on your face and see every mark on his skin. You never knew he had a scar right above his brow or a freckle under his ear. He smelled like weed and sun sunscreen and his breath like mint. Had you not been fired up with rage, you would have thought he looked hot and maybe even made a move.
But now it was the last thing you wanted to do.
“I’m sick and tired of you spoiled brats getting everything you want. You’re nothing but a spoiled rich kid who doesn’t even know the kind of privilege she has if it hit her in the face. You can’t relate to anything we have to go through. You don’t have to get dirt underneath your fingernails to make a buck. You don’t have to wonder where your next meal is coming from. You wouldn’t last a week on the Cut because you’ve never known what it’s been like to live the life we do!”
“You don’t know anything about me!” You snapped. The heart in your chest felt like it was being shredded to pieces by a rapid wolf. You felt like you were being torn apart one by one with each insult he threw in your face. Little did he know, he was wrong.
“I know enough to never want to see you again. I will never accept you into our group of friends. Don’t you get that? So you can stop playing the nice girl act around me and go back to Sarah Cameron and the other Kooks that you still hang out with despite knowing everything they’ve done to us. To Kie!”
Bringing up the fight between Kie and Sarah was a low blow and JJ knew it. It was something you always struggled with because you continued to be friends with both of them separately. At first, they were both mad at you but then accepted your friendship when they came around to loving the idea that you would fight for both of them. You tried getting them to talk and make up, but both of them refused. Maybe you should just stick them on a boat in the middle of nowhere and force them to work it out.
Although, clearly your experience with it wasn’t going so well.
“That’s not fair.”
“Yeah, well life’s not fair sweet heart. But you wouldn’t know about that.”
You thought the fight last night was bad. But this one took the icing off the cake. You wished so desperately that Kie had just trapped you both in a locked room, so at least you had the chance to break out and run away from the darkness that was clouding around you.
You were most upset that this was how JJ thought of you. You didn’t know if you would have the same devastating reaction if someone else had said these things to you. You wanted so badly to be friends with the blonde Pogue. You saw the way he interacted with his friends and you wanted to be a part of that small circle so badly, you would almost do anything to be in it.
But you didn’t think you could last another second of being belittled and tormented with JJ’s outspoken feelings towards you. You wished there was a rewind button so you could go back to bed and hopefully never wake up and you’d lock your door so Kie couldn’t break in.
You swallowed back the tears that threatened to fall and admit your defeat. You wanted to find the nearest corner and crawl into it and escape the murderous glare of JJ Maybank. JJ was wrong. You didn’t have everything. Because in this moment, you still wanted him. And you were just realizing that you never will.
“You judge me by the surface. You’ve never once tried to get to know me. You don’t ask. You just assume that I’m like every other kid on Figure Eight. You don’t know where I’ve came from. What I’ve been through. What I live with. You don’t know my plans for the future or my hobbies or even my favorite color because you didn’t ask!” Adrenaline pushes through your veins like a wave of energy. You’ve never felt so powerful but so small in your life.
“All right. So tell me,” JJ said. “Tell me whatever story you can think of that will change my mind about you.”
You paused, standing there face to face with someone who will never accept you. You were suddenly overcome with so many emotions you didn’t know which one to choose from. Anger, sorrow, fear, confusion, shame.
You couldn’t believe you even thought about telling JJ your story. A story that you haven’t even told Kie. The story about how you were actually born and raised on the far end of the south side. How your dad use to abuse your mother right in front of you before she managed to escape when you were eight. For six months you lived in her car before she got a job as a housekeeper at a cheap motel used mostly for hookers and their cliental. Her employer let you live rent free if your mom accepted a cheaper pay check. During one of her shifts, your mother ran right into Andrew Y/L/N. No, he wasn’t one of the hooker’s clients. He was actually on the property looking to buy out the place. Even though he was a Kook, he looked through the housekeeper’s uniform into my mom’s heart and loved everything about her. He took her on a couple dates, then less than a year later, married her. You changed your last name to his because you didn’t want any relation to your father anymore. You thought the man was scum and deserved to rot in hell for everything he put your mom through. You hated him and even wished for him to die. Sometimes you even thought about doing it yourself. But then you saw him again. At a gas station in the middle of The Cut. You couldn’t believe he recognized you and you were even more shocked he had the audacity to talk to you. And you listened. He told you how sorry he was. How he never meant to hurt your mom. How he missed his baby girl and wanted to be in her life again. You fell for every word because a part of you you didn’t know existed missed having a biological dad.
That was your biggest mistake.
He didn’t change. He was still the same bastard he was eight years ago, using violence and threats with people much weaker than him to get what he wanted. He loved guilting you with your new luxuries. How you now had everything right under your fingertips after you left him to wither away with nothing. He said you owed him. Because you were his daughter and you were supposed to love him unconditionally. And you fell for it every time. He never hurt you like he hurt your mom. A few slaps here and there but nothing to leave a mark to get your mother questioning.
So now you were trapped - trapped in his world and in his life. Using your own money that you actually worked for, little did JJ know, to pay for his bills, his drugs, and sometimes, even his bail.
You didn’t tell anyone about this secret life because you didn’t want anyone to make you feel any more pathetic and weak than you already felt. And most importantly, you didn’t want to hurt your mother by telling her you’ve been supporting the one person she’s been trying to protect you from.
And you were about to risk that by telling someone who probably still wouldn’t care about you even after hearing what you had to say. You are who you are. If JJ didn’t like you now, he shouldn’t like you after telling him your story, anyway.
“No.” You shook your head.
“No?” JJ scoffed. “I’m finally asking you tell me something and you’re saying no?”
“Because you don’t care, JJ! Not really. You think knowing my sob story is going to get you to like me? I don’t need a pity friendship. I am who I am because of shit I’ve had to overcome. And this is me now. So if you don’t like it, then fine. We’ll do it your way and call it quits.” JJ didn’t say anything as you turned around to find somewhere to pass out in hopes of getting morning to come faster.
You found a blanket deep into the cabin and pulled it over your body, shielding yourself away from the world. You hoped the darkness would sweep through your head so you wouldn’t be plagued with torturous thoughts about your past or what’s going to happen to tomorrow. You cried - you cried because even after JJ ripped into your like a zoo animal, he still hated you.
JJ was wrong. You didn’t have everything. Because you didn’t have him.
Surprisingly, the sun rose sooner than you expected it to. Sleeping on the swaying boat wasn’t as awful as you thought it was going to be. In fact, it was kind of peaceful with the stars above you and the sound of moving water right under you.
The morning wasn’t so calming. You were slapped in the face with memories of the night before. Your stomach twisted at the thought of being face to face with JJ again. You knew what you had to do and thinking about it made you sick and depressed.
You pushed yourself up and checked the time on the radio. 8:03. Anxiety instantly flooded through you. You only had two hours to get home to be ready in time to run ‘errands’ with your dad.
You looked out to the back of the boat where JJ was looking into the horizon, probably waiting for your friends to come.
Fresh set of tears pricked your eyes at what’s to come. You loved your friends and you even loved JJ. But you couldn’t stay with the Pogues. You didn’t want to make JJ any more uncomfortable than he already was and you were afraid the constant fighting would push your friends further apart. You didn’t want to be the reason for that.
You pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders and walked next to JJ. Without a word, you looked out in the same direction he was looking and admired the morning sun.
Surprisingly, JJ was the first one to speak. He looked at you and instantly felt guilty all over again. He tossed and turned all night contemplating on whether he should wake you up to apologize or just wait until morning. He knew he wasn’t being fair. You’ve done nothing but tried to earn his trust since day one. You accepted him for all his flaws and he couldn’t do the same for you. Yeah there was the phone thing and not telling the others what you’re up to, but it wasn’t like you were constantly in his business. If you see him with unexplained bruises, you don’t pester him about it. If he comes back to the Chateau in a pissy mood and blames it on a fight with his dad, you try to make him forget about it with a distraction instead of making him tell you what the fight was about. Why couldn’t he give you the same respect?
Truth was he wasn’t so much worried about his friends getting hurt as he was getting hurt. He liked you more than a friend should which would make your departure from your friends that much more heartbreaking for him. He never felt this way over a girl, let a lone a Kook and he tried so desperately to hate you. But it didn’t work. Instead, it made him feel like the biggest asshole in the world. He wanted to fix what he broke. He told himself he still had time left. His friends weren’t back yet to get him.
“Listen, Y/N -”
“It’s fine, J,” You sniffled. This time you couldn’t stop the tears from running down your cheeks. You tried blinking them away which only made them fall faster. You hated crying in front of people. Your dad always said it was a sign of weakness and you believed him. You wouldn’t be surprised if JJ laughed in your face right now and called you a loser. “It’s done.”
“What are you talking about?”
JJ’s heart physically broke when he saw your tears. He had never seen you cry. Not even out of joy. He couldn’t believe he was the cause of this. That he had made someone as beautiful and as kind as you actually feel bad about herself. He wished he could take back time and start over. He wished he gave her a chance from the beginning. He wished it wasn’t too late.
You both looked up when you heard the engine of the HMS Pogue. In the distance, you could hear your friends laughing and calling out to you, not yet realizing their plan went to shit. You had to make this quick.
“The last thing I want is to get between you and your friends. You don’t have to worry about me hurting anyone, especially Kie. I’ll back off.” You said, making JJ’s brows furrowed in confusion and his heart raced with worry. “I’m giving you what you want. I’ll stay out of your life.”
JJ couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe he drove you to do the one thing he actually never wanted you to do. “Wait. You’re leaving?”
You looked JJ in the eyes and he wished you didn’t. Because for the first time, he didn’t see the light behind your eyes or the little crinkle in the corner when you smiled. They were dull and lifeless, making him sick to his stomach.
“I didn’t stutter. Did I?” You used his words from the other night and it felt like a stab in the heart to JJ.
JJ was left speechless which almost never happens. He wished he could say something, anything, to make you feel differently, to tell you he was wrong and sorry. But nothing came out. He could barely breathe.
“Hey you crazy kids,” Kie’s voice pierces the air, jokingly and airy. If only she knew that wasn’t how you were feeling.
“Missing a key or something?” John B joked alongside her.
“You should have called us sooner!” Pope added.
When the boat came closer to yours, they finally got a look at the two of you. They were shocked to see you silently crying and looking like all the life had been sucked out of you. JJ looked mad but they couldn’t tell whether he was mad at you or them or himself.
The three of them went sick with anxiety, suddenly wondering if this was a bad idea. Kie tried to get you make eye contact, but you wouldn’t look at her. You couldn’t look at any of them - afraid you might actually break completely if you did.
“Y/N/N...” Kie said softly.
“You guys okay?” John B asked wearily.
JJ helped Pope tie The Pogue to Heyward’s boat and hopped on right after. Pope traded spots with JJ and came up beside you and stood there awkwardly. He didn’t know what to do either.
You looked up at him before he could come up something probably stupid to ask. “Can you drop me off please?”
Pope glanced back at his friends and nodded. “Uh, sure. John B will probably get you there faster though if you -”
“No, it’s okay,” You said. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle being in an enclosed space with JJ for another minute. You just wanted to go home and forget the past two years ever happened. “I’ll stay here.”
Pope shrugged at his friends when you trudged back into the cabin and curled yourself into the corner. You didn’t know what the next few weeks would be like, but you hoped they go better than the last twenty four hours did.
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Not The Forgiving Type
[Name] was a kind kid. He was poised to be number one until shit hit the fan. But he wasn't gonna let his dream die no matter who got in the way.
The one where All Might neglects his son a little. The son eventually goes apeshit and hurts the people that wronged him on his journey to becoming the Number One Hero
Warnings: Major Character Death, Vengeance, Murder, Blood Mentions, Religious Themes/Imagery, Christianity is not portrayed in a good light, All Might is compared to God, There is no good guy, sad ending.
The thing that [Name] hates most is his smile.
Christians believe that every human was born with sin. As such, you spend every day of your life abstaining from further sins as you try to erase the red from your ledger. You’re encouraged to do acts of service, not to win the favor of God but from the kindness of your heart. Because you care about people. Yet not doing those acts of service puts you years behind if you aim to present God with a clean ledger.
[Name] was kind. It wasn’t something that came natural to him nor was it particularly easy all of the time but he made the effort. Be kind to others, the family motto. His father was like God to the people he saved. Keeping a smile on his face as if at the shine of his teeth all life’s problems would flash away. And he’d give grand speeches for no other reason than he could.
“Power” his father would say grandstanding “is for the strong to be able to protect the week” [Name]’s father had the kind of power that made the weak feel untouchable. All might would save them. They were sure of it. [Name] was sure of it too.
‘Daddy’s so strong’ [Name] thought ‘I’m gonna be strong too.’ It was a shared thought between the two actually. He was the son of the number one. The son of God. Destined to bear the weight of everyones sins. The reincarnation, who stretches himself thin for the sake of saving others. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Strong should his resolve be, lest that head roll off of his shoulders.
[Name] was four when he got his quirk. Yagi was ecstatic. There was a slim chance that the boy would be born quirkless like Yagi himself and [Name]’s mother wasn’t in the picture. A one night stand who was paid off after she showed up on his doorstep with a baby. There was no way to be completely certain what would happen, but he believed. Hoping for all hope his little boy would be strong. At the proud look on his dad’s face, [Name] smiled. He would continue to make his father proud.
At the age of nine [Name] had all but mastered said quirk. He was a prodigy who’d trained with heroes like Nighteye, and Eraserhead practicing both combat and battles of quirk. Within the next year All Might finally thought [Name] was ready. And sometime after [Name]’s 10th birthday Yagi sat him down to talk about the possibility of him being the next person to wield One For All. [Name] was more than shocked to hear that his dad had been quirkless and possessed a rare, powerful quirk. In his nervousness all he could manage was a smile, a wide confident smile that masked all his hesitation and surprise.
“I’ll be the next number one hero dad” [Name] said “And i’ll make you proud”
Yagi gave his son a matching smile “You already have. And I can’t wait to see what you will do in the future my boy”
At age 13 [Name] took down his first villain. It was illegal of course, but things are easily swept under the rug when you’re the child of God. But why should he have been punished? He was doing good for the sake of good. Saving others with a smile on his face. That was the family motto. It mattered not that the streets were stained with the villain’s blood. No, he was a hero. Heroes saved the day by defeating the villain and giving hope to the people. His actions should please God.
“He’s not ready”
“He’s my son”
“And that’s why you can’t be impartial. Take a break, spend some time with [name] and teach him how to be a hero”
[Name] creeped closer to his bedroom door at the sound of the furious whispers trying to figure out who was talking about him and why. He leaned his head against the door not risking the chance that if he opened it to take a peak he could be seen or heard.
“He’s a great kid, with a powerful quirk. He cares about stopping injustice, and he gives people hope. Like I did. He’s primed to be my successor”
“All might you know I think of you as a great hero. But he’s too much like you”
‘Nighteye’ [Name] realized
“I think he spends too much time trying to be like you that he doesn’t know the true meaning of heroics. You’re right he’s a great kid but I don’t think he’s ready for the kind of responsibility that comes with One For All.”
“Who else if not him?”
Nighteye paused, and answered cautiously “I met a kid. Resembles you in looks, a little more than [Name] does. He has a strong work ethic and made his debut into class 1B at UA. His quirk isn’t exactly strong but he’s made it so. Give him a chance”
Toshinori gave a hesitant “maybe” and the conversation ended there.
Betrayal felt like a sharp stabbing sensation. Nighteye, his precious mentor doesn’t think he’s ready enough. Doesn’t want him to succeed. Wants his father to mentor another kid because he doesn’t believe in [Name]. Ouch.
The next morning, [name] is quieter. More unsure of himself as he asks his dad to stop training with Nighteye. The relationship between All Might and Nighteye is frayed and [Name] knows that. He’s the glue keeping them together so to get back at Nighteye, [Name] will sever the connection between idol and fan. He doesn’t need Nighteye, he just needs to please his dad. He’ll train on his own and become number one. Praise be to God.
Hands gliding through the air, [Name] played with a bright red colored mist that flowed through his fingers and gathered in the palms of his hands. He would flex them, some fingers pointing down, others curled inward as if he were grabbing something with that finger only. Depending on the weight of the object he moved, his arms would flex too.
In a fight his stance became wider, more sturdy almost as if actually shouldering the weight of the object. His knees bent when he planted himself into the ground, resisting the push and pull of gravity as he lifted things with a thought and a flick of his hands. He was powerful. The kind of powerful that makes you smirk at your opponent, not because you underestimate them but just because you know you’ll win. It’s a long hard road to becoming that powerful and [Name] was damned if he wasn’t going to show it. The perfect venue was coming up too. The UA Entrance Exams.
[Name] unconsciously used his quirk to stop something from landing in the koi pond he’d been walking past. “Poor fishies” [Name] thought as he grabbed the floating book. It read ‘Hero Analysis For the Future’  He casually flipped through it, silently asking for forgiveness. He’s not a snooper; he just needed a little guidance if he was going to be the best. It was a little burnt but thorough. He heard the noise of a bunch of boys walking by and he looked up. At the sight of Bakugou [Name]’s eyes flashed red. Bakugou looked away and scowled knowing he couldn’t beat the son of the Number One hero. Not yet.
“Oh [Name]-senpai you found my book”
“Izuku-kun. I came to you for advice. But also just because I wanted to see you.”
“Of course! We’re friends you can ask me anything”
“I’ve been training a lot on my own recently because I wanted to surprise my dad with my progress but pretty soon I think I’m gonna ask him to personally train me. The UA entrance exams are pretty soon. And I want to make him proud”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine! You’re a great hero already with an amazing quirk. I think he’ll be proud of you no matter what you do”
“Are you sure?”
“Thanks. I’ve gotta go train, my exams are way sooner than yours. You’ve still got about 10 months right?”
“You honestly think I can make it senpai?”
“I don’t know. But I like you and you’ve got the right attitude so I want to support you. Who knows maybe you’ll make history as a quirkless hero.”
[Name] smiled and bid Izuku farewell as he headed off in the opposite direction intending to train even harder to become the number one. Everything in his life was primed so he would be the best. He was Icarus chasing after the sun on his man-made wings. But he was determined not to fall, not to drown and he refused to fail even if the sun burned him up upon first contact.
[Name] passed his entrance exams and was ranked number one in the incoming first year class. His first number one. The sports festival being his next goal, and once he finally had One For All, there’d be no one to stop him. He was sure of it. And that’s what he wanted to tell his father the day Yagi came home and excitedly told him he’d met and befriended a young boy from Mustafu called Izuku Midoriya. [Name] smiled brightly happy that the two of them had met and instead promised himself to bring the topic up the next morning.
The opportunity never came considering All Might had gone missing from the house every morning before [Name] woke up and he’d come home deflated and exhausted. [Name] would just smile at the exhausted Yagi and make the two of them dinner or tuck Yagi into the bed when he’d fall asleep on the couch. It was pretty easy for a telekinetic to tuck their dad into bed without waking him. Sometimes [Name]’s eyes and hands would glow and he’d flutter his fingers near Yagi’s temple sending him sweet dreams. After about two months of this [Name] decided to confront Yagi, and he camped out on the couch that faced the front door. When Yagi tried to sneak out [Name] spoke up
“Where are you going?”
“I’ve got some work to do early this morning”
“Everyday for two months?”
Yagi’s eyes widened, not knowing [Name] noticed his habits. And that was a part of the problem. [Name] paid attention to everything, he was a strategist who had a degree in All Might. It was how he and Midoriya became friends in the first place and why they continued to get along so well
“I’ve been training”
“For what” [Name] asked and at the slight downturn of his father’s smile he realized he’d been asking the wrong questions. “Where?” He received silence
“Who are you training dad? And don’t lie to a mind reader”
“I’ve been training Young Midoriya”
“For his entrance exams? Why not invite me? The two of us are friends and I can teach him how to spar”
“It’s just between the two of us, no need to wear yourself thin. Focus on training for the sports festival”
“I’ve been trying to ask you to train me. This is the perfect opportunity”
“Perhaps later my boy”
The disappointment barely got a chance to sit on [Name]’s face before he smiled “Have fun dad. Tell him good luck for me, yeah?” Yagi nodded and headed out the door, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. [Name] was a good kid.
[Name] returned to training alone, and cleaning up after his dad, and going to school, and listening to his dad lie, and smiling. But the feeling that he was missing something took over him and set him on edge. So he went for a walk. And who better to find than Izuku Midoriya and his dad training on a beach. [Name] reached up a hand to wave at them before realizing this is what was setting him on edge. His dad was paying more attention to his quirkless kohai than his own son. He felt another stabbing sensation similar to when Nighteye had betrayed him but this time the pain was in his chest and didn’t go away. It was accompanied by the desire to cry. And so [Name] stood there hysterical with a smile on his face and tears streaming down his cheeks. The taste of snot reaching his tongue through his teeth.
[Name] waited for them to finish training before he followed Izuku pretending to just casually bump into the boy. “Oh wow Izuku you’re shaping up. My dad says you’ve been training lately” [Name] knew the boy was horrible at lying and would probably nervously blurt out the truth between the two, and if he didn’t there was always the option of reading his mind.
“Hehe, yeah” Izuku chuckled nervously
“So what’re you training for exactly? I know you’re aiming for UA but what’s your strategy for passing the exams? Just regular old strength training?”
“Actually All Might’s been training me for something else entirely. I’ve got to go but I’ll talk about it more with you later okay?” Midoriya screamed behind him as he put some distance between the two. He was smart, smart enough not to look in [Name]’s direction anytime he lied, a strategy that kept him safe for months. All good things must come to an end.
[Name] showed up on the beach one afternoon and demanded to know what was happening. His expression was serious and his eyes glowed the moment they tried to placate him.
“I’ve been training Young Midoriya to be a hero” All Might started
“Yes I know that”  
“More accurately his successor” Midoriya finished
“Wait what” [Name] frowned
“I knew you approved of Young Midoriya becoming a hero and when I saw him save Young Bakugou from the attack I saw myself in him”
“I’M supposed to be your successor. You don’t see yourself in me? Your son?”
“Don’t Bubs me. And You!” [Name] whipped around furious, hurt in his eyes as he faced Midoriya “I told you all I ever wanted was to be like my father and make him proud. I befriended you and protected you when I could. On the day of the attack I told you I wanted to train with him and you stole him. You took him right from under me.”
“I’m sorry” Midoriya stuttered out “But you have a quirk. You don’t know what it’s like being powerless and picked on. He gave me a way out”
[Name] looked at Midoriya sympathetically, simultaneously wanting to reach out and hug the boy but also wanting to make him suffer. At [Name]’s conflicted silence Midoriya continued “Senpai, please. Can’t you just be happy for me? I’m finally getting to live my dream”
[Name] looked at him apathetically “Why would I be happy you sacrificed my dream for yours?”
“Please” they begged and oddly enough, they begged in harmony “Don’t go. Forgive us, we didn’t mean to hurt you” Their eyes were pleading almost as if they knew the second he turned his back on them, it would be the end of their relationship. [Name] got a high off of their suffering. It was the first time in months he’d truly felt happy. They got a taste of what he’d been feeling.
‘This is karma’ [Name] thought ‘God’s in his heaven and all's right with the world’ He looked at the two of them and smiled. A reassuring smile. They let out breaths they didn’t know they were holding in as he laid a hand on the side of each of their heads. “I’m sorry” he said sickeningly sweet “I’m not the forgiving type”
Neither All Might nor Midoriya had time to react before [Name]’s eyes glowed and he sent them into a nightmare where they were abandoned and lonely calling out for help only to be betrayed. [Name] walked home with his head feeling more clear than it had in weeks. He’d always thought of his father as God. And if he were God that would make [Name] Jesus.
God made Judas, and All Might made a hero out of Midoriya.
Things were awkward in [Name]’s house after that. Yagi and Izuku were still training, and so Yagi would come home to a dark house and no son to greet him. If [Name] was around when Yagi got home, he’d pretend not to notice or leave the room immediately and have his things float up to his room. Yagi knocked on his son’s door one day and though he got no response he knew [Name] was listening.
“You can still be a great hero my boy. I know you’ll do great things”
“There’s no room for me to be Number One while One For All exists”
Yagi was disheartened and walked away leaving it at that. The day of the entrance exams was coming up and Izuku would finally receive One For All. He hoped they could take it one day at a time from there, considering they’d all be attending the same school for the next few years. Midoriya went on to pass the entrance exams and earned a spot in class 1A. Yagi was ecstatic and Midoriya got a taste of what it felt like to be a hero.
The UA Sports Festival made for a grand spectacle where Izuku Midoriya had called out to the world and said “I Am Here”. He showcased an amazing power but also his poor control over said power. About a week after the festival, Izuku was attacked by villains who believed the key to his strength was in his DNA. They knew he wouldn’t sit still and let them pluck hairs, so the easiest way was to make him bleed. They ambushed him, subdued him and took him to a second location where he was bled and beaten to death. His body was found a week after his disappearance. Broken arms, legs and lacerations all over his body. The police suspected most of his injuries came from him trying to escape.
The villains couldn’t remember why they took him. The harder they tried to remember the worse their heads hurt and their eyes would glow red. Even Naomasa with his lie detector couldn’t pick up the truth. All the villains knew was that his blood was supposed to give them a boost, like some of the other illegal quirk boosters on the market. The suspects were released on bail and disappeared several hours later.
All might of course felt responsible and was weighed down with guilt. He had killed Young Midoriya through his own negligence. Heavy is the head that wore the crown. Yagi was strong enough to keep his head on his shoulders but he could not move from the position he was in.
He recalled a conversation between himself and [Name] a day or two after Midoriya’s disappearance. The boy who hadn’t smiled once since their fight on the beach gave a twisted smile as he asked “How’s your successor doing? Have they found his body yet?
Yes, All Might had done this to Young Midoriya himself. He played the part of instigator and now he was the secret keeper. He was to bear the sins of his son and himself as he prayed that unlike [Name], Young Midoriya up in heaven was of the forgiving type.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 4 years
Steven Stone Fluff Alphabet
To go along with my NSFW Alphabet, I decided to do some fluff for my favourite rock nerd. Hope you enjoy!
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
He loves being outside with you, going for hikes, walks and sea swims. Likes to learn with you too, wandering around museums and discovering new things about science, history and culture.
He probably won’t take you mining unless you’re really into it, it can be quite tedious and dangerous, but he loves when you help him polish stones, or help make them into decorations or jewellery.
He has a soft spot for lazy days where you two are draped across his couch watching trashy reality TV shows and fun, animated films
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Likes how kind and caring you are, not only to him, but to his Pokemon and almost everyone else.
He thinks you’re beautiful in every way, but he in particular thinks your eyes sparkle like the rarest, most precious gem he has ever seen.
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
Steven is a little oblivious, so you might have to tell him that you’re down, but as soon as he knows, it’s his mission to cheer you up! Lots of kisses and cuddles, your favourite meals delivered, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen. If you’re sad due to an insecurity, he will wax poetic about how amazing that part of you is to him.
If you’re very stressed due to work or school, and you finally have time off, he’s going to whisk you away to a sun-drenched beach in Alola, the finest room in Hotel Richissime in Lumiouse, or his gorgeous villa by the Batte Zone in Sinnoh (provided he hasn’t given it to some ten-year-old yet lol) to help you unwind and enjoy yourself.
When he’s down, he needs reassurance, and lots of physical affection. He might also throw himself into his work/hobbies to an extreme degree, skipping meals and sleeping little, so you’ll have to ensure he gets fed and a good few hours of sleep until he starts feeling better.
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
He would love a little family with you, a couple kids running around, maybe in Mossdeep, but he’s down with moving inland, or to your home region if you’re not from Hoenn, if you would prefer.
He definitely dreams about kissing you goodbye and ruffling his kiddos’ hair before he goes to work. Since his mother died when he was so young, he never really got to experience the classic nuclear family, so he longs to provide it to his own children.
He’d like to go back to college too, get his Masters and maybe PhD in Geology and work in that field. He really does not want to be involved with the Devon Corporation, so he hopes he can work with it as little as possible
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
I would say your relationship is equal for the most part, the only thing that tips the scales in Steven’s favour is his wealth and connections. He can get you things or into places that you, as a regular person, wouldn’t be able to at all otherwise.
He doesn’t hold this over your head, he finds people who do that rather gross, and he’s not your sugar daddy either. He does spoil you sometimes, but that’s just one way he expresses his fondness for you.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
Steven is a reasonable man, so I think once he’s calmed down and thought about it more, he’s ready to forgive you if you’re sorry, Now, this all depends on the nature of why you were in the wrong, if that’s the case. He will let small things slide, and is willing to compromise on bigger things, but if you do something like cheat on him, he will never forgive you.
When he is in the wrong though, he will own up to it, your relationship is more important than his pride.
He doesn’t go for cheap shots or low blows, and he only raises his voice if he is really pissed. If this is before you live together, and the fight occurs at his house, he will get you to leave, but makes sure you get home safe.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
So. Many. Rocks.
Seriously, your shelves will be filled with amethyst clusters and pretty pebbles. Some of this rocks will be jewels encrusted in some stellar accessories.
Beyond that, he’ll get you things he thinks you might need. Complaining about your coffee maker? He’s just gotten you a top of the line model with a prepaid subscription to receive new pods full of expensive Kalosian coffee every month for the next five years. Need a new bag? He’ll have one that costs double your rent shipped to you by the end of the day.
His gifts are expensive and high quality, but he does not buy you them for the sake of flaunting wealth. He just thinks you’d like them.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
Steven feels like nothing can bother him. His smile is wider and his eyes sparkle whenever he thinks of you. He compliments you all the time and gives you lots of tender kisses and touches, spoils you a bit too. He doesn’t really brag, he thinks your amazingness stands for itself.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
He just thought you were very pretty when you first met, very sweet and cute. Evidently he was correct :)
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
Steven rarely gets jealous. He’s not an arrogant guy in any way really, but he is confident in himself and in your relationship.
Things like money, power or status don’t threaten him, but appearance, particularity musculature, does. Steven’s quite the lean, slim guy, and sometimes he thinks he might not be strong or masculine enough for you, no matter how much you disagree. It honestly made him hurt a little when you jokingly called Leon, the Galar champion, a himbo.
When he is jealous, he gets a little stiff, he frowns, he holds onto you a little tighter if you’re around the person who makes him jealous. When he’s alone, he laments about it.
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
Steven is a suave, smooth kisser, each kiss makes you feel like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
Your first kiss with him felt right, he gently cupped your cheeks and kissed you slowly in a manner that portrayed exactly how he felt about you.
He likes to kiss your cheek and forehead, and sometimes your knuckles if he’s holding your hand.
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
He loves how kind you are, loves how you treat his Pokémon like each one is the cutest ever, even if they are decidedly not cute. He likes how you look after him, making sure he sleeps and eats, showing up to his house randomly with treats or just to visit him. He really appreciates it.
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
Making you his spouse would make him so happy!
His proposal would be very intimate, a night time picnic, either stargazing, watching fireworks or a meteor shower. He’d turn to you, with a soft smile, and tell you exactly how much you mean to him, and how much he loves you. Then, he would take out a small velvet box and ask you to marry him. The ring would be jaw-droppingly ornate, with your favourite gem in the middle.
The wedding would be intimate too, very swanky, with geode centrepieces and formal attire. He’d ultimately like to hold it in somewhere like Reflection Cave, but he’s down to hold it in a castle or hotel otherwise, with nice gardens of course.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He calls you sweetheart, darling, love, my gem.
You call him Stevie, babe and dreamboat. Sometimes rock nerd or dork if he’s going on about geology.
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
He’s pretty open, once you two have been together for a good while. He trusts you enough to tell you his insecurities and darkest thoughts, like how he feels burdened by the weight of his responsibilities, how his strained relationship with his father affects him, or how he still has trauma regarding the loss of his mother.
Just make sure to give him a big hug after he tells you, ok?
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
Steven cannot cook to save his life. He never needed to learn, they had a personal chef at home when he was growing up, and when he was older he would go out for food or get it delivered all the time. This continues when you get together, he always insists on paying.
That being said, he’s definitely up to learn, especially if you teach him, or if you can’t cook either, he’d love to learn with you.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
Steven has a super gentle, super careful touch, which means he gives the most amazing scalp massages. You have no choice but to melt when his fingers are caressing your head.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Extremely romantic, more elegant than corny. He wants you to know how beautiful and amazing you are, and he wants to put in effort to prove that point.
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
You do usually, he likes to watch you snooze before he falls asleep. He likes to have you close to him, but he can sleep without you just fine, not waking up next to you is really more of a pain to him.
For bad habits? Steven has a tendency to lose track of time and go to bed very late. It can be frustrating when you need a good cuddle before bed, and when you have to deal with a barely-conscious, sometimes grouchy Steven in the morning.  
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
If Steven wants to go somewhere or do something, he does because he has the luxury to. So when it comes to new experiences, like visiting somewhere new, trying a new activity, and you both want to go there or try it, he will have it organised straight away.
He only really has a routine when league business is in full swing, and when he is no longer champion, anything goes. Though if you have a routine, he will work around it.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Steven, due to his wealth and connections, had a habit of dropping everything to go on trips or rock-hunting whenever he felt like, which was detrimental to many of his relationships, mainly because he wouldn’t notify people before he left.
You, however, have taught him the importance of taking other people’s feelings and opinions into account. You’re so attentive with him, and in turn, he learns how to do just that with all the important people in his life.
You’re both kind people, who care deeply about each other and Pokemon
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
At the beginning, the relationship is just a luxury for him, something he enjoys, but not something he needs in his life. But the longer you two are together, the more important you and your needs become to him.
You definitely become his point of focus, your happiness is his goal. He doesn’t stop engaging in his hobbies and interests, but he does do so in a manner that disrupts your relationship the least.
You are his rock, the love of his life, and he puts you before everything.
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Cried while drunk at his Bachelor Party because he just really wanted to be married to you already and he could not understand why he had to wait to do so.
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
Steven is quite affectionate at home, lots of soft kisses, hugs and long cuddles.
In public, his displays of affection are very elegant and appropriate. He wants you to know he loves you and finds you beautiful, even when in public. He likes to hold your hand, or rest his on your hip or the small of your back.
Will kiss your lips as a greeting or to say goodbye, but will mostly stick to occasionally kissing your cheek or forehead when you’re out.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
Steven really starts missing you when there’s no way you can be together, like when he’s abroad and/or working. Usually during these times, he texts frequently and calls you at least once a day, provided he’s not stuck in some cave. He likes to gaze fondly at pictures of you, planning how he’ll make it up to you when you reunite
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)-
Of course! He is/was a champion after all, so he has his pokemon team, plus some random beldum floating around. You treat his like your own, and vice versa, so it’s a very happy household.
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snuggetfish · 3 years
I know that you're busy but would it be too much to ask about some Dadjima having a tea party with his little daughter, Bun-chan and maybe some other dolls and plushies 🥺? Bonus points if Majima's wife is taking photos of the tough Yakuza patriarch who is absolutely wrapped around little finger of a five year old and attending a very important meeting with Bun-chan. Bun-chan doesn't take shit and is a one hard negotiator.
I like to think that it's kind of a tradition for Majima and his little pride and joy to have those tea parties at least once a week (he really tries to make it but his line of work doesn't really allow to have a regular schedule.)
Even when she's a grown up the meet for tea in cute cafes for their quality father/daughter time.
Anon this is just the kind of sweet mental image I needed to get me through a tough week! 🥺💖💖 I wrote a short fic based on it and I hope it does your idea justice!
"Ya drive a hard bargain, Bun-chan," Majima declared, in between sips of his much-too-sweet tea, served in a much-too-small cup. He tried to sound poised and formal, offering the round bird plush his best “negociator” look, in spite of the awkward position he was hunched in.
"Bun-san!!" a feisty voice corrected from across the coffee table.
"Sorry, sorry where are my manners? Bun-san, o' course..."
“As I was sayin’, you and yer partner here”, he paused to glance at the dopey smile of a stuffed axolotl sitting to his right, “really know how to put the screws on a man.” 
The pink blob had been carefully posed with its front legs looped through the handle of a teapot and its head turned to stare right at Majima, or maybe right through him, for maximum intimidation. Like waiting to make its move, the moment Majima emptied his cup.“More tea, sir?” it would’ve said, in an ominous, froggy drawl.
Concealing a smile, he turned his attention back to his little daughter, who was supposedly preoccupied with fixing Bun-chan’s tie, but secretly stealing glances at him. Her big eyes sparkled with an eager hope, unmatched in intensity by any of the other beady gazes from around the table. Had daddy finally given in?
“So it's ok then? Sweets before dinner and I can stay at Midori-chan’s house tonight?” she questioned.
“Sweets before dinner once a week. An’ it’s gotta be a fruit, no chocolate. Ya can stay with yer little friend as long as ya like, “ Majima conceded, before dropping to a lower tone to add: “...provided ya hold up yer end of the deal too."
The girl squirmed on her seat, pouting.
“No more stayin’ up late, kiddo. We agreed on nine as bedtime.”
“...ten?” Seemed she wasn’t going to give up so easily.
“Nah, if momm— my advisor—” He briefly locked eyes with his wife, sat just an arm’s length away, teacup in one hand and camera in the other  “ —says ya gotta be in bed by nine, there ain’t no ‘buts’ about it. Girls need their beauty sleep, y’know?”
“But, but...
“What’d I say about ‘buts’?” 
“But then I don’t get to see you come home...”
The sentence hit Majima like a boulder to the chest. As much as he’d tried over the years to not let his work keep him busy late into the night, the days where he could arrive before the entire house had gone to bed were still few and far between. He felt foolish for thinking that maybe, with her mother always around, she wouldn’t notice his absence.
“Hey, c’mere,” he motioned to his daughter and she obliged. As soon as she was next to him, she pressed herself to his side, half trying to climb into his lap and half hiding her face in his shoulder. Majima’s hands instinctively went to hold her, rubbing small circles on her back.
“Listen honey, how about this: every night daddy’s home late ‘n yer already asleep... he promises to tiptoe in yer room to give ya an extra big smooch. That sound good?”
She wiggled a bit, angling her curious little face up at him.
“How big?”
“The smooch? Big enough that it wakes ya up... but only for a second! Then ya gotta go back to sleep.”
“Show me how big!” she kept wiggling.
“Need a down payment first, huh?” Majima chuckled and wasted no time bringing his lips to her soft cheek, squishing harder for every one of her delighted giggles. When he pulled away, she seemed almost disappointed it hadn’t evolved into a tickle fight.
But there was still business to discuss. And besides, the sweet scene had already been immortalized. Amidst the giggling, he was certain he’d heard the faint sound of a shutter going off.
“So, about our deal,” Majima began, certain now that he’d sweetened it enough to make his girl acccept it with no further grumbles.
The kid didn’t respond, instead sllipping out of his grasp and padding over to each of the plush participants. She whispered some words into each of their ears (or gills, in the axolotl’s case) and nodded gravely as she listened to their equally conspiratorial replies. Finally, she turned back to face her dad.
“My advisors told me to tell you:... yes.”
An afffectionate grin spread across Majima’s face and this time he made no effort to stop it.
“Well then, was a pleasure meetin’ with ya today, ladies, gentlemen...” 
He bowed his head in a parting gesture, but just as he was about to get up, tiny fingers tugged him back down. 
“Wait! How we gotta do the cup thing! 
The cup thing? He watched her hastily grab the lukewarm teapot and fill the two closest cups, Majima’s and Bun-chan’s, as it happened. Then with slow, ceremonious movements, she swapped their places, nudging them in front of their new owners before enunciating in a clunky Kansai:
“That’s how ya seal a promise!”  
Majima could do nothing but blink at his reflection in the clear liquid. Oh. The cup thing. Of course. Sakazuki. What 5-year-old yakuza daughter wouldn’t know about it?
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heywardsarchive · 4 years
Home [Harry Potter]
Requests closed! Based on this request by nonnie : id like to request a harry x gryffindor reader. its the yule ball and harry wants to ask y/n. but the other boys are all over her and he barely gets a chance. so basically y/n is cho but she says yes XD
Summary: Harry recalls a time when he wanted to ask y/n to the ball but couldn't gather the courage to ask her out.
Pairing: dad!Harry Potter x female reader
A/n: I think this is my favourite Harry fic I've written! Im a sucker for dad!Harry, basically any Harry. I just love that man.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Word count: 1.9k words
Memories are in italics
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It was bedtime on a snowy January night in the Potter household as Harry Potter tucked his oldest into bed. James, only eight years old, was an energetic young boy. He wasn't ready to sleep yet and he was determined to stay up. The only way he could do so was if his father told him a bedtime story.
"Daddy," he started pulling his dad's sleeve, "tell me a bedtime story."
Harry looked down at his son who was trying to look as innocent as possible. "James, it's time for bed."
"Please daddy!" He gave his best puppy dog expression, his eyes the same as the woman harry loved most, and Harry melted. Both mother and son knew how to use their eyes to their advantage.
"Alright fine, call Albus and Lily and I will tell you a bedtime story."
James excitedly jumped out of bed and brought his siblings into his bedroom.
"Alright kids, what bedtime story do you want to hear?" Harry sat down on the bed beside the three children. "Tell us about the first time you had a date with mummy!" Albus said and lily and James nodded in enthusiasm.
"Alright then. So the first time we went on a date was when we were in our fourth year in Hogwarts. Remember the time I told you about the wizard tournament I was in?..."
The triwizard tournament, a disaster for Harry. He had unwillingly got thrown into a game he wanted no part of. He managed to complete the first task but the hardest part was yet to start. He needed to find a date for the Yule ball. In his opinion fighting a dragon was easier than asking a girl out.
He knew who he wanted to take but he was yet to gather the guts to ask her. He saw her multiple times over the week but everytime there was a distraction. Whether it was her friends pulling her away or a teacher snapping at him to pay attention. Harry was unable to get to her.
Ron too was struggling, unable to find a date. "Mate, you fought a dragon if you can't get a date nobody can." He told him as they walked through the courtyard of Hogwarts. "Right now, I think I'd take the dragon." Harry sighed. Ron patted his back. Harry's eyes drifted toward the crowd of students, his gaze stopping on her. Y/n l/n, she was the nicest girl in Hogwarts and everyone was her friend. She and Harry were acquaintances, they weren't close per se. Harry had been crushing on her since the end of third year when she helped him in potions.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting on a table doing potions work while everyone around them were talking about their dates to the ball. A boy sitting to Harry's right was whispering to his friend. Harry tried not to listen but potions was boring and he heard y/n's name and his ears perked up.
"Have you heard? David Arden asked y/n to the ball. She turned him down , do you think I have a chance?" He asked hopefully. The boy beside him, the friend he was talking to, scoffed. "She turned down David Arden, he's literally every girl's crush. What makes you think you have a chance? Besides she's turned down all the 5 guys who asked her out this week."
Harry returned to his work. 5 guys asked her out and she turned all of them down? What chance do I have now. He thought to himself. "Ron, do you think y/n will go with me to the ball?" He shook his best friend's shoulder. "You're the boy who lived mate, she'd definitely agree."
"She's turned down 5 boys this week ron! What if she turns me down too." Harry sighed. "You will never know if you don't try." Ron shrugged.
Harry made up his mind he was going to ask her out that evening.
"Did you do it daddy? Did you ask her to the ball?" Little Lily asked excitedly. Albus shushed his sister. "Let daddy finish!" Harry chuckled and continued. "As I was saying..."
Harry kept avoiding the fact that he had to ask y/n to the ball. He made excuses to do it later but the more he delayed it the higher the chance of him not getting to go with her higher.
As he returned from the great hall after dinner, he ran into y/n. The person he wanted to speak to. "Im so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." She apologized. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't looking either." Harry chuckled awkwardly.
"I'll be going then." She smiled, but hesitated a bit. "Hey Harry-" "y/n-" they started at the same time. They laughed. "You go first." She said.
"Uh sure, I uh wanted to ask you if you uh wanted to um gototheballwithme." He stuttered.
"Im sorry, what did you say?"
"Do you want to go to the ball with me?" He said, slowly this time.
"What did she say?? Did she say yes daddy? Did she??" Albus asked this time. "Ofcourse she said yes dummy, they're married!" James said to his brother.
Y/n bit back a smile. "Yes, I'd love to."
Harry felt a blush creep up his neck. "Uh great, that's amazing. Uh what did you want to ask me?"
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me but I guess you beat me to it." She smiled shyly. "I'll be going then, see you soon Harry." She kissed his cheek and walked to her common room.
Harry stood glued to the spot with his hand on his cheek a smile on his face. "You good mate?" Rons voice startled him, snapping him out of his trance. "Im brilliant, never better. I asked y/n to the ball and she said yes! Ron she said yes!" "Good job man, I knew you could do it!" Ron pat his best friend's back.
That night Harry fell asleep with a smile on his face.
"How was the ball dad? Did you have fun?" James asked curiously.
"Oh yes, we had the time of our life."
The day of the ball couldn't come faster. Harry's excitement was uncontrollable. He kept practicing his dance steps and talked to himself in the mirror causing Ron to shake his head and pass comments about Harry being 'whipped'. He didn't mind though, he was whipped.
Finally the day was here. Harry stood at the bottom of the staircase and waited for his date to arrive. He looked around the hall, it was decorated with Christmas decor, snow was charmed to fall, there were icicles on the ceiling and everyone was dressed up in beautiful attire.
As Harry was looking around, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hello Harry." It was y/n. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress. Harry forgot how to speak.
"Did you actually forgot how to speak daddy?" Giggled Lily. "It's a saying lils." James explained to his sister.
"You look beautiful." He finally got out. "Thankyou haz, you look dashing yourself." She poked his chest playfully. Harry blushed at the nickname.
"Potter! There you are. We are waiting for the champions. You dance first." Professor McGonagall said. "Wh-what?" Harry stuttered.
"Yes! Now go on we don't have all night." She hurried both the teens.
"I really can't dance, I'm going to make a fool of myself." Harry whispered to y/n. "It's alright, just follow my lead." Harry nodded in relief.
As the champions entered the hall, Harry's grip on y/n:s hand tightened. She squeezed back to comfort him. Everyone's eyes were on them and Harry was feeling self conscious. They stood on stage and Harry placed his hands on y/n's waist and she on his shoulders. "It'll be fine." She mouthed. Harry nodded. His hands were getting clammy and his mouth dried.
The music started playing and all the champions started to waltz to the sweet melody. Both if them swayed to the music and Harry spun her around. He was starting to enjoy it. At last the dance floor was open to all. The attention was off Harry and he felt much better.
Y/n pulled Harry's hands to a more open space on the dance floor and started dancing to the upbeat song. "Dance with me!" She laughed. Harry looked at her and smiled. They both danced badly at the songs, having the time of their life.
Soon they left the dance floor to go and have some refreshments. "You know, I thought you'd turn me down." Harry said sheepishly. "Why would you think that?" Y/n asked curiously. "Because I heard you turned down 5 boys in the same week and I thought you'd turn me down too." "I turned down the other boys because I wanted to go with you." She placed a hand on his cheek.
"I really like you y/n. Im glad we came together." Harry whispered, his face moving closer to hers, staring into her eyes. "I really like you too haz. Alot." She closed the gap between them.
It was blissful. Harry didn't feel the butterflies that others say happen on your first kiss, it felt like coming home, it felt right. It was perfect. When they pulled away Harry realised that he had found the one he wanted to be with forever.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Harry asked her. "Definitely." Y/n said kissing him once again.
"Ewww." Gagged all the children when Harry mentioned that they kissed. "Daddy has the cooties." Albus said in disgust. "I think it's cute." James said proudly. Harry laughed and ruffled his hair.
"What's going on here?" Y/n entered the room. "Daddy was telling us about the Yule ball!" Lily exclaimed. "Was he now?" Y/n said smiling at her family. "It truly was a great experience. Maybe when you go to Hogwarts you'll have one too!"
"Alright it's time for bed now. Let's get you tucked in." Harry clapped his hands. James settled himself on the bed and Harry kissed his forehead and shit the door. He tucked Albus while y/n tucked lily.
Shutting the door, Harry pulled his wife toward him. "I love you. You've given me three lovely children and the best life I could ever imagine. You stood by md through everything. I don't deserve you." He kissed her forehead.
"Oh haz, you have gone through so much you deserve everything and more and you make me the happiest woman alive. I love you so much." She kissed his lips.
Just like the day of the yule ball, this kiss felt right. Harry was home and he never wanted to leave.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
He and Harry had a fight last week... James said he didn’t like him anymore.’’ Ginny looked at her mother, looking a little sadder now. ‘’Harry cried.’ Would you consider writing their fight and then James Sirius apologizing? I was (re)reading this today and I just love it
thank you anon! you can also read it on AO3, if you want :)
the last part, is the content of the letter that james wanted to send to Harry, i hope you liked it! <3  PART 1, i think? idk, but the fanfic that anon referred to
Ginny didn't quite know what was going on when she got home, exhausted from yet another tiring day at work, with sexist coaches who didn't listen to what she had to say in the interviews, and other journalists who didn't care about the ideas she had proposed.
She did not expect to feel so miserable when she agreed to work on the Prophet.
But either way, she was happy that Harry managed to cut the workload that month, spending more time at home with the kids, especially now that James was six and started going to school, Teddy had just gone for Hogwarts, Albus was at a stage where he just wanted to be with his father, and Lily had her teeth born and was in a bad mood.
They hadn't had much of a problem with James at school so far, he had adapted, made friends, done homeworks, and was well controlled with his own magic, occasionally exploding or making things fly.
Nothing too dangerous and that they couldn't fix.
In the last week James' classes were suspended when 7 of the 12 children caught lice, luckily James was not one of them, so the boy seemed a little anxious about the sudden change in routine.
But today it looked like a war had broken out in the middle of their living room. Lily was taking all the clothes out of the clean laundry basket, Albus was on top of the trunk where they kept some old things, with his knee shredded and looking like he was waiting to make a dressing, while Harry and James argued beside him.
Ginny knew that the combination of her and Harry would make children easy to explode, but she realized that James had an extreme facility in getting Harry off track, much more so than Lily or Albus did. Albus knew how to irritate his brothers, and Lily only irritated them with her loud crying and childish antics like throwing things, but James was at that stage where he challenged his parents to find out how far he could go. Teddy had been there, too, but it was with Ginny that he could do it most easily.
However James seemed to know exactly what to do to have an angry Harry.
'James,' Harry asked, eyes closed as if asking for patience, it probably wasn't the first time they had had that conversation.
'I just wanted to fly!' James shouted angrily, his cheeks red.
'And didn't I tell you that you couldn't do that?' Harry countered, running a hand through his hair. 'How many times have I told you that neither you, or Albus, could fly alone?'
'But Albus was there because he wanted to! I didn't tell him to follow me.' The little one looked as furious as his father, his arms crossed in front of the small body just as Ginny did when she argued with someone. 'Why can Lily fly and I can't ?!'
'I was with her, she was not alone, you know that very well. I said that we could fly later, and that I would go with you- ’
'But you worked all day, and then the night would come and we would not be flying! Again!'
'James... You could have hurt Albus! Or hurt yourself.' Harry pointed out, looking as alarmed as if it had actually happened. As far as Ginny could see from the entrance to the Living Room, only Albus was a little hurt, and he didn't even seem to want to cry or anything.
'Oh, of course, if something happens to the precious Albus, it's the end of the world!' James threw his arms up, as if giving up, and before Harry was able to answer him, he shouted; 'I hate you!' And he ran off, tears streaming down his face as he climbed the stairs as fast as he could, his little legs not helping him to be too fast, but Harry didn't follow him either, which helped James get to the room and slam the door.
Harry sighed, hands on his tired face, and Ginny was still a little paralyzed at the door, thinking about what had happened. 'Mum!' Lily shouted, now sitting in the empty clothes basket, making the other two look at her.
'Hello my loves.' Ginny smiled going over to Albus and kissing him on the cheek, realizing how scared he looked. 'Hi my love, how are you?' She preferred to act as if she had just arrived, looking at his grated knee, still a little dirty with grass.
'Fine, I just fell.' He smiled, the little children's teeth a little dirty from what looked like chocolate.
'It'll be okay,' Ginny promised, casting a simple healing charm and placing him on the floor, before of course, she kissed the small scar that remained. Nothing too serious, but it was a tradition that helped them to be less afraid of when they needed to apply potions or other healing spells that were stronger.
They were a Weasley-Potter, after all, they were always falling.
'Hi my other love,' She smiled at Harry, hugging him, but realizing that he seemed a little reluctant to speak. He just smiled awkwardly, kissing her forehead and letting her go to be hugged by Lily, who had managed to topple the basket of clothes to be able to crawl out and run into her mother's arms. 'And my other love.'
'Hi mommy!' Lily cried awkwardly, hugging Ginny back, and hanging from her neck so she could be picked up.
'And where's my other love?' Harry sighed at her question, waving his wand and causing all the clothes to levitate, to be folded, and to go back into the basket.
'Up there,' Harry murmured. 'Do you take care of them? I'm going to prepare dinner.' Ginny nodded, lowering Lily to the sofa when Albus asked her to play with him and the Lego castle he had won from Percy.
‘Mommy, come and play with us!’ Albus asked, seeming not even to remember the fight between his father and brother anymore, amused by the pieces and teaching Lily how to stack the blocks too - even though she seemed willing to just destroy everything.
‘I’m coming, okay? Let me just go and say hi to James, and I'll be back here, okay?’ She promised, crouching in front of them, drawing all the attention to herself. ‘No mess and fights, Mom will be back.’
'Daddy and James fought,' Al whispered, as if it were a secret.
'Bad James,' Lily added, crossing her arms as she could, to look like her brother.
'They are just stressed, and he’s not bad. Now, I'll be right back.' Ginny left the room and went up to the second floor, still listening to the conversations between Albus and Lily, and the sounds of pots and dishes, much louder than usual, and she imagined that Harry was more angry at what he looked like while fighting with James.
Ginny knocked on the door to their eldest son's room, the photo hanging next to her made her smile, a picture of when they went ice skating, a few days before Teddy received the letter from Hogwarts, he and James were smiling from ear to ear. ear, while she and Harry still needed to hold hands to keep steady and not fall.
She hated it when she or Harry lost patience with their kids, when they got carried away by the tantrum. They should have known that the best thing to do when it happened was to just get away, let the kids scream alone for a few minutes, before they came back calmer and managed to talk to them.
'Hi my love,' Ginny murmured, opening the door and entering James's room, it was colder than usual inside, and maybe he had done accidental magic for this to happen and he could be hidden under the covers. 'It's Mommy.'
'I don't want to say anything.' James' voice was muffled by the pillow and the covers, but she could still tell that he was crying.
Ginny sat on the bed next to him, her hand on what she imagined was his shoulder. 'I heard that you and Daddy had a fight, is it true?'
'He hates me.' Ginny smiled sadly, denying and sighing.
'He doesn't hate you my love, and hating someone is a very strong thing to say, I promise you, he is just tired, and you need to help him a little too.'
'But he wasn't going to fly with me, and I just wanted to fly.' James uncoveredlooking at Ginny with brown eyes wet with tears. 'He only cares about Lily and Albus, he doesn't even love me anymore.'
'James, of course not, your father loves you very much, which is why he was concerned that you might get hurt. You know you can't fly alone, it's very dangerous.' She held out her arms for James to crawl onto her lap as if he were still a baby - for her, he always would be - and put him against her chest, cradling her body a little from side to side to calm his crying. 'Dad was just worried that you would get hurt. Besides, you are the older brother, and Lily is still very small and needs help to do a lot of things, just as Albus still needs more help. You are my big boy already, and you have to help them, and not go flying without authorization.’
'But he yelled at me.' James sobbed, holding Ginny's shirt in his hands, hiding his face like he did when he was a kid.
'Look, what Dad did was not right, but you didn't make it easy either. Both are wrong… Dad is having dinner, go take a shower, okay? I promise that tomorrow we can fly together.' James nodded, still glued to his mother, like a sloth clinging to a tree trunk. 'I love you my baby.'
'Me too,' he murmured, without further tears.
Dinner had been… tense, to say the least. Proving that he was Harry's son, James spent the whole dinner in silence, sullen, without even looking straight up, just as Harry was, determined to eat the lasagna without saying anything.
If it weren't for Albus chattering, and Lily trying to imitate him, they would have eaten entirely in silence.
After all the children were in their beds, sleeping soundly, and the house was quiet for another reason, Ginny lay on their bed, waiting for Harry to get out of the bath. They hadn't talked much, and he didn't even want to go shower with her, so she just waited, sitting on the bed while pretending to read the last pages of the romance Angelina gave her. Of course, the words didn't make much sense in her head, she couldn't concentrate, but she had to hide her nervousness.
When Harry finally got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, damp, messy hair, and still that sullen look, Ginny couldn't take it anymore; ‘Can you tell me what happened?’
Harry looked at her quickly over his shoulder, before entering their closet and disappearing, still in silence. Ginny can hear the drawers opening and closing, and then she can see Harry coming back from there wearing old shorts that almost didn't stop at his hip anymore. If he wasn't so sullen, she would try to ease the tension he carried on his broad, bare shoulders.
'He and I had a fight.' That was all he said, throwing himself on the bed next to her and covering himself, looking like he was about to go to sleep.
'It's not me you're mad at, don't be an idiot.' Ginny dropped the book on the nightstand, not turning off the lamp beside her, staring at Harry with determination.
He sighed, sitting up too. 'I was taking care of Lily, now that she is coming out of diapers it looks like she wants to pee every minute, and I asked him to keep Albus playing. They were in the garden, and James had already asked me to fly with him, but I was solving ten problems at the same time and making sure our daughter didn't pee on the couch, so I asked him to hope that later on maybe we could fly… But he is your son, after all, and he managed to break the lock on the shed and get a broom.' Ginny shouldn't laugh, she knew that, but she smiled, a little proudly. 'When I went down with Lily, I could only see Albus flying too, unbalanced, not much more than a meter from the ground, and James going up without control. There was no time and Al fell, but I had to make James levitate because the broom was very uncontrolled and he was unable to get it down.’
'It was my fault, I know, I shouldn't... I should have put a different lock on or I don't know, and,' He stopped, hiding his face with his hands again, denying. 'And I lost my temper because I had said that he couldn't fly alone, and Albus was crying on the ground and James looked scared when he realized he was too high... I shouldn't have screamed.'
'You were angry,' Ginny reminded him, realizing how sad Harry looked at this. ‘And worried.’
'But I should have known that when I forbidden him, he would try to do exactly what I said not to.'
'He's a child, Harry, of course he's going to do everything we say he can't.' She said what he usually said to her, when Ginny was worried about Teddy at Hogwarts after he spent two weeks without sending letters, even after she asked him to update them every week.
'He said he hates me, Ginny.' Harry finally looked at her, his eyes watering. Again, her heart broke.
‘Oh, Harry, of course not.’ This time, she didn’t wait for him to come to her embrace, as she did with James, Ginny preferred to hug Harry herself. 'He was just nervous.'
'I did everything wrong,' Harry denied, crying even more, as if he had held his emotions up until now, as if just inside their room was a safe place for him to finally let go. 'He didn't say it like it was nothing, I saw Gin, I saw that he was upset, he meant it.'
'He didn't want to, of course not..Look at me, no, no, Harry, look at me...He doesn't hate you, and you didn't do everything wrong, I probably would have done the same thing, you're just tired.' Ginny stared at him, forcing him to look at her too, her hands holding his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. 'You are the best father they could have, the best I could have chosen to be their father, you will see, tomorrow you will be calmer and everything will be fine.'
'I hate to fight with them.' Harry hid his face on her neck, tears wetting Ginny's skin, his hands tightening on her waist as if to make sure she stayed there, with him. ‘I don’t like them to cry because of me.’
'It's the side that nobody tells you about being parents, love.' She laughed softly, trying to calm the mood. 'But he doesn't hate you, I promise you that... I'm sure you are still his hero, and the person he loves the most in this whole world. You are not a bad father.’
The next morning, Harry got up first, he heard noises downstairs and knew that probably one of the children was already awake and wanting to make a mess. Passing through the rooms just to check, he saw that Albus was still asleep, and that Lily seemed far from waking up, but James' bed was empty, which wasn't too strange, since the boy seemed to still be keeping up with his early morning routine to go to school, even in that week of recess.
He heard footsteps as he approached the kitchen, an owl hooting loudly at the window, and low murmurs. ‘Stay still.’
'James?' Harry watched as his son tried to tie the letter to the animal's leg, which was trying to get away from him. James was on top of a chair, leaning over the counter, trying to pull Pandora’s closer.
‘Dad!’ Pandora flew away with his cry, without the letter, seeming to frustrate the boy.
'What are you doing? Who do you want to send a letter to?’ Harry was careful to move towards James, but he was happy when his son accepted his arms to come down. He still felt guilty.
'Hm... for you.' James looked at the floor, looking embarrassed.
'Me?' Harry knelt in front of him, staying in his line of sight. ‘Why don’t you just give it to me?’
'I thought it would take you longer to wake up.'
'I heard you coming down the stairs,' Harry said, looking into his son's eyes.
'Are you still mad at me?' James asked quietly, holding the letter tightly in his hand.
‘No, my love… I’m sorry for yesterday, I didn’t want to yell at you, I was nervous and I was worried that you might get hurt.’
'I'm sorry for flying without permission, and I didn't want Albus to have followed me for this either, I didn't see him.' James said. Harry felt so bad all night, unable to sleep in peace, conscience weighed down by having yelled at James, thinking about how sad he looked when he said he hated him.
'It was very risky, you could have been seriously injured.' The two looked at each other, Harry pulled his son close to him. ‘I don’t want you to do it again, okay? You can fly, but only with me or mom, never alone.' He whispered against the boy's hair, hugging him tightly, as if that alone could heal the pain he had felt.
'I didn't mean to say that I hated you, either.' James hugged Harry back, looking sly. ‘I don’t hate you.’
'I love you, Jamie. A lot.' He planted a kiss on his son's head, not caring for the tears that seemed to want to appear in the corner of his eyes.
‘Me too, Dad.’
I'm sorry for yelling at you, it wasn't my intention. I don't hate you, I was just nervous, I'm sorry again.
Love you
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