#as a whole grown ass man. you came up with the idea ALL on your own to involve yourself by throwing genocide survivors
[talk of CSA, grooming, human trafficking, sex trafficking, victim-blaming and apologism for all of the above cw. i will be on about these books' bullshit @ five until the day i die and it just keeps getting worse lmao]
i hate the narrative's half-assed attempt at giving ethan a retroactive redemption arc for a lot of reasons, and one of them is that like. five is literally, non-metaphorically a survivor of human trafficking. he was just passed on to an alien cult instead of the kind of people he'd have ended up with in the real world. and that is before you add in the blatant, BLATANT thinly veiled metaphor for sex trafficking in specific.
(fun game: go through just about any scene of his that mentions power or importance once ethan comes in, and replace it with sex, sexuality, and being attractive/desirable. bring one bucket to heave into and another full of bleach for your eyeballs. enjoy!)
and like, there's so much to unpack here. so much! but the fact that these books try to make you feel more compassion for--try to get you to absolve of WAY more guilt--a sex trafficker who did it for his own gain, and to save his own skin, than the child we watched him traffic is just utterly, breathtakingly magical
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carpenterswife · 5 months
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SUMMARY: Despite appearances, you’d learnt Soldier Boy was, actually, capable of being a good man. Somehow, you’d wormed yourself into his good books, and had the rarest privilege of seeing him without the suit, the drugs, the ego, the everything. Just as things were going good, his heart somehow getting even warmer for you, the world separates you in the cruelest way.
PAIRING: Soldier Boy x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI. Sexism (set in the 1980’s), typical Soldier Boy behaviour, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, questionable morals (peer pressuring drug use), sexual content, eludes to smut, Soldier Boy may be a bit OOC at times, gore.
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Becoming a world famous supe was never something you’d ever wanted. Sure, you’d grown up with their photos on your bedroom walls, your father telling you stories of when the first ever supe came to be, insisting he fought alongside the Soldier Boy in the war
The people around you seemed to idolise them. These… mostly regular people in tight suits, pretending to be better than everyone else.
You knew better. You knew enough. Enough to know supes were dirty, and corrupt, and definitely not the heroes they presented themselves to be. That their hands were more blood than they were skin anymore.
And, frankly, you wanted nothing to do with Vought or Payback — or whatever the fuck those shitty, useless superhero teams were called. (Seriously, what did they actually do? Except sit in their pretty tower and take the peoples’ taxes?)
Your father, however, had different ideas.
So, at 18, you woke up in the hospital, after an ugly head collision, with superpowers you’d never had before. A miracle, the doctors called it, a supe whose extraordinary powers had been hidden for her whole life. When you got home, you forced the truth out of your father. Compound V, he called it, a new chemical made by Vought.
No one was born a supe, he admitted, it all came from a liquid in a vial. The truth hurt you, as much as it didn’t really surprise you. Chosen by God, my ass.
This wasn’t supposed to be your life.
But it’s certainly what it turned out to be.
Payback were as shitty, if not more, than you’d originally thought. Each of them had… many flaws. Soldier Boy, obviously, was the worst. If the Devil reincarnated himself, he’d look and act like Soldier Boy.
Simply talking to the man made you want to shoot yourself.
Well… it did at one point.
Two years down the line, things had changed. Soldier Boy was still insufferable, sexist, arrogant, and a major asshole. But… he wasn’t so much a dick directly to you, as he used to be. In fact, if you didn’t know better, you’d say he was actually somewhat nice to you. As much as his macho heart could manage, anyway.
You noticed it the first time when he saved your life on a mission. He’d grabbed your waist when a grenade clinked at your feet, whirling you around and to the ground, squashing you against his firm chest, using his shield to protect you both from the hot blast. He’d shrugged it off as nothing; as something any leader would do for his team. Then you watched him hit Gunpowder about for not following his order to a T, and realised… maybe he did treat you different.
It was undeniable these days.
You were the only person on Payback that Soldier Boy could remotely tolerate.
“You need’a be more careful.” Despite the hard look on his face, Soldier Boy was staring down at you, as a Vought doctor wrapped clean bandages tightly around your midsection. It was a bullet to the wound; which, with being a supe, wouldn’t be too bad, but you didn’t heal inhumanely fast like he did. “You’re fuckin’ useless when you’re hurt.”
You rolled your eyes. “Thanks for your concern, Soldier Boy.”
His eyes narrowed into a harsh glare. “Ben.” He corrected you, for what was probably the 50th time. Each time he did, he got more annoyed with you. “How many times do I have to say it? Is there a brain in that pretty head’a’yours?“
You grunted, spinning on the bed and hanging your legs off the side of it. “Thanks for the compliment.” Ben rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, not offering a hand as you groaned in discomfort and got to your feet. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be healed up by the time we set off for Nicaragua, if that’s what you’re worried ‘bout.”
Ben just grunted, displeased. “Ain’t happenin’.” He immediately shot that idea down. “We leave for Nicaragua in two weeks. You ain’t comin’. Sit this one out.”
You stared, expecting a joke. Clearly, he wasn’t. “Seriously?” You groaned, unhappy. What was it with this guy? “I’ll be fine. It’s a silly little bullet.”
“I was holdin’ your fuckin’ guts in your body.” He walked away, reminding you of just how bad your injury actually had been. He had, indeed, practically been keeping your guts inside of you as you bled out. “You ain’t going. You’re stayin’ here.” You chased after him, pulling your shirt on as you left the infirmary.
He whirled around to face you. “I said, you’re fucking staying.” He growled, glaring down at you. God, were you glad you were on his side. This man was terrifying. Six feet of pure muscle, strength and violence. “You’re better off here, using that face of yours to get some PR.”
“And, what? The others will back you up?” You scoffed, grabbing his wrist as he went to walk away again. His expression went cold at your touch, but you didn’t flinch. As much as he tried to scare you, Ben wouldn’t raise a hand at you… probably. You had faith in the man. “They can’t fight for shit, Ben. Gunpowder hasn’t even discovered his own dick yet. You think you’re gonna have your back covered out there?”
He ripped his wrist away harshly. “I don’t need my back covered.”
“Everyone needs their back covered.” You argued. “Even you.”
He chuckled, sarcastic and dry. “You worried ‘bout me, princess?” You gave him a ‘seriously?’ look, as he took a step closer, mouth curled into that ever-infuriating smirk. “I’d perform better if you sent me off with a taste of that—“
“Ben.” You interrupted him, unimpressed. You rolled his eyes at his predictable behaviour. “I’m not gonna fuck morale into you.”
“Shame.” His eyes flicked up and down, tracing the curves of your body. “Bet you’d be a firecracker.” He walked away again, and you threw your hands up, groaning. Ben chuckled as he turned the corner. “Think it over, sweetheart.”
“You’ve got a hand.” You called back to him. “Use it!”
Conversations like that were very common with Ben.
It’d be a normal conversation (as normal as it gets with him) — and then he’d start talking about fucking you against the nearest surface, and all pleasantries went down the drain. Seriously, he thought 80% with his dick, and 20% with his actual brain.
And that was being kind.
But, beneath all of his macho assholery, was his genuine worry. You knew he wasn’t letting you accompany the rest of the team to Nicaragua because of your injury, despite how minor it was, and that he was worried you’d injure yourself further.
You’d never slept with Ben, despite how much he’d tried to charm you into his bed. Your relationship was strange. He flirted, you flirted — there were lingering touches. And, sure, he’d never put his dick in you, but his fingers were a different question. And… oh, boy, could that man use his hands.
It was like being in a relationship, just without the sex. Which was odd, as it was Soldier Boy. But, the way he smiled at you and treated you, it made you feel different to the other women.
He was just… shit it showing it.
Poor bastard wouldn’t know emotion if it slapped him in the face.
━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━
“I am not wearing this.”
Okay… scratch all of that. Maybe Ben was just a dickhead.
He lounged back in his chair, grinning lazily, legs spread like he owned the place. He probably thought he did. “Why not?” He took a sip of his whiskey, ice clinking against the sides, eyes never leaving you from over the rim of the glass.
You held up the fabric. “Seriously?”
It was basically a scrap of fabric, with how much it covered up. You didn’t shy away from showing skin. You quite liked short skirts and pushing the line. Because, as a supe, there was a line. Vought liked it when you showed skin — apparently it made your ratings go up with the male fans, no shocker. But, too much skin on display, the male fans started calling you a whore, and the ratings shot back down.
It was a bit like a balancing game, trying to find the perfect amount of skin to make the boys ogle but also respect you. An impossible feat, truthfully.
And this? This was definitely classed as too much.
“I don’t see the issue.” His smirk said otherwise.
“My tits are not gonna stay in this, Ben!”
His smirk just grew. “Again, I don’t see the issue.”
You groaned and put the dress down. “No. I’ll get my own dress. I am not wearing that.” You tell him, arms folding across your chest. You didn’t miss the way he checked out your tits, and the way the placement of your arms accentuated them.
He rolled his eyes, obviously not happy with your decision. Leaning towards, elbows on his knees, Ben’s eyes took you in. “Why?” His head cocked to the side. “You’d look hot. It’d make your ass look great.”
“That’s not a compliment.” You grumbled, pushing a hand through your hair. Ben made a small grunt of disagreement, but didn’t say anything otherwise. “Listen, there’s a certain line. Alright? If I wear that, every guy out there will be callin’ me a whore. Okay? Imma find something else.”
He hummed and sat back. “I think you should wear that one.” Sighing heavily, you just rolled your eyes at his persistence. “All those assholes will be blowin’ their pants just lookin’ at you, sweetheart.”
“Again, not a compliment.”
Ben stared at you, and silently took another sip of his whiskey. He always seemed to think these crude, rather sexist and inappropriate remarks were compliments. Like commenting on your body. Or saying you’d be a freak in bed. Which were obviously not actually compliments.
You rolled your eyes, rubbing your forehead. “I’ll find another dress, Ben.” You told him, definitive. There was no way he was going to convince you to wear that dress.
“What a disappointment.” He grinned, lopsided. “I was lookin’ forward to seein’ you in that dress.”
“Again,” you deadpanned as he checked you out once more, “you have a hand… use it.”
Ben just smirked, and sipped his whiskey again.
━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━
You wore the fucking dress.
The asshole always won. Always.
He looked so fucking pleased, as you walked into his after-party, wearing the dress he’d picked out for you. His smugness was clear, brushing through the crowd with ease to come to you.
Ben hummed, eyes dilating as he stared you down. His eyes lingered on your tits, as they always did. “You look…” he hesitated, trying to think of a compliment that wasn’t degrading, and failed, “fuckin’ hot. If you weren’t such a bitch, I’d bend you over right here.”
Your face pulled together in disgust, looking at him with your lips pressed together “… gross.”
He chuckled. “Drink?” He offered. “I got your favourite.”
And there he goes again.
Being nice.
It did your damn head in.
Accepting his offer, you shivered as his large hand landed on the small of your back, guiding you through the crowd. They all seemed to part like the Red Sea as he came through, a fact that amused you greatly.
Seriously. These women looked at him like he was Jesus reincarnated, when he’d totally call them in a whore in bed.
Ben silently reached out for your favourite alcoholic drink, pouring it into a glass. His eyes scanned over the room, smirking at a few of the women ogling, sending them rushing to their friends and squealing. He merely chuckled and handed you the full glass.
“Thanks.” You murmured, taking it from him. Your eyes stared up at him for a moment, curious, before looking away again.
What was it with him? How could be such an egotistical one minute, and then be nice and respectful the next? It was like a guessing game, trying to figure out what mood he was in.
He grabbed your wrist, his grip firm, but not enough to hurt you. “Come with me.” He guided you through the crowd once again, to the doors in the back. As he pushed through into the room, he flashed you a cocky grin over his shoulder. Dickhead.
This room was far quieter. You noticed, immediately, the only people present were supes and celebrities, not the random civilians that’d been granted a pity invite — or the women Ben thought were hot. This was the main party. There were drugs covering every table, with various big names passed out on the chairs, blazed.
Ben lead you to the corner, where he’d obviously already been busy, if the half-snorted lines of cocaine proved anything.
Silently, he offered you a line, which you gratefully accepted.
You didn’t do drugs before you joined Payback. In fact, you’d avoided them, promising yourself you’d never become that type of person. But it was the norm within Vought. Every supe spent their nights filling their bodies to the brim with various drugs, poisoning themselves. So, you started smoking weed to fit in.
Then Ben found out you only did weed, and decided it wasn’t enough. With enough pressure, he’d gotten you onto any other substance he could convince you to try.
It made you more attractive, in his eyes, as you spiralled into addiction like him.
In fact, it got him rock hard, to snort lines or share a joint with you. It was so fucking hot, watching your eyes glass over as you got higher with every hit, with every line. God, it turned him on so bad.
You snorted your third line of the night, when Ben suddenly pushed you back into your chair. Bewildered, you stared at him, as he snatched up a baggie of the white powder. Your heart leapt to your throat, the moment he moved aside the slit in your dress, revealing the bare skin of your thigh. All breath left your lungs, watching him pour some of the powder onto your thigh.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
He was about to do a line off you.
He glanced at you through his lashes, smirking at the shocked and flushed expression you wore. He used his pocket knife to cut the lines, mindful of the sharp blade against your soft skin.
God, this was hot. He found it hot. You found it hot. It’d be a damn miracle if you ended the night with your clothes on at this point.
Your skin tingled as he sniffed up the first line, of his hands roughly gripping the top of your thigh to steady you, his other holding a rolled up $100 bill. He groaned in pleasure, body physically shuddering, head shaking, as the drug made his body run hot.
He did the next line, the grip on your thigh becoming tighter as his pupils began to blow up.
Was it getting hot in here? Or was it just you?
Maybe it was the cocaine in your systems, maybe it was the fact Ben was just… so damn hot, but you couldn’t stop yourself from grabbing his hair and forcing his head up as he snorted the final line off your thigh.
He looked up at you, pupils blown, lips parted. Holy shit. This man was sculpted like a fucking God. Your body shivered. “You finally takin’ my offer, sweetheart?” He chuckled, shaking off the immediate effects of the cocaine, raising himself up to your level.
“Fuck me.” You whispered, breathless, practically begging him.
His eyes went dark, almost black, with lust. The smirk on his lips made you squeeze your legs together. “Don’t need to ask me twice.”
━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━
You now understood the hype. You understood why women bent their knees the moment Ben uttered a word to them.
Holy shit, did this man have talent.
Your legs were still twitching, the space in between your legs throbbing and tingling with how many times you’d come on his fingers, his tongue and cock. You’d counted four, before your vision had gone white.
Jesus, he had stamina. A glance at the clock on the wall confirmed it’d been just over five hours since you’d first fell into Ben’s bed. That super strength was better for more than just fighting, after all. This man should be advertised for his abilities. No shocker he was an American sex symbol.
He’d just fucked your brains out.
And now, he was staring at you with admiration, laid on his side, in the same bed he’d just railed you in. “You feelin’ okay?” He murmured, genuinely concerned.
“Yeah.” You rolled over to face him, a jolt of discomfort and pain in your hips and thighs. You might have to hold back on… doing anything for the next few days, however. “You didn’t break anything.” You joked, soft and breathy.
He chuckled quietly, hand sliding around your waist and dragging you closer to him. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waitin’ to do that.” He whispered, uncharacteristically soft and gentle.
“To fuck me senseless?”
He smirked. “Mm, I have dreamt of that.” Your eyes narrowed in mild disgust at the image of him having wet dreams about you, swatting his chest. He grinned and caught your hand. “No… I meant how long I’ve waited to have you. You’re fuckin’ perfect. Not just your body. Everything about you is so sexy.”
Your brows furrowed, squeezing his hand, and then worming your fingers out of his. “What do you mean?” You asked softly.
He seemed to struggle for a moment. He wet his tongue with his lips, making your body tingle again. Jesus. “Let’s get dinner.”
“Me and you.” Ben smiled, tracing the curves of your body with a featherlight touch. “Real fancy. I’ll pay.” Was he… asking you on a date right now? The Soldier Boy, asking you on a date? Instead of fucking you and tossing you out?
“You’re serious?” You asked softly, surprised. When he nodded, you grinned, biting your lip to contain it. “Okay, Ben. Let’s get dinner.”
His eyes lit up. Ducking his head down, his lips touched yours, gentle and affectionate. His kiss spoke so many words; his hands gently cradling your body, as he kissed you like you were made of glass. The touch was intimate and loving, widely different to the one he’d used when he’d been on top of you.
No, this was completely different. This was him being vulnerable. This was him showing you just how he felt, without the words.
He smiled against your lips and pulled back, just enough to speak, but his words were still brushing yours. “Yeah?” He whispered, in response to your agreement.
“Yeah.” You stared at him with big eyes.
He grinned, almost boyish in its nature. He stared at you in adoration, seeming to be collecting the words on the tip of his tongue.
You giggled under his stare. You sat up, pulling him with you, grabbing the blanket that he had draped over his headboard. It was fluffy and warm, and smelt like his cologne, and you didn’t hesitate to wrap it around your shoulders, cocooning yourself.
If possible, his gaze softened even more. “You’re adorable.”
Quietly, you laughed. “You sure you wanna do this, Ben?” You stared back at him. Ben was nothing if not a womaniser. Settling down was nothing like him. “Get serious with me, I mean.”
“You’re the only one I’d ever want to.”
Your brows pulled together, confused. “Why?”
Ben soothed a hand through your hair, green eyes drinking in the perfections and imperfections on your face. “You’re the only one I trust.” His voice was gravelly, still heavy with the effects of your recent endeavours. His hand travelled through your hair, and then came down to cup your cheek.
Wrapped up in his fluffy blanket, your head rested on the wooden headboard. “I trust you, too.” You whispered, tilting your head into his palm. His skin was rough, painted with callouses and scars. Every scar on his body had a story. And you’d spend the rest of your life learning every single one.
Despite himself, he smiled at you, thumb tracing the curve of your cheekbone. “I’d kill for you. You know that?” His words made you shiver. Ben killing people wasn’t exactly new… or surprising. But doing it for you? God, it made your stomach heat up — and other parts. “These assholes don’t hold a candle to you, doll. Countess? That whore is— is repulsive compared to you.”
You laughed softly, rolling your eyes affectionately. “Ben.” You scolded quietly, though not with an ounce of anger.
The supe just smirked, chuckling deep in his throat. “You want me to drop that bullshit PR relationship I have with her? I’ll do it. In a fucking heartbeat. I’ll be with you, publicly, if you want me.”
“You’d ruin your reputation for me?” Now that — that meant something. Ben could say anything and everything; he was a master manipulator. He could get anything he wanted with that smile and his suave words. But, if there was one thing he would always prioritise, it was his reputation. He’d do anything to be the alpha male. Anything.
“I’d do anything for you.” He grabbed your hand within his much larger one, guiding it to his chest. He pressed your palm over his heart, allowing you to feel his heartbeat. “I’ll do anything for you, to be with you.” You felt the steady rhythm of his heart. He wasn’t lying. That, or he was a great fucking liar. “I’m never leaving your side. I’m yours.”
Your eyes searched deep within his. “Always?”
Ben smiled. “Always.” He leant forward, gently pressing his lips against yours in a tender kiss.
Three months later, Soldier Boy died in a nuclear meltdown.
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A/N: jesus christ this took me so long to write 😭 but i’m so happy with how this first chap turned out. it’s gonna get so much more fun to write we get to the action 👀 pls lmk if there’s any mistakes, as i will go back n fix them !!! hope you enjoyed <3
banners by @cafekitsune
TAGLIST: @onlyangel-444 @deans-spinster-witch @fumolemon @anundyingfidelity
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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— game synopsis: your boyfriend has been quite neglectful when it comes to your needs. not particularly being the best book boyfriend similar to the books you've read. but the one demon that visits you in your dreams seem to give you everything you need.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, mentions of reader having a boyfriend, doggystyle, unprotected sex, dirty talk (simon calls reader a slut), mentions of wet dreams, pillow humping, infidelity, kinda monsterfucking, mentions of simon having horns, gaslighting, i changed the ending like 5 times omg
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ kinktober masterlist / previous playthrough
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You planned the whole night out for you and your boyfriend—a Halloween tradition that you two always did every year. Binge-watch some Halloween movies, give out candy to children who knocked on your shared apartment door, and have wonderful sex as Jason Vorhees kills his next victim playing in the background. But tonight, you sat alone on the cream-colored sofa with a half bowl of candy (because trick-and-treaters didn’t stop coming despite your boyfriend did). You felt embarrassed, the running thought that you should have let this relationship go sooner flashing through your mind similar to a light bulb flickering on when someone has a wonderful idea. 
You were grasping onto a dead relationship and yearning for a happy ever after that wasn’t even there. You turned the television off and decided to clean up for the evening. Putting away the snacks you laid out and the pizza that grew cold as minutes went by. Pure disappointment sat at the pit of your stomach while cleaning up and eventually finding yourself in bed a little earlier than usual. You quickly did your evening routine of skincare and brushing your teeth before letting your feet guide you to your bed. The sound of late-night partygoers was heard outside and you can only tune out the squeals of excitement as you drift off into a deep slumber. 
But as your body finally fell into the comfort of getting some rest, you soon felt your body jerk up suddenly at the sound of your wooden floors creaking. You wanted to be excited that your boyfriend actually came home and maybe you could do the activities you had planned. Expecting to see him tugging off his button-down shirt and complaining about his supervisor being up his ass during the eight-hour work shift—but instead, you were met with a large figure staring at you. His burly arms crossed over his chest causing the tight black t-shirt to clench upon his upper body. You blinked a couple of times assuming you were dreaming. You even reached to your wrist to pop at the beaded bracelet your boyfriend got you at this carnival you guys went to. The beads sting your wrist after you do that action and you still don’t jolt up in a completely cold sweat.
“You’re not dreaming, love.” His deep voice erupted your thoughts that were racing with questions. “Actually, kinda in the middle. Not dreaming, but actually dreaming. Hard to explain,” He points out before tilting his head at you.
Now you wanted to scream. A large man with a black mask that had a skull imprinted on it was standing just inches away from your bed and your body shook with fear as you inched away from him but was met with your cream-colored headboard.
“It’s no need to panic, you summoned me here. Well, kinda.”  He explains. “Fuck.” He utters before clearing his throat and trying again.
“Every Halloween, some lonely single person's guilt and hurt is so strong that it summons me or one of my peers. A mere incubus that they can have for just one night,” The masked man explained, and when he saw you look at him as if he’s grown an extra pair of arms (which he could do if he put his mind to it, he was fuckin’ demon after all). “You’re actually the first person I’ve been assigned to in a while.”
“I’m so fucking confused right now.” You swing your feet over the ledge of your bed, sliding into your slippers, and walking over to the mysterious man. When you got closer, you immediately poked at his arm and were met with hardness. 
He was real. He wasn’t like some ghost and maybe you had gone crazy.
“But I’m not single…” you pointed out as you circled around his large frame to get a good look at him. If he wasn’t a ghost, he still was here, and if anything went to shit to the point that you had to call the cops—at least you had a visual of his stature. 
You couldn’t tell if his face scrunched up in a confused manner, but his eyes told the rather confused feeling he possessed. You stood in front of him crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m actually taken…” Your voice trails off and for some reason saying that left a bad taste in your mouth. 
It didn’t feel like you were taken. Especially when you went to sleep alone tonight. 
“Hm, that’s interesting. It doesn’t seem like that. So if you’re not taken…you’re hurt. Did the little boyfriend and yourself have an argument?” The stranger waltzed over to the small loveseat in your room and sat down. It was as if he was a therapist questioning you about life. 
“No.” You quickly admit. “We didn’t…he just didn’t show up tonight when I planned something for us. He hasn’t answered his phone, nothing. So, I’m just confused about what I should do because this has happened before.” 
“I see.” His voice trails off and he rubs at his clothed chin before standing up. “Let’s go have some fun, love.” The mysterious man whose eyes you were hypnotized with extended his large hand for you to take. 
“What? I’m still in my pajamas.” You pointed it out. “I need to go change, maybe fix my hair.” You motion to the silk scarf that was tied upon your head.
“Eh, don’t worry about that. I’m a fuckin’ demon. I have it all figured out.” He says. 
You met his gaze and you saw this twinkle in his light-colored eyes. It was a similar twinkle and glint that your boyfriend had when you two were in your cupcake phase during the relationship. “What’s your name? I can’t just go out with a stranger that claims he’s a demon.” 
You heard him kiss his teeth, “You’ll figure it out soon.” And with that, he grabs your hand and in a blink of a moment, you’re both in a crowded bar.
You knew exactly what bar you were at because it was one that your boyfriend frequented a lot with his friends and co-workers. You had to pick him up countless times when his alcohol intake had hit its limit. But as you stood in the middle of the bar, you noticed that no one didn’t notice you. A person walked by you and you were expecting to feel their shoulder roughly bump into you—but instead, their body went through yours as if you merely were a ghost. No one in this bar knew you two were here, which sucked considering your attire.
Your hands roamed your body as you wore a blood-red leather corset and a black leather mini-skirt that hugged your lower half perfectly. On your head was a headband that was decorated with two sparkly red devil horns. Of course, he would ensure you were dressed up as a demon. Your eyes searched in the crowd for him and you saw him behind the bar looking at the massive choice of alcohol. You walked towards the bar and watched him closely, “Why are we here?” You asked. 
“To have a good time.” The man’s fingers tapped at his masked face before grabbing a random bottle and some shot glasses. “So, drink this and let loose.” 
You took the shot off the bar and drank it quickly just in time to hear a loud cheer from the back of the bar. Your head turns to follow the commotion of people dressed up for Halloween while playing what seems to be an intense game of pool. When you saw the familiar figure with a football jersey on, your heart sank immediately. There your boyfriend was playing pool with a huge grin on his face while his friends cheered him on. The shot you took, immediately helped your stomach form the most horrendous knots and you wanted to go home. 
“No.” The demon behind the bar said before filling your shot glass up again. 
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say.” Your eyes stared at the liquor in your glass and you then watched him lift the mask just a bit so he could down his own shot. “You brought me here on purpose.” Your eyes narrow at him. 
“I did. To see that you’re all sad for that.” His fingers motion to your boyfriend. “He has seen your text messages by the way and five missed calls.” He adds and you didn’t even want to question him he knew that you had blown up your boyfriend’s phone. 
“It’s really no point to be here. I’ll just talk to him when I get home.” You adjusted the headband on your head. “So, can you please teleport me back home Mr. Demon?”
“No.” He adds before walking around the bar so that he is sitting on the barstool next to you. His large callous hands grab the end of the stool you were comfortably sitting in and bring it closer to him. “We’re going to make your lovely boyfriend so paranoid that he’ll be groveling at your feet.” 
“And how the hell are we going to do that if he can’t see us?” Your eyes met with the mysterious demon and you felt hot under his gaze. Maybe it was because you couldn’t see his face and since it was Halloween, no one was going to question why he wore a mask.
“Who said he can’t see us?” His head tilts just a bit before he snaps his finger and suddenly when he snaps his finger and moves your stool just a bit—your boyfriend glances in your direction quickly. So quickly he did a double take at how close you were with the demon who popped up in your life this evening.
Your boyfriend’s eyes enlarged at the sight of you and what you were wearing and soon the demon snaps his fingers again. You watched as your boyfriend still glanced in your direction, but it was as if he simply was imagining things. He shook his head and went back to sipping his alcohol.
“He’s going to lose his mind by the end of the night.” The demon adds with confidence oozing from his tone. 
“I guess, this will work. But, I must ask. Why’d the mask? Also, where are your horns? Don’t demons have horns?” You took it upon yourself to take the cocktail that the bartender just put on the bar since no one could see you two. 
“I do have horns, just think the horns give everyone a good spook.” He points out. “Last time, a lady threw a glass at me. So, I settled with the mask and no horns.” He takes a sip from the beer bottle that the bartender sat in front of a talking customer next to him. 
“Hm,” was the only thing you said. “Are you ugly? A lot of horror stories perceive demons as ugly.” 
“Quite the opposite.” He backfires. “Can’t really haunt people's dreams to have sex with them and solve their problems if we’re ugly.” He jokes.
“Then can I see your face?” You asked, your fingers twirling the straw in your cocktail and you gave him a grin. 
“After you stop being so uptight and help me…help you.” He finishes his beer and he stands up motioning for you to follow.
With a quickness, you’re downing your cocktail and following the man in the crowd. The music was so loud that you had to practically yell out anything you wanted him to hear. “What about your name? Do you have a name?” 
“Simon, or Ghost. Whichever you prefer.” He walks over to the pool table, and leans against the pool table adjacent to the one your boyfriend and his friends were at. 
You watched as some random woman dressed as a cheerleader placed her arms around your boyfriend's waist as he was trying to hit the pool ball. You felt jealousy, anger, and betrayal seeing this. He ditched your plans to be out with her. That douche. 
“Don’t have such a down face.” Simon nudges your side before grabbing the pool table. “Like I said, we are going to make him lose his mind by the end of the night.” He grabs a hold of your waist after grabbing a pool stick. “Just go with the flow, love.” He whispered in your ear and you felt your skin decorated with goosebumps. 
Simon helped guide your hand towards breaking the balls in the middle of the table. Despite the bar being fairly cool, you felt hot with how close he was to you. His crotch pressing against the fatness of your butt in the skin-tight mini skirt. His breath itching at the shell of your ear. Just as you are about to hit the ball, he snaps his fingers again making you two noticeable in the crowd of people. The sound of wolf whistles could be heard seeing your figure bent over—if Simon wasn’t here, strangers would have been to see what your momma gave you. There as Simon helps you break the group of balls perfectly, you squeal in excitement gaining the attention of your boyfriend’s friend and soon your boyfriend again. His face goes red at the sight of Simon’s hands all on you and you watch as he scrambles to remove the pretty woman off him. He made his way to the pool table, but Simon snapped his fingers again causing your boyfriend to be confused once again. Your eyes scan over his face while he shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath. 
“And now he’s going to call you. But you’re going to ignore his call because that’s exactly what he’s been doing to you.” Simon leans against the pool table and the two of you watch as your boyfriend pulls out his phone to call you. 
You were astonished at what you were viewing, he was panicking. The mere thought of you being with another man had him about to explode. You watch as your boyfriend runs his fingers through his hair, a thing he does when he’s overthinking his ass off. You knew for a fact that he was overthinking the fact that you were probably out having just as much fun as him. 
“So, Simon. Do you have sex with all the women whose lives and dreams you hop into?” 
“Not all of them. Some just want someone to talk to.” He shrugs. “You on the other hand just need someone to teach your nitwit of a boyfriend to appreciate what he has.” He adds. 
“So, you wouldn’t have sex with me? Just put my boyfriend in check.” You playfully nudged his side and you were met with hardness. 
“Do you want to have sex with me?” His eyes met yours and you were forced to swallow the large lump in your throat. “Because I may have known your boyfriend is an idiot, but I also know he hasn’t touched you in weeks…a month and a half to be exact.” He adds as he turns to face you. This time, he’s caging you from leaving since you were still resting on the pool table. 
“I could have gone the sex route, but that wouldn’t solve your shitty boyfriend situation which would mean I would be stuck with you until you’re no longer miserable.” He says. “But, you and I know that you’re a good girl.” His hand adjusts the red devil horn headband on your head. “You wouldn’t cheat on him, even though..he’s probably going to cheat on you with her.” He motions to the brunette cheerleader who is still by your boyfriend's side even as he is attempting to call your phone.
“You don’t know me, Simon.” You pointed it out. “Only what you observe about my life.” 
“Then do you want to prove me wrong, love?” His hand rests on your waist tugging you closer to him. 
“I’m sure that’s what you’ll want.” 
“It is, I’m not going to deny it. But, I’m not going to force it out of you. You’re a grown woman, use your words and make your own decision.” He drops his hands from your waist and walks away from you, disappearing in the crowd and towards the bathroom. 
Like the touch-deprived woman you were, you followed before him. But just as you were walking to follow him in the bathroom, you bumped into your boyfriend. You expected your body to go right through his since Simon did snap his fingers, but you collided with your boyfriend’s shoulder gaining his attention. When he saw you, that look of shock appeared again and his lips parted to speak, but just as his hands reached out for you—your boyfriend's confused expression returned and his hand that went to grab at you, went right through you. You started to feel bad, but as you walked further away—seeing the woman clutch on your boyfriend made all the guilt that was bubbling inside of you burst. 
You walked into the bathroom and it was filled with many girls fixing their makeup and drunkenly complimenting each other. Bit by bit they scattered out the bathroom when they heard some generic pop song come on. Simon was leaning against the pink-colored tile walls waiting. 
“So, you’ve made your decision?” He asked with his arms crossed over his shoulders. 
“I wouldn’t be in here if I didn’t.” 
Simon chuckles at your words before he brings his hands to the fabric of the black mask. You were preparing yourself for what you were about to see. You knew he was attractive behind the mask, his whole demeanor screamed it. The way he carried himself. His confidence. You can go on and still be naming many other attributes. 
He pulls the mask out and you have to catch yourself from letting your jaw drop. Despite his face being decorated with scars, you had questions about—he still looked like he could have the face of an angel. His dirty blonde colored strands were ruffled due to the mask and his eyes—you’d stared upon them all night but finally putting a face to them made your knees go weak.
You walked closer towards him, “Will they see us?” You asked as you glanced back at the door. 
“Only if you want.” He closes the gap between you two. 
You mentally were weighing out the pros and cons of this. Frankly, the pros benefit you much more than the cons. So you took that leap and kissed Simon immediately. The sound of the bathroom door swung open, and someone walked in to grab a paper towel. Because of Simon and his silly demon powers, they didn’t even know you two were there. The drunken stranger walked right through you and Simon as you were making out. His hands roamed your body as if you were a precious gem he had just found. Your body attempted to guide him into one of the stalls, but he didn’t budge. You weren’t sure if it was because he had other plans in mind or if it was because of his huge stature. 
“It’s not like anyone could see us.” Simon's words mumble against your skin as he places kisses on your neck. His body guides you towards the bathroom sink before he twirls you around.
You were forced to stare at yourself in the mirror at your reflection. The clear lip gloss that formerly stained your lips was smudged across your face. Your eyes were glossy of anticipation and need for a demon you had just met. The feeling of his bulge pressing against your butt causes you to close your eyes and inhale sharply. 
“That’s true, but—one mere snap could make them see us.” You spoke out.
“They’ll be too intoxicated to notice.” His eyes met yours in the mirror before he rolled the skirt that left practically nothing for imagination up around your waist. The coolness of the bathroom causes your skin to be garnished with little goosebumps and your hair to stand up on your limbs, you clutch upon the porcelain sink. 
You only hum at Simon’s words while he pulls your panties to the side and begins to line himself to insert you after removing his cock from his bottoms. The tip of his cock rubs against your wet folds collecting the essence that stains the inside of your thighs. Each push forward into your pussy, the grip on your waist grew tighter. The sound of his cries of pleasure was like music to your ears. Completely distracting you from the fact that his cock was stretching you out bit by bit. 
“Just give me the go and I’ll keep going, love.” He professes. His eyes once more meeting yours and seeing the way your lips part apart to let out a broken moan, gave him the answer he ached to hear. His hips push forward being met with the cushion of your ass and he just wondered with not being touched in so long, how do you like to be fucked. 
“How’d you want, Y/N?” Simon questions, his hips rolling in a slow and sensational way causing you to moan some more. “Slow.” He adds before pulling himself fully out of your cunt. “Or.” His voice trails off as he’s lining himself back up to slam inside your addicting pussy again. “Hard.” 
Your brain couldn’t comprehend his question quickly enough because he soon gave you a mixture of both. Slow strokes to have you crying out his name as if the people entering and exiting the bathroom could hear you. Fast and hard strokes to have your breath hitch in your throat and for you to hold onto the surface tighter.
The vulgar sound of skin slapping against each other begins to ring in your ears like a sweet jazz tune. Your hand reaches back behind you to slow down Simon’s movement, but he swats your hand away as if it were a mere inconvenience to him. Simon lifts the shirt he wore to bring it up to his mouth. Despite the two of your bodies already crossing a boundary, he needed you to be closer. His teeth held up the ends of his shirt as he thrust forward inside you. Simon has pleasured many people in the world, but nothing was like this. No one has ever clutched around his hardened cock like this. Sweat beads form on his forehead and he felt completely pussy drunk for you. 
Your knees were growing weak but, Simon assured you that you don’t fall. With each stroke and thrust, he held you closer to make sure his motion didn’t get interrupted. Tears decorate your lashline causing your mascara to smudge. 
“Fuck.” You moaned out. “I’m so clos-” Your words were interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open and your boyfriend walked in making out with the brunette who seemed to be attached by his hip all evening. 
“Don’t pay attention to him, only me.” His fingers coil into your hair tugging you up so that your back is pressed against his chest. His eyes never broke eye contact with you in the mirror. “It’s just me and you in here, right?” He questions as he thrusts inside of you. 
Your eyes averted to your boyfriend as he was making out with the girl, but he broke the kiss quickly. “I just need to call her, ensure she’s okay. She hasn’t answered my calls and that’s not like her.” 
“Hmm, wonder what she’s doing.” Simon teasingly whispers in your ear. “Is she home watching her silly little Halloween movies or is she getting fucked like a slut in a bathroom?” With each word, he thrusts inside you.
“She’s probably just sleeping.” The brunette pecks your boyfriend’s lips. “Or getting fucked.” She jokes and your boyfriend pushes her away.
“That’s not funny.” He says before he tries to leave the bathroom and through the sound of your heated flesh slapping against Simon’s toned thighs, his finger snaps just in time for your boyfriend to see a glimpse of his pretty girlfriend (who he assumed was home) getting fucked a stranger he didn’t know. 
Your boyfriend’s eyes enlarged at the sight but before he could fully react, Simon snapped his fingers once more causing the two of you to be merely an illusion once more. Your boyfriend ran his hand over his face finally coming to terms that he had to get out of here. He had to ensure that you were home right where he assumed you were. As Simon continued to fuck you until you were seeing stars, your paranoid boyfriend rushed out of the bathroom calling your phone that was still home. Each second, your phone went to voice mail causing your boyfriend to spiral even more at the thought that a handsome stranger had you bent over in the bar he frequently goes to. 
“And my work here is done, love. Sweets dreams.” Simon kisses the side of your temple just in time for you to finally orgasm all over his cock—but eventually, jolt up in your bedroom in a cold sweat and your panties soaked. 
Instantly, your hands run over your body where Simon formerly touched. Your fingertips dance upon your lips that he once kissed trying to process everything that just happened. He did say you were dreaming, but it felt so real. The demon costume hugging your body like a latex glove felt real. Simon’s cock being inside you felt real. 
But your suspicions were deemed true as your boyfriend burst through the room in a panic. Sweat droplets embellish his forehead as if he ran all the way home to you. 
“Y/N, did you go out tonight?” Your boyfriend asked.
With false confusion plastered on your face, you blinked a couple of times.
“No, is everything okay? Maybe you’re being just a bit paranoid, babe.”
And in his own realm which was the home of incubus demons around the world, Simon viewed the conversation unfold with a smirk.
“That’s my girl.” 
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⸻ TAGS // @syndrlla97 @leoyayzies @salaciousdoll @xintothewoodswegox @bxrbie1 @lilvampirina @wiinterz @dvafoxxystrashcan
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reverieblondie · 11 months
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara X Spider-woman!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut with Plot, Smut and Fluff, Accidental Voyeurism, Masturbation, Praise, Unprotected Penetrative Sex (wrap it before you tap it), Riding, Pining, Dumification, Overstimulation, Aftercare.
Summary: Miguel isn't good when it comes to feelings...especially when it comes to you...
A/N: I just really like the idea of Miguel having a crush on reader and not knowing how to navigate it. This went through so many rewrites so I hope you enjoy. its pretty Fluffy and cheesy, but I'm a hopeless romantic so I enjoyed it.
Word Count: 5,547
“Tsk, why did she have to say that…”
Miguel can't help but feverishly type at his holo screens, with each passing second his irritation spreads.  
It started a couple of months ago when you got recruited, at first it was just a simple attraction but the more you graced him with your presents the more he couldn't resist his growing feelings. 
The problem is for one having a crush is ridiculous. He's not some teenager, he's a grown-ass man, leader of the spider society he can't just go having crushes on the people who work under him. Even if he got over that part of it there is another problem however plaguing his….situation, he can hardly even speak to you. 
Before he was Spider-Man he was quite suave and if he didn't want to converse with someone he could at least manage it. Nowadays, he seems to only be talking in gruff commands, short sentences, or just downright mean. Closing himself off from personal things. He blames the whole masked vigilante thing for his lack of practice in conversing. 
It's not like he hasn’t tried though, he's come close to having normal conversation with you numerous times but when you look at him with those eyes something in him seems to short-circuit and he's a mess of a man before you. Shocking ridiculous…  
Finally, Miguel couldn't take it anymore; he had to get closer to you. The plan was simple: he arranged for you and him to go on a mission together. It was the perfect way to get closer to you, You and him alone, out of the society walls away from prying eyes, he could finally open up to you. 
Unfortunately, the beautiful plan he had so painstakingly rehearsed over and over again in his mind, came to a screeching halt when the day of you walked into his office with Gwen and Hobie in tow. Of course, something was going to derail his plans. It couldn't ever be simple 
Miguel could easily say no to Gwen and Hobie asking to tag along, but those two were clever. They had you ask for them and of course, you did.  Miguel knew that the inclusion of them would wreck his plan but he just couldn't resist you, he would do anything for you…anything…you just had to ask. 
Now with his whole plan derailed he was sulking in an isolated corner of the rooftop building as the rest of you all surveyed the city for anomalies. 
“This is pretty dull…” Hobie comments 
Well no shit, Miguel thinks to himself. This was supposed to be an easy mission so he could get closer to y/n. It wasn't supposed to be stressful, it was supposed to be easy. In his plan, he and y/n were supposed to already be enthralled in conversation. He had of course looked up conversation starters to use, it would have been perfect…  
Miguel can only groan at Hobie, just looking at him makes his blood boil. Needing to calm his sudden irritation, his eyes fall on you. Looking so vigilantly to the city, taking the mission so seriously. He could do this forever, just watching you, he would gladly just be a piece of furniture in your life if you let him. There for you to use when you needed him. He would sit so patiently as he just watched you live. Just basking in the warm radiance of you. 
Miguel can’t help but stare at you, mind racing with thoughts. So when you finally turn he is quick to move his gaze, pretending to not have been staring, tapping again at his watch. 
He thought for sure he had been slick but when he looked up again to gaze at you he saw Hobie with a wide smirk on his face. Almost like Hobie has been reading his mind. Hobie huffs a chuckle to himself before he looks at you then back to Miguel, Then that damn question rang out from his smug mouth. 
“How about some team bonding huh?” All eyes fall on Hobie and before anyone can even respond he's continuing “I’ll ask the first question, what does everyone fancy?” 
Going to voice his protest about how that is not imperative knowledge to know about a teammate Gwen is chiming in “Oh! I love a guy with witty humor, even if it's not particularly funny, if he's clever I will like it.” 
Hobie nods “Very nice gwendy, personally, I have a thing for hands”
This caused a laugh from y/n and Gwen and Miguel just couldn't help the irritated look on his face.
“Miguel how abou-” 
“No” Miguel quickly cuts off the question.  
“Fine, Y/n what about you?” 
Now Miguel didn't care about the teen's answers, but yours, this could be his chance to find out what you like. He was hopeful it would be something similar to him or something that he has. Watching with bated breath, your face contorts into deep thought, and then your answer rings through making his breath still. 
“I like smiles”
A smile…of course, you would say a smile…
You couldn’t say, tall or muscular, or stern, you couldn’t have just pointed to Miguel you had to say smiles…something that he never does
Pulling himself back to the present Miguel stops typing away at his holo screen shutting them off. It had been a couple of days since the mission and he was still agonizing over the revelation. Smiles…Staring ahead towards one of his monitors he studies his face through the reflective surface, his ever stern face showing no sign of emotion. 
Miguel then practices a smile and quickly stops with a frown, sighing irritatedly as his foot begins to tap, what is he doing? Looking forward again, He braces his large hands on his desk then smiles again, this time showing his teeth, large fangs on display from the grin. He keeps the smile placed there and turns his head from left to right smiling a bit wider. He then stops whipping his hands down his face.
This is ridiculous…he should be working not practicing how to smile but, you like smiles…maybe if you thought he had a nice smile…
Miguel feels his face slightly flush and the tips of his ears warm. Looking back to the reflective surface he takes a deep breath to ready himself. Sure this is pathetic, but it's for you, he would do anything for you and if you want a smile he was going to make sure to practice to give you the best smile he could muster. Training, it's just like simple training… 
“Hey, how are you today y/n?” -smiles-
“Oh, are you eating lunch? Can I join you?” -smile- 
“What? You like my fangs? Well thank you y/n” -smile-
“You look gorgeous today.” -smile- 
Miguel breaks the last rehearsed smile and rubs his hands on his face once more, an exasperated sigh leaving him again. 
“this so stupid…that wouldn’t work…”Practicing how to smile for her. Pathetic. 
The sound of his office door opening breaks his pouting. Miguel quickly puts his screens back up making him seem busy with work. Then the sweet sound of your voice rings through his blushed ears, turning, he thinks it can't be true, but there you are. Staring up at him with those shining eyes.
Just give me a chance, you won't regret it; he thinks to himself.  
“Hello Miguel, we caught the anomaly in dimension 0798, Peter had a mayday emergency come up so he asked me to deliver the reports.” 
You type away at your watch screen sending the completed report his way. 
“I also wanted to see if you had anything else for me before I take my leave,”
Miguel opens up the report you sent his way, it's pristine and thorough, you always wrote the best reports…god could you be sexier… 
Scanning over it quickly before putting it away his eyes return to you. Unable to help himself he stares at your beautiful form for a bit too long, face still in that stern look, no smile to greet you. Studying you for a moment wanting to confess his desire for you, wanting to tell you what you make him feel. But the words don't meet his lips, just a curt grunt. 
“Nothing else, you can leave”
Giving a small nod you turn on your heels to leave, As you are walking towards the exit Miguel can't help himself and calls out your name. Whipping around quickly you face him once more with curious eyes. 
Shit, he didn't think that through. Examining you he takes you in again. lovely eyes, glossy lips, those hips…he could stare at you forever. Clearing his throat averting his eyes to calm himself before he speaks. 
“I hope you have a pleasant evening.'' He says not looking at you, then he forces himself to slide his scarlet eyes to you, then quickly balling his clammy hands into first he gives his best shot at a smile. It's more of a smirk and he's worried his fangs might be popping out too much. Sure, he's going to have to practice to do better, but this is what he's got for you now. He feels intense eyes not matching the smile but he keeps it on hoping this is enough for you; he feels like an idiot. 
You look surprised for a minute before your lips widen to that additive smile of yours. God how you make his chest warm from your small actions, do you even know what you do to him? Breath catching in his throat he just watches how the simple act of your smile lightens up his dingy office. 
“You too Miguel, thank you.” Turning back you exit the office, completely oblivious that you have completely melted him.
Watching you leave the smile turns more natural, softening his rigid features slightly. 
“Well, that seemed to go well, practicing is starting to pay off huh?” Layla beams floating around Miguel's head, his face instantly falling back to his ever-iconic frown. 
“Could you just, not?” the voice irritated but the slight flush of his ears gave away how on the inside he's beaming. 
Miguel couldn't help himself, after your brief interaction in his office a few days ago, he just couldn't resist the urge to see you again. But instead of just finding and talking to you (like a normal person) he settled on watching you through the cameras of HQ. 
Yes, Kinda creepy, but when you are near he clams up so this was the alternative. You were training in the strength and conditioning room, sparring with Gwen to improve your combat skills. Miguel appreciated how seriously you were taking your training, sweat and fatigue in your eyes showing how you were instant to push yourself. Movements so graceful chest heaving as you wore out over time. Seeing your sweaty body a familiar rush spreads through him reaching his crotch, you're going to be the death of him… 
Finally, the training wrapped up, Miguel watched as you stretched out your neck rubbing your sore shoulders. The training session wore you out. Always pushing yourself towards improvement, Miguel admired that about you. 
“Si, baby so sore,” Miguel whispers as he watches you. If you gave him the chance he would rub all your soreness from you, he would make it his mission just to make you feel good. 
Getting closer to the screen he thinks of what it would be like to just touch you, to hold you, just once. That's all he needed one touch and this crush would disappear. 
Watching intently he sees that smile, like the one you had given him spread to your lips when Gwen handed you a bottle of water. Eagerly opening the water you press the bottle to your lips and start drinking in haste, the water running down your mouth to your neck. His heart skips a beat and his pants get tighter, of course, one touch wouldn't satisfy him. If he had you he could never let you go, his plight would only worsen. 
Zooming on to your face he studies every curve, every feature. 
“Just one chance, give me one chance…” 
“One chance what?” 
Peter's voice breaks Miguel's daze and causes him to quickly hide the monitor with his hands. It's too late however Peter is right next to him and has heard what Miguel said. Peter's face is confused at first but when he looks at Miguel's eager hands trying to hide something he leans in further, and then a sliver of your face shows through. Realization hits him and an excited smile spreads to his face. Peter watches as Miguel's face slightly flushes and contours to irritation. 
“Miguel, wait, do you-”
“No, ¡Cállate!” 
After a long conversation of Miguel telling Peter to shut up while he guesses his crush correctly, he's boasting about how he figured Miguel was interested in y/n and how he was going to help Miguel out. Miguel was reluctant, but he wanted to get closer to you desperately, so if Peter was going to help to make that happen he would just have to grit and bear it, for you, anything for you. Peter assures Miguel he knows how to help him but he first has to go pick up some supplies…. 
Peter returns to Miguel’s office with a bag. Miguel knew he was about to regret this. 
“So I figured because you have a hard time talking to y/n the best thing to do is rehearse what you are going to say. When I asked out MJ I practiced this whole speech for her, very romantic. She loved it.” As Peter talks he opens the bag to reveal a wig that is very raminist to your hair. Peter flips the wig on his head and faces Miguel. 
Miguel just shakes his head disapprovingly
“No, Absolutely not.” 
“Come on Miguel we are just going to practice what you're going to say” Peter tries to reassure with a smile.  
“Is the wig really necessary?” Miguel groans as he watches Peter flick the hair from his face and adjust the wig. 
Peter holds his hand to his chest in mock offense “It helps me get in character” 
“I'm not doing this” Miguel turns to leave to go back to working on his platform before Peter quickly protests.
“Okay, okay, I'm just trying to help ease the tension, but let's do this, practice what you are going to say.” 
Miguel huffs, he really must be desperate to be getting Peter's help like this. “How do I even approach her?” 
“You could start with a hi, you know like a normal person?” 
Miguel groans “Okay…” Peter turns away from Miguel. Miguel takes a moment to think of his approach before he walks closer to Peter. 
“Hello, Y/n do you have a second to talk?” 
Peter whips around in a perky dementor, “Oh hi Miguel, of course, I have a second just for you” Peter says in a mockingly sweet tone and shoots Miguel a wink that has his skin crawling
“She wouldn't do that” 
“You don't know, plus I'm playing y/n so I am putting my creative twist to it, now continue”  
Miguel rolls his eyes before continuing. 
“I enjoyed reading your last mission report, very thorough as usual” 
Peter groans breaking character “Miguel, that’s boring, don’t talk about work. You're trying to ask her out not give her a promotion” 
Miguel thinks “Well that’s a thought…” 
Peter snaps his fingers “Look you like her you need to get personal share your feelings; share your passion.” 
Miguel scoffs rolling his eyes, sharing his passion. He couldn't get that personal so quickly. Peter can read his distrust and is quick to convince him.
“No, trust me, I landed MJ I know how to talk to women, now try again but with more passion and fire!” 
Peter goes back to where he was standing before. Miguel turns and thinks of Y/n. Passion? Fire? 
His thoughts go back to when he first saw her, he thought she glowed in a breathtaking radiance, and he couldn't remember when he saw someone so beautiful. Then once she started talking she was so positive, but never naive, she just always wanted to bring people up and make them feel better. She was also a hard worker, always picking up the slack for others and always wanting to improve herself, not everyone was like that, they would just be content with how things were but not her. Then there was how she always made a room warmer from just being there, things were just a little bit better when you were around. Miguel saw qualities in her that he wished he had, or that he wished a partner would have. So since he met her, she was stuck in his mind. 
Finally, he thinks he has it,  
“Y/n”  Miguel breathes.
Peter turns around slowly “Why yes…” Before he can finish his words Miguel’s large frame is looming over him, hands quickly squeezing his arms to his sides staring intensely.
“I think you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. You are so warm to me and I would destroy anything or anyone who would ever think of harming you. Just give me the word, give me a chance and I will…for you…anything for you…” 
Peter looks terrified from the intensity of the confession and a coughing nose makes them break the intense eye contact. 
They see Jess and Ben staring at the two of them Jess is the first to speak up
“Should we come back later? Or…” 
Miguel and Peter quickly break apart. 
“Look that wasn't towards me Miguel has a thing for Y/n” 
Right as Peter voices your name Miguel's hands on his throat to strangle him. Jess and Ben all let out a long ‘oh’ as Miguel proceeded to shake Peter by his neck. 
“It’s actually been quite sweet” a voice calls “I mean we all should have guessed considering he stares at her like a love-sick dog.”
This causes Miguel to stop his assault on Peter and look around confused. Dropping down he sees Hobie with that smug look on his face. 
“Your kinda obvious mate.”
Miguel shakes his head, irritation and embarrassment starting to take him over. 
“What are you doing here?” Miguel growls
“Look mate I just came to catch a nap, didn't expect to catch a show instead.” 
Great, Peter knows, Jess knows, Ben knows and now shocking Hobie knows, this can't get any worse. 
“So, when are you going to confess?” Ben asks curiously 
“We were shooting for next week” Peter, now back to life, places his hand on Miguel's shoulder. 
Hobie sucks air between his teeth and this causes everyone to turn to look at him confused. 
“I wouldn’t wait that long if I were you, apparently she has a crush she's going to confess too soon.” 
Miguel's eyes glow red, it just got worse- “She likes someone? Who!” He barks out to get an answer
Hobie holds his hands up in mock surrender “I ain’t got scooby doo mate, just what I heard” 
“Well that could just be a rumor,” Jess says trying to calm Miguel's sudden rage
“It was from a reliable source” Hobie counters with a smirk.
What is he doing, What is he doing? 
Miguel's mind races as he swings through y/n’s dimension. It was just a rumor he tried to assure himself, but that small voice in his mind counters, what if it wasn’t? What if it was true and he missed his chance, no, even if you reject him he needs to tell you how he feels. All his nervousness seems to flow away as he gets closer to your apartment. 
Your apartment in view he takes a deep breath and swings over, gripping the wall with his talons to catch himself. Climbing with a fever he reaches your window which was left open by a crack, the curtains of your room hiding the inside. He didn't even know if you were home, and just going in would be an invasion of your privacy but Miguel can't resist he needs to talk to you tonight!
Slowly opening the window more he first smells it, then your whimpering moan confirms it. Miguel swallows trying to soothe his suddenly dry throat. With slow movements, he carefully opens the window and peaks through the curtains. 
There you are, back arched, hair messy, bouncing on a large dildo. It was the image he had fantasized about and now it's happening right in front of him. Completely hypnotized by the sight and urged by the tightening of his suit's crotch area. He moves his head in more, pushing up on the window to open it slowly wider to lean himself in.
“Ah!~ ah!~” 
Eyes widening Miguel thinks he's dreaming, the throbbing of his cock is killing him and as he moves his hand from the window to palm his sudden ache. But with no warning the window slid shut abruptly, landing hard on his head and making a loud thump. The sudden noise startles you to scream, quickly unsheathing the dildo from your wet pussy and fumbling to cover yourself with the ruined sheets of your bed. 
 “Miguel? What are you doing here?” you ask in a panic.  
Face flushed Miguel crawls through your window landing clumsily on the floor. He's too embarrassed to answer your question. 
“What's wrong with your window?” -smooth, avoid the question. 
“It's broken, it only stays open a crack” you ramble in confusion, then you furrow your eyes back to him “wait, don’t avoid the question, why are you here?” 
Miguel stumbles off of the floor now towering at his full height.  Looking down at you he can't help the desire flooding down to his cock. The sweat makes your skin glow, your hair a disheveled mess from fucking yourself too fast, nude body wrapped in your thin white sheets that as your arousal completely drenches it making it appear slightly see-through on your body. Great, he thought confessing to you would be hard before, but now it seems downright impossible. 
Miguel sees you shuffling uncomfortably so he turns around before he speaks, the tips of his ears red from blushing. 
“I wanted to speak with you.” 
“Uh, You couldn't call?” 
Miguel's shoulders slumped slightly, this was not going well…
“No, it's not a work matter”
“Then what-”
“Personal” Miguel quickly whips around looking at your eyes before turning back around. He starts tapping his foot feeling nervous. 
“You see y/n, I'm not exactly the best when it comes to talking..about…personal things. I usually focus on work, especially since founding the society that honestly takes up my entire life-” Miguel feels himself starting to ramble, great he's talking now but not saying what he needs to. “Well lately there has been something else occupying my mind, and it involves you.” 
Miguel hears you shuffling around and his nerves are threatening to get the better of him. How can he face anomalies, and lead a whole superhuman society but he can't just tell someone he likes them? Taking a deep breath he steadies himself once more. He just needs to do it, confess, come on it's just like ripping off a bandaid.
“Do you remember what Hobie asked us?…” 
Miguel winces and scratches the back of his head, Why is he bringing this up now? Great; This confession is already crap…
“Um…Yeah?” shit, you sound so creeped out. Well, how could you not be right now? Just need to keep going.  
“Well, the thing is, it's you…the thing I like, well you're not a thing. The person I like..is you. But I guess Hobie was talking about characteristics…you have actually a lot of characteristics that I am fond of…like your eyes for one…but it's not just your appearance, shit…¿Qué demonios estoy diciendo? (what the hell am I saying).”
As Miguel rubs his hand on his forehead feeling stupid for doing this, his words are cut off by the sensation of a hand touching the middle of his back gently. The hand rubs up and down slowly, causing a shiver to roll down Miguel's spine. 
“I like you too,” Your voice rings in his ears, the thumping of his heart stilling for a moment as his breath stops. Miguel turns around to face you. You're looking up at him still wrapped up in your sheets, arms wrapping around his waist. That smile that lights up his mind, how your touch warms his body. He's addicted to how you make him feel.  
“I’m not good at this…there was this whole speech I rehearsed..” 
“Yeah, you might need some more practice on your romantic speeches”
Looking down you look like an angel wrapped in your white sheets looking up at him with such tenderness. Not wanting to waste this moment he leads down towards your face. 
“I think I'm more of a man of action, rather than words” 
Feeling your soft hand touch his face he sees how to lift your toes to get closer to his face fanning your breath over his lips. 
“Isn’t the saying? Actions speak louder than words?” 
With that he swiftly lifts you from the back of your thighs, instinctively you wrap your legs around him, and then your arms wrap around his neck while your fingers play with his dark hair. Seating himself down on your bed with you straddling him. Miguel's crimson eyes just keep to your face, taking in how your face changes with every movement he makes.  
Tenderly you place your hands to the sides of his face, leaning in you carefully catch his lips into a kiss. He reveled in how your glossy lips formed to his, his tongue gently pushing through your lips. He has to open his eyes and close them again just to make sure this is real and not one of his daydreams. 
The kiss becomes more heated, you taste better than he could have imagined. Slowly he rubs his gloves hands over you causing your thin sheet to slip off you pooling to the floor.  
Miguel breaks the kiss and looks down at your nude body. A low groan vibrates through his chest as he pushes your body closer to him, then roughly grabs your ass. The sudden touch has you jumping forward with a whimper. Taking the opportunity, he is quick to latch his plush lips to your perked bud. Tongue swirling around the sensitive peak while his talons threaten to pierce the skin of your ass. 
He's lost in the moans of you losing yourself to the pleasure. Tugging and pinching your sensitive skin as he licks the valley of your breast. Getting drunk off your moans he swears he could continue to taste your skin forever but, the feeling of your wet cunt rubbing against his erection tips him off to how needy you are becoming, your rutting into him like you're in heat, and he's quick to make it worse by grinding into you latching onto your breast once more. 
“Miguel, please…” 
That's right, beg…Miguel releases your nipple with a pop. 
“Please what my angel?” he grabs your neck and licks a stripe up to your ear that causes you to shake. 
“I want you, Please.” 
Miguel smiles and deactivates his suit, his strained erection quickly popping forward to slap your puff folds, moans escaping from your lips. Grabbing a hold of his cock he slips it through your folds coating it your slick. Practically coming undo then he feels how your nails scratch his skin, the teasing is making you desperate. Miguel can't help himself; he slaps his cock on your swollen clit just to hear you whimper. 
“Ride it, angel.” 
Grabbing his cock he holds it still as you breathlessly line yourself up to the pebbling tip of his cock. Tight grip on his shoulders you slowly sink yourself down. Inch by inch slowly splitting yourself open on him.  
“It’s ah, big…” 
You're already clenching and you're only halfway down. Miguel is quick to rub soft circles on your hip gently guiding you while cooing praises to your ear.
 “Shh, I know but you're almost there, just relax.” 
Finally, you have pressed him in, the delicious stretch making your head roll over your bare shoulders. Taking a moment to adjust to his size Miguel presses delicate kisses to your chest and collarbone. His hands hold your hips as you adjust to his length.  
“Look at you, you're taking me so well”
Glazed-over eyes meet his praise and your glossy lips stretch to a smile. He thinks he could cum just at the sight, but he knows you need more, and he's not going to disappoint you. Quickly he's lifting your hips up and down fucking you slowly down on him. All you can do is moan and grab his shoulders tighter and his pace builds from slow and tender to more vigorous. 
Subtle grunts of ‘Mine’, and ‘sweet’ escape his lips as he practically uses you as a human fleshlight. To Miguel's surprise though you're pushing his chest to lay his back onto the bed. Once he's down you start bouncing faster on him. 
Bouncing, up and down the squelch of your wet pussy clenching on him, you are mewling in pleasure as your face contours to that of a silent scream. Body glistening from the sweat fucking yourself hard on his cock, back arching as you chase your orgasm. Miguel can help but throw his head back moaning, his mouth hanging open fangs stretched out. He never thought his sweet angel could be so relentless, it has his cock throbbing. 
“That's it, baby, fuck yourself dumb on my cock”
Miguel starts rubbing and flicking your clit that has your eyes pricking with tears. He watches as you pant, your velvet walls clenching down on him as you continue to ride him approaching orgasm. Sweat rolls down your flushed skin and you continue. Taking his hand he gently grabs your chin and makes you look down at him, he wants to etch the fucked out expression to his mind forever. His sweet angel mouth in that perfect ‘o’ and her hooded eyes pool with tears from the intense pleasure. 
Biting his lip he slams his hip up nudging into your cervix that has you throwing your head back screaming, your nails digging into his chest as you finally squirt on his cock.  
“Cumming, I'm cumming miggy~ ah, ah ah!” 
“That’s it, cum on my cock, such a good girl, squirting all over me.”
Fucking you through your orgasm he stops your bouncing and grabs your hips guiding you to rock back a forth on his length. Squirming and wailing in overstimulation he knows that the pain and pleasure are swirling together making your brain split, your cunt gets wetter as it tightens to try and accommodate to the rapture you are feeling.  
“Just hang on for me angel, ah please…”
Thoroughly fucked dumb you're only able to blabber incoherently and nod through half-lidded eyes as Miguel's throbbing cock chases his orgasm. With your blissed-out agreeance, he Grabs the globs of your ass and fucks into your faster. 
“Ah, I'm going to fill you up, you want that? Be filled with cum?” 
You can only release a stream of ‘uh-huh’ as the coil in your stomach starts to tighten again. It's not until you muster a sweet coo of “fill me” that has him rutting harder shooting his hot cum inside you with one final thrust. Whimpering as he fills you, you sit still on his cock till you’ve practically milked him dry. The intense throbbing of his cock and the sudden rush of heat bursting inside you has your coil snapping as you cum on him a second time 
Gently rubbing your sides he coaxes you down slowly to his chest. Curling his arm around you he softly kisses your spent body. Staying like that for awhile, it's you who finally rolls off his chest and disappears out of the room. Miguel hears what sounds like a bath, leaning up he looks up to see your nude body leaning in the doorway smiling at him, it's so infectious that he can't help but smile back. 
Miguel's head is pressed to your chest as you gently massage the conditioner through his scalp. A smile pressed to his lips as he just relaxes with you in the warm bath. His large hand rubs tender circles on your knee as he just listens to your sweet hums as you tenderly wash him. The steam from the bath rises to create the perfect haze in the room, it feels so natural to be doing this,to be with you in such an intimate way. Kisses get pressed to his face as you hug him tightly, the smile on his face only growing wider. 
“Mhmm?” He lazily looks up at you to see your sweet smile. Carefully he brings his hand to brush your hair behind your ear. 
“Nothing, I just really like your smile”
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iloveboysinred · 5 months
That zuko smut you wrote was just 😩 is it okay if i request nsfw Zuko hc ??? Like how yall be getting down if that makes sense? Thank you 💗💗
Omg youre my first anon ask <3 i’m glad you enjoyed it! Shit took me 3 days and 4 spliffs to write. But lets get into it!
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Cw; gn! Reader, explicit sexual content, smut, 18+ aged up Zuko for the first half, grown ass adult man Zuko for the rest. Nsfw under the cut, mdni.
GIF by @/reksonline
- When you and Zuko first started dating and fooling around, man had absolutely no idea what he was doing. Being an angry teenager on the run for 3 years looking for the avatar? Yeah, he didn’t really dedicate much time to going out and meeting people he would likely never speak to again, much less have sex with.
- when Zuko first started chasing you and the Gaang around you would have little intrusive thoughts about him and the way he was built, his aggression and his voice. But of course, you always kept it to yourself. He was the enemy trying to kill your friend after all!
- so, when Zuko finally came to his senses and joins the gaang, naturally you developed a thing for each other.
- lingering glances that were a littleee too long to be friendly, ‘accidental’ fleeting touches that were scandelous, Intense eye contact when you would pin each other down during training.
- Zuko being shy, he never let it get past more than that on his end, but he and everyone else knew that there was definitely chemistry happening between the two of you.
- So when you and Zuko started getting closer, even romantically involved, things started getting a little spicy!
—————— nsfw———————
- You and Zuko didnt want to make it official until the war was officially over, focusing on more important things like training Aang and readying yourself for combat.
- however, you guys still did couple stuff like sleep in each other’s tents, sneak off to have alone time, cuddle, ect
- So, when the others went to a nearby villiage looking for supplies, you and zuko were left alll alone.
- It started off as just enjoying each other’s company, kissing here and there, rubbing his back, him kissing your shoulders
- but then you found yourself under him, his whole body over yours in a messy make out session, his hands stayed put around your waist, his shy ass too nervous to move them.
- you reassure him that its okay for him to touch you, moving his hands to places you would like him to put them.
- you show him how you liked to be touched, and you touch him as well, learning his sensitive spots, his erogenous zones and committing every reaction to memory.
- soon after your first time together he just couldnt get enough, he was ravenous for you.
- would sneak off to have quickies with you.
-like during the play, you snuck off to get “fire flakes” but really he just had you bent over in a bathroom stall, rocking into your heat.
-then you just went and sat back down like nothing happened. Not even getting fire flakes to make your story believable.
- after the war was over you and Zuko made it official, eventually getting married.
- What started off as a clueless teenager slowly over time became a grown ass man who knew exactly how to please his partner.
- Zuko lovess eating you out. Man is a munch, every little gasp, moan and whine you let out is like dumping lighterfluid on a campfire. It just gets him all the more turned on.
- He definitely loves when you rock your hips into his face and he has to hold you down in place, burying his face deeper into you, not letting up even after you cum.
- loves overstimulating you. He just wants to watch your body lose allll control as he pleases you. Sometimes he’ll reach under and stroke himself while he eats you out, just to get some relief cause your face and sounds are driving him crazy.
-“ just one more baby, please” “you can do it love” “give me all of it baby” are just a few of the filthy words he mutters while he has his whole face between your legs
- definitely feels like he’s drunk off of you. Even if you don’t return the favor, he doesnt even care. He’s just happy he got his fill of you.
- Now if you do return the favor, Zuko quickly turns into a mess
- you’ll pay special attention to his tip, knowing it drives him crazy from the stimulation
- loves when you run your hands up his body while you suck him off
- praises you, sometimes if youre going especially crazy his words will slur, completely blissed out
- when ya’ll have sex he loves to thread his fingers into yours
- loves being close to you, making out and whispering words of praise and filth to you
- Zuko is a helpless romantic, but he also loves nasty sex if you’re willing
- might ask to spit in your mouth, choke you, loves to leave hickeys and bite marks all over you
- i feel like everyone says this but i think its true! He’s super into hair pulling, pull his hair and he’ll let out the sluttiest moan you’ve ever heard
- just loves to cuddle and leave his dick inside you as you sleep, just clingy as fuuck and a big baby
- cleans you up and gives you so much fluffy affection afterwards. You’ll talk about your day, and he’ll talk about all the responsibilities of being Firelord
- sometimes yall do a one and done but if its been a while or if you’re feeling particularly needy you guys will go for multiple rounds.
- overall a loving, doting husband
- to end this off, yall are some horny freaky fucks
reblogs and notes are appreciated :> comments and asks are welcome! Hope you enjoyed anon 💕
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nikmikaelsonswife · 2 months
breastfeeding patrick
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warnings: smut—18+ only, breastfeeding!kink, mommy!kink, daddy!kink, pet names usage, mentions of bodily fluids, slight ass!play (really just grabbing and kissing, fem & male receiving), slight hand job, nipple/tit!play, you’re breast feeding a grown ass man ;)
a/n: came back from a hiatus i never thought would end to write something i couldn’t find so i decided to cook it up myself. my writing is a little rusty, haven’t whipped something up in over a year and i wrote this in like 2 hours so bare with me. challengers has brought me back to this hellsite and im here for a good time, not a long time. enjoy!!
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thinking about patrick with a breastfeeding kink and him taking on a whole new appreciation and hunger for your breasts towards the end of your pregnancy and after you give birth to his child.
he fucking loved and admired all the ways your pregnancy had changed you, loved kneading the flesh of your ass, hips and thighs. loved it when you’d lay on your stomach—relishing in that luxury since you hadn’t been able to in so long with your belly bump—and let him play with you and worship you in all the ways he’d constantly dreamed of, let him push up your nightie and suckle and bite on the cheeks of your ass so much so that dark purple marks trailed down all parts of you. only helped you come to love the differences in your shape quicker.
the fact that he could become even more impossibly enamored with your body, especially any of the most womanly parts, equally surprising and comforting to you with your hormones and constantly changing perspective of yourself.
especially of the crazy change in your chest size. patrick always had been a sworn ass guy, that is until the night you let him see your bare skin for the first time and fuck, he loved your tits like nothing else in the entire world. especially now.
he’d attempted to admire the increased swell of your breasts and widening of your areolas from afar, always attempted to hide the way his cock thickened at the sight of pearls of white dripping from your hardened nipples and rolling down your sweat slick chest with a quick adjustment of his length inside his boxers. didn’t tell you about how he wished to lick you clean, tastebuds itching for the concoction that was your sweat and breastmilk, him often envious of the rags or t-shirts you’d use to wipe yourself down instead. his lips often twitched at the idea of sucking your breasts into his mouth, drinking in the excess milk that you’d let him taste, try and have all for himself. he didn’t wanna steal from your daughter though, hated the idea of her being upset, keeping you up all throughout the night because her daddy took away the only thing that truly calmed her down. didn’t wanna hurt you, physically or emotionally. he knew you were sensitive, didn’t wanna suck or pinch you too hard, didn’t want you thinking his mind and heart were consumed with sex while you were experiencing the rollercoaster that is postpartum.
except you knew your man and you always noticed when he was turned on as well as when he was trying to hide something from you. took hint of the way his eyes lingered on your chest when you (purposefully) left one tit free, the other typically occupied by your newborn as you fed her around the clock. felt his light touch in the middle of the night moments before one of you would wake and get up to feed the baby, when he’d slightly move the top of your tank to the side (at times, your nipples would already be on display, as your tops were too loose to completely cover your chest during your usual toss and turns that rattled your slumber, and oh how patrick loved to wake up to the sight of that) and flick his thumb over your soft peaks, bringing the finger to his tongue so he could taste you.
he’d only let himself have a little though, was just curious as to why his daughter loved the shit so much. he didn’t want to get too greedy and lose control and suck on your nipples til you were dry (at least on your top side).
you never missed the way his tongue would flicker over his drying pink lips whenever you’d soak your top with the substance, dampened dark spots forming right above your nipples within the fabric. smiled at how excited he’d get when you’d ask him to fetch you a new shirt, knowing he’d have an excuse to see your bare tits, all beautiful and swollen, all cause of him. “thanks pat,” you’d whisper as he’d help pull your camisole over your head, dropping a quick yet warm kiss on your brow before helping your arms through the new top he’d brought you.
his hands would always inch the hem of the top down as slow as possible without being too obvious (newsflash: you still noticed), so he could drink you all in. oh how bad he wanted to squeeze your breasts, hoping to force some of that godly liquid to spurt out of your nipples onto him.
you knew what he wanted, caught the naughty dark glint that swirled in his cobalt irises. and you knew you wanted it just as bad as he did.
his gaze flickered to meet your own when you caught his wrist, a twinge of confusion mixed with concern brightening his eyes a tad. he was questioning why you’d stopped him, immediately wondering if he’d done something wrong. had he grabbed the wrong shirt? did you hate the color? the material? did he accidentally put it on you backwards? had he been too much and you wanted to put in on yourself? he didn’t wanna make you feel helpless, he knew you were strong, you’d pushed his baby out after all, a zweig baby at that, and everybody knows how big their heads can get, not to mention their ears holy shit—
“help me out?” your bottom lip was punched out, eyes all sad and pleading underneath your long dark lashes. he recognized that look, knew you to use it on him every time you wanted something even though you knew he’d do anything for you no matter what as he’d made it clear so many times. yes, you knew that, it was just that broken down and babyish and all concerned and totally whipped ass look that made him look so pretty that he’d get on his face whenever you used it on him that made you whip it out every single time. it never failed you.
“always, baby,” he moved your hands so that yours on his wrist was now underneath his, his much larger and calloused fingers clasping your own. he brought your joined hands to his mouth, placing a soft kiss there. he was always kissing you.
“i feel so…” you trailed off, bottom lip jutting out even further as you feigned a small whine. “so full, pat. i can’t take it.”
dark brows furrowed in confusion as he briefly scanned your body for a second, attempting to figure out where and how exactly. you hadn’t eaten in a couple of hours, choosing to skip your usual late night snack and opting to attempt get some rest in instead. where else could you be so full?
oh. the word echoed in his mind, the realization silencing all his questions as you brought your joined hands to your chest, leaving his hand solo on your right breast. you wanted to moan at the feeling of him on your skin there, as he’d been avoiding touching your chest entirely other than the times you’d specifically asked for him to touch you there (such as helping the baby latch on or assisting you with one of those tricky breast pumpers).
“m’so full, daddy. please.” with that you arched your back into his hand ever so slightly, pushing your breast further into his palm.
despite the sensitivity that spanned your chest, you desperately wanted patrick to be a little rough with you. perhaps it was just you missing old times, like the night you fell pregnant in the first place. missed the way he’d tug and smack at your tits, nipping and biting as his hips snapped into yours. missed the way he’d fuck you and treat you like you were created just to get him off in the most paradoxical manner, as he’d also worship your body with kisses all over and praises falling from his lips, “fuckin’ love this ass, and this pretty pussy, and your sexy tits, it’s all mine? yeah, baby, all mine.”
it was clear he was afraid of hurting you, all so appreciative of what you’d put your body through because of him. the old you, before you’d gotten pregnant, would’ve laughed and called him a pussy for how soft he was being. he was holding back for you, dick so fucking angry and needy, straining and staining his boxers as he softly pressed the pads of his fingers into your smooth flesh, squeezing you gently.
a soft moan left your throat, eyelids fluttering as you continued to press into him for more. he squeezed you again, this time harder, a small white droplet trickling from your hard nipple.
fuck, patrick could’ve came then and there, his precum mirroring your milk as it continued to ooze from the slit of the head of his cock. “let me see you,” you pleaded, lids heavy as your nails clawed at his waistband, almost as if you knew of his reaction down there. almost as if you noticed the increasingly darkening, sticky spot in his plaid shorts.
anything his princess wants was the motto patrick lived and would’ve willingly died by, immediately shoving his boxers down his thighs, bracing himself on the heels of his feet in order to do so. your pussy was soaking wet now and he’d barely touched you, the sight of his engorged head and thick dark cock, his ball sac heavy and full as it sat beautifully between his sweaty, meaty thighs caused tears to spring to your eyes as you wished the wait to be able to be sexually active postpartum was so much shorter than it actually was. your cunt painfully ached for his intrusion, silently crying and pleading for that dick as if your slit was skillfully created just for it. you and him both would’ve swore on everything it was.
“fuck, pat.”
“tell me what you want, baby.” he began to gently massage you then, the eggshells he’d been walking on dissolving as he grew more confident apart from the fear that he’d hurt you in some way. his other hand had fallen between his legs, gently kneading his balls in rhythm with his massaging of your breast, his finger softly fanning over your nipple.
he looked so gorgeous, your baby daddy. with his dark curls and stubble, a matching tuff of hair at the base of his cock. he was all man, rippling bulging muscles that stretched his tanned skin, thick defined thighs flanking a girthy and veiny cock that had split every hole of yours open, being so soft for you when he was so inconsiderate and mean and rough with everybody else.
you loved him unconditionally, both constrained and unconstrained. but damn, you needed him to let loose right now.
“want you to suck on my tits, want you drink my milk.”
he couldn’t help but audibly groan at that.
patrick nearly jumped to lay on his stomach, the head of his dick caught between his abs and the soft burgundy comforter that covered your shared bed. he raised up a bit to find your lips with his, pushing his tongue into your mouth almost instantly, wanting to taste every part of you.
kissing down your neck and chest, he finally began at your nipple, hot tongue following the soft white trail that the leaking milk had left behind before softly suckling at the peak. then suddenly, his insatiable need for you increased and he continued to take more and more of your breast into his mouth until his cheeks were stuffed with your burning flesh. the blunt ends of his stubble scratched against your warm skin as he drunk from you like that, your nipple on his tongue nearing the back of his throat as the taste of your breastmilk flooded the insides of his mouth, your other nipple warm with sparks of pleasure as he softly rubbed the bud underneath the rough pad of his thumb, the ridges in his skin tickling yours.
your fingers moved into his hair, gently tugging at the soft curls before scratching at his scalp. he whimpered in response, brows dipping in immense content and appreciation at the feeling you knew he’d enjoyed all his life.
patrick’s eyes flitted open to meet your gaze, adams apple bobbing in his throat as he impossibly stuffed himself full of you, ferociously sucking and slurping like his life fucking depended on it. his lids were heavy, irises completely blown out as he grew more and more tit milk drunk, his long tongue flicking out to trace your areola. you watched his mouth grow impossibly wide as he did it, your baby daddy drowning himself in your breasts a disgustingly beautiful sight to take in. his spit was all over your chest just from him sucking on one tit, pooling in the valley between your breasts as well as underneath. you were soaked with his fluids as well as your own in a number of places on your body.
his hips rolled against the comforter, cock rubbing against the soft fabric as he suckled on your breast, moaning around your flesh as the feeling against his cock along with your nails against his scalp created something like a pleasureful supernova in his gut, with sparks flying and crashing and his balls twitching.
you watched in awe as the muscles in his ass flexed with each jut of his hips, your hand that wasn’t in his hair moving down, arm stretching so you could reach as far as you could down his back. he was a long man, and your fingers could only brush the top of his ass, but you didn’t care. you gripped as much was within reach, feeling the top of right ass cheek flex in and out as he rutted against the bed.
“doing so good for mommy, pat. don’t stop, baby.”
a guttural groan escaped him at change of the dynamic. he fucking loved dominating you, forcing you to take his dick through your tears or to watch him fist himself far and restricted from your touch. but damn, did he have a sweet spot for being mommy’s baby. he wouldn’t be a proper grown ass man with mommy issues if he didn’t. and he’d do anything for you, anything to make mommy happy, anything for her to be proud. anything to prove to you he was a good enough, at being a partner, a lover, a father, a best friend, everything he was to you and wanted to be to you forever.
he’d neglected your other breast long enough, your right one popping out of his mouth with a light wet sound, before he smushed your tits together with his big hands and lapped up both nipples at the same time. moving his head from side to side and up and down, he licked at both peaks simultaneously, relishing in your endless sounds of approval from above.
he never stopped fucking himself into the mattress, even moving himself up higher on top of the bed so you could grab onto more of his ass like the true slut he was for you, fucking loving and craving your touch anywhere on him. you pushed your palm against him, forcing him further into the bed as his thrusts grew more ragged and wild, chasing his release.
he was nipping and biting at your breasts now and fuck, it hurt so damn good, the left one now the focus of his attention as he drunk and slurped from it, moaning at the taste of your liquid. you urged him up the bed further so you could snake a hand underneath him, his body nearly curled in half in order to allow your fingers to brush past his cock and grip his balls while his wanton mouth remained on your breast.
you gently squeezed and massaged him as he sucked you, both of you praising one another with sounds of pleasure. you both felt so fucking good, knowing this was needed after taking a break from all sexual activity. sex was one of the main driving forces behind you and patrick’s relationship, your first and one of your favorite ways of proving how much you cared for one another.
above all, patrick was genuinely prideful. so proud of the way you allowed him take over your body like this, the way it changed to accommodate your baby, the strength of it to bring her into this world and bring him new senses of the meaning of life and love, two words he’d always struggled since he was brought into this world to find and understand the deep meaning and importance of.
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fyodussy · 1 year
i heart pervy nanami.
Prof!Nanami that always seemed out to get you.
No matter what you did- Prof!Nanami always had some reason to humiliate you in front of the whole lecture. Prof!Nanami who constantly bring you down and embarrass you amongst your peers. “He’s just a hard teacher.” was everyone’s excuse, it seemed as if no one truly believed the man had a problem with you.
I mean how could they miss the way his eyes linger? You felt it, so why didn’t anyone else notice?
Prof!Nanami that would glare at you when you seemed to be too handsy with a peer. His gaze never seemed to alert anyone other than you- did no one else feel the way his cold eyes burned into them?
Prof!Nanami that would remain seated for the lecture when he’d finished trying his shoe, and glancing up at the students while still explaining. His glasses covering his gaze as it shoots right between your thighs, hoping to get a glimpse of your panties. This seemed to be a common occurrence when you’d wear a skirt that was perhaps a tad bit too short.
Prof!Nanami that pulled strings to keep you in his class no matter how hard you tried to transfer out. The excuses would be so vague it even made you wonder if you should just drop out.
Prof!Nanami that would take points off of your assessment even if you turned it in on time.. Saying “See me after class.” only for it to end the same way as it always does- your knees getting red as your hands rest on his thighs. Looking up at him through your tear-soaked lashes- drool pooling on the floor as your jaw started to ache.
His cock keeping your mouth busy as you try to minimize the gags around it- until of course he grabs a hand full of your hair and starts to face fuck you mercilessly.
Or so he daydreamed between class periods.. And the way he’d glance at your ass when you walked towards the door.
Prof!Nanami that stood outside of the women’s locker room with his hand running through his hair as he seriously considered what he was doing.. AGAIN.
Prof!Nanami that slid into the women's locker room, in search of that pretty name label of yours that he’d grown familiar with. Unfortunately, he was running a little late.. so instead of wrapping your pretty panties around his dick- like he has many times before. And taking his time to climax and let his cum soak into your panties.. along with the idea of you never knowing his cum is between your thighs.. once more.
He opted to just take the whole pair, kneeling as he grabbed them and shook his head before giving in.. And, sniffing them? He stood back up and shoved them into his pocket before making his escape out of the same door he came through. Only to be passed by the women's swim team,
“Good afternoon, Professor Nanami!” some of your teammates greeted the man as you simply glared at the floor ahead of you. Keeping your eyes down so you don’t have to lock eyes with the man who’s made your life miserable from time to time.
Prof!Nanami that was kind of getting off to the idea of talking to your teammates.. All the while unannounced to any of you that YOUR underwear was in the front right pocket of his pants. The fact that your pussy had been covred by the sheer fabric not too long ago.
Prof! Nanami that bit down on your underwear to stifle the groans that left his lips each time he’d gotten a taste of you from them. His hand that never seemed to stop as it kept edging him. The smell of your cum soaked panties- which the specific reason he has chosen to steal them today was due to your time in class.
Your pathetic senior boyfriend who would graduate uni and never look back. The same senior that had stuffed his fingers in your cunt underneath the table. The smug smirk on his face as he glanced over to see Prof!Nanami watching how his fingers played with your clit. Sliding your wet panties out of the way, giving Prof!Nanami an even better view of your pussy.
Watching the way, Prof!Nanami held back- a groan? Covering it up with a cough as he committed the sight to memory before turning to the board to hide his erection.
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anabdaniels · 6 months
How much does devotion weigh?
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Paring: chubby!Agent Whiskey x Plus size female reader
Summary: Your thoughts about your husband's appearance end up on a good morning sex or Jack became chubby after retiring from Statesman and reader is obsessed with it.
Word counting: 1.5k
Rating: +18
Warnings: Fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, body worship (if you squint), retired chubby Jack (c'mon, it's too lovely to not be warned).
A/N: So, we all saw the Eddington BTS pics and we're collectively deceased. Not surprisingly, while everyone was like "OMG that's Javi" my Daniels-obsessed brain could only scream "THAT'S JACK AFTER RETIRE FROM STATESMAN AND GET HIS RANCH" so here we are.
Another piece of the same universe: A pretty picture and the scenery is so loud
Divider from: @saradika-graphics
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You sighed as your husband’s breath tickled your nape, his warm chest pressed against your bare back. You’ve been awake for a good time, but with no intention to go anywhere, after all, you had no reason to do such a thing, nothing could compete with spending a cold morning snuggling in the comfortable arms of your cowboy.
Being that quiet and comfortable, your brain started to make you think way too much; you hated every minute of the period of your relationship you had to deal with Jack disappearing in whatever place Statesman needed him to, letting you completely clueless about when you would talk to him again, how long would take for him to come back home or even if he really would come back. Now that all those agonizing days were just a memory of a distant past, you sure still hated Statesman for having kept your man away from you all those times, but at that very moment, being so well snuggled in his arms, you surely would never forgive Statesman for have kept his comfortable shape away from your hands for so long.
Yes, even during his more fit period, Jack had that soft stomach you always went feral for, but since his retirement, he had converted to your real-life-sized teddy bear. His arms still were strong and muscular, which couldn’t be different with the amount of manual work he did daily around the ranch, but now they were chubbier and softer, like the rest of him. You couldn’t be more grateful for his taste in jeans, because, if those vacuum-packed pairs looked good before, now that they had to be a size bigger because Jack’s thighs, hips, and ass had grown, you were doing no better than a man when it came to having your eyes glued on his rear back while he did anything.
You smiled when you felt Jack moving on the bed, leaning his head forward and kissing your shoulder lazily as he woke up, tightening his embrace around you, which was more than enough to set fire to your whole body. You turned on the bed to face him, smiling at how handsome Jack could look with his eyes half-lidded and his recently awake lazy face; his estimated mustache, millimetrically trimmed as always, looked good like never on his now slightly rounded face. Without second thoughts, you leaned your hands on his cheeks, gently squeezing them while tucking yourself even more against Jack, hanging one of your legs around his hip.
“Are we well woke up, hum?” Jack teased and leaned to nibble your chin while moving one hand up and down your back, causing you to shiver all over since being a full-time ranch owner had made his hands rougher over time.
“Can you blame me for it? You have no idea how hard it is to wake up with such a hot thing on my bed every day.” You said completely shamelessly, moving one of your hands down his chest, sighing audibly with the merle feeling of his soft form under your palm.
“And here I was, thinking I should start to workout again.” He retorted with a chuckle.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You answered more quickly and worried than you planned to, but it was a genuine reaction. You felt your libido getting wilder at every pound he gained over time, you couldn’t bear the idea of him losing them.
“Wasn’t you that said that I was crazy for not being happy every time you planned to do some unnecessary diet?” he raised one eyebrow with a cocky smirk.
“Fine, I may have understood what you meant when you said that a couple of pounds more wouldn’t hurt anyone.” You admitted with a playful smile, unconsciously squeezing his soft stomach.
“Then is a no for the workout?” Jack questioned teasingly, pressing your body against his.
“Is a definitely obviously explicit unnegotiable no, Daniels.” You said emphatically, melting a bit with the feeling of his body glued on yours and leaning forward to kiss him.
Jack moved one hand up your back, sinking his fingers in your hair and pulling it softly as his other arm kept firmly rounding your waist. A popsicle in the sun would be more undamaged than you at that moment. You weren’t even consciously moving your hands while they groped every inch of Jack’s torso you could reach, especially when you squeezed his soft love handle; you never understood all the times Jack said how much he loved to grab your soft curves, especially your rounded stomach and abundant love handles, but now you were comprehending everything. You always saw a bit of weight gain as the end of the world when it was with you, but at moment Jack gained the first couple of pounds, you were about to climb up the walls wanting to grab every part of him.
And Jack was completely aware of that. He never doubted that you were deeply attracted to him, but when he realized that your libido seemed to magically have increased at the same pace that he became thicker, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Aside from his cocky and full-of-himself manner, for a moment Jack wondered if you would be okay with the body changes the retirement brought and couldn’t be more relieved with your little obsession towards his new form.
Having you so needy and melted between his arms, Jack couldn’t do more than move further, letting go of your waist to sneak one hand between your legs, smirking as he felt you already wet and pulsing on his fingers. With no flourishes, he started to rub your throbbing clit, taking a squeaky whimper from you as your nails sank into his chubby waist. Unable to hold his huge need, Jack slid inside you, smiling against your lips as you moaned and pulled him with your leg, getting even more turned on by the soothing feeling of his soft stomach pressing against yours.
Despite being drunk on pleasure you managed to open your eyes while resting your forehead on his, your hands still caressing and squeezing all over him as much as it was possible. Got on the moment as much as you, Jack grabbed your thick thigh that was on top of him, pulling you closer as he rolled slightly to the side, getting half on top of you and letting his body weight partially over yours, that being enough to send you to heaven; you always loved how you felt small under him, which gained a boost with his extra weight.
With one elbow resting on the mattress, Jack leaned to kiss you again, keeping his hold on your thigh as he intensively fucked you; the increasing of your libido had thrown his sex drive at the height too, especially after got rid of all his stress of working for Statesman.
You hung both of your arms around his neck as you melted under Jack, tightening your leg around his hip as that knot started to build on your lower stomach. Conscious of the effects he had on you, Jack slightly leaned his head back, letting go of your thigh and grabbing your jaw, staring deep into your eyes as he made sure to let his upper body brush against yours, causing you to whimper and contort, unwrapping your arms from his neck just to touch his shoulders and biceps, aware that you could cry if you thought too much about how handsome he was and how lucky you were for being married to him.
As your eyes started to roll back on their orbits and your eyelids fell closed, you felt Jack letting go of your jaw to move his hand between your legs but he didn’t get the chance to make it, once you fell apart on an orgasm even before his fingers reached the level of your stomach. You whined and sank your face into the curve of his neck, feeling your senses cloudy and your cunt pulsing around his cock. With a soothing caress on your nape, Jack kissed the top of your head, letting his face rest there and groaning quietly against your hair as he filled you up.
After a moment, Jack rested by your side, letting an arm around your torso and one leg between yours. You turned your head lazily to look at him when his fingers caressed your waist, smiling when you found him looking at you.
“Can I ask you something?” you whispered and he promptly nodded “Do you have any unavoidable plan for today?”
“Not actually.” Jack answered with a soft frown, curious about what you had in mind.
“Very good.” You said while tucking yourself against his chest “Because I have no intention of letting you get out of this bed so soon.”
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Just casually tagging some besties that might be interested on this (and to say hi after I disappeared for weeks): @missladym1981 @tuquoquebrute @iloveenya @sevillagrenada @pedroshotwifey
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silvervioletvalentine · 8 months
‘I know I've got a big ego, I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though!’
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Pairing : Lewis Hamilton X FemOC Candy!
Summary- in which she’s a spoilt , Primadonna girl and Lewis will do anything to get her to be his girl.
Candy didn’t know when this whole thing had started, what it was about her that had him so hooked and so obsessed with the idea of getting her to become his girl , to let him be her man.
She had done everything she could to deter him , she turned up to a high class bitchiness level that she had never even reached before . More cunty and more cruel than her friends could believe , getting great amusement out of putting one of the hottest , arrogant men down a few pegs every time she seen his pretty face .
But sometimes he got beneath her skin and wormed his over the top affections , his poetic words and endless promises of the a luxurious life he could give her.
Candy was certain that he would give her his kidney If she so much as hinted at wanting it, his promise of never ending supply of love and gifts never did fade .
Even when she thought that maybe , just maybe he had finally grown sick of chasing after her like a dog after his favourite ball.
It had been quite for the last three weeks , far more quite than she had grown accustomed to over the last year of knowing Lewis.
It unsettled her , a weird ache settling between her chest as she contemplated the fact that maybe he really had grown bored with her silly games , of her constant mean rejections and petty excuses to deny his affections time and time again.
And candy thought that she would be fine with this , that it wouldn’t bother her when things came to a still end like they always did with men’s attention waned on her after time had passed .
But instead of the indifference that she expected to feel , she just felt like a hole had been run right through her .
A frown settling over her pretty face the last few weeks when she realised that Lewis really wasn’t reaching out anymore . He usually never went a couple days or more without some type of communication .
It bad her rattled and she didn’t like it at all.
So she picked up her phone and dialled his number before she could find the reason in her brain telling her not to .
She was almost surprised when after only a couple of rings , he actually picked up. But she was too annoyed and too keyed up to even think of why he sounded so amused when he sang a pleased hello.
She cut straight through him without even wasting a single breath .
“Have you been in a terrible accident ? Have you lost your legs? Your voice? Have you sudden developed amnesia and forgotten who I am?” She bit out at him , offended by his lack of attention these past three weeks.
Despite the way that the last time she had seen him, she had told him to shove his designer gifts for her where the sun didn’t shine and to leave her the fuck alone.
To be fair , she had been on her period . Pissed off from the constant pain and moody from her suffering . And secondly , she hasn’t expected him to actually leave her the fuck alone.
This wasn’t how their game went at all. He should have been here with some pretty , sparkly things while telling her how much he had missed her.
What the hell was he playing at , ignoring her like this?
“Missed me sweetheart? I thought you didn’t want to see me? Changed your mind again?” He teased her , a giddy tone in his phone at the thought of her missing him so much.
It had been torture for him not to be Constantly on her ass and around her like he usually was , but he had just wanted to see what would happen if he really did follow through with her demands to fuck right off.
Half expecting Her to never reach out again, he was pleasantly surprised to hear her furious voice shouting at him again. It made his body relax and a smug grin settle on his face .
Candy let out a infuriated noise “no I didn’t! I was actually - I was actually just calling to let you know that I’ve moved on! adiós to you!” She shrilled.
Picking up her fluffy cat and hugging him to her chest with her free arm for comfort , the same rag doll that Lewis had gotten her for simply looking pretty this summer.
Lewis let out a chuckle , knowing her like his favourite well read book.
“Oh yeah? And who’s the lucky guys name? Anyone I know?” He played along. Putting his phone on speaker as he drove along the familiar road to her home .
Candy scowled to herself , angrily pacing her room at how amused he sounded . Her eyes traced the framed pictures on her wall, landing on one from her favourite band .
She blinked .
“No you don’t know him. His name is - his name is axl. The hottest man I’ve ever seen, we’re in love.” She blurted out wanting to make him as upset as he had made her these last few weeks of ignoring her .
Lewis was clearly grinning , she could hear his smug , beautiful grin through the damn phone .
“Cool name . Well If you’re happy…” he trailed off .
Candy was officially enraged “you don’t care?!” She almost screamed angrily. Tears filling her eyes .
His voice was careful as he replied smugly “do you want me to care sweetheart?”
She paused , sniffled then huffed loudly . “No. I don’t care if you don’t care!”
Lewis grinned to himself “okay cool. So just to be clear , you’ve moved on with some guy named Axl and you don’t care that I don’t care?” He teased.
Candy put down her poor cat and threw herself down onto the couch with a scowl on her face , wrapped herself in a blanket and tried not to cry.
“Correct.” Was all she hiccuped “well then- I’m glad we’ve cleared this up asshole. Thanks for not caring!” She made sure to get the last word in before she angrily hung up the phone .
Then she screamed into her pillow .
Only Abruptly pausing her long scream halfway when a loud knock echoed on her door.
She quickly straightened up and threw on Lewis’s hoodie that he had left last time he was here annoying her . Stomping to the door with the sourness of someone who felt like she has been dumped even though she wasn’t even in a relationship to start with.
What was her life?
She threw open the door ready to grab whatever parcel was being delivered , then froze as she came face to face with a grinning Lewis at her door.
Dressed in a beautiful dark red tracksuit set , skin glowing and hair braided back perfectly . Candy suddenly felt self conscious as she became acutely aware of her messy bed hair and mascara rimmed eyes , dressed in nothing but pj shorts and his hoodie .
“Hey baby.” He simply said after a few seconds of her gaping at him with wide eyes. Then he casually shuffled past her body, his band grazing her hip gently as he stepped into her apartment like it was his own.
It took her a few moments to gather her bearings before she was slamming the door shut and turning to him with a mean glower on her face . Heart racing in her chest at his sudden arrival.
“What are you doing here?!” She exclaimed shocked , and annoyingly relieved that he was finally there with her .
She kicked his foot , hard. Angry with him.
Lewis just smiled , leaned forward to gently run his fingers through her hair affectionately.
“Came to see you and your new boyfriend Axl.” His eyes darted to her picture of Axl rose on her wall as he said it.
Candy swallowed leaning into his touch for a moment before coming to her senses and batting his hand away.
“You just missed him.” She lied.
Lewis chuckled , amused ? knowing that she was lying and knowing that she knew that he knew that she was lying too.
“How convenient.” Was all he replied before taking a seat at the end of her couch, sitting on the arm of it . He looked up at her with his smile softening into something more warm and lovely .
“I’ve missed you. You look as beautiful as ever.” He told her softly , taking a hold of the hem of her shorts to tug her closer between his legs .
She let him. Cheeks flushing lightly as she gazed into his warm eyes , feeling her body turned to mush.
“Really?” She wondered then looked around him with a slight frown “where’s my gift?”
Lewis let out a loud laugh at how spoilt she was, though he supposed it was partly his fault. He never did arrive without a gift for his sweetheart after all.
“Don’t I get a hug first? I know you missed me.” He teased her, trailing his hand up to her waist and gently rubbing her soft skin beneath his hoodie .
She let her arms rest over his broad shoulders , pouting down at him.
“You said you didn’t care that I moved on.” She mumbled annoyed with him still.
He chuckled , hugging her to him . Resting his chin on her stomach as he peered up at her beneath his dark lashes .
“What? Moved on with Axl rose your imaginary boyfriend? Don’t be silly baby. You know I’m the only one for you.” He told her softly , smiling up at her with affection written all over his beautiful face.
Candy frowned down at him , playing with the diamond stud in his ear .
“I don’t like you.” She reminded him just out of habit by now.
Instead of getting upset , he just giggled at her stubbornness to Admit what he already knew. “Then why were you upset that I didn’t care?”
“I wasn’t upset and I don’t care that you don’t care Lewis. I just think it was mean to abandon me like that for three weeks . I thought you were dead.” She dramatically snapped .
She had watched him at his races . She knew that he was perfectly fine. Which only upset her more because then what other excuse did he have for ignoring her like that then?
Death was the only reasonable excuse to do that!
He rose a brow at her , lifting her hoody to look at the sparkly diamond H belly stud that she had on. The same one he had given her last time he saw her.
He bent down his head and gently kissed it, smirking to himself as he felt her whole body shiver against his lips.
“Don’t like me ignoring you? Now you know how I feel. Isn’t nice is it?” He mumbled against another soft kiss on her belly . Only pulling away when she slapped his forehead not so gently .
He looked up to see her glaring down at him, furious.
“I do not ignore you like that!” She denied.
He rolled his eyes “you told me to go fuck myself the last time I was here. Then refused to pick up my calls the rest of the week.” He reminded her.
She just scoffed “I was upset! I was bleeding from my vagina Lewis! Not everything is about you! I wasn’t in the mood for your games!” She argued.
He paused, then tilted his head with a slight frown. “You could have just told me that. I would have gotten you a heating pad and some chocolate. You didn’t have to be so mean baby.” He said.
She just sniffled at him , gently rubbing at the back of his neck with her fingers absentmindedly. “I’m not mean.”
The look he gave her was full of disbelief “no? Then why aren’t you my girl then?” His question had her stumped.
She spluttered for answer , blinking rapidly . “Well- cause I’m not impressed.” She answered him shortly.
He barked out a laugh “no?” He grinned looking up at her with eyes full of amusement .
“The jewellery and the clothes weren’t enough? The cat , the paid of loans and your car? Still not impressive enough?” He listed off all of the things he had gotten her this past year . Growing more amused by the second as he watched her stubbornly shake her head at him.
“Nope.” She muttered arrogantly .
“Then what would it take for you to be my girl?” He wanted to know.
She searched her mind for something “a mansion like yours. With a king size bed. And - and your Ferrari.” She said the most ridiculous thing she could think of. Something he couldn’t give her.
His eyes searched her face for a long moment before simply humming . “Will you stay at mine tonight with me? Roscoe misses you.” He said already getting to his feet .
He grabbed her phone and keys from the table , not even waiting for an answer before heading to her door. Knowing she would follow him.
She did .
“What will we do? I don’t want to bored all night.” She huffed as she followed him out.
Letting him lock her door, absentmindedly grabbing his hand as he lead her down her apartment stairs . Missing the way he smiled down at her , shaking his head fondly .
They were almost to the car when he finally responded , making her skin flush red and knees weaken as he bluntly told her
“I’m going to fuck you so hard till you know no other name than mine . Then I’m going to eat you out for however long it takes for you to realise that there’s no one better for you than me baby.” He kissed the side of her head before pushing her down into the passenger seat casually .
Candy just blinked up at him in shock , face red and belly fluttering . “Oh. Okay.” She weakly spluttered in response .
Lewis just smirked and flicked her chin lightly before closing the door shut, jogging around to the drivers side quickly .
And Lewis never broke his promises. And by the time the stars were twinkling bright , his name was all she could scream .
When candy woke up the next morning , it was to the sound of Lewis ‘awwing’ loudly at something .
She grumbled to herself as she pushed herself out of his bed , blushing at the fact that she was wearing nothing but his shirt .
Lewis having put It on her while she exhaustedly let him look after her and tuck her into his chest , kissing her head gently as she drifted off to sleep.
Yawning loudly , she stomped her way down the fancy stairs of his home . Grumpy from being woken up .
“What the hell are you awwing at you weirdo?” She called out to Lewis the moment she caught sight of him in the hallway.
He looked over at her with a bright smile on his face , beckoning her over for a hug. She immediately fell into his chest , still tired as she lazily hugged him back.
“Roscoe loves kitties . It’s so cute.” Lewis casually told her , stroking her hair away from her face as she tried to wake up properly.
“Huh?” She let out confusedly wondering why he looked so smug and amused . Then she turned her head and froze as she saw roscoe cuddled up with mr snuggles , her cat .
She blinked at her cat in Lewis’s home , with his dog. Wondering if she was still dreaming .
Then She glanced over to the front room and saw her Tiffany lamps and her cushions on his couch , glancing down at the carpet to see her heart shaped rug there too.
She gasped loudly in shock “what the fuck?!” She immediately turned back to Lewis with wide eyes, gaping at him.
“Why are my things In your house? Why is my kitty here? What the fuck?!” She shouted in absolute disbelief .
Lewis just smiled at her serenely , clearing pleased with himself . He leaned down to stroke her cat when he walked over to him purring , leaving Candy to just blink at him in disbelief .
“You said that the only way you would be with me is if you had a mansion with a king side bed and well…” he pointedly looked around his mansion and the king sized bed she had gotten out of . Grinning proudly at her as he did so.
“What’s mine is now yours baby. And also…” he dug his hand into his hoodie pocket and pulled out some keys .
He opened up her placed and gently placed them in her hand. “There’s my keys to my Ferrari that you wanted as well.” He said.
Candy felt like she was going to pass out .
Gaping at this insane man that was more than happy to give her everything he had. She felt her heart swell in her chest, briefly looking down at the Ferrari keys in her hand and all her things in his home .
She spluttered “but-what? I can’t just live with you! That’s insane!” Her hands were trembling
around the keys at his casual devotion to giving her whatever the hell she wanted .
Lewis just shrugged casually , walking over to her slowly like she was a spooked animal. And maybe she was , she sure felt like a deer in headlights then.
What the fuck was her life?
“Why not? I’m in love with you and I’m pretty sure you’re in love with me. I want you by my side , always. And what better way than living with you?” He simply explained like it was that easy. And maybe for him it was .
Candy just looked at him like he had grown a third head.
“That’s pretty arrogant to assume that I love you Lewis!” She snapped at him stubbornly . Blushing red. “What if I hated your guts? This would be real awkward for you!”
Lewis just laughed at her attitude “oh yeah? So the ‘please Lewis! Fuck me harder Lewis! Just like that baby! all that was because you hated me was it?” He smugly copied her high pitched voice screaming last night .
Making her quickly slap his bicep with a embarrassed gasp, face feeling like it was on fire.
“Lewis!” She shrieked while he just giggled harder
“shut up! I do not sound like that! How dare you?!”
Lewis rolled his eyes at her fondly “how dare me? How dare you! Why are you being so god damn stubborn? Why can’t you just admit that you love me? We could be married by now if you just stopped being so mean!” He exclaimed right back at her in exasperation.
But never angry, no, not with her. He loved her
Too damn much after all.
“I’m not mean! Fuck you!” She yelled back.
“You already did and will again after you just admit that I’m right!”
“Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you? Mr always right!” She sarcastically shouted back.
Lewis snorted a laugh “so you don’t want me then? Don’t want to live with me and drive my Ferrari?” He challenged her.
She paused , then fidgeted with the diamond tennis bracelet that Lewis had gotten for her , on her wrist .
“I didn’t - I didn’t say that-“
He grinned smugly “admit it then. Go on.” He gave her a nudge , utterly beaming by now .
Candy huffed like a child and rolled her eyes at him . “I just - are you serious?” She eyed him like he was playing some nasty , elaborate joke on her . Waiting for him to shout ‘gotchu girl!’.
Lewis squinted his eyes at her in disbelief “are you serious?” He returned the question to her in slight annoyance at her doubting him after everything .
“I’m obviously very serious baby , my god! Your cat is in my house and I just have you my Ferrari! What a weird, expensive joke that would be!” He exclaimed.
What a strange woman he was in love with he thought , so suspicious of him , Jesus!
Candy sniffed , clutched her diamond necklace on her neck (another gift from him) and slowly nodded her head.
“right . Well..” she uncomfortably cleared her throat , not one for being sappy or emotional over a man but damn , her heart was about to burst right now.
“Thanks babe.” She settled on lamely instead.
Lewis looked at her grimacing face then burst out into hysterical giggles . “You’re so welcome sweetheart. Come ‘ere” he tugged her over to him by her folded arm, grinning into her hair as he hugged her tightly to his chest .
His stubborn , spoilt girl.
Candy hugged him back without any hesitation, squeezing his waist tight . Sighing in content , she planted a gentle kiss on his chest .
“Lew?” She spoke up after another minute of just standing there cuddling in the front room while their pets stared at them like they were watching a entertaining show .
His smile was evident in his voice “yeah baby?”
She sighed in defeat , too happy to care about her pride anymore . “You’re so right by the way.” She admitted to him quietly .
He hummed smugly “yeah?”
She nodded with a huff “yeah.” She pulled away slightly to look into his eyes , he was so fucking beautiful it made her want to cry.
All mine. She almost growled , kissing his mouth just because she could . Lewis sighed against her lips happily
“Say it baby. Come on..” he whispered against her mouth , lips curling into a grin when she just sighed again.
“I love you. So much. And I missed you so don’t do that shit to me again. I’m not one to be ignored.” She told him sternly , pointing a nail into his chest.
He giggled and kissed her again “noted. Do not ignore my girl again.” He murmured then “and I love you too. You stubborn, mean girl.”
“Can I have your Mercedes too? Just for Wednesdays?”
A pause , then “why Wednesday’s?” He asked amused.
She shrugged as she let him pull her down onto the couch to continue making out , side eyeing her blanket on his couch.
When the hell did he even do all this? She wondered? Still In disbelief that he had all her things moved into his home (their home now?) while she was asleep.
Was a sneaky little guy.
“Just to shake things up a little.” She replied simply.
Lewis didn’t even hesitate to agree.
Maybe she’d buy him a vegan waffle for dinner to repay him, she thought with a grin as she accepted his Mercedes car keys too.
She needed some new keychains , she thought mindlessly . Imagining the looks on her friends face when she rolled up in his Ferrari for their weekend brunches .
If this was a game , she had totally won. She thought to herself contently as she felt Lewis trail kisses down her neck.
A new mansion, two new cars and Lewis fucking hamilton as her man.
Oh yeah, she had totally won in life .
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star-suh · 9 months
Santa Tell Fuck Me 🎅🎄
Kang Yeosang x Male Reader
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cw: verse dom-ish yeosang, verse reader, daddy kink, unprotected sex, breeding, sex toys, ass stuffing, rimjob, blowjob.
an: sorry for the corny dialogue lmao. also happy holidays everyone !!♡
december 24th in the morning, yn was preparing everything for ‘santa's arrival’; "incredible how you, a grown ass man, still believe in those things" wooyoung laughed out loud mocking the other. "idiot in this family they have always done this, i have no fucking idea why they do it knowing that santa doesn't exist... however i think it's kinda cute” he said while accomodating the socks and some letters.
“why don't you ask santa for a good cock, then? we can't end this year without a good fucking” wooyoung added. yn looked at him dumbfounded but decided to follow up the joke by writing 'dear santa, i want a good fuck tonight'.
yn spent the whole day outside the house with wooyoung, visiting friends and family. finally, midnight arrived and yn went home, amazed at what he found there in his living room.
there he was, santa in flesh and bones, but he was different from the santa that everyone knew, this santa wore a sleeveless vest showing off his strong oiled arms “i heard someone here was looking for a big, hard candy cane” he says grabbing his big bulge “where's that ho ho hoe?”.
“no fucking way, you're real?” yn rubs his eyes thinking maybe he's imagining it "damn you're sexier than people think", santa can almost see the drool coming out of his mouth, “what are you waiting for? come here and give this cane some good licks”, santa discarded his pants showing the jockstrap he was wearing. yn quickly knelt in front of him and moved the jockstrap to the side taking his cock out "so big" yn's tongue lick over everything from the balls to the tip, savoring every inch of that juicy cock.
“get on top of me” santa hurried the other, taking off his pants in the process, while yn continued sucking cock, santa adjusted his ass so that it was in front of his mouth and began to suck it.
when it was already wet, santa took out a dildo from his gift bag, which was decorated with the patterns of a candy cane, and inserted it completely into the other's hole, making him moan loudly "shit, very deep..."
the holidays man continued abusing that tight hole, inserting and removing the dildo quickly with no mercy "damn you're going very fast daddy", and just when he heard that santa accelerated his movements and yn noticed how the cock swelled a little more in his hands "so a daddy fetish huh–hngh..!"; "shut the fuck up and keep sucking if you want me to give you your gift, christmas slut!!”.
“now let me give you your gift" santa takes yn down from his lap to slap his hard cock against the palm of his hand and spits on the tip "what are you waiting for bitch, sit on it" and yn obeyed, slowly sliding on santa's thick meat.
yn pushed himself hard on it; “damn boy, you acting so desperate as if this was the last dick you've ever take in your life” santa growled feeling the pleasure of being squeezed by a tight warm hole, “it's not the last one, but it's not every day you get to ride santa.
After what felt like hours, santa locked his strong arms around yn tightly and with a few last strong thrusts all his seed was shooted inside the boy, some of it dripped down santa's shaft “fuck that's a whole year of cum inside you boy, and you were able to keep it inside like the good slut you are. i think you deserve another gift” as he finishes saying that, santa spreaded his ass cheeks showing his pink hole to yn, making his mouth water “fuck really?” questioned yn, still not believing what is happening. “uh-huh” santa nodded “i think tonight i won't ride my sleigh… i'll ride you instead..”
santa was tight as fuck, it was so tight that yn came seconds later after the first thrust “don't stop until you unload all that sperm inside your balls on me, you hear me bitch boy?” yn nodded and kept fucking him. yn used some of the cum in his ass as a lube.
santa's ass hole was so wet and agape after many loads dripping down his legs and when yn thrusted some of it splashed on his torso and santa's back. they were a hot mess of cum and sweat.
santa resumed on fuckin yn but this time he introduced a long strip of anal beads decorated as christmas’ three balls “it feels so weird… i feel so full..” yn cried feeling the overstimulation hitting him “shh just enjoy it’ santa pressed his index finger on the other's lips while introducing his cock inch by inch.
in the next hour santa didn't kept fucking yn, despite the other's pleas, he didn't stopped until he fills him with his sperm again. he came inside again, pulling out his cock seconds later after riding his high. then without warning, in one swoop, the christmas man took out half of the anal beads from the poor boy's ass "motherfucking santa that hurts", santa just laughed "sorry boy i got carried away.. but now it's your job to get the rest of them out of you. push as hard as you can".
yn pushed and pushed, one by one each bead came out of his ass, dripping with semen, "damn it seems like it was snowing inside you" santa joked, tapping yn's ass to make him push faster "there are only a few left”, santa said.
the last one came out, the long strip of beads fell to the floor over a pool of semen "the best gift i have ever received in my life" yn whispered feeling satisfied, falling asleep on the floor right after.
the next morning he woke up and, feeling no pain, he thought that everything from the previous night was a dream until he saw a letter on his nightstand. "if you're wondering why you're not in pain, it's because i took care of it. i'll see you next year on christmas" there was also a cute drawing of a face winking, at which yn just smiled. he kept the letter in a secret place in his room and left to meet wooyoung to have breakfast.
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lotusunique · 1 month
Cuts and Bruises
A.Aretas x BlackFem!Reader
Okay so I lost the comment that this was based off but they gave me the idea by basically saying “there’s something about a man bloodied and bruised looking at you like you’ve just hung the moon that does sum to me” and I loved it so here we are!
TW:Mild themes of SA! Mild themes of violence
Tonight was supposed to be fun. Tonight you were supposed to go out and hang with your best friends. But no. You were stuck working at this shitty bar you called a job.
You’d already had a terrible week as it was and now your dickweed of a boss had put you on the schedule. Not to mention this tight ass uniform was huggin all the wrong places.
“Get in and get out. Quick shift”,was all you managed to repeat to yourself through out your slow paced work shift. As you dried a shot glass you recognize a familiar face walk through the door.
The infamous Armando Aretas. He was a regular at this point. Often just coming in after he came from wherever he was. He seemed like the mysterious type so you chose never to pry unless you two were in deep conversation.
He walks over to the bar before opening his mouth, “I know, a jack and coke on the rocks. Lite”,you smirk over at him as he takes a seat. You quickly make his drink and head back over to him.
“I thought you weren’t gonna be here tonight”,he eyes you with a weird look. “Yea I wasn’t supposed to but here I am”,you grown. “Eventually I’m just gonna grow old and die here”,you shrug. “Well,let me know when that is, I’ll grow old with you in here. “, he gives a smile back.
The two of you casually chat until your coworker leans over to you, “can you help out at table 7, I’ve gotta hit the bathroom really quick”, she says before scurrying off to the bathroom.
“ I’ll be right back”, you advise Armando before turning to the table you have to tend to. You walk over to the table which happens to be a group of drunk men. Older maybe 40-50. Obviously they can’t hold their liquor as they’re highly roudy and the smell of beer is pouring off them.
“Hello, what can I get you today?”,You say in your customer service voice. “Shit are you on the menu?”,one of the men gives a deep laugh. You resist the urge to scrunch up your face, “our house specials are up on the board”, you point.
As you turn to show the specials, you feel a hard slap across your ass. You turn back to the men with so much shock across your face. You didn’t plan on loosing your job tonight but you knew you were about to.
The group of men sit around giggling as you put your server book onto the table near by and taking off your earrings. “Oh look, this bitch thinks someone’s scared of her.”,one of the men voices. Before you know it, your fist is flying clean across the man’s face. You prepare to take on all of them but when you look up, Armando’s beating the shit out of them all.
You didn’t know he’d been watching the whole situation unfold but you were happy he was. Within the next thirty seconds to a minute, the fight is broken up by nearby bar goers. The group of men scatter through the front door before you turn to Armando.
“C’mon let’s get you cleaned up”, you say before taking him to a storage space in the back of the bar. You nod over to a somewhat tall desk placed against the wall, “sit”. He gives you an “I don’t want to” look. “Sit.”,you say sternly, shooting him daggers with your eyes. “Yes Ma’am”,He smirks over at you, looking for the first aid kit you didn’t get the chance to see his sly expression.
“Found you!”,you say quietly excited to yourself. Armando gives you a weird glance. “You wanna judge me or you wanna get patched up”,You raise an eyebrow at him as you move towards him, standing in between his legs, meaning you tower him by a little. “You right you right. Patch me up Nurse Y/L/N.”,he smiles.
“Shut up”, you say pulling out an alcohol wipe to clean up a big cut right across his eyebrow, funny enough it’s right above his eyebrow slit. “I’m sorry. Does it hurt?”,you ask eyeing his response. “Not really. Just wanted to make you feel bad”,he looks up at you with a laugh. “You play too damn much”, You laugh, lightly shoving him.
“In a second I’m finna whoop your ass”, you laugh,still cleaning up the light bruises on his face. It was normal for the two of you to talk like this from time to time. Surprisingly one of your best friendships was with someone who just walked into your job one day. You loved that even when he was just in a fight, all bloodied and bruised he still was the finest man you’d ever seen in your natural born life.
“Shit I’m not opposed”,he smirks up at you. “Armando get out my face”,you laugh. “Thank you also.”, you say as you place a band aid on a cut directly on his forehead. “For what?”,he asks. “For beating up those Assholes”, you smile. “Hey I was just following your lead”, he laughs. “Where’d you learn to punch like that?”, he asks.
“My dad was a navy seal. Before he died he taught me everything he knew. So if you think about it, I’m kinda a killing machine. But I promise I use my powers for good”, you say as the two of you laugh.
“This is the most I’ve ever seen you smile in here”, you say noticing how pretty his teeth are. He really kinda is the full package somethings gotta be wrong.
“Wassup with you. I get a vibe but I don’t know the full story so I don’t know if the vibe I’m getting is right.”, you explain. “Well what’s the vibe you’re getting?”,he asks, intrigued.
“ Sometimes I think you’re feeling me then not so much. And it’s kinda like you’re this perfect package. Somethings gotta be off”,you shrug.
“You got a baby mama?”
“Multiple baby mamas?”
“Multiple babies”
“There are no babies involved”
“Okay… you a felon?”
“Ahhh, ding ding.”
“What’d you do? Im not judging I dated a con man once”, You shrug before he burst out laughing.
“That shit is not funny. He tried to steal my identity.”, you let out a laugh.
“Oh but to answer that wavering thought in your head”, Armando says before standing up. He pulls you into him before placing a kiss upon your lips. The kiss wasn’t hungry like you’d expected. It was soft and subtle. It made you wanna melt and you loved every second of it. “I want you. I just was giving you time to realize I was gon have you”, he brushes his thumb against your lips.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 months
There are many things I will never forgive Rick Riordan for but the number 1 (one) thing I will always hold against him is how he treated WWII in the entire series.
To quote the PJO wiki, "[...] World War II, in the books, is described to be a huge fight between the children of Zeus and Poseidon on one side and the children of Hades on the other.
The events of World War II resulted in the pact of the Big Three, because their children were affecting the course of history too much. It was decided more demigod children would be dangerous for the mortal world."
Just. What the fuck. There are so many things that are wrong with this.
There is nothing that he can do to excuse or salvage this. He could rewrite the whole series, I don't give a fuck. This should not have happened in the first place.
I don't care if he wrote the first book in 2005, he was and still is a grown ass man with a high education from what I've read, he has no excuse. WWII has affected millions across the globe with the descendants of all too many families even having to deal with the generational trauma that came from that time period alone AND dealing with heavy deniers of the many atrocities and war crimes that were committed whilst their grandparents and great-grandparents are having hallucinations of all of their traumatic experiences (can you tell i'm speaking from experience?).
Ironically he holds (Ancient) Greece on such a high pedestal, calling it the birthplace of Western Civilisation (it isn't), and yet you can tell he obviously knows very little about the damn country whose culture he's been appropreating for almost two decades now. Making Hades the father of 3 (three) terrible war criminals in the war that, you know, Greece had been and still is greatly affected by to this day. Which is, you know, his fucking home. That he and all the other characters supposedly care about oh so much (I have so many bottled-up negative emotions about these books and absolutely no safe space to let them out, theitsa, you have no idea).
You may think I'm overreacting or taking this too seriously but I honestly couldn't care less. This is not a topic you can just joke about or treat light-heartedly. Yes, it was mentioned as an atrocity in the books, but it was still mainly treated as just "Hehe silly fight between gods! Secret History ooo!~".
Simply saying that WWII was bad is not enough, Rick, it's actually the bare minimum. You need to show it at the very least some respect by not undermining its consequences to simply "This is why we don't have kids anymore!". But you're obviously not ready to hear that yet. It still baffles me that his fans are just now discovering he is not the saint they thought he was. "How could he be a zionist ??" they all ask in unison, meanwhile the signs were all there since 2005 (at the very least).
Anyway, you don't have to answer this ask if you don't feel like it, I understand it can possibly be overwhelming. You're the first person I've seen that's actually not afraid to point out Rick's bullshit despite initially liking his books, and also the fact that you are a Greek educating people on actual Greek culture, so I felt safe sharing my thoughts with you. Thank you for your time! Καλές γιορτές! 💕
You're overreacting, especially when it comes to the World Wars! In ww2 1 in 10 Greeks died in the famine, and almost everyone I know had someone in their family executed or tortured by the Germans/Bulgarians/Italians triple occupation (not to mention getting hurt or killed in battle). These situations traumatized generations of Greeks, but Rick had the immense privilege of not considering this while writing! He treated the wars like they were play-dough for his little cutsy lore, he made our arch-enemies the children of our gods, and he can go to hell for this.
I am here for all the righteous Greek αλάτι, so if you have more thoughts, bring it on!
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I get being unsure about making the lack of blood be the cause of Gideons....Gideonsness but as a vampire myself (severely iron deficient to the point I take 325mg iron pills 2x daily now) it really just be that way sometime. Made me act out and so tired I couldn't do shit but sleep for like 17 hours a day even if in the middle of something before soooo...tldr just don't feel bad man (totally unbiased cause I love your art)
dsjkhdsdfhs eeehehehe thank you omg!! 😭 Thank you for giving me your two cents on my gideon idea. I could talk about him for a long time, I swear. (I had anemia at a few points in my life, but I never had many symptoms... at least none I really noticed)
I'm crazy insane tired atm so sorry if my rambling doesn't make sense. (funny saying that fter I just stated the above LMAO, maybe I'll have my blood checked out after all) Big ramble about vampire gideon under the cut:
I think most of my reluctance with this idea comes from the fact that Gideon already has a very good, interesting, well put together backstory, and even a good redemption (although you don't see him as a redeemed person for very long). So, if I were to tack on this extra element and say part of his unhinged-ness comes from this Thing, it pulls away from all the other stuff that made gideon who he is: the way he was raised (pageant girl esque, not treated like a regular kid, probably never said no to), the fact he was an outcasted/bullied by his peers, the journals and amulet promising to give him power, and the subsequent descent into madness. It's all very good on it's own. And after all that, you WANT to see him figure out how to become a better person. Key words: figure out. Character development should always be a struggle for a character, and not something that's simply handed over.
That being said, it's funny I came up with that elaborate idea and now I'm shutting myself down dslhfhsldflkjhgfl?? Also, it's a fucking kids show and I'm a fully grown ass adult coming up with a plotline for a fictional cartoon character, so it's like, who cares. Why does it have to be perfect. But I think thats just how much I really like Gideon?? I want to do him justice and "write" him something nice :'DDD (write in quotations because I ain't writing shit)
An idea I had (that I'm also not sure on, because it complicates things, and I think ideas becoming convoluted is never a step in the right direction) is that MAYBEEE gideons vampirism was a dormant gene until he came in contact with the amulet, and started doing other magical stuff. Then it became activated, and started effecting him negatively. From there, even after he decided to become a better person, it became his cross to bear in life. Sort of like his scar from the whole experience (not counting the emotional ones, oof).
So that's where my mind is now. I like this idea, but I'm trying to tread very carefully, because I want to make sure he's still facing his actions and personality head on, and the vampirism isn't a scapegoat for how he is, or what he did.
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felixsmeshglove · 1 year
piercings - skz boys
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writers note: ; idk something about the skz boys wearing fake piercings and real piercings truly just has its grip on me. it’s not even fair. so, i decided to write about what piercing each member would get and a little bit of ideas about it please enjoy feedback is always appreciated
oh and this is excluding all of their original piercings, i know almost all of them have some variants and numbers of ear piercings, im talking about other types of piercings.
pairing(s) ; bang chan x reader, minho x reader, changbin x reader, hyunjin x reader, jisung x reader, felix x reader, seungmin x reader, jeongin x reader
content warnings ; 16+ (suggestive but no smut), body modification/piercings, gn!reader, uhh nipple piercings specifically?
bang ‘chris’ chan -;-
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the piercing bang chan would be most likely to get would be a bridge piercing! i am so sure of this, honestly any nose piercing would look beautiful on him but frankly a bridge piercing would suit him the best.
you would initially be really stunned when you came over to visit, your eyes immediately snapping up to the pointed silver studs placed high up on the bridge of his nose.
immediately, his face would drop to worry. “you don’t like it. aish, i knew this was a bad idea. i shouldn’t have let them talk me into it-“
“n-no channie! no.. it- sorry, its just different is all. it looks nice really.”
you couldn’t help but just stare, you thought your boyfriend couldn’t get any more attractive. yeah… you thought wrong… he was just so pretty. especially with the slit eyebrow that he’d had from a recent concert that hadn’t grown back yet.
“cat got your tongue sweetheart?” he’d say with a chuckle.
“i uhm..” you’d try to say. chan would just gently grab your wrist, tugging you into the dorm and hugging you close with another deep, rumbling chuckle.
“so i’m keeping it?”
“you’re keeping it.”
lee “lee know” minho -;-
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i think falling in line similarly with a fake piercing he’s worn before, he’d get spider bites on his right lip. the rest of his features are too soft to be broken up by some other facial piercing i feel like.
it took you longer than you cared to admit to notice. at first, you thought it was just for a music video they’d recorded. but then you noticed… minho hadn’t taken them off. you thought maybe it was for a new press style, but then.. the color changed. from silver to black. finally, while sitting on the sofa beside him you’d pipe up, “minho.. are.. those real..? did you really pierce yourself this time?”
“yeah? why not? does it look bad?” minho teased with a smirk, the smirk tugging the black rings along oh so slightly. fuck.
“you and i both know you look great, lino,” you’d say, trying to blow off the intense blush that had begun to bloom across your cheeks.
minho leaned in closer to you, ever the cocky blunt sexy individual that he was, his arm resting casually across the back of the couch. you hadn’t gotten to give minho a whole lot of love recently due to the band’s press business and whatnot, so you hadn’t yet had the chance to kiss him and notice the reality of his piercings.
“oh doll, you know i look great…” he said with a lowered, deeper voice.
almost as if he was reading your mind, he closed the gap between the two of you. cold metal tickled the edge of your lip as he did so, it seems almost somehow that this piercing made him even more bold than before.
you could get used to this.
seo changbin -;-
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honestly changbin seems like a wildcard here but i think frankly an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow would suit his style the best. it’s truly a tie between this and an industrial. it depends on his mood when he was getting it honestly, as our dear binne seems to only have modes: cutie baby, and rough & dark. for the purposes of this imagine, we’ll go with the eyebrow piercing.
you were the first to know about changbin’s lovely little impulsive choice. why was that? why my dear y/n, this man dragged your poor ass to the appointment with him. he claimed over and over that he just needed moral support, but really it was just because sometimes it was so hard to get time with just you when he was so busy and he liked to take any chance he could.
he had the funniest response to the piercing too, as he kept an entirely stone face but tears streamed down his face.
at the end, he’d claimed it didn’t hurt even one bit. you knew he was probably just playing it up but you didn’t. changbin always made you laugh, you loved that about him.
“so, what do you think?” he asked you as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked over at you as you two began to roam the streets with time to kill after his piercing.
“looks nice on you, dwaekki,” you’d coo at him with a teasing nickname. you always thought he looked attractive no matter what look he tried to pull. at the end of the day he was still your precious dwaekki.
“its gonna look really nice on stage too, i hope you told your managers about this,” you add.
a slightly alarmed look takes over changbin’s face as his eyebrows raise slightly. this earns him a pained wince that he tries to bite back.
“right.. i should tell them, shouldn’t i?”
hwang hyunjin -;-
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okay okay i will fuckin go to my grave on this one. first of all, hyunjin won’t settle for just one piercing. and no, this is not me being indecisive. i am absolutely convinced that he would get just a standard lip piercing but also nipple piercings. he’s just extra like that. that and i think that honestly him and jeongin are the most likely of the skz boys to get some sort of a body piercing.
you’d noticed quickly noticed as soon as hyunjin had stopped by your house that a shiny ring of metal adorned his plush lower lip. how could you not? it always seemed like anything hyunjin added to his face made him so much more stunning. the ever-doting partner you were, you spoke up.
“jinnie? did you forget to take off your jewelry before you left?”
“no? oh- this is real jagiya~” he cooed with his velvety voice, quickly resting his slender fingers against your hips and gently pulling you closer.
“when did you get that? i know you haven’t been able to visit for a bit but i figured in the pics you guys took it was just one of your fakes,” you’d responded with your face blooming with an intense blush.
“mmm almost two weeks ago now gongjunim~” he clarified, you could feel the metal that was warmed from his lips just barely brush against your own.
the ever devious little ferret boy he was, he waited for you to begin to reply. before you could even get a word out, however he crashed his lips against yours.
when you two finally pulled apart, he chuckled, a few strands of hair falling into his eyes as he looked down at you.
“i’ve got.. other ones too… but those are for later..~” hyunjin said with his eyes flicking down, a subtle gesture to his chest. cue your blush darkening seemingly infinitely.
“did they hurt?” you ask dumbly, eyes unfocused as you were too flustered to quite realize what you were even saying.
“jagiyaaa you had to ruin the moment? of course it hurt!” hyunjin whined, before the two of you erupted into giggles.
han jisung -;-
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my dear sweet hannie he looks so nice in so much. i think the best thing that would fit his aesthetic though would be a nice subtle diamond nose stud. it would add such a cute asymmetric pop of interest to his face that would match literally anything he wore.
another ‘drag you along for moral support’ type of person but he actually needs moral support a little bit. fortunately, unlike binnie, jisung has a little more forethought to actually plan out what he wants, where he put it and actually requesting permission from the producers.
he’d even asked you. jisung knew you’d love him with anything but seeing him with a nose piercing seemed to just itch a special part of your brain the best way.
you held his hand sweetly as he sat at the chair, chewing on his lower lip nervously. you peppered his face with soft kisses before stepping back to allow the piercer to do his job. he squeezed his eyes tightly shut, bracing himself for the pain. however, as quickly as it began, it was over. jisung blinked as he let go of your hand, the piercer making quick work of inserting the stud.
“good job jagi!” you smiled at him as he stood up, still a little stunned. ‘god he looks hot…’ you thought to yourself.
pushing back the thought jisung grinned and hugged you tight. “thank you for coming aegiya~”
in the taxi back to the dorm, your eyes kept flicking back to jisung’s new facial jewelry. “aegi~ aegiyaaa~” he giggled at you in a sing-song voice as he leaned forward to press a few sweet smooches to your cheek.
“it looks re-really n-nice, jagi,” you said softly, your mind finally settling out of your ‘gotta protect’ mindset and slipping back into your whipped little ‘god my boyfriend is hot’ mindset.
a wicked playful grin spread across jisung’s lips. man was he going to have a fun time with his new teasing topic.
lee ‘felix’ yongbok -;-
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maybe this is my baby-stayness showing but i don’t remember any outfits where felix wore fake piercings so i don’t even have a baseline for what would look nice on him. that being said, for similar reasons that i mentioned for minho, a nose piercing would break up his gestures a little too much, but i think that he would also find too much inconvenience in having a lip piercing. thus we settle on a right eyebrow piercing to offset his left ear lobe piercings. felix already had the piercing but stopped wearing it for the sake of plot-
initially it was all just a joke. felix loved to send you selfies on snapchat and one day you found yourself particularly interested in the fake piercing filter. it had given him a stunning black bar eyebrow piercing, which sent a shiver to your core.
“lixie? you need to post that one,” you’d sent him in a voice message. fortunately, all of the stays had seemed to agree with you as well.
“do you really think i’d look good with an eyebrow piercing?” he’d shot a voice message back.
suddenly, your phone started to ring. felix was trying to facetime you? you answer.
when the call tunes in, your face immediately flushes a hot red as you see felix with a silver bar through his left brow. his eyes widen slightly at your reaction, before he chuckles softly.
“since when have you had that?!” you exclaim, lifting your free hand to cover your face in vain.
“i got it when i was seventeen i think, it was a stupid decision but i didn’t expect you to react this way babe,” felix says curiously as he smiles warmly. he loved seeing just how infatuated you were with him and how flustered he made you.
he felt the same exact way though, and he was never afraid to show it. you two always brought each other up. felix made a mental note to start wearing his piercing again.
kim seungmin -;-
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fuck this exact thought forces my repressed seungmin bias to plague my thoughts exponentially. its hard for me to honestly pick anything other than a labret ring piercing for him. labret piercing seungmin ruins me inside i swear- also im sorry this one seemed to lean way more on seungmin’s perspective
seungmin didn’t actually intend to hide the piercing from you. in fact, he didn’t even hide it at all. however, you were under the impression that the piercing was simply a fake one like he’d used many times before. the producers always seemed to love seeing him in that type of piercing anyway.
you also weren’t normally allowed to kiss him while he had the fake on, lest it move or fall off. don’t get me wrong, he didn’t like the arrangement either. but alas, appeasing the producers was the choice he had to make.
this all culminated into a perfect front for him to actually go ahead and get the piercing. it served multiple purposes, he thought. as the producers seemed to have him wear the fake one more and more recently. his second, more favorite purpose was to drive you crazy. he saw how you seemed to practically drool over him especially whenever he wore the fake.
your phone lock screen was a photo of him wearing it from the last show he did wearing one for god’s sake.
he’d managed four and a half weeks before he finally cracked. most of the initial tenderness and pain of the healing piercing had subsided by then and he couldn’t hold back anymore. he just needed to kiss you again.
you’d just arrived to the studio, bags with drink carriers full of various drinks in your hands. you had barely set down the bags before seungmin seemed to usher you away from the other boys into a more secluded area of the studio.
pinning you against the wall, you try to protest in worry, “minnie your fake-“
he cuts you off. you immediately notice how this piercing doesn’t seem to move from it’s anchor point. he kisses you deeply, cupping your face with one hand and resting his opposite arm above your head. he holds the kiss for what feels like forever, before pulling away with a small huff.
“it’s real…”
yang jeongin -;-
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okay, another wildcard but as the youngest i feel like in a classic himbo youngest fashion jeongin would get a belly button piercing. i don’t have much other reasoning other than that and i think he’d look hot with one tbh.
“y/n-ah! y/n-ah! look!” jeongin exclaimed happily as he grinned his big silly grin, scrambling up from the sofa he was sitting on in the lounge to see you when you’d entered the dorm. he lifted his shirt, and as you were about to turn away shyly and shout at him to not just undress in front of you, he stopped mid-chest.
your eyes widen as you blush, your attention immediately caught by the shiny silver jewelry that adorned the maknae’s belly.
“innie its- wow.” you say as you freeze in your tracks, stunned.
“do you like it? seungmin and hyunjin took me the other day it looks so cute right?” he giggled, the same wide silly grin plastered on his cheeks.
you definitely did like it. you were stunned, at a loss for words. jeongin let go of his shirt as his giggle turned more into a laugh.
“i wasn’t expecting you to do something so… bold?” you tried to choke out as jeongin pulled you close and hugged you. you could feel the piercing subtly through his shirt.
“i thought it would be fun and it looks nice doesn’t it? just wait until i can start using all the cool jewelry when this heals,” jeongin said with teasing excitement
“oh god jeongin-baby you’re going to be the death of me,” you said with a mock groan, laughing softly as you kissed his jawline. “i just gotta ask though, why the belly button?”
you were only met with a shrug as jeongin spoke, “not really sure, i was looking at pictures and i saw not a lot of guys get it.”
fair, but to you this was all the more reason to be so enamored by it. the rarity. jeongin was truly a special creature…
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anjelicawrites · 7 months
Cringefail Throuple 💡
Tornado is the bestest boy - it’s official! But Michael’s possessiveness about Billy’s ass has got me thinking…
Can you tell us the story of Billy and Michael’s first time, just the two of them? Maybe Michael’s lecture got canceled one day, so he started wandering around town and somehow ended up at Billy’s flat. They start off just chatting and watching TV, but then Michael turns to Billy and says “so… I’m kinda horny?” This of course immediately makes Billy horny, but neither of them really know how to do the sex without reader’s presence or guidance.
How is that first boys-only fuck?
This thing took a turn on its own, beloved Cringefail Throuple 💡nonnie, I hope you like it!!!
Warnings: kissing, oral (male receiving), ass play, anal, overstimulation, Michael being a bit of an asshole.
NSFW and 18+ only please!
You're back home for the weekend, it's your parents' wedding anniversary, leaving your boys back at Oxford.
When you leave to go to the train station in the morning, Billy and Michael are still napping, both just awake enough to sleepily kiss you goodbye, before cuddling back into one another's warmth. Seeing how your relationship has grown from a weekend long booty call to a true bond between you three, makes you all giddy and happy on the inside: the chances of your relationship to go up in flames so high, you can't believe you three are still together!
This is going to be the first time Billy and Michael are going to be without you; you and Michael were together, before Billy, and usually have the time to meet up on campus. You and Billy try to spend your time off together as well, just being with one another. But it hasn't happened yet that your boys manage to be together without you. You hope Billy can survive Michael's abrasive personality, without you functioning as a buffer.
For them it's strange to wake up without you, to have the time to use the bathroom with leisure, instead of crunch on time because you're taking too long with your make up and hair, to not see you wearing their clothes as you are getting ready or have you kiss them before sprinting to your own classes.
Billy can lounge around for a while Michael, on the other hand, has to go to the library, he has a tight schedule he has to follow and an academic rival to destroy. This doesn't stop him from crowding Billy against a wall, loving the way Billy bashfully stares at him from under his long lashes, before kissing him, his tongue proprietary in Billy's mouth, their long bodies plastered against one another.
"See you later pretty boy."
Michael tells him before disappearing, leaving Billy breathless and with the flames of need burning in his belly.
Throughout the day you text them and there are some spicy pics of you once you get home, while you try different outfits. It suffices to say that, by evening, both Michael and Billy are horny, Michael has already told you he's gonna make you pay for the boner he had to spot at the library as soon as you get back to Oxford and the idea makes him even hornier.
Thanks to a change of shifts, Billy is home by the evening and is making tea. He hears the jingle of Michael's keys who calls out to him, and gets ignored because the potatoes are burning and Billy has no idea why.
Michael stares at Billy's wide back and his pert arse, the shift of his muscles as he works around the kitchen does nothing to quench the desire that's been simmering in his belly for the whole day. Michael had never thought he could fall for another man, bringing Billy in the relationship was supposed to be the simple fulfillment of a fantasy, those feelings came as a curve ball in between booty calls and, staring at Billy simply moving about, Michael can say he's never been happier. Or hornier.
"What?" He asks.
He knows Billy has said something but he was too lost in his thoughts to listen.
"How was your day?" "Have you seen the pics?"
Billy laughs: he knows fully what Michael means. His lunch shift had been complicated to navigate with a half formed boner in his pants.
"Do you want to do something about it?" Michael asks, blunt as usual.
Billy stops on his tracks, kettle in one hand, two mugs dangling from his index fingers; it's not like it's never happened, Michael making love to him or fucking him, but you were always there with them, helping Michael drive him absolutely mental with pleasure. And it's not like the idea hadn't been on the table for a long time, you three are an item, it had been times when Billy had been with you without Michael and Michael had done the same, the two of them never had the chance to be alone. The idea excites Billy beyond belief and terrifies him: he's never been with another man, alone, what if he fucks up and you're not there to help?
But a part of his brain has already decided and it almost feels like an out of body experience to set the kettle and the cups on the sink and to turn the oven off, before heading to Michael, who is staring at his boner with a knowing smirk on his lips.
Now it's time for Billy to have his comeuppance for the morning as he plasters his body against Michael's and removes his glasses, before slanting his mouth on his, lips on lips, passionate and hungry, Billy's arms caging Michael against the wall, their tongues sliding against one another when the moaning starts, hips rubbing, hands in the way as they try to undress one another.
Michael is faster or, perhaps, Billy's tracksuit bottoms are easier to get into than Michael's grandad's jeans are, either way Michael's hands finds its way under Billy's boxers and around his erect cock, jacking him fast with rough stroked around his already weeping head.
"Bed... ah!" Billy whines, his hips kicking.
They keep kissing, desperate for one another, teeth and lips bruising the delicate skin of their necks, as their hands get rid of their remaining clothes with something akin to desperation.
Michael finds himself on the bed with Billy's fingers busy removing his boxers brief, willing letting the head of Michael's cock catch the band and slap against his tummy with a whimper of pleasurable pain. Billy doesn't let Michael speak, his lips wound around his cock and start sucking fast and rough, following the rhythm of Michael's slim hips against his face with lewd, wet sounds, letting spit and precome fall from the sides of his lips as Michael fucks his mouth with abandon.
Billy whimpers when Michael's hand grabs his hair and forces him off his cock: did he do something wrong? Then he notices the way Michael is gripping his own erection in the attempt to stop himself from coming.
"Get on the bed."
The plain need in Michael's voice flies directly to Billy's cock and to the tight band of pleasure growing in his belly: he's so close it's a feat to scramble on the old mattress and turn on his back, his legs already spayed open for Michael, whose hand finds his erection again as the other squirts lube on his hole, before fingering him with fast pushes against his prostate.
Without you slowing him down, Michael's hunger prevails, followed by his need to drive Billy absolutely mad, have him at his mercy. He hears his whines and moans, he sees the way his hips follow the brutal rhythm he's set, how this whole body trashes on the bed, his tongue tastes the salt of Billy's sweat on his overheated skin and Micheal wants more. His fingers are cruel against Billy's prostate, the pushes are fast and deep, while his other hand is a vise around the base of his reddened cock, so tight that it hurts, the pain mingles with the pleasure in Billy's hazy mind, his back arches, his legs kick uselessly and he doesn't know if he wants to stop or to keep going, his whole body trashes desperately under Michael's as pleasure ebbs and ebbs, until it explodes with a scream.
Michael's fingers don't stop fucking Billy's hole, they simply slow a tiny bit as the other man's eyes slowly open up and focus on Michael's proud smirk, the second before a desperate whine leaves Billy's lips, when the feeling of his still full balls hits his brain.
"Ple..." he tries to say, his mouth too dry to function. "Please."
"What is that you want?" Michael is so proud if the way he's annihilating Billy.
"Too... please!"
Fat tears fall from Billy's long lashes: he needs to tell Michael, has to, but his body is not following his lead. If only you were here to be his voice!
"Slower!" Billy manages to scream.
Michael stares at him, at the way his face is scrunched in pain and pleasure. He observes Billy's body squirm under his, the way his hole gapes when his fingers splay him open. It's an intoxicating feeling to hold such power over Billy, whose responses are always so open, so rough. To torture him more is a temptation Michael has to fight: Billy would be so pretty, fighting against his own body and mind, begging Michael for mercy with his big blue eyes full of tears. Another time, he tells himself, maybe later, when his own cock isn't so hard and his balls so full; to play with Billy properly he needs a clear mind and now his own needs are taking control.
Gentler that he has been, Michael slips his fingers out of Billy's hungry hole and lies down on him to kiss him, slower than his body is screaming him to do, until Billy is breathing calmly under his body.
It's Billy who crawls upper in the bed and reaches inside the bedside table with a still shacking hand to retrieve the condom; he needs help to roll it on Michael's cock, his fingers not nimble enough to perform such a easy task, yet he can curl his hand around the heavy erection to slowly guide Michael towards his own entrance.
Michael whines when he breaches Billy's arse: the warmth and the tightness just perfect around his erection, the way he has to fight the clenching muscles, until Billy's body gives up with a long moan, all drives Michael mad with desire. When Billy's hips start following his, Michael's control snaps and he bends Billy's long body in a half to fuck him harder and faster, deaf to his own whines of pleasure and to the pain of Billy's feet kicking against his sides and back when the pleasure is too much, burns too hot inside of him, his poor prostate fucked without mercy, his back arching under Michael's unyielding weight.
Billy wants to say he's almost there, that he can't hold it anymore, but he's lost all control over his body, he's a mere crux of nerves and pleasure and overstretched muscles, the band in his belly tightens cruelly when Michael's hand finds his cock and his movements are fast and precise.
"Come, now!"
Michael barks, the pleasure licking at his spine spiraling out of control, until Billy's hole clamps around him, forcing him to come, so hard it almost hurts.
They tremble in each other embrace, their skin almost hurts with the way the aftershock travels through their nerves, their lips connect messily in a tired kiss as sleeps steals them away, warm and safe as their are, in each other arms.
Cringefail throuple taglist: @fan-goddess @solisarium
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anisespice · 2 years
“ dumb love ” || hq!
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synopsis: the usual stoic and unbothered being absolutely lovestruck for their s/o.
pairing: various x gn!reader [ iwa, sakusa, kags ]
warnings: sfw, mature language, my attempt at writing something cute lol 
notes: so this idea struck me in the middle of the night while i was listening to music, and sean kingston’s “dumb love” came on and IMMEDIATELY i was like “hells yeah” -  figured i’d throw something together, so this isn’t really proofread either ALSKDJAJS but hope u enjoy! 
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iwaizumi ッ
When it came down to it, Iwaizumi had excellent control over his emotions. Spending years dealing with the shittiest, pretty boy known to man to then later on have to wrangle up various grown men for intense training, and make sure they’re actually doing the shit right, Iwa would confidently say he had the nerves of steel. 
Until you skipped your happy ass into his life.
Now, anytime you even crossed his mind, this man wouldn’t be able to hold back a goofy-ass grin. There was just something about you that drove him absolutely insane, got him feeling like a dopey fool that can’t even look you in the eye, even when you got on his last nerve sometimes. You gazed at him as if he’d created mountains and moved rivers with his bare hands, or literally like he’s the only person in your world.
But, hey, no shame innit. He be looking at you the same way. No matter how embarrassed he’d get when caught slippin’.
“Iwa-chan~! Quit ogling [______] already, you haven’t blinked for a whole minute!”
“Fuck off, Shittykawa.”
sakusa ッ
He barely tolerated people as a whole. Sure, he’d gotten better compared to his high school days, but there was still a little pushback that lingered in the outside hitter. He didn’t like to mingle, never favored gatherings that had too many people, nor did he like meaningless small talk. So imagine his absolute dread when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder while in line at a coffee shop.
He stiffened instantly; touch from strangers still something he was getting used to. At least he wore a jacket to shield him from the actual contact. But, that’s not all he was worried about. You tapped him again, this time with a little more urgency. Sakusa exhaled heavily—It was too damn early for this. He turned thinking that you were just a fan or something, already prepared to give a rehearsed response that his publicists drilled into his head for moments like this. Because, y’know, this was about to be just another boring, pointless-
“Hey, so who d’you think would win in a fight: a bear with no arms and legs, or a blind tiger with no teeth?”                      WHAT.
He thinks back to that at least once a day, very fond of the memory. Even six months later of dating, he can’t believe how things turned out this way. Sakusa didn’t know what possessed him to not just ignore you, but he was glad he entertained your unique approach at conversation. It was...refreshing? Intriguing? At least, that’s how he justified it to his gobsmacked teammates when they found out you were, in fact, real. 
“The question didn’t even make sense, yet you had me thinking about it all day. It caught me off guard. Rarely do people do that, so...good job, I guess.” 
“All I heard was that you thought about me all day ♡.”
kageyama ッ
One time, you held onto his pinky instead of grabbing his whole hand during an outing together and he hadn’t gotten over it since. Early on in the relationship, although he tried his best, Kageyama wasn’t that affectionate and appreciated how you never pushed him beyond his conform level. He was nervous when it came to skin-ship, tiptoeing his way around it by simply keeping people at arm’s length, or using soft violence as a love language, like hard pats on the back and being tossed around like a ball (poor hinata lol).
It took a lot of courage for that man to eventually start giving you the affection he felt you deserved, and you cherished those moments deeply. However, nine times out of ten you’d be the one initiating it, still rendering him completely flustered since he was getting accustomed to being mushy with someone he loved dearly. So when you subconsciously latched onto the setter in the most smallest, most precious way possible…homie wanted to gift you the sun. (poor hinata pt. 2)
“Tobi, baby, you good? Why’s your face so red-”
“It’s j-just hot out here, ignore it.”
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© 2022-2023 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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