#as much as I love the angst potential
m4gp13 · 5 months
Chris: Are your blinks all just winks now or are all of your winks just blinks?
Clarisse: Answer the question.
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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mourning black and the death of ideals
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theatre-apocalypse · 7 months
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Half-infected Paul shenanigans.
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euphietea · 4 months
a few Wind Breaker hcs.
umemiya. would really love and adore having a family of his own. signs up for every parenting class available and has a notebook of every piece of advice from each person in town. surprisingly doesn't freak out about the things that can go wrong and instead talks about the future.
suo. is a romantic at heart. not that he swoons at romance, but he is naturally very confident in his approach to it, but not obviously so. it's a subtle type of romance. he isn't shy to give compliments, gifts, signs of affection. if anyone says something about the person he enjoys, he'd be sure to repay the favor.
jou. into adulthood, he would have a completed horimono. they tell a story and were done by a friend of a friend of an elderly man he jokes with at the bath house. it would most likely be in the munewari style. while getting it done, he is relatively quiet and uses the time to reflect.
kaji. very gentle with his partner in most realms. doesn't have a lot of romantic history and so any affection is treated like a precious stone. he cherishes that stone, but holding it in his hands terrifies him. the thought of breaking it is too much for him handle, so he would rather look at it from afar.
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reefs-camp-blog · 4 months
sally and percy were always each other’s constants, they became a bit more distant once percy found out he was a demigod, but they were still each others firsts
then estelle was born
percy loves estelle so much, so much it physically hurts
but he sees estelle and how happy she is, how she had a mom that doesnt work the night shift nearly every night and instead is home nearly all the time, and she has a dad that’s present and there and is safe and percy is so so happy that she has what he never did
but at the same time he knows thats the exact reason why it hurts
estelle has what percys wanted his whole life
and now estelle has the only thing percy had his whole life
being his mothers first and top priority
he knows why, he understands why, estelle is a baby and needs to be cared for constantly, and percys nearly 18 and doesnt need his mom all the time anymore
but it hurts because all the food is no longer blue, it hurts because he sees estelle grow up and get help, it hurts because he sees estelle with the life he always wanted, but knows he will never had
and it hurts because hes no longer his mother’s constant.
sally has paul now, she has paul to help her through her issues and she has a child that doesnt get expelled from every school shes been in
and percy has his family. but its not the same. annabeth has always been there, but she doesnt understand, thalia has been through the same childhood as percy but she doesnt know what its like to watch the bad go to good in the same household, grover has always listened but he just doesnt understand
because hes happy estelle has the life he always wanted. hes glad his mother has the life she always wanted. but hes not in that life. because hes moving out soon. and hes no longer his mothers son, at least not in the way he was before
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rottentiger-art · 2 months
This edit here has opened my eyes bc I wasn't paying attention to Debling at ALL during this scene. There was an acknowledgement that they both wanted Pen, Debling here thought he was the winner. Debling was the first to interrupt rudely in the middle of a conversation, breaking an important moment, Colin was just more scansalous about it when it came his turn, interrumpting them mid-dancing
The way he looks at Colin both times, I thought he was just polite the first time but nah, he was smug, Colin sweety I'm so sorry I gaslighted you, you kinda had other valid reason to dislike him😭
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theaceace · 5 months
imagining a world in which Simon agreed to go with Edwin and try to escape hell, imagining Simon developing an immediate and very inadvisable crush on the cute guy that just threw a grenade at a demon and Edwin's reaction to that, imagining the reaction of Charles Overprotective Rowland when he finds out that the guy Edwin insists on dragging along with them is one of the guys that sacrificed him to a demon in the first place, imagining the Night Nurse's face when three dead boys pop back through the door instead of two
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sarathrwizard · 6 months
Hello dear 👐🏻
Who is your favorite turtle and please tell me why?
Rise Donnie is my favorite! First off, he's the 'funny one'! (Which is so true!) His sarcastic voice and lines are what make me Laugh Out Loud!
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Poor boy is always pushed down by his bros in the tv show. (Thus he has to praise himself for his achievements because his bros don't that often.)
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I think it was such A great idea that all the turtles are different species! The fact that Donnie is a soft shell turtle and he had to build himself A protective shell is just genius! But this still means he's more vulnerable than his brothers are in battle.
(To be honest, he'd be dead in this scene without his battle shell!)
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The way he couldn't let go of his tech weapon over a mystic weapon just shows how much he cares and trusts his designs. (They are his babys after all!)
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And It's hard to get a genuine smile out of him, but there are those rare moments. And when my boy Dee Dee is really happy, I'm really REALLY happy! (That's two reallys.)
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Honestly who I have to thank is the creators of the rise tmnt show. The design is fantastic! I mean look at those eyebrows! The decision to make him a soft shell, the voice actor they hired did an amazing job, and of course the animation team did a wonderful job capturing his emotions! So thank you for making such a lovable variant of the tmnt Donnie! ❤
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the--firevenus · 1 year
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“I am scared to lose you, when we have finally found each other.”
-Quote from my fav fanfic ever exist, and I've applied it to all my ships ever since <3
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papertowness · 8 months
admittedly one of my favorite things about house ( that also drives me up a wall ) is that something Really Big happens and then the next episode they like loosely mention it like wow wasn’t it crazy that that happened . anyway haha
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clambuoyance · 1 year
I’m sure it’s because not many people know but kon actually has a lot of different sources for angst potential! He’s engineered to be a copy of earths greatest hero yet constantly struggling to find out who he is outside of a given purpose. He galavants around with the idea that he’s independent enough to be his own boss, but from the moment of his creation he’s been told who to be or exploited by the people he meets. He’s both treated like an adult yet punished for acting like a kid. He makes mistakes and often feels like a screw up but he gets up and tries again every time! He’s acts like the S symbol is both something he already deserves (because that’s what he was made for) yet acts as if he constantly has to prove he’s worthy. He didn’t have a name for the first years of his publication history, and for a long time he didn’t know how to be anything other than Superboy (and maybe he’s still figuring that out). He cried tears of joy when Superman finally gave him his very own Kryptonian name and verbally accepted him into the family, a testament to how important that journey of identity and belonging is to him. At the same time, why did it have to take so long?
His life is constantly being uprooted, and he can never settle in one place long enough to call it home. He deserves agency and stability, yet his life is often slipping out of his own control. He yearns for a mother or father, and maybe if he had one, he wouldn’t feel so lost. For a while, he thought he would never grow up and be who he needs to be, which is ironic given how many people are quick to call him immature. He cares so much for his friends and family, and he is pained when people leave and feels immensely guilty when he hurts the people he cares about. Regardless of what he may think, those people are happy to remind him that they think of him as family too and they’ll travel across time and space and to the ends of the earth for him.
Despite being created in a lab to be a copy of someone else, ironically he is brimming with a unique personality that is sometimes sought to be stifled. But he’s tied so much worth into who he’s supposed to be that shaking that foundation shakes his very core and is a source of insecurity. He acts so differently from Clark, yet so similarly as well. He wants to be Superman, but both emulates him and fights to be Different from him. He believes in seeing the good in people, even if it lands him into trouble, and though he may doubt it or question it he really is a hero at heart. He’s like Clark where it matters, but everything else—his personality and style, his connections to his friends and family, his struggles and triumphs—all of that is completely his own.
He may not have figured out everything it meant to be human, but he’s loved enough to die for it. To die would indeed be an awfully great adventure, but like J.M. Barrie said, “To live would be an awfully big adventure.” And Kon has certainly experienced it all, good and bad.
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clockworkclownart · 4 months
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Day 7 - Mind control- #DannyMay2024
this one goes out to all those great mind control fics in the phandom ~ 💚 please leave your favorites in the replies, i want to read more! 💚
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mistmarigold · 3 months
What if Sunjae doesn’t die the night he meets Sol? (lovely runner au)
Sunjae didn’t care about the cold or the falling snow as he stands outside Sol’s building, seeing the lights open and close as she makes her way to her apartment. There was a deep hollowness inside him, a void that has been there since past 15 years, a festering wound that never really had an opportunity to heal because he would never let it heal.
Seeing Sol again after all those years - as his fan, no less - he wasn’t sure what to feel. It was almost as if his heart and mind were numb yet he could hear and feel the screeches of his own internal screams, demanding to be let out.
The door to Sol’s apartment closes. A moment later, the light shuts down too. But he remains frozen, standing there, unable to move.
“Ryu Sunjae?”
It wasn’t until Sol’s mother, Park Bok-soon, came in to his view that he realised she called out to him.
He bowed his head in greeting, “hello.”
“Oh, it’s so nice to see you! Have you been well?”
He was so, so tempted to just nod and smile and be on his way. But it felt as if his limbs had given up on him; drained from keeping up the charade for all these years and at last gave up.
“Why don’t you come in? I’ll make you some hot tea - it’s snowing already. Nobody will see you at this time so don’t worry about anything,” she offered and gestured him to follow her.
Oh, how he wanted to follow her and see Sol again. Maybe talk to her as Sunjae - the boy who loved her for all these years.
He took a step forward and then held himself back, “I… should go. Thank you for your consideration.”
Bok-soon took a good look at him this time around then back up at their home and then she said, “if you have time, can we talk for a moment? Right ahead, there is a small playground there, we can sit there.”
Sunjae wasn’t sure what she wanted to say but it was an excuse to linger and so he did.
They walked to the playground and then sat on the opposite ends of a bench there.
Bok-soon wriggled her hands in her lap and then began, “I know it’s been years to this and perhaps you don’t even remember it anymore but I realised I never properly thanked you.”
Sunjae’s hand clenches the edge of his coat.
She continued, “if it wasn’t for you that day, I would’ve lost Sol back then. I know that day must’ve been hard for you too, I don’t wish to bring up bad memories.”
She looked at him then, his gaze seemingly empty but harbouring years worth of feelings.
“I just wanted to apologise for everything Sol said then - things haven’t been easy for her. It took her a long time to make peace with what happened. And you weren’t to blame for it, you were just a boy back then and you saved her life. Recently, she even asked about you-“
“She did?” He interrupted.
Bok-soon nodded, “she asked who saved her and how she wishes she knew so she could thank them.”
The small bloom of hope in Sunjae’s heart wilted but still retained some of its life.
“She doesn’t remember anything about those days either. She doesn’t remember the curses or the screaming. From her point of view, she doesn’t even know she yelled at you,” she chuckles. “I couldn’t tell her that it was her favourite Idol, could I now? She would think I was messing with her. A part of me was scared too because I didn’t know anything about you.”
She took a deep breath.
“Sunjae, I don’t know what you were doing here. But I’m seeing it as a sign to tie loose ends - to make apologies and express gratitude. You saved Sol, but with her, you also saved me and my family. And so, I want to do the least bit I can: invite you over for a meal. Whenever you have time, if you would like to come, I don’t want to pressurise you but I would be so delighted if you come.” Bok-soon gave him an encouraging, wide smile.
She rummaged through her bag to tear out a paper from a tiny notebook and wrote down her address and number on it.
“We live in that building right there, on 3rd floor. I’ve listed down the apartment number and my phone too, just in case. Here, take it. I know it’s too late but let me treat you for what you did back then - knowing that it won’t be enough.”
She enclosed the small piece of paper in his hand before getting up to leave, “take care of yourself, Sunjae. If you’re well, Sol is well. That girl adores you far too much, alongside the entire country! It’s all the good karma you’ve been accumulating.”
She started walking back towards the building, when Sunjae abruptly stood up, “what about Sol? Wouldn’t she be startled to see me?”
Bok-soon nodded, “I’m sure she’ll be but she can get over it. As long as you don’t mind, I think she should know you’re the reason she is alive and well today. It’s only fair. But even if you don’t want her to know, you’re always welcome to come as an old neighbour. Then, I’ll see you someday soon, goodbye!”
The snow fell heavily and Sunjae kept standing there, clutching a piece of paper with a thousand thoughts and feelings assaulting him - as if they never left. He didn’t know what life had in store for him but he had been given a reason to wait for another day.
Back in his car, his manager asks him, “it’s quite late and snowing a lot too, should I drop you off at your place instead of the hotel? It’ll be more comfortable.”
In a daze, Sunjae nodded at him, not really registering his words while holding on to Sol’s bright smile - same as the first day they met - to, at last, anchor himself.
Part 2 here.
Note: No taxi driver in this (hopefully) multi-part fic bec there’s already enough for me to lose my mind over aka plot builders
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draconicdeityarts · 1 year
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Although the monster's in his cave
If we keep quiet, we'll be safe
Take your lovely rope and wrap around my brain
Until the muscles ache and strain
(Grieving for a man who isn’t dead.)
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emimii · 5 months
there is so much wrong w these freaks to me
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thelilylav · 2 months
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The fact that Briar is listed as one of Rosabella's best friends in her profile but Briar's profile barely mentions her..
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