#as soon as i have a more solid timeline i would love to make a section of it on spread and influence
wander-wren · 2 years
steps onto my soapbox
i am going to be so meticulous in my sideblogs. just so you all know. and my guide for flfverse when i get that off the ground (it’s in the works! yay!). why?
let’s talk about fandom history and archives and the internet and art, friends
when i was first getting into the baby beginnings of writing free falling/flfverse, which is my first attempt at a bdsm au, i was already familiar with the trope from honestly too many years of fanfic given my age. but i went to the fanlore page and….it barely resembled the trope i’d been reading, and hadn’t seen major updates since it was created in 2011.
at first, i thought some of the info was just straight-up wrong, so naturally i went on a deep dive to figure it all out. i’m still picking at threads on that, the hyperfixation ran out so it’s slower going now, but the fanlore page has been updated with some more of the info i found since i started the project, if you’re curious.
but it is/was an absolute goddamn nightmare to look through. the trope is generally agreed to have begun in 2006, when one fic (Stargate Atlantis fic, General and Doctor Sheppard by Xanthe) created it and then people started copying that fic etc etc. but ofc this was still in a time of purges on ffn and livejournal, ao3 was in the works but wouldn’t be online for real for a couple more years, and fandom was also spread across other individual websites run by creators. which makes it really hard to track things.
i’m currently working on closing the gap between the early 2010s (when the trope started appearing on ao3) and 2006-7 (when it was initially gaining popularity) and let me tell you, very few people bother to note where they got ideas from, or if they made things up themselves. i can see the shapes of certain trends but can’t pin them down yet. it’s fascinating and frustrating because i don’t know, ever, if i’m just not looking in the right place or if some info is just lost forever to purges and the like.
but it’s not like it matters, right? i mean, who actually cares about mapping the origins and spread of a kinky fanfic trope. no great loss of culture if it all vanished tomorrow, right. it’s not like, in the grand scheme of things, my projects mean a lot to the world.
maybe, hear me out, all art is important and valuable. maybe i find this interesting and that’s enough reason to look into it. maybe the trope is just an excuse to write a lot of smut; maybe, sometimes, it’s something else. i could go on about that angle but i won’t, not in this post. i’m not an 18+ blog. but sometimes, yall, the sex is a metaphor. or something.
i work on fanlore in my spare time for a reason. i’m looking to volunteer at ao3 as soon as i can for a reason. fandom history is really more fucking important to me than it has any right to be and i wish i could articulate why but i can’t do any better than this:
if i don’t care, who will?
a big chunk of the world already dismisses fandom, or at least fan labor, as fast as it can. i’ve dedicated countless hours of my life to this and i would drop my life plans in a heartbeat and dedicate everything to it if i could make a living but it’s fan stuff so i can’t.
what i can do is make my little guides and my blogs and keep separate archives for myself and document everything as meticulously as possible so 17 years from now when some small internet sleuth comes looking for answers to a question no one else thought to ask yet they will at least have that much.
maybe that’s dramatic. i don’t know. i tend that way. i don’t mind much.
(side note: talking about my little quest for knowledge isn’t really me asking for help with it. for one, i’m very protective of it; it’s my job to do, i got here first. for two, no offense, hypothetical internet person, but i can almost guarantee i know more than you. every time i’ve cast a line out so far on the off chance i get useful info i only get things i already know or things that are straight-up wrong. if you want to try to contribute anyway, knock yourself out.)
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moondirti · 5 months
featuring: ghoap x nanny! f!reader. parenthood. adoption processes. fluff. slice of life. reader is given an age range
hear me out: simon and johnny transferring to reserve duty – i.e., serving the military on a part-time basis rather than being on active call – once they make the decision to become dads. it comes after a long period of deliberation (and healing on simon's part), but after they're absolutely sure that they want to start this next phase of life together, they call price to get it sorted.
who is thrilled for them, naturally, but warns that they still have a specialised commitment to the task force. if he needs them, then they best make sure they're there. the world isn't a better place yet, and no one can do what the pair does.
fine by them.
so it begins. instead of the complex and ethical choices that come with surrogacy, they opt for adoption and work with an attorney to facilitate the logistics. months of searching come up with a young mother, whose unwanted pregnancy has interfered with her life thus far, and is unwilling to make the further sacrifice that comes with keeping the baby. they must be more understanding, or otherwise less overbearing, than the other candidates – because two months later, they're in a hospital waiting room, anxiously lingering to meet the new addition to their family.
isla riley-mactavish. named after the river where johnny realised he'd be much happier with his lieutenant by his side.
the first few months are bliss. exhausting bliss, but a type of contentment that neither man has known since they first confessed to one another. isla's fussy through nights but they take turns settling her down, and if they have military duties to attend to then it's usually never at the same time. she's spoiled rotten – not just by them, but by the captain and gaz as well, who visit more often than not with bags full of toys they have nowhere to put. a little princess in the eyes of everyone who knows her.
by month five, she's teething and can hold her head up unsupported. simon reads somewhere that it's one of the most pivotal points in her development.
of course the call has to come then.
in the middle of the night, no less, and loud enough to wake her up from her crib. johnny scrambles to calm the bairn down as simon answers, price's grave voice crackling in from the other end. expected to be a long haul. a month at least. state security's at serious risk here, simon. i wouldn't ask you to come out otherwise.
and they made a promise. no matter how much it aches them to leave their darling girl behind.
rdv on base in a week.
he knows that one week is a matter of grace. he can feel the captain itching to hatch the operation as soon as possible, but has staved off to give the boys time to order their affairs. that doesn't mean simon's happy with the timeline, though. seven days is not nearly enough to find a sitter they can trust, especially given their own hindrances.
regardless, they send a job posting for a live-in, 24/7 nanny to close friends – no way in hell are they advertising it to the open internet – and hours later, johnny's sister lets them know of a girl who substitutes at the same primary school she works at. a real darling, apparently. honest 'n' stowed oot of energy, th' weans love her, and she haes experience with bairns too!
promising, but word of mouth isn't enough. they get a name and ask laswell to run a thorough background check. to their relief, it comes out squeaky clean. no arrests, no dui's, no shady travel history. modest socials with only a handful of followers. it's in line with what they know so far, solid enough to encourage them to reach out. so they do: just a brief email, asking what time and place would be best for a face-to-face interview.
they bring isla with them to the agreed meeting spot. a cozy cafe nestled in one of the safest parts of town. it's an early saturday morning and they're scheduled to leave in three days. so far, they've put all their eggs in this basket. johnny has to hold onto simon's hand when he notices the nerves dancing behind his partners usually void eyes. but if he were being honest with himself, he's just as scared.
they notice you as soon as they walk in.
sitting at a table for four, mug of coffee steaming as you bend over a well-loved book. despite your preoccupation, you're observant – they inch in your periphery and your head snaps up, a brilliant smile parting your lips as you spring up onto your feet. simon tallies a point on the ledger in his head. good. alert is good.
as is true for them, it's abundantly clear that you're who they're supposed to meet. johnny can't imagine anyone but a children's educator dressing like that: a gingham babydoll dress over a pair of blue tights, which carries over to the bow in your hair and is juxtaposed by the white oxford lace-ups on your feet. he startles when you extend your hand to shake his and he finds a painted fruit on each of your short nails. positively adorable. and so unlike anything they know.
simon shuffles next to him. isla reaches out from her bugaboo stroller, the colours having caught her eye.
"well hello there! aren't you just the cutest angel i've ever seen? do you like my dress?"
that's another point for immediately engaging with the object of your soon-to-be care. simon watches as you pull out a rattle from your purse, handing it over to the cooing baby. warmth blossoms in his chest, and his apprehension fizzles out in the heat. they hadn't told you they'd be bringing isla – opting to catch you off guard and seeing how you'd deal – so he assumes you carry the toy around for emergency purposes, like anyone else of their ilk would carry a gun.
something about that quirk just screams safe.
"it is a nice dress." johnny pursues, voice smooth in that way it gets when he's flirting but doesn't want it made clear. it took weeks for ghost to attune himself to it – he always just thought the scot spoke like that – but now that he's able to hear it for what it is, he shoots him a cautionary look. not so much mad as he is cautious. wouldn't want to scare her off.
"oh! thank you very much. it's my grandmother's design." you straighten up once isla gains a proper grip on the rattle, patting the skirt like you're basking in the praise. "shall we sit? i assume you have a lot to discuss, and i promise you'll want to try the maple scones they make here."
"please. after you." simon nods.
an hour later, you're giggling into your palm as johnny deviates into a story of the time they took isla to the hospital because they didn't know the soft spot on her head could pulse. simon is quiet in contrast, though not displeased. rather, he's focused on keeping the tally of all the green flags you've exhibited thus far. he doesn't mind that the conversation hasn't followed a typical interview format. in fact, people are more likely to show their true nature when in relaxed settings such as this, which is perhaps why johnny hasn't stuck to the script of questions they'd prepared beforehand. the man is better at social manoeuvring than simon is, anyway. he trusts him to direct this where it needs to go.
"it can be freaky! especially if you've never been around a child that young. i had a similar reaction the first time i babysat my neighbour's infant at sixteen. did you know that they can break out like teenagers? i noticed the poor thing's skin erupt in acne at just a month old and called his parent's crying." you wheeze, wiping the tears along your lashline.
"have ye worked wi' many bairns?"
"oh, yeah. it's been my primary source of income since secondary, all the way through uni. i just finished a master's degree in early childhood education, actually! and i wrote a list of referrals you can call if you need to double check on any of that." you rummage through your purse and pull out an apple-shaped sticky note. "do you mind if i ask what you do? people don't usually look for a full-time nanny unless they're really busy. not that i'm judging! i would ne–"
"military." simon interrupts, ensuring his tone is gentle enough to reassure.
"that makes sense! i mean, for an indefinite amount of time, the pay you're offering is more than perfect. above industry standard, really." you pause, brows furrowing like you're doubting whether you should have said that. "ah– whatever. anyway. isla is wonderful, just the sweetest. and the provided accommodation is an added plus. if you guys have no other qualms, then i'd love to accept the position."
"does i' bother you that there are cameras on the property? porch, kitchen, and living room. jus' for security's sake." simon tests, though he knows he doesn't need to, for extra measure. to someone with bad intentions, CCTV is a massive dealbreaker.
you don't hesitate before answering. "makes total sense! you guys are well within your right to check in at any time."
and they don't have to consult each other to know. johnny is practically buzzing in his seat, muscles flexed with enthusiasm as his gaze flits all over you. lingering on your chest in particular, before he looks over to simon and smiles in an offensively handsome way. simon can't help but smile back, crinkling his eyes more than necessary so the both of you can tell what's going on behind his mask.
it feels a little too good to be true, hopeful in a way that sets off the alarm bells in his head. he's stable enough to recognise that it isn't your fault, though. stable enough not to pin his distrust on you. this is likely the best shot they've got at ensuring their daughter's safety while they're away, and it's come in the form of a vivid, bright little blessing.
(with great tits.)
he'd be a fool to sabotage it.
johnny beats him to the cause. "ye'r hired."
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Three Rules
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: being in an abusive relationship, domestic violence, covering up bruises (nothing is ever explicit, just talked about), minor fluff at the end
Summary: Bucky Barnes has been assigned to you as a way to overcome his feelings and separate himself from the Winter Solider. You're his saving grace and maybe, he can be yours.
Squares Filled: "need a medic?" (2021) @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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The mirror above the steering wheel is so tiny but it’ll have to do since you don’t have your big mirror in your purse this time. You make sure your makeup is good enough to last the whole day, and more importantly, to keep what’s underneath hidden from everyone else. You don’t know what you’d do if people found out about your home life.
When you deem yourself okay, you grab your things and head straight to work. Your assistant, Carly, greets you with a friendly smile and a cup of coffee.
“Good morning, boss!”
“Morning. Who do we have on the books today?”
“The only one is Bucky Barnes.”
“Great. Send him in as soon as he gets here.”
You walk into your office and make sure everything you need for today’s session is in front of you. Bucky Barnes has only been seeing you for a couple of months so it’s still so new to either of you. You're a well-respected psychologist who had many clients, but you never thought you’d be seeing the former Winter Soldier.
You’ve heard the stories. You know what he’s done but he’s trying to atone for his mistakes. One of the important ways he’s going to do that is if you give him the chance to. He’s been respectful of you even though he’s closed off. Someone like him who experienced the torture he’s been through isn’t going to open up easily. It’s hard getting him to talk about himself but you’re hoping that if you start from before Hydra it will get him to open up to you a lot more.
His appointment is in a couple of minutes so you check yourself using your desk mirror to make sure everything still looks the same.
“Boss, Mr. Barnes is here,” Carly says through the phone intercom.
“Send him in.” The door opens and Bucky walks in with an uncertain look in his eyes. You give him a small yet friendly smile to ease his concerns. “Hello, Mr. Barnes. Please, have a seat.”
“Please, call me Bucky.”
“Okay, Bucky.” He sits down on the couch across from your desk. “How was your week?” He shrugs in response. “Did you do anything special?”
“I spent time with Sam and his family.”
“How did that make you feel? Did you like it?”
“It was alright,” he sighs.
“Did you uphold your three rules?”
Rule #1: Don’t do anything illegal. Rule #2: Don’t hurt anyone. Rule #3: Introduce himself as James Barnes instead of Bucky, formerly the Winter Solider.
“That’s good. I’m proud of the progress you’ve made since seeing me. Is there anything you’d like to talk about specifically that happened this week?”
He can’t seem to look at you. He’s talking to you, that’s a plus, even though he’s only giving you one-syllable words.
“Bucky, if this is going to work, I need you to try here. I’m not asking you to write me a novel about your life. I’m asking you to give a little. Can you do that for me?” you ask in a gentle tone.
“Okay,” he sighs and looks into your eyes. “I’ll try.”
“What would you like to talk about?”
“What about Steve?” Bucky looks like he wants to cry. Anything about Steve makes him question everything about him. He left Bucky. He left everyone behind to start a life in another timeline. “This is a safe space. Everything you’re feeling is valid, Bucky. When you’re ready, I’d love to hear what you have to say.”
It takes him ten long minutes to find the courage to talk and when he does, he can’t look at you.
“What if Steve was wrong about me? I was under Hydra’s influence when we crossed paths again, and he did everything he could to save me. He even brought me to Wakanda to get that shit out of my head. What if it’s still there? What if they say those words again and I’m back to being the Winter Soldier? Sometimes I don’t think I’m worth saving.”
You want to cry for him. He is so badly damaged that it will take a long time if not the rest of his life to be okay again. He might have happy moments here and there, but those fears will always be there. You have to choose your words carefully.
“It’s hard to see the good in someone who has done bad, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. Steve remembered his best friend and knew the kind of person he was. Steve remembered something in you that is still true to this day.”
“What?” he asks and looks up at you with hints of tears in his eyes.
“I see a man trying to do good, to atone for his mistakes, and I think that’s someone worth saving. Steve saw it, too.” A single tear escapes his eyes but he doesn’t wipe it away. “If you are who you think you are, you wouldn’t feel remorse for what they did to you. The fact that you do shows me that you’re more than what they put in your head. You’re trying to do good with the bad you’ve been given, and that’s not a bad person.”
You’ve made excellent progress with Bucky this session, and you think the next one is going to go by just as smoothly. He only gets an hour but you make the most of the rest of the hour.
“The same time next week?” you ask.
“I’ll see you then, Doc,” Bucky smiles and leaves your office.
With each passing session, you and Bucky form a stronger bond until he realizes he looks forward to being with you. You make his day a bit brighter but the last thing he is gonna do is tell you that. You’d never have romantic relations with a client but you can’t say the same once they no longer are your clients.
You show up to work one week dabbing makeup on your face while driving. You’re on the phone with your husband. He isn’t on speakerphone and your phone is resting in one of the cup holders, but you can still hear every word he is saying as clear as day. He is yelling that loudly at you. You forgot to do the dishes before you left for work and now he is telling you what a burden you are, how much he hates you, and that you’re useless…
…and those are the nice things.
“Baby, I was running late this morning. I’m sorry,” you sigh and pick up the phone.
“I will deal with you later,” he growls and hangs up the phone.
You’d cry but then you’d ruin your makeup, and you’re already at work. You push down your feelings about your abusive husband and walk into work. You gasp at how hot it is, and you look at your assistant who has her work jacket off.
“What is going on in here? Why is it so hot?”
“The air conditioning is broken but someone is coming to look at it later.”
“Fine,” you sigh. “How many today?”
“Send them through.”
You get through the first two clients with as few problems as possible but by the time Bucky comes in, you’re almost about to break. You're tired, your face is pulsing with pain, your makeup feels like cake at this point, and you don’t know how much longer you can stand sitting in the heat.
“Hi, Bucky. Please have a seat,” you greet. He sees the immediate shift in your behavior and you’ve only said six words to him. “I’d like to start this session by talking about last week. You said something about taking a trip with Sam, right? How did that go?”
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Bucky, we’re here to talk about you, not me.”
Bucky has to let it go for right now but he can’t when you wipe your face to clear the sweat. You forget that you have makeup on otherwise you wouldn’t have wiped your face with your handkerchief. It’s not entirely present but Bucky knows a bruise when he sees one, and you have a dark one near your eye.
“Need a medic?”
“I’m fine. I fell.”
“I’ve fallen plenty of times. I’ve gotten hit enough times to know a bruise caused by a punch when I see one.”
“Bucky, please. Drop it. We’re not here to talk about me.”
Bucky notices you play with your wedding ring nervously whenever the spotlight is on you. He’s not stupid. He knows exactly what’s been happening here. For your sake, he lets it go. The session is cut short due to Bucky needing to be somewhere, and you made it clear he is still getting charged the full hour whether he uses it or not. He was fine with it so you moved on with three other clients after him.
The air conditioning was fixed after the first client, so you redid your makeup in the bathroom to be more presentable. It’s late when you finish with your last client, and you curse at the time. Your husband is going to kill you if you’re late again. You gather your things and rush out of your office, but Carly stops you before you can get far.
“Listen, I’m running late, so can you--”
“The police called earlier. I told them you were with a client and they asked if you could call them back. They said it was urgent.”
“Oh, okay,” you stutter. She hands you her phone after redialing the last number called. “Hi, my name is Y/N. My assistant got a call earlier?” You hear the words they’re saying but your brain isn’t processing them. “Wait, I’m sorry, he’s what?”
“Your husband is dead, ma’am. I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“How? When? I just talked to him this morning.”
“My guess is that he’s been dead for maybe four hours. He died from a severe beating and blunt-force trauma to the head.”
All you hear them saying is that you’re free. You’re finally free. No more pain. You’re not sure who killed your husband because he didn’t have a lot of enemies. Despite how he treated you, he was very charming to everyone else. He put up this facade that made him look like a saint when really, he was the devil.
When you show up to work the next week, your hair is pinned up, you have light makeup on, a nice outfit, and your heart is light. You’ve never been happier now that your husband is out of the picture. He was a wealthy man, so you got all of his money to use how you see fit. He was so horrible to you so maybe his money will bring some happiness to people when you donate a chunk to different charities.
Bucky shows up right on time, and you give him a smile when he enters your room. You look down and notice some bruising and scabs on his knuckles, and if his metal hand could scar as easily as flesh, he’d have scars there, too.
“Have a seat, Bucky.”
“You look happier.”
You chuckle in amusement. You look Carly through the small glass window who is busy taking calls for you to listen to later. You look back at Bucky who raises his eyebrows in question.
“The following conversation didn’t happen.” He nods in understanding. “My husband is dead. Someone killed him.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything for a long five minutes.
“Did he deserve it?”
“Then don’t worry about it.”
“Did you break rule number two?”
“I might have,” he smiles, “but I had a really good reason.”
“What reason is that?” you ask and sit back.
“There’s this woman I know, and for the first time since I met her, she actually had a genuine smile on her face… and it is gorgeous. I guess her husband didn’t know what he had when he had her.”
You smile at Bucky.
“No, he didn’t.”
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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whatswrongwithblue · 3 months
The Fire in the Sin
Chapter 13 - Dad Beat Dad
Word count: 7,839. Read on AO3. Series Masterlist. <- Previous Chapter.
Summary: Spans the events of the episode 5, season 1. Mina gets caught in the middle of Alastor and Lucifer's game of "pretend we don't know each other." Smut at the end of the chapter just for fun. No TW's apply that haven't been seen in previous chapters.
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Series Summary:
In the 1950's, Alastor met the woman he would eventually marry but unfortunately his Radio Demon persona went for her soul rather than her hand. He has to learn what it means to love, and cherish, without possessing and he does. Their relationship is beautiful, strong, unbreakable . . . but he carries a dark secret through their marriage for decades until eventually he has to face the consequences of that secret and leave her, without warning, for seven years. He returns, finding her at the Hazbin Hotel, and has to convince her to forgive him, while being literally bound to secrecy, unable to tell her any of things he now is desperate to explain to her.
(This is a duel timeline fic, timestamps will be a the top of every chapter.)
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Chapter 13 - Dad Beat Dad
Present Day
“Mmmm, I love you,” Mina said, taking an appreciative sip from her coffee mug. “Have I told you that lately? This is so much better than what Niffty makes.”
Alastor’s smile turned up a bit at one corner at her compliment.
“It would be even better if you drank it the way it’s meant to be,” he said.
They were up in his radio tower where he once again appeared to have spent most of the evening. He certainly hadn’t come to bed. Mina had come looking for him after the impromptu meeting downstairs had happened to fill him in on the upcoming events of the day. Though he seemed distracted and a bit tense, he was otherwise being pleasant and sweet with her.
Their relationship had been mostly mended since the night several weeks back when Mina realized the severity of his deal. It still hurt, knowing he had at some point – she still didn’t know if it was before or after they had met – made a deal involving his soul. And it was still incredibly frustrating how little he could tell her. But understanding that he was literally being forced to not tell her, and that he desperately wanted to, made that bitter pill much easier to swallow. To Alastor’s obvious relief, Mina could now see how much he was trying, and the reset in her determination to help him allowed them both to feel much more at ease with the situation.
They were solid again. No more fighting and name calling. The only insults being tossed around were just the result of their usual teasing banter.
“You are such a coffee snob,” she said over the rim of her mug. “It is not that sweet.”
“There is an entire tablespoon of creamer in there,” he scoffed.
“That’s not that much!” she protested, then sighed. “You know what? Whatever. I don’t care, I like it this way. And you make it perfectly, so thank you.”
He wasn’t looking at her, his control panel still taking up most of his attention, so she pulled on the lapel of his jacket to direct him towards her enough so she could place a kiss to his cheek. Alastor didn’t respond much to the physical attention, but Mina caught the little hum from his throat that let her know he returned her affection.
“Anyway,” she continued, “you should probably get to a stopping point soon. Big things happening today.”
“Like what?” he asked, only half paying attention.
“You missed out on Charlie having a come apart this morning. Vaggie talked her down and now her dad is on his way.”
“What?!” He spun his entire chair around to face her now.
Earlier that morning
Mina knocked on the door of Charlie and Vaggie’s bedroom.
A still half asleep Vaggie answered the door.
“Good morning sunshine!” Mina smiled.
“Uggghh, what do you want?” Vaggie mumbled, before realization dawned on her, and she looked back into her empty room. “Wait, where’s Charlie?”
“Downstairs,” Mina said, still smiling. “She’s gone and lost her marbles. Come see for yourself.”
Mina left her to get dressed and when Vaggie joined the others in the lobby, Charlie was still flittering about her investigation board, muttering mostly nonsense to herself.
“Think, think, think, think, think,” Mina could make out in the stream of consciousness coming from the princess.
Vaggie tried calming her down and that set Charlie’s panic off even more as she went on about the short amount of time they had left before the next extermination.
Just two months. The thought even filled Mina with dread.
She had tried, to no avail, to calm Charlie down herself earlier and failed. Mina hated extermination as much as anyone but at least they would all be safe at the hotel again. But it wasn’t enough for Charlie just to keep her closest friends from being harmed while the rest of Hell suffered. The princess needed to feel like she was doing more for all of her people. Mina admired that drive in her and had told her as much. But her words had fallen on deaf ears as Charlie continued to spiral. That was when she gave up and retrieved Vaggie.
It had been Vaggie’s idea to call Lucifer and Charlie’s idea to ask him for the meeting with Heaven. The whole thing sounded far-fetched to Mina, but she was also curious to see what came of it. Either it would work, and Charlie could stop the extermination, or it would blow up in her face. And if the latter happened, Mina could envision Charlie being pushed towards the righteous anger that her parents were known for.
Despite her desire to be free from exterminations, Mina kind of hoped for the latter. Charlie was incredibly powerful, even if the girl didn’t realize it yet. And having someone genuinely good and capable of wielding great strength on her side, sat very well with Mina.
Present time
“Everyone is downstairs getting ready,” Mina finished after going through the details of what had transpired that morning. She finally had his attention, but she was a little put off by just how much Alastor was suddenly very interested in what she had to say.
Alastor looked pissed.
“He shouldn’t be here,” he said, standing up from his chair as he grabbed his microphone and began to pace.
Mina frowned, confused.
“Well I’m surprised he hasn’t been here already. I don’t get it. The way Charlie talks, he sounds like such a dead-beat dad but from what I’ve seen, Lucifer really loves her.”
Alastor wasn’t listening to her anymore.
“You said she invited him? Specifically asked him to come to the hotel?” he asked, coming back to stand next to her and his workspace.
“I don’t think in those words exactly but yes,” Mina said. “She told him to come see for himself what she was doing.”
Alastor leaned over his control panel, setting his cane back to the side, before resting both open hands on the smooth surface, and glared angrily out the window at the city below.
“Of course she did,” he said, with a shake of his head. “Damn it!” and slammed a fist down hard enough to dent his work bench.
Mina jumped a little at the force of it and spilled a bit of her coffee on her sleeve. She sighed, not sure where this shift in mood was coming from and not appreciating the outburst from Alastor.
“I don’t see what the big deal is,” she said. “He’s a nice enough guy.”
Alastor shot up and stood straighter as if he suddenly realized something.
“You’ve never met him,” he said.
“What are you talking about?” she said, sucking on the coffee soaked patch at the end of her sleeve before a stain could set in. “He and Lilith used to visit Abaddon all the time. You and I have met him at several parties. They were at our wedding. I still have the photos- ”
“Uh uh, Mina, my dear,” Alastor said, and took her coffee cup from her and set it down. Her eyes followed the steaming cup with longing before landing back on Alastor’s. “You and I have never met the King of Hell. Understood?”
Mina lowered her hand and stared back at her husband, finally catching on.
“This has something to do with your deal, doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” he answered, and their eyebrows shot up in unison, both surprised he could confirm her suspicions. Visibly relieved, Alastor continued. “Charlie cannot know that we have met.”
“But that doesn’t even make sense!” she said. “You’re one of the most, if not the most powerful Overlord in the city. And he’s Abaddon’s brother. There’s no way Charlie will believe we haven’t crossed paths before.”
“She can know he’s at least heard of us, but as far as she believes, her father is a shut-in, a depressed failure who no longer cares about anyone or anything.”
“I . . . I don’t think that’s how she seems him exactly-“
“Close enough,” he said and grabbed his microphone, beginning to pace again.
“Alastor,” Mina said, thinking out loud, “was there some kind of significance to her inviting him?”
“Hhmmm?” He turned to her, having been lost in his own thoughts again.
“You asked specifically if Charlie had invited him. Which is interesting, because I could hear at least Charlie’s end of their conversation and he seemed to agree pretty quickly to helping her once she asked him to come over.”
Alastor stopped pacing, spun his microphone, and looked at her proudly. “You’re catching on quickly.” Then he paused, and Mina could tell he was working out what to say next. She had learned to be patient in these moments as it often took him a few seconds to find which words he would be allowed to say to her. “Charlie is the key to everything. She’s a . . . loophole, if you will.”
“So, you and Lucifer have been working together on this for some time now?” she asked.
Alastor froze again and after a few seconds, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Really, I can’t say that but I can say . . .” he paused, looking up at the ceiling, the words he was trying to say clearly stuck on the tip of his tongue, “. . . oh you have got to be kidding me!” he shouted and his antlers spiked upwards for a flash of a second.
“It’s okay!” she said, walking over to him and putting her hands on each of his arms. “It’s okay, Al’. I’ll figure the rest out. Maybe,” she continued, rubbing his arms, “Lucifer’s presence will help me put more of the pieces together. But until then, I’ll play along, alright?”
He continued to glare but seemed a bit calmer. “Alright,” he finally agreed, the radio filter gone from his voice for that one singular word.
Mina let out a breath and smiled softly up at him. “What is it about fallen angels that gets under your skin so much?” she teased.
His eyes shifted and his smile broadened into the expression that Mina had come to recognize as a tell-tale sign of him thinking up mischief.
“Oh darling, believe me . . . the feeling is mutual,” his voice lowered darkly. “Let Lucifer come here today. It’ll be fun.”
Mina was fairly certain, that Alastor, her greatest love and the center of her world, had gone and lost his bloody damn mind.
And Lucifer wasn’t far behind.
She had followed Alastor’s lead, standing with him right by the front door as Lucifer made his entrance. Mina had found that odd. If they weren’t supposed to all know each other, then they should be trying to not be front and center and yet Alastor seemed to want the exact opposite.
It only got weirder from there.
Lucifer blew right past them, greeting Charlie and her pets, and Mina felt purposefully ignored.
She watched the whole bizarre scene unfold before her with growing apprehension. Lucifer glanced around the lobby, and almost immediately insulted Alastor’s bar.
“Adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” Alastor asked, jumping via shadow from his place beside Mina, to be more in Lucifer’s line of sight.
“And you are?” Lucifer asked.
“Alastor,” he said, using shadow once again to shift dramatically to Lucifer’s side and grabbing the man’s cane to shake it rather than his hand. “Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure. It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life.”
Oh no . . .
Not even Alastor was unhinged enough to insult the King of Hell to his face.
But then Lucifer, rather than gutting her husband like a fish, just looked annoyed.
“Who is this? Who is this now?” he asked directly at Charlie, then turned back to Alastor. “Are you the bellhop?”
Alastor laughed.
This was not good . . .
“Ah ha! No, I am the host of the hotel!” he proclaimed. “You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast.”
“Nope!” Lucifer yelled rather obnoxiously, making Mina frown. Alastor had specifically said they could admit to at least hearing of each other. “I guess that’s why Charlie called it the Hazbin Hotel.”
Lucifer laughed and elbowed his daughter as if sharing the joke with her and Mina’s anxiety only grew, matching the uncomfortable look on Charlie’s face.
Alastor mocked his laugh and in return said, “It was actually my idea.”
Lucifer responded with an even more obvious fake laugh. “Well, it’s not very clever!”
“Ah ha!” Alastor insanely laughed and bent over the shorter man -
Oh shit
- “Fuck you,” he spat out and Mina’s jaw dropped.
What was going on between those two?
Even during the very worst of their arguments, Alastor had only used the occasional vulgar words with her, and only when he had been at the absolute end of his wits.
Thankfully Charlie stepped in between the two men before things escalated further and Mina tip toed to the other hotel residents, unconsciously seeking safety in numbers. She made eye contact with Husk as she did so, and the other cat demon looked at stunned as she felt.
Husk also knew that Alastor and Lucifer had met before. Husk had also met Lucifer before. Mina didn’t know if Alastor had a chance to talk to Husk about keeping that knowledge from Charlie or not – he had disappeared for a while that morning to help Niffty with her clogged toilet – but either way, Husk looked as uncomfortable and confused as Mina felt. The two felines got along with each other – at best – 50% of the time but that morning, she was very grateful for his company.
A less fuzzy picture began to formulate in her mind when she watched Alastor rubbing his relationship with Charlie in Lucifer’s face.
She had known it didn’t make sense that Lucifer hadn’t been around for his daughter and now she was seeing his jealous side as Alastor enthusiastically made it clear he enjoyed his position of assisting Charlie at the hotel.
It wasn’t necessarily untrue. Mina could tell most days that Alastor actually didn’t mind playing the part of a helpful hand, if only because he enjoyed how much it got him positive attention and admiration from someone as high ranking as Charlie. But he was rarely an affectionate man when in front of others, so his proud smile and fatherly hand on Charlie’s shoulder was certainly just for show, and it clearly had the desired effect on the envious Lucifer.
Had Lucifer been forced to keep away from his only daughter?
Their King shoved past them, forcing a break in the contact between Alastor and Charlie, and walked towards the hotel residents.
“Charlie, dear,” Lucifer said, “why don’t you introduce me to your other friends?”
Suddenly aware of her tactical error, Mina tried to slide away from the group undetected while Charlie was introducing Vaggie but Alastor swooped in, popping up beside her and grabbing her by the waist.
“And this is Mina,” Charlie said happily, following Alastor’s lead. “She helped me get that tv spot I was telling you about. And she’s also-“
“My darling wife!” Alastor interrupted, pulling Mina even tighter to his side. “And how fortunate I am to have been reunited with my one true love. I simply couldn’t imagine going another day without her company.”
Mina resisted the urge to dig her elbow into his side. While his words were sweet, it was clearly just another jab at Lucifer, highlighting his current single state, and Mina did not appreciate her seven years of isolation being brought up just to get a rise out of someone else.
Instead, she put on her best smile and offered her hand, trying to apologize to Lucifer with eye contact, who looked positively disgusted.
“Hello, it’s nice to finally meet you,” she said, attempting pleasantries.
Lucifer shook her hand but didn’t return her smile. His eyes roamed judgmentally between her and Alastor and Mina tried to brush it off. “I worked for Abaddon for quite some time. They always spoke very fondly of you.”
“Funny,” he deadpanned, “they never mentioned you.”
He turned away as Charlie introduced the others and Mina glared at Alastor, blaming him for the insult she just received.
“What the fuck did I ever do to him?” she whispered to him while the others were distracted.
Alastor just smiled and shrugged, his body language clearly giving “I told you so” vibes.
Then in the middle of Niffty introducing herself, the chandelier fell from the ceiling, landing right in front of Lucifer and Alastor.
Mina never figured out which one of them did it, but she was positive it was one of their doings.
All hell broke out after that, so to speak, and Mina was just about convinced the two men were going to actually come to blows right there in the lobby. While she was confident Alastor could take on just about anyone, she was genuinely worried Lucifer was about to leave her a widow when of all fucking people, Mimzy burst through the front doors.
Husk, Niffty, and Mina all rolled their eyes at the dramatic entrance but were also relieved the tension in the room had been abruptly cut in half.
Mimzy could be a lot of fun, under the right circumstances. But most of the time when she barged in like she had, it eventually came up that she needed something. Mina respected that she was an old and dear friend of Alastor’s but honestly, it annoyed her how much Mimzy used him to get herself out of trouble. Even Husk thought the same thing and he usually didn’t give a single shit what went on in Alastor’s personal life. But as much as Alastor enjoyed being the all-intimidating Radio Demon, he also rather enjoyed getting to be the hero at times, and Mimzy often allowed him to play both roles.
“Why don’t you let the others help you settle in, and I’ll be back before you know it,” Alastor said, steering Mimzy towards the bar and the other residents as Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie began the tour. “And Mina,” he added, holding his hand out, “join us please.”
She had settled in at the bar next to Angel Dust and glared at her husband’s offered hand. He wasn’t asking, he was demanding, and she didn’t like it.
“I’m good,” she replied cooly.
“Don’t be silly, darling!” he said, and grabbed her hand, yanking her from her bar stool. “You were helping run this hotel long before I showed up. Where I go, you go. Isn’t that right, my dear?”
She wished.
Mina did not want to spend the rest of the day being paraded around like a trophy wife. Especially just to piss of Lucifer. If anything, she had more sympathy for him than she did Alastor. Lucifer knew what it was like to be the one left behind and kept in the dark. Alastor did not. It seemed cruel to rub salt in those still fresh wounds of his.
The only reason she agreed was the voice in the back of her head telling her that Lucifer may have some of the answers she did not. So, she gritted her teeth through her smile, squeezed Alastor’s hand a little harder than she should have, and agreed to follow him.
“After you, my dear,” she said, mirroring his words with an icy stare.
He ignored her tone and with his cane held in one hand behind him, and his other hand pressed to the small of her back, he guided her towards the smaller group headed for the stairs.
Thankfully, it did seem as though Alastor was going to carry himself with a little more dignity for the rest of the day, as they followed Lucifer in silence, allowing Charlie to take charge of the tour. Though he kept a hand on Mina possessively the whole time, he and the angel had stopped slinging insults and instead, listened intently to Charlie’s ramblings.
When Husk joined them and asked to talk to Alastor, Mina stopped with him, watching Lucifer disappear down the hallway, feeling all potential opportunities slipping away. But with a knowing nod from Alastor, his hand left her back, and she left the two Sinners to their conversation and jogged back to the others to catch up.
“And we’ve almost been able to find all of Angel’s drug stashes,” Vaggie said, then gave a pointed glare at Mina. “Almost.”
Mina returned the glare, not about to apologize for helping Angel hide a few things around the hotel. Weed was no worse than booze and the little teetotaler could get over herself.
Charlie missed the silent disagreement happening between the two other women.
“Sooooo, once that’s out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing.”
“Well that certainly is uh, is-is something,” Lucifer floundered, looking around the view from the balcony.
“So,” Charlie gave a small nervous laugh, “what do you think?”
“About what?”
“The hotel!”
“Oh! Yes, it- it does . . . look much better now. Doesn’t it?” he chuckled. “You know, but I’m thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you’d go right over the edge! Whoopie! Bye-bye!”
Mina stood by the doorway and raised an eyebrow. The way Lucifer was avoiding talking about the hotel was reminding her far too much of how Alastor had gaslit her questions when he had first returned.
“What?! No, the plan, Dad,” Charlie growled. “What do you think about using the hotel to help Sinners?”
Lucifer’s entire body language changed when it was clear he couldn’t dodge her anymore and he looked much more resigned.
He gave a long, thoughtful sigh before beginning.
“Alright, look. I love that you want to see the best in people but these Sinners, you know, they’re just the worst. I don’t know how much you can realistically expect from them. And Heaven,” he laughed bitterly, “Heaven is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules. Lots of rules, and they aren’t very openminded, as you’d hope.”  
For the first time since joining the hotel, Mina felt real pity for Charlie. It was not easy having someone you cared for and looked up to, constantly dismissing your dreams that way. Though Mina could see layers to the conversation that Charlie couldn’t yet; suspected that for whatever reason, Lucifer was having to avoid being involved in her life and the hotel, Mina could understand now why Charlie thought so little of her father.
Charlie loved her father; she just couldn’t see that he loved her in return, and that reminded Mina far too much of her own youth.
“These are our people! Dad, I – I . . . I have to try.”
Mina and Vaggie shared another look. Something in Vaggie’s expression told Mina she was reading the conversation between father and daughter with the same understanding. Mina didn’t know Vaggie’s background, but there was a kind of knowing in her eyes that made Mina question for the first time, what had brought the little demon to Charlie’s doorstep.
“Our ‘people’, Charlie? Are AWFUL! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything’s terrible!”
Mina rolled her eyes. Besides the similarities in their physical appearance, she could suddenly see why Abaddon and Lucifer were such close siblings. Get Abaddon drunk enough, and they were certain to go on the same rant.
“I just don’t want you to put yourself on the line for people like that-“
Lucifer was interrupted as something hit the side of the hotel, rocking the building at its foundation, and throwing them all into the railing. Which held up just fine with the weight of all four of them, despite Lucifer’s previous statements.
“What now?!” Vaggie yelled.
“-well, like that,” Lucifer finished his sentence, pointing down to the crowd of loan sharks trying to break down the hotel doors with a battering ram and yelling for Mimzy.
“Of course,” Mina sighed. Mimzy had done an even more piss poor job of covering up her tracks this time than she usually did.
“You know these guys?!” Vaggie yelled at her.
“No, but I know why they’re here,” Mina said and jumped over the railing.
She landed hard on the ground several stories below, on all four massive paws, having morphed midair.
The loan sharks paused for a second, staring at the tiger sized black and spotted monstrosity before them. Mina’s black eyes narrowed on the leader, her hackles raised, and extended her claws until they dug into the concrete below her.
“Maggots,” she growled and then lunged.
Gun fire erupted all around her and though she wasn’t faster than a bullet, she was more agile and graceful than the buffoons wielding the weapons. She landed on the first shark, caving in his chest with her crushing weight, and swallowed his head whole, before leaping through the air to dodge the onslaught of bullets from the others.
She noticed the group of them that was using a catapult to launch flaming explosives at the hotel and flinched as one finally hit its mark, breaking through the hotel’s windows, and bringing destruction to the lobby. Mina tried to get to them but had to duck for cover as a torrent of bullets rained down on her from several tommy guns at once. She managed to take out two more sharks before she was well and truly pinned down, unable to move unless she wanted to experience getting shot again.
She needed backup.
As if she summoned him by thought, large black tentacles came shooting out from the hotel, impaling sharks as it went and slamming down on the catapult. Alastor came crawling out of the front doors, growing larger in size with every step, his antlers spreading out until they were nearly as wide as the hotel itself.
“I am going to devour each and every one of you!”
Mina’s demonic leopard jaws widened into an unnatural smile, exposing every one of her serrated teeth, already dripping with blood. She watched with glee as several sharks sprinted away, only to be ripped to shreds by the horror that was Alastor in his most powerful form.
God, she really did love that man.
Mina grabbed the nearest shark to her, her jaw clamping down and sending teeth into the fat body, puncturing intestines and spine as they went, before she flung her head and tossed the limp body through the air. Alastor caught the demon mid flip with his gigantic hand, smiled down at Mina, and the shark disappeared into his mouth with a large resounding crunch.
When was the last time they had fun like this? Must have been the early 2000’s. Had it really been almost twenty years? No wonder it felt like they had been missing a certain spark to their love life.
“Oh, I have missed getting to let off steam,” Alastor said, throwing Mina a wink as they both returned to their normal forms once the carnage was finished.
Rather than joining him, Mina passed Mimzy as the shorter woman sashayed up to her husband, and Mina leaned against a pillar at the front of the hotel. She folded her arms, her tail swishing expectantly behind her, and she made pointed eye contact with Alastor, letting him know it was his job to finish cleaning up this mess that Mimzy had brought with her.
“Oh, Alastor, what a fantastic show!” Mimzy said, applauding. “Bravo, as always. Thanks for helping little ol’ me out of a tough spot. You’re always such a pal.”
Mina heard a creak and stepped back just in time for a piece of the hotel to come crashing down right where she had been standing.
“Ooops,” Mimzy said, and at least had the decency to look ashamed as she looked at Mina’s glaring form. “Sorry about the mess, but I’m sure the lil’ bug can take care of it for ya.”
Oh, she was not talking about their Niffty that way.
Mina held back the growl in her chest but only because Alastor had caught her eye. He looked right at Mina as he addressed his old friend.
“I think you should go Mimzy. Now.”
“Oh pff, Alastor, you’re such a kidder you,” Mimzy said, turning her attention back on him. “You are so funny!”
“I mean it,” he snapped. “You deliberately brought danger to this place, just to have us clean up your mess. I can’t have that here.”
“But you love taking care of me!” she teased. “What?!” she glanced between him and Mina and Mina cocked an eyebrow at her, making the flapper suddenly become a little nervous, so she turned her attention fully back on Alastor. “You don’t actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on. I know you. You heartless, son of a bitch.”
Mina almost laughed. Mimzy knew him so well? Yet she was risking life and limb by poking him in the chest when he was visibly irate.
Alastor grabbed her by the finger and pried her hand away, giving clear signals not to touch him.
“You are welcome if you actually want to give redemption a shot, but I think we both know that’s not really your style.” He bopped her on the nose as he strode past her, one final display of putting her in her place, before he joined Mina by the front doors. “So, you need to leave.”
 “Fine! Who needs ya?!” Mimzy shouted defensively. “Have fun with your little princess and your little hotel. See if I care.” She flipped them the bird as she walked away.
Mina sighed with relief as the other woman left and put her arm through Alastor’s as he stood with his hands folded over his microphone topped cane. Maybe it was just her territorial nature, but she got satisfaction in showing off that she could touch him in that moment after he had just made the point of not letting someone else.
Despite her annoyance at his earlier behavior, she was really proud of him for how he had handled Mimzy. His angered expression softened when he glanced over at her, and they shared a silent moment of appreciation for each other, before returning to the hotel lobby.
Later that evening
Mina stood on the other side of the door to Alastor’s radio tower, listening in on the raised voices coming from within.
She had just missed whatever had been said that got Lucifer shouting, as she had only approached the doorway a few seconds prior, but she had stopped short and pressed her ears to the wood when she recognized the King’s voice.
“Don’t be so petulant,” Alastor hissed, finally lowering his voice, but with no less venom in his tone. Mina had to strain her ears harder to make out the rest. “Besides, I hardly have to do a thing to turn her against you. Other than being present, that is.”
“I swear on my life, demon, if you are trying to influence her in anyway, if what you’re doing here is anything less than protecting her, I’ll end you.”
“You. Wouldn’t. Dare,” Alastor said and then laughed.
“Oh, ha ha,” she heard Lucifer’s now recognizable mock laughter. “You think you’re untouchable because of who’s at the other end of that chain of yours? I should decorate your little station here with your guts and make that cute little wife of yours help you untangle the mess.”
That’s when Mina decided she had heard enough and flung the door open. She had seen what Abaddon could do; she did not want to find out what kind of torture the actual King of Hell could dish out.
Both men where chest to chest, seething with rage, but when their eyes landed on her, they looked like they had been caught with their hands in a cookie jar.
Lucifer stepped away first, scowling at the two of them.
“How much did you hear?” he asked.
“Not enough,” she said, “but if you don’t want eavesdroppers, maybe you shouldn’t be shouting at one another.”
“This-“ Lucifer said, pointing his apple topped cane at her, but looking at Alastor. “This is exactly what you were supposed to be avoiding.”
“She’s my wife,” Alastor said as if that explained everything.
“God you are so. Fucking. SELFISH!” Lucifer shouted, momentarily clutching the sides of his head in exasperation. “My fucking QUEEN isn’t even here because of this whole shit storm parade and you think she’s special enough to get a pass?!”
“She is standing right here,” Mina said, folding her arms. She felt her tail swishing back and forth rapidly behind her, giving away just how insulted she was at this behavior. Lucifer had always been nice to her before, if only a little distant. “And she wants answers. Do you have stitches in place keeping you silent or are you actually able to communicate?”
Lucifer looked over at her, and for a moment she thought she could read a flash of sympathy in his eyes. Then he sighed and his shoulders dropped, and Mina knew she would get no further answers that night.
“Yeah, I’m not doing this,” he said and stepped backwards through a portal and was gone.
Mina stared at the spot where he had disappeared for a moment, then looked over at Alastor, who was studying her.
“So,” he began, “feeling enlightened yet?”
“Other than now I know you’re halfway to suicidal by making enemies with the King of Hell? No, not really.”
Alastor gave a dismissive wave of his hand.
“We’re not enemies, you just caught him on a bad day.”
“He threatened to gut you! And he can, by the way. I know you don’t like to hear this, but he is much more powerful than you, love.”
“And there are beings involved in this that are more powerful than he,” Alastor countered. “Trust me, darling, despite what you just heard, Lucifer and I are . . . working things out. By the way,” he began after another pause, “you haven’t said anything to anyone about my current state of affairs, have you?”
Mina frowned, unsure where that train of thought had come from. “No, not a word.”
“Not even to Husker?”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Why would I talk to him about that? We can hardly stand each other.”
Alastor nodded. “Okay, then.”
“Why? Did he say something?”
“He might have but he won’t from now on.”
Mina could only imagine the fright Alastor must have given the former Overlord if he had dared to try and push that button. However, she wasn’t about to point it out then and there, but Alastor and Lucifer had not been very subtle that day, and anyone who knew even the slightest bit of their history would have been able to read between the lines.
That made her think again about the heated debate she had just walked in on.
“Am I . . .” Mina paused, unsure if she really wanted the answer to her next question. “Am I really making things worse by being here? Should I . . . go?”
Alastor strode over to her side.
“Do you want to?” he asked, looking seriously down at her.
“No,” she quickly answered, reaching for his hands. “No, not at all. I just got you back. But I will if it’ll be better for you. I can handle it, being apart I mean, if it’ll mean we can return to some sense of normalcy sooner.”
Alastor pulled her into him, and she returned the embrace, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tight.
“I want you here, plain and simple,” he said, resting his chin on her head between her ears. “If anyone else doesn’t like it, that’s their problem, not ours.”
Mina relaxed then, knowing her place by his side was safe for the time being. There was still so much to uncover, and she had a feeling this meeting with Heaven that Charlie was going to would likely only make things messier, but there was nothing to be done for it all right then and there.
And Alastor, though he was often uncomfortable with touch after something as tense as the argument he had just had with Lucifer, had initiated their hug. He was still holding her firmly to him, keeping her as close to him as possible, so Mina knew he was not touch-adverse in that moment.
Images from earlier that day, of him utterly eviscerating that group of loan shark demons with her, played over again in her mind. She let her hands wander down his back until she found the bottom edge of his jacket, before slipping underneath and trailing back up, so she could feel his taught back muscles through his shirt.
“You sure we’re alone now?” she whispered.
She didn’t see how, but the door shut closed behind her, and she heard a lock slide into place.
“Positive,” he replied.
 “Hmmm,” she sighed, rubbing her face into his neck, letting his bow tie tickle her cheek. “You looked so good today. I miss seeing you like that. So . . . scary,” she let her hands slide around his side, still underneath his jacket, and caressed his chest. “So strong and powerful,” she sucked on the tiny sliver of skin above his collar, just below his jaw line, and let her nails lightly dig into his abdomen as she lowered her hands. “So . . . big,” one hand came lower, cupping him over the fabric of his pants, feeling him already half hard beneath her caress.
Alastor gave a low chuckle at her ridiculous word play before capturing her lips with his own.
“Maybe I should make more enemies then,” he teased, “if this is the treatment I get.”  
“As long as I get to watch,” she replied, still slow stroking him, “and you come home to me in one piece.”
“Deal,” he said, his voice low and sinister, and kissed her again.
She was feeling that old spark again, a coil deep down inside of her burning red hot at the thrill of being with him. Of getting to witness the sheer strength and power that Alastor commanded, of being able to work in tandem with the raw force of nature that was her husband. Her mind flashed with images of their victims being crushed, her mouth watering at the memory of their blood pouring down her throat, and of Alastor’s wicked laughter as they laid waste to the threat against the hotel.
Alastor was backing her up until the edge of his control station was digging into her lower back, his hands holding her head firmly in place as his tongue danced across hers. She had his belt buckle undone and zipper down as they crossed the room together and by the time he was pinning her between his body and the counter, Mina had him in hand. His cock was heavy and warm in her palm, the skin silky soft and practically pulsing at her touch.
He was just as ready and wanting of this as she was, his desire for her evident in the desperate way he had her caged to him. Alastor pushed her skirts up, hooking his fingers around the top of her panties and dragging them down her legs, only giving her enough space to step out of them before his fingers were on her. He moaned in appreciation against her mouth when he found her already wet and slick for him. His fingers slid easily through her folds and two long digits curled their way into the depths of her cunt, pumping her quickly with very little need for build-up.
Mina pulled away, forcing his fingers to slip out of her and she felt his body try and follow hers as she jumped up onto the desk and spread her legs for him.
There was a non-verbal question in his gaze, asking her if she was ready for more, and she reached her hands behind his neck and pulled him to her, capturing his mouth in another heated kiss. It was all the answer he needed before he pushed his trousers and underwear down until they were pooled at his ankles, and he took his cock in his hand, and in one thrust used it to fill her pussy to the brim.
They gasped for breath as they came together, breaking their kiss for just a moment to appreciate the perfect feeling of their bodies joined, before Alastor leaned in closer, guiding Mina until her back was flush with the panel beneath her, and reclaimed her mouth as he began to rock his hips against hers.
There were all kinds of buttons and knobs digging into her but Mina paid them no mind. With his lips between her teeth and his cock so full inside of her, pumping her in a sweet, delicious rhythm, there was nothing else in the world her mind could latch onto besides Alastor.
He held her beneath her thighs as he fucked her, his hands occasionally reaching up to grab handfuls of her ass before dragging his nails down the backs of her legs, making her whine out loud every time. It was a sensation just shy of pain, teasing the extra sensitive areas with the thrilling danger of his claws but never delivering the flood of pleasure that would come from him suddenly digging them into her flesh.
Her skin felt like it was on fire and her nipples ached for the touch of his hand or the bite of his teeth. There were so many layers of clothes between them, and every thrust of his cock inside her made his torso rub against her own, highlighting the boundaries that kept their skin from touching. It was wonderous torture, being so close to him and not having enough of him.
Alastor reached between them, his fingers finding her clit, and began working the swollen nub with clumsy, fast circles. He was close, his face now buried in her neck, the sides of one of his extended antlers rubbing against the tips of her ears.
She reached a hand up and grabbed hold of one of the many prongs coming off his antlers, letting her mind wander to all the times she had seen him in his many varieties of demonic forms. Alastor’s body shifted above hers, growing slightly longer, and she felt him move his head away from her throat. When she opened her eyes, black radio dials were boring down on her, his smile unnaturally wide. He was the very image of Hell itself, a terrifying demon capable of ripping apart her soul and making her suffer for eternity. And he was using that power to fuck her senseless, knowing just how much he was turning her on by showing her this side of himself. The memories of more debauched, violent, and carnal sex they had indulged each other with in the past coming to mind as he pounded into her smaller frame, rocking into her with an aggression he rarely showed her.
Mina threw her head back as she came, crying out Alastor’s name as her walls clenched around his cock, his fingers working her through her orgasm until her body stopped spasming beneath his.
Once she was spent, his hand returned to her thigh and he pressed his forehead against hers. She kept her hand wrapped around the spine of his antler and his claws finally dug into her flesh, leaving five shallow and red indents on either ass cheek, as he found his own completion. He continued to thrust as he came, pumping her full of his cum, her tight cunt unable to take much with how intensely his larger form filled her up and stretched her to her limits. It spilled out of her, overflowing onto the desk beneath her that was already wet and messy from her body’s arousal.
Alastor shrank down to his normal size, breathing hard through his nose as he peppered her face and mouth with tender kisses. She returned his affections as he softened inside her, wrapping her arms and legs around his body and holding him in a loving embrace.
When he pulled away and began fixing the state of his clothes, Mina noticed how heavy his eyelids were, how slowly each blink was, and the lazy way he was re-doing the zipper and buckle of his trousers. On top of the long day they had - between the stress of Lucifer’s presence, to the fight with the loan sharks, and having to do hours of repairs to the hotel afterwards - Alastor hadn’t slept that night or the night before, unless he had snuck in a quick nap or two in his tower when she wasn’t around.
She sighed, feeling decades worth of frustration with him and his damn near pathological desire to not take care of his own basic needs. It had taken a lot of work, but she had gotten him to improve over the years but then he had disappeared, and now that he was back, it was worse than ever.
Mina hopped off the counter, feeling the stickiness between her legs, and covered her mouth with her hand as she yawned. She was exhausted herself and used it as lure to entice Alastor back to their bedroom.  
He smirked at her, and she was sure there was a teasing quip on the edge of his lips, but she interrupted it before it began.
“I could really use a long hot bath and sleep after all that. Would you like to join me?”
He sighed, looking around the room.
“As wonderful as your company is, ma cher, I have an abundance of work to see to. Especially since the events of today really put a damper on what I had planned.”
She laced her arms under his and around his back, batting her eyelashes up at him.
She didn’t whine or beg, knowing that would just annoy him, so she simply whispered the singular word and let her body language say the rest.
He sighed again, more dramatic this time, his shoulders rising with the effort of it and rolled his eyes, his entire head following the movement.
“I suppose,” he agreed, and cupped her face in his hands before smiling sweetly at her and kissing her nose. “You are just too cute to deny you a thing, my dear.”
Next Chapter ->
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@inuhalfdemon, @saccharine-nectarine, @whoknowswhoiamtoday
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amethystfairy1 · 8 months
What's next for ttsbc? Any snippets or world building you want to share?
(This is your time to share literally whatever you want about the series! /nf ofc)
Ok ok ok
Lemme see.
We're gonna be getting some more Desert Duo very soon, I have big plans for them but I was holding off on writing further into their time together till I had figured some plot stuff out. Now it is all sorted out, so the superhero duo will return soon!
Zed and Tango are gonna have a really interesting arc together that I am very very very excited to share!
More Nature Wives will also be coming soon, hopefully!
SO MUCH MORE FLOWER HUSBANDS. They are my favorites I can't help it, so I hope you like them because they will also be getting many more pieces of the AU dedicated to them!
I've got plans for more childhood era fics, both with the Pesky Birds as well as with another family we've yet to meet. I think it'll be fun, so I'll toss it out there.
Get ready to meet an overworked single father and his four chaos gremlin children, brought together by the Anarchy and maybe accidentally joining the mob at some point...😆
Oh that's another thing I'd love to share!
The Anarchy is what I'm calling the period of time after the Directors death when there was a massive power vacuum in the under-city, and it only truly ended once Doc had taken control of the Labs...but that's also a vague timeline, the chaos and all-out turf war started to decline as Doc and Etho worked to restructure the labs alongside their allies, but it was still there. In the present day of the AU, these sorts of conflicts still exist but they never boil over thanks to the teamwork between Etho taking care of the mob connections and Doc maintaining order as the new Director.
I'm thinking of making a timeline of what I have so far in terms of solid year-by-year events, would anyone be interested in seeing that? Let me know!
And last thing! My Febuwhump prompts are working up great! There are gonna be several taking place in TTSBC, so please look forward to those!
Thank you for the excuse to ramble! 💖
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Why I think Spider noir is on the younger side(18-20) in the new spiderverse movie per my previous post:
Let’s break it down by Context, Timeline, Mood, and ATSV
Spider noir has two comic runs that happen before COMICS spiderverse. With that said, there were like inter dimensional energy vampires and that’s obviously not the direction the spiderverse movies went with. So we’re going to largely disregard them for this. To expand, there was a big time jump between that last noir comic and the spiderverse ones. Peter would be closer to mid/late 20s at the start of the comics spiderverse and therefore ITSV if we were to integrate and replace the timelines, BUT I always hated the way they did that time jump in the comics and what it did to Peter’s character.
It felt like they were trying to tie him into 616 Peter wayyyy too much by making his love interest MJ(who we rlly haven’t seen and what we have seen hasn’t had good chemistry), have a good relationship with May(they rlly brushed him shooting someone in front of her and calling him an animal under the rug Huh), and going to college(I get it I do, but unlike most universes I don’t think this Peter could ever stop spiderman enough). There wasn't really any mention of Felicia, Urich, or Robby and their past. They also changed his webbing, his look, and his spider senses.
I felt like that was completely getting rid of all of Peter's characterization and he just becomes the spider with a gun from the 1930s. But the point is they clearly went in a very different artistic and narrative direction after the time jump to a point where it doesn’t feel like the same character.
Refitting the timeline:
So, scrapping the comics spiderverse timeline, I don’t really see a reason for a disjointed time jump. And after those first two comic runs it can be argued, for this Peter, that ITSV happens much sooner for him after that second run, possibly even after the first comic. Then ATSV would happen after that second run. There is an 8mo. time jump between the two runs so it is definitely feasible.
But let’s talk about mood between the runs.
We all know at least somewhat this Peter's origin, and if you don’t, to sum it up: organized crime, monsters, socialism, cannibalism.
The first run ends, Peter beats the goblin without killing him and he’s feeling pretty good about himself/confident. But he’s still got a lot of well deserved angst and self hatred. His uncle is dead, his new mentor/father figure is dead, his relationship with May is on the rocks to say the least, and there’s the whole Felicia thing. He’s still a high schooler and in that teen range, but a big ass lanky teenager who's only solid looking because of the gear he wears. I’d place him around 16-18, a case could be made for 15 but I’m going to politely disagree. ITSV could very easily be fairly soon after these events.
It’s 8 months after the first run. He becomes cocky and overconfident this whole next issue, possibly because of an interdimensionally inflated ego? Point is he feels on top of his game. Also worth mentioning, he’s ignoring MJ this whole issue to the point the audience knows basically nothing about her while he is having a very intense relationship with Felicia(which we already know how I feel about that whole mess) and who MJ is very blatantly and very badly a foil to.(I love MJ she is just not well written here).
The second run ends, his best friend/possible love interest(I said what I said), Robbie, is dead and unavenged.(I can talk a lot more about Robbie and what effect he had and will have on Peter going forward, also the disservice of his ‘death’) Felicia is disfigured and blames Peter. Peter not only blames himself for all this but the comic ends with him saying he feels powerless and a constant sense of impending doom. He really did not get a single win during this comic, man got the shit beaten out of him too. The age at the end of this comic is 17-19. After the last comic dude was messed up but still had hope, after this one we don’t see the fall out, but I can assure it was BAD. That whole ‘you don’t have to kill the bad guy thing’ is probably out the fucking window. I’m more hesitant to think ITSV happened after this run because of that. He isn’t just depressed or self loathing anymore, he isn’t just playing fast and loose with his life to get results. He does not care, he has no hope, and he doesn’t see a good future.
Pre - ATSV predictions with mild spoilers:
With the year and a couple of months time jump for ATSV it’s very plausible that the events of that last run plus possible spider task force shenanigans could happen before the movie. For more context in the comics spider noir was a recurring spider in the ‘elite strike force’. Personally, if he was invited, I could very much see him accepting, especially with his current mental state, and being very aggressive about it. Which, theoretically, could cause him to get kicked off or make a rash decision to leave bc fuck those guys. But the point is at the end of that last comic this man really doesn’t have a single win, he is in a prime state to be manipulated in.
Edit: my dumbass forgot literally the most important detail. The year 1933 is when ITSV noir comes from which matches this timeline with the comics as well.
To sum everything up, the reason why I think spider noirs age is in the 18/20 range is because it fits the above timeline, which I believe to be the most probable timeline of events that are canon by the movies while also staying consistent with at least some of the original comics. It should be further noted there is no evidence of his age throughout the ITSV movie, besides him being played by Nicholas Cage and being tall. In fact, I’d argue due to his excessive use of slang it would naturally place him in a younger category as well as the classic melodramaticness that can come with being a coping teenager. The most important thing that makes his age and at what point in his storyline he’s in up to interpretation is the fact that we see his face once and it’s heavily shadowed. If we saw his face more I’d feel better about giving him a more solid age, but till then context clues for the win. But anyways, this was long and I still have more I could get into/say and I will eventually. Feel free to ask any questions or even tell me why you disagree!
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taissaswifelowkey · 27 days
Yellowjackets calling/texting you pt.ii!
a/n: DAMNN okay so i really need to figure out how to insert hyperlinks without it showing the whole thing 💀💀 also in pt i, i mistakenly added jackie TWICE instead of including lottie :(( my bad. ig it’ll be up to us to interpret who’s who 😭
i also decided to do a modern timeline for once!! proofread and as usual feedback is always welcome and enjoy 🥶💯💯
italics = texts, dialogues will be known with quotation marks
warnings: mentions of canon elements! they’re light spoilers but i’d rather be safe than sorry about ruining the show for someone. self-indulgent but you already know it yellowjackets gay propaganda 😎‼️‼️
modern timeline
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📚 with meetings, galas and interviews and both of your conflicted schedules taissa doesn’t always have time to be with you (even though you’re often her plus one!) you’re not that much at the house at the same time but she’ll always text you to check up on you, making sure you and sammy are okay. ive said this once and ill say it again, ms turner is an avid ellipses and ok user. also uses the 👍 emoji
I made pasta!!
👍 Nice.
I might come home late…
Whose body do I need to bury??
i think she’ll also send you motivational quotes, or something related to philosophy. or anything that reminds her of your relationship. she can be simultaneously romantic and so nerdy, you love it
You know what this reminds me of? A certain quote of Socrates.
You talk about that guy more than you do about me 😒😒😒
🛹 if im thinking idealistically, it would be random texting with van. anything from memes, to weird statements, to memes again. but if you want my solid truthful opinion? i think she’s not really that big on technology. will mostly call you for hours using her vintage landline. you two however do keep contact with each other in any way when you’re apart, or when she’s on yj business
This TikTok has me rolling and sobbing
TikTok as in…the clock? Why would it make you cry? Are you okay?
phone calls when you are away! she loves hearing your voice :(( and you love hearing her laugh. she swears it’s awful but you like it in a “i like that laugh, hahaha” way. but back to idealist thinking, she would honestly use a list of emojis to communicate like
What’s happening?
I’m saying yes for the groceries get with the times 🙄😒🫤
🕷️ nat will forget to answer your text messages but she’ll still answer you as soon as she remembers? or she’ll just reply to you in person. otherwise than that she’ll take pictures of anything that reminds her of you. idk why but i think she texts in all caps unintentionally. would also have a few typos
Omg are you okay?
would use all sorts of emojis in any context but according to her interpretation. it leaves you confused most of the time like what does 🦵 mean???
🎀 hear me out…same as van i feel that adult lottie doesn’t use her phone that much??? i mean sure a few texts here and there but it’s not allll the time. HOWEVERRRR if, let’s say you’re on some trip or something, she will call/text/facetime you every now and then. would also text you right after calling
Heyyy how are you 🥰🥰🥰
Good :)) and you?
Great but I just miss you
It’s only been 30 secs since we hanged up lot 😭😭
is the type of person to send you recommendations on outdoors or indoor activities like “we should do this 🥰🥰🥰”
🦉 misty is a serial texter (when she has time, being a nurse and a secondhand dexter takes up a lot of time) so, sporadically, you’ll have messages. pictures of her coffee, or to gossip with you and minion memes. im telling you your inbox are spammed with facebook memes to the point of it being slightly concerning? also uses acronyms and 😂🤣
LOL check THIS out I am ROFLING 😂😂😂
This is the 10th minion meme in a day 😭😭
will also correct you. is literally ☝️🤓 but it’s something about those asterisks and corrections that brings a smile to your face
🪵 shauna is basically your virtual reminder. you hardly even use the notes app. sends you voice messages and expects you to reply with the same format. sends you pictures of what she did throughout the day
Look at what I found in our garden today!!
Aww that’s a cute bunny can we name it Mayfield
WILL and WILL expect you to answer directly, or at least answer 10 minutes after. of course that not apply when you’re busy but if she’s doing the groceries and you’re at home you can answer, right? right???
🧸 voice messages with jackie taylor. like, podcasts. lots of tiktok memes, insta reels, just like lottie she will send you couple activities and be like we should do this omggg 😍😍😍 uses emojis, sometimes will spam you and WILL expect you to answer her too.
Hey beautifullll 🥰
Hi :)
Can you pls listen to my voice memo
Jax it’s three minutes long 😭😭
So??? It’s a signed masterpiece LISTEN TO IT
i think she’s also the type to send you playlists but also random recommendations, not just couple stuff. like clothing, jewellery, or makeup if that’s your thing. if you two are apart expect lots of 1 hour facetimes and thirty minutes of texting right after
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Hi again! It’s the anon who asked who david is! Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I’m only familiar with iwtv and i’m halfway through tvl, so i’ve never come across his character until now. It’s so interesting that you personally think it’s marius, it seems to be a pretty solid theory throughout the fandom as well. I would definitely like to know more :)
(If you are halfway through TVL you will soon encounter Marius, so... I'll keep it short here?!^^ But I won#t be able to reason without pointing stuff out - so there's some spoilers below!!!
Yes, I do think that is Marius, because I align with what others have pointed out, namely that Daniel is actually taking over some of what David did later in the books (namely chronicling the life stories), and, also, the head of the Talamasca would need a bigger introduction. And there is also the fact that Daniel seemed to have known him, to talk about his fear.
I don't think that fits with David. Especially since there were no hints of David (yet).
Marius on the other hand...
Marius' painting, on the wall. Marius, Armand's maker. Marius, long time keeper of "Those Who Must Be Kept". Marius, who is designated "prime minister" in the later books. The later books, where Fareed is from as well. Marius, who knew where Armand was, while Armand was in the cult of the "Children of Satan". Marius, who did not go and get him out. Marius, who Lestat found. Marius, who made Lestat promise not to tell, or else. Marius, who told Lestat to live a mortal lifetime, as close to "normal mortal" as possible with the ones he loves.
Marius, who, in the original book timeline takes Daniel off Armand's hands when Daniel goes a bit mad. Marius, who cares for Daniel then.
Marius, who later intervenes, due to his own reasoning, when Armand does not want to do something.
I (and others) believe that while Armand might have "tinkered" with Louis' memories... it might actually have been Marius, who wiped Daniel's. Who kept tabs on Daniel, too.
Because there will be a point in this version of the story, this story, where Daniel will be chased by Armand, and other than in QotD, where he succumbs to alcohol and drugs and some mania (due to the confrontation with immortality) there is no ultimate incentive to turn him.
Daniel almost dies in the original story, and Armand turns him right in the middle of Akasha's assault on their kind, because there is literally nothing else to lose, and he cannot stand watching Daniel die.
So... if Akasha hasn't happened yet - why does the chase end? Where does it end in this version of the story? In this tale?
What if Marius knows of the chase. He kept tabs on Armand after all. Possibly. What if he interferes here due to his own reasoning here, too. What if he puts an ultimatum to Armand.
What if he wipes Daniel's memories because Armand... can not.
The painting on the Dubai apartment means that there is some kind of reconciliation between them, imho. Armand is on the phone with someone, saying "soon now". He only needs to call Marius on the phone.
Marius book canonically uses disguises, and the vampire equivalent of make-up to pass as human, vampire hair grows back over the day if cut. Those glasses look suspiciously thick^^.
Also, I... why would David Talbot, of the Talamasca, be in Dubai in the sushi restaurant, and know that Daniel does not need to be afraid of Armand? But... the other?
(Btw - thinking about it the "other" does not necessarily mean Louis, though the trailer editing suggests this - but I bet they're pranking us there^^).
And, last but not least.
Daniel's familiarity with whoever-he-is.
I don't think Daniel had much interaction with the Talamasca over the decades. Why would he. Why would the Talamasca reveal themselves, especially knowing that the vampires might be watching. But we know the vampires kept tabs on Daniel. Or some vampire at least.
Given Daniel's connections to Armand, Louis and Marius (and Lestat in the books, which will probably still revealed at a later point)... it just doesn't make sense to me for this to be David^^.
Also - said that before - Marius' character takes a very... strong actor. Justin Kirk would be perfect :))
We'll see :)
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vestaclinicpod · 8 months
Audio Drama Sunday - 28th January ✨
Hours of data collection 😤👎 Hours of data collection with audio drama 🤭🫶
👻 @tellnotalespod (S2E2) If I had a ghost in my life, I’d want what Gemma and Micah have 🥺 I really hate this back and forth between Leo and Frank! HEY! Frank! That’s ~my~ Leo to be fond of, not yours! I’m so excited to catch up with Julia and Riley next week! 
🦀 @thesiltverses (38) Oh my god, what an incredible episode! The exploration of a dementia-like process as being stalked by a god of death - PLEASE. The sound design was fantastic, I felt like I could really see the surroundings - the encroaching woods, the smudged prayer marks on the floor, the murky silt of the river - it was a beautiful experience. And I wish I could show you my face when I heard that Faulkner had got his testosterone from the CHURCH. NO! No no no. The manipulation! Show me a character in this show that isn’t so supremely messed up!! I want to help them all 😭
🧳 Travelling Light by @monstrousproductions (10) Another lovely instalment from my favourite wholesome sci-fi show. I couldn’t agree more with the description of home-sickness, you truly can’t predict what will set off the pangs for home! 
🏛 @the-mistholme-museum (INEVITABLE) I have been hanging off the edge of my seat waiting to find out what would happen with the Beast. I love Not Eagle popping up as a contradictory voice and ATG’s completely cool, calm and collected response to it. I’m so unsure about the HoRestoration taking the Beast in . . . I used to trust her but after these cards . . . I’m less sure. 
🌨️ @thewhitevault (6) I feel like I need to listen to this episode again to really let that Family timeline stick in my mind. Everything seems to be ramping up in Goshawk, and I suspected that there might be a few more unexpected, unwelcome guests soon! 
❤️‍🔥 The Love Talker (7) This episode took us back in time to fill in some of the blanks regarding the main characters’ pasts. It’s very interesting to see how different Ren’s ability seems from the outside - it makes you wonder how it’s taken her so long to realise that the affect she has on people isn’t ‘normal’?? Is she a victim or a monster? I suspect it's gonna be both. 
🏢 @somewhereohio (S2E7) Ooooh!! I was wondering when we’d get the answer regarding why Jasmine/Olivia was seen in that truck in Scarlet’s memory in S1!!! I feel like I need to go back and listen to their first encounter again to see if there’s any glimmer of a sign that Scarlet remembered her! The way Orange describes his variance sounds like a bit of a curse - but I have faith that he can do some good with it before the end of the season!! 
🍾 I finished S2 of @ameliapodcast and it was so much fun! I loved the reveal that Amelia is a real, living person with an active role in the Project and I love that it’s Julia Morizawa! 
🌫️ @souloperatorpod (2) I’ll be honest, I don’t really have a solid grasp on what’s happening here yet but the writing is very compelling, and I adore the music! I’m looking forward for the fog to lift a little! 
♦️The Grotto (4) I went into this episode forewarned but definitely not forearmed… goddamn. Can I have a new episode soon, please? 
🖥️ The Magnus Protocol (3) .jmj error HM? REALLY. I really am hoping that this will end with our TMA faves hopping out of the computers but I would also be satisfied with an explanation that whatever this thing is has listened to them read so many statements that it’s taken their voices, if nothing else… Also, I love Colin - it’s so rare that a piece of media gives us a character who is sooo batshit right from the word go. I love him. He’s 1000% going to die. 
Hoping for a good week for everyone!!
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
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Hello 🎬👋!! Haha, I’m glad you enjoyed the thoughts, I loved these so much! Thank you!
LMAO I think a few of them would have real good taste in song titles, but others… not so much 😅 I actually think Yuno would have some pretty solid ideas. Though Haruka has some nice thoughts too, I heard both his titles are specific plays on words that I don’t think he’d come up with himself…
Omg yes! The prisoners would have such a good time planning mv outfits! I can definitely see it being bittersweet for Fuuta – exasperated by, but also homesick because, they all remind him so much of his sister ;-; Mahiru is devastated she's not getting a new outfit for I Love You and so she enjoys styling vicariously through helping the others. Shidou’s outfit was even more painfully Dad before the group helped tone it down. Before the mv color scheme was decided, they cycle through a few different colored marching band uniforms for Amane. Muu doesn’t quite understand the flower dress, but the team promises her it will all come together to look great.
>:O The birthday art can be au canon!! The previously mentioned fashion crew makes everyone dress up like their cake, and designer Mikoto photoshops them into a pic of it aww. Even after watching the t1 videos, it would be the nicest they've seen everyone get dressed up. They're shocked seeing the boys clean up so nicely in their suits, and the girls are just shining in their fancy dresses and heels. And maybe Es’ “birthday” pic was a pre-experiment candid shot of them chillin with the bunny off set :’)
On a slightly darker note, I wonder if those pv shots of the restraints are canon too. Milgram had a few ideas for worst-case restraints and took a few shots for reference during an early fitting…
ADFGGH rip Haruka 😂😂😂 I love the idea of a whole group of them sneaking around looking for tasty goo and fun props, and instead stumbling upon The Mannequin Room. And waait I'm so emotional over Kazui loosening up and having a bit of fun with his tricks :’D With all the themes about certain characters growing up faster than they should, it would be so lovely to see them giggling and messing around in a blooper reel! I’m imagining someone trying to twirl Amane’s baton as well as her and epically failing at it.
Yeah, I have a lot of different predictions for Amane’s t3 changes – but no matter what happens, she starts accepting help just a little bit more behind the scenes >:) It’ll still take her a really long time to break away from the cult’s beliefs (no one in the cast/team really knows proper cult deprogramming strategies at this point, but they start looking into it as soon as the experiments ends.) Still, she finds a balance of keeping most of her religion and also realizing that the others genuinely care for her. 
And oooh I really like that 👀 I always pictured the prisoner Es hints to be leading toward them being a prisoner in the future (accused of executing prisoners), but that would add so much more drama if it relates to a past imprisonment. The ten would make a perfect heist team, hacking the system, snooping around, and charming facility members in order to find paperwork detailing past experiments featuring Es. And Kotoko would certainly be leading the investigation – I love how closely she’s monitoring everything, it would fit so well if she were the one to see the truth first. Between the realization that Milgram hasn’t been fully honest, and the threat that Es may be there for even longer, the jailbreak would erupt much quicker than the current timeline. Although the au is nicer overall, I really like keeping Milgram a pretty shady organization hehe 
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siancore · 7 months
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It was a bad idea. Sam knew as much. His mission directive was clear: Travel back in time, go to the Stark Expo, and retrieve the stolen Wakandan artefact as a promise of goodwill and a way to make amends with a valued ally. He had finished the first half of his mission and secured the artefact, but he had not activated the Temporal Shift Device to return him to his own time. Curiosity had gotten the better of Sam. Curiosity and a yearning deep inside.He knew that there was a chance that he would see this other Bucky. He knew that if he set the Device to pick-up Bucky’s corporeal frequency, he would find him in the sea of people. The fact of the matter was, Sam missed Bucky. He missed his Bucky.
Content: Thunderbolts Era SamBucky; Possibly Unrequited Love; Vintage Queer Slang; Impulsive Sam Wilson; Charming Bucky Barnes; Angst & Feels; Mission Fic; Dreams & Nightmares; Lovesickness; Messing with the Timeline; Epistolary.
Part 3 of 6
Bucky is reunited with Steve while being part of the elite Howling Commandos. The friends share a quiet moment before their next mission, and Steve gifts Bucky with something.
They never prepared the soldiers for the overwhelming exhaustion of being at war. Training was always based on tactics and endurance, but never how they were to move through the field and manage exhaustion.  
Bucky was always the first to raise a hand to be on sentry duty while the other soldiers slept. He found that, after being held as a prisoner and being experimented on, sleep evaded him at the best of times. 
No one explained to him and the other soldiers that getting sleep was as important as their mission directives. You could not fight a war if you were dead on your feet; sleep was as necessary as armaments and bodies.  
Bucky remembered leaning against unsteady walls of burnt-out houses and closing his eyes, only to be woken later by the sound of artillery fire. He remembered lying on the hard ground with his pack as a pillow under the grey European sky. He recalled resting his weary body against the body of a fellow soldier and letting sleep take him. 
All of those times, his dreams were filled with images of Sam Wilson — his Buttercup. But after being held prisoner, after they did what they had done to him, he found it hard to sleep.
Missions with Steve and the Howling Commandos meant that they would go and do what they had to do, and then return to base. Gone were the days of sleeping against cold concrete and rubble. The Howling Commandos shared a tent back at base camp. Bucky did not want to be treated any differently to any other young man who had put his life on the line, but he was quietly grateful for the one small luxury of having some comfort. He was able to sleep a little more frequently. He was able to dream of his Sweetheart again. 
But the dreams did not remain sweet like Sam’s face. Somehow, through the horrors of war, his unconscious mind twisted and meshed images of carnage with Sam’s pretty face. At times, Bucky would wake in a cold sweat reaching for Sam. The ache in his chest more pronounced when his hands grasped nothing but air. Each dream started with the feeling of Sam’s soft lips on his, and then ended with Sam being snatched away from him.  
“You okay, Buck?” asked Steve as he ambled into the barrack tent.  
Bucky looked up from where he was seated on one of the camp beds. He ran his hand over his face and then moved it to the back of his neck.  
“Didn’t get much sleep is all,” he replied. “Feelin’ fuckin’ haggard, Stevie.” 
“You look it, buddy,” Steve replied. “Need a medic?” 
“Nah,” Bucky replied. “Just ten hours of solid sleep.” 
“Bad dreams?” asked Steve as he sat on the bed opposite his best friend. 
“Yeah,” said Bucky as he wrung his hands together. “Mainly about, y’know, my Buttercup.” 
Steve nodded his head and said, "Sorry to hear that. Hope those good dreams come back."
Bucky gave his friend a grateful smile and went quiet. Soon thereafter, he spoke again in hushed tones.
“I know it seems silly because I only knew —“ 
Bucky glanced around the tent, and then looked to the opening to ensure they were alone before continuing. 
“— Sam for a little while, but I’ve been dreaming about him all the time.” 
Steve gave him an understanding look.  
“I can’t explain it,” Bucky continued. “Never thought I’d ever meet someone who I’d just connect with like that. And it ain't just that he’s beautiful, 'cause goddamn it he's beautiful, but he’s also such a genuine soul. You can tell he really cares about people. That he would go out of his way to help his fellow man. I dunno, Stevie. I really don’t have the words. Never thought I’d get this lucky.” 
“I’m really happy for you, Pal,” said Steve with a warm, sincere smile. “Hopefully, we’ll win this war and get home soon. I’m sure your sweetheart is just as smitten as you are, Buck. Don’t ever forget that you’re a genuine soul and a good person, too. You deserve good things. You deserve a gentle love.” 
The pair of friends shared a smile just as someone came to the tent to tell them they had received new mission directives and were needed at Command. Both Steve and Bucky got to their feet. Bucky began buttoning his jacket.  
“Oh, Buck, I almost forgot,” said Steve as he reached into his own jacket and removed a small piece of paper. “Here. I finally finished this. Hope you like it." 
Bucky took the paper and looked at it. A wide smile crossed his face when he saw the gorgeous sketch that his talented friend had created for him. Every evening they had alone there on the front was spent reminiscing about better days; about the good times they had had; about what and who they missed and loved. Bucky spoke at length about his Buttercup, Sam. Describing in detail the way his smile lit up his whole being; how his eyes were so kind and pretty; how his handsome face was etched into Bucky’s mind; how his laugh was melded with Bucky’s soul.  
“This is – wow , Stevie. This is so good. It’s great,” said Bucky as he ran his finger gently over the drawing of Sam. “I knew you were good, but this? Wow. You really captured what he looks like.” 
“Yeah, well, you described him with so much detail it was easy to put on paper,” said Steve, somewhat bashfully at the praise his friend was giving him. "Hope he looks like that Sam from your dreams - your good dreams."
Bucky stared at the drawing for a moment longer, a smile crossing his handsome face.  
“Thank you,” said Bucky tracing the pad of his finger over the lines of the sketch. “I'm gonna treasure this. I love it.” 
He lifted his eyes and held his friend’s gaze.  
“Goddamn it, Stevie,” Bucky added, holding the paper to his chest. “I think I love him. Think I'm in love with him. How can that be? We only knew each other for one whole night. What if I can't find him after the war? What am I gonna do with all this love, uh?" 
Steve placed a comforting hand to his friend's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. 
"Pal, if it's meant to be, you'll find him again," said Steve so resolutely that Bucky felt it in his chest. "You'll find him across oceans and time, Buck. And if he feels like you do, he'll do whatever he can to make sure he finds you, too."
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420technoblazeit · 8 months
hello! i'd love to hear your thoughts on hazbin hotel's writing :] i really like the show, but i'm not really sure if i think it's...good? if that makes sense. so i'd love a second opinion :O
oh my god thank you so much for sending this ask bc ive been thinking about this for sooooo long ive got a lot to say about this show. picture that scene in the first episode where charlie whips out her longass pile of drawings to explain the hotel. that's me rn i have many things good and bad to say about this show. first off im gonna keep it a buck fifty with you anyone genuinely saying this show is really bad needs to watch more shows. watch supernatural season 13 or something. this was not by any stretch of the imagination a bad show for me writing-wise and even the criticisms i have here are mostly nitpicks
i actually think they did a pretty good job given the constraints they had. 8 episodes with 25 minutes each is a ridiculously small amount of time. that's less than 4 hours total to tell this whole story and develop, what, 6 main characters? and introduce major antagonists and the minor antagonists for the next season. i don't know how much they had to cut but i'm willing to bet it was a substantial amount since the show in-universe takes place over the span of 6 months. like i know everyone says this about the show but i really do feel bad that they were given such a short amount of time because it's pretty clear to me that there's a lot of passion put behind this project
i've heard a lot of people say that they have issues with the pacing of the show and i kind of agree. i think the timeline of the plot is kind of weird with episode 1 taking place 6 months from the extermination and episode 2 taking place very soon after. if i remember correctly we don't know when episodes 3 and 4 take place but episodes 5, 6, and 7 all take place back to back probably because they didn't want to shove angel, husk, and sir pentious' major character development right at the end of the series as the plot came to its climax. i think i can understand that reasoning but it does make for a very odd structure and leave the story feeling rushed near the end. i don't know what could have fixed this because having vaggie and charlie visit heaven earlier would have meant that a lot of the show had a higher sense of tension and i think that would've been worse. idk. i understand the criticism and i agree with it i just don't know what could have fixed it
the songs are banger. obviously. that's what happens when you hire half of the living tombstone to write your songs theyre just going to be sick as hell. loser, baby was my favorite and the one from dad beat dad was a close second i liked it a lot. i also think they did a great job developing all of the characters and giving them really solid character arcs with a couple exceptions, mostly alastor, niffty, and vaggie. i'll touch on that in a second. to me angel dust is the emotional core of the show and i really like him and husk. theyre my favorites ill b so sad if they get wrenched apart next season
i have some thoughts on vaggie and this comes from a place of love because i think she's an example of a really great character concept with a not-so-great execution. here's what i think. the writers seem to have a tendency of only giving vaggie big character moments that are tied to her relationship with charlie. and it bugs me a little bit. im not saying that vaggie being charlie's girlfriend has to be a smaller part of her character but every time we get a moment with her like her song in episode 3 it's about how she wants to protect charlie. as much as i love 'out for love' in episode 7 it was kind of unnecessary because we already know how devoted vaggie is to charlie. that was never called into question. for her to go to heaven, knowing that they would recognize her there as a fallen angel, just because charlie wanted her to be there really shows how much she loves her. and i think that part of episode 7 could have been better devoted to exploring the reason why she put her faith in the hotel and what charlie was doing in the first place, because she wants to believe that she can find redemption for the crimes she committed as an exorcist. i don't think they talked enough about the idea that vaggie was cast out of heaven for showing mercy to a sinner. and how this shows the very black-and-white view of morality that heaven has. i think i would like vaggie as a character more if the show stopped trying to frame her belief in the hotel as loyalty to her girlfriend and instead talked about how she's trying to find redemption herself, not in trying to get into heaven but in atoning for the many sinners she killed during the exterminations. that's a really big part of her character that i think should be touched on more often
if you follow me you already know my nitpicks about alastor. theyre problems that will almost certainly be fixed in the next season and theyre incredibly minor, i just dont like characters who seem to always inexplicably one step ahead of everyone else and above all sense of consequence. and to me this is made worse by the fact that alastor appears so often in season 1 without having any character development right next to characters like husk and angel who are going through such horrible, horrible things in their lives. and i think the longer we get alastor as a mysterious 5d chessmaster type of character without knowing his true motivations the more annoying it gets. again, nitpicks that almost certainly won't be a problem next season given the way they're setting up his character. you might not have even considered this to be a problem and think that i'm just being a fucked up little whiny bitch. lmao. it's just a personal thing. niffty i think doesn't have to have character development, as it stands she's entertaining enough by herself and i'm fine with having her run around the hotel with no discernible motivations. she's just havin fun
i think the vees are some really strong love to hate them villains. val obviously is a despicable piece of shit and im looking forward to seeing him get what's coming to him. i have no complaints in regards to them i think their moments were tied into the series very well and theyre interesting antagonists already. it's gonna be great seeing them come more into the spotlight in season 2. i will say that i think some of the time dedicated to exploring their characters could have been put towards the actual main villains of this season, heaven and the rest of the angels, but whatever. as i said before i think a lot of the major plot exposition could have been spread out. but in general i think the vees are really interesting
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purecalcium66 · 1 year
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this game is extremly fanartable for some reason??? (please don't ask me about the background i cannot explain it either, Im not a good backgrounder)
by accident i finished Infinite sooner than i expected, so here under the cut is my opinion/rant about this game, as someone who knows next to nothing about politics, racist stereotypes and all the problematic stuff the game tired to show. Just a really casual opinion, i just needed to write somewhere. Don't take it seriously if you want to read it please.
in advance: sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language and im writing this straight from my heart so im not thinking about grammar rn
first thing: I reeeeally enjoyed this game, which after reading so many negative comments i did not expect. It has its flaws, but everything has flaws. Of course it isn't better than the first and second Bioshock, but i dont really consider it as a continuation of the first two games? Rather like a stand alone title. It's soooo entirely different, and as much as I prefer Rapture, Columbia is incredibely pretty and i had to stop every 10 seconds to take a screenshot.
Even though the story was... uh.... well, some plot holes were so wide i could fit my whole fist through them, but nevertheless it was overall, enjoyable. Im pretty sure, that even the creators got lost in that lore at some point, and im still cannot tell what exactly happend at the end...? I went crazy when i attempted to make a timeline of events. But the idea of tears and all that dimension travel was pretty interesting i think. Anyway. Plot twist was forced, and that Rapture cameo at the end was too, as much as i dont want to admit it (even though i almost pissed my pants from excitement when i saw my favourite city in its full glory again). Burial at Sea might add something to the story i guess, but from what i heard, it only adds existential dread to the fans of the series. I will see about that soon. Even if its really that bad, at least I will have a loooong snappies taking session with those georgous graphics hehe.
Also im really dissapointed in how both Comstock and Fitzroy get disappear forever 5 seconds after they appear in person, like come on, i hoped to see more of them than just some rambling over the radio (the voice acting was amazing though, as usual in Bioshock).
oh and also the boys of silence appeared for only one location? Their design is so cool! After watching the trailer I expected much more! The design was inspiring as hell.
oh also Skylines were the best thing that happened to this game imo. Amazing feeling.
and last but not least: characters! This time i did not really get attached to the characters as much as in the previous games. I liked Elizabeth and Booker, they are pretty solid, i think, and i would totally cosplay as any of them if i had someone to cosplay the other one with me. And the other characters? The Twins were really fun, Songbid was badass, and Daisy was cool too, before she appeared in person for 5 seconds. They all were not nearly as fun as the characters from the first game.
Whoever read this whole, I love you, but please do something better with your time. Stay safe guys, and remember to slap a bald head from time to time (it helps keeping your mental state well)
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blueheartedmayor · 10 months
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Behold! The TWO corgis on this blog!
If you don't know me, I do enjoy trying to create multiple designs of the same character - I have completed a challenge to design as many Darks as I could back in 2018/2019. I had intended these to be the same character thrown through timelines to reunite with Damien when Noah is wiped from existence, buuut I thought that might be a little confusing. (However... there is a year or so between them, and corgi markings do change... 🤔)
Anyway! This post is going to be the overall "info point" for the two puppers with the same name. Neither of them are going to be able to participate in something like C.rufts due to their designs being so far from competitive standards, but it doesn't make either of them less special. They're both clever, and either Damien or Noah would be happy to show off their tricks!
Better info for each under the read-more!
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Damien's Barnum (whom I will refer to as "Mayor" for simplicity) is a bit of a mystery. He appeared in the city one day, completely healthy and herding soldiers in the local barracks. He was brought to the shelter to try and find his home. However, not only was he not chipped, he also refused to acknowledge anyone who wanted to adopt him... Except Damien. The moment he approached Damien, everyone knew that no one else would be good enough for the corgi.
He's a very grounded, level-headed dog who has decided to take on the role of Damien's personal bodyguard. The fact that he has loosened up in any form to have a little fun is purely through Damien's hard work with him. Mayor doesn't have any fear and will stand his ground against anyone he doesn't trust. He might bark, or he might actively try to trip someone up. But if he sits beside you, he likes you. And if he presents you with his prized toy carrot? He trusts you. Feel special.
Out of the two dogs on the blog, he is VERY fluffy. He needs a good brushing several times a week. The bushy appearance of his cheek fluff is reminiscent of a moustached soldier with a similar name who is not present in this version of events. He also has larger brown markings on his face. Finally, his collar is red.
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In comparison, Noah's Barnum (Calling him "Captain") has a much more straightforward story. Knowing that he might never return home, and he had no family of his own, Noah decided to adopt a puppy and train it up to work alongside him. It was a purely selfish act that worked perfectly in his favour.
Captain was originally a rarity - a black and white puppy with no brown markings (both Barnums are P.embrokes, not C.ardigans). He was also a little fluffier than his siblings. Noah was smitten instantly and took him back to HQ as soon the pup was old enough - smuggling Captain under his hoodie. Most photos of Captain have him with no brown markings at all, as they only began to appear as he hit the 12 month milestone.
(Why 'Barnum'? Noah's hometown.)
Captain is a very clever, but easygoing dog. He's a very talented errand dog, and an expert in finding Noah no matter where his human might be, but he can be distracted if he's in company of people he likes (such as the handsome-and-or-beautiful Engineer!). He's still getting used to the fact that he isn't a tiny puppy anymore and tries to climb into Noah's hoodie on days off. Fortunately, Noah obtained another hoodie that has a dog pouch. He has also accidentally winded Noah when the captain is lying down.
Also, he LOVES being carried. He's just a babey!
The brown markings on his face only emphasise his youth and cuteness. Two large spots cover his eyes, while two smaller circles almost looks like blush marks. His black coat is a solid colour with no hint of red undertones. His front legs are pure white, but his back legs are black to the bend, and brown down to the toes, which are white. Finally, his collar is wine-purple.
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thebiscuiteternal · 1 year
I have a prompt I'd love to throw your way for the jam:
MDZS/Untamed post-canon SangYao, another character (e.g. WWX or a snooping Junior) discovers that NHS has a little shrine/memorial nook set aside with JGY's hat, a lovingly painted portrait by NHS, and whatever other accoutrements strike your fancy (e.g. maybe a journal NHS writes in every day where he 'speaks' to JGY) that make it obvious the relationship SangYao once had. What they do with that is up to you, I just thought it would be fun (and potentially heartbreaking)
After thinking about it a bit, I've decided that I'm gonna set this in the same timeline as this one, so Jin Ling already knows that things between Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao were a lot less simple than everyone would like to believe, but he didn't know they were in a relationship at some point. Mixed canon, as per my usual.
~ I suppose I should be angry. Would it be easier for you that way? For me to roar and rage about broken promises the way Da-ge does instead of hiding away in tears?
Well, I can't. Just like I can't say I never saw this coming. As soon as I saw you in the Nightless City, I knew I had been set aside for someone better and more acceptable in numerous ways.
Before I even fell for you, I knew I would never be good enough.
So I can't be angry.
But will you be angry with me if I am too ill to travel the day of the wedding? I promise to send extra gifts in my stead, and to try to send Da-ge in a good mood. ~
Jin Ling frowned as he closed up the letter and laid it back among the dozens of other letters and notes and drawings from Nie Huaisang that his shushu had been keeping in an unassuming little box hidden deep within the protected room where all his other most closely guarded secrets were held.
It was dated a solid two years before Nie Mingjue had die- been killed, but even though he didn't remember the wedding itself, he knew from records that Jin Guangyao and Qin Su had married after the murder and Nie Huaisang had attended as sect leader and representative.
Had he already tracked down any of Jin Guangyao's secrets by then?
Jin Ling doubted that. Surely there would have been more mention of him other than the guest list if he'd made a commotion, as Jin Ling had discovered many, many records of indescretions by assorted cultivators and outside nobles and merchants that could have been used as blackmail as he went through the contents of the room.
And some of them had been about Nie Huaisang. Jin Guangshan had found it almost disturbingly amusing to catalogue the apparent downward spiral of his hated rival's little brother.
So if there weren't any from the wedding... no, whatever had been going on then must have been genuine.
Knowing what he knew now from having talked to Nie Huaisang and read everything he'd found in the treasure room, Jin Ling could only feel an aching sort of pity for everyone involved except his yeye.
His shenshen, not having any idea what horrors were lurking behind her happy day.
Qin-furen, knowing what she was unwillingly allowing.
Nie Huaisang, newly brotherless and forced into the role of playing smiling wedding guest as the man he loved married someone else.
He even felt sorry for his shushu. It must have been miserable trapped under the weight of his mistakes and the what-might-have-beens.
Wiping his eyes with the heel of his hand, Jin Ling leaned back against the wall and let out a long sigh.
Unlike the blackmail records -burned- and the demonic cultivation notes -given to his shijiu- and a number of other things he'd already gone through, he wasn't sure what to do with these.
They were far too personal to just be put back on the shelf, and yet-
He considered possibly giving them to Nie Huaisang, but he didn't know if that would be an insult. The other sect leader had been surprisingly kind to him in helping him sort out his grief over several talks and exchanges of letters, and Jin Ling didn't want to wind up pouring salt in an old wound.
But it felt wrong to simply get rid of them, and he couldn't think of any better place for them to go.
Though he couldn't go anywhere he pleased with impunity like his shushu once had, Jin Ling had discovered during his visits that he still had a surprising amount of freedom in the Unclean Realms. Whether it was because most of the disciples and staff still looked at him as a kid, or because Nie Huaisang allowed it as a side effect of their personal discussions, he didn't know.
But he wasn't going to complain about it right now.
His original intent had been to leave the box in Nie Huaisang's library or somewhere similar, but then he'd remembered That Room.
The one situated in the same hallway as the sect leader's room and Nie Huaisang's old room, that his shushu had indicated he'd lived in when he'd been part of the sect.
The one Jin Ling had never seen anyone else living in even when he was small, not even the current second in command.
Hoping he wasn't about to get himself in deep trouble for snooping, he tested the door latch and found it opened easily, as if it hadn't gathered any dust in the years since his shushu had left.
Carefully, he peeked inside.
Though most of the furniture was gone, a hefty three piece writing desk and a cabinet remained.
At first, he thought they'd been taken directly from his shushu's office, they were so similar. But as he looked closer, running his fingers over the wood, he found a few differences.
The beast head of Qinghe Nie adorned the drawer and door pulls, for one. The desk was missing the place where he'd accidentally nicked it with a toy sword. The spots where Rusong had tried to chew on the edge while teething weren't there.
This, he realized, must have been his shushu's desk and cabinet when he was still Meng Yao. A welcome gift from his sect leader and young master.
And Jin Guangyao had had it replicated more according to Lanling tastes when he'd moved.
Oh... things really had been complicated between them, hadn't they?
Curiosity overtook him, and he couldn't stop himself from looking in the drawers and cabinets one by one.
A hat that he couldn't bear to see for more than the time it took to open and then quickly shut the drawer. A set of finely made brushes. Some fresh notebooks. A set of beautifully-designed green and gold robes that had likely never been worn.
A painting of his shushu, looking younger and smiling brighter than Jin Ling had ever seen him.
Other bits and pieces he didn't understand the meanings of.
And, finally, a carved wooden box.
Jin Ling found himself relieved by that particular discovery, knowing immediately what had to be inside without even opening it. Taking the box he'd brought with him out of the pouch he'd stored it in, he carefully laid it down next to the one already there.
Then slipped out of the little mausoleum-of-sorts back to his room.
Jin Ling looked up from his breakfast to find Nie Huaisang staring at him over the rim of his teacup.
For a moment, he froze, afraid he was about to get laid into for his nighttime sneaking.
But Nie Huaisang merely tilted his head in acknowledgment, then went back to his tea.
And Jin Ling couldn't help but grin before taking his next bite.
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grimaussiewitch · 1 year
100 warlock patron pack ideas: part 10
91: Over the years of adventuring and stealing treasures, you finally decide to settle down. One minute into retirement and four of your treasures on display shake and rumble. Four bright lights appear along with four different genies. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They are impressed that you were able to steal but they want freedom. Choose one to become a warlock for and help the other three be set free or become patrons of other powerful adventures.
92: There’s a story that during a war an ancient dragon was killed in their nest in a deep, deep cave. Your adventuring party decided to see if this story was true or not. Many twists and turns later and you find it’s den! Treasure and gold still makes up a small pile. The party dived in, grabbing what their pockets could carry. But, there was something off. The air smelt rotten. Greed blinded your teammates or they actively chose to ignore the smell. You didn’t feel right. Suddenly, a giant dragon skull slowly rise from the pile. The dragon is now undead and your party soon to be dead. After a mighty fight, you remain as the last survivor of your group. The dragon stills. You stay frozen. Waiting for it’s next strike. The dragon slowly moved its head towards you. No open mouth. Just watching. You hear a voice in your mind, the dragon is making a deal. For you to leave alive, you must help the dragon return to life. Become its warlock to live. Bring the dragon back to life and the pack ends. Make your choice.
93: Shadows are strange. You can manipulate their shape to create pictures. As a child you would make shadow puppet shows for your family. You still do sometimes as an adult. The dull lifestyle of working in a shop everyday bores you. The same routine everyday. Sometimes you get so bored in this empty shop you will make shadow puppets to keep you entertained. You value your sanity and this job is so draining. One day, you caught a shadow moving. A bunny, then a dog, a sword and more random objects. You look around to see what’s causing this. No one is in the shop, no customers and your coworker left early. You think you are seeing things. But eh, beats this job. You start communicating back through shadow puppets. The moving shadows love that. Through a weird and lovely chit chat, the shadows make a hand and you shake it with your own shadow’s hand. It actually felt like something was solid. Congrats! This eldritch shadow is now your patron! Quit your job and become its warlock.
94: A future version of yourself contacts you in your sleep. They have reached litch-hood and wish to pass this onto as many versions of themselves from different timelines. You were but a poor farmer before being dragged into this mess. It was either become a warlock or die. Now that you have a pack with a litch version of yourself, you would hope they could tell you the future. Especially when your party is in dire means. Nah. Just don’t die and maybe you’ll get a level up.
95: Growing up in a stone tower with just your parent was quite a lonely childhood. I mean, they loved you very much but you always dreamed of exploring beyond the tower’s walls. You were told that your birth parents were very greedy farmers. Your parent is a powerful sorcerer who happened to stumble upon them while travelling the country side. They saw how the farmer couple was struggling and wanted to help. A magic user helping their crops! That will bring them money! Your parent made the plants stronger and healthier. On the last day your parent was saying goodbye and wasn’t expecting any money. The hospitality was enough. Well your birth parents pushed you into your parent’s arm claiming that can be their award for making the farmers rich. Your parent tried to refuse but figured that these farmers would be terrible parents. After years of being in this tower on your 18th birthday your sorcerer parent gave you a gift. Well, more of a deal. The contract is that you can explore the world as long as you make a pact with them. You get some of their powers to help guide you on your journey and a necklace that will always lead them back to you. They’re still a bit protective of you but at you can explore the world! You just need an adventuring party or else you will be killed by the wild.
96: Go into a museum and steal a bunch of stuff they say. It’ll be fine they say. You fellow thieves steal gold and you have to steal a sword in cased in a glass box. Some one sends off alarm and your roguish group have to run for your life. Everyone got good stuff and all you could grab is this weird ass sword. Inspecting would take all night so you decide to have a break and nap. Well one weird blood pact dream later and you wake up in the blood of your teammates and the sword glowing red. Time to grab as much gold as you can and run! With the sword a course.
97: Falling asleep caused you your doom. A powerful dream creature invaded your mind as you slept. You were stuck inside of a strange dreamscape with them for a long while. They want to be your best friend! You have to! It’s all strange and weird and all you want is to leave. Be in the real world. Eat real food talk to real people experience actual pain that doesn’t magically go away. The creature would not let you go. Fine, you will just simply not talk to them. No acknowledgment, just ignore and move on to face whatever madness there is. The dream creature was getting fed up. It gave you an ultimatum, you can wake up but become its warlock or stay in this dream world for as long as it wants. It was always a trap. There’s not point sleeping forever so you shake on it’s deal. Now you’re back in the real world with a little bit of warlock powers. You dread falling asleep.
98: There’s an old rumour that an ancient and powerful genie is trapped inside of a lamp. The location is said to be located in one of the towns elemental pray sites. You decided to see if this story is true. Plus you’ll get some sweet wishes out of this. Exploring one of the four temples took quite some time before finding the lamp. It didn’t take much to summon the genie. They tell you that they were an old ruler of a distance land cursed by a god. They want freedom so you’ll have to do. Break their curse and the genie will grant you immense powers. You’ll get a taste of it as a warlock. Take the deal.
99: What’s more terrifying, powerful unicorns or horse girls? Born and raised on a ranch, your family train horses and have for generations. You’re the eldest child and are expected to inherit the ranch, keep the business afloat, get married and have children with a rival business. All in the next few years. You are starting to dread this each day that gets closer. One day, you notice that one of your siblings is missing at the dinner table. Nobody has noticed that one of your sisters has gone missing. No matter how many times you yell your concerns, nobody listens. They just dismiss it off, tell you she’ll come back probably from the stables and to focus on work. Deciding to ignore their bull crap, you head off to find your sister. She’s a big horse girl so she’s either in the stables or the forest. Check the stables. Nothing. Check the forest. Few weeks into searching and you find her riding a unicorn. She’s looks so magically enchanted to this unicorn, a happy but dangerous daze. You don’t know if she’s physically okay. The unicorn stops right in front of you and you suddenly hears it’s voice. Your sister had foolishly wondered too close to the forest boarders and now magically charmed into wanting to be friends with the unicorn. A course being mortal, she will not survive. You know that. You demand for it to let her go. What would a unicorn want with a child. The unicorn ponders for a moment and said they will only agree if you become their warlock. Why would a dumb horse need a warlock for and why goes as far as stealing your sister? Either you sister goes freely or stays to die. Hey, if you really think about it, you won’t have to run the family business and continue the cycle. And your sister gets to leave with her life. Not all unicorns are nice. And you haven’t rode a horse since so that’s not nice either.
100: Your patron is all knowing. They know everything and everyone. You believe that they might of created this world. Created you and your friends. You tell your party this and no one believes you. A course you get asked when did you make such a pack. You think long and hard. Day 1 of adventuring. The day you met your party the pact was made. Skeptical they asked what’s your patron’s name. You smile. “The Dungeon Master
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