#asano hide
shysheeperz · 1 month
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sage-reads-things · 23 days
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HOW is she getting away with this lmao. There's no way people at the school didn't notice a spiky basketball and Taiyo's seat becoming a poor man's Iron Lady. And they left a bunch of needles on the rooftop, too—is some poor custodian going to walk up there and discover a scene straight out of a horror movie?
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jaiistg · 1 year
Karma Akabane who is whipped for reader
"I guess I'm stuck forever by the glue, oh, and you"
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•You and Karma met because of his and your's parents !! They knew that you two would get along so well,infact you two did get along...Maybe a little too well,to the fact he got attached to you.
•His parents shipped you both together when Young karma asked them why does his hard beats super fast whenever he sees you and wanting to always be by your side.HIS MOM WAS ALL LIKE "MY BABY BOY IS GROWING UP !!!"
•You and Karma are classmates on class 3-A, that was until this fucker got suspended and was now in class 3-E🙄 he would help you with subjects your struggling with.
•After his suspension he couldn't stop thinking about you like "how is she doing?" "Does she miss me?" One day he saw you hanging out with his one and only rival Asano Gakushuu.He didn't blame you since him and Assano🙄 were your only friends.
•He thought he was being slick with hiding his feelings for you that was until he got exposed by koro sensei because HE KEEPS DODDLING YOU ON HIS NOTEBOOK,he was so fluttered he can't even look at koro-sensei in the eye...tsk tsk hope you learn your lesson next time Karma~
•Ever since his classmates found out that he likes you THEY KEEP TEASING HIM AND HE CAN'T HELP BUT BLUSH😭.
•Everytime he sees you the world stops.Its as if you two are the only people in this world.This dude wants to approach you and ask how your doing but is too afraid because he hasn't spoken to you for a long time.
•Eventually,you guys talked and it felt like nothing has changed,He dosent know what he was so afraid of...
•He sometimes gets lonely on his house because his parents are always at work so he calls you and ask's if you can come over,and ofc you said yes.
•His house,the place where you guys first met and also the place where you guys became official<33.
•It turns out you guys are smitten for eachother but can't seem to confess to one another.How did they found out about each other's feelings? Truth or dare.Yeah you heared me right Truth or dare.
(name-chan) truth or dare he asked?
(name) can see his smirk.what is he up to now..? As she face palmed."Truth"
Have you ever liked someone in our school? Karma asked curiously secretly hoping she'd say yes and say it is him
(name) was caught of-guard.Since when did he care about things like this? She thought.
Fine,Yes I had a crush on someone.I still have a crush on them tho...She mumbled the last part but Karma can hear it.
Its your turn now strawberry! Truth or dare (name) said excitingly
He can't help but find her cute."Dare,im not a coward like you!" He said jokingly
Hey!! (Name) said clearly offended."If you have a crush on someone can you text them and confess?"
Ofc he couldn't say no to her.So he did it.
Wait someone texted me (name) said
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She was shocked.She looked up from the screen and saw karma smiling at her with a tint of blush on his cheeks.
"Is this....True?"
"Duhh,why would I lie to you about what I feel?" he said chuckling but also serious about what he said
"I like you too."
•Has he died and went to heaven?? Are you sure you'll go to heaven? Lmaooalakka THE (NAME) LIKES HIM BACK??? SOMEONE SAVE THIS MAN FROM PASSING OUT.
•And yeah! That's what happened, after you two became official you guys told both of his and your's parents !! They were happy that you two got together.
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
Heyy first ask from me❤️
How about Gakuhō Asano(The dad) with the prompts 17 and 212 Ty!!! And could it be nsfw?
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, isolation, blackmailing, Stockholm Syndrome, Nsfw, dub-con, female reader
Words: 4k
Prompt 17 + 212
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"You've gotten a new haircut."
Your fingers instantly run through your trimmed hair when his deep voice states your new change despite the fact that he hadn't even bothered to look at you, violet eyes focused on some documents he held in his palms. His pupils ran across overything carefully noted down on the paper, memorising everything within only a few seconds before his gaze finally found yours.
Fear lit up in your core when those violet orbs rested on you. There was always fear with Gakuho involved and he didn't even need to be present for you to feel the gnawing anxiety in your heart. You felt your heart, already beating at an faster rate than it would have done normally, picking up its pace. Your palms became sticky with sweat as you could only drown in those inspecting eyes, unable to move even a finger.
Was it not to his liking? But you thought-
"It suits you. I'm glad that you considered my suggestion."
Although his voice was rather monotonous and didn't sound very impressed, you could pick up the pleased gleam in those terrifying eyes as his gaze took in everything about your changed hairstyle to commit it to his memories.
You couldn't help the warmth traveling through your body when he praised you, contrasting the fear still embedded into your every cell. Your hands started fidgeting around, your focus shifting around as you felt squirmish in your spot. It was rather confusing and partially even irritating for you to feel so flattered and excited whenever he praised you for your submissiveness.
It was wrong to react positively to the words of a monster hiding behind the mask of a human yet there was warm goo pooling in your stomach when his rich and deep voice stroked your brain in all the right ways. There was a warm tingle spreading from your ears to your toes when he closed the distance between the two of you, his arms encircling your frame as he pulled you flush against his chest.
The sensation of cold lips against your heated forehead only fanned the burning fire inside of you. Only a few months ago you would have cringed upon feeling his touches anywhere on your body, the cold skin of his perhaps a reflection of the dead heart somewhere in his chest.
That person had been a different person though. A stronger and more independent person. Not you.
Instead you reveled in the affection he gave you, your hands grasping his brown suit as you leaned into the feeling of his lips. Gakuho was a very busy man and you had always known that which made every bit of love he showed you all the more valuable and meaningful as you absorbed it all as if you were a dry sponge.
Cool hands found their way to your waist before possessively trailing their way up your body, dancing over the curves of your body before resting on your burning face. You were positive he could feel the warmth of your skin as his fingers danced across your shape, playing with you and your feelings as a different heat started to spark in your lower body.
A dulcet hum left his lips as his violet gaze drank in the sight of your bashful expression and the warmth of your cheeks contrasting his cool palms. Your eyes fluttered when you heard the melodic sound, washing away everything until only a tiny voice somewhere in your head remained, chastising you for giving in to him.
There was a prominent fuzziness clawing at your mind though the longer you stayed in his arms as if you were getting drunk on his very presence. Your thoughts only dulled further when his chilly lips found your own and claimed them for himself.
You couldn't find the necessary willpower to push him away even if you could still feel somewhere in the abyss of your heart a twinge of mortification. One of his hands glided away from your cheeks, traveling along your neck. When his fingertips brushed over your pulse, you could feel a shiver running down your spine.
You barely managed to scratch together a semblance of composure when he pulled away, your heart hammering against your ribcage as you were panting. Temptation only grew with every brush of his fingers against your burning skin as a needy ache started making itself known between your legs, vulnerable and weak to your knees as he held you.
It was unfair that he held so much power over you financially and emotionally yet to your distant horror the feeling flowing through your blood wasn't fear. It was something much worse.
His warm breath hit your face as he leaned in again, his lips brushing your own yet not moving in any closer which only made your heart pound more eagerly in your chest. Your fingers grasped the smooth material of his business suit tightly when he left you waiting, drawing out your quiet suffering for his own enjoyment.
Glowing eyes relished at the sight in front of him as your own pleading and anticipating orbs were trying to beg him wordlessly to end the little mindgame he was playing with you right now. You were as easy to read as a book, only that now you weren't even attempting to hide your thoughts and feelings from him.
How charming.
Dizziness washed over you when he pushed your head forward until both of you locked lips again, his hand holding your nape as the kiss deepened. There was something dominating and greedy behind the kiss which only added to the pool of heat gathering in between your legs as his grip grew tighter on you. One would think that the knowledge that your mind, your body and even your heart already were in his possession would satisfy him but Gakuho had always been dangerously ambitious. In that moment as he refused to allow you even time to breathe, you felt like he was trying to suck your soul out to claim it for himself as well.
The loss of the sensation of his mouth on yours had you wobbling on your feet as the feeling was ripped away from you, only his hold on your warm body stabilising you somewhat. There was an enticed look in your eyes as you tilted your head to meet his gaze. A pleased gleam was visible in his eyes, violet orbs looking at you predatory as he knew he had you exactly where he wanted.
Your breath hitched in our throat when one of his hands snaked his way to your thigh, caressing the heated flesh, excruciatingly close to the burning ache only inches away from his cold fingers. They didn't move any further though, only tracing patterns on the inside of your thigh, leaving you hanging on purpose.
“You’ve been such a good girl lately," he murmured, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. His words eliciting aflame butterflies in your stomach, kindling the yearning in your throbbing pussy.
"If you continue to behave so well, I might just reward you. Would you like that?”
Your brain felt like short circuiting for a few seconds, wrestling for anything to answer him with. It was hard to miss the insinuation he barely attempted to hide as violet eyes had darkened with lust. The shot of elictricity traveling through your body, only adding to the traitorous heat as it was clear what your body wanted.
You thought that you wanted it too. You wanted Gakuho to claim you for everything you had to offer so that you could be fully his. Somehow you couldn'r agree as easily though, a distant wave of destestation echoing somewhere in your heart.
He didn't intend to give you the chance to chase after that uneasy tremble within your feelings though, pulling you back to him before you could re-discover something that would only delay his plans that were within reach now.
"What does my good girl want right now? Just tell me and I'll give it to you."
A part of you was very well aware that he wanted you to wish for something very specific that would aid his own desires in that moment just as much. There was no such thing as a free will as much as there was an illusion of it with him. Gakuho was frighteningly good in the art of infiltrating someone's thoughts and coaxing them into acting the way he wished them to whilst leaving them under the impression that they were still acting on their own decisions. Your haircut had only been made because he had convinced you that this specific style suited you best.
A dull headache made itself apparent, only adding to your growing torment as your thoughts gained a life of their own, slipping out of your control and wriggling around inside your mind. Pieces of memories you had been trying to forget dug themselves up, images flashing before your inner eyes. There was a demon in each one of them, one staring at you with violet eyes that promised to devour your mind and soul until nothing would be left anymore.
How could you have-
His voice was bordering dangerously close on admonishment, the displeasure only subtly lacing his voice yet your ears could pick it up quite clearly. A new emotion blossomed inside your chest as you dared to look him in his eyes. Desperately you tried to search for any of the warmth you had seen just seconds ago but it had all but melted away, leaving you with nothing to detect his current feelings. He didn't give anything away, his expression more unreadable than a statue to you.
You were afraid.
But for all the wrong reasons. You didn't fear punishment or any consequences that might be afflicted upon you if you should displease him. No, it was a fear to displease and disappoint him. When exactly had you become so dependent on praises and affirmation from him?
"I'm sorry..."
Your voice was but a mere croak as those words left your mouth. A part of you recoiled when you heard yourself due to the sheer embarrassment of your pathetic demeanor but the sorrow you felt dwelling in your soul was stronger than the shame.
The silence that followed after your apology was painful, although most likely only for you. Gakuho, the one always in control of the atmosphere and people around him, was assessing you silently. There were still traces of your not so desirable denial left, even though he was pleased to see that his influence on you was still bigger than whatever silly resistance still welled in your heart.
"You're overthinking too much," he sighed, the vice around your heart loosening as the air became lighter, the previous tension slowly disintegrating. The fear still lingered though as you nodded, attempting to cut off your thoughts that fed the stress to your heart and mind.
The more you tried to will your thoughts away, the less manageable they became to you. A whiplash effect. They grew and sprouted, your agitated soul soil for them to form and grow.
The inner clash of emotions became plainly visible, especially to Gakuho. Your focus drifted away as you got lost in your thoughts again as it appeared to be too much for you to handle by yourself.
There was a look of overwhelmed fright in your eyes when you felt the cold touch of his hands again, sliding under the blouse you were wearing. You poor thing, lost in the harshness of your rapidly moving mind. Perhaps he should have made the choice for you from the very start as you were still not ready.
"Let me help you," his voice told you, his hands working to skillfully and swiftly unbotton your blouse as your bra was revealed to his sight. Your body had already made a decision if the needy pulse from within your pussy was anything to judge by. It was your head that threw you off though, triggering a nauseous guilt that didn't mix well with the growing heat within your core.
You could only watch as piece after piece of clothing was removed from you as well as him, your eyes appreciating his muscular torso whilst the sight simultanously triggered swirling dread in your mind.
Your heart felt light yet heavy within its frantic beats when your back made contact with silky sheets and a soft mattress, your hands resting on his chest the moment he was above you. You could feel his own heartbeat right beneath where your palm was resting, the composed rhythm of his own heart a contract to the drums of your own beat that you could sense and even hear. You didn't know whether you desired to push him away or pull him closer to you, the unsteadiness of your own feelings heightening your anxiety and stress.
You had wanted this and you still wanted this but the imagination of giving him the last thing he hadn't attained yet from you, the last thing you could still confidently call your own, suddenly transformed into a nightmare you didn't want to become reality. There would be nothing left for you if you would let him pluck away your innocence.
Was this really alright? Was this really what your heart wanted?
Goosebumps and warm tingles only testified that your body desired him as his hands trailed along your body, your stiff body unconsciously relaxing a bit when it felt his touch.
There was apprehension and conflict still in your gaze as your eyes followed the trail of his hands before looking at him. You looked upset more than anything, your inability to settle for a decision frustrating you. There was a silent question enciphered in those troubled orbs of his, one Gakuho didn't need long to decipher.
You wanted him to make the decision for you.
By believing yourself to be ill-equipped to make the right choice, you instead chose to place your trust in him by believing that he knew better than you. It was something he hadn't initially expected for you to express to him but it worked just as fine for him in that moment.
You closed your eyes for a moment as you withdrew your hands from his chest, taking deep breaths to force your muscles to relax. The tumult in your mind was still pestering you, tormenting you with the inability to quench the fright and stress.
Only the sensation of hands and lips traveling all over your body offered comfort, the icy touches against your heated skin a sensation that demanded attention even admist the silent chaos in your head. The tension got slowly drained from your body, the man above you seeming to know your body better than you as his fingers pressed into bundles of your nerves, coaxing your muscles to loosen.
A throaty groan slipped from your lips when you felt the pressure in your shoulders disappearing as he kneaded all the tension away. One of your eyes cracked open and the violet ones that stared right back at you frightened you for a while before you relaxed again. There was more trust in your eyes this time, your body less stressed after his help.
There was barely anything Gakuho needed to do as you offered him access to your neck willingly, savoring the coldness that caressed your pulse and tasted your skin. You could feel his lips curling into a satisfied smirk when he discovered a sensitive spot on your neck that had you squirming and grasping his shoulders for support when you felt teeth teasing the spot before biting down, sending yet another spark straight to your cunt that had you clenching around nothing.
“Your skin is so soft," you heard, and especially felt, him cooing against your neck, his rich and dulcet tone making your heart swoon effortlessly.
Your breath hitched, mostly with aroused anticipation as one of his hands finally decided to see for himself just how wet he had gotten you. What you had already perceived as cold touches felt downright icy against the hot throbbing of your cunt, your legs slightly shaking with the desire to press together as he started tracing your outher lips.
Still, there was a tint of something else beneath your arousal. Previous apprehension and a natural nervousness were still alive within you, your fingers twitching nervously.
His other hand found one of your twitching ones, interlacing his fingers with your own. You immediately squeezed his hands, your gaze quivering ever so subtly as you gazed at him with those quiet yet still present emotions.
There was a fondness in his eyes that had your heart gushing sweetly, a stupid giddiness that you were probably the only one who could awake such a rare softness inside of him even if you were fully aware that the little power you had over him, he had hundredfold over you.
"Trust me."
He didn't need to see the nod you gave him to confirm what he knew anyways as he eased a finger inside of your wet and tight hole, followed instantly by a second one.
The stretch that came with them might not have been anything huge but it was still more than enough to put you for a while on edge, the sensation foreign and unfamiliar, edging on uncomfortableness. You tightened your grip on his hand, your free one finding its way to his shoulder and gripping his form tightly to vent out some of the tension you felt, especially once he started moving inside of you.
Whilst it didn't hurt, the slight sting of his long fingers moving inside of you and stretching you initially wasn't something you could say you were enjoying either. Your knuckles had gone white with the tight grip you were applying to his hand and his shoulder, your lips pursed into a thin line as you tried to get used to the sensation of two fingers scissoring you from within your vagina.
"It's going to be alright. Just give it a few moments," he reassured you in a humming tone, pressing something you hoped to be a sweet kiss against your temple.
True to his words, the uncomfortable sting gradually ebbed away as your body got used to the stretch, your walls accomodating the slick fingers inside of you with more ease. You felt your breath growing heavier, all the troublesome thoughts spinning away from you the more you felt his fingers moving around inside your tight heat. It felt liberating, the growing pleasure only adding to the sweet relief as your focus shifted to the cold hand pleasuring you down there, your hips bucking carefully against his in an attempt to get him deeper inside of you.
A hair-rising glint appeared in his eyes when he noticed the movement of your hips, the corner of his lips tugging up into a subtle yet rather dark grin.
Wordlessly he added a third finger into your wet and hot mess, his lips on yours again, predatory and claiming. The whine you let out when his thumb found your neglected clit and drew tantalizing circles over it was swallowed by him, your walls clamping down on his fingers that were exploring and stroking parts you hadn't let anyone before him feel.
Your legs tried to trap his hand when he abruptly removed his fingers and hand from you, the feeling of loss leaving the now prominent emptiness inflamed but his own legs in between yours didn't allow for you to keep that joyous feeling within you.
Maybe a part of you would have felt inclined to feel embarrassed about the upset emotions of yours when he stopped pleasuring you and perhaps later on you would wish that you had felt that way right then.
You found it hard to re-gain your focus and thoughts though when you felt something much larger and harder pressing against that bleeding source of heat. You felt your heart tumbling with thrill and your pussy pulsing in demand.
The stretch was still prominent and much more intense despite the preparation Gakuho had given you beforehand as he eased his cock inside of your soaked hole, each inch leaving a raw yet pleasurable burn that forced sharp intakes of air out of you.
You were trembling by the time he bottomed out fully, lightheaded and dizzy from the long kiss and the feeling of him fully settled within your tight walls. Despite your body's craving for stimulation, neither of you moved for a while. You could sense his darkened eyes inspecting your reaction in consideration of your first time with him. You wanted to express your desire and your avid need after a few moments but couldn't grasp the right words even as you parted your lips in search for them.
"I know."
The warmth of reassurance was undeniable when you heard his words, the building frustration bursting like a bubble. Of course he knew. He always knew when it came to you.
Every thrust was smooth and deep as he set a slow pace, pulling out of you until only his tip was kissing your wet hole before slamming back until his hips met yours. Any moans and whimpers of you went unheard though, his lips barely separating from you in consuming kisses and aiding your growing dizziness.
All previous guilt was replaced with searing elation as you found yourself pressed beneath him, connected to him, in ways no one else would see you and vice versa. You relished in the feeling of his dick grazing your nerves, relished in the feeling of his cooler body heating up against you as he thrusted inside of you and how his hold on your hand was possessive yet somehow equally as intimate as everything else and in that moment you wished to always feel such stupid euphoria when with him.
Blistering heat kept on being fueled with every brush of his cock against your bundles of nerves, your whines gaining volume and judging by the way he picked up speed, you could tell that he was feeling it too.
A coil of burning pleasure came into existence within the pits of your stomach, each movement of his tightening the smoldering pressure inside you. It almost felt like you could sense the light at the end of the tunnel, spurring you on as your hips met his own with each movement, the sound of skin slapping against skin only another component within the symphony of muffled moans and groans.
"G-Gakuho, I think-" you tried to stutter out as you gasped for breath when he pulled momentarily away from your lips, giving you a few seconds to inhale oxygen before resuming the feverish kiss. You didn't need to say anything to him, he could already tell from the increased frequency of your walls pulsing tightly around him, embracing every inch and vein of his manhood.
Whilst you had a foreboding already, you weren't able to pinpoint when exactly you wouldn't be able to take anymore. The coil inside of you snapped unexpectantly, eliciting you to let out a barely suppressed shriek as waves of blinding bliss drowned every coherent thought inside of your mind that was still left there, your pussy weeping as you coated the sheets underneath you as well as his dick in the release of your ecstasy.
You barely had the focus left to feel that he was still fucking you through your pleasure before the vice-like grip of your cunt coaxed his own orgasm out of him, his release mixing with your own.
Your whole body was twitching, your chest heaving as you tried to come down from your high as every movement felt far more intense than it was. Your heart was pounding against your ribcage whilst you were panting for air, slowly gaining the ability to think back.
You wondered if you should say anything as you laid there, vulnerable and spent. Before your exposed heart could come up with anything though, you felt his member hardening again inside of you.
A small whine escaped your lips, emotionally and physically rather exhausted after everything. A lew chuckle vibrated through his chest when he heard your tiny protest, greedy eyes staring down at you.
"I understand that you're quite tired after everything but you don't have to do much. Just lay down and let me take care of everything."
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The Asanos (Assassination Classroom) VS the Ushiromiya family (Umineko When They Cry)
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The Asanos
Members: Gakuhou Asano (father) and Gakushuu Asano (son)
CW: physical abuse
"Crazy dad whose misguided goal is just to make his son strong (but whose definition of real strength leaves much to be desired), and son who does see the error in his dad's ways but is brainwashed enough to imagine that his "filial duty" under the circumstances is to "take control". No one knows for sure if a mom exists, but she clearly doesn't want to have much to do with these lunatics." "The dad doesn't even consider his son family, just a "student" as he is a principal. Utterly unhumane conditions is where he trains his son in. And worst of all, they compete on who will control the other, leash included. The first time the son even considers calling him father is when he literally abuses him physically."
The Ushiromiya family
Members: Kinzo, Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, Rosa, Jessica, George, Battler, Ange, Maria, Natsuhi, Hideyoshi, Asumu, Kyrie
"PEAK weird family drama. Fighting over the inheritance leads to multiple people dying in gruesome ways" "The whole plot of the game is that they all are so dysfunctional it would make sense for any of them to commit murder" "This family is dysfunctional and abusive on every levels. The parents are fighting for the inheritance, because the elder embezzled money. The grandfather, Kinzo, hides in his room and never shows up. Not unusual, he neglected his family his whole life. Seems that he preferred a mysterious mistress than his family. When he talked to his children, it was to scold them for being incompetents. The atmosphere is oppressive. The children of Kinzo were bully. Krauss bullied Eva, who bullied Rosa. Concerning the next generation: Battler is in conflict with his father because he cheated on his mother. Natsuhi is putting pressure on Jessica for her to become the heir of the family, and is losing contact with her daughter. Eva has deciced what the life of Georges is becoming, and that he will not marry a servant. As for the relationship between Rosa and Maria, this is just the best mother-daughter love-hate relationship ever. And everything ends in blood, for ever and ever." More propaganda here
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maddytheegg · 1 year
All of Bridgets outfits (I can find)
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(Bridgets original design from XX) -Daisuke Ishiwatari
Eh, It's popular for a reason, but it's not really one of my favourites.
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(Bridget's default outfit from Strive) -Hidehiko Sakamura / Asano Kenta (Not sure)
I love the beige shirt and more lighter greyish blue for the jacket, it helps increase the pallet variety that GG suffered from. (Ky, Sin, Justice, Millia, Robo Ky etc all have blues and whites) Also love how poofy it is.
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(Bridgets Pop-up Shop 2022 outfit) -Hidehiko Sakamura / Asano Kenta (Also not sure)
I need more outfits with glasses, also I like that this outfit hides the neck and chest area, like her Strive look, it could be unintentional but it implies that Bridget has dysphoria around those places(edit: it is intentinonal, im stupid).
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(Bridgets XX outfit with a pirate hat)
It's super cute, yeah its just a different hat but fuck you I like it too much okay :3
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(Bridgets XX mission illustration outfit) -Daisuke Ishiwatari
It's one of her few simple outfits (Other than the Pop-up shop one) and I really like it, I tend to really like simple-ish outfits and more casual clothing. It's also really fun seeing characters with intricate outfits were something more normal.
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(Bridget XX slash mission illustration outfit)
BRIDGET FUCKING HUNG ROGER, and with that out of the way. It's alright, I dont really have much to say about the outfit really.
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(Bridget XXAC special illustration)
I really love how the hat and scarf work to mimic the nun habit, though I wish we got to see the front of it.
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(Bridget XXAC Mission Illustration) -Hiroko Ogawa
This basically looks like a winter version of her normal XX look, but I prefer this one, the sleeves and thigh highs makes this outfit look more cozy. It's probably my favourite of her outfits.
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(Bridgets XXAC+ Swimsuit)
You cant even see the whole thing, what else do I say about it? I just thought I'd mention it cause it's a different outfit.
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(Bridget Vastedge outfit)
Im pretty sure the Pink and Blue neon colours are meant to be yellow or gold, but I cant be bothered to change it to normal, (It's this or the crusty animations of her attacks I found) I probably prefer this over her XX outfit.
And thats all the ones I can find, I may or may not do this with other skrunglies from Guilty Gear.
Also help correct me if I got any of the artists wrong. And please let me know who some of the artists I dont know are.
I really did try to find who drew these pieces, but its mostly not written anywhere.
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shaisimp · 9 months
Asking Assassination Classroom boys for their permit to play with their hair.
(second post. Gender neutral reader x Assassination Classroom boys. Part 1?)
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Asano Gakushu
You gaze at the strawberry blonde, wanting to play with his hair for awhile now. And it's been itching your hands, curious of how soft and fluffy his hair might be.
“Quit staring and spit it out.”
It makes you internally roll your eyes at him, ofcourse there goes his sassy demeanor. Though, you should consider yourself lucky you managed to get to know this school stud.
“Can..I play with your hair?”
He freezes from writing. Possibly doing his homework or studying. This dude's an addict for studying — you wouldn't be surprised if he grew workaholic.
He spoke. You felt dissapointed but respected his decision. Heading towards the kitchen of his residence to probably snack on something. Anything.
But before you could step away from the living room, you felt a hand squeezing your wrist and snap your head back to see a sight of Asano looking as if he's in distress.
“Are you leaving so soon?”
“Going to grab a snack.”
He felt angry at himself for thinking you'd leave just because he rejected your request. Moreover, why should he care about you!?
“Can you..let go?”
He felt his eyes widen and immediately let go of your wrist before clearing his throat then turning away.
“Make sure you wash your hands before and AFTER eating. You can play with my hair.”
You felt a twinge of happiness rush through you as he agreed.
“I don't want to feel your dirty unhygienic hands on me.”
—His additional sentence might've took away your slight hint of happiness, nevertheless you're not complaining.
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Karma Akabane
This wasn't the first time you're playing with his hair, but you felt like trying something out.
As he rest and sitting still on the bench to watch Nagisa and the other's continue playing baseball, you decided to play with his hair. Combing it as if you were grooming it with most care possible.
You gaze down at your pockets, but he already figured out what you were implying. He's a know it all after all. What do you expect from this genius?
“Go crazy with it.”
And that's how he ended up having small braids and tiny bows with the color of white to have a little contrast of it from being on his hair.
He's not ashamed, not embarrassed about it. Though, he's most certainly not showing he's proud of it.
(he loves it.)
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Yuma Isogai
He was getting ready for work as school hours ended not too long ago and you were walking with him along with fellow E-class students.
He excused himself in the bathroom and you him in his work uniform once he got outside, combing his hair.
You felt shy to ask him for a favor, but you wanted to help.
“I..can help you with that Yuma.”
“Oh, thank you!”
He accepts it with such an open mind. So you sat him down on one of the nearby chairs as you combed his hair and thought of what to do with his hair. Clip it? Style it? Braid it?
The way he called out your name made you snap back to reality and focused your attention on him.
“If it's not much to ask..just a simple comb will do.”
You felt internally dissapointed, realizing you offered help to fix his hair but you obliged. You ended up combing his hair as you stroke the strands of his hair.
“Your hair is silky,”
“Ah, you're flattering me!”
You managed to hide the fact you were completely playing with his hair, rolling your finger with his hair with occasional pats before letting go.
“Thanks again, Y/N.”
“It's no problem.”
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moon-lv3r · 1 year
beach date ~ 🍅💯
🦋 category: one-shot
🦋 characters: karma, asano, mentions of asano's father
🦋 summary: a small and fun beach date was suddenly flipped upside down as asano suddenly passed out for seemingly no reason
🦋 warnings: heat stroke? bad parenting from asano's dad
🦋 notes: i accidentally deleted the ask from the requester omg i am so stupid istg... but i remembered their user (i hope) @project-neo thanks for requesting !
it was a request where asano, karma and reader were out at the beach and asano suffered from a heat stroke, due to his shitty father
there's a little part inspired by the manga where asano and his dad talk about suing each other that I decided to include in here bc I thought that it would be funny. I actually don’t remember if that scene was animated or not lol
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  The blazing hot sun did you no favour. Every step felt like walking on lava. Karma was behind you, laughing at your struggles, as if his hair wasn’t dripping with sweat this very moment. Asano walked behind the both of you, maintaining a distance he always had, fearing that he would be seen one day. He seemed to be embarrassed by the sight that had welcomed his eyes.
  He was beginning to question why you had to plan a beach day. In such hot weather no less. It was psychotic of you. Asano was beginning to see that he seemed to have a type. He wondered why he even decided to go on this trip, he must have had a screw loose in his brain. 
  The sun had provided extra glare on the sea, the water surface reflecting off the light from the sun. Karma seemed to be well prepared for the day, which was obvious as he was the one who had planned it. You just joined because you had nothing else better to do. Asano joined because of your relentless talk about wanting a triple date. He could only give in to your charms. 
  The summer seemed to be the perfect time to visit the beach. The blazing sun shone the areas around the three of you as you all looked for the perfect spot to lay down beside each other, though Asano would prefer to keep his distance from the two of you, due to his fear of being caught. He had no idea as to why he was even involved with the both of you, it was something that just… happened. But he didn’t stop it either, Asano just chose to let the relationship continue. Whether it was a decision he regretted remains to be seen.
  “Karma!” You shouted, “I found a spot!” Your arms waved enthusiastically, signalling for the boys to come over. Karma looked over and smiled, seemingly satisfied with the spot you had found.
  “Not bad,” Karma replied as he placed his items before helping you to arrange yours neatly on the sandy ground.
 Asano just followed, not wanting to argue as he had a bad headache. Perhaps it was due to him not being able to get enough sleep and thus not at his best. But he still decided to follow them on this date, for some unknown reason. Asano was beginning to think that he had broken his brain at long last, after his constant studying. There was something wrong with him, wasn’t there? 
  The sun continued to bake the ground and the sand they were sitting on, the shade doing little to lower down the temperature, though it was still better than being out in the open. Karma was getting restless, it was not a part of his plan to just sit around and let the sand be blown into their eyes. He wanted fun, his type of fun.
  It was not a date with Karma if everything went smoothly without pranks.   
  “Y/n!” Karma chanted happily, with a wide grin plastered onto his face. You looked at him, confused but on high alert, one can never have their guard down around him. Even Asano had his guard up even though it was not his name that left Karma’s mouth.
  One can never be so sure of their safety.
  “What is it Karma?” You asked, ready to defend yourself. That only egged Karma on more as he inched closer, his hands hiding behind his back. You knew this could never be anything good.
  He was Akabane Karma. 
  “Karma,” Asano began softly as he rested on the sand below him. “Can we have a normal date for once?” Asano seemed to be awfully tired and had his eyes shut despite being underneath the shade you had found. You just assumed that he was tired from studying all night. 
  You nodded in agreement, “Asano is right! We need a break, you know!”
  Karma laughed in response, “Wouldn’t that be such a killjoy?”
  You looked at his arms, tilting your head so that you could see what he was hiding. “A crab! You’re holding a crab!” You decided to guess. It was a wild one with no evidence but it was also the one that had made the most sense to you.
  “Come on!” Karma continued, “We’re out here to have fun, aren’t we?”
  You did not know how to respond to that, because technically, Karma was right. You were all out here to simply have fun. Though you were not interested in Karma’s idea of fun. It seemed more like hell to you.
  “I'd rather die than enjoy the ‘fun’ you have for us,” Asano replied. It was like he had read your mind and said the exact words you wanted to come out of your own mouth.
  Unfortunately, Asano’s words seemed to have little effect on Karma. It seemed as though nothing would have him under control. He was a wild animal it seems. You often wondered just how you got into this mess to begin with…
  Karma still kept his hands out of view, which only solidified your thoughts further. It had to be a crab, there was no other explanation. What else could he take from a beach? Surely Karma would not take a jellyfish right?
  And you would be right to think that it was a crab. Karma suddenly threw it at you, catching you completely off guard. You let out a loud screech before crawling over to Asano. All Asano did was to glance between the both of you, “Do I have to remind you guys your ages?” He said before laying down. His head was hurting badly and he needed that rest. It was just a headache, it will go away, right? 
  “Asano!” You began. “You’re sweating so much even under the shade! The weather really can’t be that hot!” You laughed.
  Asano’s body seemed to be sweating a crazy amount, more than Karma even. Asano merely brushed your comments aside and ignored it, acting like all was normal with him. Though he could feel that there was something wrong. 
  Something wrong with his body
  Karma, however, frowned and sensed that something was slightly… amiss. He squinted his eyes at Asano, who glared back. Karma was examining his dearest rival and lover, only to get a glare back, how kind of Asano. “Are you sure you are alright?” Karma asked.
  Asano could only nod in frustration, “Do you guysss think… I am a small child?” He snapped, his words sounding slightly slurred and dragged on.
  “How else are we supposed to treat you?” You joked, not sensing that there seemed to be something wrong. 
  “I don’t knoww,” Asano replied, his speech still dragged on as his head was hurting him more. “I’m goingggg to get sssomething.”
  Asano tried to stand, but his legs seemed to give up on him. His hands reached for a tree as you stood up and rushed towards him, finally realising that something might just be a little bit wrong. Asano tried to tell you that he would be fine but he could not even stand properly.
  “I- amm finee,” He said. His speech was sounding even more slurred than previously. He could not even speak like a normal person. Something was definitely wrong and you should have realised it sooner,
  The gravity of the situation only fully fell upon you when Asano completely collapsed in your arms, going limp. Karma rushed towards the both of you and touched Asano. The both of you felt his bare skin. It was weirdly hot. Something seemed to be wrong.
  “Heatstroke,” Karma quickly deduced. “I’ll carry him to the male’s, you call an ambulance.”
  You nodded and handed Asano to Karma as quickly as you could. Next, you looked through your bag and took out your phone, dialling for the ambulance. You wondered if you should let Asano’s family know about it. They were a family… but they don’t know about you and Karma, for obvious reasons. You decided to play it safe and not call them. You will let Asano decide if he wants to call them when he wakes up.
  Karma went to splash cool water on Asano using the showers while you called the ambulance. It did not take long for them to arrive and take Asano with them, though only one of you could follow Asano in the ambulance as there was limited space. Karma let you follow Asano while he took public transport. The paramedics assured you that Asano was not in any critical danger and that you guys had Karma to thank for his quick thinking. 
  Karma had always been smart, of course he would realise what was happening and immediately follow up with the solution to ensure that things would go smoothly. That was one of the reasons why you were drawn to him. He was just full of the unexpected and there would never be a second of boredom spent with him around. 
  The drive to the hospital was a mere ten minutes, yet it felt like the ride was longer than you had been alive. Your gaze was stuck on the unconscious Asano, your hands held tightly to his, hoping that he would awake and tell you that this was all just a huge, elaborate prank by him and Karma, though it was unlikely. Asano would never work with Karma for a prank. That wouldn’t be Asano anymore. 
  You followed the paramedics as they rushed Asano into the hospital, into a room, until you were not allowed to follow them anymore. You texted Karma your location, hoping that he would join you soon. Karma took a while to arrive but you were glad that he did. The both of you sat in silence, your lovely beach date ending just like that. You two still had to figure out the reason behind Asano’s heatstroke as well.
  Why was he severely dehydrated? Why was he severely dehydrated? It didn’t seem to make any sense that Asano would just not drink water, there had to be something more behind it. Asano was not the kind that would just risk himself like that. Karma shared the same thoughts as you as well. The both of you decided to approach Asano about the topic in the best way the both of you could, without pushing him away.
  “We should just ask him,” Karma suggested, “Like a casual conversation. Talk about it like its some normal thing.”
  “And how do you even go about that?” You asked, “How do we even phrase it?” 
  Karma paused as he thought about it. His gaze fixed on the wall in front of him as he tried to figure out ways to your dilemma. Asano was still not a very open person despite being with the both of you. It takes a lot, trying to enter his world that he had kept closed to many around him. You were just scared that he would not be truthful. 
  “We can just say ‘why did you faint? What did the doctors say?’,” Karma suggested. 
  You nodded in agreement as the doctors exited and approached the both of you to inform you two that Asano was alright, he just had a heatstroke and that he had been transferred to a room for further observation, but he should be fine to leave in a few hours. The doctors even thanked Karma for his quick thinking, otherwise who knew what might have become of Asano Gakushuu. 
  The both of you thanked the doctors before heading off to find Asano to check up on him. There he laid on the hospital bed, looking the same as ever. His face facing out the window. His eyes glancing at the scenery. 
  “Asano,” You chanted with a huge smile on your face as you slowly approached him.
  “The doctors said I got a heat stroke right?” He asked.
  You paused as your mind scrambled about to find the right words to respond, but Karma managed to beat you to it. 
  “So straightforward!” Karma laughed, “How did it happen to you?” He asked in the most inappropriate, unserious tone you had ever heard from Karma. He had just gone against the plan! 
  Asano sighed as he turned to face the both of you, “You know… my father.”
  Karma laughed once more, you shot him an unimpressed look while Asano looked as annoyed as ever. “A man can’t just cause heat stroke, you know,” Karma replied.
  Asano rolled his eyes, “My father did not allow me to drink anything if I could not pass the papers he made me to! I can’t drink a single glass if I don’t meet his expectations.”
  You did not know how to respond to that. It was not what you were expecting to hear. You knew Asano had problems with his father but you never knew it would be this bad. That man should not be a father.
  “Sounds like a good lawsuit, child negligence. Don’t you think so?” Karma responded, saying the last thing you expected to hear in a situation like the one you were in right now.
  You stared at him with the most judgmental face you could show while Asano actually seemed amused by what Karma had said. 
  “Now that,” Asano replied. “Is a good idea, I wonder how much I can make from this.”
  You frowned at the both of them, absolutely bewildered at what had just happened, at what you had just heard. It was more than crazy. Have they gone insane?
  “Y/n,” said Asano, “You seem scared.”
  “Yeah,” You replied, “At how crazy the both of you are.”
  Asano and Karma laughed like it was just a silly joke. You just kept your judgemental face and looked at them. Why were you even involved with them was anyone’s guess.
  The hours ticked by and soon, Asano was allowed to return to his home. He was already getting tired of the hospital bed and the food was not suitable to his taste, he had asked you to grab some food for him. He was lucky that he only stayed a few hours, you had thought about making him and Karma stay longer due to how crazy they have been.
  You and Karma had to ensure that Asano made it home safely, not that you were complaining. It was the funniest and weirdest date you have ever been on with those two. After telling Asano to drink more water, and Karma telling him to drink from the toilet if he had to, the both of you made your way home.
  Things with the both of them can just be so crazy sometimes.
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hdhdgsgs · 1 year
Can I request karma x reader(fem) x gakushuu? But no smut and it's like totally (as much as it can be with this boys ) healthy romantic relationship. I especially want to know about 1e reaction and how would they hide it from asano's dad (and probably the rest of the school).
These two boys at the start would be an absolute handful, especially when you are around, they are always looking for ways to one up each other. Always fighting for your affection and sometimes the others.
They do love each other a lot but coming to grips with it would be a challenge for both because of their personalities and pride. Basically the first time they would admit it would be after arguing and in private being tired as hell they would finally admit it to each other, angry/exhausted confessions.
When they realised they liked you it would be individually and they would push the feelings to the side because they would think it was wrong when they already like each other, confessing to them wouldn’t be the best course of action bc both are loyal and would reject you.
Instead they would sit down and talk about the feelings and realise that they both feel the same for you, in doing so with all the connections and money both families have, they would set up the most romantic date ever to confess to you, saying it’s just a meeting then leading you to a mountain decked out in flowers and decorations. Even a freaking famous band to play in the background, the actually confession would be heavily practiced and rehearsed, scripted to be the most heart felt thing you’ve ever heard, maybe written by a famous author.
The actual relationship would be amazing once everything settles down, dates ranging from picnics in a park to flying you to Paris for the evening for dinner, just because they can. I can see Gakushuu’s love language being gifts because his father would give them to show love instead of actually spending time with his son (relatable *crying*) so lots of gifts will be given to you, although he does put in more effort to the relationship quality time wise than his father ever did with him. He would spend hours thinking about the best gifts to give you and Karma that not only suit your personalities but something you would like and actually be useful.
I can see Karma however being more of a quality time person because of the literally 0 time his parents give him, he would rather be with either of you instead of being by himself for one second because he gets extremely lonely. Not that he would ever admit it, or not for a long time anyway. Because of that he would plan dates a lot or just ask (tell) you to come over. Sometimes he just wants to have you near while he does his own stuff and doesn’t want to talk, but he’ll express that so you don’t make him agitated (in the best way possible). Sometimes he just doesn’t want to talk or touch at all but he doesn’t want to he alone either.
Neither would be good with expression their love in words which was fine when they were only with each other but with you it was something that’s needed. Every week they would take some time to tell you and show you how much they love and appreciate you, Gakushuu might even make a slideshow of what you both have done and how much you’ve it meant to him, while Karma would just speak from the heart, but it would take a while to get the words out properly so when he has time to himself he usually writes it all down as notes so he can go off that while still making it special because it’s not scripted necessarily.
At first Gakushuu would be very against letting his father know in any capacity because of the fear and resentment he harbours for his father but also the fear he will make you all break up. On some level as well he doesn’t believe his father deserves knowing. After a year or two however, especially when everyone leaves his fathers schools, he would start bringing you to family events/meetings etc, his father wouldn’t be happy at the start especially because of the throuple and his son dating a male and that male being karma but eventually he just doesn’t care anymore, his success matters far more than who his partners are in his eyes.
If either of you broke his sons heart in a brutal way however, your life would be essentially over. Even if Gakushuu begs him not to and does everything in his power to stop it, his father does love his son and would see it as a natural reaction, no one is allowed to hurt his precious/golden/only child (except for him apparently).
Hiding it from the school would be mostly easy as both boys aren’t very touchy, especially early in the relationship. Most meetups after school would be at Karma’s house as it’s empty 99.9% percent of the time. Dates would usually fly under the radar of Gakushuu’s father, except on school nights or times when they had a scheduled meeting with either each other or important clients.
Class 3e would find out because Gakushuu would send gifts that everyone would ask about so Karma nonchalantly explains that you’re all dating or he would visit himself and ask for the two of you to talk which Class 3-E would eagerly listen in to. Shock all around, especially from Koro-sensei who had pairing already made, no worries tho, he’ll change them quick to match the love triangle going on. Lots of questions and gushing would ensue, ending eventually with then having to swear not to tell anyone, especially on the main campus (as if any main campus students would even talk to them anyways). Okuda might be a slight it sad but she’d hide it well and get over it in a few days, all would wish you well and slightly threaten mostly Gakushuu but both boys not to hurt you. Of course Gakushuu can’t know about Koro-sensei so he’d hide but watch and observe, you may even be able to spot him in the distance of future dates.
I could go for hours about the long term stuff which you might like but that wasn’t specifically requested so I won’t…
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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sage-reads-things · 3 months
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Love the idea of a single determined 17 y/o blowing up buildings, hacking traffic signals, destroying multiple vehicles, and slicing up a huge bridge all by himself JUST to impress a bunch of high school delinquents. That's such a funny character concept that I'm almost disappointed Taiyo isn't doing all that ajkdhjadhajkadjjska.
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poppylovestowrite · 10 months
I just read the karma reacting to reader crying over bad grades, could you please do it with Gakashuu pleasee
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Gakushu has the best scores.
Everyone praises him and is pretty much idolized.
As his girlfriend, you need to reach his level.
Like, what would everyone think if the amazing Gakushu Asano was dating someone with poor grades.
Suffice it to say, the pressure was on you.
You study harder than you ever had.
And you were even more motivated when Gakushu praised you for all your hard work.
However, you ended up overdoing it.
You skipped meals and sleep.
So when your grades got worse and worse, you began to panic.
You hid your grades from your boyfriend, fearing he would hate you.
But you couldn't hide it from him forever.
Being the son of the chairman came with a few perks.
One of those perks was being able to see everyone's overall scores.
That included you as well.
So, when he sees how badly you've been doing on your grades, he confronts you about it.
And that's when you break down.
You cried and cried, which stunned your boyfriend.
All he asked was why you've been keeping your bad grades a secret from him.
He wasn't mad, so why are you crying?
Actually, he can somewhat understand.
If he ever got poor marks, he would die in humiliation if you were to find out.
"(Y/n)... it's alright. I'm not upset so could you please stop crying?"
He would speak to you gently and tenderly, but when it doesn't work, he begins to panic a little.
You're his first girlfriend and as popular as he is with girls, he was unsure of what to do at a time like this, due to never having a close relationship with any girl.
Gakushu would end up gently grabbing your shoulder, trying to get you to look at him, but to no avail.
"Can you at least look at me? I promise I won't be mad."
In a desperate attempt, you would hug him.
Now, Gakushu isn't the most affectionate person, but he does soften at your touch and lets you use his shirt to dry your tears.
He doesn't hug you back, but he gently pats your back.
When you calmed down, he would offer to buy you some ice cream and that's when you told him about your unhealthy work schedule and told him how much pressure you felt to be with him by getting the same scores as him.
Gakushu admires your dedication, but he assures you that the grades you were getting previously were amazing.
He doesn't want you hurting yourself just so you can be with him.
His father's teaching methods were unhealthy and he doesn't want to put you in the same type of hell.
After some talking, you began to feel a lot better.
Gakusuh would now always remind you not to over-study.
And when you need help going over a subject, he would gladly help you.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Anon: Yandere alphabet with Asano Gakuho?
Since you didn't specify which letters, I just chose four.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, forced relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, controlling behavior, monopolizing behavior, isolation, manipulation, gaslighting
Yandere Alphabet
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Death-How messy are they? Do they feel guilty/sorry for the lives they take?
🏫Gakuho may never drive a knife in another's heart and he may never use a gun to end someone's life but I would argue that the methods he uses make a normal death through a weapon seem preferable. He may not be an assassin yet he has tremendous influence and power in his hands. The things he can do are numerous and one option is as terrifying as the next one. You would know best just how terrifying Gakuho is as you are the unfortunate victim of his obsession. Gakuho, who believes that Ikeda's death was his own mistake, has since voted to never be so careless again in his life and let another mistake happen. This mindset can be perfectly applied to this topic as well as he does not let anything slide, no matter how harmless it might be. He seeks out total control and that not only includes his school and the students in it but also your life and the life of the people surrounding you. He wants perfection and if the people around you do not fit into his image, he will remove them.
🏫He ignores basic morals in favor of perfecting everything to his own image. He never feels any pity for the people he teaches a lesson as he always sees it as taking care of the pest before it can cause any damage. Obviously a huge part of the isolation he forces on you is a result of his own controlling personality yet I can't help but think that another reason he always reacts so quickly is because of the lingering guilt he feels for Ikeda's death. His former student was driven to suicide due to the intense bullying he had to endure and that memory that has led him to change his very foundation has led to a very intense overprotective instinct as Gakuho grows obsessed with you. If he eliminates the tender bud before it can grow into anything threatening for you, he genuinely believes that he does you a favor. You may not think the same but that's to be expected. You have a soft and good heart after all. He's just making sure that your heart doesn't crumble like his student's heart did.
Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🏫​Gakuho is a freaking monster and he doesn't even hide it as he believes his methods and the way he sees things to be the correct one. Everyone is one way or another intimidated by him although he possesses just as much charm and charisma to convince everyone of his decisions. It is honestly the sum of everything that makes him arguably the worst one of his verse. He has the influence, the money and the power that it takes to imprison you forever. He has the intelligence, the looks and the charm to influence the hearts and minds of the people around you even without having to use his position. He is very controlling and possessive which means that you have essentially no time for yourself as he has a schedule for your own life yet he is confident enough in the grasp he has on your life to even let you wander around freely if you have earned it as he knows that you have no means of freeing yourself from him.
Fight-How do they feel if their darling fights back/says they hate them?
🏫​It takes some courage to say this to a man who always emits such an intimidating aura and he gives you credit for doing so as many others wouldn't have the guts to do so. You are going to be the only one agitating yourself as Gakuho is terrifyingly calm as you do so. If he is doing something else whilst you fight back or run your mouth against him, he continues with what he is doing all whilst glancing occasionally at you to tell you that he is listening. You might think that he would punish disobedience but he is quite unbothered with your little temper tantrum. You may spout such claims but do you have any means to defy him? It is the knowledge that by the end of the day you won't be able to do anything that gives him such calmness. There is no need to get worked up over your empty threats after all. Instead he's hoping that venting your emotions out like this will help you to cool down and think rationally again.
Game-Do they see this all as a game?
🏫​No. Gakuho has never viewed anything as a fun game anymore since his own student committed suicide and the same counts for his feelings for you. As cruel, controlling and scary as Gakuho can be and will definitely be, he has always made sure to show you that the feelings he harbors for you are sincere. Even if his love may be twisted and dark, he has never considered you as anything less than his lover and partner he plans to keep with him until death tears you two apart. It is instead precisely because he holds you so dearly that he has done all the things he has done so far. He loves you and he protects you in the way he deems to be the right one and whilst those actions are extreme and without any morals attached to them, he does them because he is serious and dangerously committed to the relationship he has forcefully built with you.
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evilphrog · 7 months
Something I love a lot about He Who Fights with Monsters is the large running theme about how self-improvement does not mean growing closer to a singular ideal of behavior and values. It means learning what your own personal talents and flaws are, and optimizing them.
Most of Jason's worst mistakes in the book come about when he tries to act the way he thinks a good person is supposed to act. He always falls short, with catastrophic results, because he is not that ideal in his head. He will never be that good person. Instead, he has to learn what it means to be a good Jason Asano.
Rufus can never be the adventurer he thinks he should be, because, at his core, he is not one. He doesn't have the compartmentalization necessary to face death on a daily basis. What he does have is boundless empathy that cannot be contained. He is a teacher. He is an amazing teacher, and makes the world a better place by embracing that role. He is able to see the potential in everyone, and knows what to say and do to draw it out. He is not able to handle seeing that potential snuffed out in front of him. Much of his main conflict comes from wishing he was someone he is not, and hating himself for falling short of that.
Belinda tries to be a sidekick. She suppresses her own brilliance and agency, and instead assigns herself as the support person of Sophie, then Clive. She was raised in a world where her intelligence was not valued, so she tries to hide it, and act like an air-headed lackey. I think, deep down, she has the same fears as Jason about growing too powerful to be relatable to anyone around her, and ending up alone. When she embraces her full potential and self-sufficiency, she saves the day on solo missions, and returns to a team who loves her and trusts her. When she tries to obscure those traits, she fractures that trust. Her desire for a secure place to belong can only be achieved if she lets herself be independent.
When characters fail to embrace their true identities, or try to take on other ones, they hurt the people they love. The book does not shy away from the pain they cause, but also does not condemn them for it. Instead, they have to face the consequences of their actions, and work towards fixing things. And every time, their friends understand. They don't walk away. They give each other space to screw up, and to learn. They are allowed to try to do better. And better does not mean becoming a better person. It means becoming better at being themselves.
That is such a powerful message.
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meltingpotimagines · 2 years
Dating Asano as an E Class Student
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Warnings: None
Request: "I would like to see fanfiction from assassination classroom with asano gakushuu, where reader is an e class student but she is with gakushuu (and it's totally normal, i mean he has his personality so it's not easy, but he's not too toxic or anything) and e class find out they are a couple. Maybe also some relationship headcanons (like what his father thinks about it etc.)." - @nemezisi
dating asano
as an e class student
name a bigger challenge i'll wait
y'all definitely had to hide it for a while
but nothing stays hidden forever
especially at that school aksjsks i still can't believe koro wasn't outed
class e was... well, let's just say not exactly happy at first
i mean, dating the enemy? have you lost your m i n d?
they weren't mean to you, but they most definitely questioned why you're dating him
somehow they managed to glare at him even harder after finding out
but eventually they realized that dating managed to mellow him out slightly and he wasn't treating you badly, so they chilled out
(they still don't really like him tho)
now his dad was a different story
he was beyond mad at you two dating
he claimed it was an embarrassment to his name and reputation
harassed nagged gakushuu endlessly
it was fine tho, he was used to ignoring his dad on matters he cared enough about
which in this instance, was you
surprisingly, you were never messed with??
possibly because anything he was capable of doing would affect your entire class
outside of expelling you of course but no way would your bf let that go without major clapback
he is his father's son after all
he mellowed out over you two dating after he finally accepted class e
(just another perk of having koro as your teacher)
asano definitely tutored you on any subjects you weren't good at
after all, how could he possibly date someone with poor marks in school?
(yet he chose to date someone from class e... astounding the way his mind works honestly)
he was def nice about it, but you could tell it was strained
he was used to tutoring students with already much higher marks so the extra amount of time (and patience) he had to take wasn't something he was quite prepared for
but he's learned plenty of self-control, so he never took it out on you
he just gave you lots of breaks
l o t s of breaks
isn't the greatest with affection
i mean, have you s e e n his dad? i doubt there's much in that household
but he still tries somewhat
like quick hugs or pecks on the forehead
be patient with him, he'll adjust eventually
he d o e s however give you compliments fairly frequently
they're not creative, or all that lovey-dovey, but he means them wholeheartedly and that's what matters
honestly, dating him despite your... scholarly differences turned out to be better than anyone in the school thought
after all, he's not bad at his core
just a little misguided
and who better to guide him in the right direction than you?
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okchijt · 2 years
Can you please do a Karma or Nagisa with an S/O who frequently cries? I have bad separation anxiety and abandonment issues and they’re my favorite characters
Author's Note: Thank you so much Anon for the request! When I read this my first thought was "Why not both!?" and so I went with that! It's double the fun and comfort after all! I’m so sorry if Karma or Nagisa are out of character, it’s been a hot while since I’ve watched the show😅 I did some research when writing this to make it as accurate as possible, so feel free to correct me if anything is wrong! Hope it does the job for you or anyone who can relate to said request! And lastly, go ahead and check out my masterlist if you like what you just read and if you want to request anything yourself, thank you, and enjoy!❤
Karma Akabane
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😈 The first time Karma saw you crying, his brain went full stop. He just stared at you with a dumbfound expression until he snapped out of it upon you noticing him and immediately rushing to your side to comfort you.
😈 Now Karma has never seen you cry until now and he never had the pleasure of comforting someone before, but he tried his best just for you. Whether that was trying to make you laugh or trying to make you tell him who hurt you, he'll do and say just about anything to make you feel better.
😈 Once you've calmed down and explained to him that when you woke up this morning and found him nowhere to be found(you two had a sleepover at your place) and with no message left behind you assumed the worst and all of your insecurities and worries came to light, making you start crying.
😈 Karma would be even more taken aback than he was before after hearing such news. He never once noticed you feeling this way because of how well you were at trying to hide it. Not knowing how to react, Karma would just awkwardly pat your head while giving you some words of reassurance, vowing to himself to do better.
😈 Karma will start to take mental notes of what makes you want to start crying, it could be the most severe thing ever or the stupidest reason for you to begin baling, but Karma would take both just as seriously. Though he sometimes thinks you're overreacting, he won't say anything and still try to calm you down with smooth words, hugs, and pats on the head.
😈 Karma will try to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, as soon as he understands who or what will start making you cry, he will confront the issues head-on. If it's a person, for example, Asano was bothering you because of the class you're in, he'll literally fight them and threaten them. Maybe it's the sounds of nails on the board or visual gore in movies, or the fact you might arrive late to class. Karma might not understand all of your worries, but he'll shield you from them all proudly.
😈 You both agree that all of the things you're suffering from are tiring for both of you, so Karma will help you to the best of his ability to get rid of or at least lessen your fears. Karma's way of helping would include you facing all of your issues head-on. You'd have to explain to him what was bothering you at the moment to make you want to cry, and Karma would force you to face it while standing right behind you. Of course, he'd start slow with you though, like if interacting with people bothers you, he'd make you order something at a cafe while on a date at least once yourself. Or if a sound/visual is bothering you, he'd make you listen to the sound in minimal doses, each time turning the sound a little bit higher when you get used to the previous level. And with the visual, he'd put on the video or images in low resolution, turning it up each time you get used to the previous visual. When it's something out of your control, like being late to something or not being ready in time, Karma would tell you that you'll do better next time and congratulate you, and praise you with affection if you do actually manage to accomplish the thing that was worrying you.
😈 Now that was surprisingly the easy part for Karma to help you with. When it comes to your abandonment issues and separation anxiety, it's a different story. Karma would only ever do any research for his own benefit or for school, but you are someone immensely special to him so he'd start searching for ways to help you as soon as possible.
😈 With separation anxiety, Karma's way of helping you would include him leaving you with your favorite plushy or something that reminded you of him for brief periods of time and short distances at first. The first few times were extremely hard for you, almost immediately calling him on the phone to come back to you. To help you with that, he'd relax you by making you watch TV or read a book with the object in your lap while he left to do whatever. With time you'd get used to the separation and begin to handle it better.
😈 Another thing Karma would do is reassure you that he will be just fine upon leaving. Communicating to you that there is nothing to worry about, especially since you both know Karma can handle himself perfectly fine. Still, Karma will make an effort to send you a funny photo of himself and a message when he arrives home or at his destination safe and sound. Making you less anxious each time he leaves.
😈 Regarding your abandonment issues, you and Karma would start to notice your daily feelings, reactions urges, and words you choose to use. Which would lead to Karma challenging some of your limits and seeing how far he can stretch out dose feelings of yours. The more you force yourself to linger in those uncomfortable situations like not talking with him for a few hours or not being in his presence for a while, the more you'll begin to function independently without worry.
😈And lastly, know the difference between a feeling and a fact. Emotions can come over you and overwhelm you, but remember, feelings are temporary. Just like being away from Karma is, it wouldn't be long until you see and talk to him again. The feeling is him leaving, but it's a fact you'll see him again. So check the facts when you notice emotional overwhelm, and bring yourself back to your core.
😈 Everyone has their limits though and Karma gets that. So if he ever sees you're getting overwhelmed with his help or not up to facing anything that day because of how tired you are, he'll let you have a day or two without your "exercises". Instead, he'll spend the day with you doing whatever you want to do, anything you want is a-okay with him because it'd be his way of congratulating you for how far you've come. Whether it's small or huge progress, he's still proud and happy you're trying to help yourself. And at the end of the day, Karma will always reassure you he'll always be there for you, that he'll always come back to you, that he'll never leave you, that he'll always protect you, and that he'll always love you. After all, Karma is a man of his word.
Nagisa Shiota
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🐍 Nagisa has already from the start been suspecting there's something going on with you, he could never pinpoint it though. He was also too shy to ask you himself, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
🐍 But during the last lesson of the day you, unfortunately, had fallen asleep due to overworking yourself and being tired. Thankfully Koro-sensei was nice enough to let you slide with that one and you slept throughout the whole lesson. By the time you woke up, everyone was already gone, even Nagisa who always walked home with you after school. That was when you started baling thinking he got tired of you and left you without saying a word, overthinking the whole situation.
🐍 Suddenly the doors opened revealing Nagisa standing in them, his expression turning to one of concern once noticing the state you were in. It was then that his suspicions have been proven correct once you explained the issues you go through daily after he told you that he left the class without you because Kaede forgot something from her desk and he ran after her to give the item back before quickly getting back to you to wake you up.
🐍 After much explaining from both of you, Nagisa would focus on trying to make you feel better. He'd hug you, walk with you home while holding hands, and offer to go to one of your favorite cafes for dessert. And on the way there he'd reassure you of how much he loves you and that he'd never leave you like that without a warning again.
🐍 Nagisa would be very similar to Karma in how he deals with your issues, but there are some differences! For example, Nagisa would also make notes, but physically this time to what upsets you to the point of making you cry. He would use the same technics as Karma, making you face those issues head-on with him being by your side the whole time, the only difference is that Nagisa would have more knowledge of how to help you in said situations.
🐍 He'd tell you to focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. He'd lean on you and say to try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones or think about something funny or silly instead. Seeing the lighter, funnier side of a stressful situation can make things easier and stop you from crying so easily. He'd cup your face, make eye contact, and tell you that when a person cries their face tends to tense up. Focusing on the muscles on your face and relaxing them can help prevent crying.
🐍 And lastly, he'd sit down with you and just listen to you vent, failure to communicate properly can lead to anger and frustration, which can trigger the urge to cry. Learning how to express feelings clearly, staying calm, and using words can help to keep tears at bay. All of these are great ways to prevent or reduce someone from crying, and you can bet that after every exercise, whether it works or not, Nagisa will shyly cover you with affection and praise as congrats.
🐍 Now compared to Karma, Nagisa has more of a better idea of helping you with your separation anxiety and abandonment issues. Therapy! If you can't afford it then get ready because Nagisa and his mom are both ready to spend every penny to help you out with that. They just can't help it, they adore you too much! And of course, after every session, you'd have to tell Nagisa what your therapist recommended you try to do to get over your problems. And you can expect that Nagisa will make sure you follow through with them by also helping out.
🐍 When it comes to separation anxiety Nagisa would develop a quick "goodbye" ritual with you. Those rituals are reassuring and can be as simple as a special wave through the window or a goodbye kiss. It's important to keep things quick and not let the goodbye linger, it will help you realize that Nagisa leaving isn't as much of a big deal as it seems, but a normal thing instead.
🐍 Another thing he'd do is tell you the exact time he'll return or the day you'll see him again. It's supposed to develop the confidence that you need to handle separation, so it's very important Nagisa returns at the time he promised you. And he very much keeps to his word 100%, he won't betray the trust you put into that promise and it's a helping exercise, so you can bet that Nagisa will always return at the exact time he promised you with a little souvenir in hand as a gift for believing in him and yourself.
🐍 About abandonment issues, Nagisa would tell you to self-validate. And the reason is that if you don’t self-validate, you’ll be dragging your “seeking validation self” to anyone who will listen to you, unconsciously seeking their approval and validation. If you thoroughly self-validate on a daily basis, you can ask others for support, but it isn’t from the same desperation for them to grasp the intensity of your emotional experience. It'll make you feel stronger and more in control of yourself, so that means you won't feel the need to consistently seek validation from Nagisa or anyone else when you can do it yourself now.
🐍 Another thing Nagisa would tell you is to focus on making healing your responsibility. Yes, others may have hurt you, but this is your life, and the more important you make your healing, the farther you’ll get and the better your life will be. Taking accountability is the opposite of self-abandonment, it is the way to self-embodiment and self-care. That of course doesn't mean that Nagisa isn't there to help you out all the way he can. What he means by that is that in order to make any actual change, it's you that has to put all the work in, Nagisa is just there to add additional help when needed.
🐍 Of course Nagisa knows that you can get sometimes overwhelmed with everything you're going through, and just like Karma he will allow you to have some days to yourself without a care in the world. Rather he'd come up with a day with just you two filled with all kinds of your favorite activities, which would quickly turn into dates. But if you'd rather just stay at your or his house and just sit around doing nothing, that's fine with him too, whatever the love of his life wants is more than fine with him. No matter how big or small the progress you make in improving yourself, he's always going to be proud of you and remain by your side all the way. Just like Karma, Nagisa is a man of his word, so there's no doubt he's staying with you till the very end and it doesn't matter how many times he has to say it or show it, he will prove his devotion to you eventually. And when that day comes, you'll know just how much he loves you and will never leave you for the world.
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