#ask aunt viv
queenimmadolla · 4 months
ooo do you have any recommendations for lip liners? i’ve only ever had one and i lost it lol
Before I recommend, I want to stress the importance of making sure the companies you’re purchasing from are not funding or supporting the genocide taking place this very minute in Gaza by contributing to Israel’s funds. I haven’t purchased a lipliner in like 6 months because I buy a lot at once, so I haven’t checked up to see if these brands have been contributing. Please do your due diligence before supporting any of these big brands. one liner can easily equal one bullet.
nyx USED to be my tried and true, until they “reformulated” their lip liners because my old liner colors are not matching up to the new ones even though they’re the SAME SHADE, but i’m afraid of change so i bought like 22 of the same liners 7 years ago, so i’m good for a few more years. their shades now are still good, but i can’t promise the shade you get will always be the same shade so if you like one, nab a bunch.
colourpop is another favorite of mine, even if they’re stupid fucking liners literally escape the pencil after the first use. they’re so good that i just pick it up and put it back in the pencil lol
tower 28 is quickly climbing the ranks of my fav liners and glosses.
mac used to be one of my favs until i found out they’re not cruelty free (still have a couple of old liners, since they last a good chunk of time, i’m talking years for me)
lime crime lip and charlotte tilbury also have good lip liners but i don’t like to break the bank for them often.
above all, beauty supply stores have like THE best lip liners and they’re ridiculously cheap.
**more recs in the comments** 💋
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jujutsukatsuki · 3 months
Pretty Baby || Alastor x Reader || 18+
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I got a request for Alastor with a Female Reader with a praise kink so here i am to abide! I do not support Viv or their actions! || includes: praise kink so MDI!, Fem bodied reader ||
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You sat on the couch in the lobby, a book in hand as you snuggled up in a blanket, Alastor had wandered off to god know's where while you were at the hotel listening to Husk and Angel debate something they saw on tv. The door to the hotel opened and in walked your tall dark and creepy beloved. He walked over and gently used his cane to lift your head, the cold steel made your skin shiver as your eyes met his red ones. "Hello my love, what have you done all day?" You smile as he questions you. "Just read and listen to everyone." You hummed as you stood up and looked up to Alastor's face, his gorgeous grin on his lips. "Good girl. Lets take a walk, go get your coat my love." You shivered at his praise, his smirk got a bit more sinister as he noticed. You dashed up the stairs to change, you put on a dress that resembled something women in Alastor's time when he was alive would wear along with a jacket to go over it. Not like you needed one, hell was hot. "There is my pretty baby." Alastor smiled as he offered his arm to you, you took it as you left out the front door of the hotel. A cold shiver ran up your spine at his words.
"Where are we going Ali?" The nickname was silly, but Alastor loved it. "You'll see my love." He hummed as the two of you walked the streets of hell, demons cowering away from Alastor's presence. Soon enough you noticed the sign that read Cannibal Town. "Aunt Rosies?" You asked Alastor who nodded and walked with you into the shop.
"Alastor you old dog!, and the beautiful Y/n! Still look delicious, sure you dont want to give me a taste? Oh im joking!" Rosie giggled as you let out a small awkward laugh and looked to Alastor who brushed it off. "Darling, why don't you go find a new perfume you like." Alastor smiled and let you walk away. You kept glancing at Rosie and Alastor who passed him a box of sorts. You walked back over to where the two sat. "Alright darling, time to go!" Alastor said as he shoved the box in his pocket. "Oh uh-" You didnt have time to say anything as you were whisked out the door by him. The walk home seemed quiet and longer, once at the hotel, you were taken upstairs to the bedroom you two shared. "Alastor, what-"
The box was pulled from his pocket and he opened it, inside was a necklace that held a small pendent of an A. "Oh Alastor!" You cooed as he clipped the necklace to your neck, his fingers lingering on your skin. "Youre always such a good girl, i figured you were owed a present for all your understanding of my deals and being gone often." You let out a small gasp at his words, his hand still on the back of your neck. He spins you around and grabs your chin. "Good girl." He whispers, letting the radio filter leave his voice. "Alastor.." You mumble and squeeze your thighs together, he was playing a dangerous game. He may be the powerful radio demon with hundreds of souls under his belt, but you. You were the one who was starving for his affection and wouldnt stop until you were satisfied. "What darling? I cant help it. Youre my pretty girl." He guides you to your knees, his red eys staring to your own. "Such a good girl." He pets your hair, his fingers running through your hair. "Now, keep being my pretty, perfect girl and open that pretty mouth of yours." He grinned, it was going to be a very, very long night.
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13uswntimagines · 4 months
Cookies For Luck (Alessia x Leah X Child!R)
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Request: If you want to continue the Alessia x Leah x kid reader you should do kid readers reaction to Leah’s first game back.
Summary: It's Leah's first game back, and your Uncle Luca taught you that cookies are the best good luck charm. In the Big emotions universe.
Warnings: none. cute Kid fic.
“Weah play?” You asked, your feet swinging back and forth. 
You didn’t get to sit on the bench with the team often, and you still weren’t sure how you felt about it. Your feet couldn’t touch the floor, and no one was holding you. But you did get to sit by all of your aunts. 
At least it was better than at England games when you had to sit in the friends and family section with your grandmama or Leah’s Mum or Peyton, the woman who had been your babysitter since Alessia moved back to England. 
You were close enough to the field to see your aunts take on Reading, and Leah had worn her jersey for the game. You weren’t sure how you felt about that either. 
The last time you saw Leah in her jersey, she had to go to the big scary building that smelt bad. There had been a lot of wires and beeping, and it made your mama cry. 
You didn’t like it when your mama cried. 
Alessia hummed, adjusting the Arsenal beanie you were wearing so it covered your ears. “She will after halftime,”
“Halftime cookies for luck?”
Your mama’s eyebrows furrowed, and she shared a look with Leah over your head, silently asking if this was something the defender had started with you. 
Leah shrugged. It wasn’t her doing, she had never heard of halftime cookies either. 
“Cookies for luck?”
You nodded emphatically. “Uncle Luca said. Worked during the cup. No have cookies, no win,” 
Alessia rolled her eyes. 
Of course, it was Luca who started it. The two of you were thick as thieves from the time you were born, he had even moved into her flat for a bit to help her with you because of how early you had come and how sick you were.
You had him wrapped around your finger from the first moment he held you. He was always sneaking you sweets, loud toys, or anything to annoy her. It made sense that you hadn’t had cookies at halftime during the Spain game because her Mum had watched you instead, and she was always more respectful of Alessia’s rules. 
“Hard to argue with that logic,” Leah said, her lips tilting up. 
“Yeah Mama,” You agreed, high-fiving Leah. Alessia rolled her eyes half-heartedly. “You can have 1 cookie at halftime,”
You looked up at your mama, a smirk that was annoyingly similar to Leah’s on your features. “Fudge striped ones so we run fast,” 
It was another belief of Luca’s doing that the fudge-stripped cookies made you run faster. A belief that the entire English national team had reinforced with many foot races. 
Your mama rolled her eyes again. “I’m sure we can get the fudge-striped ones,” 
“Yes!” You cheered, pumping your fists. “Weah run super fast! Score goal,”
It was slightly unfair how often you and Leah ganged up on her, but your adorable celebrations when she agreed to whatever thing the two of you had come up with were too cute to pass up. 
Beth snorted from Alessia’s other side. “Leah doesn’t score tiny, she stops the goals,”
You frowned, looking around your mama at her. “Not tiny,”
“Of course, you’re not,” Beth smiled indulgently at you. “Can Viv and I join you for your cookies?” 
You brought your stuffed turtle up to your face, like you were having a silent conversation, before looking back towards Beth. “That ok,” 
You didn’t wait for her to respond before you turned back to the game, your eyes zeroing in on Katie. 
She was your favorite Arsenal player after all. 
“Katie have cookie too,” You mumbled, glancing up at your mama. 
She hummed, again fixing your beanie. “I’m sure Katie will be very happy to share a cookie with you too,” 
You wiped your hand across your forehead, pushing the edge of the beanie up higher so it didn’t touch your eyebrows. You didn’t understand why you couldn’t be like Squirt. He didn’t need a hat. 
“No share my cookie,” You muttered, glancing back up at Alessia, as Steph cleaned up an attempt by the women in blue. “Eat own,”
“Yes, you can have your own,” Leah sighed from behind you. 
Sharing was still something they were working on with you, and generally, you shared pretty well. The only thing you didn’t like to share was food. 
You nodded, turning back to the field just as Katie sent a ball into Stinia’s path, your eyes lighting up. 
“Goal!” You cheered as she slotted the ball past the keeper, bouncing in your seat. “Stinia get cookie too,”
Alessia hummed, pulling you into her lap so you didn’t fall off of the bench. “I think we’ll all have some good luck cookies,”
You were positively bouncing by halftime, even escaping your mama’s hold after the whistle blew and running straight for Katie. She caught you with ease, tossing you in the air before settling you on her hip. 
She carried you to the tunnel while you babbled almost incoherently about the fudge cookies you were going to eat, over-excited about the treat you got to have before dinner. 
You wiggled out of her grasp as soon as you were safely inside the changing room, helping the equipment staff pass out the cookies while Jonas waited patiently to begin his halftime talk. He took his own cookie with a smile before you settled yourself in your mama’s lap, nibbling on the treat to make it last while he talked. 
To be honest, his speech was pretty boring. 
It mostly consisted of him showing them a whiteboard with X’s and O’s and using big words that you didn’t really understand, but you knew you had to be quiet through it. 
The cuddles made it acceptable though. You leaned your head against your Mama’s chest and she wrapped her arm tightly around you. Your free hand was tangled with Leah’s as she ran little circles on the back of it. 
You liked it when you got to sit with both of them. It made you feel safe, though not as safe as when you were tucked into their big bed between them. 
You noticed that her knee shook, bouncing her arm and jiggling your hand. 
You frowned. 
Her knees only bounced when you were on them. Or that one time you were with her after recovery and she showed you a very pretty sparking stone on a ring in a red velvet box that you weren’t supposed to tell your mama about. 
You were pretty sure she didn’t have it with her now. She told you it was special, and you didn’t think the locker room was cool enough for her to give it to your mama now. 
“And of course, we’ll be welcoming Leah back onto the pitch,” Jonas smiled, and the changing room erupted into applause. “She’ll come on in the 80th minute for Steph. Other than that, let’s keep playing our best,” 
More cheers broke out from the team as he finished his talk, and you frowned. Was Leah bouncing because she was scared to play? 
You wanted to ask her, but Mama always said asking people if they were afraid usually just made their chest hurt more. You didn’t want to make it worse. 
But maybe another cookie would make it better. 
You shoved the last bit of your cookie into your mouth and wiggled out of Alessia’s grasp. You stumbled when your feet hit the floor grabbing the nearest person to steady. 
It happened to be Katie. 
“Easy bug,” She said, squatting down to talk to you, and fixing your special Arsenal jersey that said Assistant Coach in big letters.“Ya ready to watch Lee play?”
You shrugged, wiping your hands over the 6 on your red sweatpants, searching for the yellow pack of cookies with the elves on it. “Beth say Leah no score,”
“Did she?” Katie frowned at your distraction. They all knew how obsessed you were with scoring goals. 
You nodded vehemently. “It’s the best when Mama or Leah score. Why no score?”
“Your Leah is a defender so she stops goals,” Katie tried to explain, turning her head to see what you were looking for. “Ya alright?”
You hummed, dragging your arm across your face to get rid of the crumbs on your lips. “Gotta get nother cookie for Weah. Her knee bounce,” 
Katie smiled, ruffling your beanie. “I think they’re all gone, the Elves took em back,” 
Your nose scrunched. “They always steal them,” 
It was unfair that they always took them back to Keebler before you could steal more than the ones your mama gave you. 
“They do,” Katie chuckled, pushing herself to stand. “But I bet you and your mama and your Leah will get a nice treat after the game,” 
You turned back to your mama to see her already standing up, your puffy jacket in her hands. You wilted a little bit but stepped up to allow her to wrap it around you before you turned to Leah. She pushed herself to her feet, shifting awkwardly as your mama kneed in front of you. 
You had never seen your Leah look so… nervous. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Alessia said, catching your chin with one hand and holding up a white cloth with the other. 
You pulled away from the washcloth your mama was using to wipe your mouth, grabbing at Leah’s hand. 
Mama always held you when you were anxious, and she said squeezes were the best remedy when your heart couldn’t stop pounding in your chest. Maybe it would be as good as the fudge cookies. 
“I walk with Weah,” You said, squeezing Leah’s hand in three slow pulses.
Alessia was already nodding. “You can walk out with Leah, just let me get the chocolate off of your face,”
You huffed but tilted your face up to allow her to clean the remaining crumbs from your lips. Your eyes squeezed shut as the cool cloth moved in quick, practiced motions across your mouth, and you squeezed Leah’s hand a little tighter. 
She squeezed back, holding onto you tightly until Alessia was done. 
“All done,” Alessia hummed, fixing your beanie. “Ready?” 
You looked up at Leah, she was biting her lip, so you frowned back up at your Mama. “Leah need nother cookie to make her feel better, but the elves stole em,”
They shared a look over your head. 
“Let me see if I can get one,” Your mama said, and you turned back to Leah. 
She let out a long breath before kneeling so she could face you. 
“Can we have a chat for a second bug?” She asked, but you knew it wasn’t a question. 
You didn’t like it when you had to have a chat with your mama or Leah. It usually meant that you would have to go to bed without a story, or your warm milk. Or worse, that you would have to sit in time out after the game instead of running around with the team. 
You looked down, scuffing your shoe on the locker room floor. “Yeah,” 
“Hey, why the long face?” She nudged your chin so you looked up, a slight smile on her lips. “Is talking to me so bad?”
“We only chat when I can’t have sweets,” You muttered. 
Leah chuckled, shaking her head. “No, we chat all the time. In the car, on the sidelines. It’s not a bad thing. 
“Oh,” your eyebrows furrowed, and the little crinkle appeared between them. 
“I want to chat because it seems you’re a bit worried that I’m nervous,” She said softly, finding the cooler of your jacket. 
Her and Alessia always thought it was important to explain emotions when they were happening. You were still learning to recognize and express them. 
You shrugged. “You moving lots, like when you showed me the -…” 
Her hand covered your mouth, cutting you off before you could blurt out the secret you had been keeping for her, and her head whipped around the practically empty changing room to make sure no one overheard it. 
“It’s a bit like that, but different,” She explained, carefully pulling her hand away. “I’m very excited to play again, but I don’t want to let everyone down,” 
Your nose scrunched. 
It was impossible for your Leah to let you down. She was fantastic, even if she didn’t score as much as Mama. 
You would love her if she scored no goals at all. 
“Never let me and Mama down,” You said, sounding far older than 3. “You’re the bestest and if anyone doesn’t think so they’re butt heads,” 
Leah hummed her lips turning up. “You’re very sweet, you know,” 
You shrugged again. “I get it from Mama,” 
“You do,” She agreed, pulling you into her arms and standing. She knew they had Katie or Caitlin to thank for that line. 
You played with the collar of her pinny. “Score goal for me and Mama?”  
“I’ll try,” She said, pushing the changing room door open, and you burrowed closer to her at the blast of cold air. “Will you cheer for me?”
“Always,” You promised, tucking your nose into her neck as she entered the stadium and holding onto her more tightly. 
You would cheer for your Leah and Mama even when the stadium didn’t. 
You were positively buzzing as stoppage time came to a close, toeing the line of the coaches box a little too closely for Alessia’s liking, but she let you. 
She was excited too (though not quite to your level) not only about Leah’s return but that she had assisted in a goal. She knew how important it was to Leah that she put out a good showing, and how hard she had worked to get back to the pitch. 
You caught Alessia's hand as the game whistle blew, so you didn’t lose her in the crowd, and you rushed out onto the field toward where you last saw your mu-. Your Leah. 
“Easy love, she’s not running away,” Your mama said as you dragged her closer to the center of the pitch. 
You huffed, pulling harder at her hand. “Wanna hug,” 
“I know you do,” She agreed, glancing around the field so you weren’t just wandering in the wrong direction.  “Leah is over that way,” 
“I no see,” You wined, whipping around in circles trying to see your favorite defender. 
It reminded Alessia a little bit of a dog chasing its tail. While it was adorable, she didn’t want you to hurt yourself or get frustrated. 
“Come here,” She said gently, holding her other arm out to you, and lifting you when you stepped closer. She shifted you on her hip and used her free hand to point to where the defender was standing near some fans on the sideline. “There,” 
Your eyes zeroed in on Leah as soon as your mama pointed her out, and you wiggled excitedly on her grasp.
Alessia held you tighter. “Let’s go give Leah a big hug for an amazing return, yeah?”
While she was sure you were safe on the field, there were a lot of people, including media and staff she didn’t know, and she didn’t want you wandering off. 
You nodded, your hand weaving through the collar of her jacket as she started to walk towards Leah. “Good assist,” 
“Very good,” Alessia hummed, pressing a kiss to the side of your head and fixing your little beanie.
You made a low noise of agreement as you got closer. “Deserves cookie,” 
“It does,” Alessia snorted.
To be fair, you thought everything deserved a cookie. 
“Weah you did it!” You cheered as soon as you were within shouting distance of your defender, wiggling enough that your mama put you down so you could crash into Leah. 
“I did bug,” she smiled widely, lifting you into a tight hug as you burrowed into her, squeezing her in a tight hug, tucking your nose into her neck. 
Her other arm embraced your mama, as she placed a kiss on Leah’s cheek. “Great job love,”
“I cheered for you,” You murmured, as Alessia again fixed your beanie so it covered your ears. 
“I know! You were so loud, it helped me very much,” Leah said, her smile never fading as she bounced you a bit. 
You matched her smile, looking proud. 
You liked that you could help your Mama and Leah when they played, even if you were too small to play yet. 
You tuned out their conversation as Katie, Viv, and Beth joined them, waving to the fans and signing a few things. You were far more interested in watching the players run their cooldown drills, running from one side of the pitch to the other. 
“Hey Leah, can I get a few words?” 
You blinked away from the drill, towards where Alex Scott was standing, a microphone in hand followed by a cameraman. You frowned, tucking back into Leah’s neck and squeezing her more tightly. 
Mama didn’t like it when the big cameras pointed at you. 
“Course,” Your Leah nodded, untangling herself from your mama. 
“Let me take her so you can chat with Alex,”
You felt hands under your armpits, trying to carefully pull you away from Leah’s neck. 
“No go,” You muttered, clinging to the defender more tightly. “We stay together,”
Leah and your mama shared a sigh. 
“Sweet one, you’ll just be behind the camera with Mama. You’ll be able to see me the whole time, ok?” Leah said, rocking you slightly. 
You always got a bit on edge when you couldn’t see one of them, except if you were in the changing room or at home. 
You pulled your face out of her neck to meet her eyes. “Cookie after?”
Leah cracked a smile and she shared another look with your Mama. 
“We can have cookies after,” Alessia said. “But I need you to come to me so Leah can give an interview, ok?”
You huffed. 
You didn’t usually mind having to switch who was holding you, as long as you got to cuddle one of them, except if one of them had been away. 
You clung to Alessia when you had to sit with Leah on the sidelines, and now that the roles were reversed, you were content to cuddle into your Leah until you were safely inside the changing room. 
“We can have a cuddle after I’m done, yeah?” Leah added, carefully peeling you from her body and passing you to Alessia. She ran her thumb over your cheek and fixed your beanie again. 
You pouted but allowed your mama to adjust you, your eyes never leaving Leah as the camera guy and Alex set up between you and Leah. 
“And cookies,” You muttered, resting your cheek on your mama's chest. 
It vibrated as she chuckled. “You’re going to turn into a cookie if you’re not careful,”  
You shrugged. “Be like Cookie Monster, but run faster,”
Alessia hummed. 
You were nearly as obsessed with the giant blue puppet as you were with soccer. 
You nestled closer to your mama as the interview started, and she gently rubbed your back. 
“It’s great to get back. The fans have been incredible,” Leah said, smiling widely at the camera, and brushing away her fringe. 
Alex matched her smile. “And you had your own little cheering section,” 
“Yeah, I do,” Leah nodded, winking at you and Alessia. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without them and our good luck cookies,”
Alex’s eyebrows pulled tightly together. She had never heard of good luck cookies, even when she was on the team. “Good luck cookies?” 
“They make you run faster,” You supplied from behind the camera, your cheek never leaving Alessia’s chest. “It’s why she assisted Beffy,”
Alex nodded like it made perfect sense, and Leah chucked a bit. 
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my good luck cookies, or my girls,” 
You hummed, snuggling deeper into your mama. 
You couldn't wait for Leah to finish so you could all have cookies together, celebrating her return to the pitch. 
You sank into Alessia, her warmth surrounding you with a feeling of safety. You knew no matter what, your family would always be there for each other, cheering each other on and eating celebration cookies.
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mysticfalls01 · 7 months
The Decision
(AWFC x reader)
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Getting your first call up to the senior team was terrifying.
When Leah tore her ACL she was devastated and was worried for her team. She knew that there was a spot available in the first team for Arsenal and she knew exactly who the right person was to cover her position until she was ready to comeback.
She had been following your football journey with Arsenal’s academy, you joined the academy when you were only 12 years old and ever since you had been there.
Leah Williamson is your idol; she is the one who inspired you to become a defender. You wanted to do the same as her, go through the academy ranks until you could get your debut with the first team.
As soon as she realized that her spot was available, she told Jonas about you. Nothing else would fulfill her heart more than another talent from the academy playing in her place.
The moment Jonas accepted her recommendation you couldn’t believe it, with only 18 years you were going to have your debut.
When you learned that Leah was the one who recommended you the tears started coming out. You immediately sent her a message thanking her for the recommendation while also saying that you wouldn’t disappoint her.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Playing your debut was a dream came true. The team received you with open arms and quickly adopted you as the baby of their family. Katie became the cool aunt, Leah, and Lotte your big sisters, Beth and Viv became your team mums even if they still were in recovery and Steph became your mentor.
After having an incredible performance for the games that you played last season with the first team Arsenal offered you a formal contract so you could stay with them.
Not only Arsenal noticed your amazing performances but so did Serina Wiegman. You had played for England U’19 team however, you hadn’t had your debut for a senior team and with your father being Dutch either of both national teams could call you up.
Sarina called you after the World Cup, she told you about the possibility of playing for the senior team of the Lionesses. When you received the call, you were in shock, in less than a year your dreams of playing for a national team and for the first team of Arsenal could come true.
A few days later Andries Jonker called you to see if you were interested in playing for the Oranje Leeuwinnen.
In the Arsenal locker room, everyone knew that you could play for both national teams and with the Nations League starting soon you needed to take a decision. You were scared to see the reactions of your team when you had to take the decision.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Everyone in the locker room wanted to know your decision as it hadn’t been announced so, as everyone started changing clothes for the training session a discussion started.
“Oi! y/nn. Have you decided for which team to play?” Katie asked with a loud voice.
“Her favorite color is orange, so the answer is obvious” Vic said with a proud smile
“No! We all know that her future is to be a Lioness!” said Beth also with a proud smile
“Yeah! White really suits her so no doubt she’ll be a Lioness!” Alessia said
Leah could see in your face a worried expression. She sat next to your cubicle and whispered “y/nn it doesn’t matter for who are you going to play I’m proud of you. Everything that you have accomplished in such a short time has been incredible. You’ve earned it”
It was time for the training session and the discussion was still going on.
“Girls! We need to start! I’m sure that y/n will take a decision soon. Whichever team she decides to play for will be lucky to have her. So, let’s start training” you couldn’t help but to send Jonas a thankful smile as you hated to be the center of attention.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
It was the day when the squads for the firsts Nations League games were going to be announced.
Your decision had already been taken as you called. Some days ago, you talked with one of the managers to thank him/her for the opportunity but that you had decided to play for the other national team.
The whole team was in the cafeteria eating when a sound from the television called their attention.
“Breaking news!
The squads for the Nations League games have been announced. Arsenal’s talented young defender y/n l/n has taken her decision! Y/n has decided to reject the offer from the Dutch National Team and officially is a Lioness!”
As soon as those words left the Sky News presenter mouth you could see your team’s reaction.
Katie was receiving 20 pounds from Lia as they had a bet going on.
The Aussies were giving you proud smiles as they knew that your dream of representing a country was coming true.
Beth and Alessia started singing “It’s coming home” jokingly and Lotte couldn’t help but to laugh at them.
Viv and Vic were giving them fake sad faces.
And finally, Leah, she had an enormous smile on her face.
Viv and Vic stood up and hugged you.
“y/nn don’t worry I know that you started creating fake scenarios in your head about Vic and me being upset at you and those couldn’t be farther from the truth. We are proud of you” Viv whispered to your ear.
“Yeah y/nn! Remember that if it doesn’t works the Oranje Leeuwinnen will always be there for you” Vic said winking at you.
You gave them a shy smile and before you could talk Alessia took your hand a brought you next to Beth, Lotte and Leah.
“y/n! I can’t wait for you to formally meet Tooney!” said Alessia.
Beth and Leah couldn’t help but to jokingly groan as they knew that a chaotic trio was about to be formed.
“Also, y/nn you can learn a lot from Millie and from Lucy!” said Lotte.
You let them talk while you realized that there was nothing to be worried for. Arsenal was your second family, and nothing would have changed even after the decision.
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wosoamazing · 1 month
Brunch w/ Steph & Beth
Part 2 - Fire on Fire Series
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From Beth: Good Morning, I know this is late notice and you might be socialised out from last night and probably have things to unpack but we were wondering if you wanted to have brunch with us this morning. I think Steph might join us too if that is okay.
To Beth: Good Morning, that would be nice, could you maybe just come to mine again if that is okay. There are some tradies coming over this morning and so I have to be here from when they get here where I don't know when that will be. I'm up and ready now so any time would work, I could cook something for you all.
From Beth: Oh no, don't be silly, Steph will pick something up from one of the local bakeries on her way over to ours. And then we will come to yours. Any dietary requirements?
To Beth: No, all good and thank you. See you soon.
You looked at the plans your aunts had lying out on the tablet for the workers when they got here, they were turning the theatre room into a home gym/entertainment space, your Moster claiming they decided they needed to be healthier but you knew it way there way of trying to make their home more inviting for you now you were older and keeping you there.
From Beth: Hi again, Steph just arrived, Viv has gone out and so I was just wondering if I could bring Myle our puppy with us, but I understand if it's not okay just thought to ask.
To Beth: Um.. normally I would say yes but I don't exactly know if Myle could come over if the workers will be here. I'm so sorry.
From Beth: No problem at all, we are just about to head to yours now.
You were still going through the look book, viewing all the products your Aunts were putting in both rooms when the doorbell rang, you swiftly moved towards it. You were surprised when you saw Steph and Beth standing in front of the now open door, you thought it would be the builders, they had only just left Beth's house "How are you already here?" "We actually live two streets over so it isn't far at all," you gestured for the two Women to come in.
"Um, we can sit on the couch or the table, I'll just clean all this up," "knock, knock, knock," you heard a man say from the door, turning around to see the builders.
"Oh, um just one second sorry girls, I just need to show them some things," they both nodded saying something along the lines of don't worry, and you quickly showed the builders the theatre and the plans and look book. They had already been given an in depth brief from your Aunt's so it didn't take long.
"I'm so sorry, they are just here to do some work," "Oh no it's totally fine don't worry," The women said as they followed you into the living room.
"I do have a question though," Steph said as you were grabbing some plates, "mmm" "How did you manage to get a place like this?"
"Oh, this isn't mine, it's my Aunt's, they are away for like the next 2 months in Paris, my Aunt is from there." Steph nodded as Beth was looking around at some pictures.
"Is this you or..." She said as she looked at a photo from one of your school events, "yeah it's me, they are all of me," you replied.
"Wow, that's insane, I think there are more photos of you in their house than the amount of photos my parents have of my brother and I in our home. Did you see them a lot?" She asked, meaning no harm, you knew the question would come eventually, you just didn't think it would be so soon.
"Um, yeah, I guess you could put it that way, this is technically my childhood home. When I moved out of my parents home I moved into this home with my Aunts, but we were only here for around 6 months before we moved to Australia. So technically the home we have in Melbourne is my childhood home but as this was well I guess is, the main home all the photos and trophies and everything else got moved into this house,"
"Oh, why did you move out of your parents home? Sorry that sounded a bit insensitive, you don't have to answer," "Oh no, it's okay I don't mind, I-" you were interrupted by another person at the door, they handed you a massive bouquet of flowers and as you brought them into the house and set them on the coffee room table, both girls looked at them.
"Wow, secret admirer, Leah is going all out," Beth cheeked as you looked at the gift tag, letting out a knowing sigh as you read the names.
"Of course, giving me somewhere to stay and building me a gym with some entertainment stuff too isn't enough," you lean back on the couch, before looking over to Beth.
"Wait, what did you say that about Leah? Do you think she likes me?" You asked curiously.
"By the way she looked at you when you walked into the locker room, I would say she has a crush on you" she said quite seriously, you let out a small 'oh' and both of them looked at each other, before continuing on with the conversation, changing topics.
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mysticheathenn · 3 months
What Kind Of Love Do You Need?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is a Patreon All Tiers reading about what kind of love do you need. This can be romantic, self-love, platonic, or even familial.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
How will this love change your life?
Extra Messages
Patreon Link
Ko-Fi Donations
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Pile l:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: The Lovers, Ace of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, 6 of Wands, Hanged Man, & Page of Swords.
Romantic. "I want a real love, dark-skinned and Aunt Viv love, [Redacted Part Of Song], That leave a toothbrush at your crib love, And you ain't gotta wonder whether that's your kid love"- J.Cole & Real Love by Mary J. Blige played in my head as I was shuffling pile l. You are in need of a healthy love. The kind of love where you both celebrate each other's wins and even losses, being each other's cheerleader, a shoulder to cry or lean on when life knocks you down, a love where there are no games just pure love, communication, and peace. There is a heavy sense of peace and fulfillment for you, with the kind of love you need. You probably have dated people who wanted nothing but to waste your time, and energy, or even unfortunately use you. You are now working on yourself and if you aren't I feel a glow-up is coming soon where you do work on yourself to help manifest this kind of love into your life because you want a partnership. A true soulmate that was ordained by stars (God, Allah, etc) themselves. There will be no confusion with this kind of love. I'm hearing Greenday- Broken Boulevard but only the part of " I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone" I feel for some of you those who aren't working on themselves yet you have some ways to go before this kind of love comes into your life. You may still be hurting from your previous relationship or if not still hurting you're in the energy of "Everybody ain't shit and you're better off alone." For others, it's not too far but it's also not going to show up tomorrow the window I am intuitively feeling is within the next two years. This is a long time coming for you pile l. I can feel it's something special. Patreon Post Link
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Pile ll:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: 5 of Pentacles, The Fool, The Hierophant, Ace of Cups, Awakening.
Self-Love. Singleness. Adventure. You are in desperate need of some self-love pile ll. You have been on a wild ride when it comes to allowing others into your life whether platonic or romantic and it's time for you to go into hermit mode for a while. The Tiktok audi "Be by yourself, get to know yourself" which is said in an island accent is coming to mind. You need to figure out who you are pile ll. I feel you have some sort of sense of who you are but you aren't sure if this is actually you or the you that has been crafted by social media, others and their idea of you, or your survival mode you where you crafted parts of yourself and chose the "safe" is to show others who don't like to see your full light because it dims there. There is also a need to let go of some people in your life. I didn't ask Spirit who because if this part resonates you should know. It's typically the first two names that popped in your head when you read the sentence but it's time to let go of people who are not good for you or add any kind of value to your life. Not only getting rid of people but getting rid of the old you. It's time for you to walk into a new light where you are glowing, thriving, and enjoying life how it is meant to be enjoyed instead of barely getting by day by day. You were meant to shine and not follow what everyone else is doing. You were meant to be authentic pile ll. Figure out who you are. Do things you never thought you would never enjoy and do them. Learn some new skills and hobbies. Take an Eat Pray Love trip even if it's just a trip to New York, Miami, Atlanta, Los Angeles, or even fucking Houston Texas if that is more your speed. Get out of your comfort zone. Shed your survival mode personality and shine. It's time for a new adventure. It's time to release this old story you keep playing over and over and start something fresh. What are you waiting for? Patreon Post Link
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Pile lll:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: 5 of Cups, Queen of Swords, 10 of Wands, Knight of Wands, 3 of Pentacles.
Friendship.Self-Care. There is this feeling that you pile lll are the type that likes to do everything themselves without bothering anyone. You may also like to say sorry a lot even when you didn't do anything as well as just not tell people how you are really feeling going through your struggles alone. Please stop. If you have people around you who truly care about your well-being please do let them know how you really are doing. There is nothing worse than having a friend going through things in silence and later on axe themselves off (speaking from experience). You do not have to suffer in silence pile lll. There are people in this world who would or do care about you and your well-being and want to take the load off of your shoulders. Stop being the strong independent cap that social media keeps trying to feed people with the whole grind and stay silent. Stay silent when it comes to goals until they happen, not your well-being. For others of you the kind of love you need is self-care other than taking better care of yourself this is more so having to do with your skills, abilities, and even your career. Some of you want to do more in your career whether it's at the job you are currently at, in the same field, or wanting to do something differently and this is the time to do so. Start learning and sharpening up your skills. Even sharpening up your mind whether it's reading more books maybe by Robert Greene on Mastery or Art of Seduction, learning languages, or whatever it is that you want to do to sharpen your mind ow is the time to do so. Patreon Post Link
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Pile lV:
What kind of love do you need? Tarot: Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Awakening, Page of Cups, 3 of Cups
Singleness. Self Love. You may have been drawn to pile ll because they have received a similar reading to what your reading is about to hold on being by yourself, yours is just a little different. Pile ll reading was more so on finding themselves and getting to know themselves while your pile is more focused on loving yourself. Loving who you are and who you have become as a person because I feel a sense that it wasn't easy to become who you are today. You had to fight along the way to become the person you are because many people have probably tried to turn you hard, cold, assertive, or just overall mean and you had to fight to maintain a little bit of kindness, compassion, and some love you feel for others because you know that what others say and do to some people is not a reflection on you but them it's how you respond that is a reflection on you. This is a season of celebrating who you are and loving every inch of yourself. Whether you have body fat, a temper, watching weird shit, whatever it is that others try to put you down for and you somewhat have allowed to let those thoughts creep in this is your time to rebuke them and go forth in loving who you are and what you like. This is a time to go inward and really hone in the ability to not waver on what makes you you. Basically setting boundaries more so for yourself than for others while still remaining loving and kind to yourself. Your pile may also be a bit short like pile lll because it's quite straight to the point with no extra messages. The love you need is the love from yourself. Loving everything about you. Whether you hate your skin tone, voice, body, your interest, whatever it is embrace your flaws, embrace the many things people have been trying to put you down for, and let your beacon shine bright. You were meant to be who you are and nobody else. Don't let the ugliness of the world change who you are. Patreon Post Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay Safe and Be Blessed
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leah-lover · 2 months
My mommy. Alessia russo x daughter! reader.
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Reader is jealous of her mother's pregnancy.
You loved your mama. 
Obviously everybody loves their mom but with you it was different. You wanted to be on her, near her and in her eye sight at all times. When you would wake up she was the first thing you thought about, and you wanted her to be the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes. Alessia loved you too, she loved your clinginess, your smile, your strawberry like smell, and laughter. 
Today started out like any other day. You woke up, washed your face, took your stuffed bear and headed to your mommies’s room. They were still asleep, tangled up in one another. You stood up at the foot of the bed and jumped on their sleeping bodies. 
“Honey I told you to stop doing that.”said you mommy half asleep. 
“Come here bear, I still want to snuggle.” Said your mama, Alessia, opening her arms for you. You always looked up to these moments with you and your mommies tangled up in bed. 
“We love you so much baby bear, you know that right.?.” Said your mom. You worry in her voice but you didn't give it much attention. 
“I love you too mommy.” You add.
Your mommy gets up to go make breakfast and you stay in bed with your mama. 
“We have a surprise for you baby bear today.” She says with the biggest smile on her face. “ We are gonna spend the day together at the park just you mommy and me.”she adds. 
“But mama no training today, no football?.”you ask. 
“No care bear, just you mommy and me at the park. Let's go get dressed then.” she says before picking you up and taking you to your room. 
Today was the best day in your recent memory. Mommy, mama and you went to an amusement park, a real park where you and Alessia played football. You had lunch at your favorite place, went to the mall and bought some new toys and ice cream. It was a perfect day. When you came back home all of you were tired. And just when you thought the fun ended Alessia turned the TV on and put on your favorite movie and you had a family doing along. After one of your performances you looked at your mommies only to see Alessia's hand on your mommy's belly. You knew what that meant. Ight mean that mommy was pregnant and that a new sibling was china come and share your mommies with you. You then felt your chest rise and tears built up on your eyes. 
“No.” You yelled. “ No, brother. No sister, just me, mommy, mama, and footy.” You say before storming off to the stairs.
Your mothers didn't expect this huge of a reaction but they still ran after you. 
“ Baby bear please calm down deep breaths my love is okay.” cooed Alessia rubbing your back. You couldn't control what was inside of you and you didn't know what it was you just wanted to cry. 
“It's okay baby we are your mommies we love you we always will.” Said your mommy. 
“No, mama mine. Mine alone.” You say stomping you get on the ground. 
“I am yours baby. I will always be yours and I will always love you, play with you and hang out with you baby.” says Alessia trying to get you to calm down. 
“Baby Olive sleep on aunt Beth. Don't want brother to sleep on you. I sleep on you.” You say referring to Beth and Viv's new born baby. 
It was clear that jealousy was the reason behind your outburst. “But baby Olive is so young she still needs her mommy to help her to sleep. You will sleep next to us if you want to.” says your mommy. 
You busy your face on Alessia's neck crying even more. “I only have one baby bear in this world that I love and that you. It will always be you. I  promise. I will love both of you so much.” says Alessia rubbing your back and giving you kisses all over your face. 
“ Are you okay now buddy.”says your mommy. 
“Think so,”you reply.
“Okay lessi is gonna give you a bath while I prepared your bed is that okay.” She asks. 
“Please bear pjs mommy.” You demand which is granted as your mommy gives you a kiss and walks past you 
About an hour later you find yourself in bed with both your mommies reading you a story. 
“It's okay mommy. I can have a brother. You will love me the same.” You say and put your hands on your mommy's tummy. 
This gesture brought some much needed heart warming Emeryville in the room. 
“Yes we will.” Says Alessia tucking you in bed before giving you a kiss before heading out of your room to let you sleep.
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hi18364 · 3 months
Mama mom and auntie Caitlin
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 My mom has been acting weird; they have been fighting a lot. Mom has been staying with Auntie Shebahn for the past 2 days, and Auntie Caitlin has been over a lot. 
I have asked Mama what has happened, but she won't tell me. I'm not Ruesha and Katie's biological daughter. I was at the Arsenal U10s program, and Katie had an interest in me because I was apparently a good player. I was put up for adoption when I was 3 days old, but the adoption never went through, and I was placed in foster care. 
I'm now 17, and I play on the Arsenal senior team. I play as a striker and defender. I'm currently sitting on a chair. I knew what my mama wanted to tell me, but I didn't want it to be true. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mama talking, "y/n, I need to tell you something because you need to know... me and Ru." I know what's about to come out of her mouth. 
It was like slow motion: "We have decided to break up, "I just staired at her, "Did you cheat on her with Caitlin?" A look of guilt goes over her face. " "I-" . I get up and walk out of the room. A few of the girls were standing there. Caitlin was one of them. She reaches out to stop me from going. The rest of the girls look confused. "Get the fuck off me. Why the fuck did you do it?" I get out of her grip and go to the car. and drive off. I drive to the London City Lionesses trying ground, and I park. I can see everyone on the pitch; they are in practice. I sit for 10 minutes, then get out and go in. They know me because I've been there before. 
I knock on the door to see if anyone is in there. When I don't get an answer, I go out to the pitch, and the boss sees me. I stand off to the side. She comes and stands next to me. She looks at me with sad eyes, telling me she knows why I'm hearing "Hey, sorry, I don't know why, to be honest." 
"It's all good. I guess you know now." 
I look at the players on the pitch and say, "What I'm meant to do, I can't look at them without feeling betrayed; she was my aunt.". 
Time skip: 3 weeks later 
Not a lot has happened except the fact that I've stopped talking to everyone. I'm now staying with Viv Beth and sometimes mom, but mostly Viv and Beth. I don't want to be at Arsenal anymore, so I've decided to have a meeting with the managers and other people to see what I can do to get out of here, even if that means I have to go to the USA. If I want to get out of here, I need to. 
It's like I'm suffocating while staying here. 
After the meeting (I can't be bothered to write it), 
So that was eventful for the first part of the meeting. They did want to let me go, but in the end, after I said I would quit football, they decided to lone me out to Gotham; it's a team in the USA. 
I don't really want to leave mom, and to be honest, I don't really want to leave mama, but I need a new start and a fresh slate. I want to go and be able to breathe. Maybe mom will follow me to the USA. I don't think Mama would, and to be honest, I haven't talked to Mama. I'm still angry at her, but she's still my Mama, and I still love her. 
It's been three weeks since we made the deal with Gotham. I have yet to tell anyone I need to tell them because in two days it's the end of the season. Then it's the World Cup, so I need to tell them today, but I don't know how to tell them. 
I'm sitting on the pitch, and a bunch of the girls next to me are all talking about the next game. the World Cup and the new signings that will happen Leah was talking about people transferring, and everybody was saying who they thought would go where. 
I say in a hushed tone, "I'm going to Gotham." I guess it wasn't quite, and Beth said loudly, "You're moving to Gotham!" 
There is a part two but I’ve not finished it it’s not my best work but I’ve got a few more from another app that I think I might post here the alexia one will be out when I write it which  will probably be soon
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2braincellslz · 1 year
Can i request Thomas Shelby x son! Reader, where the reader is the bastard child of him and no one knows about him except Tommy. The reader's mother dies and he gets sent to a distant relative who mistreat him. And the reader also knows who his real father is, and one day they meet and the reade is just really really sarcastic and Tommy somehow finds out that this disrespectful child is his kid he abandoned.
Father Dearest
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Relationship: Son!reader and Father!Thomas
Desc: (y/n) having to suffer with his Aunt and Uncle, he decided to spend his day at the Garrison only to run in to his long lost father.
(Y/n) tossed again, huffing in displeasure. The sun was rising now but it wasnt like he got much sleep. Back at his moms estate, that was definitely not given to her to keep her quiet, he slept in one of the softest beds imaginable. It was almost like sleeping on a cloud. Now, living with Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick, he slept on a potato sack. Sometimes he swore he felt needles poking him from inside the mattress.
(Y/n) tossed more more time for good measure before giving up. He rolled off of his piss poor mattress, if it could even be called that, and tugged on his slightly too small "street" clothes. That of witch was a old yellowed dress shirt, work pants, and a hat. His "caregivers" didnt get him anything else.
Now, Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick wernt poor. Far from it. They were just cheap. Cheap when it came to (y/n). Cheap to the point where (y/n) was forced to sleep in the attic rather the guest room.
Ann and Dick had their own kids. Viv, a younger girl, she was kind but then again the reality of the world hadn't hit her yet. And Shawn, a boy about the same age as (y/n). Shawn and (y/n) got along fairly well. Often, they would hang out under some bridge and gamble with eachother. Whether it be a quick game of black jack or some kind of contest.
Shawn was also the only person who know about the hush money (y/n) received weekly. Shawn knew why (y/n) was getting hush money. Shawn knew who the hush money was coming from. Shawn also knew that (y/n) would lie about going off to work, much preferring hanging out at one bar or another and people watching but it was only a matter of time before people watching got boring.
(Y/n) climbed up the stairs, in to the kitchen where Aunt Ann and Uncle Dick were already sat at the table. The maid, Lizabeth, was hard away working at the stove while Viv watched carefully. Shawn was stood by a mirror, checking his tie one last time.
"Hot date?" (Y/n) asked, lightly slapping the back of Shawn's head.
"God, I wish."
"(Y/n)!" Dick called from the kitchen "dont hit Shawn or you'll be out on the streets so fast your head will spin!"
Shawn and (y/n) couldn't help but give a look, trying not to burst out in to a fit of laughter.
Letting in to the living room, (y/n) took the couch that was practically calling for him to fall asleep in and Shawn took a arm chair.
"So what's with the get-up?" (Y/n) asked, pouring himself a glass of Morning liquor.
"Dad's wanting to introduce me to some of his clients. Saying that I better get used to the 'get-up'"
(Y/n) hummed, nodding. He took a sip of the wisky. Dick would kill him if he caught (y/n) dirking it.
"So , what's your plan?" Shawn asked, getting himself a Morning glass.
"Planning on swinging by the Garrison. Seeing if that bar maid position is still open."
Shawn made a face, one of confusion and studder worry. "The Garrison? The place you are payed not to go to?"
(Y/n) just smiled, tipping his glass to Shawn.
"You are utterly crazy. Mr. Shelby still visits!" Shawn whisper yelled, leaning forward.
"He hasnt seen me in, what, eighteen years? He won't recognize me." (Y/n) couldnt help the small smile that crept up on to his face at the sight of the great Thomas Shelby being tripped up over his long lost son. "He's too busy with his businesses to even notice me."
"And if he does?" Shawn rasied his eyebrows.
"They I say I have a right to be here. The money is so I dont, one, stake any claim on anything to do with the Shelby family, two, not tell anyone that my dad is The Great Tommy Shelby, and three, not bug Thomas. I can still go to the Garrison."
"You're insane." Shawn sat back, placing his glass on the side table.
"Shawn, my boy, are you ready?" (Y/n) shot back the rest of the drink as Dick turned the corner.
"Yes, sir." Shawn stood up, straightening his cuffs.
Dick started for the door. Just as Shawn was about the leave, he shot (Y/n) a warning look. 'Dont get yourself in to unwarranted trouble.'
"(Y/n)." Aunt Ann called. "We have... guests tonight. I would suggest you etheir stay out late or stay in your room. Make yourself scarce."
(Y/n) just rolled his eyes, grabbing his cap before heading out the door.
The walk to the Garrison was never boring. The roaring flames from the factory's and the smoke filling passer by lungs was always a grand way to wake up. Granted, it was the only way to wake up.
Pushing open the door to the Garrison, (y/n) made himself at home in one of the bar seats.
"Ah, (y/n)" the bartender who (y/n) never bothered to learn the name of smiled. "The usual?"
"Actually, I was wondering if the bar maid position was still available?" (Y/n) asked, lighting up a cigarette.
Just as the bartender was about to open his mouth, the door snapped open. While the bartender was quick to look up (y/n) took his time.
A taller man walked in (clearly already buzzed). He was dressed in a distressed and messy suit and had a bushy mustache. (Y/n) was no stranger to the man, having shared one or two drinks with him.
Another guy was right behind him, a lot yonger. (Y/n) could tag him as Finn, the youngest of the (now) three Shelby sons.
The kingpin wasnt far behind his two brothers.
"Alright, everybody out." Arthur shouted causing the one or two people who didnt have jobs to leave. Exept (y/n) who sat back against the bar.
Arthur glanced over, clearly trying too hard to be intimidating. "Oi, you deaf?"
"Nope. Just bored." (Y/n) took a long drag of his cigarette.
"You got a death wish?" Finn piped up. God, It was hard not to laugh. Finn was almost like a little dog barking with the rest of the german shepherds as if he was one in the same.
"Depends on the day. Today..." (y/n) paused, pretending to think it over. "Nah."
"You best be leaving then." Arther took over again.
"No." (Y/n) turned around, back to the Shelbys.
"Leave him be. He won't say anything." Thomas finally hushed his brothers. Almost as if trained dogs, they both shut up and sat down. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)." He didn't turn back around. "(Y/n) (l/n)"
(Y/n) though he was poking a bear with a stick, wasnt dumb. He knew not to out right say he was a Shelby so he used his long lost mothers name.
(Y/n) could hear the cogs turning In Thomas's head. He could feel his father's eyes burrowing in to the back of his head.
Arthur stared on about something or a another.
(Y/n) finished his cigarette just as the brothers were finishing up their little chat.
The stood next to (y/n) creaked slightly as one of the brothers sat down next to him. The bartender slid him a drink. There was a thud, money being placed on the counter, only Tommy did that.
"Do I know you?" Straight to the point.
"No. I dont think you do."
"Your last name sounds familiar." Tommy took a sip of his drink, watching his brothers leave the bar. "You're brave but dumb."
"Two of my best quality's." (Y/n) waved down the bartender whi handed in another drink. (Y/n) reached over and took the money Thomas was going to use to "pay" for his drinks, sliding it infront of himself.
"Do you have a job? Seems like a odd time for someone of your age to be hangin around bars."
"Nope, just got fired."
"Yet you dont have a death wish."
"Hated the fucking job." (Y/n) paused. He knew Thomas could see right through him. (Y/n) did know if it was a dad things
or a Thomas thing. "Boss's were scum. Good coworkers though."
"Isnt that always the case..." Tommy sipped his drink.
"You know." (Y/n) threw back the rest of his drink. "I always thought 'Tommy' was a odd name for a gang leader. You would expect something more... hard. 'Tommy' is a name you would expect a young sweet kid."
"And Thomas?"
"Thomas is a little better."
"A little?" Thomas looked over, not being able to hide the suddle smile.
"Mhm. (Y/n) is a much better." (Y/n) smiled back.
Thomas hummed, moving off of the seat. "Well, (y/n), next time you want to talk to your father you dont have to your uncles." Thomas said, leaving the bar.
(Y/n) jumped, nearly out of his skin. He quickly turned, nearly knocking himself out of this chair.
"What the fuck."
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woso-fan13 · 9 months
Sicktember 2023: 17 (Arsenal)
Magical Remedy/ Healing Potion
You had showed up to your mums’ house after dark, falling rain mixing with your tears as you waited for someone to open the door. You sniffled as the door was finally opened, Leah standing on the other side. Both of you froze- confused- for just a moment, neither expecting the other one to be there. 
But, thankfully, Leah could tell that you were teetering on regression and scooped you into her arms. Shutting the door to keep the chill out, Leah carries you down the hallway, shouting for your mums. Beth and Viv must sense the urgency in her voice, as they quickly appear in the kitchen doorway. 
They see you cuddled into her and they can instantly tell that you’re feeling really small. You’re also soaked from the rain and shaking from the cold, and they can see a stream of snot running down your face. Overall, a pitiful sight. 
Your Mama makes it to you first. She pulls you into her arms, shushing you as you whine as you leave Aunt Leah’s embrace. As soon as you’re settled into your Mama’s arms, though, you melt into Viv. She rocks slightly in place, cooing softly to you in Dutch. Your tears slow as you calm down, and they stop completely by the time Beth is in front of you. 
You Mummy pulls her sleeve over her hand, using the fabric to try and wipe your face clean. You grunt slightly, turning your head into Mama’s neck. Good news, your face was clean, bad news, Viv’s shirt was no longer clean. 
You hear Aunt Leah saying goodbye to your mums before you feel a gentle hand rubbing your back. She presses her nose to your temple, saying a quiet “goodnight, Love,” before pressing a kiss next to your eye. You’re far too little to find words- something all three women can sense- but you open and close one hand in a ‘bye-bye’ motion. 
Soon enough, it’s just the two mums and the poorly baby. You hear them talking, but you pay it no attention. You choose instead to focus on finding something you can put in your mouth. Too tired to lift your hand, you decide that Mama’s shirt makes a suitable pacifier and begin suckling. This prompts a laugh from your mums, but they allow you to continue as Viv carries you to the makeshift nursery. 
The two women make quick work of drying you off and changing you into a fresh nappy and pajamas. Once you’re settled, Mummy slips a pacifier into your mouth and clips the other end to your onesie. 
Mummy picks you back up, taking you into the living room. It was getting close to your bedtime, and they knew you would be sleepy soon. She sits on the sofa, laying you on top of her and trying to engage you in little games. 
What Mummy didn’t know was that you were feeling much too small and much too sick for peek-a-boo, so you decided to inform her by crying. She definitely understood the message, unfortunately the tears did cause you to start coughing. You’re red faced, coughing and gagging, when Mama comes in from the kitchen with a bottle. 
She sits next to you, pulling you into her lap and firmly patting your back while speaking calmly and softly. 
Once you’re finally calmed down, she offers you back to Mummy. You instead decide to lay yourself down across the both of them, demanding all of the attention. They easily comply, and your Mama moves to give you your bottle, but you whine and squirm. As she can see you getting worked up, Mummy puts a hand on your belly, rubbing nice circles. 
“Shh, Liefje, it’s okay. Mama’s got a special bottle for you, it’s nice and warm and sweet. And it’s magic, it will make you sleep and feel better when you wake up. Don’t you want the magical bottle?” Viv asks. 
You didn’t understand everything she said, but you did know magic. Magic means unicorns and dragons and all sorts of cool things, so you would be crazy not to want the bottle. 
Mama pops the bottle in your mouth, both women watching as your lips pout around the nipple, suckling gently. 
“What’s so magical about this bottle?” Beth asks.
“I put NyQuill in it,” Viv answers, shrugging, “She’ll sleep and she’ll feel better- and we don’t even need to fight her to take the medication.”
Beth nods her agreement, running her hand through your hair. You didn’t understand the big words they were saying, all you knew is that the magical baba was making you feel better and your mums were making you feel even better-er. And that’s all you needed to know that night, because after the bottle was emptied and your Mama had picked you up, you fell asleep before you could even notice your mums bypass the crib and settle you into the middle of their big bed. 
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howi99 · 5 months
A saint in Beacon Extra 2
Pyrrha: So Jeanne, you mentioned that your brother was coming to school but you seemed a bit uh... Apprehensive about it, why?
Jeanne: Oh don't get me wrong, i adore Jaune... But last time i saw him, he and mother and... Well, let's just say father didn't let her sleep in the house for a month. And Jaune... Jaune left to train with our aunt. It's been almost 2 years since i last saw him.
Nora: So what? It not like the dispute was because of you, right?
Nora: *sweating* R-right?
Jeanne: I hope not, i really do. The thing is, it was just after i got my semblance. When i began to train to become a huntress with the help of Gly- *cough* i mean with the help of the Headmistress.
Pyrrha: *looking at Jeanne with empathy* And... You think he was jealous?
Jeanne: *looking at Pyrrha, with a questioning look* Him? Jealous? Please, he got to train with mom and our aunt all day, jealousy is not even a concern. No it's... He's kinda... Overprotective?
Morgan: So you got your clothes?
Jaune: Yeah yeah, i got my clothes.
Morgan: Your dust crystal and your weapon?
Jaune: Yes Viv, i got everything in my backpack. Like the last 24 times you asked
Morgan: ... Your air sickness medication?
Jaune: ....... Wait those exist?
Morgan: *devious smile* Nah i was pulling your leg. But more seriously, Jaune, you are sure everything is ok?
Jaune: You mean excluding the fact i'm going to a school for huntsman? Of course!
Morgan: *rolling her eyes* i meant your sister dumbass. Jeanne will be your classmates.
Jaune: *smile fading* yeah... I should be ok. It's not like my mother decided to send her to the beowolf by making her Glynda's apprentice without proper training and all.
Morgan: You worry far too much Jaune. She's gonna be fine. And hey, you can do a lot of stuff now.
Jaune: yeah... But really, are you sure you don't have medicine for air sickness?
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axailslink · 1 year
Help me dip my hair
Some snippets of how that situation ^^^ with all of the characters I write for.
A/n: this is for my black readers especially because well this is a black reader thing. (Dipping your hair after getting braids by the way that's what's happening here.)
Shuri Udaku
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Shuri looks at the pot of water then back at you before shaking her head "I'm not doing that" you laugh seeing her weary facial expression "I'm not doing that you're not about to be mad at me because I accidentally burned you I'll have Okoye help you but I simply refuse." You grab her hand with a serious face "Okoye doesn't have hair what makes you think she knows anything about hair?" Shuri laughs "I don't know I just know I will not be blamed when you are burned." You grab your towel and press it into her hands anyway but she continues to shake her head she gently grabs your hair and pulls your head back a bit "this is giving me flashbacks." Shuri laughs as she grabs the pot and carefully dips the ends of your braids "dip them a bit further" she does as asked and you flinch purposely "damnit you burnt me" Shuri pauses in her actions "I'm sorry baby where!?" You laugh and she straight faces you as she sits the pot down "babe I'm sorry" she just glares at you as you catch your hair in the towel before it can drip all over the floor. "So you gone give me the silent treatment? It was just a joke I was joking" Shuri walks off leaving you in the kitchen you can't help but laugh to yourself.
Riri Williams
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Riri happens to be a pro at this she has you sitting in the chair and wraps a towel around your shoulders "babe don't burn me" Riri nods "I got you but you got to be still" You nod slowly as she gently dips the ends of your hair she slowly pulls the pot away and grabs your hair in the towel with one hand as she carefully places the pot out of the way. Riri gently dries the hair pulling down so it doesn't curl she sections the hair off and continues to dry it when she's done she taps your shoulder. "Baby you're good" you're honestly not surprised because you knew someone was doing her hair when it wasn't you.
Vivienne Scott (Scotty)
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Scotty is shaky as she pushes your head into the sink she grabs the pot and slowly pours it over the ends of your hair. Her mom watches from the couch curiously "Viv you know how to do hair?" Scotty puts the pot on the other side of the sink and places a towel under your hair "yeah I worked at a hair shop for a while." There is honestly nothing that Scotty can't do in your eyes people assume she's some kid but she's had many jobs she knows more than the average adult. "As she dries your hair over the sink you lean up and press a firm kiss to her lips causing her to smile and look away "hold on you can't be doing that all of a sudden you got me smiling." More knowledgeable than the average yet still easily flustered.
Jamie Harrison
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Has absolutely no idea what she's doing so you end up doing it on your own. "You sure you just don't want to cut it short like mine?" You raise a brow at her "Jamie if you come near my head with any sort of blade I I'm going to beat the dog shit out of you." Jamie looks at you confused "I don't know what the fuck that means..." You roll your eyes and shake your head "how does that even make sense Y/n? You can beat someone until they shit like a dog... Oh my God that's what it means?" You can't help but laugh at her moment of realization even though she is still very wrong. You end up doing this on your own however Jamie does pay close attention just in case she has to later.
Rosalie Otterbourne
(help me style my finger waves since you know her character is set in the 1930s)
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Rosalie eyes you from over the counter but says nothing as you play a hard game of spades with her aunt. "Rosie can you do my hair for me? Me and Salome have a big performance tonight" Rosie smiles "why you telling me like I ain't know? I arranged it" she carefully comes behind you and takes the rollers out of your hair you hand her the bobby pins which she holds in her mouth as she carefully places them. Rosalie will tell you and anyone else she knows nothing about hair but when asked oh Rosalie will deliver she's a bit heavy handed but she definitely knows what to do.
A/n: not going to lie doing these saves me so much time
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 6
Am I going to tease you with more reconnect before WIP Wednesday? Why, yes, yes I am.
This chapter was a blast to write. We get some of the petals of the past to unfold, just a little.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4  Part 5  
Robin began her grovelling by making french toast with homemade whipped cream and strawberry jam.
Both Steve and Edie were drawn out of their rooms as the sweet smell of vanilla and spices filled their home. They made their way to the kitchen and sat down at the counter.
“Looks fantastic, Aunt Robbie,” Edie said.
Robin smiled timidly. “Can’t let my favorite people go hungry, now can I?”
Steve and Edie shared a glance and grinned.
“We definitely won’t say no to french toast,” Steve agreed.
She piled them them up on two plates and handed each one to Steve and Edie. “This is me saying I’m sorry about earlier. Eddie Munson, for all his problems, is not an emergency.”
“How did Viv react when you told her you were going to storm the castle?” Edie asked around a large mouthful of food.
Vivian Knightley was Robin’s most recent girlfriend. Tall, gorgeous. An actual fucking model. They had met in New York last year when Nancy had done an expose on the dangers of the fashion industry and Robin had tagged along to ogle the pretty ladies. No one was surprised when she took the prettiest one home with her.
“Uh...” Robin said, blinking slowly. “She was supportive but annoyed?”
Steve clicked his tongued. “Annoyed that the plan was for her to come out to Indy with you and suddenly you’re leaving her in New York for the next couple of days?”
Robin blushed. “I’ll pardon me, while you eat the fruits of my grovelling for you two, I’m going to go grovel to my girlfriend.”
“Send her flowers,” Steve called as she exited the room. “Spare no expense. I mean it.”
“Yeah, yeah, Romeo,” Robin said. “I’ve got this.”
Edie just shook her head. “I don’t know why people think Romeo is the height of romance. Dude couldn’t keep either of the girls he was crushing on.”
Steve laughed. “Rosaline sure dodged that bullet.”
A few minutes later Robin came back with blush high on her cheeks. “Yeah, I’m going to have to get flowers at the very least.”
Steve raised an eyebrow and then shook his head. “We’ll go out for dinner tomorrow and you can lay out your plan for making sure you don’t get dumped this weekend.”
Robin sighed dramatically. “I really screwed the pooch this, didn’t I? I got everyone made at me.”
Edie and Steve shared a glance and Steve sighed, too.
“I know you meant well,” he said tersely, “but I don’t know why you think it was Eddie’s fault. It never was. I have told the same story over and over. He confessed, I turned him down, my parents came back and said they would do better. I was at a low enough point in my life that I believed them.”
Robin sighed. “He really didn’t hurt you?”
Steve pursed his lips and shook his head. “Really. I know Addison is a bitch extraordinaire but I’m the idiot that fell for her charms, okay? Plus, I think I got the best part of that deal. I got a beautiful daughter, I’m the CEO of a tech company worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and I’m happy. You want to know what she got?”
“Nothing?” Robin asked with a grimace.
“She’s got my parents,” Steve replied, “and is living miserably in Chicago where she can’t find a man that will take her with bad dye job and sagging breasts.”
“They say the best revenge is living well,” Robin said with a smile.
Steve smiled back. “Exactly.”
Robin threw her arms in the air in defeat. “You win.”
“It’s nice to win once in a while,” Steve said with a happy sigh. “You should visit more often.”
Edie scoffed. “Like you don’t win when she’s not around.”
“Are you kidding?” Steve asked. “Between you and Dustin, I always lose.”
Edie cocked her head to the side and then nodded. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
Steve and Robin laughed.
Edie went to school the next day, grateful it was Friday. She wished middle schools and high schools had early out days like the elementary schools. It would make her life far more pleasant. But as it was she still looked forward to the weekend.
Mandy came up to her at their lockers. She chewed on her lip nervously. “So I talked to my dad…”
“I hope you got farther along then I did,” Edie grumped. “My Aunt Robin came to visit early and threw a bomb into getting information out of either of them.”
Mandy sighed. “Not really,” she said, slamming her locker shut and leaning against it. “All Dad would say is that was just a series of missed connections and that neither one is at fault.”
Edie slammed her own locker so hard it bounced back in her face. She slammed it again and this time the lock engaged. “That’s not what it feels like. They didn’t talk for nearly twenty years. This just doesn’t make sense.”
They walked to class together in stony silence.
At lunch Harri was able to shine some light on the situation.
“Dad said that Harrington had three strikes against him,” he said.
Edie raised her eyebrows. “He really called my dad by our last name?”
Harri nodded. “He only told me the first one, but I can guess the other two.”
Kenny raised an eyebrow. “What’s the first one?”
Harri picked at his food again. “My Dad confessed that he was in ‘love’ with ‘Harrington’ and that he had brushed it off. That said that all they were was friends and maybe not even that. They had both had near death experiences and hadn’t really had time to get to know each other.”
“Harsh,” Mandy said softly.
“Wait, I have a theory it might not be harsh as we think,” Edie said, chewing at her bottom lip. “Harri do you know when the witch hunt for your dad was?”
He shrugged. “Spring of ‘86 approximately.”
“And what was your dad’s band name?” Edie asked, pulling out her phone.
“Oh!” Mandy said. “I know that one. It was Corroded Coffin.”
Kenny nodded appreciatively. “Bitching band name.”
Edie and typed into the search when Corroded Coffin got their start. “Well shit. It was completely dick move on my dad’s part, but an understandable one.”
She turned the phone around to where it showed they got their record deal in July of that same year.
“Dad said him and Harri’s dad became friends after the witch hunt,” Edie explained. “Which means...”
“Holy shit,” Kenny said, “that’s a really narrow window.”
Harri was silent for a moment. “I–I think my dad was in love with yours before the witch hunt.”
The whole table fell silent.
“That would explain why Mr Munson took it so hard,” Mandy said, her shoulder hunched up around her ears. “To love somebody and then have them narrow your relationship down to trauma bonding? I’m not sure I would recover either.”
“But that doesn’t sound like my dad...” Edie whined. “He wouldn’t do that.”
Harri chewed on his thumb. “I don’t think it was like that. I think Dad’s angry. Because I’ve seen pictures of him before and after they got famous and there is this ring that Dad used to have on his right hand. He said he lost it and I believed him until band practice.”
Edie nodded. “Dad doesn’t like talking about the ring, though Aunt Robin used to argue for him getting rid of it or pawning it, but he always refused. I think we just figured out why.”
Mandy nodded. “Like my dad said, I think that they just kept missing each other. But it’s obvious that Harri’s dad has some real bad hang ups. And I don’t think we should get involved.”
Edie frowned. “I know, but what about the other two incidences that made Mr Munson so upset. Because Harri said he mentioned three.”
Harri sighed heavily. “I think he’s referring to the funerals. I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think Mr Harrington made it to either one.”
“Funerals? Plural?” Mandy asked. “I know about the one for their bandmate Brian Martin. Dad said that something came up and Mr Harrington couldn’t make it.”
Edie’s frown grew deeper. She wasn’t sure but she had an idea when that was and if she was right...she would blow Mr Munson’s fucking mind.
“Hey, Harri?” she asked. “Do you think I could come over to your place after school?”
Harri shrugged. “I don’t see how it would be problem. What’s up?”
Edie looked down at her hands. “My mother is, as my Aunt Nancy said, a grade A bitch. And I think I have a piece to the puzzle your dad didn’t have before.”
Harri looked at her for a moment. “And you want to tell him? Why not let your dad tell him?”
Edie shrank even further on herself. “Because he doesn’t know.”
Everyone shared a shocked glance.
“Then how would you know?” Kenny asked.
Edie licked her lips and pursed them. “Dad doesn’t know that sometimes she’ll call me up out of the blue and try to turn me against him. She’ll throw insults and bring up horrible shit he did. Her favorite thing to do is tell me how easy he was to manipulate.”
“Fuck.” Harri was so glad that his papa hadn’t been like that. “Yeah. We can go over to my place after school.”
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9  Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @thylatrek @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter
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Unfortunately people like Viv are everywhere and only getting more brazen. I have a aunt who is in her 62 who is a director in theatre, she just had a meeting with "a foul mouthed little madam" who wanted her to direct her play. She says this woman had a story idea but couldn't expand on anything my aunt asked leaving the story shallow, she went on to admit she wanted to work alongside a director, she clearly wasn't used to being questioned, behaviour petulant and she cursed every few words, to top it off she admitted that she wouldn't pay her for adapting the story. My aunt said this wasn't for her as she doesn't have the time for all that work with no pay, this woman went on to curse her out and make accusations about how she must be such and such phobic which had my aunt scratching her head as she knew nothing about this woman and could barely make sense of her story. This woman boasted about how she graduated from a top university, has connections and followers and that my aunt, who has been behind the scenes in theatre and tv for 40 years, has blew it. 🤣 All this just reminded me of a certain someone, only much less powerful because the theatre she's currently at only got a single one star review with no words straight after.
So many people like her
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
(wtf where are moms who kill* husbands why there are litterally so many characters who have dead moms...)
My friends don't give me enough reply on my HB rants so now you're my friend for hour lol
Btw i wanted to rant about it more lmao sorry. forgive me mother for not sending you ask about Striker™.
Actually this is a terrible writing right here. Honestly im not so much into shaming authors for writings things i don't like (like i don't like seeing bad writers getting bullied. No matter popular of not. I hate seeing shaming and harassment even for someone such popular as viv, since for me rethoric overlaps very much with how female, kids, and queer writers get treated.)
but this trope is so overpopular i just need to rant to someone.
I only liked it in ducktales 2017 because she is apparently alive and very akward mother, but interesting character still. :D
I also like. Hate it. Like... If you need mother-related-drama, why just get them killed off-screen and never write (and design) them at all, and show them, what they actually meant, like they're non-existen hallucinations in a dream.
If you just need to throw out mother from family, THERE ARE TONS of funnier/angstier/happy for her ways to do it. Like. Idk she can just divorce man and get happier life/family, with someone else. It would be more painful for character that their lovely, kind, supportive mom is alive, but is unreachable, and maybe even choosed not to be near kid (for any reason. Probably dad was at fault not letting her get her child back or whatever you want to write). She can become brutal assasin and gangster :D Or anything, really. Maybe she have a criminal job and it's better to left kid behind, or is a political activist who don't want their kid be threatened by violent tyrants. Heck maybe she is even IN family but pretends to be aunt or anything else. Maybe she just reverse-dad-runned-to-get-milk-uno-card and ran first :'D we like. Have all kinds of mothers.
BUT. i also don't see why you need to kill specifically mother and left her as unwritten character to fan's imagination and writing. Idk why not unalive father and give us conflicting gangster couple of lesbians for Moxxie parents.
If it's a queer show, why not have queer parents? Why go with nuclear monogamous family? Esp in hell where all queers "go to" lol. What about poly family. Just sinner orphans, who died due to illness, while their parents still alive? Idk what about single parents. What if cool aunt™ was soo cool kid decided to live with them for sharing their interests and just rejected parents lol. Artificial Birth can exist too in hell i think, since "playing in god" with science is also a sin. Also if it's a hell, why not write some species just intersex or nonhuman? They can have any other stupid form of reproduction (and even magical and horrorish, surreal, relating to sin maybe. Imagine people in gluttony have to vomit kid formed from overeating idk.), or family system model, that doesn't involve two parents as the most important in kid's life. Like lions. Idk. They can just form communities and then all care about kids, and dont treat them as "theirs", or have special professionals to care, like ants do.
characters relationships with moms can be not even a bit less interesting with mothers than with fathers (i kinda have all my characters have very messy and interesting relationships with them, and i left fathers completely unwritten lol like viv treats moms) and seeing mothers overpowering husbands or them being non-mattering in characters life at all (like, that the kid doesn't even mourn or sad about it, and care more about other people.) is funnier.
OKAY SO the fuck. Like EVEN SECONDARY characters apparently have their moms dead?? (yes agent one im looking at you).
I just noticed how it plain weird when i noticed it more. Like... We had moxxie, blitz, fizz (who is a complete orphan as i rember), barbie, and agent one in anonymous "momless" club. Add if i missed someone. Wtf? Andddd we didn't even saw their faces, we Didn't even saw them speaking... Idk, even if you want to give moxx dead mom, why not let her live, and then boom. And then moxxie gets so mad, and audience get so mad and cancels viv again.
It's just so... Damn unsatisfying. And then we have stella who is just depicted as pure evil. Dammit.
Also, im mad at choice to make agent one's mom dead for literally only very cliche joke. (i hope she will get back on earth to see him, but as demon. that'll be interesting since he works as demon-hunter lol)
why at all blitz should make MOM joke? It would be more unexpected in show that always throws mysoginystic slurs swears and jokes if it. Was about NOT females. Idk what about dog. Or father. Maybe even grandpa lmao. EVEN BARBER (or how men who do haircuts for other men called i dont rember) WOULD BE HILARIOUS OPTION. Imagine him going "MY BARBER IS DEAD!!" i would die from laugh.
Maybe even some religious symbol. There are SO many possible relatives and important things for character, but ppl always go with boring mom-jokes and boring mom-is-dead-counter-joke. Would be funny too if blitz saw him having some demon husbando/waifu pin somewhere and then going "lmao i sitted on a face of your fictional crush sorry" and THEN agent would have a whole cry about it.
I swear i don't like how viv treats female characters in her shows... And jokes with them. She just constantly throws very boring, mysoginystic, and generic swears at them without any punchline, instead of showing something interesting or funny about them. :( if i wanted to see slut-shaming i would just go straight to reddit. Idk if you want to show how your character insults sex-positive female char, why not make it idk more personal or unrelated? We, like, saw it thousands times. And lived with it even... Would be more fresh to see how characters are like "ok i cannot say a bad thing about woman doing what she wants." and they insult them for other reasons and hobbies. Tho it's so hard to not depict succubus/sexual character not only as 1-dimensional person who have other interests, isn't it... Idk... Sorry for rant lmao my brain fog is shit sorry if it's barely coherent and ty for reading it to end lmao
There’s some kind of inane Madonna whore complex in this show, the writers have the most backwards outdated misogynistic beliefs I’ve seen in years. For cryin out loud Viv thinks the biggest problem in society right now is that women are too mean to men.
Yeah what’s with Stolas insisting that they keep the monogamous heterosexual marriage going?? It’s so obvious that he was the one fighting against the idea of a divorce. Not Stella. She wanted out. He refused because he wanted Octavia to have a “normal” life. Even though he himself has traumatised her countless times. Then he cheats and decides he wants out. He decides when it’s time. What a control freak. Women become enraged when they don’t have control of their own lives, when men control their lives. And that’s exactly what we see with Stella.
It’s stupid that Crimson drowned “his wife” who doesn’t even have a fucking name but the random shark bodyguard does because that’s a perfect yaoi ship opportunity. None of the men are heterosexual and yknow what? That’s actually really stupid and not good representation at all. It’s just an AU where everyone is bisexual or gay. But nobody is lesbian.
All the moms are dead or just mean. Fucking lame.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
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Swimming Lessons
Part 1/3
A/N: Soo I did it thanks to @mal-urameshi for the idea.
Summary; Okoye puts Riri in swimming lessons. Okoye meets er daughter's swimming coach Attuma. Okoye isn't going to do anything except look at him that's all.
Tag gang: @mal-urameshi @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty
Okoye would say she is a pretty okay mom. The greatest but enough that her daughter wouldn't die by her negligence. And like any helicopter parent Okoye put her three-year-old in swimming lessons. As much as she loved her daughter, Riri was a menace in a loving way. Riri couldn't sit still when she gets her hair done or sitting her car seat. So what does any parent do when they have an active child putting in classes.
Okoye had her daughter in ballet, karate, and piano lessons. The young mother was doing everything to keep miss.busybody from being too busy in her room. Plus on some mommy blog it said it was important for Riri’s age group to socialize with their peers. And her daughter was a genius but she just read the room incorrectly sometimes.
“Oh Riri,” Aneka greeted as she wrapped her arms around the young girl. Aneka took her job as the fun auntie very seriously always trying out for her niece.
“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you,” Aneka commented as she glared at her sister,” It’s almost like someone is keeping you away from me.”
"She needs to run this energy," Okoye reasoned to Aneka as she rolled her eyes. Her sister squahed down to Riri's height as she gave her a piece of candy.
"Thank you, Auntie!" Riri shouted as she hug her aunt. Okoye rolled her eyes, "That's why she is in so many classes."
Aneka scoffed at the insult, "Hey she's needs some fun in her life. And it's not like you and Ayo are going to do it?"
"She's needs structure-“ Okoye started.
"in her life. This is the foundation she needs and going to rely on when she gets older, I know I know," Aneka finished her sister's statement.
"It's good to know you listen to me every once and while," Okoye responded. Aneka waved her hand not taking what her sister was saying to her seriously, "So what's the next class that my Riri have to go to now? How to detonate a bomb?"
Okoye rolled her eyes before she can tell her sister about her daughter's next class. Riri jumped up and down, "I'm going to learn how to swim!"
Aneka's lighten up around her niece, "Really? That sounds like fun."
Riri nodded, "Yeah and I'm learning how to swim like swordfish because they swim really fast."
"Really where did you learn about that?" Aneka asked Riri puffed her chest loving the special attention that her aunt was giving her, "Mama and me went to the library today."
"Can you show me the book you got from the library?" Aneka asked Okoye inwardly groaning knowing her sister was going to give her unneeded advice from the peanut gallery. Aneka stood back up to her normal height, "I'm just saying I find it funny how you're the only one entertaining and taking care of her while you know who isn’t doing his share of the work.”
Okoye could only pressed her lips together as she waited for her sister to finish with rant with her good for nothing ex-husband. From Okoye’s view they went into marriage too fast and were pressured by their parents and traditions that their relationship just frizzed out.
“I mean the only good thing that happened from that relationship was having Riri,” Aneka commented as she was finally getting to the end of her rant. Okoye just nodded along letting her sister finish her ranting about her ex-husband. Okoye's eyes followed her daughter's movements between her bouncing on her toes while reading.
"Thanks for your unneeded advice," Okoye said as she moved closer to take her daughter's hand quickly leaving her sister's apartment.
"Are you ready for your swimming lesson?" Okoye asked her pebble as she buckled her in. Riri nodded, "Yeah, I can't wait to tell VIv and Miles about it."
Okoye went to the driver's seat. She looked through the reflection mirror at Riri, "Let's go, swordfish."
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