#assume all details about their outfits stay the same
ageless-soul-au · 10 months
ASAU redesigns!
Hey everyone! We've been thinking about this for a while, and we've decided it would be a good idea to redesign some of our characters so as to be more inclusive and break away from the common WhiteBoi cast of heroes. As with everything we handle in ASAU, we're aiming to treat this change with the respect it deserves. To that end, here are some of the redesigns! Sky and Fae will probably be our most dramatic changes, and we hope you like them!
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And here are some minor changes!! Hyrule and Sun :3
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Mk1 intros with exotic dancer!reader
While reader has no bodily description, the vibe I'm going for is
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Please enjoy these self indulgent intros! I have put more details about the reader insert under the intros but see how much you can piece together from the dialogue 😂 Also black text is the reader
Johnny * "How much for a dance, beautiful?" "For you and Kenshi? Always on the house..." * "Think about it, gorgeous! You and I? On the red carpet?! IN THAT RED OUTFIT OF YOURS!!" "I'm not sure I'd enjoy the public scrutiny..." * "You are an entertainer like me in Earthrealm?" "An entertainer of sorts... remind me to show you Ninja Mine when we get back home!" * "Many of your earthrealm friends seemed confused that I am bound to both you and Kenshi?" "Yeah... explaining polyrelationships on earth is a bit harder than Outworld..."
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Kenshi * "It pains me terribly to know that you can't see me dance anymore..." "I can still see you in a sense. Besides love, I can feel your dancing much more acutely now." * "How many lucky men have seen the red outfit?" "Just you and Johnny..." * "We have already been threatened by the Empress and Princesses to not hurt you love..." "The bite marks you both left probably didn't help your case!" * "Does everyone in Outworld know about your relationship with me and Johnny?" "Unfortunately, court gossip spreads fast, more so regarding me or Mileena..."
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Sindel * "Remember my dear, there will always be a place at court for you, should you want it." "Thank you Aunt Sindel!" * "All those times you took the blame for Mileena, I did know about it - thank you." "It helped Mileena's reputation in court to not always the troublemaker, it was necessary." * "Please do not blame Mileena so much for that one night: Tarkat is very easy to contract." "And yet dear, you lived your entire life on the streets and never contracted it?"
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Mileena * "Based on the noises I heard from your bedchamber last night, I assume the earthrealmers are good at pleasuring?" "Mil, pleasure doesn't even BEGIN to describe the feeling..." * "Do you remember that celebration by the sea front when you thr-" "SHUSH - Mother does not know about that night..." * "How can you forgive me for blinding your lover?! I wouldn't blame you for hating me-" "You didn't have control! Kenshi knows that and I do too. Besides, how can you forgive me for letting you contract Tarkat?"
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Kitana * "A little birdie told me that Raiden likes you..." "I believe that may have been exaggerated..." * "Do you promise you will come back to visit?" "Of course Kit, I'll be back before you know it!" * "Li Mei still does not approve of your choices-" "Believe me, that will not change any time soon."
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Li Mei * "I am only looking out for the Princesses' well-being!" "By isolating them from their only friend outside the palace?" * "With your talent, you could have been a better umgadi than Tanya and yet you choose to be an entertainer?!" "I choose to live and enjoy life: not just survive it!" * "Despite what you believe, I am proud of your skill-" "Then maybe show it once in a while!"
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Tanya * "Does anyone know about our training?" "No, and I'd prefer it to stay that way." * "Look after Mileena AND Kitana while I am gone - they are like sisters to me." "Of course - it is my honour and duty" * "Thank you for supporting me and Mileena." "I was allowed to be with who I love; Mileena deserves the same."
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Raiden * "Do I make you uncomfortable Raiden?" "Uh... uncomfortable is not the word I would use..." * "I can put in a good word to Kitana for you~" "Thank you - that is very kind!" * "Did Johnny explain the relationship to you?" "I... understand the basic principle..."
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Kung Lao * "What does Johnny have that I don't?!" "Better table manners for one." * "How much for a dance?" "I doubt you could afford it!" * "Is it true you were engaged to Reiko?!" "He and I grew up together, nothing more."
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Bihan * "I will not associate with an outworld whore!" "You do understand that I am a dancer and not a prostitute? Right?" * "I will not be bewitched Sorceress!" "So you DO find me attractive!" * "I heard about the offer you made to Kuai Liang..." "Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?"
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Kuai Liang * "I am here to offer you my services... in ANY capacity... or position... you wish..." "Are you still speaking of kombat?" * "I hear you have a red outfit-" "Unfortunately handsome, that is just for Johnny and Kenshi." * "Kombatant or dancer, if I wanted your services, how much-" "For you? On the house..."
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Tomas * "Did you ever feel that you did not belong when you lived with the princesses?" "I was fortunate enough to have been friends with both Mileena and Kitana before Aunt Sindel took me in." * "If it puts you at ease, Madam Bo told me of Raiden's how-you-say 'crush' as well, not just yours..." "I can't believe she told you!" * "Kenshi? I am confused, Johnny said-" "This really is a bizarre concept to earthrealmers, isn't it?"
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Ashrah * "I heard what your Kriss said about Mileena and Kitana - what does it say about me?" "It says that you are a better person than you let on and that you keep your kindness guarded?" * "You know, I could show you a few moves to impress Syzoth?..." "Oh... thank you?" * "Perhaps you could do me a favour and not tell anyone about the having-a-good-heart revelation from your sword - I have a reputation to keep up." "If that is what you wish."
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Syzoth * "Ashrah is a lucky girl... that being said, my offer for a dance is still on the table..." "Oh... umm I appreciate the offer?" * "Ashrah says you are a better person than most people think." "I TOLD HER TO KEEP THAT A SECRET!" * "If it is any consolation, the people of Outworld considered me a freak as well." "It is comforting to know that someone so beautiful has shared my struggles."
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General Shao * "I heard about your relationship with the earthrealmers!" "UGH who told you?!" * "You only survived through Royal nepotism!" "Are you still upset about me defeating you at the banquet?! * "Your attractiveness is ruined by your demeanour and personality." "Is this the great general finally admitting his attraction towards me?"
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Reiko * "I heard the rumours, your relationship with the earthrealmers-" "Is none of your concern!" * "Had you not left the palace, we would have been engaged!" "There are plenty of reasons we would NOT have been engaged, Reiko." * "You were practically handed a position at court?!" "I chose my freedom Reiko - I did not want to spend the rest of my life as Li Mei's shadow the way you are with the general!"
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Shang Tsung * "I want a dance - name your price..." "Easy - YOUR HEAD!" * "I hear you do more than dance for the earthrealmers..." "DOES EVERYONE KNOW ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP?" * "Not so innocent, are you?" "Like you have any right to judge me!"
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For this backstory description to make sense age wise, I'm going to use human years on the scale that Mileena and Kitana are in their 20s with the reader being the same age as Mileena. Backstory: reader is an orphan who grew up with Reiko - the two were just your average street urchins. At around age 7 when they were stealing from the market, reader saw two girls who were very lost and distraught. They asked her if she could show them the way back to the palace. Assuming they were joking, she ignored the request but asked them to hang out with her until their parents arrived. So the three girls and Reiko spent the rest of the day having fun. The next day, Li Mei found the four children and brought them back to the palace saying to Sindel that the reader and Reiko should receive punishment. However, Mileena and Kitana both vouched for them and their abilities in kombat. Shao, upon hearing this, decided to take Reiko under his wing. Meanwhile, Sindel was overjoyed to see that Mileena and Kitana made their first and only friend outside of the palace and decided to take reader in to be trained as an umgadi. So for the next few years, Li Mei trained reader in kombat and the ways of palace life but this did not stop reader and Mileena to sneak out of the palace at any given chance. By the time reader was 16, it was time for her to take the umgadi vows but reader shocked everyone by saying she wants to be a street performer instead of an umgadi. Sindel agreed with the condition that whenever reader is in Sun Do, she will stay at the palace with them. So the reader split her time between staying in Sun Do and travelling.
In terms of trying to match this up with MK1, following Reiko's defeat, Sindel is ready to yell at Li Mei for failing to secure the entertainment when Reader walks through the door offering to do so. The royal family immediately go to hug her leaving the earthrealmer gang confused. Liu Kang then explains the story to Raiden, Kung Lao and a smitten Johnny and Kenshi. The banquet takes place with the reader as the entertainer. When Raiden's toast is interrupted by Shao, reader tells him to back down with a fight ensuing with reader as the victor. She ends up becoming very fond of the earthrealmers and decides to spend time with them. The game then unfolds as usual and after the festival when the earthrealm players return, reader goes with them alongside Ashrah and Syzoth. By the end of the game, reader returns to earth with Johnny and Kenshi with the promise to return Outworld soon. (Also let's say everyone survives in this scenario because I love writing intros for Sindel).
@redlotus98 maybe it's time to make an MK branch of the red house universe...👀
Let me know if you want to see intros for characters talking about the reader
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Reliable - Sebek
Author's Notes: This fic is for @rainbowcake1212 for my 300 Followers Event! I hope you enjoy your Hot Chocolate and Cheesecake fic!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ romantic/ Hot Chocolate and Cheesecake prompt
Word count: 2454
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I stared, flabbergasted, at Sebek, who merely looked at me with that point-blank stare of his.
“So let me get this right…. You are getting harassed by overly pushy noble ladies seeking a…”
“A relationship.” He finished impatiently, scowling slightly before he continued, “I have rejected them countless times, but they still return. They no doubt wish to use me to get close to my Lord, but I will not allow it.”
A smug grin crossed his face as he finished, no doubt proud that he was protecting Malleus from a perceived threat. It was just sad that he didn’t realize he was perfectly worth being interested in all on his own without his connection to Malleus.
“And you want me to accompany you to this ball as your fake date?” I questioned him, hardly even able to believe that he had even brought this up.
And he simply nodded in confirmation, like there was nothing odd about it. 
I shook my head incredulously, “Wouldn’t it be better to find someone a little more… I don’t know, impressive, to scare off your suitors?”
His eyebrows rose in a surprisingly slow climb for someone quite as hot-blooded as Sebek, “No.” 
His hand twitched at his side, no doubt a sign of agitation at his having to request assistance from a human such as myself, “You will do perfectly well.”
I found myself shrugging, still not entirely certain about Sebek’s grand scheme but also willing to help. After all, it couldn’t be pleasant to be pursued by someone you’d already rejected.
 “Alright, I’ll do it. What do I need to know?” That ended up being the question I wished I’d never asked since that was the question that led to my copious and detailed instruction regarding the Valley of Thorns and its many, many customs.
But, come the day of the ball, I was certainly prepared. Especially since Mrs. Zigvolt herself had gotten me a suitably dressy outfit ready.
She’d been thrilled that Sebek had brought a friend home, and then even more delighted when she found I was going to be his partner for the evening. Even after I’d told her I was just his fake date, she remained delighted. Chuckling slightly to herself as she’d gotten my measurements, “Of course, dear. Of course.”
I’d frowned at her but kept my silence, not quite having the heart to tell her that Sebek was anything but interested in me. I was just handy for the current situation he was in. 
We were friends, but I doubted that line would ever be crossed since I was human and he’d made it painfully clear how he felt about humans in general. But, at the very least, pretending to be his date for the evening might be fun. Even if just a little.
And so I entered the palace on Sebek’s arm, doing my best to not be distracted by how good he looked in his clean-cut suit that made him look like a true knight even though he was still in training. 
If I hadn’t been able to see it before, I could certainly see why he had a great many suitors who were apparently hounding him.
The doors swung open as we arrived, carefully walking down the wide staircase into the ballroom filled with fae, who all turned to openly stare at us.
 Over at the raised dais, I could see Malleus, guarded by Lilia and Silver, alongside a seated woman whom I could assume was the queen.
The three of them seemed pleased to see me alongside Sebek, but I couldn’t say the same for everyone present.
There were several women, in particular, who seemed rather annoyed by my presence. Or perhaps it was more who I was with.
I leaned closer to Sebek, smiling relaxedly even as I whispered to him, “So what is it, exactly, that you’re wanting me to do?”
He glanced at me with one raised eyebrow, totally ruining the image of a happy couple by the lack of smile on his face, “You merely need to stay by my side.”
He spoke like that was obvious, and I sighed. Apparently, selling this relationship was going to be entirely up to me. 
And our first test came all too soon as a younger-looking noble came over, a smile on his face as he greeted Sebek, “Ah. It is good to see you again, Master Zigvolt. I am sure you are relieved to be home from school.” 
I watched awkwardly as the formalities were dispensed, feeling halfway like I was watching some sort of period film from a front row seat, until the man twisted to look at me, a charming smile on his face as he looked down at me, “And this is…?”
“Mine.” The response was blunt and immediate and had me looking up in utter shock at Sebek, who seemed perfectly relaxed. Like he hadn’t just spouted something utterly ridiculous, even if I was his fake date.
I smiled awkwardly as I looked back at the young man, who looked just as startled as I was, confirming that ‘mine’ was an odd way of introducing one’s partner even in the Valley of Thorns.
“Yes, I am Sebek’s partner,” I calmly let my hand continue to rest where it was, tucked through the crook of Sebek’s elbow, even as I squeezed his arm slightly in annoyed revenge. Earning myself an odd look from Sebek as I began cleaning up his mess.
“Please, call me Y/n,” The man nodded, smiling awkwardly as the two of us pretended that Sebek hadn’t just calmly asserted that I belonged to him. The man went on with what I assumed were more common pleasantries before at last bidding us adieu.
“It was a pleasure to have met you.” He bobbed his head awkwardly before quickly retreating as soon as he’d finished his piece. Leaving me to look up at Sebek in still frustrated shock.
“What was that?” I hissed at Sebek, earning myself an incredulous look from the young man, who apparently had seen nothing wrong with the introduction he’d given for me.
“I was letting him know that you were with me,” He was still utterly flummoxed, dragging a sigh out of me.
I’d known that Sebek was utterly hopeless, but this… I honestly hadn’t expected it to be quite this bad.
“Sebek, you can’t just introduce me as yours. No one does that. You need to just let people assume we’re together,” I quietly explained as we continued to meander through the room. Dodging various other guests who continued to watch the two of us with curious gazes.
“And why are people staring so much anyway? Is it that odd for you to come with someone?” Sebek was apparently more prepared for this line of conversation since he responded much more promptly and with less confusion as he shook his head.
“No. They are not used to humans. My father does not come to these… celebrations. The only human usually present is Silver, and he has already proved himself to be a competent knight. Other than that, it is only ever dignitaries.” I nodded as I mulled over his words, not entirely liking what they meant.
“So I’m the odd one here?” His nod confirmed my words, and I sighed, wondering for the thousandth time why he thought I would be a good choice for his fake date.
“Alright, what do we do next? Is there anyone you need to greet?” I looked up at him questioningly as he stopped us off to the side of the room. Glancing around as if to check that no one was too close to overhear us, even though people had been giving us wide-berth the entire time.
I suppose it was easier for them to observe from a distance.
“No, if anyone wishes to speak to me, they will come. At most, we’ll have to do one dance. For now, I’m going to get something to drink. Stay here,” So saying, he strode off. Straight-backed and proud as ever, even though it seemed like absolutely everyone was questioning his choice on his date. Including myself.
But that was the way Sebek often was. It was impossible to tell what was going to bother him and what wasn’t. While certain things being said about him would bother him endlessly, others wouldn’t. 
What surprised me was that the others whispering about the fact he’d come with a human didn’t bother him. It was true that his parents were a human and fae match, but I’d figured that such a thing would bother him.
I frowned, watching as one of the fae broke off from the crowd and approached me. It was a woman.
She was, just like the other fae, absolutely gorgeous. But, more importantly, she had me pointed and was obviously approaching to have a word with me. And if my reasons for being at this ball were anything to go by, it was going to have something to do with Sebek and what I was doing with him.
This was quite likely one of the suitors he’d wished to deter.
She smiled as she stopped in front of me, “You must be Sebek’s partner. I confess I wasn’t aware he had someone he was with until the two of you appeared. It is lovely to meet you.”
Her tone was sweet, and, to anyone watching, she would appear quite genuine. But there was something in the way she held herself, like a snake poised to strike at the very instant I gave her an opening, that spoke of anything but sweetness.
But this was something I’d already been prepared for. While Sebek hadn’t mentioned it, Lilia had.
The suitors Sebek so wished to deter weren’t likely to just accept that he’d found someone that he preferred over them. Much less if that person didn’t have a rank and wasn’t fae.
So I smiled back, preparing to play whatever game was being laid out in front of me, “Oh, we haven’t been together that long, and Sebek wanted to make sure I was ready to attend one of these balls before he brought me with him. He’s incredibly attentive, you see.”
Attentive indeed. I doubted I would ever forget the rigorous testing I’d gone through before he’d at last decided that I was ready for tonight.
“Indeed, he is quite a charming man. It’s good that he prepared you, though. It would be so unfortunate if something went wrong. After all, it wouldn’t just affect you, but him as well. Better to be safe than sorry, as they say.” 
She was an insincere one, that was certain. I could understand why Sebek wouldn’t like her, even as lovely as she was. 
And charming wasn’t the first word I would use to describe Sebek.
It was true that he had some endearing qualities and that he was quite attractive, but still… Charming didn’t quite encompass all of Sebek when one thought of exactly how loud and blunt he could be at times.
But I didn’t miss her oh-so-subtle threat about how if something were to occur, it would affect him. That was something I’d already realized and had been the only reason I’d accepted his lessons with little complaint.
“Well, yes, of course. I could never let something happen to harm him.” They weren’t untrue words. In fact, nothing I’d said was untrue. But, just from watching her, it didn’t look like I had to lie to upset her.
“My, you are a sweet one. I can understand why he likes you so well. However, I can’t help but wonder if you’ll be able to handle the pressure?”
I would have almost preferred if she’d thrown a drink in my face rather than attempting to slip through the cracks and hit me with attacks meant to weaken my resolve and cause uncertainty. But that was also her trouble. She wasn’t going to be able to sway me with such threats.
“Ah, well. I have faced certain pressures before, and I don’t want to disappoint Sebek….” I trailed off, watching as the man in question approached with a frown on his face.
“Y/n?” The woman turned to face him, her eyes wide at the tone he’d used. One that spoke of concern while simultaneously promising to handle the situation if I needed him to.
And that was one of the reasons this woman wouldn’t be able to sway me. Not only had she underestimated me, she’d underestimated exactly how much Sebek and I trusted one another.
I smiled at him, resting my hand on his arm, “Everything’s fine. I was just about to tell the lovely young woman that she needn’t worry about me. How could I ever crumble under any pressure and disappoint you when you are always so reliable?”
It was subtle, but I could see her fist clench behind her as she looked between me and Sebek. The picture of a supportive couple who wouldn’t crumble just because of a few spiteful words.
“I see.” He looked down at me for a brief moment, with a certain softness to his gaze before he looked her way. A proud smirk appeared on his face that had me bracing for the loudness that was coming.
I barely managed to not cringe at his loudness but smiled nonetheless as he broadcasted the entire situation to everyone at the ball.
Whether calculated or not, he had certainly embarrassed ‘Miss Rafflesia,’ as evidenced by the way she retreated at impressive speeds.
“Was the yelling really necessary?” I looked up at him, still smiling at his customary volume, which had been oddly absent this evening.
He looked down at me, nodding firmly as he lowered his voice, no doubt because I’d mentioned his yelling, “Indeed. They all need to know that you have my utter trust. That way, they won’t bother trying to harass you when I am not near. It would take more than just a few words to break my trust in you, and I have faith that it is the same for you.”
My eyes widened at his words, ever blunt in his honesty, no matter the topic. I laughed slightly as I recovered from my surprise, earning myself a surprised look from my partner, which only amused me further.
But how could I help it when I’d long since realized that even though this was just a fake arrangement, I could have a far worse partner than someone quite as reliable as my very own knight.
*Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic flowering plants in the family Rafflesiaceae. 
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Well, first of all, I have to thank @yridenergyridenergy for selling me the ticket! It was literally the best experience I had throughout the year; I really, really, sincerely appreciate it.
As promised, this is my repo of the gig in Wakayama. To be honest, I’m really a bad recorder as I can only recall the sensation or vibe in general and forget the details every time. Am I the only one?? Anyway, I guess my drawings may not be precise at all and it would be more like a summary of the year.
And this repo will be focusing on Kaoru, Toshiya and Kyo. I’m sorry but I stood on the left in both times.
It’s so strange that I can easily feel my love for him grows with time and what a coincidence! I visited them twice this year and I was right in front of him every time. I always assumed that I would be in front of Toshiya when I checked the hall map in December, but no! It was Kaoru again! It kinda shocked me the time I located my seat and noticed his microphone stand was there, just about 2 meters away.
I think probably it has been known by all of you, the show started with a semi-transparent screen showing some AI-generated footage(sorry, I hate this part). It covered most of the setting but just revealed some shadows. I could only see Kaoru, his side profile, priest-alike gown and silver hair. He looked so focused and indifferent and so good-looking…my hands are still sweating as I recall it now.
That was my first time listening to Rinkaku on-site. I got caught up in emotion when you could easily compare themselves in reality and their sketches in the video. You could see how much they have changed and it also just reminded me a lot of moments, staying at home and staring them on the screen. The real vs the virtual.
Also, at the beginning from the distance, I could only see some sort of marks on his chin that looked pretty much like piercings? It turned out to be his makeup; so brilliant.
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I didn’t see Kyo that much this time, but I feel he is that kind of vocal that you would fall in love with once you’ve actually seen him in the venue. He looked so nostalgic to me this time, maybe bc of the ghost face makeup or the fact that I have seen him too much this year. I also went to HK for sukekiyo this year.
The gig of sukekiyo was more emotional, floating and spacey (and less aggressive, obviously). Kyo’s dedication was so contagious. Although he looked a little bit nervous at the beginning of the Day1, forgetting the lyrics now and then lol.
It is interesting to see the similarities and differences between Diru and Sukekiyo, like looking at different reflections of the same mirror.  
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Btw probably he is the most inspiring Diru member to me I guess. Idk why drawing kyo always begins with a pretty satisfying draft then it becomes a big challenge to my expertise and patience ahhhh. But yeah, I can improve a lot after finishing it. So, kyo, thx? lol
I’m not quite a fan of his white outfit that day(the one worn in the pic of their tweet on 16th Dec). Actually I even failed to recognize him the first, waistcoat and palazzo trouser are ok but definitely not the most stunning look of him. It seems that his style is becoming more gender-neutral this year, with hair dyed brown, pearl jewelries and feminine makeup.
But I still quite enjoyed his performance, his body language was so beautiful (ugh! It’s such a shame that I can’t recreate it)and he was the first one going to the left terrace and saying hi to everyone. Toshiya is always the sweetest person in Diru to me.
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I prefer his encore look more and he took off the shirt and threw it to the gift right in front of him
(and a random sketch)
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That’s it! I could have drawn more but, sorry I’m a perfectionist, these pics really took me some time, but I may keep going if I have spare time.
And I’m not used to talking so much on the Internet, it is embarrassing somehow.  
The year of 2023 has treated me rly good, I hope it would be the same for all of you and Diru members, see you next year.
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witchlingcirce · 2 months
AHHHHH we got Promo for the new season today so I wanted so share my thoughts and opinions 🫶🏼❤️‍🔥
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First off… THE OUTFITS, OMG ACTUALLY GORGEOUS. They’ve obviously upped the quality this season and I am FOREVER grateful. Emma D’arcy and Olivia Cooke look absolutely STUNNING.
I really enjoy how they went with a very Daenerys season eight looking outfit for Rhaenyra. It’s probably a reference to her gradual decline into cruelty (ugh hate how this happened to Dany in season eight but irrelevant). Love how there giving Rhaenyra good old Targ colours!!! GORGEOUS.
Don’t even get me started on Alicent, Olivia Cooke is one of the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. The outfit is so flattering, the fabric is gorgeous SHE IS GORGEOUS. The detailing on this dress is actually so stunning. Green and auburn/red hair is actually like perfect Olivia.
I’m really liking the expression on these two ladies as well. In the bigger poster that this promo is apart of, you can see that it’s Alicent kind of looking at Rhaenyra. I feel like this is meant to represent Alicents inner turmoil with her decision. I think ultimately she kind of regrets, I’ve read some 🚨leaks that say that Aegon stops listening to her, and I think that ultimately makes her realise maybe all of this wasn’t worth it🚨 while I do think it’s a look of regret, I mostly think it’s a look a grief. B&C causes Alicents daughter to go into horrible grief and also leads to the death of her grandson. Very interesting! Cant wait to see what Olivia Cooke has in store this season.
For Rhaenyra I think it’s a look of determination. She completely looks past Alicent and it looks as if she’s looking at the iron throne. I’m so happy that this season there giving Rhaenyra the same cunningness and agency she had in the book. I kind of hated how in the show you didn’t really feel the desire she had for the throne. But THIS SEASON! I have so much faith.
There both so gorgeous as well!! I think these are my favourite promo images.
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Hmmmm I wonder if this promo could foreshadowing to any possible events in the future….hmmm…..hmmm…..
Anyways, both of these promos are really cool. I really like how they both have there swords out (ofc Aemond sword isn’t as cool as Darksister…), there both in front of there banners ready to fight for there team!
I’ll be honest I don’t really have much to say about these promo’s itself other than it’s obviously setting the kind of rivalry these two have (sort of.)
Although for these characters I’m really curious on where there characters are headed. I think at the end of season one we saw that Aemond kind of regretted his decision in killing Luke (whether that’s cuz he didn’t wanna actually kill him or didn’t wanna deal with the consequence) I’m really interested in how he will handle it. I don’t think he’s in Kingslanding when Jaehaerys dies but I wonder how he will handle the news. ‘Son for a son, an eye for an eye’.
Daemon I’ll be honest I can kind of assume will probably stay the same, I feel like the type of character he is was set up nicely ect ect. I’m curious with how him and Rhaenyra’s relationship will be. Obviously it’s a bit rocky, with him choking her, and also him organising B&C against her wishes, I’m very curious! Matt Smith will be phenomenal.
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Aegon I hate you but you ate this ONEEEEE little thing. His promo ate so bad guys I’m sorry like… who let him serve that much?? Also RHAENYS IS FREE FROM THE CONE HEAD! THANK GOD! I PRAYED FOR TIMES LIKE THIS.
Overall Aegons promo is probably the most ‘symbolic’, in the corner you can see one of the swords going through a green banner, probably to symbolise his usurpation and how the throne isn’t ‘his’. I also find it really interesting how he’s holding his crown and not wearing it, whereas Rhaenyra is wearing hers. I think it’s to show how the iron throne is something that Rhaenyra WANTS it’s something that was promised to her for most of her life Vs Aegon who was kind of forced upon the role.
Also interesting that Cristons hair is long and in BTS pics we see that he has short hair, I wonder if he cuts it during the season. I also like how he’s next to Aegon, “kingmaker” also a sign to how he becomes Aegons hand of the king.
I dont think theres anything to say about Rhaeny’s and Corlys other than that RHAENYS SLAYS!! Thats my queen FR.
Also, I want to point out at Aegons window we can see Vhager (you can tell by the sag, lol.) and at Rhaenys we can assume thats Meleys… Rooks rest anyone?💔
ALL the promos where so amazing, good job to everyone who worked on them and I will BE DISCUSSING THE TRAILER TMRW.
Olivia Cooke posted Trailer(s) I saw someone on twitter mention how maybe there will be a team green trailer and a team black trailer??? I HOPE SO.
Im really hoping that we see Jace and Baela in tbe trailer tomorrow… guys i miss jace 😭
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twstunes · 8 months
okay this isn't a tierlist it's more of a groupings list
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[ Trey, Deuce, Jack, Azul, Jade, Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Trein ]
There's not much to say about most of these except that I don't like them. Yes yes they're functional and fit the personalities of those wearing them. I'll still die on the hill that plain dress shoes are more boring than they are classy >:/
Trey, Deuce, Jack, and Silver all have on penny loafers, which are about as casual as you can get while still counting as formalwear-appropriate. Azul and Jade appear to both have on plain-toe oxfords, which I'm sure they coordinated on. Malleus and Trein also seem to have some variety of oxfords, though Trein might be wearing derbies?
Sebek's in here bc I'm not quite sure what's going on with his shoes. Considering that rectangular portion on the interior sides & the fact he's in Equestrian Club, I wouldn't be surprised if they were jodhpurs? They accomplish the same visual effect as basic dress shoes, though, so in the containment zone he stays.
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[ Riddle, Floyd, Lilia, Crowley, Crewel, Sam ]
Floyd, Lilia, and Sam make up the milder end of the zest spectrum. Floyd made his own shoes and thus gets a cool-by-default technicality. Lilia's shoes are fairly basic loafers, but the bat engraving and large golden heels are enough to nudge them under the "interesting" umbrella. Sam's shoes aren't really visible under his spats, but he remembered the crucial aesthetic detail of matching his spats w/ his gloves, so he gets a pass.
Riddle's shoes have heart-shaped cap toes and heels so chunky they might as well be wedges; both of these details perfectly fit his heart-themed and undersized ass. Crowley appears to have on derbies w/ extensive lace-patterned embellishments, which feels in-line with his love of fancy little baubles. I'd assumed Crewel was wearing saddle shoes at first glance, but now that I'm looking at them…those are full brogues, I'm pretty sure? (Good walking shoes, thus a good pick for a dog owner.)
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[ Rook, Epel ]
Rook is a hunter, and hunters need sturdy shoes that can hold up to long treks through the wilderness (or across campus). These are literally boots you could pick up at any given Tractor Supply. I personally believe Vil hates these shoes but cannot do anything to stop Rook from wearing them. He balances them out with his fancy hat, though, so maybe that's enough to placate Vil?
Epel grew up in Harveston, where I don't think it's possible to wear anything less than boots without getting frostbite most months of the year. Epel's probably been stomping around in these bad boys for A While; the tartan pattern is just unique enough to make it feel more like a hand-me-down than something Vil would buy for him.
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[ Cater, Ace, Ruggie, Jamil, Idia, Vargas ]
Cater goes with some stylish slip-ons. They're comfy, they're convenient, and they go with most outfits. This dude would definitely wear the checkered Vans if he could.
I fully believe Ace picked out his shoes based entirely on how they looked. It worked out well in the end tho, bc they're perfect for how active he is. He and Idia are the only ones who don't change into different shoes for PE.
Ruggie, Jamil, and Vargas all have on practical, comfy sneakers, which makes sense considering they're some of the most active people on campus—Ruggie and Jamil are constantly running errands, and Vargas teaches PE all day. I like that Jamil's actually seem a little faded from use, though chances are that's just how they're supposed to look.
Idia, despite being a shut-in, at least has the good sense to put on what appear to be velcro shoes when he goes out. (Choosing velcro over laces is also maybe a safety thing? Easy to get on and off, no laces to come undone and trip over. Very important in a dorm with a lot of expensive tech!)
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[ Leona, Kalim, Vil, Ortho ]
Leona is well-aware of the standard level of chaos that happens every day at NRC, but that isn't going to stop him from wearing sandals instead of something more protective. Dude wants to be comfy above all else, and frankly, I respect it. Either Crewel hasn't noticed Leona's lack of lab-safe footwear or he's given up on getting the guy to wear closed-toe shoes.
Kalim has on juttis w/ the classic curled/pointed tips. Iirc, curled, pointed tips are startlingly good at reducing the amount of sand that gets into shoes! Seeing as both his home and dorm are in desert environments, these make perfect sense for Kalim's go-to footwear.
Someone at this school full of prettyboys had to put on the heels, and Vil is the only baddie committed to fashion enough to follow through. This pair is undoubtedly custom-made—not just because that's the kind of person Vil is, but because they specifically feature Pomefiore's dorm colors.
Ortho doesn't wear shoes. That's just his body. He also doesn't walk in these bc, according to Idia, "walking is for normies." This foot design is present in all of Ortho's bodies except for his athletic gear, seeing as his athletic gear is the only one meant for walking instead of floating. (Since they're shaped kinda like pincers, I wonder if he can use them for picking things up?)
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lovingmny · 8 months
Can I request A Hyunjin fic he’s like going through a hard time and he just keeps crying over every little thing and y/n doesn’t know what’s going on LIKE?? But she decides to do her best to be there for him and cheer him up and do everything for him like helping him eat, brushing his hair, etc. And slowly he gets out of it and they make out (include as much detail here as you want!)
(This Is TOTALLY not me projecting) 😅💖
my home - request
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🐸 synopsis: hyunjin keeps crying, and you have no idea why, but still try to comfort him. how will you do it?
🐢 genre: angst, fluff
🌱 pairing: hyunjin x gn!reader
🍐 warnings: crying, anxiety, lmk if i missed any!
🦎 wc: 0.6K
🥝 a/n: thank you for this request! i’m SOO sorry this took so long😭please forgive me 😔🙏 also like doesn’t hyunjin look a bit like minji in that picture??? i hope you enjoy🤞🤞
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you heard muffled cries from the living room. they sounded angelic, yet sad.
hyunjin went to the versace event, or whatever it was called. you weren’t really interested in fashion, as most of your outfits were just stolen from his closet.
the reason he was crying wasn’t something that you knew, but assumed it was about his english yesterday. learning a new language is hard, and you tried to tell him that, but he was still very self conscious about it.
the cries became louder. you practically sprinted there and saw him, just sitting there. he looked so expensive, yet here he was, crying diamond tears.
you grabbed him into a hug and tried telling him that it was alright.
‘my english was horrible‘ he muffled against your neck.
‘no it wasn’t, you aren’t just confident‘ i felt him smile a bit on my neck but the smile soon fell.
more cries could be heard as his tears stained your hoodie, actually his hoodie. you slightly patted his head and left the living room in comfortable silence.
you soon came back with chocolate muffins. his jaw slightly parted open and he signaled that he wants them. you placed a muffin in his mouth and watched him chew it.
laugher filled the room as you were feeding each other, both shirts full of chocolate stains.
night fell soon and you fell even harder for him.
you woke up with his hair slightly scratching against your neck. you giggled at his cuteness, which was literally out of this world.
you slowly got up from the bed, not wanting to wake him up as he was getting his beauty sleep.
you got ready and heard sounds from the bedroom. he was probably awake and still paranoid about his english, because obviously he is very dramatic.
you actually watched videos of him in the event and his english was good?? like what bae??
he peeked out of the bedroom and asked;
‘can we stay home today? i just wanna chill’
you hummed in response and he went back to the bedroom. after that you heard a small groan and got up from the couch to check what he was dramatic over now.
‘i don’t know what to put on’ he groaned in annoyance.
you picked an outfit for him and he seemed to be satisfied, as he put it on. hyunjin was very particular with what he dresses on but he agreed to your outfit. maybe you weren’t that bad after all??
you finished brushing his teeth and next up was brushing his hair. his hair was soft, silky, shiny, just overall very healthy because he rarely dyes it. he usually never lets anyone else touch his hair but he requested for you to do it and you felt honoured. <3
you put his hair in a half ponytail [a/n: the same as in thunderous m/v🤭🫶] and waited as he did his skincare.
later on he stepped out from the bathroom and climbed on you. his cologne immediately made you relaxed and that was when you realised that he was your home.
you snapped from your thoughts as you felt his plush, pink tinted lips on yours. your lipstick smudged lightly but that was the least of your worries right now.
his lips moved so smoothly on yours. you felt like you were on cloud 9.
he slightly bit your lip as asking for permission to enter your mouth. you nodded under his touch as his tongue was dancing with yours. your breath was now long forgotten, too deep in the kiss.
he pulled away though, looking at you with wide open eyes. he looked cute, yet surprised. he let out a small giggle as he hugged you.
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💚 a/n: thank you for reading and thank you anon for requesting! <3 reblogs and requests are highly appreciated! hope you enjoyed <3
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noyasaur · 5 months
hi, i have a question for you. i just learned about kpop dr shifting like today so can you give me some steps on how to do it? i already have my storyline and i see so many different tips i don't know what to do :). it's okay if you can't give me any tips!
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hihi! reality shifting to a kpop desired reality is the same as shifting to any other reality, but of course i can give you a breakdown of how to shift and some tips for a kpop dr too!
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reality shifting is the practice of becoming aware of yourself in another reality. many people tend to overcomplicate it, but it's actually quite simple!
intention: of course, set your intention to shift. mentally decide that you are going to become aware of your desired reality and you will shift to your dr! you can set intention any way you like. it can be through affirmations (e.g. "i intend to shift to my desired reality) or in any other way that makes it feel like you've decided and know that you are going to shift.
do your method: next step is to do your method (or whatever you feel like will make you shift. you don't even have to have a method of course, you can just shift with intention). the purpose of methods are to put you into a good state to shift. it's important to choose or come up with a method that you enjoy and have fun doing! the key component here is to make yourself believe and assume that you will shift/wake up in your desired reality or you are already in your desired reality.
shift: that's it! you just shift and you're in your desired reality! whether you've woken up there or shifted while awake.
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here are some of my personal reality shifting tips!
fun fact: we're always shifting! shifting is an innate ability we have inside of us and with every decision, action, and thought we are always shifting realities.
another super important thing to have, is have trust and confidence in yourself. having trust in yourself goes a long way, along with staying confident and positive in yourself!
try not to overthink shifting/overcomplicate it. it's best to keep it simple unless you really need advice on something.
believe in yourself! even if you have to gaslight yourself or fake it until you make it, it's super important to believe in yourself.
you decide when you shift.
looking into the law of assumption can be very helpful for reality shifting too! if it interests you, i would recommend it :)
scripting: scripting is when a shifter physically outlines their intentions for the reality they want to shift to. they can write down everything that happens in that reality, their dr-self, other specific details. etc. when somebody scripts, they aren't creating any sort of reality because that reality already exists. you are just outlining what reality you intend to shift to.
when you shift to your desired reality, it's going to be real. it won't just feel real, it'll be real because it is real. keep in mind when choosing where to shift to and what to experience, because you will be experiencing everything like you do here. which is why for any reality, remembering to script precaution and safety is a must!
you don't need a script. you can mentally map out/script out the reality you want to in your head and be all set! if you don't want to have a script too, you don't have to have one.
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scripting for your kpop dr (or any type of dr) is super helpful to help you conceptualise things for your group and write down any specific things for the reality you want to shift to! and to also remember any changes you want in the k-idol industry and for your reality.
scripting for your dr-self: your dr-self, your skills/skill-level (e.g. how skilled you are in dance, vocals, rap, stage presence. or any voice/rap/dance-claims), your background, your trainee life, how long you've trained for, what company you're under, any pre-debut memories
scripting your group: members, any outfits or hairstyles you want for specific concepts, your group's songs (if you're scripting for your own group), your relationship with the group (not necessary)
scripting safety: scripting things like scandals won't negatively affect your group, you won't get into any scandals, you're always safe from sasaeng/sasaengs don't exist, etc.)
scripting scenarios: script any scenarios you want to happen. can range from activities with your group members, relationships you want to form, or awards you want to happen, for example!
scripting for the kpop industry: this one is super important as well to avoid any of harshness that goes on in the industry. script out things like racism, colourism, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, etc. you can script out idols aren't forced to get plastic surgery, aren't forced to bleach their skin, go on insane and unhealthy diets, etc.
other helpful scripting things: things like you always remember choreography/lyrics, you never mess up on stage, you are always photogenic, you are never bothered when going out in public and aren't disturbed, etc.
those are just some basic scripting things to remember! if you are having trouble on things to remember to script or want some ideas for things to script, there are plenty of accounts on tiktok, instagram, amino, tumblr, and pinterest that can help you out!
keep your script as simple as you want or as detailed as you want. you don't need to script every single little detail down to the tee.
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if you're still looking for any more tips with shifting in general, i do have some posts that might be able to help you (i feel like i explain things a bit better in these posts than here lol) also, look at these at your own pace and be careful to not overconsume so much information at once! personal preference yes, but sometimes, overconsumption of information can lead to more harm than good :)
✧ resources for reality shifting (at the end): can you prove reality shifting + scripting character's personalities/appearances + how to stay motivated to shift ✧ is shifting real + do i have to shift to a specific reality every time i shift + what are the essential steps to shift ✧ 🐸: restarting your shifting journey + some helpful tips! ✧ random shifting tips for you ♡
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i wish you the best of luck on your shifting journey and have fun!
- saturn ♡
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disaster-biraven · 2 months
Love Notes - Masquerade AU
For @the-coffee-fandom
Marinette stood at the edge of the dance floor, trying not to pick at her dress. Gotham Academy was having its Annual Masquerade, and she had spent months making her dress and mask. Not to mention she also made Tim’s suit, the reciprocate for her anonymous love letters. This was the first time they were meeting where Tim was aware he was talking to the secret writer. She nervously scanned the room, waiting for him to arrive.
For months, they’d written back and forth leaving the letters in Tim’s locker. Whenever Marinette would leave a letter, she would take any response he had left. He had never asked how she got into his locker. He only knew her as L, short for her secret identity; Ladybug. When the date of the Masquerade had been announced both of them immediately asked the other to the dance, with Marinette offering to make both their outfits.
With the Kwami’s help, she put magic into the mask that would keep Tim from figuring out who she was. Which would frustrate him to no end, she, unlike her classmates had figured out he was an amazing detective. The whole time they had been in correspondence she could see him take note of any information she gave him and go through their classmates, eliminating people. But he was one of the most popular people in the school, and Marinette was well-liked but flew under his radar.
“I’m assuming that since you match my suit, you’re L?” Even though she was positioned to see the whole room, she missed him sneaking up beside her. She whirled around to face him and stared back as he tried to place her. When he didn’t recognize her, his eyes fell to the intricate embroidery of her gown.
“Tim, you look amazing.” He looked up from admiring the detail on her dress and blushed.
“L, you’re breathtaking,” He held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”
~Five Months Earlier~
Last night had been a tough patrol, and being bruised all over Tim had wanted so badly to skip. But he had two tests and a presentation, so he powered through. He was so tired he almost missed the out-of-place letter, placed in the middle of his locker. It was faintly pink paper folded neatly into a square. Grabbing it along with his textbooks, he hurried to first period. Luckily he sat in the back of the class, so he didn’t have to worry about someone looking over his shoulder.
As he read through the letter, he found his eyebrows raising. The thought of someone having a crush on him was a surprise, much less having a secret admirer write to him. It said if he wanted to write back, all he had to do was leave a letter in the same place he found the first one. He couldn’t help but smile. A mystery.
Marinette rushed through the halls, late. She had slept through her alarm after staying up all night working on designs for the launch of her MDC website. She was already a well-known fashion name after all the big names she had designed for in Paris. So the upcoming website was the talk of the industry right now.
Turning the corner, she ran into a surprise wall and fell to the floor. Except it wasn’t a wall. It was Tim, who looked down at her startled.
“I’m so sorry! I was trying not to be late and wasn’t looking where I was going-” She rambled as he helped her up.
“Hey, no worries! It happens sometimes..” He looked at her expectingly.
“Oh! Marinette.” He beamed at her.
“Marinette! Nice to meet you, I’m Tim. Now, I won’t hold you up. The bell is ringing in 2 minutes.”
Forgetting her mortification she rushed passed him, as he laughed kindly. She couldn’t believe that was how they met.
Tim opened his locker to a new note. Good, that meant she got the one asking her to the ball. It was perfect, a masquerade so she’d feel comfortable coming, and he’d get to see what she looked like (other than her face, but a win is a win). He opened her letter right there and almost laughed out loud at her also asking him to the ball. There were also beautiful sketches of different suit designs along with the offer to make their outfits for the night. He couldn’t accept it quickly enough.
He had spent months trying to figure out who L could be. It wasn’t anyone whom he knew well enough to know their handwriting, and he had already crossed out any girl with a name starting with L. If he tried to beat her to the locker to see who was leaving the notes, she always knew and wouldn’t show. It was driving him mad. He had started to develop feelings for her in return, and he didn’t even know who she was.
Dancing with Tim was like a dream, they spun around to the music and talked like they knew each other forever. There was a break in the music, and they headed toward the snack table. As Tim handed her a cup of punch he asked,
“So will I get to find out who you are today?” He seemed nervous like he wasn’t sure he should be asking.
She tapped her finger against the edge of the cup, considering revealing herself earlier than planned. But she was nervous of what they’d become once he knew who she was. Would he reject her? Confess his feelings and make them official?
“Maybe, it does feel a little unfair to you to keep you waiting.” She set down the cup, looking back at him. “But I hope you’ll understand if I wait.”
“Of course, I don’t want you to do anything uncomfortable. I just would love to be able to talk to you every day, whenever we want.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a side hug.
The dance was almost over, with an hour to go when Marinette made her decision. She pulled Tim toward the doors that led to the outdoor courtyard and went outside. It was surprisingly empty as she sat down on one of the benches. Tim sat down beside her, not knowing what she had decided to do. Without speaking, she grabbed his hands and brought them to her mask. Tim’s eyes widened as she guided him to remove her mask.
“You’re Marinette! The girl that ran into me!” He cupped her face and brought their foreheads together. “That explains why you were so flustered, we had been talking for over a month at that point.”
“It was so embarrassing that that’s how we met.” Before she could start to ramble, he tilted her face up towards him. He paused, wanting her to make the move if she wanted to. She leaned in.
author's note: I hoped you liked it! This idea popped into my head almost fully formed. Please join the discord down below and tell me what you thought!
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clownin44 · 4 months
Hi, are you guys tired of my theories yet? I'm about to yap this is less of a theory and more of me just writing down my thoughts
Fast pass spoilers ahead! (So sorry)
Mr. Thomas, Kidnappings, Paper Cranes, A little bit of Ryan
I saw someone ask why the people who kidnapped the parent's outfits are different from the people who kidnapped the kids' outfits. I didn't want to reblog or comment since obvi there's some spoilers in here, so creds to @/hozaloza for pointing this out!!
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I think it's because the group that kidnapped the kids were not the same people who kidnapped their parents.
A while ago, when we first saw the paper cranes group, one of them said they needed to lie low because "both sides were tracking them down" for their stunt in savanna.
I've said this before, but it's very likely that the paper cranes are a secret group within the Contamination Facility that have been taking care of everyone affected by the "fungus." "Both sides" being the kids and the bigger group they all work for.
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It's because of this that I don't think Mr. Thomas is a part of the paper cranes despite having them on his desk (HEAR ME OUT). He is more clueless when it comes to the phantom world, whereas the paper cranes are more familiar with it. Ryan reacts nonchalantly compared to Mr. Thomas, who's understandably confused.
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When Ryan talks to "The boss," He puts Mr. Thomas's name in quotes (most likely a fake name so he'd be able to work at the school). The boss later confesses that he plans on getting rid of him to Ryan.
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So, while yes, I do think he's associated with the paper cranes, I wouldn't go as far as to say he's affiliated with them since they plan to betray him (but who knows, I could be dead wrong in assuming that the literal BAD GUYS wouldn't betray each other 😭😭 (they prob would)).
I dont have fast pass screenshots for this part :^(
Mr. Thomas also tells the children that they're sick, which lines up with what Alex explained to Ash about their condition. He could always just be lying, but he'd have no reason to. Ash was already passing out, and I doubt he'd go out of his way to do so. When we see Jasmine kidnap Tyler, she simply apologizes for waking him before putting him back to sleep (no explanation). The circumstances are obviously different, Ash got away the first time they sedated her and Tyler was already sleeping when it happened, but it's worth noting.
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I'd also like to bring up how, in the fast pass, Alex tells Ash that their parents have been "informed about the situation," so he's either
Lying to calm her
Doesn't know that the parents have been kidnapped and is going off of information one of the paper cranes gave him
Telling the truth and the parents are there but perfectly fine!!!
Some other details that I found but didn't know what to do with/wanted to mention:
Mr. Thomas's eye bags and Ryan's reactions.
Idk his eye bags are incredibly noticeable. At first, I assumed it was because he was also in the Phantom realm, seeing as he noticed ashs shadow was different, but we know from Alex that the rift between the two worlds was permanently closed after the kids went into the sorrel weed house. I didn't have another explanation to tie this in with the theory, so I'll just drop it here.
Ryan seems a little uncomfortable while talking to the boss here. It's a small detail, but Red added it, so I'm assuming it's important!! It reminded me of the scene with Tyler and Taylor in chapter 34, where Tyler tells Tay to stay back while he goes and checks to see what the sound from downstairs was. It then cuts to a panel of Taylor being upset and looking away, much like what Ryan does here. (Parallels or whatever)
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But then again, he looks fine when following Mike's car, so who the hell knows 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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It's late, and I've been working on this for wayyyyyy too long. I forgot what else I was gonna add, but I ran out of pictures, so I'm ending it here !! My writing is awful lol I hope this made sense
TLDR: The people who kidnapped the kids are not the same people who kidnapped the parents.
The contamination facility isn't bad, just the paper cranes.
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aangstycareberrr · 1 year
summary: college au / you and kenma get paired up for a project together and fun stuff happens
kenma x reader, ft. kuroo
part 2 part 3
a/n: first fic, kinda nervous teehee, feedback is appreciated. also this will be multiple parts sorry. also this is based on my own experience in a poli-sci class in which i wish i had a kenma lol
Intro to political science wasn’t your least favorite class. The professor was one of the good ones who made an effort to learn everyone’s name and keep the class engaging; it wasn’t too early so as to make you debate dropping it every single morning, nor was it too late that all you thought about was the day being over for the duration of it; it wasn’t your major but you still found it interesting and engaging; and the workload was relatively light for a poli-sci class. Despite all these great elements, there was one detail that put a damper on your enjoyment of the course, you were one of four girls in a class of 30. You originally thought it wouldn’t be so bad until you quickly came to the bitter realization that the men in this class had no interest in ever letting you or any of the other girls express your thoughts or participate in discussions; at least not without talking over you, and addressing you as if you were below them. It was exhausting.
So when the professor announces a group project for which he will be picking the partners, you silently cross your fingers and hope that you’ll be paired up with one of the other girls.
“Kozume Kenma and l/n y/n”
Upon hearing the announcement you let out a defeated sigh, quickly jotted some notes about the project down and went to talk to your partner. You realized that you didn’t recognize the name so he at least wasn’t one of the guys who made it a point to continuously disrespect you, but you still weren’t sure who he was. You looked around the room and spotted who you assumed was him. he was sitting in the far back and just like you, looking around, presumably trying to spot you, until you caught his eye. he’s cute. You gave a polite smile, he did the same and nodded, a silent agreement that you would talk about your plan for the project after class. did he really have to be cute. You were already feeling apprehensive about the prospect of having a partner who would treat you like you just learned how to read, this was an added level of stress that you didn’t need.
Class was over within a few minutes. As you gathered your stuff, you mentally prepared yourself for whatever this encounter could be like. You decided to be nice and keep your hopes up, despite the low chance of him actually being someone who deserved it, you didn’t want to go into this with a defeatist attitude. Kenma was already outside the classroom waiting for you when you walked out.
“hi” “hi, i’m y/n” “Kenma”
He had a gentle smile as he greeted you and you noticed him picking at the skin of his fingers a bit. he’s nervous too. Ironically, that calmed you down a bit. it was a bit awkward at first, as you worked out the details of when you would meet to work on the project and whatnot, but nowhere near as bad as you imagined. He was polite and let you finish every time you spoke. You knew it was the bare minimum but you were so beyond relieved.
You guys decided to meet the next day after classes at an on-campus coffee shop. You were a bit shocked that he suggested Thursday, since in your school, that’s kind of designated get-shitfaced-day (most people didn’t have classes on friday). Nevertheless you weren’t bothered, you weren’t going to many parties these days and would’ve otherwise stayed home to catch up on your favorite show at the moment. Thursday rolled around and as you started getting ready, you surprised yourself at how nervous you were for this. You realized halfway into picking your outfit that you were in date mode, you’d gone through three different options in search of that perfect “cute but mot trying too hard outfit” and you spent more than half an hour on your makeup. You felt silly but, god, he was really cute. For a moment you questioned if he really was all that cute or if you were just feeling the repercussions of not having hooked up in five months. you quickly brushed any unsavory thoughts aside once you realized it was about time to be heading out. You arrived a couple minutes early and texted him letting him know you arrived before ordering a latte for yourself. you checked your appearance on your phone camera and silently gave yourself a pat on the back, because you really did look so cute. After a bit, Kenma arrived. He wore a black t-shirt that was a bit oversized and gray cargo pants, his hair was in a loose low pony. he looked good. You waved at him so he knew where you were and he walked over to where you were sitting.
“hey”, you said, smiling up at him. He gave you a light smile right back as he sat down “hi”
“so we should get started, i was thinking we could do our presentation on The Prince by Machiavelli, i think there’s a lot of comparisons we could draw to the current western world”, you say trying your hardest to sound confident.
“I like that idea, i think that’d be really smart and the professor would probably really enjoy it.”,
“oh, thank you”, you say this a little surprised, although he had already proved himself to be nice, you were still half expecting him to ignore what you said, but he actually heard you out and called your idea smart.
“why are you thanking me?”
“just, you know, for not immediately shooting me down.”
“of course”, he opens his mouth and closes it a few times, looking like he wanted to say something else, which he eventually does, “you’re the smartest person in that class, i think it’s ridiculous that those guys never let you finish talking, you’re the only one who ever says anything worth hearing.” he says all this with a neutral tone, while typing something on his laptop, as if he just said the most casual thing in the world. you stared at him for a bit, shocked that he actually noticed that, and relieved that it wasn’t just in your head. He meets your gaze but quickly looks down, looking ashamed.
“honestly, i’m… a little embarrassed for just watching, someone should stick up for you and the rest of the girls, i’ve thought about it a bit, but i kinda have a fear of public speaking.”
he looks guilty but all you can think of is kissing him right then because he just looks so cute. you realize you’re staring and snap out of it once he meets your eyes again.
“it’s okay”, you reassure him with a smile, “it sucks but, saying something might just make it worse, besides i known they’re just insecure”
After that you start working on your presentation and everything goes smoothly. you and Kenma work together like a well oiled machine. He’s easy to talk to and work with, and you really feel like you guys are on the same wavelength with this project. Although he’s quiet, he’s actually very witty when he wants to be, and just the right amount of sarcastic, which makes him even more attractive. Within an hour you guys have gotten through way more than you thought you would’ve, so you decide to take a break. You get up to go to the bathroom and accidentally knock over your bag from where it was hanging on your seat, your switch flies out and almost collides fatally with the floor, when Kenma grabs it right at the last moment. If you weren’t overtaken with relief, you’d be turned on by his quick reflexes.
“oh my god thank you so much, that would’ve been so bad.”
“don’t worry about it”, he said while eyeing your switch, “what games do you play?”
“mostly stardew valley and animal crossing, i just finished undertale though and i think i’m gonna start it over and do genocide route”
“heh, good luck with that”, he says with an amused smile
“what’s that suppose to mean?”
“i’m just saying it took me a week to beat Sans, it’s tough.”
“oh and you think i can’t do it?”, you say playfully
“i didn’t say that”, he says while laughing the most beautiful laugh you’ve ever heard, and holding his hands up in defense.
you guys stare at each other while laughing, for a second, and you almost feel like you’re having a moment, like maybe he feels the same intimacy you feel in holding his stare, until…
you’re snapped out of your trance and turn to see a tall boy with messy black hair approaching your table.
“hey man”, says the tall guy,
“kuroo, hey”, kenma says quietly, he looks slightly annoyed.
“hey, i’m kuroo”, this time the greeting is directed at you
“hi, y/n”, you respond while feeling a little sad that the moment you shared with kenma had to be so fleeting.
“gotta say, i’ve been Kenma’s best friend for years and i think this is the first time i see him laughing so much in public, let alone with a pretty girl.”, he says teasingly, you look over at kenma to see his cheeks are red and he’s looking down, avoiding your gaze, he’s clearly embarrassed.
“kuroo”, says Kenma, sternly, silently asking him to stop.
“we’re working on a project together.”, you say trying to change the subject.
kuroo looks like he might say something else that will embarrass both you and kenma further, but he doesn’t, which you’re grateful for.
“well it was nice to meet you, y/n, hope to see you around. Kenma, i’ll see you tonight.”
as you wondered what tonight was, kenma responded, “i don’t know if i’m going”
“come on dude don’t bail on us again, everyone’s gonna be there it’ll be fun.”, kuroo tries to convince him
“i’ll think about it”, upon hearing this, you see kuroo looking like he’s mulling something over, something mischievous, suddenly he turns to you
“are you busy tonight?”, your eyes go wide and you’re not really sure what to say out of fear of agreeing to something you’ll regret. with your silence, kuroo continues, “our frat is having a party tonight, a ton of people on campus are going and i personally guarantee a good time”, kuroo finishes his pitch and you mentally debate what to say, a party doesn’t sound bad, it’s been a while since you’ve gone to one and it’d be nice to hang out with people, but you look over at Kenma and his face is unreadable. You question wether he would or wouldn’t want you to go, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. You give a vague enough answer, “i’ll try to make it”
Kuroo looks pleased at that answer, “great i’ll see you both there.”, he looks sternly at Kenma who only shoots him a dirty look. kuroo walks away and suddenly the playful atmosphere you had with kenma is replaced with an awkward, tense one. You feel bad, like you accidentally overstepped into his world
“i’m sor-“ “im sorr-“, you both spoke at the same time and laughed. “you first”, you say.
“im sorry about kuroo, he’s annoying”, you laughed and brushed off his apology,
“not at all, but im sorry.”
“what? why are you sorry?“
“about the party, i know it might be uncomfortable to have your classmate there, i don’t want to impose myself in that part of your life.”
he stares at you confused for a moment, then laughs a little
“no, no, no, that’s not an issue at all don’t even think about it. go to the party, as long as it’s what you want and not just something Kuroo pressured you into.”
you smile in disbelief at him for a bit.
“okay, then i think i will go”
“okay, then i’ll see you later”
he’s smiling too. is he happy i’m going?
“i thought you said you weren’t sure if you were going”, you say teasingly
“if you’re going then i’ll definitely be there”
You slightly widen your eyes for a moment, taken aback that he would say something so direct, his face tells you he’s taken aback by what he said too.
“you know, to show you around and stuff”, he backpedals
“i’ll see you later, kenma”, you can barely contain your smile and you want to walk away before he sees you blush. You think he has to like you at least a little bit, there’s no way you’re reading these signs so wrong.
You head to your apartment, with a bounce in your step, exited to get ready for this party.
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madelinetess · 5 months
"Oi, Montlaur, get your ass in here!" Roy's voice rang through the locker room as all of the players were changing after practice.
Jan looked over Colin's head at his best friend confused, and Richard looked back with an equally dumbfounded expression. Everyone else in the room seemed to share the feeling. 
No one dared to speak up. That is until Jamie decided to be a prick as usual.
"Ooh! Someone's in trouble!" The Mancunian hollered "Whaddya do Dickie?"
"Not a clue. If it was about the jokes Jan and I made about your hair, Coach wouldn't have singled me out." Richard deadpanned quickly, sparing a glance at Jan before sticking his tongue out at Jamie who was already giving them both the finger.
After that the tension seemed to fizzle out and everyone except Richard got back to changing into their normal clothes. The Frenchman left all his things on the bench and went to talk with Roy still in his practice gear.
While everyone slowly trickled out of the changing room Jan stayed there waiting. Not only was he being a good friend, but he was also going to be the first person to, as the British say, get the tea, or as he would rather put it, hear the gossip.
After a while the Midfielder emerged from the coach's room smiling lightly. Jan stared at him expectantly, and once their eyes met Richard smiled devilishly.
"One of Roy’s yoga friends, Linda, finally got divorced and took the house, so all the yoga moms and coach Kent are going out to celebrate and one of the ideas was a wine tasting, so my expertise was called upon."
"We both know that's not entirely true, you may be an expert, but Roy wouldn't ask you just for that."
"He asked me to make a few calls. He knows I have contacts and get special treatment in at least a few places. He couldn't get a reservation anywhere at the last minute."
They both smirked while the Frenchman was changing.
"I assume you are going with them then?"
"And I assume you are coming with me?"
Jan didn't even have to reply, he just smiled and gathered his things to leave hand in hand with Richard. He knew that the shorter man will simply text him the details and that will be that.
It wasn't really a new development. They clicked immediately the first time Jan Maas stepped inside Richmond changing room and said something snide with the most unbothered look on his face right out the gate. They became fast friends and quickly started meeting up every Friday to discuss the latest gossip by a charcuterie board and a glass of fine wine (courtesy of Richard's collection). By the end of their first off season together they already had keys to each other's places and would often drop by unannounced just because.
They talked a little more before reaching the parking lot where they parted ways. Jan allowed himself one last glance at his friend walking away before getting in his car and driving off to his house.
About an hour later he heard his phone ping with a notification and just as he expected, it was from Richard. The contents though were sort of surprising. Instead of stating the time and the place the message simply said
Be there in 10
He left it with no answer as there was no need for one. The text was sent simply out of courtesy, because if Richard wanted to, he could have just barged in as if he owned the place. He never did though. Always politely informing the Dutchman before his arrival.
Few minutes later Jan heard the sound of his front door opening, after that there was shuffling as the Frenchman was searching for his slippers and finally muffled footsteps walking further into the house.
“Upstairs!” He shouted from his room and soon his friend joined him in his room. Richard was wearing the same outfit as that day back at Amsterdam, the black shirt and light pants. The sight paired with a pair of pink slippers with pink fuzz made Jan smile. The slippers were a gag gift he got from Colin, but became widely known as ‘Richard’s slippers’ because of a team meeting that took place at Jan’s house some time after he got them. More people showed up than it was expected, and Richard arriving late had the honour of being the one to wear the pink abomination.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Said Richard pointing to the clothes Jan had prepared beforehand. It was just a dark pair of jeans and a nice looking t-shirt, but he thought those would both suit him and the ocasion.
“That was the plan”
“Anywhere else this would be acceptable, but this place is a bit fancier. Let me pick something for you.”
The shorter man got to his closet before Jan could even think about stopping him, and was already rummaging through it. In the span of five minutes Richard managed to find articles of clothing Jan has long ago deemed lost. In retrospect, he really should organise his wardrobe one of these days.
“Try these on” Laid in front of him on his bed was a beige turtleneck long sleeve and a pair of brown pants.
“Will this be fancy enough?”
“Should be, it’s better than what you prepared before.”
While Jan took the clothes and disappeared inside a bathroom Richard sat on his bed looking through messages on his phone.
“How are we getting there?”
“I’ll drive, I know the way. We’ll meet with Roy there.”
“Won’t we get drunk?”
“Not necessarily, but I’m also not planning on drinking there.”
“Why?” Jan was genuinely surprised.
“The good places are booked months in advance, the place where we’re going is not.”
Jan only hummed in agreement and walked back into his room. Richard put his phone back in his pocket and studied Jan for a good ten seconds.
“Turn around” The Frenchman demanded and Jan obliged. He spun around slowly showing the outfit from different angles. “You look good.”
The compliment for some reason sat heavy in the Dutchman’s heart, but the other man didn’t seem to notice anything. The taller man then took the golden pendant that Richard had gifted him for his last birthday, along with a Jo Nesbø book he was incredibly excited about, to complete the look. It was a simple rectangular one, but it had a tiny football and Jan’s initials engraved. 
“Shall we head out?”
Richard hummed in understanding and both men walked out the room, down the stairs and into the entrance hall where they exchanged the slippers for smart shoes and finally out the front doors and into Richard’s car. 
The way over was mainly spent on talking a little more and blasting Adele through the speakers.
The first time Jan caught the Frenchman listening to her songs he was surprised to say the least. But now that they know eachother better it makes perfect sense to him. Not that he would be able to explain it, but there is something very Richard-like in her music. 
Few years ago Jan would have never thought he would enjoy Adele songs as much as he does now, but as Richard sang along to the lyrics while tapping the steering wheel and driving at the same time he couldn't help but find the whole situation incredibly endearing. 
Once they got out they immediately clocked Coach Kent standing by the entrance surrounded by middle aged ladies, so they made their way over. After greeting everyone and some quick introductions the whole group made their way inside. Jan stayed behind to talk a little with Roy as Richard was talking to the staff and confirming their reservation. 
But he saw out of the corner of his eye as the hostess called for a sommelier to lead them to their designated area and seat them. As the waiter was escorting them to their seats he was animatedly talking about something with Richard and Jan felt his throat drying up slightly. The young man looked tall walking next to Richard, but not as tall as Jan, and that gave the Dutchman a weird sort of satisfaction.
Once they got seated the man left to bring their glasses and the first bottle of the night. Once he got back he started presenting the bottle he brought with himself. He also asked who the designated drivers were and explained to them how not to get drunk, but still enjoy their evening. After that he poured everyone their first glass. Richard, faithful to his word, refused the drink and explained to the sommelier that he would not be drinking tonight. No one seemed to notice though as everyone else was already immersed in the experience.
 Conversations flowed smoothly. Linda talked about all the renovations she was planning to do to the house now that it was all hers, she also showed everyone the pictures of a cat she was thinking of adopting which turned into everyone showing photos of their pets. There was Luna the Beagle, and Snowball the persian cat, but there was also a bunny called Carrots, which was short for Ms Dulcinea, Destroyer of Carrots and not an allusion to the Disney movie Zootopia, obviously named by one of the lady’s kids. Then of course the pictures of the kids had to be shown as Kathy or Sarah or whoever really remarked that the two footballers did not know their kids.
They were talking, drinking wine and overall having a great time, but the sommelier would often linger by Richard and talk to him about wine, so even if Jan wanted to, he couldn’t really butt in, because he didn’t know much about the subject. He did scoot closer to his friend though, so that he could hear what was being discussed. 
As the night went on the two footballers heard at least a few incredibly satisfying stories the yoga moms shared about Roy, but also told some of their own ones in return. They already went through four different bottles, each with a short presentation beforehand and with each new one Jan was getting more and more frustrated. The sommelier was annoying him by never leaving Richard alone, it was almost as if he was trying to flirt, but the worst thing seemed to be Richard not shooting it down. The most awful moment however came after the fourth bottle had been poured. The younger man was once again talking to his best friend, but the conversation seemed to be about something else.
“I only really drink red wine,” the sommelier said while leaning next to the Franchman. “And I was wondering what kinds of wines you drink. Is it white wine, red wine, both..?”
It was then that the Dutchman remembered the wine scene from some tv show that Colin had shown him once a long time ago that was using the exact same metaphor. He got angry, not only was this man shamelessly hitting on his best friend, but also doing it in such a lame and unoriginal way. Something inside him told him to get away before he made a scene. So he did. He got up and went in the direction of the restrooms. 
Once inside he looked at himself in the mirror. Why was he getting so worked up? He didn’t even know if Richard was into men. They never talked about labels. He himself was only out to Colin, as it was still quite new to him. But now as he looked at himself in the mirror and thought about another man standing too close to his best friend he felt green with envy. And it hit him, he wanted to be the one that people saw by Richard’s side, he wanted to have his hoodies stolen by the shorter man and listen to him belt Adele songs semi-badly.
The sound of the door opening made him look that way and he saw Richard walking in looking straight at him.
“Are you ok? You looked unwell back there.”
“I’m…” He wanted to say something, but decided against it just yet, and started again. “Promise me that we won’t stop being friends if I tell you something.”
“I promise, now spill it.”
“Do you like red wine..?” He didn’t mean to ask that, why did he ask that. There were a million better ways to start this conversation.
“Are you also making an allusion to the show Colin told us about?” Jan hung his head in shame but nodded.
“I saw the waiter flirting with you and I… Do you?”
“I’m French,” Richard walked up closer to him and leaned on the wall next to him. “Let’s say I care more about the wine itself than the label. What wine do you drink?”
“I just realised it today, but I think I really like this one wine from Cordon…” He was always so straightforward, why couldn’t he just say all this outright? Why was it so hard to be open about it all with Richard?
“Yeah? What year is the wine?” Richard kept on pushing and now stood facing him so close, that he had to look up slightly to look at Jan.
“And his name..?”
Jan leaned down and was now face to face with the shorter man. At the exact same moment as his hands found their way onto Richard's waist, Richard’s landed around his neck and they were kissing. They fit together perfectly and Jan was sure that Richard could taste the shitty wine on his tongue, but he didn’t seem to care as he eagerly returned the gesture.
Before this moment everything felt so complicated, but now, it was all so easy. Everyone else faded to the background and it was just Richard and him. No Roy, no yoga moms and especially no sommeliers. 
They broke apart but still looked at eachother hungrily, and Jan thought to himself that Richard may soon be changing his mind regarding labels, because he is not going to leave this thing between them unsaid.
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suns-pott · 1 year
Hello, If it's still open, i wanna ask for yandere Ren/Akira/P5 protag. Like what would he do? Would we have to face him in his Palace(assuming we became a phantom thief) or would he sabotage us, instigating our Palace to manipulate our emotions?
My first persona 5 request :D
Yandere Akira
Having known Akira for some number of months now made his descent into madness less noticeable to you and the phantom thieves.
After all, he's normally very quiet and keeps to himself a lot of the time. It makes it difficult to tell what he's thinking.
When he first met you, he really didn't know what he felt. At first he assumed it was a desire to become friends with you and get to know you better, but he soon realized that he wanted to be with you.
To you, he seemed like a trustworthy guy, when you had an actual conversation. Of course, you had heard all the rumors circulating around Shujin, but gossip is not always the truth anyways.
He friends soon accepted you as a part of the group and you awakened your persona one day when you accidentally followed them into the metaverse. The group started to gain new members and you were glad to have met such good people, but as time progressed, so did Akira's obsession with you.
Sure it was nice to hand out with him from time to time, and you knew how much people wanted his attention, but when he actively went out of his way to hang out with you, it raised a few suspicions in your mind.
One day when it was just the two of you hanging in Le blanc, he told you about his true feelings. The whole time you had no idea, but who could blame you, when he keeps almost all of his emotions hidden behind those charming glasses of his. You had to reject him as softly as you could, not really knowing what to do with the new information. He was never really the same after that.
he kept his distance from everyone, even Morgana, about everything. Morgana said that he's stopped going out as much and the rest of the group grew concerned for his wellbeing, but no matter who asked him, he always said he was fine. It wasn't fine. The phantom thieves eventually met up in order to discuss the leader's odd behavior. Futaba was the first one to suggest it. His behavior was similar to what she experienced before the changed her heart, she said, she pulled up the metanav on her phone, Morgana said it would be impossible for a persona user to have a palace, but everyone decided that it wouldn't hurt to look. Sure enough, Akira Kurusu has a palace.
With no other options, they all decided to input the rest of the details. When they entered, it was a huge palace, with many extravagant paintings of Joker and you, all over the place. Reminiscent of Kamoshida's palace, but with a darker color palette.
While exploring, the phantom thieves came across a huge dining room. A long decadent table with many foods crowding the space, and at the end sat Joker, a brighter version of his outfit with many ornate details. He leaned forward, a proud smirk across his face as he stared directly at you, absentmindedly nibbling on a fork. His smile grew wider as he said "Welcome my friends! I do hope you'll enjoy your stay, as our fun little game begins.." and in a flash, he disappeared. The game to get our leader back begins.
"Not to worry my dear, in the end you will be mine."
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darkhighness · 7 months
Good Omentober Day 26 - Magic
Prompt by @disaster-dog
Aziraphale struggles to keep the attention of a bunch of sugar-hyped children. Luckily he has just the solution.
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Aziraphale probably didn’t know it but Crowley was at every single official magic show he had done. If it had been anyone else they’d assume it was Fell the Marvelous’ biggest fan. Instead, Crowley was quite permanently resigned to ‘that shady one that’s always with Mr Fell’. A glorified assistant of sorts.
Crowley didn’t mind all that much, really. It meant he could stay watch and ensure Aziraphale wouldn’t try something as foolish as the bullet catch again without his knowing. He’d suggested a few ideas, far too many of which involved Aziraphale pretending to be sawn in half. He was always keen to perform his magic tricks.
Like today. The angel had gotten wind that a party princess had gotten in a pickle and wouldn’t be able to arrive. When he was first telling Crowley this, the demon had assumed that Aziraphale would do his magic act and they would still have time to go out for dinner afterwards.
What Crowley hadn’t realised was that Fell the Marvelous was simply an introduction to the new party princess who was currently in a stranger’s bathroom attempting to inconspicuously get ready.
Crowley was quite glad he could simply miracle up a new outfit for himself. One of the few benefits of being a demon meant he could control his corporation to the smallest detail which is how he was sat in a much more petite and significantly more feminine body, his hair draped over his shoulder to end comfortably at his waist.
He had a long, flowing pink dress on and was staring at the mirror, trying to remember the singular time he had watched The Little Mermaid to try and copy the mermaid princess’ mannerisms. He spent more time, however, cursing Aziraphale for volunteering him for this.
He exited the bathroom and as he entered the quaint garden where the party was held, all attention was drawn from the magic act to the princess now entering. If he wasn’t so mad at Aziraphale, Crowley might have had the sense to feel bad for taking the attention.
“ARIEL!” A gaggle of excited children screamed, running over to drape themselves all over the now slightly concerned Crowley. One jumped on his back and Crowley panicked, wrapping his arms around the young girl's legs in a makeshift piggyback arrangement.
Aziraphale just watched, a small laugh caught in his throat as the children gleefully climbed over Crowley. The birthday girl had immediately run to hug Crowley’s arm, deciding then and there that she wasn’t about to let go of her favourite princess.
“Ariel, come and see my presents!” She giggled excitedly, dragging the demon by the arm towards a table absolutely brimming with presents. She took her time detailing every feature of every Barbie doll and every single stuffed toy. Crowley made sure to smile and nod at the appropriate times, giving the birthday girl all the attention deserved.
Crowley had enough sense to send a glare Aziraphale’s way in the adventure. The magician made quick work of packing up his field kit, his hat and handkerchiefs all delicately returned to their travel case. He accepted many thankful remarks from the party parents before he helped himself to some finger sandwiches, at the parent’s request.
Crowley had now been sat on a comically small garden chair, the sides pressing into the sides of his legs at uncomfortable angles while a bunch of the girls attempted to braid his hair. Amongst all this, the demon was cradling a picture book, reading the story of Ariel to the sugar-fuelled monsters that centred around him.
“Can we sing a song, Ariel?”
Crowley’s face went white and he whipped around to stare at Aziraphale who just gave an an overly enthusiastic thumbs up.
That’s how the demon ended up singing Disney songs to a bunch of kids in a makeshift singalong. It seemed like no one was singing the same lyrics but no one cared, everyone seemed to be having fun. Even Crowley seemed to be enjoying himself.
The demon didn’t get a break from the kids until cake was served and as soon as Crowley could catch a breath he stormed over to Aziraphale, “Is this fun for you?” He growled
Aziraphale laughed and tenderly placed a hand on the small of Crowley’s back, “You make a gorgeous princess, my dear.”
“I’m never coming to a magic show with you again,” He half-heartedly threatened.
“Oh dear, we both know that’s not true,” The angel smiled, reaching down to grab Crowley’s hand.
“You’re right,” Crowley whined.
Ariel and Fell the Marvelous bid everyone farewell, not before gifting the birthday girl with a fabulous toy set. Crowley knew better than to ask where Aziraphale managed to get it from. Once they were back in the Bentley, Crowley willed away the changes to his corporation and let out a long, relieved breath. He stretched out his arms and rolled his shoulders back, feeling comfortable once again.
“It’s hard work, being a princess,” He murmured, reaching over to turn some music on.
Aziraphale hummed in agreement before continuing, “You know, those kids loved you.”
“They loved Ariel.”
“Well yes but you’re the one who brought her to life. Maybe you should do it more often,” The angel suggested eagerly. He was hardly going to turn down the opportunity to spend more time with Crowley. Especially if it was an excuse to do more magic.
“I’ll think about it,” Crowley assured, leaning back into the leather seat and beginning to drive.
“Should’ve kept the dress on for dinner,” Aziraphale teased, “I rather liked it. It suits you.”
“Pink’s not really my colour.” He muttered, filing that tidbit of information away for another day.
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tiptapricot · 11 months
Hiya!! This may sound like a weird ask question but my autistic brain and it’s hyper fixations won’t let me live until I have this all figured out. So I watched moon knight and obviously became obsessed with Layla, the thing is, I love her outfits, and I feel like there ain’t enough on the show!! Like literally only three outfits maybe four that we can see and I need more it makes me sad. Could you maybe recommend me some other characters with the same style as her, or give me some links to Pinterest outfits that would fit her? I saw your stevens apartment post and I know a ‘I never miss a detail’ person when I see one which I adore about you being honest. Thanks for reading I know it’s weird lmao 🤭
He anon!! I don’t know if you ended up finding other answers, this got lost in my drafts while answering and I’m only just getting to it now (edit: got lost in drafts again while half finished and I’ve wrapped up some pieces to finally post it now months later), but I hope this helps! I unfortunately am not a fashion focused person nor someone as familiar w a wide range of characters outside of my interests as far as immediately available brain information, but I’ll do what I can :-) This is more of a post examining Layla’s outfit details and trends, so make of that what you will!
I checked costume designer Meghan Kasperlik’s Instagram where she’s posted a lot of the details of the costuming process, however the general focus seems to be on the suits and godly designs. I also couldn’t find any immediately available interviews talking about the choices made with Layla. Still! Here’s her post on the behind the scenes for the Scarlet Scarab costume, with detail shots and some notes.
(No ID available for video)
As far as more regular outfit stuff for Layla, here’s my own peeking and observations! These are the outfits we see her in in show (excluding the Duat Layla, the look she takes to blend in with Harrow’s men, and Scarlet Scarab, as those are outside of her canonic own fashion choices and wardrobe).
Summon the Suit:
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What we see here is a more casual outfit, but still somewhat tactical. This is what Layla wore to go looking for Marc after his radio silence, a situation she wasn’t sure was his choice or because he was in danger. As such, we can assume this is a generally a more mission oriented outfit, tactical but able to blend in with civilian crowds. Stuff to notice!
There are colors but they are more muted
The pants are not loose and are sturdy while still allowing for good movement, but are not leggings or stretchy fabric
The pants are also somewhat high waisted/pulled up, with the top tucked in
She is wearing rings on her right hand, even for a more official mission (will go more in depth in next outfit)
She has a watch on her left wrist
More a fun fact, but the jacket mirrors/resembles the scarlet scarab design/look, which is a really fun character detail and good foreshadowing
The Friendly Type:
Layla’s most outfit heavy episode :-D These show some rly interesting trends in her choices and allows us to see her more casual outfit looks, and what she wears outside of business.
Outfit one, opening scene:
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This one we never get a super clear shot of, but it’s what she wears while getting her passport forged. She’s with a friend, but doing slightly more illegal activity. I don’t know where she is when this happens, but things to note!
Big comfy black leather jacket, a black shirt, and black (skinny?) jeans
Darker tones again, possibly because she had to blend in or be under the radar for this meeting, but also may just be a casual look as her wardrobe trends darker
Pants are not loose but still flexible again, and are high waisted/pulled up again
Rings! Same as from summon the suit, on the same hands. These seem to stay constant in all following outfits. Will have their own mini section
A loose gold chain necklace
Still has her watch
Outfit 2, confronting Marc in Cairo:
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This is Likely Layla’s most casual and every day type outfit we see her in during the show. She’s clearly been about town, having grabbed a drink, changed, and been looking for Marc. Things to note!
A bit more color again with the pinkish pants, but still a dimmer shade, nothing too bright, but cute and casual
Pants have a button and are pulled up higher again, seemingly looser than previous bottoms we’ve seen. I’m also unsure if these are shorts as I don’t have a clear shot, but they could be
Her top is loose and casual but nothing like a tight tank top, and has an almost ruffle look to it
Rings and watch as usual
Outfit 3, Mogart’s/turning back the sky (and what she fights in in the beginning of the next episode):
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Initially a more formal, elegant type look, meant to blend in well with Mogart’s vibe, but still present a professional front, and double for a confrontation she knows is coming.
Darker tones again, grey and black this time, with a loose vibe to everything with nothing too stretchy
Pants high waisted again, seemingly tied around her waist either with a belt, a sash, or something built into the pants
Sleeves rounded against the wrists
Top is sleeveless under coat in a similar cut to her more casual pink and white Cairo look from previously
Watch and rings as usual
The tomb/God’s and Monsters:
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Suited up to go into the tomb, all pretenses of formality have been dropped for something tactical.
New vest and belt, earth tones and sturdy fabric
A new shirt as her undershirt from previous was short sleeved
New pants, grey this time instead of the previous black
While I think she may have been wearing them at Mogart’s, has her gold snake earrings very prominent in this scene
So!! With all of this. The general sense I can get of Layla’s fashion is:
high waisted pants almost always
generally muted color palette of blacks, greys, browns, etc, occasionally with a splash of color usually in warmer tones like red or pink
Not much super stretchy fabric like leggings, and not many tight or athletic tops. She goes comfortable and generally loose, as well as going with more matte(?) textured clothing, nothing shiny or super silky
She has a range of jackets and jewelry
She wears her watch and rings with everything
And speaking of—
Layla wears the same sets of rings throughout the show, a different set on each hand.
Right hand:
A gold ring with some kind of flat and engraved top, though I can’t tell the design on it in the shots we get
Two rounder and more generic silver rings
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Left hand:
Two more generic flatter gold-ish rings
One silver ring with raised edges and maybe details on the flatter part, unsure
This is the hand she has the watch on!
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As far as the significance or referencing of these with all of this, I don’t know! Again I am not tied into the fashion world and wouldn’t know where to start on research if these hold more significance or referential character detail than just being rings she likes to wear. But it’s an interesting detail to see her preferences and that she keeps these as well as her earrings on on missions and in deadly situations.
She doesn’t do this with necklaces, and it makes me think it’s likely related to function. Rings can help with punching (debatably) and earrings won’t cause a disadvantage, but a necklace would be a choking, tangling, or face-hitting hazard. The one time we do see her wear a necklace during active mission time is at Mogart’s, and of course, we see that’s because it’s specifically worn to be layer used as a weapon.
So! Again sorry this took so long, not even sure if you’ll see this if you don’t follow me, and I know I am more presenting information and details over analysis or giving you alternative looks, but I hope this was at least interesting and helped some for vibes to look for!
Also if anyone has things to add in about details I missed (it’s been long enough now I don’t remember if I rewatched the episodes to examine shots or not), or significance or references I didn’t pick up as someone not familiar with fashion, please feel free to add it in a reblog! Similar to my Steven’s flat layout post I’m more than happy to have this be a growing and changing source of Layla outfit information and discussion :-)
(IDs besides video in ALT)
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BMB day 1!
feat. @flowers-the-sun-witch, @wizblr-blue-moon-ball's Lurien and @hyper-lynx's Liam and Hemi. Keep in mind that because my interactions somewhat overlap with Liam's and Hemi's, there's a lot of dialogue that's the same between them. If that's an issue, I'm happy to change it though.
The sun is starting to get low in the sky when Flowers sees the entrance to the ball.
They'd been struggling to figure out where it is in the first place for the better part of half an hour – fight them, it's not their fault they have a terrible sense of direction – and their legs are getting tired. Logically, they probably could have taken a look at the address on the invite and teleported over, but considering they barely even know what the place looks like besides a few vague details, there's a not-zero chance that they'd have passed out by now.
Well, in any case, at least they've arrived.
At least, Flowers thinks they've arrived, judging by the massive gate ahead of them and the sprawling practically-a-city around them. They take a moment to stare at the intricately-designed buildings and decorations surrounding the plaza – it's a little bright, considering how late the event will be running. They trust they'll get used to it though. It's too beautiful not to look at, what with the almost mountainous clouds all around the city and the jagged outcrops of stone floating around the main island. Everything seems to almost glow, even though the only light visible is from the sun, which is quickly setting. Whoever made this place really outdid themselves with this one.
After a few seconds of gazing upon their surroundings, Flowers elects to visit the gardens. From what they can see, there is an abundance of flora that they haven't encountered yet in their admittedly few travels. They step through the gate and are immediately bombarded with plants and flowers and flora of every kind, some of which they have never even heard of; a little surprising, really, what with the amount of study they have done on this subject, but not an unwelcome surprise. Flowers settles against a rock outcrop, internally going over everything in this section of the gardens she knows of.
Flowers is snapped out of their thoughts by the sight of a figure before them. They jump, slightly startled, and wrack their brain to work out who this person is. They're dressed in an elegant white tunic and frilled pants, along with a pair of navy high-heeled shoes. Their hair flows around their shoulders, and if they turn a bit they can see a moon pin tucked into it. The host, they think.
"Oh, uh, hello there sir," Flowers stutters, still a little flustered by the host's sudden appearance. They smooth down their dress, suddenly aware of how little it suits this event. There's no going back now, though. "I like your outfit," they continue more evenly, flashing their invite from one of their pockets. Not for the first time, Flowers is glad that they know how to sew their own clothes. They'd probably go a little bit insane without pockets.
"Thank you," the host says, "Flowers, I assume? Just Lurien is fine, by the way."
"Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure to meet you." The two stand there in an awkward silence for a few moments, before Flowers speaks up again. "When will the ball start? I'm afraid I didn't bring a watch and time-related magic is not my thing."
Lurien thinks for a moment before responding. "It's about twenty minutes until the formal schedule commences," he says, "You're actually somewhat early."
"That is a relief," Flowers replies, "I think I will stay here for a while."
Lurien turns around for a second, then back to Flowers. "It appears that we have another guest here," he says, “I’ll allow you two a moment to become acquainted. There’s a matter I’ll need to attend to.”
Not a second later, a great eagle swoops dangerously close to the edge of the courtyard and begins to circle the courtyard. Lucien sighs, then lifts off to redirect the rider. "Oh gosh!" Flowers giggles, hand against her mouth, then, in a more controlled voice, "Oh my goodness."
The other person, who had apparently appeared in the few minutes they were talking to Lurien, shakes their head. "Some people…" They then blink, focusing on Flowers. “Well– ah, greetings!” The person gives a curtsy. “My name’s Liam.”
Flowers returns the gesture. “I’m Flowers, the Sun Witch. It’s nice to meet you!" After a short pause, they added "I like your dress.”
“Thank you~!” Liam twirled around a little. “Yours is very cute.”
Flowers smiles, but doesn't respond otherwise. They lean against the rock and watch Lurien guide the eagle, now a bright point in the darkening sky. They then turn their attention to Liam's dress. It's pink and somewhat round – very much unlike their own. Their ear twitched as they tried to think of what it reminded them of. After a moment, it clicked.
“I’ve not seen a dress of that style in a while. Lunar hibiscus, right?” they comment.
Liam's head tilts in their direction. "How did you—"
Flowers grins a little. “I don’t call myself ‘Flowers’ for no reason. The color’s pretty accurate, too. Though, those flowers are pretty rare on the island…”
“Ah, I’m not actually from here. I’m not even properly a wizard – that title belongs to my partner. I’m his plus-one.”
“Oh!” Flowers glances along the rim of the floating landmass. A little ways away is a person, sitting alone on an outcropping and staring into the sunset. “Is that him?”
“Yeah… He’s a little shy. I’m sure he’ll warm up when things kick off.”
Flowers nods, tapping their foot. “I hope the host is back soon… I hope everything’s alright with the bird situation.”
As if on cue, on a beam of light, Lucien appears next to the two guests. “I apologize for the wait, Mx. Flowers. I hope you’ll forgive my cutting your tour short for the moment, as the floor will open momentarily. I suggest you both make your way to the main hall and meet some more of the guests in the meantime.”
Flowers jumps (again! They should really get some spatial awareness at some point.) “Ah—! Of course, thank you.” They start to walk down the path toward the person on the rock. Maybe they could find another new acquaintance. Lucien, apparently satisfied, vanishes into light.
They hear Liam fall into step behind them. "Um," he says, "The fastest path is to the right."
They glance back at him. “We need to collect your partner, don’t we? Besides, I need to compliment his dress, too.”
By the time both Flowers and Liam reach the rocks, the sun has fully set. The clouds around the islands, no longer glowing red and purple, swirl like dust.
She glances back at the other person. They are wearing a deep indigo dress, made with a soft fabric and, unlike their partner, no plants in mind. As they turn to face them, Liam speaks. “Hey, we’re supposed to go inside soon.”
Admittedly, Flowers is a little distracted for the rest of the conversation. All is fine, though; they go through the motions of introducing themself and compliment the other's— Hemi's, if they remember correctly— dress.
Hemi smiles at the compliment, but Flowers turns toward the door, from which they can hear the sound of it unlatching. “Ah, it seems it’s time to enter. Have a wonderful time, you two—!” they say, then head off.
This might be more fun than they thought.
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