#at least im meeting up with my friends to buy books after this
broke-on-books · 8 months
Me months ago: omg easy science gened! I like maps I can def make maps this will be great
Me now: *trawling through a 2180 page pdf listing every mailbox in the UK* how the fuck do I turn this into a data layer
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fluffymaxsworld · 8 months
i am so in love with simon riley, so here’s (another) fic<3
[neighbors, wife material reader, fluff<33]
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the brief interactions you and your next door neighbor, simon, had were so miserable. occasional smiles and pleasantries, but just when your eyes met his. quick hellos and polite waves, something the both of you didn’t care about.
he worked in the military, a cold, stern man, he never took part at the meetings between the neighborhood. he was good looking, no one ever said the opposite, but his mysterious demeanor was something girls didn’t wish of. sometimes he also disappeared for weeks and people swore they had see him with a skull mask.
on the other hand, you were a sweet girl, outgoing and caring, even for your grumpy neighbor.
that’s why you two met.
it was a cold friday, the apartments were silent like always. you decided to prepare cookies to “match the mood” so you left the house to buy the ingredients. on your way back you noticed simon. he was struggling with searching his keys in front of his door.
“you dropped them” you smiled sweetly, breaking the silence and pointing at the couple of keys on the floor.
in response he nodded, picking them up.
well, he wasn’t your best friend, but at least he could’ve said a short “thanks”.
“you’re back from another mission?” you asked him.
“yeah” he quickly replied, almost impatient of locking himself inside his house.
“you’re a great man. bye.” you waved and entered your apartment.
he nodded again and closed his door.
well, whatever, time for cookies!
in a couple of hours you baked at least a dozen of chocolate chips cookies. and what a kind soul like yours would do with half of them?
you packed a basket full of cookies and opened the door. you knocked twice at simon’s and waited for a reply.
“who’s there?” the deep voice asked.
“neighbor!” you replied lively.
he opened his door and looked at you. his big, muscular figure was… something else.
“i baked cookies, want some?” you said, handing him the chest.
“you sure?” he looked quite surprised, “i mean, thanks”
“i just thought you needed them, i mean, you’re in the military!” you said it almost jokingly, but you believe that he deserved to be cared about.
“thank you, really. do you want to grab a coffee?”
he invited you over. simon riley, feared man, skull-masked, military guy, invited you over to drink coffee and eat cookies.
“yeah, sure!” you nodded, how could you decline?
you stepped in, looking around.
his apartment was similar to yours in space terms, but completely the opposite when it comes to the arrangements.
the walls were a soft grey, a white couch filled the living room and a wooden table with a couple of chairs was almost hidden between the entry and a huge library full of books, military books, you guessed.
then you saw it, the famous skull mask everyone talked about. you thought it was a myth, something people invented because they were bored, but here it was, white plastic-like skull and black tissue.
“curious?” he interrupted your thought as he took the mask, “if you wonder if the rumors are true, yeah, it’s mine. i wear it during missions”
“oh, cool” you said, looking at it.
“are you scared of me?” he asked you, a unreadable tone in his dark voice.
“scared? why?” a half giggle escaped your mouth.
“the mask. the military thing. isn’t it scary?”
“i don’t think so. you’re interesting and being in the military should be a boast!” you sat down on the table, handing him one of the cookies.
he took one and bit into it, “tastes good.” he smirked slightly, “and thank you, by the way. i guess im not really liked here…”
“you shouldn’t care about what they think. they’re just idiots” you reassured him.
“well, i don’t have time to care. missions and work are my only priority right now” he sighed, biting on the cookie.
it almost sent you shivers. he doesn’t have nobody to wait him after his missions, his appearance scares away all the neighborhood. he needs a wife.
“do you have a partner?” you asked him, trying to sound nonchalant.
“why? wanna ask me out?” he joked, but you flushed a little, “no, i don’t. i don’t think i need a partner”
you avoided his fulminating gaze and kept talking, “man, you need a girl, believe me.”
“i don’t have time for stupid sloppy things like that. that’s for idiots”
“mmh, i don’t think so.” you said, giggling softly.
he let out a subtle laugh, looking at you, “i haven’t found the right woman yet, then”
“you’ll find someone, trust me”
and that’s how you and simon became close friends. every now and then, when he came back from missions, you were waiting for him with a basket full of cookies, muffins or a whole cake and a bright smile on your face.
and how bad, because he was starting to fall in love. in love with your eyes, hair, smile, oh, your smile. you drove him crazy. he felt cared about. when he was out for a mission he didn’t think only about coming back home alive, but coming back home alive for you. you made him dream in something when he was at his low.
it’s a snowy night, you baked a couple of muffins for simon. it’s been a month since he left for the mission and you really missed him. usually you knock at his door around 7pm, a quietly chosen appointment each time he would’ve come back home.
but not today, no, because you heard a knock.
“simon!” you smiled and opened the door.
“it’s been-” you couldn’t finish the sentence as he pulled you closer into a hug, a warm tight hug.
as you draw close, your bodies press together, creating a feeling of warmth and closeness. in that moment, your hearts synchronize, and the world around you seems to fade away.
“simon? are you okay?” you chuckled softly.
he buried his face deeper into your neck, your smell intoxicating him.
“i’m not great with words, y’know…” he started, “i… well, y’know, i’ve been away for awhile. i’ve risked my life more than once, and all i could think about was you. and i’m scared i could die without admitting what you made me feel”
“simon…” you looked at him, noticing his brown eyes full of worry and confusion.
“i’ve fallen for you, completely, deeply, insanely. you drive me crazy, you’re all i can think about. and i know i’m not the best man you’ll-”
you pulled him closer into a kiss, your lips finding his. you closed your eyes, he closed his, lost in the moment. you could feel your heart race faster, your body tingle in excitement. you shyly brought your hand to his cheeks, exploring his face, tracing the scars that his face was full of.
“i’ve been waiting for you” you whispered between the kisses.
“i love you” he finally said, his voice deeper than the usual and their eyes fixated on yours.
“i love you too, simon riley”
love y’all anyways :))
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hi !! just wanted to pop in here to request smth as well as tell you i love your writing sm !! i cant wait for part 11 of "the alliance" comes out !! there fr needs to be more yuri content in spy x family.
also, have you ever thought of crossposting your work on wattpad/ao3/quotev ? i only say since at workplaces and school tumblr is usually blocked, and when i have a bad day im always here rereading your writing.
ANYWAYS ONTO MY REQUEST ofc its gonna be yuri x reader !! it can be headcanons or an actual oneshot, whatever you want to do, but ive always wanted to see how yuri would react to birthdays, whether it be his one or y/n's.
anyways, thanks so much for reading this. even if you dont do my request, i hope you know how genuinely happy and giddy youre writing makes me and other.
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        Yuri Briar x Fem! Reader
        This can be read with or without reading my Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series: An Alliance (part 1).
        Beware! This fic DOES contain SPOILERS for the manga and for the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series: An Alliance (part 1)!
        Series information: Setting is AFTER the reader rejoined WISE (so Yuri and [Y/N] are married and [Y/N] becomes an official double-spy).
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   Yuri doesn't exactly like celebrating his birthday, even when he was a kid he didn't care much. The only thing he really has to look forward to that day is Yor visiting him. Other than that, he sees the day as any other day. He wouldn't even celebrate if you and Yor didn't make him every year. 
        You and Yor would meet up the day before his birthday and bake a cake together. Afterwards, you'd both go shopping for birthday gifts. 
        Yuri swears he's in paradise on his birthday. You AND Yor both spending time with him, laughing and getting along with each other? That's enough of a birthday gift for him (until Loid and Anya walk through the front door).
        Other than that, Yuri would rather spend the day relaxing off work. He'd be up to going for a walk or a restaurant for dinner, but he's a little simple.
        "Yuri, it's your birthday, we're supposed to celebrate!" you explained. 
        "I know, I know. It's just... I've never really celebrated my birthday much growing up." Yuri admitted.
        When his parents died at a young age, he didn't really have the time to celebrate when he was busy studying for school. Yor would at least make him a cake (it wasn't very good... or edible) before heading out for work, leaving him to his own devices for his birthday. He didn't have birthday parties because of how poor they were and he didn't make friends either for anyone to attend them.
        "It is my responsibility as your wife to celebrate your birthday with you because according to this ring, I'll be with you for all your other birthdays." You spoke, showing him the silver ring with the ruby on top that he bought you.
        Your words made him tear up, his face turning red as tears and snot rolled down his face.
        "You're an angel!" he exclaimed, hugging you tight enough to suffocate you.
        "I know, now let go before you kill me and I won't be here next year!" you gasped, hugging him back despite your words of "let go"
        On your birthday, he's much more energetic and fun (he's a hypocrite).
        He'd buy you your favorite flowers and cook your favorite breakfast for in bed. After breakfast he'd bake a cake from scratch using a cooking book (no, you cannot help. Go watch TV or read a book). 
        He'd take you somewhere that you like to go or that's of interest to you: an aquarium, zoo, park, flower garden, beach, sports game, anywhere you'd like.
        He would blow his entire week's paycheck on gifts for you (he works for the state, he has the money). 
        "I have a reservation for that fancy restaurant that just opened up down the road." Yuri spoke, tying the tie on his suit.
        "How'd you get that done? There was a waiting list before that place even opened?" you questioned, brushing out your hair.
        "I have my ways." Yuri smiled. 
        "I hope none of those ways involved threats and bribery." You sighed, placing your hands on your hips as you looked at him.
        "No, no, I would never!" he said in a high voice, obviously lying. "...Maybe a little."
        "You'd go that far for me?" you questioned, holding your heart as a warm fondness stirred your chest, your heart beat raising. "You're such a sweetheart!" you cooed before kissing him on his cheek.
        "Psh! It was nothing! I just wanted to do something for you since you did something for me on my birthday." He spoke, acting as if it was nothing (the blush on his cheeks and the smile on his face said otherwise). 
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        Thank you so much for requesting! I do apologize for the request being short, I personally don't have much experience on birthdays due to growing up in a family where we don't do much for birthdays.
        I'm also working on writing a request for a Christmas one shot for Yuri that will come out in the middle of December so stayed tuned for that!
At the moment, I'm also crossposting my work onto Ao3, Wattpad, and Quotev. I've finished uploading the Yuri Briar x Fem! reader: An Alliance series onto Wattpad and Ao3. My account name is "Stellar Constallation" for Wattpad and "StellarConstellations401" for Ao3.
        Want more Yuri content? Check out the Yuri Briar x reader masterlist!
        Have any other requests? Check my official masterlist to see the characters I write for: Masterlist
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seeminglydark · 3 days
good news! i finally got a job after being unemployed for a few years. it’ll be at least a year or two before i’m able to move out due to trying to pay off my credit card debt but i’m excited that i’ll be able to leave town and get away from unsupportive family. i’m trying to spend as little money as possible on entertainment stuff and i have a massive book collection that i’m excited to read and sell some of it i don’t feel like i need them anymore. you’re comics have been very helpful for me to be able to understand and express myself. it has given me a lot of joy since finding it especially after the loss of my cat a month ago.
any tips for a queer punk trying to escape and start over with no support system?
happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
ANON! I'm so proud of you, thats incredible! i am wishing you all the best on your journey forward and out. it sounds to me like you already have a good handle on things, paying down your debt is a great place to start. depending on how much debt you have, (most of my advice is US based I'm afraid, since thats where i grew up as a poor lonely punk so hopefully it can help you, or someone else) you may be able to find a financial counselor or coach, (not adviser!) to help you get rid of some of it immediately. there are ways to 'challenge' things on your credit that have been there for a while, and many times the creditors will either drop it cuz they dont want to deal with paperwork, or reduce it to a much smaller payable sum because to them something is better than nothing. a lot of cities has free nonprofit programs to help with this, and other non profit organizations offer them as well depending on your community. This will also help improve and build your credit score cuz even a punk might need to buy a home or rent an apartment one day.
i know there is an allure to big name cities when you move, i lived in one myself while poor as dirt and it kinda sucked (Austin tx specifically) because it was so expensive. look into where you want to go before moving there, look at cost of living, and public transit, things like that. it looks like youre waiting a while before going, look into job transfers so you might not have to start completely fresh from the bottom.
thrift stores are great but they are getting more expensive by the year, but when youre a poor guy in a new place, dumpster diving might be an option. please dont ever get a mattress from a dumpster ok? bedbugs are a thing and often why those are thrown out, but other things like tables, chairs, shelves etc. check your local papers and neighborhood boards, sometimes hotels and such renovate and when they do they auction furniture off dirt cheap. Thanks Mr Marriott for furnishing my house for like 40 bucks in 2005!
When you move out, if you are still struggling financially, you can look into fixed rent apartments, you usually have to get on a list, but there are places out there to help you get on your feet. a REALLY good resource for many things if going to be your local library. librarians are like gods and they know SO MUCH that can help you.
speaking of libraries. you do deserve a little joy, i would think about perhaps getting a electronic reader, did you know that you can rent books and audio books from libraries with one? plus it reduces the bulk of books you may have to move later. i know the vibe is different from getting to touch the pages, but the pleasure of reading is still there. The library is also going to be a great place to meet people and find a circle of support and new friends. many of them have clubs and community activities ranging from book clubs to everything in between, you can even suggest a club yourself that they might consider hosting. don't deprive yourself of happiness, itll be helpful on the days when it gets hard to move forward.
its been a hot minute since i was alone and starting over, and things have changed a lot so im not completely sure all of this is still relevant, library is ALWAYS a good place to start. if my followers have any advice, please feel free to chime in the comments as well! im so proud of you anon, and keep us updated as life goes on. <3
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alexandraswords · 1 year
An overdue ending to a (un)well decorated drinking career.
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Friday, June 9, 2023 9:28 AM
Today is one of those days where I am just tired, and a bit bored, but mostly tired. I am exhausted. Mentally at least. I have really been putting my all into my sobriety to the point where my day revolves around meetings but im starting to lose momentum. I have a headache, the dog wont stop barking, i'm trying to pop the zits on my face. Basically being alone with my discontented ass self is not something I'm great at... yet.
I should meditate or journal or text another AA member. But I just want to sleep and be normal and relax. But fuck normal.
I thought drinking was normal. I thought my diet of vodka and water and the occasional box of cheez-its was adulting. I thought I was mature and well refined and socially acceptable because I drank, just like everyone else, because, you know, drinking is normal... right?
Wrong. Not for me. I am NOT normal. So I have to do abnormal shit to keep my addictive eating disordered alcoholic riddled ass self sober and happy. I have to keep listening to other people because me making my own decisions landed me in a crack den sharing a room with a friend I would consider a sibling, whom which a fought with constantly to the point where I dragged the mattress from our third floor apartment (if you consider that uninhabitable shit hole, an apartment) down out side below out kitchen window so if I jumped maybe the universe would send me a sign saying that it is or isn't time yet. Okay so I didn't actually do that, but I sure as shit thought about it... a lot. Like a lot. I mean i couldn't even barely walk to the bathroom let alone haul some shit down the stairs. Hell, I wouldn't even walk across the street to get my own liquor. I would bribe my roommate by telling him if he went for me and took my card he could buy something for myself. I just didn't care anymore. I hated everything. I hated that I had to be loaded to be able to walk because my shakes were so bad. I hated that I had to drink to even feel sober and functional and not hallucinate and vomit and dry heave bright green bile. And worst of all I hated that I had lost control.
My eating disorder and my alcoholism made my reality disappear. The food temporarily until my life became a cage, and the nicest word I can think of to name it would be a vomitorium because it was actually that repulsive if you could see inside the walls of it. The alcohol took control over me so I didn't have to deal with food, but also made it so I didn't worry or care about ANYTHING. 
So I guess this is how I'm going to start this ... whatever rant of words form a book. Where I'm at right now. Because right now is all I have. Yes, I am in full self pity mode, but if there's one thing I've learned from AA it's that I need to take action, and never have I ever felt worse after going to a meeting. So,lets go fucking make our bed, and meditate or some shit and get ready for today. So, yeah, Fuck Normal.
So, Why the fuck not?
I got most talkative in fifth grade. The english section of my English SAT’s, I aced. People (my boyfriend) seem to like my writing and have told me If I don’t do something with it, then they’ll publish it themselves… which I’m pretty sure falls into the lines of plagiarism but lets be honest here. I am probably one of the biggest procrastinators when it comes to doing something that is actually good for me. Why? The fuck if I know. Maybe because all I’ve known has been chaos and panic since, like,  forever, that when it comes to the real things, like happiness and joy and pride in work that I’VE DONE… well, I'm just not used to that type of thing.  But I figured, fuck it. I can write a book. All i have to do is elaborate on how awesome I am at self sabotaging and add in some very few lessons I picked up and am still learning day by day. Basically I’ve decided its time to just put all my shit in one bound piece of parchment instead of having to explain my life story to everyone as if its my first day with a new therapist. 
But alas, melodramatic Alex is bored and avoiding meditating, to keep her shit together and be healthier, obviously,  because that would actually be beneficial to my well being. So for now i’ll just throw it in one of the corners in the back of my mind while it slowly simmers into a pot of anxiety attack soup while I try and explain to you (briefly before the pot starts boiling) how fucking insanely delusionally fantastically fucked my life is, and how I got here, and why I wouldn’t change one second of it for anything. But I mean, there’s forwards and shit in books right? So can this be like a PS after the main intro forward? ‘Cause This sober bitch has to go meditate before a meeting so I can stay mindful in my sobriety and not add homicide to my list of criminal activities. (That was a joke) So for now, just for today, Namaste Sober. 
P.P.S- enjoy the buffet of garbage that hopefully is not similar to mine. But if you can and most likely will relate if you’re reading this (most likely because my clever title struck a chord in your twisted little heart) then just know, you're not alone in this shit show, but no one ever really puts the shit show on the ‘gram now do they?
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hi, can I please get a romantic match up for marvel and for dc? im an intp, 5w4, slytherin, true neutral, and a capricorn. I'm cisgender and my pronouns are she/her, and I'm bisexual with a heavier preference for guys. I'm 5 foot 2, fair skinned, and midsized. I also have brown curly hair just below my shoulders and light brown eyes. I'm usually wearing cuffed jeans, a shirt with some show or movie reference on it, and converse. My hobbies are writing (novels and poetry), reading (books and comics), baking, watching shows and movies, sometimes drawing, and playing piano. I love mythology and ancient history, and I'm very interested in anthropology. I would love to work in a museum, as well as become an author one day. I struggle with social anxiety and depression, but once I open up I can be prone to rambling to people I trust and I use humor a lot to cope. I'm a very loyal friend who loves to help solve problems. thanks so much if you get to mine!
Thank you for requesting a matchup! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Steve Rogers:
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⭐ You met Steve when he saved you during the 2012 alien invasion, brought to you proudly by Thor's brother, Loki; you almost didn't blame the god since he was practically the reason you got to meet Steve in the first place
⭐ And, as if by fate, you bumped into him again, and again, where you may ask? At the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum; believe it or not, you worked in the Captain America section, unknowing that you'd ever bump into Steve there; well, you recognized him, even when he wore a cap and fake glasses
⭐ Steve remembered you, how could he forget you? He was awestruck the moment he saved you from that large piece of falling concrete; he didn't waste the chance of spending time with you, getting to know you while wandering the museum
⭐ Soon enough, the two of you grew closer and closer, and with the help of hype from Bucky and Sam, Steve asked you out on a date; you of course said yes, going to a small cafe back in Steve's hometown, drinking coffee or tea as you told Steve all about your love for writing and him, his love for drawing
⭐ Steve finds you incredibly smart, is always protective of you if you are having a panic attack after a stressful day, and loves how you light up when rambling about ancient history and other topics you love; Steve is also fond of the memories when you and him got matching converse, writing the other's name on them, and Steve won't hesitate to try and bake with you when he can
Clark Kent:
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📰 You met Clark when you joined The Daily Planet, being the new secretary, you were busy returning some paperwork when you bumped into him; if felt like your world was going to explode, not only because you had bumped into someone on your first day, but because the person you bumped into was very attractive
It was very awkward, at least to you, but Clark, the one you bumped into, was so sweet; he apologized, offering to buy you a coffee at lunch since it was his fault that he bumped into you
Clark found you beautiful, from the way you spoke and shyly looked away at points to the way you played with your hair nervously, he felt bad that you felt so nervous around him; but as time goes on, you slowly grow out of that shell of yours and really, truly begin to enjoy your time with Clark
After a while of being friends, you actually got the courage to ask Clark out, and believe it or not, he said yes, and the rest is practically history; from cute dates, to long walks in the park talking about anthropology and photography, and even moving in with one another; you were inseparable
Clark trusts you completely, you being as loyal as they come, he finds the courage to tell you that he was Superman, and you were beyond happy that Clark trusted you that much to tell you; you both are soulmates, even though he came from the stars, you like to joke about him being your guardian angel, overall, you two are incredibly happy together
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bunnywritesmarvel · 2 years
Do you have any tips on adjusting to living on your own/away from family for the first time?
i dont have much advice considering ive only lived alone for like,,,, 3 days so far but i can tell you what ive experienced so far and my plan that i developed so my raging introverted tendencies dont isolate me lmao
this is very long and ramble-y so i apologize in advance LMAO
so far ive had some weird sleeping issues but im just chalking it up to im not used to sleeping here and also theres no curtains. just blinds and the street lamps outside are casting a little light into my apartment, so i doubt itll persist and ill eventually get used to the light and the new location and sleep just fine
ive always enjoyed cooking, so cooking and all that stuff isnt too new to me and i enjoy making myself dinner. if youre on a budget like me, definitely write out a meal plan and tick off any ingredients youll need for them and only buy those ingredients + any little snacky stuff you might like that wont blow your budget too much.
id definitely say just make sure you build up a routine, heres mine for example
after work i go to the gym, after the gym i come home and shower. after my shower, i make dinner. when i make dinner, i prep all the ingredients first and then cook, but as im cooking ill also clean the dishes i used that i wont need anymore. eat dinner, prep lunch for tomorrow, finish dishes, then i just kinda tidy up a little for like 5 minutes and honestly you can get a lot done in 5 minutes. put your clothes in the hamper, wipe down your kitchen counter/coffee table/bathroom sink, sweep up the little pile of crumbs on the floor, take the trash out, etc. just some small stuff, all the bigger things like deep cleaning can be done on a day off or when you have more time. after that i get ready for bed, wash my face, take my meds, have a lil snack if im still hungry then brush my teeth, etc
then after that i usually have an hour/hour and a half to do whatever i want. i try to aim to do something productive for myself that i'll also enjoy like work on a skill/hobby, maybe a read a little or write a little but theres also no shame in spending that free time binge watching youtube or netflix lmao
i also aim to go out with a friend at least once a week, usually a time when i know i wont have to get up early for work the next day so i dont have to worry about getting home in time for bed
also, if youre close with your family like i am and you still live relatively close to them, dont be afraid to admit when youre feeling lonely and to go visit them!! there will definitely be some times youll feel lonely living on your own, even it youre a raging introvert like me. theres nothing wrong with that, but just dont let it isolate you and keep you from going out and seeing people!
honestly, you dont even have to tell them youre feeling lonely if you dont want to, just text them or call them and ask if you can come hang out and take up the opportunity if they say yes! and if theyre busy or need a rain check, dont just stay in your apartment. if you can, go out and do something! get some coffee and sit down and read for a little bit inside the shop, or go see a movie by yourself. yeah, youre still technically by yourself, but going and doing something might still help the loneliness and you also might meet some new friends! maybe theres a local book club, or an animal shelter that needs volunteers.
i also hate the silence of my apartment, so i always have music or a podcast going, or my favorites playlist on youtube playing, something for just a little background/white noise that i wont have to pay too much attention to while i clean/cook/do whatever
honestly, just dont be afraid to reach out to people or ask people to check up on you every so often. im such a big introvert, i thought quarantine was going to be GREAT for me, but eventually i did get lonely and i started to feel terrible, so dont doubt that itll happen to you. dont isolate yourself no matter how much you want to
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in other ADHD news, doctor horse girl was recently officially diagnosed as having ADHD and got medicated for it. very helpful timing, medical establishment! AFTER grad school! but whatever.
anyway, so I was like jokingly like, welcome to the club! and then she told me what specific meds she was on, and it is the EXACT SAME one my beloved and I take. so obviously I was like
even harder.
im making friendship bracelets about it
so 3 out of 4 people in the friend group have almost the exact same diagnosis [different subtype diagnosis for everyone! for peak comedy, the smallest most girlish person is of course the one diagnosed with the stereotypically male subtype: me, primarily hyperactive]. AND are on the exact same medication at varying doses.
this explains a lot about how we can all relate to each other and communicate in that highly specific data compression ADHD way. it explains a lot.
it also means that in order to function, the ecosystem naturally acquired someone who can drive places even when not perfectly super perfectly medicated. We have our token One Normal Guy, with the super power to effectively navigate a grocery store instead of going in loopy loops for three times as long to get half the items on the list.
he is, of course, actually weird as shit in ways science has no words to describe. but his brain functions way more normal, which means that we end up in scenarios like
far in advance, everyone vaguely agrees we're gonna meet up for a weekend and we pick a month and place. everyone but One Normal Guy promptly forgets about this. One Normal Guy buys plane tickets and forwards everyone his itinerary. everyone else is like wow, so soon? and we promptly forget about it again. in a few months he sends everyone an e-mail confirming we're still on and letting us know he booked the air bnb we discussed (at least two out of three people: what air bnb???) and here's how we're splitting costs. this will prompt one more party into buying plane tickets. middle booking party will ask remaining party about their plans only in an attempt to avoid figuring out logistics out of the airport on their own. remaining party will go "oh shit, I dunno." eventually everyone buys plane tickets. no one else forwards their itinerary, ever. One Normal Guy compiles a google document of Potential Activities. my beloved responds promptly because this is his bestie. doctor horse girl may or may not open the document for months but she will eventually open the document, probably.
A month out from the event I get an e-mail like: ahah, so, just checking in, what's your favorite thing in the document? [translation: have you opened the document? I can See you have not opened the document. will you please open the fucking document].
and so, it is time for me to look at the document. I will send a polite e-mail about the document. mostly I am hoping that being gushingly grateful in person will make up for being forced into the role of cruise director.
this has been going on for years.
if, during the course of a trip, we need to go to a grocery store or a pharmacy for supplies, we send in our One Normal Guy. One Normal Guy has tried to take various combinations of us with him, but my beloved and I end up talking together in a nook somewhere and lost. doctor horse girl and I end up chatting and shopping and lost. Our One Normal Guy then loses valuable time to corralling the lost and wandering sheep. Amount of times I have eventually wandered near a check out line and seen him on the other side going "???????": incalculable. Our One Normal Guy can take my beloved with him, but only if my beloved is not steering and is discouraged from talking (my beloved has like, a five foot aura of fascinate person and even Our One Normal Guy is not immune). so the point is, if anybody actually NEEDS anything, you have to send in Our One Normal Guy.
intriguingly, there are scenarios where sending in Normal Guy is suboptimal, but that's a topic for another day. right now i gotta open this google document.
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gyu-effect · 6 months
Hi! Wanted to ask if you or anyone here has any advice. I broke up with my boyfriend very recently because we have really different communication styles/needs and my needs aren’t being met (he can go a week with no contact with no problem (and has a few times without a heads up) whereas it makes me sad and anxious) but I love who he is as a person and we have similar life goals, ideals and morals.
We’re still friends because we care for one another but right now I just find myself looking for reasons to text him. When he eventually texts back I get really excited and happy but then immediately feel like a pathetic loser for it because im the one who asked him to meet me halfway in multiple discussions and it just wasn’t happening.
I know realistically that I should stop reaching out to him but I still want to buy him Christmas presents and ask him how his day was at work or if he ate well. How do I stop doing this to myself?
(I honestly hate dating like someone please just wife me up and we can commit to making each other feel secure in our relationship for the rest of our life 🥲)
so first of all this is REALLY REALLY assholic of me to respond to this so late I'M SO SO SO SORRY TO RESPOND TO THIS
tbh im a lot like you so i completely understand from where you're coming. it feels really draining when youre the only one at the giving end and never at the receiving end and yet no matter how much ever the person seems unenthusiastic you still give your 1000000% at it.
i understand how you feel and it does really feel pathetic sometimes like why am i so desperate??? they're not like this for me...they are okay without my existence.
the only thing that kkkkkkkind of holds me back from immediately jumping to responses, buying gifts being overly friendly because i think the person is very very important is honestly by pausing, and thinking. everytime said person texts me (after eternity) and i get super excited, i pause for a while and just think...hey they took some time to respond right...maybe i should slow down. and then i dont respond for a while...at least till the initial happiness and excitement has died down.
i have a friend in college just like this...i really really like him because hes the only one with home i can have hours long discussions about the books we've read and music so i enjoy talking to him but i feel like he isnt that enthusiastic as me...even while texting hes okay with short messages and just texting sometimes while im always jumping to his texts. so nowadays everytime i do that, i just stop and think
really thats all i can say tbh...like i said im just like you so even im helpless.
just think before you buy him stuffs or ask him such sweet things...will he do the same for you? you deserve someone who loves you the way you want to be loved. and yes he might be a great friend and all but maybe thats better that way...
if anyone has any advice pls do tell us tho :'D
asdfghjkl i can see where youre coming from abt dating but as someone whos grown up in country wheer predominantly arranged marriages exist, i think dating is really really good. like him for example, what if you had got married? you would have been unhappy for so long then TT
but yeah, marriage is abt communications, commitments and like you said making each other feel secure in relationships TT ill agree with that part that dating is a bit more...fickle
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terrakal · 10 months
Episode one; in a deserted world
You know how to they say the world is a small place when you recognise someone with a distance to them that’s surprisingly close at that instance. Well the world was definitely small for a lot of people in my brand new school!
But me!
I know my friends, who managed to move on to something what feels like to me, a higher or next level, the place im supposed to be, uni. Are finding themselves in a small world. Since a group of our good ol’ classmates are with them, recognising each other as the ones that made it. And pitying those who didin’t. Is the picture I inevitably make it to be. And it destroys my mental state if i may.
I had excused myself from feeling like this because i thought i’d be also finding myself in a small world, but disappointingly enough, i was in a deserted one. All the people i had hoped to see after being separated for a while, are in different timeframes were so close yet so far. And some even made it to the next level. A blow to my face.
But even though that happens i should live in the present, is what i keep telling myself as i see people meet with people from the past. Or with people by luck. Their worlds seem so small as they know one another. Yet i had no partner, i had no one to talk to, to connect with even though i saw the potential. I just felt lonely, and jealous.
These feelings make the desert even more dreadful, and an year long, to go trough the blandness of the night sky. The dread of feeling something creep up on me in the dark streets of the evening. The depths of desire to learn new things (major psychology). Drown in feelings of loneliness and jealousy. I have to help myself up again, and see the magic of the sunset, the calm of the road, the comfort of reading my books in the train.
To find the position comfortable is going to be my challenge, but cant i wait till this year is over, and hopefully by then will the desert be luscious and an oasis will have filled itself with new people.
But on the realistic side of things, i went to school missed my train, took an other train which made me anxious since i had to take two trains to make it to my destination. After such i was too late for the tram. So i was seated, suddenly being called by my dear friends, Zara and Fatima. They gave me a sense of comfort and once again helped me from refraining to feel anxious nor scared to be lonesome and lost. After which i took my tram, helped an lady find her station. Walked and my bag broke so i have to buy a new one. Eventually entering the school and arriving 5 minutes too late for my first class of this school. Being seated next to a girl of whom was like milk. Milk is bland. Im sorry.
I wanted to talk to her, her, her, her. No chance, and when given one! Receiving instead is a blank almost annoyed stare. Stares i did feel as well, from those 2 north and south African descent. But with stares i cant do a lot nor can i trust I actually was the focus.
An half hour break, great. It would be a nice break if i were to know anyone, but I don’t. Yet everyone knew each other? I walked away from sight and called again with my fatima and zara. A sense of comfort had been laid out as well as regret. As matters boiled up that had messed with me mentally already, they barge into me at my worst. Yet it was evaded, as the breeze has its effect.
I returned to the next class, and followed the seat next to the window, hoping that a lady i could connect with would seat next to me, or someone i recognise which would give me the sense of a small world. But indeed i was unlucky enough to be seated alone, lost in thought about my severely saddening position in life. At least there was eye candy.
As class ended, i quickly walked out, and found two ladies from my class, they turned the other way of the main route.. such dispair i was in. No friends, no comfort, no pride. Just the sense to hold on. And at least a glimpse of light reveals itself as i got called by amina and miriam. And the beautiful sunset, the warm lights, the comfort of knowing im heading home.
As i did arrive and found the darkness during those hours nothing to be notable nor enough to be desired, i love clouds.
I miss my joy
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areislol · 2 years
Hi! Are you taking requests? If so, I really loved ur genshin streamer au, so can I request the reader hosting a contest and the winner gets their "love"? it's obviously a joke but the character takes it too seriously in the contest 😭 It can be any contest!
OH MY GOD THIS!! ^^^ IM SO IN LOVE WHAT, istg i love getting requests bc u guys have the best ideas sm.. my requests are always open. btw, if u guys want more characters pls tell me!! i'll make a part 2. ALSOO did u want this to be a harem?? cuz im making this individual.. please lmk if u do want it to be harem <3 I COULDNT ADD KAEYA CUZ I DIDNT HAVE TIME IM SO SORRY I'LL ADD HIM SOON!! streamer! childe, xiao x online friend reader recommend listening to: love maze - bts
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streamer! childe x online friend! reader • your week was boring, nothing exciting happened and the only thing that was keeping you from going insane was childe. • you wanted something fun and exciting to happening, so why not do a contest? • one of your friends suggested that you host an event, which was a "who knows me best" contest. and in order to win you have to get at least all of them right, and the winner gets all your love!! well, you give them overwhelming attention and call them pet names(BASICALLY EVERY TYPE OF LOVE EVER.) • you hit childe up and tell him the plan for the contest - HE'S ECSTATIC. he's literally so giddy about it?? • "hey childe! im thinking about doing a contest, a "who knows me better" test and the winner gets all my love, what do you think?" • "Y/N?? WHY DIDNT U THINK OF THIS EARLIER?? who am i versing tho?" .. well you didnt think that through!! "maybe my friends??" "okay, when will the contest start? today? tmr? next week? WHEN?" • lmfao it's starting tmr, anyways childe is SO confident, he doesn't even need to "study" bc he loves u sm that he practically knows everything about you(not in a weird way) • so when it's that day, childe is all ready - and so is your friend. you start the contest and give them questions about you, from easy to hard - "what's my name?" "what am i good in?" "my favourite show??" and etc. • childe got almost half of them correct, your friend however... failed most of them. childe laughs his ass off every time ur friend gets them wrong, childes voice annoys them and that just makes them want to win even more. • you're laughing the whole entire time, it was funny seeing how childe was taking this so seriously. • he answers in FULL detail. "what's my favourite show??" "ah! i know, your favourite show is __ and your favourite part is _:_ and your favourite character is __, am i correct?" ... you and ur friend are left speechless. • anyways, childe wins and he "woos" in victory, your friend just leaves and mourns their defeat • you laugh, it was so cute yet funny seeing childe so energetic about this, and how he was taking this seriously!! • childe is patiently waiting for you to give him your attention • you're just thinking about what to do next - do you end it here now and give childe your attention and love?? or?? • "haha... childe, how am i meant to give you my love?? we dont even know each other irl." • now you're both silent, "why not meet each other irl then?? you can then give me all your attention!" honestly, that didnt sound like a bad idea, but you would have to buy a ticket to go fly to where he is and find a place to stay and blah blah blah. • "but that'll be expensive and where would i stay and-" before u could even finish ur sentence, "i can pay for it, you can stay at my place. just pls give me ur attention." • THIS MAN IS SO DESPERATE FOR U?? • you think about it, "sure!! but how about i just give you all my love here just for now?" ... now childe's "woo"ing happily. he's so happy now cuz ur gonna give him ur attention and love <3 • after giving him your all, childe is already transferring money into your bank and teaching you how to book a ticket. • he gives u his address and he literally can't wait for u to to meet! <3
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streamer! xiao x online friend! reader • you and xiao are literally never bored, you two always have fun and it's almost impossible for u and xiao to get bored whenever you're together. • today, you wanted to do something fun - why not have a "get to know me" contest?? • you tell xiao your idea and he's nonchalant about it, but secretly inside his heart is pounding harshly when you say that you'll be giving them all your "love and attention". • "sure thing y/n, i'll get the stream ready now." "thanks xiao!! <3" • your "<3" makes his heart skip a beat. • once everything is settled, you call one of your friends and tell them about the contest and what they'll be getting in return, they ofc agree! • once everything is okay and done, you procced with the contest, asking them questions about you and your life, xiao gets ALL OF THEM CORRECT?? and ur friend is left shocked - but they answer some of them right. • "now, uh what's my favourite movie of all time?? and why??" "your favourite show is __ and you like it because of this hot guy character whatever. and you also like it because it have cute __ and bc it has a good plot." • you're left there stunned to say the least. you friend ws actually surprised and happy. "yk y/n.. xiao's the man for u *wink wink* • (... dont give xiao any ideas- tho he has already thought abt it millions of times.) • anyways, you congratulate xiao for winning and you had to kick ur friend out of the vc bc they kept on shipping u and xiao and it was getting really overwhelming for you(she was making u blush fr). • xiao tried his best to stay calm, but his actions are very noticeable. the way he tries to fight back his smile, his legs bouncing up and down in anticipation, the way his eyes are so focused and the way he looked like he was ready to listen to your next words. • "ah- well xiao, what do you want me to do?? and are you sure you want your viewers to see you.." "oh right, sorry guys, bye!! y/n's going to give me her undivided attention now!! cya." everyone could hear the excitement and happiness in his voice. his voice was much more airy and light. he was probably in heaven right there and then. • after that, you gave xiao all of your attention - though he wished that it happened irl and not on call.. it was still fun though, you guys talked together, laughed together and even watched movies together. • "hey y/n, how do you feel about meeting up irl??" "hm.. well, i dont really mind!! do you want to meet up? we only live a couple hours away. it wont be that bad ig." xiao's brain is now filled up with thoughts and possibilities with you two actually meeting up. • would you two go on dates? go ice-skating? play video games together? hug? cuddle??? • xiao was zoning out and didnt even realize till u yelled is out his name. "xiao!!! are you there??" • "oh, y/n im so sorry... i must've zoned out. i apologize." "wow xiao, if u wanted us to meet up so badly.. you could've just said so!! ;)" • xiao's beet red now lol • maybe you two will meet up soon?
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lets hope u two meet up <3 a/n: if u liked this pls go check out my other genshin hcs/like + follow + reblogs r appreciated. note: im so sorry i couldn't add kaeya in it :( im not feeling very well and i have a lot of ideas on my mind. i might start my headcannons next week <3 love u guys lots!!
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In the night
A/N: for the sake of this making sense steven is from london but is now living in ny. everything else is the same. more or less. i'd appreciate some ideas regarding how to continue the story.
Warnings: canon typical violence. not edited
frank castle x moonknight x reader
You meet Steven in the gift shop. You were asking him about some mug that you thought Frank might like. It would annoy him, at least. That was always fun for you. Even though you intended to just steal the overpriced keepsake, you ended up buying it, just cuz you found the way the vendor went on a tangent about the egyptian gods cute.
The man had a charm about him; big brown eyes and a nervous approach that was strangely endearing. And so, you flirted with him a bit. Just for fun. Some smiles and blinking up at him just to see how easy it was to make him blush.
“Do you always work at the giftshop or are you covering for someone?”
“No, this is my always job, not very fun innit?” He suddenly seems… Sad. You frown a bit at that. Did I make him upset? You´re quick to try and fix it. “No, no, I was just asking cause you seem to be a better fit for a guide… You know, all that knowledge and all” you let out a little chuckle, if only to relieve the tension.
He lets out a little smile at that, his cheeks flushed. You pay for the stupid mug, say your goodbyes and thank him, before making your way to the door. You really need to get back to Frank. He's been on one of his crusades lately, paranoid when he can´t find you.
A few feet before you reach the exit, you feel a gentle grip on your arm. You turn around to find the employee from earlier. A genuine smile graces your face at the sight of him. He's the first to speak, although he seems a bit anxious.
“Hi- I´m sorry if I startled you, miss, but if you don´t mind, I would like to know your name– Wait, Im sorry, I'm so sorry, that was so weird- I-”
God, he's adorable. You interrupt him and tell him your name with a smile and a light hearted touch to his chest. He seems to go into overdrive, at that.
You visit the gift shop once or twice a week, after that. You learn that his name is Steven, with a V. Steven Grant. It fits him. You also get to know a bit more about him; he has a one-finned fish as a pet, Gus. And he can speak french. Sometimes, when you go over to his house for some tea and a movie, or for him to show you the latest book about egyptian history he acquired, he reads you some of his favorite poems. You don´t understand them, but you enjoy his voice, so you let him.
You also learn that you like his hands, and how his hair falls over his eyes in the form of messy curls.
Eventually, he tells you about his trouble sleeping, the way he seems to forget days entirely. Then he starts to disappear for days at a time. It worries you, but you´ve grown to expect it. The first time it happened, you were so desperate you could hardly even eat. After the first three days, you went to Frank, eyebags prominent and tears barely at bay, begging him to look for your friend. Frank cares about you, even with all your teasing. He tries to dig up everything he can, but there's barely any information about this guy, much less his whereabouts. Frank gets suspicious, then. What if this guy is somehow connected to his past and is after you to get to him? He tells you as much. You don't take it well. You stay at Matt´s that night.
Frank´s on some rooftop facing a ridiculously big condo now. It´d give him whiplash that a goddamn gift shop vendor can afford such living arrangements, if it weren't for the fact that he already knows something is wrong.
He´s 4 hours into his stakeout when he finally gets something useful. The man gets up with an entirely different demeanor than before, all straight shoulders and hard-set jaw. He unties the ankle restraint connecting him to the bed and takes a knife, a gun and 2 boxes of ammo from a box hidden in some loose wood in the wall. Yeah, Frank knew he was right.
He picks his stuff up, follows him to some sketchy storage room. The man stops in front of him, white bandages wrapping around him as he slowly turns his head, just in time for the white fabric to reach his head in the form of a loose hood that almost hides his entire face.
Frank is quick to take his gun out. A man with a magic suit? Yeah well, New York has seen worse.
The man dodges the bullets, but one catches him in the arm. Frank doesn't miss how it heals almost immediately. What the fuck.
It's not long before he reaches him and wrenches the gun from his hands. Frank reciprocates this with a kick to the ribs and, a split second later, a headbut to that stupid mask. The man is quick to recover, as he throws a punch that his opponent fails to avoid.
They keep fighting until Marc temporarily gains the upper hand. He starts… Talking to himself? Arguing with himself, more like. The man's eyes shine a bright blue before his suit changes to, well, an actual suit.
“Marc you violent shit wad” What the fuck is up with the accent?
Frank takes the opening and flips him over, punching his face before taking a gun out of his boot and pointing it to the man´s throat. He spits a glob of blood “Who are you? Why are you after me?”
“After you? Mate, you´re the one who attacked us out of nowhere, yeah? Just please calm down for a moment, will ya?”
Frank shakes him with the hand still fisting his collar. “The fuck you mean “us”?”
hope yall liked it! comments and reblogs appreciated, plus they encourage me to make more parts quicker <33
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
Breaking it off with Yandere Bestfriend Baji HCs
i - uh - accidentally deleted one of my drafts with an anon ask in it, so im super sorry anon ;-; its about reader trying to break it off with yan bff baji :') decided to finish this up as part of our baji celebration! happy (still early) birthday to my best boy baji! ^^
Recommended Readings: ‎Yandere Bestfriend Baji HCs ; Yandere Bestfriend Baji Stalking HCs
tw: yandere, mentions of violence, gaslighting
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the day that you broke the news to him that you wanted to stop being friends was honestly the worst day of his life
his gut felt like it had dropped a feet or two when you had pulled your hand from his, and his heart definitely stopped for a moment when those dreadful words tumbling from your lips
he had thought it was just going to be another usual lunch, him gently taking your delicate hand into his and pulling you to your usual lunch spot
but you had allowed him to walk you until a quiet corner of the school before pulling your hand from his
according to what you told him through mumbled words, you had heard from some insignificant friend of yours - no that you thought that you had heard - that Baji had been the one behind all the sudden injuries and absences from your school
that all the fearful looks that you had been getting from your classmates, all the scurrying away from you by your former friends as you approached them, trying to ask if they wanted to have lunch together again on your favourite spot on, it had been all due to your bestfriend's interference
watching the tears well up in your eyes as you muttered the few words you wanted to say to him, your gaze dropping from his
the fear in your quaking eyes was something that drove a stake into Baji's chest, the wretched feeling only growing when you brushed away his hand when he tried to lift the tears from your eyes, or to pull you into a hug
and that was when the untruths started to spill from his lips, Baji grabbing you by your shoulders, pleading for you to listen - that your friends were jealous, that they were just trying to take you away from him
that he did none of what you accused him of, no, not you, what they accused him of
at least now, as you took in his words, slowly digesting what he was saying, your gaze could now meet his again, the fright in your eyes replaced by scepticism as he swore that he had been by your side at the time of all the accused events
did you remember that Baji had been studying with you at your place for that test you two had at the same that he was supposedly breaking the hand and a few fingers of some nobody in an alley behind school?
or that he had been walking you home after buying takoyaki, like you two did every midweek, when he was accused of throwing a bicycle at another former friend and intimidating him into staying away?
your friends were just jealous of him, of the bond the two of you had with each other
the lies spilled freely from his lips, and it was with relief when you seemed to believe him, accepting the hug that just a few minutes ago you dodged, letting him push his face into your hair, hesitantly returning his hug, your hands gently stroking his back
of course all the fake memories that he was feeding you tasted sour on his tongue, but Baji also knew exactly what to say to change your mind and heart
he had been your bestfriend for years after all, and you were as good as an open book before him - he knew exactly which buttons to press and what to say to make you cave like a piece of wet paper
and nothing moved you better than seeing him cry
the tears that were spilled from his own eyes were genuine - but they spilled for a different reason from what you believed it to be
you won't suppose to believe others over his word, the pain at you trying to break this precious friendship of his now turning into a taunting anger - not at you no, never you, but at the rest, the scum that were trying to tear the two of you apart
sure he did beat some of your mutuals to a pulp for daring to ask you out for tea, or for looking at you the wrong way, but you shouldn't be bothering yourself only what happened to the dirt under your feet
after gently wiping the tears of his cheeks, you apologised for mistrusting him, taking both his hands gently into yours, promising that you would find some time to sit down and talk through whatever misunderstanding happened
but he still had to step aside and let you wander home alone, with an excuse about having to get some admin work done enough to pacify you
he had more important things to get done at the moment, once you disappear round the corner of the school gate of course
hands that he had tucked into his pocket were trembling, the urge to feel the skin and bones on the absolute trash that you had been surrounding yourself with give way under his own two fists
he had tolerated them in his life long enough, and now it was time to take out the garbage
but it seemed that just pure intimidation and beatings along weren't the right moves, or more so, weren't enough to drive out all the leeches that blocked him from receiving your full attention and love
if they were trying to steal you away from your bestfriend, then it was time for him to be your only friend
of course, even if you were trying to walk out of his life, Baji wouldn't let you go so easily - that wasn't what bestfriends did
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lovelybkg · 3 years
protective | t.s.
pairing : todoroki shoto x gn!reader
request by @pocky-writes​ : how about a soft yandere todoroki who likes to spoil his sweetheart, and at first they don't like it until he scolds them and tells them that if they don't accept the spoils, he won't give them anything else. smuggle in some praise from him at the end too?? <33
note : wanted to write protective shoto, and i thought the request kinda fit so i decided to add it ! sorry if it isn’t the main story D:
warnings : very protective behavior, reader is kinda childish and sensitive, slight manipulation
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you woke up to an empty bed, devoid of the usual gucci and other designer brands packages shoto left for you. you let out a sigh of relief, thinking he finally listened to you and stopped sending you so much expensive stuff. surely, you didn’t need all those gowns and designer bags. hell, you don’t even go out! were you supposed to wear those fancy clothes in your small apartment? upon telling him about this, he offered to let you move in with him in his penthouse. as if. 
you love him, you really do. but he just has to listen to you sometimes! you don’t want him wasting so much money on you! he’s already paying for your college tuitions, that’s already too much. whenever you tried to tell him to stop, he just shuts you up with a chuckle and a kiss on your forehead, telling you not to worry about it. 
opening your phone, the 27 unread messages from him didn’t even phase you. he did have the tendency to send you a lot of text, most of them to check up on you. you knew how much it bothered him not being able to meet you often because of hero work, that’s why you were so understanding of his protectiveness and clinginess. he’s just worried, after all. you sent him a good morning text, proceeding to answer all of his questions as to avoid making him worry. he does get fussy when you don’t reply to his texts quickly. 
then you remember the plan you made with your friends to go out later that afternoon. you knew there was no way shoto would let you go, he doesn’t really allow you to go out much anymore. you understand though, he just wants to keep you safe! but maybe he’ll let you this time? before you can carefully plan how you’ll ask for permission, your phone flashes with an incoming phone call from him.
his deep voice greets you as soon as you answer the call, “good morning, my love”
“good morning, sho! are you at the agency?” he couldn’t help but smile at the enthusiastic way you greeted him. you were just so cute! he feels all his stress melting away by just hearing your voice.
the conversation went on for about an hour. he tells you about how stressful his morning was, with the new interns messing up during patrol and how dynamight couldn’t control his temper in front of the media again, which ended with him having to take care of everything with the agency’s pr department. you wanted to know more about his day, but he quickly changed the subject, instead asking you about how your sleep was. were the new pillows he bought you comfortable? how about the cotton silk pajamas? did you wear them? upon answering yes, he asked you for a picture. you quickly sent him one, fixing your hair before doing so.
“you look adorable, baby. do you like them? i’ll buy you more once i have the time” before you could protest, he changed the subject again as if he knew you were going to refuse. 
“what are your plans for today? i don’t think i can visit you today, it’s quite busy here at the agency. maybe you could read the new books i bought you, or just rest and take naps for the whole day. also, don’t forget to take care of yourself. i left my credit card there so you can order food, okay?” suddenly being reminded of your plans by his question, you braced yourself for what you were going to say next. 
softly calling out his name, he hums as if asking you to go on. what were you so nervous about? he knows you get quiet when you want to ask him for something, he just wishes you would stop being so shy. after all, he would give you anything your little heart desired. 
“can i go out with my friends tonight? please? i promise i’ll be home by ten!” you practically squeaked out with how nervous you were. it’s as if you could hear your heart beating out of your chest with the silence that followed your question. why isn’t he talking? is he upset at you?
“no” his voice was cold now, quickly replacing the doting tone he was speaking to you in earlier.
“w- why? it’s safe! there’ll be six of us so there’s no way i’ll get hurt! please, sho, just this once? i haven’t seen my friends in so long” your voice started to crack, a sign you were close to crying. 
“i said no, baby. so stop arguing, alright?” you started crying now, all he could hear from the phone was your soft sniffles before you hang up on him. 
you woke up with a headache and a strong arm wrapped around your waist. as you begin to panic, you realize it’s just shoto next to you due to the scent of mint and expensive cologne that practically engulfed your room. 
remembering what happened a few hours ago, you felt tears well up in your eyes again. you didn’t even notice you fell asleep. you hugged him tightly and buried your face in his chest, startling him. 
“im sorry sho!” you blurted out. you snuggled further into his chest, refusing to look at him. you didn’t wanna see his face! he’s so scary when he’s angry!
quickly recovering from his shock, he started rubbing your back softly as he reassured you that he wasn’t upset at all. he readjusted your position, forcing you to look up “im not mad at you baby, but i am glad you know what you did was wrong. i just want to protect you, you understand right?”
you nodded your head yes as you tell him you love him too. of course you did, shoto took good care of you. he does everything for you, the least you could do is listen to what he says! after all, he knows what’s best for you.
he gives you a kiss on your forehead before smiling softly at you, “you were crying, weren’t you? i’m sorry baby, but i’ll make it up to you. we’ll go shopping later, alright? i’ll buy you whatever you want”
you whined out a no, puffing out your cheeks like a child. he seriously needs to stop spending money on you, you didn’t deserve it! 
as if reading your thoughts, he rushed to reassure you “why not? baby, let me spoil you. you deserve it,” you know you don’t deserve it. you’re already so lucky, being able to date him, knowing millions of other people wish they were in your place. what can you even give him in return?
“shouuuu” you whined, “you already give me so much! and i can’t even give you anything in return. i dont deserve you” you pouted, showing your clear displeasure of his insistence on spoiling you.
he let out a light chuckle, face laced with amusement from what you said. his naive baby, why can’t you understand that he wants to do this? he loves you, you’re his sweetheart, and he’s going to take care of you. he’ll give you the entire world if he could, it’s what you deserve.
“i don’t expect anything in return, my love. and i’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. you’re the sweetest baby anyone could ask for, i’m very lucky to be able to call you mine”
the writing is kinda choppy, especially the conversations dhshs im sorry! D:
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚 ~
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𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝; SMUT!!! a smidge of angst and a lil fluff, felix x fem!reader. enemies to fwb, bullying!!!, highschool!au, blowjob, pierced!felix, mentions of complicated family relationships/bad economy, felix being rude lmao, PIV, unprotected sex (use protections ffs, this is a bad example), orgasm (m/f), cum, nicknames, shy reader, fingering. 
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝; 6.6 k 
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎; Consent is like tea or my personal favorite,,, tea slut HSAHSHA PLEASE im- anyways enjoy both tea and consent, both very very sexy and good for you
also,,, my first kinda long fic?? 
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𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺; Lee Felix. The class bully. Also the son of a wealthy business man. You didn’t have the same privileges, living alone at such a young age. After an arrangement Felix invites you to work at his fathers old tea shop but this relationship turns into something unexpected.
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The cold wind blew on your exposed calfs, the skirt of the school uniform fluttering as your backpack was lazily thrown across your shoulder, your head turned to the direction the bus comes from. You were not the only one on that bus stop. Other students standing at least a feet apart from each other, all eagerly waiting to hurry back to their comfortable homes, eat dinner and start on their assignments.
You on the other hand had other plans. 
What was on your computer screen wasn’t the typical essay or sheet of physics questions. It was job applications. And lots of them.
A notification arrived, your phone vibrating in your coat pocket and as the screen lit up you saw a message. 
[ Rent due today y/n, have it in by 8 ]
Living by yourself in a dusty apartment that contained nothing more than a bed, a desk and a tiny kitchen overfilled with noodle packets was nothing to be proud of. You could barely afford that type of lifestyle since you were a student so how on earth were you gonna get rent in to the old lady that served as your landlord? 
You sighed, the packed bus rolling slowly on the way and stopping, there barely being place to stand in the crowded vehicle. 
Your apartment was right above an old tea shop, the owner being a wealthy man that owned several shops on the block. His busy lifestyle including buying and selling properties kept him away from his true passion in life; tea. What scared you was his resemblance to a person you knew. A person you knew too well. 
Lee Felix
His only purpose in life was to have fun. To ruin others. And he had every opporunity to do so. His report card was nothing but lies and money, his fathers wealth being able to buy him decent grades without lifting a finger. There was one, only one, instance where the young boy would try his best and that’s when intimidating others. His best skill. Those piercing dark eyes and knife-sharp jaw could leave anyone shaken for days. 
But do you know who his favorite person to bully was?
All the hurtful memories eventually started to merge together but one stood out clearly to you. It happened a year ago. You walked into the sunlit classroom, your other classmates sitting around their desks, chatting and showing each other photos, laughing happily. Friends was not something you had, more like acquaintance. The students you would greet and exchange a couple of words with but nothing more. Your assigned seat was in the third row, the one sitting right behind you being Felix himself. With a quick glance at the clock you looked underneath your desk, searching for the book you needed for english class, your eyebrows furrowing as you searched desperatly, turning every book over and ripping open your backpack, did you forget it at home?
“Looking for this?”
The cold voice sent a shiver down your spine, you slowly turning back, afraid of what evil gaze awaited you. You gulped as you saw his angular facial structure, his cheekbones pertruding as he held your english book in his hand, the arms of the white school uniform shirt being rolled up just enough to show off his blinged out watch, veins softly trailing upwards on his flexed arms. 
You nodded to which Felix scoffed. Sighing you stood up, standing at the side of his desk and all of a sudden throwing yourself over it in a quest of snatching it from his grasp but failing epically, you falling down onto the floor, scraping your knees on the rough wooden flooring of the classroom. You try to stand up but was quickly stopped by Felix grabbing your face with his other hand, his wrists decked out with multiple delicate chains, all jingling with his movements. 
Meeting his gaze made your skin crawl, his eyes almost animalistic as he looked deep into your innocent doe-eyes, smirking. His blonde hair falling on each side of his face, framing it like a renaissance painting since his stoic features was art in itself. Your eyes lingered a bit too long on Felix’s making the boy annoyed, before you knew it a clear liquid was spilling down your cheek, that not being tears but instead Felix’s spit. You flinch back as he waves the book infront of your face, tears jerking in the corner of your glossy eyes due to the humiliation, your other classmates forming a circle around the two of you, unable to do anything since that could mean the end of them. 
“You want this, you want it so bad? What’s that angel? You’re gonna cry?”
He crouches as your gaze lowers to the floor, hair hanging infront of your face as a shield from his degrading words as the tears started pouring out of you like water, mixing with Felix’s saliva. He laughs psychotically, the cold laughter echoing in the classroom, tiny specs of dusty floating around like bubbles in a fizzy drink. The bold boy puts down the book on the floor behind him before he raises his hand, you shutting your eyes tightly, expecting the worst but being surprised as his hand laces in your disheveled locks. He pushes a strand of hair behind your flushed ear, leaning in close enough for you to feel his breath hit the shell of your ear. 
“I’m gonna give it to you,,, but I want something in return”
You snap your head up to look at him, your eyes wide open, eyebrows hightened. 
“W-what do you want?” you say, only for him to hear.
Felix hums, running his tongue in the inside on his cheek before speaking in a low voice.
You choked on your own spit, coughing as you turned away from him. You could hear his laugh ringing in your ears and after your coughing fit you turned back hastily, eyes as big as saucers. This couldn’t be true, this couldn’t be what you though it was. In sheer panic you once again tried to snatch the book, crawling on the floor like a bug in order to snake around his back to have a chance to grab the corner of plastic outside of the textbook but being met with disappointment when Felix slammed his foot on it, you retracting your hand after being mere inches away from his shoe. The boy tsked. 
“I expect you at the school gate by the end of the day and if you don’t show up you’re gonna pay for it, understood angel?”
You nod, just nod. No words or mimicks. Simply a nod. His intimidation wiping the entire alphabet from your mind. 
He stands up, grabbing the book and throwing it at you before exiting the classroom, a evil smirk plastered on his face. The sharp gazes of other students around you made you want to escape but you couldn’t, class was starting in 2 minutes. 
The sun shone it’s rays on your face, students exiting through the wide white metal gates. You ran your hand through your hair, pulling the straps of your backpack impatiently at you looked left to right, seeing the flowers blossom out in the rather windy weather. Suddenly your wrist was grabbed by a hand wider than yours.
It was Felix.
His closeness made you gulp loudly, a lump nestling into your stomach as you felt your anxiety rise, scared of what he might do to you even if you did find him strangely attractive even though he was a complete asshole. But who didn’t? The entire school was ready to give up their life in order to even be this close to the boy, girls and boys alike. You shook your head, wanting to get rid of the silly thoughts that clouded your mind. Only after minutes did you realise that your legs moved on their own, you being dragged by Felix, his hand still on your wrist. 
“W-where are we going?” you inquired, the wind blowing on the blonde pierced boy, his angelic hair bouncing with every step. 
“Don’t worry about it” he said, not speaking a single more word during the entire time he held your wrist and walked with you in the spring weather. 
All of a sudden the two of you were standing infront of the tea shop, you lifting your head to glance upwards at your dusty window that was right above the tiny wooden sign that said “Tea Shop”, swinging rustily back and forward. Felix retrieves a key, unlocking the corrodated wooden door, the color matching the sign above. 
“Wh- how do you know-” 
Felix hushes you, closing the door behind you before throwing the keys on the counter. 
“I don’t care about what you have to say. My father owns this place and I usually hang around here whenever it’s closed.” 
“Do you work here?” you asked with a voice filled with curiosity. 
Felix starts laughing his signature laugh, it being laced with nothing but iniquity. 
“Work? Do you think I need to work? I’m the only child of a wealthy family, I’m pretty much settled for life”
You nervously look down at the floor, only being in the tea shop a couple of times before it was closed for business.
“Well,,, I know that your father owns this place, I live in the apartment just above so-”
You were quickly cut of by Felix slamming his hand on the table, standing behind the checkout counter and leaning over it with his two arms as pedestals. 
You looked at him confused before your eyes gazed across the wall of glas cabinets displaying their finest china. Teapots with squiggly handles, painted with the utmost attention to detail, the colors of the scenes painted contrasting nicely with the eggshell white background. Small lamps were installed above each teapot, illuminating the work of art even more. 
“Why what?” you said back, still in trance from the beauty of the teapots.
“Why do you live alone?” His eyebrows raised.
“I never said that!” 
“y/n, that apartment is barely enough for a fucking mouse, there’s no way you could live there with someone else”
Damn, how did he know that? You had no other choice but to nod timidly, curling your hand into a fist.
“Don’t have the best relationship with my parents and since they aren’t wealthy like yours I have to do my best to find a way to support myself” you spat out at him, annoyed at his many questions. 
“Touché” Felix said shortly, shrugging his shoulders.
After a long moment of silence the blonde boy spoke again;
“Let’s make a deal, I’ll get you a job here and I’ll join you but only because you’re stupid and need my help, not because I want to be here”
Your eyes light up, like an excited child you dash toward the counter and place your hands near Felix’s, looking at him with twinkling eyes. 
“Really? You would do that?”
Felix nods.
“But don’t get too excited, you haven’t paid your end of the deal yet”
“Tell me! I’ll do anything, I promise!” you says quickly, smiling widely at Felix’s deadpan face.
“Suck me off”
Your previously bright smile faded in a matter of seconds, now turning into pure confusion. 
“Wh-what? I can’t do that! Are you crazy?!”
Felix scoffs, walking towards the door in a cocky manner with his black backpack over his shoulder, wearing black ripped jeans that were strictly banned in school but no longer warned to Felix by the teachers. The schools logo embroidered on the white flowy shirt that was unbuttoned, exposing his brand name t-shirt. 
Just in time you managed to block the door, his lips inches from yours as he sighed, smirking down at you. 
“I’ll do it! I will do it!” 
You blurted out, you had no other choice but to do it. Seeking other jobs had been impossible since you were only a student without any work experience, not having many other skills other than procrastinating and sleeping. You needed this in order to survive. You needed him. 
The boy pushed you against the entrance door, placing his forehead against yours. 
“Of course you will” Felix whispered in a voice deeper than the ocean, causing you to helplessly gulp and drop down on your knees, them hitting the floor with a thump. His small but veiny hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it in a swift motion, metal hitting each other. You were lost deep in thoughts, simply staring at his crotch whilst rethinking your every life decision. Wondering how on earth you got to this point, soon having your mouth stuffed with your bully’s dick. 
Thank god that he was at least hot. 
Felix popped his dick over the band of his underwear and as if you hadn’t had enough surprises today one last one awaited you. A silver metal barbell lodged right beneath his pretty red tip, his dick already hard as he gave it a couple of pumps. Your mouth fell agape, cheeks heating up as you struggled to keep a straight face. Felix being the tease he is had to comment;
“What? Bigger than you thought?”
You scoffed from his boldness, not believing your ears. 
“N-no! Get over yourself you ass”
“Enough talking princess” Felix said in a deep voice, rubbing the tip of his leaking cock on your plushy lips, them being coated with a layer of saliva from you repeatedly lickning them out of nervousness. 
There was a moment of awkwardness, you not being sure where to place your hands before you grabbed the base of his girthy dick, pursing your lips and latching them onto the tip, sinking down gradually in order to not choke immedietly, not wanting to embarrass yourself even more than you already had. 
Felix let out a strained groan at the sensation, you feeling the cold metal as you flattened your tongue, licking a fat strap on the underside of his cock earning yet another groan. The blonde laced his fingers in your hair, tugging on it slightly in order to control the sinful sounds dripping out of his mouth. You whimpered against his dick, there barely being any room to breath as your nose was hovering just above his abdomen, impressed by your own gag reflex but that didn’t last long, Felix now shoving your head down his length, making you choke. 
“Wow, is there anything you can do right? Can’t even suck me off properly”
You can only hum in response, sending shivers down Felix’s spine from the vibrations, the boy feeling the knot in his stomach tightening. The hair flies in front of you face as you bob your head down his cock that was equally as veiny as his decked out arms, feeling the metal hitting your bottom teeth a couple of times. Tears teased the corners of your eyes as you were throat deep on Felix’s member, your hands slightly sweaty from the butterflies in your stomach. Eventually Felix started to weaken in your grasp, small grunts escaping him as you hollowed your cheeks, mascara staining your heated cheeks. 
“f-fuck,,,yes just like that,,ah-”
Luckily for the both of you the shop was located in a rather desolate area of town therefore no bypassers saw the scandalous view through the door that was decorated with a small foggged window. But did Felix care? Not really, the boy was bold enough to get sucked off in public if the opportunity presented itself. 
You looked up at him with the most innocent eyes you could muster, spit starting to dribble down your chin and landing on your skirt, forming slightly saturated patches on the fabric from the wetness. The blonde boys useless comments didn’t make it any easier to withstand this agonizing process. 
“Ah,,, never thought I would be seeing you like this, thought I had degraded you enough but this is just another level of humiliation, isn’t it y/n?”
The hand that was previously tangled in your hair was now moved to your stained cheek, him carefully swiping his thumb across the warm skin but you furrowed your eyebrows, swatting his hand away causing him to scoff before being interupted by his own loud moan, you pulling off and kitten licking his tip, coaxing his impending orgasm. 
It didn’t take long before the boy was shutting his eyes tightly, his jaw slacking as a last low vibrational growl ringed in your ears, his eyes still piercing yours while the thick white liquid spilled out of him, coating the metal bar and seeped into your mouth, your dry lips now getting a coat of clear gloss, the rest dripping down onto the floor and your dark colored skirt. 
You shook your head as you looked around the shop, not wanting to spit out his salty seed right on the floor but Felix simply shook his head back at you, grabbing your face gently. 
Goosebumps erupted on your skin from his intimidating voice, as if you’d been cast under a spell you nod, swallowing the droplets of cum harshly, the sound of your loud gulp causing Felix to hum and with a smile, ruffle your hair before zipping himself up and running a hand through his own hair, exposing his forehead for just a bit. You stand up on your own, legs wobbling as you don’t even expect the rude boy to help. 
“You start tomorrow after school, my father will only be happy to know that someone actually want’s to work in this shithole. I’ll join you but once again, not because I want to but because your stupid head will mess everything up.”
You nod, only now noticing how scruffy the rest of the teashop looked, moving boxes piling up like the dust in the windowsills. You jerked your head to the side, eyes wandering all over the place, everywhere from the wittering plants to the miscellaneous stacks of files. 
The both of you step out of the dusty shop, the cool air hitting your cheek, now remembering the makeup that was running down it. Without saying a word Felix tries to escape but you stop him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t turn around, staring at the road ahead of him. 
“Thank you”
You whisper out, your hair fluttering in the wind, feeling yourself getting emotional from his seemingly sweet gesture. Felix starts walking, the sound of his footsteps getting fainter as the disappears down the sunny asphalt road, leaving you standing infront of the shop before you go behind the shop, entering your burrow of an apartment.
You walk to the teashop in the floral spring weather, wondering where Felix had been all day since he wasn’t in school this wednesday where lectures went in half speed. Arriving at the shop everything was surprisingly closed. You peeked into the window, standing on your toes as if that would improve your vision but gave up quickly after, only seeing the scene from yesterday, the same old piles of rubbish. 
A light tap threw you off guard, you yelping and jerking away before noticing the blonde hair, Felix greeting you with a jingle of keys in his hand.
“Wanna have the honors? I mean, it is your first day after all” 
You respond with a small “yes” before grabbing the keys from his hand and unlocking the entrance to the stuffy teashop, coughing as you step in from the dust that twirled all around the two of you. You walked over to the sad plants that were placed haphazardly in the windowsill, swiping your finger over the leafs and closely examining the dust that rubbed off, blowing it away softly before turning to Felix that was nearing the pile of random files. 
“Looks like we have a bunch of work to do before we can actually brew tea” 
He didn’t smile, visibly annoyed. Felix went into the back, behind the beaded curtain he retrieved a bucket of cleaning supplies. 
“You mop the floors, I’ll clean some of the heavy stuff away” 
Felix said, his voice still in that notorious deep tone. 
“Not fair? There’s not even a mop which means I’ll have to do it by hand?” 
Felix scoffed, throwing a old rag at you before turning around and grabbing a moving box filled with god knows what. You sigh, grabbing the bucket and emptying the contents, the brushes and strangly colored bottles of cleaning solution spreading across the counter before you went behind the beaded curtain, being met by a murky kitchen that hadn’t been cleaned in what seemed like forever. You sighed, looking around and opening cabinets only to be met with half broken porcelain and cobwebs, the shelf at the top displaying a multitude of metal cans filled with loose tea that had probably gone tasteless. With a disgusted face you close the cabinet, instead filling up the bucket with water and adding dishsoap in lack of other cleaning substance. 
Hours ticked by, Felix sighing and huffing out of annoyance when carrying out and sorting through countless boxes while you cleaned the floor and dusted every corner, the shop transforming right before your eyes. The two of you eventually ended up in the kitchen, you observing every cup for cracks and disposing of those that showed just that as Felix was washing those that you thought looked presentable. Felix tried his best to not drop the cups despite his slippery fingers in a pathetic attempt at trying to do the dishes, it was clear that he had never in his life had to do this which made you roll your eyes, thinking about the boiling anger you had at this pompous and spoiled boy. 
“Do you like living alone y/n? ” 
The question was rather unexpected, making you choke on your own saliva. Never in your life had you thought that he cared about you. You shrugged your shoulders, wanting to appear unbothered.
“y-yeah, I wanted to be more responsible, I mean we are adults soon and nothing is served on a silver platter but I wouldn’t expect you to know.”
Felix smirked, seeing right through your lie but choosing to not taunt you. You felt vulnerable from the question but instead of continuing the awkward silence you wanted to get to know him better, maybe he wasn’t such a dick after all, maybe his tough guy personality was only a facade?
“What’s with that piercing?” you said, pointing at his groin with your chin making Felix laugh, getting shy from your question but snapping back to his cold outer self. 
“It was a bet and as you can see I lost” he scoffed before continuing, “wanna see?”
Your eyes widened, cheeks heating up before stammering out;
“N-no, Felix you’re disgusting!” you say in desperation for an answer but Felix only laughs even more, almost annoying you. 
“Well it wasn’t so disgusting when you were sucking me off, have you forgotten babygirl? Maybe I should teach you your place again.”
You gulped, not answering but instead just staring at him, a cup frozen in your hand as Felix locks his eyes with your, tilting his head in a cocky manner. You harshly place the cup down, storming out into the area where racks upon racks displayed the many tea sorts that were stashed away somewhere in the shop, Felix retrieving them earlier in the day. You start sorting through them, seeing a paper with orders on a clipboard and deciding to check the different kinds. Everything from oolong to pu’er to herbal was lined up in both teabags or loose tea leafs and surprisingly Felix did a good job, everything displayed in pretty and uniform lines. Before you could put a dash for a variety of tea that was missing. Felix sticks his head in between the beaded strings of the curtain, his eyes twinkling. 
“Want some tea?”
For the first time he seemed cute. Not scary or intimidating, just cute. By the way his blonde locks fell infront of his face to the way his earrings were jingling, fading out to his angular facial structure. 
You nod shyly, placing the clipboard on a random shelf before scooting over to the kitchen, seeing that Felix had placed out a white teapot with cobalt blue details, a floral pattern that contradicted to the eggshell white base. On the counter stood a small brown paperbag with black tea and right next to it a small tray of white sugarcubes. 
“This seems awfully complicated for making tea” you say, looking at the red kettle boiling on the stove, there not being an electric kettle in this old establishment. 
“What you expect? That I’ll be satisfied with you serving some watered down tea from a teabag? There’s a process you know.”
“Wow, and this is coming from Lee Felix? The son of a rich man and also the schools scumbag?”
Felix snaps his towards you, previously looking at the piping hot kettle. He licked the inside of his cheek, exhaling sharply through his nose, turning his cheek towards his shoulder, a momentary pop being heard before he looked at you with his dark eyes.
“I’m being nice, take that to your advantage and I’ll break your kneecaps”
You nodded and he smiled, astonished by the duality of this man. 
“Are you just gonna stand there? Come closer”
You stepped closer to the counter, your breath hitching when you felt Felix’s chest again your back, his hands leaning against the counter and trapping you between the two. You swallowed harshly, eyes darting over the various equipment needed to make a simple cup of tea. 
“Open the tea pot maybe?”
Felix said, sighing. You feeling his warm breath against the outer shell of your ear, his voice sounding even more dangerous when it was right beside you. You grabbed the blue detailed teapot and opened it, only to see a metal strainer already a part of the pot. Doubtfully you grabbed the little packet of loose leaf tea, removing and placing down the clip that was hindering it’s aroma from escaping the luxurious leafs. The fragrence of the tea hit your senses, the smell almost addictive. 
“What tea is this?” 
You said, turning the bag in you hand, looking for any type of lettering that would bring you closer to an answer.
“Russian earl grey. It contains bergamot orange making it more pungent”
You hummed, being to scared to turn around and face him, you now zoning out whilst your eyes were stuck on the awfully colored tiles on the kitchen wall. 
“You’re supposed to drink it y/n, not smell it”
Felix stated causing you to snap out and notice that you’ve been holding the bag to your nose, scrunching your nose ever so often. 
“Oh yeah,,, right,,, sorry. How much should I put in?”
You say, tilting the bag and slowly watching dark colored particles spill into the metal strainer. Felix slowly put his hand on yours, tilting the bag even more. You could feel your heart in your throat, your hands starting to sweat from his close proximity. His hand was warm for such a cold person. 
“It’s supposed to fill up one third of the strainer, remember that”
You mewled out a quiet “yes” as he put the bag down, removing his hand from yours. The next step was obvious, filling up the tea pot with hot water. Just as you were about to grab the black handle of the shiny red kettle Felix smacked your hand away, him grabbing it instead.
“It’s hot and I can’t trust someone as stupid as you with it”
“I can grab a kettle you know? I’m not that weak-”
“Shut it”
You pressed your lips shut as Felix pressed himself against your back, carefully reaching and pouring in the steaming water and seeing the water droplets diffuse up into the atmosphere. He carefully put the lid back on the pot and backed away as he put the kettle back on the stove, turning it off. 
“What do we do now?” 
You asked, turning around and leaning your butt against the cold counter.
“We wait for 5 minutes, the steeping time is different for different teas, you’ll have to learn them when working here.”
You nod attentively, staring down at your shoes and turning your heels against the dark wooden floorboards. 
“I wanna change the deal y/n”
Your head shot up to the blonde boy, him standing close by in all his glory, not wearing his school uniform but instead a black t-shirt, of course having a obnoxiously loud designer logo in the front just like the belt that was resting on top of his black slacks. His bracelets jingled everytime he moved his hands, this time wearing dainty silver rings to match with his wristwatch and shining piercings. 
“W-what why? Are you gonna fire me?”
Blood was boiling in your veins, not knowing his intentions yet but knowing that they were just as sinister as the boy himself. Before you knew it his lips were attached on yours.
Your heart skipped a beat, knuckles whitening as you held onto the counter from sheer panic. His lips were softer than expected, pressing gently as he tilted his head, his eyelashes feathering over his closed lids. His hands traveled up your clothed body, exploring every inch of you. The soft sound of lips smacking against each other ignited a feeling deep in your core. You were pushed closer to the edge of the counter, his body so close, leaving you with no choice but to jump up on the metal surface. The coldness radiated through the thin fabric of your pleated skirt, hitting your aching cunt that was already dripping from Felix’s simple actions, his daunting aura clouding your mind with sinful thoughts. 
“I’ll raise your pay if you fuck me, please y/n”
He whispers against your plush lips. You hummed, hesitating before slowly nodding, not being able to think clear with your heart beating like it’s about to protrude from your chest. He smiles slyly before reattaching his lips onto yours, his wet and sharp tongue running over your swollen bottom lip, desperatly wanting to taste your tongue. Your lips parted as you moaned into the kiss, giving him the perfect opportunity to pry himself into your mouth, the kiss getting sloppier, Felix growing needier as the seconds on the large clock on top of the door frame ticked. The blonde boy placed himself inbetween your legs, his veiny hands placed on your knees, seperating your already shivering legs. Without knowing what you were doing you cupped Felix’s cheeks, feeling the sharpness of his jaw against your soft hands.
Why did you pull him closer? He’d hurt you so bad in the past, everyday was living hell because of him and his deeds. A lightheadedness hit you as memories scrolled past your consciousness. Memories still painful, tender as open wounds. But for him you could forgive anything. Forget, just to see him smile at you.
His cologne was strangely addictive, the musky smell mixed with the scent of his soft sunkissed skin. You moaned softly against his lips as his fingers traced lightly over your exposed panties, the skirt already folded up your thighs. He hummed in delight, feeling the soaked fabric sticking against your pulsating cunt. 
“I’ve waited for this for so long y/n”
You looked at him with confusion in your glossy eyes. Waited, for you?
Within a matter of seconds his fingers pushed aside the wet patch of fabric shielding you from the cold air, only to insert a finger inside of your desperate hole causing you to gasp. A second finger joined close by and Felix groaned, feeling your tight walls around his glistening digits. You had so many questions but not enough power to say them without stuttering.
“W-waited for,,, m-me?”
His fingers curled upwards as you finished your sentence causing you to grip his wrist, the squelching sound of your pussy pleasing the blonde boy as he pumped his fingers into you relentlessly.
“That’s how I get attention. You aren’t impressed by materialistic things so I did what I had to”
You couldn’t believe your ears. All that to get your attention? He succeeded but he would never understand the emotions you went through because of him. The hatered you thought would never melt away suddenly did, you becoming nothing more but a whimpering mess from his touch. 
A thump was heard from your head hitting the cupboard, the pleasure firing through your body as your small cries echoed throughout the small kitchen. A sudden feeling of emptiness caused you to sigh in both relief and frustration. Your previously shut eyes slowly drifted open, panicked when you see Felix unbuckling his belt, letting both the fabric of his pants and underwear fall to the dim floor. 
Somehow his leaking cock looked prettier this time around, the shiny piercing distracting to the eye. Your mouth watered embarrassingly enough, turning your gaze to the ticking clock until Felix cleared his throat, his adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed his spit. He looked nervous which was unfamilliar, the boy always being persistant with his cocky mannerisms. Felix pulled you closer to the edge of the counter, your face heating up as your legs were spread wide open for him. There was nowhere you could hide your flushed face and Felix took this to his advantage.
“Huh? Shy, babygirl?” 
You gulped as you watched him stroke himself, the crimson colored tip disappearing only to reappear seconds later. Your eyes shut tightly as he moved the slick-stained panties to the side, anticipating to be filled to the brim from his impressive size. Mouth agape, Felix pushed into your wet hole, your hands gripping his broad shoulder in order to hinder a loud moan. 
“fuck y/n,,, you’re so tight, s-shit”
You couldn’t answer, still adjusting your velvety walls around him. As the pain subsided your core ached for friction, needing to feel him deep inside of you. Your arms wrapped around the boy, pulling him closer to your heated body making him smirk slyly before carefully pulling away, only his tip resting inside of you. Just as you were about to sigh due to emptiness he slammed inside of you, your entire body shaking from the impact. Panting, you begged for more, begging for him to go faster.
“F-felix! faster,,, please”
Your warm face was buried deep in his shoulder, his slightly cold hands gripping your hips tightly, starting to roll against your throbbing cunt earning small mewls from between your swollen lips. The counter creaked with each thrust that grew louder as his pace got faster, feeling your delicate walls clench around his veiny length, his silver earrings dangling from his lobes. Felix explored parts of your body even you hadn’t felt, his dick prodding you deep enough to make your eyes roll back into your skull, biting down on his shirt. 
The sound of skin slapping echoed in the room, your weakening legs wrapping around his figure, trapping him inside of you but the blonde boy had no plans of stopping. Sweat beaded around his temples, his previously serious expressing turning into a grin as he adored your moans, words falling out in incomprehensible syllables. You were close and so was Felix. 
The pit of fire grew violent deep in your core, holding the young boy tighter to your body, clawing his clothed back. Every thrust had it’s impact, shaking you up and forcing shameless moans out from your throat that were being muffled by the fabric between your lips. The two of you moaned in unison, Felix’s deep mutters getting louder, his vicious thrusts becoming sloppier and uneven, desperate for his sweet release. You clenched around him involuntarily, trying to hold back from screaming, glad that your warm face was between his shoulder and neck so that he couldn’t see your fucked out expression. His name rolled off your tongue like a mantra, mind blank as your eyes were squeezed shut.
“Felix, i-im gonna c-cum! im-m cumming!”
The wall seperating you from your orgasm collapsed, leaving you with a powerful sensation washing over you. Your legs shook, struggling to keep your legs wrapped around him but soon enough you wouldn’t have to. Felix thrusted into you one final time, sending a shiver down your spine and overstimulating you before pulling out, his dick glistening with your erotic juices as he fucked his hand, hot spurts of cum leaking out. He growled, scrunching his forehead as he released on your shaking thighs, one last droplet of cum descending down his shaft and coating the shiny piercing that decorated his pretty cock. 
You panted, still processing what just happened, looking at Felix that unwrapped his hand from around his member, dick turning flaccid. You lifted yourself off the counter, only then realising how weak your legs were, not letting go of the surface you just fucked on. 
“Is this a one time thing or,,,” 
You start, not really knowing what to say afterwards. Felix cleared his throat, putting on his pants as you fixed your dark skirt, back against the boy.
“Let’s be friends”
You turned around, gazing at Felix as he looked down at the grimy floor.
“I’ll stop,,, bothering you, now we’re friends,,, with benefits but it’s a secret, understand?”
Every sentence this man spoke sounded serious with his deep voice but this was serious, for real. 
“Why should I? Why should I agree, Felix? So that you can play around with me even more, make me your little shy puppet? I’m not having it!!”
You yelled at the boy, his expression deadpan as you hit him in the abdomen, instantly regretting it as your knuckles hit his rock hard abs. Frustration clouded your mind, wanting to break every single piece of porcelain in the narrow kitchen. Instead you broke yourself apart. Crying in front of Felix like you’d done so many times before, dropping to the floor and feeling the cold material against your bare thigh. This feeling, so familiar. Felix gazing down on you like you we’re worth nothing more than the ground. 
Only this time he didn’t only stand and stare. 
His arms wrapped around your quivering figure, his embrace warmer than his face. 
“I’m sorry, y/n”
His voice shook as the silence overtook the both of you, the quiet ticking of the clock interupting. 
“Hm? Look at me, y/n”
Felix pulled away from you, sitting on the floor next to you, watching your head hang low as he gently put a hand on your jaw, lifting your gaze up to meet his. 
“I’m fucking stupid, I know. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that but,,, I didn’t know how- how to get closer to you.”
He swiped the rough pad of his thumb across your cheek, wiping your tears. 
“I will never hurt you ever again, y/n. We- we can work here and just,,, do stuff.”
You knew exactly what he meant by “stuff” but somehow you trusted him. You trusted him because you had no one else to trust. 
“But one rule” he said.
You tilted your head, wondering what his rule was.
“No falling in love”
You hummed, nodding as you wiped your tearstained cheeks with the sleeves of your shirt, cracking a smile at your own vulnerability. Felix stood up and you looked up at him, feeling small but not afraid. 
“So what do you say, y/n?”
He offered you his hand, you couldn’t stop looking into his secretive eyes that slowly turned mellow. 
You grabbed his hand, passing it as a yes to his question. 
But the both of you knew that the rule would be broken soon, like the brittle edge of a teacup. 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 800, LOVE! IM SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO SUBMIT SOMETHING EARLIER (this is shemarmooresfedora but from another acct because mine has been shadowbanned for some reason)
i’ll do ❤️🤡💄🛏 please and thank you
maybe like spencer invites you to something as his date and you’re both crushing on each other but it’s not official until the reservation only booked one room
I LOVE YOU DORY!!! i am so sorry you're shadowbanned that is so weird? i hope this cheers you up a little! thank you for all the love and support, and for helping me create little Jo in Amoreena <3
cw: flirting, fake married, mutual pining, high school reunions, assault, love confessions, one bed, implied sex, kissing,
When he got the invitation in the mail, he thought nothing of it. He left it in the pile on his counter and went off to work the way he always would. He hasn’t been back to his old high school since he was 13, the 15 year reunion was coming up and he was invited.
He wasn’t going to go. He never went to any event unless it was a CalTech alumni event. Because there he was respected, there he was Doctor Spencer Reid, the FBI’s asset and excellent graduate. He was a nobody, a kid and a loser in high school.
“You okay?” Y/N notices he’s quieter than normal, he’s staring off past his desk and she’s worried for him.
“Huh?” He turns to her, “I’m fine.”
“Doesn’t look like it,” she whispers, “come get a coffee with me down at the kart?”
He nods and stands silently, following her out of the room and away from all their friends, in the elevator she knows he’s more comfortable.
“What’s going on, Spence?”
“My high school reunion is coming up, and I really want to go and prove to them that I’m not a dork anymore…” his voice is low and his eyes are fixated on the floor.
Her face drops, she pulls the emergency button and wraps herself around him. “You have never been a dork, Spencer. You have always been magnificent and they’re too dumb to see that.”
He holds her in return, settling as he rests his chin on her shoulder. She feels nice and warm, her hair smells like apples and her laundry detergent is all over her shirt.
“Would you come back to Vegas with me and pretend to be my girlfriend? Say things like that and make them think I’ve got it all?”
He cant see how much she smiles while they hug, “yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend for the day.”
She buys the nicest dress imaginable, they fly out to Vegas together and she’s so excited she forgot to ask for her own room. Or at least that’s what she tells him because she really wanted a chance to sleep with him, in more ways than one.
Even to just cuddle with Spencer Reid would be a gift, so she goes all out to seduce him. She looked impeccable, He was thinking it was her way of helping him show off… he was so clueless she was going to have to be the smart one when it came to getting him to see her as more than a friend. She wanted him, she was going to show him just how good she would be to him if she was his.
Her dress hugs her in all the right places, she wraps an arm around Spencer’s middle and holds him close. They walk in like they own the place, everyone is taking turns looking at them as they walk to the name tag table.
“Hi, Spener Reid,” he smiles, “and my plus one.”
“Hi,” Y/N waved at the woman behind the desk.
“Hello,” she smiles, “here are your name tags, Mr. and Mrs. Reid.”
“Oh we’re—“
“Thank you,” Y/N smiles, she takes the name tags from the woman. “Newlyweds, my rings getting resized, he’s still adjusting to the title.”
“Ah, my husband was the same, called it wedding bell shock,” she smiled, old enough to have a husband with shell-shock as well.
“Can I have a pen?” Y/N asks, “or a marker?”
“Here,” she hands her a sharpie.
Y/N leans onto the table to scratch out the Mr. and replace it with Dr. “He has 3 Ph.D.’s you know? My husband is the smartest man in the FBI.”
“Oh,” she looks shocked, “thank you for your service sir.”
He blushes and nods, “thank you.”
Y/N peels the sticker off and sticks it to Spencer's chest before leaning in to press a kiss to the tip of his nose, she gets lipstick on him. She smiles and wipes it off, “there, still cute.”
The rest of the night is much of the same; she hangs off him, telling all the people who used to bully him that she was so madly in love with him, he was super smart and he was so strong and sexy on the job.
She slips away from him to get a drink while he explains how profiling works to his crowd of new fans. She’s filling her cup with punch when a weird, balding man slides up beside her, his hand touching her waist. She looks at him quickly, recognizing his name from the worst childhood story Spencer ever shared with her.
“Hey there, hot stuff,” he tried to hit on her.
She puts her cup down calmly and takes his hand off her, bending his arm behind his back and slamming him face-first into the punch bowl. She pulls his face back up by his hair, “that was for touching me.”
Then she slams him onto the floor where he coughs out punch from his lungs. “And that was for what you did to my husband as a kid, he was a Kid! You may have peaked in high school, but at least Doctor Reid doesn’t have a widow's peak, like yours. He is the smartest, sexiest, and most wonderful man in the world and you're nothing but a loser.”
Spencer turns around at the sound of her voice, “oooo” echos around the gym as everyone looks at the scene unfolding. Patrick, the asshole quarterback that traumatized him as a child, was on the ground covered in red juice as he complained about a sore arm.
Y/N smiles at him and waves before rejoining Spencer, “he doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Spencer suggests and she is all too eager to skip out of the room with him, right past Patrick.
She slams him against the wall as soon as they’re inside the hotel room again, kissing him with more desperation than she’s ever felt in her life. She needed him, he was her last piece and then she’d be complete.
She breaks the kiss to move down his neck as she loosens his tie and unbuttons his shirt. “Are you sure we can be friends after this?”
“I’d hope my husband was my best friend,” she whispers against his skin.
He pulls her away from his neck, hands on her cheeks so he can look at her and read her expressions as best as possible, “I’m serious, I don’t want to do this if it’s going to make working together hard.”
“You’re an idiot,” she smiles, “I have been in love with you for months Spencer. I want this, I have wanted you for so long…”
His breathing changes as she explains her feelings, leaning in to kiss his neck again and make her way down his chest. “I’ve thought about this for so long Spencer, you have no idea how many dirty thoughts I have about doing things like this with you.”
“I got 1 bed on purpose,” he gasps out, “I wanted to sleep beside you… I hoped—
She smiles against him, “I know. That’s why I didn’t tell you to get 2…”
“You’re really not kidding?” He sounds so desperate it’s almost sad.
She stops her kissing and looks at him again, “why is it so hard for you to believe all the things I’ve said about you tonight? I’m not just trying to impress them, I’m telling the whole fucking world that the person I am in love with is the smartest man they will ever meet. People should bow at your feet, Spencer, let me appreciate you for how incredibly wonderful you are and stop doubting my feelings.”
“You love me?” Tears well in his eyes and he feels like a complete idiot, “why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I wanted you to admit it first,” she whispers, equally as embarrassed. “I have a huge crush on you Spence, it’s not just that I love you, I never want to stop. You’re so nice and kind and funny? And you make me smile every day and I laugh even on the worst days ever because you’re there, and when I think about the future and reunions and events like this that I have to go to one day, and all I want is to bring you along and show everyone that you’re mine.”
She rambled more than he did, “so please, will you unzip my dress and join me in our one bed, husband?”
“Absolutely, my beautiful wife,” he turns her around, moving her hair off her back, he kisses her shoulder softly.
He moves the zip down as slow as possible, kissing every inch of newly exposed skin as he did so. When he reached the end, she pushed the straps off her arms and let the dress fall to the floor.
Mission accomplished.
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