#at the dentist right now
luimagines · 2 years
Lustrous Anon here, how do you do? Hopefully you're doing well today and once more, thank you for the wonderful scenarios and imagines, you have no idea how much I smiled at the Magical Girl Au Sky one and how amused I was by the Dragon Reader one (although the ending makes me concerned for them, all the best to them), which I really needed after a hard day so thank you, I'm sure I'll adore the part three to Twilight's (aka Arguably Best Boy, just saying, ties right in with First and Time- ahem, nope, going to keep my bias in check before I ramble because I Have Thoughts) Soulmate Au and so I'll thank you in advance for it, writers work hard and so I must thank you accordingly ^^, uh, though apologies if I kind of broke you with information overload? The train of thought kind of derailed midway and it got away from me even if I'm glad I was through and helped you learn a lot, I apologize for that one and take as much time as you need to process because honestly that was my bad, probably no Lustrous Reader shenanigans today as a result xD though I'd add to the other anon here for clarification though they did an excellent job explaining as well. Pardon me if anything is off though, sleep deprivation is not recommended when writing but it is information vital to share. Though I have no idea how you feel about possible spoilers even if they're just world building ones, so I'll probably skirt around those depending on it to be safe, kind of like how Lustrous Reader already does to something they seem "not vital information" when it's actually pretty concerning from the perspective of someone not a Lustrous.
(Warning, possible long ask)
Inclusions are basically microscopic beings that live in the gems bodies, in a sense they're like cells, they need sunlight to keep gems up and moving though, they energize them by absorbing light and allow them to move. Due to this mechanism, Gems need sunlight to survive, forcing them to sleep at night and hibernate in winter (though some gems can bypass that and certain specific circumstances clearly show it's not really a main necessity for the most part). They can indeed be very picky, hence why you need to find compatible material when fixing a Lustrous and take account several factors like family and hardness because it makes it easier for their body to accept them and less risk of them losing memories in the process, else it's basically dead weight and won't respond, the inclusions need to adapt and accept the new piece or else they won't be able to move that new piece at all, though it's on a Lustrous to Lustrous basis since some inclusions are more adaptable than others (see the protagonist for an example), it's harder using parts already from other Lustrous because they already have their own inclusions and they can clash, though it is possible. Just needs a fairly specific set of circumstances to actually work and hope that the inclusions collaborate rather than clash, plus most Lustrous wouldn't want to give parts of themselves away unless under duress or if they really can afford to spare it, those are memories they're talking about, one could say that doing so is a big act of care or trust to them (like a Lustrous chopping off their hair to help fix another Gem because they're similar enough the chances are higher, so it's not really a big deal for them to loose a bit of hair), how inclusions work on gold, silver and mercury is a bit different, if the Lustrous inclusions are compatible, then it's all a matter of will and their emotional state, not to mention weight and flexibility (ex: a Lustrous with gold and silver will be stronger and able to put themselves together faster and be harder to permanently shatter, but they'll not be as fast as a regular gem or some of the fastest Lustrous around because they'll be heavier, and a gem with mercury won't be able to touch other gems because it kills the inclusions within them permanently, they'll be very efficient against Lunarians at the cost of not being able to touch their own without either a good handle on their emotions, a solid buffer, or both, it's a bit of a trade off though mercury likely wouldn't harm humans, since they don't have inclusions and in gemstones it's actually pretty harmless for us, fun fact, it's only concentrated that we really have to worry, another layer of angst is if Lustrous Reader is super reluctant about touching the Chain if they have mercury, and then practically breaking down because they can actually touch someone safely, hardness and that factor aside).
So yeah, hope that helped clarify it, my personal headcanon is that along with being one of the oldest gems and probably one of the more efficient ones in spite of hardness (which I'll likely try dwelling into in another ask, kind of sleep deprived) is that they have very adaptable inclusions due to Farore transporting them, they were already adaptable but after Farore put them back together and sent them off they are even more so because that way they'll be able to survive and function as normal in The Quest and be able to utilize material from Hyrule in case they break, which would also fully explain why Cia's spells wouldn't work, their inclusions are just very good at processing and they convert the light and energy from the spells into energy, probably wouldn't work well against something like say, a Guardian (though I doubt the Chain would even agree with letting one of their own near one easily to test, specially not Wild, they helped him get a durable sword AND know how difficult it's like not to remember anything after so many years and have their memories come at random, he's seen them disassociate after they break much like how he does with memories, I doubt he'd want to put them in a situation where their memories wouldn't come back at all), but it's over all a pretty neat skill to have anyway, kind of like a downgrade of the Mirror Shield. Also the main reason why Lustrous Reader has long hair in the first place would probably be interesting, because usually longer hair is usually most found in stronger gems higher in the ranking (ex: Adamant, who's their teacher and caretaker is way up there like how a Zelda is in the chain of command for the Hyrulean army, Bort, the strongest gem after him and an industrial diamond would probably be equal to general, with regular Diamond right behind them and after them usually Padparascha when they're actually active last I checked), but I feel like when Padparascha isn't active the one who takes their place in that chain may be Lustrous Reader because of their hair length and possible experiences, plus they're a historian, to do that AND not get taken by the Lunarians for so long is basically a feat when for a while they've been working solo before retiring, and I personally think it's hilarious if everyone finds out that, even though there's not many of them they're technically talking to someone pretty high up in that chain of command much like how they figured out Jedi Reader was a general and Lustrous Reader just, doesn't see what the big deal is if anyone tries pointing it out. Like "What do you MEAN I'm technically representing my people here I was retired! I was a historian and only picked up a weapon for my sibling, it's literally not a big deal-"
As for Little Lucky/Amber/Citrine Lucky (going back and forth between the two because I feel like both gems would fit him in a sense, still torn on that one), he's proooooobably fine? There's like, four to five possibilities running around in my head about how he's doing but if it's possibility one then he's alright and going to be that way for a while, just missing his sibling a lot and probably grieving them (maybe hugging his own version of Little Zelda on his free time, or the Houseki no Kuni protagonist, I feel like they'd get along with all of the Links like a house on fire if given the chance, so they probably wouldn't want to see Little Lucky so down in the dumps and do their best to cheer him up), also going to be on the front lines more to see if he can get any pieces of them back to remake them (although as we know it probably won't be any dice, since they're in Hyrule), I have no idea how they could get in contact but maybe the mailman in Twilight's time would be useful? That or Lustrous Reader after getting closer to Ravio asks to briefly borrow Sherrow, because that little guy literally crosses dimensions to get items back in LBTW, who's to say he can't do the same for letters? Though that'd probably be a last resort for Lustrous Reader, they wouldn't want him to get hurt doing that even if the possibility is low since gems either adore or are fairly indifferent towards animals unless attacked first. If they can find a slightly safer way then they'll definitely pick it over anything else (they probably won't ask Lana for a bit because they KNOW that if they go back to Warrior's time, they'll probably throw hands with Cia again so they'll keep that option as a last-last resort, and now I just see that shaking hands meme between Lustrous Reader and Evil Reader and it's just 'Being Protective of Warrior's When Cia is Nearby')
Also I just had a thought, probably the last one for now cause I wouldn't want to overload ya or anyone again and I'm kind of sleep deprived. But uh, there's something that happens in the manga, where one of the Lustrous is shattered and then buried all around the island for being considered too volatile and not able to be reasoned with, and they were concious for that entire period of time (220 years, to be exact and aware of every ticking second), and I was just 'how did y'all even know they'd be fully out of commission then?' and then I was like 'What if Lustrous Reader is the why?', like maybe they reacted badly to their partner being gone (maybe they're the Lustrous Link incarnation before Little Lucky, who maybe lost their own partner, maybe the Zelda before possible Little Zelda, too, and was partnered with Lustrous Reader and if they have a mismatched arm it's because they both agreed to let Lustrous Reader have their parts if any of them got recovered and they needed it because they were close), and if they have their eye and an arm not theirs and see it's their partner's and their friend's (and that it was put on them without as much a bit of their opinion because they were downed, probably had their head shot off or something similar) they don't react well for a while, maybe get more reckless or keep trying to get them out because "They'll need it once we get them back, this is NOT mine it shouldn't be mine-" or snap at the gem doctor (which honestly fair in a way), and thus they're shattered by their own when Adamant isn't awake and then buried for a long, long time before they're let out (time period is up to interpretation, though I feel like 500 years would explain a lot, and again they have a sense of time that's probably akin to Time's, so they probably knew exactly how much time has passed), refuse to take a sword again unless it's in self defense or Adamant calls for them and then go full historian before meeting Little Lucky who basically changes everything because they're like a sibling to them?
I don't know, maybe it comes up after someone notices Lustrous Reader being very reluctant/spaced out on tight or underground spaces, maybe they flinch when seeing the Shrine of Resurrection or when near sand and at first they don't wanna talk about why they're literally cracking, but after someone asks (main suspects being Twi, Sky, First or Time, although really who wouldn't cave after any of the boys asked them gently and worriedly what's wrong? Couldn't be me) they cave and tell them, maybe trying not to make a big deal out of it or very disconnected like they're talking about the weather?
I honestly have no idea how the Chain would react to that happening to someone who's basically their own now and the fact they were concious, awake and aware of every single second of it, though I can see it hitting some sore spots for First and Wild at least. Maybe Warriors, Sky and Time too or even the Fierce Deity.
Anyway, that's all for now, I hope you're having a wonderful day and will have many wonderful ones ahead and well, until whenever the conductor of the train of thought lets me in or I have the time, thank you once more for everything!
-Just an Anon on A Stroll
Anon!!!! No time for strolls when you're sleepy!!! DX
Poor little Link. They might be dead but they're not, they're just in another world entirely.
And them having bits of their partner on them- desperate to keep it safe and intact for when they come back 🥺🥺
The Chain is going to lose their minds
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collophora · 1 month
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TBB cadets ideas
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sunshineandlyrics · 4 months
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🥹 Sweet, sweet Louis 2012 / 2024
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fbfh · 2 months
okay, pretty odd request and i completely understand if you do not feel comfortable writing it; you can totally scrap it! so i just got my wisdom teeth removed and i am pretty miserable about it. i was kind of wondering how our favourite boy leo might react. i feel like, as repair boy, he would be pretty bummed to not be able to just fix it right away, y’know? thank you so much, whether you feel comfortable writing for this prompt or not, i love your work and you are literally my favourite writer for leo💋
awww babes!!!!!!! I got my wisdom teeth out like maybe a year ago???? ish???? while it did suck it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be so I TOTALLY understand both how much it sucks and the i feel like shit Leo cravings.
okay okay so first of all Leo would not leave your side for a minute. he is so sweet and attentive and gentle with you while your coming back from anesthesia like a motherfucking walking lime green flag. like this. if he's still in college at MIT or wherever he's collecting diplomas like pokemon he will not HESITATE to ditch all classes that day to take care of you with or without his school's permission. if you cry on anesthesia like I do he will be SO FUCKING TENDER with you. he gets every possible caring for someone hack from his mom and from the internet and every resource possible to make sure you're happy and pain free and comfy. He brings you ice packs for your cheeks with tongs so he doesn't accidentally melt them with his hands (it did happen once. you both laughed so hard.) and he always makes sure you eat enough yogurt so your antibiotics don't mess up your stomach. he stays close to you, helps take care of your hair and skin, watches cartoons and movies with you. if you like having your nails done, he will SO give you mani pedis. even if you normally get acrylics or gel or whatever, seeing the slightly messy, sparkly matching nail polish in your favorite colors Leo tenderly and carefully put on your nails and toes makes you so happy every time you see it. he pets your head and peppers you with kisses and tells you how brave you were in a soft voice. he gets you a "conradulations on letting them steal your teeth" basket full of plushies and juice and intricate little coloring pages and crossword puzzles and stuff to keep you busy. He plays cozy video games with you and builds the most insane shit for you in animal crossing. you post it online and some people speculate that he hacked or modded the game to do that but nope. Leo simply loves you to the point of invention. If your swelling or pain is real bad and you're also a demigod he'll check with Will (aka the entire demisquad's informal PCP) how much ambrosia or nectar to give you to help you heal quickly and take the edge off. He holds your hands while you take little walks around your house or apartment a few times a day, like your recovery instructions say to. he makes you what he affectionatley referres to as "gourmet baby food", aka soups and soft pates and purees that taste better than most solid food. he relays all get well soon messages from your friends, including how percy joked that getting your wisdom teeth out means annabeth has less competition for the title of group brain cell wielder. your kitty Jackjack curls up on your lap as soon as Leo initially brings you back from the dentist and doesn't leave your side for a minute. every selfie you and Leo send the group chat has Jackjack curled up on your chest, purring and drooling contently. You have no idea how Leo makes something like pulling teeth feel like a spa vacation, but he makes everything into such a warm, cozy, happy experience. but you guess that when you love someone as much as you and Leo love each other, it's not too surprising.
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jichanxo · 23 days
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thank god it's so easy to get sound legal advice in kamurocho (and sorry for killing you @passthroughtime)
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mihrsuri · 2 months
I keep trying to write an update and then being embarrassed about it and feeling like I’m trauma dumping on people by updating and I just..I know it’s on me to manage my crap, I know. I am trying (not very well but I’m trying) and it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t even know.
#please know i have thought about hospital but hospital would#genuinely make it worse (like I cannot even tell you how much worse)#i think I’m legitimately just…having a trauma reaction on top#of a jewish trauma spike#and dentists and having to move (I may have cleaned till I shook today also my arm#does not look great#i feel like i don’t actually verbally have the words#(i have tried not engaging i have tried engaging they both feel awful)#(hashem i don’t know would you even embrace me would you…)#(it’s not a meds thing (I take meds for mdd and I know what that looks like and this isn’t it)#(it’s hard to explain the difference between CPTSD and like a panic attack or a depression)#(except that I feel like I’m so so tainted and not in my body or if I’m in my body I’m in my body somewhere else#abuse cw#i didn’t ask for this cptsd and no tshirt was offered#this will disappear probably#UGH#(i am seeing my therapist tomorrow i just..i know i need to reach out to)#(to like my current landlords and ask if I could just pay for a cleaning service to come in)#(i know i need to be like ‘unfortunately my CPTSD is Fucking Terrible Right Now and I need)#(just a bit of grace apologies)#(i do not want my parents to know i do not want that)#(aside from the fact that I am already a burden to them anyway)#a stupid flop of a person i am crying thinking about how i had plans for kids and a wife and travel and…I’m nothing#(everyone else is something I’m not I don’t deserve grace lbr)#it keeps running through my head how many people i thought loved me want me dead#and it’s like I can fake it so well#(i don’t know I may be like sending words to people)#to run through the steps of not being alone#i’m truly sorry i am always not taking accountability and playing the victim and clinging to people#to get reassurance i don’t deserve that its a good person it isn’t it isn’t a person
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tenebsolis · 2 months
teeth are so fucking stupid like all that bacteria all that decay and you still haven’t found a way to adapt better. like it’s my fault I wasn’t encouraged to follow dental hygiene growing up now I have to suffer forever I think we should ban teeth. I wish we had ROCKS for teeth
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pc-98s · 7 days
ohhhhhhhhhhhh. ssri withdrawal can cause tooth pain. i thought i just suddenly had five billion cavities
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silverspadesss · 1 year
actually the new campaign dmed by matt mercer is Pib and His Pathetic Men, the neverafter side quest in which puss in boots played by zac oyama is the only pc and travels through worlds to find the wettest loser guys you’ve ever seen in your fucking life and transforms their lives. it’s basically a ten episode long reality show
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souptomatobasil · 8 months
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[First] [Previous] [Next] [Asterales]
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rainbowcrowley · 1 month
i dodged a root canal today and had the best dentist experience ever, yay
at least some positive news, regarding all my ongoing health issues atm gjfkdgdkl
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dreamboyf · 2 months
i have so many things i want to draw but i cant focus on doing anything fun rn im just in Pain
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melodymorningdew · 2 months
My dentist: Fortunately there's nothing wrong with your teeth, but your jaw muscles are over developed from clenching at night.
Me: Are you flirting with me rn?
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fayehartz · 11 months
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damien doodles :3c
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thye are a set,,,, pls do not seperate
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disasterhimbo · 5 months
I had a very tiresome day and I’m totally worn out but I saw a lot of good Palestine posts that I’ll try to reblog soon and in the meantime, everyone who sees this should go look at the free Palestine tag (and participate in the global strike, do whatever you can to get governments’ attention and force them to stop killing people).
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seahydra · 4 months
May have to go see the dentist on Thursday because one of my teeth is KILLING me like it's atrociously painful. "I don't even know if I can hold out until then" kind of painful. But at least I'd get to go at all? Though I'm not looking forward to the bill orz
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