#atmos's most wanted
far-side-skies · 5 months
How would you rewrite Atmos most wanted?🤔🤔🤔
Oh this is a good one. Anyone who's been in the discord for a while will know more or less my ideas for this one.
Unlike Energy Crisis, I have actual grievances with this episode, and they are as follows:
The Raptors' disguises were just… why? I know why, it's because Storm Hawks is a kid's show, but surely you can give your audience a bit more credit than that. It's Dark Ace in Velocity all over again. I forgive it for the most part because it's a cartoon, but Nerd Corps is on thin ice XD
The people who are on the war path after the Hawks makes no bloody sense for when the episode happens in relation to the rest of the show. Yes, the show has episodic writing but by AMW, the Rex Guardians, Absolute Zeroes and Rebel Ducks all have an established history with the Hawks. If anything, more people than just Dove should've been trying to help them clear their names.
The crimes and items stolen is just nonsensical. There was no end goal for the Raptors here, they were just being evil for the sake of it and as a result the stakes were depressingly low. We deserved a bigger threat than what we got.
With those problems established, let's go over how I'd fix them, starting with the teams who think the Storm Hawks robbed them.
This episode would've been a great opportunity to introduce some squadrons we don't know very well. Perhaps the Buff Buzzards and the Screaming Queens, both teams we've seen in passing during Velocity, but that never got much development.
As for the teams we do know better. All of them felt like they were being written terribly out of character, excluding Wren. Wren can stay the crazy accusing old man he originally was. This man almost yeeted these kids into the Wastelands on their first meeting because he refused to believe that they weren't Cyclonians until Radarr bit him.
So we have Wren on the war path making false accusations again. How about the rest of the Rebel Ducks are following him to make sure he doesn't give himself an aneurism. Meanwhile Harrier and Suzy Lu are trying to get to the bottom of these thefts before pinning it on the Hawks. These kids surely wouldn't steal such valuable and even dangerous items, would they?
Now what is actually being stolen? And why?
The Cheese Stone is funny but ultimately useless. Let's replace it with a box of high-grade explosives, because one of my headcanons for the Rebel Ducks is that blowing things up is their favourite way to get shit done. Nobody makes a bomb like a Galeman can.
The snow blaster is… ok, I guess? One of the few instances of gun weapons being seen in Storm Hawks. But let's make it a bit more specific and have it that one of Suzy-Lu's frost crystals was stolen. An extremely rare one that's capable of freezing metal to the point where it shatters.
The Rex Guardians always seemed to me like one of the most influential squadrons in the Free Atmos, so as well as old Sky Knight relics they probably have archives of current and recent goings-on in the war, maybe even things that let them access high-security locations such as prisons.
If anyone can see where I'm going with this, you can have a cookie.
Stealing the Aurora Stone pieces is a brave move, and I'm sure anyone's attention would be grabbed by an attempt at such a crime.
So we have some new antagonists, and a running theme for the items that have been stolen. What can these things be used for? What goal shall we give the thieves of this rewrite?
How about a prison break?
The Atmosia Stockade is a high-security prison that houses Carver, and no doubt numerous other prisoners of war, such as high ranking Talons, turncoat Sky Knights, powerful Murk Raiders, the list goes on. The Free Atmos would stand to lose a lot if so many dangerous individuals escaped. Imagine the chaos!
And if that wasn't enough, I have one last major change to bring out.
The Raptors aren't the thieves in this. Not the main ones anyway. Perhaps they were hired as distractions, perhaps they did help with a couple of the thefts, but they're not the primary culprits. It's the Storm Hawks Reserve team.
This ties into other rewrite ideas I've got lined up, specifically Talon Academy. I decided a while back that several members of the Reserves that Aerrow suggested in TA and that never got mentioned again what the hell were in fact Cyclonian double agents. People with a huge motivation to break people out of the Stockade. And it'd explain why the likes of Wren are so sure that it was the Storm Hawks who robbed them. They have the right uniforms, the right insignia, and they are not a pack of giant lizards in paper masks.
...Sorry, I'm a bit salty.
I want the Storm Hawks to fail in this episode. It would've been interesting to see how they handle a loss like this, and I think it would make things incredibly interesting for the lead-up to Cyclonia Rising. Imagine all the new threats we could've gotten.
So that's my extensive ideas for how I'd rewrite Atmos's Most Wanted. Maybe one day I'll do a fanfic or even an audio drama based on this rewrite, because apparently recording my attempts at voice acting is something I want to so. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
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your-nanas-house · 1 year
The Beginning
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◇ Pairing: Tom Riddle X professor!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, manipulation, forbidden relationship, Tom Riddle, bath, nudity, dub-con, short age gap
◇ Summary: Tom notices that his favourite professor is a bit stressed.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Both character are aged up. Part 2 Part 3, Part 4
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The room was filled with the chit chat of students who were taking the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, a subject often called simply DADA by everyone.
In the background of the big lesson room, there was soft music that created an almost pleasant atmosphere in contrast to the type of class that was taking place which had quite heavy topics that frightened many and intrigued others.
One of those people who were fascinated by the subject was Tom Riddle himself, clever boy, Slytherin and much more, especially the darling of professors, of every professor, except Albus Dumbledore, so the young professor Y/l/n was no exception.
There was a special bond between the wunderkind student and the professor, almost intimate if someone misinterpreted it but it was nothing like that or at least that was how it was for Y/n, the young witch had only managed to get her job a few years earlier and right from the start, thanks to the passion for her subject shared with Tom, they began to bond.
The Slytherin student who had now come of age and managed to become the head boy as well as a prefect, had approached the teacher to find out more secrets about magic and because he surprisingly found their conversations interesting as well as entertaining.
This was the real reason why he had started a few months after he met her to pretend to meet her by chance while walking around the castle, thus starting a routine between the two of them that happened almost every day if Y/n wasn't busy with her duties as a Hogwarts professor, which happened sometimes and which annoyed Tom for some strange reason.
Y/n was convinced that Tom saw her as a mother figure, someone to follow and learn from, and so did the young adult, but everything changed one evening.
After a busy astronomy lesson Tom wanted to visit his favorite teacher before heading back to his dormitory but when he reached the door of her classroom, hoping to find her still there, voices made him stop in his tracks.
The door was slightly open and he could easily see what was going on inside Miss Y/l/n's classroom.
She was inside, leaned against a table as she listened attentively to what someone was saying to her, Tom couldn't recognise the man so close to the woman with that look that the student had learned was lustful from the experience of his peers.
The whole situation awakened something all too well known inside the Slytherin heir, envy, pure green envy and resentment turned against them, something animalistic flared up inside him, a need to prove himself just as he had done at the orphanage when he was still a child.
Perhaps that was the reason that started the break of the platonic feelings the student had for his teacher.
New thoughts ran through his head as he decided how to move the pawns of his game in such a way as to receive what he wanted and thought he deserved, waiting patiently for the most suitable moment which came one summer night.
It had been a few months since the beginning of her senior year but they were almost at the end, his attitude had not changed in the slightest towards Miss Y/n and so the young woman did not suspect anything when she received a letter from Tom asking her for urgent help and giving her the coordinates of where to meet.
Worried, the young woman rushed to what she discovered was the prefects' bathroom, she was breathing heavily and was ready to solve whatever the problem was.
The young woman however had expected everything but her favorite student to wander calmly around the bathroom as he arranged the water and suds, meeting her eyes with his cold black ones, a faint smile forming on his face when he spoke "professor".
The atmosphere was suspicious in a way, suspicious but relaxing, since the aroma of soap filled the room as Tom tended to his clothes leaving them propped elegantly on a chair so they couldn't get wet "what's going on, Tom? I got your owl and I came as soon as I could" Y/n declared while she looked around, studying the bathroom in order to understand the riddle and discover why Tom Riddle had made her run all the way there.
She didn't even realize what the boy was doing before he was surrounded by the water and the foam caught her attention again.
Tom was standing in the tub, his clothes forgotten on the chair as the water made his pale skin and nearly Greek god muscles stand out; Y/n couldn't help but notice how his student had grown over the summer, making space for a decidedly attractive young man who reminded her very much of a Greek statue while her y/e/c moved around studying the parts of his skin on view, reaching his neck and finally his face.
She only realised she was holding her breath when their eyes met again, the situation they were in became much clearer to her and a blush appeared on her face making her turn quickly to give privacy to the young man who was staring at her amused with an unfamiliar twinkle behind his pitch black eyes.
She could hear him moving in the water, probably moving closer to where she was before speaking again "I've noticed that you are under a lot of stress lately....I thought a bath might help you, professor" the Slytherin revealed with a mischievous smile that relented slightly when she politely declined several times before attempting to leave the room, soon ending up in the water though, Tom's arms wrapped around her as if they were two snakes, his breath was warm against her neck and she could feel him take in her scent before letting his lips graze the delicate skin of that area "I know you want it too" whispered the young man almost in an attempt to seduce her as he sensed the shiver that ran through her body.
"No one will have to know, my mouth will remain closed" he whispered again, licking this time behind her ear before starting to play with her lobe using his teeth "come on...professor".
Miss Y/l/n's eyes flattered closed despite the fact that she tried to fight her lust, but it was immensely difficult with Tom's large, long hands, which traveled slowly all over her body exploring and almost expertly touching the areas that would make her give in.
It was as if there was a study behind it, his hands traveled with the wisdom of someone who had studied but not yet experimented with practice, this however did not silence the voices telling her not to do it.
The struggle in her head continued and the more time passed the harder it was to resist, especially now that the young adult's body was right against her back and she could feel everything from his muscular chest to his abs to his hard cock against her lower back.
His warm breath was against her now cold neck, making her
shiver and sigh deeply memorising how Tom was touching her because it had been quite some time since she had fucked anyone.
Despite the urge boiling inside her, Y/n shifted, slipping from the wizard's strong grip, stopping his next movements by placing her hand on his smooth chest.
Tom's black eyes met her y/e/c's, his large hand with long, skinny fingers wrapped around her wrist, slowly moving it to his lips, his tongue tracing its way to the inside of her hand before stopping to allow their lips to meet in a strangely soft kiss.
Miss Y/n's tits were against Tom's muscular, pale chest, her hands buried in his black hair as the boy's arms were around her waist bringing her even closer to him.
Their lips moved slowly, both of them lost in the shared sensation, exploring one of the tastes after another. It all ended, however, when Y/n regained control, noticing the head of his cock brushing against her entrance almost as if teasing her.
Reason because she forced herself to pull Tom away from her before licking her lips, weighing up her various options, she wasn't going to go all through with one of her students, it wasn't even supposed to end up like this and yet there she was in a bath with the most talented student at Hogwarts trying to seduce her.
Tom moved closer just as her internal debate ended, it only took her hand to stop him and her gaze followed by a teacher's tone to make him obey "get out of the water, sit on the edge of the pool...this is to stay between us, it won't happen again and I don't want to talk about it ever again, do you understand?" she asked after a few seconds the last question before admiring how Tom's body, shifted and emerged from the water to position itself like she had asked.
And there he was, Tom Marvolo Riddle, in all his glory and nakedness, his legs spread for her and an intense gaze focused solely on her. The young professor had listened to several conversations of the horny schoolgirls going after Tom but had not at all expected what she had in front of her now.
That didn't frighten her though, they had already reached a moment of no return and her hands instinctively moved to the young man's muscular, hairy thighs; they traveled a slow, teasing pace that made all the remaining blood go right down into his now rock hard cock.
The wizard admired closely as Y/n's hands moved over his length, pumping him a couple of times using the water as lubricant before she moved her face closer and left little licks on the tip.
Their eyes met and her mouth continued to work on him, exactly as her hands did, causing small moans followed by hisses that came out of Tom's perfect lips.
His dark eyes had not yet moved away from her just as Y/e/c's were still focused on him, it was intense.
Her tongue came out of her mouth to lick the entire length a couple of times and then take him completely in her mouth, deep throating him without him expecting it.
Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked, Tom's thighs shaked slightly under her hands as sinful grunts escaped his lips; his hips began to move without even meaning to, his tingling hand lusting for dominance gripped her wet hair in a tight grip so that he could choose his movements.
His hips moved swiftly as he fucked her mouth mercilessly focused on achieving his first peak of pleasure, it was a almost suffocation feeling, Tom needed more, much more, but he had almost reached his peak.
The wizard only released his hold when he came, now leaving Y/n free to move as she wanted, despite this the young witch focused her attention till the end on his tip, sucking gently as her hands massaged his balls almost as if she was milking him.
As soon as she realized she had taken every last drop, Y/n slowly pulled away, swallowing it all while looking into Tom's eyes.
The young professor had to avoid him in order to reach the entrance to the prefects' door without falling for another attempt at seduction by the student.
The two looked at each other in silence, Tom wanted to say something but Y/n silenced him with one last kiss, followed by an elegant movement of her wand and three words "this stays here".
As soon as she finished speaking she walked out of the bathroom leaving Tom standing there all alone, looking at the door, his body now dry and his uniform back, it was as if nothing had happened, as if everything had only been in his head but the lipstick marks proved something else.
In fact they only confirmed the wonderful and unexpected sensations he had felt in those few minutes he had been with her, he knew that she had sensed that it was the first time he had done this kind of activity but he also knew that she wanted more, he wanted more, there was something more and Tom was going to take it at all costs.
Things had not begun and ended that night in the prefects' bathroom at Hogwarts, the wizard would make sure of that and he would not put an end to what he had managed to get…what he had been craving for some time and now knew he could have.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @huntress-valkyrie , @lostmyremembrall, @pastelpiisces
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 21<-
Part 22
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Pairing: Han + Felix x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Under 18 DNI!, ANGST, public sex, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, pet names, unprotected sex (just don’t), oral (f + m receiving), overstimulation, threesome
Word Count: 10.8k
Note: Since I did you dirty with the last chapter, here is some Jilix action to soothe the pain… I know know. You want to know what will happen with Channie, but it will come soon enough. What can I say? I‘m into edging ;)
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager. Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
Fortunately, you were busy with your work and could hardly concentrate on the argument with Chan while rehearsals and sound check were going on the next morning.
Still, you felt nauseous and the oppressive feeling always swam along, like a disturbing noise in the background. You tried to avoid Chan as much as possible and succeeded most of the time. You also managed to pull yourself together and put on a professional mask. But you noticed Hyunjin's scrutinizing looks, Felix's additional attentions when he once again offered you his bag of cereals or asked you for the hundredth time if you were cold. Everyone sensed and knew that something was wrong, but Chan radiated such a coldness that no one dared say anything about it. If he didn't want to talk about it, no one would try to do so. Chan was intimidating when he was in a bad mood and you could smell it from far away. It was like a dark aura surrounding him. It was better that way. The performance was coming up and in just a few hours they had to deliver.
You thought you had yourself under control until you came backstage to tell them excitedly about the huge crowd of people in the stadium, but when you saw Mina doing Chan's makeup, across the room, and they were laughing and talking, you thought you were going to scream out loud. Instead, you bit your tongue until you tasted blood and wanted to run out again, but bumped into Jeongin, who held you by your waist.
"Wow... Are you okay?"
You just nodded, unable to get a word out, and rushed out. The show started and the guys were getting ready to get on stage. You felt Chan's gaze like sharp arrows digging into your back and when Felix came to you, you saw the excitement in his eyes.
"Can I get a kiss? For good luck?" he asked with a sweet smile and flushed cheeks. Smirking, you leaned forward and pressed your lips reassuringly to his. Directly his shoulders dropped and he seemed more relaxed as he closed his eyes and pulled you into a hug.
"Thank you," he whispered, giving you one last little peck on the lips before following Changbin.
"What about me? Can I see your tits, for good luck?" asked Han teasingly, sliding his fingers into your waistband to pull you closer. You slapped him mockingly on the shoulder and couldn't suppress a giggle.
"Ji! You don't need that much luck. Believe me."
He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. You heard his breath catch and knew exactly what was going on. He had told you that he struggled with anxiety and soon you understood that he often masked his real insecurity with his humor. Whenever an anxiety attack threatened to overwhelm him, he would come to you looking for comfort and you would do your best to calm him down. Which is why you put your cool hands to his cheeks and took a few deep breaths with him. He grabbed your hands and concentrated only on them and your slow breathing, your sweet scent and your soothing touch.
Slowly he opened his eyes and the grin was back.
"Show them!" you whispered and he kissed your knuckles before following the others and hurrying onto the stage. The concert you were so afraid of was a big success. The atmosphere and the volume was enormous and when they said goodbye to the fans, your heart beat with relief. They looked damn good, danced like never before and also the live vocals left everyone speechless.
Euphoric and full of energy, they left the stage and came running backstage.
As soon as Changbin caught sight of you, he grabbed you, wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the ground with his strong arms. Giggling, you wrapped your arms around him and relief flooded the backstage area. He spun you around and then set you down.
"We did it," he sighed and Seungmin gave you a high-five as he walked by before ruffling through your hair and giving you a slap on the butt that only you seemed to notice, by then Hyunjin was coming up to you and pulling you closer by your hips as well until you bumped your chest against him. The sweat on his face with that energetic glint in his eyes was so sexy that you had to bite your lip while looking up at him.
"If that idiot wasn't staring like a perv, I'd kiss you right now," he whispered as he pulled you into a hug, and when you turned around, you recognized Ji-Deung leaning against the wall, congratulating the crew for the successful concert. Still, he stared over at you and saw his lips pressed together tensely. Even when Hyunjin let go of you and brushed your thigh while passing. But before you could say anything back, Felix had embraced you effusively and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
You stroked his head and nearly lost your balance as he clung tightly to you.
"That was amazing!" he gasped, and when he let go of you, Jeongin was already waiting behind him, taking your face in his hands and pressing a kiss to your forehead. Completely taken off guard by all the affection, you staggered a bit until you saw Jisung and Minho, who both smiled wryly and wanted to give you room to breath first. But you couldn't help yourself and stepped towards them, grabbing their hands and pulling them closer to wrap both arms around one shoulder of each. Minho immediately put a hand on your waist and Jisung clasped your shoulder. You grinned at each other and the adrenaline of the last few hours floated in the air like smoke from a cigarette.
"Good job, kitten," Minho purred, and Jisung had to control himself to keep his hands to himself in front of all the people.
"See you later," he whispered and you nodded. They both disappeared into the changing rooms and now there was only Chan standing there. He walked slowly towards you, the adrenaline still crackling in his eyes and he looked damn good in the outfit, with the tight leather pants and the loose top that revealed a glimpse of his abs.
"You guys were amazing..." you commented, the tension in the air tightening your throat.
Chan nodded curtly, wanting to hug you as much as the others. But the argument hung between you like a thick curtain that no one dared to push aside.
"See you around..." he murmured and hurried past you, leaving you with an empty feeling. Something in your chest stung painfully and you grabbed your chest right above your heart, afraid it might just crumble.
That's when you felt someone step up next to you and put a hand on your shoulder. You looked up in surprise at Ji-Deung, whose hand was heavy on your skin.
"Was there trouble with Chan?"
He feigned sympathy, but you could hear the satisfaction coming from his voice.
"We just had a little disagreement," you lied, trying to wipe his hand away, but he was already letting it trail down your back. You instantly felt ice cold.
"It'll be fine... Idols are difficult to deal with sometimes. It just doesn’t work between them and people like us“
People like us?
You wanted to shove him away and yell at him that he didn't know what he was talking about, but the lump in your throat wouldn't let out another sound. His hand wandered lower and lower until it was at your lower back. You felt uncomfortable and feared being crushed by the walls.
"I have to go," you pressed out, shuddering when you finally managed to get your feet moving.
At the hotel, you all ate together in Changbin and Chan's room. The boys excitedly talked about everything they had seen and experienced at the concert. Meanwhile, you sat leaning against the headboard and struggled to smile from time to time, even though you wanted to cry. Chan didn't speak to you, he hardly dared to look at you anymore. It was painful and you longed for him so much. But the anger about what he had said kept you from doing so. Despite everything, he was attentive, had saved you the mango smoothie because he knew how much you loved it and put it right next to you without a comment. His caring side despite the argument was so much worse than if he had just hated and ignored you.
Way earlier than normally you said good night and disappeared to your room. Already tomorrow you flew further to Australia and you needed urgently distance from Chan, in order not to be constantly reminded of what you had lost.
"Is this really comfortable, Lix?", you asked with a giggle as you tried to look over your shoulder.
"It's perfect...", he sighed in such a low voice that it gave you goosebumps and snuggled his cheek closer against your butt.
After arriving in Melbourne in the middle of the night, you were all tremendously jet-lagged but luckily you still had a full day to sleep and get used to the new climate.
You all stumbled into your hotel rooms like zombies and fell into your beds. You didn't have a chance to give another thought to Chan, you had been too exhausted.
Sometime in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight had fallen through the window of your hotel room, you had opened your eyes for the first time and found Felix snuggled tightly against you.
He must have come into your room sometime during the night and snuck under your covers.
He had still been fast asleep, with both arms wrapped tightly around your belly, his head leaning against your chest, looking so beautiful that you had spent some time just looking at him.
The freckles on his pale skin shone in the glow of the sun's rays like a small galaxy and his plush lips were pouted in his sleep. You really wanted to kiss them, but you didn't want to risk waking him up.
He looked so peaceful and relaxed that you didn't even dare to move while his breathing brushed warmly against your neck.
You had to control yourself not to keep smelling his soft hair. He smelled of sweet vanilla, a little spicy ginger, and sweet woods, which made you close your eyes and take a deep breath. It wasn't long before he was growling deeply like a sleeping dragon, pulling you closer to him.
First slowly his eyelids fluttered and then he had looked at you with his chocolate eyes, making you all jittery.
"Morning, angel," he had said in a raspy tone and that his voice was even deeper in the morning than it already was made your blood vibrate.
"Did you get lost tonight?" you asked softly, and he buried his face at your chest between your boobs with a caught grin. You ran your fingers through his fluffy hair, playing with a few strands.
"I couldn't sleep. Was way too excited now that we're finally in Australia..." he explained, pressing a kiss to the vacant spot under your collarbone that was exposed by your thin pyjama top.
"I always get a good night's sleep with you. I hope that's okay."
You smiled as you felt his fingers on your hips, sliding under the hem of your pyjama shorts.
"How could I say no to that face?" you flirted, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
He automatically closed his eyes, hoping for more, but you pulled back ready to reach for your phone and check the time.
"We're lucky... It's still early," you said and Felix yawned emphatically. He straightened up a bit and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.
You watched him a little too closely. His abs were perfect in every way and you had to bite your lower lip to keep from drooling as he knelt on the bed in front of you and ran his hands through the mess of blonde hair, his eyes still full of sleep.
You knew he was more comfortable sleeping without clothes on, much like Chan, and you definitely couldn't complain about that.
However, you now also noticed how warm it was already in the hotel room. The heat of Australia would definitely get to you.
"Jet lag is really nasty this time," he sighed, looking at you crinkled from above.
His fair skin looked beautiful in the golden morning light, and he reminded you of a drawing of a god straight out of a history book, kneeling before you like that.
Then he grabbed the duvet and lifted it jerkily. Startled, you pulled your legs to your chest and looked at him in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"I want to see what you're wearing," he murmured as his eyes were already excitedly gliding over your body.
The pyjama set was more reminiscent of underwear consisting entirely of lace, and you had only put it on because it had been the first thing laying in the suitcase on the top.
Felix mouth was open and he held the blanket as if petrified.
"Bloody hell..." he gasped in the most Australian accent you had ever heard.
"You wear that to sleep alone?"
You tried to take the blanket away from him again to cover yourself, but he was faster and held it a little higher.
"It's just a pyjama Lix!"
Actually, it had been a really expensive set, which you especially wanted to please Felix and Hyunjin with, since they both loved lace and white on you.
Obviously, you had hit the mark with Felix.
"Just a pair of pyjamas? You look like a princess! A sexy princess."
Slowly, the corners of his mouth lifted and you could see the mischievousness flashing in his eyes before he pounced on you, clutching you so tightly that you had no chance of escaping.
Chuckling, you tried to free yourself from his arms as he began to spread tickling kisses all over your neck and chest.
Playfully you rolled across the bed together and you could feel his muscles firm against your warm skin. The scuffle ended with you on top of him until he grabbed your wrists and threw you to the side.
Out of breath, you paused for a moment, but he did not release you from his grasp. Instead, he looked at you as you both lay on your sides, stroking his hands up your back.
You cupped his face with both hands as you never got enough of looking at him.
"You're so pretty," you whispered, unaware that you had spoken your thoughts aloud, and it was only when you saw his radiant smile that you realized it.
"Says the most beautiful girl," he replied, and before he could see how red you were blushing, you pulled him closer and kissed him.
It was a cute kiss that sent butterflies through your whole body and so you spent the whole morning cuddling, snoozing, kissing and enjoying each other's company.
At least until the door was yanked open and you seriously considered banning the boys from your room by not giving them an extra room card anymore.
You were working through the most important emails on your cell phone, lying on your stomach. Felix was lying with his cheek on your butt, his body between your legs and his eyes closed. He had been asleep for a whole hour and only stirred when his hands stroked your lower back or he grabbed your hips.
When the door slammed shut behind Han, however, he startled, but immediately rested his head on your butt and closed his eyes again.
"Morning Ji," you greeted him with a glance over your shoulder.
He was wearing ripped jeans and a tank top. His hair was a mess and apparently he had just woken up too.
"Here you are Yongbok! I should have guessed..." he said, dropping down on the bed next to you with a yawn.
Nimbly, he snatched the cell phone out of your hand and held it so high above his head that you couldn't reach it.
"You're already working this early in the morning? We're off today!"
He glared at you accusingly and placed the cell phone on the nightstand out of your reach.
"Good thing I'm here to save you now," he said, casually eyeing your body with a smug smile.
"Let's go to the beach!"
You both looked at him stunned, but he was quite serious.
"Are you serious? Ji-Deung will give us hell if we leave this close to the show," you said, shuddering at the thought of the fun brake with glasses who had been following your every move since you were on tour. It was obvious he didn't trust you and he was bothered by your intimate interaction with the guys.
"He doesn't need to know. Come on! Felix, you can show us your homeland!"
Han continued to try and you found it increasingly difficult to deny him any wish. His dark eyes shone like stars and you could only look at his plush lips as he spoke.
Felix clasped your hips with both hands and looked at Han silently, as if he were really thinking about it, resting his chin on your lower back.
"I looked it up on the internet. There's a small hidden beach just a few miles from here. We'll be all alone there and no one will know we were even gone. We wanted to see the sea after all!"
When Han wanted something, it was very difficult to dissuade him. In addition, Felix and you were the best people to persuade, since it was hard to refuse Jisung anyway.
"Chan will notice..." you said monotonously and just saying his name hurt. You wanted everything to go back to the way it was before. You would have preferred not to watch the video after all. In the meantime tried to forget it. You just wanted to lie in Chan's arms again, kiss him and hear his voice. By now you didn't care about the video at all.
"Chan's gone..."
"What?" you asked a little too loudly, and Han twirled a strand of your hair around his finger, which fell into your face.
"He went to see his family last night."
You jerkily turned onto your side, causing Felix's head to fall off your butt and onto the mattress. You hadn't known that. He hadn't told you, even though you always told each other everything. You always knew where the other was.
Your heart contracted painfully. Your last conversation had been an argument and now you had no chance to talk until after the show.
Felix straightened up a bit until you were sitting in a circle on the bed and shrugged:
"Let's just do this. What should happen? No one knows we're in Australia yet and the beaches here are paradise. I haven't been here in years."
You ran both hands through your hair and sighed loudly as you weighed whether it was really a good idea to take such a risk.
If someone recognized you, it could quickly become very problematic without security and someone in the know. On the other hand, the two of them awakened the urge for adventure in you and you also wanted to finally see the paradisiacal sea and beach that Felix was always talking about.
In addition, it was a welcome distraction from the thoughts about Chan and the painful argument.
They both looked at you eagerly until Jisung tilted his head and blew your mind with big begging eyes.
"Please, jagi! No one will know about this. I promise!"
Both your hands fell loudly on the mattress and you exhaled audibly.
"Alright. But then we have to go right away."
Cheering, Jisung clapped his hands and Felix laughed in relief.
"I'm going to go change. I'll meet you in the lobby!" Felix said and jumped off the bed.
Shortly after, he was gone from the room.
"Ji-Deung is going to kill us..." you muttered, grabbing your new bikini and a dress from your suitcase.
"That snob will never catch us. I'll see if the hallway is safe and then wait in the lobby."
You nodded and mindlessly pulled your top over your head to get dressed.
By now it was normality to undress in front of the boys. You trusted them blindly and living with them made you discard any sense of shame which is why you didn't even question it anymore.
Jisung ran to the door and just as he was about to push down the doorhandle, he turned to you once more.
The sight of your bare breasts made him freeze and just as you were about to put on your bikini, he came back again.
"Shit... Maybe I'll stay here after all."
With the words, he wrapped his arms around your hips and pulled you closer until his lips were on your bare skin, caressing your boobs.
Laughing, you tried to push him away. He was like an excited dog, fixating only on the treat and forgetting everything else.
"Ji! Stop it! We're trying to get going!" you laughed, trying in vain to dislodge his upper arms from your hips.
He lifted you up and threw you on the bed and before you could react he was hovering over you and his mouth was closed around your nipple while his hand was kneading your other breast.
He sucked your soft skin between his teeth and played with your nipples until you felt dizzy.
"Hannie!" you tried again to make him stop, even if it was the last thing you wanted. But you couldn't waste any more time if you wanted to disappear unnoticed.
Briefly, he let go of your breasts and looked up at you in confusion, as if he hadn't even noticed how it had come to this.
"I have to get dressed! Get off me!", you cried out and your face turned scarlet.
Reluctantly, he pulled away and leaned back against the wall to watch you slip into your bikini.
"I can't help it. You're just too damn sexy," he replied, smiling apologetically.
You threw on a summery dress and packed a beach towel, water, and sunscreen, since the guys certainly hadn't thought of that.
"Did you sleep with Yongbok?" he asked curiously, out of thin air while less successfully blowing a strand of hair out of his face that caught in his eye.
"Why do you care about that? Don't you talk about that stuff with each other?" you asked, tying the laces of your Chucks.
"We do... It's just that he's never been part of an arrangement before. I'm just curious about that."
"Mm," you commented with an amused smile, and you could sense without looking up that he was almost bursting with curiosity.
"Soo did you?"
A silent laugh escaped you and you straightened up to tie your hair into a high ponytail in front of the mirror.
"You two are always cuddling, always hanging on each other, I can hardly imagine it hasn't happened yet. I would have suffocated by now with all that physical contact."
It was true. Felix loved skin-ship as much as you did, and that's probably why you understood each other on a completely different level. Without words and only through perceptions and feelings.
"Ji, it is actually possible to cuddle without fucking right away. I know that's hard for you to believe" you teased and he held his heart playfully affected.
"Not true at all! I'm a romantic!"
"Pff. You're the horniest person I know," you shot back and he inhaled emphatically dramatically.
You gave him a little kiss on the cheek and threw your bag over your shoulder.
He grabbed your chin before you could turn away and held your face right in front of his.
"Don't act like you're not into it," he replied with the most suggestive grin you'd ever seen on him.
Your breathless expression was answer enough. With a satisfied laugh, he let go of you and crossed his arms in front of his chest again.
"You’re getting on my nerves with your handsome face, Han Jisung! Stop looking at me all sexy! Weren't you going to go ahead?" you asked rhetorically, and that's when he remembered again.
"All right. See you in a bit, babe."
With a wink, he disappeared through the door and you prayed that no one would run into you. Especially not Ji-Deung.
It wasn't until you had passed a few streets past the hotel that you relaxed. The way to the beach was along a small dirt road and through a forest.
In fact, the beach was so hidden that no one was to be seen far and wide.
Enthusiastically, you slipped off your shoes and enjoyed the warm sand under your feet. Felix had not promised too much.
The water was turquoise and shimmered like a sea of sapphires. The sky was cloudless and the sun made the yellow sand look like liquid gold.
You spread out your towels under a large pine tree halfway in the shade. A few rays of sunlight sneaked through the dense branches and the air smelled of salt and vacation.
You spread out on the big beach towel that you had taken with you and Han had taken off his tank top so quickly and spread out on the towel that you didn't even manage to sit down.
Felix also slipped out of his shirt and to see the two of them now shirtless was something completely new. The continuous training before the comeback had left its mark and both of them had defined abs and muscular shoulders by now.
They both watched you slip out of your dress as unobtrusively as possible and gave each other meaningful looks as soon as they finally saw your green bikini.
It showcased your curves in all the right places, and seeing your skin glisten in the glow of the sun was something so sexy that Han would never need porn again when you were in his life.
Jisung whistled suggestively as soon as you tossed your dress aside, which made you throw a water bottle at him. You lay down between the two of them and you silently just enjoyed the soundscape and the paradisiacal panorama that Australia's beaches offered you.
"It's really beautiful," you said after a while and Jisung nodded in agreement.
"What made you leave this paradise?", Jisung murmured and looked questioningly at Felix.
"A dream," he replied without looking at him, letting the soft sand run through his hands.
The silence filled only with the sound of the sea and the rustling of the branches above you was a welcome change from the noise on tour and at home, which otherwise constantly surrounded you like a dense fog.
You had to admit that Jisung had had a good idea for once.
But of course, the silence didn't last long.
After all, you were traveling with the Chaos Twins.
Jisung got bored quickly and it showed again now.
"Let's go into the water!" he said, already slipping out of his jeans.
"You can't even swim," you retorted, looking up at him as he stood in front of you.
"Then you'll just have to hold me so I don't sink."
He bent down to you, grabbed your legs and lifted you up with ease. A surprised squeak escaped you and you clung to his shoulders as you lost the ground beneath you.
"Come on Yongbok!"
With those words, he walked down the beach to the water's edge, with you in his arms as if it were no effort at all.
He waded into the water and as soon as it touched your feet, you wrapped your arms tighter around his torso.
"Ji no! Please... It's too cold!" you gasped, but he continued to carry you mercilessly into the water. When he was up to his waist into the sea, he looked at you with that familiar glint in his eyes that you knew all too well.
Panicked, you shook your head and tried desperately to hold on to him, but he let go of you and you fell into the water with a loud splash. Gasping, you resurfaced, your hair all over your face like a doused poodle, and Jisung held his stomach laughing at your outraged expression.
"Well wait, you little shit..." you pressed out, throwing all your weight at him.
Cursing, he rowed his arms and fell with you into the waves.
Bubbling, he went under until he regained his balance and his hair stuck to his forehead as he broke through the surface of the water again. Laughing, you pushed each other and splashed water all over each other until you saw Felix standing in the shallow water.
He had his arms wrapped around his body and was also wearing only boxer shorts.
With a unifying look, Jisung and you had found a common victim and as soon as you headed toward him, his eyes grew wide and he waved his hands in the air defensively.
"No! No please don't!" he pleaded, but you both had already grabbed an arm and pulled him mercilessly into the cool water until he submerged and resurfaced with narrowed eyes.
Your laughter resounded over the beach until he put an arm around Jisung's neck and pulled him off his feet.
You wrestled like that for quite a while, and you felt transported back to your carefree childhood years. It was liberating to think nothing and just have fun.
That was the effect of the two. When you were around them, you couldn't help but have fun.
At one point, Felix and you had a swim race and Jisung played referee in the shallow water. Of course, Felix won and Jisung wrapped you in his arms as you pouted and crossed your arms.
"He cheated!"
"How am I supposed to cheat at swimming?" asked Felix laughing as he brushed his wet hair out of his face.
"Aww our girl is a sore loser," Jisung chirped, wrapping his wide arms around your shoulders from behind to sway you back and forth teasingly.
Felix came through the water towards you and put his hands on your hips until his face was right in front of yours. The water beaded off his cheeks like crystals and he smiled so brightly that you wrapped your arms around his stomach.
"Don't be mad, pretty! What do I get from you now?"
Jisung rested his chin in the crook of your neck and let his hands rest against your stomach.
"Oh the winner wants a reward?" you asked challengingly, lightly pinching his side so he winced.
"I think I earned it..." he said amusedly, pressing his hands meaningfully into your hips.
"And what do you want?" you asked with a sneaky grin as you noticed his gaze down your body.
He looked at how the thin fabric of your bikini covered so little that it left enough room for naughty fantasies.
God he loved your body.
"I think Lix wants something in particular..." murmured Jisung, and directly the blush shot into Felix's cheeks. Caught, he released his gaze from your breasts and looked back and forth between you and Jisung.
Jisung pressed your hips against his middle and you could feel his length clearly through the fabric of his boxers on your butt.
"Tell me, what do you want Lix? All you have to do is ask..." you breathed seductively and jerked him closer by the hips until barely a hand's width fit between your bodies.
Panicked, his eyes raced up and down your face, while Jisung grinned knowingly. You leaned a little against the chest of the older and enjoyed the way his fingers circled your belly.
Felix blush was cute and he swallowed hard as you bit your lower lip charmingly.
"I... I don't know..." he stammered and that's when you leaned forward a bit until your lips brushed his. His heart was almost jumping out of his chest by now.
There was nothing adorable about this anymore. You were sensual and sexy and all that at once confused him. You kissed him slowly, nibbling into his lower lip, taking his hands as you did so and bringing them to your breasts.
You heard Jisung exhale sharply and he pressed your ass even harder against his length, which gradually became harder and grinded it against your skin.
Felix looked down at his hands perplexed and began to cup your breasts gently at first, then as you smiled against his lips and deepened the kiss he closed them tighter around them and began to knead them through the fabric.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to you, moving your lips against his so sensually that he growled softly as he returned the kiss. You were trapped between the two men and your bodies were pressed tightly together as Jisung groped your hips and sucked on your neck.
Felix tongues stroked your lower lip in a demanding manner and you let it slide into your mouth. The kiss was so much wilder and more animalistic than anything you had ever done with Felix before, and you could clearly feel his dick pressed against your thigh. The waves washed over your bodies and as Felix greedily slid his hands under your bikini top and firmly squeezed your bare breasts there, with Jisung's mouth all over your neck, a heated moan escaped into his mouth.
You broke away from Felix, only to feel Jisung's hand on your chin, turning your head and impatiently pressing his lips directly onto yours.
Sighing, you let yourself fall against his chest as Felix pushed the straps of your bikini off your shoulders and kissed down your chest while Jisung closed his hand around your neck a little tighter.
"Let's go back. You can see us here," Jisung murmured, and you could clearly see how greedy he was for more.
You nodded, breathing heavily and aroused.
At the towels, Jisung pushed you down by your shoulders without waiting long and sat next to you while Felix knelt between your legs.
Immediately he leaned over you and kissed you while Jisung's hand ran up your thigh. You stroked through Felix's wet hair and licked needy into his mouth as Jisung ran his fingers over your covered middle.
A gasp escaped you as he let his index finger wander right over your clit. Automatically you buckled your hips against his hand and he watched you shudder under his touch. His other hand was suddenly at your back.
"Let's free those pretty tits," he murmured against your ear and pulled open the straps of your bikini until the top fell off.
Jisung set it aside and grabbed your right breast directly while Felix stared at your body with his mouth slightly open.
"I told you her boobs were perfect," Jisung said with a smile and your head dropped to the back of your neck as Felix wasted no time in taking your other nipple into his mouth and sucking on it.
Your hand was on the back of his neck and you looked down at him, who's face was red as he nibbled and licked on your breast desperately.
"You guys talk about my boobs on a regular?" you asked with a grin, and Jisung kneaded your other breast so hard that a hiss escaped you.
He leaned down to you, gave you a peck on the lips and looked you in the eye.
"Of course... With a smoking hot body like that, can you blame us?"
Then he pressed his lips harder on yours, catching your sighs as Felix worked your heated skin with his mouth and twirled your nipple between his fingers.
The heat of Australia was nothing compared to the one in your body right now.
As the two assaulted your body with their mouths, you grew increasingly dizzy and jerked them both away at once.
"Fuck... I can't breathe," you gasped as they both stared at you uncomprehendingly, as if you had taken away their favorite food for no reason.
Handling one of them was an experience in itself, but having both outrageously hot guys all over you at the same time was something that almost knocked you out.
"We're in public, you know?" you said, running your hands through your hair in a befuddled manner. Anyone could come to the beach, even if it was rather unlikely.
The guys seemed to be slowly remembering that as well, and both of them dropped down on their backs to the right and left of you.
"You're too tempting," Felix murmured, snuggling closer to you again.
"Just let me take a breath..." you sighed and put an arm around Felix, who rolled onto his side and placed a hand reassuringly on your boob. It fit perfectly in his palm and he just wanted to hold it forever. You stroked through his slowly drying hair and he grumbled contentedly.
"I think this is a good idea for all of us," Jisung agreed with you and his hand rested against your inner thigh where he circled his thumb over your soft skin as you snuggled into his arm and leaned your head against his chest.
So you dozed for a while in the warm sunshine, recharging your batteries.
"Can someone help me?"
Felix straightened up directly. He had been watching you smear your skin with the sunscreen all along. The shiny film on your inviting skin, the white cream and the way you let your hands glide over your belly, your legs, your arms, made him digress into naughty thoughts. Han was lying next to you on his stomach, just waking up from his stupor.
"Sure... I'll do it." Felix said a little faster than necessary. He was waiting all the time to be able to put his hands on you again. You turned onto your belly, stretched and waited until Felix climbed over you and spread the sunscreen in his hands. His heart was racing like crazy as his thighs were tight against yours, he hovered over your lower back and began to spread the cream on your shoulders. Like an artist, he was focused on his work as he worked the cream into your skin with supple fingers. You sighed softly, closing your eyes and enjoying his soft touches.
Soon he was working his way down your back, feeling the soft curves of your butt beneath him, and had to force back his gasps as arousal ran hot between his legs.
Your bikini covered just enough to leave room for his swirling fantasies, and by now his cheeks were so flushed that he didn't dare look at Han, who was watching him with a wide grin.
When Felix stopped moving and just stared at your ass, which he was supposed to cream next, you looked over your shoulder in confusion.
"You may touch me Lix," you assured him and he was snapped out of a deep trance, nodding vehemently:
„Yes... yes sure. I was just...", he stammered and tried to ignore Han's snort as he began to spread the sunscreen on your butt cheeks. By now he was so hard he was embarrassed. All he had to do was touch you and he was helpless infatuated with you and desperate for any kind of you attention. When you sighed as he felt the soft flesh of your ass between his fingers, he gasped out loud. You smiled as you felt his hard length pressed against your lower legs, and looked over your shoulder while Felix's eyes were glued to your ass, his fingers kneading it more intensely even though all the cream had already been absorbed. It took him several seconds to notice your gaze, and he got wide-eyed right away.
"I'm so sorry..." he coughed, trying to cover his hard cock building a tent in his shorts by now with his arm. But he didn't get a moment to breathe because you were already turning around, putting your legs around his hips and propping yourself up on your elbows. The way he couldn't stop himself from looking at your breasts, swallowing and moving further down gave you so much self esteem. He looked at you as if he had never seen anything more beautiful and you felt desired, expensive, special with him.
The feeling of what he gave you was intoxicating.
"Yongbok, after all this time you should learn one thing from your hyungs," intervened Han, who had been watching the spectacle with amusement. Felix looked at him questioningly as he slid closer, took your hand and placed it against his chest, where you grinned and drew circles with your thumb.
"If you want something, you can't wait too long. You have to go get it."
With these words he winked at him, turned your head and kissed you so hard that you felt dizzy. One hand moved to your breast, gripping it tightly and twirling a nipple between his fingers until you breathed loudly. You buried your hands in his hair and opened your mouth until he licked into your mouth and your tongues fought for dominance. It was filthy and rough, but heated you up in no time. Felix watched you and it felt like his heart was going on a merry-go-round. The desire was so intense that he could hardly sit still and Han was also so hard after the little interlude that he put your hand to his crotch so you could feel what you were doing to him. You kissed his neck and sucked on it heated, until you found his lips again.
When he broke away from you, you were breathing hard, your cheeks were hot and you were so wet that Felix could feel it through the fabric of your last bit of clothes.
Han gave him a challenging look and finally Felix leaned down to you and lifted your chin with two fingers.
"Is that all right?"
His deep voice made butterflies fly up inside you. Breathless, you nodded.
After all this time, he was still making sure he didn't cross a line and that you didn't change your mind. He made you feel safe that you could break off at any time, and that made you fall for him even more.
Then his lips crashed down on yours, he kissed you hotter and more passionately, grabbed your tits and excitedly began to roll his hips against yours so that you felt his hard length pressed right against your aching cunt. Desperate, you wanted more. Your body was flooded with heat and you would have loved to rip away the last of the fabric to finally feel his length deep inside you. He was so beautiful, his hair shone in the sun, was messy and his freckles adorned his face like expensive jewelry. You needed to brush your lips over his abs, licked them until he breathed heavily and sucked his soft skin between your teeth.
That's when you felt Han's hand at your side, undoing the bows of your bikini, and you helped him by lifting your hips and he pulled the last bit of fabric from your body. Felix grumbled overwhelmed as he felt your bare cunt pressed against him and almost lost all self-control.
Desperately he rubbed his cock against your thigh until Han's words froze him:
"Oh our dear Felix... So desperate for a pretty girl in his life he is practically leaking by kissing one. How are you ever going to please her if you can't get passed kissing her?" Hans mocking had exactly the effect he wanted to achieve on the younger member.
Felix furrowed his brows, smiling in amusement, but there was the challenging gleam of competition in his eyes:
"We both know damn well I can please her just as well if not better than you Hyung!"
Han put a hand to his head and smiled conspiratorially.
You could tell by the gleam in his honey-kissed eyes that he had a plan and how much he liked the whole thing.
"Then show our pretty girl how much she means to us. Believe me she tastes divine.", he cooed and pushed the younger's head down decisively until he rested between your legs. Hungrily his eyes glinted open as he saw the wetness and beauty between your legs and growled:
"So gorgeous... Fuck want to taste you so bad."
You shuddered and a naughty sound escaped your throat as Han pressed Felix's head into your pussy with a mischievous grin.
Immediately his hands closed around your thighs, pushing them apart as the sensation threatened to overwhelm you and his tongue poked against your clit. You threw your head back, the blue sky began to spin as Felix sucked and worked your clit as if he had never tasted anything tastier. As if caught under a spell, he buried his face deeper into your pussy and as soon as his tongue penetrated you, you clung to Han's biceps and arched your back.
"Oh fuck... Felix fuck... so good," you pressed out between moans and Han had to bite his lip to keep from coming in his boxers from the sight alone. Felix's growl vibrated to your core as he spent wonders with his tongue, rubbing his nose firmly against your bud of nerves. You feared crushing Han's arm, but he held you tight, unable to help but kiss your pink lips and stifle your moans with them. His hands wandered over your belly, to your breasts, circling your nipples until he kissed your neck, sucking and nibbling on it. One hand was in Felix's hair and one in Hans's, greedily working your heated skin until he was satisfied with the red marks. Felix's tongue slid deeper and deeper, he took your breath away, Han broke your mind with his sucking on your skin until you were completely at their mercy. Overwhelmed you didn't know which name to moan, both sounded like liquid cotton candy from your lips and your high rolled in so fast your thighs squeezed Felix's head and as you pulled on his hair he rutted his hips against the towel. He wished he could live forever between your legs, trapped by your plush thighs and the sweet taste of your arousal on his tongue. Han had reached your breasts by now, licking them and pulling your nipple between his teeth until you gasped for breath.
Curses and whisked words with moans slipped over your lips and when Han guided your hand between his legs, you didn't hesitate long and slid into his boxers to grab his hard dick. Gasping, he wiggled them down before rutting into your hand and pressing his forehead against your chest.
"Your hands are so soft, honey. Keep doing that!“ he moaned and the whimpering only fired you up and you palmed him sloppily.
But your eyes rolled back as your orgasm overtook you while Felix pressed his plumb lips firmly against your throbbing pussy. With a pornographic moan, you came and time stopped. 
„Felix." You groaned, and he only hummed in response, noisily lapping up your leaking juices. Han bit lightly into the soft flesh of your breast as your grip on his cock squeezed him and he nearly exploded. Your moans had Felix cock also rock hard, painfully stretching against his shorts. If he didn't get to fuck you, he'll definitely masturbate to the thought of your moans, the way your cheeks were red and eyes glossed over.
Felix guided you through the high that made your legs tremble around his head and he licked clean everything he had caused.
Until you saw clearly again and your breathing calmed down, he straightened up and looked at you. He looked like an angel chiseled out of marble, kneeling between your legs with all the galaxy shining through his eyes, while the sun shone around his head like a halo.
"Fucking hell, Lix... Why are you so good at this," you gasped, and Felix just grinned. His lips were still shiny from your wetness and he leaned in to press a kiss to your lips. You tasted yourself on him and you immediately got hot again. His kiss was soft at first, then he gently bit your bottom lip and you let out a small whimper. He only scoffed and let you brush your tongue along his. Your arms made their way around his neck and you soon found yourself pulling him closer.
Han gasped loudly as you continued to slide your hand up and down his dick and buried his face against your neck, muffling his adorable whimpers.
You held Felix face and looked deep into his eyes.
"Lix I want you to fuck me."
He swallowed, cleared his throat, and nodded slowly.
You straightened up, helped him take off his shorts as well and palmed him a few times and could only stare at how big he looked in your hands. Then you leaned back, looked at him and wrapped your legs around his hips.
"Fuck her good. Like she deserves," Han grinned, stroking himself while watching.
"I waited so long for this...," Felix growled, his cheeks rosy with excitement and he couldn't wait after months of fantasizing about you, lying awake all night, getting off and imagining what it might sound like when you moaned his name. You gasped when Han reached for your neck, one hand on your chin, leaving you a mess and desperate for so much more. He was gentle but hard with his kisses, wanting to leave bruises on your skin, wanting to devour you whole.
Felix penetrated with the tip, making you gasp loudly and the deeper he slid, the more you melted. He growled deeply until he felt his balls pressed against your ass.
"Fuck you feel amazing. So warm, angel."
His voice deepened with each word and you clawed into the towel as he rose up, lifting your hips higher with his hands until your ass rested on his thighs and he could sink even deeper into your cunt.
"Lix please... please fuck me," you moaned and he didn't need to be told twice.
„Don't worry baby, I'm gonna make you feel real good, okay?" he purred, overwhelmed by the feeling of your warm walls welcoming him and squeezing his cock just right. He stood still for a moment, allowing you to adjust before starting to slowly thrust into you. After a few seconds he couldn't stop himself and snapped his hips into yours and right away you pressed your legs even tighter around his body.
A strangled moan came from the back of your throat, a noise you didn't even know you could make. A noise you shouldn't make, on the beach in public, while you were fucked by one of the men you worked for. But you couldn't help it. You couldn't stop the chorus of moans falling from your lips, and to Felix it sounded just like the most beautiful melody he had ever heard. So beautiful and melodic to his ears. He loved it.
Han watched, his hand tightly closed around his throbbing cock and he couldn't get enough of the sight of the younger man pounding into you.
The pleasure inside your veins unlike anything you've felt before. So intoxicating and mind numbing, you could live on this feeling. Your hands gripped the sand through the towel, knuckles turning white as you moaned, your hips subconsciously rocking and grinding against him.
Heat pooled in your gut as Felix cock massaged your inner walls at a relentless pace, and you arched your back up into his thrusts, wrapping your legs firmly around his waist.
Han bent down to you, stroking his fingers down your neck, while Felix dug his fingers into your hips, hitting the sensitive spot each time, guiding you to your orgasm in record time.
Jisung sucked on your neck, just below your jaw, cupping your breast with his hand and noticing how your body tensed.
He pulled his lips away from you, smirking up at you. "Gonna cum, baby?" He asked and Felix deep whimper, made you roll your eyes. "Let go, sweet girl. Show us how you cum all over Felix cock," he said and you cried out, the burning sensation stronger than ever as you felt yourself being stretched out around his thick cock. Tears pricked your eyes and with a few deep thrusts that made your insides light up, you came trembling and with the naughtiest moan around Felix cock, who groaned loudly as your walls sucked him deeper.
He stopped for a moment, watching how beautifully you fell apart beneath him, never wanting to look away again. Your body was made for him and he just had to lean down and kiss your lips while lazily continuing to roll his hips against yours.
That's when Han said:
"Now that Yongbok finally got his dick wet, I should join, huh?"
Eagerly you looked up at him and you pulled him down to you while Felix was already sucking on your nipples, lapping your warm skin with kisses and continuing to thrust into you, making your overstimulated cunt pulsate.
You pushed your tongue into Han's mouth and kissed him desperately with more teeth and force than necessary. When he briefly broke away from you, Felix was already kneeling between your legs again and slamming deep inside you, this time his own release in mind.
"Be a good slut and open your mouth for me.... I want to fuck your pretty face, honey."
Jisung's voice was like liquid caramel, so sweet you couldn't get enough and would end up taking more than you could bear. But when you nodded and he climbed over you to press his knees right and left against your ribs, you wanted nothing more than to choke on his cock.
He put his red angry tip to your lips, spreading the bit of precum on it and you began kitty licking Jisungs cock while moaning from the pleasure on your pussy coming from Felix devilish dick, thrusting deep inside you. Jisung reached into your hair with one hand and slowly pushed his entire length into your mouth with a sigh of relief. Everything around you began to blur as Felix continued to use your pussy for his own pleasure, caught in his own trance of lust and desire.
As Han hit your throat and you gagged softly, he grinned and began thrusting into your mouth.
"Fuck so sexy... Taking both of our cocks like a slut."
That same hot bubbly feeling as before was forming in your stomach as Felix fucked you harder, faster, deeper than before, once he heard the gagging and whimpering as Han fucked your mouth restlessly. You groaned at his words and Felix completely lost control of his hips as he abused your body for his own pleasure. He was chasing after his own orgasm too, he couldn't help but crumble when it came to you. You were just too perfect, and your pussy was his own personal brand of heroin. Felix couldn't look anywhere else but where you two were connected. How his cock, covered with your juices, disappeared again and again in your sore pussy.
Han roughly rutted into your mouth, whimpering and gasping your name and your mind hovered somewhere between hot passion and sizzling explosions. Your eyes fell closed and you loosened your jaw, surrendering to the act of it. Yes, you were on your back and it was your mouth around his dick, but the sounds pouring out of Jisung, the stern hand he kept strangled into your hair, it felt like he was worshiping you. At the same time you felt every movement of Felix, every touch and every pulse beat so intensely that soon your body was floating above the clouds. Both of them sounded so mesmerising, Felix with his vibrating deep but sweet groans, and Han's adorable whimpering. Jisung tasted like a dessert you waited the whole day for, and when you moaned you couldn't have told if it was because of the way he pulled your hair, the pressure building between your thighs as Felix fucked you just right or the fact that the two men used your body like a toy, while strangely giving you the feeling of security and respect at the same time. Jisung hissed suddenly, and a muscle in his abdomen twitched, "Fuck," he whispered, because of the view you gifted him. Between lowered lashes, you blinked up at him, only to find he was already looking at you. The look on his face made your stomach tingle and your fingernails clawed deeper into his thighs. So you took him deeper, spurred on by his reaction, taking him so far into your mouth that you felt him tickle deep inside the back of your throat. He was so heavy on your tongue, his fingers so firmly entangled in your hair, that the stinging traveled all the way to your clit. Tears pooled in your eyes as the sounds of Felix thrusting into your soaked pussy mingled with all your growls, moans and whimpers.
It was dizzying, blinding, raging through you like a fire. It should be impossible for a body to withstand so much pleasure, all your sinews sung along, all your muscles tensed in anticipation. You gagged, tears streaming down your face, and as Jisung moaned your name and came with a final curse in your throat, you felt your orgasm rushing in like a storm.
"Oh fuck... babe... fuck," he stammered, pulling his cock out of your mouth to shoot his remaining load onto your chest and over your breasts with a few final strokes. With rattling breath and his chest rising and falling rapidly, he dropped onto his back beside you and stared up at the sky until the hundreds of glowing flashes and black dots dancing before his eyes calmed.
Felix and your eyes met, as he watched Hans cum all over your body, he choked on a moan and his thrusts became more chaotic, more unpredictable.
"Fuck so hot... keep squeezing me like that, angel," he growled and his fingers had already left marks on your soft skin. Your high gripped you, leaving you in a sea of white bliss until Felix shuddered too, coming inside you with a few final thrusts. He collapsed on top of you, burying his face against your neck, his hot breath hitting your skin as you mutually savored your climaxes for as long as possible.
Your limbs shook from your second orgasm, your lungs howling as Jisung had choked you on his cock and Felix pounding into your aching cunt.
After you calmed your breathing, Felix straightened up a bit, you felt his cum mix with your juices in your pussy and drip down your legs onto the towel.
Felix lips crashed into yours kissing you messily and desperately again, his tongue running along your bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth nibbling at it as his hands came up to cup your face stealing your breath and making you dizzy.
„Thank you," he whispered against your lips and you laughed softly. He had just fucked you senseless, made you come and he thanked you. He rolled over to your other side on his back and so the three of you just lay there for a while, listening to the sound of the waves hitting the beach and looking at the blue sky.
After a while, you turned your head and looked at Han.
"We have to go back soon... I'm sure the others have already noticed we're gone."
Han nodded slowly and looked at you as well. That's when you spotted the hickeys on his neck that you had caused and exhaled loudly when you saw red bruises on Felix's stomach and above his collarbone as well. You'd probably have to cover the red marks with makeup yourself before they had to go on stage tomorrow.
"You don't have to stare like that. You don't look any better," Felix smirked when he noticed your look and knelt down next to you to help you clean yourself up with a towel.
With a furrowed brow, you looked down at yourself and recognized several spots on your stomach, around your breasts, and probably on your neck in so many shades of red that made Hyunjin's color palette pale with envy.
"Oh God..." was the only thing you managed to get out. The guys just grinned at each other in amusement as you slipped back into your bikini. Just as you were about to put your bag away, Felix said:
"Let's go into the water again before we leave."
Han immediately agreed and you too could use a wet cool down after the sunshine-twins just turned you into a cock-drunk mess.
"Whoever gets in the water first!" you shouted challenging, jumping up and running along the beach. Surprised, they stared at each other and then rushed after you.
They chased you across the beach, all the way to the water, where Han grabbed you from behind and swept you off your feet. Together you fell into the waves laughing and chuckling, and just as you got your breath back you could only watch wide-eyed as Felix pounced on both of you.
So you fooled around in the water for a while, your laughter echoing across the sea and the sand dunes, until you were out of breath.
As you made your way back, exuberant and exhausted, you realized how much you had needed this day. You hadn't thought for a second about Chan or your work. You were just having fun together and your soul felt so much lighter.
You held hands with Felix and you swung your arms playfully back and forth between you, while Han carried your bag and put one arm around your shoulders, you embraced his waist. So you chatted boisterously as you strolled back, Felix constantly stopping to take pictures of you or the scenery. You posed laughing or making faces to tease him. You were just happy with them and the warmth and fresh air, made everything easier.
But then Felix's cell phone vibrated in his hand as you went through the photos, and when you read Chan's message in the group chat, the memory of the argument settled over you like a dark storm cloud.
„I forgot my power bank. Can someone bring it to the venue tomorrow?“
Immediately, the guys looked at you and Felix put his phone away so you wouldn't have to look at Chan's name for a second longer. You directly imagined him being with his family, happy and not giving you a second thought.
"You need to talk to Chan..." suddenly came from Jisung and you quickly shook your head as you just kept walking. They followed you and you could already see your hotel at the end of the street.
"No... There's nothing to talk about."
In truth, you were just incredibly afraid. Afraid that it was already too late and you had lost what meant so much to you.
This paralyzing feeling kept you from doing anything. You hung in the air, not daring to move for fear of falling deep and hitting even harder on the ground. Not being able to breath or think straight.
Felix reached for your hand and squeezed it reassuringly, and Jisung brushed a strand of hair from your forehead before you reached the lobby entrance. Both of them knew how much the argument was bothering you, but they were also aware that this was Chan and your business. They could stand by you, show you how important you were to them, and distract you for a whole day. But in the end, you had to work it out with Chan alone.
On the one hand, you hated that realization. On the other hand, you were grateful to them for not trying to interfere.
But you did not know what to do. You were desperate, afraid and incredibly confused. However, the one thing you knew for sure was that you would forgive Chan anything if only he would ask. You only had to look at his face to know where you belonged, but from here, you could do nothing. He was unreachable and the more time passed, the more you feared he would get over you. He would just forget you and move on.
The feeling of fear ate deep into your heart, until you hardly dared to hope anymore.
->Part 23
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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Someone was having trouble getting decent sound in his living room and instead of recommending a room treatment or better speakers this person just casually suggests PUTTING AN ADDITION ONTO THE HOUSE.
Trying to get advice on audio forums is often a challenge because a lot of these dudes just have *so much* disposable income. And they just assume everyone else is wealthy too. You can even tell them you have a budget and they'll be like, "You should save up longer and buy this thing that is three times your budget."
And it's not like there aren't wonderful options that are more affordable. I think I may have about $3000 worth of home theater equipment that I have collected over the last 20 years. They will spend that on a single speaker and suggest you do the same.
The people in these forums would have a fit if they knew I had a single subwoofer. Apparently, the cardinal audio sin is having only ONE subwoofer.
Your room could have NULLS!
Seriously, they will lecture you anytime you mention having a single subwoofer. "Your seat-to-seat response is going to be inconsistent!"
I also saw a guy say that a 15" subwoofer was "tiny" and "pointless."
My 70-pound, 12" subwoofer is currently vibrating items off the shelf in my house ever since I moved it upstairs and don't have concrete floors like in the basement. I'm going to have to buy special subwoofer feet to decouple it from the floor. I can't imagine what a 15" sub would do to my house. It might collapse on top of me.
So you can only get a sub that is at least 18" and you need a minimum of 2... but 4 is much better. Actually, 4 is the minimum. 2 is garbage. 2 in front and 2 in back.
And, of course, you have to get a Rythmik or PSA subwoofer. Don't cheap out on the brand!
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You have to build an addition to the house AND buy $8000 worth of subwoofers and then MAYBE your sound will be somewhat listenable.
But only if you calibrate the subs with a MiniDSP and the proper UMIK calibration microphone.
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Wait, do you have a regular AVR with built in amplification? That won't do. What you need is an audio processor with individual external amplification.
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You'll need a 9.4.6 configuration for the proper surround sound experience. That is 9 ear-level speakers, 4 subwoofers, and 6 atmos ceiling speakers.
So 2 of these.
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1 of these.
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3 pairs of these.
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6 of these... plus professional ceiling installation.
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And an individual amplifier for each speaker.
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Do you really need a 600 watt amp for the ceiling speakers too?
Comfort is important too. So you'll want a Valencia leather power recliner with LED cup holder.
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And... by far... the most important home theater component...
The power cable.
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This will assure that only the highest quality electrons are delivered to your audio equipment.
Don't think about it too much.
Don't think about all of the janky powerlines that deliver electricity to your house.
Or all of the generic power cables inside your wall.
This cable magically negates all of that and turns the last few feet of electricity into pure, audio-grade power.
Guaranteed to drastically improve your sound quality... somehow.
It can't be nonsense, otherwise someone would have never written such beautiful prose about a power cable in a review...
"I was smitten by the piano’s extra depth in its nether regions. I’m not talking about what some audiophiles like to refer to as testicular bass, but rather, a rich and absorbing presentation."
$14,000 for rich and absorbing testicular bass? WORTH IT!
So that's roughly $65,870 for all of that and between $50,000 and $100,000 for a 500 square foot room addition.
A small price to pay for a room that is not junk for listening to music.
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cabezadeperro · 11 months
hi there! 💖 for Cody/Fox if you’re vibing with it
unfortunately i am always vibing with cody/fox (also sorry i don't think this was what you asked for ahdghkhghkdhkgh)
post order 66, fox lives au & purge trooper!cody.
💖 rough kiss / hot and heavy / making out
“I thought you were dead.”
The shuttle rattles—they’re leaving atmo. Fox shifts his weight and says nothing. Cody scoffs and shakes his head. He’s still wearing most of his shell: the black plates reflect the red emergency lights, and so do his eyes, shining like twin flames in the dark. His hair is the shortest that Fox has ever seen, buzzed close to the skin, and he looks—sharp. Too thin, all his edges out there for the world to see.
His wrists are shackled together, the heavy handcuffs resting on his lap where he’s buckled to one of the jump seats. He seems perfectly unconcerned about his situation, and Fox can’t quite decide if it’s real or just for show. 
“I know,” he finally says. “It was on purpose.”
Cody blinks. Fox wonders: did he grieve? Did Cody grieve for him? The chip allows it—that’s not what it’s for. Grief isn’t useful.
Fox shrugs. “Many people died in the last few days of the war,” he points out. 
“But not you,” Cody says. He sounds thoughtful. He’s not looking at Fox but at his own hands. 
The shuttle’s getting ready to jump. It’s an old model, with a boring transponder code. It has a crappy hyperdrive, a tiny fresher and a couple pull-down cots folded over the seats. The hold is full—mostly junk. Trinkets. Fox will find somewhere to sell them after he delivers Cody to the Rebellion.
He doubts he’ll see Cody again. Fox’s not welcome where they are going, and he dislikes spending time among birthers anyway.
Fox looks away. Six hours. These are the last six hours he’ll spend in Cody’s presence, and then he’ll—leave. He’ll leave Cody in his captain’s hands and then he’ll leave forever. 
It’s so strange. A lifetime in each other’s pockets, and then the war, and then this: sharing the relative quiet of a shitty, rattling old shuttle after the end of the world.
“Fox,” Cody says suddenly. Fox blinks and turns to look at him. Cody’s already staring at him: the dim light makes the bruises on his face look deeper, the blood on his chin seem black. “I think I fucking hate you.”
Fox snorts. It hurts, the laughing and the words. He leaves his place to the side, next to the door to the cockpit, and approaches his brother.
“You’re not the only one,” he tells Cody. Cody rolls his eyes, and it makes him look so—young, that for a beat Fox almost forgets himself.
“I’m glad you’re not dead,” he replies, and then leans back in his seat, a weird little smile on his face. Half smug smirk, half something else, both off and profoundly familiar.
He looks up at Fox, the lights sliding down his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, legs sprawled. His boot knocks against Fox’s foot, once, twice, then stays.
“You may be the only one,” Fox tells him. 
This is a mistake—Cody’s brilliant and Cody’s ruthless.
Fox leans forward, places his hands on the armrests of Cody’s seat. The shackles clink. They are heavy, cumbersome things. Cody smells of blood and sweat and blaster discharge and melted plastoid. Fox breathes him in: he wants to open his mouth and let it all rest on his tongue, filling his brain.
He still kisses like he used to. Fox feels himself moan into his mouth, Cody biting at his lips and sucking on his tongue, straining against the buckles and the weight of his handcuffs. Fox allows it for long, long seconds—Cody’s breath on his lips and on his chin, the taste of him, the way he sounds.
It takes him longer than Fox expected. He tries to go for Fox’s blaster, Fox steps away, and then it’s back to sleep, Cody’s head lolling against the seat. Fox wipes his wet mouth, still breathing hard, his lips tingling, and puts away the injector. 
His heart is beating hard inside his chest, and he feels—Fox finds he feels worse now. He sits down on the jumpseat next to Cody’s, and when Cody’s head ends up resting on his shoulder he allows it.
I’ll miss you.
Fox leans his cheek on Cody’s shaved head, his growing hair soft against his skin, and closes his eyes.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 2 months
My Beloved Evil, Part 1
There is true evil in this world. That, I know for sure. I have looked her in the eye, after all. I have pressed my lips against hers and inhaled the scent of her hair and held her tight against the endless starry night. I have loved evil, true evil, and lost her too.
My name is Runera of House Ilfirel, fifth daughter of the High Councillor to the Empress of Andromeda. I grew up in the verdant hell of Che'erai, spoon-fed by a hundred house servants, while indentured slaves toiled just beyond our atmo-bubble. I had it all: gravity adjusted for my maximal comfort, nanobots that patched even the most minor of aches, food genetically tailored to my taste buds. At the time, I merely thought it my due, though I now see what a naive fool I had been.
At the time, though, I wanted nothing more than to leave my estates. I hated my noble lineage, the endless balls of sneering, ferret-faced duchesses and counts, the metaphorical snakes that suffocated me like that insufferable bodysuit I was made to wear. I despised my siblings, so suave and shallow, with their lords- and ladies-in-waiting, gossiping in an incessant stream about prosaic fashions and mundane affairs. Most of all, I loathed the life I was made to live, that of a highborn socialite, and the fate I was to suffer, to be married off to some other shallow fool.
I had, in the manner of rich and intelligent youths everywhere, a desperate need to stretch my wings. All the great interactive libraries, all the mechanised replicas and all the holo-domes could never do the real thing justice, or so I thought. I wanted to see the ‘real’ world, venture out to the edge-colonies and live amongst the natives. I wanted to pet a Chesserus Jurassi in ‘real’ life. My friends, what few I had, and I fantasised about fleeing the star system with a frequency that mimicked the drama amongst other groups, and after much deliberation, I decided my way out was on a space shuttle.
To be specific, the research shuttle to Planet 3X-28988. It was in the early stages of colonisation, and there were endless calls for adventurous souls and intrepid researchers to help pollinate it. I had the prerequisite knowledge, and the capacity to forge an ID that would let me get aboard, with the help of my comrades. They thought me brave for it, braver than they, who would rather stay and live amongst the snakes and the stifling monstrosity they called society.
So it was that I found myself on the far side of a rimworld, all alone, studying biology that I never would have thought I could see in its natural habitat. I stayed at the edge of the colony, all alone in my little Habi-bubble, with nothing but my thoughts and tools to keep me company. Every weekend, a drone would drop my groceries on my doorstep, and the kindly head chef would invite me to sit in on his poker night. I always refused, fearing that they would sense my highborn heritage and out me.
So I grew used to being lonesome. It was… comfortable, in the way an old scar was. That is to say— a familiar ache that, on the rare and awful occasion, would turn into an agonising rift of the soul.
Still, it was the life I chose.
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii, @trippingpossum (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
PS: Be kind guys :') The next few bits will contain the first romance I've ever tried to write
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jazzyrazzy157 · 18 days
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What happened to Elpis?!
SH HC: In the AU Season 2 didn’t end on a kinda hopeful note but The Storm Hawks, Ava, and Cyclonis were sucked in instead of entering The Far Side but in the end of my ver of Season 3 will end with The Storm Hawks and Ava getting back to Atmos maybe to warn about Cyclonis and The return of the Dark Ace (He didn’t die but transported to the Far Side) but they were shocked to see that all of the Atmos is ruled by Elpis with her face being mostly burned (probably from the events of season 2) and wearing golden armor, when they were gone she decided to take matters into her own hands and make most of all the Atmos into one government with her leadership she wanted all of the Atmos into more of a military system then ever before and want any traces of Cyclonia to be destroyed immediately
(I realized that her outfit is kinda goofy to look at, or this is my opinion)
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juniorig0327 · 28 days
Zeus!Percy (and possible siblings)
So I was thinking about Zeus!Percy and I was thinking about his possible childhood. I actually feel like it would relatively the same since he’s a big three child. He’d probably still have to deal with Gabe and all that but I do feel like his anger issues may be a bit intensified which may lead him to be put in more military schools when he was a child and possibly more fights.
His sense to protect would be greater I feel like which wouldn’t change much, at least not in his childhood.
One thing I do actually want to change is Percy possibly killing Gabe here. Zeus is a god of justice and especially after finding out Gabe hit his mom I feel like Percy might’ve killed Gabe (albeit possibly an accident).
His powers would mostly be control of storm related activities with his two main abilities being heliokinesis (control of the sun) and Atmo/Electrokinesis.
Other aspects and epithets of his powers would be unlocked throughout his quests, with him discovering the chthonic side of Zeus in the BoTL.
So basically Perseus is like a mini Zeus lol.
I think, especially because in the AU I’m considering Thalia to be a child of Apollo (still thinking on this). People would be very afraid of Percy at first, just like in canon and would slowly open up to him, but after his abnormal powers people would sort of stay away from him in fear because it’s like “wtf a child of Zeus isn’t supposed to have these types of powers are they??”
Especially when he shows off less than heroic traits people will stay away from him in this au, although after TLO he’s officially respected, especially after he stood up to his father on the treatment of demigods.
Now as for siblings one I definitely want to do for sure is Ethan as a child of Zeus. I feel like Ethan would be the opposite of Percy. While Percy got all the cool powers and domains, Ethan got nothing besides Zeus’s sense of justice and his war like attributes. He’d feel resentful towards Percy, especially because he wasn’t claimed and he feels like because he was born without powers, Zeus didn’t deem him worthy of being claimed.
Other things I thought of:
- Blue food would most definitely still be a thing.
- Percy controlling Poison is most definitely not going to be a thing, but I am cooking up some ideas, at least for the “dark” side of his powers.
- Being as I’m making him a legacy of Apollo, he still gets the weirdly prophetic dreams which definitely I intend to go a little deeper into. With the potential of alternate futures and Percy seeing it through his dreams (there are three fates after-all)
- Percy isn’t really close with Zeus or most of his siblings, but Poseidon like absolutely loves him. He’s like “woah can I claim this guy??” Just because of how unhinged and unrestrained Percy is going to be lol (even though Poseidon has children of his own).
- Nyx has a weird obsession with him. I thought it was as sort of uninteresting Nyx was interested in Nico. I feel like it would’ve been more interesting if Nyx was interesting in Percy or like someone else, especially because of the growing darkness of Percy in Tartarus. It would also be weirdly uncharacteristic of children of Zeus and I feel like Percy is legit all about breaking the Zeus child stereotypes.
- Percy is so like Zeus in certain ways, like when he’s commanding in battle or when he gets angry he looks so much like Zeus especially in his eyes it’s uncanny.
This is just a random yapping cuz I’m at school rn but tell me what you think in the comments please 🙏
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gingerlurk · 1 year
Lovers' Crest | Chapter 2: The Mechanic
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Din Djarin x f!Reader
Summary: You get to know the Crest, surprising the hell out of your host.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, slow burn, non-canon (the Razor Crest never gets destroyed, it also gets upgraded with a cabin), canon-typical violence, eventual smut/filth, post season 3, canon-typical violence, Reader has hair long enough for a braid. uhhhh please advise if there's more to add here thank you
A/N: Hi! To say again, I am completely new here. I am just a struggling writer with a brittle heart and this little story has lifted me out of a block the size of a small moon (that's no moon). Here on A03, I just got encouraged to share here. And in terms of Star Wars canon and mechanics stuff, I'm just making it up, friends. Hoping it's still a fun story like its inspo.
‘Dank farrik,’ he – Mando – mutters, punching at the pad until it lights up.
The ship had been cruising at sublight for a while, you assume so that your pilot could chart out courses or whatever. Navigation was never your strong suit.
‘I will need to make a stop,’ he says. It’s not apparent whether he’s talking to you or himself. ‘These blast corners are not going to last the journey.’
You sit up. What are you doing? You ask, ‘Do you have the parts?’ 
‘Yes,’ he says absently. ‘But it is a specialised process. In cases like this, I take the Crest to a dock.’
‘I could replace them.’ Shut up.
He doesn’t register you for a long beat. Then looks over his shoulder. ‘What?’
‘I can replace them for you.’ You can’t stop yourself. 
‘And you know,’ your eyes roll around the cockpit. Why are you about to say this? Keep it to yourself. But you’d been noting little things to keep yourself occupied and, for some reason you don’t scrutinise too closely, you want to let this guy see you for who you are.
‘That transition from atmo would go a lot smoother if your power didn’t have to divert through the drag shafts. A little rigging, a simple program, and it can pass straight through the core. Smooth as.’ 
His whole upper body turns toward you. 
‘And,’ you lean forward, ‘I bet those thrusters were last serviced on Navarro?’
A heavy pause.
‘They were.’
You sniff, knowingly. ‘Don’t get me wrong – can’t fault those mechanics much – but for some reason they insist on four cylinders for every row. Is it cultural? I don’t know. But it just gums up the rotation. You only need two.’
Finally, he rotates his chair, facing you. He leans forward on his elbows.
‘How do you know all this?’ You hear what he doesn’t verbalise, You’re a wealthy, spoiled heiress who’s never known a day’s work.
You just keep a level look on your face. ‘I’d rather keep that to myself, if it’s all the same. Cards close to the chest and all that. But I can be more helpful than just sitting here. I can help out around here, show your ship some love.’
He huffs and leans back. ‘Right.’ He turns back to the console.
‘Okay,’ he comes to a decision. ‘I have to pick someone up anyway. We will land and you can make the replacements while I retrieve him.’ You’re wondering to yourself who this ‘him’ is when Mando spins back around, you jump a little. His voice is fierce. ‘But if you mess up my ship, I will leave you on the most backwater planet I can find. And Mandalorians have extensive nav maps.’
He turns.
Mandalorians? Hm.
The sense of relief felt at seeing the child Grogu again is still thrilling to the buttoned up Mandalorian. The kid is cooing in Peli’s embrace, who in turn chatters away. But the moment he clocks Din walking toward him, the child reaches up and – whoosh – is in his arms again.
‘Hi Grogu,’ Din’s smiling behind the mask, ‘were you good?’
‘Total angel!’ Peli shouts. ‘Bye baby!’
When he returns to the ship an hour later, with provisions and a babbling kid, he’s expecting to see you fumbling around an input hatch. But you’re nowhere to be seen.
Din turns to his son. ‘Grogu, there is a person on the ship. I am confident she is no threat to us, so do not worry, but please play nice.’
The baby squints and blows a mischievous little raspberry. Din sighs, oh well.
But where were you? Hells, if he’s lost her already…
He scans the hatches that house the blast corners; they are all neatly clipped in place. Even the one that had always stuck out a bit and would rattle in dodgy atmo entry was sealed flush against the hull.
He frowns. 
On entering the ship, he hears the quiet hiss of the fresher. She’s helped herself to his amenities? Damn Maker, he thinks. His resentment lessens considerably though when he drops into his cockpit chair, the child wandering up behind him, and engages the test switch for the blasts. The light flips on instantly. The diagnostic scans green. The diagnostic never scans green.
He’s staring so hard at the panel that your bright ‘Hey!’ from behind makes him jolt.
You’re pulling damp hair into a loose side braid, strolling into his space.
‘Sorry, that was oily work and I figured a wash up was a fair trade,’ you’re saying. You seem like you’ll go on but you trail off when you spot Grogu, who for his part is giving you his most doe-like, glossy-eyed stare. ‘Hi there…’
But Din’s distracted. She’d changed all four corners with enough time to spare for a jet stream? And they were responding better than they ever had? In the whole time he’s owned the Crest?
‘Woooo, hahaha, oh wow you’re a cutie!’
Your voice brings him back to himself and he’s stunned again to see you kneeling by Grogu, the both of you laughing and playful as you swing the bottom of your braid while he tries to catch it. The kid’s giggling. 
Grogu catches your braid, you let him, and toys at it tentatively, cooing away. You look up at Din, smiling.
‘This who you had to pick up?’
‘Yes,’ Din barely gets the words out. ‘This is my son, Grogu.’
You look back to the gremlin who has your hair. ‘Hi Grogu, charming name you have.’
Grogu looks up at you with a happy ‘ahh!’ and drops your braid.
Din doesn’t know how to feel about any of this.
The innocuous little light blips in his palm. He glares at the fob while an internal battle rages. It is a bad idea, but Din knows in his gut he probably won’t get a better opportunity than this one. A huge bounty so elusive he’d been carrying the damn – infuriatingly silent – fob with him for an age.
Now here it was, blinking to life. He looks over at you.
You’re snoozing in the flight chair, elbow crooked on the arm rest and knees tucked in. He’s remained perplexed by how at home you’ve looked on his ship. Not only that, you’re a savant with the thing. You’d made good on adjusting the exit power flow already, and the Crest was practically singing for it.
You’re nothing like what he was expecting. But you were still a job he had to finish. No question there. 
This bounty though… 
As if sensing his fitful inner conflict, you stir. Rolling your head up and rubbing sleep from your eyes, you hum to yourself.
‘Mm, hey, sorry. Didn’t mean to doze off there,’ you say, sitting straight. You take in the ship’s stationary mooring, systems in standby. ‘Where are we?’
‘Nowhere special,’ he says. ‘But…’ 
You clock the blinking fob he’s holding. ‘Ooh, that a job?’ 
You seem… all lit up by it, Din thinks. Worlds but you are strange.  
Without any real fight left, the war inside him ebbs and he gives in to the pull.
‘It is, a big one,’ he holds out the fob. ‘It’s not far from here, and should not take me long. I will lock down the ship; you will be completely safe.’ 
You sit forward. ‘I could come with,’ you say, eagerness in your voice.
‘Absolutely not!’ He stands, scandalised by the idea. ‘You will stay here, in the cockpit, until I return.’
He may have laced his tone with too much menace, because you lean back in the chair and drop your gaze. 
Regretting it, he sighs and drops back into his flight seat, turning to the controls. ‘Your safety is more important,’ he whispers. You stay quiet on the descent and landing.
It’s only when Din summons Grogu to his side as he readies that you speak up.
‘You’re taking him?’ you exclaim. ‘Your kid?’
‘He is in training,’ Din says, offering no further explanation. Grogu, for his part, wanders over to you, babbling away. He reaches up and touches your knee; you lean down and scratch his ear, mumbling something like ‘keep him out of trouble then, hm?’
Din takes in the scene, something pricking at his chest.
‘Grogu, let’s go.’ He turns and knows the child will follow.
Just this job, he tells himself. Then he’ll take her home.
- - 
Listening to the whir and grind of so many locking mechanisms engage and clunk into place settles a weary sense of dread over you. You’ve been here before, stripped of volition and made to stay in place.
You decide to be bored and restless instead of anxious and afraid.
Looking about the tiny space, your eyes land on the code pad by the door. You’d noticed the release switch catches a little, and Mando has to jab at it twice or thrice each time it’s used. You can fix that.
Casting about, you find a little stash of tools under Mando’s seat. Perfect.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much time and you end up dithering a little, readjusting the light sensor as well so it actually responds to input. 
Just as you’re tucking the pad’s cover back into place, a long slick of ice slides down your spine as the ship groans. The lockdown is disengaging.
‘He can’t have been that quick,’ you say aloud. 
You move to the front of the ship and spot two gruff and burly henchmen striding toward the Crest. A glance at the ship HUD shows the ramp to the hold gliding open, lowering steadily to let the invaders inside.
‘How’d you get onto this ship,’ you spit a few minutes later, wiping a bound wrist at your bloodied lip.
Your dazed victim grunts and rolls his head from left shoulder to right. From his place crumpled against the wall, he looks over to his unconscious companion and then up at you. ‘Fuck you, bi—’
You slam onto your knees across his hips, lock your hands together and swing them across his face. Gods it hurts, you’re not usually a puncher. But your hackles are raised and you know something is badly wrong.
Lucky for your almost lacerated knuckles he gives up immediately.
Hands fly into the air. ‘It’s a trap!’ he yelps. ‘An- a- an- ambush! Cephlate knew he would come. He hates Mando. Wants- wants to end him. He’s got tech to control the ship and he’s going to lure him into—’
You hit his carotid artery and he’s lights out. Time’s up. You surge to your feet and move.
Everything had been going wrong since the second he’d breached the perimeter. There were more enemies than he was expecting. They had better weapons than he’d anticipated, fucking artillery. He and Grogu had worked as a team as best they could, but the forces were overwhelming.
He hadn’t even had time to zero in on that stupid fucking warlord. Hunched behind a low building, he scans the hacked layout of the base via the holo of his vambrace. He spots a building built like a bunker and, thank the Maker, underground access – a tunnel that barrels off the edge of the plans, presumably out of this hellish place.
It’s fine, he’ll get back to his ship and come back ready for war. 
‘Let’s go kid!’ He shouts and he sprints for the doors. Grogu follows, leaping from cover point to cover point.
Wrenching the doors aside just enough for the two of them to slip in, he jams a vambrace against the control pad and programs them to seal. Twisting to lean back against the wall, he surveys the room and his heart stops. He swears he is hallucinating.
Din stalks forward and leans over the rack of servers.
‘What are you doing here?’ he hisses at you, crouched as you are by an open panel bristling with cables and blinking lights. You’re holding some complicated looking motherbank. ‘I told you to stay on the ship.’
You take a handful of wires and reef them from the bank.
‘Yeah, well,’ you say, not looking up. ‘Couple uninvited guests dropped in and told me about this.’ You shake the device in his visored face.
‘Uninvited what?’ He checks behind him, unholsters his blaster. 
‘Guests. Couple of your quarry dearest’s goons.’
Din is speechless, then, ‘How’d they get inside the Crest? Ground security was active.’ A massive boom rings against the sealed doors.
‘Because of this.’ You shake the object again, pulling a tiny pair of pliers – his pliers? – from a pocket and poking inside it.
‘Traction lock. Writ large. And I mean large. Look at this place.’ You wave a hand around. ‘Could take total control of like, an Imperial battleship with this setup.’ 
Din’s in shock, barely taking anything in. Who are you? He gives himself a shake and snaps back into focus, looking at their surroundings and assessing the best way to deal with the incoming ambush.
‘I’m decoupling your ship’s code from his systems,’ you’re saying. ‘Although it would go a lot quicker if,’ you raise your bound wrists. He notices them for the first time and leans down to cut them free. 
‘Hss, thank you,’ you say, going back to work and taking a few more moments before dropping the messy bundle of tech to stand.
‘Done,’ you chirp.
‘How did your hands end up…’ Din gestures.
‘Bit of a story on my way in,’ you say. ‘These guys have the weirdest weapons—’ You’re cut off.
- -
The doors separate and the room erupts in screaming red. You gasp as you’re picked up and flung against the wall. A heaviness lands on your chest and your vision is obscured by black and chrome crowding you in. You take in what’s happening. 
His body shields you from the pulse probe that had just been tossed into the room. His torso is flush to yours. The helmet tilts up and bumps the crown of your head. You’re completely covered by his broad form. As the pulse fades, boots thunder on the deck toward the opening. For one, barely there fraction of a second, your hips press together as he abruptly shifts and hefts you back behind the bank of servers. 
‘Stay down!’ His command sears across every point your bodies had made contact. He moves toward the formation approaching and becomes a force of nature again.
Hands free and blood singing, you think fuck it. You emerge and survey the scene, taking full advantage of the squad failing to consider you part of the fight. You spin between two while they’re focused on your escort and let fly a flurry of interjections into their joints and airways. One yelps and falls to the side, clawing at his neck. The other fares better, but only until you reef his own blaster in his hands, surprising him with his own momentum, forcing it into the open patch below his helmet and firing.
Dropping the weapon and his limp hands, you convert to a crouch and kick out. With toes pointed and bright, two sets of knees twitch the wrong way and the owners give startled shouts as your fingers find homes in significant places.
A rough hand grabs your tender wrist and you cry out. The shock lets the attacker tug you toward him, fist raised to ram into your face. You barely get your feet under yourself to duck. The swing still manages to brush by your ear, causing a burst of pain. But he’s already let his momentum carry him too far and you yank your seized wrist down so he loses centre. You get your shoulders into his groin and straighten in a rush. He topples over you and lands at a very unfortunate angle on his neck. He stills.
You whirl and register the fight is over. Mando’s whipcord snaps back into place at his wrist and he holsters a pistol slowly, shoulders rising and falling only a little. Seven other bodies surround the still and watchful figure. 
‘Five against one, huh?’ he echoes you from your first meeting.
You can only shrug.
He saunters toward you. ‘Where did you learn to do that?’
Another shrug. Man, that must be annoying. ‘Woman of mystery. Cards close to the chest. All that,’ you say.
Mando regards you. ‘Hm. I would be interested to know just how many cards you hold there to be honest.’
Would he now.
You’re about to lobby a smartass remark in deflection when his hand rises to your face. You resist the urge to jolt back, letting his palm move to hover within an inch of you. It holds there, making no move to turn into actual touch. Still making your lungs fizzle though.
‘You’re hurt,’ he says. You realise he means your injured mouth.
‘It’s nothing,’ you squeak, cringing at yourself. ‘More story for later. Seriously, I’m fine.’ You think you’re staring into his eyes, as he stares back, but hell if you could really know. He breaks away first and you exhale.
‘Time to go,’ he says, moving to the open grate you had climbed through earlier. The three of you drop into the access tunnels and move out.
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far-side-skies · 5 months
So. Princess-peregrine brought your lore dump on the First Storm and Gundstaff's origin to my attention. Fascinating stuff, and I'm curious to know, where does Sky's End fit in?
Good question! And I'm glad the infodump has been enjoyable, I typed that out in a fit of passion XD
Thankfully this question has a slightly simpler answer than "the land of giants is real and here's why".
I don't think the area in Sky's End is the edge of Atmos as a whole, it's just the edge of the area that nearly everyone in the show is most familiar with. Like how the majority of Europe, Africa and Asia centuries ago didn't know that the American continent existed because no one had sailed across the Atlantic and mapped it out before, the area called Sky's End is just the end of the area that Atmosia and Cyclonia's territories have mapped out so far. It's all uncharted territory from that point onwards.
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"We are way off course. Here. We're at the very edge of the charted Atmos Aerrow." - Piper, Sky's End
Thankfully, YouTube's auto captions were behaving in this episode. Also side note: Piper is incredibly condescending throughout the first five minutes of this one, what the heck girl.
Atmos always struck me as a world where everyone is very disconnected from each other and their own history. People have magic, crystal powered airships, brilliant weaponry, and yet we have several episodes where characters are seen discussing or outright mapping out unknown territory in Atmos. An example of the latter is Royal Twist, that's how Piper gets lost and finds Klockstoppia to begin with.
As I was typing this I did ask myself the question of "Well why are people so fascinated by the far side and not the wider Atmos which is easier to access?"
And the answer is that of the three characters we see with the biggest interest in the far side, two of them have massive egos that would only be satisfied by the glory of reaching the far side before anyone else. Domiwick wants the fame, Cyclonis wants the power that she has an implied ancestral link to (the tech we see in Cyclonia Rising), and Aerrow wants the biggest adventure he can possibly embark on oh and there's a prophecy with him in it I guess.
I think we missed out a bit in terms of the potential exploration of Atmos honestly. If the writing wasn't so episodic, Sky's End could've been our opening into seeing what lay beyond the war against Cyclonia. Alas, that's not what we got. I still love the show, but sometimes I still wonder what could've been.
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved! Takes place immediately after Difficulty Breathing, so I'd highly recommend at least reading that first.
Febuwhump Day 11
Fever – Tech
Warnings: Angst, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores.
WC: 2,011
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Hunter wanted me to stay on the ship. I could see it in that whisper of tension in his brow as I pulled the stark white plastoid bucket over my head and in the stiffness of his shoulders as I threw the heavy medbag over my back, but he trapped the objection behind pointedly ground teeth. They all did. In the couple weeks since my meeting with Commander Cody, every one of them seemed to step quieter around me, hesitant to offer even a breath of argument to anything I said.
Except Crosshair. Despite the relatively cramped quarters, he somehow managed to never find himself in the same room as me. I found myself remembering those first few months; the heavy quiet that fell over them when I was too near, the sense of being not quite welcome though they’d never say the words. This time, however, I had no one to blame but myself. Worse, I knew exactly what I’d lost because of that moment of fear.
It had been two weeks since the warmth of Wrecker’s laughter reverberated through the ship; since Tech allowed himself to ramble about nothing and everything at my slightest encouragement or Echo came to me with even a minor ache; since Hunter was able to look at me without that lingering hint of frustration that ruined me anew each time I saw it.
Two weeks since those hands held me like I was something treasured.
“On approach to Endor.” Tech’s voice chimed over the coms, ripping me from my thoughts with a burst of fluttered heartbeats, head snapping to attention. I tried not note the way Hunter’s helmet shifted slightly, focus locked on me for a breath too long as my gaze carefully locked on the far wall.
“Alright – we stick to the plan.” The sergeant started, that commanding impatience clear in his voice. “Their latest shipment went out this morning and should be intercepted within the hour, which means we only have until then to scrap their equipment before they relocate.” A group of would-be crime-lords was trying to establish a spice operation harvesting Rokna Blue from the native tree fungus. Eager to eliminate the threat before it could pose any serious problems, we’d been sent to cripple their infrastructure while the 187th targeted their transporters.
“Echo, Tech if you don’t find any intel by the time Wrecker and I rig the place, assume there isn’t any, and get out of there. Doc, you’re with Crosshair – hole up below him and be ready in case we need you.” It was the most any of them had spoken to me in weeks, but the only thing I could focus on was the flare of adrenaline at his words, and the threat of panic at that curious tilt of his helmet that assured me he’d noticed it.
Jaw ground, I gave a sharp nod, hands tightening around the crash harness strapped over my chest. He glanced briefly to where the sniper sat to his right, appearing to all the world as though he’d nodded off despite the way the ship began to tremble as we hit upper atmo. I’d barely seen the man since the day he’d begged me to stay, and now I’d be alone with him throughout the entire mission. Would this terrible quiet linger continue to linger? Would he act as though nothing had happened? Should I act as though nothing had happened?
The growing frustration only continued festering through the stomach-churning evasive maneuvers Tech used to guide us through the dense, towering trees of that gorgeous moon. I needed to talk to him; to clear the air, but the middle of a mission wasn’t the time for it. There were far more dangerous places than Endor, but we had little knowledge of what we were walking into. The spice-dealers could have any manner of security measures in place, and none of us could afford a distraction.
The instant our momentum shifted from forward to down, we were moving, tearing free of our harnesses and trotting across the still lowering ramp. Without a word, I entered the dense undergrowth at a quick pace, trailing mere meters behind Crosshair as the others split off toward their own targets.
Rivulets of sweat had already begun dripping down my back, soaking into my blacks and hair when he finally slowed to a quiet walk, back hunched slightly in a crouch as Crosshair’s attention locked on a single point somewhere beyond the maze of trees and vines. I glanced from him to the forests before us, trying to catch sight of what had caught his focus, but neither my visor nor my eyes noticed any motion.
“Get down.” I didn’t hesitate. The instant his words hissed through my com, my body dropped, one hand automatically snatching at a pistol. “Hunter, I have eyes on a two-man patrol – trandosians – doesn’t look like they’ve noticed us.”
“Leave them. I don’t want their disappearance tipping off anyone else.” The Sergeant answered on a near whisper. Crosshair didn’t respond, helm slowly following what I could only guess to be where the figures tread hidden beyond the foliage.
“Come on.” No longer distracted by the danger, that raspy voice sent a flush of heat up my neck, but I spared it no thought before quickly regaining my footing. Still crouched low, we continued into the thick brush, quietly nearing the compound. It was several minutes before he stopped once more, helmet shifting between the surrounding forests and the heavy brush climbing up the trunks.
“I suggest you get comfortable.” He didn’t look at me as the almost sneered words dragged from his lips, modulator blurring them into a hum before he slung the rifle over his back. I wanted to snap at him; wanted to remind him that he was the one who asked me to stay; begged me to, but, as he began the seemingly effortless climb up a Rokna’s tree’s splintered bark, I merely let out a short, tense sigh and lowered myself into the cover of the brush.
The coms remained frightfully quiet, each passing second mounting the threat of anxiety beneath the knowledge of impending battle. Hidden within that quiet, I knew Hunter and Wrecker had long since begun laying out the network of explosives; that Tech and Echo tread on silent footsteps, ducking just out of sight of some unknown number of enemies as they searched for intel that might not even exist; that Crosshair lay in perfect stillness somewhere overhead, finger resting a hair’s breadth from that sensitive trigger with some utterly ignorant grunt locked in the sites of that powerful rifle; and through it all, I had to remain frozen, crouched within the nest of fronds and dirt, muscles coiled, ready to sprint at a single word, because if I wasn’t, if I allowed myself even a moment’s distraction, it could come at the cost of one of their lives.
That quiet splintered into a frenzy. The series of over a dozen rapid-fire explosions was over in the span of seconds, preceding the distant roar of billowing flames. Screams of rage and fear erupted all around us as whatever guards had been posted about the facilities abandoned their patrols in some futile attempt to rescue the already decimated camp. The unhurried trill of Crosshair’s rifle sang in an almost rhythmic consistency, eliminating anyone foolish enough to return that might pose some threat to his brothers’ retreat.
I crouched motionless, one foot curled beneath me, listening to it all through the ambient chaos buzzing from my speakers as they barked quick orders to each other.
“Four incoming from quadrant 3!”
“Two down! Lost sight of the others!”
“I’ve got them.” Two rounds shot through the air overhead almost instantaneously.
“Two mor-”
“Tech!” Echo’s shout made my heart drop, boot shifting tensely atop the damp soil. “Status?!”
“I’m fine.” Tech answered brusquely, drawing a sigh of relief from me.
“Objective’s complete – get to the Marauder!”
“You see how quick this place went up! Told yuh I could sync ‘em!” My lips twitched into a smirk at Wrecker’s glee.
“Doc!” I was already running, feet pounding atop the soft humus in a mad dash toward the still raging inferno.
“Crosshair, whe-”
“Twenty meters directly ahead of you.” That earlier touch of disdain was gone – there wasn’t time for it here. Assured I was going in the right direction, I pushed myself faster, tearing through vines and leaping over roots until the brush finally cleared.
The compound was in ruins. Thick, black smoke billowed from the half dozen fractured buildings nestled awkwardly between massive Rokna trunks. Pinned against one of the outlying trees, Echo stood carefully over a tangle of white and red plastoid heaped beside a mound of gnarled root. I barely spared a second to look around me as I shot free of the cover of forest undergrowth, certain that Crosshair had cleared my path.
“What happened?” The quick words held no shred of hesitation from the lingering uncertainty between us as I sprinted across those last few yards. Echo glanced only briefly toward me before returning his attention to the distant sound of shouting, pistol aimed and fired several times in there mere seconds it took him to answer.
“Trandosian threw him against one of the trees.” I dropped heavily to my knees the instant he was within reach, noting the listless movements of his limbs, the occasional shift of his helmet absent any real intent. “He seemed fine at first, then,” He motioned gruffly toward the pilot with his scomp. Symptoms of a concussion and internal bleeding raced through my mind as I reached out to angle his visor toward me.
“Tech? Come on, Tech, I want you to look at me for second.” There was a subtle gentleness in my order, mind already counting his lazy, too-deep breaths as I watched the absent flutter of his long lashes. “Tech… Tech, open your eyes for me.” I pressed, voice raising slightly. Reluctantly, some awareness seeped back through him, but it took a beat too long for him to focus on me.
“Oh,” He almost hummed in a note of pleasant surprise, “You’re here.” I nearly broke beneath those mumbled words, chest bucking in something too close to a sob.
“Yup,” I huffed, biting back the guilt and hurt tearing through my chest. “Course I’m here – someone decided to go and get thrown against a tree.”
“Hmm.” The quiet laughter in the little scoff sounded… strange coming from him.
“I want you to keep your eyes open for a minute, okay?” It took him a moment to understand, but he painstakingly forced his gaze back to mine, apparently oblivious to the bright light I flashed over each eye in turn. His pupils were blown, frightfully unresponsive to my light. It took only a quick glance to note the tiny nick in the sliver of exposed skin at his neck, the fine sheen of blue smeared atop the black fabric.
“Kriff.” The curse escaped me in a sigh as I wrenched my pack over my shoulders.
“What is it?” Hunter’s voice rang over the coms, “How bad’s he hurt?”
“No, he’s-” I paused only briefly to find the right medication. “He’s kriffing stoned!” Someone snorted before the coms fell quiet. I didn’t bother elaborating before laying the injector flush against his neck. He didn’t flinch.
“I’ve already administered something that should be enough to keep him stable, but the comedown’s going to be hell.” Already, I threw my bag back over my shoulder, once more reaching for the barely conscious man before me. “I need to get him somewhere safe before that starts. Can you cover us?” I didn’t wait for Echo to nod before heaving the lanky pilot over my shoulder. Tech’s confused grunt sounded clearly through the coms.
“I know, but we’ll be back on the Marauder soon, okay?” I murmured, already taking off at a quick pace through the trees, and I vaguely felt his head nod against my back.
Next Chapter
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Quick warning/disclaimer: the following chapter will feature very intense Tech!whump/comfort following symptoms of withdrawal. I want to make it clear that my initial release of the chapter will not pull any punches, but it will be very thoroughly tagged. As always, if there is something specific you are sensitive to but still want to keep up with the story, just let me know and I'll try to make a censored version with that in mind. Additionally, there will be no intentional illicit drug use in my writings, nor will I write about actual addiction (if someone wants a comfort, standalone fic touching on recovery, drop me an ask/message - I will never judge someone for their demons).
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beautifullache · 3 months
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🦄The Sims 4🦄
👠Shoe Career👢
💕EARLY RELEASE 7.12.2024💕
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Journeys is a teen retail leader with an emphasis on footwear and unique specialty items including apparel, backpacks, hats and accessories. With more than 800 stores in all 50 US states, Puerto Rico and Canada, Journeys offers the most popular brands that cater to the teen lifestyle such as Converse, Vans, Dr Martens, UGG, Adidas, Timberland, Birkenstock, Crocs and Hey Dude. Through strategic artistic partnerships, event sponsorships, exclusive content, creative collaborations with musicians, and a focus on giving back to the community through charitable events and volunteer programs— Journeys has become more than just a retailer, but a universal part of teen and youth culture. The in-store Journeys experience features an energetic environment, friendly, passionate staff, and an inclusive atmosphere where self-expression is not just accepted – but encouraged and embraced. Journeys is an attitude you can wear.
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Hibbett Sports
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Hibbett, headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, is a leading athletic-inspired fashion retailer with nearly 1,100 Hibbett and City Gear specialty stores, located in 35 states nationwide. Hibbett has a rich history of serving customers for more than 75 years with convenient locations, superior personalized customer service and access to coveted footwear, apparel and accessories from top brands like Nike, Jordan, and adidas. Consumers can browse styles, find new releases, shop looks and make purchases through our best-in-class omni-channel platform. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @hibbettsports and @citygear. At Hibbett I City Gear, we make it easy for you to have an edge up on the competition when it comes to your style. Whether it’s the brands we keep on our shelves or the people who work in our stores, we are here to help you reach your next level of play. You’ll get the latest products first and exclusive items that are harder to find. If you want to put your game in the right hands, you’ve come to the right place at Hibbett I City Gear. With names like Nike, Jordan, Adidas, The North Face, and Costa, we bring fashion and footwear together for you and your game. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or the whole team, at Hibbett I City Gear we have you covered from toe to head.
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Foot Locker
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Foot Locker, Inc. leads the celebration of sneaker and youth culture around the globe through a portfolio of brands including Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs Sports, atmos, and WSS. With approximately 2,700 retail stores in 29 countries across North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, as well as websites and mobile apps, the Company's purpose is to inspire and empower youth culture around the world, by fueling a shared passion for self-expression and creating unrivaled experiences at the heart of the global sneaker community. Foot Locker, Inc. has its corporate headquarters in New York. At Foot Locker, Inc., our purpose is to inspire and empower youth culture through our family of brands by fueling a shared passion for self-expression and creating unrivaled experiences at the heart of the sport and sneaker communities.
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Finish Line is an American retail chain that sells athletic shoes and related apparel and accessories. The company operates 660 stores in 47 states, mostly in enclosed shopping malls, as well as Finish Line-branded athletic shoe departments in more than 450 Macy's stores.
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Champs Sports
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Champs Sports is one of the largest, athletic sports-specialty retailers in North America. We bring to the table an arsenal of the finest, freshest athletic apparel, footwear and accessories you’ll find anywhere. We believe that through our brands and our knowledgeable sales associates, we can claim the high ground as the authority on Game, and we’re here to help you up your own personal Game.
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abbonation · 7 months
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Lost Apprentice, Chapter II: Accidents Happen
Who's at fault if we both started it?
Explicit 18+ content ~2.4k words
A/N: Guys idk how the FUCK to write a plot. Shit's hard asf. Just like Mando's about to be HA! anyway. Let's see how long I can keep this going for, shall we?
CWs: accidental and purposeful voyeurism; male masturbation; female masturbation.
Chapter II: Accidents Happen
After your moment at the bathhouse, things were a little weird, a little off, but you were trying to keep it normal. You’d noticed Mando’s stare lingering on you out of your periphery as you pulled your tank top down over your chest band in the dressing room, you tried not to be excited at that fact.
You always made it a point to wave goodbye to whatever planet you were on when it was time to leave, and each time Mando laughed at you. “Goodbye, Eriadu. I will not be sad to never see you again.”
“Why don’t you go up and get us going and take a break from the helmet. I’ll stay right here, promise.” You hold your pinky up to Mando in offer.
“What’s that?” He points to your pinky stuck out in front of his face.
“It's a pinky promise! You’ve never heard of a pinky promise? Here, look-“ you grab his wrist uncurl his fist, and wrap your small pinky around his larger gloved one.
“Now it’s a pinky promise, I won’t come up and look at you, I’ll stay right here and read my books while you get us out of atmo.”
“..okay..” He shakes his head as he turns to go up the ladder, mumbling to himself. 
You shuck off your big ‘work boots’, as you liked to call them, and settle down on the floor with the book you’d brought to keep yourself busy, and a few short minutes later you’re off the ground, headed towards a hyperspace jump and one step closer to.. well that’s the tough part. One step closer to what? Mando had offered for you to stay with him. Travel with him, work for him? That was another thing, you didn’t have any savings- fuck who did? Not enough to live off of, anyway. 
Maybe you can just pretend like the whole conversation didn’t happen, and that you didn’t see his dripping wet skin or caress his chest while telling him you’d go with him while there was probably a glob of drool dripping out of your mouth. That’s a long shot. 
After about an hour of trying to find a comfortable way to lay on the cold metal floor and read, you hear footsteps above you from the cockpit, Mando descends to the hull, carrying two small ration packs and some wrapped up bread from the inn. 
“Can I join you?” He asks and sits down in front of you anyway, as you smile and nod to motion him down. 
“So,” he begins, handing you the opened and prepared meal and a piece of bread. You sit up and take it from him, wondering when the last time someone took the time to make sure you ate was, despite the fact that it was just a ration.
“Mando- listen, lemme just stop you right there. I didn’t mean to make you feel weird earlier, I’m sorry. The whole thing was weird, I think I was just off from being disconnected for so long and-“
“Stop.” He lays a hand on your forearm. “I’m sorry. I put you on the spot. But I did mean what I said, I’d like for you to become a more permanent part of my life. I don’t want what happened before to impede our friendship.” 
Before. The last time you were close with the Madalorian was a couple years prior to this current extravaganza, and about a full years’ cycle before you met the green baby. He had stopped to re-up on supplies, claiming that he just happened to be near your planet when he decided to stop. You knew he was lying, and this time you were going to make the move, but when you went to his door that night in the small motel in town, you heard a feminine voice from inside. The door cracked open after you had knocked softly, his figure blocked most of the room, but you looked past him to see a twi’lek woman sitting in the corner chair, only a bra covering her top half. 
You had nodded and stepped back, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Turning to leave, when his hand grasped your bicep, wait, but it was too late. The jealousy you felt had confirmed you were already in too deep, so you tugged out of his reach and left. 
You had hidden in the bowels of the museum you worked at when he tried to find you the next day, although he surely could’ve and probably did locate you. Thankfully he got the message you didn’t want to be talk. As for the Twi, you thought she was an off-worlder as well, the connection they shared you wanted no part of. And that was that, until he had showed up with the child and put you back at square one.
You take a bite while you think. 
“I’d like that too, but I’m not moving in here ‘cause it’s pretty cramped, no offense.” You smirk up at him as you chew, trying to keep things light.
“No, not moving in. But your knowledge of historical sites has proved useful once, I don’t doubt I’ll need your help again on my journey to finding Grogu.”
“Grogu. That’s his name?”
“Yes, he told a friend through her mind when we first met.” 
Surprisingly your ear perks more at the reference of a ‘her’ than the telepathic communication. 
“Who? .. and how?” You add the last bit mostly to cover your tracks.
“Her name is Ahsoka Tano, another powerful Jedi.” He looks up at you and tilts his head.
“Jedi, I’ve heard that word before. They believe in the force, right?”
“Yes, I don’t know much about the whole thing, but either way they’re training him to use it, and I need him to know, well- that’s beside the point. I just need to see him, is all.” He switches his bread to the other hand. “And you, you might be able to help me with that.”
“I’d be glad to, Mando.” You feel a little guilt for finishing your meal before he’s even gotten to take a bite of his, “Want me to leave so you can eat?” 
“Uhm, no, I can just.. well you could turn around if you wanted.” 
You nod and grab your book and turn towards the wall, trying to busy yourself as you hear his helmet lift up from his chin. 
“How long until Navarro?” 
“Only a few more hours.” He says through a bite. 
The exchange with Greef Karga went as well as you thought it might. Slightly freighting people, made less so by the presence of Mando, and his few words made you have to be more talkative than usual to make up for his lack of social skills, which Greef seemed to enjoy. He asked your name, your planet, yada, yada, as the Mandalorian sat stoically across the curved booth from you, adding nothing.
The sun was setting as you boarded the Crest, lucky for your circadian rhythm. You watched as Mando calculated the coordinates for the hyperspace jump to your home planet system before heading down into the hull, where your pull out cot awaited you. 
Mando pushed the panel that turned off the lights in the hull, crawled into his small space and closed the door, so you assumed that meant goodnight. 
“Goodnight.” You whispered into the empty, quiet ship. Save for the lights of the random equipment on the walls, it was completely dark, the white noise of hyperspace flooding your ears. You turn towards the wall and hug your pillow, trying to fall asleep. Just one more night of this, you tell yourself, but it’s fucking hard to fall asleep in places that aren’t your own comfy bed, and you feel like there hasn’t been one descent nights sleep since nearly a month ago. Now that you’re so close to being home again all you can think about is your own bed, holo screen … a fucking toilet and real shower. 
You’re close to convincing your brain to fall asleep when you hear a tiny rhythmic squeaking. You slightly sit up and turn over, looking for the source in the dark. Maybe it’s just the ladder or something? You turn back over and try to get comfortable again. Your eyelids are just starting to get heavy.
Louder now.
It’s louder, and you’re definitely back to full consciousness. You sit all the way up and rub your eyes when you hear the quiet groan. Like a ton of bricks in your stomach, the realization of what you’re hearing hits you, and you can’t find the nerve to pretend you’re not. 
You focus in on the sound, turning your head towards Mando’s bunk, the squeaking sounds like his bed shifting, but there’s no way he has someone in there.
You silently put one hand down on the floor, then the other, pulling your legs behind you and crawl closer to the door, stopping each time the sounds pause, you’re about five feet away when you begin to pick up some words.
“Fuck, baby yes- fuck me.” Mando’s unfiltered voice penetrates your ears and you swallow, arousal sharp in the pit of your belly. “That’s right, little hole’s so tight for my cock.” He moans and you turn to sit, leaning on the outer wall of his bunk, ear turned towards the door. You imagine him laying on the small cot, sheets balled up underneath him while he fucks his blankets, and you nearly ruin it all by throwing your head back when your fingertips brush over your pubes. 
“Ohh, oh my god yes, fuck that thick ass.” 
Your mouth drops open and you swirl the head of your clit around, reaching your other hand down through the leg of your shorts to circle your entrance. 
He picks up the pace, heavy breathing now added to the crescendo of sound, and you start with two fingers, giving yourself something to clench on. 
“You like this little cunt being filled? Huh baby? You like using me?” You bite down on the collar of your tank to keep from making sound. Shamelessly fucking yourself and swirling your wet clit to the beat of his hips smacking against his bed.
“Yes, fuck I’m gonna– yes give it to me baby,” he groans deep, pushing harder than before, he’s close you can tell from the scraping of his bed against the wall. 
His voice alone gets you to the edge and you wish you were inside that little room with him, feeling him working so hard to please you for real. He sounds fucking desperate, you grind your pussy up into the flat of your palm, getting close to orgasm. 
“You gonna come for me sweetness? Gonna let me feel it? Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna come baby, please come for me please-” and you do, squeaking out a tiny moan as you fall over the edge, convulsing around your fingers, and rubbing your clit until sound comes back into your ears and your eyes roll back our from inside your skull.
You realize all too slowly what just transpired, what you just did, and speed crawl back to your cot when you hear labored groaning from inside Mando’s bunk. Barely making it in time to cover yourself back up, you pretend to be asleep when his door slides up to open, and dim light floods the hull. You track his footsteps as best you can, hearing him walk over to the laundry bin, and back to his bed.
You lay there in silence, that “fuck, fuck, fuck“ swimming through your head. What now? Goddammit this is not good. It feels like hours pass as you lay there, willing yourself to fall asleep but only being able to replay the event.
The next morning it’s like it never happened. Except it fucking did. He might not know it, but it did, and now you’re sitting in the co-pilot's seat gnawing on a stale piece of bread and trying to determine just how loud that ‘tiny’ squeak was. You’re nearly doing fucking physics sitting there trying to rationalize what happened when the crest drops out of hyperspace, jolting you both sharply and making you drop your bread.
“Sorry,” you kneel down to crawl under the console to grab it, and when you turn around his pilot's chair is swiveled to face you. 
“You okay?” The vocoder seems colder this morning, somehow. Just a little bit less enticing.
“Yep, just uh, eager to be home I guess.” You sit up into a squat as you move to get back into the chair. 
“You sleep good last night?” There it is. A confirmation. You glance up at him, and back down at your sad excuse for a breakfast. 
“Sure did. I’m excited for my own bed though.” Play it cool. 
“I’m sorry the bed is so uncomfortable.” the ship is starting its landing protocol, and you’re almost to the finish line. 
You stand to make for the ladder where your bags are perched by the hatch.
“It’s not, Mando, it’s not- it’s perfectly. Uhm, it was perfectly fine… for my needs” You pretend to check over the place, making sure you have everything when you touch ground, his boots land on the metal floor of the ship and he turns. 
“Your needs?” When you turn around to face him, he’s crowding you up against the wall next to your things, you don’t want to push the control panel to open the latch preemptively so you scoot towards the crates beside you. Backed into a corner now.
He stands before you, and even in your fucking boots he’s bigger than you. He has one hand on each side of your head, and he bends the helmet down so that the chin is resting right beside your left ear. His dick is hard in his pants where it rubs against your belly, “What are your.. needs Sarad’ika?”
It’s like someone flips a switch in you and you swallow looking up into the hull, past his helmet, your hands grip at the fabric of your pants- palms sweating and hot. Heat rises up to your cheeks, all within an instant, you clear your throat to try and answer when an alarm starts to go off, piercing into the thick air around you both.
It sounds close, and it is, when Mando nearly jumps away from you, his hand flying down to his side pocket to grab the tracking fob, “Motherfucker- shit-” he turns and snatches his pulse rifle, and punches the control panel. Leaving you in the corner, feeling like a small stone statue next to your bags, mouth agape.
“We will finish this,” he sticks his pinky out at you and descends the ramp, running off into town.
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galazy-101 · 4 months
Can I ask about Atmos?
What is his AU like?
I'm stuck on trying to decide if the AU should have the background structure of somewhat similar undertale time-line but different or something where it's like Dreamtale's unique world structure as I have ideas on both ends.
But the main idea is that the AU can withstand any weather, environmental, and pollution like conditions, almost like a environment themed AU, except that everything is based off of the atmosphere, the temperature, the air, the way it is shifting around.
Atmos himself tho, he's a work in progress but I'm definitely confirmed that he is a peaceful boy. He absolutely loves adventuring around the Multivers and that he just never gets bored, you could literally put him in Classic Sans guard station with absolutely nothing and he'd still love it even though he'd just be sitting there smiling.
He has the ability to change the atmosphere around him as weather and environmental conditions. Even tho I have his title saying "Guardian of Weather and Change" I'm probably going to swap "Change" with "Environmental" here soon as to get my idea across better. He also has the ability to adapt to his surroundings, making him pretty much immune to sickness by catching it, but he is a delicate boy as he can be sickened by pollution, at any level, that's why he must have the most cleanest environment around him at like all times, I mean this is probably a stupid part of my design for him.
Atmos a joyfully been, he doesn't let stuff really get to him, and nor hangs onto anger for long, he can be very shy at times, to the point that the only way he can interact with anyone new is if he's escorted by one of his closest friends. He absolutely loves to bake sweet goods, mainly cookies when he isn't doing his guardian duties, which he will skip to just bake all day.
His scarf is made out of clouds and when he's wearing it, he is connected to it, as in he can feel threw it. He can make the scarf stands longer when he wants to fly around or to make himself more threatening looking in his fights. When he uses his magic as well, his ice lavender colored eyelights glow a neon electric purple, and purple electricity starts sparking of the strands of the scarf. This doesn't happen often as he does his best to avoid fights of any kind.
I know that isn't the best description of my AU, but I did kinda jump in head first with a very weak idea and now I'm trying to actually make it work. I still have a lot to do one it, mainly the dang background stuff, like what does the world look like and act like. Sorry if this didn't completely answer everything that you probably wanted in asking me about the AU. Hopefully I can answer more later on for you. ~•^-^•~
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kill-the-feels · 1 year
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a/n: ahh everybody stay calm; it’s happening!! Here is the “final” chapter; the next one will be an epilogue of sorts!! Thanks to everyone who stuck around for the ride and I hope you enjoy!! <3 (previous part) (masterlist)
note: Jate’Kara is pronounced “Jah-tay’Kah-rah” — you can find more about my decision to include/create her in the end note for this chapter on ao3 if you’re interested!
word count: ~5.2k
warnings: angst, injury description, brief sex scene (not super descriptive, but stop reading after the last page break if that’s not your cup of tea), nightmares, tooth rotting fluff
Waiting is the worst part.
Gently, you coax the girl into going up to the cockpit, where Boba has gotten the ship into atmo and is waiting on directions.
He’s been crying too, you can tell by the tear tracks on his face, but he’s putting on a brave front, and he takes to telling the girl about the different buttons, even letting her push a few.
“What do they call you, anyways?” Boba asks, and the girl shakes her head.
“You don’t have a name?” you ask. Slowly, she nods and you sigh. It makes senes. Most people that end up like you and her on Tatooine don’t have families, and end up with whatever names or nicknames people give you.
“Can we give you one?” Boba asks. She nods again.
“Jate’Kara,” he says decisively. You tilt you head. It’s in Mando’a, a phrase you don’t recognize.
“What is that?” you ask. Boba’s cheeks and ears turn red, and he ducks his head.
“It means luck or good stars,” he says quietly. “I don’t know. I wanted something happy. It felt like it fit.” The girl leans forward, interested, and you smile. Jate’Kara is a mouthful, though, for people like yourself who only barely grasp Mando’a.
“How about Jate for short?” you ask, and she nods quickly, wrapping her little arms around your waist in a tight hug. That settled, you sit in one of the seats in the cockpit, between Boba and Jate.
Alright. You have two kids, an unconscious lover, and no clue where to go next.
You pull up a database, watching the way it spreads around the cabin, planets swirling around you. Jate watches with the same big eyes you remember having yourself the first time you saw something like this.
“What are we looking for?” Boba asks. You twirl your hands, moving the planets around. The blue mingles with the light of hyperspace, giving everything an ethereal glow. Well-known worlds skim past your eyes, as you zip through the Core and Inner Rim, heading for the Outer Rim.
“Somewhere off the gird. A backwater planet. Few civilizations for when we need supplies, but nowhere near as busy as Coruscant, or even Tatooine.” Boba clicks a few buttons, checking gauges on the ship.
“We need to stop somewhere else for some supplies and fuel anyways. We don’t have enough for a long haul, even through hyperspace.” You consider what’s near. Ord Mantell is the most likely option. Jango’s done business there before; the presence of his ship is not likely to raise too many alarms, especially if news has not yet traveled of his supposed demise.
“Fuel and extra supplies there, then,” you say. “And we can figure out where to go on the way.” ~~~
Ord Mantell goes smoother than you’re anticipating, perhaps because of all the challenges that have lead to this moment.
Jango stays stable, but he also shows no sign of change, a fact that is almost worrisome enough for you to find a more experienced person than yourself, but you decide that the less people who know, the better. He’s stable, and for now, that’s enough.
You also offer to drop Jate off, not really wanting to let the little girl be on her own in the world, but realizing forcing her to stay isn’t the best either.
It quickly becomes clear, though, that she has no interest in parting ways with you, staying instead right next to your side. So you take her in, which really, is the only logical conclusion for you.
When — not if — Jango wakes up, you’ll fight him on this if you have to, but you don’t think he’ll mind too much.
Jate sits beside you, eyes glued to the way hyperspace bends and moves around you, the blues shifting and folding over each other the same way the waves move. And yet, there’s an unnatural fluttering rhythm to hyperspace that can’t be seen in the waves, brief flashes of color poking out of the blue, the occasional shadow hinting at something larger there. You could spend hours watching, and sometimes, you do.
Boba shows you how to handle the ship — in hyperspace, it’s mostly just monitoring to make sure it stays on track — and the two of you take shifts, sleeping, watching Jango, and piloting.
You’re making a cross-galaxy journey to a backwater moon in the Outer Rim that has no name; its planet’s inhabited only by a few rudimentary civilizations. The perfect place for a legend to disappear.
When you stopped in Ord Mantell, you took a moment to catch up on the news that has started spreading through the galaxy, in the wake of the Battle of Geonosis.
War, they’re saying, and two million men to fight, each who look exactly like Jango and Boba. It’s chilling.
This. This is the project Jango has been working on for years, why the Kaminoans needed his DNA, why they did their best to listen to his demands.
You don’t know much about the science behind it, but you figure eventually, they’ll need more. All the more reason to disappear.
The door whooshes open slowly, and Boba enters, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He’s exhausted. You all are.
“Want me to take it for a little longer?” you ask him. He leans against your side, and you wrap your arms around him.
You’re to the point where you don’t tell him to take it easy. He’s stubborn that way, not wanting to be seen as weak — even if you would never tell him that. And to an extent, you get it. The need to be busy, to seem like you’re doing something, when really all you can do is wait.
Always waiting, the same way it’s been since Boba was a baby.
Now, you’re even more glad for Jate. She doesn’t talk, but Boba more than makes up for it, the two of them getting along from the start. Boba offers a running commentary on everything he’s doing, and Jate listens intently, watching until she can replicate it, becoming his shadow. She’s the friend he needs right now, letting him feel like a teacher and a helper.
“I got it,” he says, patting your arm before he pulls away. He tugs on Jate’s braid as he sits in the pilot chair, checking the nav system.
“About one standard rotation out now,” he calls as you descend the ladder to the cargo bay and crew bunks. He must make a face or something, because Jate’s quiet giggles follow his words.
“Wake me if something happens,” you call back, even though you don’t intend to get much sleep.
You do the same thing you always do first.
Stop by the bacta tank.
Jango looks the same as when you put him in there, except the wounds have started to heal. The burn on his neck is no longer deep and ragged, instead a pink that you have a feeling will always be there. Bacta can only heal so much, after all.
The wound in his chest is the same, healed shut and still scarred. But his breathing is deeper than it has been, which you take as a good sign. His arm has fared the best, still missing his hand, obviously, but much less burned and the scarring is nearly invisible.
He just won’t wake up. And you can’t figure out why. You’ve tried everything you can think of, and still have no answers. Other than Jango just being stubborn.
“Me again,” you say, pulling a crate over to sit on. As usual, there’s no change. But you’ll be damned if you’re not going to try. After all, you can’t help but think of all the times he’s sat by you when you were sick or hurt.
“I could really use some help here. I mean, don’t get me wrong — the armor? Surprisingly comfortable. But I’m kind of flying by the seat of my pants here — figuratively speaking of course — and I could really use another adult to bounce stuff off of.” Sometimes, you feel guilty for having to rely on Boba like you do. He’s grown up so much and so fast in such a short time, that you wonder if you’ll ever see the innocent child again, or if that’s something else Geonosis took from you.
You fiddle with the clasp on the vambrace. The armor stayed carefully hidden on Ord Mantell. As far as the galaxy is concerned, Jango Fett is dead. Lost to dirt of Geonosis. But on the ship, it’s become like a second skin. It gives you a commanding presence, makes you feel more capable than you probably are.
And oddly, it’s like a piece of him, still watching over you.
“So anyways,” you say. “I’m sure you’re having the best sleep of your life. But when you’re ready, I’d love for you to rejoin the land of the living.” Taking a deep breath, you forge on, determined to say the words that have been stuck in your throat for so long.
“By the way,” you whisper, “I love you. So don’t even think about dying on me.” You close your eyes and lean your head on the tank, intending to stand up and get some sleep in the bunks.
Instead, you fall asleep like that. ~~~ Jango is fairly sure he’s dreaming. For one, Boba is too young. A smiling baby that can’t talk yet, much less fight.
You’re in the distance, but his mind can’t make the scene work, because it’s outside, and it’s sunny and green, but he can still hear the Kamino waves, getting closer and closer.
The tide tugs at his feet, and he makes the mistake of looking down.
“Boba!” It’s your voice, drifting on the breeze, and when he looks back up, Boba is old enough to run, towards you and away from him.
Jango reaches for him, and Boba dodges away with a laugh. He tries again, the frustration welling, fingers closing over nothing.
The both of you move away, over the hill, laughter echoing all around him.
Jango tries to pick up his feet and move; instead jerked backwards by the tide, the incessant tugging looking more and more like the white of the Kaminoans’ skin. He tries to beat them away, tries to shove himself free. It pulls him flat on his back, the water rushing into his mouth when he tries to call out to you.
A warning, maybe? To let the two of you go? While he still can?
The waves caress and tug, pulling him deeper and deeper, the sounds around him slowly fading away. There’s an incessant beeping instead, reminiscent of the chrono that used to rest on his bedside table, the one he bought after you started sleeping in his bed with him, when it made it even harder to get up.
It’s slow and rhythmic though, bordering on relaxing, if not for the high pitch. Slowly, consciousness eases into his mind, the static in his ears gradually fading, until everything goes still.
There’s a muffled voice talking, and his mind works to understand the syllables, interpret the cadence. It’s your voice, he realizes, speaking to him.
He tries to force his eyes open, but they stubbornly stay closed, his mind already exhausted. Frantically, he wracks his brain, trying to figure out what chain of events led to this situation.
Is he dead? No, he decides. Unless, he realizes with a burst of horror, that you’re dead too. Jango forces himself to breathe calmly in and out, and he becomes aware of something heavy sitting on his face, pressing over his mouth and nose, like someone’s hand.
But it isn’t a hand, he realizes, because he can still breathe. But it’s filtered, the way his helmet normally is, yet it’s only on the bottom part of his face.
“I love you. So don’t even think about dying on me.” The words drift through the stillness, startling sharp in the quiet. Jango tries again to open his eyes, recoiling when a liquid starts to seep in. He gasps, squeezing them shut. Sleep starts to tear at the edges of his mind, even as he fights it.
He’s not ready. He needs to reassure you. With another exhale, it goes dark again. ~~~ The next time he wakes up, he thinks he’s underwater. No, he knows he’s underwater.
His eyes adjust to the slightly salty sting of it, and he takes stock of his situation.
It’s not water, he realizes squinting above him. It’s bacta. Which leads to all sorts of questions.
Like how in the fuck did you procure a bacta tank? He turns his head as far as he can — which isn’t much — before there’s a searing pain in the side of the neck, the mask moving with him.
He narrows his eyes as he tries to peer through the tank. He’s fairly sure he’s still on the ship, which is a plus. Jango wants to close his eyes, to recall the events leading up to this, but he’s afraid closing his eyes will knock him out again, and he isn’t ready.
With an exhale, he stares at the ceiling of the tank above his head. Geonosis. The Jedi. Boba.
The lightsaber.
On instinct, he reaches for his right hand with his left, grasping nothing but air.
Well. That’s new.
His left hand drifts up to his neck, where he was certain the saber landed next.
The skin is rough there, a slight dip telling the story better than words could. It’s strange to realize how close he came to losing his head — literally. How quickly it all would have been over.
He sucks in a breath through the mask, and an odd ache twinges in his chest. From his position on his back, he can’t see the damage to his chest. He vaguely remembers being stomped by the Reek. The crack of his ribs, but this is something more.
Almost… almost like a blaster shot.
He’s taken a few before, but always glancing blows, and often against the armor. Never through the armor and center mass. That’s a startling realization, he decides. Just how close to death was he?
He can’t remember anything after that.
His heart rate speeds up, and he forces himself to calm down. Claustrophobia is starting to set in, and he wants out. He wants answers. He wants… he wants you. ~~~
When you land on the moon, it’s raining.
You and Boba look at each other, the both of your faces twisted in disbelief, mouths slightly open.
And then the two of you laugh. Because of course it’s raining. Jate looks on in wonder, likely having never seen rain or such fertile land before. Hell, you have, and you’re still struck by the wild, untamed beauty.
Together, you and Boba navigate the ship to a clearing. On one side, there’s a patch of woods, frightening looking right now in the dark and rain, and on the other, an ocean.
But unlike the oceans of Kamino, this one does not pass a certain point on the shore, the waves cresting at a normal height, even with the wind.
Carefully, the two of you set the ship down beside the woods, on grass that is a deep green even in the darkness.
Even though all of you are itching to get off the ship, you decide you’ll wait until morning, when it will at least be light. And hopefully less rainy.
And even though Boba is technically too old for it, you tuck both him and Jate in, the same way you used to. No one protests, needing this one quiet moment.
Without the sound of hyperspace or the sound of the systems running on the ship, it’s quiet. Eyes heavy, you drag your feet through the last of the shut-down checklist, having promised Boba you would take care of it.
You glance at the bacta tank, in the corner, knowing you need to check it, but unable to muster the energy to see the same old results.
What if he never wakes up? You push the thought out of your head, able to see the green light on the tank, indicating everything is nominal.
The morning. You’ll look in the morning, you promise yourself. ~~~
You wake up to birds chirping, a gentle breeze blowing against the side of the ship. Outside, the waves crash against the shore, in an unhurried rhythm, different from the giant swells that constantly slap against Tipoca city.
There’s faint laughter, and you peak through the window to see Boba and Jate playing tag on the shore, Ai-Ai resting on a nearby stump.
“Don’t go too far,” you call through the open ramp, and Boba waves his hand in acknowledgement, dodging out of Jate’s way. She stamps her foot in frustration, fists balled with a renewed effort to catch Boba. You know from experience, she won’t unless he lets her. You also know, he will let her. Eventually.
The tank beeps in the corner, the same rhythmic beeping it always has. The lightness you felt on immediately waking up dissolves as you approach the tank. It has to be done, you tell yourself.
Time to check on Jango.
You want to hope, to see a change, but you’re fully prepared to see closed eyes, a man just inches away from being a corpse.
Sure enough, his expression hasn’t changed. The lump in your throat grows. Even if you kept yourself from getting your hopes up too high, you know there’s a part of you that thought getting away would solve all this. That you’d land, and he’d spring up and take over, convince you it was all a bad dream.
You drop your forehead against the glass.
“I need to get busy,” you tell his form. “Too much to do now. Figure out how to get food, water. Check out some of the nearby civilizations. Convince Jate not to drown Boba.”
But you can’t tear yourself away; instead just laying there, staring at his face, eyes unfocusing and thoughts spiraling and catching.
In hindsight, that’s why it takes you so long to realize.
His eyes are open.
You fall backwards with a jolt, the scream catching in your throat, and thankfully so, because you don’t want Boba and Jate to come running yet.
His head turns a little, and even though it’s everything you have hoped for, there’s a part of you that can’t believe it. It’s eerie, how quiet it all is as the two of you stare at each other, separated only by the thin layer of transperisteel. There’s a rushing sound in your ears, and your chest is aching because you’ve forgotten to breathe.
Slowly, hands shaking, you reach for the decompression button, watching as the bacta drains down enough to make the tank safe to open.
You fumble with the latch, fingers slipping first and catching your nail painfully on the durasteel frame.
You heft the top open, gasping for breath now, and freeze, hand halfway reaching for his mask.
Jango snaps it off instead, his own hand shaking.
And maker, it’s his voice, as deep and rich as you remember, soft accent rolling over you. He sits up with a grimace, and your legs unfreeze, rushing to his side.
“Careful,” you say, putting your hands on his shoulders to help. You’re not sure how healed he is, can’t afford to let him pull something. Your hands tighten on the bare skin of his shoulders, unable to believe how warm and alive he is.
“We almost lost you a couple times. It was bad.” He frowns, rubbing his hand over his face, wiping away the last of the bacta.
“What…” he trails off, and you can tell he wants to ask what happened, but can’t make himself say the words.
“You got hurt on Geonosis. It was bad. Boba and I got you back to the ship. Got this tank to try and save you. Stopped for supplies on Ord Mantell. Put down on the most remote moon we could find. I think you’ll like it.”
Footsteps bang up the ramp behind you, and you turn to see Boba and Jate rushing in, Ai-Ai strung between them like a rope. The both of them pass you, before Boba slams to a stop and Jate rams into his back with a soft oof. Ai-Ai falls to the floor.
“Buir!” Boba shouts, stumbling over his feet in his haste to get to you two. Jate follows, albeit slower, holding the hem of the back of Boba’s shirt.
“Either my vision is still messed up,” Jango says to you, “or you’re not telling me everything.” Your cheeks heat and you look at your feet.
“We stopped on Tatooine,” Boba says, “and picked up Jate.” You don’t miss the way Jango side-eyes you.
“Tatooine?” he says causally.
“Jate’s a fast learner,” Boba barrels on, missing the look his father gives you. “She picked up how to fly the ship super fast, and she’s really good at sabacc.”
“Gardulla had her,” you say softly, and watch the way his face softens, the understanding instant.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he says to her gently, and she steps out from behind Boba a little, her smile small but genuine. Your heart swells, moisture rushing to your eyes.
Boba is starting to shuffle around, and you can tell he’s getting antsy, wanting something to do.
“Boba,” you say, “do you want to go find some logs for a fire? That way we can cook something to eat.” The relief on his face at having something productive to do is instant, and he snags Jate’s hand, the both of them rushing out.
“Boba came up with her name,” you say, watching them go. “He called her Jate’Kara, and said it meant good stars. But I thought that was a little too long, so we shortened it. She and Boba are thick as thieves at this point. She doesn’t talk, but she’s so expressive, and-” You’re rambling at this point, don’t realize it until Jango lays his hand on your cheek.
“Cyare,” he says, “Tatooine?” You lean into his touch, closing your eyes and expelling a long breath.
“I needed a bacta tank. Kamino and Coruscant weren’t options. Gardulla can be bought for the right amount of credits. It worked. And seeing Jate… it was like looking at myself all those years ago.” You don’t tell him about Maswoni. Maybe one day you will, but right now it’s still to fresh, too complex to articulate.
“In my armor?” he asks, his eyes sweeping over your form. You duck your head in a nod.
“Boba’s idea. He said it made me look more intimidating, and then it just seemed smart to keep it on when I was on the ship.” His hand brushes down your cheek, finger curling around a strand of hair.
“It’s a good look,” he says, eyes falling to the prominent hole in the center of the chest piece. His hand moves to it, palm splaying over the hole, and by proxy, your chest.
“Thought we lost you,” you whisper. “It settled in your lungs.” You press your hand over his. He’s quiet for a long time.
“I thought I was gone too,” he says finally. “I- It’s all a blur, and I…” He trails off, hanging his head, looking down at his battered body for the first time.
“The thought of you two being caught in the crosshairs,” he says, shaking his head. You place your hands on his cheeks, lifting his gaze back you, careful not to strain his neck.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. We made it. Everyone is fine. Jango. We did it.” The words sink in for the first time.
You did it.
You’re out.
He studies your face, eyes dancing between yours, roving over your face. With a soft groan, he tugs you closer, mouth finding yours. His arms wrap around your sides, pulling you as close as he can with the tank in the way.
He tilts your head back with his own, forehead pressing against yours, like he can’t stand to not be touching you.
“We did it,” he murmurs against your mouth, deepening the kiss until you’re panting for breath.
You pull back slightly, stroking the sides of his face.
“I love you,” you say, repeating what you told him when you were sure he couldn’t hear you.
His eyes squeeze shut, like he’s in pain, and he draws in a shaky breath.
“Oh, Cyare,” he whispers. “It’s always been you. Only you.” ~~~
Later, much later, you and Jango lay on a blanket under the stars.
Boba and Jate are asleep in the ship, and you lay with your head on Jango’s chest, listening to him breathe, feeling his heartbeat against your cheek.
Every time you touch him, it’s feather-light, as if you’re afraid holding on too tightly will break him again.
Jango traces his hand over your hip, slowly working it under the loose shirt — his shirt — that you’re wearing.
It strikes you again, just how warm he feels. You squeeze your eyes shut. You won’t cry anymore. You’re done with that.
His hand leaves your shirt and catches your own, bringing your fingertips up to his mouth.
Slowly, so slowly, he kisses them.
“What’s wrong?” he asks softly, and you swallow hard.
“Nothing’s wrong,” you murmur. And it isn’t. You suppose it’s just all the stress finally starting to melt away. The dissolving of the fear, the convincing your body that it can exit its fight or flight mode.
“Are you sure?” He shifts, so you’re laying face-to-face, because he knows you can’t hide your emotions well.
“I was so scared,” you finally manage, voice just barely above a whisper. He knows this. You’ve told him this.
“And I’m still trying to convince myself that I’m not scared. That I’m not going to wake up and find you gone. And I want to be gentle, so gentle because the last thing I want to do is hurt you.” But there’s a part of you that wants to feel him, real and solid against you. Only you can’t just say that. The words get stuck in your throat, tangling around themselves.
Jango nuzzles his nose along the hollow of your throat, lips lightly grazing over your pulse there.
“Can I tell you the truth?” he asks, and you nod, unable to speak over the lump in your throat.
“I was scared myself. Not for me, but for you and Boba. If anything had happened, knowing that I put you two in that position.” It kills you, the stricken way he looks at you.
“Boba and I both went willingly. You should have seen Boba, Jango. He was so brave.” Jango kisses the top of your hair.
“Just like his buir,” he murmurs, taking a long, deep breath, like he’s trying to memorize and savor every part of you. Something coils deep inside you, and you bite back a moan when he squeezes your ass.
“I don’t want to hurt you again,” you say. Jango’s hand trails down your leg, tugging it over his hip, opening you up.
“You won’t hurt me,” he says quietly. He finds your hand again and shifts, cupping it gently over his length.
He’s hard, a detail that sends a throb through you.
“Jango,” you whisper, any thoughts of protesting for fear of hurting him fading fast. He hums in agreement.
“I need you,” he says, voice rough. “I want to think about something else. Please.”
You kiss him this time. It’s soft, achingly gentle, as you run your hands up and down his sides and along his back, reacquainting yourself with the feel of him. He shifts, leaning over you.
Carefully, your shirt is tugged over your head, followed by his, so there’s nothing between you two but warm skin.
Your hand traces over the scar on his chest, barely visible in the starlit night, and he kisses along both your cheeks, wiping away moisture you didn’t even feel there.
The waves crash on the distant shore, an ever-present melody keeping you in the moment. Wind stirs the trees, bringing with it an earthy smell. You shiver and Jango presses closer, sharing his warmth, as he fumbles with the hem of your pants.
He gets them about halfway down your legs before he gives up, choosing instead to focus on kissing you as his hand slips between your legs. Jango caresses, and you keen against his mouth, distantly aware of kicking your own pants off, freeing your legs to wrap tighter around his waist.
Your hands drop from his shoulders, pushing at his pants, and he lets you, groaning against you when you finally get him in your hand.
“Fuck, Sweetheart, you feel so good,” he pants against you, jaw clenched as he tries to maintain control. Above the two of you, the stars paint a picture in an impossibly-clear sky, so different from Kamino, with its clouds threatening to choke out the few stars you could see.
Jango kisses your neck, burying a groan there when you squeeze him tighter, mouth moving down your chest, paying attention first to one breast, then the other. You cry out, arching into him, as his fingers find that particular sweet spot between your legs.
“Gorgeous,” he murmurs against your skin, hand covering yours as he lines himself up.
As he slots into you, he takes your hand in his, pressing it back against the blanket. You note the way his hands shake and you tighten your hand around his, giving him some of your strength.
It isn’t rushed. It’s slow, following the same rhythm of the waves on the shore. Every time you think he’s close, he seems to find a second wind. Slowly, it stokes a fire in you, until you’re nearly panting with the way he scrapes against you. You lose track of how many times you hit your peak, until finally, you’re nearly delirious with pleasure.
“Jango,” you murmur in his ear. “Come.” He shudders against you, shaking his head, as if he’s afraid this will all disappear when it’s finished. His head stays pressed against your neck, lips worrying a spot beneath your ear.
“Trust me,” you say, mouthing at his jaw before your own eyes screw shut in pleasure, the cry as you find your release echoing in the night.
You squeeze around him as you come. He finally gives in, managing one final thrust, staying buried in you as he finds his release, groan muffled against your neck.
After, he shifts onto his back, taking you with him, unwilling to separate just yet. You rest your head on his chest, tangling your legs in between his as his arms wrap tighter around you. Your eyes drift close, listening to the way his heart beat has slowed.
For now, you are the only two people in the whole galaxy. In the morning, there will be plenty of problems to solve, plenty of issues to deal with.
But for now, it is just you and Jango under the stars, listening to the calming of each other’s heartbeats and the steadfast waves.
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rin-henricov · 6 months
Headcanons about Stork:
1. Finn jokingly calls the helmsman grandpa because of his tendency to grumble all the time.
2. Stork smells like petrichor (earthy smell after rain) with a slightly musky scent.
3. Stork can safely use his legs as hands.
4. Merbs are an incredibly rare species, best known for their unrivaled endurance, intelligence and beauty. Due to these qualities, humans willingly hunted them down and captured when they left their native terra. This is not the case now, but many Merbs, unable to resist the reverberations of the past, still lead as secretive a life as possible, for those unlucky enough to be captured were either sold into slavery or forced into rice plantations. It was for this reason that, with the exception of Stork, almost no one had ever seen a Merbs outside of their territory.
5. Since the rest of the squadron is underage, they often ask Stork to go out for energy drinks or to buy missing parts that can only be obtained illegally, because they believe that he is an expert in this business and can negotiate the sale of certain goods for next to nothing.
According to Stork's repeated assurances, Terra-Merbia is the last place he'd want to call his home. Thanks to a foreign fanfic, I'm thinking more about the possible concept of an abusive conservative family who often used the future pilot as a personal servant to serve their own interests; for example, if there was an ancient heater that needed fixing or wiring that needed to be changed, Stork was there (whether he wanted to or not).
In the past, most Merbs preferred to make their homes deep underground because it was much safer than on the surface. However, there were many reasons why they might temporarily return back, a prime example being to conduct illegal trade and/or hunting. Some of the terrifying creatures of Atmos used to live on Terra Merbia (most of them long since extinct), but there were daredevils willing to pay the right amount to capture them as spoils of war.
Stork was the only child in the family, he is unwittingly taking the position of breadwinner (despite being very young at the time) and were able to fully provide for the entire family for the reason that no one wanted to hire his parents (all due to an ambiguous criminal record).
At some point it seemed to them that the measly pennies that Merb was diligently putting into the family budget were not enough, and so they decided to use his father's name to register in the hunting business, but they always sent the eldest son to fulfill the contracts under strict orders not to return until the whim was fulfilled.
Worse, because his father's name appeared in the local papers, he was not only taking credit for Stork's accomplishments, but also creating a deliberately false role model among his colleagues. Stork could not risk telling the truth, for he knew what it would do to him. Much less could he guess whether he would get help or be ridiculed. In a way, he was kind of glad when the Cyclonians invaded his terra, for he couldn't guess when it would all end, waiting by sheer force of will for the fateful occasion.
Due to his harsh childhood, Stork's idea of family values was incredibly distorted at first, but with time spent in the squadron, he gradually begins to come out of his shell and becomes more civilized, which, by the way, is very well traced in the course of the plot.
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